Chapter 1 Elsy Chapter 2 Keaton Chapter 3 Elsy Chapter 4 Keaton Chapter 5 Elsy Chapter 6 Keaton Chapter 7 Elsy Chapter 8 Keaton Chapter 9 Elsy Chapter 10 Keaton Chapter 11 Elsy Chapter 12 Keaton Chapter 13 Elsy Chapter 14 Keaton Chapter 15 Elsy
Chapter 16 Keaton Epilogue
Read Me Romance Stalk the Author
Copyright © 2022 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law For permission requests, email to
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
Edited by Aquila EditingSaved by the Superhero
Elsy Harbor’s best friend Keaton has always been something more. But when they finally have their first kiss, everything goes terribly wrong.
After an accident in his father’s lab, Keaton Lone locked himself away. It’s been years, but he never stopped watching and waiting for the day he could have Elsy. Finally, the wait it over.
Warning: Did we write a superhero book with double V’s and a villain set to destroy the world? Of course we did!

For the kind of love that defies science …ELSY

“K Chapter One
ey.” I roll my eyes at him as I win this round of chess.
“What? You played well.” He tries to praise me, but I’m not hearing it.
“You’re so full of crap.” Keaton and I both go to the same boarding school. We’ve been called gifted since the two of us are smarter than most kids our age. Keaton is more than that; he’s brilliant. Even at the age of fifteen, I realize that. “If you don’t actually try, I’ll never learn. Although it’s not like I’ll ever beat you.”
I don’t know what it is about Keaton that drew me to him so strongly, but I know one of the things I love most about him is how smart he is. He never tries to boast about it, either. If anything, he downplays his abilities, which is kind of hard when you’re a Lone. That name is known all around the world for its advances in technology.
“You want to know your weakness when we play?” he offers. His head tilts forward, and some of his dark shaggy hair falls into his face. His mom hates when his hair is long, but I like it, and I think that’s why he always lets it go until he has no choice but to cut it.
“Of course, then I can beat the other guys at school and drive them crazy.”
“You don’t need to play with other guys.” His brows furrow, something he does when he’s either annoyed or in thought.
“Out with it. Tell me my weaknesses.” I turn him back to the point at hand.
“Not weaknesses,” he corrects.
“Key, everyone has them, and there is nothing wrong with admitting that. Knowing them is how you learn and prepare,” I point out. I think he knows this, but he doesn’t want me thinking he’s calling me dumb. “You’re teaching me.”
“The queen.” He picks up the piece from the board. We’re playing on the one in the study since it’s where we usually hang out.
I’ve noticed Keaton’s parents keep a closer eye on us now that we’re older. I’ve been coming over to play since we were kids after we met in second grade. I’d been so scared that first day of school. After I got thrust into the foster system, many had taken notice that I was more advanced than the other children around me. That’s when I was placed with the Walkers. They’re an older couple but alumni of the private school. They’re pretty cool people, but they’ve both retired and are old enough to be my grandparents. It’s not exactly exciting at home.
They never had kids of their own, but Richard was mayor at one point, and his wife Jennifer was a hotshot lawyer back in the day. I think the window passed for kids or maybe they’d never thought about it until it was too late. It wasn't until last year that I put together that the library of our school was named after them.
“What about her?” I take the queen from his hand.
“The object of the game might be to capture the king, but the queen is the most powerful on the board. You must use her, but in a way that always protects her. Without her, the king will fall.”
I stare into Keaton's dark blue eyes, knowing his words always mean more than what he’s saying. “You believe that? A king will fall without his
“And will you have a queen one day?” I tilt my head, watching him, and his eyes narrow on me. He’s always watched me ever so closely, but lately, his eyes find their way to my mouth. I lick my lips.
“Of course.” He says it so matter-of-factly.
“How do you know?” I raise my chin in defiance.
I have no jealousy when it comes to my Keaton. Not with Lexi, who is always trying to sit with him at lunch. Not with Nelly, who pretends to be dumb to ask him questions in calculus. I know Keaton is talking about me being his queen. He’s never given me a reason to feel jealous.
Whatever we are or are going to be feels destined. It’s been written in the stars even if neither of us has spoken it out loud. We know, but for some reason today I want to hear it.
“Don’t play dumb. We both know you’re better than that.” He smirks, and I glare back. “You’re mine, Elsy.”
“Is that so?” I tease, pushing back my chair. “Then how come you’ve never kissed me?” I challenge.
“I’ll kiss you now.”
“No way!” I jump up from my seat. “A girl doesn't ask for her first kiss. The guy has to work for it. You have to chase me.”
“You and those romance books you’re always sneaking out of the library. Did they tell you that?”
“Maybe, and don’t pretend I haven’t caught you peeking at them over my shoulder.
“Sometimes your cheeks turn pink when you read them. I want to see why.”
I let out a small gasp. I know the parts he’s talking about, and he’s right; they make me blush. “It doesn’t matter. I said what I said.”
“If chasing you is working for it, then I’ll chase,” he says, cutting me off. “In fact, I’ll give you a head start.”
“What does that even mean?” I ask, confused.
“You’re not serious. It’s not like you’re really going to chase me.”
“Eight.” My heart starts to race. “Seven.”
I bolt from the study, taking off as fast as I can because Keaton is crazy fast. He’s on the track team and is the best one. He should have given me thirty seconds or something.
The Lone home isn’t small. I wouldn’t even call it a home since it’s a whole estate. I think I asked once and Shelly, Keaton’s mom, said there were twenty bedrooms the last time she counted. How does the count change?! Then again, Keaton’s father is Dr. Nash Lone. Who knows what goes on around here.
I turn one corner and then another. I should know this place by heart, but really we stick to the front of the home where the study is. I start grabbing on door handles, and one after another is locked. Finally, a door opens and I can hear Keaton’s footsteps fast behind me.
I rush into the room and shut the door like a dork. He knows I’m in here. He’d been too close to not have seen me slip inside. I glance around the room to see if there’s a place to hide but freeze when I notice it’s some kind of lab.
The door swings open, and I spin back around to face Keaton. “You really thought you could outrun me?” he says as he slowly approaches. I take a few steps back until I bump into a table.
“No.” I’m breathing fast but smile up at him. “I didn’t, but it was fun.”
He moves to stand in front of me, and his body barely touches mine. I reach up and brush the hair on his forehead to the side.
“I’m going to kiss you, Elsy Harbor, and that means you’ll be my girl forever.”
“Queen,” I correct, fighting a smile as he grins at me.
“Queen,” he agrees, bending down, and I close my eyes.
Then his mouth is there, gently touching mine. It’s soft at first, but then he licks the seam of my lips, and I part them for him. His tongue delves into my mouth, and I do the same. My fingers grip the front of his shirt as our bodies press flush against each other. His hands grip my hips, and he lifts me and sets me on the table.
I’m lost to the sensation of being kissed by the only person on earth I ever want to kiss for the rest of my life. It’s beautiful and perfect until a loud shattering sound breaks us apart. I must have pushed a box back when he’d lifted me, and now the box is leaning against a tall glass tower. The glass is filled with liquid and who knows what, and I hold my breath as it teeters. I pray it’s not going to fall, but I have no such luck. The glass tower swings one way then back toward us before it topples over.
In a flash, Keaton pulls me off the lab table and shoves me across the room so I’m out of harm's way. I stumble back and trip over my feet before I fall on my ass. Then I watch in horror as the glass tubes and liquid come crashing down right on top of Keaton.
I scream as it takes him down to the ground and he’s pinned under the structure. There’s glass everywhere, but I don’t think about that as I jump to my feet to rush over to try and pull it off him.
Before I can reach Keaton, arms wrap around my waist, stopping me, and then my feet leave the floor.
“Get her out of here!” Keaton’s father yells before he practically throws me over to one of the many security guards that are always around.
“Keaton!” I scream as they pull me kicking and screaming from the room. Keaton’s eyes open and then lock with mine. This time they’re not
the normal dark blue I’m used to. They’re bright blue and unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. The air in my lungs freezes.
Suddenly Keaton rolls over and shoves the tower off him with one hand. At least that’s what I think I see as the door closes in my face. There is debris flying across the room, so I must be mistaken. It’s impossible.
Before I can say another word, the guards carry me from the home and put me into the back of one of the many black SUVs that are always out front.
I had no idea this was the last time I'd ever see Keaton. At least the Keaton I’ve known and loved.
Chapter Two
KEATONSix years later…
ou’re not focusing.” My dad tosses the tablet on his desk and leans back in his chair. “Tell me what’s going on.”

I move over to the glass wall that towers above the city and stare down at the world below. From here, it’s hard to see anything but the clouds, and I prefer it that way. I found out early on that being around people and seeing them live their lives was almost worse than what happened to me.
I hear movement behind me and am aware that he’s coming closer. I close my eyes because I know what he’s going to say.
“I think we should wait.”
“No,” I say without opening my eyes. “It’s just a bad day. That’s all.”
“Tell me why it’s a bad day.” He’s pushing, and he knows it.
A long moment of silence stretches before I finally sigh and admit the truth.
“I’m nervous.” I open my eyes and stare into the distance.
“Oh,” he says softly, and I walk away before he can try to touch me.
Touch is the worst, and it’s the one of the many things that sets me off. He knows it, and although he doesn’t do it often, he’s still my father, and he
can’t help himself. For most of my life, he was able to do it. Until the accident that changed everything.
“We’re not waiting any longer.”
“Keaton—” my father begins, but I shake my head, already defying him.
“No, we made a deal. I’ve given you six years.” When I turn to face him, I see the sadness in the corners of his eyes that he tries to hide from me. But there’s nothing he can say that I don’t already feel.
My father has always been the strongest and smartest man I’ve ever known. Since the accident, I’ve had to watch him fail over and over, and it’s broken something in me I don’t know that I’ll ever get back.
“Nash.” We both turn to see my mother standing in the doorway of the lab. “We made a deal, and Keaton has put in the work. I think it’s time we trust him.”
“I just want a little more time,” he says, and she smiles softly at him.
She moves to join my father and takes his hands in hers. “You don’t have to fix him, Nash. All you have to do is love him.”
I watch as my father’s shoulders slump, and once again I feel like a failure. For the past six years, he’s tried everything to put me back to normal. In the meantime, I’ve learned to embrace my talents, as I like to call them, and control them as much as possible.
Last month, my mom received an invitation from Elsy’s adoptive parents. They’re throwing her a birthday party, and they invited us. All three of us. For the past few years, my parents have used the excuse that they’re working abroad. My father still runs his companies from here in our tower, but it’s mostly my cage in the sky.
After the accident, we left the estate and came straight here. It was isolated, but that meant we wouldn’t have to worry about prying eyes. Since then, I’ve been training daily with my dad to control what the chemicals did
to me that day. On the outside, I’m still mostly the same, but inside I’m something new.
“I’m going to bed,” I say and grab the water bottle off the table.
“Keaton,” my mother calls, and I look back at her. “We’ll be by your side the whole time.”
“I know.” I try to let go of my irritation because it’s not their fault this happened to me. “Good night.”
My father gives me a sympathetic smile as I leave the room and go to the elevator. I hit the button for my floor and wait until the doors open again. When I walk into my place, I scan my fingerprints. and the home is voice activated.
“Lights at forty percent,” I call, and the lamp in the hallway dims as I walk past it. “Bedroom screens on.” When I walk into my room, the curtains close, and the wall across from my bed comes alive. “Show me Elsy.”
One thing I’ve been grateful for is technology. It’s given me a way to see her when I couldn’t be near her. When I couldn’t be near anyone. I can’t see it all, which drives me crazy, but I can see enough. Having a father with connections to satellites has its benefits.
The center screen moves until it’s outside of her apartment. She moved there last year, and it broke my heart. I’d dreamed of moving out with her, but that one afternoon changed it all.
I watched for a few weeks after the accident when she would come to the estate to talk to me. The staff always turned her away, but I would watch and wish I could go to her. But I wasn’t me for a long time, and even now, it’s hard to control. There’s this thing in me that is begging to break free, and I have to restrain it at all times. That’s what we’ve been working on.
Tonight Elsy is sitting on her small balcony having dinner alone. I can’t tell what it is, spaghetti maybe? The more I watch her, the more I feel like a
creep, and I go to turn it off. That’s when I see her turn toward her door. There must be a sound or something because she goes over and opens it.
From this angle, I can’t see who it is, but she’s talking to someone at her front door. After a moment, she steps back, and in walks a man that I don’t know. He smiles at her like they’re old friends before he leans down and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
Without realizing it, I’ve picked up the chair beside me and thrown it against the wall of screens. The whole thing shatters, and I feel everything I’ve spent all day trying to suppress.
“FUCK!” I shout as I look at what I’ve done. Now I’ve lost connection with the one thing I need most, and I’ll have to clean this up.
The party is tomorrow. How the fuck am I supposed to control this if someone is putting their hands on my Elsy?
“E Chapter Three ELSY

verything is going as planned,” Oliver says as he waltzes right into my bedroom. At least the one I stay in when I’m back home with the Walkers. They’ve kept my childhood bedroom a time capsule. I both love and hate this room. There are so many memories and most of them make me think of Keaton.
It didn’t matter that I’d taken down all the pictures of the two of us or shoved that debate trophy we’d won freshman year to the back of my closet so I didn’t have to see it. This room always reminds me of him. At first a memory will pop into my head, and I’ll start to smile before the stark reminder comes to me that he’s gone from my life.
“I could have been naked.” I’m not, but I was enjoying my last few moments alone. Oliver dramatically rolls his eyes because I have nothing he wants to see.
“Someone needs to see you naked.” This time it’s me that rolls my eyes. He gives me his typical kiss on the cheek before he wiggles his brows. I’ve known Oliver for a month now, and you’d think I’ve known him my whole life with how he talks. “There’s still time. I know a few men I could invite.”
“You’d do that? Change up the guest list?” I gasp in horror. Oliver might be all fun and games at times, but when it comes down to the details,
he’s not messing around.
“It’s not a sit-down dinner. It would be fine.” Still, he pulls at the collar of his shirt.
“Don’t. You’ll mess up your bow tie.” I smack his hand away.
“You like it?” He turns to the mirror hanging over my dresser and straightens it.
“I do, but I don’t think anyone else could pull it off.” Oliver has a style all of his own.
It’s not shocking. He is an event planner, and the whole backyard and the entryway to the house has been styled for tonight. You’d think this was a wedding. A giant tent has been raised in the backyard, and the last time I peeked inside, they were hanging chandeliers in there.
I think my parents are making up for all the times I’ve said no to parties over the years. I hadn’t wanted a sweet sixteen or high school graduation party or even a party when I graduated from college with honors last month. When they asked to throw me a party for my twenty-first, I couldn’t say no. Not when they both had such hopeful expressions on their faces. They’ve done so much for me that at the very least I can do this for them.
“No one’s going to notice my bow tie when they see your dress.” He grins like a Cheshire cat.
“I’m scared.” A hesitant laugh bubbles out of me. Oliver went over every detail of this party with me even when I didn’t need or want to know all that was happening. The man misses no details, but he hasn’t uttered a peep about the dress beyond taking my measurements.
I’m not used to getting dressed up because I avoid it at all costs. I even skipped prom my senior year to get out of it. Besides that, I always wore school uniforms until college, and then it was shirts, sweaters, and yoga pants with sneakers. Whatever was most comfortable.
When I was accepted to Bryn Wellesley College, I almost fell over. It’s an all-female campus that has fewer than 2000 students enrolled each year.
None of us ever gave a crap what we looked like, and it was kind of nice. We all knew what a privilege it was to be there, so we weren't going to parties on the weekends. In fact, we were fighting over claims to open lab times on the weekends.
My first thought when I’d gotten the letter was that I wanted to tell Keaton. Then again, I wonder if I would have applied there if he’d still been around. I bet we would have applied to all the same schools, not that a Lone would really have to apply to college. I think that's the kind of name that gets an automatic acceptance with a full scholarship.
“Don’t fear the dress. Put it on and own that shit like it was made just for you. Because it was.”
“You know I’m not great in heels,” I remind him.
“I’ve got you.” He snaps his fingers, and two women come rushing in with an array of items. “There.” He motions toward my bed for them to lay them out. Once they’re finished, they disappear as quickly as they’d appeared. “Sit,” he orders and points to the chair in front of my vanity. I do as I’m told because it’s easier not to fight Oliver, and as I sit down, more people appear. “I want to keep her natural. She doesn’t need to be overdone.”
“Her bone structure is perfect,” one of them says.
“Thanks?” I say, wondering if that’s a compliment.
“There are a few single men on the guest list. I might have done a little research on them too.” Oliver's fingers slide up and down the tablet in his hand. I’m sure he’s checking over final details.
“Honestly, I’m not sure who my parents invited.” The last I heard it was around a hundred guests.
“The Lones are coming,” Oliver says, and I tense. Everyone knows who the Lones are, and I’m sure seeing their name impressed even Oliver, who throws parties for celebrities.
I’ve seen Shelly in passing a few times over the years, but I’ve only seen Dr. Lone in news articles about new advances. I had to read a lot of his research in college.
They both have always been friendly with my parents, but that was before. I’ve heard nothing about Keaton, but I stopped trying after that last attempt when I showed up at the gate begging them to let me see him. Dr. Lone told me if I came back again it would be trespassing and that if Keaton wanted to see or contact me, he would.
He never did. Hell, he didn’t even show back up at school. I heard whispers that he went off to a boarding school in Europe, but I didn’t believe it at first. As time passed, I started to question what I’d seen that day.
“I haven’t seen them in a while.” I bite the inside of my cheek as I recall my parents being pretty upset with how things went down. They hated to see me cry, so since then, I learned to hide it and pretend I didn’t care.
“It says three guests for the Lones.”
Oliver glances up from his tablet, and I know it’s because of the high pitch in my voice. “Yes, three.”
I swallow. I’m sure it’s a friend, or maybe Shelly’s sister is in town. There’s no way it would be Keaton. I hate the spark of hope that tries to light up, and I smother it down. It doesn’t matter if it is Keaton. He can go fuck himself at this point.
It’s been years and nothing. My broken heart still hasn’t healed even though I wish I could say it has. I’m not going to lie to myself, but it’s not sorrow or denial I have anymore. I’ve moved past that and right into anger, where I’ve been simmering for a long time.
Protect the queen. I’ll never forget those words. It’s the one and only time I can ever recall Keaton being full of shit.
KEATON“W Chapter Fo

e have security on standby with a car out front,” my father says as we climb the stairs of the Walkers’ mansion.
How many times did I take this same route to see Elsy before everything changed? How many times have I wanted to do it since that day? The answer is about the same because it’s too many to count. I’ve been training for tonight, but I feel the nervous energy coming off my mom and dad. They’re worried, and deep down, I am too. I just know that I have to take this next step, because if I don’t hold Elsy again, I’m not sure I have anything left to live for.
“He’s going to do fine,” my mother says as she squeezes my hand and smiles up at me. “You’ve got this, Keaton. Just breathe deep and remember why we’re here.”
To find my Elsy. When we got the invitation, I knew that we were out of time. I’ve spent years afraid of what I might do to her if I lost control, when being away from her has been the thing that’s kept me on edge. Tonight, I’m going to prove to myself and to Elsy that this can work and that our first kiss won’t be our last.
“We’re so glad you could make it.” The Walkers greet us like old friends, and I watch my mom exchange a long hug with Elsy’s mom. I hate
that I’m the reason we’ve been so distant. “It's been too long since we’ve seen you, Keaton.”
“Studying abroad was time consuming,” I say, keeping my tone calm and pleasant while I scan the room for Elsy. “But I’m happy to be back. Permanently,” I add, and Mrs. Walker beams at my mom.
“Then hopefully we’ll be seeing more of you,” Mr. Walker says. He meets my eyes for a moment, and there’s a warning in them. Is he angry with me?
I guess I can’t blame him after leaving Elsy the way I did. I saw the images of her for weeks after she came to the house. She always looked like she hadn’t slept or had just finished crying. It tore my soul in half as I watched it happening and then couldn’t do anything about it. Back then, I was too volatile and being within a mile of her put her at risk. I couldn’t chance it, and so I stayed away.
“Why don’t we go get a drink?” my dad offers and leads me away from the Walkers.
“You know I can’t drink,” I mumble to him, and he grabs a water from the bar.
“I know. It was an excuse to give you a breath of air. I thought Walker might need it too.” He gives me water and squeezes my arm. “How are you feeling?”
I take a drink and then a deep breath. “So far so good.”
Scanning the crowd, I see a lot of people I recognize, but I don’t see Elsy yet. We stand there for a long time watching people pass by, and then I watch as a man with dark hair makes his way through the crowd over to us.
“Mr. Lone,” the stranger says, but he’s addressing my dad.
“That’s me.” My dad smiles pleasantly, but when the dark-haired man doesn’t return it, I see him tense. No one else would notice the subtlety of it, but I do. I notice more than most now.
“I’m Gray Malice. You might remember my father, John.”
My dad opens his mouth and then closes it again before clearing his throat and looking around. “Maybe we should talk in private.”
“I’m only here tonight to deliver a message,” he says, and I don’t like what’s happening here.
I step closer to my dad, feeling the need to protect him from this man who is clearly upset with him.
“Then deliver it and be gone.” My dad’s voice is low, but neither of us misses the order.
“Now that my father is dead, I’m the one in charge,” Malice says, and he leans closer to my dad. “And you won’t get away with it any longer.”
“That’s enough.” I cut between the two of them and push against Malice’s chest. He goes back a step, and for a moment I swear his eyes flash bright green, but then they dim to a dark hazel as he straightens his suit.
“The infamous Keaton back in society after all these years.” He smirks and then shakes his head. “I guess one accident wasn’t enough, was it, Nash?”
I feel the surge of anger flare in my body, and my heart begins to speed up. I can feel the heat taking over, and I’m not sure how I’m going to beat it back. My breathing increases, and I clench my fists at my side, begging my body to find control.
“See you soon.” Malice winks at my dad, and just when he’s about to walk away, I grab him by the front of his suit and pull him to me.
We’re evenly matched in size, and I can see directly into his eyes like this. Right now, there’s not an ounce of fear in them, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I wonder if he knows what happened to me.
“Careful, Keaton, you don’t want to make a scene.” His eyes glow bright green, and I feel a vibration in my hands.
The one word breaks through the fog of anger, and I blink as I let go of Malice. He doesn’t flinch as he smooths out his jacket and then disappears into the crowd. That’s when Elsy is revealed. She was standing behind him watching this happen, and the look on her face isn’t something I’m used to seeing.
Disappointment? Hatred? Hurt?
“Elsy, I…” I start to say, but she holds up her hand for me to be quiet.
She’s standing there in a golden ball gown that’s covered in glitter and lace. It sets off her soft skin and makes her look like she’s glowing. Her pink lips are exactly as I remember, and every part of me wants to pull her into my arms and kiss her. But right now, it looks like I’m the last person she wants to see.
“We should go,” my father says from behind me, but I ignore him. He squeezes my arm, but I shake it off.
“Where were you?” Her voice is so cold, nothing like my sweet Elsy. “I begged for you to talk to me.” Her voice breaks on the last word, and I want to fall to my knees and ask for forgiveness. “You just disappeared.”
There are a few people around us now, but the world could literally catch on fire and I wouldn’t notice. My entire focus has centered on the one person I love most. The only problem is, she loathes me.
“I’ll tell you everything. Just give me a minute to explain. Please,” I say, and she shakes her head.
“I gave you six years, Keaton.” Then she walks right up to me and slaps me on the cheek. It stings, not because she hurt me but because she hates me. “I’m not giving you a second more.”
With that, she turns on her heel and stomps out of the ballroom. I’m not sure which of us is more surprised by her reaction, but I know one thing for sure. The monster inside me that has been screaming to get out for the past six years is finally calm for the first time ever.
Chapter Five ELSY

The sting of my hand is bittersweet. Damn, it felt good to do it, but it was heart shaking to not only touch him again but to see him. He’s different, and I could sense it from the second I spotted him. I swear it was like I felt him before my eyes found him. I’ve always been connected to Keaton since we were kids, but this was deeper, and I didn’t understand it. If anything, what we shared should have faded over time.
One thing is for damn sure, and that’s that Keaton is no longer a boy. Has he spent the last six years in the gym full-time or something? When we were younger, he was always on the taller side—it’s why he did track—but he’s at least a foot taller than the last time I saw him. He was lean back then, but he’s doubled in body mass, and it’s hard and crazy hot. I clench my teeth, trying not to think about it.
Why did he have to get sexy? Hell, why is he here?! Of all the times he could’ve shown up, this would be it. Why now and why the hell here at my birthday party? I have to fight the tears so I can focus on my anger. Did he think that because we were in public, I would pretend to be nice and smile or put on a show? Unlike the rest of the world, I’m not scared of the Lones. They’ve already done their worst to me, so I’ve got nothing left to fear.
“Elsy!” I pause on the stone steps that lead up to the back patio of the house. “Are you dipping out of your own party?” Oliver asks.
“I need a moment.”
“I think you just had a moment.” He motions with his head back toward the tent.
“Do you think a lot of people saw that?”
He shrugs, not really answering my question. “He’s the reason, isn’t he?” I nod, answering the rest of his question. Of course Keaton is the reason I’ve never dated. Or even moved on, for that matter.
It’s stupid because I told him he wasn’t getting a second chance. If I truly believed that, wouldn’t I have tried to start dating? At first that was why I hadn’t dated, but then as time stretched on, I’d told myself it was because I was focusing on my education. What’s my reasoning now? Fucking Keaton.
Why can’t I get over him? Once, when I was in college, I did a study on heartbreak and how long it lasted as one of my research papers.
Unfortunately, there’s no definitive answer beyond surveys, and the longest said a year and a half—and that was if you were married. The others said between six and nine months. I’m on year six!
“I really do need a moment.”
“Do what you need. People are eating and drinking, and I’ll start the music.”
“Thank you, Oliver.” He gives me a nod before he goes back into the tent so I can finish my escape. In my head, I’d played out what would happen if I ever ran into Keaton again. I was going to play it cool and pretend to be indifferent. Clearly, I didn’t stick to that plan.
I need space from everyone and the noise. My emotions are overwhelming, and I’m not sure how I truly feel right now. I enter my bedroom and push the lock before I lean against the door. I swipe at the tears that slide down my cheeks now that I’m alone.
“I hate when you cry.” I gasp at the deep rumble of Keaton’s voice. It’s changed some, but I’d know that sound anywhere.
“Lights on.” My bedroom floods with light, and there Keaton is sitting on the bench in front of my bed. How did he get up here before me? He might have slipped around the side or something, but what does that matter now? “I’m not crying.” I’ve already wiped the tears away so he can’t tell.
“I saw them.”
“Key, it was pitch black in here.” That’s the only response I can muster because he’s right.
“Who’s the guy in the bow tie?”
Is that really what he’s asking me right now? And why is the only thought in my head about how good he looks in that damn suit? He never filled out his debate suit that way. He really has changed, but it seems like we both have.
“Maybe if you’d been around, you’d know.”
“He’s the party planner.” He answers his own question.
“Then why are you asking me?” What the hell is happening here? Is this all a weird dream or did I drink too much champagne at the party and now I’m hallucinating?
“He touches you, and I don’t like it.”
I close my eyes and take a calming breath. I’m sure on the outside I seem to be controlling my anger, but on the inside I’m relishing his jealousy. Then another thought occurs to me. When could he have seen Oliver ever touch me?
“That's really none of your business anymore. Besides, I'm not really his type,” I respond as I open my eyes.
“I don’t care who you are or what fucking planet you’re from, you’re everyone’s type.” I swear his eyes flash brighter for a moment, but it’s gone as quickly as I thought I saw it.
I know one thing: Keaton really believes what he’s saying. In a weird way it’s sweet because he can’t see anyone not wanting me. If that’s true, then why did he leave me?
“Six years, Key. Clearly you haven’t wanted me.”
I gasp when the next thing I know Keaton is in front of me. He’s not touching me but I’m caged against my door. His body is so close I can feel the heat pouring off him.
“I’ve always wanted you, even before I knew what that meant.”
“You have a funny way of showing it.” I’m trying to keep my bravado, but it’s hard when my body is waking up from a deep slumber. I can’t decipher whose body heat is whose now.
“You know more than most that life can throw a curveball.”
He’s right. I do. One day, I had two loving parents that were mine, and in the blink of an eye, it was all gone. I was left all alone and thrust into the system until the Walkers took me in.
“You’re right. I lost the only people I ever loved until you made me love you. Then poof, all alone again.”
“Elsy.” He drops his head forward, and I think he’s going to press it against mine, but he stops right before then.
“I hate you,” I hiss as I stare at his mouth. I want him to kiss me, but what I should be doing is smacking him again.
“And I love you.”
“Key.” My voice cracks as he leans down and his mouth gently touches mine in a feather-like kiss.
He sucks in a deep breath, and I can almost feel the vibration in his chest. “I’m starting to think you’re the key.”
Chapter Six KEATON
Calm isn’t something I’ve been in the last six years, but here with Elsy in my arms, that’s all I feel. Maybe part of me always knew this would happen, but I’ve been too afraid of hurting her to go after her. Until now.
“What does that mean?” Her eyes are so bright that I can see the hope in them.
“It means you’re still mine, Elsy.”

I cut off her next question when my lips connect with hers. This time when I kiss her, I pull her fully against me and into my arms. I should be careful and go slowly, but all I can think about is never letting her go. The kiss is more than I ever imagined, and as her mouth glides over mine, I moan in pleasure.
Before I know what’s happening, I’ve got her on the bed, and I’m on top of her. My hands are pushing her legs apart so I can get between them, and now she’s the one that’s moaning. Her fingers go in my hair, and her tongue licks mine. It’s dirty and hot, and I wonder if she’s been thinking of this moment as long as I have.
I want to tear this fancy dress off of her and lick every soft inch of this beautiful body. Then I want to know what her pussy tastes like and how deep I can get my tongue inside her.
Part of me knows I should slow down and maybe even stop, but I’ve fantasized about getting her back, and now that I’m here with her, I don’t think there’s anything that could pull me away.
My hands slide up her thighs, and my fingers find her panties. “I want to kiss you here too,” I say as I graze my knuckles over the wet material. “You’ll let me, won’t you, sweet girl?” Her back arches as her hips bear down on my hand. “I’ll be the first one too. Right? You saved it for me, Elsy. I know you did.”
“Key.” She’s breathless as her head falls back and she rocks against my hand.
“You saved it for me because it’s mine. I’ve had my name on this since the first time we kissed.” I lean closer and whisper in her ear. “And maybe even before then; when I shouldn’t have.” Her panties get wetter, and I tug them to the side just a little. I grunt when I swipe the tip of my finger through her desire and feel her dripping. “Did you get this wet when you rubbed your pussy and pretended it was me?”
“You’re so dirty.” Her eyes are closed tightly, and I smile down at her as I keep teasing her soft opening.
“I think you like it.” She doesn’t deny it as I bend down and bite her nipple over her dress. She squeals and nearly comes off the bed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“It’s my birthday. Aren’t you going to give me a present?” She looks up at me with hooded eyes, and I see the mischief in them.
“I’ve got you a present, but I’m not giving it to you now, not here.” When she starts to protest, I push my fingers into her wet heat and curl them inside her. Her words are cut off as her mouth opens, and I move to the edge of the bed. “But I’ll give you a little present now.”
I kneel on the floor as I grab her hip with my free hand and easily tug her to the edge. Her pussy is right in front of my face, and as my fingers
touch the places I’ve always dreamed of, I bite her panties and rip them off of her with my teeth.
She cries out when the material tears, but I don’t give her time to think about it before my mouth covers her pussy. Warm, wet heat rubs against my face as I lick up her center and then suckle her clit. I should probably drag this out so it lasts longer, but the only thing I can think about is getting her off. I’m obsessed with her pleasure, and getting her off is my life’s mission.
“Holy shit, Key. Where did you learn how to do that?” She grips the sheets and moans louder as I keep licking.
“I’m just speaking Spanish to your pussy,” I say, and for a second she laughs and then I take my fingers from her pussy and replace them with my tongue. Immediately, her thighs lock around my head, and I feel her nails dig into my scalp.
“Oh god, don’t stop.”
Her voice is high-pitched like I’ve never heard it, and I have to get her off. No, I need to get her off. With one last twist of my tongue inside her, I go back to her clit and cover it with my mouth. One gentle suck, and that’s all it takes to send my sweet girl over the edge.
It’s fucking beautiful watching her climax and seeing her lost in pleasure. I memorize every second of it like it’s my last moment on earth, and I pray that this moment never ends.
As gently as possible, I caress her thighs and kiss the inside of them as she comes down. I close my eyes and inhale her scent, desperate to have it branded on the inside of my body. “Happy birthday, Elsy,” I say, and she lets out a little giggle.
“Best present ever.”
“You haven’t seen your real gift yet,” I tease, and she sits up.
Elsy was never the girl that asked for things or expected anything from her parents. Which is why it was always so fun to spoil her. That’s what I want to do from here on out: spoil her and make up for all the lost time.
Just as I’m about to get up, I glance at the inside of her thighs, and I’m shocked to see bruises already beginning to form on her soft skin.
“Fuck,” I say to myself as I inspect them on the other side and see them there too. “Elsy, I think I hurt you.” I push her knees together, and on the outside of her hips it’s even worse. “Oh my god.”
“Really? I didn’t feel it at all.” She says it nonchalantly as she sits up to look at it, and all I can do is take a step back.
A vibration ignites in my chest, and I stop moving. The shock of how easily I could do her harm scares me out of my lust-filled fog, and I take another step away. I have to put some distance between us while I get myself under control. I forgot what I’m capable of, and I could have hurt the woman I love.
“Key, what’s wrong? Why are you walking away from me?” She sits up, and I see that I’ve smeared her makeup and tangled her hair. She looks like she’s been mauled by an animal, and maybe she has. Maybe that’s all I am.
“It’s nothing, I—” I stop talking when her eyes narrow. I can’t lie to her, not only because it would kill me to do it, but because she’s always been able to read me better than anyone.
“You’ve been gone six years, and I think you owe me an explanation.”
I sigh as I run a hand down my face and try to gain control. Somehow my dick isn’t getting the message, so I have to reach down and adjust myself so it’s not so painful. The way her eyes watch me and then widen only makes me harder. I curse as I turn around so that I can clear my head and get a breath of fresh air. With all these heightened senses, I swear it’s like I can feel her all over me.
“Listen, there’s something I need to tell you,” I say after a moment and turn back around. She’s still in the same spot, only this time she’s got her arms crossed over her chest defensively. “You remember the day we had the accident.”
“Yes, I think I can recall the moment my life changed forever,” she deadpans.
Just then the door to her bedroom bursts open, and in come my parents with her parents right behind them.
Chapter Seven ELSY

This cannot be happening. I glance down at myself to at least make sure no intimate parts of me are showing. My face is already rushing with heat as both Keaton’s parents and my own stare at us with wide eyes. Why do I suddenly feel fifteen again and not twenty-one?
“You can’t just burst into my bedroom.” I’m the first one to break the silence, but someone needs to.
“We wanted to check on you,” Nora, my mom, says. She’s got her hand pressed to her neck, and she’s not sure what to do at this moment. The embarrassment is written all over her face.
I know the Walkers adopted me years ago after they fostered me for a bit, but I still find myself sliding between calling her “Mom” and Nora. I think it’s because I can still remember parts of my parents. There aren’t a lot of memories, but their faces are branded in my mind.
“Keaton?” Dr. Lone calls to his son. “Is everything okay?”
There’s no missing the concern in his voice, and my irritation only grows. Oh, I can’t show up at the gates of your home, but you can let yourself right into my bedroom?
“Yes.” Keaton runs his hand through his short hair and it’s then I notice that it’s already unruly from my fingers holding on to it. Oh god, I wonder what I look like right now. “I mean no,” he says and drops his head.
“No?” I hiss. The one word is a sharp slice to my already wounded heart.
“I mean—fuck, I don’t know!” He shouts the last part, his voice gruff and animalistic. It makes my insides flutter while everyone else takes a step back. My body wants to be closer to his.
Keaton turns his back on all of us so he’s facing the large window in my bedroom. There’s a bench in front of it that I spent many nights as a teen sitting on while I was on the phone with Keaton.
I can still see the side of his face, and I notice his eyes are closed tightly. He tries to even out his breathing, and as he does it, I slip off the bed. There’s something pulling me to him and on instinct, I follow it.
“Can you give us a moment?” I ask them all as I place my hands on Keaton’s back. The tension begins to melt off him, and his muscles relax under my touch. “This is kind of my bedroom.”
“Of course,” my parents are quick to say but Keaton’s not so much. I stare at Dr. Lone and dare him to tell me no. I’m not scared of him even though the rest of the world kisses his ass.
“You said when Keaton wanted to see me, he would.” I remind him of his own words. Ones that I could never forget. They were burned on my heart the day he said it.
“You said that to her?” Keaton turns back around.
“It was—”
“We’re not doing this right now,” I cut Dr. Lone off because I sense that tension and anger rising around Keaton.
“Keaton?” Dr. Lone tries again. I know he’s trying to get him to leave, so I step back, putting some space between Keaton and me.
“Key?” I don’t know why I have the need to challenge this, but I do. As pissed as I still am at Keaton, deep down I have this possessiveness. He’s mine, and I need to prove it.
“Leave us,” he says to his father, and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
“Come on, leave them be.” Shelly grabs her husband's arm and leads him out of the room. My parents follow after them, and Nora closes the door behind her, but not before giving me a small smile.
“Did you really think I wasn’t going to pick you?” Key asks, his voice low and soft.
“I don’t know what to think anymore,” I admit.
“I’ve made you doubt me. I hate it.” His shoulders drop.
“That makes two of us.” Tears start to well in my eyes, and in a flash, Keaton is in front of me. His big hands cup my face, and he’s so close all I see is him.
“I would never have left you unless I didn’t have a choice. You have to know that deep down. I know you do. There’s been no one else, not even a single date.” He states it as a fact because he knows me. Even if I have changed in some ways, there are some things that will always remain the same. They are a part of who I am, and Keaton will always be somewhere inside me.
“Tell me, Key, where have you been?”
“In a prison of sorts. One my father and I made for me.” He takes his hands away from my face, but one of them wraps around my wrist instead. He doesn’t want to stop touching me.
“Whatever happened that day made you different. I swore I saw your eyes change. Then you tossed that whole tower across the room.” I shake my head. “Over the years I told myself it wasn’t real. That your dad was just pissed and sent you off to some boarding school, but then you never tried to reach me.” I held out this small hope that when he turned eighteen, he’d magically appear because his parents wouldn’t have control anymore, but it didn’t happen.
“What you saw was real and only the start.”
“You could have told me something!” Why hide all this from me?
“I was scared.” His words hang between us, and I can’t remember him ever saying that before. Keaton was always so calm and sure of things.
“Scared of what you became?”
“For the first few days, they had to keep sedating me. I kept trying to escape like a wild animal fighting to break free. I barely remember it, but they said I was trying to get to you, and I was out of control.”
“You thought you’d hurt me?” He swallows and nods his head. Keaton might believe that, but I never will.
“When my emotions start to come into play, I tend to lose control. That happens most when I think of you.” His thumb drifts back and forth over the inside of my wrist.
“You locked yourself away somewhere so you wouldn’t come near me?” I gasp in a hushed whisper.
“I’ve been training to get better control of myself.” I can see it in his eyes that he hates this. My Keaton, the one I knew years ago, was always in control.
“And how is that going?”
“I threw a chair at my TV last night when I found out a man was at your apartment.” My mouth falls open and not only because he threw a chair at his TV. “I know, I should have been keeping tabs on you, but it helped to remind me of why I was trying to get myself under control.”
I know it shouldn’t, but it actually makes me feel better that he has been keeping tabs on me. That I wasn’t just locked away and lost to him. He was always thinking of me, and god knows I was always thinking of him.
“You came today even after the TV incident?”
“It was the date I set for myself to pull it together. There was no stopping me from coming today. I don’t think I could have stopped myself if I tried. It’s like whatever this is inside of me had agreed with that date, and if it didn’t happen it was going to break free.”
“Key.” I lay my head on his chest. “You seem in control.”
“You calm me. All this time I didn’t know what would happen if I got to you, but for the first time, I’m calm.” He sounds amazed for a moment. “But—”
“No.” I cut him off knowing he’s about to say something about the marks on my thighs. “They don’t hurt. In fact, I loved every second of that little present.” I drop my head back to stare up at him.
“Little?” He presses his hard cock against my stomach. So not little. “I could hurt you. The things I want to do to you.” His nose flares as his eyes light up.
“We’ll take it slow if that makes you feel better, but Key? If you disappear on me again, I’ll never forgive you. We’re either in this together or not at all.”
His hold on me tightens. “Always together. You’re my queen, remember.”
I know I am, but Keaton taught me you always protect the queen, and I’m scared that he’ll think I’ll need protection from him. I have to remind him that without the queen, the king will fall.
Chapter Eight KEATON

omehow I feel like I’m fifteen all over again,” Elsy says as she looks over my shoulder to the car parked on the street.
We’re outside her apartment, and it’s late, but I didn’t know if it was a good idea if I went inside with her. As much as I want to go into the place I’ve watched her make a life, I’m worried that I’m pushing my luck. I’m calm, but what happens if something sets me off and we’re in her small space? I want to be around Elsy every second of the day, but I have to walk before I can run.
“Is it because my parents are in the car watching us?” I give her a small grin, and she laughs.
“I think that’s exactly what it is.” She peeks around me and waves at my parents, but I ignore them.
After Elsy and I talked for a little while in her room, we decided she needed to go join the party for a little longer since her parents went to all the trouble. I kept close to her while she said hello to people I didn’t know, and I tried to stay out of the spotlight. It was worth it just to watch her up close all night instead of on a screen.
When most of the guests left, she said she was going back to her apartment, and I asked to take her home. My parents had a limo out front
and offered to give her a ride. I was hoping Elsy would refuse, but she’s always loved my mom and couldn’t say no.
Now here we are standing in front of her building, and I’m thinking of a million things I’d do to her if I took her upstairs. I have to remind the both of us why that’s a bad idea, so I change the subject.
“I have something for you,” I say, and she perks up at that.
“I told you I liked my present before.” Her cheeks turn that pretty shade of pink that’s the same color as her pussy lips.
“Okay, maybe I can come up for a minute.” I start to walk to the door, and she grabs my arm.
“Hold up, big guy. You said something about a present, remember.”
I turn her around in my arms, and she laughs again. God, I don’t know how I made it so long without that sweet sound.
“All right, but hear me out, okay?”
“This sounds ominous.” She raises an eyebrow as she takes a step back and holds out her hands. “Gift. Now.” When I stare at her, she shrugs. “Okay fine, please.”
“Close your eyes.” I wait, and she sighs.
“So bossy.”
When she finally closes them, I reach into my pocket and pull out the small black velvet box. I place it in her hands and then wait as she slowly opens her eyes. I watch as the look on her face goes from playful, to shocked, then to confused.
“Key,” she says softly and then swallows hard. “What is this?”
“It’s your birthday present, but you can’t open it yet.”
“Is this…?”
“For six years, I thought about this moment, dreamed about it, really. But then I worried that maybe you never did that.”
“Keaton, I—”
I hold up my hand to cut her off. “It’s all right, sweet girl. You don’t have to say anything. This is a gift, and no matter what, it’s yours. Tonight, I want you to know how serious I am and what I’m willing to offer if you can wait a little longer on me. I’m not good enough for you yet, but I promise one day I will be. And when that day comes, if you'll have me, then I’m yours.”
“Now you’re going to make me cry.” She smiles as a tear falls down her cheek, and I pull her close to me so I can wipe it away.
“Just keep that safe for me until it’s time.” I curl her fingers around the box and kiss her knuckles. “I love you, Elsy.”
When I touch my lips to hers, it’s different than before. This time it’s not a firework that cracks open like our first kiss, or even the sensual desire from earlier today. No, this one is the real deal and the kind of kiss that comes around once in a lifetime. This kiss means forever, and I feel it when my heart wraps protectively around her.
“Wow,” she says when we finally break apart.
“Me too,” I agree and give her a big hug. “So I’m going to see you tomorrow?” I ask, but it’s really not a question.
“Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. I start my new job tomorrow. I’m basically a real adult now. Jealous?”
“I’m jealous of anyone that gets your time.” She blushes at that, and I love seeing it.
“Why don’t you meet me for lunch?”
“How about I pick you up for breakfast, then lunch?” I counter, and she nods.
“Perfect. Meet me here in the morning, and you can drop me off downtown.”
“Where are you working?”
“JM Technologies. You remember them, right? I think your dad knew the old owner.”
“John Malice?” My body goes rigid at the sound of that name twice in one night.
“Yeah, his son Gray runs it now. I landed a job in the lab. Can you believe my luck?” She bounces on her toes with excitement. “Key, what’s wrong?”
She must notice how still I’ve become, and I try to calm down. “Gray was at your party tonight.”
“Was he?” She sounds genuinely surprised then brushes it off. “I’m sure my parents invited his mom or something since they all run in those circles. You know how it is.”
“Yeah, you're probably right.” I clench my jaw and remind myself to stay in control.
“So you’ll be here to pick me up for my first day of school?” She’s making a joke, and meanwhile I’m trying not to rip apart the fire hydrant next to us.
“Yep, I’ll text you.” I lean down and place a kiss on her forehead before breathing in her scent. It eases the anxiety and makes me see things clearly. I’m going to look into this Gray Malice and find out exactly what the fuck he was talking about with my dad tonight and why he just so happened to hire my Elsy.
“Thank you for my present.” She holds the ring box against her chest as she steps inside her building.
“Don’t peek,” I warn, and she pretends to be offended. “Me?”
“You forget I know you better than anyone, Elsy.”
“Which means you should have known better than to give me a present and tell me not to open it.” When I start to call out after her, she waves her hand and turns around. “See you in the morning.”
The door to her building closes behind her, and I stand there for a long moment until I see the light in her apartment come on.
Now the real work begins.
Chapter Nine ELSY
Ipull my hair out of my ponytail and give it a fluff. I’ve changed my outfit three times already, but my nerves aren’t about my new job. If they are, it's only a small portion. All my thoughts are really on Keaton. He’s back. Not only that, he’ll be at my front door soon. In person.
When my alarm for work went off this morning, I got scared I’d dreamt it all. I cleared the annoying alarm and checked my texts, and there was Keaton’s name right at the top. He texted me until I told him I had to go to bed since I was starting a new job. I have no clue how I managed to get any sleep, but at some point, I must have come down from all the excitement of the night and crashed.
I put on a bit of mascara and lip gloss before I put the hair tie into my purse. Once I get into a lab, I’ll need to pull it up, but since Keaton is picking me up, I want to look nice. Maybe it’s a bit of a reminder of what he’s working for. Okay, and maybe I might want to tempt him too. I wanted to drag him into my apartment last night, but another part of me, the part that’s still scared of falling into him again, wanted to go slowly.
My eyes drift over to the box I set on my dresser. I’m torturing myself because it was so hard not to open the damn thing. There’s already been so much waiting, but again I’m reminded we need more time. There’s no

reason to rush this. My heart and other body parts scream as I try to reason with myself.
I think a small part of me wanted Keaton to drag me back home with him and demand I never leave, but he’s scared of his own actions. That scares me too. If he thinks he can’t control himself around me, he might disappear on me again. My stomach turns at the thought.
A knock sounds at my door, and I grab my phone to check the time. Keaton was always early, but this is ridiculous. Maybe we can have a bit of alone time before breakfast. I think about all the ways I can tell him good morning as I make my way over to the door and open it.
“Missed me? I…” I trail off when I see it’s not Keaton.
Standing in the hallway is a woman who is even shorter than I am with jet black hair and glasses perched on her small, upturned nose. She’s in jeans and a blazer that are a bit too big for her. Freckles sprinkle her cheeks, making her look young.
“Elsy Harbor?” she asks, but I think she already knows who I am. Her chin tilts up, and her glasses slide back up her nose. Her shoulders draw back, and it reminds me of someone.
“I swear I returned those library books,” I tease and wonder if she lives in the apartment building and needs something.
“You think I look like a librarian?”
“In a good way,” I rush to say as she glances down at her outfit. That bit of confidence she had drops from her chin. “I always thought it would be cool to be a librarian.”
I really hadn’t meant it in a mean way. She’s actually quite adorable. “Me too,” I say, and she lifts her head as she smiles softly.
“But other passions called.”
“Right.” She nods in agreement. “The library will always be there, and maybe one day we’ll have stories of our own in them.” A whimsical expression lights up her face.
“Is there something I can help you with? I actually need to get to work and my—” I pause, not sure what to call Keaton.
“Your boyfriend? Keaton Lone, he’s coming? That’s who you thought I was when I knocked.”
“I wouldn’t call him a boy.” And how the hell does she know that? “What’s your name?”
“Call me Jade.” I wonder if that’s her real name or a nickname because her eyes are a dark green. “I saw you with Keaton Lone last night. I was actually going to come talk to you, but then I thought it might be best to come back.” Had she been outside my apartment last night waiting for me to come home?
“You don’t live in this building, do you?” She shakes her head. “I’m not answering any questions about the Lones.” My hackles start to rise. Who is this woman?
“I was shocked to see him myself, but he’s not why I wanted to talk to you.” Her brows pull together as she thinks things over.
“Jade.” I pull her back to the moment here.
“Sorry, I just don’t believe in coincidences. Not in my line of work.”
“And what is your line of work?”
“Figuring out the truth and making sure the rest of the world knows what’s going on right under their noses.” Heated passion lights up her words.
“Okay, I think this conversation is over.” I step back to shut my door. Is she on to Keaton or what happened to him?
Her hand flies out to stop me. “Malice. That’s why I’m here.”
Last night when I told Keaton about my new job for JM Tech, I could have sworn I saw him tense before he tried to hide it. I don’t think he realizes that when it comes to him, there’s nothing he can keep from me.
“What about them?” Jade glances down the hallway both ways to make sure no one is around. “Gray Malice isn’t a good man, and I believe he’s
selling things he shouldn’t be to very bad people.” Her words shock me.
“That’s quite the accusation.” JM Technologies has government contracts, and the Lones do too, for that matter.
They might not be owned by the government, but they supply them with things no one else is supposed to be able to get their hands on. Things no one knows about. I had to take a polygraph and sign a million contracts once I’d agreed to this job because of things I might see or work on.
A decade ago, there were rumors that both Dr. Lone and John Malice supplied technology to Masan Inga to stop Reqathe from invading their country so that our government could stay out of it. All of a sudden, Masan Inga had everything he needed to protect and push back. It worked and the Reqathe retreated. All rumors, of course.
“I’m not talking about John Malice. It’s Gray, now that he’s taken over for his father.”
“Why are you telling me this? I’m going to be a low-level lab tech.” Even if this is true, what does she think I can do about it?
“Are you sure about that, Elsy? You might not remember me, but I was a grade behind you in school. Everyone knew you were Keaton’s girl. Everyone.”
“So? What does that have to do with anything?”
“Gray Malice hates the Lones.”
That’s news to me. I know they no longer partner on projects, but I didn’t know there was some kind of falling out. Ever since John Malice died, it’s been quiet from that family.
“How do you know that? How do you know any of this?”
“It’s my job to know things.”
“Elsy.” Keaton calls my name as he walks down the hallways toward me.
“I’ll be in touch. Eyes open, Elsy,” Jade whispers before she takes off. Keaton gives her a curious glance as she walks past him.
He doesn’t speak for a long moment once he gets to me. Instead, his head is cocked to the side like he’s listening for her footsteps.
“Eyes open?” he finally asks.
“You heard that? Hang on, did you wait to ask that until you heard her leave the building?”
“Yes.” What can Keaton do with his new special abilities? “What was that about?” he pushes.
“I’m not really sure. Her name is Jade, and she went to school with us. She said she was a grade after us, but I don’t recognize her. Do you remember her?” I step back to grab my coat so we can leave.
I’m not sure how much of what she said I should tell Keaton, mainly because last night he hadn’t said shit when I mentioned Malice. He’s keeping things from me, but then again, maybe this Jade girl is right about Malice being up to no good and Keaton is already aware of it.
“I only remember one girl.” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a kiss that makes me forget about everything. Except him.
Chapter Ten KEATON

id you miss me?” I ask, and Elsy rolls her eyes in the most adorable way.
“Will there be enough room in your car with your inflated ego?”
“I think we can manage,” I say as I take her by the hand and lead her outside. “But my dick might be a problem.”
“Come on, sweet girl, you’re going to be late.”
I open the rear door of the SUV and lift Elsy into it. She pretends to be annoyed as I slide her over and then pull her against me. The driver pulls away from the curb, and I hit the button to raise the privacy screen. It’s soundproof and blacked out, so essentially we’re all alone.
“You look beautiful,” I say as I tug her even closer. “You know what, just come here.” She squeals when I lift her off the seat and then place her on my lap. “Okay, that’s better.”
“You’re crazy.” She laughs as she says it and then touches my cheek. “Thanks for the ride to work.”
The reminder of where she’s going brings my good mood down a fraction. I spent most of the night researching what the hell happened with John Malice and why Gray was so angry at my father last night. JM Tech is in his hands now, but it’s more secretive than ever. There’s a lot I couldn’t
see, but that doesn’t mean I won’t. It just means it’s going to take me a little longer to dig up the dirt. From what I saw, there are questionable contacts between the government, JM Technologies, and one of the largest organized crime units in North America. So far, it’s not looking good.
“About that,” I hedge, and Elsy raises an eyebrow. “Why don’t you come work for one of my father’s companies instead?” I offer, but the look on her face gives me her answer. “It was worth a shot.”
“It’s not that I wouldn’t be grateful to work for the Lones, but you know I’m not exactly a fan of your dad after the way he kept me away from you.”
“It was for your own safety,” I say, and she sighs.
“Are you going to tell me exactly what it is I’m in danger of?”
“Besides me?” I try and tease, but she shakes her head.
“I’m serious, Key.”
“That day in the lab, it was a chemical compound that my father was experimenting with. He was trying to create a performance enhancing drug that could be sold to our military.”
“Oh my god.” Her eyes widen with worry, but I brush my fingers over her cheek.
“It was too volatile, and he was trying to isolate the problem. When the glass fell over, I was cut in several places, and the compound seeped in. Since then I’ve been trying to figure out how it’s changed me. In some ways I’m the same, but I’m faster, stronger, and my senses are heightened. The worst part is trying to control it. Some days it’s like there’s this ticking time bomb that’s about to go off inside of me, but the moment I was standing next to you, the timer shut off. When I’m with you, I feel like I’ve got a grip on everything.”
I squeeze her ass to make my point. She smiles at me, and some of the melancholy leaves her.
“Part of the reason that I’m worried about you working for JM Tech is that Gray’s father John died while working on this compound with my father.”
“Is that how he died?”
“I don’t know, and my father isn’t talking.” I sigh as I kiss her forehead and then her cheek. “I won’t stop you from going to work, I just want you to be safe. Will you let me do that?”
“How do you plan on keeping me safe?”
“Taking you to work and picking you up. And having lunch with you every day.” I smile, and she pretends to think it over.
“I mean, I guess I can do that.”
My hand slides up the inside of her thigh, and I brush my fingers under her skirt. “Spread your legs.”
“Key,” she admonishes and glances around.
“Nobody is going to see. Spread them for me.”
She looks around once more before her knees slowly part. I slip my fingers insider her panties and rub them up and down her slick seam. She’s wet, and her little clit is begging for attention. I bring my finger to my mouth and suck off the juice before I dip them back in her panties.
“I want you to sit on my face,” I say, and her eyes widen. “I’ll be quick.”
“Keaton, we’re in the back of a freaking car!”
“Let me worry about that.”
She cries out as I pull the lever on the right and my chair falls all the way back. I grab her hips and lift her up so that her knees are on either side of the headrest. She plants her hands on the third row seat, and I pull her ass down so that her pussy is right over my mouth.
“They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” I say before I lick her wet lips and then suck on her clit.
“Oh god, Key!” She moans loudly and rocks her hips.
I wiggle my tongue inside of her so deep as she moves on my face and I eat every drop. She’s panting and clawing at the leather as I go back and forth from her clit to her opening. Her pussy is dripping wet, and all I can think about is how slippery it’s going to be on my cock.
“Fucking ride my face,” I growl as her thighs shake.
“Oh god, I’m going to—” Her words are cut off as I slide my fingers inside her and suck on her clit at the same time.
When she cums on my face, it’s like all my dreams have come true. The feel of her soft pussy on my mouth, the sweet taste of her release, and the echoes of her moans make me feel like a god. Once I’ve licked her clean and slid her panties back into place, I lower her down to lay across my chest.
“How am I supposed to go to work like this?” Her words are mumbled and sleepy.
“Don’t. Stay with me all day.”
“Ughh,” she grumbles as she sits up. “You’re trying to distract me.”
“Yes.” I lean forward to bury my face in her neck and inhale her scent.
The car comes to a stop and I glance through the dark windows to see we’re here. Suddenly my good mood begins to fade and the gloomy cloud of being without Elsy arrives.
“You’ll have lunch with me today?” she asks as she straightens her skirt and fixes her shirt.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” I say, then kiss her goodbye and help her out of the SUV.
She’s smiling, and her cheeks are flushed with happiness as she walks into the building. I stand there for a long time to make sure she’s okay, and then I glare up at the skyscraper.
Chapter Eleven ELSY

Ipull my hair up as I make my way inside the building, and I know he’s watching me the entire way. Keaton has no idea how tempting the offer to work for his family was. It’s not the Lone name that draws me to the idea; it’s Keaton. When we were in school, we did everything together. I believed we’d grow up to work together one day.
You really never know what life is going to throw at you, and I’ve had so many highs and lows already. I also want a chance to see for myself what’s going on with him. I might not have much to offer, but his father is one of the smartest men in the world, and I would love to be able to see what’s really happening inside of Keaton. I find it interesting that when he’s around me, he’s calm, and that could change their research. It has to mean something.
“Ma’am.” A guard greets me the second I step into the building. “We’ll need your purse, cell phone, and ID.”
“Right.” I dig into my bag and pull out my ID and phone before handing everything over. They shuffle through it before handing me my bag.
“Elsy Harbor,” the man says as he scans my ID and then hands it back. “You’ll need to wear this at all times.”
“Okay.” I clip it to my shirt.
“You’ll get your phone back at the end of the day or if you choose to leave for lunch.”
“All right.” They really aren’t messing around here. I was sure I’d be working on some low-level stuff, but maybe this is how they treat all their employees.
When I first started college, I was interested in exploratory science. I wanted to boldly go where no one has gone before. The problem was that exploring was never really focusing on the outcome or impact of each project. It was more about handing off the next piece of a puzzle of scientific understanding and knowledge. I was always trying to find the flaws when I was supposed to be pushing the boundaries.
Because of that, my professor suggested that I might be better suited to be an investigator scientist. I wanted solid answers and outcomes. In fact, I couldn’t stop until I got them, and that often got in the way of my exploring because I was always searching for the flaw that could end badly. I have this innate need to make sure things are working as they should. A lot of these projects can be a matter of life and death out there in the world.
I can become a bit obsessive. I have to know what’s next and if it’s good or bad. Oftentimes when I find the bad, I’m still working toward whatever it is being used for good somewhere else. Then I realized it can still be satisfying to hand over those findings to someone else that might be able to use them.
I was sure I was going to be sent down to a lab and given a project wherein JM Tech already knew what the flaws were. I thought it could be a test to see if I could find them. That should be intimidating, but it’s not. I had lots of practice with the women I went to college with. It was how we spent our Saturday and Sunday nights. We would show what we’re working on and let people pick it apart. Or if they couldn’t, explain to everyone why it was impossible. It was our favorite game, and it trained us well.
“Ms. Harbor is here,” the guard tells someone on the phone. “Dr. Harlow will be down shortly.”
“Thanks,” I say, taking a step back to be out of the way of other people coming in. They scan their badges that are the same as my new one. Each person drops their cell phone as they enter past the main guard desk toward the elevators.
I make a mental note to ask Keaton if this is how it’s done at most places. I’m probably reading too much into it. Jade and now Keaton have me a bit on edge. I don’t want to be working for a company that is developing things that could end up in the wrong hands. Though, being here, maybe I could find something out.
“Ms. Harbor,” an older woman calls to me as she steps off one of the many elevators and walks toward me.
“Call me Elsy, please.” I take her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Harlow.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” She nods for me to follow her back to the elevators.
“I hope it was all good.” Dr. Harlow scans her badge. She doesn’t have to hit one of the buttons before the doors close and I feel the elevator go down and not up.
“Professor Hoover and I go way back. She told me you can be ruthless in your findings.” Oh shit. “That’s a good thing. I want ruthless. If something isn’t making sense or isn’t adding up, I want to know so we can perfect it. Only perfection comes out to JM Technologies.”
“Yes, I can be a bit of a dog with a bone when something isn’t adding up.”
“Good.” The doors slide open to reveal a long hallway with labs on both sides. Each one is encased in glass, but I can see what everyone is doing.
I can’t help but glance into each room as we walk down the hallway. I think I might be throwing myself into the deep end already. Labs that are
under the build feel a bit more serious for some reason. Dr. Harlow stops at one of the labs and scans her badge and the door slide open. Standing there is Gray Malice as if he’s waiting for me.
When he turns my way, he audibly inhales and doesn't try to hide it. He sniffs again and then moves closer to me. It’s then that I realize how truly big he is and that he and Keaton are evenly matched in bulk.
“Who have you been with today?” he asks as he takes another deep breath. “And I don’t mean Keaton Lone. There’s someone else.” I swear his eyes flash in a way I’ve seen in Keaton’s.
“Your guards upstairs and the driver of the car that brought me here.” He leans in closer and sucks in again.
Okay, Gray Malice is weird. Jade might be on to something.
“Are you lying to me, Ms. Harbor?”
“Oh, I saw my friend this morning too. What is this about?” I don’t know what Jade is to me at this point, but I feel a need to protect her. I step away from him, and he closes his eyes. Then he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.
Am I already getting fired?
“Get her started,” he orders Dr. Harlow before he strides out of the lab. The doors open for him automatically, and I watch him quickly stride down the long hallway.
“Am I in trouble?” I ask Dr. Harlow.
“Honestly, I have no idea what that was, but let's get started.” I nod, grabbing a lab coat that’s hanging on a nearby rack.
I think Jade might be right. Why else would Gray Malice have been waiting for me? The new nobody, who I suppose isn’t a nobody after all.
Chapter Twelve KEATON
Ispent most of the day arguing with my father, although he would call it
“discussing my options.” For years, we’ve tried different treatments. We’ve tried every drug that was safe enough to test and a few that were experimental. Shock treatments, hydrotherapy, cryogenics, and more. I was a lab rat in every sense of the word, but now I’m finished with that.
This is who I am, and as long as I can live like this while keeping Elsy, then I’ll take it. My father reminded me that having children with Elsy is a risk, but that’s for Elsy and me to decide. If she really wants children, we can research the options, but I would never do anything to put her at risk. My mother reminded him that no one is guaranteed a healthy pregnancy or baby, but my dad wasn’t hearing it.
I’m just tired of the battle. I don’t want to fight my body anymore. What I want to do is learn to use these powers in a way that is safe, and I want to be with Elsy. That’s it. The rest of life can work itself out, but I’ve got my eyes on the prize.
After all of that, I pushed for information on John Malice, but my father didn’t give me much. I could sense there was more, but that’s all I got.
After texting her several times today and then calling three times, there was no answer. I was parked outside the building for two hours waiting to

see if she came out for lunch, but there was no sign of her. Feeling worried and a little irritated, I decide that I’m done waiting.
I walk into JM Technologies, and the security is there to greet me.
“I’d like to speak to Elsy Harbor.” The security guard shares a look with the man beside him and shakes his head.
“I’m sorry, she’s in a restricted section and can’t be disturbed.” He goes back to what he was doing, but I clear my throat.
“I don’t think I introduced myself. I’m Keaton Lone.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Lone, but you’re not on her approved list.”
The anger that I try so hard to keep a leash on swells. “She has an approved list?” I try to keep the agitation out of my voice, but it’s no use. I see the colors of the room begin to change, so I know my eyes have. The security guard swallows hard and takes a step back.
“Yes, um, she is, uh, unavailable, but I can call her supervisor.”
“You do that,” I say through gritted teeth. When his shaky hand reaches for the phone, I decide that’s not good enough. “I’ve changed my mind. I’d like to see Gray Malice.”
“Mr. Malice?” The guard’s face pales as I lean closer. “Now.”
He hits a button on the phone and then whispers into the receiver. After another second, the elevator door next to him opens, and he scans his card.
“He’ll see you now.”
Gray’s office is on the top floor, but the elevator never stops along the way. Outside his office is a reception area with two assistants seated behind desks. One of them stands up, but Gray opens the door to his office before the assistant can speak.
“Keaton,” he says by way of greeting, and I walk past him to enter his office.
“You didn’t want your dad’s old office?” I ask as I look out the wall of windows to the city beyond them.
“No,” he says simply.
“I don’t blame you. I heard he enjoyed every one of his admins.” I turn around and see Gray’s eyes flare. Maybe it was a low blow, but I’m not here to play nice.
“What do you want?”
“Why did you hire Elsy Harbor?”
“She’s the best.” He shrugs and doesn’t give any further explanation.
“I could almost believe it if it wasn’t for the other night on her birthday. You know what she means to me, and you have some kind of vendetta against my father.”
“The issues I have with your father don’t concern you.” He moves around his desk and puts his hands in his pocket. He’s careful with how close he gets to me, and his eyes don’t miss a thing.
“That’s where you’re wrong.” I move so that the desk is between us, and it’s probably for the best. “Anything with my father or Elsy concerns me. In fact, I checked into your story.”
“And did you find anything interesting?”
“I saw that your company has been working on some less than savory projects.”
“Which isn’t your concern.” I see his jaw flex at the angry statement. “Did your father tell you that before my father died they were working on experimental drugs together?”
“He mentioned they had business together at some point.”
Gray laughs, but there’s no humor behind it. “They were creating performance-enhancing drugs for the military. Sound familiar? Maybe you found that in your research.” When I don’t say anything, he keeps going. “Did you know that you weren't the first one to have an accident in Dr. Nash Lone’s lab?”
The hair on the back of my neck rises as he places his hands on his desk and leans forward. It’s then I notice that his size is so similar to mine that
we could be mistaken for brothers. His hands push down on the desk so hard I hear the wood groaning. Then his eyes flash a bright blue that I’m all too familiar with, and I stand there frozen.
“Nash Lone isn’t going to get away with what he’s done.”
“What?” The one word comes out of me in a quiet breath, but he blinks and his eyes turn back to a deep brown.
An alarm on his desk goes off, and he straightens. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a meeting with Japan.” He adjusts his tie and pretends that nothing has happened.
“I don’t believe you. My father would never hurt anyone.” I think about my accident and wonder why the hell my father would be working on those experimental drugs. Did he know that Gray had been exposed to it too? Now there are more questions than answers.
“Ask him.” Gray shrugs like he doesn’t care if I believe him. “You’ll know if he’s telling the truth.”
I press my lips together as I storm out of his office and back to the elevator. Gray doesn’t say a word to stop me, and when the door closes, I look at the buttons and see the basement level is the lab. Without thinking, I push the button, and the elevator descends.
A moment later, I’m surrounded by glass and lights as I look around to all of the people in the lab. I scan one room after another as I walk down the long hall, and then I see her.
Elsy is wearing a lab coat and holding an iPad as someone goes over notes with a group of people. This isn’t how I wanted today to go, but I’m so close to the edge, and I need her. I have to calm down before I go back upstairs and rip Gray Malice apart.
“Elsy!” I call out and slam my hand on the glass. It’s a miracle I don’t shatter it. I think if I hadn’t had my eyes on her it would have. She’d given me a sliver of control.
The entire lab turns around to face me, and I see her eyes widen in shock when she realizes it’s me. She comes running out of the room to where I’m standing, and I grab her.
“Key, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
I’m vibrating with the need to lose control, but I have to keep it together. “I need you,” I say and pull her against my body. “We have to go.”
“Okay,” she says without hesitating. “Let me get my bag.”
I’m hesitant to release her, but eventually I do. I see her walk into the lab and say something to a woman nearby, who glances at me and then nods. Elsy takes off her coat and grabs her bag before rushing out to me again.
“I’m ready,” she says, and together we leave JM Technologies.
Chapter Thirteen

ey.” I lean into his side and try to calm him.
I’m not sure what happened, but something is wrong. It can’t be because we were separated and it’s driven him to this point. He left me at my apartment last night and didn’t lose it. I was only at work for a little over four hours, I think. I’m not completely sure since it’s easy for time to flash by when I get wrapped up in a project.
“Hold on, sweet girl,” he responds. The term of endearment sounds so out of place with the range of emotions swirling around him. I fight not to laugh because this isn’t funny to him. Whatever it is that’s happening is serious.
When we exit the building, Keaton’s vehicle is waiting. His driver opens the back door for us, and I go in first, with Keaton quickly following after me. The second the door closes behind us, I realize I didn’t grab my phone. I’m not sure if we’re getting lunch or something is happening that’s way bigger than I’m understanding.
Keaton closes the divider between us and the driver, and the second it’s closed, he’s on me. Well, actually he pulls me onto him, but still. He drags me across his lap so that I’m straddling his thighs.
“You can’t go back there.” I don’t get a chance to respond before Keaton’s mouth is on mine. His fingers tangle into my hair, and he’s pulling
the hair tie free. My curls fall all around us, and he makes this sound that warms my body. “Years, Elsy. I could have been kissing you for years.” His mouth travels down my neck and then my jaw until he’s back to my lips and kissing me again. The longer we kiss, the more he relaxes. It might also be that the vehicle is moving away from JM Technologies, and he doesn’t want me there.
“We’ll make up for the time,” I tell him. “It might have sucked that we lost all those years, Keaton, but people search their whole lives for what we have. We’re still getting it at a very young age.” His hands slide down from my hair to my neck, and his thumbs tilt my head back so I can stare into his bright blue eyes. He’s not hiding right now, and I can see that whatever it is that’s inside of him is simmering at the surface. “You’re in control.”
“Then why are your eyes glowing that way?”
“Whatever this is inside of me, it craves you too.” A thrill runs through me even though I should probably be freaked out. When it comes to Keaton, all his actions, even the ones that piss me off, are always about protecting me. I’m not scared, I’m intrigued. I’m starting to think this isn’t something inside of him but something that’s now a part of him.
“But something changed. What happened?” I ask, hoping he doesn’t try to hide anything from me.
“I don’t want you working there.”
“Key, I’m not going to play that game with you. Give me a reason I shouldn’t go back there.”
“Gray, he’s like me.”
“Okay,” I breathe, trying to take that in. Was that why he’d been so weird this morning? Had he smelled Jade on me? Does he know about the girl who’s poking around in his life? I’m not so sure he does. “And that’s bad? If he has this too?”
I’m not sure JM Technologies is doing anything wrong, at least I haven’t seen that. Today is the first time in my life I’ve ever heard anything negative about them. Both JM Technologies and the Lone family have been known for all their advancements, which to my knowledge have always been for the benefit of mankind.
“I’ve been doing some digging, and I’m not so sure that JM Technologies is what it pretends to be. Not anymore, at least.”
“You think he’s selling things on the black market?” I ask.
“You put that together quickly.” He gives me a knowing stare. “Out with it or there are ways I can get it out of you.” His hand cups my sex and then he spreads his thighs farther apart, which forces mine to widen with them.
“That’s not fair.” I press down on his hand.
“When it comes to you, I’ll never play fair.” I’ve missed him so damn much. When he says things like that, my heart melts.
“The girl from this morning. You remember her?”
“Vaguely.” His hand slips up to my hip so we can concentrate.
“Really? Not only do you have all these extra abilities with heightened senses, and I know you’re a genius. Now you’re going to tell me you vaguely remember her.” When we were younger, I could almost swear he had a photographic memory. He absorbs information like a sponge.
“Fine,” he concedes, describing Jade to a T. He’d even noticed things about her that I hadn’t.
“Okay, but did have to look at her that hard?” I grumble.
“I said vaguely because to me that’s vague. If someone asked me to describe you, I can give them every detail down to each freckle.” Damn.
“All right. I’ll let that go then.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling.
“She told you something?” he pushes, wanting to know.
“Yes.” I tell him everything because I’m done holding back. I don’t have a clue what’s happening here, but it has to be something. Where there's smoke there's fire, and Keaton and I work better together than apart. We need to be on a team about this.
“You’re not going back there” are the first words out of his mouth. Does he think if he says it over and over I’ll just agree?
“I have to, Key.”
“Have you lost your mind? You could be helping create things for god knows what. I know how these things work. You break up projects into teams. This way, no one individual actually knows how the technology works. In the end, it’s only known by the higher-ups, and you’ll have no clue what you might be taking part in.”
I was already getting a sense this morning that’s how things worked. I get it. With so many people working on projects, you can’t trust them all. This keeps things safer.
“Gray was in my lab this morning. I’m guessing that’s not something he normally does with new hires.” No, that man should be busy doing a million other things.
“Is this you trying to talk me into letting you go back there?” His eyes are growing brighter by the second. Yeah, I knew the Gray thing wasn’t going to help, but I’m putting it all out there.
“As much as I hate to say this, it's clear he hired me because of my connection with your family. But what if I can learn something? Anything?”
“Elsy.” He whispers my name before he presses his mouth against mine. Keaton knows me well, and he knows he’s not going to be able to talk me out of this.
“Gray seems in control of his emotions,” I point out. “What if he knows things we don't know about what happened to you? If there’s a way for you to feel more in control?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “It’s you, Elsy. That’s where I find my peace. He doesn’t have an Elsy. I think that’s why he’s focused on my father for revenge. I think he believes my father had a hand in his father’s death.” I blow out a breath. How did my life get so complicated all of a sudden?
It’s worth it, though, because I wouldn’t change anything if it means I have my Key back.
Chapter Fo teen

Itold my driver to take us to Elsy’s apartment, so I’m not surprised when we stop outside her building. Pulling her against me, I climb out of the backseat with her still in my arms and walk into the building.
“Get your key out,” I say as I bury my face in her neck and wait in front of her door.
“You’re distracting me.”
“Think how I feel.” I squeeze her lush ass, and there’s a growl in the back of my throat that I can’t stop. “I need you, Elsy.”
I want to fall face first into her pussy and not come up for air. I know it’s only been days, but to me, this has been building for years. She’s been mine from the moment I knew what love was.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that.”
Finally, I hear the door open and I sigh in relief as we go through and I kick it closed. My mouth is on her body as I carry her to the bedroom and start peeling at her clothes.
“Need you naked,” I manage to say, and material begins to tear. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’ll buy you a whole new wardrobe.”
“Don’t stop.” She’s pulling on my shirt as I rip her skirt in half and toss the scraps away. “Holy shit.”
“What’s the point of all this power if I can’t use it?” I say, biting the edge of her panties and dragging them down her thighs. “If you like that bra, you might want to remove it. Now.”
Her hands hurry as I kick off my shoes and then drop my pants on the floor. My eyes don’t leave hers as she sits up on the bed and takes off her bra while I stand there in my boxer briefs. Fuck, I’m so hard, the head of my cock is coming out of the bottom where my thigh is, and I have to adjust myself so it’s not so painful. She watches the motion and licks her lips, but I shake my head.
“Not on your life, sweet girl.”
“I might be in control of what’s happening to me, but if you put your mouth on my cock, I have no idea what would happen. Just lie there and let me get my fill.”
She leans back on her pillows and then smiles in invitation as she spreads her legs. “I guess I can manage that.”
“So that’s what heaven looks like,” I say as I fall to my knees and pull her ass to the edge of the bed. “A sweet juicy pussy waiting to be licked.”
“Key!” she shouts when I cover her cunt with my mouth. “You’re so dirty.”
“You like it.” I hum when I taste her sweetness, and she moans. “I can’t wait to cum in you.”
“Are you really going to?” She rocks her hips up like her pussy is searching for exactly that.
“Yeah, I am.” I slide my fingers in her tight pussy and grin. “I’m going to nut all in you.”
“That sounds filthy.”
“I know.” I slide my tongue over her clit, and she’s practically shaking with the need to cum. “I’m going to fuck you until I can’t walk, and then I’m going to have you sit on my face so I can eat your ass.”
“Key!” Her thighs lock around my head, and I suck on her clit as her climax hits hard and fast.
She’s squeezing me so fucking tightly, but I don’t stop as I drag my tongue through her folds and keep it going. I want her so wrung out with pleasure that all she can do is lie here and take it.
I lick my fingers clean as I put her in the middle of the bed and slide a hand behind her knee. I open her up as wide as I can as I drag the fat head of my dick through her slippery folds.
“I love you, Elsy,” I say as I thrust all the way inside until the base of my cock is rubbing against her clit.
It’s so fucking hot and wet as I wrap my arm around her waist so she’s practically fused to me. I feel her pussy pulsing from her release and now this new invasion. I try not to put all of my weight on her, but her arms go around my shoulder, and she pulls me close.
“I love you, Keaton,” she whispers against my lips, and her body begins to relax.
It’s the first time she’s said the words out loud, although I know she’s loved me just as long as I’ve loved her. Hearing it now while I’m inside her is exactly how I always wanted this to be. My arms tighten around her, and I pull her to me so that I’m kneeling on the bed with her in my arms. I hold her there and then slowly begin to move in and out.
“You’re mine now, you know that, right?” I slide her up and down my cock, and her breath catches when I graze her clit.
“Say it, Elsy.”
“I’m yours, Key. I’ve always been yours.”
“That’s my girl.” I bend down and suck on her neck and then her tits as I keep moving her on my cock. “I never want to stop.”
Her pussy is so wet that every time I thrust into her, a loud slap of flesh echoes through the room. It’s erotic and feels like whatever this is inside of
me is the one with the reins. I’ve still got control, but my body is charging ahead, and it’s determined to give Elsy everything.
When I grind against her clit, she calls my name and digs her nails into my skin. I want her to use me as her scratching post as that sweet kitty purrs.
My cock pulses, and then I’m pushing as deep as I can go while I cum. Her own orgasm is triggered, and we cum together, the two of us clinging to each other and the room filled with the sounds of our love.
I couldn’t have dreamed up someone more perfect, or a more perfect moment to share with Elsy. It’s everything I thought I could want times a million, and I never want this to end.
“Yes,” Elsy says, and I lean back to look into her eyes.
“Yes?” I’m smiling at her, but I’m not sure what she means.
“Yes, I’ll marry you.”
“Damn right you will,” I tease, then she’s smiling too as we kiss and begin to make love again.
Chapter Fifteen

oes this mean I get to open my box now?” I ask Key. I’m draped across him with my head on his chest and staring at the small box on my dresser.
I gasp when in a flash he’s across the room and back in the bed. “Does that not make you dizzy?” I sit up as he opens the box. “Even if you can move fast, I don’t understand how you don’t pass out.”
“I heal faster too. I’m sure that has something to do with it.” He pulls the ring from out of the box, and I lift my hand for him to slide it onto my finger.
I know the ring. I’ve seen it before because his mom Shelly once showed it to me. It belonged to Keaton’s great-grandmother. The center has a round dark blue sapphire that’s surrounded by diamonds. It reminds me of Key’s eyes when they aren’t lit up.
“Your mom showed me this ring once,” I say as I admire it.
I remember it so clearly because we’d been in her bedroom, and she insisted on me wearing one of her pearl necklaces for our debate tournament that afternoon. She said they had always been lucky for her. She was wearing them when she met Dr. Lone. Though he hadn’t been a doctor yet. After she helped me put the pearls on, for some reason, she pulled out the ring and told me that it had belonged to Dr. Lone’s mother. She held it
out in her hand as if she wanted me to take it, but when I started to reach for it, she pulled it back.
“She did?” Keaton’s brows lift in surprise.
“When I went to touch it, she pulled it back and said something about it not being time.” Keaton’s lips pull in a half smile.
“The ring is mine. It was passed down to me after my grandmother died. I was only about seven at the time she passed, but I always remember my mom telling me about her and my grandfather. I never got to meet him, and my memories of her are a bit fuzzy with how young I’d been, but I remember how she talked about my grandfather with such love. She told me I’d give it to the girl I’d marry one day. At the time I gagged because girls were gross.”
I snort a laugh thinking about a small Keaton having no interest in girls. Shelly has shown me pictures of Keaton when he was little, and he always had a book in his hand. There was no time for playground crushes.
“Then you showed up at school, and I knew Grams was right. I went home that first day and told my mom I knew who would be getting that ring and she needed to hand it over. She of course rolled her eyes at me and said I wasn’t getting my hands on that ring until I was eighteen. She thought it was still too young, but those were the terms.” His face softens.
“Then she met you too and realized I might not be as crazy as I’d sounded that day.”
“Keaton Lone, crazy? I’ll never believe it.”
“Right? Except when it comes to you.” He chuckles. “She should have known that day when I told her. I’ve always gone after the things I’ve wanted.” I lean forward and press my mouth against his.
I don’t think he understands what this means to me. Or maybe he does. This ring holds a family history, and that’s something I don’t really have. Mine was taken away in the blink of an eye, and I’ve spent my life wishing for something like that again.
“What else can you do, Key? You move fast, you’re strong, and you heal quickly. No flying, right?”
“I can fly.” He smirks. “In the Lone G65OER.”
I burst into laughter. “Right.” I smack his arm. “I mean besides the family's fancy-ass plane.”
“Planes,” he corrects, needling me.
I missed our banter so damn much. All those small things add up to make up the person I love. It wasn’t until it was gone that I truly realized how much moments like this meant to me.
“Everything is just heightened. I can see farther, hear better, smell everything.” He shakes his head. “All of it. My senses are on overdrive, and it took a while to get used to it and learn to turn it off and on.”
My mind flashes back to this morning when I thought for a second that Gray smelled me. He asked who I’d been with, and he must already know Keaton’s scent. It was Jade’s he’d caught wind of, and those eyes of his flashed. Interesting.
“I don’t know if that’s badass or scary,” I admit.
“I agree, and so did my father. Not only were my reactions too volatile and couldn’t be isolated, but they also worried what might happen if the wrong person got dosed with it. It’s why they put the project on ice. Or at least my father had for a moment. I'm not sure what John did because I think that’s what killed him in the end. Clearly, Gray has been dosed, but I don’t know how or why.”
“Killed him? But I thought you said it helps heal.”
“That’s my experience, but Gray isn’t too forthcoming with information.” Keaton’s frustration starts to show.
“You really think John Malice would dose his own son?”
“No,” Keaton says without hesitation.
“Would Gray do it himself?” What other explanation could there be? From Keaton’s expression, I know that’s what he’s thinking too.
“This is why the project went on ice. What happens when someone who has no morals gets a dose of superhuman abilities? One second you think they’re on the side of what’s right, and the next…” He trails off, but I can imagine he’s thinking the same thing as I am. They’d be able to do some shady shit.
“Key, do you think he’d sell whatever this is?”
“Only if he learned to recreate it, but if Gray is playing dirty, I don't think he wants a bunch of super soldiers out in the world that can do what he can. Plus, if I’m right and it killed his own father, it’s too big of a risk to give someone else. There’s no research on why it affects people differently, but it’s a gamble when it happens.
“Russian roulette,” I sigh.
“Why sell that? Not when there are so many other things he could sell. If anything, I don’t think he wants anyone to know what he’s capable of. Including what he’s personally capable of with his own bare hands.”
“I’m sure those skills are rather helpful when you’re dealing with criminals. But I still don’t understand the why.” I stand from the bed naked and grab Keaton’s shirt from off the floor. When I pull it on, a low growl rumbles from him as I cover my body.
“And what is that sound?” I laugh as he rubs the center of his chest.
“I don’t know, but when everything around me became heightened that first day, all I could see or think about was you.”
“That’s sweet in a geeky science kind of way.”
“Come back to bed,” he tries to order, and his eyes flash to that bright blue. It makes my nipples harden knowing what he wants.
“I’m trying to think. JM Technologies is a billion-dollar company. Why would Gray even toy with the idea of playing on the black market?” What would be the point of that? There isn’t one.
“I don’t know, but he hates my father.”
“And you think those two things go together?”
“Honestly? No, he told me to mind my own business when I brought up that he’s been working with less than savory contacts recently.” I pause from pacing back and forth. It’s something I do when I need to think.
“When you changed, your obsession became me. What if his obsession became your father? Or his revenge against him.”
“That’s a possibility.”
“But he hasn’t done anything,” I point out. “I think if Gray wanted Dr. Lone dead, he could have done it by now and gotten his revenge. I think we need more information.”
“Elsy.” Keaton’s chest rumbles again. “You’re not—” He stops speaking suddenly as his head cocks to the side. “Someone is coming.” His nose flares. “The girl from this morning,” he says a few seconds before a knock sounds at my door.
Chapter Sixteen KEATON
I’m pulling on my pants just as I hear Elsy open the door.
“We need to talk,” Jade says as I’m coming out of the bedroom.
“Nice to meet you, Jade,” I call out. Elsy turns around, and she scowls at my bare chest.

“Could you not put a shirt on?”
I smirk as I walk up beside her and kiss the top of her head. “You’re wearing it, sweet girl.”
“She’s right, you need to get dressed.” Jade doesn’t miss a beat as she comes in and starts talking.
“Why?” Elsy and I ask in unison.
“There’s a fire downtown at Lone Labs. I was on my way here to talk to Elsy about JM Tech and her work yesterday when I got the call. We need to go.”
“Oh no, Key,” Elsy says as she turns to me. “Is your dad there?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t gotten a call.” I scoop her in my arms and hurry to the bedroom faster than she could go.
I grab her some clothes and then pull mine on as I help her get dressed. It’s all a blur as I move at superhuman speed, but I can’t waste time. When I
check my cell, I don’t see a missed call but I dial my dad’s number. The first time, it goes straight to voicemail, and I call my mom.
“Shit,” I say when the same thing happens, and I carry Elsy to the living room.
“Holy shit, did you just go into hyper speed or something?” Jade eyes the two of us as I put Elsy down.
“You two stay here. I’ll call you if there’s anything wrong.”
“What?” Elsy grabs my arm. “I’m coming with you.”
“No, it’s too dangerous.”
“I don’t have my phone!” She keeps a hold of me as I go to the door. “I won’t sit here and wait to see if something has happened to your family, or worse, if you get there and something happens to you.” I look into her eyes that are beginning to fill with tears. “Key, I just got you back. I won’t lose you again.”
“There’s no time for this,” Jade cuts in. “Let’s move.”
“All right,” I concede as I pull her against me and kiss her cheek. “Let’s go.”
Jade grabs a hold of my arm and then nods at the door. “Apparently you’re faster than Sonic the Hedgehog, and right now we don't have the time for you to explain why.”
“I knew I liked you,” Elsy says to Jade as she holds on to my other arm.
With one quick tensing of my muscles, I let the power that I always keep so carefully controlled break free. With a speed I’ve only tested a few times, I jet out of Elsy’s building and toward downtown. It all goes by in a blur, but they both hold on tightly as I come around the end of the block and stop.
“Whoa.” Elsy is dizzy, so I slide my arm around her waist and lift her off her feet.
Jade grabs her knees as she bends over and barfs on the sidewalk. “I’m okay,” she mumbles, holding out a thumbs-up in our direction. “I forgot to
mention I get seasick.”
Up ahead, the building where I’ve lived for the last six years is ablaze, and I move toward it.
“Key!” Elsy grabs my arms so tightly her fingers dig into my skin. “Be careful.”
I nod as I hold her face with both hands. “I love you, don’t be scared. I’m coming right back to you.”
“You better.” She sniffs, holding back tears. “I love you, Key.”
“Protect the queen, remember?” I say, and she nods. “Keep your ass right here, sweet girl.”
With one quick kiss, I’m on my way through the crowd and listening for signs of my parents. The smoke is making it impossible to scent them, but up ahead, I see my mother arguing with a firefighter, and I hurry over to her.
“Mom!” I call out, and she looks at me with a tearstained face.
“Keaton, he’s inside. Your father is still inside.” She grabs my arm, and the firefighter comes over.
“The building isn’t secure. It’s not safe to send someone up. I’m sorry.”
“Okay,” I tell him, and he goes over to join the men still struggling to put out the flames. “Go stay with Elsy.” I point my mom in that direction, but she shakes her head.
“You can’t go in there.”
“Mom.” I stare at her for a long moment until she takes a breath. “If anyone can go in there, it’s me. Right?” There’s a long moment, and then eventually she nods. “Take care of my Elsy. I’ll be right back.”
“Be careful,” she calls out to me, with a sob stuck in her throat as I sneak past the officers blocking the entrance and speed up the stairs.
It’s hard to see past the smoke the closer I get, but I check every floor. I can sense when there are people, and I end up finding three people that
were caught in the flames. Once I’ve gotten them to the stairs, I climb higher and higher until I reach my father’s lab.
“Dad!” I shout over the sounds of the building falling down around me, and then I sense he’s close. “Dad!” Soon enough, I spot him collapsed on the floor near his desk, and I rush over to him. “Dad, wake up!” I smack his cheek, but when he doesn’t wake, I throw him over my shoulder and hurry as fast as I can out of the lab and back down the stairs.
It takes longer this time because heavy beams have blocked the way. I grab them one at a time and toss them out of our path as I try to listen for a heartbeat. It’s faint, but I think it’s there, and I just need to get him out of here before the building collapses on us.
Just before I reach the door, a massive wall of concrete falls in front of the exit. All these years, I’ve repressed my skills and held back everything that tried to consume me. The anger, frustration, and pain of everything was buried deep since the day I was changed. But now, I cut all those restraints inside me and unleash my full powers.
With a roar, I blast through the rock and metal that’s blocking my way to Elsy, and the debris explodes. The light ahead appears, and I run through just as the rest of the building falls in behind me.
In the distance, I see Elsy and my mother hugging, and when they see us, my mom nearly falls to the ground in relief. Medics surround us as the two of them come closer, and although someone is telling me I need to be checked out, I ignore them and pull Elsy in my arms.
“I thought I lost you.” She buries her face in my chest, and I rest my cheek on the top of her head.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” I say, and then I see my father waking up and my mom beside him as they get him on a stretcher.
“Is he going to be okay?” I ask the medic, and she nods.
“Looks like some smoke inhalation and a couple of minor burns. I don’t know how you did it, but you saved his life.”
I tell my mom we’ll meet them at the hospital as they load up in the ambulance. When it’s gone, I see Jade standing alone in the back of the crowd. She gives us a little wave, and I walk over with Elsy still right against my side.
“Thank you,” I tell her, looking back at the wreckage of the building. “You saved more than his life today. I owe you one.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” she says as she starts to walk away. “I’m in need of a favor or two.”
“You can have one from me as well,” Elsy calls out, placing her hand on my chest.
“Somehow I don’t think that’s the last we’ll see of her.”
Elsy hums in assent. “I think you might be right, but that’s okay. I actually really like her.”
With one last look at the building, I take Elsy’s hand in mine. “Do you think it was him?”
“Malice?” she asks, and I nod. “I’m afraid to know the answer.”
I squeeze her hand and then turn to walk away. “I have a feeling there’s more to this story.”
“Oh Key, our story is only beginning.”

KEATONTen Years Later…
on’t look at me like that,” Elsy says as she puts down the spatula.
“The kids just left with my parents.” I slowly walk around the kitchen island, but she moves to the opposite side and out of my reach. “We’ve got the whole house to ourselves.”
“Key, we’ve got friends coming in ten minutes.” She bites her bottom lip, and I see the indecision. “No, we just have to wait.”
“You’re wasting time.” I pick up the spatula that’s covered in chocolate icing and hold it up. “This could be fun.”
“Don’t you dare.” Her eyes widen as I lick along the edge of it and hum in pleasure.
I can see the moment her pupils dilate, and I know she’s thinking about me licking her the same way.
“That summer dress could so easily be pushed up.” I take another step around the island and she once again moves out of my reach. There’s an itch of annoyance as she evades me, and all it does is make me want her more. “Are you going to deny me, sweet girl?”
“Key.” Now there’s a plea in her voice because she knows what happens when I don’t get what I want.
“You can run, but you’ll like it more if you just give in.”
Without waiting for her to reply, I speed around the island and lift her up on the counter. She squeals as I shove her knees apart and grab her ass.
“I can’t believe you’re going to do this right now.” She says this, but she’s already grabbing at my belt. “You’ve got to be quick.”
“When you tell me that, all it does is make me want to go slower.”
Reaching between us, I tug on her panties until one side tears. She shouts my name, but all I do is grin as I use the spatula to spread a trail of icing between her pussy lips.
“This is the only cupcake I want,” I growl as I fall to my knees and bury my face between her legs.
“Holy shit.” She braces her hands on the island behind her as I suck on her lower lips and lick off the sugary sweet treat.
“What could be better than this pretty little cunt covered in chocolate?”
I hum my appreciation as I spread her wider and slide my tongue over her clit that’s begging for attention.
“Right there,” she moans, grinding against my face. “Faster.”
I wiggle my tongue back and forth and then hum to create a vibration. She gasps, and I know her so well that the little sound means she’s close. Instead of sending her over the edge, I pull away and stand up.
“Don’t stop!” She looks offended as I pull out my cock and swipe it through her folds.
“I want your cum on my dick all night,” I say, and if possible, she blushes with embarrassment.
“You’re so dirty.” Her words are overshadowed by how she spreads her legs wider to take more of me.
“Tonight when you think no one is watching, you’re going to clench your thighs together and remember where my dick was right before they got here.” She moans as her eyes close. “But I’ll be watching. I’ll see that flush in your cheeks, and I’ll know how wet you are. You’ll be thinking about
this right here and how hard you got fucked. Then your pussy will get soft and needy, and you’ll want me again.”
“More,” she begs, and I can feel her pussy dripping down my cock as I thrust.
“That’s when you’ll go to the bathroom to touch yourself. You’ll have your hand on this pretty clit right here.” She hisses as I rub my fingers over it. “You won’t even hear me come in, and before you know what’s happening, I’ll be on my fucking knees ready to lick it.”
“Keaton.” Her body tenses as her legs lock around me, and I have to put a hand over her mouth as she cums.
My cock pulses, and I pump into her because I can’t hold off any longer. My cum is thick and needy as it spurts deep, and I grind against her. There’s not an inch of space between us as I hold her close and kiss her until the wave of pleasure begins to recede.
“Feel better?” I ask, and her eyes only open halfway as she grins and nods. “Less stressed?”
“You always know exactly how to make me feel better.”
“Because you’re my wife, and I know how you get before people come over.” I kiss her once more, and she moans as I pull out. I grab the base of my cock and wipe the wet length on the inside of her thighs before I tuck my cock back into my pants. “Leave that there. I want to see it later when I fuck you in the bathroom.”
“Key!” The doorbell rings, and her eyes widen in shock. “Oh god, they’re here!”
I laugh as I keep her from getting down. “You must have enjoyed that because they’ve been ringing the bell for the past ten minutes.”
“You’re not serious.” She looks horrified and covers her face with her hands.
“It’s not the first time, and I hope it won’t be the last.” I kiss her forehead as I step back and adjust myself. “Why don’t you sanitize the
island while I let them in.”
“Keaton Lone, you are the worst!” she calls out as I leave the kitchen.
“Sounds like you two were having fun,” Jade calls out when I open the door and then we both laugh as we hear Elsy groan in embarrassment.

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