The STAR - Fall 2015

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2015 VO L U M E 6 3 NUMBER 4


October is Clergy Appreciation Month We# love# &# appreciate# all# of# our# ministers# in# the# South#Texas#Assemblies#of#God.##May#the#Lord#bless# you#with#fruitful#ministry#that#gratifies#your#spirit.

et s! e f e e th ood new:15 r a l u if bring g mans 10 t u a e b Ro Howhose who of t



OUR SUPERINTENDENT FROMFROM OUR SUPERINTENDENT behind# her.# # From# his# vantage# point,# the# driver# saw# someone# crouched# down# behind# her# seat.## After# further# investigation,# the# hiding# man# was# a# convicted# rapist.### Isn’t#that#true#of#God.##He#sees#the# dangers# we# face;# and# He# knows# the#outcome.##He#tries#to#warn#us,# but#often#we#don’t#seem#to#listen.### Reverends Tim & Jill Barker In# the# fall# semester# of# 1981,# when# I# was# a# student# at# SAGU,# I# had# been# home# to# visit# my# folks# and#was#returning#to#campus#late# one# evening.# # Driving# West# on# Interstate# 20# (then# I# 635),# just# southeast# of# I# 45,# # I# noticed# a# large#pickup#truck#with#a#camper# on# the# bed# following# my# car.# # At# first# I# thought# it# was# just# coincidence,# but# it# appeared# the# driver# was# extremely# aggressive.## After# nearly# 30# miles,# the# driver# approached# my# car# and# with# his# window# down# began# yelling# at# me.# # It# was# a# guy# from# school# who#was#simply#trying#to#tell#me# that# I# had# a# shirt# hanging# out# of# the# trunk,# and# it# had# been# dragging# the# ground# for# nearly# 30#miles.# #Needless#to#say,#it#was# ruined#at#this#point!# A# newspaper# on# the# East# Coast# carried# a# story# of# a# woman# who# had# a# similar# experience# while# driving# home# one# evening.# # A# huge# truck# followed# her# for# miles,# and# she# couldn’t# seem# to# get# away# from# him.# # Frightened,# she# pulled# off# the# freeway# into# a# gas#station#and#jumped#out#of#the# car,# screaming# for# help# because# the# truck# driver# pulled# in# right#

Often,#this#passage#of#Scripture#is# referenced# at# Thanksgiving,# but# i t ’ s# s o# m u c h# m o r e# t h a n# that….Philippians# 4:4[7# says,# Rejoice' in' the' Lord' always.' ' I' will' say' it' again:' ' Rejoice!' ' Let' your' gentleness' be' evident' to' all.''The'Lord'is'near.''Do'not'be' anxious' 'about'anything,'but'in' everything,' by' prayer' and' petition,' with' thanksgiving,' present' your' requests' to' God.'' And' the' peace' of' God,' which' transcends' all' understanding,' will'guard'your'hearts'and'your' minds'in'Christ'Jesus.##(NIV)# When#troubles#come#Satan#seeks# to# create# distance# between# you# and#God.# #He#seeks#to#blind#us#to# the# presence# of# God# by# blinding# us# from# the# truth.# # He# uses# several# tactics# such# as# blame,# shame# and# guilt.# # His# ultimate# strategy#is#to#divide#and#conquer.### The#songwriter#wrote,## The'world'may'try'to'satisfy
 You'may'search'the'' wide'world'over
 You'll'never'find'' true'satisfaction
 For'only'Jesus'can'' satisfy'your'soul.

The#quest#for#peace,#contentment# and# fulfillment# in# life# will# never# be# satisfied# by# instituting# additional# laws# or# ordinances.## Additionally,# it# will# never# be# settled# by# who# occupies# the# White#House#next,#the#Governor’s# Mansion# or# City# Hall.# # The# racial# and# socio# divisions# within# our# country# won’t# be# solved# by# increased# demonstrations# or# rallies.##The#actual#problem#is#yet# to# be# identified# because# it’s# not# politically#correct#to#mention,#but# the# PROBLEMS# we# face# in# our# society# is# a# condition# of# THE# HEART.# It’s# time# for# the# church# to# reach# out#in#a#compassionate#(Phil.#4:5)# attempt#to#save#the#sinner#and#fill# this# void# or# longing.# # THE# LORD# IS# NEAR# is# still# our# compelling# message#to#the#lost#sinner!# #He’s# been# there# all# along,# simply# waiting#in#line!### Would# you# join# me# in# strategic# prayer# for# all# of# the# upcoming# political# elections# that# will# impact#our#cities#and#our#nation?## The# church# MUST# NOT# remain# silent# any# longer!# # We# MUST# not# become# anxious# in# the# process,# BUT# TAKE# OUR# STAND# ON# OUR# KNEES,# through# prayer# and# petition#to#God,#believing#that#He# will# GUARD# OUR# HEARTS# and# OUR#MINDS#through#Christ#Jesus.##

$ $ South$Texas$$ Leadership*Tour*2015* Thursday,*September*17,*2015*

**Rio*Grande*Valley*Section** $


Labors*of*Love*&*Hope*Church* 720$S.$Oklahoma$Ave.$$ Weslaco,$TX$

***Corpus*Christi*Section***** * $ $

King's*Way*Family*Church* 1727$Truan$Boulevard$ Kingsville,$Texas$78363$

Monday,*September*21,*2015* $ $ $ $ $

***San*Antonio*Section* $ $ $ $

* $ $

Calvary*Temple* 14335$O’connor$Road$ San$Antonio,$TX$78247I1815$


***Victoria*Section* *

* $ $

Fisherman’s*Chapel** 311$W$Main$St$ Port$O$Connor,$Texas$77982$

Thursday,*September*24,*2015* $ $ $ $ $

***North*Houston*Section* * $ $ $ $ $ $

First*Assembly*of*God* 1915$Fm$1960$Bypass$Rd$E$ Humble,$Texas$77338I3919$

Friday,*September*25,*2015* $ $ $ $ $

***Houston*Section* * $ $ $ $

* $ $

Braeswood*Assembly*of*God* 10611$Fondren$Rd$ Houston,$Texas$77096I5402$

Monday,*September*28,*2015* $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

***San*Jacinto*Section* $$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

* $ $

New*Life*Assembly*of*God* 749$Uvalde$Road$ Houston,$Texas$$78015$

Tuesday,*September*29,*2015* $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

***Gulf*Coast*Section** $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

* $ $

First*Assembly*of*God* 601$North$Market$Street$ Brazoria,$Texas$$77422$

Monday,*October*5,*2015* * $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

***Neches*Valley*Section* $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

* $ $

First*Assembly*of*God* 950$Highway$96$South$ Silsbee,$Texas$$77656$

Tuesday,*October*6,*2015* * $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

***Beaumont*Section** $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

* $ $

The*Gospel*Center*Church* 7595$Highway$105$ Beaumont,$Texas$$77726$











Pastors,$Worship$Leaders,$Women’s$Ministries,$HonorBound$Men’s,$Royal$Rangers,$$ Girls$Ministries,$Sunday$School$Teachers,$Staff,$Small$Group$Leaders,$etc…$


$$$9/17$–9/24$$$Randy$&$Suzann$Feldschau,$Lead$Pastors,$Cathedral$in$the$Pines,$Beaumont$ $$$$$$$$$9/25$–$10/6$$$John$&$Stephanie$Van$Pay,$Lead$Pastors,$Gateway$Fellowship,$San$Antonio$$$$$$$$$$$

Ministers Escape

r 22-24 Octobe Camp - Kerrville, TX Hill Country

Schedule of Events Thursday,*October*22*




7:00$p.m.$A$Time$of$Worship$and$the$Word$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$Justin'Lathrop,$Founder$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ Vanderbloemen$Search$ Oaks$School$of$Leadership$and$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$Chris'Railey,$Senior$Director$ $Leadership$and$Church$Development$ General$Council$of$the$Assemblies$of$God$

Friday,*October*23* 8:30$a.m.$Breakfast$ $ 9:30$a.m.$A$Time$of$Worship$and$The$Word$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ Justin*Lathrop,**Chris*Railey* 11:30$a.m.$$$$$$$$$$Lunch$ You*are*free*the*rest*of*the*day!**(Dinner*on*your*own)*

$J U




$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ *

Options'previously'selected' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$1.$$$$Rock*Box*Theater,$Fredericksburg$$27.00$per$ticket$$ $$$$$$$109$N$Llano$St.,$$Fredericksburg,$TX$78624$ $$$$$$$6:45$p.m.$Leave$Camp$(Meet$at$the$Rock$Box)$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$8:00$p.m.$Sharp$I$Production$Begins$ $ 2.$$Game*Night$at$the$Camp$I$7:00$p.m.$ 3.$$Free*Time$

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Saturday,*October*24* 8:30$a.m.$$$$$$$$$$$$Breakfast$ 9:30$a.m.$A$Time$of$Worship$and$The$Word$ $ N $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ Justin*Lathrop,*Chris*Railey*$ HOTEL INFORMATIO s: n and Suite $11:30$a.m.$Dismissed$ LaQuinta In00

ters and their Ministers Escape is open to all South Texas Minis call 713-455-1221 se Plea t!* even tary limen spouse. This is a comp h Texas account. to register, or register online with your Access Sout activities or additional *Offerings will be received and there are costs for lodging other than camp se choo you if tions moda accom ing your own hous cabin/dorm.

830.896.92 y Baker 1940 Sidne xas Kerrville, Te.00 Rate: $79 te: October 8, 2015 Cut off Da





SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT S E C R E TA R Y / T R E A S U R E R Trust#in#the#Lord#with#all#your#heart;#do#not# depend#on#your#own#understanding.# Seek#his#will#in#all#you#do,#and#he#will#show# you#which#path#to#take.# We’ve$ all$ been$ there.$ $ Those$ moments$ after$ Sister$ “Complainer”$ or$ Brother$ “Never$ Happy”$ corner$ you$ right$ after$ you$ preach,$ what$ you$ thought$ was$ your$ best$ sermon$in$10$years,$and$they$let$you$know$ that$ they$ “are$ not$ being$ fed”$ by$ your$ teaching,$that$you$have$not$called$them$to$ check$ on$ their$ ailing$ parakeet,$ their$ 3rd$ cousin$ by$ a$ distant$ marriage$ who$ lives$ 4$ states$ away$ has$ not$ received$ your$ weekly$ pastoral$ phone$ call$ and$ your$ board$ feels$ it’s$time$for$a$change$and$they$call$for$your$ resignation.$$$Some$of$this$is$in$jest,$yet$at$ the$ same$ time$ we$ all$ have$ those$ feelings$ that$ the$ Lord$ may$ be$ finished$ with$ us$ at$ our$present$ministry$location.$$$$As$Brother$ Burroughs$ said,$ “every$ Sunday$ night$ after$ church$I$practice$driving$to$the$city$limits”.$$$$ How$do$I$know$if$it$is$the$Lord’s$stirring$or$ if$it’s$just$my$carnal$nature$going$through$a$ time$of$stretching$and$testing?$$$ 1.Make$ sure$ that$ you$ get$ alone$ with$ the$ Lord.$ $ We$ need$ to$ remember$ that$ our$ battles$ and$ struggles$ have$ their$ basis$ in$ spiritual$realm.$$(Ephesians$6:12)$$We$need$ to$spend$extra$time$with$the$Lord$in$order$ to$ hear$ his$ voice$ about$ our$ future.$ $ He$ knows$and$He$will$lead$us$with$clarity.$$The$ enemy$ of$ our$ souls$ will$ do$ everything$ he$ can$to$make$us$run,$worry,$be$fearful$and$ dwell$in$confusion.$$$$ 2.$ $ No$ Discipline$ is$ enjoyable.$ $ (Hebrews$ 12:5I8)$ $ We$ might$ be$ going$ through$ an$ unpleasant$ season$ of$ the$ Lord$ bringing$ discipline$ into$ our$ life.$ $ This$ is$ not$ fun$ so$ we$ need$ to$ make$ sure$ that$ we$ don’t$ run$

away$from$what$God$is$teaching$us,$trying$ to$ get$ “peace$ and$ joy”$ at$ any$ cost.$ $ The$ Lord$may$need$you$where$you$are$to$assist$ the$church,$ministry$or$even$an$individual$$ through$ a$ troubling$ time.$ $ It$ also$ may$ be$ something$that$the$Lord$wants$to$work$in$ you.$ $ $ Cyclically$ throughout$ our$ life$ the$ Lord$ will$ allow$ challenges$ to$ remind$ us$ that$He$is$our$portion,$our$fulfillment$and$ our$ Shepherd.$ $ No$ success$ nor$ achievement$in$ministry$can$take$the$place$ of$the$Lord$in$our$life.$$We$will$have$those$ moments$of$“Lord$you$are$all$I$have”$and$ in$the$spiritual$realm$that$is$the$strongest$ and$ most$ fulfilling$ place$ to$ be.$ $ The$ best$ choice$is$to$allow$the$Lord$to$complete$the$ work$in$you$in$order$to$grow$in$Him.$$$ 3.$ $ Agreement$ with$ spouse$ and$ family.$$ Make$ sure$ there$ is$ complete$ agreement$ about$leaving$or$staying$with$you$and$your$ spouse$ and$ with$ your$ older$ children$ who$ are$still$at$home.$ $Change$for$change$sake$ can$ be$ very$ disruptive$ and$ can$ bring$ unnecessary$ upheaval$ and$ confusion$ in$ their$ lives.$ $ If$ there$ is$ not$ unity$ and$ the$ Lord’s$ peace$ with$ your$ decision$ it$ is$ best$ to$wait$and$not$be$hasty$to$leave.$ 4.$ $ Trust$ your$ mentors$ to$ speak$ into$ your$ life.$ We$ all$ need$ people$ in$ our$ lives$ who$ we$ can$ trust.$ $ A$ true$ friend$ can$ disagree,$ bring$ rebuke$ and$ give$ encouragement.$$ Share$ with$ them$ the$ feelings$ you$ are$ having$ about$ a$ possible$ transition$ in$ ministry$ and$ listen$ to$ them$ with$ an$ open$ heart.$ $ Also,$ listen$ to$ those$ within$ your$ ministry$and$those$statements$made$from$ those$ you$ do$ not$ know$ personally.$$ Although$ the$ messages$ from$ others$ will$ not$be$the$final$word,$it$can$be$a$source$of$ confirmation$of$what$the$Lord$is$speaking$ to$your$heart.$ 5.$$Follow$the$peace$of$the$Lord.$$ Let#the#peace#of#Christ#rule#in#your#hearts,# since# as# members# of# one# body# you# were# called#to#peace.#And#be#thankful.#The#Lord# is#not#the#Author#of#confusion.##$Colossians$ 3:15$$(NIV)##We$need$to$always$remember$ that$ we$ believe$ and$ practice$ being$ led$ by$ the$precious$Holy$Spirit$of$God.$$Allow$Him$ to$ speak$ to$ your$ heart$ and$ lead.$ $ Make$ sure$that$you$“pray$through”$until$you$are$ at$peace$with$God$and$with$man.$$It$is$very$ difficult$ for$ a$ person$ who$ is$ not$ at$ peace$ to$hear$God’s$voice$clearly.$$$

Jim$ Wideman$ says$ in$ his$ article,$ Leaving* Your* Ministry:* 7* Tips* for* a* Smooth* Transition,$,$ “Go$ on$ time,$ Go$ quickly,$ Go$ with$ your$ mouth$ shut,$ Be$ positive,$ Always$ leave$ in$ a$ way$ that$ you$ can$ come$ back,$ Leave$ the$ ministry$in$better$shape$than$you$found$it$ and$When$you$leave,$leave!”$ Transition$ is$ rarely$ smooth$ or$ without$ challenges,$but$it$is$something$that$we$all$ face$ from$ time$ to$ time.$ $ Sometimes$ it$ is$ our$idea,$other$times$it$is$thrust$upon$us.$$ The$good$news$is$that$the$Lord$will$direct$ your$steps.$$He$is$a$good$God.$$Remember$ Joseph$of$old$as$he$came$face$to$face$with$ his$ brothers,$ “what$ you$ meant$ for$ evil,$ God$ meant$ for$ good”.$ $ Transition$ was$ forced$upon$Joseph$by$the$sinful$nature$of$ his$ brothers,$ but$ GOD$ was$ in$ control.$$ (Genesis$ 50:20)$ $ If$ you$ are$ in$ transition$ please$ never$ hesitate$ to$ call$ so$ we$ can$ pray,$ laugh$ and$ even$ cry$ together.$ $ We$ love$and$appreciate$each$of$you.$ Don#Wiehe#

Thank You South#Texas#District#Family,# As# I# near# retirement,# I# have# begun# to# reflect#on#my#years#here#at#the#South#Texas# District# Office.# # I# started# in# 1994# as# Receptionist# /# Christian# Education# Secretary#to#Don#Wiehe#and#then#to#Terry# Richardson.# # In# 2002# I# moved# to# the# Executive# Secretary# Treasurer’s# office# to# work#with#Gary#Chapin#(2002[2009),#Tim# Barker# (2009[2011)# and# Don# Wiehe# (2011[2015).### It#has#truly#been#a#joy#and#a#honor#to#work# for# this# District.# # I# want# to# say# thank# you# for#allowing#me#to#play#a#part#in#your,#and# your# family’s# ministry# for# these# past# 21# years.# # I# will# take# many# fond# memories# with# me# that# stem# from# the# phone# calls,# visits# and# meetings# that# we# have# experienced.# # # # Thank# you# for# the# wonderful# ministry# adventure# that# we# have#had#together.## May# God# continue# to# bless# you# and# the# South#Texas#District#Family.# “Dear% friend,% I% pray% that% you% may% enjoy% good% health% and% that% all% may% go% well% with% you,%even%as%your%soul%is%getting%along%well.”%% 3%John%2%%NIV% Your#Friend,#



For the most up to date Minister’s contact information login to ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS. Transfer*Out* Aaron$Williams$to$North$Texas$ Vincent$Villareal$to$TX$LA$Hispanic$$ Jason$Branson$to$Georgia$ Thomas$Ringo$to$North$Texas$ Tim$Morgan$to$Southern$Missouri$ Rob$Thoreson$to$Iowa$ Anna$Thoreson$to$Iowa$ Sean$McEntee$to$Patomac$$ Clint$Reeves$to$North$Texas$ Homer$Pena$to$TX$LA$Hispanic$ Robby$Rich$to$Alabama$ $$ Transfer*In* Debra$McElhenny$–$Tennessee$ Phillip$Sullivan$–$Kentucky$ Eric$Drake$–$Indiana$ Eric$Brooks$–$North$Texas$ Luke$Crain$–$North$Texas$

New*Certified*Ministers* Jessica$Osterman$–$San$Antonio$ Daniel$C.$Clark$–$North$Houston$ Cynthia$McConathy$–$Houston$ Joshua$Alpers$–$Neches$Valley$ Taylor$D.$Eckstrom$–$North$Houston$ New*Licensed*Ministers* Tina$M.$Kelly$–$Houston$ Robert$D.$Arrington$–$San$Jacinto$ Don$Holbrook$–$San$Jacinto$ Upgrade*License* Jason$Brooks$–$San$Antonio$ Kim$Reynolds$–$North$Houston$ Kennon$Briggs$–$North$Houston$ Church*Transfer* River$of$Life$$ 109$US$Hwy$77$AS$ Yoakum,$TX$$77995$

Church*Address*Change* Lighthouse$Family$Assembly$ 7402$Stewart$Rd$ Galveston,$TX$$77551$ New*Pastor* Friendship$Assembly,$Richmond$ Pastor$Luke$Crain$ First$Assembly,$Willis$ Pastor$John$Vanderkaay$ New*PAC*Church* Village$Heights$ Pastors$Bill$&$Hannah$White$ Ministers*&*Spouses’*Home*Going* Travis$Lewing$ $July$31,$2015$ Donald$R$Young$$June$19,$2015$ Thomas$Proctor$$July$28,$2015$ James$Walker$ $July$16,$2015$

South Texas Ministers Available to Preach Janice$Akers,$Tomball$–$281.516.7419$ David$Baca,$Humble$–$859.948.4177$ Vivian$Boyles,$Houston$–$281.804.9338$ Cribbs,$Bill,$Port$Arthur$–$409.332.0276$ David$Ennis,$Katy$–$832.570.3303$ Lewis$Franklin,$Willis$–$281.734.5558$ Stephen$Gatlin,$Spring$–$281.224.5602$ Tom$Gourly,$Houston$–$281.458.6812$ Vanessa$Hall,$Spring$–$469.688.4364$ James$Hazelton,$Spring$–$281.443.4437$ Don$Hickman,$Angleton$I$979.308.7541$ Bill$Kilpatrick,$San$Antonio$–$210.325.5788$ Johnny$&$Renita$Knight$–$Victoia$361.550.8886$ Bob$Kucker,$Buna$–$409.994.5563$ Fern$Lancaster,$Kerrville$–$830.895.4971$ Floyd$Miles,$Magnolia$–$317.714.5711$ Kenneth$Myers,$Victoria$–$361.582.4907$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Wilbert$Oliver,$Houston$–$713.205.3361$

Donald$Paredes,$Spring$–$832.764.0468$ (Spanish$Speaking,$wife$interprets)$ Donny$Phillips,$LaPorte$–$713.885.2568$ Richard$Reyes,$San$Antonio$–$210.884.2908$ Robby$Rich,$Orange$–$409.504.2423$ Jackie$Richardson,$Spring$–$281.350.4142$ David$Rose,$Houston$–$281.239.9213$ Edward$Rowls,$Spring$–$281.353.1894$ Mary$Sanders,$Alvin$–$281.331.2325$ Russell$Skinner,$Montgomery$–$936.449.4378$ Stephen$Sowell,$San$Antonio$–$210.322.7526$ $David$Tosten,$Corpus$Christi$–$361.563.3293$ Marsha$Touchstone,$Houston$–$713.981.0687$ Juanita$Trevino,$Port$Lavaca$–$361.935.7202$ Darrin$Vail,$LaMarque$–$409.939.5671$ Tim$Verden,$League$City$–$832.545.0868$ Alison$Ward,$Kingwood$–$281.361.7966$ LeyAnne$Ward,$Kingwood$–$281.361.7966$ David$Washburn,$Kerrville$–$830.896.2171$



September 19, 2015 9 AM WHERE

Humble First Assembly 1915 FM 1960 Bypass Humble, TX 77338 Human Video • Puppetry • Object Lesson/Short Sermon Worship Dance • Vocal Solo/Ensemble • Bible Memorization Choir• Instrumental Solo/Ensemble • Drama Solo/Group Art • Writing • Baking • Clowning • Sign Language Solo/Group

AGES 6-12 COST $20 Per Person (1st Entry) $5 Each additional Entry


SCHEDULE 8:30 AM Staff Meeting 9:00 AM Orientation 9:30 AM Ministry Evaluations 1:30 PM Awards & Performances

SPONSORED BY: South Texas District Church Ministries & Discipleship Department Rev. Tammy Calderon Mail Registrations to: P.O Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213


Complete all the Global University courses you need for any level of credentials in just one year! The South Texas District School of Ministry (DSOM) makes it possible with special teaching and group study sessions. The cost is $80 per course. Enroll in each course 30 days before it begins. For more information contact the office of the South Texas District Executive Secretary/Treasurer, Don Wiehe or his secretary Kay Bailey at (713) 455-1221, or email No#classes#held#in#May,#July,#August,#or#December.



Te s t i n g 9 : 0 0 A M , D e v o t i o n s 9 : 4 5 A M , C l a s s e s 1 0 : 0 0 A M Class% Dates

Level%1%Courses% (Certified)

September# 5,#2015

THE#142# Assemblies#of#God# History,#Missions#&# Governance

October## 3,#2015

MIN#181# Relationships#&#Ethics# in#Ministry#

Level%2%Courses% (License)

Level%3%Courses% (Ordained)

MIN#251# Effective#Leadership#

MIN#311# Prayer#&#Worship#

MIN#281## Conflict#Management#for# Church#Leaders#

MIN#381# Pastoral#Ministry#

% November# 7,#2015

BIB#112# Synoptic#Gospels# %

THE#211# Introduction#to# Theology# %

January## 9,#2016

THE#114# Introduction#to# Pentecostal#Doctrine

BIB#212# New#Testament#Survey

February# 6,#2016

BIB#117# Prison#Epistles

BIB#215# Romans

BIB#115# Acts:#The#Holy#Spirit#at# Work#in#the#Believers#

BIB#214# Old#Testament#Survey#

March## 5,#2016

April## 2,#2016

June## 4,#2016

June## 4,#2016

MIN#311# The#Corinthian# Correspondence# % BIB#322# Poetic#Books#

BIB#318# The#Pentateuch

Introduction#to#Missions# BIB#121# Introduction#to# Hermeneutics:##How#to# Study#the#Bible#

MIN#223# Introduction#Homiletics#

MIN#123# The#Local#Church#in# Evangelism

THE#245# Eschatology:##A#Study#of# Things#to#Come

MIN#327# Church# Administration,#Law#&# Finance

MIN#291# Intermediate#Internship

MIN#391# Advanced#Internship

MIN#191# Beginning#Internship#

MIN#325# Preaching#to#the# Contemporary#World#


OCTOBER 9-10 @ Crossroad s Fellowshi p -Houst o n A.M.T.$ $ (Accelerated$ Minister’s$ Training)$ is$ one$ of$ the$ best$ opportunities$ for$ ministerial$ training$that$is$Biblical$and$practical!$$$Some$of$South$Texas’$best$ministers$share$their$$own$ knowledge$and$experience$in$a$relational$way$to$equip$you$for$more$effective$ministry.$$ Crossroads$ Fellowship$ I$ Assembly$ of$ God,$ located$ at$ 12110$ E.$ Sam$ Houston$ Pkwy$ in$ Houston,$Texas$will$be$the$only$location$this$year,$and$all$AMT$Sessions$will$be$live$streamed$ on$the$web$through$$$ TIME:$Sessions$are$7$–$10$p.m.$Friday$evening,$$and$9$a.m.$–$12$p.m.$on$Saturday$morning.$$ A.M.T.$is$a$two$year$requirement$for$all$Certified$and$Licensed$Minister’s.$$$ The$only$exemption$is$if$you$have$graduated$from$an$Assemblies$of$God$College$or$University.$

It’s time to renew your license !


Minister Credential Renewals

SOUTH TEXAS ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Mandatory Credential Renewal Processing Fee is $30.00. You can send this fee by mail to the District Office or pay it online through your ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS account, be sure to choose the DO - Credential Fee in the online giving form. Be sure to fully complete the entire online form. If you do not receive an email confirming you have finished your renewal, double check it to be sure. Renewals must be submitted by December 31. Renewals/fees sent by mail should arrive at the District Office by November 30.

The$Minister$Credential$Renewal$System$allows$ministers$to$fill$out$their$minister$renewal$form$online$ and$submit$it$electronically$to$the$District$and$National$offices.$It$is$designed$to$save$resources$for$both$ the$National$and$District$offices,$while$creating$an$easy$process$for$ministers$to$renew$their$credentials.$ The online credential renewal site is set to open by November 1, 2015. Information will be emailed to minsters with AGPassport logins. Be sure your email address is current, by logging in to your personal account at, and clicking on the My Profile tab. We have improved the site to be more user-friendly. If you need to leave the credential renewal process, you can return to the site later and sign in using the 'Sign in with AGPassport' button and continue with the last screen you visited.

At the end of the renewal process, you will be able to download a PDF of the renewal for your personal records.

If you are an active AGWM missionary, you will not receive a hard copy renewal in the mail. If you need assistance filling out your renewal, please contact your district office.

For step-by-step instructions on using the Minister Renewal Credentialing site, click here.

J a me s T. B r a d ford , NOTICE: The Assemblies of God Online Minister Renewal process requires the use of Adobe's free PDF Reader version 9 or greater. If you do not have this software, please click here to begin installing it now. Ge ne r al S ec re ta ry

Church Ministries and Discipleship CHURCH MINISTRIES AND DISCIPLESHIP Rev. Tammy Calderon, Director

Kids Camp was a great success!! Our Evangelist, Jay Risner, did such an incredible job. 431 kids reported that they were saved for the first time and 334 said that they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Praise be to God! We love seeing so many kids come to camp. Our mission is to create an environment where children will experience God in a way they will never forget. We are already planning Kids Camp 2016! We are expecting our camps to be filled with lots of campers and fun! Be on the lookout for that information to be on our website at the beginning of the New Year.

We would like to congratulate one of our South Texas District Assemblies of God Junior Bible Quiz Teams. The Chosen Ones, from Braeswood Assembly, not only received 1st place in the South Texas District, but also went to compete at Junior Bible Quiz at the National Festival and won first place. We are so proud of all our teams that participate in Junior Bible Quiz.

The 2015-2016 season of Junior Bible Quiz will be starting on October 17, 2015. Contact Cherie at for more info!


AROUND SOUTH TEXAS Cornerstone$ Church$ in$ Conroe,$ TX$ is$ currently$ looking$ for$ a$ fullI time$ youth$ pastor.$ Worship$ leading$ experience$ is$ preferred.$ Please$ contact$ Pastor$ Jerry$ Frank$ at$ 936I273I1755$ for$ more$ information$or$email$your$resume$to$

Pleasant Hills Children's Home in Fairfield, Texas is seeking a Happily, Married Christian couple to serve as HOUSEPARENTS to a younger girls cottage. Must be of at least 21 years of age, no more than 2 children residing in care, good driving record, of strong/good physical, mental and emotional health with great patience to work with children and teens. Nonsmoker/non-drinker. Must adhere to Assemblies of God doctrinal beliefs. Package includes salary, housing/utilities, vision/dental/health/long-term disability insurances, matching retirement plan, weekday evening meals. Send resume to or call 903-389-2641, ext. 223.

Ministers Benefit Association Please be mindful to help your Pastor in planning for his/her retirement years. Ministers Benefit Association is a good place to start. Any ordained or licensed minister of the Assemblies of God is eligible to become a member of MBA. For more about MBA and many other financial services available, go to .

Senior Adult Summit

February 23-25 2016 Hill Country Camp & Conference Center 1325 Harper Road, Kerrville, Texas 78028

Responding$ to$ a$ burden$ and$ call$ of$ God,$ Amos* and* Sue* Dodge$ moved$ to$ the$ Virginia$suburbs$of$Washington,$DC$in$1979$to$plant$Capital$Church$as$a$center$for$ rebirth$ and$ renewal$ in$ the$ National$ Capital$ Area.$ ThirtyIsix$ years$ of$ faithful$ and$ fruitful$ ministry$ have$ resulted$ in$ a$ strong$ and$ healthy$ church$ that$ touches$ a$ city$ and$ reaches$ the$ world.$ He$ is$ noted$ for$ his$ practical,$ insightful$ teaching,$ marked$ with$ simplicity$ and$ clarity.$ His$ passion$ is$ to$ help$ people$ conquer$ today’s$ tough$ challenges$with$Biblical$hope,$vibrant$faith,$and$courageous$living.$$ Four$ Dove$ Awards$ for$ “Best$ Female$ Vocalist,”$ inductee$ into$ the$ Gospel$ Music$ Hall$ of$ Fame$ and$ four$ decades$ of$ singing$ gospel$ music$ in$ sixteen$ nations$ of$ the$ world$ only$ begin$ to$ tell$ the$ story$ of$ Sue* Dodge.$ Her$ national$ and$ international$radio$and$television$appearances$include$In#Touch#with$Charles$Stanley,$The#700#Club,$TBN,$and$every$ week,$Sue$can$be$found$on$a$Gaither$Homecoming$series$program.$Sue’s$ministry$crosses$all$denominational$lines,$ singing$in$notable$churches$throughout$the$United$States.$$$ We$will$also$have$New*Day$with$us$as$well$as$the$Harvesters*from$our$Southwestern$Assemblies$of$God$University,$ joining$us.$ Early* Bird* registration,$ before# February# 1,$ will$ be$ $80.00$ per$ person.$ $ After# February# 1,$ it$ will$ cost$ $90.00$ per$ person.$$This$includes$five$meals$and$complimentary$housing$in$the$camp$dormitories.$ $$$

For*those*desiring*to*stay*in*a*hotel*at*your*own*expense.$$A$special$rate$has$been$arranged$for$Standard$Rooms$at$ the$LaQuinta(Inn(and(Suites((830.896.9200)#located#at#1940$Sidney$Baker$Street$in$Kerrville,$Texas$ $78028.$ $ # #You# must#call#the#hotel#directly#and#let#them#know#you#are#with#the#Senior(Adult(Summit.###This#rate#is#good#as#long#as# rooms#are#available.### You$may$complete$the$registration$form$and$mail$it$to$the$South$Texas$District$Office,$P.$O.$Box$9714,$Houston,$Texas$$ 77213$or$you$may$register$at$our$website$at:$$ $Wait$for$the$Senior$Adult$Summit$slide$to$appear,$ click$on$it$and$follow$the$instructions.$$$ Come$expecting$a$great$time$in$the$beautiful$Hill$Country$of$Kerrville!$$$ We’ll$have$lots$of$fun,$good$music,$delicious$food$and$wonderful$fellowship!$$$ Invite$a$friend!$$We’ll$see$you$at$the*Summit!*

LaQuinta*Inn*and*Suites$$$(830.896.9200)$ 1940$Sidney$Baker$Street$ Kerrville,$Texas$$78028$ Special*Hotel*Rate*$80.$per$night$ (Must$call$the$hotel$directly$and$let$them$know$you$ are$with$the$Senior$Adult$Summit,$to$receive$this$rate.$$ Rate$is$available$as$long$as$rooms$are$available.)$

Musical Guests New Day and The Harvesters

Dear$Fellow$AG$Ministers,$ Many$of$our$AG$churches$have$partnered$with$us$in$delivering$hope$and$freedom$in$Christ$this$year$to$ over$ 350$ students.$ God$ continues$ to$ change$ lives$ at$ our$ 6$ Teen$ Challenge$ campuses$ in$ Texas.$ We$ graduated$over$129$students$from$our$programs$in$2014$and$expect$another$record$breaking$year$this$ year.$ Not$ only$ are$ students$ completing$ but$ they$ are$ getting$ better$ equipped$ through$ our$ reIentry$ phase,$ a$ part$ of$ the$ program$ that$ requires$ them$ to$ keep$ a$ job,$ budget,$ tithe$ and$ pay$ back$ debts$ I$ while$ completing$ classes$ in$ the$ evening,$ getting$ involved$ at$ a$ local$ church,$ and$ remaining$ accountable.$ I$ am$ writing$ to$ you$ today$ in$ regard$ to$ an$ unexpected$ project$ that$ we$ need$ help$ completing$ at$ our$ Pasadena$Women's$Campus.$We$have$slowly$been$growing$into$this$53,000$square$foot$building$since$ 2011.$As$we$complete$a$wing,$the$fire$marshal$signs$off$and$we$have$been$able$to$use$it.$We$serve$ women,$women$with$children,$and$women$in$reIentry$at$this$location.$ Unexpectedly,$ the$ fire$ marshal$ is$ now$ requiring$ that$ we$ bring$ the$ entire$ building$ up$ to$ fire$ code,$ which$includes$putting$smoke$detectors$and$AV$activators$in$91$rooms,$adding$sheetrock$to$3$wings$ that$ are$ currently$ unused,$ repairing$ electrical$ issues$ in$ the$ unused$ areas,$ and$ repositioning$ fire$ sprinklers$as$needed.$We$have$received$3$bids$for$this$work$and$the$best$option$comes$to$$58,000$to$ complete$the$work.$We$have$raised$$10K$so$far$but$we$would$like$your$church$to$consider$helping$us$ in$raising$the$$48,000$needed.$ When$ completed,$ this$ project$ will$ add$ 4$ new$ wings$ to$ the$ ministry$ I$ allowing$ us$ to$ serve$ more$ women$with$children,$more$women$in$reIentry,$add$much$needed$staff$and$guest$housing,$and$allow$ us$ to$ partner$ with$ a$ local$ homeless$ shelter$ to$ serve$ the$ homeless$ in$ our$ community.$ I$ have$ experienced$and$believe$that$the$Lord$is$faithful$and$that$what$was$initially$seen$as$a$threat$to$the$ existence$of$our$Pasadena$campus$will$prove$to$be$a$catalyst$for$increased$outreach$and$ministry$to$ women!$ If$your$church$would$prayerfully$consider$partnering$with$us$on$this$project,$we$would$love$to$hear$ from$ you$ and$ answer$ any$ questions$ you$ may$ have.$ Although$ we$ have$ a$ deadline$ of$ Oct$ 21$ to$ complete$this$project,$we$are$expectant$of$what$God$is$going$to$do.$We$want$to$invite$your$church$to$ an$Appreciation$Banquet$on$Thursday,$Nov$19$I$where$we$will$give$tours$of$the$completed$building,$ enjoy$dinner$together,$and$give$God$praise$together$for$His$faithfulness$I$through$His$people.$ George$Thomas$ Teen$Challenge

Attention Credentialed Women in Ministry and Minister’s Wives

Since&July&2015,&the&South&Texas&has& given&a&total&of&$99,154.43&to&BGMC.& Please&conDnue&to&send&your&offerings& directly&to&the&NaDonal&Office.&

The&2015K2016&season&starts&up&on&October&17,& 2015.&Contact&Cherie&at& for&more&informaDon.&




Singles"Rally" April"2016" Houston,"Texas"

" 713-455-1221 713-455-1221

You’re Invited to a


HOUSTON There are two opportunities for you to attend. A luncheon will be held


ST. JOHN’S CHURCH 2019 CRAWFORD ST. HOUSTON, TX 77002 Lunch will be served promptly at 12:30PM. A dinner will be held


FAITH ASSEMBLY CHURCH 7755 FAIRBANKS N HOUSTON RD HOUSTON, TX 77040 DINNER will be served promptly at 6:30pm. Sponsored by Faith Assembly Church & Convoy of Hope Houston area businesses, churches and community organizations are being invited to partner together to sponsor a city-wide Convoy of Hope outreach on APRIL 9, 2016 in Houston. This is a collaborative effort to provide thousands of struggling people in our community with groceries, health, community and job services, family portraits, haircuts, prayer, and games and activities for children; All free of charge to each guest. The goal is to mobilize hundreds of area residents to serve and make a difference in their community. Strong participation by local businesses, churches, community service agencies and individuals is crucial to the success of this event. Through this collaborative effort we can do together what no one could do alone.

PLEASE RSVP BY September 17, 2015 to Missy Millspaugh, 713-896-1808 or

South Texas District HonorBound Clay Pigeon Shoot

Saturday October 17, 2015 9:00 am

$35.00 Registration $45.00 after Monday, October 12

1 st Place 2 nd : Place 3 rd Place

Providence Plantation 10230 FM 521 Rosharon, Texas (bring 75-100 rounds & safety glasses)

Lunch included in Registration

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Roger Bailey 713-455-1221

SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT HONORBOUND CLAY PIGEON SHOOT October 17, 2015 Registration: $35.00 $45.00 after Monday, October 12, 2015 Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________ City: __________________ Zip: _________ Church Home: __________________________________ City: ___________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________________ Mail to: HonorBound, P. O. Box 9714, Houston, Texas 77213

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Resources for South Texas Ministers and Leaders: •

IRS policy updates regarding Affordable Care Act

Variety of helpful videos on Church Issues

Policy on Same Sex Marriage

Richard Hammer video on Same Sex Marriage Issues

South Texas Royal Rangers - Project Legacy (video)

Other Online Resources: •

The Assemblies of God National Office

AG TV - A resource from our national office. A collection of videos that will bless you. - Our General Superintendent’s Blog

BibleGateway - An online Bible resources, with many translations and research tools

Graceway Media - Purchase already created graphics for your messages and power points

Gospel Publishing House - Tons of resources, study guides, curriculum, etc.

Church Law Today - Legal Advice for Pastors

AG Financial - a dynamic array of financial tools, products & services for you & your church

Center For Mighty Marriages and Families

Printable Resources: 1

Housing Allowance Worksheet


Sample Constitution & Bylaws (and other A/G church and minister's resources)


Qualifications for Deacons



At Houston, TX USPS # 014-651

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: South Texas Assemblies of God P. O. Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213-0714

The S.T.A.R., USPS #014-651, Volume 63, Number 4, is published quarterly (plus a special December issue) by the South Texas District Council Assemblies of God, Inc. 11102 East Freeway, Houston, TX




The S. T. A. R. (South Texas Assemblies Review) is published quarterly (plus a special Christmas issue) and is the Official Publication of the SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT COUNCILASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Inc. 11102 East Freeway (I-10) Houston, Texas 77029


220 10 21


SOUTH TEXAS ASSEMBLIES OF GOD OFFICERS/PRESBYTERY/STAFF Executive District Officers Tim R. Barker - Superintendent Steve Banning - Assistant Superintendent Don Wiehe - Executive Secretary/Treasurer

Don Wiehe - Executive Editor David Wilson - Managing Editor

Mailing address: South Texas Assemblies of God P.O. Box 9714 Houston, Texas 77213-0714

District Ministries Departmental Officers Roger Bailey -

Executive Presbyters Steve Weaver and Gene Summers

General Council Presbyters Tim R. Barker, Don Wiehe & Jim Rion

District Sectional Presbyters Darold DeHart - San Jacinto Section Donny Flippo - Beaumont Section Mike Hammonds - Gulf Coast Section Lloyd Maddoux - North Houston Section Erny McDonough - Victoria Section Joel Nabors - Neches Valley Section Mario Perez - Rio Grande Valley Section Deborah Prihoda - Houston Section Doug Roberts - San Antonio Section William Stockstill - Corpus Christi Section

Honorary Presbyters Howard Burroughs, Gary Chapin, Johnny Durham, & Joseph Granberry


Roger Bailey Tammy Calderon Vanessa Hall Stancle Williams -

Missions HonorBound Men

Church Ministries/Discipleship Women’s Ministries Youth Ministries

_________________________________ Article IX, Finances: Section 2, District Office Support, Paragraphs (a) The District Office shall be supported by a monthly offering of at least three fourths (75%) of the tithes of every minister (except Senior Retired Ministers) from both secular and ministerial income. If a minister fails to cooperate with this plan, he shall be called to give a reasonable explanation to the District Officials. (b) It is recommended that the District Office shall be supported by one percent (1%) of the monthly general fund income of each of the churches of the South Texas District Council.

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