Omar Diab | Architecture & Urban Design Portfolio

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Architecture & Urban Design Portfolio

Selected Works 2010 - 2018

OMAR DIAB Born in , September 6th 1993 E-Mail : Mobile : +20 1110013199 Address: Building1,Block1168 Mukarar, Sheraton Heliopolis. Cairo,Egypt.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 1997-2007 |Sakkara Language School | Maadi 2008-2010 | IGSCE British high school degree | Saint Fatima School |Nasr City 2014 | Summer Semester | Bachelor Thesis in the University of Stuttgart in Germany | Faculty of Architecture and urban Planning | Urban Design Instiutute | Grade : 1.0 | Equivilant to A+ in the German system 2010-2015 | Graduated with Bachelor of architecture and urban design with honors| German University in Cairo | Cumulative GPA: 1.61 | Equivalent to A- in the German grading system 2016-2017| Master of Science in architecure and urban design | German University in Cairo | Thesis Title: Reconding Urban Voids | Cairo Dismissed Railways as Potential Spaces to Reinvent the City Public Life

WORKING EXPERIENCES 2015 | ARCH-TEAM Design & Bulid Studio (Part-time Architect) 2015 - 2017 | Teaching Assistant in The Architecture and Urban Design Department in the German University In Cairo 2015 - Present | Freelance Architect , Cairo 2018 - 2018 | Architect at haascookzemmrich Studio2050 , Stuttgart 2018 - Present | Instructor in The Architecture and Urban Design Department in the German University In Cairo

SKILLS Softwar Skills

Auto-CAD, Revit Rhino, SketchUP, Cinema 4D, 3D Max Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign

Other Skills

Sketching, Illustration, Photography Physical Modelling


Fluent in Arabic and English Elementary in German (A2)

RELEVANT EXPERIENCES 2011 | ARCHTEAM Design & Bulid Studio | (3 month internship) 2012 | ARCHTEAM Design & Bulid Studio | (3 month internship) 2013 | Participated in Downtown Cairo The Tangible and Intangible Heritage workshop | Organized by the Architecture Department in the German university in Cairo, the technical university in berlin and the German academic exchange program (DAAD) 2013 | Kunst Akademie, Stuttgart | Design Studio workshop for the top ranked students 2013 | GUC Berlin campus Semester abroad | Exchange program 2014 | Participated in Learn-Move-Playground workshop | creating inspiring playgrounds in Cairo’s public schools | Organized by the Architecture Department in the German university in Cairo, the technical university in berlin and the German academic exchange program (DAAD) 2015 | Pre-masters Courses in the German University In Cairo | Urban Design Major

AWARDS -Mention with Honours in the Studentenförderpreis 2015 competition held by the Architktenkammer (German Architects Association) of BDA Baden –Württemberg for the entry with the bachelor project. -1st place in Guc Berlin Campus Competetion held by German University in Cairo commitie and Reinickendorf district commitie

CONTENTS Student Work 01.Stuttgart StĂśckach Sustainable Urban Redevelopment [Bachelor Project] 02.GUC Knowledge Center [Integrated Project] 03.Design workshop in Stuttgart. [Sky City] 04. Berlin LohmĂźhlen Island Urban Redevelpment [Mixed-use Quarter] 05.Triangadelo Pavillion [Parametric Based Design] 06.Young City Cairo [Under the Ring Road] 07.Manial Waterfront Redevelopment [Urban Design Project]

Professional Experience 08. Faculty of Arts |King Abul-Al Aziz University [ARCH-TEAM Design Studio] 09. Federal Mogule show-room [SML Studio] 10.GUC Berlin Campus [GUC Design Unit] 11.Enercity Hannover Headquarter [Haascookzemmrich Studio2050]

The projects presented are thought to be a small insight into my work and are not shown in completness.

Stuttgart Stöckach Sustainable Urban Redevelopment [Bachelor Project - Mentioned with honors]

Stöckach is a parkway district, located the north west of the city of Stuttgart.the district was developed in the period between late nineteenth and the early twentieth century, but due to the rapid urban growth of that period Stöckach is suffering from A significant waste of land resources and huge environmental problems. However due to its privileged central location directly next to the inner-city park, the area have a great potential to become a new eco-model district for the city of Stuttgart. The initial urban design idea of the project with a sustainable approach by keeping some of the existing buildings structures in the intervention site which are in good conditions and can be renovated or repaired. Further development on the urban design concept was to extend the already existing city fabric, as the kept structures were already almost following the street pattern and merely forming some city blocks. Moreover, some buildings were added next to the existing kept ones forming new city block formed from a mixture of old buildings and new developed ones which would give the project a sense of identity as the structures will be contrasting offering some interesting architecture situations to be solved later on the architecture scale. The later evolved in a trial to enhance the connection between the Schloss Garten,the newly developed area, and city and also to transform Stöckach district main Neckar street to a lively street, which will be developed to serve the whole neighborhood. Competition Entry | Mention with Honors in the Studentenförderpreis 2015 competition held by the German Architects Association of BDA Baden – Württemberg Supervised by : Prof.Dr.eng- Helmut Bott eng-Micheal Hecker

Block A

City block analysis & Restructuring Concept

Block B

Block C

5. The block form with the old and newly built structures forming interesting architecture situations.

4.Adding some solitare buildngs height from 8 to 12 stories ,Floating in the park,at the end of the streets.

3.The park cuts the city blocks forming new city blocks with sharp edges

2.Forming new blocks from a mixture of old and new structures,and extending the park to the project site

1.Project Site with the Kept Existing Buildng.

Focus Building location in the proposed urban design

The Inner-city park (Schloss Garten)

Physical Model for the Developed Urban Design Concept

Typical Stuttgart city block 1

Elevating one of the courtyards to make it more private. 3



Adding a mass inside the block court, to divide its inner space in to two courtyards

The park cutting the edge of the block 4

First Floor Plan



Tilting one of the block edges towards the sun to maximize the solar gains

Cutting some voids in the building to allow cross ventilation for the courts and to offer some open spaces for the users of the bulding PRODUCT

Architecture Form Finding Diagram

Longitudinal Section

Partial Elevation and Facade Section

East Elevation

GUC Knowledge Center [University Library in The GUC Campus] The library has transformed into a community-oriented building typology over the decade. The intervention site is located in the German university in Cairo campus, as they wanted to build a new library, that holds up around 100,000 books, the library is designed to play the role of a resource center, and also community gathering space. Thinking from outside to inside and taking in to consideration the approach of the building from outside in mind,also taking into consideration the students use of the space in front of the library, the idea was to make an intervention is this area in front of the newly designed library of. The intervention was to add movable cubes there which students will be able to organize and create their own seating areas with. The architectural design of the library has not only focused on just accommodating the required program but also it focused on create different spatial compositions and qualities for the interior spaces. Trying to give the readers different atmospheres or moods to read in.Upon entering the library users reach the casual reading area, through which they could access the cafeteria and the AV roof garden, or they could head to the library main reading halls on different floors connected visually by some double height soaces and some flying corridors. Group work : 3 Members Supervised by : Prof.Thomas Loeffler Prof.Hanno Ertel

The envelope of the building was developed in a way to give a unique quality to the inner space through the colored glass panels. The southern and the eastern facade are covered with a double-layered facade system, the inner layer is made of a structural glazing system while the outer layer is a light weight steel structure with some colored glass panels which will add to the quality of the interior space and reduce sunlight glare

Longitudinal Section

Ground Floor Plan

Seconed Floor Plan

4.First model for the intial idea which was later developed t o accomdate the program of the library

3.Physical Model for the developed architecture concept showing the final form of the library and the facades design

2.Physical Model for the proposed steel structure system consisting of Columns | Beams | secondary beams | Trusses

Existing Uni-Campus D Building Existing Uni-Campus C Building

1.Site model for the library location in the existing University campus

GUC Campus Open Space

Physical Models Photos

City Above The Clouds [Design workshop in Stuttgart] The Project aimed to develope a concept for an hotel replacing two old buildings in a process of upgrading the area surrounding the new project “Stuttgart 21”. After doing the urban analysis for site, I realized the significance of the plot, and its demand for an iconic structure.The initiative was taken of trying to design experimenting a new typology.The main inspiration for the project was The city of Baucis,which was described by Calvino in his book Invisbile cities as follow: “after a seven days’ march , the traveller directed toward Baucis cannot see the city and yet he has arrived. The slender stilts that rise from the ground at a great distance from one another and are lost above the clouds support the city. You climb them with ladders. On the ground the inhabitants rarely show themselves: having already everything they need up there, they prefer not to come down. Nothing of the city touches the earth except those long flamingo legs.” The idea was to have new sky city structure will be held up overlooking the whole city of Stuttgart by tall columns penetrating the existing buildings shell. The columns were interconnected and branched creating the units structures. Supervised by: Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Andreas Quednau

Pipe lines

Elevator and pipe lines

Unit Structure

Emergency Exit

Lohmühlen Island Berlin|kreuzberg [Mixed-use urban quarter]

The Lohmühlen Island is located in Kreuzbeg, a West Berlin neighbourhood immediately south of the river Spree, Where berlin wall was once running dividing the city of berlin into two parts. Undoubtedly the psychological and symbolic effects of berlin wall were evidently more powerful than its physical appearance; however in this specific segment of the city it physical presence was depriving the citizens from their right to access the waterfront of the river spree. Time has gone and berlin wall has gone… however what we see today is what was interpreted in this proposal as a the New Berlin wall; this chain of capitalist building structures directly overseeing the river spree, leaving nearly no space between them, radically depriving the citizens from their right of accessing the river waterfront.That’s why the whole notion of the urban design proposal revolved around how could a mixed used quarter on the Lohmühlen Island could break this chain of buildings and provide both the economic benefit and giving the right to the citizens to access the water front. The Island is currently occupied by a huge cement factory and some old redundant buildings which were built in the rapid, unplanned expansion era of the city after the War World ll. The nature of the island & its privilege location, gives it a great potential which have also led many civilian initiative to start a debate about developing the island site into a more useful development. The idea of the project was to develop a sustainable mixed use urban quarter, targeting start-up companies and housing for different social classes along with a number of public spaces until reaching the river waterfront which helps in the process of enriching this specific district of the city of Berlin and reflecting its strong cultural and historical image.

Supervised by :Prof.Dr.eng- Helmut Bott Prof. Dr.eng-Micheal Hecker

Project site

Main Spine

Chain of public spaces with a main square at the end

3 Horizontal parks

Cut-outs of the island for water to enter

Devloped Urban Design Concept

Urban Concept Diagram & Masterplan

Ground Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

Triangadelo Pavillion [Parametric Based Design] For quite long and the GUC architects are seeking a place where academic and social activates could take place. The project aims to design a standalone parametric based module pavilion. The idea was derived from the simple orientation of tripod chairs above each other to form in between triangle like modules with the chair legs resembling the offsetted distance in between each module for light entry to the inside. Also space between modules were left to allow the formation of a light grid inside the pavilion to allow both concentrated light and diffused light to enter. Group work : 6 Members Supervised by : Prof. Tamer El-khorazaty Lec. Mohamed Raafat

Young City Cairo [Under the Ring Road] In coordination with the Egyptian ministry of transportation, a design project was set to be developed for an area lying beneath the ring road with and informal settlement on one side and a middle social class society on the other site. First we mapped both sides of the ring-road to explore the diversity between the two sides. The two banks of the ring road were segregated by physical, social and economic barriers; however they were connected historically in cars maintenance industry. The aim of the developed design is to enhance the usage of space, and to align the functions into order, enriching the living conditions, by introducing better space qualities, economic and social features in a trial to terminate segregation between the both neighborhoods. First we mapped both sides of the ring-road to explore the diversity between the two sides. The two banks of the ring road were segregated by physical, social and economic barriers; however they were connected historically in cars maintenance industry. The aim of the developed between the both neighborhoods.

Group work : 3 Members Supervised by : Prof.Urs Walter

Project Site

Photo-Collage for the project site.

Site Car workshops

Before 2011 revolution

Cars Digging into the history of the site |situation Before & after the revolution

After 2011 revolution

8.Addition of the other upper floor slabs including the cafeterias and open public spaces ( Marked in Grey )

7.Adding the first two slabs of the first floor accomodating the market spaces (Marked In yellow)

6.The expansion of the workshops informally along the whole site

5.The self growing workshops begin to expand through the site alongside the street

4.The development of the workshop spaces into informal adaptaions according to each type

3.Dividing a section of the project alongside the streer for rental workshop spaces

2.Adding ramps to acces the site and streets for the cars circulation inside the project

1.Addition of the project infrastructure beneath the site to provide water and electricty

Design Phases Diagram.

Ground Floor Plan.

Manial Waterfront Urban Redevelopment The main aim of the project was to create an urban vision for the redevelopment of the western water front of Al-manial Island, a Nile island which is currently inhabitant by the middle class and very well known for its hospitals and medical schools. Currently the waterfront of the manial island is facing severe environmental problems and it’s not accessible by pedestrians as most of the shore line is privately owned to some old firms, however, due to its privileged location in the city centre the manial waterfront have a huge potential of becoming a new image of the city of Cairo. The design studio collaborated to create one proposal which divided the intervention site from the very beginning into into three zones. Zone 1 was decided to be the business district, as it was very near to grand hayat one of Cairo’s most famous hotels and al-qasr al-eini hospital which is one of the most popular medical schools and hospitals in Cairo. The vision for zone 2 was to develop it in a way to improve the community and promote cultural while the vision for zone 3 was to develop it to be a recreational and educational centre on the waterfront of Cairo. The plot 4 that was assigned to our group was in Zone 1 divided which into 6 different plots, including several nodes and landmarks, from an aquarium, conference centre, to a skyscraper visible anywhere from central Cairo. Plot 4 is one of two main business quarters in the project. Divided into two clusters with five different buildings. The upper cluster comprises of 3 office buildings directly on the business promenade. While on the waterfront, adjacent to the main promenade are more publicly accessed buildings; a boutique hotel and a conference centre with a unique form providing a landmark for the capital. Group work : 3 Members Supervised by : Prof.dr.Hossam Salama

Downtown Cairo

Dokki District


Centeral Business District

Al-Qasr Al-Einy Hospital

An Old Park

Old Cairo

Cairo University Bridge

GIZA (Western Part of greater Cairo)

Historical Building


Improving coummunity and promoting culture Inaccessibility to water front View to the nile


Educational and recreational facilities

Abbas Bridge

Al-Haram District


The island is well connected with its surrounding

Urban Vision & Swat Analysis

Science Musuem


Main Open Space

Main Promenade

Conventional Center

Green Spine

Site Plan of the focus plot

Main Promande

Hotel + Exhbition Space

Offices Complex

Conventional Center

Hybird Skyscraper

Green corridor, business promenade and Main promenade passing through the plot

Green corridor is subtracted from the plot mass

Main promenade acts as a bounding wrap to the plot

Business promenade divides the plot horizontally in to two

Masses extruded within the plot and each mass function defined

Final Urban Form

Urban Concept Diagram for Plot 4

Waterfront Elevation

Materials Board

Al-kasr Einy Hospital

Urban Section

Business Promenade

Green Promenade

Main Promenade

Wooden Deck

Faculty of Arts King Abul-Al Aziz University [ARCH-TEAM Design Studio] The faculty of Arts of the king Abdul-Al Aziz university was a part of an extension plan for the university campus. This Architectural project was developed based on a given master plan . The architectural project adapted a complex program , meeting the university requirements. This project was developed from the schematic architectural design phases to the detailed construction drawings , using BIM systems. This project was developed by ARCH-TEAM Design & Build studio . A sample of my personal contribution outcome is added to be a small insight of the capabilities of handling detaling construction drawings using BIM systems.

Computer Labs

First Floor Plan

Class Rooms

Main Atrium

Service Zone

Class Rooms

Class Rooms

5. Fourth FLoor Class Rooms Staff Rooms

3.Third Floor Administration Seminar Rooms

2.Seconed Floor Class Rooms

1.Ground Floor Entrance Hall Theather Workshop Areas

Detailed Partial Elevation

Detailed Ground Floor Plan

FEDERAL MOGULE SHOW - ROOM [SML STUDIO] As a Co-founder of SML STUDIO, our mission was to design a complex space for one of the biggest companies in the car spare parts industry Federal Mogule. The complex is compromising of 5 zones, a working space, service area, storage area, casual seating area & Show room area which is considered by the client as the most important area, where they can proudly exhibit their products. The initiative of the proposal was to provide an outstanding, elegant outer appearance for the showroom, along with an outdoor space which could be used by both visitors and workers. The architectural design proposal attempted to make the maximum use of the space in a trial to meet the expectations of the client, and make the maximum efficient use of the space. As for the interior design it was decided that a modern industrial look would suite best the client identity, program needs, and available financial resources.

ZONE 3 Service zone


Outdoor area acting as a transtional zone before entering the show-room


Office area


Main show-room area

Section A:A

Ground Floor Plan

Section B:B

GUC BERLIN CAMPUS [1st Prize - GUC Design Unit Team] The aim of the planning is to create a well connected university complex with high interior and exterior space qualities in the former Borsig area and to give the existing, historically significant buildings a new architectural character. The heritage-protected industrial halls are connected by complementary buildings - old and new, however, remain clearly legible. The old Siemenshalle will be flanked on the west side by the new boarding house, whereby its cultivation will be integrated into the new apartment building and the old brick façade will become a determining part of the entrance hall. The new, L-shaped building of the student housing block defines a courtyard on the back of the Siemenshalle, which functions as the new center of the campus. The «Small Hall» is upgraded not only by spatial but also by its architectural importance, and forms the new main entrance area of ​​the university. On the courtyard side, old and new parts of the building are connected by a transparent development gallery. On several levels, the work-oriented student work zones with a wide range of visibility are made possible on several levels. Access to the new GUC campus takes place from the north side (at the Borsigturm) via a new public forecourt, which makes the new entrance situation visible and generous, inviting as a meeting place as well as a place to stay - as a public interface with the neighborhood. From a distance, the new skyline of the GUC campus enriches with striking high points and elegant horizontal lines. The administrative building with its cantilevered volumes not only creates exciting perspectives but also defines the entrance to the campus and the forecourt and supports the perception of the GUC in the city.

1 | Site Existing Buildings

2 | Approach Defining campus entrance

3 | Enclosure Reforming Space

4 | Linkage Connecting Masses

5 | Massing Adjusting Volumes

6 | Campus Urban Form

Urban Form Evolution

Standard Unit 1 Sleeping Area|Studying Area| Kitchnette| Bathroom

2 Large Unit Sleeping Area for 2 | Small Living Area | Study Area | Kitchnette | Bathroom

3 Duplex Unit Sleeping Area |Living Area | Kitchnette | Bathroom


Common Spaces Typology Kitchen | Living Space | Outdoor Area

Boarding House - Fifth Floor PLan

Units Typologies

Campus Main Approach

Boarding House Elevation

Boarding House Approach

Section A:A

ENERCITY HEADQUARTERS [haascookzemmrich Studio2050] Enercity in Hanover is a municipal energy supply and service company. It covers the basic supply of the population of Hanover and the industry with electricity, gas, district heating and drinking water. As an architect in the Hannover , Enercity headquarters team in hasscookzemmerich studio , our task was to work on the design development of competition won by studio. The central element and heart of the design is the generous atrium, flooded by daylight.The atrium is also the central location for people to meet , communicate and enjoy the inspiring ambiance. Vibrant and communicative interaction evolves, thereby fostering a feeling of togetherness among the employees. The workplace is no longer a sperate department. The building itself reinforces the identity of the company.

The Work presented in is owned by haascookzemmrich Studio2050 , and just presen ed as sample of my contriubtion in the project. Here is the link for the Complete Project:

A Glimpse on my Sketch Book | Selected works

Sky City

Cairo’s Informal Settlments Mobile:+20 1110013199 Address:Building1,Block1168 Mukarar, Sheraton Heliopolis. Cairo,Egypt.

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