BASE II Forum Brochure ENG

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Welcome to the BASE II Forum International in Medellín, Colombia I am pleased to welcome you all to the second BASE Forum for the Development of the Markets at the Base of the Pyramid in Latin America and the Caribbean. When the Inter-American Development Bank launched the Opportunities for the Majority initiative in 2007—an initiative to finance commercially viable business models that serve low-income populations—, only a handful of companies in the region had even heard of the concept of “base of the pyramid business models.” Six years later, we have brought hundreds of people together in Medellín, to hear about some very innovative and successful projects that have already launched, and hopefully to spark some ideas about bigger and bolder projects for the future. The Forum’s main goal is to showcase how the productive sector and financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean are successfully serving low-income populations with commercially viable business models; market solutions through which the private sector is contributing to solve the region’s most important development challenges. The BASE Forum is becoming an effective platform to discuss how to connect the resources and ingenuity of the private sector with the untapped potential at the base of the pyramid. This year we’ve chosen the Caja de Compensación Familiar de Antioquia, Comfama, as an ally to organize the Forum. Comfama’s social mission and broad membership make it an ideal strategic partner for the BASE II Forum. Colombia is the perfect setting for BASE II. The country has experienced positive growth in the last decade and is now perceived as a safe and reliable investment location, with stronger and more efficient institutions, as well as a country with great potential for the development of BoP business models. The IDB has selected Medellín as the headquarters of the BASE II Forum because the city has positioned itself as a world leader in social innovation and socio-economic development, aspects that complement the IDB’s mission and its work with the majorities. Similarly, Medellín protrudes into the country as the cradle of entrepreneurs with remarkable social sensitivity and committed to equitable development. I hope you take advantage of the BASE II Forum to learn more about the BoP in the region, low-income markets, and to network and connect with other leaders who truly believe in the potential of BoP business models to face some of the region’s most important social and economic challenges.

Luiz Ros Manager Opportunities for the Majority Inter-American Development Bank




7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

REGISTRATION AND BREAKFAST Plaza Mayor Convention Center / Gran Salón

8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

OPENING CEREMONY Honorary Council: Aníbal Gaviria Correa, Mayor of Medellín María Inés Restrepo de Arango, Director COMFAMA Luis Alberto Moreno, President, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

KEYNOTE ADDRESS BoP 2.0: Next Generation Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid It has been a decade since CK Prahalad and Stuart L. Hart first published the article “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid.” Since then, many corporate initiatives, entrepreneurial ventures, and innovation centers have been launched focused on the BoP. Many of these have failed and only a few have taken root and gathered commercial momentum. This session will take stock of what we have learned over the past ten years and suggest a set of “next generation” strategies to take the BoP business movement to the next level in the coming decade. Keynote Speaker: Stuart L. Hart. Professor, Cornell University. Co-creator of the BoP concept and Samuel C. Johnson Chair in Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell University.



10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.


10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

PLENARY I Colombia: Country of Pioneering Companies Serving the BoP Colombia stands out in Latin America and the Caribbean as one of the countries with a very active private sector serving BoP markets. The Colombian private sector has already established financially successful BoP business models and is incubating more. In this session, the presidents of major Colombian companies will discuss how they have led this process, the difficulties encountered along the way, and their perspectives for the future. • Moderator: Luis Alberto Moreno, President, IDB • Panelists: Samuel Azout, Founder and President, Fútbol con Corazón Foundation Juan Esteban Calle, General Manager, Empresas Públicas de Medellín Antonio Celia Martínez, CEO, Promigas Julián Jaramillo, CEO, Alpina S.A. Santiago Pérez, Vice President of Retail Banking for Individuals and SMEs, Grupo Bancolombia



11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

PLENARY II The Corporate Leap to the BoP: Plan or Opportunity? There are several business models that serve as global reference points for those who want to venture into BoP markets. They are mostly found in India, Africa, and Asia. These corporate successes are not only due to the firms’ creativity and ability to identify needs, distribution platforms, and strategic partners; but also to their conscious decision to open new lines of business that target markets that have been traditionally underserved. In this plenary, leaders of national and multinational companies discuss how the BoP has become a strategic axis of their businesses. • Moderator: Stuart L. Hart. Professor, Cornell University. Co-creator of the BoP concept and Samuel C. Johnson Chair in Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell University. • Panelists: José María Ayuso, Regional Product Executive Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, VISA Carlos Mejía, General Manager, DuPont Colombia Andrés Peñate, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, SABMiller Latin America Gonzalo Alberto Pérez, CEO, Suramericana S.A. Roberto Salas Guzmán, General Manager, Masisa

1:00 p.m .- 2:15 p.m.


2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.


Caja de Madera




Affordable Housing: Deploying New Finance Vehicles

Housing is one of the largest sectors of expenditure of the BoP, and homes are the primary vehicle for building individual and family wealth. These panelists will survey the different business models for providing financing to the BoP to access affordable housing, including credit for self-construction, lease to purchase option, and others.

• Moderator: César Bouillon, Lead Research Economist in Research Department, IDB • Panelists: Luis Daniel Albuquerque, COO, Terra Nova Dmitry Bayakhchev, Director for Full Economic Citizenship and Housing for All Brazil & Latin America, Ashoka Sofía Botero Uribe, Subdirector for National and International Cooperation, COMFAMA María Teresa Morales, Director of Housing Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean, Habitat for Humanity Felipe Gómez, CFO, Credifamilia, Compañía de Financiamiento S.A.




Internal Champions: Guiding the Corporation to the BoP

Building on the Corporate Leap plenary, this panel of corporate intrapreneurs will describe the internal challenges that must be overcome to develop a successful BoP-focused initiative within a corporation.

• Moderator: Alejandro Santos, Director, Revista Semana • Panelists: Camilo Acero, General Manager for Social Business ConSentido, Alpina Marco Gorini, CEO, VoxCred S/A – Grupo Tenda Atacado Group Diego Ruiz, Vice-President for Public Policy and Government Affairs, PepsiCo Antonio Santacruz Carmona, Strategic Development Manager, Telefónica Faye Yoshihara, Founder, Forest Fractal LLC




Regulatory Frameworks: Enabling Financial Inclusion

The regulatory frameworks of developing countries are undergoing rapid transformation. How these frameworks evolve determines to a great extent the private sector’s ability to effectively serve the BoP. This panel will showcase success stories in this arena and discuss some of the regulatory barriers that have limited the impact of innovative models of financial inclusion.

• Moderator: Sergio Navajas, Senior Specialist, Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) - IDB Group • Panelists: Luis Martín Auqui Cáceres, Chief of Banking Supervision, Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Fund Administrators of Perú María Adelayda Calle Correa, Legal Director for Financial Intermediation, Grupo Bancolombia Mariana Escobar, General Deputy Director, Colombian Departament for Social Prosperity DPS Antonio Martínez, Founding Partner and CEO, Microfin



3:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.





Private Sector Healthcare: Developing New Models and Systems to Serve the BoP

Providing basic health services to the BoP through market-based vehicles continues to be a challenge. Panelists in this session will present iconic models of private-sector health provision—regional and global— that have proven to be scalable and effective.

• Moderator: Kelle Bevine, Chief Strategy Unit Structured and Corporate Finance Department, IDB

• Panelists: Enrique Coronado, CEO, Co-founder and Board Director, Por ti, Familia Gopi Gopalakrishnan, Founder and President, World Health Partners Juan Carlos Ordoñez, CEO, Salud Digna Para Todos Carlos Orellana, Co-founder, salaUno




Social Innovation: Applying New Tools to Private Sector-led Development

This panel will explore how businesses have used social innovation as a development tool to create solutions that meet the needs of the BoP in a variety of sectors.

• Moderator: César Buenadicha, Senior Specialist, MIF – IDB Group • Panelists: Myrtille Danse, Executive Director, BoP Innovation Center Victor Grau, Co-Director, MIT D-Lab Francisco Noguera, Manager of the Pioneros Alliance for Social Innovation, Compartamos con Colombia Dane Smith, Managing Director, FSG Julián Ugarte, Executive Director, Socialab



Developing Innovative Risk Analysis Tools for BoP Projects

There is widespread perception that BoP projects carry increased risk. Individuals and firms operating in the informal sector often lack access to affordable credit because they are unable to convincingly document their credit worthiness. Also, foreign exchange risk can affect the funding side of credit providers for this project. The invited panelists will describe how their organizations developed innovative risk mitigating methodologies that allowed them to improve credit for BoP projects

• Moderator: Daniela Carrera, Country Representative for Brazil, IDB • Panelists: Dan Gertsacov, CEO of the Americas Region, Lenndo Jorge Gomes, Senior Vice President of Structuring, TCX Fund Rob Grimberg, Founder, Capital Tool Company Jared Miller, Director for Latin America, Entrepreneurial Financial Lab



5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

KEYNOTE ADDRESS Understanding the BoP Consumer Keynote speaker: Deepa Prahalad. Author, business strategist and consultant specializing in opportunities at the intersection of consumer experience, technology and strategy.

6:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.

CLOSING REMARKS Sergio Fajardo Valderrama Governor of Antioquia

6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.




7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.

REGISTRATION AND BREAKFAST Plaza Mayor Convention Center ⁄ Gran Salón

8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

OPENING REMARKS Hans Schulz, Vice President for the Private Sector and Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Operations, IDB

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

KEYNOTE ADDRESS Massive Technologies as Engines of Social Transformation Keynote Speaker: Iqbal Quadir, founder and director of the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT. In the 1990s, Quadir founded Grameenphone, which provides effective telephone access throughout Bangladesh.

10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

PLENARY I Financial Solutions for BoP Businesses This panel brings together heads of major investment funds, venture capital funds, business incubators, and other impact investors to discuss the great opportunities and challenges presented to those who finance BoP ventures in Latin America and the Caribbean. • Moderator: Carl Muñana, General Manager, Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) – IDB Group • Panelists:

Esteban Altschul, Chief Operating Officer, Accion Eliza Erikson, Director of Investments, Omidyar Network Luis Gallo, General Director, Social Investment Bank BIS Giselle Leung, Manager of Investors’ Council, Global Impact Investing Network GIIN Álvaro Rodríguez, Co-founder and Managing Director, IGNIA



11:15 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.


11:30 a.m. - 12:45 a.m.

PLENARY II Emerging Business Models: Tomorrow’s BoP Market Leaders In this plenary, the new wave of innovative entrepreneurs will share how they developed successful business models that have improved the BoP’s access to high-quality, affordable goods and services. • Moderator: María Cavalcanti, Managing Partner, FIRST Impact Investing Fund Brazil • Panelists:

Nelson P. Irizarry, Vice-president for Business Development, GTV GloboKasNet Rodolfo Muralles, Founder and Director, Salud a tu Alcance Carla Renata Sarni, Chairman, Sorridents Luis Velasco, President of Finance and Investment Committee, Promotora Social México

1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

LUNCH Caja de Madera

2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.





Broadband Platforms: Closing the Digital Divide

Connectivity plays an increasingly important role in economic and human development. This session will explore the options for creating ecosystems that accelerate the penetration of broadband services in base of the pyramid communities. • Moderator: Andrés Maz, Executive Director of Advance Technology Policy, Cisco.

• Panelists: Francisco Albornoz, Chief of Cardiology, Higueras Hospital Marc Willy Eichmann Perret, CEO, UNE EPM Telecommunications Catalina Escobar, Director, Makaia Jaime Estrada, Director of the Corporate Affairs Group in Latin America, Intel




Building New Business Models for the BoP: From the Ground Up

The venture leaders in this panel will recount how they grew their businesses and discuss the lessons learned during the arduous process of developing and defining their business models.

• Moderator: Duncan Duke, Assistant Professor in Strategy, Ithaca College • Panelists: Dulce Alejandre, Inclusive Business Manager, CEMEX Mauricio Contreras Cifuentes, Marketing Manager for Colombia and Ecuador, Tetra Pak Claudia Lorenzo, Social Business Director, Coca-Cola Brazil Jean Paul Zalaquett, Director of Innovation and Sustainability, Chilectra




Public-Private Partnerships: Establishing New Patterns for Accelerating Commercial Scale-up

The fragmented nature of the BoP makes scaling successful pilot projects extremely difficult. Largescale public institutions have many of the resources in these geographies that firms require to scale up. This panel explores kinds of public-private partnerships that help bring BoP initiatives to scale.

• Moderator: David Bloomgarden, Lead Private Sector Development Officer and Coordinator of the “Program to Promote Public-Private Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean”, MIF - IDB Group • Panelists: Rubén Avendaño, Assistant Director, Institutional Relations, EPM Carolina Blackburn, Director of Private Social Investment, ANSPE Mois Cherem, Co-founder and CEO, Enova Maria Senna, Manager of Consumer and Business at the National Superintendence of Basic Income, Caixa



3:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.





Using Market-Based Solutions to Improve BoP Access to Education

While most elementary education is provided by the State in Latin America, there are great gaps in the access to pre-school and higher education, with many of the options priced beyond BoP populations. Our panelists will highlight different market-solutions that address these educational needs and have proven to be financially successful.

• Moderator: Carina Lakovits, Advisor, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) • Panelists: Mary Anne Amorim, Founder and President, PUPA Education Manoel Knopfholz, Director of Business Development, Universidade Positivo Gabriel Silva, CFO, Ideal Invest Brazil Francisco Vizcaya, Founder and CEO, FINAE




Distribution Platforms: Accessing the BoP Markets Through Unconventional Channels

The challenge of effectively reaching the BoP has encouraged companies to innovate the way they leverage existing distribution platforms. The panelists in this session will discuss the potential, appropriateness, and impact of new distribution platforms being tested by resourceful firms. • Moderator: Liane Freire, Founder, Dialog Consultoria • Panelists: Haidy Duque Cuesta, Director, Kayrós Corporation Lorena Luna, Coordinator of Partnerships in Latin America, VisionSpring Carla May Berina - Kim, Head of Sustainable Development, Manila Water Rafael Sánchez, Innovation Leader of Commercial Models for Latin America, Natura




Using Value Chains as Instruments for Social Inclusion

Promoting the inclusion of the BoP within the companies’ value chains—as suppliers, clients, or associates—offers win-win advantages for both companies and low-income populations. This panel presents successful endeavors that have leveraged the private sector’s capacity to generate income for the BoP.

• Moderator: Filippo Veglio, Director, Social Capital Focus Area, WBCSD • Panelists: Manuel Andrés, President, Nestlé Colombia and Ecuador Susanne Dorasil, Head of the Economic Policy & Financial Sector Division at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Alejandro Eder, Director, Colombian Agency for Reintegration ACR Jorge Rubio, Director, Citi Microfinance



5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

CLOSING REMARKS Luiz Ros Manager, Opportunities for the Majority, IDB



Camilo Acero

General Manager for Social Business, ConSentido Camilo is the General Manager at Alpina’s social business unit ConSentido, created to produce and sell affordable nutritious food to low income populations. Prior to ConSentido, he was Corporate Responsibility Manager, leading and implementing the sustainability strategy for the company’s operations in other countries. Previously, he worked as a consultant on organizational development and as an IP lawyer. He holds an M.A on International Peace Studies from the United Nations Mandate University for Peace in Costa Rica, and a law degree from Los Andes University in Colombia.

Francisco J. Albornoz

Chief of Cardiology, Hospital Higueras Dr. Francisco J. Albornoz is a Cardiologist with a post graduate degree from the Catholic University, Santiago, Chile and a former fellow in Cardiovascular Medicine from Vanderbilt University. During the last 5 years he has been applying his skills as a clinical investigator to the development of a technological platform for clinical decision-making in the Chilean public health network of the south Chile integrating store & forward/real time-telepresence technology. He is leading an innovative and successful telemedicine program connecting primary care doctors and specialists located in different facilities addressing historical programs of access, opportunity, equity and quality of care in the base of the pyramid of the Chilean health care system. His program has been funded by the Ministry of health and is calling attention and interest from health care organizations and hospitals from the rest of the country. He is holding the position as Chief of Cardiology at Higueras Hospital and Assistant professor of Medicine at Concepcion University, Chile.

Luis Daniel Albuquerque COO, TerraNova

Luis Daniel Albuquerque is COO of Terra Nova, the first Brazilian company specialized in sustainable agrarian regularization of irregular settlements occupied by low-income populations. During the 1990s, Luis Daniel worked in the trade union sector and as legislative counsel of the House of Assembly of the Federal District. Graduated in business administration from Ensino CEUB-Center of Brasília, Federal District. In Terra Nova he was responsible for the execution of projects of settlement in the State of Paraná and São Paulo. He is currently the company’s main spokesperson to communities and State agencies.



Dulce Alejandre

Inclusive Business Manager, CEMEX Dulce Adriana became the Inclusive Business Manager in 2010. She joined CEMEX in 2002. Her team has reached over 5.6 million Mexicans with public-private partnerships and hybrid value chains programs recognized by the UN, OAS, GLOBAL COMPACT, and other Mexican Institutes. Mrs. Alejandre holds a Bachelor degree in social work from the Institute of Science and Higher Studies of Tamaulipas with a major in Community Development and Social Medical Work. She is also certified by the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship in Corporate Community Involvement and by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy in Corporate Social Responsibility.

Esteban A. Altschul

Chief Operating Officer, Accion Prior to joining Accion in 2008, Mr. Altschul directed human resources for the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group. Based in Washington, he directed human resource strategy, budget and operations. At the IFC, Mr. Altschul played a leadership role in the implementation of many innovative initiatives, including the first long-term incentives plan in a multilateral organization and numerous programs to decentralize business operations. Mr. Altschul served as a Principal Investment Officer, leading and structuring investment projects in Eastern Europe and Latin America, totaling over $1.3 billion in loans and equity investments. A native of Argentina, Mr. Altschul holds a B.S. in International Business Diplomacy and a Master of Science in International Economics, both from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.

Mary Anne Amorim

Founder/shareholder and President, PUPA Education Mary Anne is currently the founder/shareholder and President of a start-up company: PUPA Education. PUPA is a “PP – Profit and Purpose” company designed to improve early childhood care in low-income communities (BOP – Base of Pyramid Markets). Previously she served as the Chief Executive Officer and Board member of ZOOM Group, an Educational company that designs contents based on LEGO EDUCATION technology. She has occupied several important business leadership roles as President of MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company), of Sunlog/Medlog Logistics of Brazil and of Uniter of Brazil. She has also served as vice chairwoman of Centronave (Centro de Navegação Transatlântica), the main shipping owners association. She holds a graduate degree in International Relations from Tufts University in Boston, and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Mackenzie University in São Paulo.



Manuel Andrés

President, Nestlé Colombia – Ecuador Manuel Andrés has served as President of Nestlé Colombia and Ecuador since his appointment in 2009. Originally from Spain, Mr. Andrés graduated with honors in Economics from Rollins College in Florida (U.S.). He started his professional career as an auditor in the banking and financial sector, and later served in the Marketing department of Mars, the multinational foods manufacturer. In 1999, Mr. Andrés joined Nestlé as Business Manager, Confectionery and Pet Food, in Costa Rica, and in 2001 he was promoted and relocated to Panama where he served as Director, Central America Marketing. Two years later, Mr. Andrés promoted to Commercial Executive Vice-President in Colombia. In 2005 he was asked to serve as Operations Manager, Americas Zone, based in Nestlé Headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland. A year later he relocated to Italy where he served as CEO of Nestlé Italy and later in 2007 assumed the role of Market Head, Italy. Given his experience in the Americas and Italy, in 2009 Mr. Andrés moved to Colombia where he served as President of the Bolivarian Region (Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela) and achieved many successes. As a result of changing market conditions, in 2011 the Bolivarian Region was restructured, Mr. Andrés continues to serve as President of Colombia and Ecuador.

Luis Martín Auqui Cáceres

Chief of Banking Supervision, Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Fund Administrators of Perú Master in Financial Inclusion and Microcredit Program by Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain) and Licentiate in Economics by Pacific University (Peru). He also has specialized studies in corporate governance and risk management through courses organized by the Federal Reserve (USA), Basel Committee (Switzerland) and Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas (ASBA). Chief of Banking Supervision of Superintendency of Banks, Insurance and Private Pension Funds Administrators (Peru). He has more than fourteen (14) years of experience in banking and microfinance supervision. He also has served as an external consultant of International Monetary Fund (IMF) in technical assistance programs conducted in various countries of Latin America, on issues related to financial regulation and supervision. Leader Instructor of the Microfinance and Financial Inclusion Seminar led by ASBA (2012) and Instructor of the Financial Soundness Indicators Workshop led by IMF (2012). He participated as a member of the core team in charge of developing the Latin America and the Caribbean: Finance Flagship Report published by World Bank and IMF (2010-2012).



Ruben Avendaño

Assistant Director of Institutional Relations, Empresas Públicas de Medellín EPM Rubén Darío Avendaño, currently serves as Assistant Director of the Institutional Relations of the EPM Group, a growing and successful company in the areas of public utilities, such as energy, gas, water and telecommunications, in Latin America. Recently, the company has entered with strength in the energy sector abroad. With the acquisition of assets in Guatemala, El Salvador and Panamá, EPM is now the largest company in the sector of energy distribution. Mr. Avendaño is responsible for the institutional relationships between EPM, the National Congress and the executive branch of the Colombian Government and he also coordinated the research about providing public utilities to vulnerable population. Mr. Avendaño has a professional record working as team leader of projects in the Inter-American Development Bank, where he worked for 10 years until 2008 at its headquarters in Washington D.C. He also spearheaded the strategy of Water and Sanitation of the Bank in Latin-America. Mr. Avendaño holds a Master of Public Policy from Duke University and has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Los Andes University in Bogotá.

José María Ayuso

Regional Product Executive Director for Latin America and Caribbean, Visa Jose Maria Ayuso has been Head of Products for LAC since 2008. His main responsibility is to lead All the Product Teams, Core and Emerging Products, and Support Business development all over the region. Ayuso has over 25 years of experience in the payment system industry. He joined Visa LAC in February 2001 as Executive Vice President to lead business development with multinational banks, and to develop and manage the merchant relations and consulting services. Some of his most outstanding accomplishments include the creation of the consulting services area, the launch of many new regional products, and acceleration plans for Brazil and Mexico. Prior to his time at Visa LAC, he was Senior Vice President of Visa Europe and General Manager of the Visa Iberian office since 1998, where he managed business in Spain and Portugal. He was also Deputy General Manager for Visa Spain from 1992 to 1995. Earlier in his career, he was the Marketing Director for System 4B and the Head of New Products and Payment Systems for Banco Atlántico in Spain. Ayuso graduated with a bachelor of science degree in mass communication from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has also completed graduate coursework in financial marketing, resource management and business administration.



Samuel Azout

Founder and Chairman, Fundación Fútbol con Corazón Samuel Azout is the Founder and Chairman of “Fundación Fútbol con Corazón”, an NGO dedicated to creating safe and peaceful neighborhoods in Colombia by improving life opportunities for children and young adults in underprivileged areas. His work is specifically directed at reducing youth violence, preventing recruitment by illegal forces and promoting gender equality. Mr. Azout was born in Barranquilla, Colombia in 1959. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Cornell University (1981) and a Masters degree in Public Administration from Harvard University (2007). Before becoming a social entrepreneur, Samuel held the CEO position at Carulla Vivero S.A., the second largest retailer in Colombia, for 10 years, until he led its sale to Grupo Exito in 2006. He has served a member of the Board of Directors of Almacenes Exito, Bavaria SabMiller, Aerorepublica, Fundacion Colombia and Fundacion Pies Descalzos, the NGO founded by Colombian singer and celebrity Shakira. He also belongs to the Ashoka Support Network (ASN). In addition, Mr. Azout was the Chairman of the Board of Fundación Carulla (, the largest NGO in Colombia in the field of early childhood learning. Samuel Azout served as Senior Advisor for Social Prosperity to the President of Colombia (2010 -2011) and as Director of the National Agency for Overcoming Extreme Poverty (ANSPE) 2011-2013.

Dmitry Bayakhchev

Director Full Economic Citizenship and Housing For All for Brazil and Latin America, Ashoka Dmitry was born and grew up in Moscow, Russia. He received his degree in economics from Moscow State University and his MBA degree from INSEAD, France. After having worked for a number of years with The Boston Consulting Group in Eastern and Western Europe, he moved to Brazil in 2006 to join Natura Cosmeticos to work on international development and innovation projects. These included product/brand development, and design of the new commercial model which bridges social and commercial entrepreneurship for the company’s key distribution channel, Consultoras Natura. In 2012 Dmitry joined Ashoka as a Director for Full Economic Citizenship and Housing For All programs in Brazil. His current work is focused on development of hybrid business-social collaboration, particularly in the housing industry. Dmitry is studying human development and change dynamics and serves as an advisor to several companies in Europe and Brazil on the topics of transformation and change.



Kelle Bevine

Chief, Strategy Unit, Structured and Corporate Finance Department, IDB Kelle Bevine is Chief of Strategy Management within the IDB’s Structured and Corporate Finance Department (SCF), and Chief Advisor to the SCF Manager, a post she assumed in 2007. Prior to joining SCF Management, Ms. Bevine held positions in operations as Senior Investment Officer and Investment Officer and specialized in securitized transactions while responsible for IDB capital market deals in Mexico. As Chief of SCF/SMU, she manages staff assigned to facilitate greatersocial and climate impact in SCF operations, working closely with origination teams to identify and design sustainability opportunities aligned to strategy as well as originating and executing private sector transactions in social infrastructure sectors of health and education. Her responsibilities also include leading the department’s strategic communication, overseeing SCF’s strategy implementation, budgeting, training and human capital development. Previously, Ms. Bevine served for three years as the Counselor to the U.S. Executive Director to the IDB, after five years as an international economist with the U.S. Treasury Department and The White House. She began her career trading derivatives at Dean Witter in New York, and is licensed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to trade stocks, bonds, futures and options. Ms. Bevine, a U.S. national, received a Master’s degree in international economics from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Carolina Blackburn

Private Social Investment Director, ANSPE Carolina Blackburn is the Private Social Investment Director of the National Agency for Overcoming Extreme Poverty ANSPE. She has extensive experience in structuring multisectoral partnerships that contribute to human development and improving the quality of life of vulnerable populations. At the Department of International Cooperation in Acción Social, she coordinated the Private Social Investment Group, the first national government interdisciplinary team created to encourage private social investment. She has degree in social communication from La Sabana University, holds a Master of Business Management and Marketing from ESIC Business School in Madrid, a Diploma in Business Administration and Senior Management from Harvard University and is a Specialist in Organizations, Social Responsibility and Development from Los Andes University.



David Bloomgarden

Lead Private Sector Development Officer and Coordinator of the “Program to Promote PublicPrivate Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean”, MIF - IDB Group David Bloomgarden is a Lead Private Sector Development Officer and Coordinator of the “Program to Promote Public-Private Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean” at the Multilateral Investment Fund (FOMIN) of the Inter-American Development Bank. In this capacity, he is a focal point for PPPs in the IDB group where he manages an advisory services program to build institutional and regulatory capacity as well as knowledge dissemination for PPPs in Latin America and the Caribbean. He also manages an innovative program developing market based business models to provide basic services for the poor in underserved areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. Before coming to FOMIN in 2005, Bloomgarden was Deputy Director of the Office of Multilateral Development Banks in the U.S. Treasury Department’s International Office where he acquired extensive expertise in the development and oversight of multilateral development bank policies and programs and served as advisor to the US Director on the Boards of the African Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, International Fund for Agriculture and Development.

Sofía Botero Uribe

Subdirector for National and International Cooperation, COMFAMA Sofia Botero Uribe has a degree in Social Work from Pontificia Bolivariana University; a specialization in Development Sociology with a concentration in Economics from the Institute for Advanced Economic and Social Studies, IEDHES, of the Paris I School at the Sorbonne; a specialization in Political Studies with emphasis on Geopolitics at EAFIT; and a specialization in Senior Management from Los Andes University. She is currently Director for National and International Cooperation at COMFAMA and has worked at PNUD, UNESCO, the World Bank, Futuro para la Niñez, Ciudad Don Bosco, among others, with responsibilities in Colombia and other countries in Central America and the Caribbean, where she resided for close to 7 years, advising various governments in State reform, decentralization policies and programs, and municipal social policy reform. She has been instrumental in the promotion of social cooperation and innovation initiatives, notably programs such as Security and Civic Coexistence in Medellin; Medellín Solidaria; Social Management strategies; My Home with Remittances; housing financing and social leasing strategies with IDB; Business development and entrepreneurship with various municipal and departmental agencies; Social Observatory and development policies for various social groups, among others.



César Bouillon

Lead Research Economist in the Research Department, BID / IDB Cesar P. Bouillon is a Lead Research Economist in the Research Department at the IDB. He received a doctorate in economics from Georgetown University and a Bachelors’ degree in economics from Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Peru. He is the coordinator of the 2012 IDB Development in the Americas Report (DIA) Making Room for Development: Housing Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. He has published books, book chapters, and articles on numerous development issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recently, he has been working on topics related to housing, land markets and poverty, social mobility, early childhood development, remittances and poverty, multidimensional poverty measurement, poverty reduction program design, evaluation and targeting, among others. Dr. Bouillon is also affiliated with the Georgetown University Public Policy Institute where he is a Thesis Advisor for Graduate Students.

Cesar Buenadicha

Senior Specialist, MIF - IDB Group Senior Specialist’s at the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), part of the Inter-American Development Bank at Washington DC. In his work at the MIF, he has led different programs on social innovation, social entrepreneurship, microfranchising, educational loans, and local economic development in several countries in the Latin American region. Cesar has advanced degrees in both Law and in Economics from the University of Comillas, Spain, and he is currently a PhD student in Economics (UNED, Spain) with the dissertation “Scalability Analysis in development projects.” He worked for ten years in Honduras, El Salvador and Bolivia, in microenterprise development and employment programs of Spanish and Dutch development agencies. He previously worked in the private sector as a lawyer in the firm Clifford Chance in Madrid.

Juan Esteban Calle

CEO, Empresas Públicas de Medellín EPM Juan Esteban Calle Restrepo has a bachelor degree in Business Administration from EAFIT University and an MBA with concentration in Finance and Business Economics from the Booth School of Business of the University Of Chicago. Mr. Calle is a CFA charter holder and member of the CFA society of Toronto. He has a distinguished career in both the public and private sectors in Colombia and abroad. He has worked in Investment Banking, Corporate Finance and asset management in leading companies of the financial sector in Toronto, New York, Bogotá and Medellín. From 2004 to 2006 he served as Antioquia’s Secretary of Finance and as interim Governor of Antioquia. After his post as Secretary, in 2007, he moved to Canada where he started as an independent consultant in Vancouver, then worked in the commercial office of Proexport (Colombian export promotion agency) as Director of Foreign Investment and later started working as an Investment Advisor for BMO Nesbitt Burns. He was appointed CEO of EPM in January 2012, where he currently leads the international expansion of the company and the consolidation of its social and environmental policies across all markets. 40


María Adelayda Calle Correa

Legal Director of Financial Intermediation, Grupo Bancolombia Attorney of Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín, Colombia), with a major degree in commercial law and supplementary studies in Banking Operations, payment mechanisms, and tax law. Maria Adelayda has over 20 years of experience in the Colombian financial sector, developing banking and financial services, formulating legal policies and advising banking operations and strategic business for the financial Group.

Daniela Carrera

Country Representative for Brazil, IDB Daniela is the IDB’s representative for Brazil. She joined the Bank in 2002. Before Brazil she was Chief of the Financial Markets Division at the Structured and Corporate Finance Department at the IDB. Prior to joining the IDB she worked at ING Bank in London, UK. Previously in Venezuela, she was Head of financial markets in charge of financial markets activities in ING Venezuela. Prior to joining ING Bank in 1994, she worked at the capital markets unit in Confimerca (local brokerage house) and as relationship manager in Citibank in Venezuela. Mrs. Daniela Carrera-Marquis holds a Bachelor degree in Political Science from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and a Masters degree in International Relations and Economics from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Maria Cavalcanti

Managing Partner, FIRST Brazil Impact Investing Fund Maria Cavalcanti is a Managing Partner at FIRST Brazil Impact Investing Fund. FIRST focuses on Growth Equity for Small and Mid-Size Enterprises with products and services that benefit at least one million Brazilian low-income individuals. Ms. Cavalcanti has over 20 years of senior-level experience in business strategy design and implementation, management consulting and investment. Prior to the establishment of FIRST, Maria was the Chief Strategy Officer at Avina Foundation where she spearheaded the Inclusive Markets practice throughout Latin America focusing on impact investing and was the Founder and CEO of WTT, Inc., a for-profit Avina subsidiary investment company with direct investments and impact investment funds. She is an interim Advisor for Halloran Philanthropies and a Board member of ANDE (Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs). Maria holds an MBA from The University of Texas at Austin, an MS in Information Science from Columbia University in New York City, and received her BA in Linguistics from The Universidade Federal do Ceará in Brazil.



Antonio Celia Martínez President, Promigas

He is President of Promigas since 1992, one of the oldest private natural gas companies in Latin America. He is also President of the Board of Directors of Naturgas and Nutresa; Vice President of the boards of the Pies Descalzos Foundation and the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla. Member of the executive council of Fedesarollo and the Fondo de Adaptación representing the President of Colombia. His contribution to Promigas stands out for its commitment to social responsibility under his tenure, focusing in the improvement of public education. Founding member and President of the Empresarios por la Educación Foundation -ExE- and a keen supporter of culture, chairing the board of the La Cueva Foundation. He was also part of the group of founders of the Museo de Arte Moderno de Barranquilla -MAMB; he supports Fundación Gabriel García Márquez para el Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano -FNPI-; and the Museo del Caribe and Cinemateca del Caribe. Recognized by Portafolio as the best business leader in 2009, and in 2012 was chosen as one of 10 outstanding leaders of Colo bia by Semana and the Fundación Liderazgo y Democracia. Engineer graduate from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute of Massachusetts, and completed post-graduate studies at MIT, the Universidad de los Andes and the Wharton School of Business.

Moís Cherem

Co-founder and CEO, Enova Moís Cherem is one of Enova’s founders and its Chief Executive Officer. Enova’s main project is the Learning and Innovation Network (Red de Innovación y Aprendizaje or RIA), a network of 70 blended learning schools in the State of Mexico. The RIA currently has over 350,000 members and morethan 100,000 graduates. In four years, Enova grew from a four-person startup to an organization with more than 540 employees. In 2013 Mr. Cherem received the Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Schwab Foundation at the World Economic Forum in Latin America. Prior to founding Enova, Mr. Cherem worked as a corporate and financial lawyer at White &Case, where he received the probono award in 2004. He obtained his law degree from the Instituto Tencológico Autónomo de México with a special mention, and a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.



Mauricio Contreras Cifuentes

Marketing Manager for Colombia and Ecuador, Tetra Pak Mauricio has a degree in business administration from Los Andes University in Colombia and a postgraduate diploma on strategic marketing from the CESA University in Colombia. He has worked in different sectors like brewery, fast moving consumer goods, lotto games industries and food packaging, having the opportunity to work in different categories with different approaches to reach consumers at the bottom of the pyramid. Currently he is working as marketing manager for Colombia and Ecuador at Tetra Pak and he is responsible for the Dairy and beverage category for the Andean region.

Enrique Coronado

Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder & Board Director, Por ti, Familia After receiving his MBA at Columbia Business School, Enrique returned to Peru to build the first private company in the region that seeks to improve access to health care with a profit-making business model. Enrique has previous experience in health care investment banking at Bank of America Securities, international development consulting at Endeavor and operations management and finance at Bristol-Myers Squibb. Recently, Enrique has been featured in a special edition for the 25 years of SEMANA Económica (‘Forbes’ equivalent in Peru) as one of the 25 young leaders that will shape the economy and future of Peru in the next 25 years.

Myrtille Danse

Executive Director, BoP Innovation Center Myrtille Danse is the Executive Director of the BoP Innovation Center. Myrtille is an internationally recognized expert on the intersection of business strategy and sustainable poverty alleviation. She facilitates the design of enterprise strategies and poverty alleviation approaches for low-income markets. She has almost 20 years of experience on value chain development and inclusive business strategies with Multi National Enterprises and local private sector in Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. Myrtille has over 8 years’ experience in Central America as a policy advisor and trade attaché of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as advisor on local private sector development for an international NGO on development cooperation. This enables her to mediate between the private sector and vital societal actors required to develop successful pro-poor market-based innovations.



Susanne Dorasil

Head of the Economic Policy & Financial Sector Division at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Susanne Dorasil is Head of the Economic Policy & Financial Sector Division at BMZ, in charge of sustainable economic development (economic policy, financial and private sector development), corporate social responsibility and innovative business models for development as well as ICT for development at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). She is currently serving as German co-facilitator of the G20 development pillar on Private Investment and Job Creation and as German co-chair of the Sub–Group on SME Finance of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion. Previously, Ms Dorasil was Deputy Head of the Central Africa, West Africa II, Madagascar Division; Senior Advisor to the German Executive Director at the World Bank Group (focal areas: IDA, debt sustainability, lending instruments, corporate governance, safeguards/performance standards, good governance, fragile states); Private Secretary to the Permanent State Secretary of the BMZ; and Deputy Head of the Legal Division. She studied law at the Free University of Berlin and holds a Master of Law degree from King’s College London. She passed her bar examination in Berlin.

Duncan Duke

Assistant Professor in Strategy, Ithaca College Dr. Duke is an Assistant Professor in Strategy at Ithaca College. He studies and writes about the entrepreneurial and innovation processes of firms that launch new-to-the-world businesses that serve low-income markets. As co-author and co-director of the BOP Protocol, he has worked extensively in Africa and Latin America with multinational corporations and venture capital backed start-ups during the incubation and launch stages of their ventures. He consults with companies and related organizations on topics related to business development for low-income markets such as market entry strategies and business model innovation. Duncan holds a Ph.D. in Management from Cornell University, and from Tec de Monterrey and MBA and a Biochemical Engineering degree. He teaches courses on strategy, social entrepreneurship, negotiations, sustainable innovation, and organizational behavior.



Haidy Duque

Director, Kayrós Corporation Haidy Duque is the Director of the Kayros Corporation, a social organization founded in 2004 by a team of entrepreneurs that promotes innovation in Colombia through social and economic inclusion in low-income communities. She´s specialized on education and coaching and has experience in psychosocial processes of emotional recovery and reconstruction of life projects in vulnerable populations. She’s highly competent in creating leadership processes in low-income communities in partnership with the private sector in order to promote sustainable development. Haidy has experience in the design of CSR programs and the articulation of the private sector with communities. She has taught in different academic institutions and universities.

Alejandro Eder

Director, Colombian Agency for Reintegration ACR Alejandro Eder Garcés was appointed as director of the Colombian Agency for Reintegration (ACR) by the President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos in 2011. He’s the country’s spokesman for the reintegration policy. He has broad experience and an important background in the private sector. In 2000, he worked as a Financial Analyst at the Corporate Finance Group of Deutsche Bank for Latin America, based in New York City (USA). Mr. Eder has also worked with groups in sectors such as manufacturing, energy, media & communications. He was a business analyst at Manuelita S.A Company, where he worked on the development of agricultural investment opportunities in Latin American. Eder studied International Relations and Philosophy at Hamilton College, USA. In addition, he has a master of International Relations with specialization in Security Policy and Conflict Resolution from the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University in New York, USA.

Marc Eichmann

President, UNE EPM Telecommunications Marc Eichmann is President of UNE EPM Telecommunications since February 2012. He’s a mechanical engineer from McGill University and has an MBA from the University of Virginia. He has led institutional relationship management, corporate planning, the definition and implementation of products and consumer services, the development of strategies to maximize income, investment project evaluation, development and monitoring of budgets, and the operation and implementation of management models supported on analytical information. In his 22 years of experience has held managerial positions at companies such as International Gas Transportation, Telefónica Movistar, Telefónica Colombia, Synergy, Metrix Finance, Enron, Imocom SA and Solsona SA. He also served as professor in investment banking and derivatives markets of graduate programs in Los Andes University, and budgets and evaluation at the Center for Advanced Management Studies, CESA. 45


Eliza Erikson

Director of Investments, Omidyar Network Eliza brings a diverse background in global development finance to Omidyar Network, where she manages investments across the Entrepreneurship and Financial Inclusion initiatives. Focusing on Latin America, she invests in organizations that create economic opportunity for millions of people living at the base of the pyramid. Before joining Omidyar Network in fall 2011, Eliza was the chief lending officer at Calvert Foundation, where she was responsible for the management and growth of the foundation and its subsidiaries’ more than $325 million in assets under management. Earlier in her career, Eliza worked with the Corporation for Enterprise Development and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Eliza earned an MPP from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, as well as an A.B. in politics from Princeton University, where she graduated magna cum laude. Eliza helped found MFX Solutions and serves on its board of directors.

Catalina Escobar

Director / Co-Founder, Makaia Catalina is the founder of Makaia, a not-for-profit organization that promotes the institutional strengthening of civil society organizations, social enterprises, local governments, not-for-profit organizations and Social Responsibility Initiatives, committed with the social and economic development of Colombia and Latin America. Makaia focuses on Information and Communication Technologies, and International Cooperation and resource mobilization for development. Makaia belongs to Beyond Access and the Network of Latin American and the Caribbean Telecenter Networks. Mariana is a Mechanical Engineer from EAFIT University, has an MBA and a Certificate in Non-Profit Management from the George Washington University, and a specialization in International Cooperation for Development from the CYES Foundation in Spain. She worked at the World Bank for six years managing web related projects that promote collaboration and knowledge sharing. She has also been a consultant for the IADB on similar topics.

Mariana Escobar

General Deputy Director, Colombian Departament for Social Prosperity DPS Mariana Escobar studied Political Science at the University of los Andes. Later she completed a Master’s Degree and a PhD in the same subject at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Mrs. Escobar is a specialist in Defense and Security Economics. She has had a long career in the public sector, focusing on issues related to the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policy. She has worked in the Department of National Planning (DNP) as the Deputy Director of Defense and Security, and has been an advisor of the Human Rights Presidential Office. Currently Mariana Escobar is the General Deputy Director of the Department for Social Prosperity in Colombia.



Jaime Estrada

Director of the Corporate Affairs Group in Latin America, Intel Jaime Estrada is the Director of the Corporate Affairs Group in the Latin America Region for Intel. In this position he oversees a team in charge of promoting a public policy agenda in more than 10 Latin countries working to enhance Intel’s reputation as the world’s leading technology brand and corporate citizen. A former Commissioner at the Communications Regulatory Commission –CRC and a Board Member representing the President of Colombia at the National Television Commission. He has a strong experience in regulatory affairs, promoting regulatory reforms and shaping competitive markets in these industries. Jaime joined Intel as Government Affairs manager in 2006, managing Intel’s Corporate Social Responsibility, environmental sustainability, community, foundation, and government relations efforts In Latin America. Jaime has degrees from University of Los Andes in Colombia and the London School of Economics and University of Essex in the United Kingdom and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University.

Sergio Fajardo Valderrama Governor of Antioquia

Sergio Fajardo V is the Governor of the Department of Antioquia, Colombia (2012-2015). He was the Leader and Founder of the civil Movement “Compromiso Ciudadano”, Mayor of the City of Medellín (2004-2007) and Colombia´s vice-president candidate in 2010. He has served as a Mathematics Professor at Los Andes University (Bogotá), Director of the Math Department and Research Director of the same university, Director of the Center of Science and Technology of Antioquia, Member of the National Council of Basic Sciences and Member of the National Council of Masters and PhDs. In addition, he has been columnist of different media and author of several publications related to Math. He is a Mathematician, with a Masters Degree on Math from Los Andes University, and received a Masters Degree and a PhD on Math form Wisconsin, Madison University.

Liane Freire

Founder, Dialog Consultoria Liane is the founder and Director of Dialog Consultoria in Brazil, a consultancy firm on CSR and Corporate Sustainability. More recently she founded BASE Dialog, a company focused on enabling and managing a micro distribution platforms in favelas. She’s a social Social Entrepreneur Ashoka Fellow, an International Kellogg Fellow and an Avina Leader. She’s a Systems Engineer from UERJ, has a post graduate degree in Cross Sector Partnerships and Alliances from University of Paris 8, and Master’s degree in Education from the University of Maryland. Liane has over 25 years’ experience in development methodology and project management. Among her main clients are: Shell, CSP- Pecém, Cemig, Natura, Carrefour, Veracel and Accenture. 47


Luis G. Gallo

General Director, Social Investment Bank BIS Mr. Gallo obtained a degree in Business Administration from Georgetown University. He worked at JP Morgan in New York from 1982 to 1986. Mr. Gallo obtained an MBA from Harvard University in 1988 and then returned to JP Morgan where he worked until 1991, in the Latin American Investment Banking Group. In 1991 Mr. Gallo returned to Colombia to establish Estrategias Corporativas, an investment bank. Mr. Gallo lead the creation of Compartamos con Colombia in 2001; Conexion Colombia in 2003; Give to Colombia in 2004 Ventures Social in 2004; and Corporacion Inversor in 2009, the first impact investment fund in Colombia. In 2010, he led the creation of The Social Investment Bank in which he serves as General Director. Mr. Gallo is a board member of the Mario Santo Domingo Foundation, Pies Descalzos, The Nature Conservancy Colombia, Artesanías de Colombia and ISA. Mr. Gallo is also a board member of Terranum and serves in the Advisory Board of Harvard Business School.

Aníbal Gaviria Correa Mayor of Medellín

He was born in Medellin, Antioquia, on January 16 of 1966. Mayor Gaviria holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business from EAFIT University and has recently pursued graduate studies at John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He has worked both in the private and public sector. In the private sector, he has worked in finance and journalism where he has occupied several positions such as the CEO and Director of El Mundo Newspaper. He was elected Governor of the region of Antioquia between 2004 and 2007. During his mandate, he directed his administration to work with other actors unifying the regional municipalities in the pursuit of equity and higher levels of development through housing solutions, food security, social security, education and other programs that allowed a significant change in the quality of life for residents of the department of Antioquia. In 2007 he was recognized as the Best Governor of Colombia by the National organization Colombia Líder. At the end of his period he reached 89% of favorability as Governor. Later, in 2009 was the Liberal Party presidential pre-candidate and subsequently vice presidential formula of his party in the 2010 elections. In 2011 he was elected as Mayor of the city of Medellin for the period 2012-2015, being bolstered by the Liberal Party and Independent Social movements such as the indigenous Allianz, the Green Party, Conservative Party and Radical Change Party. His political project aims at continuing the metamorphosis of the city, going from fear to hope and now aiming at being a place filled with life that reinvents itself every day.



Dan Gertsacov

CEO of Americas Region, Lenndo Dan is responsible for Lenndo’s operations in the Americas region. Lenndo is the world’s first online platform that empowers the emerging middle class to use their online social connections to build their creditworthiness and access local financial services. Dan worked for Google managing the operations in the Andean Region, Central America and the Caribbean and as Sales Manager in Argentina. He was also Vice President of Business Development at Univision Networks. Earlier in his career, Dan was the Founding Director of, a business association promoting corporate social responsibility throughout the Western Hemisphere. Dan holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a BA with Honors in Economics and International Development from the University of Richmond. Dan was decorated with the “Order of Pedro Nel Ospina” by the Colombian Society of Journalists for his contributions to the economic and social development of Colombia. Dan is a member of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO).

Jorge Gomes

Senior Vice President of Structuring, TCX Jorge Gomes joined TCX in July 2011 and is primarily responsible for origination, structuring and product development. Prior to TCX, Jorge worked as investment officer at the Inter-American Development Bank, and as consultant at the International Finance Corporation, in transactions and projects for financial institutions and capital market development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Prior to development finance, Jorge worked in mortgage financing in the Netherlands, management consulting in the Dutch Antilles, and international insurance brokering in the UK. Jorge holds an MIPP from SAIS, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, in Washington DC, and a BSc in Economics from ISEG, the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, in Lisbon, Portugal.

Felipe Gómez

CFO, Credifamilia, Compañía de Financiamiento S.A. Felipe Gómez is CFO at Credifamilia, Compañía de Financiamiento S.A., a regulated deposit taking financial institution focused on mortgage lending for low-income homebuyers in urban areas in Colombia. He has ample experience in finance and business evaluation. He has developed a number of tools to facilitate decision making in all levels (pricing, forecasting, growth, deal valuation, company valuation). He has also evaluated companies across industries and countries in Latin America. Previous to Credifamilia, Felipe was associate at Inverlink and Finance Coordinator at NetClearly. He has an MBA from Berkeley.



Gopi Gopalakrishnan

Founder and President, World Health Partners Gopi has over 20 years of experience in implementing large-scale service-delivery programs in low-resource settings. He founded Janani, a non-profit entity that accounts for more than 20% of family planning in the state of Bihar. He has been a member of India’s Population Commission and has advised the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and numerous national and international organizations on large-scale cost-effective service delivery. Currently, he is on the global technical advisory board of the International Finance Corporation, and on the Advisory Group on Community Action (AGCA) of India’s National Rural Health Mission. Gopi was the Director of International Programs of DKT International and received a prestigious civilian honor from the Government of Vietnam for his work as the Country Director of DKT International in Hanoi. In 2013, Gopi received two prestigious awards for Social Entrepreneurship from the Skoll Foundation and Schwab Foundation.

Marco Gorini

CEO, VoxCred S/A - Tenda Atacado Group Marco Gorini is the Director of Credit, Risk and Financial Services of Tenda Atacado, as well as Executive Director of VoxCred S.A., a financial company part of the Tenda Group. In the last 20 years, he was a business partner in different projects in Brazil. As of 2008, after jointly leading the negotiations during the acquisition of VoxCred by the Tenda Atacado Group, he took office as the Group’s CEO and coordinated the integration process of the new business unit to this organization and was then responsible for defining the strategic guidelines, as well as coordinating the credit operations and financial services teams of the Tenda Group. In June 2012, this business model was awarded at the G20 Challenge for Inclusive Business organized by the World Bank / IFC. Marco Gorini holds a degree in economics from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, as well as an Executive MBA from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – COPPEAD.

Victor Grau

Co-Director, D-Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Victor has been involved in D-Lab since 2003, leading student trips first and co-teaching various classes through the years: Development, Design, ICT and Discovery. Like many other D-Lab instructors, he enjoys teaching the subjects he wishes he had been able to take when he was a student. He currently oversees the day-to-day operations of the program by providing strategic direction and caring for the staff’s sanity and development. Originally from Barcelona, Spain, he is trilingual in Catalan, Spanish and English, understands French.



Rob Grimberg

Founder, Capital Tool Company Mr. Grimberg founded Capital Tool Company in 2001. The company develops and implements innovative products for SME financing. The TREFI Platform product won the G20 SME Finance challenge for its work in Peru. The products are now used in various countries around the world and in the process of being rolled out to additional countries. Before founding the company he worked at ING where he was responsible for implementation of market and credit risk internal models across ING Group. He also worked in securitisation where he executed various transactions in order to enhance the capital adequacy and economics of the ING balance sheet. He managed various IT and operations related projects implementing risk management systems and methodologies. Mr Grimberg is a regular speaker in the area of SME finance. He has been a member of the EU SME finance round table and currently a member of the Dutch SME finance work group. Mr Grimberg is educated in theoretical physics and philosophy.

Nelson Irizarry

Vicepresident, Business Development, GTV GloboKasNet Nelson Irizarry has over 14 years of experience in the financial sector and payment means in international markets in Latin America, Europe, the United States and Asia. Nelson joined GTV GloboKasNet in 2012 where he initially led the growth of the KasNet network of agents in Perú. In early 2013 he became the Vicepresidente for Business Development, where he spends his time in evaluating business opportunities in other countries in the region.

Julián Jaramillo CEO, Alpina S.A.

Julián is the President and CEO of Alpina S.A. He holds a B.A. from University of Externado Colombia and graduate studies in finance from the University of Rosario and international finance from New York University. Julián was named President of Alpina after having served the financial viceprecidency for two years. Previously, he worked for 15 years in the financial sector such as Banco de Crédito and Interbanco. He also has experience in multinationals such as BASF and Kodak.



Manoel Knopfholz

Director of New Business Development, Universidade Positivo Manoel is the Director of New Business Development at Universidade Positivo, where he coordinates the knowledge clusters’ methodology. He is a Lawyer and University professor. He also the President of Federação Israelita do Paraná (Paraná’s Israelite Federation).

Carla May Berina-Kim

Head of the Sustainable Development Department, Manila Water Co. Carla May Beriña-Kim is the head of the Sustainable Development Department in Manila Water Co., where she sets strategic direction on the development, implementation and monitoring of corporate social responsibility and sustainability programs under three focus areas: water provision to the urban poor, water education and environmental protection. She’s also the Executive Director at Manila Water Foundation, the company’s CSR arm that caters to base-of-the-pyramid communities outside its service areas in Metro Manila.

Carina Lakovits

Advisor, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance Carina Lakovits is advisor at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance and desk officer for the Inter-American Development Bank and the Austrian Development Bank. Her main focus areas include sustainable urbanization and private sector development. She previously worked for international organisations in Liberia. She graduated from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and holds a Bachelor degree from Cambridge University.



Giselle Leung

Manager of the Investors’ Council, Global Impact Investing Network Giselle Leung is Manager of the Investors’ Council at the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing. She leads the development and execution of programs and services for members of the Investors’ Council, a leadership group of active large-scale impact investors comprised of diverse asset owners and asset managers. Prior to joining the GIIN, Giselle was a manager at Enterprise Solutions to Poverty (ESP), where she worked with leading companies in India, China, Colombia and Mexico to build inclusive business strategies that engage the poor. Giselle began her career at Cambridge Associates providing investment portfolio analysis to large non-profit endowments, and was a business strategy consultant at Braun Consulting. Giselle holds an MBA and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia Business School and The School of International and Public Affairs, and a BA in psychology from Harvard University.

Claudia Lorenzo

Social Business Director, Coca-Cola Brazil Claudia Lorenzo, Social Business Director for Coca-Cola Brazil, is responsible for developing strategies for the Base of the Pyramid and the strengthening of programs of that connects social and business impact. She is also Executive Director of Instituto Coca-Cola Brazil, where she leads social and environmental programs. She is part of the Women Leadership Council, a global initiative from Coca-Cola that has the objective to accelerate the development of female talent to include them in roles of higher business impact and responsibility. Recently, Claudia was nominated leader of 5by20 strategy for Latin America – that is the global strategy to empower 5million women by 2020, through Coca-Cola value chain. Claudia has worked for 19 years at Coca-Cola, where she has held leadership positions in Market Development and Business Strategies. She holds an MBA in Retail IBMEC and a degree in Journalism.

Lorena Luna

Coordinator of Partnerships in Latin America, VisionSpring Lorena Luna is the Coordinator of VisionSpring (VS)’s of Partnerships in Latin America and is based in Mexico City. In this role, she monitors and supports the progress of existing partners and identifies organizations that strive to replicate the VS model, particularly in Mexico. Lorena’s passion for social entrepreneurship motivated her to lead and engage with several business venture projects, such as the development of a ecotourism project and the strengthening of entrepreneurial skills for community leaders in Bolivia and Appalachia. Lorena also has experience advocating for social justice issues through her work with the Latino community in Kentucky, and at the National Hispana Leadership Institute. Additionally, she collaborates with Emprende Social, an online publication dedicated to fostering the advancement of social entrepreneurship in Latin America. Lorena earned her B.A. in Communications and International Relations from Berea College. 53


Antonio Martínez

Founding Partner - CEO, Microfin Uruguay Antonio Martínez is one of the founding partners of Microfin in Uruguay, responsible for the launch, growth and consolidation of the microfinance institution. Previously, Martinez worked as Risk Manager (CRO) at Banco Surinvest in Uruguay, in charge of the restructuring of the risk department and the bank´s strategic direction. Martínez developed his international career at the German company IPC (Internationale Project Consult), and in Financiera ProCredit in Nicaragua. During his management, Financiera ProCredit achieved the best profitability indicators of the Nicaraguan financial system. Antonio also worked at IBM Uruguay. Martinez is an accountant graduated from the Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay and has participated on several local microfinance forum as panelist.

Andrés Maz

Executive Director, Advance Technology Policy, Cisco Andres is Executive Director of Advanced Technology Policy in Cisco’s Global Policy group and member of Cisco’s Brazil and Mexico boards. Andres has built strong partnerships with senior government leaders across the region, counseling them on broadband deployment strategies, mobility, wireless, and security; and has partnered with service providers advising them on tech policy, new business models, cloud computing, managed services, and strategy development. Andres worked for Verizon Business, focusing on corporate strategy, M&A, regulation and business development. Andres has a strong track record in P&L management, international business, corporate and business development, M&A, and strategy, as well as project managing, and complex negotiations. Andres holds a B.A. in Economics, an M.A. in Telecommunications, and an MBA from Columbia and London Business School. He is fluent Spanish and English and is continuing to improve his Portuguese.

Carlos Mejía

General Manager, Dupont Colombia Carlos A. Mejía is the General Manager for DuPont Colombia as well as Andean Region Manager of Protection Technologies Business Unit. He is a Production Engineer from the EAFIT University. He has an MBA in International Businesses from the European University in Switzerland and an MBA in Strategic Management from the Fundaçao Getulio Vargas in Brazil. He began his career in DuPont Colombia as Kevlar® and Nomex® General Manager for the Andean Region. Three years later he moved to Brazil as the Segment Manager for South America. Between 2004 and 2008 he was in charge of DuPont Mexico Advanced Fiber Business as its Regional Manager. Later, he was named the Marketing Manager for the United States and Canada of the Industrial Protection segment at the headquarters in Richmond, United States. 54


Jared Miller

Director for Latin America, Entrepreneurial Finance Lab Jared Miller is the Director for Latin America at Entrepreneurial Finance Lab (EFL). Before joining EFL, Jared most recently served as a Vice-President of Citigroup and held positions in their Consumer and Institutional Clients businesses. Jared was part of the team at CGAP/ World Bank that launched Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) and managed MIX’s Latin America operations and office. He also opened and managed the Latin American offices of Planet Rating SAS – a global rating agency specialized in microfinance – and was an instructor of risk management in the Boulder Microfinance Training Program. Jared has a B.A. from Middlebury College and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Maria Teresa Morales

Director of Housing Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean, Habitat for Humanity International Maria Teresa Morales is Director of Housing Finance for Habitat for Humanity International in LAC. She supervises the Center for Innovation in Shelter and Finance from Habitat in LAC and provides financial consulting to national organizations in the Habitat for Humanity network. She has over 20 years of experience in management positions. In Habitat for Humanity LAC, she was a project manager in the Housing Finance department, where she established alliances with social investors interested in housing and managed the internal fund for financing housing projects in charge of the national organization of Habitat’s network and various pilot projects with microfinance institutions. Currently she is responsible to the IDB/MIF and the Citi Foundation for the projects that are sponsored by the CISF. Mrs. Morales is a Certified Public Accountant, with a Master´s degree in Technology Administration from the University of Maryland.



Luis Alberto Moreno President, BID / IDB

Luis Alberto Moreno assumed the presidency of the Inter-American Development Bank on October 1, 2005. He was re-elected to a fiveyear term during a special meeting of the Bank’s Board of Governors on July 6, 2010. As President of the Bank, Moreno also serves as Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) and Chairman of the Donors’ Committee of the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF). Previous to joining the IDB, Moreno served as Colombia’s Ambassador to the United States for seven years. Ambassador Moreno oversaw a dramatic improvement in Colombian-U.S. relations during his tenure in Washington. His most notable achievement was the successful effort to build strong bipartisan support in the United States Congress for passage of more than US$6 billion in U.S. assistance programs for Colombia. These resources have contributed to a material positive transformation of the security and economic situation in Colombia. Prior to his post as Ambassador, Moreno served a distinguished career in both the public and private sectors in Colombia. Immediately prior to his appointment in Washington, he served as representative for the Andean Region of WestSphere Capital, a private equity firm focusing on investment opportunities in Latin America, from August 1997 to July 1998. Previously, he served as senior advisor to the Luis Carlos Sarmiento Organization, the leading banking & financial group in Colombia with over US$10 billion in assets, from November 1994 to August 1997. From 1991 to 1994, during the administration of President César Gaviria, Moreno worked in the Colombian Government in a variety of leadership positions. From December 1991 to July 1992, Moreno was the President of the Instituto de Fomento Industrial (IFI), the Colombian government’s industrial finance corporation, and a holding company for many of the largest state enterprises in the country. As head of IFI, Moreno led a successful privatization program and developed new financing instruments for private industry to take advantage of the Gaviria administration’s economic liberalization policy. In July 1992, he was named Minister of Economic Development. During his tenure, he modernized the Ministry and its subordinated agencies, and led the design and implementation of Colombia’s industrial policy and competitiveness strategy. He was also in charge of part of the Government’s social investment portfolio, notably its low-income housing strategy. Upon leaving the Ministry in January 1994, he was tapped to chair Andrés Pastrana’s Presidential Campaign. Throughout his career, Moreno has received some of the highest decorations and distinctions awarded by the Colombian state and the country’s private sector, including the “Orden de Boyacá en el Grado de Gran Cruz”—the highest distinction given by the Colombian state—, awarded by the President of Colombia on August 2, 2002. President Moreno was also the recipient of the 2012 Clinton Global Citizen Award for Leadership in Public Service. Moreno obtained bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration and Economics from Florida Atlantic University in 1975, and an MBA from the American Graduate School of International Management at Thunderbird University in 1977. For his distinguished work in the field of journalism, he was awarded a Neiman Fellowship by Harvard University to undertake studies at that institution from September 1990 to June 1991.



Carl Muñana

General Manager, Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) – IDB Group Mr. Muñana began a highly successful career at J.P. Morgan & Co. in 1982, where he served in many positions, including Managing Director and Senior Risk Officer for the firm’s $8 billion Latin America portfolio. He also headed the Mexico investment banking business for five years and capped his career in 1998 with the design of an innovative social investment strategy for the firm. Later, Mr. Muñana devoted his efforts to impact and innovation initiatives in emerging markets. He worked for several years in Peru in the fields of impact investing. In the past decade, he has lived in Spain where he has concentrated on the promotion of social entrepreneurship, governance issues and strategic advice to development-oriented organizations globally. He has helped establish and served on several international corporate and not-for-profit boards, including Ashoka’s Spanish affiliate, Voxiva, Inc, and the Microvest Funds. After graduating in 1978 from the University of Notre Dame with a degree in Classics, he served two years in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, West Africa. He earned his MBA at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

Rodolfo Muralles

Founder and Director, Salud a tu Alcance Rodolfo Muralles is founder and sole director of Empresa Promotora de Servicios de Salud, S.A. Salud a tu Alcance. In the decades of the 80’s and 90’s he had a chance to mature a strong vision of the world doing high-level studies in philosophy, education, theology, economics and management. His company, created in 2003, has provided effective primary health services to the BoP. In the past two years he has had to find outlets for his project. Salud a tu Alcance is perceived by the regulating agency as “Insurance” and not as a service. Rodolfo has managed to make alliances with different insurers in Guatemala to move forward with the model. Since 2009 he is successfully replicating this business model in El Salvador.

Sergio Navajas

Senior Specialist, MIF - IDB Group Sergio Navajas is senior specialist at the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) -member of the IDB Group-, where he leads regional projects and research on access to finance topics. He focuses on the development of sound and inclusive financial systems with emphasis on improving practices related to transparency and client protection. Prior to joining the IDB in 2005, he worked as senior economist at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Bolivia, his home country, as senior researcher for the Ohio State University’s and as loan officer at Banco Industrial (BISA). He holds a Ph.D. in finance and development and a master’s degree in economics from The Ohio State University.



Francisco José Noguera

Manager of the Pioneros Alliance for Social Innovation, Compartamos con Colombia Francisco is Project Manager at Compartamos con Colombia, leading the articulation of Pioneros de la Innovación Social, a publicprivate partnership that brings together government entities, private enterprises, international agencies and philanthropic institutions to tackle poverty through innovation and entrepreneurship in Colombia. He has eight years of experience working in strategy consulting, entrepreneurship and market-based approaches to poverty reduction. Previous to Compartamos, Francisco was an Associate with the World Resources Institute, where he researched and led the implementation of market-based approaches to address poverty and environmental degradation. As Co-Managing Editor of and NextBillion en Español, he chronicled and analyzed the role of entrepreneurs and small and growing businesses in delivering social and environmental benefits to communities in emerging economies. Francisco has also worked in management consulting and co-founded a microfinance initiative in his native Bogotá. Francisco holds a BA in Industrial Engineering from Los Andes University, and a Masters in Public Administration from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.

Juan Carlos Ordoñez

CEO, Salud Digna para Todos Juan Carlos Ordóñez is the CEO of Salud Digna para Todos IAP, an institution with a growing net of diagnostic clinics for low income population that currently serves 2 million people a year in Mexico. Salud Digna’s operational formula, its growth rate and impact are the base of case studies at several institutions such as the Harvard Business School and IPADE, in Mexico. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a master’s degree in Finance and Marketing from the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico. He has had additional studies in management, public spaces theory and other subjects at Oxford, England; Toronto, Canada; and New York. His professional experience has been mostly focused in the management of for-profit commercial and industrial enterprises in Mexico, along with other high impact social ventures, such as Parques Alegres in Mexico. Mr. Ordóñez has also been an adjunct professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey.



Luiz Ros

Manager, Opportunities for the Majority, IDB Luiz was appointed Manager for the Opportunities for the Majority (OMJ) in 2008. Before entering the Bank, Ros was the Global Manager for Markets and Sustainable Enterprise at the World Resources Institute (WRI). He was also an advisor to the DuPont company’s presidency for Latin America. Ros has served as a member of the strategic board for VC III Stratus Investment Fund, based in São Paulo, Brazil, that supports small, sustainable businesses. Prior to joining the WRI, Ros was the director of the National Environmental Fund at the Ministry of Environment in Brazil, where he was in charge of funding more than 100 projects, including those involving local communities and indigenous peoples in the Amazon region. Ros has undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics and a Master of Science in International Relations and Environmental Economics from the University of Brasilia, Brazil.

Diego T. Ruiz

Vice President, Global Public Policy and Government Affairs, PepsiCo Diego T. Ruiz is Vice President, Global Public Policy and Government Affairs for PepsiCo, the global food and beverage leader. Ruiz was Executive Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission from 2006 to 2011, serving as chief operating officer of the principal law enforcement and regulatory agency for the U.S. securities industry. Prior to joining the SEC, Ruiz was Deputy Chief for Strategy and Policy at the Federal Communications Commission. Prior to serving in the U.S. government, Ruiz was an executive with Univision Communications Inc., the country’s premier Spanish-language media company. Ruiz also served as a senior advisor in the U.S. House of Representatives. Ruiz received an MBA degree from Harvard Business School and a BA degree from the University of Virginia.



Carlos Orellana

Co-founder, salaUno Carlos Orellana is the co-founder of salaUno. In December 2010, Carlos received his Master in Business Administration and Master in Public Health (MBA/MPH) from the University of California at Berkeley where he served as vice-president of the Latin American and Hispanic Business Association at the Haas School of Business. Prior to Berkeley, Carlos worked in Argentina as a consultant to entrepreneurs with Endeavor, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting economic development in developing countries by supporting local entrepreneurs. In 2002, Carlos joined Rothschild’s corporate finance team in New York and later in Madrid. During his five years at Rothschild, Carlos advised Latin American, U.S. and European clients both in financial restructuring transactions as well as in mergers and acquisitions. Carlos received his B.S. in Systems Engineering with Honors from the University of Virginia where he was member of the baseball team and Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering honor society. Carlos is co-founder and board member of FESA USA.

Andrés Peñate

Vice President of Corporate Affairs , SABMiller Latinoamérica Andrés Peñate is the Vice President for Corporate Affairs at SABMiller Latin-America, the second largest beer company in the world. Before his current position, he was Director of Sustainable Development in Bavaria, Colombian affiliate of SABMiller. In that position he designed and implemented the environmental and social agendas of the company.

Santiago Pérez

Vice President of Retail Banking for Individuals and SMEs, Bancolombia Santiago Perez, Vice President of Retail Banking for individuals and SMEs. His responsibilities include managing all retail business in Colombia, El Salvador and Panama, including all physical distribution network, electronic, virtual, and products and services for SMEs and individuals. He is part of the main executive committees of boards and some groups. Bancolombia represents the board of the AFP Protection and serves on the board of the Foundation Sofia Perez de Soto and Fundación Bancolombia He has a record of more than 30 years as a banker, Starting first at Banco Industrial Colombiano and Bancolombia, initially in international trade and corporate banking, and for most of his career in consumer banking. He has led efforts of Inclusion in Bancolombia, particularly in microfinance banking correspondents, family remittances, consumer microcredit, micro-insurance, micro-savings and banking. He is an industrial economist from the University of Los Andes, Bogota, and has an MBA from IESE Barcelona. 60


Gonzalo Alberto Pérez CEO, Suramericana S.A.

Gonzalo Pérez is the CEO of Suramericana de Seguros S.A. since 2003, a leader insurance and social security company in Colombia. He entered the company in the 80’s and has occupied several positions in areas such legal advisory, branch manager, sales management, corporate business, among others. Suramericana leads the market in every business line where it participates, except mandatory health plans. Gonzalo is a lawyer from the Medellín University and has a specialization in insurance from Swiss Re. He has also attended the Management Program at the Kellogg - Graduate School of Management. Gonzalo is member of the boards of the Bancolombia Group, Nutresa Group, Colombian Investment Company and Suramericana Insurance Panamá. He’s also a member of the councils of Fasecolda, the Suramericana Foundation and the Nutresa Foundation.

María Inés Restrepo de Arango Director, COMFAMA

María Inés Restrepo de Arango has a degree in Social Work from Pontificia Bolivariana University, with graduate certificates in Organizational Development and Consulting focused on Personnel Management, and has been a member of the Conflict Management Group at Harvard University. She has attended Social Management courses at Columbia University, Johns Hopkins, Sorbone, Harvard, and Complutense de Madrid. She was Undersecretary for Community Development for the Governor of Antioquia, Director of a number of NGOs in Antioquia, founder of the Colombian NGO Federation, instrumental in the first Project Design agreements between the United Nations, the Mayor of Medellin and the Governor of Antioquia, and creator of the Social Action Plan for Medellin and the Metropolitan Area in 1989. She has also been a member of the Facilitation Commission for Peace and Civic Coexistence, and President of the National Association of Benefit Funds, Asocajas. Since 1994, she has acted as Director of the Antioquia Family Benefits Fund, Comfama.

Álvaro Rodríguez Arregui

Co-founder and Managing Partner, IGNIA Co-founder and Managing Partner of IGNIA, based in Mexico. IGNIA is the largest BoP impact venture capital fund in the World. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Compartamos SAB de CV and Compartamos Banco; Americas largest microfinance organization. He is a Board Member of Harvard University’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies; Harvard Business School Alumni Board; Banamex, Mexico; the Global Social Progress Initiative; ACCION International (Emeritus); Consejo Coordinador Empresarial; Duke University CASE Initiative on Impact Investing and a mentor of Endeavor Global. Formerly served as CFO of Vitro, CEO of Farmacias Benavides and CFO of Grupo Salinas. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). In 2005 Alvaro was named Young Global Leader (YGL) by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Since 2008 he has been a member of the WEF’s Global Agenda Council. He is a member of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), Monterrey chapter. 61


Jorge Rubio

Director Citi Microfinance, Citi

Roberto Salas Guzmán General Manager, Masisa

He is the General Manager of Masisa, a leading Chile-based company that produces and markets wood fiber boards for furniture and interior decorations. Masisa is part of the Nueva Group, an investment holding specialized in the forestry industry and wood products. He began his career in Nueva Group in 1989 in Ecuador. In 1994 he was appointed General Manager of Eternit Plastigama Ecuador; five years later he became Vice-Chairman of Amanco, based in Costa Rica. In 2003 he was appointed Chairman of Amanco, transferring the headquarters of the company in Brazil in 2005, exercising that role until the end of 2007. In addition to his business role, is co-president of the World Development Area Business Council for Sustainable Development. He was Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the Catholic University of Guayaquil for 17 years, and since 1998 is a columnist for the newspaper El Comercio of Quito. He is an Economist at the Catholic University in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and did management studies at the Kellogg Business School in Northwestern University, and Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Rafael Sánchez

Innovation Leader of Commercial Model for Latin America, Natura Rafael Sánchez is Natura’s Innovation Leader for the Commercial Model in Latin America. Natura is a leading Brazilian company focused in cosmetics, fragances and personal care, with a significant presence both in Latin America and Europe. He is in charge of the development of the Sustainable Relations Network (Red de Relaciones Sustentables), a commercial model designed specifically for the Mexican market, which provides growth opportunities to more than 70,000 Natura consultants in the country, through the establishment of their own autonomous businesses. Rafael joined Natura in 2009 as Project Administration Manager. In 2011 he joined the Sales Department as Regional Sales Director. Rafael participates in several commitees inside the company: Natura’s Executive Commitee (junior member), Commercial Innovation Commitee, International Operations Administration Commitee, and he is also member of the Board of Directors in Mexico. He has also played leading roles at Standard Charted Bank, World Bank, Pacific Credit Rafting and Valores Bavaria. Rafael holds a BA in Business Adnimistration from the Pacific University in Peru and a masters degree in Business from the INSEAD. 62


Antonio Santacruz Carmona

Manager for Strategic Development, Telefónica He has a degree in Economics and Business Administration from UNED and a Masters in Microcomputers from the Institute for New Technologies of Information. He joined the Telefónica Group in 1990, where he has spent his career in various fields ranging from Information Technology and Communications and Business Development, mainly in the region of Latin America. Currently he leads the Strategic Development Area in the Global Financial Services division at Telefónica Digital, where one of the main focuses of activity is in the development of mobile financial services for unbanked in Latin America

Alejandro Santos Rubio

Director, Semana Magazine

Alejandro Santos has been director of the Semana magazine, the most influential political and economic media outlet in Colombia and one of the most highly respected in Latin America, since 2000. He has won the Award for the best corruption case investigation in Latin America twice and the King of Spain’s Prize (2008) for having revealed the links between paramilitaries and politicians in Colombia, referred to as ‘Parapolitics’. He has also received the Inter-American Press Association Prize for special reports and the Simón Bolívar National Journalism Prize on six occasions. He has and Economics degree from Los Andes University and is specialized in Communication Law from the Javeriana University. He has been a columnist at Semana and Director of the Investigation Unit at the newspaper ‘El Tiempo’, and is the founder and promoter of projects such as the Arcadia magazine, Colombia Líder, Conexión Colombia, Votebien, Amazonas 2030, Verdad Abierta, and the Semana Foundation.

Carla Renata Sarni Chairman, Sorridents

Carla Renata Sarni, a dentist, saw in his profession the possibility of helping people and found that this was the recipe for building a successful business and credibility. She studied dentistry at Unifenas – MG. Carla is a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial also by Unifenas-MG and has graduate studies in Leadership 360 from the Fundação Getulio Vargas - SP. Carla founded one of the largest franchise networks of dental clinics in Brazil, Sorridents, in which she holds the position of Chairman of the Group. Today, Sorridents Dental Clinics totals 180 units across the country and expects to reach the mark of 500 clinics across the country by 2016.



Hans Schulz

Vice President for the Private Sector and Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Operations, BID / IDB Hans Schulz was appointed, Vice President for the Private Sector and Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Operations, at the Inter-American Development Bank, effective March 2013. Mr. Schulz is responsible for coordinating the private sector and non-sovereign guaranteed operational programs of the IDB Group, the development and implementation of a private sector integrated business plan, as well as the business plans of each of the group´s private sector entities. The IDB Group is composed of the IDB, the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC). The area under Mr. Schulz´s responsibility includes the IDB´s Structured and Corporate Finance Department (SCF), which he also manages, and the Opportunities for the Majority Sector (OMJ). As General Manager of the Structured and Corporate Finance Department, Schulz oversees the Bank’s private sector operations in infrastructure, financial markets, as well as industries and services. SCF invests in large companies, financial institutions, and mixed-capital entities on a project and corporate finance basis. Under Schulz’s leadership, SCF doubled the size of its assets and brought about a renewed focus on climate change investments, meeting SMEs’ financing needs, and promoting socially inclusive finance. Schulz is a strong advocate for enhancing the competitiveness of companies while advancing social and economic conditions, thus mainstreaming sustainability into private sector operations. Previously, he managed the financial markets group of the Private Sector Department responsible for capital markets development and led the creation of the IDB’s Trade Finance Facilitation Program. He also served as the Senior Private Sector Advisor to the Executive Vice-President of the IDB. As Senior Investment Officer in the Private Sector Department, Schulz focused on infrastructure projects and on increasing the competitiveness of financial services in the region. Prior to joining the IDB, Schulz served at the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) in Caracas, at the UN’s Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Office in Santiago, Chile, and at West LB in Düsseldorf, Germany. A German citizen, Schulz holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from Southern Illinois University and undergraduate degrees in economics and business from Marburg University in Germany.

Maria Fernandes Neres Senna

Manager of Customer and Business at the National Superintendence of Basic Income, CAIXA Maria is an Economist specialized in Business Strategy, Financial Management and Business Consulting. She has been working at CAIXA for 23 years, currently in the National Superintendence of Basic Income, where she serves as Manager of Customer and Business. In this position, her action are targeted to the lower income public, developing products that are affordable and of rapid implementation, aiming to include the base of the pyramid in the formal banking sector.



Gabriel Haddad Silva CFO, Ideal Invest

Gabriel Haddad Silva is the CFO of Ideal Invest, Brazil’s leading provider of private student loans. Gabriel began his career at Banco Pactual in Rio de Janeiro, and later joined the New York-based hedge fund, York Capital, as the MD in charge of the firm’s investments in Latin America. Gabriel holds a degree in Economics and International Relations from Tufts University, an International Diploma from Sciences Po, and an MBA from Stanford University.

Dane Smith

Managing Director, FSG Dane Smith is the Managing Director of FSG, a non-profit strategy consulting firm founded by Professor Michael Porter and Mark Kramer to find new solutions to social problems. He’s also a co-leader of FSG’s Shared Value practice. He brings twenty years of experience advising private and public sector leaders on business strategy. He has particular expertise in helping companies identify new business opportunities that simultaneously address serious social challenges. He has recently consulted with Coca-Cola, Rio Tinto, Western Union, Barclays, Prudential, Eli Lilly, Gold Fields, Arauco, and Intel on their Shared Value strategies. Dane has advised cabinet ministers and heads of state in Latin America and Eastern Europe on strengthening their economies and attracting more foreign investment. He has launched National Competitiveness Councils and more than ten industry clusters. Dane received his B.A. from Harvard. Dane also received his M.B.A. from Wharton and an M.A. in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University (SAIS)..

Julián Ugarte

Executive Director, Socialab Julián Ugarte is a Social Entrepreneur, design-thinker, and strategy professional. He holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial Design, and is a graduate of Singularity University. He is the founder of the Social Innovation Center of TECHO, one of the largest and most successful nonprofit organizations in Latin America. Run by university students and young professionals, “Un Techo” organization works with families in extreme poverty in 19 countries. Currently he is the Executive Director of Socialab, spin-off of TECHO. In 2012 Socialab had over 2,5K applications of businesses looking to be accelerated. Socialab gives more than 2 million dollars in seed capital and has opened a co-working spaces in Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Argentina. In 2010, Julián was recognized as one of the top 100 leaders in Chile and his work has been recognized by HBS, UN, IDB, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, CNN, among others.



Filippo Veglio

Director, Social Capital Focus Area, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Filippo Veglio is the Director of the Social Capital Focus Area at WBCSD, a CEO-led, global coalition of some 200 companies advocating for progress on sustainable development. Filippo manages the WBCSD’s program promoting business solutions towards enabling greater social inclusion and equitable growth. Since 2005 when he joined the WBCSD, he has led its pioneering work on inclusive business at the base of the pyramid, catalyzing investments and partnerships on the ground as well as capturing insights and conducting advocacy work. Prior to joining WBCSD, Filippo worked as Program Assistant at the Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), which provides in-country advisory support and practical assistance programs aimed at ensuring effective democratic governance of the security sector. Filippo holds an M.A. in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.

Luis Velasco

President of the Finance and Investment Committee, Promotora Social México Mr. Velasco is President of the Finance and Investment Committee of Promotora Social Mexico (PSM), and a Senior Managing Director at Atlas Advisors. He provides advice on various corporate strategy and financial matters such as fund raising, fund management and investment execution. During his finance career he has been involved in more than 70 investment banking related transactions across various industries in the Americas, Europe and Asia. He spent 11 years in NY, with a brief stay in Hong Kong, working in the M&A and Corporate Finance departments of J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs & Co. Before leaving NY, he was global co-head of J.P. Morgan’s media M&A practice and co-captain of the firm´s US-European cross-border Tech, Media and Telecom transactions. He serves on the boards of Mi Tienda, Seguros Monterrey, New York Life, and International Bridges to Justice. Mr. Velasco holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Harvard University and a Civil Engineering degree from Universidad Anahuac.

Francisco Vizcaya

Founder and CEO, FINAE Mr. Vizcaya has over 30 years of experience in the financial sector mainly in commercial banks. He has worked as: Executive Director of Private Banking of Banco Santander in Mexico, Business Development VP for GE Capital in Mexico, CEO of Factoraje Serfin a joint-venture between Grupo Serfin and GE Capital (the largest factoring company in Mexico), Executive Director of the International Division of Banca Serfin with offices in several cities and countries including Los Angeles, New York and London. Mr. Vizcaya participated in the creation of Banco Alianza (currently GE Capital Bank Mexico) as CFO and he created and managed a Banking Institution owned by Banca Serfin in the Cayman Islands designed to serve Mexican individuals in their international transactions, offering products as checking accounts, investments, credit cards, loans, investments in derivatives and other products. Mr. Vizcaya has a BS in Economics from the Instituto Tecnologico Autónomo de México. Mr. Vizcaya is involved in other social causes that improve and provide education to women with scarce resources that praise their skills to cover the labor needs of their region. 66


Faye Yoshihara

Principal, Forest Fractal LLC Specializing in building bridges between the often-polarized sectors of society, Faye merges a 20-year corporate career with a decade of brokering cross-sector partnerships and supporting social enterprise development. Faye was a general manager for Nike Inc., where she provided regional line management in emerging markets and championed local-for-local business initiatives. At S. C. Johnson & Son, she held diverse positions from R&D to business management, including expatriate assignments based in Venezuela, Mexico & Malaysia. Her consulting practice aimed to promote collaborative models for job creation, spanning the fields of public health, local economy and corporate social responsibility. During this time, as a W.K. Kellogg Foundation Fellow, she became intrigued by the possibilities for eco-tourism to create sustainable livelihoods. Returning to her own rural roots, Faye launched Forest Fractal, LLC, a social enterprise dedicated to the restorative economy and now focuses her efforts on rural economic development and experiential learning. Faye serves as an adjunct instructor at Portland State University, and on the boards of Food Front Cooperative, Northwest Community Capital Fund, Homeless World Cup Foundation USA and advisory board for Biomimicry Oregon. Faye earned her bachelors’ degrees in Food Science and Technology and Microbiology from Oregon State University and a Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University.

Jean Paul Zalaquett

Director of Innovation y Sustainability, Chilectra Jean Paul Zalaquett is a Civil Engineer from the Catholic University of Chile, has an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Master of Financial Risk Management at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. He is currently Director of Innovation and Sustainability at Chilectra Power Distribution Company in Santiago de Chile, a subsidiary of Enel (Italy). Since 1991 he has held various responsibilities in the Group’s companies, in Chile, Argentina and Spain. He has led areas of Innovation, Operations, Development, and Sustainability. Since 2005 he edits Chilectra sustainability reports and has developed several initiatives that combines Innovation and Sustainability, such as Ecochilectra program, that encourages company customers to recycle, through a discount on the electric bill. Chilectra in 2012 obtained the top spot in the ranking of socially responsible companies, awarded by the foundation Pro-humana, and the prize for best sustainability report awarded by Acción RSE (Chile).



STUART L. HART Stuart L. Hart. Professor, Cornell University. Co-creator of the BoP concept and Samuel C. Johnson Chair in Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell University. Stuart L. Hart, considered a world authority and pioneer in the field of sustainable business, has confirmed his participation in the II International Forum held BASE-American Development Bank, IDB, in the Convention Center Plaza Mayor in Medellin on 6 and 7 June 2013. Hart will share their knowledge and experience in the markets of the base of the pyramid with an international audience of over 800 people. Hart is a professor in the School of Management at Cornell University, which is among the 10 best business schools in the United States, according to Bloomberg Businessweek 2012. He also chairs the Samuel C. Johnson Sustainable Global Enterprise at the same institution and author of several books including “Capitalism at the Crossroads” and “The Next Generation Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid”. Bachelor of Science, University of Rochester, Master of Environmental Management from Yale University and PhD in Planning and Strategy at the University of Michigan, Hart has been a consultant to corporations and organizations such as DuPont, Johnson, General Electric, Baxter Healthcare, Wal Mart, World Economic Forum and the Clinton Global Initiative. He has published more than 70 papers among which are “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid” and the article, which together with CK Prahalad came out publicly for the first time the notion of ‘Base of the Pyramid’. And one of his writings, “Strategies for a Sustainable World” published in Harvard Business Review, McKinsey won. The New York Times refers to him as an innovator, arguing that new developments in clean technology can quickly be markets in developing countries like India and China. Also has been honored by the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan and is founder and director of the International Institute for Sustainable Enterprise, based in Bangalore, India. Stuart Hart says that “the more distant is the plain of the pyramid is the potential for growth.”



DEEPA PRAHALAD Deepa Prahalad is an author, international business strategist and consultant specializing in opportunities at the intersection of consumer experience, technology and strategy. As the daughter of CK Prahalad, the base of the pyramid guru, Deepa is lead advisor to the Prahalad Center for Emerging India in Chennai, and the Prahalad Initiative at the University of Michigan, which promotes the work of for-profit enterprises taking into account the needs and desires of the base of the pyramid to come up with innovative solutions for the provision of quality goods and services in low-income markets. Deepa is a well-known speaker on design strategy at the USC Marshall School of Business and the Harvard Business School. She has written several articles for Bloomberg Businessweek, the Huffington Post and Harvard Business Review on the need for designers and businesspeople learn from and about consumers at the BoP. “At the BOP, affordability is necessary but not sufficient. Tastes and aspirations change rapidly. This is precisely what can make the BOP such an important learning platform for designers. Independent of any altruistic motives, engaging with the BOP can help designers and innovators�, she wrote for HBS in 2011. Her passion for emerging markets and innovative design for social change explain Deepa’s current role as head advisor of organizations such as Arogya World, an organization focused on chronic disease prevention in India; ChallengeFuture, a global youth think tank that promotes entrepreneurship and innovation; and the Chief Learning Officers Summit in India, which promotes individual and organizational learning and development. Additionally, Deepa is a Council Member at THIS Inc., which teaches executives in Silicon Valley and the world how to lead by design, not default. She is a B.A. in Economics and Political Science from the University of Michigan and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.



IQBAL QUADIR During the digital revolution of the early 1990s, Quadir proposed that technology and connectivity should be inclusive and an instrument for the creation of prosperity for low-income populations at the base of the pyramid. Convinced of the impact of technology for poverty reduction, in 1993 he established the New York based company, Gonophone Development Corp. and later assembled a global consortium of Gonophone, Muhammad Yunus’ Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, and the Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor. That’s how Grameenphone came into being, offering telephone access to over 35 million people in rural areas of Bangladesh. After Grameenphone, Quadir focused his efforts in other sectors and founded BioEnergy, a company to produce decentralized energy in Bangladesh; and Money in Motion, a start-up to provide mobile phone-based banking services. In addition to being a successful businessman, Quadir has been a Fellow and Lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School (2001-2004), promoting the democratizing and inclusion effects of technologies in low-income countries. Quadir is the co-founder of the journal Innovations (MIT Press) and in 2007 launched the Legatum Center at MIT, which encourages development from the bottom-up through for-profit, viable business models that provide goods or services to the base of the pyramid. Quadir is a pioneer thought leader about BoP markets, and business development. His ideas and work have been cited in nearly 30 books and profiled in publications such as The Economist, The New York Times, and The Financial Times. He was written for the The Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, Science, Nature, and The Wall Street Journal. He received the prestigious Science, Education and Economic Development award in Bangladesh and was listed as one of 125 Influential People and Ideas for the 125-year celebration of the Wharton School in 2006. He is the recipient of the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Swarthmore College (2011), the honorary Doctor of Science from Case Western Reserve University (2011), and the Russell-Whitehead Business Humanitarian Award presented by the Business Humanitarian Forum Association (2012). He holds both an MBA and an MA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and a BS with honors from Swarthmore College.



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