STAR 2013 Summer Edition

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JUNE JULY AUGUST Volume 61, Number 3






South Texas Assemblies Review SUMMER 2013

The S. T. A. R. (South Texas Assemblies Review) is published quarterly and is the Official Publication of the SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT COUNCILASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Inc. 11102 East Freeway (I-10) Houston, Texas 77029 Don Wiehe - Executive Editor David Wilson - Managing Editor

Mailing address: South Texas Assemblies of God P.O. Box 9714 Houston, Texas 77213-0714

SOUTH TEXAS ASSEMBLIES OF GOD OFFICERS & PRESBYTERY Executive District Officers Tim R. Barker - Superintendent Steve Banning - Assistant Superintendent Don Wiehe - Executive Secretary/Treasurer Executive Presbyters Steve Weaver and Gene Summers General Council Presbyters Tim R. Barker, Don Wiehe & Jim Rion District Sectional Presbyters Darold DeHart - San Jacinto Section Donny Flippo - Beaumont Section Mike Hammonds - Gulf Coast Section Lloyd Maddoux - North Houston Section Erny McDonough - Victoria Section Joel Nabors - Neches Valley Section Mario Perez - Rio Grande Valley Section Doug Roberts - San Antonio Section William Stockstill - Corpus Christi Section Deborah Prihoda - Houston Section Honorary Presbyters Howard Burroughs, Gary Chapin, Johnny Durham, Joseph Granberry

<> 713-455-1221

District Ministries Departmental Officers Roger Bailey - "


Roger Bailey -"

HonorBound Men

Tammy Calderon - " Church Ministries/Discipleship Melanie Griffin - "

Women’s Ministries

Phil Jackson - "

Hill Country Camp

Kendall Reavis - "

Church Planting Facilitator

Matt Rule -" "

Youth Ministries

_________________________________ Article IX, Finances: Section 2, District Office Support, Paragraphs (a) The District Office shall be supported by a monthly offering of at least three fourths (75%) of the tithes of every minister (except Senior Retired Ministers) from both secular and ministerial income. If a minister fails to cooperate with this plan, he shall be called to give a reasonable explanation to the District Officials. (b) It is recommended that the District Office shall be supported by one percent (1%) of the monthly general fund income of each of the churches of the South Texas District Council.

Send your church news, ministry reports, or other items of interest to the office of Don Wiehe, Executive Secretary/Treasurer, ℅ Sherry Turner. 713-455-1221 - South Texas Assemblies Review


OUR SUPERINTENDENT FROMFROM OUR SUPERINTENDENT 50000 (AVAILABILITY)!0 0 John0 6:96130says,0 There# is#a# lad#here# who# has# @ive# barley# loaves# and# two# small# @ish,# but# what# are# they#among# so# many?0 0It0wasn’t0 based0 on0 ability0 then,0 and0 it0 still0 isn’t.0 0God0 uses0those0who0 make0 themselves0 available0 to0 Him.0 0 Isaiah06:80...I# heard# # the# voice#of#the#Lord#saying:##‘Whom# shall# I#send,#And#who#will# go#for# Us?’ O N E0 Y O U N G0 G I R L0 w a s0 instrumental0in0healing0a0world0 leader0 (BOLDNESS).0 0 20 Kings0 5 : 1 6 3 ,0 N o w# N a a m a n ,# commander# of# the# army# of# the# king# of# Syria,# was# a# great# and# REVERENDS TIM & JILL BARKER honorable#man#in#the#eyes#of#his# S O U T H T E X A S D I S T R I C T master,# because# of#him#the# Lord# given# victory# to# Syria.# # He# S U P E R I N T E N D E N T had# was#also# a# mighty#man# of#valor,# but#a#leper.##And#the#Syrians#had# gone# out# on# raids,# and# had# brought#back#captive#a#young#girl# Introducing...! from# the# land# of# Israel.# # She# waited# on# Namaan’s# wife.# # Then# she# said# to# her# mistress,# ‘If# only# my#master#were# with# the# prophet# Joshua0 23:106110 says," One" man" who# is#in# Samaria!# #For#he# would# of" you" shall" chase" a" thousand." heal#him#of#his#leprosy.’ For"Jehovah"your" God"is" He"who" ;ights" for" you," as" He" has" ONE0 WOMAN,0 was0 instrumental0 promised" you." " And" take" good" in0 saving0 a0 nation0 (COURAGE).00 heed"to"yourselves"that"you"love" Esther0 4:14,0 For# if# you# remain# Jehovah"your"God. completely# silent# at# this# time,# relief# and# deliverance# will# arise# Often0 we0 are0 overwhelmed0 by0 a0 for# the# Jews# from# another# place,# sense0 of0 personal0 insigniAicance.00 but# you# and# your# father’s# house# We0 feel0 a0 sense0 of0 complete0 will# perish.# # Yet# who# knows# uselessness.0 0“I#am#just# one—and# whether# you# have# come# to# the# what# can# just# one# do?”# # Helen0 kingdom#for#such#a#time#as#this?#### Keller0said,0I#am#only#one,#but#still# I#am#one.# # I#cannot#do#everything,# By0 one0 deAinition,# courage0 is0 but# still# I# can# do# something;# and# almost0 a0 contradiction0 in0 terms:00 because# I# cannot# do# everything,# I# it0 means0 a# strong# desire# to# live# will# not# refuse# to# do# something# [while]# taking# the# form# of# that#I#can#do. readiness# to# die0 0 (Gilbert0 K.0 Just0 remember…ONE0 LITTLE0 Chesterton).00 BOY0was0 instrumental0 in0feeding0


- South Texas Assemblies Review


One# man#(or0woman,0 boy0 or0 girl)# with# courage# makes# a# majority,0 said,0 President0 Andrew0 Jackson.00 Deuteronomy0 31:60 says,0 Be# strong# and# of# good# courage,# do# not#be#afraid#of#them;#for#the#Lord# your#God,# He# is#the# One# who#goes# with# you.# # He# will# not# leave# you# nor#forsake#you. ONE0 MAN0 was0 instrumental0 in0 saving0 mankind0 from0 extinction0 (FAITH).0 0Hebrews011:7,0 By#faith# Noah,# Bering# divinely# warned# of# things# not# yet# seen,# moved# with# godly# fear,# prepared# an# ark# for# the# saving# of# his# household,# by# which# he# condemned# the# world# a n d# b e c a m e# h e i r# o f# t h e# righteousness# which# is# according# to#faith.00 ONE0 MAN0 –0 foundational0 in0 redemption0 –0 Romans0 5:12,0 Therefore,#just#as#though#one#man# sin# entered# into# the# world,# and# death# through# sin,# and#thus#death# spread# to# all# men,# because# all# sinned.0 0 In0 God’s0 economy,0 one0 man0 redeemed0 the0 world0 by0 stretching0 out0 his0 arms0 and0 giving0 of0 himself0 a0 perfect0 sacriAice0for0 us0all.0 0Romans0 5:170 For# if,# by# the# trespass# of# the# one# man,# death# reigned# through# that# one# man,# how# much# more# will# those# who#receive#God’s#abundant# provision# of#grace# and# of#the# gift# of# righteousness# reign# in# life# through#the#one#man,#Jesus#Christ! J o i n0 m e ,0 a n d0 o u r0 d i s t r i c t0 leadership0 as0 we0 promote0 this0 concept0of…PROJECT!ONE!00With0 all0 of0 us0 doing0 ONE0 THING0 well,0 we0 can0 exponentially0 advance0 our0faith0and0the0kingdom0so0that0 all0may0hear0and0all0may0know!0 BE"ONE.


- South Texas Assemblies Review


K I N GKINGDOM D O M REMINDERS REMINDERS *BE AWARE of those individuals who come in to your church who immediately want to volunteer with your youth and/or children. Be kind to them, but state that there is an application process and training that they need to go through and a minimum time of church attendance before they can be used in the area of youth/children. Those who have ill motive will always balk at this request. This will give you "notice" as to their intentions. And those who have pure motives will appreciate your church's requirements. It's a win / win!!





S E C R E TA R Y / T R E A S U R E R

A SAFER CHURCH Each year our churches deal on some level with those in our communities who are convicted sex offenders. We need continued and ongoing "due diligence" with these matters. Please read, make copies and share with your board of directors. Minimum To Do:

* Have your insurance carrier give you further information, guidelines and risk management advice concerning this issue. They will also have training videos for you to use with your workers. * Make sure that you have an insurance coverage update to make sure that your coverages are high enough. Call or email Edward Davis with GuideOne Insurance. He will do a free insurance analysis to make sure your coverages are sufficient. Many churches do not have enough liability coverage. Most church insurance coverages are not enough. 972-365-3863 The better "business" we do in our churches the more our people will feel safe. The safer they feel, the more visitors they will bring. The simple equation is; more visitors = more growth.

* Do a criminal back ground check on all persons who spend time with your children at church; whether part time, full time or volunteer AND whether they work / minister at the church or are just chaperones on a youth/children's outing, trip, camp, retreat etc. This background ck needs to be updated every 3 years. Results of the checks need to be kept in a permanent file at the church.

Richard Hammer did a featured article on this issue in the September-October 2010 edition of Church Law & Tax Report newsletter. If you do not subscribe to this publication you can download a copy of the article for a nominal charge at the following link: sexofinchfer.html

*Bring someone in annually to do a workers training, especially dealing with children's liability issues.

This article addresses many questions on this subject. Also notice it includes the results of the largest survey ever conducted of church responses on this issue. Don K. Wiehe

- South Texas Assemblies Review


Access South Texas Keeping our district ministers & ministries connected!

Have you tried your ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS account yet? If not, then you are missing some great tools to help keep you connected! Just click on the Access South Texas link on our website. If you have never used the online giving or logged in before then you will need to set up your log in. Just use the email address you have on file with the District Office and create your password. Need help? email: Screen shot of Access South Texas Home Page.

To use the directory and the calendar on your smart phone, download the Church Life App. Log in with your username and password. Type in 3 or more letters to look up people. Select Calendar to see STXAG events calendar.

Register for an upcoming event. Your Name

Look up another minister. Keep up with the district events calendar. For a full screen view click “calendar� from the drop down under the events tab. Check your giving or click to give now.

View/edit your registrations.

- South Texas Assemblies Review


U P UPDATES D AT E S Use$ your$ ACCESS$ SOUTH$ TEXAS$ account$ on$ our$ website,$,$ to$get$the$latest$minister’s$changes$ of$ addresses$ and$ other$ helpful$ informaCon. Transfer$Out Derek%Johnsen%to%Illinois Terry%Nesmith%to%North%Texas Gregory%Owens%to%North%Texas Frank%R.%Padron%to%TX/LA%Hispanic David%Plank%to%Oklahoma Jarrod%Woods%to%Arizona Miriam%Ramirez%to%TX/LA%Hispanic Colton%D.%Moore%to%North%Texas Transfer$In$ Donald%Brown%from%Rocky% Mountain%District Nancy%Cave%from%West%Texas Phillip%D.%Clements%form%Oklahoma Richard%Hinojosa%from%Alabama Aluis%LeJune%from%Louisiana Crystalyn%Randel%from%North%Texas Benny%Torbert%from%North%Texas Church$Name$Change InternaOonal%Worship%Center,%Katy% to%Journey%Church% 541%Pin%Oak%Rd Katy,%TX%%77494% New$CerCfied$Ministers Randal%Baird%W%Houston Andres%Cerda%–%North%Houston Michelle%Dicks%–%Corpus%ChrisO Byron%Ellis%–%Houston Tyler%Holcomb%–%North%Houston Steven%House%–%Neches%Valley Simeon%Hughes%–%Houston AusOn%Mangham%–%North%Houston Colton%Moore%–%North%Houston Shawn%Reece%–%Rio%Grande%Valley Robby%Rich%–%Beaumont%SecOon Johnathon%Roach%–%Neches%Valley Noemi%Royer%–%Gulf%Coast Marina%Salinas%–%Corpus%ChrisO Krystopher%Scroggins%–%N.%Houston - South Texas Assemblies Review

Robert%D.%Stokes%–%North%Houston Steve%Sullivan%–%Corpus%ChrisO Michele%Waters%–%North%Houston Russell%Whipkey%–%Neches%Valley Nicole%%Williams%–%North%Houston Michael%Winters%–%North%Houston New$License Kendra%Baird%–%Houston Shannon%Morgan%–%San%Antonio Miriam%Ramirez%–%San%Antonio Taylor%Richter%–%San%Jacinto Aaron%Timberlake%–%Gulf%Coast% Todd%Forsman%–%North%Houston Upgrade$to$License Kendra%Adams%–%Gulf%Coast John%D.%Barreca%–%North%Houston Dennis%Gilbert%–%San%Jacinto Derek%Johnsen%–%San%Antonio Brandon%Rains%–%North%Houston Glori%Ann%Ried%–%Houston Michael%P.%Sculley%–%Beaumont Anna%Thoreson%–%San%Antonio Collin%L.%Weiser%–%North%Houston Daniel%Young%–%North%Houston Bethany%Zamora%–%San%Antonio OrdinaCon$2013$(picture%on%cover) Joshua%Bingaman%–%San%Antonio Brandon%Brewer%–%San%Jacinto Teresa%L.%Campbell%–%Neches%Valley Taylor%Choate%–%San%Jacinto John%%David%–%Houston Dale%W.%Frankum%–%Gulf%Coast Mark%D.%Gardner%–%Gulf%Coast Stephen%Gatlin%–%North%Houston Mary%C.%Gautereaux%–%N.%Houston Sandy%Guerrero%–%Gulf%Coast Shirely%Haserodt%–%Victoria Arlena%Faye%Haynie%–%Neches%Valley Kimberly%Jackson%–%San%Antonio Jim%Kautz%–%Gulf%Coast Melissa%Kautz%–%Gulf%Coast George%Kutach%–%Victoria John%McLennan%–%San%Jacinto Timothy%D.%Michaux%–%Houston Aaron%Morgan%–%San%Antonio PAGE 7

Joyce%Mask%–%San%Antonio Pennie%Montgomery%–%N.%Houston Gene%R.%Moon%–%Corpus%ChrisO Tanyia%S.%Moon%–%Corpus%ChrisO Abram%Padron%–%North%Houston Ramundo%Perez%–%Corpus%ChrisO Lillian%M.%Ramirez%–%North%Houston Janet%E.%Roberts%–%San%Antonio Susan%M.%Roberts%–%Victoria Brent%Sparks%–%Beaumont Maria%Tijerina%–%Rio%Grande%Valley Ray%Tillery%–%Neches%Valley Be`y%l.%Wa`s%–%Neches%Valley Jordan%Lewis%Weaver%W%Houston New$Church Bethel%Covenant%Assembly%of%god 6812%Bandera%Rd%Ste%123 San%Antonio,%TX%78238 Pastor%John%Aniemeke New$PAC$Church San%Antonio%Pentecostal%Church 8707%Vernada%Court San%Antonio,%%TX%%78250 Pastor%Johnson%Varkey Parent%Church%–%First%Assembly%of% God,%San%Antonio New$Pastors Glad%Tidings%Assembly%of%God,% Corpus%ChrisO%–%Pastor%Benny% Torbert First%Assembly%of%God,%Robstown Pastor%Estevan%(Steve)%Suchil Faith%Harbor,%Port%Arthur Pastor%Emma%Lynne%Parker First%Assembly%of%God,%Kountze Pastor%Thomas%Ringo Gospel%Lighthouse,%LaGrange Pastor%Jeremy%Vandenburg The%Summit%Church,%Corpus%ChrisO Pastor%Mike%Fehlauer

AMT 2013

New one weekend format!

Friday & Saturday September 13-14 !



Two locations:

Trinity Worship Center, Corpus Christi & Crossroads Church, Houston

Sou th TX A/G Mi nisters Ava ilable to Pre ach

Ava ilable to Pre ach, con ...

Janice Akers, Tomb all – 281.516.7419 David Baca, Hum ble – 859.948.4177 Vivi an Boyles, Hous ton – 281.804.9338 Darrell Brow n, Bats on – 936.536.3154 P.H. Colli ns, Porter – 281.824.0119 David Enni s, Katy – 832 .570.3303 Greg Garrett, Texa s City – 409.256.7716. Stephen Gatl in, Spri ng – 281.288.4220 Tom Gour ly, Hous ton – 281.458.6812 James Haze lton, Spri ng – 281.443.4437 Don Hick man, Ang leton – 979.319.2463 Reag an Jack s, Pear land – 281.997.3362 Bob Kuck er, Buna – 409.994.5563 Fern Lanc aste r, Kerr ville – 830.895.4971 Floyd Mile s, Mag nolia – 317.714.5711 Greg Mutchler, Kerr ville – 830.739.3000 Kenneth Mye rs, Vict oria – 361.582 .4907 Wilb ert Olive r, Hous ton – 713.205.3361 Dona ld Pare des, Spri ng – 832 .764.0468 (Spa nish Spea king , wife inte rpre ts)

- South Texas Assemblies Review

Donny Phill ips, LaPo rte – 713.885.2568 Tom Proc tor, Mis sour i City – 281.835.8036 Rich ard Reye s, San Ant onio – 210.884.290 8 Jack ie Rich ards on, Spri ng – 281.350.4142 Edward Row ls, Spri ng – 281.353.1894 Mar y Sanders, Alvi n – 281.331.2325 Russell Skinner, Mon tgomery – 936.449.4378 Stephen Sowell, San Anto nio – 361.985.688 0 David Tosten, Corpsu Christi – 361.563.3293 Marsha Touchsto ne, Hous ton – 713.981.068 7 Juanita Trev ino, Port Lavaca – 361.935.7202 Tim Verden, Leag ue City – 832 .545.0868 Aliso n Ward, King woo d – 281.361.7966 LeyAnne Ward, King woo d – 281.361.7966 David Washbur n, Kerr ville – 830.896.2171


Steve Banning, Our New Assistant Superintendent

Let Jesus Show Through that God comes to live inside of us when we believe in Jesus as our Savior. Is that true, too?" Again, the mother assured the little girl that what the pastor had said was true. With a puzzled look on her face the little girl then asked, "If God is bigger than us and He lives in us, wouldn’t He show through?"



For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness”, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. (I Corinthians 4:5-7) One Sunday as they drove home from church, a little girl turned to her mother and said, "Mommy, there’s something about the preacher’s message this morning that I don’t understand." The mother said, "Oh? What is it?" The little girl replied, "Well, he said that God is bigger than we are. He said God is so big that He could hold the world in His hand. Is that true?" The mother replied, "Yes, that’s true, honey." "But Mommy, he also said

- South Texas Assemblies Review

Let’s make it a point to “let Jesus show through” in very practical ways. Let Him show through in how we drive our cars and in how we treat others, such as, how we relate to the wait-person in a restaurant, in how we tip them--I have been told by some restaurant servers, that Sunday is the worst day for tips, and that shouldn’t be. When Jesus “shows through”, people ought to be able to see the difference. Please allow me to conclude by saying that I appreciate the opportunity to serve this great district as Assistant Superintendent. I am honored to serve my pastors, Pastor Tim and Pastor Don. I serve at their pleasure and will work hard to make them look good. I consider this an Aaron and Hur position, lifting them in prayer and supporting them in their calling and anointing in Christ. (Exodus 17:11-13). Donna and I are here to serve you as well. If there is anything within our ability to do, we will do it with all our might. Thank you for your prayers, and for your love.


Steve Banning

Church Ministries and Discipleship Rev. Tammy Calderon, Director CHURCH MINISTRIES AND DISCIPLESHIP We are so excited for Kids Camp coming in July 2013! We are going “Into the Wild.” Please pray for us as we prepare for an amazing camp season this summer. We are asking God to show up mightily in the lives of the kids. Our Evangelists are our National BGMC Directors, David & Mary Boyd. We are excited to have them this summer.


Church Ministries and Discipleship CHURCH MINISTRIES AND DISCIPLESHIP

Junior Bible Quiz was a success this year!! We had a total of 33 teams with 185 participants. If you are looking for a discipleship program that teaches the Word of God to your kids, then JBQ is for you! The Church Ministries Department would like to congratulate “The Purple Prophetesses” from Lindale Assembly for advancing to the National JBQ competition on June 6-8. We would also like to congratulate “The Chosen Ones” from Braeswood Assembly, “Torches of Truth” from Humble First Assembly, and “4 G’s 4 Christ” from Braeswood Assembly for advancing to the Regional JBQ Competition. We are so proud of you. As of April 30, 2013 the South Texas District has given a total of $58,115.51 to BGMC. Remember to send your offerings directly to the National Office in Springfield, MO. Keep up the good work South Texas! The Church Ministries & Discipleship has gone SOCIAL!! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest. You can find our links to each of these social media sites by going to our website:

- South Texas Assemblies Review




UP Around South Texas f o l l A F o r Summer Our stries Mini

- South Texas Assemblies Review



Around South Texas Our%District%Presbytery%Board%met%May%16%%to%elect%an%Assistant$Superintendent.%%The%District%Presbytery%chose% Steve%Banning,%Pastor%of%Braeswood%Assembly%of%God%in%Houston%to%complete%the%remaining%year%of%the%Assistant% Superintendent’s%term. Steve%Weaver,%Pastor%of%New%Life%Church%in%Cypress%was%chosen%to%complete%the%term%of%Steve%Banning%as%an% Executive%Presbyter. In#the#Houston#Section#election#held#June#3,#Deborah#Prihoda,#pastor#of#First#Assembly#of#God#in#Rosenberg,#was#elected#as# the#new#Presbyter#of#the#Houston#Section#to#complete#the#unexpired#term#of#Steve#Weaver.#

Congratulations! Gregory G. Minassian, Bible & Theology, Tomball, TX Girien Richardo Salazar, Practical Theology, San Antonio, TX Rolando Trevino, Practical Theology, San Antonio, TX Master of Divinity John P. Hatcher, Baytown, TX

AG Theological Seminary Jim Rion, San Antonio, TX Doctor of Ministry,

B. Th., International Bible College M.A., M.Div. Equiv.

South Texas SAGU Grads Master of Arts Mark Gardner, Bible & Theology, Tomball, TX

Master of Science Kristina E. Claunch, Counseling Psychology, Huntsville, TX Peter E. Pinon, Counseling Psychology, Harlingen, TX Bachelor’s Degree: College of Arts & Professions Elizabeth Zoe Bell, Elementary Education, San Antonio, TX Blake C. Bridges, Business Administration, Deer Park, TX

Calvary Temple A/G in San Antonio seeking full-time Children’s Pastor. Oversee & develop growing ministry to children, birth - 5th grade. (Nursery, Children’s Church, Sunday School, VBS, Camps, etc...) Ideal candidate will have a passion for leading a multicultural children’s ministry in San Antonio, TX; academic experience in Christian Education; desire for and understanding of growing children s p i r i t u a l l y . S a l a r y B e n e f i t s w i t h i n established range for Children's Pastors serving at similar churches considering education, background and experience. Contact: Pastor Doug Roberts @ 210-710-8512 or email resume to:

- South Texas Assemblies Review

Krystal Nicole Garza, Communication, Brownsville, TX Brenden Kowalski, Sports Management, Tomball, TX Jarrett Russell LaGrone, Business Administration, Galveston, TX Brittany Lee Morales, Digital Media Arts, Helotes, TX Steven Petty, Management, San Antonio, TX Joshua Rodriquez, Texas City, Texas, B.S. Samuel Velez, Professional Development Bachelor’s Degrees Ronnagail Dans, Church Ministries, Spring, TX James Daniel Ford, Psychology, Victoria, TX Rebecca Gonzalez, Counseling, Houston, Texas Colin Michael Jones, Church Ministries, Boerne, TX

Emily A. Martinez, Psychology, San Antonio, TX Emily F. Norton, Human Services, Houston, TX Taylor A. Richter, Youth & Student Ministries, Deer Park, TX Andrea Serros, Counseling with a Minor, San Antonio, TX William A. Thornton, Psychology, Pleasanton, TX Valerie Valenzuela, Intercultural Studies, Laredo, TX College of Bible & Church Ministries Autumn Lea Brannoch, Bible, Brenham, TX Associate Degree Associate Degree Lyndsey Renee Cumpton, Business Administration, Kingwood, TX

AVAILABLE: CHURCH SEATING, Piano, Organ Bethel Assembly of God, Liberty, TX has 20 pews to give away. Call Pastor Brandon Williams at 940-235-7236. Kenedy Assembly of God selling solid oak, padded pews, a Hammond organ and a Kawai piano - make offer. Call Wade Lawrence at 623-332-4310 or email:

If you would like to order recordings of the services from our District council, contact


South Texas Royal Rangers News - Special Edition

District Director's Note:

Boy Scouts of America's Choice & the Effects

In light of the decision made last Thursday by Boy Scouts of America (BSA), the Assemblies of God has an amazing opportunity to reach a new group of families; those that are looking for an alternative to scouting for their boys. BSA estimates that anywhere from 200,000-400,000 boys and their families are currently looking for a suitable alternative. We have already had several families, churches and Pastors inquire about starting Royal Rangers or finding a group. If we work together, we have a chance to connect with thousands of new families throughout South Texas that will be committed and involved in seeing their boys succeed. Imagine what impact that would have on the Kingdom, our churches and our fellowship! The Assemblies of God has the unique distinction of having the world's premier and most sought-after boy's ministry: Royal Rangers! It is critical to understand that Royal Rangers is a mentoring ministry for future men; we are not a Christian version of the Boys Scouts. With that said, Royal Rangers provides Christlike character formation and servant

- South Texas Assemblies Review

leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment. Our General Superintendent, Rev. George O. Wood released a statement May 23rd discussing Royal Rangers as the Biblebased alternative to scouting. His entire statement be read here. We stand ready in this moment! Here is what we will do as a district Royal Rangers ministry: 1. Train, prepare and communicate with our leaders on how to transition families from Boy Scouts to Royal Rangers and ultimately, a part of our local churches. 2. Share effective methods and resources for promoting Royal Rangers and integrating families into the local church. 3. Send families that are inquiring about Royal Rangers to churches in their local community that have a currently chartered Royal Rangers outpost. Churches can charter here. (If you would like to find out whether your group is chartered, please email or call me directly)


I am asking each of you to consider the following: 1. What your response will be to families that are looking for an alternative boys' program and how your church will prepare to welcome them in. These families will come highly invested in the lives of their children and will do what it takes to support their development. 2. If your church has a Royal Rangers group, make sure that your staff and Royal Rangers leadership understand your church's approach to connecting with these new families. 3. If you do not have Royal Rangers, consider starting a group or beginning the process to gather more information about how we mentor boys and young men. I can be reached directly through any method listed below. Thank you for taking time to better understand this critical and unprecedented opportunity. If I or the rest of our district team can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. We stand ready and honored to serve!


“NOT JUST PAR” Hill Country Camp Kerrville, Texas

August 15 -17, 2013






Retreat Speaker


Doug Clay Assemblies of God General Treasurer RIVER FLOAT TRIP


- South Texas Assemblies Review


FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Roger Bailey, 713-455-1221,

- South Texas Assemblies Review


- South Texas Assemblies Review


STXAG Superintendent Tim Barker and Ranger Director Jason Bone at the South Texas Pow Wow.

Jason& Bone,& Our& South& Texas& District& Royal& Ranger&Director,& has& been& elected& to& serve&as& The& Na=onal& Royal& Ranger& Council& Secretary.& This& is& a& 2& year& term& and& is& one& of& 3& elected& officers& that& represent& leaders& na=onwide& on& the& Na=onal& Royal& Rangers& Execu=ve& CommiHee. As # a# life)long# Royal# Ranger# and# leader,# Jason# began#his#5me#in#Rangers#in#1989#at# the#age# of#5# and# has# been# heavily# involved# ever# since.# Along# with#serving# as#the# South#Texas #District# Director,# he# also# serves# as# an# Adventure# Rangers# Group# Leader#at#Spring#First#Church. Growing# up# in# Royal# Rangers,# he# earned# every# major# boy's# award,# including# the# Gold# Medal#of# Achievement.# # He# became# a# member# of# FCF# in# 1997,# later# served# as# Chapter# Scout# and# completed#his#Wilderness#vigil#in#2005.

- South Texas Assemblies Review

As # a# leader,# Jason# has# completed# the# Pla5num# level#of# the# Organiza5onal# Leaders# Training,# the# Medal #of#Excellence,#'Advanced'#level#of#the#OLAL,# NTC,# ANTC,# WCO,# RKTC,# NRMC,# LEAD# Seminar,# JBEI#and#Training#Academy#while#serving#on#local,# district# and# na5onal# commiZees# and# training# staffs.##Jason#is #also#a#3rd#genera5on#Royal #Ranger# leader#and#feels#the#example#he#was #shown#by#his# parents,# family,# Ranger# leaders,# pastors,# and# others#has#helped#him# keep#his#rela5onship# with# the# Lord#strong.#In#turn,#his#number#one#desire#in# Royal # Rangers# is# to# see# Spirit)filled# leaders# develop# meaningful #mentoring# rela5onships#with# young# men# through# effec5ve# discipleship# and# training. Jason# and# his# wife# Amanda# have# been# married# since# 2007# and# currently# live# in# Cypress# where# they# own# and# operate# 'Founda5ons#Academy',# a# private# preschool.# Jason# has# a# B.B.A.# in# Management# from# Texas# A&M# University# in# College# Sta5on# and# has#completed#his#diploma#in# Royal#Rangers#Organiza5onal #Leadership# through# Berean#School#of#the#Bible.


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- South Texas Assemblies Review


- South Texas Assemblies Review

PAGE 22 News & Information - Sisters Begin Serving as AG Army Chaplains Wed, 20 Mar 2013 A pair of sisters ordained as Assemblies of God military chaplains reported for duty January 7 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. First Assembly of God in Humble, Texas, commissioned Army chaplains LeyAnne and Alison Ward on December 9. Scott McChrystal, AG chaplain military endorser, administered the oath of office to the new captains as Senior Pastor Milton Pool invited the congregation to extend their hands forth in prayer for the women. "This is a landmark event," McChrystal says. "LeyAnne and Alison have taken the necessary steps to become active-duty chaplains so that they can preach the gospel to thousands of soldiers during their military careers." The sisters thanked Pool and the congregation for supporting the women through the credentialing process.

Sisters Leyanne (left) and Alison Ward

- South Texas Assemblies Review

Chaplain Scott McChrystal (left) prays over Alison (middle) and LeyAnne Ward as their mother, Gloria, and brother, Howard, offer support. "It was a matter of God's timing, but at last my sister and I will be engaged in full-time ministry to our nation's soldiers and their families," LeyAnne says. "The Assemblies of God is one of the few denominations that recognizes that God calls women into ministry," Alison says. There is an 18-month age difference between 28-year-old LeyAnne and 26-year-old Alison. The women both graduated from the University of Houston with English literature degrees, then in 2007 enrolled at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas.


While on campus, both received a call to Army chaplaincy and became chaplain candidates. Under an SAGU program, as seminary students the Wards became commissioned officers and pursued Army chaplaincy training in increments. The women received their master's in theological studies and master's in divinity degrees from SAGU. After ordination by the South Texas District Council, the sisters began service as U.S. Army Reserve chaplains in 2010. Author: Pentecostal Evangel



Now you can complete all the Global University courses you need for any level of credentials in just one year! The South Texas District School of Ministry (DSOM) makes it possible with special teaching and group study sessions. The cost is $70 per course. Enroll in each course 30 days before it begins. For more information contact the office of the South Texas District Executive Secretary/ Treasurer, Don Wiehe or his secretary Sherry Turner at (713) 455-1221, or email

2013/2014 COURSE SCHEDULE Te s t i n g 9 : 0 0 A M , D e v o t i o n s 9 : 4 5 A M , C l a s s e s 1 0 : 0 0 A M Class Date

Level 1 Courses (Certified)

Level 2 Courses (License)

Level 3 Courses (Ordained)

May 4, 2013

BIB 121 MIN 223 Introduction to Hermeneutics: Introduction Homiletics How to Study the Bible

MIN 325 Preaching to the Contemporary World

June 1, 2013

MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism

THE 245 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come

MIN 327 Church Administration, Law & Finance

June 1, 2013

MIN 191 Beginning Internship*

MIN 291 Intermediate Internship*

MIN 391 Advanced Internship*

*Internships are not taught as classes, students do this on their own with a mentor. September 7, 2013

THE 142 Assemblies of God History, Missions & Governance

MIN 251 Effective Leadership

MIN 311 Prayer & Worship

October 5, 2013

MIN 181 Relationships & Ethics in Ministry

MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders

MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry

November 2, 2013

BIB 112 Synoptic Gospels

THE 211 Introduction to Theology

MIN 311 The Corinthian Correspondence

January 4, 2014

THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine

BIB 212 New Testament Survey

BIB 322 Poetic Books

February 1, 2014

BIB 117 Prison Epistles

BIB 215 Romans

BIB 318 The Pentateuch

March 1, 2014

BIB 115 BIB 214 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work Old Testament Survey in the Believers Introduction to Missions

- South Texas Assemblies Review


Ministers Escape 26 October 24-m a p ntry C u o C l l i @ H

Every# year,# those# who# go# to# the# Minister’s# Escape# experience# a# great# time# # of# fellowship,# ministry# and# refreshing.# #Some#say#it’s#the#best#few#days#of#their#year,#or# the#most#fun#they’ve#had#with#friends#they’ve#just#met,#or#the# most#relaxing#time#of#restoration.##No#matter#if#you#choose#to# do#the#minimum#or#the#maximum#activities,# everyone#always## agrees#it#is#time#well#spent!### Our#guest#ministers#this#year#are#David#and#Elli#Beroth.##He#is#the# lead#pastor#of#First#Assembly#in#Des#Moines,#Iowa. After#30#years #of#full#time#ministry,#Dave#is#best#known#as#a #leader# with#a#coach’s#instinct#and#a #pastor’s#heart.#His#passions#and#giftP set#promote#teamPbased#ministry#and#empowered#leadership.#This# combination#has#positioned#the#church#with#a #healthy#approach#to# equip#people#to#impact## central#Iowa#and#the#world. He#is#passionate#about#developing# a#safe#environment#where#both#believers#bound#in#religion#and#unbelievers#trapped#in# darkness#can#become#authentic,#followers#of#Christ.##He#also#serves#the#Iowa#Ministry#Network#as#an#executive#presbyter# with#the#portfolio#of#network#treasure. He#and#Elli,#his#wife#of#37#years,#reside#in#the#Des#Moines,#Iowa#metro#area.##They#have#twin#sons#and#four#grandchildren.

Berlin, Germany: Cost: $2500 Santiago, Chile: Cost: $2600 Yucatan, Mexico: Cost: $1400 Les Cayes, Haiti: Cost: $1400 Miami, Florida: Cost: $550

8/30 - 9/1, 2013

@ - South Texas Assemblies Review


July 7-14 2013, July 7-14, 2013, July 13-20, 2013, July 6-14, 2013, July 28-August 3,

LANDSCAPING THE CROSS OF CALVARY No Home & Garden Gospel Deuteronomy 16:21-22, Thou shalt not plant thee a grove of any trees near unto the altar of the Lord thy God, which thou shalt make thee. The Cross is represented by the ancient altars of Israel, where there to be no groves or decorations, around the altar. The heathen had there own altars, which were corrupted. The pagans of that day were led by another spirit to counter attack with a false deceptive process to false gods. These pagan false priests did not like the ugly blood animals of the sacrificing process. It was like the Cross of Christ was too old fashion, too old school and not beautiful enough. So what did the choosing of false priests and prophets do? It brought change packaged in selfcenteredness, it brought a cheap substitute, it brought deception, and the greater error was that it deceived Israel into communicating with the one true God. The law said don't plant those groves!! Warning occurs from the heart of God before a judgment. God's thinking was there must be no groves, no beautifying, no easing of the severity. The closer we draw to the Un-Landscape of the Cross, the more the glory of the Lord surrounds us. Hosea 4:13 shows the people still corrupting their holy altars. They sacrificed under the oaks, poplars, and elms, because the shadow thereof is good. The point being the "shadow is good". Because it blinded the people to see False Priest placing blemished sacrifices on the altars of devils. We really underestimate the importance of our unblemished - South Texas Assemblies Review

lamb of God who took away our sins, and nailing our sins through a vicarious death on the cross. It was ugly, degrading, shameful, unattractive, politically incorrect, and a bloody action that sinners need to understand the death of Jesus on that cross. He paid a debt none of us would have paid. So now the 5 gifts, Jesus gave to the church has been given a responsibility to never cover it up with a false doctrine, worldly smooth gospel, purpose driven, seeker friendly, deceptive grove to take the place of Calvary, a junk gospel or to lie to our community and cover God's love to a dying world. Planting a Home and Garden Landscape gospel was hiding a false sacrifice and communication of repentance to a living God.The Cross itself must be the only attraction. The methods are just as important as the Message. Because in this New Testament Church Grace Dispensation this generation has landscaped just to get a crowd, but some have ceased to present the Unblemished Savior, Jesus Christ. So what is the answer? Still a Holy Ghost Revival that must start in the Pulpits and hearts of Church Leadership. Because their will be no Revival in America until the ministry starts crying between the altars with broken hearts. Let's have a Revival! It is good for the Soul! Until Next Time South Texas District Evangelist Representive Evangelist Rod and Cathy Vincent PAGE 26

Rod Vincent Itinerary

JUNE 2-5" Broken Bow, Oklahoma " Pickens A/G " Pastor Gary Furr 9-12" " " 14-16" " " 23" " " 26" " " 30-1" " " " JULY 7-10" " " 13-14" " " 16" " " " 21-24" " " 26-28" "

Sullivan, Missouri PCG Pastor Duncan Skiles Bucyrus, Ohio PCG Pastor Joe Lemaster Crowley, Louisiana Northside A/G Pastor Loyd Singley Bossier City, Louisiana Central A/G Pastor Andy Harris Corpus Christi, Tx The Lord Is Peace A/G Pastor Arnaldo & Tommie Zuniga

Minden, Louisiana First A/G Pastor Russell Snider Burlington, New Jersey Full Gospel Pastor Bill Stanley Hitchcock, Texas Strong Towers Ministries Pastor Mike and Kendra Adams Sugarland, Texas Alpaha and Omega A/G Pastor Ed and Rosie Colon Houston, Texas Catherial of Praise A/G Pastor Ronnie Jordon

October 14-15

First Assembly of God Silsbee, Texas

- South Texas Assemblies Review




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The S.T.A.R., USPS #014-651, Volume 61, Number 3, is published quarterly by the South Texas District Council Assemblies of God, Inc. 11102 East Freeway, Houston, TX

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