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Partner Programme
The One Nucleus Partner Programme offers a fully integrated value proposition to organisations seeking to play an influential and visible role in the development of the One Nucleus life science community.
Relationship Management:
Each Partner has a tailored Annual Engagement Plan, developed to ensure a good strategic fit with the Partner’s goals for the year ahead and against which performance can be managed. There is an allocated One Nucleus account manager for each relationship to ensure regular reviews and discuss desired adjustments as the year progresses. Engagement may include benefits from the menu below, but the agreed package is designed with flexibility in mind.
Partner Benefits:
• One Nucleus Gold Membership. • Company logo displayed with advised url hyperlink on the One Nucleus website. • Company logo and url hyperlink in the One Nucleus Annual Review. • Opportunity to speak at One Nucleus events (based on relevance and experience). • Contribution of thought leadership articles to One Nucleus publications. • Placement of a banner advertisement and article in an edition of One Nucleus eNews. • Option to develop bespoke event(s) or workshop(s) to be delivered with One Nucleus. • Three digital delegate passes to any One Nucleus conference offering such an option. • One in-person delegate pass to any One Nucleus conference offering such an option. • Annual 1-2-1 meeting with the CEO of One Nucleus to discuss issues facing the life science sector and possible One Nucleus interventions. • Priority invitation to any VIP-only events hosted by One Nucleus.