2016 Okanogan County ATV Guide

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A supplement to The Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle Spring 2016

Okanogan County opens some roads to ATVs The Chronicle


OKANOGAN – Okanogan County commissioners have designated dozens of roads as legal for use by off-road vehicles. Those roads allow riders to access much of the county; many connect with streets in towns that open their roads to all-terrain vehicles. All have speed limits of 35 mph or less. As with other vehicles, ATVs are expected to comply with speed limits and other traffic laws. Open roads include: North Star, milepost zero to milepost 15.44; Davis Canyon, milepost zero to 1.72; Three Devils, milepost zero to 4.82; Chiliwist, milepost zero to 8.69; Olema, milepost zero to 2.54; Nick Cain, milepost zero to 0.33; :Hanson, milepost zero to 1.03; North Malott, milepost zero to 1.02; B&O West, milepost zero to 0.77; West Fork, milepost 0.54-3.11; Loup Loup Canyon, milepost zero to 12.72; Peacock Mountain, milepost zero to 2.44; Bawlf, milepost zero to 0.85; Buzzard Lake, milepost zero to 13.71; Windy Hill, milepost zero to 5.51; Fletcher Loop, milepost zero to 1.39; Dry Coulee, milepost zero to 2.39; Okanogan Cemetery, milepost zero to 1.01; East Dry Coulee, milepost zero to 1.54; Wood Hill, milepost zero to 0.31 and milepost 0.67-0.99; Green Lake, milepost zero to 5.36; Mineral Hill, milepost 0.22-4.05; North Fork Salmon Creek, milepost 0.45-1.89; Rodeo Trail, milepost 0.1-0.56, milepost 0.97-1.65; Chewiliken Valley, milepost 4.35-8.93; J.H. Green, milepost zero to milepost 6.99; McLaughlin Canyon, milepost 0.03-7.65; Hardy, milepost zero to milepost 3; Clarkson Mill, milepost zero to milepost 1.63; South State Frontage, milepost zero to milepost 1.82; North State Frontage, milepost zero to milepost 0.5; Talkire Lake, milepost zero to milepost 4.77; Sinlahekin, milepost 0.24-21.94; Cecil Creek, milepost zero to milepost 4.46; Toats Coulee, milepost zero to milepost 0.71; South Fish Lake, milepost zero to milepost 1.82; Fish Lake, milepost zero to 4.62; Stalder, milepost zero to milepost 2.84; Hagood Cutoff, milepost zero to milepost 5.45; Lemanasky, milepost zero to milepost 5.9; Henry, milepost zero to milepost 2.5; Horse Spring Coulee,

milepost zero to milepost 12.23; Beeman, milepost zero to milepost 2.53; Rehmke, milepost zero to milepost 3.6; Siwash Creek, milepost zero to milepost 6.19; North Fork Siwash Creek, milepost zero to milepost 6.58; South Oberg, milepost zero to milepost 1.01; Dry Gulch Extension, milepost zero to milepost 0.65; Dry Gulch, milepost zero to milepost 6.39; Nine Mile, milepost zero to milepost 10.34; Circle, milepost zero to milepost 1.3; Rise, milepost zero to milepost 2.47; Davies, milepost zero to milepost 5.97; Rowton, milepost zero to milepost 0.56; Fletcher, milepost zero to milepost 2.17; Fields, milepost zero to milepost 2.78; Mary Ann Creek, milepost zero to milepost 7.96; Dart, milepost zero to milepost 1.56; Poland China, milepost zero to milepost 0.82; Byers, milepost zero to milepost 1.18; Bolster, milepost zero to milepost 3.37; B&O, milepost 0.32-4.18; B&O North, milepost zero to milepost 2.33; Spring Coulee, milepost zero to milepost 5.09; Salmon Creek, milepost 4.18-15.41; Conconully, milepost 15.63-18.68; Pine Creek, milepost 1.83-14.65 and milepost 19.59-22.51; Loomis-Oroville, milepost zero to 13.62 and milepost 15.65-20.84; Tonasket Bridge, milepost 0.32; Havillah, milepost 0.11-3.47, milepost 11.89-18.42; Chesaw, milepost 0.48-2.01, 6.47-10.87 and milepost 18.43-20.63; Molson, milepost zero to 5.39; Squaw Creek, milepost zero to 2.19; Danzl, milepost zero to milepost 1.5; McFarland Creek, milepost zero to 4.36; Stokes, milepost zero to milepost 1.39; Libby Creek, milepost 2.46-5.73; Smith Canyon, milepost zero to milepost 1.85; Biggers, milepost zero to milepost 0.4; Alder, milepost zero to milepost 0.74; Lookout Mountain, milepost 0.31-2.04, milepost 3.88-4.07 and milepost 4.19-4.23; Poorman Creek, milepost 2.44-3.8; Poorman Creek Cutoff, milepost zero to milepost 1.06; Reynaud Loop, milepost zero to milepost 0.31; Newby Creek, milepost zero to milepost 0.33; West Fork Buttermilk Creek, milepost zero to milepost 1.05; Elbow Coulee, milepost zero to milepost 5.06; Frost, milepost zero to milepost 1.8; Wandling, milepost zero to milepost 0.48; Brengman, milepost zero to milepost 0.24; Patterson Lake, milepost 4.41-5.25; Bryan, milepost zero to milepost 0.32; Wolf Creek, milepost 4.33-8.96; Left Fork Wolf Creek, milepost zero to 1.03; Kumm, milepost

North Central ATV Club of Washington Folks prepare to head out on a ride along a road in Okanogan County. zero to milepost 0.85; Old Goat, milepost zero to milepost 0.99; Cassal, milepost zero to milepost 0.26; West Chewuch, milepost zero to milepost 0.31; Rendezvous, milepost zero to milepost 5.6; Gunn Ranch, milepost zero to milepost 3.49; Walter, milepost zero to milepost 0.6; Cub Creek, milepost zero to milepost 2.5; Antoine Creek, milepost 3.275.76; Alta Lake, milepost zero-3.21; Starr, milepost zero to milepost 3.68; Burma, milepost zero to milepost 2.99; Texas Creek, milepost 0.63-8.7; French Creek, milepost zero to milepost 3.34; Vintin, milepost zero to milepost 2.06; Ross, milepost zero to milepost 1.09; Taylor, milepost zero to milepost 0.48; Wagner, milepost zero to milepost 0.22; Thurlow, milepost zero to milepost0.49;

Finley Canyon, milepost zero to milepost 1.84; Twisp Airport, milepost zero to milepost 1.36; Ayers, milepost zero to milepost 0.14; Evans, milepost zero to milepost 1.1; Balky Hill, milepost zero to milepost 4.62; Davis Lake, milepost zero to milepost 1.48; Lower Bear Creek, milepost zero to milepost 0.92; Lower Bear Creek Access, milepost zero to milepost 0.4; Lester, milepost zero to milepost 6.08; Bear Creek Golf Course, milepost zero to milepost 0.07; Bear Creek, milepost 1.77-5.61; Campbell Lake, milepost zero to milepost 1.03; Upper Beaver Creek, milepost 3.12-5.4; Bill Shaw,

See back page







County State Other ATV

© 2016 The Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle Owned and operated by Eagle Newspapers Inc. Teresa Myers, editor and publisher Teresa Myers, advertising manager Katie Montanez, project designer P.O. Box 553, Omak, WA 98841 • 618 Okoma Drive 509-826-1110 • 800-572-3446 • 509-826-5819 fax • www.omakchronicle.com Cover photo courtesy of North Central ATV Club of Washington. Cover photo: Riders taking a break at North Granite Creek Special thanks to Ted Murray of Okanogan County Planning for providing beautiful maps and helpful input for this project.

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A U T O M O T I V E & RV

Omak Marine Arctic Cat ATVs and Snowmobiles 128 Columbia St., Omak www.omakmarine.com • 509-826-4711



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From inside front cover milepost 2.21-9.27; Pateros Fish Hatchery, milepost zero to milepost 0.44; Watson Draw, milepost 0.46-9.12; Pedersen, milepost zero to milepost 0.29; Getz, milepost zero to milepost 0.82; Indian Dan, milepost zero to milepost 8.11; Sines, milepost zero to milepost 0.64;Benson Creek, milepost zero to milepost 3.12; Hull, milepost zero to milepost 0.25; Keran, milepost zero to milepost 0.44; Grain Elevator, milepost zero to milepost 0.3; Rat Lake, milepost zero to milepost 1.69; Hanford Cutoff, milepost zero to milepost 0.89; King Rock, milepost zero to milepost0.94; Pioneer, milepost zero to milepost 1.2; Red Apple, milepost zero to milepost 0.5; Unger, milepost zero to milepost 0.4; Max Goehry, milepost zero to milepost 1.46; Michel, milepost zero to milepost 0.72; Brewster Airport, milepost zero to milepost 0.26; Monse River, milepost zero to milepost 3.39; Morical, milepost zero to milepost 0.39; Driskell, milepost zero to milepost 0.58; Crandall, milepost zero to milepost 0.63; Valley, milepost zero to milepost 6.11; Schnibbe, milepost zero to milepost 0.1; Monse Pit, milepost zero to milepost 0.73; Pit South, milepost zero to milepost 0.31; Hadley, milepost zero to milepost 0.56; Jones, milepost zero to milepost 0.17; Cook, milepost zero to milepost 0.19; Pleasant Valley West, milepost zero to milepost 1.73; Nickles, milepost zero to milepost 0.48; Penley, milepost zero to milepost 0.17; Harris, milepost zero to milepost 0.27; Barnholt Loop, milepost zero to milepost 1.36; Len Louis, milepost zero to milepost 0.12; Pleasant Valley, milepost zero to milepost 1.44; Happy Hill, milepost zero to milepost 3.63; Lumm, milepost zero to milepost 0.22; Theis, milepost zero to milepost 0.04; Ed Louis, milepost zero to milepost 0.14; Woodward, milepost zero to milepost 1.53; Poechmann, milepost zero to milepost 1.38; Tarbert Loop, milepost zero to milepost 0.61; Danker Cutoff, milepost zero to milepost 1.57; Poague, milepost zero to milepost 1.38; Douglas, milepost zero to milepost 0.29; Weatherstone, milepost zero to milepost 1.99; Hendrick Loop, milepost zero to milepost 0.93; Haussler, milepost zero to milepost 0.15; Hubbert, milepost zero to milepost 0.49; Black, milepost zero to milepost 0.37; Vick Smith, milepost zero to milepost 0.35; South Kirkpatrick, milepost zero to milepost 0.14; North Kirkpatrick, milepost zero to milepost 0.81; Hahn, milepost zero to milepost 0.27; Hendrick, milepost zero to milepost 1.5; Dixon, milepost zero to milepost 0.56; Breshears, milepost zero to milepost 0.5; Dalton, milepost zero to milepost 0.53; Caudill, milepost zero to milepost 0.54; Johnson Creek, milepost zero to milepost 0.55; Fiker, milepost zero to milepost 1; Green, milepost zero to milepost 0.72; Soren Peterson, milepost zero to milepost 1.05; Simmons, milepost zero to milepost 0.43; Miller, milepost zero to milepost 1.51; George, milepost zero to milepost 0.49; Nichols, milepost zero to milepost 2.25; Woods, milepost zero to milepost 1; Jaquish, milepost zero to milepost 0.99; John Peterson, milepost zero to milepost 0.75; Hopfer, milepost 0.32-0.57; Shumway, milepost 0.32-1.12; Engh (rural Omak), milepost 0.37-2.62; East Parkway, milepost zero to milepost 0.2; Copple, milepost zero to milepost 0.8; Timm, milepost zero to milepost 0.43; Cherokee, milepost zero to milepost 1.22 and milepost 1.85-1.99; Bide-a-wee, milepost 1.05-2.11; Omak River, milepost zero to milepost

4.17; West River, milepost zero to milepost 0.3; Armory Junction, milepost zero to milepost 0.11; Fairgrounds Access, milepost zero to milepost 0.17; Lyman Lake-Moses Meadows, milepost 14.31-20.29; Keystone, milepost zero to milepost 3.5; Chewiliken Valley, milepost zero to milepost4.34; Knox, milepost zero to milepost 1.59; Knox Road Extension, milepost zero to milepost 1.02; Ed Figlenski, milepost zero to milepost 1.82; Hosheit, milepost zero to milepost 2.48; Anderson, milepost zero to milepost 0.64; Fritz, milepost zero to milepost 1.78; Warwick, milepost zero to milepost 0.83; South Janis, milepost zero to milepost 0.46; Tonasket Shop, milepost 0.11-0.39; Longanecker, milepost zero to milepost 0.93; Upper Chewiliken Valley Access, milepost zero to milepost 0.28; Bench Creek, milepost zero to milepost 2.64; Silver Hill, milepost zero to milepost 1.82; Woodard, milepost zero to milepost 1.31; Chopaka, milepost zero to milepost 6.75; Hess Lake, milepost zero to milepost 1.6; Limebelt, milepost 0.87-6.43; Pharr, milepost 4.09-4.91; Pine Creek Cemetery, milepost zero to milepost 0.21; Crumbacher, milepost zero to milepost 2.14; Van Der Schelden, milepost zero to milepost 1.09; Silver Star Mine, milepost zero to milepost 2.9; Weller, milepost zero to milepost 0.07; Weber, milepost zero to milepost 0.3; Perry, milepost zero to milepost 0.26; Tonasket Airport, milepost zero to milepost 2.58; River Loop, milepost zero to milepost 1.61; Utzinger, milepost zero to milepost 0.24; Roggow, milepost zero to milepost 0.24; Holmes, milepost 2.03-3.21; Epsom Salts, milepost zero to milepost 1.59; Imhoff, milepost 0.47-0.5; Washburn Lake, milepost zero to milepost 2.71; Wannacut Lake, milepost 4.22-9.2; Blue Lake, milepost zero to milepost 3.47; Golden, milepost zero to milepost 2.07; Ellemeham, milepost zero to milepost 12.37; Ellis-Barnes, milepost zero to milepost 1.9; Hart, milepost zero to milepost 0.8; Gayes Point, milepost zero to milepost 0.48; Allemandi, milepost zero to milepost 2.71; Enloe Dam, milepost zero to milepost 0.52; Westlake, milepost 0.03-1.98; Tom Dull, milepost zero to milepost 0.19; Blackler, milepost zero to milepost 0.31; Deep Bay, milepost zero to milepost 0.07; George Ehlers, milepost zero to milepost 0.1; Shirley, milepost zero to milepost 0.41; Boundary Point, milepost zero to milepost 1.54; Fancher, milepost zero to milepost 2.93; Nicholson, milepost zero to milepost 0.11; Ellisforde Church, milepost zero to milepost 0.21; Fancher Dam, milepost zero to milepost 1.32; North Oberg, milepost zero to milepost 0.6; O’Neil, milepost zero to milepost 2.61; Swanson Mill, milepost zero to milepost 11.32; Dwinnell Cutoff, milepost zero to milepost 0.2; Summit Lake, milepost zero to milepost 2.29; C. Holmes, milepost zero to milepost 0.92; Bob Neil, milepost zero to milepost 0.21; Jennings Loop, milepost zero to milepost 0.7; Gavin, milepost zero to milepost 0.54; Eastside Oroville, milepost zero to milepost 1.98; Balmes, milepost zero to milepost 0.15; Sawtell, milepost zero to milepost 1.25; Airport, milepost zero to milepost 0.25; DeMerchant, milepost zero to milepost 0.37; Sprouse, milepost zero to milepost 0.41; Eastlake, milepost zero to milepost 2.5; Thorndike Loop, milepost zero to milepost 0.6; Eder, milepost zero to milepost 2.28; West Wildermuth, milepost zero to milepost 0.37; East Wildermuth, milepost zero to milepost 0.24; Molson Cemetery, milepost zero to milepost 0.23; Loe, milepost zero to milepost 0.26; West Lost Lake, milepost zero to milepost 0.84; Dammel, milepost zero

Before you ride... Discover Pass A Discover Pass is required to access lands managed by Washington State Parks, Washington Department of Natural Resources and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. This includes all state parks, fish and wildlife water access sites and wildlife-viewing areas and DNR-managed trails/trailheads and recreational camping sites. For more information please go to the Discover Pass Frequently Asked Questions at http://discoverpass.wa.gov/faq/ or the Discover Pass Home Page at http://discoverpass.wa.gov/. Information is being updated weekly. Feel free to send any suggestions for improvements or requests for additional information to licensing@dfw.wa.gov. Our customer feedback and questions are being evaluated daily. The information provided by our customers is a very important to us and is used to improve our services and website. For questions or comments regarding the Discover Pass you may also contact us directly by phone toll-free at 1-866-320-9933.

Noxious Weeds Outdoor recreationists who travel on remote roads to trailheads or who ride ATVs off roads or designated trails may be unknowingly spreading weeds with their vehicles. Recreationalists can help control noxious weeds to stop them from spreading. • Drive only on roads and trails away from noxious weed infested areas. • Vehicles can carry noxious weeds from one area to another. Make sure to carefully clean ATVs, vehicles and trailers before taking them to a new area. Even a few seeds can spread noxious weeds to new areas. • Remove weed seeds from dogs, hiking boots and other gear. • Report weed infestations to Okanogan County Noxious Weed Control Board, 509-422-7168.

to milepost 1.41; Dunn Cutoff, milepost zero to milepost 0.18; Nealey, milepost 4.23-9.33; Grange, milepost zero to milepost 1.61; Teas, milepost zero to milepost 0.73; Pratts, milepost zero to milepost 0.87; Bartroff, milepost zero to milepost 1.95; Myers Creek, milepost zero to milepost 3.13; Pontiac Ridge, milepost zero to milepost 6.87; Frosty Creek, milepost zero to milepost 4.52; Cape LaBelle, milepost zero to milepost 8.6; North Cape LaBelle, milepost zero to milepost 1.5; Bonaparte Lake, milepost 6.1-5.3; Summer, milepost zero to milepost 2.46; Mount Annie, milepost zero to milepost 0.91; Diamond Bell, milepost zero to milepost 2.61; Bunch, milepost zero to milepost 2.22; Fox, milepost zero to milepost 0.35; Cougar Creek, milepost zero to milepost 4.82; Twisp River, milepost 0.5-0.69; Eastside Chewuch, milepost 0.70.91; Paradise Hill, milepost 4.07-13.14; Ross Canyon, milepost 0.58-1.55; Epley, milepost zero to milepost 0.99; Duck Lake, milepost zero to milepost 2.38; Cameron Lake, milepost 29.29-29.48; Tunk Creek, milepost 16.04-18.63; Aeneas Valley, milepost 13.97-18.42; Open streets are: Okanogan (Malott), milepost zero to 0.58; Central (Malott), milepost zero to 0.08; School (Malott), milepost zero to 0.17; Orchard (Malott), milepost zero to 0.24; Robinson (Malott), milepost zero to 0.56; Main (Methow), milepost zero to milepost 0.38; Burdett (Malott), milepost zero to milepost 0.12; Columbia (Malott), milepost zero to milepost 0.06; John (Okanogan), milepost 0.05-0.28; Kruse, milepost zero to milepost 0.5; River Overlook, milepost zero to milepost 0.38; Main (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.37; First (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.04; Third (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.07; Rose, milepost zero to milepost 0.14. Open avenues are: First (Malott), milepost zero to 0.25; West Indian, milepost 0.06-0.92; North Fourth (rural

Okanogan), milepost 0.33-0.64; Burton (Okanogan), milepost 0.03-0.78; McLaughlin, milepost zero to milepost 0.07; Loomis (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.27; Hamilton (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.06; Hamilton East (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.08; Palmer (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.07. Others: Old Highway 97, milepost 11-16.17; Highway 7, milepost zero to milepost 10.48 and milepost 21.91-21.99; Old Twisp Highway South, milepost zero to milepost 2.08; Iris Lane, milepost zero to milepost 0.22; Aspen Lane, milepost zero to milepost 0.19; Sunset Drive, milepost 0.531.71; Chinook Way, milepost zero to milepost 0.75; Mountain View Drive, milepost zero to milepost 1.65; Blossom Lane, milepost zero to milepost 1.53; Golden Lane, milepost zero to milepost 1.21; Lakeview Way, milepost zero to milepost 1.16; Sunrise Way, milepost zero to milepost 1. Glover Lane, milepost zero to milepost 1.45; Cherry Lane, milepost zero to milepost 0.25; Root Lane, milepost zero to milepost 0.38; High Drive, milepost zero to milepost 0.21; Valley View Drive, milepost zero to milepost 0.33; Orchard View Drive, milepost 0.37-0.51; Vista Vu Drive, milepost zero to milepost 0.74; Mundinger Lane, milepost zero to milepost 0.15. Crofoot Lane, milepost zero to milepost 0.79; Appleway (Okanogan), milepost zero to milepost 0.13 and milepost 0.63-0.72; Bighorn Drive (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.26; Columbia Drive (Loomis), milepost zero to milepost 0.18.

Some cities allow ATVs Cities that allow ATVs are Conconully, Oroville, Omak, Okanogan, Pateros, Republic, Riverside and Tonasket. Some restrictions apply; check with individual cities.

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