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Sealed With A Kiss

Alexa Riley

Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Epilogue Epilogue Chapter 1 Read Me Romance Stalk the Author

Copyright © 2022 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to riley_alexa@aol.com http://alexariley.com/ Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental. Edited by Aquila Editing

Sealed With A Kiss When Parker orders a battery-operated boyfriend, she doesn't mean to send it to her brand new boss. Having him open it is scary enough, but having him deliver it to her? Catastrophic. That is, until he makes her a deal she can't refuse. Samuel might have gotten her order by accident, but he's not willing to give it up just yet. In fact, she can't have it until she's ready to show him how she uses it. Warning: His package is what she wants, and her box is the only thing that will satisfy his needs. If we can't make puns about mail delivery, what's even the point of life?!

For self-care. Buy the vibrator.

Chapter One Parker did I know I’d find you here?” Liam says as he drops down in the “H ow little metal chair next to mine. He’s wearing his jersey again today, and I’m starting to wonder if he owns any other shirts. I quickly close my book and turn to him. Why is he even here? I'm going to have to find a new spot to kill time while I wait for Lexi to get out of her class. Mine ends around twenty minutes before hers does, so I’m always here. “Because this is my spot?” I push my glasses up my nose and take a drink of my cocoa so I don’t have to speak more. I always buy one so I don’t feel bad occupying one of the tables. I have them put it in one of the to-go coffee cups so no one knows that I’m drinking hot chocolate, heavy on the marshmallows. Coffee has never been my thing, and I have no idea how people choke it down. Especially when cocoa is an option. “It sure is.” He smirks at me, and I wonder if his expression is supposed to make me swoon. It definitely doesn’t. This is my second year at Kingston University. When I was a freshman, Liam was a junior. He’s more of a player off the football field than on, which is ridiculous because he’s the star quarterback. He helped the team take the school to state last year, and they likely will again this year. It only

goes to show how much he gets around, and unfortunately, he’s suddenly got his sights set on me. I curse the day I caved to my mom's wishes and pledged to Delta Phi Sigma. I wish I could take it back, and now I’m wondering if I actually can. Are people allowed to drop out, or do you have to wait for them to say they’re not accepting you? I’ll die if I somehow get in. Getting in would mean leaving my dorm, which would really blow. I’ve been banking on not getting in. So much so that I spilled all the lame things about me so the sorority will think I’m a dud and scratch me right off their list. One of those things was me still being a virgin. What I hadn’t planned on was that while it might make me a dud with all the popular fun sorority girls over at Delta Phi Sigma, I hadn't expected it to get around to the male population and suddenly make me popular with them. “Did you need something?” I ask, hoping to move this along so I can get back to my book. “I only wanted to sit with a pretty girl.” This time he winks at me, and it’s a fight not to cringe. This is so awkward, and I can’t be the only one feeling this. Liam clears his throat, waiting for me to say something. “You’re pretty too,” I blurt out, sensing the pressure to return some kind of compliment. Even if he’s full of utter bull crap. He doesn’t think I’m pretty. I’ve seen the girls he’s been with. I’m cute with maybe a side of dorky. Unless my roommate Lexi gets a hold of me and makes me adorable. Lexi is so pretty too, but she’s an artist and can make us look amazing when we feel up to it. She’s got a great sense of style that’s different than everyone else's. “Pretty?” He chuckles before silence falls over the table once again. As people pass our table outside of the small coffee shop on campus, they glance our way. They’re probably wondering why Liam is sitting with me, and some might even know who I am if they know my last name.

“You’ve been reading this book for a while now.” Liam makes a grab for it, but somehow I beat him to it. He really is paying attention. I need to update my book sleeve, I suppose. “Slow reader,” I lie, pushing my glasses up my nose again. “I’ve never read him before. Any good?” he asks. Damn it, why is he pushing to have a conversation? “Yeah, it’s good.” I did read the Joe Hill book when I got it, but the truth is while I enjoy most of his stuff, I enjoy the sleeves of his books more. I can slide them over other books and hide what I’m really reading. I’ve been doing it since freshman year of high school when I got made fun of for my reading choices. Sure, I could use my Kindle, but I still enjoy the feeling of a book in my hands. “Are you going to the party at Delta Phi Sigma this Friday?” Liam asks. “I think I have to.” Or I at least have to help set up or whatever, but hopefully I can dip out after. I should go and be horrible at everything they ask me to do to make sure I don’t make the cut. I wish I could blow it off altogether, but my own stupid personality tics ensure that I’ll be there. Being late drives me insane, which only makes me double insane for caring if I’m late to something I’m trying to get kicked out of. “How about I swing by Hayden Hall Friday night and pick you up? We can go together. You’re on the second floor, right? Unit 2 or 3?” I stare at him for a second. How the hell does he know all that? “We’re going to be late.” Lexi snags my cup from off the table, and I’m relieved that she’s here at the perfect time. “Come on.” She doesn’t give Liam the time of day, and right now, I love her with all my heart. We struck gold the day we got roomed together. Lexi is a freshman and here on a partial scholarship. She gives no shits about who is popular or if

they come from money or not. She wouldn't even know Liam’s name if not for me complaining about him to her. “Sorry, I’ve got to go.” I hop up from my seat and grab my bag as I slip my book into it at the same time. “All right.” Liam gives Lexi a dirty look, and I can tell he’s hating that she isn’t sparing him a glance. “See you later,” I hear him say as Lexi links her arm with mine and hurries me away from him. “I get to keep this, right?” Lexi takes another sip from my cup. “You earned that,” I laugh. “Hell, I owe you a dozen. Where the hell did you even come from?” “Got out early and tracked you down.” She tosses the empty cup into the trash before pulling out her phone and key card to let us into the building. “Told you we needed to share locations on our phones.” Lexi actually just got an iPhone since I forced my old one on to her when my mom sent me a new one. It took some pushing, but I finally got her to take it. Now she’s obsessed with it. “He’s not backing down,” I sigh as we take the stairs up to our floor. “Well, soon you’re going to rid yourself of that virginity anyway, so he can go kick rocks.” “Whatever.” Heat fills my cheeks. “You’re a virgin too.” I wish I could care less what other people said about me, like Lexi, because she doesn’t give two shits. When I’d let it slip about still being a virgin, the comments rolled in from the other girls in the sororities and other pledges. I hadn’t missed one mumbled comment about no one wanting to have sex with me. Ouch. “Who cares about the virginity thing? I'm concerned about this orgasm thing.” This is the tenth time she’s bringing this up. “I might not be having sex, not that anyone can blame me when people like…” She pauses, and her brows pull up as she thinks. “Liam?” I offer.

“Right. That boys like him are the option around these parts.” I snort a laugh. “That doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself. I mean, how do you not? You got me hooked on these romance books. I don’t know how you read them and not have to handle your own lady business sometimes.” A pretty blonde walking past gives us the side eye, making my blush grow. Sex is not something I grew up talking about. I’d gone to boarding school while Lexi lived in a group home. My mom never gave me any kind of sex talk. Ever. “It’s hard,” I admit as she opens the door to our dorm room. Truthfully, it was the love in those books that made me ache more than anything. “I thought it was coming today?” Lexi looks around for a delivery box. “So did I.” We’d passed the mailboxes on the way in. If I had a delivery, there would have been a note on the box to pick it up at the front office, but there was nothing. “Check the shipping,” Lexi says. I drop my bag on the floor next to my desk before I bump my mouse to wake my computer. I’d asked my parents to send me another computer when I realized Lexi always went to the library to use one. I told Lexi I like having one that stayed in the room and one I kept in my bag. I knew she wouldn’t take the computer If I tried to give it to her. My plan worked, and besides, I enjoy her being in the room with me rather than being stuck in the library. Lexi flops back onto her bed on the other side of the room. “When do you start that internship?” she asks, rolling to her side. “Tomorrow.” “Bunch of bullshit. You have to work for free? I don’t understand this.” She shakes her head. “Yep,” I sigh. It’s going to suck. At some point, I’m going to have to stand up to my parents. The control they have over the direction of my life only seems to

tighten as I get older. “Will you have to work with your pops?” “I really hope not.” I cringe. I hope I get stuck in some room filing papers or something. It’s because of him I got the internship to begin with at Finance & Legal BNC. It’s now one of the biggest and fastest growing companies in America. My father has been working there for a while now since the owner and CEO of BNC snatched him up from another company years back. I remember my father being a bit on the fence about taking the job because the owner was young, but the company was thriving. He’d taken the leap, and we had to move across the country for him to take the job. My father has always been good with numbers, and even though I am too, I hate them. BNC started offering internships last year, and I’d wiggled my way out of it my freshman year. Now my father is relentless about it, so I didn’t have much of a choice. I applied, and I’m sure my father asked to make sure I got one of the three spots. I think the other two went to seniors. I’m pretty sure the owner, Samuel Matthews, went to Kingston University and that’s why my father pushed me to go here. It’s also why Kingston got the internship programs. “It says delivered,” I tell her when I pull it up. “Well, it’s not here.” Lexi hops up from her bed and comes over to the computer to see for herself. “How messed up would it be if someone stole your vibrator?” She laughs. “Wait.” My eyes drop to the delivery address, which isn't mine. I gasp. This isn’t happening “No!” I shake my head. “That’s awkward,” Lexi supplies as I try and not die of embarrassment.

Chapter Two Samuel the…?” I’m balancing too many things in my arms at once when “W hat I accidentally kick something at my feet. Backing up a little, I see a box in front of my door and sigh. I can’t pick it up while I’m holding all of this shit, so I step over it and unlock the door. After I drop my messenger bag, groceries, gym bag, and everything else I was hanging on to, I make my way back to the front door. “It’s not safe to leave your door wide open, Sam,” my neighbor and best friend Asher calls out. “These crime-ridden streets fear me,” I say as I watch him scoop up the box on the ground and close my front door. He puts the package on the coffee table then makes his way toward me. “Please.” He rolls his eyes as he goes straight to my fridge and pulls out a beer. “Want one?” “Do I want a beer that I paid for from my refrigerator?” Sarcasms drips from my words, but he only smiles and passes me one. “What’s in your fridge and why do you always raid mine?” “Because you keep buying groceries, and all I’ve got is a jar of pickles.” “You don’t even like pickles.” “Which is why they’re still there.” He shrugs.

I shake my head as I loosen my tie and we walk into the large living room. There’s not much in here even though we’ve both lived in this neighborhood for several years now. I haven’t gotten around to it, and Asher is always over here instead of at his place. I’m pretty sure he’s only got a bed in his whole house. When we graduated from college, we agreed we wanted to work together and stay in the same city. What we didn’t plan on was becoming next-door neighbors, but when the houses came on the market at the same time, we jumped on it. Who wouldn’t want to live next door to their best friend since middle school? Asher is my brother even though we don’t share DNA. His dad died when he was young, and that’s when he started going to my school. My mom passed when I was still a baby, so it was something we kind of had in common. What we didn’t expect was for our parents to fall in love during all those times Asher and I were hanging out. So there might be a “step” between us, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. “How was work today, dear?” He laughs at his own joke as he grabs the remote and sits down. “Busy.” I yawn, and he gives me a look. “I know I say that every day, but it’s true. It’s exhausting being this successful.” This time when he rolls his eyes, I’m afraid they’re going to get stuck that way. “I’m so glad I’m only an investor and that I don’t actually have to run that office.” “Keep saying that, and I’ll put you to work.” I let out a long breath as I take a seat. “I could really use some extra hands, so I guess it’s good the interns start tomorrow.” “You need more people to get coffee?” “I wish. I need hands to process data and help us catch up with the demand. The company is so close to being where I want it, and then I can

take a step back.” “What will you possibly do with all your free time once you retire so young?” Asher wiggles his eyebrows, and I laugh. “I guess finally see what your ass does all day. What is it, napping?” “My days are filled with adventure. For example, I went to Costco today.” “Please don’t start.” I try to cut him off, but he keeps going. “Sam, do you know they lose money on their rotisserie chicken?” “Here we go.” I rub my temples as he goes on about all the deals he saw today. “I’m just saying, until you try their slippers you haven’t lived.” “As often as you go, I’m surprised you don’t have more food at your house.” He sighs and changes the channel. “Where do you think most of your stuff comes from?” “Bro, you really need to get laid.” He pauses his search on the TV and turns his surprised gaze on me. “Look who's talking.” “I have an excuse. I'm busy.” Just then my phone rings and gives me a way out of this conversation. Sure, it’s been a while since I’ve had sex. Okay, maybe it’s been longer than a while. Like years. But it’s true what I told Asher. I’ve been busy building my business and making sure that the family I hope to one day have will be financially secure. That’s what I told myself all this time. That eventually my hard work would pay off and then I could settle down. But what if I’ve waited too long and now my chance to have a wife and babies has passed me by? Instead of dwelling on that and sinking further into my own misery, I answer my phone. “Samuel here.”

“Hi Samuel, it’s Ramona from Human Resources.” “Hey, Ramona, is everything okay?” It’s not normal that I get a call from HR after hours. “Yes, I just wanted to let you know that I had the mail room implement your request to forward everything to your house. We had a notification that you received a package today, and I wanted to follow up and make sure the work order was completed.” “Oh yeah.” I glance back to the coffee table and see the box I kicked earlier sitting there. “It’s here.” “Great. I’m going to close the work order as completed. Everything should forward to your home address from here on out. So anything addressed to you at the company will come to your home.” “Perfect, thanks for following up.” “No problem at all. Have a good night.” “You too,” I say before we end the call. Some people might be questioning why I’m getting all my ducks in a row, but I was serious about what I told Asher earlier. I’m close to getting out, and when I do, I want that transition as smooth as possible. Which means separating my personal stuff from the business. It will be bittersweet to step back, but it’s the right choice. Putting my phone on the table, I reach for the box and begin opening it. Asher says something about the game he put on, and I’m watching the screen as I tear open the tape. Without really paying attention, I reach inside and grab something big and plastic. “What the?” My eyes widen when I see what I’ve pulled out of the box. “Dude, I know it’s been a while, but that seems a little extreme,” Asher says as he begins to laugh. “It’s not mine.” I’m looking at the vibrator that’s shaped like a cock with a little rabbit spur on it that I’m guessing is for tickling a woman’s clit.

“Hey, no judgment, brother.” Asher shrugs as he goes back to watching TV. That’s him in a nutshell. Absolutely zero surprise that I just pulled out a dildo in front of him. It’s strange because the more I look at it, the more I wonder what it would feel like to use it on a woman. Fuck, it’s been so long, I’m imagining me putting a dildo in a woman instead of my cock. “I’ve always considered these teammates more than an enemy,” I say as I turn the package over. “But right now, I’m jealous this was meant to get fucked tonight.” “You and me both,” Asher grunts. Picking the box up off the floor, I look at the front and see the address is correct. It was sent to my corporate office, but instead of my name, I see Parker Louis typed out on the label. “Parker Louis?” I say out loud, with a sneaking suspicion that I know that name. “Louis?” Asher repeats. “Is that the guy you recruited a couple of years ago?” “Yeah,” I say slowly as the gears in my brain begin to turn. “And his daughter, Parker, is one of my new interns.” “Oh, shit.” Asher begins laughing. “She sent her new boss a dildo?” His laughter grows, and I feel myself smiling too. “I’m not sure why, but I think it’s only polite to return it to its owner.”

Chapter Three Parker to be fine,” Lexi tries to reassure me as we stand outside of “I t’sthe going Finance & Legal BNC building. After I’d had a small meltdown, Lexi talked me into going down to the office to see if I could pick up the package, but by the time we’d gotten here, the offices were closed. I am going to have to wait until tomorrow. “Fine?! I sent a dildo to my new job. A job where my father works.” Two men in suits pause and glance our way at my outburst. I’m making this worse, and I pray they don’t work here. I cover my face with my hands, but Lexi grabs my arms and pulls them down. “The package has your name on it. It’s going to be fine. When you come in tomorrow, pop into the mailroom and grab it. People aren’t going to open your mail.” “They might.” It happens sometimes. “They won’t,” she tries to reassure me. I know logically she’s right, but that doesn’t help my anxiety. “I never should have ordered it.” “No way, we’re not doing that. There is nothing wrong with you getting something for self-care.” She links her arm with mine as she leads me away from the building.

“You’re right.” I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves. It’s all going to be okay, and I’m probably freaking out over nothing. Lexi’s phone starts to go off as we head back toward campus, and she pulls it out. “Shit, I forgot I have a study group. You want to come to the library and hang?” she offers, not wanting me to go back to our dorm room and stew over this by myself. It doesn’t matter if I’m in the library or our room. I'm still going to worry even if I tell myself I’m not. “Nah, I want to finish a paper and then read.” Reading will help me pass the time until tomorrow. There’s nothing better than falling into a story to forget the mess of your own life for a few hours. “Are you sure?” “I’m fine. The package has my name on it.” I repeat what she told me, hoping that if I say it enough, it will become the truth. “You’re so full of shit.” She bumps her shoulder with mine. “I shouldn’t be too long. I hate group projects.” “I’ll be fine,” I tell her. “See you back in the room.” We hug before we part ways when we reach the campus. Digging in my bag for my key, my phone starts to go off. My stomach drops when I see it’s my father because he doesn’t call me often. “Hey,” I say, answering the call. “Getting excited for tomorrow?” I let out my breath at his question. So he’s not calling because he found a dildo at the office. How is this my life right now? “Super.” I realize when I say it that I have more sarcasm in my tone than I’d intended to. “Parker, this is a big opportunity for you,” he scolds me, making me feel like a brat. He’s right, but it’s not one I want. I hate how much my life is out of my control right now. “Sorry.”

“Remember you’re a representation of me.” I close my eyes. My father might disown me over this dildo, and it’s almost laughable. “I know.” “Good, now how are things going with the sorority?” He changes the subject, but it’s not one I’d like to discuss either. “They’re going.” I try to keep my tone chipper. “It might be too much for you to take on. I’m not sure this sorority is a good thing right now.” “So you’ll talk to Mom about it?” Finally someone is agreeing with me. “I’ll see what I can do,” he says after a long pause, and I’m not holding out hope. What Mom wants, Mom normally gets. “Thanks.” I scan my keycard to get into my building. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” “Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart,” he says before ending the call. My father is a tough nut to crack. Both my parents are really. I know they love me, but it’s not a word that’s often said. Everything is always so structured and laid out. There’s no room for me to relax or be myself with them. It sucks. I tuck my phone back into my purse and take the stairs up to my floor. I freeze when I enter the hallway to see four girls standing in front of my door, but what catches my eye is the handsome man in a suit that they’re all surrounding. He towers over all of them, but they’re circling him like he’s the last cupcake in the common room. As if he’s possibly sensing my stare, he turns his head my way for a brief second, and our eyes connect. There’s just that quick moment before he starts to turn away again, but then he suddenly jerks his eyes back to mine, doing a double-take. I stand there with my feet planted to the ground as I stare at the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m unable to move,

and my heart gives a flutter as everything else fades away. Who the heck is this man? “Parks.” Someone calls my name, snagging my attention away from the suit. I’m almost thankful because I was bordering on creepy with my staring. One of the girls circling him does the same when she lays a hand on his chest, and his attention is pulled from me. I turn away, not wanting to watch. More than that, I want to shake these overwhelming feelings that have come out of nowhere and are now bubbling up inside of me. When I turn around, I’m face to face with the last person I want to see right now. “Liam.” I force a smile. He’s popping up everywhere, and I’m not sure if I should be worried, or maybe it’s only coincidence. “What are you doing here?” “Had to drop something off to someone that lives in your dorm.” Right. This building is all females, and from his unruly hair and wrinkled shirt, I think I know what he was dropping off. “You want to grab some dinner or something?” Oh no. Where is Lexi when I need her? “I…ah…” I stutter. “I’m not taking no for an answer.” He gives me a playful smile. He did not just say that. “Parker.” A deep voice rumbles my name before a heavy arm is draped over my shoulder. A masculine scent surrounds me, and I glance up into those same green eyes that held me captive moments ago. Did he say my name? “I’ve been waiting for you, babe.” “Babe?” Liam says. I open my mouth and then close it again, wondering if I’m in the twilight zone or something. “Yeah, babe.” He gives me a charming smile that goes all the way to his eyes before he turns a glare on to Liam. “Who are you?” he asks Liam.

“A friend.” Liam folds his arms over his chest. I think he’s trying to make himself appear bigger, but the suit has him beat in size. Something I don’t think Liam is used to. “Liam Stafford.” I think Liam is expecting him to know who he is, but the man seems unfazed by Liam’s name. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. Everyone knows who Liam is, even if you’re not into football. He’s royalty around here. “I’m Sam, and if anyone is taking Parker to dinner, it will be me. Right, babe?” he asks, and I just nod my head. “Whatever. See you later, Parks,” Liam mutters before he turns to leave. “You all right?” Sam asks. “You didn’t look like you wanted that guy giving you attention.” “I didn’t, thanks. That was sweet of you.” Sam keeps his arm draped over my shoulder. “What about you and the herd of girls?” I ask, unable to help myself. I see the girls still lingering, but they’ve moved over to the common area. They all keep sneaking peeks over this way and they’re not exactly good at hiding it. “I might have told them I’m your boyfriend.” “They won’t believe that,” I laugh. “Why?” His brows pull tight like he doesn't understand, and I reach up and push my glasses up my nose. I’m not sure how to respond to his question. “It sure as hell didn’t deter them. College girls are aggressive these days.” He tucks me closer into him like a shield, and my body melts into his. “How did you know my name?” I ask. “I came to see you.” “Me?” I ask, confused. “Can we talk in private?” He nods toward my door.

“Sure.” His arm never moves from my shoulder as I make my way over to my door. It’s probably crazy to let a stranger into my room, but for some reason I’m not scared of him. Even if he’s twice my size. Plus, I’m in a dorm, and I could easily scream. I scan my key, unlocking the door, and I’m already apologizing as I open the door. “Don’t mind my roommate’s mess, Sam.” “Call me Samuel,” he responds as he finally steps away from me when we enter my room. Something tugs at the back of my mind at his name. “Samuel,” I repeat, dropping my bag onto my bed then turning to face him. It’s then I finally notice the box in his hand. “Samuel Mathews.” He holds it up, and my mouth falls open. “I think I’ve got something that belongs to you.” How does this keep getting worse by the second?

Chapter Four Samuel in her eyes is confirmation that this is indeed her vibrator that T hewaslook sent to the office. Instead of making me angry like maybe it should, I have to hide my smile as I place the box gently on the desk beside me and then casually lean against it. I fold my arms over my chest and take a deep breath. I want her squirming as long as possible. “Recently I’ve had all of my correspondence forwarded to my home, so that’s how I received the box instead of you.” She presses her lips together tightly, and her cheeks burn a deep shade of scarlet. Ever so slightly she nods, confirming again that it’s hers. “Was this meant to be a joke?” Her mouth pops open, but she sputters, unable to get out the words. “Did you think this was a suitable prank for the first day of your internship?” “No,” she finally blurts and holds up her hands in surrender. “That’s not what happened.” “Do you know how coveted those spaces are, and what your father did to get you one of them?” Her cheeks go from burning to almost pale, and now I’m mad at myself for poking at her. “I’m so sorry.”

“Tell me, Parker. Why did you purchase it?” I change tactics because I don’t want her to be afraid. Asher told me coming here was a bad idea, but I had to see it through. I needed to find out if this was some sort of sick joke, or merely an accident. One look at her sweet face, and I knew there wasn’t a mean bone in her body. I also knew that there was something so incredibly special about my dark-haired beauty that I couldn’t walk away. She captivated me the second her eyes connected with mine, and I felt like the rest of the world melted away. Maybe Asher was right that it had been a long time since either of us had been with a woman, but one look at Parker and it was like every woman before her never existed. Hell, even the girls on her floor that were crowding me ceased to exist. One brief glance, and I was done for. Now all I have to do is convince her of the same thing. Maybe teasing isn’t the best way to go about this, but from the sweet innocent expression she’s giving me, I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it. “Umm.” She twists her hands together and looks at the floor as she tries to come up with a reason to purchase a vibrator. “Do you have a boyfriend?” I nod toward the hall. “It certainly wasn’t that guy. And I suspect if you had a boyfriend you would have told him that right away?” “No, I don't have a boyfriend.” “Girlfriend?” I raise an eyebrow, and her cheeks blush as she shakes her head. “Nope, no girlfriend either.” “So it’s not for a partner, and it’s not for a joke.” I push away from the desk and walk over to where she’s standing next to the window. We’re closer this way, so that even if I lower my voice she can hear me. “Then it’s for you?”

She bites her bottom lip, and after a moment she finally nods. “Yes.” She clears her throat, and I can see her straighten her shoulders like she’s trying to gain confidence. “Yes, it’s mine, and I’m not ashamed of it. Masturbation is healthy.” Now I can’t hide my smile as I look down at her. “Oh, it certainly is.” “How did you find me?” The question takes me by surprise, but I answer her honestly. “Your name sounded familiar, and I remembered it from the intern list. I looked up your application and saw that your school address was listed on it. You’re supposed to start tomorrow, right?” “When you say supposed to, do you mean I’m fired?” That worried look is back in her eyes, and I need to soothe her fear, but I also want to use it to my advantage. “Not yet.” “My father is going to kill me,” she says softly to herself. “Are you going to tell him?” I ask her, somewhat baffled. “God, no!” she nearly shrieks. “I mean, I thought you were going to tell him.” “Hmm,” I hedge, not showing all my cards just yet. “What would you give me for my silence?” “What?” Suddenly her eyes snap up to mine. “I’d like to keep this between us, Parker.” This time I move a little closer and place my hand on the windowsill behind her. “But I’d need some incentive that you won’t go running and telling on me either.” “Why would I do that?” Her voice is breathy as I lean in closer, so we’re only about a foot apart. “I’m not sure showing up here at your dorm with a vibrator would please Human Resources.” She licks her lips, and my eyes go right to her mouth. “So I’d like us to exchange something so that we both keep quiet about this whole incident.”

“What do you want from me?” I watch as she ever so slightly leans closer to me, and it’s as if her body did it without her permission. “I want to watch.” This time my tongue sweeps across my bottom lip as I imagine her naked on my bed pleasuring herself. “Oh god.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, and she swallows hard. “You want to watch what?” My smile is sinister as I blatantly look her up and down. “I want to watch you cum on that dildo.” The words are filthy and dark, but they’re exactly the truth. “You can’t be serious.” She looks away, but when her eyes finally meet mine, they’re hooded, and I can see the desire. “I’ve never been more serious in my life,” I say, leaning so close now that my cheek is nearly touching hers. My lips are right next to her ear when I smile and whisper my desire. “Tomorrow, after work. My place.” I inhale her sweet scent of vanilla and spice, and my mouth waters to taste her. My lips brush just over the shell of her ear before I force myself to pull back. With the space between us, I feel empty and cold, but I know that if I stay a moment longer, I’ll maul her like an animal. I need to get myself under control because I never predicted this kind of reaction to Parker. It’s too much too fast, and this isn’t something I want to be over quickly. I want to savor this. “See you in the morning,” I say before I pick up the box once more and leave her dorm room. There’s no way she’s using this thing without me.

Chapter Five Parker you for this,” I tell Lexi as she puts the finishing touches on my “T hank makeup. She got up early to help me, and I’m grateful she agreed. I normally don’t wear anything but mascara and some lip gloss unless we’re going out, but I needed this today. I slept like crap last night and tossed and turned until the sun came up. The dark circles under my eyes need to be hidden, and Lexi is the best. “No thanks needed. I love when you let me do your makeup.” She gives me a reassuring smile. “Plus, you’re worked up over nothing. Grab the box when you get there and be done with it.” “Right,” I mumble. I hadn’t told her about what happened last night, and I’m not even sure I could say it out loud. If I was able to, she might march down to Samuel’s office and junk punch him. Or she might google him and figure out if he’s into it. The problem is that from the second I saw him, I was attracted to him, and it only got worse the more he talked. Especially when he said he wanted to watch me get off. There is something seriously wrong with my vagina because she was more than on board with all of this. “You’re keeping something from me,” Lexi suddenly says when I get out of the chair to put on my outfit for the day. She stares at me so hard that I can practically feel her eyes burning into my back.

“It’s nothing,” I lie and immediately regret it. “Shit, I mean it’s something, but can we talk about it tonight? I can’t be late.” I’m pretty sure I’m already on thin ice as it is, and at this point, showing up late would not be good. “Fine,” she agrees. “But don’t think I’ll forget. What time will you be back?” Crap. I’m supposed to go over to Samuel’s after work. Even thinking about that sounds nuts. It’s my first day, and I’m going home with the boss? Is this normal for him? My stomach starts to knot as I wonder what the hell I’m doing. “Not sure. I’ll text you.” I wiggle into my skirt before I slip on some flats but grab heels to put on once I make it to the building. “You look hot,” Lexi says when I’m done getting dressed. “Is the skirt too much?” It’s flowy and stops a few inches above my knees. “Should I wear pants?” I’ve always favored dresses if I have to get dressed up. If not, then give me my yoga pants and a sweater. “It’s perfect. You look incredible.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “Go earn that bacon.” She smacks my booty, making me jump. “I’m not getting paid,” I grumble. Not only do I hate this internship, but I’m not getting anything out of it except a job that I’ll equally hate later in life. “It’s a bunch of bullshit if you ask me,” she says as I grab my bag and shove my heels inside. “Good luck.” “Thanks. I’m going to need it.” Sadly, it doesn’t take me long to make it to the building, and I stand outside debating if I should go in. How pissed would my father be if I quit? Would he eventually get over it? I think he’d be more mad if he found out about the dildo thing. This is ridiculous. It’s going to be fine. He doesn't have to find out about it, and I can do this stupid internship. I can also speak to Samuel about it.

When he’d been in my dorm room I’d had a lapse in judgment and agreed to this. He was too damn sexy and smelled too damn good. I got lost in a fantasy of what it would be like to really do that in front of him. That he wanted me to do that for him. This sexy-as-hell rich man who could likely have anyone was interested in me and not because he thought I was a virgin. I think he might have gotten lost in a fantasy too. He thinks I’m a forward woman that knows all about sex and that I could put on some show for him. When the reality is that it’s not going to be some fun show. I’d bought the thing to rid myself of my virginity, and I don’t think it’s going to be something hot to watch. If anything, it’s going to be cringy. And what if I cry? I’ll tell him the truth, and he’ll realize I’m not who he thought I was, and we’ll both forget all about this. An ache flutters in my chest, and I push it away. I step off to the side and quickly change my shoes, then enter the building. Taking the elevator up to the sixth floor, I spot two other people I’ve seen around campus. My eyes linger on the pretty blonde, and a sudden thought hits me. Could it have been anyone for Samuel, or just me? My stomach turns thinking about him with her and the dildo. I can’t believe I’m seriously having these thoughts right now. I need to speak with Samuel and get this done with so I’ll stop obsessing over it. I should focus on the fact that I’m just one of many. “I’m Cora,” the girl says, introducing herself to me. “Parker,” I say, taking her hand. “Justin.” The guy next to her offers me his hand next too. “Nice to meet you both.” When I take Justin’s hand, I smile politely. “Parker!” I jump and take my hand out of Justin’s like it’s on fire. When I spin around, I almost run right into Samuel. Where the hell did he come from? “My office,” he orders.

“Now?” “Yes, now.” He puts his hand on my back to guide me away from Justin and Cora. “Someone will be with you two shortly,” he tells them as he leads me down the hallway. He opens one of the double doors at the end, ushering me inside. “You'll be working with me,” he says when the door falls closed behind us. “Did you have breakfast?” I shake my head because I’m too stunned to speak. “I’ll order us something.” He drops his hand from my back and goes around his desk. I can’t help but wonder if he brought the dildo here or if he left it at home. Why can’t I stop thinking about it? “I think we should talk first, Mr. Matthews.” I suddenly feel exhausted as all my anxiety comes to a head. Now that I’m near him, I’m suddenly not so sure I want to go back on our plan. My body is waking up again in his presence. Then I remind myself it’s not me that he wants. It’s a fantasy. It could be any woman, maybe even Cora out there in the hallway. “Samuel,” he corrects. “No allergies?” He pulls out his phone, and I shake my head again. “I can’t do this,” I rush to say, trying to stay on topic. “You can’t eat?” He smirks. Why is he so damn handsome and charming? “I mean the other thing.” I wring my fingers together. “I’m not what you think I am,” I admit. “I’m not following.” He sets his phone down and tucks his hands in his pockets. “Nothing is changing here. You’re coming home with me after work.” His jaw flexes like he’s fighting some emotion. “But—” “Not buts,” he all but growls, and the sound goes straight to my vagina. I press my thighs together. “You want this.”

I nod because I do want this. Now that I’m back in front of him especially, because I can’t control what I feel. More than that. I want him.

Chapter Six Samuel to eat?” I ask as I look at the half-eaten plate of “D idfoodyouandgettheenough picked-over pancakes. “You didn’t like it?” “Oh, no, it was wonderful, thank you. I, um…” Parker looks down at her hands and then finally back at me. “Honestly, I’m nervous.” We’re sitting on the side of my office next to the window, and the late morning light is streaming in around her and making her look like an angel. We’re on the couch facing one another with breakfast on the small table next to us. The sigh she lets out is telling as I look at the tension going through her shoulders. “Tell me what makes you the most nervous, and I’ll do my best to ease that for you.” Her laugh is indulgent as she shakes her head. “You’re acting like any of this is normal.” “Don’t misunderstand me.” I reach out and take her hand in mine because I need to know what it feels like. “There’s nothing about the way I feel that’s normal.” I’m staring at our joined fingers when she keeps going. “You mean you don’t ask every intern to do what you’re asking of me?” My head snaps up, and I’m genuinely shocked. “No,” I answer with finality. “I’ve never done this before.”

“How can I believe you?” There’s something like hurt in her voice, and I reach up to brush her hair away from her face. “I don’t think something like this can be proven with words. It has to be done with actions.” “And how can you show that in action?” Her brows furrow, but I wonder if she even realized she leaned into my touch. “Let’s start with the reason I asked you to come home with me tonight.” She licks her lips nervously as I take the napkin in her lap and toss it on the table. “And what I asked you to do.” “Oh…okay.” She licks them again, and god, do I want to kiss her right now. Those plump cherry lips are just glistening and waiting for me. “Maybe we should start with something smaller?” I offer. “Like what?” She seems to relax a little, and I like that she’s moved closer to me. “Maybe instead, you let me see a little something now. That way when it’s time to go, you won’t feel so shy.” “What do you want me to show you?” She looks down at her body as if considering what my answer is going to be. “Parker.” When I say her name, her eyes come back to meet mine. “I swear to you that I won’t hurt you. Ever. I’ve never done this before, and I’m not one to make demands from anyone.” I breathe deep and fill my chest with the truth. “But something about you has changed that, and now all I can think about is ordering you to do what I want.” Her lips part, and my hand slides down her body and to her waist. With one quick jerk, she’s closer to me, and our bodies are pressed against one another. “Let me tell you what to do and then see if you like it,” I whisper just low enough for her to hear, and she only hesitates for a second before she nods.

In one smooth motion, I pull her over one of my thighs so that she’s straddling it. Her skirt pushes up just a little, and I can already feel the heat of her center scorching my leg. Her hands automatically go to my chest to brace herself, and seeing her on me is almost too much. My cock is straining against the material of my pants, and I’m not sure how much longer the stitches in the material will hold. “Look how pretty you are.” I brush her hair over her shoulder and then slide my hands down her sides reverently. When I get to her waist, I stop there and grip her hips tightly. “Let’s see how pretty you are when you cum.” “Oh god.” Her breath hitches as I rock her hips forward on my thigh and then back a little. “I think doing this will make you feel better and show you just how good I can be to you.” Holding her with one hand, I use the other to push up the soft material of her skirt just a little. Only enough so that I can see her pretty white panties rubbing on the muscle of my thigh. Her pussy is flat against it, and it looks so soft as I move her back and forth. Her hands tighten on my chest as she begins to rock slowly and steadily. “I-I…so good.” She closes her eyes, and her head falls back as she begins to move her hips on her own. I sit back, watching her ride me as her pleasure grows and grows. “Fuck,” I hiss as I rub my hand over the front of my pants and think about sinking into that soft pussy she’s using to torture me. I haven’t even kissed her yet, but all I can do is stare as her nipples bead under her shirt and the buttons strain to pop open. I’d love nothing more than to suckle on her tits and feel the hard pebble across my tongue. I’d also love to put my mouth on her cunt and drink every drop of her juice she rubbed on my face.

My hand rubs faster, and even though I know I can’t cum in my pants, I keep doing it. I have absolutely no control when it comes to Parker, and the more I’m with her, the more I come undone. She’s like a drug, and all it took was one hit. Now I’m addicted to her presence, to her touch, and to seeing her lost in pleasure. Her movements become less even, and I see a furrow between her brows. Ignoring my cock, my hands go to the tops of her thighs, and her eyes snap open. “Let me help you get there,” I say, and there’s a little needy whine in the back of her throat. My thumb goes to the front of her panties, and the next time she rocks forward, I brush it over the wet spot right against her clit. Her moan is loud, and I have to put my hand over her mouth as I keep going. Over and over, I strum her little clit, and she begins to hump my leg faster. “What a sweet girl you are,” I say, and she whimpers. “Look how good you are for me.” “Samuel,” she moans behind my hand, and I grunt as I feel precum leak from my cock. “My pretty girl,” I praise, and her hips rock forward one final time. She cries out against my hand, and I use my other to rub gentle circles over her wet panties. Her sounds of pleasure are loud, and I love how vocal she is when she comes apart. Her cheeks are flushed, and her body goes limp as I catch and pull her against my chest. She lies against it while she tries to catch her breath, and I smile as I kiss the top of her head. “See how much better you feel?” I ask softly as I gently run my hand up and down her back. “You did so well, and you looked darling as you came. I couldn’t have asked for anyone more perfect.” I feel her cuddle closer to me, and my lips brush against her forehead. Just as thoughts of touching her to see how wet she is enter my mind, there’s a knock on my office door.

Parker tenses, and I immediately become angry that someone has broken this perfect moment. Instead of lashing out at whoever is on that side of the door, I turn to my beautiful girl. “Let’s see if you left something on my pants before I answer that.”

Chapter Seven Parker my face with my hands when I see the wet spot on his slacks. It’s I cover not a small one either. How the heck did I get him that wet? And is it normal for there to be so much? I have no clue because this is my first freaking orgasm. “You marked me.” He sounds smug about it, so I peek through my fingers. He’s staring at the spot on his pants, smiling, but then it drops when another knock sounds at the door. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. He’s irritated that someone has bothered us, and I have to admit I kind of forgot I’m at work right now. I always forget reality when Samuel is near me. Everything but him goes out the window. He said he’d felt something different with me, and I want to believe that because I too feel different about him. He’s unlike anyone else I’ve ever met. The reason I’m still a virgin is because no one has ever made me want to lose it with them. There has never been that spark or attraction. Until now. “Eat while I handle this.” My stomach chooses that moment to growl, and the knot I’d had there is now gone. He was right, I do feel a ton better. I straighten my skirt before moving to the end of the sofa, then take a bite of my pancakes.

“My good girl,” he says, and it’s silly how my body reacts when he calls me his girl. I feel special and want to do more to earn his praise, so I take another big bite of the pancakes as he walks over to answer his door. When it swings open, the knot I’d thought Samuel cured comes right back at the sight of my father. He’d completely slipped my mind, and I was supposed to message him when I got here. “Morning, Matthews.” “Morning, Louis,” Samuel responds, still looking a bit irritated. “I heard you stole my daughter for yourself,” my dad says with a proud smile. I glance down at myself to make sure there are no signs of what took place moments ago. This is worse than the dildo thing. My father would lose his mind if he knew what I just did to Samuel. My first day on the job, and I seduced the boss. Wait, or did he seduce me? Doesn’t matter. I’m sure I’ll be blamed when it comes to my dad. “My PA Anthony has been tried up with the Ferrara project, so I thought I could swipe one of the interns to help me with some of my day-to-day needs.” Samuel glances over at me, smirking. “How is that going?” My father steps into Samuel’s office. “Beautifully,” he responds. “She follows orders perfectly.” The way he says that makes heat rush to my face. “I love to hear it.” My father beams before he notices the food on the table. “You had breakfast together?” “I was hungry. Is there something you need?” Samuel cuts in. “I just wanted to check in on my daughter.” “I’m doing great, Dad. Samuel has been a pleasure to work with.” Oh god. Did I really say that? Samuel licks his lips smugly. Thankfully he’s standing behind my father so my dad didn’t see the look. “Mr. Matthews,” my dad corrects me. Shit. “I told her to call me Samuel. I prefer it,” Samuel responds before I can.

My father’s brows pull together, which is something he does when he’s irritated. Thankfully, he doesn’t push it. If I wasn’t so freaked out about him finding out what Samuel and I just did in his office, I’d be tickled over Samuel putting my father in his place. At home, his word is law, and there’s no going against him. “All right,” he finally gives. “If either of you need me, I’ll be in my office.” “She’s a big girl. I think she’ll be more than fine with me. Won’t you, Parker?” I nod, not wanting to get in the middle of whatever is going on between the two of them. I think they’re fighting over who has control over me, and Samuel is winning. My vagina is being terrible again and finding this hot. Samuel putting my father in check and making some kind of claim over me should piss me off. No one should have a claim over me, but all it’s doing is turning me on. I want Samuel to give me more of his orders because it’s oddly freeing. “How about we do lunch, sweetheart?” My dad asks it as a question, but I know it’s not one. “No, we’re working through lunch,” Samuel once again responds before I can. “I’ll be ordering in for us.” “Then I guess I’ll speak to you later,” my dad mutters. I can tell he’s torn between being happy Samuel has taken me under his wing and hating that he’s not the one in control of me. “Bye, Dad.” I give him a wave before he heads back out the door, and Samuel closes it behind him. “He’s controlling,” Samuel says, making his way back over to me. He folds his arms over his chest, still looking irritated. “You didn’t want this internship, did you?” I shake my head no. “Don’t do that with me, Parker. I want you to say what you’re thinking and feeling. A simple head shake isn’t enough for me. Not with you.”

“I didn’t want the internship.” Saying it out loud feels nice. “I hate numbers. I hate all of it, but what choice do I have? He pays my tuition and everything else. I tried to get a job once, and he shut that down.” Anger starts to take over Samuel’s expression, but he quickly masks it. “What would you do if you weren’t under your father’s control?” “I don’t know. Write?” I blurt out. “I love to read, but I’m not sure I could actually write, though.” “What do you read?” I duck my head, feeling shy again. I’ve never been open about what I read, and I hide my books in the sleeves of others so no one knows what I’m ever reading. Samuel’s finger goes to my chin, gently forcing me to lift my head. “Tell me,” he orders. “Romance.” A slow, sexy smile spreads across his face. “Perfect.” He drops his hand, making his way over to his desk. He pulls a laptop out and brings it back over to me. “Your assignment today is to write a chapter.” “Really? Aren’t I supposed to be working on stuff here?” “I’m the boss, aren’t I?” he asks, and I nod, then he shoots me a stern look. “Yes,” I answer. “Good girl.” He sets the laptop down next to me. “I want half a chapter done before lunch. Then maybe you’ll nap.” “Nap?” “I’m guessing from the makeup you used to hide the black circles under your eyes that you didn’t sleep much last night.” “I was anxious,” I admit. “Which was my fault. As long as you follow my orders, it’s my job to take care of you. Do we have an understanding?” I start to nod but catch myself. “We have an understanding.” “Good girl.” Warmth blooms through my belly and chest.

This is all a little too good to be true, but for now, I’m taking it.

Chapter Eight Samuel she trips over her own feet and into his arms,” Parker says “A ndandthen closes the laptop. “That’s a hell of a first chapter,” I say as I keep rubbing her feet. “I love how clumsy she is and how annoyed the hero gets at her putting herself in danger.” “Isn’t it the sweetest?” she says, and her cheeks are flushed with shyness. “It’s adorable. You did so well, and think about how much you accomplished in just one day. You did a great job.” “Thank you.” She tucks her chin to hide her smile, but I reach out and touch it so she doesn’t look away from me. “Take your praise with eyes on me.” I run my tongue over my bottom lip as I watch her. “I want to see how much you like it.” “I do like it,” she admits. “I’ve never heard so many nice things said to me all at once. I’m not sure my heart can take any more today.” “You can because I want you to.” Her smile is coy as she nods, then she remembers to answer. “Yes, of course.” “How do you feel after your nap and working for a few hours?”

“Well rested?” She cocks her head to the side as she thinks. “No, it’s more like content. I don’t know, I just feel settled. Which is crazy because I came here so jumbled today.” “Because I asked you to come home with me tonight?” “Yes,” she says simply. “And do you feel better about it after spending the day with me?” My fingers graze up the inside of her foot, and she giggles as she tries to pull them away. I hold on tight as I lean closer to her, not letting her put any distance between us. “I feel better.” Her voice is quiet, but she looks right at me when she says it. “Nervous?” I ask, and she nods. “Yes, nervous. And also excited.” “There’s something I want to do before we go.” Reaching down, I put my hands on her waist and pull her body flush against mine. “What’s that?” Her eyes widen, but I see a curious hunger there as she looks at my mouth. “Kiss you.” “Oh, yes please,” she says in answer, and it makes me smile. “You’re always so perfectly behaved, Parker. My sweet, good girl.” There’s a flicker of excitement in her eyes at my words, and I lean closer. “I bet you taste perfect too.” I barely brush my lips against hers and then feel her breath against my mouth. “Like mine.” This time when I kiss her, it’s not gentle and slow, but a claiming of what belongs to me. I’ve never had this possessive need to take care of a woman before, but Parker has changed everything. All I can think about is how I would care for her and make her feel confident. How I could tell her so many wonderful things so that she wouldn’t have a doubt in her mind that she was the most revered woman to ever walk the planet. That’s what I

want her to see when she looks in the mirror. Not her flaws or her shortcomings, but her joy and her strength. Her small gasp gives me an entrance, and when my tongue gently slides against hers, she moans. I lose control when I’m touching her, but feeling her wet heat on my mouth makes me want to feel her pussy on my tongue too. There’s a growl in the back of my throat as I pull her to straddle me and then yank her right against my hard cock. The heat of her panties sears through my suit, and my dick throbs with need. I’ve never been this hard in my whole goddamn life, but one touch of her lips and I’m steel. I feel her everywhere against me as her hands go to my hair and I squeeze her ass. But it’s not just on the outside of my body. I feel her seeping into my skin and straight through to my soul as we kiss. It’s an exchange of so much more than feelings, it’s deeper and more powerful. This kiss will last a lifetime, because I know right here in this moment that I’ll never kiss another woman. Parker is it for me, and I’ve sealed my fate with a promise and a prayer. My hands slide around to the front and push her skirt up, but just when I’m about to dip my fingers in her panties, there’s a knock on the door. “Fuck,” I hiss, breaking the kiss. “What’s wrong?” She looks at me like she made a mistake, and I cup her face. “Someone is at the door.” “Oh.” She looks over her shoulder and then back at me. “I didn’t hear anything.” “We were a bit distracted.” I smile at her and then pat her on the ass. “Go to my bathroom and get cleaned up. I’ll get rid of whoever it is and then we can go to my place for dinner.” “Dinner?” “And dessert.” I wink at her, and she bites her bottom lip as she crawls off my lap and goes to the attached bathroom in my office.

I watch her as she goes, and when she shuts the door, I get off the couch. I have to take a second to adjust my cock because it’s so swollen and tight against the front of my pants. I’ll be happy when I can get home and take these off, because they’re nearly painful with Parker so close. Once I’m presentable, I open my office door and see Parker’s father standing there. I’m instantly irritated because he never comes to my office this much. I realize his daughter is here, so I try not to be too frustrated, but I could tell by their interaction earlier that something between them is strained. “Hello, Louis. Can I help you?” “I’m headed home for the day and I was going to give Parker a ride back to campus.” He steps into my office, and I don’t miss how he didn’t wait for an invitation. “She’s staying a bit longer.” I try to keep my voice calm, and I put my hands behind my back so he doesn’t see me clench them. “Really?” He pretends to check his watch like he doesn’t know what time it is. “Human Resources reached out to the staff earlier about not allowing the interns to work over a certain time because they aren’t being paid.” He smiles like this should solve the problem. I’m wondering, not for the first time, what is his problem with Parker. It feels as though he doesn’t like her having a choice, or at least he likes to be the one calling all the shots. “I’ve made an exception.” My tone is cool, but my words leave no room for negotiations. Just then the bathroom door opens, and Parker exits. When she sees her father, a little of the light that was in her eyes a moment ago dims. I hate that he’s taken even a spark of her joy. “Parker, we’ve got plans with your mother tonight.” Louis looks at me and gives me an apologetic smile. “Family business, you understand.”

“Are you sure? Because you mentioned only giving Parker a ride home.” I step a little to the left and nonchalantly put myself a bit more in between him and his daughter. “Of course, but after our family meeting is finished.” He shrugs and then looks around me at Parker. “Get your things, it’s time to go.” “Um, Dad—” Parker begins, but her father ignores her and talks directly to me. “There are plans we have to go over for her future.” He leans in closer to me like he’s sharing a secret and speaks low enough for only me to hear it. “We’ve had our eye on a young man to finally take her off our hands.” “Excuse me?” I say, but even if he answered me, I’m not sure I’d hear it. There is rage burning in my ears, and the thought of Parker with anyone but me is a nightmare. I must stand there frozen in stone because when I blink again, I see that he’s holding Parker by the upper arm and they’re leaving my office. “Wait.” Parker looks back over her shoulder at me, and she communicates everything with that one look. She’s telling me to keep the peace and not to make a scene. She’s begging me to play it cool and trust her. I’m not sure how I know all of this in a split second, but I can feel her in my soul, and I have to do as she asks. I have to believe her. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Samuel,” she says, and I’m left standing in my office alone, with my heart sliced in two.

Chapter Nine Parker ride down is tense, and my heart aches for Samuel. I know T hetheelevator only reason he stood down against my father was for my sake. He has no idea what that meant to me. I loved that he was willing to not only stand up to my father but also step back if I asked. I only pray that he doesn’t hate me after this. It would have killed me to hear someone talking about him marrying someone else. My small glimmer of hope is that he knows I’m not marrying whoever this person is, and it’s not like I'm meeting this person tonight. At least I would hope not. This is the first time I’ve ever heard my parents speak on me even dating someone. I wasn't allowed to date in high school because my father would have flipped out. Not that anyone piqued my interest back then. I don’t understand why my father is so mad. I would if he actually knew what went on today, but for all he knows, I’ve been working. This is what he wanted. He’s always spoken so highly of Samuel, but it’s not until we’re in his car that he finally speaks. “I raised you better than this, Parker. You’re not some whore.” His words are a smack to my face. “What?!” I hiss.

Okay, maybe he does know what went on today, but how? Warmth blooms through my whole face. Sex of any kind is not something I’ve ever spoken about with my parents. Ever. “Don’t play dumb with me. I saw the way Samuel was looking at you. What did you do? Throw yourself at him?” I gape at my father. “I did no such thing. He was the one that came down and told me I’d be working with him,” I say fiercely, and it’s the truth. I’m too shy to throw myself at anyone. The car grows silent as he pulls out of the parking lot, but he doesn’t head toward campus. Instead he gets on the highway, and I get nervous. I thought he might have been bluffing about the whole family meeting thing and plans for my future as a way to get me alone, but I guess he wasn’t. “Did he come on to you?” I fidget with the edge of my skirt. This day has gone from one of the best of my life and actually feeling as though I had some control to this. My father is always good at making sure I stay under his thumb. “Parker,” he snaps, making me jump. “Did he come on to you?” “No,” I snip right back, my anger bleeding through. “Watch your tone.” I swallow, trying to get my emotions in check. I will not cry, and I won’t apologize either. I let the silence stretch and keep my mouth sealed. “Don’t let yourself be one of those girls who gets used up by the boss and tossed aside.” I turn my head to stare out the window. “I thought you liked Samuel.” “In business he’s a genius, but he’s not for you.” I can’t help but wonder if my father knows something about Samuel that I don’t. I want to ask, but that will only give me away. Honestly, I actually thought he might be happy if something was to come from Samuel and me. I know it’s silly to think that maybe Samuel could be the one, but I would have thought with how well my father talks about him he would’ve been over the moon at the idea of us together. Instead he has other plans.

“What did he have you working on today?” he asks when we pull into his neighborhood. Shit. “He didn’t tell me the name of the project or anything. Just had me entering numbers into some program.” He flicks a glance my way, but I don’t think he’s buying my lies. “Is Mom home?” I change the subject. “Yes, she ordered dinner. We have a guest tonight.” My stomach sinks. He really does have someone he wants me to meet. I know my father can go a little far with his control at times, but this is out there. When he uttered the words take her off our hands, my heart broke. I’ve always told myself that my father’s overbearing ways were because he loves me. He only worries about me and wants the best. Those words shattered that idea. It makes me question why he does all these things. “Who is coming over?” “A nice young man that goes to school with you. He’ll be graduating this year.” He pulls into the driveway, hitting the button for the garage. I notice a sleek white BMW parked in the driveway, but it’s not one I recognize. No one drives around campus unless they’re leaving to go elsewhere, so it’s not like I would know what people drive. I’ve never gotten my license because my dad said I didn’t need one. Everything I needed was on campus, which was true, I suppose. In reality, it’s another way for them to control me. I get out of the car and make my way into the house. Once inside I follow the sound of my mother’s laughter into the kitchen but stop dead when I see who is standing there. Liam. “Parker.” He gives me a smile as he walks over toward me. To my surprise, he pulls me in for a hug, but I stand there stiffly. This is not happening. “Guess they don’t know about the boyfriend,” he whispers in my ear. “Please don’t say anything,” I whisper back. “I think we can work out a deal.” He kisses my cheek, and a cold chill runs down my spine. I force a nod, and he taps me on the nose with his

finger. “Good.” “Already getting acquainted, I see,” Dad says as he enters the kitchen behind me. “Did you know Liam's parents go to our country club?” “Not a clue.” I force a smile and pray this will be over quickly. “How about we eat? I’ve got everything laid out,” Mom suggests. “It smells wonderful,” Liam says as he begins to lay on the charm. It’s actually how the whole dinner goes. I barely say a few words while Liam and my father monopolize the conversation. I’m thankful for it as my mind drifts to Samuel all throughout the meal. This night was supposed to be so different. Today I thought my life was changing. I might be naïve in that, but Samuel was so different with me. Sweet and caring. He made me feel that this was so much more than some hookup. Still, my father has put doubts into my mind. Why is he so against the idea of Samuel and me? I’d been so worried about showing up to his office this morning, but he’d put me completely at ease. Sure, he was bossy and enjoyed giving me orders, but he actually made me happy. It was the most control I’ve felt I’ve had over my life. He pushed me to do things that I wanted but didn’t believe that I could ever do. “Parker always said she wanted three children when she grew up. But don’t most only children say that?” At the mention my name, I’m jerked back to reality. “I think I’d want three children too.” Liam winks at me from across the table. “I suppose if you two did get married this summer, maybe the whole sorority thing isn’t worth it. I just know how much I enjoyed being in one,” my mom adds. “I don’t think a sorority is a good fit for Parker. She’s a bit shy,” Liam responds for me. “I thought it might break her out of her shell, but maybe you’re right. I just don’t care for that roommate of hers. Lindsey.”

“Lexi,” I correct. “She’s a great roommate. I got lucky with her,” I say defensively. “A bit rough around the edges is all.” Mom scrunches her nose as I go back to pushing my food around my plate. I want out of here, but it’s not like I can try and make an escape. I’m stuck. They all fall back into conversation, and I zone out again until dinner is finally over. “Liam, do you think you could give Parker a ride back to campus?” my dad suddenly suggests. “You two can get to know each other better.” “I’d be more than happy to do that.” Liam pushes back from his chair, giving me no choice but to do the same. Mom stands and gives me a hug. “He’s handsome,” she tells me, but I don’t bother responding. Liam and my father exchange hushed words before I’m following him out the front door. I reach into my purse and grab my cell phone, dreading this ride home. “Who was the man from last night?” he asks as soon as he pulls out of the driveaway. The sun is already setting, and suddenly I feel exhausted. “Someone I’ve been talking to.” I try to give as little detail as possible. “Is that really it?” I shrug. “I don’t think your father would be too happy if he knew about him.” “Are you going to tell him?” “Are you still a virgin?” He takes his eyes off the road to run his eyes over me, and I shrink back into myself. “Yes,” I answer, hoping he’ll stop looking at me. “Break it off with him and I won’t have to tell dear old daddy anything.” I don’t respond. “I don’t know why you’re making this so hard, Parker. We’ll fit together rather nicely. I think you’ll make a lovely wife.” He reaches over and runs his fingers down my jaw. “Watch out!” I scream when he starts to drift into the other lane. “Shit!” He jerks the car back, but he does it too hard and I scream as we veer off the road. There’s a concrete wall just ahead, but it all happens so

fast. Glass explodes around us and the sound of crunching metal fills my ears. Samuel’s face flashes through my mind as the car screeches to a halt. I reach up and touch my eyebrow then wince when I see the blood on my hand. Liam curses beside me and starts to yell at me for shouting at him. He’s banging on his steering wheel saying how it’s all my fault, but I ignore him as I search for my phone. When I finally find it on the floorboard, I go to call Samuel but then realize that I don’t have his number. I drop my head back and close my eyes as the sounds of sirens grow closer. My head is pounding, and my body aches, but I don’t want an ambulance. I want Samuel.

Chapter Ten Samuel fucking hands off her!” I shout as I rush over to the wreckage “G etandyour straight for the driver. “Wait, wait, wait.” He holds his hand up, but I don’t stop as my fist collides with his face. One hit and he crumples to the ground, but I don’t look back at him as I shove his body out of the way and move in front of Parker. “I’m here, babe. I’m right here, help is on the way.” “Samuel?” There’s a cut at her temple, and it’s small, but it’s bleeding like crazy. “Where did you come from?” She reaches for me, and as much as I hate it, I have to hold her still. “Stay right there, Parker. Don’t move.” I glance over my shoulder and see the ambulance pulling up behind the car and the paramedics jumping out. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? I’m staying with you.” “Okay.” Her voice breaks when she answers, and I see tears begin to fall from her eyes. Fuck, I want to pull the guy off the ground and beat him all over again. One of the paramedics goes straight to Parker while the other examines the jock on the ground. He’s moaning, so I guess he’s still alive. Too bad. As soon as Parker left with her father, I couldn’t stand it and went after her. When I saw they were going to his house for dinner, I thought I’d wait

outside and take her home. I didn’t have her number so I couldn’t call her, but I knew I had to talk to her. There was no way I could just let her leave without telling her how I feel. And there’s not a chance in hell I’d let her marry someone else. Not when she’s meant to be mine. I waited for so long, but finally the gates opened, and she came out. But to my surprise, she was in the passenger seat of that douchebag from her school, and I knew with every bone in my body that she didn’t want to be in that car with him. She couldn’t stand being within two feet of him when I first met her, so being confined to a car with him would be agony. I had to save her and make sure that guy knew to keep his fucking hands to himself. When I saw him swerve, I think my heart stopped, but when he overcorrected and hit the concrete wall, I felt like I died in that split second. Before I’d put my car in park all the way, I was out of my vehicle and running toward her. All I could think about was that I’d finally found the love of my life, and she was being taken from me. Thank god she’s still alive and breathing, because if something happens to her, they better dig two graves. “Is she okay?” I ask as I look over the paramedic’s shoulder and keep my eyes on Parker. “So far it’s just a bad cut. We should be able to treat it at the emergency room.” “Do I have to go?” I hear her ask. “Yes,” the paramedic and I answer at the same time. A second ambulance shows up, and the other team brings a stretcher for the guy, but I have no sympathy for him. He could have killed Parker, so whatever injuries I didn’t cause, he deserves. Well, and the ones I caused too. “Can he come with me?” she asks when they help her out of the car and place her on a stretcher for safety.

“Is he family?” the paramedic asks. “He’s my—” “Fiancé,” I answer, cutting her off. I’m not sure what she was going to say, but now is not the time to worry about titles. Hell, I’ll call her my wife if it gets me in that ambulance with her. She’s going to be before too long, so we might as well skip the semantics. “Fiancé,” she agrees, and part of my anxiety fades when she smiles at me. They wheel her in the back of the ambulance, and I climb in beside her and hold her hand. The injury at her temple has stopped bleeding, and they’ve assured me this is just a precaution. They continue to monitor Parker the whole way to the hospital, but I don’t pay attention to what they’re doing. All I can think about is making sure she’s safe and then taking her home with me. Fuck her family and that asshole she was with. “I’m the one taking care of you now, do you understand me, Parker? You're my responsibility, and I take that seriously. You are my number one priority from here on out. And you don’t answer to anyone. Not even me. Understood?” She reaches up and touches my cheek, and I feel some of the fear lift off my shoulders. “I understand, Samuel.” “Good. After this, you’re coming home.” “But what about school? Lexi?” Her brows furrow as she looks up at me. “My parents probably won’t pay for me to keep going if I don’t do what they say. My father works for you. Gosh, this is all a mess.” “Don’t think about that.” I lean forward and brush my lips against hers. “The only thing you need to worry about right now is healing. We’ll figure out the rest of it later. Tonight, let me take care of you.” “I think I can do that,” she says, and then the ambulance comes to a stop.

It’s hours later by the time we leave the hospital, even with me making calls to expedite all of it. We’re released after they determine there aren’t any broken bones or internal injuries, and the only thing we need to keep an eye on is the scratch on her head. Her driving partner is being held overnight for a severe concussion, and I’m not sure if it was because of the accident or because I took him to the ground. Honestly, I don’t give a shit. It’s nearly dawn when I carry Parker’s sleeping body into my home and upstairs to the master bedroom. She’s fast asleep and hardly stirs as I place her on the bed and then remove her shoes. There’s a long moment when I just look at her safe in my bed and in our home. This is where she’s supposed to be. Forever.

Chapter Eleven Parker you this isn’t what you think.” The whispered words break “I promise through the fog, and I wonder if that is Samuel. I must be dreaming because why else would he be here? I roll over and wince at the sharp pain shooting through my face. “Okay, maybe it is what you think, but I swear —” My eyes fly open because that is Samuel and he’s whispering. My eyes lock with his, and I see he has his phone pressed to his ear. Whatever he was about to say, he stops and stares at me. “Let me call you back,” he says before hanging up. “How are you feeling?” He rushes over to the bed. A bed that is clearly not mine. The night before starts to come flooding back to me, and I realize he’d been there. He came out of nowhere when I needed him most. I reach up to touch my forehead where that sharp pain is coming from, and I flinch. The phone in Samuel’s hand starts to ring, but he ignores it as he picks up a bottle of pills and hands me one. I take it, chasing it down with a large glass of water, then hand it back to him. “Thanks,” I manage to say around my voice cracking. The phone starts to ring again, and I glance at it. “Who’s calling you?” I glare at him because whoever it is is persistent. And he felt he needed to whisper when they talked.

“Is my fiancée getting jealous?” he teases me as the phone starts to go off again. I don’t know what comes over me ‘cause I snatch it from his hand and answer it. “What?” I snip into the phone. “Not a morning person,” Samuel chuckles at me, and I narrow my eyes at him. “Parker!” Lexi shouts through the phone, and I pull it back and realize it’s actually mine. “Sorry,” I say to both of them at the same time. I’m actually not sure who I’m apologizing to, but they both deserve it. “Don’t be. You look like an adorably angry kitten when you’re mad. I rather enjoy it.” “Sorry? You’re sorry?! You’re lucky I got out of the hospital that you’d been there. I thought you were dead or kidnapped into human trafficking!” Lexi shouts through the phone loud enough that Samuel can hear her too. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry, Lex. After they let me go from the hospital, I was out. I don't even remember much of the ride home actually.” Samuel must have carried me into his place. “How do I know you’re not being held hostage and someone is making you say these things?” I pull the phone back and switch it over to FaceTime. I cringe when I get a look at myself. The area around my cut is already black and blue, and my hair is a wild-ass mess. Adorable kitten? More like a stray alley cat. “Oh shit,” Lexi says when she sees me. “See, kidnapped.” She peeks around. “In a really nice place.” I glance around the room. It is really nice. Sparse, but the furniture and things he does have look very expensive. “The hospital said you left with your fiancé.” “My boss from Finance & Legal BNC.” I start to turn the phone to show her Samuel but stop when I realize he’s only in a pair of gray sweatpants that hang low on his hips. My fingers itch to reach out and run them down

the trail of hair that leads south. I watch his cock actually start to harden under my perusal of him, and my mouth opens. “Hello? Were you about to show me the person in question so I know he’s not some psycho with a weapon on you?” She’s being a nut, but this is part of why I love her. “After he puts a shirt on.” Samuel’s lips twitch. “Puts a shirt on?” Lexi repeats as he actually goes to do as I requested. “He’s only in his sweatpants.” “So?” She shakes her head at me before her eyes widen. “You don’t want me to see his chest?! Oh my god, you’re crushing on your boss.” “Lexi! What if that was a secret and you blurted it out?” “Shit, right.” She leans in closer to the phone to whisper. “Is it a secret?” “No,” Samuel answers as he drops down on the bed next to me with a shirt on. “Well, hello there.” Lexi smiles. “I’ve been wondering what Parker’s type is. I was thinking a priest since she’s a nun for the most part, but—” “Lexi!” I groan, cutting her off. “What? Just saying you don’t need that—” “I’m about to no longer be your best friend,” I hiss. Samuel chuckles from beside me. Damn, even his laugh is sexy. “I already know about the dildo, but I’m sure we can find use for it,” Samuel says as he leans over and kisses me on my neck. Heat blooms through my face and all kinds of other places too. “Why are you both doing this to me?” I groan. “Well, if you don’t want him to hear everything you’re about to spill to me, you better kick him out of the room or go hide in the bathroom because we’re not getting off this phone until I’m filled in.” All the teasing has now left her tone, and she’s not messing around anymore. I don’t blame her because I’d be the same way.

“I’ll make you breakfast.” Samuel places another kiss on my neck before he grips my chin with his forefinger and thumb to turn my head toward him to kiss my mouth this time. He starts to deepen it, but Lexi giggles, reminding us she’s watching. “Keep an eye on her for me,” he says to Lexi before he slips off the bed and out of the room. “Start from the top,” she orders, and I go all the way back to the night he showed up at our dorm and don’t stop until we make it to us leaving the hospital. “Holy shit,” she whispers when I’m done, and I drag myself into the bathroom. I didn’t give her every detail of what Samuel and I had been up to, but I made it pretty clear. “So your father is a bigger asshole than I thought, and you’re really into this man.” I don’t even want to touch the topic of my father right now, so I dodge it. I’m not ready for that. “I really like him,” I admit around a toothbrush Samuel left lying out for me. Who am I kidding? After him showing up at the accident when I needed him most and the things he said, I might be in love with him. “Did he just have that extra toothbrush on hand?” I pull it out of my mouth and look at it. Who has extra toothbrushes lying around? “Yeah.” I drop it down and rinse my mouth out. “Hmm,” she says, and we both know we’re thinking the same thing. What other women have been here? “He said this wasn’t normal.” I tell her all the sweet things he’d said to me. “Making you write instead of work on other shit says a lot too. I just want you to be careful.” “I need to tell him I’m a virgin.” I don’t think he assumes I hop from bed to bed, but with him I’ve been moving fast, and I also talked a big game that first night when I said women should take care of their needs. As they should, but I’m sure he might think I’ve at least had sex before.

“Be straight with him. It sounds like he’s really into you. Ask him what you want to know. Also, make sure his ho days are behind him.” “Lexi,” I pout, not wanting to think about him with anyone. “Go eat your breakfast and rest. I love you.” “I love you too,” I say before ending the call. When I glance into the mirror, I see Samuel standing in the doorway of the bathroom. “Virgin?” he asks. Well, shit. I guess that’s done. “Ho?” I fire back. “Come eat.” He snags me by the wrist and leads me out of the bathroom, not answering my question. I start to feel a bit fuzzy, but thankfully my head no longer hurts. “Just don’t be a ho anymore,” I blurt out. “I mean, you’re handsome so maybe you couldn’t help it before but now—” “I’m not a ho,” he chuckles. “I think that pain pill is kicking in.” “I don’t have to be a virgin, you know.” I lick my lips. “Babe, please. It’s been years since I’ve even gone on a date, which I stopped doing because I didn’t care to do that bullshit anymore. My hand is the only thing getting me off. On top of that, you’ve been in my bed all night moaning my name. I'm on edge here.” “Moaning your name?” “Yeah, you called me Sammy in your sleep, and I really fucking like it. Now you’re talking about being a virgin?” He runs his hand down his face. “I need to feed you.” “Then you could eat me?” I blurt out, then gasp and put my hand over my mouth. I did not say that. “You’re lucky your head is hurting because now you’re teasing me, and that will earn you a spanking.” He reaches down and adjusts his cock. “Be a good girl.” I want to be good for him, but maybe I want a spanking too. What’s a girl to do?

Chapter Twelve Samuel scent of warm vanilla sugar surrounds me while I dream, and it’s T healmost real. There’s softness against me, and then I feel hands moving down my body and reaching into my sweats. I’m hard and weeping with need as Parker’s hand wraps around my length. This dream is so good that I thrust into her hand, ready for her to jerk me off. There’s so much I want to do to her, but first I need her to get me off. If I don’t cum right this second, I’m going to die. “Holy shit.” I hear Parker's words, and it’s then that I blink my eyes open and see what she’s doing. She’s got her hands wrapped around my dick, and she’s stroking me as cum runs down my length. I’m still half asleep and shocked in place, but I can't take my eyes off of how she works me. Once, twice, and by the third slide of her fist I can’t hold back. A stream of cum squirts on her hands, but she doesn’t stop or pull away. Instead she keeps going, milking me for more. “Enough.” I grab her wrist, and her eyes snap up to mine. “Did I do something wrong?” In one swift move, I roll her over onto her back and cover her body with mine. My sticky cock is wedged between her thighs and still throbbing for more.

“Is that a serious question?” The look she gives me shows her insecurities and hurt, and I have to put that to rest. “That was perfect.” She relaxes a little as I smile down at her. “You were perfect. You made me feel so good, I thought I was dreaming.” She’s beaming at me now, and her arms wrap around my back. “I woke up and got bored.” “Bored?” I tease as I tickle her side. She giggles and tries to wiggle away from me, but my weight is holding her down. “It seems as though you’re all healed up.” After I got some food in her, she was nearly falling asleep at the table because of the pain meds. I put her to bed and let her sleep for a few hours while I got some work done. But I couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to cuddle with her. I guess I must have fallen asleep, but I can’t say I regret it. Not after that wake-up call. “I feel much better,” she says before I lean down and kiss her gently. “Good, then I have something for you.” “For me?” She shakes her head. “You’ve already done so much, Sammy.” “I love when you call me that.” I lean over just a little and grab the box. When I sit back and show it to her, her eyes widen in shock. “I think it’s time I claim what’s owed to me.” “You’re serious?” Her mouth falls open when I take the dildo out of the case and hold it up. “I would never joke about this. It’s already washed and charged up. Now all it needs is a warm place to hide it.” “Oh god.” Her breath catches when I turn it on low and then help her take off the shirt she’s wearing. She’s only in panties now, and seeing her bare breasts makes me harder. Her nipples pebble when I rub the vibrator over them, and I smile. “I told you that I wanted to watch you use this.”

“I don’t know how.” The last word turns into a moan when I move it to her other nipple. “Just put it where it feels good. I’ll help you with the rest, okay?” Her eyes are hooded as I bring her hand up to mine and place the vibrating cock with the rabbit nub in her hand. “You’re such a good girl, I know you can do this. You’re so perfect and sweet that I need to taste you.” Looking down at her simple cotton panties, I reach for the band of them and slowly pull them down as she runs the vibrator over her nipples, repeating what I did moments ago. Her pussy is bare, and her little lips are already wet with need. My mouth waters at seeing her virgin cunt, and I can’t wait to eat her cherry. I strip off the rest of my clothes so we’re both naked, and then I get into position. She’s got her eyes closed as she moves the vibrator down her body and I lower my head between her legs. The scent of vanilla and sweet sugar makes me hungry, and just as she brushes the vibrator over her pussy lips, I kiss the inside of her thigh. That’s all it takes, and she goes off like a rocket, hot and fast. Her orgasm shocks the both of us, but I can see how wet she already is so she’s primed and ready. She is like me and needed to get the first one out of the way. “Good girl,” I say as I slide my hands under her ass. “Now do it again, but go slower this time.” I part her pussy lips as she moves the vibrator between them and over her clit. She hisses and then cries out before taking it away. But the feeling is too good for her to stop, so she puts it back and goes slower. Ever so gently, I take her wrist and guide her over the places I know will help build her to an epic orgasm. She slips the tip of the vibrator into her opening, and I lean forward to swipe my tongue over her clit. She moans again and tries to push it inside her but stops short.

“Look at that sweet cherry getting in the way. Push it in real quick and pop it for me.” “Sammy, it’s too big,” she moans as she tries to push it in a little more. “My cock is bigger than this, so think of it as training wheels. You’ll ride this first before you ride me.” Plus, I know this will hurt her far less. I can distract her from the pain with my mouth and hands. I want this to be as painless as possible for her. I want this moment to be about her. I’m proving to her that while I might be bossy as fuck, she always comes first. “Okay.” Her voice is a little braver now, and I watch as she closes her eyes again. “That’s my girl. A little more.” I take her wrist and hold it steady so that she doesn’t retreat after she does. I tongue her clit a little as she pushes forward and then in one quick thrust, she shoves the dildo in. She lets out an initial squeak of pain, but I’ve got my mouth ready to take away the hurt. I’m lapping at her clit and then licking her lips so that all she can focus on is the pleasure. Once I position the little rabbit over her clit, I move my mouth down to her ass and lick her there. She’s rocking her hips up and down now, desperate to find her release. “Look how lovely you are when you’re stuffed full.” I kiss the inside of her thighs and then let my tongue join the rabbit a little. “One day I’m going to put this in your ass while I fuck you.” “Samuel!” she screams as her back bows off the bed and her legs lock around me. The orgasm is so fierce and hot that all she can do is tense her entire body as it hits her over and over. One rolls into another, and after the fourth or fifth, she’s pushing my mouth away and trying to take the dildo out of her. “It’s too much!” she cries out, but I smile and move the rabbit around so that it’s against her asshole. “Oh god, wait.”

Now she’s moaning as I lick her gently and slowly build the pleasure again. “More?” “Yes.” She sounds like she’s run a marathon, and maybe she has with how fast her heart is beating, but there’s still more to come. “Then let’s change bases,” I say, and she looks at me. I climb up her body, and as I slide the dildo out of her, she moans at the loss. But it’s not for long because I move it so that it’s resting over her clit as I place my cock at her entrance. “You’re so wet. What a darling girl you are to make it so easy for me.” I lean down and press my lips to hers so that she can taste just how sweet she is. Then I thrust all the way into her, and she whimpers the tiniest bit. “Parker.” All of the feeling in my body centers to the point where we’re connected, and for the first time in my life, I feel whole. Being inside of her has completed me in a way I never knew was possible. “My love.” The words are out before I can really think about them, but I don’t care. It’s true and what I feel, and I don’t want to go back in time before I knew what this felt like. My life began the moment I looked at Parker, and this has bound my soul to hers for eternity. “My love, forever,” I say as I look into her eyes and slowly begin to move. There’s nothing between us, and I never want there to be. This is how it should be between a man and wife, because that’s what she is to me. My wife, my beloved, my heart. Her eyelids are heavy as I move in and out of her and keep the vibrator on her clit. She’s so hot and wet that it doesn’t take long before she’s clenching around me, desperate for her release. It’s then I stop holding back and thrust hard one last time while she climaxes around my cock. My cum shoots deep into her womb, and I pray that it takes root. I want a baby with Parker and a life that is filled with love and family.

She grips me so tightly that I have to take the vibrator away and let her come down from her peak of pleasure. We’re both gasping for air as the last waves of bliss roll between us, yet we stay connected. The heat of her pussy on me feels right, like this is how we’re meant to be. Who am I to question fate when we've fit together so perfectly? “Did you mean that?” Parker asks as I brush the sweaty tendrils away from her face. “That you’re my love?” I nod my head and give her a serious look. “If that scares you, I don’t have to say it out loud. But that’s how I feel, Parker. That’s what’s in my heart.”

Chapter Thirteen Parker stay locked away in your home forever,” I tell Sammy as I get “I can’t ready to go in to the office. Lexi was sweet enough to bring me over a bag last night so I could have some of my own stuff. It also gave her a chance to grill Sammy. He’d let her do her worst with a smile on his face, and he didn’t shy away from any of her questions. Nor did they seem to scare him off. It meant a lot to me to see how kind he was with her, and the way he understood how important she is to me. I’m so used to hearing my father saying something critical about the people I keep in my life, so it was a breath of fresh air that Sammy was okay with Lexi being pushy. He even called her a good friend after she left. I only missed a few classes yesterday, but I reached out in emails to let my professors know what happened, but today is the one where I’m supposed to intern. I don’t need to be on campus, but I have to log the internship hours. “It’s been one day!” he protests as I watch him in the bathroom mirror. He’s standing in the doorway behind me with his arms folded over his bare chest. I should maybe tell him that even when he’s grumpy, he’s still handsome. Just adorably handsome now.

An image of a little boy staring up at me flashes through my mind, and it takes my breath away. That could be my future, because we didn’t use protection, and he told me that he’s in love with me. I’d wanted to return the words, but something stopped me, and it was fear I couldn’t explain. “You don’t even want this.” He throws his hands up in frustration as I keep getting ready. “What?” I spin around to face him. Is this because of the I love you thing? I should have said it because I do love him, but I was afraid. “You want nothing to do with finance. You should drop all those stupid classes too and enroll in something else. Or don’t enroll at all. You should do what makes you happy, and not out of obligation to someone else.” I walk over to him, and he immediately wraps his arms around me while I place mine on his chest. “Maybe I want to go into the office and write? Someone might have gotten my creative juices going.” I smirk, and finally the tension starts to leave his body. “Is that so?” His hands slide down from my waist, and I feel him cup my ass before he squeezes it. “Plus, you won’t have sex with me.” I pretend to huff because earlier he told me I needed a break. Although he’s not wrong because we might have overdone it a bit. When he caught my wince after we’d made love for the third time, he’d said nothing was going inside of me for the next twenty-four hours. We need something to help pass the time or I’ll go crazy. All I can think about is the crazy hot sex we had last night and how I want to do it again and again. I had no idea you could feel pleasure that way, and I’m glad that it was him that got to show it to me. It made the wait more than worth it, especially when I feel so much for Samuel. “I’ll eat your sweet cunt all day. Now be a good—” I put my hand over his mouth to stop him.

“Don’t tell me to get into bed. Please.” I plead with my eyes because I’ll do it. I have this need to please him, but it’s not out of some fear of being in trouble. It’s because it makes me feel good, and I love being praised by him. I’m quickly learning that everything Sammy does is with my best interest at heart. He bosses me around because he enjoys taking care of me, but we both get off on it. “I want to go to work with you. I’ll lie on the sofa and be a good girl there.” I remember my father always commenting about how much Sammy loved to work. I don’t want to take that away from him because he might grow resentful. He’s been so sweet and caring with me and about what I might want for my life in the future. If anything, he’s opening those doors for me and encouraging me to walk through them. Sammy’s hand wraps around my wrist and then lowers it. “All right, sweet girl. We’ll go to the office where you’ll lie on the sofa and work on your chapters if you feel up to it. If not, you can read.” “I feel up for a lot of things.” I press my body fully against his and wiggle my eyebrows. “As do you.” A low rumble comes from deep inside his chest, and it makes me giggle until my laughter is cut off by his mouth. “Finish getting ready. Do you want breakfast here or at the office?” “Office! Their bacon is extra crispy.” “I can make you extra-crispy bacon,” he grumbles, releasing his hold on me to get himself ready. “We’re already late, and I’m not even hungry.” He cuts me a look before he starts to go on a tangent about how important breakfast is. On the car ride to work, he orders it for us, and I can’t help but smile over at him. How the heck did I get so lucky with him? He’s nothing like I thought he’d be, and to be honest, I didn’t think men like him were real. I assumed they were only in the books I’ve read, but I’m happy to be wrong.

“Are you sure you’re okay with going in?” he asks again when he pulls into his parking space. I’m starting to wonder if I have him pegged wrong about work. I thought he was a crazy workaholic, and a pang of guilt hits me that I’m hoping I’m wrong, and he’s not work obsessed. He’s so supportive of me, and I want to be the same for him. I can’t help but think of what it would mean for our future if he’s consumed with work like my father always has been. He was never home, and although I don’t want Sammy to be gone, I suppose it wouldn’t be terrible if I could go to work with him. But how long can that last, and what about if or when we have a baby? Would I do that alone most nights because he’s at the office? “I’m going to do the same thing here as I would back at your place.” “Our place,” he corrects. “We need to see about getting the rest of your things from your dorm,” he adds, hopping out of the car before I can respond. I start to open my door, but he beats me to it, offering me his hand and I take it. “You want me to move in?” He tangles our fingers together as we walk into the building. “You want to spend the night away from each other?” he says, perplexed. “No,” I respond instantly. “But you don’t think this is too fast?” “After last night?” He glances down at me. He’s got a point. Between the lack of protection and him saying he loves me, it’s clear where this is headed. “Okay.” I give in because why fight it? I don’t want to go sleep in my twin bed back at the dorm when I can be in bed with him. I don’t think Lexi will be too upset about it, either. The room will be all hers for the rest of the year. “I still need to check in on Liam. He’s a predator.” His hand tightens in mine. I’d told Sammy everything from start to finish about Liam when he’d

asked what his deal was. “Oh gosh,” I breathe. Maybe my brain is a bit more rattled than I realized because I stumble to a stop right before the elevator and notice everyone glancing our way. Their curiosity is clear as I watch as some lean over and whisper to each other. This is going to spread like wildfire. Why hadn’t I thought about this? “What?” Sammy pulls me into him, and his hand goes to my chin to tilt my head back as his eyes search my face. “Are you not feeling well? I knew we should have stayed home.” I shake my head as everything dawns on me. The fear of losing this hits me hard, and panic starts to overtake me. “My father. He’s going to know.” Tears fill my eyes because he manages to somehow take everything I care about. Anytime I think I get something for myself, he yanks it back. He thinks I shouldn’t have something unless he deems it worthy, and I know he’s going to take Sammy from me. “He can go fuck himself.” I keep shaking my head because he doesn’t know my father. Not the real one he hides from the rest of the world. The control he has over me is suffocating. “You don’t understand.” I whisper. I watch as anger starts to take over Sammy’s expression. “Please don’t be mad at me,” I plead with him. I can’t bear it, not after last night and because I love him so much. I should have told him that sooner, and now it might be too late. “Oh, I’m not mad. I’m fucking livid.” He hits the button to the elevator, and when it opens, he pulls me on with him. “I’m sorry,” I say when the doors close. “You’re not the one that’s going to be sorry, Parker. I can promise you that.”

Chapter Fourteen Samuel When the doors close, I turn toward her and take her face in my “H ey.” hands. “I’m not angry with you. I’m angry at your father for making you feel this way. For making you think that you have to hide who you are, or that the second you care for something it’s going to disappear. Because that’s not love, sweet girl.” I kiss her gently before I look into her eyes and see tears forming. “Please don’t cry. I’ll kill him if I see your tears.” “It’s just…there’s so much I want to explain and say to you—” Just then the doors open to my floor, and there’s a lobby full of people already staring at us. “Um, maybe in your office.” I want to tell her that everyone in this building can go fuck themselves, because what she has to say is more important. But I also know that she’s shy with her feelings, and that’s because her father is a dick and used her emotions against her. Nodding, I take her hand, and we walk together through the waiting area and down the hall to my office. To my surprise, the door is open, and I straighten my back as I look around for my office admin. They’re nowhere to be found, and when I push open the door the rest of the way, I see Parker’s father standing there. Good, just the person I wanted to see. “I see you let yourself in, Louis.” He turns quickly to see Parker and me walking in, and I don’t miss the way his eyes narrow when he looks at our

hands. “I came to see if Parker was here since I’ve been unable to speak with her since her accident.” “I’m not sure I like your tone.” I move slightly so that Parker is behind my arm and protected as much as possible right now. “I’m not sure I like you fucking my daughter.” The words might as well be a physical blow to Parker because I feel her flinch behind me. “Do you really care, or are you disappointed you can’t sell her off now?” He has the sense to at least look a little embarrassed as he straightens his tie. “We’ve already accepted an offer from Liam’s family. It’s done.” “You know I had my suspicions about you when I hired you.” I gently squeeze Parker’s hand to let her know that I’m here and nothing is going to happen to her. “Last night I had my company auditor do some poking around at your finances, and it seems you’ve had a rough couple of years.” “That’s none of your business.” He’s indignant as he raises his chin and clenches his fists. “Just like your daughter’s sex life, yet here we are,” I continue without giving him a chance to speak. “From what the auditors gathered, you’ve got, what, four months at best until it all comes crumbling down around you? That was when you were set to take over for me here at Finance and Legal. I’d had you all set to slide into my shoes as I walked out the door, and I would have never known about any of this, if it wasn’t for me falling in love with your daughter.” “Bullshit,” he hisses, but I don’t think he’s talking about my love for Parker. “You know gambling is an addiction as strong as any cocktail.” I shake my head. “But to do it with Parker’s college tuition and your retirement was just fucking stupid.”

“How dare you talk to me like this!” “So let me see if I can guess how this was going to go. The plan was to sell Parker to a rich family and keep your name good, while embezzling money from my company while I wasn’t here to keep an eye on things?” “Dad?” I hear Parker say softly from behind me. “Is this true?” “He can’t prove any of it.” Louis’ face is beet red, and I can see sweat beading across his forehead. “I think the auditors have enough evidence to prove your finances are fucked, and that’s all the evidence I need. I can’t have my chief financial officer in debt so deep he’ll never find a way out.” “You can’t do this to me.” He’s beginning to plead now because there’s no way out of this. “The only way you walk away from this unharmed is in my good graces,” I tell him as I squeeze Parker’s hand again. “And because I love your daughter, I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.” “I’ll be ruined, and so will she.” My laugh is bitter as I shake my head. “Old man, you are missing the fucking point. I don’t give a shit what you or anyone else in your clubs thinks. I’ve got enough money to buy them over a hundred times. The debt that’s suffocating you is a drop in the bucket for me, and the only reason I haven’t kicked you out on your ass before now is because you're Parker’s father. You’re a rounding error, and unless she wants to have a relationship with you, which I doubt, I’ll be happy to see the back of you.” “Wait, there’s got to be a way to talk this out.” “Here’s what’s going to happen. Because of what your daughter means to me and the future I want to build with her, I’m going to make this right.” I look at her and then slide my arm around her waist to pull her to my side. “I took care of your debts last night. They’ve been wiped clean.” “What?” Parker whispers from beside me.

“Your house is being packed up as we speak and is being sold. All the funds are going into a trust that will give you a monthly allowance. You and Parker’s mother will be moved into one of my homes in the city. From there, you’ll volunteer with the community food bank and attend meetings for your addiction, along with therapy.” “No,” he says flatly, flexing his jaw. “Okay.” I call his bluff as I stand there smiling. “Then go, and don’t ever come looking for a dime from me.” “You can’t make us move. Parker is still in school, I have commitments.” “Parker is no longer your concern. She will be well cared for and looked after for the rest of her life. And if she chooses to have a relationship with you, I won’t stand in her way. But I will show her every single day what it means to care for someone. I’ll be a reminder that what she had before me was worthless.” “How dare you—” “I dare,” I cut in, feeling heat and anger rise up my neck. “She is the best thing in this world and you treated her like cattle. She might not know what she deserves because you gave her scraps her whole life, but I will make sure she feasts from now on.” I feel Parker’s hand on my chest and it calms me. “You have a chance at this moment to fix what you’ve broken. To choose your daughter and to choose to be a man worth holding the title of father. It’s up to you.” There’s a long moment where Louis looks at me and then quickly glances at Parker before turning away and walking out of my office without another word. I want to tell him he’s making a mistake and that he’ll regret it for the rest of his life, but I can’t make that choice for him. “I can’t believe he left.” She sniffs, and I pull her against me and kiss the top of her head.

“Don’t give up hope yet, sweet girl.” I have no idea what will happen with Louis and her mom, but I know that I’ll be here to protect her. “Thank you, Sammy.” She leans her head back to look up at me, and it’s then I notice she’s smiling. “I love you.” Hearing her say the words is like a shot of something warm and pure to my heart. “I should have said it sooner, but I didn’t know how.” “It doesn’t matter.” I shake my head. “I love you, and that’s all we need.”

Epilogue Parker A few months later ho knew buying a dildo online would end with a happily ever after?” Lexi teases as she comes waltzing into the bathroom. I’ve been trying to give my groom the slip since we said our vows, but he isn’t making it easy. The man isn’t letting me out of his sight. “Did you get it?” I ask. Lexi nods as she holds up the pregnancy test. It’s not often I see her in a dress, and I haven’t missed the number of men checking her out tonight. She has no idea the attention she draws, but my best friend is so beautiful. The wedding wasn’t giant, but it wasn’t small either. I think there were around seventy-five guests in all, but Sammy went all out. The man gave me a wedding that fairy tales are made of. “Did you really think I wouldn’t come through?” “I knew you would.” She’s right; Lexi always follows through if she says she’s going to do something. I take the test from her and start to read over the instructions. “I never thought I’d be able to get you alone.” “You’re not kidding. He tried to come to the bathroom with me. He said that I might need help peeing since my dress is so big.” Lexi bursts into


laughter, though I think he was teasing me. “I told him you were coming with me.” I shake my head as Lexi starts undoing a few of the buttons for me in the back. “It’s going to be weird not seeing you around campus next semester.” I can hear the sadness in her voice, though she’s trying to hide it as I turn around to face her. Sammy told me he would support whatever I wanted and that if I wanted to stay in college or try something else, I could. I’ve decided to take a semester off after finishing the last one. It’s why we held the wedding off for a few months so we could go on a honeymoon and I wouldn’t have to worry about missing classes. I wasn’t going into another semester not knowing what I wanted to do with my life, so I’m spending some time doing what feels good. “You’re not only my best friend, Lexi. You’re family,” I tell her. She was the first person to love me for who I am. “Me not going to school with you changes nothing. In fact, I’ll have more free time to work around your schedule.” She’s been a bit excited about having her own space for the first time in her life. Having grown up in the foster system, she bounced from home to home and was always cramped into a room with other people. “Promise?” “I promise. If you hate the dorm next year or can’t get a single one, then you’re more than welcome to come and stay with Sammy and me.” She lifts a brow. “I swear! I already told him this when he asked me to marry him. He knows we’re a package deal.” “You two and packages.” I snort a laugh at her terrible joke. “Take the test. You’re killing me here.” “All right.” Lexi helps me with my dress, holding it for me while I use the bathroom. Afterward, I set the test on the counter, and we wait. I think I

already know what it’s going to say, but I want to be sure before I tell Sammy. The man has given me so much, and he shows me what love should really be. Unconditional love. He might be a bit bossy but in the best of ways. He gives me things I didn’t know I needed, and I can’t wait to grow our family. Before I met Samuel, the idea of having a baby would have freaked me out. My father had made me doubt myself at every turn, and I thought I needed him to okay everything that I did. Sammy helped heal some of those wounds and will continue to. Now I know that not only can I do this, but I want to do this. “Pregnant,” Lexi confirms, and as I take the test from her, there’s a knock at the door. I quickly hide it and then I hear Sammy’s voice through the door. “I’m getting worried out here.” “It’s girl talk,” Lexi shouts. “I'm telling her what’s going to happen to her on the wedding night.” We burst into laughter before she pops the lock, opening the door. Not only is my husband there, but so is his friend Asher. Asher’s eyes go straight to Lexi, and I realize that this is the first time they’ve actually gotten to meet. “Text me. I want lots of pictures,” Lexi says, ignoring the men. “Are you leaving?” I ask. “In case you get swept away before I get the chance to say it. I know how this one can be.” She points a thumb over to Sammy before she gives me a hug. “Love you,” she whispers into my ear. “Love you too,” I say before she disappears out the door and I see Asher following her out. Sammy steps into the bathroom and comes straight to me.

“Are you going to tell me?” He wraps his arm around me, pulling me into his body. I still can’t get over how good he looks in a tux. I mean, that man kills a suit, but this is something else altogether. “You know?” I roll my eyes, not really annoyed. Of course he knows. “It’s why I let you go. So you could have this moment with Lexi. I know what she means to you, and you want her to be a part of this family.” “Sammy.” My eyes fill with tears for the millionth time today. He nearly made me choke during the vows because I cried like a baby. “Out with it,” he orders sweetly. Only he can make demands sound soft. “I’m pregnant.” He closes his eyes, savoring the moment. “Derrick is on a trial run while we’re in Europe for the next month. If all goes as planned, I’ll be able to step back a lot from the office.” He’s had Derrick working at his side a lot since he let my father go. I haven’t spoken to my father since that day, and I don’t have any plans to. Not yet, at least. “You know you don’t—” I start to say, but he cuts me off. I would never make him choose between me and the company he’s built. “I will be a part of all of this. Nothing is more important to me than this family of ours. You and our baby will always come first.” “How did I get so lucky?” “I’m the lucky one.” Sammy leans down and brushes his mouth against mine. “I love you. You’re my whole world.” “I love you too, husband of mine.” “Then be a good girl and come dance with me, and I’ll feed you cake.” How could I possibly say no to that?

Epilogue Samuel Seven years later

sure you want to do this, Parker?” I ask as I look into her eyes “A reandyousearch for a hint of doubt. I don’t see any, but I know she’s nervous. “We can leave right now.” “No, I want to do this. It’s time.” “I’ll be by your side the whole time. I’m not going anywhere.” She smiles softly as she nods. “I know.” I take her hand in mine, and we walk into the nearly empty restaurant and make our way to the back. I’d specifically asked for a private room today, and we all wanted to be on neutral ground. When the manager of the restaurant comes over to greet us, we keep the chat brief, and he shows us to our room. As soon as he opens the door, I see Parker’s father stand up from the table. I feel her hesitate for just a second before she takes a deep breath and we walk toward them. There’s not an embrace or a tearful moment, but there is a calm in the room as we all take a seat. “Thank you for agreeing to meet me,” Louis says.

I squeeze Parker's hand under the table, and she nods. “It’s been a long time.” “Too long.” There’s regret in his voice, and I’m glad to hear it. “But I want to make this right.” He takes a deep breath and looks directly at Parker. “Your husband was right, even all those years ago when I didn’t want to see it. It took me destroying my life and having to live the consequences of it to see it.” “I heard Mom left you.” Parker’s voice is even and strong, and I’m so fucking proud of her. “Yes, last I heard she was remarried to someone, and they were traveling through Europe.” “Why did you want to see me? After all these years, why now?” Parker squares her shoulders and squeezes my hand back. “Do you need money?” “No,” he answers quickly. “Your husband has done enough. More than he ever should have.” When my wife cuts her eyes to me, I clear my throat. “I did pay off his debts the first time I offered.” “You never said anything,” she says softly. “I asked him not to,” Louis answers for me. “I knew I fucked up, and I wanted to prove to you that I could be a good man. Maybe not a good father, but a good enough person that you wouldn’t hate me.” “I don’t hate you.” The words are automatic, but I believe her. Parker doesn’t have a hateful bone in her beautiful body. “I did all the things that Samuel said I should do. I went to therapy, I got help for my addiction, and I’ve stood on my own feet for the past five years. Since then, I’ve volunteered my time and tried to give back. It’s not enough, but it’s a start, and one that I hope can help bridge our divide.” “I’ve had people watching you,” I say, and Louis nods as if expecting this. “But you’re not lying. You’ve been doing everything I asked, and I can see that you’ve made an effort to change for the better.” I look at Parker and

then back to him. “It’s up to my wife if she’ll let you back into her life, but it’s up to the both of us if we decide to let you near our children.” I can see tears form in his eyes as he dips his head and begins to nod. “I understand.” “There’s a lot of healing that needs to happen,” I offer, and I feel him look up as I face Parker. “As a father, I can’t imagine my life without my children, so I know what you’re missing with not having Parker in your life.” When I turn to him, I see he’s looking right at her. “And she’s more incredible with every day that passes.” “The father I was to you has been my biggest regret. I’d like a chance to do it differently.” “Can we start with this?” Parker asks. “I’d like to get to know who you are now, versus the man I knew you to be. Can we start here, and then take the future as it comes?” “I’d like that very much,” Louis says, and he swallows back tears. “Thank you,” Parker says to him and then looks over at me. “And thank you.” “For what?” I ask, and she smiles. “For always having my back, even behind the scenes.” She leans forward and kisses my cheek before pressing her face against mine. “For loving me enough so that I never went without,” she whispers in my ear. “I love you,” I answer softly as I lean back and smile at my wife. “Why don’t we have some lunch?” “Sounds perfect,” Parker says, and Louis agrees. It’s late in the evening by the time we make it home, and the sitter has already gotten the kids to bed. After I lock up and check on the kids, I make my way to the master to get ready for bed. Parker is already there sitting in the middle of it wearing one of my old T-shirts. “You okay?” I ask, and she nods. “It was a heavy day.” “I just can’t believe how different he was. How much he changed.”

“I think some time and perspective can do that to an old man. And being alone.” “I can’t believe my mom left him, but she was always in it for the money.” “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I think I am,” she says slowly, and then her smile grows. “You’re a pretty wonderful husband, you know that?” “I’m glad you think so.” I reach under the bed and pull out the box I’d stashed under there earlier today. “Because I got you something.” “Our anniversary isn’t for a few more months,” she teases as she takes it excitedly from me. “You’re wrong; our anniversary is today.” “But this isn’t the day we met.” Her nose scrunches up in the most adorable way. “It’s the anniversary of the day I got your package in the mail.” Her eyes widen as she looks down at the box. “You didn’t!” “Oh I did. It’s charged up and ready to go.” She squeals as she rips it open and pulls out a new vibrator. This one is red and shaped like a rose. “How do we even use this?” “Lie back and let me show you,” I say as I turn it on. She places her finger over the little hole in the center of the petals, and her eyes widen in shock. “Is that going to suck on my—” “You’re damn right it is,” I say, pulling her legs out from under her and tugging at her panties. “God, I love you,” she breathes as she spreads her legs wide and waits patiently. “I love you too, sweet girl.”


Teach Me by Alexa Riley

Heidi Miller is desperate. That’s the one thing that keeps drumming in her mind as she walks into the strip club looking for a job. As a cocktail waitress, she’s only supposed to serve drinks, but when a hot stranger flashes a stack of cash, how can she turn it down? Reese Davis has never been to a strip club, and it’s his cousin’s fault he’s here tonight. All he wants to do is sit in a corner until it’s over, but the hot little waitress dressed as a school girl is enough to send him over the edge. Warning: Does he end up being her professor on her first day of college? What do you think? Pull out the knee socks, because class is in session.

Chapter 1 Heidi

re you sure you put the right address in?” the driver asks as the car rolls to a stop in front of Heaven's Door. The parking lot is almost empty, but the building doesn't open for another few hours. By then the parking lot will be overflowing with cars. Especially on a Saturday night. “Yes,” I respond but make no move to get out of the car. How am I ever going to pull this off? I remind myself that I’m out of options and there’s no one else that’s going to take care of me. It’s scary to feel so alone in the world. “You know this isn't a church, right, darling? It’s a strip club.” If my stomach wasn’t in knots I’d laugh. I suppose the dress is a bit churchy, but it’s all I have. It’s a bit snug because it’s a few years old, but in my haste to leave my childhood home I hadn’t been focusing on dresses when I packed my few belongings. “I know.” I swipe my tongue against my dry lips. I’m not out of the car yet and I’m already freaking out, and the driver isn’t helping. Even he knows I don’t belong here. “You have to be twenty-one to get in,” he points out.


Good. That will help with the odds of me running into anyone I know. The last thing I need is someone from school finding out I’m working at a strip club. If I even get the job. “Only if you’re a customer. It’s eighteen to work.” That’s what the man on the phone said at least. “Darling—” “Thank you.” I cut him off before he tries to talk me out of this. The gravel parking lot has me wobbling in my heels as I hurriedly make my way toward the side entrance I was told to use. I’m already not good in heels, but at five three I’m going to need them for a place like this. I glance back over my shoulder to see the driver sitting there watching me. Not wanting to be spotted by someone I know who could be driving by, I open the door and quickly slip inside. I’m not sure anyone would actually recognize me all dolled up or believe I’d be in a place like this, but with my luck lately, this would be the time. “You lost?” a soft feminine voice asks. I blink a few times as my eyes try to adjust to the dimly lit hallway. “I’m here to see Marks.” I reach up and pull my glasses off, wanting to be as attractive as I can be. It's the main requirement for the job, and I’m guessing my glasses don’t scream sexy. “You’re the interview? Heidi Miller?” she asks with a confused laugh. “Yeah.” I shift on my feet. More of her comes into focus as she closes in on me. She’s tall, easily towering over me with dark hair and killer curves. I’m getting why they call this place Heaven’s Door. I bet she’s every man's wet dream. “You sure you don’t dance?” She cocks her head, eyeing me up and down. “I thought the job was for a server.” I’d heard you could make really good money here serving drinks. But if you’re willing to take your clothes

off and they let you on the stage, you’ll make a fortune. I’d love to have the money, but there’s no way I could strip in front of anyone. Serving them in the tiny uniform I’ve heard they have for their cocktail girls is going to be hard enough. “We are, but there’s no way you’re not going to get requests for lap dances.” “I…” I can’t think of what to say. Honestly, I thought it was a stretch to get a job serving drinks here, but I had to try. No way do I think they might want me to dance. “Put the glasses back on. I want Marks to see you with them. Follow me.” She motions. “I’m Sadie, by the way. Marks’s right-hand girl.” I slip my glasses back on my face and follow after her. I have to walk fast to keep up with her long legs. “You’re eighteen, right?” “Yes, I have my ID.” I reach into my bag and pull it out. She takes it from me before knocking on a door and opening it without waiting for someone to tell her to come in. “Happy birthday,” she says, handing it back. “Thanks.” I glance around the big office that has a small bar and even a lounge area. My eyes are drawn to the window that looks down into the strip club. This office is a small club of its own. “Your interview is here,” Sadie says. The man behind the desk lifts his head, and his eyes widen as they land on me. I’d thought Marks would be some old man in a cheesy suit, but he reminds me of Bruce Willis with his shaved head. He’s in a suit, but it’s all black and simple. He opens his mouth to say something, but Sadie beats him to it. “She doesn’t dance.” “Unless you count ballet,” I joke.

“Really? If you do ballet you could easily be trained,” Marks says, standing from behind his desk. “Honestly, I’m not sure about all this. I was hoping to serve drinks. I don’t think I can take my clothes off.” I grip my bag on my shoulder, needing something to hang on to. “You never know what you’re capable of when men start offering you thousands of dollars for a private dance.” Sadie smirks. Thousands of dollars. Really? That sounds ludicrous. Someone would pay me that much to dance on them? I can’t even wrap my mind around that. “I’m not shaped like a stripper.” I look down at myself. Aren’t strippers supposed to be tall and skinny with big boobs? I’ve got okay boobs, but I’m chubby. “Stripping isn’t all about a woman’s body. It’s about the sex appeal they send out,” Marks says, coming around his desk to lean up against it on the other side. He kicks his feet out as he looks me up and down. “Sex appeal?” “You scream innocent virgin.” Sadie fills in the blanks for me. Heat rushes to my face because there’s a reason for that. I drop my chin, trying to hide my blush. I’m supposed to be confident and sexy. At least that’s what I thought. “Let’s start with serving,” Marks says. “We’ll see how that goes, but you’ll get offers for dances. They would be private because stage dancers must have experience.” “I just want to serve.” The idea of getting paid so much money to dance for someone in a private room is tempting, but I’m not sure I have that in me. “We’ll see about that,” Sadie says with a smirk. “I’m down a girl. Can you start tonight?” Marks grabs a folder off his desk. “Tonight?” I squeak.

“Is that a problem?” He lifts a brow, pulling back the folder he was about to hand me. “No.” I shake my head. “Not at all.” “Fill this out, and Sadie will help you get ready for tonight.” “Thank you,” I rush to say in shock. I didn’t know I could be both happy and terrified about something. Then again I clearly don’t know a lot of things when it comes to men and what they want.

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