He has made
everything beautiful
Ecclesiastes 3:11a
in its time.
Photo (c) Wildseed Farms, Fredericksburg, Texas
F ro m O u r S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Christ;% %Hebrews%12:2$ $:$Fixing$our$eyes$ on$ Jesus,$ the$ author$ and$ perfecter$ of$ faith,$ who$ for$ the$ joy$ set$ before$ Him$ endured$the$cross,$despising$the$shame,$ and$ has$ sat$ down$ at$ the$ right$ hand$ of$ the$throne$of$God.$$
From% a% big% picture% perspective,% the% Bible% is% a% single% book,% with% God% as% the% Author% and% the% main% story% as% His% plan% of% salvation.% The% plot% unfolds% something%like%a%mystery.% %The%original% crime%took%place%in%the%Garden%of%Eden,% with% Adam% and% Eve% as% the% guilty% perpetrators.% %God%promised%right%then% and%there%that%one%of%their%descendants% would%crush%Satan’s%head.%%Genesis%3:15% G%And$I$will$put$enmity$Between$you$and$ the$ woman,$ $ And$ between$ your$ seed$ and$ her$ seed;$ $ He$ shall$ bruise$ you$ on$ the$ head,$ And$ you$ shall$ bruise$ him$ on$ the$ heel.$ $ But,% when% and% how% would% this%promise%be%fulfilled?%%
This%is%still%the%foundation%on%which%our% great% fellowship% was% founded.% Many% people% have% come% and% gone,% we've% worshiped% in% different% buildings,% we've% seen% dramatic% changes% in% our% culture% and% the% way% we% do% ministry,% but% through% all% the% years% the% foundations% have%not%changed.%We%stand%in%the%line% of%those%who%have%come%before%us.%And% as%those%who’ve%labored%before%us,%we% seek%to%live%out%the%faith%in%our%day%that% is%both%consistent%with%biblical%faith%and% relevant%to%a%changing%world.%So%on%one% hand,% we% "contend% for% the% faith% that% was%once%for%all%entrusted%to%the%saints"% (Jude% 3).% And% yet,% as% Paul% said,% "we% become%all%things%to%all%men%so%that%by% all% possible% means"% we% will% "save% some".%And%we%"do%all%this%for%the%sake% of%the%gospel”%%(1%Cor.%9:22,%23)
Paul’s% suffering% wasn’t% simply% in% the% past,% since% he% was% imprisoned% at% the% time%he%wrote%this%epistle.%%His%suffering% was%daily!%
Sing%above%the%battle%strife: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves! By%His%death%and%endless%life Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves! Shout%it%brightly%through%the%gloom, When%the%heart%for%mercy%craves; Sing%in%triumph%o’er%the%tomb: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves!%% Paul’s% second% point% was% that% he% had% been% COMMISSIONED% by% God% to% preach% the% gospel% (v.% 25$ Whereof$ I$ am$ made$ a$ minister,$ according$ to$ the$ dispensation$ of$ God$ which$ is$ given$ to$ me$for$you,$to$fulfill$the$word$of$God;).%%
As%history%unfolds%in%the%Old%Testament,% characters% are% introduced,% prophecies% made,% and% more% clues% given.% % Finally,% the% mystery% is% revealed:% God’s% redemption% came% in% person!% His% Son% Jesus% became% a% man,% died% for% sin,% and% rose% again% so% that% we% could% be% saved% from%the%penalty%of%death.%
This% was% a% serious% responsibility,% because% the% gospel% was% the% revelation% of% a% wonderful% mystery% (v.% 26% Even$ the$ mystery$which$hath$been$hid$from$ages$ and$from$generations,$but$now$is$made$ manifest$to$his$saints:,$“):$God’s$plan$to$ send$His$Son,$“Christ$in$you,$the$hope$of$ glory”%(v.%27,%To$whom$God$would$make$ known$what$is$the$riches$of$the$glory$of$ this$mystery$among$the$Gentiles;$which$ is$ Christ$ in$ you,$ the$ hope$ of$ glory:).% Another% part% of% this% mystery% was% that% both% Jews% and% Gentiles% have% part% in% God’s%plan,%no%racial%or%cultural%barriers.%%
We%have%heard%the%joyful%sound: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves! Spread%the%tidings%all%around: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves! Bear%the%news%to%every%land, Climb%the%mountains,%cross%the%waves; Onward!%’tis%our%Lord’s%command; Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves!% Paul’s% lifeGpurpose% &% ours% was/is% to% serve% this% mystery% that% is% no% longer% mysterious%(Col.%1%vv.%25–26).%What%did% it% mean% for% him% to% be% a% servant% of% the% church%and%of%the%gospel?%%Part%of%what% it% meant% was% that% he% had% counted% the% cost.% %Paul%suffered%for%the%sake%of%the% church%(v.%24).% %He%didn’t%respond%with% complaining%or%even%stoicism,%but%with% rejoicing,% following% the% example% of%
Waft%it%on%the%rolling%tide: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves! Tell%to%sinners%far%and%wide: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves! Sing,%you%islands%of%the%sea; Echo%back,%you%ocean%caves; Earth%shall%keep%her%jubilee: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves!%%
Tim & Jill Barker District Superintendent
"Jesus$said,$'Peace$be$with$you!$ $As$the$ F a t h e r$ h a s$ s e n t$ M e ,$ I$ a m$ COMMISSIONING$ $you.'$ $And$with$that$ He$breathed$on$them$and$said,$'Receive$ the$ Holy$ Spirit.$ If$ you$ forgive$ anyone's$ sins,$ their$ sins$ are$ forgiven;$ if$ you$ do$ not$ forgive$ them,$ they$ are$ not$
We% have% been% COMMISSIONED% and% empowered% (Acts% 1:8)% to% share% this% joyful% message% of% reconciliation% which% results%in%forgiveness.%That%message%still% has% the% power% to% change% our% world.% What%is%the%answer%to%the%violence%and% the% ungodliness% that% we% see% in% our% world?% % What% is% the% answer% to% the% destruction%of%our%families;% %The%decay% of% morals;% the% disillusionment,% despair,% heartbreak%and%loneliness%in%our%world% today?% %The%answer%is%the%same%...%the% Gospel% of% Jesus% that% reconciles% us% to% God,%the%Gospel%of%Jesus%that%makes%us% brothers% and% sisters% in% the% family% of% God,%the%Gospel%of%Jesus%that%lifts%us%up% out%of%our%despair%and%gives%us%a%reason% for%living.%This%Gospel%of%Jesus%is%still%the% answer% for% a% broken% world.% Jesus% still% saves!!!% % We% are% COMMISSIONED% &% EMPOWERED%to%proclaim%this%until%our% final%breath.% Give%the%winds%a%mighty%voice: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves! Let%the%nations%now%rejoice: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves! Shout%salvation%full%and%free; Highest%hills%and%deepest%caves; This%our%song%of%victory: Jesus%saves!%Jesus%saves!%
Live|Dead Cairo Training Center on is to deploy church-planting teams to 33 gateway cities across the Middle East th Africa from our Cairo, Egypt training center. These cities are major population enters with significant cultural, economic, political,of and religious influence. Hosted at First Assembly God, 1915 FM 1960, Humble, To schedule services or to hear more, please contact us at: AGWM Acct Number: 2948123
64th$ANNUAL$SOUTH$TEXAS$DISTRICT$COUNCIL$DETAILS Tuesday, May 10 8:00$a.m.$!Golf$Tournament! sponsored!by:!!“Asia’s$Little$ Ones”!!(Shot0Gun!Start!–!4!man! scramble!format)!
Location:!!Tour$18$Golf$Course!in! Humble,!TX! Complimentary$for$ALL$Senior/ Lead$Pastor’s,$includes!round!of! golf!and!lunch.$ $100$ fee$ per$ person! for! staff! member! or! guest! coming! with! Senior/Lead! Pastor.! ! Payment! for! additional! players! to! be! made! using! the! online! registration! at!!! Additional!information:!!! Following! the! round! and! lunch,! Asia’s$Little$Ones!(an!Assemblies! of! God! World! Missions! ministry)! w i l l! b e! s h a r i n g! a! p r o j e c t! opportunity!to!impact!children!at0 risk!in!Asia!Pacific.!!There!also!will! be! prizes! for! the! winning! flights! and!special!drawings.! Please$register!on!our!website!at:!!!
1$–$2:45$p.m.$$Church$Planting$ Breakout$Session$ Reverend$Kendall$Reavis,$South! Texas!District!Church!Planting! Facilitator$ RSVP!to$$
3R4$p.m.$$$Outreach/ Evangelism$Workshop$
Reverend$Chris$Mikkelson,$ Missionary/Evangelist$and$ President$R$Evangelistic! Ministries,!Orlando,!Florida!! (Formerly!with!the!Rinhardt! Boenke!Crusade)! 6:40$p.m.$!Pre0Service!Music! 7:00$p.m.$!Keynote$Speaker!
Dr.$Tim$R.$Barker,$ Superintendent$South!Texas! District!Council!of!the!Assemblies! of!God! Following$the$Service:!! Southwestern!Assemblies!of!God! University!Alumni!Reception!!! ! !
Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday,$May$11,$2016$ 8:00$a.m.$$Prayer$ 9:00$a.m.$–$4:30$p.m.$$Business$ Sessions$(Wednesday!&!Thursday)! !!!! Noon$–$2$!Missions$Luncheon$ South$Texas$Project$1$–$Live$ Dead$R$Egypt,$$$Speaker:$$ Reverend$Josh$Hoogendoorn,$ Missionary$to$Egypt$ MUST$RSVP!online!at!$ Questions?!!email!Roger!Audorff:!!or!call! Debbi!at:!!210.896.4969! Complimentary$for$all$fully$ appointed$Missionaries$if$you$ preRregister$(Sponsored!by! Reverend!Milton!Pool!and!First! Assembly!of!God.)! $15.00$each!for!all!Senior/Lead! Pastors!or!Staff!Members.! Cut0off!date!to!register:$$$Monday,$ May$2,$2016$ Remember!to!preRregister!at!$ You$can$RSVP$when$you$pre= register$for$District$Council.!!! 6:40$p.m.$$PreRService$Music$ 7:00$p.m.$$Missions$Service:!!! Dr.!John$Hagee,$Senior$Pastor$ Cornerstone!Church,!San!Antonio,! Texas$ Following$the$Service:!!MOSAIC/$ Church$Planting$Reception!!! Please!RSVP!through!Kendall! Reavis!at!!
Thursday, May 12 9:00$a.m.$$A$CONGREGATIONAL$ SERVICE$OF$SCRIPTURE$&$SONG!! Former$Attorney$General,$ John$Ashcroft$ $10:30$a.m.$!Memorial$Service:$$ Reverend$Milton$Pool,$Senior$ Pastor,$!First!Assembly!of!God!! Humble,!Texas! !! 12:15$p.m.! STL$Grand$Club$ Banquet!–!By!Invitation!only! !!!! 6:40$p.m.$$PreRService$Music$ 7:00$p.m.$!Ordination$Service! Reverend$“Choco”$De$Jesus,$ Senior$Pastor,$$$New!Life! Covenant!Church,!!Chicago,!Illinois!! Elders$Charge:$Reverend$Larry$ Mask,!Ordained!Minister!0!South! Texas,!!San!Antonio,!Texas!! CHILDCARE!is!available!! during!services!for!ages!005yrs.!!!!! Must!Pre0Register!online.!
Council Hotels COMFORT$INN$&$SUITES$ 22223!Hwy!59!North! Humble,!Texas!!77339! 280.359.4448! Rate:$$$85.00$ King!Suites!available! w/!Microwave/Refrigerator! Complimentary!Breakfast,!WiFi! and!Parking! (Limited!Rooms!Available)! Cut$Off$Date:$$April$23,$2016$ HOLIDAY$INN$EXPRESS$&$SUITES$ 5619!FM!1960!East! Humble,!Texas!!77346! 281.964.1300! Identify!yourself!with!South!Texas! Assembly!of!God! Group!Code:!!STA! Rate:$$$95.00$ Microwave!/!Refrigerator! Complimentary!Breakfast,!Wifi! and!Parking! Cancellation!24!hours!in!advance! (Limited!Rooms!Available)! Cut$Off$Date:$$$April$23,$2016
Kingdom Reminders
Don & Beth Wiehe
Exec. Secretary/Treasurer Expectancy: feeling or thinking that something will happen. There is probably no greater expectancy than awaiting the birth of a child; the planning, saving, remodeling, showers, doctors visits, naming, the play by play of expectant moms posting their pictures on social media, the reveal parties (this is a new one for me), and as To m m y L i e n g o u r d i s t r i c t accountant shared, the planning and purchasing of a "push gift". Then after the child is born there is no limit in sharing photos and videos in every conceivable fashion, and rightly so! The expectancy and excitement are equal to none. A few more of life’s expectancies are, but certainly not limited to, the first day of school, the first date, graduation, marriage, first job, first paycheck, first home, Christmas morning, awaiting the harvest of a hunt, grandchildren, the 1st birthday, the 100th birthday, a medical diagnosis, and saying a final goodbye to a love one or a close friend. It's amazing how people come together to purchase a silly baseball game ticket. It's 7:00am and I wait with an
expectation of trying to purchase tickets for the Astros home opener, something my daughter Morgan and I have enjoyed doing together for the last 3 seasons. I’m standing in line outdoors when people of sound mind are enjoying a few more minutes of rest. People gather together from every conceivable background, every skin color, every socio economic class, every age, old and young, large, small, male and female, joining together around a common expectation, fellowshipping together, encouraging one another, investing money in a common cause and overlooking all of our differences. How much more should Christ followers have an expectancy each and every time we gather in His name to worship Him, learn from Him and encourage each other. There should be a greater expectancy than any this world affords centered around the Lord’s return, His catching away the Church from this present realm, instantly receiving unto himself His followers or entering His presence through the door of death. Either way, His coming could happen at any moment and we must remain ready and expectant. As Paul tells the church in Galatians, 6:9 NIV, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV 58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let
nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 2 Peter 3:10-14 NIV 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. 11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. 14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. Dear friends and co-laborers let us continue to labor for the Lord with a renewed expectancy of what He does each and every time we gather in His name and a renewed expectancy of His return! God bless each of you and thank you for your faithfulness to the assignment God has given to you. We need one another like never before. You are a blessing to many.
Changes & Updates… For the latest Changes & Updates for ministers information, logon to ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS. New$Certified:$ Lisa%Berry% % Matthew%Briseno% Alyssa%Burton% % Leah%Carreon% % Robert%Craig% % Clarita%Castro% % James%Franklin% % Annel%Gonzalez%NHO% David%Jordan% % Kenneth%Mannino%Jr% Craig%Richey% % Jeremy%Rodgers%NHO% Davida%Rodgers%NHO% Christina%Pryor% % Jacob%Trimm% % Kristin%Trimm% % Kimberly%Walker% Ryota%Yogo% % New$Licensed:$ Alicia%Lyles% % Abigail%Nixon% % Timothy%Taylor% % Jordin%Williams% SAJ% Upgrade$to$License:$ Aaron%Barham% % Kristin%Bonin% % Jesse%%Cogbill% % Laurie%Hartsfield% Nick%Hester% %
Patrick%Hundl% % Keith%Motley% % Jonathan%Mussett% Renee%Kruhl% % Matthew%Reeves% Lauren%Simmons% Taylor%Simmons%NHO%
Reinstated:$ Amanda%Stewart%
Transfer$In:$ David%Martinez% from%Arkansas% Adam%Cheney% % from% Northwest% David%Wittman% from%Northern% Missouri% Karen%Wittman% from%Northern% Missouri% Jimmie%Spalding%from%North%Texas% Robert%Shull% % from%West% Texas% Jerry%Elvis% % from% Tennessee% Kurt%Michaelson% from%North% Texas% Church$Name$Change:$ Windsor%Park%to%Camelot%Christian% Center%G%San%Antonio%
The%Summit%Church%to%New%Life% Church%G%Corpus%Christi% Central%Assembly%of%God,%Pasadena%to% Connect%Community%Church% First%Assembly%of%God,%Willis%to% Family%of%Grace%Assembly%of%Willis% Transfer$Out:$ Kenneth%Litzenberger%to%Oregon% Taylor%Eckstrom%to%North%Texas% Michael%Sculley%to%North%Texas% Linda%Sculley%to%North%Texas% David%Jordan%to%North%Texas% New$Pastor:$ First%Assembly%of%God,%Newton%% Pastor%Jimmie%L.%Spalding%%% Trinity%Tabernacle,%Baytown% Pastor%Robert%Guy% First%Assembly%of%God,%Dayton% % Pastor%Richard%Cope% First%Assembly%of%God,%Raymondville%% Pastor%Elizabeth%Munoz%% Faith%Chapel,%Spring% % Pastor%Jerry%Elvis% Magnolia%Assembly,%Port%Neches% % Pastor%Kurt%Michaelson% Ebenezer%Assembly%of%God,%Houston% % Pastor%Joshin%John%
South Texas Ministers Available to Preach Janice%Akers,%Tomball%–%281.516.7419% David%Baca,%Humble%–%859.948.4177% Vivian%Boyles,%Houston%–%281.804.9338% Aaron%Cavazos,%San%Antonio%G%210.577G9558% Bill%Cribbs,%Port%Arthur%–%409.332.0276% David%Ennis,%Katy%–%832.570.3303% Lewis%Franklin,%Willis%–%281.734.5558% Stephen%Gatlin,%Spring%–%281.224.5602% Tom%Gourly,%Houston%–%281.458.6812% Vanessa%Hall,%Spring%–%469.688.4364% James%Hazelton,%Spring%–%281.443.4437% Don%Hickman,%Angleton%G%979.308.7541% Bill%Kilpatrick,%San%Antonio%–%210.325.5788% Johnny%&%Renita%Knight%–%Victoia%361.550.8886% Bob%Kucker,%Buna%–%409.994.5563% Fern%Lancaster,%Kerrville%–%830.895.4971% Floyd%Miles,%Magnolia%–%317.714.5711% Kenneth%Myers,%Victoria%–%361.582.4907% Wilbert%Oliver,%Houston%–%713.205.3361%
Donald%Paredes,%Spring%–%832.764.0468% (Spanish%Speaking,%wife%interprets)% Donny%Phillips,%LaPorte%–%713.885.2568% Richard%Reyes,%San%Antonio%–%210.884.2908% Robby%Rich,%Orange%–%409.504.2423% Jackie%Richardson,%Spring%–%281.350.4142% David%Rose,%Houston%–%281.239.9213% Edward%Rowls,%Spring%–%281.353.1894% Mary%Sanders,%Alvin%–%281.331.2325% Russell%Skinner,%Montgomery%–%936.449.4378% Stephen%Sowell,%San%Antonio%–%210.322.7526% David%Tosten,%Corpus%Christi%–%361.563.3293% Marsha%Touchstone,%Houston%–%713.981.0687% Juanita%Trevino,%Port%Lavaca%–%361.935.7202% Darrin%Vail,%LaMarque%–%409.939.5671% Tim%Verden,%League%City%–%832.545.0868% Alison%Ward,%Kingwood%–%281.361.7966% LeyAnne%Ward,%Kingwood%–%281.361.7966% David%Washburn,%Kerrville%–%830.896.2171%
Complete all the Global University courses you need for any level of credentials in just one year! The South Texas District School of Ministry (DSOM) makes it possible with special teaching and group study sessions. The cost is $80 per course. Enroll in each course 30 days before it begins. For more information contact the office of the South Texas District Executive Secretary/Treasurer, Don Wiehe or his secretary Kay Bailey at (713) 455-1221, or email No!classes!held!in!May,!July,!August,!or!December.
Te s t i n g 9 : 0 0 A M , D e v o t i o n s 9 : 4 5 A M , C l a s s e s 1 0 : 0 0 A M Class$ Dates
April!! 2,!2016
June!! 4,!2016
June!! 4,!2016
Level$1$Courses$ (Certified)
Level$2$Courses$ (License)
Level$3$Courses$ (Ordained)
BIB!121! Introduction!to! Hermeneutics:!!How! to!Study!the!Bible!
MIN!223! Introduction!Homiletics!
MIN!325! Preaching!to!the! Contemporary!World!
MIN!123! The!Local!Church!in! Evangelism
THE!245! Eschatology:!!A!Study!of! Things!to!Come
MIN!327! Church! Administration,!Law!&! Finance
MIN!191! Beginning!Internship!
MIN!291! Intermediate!Internship
MIN!391! Advanced!Internship
*Internships are not taught as classes, students do this on their own with a mentor. MIN!251! Effective!Leadership!
MIN!311! Prayer!&!Worship!
September! 10,!2016
THE!142! Assemblies!of!God! History,!Missions!&! Governance
October!! 1,!2016
MIN!181! Relationships!&! Ethics!in!Ministry
MIN!281!! Conflict!Management!for! Church!Leaders
MIN!381! Pastoral!Ministry
November! 5,!2016
BIB!112! Synoptic!Gospels
THE!211! Introduction!to! Theology
MIN!311! The!Corinthian! Correspondence
South Texas District School of Ministry presents Leadership Advancement and Team Development We are pleased to announce a leadership development initiative sponsored by the South Texas District Assemblies of God District School of Ministry (DSOM), Leadership Advancement and Team Development. Dr. Jim D. Rion has agreed to facilitate these quarterly seminar sessions, the first of which will be Thursday evening February 18, 2016, 7-10pm. Although these sessions are tailored to our Senior / Lead Pastors to receive advanced ministry leadership training, they are open to any of our South Texas credentialed ministers, those pursuing ministerial credentials and to your staff, key leaders and board members, free of charge. One can also receive AMT (Accelerated Ministers Training) credit for attending. We simply ask that you RSVP to the Secretary/Treasurer’s office so we can set up the room appropriately. Dr. Rion leads a vibrant growing church in San Antonio, Westover Hills Assembly of God. He also serves us as our General Presbyter and has served as Presbyter of the San Antonio Section. Jim holds a Batchelor of Theology, Masters in Biblical Literature and in 2013 graduated with a Doctoral of Ministry in Church Growth from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS) and so brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our District ministerial family. Pastor Rion has already blessed hundreds of our ministers and laity with his seminars, personal coaching and encouragement. He shows a passion for churches of all sizes knowing that there is a great variety of churches and communities. Our desire within the South Texas District is to have healthy ministers and churches no matter what the size. God bless each of you as you consider participating in these advanced leadership sessions. Below is a list of the 2016 dates and the corresponding reading list. Please begin now ordering your books for study prior to attending. Blessings to each of you and thank you so much for your ministry and service to the communities of South Texas.
1. DNA of Leadership - Thursday February 18 Books: Relational Leadership: A Biblical Model for Leadership Service, by Walter C. Wright; The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World, by Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow & Marty Linsky; Leadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth, by Samuel R. Chand. 2. Building a Team - Friday April 1 Books: The Teaming Church: Ministry in the Age of Collaboration, by Robert Crosby; The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High Performance Organization, by Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith. 3. Common Mistakes Leaders Make - Friday June 3 Books: 7 Warning Signs Your Church Has Ministry Silos, by Tony Morgan; The Five Dysfunction of a Team, By Patrick Lencioni; Your Church in Rhythm: The Forgotten Dimensions of Season and Cycles, by Bruce B. Miller; Leading On Empty, by Wayne Cordeiro. 4. Understanding the Culture of a Church - Friday September 9 Books: Sticky Church, by Larry Osborne; Church Unique, by Will Mancini; Culture Shift: Understanding Your Church from the Inside Out, by Robert Lewis and Wayne Codeiro.
June: Youth Camps 6-9 – Camp 1 w/ Garland Owensby 10-13 – Camp 2 w/ Truston Baba 22-25 – Camp 3 w/ Tim McCain
2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS April: 1 – STL Golf Tournament 7-9 – District Fine Arts Festival 22 – STL Grand Club Banquet May: 10-12 – District Council
July: 11-18 – AIM Trips August: 1-5 – National Fine Arts Festival September: 28 – See You at the Pole 30 – Breakaway Young Adults Conference October: 16 – National Speed The Light Day November: 18-19 – Youth Convention December: 31 – STL Giving Credit Deadline
3-9 8-9
New Year’s Day DO Closed Week of Prayer Royal Rangers Staff Retreat
District School of Ministry 9:30 am - District Office 9 JBQ 10 Church Planting Day 15 STL Offering Due 15-16 Royal Rangers World Class Outpost (WCO) 16 Mosaic Gathering District Office - 10am-2pm 17 Cradle Roll Day 18 Martin Luther King Day D O Closed 19 Executive Presbytery Meeting 21-23 Leading Ladies Retreat HCC – Kerrville 29-30 Royal Rangers South Central Region Seminar 31 Annual Church Ministries Report (ACMR) Deadline SPEED THE LIGHT TOUR January 6 Corpus Christi Section 8 Victoria Section 9 Rio Grande Valley Section 11 San Antonio Section 12 Houston & North Houston Sections 14 San Jacinto & Gulf Coast Sections 15 Beaumont & Neches Valley Sections
LIGHT FOR THE LOST TOUR January 25 Rio Grande Valley Section 26 Corpus Christi Section 28 San Antonio Section 29 Victoria Section February 1 Houston Section 2 North Houston Section 4 San Jacinto Section 5 Neches Valley Section 30 8 Beaumont Section 9 Gulf Coast Section
February 6
District School of Ministry 9:30 am – District Office 6 JBQ 10 Ash Wednesday 12-14 Marriage Encounter Houston 14 Valentine’s Day 15 STL Offering Due 15 President’s Day 16 Executive Presbytery Meeting 18 Youth Sectional Coaches Meeting 19-20 Youth Leaders Conference 23-25 Senior Adult Summit HCC - Kerrville 26-28 Royal Rangers FCF Spring Trace/Adventure 28 Girls Ministries 5K Missions Walk
South$Texas$Church$Planting$ Currently%we%are%making%plans%for%two%South%Texas%Church%Planting%events% at% District% Council% in% May.% % On% Tuesday% May% 10th% we% will% host% a% Church% Planting% Breakout% Session% from% 1:00% to% 2:45% PM.% % This% gathering% is% for% church%planters%and%revitalizers%who%want%to%network%and%exchange%ideas% with%other%planters.% %We%will%hear%reports%from%some%of%our%South%Texas% projects.% % Also% there% will% be% some% time% to% discuss% what% some% of% the% challenges%we%are%facing%and%draw%from%the%wisdom%in%the%room%as%how% to% overcome% these% challenges.% % Your% input% and% experiences% are% vital% to% making% this% time% complete.% Secondly,% we% will% host% a% MOSAIC/Church% Planting% reception% on% May% 11th% after% the% evening% service.% % This% will% be% purely% a% time% of% fellowship% and% food% just% to% connect% with% others% on% this% same%journey.%%We%would%love%to%have%you%come%and%hang%out%with%us.% If% you% want% to% come% to% one% of% these% events,% please% RSVP% –% just% send% me% an% many%will%be%coming%to%each%event.
SAGU History Degree Equips Christian Lawyers
Southwestern Assemblies of God University's (SAGU) History Department prepares future lawyers to begin their law careers by providing them with foundational skills through a history degree. A bachelor's or master's degree in history at SAGU offers a student more than 170 potential careers. Graduates from SAGU's Social Studies and History degrees have continued i n t o J u r i s Doctorates (JD) at law schools including Harvard, Southern M e t h o d i s t U n i v e r s i t y, B a y l o r University and Regent University. A bachelor's degree in any area is required to attend law school. A
degree in history is a popular choice for law students.
primarily litigates civil, patent, criminal and family law cases.
Department Chair for the Social Studies and History Department Dr. Loyd Uglow says, "Having a bachelor's degree in history will assist a future law student more than earning a pre-law degree due to the critical thinking and research that a history degree provides."
Alumnus Aaron Burke graduated from Baylor University Law School in 2010 after earning a bachelor's degree in history from SAGU. He added, "I loved the atmosphere at SAGU. The small class size and structured environment kept me concentrated on my studies and focused on my goals."
Alumnus Jordan McKnight graduated from SAGU in 2009 with a master's degree in History. McKnight chose to work on a master’s degree in history primarily to sharpen his graduate level research and writing skills prior to attending law school. He explains, "I wouldn't have been nearly as prepared for law school without having completed SAGU’s history program first. After doing graduate level research and writing, I felt like I hit the ground running in law school." After graduation from SMU, McKnight began working as an associate attorney at Siebman, Burg, Phillips and Smith, LLP, a full-service litigation firm, where he
Burke serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA), on the committee of 'Justice for All', and is a committee co-chair on the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers (DAYL). Among Burke's successes is his defense of clients involved in high-stakes litigation across the United States. He also guest lectures at Baylor Law School and serves as a consultant and monitoring counsel for oil, gas and manufacturing companies across the country. Click here for more information on SAGU's undergrad and graduate history degrees.
SAGU$Adds$B.S.$in$Community$Care$&$Counseling Waxahachie,$ Texas$ –! March! 2,! 2016$ –! Demand! for!mental!health!counselors!is!projected!to!grow! 20%! between! 2014! and! 2024.! That! reality! spotlights! an! opportunity! for! caregivers,! particularly! those! with! a! Christian! worldview.! Southwestern! Assemblies! of! God! University! (SAGU)! will! introduce! a! bachelor’s! degree! in! Community! Care! and! Counseling! in! Fall! 2016.! The!degree!will!contain!127!hours!of!instruction! to!be!completed!over!four!years.! Graduates! of! the! Bachelor! of! Science! in! Community!Care!and!Counseling!at!SAGU!will!be! q u a l i f i e d! t o! w o r k! i n! m i n i s t r y0 re l a t e d! organizations,! mental! health! and! social! work! agencies,! community! relations! organizations,! pregnancy! centers,! nursing! homes,! family! outreach! ministries,! basic! residential! care! f a c i l i t i e s ,! c r i m i n a l! j u s t i c e! a g e n c i e s ,! administration,! community! service! and! rehabilitation! centers,! crisis! and! disaster! response! organizations,! church! and! para0church! a g e n c i e s ,! a n d! n o n 0 p r o f i t! outreach! centers.! Examples! include! dream! centers,! Christian! orphan! homes,! disaster! agencies! such! as! Convoy! of! Hope! and! International! Christian! helping! agencies.! Program! Coordinator! Brad! Fairchild! explains,! “The! three0fold! Christian! caregiving! emphasis! prepares! students! to! serve! individuals,! communities!and!society!as!a!whole.”! The! degree! also! prepares! professionals! for! vocations!in!social!and!mental!health!assistance.! These! positions! could! include! such! things! as! child! and! adult! welfare,! family! assistance! services! and! government! agencies.! SAGU!
graduates! will! be! equipped! for! community! outreach!and!intervention.! The!degree!leaves!room!for!21!hours!in!electives! and! allows! flexibility! to! choose! courses! in! line! with! personal! career! goals.! Dr.! William! Armistead! says,! "The! flexibility! of! this! degree,! with!the!number!of!electives,!allows!students!to! minor! or! specialize! in! selected! areas! such! as! social! work,! addictions! counseling,! psychology,! criminal! justice,! leadership,! church! planting! and! revitalization,! youth! and! student! ministry,! intercultural! studies,! children! and! family! ministry,! human! resource! management! and! more.”! The! number! of! electives! also! allows! more! flexibility! for! transfer! credit.! Students! joining! SAGU's! Community! Care! and! Counseling! degree! from!other!schools!can!transition!easily.! Click! here! to! request! information! on! the! B.S.! in! Community! Care! and! Counseling! degree! and! to! speak!with!an!admissions!counselor.!! About!SAGU:!! Southwestern! Assemblies! of! God! University! is! a! private,! Christian! university! located! 30! minutes! south! of! the! Dallas/Fort! Worth! Metroplex! in! Waxahachie,! Texas.! The! university! was! established! in! 1927,! and! now! offers! more! than! 70! associate,! bachelor’s,! master’s! and! doctoral! degrees!on!campus!or!online.!! M o r e! i n f o r m a t i o n! i s! a lway s! ava i l a b l e! at!!or!call!108880YES0SAGU.
10 QUESTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE SMALL GROUP PLANNING connection can be a viable purpose for small groups.
Many, if not most, churches have at least attempted small group ministries at one time or another, some finding them to be the catalyst for church growth, relational connections, and effective discipleship. Of course, others have struggled and some even failed in the effort, leaving numerous questions in the wake of their efforts. As a pastor, I learned that effective small groups often have more to do with the pre-planning than with the implementation. Simply put, if I knew the questions to answer before we started, I probably could have avoided or more effectively addressed the issues that arose, and for many, brought a premature end. What steps could have saved me from the greatest frustrations? I built a list and call them my 10 Questions for Small Group Planning. 1. Why are we doing small groups? This question asks, “What is the primary purpose among the purposes for our small group ministries? Now there are a lot of possible purposes for small groups, but we must be honest about what we are really trying to accomplish. You see, our real purpose will be the way we end up evaluate our groups, so making that purpose clear and obvious is essential. Do I want small groups to connect people to the church? If we are going to have extended opportunity to minister to people, at some point we need them to think of our church as their church too. So
Discipleship is another goal. Maybe I want small groups because I want to be sure people are growing and I know that the intimacy of the small group can help facilitate that in amazing ways. That’s another great reason for small groups. Which is the best reason? Likely the one that fits your situation most effectively. Now a small group can make great strides in both areas, but you need to know which is primary. Some pastors have started groups for connection only to be frustrated that discipleship goals weren’t being met. Of course, discipleship groups that don’t gel into deep relationships can be disappointing too. If you know which of these is your primary goal, you’ll be able to more effectively evaluate what’s working and what isn’t. 2. What will our groups do? Okay, slow down. This question doesn't dive into the types of groups or the activity schedules for group meetings. We're not quite ready for those questions yet. Instead, a deeper question must be asked first. What do we want our groups to accomplish? Perhaps another way to ask is, "What will be accomplished through our small group ministries if we are successful?" You see, many pastors and church leaders launch into small group efforts without a clear sense of how they will judge success. We want small groups...well, we know we're supposed to have them...but what are they really supposed to do? Once you know what you want your small groups to do, you can identify the "wins" you'll want to celebrate. Celebrating is very important. It
keeps people encouraged and continually propels them toward the goals of the group. Without a clear sense of "wins" group leaders can become frustrated and not realize that they may be succeeding in significant ways. 3. Who will we involve in small groups? Now at first, we might think this is an easy answer. After all, don't we want everyone to connect to a small group? Isn't that our purpose--that everyone will find friendship or be engaged in lifechanging study of God's Word. Isn't the best answer "everyone?" If your church is trying to launch a new effort of small group ministry, you may want to consider an approach of stages in development. Many churches have found that a church-wide approach is extremely difficult to get working well. Some people don't want to be in groups, and some groups succeed while others fail leaving those in the failed groups a little less excited when the next opportunity comes around. For most, it may prove best to get a few groups started and learn how your church responds to such opportunities. A few successful groups can be excellent catalysts for adding more groups, and you can learn needed lessons and "work out the bugs" more easily with a few groups than multiplying your early mistakes in a large number of groups. 4. Will we keep an open chair? In small groups “lingo” the open chair symbolizes the openness of the group toward new people. Will our groups maintain an openness to new attenders or will they be closed groups, where people must sign up at the group’s beginning in order to experience the content to be studied?
leaders will be the key to success. But what does that leader look like?
more quickly group members can understanding and adapt.
In most cases, relational groups have the best chance of remaining open to new people. After all, these groups have fellowship as their goal so adding someone new to the group seems like a “nobrainer” doesn’t it? Discipleship groups that tackle a specific curriculum often are more closed because if you miss out on the first weeks of study, it can be difficult to join in the later weeks.
Remember that the larger your leader expectations, the more training you will need to provide. Relational and discussion groups may only require one training session where you can discuss facilitation strategies and engaging social skills. But teaching groups need leaders who can manage such expectations. There aren’t as many of those folks and they’ll need extensive training.
9. Term - How often will we meet?
But relationship groups aren’t easy to keep open either. Most have found that after a group has met together for six months, they tend to functionally close. We have formed a group and the desired friendships have formed. Now it gets harder to welcome in new people.
7. Commitment - Do we anticipate low requirement?
5. What will our groups not do? A local church’s small groups have a tendency at times to become a “catch-all” for the local church’s ministry. We want them to provide relational connections and we hope they will also be an effective learning environment. But the expectations don’t stop there. For many churches, small groups also offer pastoral care, providing the personal touch that many congregations, especially larger ones, struggle to deliver. Small groups can also be outlets for dealing with the special needs many people bring to church. So someone in need of personal attention can see their small group as the place to get what they need. One of the healthiest decisions you can make is to determine what your small groups won’t do. Maybe you want the groups to care for each other, especially in specific moments like during hospitalizations or providing meals when a family is facing extra stress. That’s a lot different than being expected to help meet group members’ financial needs or counsel them through a family crisis. Wherever you draw the line, make it clear to your leaders and to each person who attends. 6. Who must we find? Small groups will only be as effective as those who lead them, and every small group ministry director knows that finding the right
What does low requirement mean? The question relates to how frequently we expect people to attend the group meetings. Will they be involved in a study that demands consistent attendance, like a finance training or some type of course completion? These type of groups are considered high requirement. Content can determine requirement level but it’s not the only factor. Remember the purpose of your small groups. If you’re goal is connecting and relationship building, keep the requirement low and let the quality of those relationships begin to drive more regular attendance. If the demand is high and the friendship-building gets off to a slow start, the group won’t likely succeed. 8. Content - What will the group do? When planning your small groups, determining the specifics of each group ahead of time can prove very important. First, we have already determined if this is a content group or one that prioritizes relationships. But if content is even a secondary consideration, then how will that content be chosen? Will the church prescribe the curriculum? Will the leader be a teacher or facilitator? What about childcare? Will there be food? Who will plan for that? How will the materials be purchased and who will cover the cost? As you can see, there is a number of issues to think through when planning a small group and, the more questions you answer in the planning phase, the
The frequency of group meetings can be one of the most critical decisions for a small group’s success. Meet too often and attendance will be inconsistent. Meet too rarely and the desired relationships never seem to develop. A leader must be careful to think through every aspect of this decision and be flexible enough to adjust when difficulties seem evident.
No matter the plan, weekly and biweekly groups will need breaks. Many churches use a semester format where groups meet for 12-15 weeks and then take a break. Usually the calendar will allow three semesters a year (fall, winter, spring) with a summer break. 10. Leadership - Who will make this work? This final question addresses the key leaders who will drive your small group effort forward. Notice that we’ve already worked through most of the planning issues before assigning this project to a staff member or other key leader. Why? Because now we know what we are trying to do and what kind of leader we will need. As the saying goes, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” The best plan will only prove to be as good as the leader who implements it. Good organization, people skills, recruiting ability, and problemsolving are all essential traits of your small group director. This blog was originally posted on Mike Clarensau's Healthy Church Network.
Church Ministries and Discipleship CHURCH MINISTRIES AND DISCIPLESHIP Rev. Tammy Calderon, Director The Church Ministries & Discipleship Department would like to wish each of you a Merry Christmas. We pray that God will bless you during the holiday season. We look forward to seeing what the New Year holds in 2016. Remember to send BGMC offerings directly to the National Office in Springfield, MO. For your offering to count toward 2015 calendar year, you must have a visible postmark date of December 31, 2015.
As of September 2015, the South Texas District has given a total of $118,670.68. Great job South Texas! Please make sure you send your BGMC offerings directly to the National Office in Springfield, Missouri. This ensures that our missionaries can get the funds they need quickly.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: South Texas Assemblies of God P. O. Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213-0714
At Houston, TX USPS # 014-651
The S.T.A.R., USPS #014-651, Volume 64, Number 2, is published quarterly (plus a special December issue) by the South Texas District Council Assemblies of God, Inc. 11102 East Freeway, Houston, TX
ST R S FA P RL I L N G2 0 21 0 21 6
Tim R. Barker - Superintendent Steve Banning - Assistant Superintendent Don Wiehe - Executive Secretary/Treasurer
Executive Presbyters
Steve Weaver and Gene Summers
General Council Presbyters Tim R. Barker, Don Wiehe & Jim Rion
District Sectional Presbyters
Darold DeHart - San Jacinto Section Donny Flippo - Beaumont Section Mike Hammonds - Gulf Coast Section Lloyd Maddoux - North Houston Section Erny McDonough - Victoria Section Joel Nabors - Neches Valley Section Mario Perez - Rio Grande Valley Section Deborah Prihoda - Houston Section Doug Roberts - San Antonio Section William Stockstill - Corpus Christi Section
Honorary Presbyters
Howard Burroughs, Gary Chapin, Johnny Durham, & Joseph Granberry
The S. T. A. R. (South Texas Assemblies Review) is published quarterly (plus a special Christmas issue) and is the Official Publication of the SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT COUNCILASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Inc. 11102 East Freeway (I-10) Houston, Texas 77029 Don Wiehe - Executive Editor David Wilson - Managing Editor
Mailing address: South Texas Assemblies of God P.O. Box 9714 Houston, Texas 77213-0714
District Ministries Departmental Officers Roger Audorff Shane Klinkerman Tammy Calderon -
Missions HonorBound Men
Church Ministries/Discipleship
Vanessa Hall Stancle Williams -
Women’s Ministries Youth Ministries
_________________________________ Article IX, Finances: Section 2, District Office Support, Paragraphs (a) The District Office shall be supported by a monthly offering of at least three fourths (75%) of the tithes of every minister (except Senior Retired Ministers) from both secular and ministerial income. If a minister fails to cooperate with this plan, he shall be called to give a reasonable explanation to the District Officials. (b) It is recommended that the District Office shall be supported by one percent (1%) of the monthly general fund income of each of the churches of the South Texas District Council.