Kingston Upon Thames Edition 17 - November 2013 Supporting Local Business & Local Charities
Hobby Special
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Puzzles & Competitions New Job Section DIY, Home & Gardening Local Cinema & Theatre Guide
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Exclusive Local Discounts Vouchers Your favourite Food & Restaurants Local History • Edition 17
Hey Guys and Gals! As we are coming to the end of the year, it gives me a chance to look back over all the positive things I have been able to achieve with Omni Local, and this then gives me a chance to thank EVERYONE who helped out with The Kingston Comedy Festival. I am still always humbled when I see how much support there is within the Kingston Community. If I could shake your hands and thank you all face to face, one at a time I would. The figures are still being counted as I write this, but we are looking at over £1,000 raised for Love Kingston. This being the start, we hope to continue this for next year. So thank you all once again.
Contents: Community Section Page 5 - 12
Kingston Mental Health Carers’ Forum Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH) Tudor Morris Police Advice Natalie Cycled Cuba
Kingston History Section Page 13 Home Section Page 14 - 17
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Couch Potato Stay Healthy and Warm this Winter
My gratitude also goes out to all the people who advertised in the comedy festival guide, without their support we would not have been able to publish the guide.
Gardening Section Page 18 - 19 Ash Dieback disease : update
Health & Beauty Section Page 20 - 23 Keeping Calm this Christmas Dental Tourism
As I am gushing with thanks, I would also like to mention the participants of the Great Slimathon, which is also in aid of Love Kingston. I, myself have been taking part and I have already lost over 5 kilos at the first weight in. I want to personally thanks Leonie Wright of Eat Wright for the nutrient pack and weekly advice, James Macfarlane and Kiyourmars Ghiravanianfard who are the personal trainers helping us get to where we want to be, YOWZA fitness for letting us use their excellent equipment and Martina Grubmueller from Syncholistic who is giving us the advice we need when we become weak minded….
Cooking Corner Page 24
Chili and Lime Chicken with Couscous
This Months Special Feature - Time For a Hobby Page 25 - 26 Places to Go Page 27 - 35
Places to go in Kingston The Rose Theatre Listings Film File LOCAL FREE VOUCHERS
Local Trades Section Page 36 - 38 Find all you local trades here!
DIY Section Page 39
Time to check out your Boiler!
I am going to close, but saying thanks to the new businesses who have advertised in Omni Local this month, to the continued support from the regulars and to you, the readers for making Omni Local a part of the community.
B2B Section Page 40 - 44
Building Instant Recognition Office to Rent
Games & Puzzles Section Page 45 - 48 Win a Mini Ipad Crossword Sudoku Kids Page Word Search
OmniLocal Ltd. C/O Big Yellow Storage - Office Unit 4 Units 1-3 Wyvern Estate, Beverley Way, New Malden, Surrey KT3 4PH Tel: 0207 183 0404 Email:
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH) has been awarded £3,470 in Grants from the Love Kingston Community Fundraising Campaign. They are using the grant to part fund the position of an Outreach and Tenancy Sustainment Worker.
This month’s Community Person: Daniel Wheeler Supplied by: Elaine Miller, Love Kingston
The current post-holder, Daniel Wheeler, works with some of the most vulnerable and marginalized people in Kingston. His key objective is to identify and gain the trust of people who find themselves sleeping rough in Kingston. If Daniel can build a relationship with someone who is new to the streets, there is a good chance that KCAH can provide a care pathway plan to help that person before they become an “entrenched” rough sleeper. The longer someone is without a place to live, the greater the chance that their physical and mental health can spiral downwards. The danger then, too, is problems of drug and alcohol misuse and brushes with the criminal justice system.
Cook & Eat Programme Giving advice on healthy eating
Job Club 6 clients have found work or started a college course
and even more so if you are street homeless, sofa surfing or have recent experiences of such uncertainty.
The focus, then, is to ‘reach out’ to rough sleepers and support them before their lives are so chaotic that it becomes exceptionally difficult to help them break away from the trap of homelessness. That is why Daniel Wheeler also works with statutory agencies to help support vulnerable people maintain their accommodation and prevent them from becoming homeless in the first place.
These programmes can be life-changing. One client who attended the KCAH Job Club wrote, “Without the help of KCAH, I would have not have had so much access to a phone and also free internet access to apply for jobs online. They also helped me to update my CV and were incredibly supportive. I could not afford a mobile phone for potential employers to contact me so KCAH gave me a pay-as-you-go. One time, they helped me with my travel fare to get to a job interview. I am now in full-time employment.”
Through this work, KCAH has also established some other small projects. In partnership with the NHS, KCAH runs a “Cook and Eat” Project which shows clients how to cook and eat healthily on a limited budget. It can lead to a qualification in Food Hygiene which may help the client into work at a later stage. That is why KCAH has been running a weekly Job Club since February with the support of the local Job Centre Plus. It is difficult enough to find employment in today’s economic climate
Love Kingston is able to promote the work of small local charities like KCAH where resources are often so stretched that marketing what they do to generate more income becomes a forgotten priority. Love Kingston can be a big factor in helping charities such as KCAH to flourish for the future. 5
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OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Kingston Mental Health Carers’ Forum Some twelve years ago, in Kingston, there were several small groups of Mental Health Carers where people could meet to share their experiences. Each group had its own individual style and purpose.
Supplied by: Alan Moss
However, people came to realise that it would be best to have one organisation to pool knowledge and have a strong voice to negotiate better services for Carers. So, in 2001, Kingston Mental Health Carers’ Forum began in a small way. Now, as a registered charity since 2005, the Forum is run by Carers and is dedicated to the needs of us all. We have no paid staff, all work being carried out by volunteers. Members of KMHCF have been appointed to various decision-making committees where it is acknowledged as the corporate representative of mental health carers. If you care for someone with mental health problems, you may sometimes feel isolated, exhausted and out of your depth.
to their wellbeing and, in turn, to that of those they care for.
When communicating with health and social care providers, you may feel frustrated by their seeming lack of understanding and communication.
Get in touch with us to share your experience of caring, tell us what’s worrying you or comment on services. Join with us (it’s free) and we’ll ensure that you are kept up to date with information about local mental health services. There are no obligations to attend meetings or get actively involved in any way unless you wish to do so, in which case your help would be of great value to KMHCF.
Do you worry about a time when you may be unable to care for your loved one? These are concerns that many individual Mental Health Carers experience but, together, there is support and understanding.
We receive no funding from statutory bodies, so we are unhindered in expressing Carers’ views. Although we do not press supporters to give us donations, those wishing to may do so through
The term ‘Carer’, is now recognised to include family, friends and neighbours. Anyone, in fact, who significantly contributes to the welfare of another.
We, as Carers ourselves, know what it’s like to support someone with mental health problems and we use our experience to:
Our Carers’ Charter is on our website – this has been adopted by Health & Social Care Professionals, GPs and Employers.
• Offer advice and information
Kingston Mental Health Carers’ Forum c/o 55 Selwood Road, Hook, Chessington, KT9 1PT
• Promote carers’ views and needs so that local services recognise our crucial role and get better at supporting us.
Tel: 07983 063578 Email: Web:
We believe that adequate support and understanding of Carers’ needs will contribute 7 • Edition 17
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
POLICE ADVICE IT’S PROBABLY NOTHING, BUT… YOUR CALL COULD SAVE LIVES A publicity campaign launched by the Metropolitan Police Service today is urging Londoners to trust their instincts to help police in the fight against terrorism and potentially save lives. THE FIVE WEEK CAMPAIGN “It’s probably nothing, but …” encourages anyone who sees or hears something that they think could be terrorist-related to call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321. The campaign consists of adverts in local and minority ethnic newspapers and one 40-second radio advert across London. Leaflets will also be distributed to 1.4 million households in the capital. The campaign is also being supported by the counter- terrorism network and ACPO TAM with versions of the radio advert being broadcast on commercial stations across England. Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Stuart Osborne, Senior National Co-ordinator Counter Terrorism, said: “Protecting Londoners from terrorism is one of the top priorities for the Metropolitan Police Service. “You know the area where you live better than anyone else so we ask you to be vigilant, trust your instincts and tell us about anyone or anything you see which is out of place in your normal day to day lives. No piece of information is considered too small or insignificant. Our specialist officers would rather take lots of calls which turn out to have an innocent explanation than miss out on a vital piece of information.
We understand that you may have concerns about speaking to the police - possibly because you think your friends or family may find out or because you don’t want to get people into trouble. However, all calls are treated in the strictest confidence and information is thoroughly assessed before and if - any further action is taken. Terrorists live among us while they are planning their attacks so we need the help of all our communities to pass on any suspicions to the Anti Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321.” VITAL TO TAKE ACTION Police fully understand that people may be reluctant to tell them about suspicious activity or behaviour because they think “It’s probably nothing”. But they stress that all calls to the confidential Anti-Terrorist Hotline are taken by specially trained officers who thoroughly analyse and research the information before deciding what to do next. No piece of information is considered too small or insignificant. In an emergency people should always dial 999. Join the conversation on Twitter #trustyourinstincts
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OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Natalie Cycles Cuba I’ve done it!! I’ve cycled Cuba- 420km on my bike, on undulating roads, for Women V Cancer. It was really hot and quite tough. I met some amazing and inspirational people in my group. And together we raised just short of £300k. THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me and donated to the charities. If anyone is inspired by my efforts please have a look at the website There are many other challenges you could take, in this country and abroad- it’s certainly worth a look, I can guarantee that you will make some lasting friendships and the experience is life changing-not just for you but for the people supported by the charities as well. Natalie
NATALIE CYCLES CUBA Supplied by: Natalie Olley • Edition 17
Advertising in Omni Local could raise awareness of YOUR business by up to 70% Firstly, before we point out why you would want to advertise with us, you need to know why you would advertise at all in these difficult times. Advertising can be its own “science” within building a successful business. The main reasons why you need to advertise are simple –
Advertising connects everyone
1. You need to stay in touch with your customers. 2. You need to be consistent, and appeal to new and existing customers. 3. When you are not advertising, your competitors will. When you can’t be found your competitors will. 4. Competition in these times is very fierce; if you are not constantly in people’s minds you will soon be forgotten. Once this happens you will have to start all over again. Hard times always come and go, but when you don’t advertise you are easily forgotten or replaced. Keeping up your company profile and image is vital when experiencing the hard times. Presence of your company at all times is a must!! Using a new and unique concept of advertising raises your business profile and will bring you new customers; it will endorse your existing clients, and will result in new business. There are numerous reasons why Omni Local should be a key player in your company’s marketing strategy.
To advertise with us its 0.001p!!!’ I am sure you can afford less than a penny!!! Our magazine offers a variety of articles which appeal to all members of society. We appeal to a wide range of the community as we offer puzzles, games, prize competitions for our readers to win, and a unique FREE SMS Discount Voucher service which ensures that the whole of the community will focus on the content of the Omni Local. Our monthly magazines are free and are hand delivered door to door by our own team. We conduct monthly surveys to ensure the magazine is being delivered. This ensures our circulation. We also distribute to local business outlets so everyone will see your advert: – while waiting for 12
a taxi, your fast food, waiting at the hospital, dental or doctor’s surgeries, for your train, or just sitting in the conservatory sipping a cup of tea! Our target readership is an estimated 100,000 local readers. Using Omni Local offers an excellent, cost effective, and interesting advertising concept which brings a connection with both the community we all work within, and the local businesses. You don’t have to splash out on a huge advertising budget, you can advertise with us for less than 1p per resident. YES THAT’S RIGHT LESS THAN A PENNY. (0.001p actually…!!!) On top of the free magazine we also offer advertising space on our website which is free should you invest in advertising in our magazine:no matter how much you agree to, FREE SMS vouchers and now free Video marketing !! When you buy a product or service from a local business the money goes right back into the local community So keep it local and keep your community thriving.
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Kingston and our River There is so much history as you wander about Kingston, and this month I shall be writing about the river. Some would like to suppose that Julius Caesar crossed the Thames here, but there is no evidence to support this! But by Saxon times the river was very important, as it marked the boundary between the kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia and also provided a means of transport for goods which boosted the economy in the town.
Supplied by: Michael Seigel
The Domesday Book of 1086 mentions Kingston as having a population of 500, with a Minster Church, five mills and three fisheries. The ‘three fish’ have become a well-known symbol of the town, and are the emblem of the Tiffin schools. Little more than a century later a wooden bridge was built across the river, making this the only crossing other than London Bridge until Putney Bridge was built around 1730. You can see remains of this mediaeval bridge underneath John Lewis on the riverside (open to the public on Heritage Days).
There will be more about the river and the bridges next month, but, if you are interested in the varied history of our town, why not join one of our tours, led by specially trained volunteers? Now that we have moved into the winter season, the walks take place every first Sunday of the month from October to March. The charge is £4 per adult - or you can arrange a special tour for you and your friends at a time to suit you. For further information please ring 020 8399 0160 or 020 8399 7888. OR … you might like to become a guide yourself! If so, we are running a course next year starting on 16 January; for further details please look at our website www. Why not join one of our tours, led by specially trained volunteers? As we move into the winter season, the walks take place every first Sunday of the month from October to March. The charge is £4 per adult - or you can arrange a special tour for you and your friends at a time to suit you. For further information please ring 020 8399 0160 or 020 8399 7888.
This bridge played a part in the rebellion against Mary Tudor (‘Bloody Mary’) in 1554, as the rebels from Kent tried to cross the river here, but the good citizens of Kingston were loyal to their queen and they cut the bridge down. The rebels did rebuild it and also used boats to get across to what is now Hampton Wick and they marched towards London – only to be cut down and utterly defeated! Kingston was duly rewarded for its loyalty to the crown, as Queen Mary granted them extra market days!
OR … you might like to become a guide yourself! If so, we are running a course next year starting on 16 January; for further details please look at our website 13 • Edition 17
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Couch Potato What to do with a camera when winter grabs us by the throat? Trevor Aston says get more creative! With the passing of the rutting season in the parks the herds of stag-shooting photographers have retired to the warmth of their computers. Which is a pity because there is still lots to photograph in the parks. Look up at the shapes of the trees, with each gust of wind and flurry of leaves their limbs become ever more naked. Nature’s pulling on her drab winter coat, but there is so much texture and pattern in the bark, or in the fallen foliage in ponds and streams. The mist and fog is a cloak of mystery that can utterly change a landscape.
HOME SECTION Photography A Real Home Feature Supplied by: Trevor Aston
I love the frost, especially when the sun comes and everything sparkles. In a proper freeze, ice throws incredible designs across standing water and creates amazing sculptures around running and tumbling water. For those who care to look, it is all there in the parks. Winter is also a great time to photograph the built environment. The sun never gets high in the sky so when it does come out it casts huge, dramatic shadows. The sun creeps into the nooks and crannies of our townscape that never see it in the summer, illuminating surface textures and the rich colours of stone and brickwork. After sunset man-made light shows fill the streets with twinkling jewels, particularly around the shops at Christmas. The open-air markets make vibrant subjects with their steaming food stalls, colourful products and characterful faces. Even the traffic going home has a romantic appeal as the stoplights of braking vehicles string rubies along the road. I got very excited last year when it snowed and spent several days sliding around hoping not to fall on my camera. When it snows, everywhere is quieter and softer, somehow transformed. The smiles and rosy cheeks of people enjoying the snow make marvellous pictures. Young children’s sheer wonderment, noses tipped with a dew-drop, laughing office workers snowballing in their suits. Photograph the brief lives of snowmen before they melt 15
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away, sledge pilots before they tumble into a drift and leaping dogs as they catch a snowball. But watch out for snowball fights lest you become a target! You can see some of Trevor’s pictures at • Edition 17
Your world. Your colour. Painted kitchens available in any colour of your choice
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Stay Healthy and Warm this Winter When the clocks go back, it signals the start of winter and as the weather gets colder, it’s essential to keep warm and safe. Winter can be a difficult time for getting out and about, so you may need a bit of extra help or support.
Advice from Kingston Carewatch Supplied by: Veronica Miller
Keeping warm in the winter helps reduce the risk of serious health problems which are more common during the colder months, such as chest infection, heart attack, or stroke. Older people are more at risk of developing hypothermia if exposed to cold environments. To ensure that you or an older relative stays healthy and warm this winter, remember these tips… • Keep your feet, hands and face warm. If they get cold, it can trigger a rise in blood pressure which may increase the risk of a heart attack • Several, thinner layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one thick layer, as layers trap warm air
• Keep a list of emergency contacts by your phone, including local organisations and charities that support older people
• Wear warm clothes in bed such as thermal underwear, bed socks and a hat to prevent heat loss through your head
It’s important to prevent becoming cold in the first place, keep your home warm and stay in regular contact with friends and family. Neighbours in the community can also look out for those who might be at risk from the cold.
• Use a hot water bottle or an electric blanket to warm the bed, but not both as this can be dangerous
Carewatch Kingston provides extra support to people in the community during winter, if you, or someone you know would benefit from some help, please contact us on 0208 330 0070.
• Don’t sit or stand outside for long periods, as you’ll quickly get cold • Keep your feet warm, and when going out wear sturdy shoes with good grip • Don’t take risks by going out in the snow or icy conditions • Stock up on basic nutritious foods in case you’re unable to leave your home for a couple of days • Nominate someone who can collect essentials for you such as prescriptions
Notes to the editor: Founded in 1993, Carewatch is a leading UK based, national home care provider, delivering 200,000 hours of personalised care to more than 24,000 people of all ages and of differing support needs. Carewatch supports local communities by helping people stay at home with independence, choice and dignity, underpinned by highly trained, compassionate home care teams. Please visit for more information, nformation, or call 020 8330 0070.
• Keep a torch and spare batteries where they’re easy to find in the dark in case of power cuts • Have your flu jab – book your appointment now if you haven’t already • Ask about any benefits, grants and discounts such as pension credits, winter fuel payments and insulation 17 • Edition 17
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OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Ash Dieback disease: Update With over 90 million Ash trees in the UK, it is quite likely that you will have one in or near your garden. This article is an update on the Chalara Fraxinea disease focussing on identifying the symptoms.
GARDENING SECTION Supplied by: Roger Kerr, RJ Tree Services
It is in September that the impact of the spread of this disease across the UK will become evident. In the spring period the main symptoms were hard to spot as these trees tend to come into leaf quite late and the foliage can look very healthy even if the tree has the disease. The early signs can be seen by scratching away the stem surface to see if the wood below has a lime green colour or has a brown/black discolouration from chalara. The disease will spread quite quickly from the locations identified last autumn, as it spread via spores some experts estimate a wind borne spread rate of 20 miles per annum. If we consider that spores can also spread via the planting of imported trees and transfer from infected areas via shoes etc, it is highly probable that this autumn will witness many more diseased Ash trees across the country. Some trees will have a natural immunity to the disease but we feel that the majority of our Ash trees are facing a doubtful future; especially the older Ash trees where this disease will weaken the tree to a point that other pathogens will exploit the condition. What to look for:1. Leaves will start to wilt changing colour from olive green to purple then brown and finally black.
advise a qualified arborist is sought to confirm and advise on possible options. If the tree has to be removed due to the hazards of limb failure then care must be taken to dispose of materials including burning or composting affected leaves and timber.
2. Lesions develop as the disease enters the main leaf stems, these have a black purple colour.
DEFRA are investigating the range of possible treatments that could slow or stop the fungicide spreading, there is a concern that the disease may be resistant to some of these treatments. The trees cannot be vaccinated against chalara yet.
3. The wood on the stems and branches starts to split and discolour. If a stem is split open you can see the black brown colour as the disease spreads across the cambian cutting off the water supply to the tree above. What Does The future Hold? If you believe you have an infected tree there is no requirement to notify the authorities. We 19
In the future, both with Ash and other trees we may need to “quarantine” imported trees and have much stricter controls on tracking international tree movements rather like that in Australia and New Zealand. • Edition 17
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Special offer this month: 20% off a mindfulness workshop (see sms voucher page) More information: call 07967 717 131, or email
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Keeping Calm this Christmas For many of us Christmas can be a stressful time, trying to decide who we should spend the Festive Season with (this conundrum starts at the end of the summer holidays), deciding what presents to buy, worrying about the cost of it all, and on the day itself the impossible logistics of getting the turkey to the table on time (a goal that is invariably missed in my family). The aftermath of it can be horrendous too. Sadly, the Christmas holidays are sometimes a time of family fallouts or even relationship break-ups because of the stress.
Supplied by: Robert Owen
In the build-up to Christmas you might consider practising a calming technique that the NHS is offering in several areas of the country to relieve stress and even control pain. It is called mindfulness.
Image courtesy of Dr Andrew Newberg
Buddhism, for several millennia. In recent decades the practice of mindfulness has been subjected to rigorous research and there is strong evidence that regular practice can result in improved mental health, control of pain, improved physical health and increased happiness. In the last year results from studies conducted by neuro-scientists at London University, using fMRI scanner technology suggest that meditation can bring about positive changes in the structure of the brain. These changes are referred to as brain plasticity or neuroplasticity. Studies have demonstrated amazingly that the brain changes throughout life as a result of changes in behaviour and environment.
There are several definitions of mindfulness but basically it is the practice of being in the present moment when you are undertaking any action or task and being aware of what is occurring around you. In other words purposefully paying full attention at all times. Meditation plays a central role in this practice. You don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor for hours on end. You can ‘take 5’ and relax in a comfortable arm chair (without music) and let all those circling thoughts go (the secret is not to struggle with them). If you can get in the habit of practising this a couple of times per day you should feel the benefit of feeling calmer and even build up to 20 minute sessions.
Visit ‘Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn at Google’ for a full explanation of Mindfulness:
Mindfulness and meditation have been features of Far Eastern traditions, particularly 21 • Edition 17
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November June 2013 2013
The Cooking Corner Chili and Lime Chicken with Couscous Serves 2 to o3 Ingredients: • 3 Chicken breasts ( or replace with prawns ) • 1 Small tin of Sweetcorn 1 Lemon • 2/3 of a cup of couscous • 1 Lime • 250ml of Crème Fraîche • Soy Sauce • 1 Medium Chili • Gem Lettuce • Small bunch of Coriander • Sesame Seeds • Spring onions • Finally, squeeze the juice of half a lime in Method:
and stir. • Uncover the couscous and add a small
• Dice the chicken and place in a saucepan
knob of butter. Fork it through to fluff it up.
with some olive oil and cook thoroughly on a medium heat
To serve
• Place the couscous in a bowl with the sweetcorn and pour over 1 full cup of
• Wash the Gem lettuce and place 3 leaves
boiling water ( or follow instructions on
on a plate. Put a serving of couscous on
the packet ). Add a couple of dashes of
the lettuce leaves. Plate the Chili and Lime
soy sauce and cover.
Chicken along the side.
• Once the chicken is cooked, pour in the Crème Fraîche. Grate the zest of one
• Sprinkle with the sesame seeds and garnish with the Spring onion.
lime and half a lemon. Chop the chili and coriander, then add to taste.
Supplied by Jamie Coulson of Body By Vi 25 • Edition 17
Time for a Hobby? - By Leanna Carl Being that it’s the cold time of year where nights draw nearer and people are venturing out less than usual we understand it’s hard to keep busy. As everyone starts making plans for the end of the year and Christmas is around the corner, why not consider taking up a new hobby? Not only will it give others Christmas gift ideas and a chance to get involved in what interests you, but it will no doubt be a great way to keep you busy throughout the rest of the year. It’s never a bad idea to take some time to enjoy yourself and to find a productive use of your spare time. Why not join a club in your area and meet others who share common interests with you? For example, all you shutterbugs out there who appreciate the art of photography may want to check out Kingston Camera Club. Found at St John Ambulance HQ, Athelstan Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 3BE, you could meet with people who share an interest in your hobby and really delve into the observing art of photography. Meanwhile, building a very versatile portfolio of great quality, and enjoying the galleries of other members. For full info and contact details go to There are so many great Kingston-based clubs you may not be aware of. Why not search online and see what is available to you? You might assume your hobby isn’t as common as others and find out you were wrong. There are countless ways to enjoy yourself outside of work hours, many of which can prove to be very rewarding and keep you at your most productive. 26
There could be dozens of people in your area who are looking for someone to start a project with. Maybe they want to start a league, host ‘dungeons and dragons’ tournaments or just find someone to build FX models with. There are plenty of stores In the Kingston area who can cater to your needs, so there’s no reason why you can’t relish in whatever hobby you want to take up, especially if you’re artistic. Kingston retailers are very supportive of creativity with so many art shops, young learning businesses and stationers. If your interests lay more in physical activities and you prefer sports over the arts, go and explore the Kingston directory, or look for sports clubs online to join in with. There are a number of football, rugby, tennis and martial arts organizations in the Surrey areas that probably gather at a venue right on your doorstep. Find out the kind of atmosphere you like to spend your spare time in and make it happen. You’ll feel better about yourself and have plenty of relatable topics to discuss with your friends.
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Help your children figure out what it is they like doing during the holidays and over the weekends. Without pushing them into anything too “work over fun” find out what they enjoy and see if there is something in the area. Instead of endless hours in front of the TV perhaps you prefer to play and create with them? Or even look up classes for them to partake in through family magazines and online directories. There are plenty of fun, educational, beneficial hobbies you can introduce your children to. Even if it’s just for fun and practice, like taking your eldest daughter to try out a make-up course or giving knitting and cross-stitching a try!
enquire about events and clubs that might welcome “Foodies” and beginners at cooking? Or perhaps you’d like to take up an instrument? I know a great new year’s resolution for me would be to learn to play an instrument, because who doesn’t love music? The possibilities are endless. Hobbies not only make us happy and keep us busy but they tend to give you an idea about what you like to do, maybe even as a career. If you enjoy rural environments, appreciating plant life, or visiting Kew Gardens, could you see yourself working in botany, gardening or landscaping? We all spend a large part of our lives working, studying, running errands and so on. Do something for you, go and find your hobby.
Hobbies can be important just by bringing families together, especially around Christmas time. Many families idea of a great and traditional Christmas involves playing board games. I personally like helping with the cooking and learning my mum’s secret recipes; helping younger family members learn how to use that new toy or paint by numbers set they just unwrapped. If yours is the same, you probably enjoy being social, enjoying the company of your family and enjoying food, fun and music. Maybe you should 27
ANNUAL EXHIBITION 8–23 November 2013 KINGSTON MUSEUM Wheatfield Way Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2PS Opening hours: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 10am–5pm & Thursday 10am-7pm
Enjoy our winter game specials such as venison steak, hare fillet etc. Book your Christmas parties in our cosy alpine hut atmosphere.
For bookings please call 020 8546 2411 or email: 28
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Places to Go Section Kingston is nothing if not versatile, with its beautiful and relaxed atmosphere, particularly by the river, where you can sit back and have a drink at the numerous comfortable pubs and restaurants - then with its more vibrant night scene and popular clubbing establishments. Going for a night out in the town of Kingston you are literally spoilt for choice. Besides amazing bars like the No.88 Bar and Grill and The Cardinal, who generously offered its venue for our Laugh Kingston comedy festival in late October, there are countless wonderful eating establishments, such as La Tasca, which not only cover salsa dancing and great value food, but also allowed Laugh Kingston to host their comedy festival. As well as everything you could need in retail, there are so many reasons
PLACES TO GO SECTION Supplied by: Leanna Carl to visit Kingston, especially after tying up a great summer with so many big events. In this section you’ll find several of the best places to go for food, drink and fun. Christmas ensures a lot of opportunities so take advantage of all that Kingston has to offer. Be sure to check the vouchers and discounts pages for offers at all establishments that advertise with Omni Local. Upon calling, please don’t forget to mention you saw their advert in Omni Local.
Whatever your goal, we can help you get there
Lose weight Tone up Get fit Build muscle Free consultation
07804251307 29 • Edition 17
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Oktoberfest is coming!
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Sat 16 Nov 7.30pm NATIONAL YOUTH JAZZ ORCHESTRA Familiar big band flagwavers sit alongside specially commissioned new arrangements. From a hardswinging rhythm section to a raft of hugely talented young soloists and special guests, this is a big band in very good form, fresh from a triumphant night at the 2012 BBC Proms. Tickets £16, pit cushions £12 Mon 18 Nov 7.30pm AN EVENING WITH PAM AYRES Pam Ayres’ hairtrigger timing, her eye for the detail of everyday life, and for the absurdity therein, makes for an art that hides arts. Her latest show coincides with the publication of her new book of poetry, copies of which she will be signing after the show. Tickets £12 £22.50, pit cushions £10 Tue 19 Nov 7.30pm FASCINATING AIDA Following a soldout 2012 tour, three Olivier Award nominations and over 10 million YouTube hits for Cheap Flights (their infamous anthem to budget air travel), Dillie Keane, Adele Anderson and Liza Pulman celebrate 30 years of Fascinating Aida with a brand new show. Tickets £19.50, pit cushions £15 Sat 23 Nov 7.30pm SANDI TOKSVIG: My Valentine Sandi Toksvig – comedian, novelist, actor, broadcaster, showoff and international treasure – continues her smash hit, sellout solo tour. Sandi will be signing copies of her new novel Valentine Gray after this uniquely witty evening of standup, stories 33
and fascinating facts. Tickets £22, pit cushions £12 Fri 29 Nov– Sun 5 Jan THE SNOW GORILLA Run away to the Rose this Christmas and step into the magical world of the Circus Marigny. This is it… the circus… I’ve longed for this… imagined it, wished it and dreamed it! Join Sunny on the adventure of a lifetime and experience African Acrobats, Spanish Flamenco dancers, jugglers, contortionists and death defying aerialists in the land of sawdust and dreams. Captivated by the spectacular sights and sweet smells of the circus, Sunny finds an unlikely soulmate in The Mighty Gor and strives to win the heart of the Ring Mistress’ beautiful daughter as he is embraced by this new, eccentric family of performers. But when he stumbles upon the circus’ dark secret, a mysterious old man threatens Sunny’s newfound happiness… This Christmas, in an event like no other, circus and storytelling collide on the Rose Theatre stage to create a hugely entertaining spectacle for the whole family! Tickets £13 £27, pit cushions £8 Tue 3 Dec 1.15pm JAZZ FIRST TUESDAY; Vasilis Xenopoulos Free lunchtime music, first Tuesday of every month until May 2014. Wed 18 Dec VARITEY CAFÉ; Kate Dimbleby & the Honky Tonk Angels Free lunchtime music
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OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
In The Cinema
(Scan the QR Codes to see the trailers)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Even worse, they’ll now have to leave their friends and family behind as they embark on the “Victor’s Tour” of the districts. The Capitol however, remains in control, whilst President Snow makes preparations for the 75th Annual Hunger Games, or the “Quarter Quell.” This year’s competition could mean a lot of changes for Panem…
This follow up of one of our favourite fantasy film continues to tell the story of Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and her struggles. After winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games, our brave heroine, Katniss, and her companion, Peeta Merllark, have both returned home. Unfortunately, winning the Games has made them targets of the Capitol, resulting in a rebellion in the Districts of Panem.
Catching Fire is a sure hit for a varied audience, especially if you were a fan of the first movie, like myself. All the excitement and suspense you could ask for, with great casting. As well as the familiar faces of Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson and Stanley Tucci, there will be the return of stars like Woody Harrelson and Lenny Kravitz.
Out on DVD
Despicable Me 2 Leading off of the first movie (which we all have to agree, was adorable), our beloved ex-super villain, Gru, is gradually getting used to his new family, whilst earning an honest living off of his jam business. That is, until power over a secret laboratory is seized and the Anti-Villain league seeks to recruit Gru in helping with the investigation. With the aid of a new AVL agent, Lucy Wilde, Gru comes to the conclusion that the main suspect is El Macho, who was thought to be dead. Upon gradually developing an attraction to his new companion and feeling more and more protective of his children he struggles to keep his mind on his mission, meanwhile failing to notice his minions are being kidnapped! Many shining stars contributed their voice talents to this movie, such as Steve Carrel, Kristen Wiig, Russell Brand and Steve Coogan.
35 • Edition 17
For a beautiful new kitchen...
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For a FREE NO OBLIGATION home visit telephone 020 8399 1226 Or visit our showroom: 406 Ewell Road, Tolworth, Surrey KT6 7HF Email 36
View our credentials at
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Here at Omni Local Kingston we are proud to be a local business, and continuously urge everyone who lives in Kingston to be proud of theirs too. Local businesses help us bring prosperity as well as employment opportunities to the great town that we live
LOCAL TRADES SECTION Omni Local is proud of all our local businesses! And we are committed to supporting economic prosperity and keeping it LOCAL.
in. This effectively helps develop companies in the area and add a touch of personality and
the magazine, send us your details. Or, if you
build relationship between businesses and
have used a local service that you personally
their customers. We support local businesses
feel should be featured, please let us know
and are always promoting them wherever we
about it by sending us their contact details.
can, however big or small the company. All
We will do our very best to provide support
businesses in Kingston are very important to
and help them promote their business in this
us and we feel they should be important to
everyone in the area.
Contact John on 07898 870 870 or email us
If your own LOCAL trades business would like
to be involved with Omni Local, and feature in
RJM Glass Ltd
T: 020 8890 2205 F: 020 8867 0370 E: For quality replacement - Windows & Doors Look no further!
French Polishing & Wood Polishing Specialist Including Furniture, Staircases and Panelling
Simon Van der Cruyssen T: 020 8974 9022 M: 07956 884 431 37 • Edition 17
Painter and Decorator Edward Dalton
20 years experience Reliable delivery of high quality service at competitive prices
Please call on 07929 402510 Free quotation and one year guarantee
Quality without the price tag RJM Glass is a well established family run business which has successfully completed several hundred window, door and conservatory installations over many years. We are your friendly one-stop-shop for all your glass and glazing requirements. WINDOWS
020 8890 2205 or email - 38
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Time for a boiler check-up? Our tips for a warm winter As we all know, the cruel winter weather is creeping nearer, and you do not want to
Supplied by: Leanna Carl
be caught out with faulty heating over the Christmas period… Is there a better time than now to ensure your boiler is in good condition? The last thing you need is to run out of hot water or central heating on those chilly winter mornings. In the case of an emergency issue with your boiler you may find yourself scrambling around to find the manual you misplaced a long time ago, if only to diagnose the problem. All during what is likely to be the busiest period for business in an engineer’s
make sure. They should be able to show you a CP12 Gas Safety certificate.
career. Why not contact your local Boiler and
Fit your boiler with a detector - With a carbon
Heating Service now and be on the safe side?
monoxide detector fitted you will have more
If you’d like to help prevent the problems yourself, follow these tips on the best ways to care for your boiler:
warning before your boiler has a leak. In the event that you do find a leak, always call The National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.
Let your heating run regularly - Whatever season, even when its warm, turning on the heat just once a month will ensure that your boiler knows what it’s doing, allowing it to run smoothly and resulting in less nasty surprises, come winter.
Set an annual check-up date - All boilers should be checked annually by a professional engineer. Always ensure that they are CORGI registered. If you are unsure of your best local heating services, you could check out the recommendations on services in your area
Avoid blockage - Be sure to avoid any
online or through local publications such as
blockages by allowing your boiler to keep well
Omni Local.
ventilated. Never cover up any air vents by placing things on top of your boiler.
For complete peace of mind and a guaranteed toasty winter season at home with the family
Make sure it is certified - If you are renting,
there is no better choice for reassurance than
be sure to check your landlord has their boiler
giving your local engineers a call. As they say,
inspected on an annual basis. It is their duty to
there’s no time like the present!
39 • Edition 17
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Building Instant Recognition 1. To stand out from the other players in your
4. With every sale made, every customer served,
marketplace, you must develop a brand that
they built their brands into household names
communicates your message quickly and easily.
that have become part of the very fabric of our
2. To do this, your business needs an easily
recognisable logo and a message that clearly
5. When you establish a vivid image that is simple
cuts through the clutter of all the other symbols
and instantly recognisable, and then do the hard
and messages. Yet it doesn’t end there.
work of providing a product that does what it
3. Think of some of the brands that command
says it does, you’ll build your image and customer
instant recognition among the general public.
base, one sale at a time.
They didn’t start out as giants, but they matched
Russell Streeter
their symbols with products that delivered what
01489 884 169
they promised.
“My Business Is To Grow Your Business”
41 • Edition 17
Producing fresh clients for your business
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OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
CALL - 07830 906 506 to order yours today 43
Issue 13
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Kids Square Deal To complete the puzzle, write the names of the pictures into the grid, WKHQ«UHDG«GRZQ«WKH«\HOORZ«VTXDUHV«WR«¿QG«D«P\VWHU\«ZRUG
2 3
3 4
5 4 5
Round Trip
Fit the mixed-up picture clues into the grid starting from the outer squares (we’ve put in some letters for you). If you do it correctly, the letters in the yellow squares, reading clockwise, will reveal a mystery word.
Solutions on our website -
CROSSWORD • Edition 17
15 16
20 21
8 0.000001 (9) 9 Lennon’s widow, Yoko (3) 10 Surname of soul singer Otis (7) 11 Fashion chain store (5) 12 First name of TV host and comedian Mr Dennis (3) 14 1923 Aldous Huxley novel (5,3) 17 Crossword board-game (8) 19 Layer of gases surrounding the Earth (3) 21 US state, capital Augusta (5) 23 1715 legislation brought in to prevent civil disorder (4,3) 26 Boy pharaoh, familiarly (3) 27 Large crested parrots (9)
1 City in The Wizard of Oz (7) 2 Toyland PC (4) 3 Rugby-playing South Pacific nation (4) 4 Armour-clad medieval horse rider (6) 5 Buckeye State of the USA (4) 6 Gaborone’s country (8) 7 Dot-and-dash code (5) 13 Priest’s dressing-room (8) 14 Brand name of a range cooker (3) 15 Benicio del Toro film about a revolutionary (3) 16 Of the UK (7) 18 First name of US president Obama (6) 20 Surname of TV cook Delia (5) 22 Comfort footwear brand (4) 24 First name of House actor Mr Epps (4) 25 River on which Salisbury stands (4) 46
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Find all the listed words in the grid. Words can run across, backwards, up, down and diagonally but always in a straight line. AQUA K O G I D N I S F H Z Z P W H AZURE BABY C R R B T P A R G T V U L L C CERULEAN COBALT O K E E A P E G G S H E L L N CORNFLOWER C B A W P B E T W X U O A A U CYAN DUCK-EGG A L W H O K Y H R X S W Y E L EGGSHELL E V I S C L O G A O T C O K C ELECTRIC GENTIAN P R L U A T F I H R L P R I S INDIGO E E D H Q U E N A E L U R E C MIDNIGHT NAVY S G Z N U R C D R Q K T A O D OXFORD I P E A A Q D I K O C J X M F PEACOCK PETROL Z O M N P U O M Y E C F O N J POWDER J W I B T O T N L C O B A L T ROYAL SAPPHIRE K D Q Q T I T E I R N Y Y P B SKY D E F C G S A R D A Z U R E G TEAL TOPAZ A R X V B E S N Y V A N M X G TURQUOISE Answer the clues and fill in the grid to form a spiral to the centre. Every answer uses the last letter of the previous answer as its initial letter. When the puzzle has been completed, a seven-letter key word will read across the shaded squares. 2
1 6
7 11 8
10 5
12 9 4
1 Liquid condiment 2 Go over again 3 Protest (about) 4 Muscle fibre 5 Fastened with spikes 6 Food bowl 7 Bugle 8 Group of nine 9 Sea movement 10 Bestow 11 Employment 12 Cutlery item Solutions on our website -
47 • Edition 17
4 6
8 5 8 1 9 3 6 3 8 2 9
2 6 9 5 2 8 4 3 7 7 9 9
Solutions on our website - 48
OmniLocal - Kingston Upon Thames • November 2013
Job Section Self-Employed Sales Manager Full Time or Part Time Kingston upon Thames £40,000- £50,000 per annum Immediate Start – Call John: 07898 870 870
Urgently needed now: Spear-headers/recruiters/salespeople for newly developing sector in natural health Immediate start Free training Comms only Call Anne Rose - 07412 440 118
Marketing Manager Surbiton £25-35K per annum Select Appointments, Kingston - 0208 9746974
Global American Company seeks talented people for sales and recruitment in SW London and beyond. PT Flexible or FT exec roles available Training available Call Shan now for immediate interview – 07714 292 408
Recruitment Consultant Kingston Competitive + Profit Related Bonus Select Appointments, Kingston - 0208 9746974 Business Development Manager South West London £25K.OTE £40K per annum Select Appointments, Kingston - 0208 9746974
Send us your job listing for free. Just call us: 0207 183 0404
Many thanks to the following advertisors:
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Tel: 0203 418 9737
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