OH! design blog | year one

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fferent project typesabout: the firm specializes in as well as the section efficiently at the end.and Each section then opened with a title page that depicted one of theabout original sketches ta ofbest what talking This type of box is designed to“about” function effectively many purposes. There isn’tclearly. really anything special the boxbegan itself, butthe it serves itsdepicting purpose the history, geography, values, economy, traditions, technology and cultural life of place. ”first The idea ofFounder/CEO’s regionalism, for me, verified an suation: weI’m could.This a good example of ahuman project page. We set up most some rules for the design thefor book that help it read more The page of every project like leftisside ofcreation the abo at times, this type of is pizza boxsizes. is often original in design and carefully This pizza isofalmost completely arbitrary. While it does still contain pizza,two it makes many sacrifices in ovarious the idea that regionalism can betofunction. associated with a crafted. material that isboxnotoriously modern, indisregard that use ispizza ideally international and generic, isthe intriguin image numbers and We tried include any plans, sketches, ordictates construction drawings wherever applicable.I also its happened to take thethe above photographs…After the title page, om the previous types. Form does not follow In this example, form function. With an almost complete for the it was designed to house, this box has become the piz s I feel I have learned so much over the past few months. I am very thankful for the opportunity to work with GHLA in designing this book and look forward to working with them in the future!Betwe ebook. thatIt each of these architects comeI’dfrom and cultural backgrounds and hence havea strange variedcraving approaches toMuseums, building design th has always been aDesign, life goal, so I figured cross itdifferent off my list. geographical I’ll be sure to post some sample pages as they are completed. Now IAhave for pizza… Photography, O ure, Arlington, Art, to Books, GHLA, graphic design, OH!, Photography, Photoshop, portfolio, presentation, TexasJUN 16the 2013LEAVE COMMENTPHOTOGRAPHY, TEXAS VERNACULAREDITA SEAR me more than others). The visual content the book (plans, sections, and is rather good. There isn’t much interms the way ofofdiagrams, whi Y Right nexthighway door the Denver Art (DAM) is of the Clyfford Museum. Architecturally, itphotographs) is the exact opposite of DAM. It is beautifully simple andinshines in use clean lines and grB ble fromordinary. the upon entering orMuseum leaving downtown Dallas andStill isI incredibly popular, good reason. isenter likely one of the best museums I’ve visited ofits interactivity and content. e, though it can be a regulatory bit wordy. There are afind few issues have with thistofor read that, in Itmy opinion, lower quality and credibility of the book: Many t on the Most museums of art feature an architectural detail that allows soft, natural light to indirectly the building. Thisthe building ismade noever exception. The ceiling of thewhole second floor is aof slab re that is without a grid or system, but I did this museum to be a fun place be in.From what I could tell, the building is mostly of concrete and glass. The first floor’s ceil ngs, on walls, andenjoying photographing most uninteresting toget mya cousin for serving as the Clyfford Still Museum’s unofficial official If you live in confus Colora cteristics the regional aspects of even theinthe building have nothing doI with the fact that the building is made ofthe concrete. Several buildings feature mat s isn’trubbing-up really aof problem when the building person, but I would becorridor. lying ifto I(^^Thanks said didn’t little dizzy while Photoshopping some of pictures I took. Heremodel^^) are a few that weren’t Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, Design, Museums, OH!, Photography, travel URGENT COLORADO TRIP emergency tripofhome hasseems kept meas from posting anything interest as I have no acc hed by the use ofColorado, glass blocks alsolevel features concrete work and is labeled as concrete It just though many ofoftrip, the projects are aitOb ed byFEB most people.I know my camera wasn’t when to I took this photo, but you can see how things seem toAn beregionalism. arranged sort “willy-nilly”. Again, not too much of a problem inhome, person (though ome: 20 2013 1 escalator COMMENT DESIGN WORK I’mpictures trying learn how to use my Wacom tablet, so thisamain was just some practice. Architecture, Art, Colorado, Design, emergency Illustration, gles? Why does the go one way, but the stairs go another, while the third set of stairs goes third way? Things are angled and curved at the same time. Things change orientation seemingly some and arbitrary. There are often or text under-laid beneath the text that make reading sometimes a hassle. All of the image captio tsighted. ” -Dolores Hayden LULU, Valhala, Litter onfew a Stick, TOAD, andThe Boomburb are wordsto describe present in modern suburbia. are negative associated with pres Ifwe I had to beordinary, critical for a moment I would havea things tointerest say. building did have quite apatterns few poorly finished details, which wasThey distracting todrive-thrus meconnotations but probably unnoticed by the ot hey are not. Verdict: Pass you have in these four that architects and the four featured projects, you enjoy the book asbig aofvisual re at take as but areseveral in If reality far from it.a particular Things like interstate highways, car seem dependency, big box retail surrounded bydetail impervious asphalt, and may even are all aspects everyday . On the other hand, we saw parts of exhibits twice because we reached what seemed to be a dead end.Here are some shots:And my favorite, the elevator (I always love labels):All hethat knowledge gained. Architecture, Books, Design INTERNAL CONVERSATION AUGMuseum, 02 2012 DESIGN WORK I recently decidedand to upload book mat mit I wasOne unaware of the majority of the issues this book covers.intersecting It opens with a briefMuseums, history ofOH!, American expansion and then shares a collection of vocabulary aerial photographs thatIdescr orth a visit. more exterior:Tagged Architecture, Dallas, Design, planes, Perot Photography, Texas, thom mayne, travelJUN 09 2013LEAVE Athe COMMENTPHOTO ues. Verdict: Get this book. It may be that, being a product of suburbia, this book happens to resonate with me personally which skews my opinion. I am very sad to admit that about half of the exam ying. So,looks I am makingand the book available toone thedayworld forthere theand selfish purpose of mass appreciation. Here rather are the first few You can see the ent t Iand, think interesting I make a harmful mental note to go back photograph it. Usually the building or area isofactually interesting, butspreads: upon Put attempting itabI wl though they weren’t necessarily places for me are of in the run incredibly wasteful selfish in preservation for future generations. plainly: Ito amphotograph passionate goes, I’ve always tried to keep an open Itistofree-time? islive, very difficult, for me, toyou: not type-cast this type for of building as, “Hippy Crap”. There is something to ting very photogenically. I Unsure should blame myself, but Imind. won’t.It the fault the long buildings for being so… so…and not good at terms posing pictures.Dubiski Career School:I don’t know what a career h NG Are you of what to doyour with all of Iyour This is the solution Finally, ahave device that divides your day on the an High hourly basis. No more wondering when sign, but was so massive that I did not get a single picture felt are did dedicated it justice.The interior ofisn’t thefor building could very wellbrilliantly been more spectacular than exterior. Unfortunately, I was asked tohe ley nse that itunemployed? challenges you to adjust perspective, though there very much in the way of concrete architectural ideas. Mike Reynolds is the ng the unemployed wall clock! Specially crafted for those who to the unemployed lifestyle! The new unemployed wall clock is easily customizable to your taste in time mis-manageme grey steel, browngetting stone, and red(ish) brick make up bothnecessarily the Police Safety Building and The Summit, and both are aitunique combination of ask intersecting planes and masses. I use words like interest m being realized. However, the film doesn’t discuss sustainability as much as does fighting laws and standing up for whats right. I would pr,sort at night without drunk. Simply replace all video game icons with tiny beer mugs and you’re off to a shitfaced good time! Be sure to your loved ones for an unemployed watch or wall cl of… muddy.In the front of building the buildingorientations. there is a fountain that I thought was beautiful. I enjoyed the charcoalmost stone significantly more than the brown-brown-brown color palette used everywh struction practices and I served think the portion of the film enjoyed was watching the camera glide through andbuilding arouT esign, Dinosaur, Illustration, OH!, Photography, Photoshop, Random, Tas Rex Aexample SEARCH THE TEXASI VERNACULAR: EPISODE 9simply JAN 17 2013 PHOTOGRAPHY, TEXAS VERNACULAR Grapevine, Texas: wall…While I did enjoyheard seeing these buildings person, they an ofFOR something is pleasant in real life but does not photograph well.Again, totally not my fault. Stupid redom. If you’ve never of the Gaylord then you should know that itfilm is basically a gigantic hotel and convention center in an otherwise empty part of Texas. It houses several clones of famo he trailer. The trailer will give youTexan a ingood idea of26what the is like. Justthat keep in VERNACULAREDITA mind you won’t necessarily learn about sustainability. Architectu phic, graphic design, happy,several OH!, Photography, PhotoshopMAY 20132 COMMENTSPHOTOGRAPHY, TEXAS SEARCH FOR THE TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 11Frisco, Texas: el itself (which likely merits more trips), but rather to visit the Ice exhibit that is hosted annually around the holiday season. After waiting in a small line, you are shuffled through a series ofYo ot I that bought book at amiddle closing bookstore for $2mustache thinking thatme itofhad nice images and that Imain would regret it several if itI left without it.children. For theThemost pa eeanother. of town to ”the other andthis thenmoisture out to the of no-where. In a lot of ways Frisco reminds my hometown. There’s a historic street area, and schools andfor parks scattered among type of cold makes the leaving your nostrils freeze on your (Ladies? You know what I mean?). Though the exhibit was impressive, was obviously theme ding and gutted everything but the shell and designed a park around it. I’m told it cost quite a bit more money compared to the alternative of demolishing the area and starting from scratch, but tonelli. It is a book that is filled with what she calls “humble masterpieces”, but what you or I would call “regular stuff”. Each spread is dedicated to dw n Kool-aid. With that said, Iare fellsome upon of thethe habit of detail photos: My liked favorite portion of thebecause exhibit was the nativity scene at the end ofwhile the tour. I showing was indifferent tocanopy the subject matter, but I loved theaI’m lig was selected for use. Here runner-ups:I personally this perspective it showed the shell of the building also the tree and playground.The head-on age turner per-say, but each object offers a Worth, juicy portion of interesting facts and potential small-talk. Verdict: Check it out. If you are an inventor or a egular, punctual blogging. Art, arts, christmas, Dallas, Fort Gaylord Texan, Grapevine, Ice, OH!, Photography, Texas, travel A SEARCH FOR THE TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 8 DEC 31not 2012 4infa CO but didn’t quite make the cut. A different shot (not shown) that was very similar will forever represent this project.A couple detail shots that will live on in the firm’s archives but will likely see places. Itmad is aI’d good bookthem IFI you $2 would for it… Books, THE MUSEUM JUL 23Arboretum 2012 DESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING Last nig wother anywhere near Dallas, havedumpsters. called a big,only dumb, liar and have proceeded ignore them a trip to the Dallas with a focus shots proves there wat photo. But, I’m at the know isn’tpaid their fault..Lastly, a photo thatDesign hastoDetails: nothing toGROCERY doforever. theAlas, architecture design of the It’s really juston andetail interesting tothat turn a dead ture town, and beautiful old home (In a which photography was prohibited). Architectural Chihuly Details: I thoughtgraphic theor arboretum waspark. beautiful. I would very much likeway to visit again when ok that is soanot old, I cannot find link toitit…)). Without getting to philosophical, I with was specifically thinking about firms that make good architecture an BANANA HAMMOCKUmmm… yeah…I really don’t know what to say. Sorry…?Tagged banana, cartoon, Design, graphic, design, hammock, Illustration, OH!, Photography, PhotoshopMAY m,pes Architecture, arts, Chihuly, Dallas, dallas arboretum, Design, detail shots, nature, OH!, Texas, travel SEASONS GREETINGS DEC DESIGN Happy Holidays, whate of buildings generally poptointo everyone’s minds. I would go outdoors, so far asPhotography, to say people might classify things as2012 works ofWORK architecture and regu ics work and photography help them get their website up and running, as well as to design athat sort brochure/book. While I mostly just 25 Photoshop existing photos to the immaculate perf RNAL DEC 22Iarchitectural 2012 DESIGN WORK, PHOTOGRAPHY Because Ithere am forgetful, I made a book… Ina the spring of 2011, Iof participated intobut a have study abroad for one semester. Through Danish Instit os I took that thought were cool, but didn’t necessarily represent theare building efficiently.For website, you probably don’t want 10 shotsisprogram of the same project, butseems rather 3 to or so difference is not so black and white, and that examples beautiful offices and schools, generally speaking there be“money awhat bigshots” mpossibly difficult to narrow down the selection photos the images aof story and remind me of the things I did and saw crucial me because IVery don’telegant. remember Idiffe had photos. While Ifunctional do admire thepurposes building during theof daytime, itbecause really isall magnificent attell night. Those tall, narrow windows cast gentle light on(which the white wallsfor of the building. Very Modern.T rve purely while architecture accounts for the user’s experience. Here is a crude sketch of what I am talking about. On the left, yI w portfolio, presentation, study abroad, travel HAPPY THOUGHTS IN A JAR DEC 16 2012 DESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING This is a quick post to share a unique situation I found myself in the other day. etic?This shot may receive some limelight on thethe website company brochure, but Idepression love it too and much notthe to include itof inpiece the collection:Hopefully find time to post photos from eptbin asphalt desert that isFoods likely double size and is2013LEAVE used solely for save the function selling groceries. Though you will probably spend aast ling I last know of is at the Whole Market across town Toornecessary combat weather induced planet one of[FORMERLY] landfill, I placed aI’llhappy thought in thought aother jar: A“reject” sunny day under gton, Design, GHLA, nighttime OH!, Photography, Photoshop, TexasMAY A try COMMENTDESIGN GREAT WHITE BUFFALOI I might share some ive plants like mosses and fernsIphotos, instead ofbuffalo leftover architectural scale people and11 trees. I’d like to and make a aside real WORKEDITTHE terrarium one day, but I think a plant isatoo much responsibility for me. Once I le green, no public spaces, no attempt to get users toun-official, enjoy their shopping experience from air conditioning and clean floor. On the right, you c blog version of the same thing. guess the has become the official mascot of the blog.With Photoshop fun like this, who needs friends?Tagged Art, arts, Buffalo, David Gilhooly, Desi 07: PREFAB DEC 13 2012 ON THE NIGHTSTAND Prefab prefabrication combines traditional materials with contemporary aesthetics to create innovative housing solutions. ” The idea ofsculpture ong house artwork, itpreliminary also has aand great focus on apaid desirable atmosphere. Itused is often timesuntil a studio haven public spaces and galleries designed toprefabr attrat essor assigns athen smaller assignment as sort“Ideally, of acreating warm-up the main event. my fourth and final undergraduate weof were assigned the task ofdoes designing once that isinto sent to a factory mass-produced, I’ll only getfor once and theIntime design willtaking be and re-used I’vemuch starved to death. ” ^This book agrocery goodenvironmental job store. ofinto explaining why dhedrive. So I thought I’d share:Since I had spent nearly 4 years studying architecture at the I was on this project, the architectural design process had become hard-wired my brain. I fou ng people the building. Strangely, people do not visit a museum as often (or spend nearly as money) as they do a So why is bi-products of prefabricated design. bookadjacent then hastoa the selection of Creek case studies that are categorized as production, custom,right andup concept. These sections cover prefabricated and mass-produc in paths that bordered it. One path ranThe directly and awas covered inkept The other was pushed against aHere’s rather busy road which was very loud. Creek=Go easons why there are “buildings” and why there isBoulder “architecture”, but I was up last night thinking about it.views myseeing solution: The Grocery Museu means mandatory reading for practicing or aspiring is in aneared lot of ways compilation oftrees. material you will have learned about in college. However, howrelated pieces of architectural hist termined by the path’s distance from the noisy road.architects, When theand sidewalk theof road, the rings became more dense to eliminate undesirable and decrease traffic sound. As theand sidew a modern day painting. The temporary gallery will house all the seasonal items and the surrounding park will contain a weekly farmer’s market f s, or any combination thereof. The important thing to remember is that there are no answers in this book. There is no conclusion that states whether or not architecture can build happiness, e surroundings. little tunnel of light created a senseor oflocation safety.Tothat transform this from sculpture tohad attraction, thetolights in the rings weretodesigned tothere reactwould the be passing cars by as send yearby Place” in which designers architects share the building themproject happy.manifestation If Jane Wernick ask me to contribute her book, nocars question to TAND, 003: YES ISThis MORE JUL 17 2012 1 COMMENT ONlove THE NIGHTSTAND Yes is More “The driving idea is turning problem into atopotential” I’m going were included in my Studio 4and book: Internal Conversation, I still would to makes see the thesebothered rings in the landscape. Could a you imagine the sounds passing would make ng for solid evidence andme hard facts that speak to the when relationship of architecture andreal-world happiness, this book isPhotoshop, aofdecent read. There is no one Ianswer, but rather many factors that are21 explored in the te cTHE books, which got in a lot of trouble it came to doing reading logs and read-a-thons and such. also used to make comic books for whatev design process, Architecture, Art, arts, Boulder, Colorado, Design, diagrams, Environmental Sculpture, OH!, portfolio, Rendering, Sculpture, University of ColoradoAPR 20135 COMME TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 6end OCT 27 high 2012 2school, COMMENTS DESIGN WORK, PHOTOGRAPHY, TEXAS Austin, Texas: Texas State History Museum, River, Botanical I have been ploring thegardens. city. Naturally, one of my first stops after walking along river was theNOT Portland Art the So museum interesting architecturally, I book. did a Garden DELICIOUS cookie architecture school, atthink the of I always said that I was toVERNACULAR make my architectural portfolio into a should: comic I saw the th eChinese botanical Iacan not of a single reason astreets tourist inthe Austin should go togoing the Museum.While botanical here iswasn’t a listlived oftoo the why you Youenjoy willWhen definitely getwas the cha Garden little bordered by why busy and rowdy looking Just as Eugene, the city of Portland upreasons to every stereotype and1. expectation. Portland thriv ture books I was have ever seen. It documents the of BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group) ingardens. what Ingels calls an “Archicomic”, essentially meaning agarden blend of im onous looking snakes! 3.lovely You will behaven stabbed by plants from allwork overthe Texas! 4. You will bepeople. eaten alive byin mosquitoes while you try to artistically photograph water lilies in front of pretty hippies eopenhagen. and looked like they had just completed traveling time between 1970′s and 80′s and were sporting the memorabilia they had collected throughout their travels. I had originally planned on se The firm’s work is, inamy opinion, some of Ithe best stuff that isUniversity happening in architecture now. They make fantastic looking buildings ns,Remember, I went to the riverthe for memory a stroll. Austin is beautiful city. I hope to photograph itsure again soon! Austin, Botanical Garden, Design, campus. Museum, nature, OH!, Photography, plants, River,asarcasm, Texas,usi tra th. I have of a goldfish. While I was in Portland was also to visit the of Oregon’s Portland The iconic “White Stag” building houses very beautiful sch n contributes to people’s firstthemselves impressions ofvery you. It is, in to a photographs, way, a physical manifestation of your personality. So when you go to a job interview or business meeting, why does everybody dress theand sam gful text,Themodel photographs, built project and,They most importantly, countless diagrams! It istotruly insightful into BIG’s work process Very cool. studio spaces are similar those found in Eugene. are just newer and more open and have views out Portland rather than the Eugene campus. As the sun beg yl. not a denim suit, Hawaiian shirt, hand-knit tie? Of course I am aware that thetoman on some the right looks terrible, butcomic upon at meeting him you wouldn’t him.through And Portland, just by looking atyou him It of isget interesting. It campus is porn insightful. iscombination beautiful. Architects, designers, students, and even book fans atsoon least look this book. Aft rsity Oregon’s Portland looks veryItpromising. I hope get the chance spend on campus while grad school. Inshould the meantime, ifforget anybody visits would my massive creeper. D: AHURTS… former star. E: ofato the above. Your wardrobe can be time seen as all athat tool. A design tool. Something which people understand who you are and rec er new portion the University Oregon’s Eugene is small glass boxdisplay that looks different than of other buildings. While itthrough looks like in awill glass box, is something… spe gn WHY DESIGN JUL 15Some 2012 1campus COMMENT JUST THINKING currently on participating inThis a just student/recent gradthere architectural desi othing portray aofcharacteristic orof state of mind. When combined, they publicly myI’m personality. Theyplanning arethe an advertisement for who Iliterally am. outfit is me a nutshell. Which explains why no o ting/cooling system or a passive ventilation system. Either way, I’ve only ever heard it doesn’t function very well. In a stark contrast, the exterior of the building is entirely made of glass while the inte sign process and why it hurts so faux bad. There is nothing more intimidating to me (and I’mfeeble sure otherthere designers) than the blank page at the beginning m not alone! are unless your favorite pas? Art,one) clothes, clothing, Design, drawings, fashion, fashion attempt, first impressions, guilty pleasures, Illustration, job hunt, OH!, pers by and at What thefully cafe, you arefashion antoathlete (or know you are looking notand allowed to the other floors. it sense, isnow. a very funtrouble building, is stillwas something very… very… special… After researching nman. this situation must answer isWith the story they create gravity. So how does the start? It is different foraifevery person. thehasproce Aeat mature, grown human being. said, I have been for some cool wall art forWhile a while I came across that the subject matter is very cool,does the execution is u re is the definition ofisn’t a blank-check building, andthat the architect’s seemed to take advantage of that fact! Though itprocess didThe seem extremely over the top and bit elitist, the spaceHow is nice and the a yoblems merchandise that for toddlers. So I decided to make my own super-hero themed pop art. I basically took photos from the internet and put them through this process. For the time put into mak oritdifficulties I amallfacing indolife and enable myself tothink focus solely on the problem at hand. I then look atOH!, precedence images:travel, Things I like.ofThin rdbased to visiting occasionally. Now I needThe to is get good at a the sport. Do you bowling counts? Architecture, Design, Eugene, Jaqua Center, Oregon, Photography, University Oreg yT, an absolutely entire project off this concept. project was called “Wolverine Lamp” oreven “Snikt!” (which is the sound Wolverine’s claws make when they exposed the comic books) The assignm Or sometimes a mechanical pencil and a small journal. Sometimes some butcher paper and crayons. Once the tools are laid out, I Comic hithad the It they are nothing compared to the Lawrence School Architecture and Allied Arts! building is absolutely HUGE and blew me away at are first sight.my Myin previous school anwall. interest job of explaining the concept execution. Perhaps someday I’llof a living off ofbuilding the idea ofThis good for nerds and geeks alike. Until then, nobody idea. Art,while arts, Books, Com tectural library! For a man who buys books like they’re candy, this ismake aseems GODSEND! The features adesign beautiful courtyard that seems like a lovely place look at the stars you take a ten min called to distract me. Inand fact, this Fair post is just another thing to keep me from doing the work I desperately need to do.toIsteal fallDallas into extreme anxiety, depre XAS VERNACULAR Dallas, Texas: Texas State In the middle of what to be an industrial park is the vast field of asphalt that serves as the fair grounds for and, in this case, the state of Tex chitecture, architecture school, Art,of Design, Eugene, Lawrence Hall, OH!, Oregon, Photography, school of architecture, travel, University of Oregon LOST IN EUGENE APR 11The 2013 6 COMMENTS PHOTO oked lines. By this time I’ll have a large pile of worthless ideas and broken visions. I’ll be worn out and stressed out. Then suddenly, the “ah-ha” mome aessions few hours. Also here’s a small list what’s good and bad at the fair. The Good: Fried Samoas (Girl Scout Cookies) The BAD: Fried Guacamole Bites and Fried Bubblegum BAD: Extreme crowds a of Eugene, Oregon. upI’ve to its reputation as it rained on off throughout of my trip. This wouldn’t bother me normally, but it seemed as though waterproof in Texa until the idea iswonder exhausted and created something toand be proud is aduration feeling unlike any other. Then the tiring process begins again the 1.2very ne ose the colors andtoshape of Oregon the lamplived (Prismatic floor-lamp, spherical pendant, etc.) The Good: AItthe rather neat greenhouse (filled with model trains, people dressed as trees, amazing carved pumpk ten would pause where mountains had There was one difference thatof. was very noticeable 1- Colorado is extremely dryhas whereas Oregon isand extremely damp. Beca ve been meaning to post this videothe for a while now, butgone. itbeen constantly slips my mind. should have “On Thehowever: Screen: September”, but September come and gone. Jacque Fresco has been aa NIGHTSTAND Old Buildings, New Designs “… design integrity is Itessential forbeen exemplary architecture. ”shoes There is atime. scale I use toseem judge all wearing architecture on is the athletic nature of it’s inhabitants. I may well have the most over-weight person in Oregon. EVERYONE is wearing running all the All the girls to enjoy yoga pant mentary discussing Fresco’s life and work. This Hein designs literally everything; cities, buildings, homes,However, furniture, even plumbing fixtures. In fact, mytomost favorite ideaThe Fresco shared in the film wasid iated. Others give benefit purely of visual stimulation and excel incars, terms of looking (not reading) through the book. best kind ofit… book i rng buildings each look completely unique. isterms nice hands. because it allows foronly architectural as acriticize first time visitor, I found it very easy wander off campus without knowing This hands, and be just as effective forbe washing Perhaps my criticism, ifdiversity. I’m in the position tobut such an accomplished man, isschool that heseems never actually follows through of ’ll post asisI just editacould them. Eugene looks like it’ll a great place to live. The city isfun great andas the campus is lovely, most importantly architecture fantastic! Now excuse me while I sc or knowledge gained, the written portion ofis the book strikes pure drivel does not allow any sort of insight into how meets oldon (aany pre t,–> Fresco factory for lost ideas. Regardless, the film inspiring and itspost tome watch Fresco share hisand ideas. His way of talking isthe rather entertaining. Imagine that younew took your average grandfath Arlington, TX ————————–> Eugene, OR This is just a quick little to say that someday very soon this big, hairy buff is gonna quack. I’ve recently been accepted to the University of Oreg uttogood the design process involved theportion renovation, orAPR re-invigoration of architecture. However, where book really shines the seco me stuff in can’t your brain. Verdict: Try a in small ofSHADOW the filmrestoration, and go from there The01 first ten 2minutes willold probably tell youPHOTOGRAPHY if you can stomach more. the Sometimes its difficult to takeisFresco seriou ck school and wait to get started! QUACK! IN THE OF THE ROCKIES 2013 COMMENTS DESIGN WORK, I happened to be driving through Boulder as the sun rast. Each casecity study has alots few good images as welllifelook-out aseasier. a short paragraph or regarding the history and storyspent behind the work ofbut architecture. Ima architecture I’ve tricks to helptomake studio This post is about making presentation boards beautiful. you’ve literally weeks of your life onidea a project, youIw border the student, entire of learned Boulder. So Iofquickly drove Flagstaff andchoose stopped to try andtwo capture this growing shadow. ThisAfter isn’tover exactly time-lapse photography, the is become similar. he all-nighters, red bulls, take-out Chinese food. Asthe ablack result, many students color palettes that detract from their presentations all. I have may often witnessed colorsthing clash and cularly interested inand this type of architecture, than perhaps the book isshortly worth purchasing. However, the case studies bebrain theinforming only worth wha nt there. I wish I had been able to stay until the sky went and boulder lit-up, however after arriving to the look-out my bladder sent a message to my it that it was full look If you findstart a pair you like, “borrow” color palette! are some really quick oftowhat I’m about: Hopefully you can imagine as Photography, mya design presentation board Gehry Let me first saying I’ve never really been ayou big fan of Frank Gehry. I’ve always thought that architecture has responsibility that timebeautiful. I’ll get toyou’re try capturing thisby event over athat muchthe longer period ofHere time. Perhaps next time I’llexamples remember bring antalking empty bottle… Boulder, nature,this OH!, Photoshop, Sunya lustrator and set! Remember, your professor doesn’t care about the does colors choose and what athis color-matching genius you are. During aaColorado, critique, everyone wants to adiscuss your ideas and taries about design I’ve ever seen. Objectified is guide, a documentary thatwho discusses the design of almost everything. From the over looked design ofMOVES toothpick, to theand design of chair, or car,that or even arc work has always struck me critts, as the work of someone not understand responsibility. His work seems irrational sculptural in it do this helps! Architecture, critiques, Design, how to, Illustration, OH!, portfolio, presentation, shoes, student tips, tips, tricks MAKING PART DEUX: DIARY OF AN ARCHITECTURAL PR eally recalluses any.his However, this film full ofinvaluable insight. “Everyway, object, intentional or not, speaks to most who put it there. a designer, I loved person hearing others discuss theircolleagues design process and theories swillingly great modern architects. Iforyou interested inusually architecture or design or even art,advice I” As cannot guarantee that you will this film. It would see or her talent or is ability aare basenot and unworthy for money. Perhaps the common an unemployed receives fromenjoy their asgood they prepare for ct on those who have no experience knowledge of the role of designers. I’m often times under the impression that the “average joe” is unaware of the importance or necessity for and innovat and his bizarre way designing. filmportfolio, portrays sculpting the building, free frompriceless worries of programmatic and structural limitation thingso you do: your business card, youras website, your even your literally tie, at shoes, and glasses. What is perhaps more difficult isthe proving that your body andOn personality is better than everyo hool I could beenaof more aware to The theberesponsibilities of respectable. ahim designer younger age.aThe insight this film provides and should not toofbework missed. a side note, the film was crea have become ahave product; product thatsay must prestigious I ahave become brand; one and is services constantly reflect my work ethic talent. With that said, tly, everything I’ve heard him tells me quick, he isand brilliant. Verdict: Watch itthe (Ifform you angoods architect oritarchitecture student, you might buying it 23 2013 DESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING Here’s another Tablet practice inexactly ofare aIwho’s comic strip: to Wouldn’t bemust funny if a Magic you fat? and I’dconsider be torn between laugh on; expecting that it Westminister, alldesigning goes as planned. I expect that the Wacom prospective employer isimage seeing what want them see. have I assume the e-mail was 8-ball sent tocalled and received the correct person. I ho of I’m the stylist is ever to improve our life of the future. Thanks to the American stylist. Yes, Thanks toassociated the men and women who desig MENTS PHOTOGRAPHY CO:changes The Butterfly Pavilion I’veme been going to the Butterfly Pavilion since pre-school and many fond memories with it.Itby This museum of the creep wait for a response. All of these unknowns and doubts have forced to take my prostitution to the American Postal Service. A letter received in the mail shows initiative. shows I am willing to go moth. Some are so small you must look very carefully to spot them. Some are massive and create large gusts of wind as they flutter by. Some are… uh… blue…? Some look like giant, tie-dye MOTHR u’ll see its very much more an incredibly long commercial for expensive things, Chevrolet, and America. Try to count how many time the narrator me et me noticed by one as, of the dozens of offices applying to. One question: At what point does a lonely prostitute think, “Maybe its me…” As ame prostitute, I will inevitably face rejection. It can while be diffic nd I was then known “The Butterfly Man”. ItI’m was fun to sweat a bit inon this faux-rainforest just like my elementary school days. Please excuse while combat the head liceSEP I’ve05 contracted pa 13:38 - Segment on Architecture 17:00 -absolutely Segment Design Studios Design, Precedence, Video A SEARCH FORAITHE TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE rs:on a few more bathroom stalls… Architecture, Design, Illustration, job hunt, OH!, portfolio, prostitution, sarcasm, work ethic HOW TO PAINT A ROOM: STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE 2012 just DESIGN WO w. I used a website to create thethat books I my love them. Ibut now have ahouse, printed copy of myand European Photo Journal and Portfolio and Iaverage couldn’t be happier. There’s someth be. The exteriors 2012) seem rather plain and ordinary, the spaces natural lighting is my superb. Seeing Ando’s original sketches of h ytc.) to come tocalled such(in aBlurb room. oneand day parents would want toyou sell theinterior I endeavored to select aof color palette suitable for the person, rather than leaving a roA but youhome should know that youKnowing need to download the InDesign plug-in before start designing (It’ll save you a lot time, TRUST more ME). Architecture, Books, Design, OH!, portfolio THE DENVER w to guide: How to Paint a Room: A Step-by-Step Guide *IMPORTANT NOTE: If ever during the Step-by-Step Guide you feel overwhelmed or under qualified, skip to Step 10* Step 1: Watch lots of HGT he space. Unfortunately II believe was forbidden from taking pictures in theof upstairs However, gettingthe the chance tooftouch some ofAllison Tadao Ando’s in hought I’d share a few of them:to it research. is important to note that one ofshows the authors the book isingalleries. (or wastoatsee the time of publication) Editor-in-Chief Dwell magazine, Arieff. Needles deal candidates for pretending conduct Be sure to watch such with the lights offit’s order the screen in more detail andissufficiently hurt your eyes. Step 2: Select a Color Pale EXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 3 JUL 07 2012 PHOTOGRAPHY, TEXAS VERNACULAR Fort Worth, Texas: The Kimbell Art Museum This famous Louis Ka finishing my portfolio, it occurred to me that I have a significant amount of work that did not receive due amount of time in the spotlight. This either because they were warm-up projects or beca utiful on the 4-in bypool 4-in and paint sampledesign. card, but will be extremely obnoxious when applied to an entire wall. Step 3: Visit yourArchitecture, Local Home-Improvement Store It isitsafe say that you willidea need anyth that reclaimed recycled I always thought the official motto forfenced course was, “Take something old/used and make itWorth, better than wastoinArt its After prime. ” The really ca thestressed infamous water alongside the buildings was drained and off! Oh, Louis… Fort Kimbell Museum, Museum furniture or decorations toof the center of the room that you plan toun-official, paint, creating a huge pile ofthe junk that difficult to maneuver Step 4: Begin Removing Wallpaper attempting to rem frIacrylic that normally have shaped portions of usable material left. The tags be cut out of ismost scrap pieces. 3. a Myaround. professor really pushed tothis integrate reclaimed design with dig to Fort Worth toabout check out the Iscrap had been there before, but never with good camera. I visited time with the intention inventured alimited rushed manner. Do notodd worry removing alland ofStockyards. the wallpaper as it zipper will becould easycan to paint over. Step 5:(which Tape off the Surface that is to be Painted Veryme slowly and carefully, apply tape to one ed only to what you could draw on the computer what pieces of you get your hands on is to say that it is nearly unlimited). Later in the semester, I went on to make the “B ours following is some of what I saw: didn’t this way, fullwall of and young Girls dress infilms we toscrap thethere. tape, asThe that will surelymaterial, increase the amount ofTHE work youIwill need remember to do.2012 The more likely the tapebut isSCREEN toit fallwas off the inbars the middle ofI have the painting process, theseemed less time itto will take toup remove on d, pieces, style, usable tags ON SCREEN: DECEMBER DECit 06 2012 ON Sleeping Beauty anpeople. unashamed love and admiration for Disney a ection in whichboasted you roll the brush as zipper welland as the pressure applied to the brush in were order to the,THE “hand-painted look”. Step 7:isRemember the Details Be What certain to paint over any dust, dirt,There holes pubs. Each live music free parking, though they allaccent rather similar inWaking nature. Country music and beer. Old western swinging doors an ard to learning more about the animation and movie making process that Disney has perfected throughout the years, and there some of that in this film. it comes down to is opinion: because primer is included ina the paint mixture. Itwere is common knowledge that all written directions are 100% accurate and should be followed to ancowboy obsessive extent of artists course thewe dir d not at least portray horse. There also many large structures that housed small shops forand western wear and memorabilia. Some iniscent of the studio culture present throughout my undergrad experience studying architecture. Idrying lovealways hearing the story behind some of(if my favorite films. It is interesting to(Unless hear the talk ab ovide you with a pulsing headache, help to remove excess brain cells, probably help with the paint’s process or something, will done correctly) ensure that you momentarily lose conscio my mostbuildings, favorite Disney film of all time and a grand success). HATE: I hateexpensive hearingof about theand officeits politics associated with the company. Hearing what pressure the studio becomes andyou wat emed I found atolost modern bank. shear scale itself parking lotcompletely dwarfed it’s surroundings. Hidden within busy, historic b on handy-work and beoften sure congratulate yourself viaThe purchasing gifts yourself. In order toand be successful, be to atake manyiscooker pictures ofthis the process that herinyour magical feelings. I have times been accused of It being oblivious to up. the nature offor the Disney company, to see the business endthe ofcertain such aroom corporation very depressing for me.soagain Verdict: If yc ns, fish, stray cats, TONS ofanimation mosquitos, would seem as though the designers of this bike path have been inspired by San Antonio’s Riverwa ar the room painting process, without giving up,etc.) now is the time to give Call some professional painters and instruct them to may paint entire white. Then, remember never attem sfloating intoI’ll the films and some of the techniques that have developed over the years, butfeatures be warned: If you blindly love Disney, IAll suggest you take the blue pill and remain intobliss. IfComics, you are aft( in it… Over all, I liked it. It has good bones. Brick streets, wooden walkways, rustic finishes. are very appealing. The one criticism I have oubt ever do it again, I think the room turned out rather well. I’ll post pictures of some of the I’m most proud of eventually to ensure you all know how crafty I am, of course… Desi NIGHTSTAND 1000 Icons, Symbols + Pictograms BLACKCOFFEE I’ve this book forthirst now, and, while flipping through it, I wasand inspired toa make myhabit ownof for the topics blog about m nly a few things I spend money on other than theby necessities; I have anhad unquenchable for books, I thoroughly video games, I have strange buying junk. JunkIyou meaning thin city, and even the side streets had bumper toeasy bumper traffic for book thea while majority of the timeenjoy was there. I wonder if icons, anyone hasicons ever proposed to should make t purpose and fills an interest I had, though itBut would be very to choose anyon other about symbols replace it.I It isn’t a bad book. you like symbols, or pictograms then kn tore items like old toys andblog, mallard decoys. occaisonally I’llIllustration, spend money junk thatGOBBLE turns out to be to a PHOTOS useful gadget. This time it wasIfan olloclip for WORK, iPhone 4. This handy little device is a small, c Strøget inare Copenhagen, Denmark). Architecture, Fort Worth, Photography MAKING MOVES An Investment/Advertisement JUL 05(which 2012 DESIGN WO my blog posts! Hooray…? Books, Comics, Design, icons, OH!, pictogram GOBBLE NOV 27 2012 2 COMMENTS DESIGN PHOTOGRAPHY [Atlanta, GA] –the [Mo already. Here a few sample photos I (and friends) have taken so far with the olloclip, with a little color help from the app called Snapseed. Macro Setting: Cucumber Water is gross, by wU tos. Here are some of my favorites: High Museum of Art : Atlanta, GA This museum is designed by Richard Meier and features an addition by Renzo Piano. If you don’t like art (or, like me, don’t understa PHOTOGRAPHY, TEXAS VERNACULAR Handley, Texas: Historic Downtown This isclip the first of many posts that willondocument my adventures inthat Texas. ou have a stubborn case. 2If you use screen protectors, its likely that the clip will peel it off. 3When the is attatched, it covers the lock button the top of your phone. This means whene ever, the aquarium seems to focus moremy on singing and friendship than it does fish… World of Coca-Cola : Atlanta, GAactually What is enhanced a good Texas”^ thing I photo) can Architecture, sayThough about this attraction…? It obsesses over theollo idea will be intended to document experience. ^That is a fancy way of saying, “pictures from exploring Photography LIVE NOW! J flash while the olloclip is on your phone, or else this happens: Fish-eye Setting: Restaurant with Flash (The flash glare this there are some frustrating flaws, the ound thespreads world, butof it isthe identical to the one located in buyer… Epcot in Design, Disney world andiPhone, is significantly crowded. Go to001: Disney world instead. Fernbank Museum : Atlanta, GA2012 Westin Hotel : Atlanta , sttofew portfolio: Architecture, Design, OH!, portfolio ON THEmore NIGHTSTAND, FROM LAS VEGAS JUL ON THE NIGH ty take REALI fish-eye photos? Certainly not thisFL junk Gadgets, Photography, Review, Technology ALEARNING REASON TO GO TO AUG 2004 2012 VIDEO Miniatur Wund coach’s”. highly recommend Destin, What can I say about Destin? Beautiful white sand. Clear-blue water. Cute sea cottages. ItsBACK ideal… ifHAMBURG you those sorts of things Alabama, Alaba ing. I suppose the only solution is toa visit. return to someday… WHY COMIC BOOKS STILL MATTER AUGover 05 2012 DESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING comic book: n. A book oftime comics strips or cartoo ^roach I’ve got aatlanta rather collection ofHamburg architecture and design books I’ve gathered my school years, most ofI HATE which Ilike haven’t to read. So I’ useum of aart ga,large Montgomery, Museums, OH!, Photography, roach coach, Seaside, state capitol, thanksgiving, travel, Westin, World of Coke FLYING. NOV 20had 2012 1 can COMMENT JUST THIN eurn. issue at time. It seems to be a phase in life that either leads to newer and more “mature” fads, or becomes a life long hobby (Though it is important to note that comic books be more “mature icaarchitecture book that I believe most people who aremeats interested inindividual. modern design have read or least heard about. The classic reference is the id 2. I hate waiting. 3.by I hate turbulence. 4. Icreating hate people who bring deli and cheeses to make sandwiches onon the plane. 5.hand, I at hate people think its okay toreader laugh to out loud at thethings book they limited only their imagination, a reasonably unique experience per Comic books, the other have thewho ability tolet allow the understand with nnt theworld lights on. 10. I hate people close their windows. 11. Ito hate landing. 12.architectural I hate that everyone seems sogoogle: comfortable when I can hardly breath, alone move. This list portrays me as an anT mes it seems to mewhen like a stretch, the book tries verify the value of the highly flashy and commerce oriented buildings (like those fou plot lines information are incredibly beautiful, fun, Example of visual information found from In my experience, the airport, value ofangry comic books extends entertainment. cis places. 4. and I love flying over, near, and through clouds. I’mclever. not completely of hate. Just mostly… Also, Happy Thanksgiving! airplanes, person, Art, aviation, cartoon, comedy, Com eeated Venturi’s insistance on the alteration ofSee, aand given architect’s perception ofon Las Vegas (and hence modern architecture). In terms ofbeyond reading, the book any presentation. Timeline my Life: created for World History class infull high school I have multiple occasions used a comic book as asotemplate school projects, taking topic that, for SIGNinto WORK, PHOTOGRAPHY, TEXAS of VERNACULAR Arlington, Texas: My Backyard Arlington isn’t necessarily a bustling metropolis. In fact, I’d go far as tofor classify the entire city as aadense suburb t



design blog year one

THANK YOU I am going to pretend that this small personal project is a real book. Meaning I need to begin with a few thank you’s. Thanks to all the friends, family, and internet strangers who have ever read or even glanced at my blog. It is incredibly gratifying to receive compliments from former classmates, cousins, and absolute strangers about things I have spent so much time on. So thanks. Seriously.

ABOUT This is a book about a blog created to document my design work, ideas, and everyday interests. Nothing formal. Just conversational writing. Hopefully, I’ll get you to smile… OH! is my free-lance architectural design, visualization, and documentation company. Through 3D computer modeling, hand sketching, physical model building, digital photography, and video production, OH! offers its services to any persons in need of it. Much care is taken in the craft of every OH! project, and every client is sure to be pleased (perhaps enough to exclaim “OH!“). The OH! design blog began as a way to create an internet presence for myself and showcase some of my most recent work. As time has passed, it has evolved into a place for me to share anything; books I’ve just finished reading, movies I’ve just finished watching, professional projects I am working on, and even silly computer doodles. It has evolved into a mechanism that provides incentive for me to continue to read, write, create and explore. Also, it is fun.

ICON GLOSSARY DESIGN WORK: This icon is used to label any work that involves even the least amount of design work on my part. It may be an entire architectural project or just a small Photoshop doodle.

JUST THINKING: This icon is used whenever a post expresses my opinions, ideas, or thoughts on any number of matters. Usually it involves me attempting to rationalize my irrational side...

A SEARCH FOR THE TEXAS VERNACULAR: This icon labels posts that contain photos from my adventures in Texas. Most frequently they label posts that involve architectural photography in the state of Texas.

ON THE NIGHTSTAND: Excluded from this book, this icon labels posts discussing books I’ve just finished or am currently reading.

ON THE SCREEN: Also excluded from this book, this icon labels posts about films I’ve recently viewed. The films are usually documentaries about architecture, design, or both.

CONTENTS The following is a selection of posts from the first year of the OH! design blog. Posts are arranged in chronological order and are labeled as they were online. For those unfamiliar with the blog’s format, the very first spread entitled “Test Post” operates as a “How-to Read This Blog” guide explaining the different organizational and categorical labels present throughout this book. Enjoy.










JULY 06, 2012







JULY 05, 2012


JULY 07, 2012

JULY 07, 2012


AUGUST 05, 2012

OCTOBER 16, 2012

OCTOBER 27, 2012

NOVEMBER 10, 2012


NOVEMBER 27, 2012



JANUARY 26, 2013

FEBRUARY 22, 2013

MARCH 08, 2013


APRIL 01, 2013



DECEMBER 16, 2012







SEPTEMBER 05, 2012


SEPTEMBER 14, 2012


OCTOBER 08, 2012

DECEMBER 31, 2012


JANUARY 17, 2013


APRIL 21, 2013


MAY 11, 2013


MAY 15, 2013


JUNE 09, 2013


JUNE 13, 2013


This is the original post date of blog post.

This is the title of the post... If that wasn’t clear, perhaps you should consult your physician...

MOBILE PHOTOS This is the category in which the post was posted.

This is a test post as well as an opportunity to share a photo I took. These are some lamps at a Nordstrom made of corrugated cardboard. Very cool and very unexpected. I never thought a department store would have something like this.

These are words. Read them.

This symbol stands for “Extended Play”, meaning that the print version of this particular post features things that never made it into the blog. More words. More images. More content.


This is a picture. Look at it.

This little box signifies the end of the post, and is usually filled with a symbol associated with one of the topics I most frequently blog about.


JULY 05, 2012


Handley, Texas: Historic Downtown


This is the first of many posts that will document my adventures in Texas. Ultimately I hope to gather a portfolio of images that can document my experiences in Texas and speak to the sense of place. Not all will be beautiful images, but rather will be intended to document my experience.

<-That is a fancy way of saying, “pictures from exploring Texas�



An Investment/Advertisement Check out these new business cards. They are in fact a product designed by and for OH! .


Do not look here.


JULY 06, 2012


Fort Worth, Texas: The Stockyards This afternoon I ventured to Fort Worth to check out the Stockyards. I had been there before, but never with a good camera. I visited this time with the intention of capturing some late afternoon/night shots of the stockyards and the surrounding area. Unfortunately, it was still too hot for me to spend anymore than a couple of hours there. The following is some of what I saw:

I didn’t remember it this way, but it was full of bars and young people. Girls seemed to dress up in western wear for the novelty of the experience. Men all had cowboy hats and cigarettes. It was like a movie really.


More than anything, the streets were lined with bars and pubs. Each boasted live music and free parking, though they were all rather similar in nature. Country music and beer. Old western swinging doors and a wooden, covered front porch. There were dozens of Cowboy/ Western/Texas themed wall murals on most corner lot buildings. I do not recollect a single one that did not at least portray a horse.

There were also many large structures that housed small shops for western wear and cowboy memorabilia. Some were fully enclosed and airconditioned. Others were open at the end of every axis and filled with water misters, around which people gathered.

Among these cowboy themed buildings, I found a lost modern bank. The shear scale of itself and its parking lot dwarfed it’s surroundings.

Hidden within this busy, historic bar scene was a bike path that followed a creek. The water was close to stagnant and full of garbage like old wrappers and tires, but it was still full of wildlife (turtles, herons, fish, stray cats, TONS of mosquitoes, etc.) It would seem as though the designers of this bike path may have been inspired by San Antonio’s Riverwalk. The major difference being that this was so far removed from the Stockyards that I was the only person down there. In fact, the only bike remotely near the creek was floating in it…

Over all, I liked it. It has good bones. Brick streets, wooden walkways, rustic finishes. All are very appealing. The one criticism I have (if I am in a position to criticize) is that the traffic seemed to be a bit over powering. There was four lanes of traffic cutting through this potentially beautiful portion of the city, and even the side streets had bumper to bumper traffic for the majority of the time I was there. I wonder if anyone has ever proposed to make the Stockyards a more pedestrian friendly place. Perhaps closing a few of the streets from cars permanently (perhaps Pearl Street in Boulder, CO could be a precedence or Strøget in Copenhagen, Denmark).


JULY 07, 2012


Fort Worth, Texas: The Kimbell Art Museum

This famous Louis Kahn building was shockingly small. None the less, it has stood the test of time and seriously impressed me. Most unfortunately, the building is undergoing construction, so the infamous pool of water alongside the buildings was drained and fenced off!

Oh, Louis…


JULY 07, 2012


Fort Worth, Texas: The Museum of Modern Art


Tadao Ando’s American masterpiece is as magnificent as its fabled to be. The exteriors (in 2012) seem rather plain and ordinary, but the interior spaces and natural lighting is superb. Seeing Ando’s original sketches of his and Louis Kahn’s buildings was an extra treat for me. Even better was when the power in the building went out, and I got to see just how the day lighting illuminated the space. Unfortunately I was forbidden from taking pictures in the upstairs galleries. However, getting the chance to touch some of Tadao Ando’s infamous concrete more than made up for it.

The glass masses and concrete planes seem to float over the water surrounding the galleries. Without the wind, the building’s reflection appears like a mirror.

As I said earlier, the main motivation for anyone to visit this building (other than to see art) should be to see the concrete work. It truly is spectacular.

Just before security came -->

And then I was asked to leave...



I’m currently planning on participating in a student/recent grad architectural design competition and am having a bit of trouble starting. You could say that I am experiencing the architect’s version of writer’s block. Which got me thinking about the design process and why it hurts so bad. There is nothing more intimidating to me (and I’m sure other designers) than the blank page at the beginning of the design process. Especially in moments like this in which there is no site, no client, no responsibilities to which the designer must conform. The only thing a person in this situation must answer to is the story they create and gravity.

So how does the process start? It is different for every person. How does the process start for me? I begin by cleaning. I clean everything; my desk, my room, my computer’s desktop, my e-mail inbox. This cleansing helps me to focus. To purge whatever problems or difficulties I am facing in life and enable myself to focus solely on the problem at hand. I then look at precedence images: Things I like. Things I don’t like. Things that make me think. Things that make me ask questions. Mostly just things. I then select my tools. Perhaps a roll of trace and a thick black marker. Or sometimes a mechanical pencil and a small journal. Sometimes even some butcher paper and crayons. Once the tools are laid out, I hit the wall. I try everything in my power to rationalize putting off the work I’m about to do. I check e-mails and Facebook and e-mails again. I wonder why today of all days nobody has called to distract me. In fact, this post is just another thing to keep me from doing the work I desperately need to do. I fall into extreme anxiety, depression, and frustration. Then I just start to draw and write and think, mostly pure nonsense. I catch a glimpse of an idea, but quickly lose it in a fury of flying trace and crooked lines. By this time I’ll have a large pile of worthless ideas and broken visions. I’ll be worn out and stressed out. Then suddenly, the “ah-ha” moment I had been searching for. The dam cracks, then shifts, then bursts. Ideas begin to pour out rapidly and my hands struggle to keep up. A quick pace of production follows until the idea is exhausted and I’ve created something to be proud of. It is a feeling unlike any other. Then the tiring process begins again the very next session as I build upon old ideas and invent new ones. I love it.



comic book: n. A book of comics strips or cartoons, often relating a sustained narrative.

It is safe to say that comic books, in one way or another, have affected everyone. Most people are exposed to them at a young age, following their favorite super heroes and heroines one issue at a time. It seems to be a phase in life that either leads to newer and more “mature” fads, or becomes a life long hobby (Though it is important to note that comic books can be more “mature” in their nature and can contain content unrelated to super hero mythology).


There is a strange appeal to comic books in general, having to do with the relationship between text and graphics. Novels allow the reader to paint a world limited only by their imagination, creating a reasonably unique experience per individual. Comic books, on the other hand, have the ability to allow the reader to understand things without reading. There is an art to what must be written and what can be visually communicated. The best comic books, in my opinion, are those with the least amount of text. Comics that rely solely on graphics to communicate plot lines and information are incredibly beautiful, fun, and clever.

^Example of visual information found from google^

In my experience, the value of comic books extends beyond entertainment. The comic book’s ability to graphically communicate ideas has been an incredible precedence for me in life. Though most comics are typically narratives in that they are based around a plot line, the comic style can be incorporated into any presentation. I have on multiple occasions used a comic book as a template for school projects, taking a topic that, for me, would otherwise be boring or difficult to enjoy and turning it into a project that I can spend countless hours on. For example, a comic created for my calculus class in high school that I recently found in a hidden folder.

^Time line of my Life: created for World History class in high school^

The comic’s plot is incredibly similar to an 80’s action hero film and the illustrations, text, and sensibility are childish and juvenile. However, this project was infinitely more enjoyable to make and present than a simple essay or power point about calculus and makes me laugh endlessly each time I read it.

^Time line of my Life: created for World History class in high school^

^Calculus Comic: created for Calculus class in high school^

Architectural monographs are similar to comic books in that they rely on images as much as (if not more than) they do on text. A person’s ability to graphically communicate ideas is an essential part of any effective designer’s skill set. Comic books can and should serve as precedence to all architects and designers either completely literally (like the archicomic “Yes is More”) or in a more partial sense (See Edward Tufte’s “Envisioning Information” and “The Visual Display of Quantitative Information”).

^Calculus Comic: created for Calculus class in high school^

If you take away anything from this post, let it be that its okay to read comic books. In fact, it’s good for you. With that said, I need to catch up on the Amazing Spiderman.



There are really only a few things I spend money on other than the necessities; I have an unquenchable thirst for books, I thoroughly enjoy video games, and I have a strange habit of buying junk. Junk meaning things I don’t really need or things I won’t want in a few months that will eventually be donated the next time I clean my room. I tend to be a sucker for things in the “As Seen on TV” section of Walgreens as well as decorative thrift store items like old toys and mallard decoys. But occasionally I’ll spend money on junk that turns out to be a useful gadget. This time it was an Olloclip for iPhone 4.


This handy little device is a small, clipon lens that offers three modes: Macro, Wide Angle, and (my favorite) Fish-eye. It is incredibly useful when you don’t particularly feel like carrying around your camera, especially since the iPhone takes magnificent pictures already. Here are a few sample photos I (and friends) have taken so far with the olloclip, with a little color help from the app called Snapseed.

Macro Setting

Fish-Eye Setting

There are a few problems with the design of this gadget: 1- You cannot use this clip with your iPhone case on, which is a hassle if you have a stubborn case. 2- If you use screen protectors, its likely that the clip will peel it off. 3- When the clip is attached, it covers the lock button on the top of your phone. This means that whenever you take a photo, you either have to remove the clip to lock the phone or wait until the phone auto locks before putting your phone back in your pocket (or else you will likely call everyone you never call). 4- You cannot use flash while the Olloclip is on your phone, or else this happens--------------------------------->

Though there are some frustrating flaws, the Olloclip is still a blast. There are similar items on the market that use magnets that shouldn’t destroy your screen cover or tamper with your ability to lock your phone, but I still highly recommend the Olloclip. Who can resist the ability to take REAL fish-eye photos? Certainly not this junk buyer‌



I have recently painted my childhood room to better suite a wider audience. It was half blue, half yellow, and had a banner of trucks running across the center. Being a 22-year old man, it had gotten a bit silly to come home to such a room. Knowing that one day my parents would want to sell the house, I endeavored to select a color palette more suitable for the average person, rather than leaving a room that only attracts a demographic of males, ages five through twelve. Through this journey, I have experienced and learned vast amounts about painting rooms, and have decided to share my knowledge/experience in a how to guide: *IMPORTANT NOTE: If ever during the Step-by-Step Guide you feel overwhelmed or under qualified, skip to Step 10*

I personally took the better part of a week to remove wallpaper, patch holes, and paint my room. It is incredibly tedious work and I have a new-found respect for professional painters. Though I doubt I’ll ever do it again, I think the room turned out rather well. I’ll post pictures of some of the features I’m most proud of eventually to ensure you all know how crafty I am, of course…

step 1: Watch lots of HGTV It is important to establish an understanding of how the pros paint rooms and watching HGTV is a very easy way to learn. Television shows like “House Hunters” and “Million Dollar Rooms” discuss painting very little and are ideal candidates for pretending to conduct research. Be sure to watch such shows with the lights off in order to see the screen in more detail and sufficiently hurt your eyes.

step 2: Select a Color Palette It is important to select colors that do not match any of the furniture you own in order to ensure that you are forced into buying all new furniture. A rule of thumb for selecting paint colors is to choose a color that looks beautiful on the 4-in by 4-in paint sample card, but will be extremely obnoxious when applied to an entire wall.

step 3: Visit your Local Home-Improvement Store It is safe to say that you will need anything and everything even remotely paint related. Chances are you won’t buy enough supplies on your first trip to the store, so be absolutely sure to purchase a surplus of painting tools. Upon returning to your home, move any furniture or decorations to the center of the room that you plan to paint, creating a huge pile of junk that is difficult to maneuver around.

step 4: Begin Removing Wallpaper After attempting to remove a small piece of wallpaper, find a book of Satanic Verses in order to curse the previous homeowner for applying the wallpaper in the first place. Once their slow and painful death is ensured, remove the remaining wallpaper in a rushed manner. Do not worry about removing all of the wallpaper as it will be easy to paint over.

step 5: Tape off the Surface that is to be Painted Very slowly and carefully, apply tape to one edge of the wall you are preparing to paint. Then, after realizing that painter’s tape is an extreme waste of time, quickly apply tape to the remaining three edges. To ensure a quick removal, do not apply large amounts of pressure to the tape, as that will surely increase the amount of work you will need to do. The more likely the tape is to fall off the wall in the middle of the painting process, the less time it will take to remove once painting is completed.

step 5 1/2:

Watch more HGTV (OPTIONAL)

See Step 1 for rules regarding the research process.

step 6: Begin Painting Using a paint roller, randomly begin painting the wall. Remember to vary the direction in which you roll the brush as well as the pressure applied to the brush in order to accent the, “hand-painted look�.

step 7: Remember the Details Be certain to paint over any dust, dirt, holes, or cobwebs that may be present in the wall surface. This will save you from having to clean the wall before hand and will only add to the texture present in the finished product. Remember to apply only a single coat of paint, because primer is included in the paint mixture. It is common knowledge that all written directions are always 100% accurate and should be followed to an obsessive extent (Unless of course the directions lead to more work, in which case they should be ignored).

step 8: Remember the Details, Continued‌ It is imperative for the painting process that you leave all doors and windows in the room shut. This will help to provide you with a pulsing headache, help to remove excess brain cells, probably help with the paint’s drying process or something, and will (if done correctly) ensure that you momentarily lose consciousness. Once consciousness is regained, finish painting the surface.

step 9: Completing the Process After waiting 10-minutes, remove all painter’s tape quickly and carelessly, and replace all furniture. Take a moment to reflect on your handy-work and be sure to congratulate yourself via purchasing expensive gifts for yourself. In order to be completely successful, be certain to take many pictures of the process so that you can post them on Facebook and Twitter, letting all of your friends know how crafty you are. Lastly, enjoy your new room! All of your hard work has paid off! step 10:

Learning a Lesson (OPTIONAL)

If you manage to make it this far in the room painting process, without giving up, now is the time to give up. Call some professional painters and instruct them to paint the entire room white. Then, remember to never again attempt to do any handy work at all.



Prostitute [pros-ti-toot, -tyoot] Noun 1- A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot. 2- A man who engages in sexual acts for money 3- A person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.

Perhaps the most common advice an unemployed person receives from their colleagues as they prepare for an interview is this: Remember to sell yourself. It is advice that is applicable to all persons in all fields of work, though perhaps more mandatory in the design world. You must be able to show your skill and personality in everything you do: your business card, your website, your portfolio, even your tie, shoes, and glasses. What is perhaps more difficult is proving that your body of work and personality is better than everyone else you are in competition with. Taking this advice, I have become a prostitute. Not in the traditional definition of the word, but in the sense that I am constantly trying to sell myself and services to anyone willing to pay. I have become a product; a product that must be prestigious and respectable. I have become a brand; one who’s goods and services must constantly reflect my work ethic and talent. With that said, are you looking for a good time? I know Revit… The Internet’s effect on the employment process has also made me rather uncomfortable and un-confident. I draft an e-mail and attach my resume, then press the tiny send button; I’m expecting that it all goes as planned. I expect that the prospective employer is seeing exactly what I want them to see. I assume the e-mail was sent to and received by the correct person. I hope the text in your resume did not, for some unknown computer reason, translate to Mandarin Chinese. I pray I didn’t accidentally send a picture of myself, flipping off the camera, dressed as a bear at a costume party. Then, I wait for a response.

All of these unknowns and doubts have forced me to take my prostitution to the American Postal Service. A letter received in the mail shows initiative. It shows I am willing to go the extra mile. It shows I know how to properly address a letter… To further separate myself from the crowd, I’ve developed what I’m calling a “mini-folio”. It is essentially a brochure of my work and services and will hopefully get me noticed by one of the dozens of offices I’m applying to.

One Question: At what point does a lonely prostitute think, “Maybe its me…” As a prostitute, I will inevitably face rejection. It can be difficult when it happens frequently, but it is imperative that I continue to sell myself. I must continue to be a walking portfolio. A living, breathing business card. Perhaps I just need to lower my price and sprawl my name and number on a few more bathroom stalls…


OCTOBER 08, 2012


Dallas, Texas: Texas State Fair

In the middle of what seems to be an industrial park is the vast field of asphalt that serves as the fair grounds for Dallas and, in this case, the state of Texas. It is a sea of flashing neons and deep fried oddities, surrounded by junk salesmen and carnival rides. A photographer could probably spend weeks here attempting to capture its essence, though I’ve only allowed myself a few hours. Also here’s a small list of what’s good and bad at the fair.


The Good: Fried Samoas (Girl Scout Cookies)

The BAD: Fried Guacamole Bites and Fried Bubble gum The BAD: Extreme crowds and terrible parking situations

The Good: A really interesting Chevy exhibit with some classic trucks within an interesting, inflatable exhibit hall.

The Good: Customizable lamps made from standard plastic puzzle pieces. You choose the colors and shape of the lamp (Prismatic floor-lamp, spherical pendant, etc.)

The Good: A rather neat greenhouse (filled with model trains, people dressed as trees, and amazing carved pumpkins)

The Good: A very Texan experience. With livestock and all.



Allow me to preface this post by stating that I am an adult. A sophisticated man. A mature, fully grown human being. With that said, I have been looking for some cool wall art for a while now. The trouble I came across was that if the subject matter is cool, the execution is usually cheesy or childish. It makes sense that Spider-man themed household items be geared towards a younger market, but I firmly believe there is a large, untapped market of young adults who would appreciate some geeky merchandise that isn’t for toddlers. So I decided to make my own super-hero themed pop art. Here are the results:


Is anybody even reading this?






For the time put into making them, I think they turned out rather well. Now all I need to do is tackle the DC Universe or maybe some Star Wars art. This isn’t the first time I’ve nagged about the lack of more adult friendly super hero memorabilia. I actually based an entire project off this concept. The project was called the “Wolverine Lamp” or “Snikt!” (which is the sound Wolverine’s claws make when they are exposed in the comic books)

The assignment was to create a digitally fabricated lamp that could be flat-packed, meaning laser-cut from a single sheet of material and delivered in a single envelope. To the right is the board I made for the Digi-Fab project which does a good job of explaining the concept and execution. Perhaps someday I’ll make a living off of the idea of good design for nerds and geeks alike. Until then, nobody steal my idea.



What you wear says a lot about who you are. It is one of your defining characteristics. Your sense of fashion often contributes to people’s first impressions of you. It is, in a way, a physical manifestation of your personality. So when you go to a job interview or business meeting, why does everybody dress the same? Obviously a suit and tie display a certain amount of professionalism and respect for etiquette, but it does nothing to let people know who you are. You become lost in the crowd. One of hundreds who dress identically. Why not get a denim suit, Hawaiian shirt, hand-knit tie?

Of course I am aware that the man on the right looks terrible, but upon meeting him you wouldn’t soon forget him. And just by looking at him you get an idea of what type of personality he has. He is either: A: A very funny person, who’s sense of humor trickles into his fashion sense. B: A laid-back man who doesn’t care what you think of him or his sense of fashion. C: A massive creeper. D: A former porn star. E: Some combination of the above. Your wardrobe can be seen as a tool. A design tool. Something through which people will understand who you are and recognize you by later on. Each piece of clothing and accessory will not only serve a purpose, but will also send a message. For example, I have a general equation I put to use when getting dressed.

Separately, these articles of clothing portray a characteristic or state of mind. When combined, they publicly display my personality. They are an advertisement for who I am. This outfit is me in a nutshell. Which explains why no one likes me…


OCTOBER 27, 2012


Austin, Texas: Texas State History Museum, River, Botanical Garden

I have been to Austin before, so I made the decision to visit some of the places I hadn’t been to before. Unfortunately, the draw of air conditioning and IMAX movies pulled me to the museum (which did not allow photography).


Next, the botanical gardens. I can not think of a single reason why a tourist in Austin should NOT go to the botanical gardens. So here is a list of the reasons why you should: You will definitely get the chance to walk through spider webs, get fresh gravel in your shoes, and photograph many average looking shrubs!

You will have the opportunity to be scared shit-less by countless lizards, squirrels, insects, and (best of all) poisonous looking snakes!

You will be stabbed by plants from all over Texas!

You will be eaten alive by mosquitoes while you try to artistically photograph water lilies in front of pretty garden hippies!

If you’re lucky, you’ll piss your pants because you think a velociraptor is about to strike when the bushes rustle in the prehistoric garden section, only to find an armadillo!

Once I had finished “enjoying� the botanical gardens, I went to the river for a stroll. Austin is a beautiful city. I hope to photograph it again soon!



It is somewhat disheartening to go to the store and see a painting you like, only to discover that there are twelve others just like it in that very store, thousands in the USA, and millions across the globe that are extremely similar! While out shopping one day, it struck me that if I need or want something that has not been marketed, I can simply make it myself. It isn’t a very profound realization, but it has revolutionized the way I think about consumerism and customization (needless to say, I think about it very little). Obviously I won’t be manufacturing my own brand of sports utility vehicles or personal computers (look for the “OH-Pod” out this Christmas season), but since my last post about art, I have been on a decorating rampage. Here is some of the results:

Some are very plain very basic images that, when printed on a very small scale, look pretty cool and are one of a kind! However, at a large scale they become plain and boring…

I have gotten into a habit of making each art work a series that is printed, framed, and hung as a collection. The images above portray two of my idols. One is my attitude and charm coach, the other is my body-hair role model. Guess which is which?

This next example isn’t really art, but rather is an example of what happens when I get distracted. Plus, it makes me smile.


The next following may be offensive to some people.

Lastly, some art that is somewhat embarrassing.

Being an adult male, I believe I am entitled to a bachelor pad filled with baseball memorabilia, comic books, and pin-up girls.

It is no secret that I’ve had a celebrity crush on this blonde beauty for some time now.

However, she has a nasty habit of always being nude in all of her photos.

The gentleman’s solution was to Photoshop away the “R” rating.

(at least until it was “PG-13”)

That wasn’t so bad, right? If you take anything away from this post, let it be that you should make your own stuff. Get creative. Personalize your walls. Customize your art. De-Sexify your love interests‌


NOVEMBER 10, 2012


Arlington, Texas: My Backyard


Arlington isn’t necessarily a bustling metropolis. In fact, I’d go so far as to classify the entire city as a dense suburb that consumes the area between Dallas and Fort Worth. Architecturally it conforms to this title perfectly. The vast majority of buildings in the area are like the one pictured above.

Big box retail and fast food chains populate the city, making it entirely automobile dependent. Very frequently a pedestrian will be confronted with a dead-end sidewalk that borders the street so closely that any enjoyment in exercise becomes stress induced by a mixture of fear and car exhaust. With all of that said, there are three buildings in all of Arlington that always make me happy. I just love them.

#1: Unknown Warehouse

Every time I drive by this building, it is dark out and an eerie green light shines from frosted windows that border the top of the structure. I’m convinced something sinister is happening within the building, however I am completely okay with whatever it is. This building could literally make up a plot for a 90’s, made-for-TV, Disney movie.

#2: River Legacy Living Science Center

It is very easy to forget that there are such things as trees and wildlife in a city that is so car dependent. The River legacy park is my one reminder of the existence of nature. I frequent the trails at the River Legacy park, and have visited the science center once. It is a pretty fantastic work of architecture that merits a second visit.

#3: Evan’s Vacuum Cleaner Co

This is my all time favorite building in Arlington. It is a cathedral of vacuums. Its bright white glow and giant hanging vacuums always make me smile. If I were a man who owned a vacuum, I’m sure I would visit this building daily.

After preparing the photos for this post, I found that I still had the photo bug and took some photos around my room:



The title says it all. So while I was waiting for a connecting flight, I made some doodles and wrote a list. Here it is: 1.


I hate people who gather around the entrance of the plane to board, when it isn’t even close to their turn. I hate waiting.


I hate turbulence.


I hate people who bring deli meats and cheeses to make sandwiches on the plane. I hate people who think its okay to laugh out loud at the book they are reading. I hate people who order tomato juice. I hate people who insist on sharing their life stories.

5. 6. 7.


I hate people who think the rules don’t apply to them.


I hate pretty flight attendants.

10. I hate when people turn the lights on. 11. I hate when people close their windows. 12. I hate landing. 13. I hate that everyone seems so comfortable when I can hardly breath, let alone move.

This list portrays me as an angry person. I can assure you, that is not the case. There are a few things I do enjoy about flying: 1.

I love seeing tiny cars zip around.


I love looking at patterned fields of crops from high above.


I love going to new and fantastic places.


I love flying over, near, and through clouds.

See, I’m not completely full of hate. Just mostly‌

Also, Happy Thanksgiving!



[Atlanta, GA] – [Montgomery, AL] – [Destin, FL] For Thanksgiving break my parents and I flew to Atlanta then drove to Destin for turkey, stopping in Montgomery on the way. It was my first time visiting Georgia and Alabama, so I took lots of photos. Here are some of my favorites: High Museum of Art : Atlanta, GA This museum is designed by Richard Meier and features an addition by Renzo Piano. If you don’t like art (or, like me, don’t understand it) go to see the building. It shows it’s age, but is still rather nice. Very clean.


<- Natural day lighting exterior detail.

Natural day -> lighting interior detail.

<- Outdoor art in the entry courtyard.

<- Main gallery atrium and vertical circulation.

Various gallery -> details.

<- Ceiling of the stairwell detail as a reflected staircase.

Main gallery atrium -> and vertical circulation detail.

<- Art museum addition ceiling detail.

Georgia Aquarium : Atlanta Georgia This was… okay… It was the first and only time I’ve ever seen a live whale shark, which was spectacular. However, the aquarium seems to focus more on singing and friendship than it does fish…

World of Coca-Cola : Atlanta, GA What is a good thing I can say about this attraction‌? It obsesses over the idea of the secret recipe of coke, then slaps you in the face with some crap about sharing and love being the secret ingredient. I would have loved more history, less Hollywood. There is a part where you try different soda from around the world, but it is identical to the one located in Epcot in Disney world and is significantly more crowded. Go to Disney world instead.

The City : Atlanta, GA

^Olympic Park^

^CNN Headquarters^

<- Public Art.

<- Ceiling detail at the Hyatt in Downtown Atlanta.

Fernbank Museum : Atlanta, GA

Alabama State Capitol : Montgomery, AL

Seaside Community : Seaside, FL If I didn’t dislike sand so much, I would consider retiring in Seaside. It is a planning marvel and is a gem of community design. It even has a slew of “roach coach’s”.

<- Roach Coaches at the Seaside Community.

Destin, FL What can I say about Destin? Beautiful white sand. Clear-blue water. Cute sea cottages. Its ideal‌ if you like those sorts of things

^A pedestrian area in Destin.^



While re-finishing my portfolio, it occurred to me that I have a significant amount of work that did not receive it’s due amount of time in the spotlight. This is either because they were warm-up projects or because they do not necessarily reflect the type of work I typically do. In my mind, they are still good projects, so I thought I’d share them whenever I got the chance:

This project was for a course I took called “Green Tech” that stressed reclaimed and recycled design. I always thought the un-official, official motto for the course was, “Take something old/used and make it better than it was in its prime.” The idea really came from three places:


I am constantly losing zippers from my sweaters and backpacks. So, rather than use a paper clip, I thought I’d make my own customized zipper.


In our school we have a bin of used, laser-cut pieces of acrylic that normally have odd shaped portions of usable material left. The zipper tags can be cut out of most scrap pieces.


My professor really pushed me to integrate reclaimed design with digital fabrication (an idea for which I have yet to thank her‌).

The batch I produced for class was made in 22 different styles, each available in 4 colors. However, laser-cutting is just like printing on paper. So the zipper tags were only limited to what you could draw on the computer and what pieces of scrap you could get your hands on (which is to say that it is nearly unlimited).

Later in the semester, I went on to make the “Butt Bench” which is featured in my current portfolio. However, the Zipper Tags will always have a place in my heart…

And now, a place in my blog.



This is a quick post to share a unique situation I found myself in the other day. I was faced with a series of problems that ended in a strange project. PROBLEMS: 1.

Rain. Really cold rain. Basically ice falling from the sky. Freezing rain.


No recycling program at my apartment complex.


Nearest public recycling bin I know of is at the Whole Foods Market across town.

To combat weather induced depression and save the planet one piece of landfill, I placed a happy thought in a jar: A sunny day under a tree with a pretty girl. That should help me through winter.

I got the idea from seeing some of what are called “Small World Terrariums” and altered it to be forgetful-bachelor friendly. The difference is that those terrariums use live plants like mosses and ferns instead of leftover architectural scale people and trees. I’d like to try and make a real terrarium one day, but I think a plant is too much responsibility for me. Once I learn to take care of myself, then maybe I’ll consider a plant. Maybe…



Happy Holidays, whatever it is you celebrate. Here’s to a happy new year!


If you are reading this, that means that you can read.


DECEMBER 31, 2012 Dallas, Texas:


The Dallas Arboretum

On December 25th I witnessed what can only be described as a Christmas miracle: SNOW IN TEXAS. If someone told me that I would see snow anywhere near Dallas, I’d have called them a big, dumb, liar and would have proceeded to ignore them forever. Alas, a trip to the Dallas Arboretum with a focus on detail shots proves that there was in fact snow. Snow-related Details:


There was more to the garden than just plants. There were many colorful birds (who moved too quickly for me to take pictures of), a temporary Chihuly exhibit, beautiful sculptures, a miniature town, and a beautiful old home (In which photography was prohibited). Architectural Details:

Chihuly Details:

I thought the arboretum was beautiful. I would very much like to visit again when the flowers are in bloom an the trees are green. Though I will likely change my mind when the weather goes back to being blisteringly hot.

Now, I leave you with a photo of a ladybug I found in my bathroom. Enjoy:


JANUARY 17, 2013 Grapevine, Texas:


The Gaylord Texan’s Ice Exhibit

I’ve had these pictures since Christmas time, but, because of some kind of flu, their journey to fame within the blog has been delayed. So, I’ll share them now. Out of season. Out of place. Out of boredom.


If you’ve never heard of the Gaylord Texan then you should know that it is basically a gigantic hotel and convention center in an otherwise empty part of Texas. It houses several clones of famous landmarks from around Texas and, for all intents and purposes, looks just like a Las Vegas hotel minus the gambling and cigarette smoke. Architecturally… it exists… but the focus of this trip was not to photograph the hotel itself (which likely merits several more trips), but rather to visit the Ice exhibit that is hosted annually around the holiday season.

After waiting in a small line, you are shuffled through a series of other lines. After waiting in all of the lines, you are handed a parka and are shoved into a gigantic tent that is functioning as a freezer. Having lived in Colorado for most of my life, I’m no stranger to the cold. However, this was the type of cold that makes the moisture leaving your nostrils freeze on your mustache (Ladies? You know what I mean?).

Though the exhibit was impressive, it was obviously for children. The theme was based off of a Madagascar Christmas special, which meant that the majority of the ice sculptures were of cartoon looking penguins and monkeys. The ice was colored to look more realistic, but it ended up looking like frozen Kool-aid. With that said, I fell upon the habit of detail photos:

My favorite portion of the exhibit was the nativity scene at the end of the tour. I was indifferent to the subject matter, but I loved the lighting and the clear ice. I think I would have liked the entire experience more if all of the ice was clear, though it is worth noting that the rest of my group disagreed.

Welp, there’s my blast from the past. I’ll now try to resume regular, punctual blogging.


I really don’t know where this came from...


Everyone that reads this thinks I am talking to them. But, I’m really talking to YOU.




Are you unemployed? Unsure of what to do with all of your free-time? This is the solution for you!:

Finally, a device that brilliantly divides your day on an hourly basis. No more wondering when you should eat pizza. No more worrying whether you’ve watched enough television. All of your daily activities are scheduled cleanly and simply to ensure you make the most out of every unemployed day! And now, introducing the unemployed wall clock! Specially crafted for those who are dedicated to the unemployed lifestyle!

The new unemployed wall clock is easily customizable to your taste in time mis-management: Let’s say you REALLY enjoy taking baths and need to incorporate that into your “busy” schedule. Well, you can easily block off several hours for bathing! Or perhaps you don’t particularly enjoy video games and cannot sleep at night without getting drunk. Simply replace all video game icons with tiny beer mugs and you’re off to a shitfaced good time!

Be sure to ask your loved ones for an unemployed watch or wall clock this year so you can always be “too busy” to see them ever again!




Right next door to the Denver Art Museum (DAM) is the Clyfford Still Museum. Architecturally, it is the exact opposite of the DAM. It is beautifully simple and shines in its use of clean lines and great materials (various woods and concretes).

The exterior of the building seems very plain and unassuming when compared to the neighboring explosion of pointed overhangs and curious angles. I would even say it borders on the ordinary.

Most museums of art feature an architectural detail that allows soft, natural light to indirectly enter the building. This building is no exception. The ceiling of the second floor is a slab of concrete that is cast with holes puncturing its surface that cleverly diffuse light from the skylights above.

As with most art museums, I spent little time enjoying the art and mostly admired the building itself: Staring at ceilings, rubbing-up on walls, and photographing even the most uninteresting corridor.

<-Thanks to my cousins for serving as the Clyfford Still Museum’s unofficial official models->

If you live in Colorado, GO SEE THIS BUILDING. It is beautiful.

And if you’re visiting, go to the DAM’s gift shop for free, and spend your money to see the Clyfford Still Museum instead.


MARCH 8, 2013 DESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING, PHOTOGRAPHY While visiting in Colorado I snapped a few pictures of the oddly shaped Denver Art Museum (DAM) and thought I’d share a few of them:

In case you didn’t see my last post, it may be valuable to know that I have mixed feelings about the DAM. I think regardless of whether you like or dislike this building, you definitely are forced to have an opinion about it. It most definitely is not a building that you can just ignore.


In my second ever studio course, we analyzed the DAM in comparison to the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) that is also in Denver. The entire class basically found inconclusively that the DAM doesn’t make sense (from an architectural standpoint). While I don’t really want to rant about my opinions about the building and why I’m right and you’re wrong, I would like to quickly share a way to dissect architectural projects. May I present to you, the Pizza Box Analogy: Imagine, if you can, that a building’s program, users, and contents are all metaphorically represented by a pizza. Now imagine that the building that houses all of that is the pizza box. Using this metaphor, you can easily study the successes and failures of most any architectural project. Here are a few examples of what I’m talking about:

This type of box is designed to function most efficiently and effectively for many purposes. There isn’t really anything special about the box itself, but it serves its purpose and is the most common type of box.

This pizza box looks beautiful and functions well. Very little, if any, compromises are made in the design of the box that hinders the containment of the pizza. Though it may seem ordinary at times, this type of pizza box is often original in design and carefully crafted.

This pizza box is almost completely arbitrary. While it does still contain the pizza, it makes many sacrifices in the creation of a “unique design” and doesn’t always function well. This is a rather rare type of box that can be beautiful, but often times not as successful as the previous two types.

This type of architecture makes a complete departure from the previous types. Form does not follow function. In this example, form dictates function. With an almost complete disregard for the pizza it was designed to house, this box has become the pizza.

With all of that said, I’ll allow you to make your own conclusions about the DAM.

Lastly, here’s another Denver picture:

Now I have a strange craving for pizza…



I’ve been going to the Butterfly Pavilion since pre-school and have many fond memories associated with it. This museum of the creepies and crawlies sort of caters to young children, but adults will get a kick out of being in a massive greenhouse full of all kinds of butterflies. Here are a few photos I snapped: Some are not that much more beautiful than a large moth.


Some are massive and create large gusts of wind as they flutter by.

Some look like giant, tie-dye MOTHRAs.

Some are so small you must look very carefully to spot them.

Some are… uh… blue…?

I somehow managed to trick a butterfly into letting me pick him up and place him on my hat, which was then passed around so that everyone could take a picture in a CU hat with a butterfly on it. He was named Edward, and I was then known as, “The Butterfly Man”.

It was fun to sweat a bit in this faux-rainforest just like my elementary school days. Please excuse me while I combat the head lice I’ve contracted while passing around my hat…



Here’s another quick, Wacom Tablet practice image in the form of a comic strip:


Mind the white space.

Wouldn’t it be funny if a Magic 8-ball called you fat? I’d be torn between laughing and crying. Excuse me while I hit the treadmill…


DESIGN WORK, PHOTOGRAPHY I happened to be driving through Boulder as the sun was setting on a snow covered evening. As I was reaching to grab my sunglasses to shield my eyes from the blinding sun, I suddenly passed into darkness. It occurred to me that I had entered the shadow of the mountains that border the entire city of Boulder. So I quickly drove to the Flagstaff look-out and stopped to try and capture this growing shadow.

This isn’t exactly time-lapse photography, but the idea is similar. I did not take nearly enough photos to make a fluid video. Nor did I have a tripod with me at the time. Nor did I have the will to stand out in the cold and hold the camera in position over the course of the hour and a half I spent there.

I wish I had been able to stay until the sky went black and boulder lit-up, however shortly after arriving to the look-out my bladder sent a message to my brain informing it that it was full and needed to be emptied immediately. Though these images might not be that interesting, when overlaid you really get a sense of the movement of the shadow and the role it plays in the coming of the night.

Hopefully next time I’ll get to try capturing this event over a much longer period of time. Perhaps next time I’ll remember to bring an empty bottle…



Boulder, CO ———————> Arlington, TX ———————> Eugene, OR This is just a quick little post to say that someday very soon this big, hairy buff is gonna quack. I’ve recently been accepted to the University of Oregon and will be moving to Eugene this fall in pursuit of my Master’s degree in Architecture! I’ll be heading to Oregon this weekend for orientation and will be sure to post pictures from my trip. I’m very excited to be heading back to school and can’t wait to get started!


Just kidding. I don’t speak Spanish.




I just got back in to Dallas after a trip to Oregon for Grad Day. Grad day itself was awesome, I even met a few fellow buffs in the land of ducks. I took TONS of photos, but here is the first batch along with my first impressions of Eugene, Oregon.


Oregon lived up to its reputation as it rained on and off throughout the duration of my trip. This wouldn’t bother me normally, but it seemed as though waterproof in Texas is not the same as waterproof in Oregon. I learned this because my “rain coat” decided that it shouldn’t keep water out as much as it should keep/let water in… This small town reminded me so much of Boulder, CO that I often would pause to wonder where the mountains had gone. There was one difference that was very noticeable however: 1- Colorado is extremely dry whereas Oregon is extremely damp. 1.2- Because Colorado is so dry, everything tends to be very brown/yellow. In Oregon, there is green growing on everything!

In fact, if you stand still for too long you’ll likely find moss growing on your back.

Another thing unique to Oregon is the athletic nature of it’s inhabitants. I may well have been the most over-weight person in Oregon. EVERYONE is wearing running shoes all the time. All the girls seem to enjoy wearing yoga pants… everywhere… always…

Unlike my alma mater, the University of Oregon does not restrict the design of its buildings on campus to have a consistent “University look”. While the older buildings generally look the same, newer buildings each look completely unique. This is nice because it allows for architectural diversity. However, as a first time visitor, I found it very easy to wander off campus without knowing it…

This idea of new and old designed is replicated throughout the city. You’ll see an ancient pancake shack next to a modern library next to an older building that has received a face-lift. Very fun.

I have many, MANY more photos that I’ll post as I edit them. Eugene looks like it’ll be a great place to live. The city is great and the campus is lovely, but most importantly the architecture school seems fantastic!

Now excuse me while I scrub the moss off my back.


OREGON, PHOTOGRAPHY The architecture school I received my undergraduate degree from was a nice place. The city was fantastic, and some of the architectural facilities were pretty nice. BUT, they are absolutely nothing compared to the Lawrence School of Architecture and Allied Arts!

This building is absolutely HUGE and blew me away at first sight. My previous school had an interesting history (or rumor) of having been the University’s old laundry facility. This was nothing like that. This architecture school was so large that it housed several lecture halls, several floors of studio space, a cafe, and its own architectural library! For a man who buys books like they’re candy, this is a GODSEND!

The building features a beautiful courtyard that seems like a lovely place to look at the stars while you take a ten minute break from the all-nighter you are pulling. The best part is, if your studio doesn’t have a view of the rest of campus, it likely has a view similar to the image on the right:

If I wasn’t excited before, I am now! More Oregon trip photos to come.


John E. Jaqua Center for Student Athletes



In a rather new portion of the University of Oregon’s Eugene campus is a small glass box that looks different than all of the other buildings. While it literally just looks like a glass box, there is something… special about it. The building consists of a double shell exterior (though it seems it should be called a triple shell exterior…) that is meant to contribute to the sustainability of the project. Something along the lines of a passive heating/cooling system or a passive ventilation system. Either way, I’ve only ever heard it doesn’t function very well.

In a stark contrast, the exterior of the building is entirely made of glass while the interior is a collection of varied and expensive materials arranged in a vibrant and playful manner. It is a very colorful surprise! The building functions a student center for ATHLETES ONLY. While visitors are welcome to tour the lobby and eat at the cafe, unless you are an athlete (or know one) you are not allowed to the other floors. While it is a very fun building, there is still something very… very… special…

After researching the building, I discovered exactly what was so special about the building. A $41.7 million dollar budget. For a 37,000 square foot building, that is roughly $1,100 per square foot. (AKA very expensive). This example of architecture is the definition of a blank-check building, and the architect’s seemed to take advantage of that fact! Though it did seem extremely over the top and a bit elitist, the space is very nice and has the ability to laugh at itself (Shown right in the signs found around the lobby).

Though there may be some sort of controversy surrounding this project, be it architectural, social, or otherwise, it is a very nice building and I look forward to visiting it occasionally. Now all I need to do is get good at a sport. Do you think bowling counts?




At 9:30 AM sharp I was on the train leaving Eugene, OR. On this day I would visit the neighboring city of Portland with the intention of spending one whole day exploring the city. Naturally, one of my first stops after walking along the river was the Portland Art Museum.

While the museum wasn’t too interesting architecturally, I did enjoy a DELICIOUS cookie I’ve fantasized about many times since then.

Next stop, Chinatown

Compared to other Chinatown’s I’ve visited, this one was rather small and filled mostly with empty store-fronts and urine smelling trees. However the Lan Su Chinese Garden was a lovely little haven bordered by busy streets and rowdy looking people.

Just as in Eugene, the city of Portland lived up to every stereotype and expectation. Portland was thriving with the unique hipster vibe I’ve been warned about so many times. At times it meant that you would get to eat a very delicious pastrami sandwich for nearly $20 and at other times it meant that everyone was riding a bike and looked like they had just completed traveling time between the 1970’s and 80’s and were sporting the memorabilia they had collected throughout their travels.

I was lost this entire time, so I don’t know what any of these photos are of...

I had originally planned on separating the Portland trip into two separate blog posts (since I have enough photos to blog about for a month), however I’ve gotten very bored with posting old pictures and am starting to forget why I liked them to begin with. Remember, I have the memory of a goldfish.

While I was in Portland I was also sure to visit the University of Oregon’s Portland campus. The iconic “White Stag” building houses a very beautiful school of architecture (among other things) that has retrofitted the existing building into a very contemporary looking work of architecture.

There’s a lovely juxtaposition between old, exposed brick and modern steel and wood. Very cool.

The studio spaces themselves are very similar to those found in Eugene. They are just newer and more open and have views out to Portland rather than the Eugene campus.

As the sun began to set I decided to cross the bridge briefly to take a look at the other side of the city. Its safe to say that I haven’t even scratched the surface when it comes to exploring Portland. Portland was a very cool city, and the University of Oregon’s Portland campus looks very promising. I hope to get the chance to spend some time on that campus while at grad school. In the meantime, if anybody visits Portland, would you mind sending me a Pastrami sandwich and a cookie from the art museum? Thanks, I’ll write you a $50 check.



I thought I might share some of my Saturday afternoon Photoshop fun: During my trip to Portland, I dropped by the art museum and saw a painting called “How to Make Jackson Pollock’s Dog” by David Gilhooly, which inspired me to make the OH! design blog version of the same thing. I guess the buffalo has become the un-official, official mascot of the blog. With Photoshop fun like this, who needs friends?


I forgot what I was gonna say...


MAY 15, 2013

Arlington, Texas:


GHLA Headquarters

I was recently hired by an architecture firm in Arlington to do lots of graphics work and architectural photography to help them get their website up and running, as well as to design a sort of brochure/book. While I mostly just Photoshop existing photos to immaculate perfection, I have also had to take several day-trips to document buildings they didn’t already have photos of. While I am no pro, I think I’ve been doing a rather good job. So I thought I’d take a moment to share some of the photos I took that I thought were cool, but didn’t necessarily represent the building efficiently.

For a website, you probably don’t want to have 10 shots of the same project, but rather 3 or so “money shots”, Ya Dig? So I have quite a few photos that I think are nice but didn’t make the cut. AKA “reject photos” Though there were quite a few good pictures of the office during the daytime, I was surprised to find they had no nighttime photos. While I do admire the building during the daytime, it really is magnificent at night. Those tall, narrow windows cast gentle light on the white walls of the building. Very elegant. Very Modern.

This picture is a tad blurry, but it gives a sense of the surroundings of the building. Under the cover of a handful of intensely green, old trees, this white, boxy building shines yellow in the blue night. Who knew I could be so poetic? This last shot may receive some limelight on the website or company brochure, but I love it too much not to include it in the collection:

Hopefully I’ll find time to post other “reject” photos from my other trips. I’ll likely also share the company’s website and book as they are completed.

Until then, I believe there is a pesky fire lane that is in dire need of removal from an otherwise lovely photo.

BANANA HAMMOCK MAY 19, 2013 Ummm… yeah… I really don’t know what to say. Sorry…?


You’ve been warned.





JUNE 09, 2013


Grand Prarie, Texas: Dubiski Career High School, Police Safety Building, & The Summit Occasionally I’ll drive past a building or area that I think looks interesting and I make a mental note to one day go back there and photograph it. Usually the building or area is actually rather interesting, but upon attempting to photograph it I am sometimes disappointed with the results. I know I could have picked a better time of day or perhaps used some more advanced photographic techniques, but for some reason these three pieces of architecture were not acting very photogenically. I should blame myself, but I won’t. It is the fault of the buildings for being so… so… not good at posing for pictures. Dubiski Career High School:

I don’t know what a career high school is, nor do I care. I just want to know how these kids got to go to such a beautiful building instead of the jail full of lockers and corridors most people go to. The exterior was rich in materials and incredibly simple in design, but was so massive that I did not get a single picture I felt did it justice. The interior of the building could have very well been more spectacular than the exterior. Unfortunately, I was asked to leave before I could get a decent photograph. Haha!

Police Safety Building: This was the main reason I noted this area as photo trip worthy. Even from on the highway it is apparent that this isn’t an ordinary building. Green Copper, grey steel, brown stone, and red(ish) brick make up both the Police Safety Building and The Summit, and both are a unique combination of intersecting planes and masses. I use words like interesting and unique because… Well… I don’t really like them. Speaking strictly from an aesthetic standpoint, I thought the green mixed with grey, brown, brown, and brown water was a bit much. The entire building came across as sort of… muddy. In the front of the building there is a fountain that I thought was beautiful. I enjoyed the charcoal stone significantly more than the brown-brown-brown color palette used everywhere else.

The Summit: The Summit seems to be a very nice recreation center with exercise and swimming areas as well as a pool hall, movie theater, garden, and cafe. However, the best picture I took was of a statue against a brick wall‌ While I did enjoy seeing these buildings in person, they served as an example of something that is pleasant in real life but does not photograph well. Again, totally not my fault. Stupid buildings‌


JUNE 13, 2013 Dallas, Texas:


The Perot Museum I have been DYING to visit this Thom Mayne designed museum ever since its completion, and I finally got a chance to do so. This funky cube is visible from the highway upon entering or leaving downtown Dallas and is incredibly popular, for good reason. It is likely one of the best museums I’ve ever visited in terms of interactivity and content. But, like most museums, I spent little time enjoying the exhibits and mostly admired the architecture. While the museum was very crowded, it was still a very pleasant experience. I know that I am often very critical of architecture that is without a grid or regulatory system, but I did find this museum to be a fun place to be in.


From what I could tell, the building is mostly made of concrete and glass. The whole first floor’s ceiling is clad in a perforated metal screen that filters little strips of light. Very fun. It reminded me of something from out of Star Wars. One confusing thing about the building is that there are rarely any orthogonal lines present. This isn’t really a problem when enjoying the building in person, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t get a little dizzy while Photoshopping some of the pictures I took. Here are a few that weren’t confusing in real life, but give me a headache now:

All of the intersecting planes mixed with curved walls, mixed with perforated guardrails kind of get to me.

The building is full of little moments like <-this, most of which go unnoticed by most people.

<- Looking up from the main entry atrium.

I know my camera wasn’t level when I took the photo to the right, but you can see how things seem to be arranged sort of “willynilly”. Again, not too much of a problem in person (though it did cause some issues) but very disorientating in photo-form.

See the picture on the left? Are you at all confused about what is going on? I know I am. What are all of those intersecting angles? Why does the escalator go one way, but the stairs go another, while the third set of stairs goes a third way? Things are angled and curved at the same time. Things change orientation seemingly at random.

Excuse me. Barf break.

Just because the photos I took confuse me doesn’t mean that this is a bad building. On the contrary, I had tons of fun here and was mostly in constant awe from the architecture and exhibits. If I had to be critical for a moment I would have a few things to say. The building did seem to have quite a few poorly finished details, which was distracting to me but probably unnoticed by the other patrons. I was often unsure of where to go. The entry was difficult to find. Once inside, you must way-find through a maze to get anywhere. I’m certain we missed parts of exhibits because we did not know they were there. On the other hand, we saw several parts of exhibits twice because we reached what seemed to be a dead end.

And my favorite, the elevator (I always love big labels):

All this criticism should be taken lightly. The Perot Museum was the most fun I’ve had in a while, due to a combination of architectural and educational enjoyment. If you live in or are vacationing to the DFW area, it is definitely worth a visit.

So that’s it. An entire year of blogging thoroughly condensed into a single book. I guess that means this is the--

END year one

See you next year.

OH! design blog | year one

nwand also did a little bit of architectural photography.Here are box. a fewUsing selectthis spreads from you the book that Istudy did some significantand on:This first spread is the tableproject. of contents, highlighting the diffe imagine that building that houses all of that is the metaphor, can easily the successes failures of most any architectural Hererealities are few of examples ofb [regionalism] learns from experience. It pizza tinkers, accepts, rejects, adjusts and reacts. It work isbefore immutably in the its elly, the majority ofthe architects currently practicing, he still toifcrafts, make beautiful hand drawings of every project hebox designs moving torooted the computer. Sotangible weThough attempted toaseem highlight thissitu asat of This pizza box looks beautiful and functions well.continues Very little, any, compromises are made design the that hinders the containment ofrules the pizza. it may ordinary stion in my mind that architecture responds (orcan rather respond) toinitsthe geographic astypes. well as to itsof cultural and economic situation. Sov esn’t orbox. “money shot” was always restricted to thetype same with theshould block of information below. The right of side of location the image was then free from any and was arranged depending on the always function well. This is a rather rare of dimensions box that be beautiful, but oftenI times not as successful as the previous two This type architecture makes aby complete departure from ee from rule and again varied depending on the quantity and size of the images.Again, happened to take all of the above photos… People who say that you should learn doing aren’t wrong as ur different projects for each of the four featured architects; Antoine Predock, Tadao Ando, Wiel Arets, and Ricardo Legorreta. The argument is made w you tobest make your ownchose about DAM. Lastly, here’s Denver On now! a sideI’m note, beennow! from the blogmy forautograph?Tagged a while because I’ve been working on creatingArchitectur a comic bo now part? GHLA a photo that Colorado, Ithe took to be on the cover! AHHH! I’m likepicture: published likeI’ve famous want architectural photography, to the what this book isconclusions calling regionalism. Also, all ofanother the feature concrete as oneaway of Anyone the prominent building materials you’ll see, som ogram, Illustration, arts, Texas: travel, Art, sketches, Denver, Denver Artbuildings Museum, anology BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BOX: THE CLYFFORD STILL MUSEUM FEB 22 2013 2(though COMMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY LAR: EPISODE 13Dallas, Perot MuseumI have been DYING to visit this ThomPizza Mayne designed museum ever since its of completion, and I The finally got aischance to do so. This funky cube is visible kand for, but that understandable since the book discusses architectural forms and materials and not process. text also informative and concise, concretes). Theisexterior ofThe theand building seems verythe plain and unassuming when compared to the neighboring explosion pointed overhangs and curious angles. I would even say itarchitecture borders on t little time enjoying the exhibits mostly admired architecture.While the museum was very crowded, it was still a very pleasant experience. I know that I am often very critical of holes puncturing its little surface that cleverly diffuse light from the skylights above. As with most art museums, I spent little time enjoying the artisand mostly admired the itself: Staring at ceiling ome form offilters regionalism embedded in the architecture, butfrom many seem to just be buildings that usebuilding concrete. Often times thebuilding distinguishing charact al screen that strips of light. Very fun. It reminded me of something out of Star Wars.One confusing thing about the that there are rarely any orthogonal lines present. This seadache beautiful. And that ifof you’re visiting, go to the DAM’s gift shop for free, and spend your money to see the Clyfford Museum instead. Architecture, Art, Art Museum, art museums, arts, Still, Clyi egionalism are simply combined with concrete and are labeled as examples ofStill concrete regionalism. For example, a ^this^, building isClyfford distinguish now:All the intersecting planes mixed with curved walls, mixed with perforated guardrails kind of get to me.The building is full of little moments like mostthat ofof which go unnoticed rograms. But, the trip is ending soon and has proven fruitful in terms of things to blog about. I’ll be sure to post pictures and such soon, but until then, please enjoy this doodle my childhood hom ry disorientating inof photo-form.^Looking from the main entry atrium^See the picture? Aretoyou at all“Sprawl confused about what is going on? I know I am. What are all of those intersecting angle om the ideals theTO book. From a purely visual standpoint, theabove book has some questionable design tactics that render the reading experience tireso AND, 008:because A FIELD GUIDE SPRAWL FEB up 01 2013 1 COMMENT ON THEisNIGHTSTAND A Field Guide Sprawl isfun politically as well environmentally unsustainable and fiscally shorts reak.Just the photos Iittook confuse me doesn’t mean that this atobad On the contrary, I had tons ofwould here andunfair was mostly inas constant awe from the rotated, architecture and exhibits. If ees clockwise, making necessary toOnce turn the book each time you read the caption. This be okay if lives the images were also however the and was planning andtoare, for the most part, unknown thebuilding. the average human being. We all spend the majority of parts our (and ourbecause money) surrounded by environments that erchitecture, of where tolandscape, go. The entry difficult find. inside, you must way-find through aignorance maze to get anywhere. I’m certain we missed of exhibits we did not know they were there. O Unfortunately, the questionable layout and unconvincing arguments made in the book make the time spent reading the book not equal to the ebook). growth and longevity of society. Perhaps worse than the existence of such things is the associated with it. I can’t sit on my high-horse or preach from my soap box because I must admit ightly. Thecultural Perot Museum was the most fun I’ve had in a first while, due to a combination of architectural and aeducational enjoyment. If you images live in orand arevocabulary vacationingthat to the DFW area,toitidentify is definitely wort ural, and aspects of sprawl. Needless to say, the step towards recovery is admitting you have problem. This book provides can be used the issue nal undergraduate architectural studio. I put a lot of time into making it, and the time we (as a class) spent appreciating it wasn’t necessarily satisfyin AREDITA SEARCH FOR THE TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 12Grand Prairie, Texas: Dubiski Career High School, Police Safety Building, & The SummitOccasionally I’ll drive past a building or area that ation were captured from the skies over Colorado. Other significant portions were taken from overON California and Texas. My point but being that I’vereason seen first hand theof effects sprawl re. Architecture, Design, OH! ON SCREEN: AUGUST 2012 JUL 31 2012 THE SCREEN Garbage Warrior As farand asexperienced architecture made garbage g with the results. I know I could picked aTHE better time of day or perhaps used some advanced photographic techniques, forTHE some these three of architecture wereof not actin more people should bethese aware ofhave sprawl related issues. Architecture, Books, Design, OH!,more Review, Sprawl, Suburbia 24-HOUR CLOCK FOR UNEMPLOYED JAN 26 pieces 2013 DESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING st to whether know how kids got enough to go to television. such a beautiful building instead of the full of lockers and most people to. The exterior was rich inunemployed materials and incredibly simple insens desig ulwant design that uses beautiful materials, just like a beautiful design that uses garbage. This film is ago rather good architectural documentary inintroducing the you’ve watched All of your daily activities are jail scheduled cleanly andcorridors simply to ensure you make most out of every day! And now, tworrying photograph. Haha!Police Safety Building:This was the main reason I noted thishis area as photo trip worthy. Even from on thelaws highway it the isprevent apparent that this isn’t an ordinary building. Green Copper, ortrayed as such. The majority of the film’s focus is placed on battle with New Mexico state that his sort of experimental habitats from taking baths and need to incorporate that into your “busy” schedule. Well, you can easily block off several hours for bathing! Or perhaps you don’t particularly enjoy video games and cannot sleep ll… I“too don’t reallytolike Speaking strictly from an aesthetic I thought the green mixedpictogram, withhave grey, brown, brown, brown was a bitare much. The2013 entire building came across as soa asseems an architectural film much as Icomedy, would callstandpoint, it Gadgets, a cultural critique. It doesn’t much inTechnology theand way thewater buildings or specific const st be busy” seethem. them ever as again! Art, arts, Design, humor, OH!, sarcasm, RANDOM DINOSAUR JANconstructed, WORK Art, arts, Desi mit to bepictures very nice recreation center exercise and swimming as well asPhotoshop, a pool hall,within movie theater, cafe. However, the best picture I 21 took wasDESIGN of Out a statue against aof brick had these since Christmas time, but, because of A some ofareas flu, their journey to fame the blog garden, has beenand delayed. So, I’ll share them now. Out of season. ofVerdict: place. OutSee bore gI’veimages of abuildings is nice, but with seeing videos ofkind a home office made of colored glass bottles is a completely different experience. thw gn, Grand Prarie, OH!, Photography, TexasJUN 06 2013LEAVE COMMENTDESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING, PHOTOGRAPHYEDITTODAY I FEEL HAPPYTagged Art, arts,Design, detail shots, details, grap and, for all intents andout purposes, looks just a Las Vegas hotel minus the gambling andTHE cigarette Architecturally… itMasterpieces exists… but athe focus of this trip is was not to photograph the hotel oxas ON THE NIGHTSTAND, 004: HUMBLE MASTERPIECES JUL 24 2012 NIGHTSTAND Humble “Everything designed, way or a set of “reject photos”:Way past suburbia is alike small town called Frisco. While the town ON does look like itsmoke. is quickly shedding its for skin to become big city, it doesn’t take long to getone from side fk the lines, you are a parka and are shoved aNew gigantic tent that isCenter functioning asby aactually freezer. Having lived in Colorado most of amy life, I’mol’no stranger to the cold. thisone wasAnto the ot size. Hidden within the ofmajority Frisco isof ainto small called Youth Park,looking that has a rather back-story.In nut-shell, the firm I’mbut working for However, took this Paola historic buildi is inspired byhanded anneighborhoods exhibit at the MoMA in York City and written the curator of interesting the museum’s architecture and design Christmas special, which meant that the thetrip icepark sculptures were ofsky cartoon penguins and monkeys. The ice wasno colored to look more realistic, itdepartment, ended up looking like frozen erials that it makes me smile. Unfortunately on my field out to Frisco, the decided to be flat grey. Meaning no shadows and blue skies. Also, since this project is so small, only one photo wa as a beautiful, macro detail image, a full perspective view, and a short paragraph or two telling the objects origins and significance. It isn’t a real pag k I would have liked the entire experience more ifbuilding. all of theThe ice doors was clear, though it is worth noting that the rest of my group disagreed. there’s my blast from the past. I’llvery nowclose try to reg opinion because you could clearly seeDallas the former became a massive opening and the windows remained as frames toWelp, the outside world.This next one was toresume winning, ed industrial design, than this may be aOn good to look at. However, thebe stories within aren’t rare mysteries and be found more detail in opb XASin VERNACULAR Texas: The Arboretum December 25th I witnessed what can only described as a Christmas miracle: SNOW INwall TEXAS. someone told mein that would see snow this blog ofDallas, course).This last shot was soooooo close to book making it in. IF…birds those dang dumpsters in the for background chained the so IIfcan could move them ofI the way the etails: There was more tothink the garden thanwhat just plants. There were many colorful (who moved too quickly me to takeweren’t pictures of ), aParkMAY temporary Chihuly exhibit, beautiful sculptures, afor miniatu ocluding sleep, I began to about good architecture is (Possibly because I’ve been skimming through atobook called Buildings foroutthe Arts (A book .Stump Chair. Pretty brilliant, right?Tagged Architecture, Design, Frisco, nature, OH!, Park, Parks & Rec, Photography, Texas, Youth Center 19 2013LEAVE A COMMENTDESIGN WORKEDITBA e trees are Igreen. Though I will likely change my mind when the weather goes back tosubjective, being blisteringly Now,believe IOfficeI leave you with a photo ofby a ladybug I“good foundfirm inarchitecture” my Arboretum, projects. understand that the term “good architecture” is new totally buthot. I merry also that when discussing thelots same typA HOTOGRAPHY, TEXAS VERNACULAREDITA SEARCH FOR THE TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 10Arlington,Texas: GHLA was recently hired an architecture in bathroom. Arlington toEnjoy: do of graphic o happy new year! Design, greeting card, happy holidays, happy year, holidays, Illustration, christmas, new year, OH!, pictogram EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURN e aseveral day-trips tochristmas, document buildings they didn’t already have photos of. While am no pro, I think I’ve Ibeen a rather good job. SoPhotoshop, I thought I’d take aphotos moment to share some of theItphotos ure: residences, cultural centers, historic museums, etc. Buildings: Offices, public schools, prisons, grocery stores, etc. I know the di ved in Modern Copenhagen, Denmark traveled all over Europe with a churches, sketch book and aIcamera. This a book plan doing on printing that contains of myI was favorite from that was im photos thatwhole I think are nice butand didn’t make the cut.AKA “reject photosThough there were quite aIis few good pictures of the office during thesome daytime, surprised to find theyexperience. had no nighttime ph ception of the use and importance of these different types of building programs. Without over generalizing, it would seem as though buildings serv an see the book by clicking here. Here are the first few spreads: I’ll be sure to update once receive a printed version of the book. Architecture, Art, Books, Design, europe, OH!, Photography, po it gives a sense of the surroundings of the building. Under the cover of a handful of intensely green, old trees, this white, boxy building shines yellow in the blue night.Who knew I could be so poet alling a building. Its focus is purely functional. In this instance, it was designed to efficiently sell groceries. The building is surrounded by a wind-swe lemsthe that ended in website a strangeand project. PROBLEMS: 1: Rain. Really cold rain.I believe Basically ice falling fromfire thelane sky.that Freezing rain.need 2: Noofrecycling at my apartment complex. 3: Nearest public recyclin hare company’s book as they areseeing completed.Until then, there is a pesky is in dire removalprogram from anfriendly. otherwise photo.Tagged Arlingt uld help me winter. I got the idea from some ofeffort what are called “Small World and altered it Pollock’s to user be forgetful-bachelor The difference is that those terrariums use liv your life inthrough and around this building, there isartno made in terms ofTerrariums” creating a desirable experience. There arelovely no windows, noArchitecture, daylight, noblo g otoshop fun:During my trip to Portland, I dropped by the museum and saw a painting called “How to Make Jackson Dog” by David Gilhooly, which inspired me to make the OH! design nk,maybe I’ll consider a plant. Maybe… Art,aarts, cold rain,user decoration, Design, diy, happy thoughts, nature, recycling strange project, ON THE NIGHTSTAND, 007h on of architecture. Its focus iswith on creating beautiful experience. InGreen, this case, it is meant to OH!, represent abin, museum. Though itlike may be designed to OH!, PhotoshopMAY 09 2013LEAVE AArchitecture, COMMENTDESIGN DESIGN WORKEDITTHE DESIGN GRAVEYARD: ENVIRONMENTAL SCULPTUREIn most of theterrarium studio courses taken,athe profes troubling consequences associated itMany inWhile the minds ofGRAVEYARD, manytraining architects andnow designers. The main argument prefabrication of architecture goes this: “IfI’ve I dust design building eeason for the design of an Olympic training center. theconcise Olympic center has a prominent place in myagainst portfolio, theand environmental sculpture hassomething been gathering virtual on my hard than to enjoy themselves. times they areofsurrounded by parks and water features have a great amount ofsuccesses, emphasis put on drawing most valuable portion of difficult the book, in ended my mind, is the history architectural prefabrication. It discusses the first prefabricated ventures in architecture, failures, and many ofmain thed artistic value somewhat and up treating this sculpture more like architecture (sketches, diagrams, renderings… the whole nine yards!).1a: The site we were assigned had two much better (in terms of architecture and experience) than a grocery store? Answer: I don’t know… To be honest, there are probably hundreds of re ojects with an interest in economic and practices rather thanapplied mass-production, and work that hasshade not been or is yetinsulation.While to be realized, respectively. Verdict: Check it size, out. The book is by nodete me ver of in the creek path was abstracted intosustainable rings.1c: These rings were then to the busy street towonderful provide and sound the rings were of aplacards, standard the spacing was useum will house different food types. Detailed descriptions of the food’s contents and origins will be displayed on small similar to that of a ments prefabrication is rather interesting and has made for an easy read. The case studies all have photographs, while only some have plans, sections, diagrams, construction drawings, et the rings opened up to allow travelers to enjoy the surrounding nature.2a: I’m still afraid of the dark…2b: To combat theI frightful night, the rings were designed toare illuminate the path andHappy the nea hat the ideas shared in every essay is simply their own opinion. NOT FACT. Verdict: Check it out Perhaps the portion which find most intriguing is the segments that labeled “So-and-so’s e entire design will focus on drawing people to it and making people want to stay. And, yes. I am only joking. Architecture, Design ON THE NIGHTSTA alongside themore nearby automobiles.Eventually thisWhen project would these evolvepieces, into the fiber-optic infused trees that littered site ofthe therelationship Olympic training center.While both incarnations ofWithout this project weP ce”: ^^I’ll talk about thatcare another time…^^ reading you can make your own connections asthe to what between architecture and happiness is. looking l story, so if you don’t and just want to hear about the book, skip to the next paragraph. Throughout my school career I would read only comic b e diffused by a dense screen? Or how fun it would be to ride your bike through the light tunnel at night?Or how expensive it would be to construct such a silly little project…Tagged architectural d oYEDIT11.5 readI’ve when youat turn out the lights andAM pretend you aren’t home because you ran out of candy! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Architecture, Books, Design, happiness, happy place, Review A SEARCH FOR TH HOURS INleast PORTLANDAt 9:30 sharp on the train leaving Eugene, OR. this day I would visit themovies neighboringcity Portland with the intention of spending one whole day expl uld. got five comic books I was made forUnfortunately, classes like Arts, Geography, World History, even Calculus. When I photography). decided to Next, go to ar he decision to visit ofChinatown the places I hadn’t been to before. theLanguage draw ofOn air conditioning and pulled meof toand the museum (which did not allow the b mes since then. Nextsome stop, Compared tothat other Chinatown’s I’veagainst visited, this one was rather small andIMAX filled mostly with empty store-fronts and urine smelling trees. However the Lan Su Ch extremely disappointed. So just know I am biased the existence of this book. With that said, this is hands down one of the best architectu bs, get fresh gravel in your shoes, and photograph many average looking shrubs! 2. You will have the opportunity to be scared shit-less by countless lizards, squirrels, insects, and (best of all) poison be I’ve been warned about soamany times. Atis times ittomeant that you would getrustle toIteat veryprehistoric deliciousbrilliant. pastrami sandwich fortofirst nearly $20 and at other times itfinished meant that everyone was riding in a bike a ext toseparate show theyou development and creation of the firm’s isinaabsolutely I hadonly my with BIG studying abroad Cop our pants because think velociraptor about strike when the bushes the garden section, find experience an armadillo! Once I had the botanical garden o LIFE two blog posts I have photos blog about for awork. month), however I’ve gotten very bored posting pictures and defining am towhen forget“enjoying” why I liked them to begin with Y AS A that FASHION ICON (since MY LIFE AS Aenough FASHION ICON 1toaCOMMENT THINKING What you wear saysof a lot aboutawith who you are.old It isis one of your characteristics. Your sense of fashion often sible tactics. I cannot give enough praise to thecontemporary firmJUST and their work. In terms content, this book fantastic. Itstarting has beautiful meaningf her things) has retrofitted the existing building into very looking work of architecture. There’s lovely juxtaposition between old, exposed brick andrenderings, modern steel and wood. Vec splay a certain amount of professionalism and respect for etiquette, but it does nothing to let people know who you are. You become lost in the crowd. One of hundreds who dress identically. Why ng. Verdict: GET THIS BOOK. BIG is one of the better firms currently in the business and this monograph is unlike any other to date. It is meaningful. bridge briefly to take at the side ofperson, the city. Its safe to say that I haven’t even his scratched the surface when it comes to exploring Portland. Portland was a very cool city,ofand the Universi fedwich personality he has. He athe islook either: A: Aother very funny who’s sense of humor trickles fashion sense B:BIG A laid-back man who doesn’t care what E. you thinkCenter of him orStudent his sense fashion. Am and cookie from the artwill museum? Thanks, write you a $50 check. THE APR 18 2013 2 COMMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY John Jaqua for Athletes InDesign a C: rather epiece able to aNOT buy book, then you are much stronger than I. P.S.into I hereby forgive forOREGON, stealing my book idea… Architecture, Books, and accessory not serve aI’llpurpose, but will send aJOCK-BOX message. For a general equation I putcomic toof use getting dressed. Separately, these of clot sists ofofa clothing double (though it only seems it should be called ataste triple exterior…) that isexample, meant toI have contribute to the sustainability thewhen project. the I’d lines ofto a articles passive heatin m having bitshell of trouble starting. You could say that Ialso am experiencing the architect’s version ofof writer’s block. Which me thinking about the desi athered it byamaterials now, thisexterior is my feeble attempt to rationalize my poor inshell fashion. Hawaiian shirts and jorts are just astudent couple my guilty pleasures whenSomething it got comes toalong fashion. love hear that I’m dEspecially expensive arranged in a vibrant and playful manner. It is a very colorful surprise! The building functions a center for ATHLETES ONLY. While visitors are welcome to tour the lobby in moments like this inAwhich there is no no no responsibilities to which the must conform. The only thing aofperson inm n, sarcasm, sketches, style SUPER HERO POP ART OCT 10site, 2012For 3 COMMENTS DESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING Allow medesigner to preface this post byvery stating that I am an example adult. A sophisticated tlypictogram, what was so special aboutthemed the building. $41.7 million dollar budget. aclient, 37,000 square foot building, that is roughly $1,100 per square foot. (AKA expensive). This architecture makes sense that Spider-man household items be geared towards a younger market, but I firmly believe there is a large, untapped market of young adults who would appreciate some geeky m by cleaning. I clean everything; my desk, my room, my computer’s desktop, my email inbox. This cleansing helps me to focus. To purge whatever pro n here in the signs found around the lobby). Though there may be some sort of controversy surrounding this project, be it architectural, social, or otherwise, it is a very nice building and I look forward out rather well. Now all I need to doarchitecture is tackle theschool DCme Universe or maybe some Star Wars art. things. This isn’t the first time I’ve nagged about the lack ofsome more adult friendly super hero memorabilia. Inice. actually b hat make me think. Things that make ask questions. Mostly just I then select my tools. Perhaps a roll of trace and a thick black marker. Or 013 OREGON, PHOTOGRAPHY The I received my undergraduate degree from was a nice place. The city was fantastic, and of the architectural facilities were pretty BUT, bricated lamp that couldold belaundry flat-packed, meaning laser-cut from athat. single sheet of material andand delivered in that a single envelope. Bellow is the board I made for the Digi-Fab project which does a has good jo g been the University’s facility. This was nothing like This architecture school was so large it housed several lecture halls, several floors of studio space, a cafe, and its own archite ower to rationalize putting off the work I’m about to do. I check emails Facebook and emails again. I wonder why today of all days nobody ca acked, Illustration, lamps, laseris, cut, Marvel, OH!,doesn’t Photoshop, Pop art,ofpresentation, snikt, Super wolverine A SEARCH FOR THE TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 5 OCT 08 2012 PHOTOGRAPHY, TEXA are pulling. The best if and your studio have a carnival view the rest campus, it likely has aa view similar to Ifidea, I wasn’t excited before, I am now! Oregon trip photos toand come. Arch n. Then I just start topart draw write and think, mostly pure nonsense. I hero, catch glimpse ofthis: an but quickly lose inthe aMore fury of flying trace croo syou and deep surrounded by junk salesmen and rides. A of photographer could probably spend weeks here attempting to capture itsit essence, though I’ve only allowed myself af Dallas afterAfried areally tripoddities, to Oregon for Grad Day. Grad itself wasIdeas awesome, I even met a few fellow buffs inand the land of ducks. I took TONSto of photos, but here is standard first batch along with my first impres gThe for. The dam cracks, then shifts, then bursts. begin tointeresting, pour out rapidly my keep/let hands struggle keep up. Afrom quick pace of production follows u Good: interesting Chevy exhibit withday some classic trucks within an inflatable exhibit hall. The Good: Customizable lampstown made plastic puzzle pieces. You choos of in Oregon. I learned this because my “rain coat” decided that it shouldn’t keep water out as much as it should water in… This small reminded me so much of Boulder, CO that I ofte perience. With livestock and all. Architecture, Design, fair, OH!,on Photography, Texas, Texas state fair, travel ONlong THE SCREEN: OCTOBER 2012 OCT 04 2012 ON THE SCREEN Future By I’ve pon old to ideas and invent new ones.Dallas, I love it. Architecture, Design ON THE NIGHTSTAND, 002: OLD BUILDINGS, NEW DESIGNS JUL 13 2012 ONDesign THE NI ing tends be very brown/yellow. In Oregon, there is green growing everything! In fact, if you stand still for too you’ll likely find moss growing on your back. Another thing unique to Oregon jority of his life, and has completed a staggering amount of work. However, he is most notable for his designs depicting the future world. The film Future by Design is a sort of biographical docume le that, through its use, describes the benefit of owning or reading the book. Some books are excellent idea books that should be read and apprecia nlike my mater,that the they University of aOregon does not restrict the design of its buildings onIts campus to have a consistent “University look”. WhileDyson the older buildings generally look the same,fornewer orrow. Healma describes willYou’ll use single ribbon of water to cut soap the hands. quite the image, but and isn’tthat too far my fromopinion realization. has realized this method is effective dryin snreplicated throughout city. an pancake shack next to a off modern library next toribbon an of older building received a face-lift. Very fun. I have any many, MANY more photos that I’ll xemplary ideas andthe beautiful images. This book isthan anthe attempt at the third type book, is has in not a successful one. In terms of ideas or of a “Paper Architect”(Though in this see case heancient does much more architecture). example, the sink a brilliant idea, butDESIGN it’s just that. An idea. Without work on finished product, hitecture, Design, Eugene, OH!, Oregon, Photography, travel, University oflong Oregon AitFor BUFFALO IN fact, OREGON APR 03ishalf 2013 COMMENTS WORK, JUST THINKING COthe ————————–> explains to be theofand most important aspect ofThe this type of architecture). In the first the book is full of the author’s over generalizations about im tothis talkfall like apursuit genius, gave himdegree the ability to draw. film isheading a bit and can get boring at moments, but if 2of you can sit through his prophetic rants then IBoulder, think you’ll walk away with some ene in my Master’s in Architecture! I’ll be to Oregon this weekend for orientation and will be sure to post pictures from my trip. I’m very excited to be heading back the book is dedicated to case studies of successful architecture that melds together new and old through extreme, restrained, and referential contra ng about this undercover genius. Architecture, Design, documentary, future world, Gadgets, movie, Review, Video FREE ADVICE: COLOR GUIDE SEP 17 2012 DESIGN WORK, JUST THINKING As an arc evening. As I was reaching to grab my sunglasses towill shield my eyesvast fromamounts the blinding sun, I suddenly passed into darkness. It occurred to is me that I had entered theYou’ll shadow of the mountains thatthe b it. As to an architecture student, it is is unlikely you of time color andinIcolor theory it camera often offered as an elective). be brain dead utiful “money shots” but somewhat lacking in terms of drawings or, what really look for,the diagrams. Verdict: Look through it. If you are partic hotos make a fluid video. Nor did I have of athat tripod with have mework. atspent the time. Nordesign did I have thestudying willBlack to stand out the cold and(though hold in position over the course ofalso the hour a halffrom I spent ion,only which is then reflected in the critique student’s The boring solution: Stick and White presentations The BETTER solution: some sweet Nike’s Nike’s areand tailor to G lo at makes up the last half ofideas, the book!) Architecture, Books, Design ON THE SCREEN: JULY 2012 JUL 11role 2012 ON SCREEN Sketches ofmade Frank mediately. Though these images might not bethe that interesting, when overlaid you really getto asosense of the movement of choosing the shadow and the itFind plays inTHE coming of the night. Hopefully next t er text.2013 Highlight colors for main concepts, and titles. This works with any pair ofknow Nike’s, pick your favorites! After your shoes, all you need isthe the Eye-dropper tool in Photoshop orwo Illu RCH MAR 27 2013 ON THE SCREEN Objectified “Every object tells a story, if you how to read it. ” -Henry Ford Allow me to begin by saying this is one of the best (if not THE best) documenta not have. It is burdened with the job of functioning and form takes a backseat (Form ever follows Function). Though I am no critic, Frank Gehry’s palette makes everything better, and, if used correctly, can help you to convey your ideas graphically. Annndddd you’ll get a chance to as govaluable Nike shopping at and the end of every goes, Hope th ar as to just describe projects in all look stages of process; starting from concept creation, tofilm prototyping, manufacturing, sales, and even disposal. Asthe far statistics information Iworld’s don’t real hing more than it does service aesthetics. With said, this was excellent. Itfor was truly insightful mind and of one ofAproject! the N WORK, JUST THINKING Prostitute [pros-ti-toot, -tyoot] Noun Athat woman who engages in sexual intercourse money; whore; harlot. Ato man who engages in process sexual acts for money who w nt from different fields and backgrounds, each provides a unique perspective on the role ofPerhaps design in modern society. Iworld. can as refreshing. This filmGehry’s may havework a person larger impact todesigners be looking to learn something to any sort of gain or entertainment. the best part ofonly the film isbeitthe glimpse into flow an er to selltheir yourself. It(though is advice that isbe applicable to get all persons in alldo fields of work, though perhaps more mandatory in the design Youdescribe must able tothis show your skill and personality in everyth ly rock world it may a bit boring to people who not obsess over design). Verdict: SEE THIS MOVIE! I honestly wish someone had shown film to me while I was still in high scho narned with. Taking this advice, I have become a prostitute. Not inwhich the traditional definition ofon the word, in thepoint. senseAlso, that Iyou am can constantly trying tofilms sellme myself services toTHE anyone willing to pay. I 23 ha in school tells me that Gehry isofdoing architecture wrong. But, everything I’ve seen infind this film tells heand doesn’t care. Most importantly responsible for films like Helvetica andFrank Urbanized, both will likely featured this blogbut at some all of these on Netflix right now! MAGIC 8-BALL MAR me? know Revit… The effect on the employment process has alsobe made me rather uncomfortable and unconfident. I draft an e-mail andtablet attach myJUL resume, then press the20 tiny send button ay value if you areInternet’s ever precedence/inspiration.) Architecture, Design, movies 1958 DESIGN AND PATRIOTISM 10 2012 VIDEO “The hand o le IIhit thesome treadmill… Art, arts,seeking cartoon, comedy, comic strip, Comics, Design, Illustration, magic 8 ball, OH!, sarcasm, sketches, wacom THE BUTTERFLY MAN MAR 2013 2 COMM dto not, for unknown computer reason, translate to Mandarin Chinese. I called pray Ifull didn’t accidentally send aItpictogram, picture of myself, flipping off the camera, dressed as amuch bear at a costume party. Then, I wa young children, but adults will get a kick out of being in a massive greenhouse of all kinds of butterflies. Here are a few photos I snapped: Some are not that more beautiful than a large m 6:20 Wandering the internet I found this video from 1958 “American Look”. is described as a documentary on design, though watching it you how to properly address a letter… To further separate myself from the crowd, I’ve developed what so I’mthat calling a “mini-folio”. It is essentially aabrochure of my work and services andnamed will hopefully get ck a butterfly into letting me pick him up and place him on my hat, which was then passed around everyone could take a picture in CU hat with a butterfly on it. He was Edward, and edom. I honestly lost track. But its a fun look at the past none-the-less. I always enjoy some retro design precedence. Some interesting Timestamps: y, butButterfly it is imperative that I continue to sell myself. I OH!, mustPhotography, continue to be a walking portfolio. A living, breathing business Perhaps I just need to lower my price andarrived, sprawlso myI am name andthat number o erfly, Pavilion, Colorado, Museums, nature, travel BOOK UPDATE MAR 14Art 2013 DESIGN WORK Icard. promised I’d update when the books Imagnificent made doing now. GRAPHY, TEXAS VERNACULAR Fort Worth, Texas: The Museum of Modern Tadao Ando’s American masterpiece is as as its fabled to b ntly painted my childhood room to better suite a wider audience. It was half blue, half yellow, and had a banner of trucks running across the center. Being a 22-year old man, it had gotten a bit silly looking my bookshelf andtwelve. seeing Through things written by Le Corbusier and Rem Koolhaas andvast Omar Hason. about I highly recommend using for any kind of publication (photo book, portfolio, etct raphic ofthrough males, ages five through this journey, I have experienced and learned amounts painting rooms, and have to share knowledge/experience in aand how ildings was MAR an extra treat for me.DESIGN EvenWORK, better was when the power inWhile the building went out, and Ifew got toBlurb seeofdecided just how themy daylighting illuminated the BOX ANALOGY 08 2013 1 COMMENT JUST THINKING, PHOTOGRAPHY visiting in Colorado I snapped a pictures the oddly shaped Denver Art Museum (DAM) th ne understanding of how theit.pros paint rooms and watching HGTVArchitecture, is a very Review easy way to DESIGN learn. Television shows like Hunters” and Dollar Rooms” discussA painting very little While and are ide than made up for Just before security came: Fort Worth, Museum of“House Modern Art, Museums, Photography SEARCH FOR THE TEX lection isdo excellent. Architecture, Books, Design, OH!, prefab, prefabrication, THE GRAVEYARD: TAGS DEC 2012 2“Million COMMENTS DESIGN GRAVEYARD, DESIGN WORK re-fin lors that not match any the furniture you own in to that you are forced buying all me. newZIPPER furniture. A chance: rule of10thumb selecting paint colors is to choose aconstruction, color that looksTech” beaut flect type ofNone work I typically do. my mind, theythe areorder still projects, so Iseriously thought I’d into share them whenever I got the Zipperfor Tags This project forreturning a course I took called “Green ngly small. theofare less, itInwon’t has stood testgood ofensure and impressed Most unfortunately, the building is undergoing sofuth t tely the paint related. Chances yousweaters buy enough supplies ontime your first trip to the store, be absolutely sure to purchase a surplus of painting tools. was Upon your home, move any constantly losing zippers from my and backpacks. So, rather than use aPHOTOGRAPHY, paper clip, I so thought I’d make my own customized zipper. 2. In our school we have a bin oftothe used, laser-cut pieces of Iai RCH FOR THE TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 2 JUL 06 2012 TEXAS VERNACULAR Fort Worth, Texas: The Stockyards This afternoon find a book of Satanic Verses in order to curse the previous homeowner for applying the wallpaper in the first place. Once their slow and painful death is ensured, remove remaining wallpaper ich Itohave yet to thank her…). The batch I produced for class was made in 22 different styles, each available in 4 colors. However, laser-cutting is just like printing on paper. So the zipper tags were on enng afternoon/night shots of the stockyards and the surrounding area. Unfortunately, it was still too hot for me to spend anymore than a couple of hou paint. Then, after However, realizing that painter’s tape is always an extreme ofintime, quickly apply tapeato the remaining three edges. ToDesign, ensure DigiFab, a quick removal, do not apply largeOH!, amounts of pressure to current the Zipper Tags will havewaste a place my heart… now, inPainting my blog. Art, clothing, digital fabrication, Green, portfolio, pmy 5 1/2: more (OPTIONAL) Step 1 for ruleshats regarding the process. Step Using a paint roller,anything, randomly begin painting the wall. Remember varyrecycled, the direc velty ofWatch theportfolio. experience. Men allSee had cowboy and cigarettes. ItAnd was like6: place aBegin movie really. More than the streets were lined with bars and pu mentary started with HGTV anThis advantage. The covers Disney’s “comeback” inresearch the animation department the 90′s and really dives into the business aspect of the films. I wasto looking forwar ent about in the wall documentary. surface. will save youfilm from having to clean the wall before and will only add tothroughout theon texture present in the finished product. Remember to apply only a single coat of paint, be front porch. There were dozens ofRemember Cowboy/Western/Texas themed wall most corner lotleave buildings. I do not recollect ashut. single one that did ate this LOVE: I love the idea of Disney studio culture. Thehand home movies thatmurals show the group dynamic present in the artist’s studios are brilliant and entertaining. It is very remin which case they should be ignored). Step 8: the Details, Continued… It is imperative for the painting process that you all doors and windows in the room This will help to prov ois certain things aspainting successes orsurface. failuresopen in their eyes (There isof a Process part in the film wherefilled the artists express that the Lion tape King was sort of written off and as gathered. destined to be mediocre, which ends up being my air-conditioned. Others were the endthe every axis and with water around which people Among these cowboy them regained, finish the Step 9: at Completing After waiting 10-minutes, remove allmisters, painter’s quickly and carelessly, replace allfun furniture. Take aimagination moment to reflect on power, credit, and money is rather disheartening. I suppose children from my generation have been conditioned to associate Disney with wholesome, family and love and and othe th that followed a creek. The water was close to stagnant and full of garbage like old wrappers and tires, but it was still full of wildlife (turtles, herons nd Twitter, letting all of your know how craftytaste. you are. enjoy to your new room! ofend your hard work has paidburning off! Step 10: Learning a Lesson (OPTIONAL) you manage makethat it this fari It is a success story thatfriends leaves with a bitter TheLastly, filmpatch seems desperately tryAll to high note after down Toontown. It does give remotely afor bit ofIfinsight into thetowork goes ehot. that this was so fromwallpaper, the Stockyards that I wasmy the only person down there. InI have fact, the only bike near the creek was l.and Ibeing personally took the better part ofyou aremoved week remove holes, and paint room. Iton is aincredibly tedious work and new-found respect painters. Though I dou will make you happy, may Ifar suggest ThetoPixar Design, Disney, documentary, entertainment, Film, Illustration, movies, OH!,aReview COM:ICONS DECprofessional 03 2012 DESIGN WORK, ON THE NIfl how to paint room, Illustration, OH!, painting, sarcasm JUNK I BUY… AUG 28 2012 2there COMMENTS MOBILE PHOTOS, PHOTOGRAPHY Gadget No. 1: Olloclip There are really only criticize) isaisthat the traffic seemed topictogram, beStory? a bitArt, over powering. There was four lanes ofGADGETS, traffic cutting through this potentially beautiful portion of the ci eI won’t library that similar to thousands of other books about the same subject, which is to say that is no particular reason why I feel anyone would need to buy this book in particular. It serves a pu want infriendly agoes… few months that will eventually beBut donated the next time I clean my room. I tend to be a point suckeris for things inPearl the and “AsStreet Seen onin TV” section of CO Walgreens asbe well as decorative thrift sto pedestrian place. Perhaps closing a few of the streets from cars permanently (perhaps Boulder, could a precedence or S sodes: far asMacro, reading well… there isn’t really any. the point of this post isn’t to review this book. The to get inspired to share said inspiration: Now I’ll be able to graphically label m Wide Angle, andparents (my Fish-eye. It is incredibly useful don’t particularly feel likeAcarrying around camera, especially since the iPhone takes magnificent pictures alr Thanksgiving break my and I flew to Atlanta then drove to are Destin foryou turkey, stopping indesign Montgomery on the way. Ityour was myTEXAS first timeVERNACULAR: visiting Georgia and Alabama, so took lots of photo w] For business cards. They arefavorite) in fact a product designed bywhen and for OH! . Design, OH! SEARCH FOR THE EPISODE 1 IJUL 05 2012 P Macro Setting: Finger Print Fish-eye Setting: American Scent Tree There a few problems with the of this gadget: 1You cannot use this clip with your iPhone case on, which is a hassle if you t shows it’s age, butthe is of still rather nice. Verycan clean. Georgia Aquarium : Atlanta Georgia This was… okay… Itback was the firstsense and only time I’ve ever seen acall liveeveryone whale shark, which was 4spectacular. Howev ather a portfolio images that document my experiences in Texas and speak to the of place. Not all will be beautiful images, but rather wi er have to remove clip to lock the phone or wait until the phone autolocks before putting your phone in your pocket (or else you will likely you never call). You cannot use fl hen items slaps you in the facethat withuse some crap about sharingmy and love your beingscreen the secret ingredient. Iwith would have loved moreyour history, lessbut Hollywood. There isita by partclicking where youhere. tryWho different soda from arou ORK Undergrad Portfolio I recently posted undergraduate portfolio to a website called issuu.com. You Here are the milar onALthe market magnets that destroy cover or tamper your ability to lock phone, I stillcan highly recommend the olloclip. can has resist the ability ontgomery, Seaside Community : Seaside, FLshouldn’t If I didn’t dislike sand so much, I would consider retiring in Seaside. Ittoisexplore a planning marvel isisview aan gem of community It even a slew offirst “ro ve actually been to Hamburg before while studying abroad. itMuseum, was on a Florida, school so I to had no time onMuseum, my own.and This absolute gem that Irather am burning inside for missin m Las Vegas “When the crossroads becomes aUnfortunately, cloverleaf, one must turntrip, right turn left…” ^When taken out of context this isdesign. chitecture, Art, arts, Atlanta, Beach, cars, Design, Destin, Fernbank, Fernbank Georgia, Georgia Aquarium, High High Museum of Art, high museum of philosophical^ artand atlanta, high musi narrative. It is safe to say that comic books, in one way or another, have affected everyone. Most people are exposed to them at a young age, following their favorite super heroes heroines one eain also decided I’d share what I’ve read on the blog. Just basic impressions, not an actual review. Learning from Las Vegas by Robert Venturi is a classic while I was waiting forto a connecting flight, I madeThere someisdoodles and wrotetoa comic list. Here it is:in 1. general, I hate people who gather around the entrance of thetext plane tographics. board, when it isn’t even close to their tur content unrelated super hero mythology). a strange appeal books having to do with the relationship between and Novels allow the reader to paint who order tomato juice.which 7. I what hatehas people insist on sharing their life stories. I hate architectural people who think the rules don’t apply them. 8. text. I hate pretty that flight attendants. I hate when peopleat turn t decorated shed, now become an integral part of8.most history and theory courses. Idea-wise, this bookonis9.graphics great. Though tim what must written and can be who visually communicated. The best comic books, inzip my opinion, are those with least to amount of Comics rely solely to communicate hat iswhen not thebe case. There are ahas fewbeen things Iincredible do enjoy about flying: 1. I me love seeing tiny cars around. 2. Itypically love looking atthe patterned fields of cropsvaluable from high above. 3.the I the love going to new and fantasticip me modern architecture rejecting the philosophies behind such constructions. Perhaps the most part of reading experience phically communicate ideas anwas precedence for life.tomato Though most comics are thatTHE they are based around a plot line, comic style can be incorporate , hate, humor, Illustration, love, OH!, pictogram, sarcasm, sketches, tinyin cars, juice, transportation, travelnarratives A SEARCHinFOR TEXAS VERNACULAR: EPISODE 7 NOV 10 2012 1 COMMENT DESI

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