PAFA LAUNCH CONFERENCE “PAFA geared to improve accountancy profession sustainability to support governance and Africa growth agenda” CONFERENCE PROGRAM DAY ONE 12.00- 17.00
Wednesday May 4, 2011 Registration (Le Meridien Hotel)
Opening ceremony Welcoming Addresses and Opening Speech • Mamour Fall, President of ONECCA Senegal • VP Africa / Edward Olowo-Okere – Director Core Operational Services, Africa Region (World Bank Africa strategy – contribution of Accountancy profession) • Representative from the African Development Bank • H.E. Abdoulaye DIOP, Minister of Economy and Finance, Senegal
Information speeches: Africa through economic integration (UEMOA) Africa through a uniform law system (OHADA) Exchanges with the participants
19.30 – 21.00
Cocktail function – Le Meridien Hotel
Thursday May 5, 2011 Master of Ceremony: Mamour Fall
Session 1: Opening remarks, objective of the conference and Road to the establishment of PAFA, Panel of speakers: why PAFA ? Mr Aziz Diéye Mr Matsobane Matlwa, Chairman of PAFA Steering Committee
Session 2: Improving corporate financial reporting for Regional economic growth Speakers to include Central Bankers, Market regulators, representatives of the profession – including IFAC President eventually World bank Africa region chief economist Chair: Mr Russell Guthrie - Executive Director, Quality and Member Relations
10.45-11.00 11.00– 13.00
Tea/Coffee Session 3: New developments in the Accountancy Profession Speakers: IAASB, IASB, IPSASB, INTOSAI Chair: Steering committee member
13.00-14.30 14.30 -16.00
HEALTH BREAK Session 4: What are challenges facing auditors? Where to in auditing profession? Challenges facing auditing profession Highlight some of the key concepts on UK Green paper on Auditors Role of regional professional bodies Discussion Speakers: An African vast with future of auditing and UK Green paper1 Chair: Steering committee member
16.00-16.30 16.30-17.30
Tea/Coffee Session 5: Are you a PAFA member? What will it do for you? o Presentation on PAFA constitution and by-laws: Registration of members o How will PAFA benefit members Panel: A number of member of PAFA Steering Committee Chair: Steering committee member
19.00 – 24.00 19.00 – 19.30 20.00 20.10 – 20.20 20.20 – 20.30 20.45 – 21.15 21.15 – 21.30 21.30 – 21.40 21.40 onwards
Session 6: Lessons from another Regional Professional Accountancy Organization Experiences, challenges and principles of running an effective regional Accounting Organization Speakers: Presenter from Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA)2 Chair: Steering committee member PAFA LAUNCH EVENT Master of Ceremony: Delegates arrival Entertainment Welcome message Master of Ceremony Starter is served About PAFA DVD presentation PAFA Steering Committee Chairman – message Main course – dinner Master of Ceremony Guest speaker speech:3 Official launch event Entertainment
Russell to assist us to invite the presenter from Africa Russell to assist us to invite the presenter 3 Aziz to invite a Minister in Senegal. 2
DAY THREE 08.30-10.30
Friday May 6, 2011 Session 7: PAFA General meeting Agenda Approval of proposed operating procedures of PAFA before 2012 AGM. Appointment of interim Board. Appointment of President and Vice-President. Selection of secretariat and interim CEO. Chairs: PAFA Steering committee chair to introduce and hand over to an independent person to run the session. Tea/Coffee Session 8: What should PAFA focus on? Interactive session for delegates to discuss on their expectation of PAFA Chair: Steering committee member Session 9: Closing Session: PAFA Road ahead Key activities to be undertaken by PAFA Critical success factors of PAFA Members roles Registration of new members Next meetings. Vote of thanks Speakers: PAFA President
Chair: Mr. Edward Olowo-Okere, Director Core Operational Services, Africa Region HEALTH BREAK END, THANK YOU