PARM, Horizon 2.0

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Platform for Agricultural Risk Management Managing risks to improve farmers’ livelihoods

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How to keep the global promise? Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) can connect the dots OPPORTUNITIES




Agricultural risks will continue to be the main bottleneck for rural investment, poverty and vulnerability. A holistic management of risks and empowering farmers and Governments to manage them represents an innovative opportunity to achieve the ambitious global promise and SGDs by 2030 and transforming the risks into opportunities.

Climate and weather


Environmental and biological


Market and price


Policy and institutional

What is PARM The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM), an outcome of the G8 and G20 discussions on food security and agricultural growth, is a four year multi-donor global partnership between developing nations and development partners to make risk management an integral part of policy planning and implementation in the agricultural sector.



Make agricultural households more adaptive and resilient to climate change.

Reduce rural poverty, hunger and vulnerability.


Leverage financial resources and investment in agriculture.

Avoid that manageable risks become disasters.

Capacity Bulding Trainings

ARM holistic approach





PARM has developed a methodology to assess, prioritize and manage agricultural risks through a holistic approach in order to ensure their integration into the national investment plan and strategies following a participatory process involving decision makers and multi-layer stakeholders.



A partnership for agricultural risk management


PARM has the global mandate to contribute to sustainable agricultural growth, boost rural investment, reduce food insecurity, and improve resilience to climate and market shocks of poor rural households through a better management of risks.

IFAD, EU, AfD, Italian Cooperation, NEPAD, BMZ, KfW

ADVISORY COMMITTEE Development partners: FAO, WFP, World Bank, ARC Knowledge partners: AGRINATURA, AGHRYMET RECs: ECOWAS, COMESA Farmers’ Organizations: ROPPA, EAGS, PAFO Private Sector: MUNICH RE, CARGILL

Partnership OTHER PARTNERS FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL Government Partners Development partners Knowledge partners Farmers’ Organizations Private Sector

PARM plays the role of global knowledge broker and country policy engagement facilitator on ARM through global, regional and local partnership with governments, development agencies, universities, private stakeholders and farmers ‘organization. The Platform is also governed by a Steering Committee (SC), an Advisory Committee (AC) and the Secretariat. These bodies ensure that PARM activities respond to its founding objectives.

PARM results (2014-2017) Bring evidence to improve risk perception risk assessment studies validated 75% ofofficially by Government

for validation 25% waiting

Identify major priority risks in 8 countries in sub-Saharan Africa


Pest and diseases



Climate and weather related risks


Post-harvest losses



Uncertain access to market


Livestock diseases

Assessment and identification of agricultural risk management tools  Information systems  Crop pests and disease management  Warehouse receipt systems  Contract farming  Remittances  Strengthening of farmers organization and cooperatives for access to market

PARM Country Process

Setting UP

Create knowledge on ARM

Increase awareness and develop capacity on ARM

Promote partnerships for agricultural risk management

q 18

stakeholders 790 National engaged in PARM

partners 140 International engaged through



Consultations with strategic partners to move forward the ARM agenda

ARM recognized as global leading initiative on ARM a nd priority in the G7 Agenda

; 18

18 risk and tools assessment studies


Policy briefs and factsheets

National stakeholders trained

290 International practitioners reached through webinars

Risk Assessment


Tools Assessment


knowledge events

Implementation support


The future of PARM 2013 Horizon 1 (2013-2018)

2019 Horizon 2


2024 Horizon 3

Enabling Environnement on ARM at Global and Regional-Country level

Making ARM a priority for Regional/Country stakeholders

Scaling-up investments on agriculture at global and regional level

Integrating ARM into national strategies and investment plans

Stimulating investment on ARM through projects/programs at country level

Strengthening resilience for smallholder farmers in developing countries



PARM 2.0 (2019-2023) Global and regional level Improve generation, access and sharing of knowledge on holistic ARM

Build capacities and future experts on ARM

Raise awareness and advocate for ARM in the global fora (G7,G2, SDGs, Agenda 2030)

Promote partnership and south-south cooperation on ARM

Provide support in the assessment and identification of agricultural risks and tools

Build local capacities and expertise

Mainstream ARM in agricultural development investment plans

Design risks specific interventions

Design and apply new ARM tools

Respond to ad-hoc demand for ARM risk specific support

Facilitating policy engagement and ARM mainstreaming in regional and global initiatives

National level Respond to demand for ARM support from partner countries

Local level Design holistic ARM investment projects/ programmes

Quick facts Programme timeline

PARM Secretariat

Geographical scope

Launch of PARM 2.0

Completion of PARM activities in 9 countries



Hosted in IFAD, will be composed by: Senior Programme Manager Senior Technical Adviser Knowledge Management Officer Technical Specialist Financial Management and Procurement Assistant Senior national liaisons officers at country level

In response to the new global needs, the geographical scope will be expanded. PARM will also continue to have a focus on the African continent both strengthening the activities in some already supported countries or starting in new ones.

Programme budget

10 USD MILLIONS PARM 2.0 Budget Proposal 2019-2023 based on 9 countries

PARM Secretariat International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)  Via Paolo di Dono 44 - 00142 Rome (Italy)


 @parminfo

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