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Seniors with Purpose

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The Eye

Ephesians 5:8-17 are powerful “Seniors” verses for several reasons. Read them! For now, here are verses 15-17: “Be very careful, then, how you live— not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

Here are some reasons these verses speak to us as an age group and why we should always be at the ready, making the most of every opportunity:

1. The wisdom of years and experience (vs 15) can only be gained by years and experience! Seniors are uniquely equipped with a special wisdom that today’s circumstances could desperately use. While younger generations have grown up in a very different world and know much more about technology and have experience in areas that were decades away from us as youth. They are missing many life skills. Life is still life. The moral, ethical, spiritual and practical elements of life today are desperate for what you, Senior, have to offer. Use Wisdom!

2. Indifference (vs 14) steals and blinds people to the opportunities that are there, preventing some from “Making the most of every opportunity”! It is relatively easy to fall prey to indifference when you feel unimportant, not useful, neglected, cut off, tired and worn out or even isolated! But how did Paul put it? We must not be asleep and miss the everyday moments for good that come our way. Indifference Is a powerful enemy! Lets put it to sleep!

3. Take the initiative. (vs 16) Be proactive. Uncover the many opportunities for good that are there, but might not present themselves unless you dig them up. Call your family, your Grandkids, old friends, neighbors, pastor, church family members. Out of the blue, ask someone if there is anything you can pray for! Or any other of the plethora of things we can proactively do. Be creative and invest your years of Godly life into others! Don’t forget to be ready to volunteer and serve at church. It’s true, you are not too young to serve!

4. Covet Fellowship, (vs 15) Prayer, the Word and your Church! These help keep our spiritual senses sharp to help detect opportunities.

5. Be careful how you handle negative responses. That could lead to foolishness! (vs. 17) A redheaded, freckle faced teenage boy gives us a lesson here. When in obedience to his father, David went to the battlefield to check on his older brothers, he encountered a beast of a man that had the entire army of Israel shaking in their boots and retreating. In his simple and wise beyond his years faith, David said, “He can’t do that”! Don’t you guys know how much bigger God is

than that guy? (CUV- Clarks Unofficial Version) His oldest Brother chided him and called him names! David could have just went out in the lobby and sat down… but he didn’t! He didn’t say anything to Eliab! He just went to another soldier and asked the same questions. He was finally brought to Saul who told him, “NO, you could never beat that Giant!” David simply said, Yes I can, and here’s why! You know the rest of the story.

Our response to hurtful or negative people can be tragic if we just give up and CHOOSE to be hurt. Then we wallow in it and it positions us far from the opportunities for good that are waiting for us. Oh, I’m not suggesting you look for a Goliath to fight. I think I would trip and fall running through the creek bed! But, if I were in the creek bed I could probably find a few smooth stones to put in the hand of a David! Most people wouldn’t think of being face down in a dried-up creek bed as an opportunity! Maybe it depends on why we were there and our understanding the need that was present!

There’s a world of opportunities out there! Make the most of them. God says we should do that! No Excuses! “No Coasting to the Finish Line!”

Wayne and Judy Clark Seniors With Purpose

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