present by IDT Crew
GRAFFITI IN VAGRANCY - Surface Stories Across China
supported by CONVERSE
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INTRODUCTION 一场疯狂的涂鸦西游记,一群涂鸦客的公路之旅,一部嬉皮轻野的纪录片,三位涂鸦艺术家 NAN、SINIC、YYY和摄影团队杨涛、James分别从上海、深圳、台北出发,一路向西,由云南深入西 藏,从城市坠入荒野,展开一场为期一个月的涂鸦朝圣之旅。新的景象、未见的自然、各地的风俗、陌 生的路人,吸收着一路的刺激,激发新的灵感,在每个城市留下涂鸦的痕迹!
Three graffiti artists from IDT Crew—NAN, SINIC and YYY embark on a long held dream, traveling the open road from Kunming to Tibet in search of new surfaces across China. The month of vagrancy leads them from the city into the wild, canvassing an array of unexpected surfaces with stories for others to discover.
IDT(Industry Definition Transfer) 2008年设立于中国深圳,是一个以街头艺术为核心并 致力将街头艺术多元呈现的创作单位,现成员有NAN,WHYYY,SINIC,DAL。创作涉及绘 画,影像,音乐,商品,新媒体等。并一步步拓向中国本土艺术国际化路程上成长。
IDT(Industry Definition Transfer) was found in Shenzhen in 2008 which has been focusing on street art. The members include NAN,WHYYY,SINIC and DAL. Their works involve painting, video, music, product ,new media etc.
Web site : Online album :
NAN Shanghai | 上海 2002年开始接触街头艺术。尝试将东方哲学融入绘画。思考人、自 然与世界之间的关系。作品多运用高饱和色彩及抽象手法构画超现 实幻想。 NAN had his first contact with street art in the year of 2002. Trying to combine oriental philosophy with his work. NAN has always been thinking of the relationship among human being, nature and world. He is fond of using fluorescent colors and abstract methods to create the surreal illusion.
SINIC HongKong | 香港 从2000年开始一直关注并身体力行支持涂鸦艺术,经过十年间对涂鸦 的独特见解,尝试把涂鸦的框架打破,以中西式书法揉合涂鸦艺术来 表现中国书画的「意」及「形」,尝试为中国涂鸦投石问路 。 He is actively involved in this kind of art form. Throughout his art journey, SINIC is constantly trying to break boundaries of graffiti. Currently, he is trying to combine graffiti with western and Chinese calligraphy as a new type of “fusion” art form.
Shenzhen | 深圳
以"中国祥云"作为涂鸦与中国文化传统结合作为突破点,从而产 生新的化学作用。当中利用涂鸦理念和技法,加以运用图形、字体 强调的扭曲变形表现出富含了节奏的韵律感和张力变化的延伸。
“Fortune cloud” is the theme for WHYYY work. It combines the tradition culture arts and the new wave graffiti style as a break through associating with the chemicals. From different perspectives, his work could be view as hypostatic or delusional.
KUN MING 昆明是《在路涂》的第一站,这是一个和中国其他大城市类似的城市,到 处都在修路在建设,随时可以听到工厂传出的机械起动声音,急速的发展 令整个城市蒙上一层灰,也让交通弄得糟透了,为未来催毁了现在,还算 是进步吗?我们在这样的疑问中找到了一片正在拆迁的房屋,在这些残缺 的墙壁上做画,废墟瓦砾中的绿洲,分不清是现实还是虚幻、是建设还是 破坏。
First stop of the journey, the sound of machines everywhere. The city is covered in a layer of ashes. Here we find a place with halfbroken homes. We make graffiti on these broken walls, an oasis in the rubble.
第一天 Day one
DA LI 大理的古城已经吹出了浓浓的商业气味,那些老的建筑和新的仿古建筑 混合在一起,成为了一个旅游景点。尽管如此,它仍散发出一种嬉皮的味 道,似乎有魔力一般,让所有人的节奏都慢了下来,藏在这里的奇人异士 也各个充满故事,这些人慢慢形成了大理的气场。我们幸运地找到一座客 栈的外墙来涂鸦,客栈中是各种流浪到大理的年轻人和艺术家,而客栈本 身则是民族风的老建筑。这里让我们自然而然地想到以中国传统山水画为 灵感来涂鸦,提醒大家这个地方本身的文化。
An old town teeming with commerce. The city exudes a bohemian vibe, and like magic, we are entranced and subdued into the slow pace. A city built on oddities - the result of passing tourists, the persistence of things old and new. We discover a wall to a local inn - home to young creative spirits. We spend two days creating a story inspired by traditional Chinese painting, but using the tools of modern street art, contributing to the dichotomy in culture we feel here.
第六天 Day six
LI JIANG 虽然同在云南,也同样已经成为旅游的热点,但丽江保留着更多古老的味 道,这里的建筑和街道隐藏着更多的历史,也欣赏到许多当地纳西族的绘 画和雕塑。而在大家寻找涂鸦地点的时候,一座硬生生落在田野和山水之 间的供水塔彷如是大海上的浮标,一副令人惊喜的天然画布。为了在这四 层楼高的水塔上做画,我们搭建起工作台架,在当地寻找颜料,几天里都 不能脚踏实地过着悬空的日子,也经历了平生首次在美术馆内借宿和吃火 锅的有趣情节。从未尝试过的涂鸦地点和经历,我们在三天里不断为这巨 幅涂鸦添加新的元素,画地停不下来。
Bustling in its new identity as a tourist destination, the commercial manic belies the richness of history and age of this town, which we find in the obscured paintings and sculptures created by the local minorities. We never dreamed to find a more perfect place to create - a surprise awaits us in the form of a disused water tower amidst a field of wild mountain flowers - a blank canvas in nature. We build a frame to draw across four stories of towering height, and for the first time we eat, sleep, live in a gallery. The art that comes forth from us tells a tale of conflict between the natural versus artificial, and we just keep adding more and more elements inspired from an endless source.
第十三天 Day thirdteen
SHANGRI-LA 终于走上的进藏的路线,第一站香格里拉是真正接触到藏民的地方,凛冽 的自然风光、西藏的文化、佛教和艺术是全然不同的,宗教的强烈影响力 在这里已经能够感受到。唐卡艺术是我们此站最为倾心的,那种细腻和用 心的画功,平衡的结构和奇异的色彩,皆让人自然地屏息凝神、肃然起 敬。而此时我们发现的一座神奇的破庙正像是天赐的涂鸦之地,藏族风格 的雕饰,被来往游客乱涂乱画过后留下的斑驳外墙,我们留下了一副描绘 宇宙天地万物的涂鸦,竟奇异地和这古庙合二为一。
We finally embark on the road towards Tibet, meeting ShangriLa along the way. The staggering landscape, culture, religion and art is foreign to us, and the spirit of Buddhism is strong. Thangka art is mind-blowing to us - the details, colors and devotion induce awe and shortness of breath. Coincidentally, we stumble upon an abandoned temple full of Tibetan artifacts and motifs. The outer walls were in disrepair - the sacred surfaces disintegrating with time and vandalism. We want our graffiti to rescue and restore these once great walls, and we leave a mural about the universe and earth. The story merges with the old temple in its own unexpected way.
第二十三天 Day twenty third
NYINGCHI 告别香格里拉后我们进入了无间断的疯狂赶路岁月,由德兴到芒康,穿过 波密、林芝再到拉萨。滇藏公路全长1930公里,处于海拔3000米以上的路 段有278公里。进入藏区后经历了在尼羊河边露营游泳、在大山的岩壁上 作画、在海拔4300米和藏民喇嘛一起泡温泉、在直贡梯寺观看天葬……原 来我们心目中的香格里拉早已在路上。
Back on the crazy road to Tibet we pass through Dexing to Mangkang, Bomi to Linzhi and walk the Yunnan-Tibet Highway. Physically and mentally, it is a new experience, mind-altering at 3000 meters above sea level. We set up camp and swim in the Niyang River, leave graffiti in a mountain crevasse, bath in a hot spring with a monk, and witness a sky burial. We found that our wonderland SHANGRI-LA was already on the road.
第三十天 Day thirty
LHASA 看见虔诚的藏民在大昭寺前参拜的景象我们瞬即被秒杀感动,浓厚宗教气 息在空气中水大弥漫着,坚定不移的信念植根于他们的人民心中。神秘的 布达拉宫群楼耸峙,气势雄伟,也是旅途中最赏心悦目的亮点。在走过世 上海拔最高的湖泊纳木错后,我们的旅途在这片惊艳的美景下已经到达尾 声...
Finally we land in Lhasa. We are so moved by the devout Buddhism we encounter - the mysteriousness of Potola Palace perched elegantly on the mountain, teeming with murals and adornment, the air thick with devotion. After a side trip to see Namtso River, we leave our final mural in Lhasa. Our journey is getting close under the beautiful scenery...
第三十五天 Day thirty five
HOME 我们的旅程在这里结束,但我们心里都知道下一场“路涂”又即将开始。
It is a beautiful ending for the journey, but we know in our hearts that it is the start for another.
第四十二天 Day forty second
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