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The STAR Spring '23

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PSALMS 85:6 Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?

David asked God a question concerning Revival. Really David answers his own question by suggesting that he wanted to hear from God.

In The Book of Revelation, Jesus told all seven churches to hear what the Spirit said to the churches.

Really the teachings of Revelation 2 and 3 was a Revival by the Evangelist of all Evangelist Jesus Christ. One of the purposes of revival is to have an Appraisal or Test of the character of all seven Churches.

The reason why our South Texas A/G churches need revival is because Revival reminds us who we are, what we are, and what we must be in the Last Days harvest.

The five M&M's we must Revive are the following:

1. MESSAGE – The Cross and the tomb of Jesus are empty and the message must be preached that Jesus died on the Cross, was buried, and rose from the dead and that proves Jesus’ Deity. False Doctrine does not enable an atmosphere of conviction.

2. MANDATE – We must continue the Apostles Doctrine (Acts 2:42), we are still to preach our Four Cardinal Doctrines, which are: Jesus Saves, Fills, Heals, and is coming back for His Bride.

3. MANTLE – We must understand the theology of the anointing and its purpose. Being filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues is still the initial Physical Evidence. It edifies our soul and helps us crucify the flesh.

4. MISSIONS – We need to revive our great Commission. Yes, we must provide ANOINTED MISSIONARIES oversees, but we must not forget the Missionaries to America. We need ANOINTED MISSIONARIES to America. We must let the Seeds of our lives Bloom into a Harvest.

5. METHODS – In John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. True worship enables the church to desire Jesus in the house. True worship will not enable “Strange Fire” or “Strange Doctrines” in the Father’s house. False worship does not enable an atmosphere of conviction.

Pastors, we are in the final hours of the Church Dispensation of Grace and we are running out of time. In order to win your Harvest fields and Revive your church to win the Lost, I encourage every South Texas Pastor and church to: Seek God in your prayer altars and to schedule a Spiritual Event called REVIVAL with a Jesus called Evangelist to assist you. Time is running out!

Until next time! We Keep Marching!

South Texas District Evangelist Department Evangelist Representative

Evangelist Rod and Cathy Vincent

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