eat the auckland market nine recipes for downtown
site of the existing downtown shopping centre located on the block of queen, quay, alvert and customs streets
CONTENTS 07 What is a Market a brief introduction to the history of the public market, what purposes it serves and its goals
08 Business and Economic Activity a look into the downtown markets role in the local economy and as an economic engine
16 Community Character and Livability the community and regional benefits associated with the market’s role in promoting community character and liveability
24 City Image and Identity the market’s contribution to the city’s image and identity, and the resulting economic developments
Gen erally spe -aking, most markets only survive if they can find a way to fully cover their costs from operations after an initial startup period. Modern d -ay markets typically operate in a very competitive reta il environment and ne -ed constant prom -otion and profe -ssional on-site management. Because markets ope -rate with a range of public goals in addit -ion to being financially reliable, they typically need s -ome form of financial support to cover initial capital costs, start up expenses,
What is a public market?
A year round, carefully crafted, intentional and diverse medley of owner-operated shops and s-talls. They also exist to fulfill a public purpose, showcase a community’s unique character and c -ulture while serving its everybody shopping nee -ds. They typically focus on the sale of a full arra -y of fresh, healthy, value added, and prepared f -oods- often locally grown and produced. Focusin -g on businesses that are locally owned and oper -ated which highlight the best of local foods, crafts, heritage, music and culture. They exist for a multit -ude of public purposes, such as job creation, small business incubator, tourist attraction, access to fresh , healthy foods, increase surrounding property values and historic preservation. They are powerful economi -c engines, creating entrepreneurial opportunities for c -itizens and immigrants who often find it difficult to ente r the mainstream economy. They are potent job creators turning one time capital support, into long term, permane nt well paying jobs. Proven generators of surrounding, pri -vately financed economic development. Unlike malls- whic -h are typically geared toward a particular e -conomic and/or ethnic slice of the local po -pulation. Public markets have historically proven their ability to cut across econo -mic and racial lines in bringing togeth -er a broad cross section of the local populatio in a safe, lively, and exciti -ng venue, where everyone feels wel -come.
and initial operating losses until the market is well established. Public markets have 3 defini -ng characteristics.• A set of community goa -ls that typically support local products and agriculture, provide opportunities for small businesses, and enhance community eng -agement.• A public space where peop -le can gather, be safe and enjoy them -selves, as well as to interact with oth ers and engage in community activit ies• A combining of public and pr -ivate realms by offering an alter native to the generic shopping experience at a shopping mall or supermarket. Public mar kets are made up of mult iple owner operated sm all businesses, which adds to the vari -ety of offe -rin gs a -nd
“...establish the site as a thriving commercial center in the heart of downtown Auckland.”
“...owners do not have to have much experience but are willing to work hard to showcase their personalities as well as their product.”
What is the Downtown Auckland Markets role within the local economy and how can it be used as an economic engine for the city?
“...therefore, revenue recirculates within the community and the secondary benefits remain local.”
A THRIVING COMMERCIAL CENTER The businesses that run within the market help establish the site as a thriving commercial center in the heart of downtown Auckland, supported by surrounding downtown retail centers. As a local business the dollar spent will provide two to four times more than equivalent non-local businesses while generating new tax revenues for the local government and permanent new jobs for those in the community. ingredients - 1 market - supporting retail centers - retail patrons - 2-4x dollar value - tax revenues - local government - new permanent jobs
In the heart of Downtown Auckland, lies a constant beating hub, where the toing and froing of happenings never cease to stop. The morning wakens with the sound of beeping trucks, the steaming loads of busses and knives against their blocks, By lunch the downtown denizens flood the active floor, shoving shoulder-to-shoulder, eyes darting across the boards. Evening diners lean right back, their tummies rumbling full, plates left smeared with condiments, red wine dribbles on the cloth.
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A PRODUCTIVE BUSINESS INCUBATOR Auckland’s Downtown Market creates a ‘critical mass’ (an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result) and a venue that helps incubate successful new businesses. It is this market environment that is best for the incubation of new businesses, as owners do not have to have much experience but are willing to work hard to showcase their personalities as well as their product. Many of who later leverage their market presence to grow and expand into wholesaling or further sales bases. Through the creation of new businesses at the Market, a sustainable employment growth is generated. Though the sun has barely risen, the market floor is alive with activity, first time business owners working relentlessly- best endeavoring to make up for what they lack in experience. Men sprint down aisles delivering cartons of milk, while dodging a couple attempting to heave a crate over the counter top. The smell of rising bread exhales past the steel sliders into the street, the wafting scent deceptive of the panicked hands that created it. Inside the market there’s a multitude of chaos, every merchant trying to sell himself and his product, but the havoc of the marker is an incubator for a thriving, vibrant business.
ingredients - 1 market - 1 critical mass - 100 new business owners - lack of experience but willingness and hard work - potential wholesalers - purchasing patrons
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AN OWNER OPERATED ECONOMY With foreign direct investment from multinational companies (Gucci, Westfield, Precinct Property) income is repatriated to their respective domicile states. The vendors and merchants of the public market are owner operated and reside locally. Therefore, revenue recirculates within the community and the secondary benefits remain local. ingredients - 1 market - local vendors - owner operated shops - surrounding retail shops - revenue that reciruclates - secondary benefits
A husband and wife work tirelessly through the day, selling fish at their store is a labor of love. At four pm, the slapping of school sandals signals the arrival of their children straight from school. Beaming faces of familiar merchants, greet the two as they navigate their way to their familiar after school care. Together they sit on a wooden crate, heads bowed around their iPad, shooting at enemy ships. Waiting for the mum who’ll take them home, while their dad continues on.
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“Auckland’s Downtown Market yields a large amount of foot traffic from the city- with 24,000 feet passing through Britomart alone and 90,000 coming to work in the city center.”
DOWNTOWN RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT “Auckland’s inner city denizens grew by 22,500 in the years between 1991 and 2009.”
What are the community and regional benefits associated with the Auckland Downtown Markets role in promoting community character and liveability
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“As a public good the market provides a space that regardless of money spent by customers, they enjoy the experience of the space.”
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AN ANCHOR FOR DOWNTOWN ACTIVITY, COMMERCE AND CULTURE Being at the center of Downtown Auckland and sited at the junction between the Ferry building and the Britomart Train station, Auckland’s Downtown Market yields a large amount of foot traffic from the city- with 24,000 feet passing through Britomart alone and 90,000 coming to work in the city center. This level of patronage provides a series of benefits and establishes the Market as a vibrant anchor for downtown activity, commerce and culture. However the success and vitality of Downtown Auckland is two fold. While the markets success creates spill over effects for other downtown businesses, the downtown area itself still relies on the surrounding amenities and features as well to aid in the attraction people and bring activity to life. ingredients - 1 market - 1 ferry building - 1 train station - 1 junctioned site - 90,000 feet - 24,000 train users - surrounding retail outlets - attractive amenities - catchment for spill over
A thick throng of early morning feet, spill out of the train station doors and scamper down its steps. This crowd, are the first of the 24,000 strong who will transit through Britomart today. Those running late dive into the market, weaving between stalls, cutting new paths, before being spat out onto albert street and racing on to work. By lunchtime, the market is seething with activity, boiling to the brim with commerce and culture, tables packed tight with diners consuming food and spitting out words. Residual patrons transude the market threshold and into the surrounding outlets.
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DOWNTOWN RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT One of Auckland’s downtown successes in the past two decades has been the rising number of permanent residents living within the city center. Auckland’s inner city denizens grew by 22,500 in the years between 1991 and 2009. Auckland’s Downtown Market plays an important role in the continued development of this downtown residential community, as its presence will support the projected increase to 45,000 by 2032. Downtown will benefit from an increase in residents as it will take some of the pressure off the near capacity transport network by improving the jobs vs. housing balance. It also creates greater vitality within the downtown community, which greatly contributes to the local economy through spending on local amenities, the attraction of new businesses and an increased tax base for the city. serves 24,000 to 45,000
the familiar faces of the inner city denizen great the local fishmonger. an attractive alternative to the illuminated lights of the golden arches. purchasing brown paper parcels over brown paper bags, they leave behind nothing but empty trays of ice.
- 1 market - 24,000 inner city denizens - a high-density covering of downtown housing - 500g of grocery mecrchants - a walking distance location - new supporting businesses - 1 vibrant community
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another day in the glass tower is over at 5, trudging feet titer home. morals running low, there’s no desire to cook, so aimless feet step into the stalls. in search of something, something to carry home, to his high up abode.
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A PUBLIC GOOD The best way to understand the public benefits that Auckland’s Downtown Market holds is to view it as a similar space to a large park or great square- as a public good. Similar sites around Downtown Auckland have in recent years strived to create spaces which are a public good such as Forte St and QE11 Square, through open space and pedestrian malls. As a public good the market provides a space that regardless of money spent by customers, they enjoy the experience of the space. This is achieved through buskers, multicultural businesses and a vibrant market atmosphere that provides an entertainment value to all visitors whether they come from across the country- or live next door. ingredients - 1 market - 1 public good - essence of Forte Street - handful of open space - cups of atmosphere - 7g of buskers - 32 multicultural businesses - tourists - inner city denizens
A young man wanders the market place tonight- however no money in hand. But of little matter he is soon to discover, the watching of the markets enough to excite An Indian spice merchant squabbles with his wife and the fishmonger’s children speed throughout the stalls, the shrieking of their laughter chases after. Up ahead, a old weathered busker starts up in his flute A string of melodies sail up into air. Dancing with the dust caught floating in the light below atrium windows.
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A CONDUIT BETWEEN 27 CITY CORE AND THE WATERFRONT “90,000 individuals populate downtown Auckland everyday...”
AN AUCKLAND ICON AND KEY LANDMARK FOR VISITORS “The market holds a very large role in Promoting Tourism in the city.”
How does the Auckland Downtown Market contribute too Auckland city’s image and identity? How does the development of an enhanced City Image contribute to economic developments?
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“...the markets provide a local experience with local character rather than a tourist targeted experience.”
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A CONDUIT BETWEEN CITY CORE AND THE WATERFRONT 90,000 individuals populate downtown Auckland everyday, working in the city center, nearly all within walking distance of the Market. The Market therefore plays an important role in downtown Auckland’s daytime community as it is acts as a conduit between the waterfront and the downtown business core. The proximity of everyday workers to the Market means it becomes a place for workers to come routinely for breakfast, lunch meetings, coffee runs, gift buying and other daily shopping need. ingredients - 1 market - 90,000 working individuals - 1-2km of walking distnace - a conduit between water and business - handful of breakfast vendors - 50 lunch tables - 100kg of coffee beans
the slow recurrent circles of the coffee machine can only just be heard against the early morning babble of suits talking stocks. as they wait, some men sit at long white tables reading todays blaring headlines. while others run in amongst the chaos and sprint out with places to be. the 12 o’clock ferry eases into the lunchtime harbor. amongst the lunching figures, a woman weaves through the terminal, across the sea of quay street. nipping into the market to ensure she arrives her waiting friend, bearing gifts
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AN AUCKLAND ICON AND KEY LANDMARK FOR VISITORS The market holds a very large role in Promoting Tourism in the city, becoming a key landmark for visitors and an Auckland icon. Approaching by boat, whether it be by ferry or cruise ship, the market is one of the first things visitors see. The same for the 25,000 passengers that pass through the Britomart train station each day. The market sits at the cross road between the two so becomes key landmark with a high awareness for visitors to experience. ingredients
Atop of the morning ferry, a rugged up child excitedly points way of the incoming shore. Squinting her eyes, his mother easily spots the familiar form to which her child points. With its glass atrium roof reflecting in the morning sun and its forever-bustling perimeter, it is Auckland’s Downtown Market. Standing against the backdrop of Auckland’s teeming downtown, four Chinese heads puppet up and down. Frantically scanning between map and the built, for a building, or street they can position themselves with. They find it on the corner of customs and queen, a landmark they know, the market downtown.
- 1 market - 1 Train Station - 1 Ferry Building - full cruise ships - 25,000 train travellers - 2 million tourists arriving by cruise ship and air p/year
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TOURIST TRAFFIC GENERATOR The design of the market is geared toward serving both local needs and showcasing local products. This generates significant new tourist traffic because the markets provide a local experience with local character rather than a tourist targeted experience. The market experience attracts significantly new tourist traffic and contributes to their extended stay (a goal illustrated in the City Center Master Plan- Outcomes and Targets- Outcome 1) ingredients - 1 market - tourist traffic - local vendors - authentic food - inner city accomodation - 1-2km of walking distance
A sensory melting pot simmers at the heart of the evening market. closing ones eyes you can hear the scrapping of wooden legs on the concrete floor. utensil on plate and the chatter of patrons caught in a moment of delight. A touring group of students, cannot catch a break- heads back and forth as not to miss a beat. charismatic vendors call out for them to try, a chaotic jungle of heat and noise. lost in themselves they melt amongst the denizens, grabbing at this experience of authenticity and revel.
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social integration - mixes diverse elements - attracts visitors - supports families
placemaking - common ground - vibrant places - mixed income communities - benefits surrounding - pedestrian orientated - community grathering places
arts and culture - product mix celebrates local heritage and culture - community festivals - performance space - street performers and artists - public art - 32 -
health and nutrition - fresh, local, healthful foods - organics - health/nutirtion education
the public market utensils creating synergy and an intersection for addressing community issues
immigrants - showcases indigenous products - social and economic integration
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environmental protection - historic preservation - encourages recycling - uses existing infrastructure
building local economies - owner operated - profits recirculate - showcase local products - cottage industries - creates equity - critical mass - community kitchen
community ecnomic development - entrpreneurial opportunities - institutional advertising - training - micro lending