The STAR - Fall 2016

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…the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines in your hearts.

(2 Peter 1:19 NLT)



F ro m O u r S u p e r i n t e n d e n t In$ His$ eyes$ we're$ all$ His$ sons$ and$ daughters,$ creatures$ made$ in$ His$ image$ and$ likeness$ with$ infinite$ value$ and$ selfN worth,$so$much$that$He$was$willing$to$send$ His$ only$ Son$ to$ Earth$ to$ die$ for$ all$ of$ our$ sins.$$

Tim & Jill Barker District Superintendent The$ political$ climate$ has$ been$ dominated$ by$fear$and$anger.$Fear$of$a$changing$world,$ of$ a$ changing$ country$ with$ changing$ demographics$ and$ changing$ values,$ of$ a$ corrupt$and$big$government,$…just$to$name$ a$ few.$ We,$ as$ Christians,$ shouldn't$ allow$ fear$to$motivate$or$define$us.$Fear$paralyzes$ us$and$prevents$us$from$sharing$ourselves,$ our$ time,$ and$ our$ talents$ with$ others.$ We$ shouldn't$be$afraid$of$the$future$as$long$as$ we$have$faith$in$God's$providence.$$ As# people# of# faith,$ we$ should$ be$ concerned,$ but$ not$ worried$ to$ the$ point$ where$ we're$ paralyzed$ by$ fear.$ The$ Bible$ tells$ us$ God$ that$ has$ a$ plan$ for$ the$ world,$ which$He$devised$before$time$even$began.$ Each$ one$ of$ us,$ and$ each$ nation,$ is$ part$ of$ that$ plan.$ We$ can$ either$ cooperate$ with$ it$ by$doing$God's$will$as$we$perceive$it,$or$we$ can$fight$it.$ $Either$way,$God's$will,$will$be$ done,$make$no$mistake$about$it.$$ As#a#nation#we've$turned$our$back$on$God$ and$ have$ begun$ worshiping$ idols$ just$ like$ God$warned$the$Israelites$not$to$do$in$the$ Old$ Testament.$ The$ only$ difference$ is$ that$ our$idols$aren't$golden$calves$or$fake$gods,$ they're$ money,$ fame,$ sex,$ drugs,$ and$ anything$ else$ that$ gives$ us$ temporary$ pleasure$ or$ helps$ us$ escape$ our$ responsibilities$and$duties$in$life.$$ As# a# society# we've$ declined$ culturally$ and$ morally,$ as$ the$ family$ unit$ has$ completely$ disintegrated.$Abortion$has$become$normal$ and$accepted$by$a$majority$of$the$country,$ as$ has$ premarital$ sex,$ divorce,$ and$ many$ other$immoral$things$that$50$or$100$years$ ago$would've$been$unthinkable.$$ What$ each$ of$ us$ can$ do$ is$ use$ our$ knowledge$ and$ the$ unique$ skills$ and$ abilities$God$has$blessed$us$with$to$save$the$ souls$of$as$many$of$our$fellow$Americans$as$ possible.$ Because,$ saving$ even$ one$ soul$ is$ infinitely$more$important$than$winning$one$ electionN$ and$ God$ doesn't$ care$ if$ that$ soul$ identifies$as$a$liberal$or$a$conservative.$$

With$ that$ said,$ I$ do$ not$ see$ my$ American$ patriotism$ as$ the$ most$ important$ thing$ in$ my$ life.$ Being$ an$ American$ is$ a$ temporal$ condition.$My$true$status$is$that$of$an$alien.$ America$is$not$my$primary$residence.$ $Our$ citizenship$ is$ in$ heaven,$ and$ from$ it$ we$ await$ a$ Savior,$ the$ Lord$ Jesus$ Christ.$ –$ Philippians$3:20$(ESV)$$ Like$ Abraham,$ I$ live$ here$ as$ though$ I$ am$ living$ in$ a$ foreign$ country.$ $ God$ has$ called$ me$to$live$in$America,$but$I$only$live$here$in$a$ tent,$not$as$one$having$deep$roots.$By$faith$ he$went$to$live$in$the$land$of$promise,$as$in$a$ foreign$ land,$ living$ in$ tents$ with$ Isaac$ and$ Jacob,$ heirs$ with$ him$ of$ the$ same$ promise.$ For$he$was$looking$forward$to$the$city$that$ has$ foundations,$ whose$ designer$ and$ builder$is$God.$–$Hebrews$11:9N10$(ESV)$$ When$ the$ good$ LORD$ calls$ me$ to$ my$ permanent,$eternal$home,$I$will$gladly$kiss$ this$ place$ goodbye$ and$ follow$ Him$ to$ the$ land$ of$ promise.$ It$ is$ this$ awareness$ that$ shapes$ my$ worldview$ regarding$ my$ temporary$existence$on$earth.$$ Still…$ I$ will$ cast$ my$ vote.$ I$ will$ pray$ for$ God’s$ will$ to$ be$ done.$ I$ will$ rest$ in$ my$ LORD.$$ These$are$serious$times.$It$is$in$the$air.$We$ sense$ it,$ feel$ it,$ and$ know$ it$ in$ our$ heart.$ Much$ is$ at$ stake.$ This$ is$ unquestionable$ and$ undeniable.$ Still,$ it$ may$ do$ well$ for$ each$of$us$to$remember$these$things$during$ the$election$season:$$ 1.#Keep#everything#in#perspective.
 God# is$ sovereign$ over$ all$ human$ affairs.$ Regardless$of$who$wins$the$nomination$of$ your$ preferred$ party$ or$ who$ wins$ the$ election,$ God$ is$ ultimately$ in$ charge.$ Keep$ everything$in$perspective.$$ I$ am$ not$ advocating$ passiveNism.$ I$ am$ calling$ for$ each$ of$ us$ to$ keep$ perspective.$ Our$hope$and$trust$is$ultimately$in$the$Lord.$$ 2.#Be#involved#in#the#process.
 I# am$ deeply$ convicted$ that$ each$ ChristN follower$ needs$ to$ be$ involved$ in$ the$ process$ of$ electing$ our$ next$ president.$ We$ need$ to$ know$ about$ the$ candidates,$ understand$ what$ they$ believe,$ measure$ it$ by$the$Word$of$God,$and$vote$as$we$believe$ God$is$leading$us.$$

 Passion# is$ rising$ over$ many$ social$ and$ political$ matters.$ In$ our$ respective$ places$ and$positions,$each$of$us$will$be$asked$our$ opinions.$Therefore,$we$need$to$be$careful$ and$deliberate$about$what$we$say$and$how$ we$say$it.$$ People$are$watching$and$listening$to$us.$We$ represent$ our$ Lord$ everywhere,$ so$ we$ need$to$live$up$to$this$wisely.$This$does$not$ keep$ us$ from$ providing$ insights$ and$ speaking$up$when$appropriate,$but$it$does$ call$us$to$weigh$every$word$we$say$and$the$ way$we$say$it.$$ Do$ not$ lose$ your$ testimony$ or$ influence$ with$others$for$the$sake$of$pontificating,$as$ if$ you$ are$ trying$ to$ win$ an$ argument$ or$ promote$your$preferred$persuasion.$This$is$ difficult$for$each$of$us,$but$we$must$be$wise$ with$our$words$and$gentle$in$our$spirit.$$ In$our$congregations,$we$have$people$from$ all$backgrounds$with$all$kinds$of$opinions.$ This$ should$ not$ call$ us$ to$ silence$ or$ intimidate$ us$ into$ fearfulness.$ But,$ it$ does$ call$us$to$be$wise$with$our$words$and$clear$ in$ every$ way,$ exhibiting$ at$ all$ times,$ the$ spirit$of$Christ.$$ 4.#Refuse#to#be#categorized.## Election$ season$ usually$ pushes$ us$ into$ categories$and$labels.$Now,$it$is$more$than$ obvious$ by$ what$ we$ read$ that$ even$ evangelicals$ are$ broken$ into$ various$ categories.$ These$ categories$ are$ labeling$ different$ groups$ and$ how$ they$ will$ vote$ with$different$candidates.$# We$ are$ ultimately$ one$ thing:$ Followers$ of$ Jesus$ Christ.$ This$ is$ our$ badge$ of$ honor.$ If$ we$abandon$this$by$our$actions$or$opinions,$ we$ will$ begin$ to$ lose$ our$ prophetic$ voice$ during$this$critical$hour$in$America.$$ 5.#Pray#for#God#to#raise#up#His#next#leader# for#our#nation.## # ###################### Daniel$ 2:21$ (NIV)$ says,$ “He$ changes$ times$ and$ seasons;$ he$ deposes$ kings$ and$ raises$ up$others.$He$gives$wisdom$to$the$wise$and$ knowledge$ to$ the$ discerning.”$ God$ does$ have$ a$ will$ for$ our$ nation,$ and$ He$ has$ the$ power$to$raise$up$whomever$He$desires$to$ lead$our$nation.$# When$ we$ know$ we$ have$ worked$ in$ the$ processes$and$prayed$for$the$Lord’s$will$to$ be$done,$when$all$is$concluded,$we$have$the$ peace$ to$ trust$ the$ Lord,$ who$ is$ sovereign$ over$all$things.$$ $$

Changes & Updates… For the latest Changes & Updates for ministers information, logon to ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS.

New$Ordained$ New$Certified' Katelyn'Locke' Elizabeth'Jones' Thomas'Hasz'

Jennifer Rodriguez (Our apologies for her name being

New$Licensed$ Allen'Martin'

Transferred$Out$ Paul'Vistine'to'New'Mexico' Brandon'Rains'to'Peninsular'Florida' Krista'Hankins'to'New'Mexico' Kim'Reynolds'to'Northern'New'England' Elias'Rios'to'Texas'Louisiana'Hispanic' Chad'&'Angela'Germany'to'New'Mexico' Ronnie'&'Joyce'Mask'to'North'Texas' Eli'&'Mandy'Stewart'to'North'Texas

Transferred$In$$ Paul'Strong'from'Arkansas' Frank'Padron,'Jr'from'Texas'Louisiana'Hispanic'' Constantino'Aguilar'from'Texas'Louisiana'Hispanic' Ernest'&'Sharon'Fridge'from'Kentucky'

missed on the Newly Ordained List in the Summer STAR.)

New$Pastors$ Paul'Strong'J'Calvary'Church,'Stafford'

South Texas Ministers Available to Preach Janice'Akers,'Tomball'–'281.516.7419' David'Baca,'Humble'–'859.948.4177' Vivian'Boyles,'Houston'–'281.804.9338' Aaron'Cavazos,'San'Antonio'J'210.577J9558' Bill'Cribbs,'Port'Arthur'–'409.332.0276' David'Ennis,'Katy'–'832.570.3303' Lewis'Franklin,'Willis'–'281.734.5558' Stephen'Gatlin,'Spring'–'281.224.5602' Tom'Gourly,'Houston'–'281.458.6812' Vanessa'Hall,'Spring'–'469.688.4364' James'Hazelton,'Spring'–'281.443.4437' Don'Hickman,'Angleton'J'979.308.7541' Bill'Kilpatrick,'San'Antonio'–'210.325.5788' Johnny'&'Renita'Knight'–'Victoia'361.550.8886' Bob'Kucker,'Buna'–'409.994.5563' Fern'Lancaster,'Kerrville'–'830.895.4971' Randy'Lindsey,'San'Antonio'J'210.286.1416' Floyd'Miles,'Magnolia'–'317.714.5711' Kenneth'Myers,'Victoria'–'361.582.4907' Wilbert'Oliver,'Houston'–'713.205.3361' Donald'Paredes,'Spring'–'832.764.0468' !!(Spanish!Speaking,!wife!interprets)!

Donny'Phillips,'LaPorte'–'713.885.2568' Richard'Reyes,'San'Antonio'–'210.884.2908' Robby'Rich,'Orange'–'409.504.2423' Jackie'Richardson,'Spring'–'281.350.4142' David'Rose,'Houston'–'281.239.9213' Edward'Rowls,'Spring'–'281.353.1894' Mary'Sanders,'Alvin'–'281.331.2325' Russell'Skinner,'Montgomery'–'936.449.4378' Stephen'Sowell,'San'Antonio'–'210.322.7526' David'Tosten,'Corpus'Christi'–'361.563.3293' Marsha'Touchstone,'Houston'–'713.981.0687' Juanita'Trevino,'Port'Lavaca'–'361.935.7202' Darrin'Vail,'LaMarque'–'409.939.5671' Tim'Verden,'League'City'–'832.545.0868' Alison'Ward,'Kingwood'–'281.361.7966' LeyAnne'Ward,'Kingwood'–'281.361.7966' David'Washburn,'Kerrville'–'830.896.2171'

Monday, September 19 Rio Grande Valley Section - 9AM Life Ministries 2919 North Closner Blvd. Edinburg, TX 78541

Corpus Christi Section - 7PM Gateway Christian Center 925 N. A. S. Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78418

Tuesday, September 20 San Antonio Section - 9AM Calvary Temple A/G 14335 O’Connor Rd. San Antonio, TX 78247

Victoria Section - 7PM Six Mile A/G 6440 FM 1090 N. Port Lavaca, TX 77979

Thursday, September 22 North Houston Section - 9AM Cornerstone Christian A/G 100 Mosswood Dr. Conroe, TX 77302

San Jacinto Section - 7PM Crossroads Fellowship 12110 E Sam Houston Pkwy. N. Houston, TX 77044

Monday, September 26 Houston Section - 9AM First Assembly of God 2512 Avenue N. Rosenberg, TX 77471

Gulf Coast Section - 7PM Access Church 7030 Broadway St. Pearland, TX 77581

Tuesday, September 27 Beaumont Section - 9AM Gospel Center Church 7595 Highway 105 Beaumont, Texas 77713

Neches Valley Section - 7PM New Life Church 42493 TX-105 Batson, TX 77519

South Texas Minister’s Giving Requirements CREDENTIALED MINISTERS CERTIFIED Ministers (non-missionaries) 75% of tithe from both secular and ministry income to the District $10 per month to your Section $30 annual credential renewal fee to the District $10 per month to the General Council Each minister must renew their credentials annually by Dec. 31

Example Monthly Income Total 10% Tithe District (75%) General Council Section* Local Church

LICENSED Ministers (non-missionaries) 75% of tithe from both secular and ministry income to the District $10 per month to your Section $30 annual credential renewal fee to the District $20 per month to the General Council Each minister must renew their credentials annually by Dec. 31

Example Monthly Income Total 10% Tithe District (75%) General Council Section* Local Church

ORDAINED Ministers (non-missionaries) 75% of tithe from both secular and ministry income to the District $10 per month to your Section $30 annual credential renewal fee to the District $25 per month to the General Council Each minister must renew their credentials annually by Dec. 31

$2000 $200 $150 $ 10 $ 10 $ 30

$2000 $200 $150 $ 20 $ 10 $ 20

Example Monthly Income Total 10% Tithe District (75%) General Council Section* Local Church

$2000 $200 $150 $ 25 $ 10 $ 15

Disabled & Senior Retired Ministers Senior Retired – Those ministers over 65 years of age who have ceased to engage in any regular appointed ministry. Disabled – Must submit documentation from social security office to District Office. No giving requirement to General Council, District or Section No annual credential renewal fee, but must renew credentials annually by Dec. 31

*All Sectional dues must be paid directly to the Section.

South Texas Minister’s Giving Requirements MISSIONARIES AND MISSIONARY ASSOCIATES

Nationally Appointed A/G World Missionaries (foreign field) 50% of the tithe is automatically deducted from monthly income to AGWM $25.00 per month to the District (can be automatically deducted and sent to the District by contacting AGWM) 5% of offerings while itinerating or ministering in South Texas shall be sent to South Texas Missions Department No monthly dues to your Section $30 annual credential renewal fee to the District (Each minister must renew their credentials annually by Dec. 31) Monthly dues to General Council depending upon credential level (Certified $10; Licensed $20; Ordained $25)

Nationally Appointed A/G US Missionaries (US field) 50% of the tithe is automatically deducted from monthly income to AGUSM $25.00 per month to the District (can be automatically deducted and sent to the District by contacting AGUSM) 5% of offerings while itinerating or ministering in South Texas shall be sent to South Texas Missions Department $10 per month to your Section $30 annual credential renewal fee to the District (Each minister must renew their credentials annually by Dec. 31) Monthly dues to General Council depending upon credential level (Certified $10; Licensed $20; Ordained $25)

Nationally Endorsed US Chaplains 50% of the tithe to AGUSM 10% tithe from chaplaincy income to the District 75% tithe from all other secular and ministerial income to the District $10 per month to your Section $30 annual credential renewal fee to the District (Each minister must renew their credentials annually by Dec. 31) Monthly dues to General Council depending upon credential level (Certified $10; Licensed $20; Ordained $25)

Nationally Appointed Missionary Associate AGWM (foreign field) 50% of the tithe is automatically deducted from monthly income to AGWM 75% of the remaining 50% tithe to the District – This Is NOT Automatically Deducted From Your AGWM Account No monthly dues to your Section $30 annual credential renewal fee to the District (Each minister must renew their credentials annually by Dec. 31) Monthly dues to General Council depending upon credential level (Certified $10; Licensed $20; Ordained $25)

Nationally Appointed Missionary Associate AGUSM (US field) 50% of the tithe is automatically deducted from monthly income to AGUSM 75% of the remaining 50% tithe to the District - This Is NOT Automatically Deducted From Your AGUSM Account $10 per month to your Section $30 annual credential renewal fee to the District (Each minister must renew their credentials annually by Dec. 31) Monthly dues to General Council depending upon credential level (Certified $10; Licensed $20; Ordained $25)

Complete all the Global University courses you need for any level of credentials in just one year! The South Texas District School of Ministry (DSOM) makes it possible with special teaching and group study sessions. The cost is $80 per course. Enroll in each course 30 days before it begins. For more information contact the office of the South Texas District Executive Secretary/Treasurer, Don Wiehe or his secretary Kay Bailey at (713) 455-1221, or email No$classes$held$in$May,$July,$August,$or$December.



Te s t i n g 9 : 0 0 A M , D e v o t i o n s 9 : 4 5 A M , C l a s s e s 1 0 : 0 0 A M Class% Dates

Level%1%Courses% (Certified)

Level%2%Courses% (License)

Level%3%Courses% (Ordained)

September$ 10,$2016

THE$142$ Assemblies$of$God$ History,$Missions$&$ Governance

MIN$251$ Effective$Leadership$

MIN$311$ Prayer$&$Worship$

October$$ 1,$2016

MIN$181$ Relationships$&$ Ethics$in$Ministry

MIN$281$$ Conflict$Management$for$ Church$Leaders

MIN$381$ Pastoral$Ministry

November$ 5,$2016

BIB$112$ Synoptic$Gospels

THE$211$ Introduction$to$ Theology

MIN$311$ The$Corinthian$ Correspondence

South Texas District School of Ministry

Leadership Advancement & Team Development Our' 4th' and' final' Leadership' Advancement' and' Team' Development' for' 2016' will' be' Friday,' September' 9' at' 7pm' at' Crossroads' Fellowship,' Houston.'For'your'convenience,'these'sessions'are'live'streamed'online'at$' and' are' archived' for' future' use' on' our' district' website'$ A' special' thanks' to' Pastor' Jim' Rion' for' leading' these'sessions.'This'session'is:'Understanding'the'Culture'of'a'Church.
 Books:' Sticky' Church' by' Larry' Osborne;' Church' Unique' by' Will' Mancini;' Culture' Shift:' Understanding'Your'Church'from'the'Inside'Out,'by'Robert'Lewis'and'Wayne'Codeiro

Church Ministries and Discipleship Rev. Tammy Calderon, Director Summer is almost over and Camps, VBS and Sports camp are almost completed. God has blessed our children of South Texas. Now it is time to get ready for Kids in Ministry and JBQ. Please call us if you need information.


AGES 6-12


October 1, 2016 9 AM WHERE

Humble First Assembly

COST $20 Per Person (1st Entry) $5 Each additional Entry


SCHEDULE 8:30 AM Staff Meeting 9:00 AM Orientation 9:30 AM Ministry Evaluations 1:30 PM Awards & Performances


1915 FM 1960 Bypass Humble, TX 77338 Human Video • Puppetry • Object Lesson/Short Sermon Worship Dance • Vocal Solo/Ensemble • Bible Memorization Choir• Instrumental Solo/Ensemble • Drama Solo/Group Art • Writing • Baking • Clowning • Sign Language Solo/Group

South Texas District Church Ministries & Discipleship Department Rev. Tammy Calderon Mail Registrations to: P.O Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213

We would like to congratulate one of our South Texas District Assemblies of God Junior Bible Quiz Teams. We had 5 teams advance to Regionals: Heart of a Lion (1st Angleton), The Chosen Ones & The Overcomers (Braeswood), Satan Smashers (Humble First), and Glow Kids (First in San Antonio). Four of these teams competed in the National competition this past week and Hannah Alapati from First in Angleton was one of the Top Ten Quizzers!!! We are so proud of all our teams that participate in Junior Bible Quiz.

The 2016-2017 season of Junior Bible Quiz will be starting in October. Contact Shaenelle at for more info!




A . M . T. OCTOBER 14-15 @ F I R S T A S S E M B LY - H U M B L E A.M.T.' ' (Accelerated' Minister’s' Training)' is' one' of' the' best' opportunities' for' ministerial' training'that'is'Biblical'and'practical!'''Some'of'South'Texas’'best'ministers'share'their''own' knowledge'and'experience'in'a'relational'way'to'equip'you'for'more'effective'ministry.''


TIME:'Friday'Evening'J'7p.m.'–'10'p.m.'&''Saturday'Morning'9'a.m.'–'12'p.m.' TIME:'Friday'Evening'J'7p.m.'–'10'p.m.'&''Saturday'Morning'9'a.m.'–'12'p.m. A.M.T.!is!a!two!year!requirement!for!all!Certified!and!Licensed!Minister’s!to!become!Ordained.!!! The!only!exemption!is!if!you!have!graduated!from!an!Assemblies!of!God!College!or!University.

5th Annual

2016 conference

Pastor Andy Harris Central A/G Bossier City Louisiana

Evangelist Rod Vincent

October 17-18 All Services at 7:00 PM Silsbee First Assembly of God 950 Hwy. 96S Silsbee, Texas 77656 409-385-5433

Host Pastor Michael Moak First A/G Silsbee Texas

Sponsored by the South Texas District Evangelist Department

2016 Minister's South Texas

October 20 - 21


Our Minister's Escape will begin Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. with a delicious dinner followed by our first session with Superintendent Don and Diane Gifford at 7:00 p.m. On Friday following our morning session, we are going to grab a sack lunch and meet together at the Enchanted Rock State Park for some good picnic fun. Then we will return to the camp for our last session with Superintendent Don and Diane Gifford. obe 20 Thursday, October 6PM - Dinner 7PM - SESSION #1 Friday, October 21 9AM - Breakfast 10AM - SESSION #2 Noon - Lunch at ENCHANTED ROCK 6PM - Dinner 7PM - SESSION #3 Join us for some delicious food, great relaxation, good fellowship and lots of fun!

Rev.$Don$&$Diane$Gifford:$A$Brief$Bio$J$$ Since' January' 1,' 2004' Don' Gifford' has' served' as' the' Superintendent' of' the' Indiana' District' Assemblies' of' God' with' approximately'236'churches'and'over'700'ministers.' Don'has'grown'up'in'the'Assemblies'of'God,'was'called'into'fullJ time' ministry' as' a' teenager,' and' attended' Central' Bible' College' for'one'semester.'He'then'transferred'to'North'Central'University' where'he'met'his'wife,'Diane.'He'graduated'from'North'Central' University' and' has' a' Master's' Degree' in' Biblical' Literature' from' the'Assemblies'of'God'Theological'Seminary.' Don' and' Diane' began' their' ministry' as' youth' pastors' serving' at' Bethel' Tabernacle' in' Milwaukee,' Wisconsin' and' at' Faith' City' Assembly'of'God'in'Michigan'City,'Indiana'(his'home'church)'before'becoming'the'senior'pastor'of'New'Life'Assembly'of'God'in'Kokomo,' Indiana.'Together'they'served'that'congregation'and'community'for'26'years,'experiencing'growth'and'after'several'building'programs,' left'the'church'debt'free.'Don'has'served'the'Indiana'District'as'Assistant'Youth'Director'and'then'as'Assistant'District'Superintendent' for'eleven'years'while'pastoring'in'Kokomo.' The'Giffords'live'in'Indianapolis,'Indiana.'Diane'has'worked'and'ministered'alongside'Don'throughout'their'years'of'ministry.'She'serves' as'office'manager'and'is'secretary'to'the'Superintendent'at'the'District'Office.'Don'and'Diane'were'married'in'1974.'They'have'three' children:'Nathan'Gifford'of'New'Palestine,'IN;'Angel'Hinson'of'Ellettsville,'IN;'and'Megan'Cregger'of'Alexandria,'VA.'They'also'have'11' awesome'grandchildren,'and'2'greatJgrandchildren.' 'Don'loves'to'run!'He'and'Diane'are'members'of'a'running'and'walking'club.'Don' has'run'numerous'miniJmarathons'(13.1'miles)'and'two'marathons'(26.2'miles).'

Ministers' Escape' is' open' to' all' South' Texas' Ministers' and' their'spouse.' 'This'is'a'complimentary'event!*' ' 'Please'call' 713J455J1221' to' register,' or' register' online' with' your' Access'South'Texas'account.' *Offerings'will'be'received'and'there'are'costs'for'additional'activities' or'your'own'housing'accommodations'if'you'choose'lodging'other'than' camp'cabin/dorm.'

Hotel'Option:' YO'RANCH'HOTEL'&'CONFERENCE'CENTER' 2033'SIDNEY'BAKER'ST.' KERRVILLE,'TX''78028' Phone'#:''877J967J3767''' Rate:'''$83.00' Cut$Off$Date:''September'19,'2016' Request:''Assembly'of'God'October'Rate

Starting a church? 3 Days | $499 A three-day event led by current church planters and onsite mentors blending proven principles and practical howto's such as: • Shaping vision & values • Recruiting a team • Raising funds • Building awareness • Establishing systems Launch is for those who are planning to plant or have recently planted a church. Spouses are required to attend. The event will be held in San Antonio on October 12-14, from Wednesday at 9:00 AM to Friday at 12:00 PM. Registration link at:

Leading a church? 1 Day | Free A one-day event facilitated by experienced pastors and church leaders discussing core church development challenges such as: • Mission, vision, and values • Community engagement • Volunteerism • Discipleship pathways • Leadership development • Generosity and stewardship Multiply is a FREE leadership development course for current church leaders, and those who have already undergone Launch training. The event will be held in San Antonio on Thursday, October 13 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Registration link at:


2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS U P D AT E D I t e m s i n R E D January 1

New Year’s Day DO Closed

September Week of Prayer

3-9 8-9

Royal Rangers Staff Retreat


District School of Ministry 2-4 Generation Now (Grades 6-12) 9:30 am - District Office 5 Labor Day 9 JBQ 10 Church Planting Day District Office Closed 15 STL Offering Due 9 Leadership & Team 15-16Advancement Royal Rangers World Class Outpost (WCO) Development Classes 7 – 9 pm 16 Mosaic Gathering 10 District School of Ministry District Office - 10am-2pm 9:30 am17- District Office Cradle Roll Day 18 Martin Luther King DayKids 10 Royal Rangers District Ranger D O Closed Day Camp 19 Executive Presbytery Meeting 13 Executive Presbyter Meeting 21-23 Leading Ladies Retreat HCC – Kerrville 15-17 Women’s Ministries Connect – HCC – 29-30 Royal Rangers South Central Kerrville Region Seminar 31 Annual 15 STL Offering Due Church Ministries Report (ACMR) Deadline

23 24

Girls Ministries Sleepover SPEED THE LIGHT TOUR Fall Sarge Summers Golf Tournament January 1:30 pm6 Corpus Christi Section Victoria Section 25 National8 Teacher Recognition Day 9 Rio Grande Valley Section 28 See You11At the Altar/See You at the San Antonio Section 12 Houston & North Houston Sections Pole/Campus Prayer Day 14 San Jacinto & Gulf Coast Sections 28 SAGU South Texas District 15 Beaumont & Neches Valley Sections Credentialing Day Banquet 29 SAGU South Texas District Credentialing Day 30-10/2 Breakaway

LIGHT FOR THE LOST TOUR January 25 Rio Grande Valley Section 26 Corpus Christi Section 28 San Antonio Section September 19 - 27 29 Victoria Section February 19 Rio Grande Valley Section 1 Houston Section 9:00 amSection 2 North Houston 4 San Jacinto Section 5 Neches Valley Section 19 Corpus Christi Section 8 Beaumont Section 9 Gulf Coast pm Section 7:00

Sectional Council Tour



February San Antonio Section District School of Ministry 9:00 am 9:30 am – District Office

6 JBQ 10 Wednesday 20 AshVictoria Section 12-14 Marriage Encounter Houston 7:00 pm 14 Valentine’s Day 15 STL Offering Due 15 President’s Day 22 North Houston Section 16 Executive Presbytery Meeting 9:00 am Coaches 18 Youth Sectional Meeting 19-20 Youth Leaders Conference 22 Senior San Adult Jacinto Section 23-25 Summit HCC - Kerrville 7:00 pm 26-28 Royal Rangers FCF Spring Trace/Adventure 26 Girls Houston Section 28 Ministries 5K Missions Walk

9:00 am


Gulf Coast Section 7:00 pm


Beaumont Section 9:00 am


Neches Valley Section 7:00 pm


2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS U P D AT E D I t e m s i n R E D January


October New Year’s Day DO Closed


Royal Rangers Staff Retreat

3-9 Week of Prayer Ministers Appreciation Month


District School of Ministry 9:30 am of - District Office 1 District School Ministry 9 JBQ 9:3010amChurch – District Office Planting Day STL Offering Due 1 Kid’s15in Ministry 15-16 Royal Rangers World Class 2-8 Royal Rangers Week Outpost (WCO) 2 Breakaway Ends 16 Mosaic Gathering District Office - 10am-2pm 3 Rosh Hashanah 17 Cradle Roll Day 7-9 Royal FCF Fall 18 Rangers Martin Luther King Trace Day D O Closed 8 JBQ Executive Presbytery Meeting 8 Teen19Girls Ministries Fall Event 21-23 Leading Ladies Retreat 9 NationalHCC Ministers Appreciation Day – Kerrville 29-30 Royal 10 Columbus DayRangers South Central Region Seminar 12 Yom31Kippur Annual Church Ministries 12-14 CMN Launch/Multiply Training Report (ACMR) Deadline

13-16 STL TourSPEED de Tejas THE LIGHT TOUR January 14-15 Accelerated Ministers Training 6 Corpus Christi Section (AMT) 8 Victoria Section Rio Grande 15 STL9Offering DueValley Section 11 San Antonio Section 15 HonorBound Clay Pigeon Shoot 12 Houston & North Houston Sections 14 San Jacinto & Gulf Coast Sections 17-18 Signs of the Times Conference 15 Beaumont & Neches Valley Silsbee Sections 20 Executive Presbytery Meeting 20-22 Minister’s Escape HCC – Kerrville 21-23 Marriage Encounter – Houston

LIGHT FOR THE LOST TOUR January 25 Rio Grande Valley Section 26 Corpus Christi Section 28 San Antonio Section 29 Victoria Section 3-5 Women’s Ministries Leadership February 1 Houston Section Summit 2 North Houston Section District School of Ministry 4 5 San Jacinto Section 5 Neches Valley Section 9:30 am – District Office 8 Beaumont Section Daylight 9 6 Gulf Coast SectionSavings Time Ends


8 Election Day February 11 Veterans’ Day 6 12 District School of Ministry JBQ 9:30 am – District Office 15JBQ STL Offering Due 6 District Presbytery Meeting 10 15-16 Ash Wednesday 12-14 Marriage Encounter Houston 18-19 Youth Convention 14 Valentine’s Day Thanksgiving Day Holiday 15 23-25 STL Offering Due District 15 President’s DayOffice Closed 16 24 Executive Presbytery ThanksgivingMeeting Day 18

Youth Sectional Coaches Meeting 19-20 Youth Leaders Conference December 23-25 Senior Adult Summit HCC - Kerrville 26-28 Royal Rangers FCF 6 Spring Calendar 2018 Planning Trace/Adventure Executive 28 13 Girls Ministries 5K Presbytery Missions Walk


Meeting 15 STL/LFTL Offerings Due @ District Office 20-26 Christmas Holidays District Office Closed 25 Christmas Day 31 STL/BGMC/LFTL Offerings Deadline National Office 31 Coins For Kids Offering Deadline 31 Ministerial Credentials Renewal Deadline 31 New Year’s Eve



A craft show, and a whole lot more!

November 12, 2016, 10am - 4pm Churches can rent dorm rooms if you’d like to make it a ladies weekend for $35 per night. Vendor spaces available. Visit For more information or email the camp at

It’s time to renew your license !


Minister Credential Renewals

SOUTH TEXAS ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Mandatory Credential Renewal Processing Fee is $30.00. You can send this fee by mail to the District Office or pay it online through your ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS account, be sure to choose the DO - Credential Fee in the online giving form. The site is scheduled to re-open for renewing of credentials by November 1, 2016.

More information will be emailed to minsters with AGPassport logins. Please be sure your email address is current, by logging in to your personal account at, and clicking on the My Profile tab. (Please contact the district office if you need reinstatement information.)

Please note: After the deadline of December 31 (11:59pm CST for online renewals), renewals submitted online (or mailed) will require a $50 late fee, split equally between the District Council and General Council ($25 each). Please contact your district to see if they charge additional late fees. The online credentialing renewal system will only be available through 11:59 PM (CST), Friday, January 15, 2016.

From January 16 on, please contact your district office for reinstatement information.

• Online renewers: A PDF document with step-by-step instructions on using the Minister Renewal Credentialing site is available; click here. Should you need to leave the credential renewal process before completion, you may return to this site at a later time and continue with the last screen you visited. To return and continue, you will want to sign in by clicking the "Sign in with AGPassport" button. Upon completion of your renewal, the request will be sent to your district office automatically. E-mail notifications will be sent to you when the renewal is approved by the district office, first, and then by the national office.

• Active AGWM personnel: You will not receive a hardcopy renewal in the mail. Should you need assistance with completing your renewal online, please contact your district office.

J a m es T. B r a d fo rd,

Ge ne ral S ec re ta r y

• Please Note: The renewal system will be open through January 15, 11:59pm CST. The General Council portion of the late fee will automatically be assessed for those who renew January 1, 12:00AM CST through January, 15, 11:59PM CST. Please renew early to avoid late fees!

NOTICE: The Assemblies of God Online Minister Renewal process requires the use of Adobe's free PDF Reader version 9 or greater. If you do not have this software installed, please click here to begin installing it now.

Get the details at: events/sagu-campus-days

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: South Texas Assemblies of God P. O. Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213-0714



At Houston, TX USPS # 014-651

The S.T.A.R., USPS #014-651, Volume 64, Number 4, is published quarterly (plus a special December issue) by the South Texas District Council Assemblies of God, Inc. 11102 East Freeway, Houston, TX




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Tim R. Barker - Superintendent Steve Banning - Assistant Superintendent Don Wiehe - Executive Secretary/Treasurer

Executive Presbyters

Steve Weaver and Mike Allard

General Council Presbyters Tim R. Barker, Don Wiehe & Jim Rion

District Sectional Presbyters

Darold DeHart - San Jacinto Section Donny Flippo - Beaumont Section Mike Hammonds - Gulf Coast Section Lloyd Maddoux - North Houston Section Erny McDonough - Victoria Section Joel Nabors - Neches Valley Section Mario Perez - Rio Grande Valley Section Deborah Prihoda - Houston Section Doug Roberts - San Antonio Section William Stockstill - Corpus Christi Section

Honorary Presbyters

Howard Burroughs, Gary Chapin, Johnny Durham, & Joseph Granberry

The S. T. A. R. (South Texas Assemblies Review) is published quarterly (plus a special Christmas issue) and is the Official Publication of the SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT COUNCILASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Inc. 11102 East Freeway (I-10) Houston, Texas 77029 Don Wiehe - Executive Editor David Wilson - Managing Editor

Mailing address: South Texas Assemblies of God P.O. Box 9714 Houston, Texas 77213-0714


District Ministries Departmental Officers Roger Audorff Shane Klinkerman Tammy Calderon -

Missions HonorBound Men

Church Ministries/Discipleship

Vanessa Hall Stancle Williams -

Women’s Ministries Youth Ministries

_________________________________ Article IX, Finances: Section 2, District Office Support, Paragraphs (a) The District Office shall be supported by a monthly offering of at least three fourths (75%) of the tithes of every minister (except Senior Retired Ministers) from both secular and ministerial income. If a minister fails to cooperate with this plan, he shall be called to give a reasonable explanation to the District Officials. (b) It is recommended that the District Office shall be supported by one percent (1%) of the monthly general fund income of each of the churches of the South Texas District Council.

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