‘Leadership is influence,’ writes John C. Maxwell, whose organizations have trained more than 1 million leaders worldwide. He points out that, according to sociologists, even the most isolated individual will influence 10,000 other people during his or her lifetime! In one sense there is only one leader. In our New Testament reading today, Jesus says, ‘There is only one Life-Leader for you... Christ’ (Matthew 23:10, MSG). On the other hand, every Christian is called to be a leader in the sense that other people will look to you as an example. You have influence over others in different ways. To be called by God to influence others is an enormous privilege, but it carries with it great responsibility.
Psalm 18:25-36 Confidence David was a leader who had confidence. However, it was not self-confidence but confidence in God: ‘With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall’ (v.29). David recognized that he needed God for: 1. Protection - ‘He is a shield for all who take refuge in him’ (v.30b). ‘You protect me with salvation-armor’ (v.35, MSG). 2. Strength - ‘It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights’ (vv.32–33). 3. Training - ‘He trains my hands for battle’ (v.34a). It was as I was reading this verse back in 1992, that I realized the need to train our small group hosts and helpers before each Alpha began. 4. Guidance - ‘You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light’ (v.28). ‘As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is flawless’ (v.30). Lord, I need your help. I pray for your protection, strength and guidance. Lead me in your perfect way.
Matthew 23:1-39 Character Jesus attacks the religious leaders of his day with strong language: ‘You snakes! You brood of vipers!’ (v.33). This language would have come as a complete shock. They were highly regarded, respectable people. The scribes were lawyers. They preserved and interpreted the law. They were authorized to act as judges. They had been ordained after a course of study. They were experts in the Scriptures. They were teachers who gathered pupils around them. The Pharisees were laypeople. They tended to come from the middle classes (unlike the Sadducees who were more aristocratic). They were much respected for their piety. They prayed and fasted often. They attended the services. They gave regularly. They led ‘upright, moral lives’. They had a big influence in society. They were much admired by ordinary people. Yet, Jesus criticizes them for being hypocrites: ‘They talk a good line, but they don’t live it. They don’t take it into their hearts and live it out in their behavior. It’s all spit-and-polish veneer’ (v.3, MSG). Jesus’ ‘Seven Woes’ challenge me to aspire to seven characteristics of a good leader: 1. Integrity - Jesus attacks the hypocrisy of the religious leaders (vv.3– 4). He says, ‘They do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them’ (vv.3b–4). Integrity is the opposite of this, it means practicing what you preach and making sure that your words lift people up, rather than weighing them down with guilt or other burdens. 2. Authenticity - Jesus attacks their superficiality (vv.5–7). He says to them, ‘Everything they do is done for others to see’ (v.5a). But what matters is who you are when nobody is looking. Jesus speaks about your ‘secret’ life with God. Seek to develop an authentic private life with God. 3. Humility - Jesus warns against loving titles and recognition (vv.8–11). Be on your guard so that you are not enticed by ‘prominent positions’, ‘public flattery’, and being given titles of one sort or another (vv.6–7, MSG). Jesus warns, ‘Don’t let people do that to you, put you on a pedestal like that’ (v.8, MSG). This is such a temptation but Jesus says, ‘For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted’ (v.12). Always seek to exalt Jesus, rather than yourself. 4. Compassion - Jesus attacks the religious leaders for putting stumbling blocks in the way of others (vv.13–15). He says, ‘You shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to’ (v.13). Leaders need to have the opposite spirit – one that is open and welcoming to everyone. - Jesus himself sets an example of compassion. He says, ‘O Jerusalem, Jerusalem… how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings’ (v.37). 5. Vision - Leaders should have big vision. Jesus attacks the smallmindedness and pettiness of the religious leaders (vv.16–22). The ‘ridiculous hairsplitting!’ (v.19, MSG). They could not see the wood for the trees. Concentrate on the important issues, pray for God’s vision, and don’t be sidetracked. Ask God to give you a vision that is so big that without him it is impossible. 6. Focus - Focus on what really matters (vv.23–24). Avoid getting caught up with minor details and becoming legalistic. Jesus says, ‘You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel’ (v.24). Rather focus
on, ‘The more important matters… justice, mercy and faithfulness’ (v.23). Fight against injustice, champion the poor, and demonstrate ‘faithfulness’ in your relationships with your family and others. 7. Generosity - This is the opposite of the greed and self-indulgence, which Jesus decries (vv.25–28). Their inner life is so different from the outer life. Jesus calls you to be yourself – for the inside to be like the outside (vv.27–28). These are extremely high standards and very hard to attain. Jesus’ words here, as the ‘woes’ come to a climax (vv.29–36), are some of the strongest to come from his mouth. It is important to note that they were not addressed to ordinary people. Jesus was criticizing powerful leaders who were seeking to ‘exalt themselves’ (v.12), and who ‘shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces’ (v.13). Don’t use the words of Jesus as an excuse to berate ordinary people, or even leaders who are genuinely seeking to point people to Jesus. I need to direct them at myself. These are challenging words – but the challenge should not be directed at the wrong people! What is so amazing about Jesus’ words is that humanly speaking he was in a position of great weakness, and yet he was not afraid to take on the powers of his day. Lord, forgive me for the times when I have failed in these areas. Help me to lead a life of integrity, authenticity, humility, compassion, vision, focus and generosity. Help me to have the same concern for my city as Jesus had for his.
Job 33:1-34:37 Criticism As Rick Warren has pointed out, ‘Criticism is the cost of influence. As long as you don’t influence anybody, nobody is going to say a peep about you. But the greater your influence... the more critics you are going to have.’ Poor Job, who was in a prominent position of leadership (see chapter 1), has to put up with a constant tirade of abuse from his so-called ‘friends’. Criticism is always hardest when it comes from those who should be our friends. It is sad when unjustified criticism of Christian leaders comes from within the church itself – from the so-called ‘friends’. It must have been extremely galling for Job to have to listen to Elihu, who was much younger and yet convinced of his own experience, arrogantly saying to Job, ‘I will teach you wisdom’ (33:33) and ‘Job speaks without knowledge; his words lack insight’ (34:35). And to suggest that, because he disagreed with his critics, ‘To his sin he adds rebellion [against God]’ (v.37). Elihu, like so many critics, claims to be ‘carefully thought out’ and to ‘have no ulterior motives’ (33:2–3, MSG). He claims that others agree with him: ‘All right-thinking people say – and the wise who have listened to me concur – “Job is an ignoramus. He talks utter nonsense”’ (34:34– 35, MSG). I too can easily fall into the trap of judging God’s people on a superficial basis, just as Elihu does. Beware of the dangers of criticizing others. Although it has been pointed out that no one ever built a monument to a critic, it does not stop us all from wanting to be critics. Be very careful of what you say about other people. And if you are on the receiving end of criticism, don’t be surprised. Lord, help me to avoid passing superficial judgments on other people. Give me wisdom and sensitivity towards those who are struggling with life. Help me to fix my eyes on the one true leader, Jesus, to come under his Lordship and follow his example.
Dear South Texas Ministers, Attached is a Recommended Board Meeting Template that I have put together. It is certainly not an exhaustive list for your meetings but is to be used to make sure you are covering the highlights for your meetings. Also, if you are sponsoring a PAC (Parent Affiliated Church) you need to make sure that the PAC has their own insurance coverage. Please contact your insurance provider to let them know of the PAC. Don't take for granted that the PAC is covered under your policy for your main campus. Also, please consider discussing with your insurance provider purchasing Workman's Comp. This is the most cost effective way to have major medical coverage for you and your staff for anything that may happen on the job. The cost is very reasonable. We are so grateful for your leadership in ministry and if you ever need us please give us a call. For His Harvest! Pastor Don South Texas District Executive Secretary Treasurer Recommended Board Meeting Agenda / monthly, bimonthly or quarterly Devotional & Prayer Review agenda for meeting (email or mail agenda one to board members one week prior to meeting) Review minutes of previous meeting Review previous month(s) financial report: *Income and Expenses for the month *a copy of monthly statement from all financial institutions where the church has deposits *listing of all checks not cleared the bank by month end *listing of all bills received but not paid *listing and balances of all offerings that are designated New Business Old Business Once per year January Building and property walk around to check for maintenance / safety issues Review and update all criminal background checks for all those working with minors Review church’s insurance policy - make sure that there is Board and Director’s coverage Make sure church’s state incorporation is up to date September Plans for Pastor appreciation month in October for pastor and family November Christmas bonus for church employees December Minister’s housing allowance approved for the following year Review all church employee salaries and benefits and make every effort, should the church be able to afford it, to give annual raises and / or Cost of Living increases Other Items *salary benefits to include, life insurance, health insurance, disability, retirement *pay expenses for Pastor and family to attend District Council (save monthly) *pay expenses for Pastor and family to attend General Council (save monthly) *pay expenses for Pastor and family to attend District retreats and camps *have someone / committee in charge of planning to bless the pastoral family for Christmas, birthdays, church employment anniversary
Ministers & Churches Changes and Updates New Certified
Amanda Abraham
Upgraded to License James Keith Barger
Jeffrey Posada
Britta Prislovsky
Theodore Milton III
David Phipps
Transfers in
Aaron Parks – North Texas District Bart Lindsey – Alabama District Craig Williams – Southern Missouri District Curtis Tucker – North Texas District
Transfers Out
Klimoun (Kevin) Azizpour – Southern California District Cindy Bjorkman – North Texas District Anna Marie Isenhower – North Texas District
New Pastors Curtis Tucker – Faith Family Fellowship, Alvin Aaron Parks – New Beginnings Church, Evadale
Darren Widner – Southern Missouri District Isaiah Steinbrecher – North Texas District Matthew Gaskill – North Texas District Thomas Ringo – North Texas District Samuel Isenhower – North Texas District Trudy Franzone – North Texas District
2020 Schedule Date
Level 1 Courses (Certified) Level 2 Courses (License)
March 7
BIB115 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in the Believers
Level 3 Courses (Ordained)
9:30AM - 12:00PM BIB214 Old Testament Survey 1:30PM - 3:30PM MIN261 Introduction to A/G Missions
April 4
BIB121 MIN223 Introduction to Hermeneutics: Introduction Homiletics How to Study the Bible
MIN325 Preaching in the Contemporary World
June 6
MIN123 The Local Church in Evangelism
THE245 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come
MIN327 Church Administration, Finance & Law
June 6
MIN191 Beginning Internship
MIN291 Intermediate Internship
MIN391 Advanced Internship
September 12
9:30AM - 12:00PM THE142 AG History, Missions & Governance
MIN251 Effective Leadership
THE311 Prayer & Worship
Classes not taught on site, students study with their Mentor
1:30PM - 3:30PM MIN171 Spirit Empowered Church October 3
MIN181 Relationships & Ethics in Ministry
MIN281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders
November 7
BIB114 THE211 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels Introduction to Theology
MIN381 Pastoral Ministry BIB313 Corinthian Correspondence
As we plan to soon break ground on our new district offices DSOM will be held at our temporary district office at Crossroads Fellowship Houston 12110 East Sam Houston Pkwy N Houston, TX ¡ 77044
Don Wiehe - Over the past several years I have personally watched Rev. Randy Trotter and his family walk through some very difficult and serious health challenges. A few weeks ago I posed several questions to Randy to assist in recording a few details of this ordeal which culminated with a double heart / kidney transplant. I hope his story encourages you and those you are ministering to who may be experiencing a lengthy health challenge. Randy, when did your heart complications begin? Complications became evident about 6 - 8 yrs ago which led to two stents and two transplants. My cardiologist decided I needed a defibrillator stating I was born with a congenital heart defect. Only one side of my heart has ever worked and the working side couldn't compensate anymore. Tell about your defibrillator firing multiple times On Jan 28, 2017 while staying alone at a hotel in Austin my defibrillator starting firing non stop. I stumbled to the lobby and collapsed as my defibrillator continuously fired. In the ambulance, with fear mounting, I heard, "Well! After a life of ministry this is how it's going to end. You're going to die alone! Where's God now?" Stunned, with my device still firing and fear gripping me, I heard a "Loving, Soft and Strong" voice speak, "I've not left you. You're not alone. I'm here with you and I have a plan!". With fear still gripping me there came a peace in the midst of it all! At the ER my heart was beating over 260 times a minute. The ER doctor shouted, "We need to get his heart slowed before he strokes out! Have you stabbed him yet?" A young nurse shouted, "He keeps firing!" and then started crying! I've worked with nurses as a Hospice Chaplain for over 15 yrs! I know nurses! With injection in hand, sobbing out and device firing I thought, "An ER nurse is crying over me! They've seen everything! THIS CAN'T BE GOOD!" After a couple of days a psychologist diagnosed me with PTSD because of the multiple defibrillator firings. Afterwards, I'd wake up shaking uncontrollably
grabbing the bed rails crying out in fear. My wife and nurses reassured me I was alright. The only thing to calm me down was God, prayer and my wife holding me tightly. When the psychologist diagnosed me me with PTSD I denied it, stating I wasn't sure I believed in PTSD! She described what soldiers go through which perfectly described my feelings and emotions! For almost a year I couldn't touch a light switch, replace a light bulb or touch an extension cord or anything electrical! Yes, I had PTSD! How long was your recovery times? During the four years, with consecutive stays back to back, I spent 2 1/2 - 3 yrs in the hospital. I was hospitalized for numerous and serious conditions. I was life flighted three times and taken by ambulance numerous times. I spent three weeks in Austin for three surgeries with about three weeks recovery time. In Galveston I was hospitalized for a month before my transplants with a recovery time of about six weeks both in the hospital and rehabilitation with about 3 months in L-TAC facilities for more rehab including another emergency surgery! Finally, I was not allowed a "doctor's work release for almost another 6 months. When was it decided that you needed transplants? Some weeks after Austin when at my regular doctor my blood pressure dropped extremely low sending me to a hospital in Baytown. It was there that I first heard the word “transplant", although it didn't happen there. Some time later I was taken by Ambulance to UTMB in Galveston for another reason. It was the next morning I was told that I definitely needed a heart / kidney transplant. What was the toughest thing about waiting for your donor organs? While hospitalized waiting became very difficult for both of us. Darla stayed in the room with me sleeping on the couch. Bills still needed to be paid, but, with no income it was very difficult on both of us. Waiting seemed endless as we saw other patients receiving their transplants. I had difficult medical tests and procedures almost every day. It was unnerving and I had feelings of a guilt to hear of local tragedies thinking I might get a heart and kidney, but none came. After 4 months of waiting a Left Heart Assist Device (L-VAD) was implanted and after surgery I was in a coma seven days during which time Darla never left my side. Many times during hospital stays Darla was alone and was told at least six times that I would not make it through the night. But her trust was in God and God did what He does!
What was the most challenging things for your family? Fear was a constant for our families. The waiting for THE phone call was hard on everyone. Constant worry that I may die or when would I receive my transplants and concern for Darla’s and my state of mind during it all. My parents aren't in good health. They came a couple of times but just couldn’t often make the trips. My sisters and brothers-in-law, Rev. Homer and Rhonda Moore and Herb & Jill Valencia drove often from San Antonio to see us. My mother-in-law would visit staying the night with Darla. My boys Cary and Colby were worried and scared that I would die. The unknown and waiting for the next day took a toll on us deeply, but we knew it was all in God's hands and in His timing! The highlights during the stays were friends visiting and my caring and loving doctors and nurses who became family. What's the best way to support and minister to those who go through critical health issues? Flowers and plants are nice but hard to take care of and then they die. Visits are wonderful and comforting, but sometimes the patient is easily tired (I'd fall asleep during some visits). Sometimes it seemed I was having to entertain some visitors and that became difficult. Cards, letters and phone calls are always welcome and without sounding needy, loving financial help is always helpful even for gas and snacks, and especially if the patient has no or little income because of the longevity of the stay, illness and home recovery time! The STXAG District was amazing and extremely helpful to us during my hospitalizations as well as our Pastors Joel & Larita Nabors and our church family. God is and has always been our source! As difficult as this journey has been I thank God for it as I have learned so much about His faithfulness and His strengthening. I also learned more about myself than I ever wanted to know! My trust was completely in God that He would accomplish in us things that we could never do on our own. In Jeremiah 29:11 God says, "I have a plan for you…" and He definitely has a plan for my life! I faced, and still face, a journey not knowing what all it entails! Through this journey there have been many ups and downs emotionally and spiritually. I keep reminding myself what God spoke to me in that Ambulance! "I've not left you. You're not alone. I'm here with you and I have a plan!” The Lord truly does hold my tomorrows and He holds my hand!
Don’t Ya Love Grandma’s? In her “Second Half of Life”, my Maternal Grandmother, Grandma Jay as us grandkids called her, was an exquisite Sunday School Teacher. She attended Nile Street Assembly of God in Bakersfield, California, with her then husband, a former “hobo”, Jay Betzer, who spent the first half of his adult life rambling around the United States on freight trains. Her first husband, Grandpa Bob, was killed in an oil refinery explosion in 1944, three years before I was born. My mom says I am a lot like him! He loved to hunt and fish! Bob Wise played guitar and sang in Honky Tonks! Twice he left his wife, my Grandma and 4 daughters, one of them my Mom, when they lived in the pan handle of Texas. Eventually, he came back and patched things up with Grandma, twice. They moved to Bakersfield, California in the late 1930’s. There they became deeply involved in church and things were a bit smoother for the family. Grandpa Bob lived three days after the refinery explosion but was severely burned over his entire body. Doctors were amazed he lived that long! Grandma (then) Wise, faithfully kept the family in church and continued teaching Sunday School which she had been doing for several years. She was amazing! It was a couple years after Grandpa Bob was killed that Jay Betzer, started coming to church, when he wasn’t off on another freight train ride. But he always came back. He took a liking for my Grandmother and her four daughters, two of which were now married to Servicemen, who were overseas, fighting in WW2. They eventually married two years later in 1945. My Mom and Dad also married in 1945. Two years after that, I was born! Somehow, all of us grandkids called our grandma, Grandma Jay. I don’t know how it started, but I never knew her as anything else. Grandpa Jay, never took another train ride. He was a loyal and faithful husband, Stepfather, and Grandpa! Oh, yes, he was, in reality, my “Step Grandfather”. But, growing up, I never knew that! There was no “step” in our relationship. All the while, Grandma Jay was faithfully teaching Sunday School. Each week, she spent long hours preparing for her class. Didn’t matter what grade or age she taught, eventually, her class was the largest that particular year! She passed away at age 77 and taught her class until two months before. The kids in her last class were the oldest kids she had taught. The reason for that is they, the kids, refused to leave her class, so, Grandma Jay, graduated to the next grade with them for three
years. There are several Missionaries and Pastors from her last class! That was real discipleship, resulting from a very deep, caring, long term, relationship framed around the Word of God, consistency, loyalty, commitment and prayer. All of it energized by a Spirit Filled life! She impacted my life in so many ways in my early years. Sadly, many of the “Grandma Jays” of today are just sitting in pews, sometimes a bit shackled by technology and feeling unimportant and irrelevant! In reality, they are a precious and valuable resource. May God grant both church leaders and our “Grandma and Grandpa Jay’s”, wisdom and willing hearts to find creative ways to use their life experiences and Biblical knowledge to impact following generations through God’s plan, the Local Church! Coming Events: Palmetto State Park- BBQ and special guest Doug Roberts. April 4th 11:00 AM til 4:00 PM. We will have some fun games and do a nature walk (Paths are handicap accessible). The scenery is beautiful and the weather should be good! We’ll cap the day with a brief message, singalong, some Homemade Ice Cream, and, if you’re up to it, some Smore’s! Cost is $10 per person, plus you will need to pay a per person park entry fee of $2 or $3 at the park office.
Our District Superintendent has scheduled an evening with Lanny Wolfe, wonderful musician and legendary song writer. “Whatever it Takes”; “More Than Wonderful”; Surely The Presence of the Lord is in This Place”; God’s Wonderful People; and over 800 more! We are piggybacking on these two events and Seniors With Purpose is crashing their party, with permission. Thanks, not only to Brother Barker and Lanny Wolfe, but to pastors Randy Meeks and Presbyter Joel Nabors of the Naches Valley Section and Gene Ricks, Pastor of Lakeside Christian Fellowship, for hosting these events. It will be a wonderful evening of worship and Christian music that warms the heart. But, it will be a powerful time in God’s presence! Definitely worth the effort getting there! Friday, March 27, 7:00 PM Lindale A/G 503 Reid St Houston, TX 77022
Monday, April 27, 7:00 PM Lakeside Christian Fellowship 9790 Hwy 96 North Brookeland, TX 75931
South Texas Assemblies of God Church Ministries and Discipleship Dept. Director: Rev. Tammy Calderon
Kids Camp 2020
QUEST CAMP Camp #1 July 7-10 Camp #2 July 11-14 Camp #3 July 15-18 $170 Before April 1st $180 Before May 1st $190 After May 1st
Hill Country Camp Kerrville, TX
Evangelist: Evans and Company
12 www.stxagchurchministries.org stxkids@gmail.com
National BGMC Day is the second Sunday in March. This day falls on Sunday, March 8, 2020. The purpose of National BGMC Day is to involve the entire church in BGMC. It is also a time to expose the adults to what BGMC does, the purpose of BGMC, and to take up an adult oering for BGMC. Many times the adults in the church do not know about all the great things BGMC does and how much BGMC helps our missionaries. This day is a great time to show a video about BGMC and encourage the entire church to participate in the BGMC oering. For more inforamtion about BGMC check out bgmc.ag.org!
With Junior Bible Quiz, there is no reason to choose between kids having a blast and a robust Bible-based program. Don’t spend another moment wondering if the Word of God is geeng into the hearts and heads of the children in your ministry. Take a few minutes today to become familiar with the Bible Fact Pak and how it can increase the fun and Bible knowledge at the same me.
JBQ Meets are hosted around the South Texas District each month. Quizzers compete in teams of 2-6 members across 3 levels (B - beginners and young team, A - novice, AA - advanced) . South Texas JBQ Seasons run from September-March. New teams can ssll join for the 2019/2020 Season! For more informaaon email our District JBQ Coordinator, Shaenelle Johnston (Shae) stxkids@gmail.com. Guidlines and general info can be found at
Girls Ministries Leadership Retreat Leaders, Teachers & Helpers
March 27-28, 2020
Melissa LeClare
Jen Whalen
Registration form www.stxgm.org
Gloria Wiggins
Register by March 20 $40 per person
GM Team
Contact Melissa LeClare mleclare@stxg.org or 713-455-1221
Girls Weekend Camp May 1-3, 2020 $80/person Hill Country Camp, Kerrville, TX Bring your girls/teens and join us for a weekend designed to encourage and inspire girls to be the light of Jesus in a dark world.
For more information contact Melissa LeClare mleclare@stxag.org www.stxgm.org
Are you considering planting a church? Perhaps your church would like to plant a campus or another church, or just help others plant. Maybe you are just curious about what God is doing the Assemblies of God Church Multiplication Network (CMN). The CMN Conference is a rallying point for church planters, pastors, and leaders to see and celebrate the work that God is doing all around us. It’s a chance for you to network with others who are likely going through the same stage of ministry as you. The conference is your opportunity to receive from God what He wants to share with you. You’ll hear from dynamic speakers in our main sessions, hear focused discussions in our breakouts, and create new relationships throughout your time here. If you are interested or just curious, please check out this website: www.cmnconference.com
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The following missions giving is above what has been credited to the A/G National office. Please do not include the following, (so they will not be double credited): STL, BGMC, LFTL, Women’s Ministries, AGWM/AGUSM missionaries, Convoy of Hope, Teen Challenge, Pleasant Hills, EMERGE, General Council endorsed schools, colleges & universities, etc. as these are reported to the National Office directly.
Missions Conventions Missions Honorariums
Missions Outreaches
Special Missions Projects
Use of Facilities for Ethnic groups (no cost) PAC (6 mo. start up): Other (please list)
GRAND TOTAL MISSIONS GIVING CREDIT: **Please send this form to raudorff.stxag@gmail.com. Due by: 1st Qtr: April 10th 2nd Qtr: July 10th
$ (Please attach documentation or information for reference). 3rd Qtr: October 10th 4th Qtr: January 10th (year-end)