Principles and Guidelines for the Editing of Avatar Meher Baba's Words by Don E. Stevens (Oct. 2002)

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Principles and Guidelines for the Editing of Avatar Meher Baba's Words Translation and Publication Issues The following document outlines the procedure which Meher Baba and Mani established, and which I carried out with Baba under his and Mani's detailed supervision before the publishing of the second edition of God Speaks. As it became effectively the master pattern for the translations Baba also asked me to do into French, Spanish and German, it is certainly equally applicable to all future translation projects involving Meher Baba's words. SUBMISSION OF THREE SELECTIONS: Before a translator was given the assignment for a given translation of one of Baba's works, he was required to submit his results, on at least three important selections from the work in question, to a quality judge for that language. • • •

If that examination for styling and correct usage of grammar gives a negative decision and is concurred in by the person responsible for the translation project, the translator is so advised. Unless the problems are relatively minor, a new translator is chosen.* If, however, both the expert for the language and the project head feel that with suggestions as well as careful supervision the problems can be largely resolved, the trial translator is given a goahead.

*This is, of course, a very delicate matter but it is far better to face it in the beginning rather than when much time and effort have been expended, and egos become deeply involved, which I have found in translating Baba's words is inevitable. SECOND REVIEW: Preferably as the translation progresses, or, in any case, before publishing, a second and exhaustive review is made, usually by at least two or three persons considered well qualified to judge accuracy of translation. This is an arduous task and calls for very specially qualified persons. •

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They must first of all have considerable depth in the rules of the language use, and be able to sense from their own knowledge of Baba's works whether the original English has been correctly transmitted into the new work. There is no other way for this to be done than to compare wordfor-word the original English with the draft translation. Often the result is a succession of meetings between two or three persons with an agenda of key and puzzling terms to be clarified. Often they in turn have to carry over their residual uncertainties to a sort of super-expert In almost every translation project we carried out there were finally two or three or more expressions which called for very special handling and even for insertion of a carefully crafted foot-note from the translator or editors. If the original translator is not prepared for this the situation can become highly emotional. Further, it is ABSOLUTELY KEY that a translator be prepared for such eventual detailed handling of the words at issue.

PUBLICATION DECISIONS AND FINAL APPROVAL: When the translated manuscript is ready for publication decisions regarding binding, paper, formatting of the text and essentially advertising to be included on the back of the cover and flaps of the paper cover (if such is to be used), a new operation begins which is important and also very personal. We never found any rule for just who is the best equipped for this. It can be, but rarely is, the translator. It can also be one or all of the final quality judges of the work. Or even the person charged with the final responsibility for the entire project. But in any event, that last resource person will have to approve the final selection. There is a further delicate stage which has been repeatedly encountered by us in our discharging the responsibility Baba gave me (as well as the Trust later). This is the taste and usage of the publisher. When the publisher is an independent and important figure in the literary world of the country involved, he can have very detailed and toughly held criteria of acceptability. We have even had to hold up final printing action on occasion, for days, while an important difference was reconciled. These procedures were established originally by Meher Baba and his sister Mani and have been followed by me and Companion Books to this day. These procedures are invaluable I feel for any translation project being embarked upon for Meher Baba's words. I personally would never recommend to any individual, or group with whom I may be in contact, to furnish financing to a translation that has not been subjected carefully to what I regard as Meher Baba's editing principles. LANGUAGE GROUP HEAD RESPONSIBILITY: This careful editing system would be under the charge of the head of the group for that language, and they would have the responsibility for its correct execution. Don Stevens would check the language group head to be assured that the editing judgment had been carefully and successfully carried out, for any and all instances in which he became responsible for financing of the overall project. POST PUBLICATION: Once the book is published the mechanical headaches begin. • storage of books • distribution of books • sales and proper accounting practices Storage issues must be carefully considered and an adequate solution found well in advance. Distribution hinges on the functioning in each major group of a bookshop activity properly manned and with adequate accounting practices established. Sales will undoubtedly be largely made within the individual groups through the person charged with this responsibility. However, each language head should set up on a high priority basis a team to identify major esoteric bookshops in their area and develop a method for placing books in these shops. Avatar Meher Baba's heritage of His words is a major asset in our spiritual progress that must be handled with utmost attention and honesty in all dealings.

____________________________________________ Don E. Stevens October 2002


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