Quality Educ cation forr Peru’s E Emerging g Classes s Better S Schools at Be etter Rates uvians who wa ant to invest in their children’’s education h have few choicces of private e elementary an nd secondary Upwardly mobile Peru g topnotch hig gh-quality yet a affordable schools that provide a solid and modern academic grounding at reasonable rrates. Finding erging neighbo orhoods where e they live is even e harder. private sschools in eme evelopment Bank’s Opportu unities for the Majority M Initiattive (OMJ) is ssupporting a sustainable and d market-base ed The Inter-American De on solution for Peru’s emerging social clas sses. Colegios Peruanos iss a private com mpany whose high quality scchools and educatio innovativve methods will help children obtain an ed ducation on pa ar with internattional standarrds and give th hem competen ncies they nee ed to be citiizens and emp ployees in mod dern economie es ending Colegios Peruanos up u to $15 million to grow its network of prrivate “Innova Schools” from m five to 26 and d increase its OMJ is le student b body by 23,00 00 by expandin ng two existing g schools and building 21 ne ew ones in up pwardly mobile e neighborhoo ods in Lima and other Pe eruvian cities. a a Solution Colegios Peruanos as ollment and grraduation, Perru’s educational system still has much roo om for Despite having made great strides in rates of enro ment. In 2009 9, the country’s students sco ored 63rd out of 65 worldwid de on the interrnational stand dardized PISA A test and cam me improvem in last off nine Latin Am merican countrries, the secon nd time they fa ared poorly on n this test. Ma any factors, inccluding low pu ublic investmen nt in educa ation and poor teacher training, contribute to these scores. u’s sustained economic e expa ansion has led d to greater de emand for goo od education frrom upwardly mobile Peruvians. And Yet Peru parents are willing to provide p their children c with th he best academ mic opportunitties they can e even if it mean ns making an e economic olegios Peruanos is working g to meet that demand and turn t those testt scores aroun nd. The comp pany specialize es in the effort. Co construcction, operation n and manage ement of private primary and d secondary sschools for em merging social cclasses in neig ghborhoods where th here are few such institutions. Their sch hools offer hig gh quality educ cation for child dren between the ages of 3 and 18 with a focus on tech hnology and in ntensive use of English llanguage in modern m surroun ndings, curren ntly for an averrage monthly ttuition of $107 7. Educationa al models base ed on life-long g learning competencies s, inquiry and collaboration are a designed based on the best internatio onal standardss. chools are rec cruited from Pe eru’s best institutions and re eceive hundred ds of hours off on-the-job forrmation and Teacherrs at Innova Sc coaching g—including bilingual b trainin ng—to master the schools’ modern m curricu ulum and theirr interactive an nd dynamic ap pproach to teaching g. They are motivated m to im mprove their pe erformance an nd boost stude ent learning to above-averag ge through diffferent proven incentive es. Innova Sc chools all have e computer lab bs and internett access, and are built with open layouts tthat foster tea amwork and hands-on learning. ct Measuriing the Impac ms to partially finance f and as ssess the impact of Colegio os Peruanos’ a academic mod del. Results w will be used to share best OMJ aim practicess in this educa ational model, and to increas se the potentia al for the mostt promising asspects of the C Colegios Perua anos model to o be repliccated by privatte and public sectors s in Peru u and elsewhe ere in Latin Am merica. M A Model to Benefit Many as an efficient business mod del for its susta ainable marke et-based educa ation offering. By having a network of Colegioss Peruanos ha schools, Colegios Perruanos will ach hieve economiies of scale for its managem ment costs and d back office e expenses. Colegios Peruano os’ current exp pansion progra am will cost $7 74.7 million and help the sch hool network rreach new markets in Peruvvian cities across th he country, inc cluding Trujillo o, Huancayo and a Piura. In addition a to OM MJ’s loan of up p to $ 15 million, IDB is mobilizing internatio onal lenders to o raise additio onal financing of o up to $25 million, m involvin ng both B lend ders and parallel lenders. Beyond this initial expansion, spon nsors seek to open o up to 70 schools throu ughout Peru.
For more information abbout the progrram contact OM MJ‐IDB@iadb..org