Hope for East Asia Project Guide 2013-2014

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p r o j e c t g u i d e 2013-2014


LETTER FROM THE U.S. PRESIDENT AND NATIONAL DIRECTOR When God gives us a vision, he holds us responsible for relentlessly pursuing it. God is responsible for the results. God has given OMF International a huge vision—to see disciples made and churches planted in every people group of East Asia. The Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts of men and women throughout the United States to catch that vision—and to get involved. The task can be overwhelming! However, God guides us step by prayerful step. Those steps take many forms and this project guide describes some of them. Each project is a step; steps such as providing Bible training for Japanese pastors, loving children at‐risk or bringing organic farming to a needy area. Each project needs funding. Even more important, each project needs to be bathed in prayer. It is prayer that empowers the steps into which God guides. We are praying to the Lord of the harvest that many will to go to Asia to join our teams! Completing strategic projects requires people who are willing to go—people willing to enter into the lives of others to bring them the hope of the gospel and people who are willing to sacrifice, to leave behind the familiar and the comfortable in order to live out our calling to be aliens and strangers on this earth (see Hebrews 11:13). I invite you to journey with us as we follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. With you, step by prayerful step,

Michael E. Littlefield OMF International (U.S.) President and National Director Note to the Reader: There are many other projects with which you can be involved. Visit www.omf.org/us/projects or e-mail Stewardship@omf.org to learn more.


HOPE FOR THE INDONESIAN INNER CITY MORNING RESPLENDENCE FOUNDATION “If you have money, this city is a paradise. But if you have no money, well …” As one of Asia’s largest cities flaunts its growing wealth, the urban poor struggle to survive in polluted and overcrowded slums. Families living on minimal income face the threat of disease, expulsion, flood and fire. Many children either don’t attend school or drop out early. Through basic medical services, reading programs and community development initiatives, our team is meeting practical needs and seeking sustainable solutions to reduce poverty in Muslim communities. Relationships are being built so community members can experience and learn of Christ’s love and salvation. We pray, O God, that our workers will have favor with local city leaders, acceptance into the communities and the ability to serve with practical resources and open doors for the gospel. P83010 Need: $24,000 annually



In Eastern Cambodia, riders on motorcycles Dear Lord, grant protection to those negotiate dirt tracks as they bring mobile who take the mobile library out to the libraries to the poorest of the poor. From villages of Cambodia. May your Holy various locations across this region, OMF Spirit prepare the hearts of the people to acquire a love of reading, and then International workers deliver boxes of have opportunity to read about your books, Christian resources and Bibles for Son, Jesus Christ. those who don’t have access. In addition to bringing the libraries, literacy workers help villagers who have not had a chance to learn how to read. While they may begin with a simple story, our prayer is that each person who utilizes the library gains the opportunity and ability to read God’s word, the greatest book ever written! P70002/P70015 | Need: $15,000 annually


In the U.S., pastors and church leaders have many conferences and training opportunities to learn how to grow their churches … and the resources to do it. It is far more difficult in Cambodia. OMF International works to help train and encourage local pastors. As the church in Cambodia is growing, the need for training is greatly increasing! Two to three times per year, local pastors will be invited to seminars for theological and ministry training. For those pastors in difficult to reach places, Christian books and Bible commentaries are provided at no cost. O God, while we know that you can grow your church anywhere with limited resources, we ask that you would provide needed training for current and future Cambodian pastors, in Jesus’ name.

P70016 | Need: $7,000 annually


COMMENTARY TRANSLATION FOR MONGOLIAN BELIEVERS TRANSLATION OF NEW BIBLE COMMENTARY With just two decades of growing Christianity in Mongolia, there are no biblical commentaries in the Mongolian language. Churches are led by first generation Christian leaders, and a deeper knowledge of the Bible is needed. Pastors and others ponder questions like “What does this verse mean?”, “How do I explain it?” and “What does this mean for us?” Translation of InterVarsity Press’ New Bible Commentary will help answer these questions and help them continue careful study of the Bible and Jesus’ message of salvation and redemption. Lord Jesus, we praise you for the explosion of Christianity in Mongolia over the last 20 years! Please strengthen your church and equip church leaders so they can wisely preach and teach your word with knowledge and understanding. P88205 Need: $18,000


MORE MISSIONARIES FOR EAST ASIA VITAL SUPPORT MINISTRIES Our U.S. team works hard to find, mentor, equip and release new long-term missionaries each year to East Asia! We work with Bible schools and colleges to send short-term teams, and we attend various conferences, such as Urbana and World Christian Conference (Chinese). Funds given to Vital Support Ministries provide resources for our mobilizers and volunteers to find these workers. Through our Serve Asia short-term missions discipleship ministry, partnership ministries and nationwide volunteer opportunities, OMF International is committed to coming alongside those considering a call to serve in East Asia! Lord, we thank you that you are calling people to serve in East Asia and for those who work to find, mentor and send others. Please supply the resources for all those involved in bringing hope to East Asia!

VSM Need: $450,000 annually



More than 350 people make up the OMF Heavenly Father, we are thankful International team from the U.S. While most for those who serve East Asia’s of those are in East Asia, about 40 on our U.S. peoples with their vocations and team are supported staff who, like our field skills. Please provide every need workers, develop a partnership team to cover so each home-team staff member can fully serve with their gifts, the expenses for them to serve. Some struggle talents and time for your glory. to reach their full support goals. Among others, these team members can include managers, Communications team members, on-the-ground advocates, short-term team coordinators and many others. Each role is vital and helps to enable the success of our frontline workers in East Asia. UNDERSUPPORT | Need: $90,000 annually


OMF International’s U.S. team is intently focused on seeking new missionary workers for East Asia and helping those serving to do so successfully and with great support. To facilitate this, our Littleton office receives a constant stream of visitors—missionary candidates, field missionaries, short-term workers and various other visitors. While Denver International Airport is a nearby hub for travel, it is about 40 miles from us. Reliable transportation that minimizes expenses is critical. We urgently need to replace at least one of our two older vans. Please consider this partnership opportunity or even donating your good-condition, used van to OMF International! Lord, thank you that you know our every need and that you promise to meet all our needs (Philippians 4:19). Please give us wisdom as we steward resources you give us to see more gospel workers serve in East Asia.

BUILDING | $23,500 per van


REACH THE WORKING CLASS TAIWANESE SEMINARY STUDENT INTERNSHIP FUND OMF International in Taiwan has a special calling to the working class people, of which 99% don’t know Jesus! To equip Taiwanese believers to be more involved, workers provide seminary internships which give students opportunity to serve alongside our ministries to the homeless, addicted, marginalized and spiritually needy. In coordination with local seminaries’ requirements, selected students receive an internship grant. This project provides strategic opportunity to train and raise up indigenous leaders, some of whom may choose to join OMF International after they graduate while others may become advocates and pioneer working-class ministries. Jesus, you left 99 sheep to go after one. Taiwan’s working class population represents 99 lost sheep! Would you provide abundant resources and caring hearts to help reach Taiwan’s working class? P62021 Need: $22,500 annually



The Golden Triangle is the place where Laos, Lord, once again, your church in Thailand and Myanmar (Burma) meet. The Asia is struggling without trained Akha, one of the groups of people living leadership. Would you bring in there, have traditionally worshipped their qualified and committed future ancestors and believe that spirits inhabit leaders to the Akha Golden Triangle Center to strengthen your church things in nature. At the same time, they among these people? are so rapidly coming to Christ in some areas that there are not enough spiritual leaders! OMF International’s Golden Triangle Training Center provides a central location and facilities for lay leaders to stay temporarily while receiving training in the Bible and leadership before they return to their villages. Funding would help provide training as well as a much needed new roof and building improvements. L88008 | Need: $15,000 annually


In a land where Christianity is still seen as a foreign religion, Japan needs many more well-trained pastors and church leaders. The Hokkaido Bible Institute (HBI), started by OMF International in the 1960’s, is one of the only seminaries in Japan providing this kind of training. While HBI receives tuition from students and gifts from churches, the cost of living in Japan is one of the highest in the world. Your support of this project can help train future pastors, missionaries and lay leaders from all over Japan! Lord, please help us to train the laborers that you are sending into the harvest and prepare them to reach out to the people of Japan.

P60002 | Need: $10,000 annually



The Home of Hope provides love to Jesus, please help workers minister marginalized children in North Vietnam. lovingly to the needs of the children A core group of young-adult believers in this region, offering your eternal who were influenced and transformed hope and unconditional love. Would you provide a long-term facility for this by this ministry are committed to serving ministry to train and transform the vulnerable children and are eager to next generation? transform communities by planting churches. Funds cover rent for a training center, sponsorships of children and an outreach program focused on a nearby town and two districts which have not been influenced by Christ. In the future, the ministry hopes to purchase a training center for long-term use. P89038 | Need: $34,315


RADIO BROADCASTING MINISTRIES PROJECT Every day several radio programs reach millions of listeners in the Akha, Tai, Hmong, Karen, Mien and Shan people groups across the countries of China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. People who don’t yet have a Bible hear the gospel in their heart language. Unseen but powerful, these evangelistic messages, devotions, Bible teachings and testimonies have a huge impact in the lives of believers and are an encouragement in hostile situations. For thousands, this has been their first contact with the gospel, and they have come to Christ! Many believers receive follow-up visits for encouragement, and CD programs are brought into villages where the broadcasts cannot reach. Lord, please use these radio broadcasts to bring hope to the unreached in these countries. We ask that the Bible teaching and messages would be used to draw many to you!

P88101 | Need: $250,800 annually


RELIEVING HIV/AIDS WITH EDUCATION HIV/AIDS PROJECT One of China’s provinces is facing an HIV/AIDS epidemic that is spreading rapidly, like many other parts of the country. With very little knowledge about HIV/AIDS, especially in the countryside, fear is rampant and people living with HIV/AIDS are shunned by the rest of society. By working with local believers through education that trains volunteers and students, the vision is to see those affected by AIDS—children, adults and entire communities—cared for in practical and spiritual ways so that they may find hope in Christ. Father, send your Spirit to move among the local believers in this province and show them how to care for those who are affected by this dreadful disease while bringing Good News to the sick and suffering. P88323 Need: $27,577 annually



OMF International’s vision is to “see Lord, would you raise up new Thai indigenous, biblical church movements church leaders who will begin and in each people group of East Asia, grow indigenous, biblical church evangelizing their own people and movements among all of the people reaching out in mission to other peoples.” groups of Thailand? Unlike surrounding countries, Thailand’s government offers religious freedom. In spite of this, less than 1% of Thais know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Project Paul is a four-day church-planting course designed to launch Thai Christians into church planting and provide them with a variety of resources for evangelism, discipleship and leadership development. We seek to offer at least 12 trainings per year with an average of 20 participants each. P68121 | Need: $16,800 annually


NAMPU - FOUNTAIN ORGANIZATION Thailand has the highest number of teenage pregnancies in Asia and the second highest worldwide. Ashamed and afraid of the reaction of their families and not able to raise a child at this time in life, about half of these women see abortion as their only way out of this dilemma—a step that most of them regret afterwards. Through Nampu, a counseling and pregnancy crisis center, OMF International workers come alongside these women, as well as those abused and sexually harassed, with the life-saving love of Christ through counseling, prayer and practical help. Lord, we know you love the women of Thailand. Whether they have been abused or are struggling with coping with pregnancy, please show them the love of your son, Jesus Christ, through the service and people of Nampu.

P68122 | Need: $10,000 annually


REACH OUT DURING TIMES OF DISASTER PHILIPPINES GENERAL RELIEF Responding to the emotional and spiritual needs of disaster victims and people in crisis is one of the ways to show the love of Christ and spread the gospel. The Philippines is a country that is very prone to disasters. Yearly, more than 20 typhoons affect the country leaving a trail of destruction from strong winds, floods and landslides. Added to this are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires and political instability, which call for continual opportunities to serve individuals and even whole villages. This disaster relief fund allows OMF International missionaries to respond in times of disaster. Father, help us to be ready to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of people during times of crisis. Prepare the hearts of the people who are in crisis to receive your hope.

P65145 Need: $35,000 annually


SERVING THE NEEDS OF RURAL FARMERS ORGANIC FARMING The people of “P” village are mostly poor farmers. Like the majority in this country, they follow Islam, but they also believe in evil spirits to help them fulfill their selfish desires. Three young believers, moved by the needs of this village, are committed to serving the people by starting an organic farm. These three young ladies want to teach the farmers new methods of organic farming and introduce them to Jesus, one who can free them from evil spirits! This is an exciting start-up project whose leaders hope it will be independent and sustainable in the near future. Jesus, please provide protection and success for the founders of this farm as they provide a sustainable crop for the village and introduce “P” villagers to your Son. L83069 Need: $18,000


JOIN IN GOD’S STORY OF HOPE IN EAST ASIA Our teams serve with a heart for Asia among Buddhists, Muslims, animists and atheists in both urban and rural settings to bring the hope of Jesus through: • Church Planting • Medical Services • Compassion Ministries • Youth Ministry and Outreach • Education • Business Skills • and others …

GO GLOBAL LONG TERM Be a part of a multicultural team sharing the good news of Christ in East Asia. Learn culture and language for cross-cultural service. Partner with the global church to see individual lives and whole communities redeemed by the power of the gospel.

SHORT TERM Participate in Serve Asia, a short‐term missions discipleship journey with longterm impact. Train with us to prepare for your time in East Asia. Catch the vision of what God is doing while serving with our long-term workers. Debrief upon return and integrate the experience into your entire life.

CONNECT LOCAL JOURNEY TOGETHER Share encouragements, joys and passions as you support and challenge others in missions involvement. Come together with our local groups who meet regularly to discover active and meaningful missions involvement through going, sending, praying, welcoming or learning.

5 X 5 X 5 PRAYER Empower ministry across East Asia. Choose five days to pray for five minutes for five areas desperately in need of hope. Do the work that can only be done on your knees. Contact us at info@omf.org.


303.730.4160 • 800.422.5330 • info@omf.org

10 W. Dry Creek Circle Littleton, CO 80120-4413

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