Why Bible Engagement Project? The majority of the world’s population has access to a Bible. The Bible has been translated into 692 languages, potentially available to 5.6 billion of the world’s 7.1 billion people. Though the majority can reach for a copy of the Scriptures, the reality is that they don’t.
Recent research exposes a lack of engagement with the Bible across many demographics in the United States—revealing a disconnect between the pulpit and the pew. This sparked concern among Christian leaders who in turn commissioned Barna Group to assess the current state of Bible engagement. The study revealed that just 21 percent of practicing Christians today are highly engaged with Scripture. (Get the full report here.) Research also revealed that a high level of Bible engagement has a dramatic impact on everyday life. People who are highly engaged with the Bible are…
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3x more likely to volunteer in church 2x more likely to disciple others 62% more likely to share their faith with a stranger 52% more likely to experience joy and peace
The life-altering power of Bible engagement is undeniable. Bible Engagement Project was created to equip churches with resources to move people from unengaged to engaged with Scripture. It’s not just a curriculum and not just a product; it’s a culture, a conversation, and an overall discipleship process.
© 2020 by The General Council of the Assemblies of God, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission is given for local church use only.
We live at a time when men call right, wrong and wrong, right. At a time when evil is called good and good is called evil. Jesus spoke of times just like these in Matthew, chapter 24. The apostle Paul wrote of these times in II Timothy, chapter 3. Isaiah 5:20 They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black… 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV Perilous suggests "difficult," "threatening," and "dangerous." The term "last days" does not specifically mean the times we are living in at this moment, as Paul believed he was living in the last days. He expected Christ's return to be imminent, certainly during his lifetime, as many verses relate. He meant his instruction to Timothy to apply immediately. If this were not the case, why would he tell Timothy in verse 5 to withdraw from the people he just described? In verse 13 ("But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."), in the Greek we are given the sense of conditions or expressions of human nature that ebb and flow like waves of the sea instead of a constant state of being. When combined with the idea of things growing "worse and worse" and Jesus' comments about the days of Noah, we can understand the situation will be especially intense in our time.
Also, Paul did not intend us to expect that everyone would express all of these traits all the time. Rather, all of them would exist in each person since he is describing the elements of every human's deceitful heart, but the intensity of their expression would vary from person to person. The peril to church members is not to being destroyed by being drawn into expressing the same sinful attitudes and conduct that everybody else is! Paul's warning is not to mix with people dominated by these characteristics. This helps us to understand that the potential to commit these sins is right in the church! Why? It exists in the church because we have all come out of the world where these things are nurtured. We must be on guard! The first characteristic Paul lists is "men will be lovers of themselves," the wellspring of all eighteen subsequent traits. The wellspring remains in us, as Paul graphically explains in Romans 7. About this verse, William Barclay says in the Daily Bible Study Commentary: Love of self is the basic sin, from which all others flow. The moment a man makes his own will the centre of life, divine and human relationships are destroyed, obedience to God and charity to men both become impossible. The essence of Christianity is not the enthronement but the obliteration of self. New "religions" calling themselves "Christian" and having self-love as their very essence are popping up everywhere. These churches are quite popular, and their congregations tend to be large. In them, tolerance is a key concept, and the facts about the vileness of sin and man's vital need of repentance are smoothed over. Additionally, they will not teach several true Christian doctrines, ones essential to salvation, because of their belief that they are "divisive." We must pray like never before and stand upon the infallible and authentic Word of God! LET’S NOT BE DECEIVED! Tim R. Barker
Pasadena Church Receives a Master Battle Plan
Pastors Kevin and Tammie Ward
presented articulated how we could gain new vision and take steps to implement our mission. He encouraged us by letting us know we were not alone in the challenges we faced; other churches in our region and across the country were experiencing them too.” Connect Community Church faces the challenges of living near Houston, one of the most diverse cities in America both ethnically and in social structure. Although Pasadena is surrounded by some wealthy communities, more than 80 percent of the school children in this area are economically disadvantaged and receive free meals. The church is actively cooperating with Pasadena’s outreach efforts and forging strong relationships with the city, schools and mayor. Members volunteer at area schools’ mentoring programs, participate in the annual Trunk or Treat, and partner with the Fill the Bus program that provides school supply support for local teachers, who otherwise must subsidize supplies for their classrooms.
Connect Community Church Pasadena, Texas “When the South Texas District offered churches the opportunity to participate in the Acts 2 Journey cohort, we jumped at the opportunity! Our church had gone through a rough patch and we needed new vision. Thank you, Assemblies of God Fellowship, for providing this needed resource and thank you, AGTrust, for your financial support that helped Connect Community Church take part in the Journey.” Pasadena, Texas, with a population of nearly 150,000, is the first major suburb south of Houston. Connect Community Church, established in 1953 as Central Assembly of God, has a longstanding tradition of great leadership and stability. But at the time Pastor Kevin came to lead the church seven years ago, the congregation was going through a challenging time. “In our previous pastorate in Oklahoma, we had worked to help bring healing and restoration to that church, and I thought what worked in one church would work in another,” Pastor Kevin says. “But the dynamics at Connect Community were “I would like to say that everything is great today at Connect Community entirely different. Church,” Pastor Kevin says, “but it continues to be a day-by-day and week-by-week battle. We are so thankful that the Acts 2 Journey gave ”The Acts 2 Journey cohort us a master battle plan. provided us with a master plan and helped us change “When my wife, Tammie, was praying one day and asking God for the culture of our church. a miracle for our church, she sensed the Lord saying to her, ‘While Pastor Kevin Ward and the mayor of Pasadena, The facilitator encouraged praying for a miracle, realize you are walking in your miracle.’” (left), present some of the Fill the Bus school input from our church board, supplies for local teachers. staff and leaders, and the information and directives he
Photo: Miranda Rich (right) is grateful for the support of her grandmother.
Miranda Alese Rich of Silsbee, Texas, wanted no part of formal ministry. She’d even told God as much. Growing up in home where her pastor father, Tyra, she knew firsthand its challenges. And though she loved God deeply, she drew the line at becoming a pastor or chaplain. While attending New Beginnings Church, in Evadale, Texas, she volunteered to work with the youth as a sponsor, which allowed her to be involved without the responsibility of full-on ministry. In early 2017, as part of a youth outing, she visited Girls’ Haven group home in Beaumont, Texas. The heavy burden she felt during the experience surprised her. “Many of the girls deal with so much anger and hatred and pain over what they’ve been through,” says Rich. At the end of the outing, as she left the building, “I felt the Lord tell me I was going to do full-time ministry there,” she says. “And I told Him no way. Wrong person.” Rich didn’t feel adequate enough to reach out to hardened girls. Born with spina bifida, a deformation of the spinal cord, Rich is a paraplegic and confined to a wheelchair. In addition, she had been adopted as a baby. Growing up, she carried a lot of resentment, anger, and unforgiveness toward her biological parents. “I believed they had done things to me rather than for me,” she says. “And for years I let the devil torment me with those thoughts.” Though eventually she forgave her biological parents and let go of her anger, she found herself facing those issues once again regarding ministry at Girls’ Haven. She sensed Satan telling her she couldn’t help girls forgive their tormenters because she had such a struggle herself.
But God didn’t put much stock in such a lie. That August, while attending a mission service at the biennial Assemblies of God General Council, Rich felt God speak to her once more. She again rebuffed the calling. “I told God that I wasn’t qualified to tell those girls to do what I couldn’t do to forgive,” Rich says. “I couldn’t tell them to look past their hurts and ask Him to heal them when I couldn’t do that at their age. I didn’t believe I had the right.” By the end of the service, she felt the Holy Spirit so strongly impress upon her this calling that she made her way to U.S. Missions chaplain Ron Skaggs, who prayed with her. During his prayer, she felt God directing her yet another time. “He told me, The very thing that you thought disqualified you is what I have used to qualify you,” she says. “He showed me that my past was the thing He would use to get on their level.” That convinced Rich to change her mind and embrace the calling wholeheartedly. The following day, she met with several U.S. Missions Chaplaincy Ministries leaders, who welcomed her questions and guided her next steps. Her contacts included Daniel J. Odean, national Correctional Ministries representative. “Miranda was so enthusiastic about her calling,” Odean says. “She has a genuine burden for souls, and a contagious spirit. She’s an inspiration.” Rich immediately began the process toward ordination, as well as pursued a bachelor’s degree in intercultural studies at Global University. And she headed to Girls’ Haven to begin her chaplaincy work there. She embraced 1 Thessalonians 5:24: “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” Her authenticity and devotion impressed the young residents. “These girls know Miranda is a safe place for them,” says Kellie Leal, a ministry colleague. “She offers them a support they don’t get anywhere else. They really see Christ through her.” Once Rich forges a relationship with a girl, she can build a bridge for them to come to Jesus. Recently ordained through the Assemblies of God, Rich, 28, is now an institutional chaplain. But she hasn’t stopped with simply ministering at Girls’ Haven. She keeps her plate full as children’s minster at Caney Head Assembly of God in Silsbee. In addition, she is ministering with shut-ins at nursing homes, the Deaf community, Muslims, and others. Though her efforts seem widespread, she doesn’t see it that way. “I’m not restricted to ministering just to one group,” she says. “I’m there for anybody who needs a chaplain.”
Ministers & Churches Changes and Updates
New Certified
Michaela Alvarado Maria Avila Bryan Benedict Alexandra Correa Edgar Figueroa
Angelica Garcia Rachel Grossman Jose Guerrero Jennifer Kennedy Eleazar Lopez Jr.
New License - Katrina Graham Upgraded to License - Tien Dang Upgraded to Ordained - Tony Nguyen Reinstated Sultana Jiron Shelly Korrot
Celeste Martinez Walter Quebedeaux Matthew Solis Melody Solis
Timothy Stoker
Jared Mitchell
Transfers in
Adam Fithen – North Texas District Rebecca Fithen – North Texas District Katrina Giannetti – New York District Richard Giannetti – New York District Carl Goericke – North Texas District Loretta Goericke – North Texas District Kelsie Green – North Texas District Brian Johnson – North Texas District
Transfers Out
Anna Brodrick – North Texas District Gus Chupe – Texas Louisiana Hispanic District Vincent Collier – North Texas District Bethany Echartea – North Texas
Johnathon Roach
David Jordan – North Texas District Janae Leal – Alabama District Jeffrey Quigley – New York District rman Reed – Wyoming District Garry Wallace – Ohio District Rachel Wallace – Ohio District Jeremy Wootten – Northern California & Nevada District
Michael Kersten – Alaska District Lewis Rhoades – Michigan District LeAnne Sallee – North Texas
New Pastors Pastor Adam Fithen – Senior Pastor | Friendship Church – Richmond, TX Pastor Brian Johnson – Senior Pastor | Faithbridge Church – Deer Park, TX Pastor Rob Thoreson – Senior Pastor | Columbus Christin Center – Columbus, TX Pastor Gwendolyn Welch – Senior Pastor | Glad Tidings Assembly of God – Port Arthur, TX
New Church: Brave Church – Missouri City, TX | Senior Pastor: Bart Lindsey
General Council Affiliated: First Assembly of God – Ingleside, TX | Senior Pastor: William McNeil
Church Transfers Out: The River Worship Center – Seguin, TX – Senior Pastor: Gus Chupe - Texas Louisiana Hispanic District
Withdrawn from the Assemblies of God: Willis First Assembly of God – Willis, TX – Church Closed 11
2021 Schedule Date
Level 1 Courses
September 13
THE142 BIB115 AG History, Missions & Acts: The Holy Spirit at Governance Work in the Believers
Level 2 Courses (License)
Level 3 Courses (Ordained)
Leadership Exchange
THE311 Prayer & Worship
Help! I’m in Charge – by Rod Loy
MIN171 Spirit Empowered Church
MIN261 Introduction to A/G Missions
October 4
MIN181 Relationships & Ethics in Ministry
MIN281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders
MIN381 Pastoral Ministry
Discussion to be Announced
November 1
BIB114 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
MIN123 The Local Church in Evangelism
BIB313 Corinthian Correspondence
Discussion to be Announced
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Hosted at the South Texas Assemblies of God Ministries Center, 12106 East Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77044 All students must RSVP 2 weeks prior to each class. Classes start at 7pm.
It gives me much pleasure to introduce to you
REVEREND SHAENELLE JOHNSTON as the new KidMin Director for the South Texas Assemblies of God. Shaenelle served alongside Tammy Calderon as her Administrative Assistant for the past five years. She is a South Texas Ordained Assemblies of God minister who graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and Economics from Sam Houston State University. She served on staff with Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship at Sam Houston State University and Rice University for 5 years. She presently serves as Kids Pastor at Northwood Church, Pastor Marty Burroughs. Shaenelle said, “I love working with children. My heart’s desire is to serve you as the pastor of your church and your children’s minister and to make myself available to you in any way needed.” Shaenelle brings a wealth of knowledge and creativity to this department. Stop by the office or call her anytime. Her office is open and available. Her e-mail address is Shaenelle@stxag.org. Continue praying for Shaenelle as she steps into this new role as KidMin Director for our South Texas Kids! Tim R. Barker
Developing Missions Minded Girls South Texas Girls have a goal to give $25,000 to missions this year! We are part way there. Will you help us finish?
*A friendly competition between all 10 sections *September - October, 2021 Offerings must be received by Nov. 8th *Churches...take up and offering, have a bake sale, do a car wash, agree to get slimed *Checks or online giving available *Your church will receive giving credit *Winning section will be announced
Teaching touches the future. Discipleship touches eternity. Our heart is to see the girls of South Texas rise up and walk out God’s best for their lives. We want to encourage these girls to embrace the creative gifts God has put inside them and use these gifts for his glory. How can we help you develop a program in your church? Melissa LeClare - Girls Ministries Director mleclare@stxag.org 713.455.1221 www.stxgm.org Facebook - South Texas Girls Ministries Instagram - stxgirlsministries
A podcast designed to help men follow Jesus with courage, strength, and endurance in every area of their life.