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Me and my Personal Experience: Full Name:
Omar Rodrigo Díaz Saldaña Current Position in AIESEC: Congress Committee President Cellphone: +52 1 55 2971 5498 AIESEC email: omar.diaz@aiesec.net Skype ID: omarduf Date you joined AIESEC: march, 2011 University: ITAM Career: Political Economics Expected Graduation Date: 2015
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Relevant work experiences (inside and outside AIESEC) Dates
Results Achieved
Finance & Legal Vice President
Responsible for LC’s financial sustainability and budget supervision. Kept track of trainees’ prompt payments and the respective company fees collection as well. Responsible for effective expenditure and management of LC’s limited resources. As a team, WE managed to achieve one of our main goals: designing sophisticated tools that kept absolute track of the OGX income. Furthermore, WE re-invented F&L transforming it from a mere administration area into a place with diverse developing opportunities such as: Accounting & Financial Analysis, Business Servicing (AD) & Legal Advisory, Administration & Treasury, and Fundraising for iGCDP projects. In sum, I led a team of 17 different individuals within two years as VP Finance & Legal. I feel proud to say 7 of them made it to both EBs: 2013 and 2014 which is certainly a measure of success considering how challenging it is to engage people to F&L.
Congress Committee Teamster of F&L at MOMENTUM MEXICO 2014
Responsible for legal documents and contract arrangements between AIESEC and its partners and sponsors. Improved MC VP F&L – CC VP F&L communication and understanding due to previous experience as LC VP F&L and NST. Helped CC VP F&L as treasurer when required. I contributed enormously to keep track of the agreements that were being established before the Conference.
AIESEC in Mexico
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OMAR DÍAZ - LCP APPLICANT 15.16 Congress Committee President of National Congress, APOLLO 2014
Took the project in late july. Although it won’t be happening before LCP elections, all I know is that this has been a life changing experience so far. Having the responsibility of delivering one of the most relevant National Meetings of the year has been extremely challenging. I lead a team of 20 professionals from different Committees which is something great because that’s what AIESEC offers to its members: the opportunity of working as one team towards the same ambitious goal, “Delivering the greatest Conference in the history of AIESEC in Mexico.”
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3 more relevant experiences that I have lived in AIESEC Personally, I believe that something that changed who you are, how you think and the way you see the world deserves to be considered as something relevant. Thereby, I consider the following three experiences to be most relevant within my AIESEC career.
a.– Congress Committee President of APOLLO 2014 by AIESEC in ITAM The planning, organisation, and eventually, the execution of a national AIESEC conference for over 400 members in just three months undoubtedly represents the most challenging experience of my AIESEC career. Above all, because the most difficult aspect of this position is finding a team which understands the idea and final objective of the project. Being a leader of such a big, important project requires effort, discipline and leadership; which are important characteristics for any AIESECer. After attending 24 AIESEC conferences (20 national and 4 international), and being an OC member for 4 of them (4 national and 1 international), I was always interested in becoming the leader of a project as important as a national congress. This is why I didn’t hesitate when I was offered the opportunity to lead this project. Less than 30 days stand between me and this unique and valuable experience.
b.– Delegate of International Congress, Egypt 2013 “If you REALLY want to go to IC, you’ll always find the way.” ~ Alexandra Anke (MC VP OGX 14-15, AIESEC in Egypt) I believe IC is a must-have experience not only for the members of AIESEC but also for every young person in the world. Having the opportunity to meet, connect and interact with 800 young people from more than 124 countries gathered in one single room is incredibly amazing. Just picture it for yourself: I met people from Macedonia, Kyrgyztan, Kenya, Sweden, France, Slovakia, Indonesia, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Lithuania, Mauritius and Nepal within 10 days! If I wanted to talk to every single person in that Conference, it would have meant meeting 80 people in one day, which is almost impossible.
IC meant also having the opportunity to clearly understand the WHY behind AIESEC. AIESEC is not about the number of experiences it delivers. AIESEC is all about the engagement and development of young people that dream of a better world. International Congress was the place where I found out that there are people on the other side of the world sharing the same vision as AIESEC. IC transformed the way I saw the world. Being in Egypt right in the midst of its worst political turmoil since the Revolution of 2011 was really scary but at the same time challenging. It’s true when they say that AIESEC gives young people the chance to see the world because when they see it then they can start to understand it, and when they understand it, then they can start to change it. I believe this is true.
c.– VP Finance & Legal of AIESEC in ITAM 2012 & 2013 Being VP Finance and Legal for AIESEC in ITAM for two years represented an important challenge on both a personal and professional level; however I think it has been the experience from which I learnt the most. I consider this to be relevant because it really transformed the mistaken idea that I had about how a student organisation worked. It taught me how to work as part of a team. I learnt the difference between working in a team of friends and a team of people who are working towards the same goal. I understood the financial processes of a local committee as important as AIESEC in ITAM. I made mistakes a million times but above all I learnt that in AIESEC, making mistakes is also one of the best ways to learn. Being VP in any of the AIESEC department is an opportunity to continue with what is already working well, and improve that which doesn’t. As VP F&L, my priority was based in giving the opportunity to my team to think about how they could contribute to improving the department. I think that giving this freedom to my team members empowered them to believe that this change depended on them.
Powered by Powered by 2 main areas in AIESEC where I have had the most experiences and results I was in charge of F&L for two years. I worked for it since I joined AIESEC in ITAM back in 2011 and somehow, both terms meant different things to me. I separate this experience into two sections: the first in 2012 in which I learnt the most valuable things about how the finances work for an organisation like AIESEC. I also managed to develop my leadership skills in front of a team. It was a time when I really tried to encourage a group of people to find every single activity within F&L relevant. On the other hand, my second term in 2013 was way more challenging because of diverse circumstances. I wanted F&L to be more relevant than it has ever been. I led a team of 12 people and it wasn’t easy at all because it’s not about being a boss to them and asking them to do certain invaluable things. It is all about reminding them that we are one team with the same goals and that every single thing they do has either negative or positive consequences in the process of reaching those goals. In the end, it’s all about letting them know how relevant their activities are, not only for the LC but also for them.
The greatest challenge that I’ve faced during my AIESEC experience, how did I overcome it, what I learntd from this and how I apply this to my LCP term (in 200 words) The biggest challenge I faced in my AIESEC career was dealing with a disinterested team during my first term as leader of the F&L department. More than constantl y having to recruit new members, the hardest part for me was to realize I was doing something wrong. I started thinking of new ways of team management and asked for urgent feedback. I began reading books about leadership development and suddenly I found myself in a crucial position. I asked to myself “What am I doing in AIESEC?”, “Why shouldn’t I just quit this job?”, “Is this what I really want or need?”
OMAR DÍAZ - LCP APPLICANT 15.16 Of course, it was not difficult for me to find the answer to those questions. I was clearly convinced that I wanted to change that reality and in order to do so I needed to start improving. That’s when I decided not to quit because I felt that I could do better. I built a new team with different people and new JDs, but most importantly, I built a new team with new, bigger and achievable goals. I believe this is a great lesson every LCP applicant must learn. AIESEC is about finding the courage you face your biggest challenges.
Motivation and Personal Characteristics:
1. How much time per week will you be able to invest on AIESEC during your LCP Term? (Consider your activities as school, work, family, etc.) Personally, I believe that a successful term should never be measured by the number of hours the LCP invested in AIESEC activities. Rather than saying how much time I would eventually spend on AIESEC as LCP, I would like to focus on teaching my team and members of AIESEC in ITAM how time can be used more effectively on daily activities. Spending 14 hours every day at AIESEC in ITAM’s office doesn’t guarantee a successful year. Instead, I would make the choice of making a list of activities that should be done at the end of every single day and commit to finishing them before doing something different. In the end, what’s the point of saying something I am not even certain of? Members of AIESEC in ITAM are not interested in knowing how much time their LCP will be sitting down in the office. What they need to know is how committed and focused their LCP is going to be in order to fulfil what he/she promised them the day they chose him/ her to lead AIESEC in ITAM. AIESEC in ITAM needs a LCP that achieves quality and results in the shortest time.
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2. How would other people describe your leadership style? (100 words maximum) This is truly hard to answer. Personally, I believe people see me as a passionate person that cares about the development of people I work with, which for me, is something that defines a true leader. Moreover, I believe my teams enjoy working with me; especially the way I approach important issues and challenges with them, as a team, in a composed way. When people work with me, I think they see a leader, who is driven by results, celebrates achievement and learns from failures.
3. Please, list 3 strengths and weaknesses and answer the following questions for each.
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1. Strategic Analysis test: a. Make a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) of your LC. Based on the above SWOT analysis: I. What are the main priorities for your LC overall?
I particularly believe that “Openness to Innovation” is one of my main priorities above all because if there’s something that AIESEC in ITAM needs right now, it is making the decision to start creating new things based on new ideas. We’ve been stuck doing the same things that the LC has always been doing for the last two or three years. There have been clear exceptions but in general we haven’t dared to make a big change at all. On the other hand, when I talk about ‘Lack of commitment’ as one of LC’s main weaknesses, what I really mean is that only few members know why they do what they do. Other members simply don’t. This generates a lack of commitment which is something dangerous for the LC. It’s not about having 30% of the LC’s membership aware of where we, as a team, want to get and the other 70% completely out of the game. It’s about having an entire membership striving for the same goals. We still have to work on more strategies in order for us to attack our low members’ retention rate. I’ve been thinking a lot about what is the best way to make the “I WANT TO BE AN AIESEC in ITAM member” process more professional than it actually is. Probably through more tough selection processes and a professional JD structure. We have to emphasize how relevant it is for any student to belong to AIESEC.
II. What will be the greatest challenges for your LC in the next year? What actions would you propose to overcome these challenges? First of all, financial sustainability. In recent years, AIESEC in ITAM has experienced difficult times because of its financial varying stability. It’s hard for me to say this since, somehow, I’m responsible for it, but it’s true. AIESEC in ITAM won’t go far if we don’t do something about it. What I think urgently needs to be done is the following: - Strategic investments focused on results obtained by the Executive Board. - Creation of sustainable projects previously approved by the LC VP Finance & Legal. - Monthly analysis on how investments have positively or negatively affected the LC. - As LCP, having to make the final decision of whether a project is financially sustainable or not. The next one is definitely members’ lack of commitment towards AIESEC 2015. I’ve sadly witnessed how AIESEC in ITAM members don’t even know what the AIESEC 2015 values, mission, purpose and meaning are when asked. Nor do they know what gen2015 is. This is a huge problem because AIESEC is then losing relevance for them generating careless people working for our organization. What can be done to change this? - Engagement through constant and high quality education about AIESEC 2015 to new members and leaders. - Weekly LC Meetings. Let’s break the paradigm! LC Meetings are important because they’re spaces where leaders and members will gather to share what gen2015 is all about. We’re looking for committed members that will support AIESEC in ITAM goals despite anything. - Rewards & Recognition: “Like flowers flourish in water, people flourish in praise and recognition.” I believe this is fundamental. People, in general, love to be recognized for their work and success. EB 2015 of AIESEC in ITAM needs to understand how important it is to keep members motivated. Conference fees subsidies or high performance awards are just a couple of ideas that could be implemented in the LC to improve members’ development.
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III. How will you manage these facts to impact in the 2015 vision goals? Gen2015 is responsible for making AIESEC 2015 happen. AIESEC believes leadership is the fundamental solution and creating better leaders is how it aims to contribute to building a better world. Thus, gen2015 is a generation of purposeful, collaborative and driven AIESECers. The problem is how we make AIESEC in ITAM members aware of this vision. There won’t be any commitment if members don’t realize how relevant AIESEC 2015 goals are. Members must initially comprehend the huge impact gen2015 is responsible for so that they can internalize within themselves how being part of this generation. As LCP, and with TMP being the focus program, my mission is transforming members into purposeful, collaborative, driven and AUTHENTIC AIESECers. Understanding what gen2015 and AIESEC 2015 is all about will drive AIESEC in ITAM members to contribute to GIP and GCDP goals. Based on the SWOT analysis, I’m aware of what is and what shouldn’t be. We need to work as a powerful team to make AIESEC in ITAM become a POWERFUL AIESEC in ITAM. Let’s collaborate together to make the dream of AIESEC 2015 turn into reality. There’s a path that needs to be followed. AIESEC in ITAM has to take small, yet impactful steps.
2. What are the 2 strategies that you would like to see implemented in your LC in order to increase the quality and efficiency of membership experiences?
GIS implementation: Considering that this useful and necessary tool revolutionizes the way in which users and customers of AIESEC interact with one another, it is crucial that AIESEC in ITAM members master it in the shortest time possible. GIS exists in order to improve the quality of the user experience by providing an easy-access platform. AIESEC evolved through GIS in modern and rapidly changing world. One of the principle objectives for the members of AIESEC in ITAM will be to gasp the use of this platform, in order to offer a better quality of products. Moreover, LC members will find this tool easy to use and External coaching sessions focused on leadership development, team work and motivation: We should strive for this. AIESECers know that leadership skills within them must be developed. AIESEC in ITAM has to partner with HR coaching businesses such as Dale Carnegie that can offer coaching sessions to LC members and leaders. Monthly sessions should be helpful in order to guarantee high performance and engagement from members of AIESEC in ITAM.
3. Describe an organizational culture you would like to see in our committee. What actions should be made to achieve it?
I’ve been doing some research about the way Mindvalley, one of the most important companies in the last decade, and its organizational culture has helped them to achieve most of their goals. Vishen Lakhiani, who I consider one of the greatest leaders of recent times, managed to find the right way to work with his employees. He made Mindvalley a place where every young entrepreneur wants to work for. I have a vision of making AIESEC in ITAM the place where every student in ITAM wants to work for before looking for external jobs. Organizational culture in Mindvalley is very interesting: they’re sure, as a company, of where they want to be in the future. They’re aware that working for that company has a real and valuable meaning for them. Mindvalley cares about the development and growth of their employees. And, to be honest, AIESEC is not very far away from there. And I believe it’s due to the lack of incentives. I want to bring AIESEC in ITAM a little bit of that culture and being LCP would mean a great opportunity for experimenting it.
4. How will you manage your team in order to generate a correct synergy and cooperation? I love working with teams. In almost 4 years I’ve been part of at least 10 different teams in which I have certainly learnt different things. It has not been easy to build both synergy and cooperation among the different personalities that we find in AIESEC but I believe this is something worth fighting for.
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I feel that the first thing that needs to be done is giving the team the opportunity to know each other. People from your team have to get to know the other members they will be working with for the next term. This will only work with constant EB Meetings, Team days and EB Weekends. The whole point on this is to build a healthy connection between the members of the team that will soon enable good communication, friendship and trust, but most importantly: synergy. Next is cooperation. It’s extremely important that the members of my team understand something crucial: every single department within AIESEC is connected with the others. Being aware of so means that cooperation and interaction among areas are essential. What I look for is that members of AIESEC in ITAM don’t stick into the idea that having one position in one specific department means that they cannot learn from or contribute to others. I want members to have the opportunity to create tools that help building bridges that will enable cooperation in all the areas and projects of AIESEC in ITAM.
5. How can AIESEC in your entity balance quality with quantity (be specific)? What actions should be taken to improve this?
I think that AIESEC in Mexico is very fortunate to have one of the largest, well-adapted, collaborative and focused memberships in the world. I have witnessed the exponential growth of this entity through the four years I have been part of the organisation. But how should we measure the quality of each of these members’ experience? Similarly, how could we be sure that the international experiences that we offer in a determined period are also good quality experiences? NPS is a very important tool for measuring this. It isn’t about reaching a certain number of experiences throughout the four programs, but about ensuring the quality of them. AIESEC in Mexico initially should have a primary objective to advise the LCs about how to improve the service and quality of our products, and a secondary objective to increase the number of experiences, and not the other way around. Focusing our efforts on the quality of experiences will bring an increase in the number of AIESEC promoters and not detractors. With this we will have more growth and better results.
1. Why do you want to be LCP?
Since I decided to join AIESEC in ITAM, back in march 2011, I’ve had the chance to work under the administration and support of four formidable presidents and leaders. Very soon I understood that the LCP is not responsible for the number of exchange experiences, nor the number of members recruited in one year. Neither is the LCPs job being responsible for guaranteeing the financial sustainability of the LC. Please, don’t misunderstand my words. I believe the LCP is indeed responsible for keeping track of all of those things and giving advice about what needs to be done in order to achieve the goals set by the whole EB team at the beginning of the year. But, I realized that the main role of the LCP is, essentially, to motivate and inspire, one by one, each of his/her members through his/her actions so that they can do the same with their teams. This is certainly what I understand of leadership development. I want to be LCP because I’m aware of AIESEC in ITAM’s history. I know how hard it has been for the LC to get to where it is now. I know the vision and the different points of view that the last five presidents of AIESEC in ITAM had when they decided to face the challenge. I am aware of their legacy. I want to be LCP of AIESEC in ITAM because I wish to give something back to the organization that has changed the way that I see the world. I want to share my short but vast AIESEC experience to every single member of the LC and show them that AIESEC, as the biggest student organization in the world, has a lot more to offer. I want to be LCP because I understand AIESEC in ITAM’s current reality. I am sure that AIESEC in ITAM is still the best performing LC in Mexico and so it has been internationally recognized. I truly believe that this trend needs to continue, and to do so it’s necessary to have strong and motivated members, conscious of where we all want to be. To be clear, we need members that truly understand both the mission and the vision of AIESEC in ITAM. This is why I want to be LCP.
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2. How would you explain in around 50 words to a 10 year old what an LCP actually does?
If it’s a boy: A LCP is a football team coach. His main job consists of motivating the members of his team and emphasizing in that, in order to achieve the main goal, which is being a champion, the most important thing is to have a solid team and believe that goals are achieved if you fight for them. If it’s a girl: A LCP is a ballet teacher. Her main duty is to develop the potential of each one of her students. After constant periods of hard work and training, students will discover that ballet is an art that involves a lot of discipline and synchronization. Passion for it is crucial.
3. If you could choose one program to be the program focus for your LC, which would you pick and how would you ensure that each of the support functions do focus in that program?
I think that within the four programs that AIESEC offers, the most important at the moment for AIESEC in ITAM, on which I would focus all of my efforts as LCP would undoubtedly be TMP. My objective as LCP is that AIESEC in ITAM is one of the main contributors to the goals of AIESEC 2015. However, this will not be possible without the commitment of the committee members. In order to achieve a big impact, not only is it necessary that the members and leaders keep in mind what these goals are about, but that they understand the impact and meaning that contributing to these goals can have in their lives. In order to reach AIESEC 2015, the members of AIESEC in ITAM need to understand the relevance that being part of gen2015 could have for them and what this means. I want the members of AIESEC in ITAM to really understand what it means to belong to this committee. My intention is to create the feeling of identity and belonging. With this, I am not saying that the other three programs (TLP, GCDP and GIP) aren’t important; of course they are, and it is important to raise growth targets for this year. However, I think that it is pointless to focus on the number of exchanges that we achieve if we don’t understand the ideas behind them. Relevant membership will generate impactful leadership. Impactful leadership will give way to growth of the Local committee. This growth will significantly impact the goals of AIESEC in Mexico. And this will contribute to the completion of the goals for AIESEC 2015.
4. In the context of your LCP term, rank in order of importance the key responsibilities of the LCP and describe why you gave them that ranking. 1. Collaborating with the MC and LCP team: at the end of the day, we are AIESEC in Mexico. This is not about the results of one Local Committee but how
we all as ONE work together towards our mission to contribute to AIESEC 2015. One Mexico, One purpose. What’s the point of improving our own results if the other LCs are getting left behind? Our purpose is not being self- fulfilled. We have to understand the diverse situations that we all face, and find the way to help each other to grow.
2. EB Team Management: As LCP it’s crucial to know how every single person in your team works, and what is more; they have to be aware of the way that you work. I’ve learnt that to make the experience of working with a team an epic experience, you, as the leader of that team, have to attack 5 basic dysfunctions of a team: • The absence of trust; • Fear of conflict; • Lack of commitment; • Avoidance of accountability; • Inattention to results
3. Governance and accountability: These two responsibilities are vital in terms of how much you trust the people you work with as team leader and how much the people that you work for trust you as LCP. Governance means responsible leadership and being loyal to yourself and the things you believe in. Accountability means the ability to share who you really are. To show people that you’re human and being so you’ll be always vulnerable to make mistakes.
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4. Developing local strategy: It’s important to have in mind what’s the road you’ll be leading your LC through. As leader of the team, people need
to understand why you want to walk that road and what has to be done in order to achieve the goals previously set. Our Local Strategy has to follow one purpose. AIESEC in ITAM’s membership has to own it, believe it and make it happen. External representation: More than a responsibility for the LCP, external representation must be considered as a priority. As the head of the Local Committee, having participation in external activities such as Conferences, University Meetings, etc, will contribute on a strategic positioning of AIESEC among future potential partners. 5. Sales: At this point, I believe sales are a huge responsibility not only for the LCP but also for all the members of the LC. LCP has already developed sales skills so far and I believe that more than focusing on how much the LCP sells (which is indeed something important), he/she should focus on empowering new members to do so.
5. What were your key learnings in your last year (or less) in AIESEC? How will you apply them for your LCP year? 2014 was a big learning curve for me on both a professional and personal level. Whilst I was not an active member of the local committee, being part of the CC team of MOMENTUM MEXICO 2014, CC Team of EVEREST 2014 and CC President of APOLLO 2014 has fundamentally contributed to my professional development because it made me understand how it is that a group of people can be capable of organising such large events which create such a big impact. I learnt important, big-picture elements such as team work, time management, self-leadership, commitment and collaboration towards big goals. I don’t want to say that I would not have learnt this in my experience as VP F&L of AIESEC in ITAM, however I think dealing with national and international congresses, the learning process and responsibility is even bigger still. As LCP it is important to emphasise not only for the EB but the members of the LC that in order to reach the goals of AIESEC 2015, we have to implement these lessons, amongst others.
6. What are the LCP’s responsibilities into making the entity, AIESEC in Mexico, grow and improve as a whole? How will you ensure this happens?
One AIESEC in Mexico, One Purpose. I believe LCP’s main responsibility is to develop a sense of humbleness and collaboration. AIESEC is not a war between LCs. It is not about what LC is better than the others. It’s not about who has a stronger membership or more qualified Executive Board. It’s not about the number of exchanges we reach at the end of the term. It’s not about the number of partners or how much money LCs have in their bank accounts or reserves. AIESEC is about how we help each other to grow. It’s about how much we care about the development of our members. How we contribute to entity’s growth and goals achievement. How much impact AIESEC in Mexico’s full membership can create. It’s about how we understand each other’s reality and discover new ways of collaboration and support. When we all understand these facts, we’ll start to witness a NEW AND POWERFUL AIESEC in MEXICO. But, how to ensure this? One of the things I would try as LCP would be to invite LCPs from different parts of the country to come to LC Days to share with us how is to be the leader of another LC. It’s about him/her sharing a story about the challenges faced every day. And why not approaching to LCPs from another countries. Let’s understand different realities to achieve different results. We have the technology to do so!
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7. How will you ensure that your LC will be aligned and contributing to the AIESEC 2015 vision and goals? Let’s recall AIESEC 2015 midterm ambition and goals: I believe my duty as LCP is to be able to change members’ current mindset. This is the time for gen2015 to become an impactful and significant generation and AIESECers from ITAM must be transformed into purposeful, collaborative and driven individuals. I dream of that AIESEC in ITAM. A Local Committee that contributed to the achievement of AIESEC 2015 goals. It’s all about encouraging our people. Empowering them and awakening their sense of commitment necessary for reaching out AIESEC 2015.
8. As LCP, how will you ensure that your LC will be impacting and align to “One Mexico, One Purpose” vision? “One Mexico, One purpose” is a call to the young leaders of AIESEC in Mexico to unite in order to fight for the results that the organisation is aiming for on a national level. Personally, I see it as something bigger. As LCP, I would focus on passing the following message to all of the members in AIESEC in ITAM: Leadership for young people in AIESEC is unique. There isn’t another organisation in the world that can replicate what AIESEC looks for with its vision: Peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential. However, in order to achieve this goal, it’s important to start with the smallest and most important steps. The first is the development and growth of our LC: AIESEC in ITAM, that’s to say, ONE AIESEC in ITAM, One Purpose. Achieving this would mean generating an identity that we urgently need as a committee. What would this represent? A strong membership who is aware of what AIESEC is looking forward to achieve. Members understanding the clarity of the why of AIESEC represents an opportunity to increase their commitment to the goals of the organisation. Then, translating this commitment to the national situation and collaborating with other Local Committees so that they can achieve the goals set out for AIESEC in Mexico. In this way, we will fulfil the vision of the entity as a whole.