PAFA Launch Program Draft April 11 2011

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PAFA LAUNCH CONFERENCE “PAFA geared to improve accountancy profession sustainability to support governance and Africa growth agenda” CONFERENCE PROGRAM DAY ONE 12.00- 17.00

Wednesday May 4, 2011 Registration (Le Meridien Hotel)


Opening ceremony Welcoming Addresses and Opening Speech • Mamour Fall, President of ONECCA Senegal • VP Africa / Edward Olowo-Okere – Director Core Operational Services, Africa Region (World Bank Africa strategy – contribution of Accountancy profession) • Representative from the African Development Bank • H.E. Abdoulaye DIOP, Minister of Economy and Finance, Senegal


Information speeches:  Africa through economic integration (UEMOA)  Africa through a uniform law system (OHADA) Exchanges with the participants

19.30 – 21.00

Cocktail function – Le Meridien Hotel


Thursday May 5, 2011 Master of Ceremony: Mamour Fall


Session 1: Opening remarks, objective of the conference and Road to the establishment of PAFA,  Panel of speakers: why PAFA ?  Mr Aziz Diéye  Mr Matsobane Matlwa, Chairman of PAFA Steering Committee


Session 2: Improving corporate financial reporting for Regional economic growth  Speakers to include Central Bankers, Market regulators, representatives of the profession – including IFAC President eventually World bank Africa region chief economist Chair: Mr Russell Guthrie - Executive Director, Quality and Member Relations

10.45-11.00 11.00– 13.00

Tea/Coffee Session 3: New developments in the Accountancy Profession Speakers: IAASB, IASB, IPSASB, INTOSAI  Chair: Steering committee member


13.00-14.30 14.30 -16.00

HEALTH BREAK Session 4: What are challenges facing auditors? Where to in auditing profession?  Challenges facing auditing profession  Highlight some of the key concepts on UK Green paper on Auditors  Role of regional professional bodies  Discussion Speakers:  An African vast with future of auditing and UK Green paper1 Chair: Steering committee member

16.00-16.30 16.30-17.30

Tea/Coffee Session 5: Are you a PAFA member? What will it do for you? o Presentation on PAFA constitution and by-laws: Registration of members o How will PAFA benefit members Panel:  A number of member of PAFA Steering Committee Chair: Steering committee member


19.00 – 24.00 19.00 – 19.30 20.00 20.10 – 20.20 20.20 – 20.30 20.45 – 21.15 21.15 – 21.30 21.30 – 21.40 21.40 onwards

Session 6: Lessons from another Regional Professional Accountancy Organization  Experiences, challenges and principles of running an effective regional Accounting Organization Speakers:  Presenter from Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA)2 Chair: Steering committee member PAFA LAUNCH EVENT Master of Ceremony: Delegates arrival Entertainment Welcome message Master of Ceremony Starter is served About PAFA DVD presentation PAFA Steering Committee Chairman – message Main course – dinner Master of Ceremony Guest speaker speech:3 Official launch event Entertainment



Russell to assist us to invite the presenter from Africa Russell to assist us to invite the presenter 3 Aziz to invite a Minister in Senegal. 2


DAY THREE 08.30-10.30



Friday May 6, 2011 Session 7: PAFA General meeting Agenda  Approval of proposed operating procedures of PAFA before 2012 AGM.  Appointment of interim Board.  Appointment of President and Vice-President.  Selection of secretariat and interim CEO. Chairs: PAFA Steering committee chair to introduce and hand over to an independent person to run the session. Tea/Coffee Session 8: What should PAFA focus on?  Interactive session for delegates to discuss on their expectation of PAFA Chair: Steering committee member Session 9: Closing Session: PAFA Road ahead  Key activities to be undertaken by PAFA  Critical success factors of PAFA  Members roles  Registration of new members  Next meetings.  Vote of thanks Speakers: PAFA President


Chair: Mr. Edward Olowo-Okere, Director Core Operational Services, Africa Region HEALTH BREAK END, THANK YOU


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