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Conference on public finance management Results-oriented financial information October 29 - 30th 2015


AGENDA Program Director: Nestor Coffi, Lead Operations Officer Governance, WBG Michèle Cartier Le GUÉRINEL, Déléguée générale, FIDEF Sekou Keita, Regional Financial Management Coordinator – EARC / ORCE, AfDB DAY ONE 16:00 – 18:30



Registration Venue: Salon Flamboyant Welcome Event : Salon Flamboyant Conference: presentation of the action plan proposed by FIDEF 15th international Conference “how the Accountancy Profession can assist informal sector to participate to emerging economy”

18:30 – 20:30 Welcome remarks

Pr Ahmadou Aly Mbaye, Dean – Dakar, University Cheikh Anta DIOP

Asmaa Resmouki, President, PAFA Mamour Fall, President, FIDEF Daouda Sembéne Director General of Public Treasury, Senegal



08:00 – 09:00

Registration Venue: Salon Flamboyant


Opening Session • Welcome • Setting the scene for the day • Keynote address: Public Financial Management (PFM) as a catalyst to 09:00 – 10:30 economic and social developments

• Message from the Minister of Economy, Finance and Planning, Senegal

Asmaa Resmouki, President, PAFA Mamour Fall, President, FIDEF Samia Msadek, Practice Director, Public Resource Mobilization and Management Governance, WBG Kpourou Janvier Litse, Acting Vice President for ORVP, AfDB

His Excellency Amadou BA, Minister of Economy, Finance and Plan Senegal

10:30 – 11:00 Tea/Coffee - Hall Baobab Session 1.1: Economic, Social and Business Imperatives in the Region A panel discussion, followed by comments and questions from the audience, on the economic, social and business imperatives in the region and exploring how PFM reforms 11:00 – 12:00 promoted by regional organizations are contributing to addressing such imperatives.

Chair: AfDB representative Panelists / Speakers: Laurence Jacquet, Poll Coordinator, Development Strategies and Public Finance Alexis Ndzuenkeu Head of the Legal Affairs and Communication, OHADA

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Conference on public finance management Results-oriented financial information October 29 - 30th 2015


Session 1.2: The Global and Regional PFM Landscape – with a focus on financial reporting and auditing A panel discussion, followed by comments and questions from the audience, on: • global trends in public sector financial reporting and auditing, • the status of public sector financial reporting and 12:00 – 13:00 auditing in the region, and • the accountancy profession’s contribution to stronger PFM.

Chair: Renaud Seligmann, Practice Manager Public Resource Mobilization and Management Governance, WBG Panelists / Speakers: Isabelle Collignon-Joffre, chargée de mission, Conseil de Normalisation France Head of PAO in Francophone countries / Nouhou Tari, President ONECCA Niger, President CPPC (UEMOA) Leslie Milne, European Union (EU) Audit Progress Commission and Council Member of CIPFA

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch - Salon vert Session 1.3: PFM Reforms – with a focus on our response The panel’s views on PFM reforms and proposals to strengthen public sector financial reporting and auditing in the region, followed by a discussion, and comments and 14:00 – 15:30 questions from the audience, on the roles of the different stakeholders in this regard.

Chair: HE Mamadou Igor Diarra, Minister of Finance, Mali Panelists / Speakers: Paul Tasong, PFM Commissioner, CEMAC Abdallah Boureima, PFM Commissioner, WAEMU Abdoul Aziz Dièye, President of FIDEF

15:30 – 16:00 Tea/Coffee - Hall Baobab Session 1.4: Call for Action An open discussion on who should be called to action and the action they should take towards stronger public sector financial reporting and auditing within the next 3 years; followed by a Call for Action by the Ministers of Finance; and responses from the World Bank, African Development Bank, and PAFA and FIDEF. 16:00 – 17:30

Chair: His Excellency Pierre Moussa, President, CEMAC Respondents: On behalf of the Ministers of Finance, (His Excellency Amadou BA) Cheikh DIOP, General Secretary of Ministry of Economy, Finance and Planning, Senegal On behalf of the donor community, Samia Msadek Practice, Director, Public Resource Mobilization and Management Governance, WBG and Kpourou Janvier Litse, Acting Vice President for ORVP, AfDB On behalf of the accountancy profession in the region, Asmaa Resmouki, President, PAFA

Dinner Venue: Salon Vert 19:00 – 21:00

• The Accountancy Profession’s Contribution in Addressing Ebola in Guinea • Entertainment • Sponsor presentation

Togna Doré, General Secretary PAO

ANAN representative

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Conference on public finance management Results-oriented financial information October 29 - 30th 2015



FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2015 PRESENTERS, CHAIRS AND PANELISTS Setting the scene for the day – recap Jean Awinja Wameyo, Head of Fiduciary Services Division AfDB 09:00 – 09:30 of the previous day; a discussion on how to follow up the Call for Action

Session 2.1: Building a Partnership between the Public Sector and the Accountancy Profession to Respond to the Call for Action

A sharing of experiences and discussion by the panel and audience on: • practical reforms governments could implement to strengthen PFM, in particular financial reporting and auditing; and 09:30 – 10:30 • how a strong private and public sector accountancy profession supported by an effective and wellresourced professional accountancy organization (PAO) and Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) / Court of Auditors could support government on this journey.

Chair: Alta Prinsloo, Executive Director & Chief Operating Officer, IFAC Panelists / Speakers: Cyril Edou, Director of PFM Reforms, Cameroon M. Tonye Paul Emmanuel, General Secretary of the Ministry of State Control, Cameroon; and President, AFROSAI-F Amadou Hady Sarr, Head of Cour des Comptes, Senegal Arnaud Debray, Vice President Conseil Supérieur de l’Ordre des Experts Comptables (France)

10:30 – 11:00 Tea/Coffee - Hall Baobab

Session 2.1: Part 2:

Jamil Ampomah, Director—Sub Saharan Africa, ACCA, Ghana Arnaud Debray, Vice President Conseil Supérieur de l’Ordre des Experts Comptables (France) Guylaine Leclerc, Vérificatrice générale du Québec Vickson Ncube, Chief Executive Officer, PAFA Terence Nombembe, Chief Executive Officer, SAICA

11:00 – 12:15

12:15 – 13:30 Lunch - Salon vert Session 2.2: Mobilizing Citizens and Development Partners A sharing of experiences and discussion Chair: by the panel and audience on the role of Dr. Babacar Sarr, Program Officer, Open Budget Initiative, citizens and development partners in International Budget Partnership 13:30 – 14:45 strengthening PFM and actions by Panelists / Speakers: development partners to strengthen Jules Nguebou, Director of ASSOAL, Cameroon public sector financial reporting and Jean Awinja Wameyo, Manager, Fiduciary Services AfDB Jim Wright, VP for Membership and Development ICGFM auditing. Closing Session

An opportunity to explore initiatives that could further contribute to strengthening PFM and, in particular, financial reporting and auditing, taking account of the discussions during the day; followed by closing 14:45 – 16:00 remarks.

16:00 –

Chairs: Asmaa Resmouki, President, PAFA Mamour Fall, President, FIDEF Also present: Paul Tasong, PFM Commissioner, CEMAC Abdallah Boureima, PFM Commissioner, WAEMU Alexis Ndzuenkeu, Head of the Legal Affairs and Communication, OHADA Jean Awinja Wameyo, Manager, Fiduciary Services AfDB Renaud Seligmann, Practice Manager Public Resource Mobilization and Management Governance, WBG Alta Prinsloo, Executive Director & Chief Operating Officer, IFAC

Tea/Coffee - Hall Baobab

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