Dealing with Winter in South Texas
Reverends Tim & Jill Barker The$ only$ time$ we$ embraced$ the$ idea$ of$ getting$ older$ was$ when$ we$ were$ kids.$ $Prior$to$the$age$of$12$we$were$ so$ exciting$ about$ aging$ that$ we$ counted$ in$ fractions;$ I" am" 8" ½" or" 11" ¼".$ $When$we$turned$16$we’d$say;$I’m" almost" 18.$ $ $ At$ the$ age$ of$ 21,$ it$ all$ began$ to$ change$ and$ we$ suddenly,$ TURNED$ 30;$ PUSHED$ 40;$ REACHED$ 50;$MADE$IT$TO$60;$HIT$70$and$are$IN$ our$ 80s.$ $ And,$ I$ won’t$ comment$ beyond$ that,$ because$ I$ hear$ you$ just$ start$over$from$there.$$$ No$matter$how$old$or$how$young$we$ are,$ GOD$ LOVES$ US$ and$ He$ has$ created$ us$ “for$ such$ a$ time$ as$ this”$ with$purpose.$$Psalm$145:4$says,$“One$ generation$ shall$ praise$ thy$ works$ to$ another,$ and$ shall$ declare$ thy$ mighty$ acts.”$ $ If$ Dr.$ Warren$ Wiersbe$ is$ right$ and$“the$Church$is$just$one$generation$ s h o r t$ o f$ ex t i n c t i o n ”$ a n d$ o u r$ generation$fails$to$guard$the$truth$and$ entrust$ it$ to$ our$ children$ (and$ grandchildren),$ then$ that$ will$ be$ the$ end!$ $ When$ I$ think$ of$ the$ saints$ and$ martyrs$ who$ have$ suffered$ and$ died$ so$ that$ we$ might$ have$ God’s$ truth,$ it$ makes$ me$ want$ to$ take$ my$ place$ in$ God’s$army$seriously$and$be$faithful$to$ the$task.$ I$ can$ say$ without$ reservation,$ “THE$ LORD$ IS$ GOOD;$ HIS$ MERCY$ IS$ EVERLASTING;$ AND$ HIS$ TRUTH$ E N D U R E T H$ T O# A L L# G E N E R AT I O N S .”$ ( Ps a l m$ 1 0 0 : 5 )$$
However,$ it’s$ true$ what$ Ecc.$ 1:4$ says,$ “One$ generation$ passeth$ away,$ and$ another$ generation$ cometh”;$ may$ it$ not$ be$ as$ cited$ in$ Judges$ 2:10,$ that$ a$ generation$ “arose$ that$ knew$ not$ the$ Lord,$ or$ the$ works$ which$ he$ had$ done.”$ $ $ I$ believe$ if$ we$ do$ this$ thing$ correctly,$ as$ those$ who$ have$ labored$ before$us,$we$will$“make$thy$name$to$ be$ remembered$ in$ all$ generations:$$ therefore$shall$the$people$praise$thee$ for$ever$and$ever.”$$It’s$time$to$see$this$ thing$ thru!$ $ It’s$ time$ to$ claim$ responsibility…to$ lay$ aside$ the$ ‘consumer$ mentality’$ that$ asks$ “what$ do$ I$ get$ out$ of$ this’,$ and$ have$ a$ ‘contributor$mentality’,$asking,$‘what’s$ my$part$in$the$big$picture.$$Regardless$ of$where$we$are$in$the$linecup,$there$ is$ a$ generation$ behind$ us$ and$ we$ must$reach$them!$$$ I$ still$ believe$ we$ are$ a$ “chosen$ generation….that$ ye$ should$ shew$ forth$ the$ praises$ of$ him$ who$ called$ you$ out$ of$ darkness$ into$ his$ marvelous$ light.”$ $ $ I’ve$ been$ c h a l l e n g e d$ i n$ m y$ s p i r i t$ t o$ communicate$ the$ Lord$ to$ the$ next$ generation$ in$ a$ vital$ way.$ $ My$ sweet$ mother$ always$ reminded$ me$ that$ “actions$ speak$ louder$ than$ words”$ a n d$ s o$ w e$ m u s t$ a l w a y s$ l i v e$ OBEDIENTLY$and$OPENLY$for$the$Lord.$$ This$ generation$ deals$ with$ reality$ in$ their$ world$ everyday$ and$ they$ seek$ and$ listen$ to$ show$ who$ will$ be$ REAL:$$ not$ pretentious$ or$ self$ righteousness$ –$ but$ REAL!$ $ This$ is$ a$ generation$ of$ REAL$ (reality)$ TV$ and$ life!$ $ This$ is$ a$ VERBAL$ generation$ that$ speaks$ (Tweets)$ their$ mind,$ where$ my$ generation$ was$ told$ to$ wait$ until$ we$ were$spoken$too.$$This$is$a$generation$ (society)$ based$ on$ RELATIONSHIP$ –$ more$ than$ any$ other.$ $ They$ believe$ that$if$there$is$no$relationship,$there$is$ very$ little$ reason$ or$ effort$ given$ to$ listening.$ $ $ We$ must$ link$ the$ generations$ in$ the$ church,$ because$ t h e re$ i s$ va l u e$ a n d$ i n c re d i b l y$ significant$contributions.$$$
As$ the$ Holy$ Spirit$ has$ challenged$ me,$ I’ve$ had$ to$ answer$ the$ following$ question,$ “what$ are$ you$ going$ to$ invest$in$the$next$generation”?$ $Well,$ besides$ the$ testimonies$ of$ God’s$ faithfulness$ that$ I$ can$ pass$ on$ to$ them,$I$believe$the$Apostle$Paul$gives$ solid$suggestions$in$2$Timothy$1:15c18$ #1#–#A#DETERMINED#FAITHFULNESS# $$ 2"Timothy"1:157"18"(AMP)"" You#already#know#that#all#who#are#in# Asia# turned# away# and# forsook# me,# Phygelus# and# Hermogenes# among# them.## May# the# Lord# grant# [His]# mercy# to# the# family# of# Onesiphorus,# for# he# often# showed# me# kindness# and# ministered# to# my# needs# [comforting# and# reviving# and# bracing# me# like# fresh#air]!#He#was#not#ashamed#of#my# chains#and#imprisonment#[for#Christ's# sake].## No,# rather# when# he# reached# Rome,# he# searched# diligently# and# eagerly# for#me#and#found#me.## May# the# Lord# grant# to# him# that# he# may#find#mercy#from#the#Lord#on#that# [great]# day!# And# you# know# how# many#things#he#did#for#me#and#what# a#help#he#was#at#Ephesus#[you#know# better#than#I#can#tell#you].## Paul$ was$ writing$ this$ letter$ from$ a$ prison$cell,$perhaps$this$is$the$reason$ that$ Phygelus$ and$ Hermongenes$ turned$ their$ backs$ on$ him.$ $ Perhaps$ t h e y$ w e re$ a f ra i d$ o f$ g u i l t$ b y$ association.$ $ We$ know$ very$ little$ about$ these$ two,$ except$ that$ they$ appeared$ to$ be$ spiritual$ cowards.$$ There$ were$ recruited$ for$ the$ major$ leagues$ only$ to$ discover$ that$ they$ were$only$minor$league$material.$$The$ fact$ that$ their$ specific$ names$ were$ used$ here$ in$ this$ passage$ means$ that$ they$ were$ probably$ well$ know$ to$ the$ Apostle$ Timothy$ and$ the$ church$ community.$$$
OUR SUPERINTENDENT FROMFROM OUR SUPERINTENDENT In$ stark$ contrast$ to$ Phygelus$ and$ Hermongenes$ is$ Onesiphorus.$ $ Paul$ describes$ how$ Onesiphorus$ came$ to$ the$ massive$ city$ of$ Rome$ and$ searched$ the$ prison$ system$ until$ he$ found$ Paul.$ $ That$ in$ itself$ speaks$ volumes$to$this$man’s$faithfulness.$$In$ addition,$he$was$undaunted$by$Paul’s$ life$situation.$ $I$have$come$to$realize$ that$ a$ determined$ faithfulness$ to$ serve$others$has$a$way$of$blinding$us$ to$societies$stigma’s$and$prejudices.$$$ (#2)#5#A#NEW#SOURCE#OF#STRENGTH.### Timothy," my" dear" son," be" strong" through"the"grace"that"God"gives"you" in" Christ" Jesus." 2# You" have" heard" me" te a c h" t h i n g s" t h a t" h a v e" b e e n" c o n f i r m e d" b y" m a n y" r e l i a b l e" witnesses."Now"teach"these"truths"to" other"trustworthy"people"who"will"be" able"to"pass"them"on"to"others." 3#Endure"suffering"along"with"me,"as" a" good" soldier" of" Christ" Jesus." 4# Soldiers" don’t" get" tied" up" in" the" affairs" of" civilian" life," for" then" they" cannot"please"the"officer"who"enlisted" them." 5# And" athletes" cannot" win" the" prize" unless" they" follow" the" rules." 6#And"hardworking"farmers"should"be" the" first" to" enjoy" the" fruit" of" their" labor." 7# Think" about" what" I" am" saying." The" Lord" will" help" you" understand"all"these"things."""""" 2:377"(NLT)#
Let’s$ give$ the$ next$ generation$ a$ determined$faithfulness$in$God$and$a$ source$ of$ strength$ that$ is$ Godc centered$ and$ grace$ driven.$ $ Paul$ then,$ turns$ to$ say$ that$ the$ work$ ahead$will$demand$endurance.$$$ #3# –# THE# ABILITY# TO# ENDURE# WELL# FOR#CHRIST#(2:357)# Investing$ in$ the$ next$ generation$ will$ make$ demands$ of$ our$ time,$ energy$ and$ resources.$ $ The$ next$ generation$ needs$to$know$as$well$that$the$work$ will$be$demanding.$$$ The$ fourth$ and$ final$ gift$ we$ need$ to$ give$the$next$generation$is$to$INSPIRE$ THEM$ IN$ THE$ WORK$ TO$ BE$ DONE$ AND$THE$LIFE$TO$BE$LIVED.$ 2$Timothy$2:8c13$(KJV)$ 8#Remember#that#Jesus#Christ#of#the# seed#of#David#was#raised#from#the# dead#according#to#my#gospel:# 9#Wherein#I#suffer#trouble,#as#an#evil# doer,#even#unto#bonds;#but#the#word# of#God#is#not#bound.# 10#Therefore#I#endure#all#things#for# the#elect's#sakes,#that#they#may#also# obtain#the#salvation#which#is#in# Christ#Jesus#with#eternal#glory.# 11#It#is#a#faithful#saying:#For#if#we#be# dead#with#him,#we#shall#also#live# with#him:#
with#him:#if#we#deny#him,#he#also# will#deny#us:# 13#If#we#believe#not,#yet#he#abideth# faithful:#he#cannot#deny#himself.# We/They$need$to$remember:$ A. That$it’s$all$about$Christ$–$vs.$ 8c9a$ B. That$the$Word$of$God$is$not$ bound$–$vs.$9b$ C. We$work$and$endure$for$ those$who$do$not$yet$know$ Christ$–$v.$10$ D. Our$personal$creed$–$vs.$ 11c13$ E. The$rewards$await$ Paul$wants$Timothy,$and$us$to$know$ that$not$only$is$there$the$present$ reward$of$seeing$people$transformed$ Christ,$but$there$is$a$future$reward$ for$the$faithful.$ 1:18"–"“Find"mercy"on"that"day”" 2:5"–"“The"victor’s"crown”" 2:6"–"“receive"a"share"of"the" crops”" 2:10"–"“obtain"the"salvation"that" is"in"Christ"Jesus,"with"eternal" glory”" 2:11"–"“we"will"live"with"Him”" 2:12"–"“we"will"reign"with"Him”" cTim$Barker
Pentecostal Evangel Moves to Online News Service We are excited to announce the launch of PE News. The subscription-based 101-year-old print publication now is available in online and mobile platforms. Visit to see the latest stories on the people and ministries of the Assemblies of God. You can also access a free download of a weekly summary of stories by clicking here. Through the decades, the Pentecostal Evangel (PE) has served as the official voice of the Fellowship, providing weekly spiritual and informational content for the constituency. Published as Word and Witness, Christian Evangel, Weekly Evangel, Pentecostal Evangel, and Today’s Pentecostal Evangel, its content has remained a staple for the AG community and a trailblazer of Christian communication.
The launch of the digital age led to the creation of AG News, an online and email news service. This communication channel has provided current news on t h e Fe l l o w s h i p t o t h o u s a n d s o f subscribers multiple times a week. Now, AG News will come together with Pentecostal Evangel for an even greater impact. As PE has entered its second century of publication, it is poised to see what may possibly be the most radical expansion in readership in its history. Now published as PE News, the official voice of the Assemblies of God will be accessible free and digitally. This allows more people to view the content more quickly than what could have ever been imagined 101 years ago. Visit to see daily content and subscri be to recei ve e- mai l updates and even free downloads for your church’s bulletin.
For the most up to date Minister’s information login to ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS.
Transfer#Out# Ryan$&$Carrie$Byrne$to$Alaska$ Jason$Corbit$to$Nebraska$ Collin$&$Kristen$Hill$to$Alaska$ Jose$Lopez$to$North$Texas$ Heather$E.$Milstead$to$Potomac$ Shawn$Reece$to$Tennessee$ Jeremy$Vandenberg$to$North$Texas$ Sarah$Weingarden$to$Indiana$ Kevin$&$Lindsey$Welch$to$Alaska$ Transfer#In## Jimmy$Atkins$from$North$Texas$ Starseay$Hillegeist$from$North$Cal/ Nevada$ Timothy$McCain$from$Penn$FL$ Christopher$Rhoades$from$North$TX$ Lupita$Salinas$from$So$Cal/Nevada$ Crystal$Waller$from$Minnesota$
New#Certified#Ministers,#con…# Yvonne$Fugee$–$North$Houston$ Jonathan$Golightly$c$Beaumont$ Nicholas$Hester$–$North$Houston$ Jason$Kelske$–$North$Houston$ Stephen$Krahl$–$North$Houston$ Sean$McEntee$–$North$Houston$ Keith$Motely$–$North$Houston$ Vicente$Monteolong$–$Rio$Grande$ Valley$ Clint$Reeves$–$North$Houston$ Sarah$Sanchez$–$North$Houston$ Renee$Schultz$–$North$Houston$ Lauren$Simmons$–$North$Houston$ Taylor$Simmons$–$North$Houston$ $Ali$Trojacek$–$North$Houston$ Preston$Ulrich$–$Corpus$Christi$ Lindsay$Welch$–$North$Houston$ Hannah$Monroe$–$North$Houston$
New#Certified#Ministers# James$Billings$–$North$Houston$ Kimberly$Brooks$–$North$Houston$ Ryan$Byrne$–$North$Houston$ Jeese$Cogbill$–$North$Houston$ Jennifer$Flores$–$San$Jacinto$ Charles$(Chuck)$Fugee$–$N.$Houston$
New#Pastors# First,$Mathis$–$Pastor$John$A.$Barrea,$ Interim$ First,$Shepherd,$Pastor$Jimmy$ Charles$ Southeast$Assembly$of$God$ Pastor$Jaime$Castillano$
New#PAC#Church# Calvary$Cross$Church$of$the$AG$(PAC)$ 7760$Crue$Rd,$San$Antonio$78249$ Pastor$Daniel$Essel$ Seeker$Hill$(PAC)$ 9523$Barr$Springs$Dr.$ Humble,$TX$77396$ Pastor$Gershon$Suan$ Church#Address#Change# Hallettsville$Community$Church$ (PAC):$ 54$CR$200$ Hallettsville,$TX$77964$ Deceased#Ministers/Spouses# Tom$Dietz$–$11/30/2014$ Shirley$Haserodt$–$11/28/2014$ Richard$Lum$–$10/01/2014$ George$Martin$–$09/28/2014$ Irene$Mask$(Spouse$)$10/25/2014$ Agapito$Zuniga$–$01/16/2015
OPEN CHURCHES First#Assembly#of#God,#Freeport# P.$O.$Box$3036$ Freeport,$TX$77542c1236$ Resumes"to:" $ Attention:$$Pulpit$Committee$ $ First#Assembly#of#God,# P.$O.$Box$3036$ Freeport,$TX$77542c1236.$ Ph$#:$$979.233.3774$
The#Journey#Fellowship#5#New# Waverly$ Please$send$resumes$to:$$Jesse$ Fluellen$at$$ Glad#Tidings#–#Texas#City# 902$Logan$Street$N.$ Texas$City,$Texas$$77590$ Resumes"to:" """"""Church$Address$ $$$$$$Attention:$$Glenn$Ererdam$ $$$$$$Cell$Contact$#:$$409.370.0309$
First#Assembly#of#God#–#Kountze# PO$Box$218$ Kountze,$TX$77625c0218$ Resumes"to:" $ Pastoral$Search$Committee$ $ P.O.$Box$218$ $ Kountze,$TX$$77625$ $ Church$Contact$#:$$$ $ 409.246.4276$ $$$$$Contact$Name:$$Mr.$Rupert$Ellis$ $$$$$Phone$Number:$$409.755.1698
$$$$$•$$$$$$$$$The$ person$ has$ allowed$ their$ mind$to$go$far$beyond$where$ yours$ has$ on$ the$ issue$ atc hand.$ The$ result$ is$ a$ blurring$ of$reality$and$fantasy.$
into$ believing$ that$ you$ are$ only$ creating$ a$ paper$ trail.$ Believe$ me,$ if$ you$need$a$paper$trail$on$the$subject,$ you$better$not$develop$one$through$ec mail.$
It$ is$ absolutely$ critical$ that$ church$ leaders$not$fall$prey$to$the$temptation$ to$send$a$potentially$real$or$perceived$ negative$ ecmail.$ In$ a$ matter$ of$ one$ click,$you$can$damage$your$ministry,$if$ not$beyond$repair,$very$close$to$it.$
Here's$a$thought$for$you.$There$are$a$ series$ of$ verses$ in$ Matthew$ 18$ that$ reference$what$to$do$when$you$move$ into$a$disagreement$with$a$brother$or$ sister.$ Noticeably$ absent$ from$ the$ instructions$ listed$ in$ verses$ 15$ c$ 20$ is$ the$option$to$correct$or$disagree$with$ a$ brother$ or$ sister$ by$ electronic$ means.$ In$ no$ way$ can$ you$ imagine$ Jesus'$ tax$ collector$ discipline$ suggesting$ that$ anything$ other$ than$ facectocface$confrontation$on$issues$of$ disagreement$is$the$way$to$go.$
If$you$have$an$administrative$assistant$ you$ trust$ to$ catch$ ecmails$ with$ any$ negative$feel$to$it,$you$might$have$that$ person$snag$them$and$simply$suggest$ you$ call$ the$ sender$ and$ indicate$ you$ apparently$ need$ to$ talk.$ Have$ your$ assistant$ give$ you$ the$ bird's$ eye$ view$ of$ the$ ecmail$ without$ the$ caustic$ components$ in$ black$ and$ white.$ Do$ not$read$it$yourself.$You$need$to$keep$ your$mind$free$of$that$kind$of$clutter.$
One$of$the$nagging$components$of$life$ in$the$21st$century$is$dealing$with$the$ proliferation$ of$ ecmail.$ We$ loved$ ec mails$ when$ they$ first$ arrived$ years$ ago.$How$about$today?$
On$a$few$occasions,$I$have$received$an$ ecmail$from$one$of$those$noncthinking$ persons$listed$above$and$even$one$or$ two$ from$ those$ who$ have$ correctly$ (hate$to$admit$it)$disagreed$with$me.$
Although$ communication$ through$ ec mail$is$exponentially$faster$than$handc written$ notes$ or$ phone$ calls,$ it$ is$ not$ always$ better,$ and$ it$ certainly$ brings$ with$it$the$risk$of$miscommunication.$ How$you$communicate$is$critical.$In$all$ cases,$ you$ must$ remain$ positive$ or$ neutral$in$the$emotional$tone$of$your$ ecmails$and$your$reader$must$receive$ them$as$such.$
I$ immediately$ have$ done$ what$ most$ Spiritcdirected$men$of$God$do.$I$fire$up$ one$ of$ my$ finest$ nastycgrams.$ I$ read$ and$recread$it,$feel$sinfully$good$about$ it,$suspect$I$should$not$send$it,$recread$ it$ again,$ feel$ good$ about$ my$ blasting,$ suspect$I$should$not$send$it$again,$and$ then$ do$ the$ unthinkable!$ HIT$ DELETE$ without$thinking$about$it.$
Dick$ Hardy$ wrote$ this$ insightful$ and$ wise$ article,$ and$ gave$ his$ permission$ for$me$to$share$it$with$you.$
If$ you$ have$ been$ around$ for$ any$ period$of$time,$you$have$received$one$ or$ more$ of$ the$ "I'mcgoingctocblastc you"$ ecmails.$ These$ ecmails$ come$ from$people$for$reasons$(in$part$or$in$ total)$like$the$following:$ $$$$$•$$$$$$$$$The$ person$ is$ gutless$ and$ c a n n o t$ e x p r e s s$ t h e i r$ disagreement$ facectocface.$ They$ might$ even$ attend$ your$ church.$ $$$$$•$$$$$$$$$The$ person$ is$ not$ thinking$ clearly$ and$ tries$ to$ process$ their$thoughts$in$an$ecmail$not$ realizing$ they$ are$ doing$ so$ at$ your$expense.$
When$ you$ suspect$ you$ should$ not$ send$an$ecmail,$you$most$likely$should$ not.$Forget$about$how$good$the$flesh$ will$ feel.$ Believe$ me,$ in$ the$ final$ analysis,$an$ecmail$of$this$nature$does$ not$even$feel$good$because$you$never$ know$ when$ it$ hits.$ Then,$ frankly,$ you$ as$the$pastor$or$church$leader$have:$ $$$$$•$$$$$$$$$Become$gutless$ $$$$$•$$$$$$$$$Become$noncthinking$ $$$$$•$$$$$$$$$Allowed$ your$ mind$ to$ blur$ reality$and$fantasy$ You$ will$ say$ things$ in$ an$ ecmail$ you$ would$never$say$in$person.$When$you$ say$ things$ in$ person,$ you$ have$ to$ be$ able$ to$ substantiate$ your$ statements.$ Not$so$in$ecmails.$Do$not$kid$yourself$
As$ a$ pastor$ or$ church$ leader,$ one$ of$ your$roles$is$to$model$how$to$respond$ to$criticism$and$differences$expressed$ by$others.$It$is$not$your$role$to$be$the$ "hidecbehindctheccomputercscreen"$ respondent.$ Model$ responses$ to$ negative$ ecmails$ that$ come$ your$ way$ NOT$by$fighting$fire$with$fire.$Call$the$ person$ immediately$ and$ talk.$ Even$ when$ you$ disagree,$ you$ will$ be$ amazed$at$how$much$softer$they$will$ sound.$ For$ yourself,$ never$ put$ anyone,$ parishioner$ or$ other,$ in$ a$ position$ to$ have$ to$ decide$ to$ respond$ to$ your$ negative$email.$In$short:$ $$$$$•$$$$$$$$$NEVER$ SEND$ A$ NEGATIVE$ Ec MAIL!$ $$$$$•$$$$$$$$$IF$ YOU$ CREATE$ A$ NEGATIVE$ E c M A I L ,$ D E L E T E$ I T$ IMMEDIATELY!$ If$this$idea$is$not$clear,$give$me$a$call.$If$ you$ disagree$ with$ me,$ for$ goodness$ sakes$don't$do$you$know$what!$ cDick$Hardy$
MAY 12 – 14, 2015
Westover Hills Assembly of God 9340 Westover Hills Boulevard San Antonio, Texas 78251 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 6:40 p.m. Pre-Service Music 7:00 p.m. Service*: Keynote Speaker Dr. Tim R. Barker, Superintendent, South Texas District Council SAGU Reception following service Wednesday, May 13, 2015 8:00 a.m. Prayer 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 pm Business Sessions 5:30 p.m. Missions Dinner - MUST RSVP online at or contact Kay Bailey or 713-455-1221. Cut off date: Friday, May 1, 2015 Meal is complimentary if you and your spouse are registered for District Council. Without District Council Registration, cost is $30.00 each.
6:40 p.m. Pre-Service Music Music 7:00 p.m. Missions Service*: Without Borders
SCHEDULE# Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:00 a.m. Prayer 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 pm Business Sessions 10:30 a.m. Memorial Service Dr. Jim Rion, Pastor Westover Hills 12:15 p.m. Church Ministries & Discipleship Luncheon - MUST RSVP through Tammy Calderon: 713.455.1221
6:40 p.m. Pre-Service Music 7:00 p.m. Ordination Service* Dr. Alton Garrison, Assistant General Superintendent General Council of The A/G Elders Charge: Rev. Steve Banning, Assistant Superintendent, South Texas District Council
MOSAIC/Church Planting Reception following service, RSVP to Kendall Reavis by phone 832.449.0900 or email -
*CHILDCARE will be available during EVENING SERVICES only.
(STXAG#headquarters#hotel)# 9800$Hyatt$Resort$Drive$ San$Antonio,$Texas$$78251$ Ph$#:$$888.421.1442$ 402.592.6464$ CUT$OFF$DATE:$$April$20,$2015$ (Must$mention:$$South#Texas#District# Assemblies#of#God)#
11605$State$Highway$151$ San$Antonio,$Texas$$78251$ Ph$#:$$210.509.3700$ Rate:$$$100$ CUT$OFF$DATE:$$While$rooms$are$ available$ (Must$mention$WESTOVER#HILLS# ASSEMBLY#OF#GOD)$
$$STAYBRIDGE#SUITES# 10919$Town$Center$Drive$ San$Antonio,$Texas$$78251$ Ph$#:$$210.767.1100$or$ 1.866.922.2054$ $99.00$King$(Studio$Suite)$ $125.00$D/D$(Studio$Suite)$ CUT$OFF$DATE:$$April$20,$2015$ (Must$mention:$$South#Texas#District# Assemblies#of#God)
The Church Ministries & Discipleship Department invite you and your spouse to join us for our Children’s Leader & Children’s Pastors District Council Luncheon. May 14, 2015 @ Westover Hills Assembly of God $5.00 per person 12 Noon RSVP to Cherie at by 10 AM on May 13
$ $ 7:00#p.m.# # # $ $ $ $
We DO desire Housing (Call the District Office: 713.455.1221.) DORM (Must bring bunk/full bed linens and all toiletries) Staying in my RV (Can you sleep on a top bunk?_____)
We do NOT desire housing. Name of Hotel/Friends__________________________________
$ $
$ $
Senior$Adult$Choir$Practice$ Dinner$
Home Church
E-Mail Address
Breakfast$ “This#is#My#Story,#This#is#My#Song,”# by#Dr.#Shellie#O’Neal### The"Life"and"Music"of"Fanny"Crosby" Lunch$
Home Telephone
# 8:30$a.m.$ 9:30$a.m.$ # #
Zip Code
Registration$ Dinner$ Concert#with#the#Martin’s"
First Name (s)
Last Name
Noon$ $
Send Registration Form and a check to: Senior Adult Summit South Texas District P. O. Box 9714 Houston, Texas 77213 713.455.1221 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
3:00$p.m.$ 5:30$p.m.$ 7:00$p.m.$
Early Arrival: Staying on Campground: $20.00 per person
4:00$p.m.$ 5:30$p.m.$
Registration BEFORE: February 1, 2015 $75.00 per person AFTER: February 1, 2015 $85.00 per person
Hill Country Camp and Conference Center - 830.257.5714 1325 Harper Road – Kerrville, TX 78028
February 24 - 26, 2015
Schedule of Events Speaker:##Dr.#Doug#Fulenwider# Former$Superintendent,$Louisiana$ District## Music$by:$The$Harvesters# $of$Southwestern$Assemblies$$ $of$God$University,$$and$the$ Senior#Adult#Summit#Choir#
8:30$a.m.$ 9:30$a.m.$ $ $ Breakfast$ Harvesters##of$Southwestern$$ Assemblies$of$God$University$
$$$$$$$ # # # 10:30$a.m.$ # # # # Noon$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Speaker:##Dr.#Doug#Fulenwider# Communion:##Reverend#Lloyd## Maddoux# Dismiss$
January 1 3 3 4-10 9-10
New Year’s Day DO Closed District School of Ministry Teen Bible Quiz League 3 Week of Prayer Royal Rangers District Staff Retreat 10 JBQ League 3 Meet 11 Church Planting Day 15 STL Offering Due 16-18 Royal Rangers World Class Outpost Seminar 18 Cradle Roll Sunday 19 Martin Luther King Day D O Closed 20 Executive Presbytery Meeting 25 Nat’l Men’s Ministries Day 31 Annual Church Ministries Report (ACMR) Deadline SPEED THE LIGHT TOUR January 8 Gulf Coast/Victoria Sections 9 Beaumont/Neches Valley Sections 12 San Antonio/Corpus Christi Sections 13 Rio Grande Valley Section 15 Houston/North Houston Sections 16 San Jacinto Section LIGHT FOR THE LOST TOUR January 15 Rio Grande Valley Section 16 Corpus Christi Section 19 Houston Section 20 North Houston Section 22 San Antonio Section 23 Victoria Section 26 San Jacinto Section 27 Gulf Coast Section 29 Beaumont Section 30 Neches Valley Section
February 1 1
Missions Sunday WM Convention Reg. Deadline/Project Destiny Money Due 7 District School of Ministry 7 Teen Bible Quiz League 4 7 JBQ League Meet 13 JBQ South Texas District Invitational 13-15 Marriage Encounter Houston 14 Valentine’s Day 15 STL Offering Due 16 President’s Day 17 Executive Presbytery Meeting 22 National Women’s Ministries Day 24-26 Senior Adult Summit 27-28 Youth Leaders Conference 27-3/1 Royal Rangers District FCF Spring Trace/ Adventure 28 Girls Ministries 5K Missions Awareness Walk
March 3-4 5-7
6 7 7 8 8
Prayer & Bible Conference Waxahachie Women’s Ministries Convention-Westin Galleria Houston World Day of Prayer District School of Ministry Teen Bible Quiz League Finals BGMC Day Daylight Savings Time Begins
March (continued) 9-10 District Presbytery Meeting 12-14 Royal Rangers LEAD 2015 National Conference 15 STL Offering Due 16-20 AIM Spring Break Outreach 21 Girls Ministries Training – Various Locations 23-25 Texas Shoot-out 28 STL 5K 28 JBQ District Finals 28 Teen Bible Quiz District Finals
May (continued) 3 3-9 7 10 12-14 12 12 13 14 15 16
April 3 Good Friday – DO Closed 5 Easter 9-10 Signs of the Times Conference-Port Lavaca 9-11 District Fine Arts Festival 11 Royal Rangers Powwow Workday 15 Tax Day 15 STL Offering Due 17-19 Royal Rangers District Powwow 19 National Youth Day 21 Executive Presbytery Meeting 24 Arbor Day 24-25 Teen Bible Quiz Regional Finals 25 STL Bike for the Light
May 1-2 2 2
Girls Ministries Campout District School of Ministry HonorBound Golf Tournament
16 24 25
Men’s Ministries/LFTL Day National Family Week National Day of Prayer Mother’s Day 63nd District Council-Westover HillsSan Antonio STL Golf Tournament SAGU Alumni Reception MOSAIC/Church Planting Reception Children’s Leaders DevelopmentLuncheon STL Offering Due Royal Rangers District Ranger Kids Day Camp STXYM One Day Conference Pentecost Sunday/World A/G Fellowship Day of Prayer Memorial Day District Office Closed
June 6 District School of Ministry 8-11 Youth Camp #1 11-14 Royal Rangers Summer Camps 14 Flag Day 15-18 Youth Camp #2 15 STL Offering Due 16 Executive Presbytery Meeting 21 Father’s Day 23-26 Youth Camp #3 28 AGUSM Maps Day 29-7/2 Family Camp – HCC – Kerrville 29-7/3 National Bible Quiz Finals
South Texas Aims Trips Various Dates and Locations TBA 6/29-2 Family Camp - HCC 3 Independence Day Holiday District Office Closed 3 Construction Trip 4 Independence Day 5-8 Kids Camp #1 5 Military Personnel Day 10-13 Kids Camp #2 13-20 Aim Trips 15-18 Kids Camp #3 15 STL Offering Due 17-25 Youth Missions Trip 21 Executive Presbytery Meeting 24-25 Signs of the Times Conference Beaumont 31-8/1 Royal Rangers District EDGE 15 Conference
1-4 4-5 5 5-7 7 10-12 12 13-19 15 15 18-19 19 23 25-26 25-27 27 27
3-7 3-7
56th General Council – Orlando, FL National Fine Arts Festival/National Youth Convention/Aim Outreach 13-15 Men’s Retreat – HCC - Kerrville 15 STL Offering 18 Executive Presbytery Meeting 21 District Prayer Summit – Lindale A/G – Houston 21-22 Youth Alive Training 22 Girls Ministries Leadership Training – Various Locations
Spiritual Saturation Week SAGU Generation Now District School of Ministry Regional PK Retreat Dallas, TX Labor Day – DO Closed Women’s Ministries Fall Connection – HCC Kerrville Royal Rangers District Shooting Sports Day National Girls Ministries Week Executive Presbytery Meeting STL Offering Due Accelerated Minister’s Training (AMT) Kid’s in Ministry - District Wide See You At the Altar/See You at the Pole/Campus Prayer Day Girls Ministries Nationwide Sleepover/ Coins for Kids Breakaway Chi Alpha Sam Houston State University Nat’l Sunday School & Teacher Recognition Day Chi Alpha Campus Ministries Day Leadership Tour
September 17 Rio Grande Valley Section 18 Corpus Christi Section 21 San Antonio Section 22 Victoria Section 24 North Houston Section 25 Houston Section 28 San Jacinto Section 29 Gulf Coast Section October 5 Neches Valley Section 6 Beaumont Section
November (continued)
Ministers Appreciation Month 2 3 3 4-10 5-10 9-10 9-11 11 11 12 12-15 15 17 17 18 20-21 20 22-24 23-25 23-25
Connect Conference 2015 Braeswood A/G - Houston District School of Ministry Teen Bible Quiz League 1 Royal Rangers Week Youth Pastors Missions Trip Accelerated Minister’s Training (AMT) Royal Rangers FCF Fall Trace/ International Prayer Vigil National Ministers Day National Children’s Day/Children’s Ministers Day Columbus Day STL Tour de Tejas Bike STL Offering Due HonorBound Skeet Shoot JBQ Practice Meet Speed-the-Light Day Signs of the Times Conference - Silsbee Executive Presbytery Meeting Minister’s Escape HCC – Kerrville Royal Rangers National Rangers Ministry Camp (NRMC) Marriage Encounter – Houston
November 1 1 3 5-7
National Single Adult Day Daylight Savings Time Ends Election Day Women’s Ministries/Girls Ministries Leadership Training
7 7 10-11 11 14 14 15 15 20-21 25-27 26
District School of Ministry STXYM One Day Conference District Presbytery Meeting Veteran’s Day JBQ Practice Meet Teen Bible Quiz League 2 Meet STL Offering Due Aged Ministries Assistance Day Youth Converge Thanksgiving Day Holiday District Office Closed Thanksgiving Day
December 6 10 15
National Teen Challenge Day Calendar 2017 Planning Session Executive Presbytery Meeting 15 STL/LFTL Offerings Due District Office 21-25 Christmas Holidays District Office Closed 25 Christmas Day 31 STL/BGMC/LFTL Offerings Deadline National Office 31 Coins For Kids Offering Deadline 31 Ministerial Credentials Renewal Deadline 31 New Year’s Eve
Complete all the Global University courses you need for any level of credentials in just one year! The South Texas District School of Ministry (DSOM) makes it possible with special teaching and group study sessions. The cost is $70 per course. Enroll in each course 30 days before it begins. For more information contact the office of the South Texas District Executive Secretary/Treasurer, Don Wiehe or his secretary Sherry Turner at (713) 455-1221, or email No classes held in May, July, August, or December.
Te s t i n g 9 : 0 0 A M , D e v o t i o n s 9 : 4 5 A M , C l a s s e s 1 0 : 0 0 A M
Class Date
Level 1 Courses (Certified)
Level 2 Courses (License)
Level 3 Courses (Ordained)
January 3, 2015
THE 114 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine
BIB 212 New Testament Survey
BIB 322 Poetic Books
February 7, 2015
BIB 117 Prison Epistles
BIB 215 Romans
BIB 318 The Pentateuch
March 7, 2015
BIB 115 BIB 214 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Old Testament Survey the Believers Introduction to Missions
April 4, 2015
BIB 121 Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Study the Bible
June 6, 2015
MIN 123 The Local Church in Evangelism *Internships are not taught
June, 2015
MIN 191 Beginning Internship
MIN 223 Introduction Homiletics
MIN 325 Preaching to the Contemporary World
THE 245 MIN 327 Eschatology: A Study of Things Church Administration, to Come Law & Finance as classes, students do this on their own with a mentor. MIN 291 Intermediate Internship
MIN 391 Advanced Internship
Kids Camp 2015
One Force
Sponsored By: South Texas District of the Assemblies of God Church Ministries & Discipleship Department Website: Email: Phone: 713-455-1221 Rev. Tammy Calderon, Director
South Texas Ministers Available to Preach Janice$Akers,$Tomball$–$281.516.7419$ David$Baca,$Humble$–$859.948.4177$ Bill$Birkline,$Houston$–$281.380.4556$ Vivian$Boyles,$Houston$–$281.804.9338$ David$Ennis,$Katy$–$832.570.3303$ Greg$Garrett,$Texas$City$–$409.256.7716.$ Stephen$Gatlin,$Spring$–$281.224.5602$ Tom$Gourly,$Houston$–$281.458.6812$ Vanessa$Hall,$Spring$–$469.688.4364$ James$Hazelton,$Spring$–$281.443.4437$ Don$Hickman,$Angleton$c$979.308.7541$ Bill$Kilpatrick,$San$Antonio$–$210.325.5788$ Denna$Kilpatrick,$San$Antonio$–$210.601.4337$ Johnny$&$Renita$Knight$–$Victoia$c$361.550.8886$ Bob$Kucker,$Buna$–$409.994.5563$ Fern$Lancaster,$Kerrville$–$830.895.4971$ Floyd$Miles,$Magnolia$–$317.714.5711$ Kenneth$Myers,$Victoria$–$361.582.4907$ Wilbert$Oliver,$Houston$–$713.205.3361$ Donny$Phillips,$LaPorte$–$713.885.2568$
Donald$Paredes,$Spring$–$832.764.0468$ (Spanish$Speaking,$wife$interprets)$ Tom$Proctor,$Missouri$City$–$281.835.8036$ Richard$Reyes,$San$Antonio$–$210.884.2908$ Robby$Rich,$Orange$–$409.504.2423$ Jackie$Richardson,$Spring$–$281.350.4142$ Edward$Rowls,$Spring$–$281.353.1894$ Mary$Sanders,$Alvin$–$281.331.2325$ Russell$Skinner,$Montgomery$–$936.449.4378$ Stephen$Sowell,$San$Antonio$–$210.322.7526$ $David$Tosten,$Corpsu$Christi$–$361.563.3293$ Marsha$Touchstone,$Houston$–$713.981.0687$ Juanita$Trevino,$Port$Lavaca$–$361.935.7202$ Darrin$Vail,$LaMarque$–$409.939.5671$ John$VanderKaay,$Conroe$c$936.828.6659$ Tim$Verden,$League$City$–$832.545.0868$ Alison$Ward,$Kingwood$–$281.361.7966$ LeyAnne$Ward,$Kingwood$–$281.361.7966$ David$Washburn,$Kerrville$–$830.896.2171
R Re ev viiv va all o orr B Bu us stt!! Ephesians 6:12- For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. I begin my remarks this month with this scripture because we have a problem in the Church! Duh! Our battles or problems are not resolved Physically in the flesh. It is won in the invisible atmosphere. Really our Victories and Championships are won at the ALTAR of Prayer. I remind us the word says, “what we pray in secret, will be answered in the open". Also our Heavenly Prayer Language of Speaking in Tongues prays when we know not how to pray or what to pray. I present to us the problem! Two-thirds of our churches are plateaued or in decline. 8,000 of our 12,600 A/G churches. - Over 1 Million of our Assemblies of God people will worship in a church this Sunday that is either declining or not growing. - In 2013, there were 450,000 reported conversions in our churches, but 43% of them were reported by the top 2% of churches. - At the current rate, we will CLOSE the doors of one of every FOUR Assemblies of God churches in the next 10 years.. The cry from our Leadership is WE MUST ACT! AND WE ARE! Can I say first that the answer is REVIVAL!!!! In the local church! Revitalizing Churches is vital in the hour we live. But we must not forget the root of the problem is in the Spiritual Realm both outside the walls of the church and inside the walls of the church. We cannot revitalize a church only with physical contents. CHANGE has created a problem! You may ask what changes? - 75% of our A/G churches do not schedule a Spiritual event called Revival. - 75% of our A/G churches do not open extra services for the church to be faithful to their relationship with Jesus. - Evangelists and Missionaries can not schedule Sunday Night church services; and now Wednesday night services are being deleted. When are we giving people a chance to be Saved and be Baptized with the power of God? “Sunday School is no longer relevant.” One Pastor told me! Church positional papers are being reworded or changed. Why? It should not even be in our minds.
- We soften our stand concerning Homosexuality and Gay marriages and other domestic challenges in our communities. Yes, we have a problem that can only be defeated by destroying the Principalities and Powers of darkness thru the anointing. Prayer produces Power to overcome. REVIVAL reminds us WHO we are as a Pentecostal Church. Every new convert must be informed we are PENTECOSTAL! R E V I VA L r e m i n d s u s W H AT w e a r e a s a Pentecostal Church. We are a church that believes Jesus Saves, Fills, Baptizes and is to Return! REVIVAL reminds us WHERE we are to go as a Pentecostal Church. God birthed the A/G to be anointed Missionaries - even in America. Let us strive to be a Powerful Pentecostal Church in 2015. Let "not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith God" be fulfilled. Then we will see Revival and America can be set free. We must remember "the weapons of our warfare, are not carnal, but STILL mighty thru God, for the pulling down of STRONGHOLDS. We can only sing about celebration for so long, True worshippers MUST Worship in Spirit and in TRUTH. Pray, Pastors, for a Holy Ghost Revival and we will keep the Doors of our churches open with real Salvations and Baptisms. The success and Key to Real move of the Holy Ghost lies in the hands of our Shepherds. Until next time, LET'S HAVE REVIVAL South Texas Assemblies of God District Evangelist Representative, Rod Vincent
At Houston, TX USPS # 014-651
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: South Texas Assemblies of God P. O. Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213-0714
The S.T.A.R., USPS #014-651, Volume 63, Number 1, is published quarterly (plus a special December issue) by the South Texas District Council Assemblies of God, Inc. 11102 East Freeway, Houston, TX
The S. T. A. R. (South Texas Assemblies Review) is published quarterly (plus a special Christmas issue) and is the Official Publication of the SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT COUNCILASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Inc. 11102 East Freeway (I-10) Houston, Texas 77029
W FA I NL TL E R2 0 2 10 21 5
SOUTH TEXAS ASSEMBLIES OF GOD OFFICERS/PRESBYTERY/STAFF Executive District Officers Tim R. Barker - Superintendent Steve Banning - Assistant Superintendent Don Wiehe - Executive Secretary/Treasurer
Don Wiehe - Executive Editor David Wilson - Managing Editor
Mailing address: South Texas Assemblies of God P.O. Box 9714 Houston, Texas 77213-0714
District Ministries Departmental Officers Roger Bailey -
Executive Presbyters Steve Weaver and Gene Summers
General Council Presbyters Tim R. Barker, Don Wiehe & Jim Rion
District Sectional Presbyters Darold DeHart - San Jacinto Section Donny Flippo - Beaumont Section Mike Hammonds - Gulf Coast Section Lloyd Maddoux - North Houston Section Erny McDonough - Victoria Section Joel Nabors - Neches Valley Section Mario Perez - Rio Grande Valley Section Deborah Prihoda - Houston Section Doug Roberts - San Antonio Section William Stockstill - Corpus Christi Section
Honorary Presbyters Howard Burroughs, Gary Chapin, Johnny Durham, & Joseph Granberry
Roger Bailey Tammy Calderon -
Missions HonorBound Men
Church Ministries/Discipleship
Vanessa Hall -
Women’s Ministries
Matt Rule -
Youth Ministries
_________________________________ Article IX, Finances: Section 2, District Office Support, Paragraphs (a) The District Office shall be supported by a monthly offering of at least three fourths (75%) of the tithes of every minister (except Senior Retired Ministers) from both secular and ministerial income. If a minister fails to cooperate with this plan, he shall be called to give a reasonable explanation to the District Officials. (b) It is recommended that the District Office shall be supported by one percent (1%) of the monthly general fund income of each of the churches of the South Texas District Council.