11 minute read
Based on American Time Use Survey
from Vol 82 - No 6
Please note: Due to precautions for limiting public contact to limit the spread of the Coronavirus the mayor’s office said Omaha will follow the governor’s guidelines and limit public gatherings to ten people or less. The restrictions apply to day cares, bars, restaurants, and fitness centers. However, Omaha’s Eppley Airfield, shopping malls, grocery stores and private offices are not included in this advisory. The new restriction includes bars and restaurants. “We hope that our bar and restaurant owners will be very responsible and they will limit them on their own,” Stothert said MARCH 20 & 27 - St Benedict Fish Fry, 2423 Grant St. 402-348-0631 MARCH 23 - FAITH*HOPE*LOVE Election day at Clair Memorial United Methodist Church is CANCELLED. MARCH 28 - Delta Sigma Theta Side Hustle Saturday: Building Business in the Community, AIM Institute, 1905 Harney St, 2PM-5PM CANCELLED APRIL 4 - NC100BW Money Matters 2020; Create Your Perfect 20/20 Financial Vision, Metro Community College, Swanson Conference Center, 32nd & Sorenson; 9-2:30PM CANCELLED APRIL 5 - The Native Omahans Club, Inc., Annual Palm Sunday Breakfast will be held on Sunday, 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM at the Lothrop Social Hall, 3232 North 24th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68110. Dine In or Take Out APRIL 10 & 11 - ExousiaOmaha (Octavia Standley Ministries International), a monthly Christian Empowerment gathering April 10 (6:30pm) April 11 (10am) Parkway Church of God, 1202 East Browne, Omaha. NAACP MONTHLY MEETING IS THIRD SATURDAY – CANCELLED FOR MARCH. The Munroe-Meyer Institute (MMI) at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Autism Action Partnership (AAP) will collaborate on a Virtual Light It Up Blue! celebration on April 2. This year marks the 13th anniversary of World Autism Awareness Day. Locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, thousands of buildings and other landmarks will be lit up in blue to mark the day and in recognition and celebration of the autism community. Buildings that will be lit up blue in Nebraska will include the Nebraska State Capitol, Woodmen Tower, Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium’s Desert Dome, Creighton Prep’s Bell Tower, and UNMC’s Munroe-Meyer Institute building, UNMC’s Hope Tower and the UNMC walkway over 42nd St. The organizations will be sharing information, photos and videos on social media throughout the day. There also will be a Facebook live event and contests. All members of the community are encourage to join in the fun using #LIUB2020. You can show your support by sharing how you “light it up blue!” Wear a blue T-shirt, share a message, take a picture next to a building that is lit blue – show your support. ‘Virtual Light It Up Blue!’ Marks World Autism Awareness Day EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED The Omaha Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. is excited to announce our third annual Side Hustle Saturday, a free event on March 28 from 2-5 p.m. at The AIM Institute, 1905 Harney St. We encourage anyone considering or actively working as an entrepreneur to attend this event! You’ll have the opportunity to visit with vendors, learn about strategies to create and sustain alternate sources of income, and hear from our keynote speaker Bennie Jones. Bennie is an Omaha native, residing in Chicago since 1980. At the time of his relocation to Chicago, Bennie was employed with Liberty Mutual Insurance. He began his entrepreneurial quest 9 years later. Bennie is now President and Owner of Risk Management Solutions of America. (RMSOA) Notable RMSOA clients include O’Hare and Midway Airports, City of Philadelphia, State of Illinois, CVS Caremark, State of Pennsylvania, City of Chicago, State of Michigan, and PSI Continuing Educational Services. Bennie was primarily educated in Omaha, attending Howard Kennedy and Druid Hill Elementary schools, Horace Mann Junior High, and North High, and graduating from Dominican Alternative High School. He then earned a BA in Business Administration from Doane University in Crete, NE. Bennie’s journey has not been without its challenges. We encourage you to come out and hear Bennie’s inspirational story, while gaining some great advice and tips on becoming a business owner. The event is free and open to the public, however seating is limited, so reservations are recommended. To reserve your spot, please contact Soror Elaine Adams at laineegal@gmail.com. Exhibitor booths are also available. For exhibitor space, contact Soror Vanessa Warren at deltawoman96@ aol.com. You don’t want to miss this event – reserve your seat today! Delta ‘Side Hustle Saturday’ Spotlight on Missing Persons of Color By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior Correspondent
The case of Tamika Huston, a 24-year-old black woman who went missing from her Spartanburg, S.C., home on May 27, 2004, captivated Derrica Wilson and her sister, Natalie. Derrica and Natalie noticed how fiercely Huston’s aunt, Rebkah Howard, fought to find her. Howard went to law enforcement, and then she pitched the story to television outlets and shows like “America’s Most Wanted,” and “Dateline NBC.” She also pleaded with major newspapers like USA Today. The media, however, focused its attention on the so-called “Runaway Bride” Jennifer Wilbanks, and Laci Peterson, whose husband Scott would eventually be charged and convicted of her murder. The Wilson sisters noticed what had become the norm for mainstream media when it comes to the plight of missing women and girls of color: there was little to no media coverage. Because of that, in 2008, Derrica and Natalie started the nonprofit Black and Missing Foundation with a mission to bring awareness to missing persons of color and to provide vital resources and tools to missing persons’ families and friends. In addition, the foundation’s goal is to educate the minority community on personal safety. “Derrica’s hometown is Spartanburg, and we both noticed how Tamika’s family struggled to get any media coverage,” Natalie Wilson stated. “A little while after Tamika went missing, there was Natalie Holloway, and everyone was saying her name,” Wilson said. “Derrica was a law enforcement veteran, and I am in media and public relations, so we decided to join forces to try and make a difference. We did some research, and, at the time, we discovered that 30 percent of all people missing were individuals of color,” Wilson stated. “Now, that number has grown to 40 percent.” Of the approximately 600,000 individuals currently reported missing in the United States, more than 200,000 are women of color, Wilson said. According to the FBI, approximately 64,000 black women and girls are missing, despite that specific demographic accounting for approximately 7 percent of the U.S. population. Because of the efforts of the Wilson sisters over the past 12 years, the Black and Missing
Foundation has helped to find or bring closure to more than 300 cases of missing persons of color. “We have made some inroads,” Natalie Wilson stated. “When we first started, we saw that our community thought that sex trafficking and missing person cases only happened abroad. But people began to realize that it was happening in our community, so with awareness, people in the community have become more aware and vigilant.” Wilson said she hopes law enforcement and mainstream media begin to take more serious and immediate looks at cases of missing women and girls of color. “We find that when people of color – men and women – go missing, automatically it’s assumed that there’s some criminal activity involved or they’ve just run away. They are stereotyped and not taken seriously,” Wilson stated. When authorities classify a case as a runaway, there’s no Amber Alert, and the media tends to ignore the matter, she said. “Even if they are runaways, we have to find them within the first 48 hours because we need to understand why they ran away and realize that many are lured into sex trafficking,” Wilson stated. The Black and Missing Foundation also helps families immediately after they report a missing loved one. “Many times, the families don’t know how to file a police report, and often when the file the report, an officer tells them that it could be a runaway situation or maybe drugs are involved,” Wilson said. “We tell the families that they know their loved ones, and they know what’s not their behavior. So, we are there for the families to hold their hands or to listen.” Wilson said the foundation is a voice for the families, and everyone should have a role in bringing awareness to the plight of missing persons of color. “We have to help,” she said. For more information about the Black and Missing Foundation, or to donate, visit www. blackandmissinginc.com. Derrica Wilson and Natalie Wilson At this time, we would like to announce the closure of the Great Plains Black History Museum to the public. This closure is effective now through April 8. While there has been no known exposure or diagnosis of COVID-19 at the GPBHM, we believe a temporary closure of the museum is in the best interest of our visitors, staff, and the community in general as we all do our part to reduce the risk of spreading in a manner that overwhelms our healthcare system. The GPBHM will reopen to visitors on April 9. The GPBHM remain committed to serving our community, and at this time, the best way we can demonstrate that is through closure. We join with so many in Omaha, at the recommendation of our health officials, to ensure we do ou r part to facilitate social distancing in our community. We recognize the rapidly changing nature of conditions and recommendations surrounding COVID-19, and therefore encourage everyone to watch your email and the museum’s website and social media pages for additional updates. As always, thank you for your continue d support, and be safe! Friends of the Great Plains Black History Museum
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