Yachts International Croatia July/August 2016

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Yachts Design

OMEGA ARCHITECTS Čistoća i elegancija Renowned for the sleek sporty look Edited by Ivana Nedoklan Photos Omega Architects


Prepoznatljivi stil nizozemskog studija Omega Architects može se sažeti u tri riječi: čisto, sportsko i elegantno The signature style of Dutch designer studio Omega Architects can be described as: clean and sporty yet elegant, with flowing lines that can be chiseled here and there

Frank Laupman osnovao je studio Omega Architects 1995., a u protekla dva desetljeća iz njega je izašao impozantan broj nagrađivanih superjahta, poput svjetski poznate Galactica Star 65 m. Studio Omega Architects na svakom projektu slijedi isti protokol: razvoj koncepta, vizualizacija modernim metodama i nakon toga dizajn. Tim dizajnera i drugih stručnjaka koji rade za studio, prije svega, se odlikuje fleksibilnošću, pa svoje znanje i vještine mogu staviti u službi bilo kakvog koncepta. Osim po narudžbi, dizajneri Omega Architects stvaraju i jedinstvene jahte koje predstavljaju njihove trenutne vizije o modernom dizajnu. Sibelle 50m jedna je od jahta koje su i iznutra i izvana djelo dizajnera studija Omega Architects. Njezine zaobljene vanjske linije vode do elegantnog ravnog pramca, a dugačke crne vodoravne linije na trupu naglašavaju njezinu duljinu. Zamisao o Sibelle rođena je 2004., kad je vlasnik odabrao 37 metara dugačku polu-custom Heesenovu jahtu ugodnog interijera. Tri godine kasnije vlasnik je tu jahtu zamijenio za nešto dulju semi-custom jahtu od 44 metra, koju je također izgradio Heesen, a uredio studio Omega Architects sa zadatkom stvaranja ‘utočišta od vanjskog svijeta’. Potom je vlasnik 2012. najavio da želi jahtu od 50 metara tešku manje od 500 tona. Bio je spreman za jahtu koju će stvoriti sam u suradnji sa studijom za dizajn i brodograditeljem. Nakon dvije jahte koje je za njega dizajnirao studio Omega Architects, vlasnik je bio siguran da želi da mu dizajniraju i treću, uvjeren da će Omega Architects znati ispuniti sve njegove želje. Sibelle je porinuta 2014. i odmah je privukla pažnju zbog dvije osobine – impresivne brzine s obzirom na dimenzije i dizajn eksterijera koji spaja 50 metara duljine i manje od 500 tona težine. Sibelle je građena od aluminija i ima istisninski trup, što joj je omogućilo postizanje brzine od 19 čvorova. Na pramcu ima elemente za zaštitu od prskanja, pa je pramac jahte suh bez obzira na uvjete plovidbe, no oni su i estetski privlačan ukras na eksterijeru. Unutrašnjost Sibelle, po nalogu klijenta, uređena je toplo, ugodno, jednostavno. ‘Nadahnuće smo našli u ruskim kućama za odmor, popularnim dačama, i takvu atmosferu pokušali smo preseliti u nautički okvir. Cilj nam je bio stvoriti unutrašnjost u kojoj se živi jednostavno, ugodno, opušteno. Mnogo smo pažnje posvetili namještaju eksterijera, jer nije lako preseliti osjećaj ruralnog života u šumi na jahtu usred mora. Stoga je namještaj neobičnih dimenzija; malo širi, malo dulji, malo udobniji. Sibelle je zbog svega ovoga savršena suputnica za vrlo duga krstarenja’, objašnjava Laupman. Ove je godine Sibelle dobila prestižnu nagradu ShowBoats Design Award u kategoriji ‘Eksterijer

Frank Laupman founded Omega Architects in 1995 and ever since designed exteriors and interiors for many award-winning superyachts, like the well-known 65m ‘Galactica Star’, with the ‘integrated hull and body design’ giving her the characteristic exterior. Omega Architects is strong in concept design, modern visualization techniques and thorough technical expertise, following a unique design protocol. The versatile and flexible team pushes their own borders, attracting and inspiring strong principals to create their dreams together. For 50m Sibelle both exterior and interior were done by Omega Architects. Her gentle round curves and elegant straight bow, long black glass horizontal lines emphasize her length. The bleached teak interior continues with curves, soft shades and horizontal lines. The story of Sibelle started in 2004. The owner then chose a 37 meter semi-custom Heesen yacht, which was given a contemporary but comfortable interior. In 2007 he decided to replace her with a slightly bigger 44 meter. Semicustom on a Heesen platform, and Omega Architects was asked again as well to create an interior which allowed him to ‘have a relaxing place and be able to retire from the ‘hectic’ world’. In 2012, Sibelle’s captain announced that the owner wanted to built a new 50 meter yacht, but under 500 GT. After experiencing two semi-custom yachts, he was now ready for a full custom, on both exterior and interior design. Working with Omega Architects on the previous yachts, the owner was sure: Omega knows how to handle a design process and would once again meet the needs of his personal wishes. A new Sibelle was launched at the end of 2014. Her exterior design was an interesting challenge by offering 50 meter LOA and kept under 500 GT which is an achievement. Besides size, speed matters too. Her aluminum Fast Displacement Hull allows her maximum speed of 19 knots, the axe-bow adds to her fuelspeed efficiency. The spray rails on her bow are functional to avoid a wet foredeck, but they sure add some beauty too. In the interior the yacht had to be comfortable, easy to use, warm, soft and ‘pure’. ‘Our first inspiration came from the vernacular country-houses called ‘datsja’, characterized by their warm and pure atmosphere and wooden constructions, the ‘simplicity’ of life. The feeling of outdoor life in a sturdy cabin in the woods was translated to living on board. Special attention has been given to the custom built exterior furniture. All deck furniture is designed with an extra 100mm seat depth, to provide superb lounge quality of the furniture. This is what makes the ‘Sibelle II’ the ultimate ’Travel machine,’ explains Mr. Laupman. This year Sibelle won ShowBoats Design award in the category Exterior design & Styling

Yachts Design

i stil ispod 500 t, iznad 47 m’ te World Superyacht Award u kategoriji ‘Istisninske motorne jahte lakše od 500 t i dulje od 47 m’. Drugi zanimljiv projekt studija Omega Architects je jahta Nova, koju studio također dizajnira za brodogradilište Heesen. Čistih linija, Nova izgleda kao da je isklesana iz jednog komada materijala. Strateški raspoređeni nosivi elementi otvaraju interijer Nove prema okolišu, pa tako i glavna i gornja paluba imaju neometan pogled preko krme jahte, dok su isti ti elementi na pramcu oni koji nose tendere. Vlasnik stoga može ostvariti san svakog moreplovca i provesti čitav dan okružen samo nebom i morem. Heesen i Omega Architects rade na još jednom zajedničkom projektu, 47 metara dugačkoj jahti po imenu Ruya, sestrinskoj jahti lijepim damama Lady Petra i Elena (dobitnica World SuperYachts Award 2015 u kategoriji ‘Istisninska motorna jahta ispod 6500 tona i iznad 44 metra’). Te tri jahte svi će odmah prepoznati kao Heesenovo djelo, ponajprije po zaobljenom pramcu i sportskom stilu. Ruya ima autonomiju od 4.000 milja pri brzini krstarenja, a podjednako je sigurna i udobna u plovidbi i na vezu. Bit će isporučena u proljeće 2017. Studio Omega Architects surađuje i sa brodogradilištem CRN, za koje je to prvi korak u novom životu: kuća CRN je nedavno promijenila vlasnika, a jahta od 74 metra duljine koju gradi

Motor Yacht below 500 GT and World Superyacht Award in the category Displacement motoryachts below 500 Gt of 47m and above. On project Nova, Omega Architects took the opportunity to create a new vision for Heesen Yachts, styled in clean and chiseled lines. The 50 m yacht Nova has a strong relationship with her environment thanks to the scooped out bulwarks which enable panoramic views to the aft on both maindeck and wheelhouse deck, while the foredeck has higher bulwarks to enclose the tenders behind them. This way the owner can enjoy the end of the day in the skylounge or in one of the exterior areas, surrounded by nothing… but the sea. Another yacht designed for Heesen is the 47m named Ruya. She is a sister-ship to to Lady Petra and Elena who won the World SuperYachts Award 2015 as Displacement Motor Yacht of below 500 GT of 44m and above. This series are well-known as typical Heesen having the strong characteristics like the pelican bow and sporty elegance. Ruya has a long range of 4,000nm at cruising speed, offering comfort and safety while cruising the waters or anchored close to shore. Her delivery is planned for Spring 2017. The relationship between Omega design studio and CRN started at an important moment for the shipyard. The shipyard just achieved her new ownership, and ‘The 74m’ was the first yacht to be started from

The 74m

‘Vlasnik Sibelle od nas je naručio jahtu skladnih, jednostavnih linija’ ‘The owner of ‘Sibelle’ challenged us to design a yacht s Omega Architects prva je narudžba za ‘novu postavu’. expressing sobriety and harmony’ Tu jahtu CRN i Omega Architects grade za naručitelja koji je i prije posjedovao jahte kuće i koji scratch. ‘The 74m’ was a repeated commission developed in close colće s dizajnerima i brodograditeljima surađivati u procesu dizajna i laboration with the owner. ‘We met the owner’s requirement to avoid izgradnje. ‘Prva želja koju smo ispunili naručitelju bila je vezana za black by chosing dark blue for the exterior striping, a very maritime boju trupa, koji nije želio uobičajenu bijelo-crnu, nego bijelo-plavu combination with the white hull of the yacht. Design-wise, the soft kombinaciju. Jahta će biti neobičan spoj nježnih linija krme i strogo, but masculine curved stern meets the sharpness of the bow through oštrog pramca, koje će lijepo povezivati središnji element. Dugačka a gentle curve amid ship, connecting main deck and wheelhouse deck. staklena površina teći će bez zaustavljanja, naglašavajući tako linije The long windows show no interruptions or fragmentation and thus jahte. Klijent nas je odabrao zbog našeg stila, koji savršeno odgovara emphasize the long horizontal lines. ‘Sleek’ was and is the keyword, njegovoj predodžbi jahte – otmjena, elegantna, sportskog duha’, kaže coming from the clean, sporty and elegant signature style of Omega Laupman. Otmjena Ruya doista je prava sportska jahta, ali odlikuje se Architects,’ says Laupman. Today, this yacht with a simple and friendly neupitnom elegancijom linija – studio Omega Architects izvanredno nickname ‘The 74m’ is a remarkable sport yacht, elegant with muscled je odradio posao koji mu je kuća CRN povjerila i tako postao prvi neyet soft curves. Omega Architects is also the first non Italian design talijanski studio pozvan da sudjeluje na oblikovanju identiteta kuće. company invited to think about the CRN identity. The studio developed Idući je korak za Omega Architects i CRN serija nadahnuta Ruyom. a ‘low profile’ sporty yacht as an evolution of the recently launched ‘OceanSport’ jahte kao evolucija Ruye imat će iste prepoznatljive li74m. The approach resulted in the design of a yacht identity, called

Project Nova Nova spaja nautičku tradiciju i Heesenov otmjeni stil s dobrim osobinama explorera poput mnogo spremišnog prostora i prostranih paluba Nova combines shared heritage with Heesen of designing elegant vessels with the properties of an explorer with vast storage space and relaxing area on decks





Yachts YachtsDesign dizajn


Studio Omega Architects za kuću CRN razvio je novu seriju OceanSport


Omega Architects developed the new ‘OceanSport’ series for CRN spremna na dugu i potencijalno napornu plovidbu. ‘OceanSport’ se svim svojim osobinama savršeno uklapa u identitet kuće CRN, kao i identitet njezinog vlasnika, grupe Ferretti, jednog od najvećih brodograditelja na svijetu, koji se proslavio baš gradnjom luksuznih jahta poput ove’. Studio Omega Architects nedavno je odradio i dizajn interijera i eksterijera jahte Samurai, 60 metara dugačke istisninske jahte koju gradi kuća Alia Yachts. Raspored prostorija razrađen je na dvije temeljne ideje – povezanosti eksterijera i interijera i prostranosti unutrašnjost. Jedan tipičan element prepoznatljiv na svim jahtama s potpisom studija Omega Architects prisutan je i na ovoj jahti: luk na krmi koji povezuje višu palubu s glavnom kao da izrasta iz strukture koliko se lijepo uklapa, ali istovremeno Samuraj u daje sportski izgled. Majstorski izveden, taj luk također vizualno razdvaja upravljačko mjesto i skiperovu kabinu na gornjoj palubi od salon, vlasničke radne sobe i gostinjskih kabina na krmi. Uz sve ove projekte koji su već u raznim fazama gradnje, studio Omega Architects radi i na nizu projekata čije vrijeme tek dolazi.

Vanjske linije Sibelle uvelike je odredila želja vlasnika da jahta od 50 metara duljine bude lakša od 500 t Sibelle’s exterior design was an interesting challenge by offering 50 meter LOA and kept under 500 GT which is an achievement


nije, te sve osobine zbog kojih je CRN poznat kao jedan od najboljih brodograditelja jahta za dugačka putovanja. ‘Inovacija koja se očekivala od studija Omega odnosila se na funkcionalnost i kreativnost’, kaže Laupman i nastavlja: ‘Stvorili smo nove elemente dizajna eksterijera i to s ciljem stvaranja nove ikone. Kao temelj dizajna uzeli smo jednostavnost eksterijera, koji smo zatim prilagodili svim tehničkim osobinama potrebnim da bi ta, kao i svaka druga jahta kuće CRN, bila

‘OceanSport’, combining recognizable sporty lines of ‘The 74m’, with the ocean going properties of the typical CRN platform and hull design. ‘Here, innovation meant for Omega to be creative on a functional level: we created new exterior design elements, aiming for an ‘iconic exterior’. We focused on a sleek and elegant low profile showing the design trademarks, while preserving the sea-keeping characteristics, known from this CRN platform. We made sure the ‘OceanSport’ series

fit CRN’ s brand identity, being part of the Ferretti group, one of the largest consortia in Italians yacht industry and building prestigious large yachts,’ highlights Laupman. Recently, Omega Architects designed exterior and interior layout for Samurai – a 60m displacement yacht built by Alia Yachts. The layout shows large volume areas, and synergy between inside and outside. A typical element of Omega’s signature style is a smooth shaped organic arch. It connects main deck to the wheelhouse deck, sliding into the aft overhang on main deck, as well as reminds of the sporty character Samurai also has. At the same time it visually divides the wheelhouse and captain’s quarter from the guest area with owner’s study and a large aft saloon. We mentioned just some of interesting yachts designed by Omega Architects studio but we assure you there are more to come.


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