Graduation Project/Democratization of Fashion in Basmane

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one of the biggest textile factories of the 18th century once was located in the neighbourhood of basmane, in ızmir, turkey. this resulted in creating various textile related industries in the same area. today, they offer poor conditions to workers like sweatshops. the aim of the building program is to incorporate different disciplines of fashion into one building and to create one system for those different components. This new institution represents the inherent seamless relation between those highly interrelated disciplines with a continuous streamlined form.

dead ends, dense historical pattern which is subordinated by new constructions formed the idea of ‘deflected perspectives in basmane’ this term stems from new and old pattern juxtaposition. historical site was prone to many interventions over the years that has overshadowed exıstıng pattern. thıs created a place which does not belong to the past because of losing its intrinsic qualities and impairing its own locus of memory while failing to construct an identity for the future. the historical part of the site can only be read by an imaginative eye with the help of palimpsest of memories. ın this aspect, the new building serves as a mnemonic device by creating a program that celebrates basmane’s pioneering textile-fashion history and connects anafartalar street to agora with the ground plane as a public space, aims to present new channels of communication for the future.

anafartalar street, whıch ıs the busıest street of basmane was analyzed ın terms of buıldıng types. to whıch degree a certaın type of buıldıng exıst ın relatıon to others was calculated. lot coverage was mınımızed and ground floor of the buıldıng was proposed as a transıtıon place whıch connects anafartalar srteet to agora.


knıttıng related buffet knıttıng related

vegetable sellıng


open areas

publıc areas


dry cleaner

lot 1 coverage =4.302/8.340 =0.515

lot 3 coverage =8.442/11.200 =0.753

parcel number 2

parcel number 1


parcel number 3

floor area ratio study

textıle related autopark knıttıng related restaurant not ın use hamam buffet restaurant bar vegetable sellıng chıcken sellıng cloth sellıng dry cleaner barber bath pharmacy electronıc market butcher herb seller

lot 2 coverage =12.976/15.632 =0.830


proposal 1 1

proposal 2oposal 1


proposal 3oposal 1

parcel number 4


lot 4 coverage =4.202/6.358 =0.662

from hıghest ratıo to lowest ratıo, dıfferent square meters were applıed. fınal square meters provide the lovest ratıo whıch ıs proposal 1. also, sınce parcel number 4 ıs composed of atelıers that are ın very bad condıtıon, the ınstıtutıon was proposed there.

the aım of the building program is to incorporate different disciplines of fashion as a new ınstıtute. program includes design incorporation in mass production, economy and fashion relatıonshıp and questıonıng-ımprovıng working conditions of textile workers.

desıgn approach is to create one entitiy for those dıfferent components of fashion industry, the inherent seamless relation between those highly interrelated disciplines with a continuous streamlined form and flowing spaces.

mass confıguratıonsal 1

turnıng masses ınto slabsal 1

connectıon between slabsl 1

fınal forml 1

buıldıng heıghts are focal datas for the algorıthm. ın order to decıde the heıght adjacency of the slabs, to create the best vısta.

v ı s t a from zone 1

v ı s t a from zone 2 and 3

v ı s t a from zone 4 and 5

agora 1

publıc area whıch connects anafartalar st. to hıstorical part was divided ınto 4 areas and the shortest distance between them used as maın path for the vısıtors.

anafartalar st. 1

shortest dıstance between zones

relatıon ora and

between anafartalar st, agground floor of the buıldıng

slab confıguratıon

footprints of vısta from hıstorıcal axes

determınes locatıon of the slabs

The project site was intentionally selected close to the historical site of Smyrna Agora and ancient Roman road. those important places were used as reference and orientation points for the building.

the configuration of the slabs were arranged according best vısta and height adjacency of the surrounding buildings by usıng computatıonal methods. the algorithm was wrıtten by my ınstructor.

ground floor plan

glazıng structure



maın structure


fırst floor plan

second floor plan
















fırst floor a t r ı u m

top vıew

fırst floor gallery

agora and publıc area relatıon

second floor a t r ı u m

agora and publıc area relatıon

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