Praying for Projects in East Asia and at OMF International (U.S.)
Hope for east Asia winter two thousand and twelve
Letter from the U.S. National Director Greetings in our Lord! Opportunities. They are all around us. God has been opening up opportunities for this organization since Hudson Taylor first called for 24 willing workers to go to China in 1865. This publication describes a few of the many opportunities placed before OMF International. We believe that the Holy Spirit is opening these up in answer to prayer. They are creative and courageous opportunities to see the kingdom of God move forward in power. They are opportunities that drive us to our knees. Hudson Taylor had a clear understanding of the need to communicate what God is doing with clarity and compassion. At the same time, earnest prayer was lifted up for the necessary resources to step into the opportunities the Holy Spirit revealed. One way the China Inland Mission expressed its dependence on God was to not solicit for funds for member support. However, Hudson Taylor would let supporters know about project needs. The Lord used this communication, bathed in prayer, to release the resources needed to see the opportunities become reality. In a similar way, this publication seeks to share with you a few of the overseas and U.S. project needs of OMF International. If God gives you the desire to financially support any of these projects, we have provided the project name and number at the bottom of each description. Join with me in prayer that the Holy Spirit would use this information to bring hope to the billions in East Asia who live without Christ. With you for the kingdom, Michael E. Littlefield OMF International (U.S.) National Director
Note to the Reader: We are passionate about sharing with you about how God is working to meet the needs of East Asia through his committed workers. This new publication represents our desire to try fresh communication approaches. We welcome your feedback ( or 303.730.4187).
Hope for Life Providing for Povertystricken Cambodian Families Two million people live in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia. Many of them live in deep poverty. OMF International works among the poor, seeking to establish churches. As a starting point, we try to address social needs. We reach out to families and help men leave the trap of drug addiction, women to find ways to escape the sex trade and children to gain proper education and training. We work to reconcile troubled marriages and strengthen families by providing access to job training skills that help families start small businesses. Much of this is done through community centers that provide a place of refuge and training, and health education and treatment. Heavenly Father, help us to reach the poor of Phnom Penh through building your church, strengthening marriages, freeing women from the sex trade and breaking the chain of poverty that has held them captive for all these years. Hope for Life, P70021 Need: $33,000 annually
MICRO-ENTERPRISE IN CHINA AND MYANMAR Many rural Chinese farmers are trapped in a cycle of poverty and rarely receive an opportunity to better their lives. Many in these areas of China and Myanmar have HIV/AIDS. Utilizing this micro‐enterprise Father, please expand our project, OMF International’s workers offer opportunities to serve the peoples new opportunities through money loans, of China and Myanmar with loans, in‐home counseling and training in Christian counseling and training and use these morals and values, money management, services as gateways for the gospel to etc. To increase sustainability, project transform lives. beneficiaries are closely monitored in how they are doing and how their loan is spent. Loans are typically used for raising animals and/or growing crops. Most beneficiaries have been able to repay the loan and now have a sustainable income. Many have learned of Jesus and now have eternal hope! Community Aid Project | P88041 | Need: $40,000 annually
EVANGELISM AND CHURCH PLANTING The T people, numbering about 1.4 million, are still less than one percent Christian and remain highly unevangelized. Most T are lowland rice farmers and live in remote villages in valleys tucked between mountainous areas. Believers among the small T church have been equipped and have a growing burden to reach out to their own and neighboring people groups with the gospel. Please pray for OMF International’s workers who help the T believers and their local churches visit villages and towns conducting evangelism, discipleship and church planting. Lord, you call us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Will you help the Tai Lue church and our workers be effective in evangelism, discipleship and church planting?
T Evangelism | L88043 | Need: $15,244
MINISTRY TO JAPANESE YOUTH MENTORING CHRISTIAN JAPANESE YOUTH TOWARD EVANGELISM Out of a population of 127 million, there are fewer than 500,000 evangelical Christians in Japan. Only a very small portion of that number is young adults. OMF International’s workers are mentoring young Christians around Tokyo to help them build friendships with non‐ Christians and lead them to Christ. Based in a youth center or youth café, workers encourage new and young Christians to walk together, discover God’s perspective on their lives and be equipped to live out their faith in a place where the church is seen as irrelevant. God, you tell us that you will pour out your Spirit on all people (Acts 2:17). Please remember the youth of Japan and use OMF International’s youth center and café to reach and disciple young people for you. YouFo (Youth Focus), L60207 Need: $30,000 annually
For more information on Japanese youth culture:
COMMENTARY TRANSLATION FOR MONGOLIANS NEW BIBLE COMMENTARY IN MONGOLIAN With just two decades of Christianity in Mongolia, there are no biblical commentaries in the Mongolian language. Churches are led by first generation Christian leaders, and a deeper knowledge of the Bible is needed. Pastors and others ponder questions like “What does this verse mean?”, “How do I explain it?” and “What does this mean for us?” Translation of InterVarsity Press’ New Bible Commentary will help answer these questions and help them continue careful study of the Bible and Jesus’ message of salvation and redemption. Lord Jesus, we praise you for the explosion of Christianity in Mongolia over the last 20 years! Please strengthen your church and equip church leaders so they can wisely preach and teach your word with knowledge and understanding.
Translation of the New Bible Commentary, P88205 Need: $20,100
Widespread corruption, racism and a Lord, send us church planters to help social infrastructure that cannot cope the Thailand team plant churches with the influx of migrants contribute to in the slums of Bangkok. Help the urban poverty in Bangkok, and very few churches that are planted to grow, people are working with the urban poor. multiply and reproduce, reaching more OMF International’s team in Thailand and more people for you. has been serving among different urban poor communities for more than three years. As the urban poor have responded to the gospel and are being discipled, it is vital to have local church planters to start churches. The end goal is for all of the churches to be Thai‐led, contextualized and spontaneously reproducing throughout the slums of Bangkok. Khannayao Urban Poor Church Planting | P68118 | Need: $16,000 annually
Radio Broadcasting Ministries Project BROADCASTING TO people groups in East Asia
Every day several broadcasting programs are reaching millions of listeners of the Akha, Tai, Hmong, Karen, Mien and Shan people groups. These are peoples who live in Thailand, but also in surrounding countries such as China, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. People who don’t yet have a Bible can hear the gospel in their heart language. Unseen but powerful, these evangelistic messages, trainings, Bible teachings and testimonies have a huge impact in the lives of believers and are an encouragement in hostile situations. For many thousands, this has been their first contact with the gospel, and they have come to Christ. Follow‐up trips are made to build up local believers and to bring available CD programs into villages where the broadcasts cannot be received. Lord, please use these radio ministries to reach the unreached in these countries. We ask that these evangelistic messages and teachings in their languages would be used to draw multitudes to you.
Radio Broadcasting Ministries Project | P88101 | Need: $250,800 annually
MINI-BIBLES FOR THE TAIWANESE SCRIPTURE DISTRIBUTION FOR TAIWAN’S WORKING CLASS Many among the Taiwanese working class find that it is difficult to read a book like the Bible. By printing small portions with large, easy-to-read Chinese characters, they have more opportunities to read and understand. These “miniBibles” are composed of selected passages that are relevant to the Taiwanese working class’ outlook and can help them understand who Jesus is. For example, one “mini-Bible” contains a selected parable of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke, like the story of the prodigal son. Project funds will be used to produce 10 printings with 3,000 copies in each printing. Father, thank you that that your word is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword and able to penetrate hearts (Hebrews 4:12). Please help us introduce the Taiwanese to you in creative and relevant ways. Mini-Bibles for the Taiwan Working Class, P62201 Need: $15,385
For more information:
It is as simple as ABC—education is Lord Jesus, as a boy you grew in fundamental to escaping poverty. In wisdom and stature, and in favor with Indonesia, to get off the street and have God and men (Luke 2:52). Please use the opportunity for employment later on in OMF International to intervene in the life, kids need to have an education. OMF lives of these children so they receive a good education and learn to follow International works with a local non-profit you as their Lord and Savior. to provide funding for school fees, books and uniforms so that children can continue to go to school. For those that have dropped out of school, we provide funding to attend special courses that help them catch up and return to the school system if possible. We also provide tutoring for those who are behind in certain subjects. RM Street Children and their Families | P83011 | Need: $8,343 annually
CHURCH PLANTING AMONG AN UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP Less than 1/10 of 1% of the B people group claim to follow Jesus Christ. Most of these Christians are descendants of B people who accepted Jesus during a movement to Christ in the 1940s. The number of believers dwindled due to persecution after World War II. New outreach efforts have begun, but they must proceed with great care and with full reliance on God through prayer. Recent efforts of the outreach team are bearing fruit as five B became followers of Jesus and three were baptized. These believers are being discipled with the aim that they reach out to others and also form a house fellowship. Lord, the Bible tells us that Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). We pray that your gospel will spread among this people group and that a vibrant, growing house fellowship will be formed.
B Church Planting Initiative | P83208 | Need: $20,000 annually
As dusk sets in at the heart of the city Lord Jesus, please enable our Silingan of Davao, Philippines, the streets take a team to be your hands and feet to different face. Sub-cultures of displaced the street people of Davao City. people emerge. Street life can be very Please connect the team with those looking for hope and bring eternal harsh and creates an environment that transformation to their lives. is violent and oppressive. It is here in this harsh atmosphere that the OMF International Silingan Outreach team hopes to be an extension of God’s hands and feet to take care of the poor by loving them unconditionally. They seek to facilitate a movement of Christ-transformed communities among the street-level urban poor in Davao City and beyond. Silingan Outreach | P65155 | Need: $8,500 annually
Tuberculosis (TB) is the sixth leading cause of illness and the fifth leading cause of death among the Filipinos. It is no surprise that in urban poor settlements the problem of TB is even worse than in the general urban population. For various reasons, diagnosis and treatment in such places are often delayed or not sought at all. Despite efforts in the past, ignorance about TB, shame and financial issues still keep patients from getting appropriate care. OMF International’s workers engage in health care education in the community and have a long-standing community based project. Lord, you said that you came that we “may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Please bring full physical and spiritual healing to Filipinos struggling with Tuberculosis, and end the cycle of this disease with education and care in your name.
BL Community-based TB program | P65158 | Need: $19,000 annually
OUTDOOR OUTREACH IN THAILAND RECREATION MINISTRY TO YOUNG THAI MEN One of the most difficult demographics in Thailand to reach for Christ is young Thai men. Some teams have begun to reach them through sports. South Thailand abounds with opportunities to do adventurous activities outdoors. Caving, snorkeling, kayaking, rock climbing and rappelling are just some of the activities that attract Thai teens and can be done together with the goal of building relationships and sharing the gospel. A secondary goal is to enable young Christian men in sending countries to be involved in this ministry, particularly those who would not be interested in the traditional short-term mission trip. Lord, use the relationships that are built through outdoor sports to reach Thai men with the truth of your gospel. Also, send teams of young men from other countries to share your love with them. Please change the lives of all of these young men as they interact together. Outdoor Adventure Ministry, P68117 Need: $4,200 annually
OMF International’s Home of Hope Jesus, please help us to minister provides love to marginalized children in effectively to the needs of children in North Vietnam. A core group of youngthis region, offering your eternal hope adult believers, themselves influenced and unconditional love. Would you and transformed by this ministry, are provide a long-term facility for this ministry to train and transform the committed to serving vulnerable children next generation? and are eager to transform unreached communities by planting churches. Funding covers rent for a training center, child sponsorships and an outreach program focused on a nearby provincial town and two districts, most of whom have never heard of Jesus Christ. In the near future the ministry hopes to purchase a training center facility for long-term use. Home of Hope | P89038 | Need: $34,315
PASTORAL AND EVANGELISM TRAINING FOR THE HMONG There are an estimated 8.6 million Hmong, almost all of whom live in mountainous regions of China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. Most Hmong are animists and have yet to hear about Jesus Christ. Hmong believers have great opportunity to share the gospel through storytelling which enables biblical truths about Jesus Christ to be shared simply and relationally. By training Hmong church leaders in oral teaching methods, or storytelling, we hope to see greater effectiveness in the spiritual growth of the Hmong churches. This three-year project is focused on training 10 leaders every year for a total of 30 leaders per year. Lord, please pour out the Holy Spirit on the Hmong people and use this project to enable Hmong believers to spread the gospel throughout their communities.
Hmong Orality Project | P88002 | Need: $5,000 annually
Ministry Resources for U.S. Headquarters TRANSPORTATION AND TECHNOLOGY NEEDS The U.S. headquarters for OMF International in Colorado is a vibrant center of mobilization, assessment, member care and training. We host at least 10 conferences per year for current and future missionaries, short� term workers, pastors and leaders, and other visitors. We look to the Lord for tools such as a wellfunctioning building, efficient methods of transportation and relevant information technology to accomplish the daily tasks necessary to cast vision about the needs and opportunities in East Asia. We currently need to purchase a van to serve our visitors and missionaries and computers so that our staff has the necessary equipment to serve. Lord, thank you for promising to meet all our needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Please provide all ministry resources needed to find, support, train and serve missionaries to East Asia. Transportation Needs, BUILDING Need: $23,500 Computer Investments, 2012-IT01 Need: $28,800
Short-term Missions Discipleship Serve Asia Ministry A key challenge for long-term missionaries is that short-term teams can sometimes hurt rather than help overseas work. OMF International’s Serve Asia ministry focuses on long-term results through what we call “missions discipleship.” This unique full-year journey includes pre-field training, on-field preparation and at least six months of discipleship afterwards for the participants. This journey helps participants integrate their experiences into their lives so that they can go, grow and envision more in their daily lives. Lord, would you raise up many who will answer the call to go short-term to serve the peoples of East Asia? Enable them to serve effectively alongside our long-term missionaries and equip them for short-term workers for lasting, eternal impact. Serve Asia Missions Discipleship, VSM-SA Need: $17,600
More than 300 people make up the OMF International team from the United States. Whether they work in East Asia or the U.S., this team is God’s conduit of grace and life to East Asian peoples. The hometeam staff members include mobilizers, writers, mentors and others who raise financial support just like overseas workers. Each role is vital for the recruitment and mobilization of new workers. They enable the success of our frontline workers in East Asia. Lord, we thank you for the privilege of serving East Asia’s peoples with our vocations and skills. Please provide ample finances for each home-team staff member to serve with their gifts, talents and time for your glory!
Under-supported Home Staff | HOMESIDE | Need: $110,000
OMF International does more than send Father, we ask you to give us missionaries to East Asia. We want to see volunteers! Help us to find them and church members everywhere using their equip them to make a difference in time and talents to help bring the gospel to their churches, their communities and East Asia! Our BridgeAsia volunteer team in East Asia. members do just that by seeking to recruit and mobilize people in their own churches and communities. Training for new BridgeAsia Volunteer Coordinators enables them to use their gifts and skills right where they live for God’s glory in East Asia. BridgeAsia Volunteer Training | VSM-BA | Need: $22,300
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