Top Benefits of Microsoft Azure web Cloud Hosting The popularity of the Cloud web hosting is increasing tremendously in the current trend. Regardless of which industry you are based the secure cloud web hosting uplift your business status and leads to the success of the business. You may have come across the word cloud web hosting numerous times. Cloud web hosting is hosting that uses the resources of numerous clustered servers. This type of hosting is extremely better than significant conventional website hosting. Which basically means that the website uses the indefinite servers, virtual resources to accommodate all the aspects of hosting website. The cluster of servers is the cloud. Advantages of Cloud Web Hosting Services • There is no single point of failure • Easier Data backup and recovery • More flexibility for website to grow • Allows you to customize the size of storage • Cloud hosting guaranteed the highest level of website performance • Cost efficient compared to other hosting solutions and also offer 24/7 support • Cloud hosting guarantees unlimited storage and also ensures greater speed and power What is Azure cloud web hosting? Azure is a cloud computing service created for managing and building services in the nook and corner of the globe through managed data centers. In the current trend of cloud web hosting, Azure cloud hosting as set a new benchmark. The Azure cloud platform is flexible and it allows the small to wellestablished companies to manage and build the customized application. Azure is currently the cheapest cloud provider and it is also Windows based. It allows the developer to write applications based on C++, C#, its programming language. The environment of Azure and Windows are quite similar. it’s uncomplicated to create a cloud version of a current Windows application.