Armacell magazine

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ARMA+magazine Issue 24 - Summer 2015

Information for Armacell’s Business Partners


| Armacell presents environmental product declarations (EPDs)


| Armaflex Cryogenic Systems in the nuclear fusion reactor Wendelstein 7-X


| Armacell grows following two significant acquisitions


| Winter Adventure 2015 in Tallinn




20 06 Feature Story

28 Know-How

06 Armacell presents environmental product declarations (EPDs)

28 ArmWin – Professional insulation thickness calculator 29 New Armaflex Application Manual and installation

10 Innovations

videos on YouTube

10 Armaflex Rail

30 Customers ask – Armacell answers

12 Armafix pipe support

31 Expert Advice

13 DuoSolar 220

32 Armacell training courses

14 Tubolit Split & DuoSplit Alu

34 News

15 AP Spiralflex

34 Armacell continues to grow

16 From the Jobsite

36 Investing to pave the way for future success

16 All systems go for the German stellarator

38 New Armacell corporate identity

20 Fire protection is the highest priority

40 Getting off to a magnificent start in Istanbul!

22 Arma-Chek Silver in the world’s largest lyocell plant

42 Armacell Winter Adventure 2015 in Tallinn 44 Further company news

26 Did you know that…

45 Armacell trade fairs 2015

27 Armacell stands for...



47 Competition

Icon Guide

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Editorial Making a difference around the world Whether in the Empire State Building, the Chinese Olympic stadium or your own cellar – Armacell’s products make a difference. They save energy, keep industrial processes running and protect technical equipment against corrosion. The contribution which Armacell’s technical insulation materials make around the world often remains unseen. Yet – year in year out – they prevent the emission of millions of tonnes of CO2. Our annual output of elastomeric insulation materials saves enough energy to power the city of Las Vegas for a year. Armacell is now the first manufacturer in the industry to publish environmental product declarations which create a unique degree of transparency for our Armaflex products. In doing so we provide architects,


specifiers and those inviting tenders with reliable information for designing green building projects. At the same time we commit ourselves to further improving the sustainability of our products and thus sharpening our competitive edge. We are all responsible for saving energy and using resources consciously – in this way all of us can make a real difference.

Patrick Mathieu CEO of the Armacell Group


Feature Story



Armacell presents en vironmental product declarations (EPDs)


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The environmental product declarations, fact sheets on the green building schemes and an information brochure on this subject can be downloaded at

“Armaflex saves 140 times more energy than is used in its production” Armacell is now the first manufacturer of flexible technical insulation materials to present environmental product declarations which are based on an independent life cycle assessment (LCA). Environmental product declarations (EPDs) are becoming more and more important in the construction industry: they provide a transparent, independent and reproducible analysis of the environmental impacts of construction products and give detailed information with sound data and figures. As a “sustainability passport” EPDs form the basis for designing green buildings in accordance with certification schemes such as LEED, BREEAM, HQE or DGNB.



FEATURE STORY Green building is gaining ground around the world

Brilliant energy balance

In view of advancing climate change, the shortage of finite resources and rapid urbanization throughout the world, it is becoming more and more important that buildings are planned and built sustainably. Green buildings not only emit less CO2, they can also be operated more economically and sold more profitably. Alongside the internationally recognized green building certificates LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale) and DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen) there are many other public and private initiatives on both a national and international level.

Insulation materials are among the few industrially made products which save more energy over the product life cycle than is needed in their manufacturing. So they are per se “ecologically valuable’. Comparing the primary energy input identified in the Armacell LCA with the energy saving achieved shows that using Armaflex insulation materials save 140 times more energy than is needed for their manufacturing, transport and disposal. The energy input needed to manufacture Armaflex has paid off after just 50 days. The environmental product declarations certified by the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) not only make statements on the primary energy requirement, they also contain information about the extent to which the products contribute to the greenhouse effect, acidification, over-fertilization, depletion of the ozone layer and smog.

Independent LCA provides reliable environmental data Green building requires that the individual components of the building can also be described as being sustainable – compatible with the environment, energy efficient and economical. To prevent them getting lost in the jungle of advertising messages, green washing and numerous very different eco marks, specifiers need the greatest possible transparency – independent, standardized facts covering all aspects of the life cycle. Only environmental statements which – like the Armacell environmental product declarations – are based on an extensive LCA in accordance with EN 15804 and ISO 14025 and are independently validated are reliable.




I oil/m3

284 I oil/m3

Energy input

Energy consumption

Optimal insulation is the key to energy efficiency

End of life

Raw materials


Construction is one of the most raw-material- and energy-intensive industries. The building sector is the single largest consumer of raw materials worldwide and the greatest producer of greenhouse gas emissions. Some 30 % of all raw materials are used to build and maintain buildings. 30 to 40 % of greenhouse gases result from the construction, use or disposal of buildings. In the industrial nations a huge amount of energy is used in transport and industry, but the building sector accounts for the majority – around 40 % of European energy consumption! To meet the growing demand for energy and protect the climate, energy efficiency in the building sector must continue to be improved. The key to energy efficiency is insulation. Optimal technical insulation is the simplest, fastest and most cost-effective measure for increasing energy efficiency. (Georgios Eleftheriadis)




Development of the green building schemes

(number of certified construction projects since 2008) 32,000


28,000 24,000 20,000 16,000

The Empire State Building is just one of many green buildings which rely on Armaflex for the technical insulation


Nowadays green building certificates are very important in the construction and real-estate sector. This is true for the erection of new buildings and the renovation of existing ones. The trend towards sustainable buildings will grow further in the future and all those involved in the construction sector should enhance their knowledge and competence accordingly.

12,000 8,000 4,000 0







I n n ovat i o n s



More on the Armaflex Rail products in a video on YouTube

Safety is the top priority: The new Armaflex Rail products meet the highest fire protection requirements and ensure reliable condensation control on refrigerant pipework and air ducts

Armaflex Rail

Extensive range of EN 45545compliant insulation materials for railway vehicles

Following the successful launch of Armaflex Rail SD, Armacell has now extended its range of flexible, closed-cell insulation materials for railway vehicle construction. All Armaflex Rail products meet the high requirements of the new European fire protection standard EN 45545. They achieve hazard level HL2 or 3 and can even be installed in sleeping cars and couchettes which are operated on underground

track sections or in tunnels. The completely new materials – including halogen-free and covered insulation – have very good fire properties and develop extremely little smoke. Armaflex Rail products protect refrigerant pipework, air ducts and other components against energy losses and condensation.

The Armaflex Rail products at a glance

Neat and simple installation

Armacell provides innovative system solutions for insulating refrigeration and air-conditioning systems in vehicles ranging from trams to high-speed trains. The new technologies ensure more safety and comfort on the tracks.

The new Armaflex Rail products will soon be available as tubes, sheets, self-adhesive sheets and tapes in the usual insulation thicknesses and are only sold to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the railway vehicle sector. A great advantage of the synthetic rubber, which becomes particularly apparent in the tight installation situations in rail vehicle construction, is its highly flexible nature. This allows it to be fitted simply even on complex fittings and equipment.

Armaflex Rail SD: The elastomeric insulation material with improved flame-retardant properties and low smoke density achieves HL2, R1 under EN 45545 and is also classified under the national fire protection standards NFPA 130, GOST 12.1.044-89 and DIN 5510-2.

Armaflex Rail SD-C: The first closed-cell insulation material for use in areas requiring the highest hazard level – HL3. The product is equipped with Microban® technology and is covered with an attractive, shinymetallic surface.

Armaflex Rail ZH: The first halogen-free, closed-cell insulation material to achieve the classification HL2, R1 under EN 454545. The product not only has very good flame-retardant properties and low smoke density, it also minimizes the risk of secondary damage due to acidic fire gases.

Armaflex Rail ZH-C: The first halogen-free, closed-cell insulation material for applications with the highest requirements regarding the materials used (HL3, R1). Armaflex Rail ZH-C has a UV-resistant covering which protects the insulation material against mechanical impact and is very easy to clean.

Background facts Tighter fire protection requirements for railway vehicles In a fire, low smoke density can be of vital importance in order to allow passengers and staff to escape and be rescued quickly and safely. For this reason, the new European standard EN 45545 defines tighter requirements for the fire behaviour of materials and components. The fire protection standard came into force in August 2013. During the transition period it applies alongside the national standards (such as BS 6853, DIN 5510, NF F-16101), which must be withdrawn by March 2016.




Armafix pipe support Now with environment-friendly, lightweight PET core Armacell has enhanced its Armafix pipe support: the system solution for preventing thermal bridging is now equipped with a load-bearing segment made of environment-friendly PET. The material consists of

recycled PET bottles which are industrially foamed. PET is lightweight, has high mechanical strength in combination with residual flexibility and a maximum service life.

DuoSolar 220 Armacell’s pre-insulated twin-pipe system for evacuated tube collectors Corrugated stainless steel pipes with a high-temperature insulation material made of synthetic EPDM rubber are now state-of-the-art for connecting the solar collectors to the heat storage tank simply and reliably. However, rubber-insulated solar pipes can only be used up to a maximum temperature of 150 °C (up to 175 °C in the short term).

At higher temperatures the insulation materials become brittle and lose their insulating properties. With the new DuoSolar 220 Armacell has closed this gap and now provides a twin-pipe system which is also suitable for the high operating temperatures of evacuated tube collectors.

DuoSolar 220 consists of the following components:

Simple assembly thanks to matching quick-release couplings

• flexible, parallel corrugated, stainless steel pipes, which are quick and

easy to install even with small bending radii and in retrofit applications • high-tech polyester insulation with a temperature resistance of 220 °C • tough foil covering, which protects the system against mechanical damage and UV radiation • integrated sensor cable with halogen-free, high-temperature-resis tant silicon coating All components meet the highest quality standards and are made in Germany.

Upcycling: High-tech product made out of PET bottles

Excellent technical and mechanical properties

The new PET core is made 100 % out of the recyclate of PET bottles, 100 % of production scrap flows back into the manufacturing of new PET blocks and the PET elements can be completely recycled at the end of their service life. This is perfectly in line with the the cradle-to-cradle principle. This concept is aimed at avoiding waste by recycling materials in a closed loop and, therefore, continuously re-using them. Whereas with classic recycling the quality of the product is usually reduced – in the paper industry, for example – Armacell uses the recyclate for a hightech product. PET has an excellent environmental performance: the material requires over 60 % less energy for its production than PUR and releases over 80 % less CO2 . PET made of recyclate even goes one better: the product consumes 40 % less energy and causes 30 % less CO2 emissions than conventional PET foams.

The very good insulation properties of foams based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) are still little known: PET has a closed-cell structure and low thermal conductivity (λ23°C ≤ 0.034 W/m·K). With a density of 100 kg/m³ PET segments are lighter weight than the previously used PUR cores (140 - 145 kg/m³). Yet at the same time PET displays higher pressure resistance than PUR and withstands aging. A further benefit of the new PET material is the residual flexibility which greatly minimizes the risk of the material breaking on large pipe diameters. The new Armafix pipe support is available as Armafix AF, in the halogenfree Armafix NH version and as the low-smoke Armafix Ultima pipe support. In addition, Armacell offers the Armafix AF duct support for installing air ducts. As a system with Armaflex Ultima the pipe support achieves the fire class BL-s1,d0, the best fire class for elastomeric insulation materials.


The feed and return pipes can be separated easily and attached to the collector and heat storage tank. No special tools are required for the assembly. With the matching quick-release couplings the flexible pipes can be connected to the system components of solar thermal systems in seconds. The assembly of the quick-release couplings is shown in a video on YouTube

Solar products made by Armacell increase the service life and efficiency of solar thermal systems. They bring solar energy into the building and the hightemperature insulation materials protect the installations against energy losses.




Tubolit Split & DuoSplit Alu

AP Spiralflex

The economical alternative for installing split air-conditioners

A full-circle solution for fibre-free, sound-attenuating duct liner

With Tubolit Split & DuoSplit Alu Armacell has added a cost-effective product variant made of aluminium to its range of system solutions for split air-conditioners. The pre-insulated pipes for connecting the

components of split and multi-split air-conditioners quickly and reliably provide not only substantial cost benefits, but also outstanding technical properties.

In the US market, Armacell now offers spiral duct manufacturers an innovative duct liner: AP Spiralflex is the first elastomeric insulation material to be developed specifically for spiral ducts and meet the

Corrosion resistant, lightweight and cost efficient

The cost benefits are outstanding: whereas the price for standard copper pipes has increased by around 140 % since 2002 and fluctuates throughout the year, comparable aluminium pipes are available for just

Do more with less!

Aluminium is the metal of the future: it is light, inexpensive and recyclable. Due to its particular material properties, aluminium has a longer service life than other metals, when used appropriately, and it is much more resistant to corrosion than steel or copper. Tubolit Split & DuoSplit Alu are made of an aluminium alloy which was specially developed for refrigeration and air-conditioning applications. Aluminium also offers further benefits: with similar burst pressure to copper, it is on average 65 % lighter. The material can be bent easily without kinking, making the installation process both faster and cheaper. Apart from a few minor differences, the material is handled in the same way as copper.

a third of the cost and the price is much more stable.

Energy savings, condensation control and long service life By far more energy is required to provide cold than to generate heat. To ensure that the expensively-produced cold arrives where it is needed, the pipes must be protected against unnecessary energy losses. On cold pipes only closed-cell insulation materials can reliably prevent condensation and thus increase the energy efficiency of the equipment in the long term. For many years, the pre-insulated Tubolit Split and DuoSplit pipes have been the tried-and-tested solution for connecting the components of Split and DuoSplit air-conditioners. They prevent condensation processes and thus effectively support corrosion protection. Tubolit Split & DuoSplit Alu are suitable for the refrigerant gases R410A and R407C. They fulfil the European Pressure Equipment Directive and the polyolefin-copolymer covering is UV-resistant. The special advantage of the twin-pipes is that the patented join-split fastening technology allows them to be split and joined without the need for tools.

requirements for indoor air quality (IAQ), noise attenuation and thermal efficiency. This all-inclusive solution eliminates the need for encapsulating films and heavy dual-wall systems.

Dual-wall ducts have always been an imperfect solution: fibrous insulation must first be wrapped in film and then sandwiched between an outer sheet-metal duct and an inner perforated sheet-metal surface to allow for sound attenuation and ensure there are no fibres inside the duct. With AP Spiralflex neither films nor perforated inner ducts are necessary, because the thermal efficiency and sound attenuation are achieved without fibres.

Very fast and simple installation Made from highly conformable elastomeric foam, AP Spiralflex cuts easily with a knife. Its smooth, flexible backing fits snugly against the duct wall, without the typical gaps that rob conventional insulation systems of their efficiency. Installation is a simple matter of forming a correctly sized AP Spiralflex tube with one glued and taped seam. This is inserted into the spiral duct section. The result is a more precise insulation application that weighs 20 % less than dual-wall ducts with mineral wool.

Sustainable solution Because fewer materials are used, AP Spiralflex is the perfect solution for buildings where sustainability is a high priority – especially schools and hospitals that require fibre-free ducts. The fact that it is made with built-in MicrobanŽ antimicrobial technology, is completely formaldehyde free and has low VOCs makes it the perfect choice for any facility with high IAQ standards. A video on YouTube shows the connection of Tubolit Split & DuoSplit Alu pipes with heat-shrink tubing


AP Spiralflex is produced in Mebane, North Carolina and sold on the US market.

Video on the application of AP Spiralflex on YouTube


From the Jobsite



All systems go for the German stella rator


The sun shows us how to do it: how to gain an almost inexhaustible supply of energy without risks and harmful residues. With the commissioning of the nuclear fusion device Wendelstein 7-X research has moved another step closer to the fusion of atomic nuclei. The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald used the innovative cryogenic system made by Armacell to insulate the relief pipe.




Armaflex Cryogenic Systems in the nuclear fusion reactor Wendelstein 7-X Mankind has long dreamed of harnessing the sun’s energy for use on Earth. Stars like our sun generate energy through the fusion of atomic nuclei. Nuclear fusion promises infinite generation of electricity with minimal fuel input and without the risk of catastrophic incidents. Unlike nuclear fission, nuclear fusion produces only very small quantities of radioactivity. From the point of view of physics, nuclear fusion is possible. The scientific and technical feasibility of generating energy in this way has been the subject of research for over 50 years. In nuclear fusion, hydrogen atoms are fused into helium atoms. At a pressure of around 2 bar hydrogen gas is heated to temperatures of 100 to 150 million degrees Celsius, the electrons are separated from the atomic nuclei and the gas becomes an electrically conductive plasma. Currently, the most promising concepts for reactors are tokamaks and stellarators. The world’s largest stellarator is now being built at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald (Germany): Wendelstein 7-X allows the magnetic confinement of fusion plasma in continuous operation. The new building was begun in 1997 and opened in April 2000. At the end of 2003, the first main components – a non-planar superconducting magnetic coil and the first section of the plasma vessel were delivered. In May 2014, preparations for the operation of the device began.

Cryogenics for superconducting magnetic coils Stellarators create the magnetic field needed to confine the plasma via energized coils arranged outside the plasma vessel. In the case of Wendelstein 7-X these coils are superconducting, i.e. once supplied the elec-

tric current can flow indefinitely without electrical resistance and thus permanently maintain the magnetic field. To this end the coils are cooled with liquid helium. The superconducting coils and the steel structures which support them have to be thermally insulated both against their environment and against the hot plasma. Following the principle of a thermos flask (although in this case the cold material is inside) they are cooled in a cryostat: the coils are located in a vacuum chamber, which is formed by the plasma vessel on the one side and the outer vessel of the device on the other side. Cryogenic shields surround the coils and – themselves cooled – keep residual heat radiation away from them. Access to the plasma through this vacuum vessel and between the superconducting coils – for heating, cooling pipes or diagnostics – is enabled by 254 approximately 1.8 m long, thermally insulated ports. The stellarator is supplied by the helium cryosystem, water cooling devices, vacuum pumps and systems for providing electrical energy. Despite thermal insulation, 5 kW heat output have to be dissipated during the experiments to cool the magnets and their enclosure (around 425 tonnes of material) to superconductivity temperature and then keep them cool. This permanent cooling is needed due to the residual thermal conductivity of the insulation materials used. At temperatures close to absolute zero, cooling can no longer be achieved by a standard refrigeration system, but requires liquid helium which boils at 4.22 K (−268.93 °C). This cooling system must be exceedingly gas-tight in order to prevent helium diffusing into the insulating vacuum of the stellarator and the insulation deteriorating.

Armaflex Cryogenic Systems were specially developed by Armacell for applications at extremely low temperatures

Relief pipe insulated with Armaflex Cryogenic Systems To insulate the relief pipe for the helium the project management installed Armacell’s innovative system for extremely low temperatures. Armaflex Cryogenic Systems are specially developed for applications at temperatures ranging from -180 to +125 °C. The multi-layer systems ensure exceptional thermal insulation, reduce the risk of corrosion under insulation (CUI) and are much easier to install than rigid foams. The core of the insulation system is Armaflex LTD, a specially developed polymer, which prevents thermal tension. Armaflex Cryogenic Systems maintain their flexibility even at extremely low temperatures. This flexibility ensures that vibrations and impact are absorbed and the risk of cracking as a result of extreme temperature cycles is significantly reduced. A key advantage of the cryogenic foams is that they need neither additional expansion joints nor vapour barriers.

pipework, a layer of Armaflex LTD anti-abrasive foil was applied both directly to the pipework and to the first Armaflex LTD insulation layer. It gives the insulation greater surface strength and acts as an additional vapour barrier. Then a further layer of Armaflex LTD and a third insulation layer of NH/Armaflex, the halogen-free elastomeric insulation material made by Armacell, were applied. During the installation the greatest care was taken to ensure precise and neat workmanship: each layer was applied step-by-step and then inspected by a project engineer. For the elbows with various radii the shapes needed were plotted, printed on paper and cut out to serve as templates for the sheet material. The employees of the Max Planck Institute who carried out the work were trained by Armacell in the use of the products, especially in adhesion, beforehand.

Wendelstein 7-X is set to go Special insulation construction On the relief pipe of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator a special insulation construction was used. To better withstand possible vibrations of the


Commissioning of the nuclear fusion device is underway. After the main installation had been completed, the plasma vessel was closed in the middle of March. The first plasma is scheduled for this year.

(Heiko Kind)




Fire protection is the highest priority Armaflex Ultima in the research and teaching centre of the Department of Biology at the University of Oulu (Finland) The Finnish education system is one of the best in the world and regularly receives top marks in the OECD’s PISA studies. One reason for this success

Armaflex Ultima reliably protects pipes and fittings against condensation and energy losses

is Finland’s high investment in education – in the infrastructure, too.

The insulation contractors Kymppi Talotekniikka Oy (Oulu) installed Armaflex Ultima to protect the cooling water pipes, with line temperatures of 7 °C (feed) and 12 °C (return), and air ducts in the new research and teaching centre against condensation and energy losses. From April to July 2015 two of the company’s employees applied some 1,500 m of tubes and 500 m2 of sheet material in an insulation thickness of 13 mm on the pipes with diameters ranging from 18 to 76 mm. The Armacell insulation material was glued with Armaflex Ultima 700 adhesive, which was specially developed for installing Armaprene caoutchouc products. The insulation material was supplied by Lektar Oy (Helsinki).

One of the country’s largest universities is located in the city of Oulu in the north of Finland. On the main campus in Linnanmaa, the Department of Biology in the Faculty of Science has just been modernized. In the project, the existing rooms were integrated into a unified whole and new rooms were added to house the technical facilities for the laboratories. Project management and consulting company Promen Oy implemented the principles of activity-based working in the design.

(Petri Ojanen)

Smoke-free technical insulation for greater safety in a fire Sweco Talotekniikka Oy, a subsidiary of the leading Swedish consultancy for engineering services and environmental technology, was responsible for designing the building services. Project manager Pasi Makkonen specified Armaflex Ultima made by Armacell for insulating the cooling water pipes and air ducts of the air-conditioning systems as well as the cold water pipes. In the European fire test, the elastomeric foam is the only FEF insulation material to achieve fire class BL-s1, d0, the best fire class for organic materials. Armaflex Ultima releases only a minimal amount of smoke in a fire and thus makes an important contribution to people’s safety in buildings.

Pasi Makkonen

Project Manager Building Services at Sweco Talotekniikka Oy (Oulu): “We specified Armaflex Ultima for insulating technical installations

Legislators in many European countries have recognized that smoke poses a much higher hazard potential than the fire itself and have tightened the requirements regarding the smoke development of building products in their building regulations. In Finland, depending on the use, size and occupancy of the building only technical insulation materials which achieve at least fire class BL-s1, d0 may be used in very many areas.


in the new research and teaching centre at the Department of Biology at the University of Oulu. It is the only insulation material which provides the cooling water pipes and air ducts with reliable protection against condensation and energy losses and at the same time fulfils the required fire class BL-s1, d0 of the Finnish building code.”





More on Europe’s biggest Arma-Chek project so far can be found in the project brochure

www.armacell .com

Arma-Chek Silver in the world’s largest lyocell plant The extensive pipe- and ductwork of the air-handling systems in the Lenzing Group’s new lyocell fibre plant had to be insulated on a very tight schedule. Together with the project management the insulation company Knierzinger found in Arma-Chek Silver the optimal solution for the complex requirements.

The world’s most modern fibre plant The Lenzing Group’s new lyocell fibre plant is record-breaking: in just 24 months the most modern fibre production facilities in the world were constructed at the company headquarters in Lenzing (Vöcklabruck district, Austria). The new production line with a capacity of 67,000 tonnes per year is around four times as big as previous lines. This is where lyocell fibres are manufactured – man-made regenerated fibres made from cellulose, which Lenzing AG sells under the brand name TENCEL®*. The company invested around €150 million in this project which marks a technological milestone for the Lenzing Group. Construction of the jumbo line went according to plan, both financially and in terms of time. Apart from one day of bad weather, work was carried out day and night to stay on schedule.


*TENCEL® is a registered trademark of Lenzing AG


FROM THE JOBSITE Highest requirements for the technical insulation Due to the wet-spinning process, temperatures and humidity are high in the production areas. Part of the new patented TENCEL® line is an innovative air-handling concept. The ventilation pipes and ducts are made of stainless steel and aluminium. The temperatures and high humidity in the spinning hall are very different from the outdoor temperatures – from -16 °C in winter to +35 °C in summer. So it is essential that the air-handling equipment is insulated efficiently. For the project manager of Lenzing AG, closed-cell insulation material was the only option in these ambient conditions. At the same time, the product had to be UV resistant and easy to clean. Arma-Chek Silver, the pre-covered elastomeric insulation material made by Armacell, was specified for insulating the entire pipe- and ductwork of the air-handling system.

UV-resistant, easy-to-clean 2-in-1 system Arma-Chek Silver is an Armaflex insulation material with a flexible covering consisting of a tough polymer layer, a double-layer laminate of aluminium and a UV-resistant polyester foil. Due to its attractive silvercoloured surface this is a reliable insulation system which can also be used in applications with high aesthetic requirements. The smooth surface also makes Arma-Chek Silver very easy to clean. Furthermore, the system is highly resistant to various acids, alkali and salt solutions, hydrocarbons, alcohols etc. This not only provides installations with tough protection against aggressive ambient conditions, but also means that disinfectants can be used for cleaning. The UV resistance of the multi-layered covering material is continuously subjected to weathering tests in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4892 (Weather-Ometer).

FROM THE JOBSITE Especially on production lines where the insulation is subject to mechanical stress during maintenance work, Arma-Chek Silver has benefits compared to metal claddings. The material has high mechanical stability whilst at the same time maintaining a certain degree of flexibility. The covering materials provide the insulation with effective protection against mechanical impact, yet are flexible enough to recover from blows, usually leaving no dents in the surface.

Reliable protection against moisture ensures long service life Arma-Chek Silver is very well protected against moisture. Because the covering is attached directly to the insulation, any risk of water ingress at these points is ruled out. If metal cladding systems are not completely tight – and it is never completely possible to ensure that they are – water can penetrate the insulation. Moisture not only leads to a drastic reduction in the thermal properties of the insulation material, significant corrosion damage can occur under the insulation. In the case of the Arma-Chek products the flexible covering is firmly attached to the insulation and seams are sealed with the ArmaChek Silver selfadhesive tape. As there are no seams or crimps in the systems, neither moisture nor germs can penetrate the insulation. The elastomeric insulation material has a closed microcell structure, very low thermal conductivity and high resistance to water-vapour transmission. These properties ensure that installations insulated with Arma-Chek have long-term protection against moisture ingress. Because they are dust- and fibre-free materials, Armaflex products offer passive protection against micro-organisms. In addition, AF/Armaflex is equipped with antimicrobial Microban® technology and has even greater resistance to bacteria and mould.

Arma-Chek Silver, Armacell’s pre-covered elastomeric insulation material, was specified for insulating all pipes and ducts of the airhandling system

Time-saving installation thanks to pre-covered insulation systems Unlike traditional insulation materials and coverings, Arma-Chek Silver can be installed in one work step. This allows considerable time-savings – a great advantage in this project with a very tight schedule. Arma-Chek products can be installed simply, directly on site without the need for special tools. The material is easy to cut and highly resistant to tearing and impact.

The project manager from Lenzing AG: “In the warm, humid atmosphere of the production area a closed-cell insulation material was the only option. There would have been a very great risk of moisture penetration if other insulation materials had been used in this environment. We chose Arma-Chek Silver, because the product doesn’t just provide the pipes with reliable protection against condensation – the tough, covered insulation material is also very easy to clean. With ArmaChek Silver we can also rule out pieces of the insulation getting into the production, for example due to mechanical impact dur-

Everything went according to plan To coordinate material usage and labour, the project manager drew up a workflow plan. The Arma-Chek Silver products were produced and delivered on call with a lead-time of 10 working days. All in all the employees of the company Knierzinger installed 10,455 m² of ArmaChek Silver continuous sheets in insulation thicknesses of 19, 25 and 32 mm and secured the seams with some 81,000 m of Arma-Chek Silver self-adhesive tape. Before the start of the largest Arma-Chek Silver project in Europe so far, the insulators were trained in the correct installation by an Armacell applications specialist.

The new TENCEL® fibre plant (in the foreground on the right) was constructed in just 24 months. (Photo: Lenzing AG)


In July last year, the Lenzing Group started up the world’s largest lyocell fibre line and reported very positive experiences at the end of the year. Even in the first months after commissioning the jumbo line was already running at full capacity and without any breakdowns.

ing maintenance work. What’s more, the product is UV resistant. This was crucial especially for the insulation of the air ducts.”

The owner of the insulation contracting company: “Especially in production areas where space is at a premium, Arma-Chek Silver is an ideal solution. When installed professionally, the pre-covered, closed-cell insulation material ensures reliable condensation control even where there is a high temperature difference and prevents energy losses. Using the 2-in-1 product also allowed us to save a great deal of time – a huge benefit when you’re on such a tight schedule. And the result looks really good, too.”

(Engelbert Ellmauer)


Did you know that … Armacell now manufactures at 23 plants in 16 countries all over the world?

41 % of all non-residential buildings started in 2012 in the USA were green, as compared to 2 % in 2005?

Armacell trains several thousand insulators per year around the globe?

90 % of all fire fatalities are caused by the effects of smoke?


Armacell stands for … honesty and fair play with its customers “I’m away from home 180 days a year training insulators in North and Central Europe to install Armaflex professionally. You have to put your heart and soul into this job, but it also gives you a lot back. As a self-employed insulator I spent many years outside on the building site, so I know what counts there. I’m familiar with the problems of the trade and I’m aware of the time pressure under which the work has to be done. On the other hand, no insulator can pull the wool over my eyes and pass poor workmanship off as a product complaint. Honesty and fair play with all its partners – that’s what Armacell stands for. And for great support for craftsmen. No other FEF manufacturer offers anywhere near as many training courses as Armacell, whether at the Armacell training centres, at initial and further training institutions or directly on the building site. In North and Central Europe alone my colleague Michael Weber and I trained over 1,500 installers last year. Although Armaflex is much simpler to install than other insulation materials, some fundamental principles still need to be heeded, especially in cold applications. Apart from the quality of the insulation material and the calculation of the correct insulation thickness, the standard of workmanship is crucial for the reliability, efficiency and service life of the technical installation. If the insulation isn’t installed by suitably trained craftsmen, it’s often the weakest link in the chain. That’s why we recommend that insulation work in cold applications is always carried out by trained and certified insulation companies. In some sectors the Armaflex installation certificate has already established itself as a seal of quality. To ensure that insulation materials are installed expertly, many clients in the chemical industry insist on the Armaflex installation certificate when they award contracts. In addition to the basic training courses in which fundamental knowledge about the preparation and installation of tube and sheet material is given, we also offer advanced courses. These deal with the insulation of complex installations such as refrigeration pumps. We also dedicate special workshops to the application of new products – for example pre-covered insulation materials, the new cryogenic products or our new adhesive systems. We want to support all our partners in the trade in becoming fit for the future.”

York Koschwitz, Armacell Application Specialist EMEA






That’s the way to insulate

Professional insulation thickness calculator now also available as mobile application Armacell has completely revised its technical calculation program and for the first time also provides ArmWin for use on mobile devices such as smartphones. This powerful tool can be used to carry out all the common technical calculations in refrigeration/air-conditioning and heating/plumbing applications – even on the building site, thanks to the app.

The new Armaflex Application Manual and installation videos on YouTube The new Armaflex Application Manual and video clips show just how easy it is to install Armaflex. The newly published brochure is now available in a handy A5 format, which is ideal for use on the building site. It provides basic advice on professional installation and describes in clear step-by-step instructions how to prepare and apply the flexible insulation material. The use of the new Armacell materials, such as self-adhesive Armaflex Ultima tubes, is also included.

The free brochure can be ordered by email (info@armacell. com) or downloaded from the country-specific sites at

Not only the minimum insulation thickness required for condensation control can be determined, but also • surface temperature, • heat flow, • temperature changes in flowing and stationary media, • freezing times for water pipes and, for the first time, • the most economical insulation thicknesses, i.e. those with the shortest pay-back periods. Compared to the previous version, the technical calculations can be carried out much more easily and quickly. New features include the possibility of entering individual data on the project in question and storing calculations as a pdf. In addition, ArmWin provides various interactive functions. The ArmWin app was developed for iOS, BlackBerry and Android and can be downloaded from the app stores.

Installation videos for key applications The application guide is now supplemented by short video clips presenting the key installation techniques. They are organized in the same way as the application manual and can be used either together with this or on their own. The clips were deliberately produced without explanatory texts to avoid language barriers and allow them to be used around the world. The application videos and other clips from Armacell can be found at and on the Armacell channel on the YouTube platform. Mobile devices such as tablet PCs and smartphones allow installers to check directly on the building site if uncertainties arise.

TIP: It’s worth checking the site regularly. New content is being added all the time.




Customers ask – Armacell answers

Expert Advice

“Do insulation measures in old buildings pay off despite lower energy prices?” There is no doubt that energy refurbishment measures for old buildings save energy. An important criterion when assessing the refurbishment – and one which is usually of prime importance for deciding whether or not to invest – is the pay-back period. At the moment home owners are not only unsure whether insulating façades is cost effective in view of falling energy costs, many also shy away from the considerable nuisance caused by the renovation work. Yet apart from insulating the thermal building shell, there are numerous other energy refurbishment options which are not only easy to implement, but also pay off within a manageable period of time.

Pipe insulation – low-investment measure with high savings impact In old buildings a lot of energy is lost through uninsulated pipes and fittings. The annual heat loss due to uninsulated distribution pipes and fittings in the cellar can account for up to a quarter of the yearly heating energy consumption in a residential building. In 2008, Armacell presented a study which showed that €556 a year can be saved merely by insulating accessible pipes in the cellar of a 140 m² single-family house. So the installation has paid off after just two heating periods.

High overall costs and long pay-back periods for façade insulation In comparison, according to a study conducted by the German Energy Agency (dena) it costs around €20,000 to modernize the façade of a similar single-family house (building category 1969 - 1977, 144 m² living space) to the standard of a new building. Of this amount €8,000 are needed for insulating the outer wall. Through this measure heating costs can be reduced by around €550 per year. Taking into account the development of interest rates and energy prices – based on 7 cent/kWh dena developed scenarios with an energy price increase of 2, 3 and 4 %, falling energy prices were not considered – the insulation of the outer wall has paid off after 14 years.

No other energy refurbishment measure pays off so quickly The pay-back period for energy refurbishment measures depends on the development of energy prices, the costs for the insulation (material and labour costs) and the necessary preparatory and follow-up work. As pipe insulation has an unbeatably short return on investment compared to other energy refurbishment measures, price fluctuations do not play such a great role here and the pay-back period will not exceed two or at the most three heating periods even if energy prices are low and insulation costs are higher. Unlike façade insulation, which can only be carried out in the course of extensive modernization of the building, the pipes can be insulated at any time, without major preparations, with no dust or dirt and just a few hours of work. Michaela Störkmann, Armacell Manager Technical Department EMEA

Savings in heating oil [l]

Financial saving [€]**

CO2 saving (oil) [kg]

Pay-back period [months]

Building category: pre 1948, design temperature: 90 / 55 °C





Building category: 1949 – 1977, design temperature: 90 / 55 °C





Building category: 1978 – 1984, design temperature: 90 / 55 °C





Building category: 1985 – 1994, design temperature: 90 / 55 °C





* i.e. an insulation thickness which roughly corresponds to the outer pipe diameter, **Assuming a heating oil price of € 0.06 Model building: single-family house with a heated net floor surface of 140 m and an additional unheated cellar. The calculations are based on international and European standards. 2


Fast and reliable installation of solar pipes with the quick-release couplings

Emanuele Germani, owner of GER.TER di Germani

The Italian company GER.TER di Germani from Marta (Viterbo) has been using Armaflex DuoSolar VA to connect solar thermal systems for years. The corrugated stainless steel pipes, which are pre-insulated with the high-temperature insulation material HT/Armaflex, can be installed easily even with small bending radii and in retrofit applications. Quick-release couplings were specially developed for Armaflex DuoSolar VA, allowing the pipes to be assembled in seconds. The connection is made by simply tightening a nut.

These are the steps required to install the Armaflex DuoSolar quick release couplings: “First of all, determine the length needed and cut the corrugated pipe to size. It is important to cut the pipe cleanly, at right angles in the valley of the corrugation (1). A pipe cutter must be used for this, not a saw or other unsuitable tools. Then remove any burrs from the end of the pipe: rough edges with splinters may have been left when the pipe was cut to length (2). Before you push on the coupling, please check that all sealing surfaces are clean. After lengthy storage or if the surfaces are dry, relubricate the collet and the sealing surface of the threaded joint. Push the corrugated pipe right up to the stop in the threaded joint. Then tighten the coupling by turning the nut with an open wrench until you feel the resistance (3). The nut is correctly tightened when the thread is no longer visible (4). The quick-release couplings ensure that there are no leakages from the stainless steel corrugated pipe. The connection remains tight even after repeated assembly and dismantling.”

The correct assembly of the Armaflex DuoSolar quick-release couplings is also shown in a video on YouTube

01 02 03 04

Cut the pipe to length

Remove any burrs from the end of the pipe

Tighten the nut until you feel the resistance

Comparison: wrong – right




Staying ahead of the curve

Armacell training courses

Every year several thousand insulators around the world attend the Armacell application training courses. At many locations Armacell has set up special training centres. In addition, the company contrib-

utes to initial and further training through a wide range of courses and also provides valuable support on-site for the day-to-day work of installers.

“Armacell Family” in Switzerland In Switzerland, Armacell has rolled out a new concept for more customer focus: in cooperation with Isolsuisse, the umbrella organization for insulation companies in Switzerland, the company taught apprentices in the fields of insulation and refrigeration engineering to install elastomeric insulation materials. All in all Armacell trained 386 installers in Switzerland alone last year. When they receive their certificates the participants immediately become members of the “Armacell Family”. To increase the quality and reliability of technical insulation work, Armacell would like to establish the certification as a seal of quality among architects, specifiers and general contractors.

Seminars and training courses in Africa Armacell now regularly invites consultants and contractors to seminars and application courses in Africa, too. Over the past few months, the insulation manufacturer has held many different events – ranging from larger conferences for specifiers to application courses in cooperation with distributors and training on major building sites. For example, 15 employees of the general contractor China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) from Algiers were recently trained to install Armaflex and Okabell before beginning insulation work in the “Mosquée de l’Algérie”, the world’s third-largest mosque.

New training centre in Japan A new Armacell application centre has just been opened in Japan. The new premises provide an ideal venue for classroom-based training on the installation of Armacell products. Local training courses and the launch of a certification programme ensure that Armacell continues to stand for high-quality workmanship and professional insulation in Japan.

Are you interested in training? Just let us know by sending an email to

Application courses for industrial insulation contractors Webinar on condensation control in the USA In cold applications, preventing condensation must be the primary aim of any insulation. In the USA, Armacell presented effective strategies for condensation control in a free webinar (web-based seminar). 350 specifiers and engineers took part live in the seminar. A further 120 downloaded it afterwards. Plans are already being made for the next webinar in October 2015.


The Armacell Engineered Systems division provides dedicated application support training for insulation contractors in the oil and gas sector. In 2014 alone, over 100 UK-based employees from Cape plc, the international industrial services company, received training on Armacell’s thermal acoustic insulation systems during a series of three-day handson application courses. The company is installing the ArmaSound Industrial Systems on a new BP Andrew platform development in the North Sea in addition to maintenance projects on their Magnus, Bruce and ETAP platforms.





Armacell continues to grow As a world leading manufacturer of flexible insulation material for the equipment insulation market and a leading provider of engineered foams Armacell is pressing ahead with its internationalization strategy. In recent months the company has made two key acquisitions.

Acquisition of the business of ITP, a Canadian polyethylene insulation manufacturer With the acquisition of the business of Industrial Thermo Polymers Limited (ITP), a leading Canadian manufacturer of extruded polyethylene foam products, Armacell is significantly strengthening its market position and footprint in North America. The combination creates a leading manufacturer of polyethylene insulation foams on the North American continent. “All of the product segments that ITP is active in – such as pipe insulation, backer rods and water toys – exhibit strong growth rates. The predicted rebound of the overall US construction market and the strengthening of the US dollar, which both have a significant impact on the company’s sales, make ITP an attractive investment for us,” explains Patrick Mathieu, CEO of Armacell International S.A.. The Brampton facility will be the base for future investment in manufacturing polyethylene terephthalate (PET) foam in North America.

OneFlex has its headquarters in Capital Tower in Istanbul and produces in Bursa close to the Marmara Sea

Acquisition of Turkish insulation materials manufacturer OneFlex In February this year, Armacell acquired the Turkish insulation materials manufacturer OneFlex (Das Yalıtım Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi). This acquisition strengthens the company’s position in Turkey, where Armacell was previously represented by a licensee. “OneFlex’s product range with its elastomer-based tubes and sheets fits very well with our portfolio in the Advanced Insulation division and significantly enhances our production capabilities,” explains Patrick Mathieu, CEO of Armacell International S.A.. “This investment provides an excellent basis for fur-

ther extending our geographic reach in future-oriented target markets. OneFlex has a distribution network that is well established across the region, a very professional production platform and an experienced management team. In the future, Turkey will serve as a bridgehead to export our flexible insulation materials cost efficiently across the Middle East, Africa and South-Eastern Europe.” OneFlex, which has its headquarters in Istanbul and production facilities in Bursa, generated revenue of more than 26 million Turkish lira in 2014.

ITP was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Ontario, Canada. In 2014, the company generated revenue of around 30 million Canadian dollars.

Bursa (Turkey)

Ontario (Canada)




Investing to pave the way for future success In order to further enhance customer service in its markets around the world, Armacell regularly invests large sums of money in upgrading its sites, thus setting the course for a successful future. In Europe, the company’s strategy is to integrate all facilities in a production network. While in Münster and increasingly also in Sroda Slaska high

Münster (Germany)

volumes of technical insulation materials are manufactured for the whole European market, the plants in Begur and Oldham are tailored to the special requirements of the local markets. At the same time they increase flexibility in the network and ensure optimal capacity utilization.

Sroda Slaska (Poland) Sroda Slaska (Poland) The production facilities in Sroda Slaska in Poland were extended significantly last year. On the new laminating line pre-covered products such as Arma-Chek Silver and self-adhesive materials are manufactured. A new crushing machine allows the production of particularly soft, semiclosed-cell EPDM foams. These Ensolite EF-0 products are used as gaskets and seals in the automotive industry and were previously made only in Mebane (USA). Local production ensures a greatly improved delivery service and more flexibility in the European market.

Münster (Germany) With the installation of an automatic packaging line on Contiline 2/3 complete automation of packaging on all production lines at the Münster site has now been achieved. More than one million euros were invested at the company’s European headquarters to not only raise efficiency, but also improve the stability of the process. Process reliability is further increased by the new electronic quality control system on the production lines. Continuous optical monitoring of key quality features assures a consistent standard of production. If any deviations occur they can be dealt with immediately.

Begur (Spain)

Oldham (UK)

Begur (Spain) At its Spanish plant in Begur Armacell has also made important investments. The pre-covered Arma-Chek products and Armaflex XG Top Seal, a product which is currently mainly sold in France, are now also made here. At the same time a new batch oven was taken into service. The discontinuous manufacturing process with a batch oven allows smaller quantities of special dimensions to be produced with the same high quality. In this way flexibility at the site has been greatly improved and delivery times further reduced.


Oldham (UK) As part of an extensive, multi-million euro modernization programme, new rubber milling equipment and extrusion technology have been implemented at the Oldham plant. In addition, planning permission for an extension development at the site has been received. This extension will provide a much needed increase in capacity and significantly improve storage and logistics operations. With these measures the company is today setting the course to meet customers’ future demands.




New Armacell corporate identity

Making a difference around the world

Whether in the Empire State Building, in the Chinese Olympic Stadium or at the South Pole – Armacell’s products are making a difference around the world. They save energy, reduce CO2 emissions, keep industrial processes running and protect equipment against corrosion. The contribution made by Armacell’s technical insulation mate-

rials and foams all over the world is at the core of the realignment of corporate communications. The new Armacell corporate identity, which is also reflected in the updated logo, underpins the company’s international growth strategy, market leadership and innovative strength.

Armacell on the social media platforms To extend the communication to other new target groups, profiles have also been set up on the established social media networks. Armacell has already had its own YouTube channel for some years and is now also on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Xing. Here visitors receive up-to-date information and, for the first time, can also link up with the company. Armacell would like to use the social media channels to give an insight into the diverse world of the company and tell Armacell stories to a wide audience.




is continuously Armacell is a global business and Armacell manuexpanding into new markets. Today, 14 countries on factures products in 22 plants in in China, four continents. With production facilities and now Turkey Thailiand, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia up new geographical and Canada, Armacell has opened addressing the emerging markets – proactively sustainable energy revolution worldwide.








We owe our succe who work accor ss to our highly engag ed and ding to a clear tized values. mission, a convintalented employees, These values cing vision and form the found behaviour of pracation for the each individual profes employee and to Armacell’s business partne for employees’ sional high quality of rs. relationships Armacell produ Armacell’s customers benefi are committed cts. Working t from the with Armacell and take accou employees experience first ntability for their hand how we work, our custom who are making a ers difference aroun d the world.




product range Our global presence and a diversified set us apart from are key differenciating factors that smaller competitors.

products that Armacell has developed innovative and are characterised revolutionised the global market by many fascinating projects.

not have its own In markets where Armacell does complete a factories, sales offices and distributors in the industry. broad sales network that is unique in addition This sales footprint with a local presence, supports to our company’s global manufacturing, Armacell’s market leadership.







To be the global leader for flexible providing value technical foams through continual by innovations in order to improve product and system thermal, acoustic mechanical efficiency in and all targeted applications.




We grow our market valuable solutions by providing our customer s with that offer reliable performance backed by high-calib and certified applications. re people for targeted Certified performa nce means specified erties which product propare confirmed by an independ institute. Applicati ent testing ons include, for example, and HVAC-R plumbing solutions AIDA (GERMANY) , solar equipment, compone industrial MEYER WERFT, PAPENBURG installations nts of a price basedbuilt 37 and others. Valuable stands for Over the years, the Meyer Werft has on innovative value the best quality/co propositions from that offer luxury liners for discerning customers st ratio and durability to the High-cali it comes to the market. bre all over the world. When people are dedicated refrigeration and water competen chilled , of passionat insulation t individual e and trusts in products s who operate with strive pipes, the shipyard only to be the best. AF integrity and Armafix from Armacell: AF/Armaflex and pipe hangers reliably prevent condensation and energy loss.

VALUES – WHAT Customer experien ce We create


a positive customer -focused culture. tomers value the Armacell Cusexperience and business relationsh continuous ip. Commitment We are committe d to developin g and motivatin people, nurturing g our their talents and developin We will build g new skills. strong teams to support our performance. company’s The safety of our employee pany’s first commitm s is the coment.

Empowerment and accounta bility We give our employees operation expect them al responsib to develop and ility and perform to the talents. The best of their basis for interactio n between employee is mutual respect and trust. s Integrity Our employee s must be aware of and comply and regulation with rules s, regardless of where in the are working. world they Integrity goes deeper than doing the right that. It is about things in the right way, as and as a company. individuals Ethical and responsible is fundamen behaviour tal to the way we do business. is a company Armacell that can be trusted. Sustainability We are focused on sustainab le, profitable the developm growth through ent and to ensure a positive manufacturing of our products impact on our tribute to sustainab community. We conle growth by in thermal and creating innovation acoustical efficiency s .






located, we employ In each country where Armacell is of national and talented people who are keenly aware to address international standards for their products consider our different local requirements. We always to best corporate values, which apply internationally, satisfy our customers' needs.





As inventors of flexible elastome we focus on ric foams for developing safe, insulation, innovative thermal, tic and mechanic acousal solutions and systems value for our that create customers in a sustainable way.




Last autumn, Armacell launched a completely redesigned internet presence at The new website can be called up on all digital devices such as smartphones or tablets and features a clear, modern design. With interesting facts about energy efficiency and equipment insulation, Armacell is now addressing non-experts for the first time. A wide range of explanatory videos and images make the site dynamic. As before, all the information about Armacell products is available on the country-specific sites. At the moment these are being revised to tailor content more closely to the relevant target groups and will be launched in the new look successively.


New website with wider range of information

Due to the great difference between day and night-time temperatures, condensation formed on a seismograph operated by NORSAR, the Norwegian seismological institute in the Antarctic. Thanks to Armaflex Ultima, the condensation processes have been stopped and the seismograph now provides reliable data of ground motions from Antarctica for international research.


Armacell won the contract provide the insulation to for the air-condit ioning system. The elastome ric material Armaflexinsulation by far the highest achieved score for its technical properties.


The new company brochure is available as an e-paper with turnable pages and to download in the media library at


Whereas our previous communication was primarily aimed at customers, with our new corporate identity we would like to interest a broader audience for Armacell. We are now pleased to be able to provide customized content for

Company brochure rounds it all off

More about Armacell, the company’s vision, values, customer orientation and global presence can also be found in the new corporate brochure. It traces the history of the company and provides an insight into the many different areas of application for Armacell products. Fascinating case studies document the company’s international market leadership, technical information demonstrates the innovative strength.

very different target groups and share with them stories from the Armacell world. Many public and private builderowners as well as operators of industrial equipment are not yet aware of the enormous savings which can be achieved with technical insulation materials. That’s something we want to change. Susan Krambo, Director Corporate Communications at Armacell




Getting off to a magnificent start in Istanbul! It was an event to remember: in mid April some 100 guests accepted an invitation to the Hyatt Regency in Istanbul. In these splendid surroundings Armacell and OneFlex held an informative and entertaining event to introduce the new joint company, Armacell Yalitim Anonim Sirketi, to Turkish customers and members of the press. CEO Patrick Mathieu presented the international Armacell group and explained the company’s interest in OneFlex, which led to the acquisition. OneFlex General Manager Koray Sari is convinced that this step will secure


long-term success: “The financial strength of the global player and access to the Armacell technology pool will allow further growth and expansion into new markets.” Together with other top managers from Armacell and OneFlex, Patrick Mathieu and Koray Sari answered questions from journalists and customers. The gala dinner which followed offered everyone the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better. A perfect start to a shared future.



Armacell Winter Adventure 2015 in Tallinn “Tere tulemast! – Welcome to Tallinn!” Those were the words which greeted the members of the Armacell-Premium loyalty scheme at the beginning of March this year. The company had invited the TOP 20 participants in the bonus scheme to the Baltic metropolis. Their itinerary included not only a guided tour of the old city – a UNESCO world

ous disciplines. Snowmobiling, jeep safari, shooting, husky sledding – there was something for everyone! And there was a very cool end to the day: chilling out over drinks at - 6 °C in the “Moe 1886 Icebar”. The unanimous verdict on the Armacell event: “Igal ajal uuesti! – Anytime again!”

Find out more about the bonus scheme at

heritage site –, but also an exciting day in the snow. On the first evening, the group immediately immersed themselves in the traditional Estonia in the “Olde Hansa”. After a ceremonial washing of hands they spent an enjoyable evening with typical Estonian food and live music. The absolute highlight of the journey was a trip to the Kõrvemaa nature reserve, where the guests competed against each other in vari-


Following the successful launch of Armacell Premium at the ISO’10 trade fair in Wiesbaden (Germany), more than 500 insulation contractors in the Benelux countries, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, France and the United Kingdom now participate in the scheme and exchange their points for a wide range of attractive rewards. Since the beginning of June, Armacell-Premium has also been available in Sweden.




Audit in Friesenhofen: Robert Schmid (WAM Coordinator & Quality Manager Friesenhofen) and Energy Officer Markus Schulte with auditor Dr Serif Aynacioglu

Mike Resetar (Technical Manager Armacell LLC, 3rd from the left) received the award for Armacell

German sites gain DIN EN ISO 50001 certification

US facilities win NIA Safety Award

The energy management system at the German Armacell locations Münster and Friesenhofen has now been certified by the independent certification society Bureau Veritas. To record all energy-relevant data systematically, an energy management system was introduced in 2013. Energy management is part of the integrated management system (IMS) and forms an equally important pillar alongside quality and environmental management. Certification is based on EN ISO 50001, the new sister standard to ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment). By 2020, the energy requirement at the German sites is to be reduced by 5 % compared to 2013.

The Armacell manufacturing facilities in Mebane, NC and Atlanta, GA have been recognized with the Gold Safety Award from the National Insulation Association (NIA). The Theodore H. Brodie Distinguished Safety Award is the highest industry honour and the only national award for outstanding safety performance in the mechanical insulation sector. This latest honour follows Mebane receiving the prestigious Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) certification from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) in 2013.

Armacell trade fairs 2015


The new trade fair year started very successfully for Armacell: at the end of January the AHR Expo in Chicago trumped all previous records with 42,000 visitors and 21,000 exhibitors. Crowds flocked to Armacell’s stand where Armaflex Black LapSeal with its new closure system premiered. The absolute highlights on the Armacell stand at the Climatización in Madrid at the end of February were the low-smoke Armaflex

Susan Krambo

Jean-Luc Chollier

Director Corporate Communications


Ultima and the new Armaflex adhesives. At the same time, the ACREX India, the largest HVAC exhibition in South Asia, provided Armacell with the ideal platform for presenting its energy efficient solutions for airconditioning, refrigeration and building services. Under the motto “Less Energy = More Life” some 400 exhibitors from over 25 countries presented their new products to over 28,000 visitors in Bangalore.

Marketing Manager EMEA

In August 2014, Susan Krambo joined Armacell as Director Corpo-

Since last October, Jean-Luc Chollier has been supporting the Cen-

rate Communications. She previously worked for specialty chemi-

tral Marketing Team EMEA. He has more than 20 years’ experi-

cals company LANXESS where she gained extensive knowledge of

ence in the construction industry. Before joining Armacell he

the B2B sector: as Vice President International Coordination & Stra-

worked for Saint-Gobain Weber where as Product Manager ETICS

tegic Projects she set up a global project management system and

he managed the product development, product mix and market-

was responsible both for managing international teams and for the

ing plan for external thermal insulation composite systems in

Further exhibition dates in 2015 MIOGE (Moscow International Oil & Gas Exhibition) (Moscow, Russia) 23. – 26.06.2015

Railway Interiors Expo 2015 (Prague, Czech Republic)

04. – 05.11.2015

GreenBuilding Conferência Internacionale e Expo Brasil (São Paulo, Brazil) 11. – 13.08.2015

The BIG 5 (Dubai, UAE)

23. – 26.11.2015

JEC Europe Composites Show (Paris, France)

10. – 12.03.2015

China Composites Expo (Shanghai, China)

02. – 04.09.2015

CAMX 2015 (Dallas, USA)

27. – 29.10.2015

Marintec South America (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

11. – 13.08.2015 13. – 16.08.2015

worldwide roll-out of new event formats. In her position at Arma-

France. At Armacell Jean-Luc Chollier’s responsibilities include

Bangkok RHVAC (Bangkok, Thailand)

cell Susan Krambo will develop and enhance the international insu-

marketing Armaflex Ultima, AF/Armaflex and the system accesso-

FEBRAVA (São Paulo, Brazil)

22. – 25.09.2015

lation material manufacturer’s corporate communications.


Gastech (Singapore, Singapore)

27. – 30.10.2015

All trade fairs can be found at


Credits Publisher: Armacell Robert-Bosch-Straße 10 48153 Münster (Germany)

Editors: Natascha Alipaß (responsible), Jean-Luc Chollier, Georgios Eleftheriadis, Valentin Galliker, Falk Hochscherff, Guillerme Huguen, Susan Krambo, Manuel Martin, Marlit Mencke, Klaus Peerenboom, Dr. Heribert Quante, Pascal Raphoz, Malte Witt, Anthony Barnett, Joanna Beckman, Patricia Gonzalez, Hilda Han, Belinda Janson, Lise Magot, Janna Röttgers, Alina Stegemann, Berta Steiner

In the next issue of the ArmaPlus Magazine: Ichthys – Armacell reels in a big fish Ichthys is Greek for fish and with the Ichthys liquefied natural gas project Armacell has caught a really big fish. The Ichthys field is the second largest oil and gas project in Australia’s history and is currently one of the most significant offshore projects worldwide. The Engineered Systems Team won against tough competition and was awarded the contract for equipment insulation. For the first time in an oil and gas project up to 50 % of the technical insulation is to be realized with elastomeric materials – a real milestone in Armacell’s history.

Concept and realization:

Armaflex Toolbox – Tools for professionals!

PR-Büro Rullmann, Greven (Germany)

Just what insulators have been waiting for: the Armaflex Toolbox provides all the tools and aids for real insulation professionals in a lightweight, yet robust, aluminium case. With these tools for measuring, cutting and gluing Armaflex materials insulators are well-equipped for all possible tasks. And because the toolbox may well be the object of envy on the building site, it can be locked to prevent unauthorized access.

Layout: Schäfer & Partner GmbH, Waldbronn / Karlsruhe (Germany)

Picture credits : Thinkstock - New York (8) Lenzing AG - Tencel® plant (24) Fotolia - Sparschwein mit Taschenrechner (30) Fotolia - Aufwärtstrend (36 - 37) IStock - Businessman with laptop (38) IStock - Blue Mosque at Night in Istanbul Turkey (40 - 41) IStock - Old city. Tallinn, Estonia (42) Thinkstock - Digital photo camera in studio with softbox and flashes (47)

carbon neutral | DE-212-840646

print production


Further prizes: 5 x Armaflex Toolbox


WAM – When striving for continuous improvement becomes routine “To get better and better” – that’s the aim of the World Class Armacell Mindset (WAM). The continuous improvement programme, which was introduced in 2013, is based on World Class Manufacturing (WCM), but goes much further. Through constant systematic optimization of the structures and processes in all areas of the company the highest possible quality standards are achieved. This requires a new mindset, a new way of thinking and working.

Main prize: Professional photo shoot of one of your Armaflex projects

Would you like to have professional photos of your Armaflex projects? Then send us snapshots of your insulation work! You’ll then automatically enter the draw to win one of five professional toolboxes and may also be lucky enough to win the main prize: a professional photo shoot. Send your photos to by 31 October 2015.

... and much more.

The competition is open to entrants aged 18 or over, except for employees of the companies involved and their immediate families. Entrants will need to provide a valid email address and their full name. The entrant certifies that he/she owns all rights to the uploaded photo and grants Armacell International S.A. the right to publish the photo in the ArmaPlus Magazine. The entrant also holds Armacell International S.A. harmless from all third-party claims which are asserted against Armacell International S.A. as a result of the publication of the photograph and/or name. The email address provided will only be used for the purpose of the competition and will be deleted once the competition has ended. The winner will be drawn from all entrants. Any recourse to courts of law is excluded.

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