BASE I Forum Brazil 2011

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Provisional Agenda Monday, June 27th, SMEs and the BOP: Agents of Development and Prosperity 2:00 pm

Initial remarks - Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the IDB (confirmed) - Geraldo Alckmin, Governor of the State of Sao Paulo (confirmed)

2:30 pm

Fostering growth and development of SMEs serving the BOP - Jacques Rogozinski, General Manager of the Inter-American Investment Corporation (confirmed) - Sang Shik Park, Consul-General, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Sao Paulo (confirmed) - Ricardo Marino, Executive Vice President at Itaú Unibanco S.A. (confirmed) - Luiz Ros, Manager of the IDB Opportunities for the Majority initiative (confirmed)

3:00 pm

Creating an Ecosystem for SMEs serving the BOP For many reasons, small and medium-sized businesses are uniquely positioned to have an impact on the Base of the Pyramid: they can respond to their communities’ specific needs; create local jobs; etc. However, SMEs in the BOP also face several barriers to growth, such as lack of role models, limited management expertise and shortage of capital. This panel will discuss how best to create an environment, or “ecosystem,” that fosters the growth and development of SMEs serving the BOP. - Luiz Barretto, President of SEBRAE (confirmed) - Sean McKaughan, CEO of Fundación Avina (confirmed) - Fernando Jimenez-Ontiveros, Deputy Manager of the Multilateral Investment Fund- FOMIN (confirmed) - Rodrigo Villar, President, New Ventures Global Network (confirmed) - Moderator: Randall Kempner, Executive Director, Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (confirmed)

4:00 pm

Coffee break


An SME Dialogue: Ideas, Challenges, and Success Stories Behind every small business is a story of inspiration, hard work, setbacks and successes. A roundtable of representatives from a broad cross-section of SMEs that engage with BOP communities in Latin America and the Caribbean shares hard-won advice and talks about what the future holds for their businesses. - Luis Velasco, President of Mi Tienda (Mexico) (confirmed) - Rodrigo Baggio, Director of the Administrative Board of CDI Lan (Brazil) (confirmed) - Rodolfo Muralles, Founder and CEO of Salud a Su Alcance (Guatemala) (confirmed) - Pedro Bulcão, CEO of SINAF (Brazil) (confirmed) - Moderator: Luiz Ros, Manager of the IDB Opportunities for the Majority initiative (confirmed)

5:30 pm

An Investor Conversation: Financial and Social Returns from Innovative SMEs Impact investment, which is intended to create positive social or environmental impact beyond financial return, constitutes a new asset class. This panel will bring together leading impact investors to discuss the potential opportunity for investing in social enterprises serving the BOP. - Michael Chu, Managing Director of the IGNIA Fund (confirmed) - Vineet Rai, Founder and CEO of Aavishkaar (confirmed) - Maria Cavalcanti, Chief Strategy Officer, Fundación Avina (confirmed) - Antonio Moraes, Co-Founder and General Partner at Vox Capital (confirmed) - Moderator: Jan Piercy, Executive Vice-President at ShoreBank Corporation (confirmed)

6:30 pm

Closing remarks by Julie Katzman, Executive Vice President of the IDB

6:45 pm


Tuesday, June 28th, Morning: The Promise and the Reward of BOP Business Models 8:00 am

Registration and coffee

9:00 am

Initial remarks: The Decade of Latin America - Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the IDB (confirmed)

9:15 am

Keynote: Financial Inclusion as a Tool for Development - Alexandre Tombini, President of the Central Bank of Brazil (confirmed)

9:30 am

PLENARY: The “Bright Side of the Poor” and Latin America’s Emerging Middle Class Some say this is “the decade of Latin America,” as the region emerges from the global fiscal crisis with an expanding middle class and economic growth across multiple sectors. This dialogue will reveal the secrets behind Latin America’s success, and look at the important role of private sector investment in the Base of the Pyramid as this growth continues. - Alexandre Tombini, President of the Central Bank of Brazil (confirmed) - Fábio Barbosa, President of Grupo Santander Brasil (confirmed) - Eduardo Wanick, President of DuPont Latin America (confirmed) - Nizan Guanaes, Executive Chairman, Grupo ABC (confirmed) - Moderator: Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the IDB (confirmed)

11:00 am

Coffee break

11:15 am

PLENARY: Addressing Coordination Failures: Unleashing Opportunity at the Base of the Pyramid Establishing an “ecosystem” that supports and encourages the development and expansion of Base of the Pyramid business models will benefit all parts of society, from the private and public sectors to low-income communities. This dialogue will explore innovative and effective approaches to creating such an enabling environment. - Francisco Garza, Chairman of CEMEX Latin America Advisory Board (confirmed) - Marcos Samaha, President and CEO of Walmart Brazil (confirmed) - Dorje Mundle, Head of Corporate Citizenship Management at Novartis (Switzerland) (confirmed) - Moderator: Steven Puig, VP for the Private Sector and Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Operations, IDB (confirmed) Lunch

12:30 pm

Tuesday, June 28th, Afternoon: Successful BOP Business Models 2:30 pm Concurrent sessions Ending the “Talent Blackout”: Equipping the Workforce for Regional Growth Today’s workers require skills that didn’t exist a generation ago. While businesses are growing across the region, vocational training programs have not kept pace, leading to a “talent blackout” that harms workers and companies alike. This panel presents innovative approaches to bridging this gap: preparing workers of all ages to fill these new jobs and helping employers find the workers they need. - Charles Martins, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Multi Holding (Brazil) (confirmed) - Paulo Barbosa, Secretary for Economic Development, Science and Technology for the State of Sao Paulo (confirmed) - Francisco Vizcaya, CEO of FINAE (Mexico) (confirmed) - Paulo Henrique Quaresma, Acreditar, Odebrecht (Brazil) (confirmed) - Moderator: Ary Oswaldo Mattos Filho, founding partner of Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Junior and Quiroga (confirmed)

Technology as a Tool for Inclusion: Affordable, Fast, Effective Programs in Africa and India are using mobile phones to bring “unbanked” people into the formal economy with a variety of financial services, as well as to expand access to education, health information, e-government and more. This panel will show how technology can lead to increased opportunities, both for the base of the pyramid in Latin America and the Caribbean, and for the companies that take the lead with these new solutions. - Trina DasGupta, mWomen Programme Director at GSMA (US) (confirmed) - Julián Ugarte, Director of Centro de Innovación (Chile) (confirmed) - Brad Horwitz, President and CEO of Trilogy International (confirmed) - Moderator: Akhtar Badshah, Senior Director of Community Affairs at Microsoft (US) (confirmed) Creating Housing Solutions for the BOP: Prosperity Begins at Home Improving access to safe and affordable housing is key to improving the quality of life at the base of the pyramid. Innovative partnerships between the private, nonprofit and public sectors bring together a diversity of expertise and have led to the emergence of new programs and products. This panel showcases some of the most successful business models in the low-income housing sector. - Luis Sosa, President of Visión Banco (Paraguay) (confirmed) - Haidy Duque, Director, Corporación Kayrós (Colombia) (confirmed) - Rodrigo Ibañez, Manager of Viste Tu Casa, Corona (Colombia) (confirmed) - Israel Moreno, General Manager (SAU) CEMEX (Mexico) (confirmed) - Moderator: Vishnu Swaminathan, Director of Full Economic Citizenship at Ashoka (India) (confirmed) 3:45 pm Concurrent sessions Reaching the Last Mile: Solving Infrastructure Deficiencies Latin America and the Caribbean have seen tremendous improvement in the last decade in access to water, energy, other basic utilities and infrastructure. Nonetheless, the World Bank tells us that 40 million people in the region don’t have access to clean water, and some 113 million still lack access to sanitation facilities. These kinds of “last mile gaps” have a direct impact on the ability of millions of people to access economic development, health, security, education, and social inclusion. This panel will talk about the crucial role of the private sector in unlocking the demand and bridging these gaps. - Jose Cavaretti, Manager for New Markets at AES Eletropaulo (Brazil) (confirmed) - Francisco Gross, CEO of SEINCO (Uruguay) (confirmed) - Vasco Luce, President, South American Beverages at PepsiCo (Brazil) (confirmed) - André Albuquerque, Founder and CEO of Terra Nova (Brazil) (confirmed) - Moderator: Claudio Boechat, teacher, researcher and project manager at Fundação Dom Cabral (Brazil) (confirmed) Meeting Human Needs: Providing Basic Services BOP communities throughout the region face challenges accessing medical care because of a variety of factors, including costs, lack of nearby clinics and inadequate health literacy. Education options are similarly limited for children of low-income families, who often lack access to affordable, high-quality schools at all levels, from early childhood to university. The private sector is beginning to step into these voids, offering health insurance products, educational curricula, college loans and other innovative products and services through “social businesses.” This panel will examine a number of novel approaches to delivering basic services to the BOP. - Cleber Soares, EVP of Sorridents (Brazil) (confirmed) - Enrique Coronado, CEO of Por Ti Familia (Peru) (confirmed)

- Mary Anne Amorim, CEO of LEGO Zoom (Brazil) (confirmed) - Moderator: Haroldo Torres, Senior Partner at Plano CDE (Brazil) (confirmed) Distribution Platforms:: Scale through Partnerships One of the biggest challenges for companies in launching Base of the Pyramid business models is a lack of knowledge about and experience with the populations they hope to reach. A growing number of businesses have found nd it effective to create symbiotic partnerships with organizations that already have relationships with low-income income communities, using these “platforms” to help them reach scale more quickly and effectively. This panel shares examples of these kinds of inn innovative ovative and beneficial alliances. - Federico Restrepo, CEO at EPM (Colombia) (confirmed) - João Rabello, President of Tribanco (Grupo Martins- Brazil) (confirmed) - Jose Pablo Arellano, Emerging merging Markets Manager at BCI (Chile (Chile) (confirmed) - Marco Gorini, Executive Director, Mundo Vox Vox- Tenda Atacado (Brazil) (confirmed) - Moderator: Filippo Veglio, Deputy Director, Development Focus Area, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) (confirmed) 5:00 pm PLENARY- What is Next in Market Market-Based Solutions for the BOP? - Christian Daude, Economist, Latin America & the Caribbean at OECD (confirmed) - Jose Maria Ayuso, Executive Vice President, Visa Inc. Latin America and the Caribbean Region (US) (confirmed) - Marcelo Neri, Director of the Center of Social Policies, FGV (confirmed) - André Urani, President and researcher, IETS (confirmed) - Moderating the conversation: Míriam Leitão, acclaimed reporter, eporter, columnist, and commentator 5:45 pm Final remarks by Gabriela Frias, Business Anchor, CNN en Español 6:00 pm Closing cocktail

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