في هذا اإلصدار: أكتوبر :شهر التوعية بمرض السرطان 1
8نصائح لموقاية من مرض السرطان 1
انضم إلى الجمعية األهمية لمكافحة السرطان اآلن
الفحصبال نبظمبوالبشخيصبال تك ب ينقذبالحياة طبعة خاصة
إدااذا 2212
رسالة رئيسة الجمعية 2 معمومات عن الجمعية 2 سرطان الغدة الدرقية
الج يعةباالهليةب ل كافحةبالس طان
الورم الممفاوي الال هودجكين 3 صور الفعاليات األخيرة 3 إشارات سرطان الثدي
من ألبوم الصور
فعانٍاخ قاديح يعزض "انقىج فً ٌذٌك" تًزكش انقزو سٍتً سُتز
أكتىتز 3122
يسٍز "أظهز اهتًايك – كٍ عهى دراٌح"
ت ب 3122 تببب سب ب
أكتوبر :شهر التوعية بالسرطان
أكتوبر هو شهر التوعية بمرض سرطان الثدي ،في شتى أنحاء
العالم ،وتظهر اإلحصائيات أن
سرطان الثدي هو أكثر أمراض
السرطان شيوعا في سمطنة عمان. ولكن تعزيز التوعية الشعبية بكافة
أنواع السرطان وتثقيف المجتمع عن
العالمات واألعراض المبكرة ألمراض السرطان المختمفة هي إحدى
األهداف الرئيسية لمجمعية األهمية
لمكافحة السرطان.
وشعارنا هو "الفحص المنتظم
32أكتىتز 3122
والتشخيص المبكر ينقذ حياة األفراد"
إرا ٌذ٠ه أ ٞعؤاي اٌشخبء ػذَ اٌزشدد ف ٟاإلرظبي ثٕب ػٍ ٝاألسلبَ اٌّٛػسخ أدٔبٖ. ٚأ٠ؼااب صٚسٚا اٌ اّااٛلااغ ارٌااىاازااشٔٚااٟ ٌٍدّؼ١اخ األ٘اٍا١اخ ٌاّاىابفاساخ اٌغاشؽابْ ٚػٍ ٝاٌف١ظ ثٛن ٚر٠ٛزش.
التوعية بمرض السرطان مثل مبادرة
وهذا هو السبب الذي يجعل مبادرات "القوة في يديك" في غاية األهمية.
ونحن نحتاج أيضا إلى فعل كل ما
بوسعنا لمحيمولة دون حدوث مرض
السرطان قدر اإلمكان.
8نصائح للوقاية من
الجمعية األهمية لمكافحة السرطان ص.ب 637 :العذيبة، الرمز البريدي031 : سمطنة عمان رقم الهاتف)879( 67789607 : رقم الفاكس)879( 67789667 : الرقم المجاني911 66766 : البريد اإللكتروني: ocancer@omantel.net.om
احتفع تىسٌ دحً نهجسى
حافع عهى َشاطك انثذًَ كم ٌىو
تُاول كًٍح أكثز يٍ انفىاكه وانخضزاواخ وانثقىل
ال تذخٍ أو تًضغ انتثغ
الموقع اإللكتروني:
www.ocancer.org.om دار الحنان رقم الهاتف)879( 67710661 : رقم الفاكس)879( 67710068 : البريد اإللكتروني:
قهم يٍ األطعًح انذهٍُح وانسكزٌح
قهم يٍ األطعًح انًانحح أو انًعانجح تانًهح
قهم يٍ انهحىو انًعانجح وانحًزاء
قهم أو تجُة تُاول انًشزوتاخ انكحىنٍح
ِمزجغخ ِٓ رٛط١بد اٌٛلب٠خ ِٓ اٌغشؽبْ اٌظبدسح ػٓ "اٌظٕذٚق اٌؼبٌّ ٟألثسبس اٌغشؽبْ"
سزطاٌ انغذج انذرقٍح
انىرو انهًفاوي انال هىدجكٍٍ
يا هى سزطاٌ انغذج انذرقٍح؟
ح فب صب ب
يا هى انىرو انهًفاوي انال هىدجكٍٍ؟
٠جذأ عشؽبْ اٌغذح اٌذسل١خ ف ٟاٌغذح اٌذسل١خ ٟ٘ٚ ،غذح طغ١شح رمغ فٟ ِٕطمخ أعفً اٌشلجخ ،رسذ اٌسٕدشح ِجبششح٠ٚ .ض٠ذ اززّبي رأث١ش ٘زا إٌٛع ِٓ اٌغشؽبْ ف ٟاٌغبٌت ػٍ ٝاألشخبص فِٕ ٟزظف اٌؼّش أ ٚخالي ِشزٍخ عٕ١خ أوجش. األعزاض ٠زطٛس عشؽبْ اٌغذح اٌذسل١خٌ ،ذِ ٜؼظُ إٌبط ،ثشىً ثطئ خذاٚ .اٌؼالِخ األ ٌٝٚػٍ ٝزذٚس اٌّشع رى ْٛدائّب ػجبسح ػٓ ٚسَ غ١ش ِؤٌُ فٟ اٌشلجخ٠ ،ىجش ثشىً رذس٠دٕ٘ٚ .ٟبن أػشاع أخش ٜلذ رشزًّ ػٍ:ٝ اٌىسخ طؼٛثخ اٌجٍغ رؼخُ اٌغذح اٌذسل١خ زذٚس ثسخ أ ٚرغ١ش ف ٟاٌظٛد ٚ سلُ ف ٟاٌشلجخ ٚ سَ ف ٟاٌغذح اٌذسل١خ عىايم انخطز األشخبص اٌز ٓ٠خؼؼٛا ٌؼالج إشؼبػ ٟف ٟاٌشلجخ ٠زؼشػٌ ْٛخطش أػٍ.ٝ ٚرشزًّ ػٛاًِ اٌخطش األخش ٜػٍ ٝاٌزبس٠خ األعشٌ ٞإلطبثخ ثّشع عشؽبْ اٌغذح اٌذسل١خ. انفحىداخ عٛف ٠دش ٞاٌطج١ت فسظب ثذٔ١ب لذ ٠ىشف ػٓ ٚخٛد ٚسَ ف ٟاٌغذح اٌذسل١خ أ ٚػمذ ٌّفب٠ٚخ ِزٛسِخٚ .رشًّ اٌفسٛطبد األخش:ٜ فسض دَ ٌم١بط ِغز٠ٛبد اٌٙشِْٛ ِ غر ثبٌّٛخبد فٛق اٌظٛر١خ ػٍ ٝاٌغذح اٌذسل١خ شفؾ ثبإلثشح اٌذل١مخ إلصاٌخ ثؼغ اٌخال٠ب انعالج ؽشق اٌؼالج اٌشئ١غ١خ ٌغشؽبْ اٌغذح اٌذسل١خ ٘ ٟاٌدشازخ ٘ٚشِٔٛبد اٌغذح اٌذسل١خ ٚاٌٛ١د اٌّشغ ٚاٌؼالج اإلشؼبػّ٠ٚ .ٟىٓ ػالج ِؼظُ أٔٛاع عشؽبْ اٌغذح اٌذسل١خ دائّب ثشىً ٔبخر خذا٠ٚ ،زُ ػالج ػذد وج١ش ِٓ األشخبص. رسانح خادح إرا رزظذ ٚخٛد ٚسَ ف ٟسلجزه ،ار٘ت ٌض٠بسح أزذ األؽجبءٌٚ ،ىٓ ِؼظُ أٚساَ اٌغذد اٌذسل١خ زّ١ذح (١ٌٚغذ عشؽبٔ١خ).
اٌٛسَ اٌٍّفب ٞٚاٌال ٘ٛدخى ٛ٘ ٓ١عشؽبْ ف ٟاألٔغدخ اٌٍّفب٠ٚخ اٌز ٟرشزًّ ػٍ ٝاٌؼمذ اٌٍّفب٠ٚخ ٚاٌطسبي ٚأػؼبء أخش ٜف ٟخٙبص إٌّبػخ.
األسثاب ِؼظُ األٚساَ اٌٍّفب٠ٚخ رجذأ فٛٔ ٟع ِٓ خال٠ب اٌذَ اٌج١ؼبء رؼشف ثبعُ اٌىش٠بد اٌٍّفب٠ٚخ ة ،أ ٚاٌخال٠ب ة٠ٚ .ىْٛ عججٙب غ١ش ِؼشٚف ثبٌٕغجخ ٌّؼظُ اٌّشػٕ٘ٚ .ٝبن اٌؼذ٠ذ ِٓ األٔٛاع اٌّخزٍفخ ٌٍٛسَ اٌٍّفب ٞٚاٌال ٘ٛدخى٠ٚ .ٓ١ظ١ت ٘زا اٌغشؽبْ اٌجبٌغ ،ٓ١فِ ٟؼظُ اٌسبردٌٚ .ىٓ األؽفبي ّ٠ىٓ أْ ٠زؼشػٛا ٌجؼغ أشىبي األٚساَ اٌٍّفب٠ٚخ.
األعزاض اٌٛسَ اٌٍّفب ٞٚاٌال ٘ٛدخىّ٠ ٓ١ىٓ أْ ٠زغجت ف ٟزذٚس ِدّٛػخ ِزٕٛػخ ِٓ األػشاع ،اػزّبدا ػٍ ٝإٌّطمخ اٌّظبثخ ثبٌدغُ ِٚذ ٜعشػخ أزشبس ّٛٔٚاٌغشؽبْ. ٚلذ رشزًّ األػشاع ػٍ:ٝ ٛٔ ثبد اٌؼشق أثٕبء اٌٍ( ً١رجًٍ ِالءاد اٌغش٠ش ِٚالثظ إٌ.)َٛ اٌسّٛٔٚ ٝثبد اٌمشؼش٠شح اٌز ٟرأرٚ ٟرز٘ت اٌسىخ اٌسبدح اٌز ٟر ّ٠ىٓ رٛػ١ر أعجبثٙب. رٛسَ اٌؼمذ اٌٍّفب٠ٚخ ف ٟاٌشلجخ ٚرسذ اإلثطٚ ٓ١ث ٓ١اٌفخز.ٓ٠ فمذاْ اٌٛصْ غ١ش اٌّمظٛد ٚفمذاْ اٌش١ٙخ.
انفحىداخ عٛف ٠دش ٞاٌطج١ت فسظب ثذٔ١ب ٠ٚفسض ِٕبؽك اٌدغُ اٌز ٟرسز ٞٛػٍٝ ػمذ ٌّفب٠ٚخ ٌى٠ ٟغزىشف ِب إرا وبٔذ ٘زٖ اٌؼمذ ِزٛسِخ ِٓ ػذِٗٚ .رشًّ اٌفسٛطبد اٌز ٟردش ِٓ ٜأخً رشخ١ض اٌٛسَ اٌٍّفب ٞٚاٌال ٘ٛدخى:ٓ١ فسٛطبد اٌذَ ٚاٌىجذ ٚفسٛطبد ٚظبئف اٌىٍ،ٝ شفؾ ٔخبع اٌؼظُ & فسض اٌخضػخ خضػخ (فسض أٔغدخ اٌؼمذ اٌٍّفب٠ٚخ) فسٛطبد األشؼخ اٌّمطؼ١خ ٚاألشؼخ اٌغ١ٕ١خ
انعالج لذ ٠زُ اعزخذاَ اٌؼالج ثبإلشؼبع ٌّشع ٠مزظش ػٍِٕ ٝطمخ ٚازذح فٟ اٌدغُ٠ٚ .غزخذَ اٌؼالج اٌى١ّ١بئ ٟػبدح وّٕؾ أعبعٌٍ ٟؼالج.
يعزض دىر نهفعانٍاخ األخٍزج
ألّ١ذ فؼبٌ١خ "اسعُ زٍّب" ف ٟداس اٌسٕبْ (ِ ٟ٘ٚغبثمخ ٌٍشعُ ٚاٌزظ٠ٛش اٌض٠زٌ ٟىً األؽفبي اٌز ٓ٠وبٔٛا ٠م ّْٛ١ف ٟاٌج١ذ اٌّخظض ٌّشػ ٝاٌغشؽبْ اٌظغبس) خالي شٙش ٛ١ٌٛ٠اٌّبػٚ .ٟػشػذ األػّبي اٌفٕ١خ ف ٟغشفخ اٌٍؼت ِٓ أخً رٛف١ش ِظذس إٌٙبَ ٌألؽفبي ا٢خش ٓ٠اٌز ٓ٠لذ ٠م ّْٛ١ف ٟداس اٌسٕبْ خالي اٌّغزمجً اٌمش٠ت.
رٛلفذ ٚزذح فسض اٌثذ ٞأِبَ اٌّمش اٌشئ١غٌ ٟجٕه ِغمؾ ٌّذح ٓ١ِٛ٠خالي شٙش ٛ١ٌٛ٠اٌّبػ ِٓ ٟأخً اٌزش٠ٚح ٌسٍّخ اٌزٛػ١خ ثّشع اٌغشؽبْٚ ،أٌمذ اٌذوزٛس أعً١ اٌطبئ ٟوٍّخ ٌٍّٛظف ٓ١ػٓ أّ٘١خ اٌفسض اٌؼ١بدٌٍ ٞثذ.ٞ
رٍمذ اٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ، ِّثٍخ ف ٟشخض اٌذوزٛس ٚز١ذ اٌخشٚط،ٟ خالي شٙش ٛ١ٔٛ٠اٌّبػ" ٟخبئضح ِٕظّخ األُِ اٌّزسذح ٌٍخذِخ اٌؼبِخ "2011ػٓ "ٚزذرٙب اٌّزٕمٍخ ٌفسض اٌثذٚ ."ٞلذَ فخبِخ سئ١ظ دٌٚخ صٔدجبس شٙبدح ِٕر اٌدبئضح ٌٍذوزٛس ٚز١ذ اٌخشٚط.ٟ
حب فب صب ب
اَضى إنى انجًعٍح األههٍح نًكافحح انسزطاٌ اٌَ إرا ٌُ رىٓ ػؼٛا ف ٟاٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ ثبٌفؼً٠ ،شخ ٝارٔؼّبَ إٌ ٝاٌدّؼ١خ اٚ .ْ٢إرا وٕذ ػؼٛا ثبٌفؼً ،ثشخبء ِطبٌجخ وً أطذلبئه ٚألبسثه ثبرٔؼّبَ إٌ ٝاٌدّؼ١خٚ .إرا وٕذ أزذ إٌبخٓ١ ِٓ ِشع اٌغشؽبْ ،ثشخبء اٌزغد ً١فِ ٟدّٛػخ إٌبخِ ِٓ ٓ١شع اٌغشؽبْ اٌزبثؼخ ٌٍدّؼ١خ. رىٍفخ اٌؼؼ٠ٛخ 5س٠برد فمؾٚ ،عٛف رّٕسه اٌؼؼ٠ٛخ إِىبٔ١خ اٌّشبسوخ فِ ٟسبػشاد اٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ ٚٚسػ اٌؼًّ اٌز ٟرمّٙ١ب اٌدّؼ١خ ،وّب عزّٕسه فشص ٌٍّشبسوخ ف ٟاٌذٚساد اٌزٕ٠ ٟظّٙب أطذلبء اٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ .ثئِىبٔه ارٔؼّبَ إٌٝ اٌدّؼ١خ ػجش اٌسؼٛس إٌ ٝاٌّمش اٌشئ١غٌٍ ٟدّؼ١خ ف ٟاٌؼز٠جخ أ ِٓ ٚخالي اٌزغد ً١ػٍ ٝشجىخ اإلٔزشٔذ.
رسانح رئٍسح انجًعٍح أٚد أْ أٔزٙض ٘زٖ اٌفشطخ ٌى ٟأرمذَ ثشىش خبص ٌىً األشخبص اٌز ٓ٠لذِٛا ٌٕب اٌذػُ فٟ اٌّبػ٠ٚ ٟغزّش ْٚف ٟاٌم١بَ ثزٌه وً ػبَ٠ ٌُٚ .ىٓ ثّمذٚسٔب أْ ٔىًّ اٌّشبس٠غ اٌّزٕٛػخ اٌز ٟرٕ١ٌٛب٘ب ثٕدبذ ػٍِ ٝذاس اٌغٕٛاد اٌّبػ١خ ثذ ْٚدػّىُ أ ٚخٛٙدوُٚ .أٔب أرطٍغ ٌٍؼًّ ِؼىُ خّ١ؼب ،وّب أرطٍغ إٌ ٝاٌّض٠ذ ِٓ عٕٛاد اٌؼًّ إٌبخسخ ٚإٌ ٝرسم١ك إٌّ ٛداخً خّؼ١زٕب١ٔٚ .بثخ ػٓ اٌٍدٕخ اٌزٕف١ز٠خ ٌٍدّؼ١خ ،أٚد أْ أرمذَ ثخبٌض شىشٞ ٚرمذ٠شٌ ٞشػبح اٌدّؼ١خ ٚأػؼبئٙب ٚاٌّزطٛػ.ٓ١
معلومات عن الجمعية ُع ِدٍَذ اٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ سعّ١ب ف ٟشٙش أثش ً٠ػبَ ٚ .2002وبٔذ اٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ ٘ ٟأٚي خّؼ١خ اعزشبس٠خ ٌّشػ ٝف ٟاٌغٍطٕخٚ .رشزًّ ثؼغ ِٓ إٔدبصارٕب اٌّزؼذدح ػٍ-:ٝ
الوحدة المتنقلة لفحص وتصوير الثدي
دار الحنان
رؼزجش اٌٛزذح اٌّزٕمٍخ ٌفسض اٌثذ،ٞ اٌز ٟرُ رذشٕٙ١ب ف ٟػبَ ،2002أزذ ثشاِح اٌزٛػ١خ اٌز ٟرٕظّٙب اٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ. ٚرُ اٌزٛط١خ ثبٌذخٛي ف٘ ٟزا اٌّششٚع وخطٛح رىّ١ٍ١خ ٌجشٔبِح اٌزٛػ١خ ارعزشبس ٞثّشع عشؽبْ اٌثذ ،ٞاٌز ٞزمك ٔدبزب فبئمبٚ ،اٌز ٞرٕفزٖ اٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ. ٚأ٘ذاف اٌٛزذح ٘:ٟ رمذ ُ٠خذِخ فسض اٌزظ٠ٛش اإلشؼبػٌٍّ ٟدزّغٚ ،خظٛطب ف ٟإٌّبؽك اٌش٠ف١خ. رجٕ ٟزمٛق ِشػ ٝاٌغشؽبْ ف ٟاٌّدزّغ. اٌؼًّ ثشفمخ اٌدٙبد اٌّؼٕ١خ األخش ٜػٍ ٝاٌزٛػ١خ ثىً األِشاع اٌغشؽبٔ١خ. اٌؼًّ ثشفمخ اٌدٙبد اٌّؼٕ١خ األخش ٜػٍ ٝاٌزٛػ١خ ثىً األِشاع اٌغشؽبٔ١خ ٚرمذ ُ٠خذِخ اٌفسض ٌٍزسمك ِٓ ٚخٛد عشؽبْ اٌثذ ٞإرا رطٍت األِش رٌه.
األحداث التالية أؼُ إٌٕ١ب ف ٟشٙش أوزٛثش ثّشوض اٌمشَ ع١زٟ عٕزش ٌّزبثؼخ اٌّؼشع اٌزّ٠ ٞزذ ٌّذح شٙش ِٕٚبفز اٌؼشع ٚفؼبٌ١بد ٍِ١ئخ ثبٌّشذ ِٚغبثمبد ٌىً أفشاد األعشح. ِٓ اٌّضِغ أْ ٕ٠طٍك اٌّغ١ش اٌغٕ ٞٛاٌثبِٓ ٌٍزٛػ١خ ثبٌغشؽبْ 25 َٛ٠أوزٛثش 2011 ِٓ أِبَ ٚصاسح اٌؼذي ثّٕطمخ اٌخ٠ٛش ثذا٠خ ِٓ اٌغبػخ اٌشاثؼخ ِغبء ٚزز ٝاٌغبػخ اٌغبدعخٚ .عٛف ٠زُ اٌزغدٚ ً١رطشذ لّظبْ اٌغجبق ٌٍج١غ ف ٟشٙش أوزٛثش.
افززسذ داس اٌسٕبْ اٌز ٟرؼزجش "ث١زب ثؼ١ذا ػٓ اٌج١ذ" ٌّشػ ٝاٌغشؽبْ اٌظغبس ،فٟ شٙش ٕ٠ب٠ش ٚ .2011األ٘ذاف األعبع١خ ِٓ إٔشبئٙب ٘-:ٟ رٛف١ش خذِخ اإللبِخ ٌّشػ ٝاٌغشؽبْ اٌظغبس ٚأفشاد ػبئٍز،ُٙ ٚرمذٚ ُ٠خجبد ٌٚ ُٙرٛف١ش خذِخ إٌمً إٌ ٝاٌّغزشف ٝاٌغٍطبٟٔ ؽٛاي فزشح ػالخ.ُٙ ػّبْ إرجبع اٌّشػٌٍ ٝؼالج ِثً اٌؼالج اٌى١ّ١بئٌٍّ ٟشػ ٝغ١ش اٌّمٚ ٓ١ّ١اٌؼالج اإلشؼبػ ٟثطش٠مخ ِٕزظّخ. رض٠ٚذ اٌّشػٚ ٝأفشاد ػبئٍز ُٙثبٌذػُ اٌّؼٕ ٞٛاٌز ُ٘ ٓ٠ف ٟأشذ اٌسبخخ إٌ.ٗ١ ِغبػذح اٌّشػٚ ٝػبئالر ُٙف ٟاإلخشاءاد اإلداس٠خ اٌّزؼٍمخ ثبٌشػب٠خ اٌظس١خ /ٚأٔ ٚزبئح اٌّشع.
فروع إقليمية ف ٟثذا٠خ ػبَ ،2010رُ ارػزشاف سعّ١ب ثفشٚع إلٍ١ّ١خ ٌٍزٛػ١خ ثّشع اٌغشؽبْ ف ٟوً ِٓ طٛس ٚإثشاء ٚطالٌخ ٔٚضٚ .ٜٚف ٟطٛس ،رٍمذ ثؼغ إٌغبء رذس٠جب ػٍ ٝاٌفسض اٌزارٟ ٌٍثذٚ ٞفِ ٟدبي دػُ اٌّدزّغ ف ٟإؽبس اٌسٍّخ اٌز ٟلبِذ ثٙب ٘زٖ اٌفشٚع ٌٕشش اٌٛػ ٟاٌظسٔٚ .ٟظُ فشع طٛس أ٠ؼب ِغ١شا رسذ شؼبس "دٚسوُ – اٌفسض اٌزار ،ٟدٚسٔب – رمذ ُ٠اٌشػب٠خ". تفضهىا تشٌارج انًىقع اإلنكتزوًَ انجذٌذ نهجًعٍح؛ www.ocancer.org.om وتفضهىا تشٌارج انًكتثح انًجذدج فً انًقز انزئٍسً نهجًعٍح األههٍح نًكافحح انسزطاٌ تانعذٌثح
4Page حب فب ص4ب ب
عالمات وأعراض اإلصابة بمرض سرطان الثدي أوزٛثش ٘ ٛشٙش اٌزٛػ١خ ثّشع عشؽبْ اٌثذٌ ،ٞزاِ ،ب ٘ ٟأػشاع ِشع عشؽبْ اٌثذٞ؟ رشزًّ األػشاع ػٍ:ٝ
ٚخٛد ٚسَ أ ٚرخثش ف ٟأ ٚثبٌمشة ِٓ اٌثذ ٞأ ٚفِٕ ٟطمخ اإلثؾ رغزّش زز ٝاٌذٚسح اٌشٙش٠خ. ظٛٙس وزٍخ أٚ ٚسَ ،لذ رجذ ٚطغ١شح ِثً زجخ اٌجبصرء. ٚخٛد ِٕطمخ طٍجخ رشجٗ اٌشخبَ رسذ اٌجششح. اٌثذ.ٞ زذٚس رغ١ش ف ٟزدُ أ ٚشىً أِ ٚس١ؾ 80% of Breast Cancer Moreثٛاعطخ thanاوزشبفٙب اٌثذ٠ ٞزُ عشؽبْ ِٓ زبرد أوثش ِٓ %00 ازّشاس اٌدٍذ ػٍ ٝاٌثذ ٞأ ٚاٌسٍّخ اٌزارis detectedٟ by self examination اٌفسض ظٛٙس ثمغ دِ٠ٛخ أ ٚزذٚس رظش٠ف ٚاػر ٌٍغٛائً ِٓ اٌسٍّخ ظٛٙس ِٕطمخ ِخزٍفخ ثٛػٛذ ػٓ إِٔ ٞطمخ أخشِٛ ٜخٛدح ػٍ ٝأٞ ِٓ اٌثذ.ٓ١٠ زذٚس رغ١١ش ف ٟشىً أِ ٚظٙش اٌدٍذ ػٍ ٝاٌثذ ٞأ ٚاٌسٍّخ (رذًِ ،ردؼذ ،رمشش أ ٚاٌزٙبة).
هم تعهى أٌ؟
ٚلذ ٠زُ اوزشبف ٘زٖ اٌزغ١شاد خالي إزذ ٜاٌفسٛص اٌزار١خٚ .فِ ٟؼظُ اٌسبرد، ر رى٘ ْٛزٖ اٌزغ١شاد أٚساَ عشؽبٔ١خٚ .ػٍ ٝعج ً١اٌّثبي٠ ،ى ْٛأٌُ اٌثذ ٞأوثش شٛ١ػب ِغ زبرد اإلطبثخ ثأٚساَ اٌثذ ٞاٌسّ١ذح ِمبسٔخ ثأٚساَ اٌثذ ٞاٌغشؽبٔ١خ. ٌٚىٓ ،إرا وبْ ٌذ٠ه أ ِٓ ٞاٌؼالِبد اٌّزوٛسح أػالٖٚ ،إرا وبْ ٘زا األِش ٠مٍمه، اعغ ٌٍسظٛي ػٍ ٝاٌشػب٠خ اٌطج١خ ِٓ أزذ األؽجبء ف ٟأعشع ٚلذ ِّىٓٚ .ر رٕزظش إٌ ٝأْ رزذ٘ٛس األػشاع أ" ٚرزسغٓ"ٚ .إرا وبْ عشؽبْ اٌثذِٛ ٞخٛدا، ِٓ األفؼً أْ ٠زُ رشخ١ظٗ خالي ِشزٍخ ِجىشح ،ػٕذِب ٠ى ْٛاٌغشؽبْ لبثال ٌٍؼالج ثشىً أوجش.
رشى ً١شش٠ؾ ٚسد ٞثشش ٞفٟ إعزبد اٌششؽخ ،ثبٌٛؽ١خ.
من البوم صور الجمعيه األهليه لمكافحه السرطان
ارززفبي ثبٌمشٔمش ٖٛف ٟاٌّغزشف ٝاٌغٍطبٟٔ
ِزطٛػ ْٛف ٟاٌّغزشف ٝاٌغٍطبٟٔ
٠ؤثش اٌشٚاز١خ أثٕبء ِشبسوزٙب فِ ٟغ١ش عٛصاْ أخٛاء ِٓ اٌّشذ خالي وً ِٓ ػٍّ١خ خّغ اٌزجشػبد ٚسفغ خالي اعزالَ رجشع ِٓ اٌجٕه اٌٛؽٕ ٟاٌؼّبٟٔ وٌٍ ٓ١ِٛغشؽبْ ثّذٕ٠خ ٚاشٕطِٓ ،مبؽؼخ وٌِٛٛج١ب. دسخخ اٌٛػِ ٟغ اٌدّؼ١خ األٍ٘١خ ٌّىبفسخ اٌغشؽبْ. EDITORIAL TEAM CONTRIBUTORS سئ١غخ اٌزسش٠ش اٌّشاخغ :خّؼ١خ "ِبوّ١الْ وبٔغش عبثٛسد" ،ششوخ ِٕ١زٛس ٚٚسٌذ ٚا٠ذ ػ ،َ.َ.اٌظٕذٚق اٌؼبٌّ ٟألثسبس اٌغشؽبْ. Sally Perry, Latifa Al-Kharousi Dr Assel Al-Taee, Dr Wahid Al-Kharousi
عبٌ ٟث١شٞ
IN THIS ISSUE: October: Cancer Awareness Month 8 Tips for Cancer Prevention
1 1
Join NACA Now 2 President ’ s Message 2 Information about the Association 2 Thyroid Cancer 3 Non Hodgkin Lymphoma 3 Recent Events Photos 3 Breast Cancer Signals 4 From the Photo Album 4
Upcoming Events “The Power is in Your Hands “ Exhibition at Qurum City Centre
October 2011 “Show You Care — Be Aware” Walkathon
25 October 2011 If you have any question that you would like to be answered, please do not hesitate to contact us by one of the means shown below and we will try our best to post them with answers here in future issues or contact you directly. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER AWARENESS (NACA) P.O. Box 736 Athaiba Postal Code 130 Sultanate of Oman Tel. No.: (968) 24498716 Fax No.: (968) 24498726 Toll Free No.: 800 77477 Email: ocancer@omantel.net.om Website: www.ocancer.org.om DAR AL HANAN Tel. No.: (968) 24501770 Fax No.: (968) 24501179 Email: naca.daralhanan@gmail.com
The National Association for Cancer Awareness Regular Examination and Early Diagnosis Saves Lives Special Edition
Issue 5/11
September 2011
October: Cancer Awareness Month All around the world, October is breast cancer awareness month and statistics show that breast cancer is the most common cancer in Oman. However, one of the main objectives of the National Association for Cancer Awareness (NACA) is to promote public awareness for all types of cancer and educate the community on early signs and symptoms of different cancers. Our motto is “Regular Examination and Early Diagnosis Saves Lives” and this is why cancer awareness initiatives such as “The Power is in Your Hands” are so important. We also need to do all we can to prevent cancer as much as possible.
Maintain a healthy body weight
Be physically active every day
Eat more fruits, vegetables, pulses
Limit fatty and sugary foods
Limit salty or salt processed foods
Limit processed and red meats
Do not smoke or chew tobacco
Limit or avoid alcoholic drinks
Adapted from The World Cancer Research Fund’s Recommendations for Cancer Prevention
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JOIN NACA NOW If you are not already a member of NACA, please join now. If you are already a member, please ask all your friends and relatives to join. If you are a cancer survivor, please sign up to our Cancer Survivors‟ Group. Membership is only 5 rials and gives you access to NACA lectures and workshops and opportunities to participate in courses organised by friends of NACA. You can join up at NACA HQ in Al Athaiba or on line.
President’s Message I would like to take this opportunity to give special thanks to all of you who have supported us in the past and continue to do so every year. We could not have successfully completed the various projects that were undertaken over the years without your support or efforts. I look forward to working with you all and to many successful years and growth within our Association. On behalf of the Executive Board, I would like to sincerely thank all our sponsors, members and volunteers.
INFORMATION ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION The Oman National Association for Cancer Awareness was officially registered in April 2004. It was the first patient advocacy group in Oman. Some of our many achievements include:-
Mobile Mammography Unit The award-winning Mobile Mammography Unit, launched in 2009, is one of the outreach programmes organized by NACA. The project was recommended as complementary to the very successful advocacy programme on breast cancer awareness implemented by the Association. Its objectives are to: provide a mammography service to the community, especially in rural areas. be an advocate for cancer to the community. work together with other stakeholders in the awareness of all cancers. work together with other stakeholders in the awareness of all cancers, and screening for breast cancer if required.
Upcoming Events
Dar Al Hanan As a “home away from home” for young cancer patients, Dar Al Hanan was inaugurated in January 2011. Its main aims are to: give young cancer patients and family members accommodation, meals and a shuttle service to the Royal Hospital for the duration of their treatment. ensure that patients follow treatment such as outpatient chemotherapy and radiotherapy in a regular manner. provide patients and family members with much needed moral support. assist patients and their families with administrative procedures related to health care and/or the consequences of the disease.
Regional Branches At the beginning of 2010, regional branches for Cancer Awareness in Sur, Ibra, Salalah and Nizwa were officially recognised. In Sur, women were trained in breast selfexamination and in community support as part of their campaign to spread health awareness. The Sur branch also organised a walk under the motto “Your Role – Self Examination, Our Role – Giving Care”.
Join us in October at Qurum City Centre Mall for a month-long exhibition, stalls, fun events and competitions for all the family. The 8th Annual Cancer Awareness Walk will be held on 25th October 2011 in front of the Ministry of Justice in Al Khuwair from 4 pm. to 6 pm. Visit the new NACA website; www.ocancer.org.om Registration and T-shirts will be Visit the refurbished library at NACA HQ in Al Athaiba. on sale in October .
THYROID CANCER What Is Thyroid Cancer? Thyroid cancer starts in the thyroid gland, a small gland which is located in the lower neck, just below the larynx. It is most likely to affect people who are middle-aged or older. Symptoms In most people, thyroid cancer develops very slowly. The first sign is usually a painless lump in the neck, which gradually gets bigger. Other symptoms but may include: Cough Difficulty swallowing Enlargement of the thyroid gland Hoarseness or changing voice Neck swelling Thyroid lump Risk Factors People who have had radiation therapy to the neck are at higher risk. Other risk factors are a family history of thyroid cancer Investigations The doctor will perform a physical exam which may reveal a lump in the thyroid, or swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Other tests include: Blood test to check hormone levels Ultrasound thyroid scan Fine needle aspiration to remove some cells Treatment The main treatments for thyroid cancer are surgery, thyroid hormones, radioactive iodine and radiotherapy. Most types of thyroid cancer can usually be treated very successfully and many people are cured. Take Home Message If you notice a lump in your neck see a doctor, but most thyroid swellings are benign (not cancerous).
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What Is Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma? Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is cancer of the lymphoid tissue, which includes the lymph nodes, spleen, and other organs of the immune system. Causes Most lymphomas start in a type of white blood cells called B lymphocytes, or B cells. For most patients, the cause is unknown. There are many different types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Most of the time, this cancer affects adults. However, children can get some forms of lymphoma. Symptoms Non-Hodgkin lymphoma can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on what area of the body is affected and how fast the cancer is growing. Symptoms may include: Night sweats (soaking the bed sheets and pyjamas) Fever and chills that come and go Severe itchiness that cannot be explained Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, underarms, groin Unintentional weight loss and loss of appetite Investigations The doctor will perform a physical exam and check body areas with lymph nodes to feel if they are swollen. Tests to diagnose non-Hodgkin lymphoma include: Blood tests, liver and kidney function tests, Bone marrow aspiration & biopsy Lymph node biopsy CT scans and X-rays Treatment Radiation therapy may be used for disease that is confined to one body area. Chemotherapy is commonly used as the main form of treatment.
Photo Gallery of Recent Events
The Mobile Mammography Unit was stationed in Bank Muscat Head Quarters for two Dar Al Hanan‟s “Paint a Dream” (a days in July to promote cancer drawing and painting challenge for awareness and Dr. Aseel Al Taee gave a all the children who were staying at talk to staff the home for young cancer patients) about the took place in July. The artwork has importance been exhibited in the playroom to of clinical inspire other children who may be breast accommodated at Dar Al Hanan in examination. the near future.
In June, the National Association for Cancer Awareness, represented by Dr Wahid Al Kharusi, received a “2011 United Nations Public Service Award” for its „Mobile Mammography Unit‟. The award certificate was presented to Dr Kharusi by the president of Zanzibar.
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Breast Cancer Signs and Symptoms October is Breast Cancer awareness month, so what are the symptoms of breast cancer? They include: A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm that persists through the menstrual cycle. A mass or lump, which may feel as small as a pea. A marble-like hardened area under the skin. A change in the size, shape, or contour of the breast. More than 80% of Breast Cancer Redness of the skin on the breast or nipple. is detected by self examination A blood-stained or clear fluid discharge from the nipple. An area that is distinctly different from any other area on either breast. A change in the feel or appearance of the skin on the breast or nipple (dimpled, puckered, scaly, or inflamed). These changes may be found during a breast self-exam. In most cases, these changes are not cancer. For example, breast pain is more common with benign breast conditions than with breast cancer. However, if you have any of the signs above and it worries you, seek a doctor‟s care as soon as possible. Don‟t wait until symptoms worsen or “get Human pink ribbon at better”. If breast cancer is present, it is best to be diagnosed ROP Stadium, Wattayah at an early stage, when the cancer is most treatable.
From the NACA Photo Album
Qarankasho at the Royal Hospital
Yuthar at the Susan Komen Cancer Walk in Washington DC. EDITOR Sally Perry
Receiving a donation from the National Bank of Oman
Volunteers at the Royal Hospital
Having fun raising both funds and awareness with NACA
REFERENCES Macmillan Cancer Support, Mentor Worldwide LLC, Medline Plus, World Cancer Research Fund