STAR Winter 2020

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“Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.” Or, as someone texted me recently, “Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken.” I was once told by a wise elder, this may be the missing Beatitude from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. I haven’t found this to be the truth, but it certainly makes sense. This is particularly relevant for pastors who find themselves navigating through the uncertainties associated with the current pandemic. I’ve had more than one pastor tell me that they’d like to have a “do over” in their current assignment. Well, I think COVID-19 has just provided that as an option. Let me be clear. I am not talking about changing ministry philosophy. Nor am I talking about changing doctrine. Flexibility is a hallmark leadership characteristic that distinguishes pastors who feel that they are leading a stagnant church or ministry. I’ve not spoken to any of our STXAGM ministers who simply prefer to maintain the status quo. Rather the ones I speak to are trying to adequately respond to new information, unforeseen challenges and emerging opportunities. I encourage our leaders to consider that flexible pastors/ministers attract committed partners who pursue the mission. Here’s a simple test to gauge your level of flexibility: How do you respond when, at day’s end, you find several unfinished items on your task list?


If you wrestle with feelings of failure or guilt, you’re highly inflexible. If you say to yourself, “Those things didn’t need doing anyhow,” then you’re highly flexible. Now, with this in mind, watch to see how you manage those meetings and how you delegate those tasks. What am I talking about when I use the word flexibility? Flexibility is accommodating growth and making adjustments so growth isn’t hampered. I am talking about things that can be changed and should be changed if it helps the overall mission of the church. In churches and ministries, if we aren’t careful, we begin to think in terms of my ministry; and truthfully, when people begin to think of it in those terms, they often bristle at the thought of change. Here is my challenge: 1. Some things should not change! Hold on to them! Don’t bend or bow to the pressure or succumb to the winds of change. God’s Word doesn’t change! 2. Be flexible and willing to change and to let go of things that don’t really make a difference. 3. Be willing to let go of things for the benefit of the work of God. Be willing to change and be flexible in those areas that will benefit the church and the work of God Because He is, I am, Tim R. Barker



ave you ever been so scared and troubled that you didn’t know what to do or where to turn? You felt walled in on every side with no way out- scared, fearful and vulnerable. It seemed like everything and everyone was against you and that nothing was working or going your way. This is exactly what the enemy of our soul wants to make us believe. He wants to tempt us to believe that even God cannot help thus causing fear and insecurity. Judah of old was facing something similar. His brother Israel had tried to overtake him and failed and was now joining forces with Ephraim to overtake Judah causing Judah to be fearful and afraid. “When Ahaz son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, was king of Judah, King Rezin of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel marched up to fight against Jerusalem, but they could not overpower it. Now the house of David was told, “Aram has allied itself with Ephraim”; so the hearts of Ahaz and his people were shaken, as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind. Then the Lord said to Isaiah, “Go out, you and your son Shear-Jashub, to meet Ahaz at the end of the aqueduct of the 8

Upper Pool, on the road to the Launderer’s Field. Say to him, ‘Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood—because of the fierce anger of Rezin and Aram and of the son of Remaliah. Aram, Ephraim and Remaliah’s son have plotted your ruin, saying, “Let us invade Judah; let us tear it apart and divide it among ourselves, and make the son of Tabeel king over it.” Yet this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “ ‘It will not take place, it will not happen, for the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is only Rezin. Within sixty-five years Ephraim will be too shattered to be a people. The head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is only Remaliah’s son. If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.’ ” Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, “Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.” But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.” Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of humans? Will you try the patience of my God also?

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:1-14 NIV 2020 has been a challenging year to say the least; covid, quarantine, social distancing, loss of jobs and wages, sickness, death, virtual church, political unrest, social justice, and an unending flow of natural disasters - hurricanes & fires. And the biggest challenge of all, FEAR caused by the lies and deceptions of the enemy. But in the middle of it all this chaos is our loving God who says to us “I’ve Got This”, “It’s all under control”, “You don’t have to worry”, and “Peace be still.” “In fact”, God says, “I’m giving you the same sign that I gave Judah, an impossible sign, to prove to you how much you are loved and that complete deliverance is yours, a virgin shall conceive and be with child”. The sign of Jesus Christ our Savior being born 2,000 years ago of a virgin is for us today. An extravagant reminder that the impossible has been promised! The sign was for yesteryear, today and for our future. Yes it was a sign for Judah, Israel and their surrounding enemies, a prophetic sign to Mary and Joseph to not worry but trust and a sign for us today that everything is going to be ok, your enemy is defeated, your present is supplied for and your future is secure.

Some of God’s Promises for You 2 Peter 1:4 - Share the Divine Nature & Escape Corruption And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. Jeremiah 29:11 - A Good Future For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Matthew 11:28-29 - Rest “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Isaiah 40:29-31 - Power & Strength He gives power to the weak
and strength to the powerless.
Even youths will become weak and tired,
and young men will fall in exhaustion.
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint. Philippians 4:19 - Supply & Provision And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:37-39 - Victory & Love No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky

above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Proverbs 1:33 - Peace & Security But all who listen to me will live in peace,
untroubled by fear of harm." John 14:27 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. Romans 10:9 - Salvation If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 6:23 - Eternal Life For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Standing on the Promises Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Through eternal ages let His praises ring, Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God. Chorus Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. May Christmas 2020, a year of so much challenge and uncertainty be a time that you and your family take complete comfort in the Lord and in His promises. A Very Merry Christmas to You and Yours! Don K. Wiehe



Ministers & Churches Changes and Updates New Certified Melanie Herren

Jose Ocampo-Guzman

New License Alicia Allard

Upgraded to License Craig Gross


Jeffery Danford II John Faleye Andre Howard

Kristen Vorster Stephanie Keller Randy Lindsey

Transfers in

Kevin Azizpour – Southern California District Sylvestre Bruce – New York District Lance Clark – Illinois District Michael Gordon – Louisiana District

Transfers Out

Aaron Barham – Southern California District Phillip Derek McElhenney – Tennessee District Jeremy Errickson – Michigan District Adam Goodenough – Ohio District Donnivan Hickman – Montana District Cassie Jones-Williams – North Texas

S. Mark Molina Dakota Marone

Kevin Obermeyer – Kansas District Roger Sherwood – Texas Gulf Hispanic District James Sizemore – PennDel District

George LeFevre – Alabama District C.S. Robinson – Southern New England District Faith Robinson – Southern New England District Isaiah Steinbrecher – Arkansas District Isaiah Struve – North Texas

New Pastors Stephen Akin-Olatunde – Senior Pastor, New Birth Assembly of God – Huntsville

Church Transferred In: New Creation Family Church – Laredo, TX | FROM: Texas Gulf Hispanic District

Church Name Change Cathedral in the Pines – Beaumont - NOW One City Church

General Council Affiliated Lone Star Cowboy Church - Montgomery 11

In this edition we want to shine the spotlight on First Assembly of God Seadrift. South Texas is blessed to have so many healthy rural churches with dedicated pastors caring for not only their church family but the entire town. These churches are some of the healthiest churches in South Texas. One of these healthy rural churches is First Assembly of God Seadrift, Texas, population 1,350, pastored by Tim and Beverly Smith. They have pastored in Seadrift for 26 years. Tim and Beverly raised their 3 children in Seadrift and they all continue to serve the Lord. I hope you enjoy this interview with the Smiths as they share their pastoral wisdom. God bless you as you consider planting, PAC’ing or pastoring an existing church in rural South Texas!

When and why did you come to Seadrift? Beverly - In February of 1994 we were voted in. We came because we both prayed intensely about it and asked others to pray. God assured us by several separate things, all coming together that this was God’s will for us and our family. Tim was able to transfer from his job to a better position at a power plant much closer to Seadrift and we sold our house quickly so that we were able to move without having that hanging over us. Tim- We came to Seadrift in February of 1994. The church was without a pastor and we were invited to come as guest speakers for Sunday services. The church board asked us to come the following Sunday and they asked us to keep coming for services. After four weeks they elected us as pastors.


How did you confirm that it was God’s will to pastor in Seadrift? Beverly - A lot of prayer and reading God's Word; letting God speak to us through His Word and answering our prayers about the concerns we had. We wanted to know beyond a doubt that this was God's perfect will for our lives. Tim - After preaching the first Sunday, I felt very good about the services and the response of the people to the messages. They had been without a pastor for several months and were discouraged but very hungry for God’s word and responded in the altars. I could see God’s healing work being done in the people. This happened quickly. I also saw that there was a lot of repairs and work that needed to be done on the church building and parsonage. Over four weeks we quickly grew to love and care about the people. They also began to love and appreciate us and our ministry. We believed that we could help the church make improvements to the properties. God gave me a burden to minister to the people and to help the church through their challenges. During this same time, my secular job transferred me to a facility nearer to Seadrift. I believed this to be an act of God to help me fulfill His desire. I submitted to God’s leading and the congregation voted for us to be their pastors. What are some highlights of pastoring in Seadrift? Beverly - The ministries we have been able to provide our community such as Vacation Bible School; having fundraisers to enable us to send youth to camp; taking a group of youth to San Francisco to minister to the homeless population and underprivileged children; celebrating Tim's 40th birthday; being able to go on 5 missions trips between the 2 of us (not including the youth mission trip); numerous ladies home missions trips to Pleasant Hills Children's Home; being unanimously approved to serve as Assistant Pastor once I received my credentials as a Licensed Minister; and celebrating our 25th year as pastors here. Tim - One highlight for me is the relationships with the people. I love them as my own family and refer to them as my church family. We love and care for them and they love and care for us. I find great fulfillment in witnessing God move in lives and change the lives of His people. I also enjoy and appreciate the relationships within the Fellowship of the Assemblies of God. I have many pastor, evangelist and missionary friends. Another highlight is participation in mission’s trips. I have traveled on three trips, two to Spain and one to Israel. There are many notable family events that have happened to us while in Seadrift. All three of our children have graduated High School and college. They have married and we now have 6 grandchildren. We have celebrated many milestones including our 25th wedding anniversary, renewing our marriage vows during a Sunday morning service and several notable birthdays. God is good.

What were / are some of the challenges? Beverly - 5 people in a house with 1 bathroom! Lol. Being pliable. Sometimes your ideas just won't work; often we had to reach a compromise. Sometimes, at first, we felt like we were on a mission field because some things were done very differently at this church than we had ever done them. A song that was popular at that time was Steven Curtis Chapman's "The Great Adventure". And pastoring has been a great adventure. Tim - The biggest challenge in the beginning was financial. The church had little money and we borrowed money to make the parsonage livable. I shared a message about my burden for the church and people gave sacrificially. The church building is about 70 years old. The parsonage is over 60 years old. We have remodeled the church, fellowship hall, Sunday School rooms and the parsonage. We maintain the buildings very well, the church is on sound financial standing and we have no financial debt. After being established in Seadrift for about a year and overcoming some of the challenges, I recognized an opportunity to enlarge the hearts of the people. I began to invite evangelists, missionaries and others to challenge the people. We gradually increased our missions giving and God has blessed the church for it. We currently give near 20% of income to missions and another 10% for evangelism and outreach. We have 2 or 3 revivals each year. The church supports Hill Country Camp, Pleasant Hills Children’s Home, and 24 missionaries. We also host kid’s crusades, fund raisers for those in need, and provided school supplies for local children. God has enlarged our hearts.

What are ways to love and serve your town? Beverly - The first thing we did was Vacation Bible school. For several years we gave away baskets of food at Thanksgiving and Christmas to those who might not otherwise have a holiday meal. After a while we decided we wanted to do more. Last year we gave away school supplies and had door prizes of family-sized shampoos, bath products, toiletries, cereals and snack items. This year, due to Covid restrictions, we delivered the collected school supplies to Seadrift School so that they could provide them to the students. We were also able to host a new shoe giveaway for the children of the community. Our plan is to add a component each year to meet the needs of our community. Our motto for these events is "Serving God By Meeting Community Needs� Tim - #1 Love and care for people. Jesus died for the whole world. #2 Be available to serve them at their place of need. Jesus never left a need unmet. When you can do something, do it! SHOW the people you care about them. Have benevolence funds in your annual budget to help those in need. Have prior permission to use those funds as needed.

What are the benefits of being bi-vocational? Beverly - By being bi-vocational, we were able to leave more money in the church treasury so that we could do more for our community and maintain our church property. It also has helped us greatly understand the working people who attend our church. We were very much in touch with the conflicts and issues confronting those in our church who were employed. It also allowed us to minister to many people who would have never attended our church. Tim- Pastoring a small church is challenging. Resources are often limited. Small church pastors and / or spouses often work outside the church to provide basic needs; housing, medical insurance, retirement benefits, transportation, etc., and income from working outside the church provides these necessities. Working for a secular employer has scheduling challenges for service schedules, funerals, weddings, hospital visits, emergencies, conferences, education and many other things. Discussing these issues with potential employers prior to accepting a position is essential. Your first calling is to God, then your spouse/family, then to the church (also an employer). Most employers are reasonable business people who understand life needs. They may even be church members and understand the needs of ministry. Being bi-vocational allows for pastors to fulfill their calling and provide for their families at the same time. Use that exposure to establish relationships thus building your ministry. Learn to manage your time. When the church can provide the finances, you are better off for your efforts. Have regular dates with your spouse and schedule family time. Do not overlook rest time! What would be your advice and encouragement to those thinking about pastoring in rural South Texas? Beverly - Never think you are above pastoring a "small" church. Be open to God's leading. Someone must pastor the small churches; why not you?? A challenge would be to get to know your new church family. Slow down and take some time. No two churches are alike. Every one has its own personality, generational makeup and ethnic makeup. When you go in and begin to make changes rapidly, you can upset people, hurt feelings and cause people to shut down and resist. The people in smaller, rural churches are very loving and eager to learn and help with ministry projects when they know you love and care about them. We showed them love and respected them and we tried to not make any changes for several years then as we did make changes, we did it slowly. They are open to do anything we ask them to do because we took the time to get to know our congregation. Tim - Small towns offer many opportunities. There are opportunities to know many of the town people personally and to be involved in the community in significant ways. The rural community offers these opportunities. Ministry is about people and them knowing Jesus Christ and His love. Almost everyone in Seadrift knows me as the pastor of the Assembly of God. This exposure brings opportunities to minister and pray for others as we are often invited to participate in community programs. I have served on two Community Advisory Panels for large industrial facilities. I have participated in public forums discussing environmental and safety issues affecting our community. These opportunities open the door to minister to people and the community at large which in turn brings people into your church. Planting a church in a rural area allows the minister to be involved in the formative stages of the church plant. The church government and leadership can be established with influence from the minister rather than entering an existing church and initiating change.


Dear South Texas Ministers, Staying Fit sessions are ready for your viewing at the sessions include:

Staying Fit Sessions Mentally - Dr. Dolly Thomas Physically - Dr. Chidi Aniemeke Spiritually - Rev. Mike Allard Financially - Rev. David Summerlin Relationally - Dr. Richard Palazzolo Ministerially - Dr. Jim D. Rion Healthy Transition - Dr. Timothy R. Barker


2021 Schedule Date

Level 1 Courses (Certified) Level 2 Courses (License)

Level 3 Courses (Ordained)

February 6

BIB212 New Testament Survey

BIB215 Romans

BIB318 Pentateuch

March 6

BIB214 Old Testament Survey

9:30AM - 12:00PM BIB115 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in the Believers 1:30PM - 3:30PM MIN261 Introduction to A/G Missions

April 3

BIB121 MIN223 Introduction to Hermeneutics: Introduction Homiletics How to Study the Bible

MIN325 Preaching in the Contemporary World

June 5

THE211 Introduction to Theology

THE245 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come

MIN327 Church Administration, Finance & Law

June 5

MIN191 Beginning Internship

MIN291 Intermediate Internship

MIN391 Advanced Internship

Classes not taught on site, students study with their Mentor September 11

9:30AM - 12:00PM THE142 AG History, Missions & Governance

MIN251 Effective Leadership

THE311 Prayer & Worship

MIN281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders

MIN381 Pastoral Ministry

1:30PM - 3:30PM MIN171 Spirit Empowered Church October 2

MIN181 Relationships & Ethics in Ministry

November 6

BIB114 MIN123 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels The Local Church in Evangelism

BIB313 Corinthian Correspondence

Hosted at the South Texas Assemblies of God Ministries Center, 12106 East Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77044 All students must RSVP 2 weeks prior to each class. 15

A brief update on SAGU. The students ae overcoming the pandemic. They are hungry for God to move spiritually and are out in the community again showing compassion for those in need. Even with the pandemic we had a slight increase in residential enrollment (dorms) and Distance Education increased. We have 49 baccalaureate degrees, 20 masters degrees (include MBA and can be completed in 12 or 18 months), and 1 doctoral degree. And New this fall is a Masters of Theological Studies (MTS) and a BA in Global Compassion Leadership (partnering with Convoy of Hope) We are launching our re-vised Prayer Team opportunities. You and or a team from your church can schedule a day to come on campus and pray for SAGU and our students. Contact James Bridges at The Harvesters are back with a new sound. They are more of a vocal band (a little more contemporary) and can lead worship or be special music, fill in a full service with one of our dynamic church leadership students (Eddie Perkins from Westover Hills church in S.A.) preaching. They will do a full concert as well. Contact James Bridges at We just ask for reimbursement of travel costs/hotel. Our newest addition to the Sheaffer Activities Center is this 20’ x 7’ two sided digital scoreboard and hung from the ceiling. Besides creating a fun experience (fan cam, etc) we are able to bring in new revenue to SAGU. The best part it was paid for by a donation from a local bank. Last October we were able to install this beautiful art piece in Waxahachie for the community to be reminded of SAGU. We also honored former President Dr. Delmer Guynes for his servant leadership throughout the years. Would you pray for SAGU, many of you receiving this attended or graduated from Southwestern. We would love you making SAGU part of your World Mission’s giving. Our biggest need is undesignated financial partnerships ( and Church Leadership Scholarship ($100K matching donation opportunity). This is a scholarship we provide tuition for students in Church Leadership degrees and who are living in the dorms. ( matchinggift)

Sincerely, Rick Bowles VP for University Advancement-Marketing 16

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. Psalms 96:3 In the midst of this world pandemic, one thing is certain, His marvelous deeds are still being declared throughout all the people! Our missionaries are continuing to share God’s glory and still answering the call to GO! And as we all know, everyone has had to make changes in the way things are done…including STX having our very first Virtual District Council! I hope you had a chance to watch it back in May, as it was a wonderful event, even though we weren’t able to have our missionaries present to have their wonderful parade or meet with them at their booths, but even so, they were watching with us all! One of the changes that has been affected by not having our District Council in person this year, was our “Final Push Offering”. This offering is used each year to help get our new S. Texas Candidate Missionaries “pushed” over the top to fulfill their budget when they are at 90%. We have already given some of these offerings to a few of our missionaries this year, yet we still have more that are soon to be in need. God is still calling, and we have new Candidate missionaries answering His call to serve on the Mission field who are in need of this “Final Push” help, however, this year this offering has suffered a bit. Would you or your church pray about how God would have you participate in this important partnership with missions for 2020? Please make your offerings to the S. Texas District Assemblies of God, and make it for “Final Push” offering when sending it in. You will be given missions giving credit for this also! Roger & Debbi Audorff STX District Missions Director



The 2020 CMN Conference was the largest gathering yet (first ever SOLD OUT CMN Conference). Over 1,500 pastors and leaders from around the country came together to be inspired, challenged, and refreshed with new vision for their communities. 113 new churches were pledged to be planted, along with a total of over $150,000 pledged to advance church multiplication. The 2021 CMN Conference is going to be held March 1-3, in our backyard at Grace Church (14505 Gulf Freeway, Houston). We would love for you to join us. Generally, the earlier you register the better the prices are. You can check it out for yourself at: If you have any questions, feel free to reach out the STX CMN Church Planting Facilitator Kendall Reavis (


STXAGM - CMD Church Ministries & Discipleship Department Directior: Rev. Tammy Calderon Last year, boys and girls in South Texas gave $223,911.95. We are close to reaching our 2020 goal and could possible pass it! We would love for your church to help us surpass our 2019 giving and help spread the Gospel around the world! There are many ways to give: text STXAG BGMC to 73256; mail your offering to the STXAGM CM Department: 14237 E. Sam Houston Pkwy N. Suite 200-314 Houston, TX 77044; send your offering directly to the National BGMC Office: 1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802! The 2020/2021 JBQ Season will look a little different, but it will still be a great opportunity for kids to learn the Bible in a fun and exciting way! Practice meets began in October. Our Leguae Meets will be hosted in the Houston Area and the San Antonio Area starting Jan. 9th. We will all come to gether for a great JBQ Celebration at District Finals on March 27th! It’s not too late for a church to join! For more information email or visit!

We are already getting excited for Kids Camp 2021! Mark your calendars and plan to send in registration as soon as you can! All information can be found on our website:

February 27 Missions Walk Event

Developing a heart for missions across the street and around the world! Web - Mail - Facebook - South Texas Girls Ministries Instagram - stxgirlsministries



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Heart Fund Fun Run South Texas Women are honored to financially partner with “OUR” missionaries and other ministries across our district. The Heart Fund provides household furnishings for full-time World missionaries and other missions projects. Together, we come alongside our missionaries to reach the world! All Fun Run Funds go to Heart Fund!


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Ten Locations:

There will be ten locations • 10 sections hosting simultaneously • Each section leader will host this Fun Run locally. • You (or someone you appoint) will be the point person at your location.


The registration will be open on • $30/adult and a $10/child (up to 18) fee to participate. • Additional pledges or donations provided by your local area restaurants or businesses, are most welcomed. • There is a drop-down area where the ladies can select their section. • The District office will be in contact with you as these numbers come in.


There will is a drop-down menu where registrants will select their shirt size. • The district office will have these made. • Once registration closes, and shirts are made, they will send the t-shirts to you to have ready when the ladies check in on race day.


The District Women’s office will be working diligently to secure outside sponsors, our major source of funds. If you have ideas of sponsors or contacts, please send them to We are excited about this unique but fun and healthy way of raising funds as well as awareness about the Heart Fund!! Thanks for all that you are doing and thank you for supporting our missionaries through Heart Fund!






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