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A Warm Welcome from Tony Jones
This yearly publication provides the opportunity for us to reflect on a year of One Nucleus activities, to highlight some of the successes and gained insights among our members and the wider Life Sciences sector. Further, it is also a chance to share with our network some thoughts and plans we have for the year ahead with regards to our focus and how we aim to offer the best support to the membership. I am delighted this year that we have included more details of the activities delivered in 2021 since these are not a simple reflection of what the One Nucleus team has been doing but also illustrates well what our network has engaged in as it continues to adapt to a world coming out of the pandemic.
Learning Lessons from Challenges
Business practices changed for all when it came to deal making, workplace operations and everyone’s daily life as we encountered the pandemic. The uncertainty remains in some respects of course and it seems inevitable that after such a disruption, things will not just return to the pre-Covid business-as-usual operations. Lessons are always learned from challenges, we must hope to retain some of the efficiencies that were introduced.
It was exciting to hear at numerous One Nucleus events and other meetings how the sector’s thought leaders have adopted new ways of working with the intention of accelerating the translation of great innovation into a more integrated patient benefit.
Highlights in this Review
Within this review you will get the opportunity to read some contributed editorial articles from PharmaVentures, BioMed Realty and Mills & Reeve along with learning about the highlights from our own One Nucleus work. This will include a recap of our conferences (Building Life Science Adventures, ON Helix and Genesis) as well as click throughs if you’d like to catch a recording of sessions you missed or would like to see again. This latter option a benefit of it having been necessary to turn to virtual events. This recording option for on-demand catch-up is an offer we have retained whilst returning to in-person events on a regular basis. The review of One Nucleus activities will continue as you read, to provide updates on our Virtual Innovation Centre, Training Courses that sixty companies have utilised, the launch of our ‘Employer of Choice’ and Mentoring scheme after topics aired at BLSA 2021, the forty-nine nonconference events, the Member Savings performance and how we have advised on a record level of R&D Space design and fit-out to name but some. Not just a listing of the One Nucleus membership offer, but the data that illustrates how we deliver.
Sector Resilience and Activity
2021 was another record-breaking year when it came to investment attracted by the Life Sciences industry. By way of example, $7.3Bn was invested globally in just Jun-Aug 2021, led by the US at $4.37Bn. The UK continued to lead in Europe at $429M in that period whilst over the year as a whole the UK Life Sciences sector raised £4.5Bn, a staggering £1.7Bn more than in 2020 (cf Clarivate & BIA). One Nucleus members including Artios Pharma, Microbiotica, Healx and Nuclera Nucleics are just some of those who raised significant rounds. It’s not just about venturebacked companies either.
Our Corporate Patron, AstraZeneca is predicted to generate the biggest new sales in 2022 estimated at $7.0Bn (Evaluate Vantage). The excellence in translational research within our membership is magnetic to others wanting to locate or work with the region with not just the primary bio-venture investment that powers the growth here. The ability to attract scientific talent, the growing pool of experienced innovative business leaders, strong networks and global connectivity means the entire ecosystem attracts a meaningful portion of revenue flows from within the industry. The impressive growth of R&D partners such as Domainex, Abzena and Phoremost, who are leveraging their proprietary platforms to attract deals whilst developing their own asset pipelines, is illustrated by them all expanding into larger facilities recently as their client base has grown.
How We Support the Network
Taking the feedback from our members on board as we continue to evolve the One Nucleus value proposition, we seek the best ways to: • Support innovation and those organisations and leaders driving translation of their innovation towards new healthcare interventions to improve patient outcomes. • Enable the connectivity of all stakeholders, each bringing their unique combination of expertise, resource and dynamism to the sector and seeking to collaborate. • Promote the career opportunities the Life Science industry offers, whether those careers are at the bench, in business or within the wider ecosystem. • Inform our members of the latest developments and trends across all topics including reference to operational roles such as HR, Marketing and Purchasing through our thematic group sessions. • Enable access to the optimal meeting opportunities, whether in-person or online and whether these are forums delivered directly by One Nucleus, in collaboration with others or at discounted rates to commercial events such as BioEurope, Biotech Integrates and BioTrinity. • Promote good practice in the area of being a good employer and corporate citizen. Adopting better practices ourselves where possible and importantly showcasing the good practice to our network and encouraging wider adoption.
Focus is Key
By way of completing this welcome section, I include here the framework of focus areas the One Nucleus team has developed to help guide our various activities and performance for our stakeholders.
• Virtual Innovation Centre (VIC) • Knowledge Exchange • Member Savings • Learning & Development • Recruitment & Retention • Facilities Support • Profile & Promotion • Government Support Opportunities • Sponsors & Members • The Life Science Sector • Policy Influencers • Collaborators • Patients
• Conference Portfolio - (ON Helix, Genesis, • Building Life Science Adventures) • Innovation Seminars/Round Tables • BioWednesdays • Peer-to-Peer Networking Events • Collaborative Events • Improving Business Resilience • Being an Employer-of-Choice • Sustainability in Action • Supporting Diversity • Community Engagement
Looking Ahead
I, or indeed any member of the One Nucleus team detailed in what follows, stand ready and willing to discuss any of the work we do and opportunities engaging with One Nucleus can present. I hope you enjoy the various articles, updates and window on our forward-looking plans contained in this 2022 Annual Review. I very much look forward to meeting again soon and supporting you on your journey to success. Best wishes, Tony Jones, CEO