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CONTENTS The Inmate’s Obsession Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Epilogue Guarding His Obsession Chapter 1 Read Me Romance Stalk the Author

Copyright © 2021 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental. Edited by Aquila Editing


When Sienna O’Neal’s father ends up behind bars, she’s all alone in the world. Visiting him at the prison is all she has left, but when a fight breaks out and she’s the target, she doesn’t expect to be rescued by another inmate. Kai Tupuola has learned to go without while in prison. But one look at the pretty brunette and he won’t be denied. How much would it cost to have the guards turn their back? Claiming her in a cell isn’t ideal, but he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. Warning: Was this book inspired by Love After Lockup? We’re not saying yes, but we did a lot of research for this epic tale.

For Jom.



he metal gates are twice as wide as the SUV I’m sitting in and even taller than that. They’re covered with barbed wire on the top and sealed all the way to the cinder block wall. When they start to slide open I’m almost amazed they’re able to. They look heavy and scary as they grant us entry into the prison. I try and keep my expression blank, knowing my emotions often show too easily. My fingers itch to fidget with the seam of my dress, but I don’t give in. My dad always said it’s what gives me away when I’m nervous. How can I not be nervous? I’m a bundle of emotions all at once. Excited, sad, and even scared, which makes my heart heavy. I haven’t only lost my dad behind bars, I’ve been placed in a prison too. The only di erence is my prison is on an estate with a full sta that can get me anything I need at a moment's notice. My dad tells me there’s no reason to leave the estate because anything I could ever want is available to

me. If only that were true. I’m never alone in that mansion, but I’ve never been lonelier. Sitting in the back of the blacked-out SUV, I glance around at the four hulking men surrounding me. There’s one on each side and then two in the front. I’m sure there’s another vehicle following us, but it’s being discreet. My dad might be in prison, but he still somehow manages his men on both sides of the wall. Their loyalty to him is unbreakable. Marco pulls the SUV around to the two double doors where visitors are supposed to enter. As soon as we come to a stop, all the men but him exit the car. A moment later they give me the all clear signal and I get out. When I’m out of the vehicle I stare up at the ominous building in front of me, hating that my dad is in there. He’s all I have left in this world, and he’s in a cage. I reach up and touch the locket around my neck, and it gives me strength. Inside is a picture of me with my mom from so many years ago. We lost her when I was only four, and I often wonder if my memories of her are real. Sometimes I think I only have them because Dad always tells me stories about me and her together. “This is as far as we can go, Sienna,” Tom says sti y. “Thank you,” I say automatically as I step forward. I can sense the tension all around them, but I didn’t expect anything less. They aren’t happy that they can't come inside with me to be my shadow. They’ve all gotten so extreme with my safety since my dad went to prison. The only place I’m ever truly alone is my bedroom, and even

then, there’s always someone right outside my door. It’s su ocating. The double doors open for me, and I walk through. This is my third visit here, but I can only come as often as it’s allowed. I’m the one person my dad has on his approved list, and I’m not sure if it’s because he only wants to see me or because his men aren’t allowed in. I don’t ask because I know they won’t tell me the answer. Maybe one day I’ll get used to being in the dark. “O’Neal,” the guard barks. “Back again to see your prison daddy.” He chuckles at his own stupid joke. I don’t respond. Instead, I stand on the other side of the glass waiting for him to slip my paperwork through the slot to sign. He stares at me for a long moment, and I stare back. I’m not looking at him but focusing on something behind him to try and calm my anxiety. As much as I want some freedom, it scares the crap out of me too. My dad is an underground king that can make people piss themselves when he walks into a room. I, however, get overwhelmed with anxiety when someone is only looking at me. Keeping me locked away at the estate doesn’t help me overcome it. It’s rare that I have to deal with someone that isn’t on his payroll, and because of that I don’t have much experience with someone being a jerk to me. “Still a snotty bitch, I see.” He pushes the papers towards me. I grab the pen and scribble my name down. A few other guards linger behind him, and I wonder if he’ll be here the next time I come. I’m sure there are several people in here on my dad’s payroll. If either of the guards watching happen

to work for my dad, he’ll be lucky if he gets to keep his tongue. The door buzzes a moment later, and I step back. One of the female o cers steps over and pats me down. After that I walk through a metal detector and another body scan. In all honesty I’m a bit surprised my dad even lets me come here to see him. His lawyers have been fighting for bail, but that isn’t going to happen. They think he’s a flight risk and they’re right—he is. Walking down the long white hallway, a lump forms in my throat. I can’t help but think about my dad in this place and how he may never get out of here. I have no idea what I will do then, but I can’t stay behind the walls of the family estate for the rest of my life. Another buzz sounds before the last door swings open, and then I smile. I walk past the guards and go straight to my dad on the other side of the room. He stands from the round table and engulfs me in a tight hug. I rest my head on his chest, willing myself not to cry. As much as he can drive me crazy, I love him. This hug right now and the one I’ll give him before I leave are the only times we’re allowed to touch. “Missed you, sugar.” His voice is raspy, but it’s a comfort to my heart. “Missed you too, Dad.” He kisses the top of my head before we break apart and sit down at the table. “How are things?” “Same old shit. Nothing new to report. How are your classes?” He quickly changes the subject o himself, because he doesn’t like to involve me in his business.

I enrolled in some online courses so I wouldn’t go out of my mind while I was at the estate. “They're fine. Any update from your lawyer?” If he can change the subject, I can change it right back. “You don’t need to think about things like that.” It’s way too late for that. I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. I think his response would be so di erent if I were his son instead of his daughter. Then again, I’m not sure if I want to be a part of this life more than I already am. Peeking over at the table next to us, I see a couple having a hushed fight. Today is the busiest I’ve ever seen it, but that’s probably because it’s the weekend. I don’t know if it’s all the people in this room or that I don’t have a bunch of men hanging around guarding me, but my stomach is nervous. It feels like someone is watching me, and when I turn my head, I see him. Cold blue eyes are focused on me, and I’m too stunned to look away. The muscled man makes no e ort to hide that he’s staring at me, and I can’t look away. He’s got dark, tanned skin with tattoos that mark up his arms and disappear under the navy-blue prison uniform. He’s so big, it looks like he’s sitting on a child's seat instead of a regularsized chair. Another man sits across from him saying something, and although the prisoner nods, he hasn’t taken his eyes o me. “Sienna, are you listening to me?” “What?” I jerk my attention back to my dad, and he smiles softly. He always teases me that I get lost in my own head.

“Did you think about the Espositos’ o er?” “Not really.” I try not to grimace. “I thought you liked Carlo.” “I mean, he was nice the few times I met him.” I don’t think being nice is a good enough reason to marry someone, but I don’t say that to my dad. Plus, everyone is always nice to me because of who he is. “He would be faithful to you.” “Because he wanted to, or out of fear?” I’m surprised to find myself challenging my dad. My eyes flicker back to the blue-eyed man. He’s no longer staring in my direction, and a weird disappointment curls inside of me. Clearly, I’ve been isolated for too long because I’m trying to get the attention of a ruggedly handsome convict. “Does it matter?” he asks. “He would be loyal to you, and he comes from a good family.” I hate that he’s pushing this, and it scares me. Does he think he’s never getting out of here and now he needs to find me lifelong protection? “Dad. I know you’re only bringing up marriage because you’re worried about me, and I get that. But I just can’t. I want to be with someone who loves me, and not out of obligation.” I smile softly and shrug. “You can blame yourself for that one.” Then I touch my locket to drive home my point. The way he always speaks of Mom is what I want from a husband. I want him to be loyal to me because he wants to be and because I’m his entire world. “I know but…” He trails o , sitting up straighter, then tilts his head like he’s listening to something.

As I follow his line of sight, I swear I hear someone whisper my name. There are two inmates talking between tables, which I know is against the rules. At the same time, they both glance my way and one smirks. Then he winks at me, and my stomach turns. When I look back at my dad, his whole demeanor has changed. “I think it’s time for you to go, sugar.” I shouldn't question him, but I only get a little time with him each week, and I don’t want to go already. “Why? I still have time.” “You motherfucker!” It’s shouted across the room, making me jump. An inmate springs to his feet and tackles the man that smirked at me. I look around, expecting the guards to come rushing over, but they don’t. Instead, all hell breaks loose.



don’t know how much longer you’re going to get our support,” Sam says from across the table but I just nod. “Kai,” he tries again, and when the darkhaired girl looks away, I give him my attention. “We’ve been planning this for two years, Sam. I’m not stopping until it’s finished.” “I can’t give you much more time.” Glancing around the room, I clock the prisoners and who is getting a visitor. Every time I make a scan, my eyes go back to her. Sienna O’Neal. Daughter of Leo O’Neal, the most powerful man in the world. You’d have to be living under a rock or be some boring investment banker to not know who she is. She’s the king's daughter, and the most powerful player in the game. One day she’ll be queen, but not until he hands over the crown. I’ve seen pictures of her before, but always from long distances and most of them when she was little. She’s grown into a woman since the trial, and I can see the god that gave

her curves was generous. Her ass fills the seat and then some, and I clench my fists. Fuck, I haven’t had a woman in years, and this little slice of sweetness comes in here with thighs thicker than a milkshake. A man would have to push hard to get between them, and I’m just that kind of man. There’s nothing to do in here but work out, and I’ve got muscles on top of muscles. A big girl like her would feel good riding my dick. I like weight on a woman, something to hold on to. Two inmates on the other side of the room keep leaning over and talking to one another. I check the guards, and they’re by the door pretending they don’t see it. One of them says her name and then they laugh. I watch the guys a little longer, and my senses sharpen as I see one of the inmates wink at her. It’s time for her to go. That’s the thought I have right before one of the inmates screams. “Kai!” Sam shouts as the room erupts into chaos, and I tackle an inmate coming in my direction. There’s no alarm for lockdown, and I don’t hear guards getting the civilians out. That tells me this was planned, and it’s much worse than I thought. “Get down!” I shout at Sam as I punch the guy who tried to get past me. Sam gets under the table as I look around the room, searching for her. Every inmate is either in the fight or protecting their visitor, but the guards turn their backs as people begin to shout. When I see Sienna and her father in the middle of the crowd, I tear through the fight in that direction. I feel something sharp in my side as I knock an inmate out of the

way, but don’t stop to examine it, even when I feel something hot and wet drip down my jumpsuit. In my peripheral vision I see him coming. The inmate that said her name earlier has something sharp and shiny in his hand, and he’s headed for Sienna. A family member must have snuck it in, because they check us before we’re allowed in the visiting room. He’s moving fast, but I’m faster. She’s got her arms wrapped around her father and her eyes closed tight just as the inmate holds out the knife over his head to bring it down on her. Before he can make contact, I’m there, grabbing his wrist and twisting it back until the bone snaps like a twig. He cries out and crumples to the floor as I stomp on his upper arm and shatter that part too. “Get to the corner!” I shout because they’ve finally set o the alarms. The crowd is too thick and the fighting too chaotic as the lights go o . “Fuck.” Without thinking and any choice, I grab Sienna and toss her over my shoulder. “Stay behind me,” I call out to Leo and feel him move to my back. Pushing through the crowd, I feel people fall against me as I step over bodies on the floor. I don’t want to think about who they might be and if innocent lives will be lost in this. The whole way, Leo is at my back, shielded by my size and strength. When I make it to the other side of the room and to the corner next to the exit, I pin Sienna to the wall. “Don’t. Move,” I order, and in the dim light of the emergency exit sign I see her wide eyes filled with fear. She’s strong, though, because she doesn’t break eye contact as she nods.

I grab Leo and put him behind me as I turn to face the crowd, keeping the two of them at my back. Someone comes running in our direction, but I’m not sure if they’re after me or the guards. I’m ready either way, and I drop my shoulder and shove against him. He goes flying back, and I plant my feet, ready for the next attacker. It feels like hours, but it’s not long before dozens of guards have entered the room and are breaking up the fights. Finally, word of the riot has reached the rest of the prison. But I don’t relax my position until I feel a hand on my shoulder. When I turn around, Leo nods, and I straighten. Then a guard comes over and is shouting for Sienna to move so she can be escorted out with the other civilians. The guard is yelling for everyone to get down with their hands behind their backs, and the noise is deafening. “Go, get out of here,” Leo says to Sienna as she gives him a quick hug. Before I realize it, she’s in my arms and squeezing me. “Thank you,” she says softly and then she’s gone. I open my mouth to say something, but I feel a quick sudden pain on the back of my knee. I groan as I fall to the ground and I look up to see the guard has hit my leg with the butt of his gun. “On the ground!” he shouts, and I do what he says while putting my hands behind my back. Leo is next to me doing the same as a guard stands beside him, clearly protecting the king. Where the fuck were his men earlier?

“This one is bleeding,” the guard who hit me says, and then I remember getting stabbed in my side. It’s probably going to need stitches. “Get the cu s.” As he’s fastening the metal around my wrists, I turn to face Leo. “You’re Tupuola,” Leo says, not asking the question but confirming the answer. I nod, and his eyes bore into mine like he can see straight to my soul. “I won’t forget today,” he says before three guards haul me o the floor and to the infirmary. I’m counting on it.



oney, are you sleeping okay?” Margaret asks me as she stirs a giant pot of sauce. She’s been like a grandma to me over the years, and I can’t remember a time she wasn't here. She’s in charge of running the estate to keep it in top shape and I’m guessing keeping an eye on me as well. “Not really,” I admit. She puts the lid on the sauce and starts to make me a cup of tea. She thinks tea is the cure to everything, as long as it has extra honey, of course. “I hate that you had to go through that. I know it was scary.” Scary is putting it mildly. I knew prison was a rough place, and I’d even imagined things like that happening there. Actually seeing it was something else altogether. I could’ve sworn that inmate with the knife was coming after me and not my dad, but I don’t know why. Then he saved us both. Cold blue eyes flash in my mind, and somehow they don’t make me afraid. I haven't been able

to stop seeing them since I left the prison, and I even dream about him at night. I wake up with my hand in my panties begging him to take me. Why does the first man I’m attracted to have to be in prison? “He’s not going to let me come back.” It makes my heart ache to admit that out loud. “Give it time, Sienna. I’m sure he’s still a bit shook up. He’ll let you come back after he handles things.” I know what she’s alluding to. Once he figures out who set up what went down in the visitor center and does away with them. Margaret makes it sound as easy as taking out the trash. I suppose it is for my dad. “I wrote him a letter. It might be nice for him to have something from me.” I wrote Kai too, but I don’t tell Margaret that. When I asked my dad about the man that saved us, he told me his name. I wanted to make sure he was okay and to thank him for not only coming to my rescue, but to my dad’s as well. Dad said he isn’t one of his men, but that was all I could get out of him without it sounding suspicious. It’s a bit nutty that I think of Kai as my knight in shining armor, but I can’t help it. “I think that’s a great idea. I’m sure he’ll love it.” She places the tea in front of me, and I pick it up and take a sip. “Is he ever going to come home?” I ask, but Margaret’s face doesn't give anything away. “Of course,” she answers swiftly. I don’t want to think about never seeing my dad outside of those walls again. So when the landline rings, I rush to

answer it. Only one person ever calls it, and it’s the person I need to talk to most right now. “Hello?” I say quickly as soon as I pick it up. “Sugar.” I smile when I hear his voice because I know he’s okay today. There was no automated introduction to the call, so I know he’s on someone’s cell phone. “How are you?” “Everything’s good,” he says. I don’t want to give myself away, but I can’t help but ask. “Kai. Is he okay too?” There was so much blood, and if it wasn’t for him it would have been my blood. He took that hit for me, and for that I owe him my life. “He’s still in solitary, but I’ve been assured he’s fine.” There’s a knot inside my chest that comes loose when I know he’s okay. “You’ve been worried.” He’s not asking me a question, but I’m not about to tell him all that I’m feeling. Instead of explaining my new obsession, I stick to the facts. “He saved us. I would have felt terrible if he died in the process.” I know my dad wouldn't feel the same way. I’m sure men die all the time to keep him safe. For some reason that doesn't bother me, though. It’s Kai that’s getting to me. He’s di erent, and I’m not sure why. “He did, and I’ll make sure he’s taken care of for that.” I want to ask how, but I don’t. He might be on a cell phone, but we can’t ever be too careful with what we say. “Can I come see you if everything has been handled?” I cross my fingers, hoping he gives me the all-clear. “Not yet, sugar.” My heart drops. I don’t only want to see him, but I hoped that maybe Kai would be there too. I’m sure

it’s a small chance, but it’s still a chance. “Are you ever going to let me come back?” There’s a long pause before he answers. “We’ll see.” My eyes start to burn with tears at the thought of not seeing him. I have only a few people in my life, and that circle is slowly growing smaller. Soon I’ll be all alone, and then what? There isn't even anyone around here near my age, and it’s not as though I get to meet new people while I’m out enjoying life. The only time I can leave is to go for a visit to see him. “Don’t be sad, sugar. I’ll figure something out.” “Okay.” I try to keep the emotion out of my voice because the last thing I want to do is upset him. He has enough to deal with already, and I don’t want to add more onto his shoulders. “I love you, and I’ll call again later to check on you.” “I love you too,” I say before he ends the call. “Are you hungry?” Margaret asks, trying to distract me. “Not really.” When I go back to the table, I sit down and take another sip of my tea. I don’t want to be rude and not drink it, and maybe it will make Margaret less concerned if I don’t rush out of here in tears. The landline begins to ring again, and I look over at Margaret in surprise. I’d shamelessly put the house number down on Kai’s letter, but there’s no way it’s him. I’m sure he’ll never call, but I couldn’t help myself. Apparently, I have no self-control when it comes to the man that saved me, but there’s no way he could’ve gotten the letter I sent yet. It’s

too soon, and Dad didn’t mention anything about getting his. Not to mention Dad said Kai is still in solitary. “Hello?” I say, after answering it. “Sienna,” the person on the other end of the line says, and I know right away it’s not my dad. I also know it’s not Kai, because his voice was deep and commanding. “Hey, it’s Carlos. I wanted to see how you’re doing.” Inwardly I groan. Dad must have told him to call me. He won’t force me to marry Carlos, but he’ll try and nudge the idea along. “Oh, hi Carlos. It’s been a while.” “Too long. I’ve missed the sound of your voice.” He sounds eager and like he’s going to say something else, so I interrupt. “Yes, Margaret, I’ll be right there!” I shout, and she turns around and gives me a funny look. “Hey Carlos, I’m sorry, I need to go. Margaret is calling me for dinner.” “All right, I’ll try you again later. I want to catch up.” “Okay. I’ll talk to you then.” “Until then, bebita,” he responds before I quickly hang up. “So now you’re hungry?” Margaret teases me, and I bite my bottom lip. Oh, I’m hungry, but it’s not for food. And it’s not for Carlos either.



rison is exactly as awful anyone outside imagines it to be. Solitary confinement? That’s hell on earth. After three days in the hole, the guard comes over and opens the metal door, sending a fraction of light into the dark space. It must be from the moon because it’s late. “Tupuola, you’re out,” he orders as he knocks his wooden nightstick against the bars. I get up o the floor and duck my head. The cell isn’t big enough for me to stand straight, and my muscles protest at being cramped for so long. Thankfully my stitches are still clean, and I’ve healed enough that I’m not worried about them tearing open. Keeping my mouth shut, I move to the designated spot outside the cell and straighten my spine. It feels good, but I don’t let the emotion show. I don’t let anything show, ever. The guard leads me and three other men that were in solitary down the long hall that leads to the showers. Inside the bathroom, the stalls are open, with no privacy. Next to

the showers are clean jumpsuits and soap, along with a single towel that’s about the size of a stamp. The guards are at their posts as we strip down and toss our solitary uniforms in the laundry bin. After two years here, I know the drill and grab the soap. It feels good to be clean after a few days of sitting in my own filth. I can’t imagine how the guys who have to stay in there long-term don’t go crazy. Dragging the soap across my chest, I look down at the traditional tattoos that cover most of my body. At first the guards asked me about them, but after not answering for so long, they let it go. You don’t see many men here with tattoos over their ass and down their thighs, but I’m not going out of my way to find them either. We don’t have long to shower, so I move quickly to scrub o the dirt and then rinse o . Once they call out for us to move, I grab my towel and dry o . Glancing around, I see some of the guys that were in the riot were in solitary with me. I don’t see Leo or the guy whose arm I broke. Most likely that guy will need surgery after what I did to it. Or one of Leo O’Neal’s guys took him out back and dealt with it already. Once we’re back in jumpsuits, we’re led to the main block where our cells are located. Mine is on the second floor, and after the guards drop o the other prisoners, we go to mine. As I approach the cell I’m surprised to see it’s empty. My cellmate Reggie is a wiry little fuck who was arrested for cooking meth in the basement of an apartment building. The dumbass managed to blow it up, along with himself and a couple of residents. After he healed from the burns, he was moved in here with me, and I’ve contemplated killing him at least a dozen times a day.

“Where’s Reggie?” I turn around to see there’s only one guard now, and it’s the one I remember seeing standing over Leo after the alarms went o . “A present from the king,” he says quietly and nods as my cell door opens. My cell only has one cot now, and everything of Reggie’s is gone. I guess they don’t have plans to move anyone else in with me, and if this is a gift from the king, who am I to question it? “Under the mattress,” the guard whispers before the cell door closes again and they call for lights out. I wait a few moments to make sure I’m alone and reach under the mattress. There’s a folded piece of paper sticking out at the edge, and I grab it. When I open it, I see it’s from Leo. A small token of my appreciation for what you did for my daughter and me. I’d like to speak to you after breakfast. Walking over the toilet in my cell, I toss the note in and watch it dissolve instantly. No matter why that riot happened, I’ve got to make the most of this chance. Stretching out on the cot, I think about how I got to this point and what this might mean. I close my eyes and think about home, wishing for sunshine and the smell of salt. Praying for the day when I can feel the sand under my feet again and the wind of my island around me. My mother was from the Philippines and came to Hawaii as a small child. Her family was poor, but when she was old enough she began to work in a restaurant to make extra money. She cleaned tables and washed dishes until she was old enough to cook, then eventually she took over the

kitchen. That’s how she met my dad. He was born in Molokai and came to Lanai for work. He was asked to deliver supplies to a restaurant one day, and that’s when he saw her. He told me that with one look he knew, even though he’d never spoken a word to her. They were married soon after and had me almost exactly nine months later. My parents didn’t have much, but they gave me everything that mattered: a safe home filled with love and an education. They didn’t finish school, so it was important to them that I did. I worked hard because they had all of their hopes and dreams in me, and I carried that on my shoulders with pride. They cried the day I left for college, but not out of sadness. This was an opportunity they’d never dreamed possible, but they didn’t live to see me graduate. My mother caught a cold that set into her chest and never left. Later the doctors found out it was pneumonia, but by then it was too late. My father disappeared the day she died, and no one knows what happened. Part of me used to dream about him being alive, but I know that he wouldn’t have wanted to live without her. He told me once that when his time was up, he would go into the sea, and that’s where he would meet my mother again. In my heart I know that they are together, I just hope they understand what I have to do now. After I lost them, I decided the only way to move on was to fulfill the dream they had for me. I didn’t know that it would mean being behind bars and making deals with criminal kingpins. It’s the best night of sleep I’ve had since I’ve been locked in here, and that’s thanks to Leo O’Neal. I didn’t have to

worry about Reggie the tweaker trying to stab me while I was in bed, so I could sleep with both eyes closed. The reason I haven’t been able to get close to Leo before now is because we were placed in di erent cell blocks, so we were on di erent schedules. I don’t know what’s changed, but after breakfast, I go into the yard and see him on the other side with his men. There’s five of them standing next to the fence and Leo is sitting with two guys at a table playing cards. He’s smiling and talking to them until he looks up and sees me. He motions for me to come closer, and I do as I’m told, walking past the groups of people in the yard that are watching us. “Have a seat,” Leo says, and the guys sitting at the table stand up. With one look, they disperse, and we’re alone. “Sleep okay?” “Thank you for that,” I say as he picks up the cards and begins to shu e them. “I’ve asked around about you.” He doesn’t look at me as he says this, just shu es the cards and then places them between us. “Cut them.” He nods, and I do, placing half the pile on one side and putting the bottom half on top. “Find out anything interesting?” I ask as he deals the cards between us. “You don’t have any friends in here.” It’s a statement that doesn’t require a response. “So I’ve come to my own conclusions.” “Which are?” I look at the hand he’s dealt me and put them in order. I haven’t played poker in a long time, but it’s not a hard game.

“One of two things.” He discards one card and then draws another. I noticed he’s not playing with money, and he wasn’t with his men earlier. Leo O’Neal isn’t someone who needs money to get what he wants. He can do that with information and favors. Both of which don’t sit on a table for everyone to see. “You’ve either been transferred here to kill me—” He looks up and his dark eyes remind me of Sienna’s. “Or you’re a cop.” “Why can’t it be both?” I ask, and there’s a long pause before a big smile stretches out across his face. “What do you want?” he asks, waiting for me to discard. I look down at my hand again and shake my head. “Nothing.” His eyes narrow, and I feel like there’s more meaning in his question than just the cards. Is this a test? The king didn’t get to where he is by not being able to read people. What does he see when he looks at me? When I look in the mirror, I see the boy who aches for home. I place my cards down on the table face up, revealing my hand to him. Four kings in a row stare back at us, the weight of their meaning clear. He’s the king, but I’m holding the cards. He’s given me this power by dealing them to me, and now he’s asking what I’d like to do with it. “How much time do you have left?” I ask, and he smiles again. “Too long.” He looks toward the fence as his smile fades, and I’m wondering if he’s thinking of Sienna. “Maybe,” I say, getting up from the table, leaving the kings between us. “Maybe not.”



tanding in front of the mirror, I wonder what Kai will think of this dress. I tried to pick something out that made me seem older, but there aren’t a lot of dresses like that in my closet. It’s too late to try and order anything, and I’m not waiting. Turning around, I check my backside to make sure the dress is covering all that it should. Especially the places where I’m bigger, like my butt and thighs. The soft pink dress is fitted at the top, and down to my waist. Thankfully it’s got a little stretch to it, and it’s fairly comfortable. There’s a sweetheart neckline, and it’s tied in the back with a bow. Everything I own seems young and immature, but it is what it is. After what happened last time, I put on flats instead of heels. I know taller shoes would make me seem older and maybe slimmer, but with how crazy everything was last time, I don’t want to risk it.

A knock sounds at my bedroom door, and I hear Marco on the other side. “Sienna, the car is ready.” Marco doesn’t dare to enter my bedroom. None of the sta do if I’m in here, except for my dad or Margaret. The only time security can cross that threshold is if I’m in trouble. I quickly put on some mascara and lip gloss before I grab a clip to pull my hair away from my face. “Be a good boy while Mommy is gone.” I pick Tiger up and give him a kiss on the head. The little kitten arrived a few days ago as a gift from my dad. He feels guilty about not letting me come and see him, and it’s eating him up. Tiger is a fuzzy orange ball of cuteness, and he almost makes up for my dad's rejection. Almost. I put him on my bed before leaving my room and descending the stairs. Two guards step forward, one opening the double doors for me to exit. I go straight for the SUV and slide into the back seat. It doesn't take long until we’re on the road and heading toward the prison. It’s been over a week since my last visit, and I’m nervous. Because today, I’m not going to see my dad. Not that anyone else needs to know that. That’s what they all think at least, and I’m going to keep on letting them think it. I still haven't gotten a response from the letter I sent Kai. I know Dad got his a few days ago, because he called me and told me so. After speaking to him, I took a shot in the dark and put in a request to visit Kai. The inmate has to approve the person

visiting, so I was surprised when he did. I’d gotten an alert last night and made a plan from there. I tap my fingers on my thighs the closer we get to the prison. I’m anxious and can’t help but imagine what Kai might say to me. I’m sure he’s wondering why the heck I asked to come see him, but he was curious enough to agree. “If you’re nervous, Sienna, you don’t have to go. Your father would understand,” Marco says from beside me. He looks at my tapping fingers, and I stop. “No, I’m fine. Just excited.” “I’m sure your father will be happy to see you.” I only smile as a response. Guilt starts to take over, because I hate lying to the men who are only trying to keep me safe. But I can’t help myself. There’s something pulling me to Kai, and although I’ve never gone against anything my dad has ever told me to do, I need to do this. My heart starts to pound as we roll up to the gate. A few moments later the gates part to let us drive through. After we stop, Marco helps me out of the car but doesn't release my hand when my feet hit the ground. “Be careful, Sienna,” he says and squeezes my hand. “I will.” He releases me, and again guilt gnaws at my insides. Marco has been an uncle to me since I was a little girl. But as I step forward, I realize the guilt isn't strong enough to make me turn around and get back into the SUV. I’m immediately relieved when I enter to sign my paperwork and the jerk from before isn’t there. I’m guessing I’ve seen the last of him, and I’m thankful for it.

I get my usual pat-down before I’m led down the same long hallway, and my stomach tightens when they pull open the door. I don’t have to search for Kai. There’s no missing him even from across the room. The visitors’ center isn't as full today as it was last time, but he’d stand out even if it was packed. His eyes lock right on me, and I’m frozen in place. “You going in?” the guard asks. “Right,” I answer and scurry through the door. He stands from his seat as I draw closer, and I'm overcome by his size. I remember him being big but not this big. It doesn’t stop my feet from moving closer, and when I’m in front of him, I wrap my arms around his waist and hold myself against his big body. He stands rock solid for a long moment before he returns the hug. A peace falls over me for a moment, and I know I did the right thing coming here. Something brushes the top of my head and I hear him inhale as he presses his nose there. It’s not the only thing I feel, as something hard digs into my stomach. Heat rushes between my thighs as desire unlike anything I’ve ever known takes hold of my body. I try and pretend I don’t notice it when we break the hug. He doesn’t say anything, but the way he’s looking at me says more than words could. I duck my head as I take a seat at the table. He doesn’t sit across from me, but instead takes the one to my right. Maybe it’s so people can’t hear what we’re saying, or maybe it’s because he wants to be closer to me. I hear the chair groan when he sits down, and for some crazy reason that only turns me on even more. God, he’s huge.

“Thank you for seeing me.” My mouth feels dry, and I’m unable to meet his eyes. Instead, I stare at his arms and the tattoos that cover his skin. My fingers itch to reach out and touch the designs, so I fold them together in my lap. “What man would ever tell you no?” When I lift my head finally to meet his gaze, those cold blue eyes pierce every part of me. “I suppose…” I’m not sure what to say, so I look around at all the other visitors. “Do you get a lot of visitors?” “No.” He pauses as he looks down at my mouth. “I can’t remember the last time I was with a woman.” There’s a long pause while my heart tries to beat out of my chest. “And never one as beautiful as you.” He presses his lips tight together like he didn’t mean to say that out loud. Again I stare at his tattoos because those cold blue eyes are too intense. “Are you going to tell me why you wanted to see me?” When I look up again, his gaze is stern. “I’m guessing your father doesn't know about this visit, which could get me killed.” “Oh god,” I whisper, not realizing what I’ve done. “No, I didn’t tell him, but I will. I’ll talk to him.” “Okay.” His leg brushes up against mine, and the simple act has my nipples tightening. I wonder if he feels this same pull to me or if it’s only in my head. “Tell me why you’re here.” “I wanted to say thank you for what you did.” “You said that already in your letter.” He’s stoic now, giving nothing away.

“So you got it?” He nods, and I try to hide my disappointment. “Tell me why you’re really here.” His tone is firm as he issues the order. “I needed to see you,” I admit in a rush. “I can’t stop thinking about you. God, I even dream of you.” I know my face is turning redder by the second, but I keep my eyes locked with his. What do I have to lose at this point? He either tells me to leave or he wants me to stay. “You dream about me?” I nod as he leans in closer. “What do I do in your dreams?” He’s so close I can feel the heat of his body. I clench my thighs together and wonder how he can a ect me so much without even touching me. “You do a lot of things,” I whisper. “Be specific,” he says as he takes my hand and puts it under the table. “I want every detail.” He places my hand on his hard cock and pushes down. “Show me how thankful you really are.” There’s no question as to what he wants, and I know I’ll do it. Honestly, I think I would give him anything he asked for, and that’s what terrifies me the most.



f I’m going to die for being at this table with Sienna, I might as well do the things I want with her while I’m at it. She throws a quick glance around the room, but no one is watching. We’re in the corner away from the view of the guards, in the same spot where I protected her. I kept her safe from everyone else. Now there’s no one to keep her safe from me. “Don’t look at them,” I say, my voice rough. “Keep your eyes on me.” She does as I say, her soft brown eyes coming to meet mine. With one hand I hold her wrist, and with the other I unfasten the front of my jumpsuit. I watch her eyes dilate as I pull my cock out and bring her hand to it. Her mouth opens as her fingers test the length and girth. She can’t see it under the table, but she gasps when she finally finds the end of it. “Kai,” she says softly and squeezes my cock. “Stroke it up and down,” I tell her, widening my knees. “It won’t take long.”

Having a private cell has a lot of advantages, but the main one is that I can jerk o in private. She said she’s been dreaming about me, but she’s not the only one. I’ve fantasized about every way I could put my dick in her, and then dreamed about holding her at night. I imagined her lush curves and round belly in a bikini on the beach, the scent of plumeria all around her. I don’t know what it is, but she has me consumed with thoughts of her. I’ve never experienced something like this. The need for one certain woman and nothing else. “You’ve never had a man before,” I grunt when she makes one long stroke and swipes at the cum on the end of my cock. “Um, no,” she admits and licks her lips. “You stay under lock and key, don’t you?” My eyes are hooded when she gets to the base of my cock and can hardly get her hand around it. I can practically smell how tight that pussy is and how good it’s going to feel breaking her in. She nods and glances around again. “Eyes on me,” I order, and she complies. The room isn’t crowded, and none of the inmates are facing this way. The table is big enough that someone in the distance can’t see under it, but if someone was staring at us for a long time, they’d be able to figure out what we were doing. The guards in here aren’t the king’s, so they won’t be watching Sienna like a hawk. It might be the only time I’ll ever get with her, and I want to make the most of it. “Spread your legs and pull your skirt up.” This time she doesn’t look around, just opens her knees and pulls the end

of the dress to the top of her thighs. “More,” I say, and she hesitates before lifting it and showing me her pretty panties. Her hand dips low again and squeezes, making more cum leak from the tip. “Pull them to the side,” I order, and I see the wet spot on them growing. She likes me telling her what to do. Fuck, I wish I could kiss her and then lick up that little wet spot. Her fingers tremble as she grabs the edge of the cotton and slowly peels it back. She’s got a little patch of hair covering her lower lips, and I watch as she spreads them without being asked to do it. When I see the pink on the inside, I point my cock straight at her pussy and cum. It leaves me in a rush and splatters all over her pussy and the insides of her thighs. If she’s disgusted by this, she doesn’t act like it. In fact, she rolls her hips forward like she’s seeking more of it. Her hand leaves my cock and goes to her pussy, where she uses her fingers to rub it in. I tuck my dick back in my jumpsuit as she lets go of her panties and closes her legs. After she pulls her dress down, I take her wrist again and bring it to my mouth, quickly sucking o the taste of her before one of the guards sees me. “Kai,” she whispers, and I sit up straight as the clock chimes. Our time is up, and I see disappointment in her eyes which has to mirror my own. “I need to see you again,” I say, knowing this is a fucking bad idea. I should count myself lucky that I got this treat from her today and pray the king doesn’t find out. This puts both of us in jeopardy, as well as the plan that I’ve worked years to get

in place. I should do all of those things, but I can’t. Maybe this is the end for me, and I’ll have to deal with what comes. But Sienna is worth it. She’s worth dying for. I can feel it in me. I understand now what my father was talking about when he found Mom. “Listen,” I tell her as we stand up to say goodbye, “that number you gave me, is it secure?” “Umm, I mean, yeah on my side. But if you call from here, they’ll be recording it.” “I know, but what I mean is if there’s someone on your end recording. Can I call and not get you into trouble?” Her eyes brighten at the thought, and she nods. “Yeah, it’s secure.” I pull her against me and breathe in her scent, praying that it burns into my skin so I don’t lose it. It’s sweet like sunshine and summertime, and every muscle in my body relaxes at her touch. Well, every muscle except my dick. “I don’t want to go,” she says against my chest, and I nod even though she can’t see me. “I’m working on something,” I admit, even though I shouldn’t be telling her anything. “Just be safe and do what you’re told.” Leaning down, I hold her face as I quickly brush my lips against hers. One day I’ll spend hours kissing her, but for now this has to be enough. After the second chime goes o , I release her and take a step back. My insides scream at me like I’ve taken away my life blood. “When will I see you again?” she asks, and the way she rubs her legs together makes me think she’s already hoping for a repeat of today. That makes two of us.

“Tomorrow,” I answer, seeing the guards leading all the civilians out. “Come back tomorrow.” She looks like she wants to say something, and I feel the same way. Somehow goodbye isn’t enough, but what can I do? Scream I love you as she leaves the prison? I want to, but that makes me sound fucking crazy, so I keep it to myself. My dad told me one day I would find the woman I’d bring home to the island. How can that be possible when she’s the king's daughter? The queen can’t leave him unprotected, and I don’t know if they can both make it out of this unscathed. When she’s out of the room and the metal door closes behind her, part of my heart leaves with her once again. Will she take all of it piece by piece? I’d gladly get on my knees and cut it out if that’s what she asked me to do. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her, and even though that should scare me, all it does is make me want to dig deeper into her.



he whole way back home I wonder if anyone can smell Kai on me. If they do, they don’t say a word. I can still feel him against me, and It’s hard to di erentiate between his cum and my own desire. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from whimpering as I recall every detail. Never in a million years did I think that was going to happen today. I was sure he’d come out and ask what the heck I wanted. He might have even thought I requested to see him because it could’ve been something related to my dad. Those thoughts all vanished when I walked through the door and his eyes locked on me. There was hunger and need there, and only I could feed him. There was a burning need inside of me to let him feast on me. He didn’t treat me like a little girl like everyone else does, and it only confirmed to me that he felt this pull too. I guess I’m not completely crazy.

He took my hand and pleasured himself, and then he marked me. It was primal and gave me the feeling that he’s claimed me. There’s no going back from this point. I’m his, and I don’t care what anyone else says. The drive back home is longer than normal, and I know it’s because I’m already on edge. My clit throbs with need, and every time the SUV hits a bump I have to fight not to moan. All I want to do is put my hand between my legs and rub. It wouldn't take much, because I’m already so close. Even my breasts ache, with my nipples tight against my dress. I’m not sure they will ever be the same. Hell, I’m not sure If I’ll ever be the same either. Something inside of me shifted after Kai woke up a hunger inside of me. For so long I’ve been my dad’s little girl, but now I want to be Kai’s. “You're quiet,” Marco says from beside me. I feel his eyes burning into me as I keep staring forward, knowing I have an expressive face. “I’m tired, I guess.” I shrug my shoulder. “Anything else you need to tell me?” I shake my head no, and quiet falls over everyone until we make it back to the house. The second I’m let out of the vehicle I take o for my bedroom. I creep in, not wanting to wake Tiger, and go straight for my bathroom. I shut the door quietly behind me before I pull my dress o . When I look at the mirror on the wall in front of me I can see just how wild my eyes are. I lean against the door, wearing only my shoes and panties. I don’t want to take them o because I can still see Kai’s release on them. It’s even on my thighs. The smell of him is intoxicating as I slip

my finger into my panties. I close my eyes to picture Kai, and it’s not my fingers now, but his. I stroke myself, desperately trying to find some kind of release. In all the times I’ve tried this I’ve never been so close. My mind flashes to Kai aggressively pulling my legs apart under the table. It would be almost painful how wide I’d have to stretch to make room for him. He would demand I give him what belongs to him, and his mouth would consume me until there was nothing left. “Kai!” I cry out as the orgasm hits me. The pleasure doesn't last as long as I’d like it to, but it takes the ache away. Afterwards I slowly open my eyes, and this time, another ache starts to form in the center of my chest. I wipe at my cheeks, not realizing I was crying when I hear soft meows coming from the other side of the door. I grab my robe and wash my hands before opening the door and scooping Tiger up into my arms. “Hi baby. Did you miss your mommy?” I give his little head kisses. I pause for a moment, wondering if there's the possibility of getting pregnant from what Kai and I did today. “No.” I shake my head at myself. A pregnant virgin? Yeah, right. For some reason that only makes my chest ache more as the buzz of excitement starts to fade away and I crash back down to reality. I crawl into bed, snuggling Tiger close to me and closing my eyes. I jerk awake when a knock sounds at the door, and I’m surprised I fell asleep. I sit up, scared it was all a dream and pull the blanket back. When I look down at myself, I can see

I'm still in the same panties and I can smell Kai on me. A knock on the door sounds again. “Sienna. Honey, are you okay?” Margaret calls out before she opens the door to my room. I spot one of the guards standing a few feet back from her. “Sorry. I think I passed out.” “I figured, but you have a guest downstairs that’s here to see you.” I stare at her in confusion, not sure if I heard her right. “A guest?” I repeat. “Yes, honey,” she laughs. “A handsome young man by the name of Carlos.” I groan, falling back on the bed. This is not happening. Margaret comes to the side of the bed and grabs my hand. “Let's not be rude. Carlos is from a good family. We can at least be friendly.” “Fine,” I hu and roll out of bed. “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem di erent.” Margaret runs her eyes over me. “I’m fine. Totally the same,” I answer quickly as I dart into my closet to hide from her and her witchy ways of reading people. She is also good at pulling information out of people, so I need to be careful. I grab a pair of wide-leg slacks and put them on, pairing them with a matching sweater. Then I quickly braid my hair without even checking myself over because I don’t care. It would be for the best if Carlos thinks I look like crap. Then everyone can stop with this whole idea of marriage. When I exit my room, a guard trails behind me, and I make my way to the front of the house. I find Carlos standing

in the entryway when I come down the stairs, and I force a smile onto my face. “Carlos,” I say by way of a greeting. “Sienna.” He pulls me in and kisses me on my cheek. “You look lovely as always.” It’s a fight not to reach up and wipe my cheek where he left his kiss. “Thank you. Would you care for some co ee or tea?” “Co ee sounds good.” He gives me a small smile. Carlos is handsome, and he’s always been nice too. I think he will make someone a good husband one day, but it won’t be me. There’s no spark or passion between us, and that’s what I truly want. Reaching up, I touch my necklace, thinking of the love my parents had for each other as he follows me into the kitchen. I’m not willing to settle for anything less. His family is close to ours, and they’ve been here several times. Instead of taking co ee in the formal sitting room, we choose the kitchen for a more casual setting. Margaret makes us something to drink before she leaves us sitting at the large island alone. I’m sure there are a few guards barely out of sight and within earshot, but it's the illusion of privacy at least. We fall into light talk, not really about anything of importance. Then it circles around to my dad, and Carlos clears his throat. “You know they want us to get married.” I nod my head. “I would like to hear what you think about that, Sienna.” “I don’t really know you,” I say honestly. Plus, I think I’m in love with a convict, and although I barely know him, he

did save my life and came on me. Thankfully I keep that part to myself. “We should change that.” He places his hand on top of mine, and just at that moment, the house phone rings. I hurry to pull my hand out from under his and get up. Perfect timing. “Sorry, it could be my father.” I rush over to the phone and answer it. “Hello?” “Sienna.” A deep voice rumbles through the line, and I turn around to face away from Carlos. “Kai,” I whisper. “Are you being a good girl?” I glance over my shoulder to Carlos, who is staring my way. “Answer me.” “I’m trying to be.” It’s the truth. “Sienna.” His tone is filled with warning. “I have a visitor right now, but I didn’t know it was happening,” I whisper and lean closer to the phone. “He’s a potential husband.” The sound he makes on the other end of the phone makes my nipples tighten. “I can’t stand that you’re out of my grasp. Get rid of him, or I’ll get rid of him permanently.” My mouth falls open. I have no idea what Kai is capable of, but it’s not like I want Carlos here either. “Okay,” I agree. “Good girl. I’ll call back, and he’d better be gone.” It sounds like a threat, but it doesn't scare me in the least. If that was his intent, he’s failed because it’s had the opposite e ect. Call me crazy or naïve, but I know Kai would never hurt me. And if this is the way he wants it, I’m all in. “I will,” I tell him before I end the call.

I do as I’m told, and as soon as I hang up, I pretend to have a migraine. It gets Carlos out of here in record time, and I take the house phone with me to my bedroom. As I wait for Kai to call back, I smile, knowing I’m the good girl he wants me to be.



t’s a long while later before I’m able to call Sienna back safely. Sam sent a package today and bribed the guards to pass it through inspection without checking it. Inside was a burner phone, cash, and a note. I flushed the note and hid the cash while I made a quick call to Sienna. I’d felt utter rage when she said someone was there as a potential husband. That’s not fucking happening. Nobody but me is going to have her, and I don’t care how crazy that makes me. Our fate was sealed in the stars before we ever met. She is my destiny, that’s clear now, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to get to her. “Tupuola,” someone says as my cell door opens. It’s almost lights out, so I’m surprised there’s someone coming in here. After a moment, Leo steps through, and I notice he’s alone. Standing up, I brace myself for whatever’s coming next. “I heard you had a visitor.” He gives nothing away as he makes this statement.

I nod, keeping my cards close to my chest. I should have known he would find out, but I was blinded by Sienna, and all rational thoughts were gone. “She’s not meant for you,” he says, and I see his fists clench at his sides. “You saved her, and I owe you for that, but I’ve worked hard to keep her from this life.” He’s not before me right now as the king, but as her father. What would I do if the roles were reversed? Clearly he doesn’t know what happened or I’d be dead already. “What if I want the same thing?” I ask, and his eyes narrow. “You don’t know me, but I know you, and what I do know is that you don’t belong here. At least not for the crime you were found guilty of.” “Yeah? Tell that to the judge.” He lets out a humorless laugh, and his hands relax. “Nah, no judge, no jury.” I shake my head. “When the time comes, I’ll make sure the scales of justice are balanced.” “Why are you doing this? Why are you really here?” There’s earnestness in his voice, and maybe even a little hope. I look out of the cell, and for a moment I think only of Sienna. “I’m here to do what’s right,” I say before looking back at him. When our eyes meet, I tell him the absolute truth. “She’s special to me, and even though you might not understand it yet, I’ll prove to you I’m worthy of protecting her. I know that I’ll never be good enough for Sienna, but I’ll lay my life down to keep her safe.” “There are already enough men around her to do that at this very moment.” He looks like he’s won, but I shake my

head again. “You of all people should know better than to trust those around you just because they’re the closest.” “What are you saying?” He takes a step toward me. “What do you know?” “I know that the sooner we’re out of here, the safer she is.” The buzz sounds for lights out, and we both look out the open cell door. When it begins to close, Leo slips out. Before he walks away, he looks back at me, his eyes pleading. “Do whatever it takes to save my little girl.” I nod before he walks away and out of sight. Once the cells are locked and lights are out, I lie down on my cot and pull out the burner phone again. I dial the number, and it doesn’t ring all the way before I hear her voice on the other end of the line. “Kai,” she says softly, and it makes my cock hard. “You’ll come see me tomorrow,” I order, and she answers quickly. “Yes, first thing,” she agrees. “I want you in a skirt this time, no panties.” “Yes,” she says again just as quickly. “And something with buttons on the shirt.” “Okay.” “Did you touch yourself when you got home?” There’s a quiet pause, and then I barely hear her. “Yes.” “Did you cum?” “Yes.” Her one-word answers are so soft. I’ve opened the front of my jumpsuit and I’m stroking my cock to her breathy voice. “Do you want to find out what it’s

like to cum on my tongue?” “Oh god.” “What will you do for me if I get you alone?” Another long pause and I hear her swallow hard. “Anything you want.” “Good girl,” I say and squeeze the base of my cock. “Don’t worry. I won’t fuck you in here.” “Why not?” she asks quickly, her voice rising. I have to hide a laugh as I speed up my hand. “So eager,” I tease. “I’m going to have you naked and under me when I pop that fresh cherry.” “Kai.” When she says my name there’s a little whine on the end like she’s just as eager as I am. “I want you to listen to what you do to me.” I put the phone next to my cock so she can hear me jerk o . It only takes a few strokes and I’m grunting my release. It’s shameful how quick I am, but all I have to do is imagine her in front of me, and it’s game over. “Now let me hear you do it.” “I-I can’t.” She hesitates and I growl. “Put the phone next to your slick cunt and let me hear those fingers in your sweet cream.” “Shit,” she hisses, and a second later, I hear it. It’s heaven to my ears as I close my eyes and absorb every note of the symphony she’s playing me. It’s obscene and filthy in the most erotic way, and my cock keeps on dripping. I can even hear her little mewls as she climbs higher to her peak. Her fingers move faster, and I’m imagining her juicy thighs stretched wide for me to see. Just when I don’t think I

can take any more, she cries out my name, and her fingers slow. “How can you do that to me without even being here?” I can hear the smile in her voice, and she sounds satisfied. “Once I’ve got my hands on you, I don’t plan on ever letting go.” “I like the sound of that.” Her voice is soft like she’s curled into the blankets. She’s probably tired after that release. I’ll have to cum at least twice more before I’m able to get any rest. The sounds of her wet pussy are going to haunt my dreams until I can see it for myself. “Tomorrow,” I say into the phone, and it sounds like a warning. “Tomorrow,” she agrees. “Good night, sweet Sienna.” My chest aches at the distance between us, but soon enough all will be right.



can’t sit still. My excitement to see Kai is bubbling out of me. I’ve never been so giddy about anything in my life, and just the thought of him makes me smile. It’s been so long since I’ve felt any happiness at all that I was sure I was going to be alone forever and trapped in my house. I don’t care if all I can have with Kai are visits and phone calls for the rest of our lives. I’ll take it if it means I’m his. “I’m surprised you’re going back so soon,” Marco says from beside me. I try not to tense at his statement. Is he on to me? I was sure I’d gotten away with it the last time. “I’ll go as many times as they’ll allow me to.” Scrunching my eyebrows, I look up at him. “Why wouldn’t I? It’s not as though my schedule is booked up.” He gives me a soft smile. “I know, but things might change soon. More freedom might be on the way.” He gives

me a wink and pats my bare leg where my skirt has ridden up. My dad might have something up his sleeve, but I don’t want to hope for something that might never happen. I disregard Marco’s words to protect my heart, because I can’t allow those thoughts to grow and then die. It’s too painful to wish for something that might not be a possibility. “How did things go with Carlos?” he asks. “Okay, I guess.” I’m not sure what else to say because I don’t want to sound bitchy. Carlos was nice and a gentleman as usual, but I’m starting to think gentlemen aren’t my thing. Not when it comes to what I want in a lover or husband. I want aggressive and demanding and someone willing to take what they want and fight for it. Even if that fight might be against my dad. I don’t want someone who will cower in front of him, and as sweet as Carlos is, he’ll never do those things. “I can make sure he doesn't come around any longer if you want.” “Really?” I’m surprised that this is an option. “Of course. It’s my job to keep you safe and happy.” “Thank you,” I say and lean my head on Marco’s shoulder for a moment. It’s my way of silently showing him what it means to me that he would do this. He’s really stepped up in a lot of ways since Dad was arrested. He’s always been like an uncle to me, but I didn’t realize how much I’ve relied on him in that father figure role now that I’m alone. When we get to the prison, I go through my normal routine, and my heart starts to race as I walk down the long

hallway. Before I get to the double doors at the end of the hall, a side door swings open, and a hand reaches out and grabs me. Before I scream, I recognize the tattoos on the arm so I stop fighting and let Kai pull me into the room. The door closes behind us, and the room is suddenly pitch black. “Kai?” He responds to me with a kiss as his mouth comes down and claims mine. I want to cry with joy that this is happening, but I’m too lost as his hands tangle in my hair. He pulls me tight against his hard body as his tongue slips past my lips. He’s taking what he wants without question, and I open my mouth wider. I want him to have everything he wants and every part of me he desires. I want to be the vessel he uses for pleasure. “Did you do as I asked?” He doesn't wait for me to answer as he lets go of my waist and slides his hand under my skirt. His hand cups my bare pussy, and I gasp as he gives it a little squeeze. “Yes,” I say, my breath caught in my throat. “Always.” He grinds his erection into my stomach as his hand in my hair pulls my head back. He runs his tongue along my neck and chin, making me whimper with need. Holy shit, he’s like an animal, and I don’t want him to stop. “Good girl.” His hand leaves my sex, and I want to cry, but then he flicks a switch and floods the small room with light. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust and for me to realize we’re in some kind of storage closet. “Fuck, you’re so damn sexy.” He grinds his cock against me, and I feel my desire spread between my legs. I’m utterly

soaked at the sight of his huge body humping against mine. “You’d do anything I asked you, wouldn’t you, baby?” He brushes his thumb against my lips, and I open my mouth. He rubs it along my bottom lip, and I flick my tongue out to wet it. “Yes.” I have no clue why I’m so drawn to him, but I’m not going to fight it. This is right, and I feel it in my bones. “That’s my good girl.” His approval makes a thrill run through me. He releases his hold on my hair and starts unbuttoning my shirt, exposing more of me to him. My breathing picks up, and I’m a mix of desire and shock. I can’t believe this is happening and that I get to be with him all alone. He tugs down the cups of my bra, and my breasts spill out of the top. He groans so loud and low that it sounds like it’s painful. The need he has for me is intoxicating and makes me feel special and wanted. I’ve never been so wanted, and after feeling left behind most of my life, I crave his attention. He looks like he can’t survive without me, and that gives me a sense of purpose. I’ve never had that before, and I want my purpose to be pleasing him. My days used to all blend together with nothing to do, but now visions of spreading my legs the moment he gets hard threaten to send me over the edge. “More perfect than I ever could have imagined.” He drops to his knees in front of me, and with our major height di erence, it puts his face level with my boobs. His big hands push them together, and he grunts as he just looks at them. Then, as if a fire has been lit, his mouth hungrily devours me. I dig my fingers into his hair as he

sucks hard on my nipple and then pops it out of his mouth. He doesn’t give me a break as he goes right to the other and growls his pleasure. His fingers toy with my nipple, and I feel him tug. The pinch of pain mixed with pleasure of his mouth is almost too much. My clit aches, and I’m starting to wonder if I can get o on him just sucking my tits. “I’m going to fuck these one day.” He sounds like it’s a warning, but all I can do is push into his hands. “Oh god, please.” I want everything he’s promising and so much more. With the way he’s consuming me, I hope he leaves marks all over my skin. “That’s right, baby. I’m your god.” He gives me a wicked smile. “Pull your skirt up and show me what’s mine.” When I do as he orders, I feel cool air against my skin, lifting my skirt all the way up. I can’t fight the blush that spreads over my cheeks and down my chest. I’m so turned I’m practically dripping as I show him what he’s done to me. It’s embarrassing, but then Kai sucks in an audible breath and closes his eyes like he’s imprinting the memory into his mind. He inhales my scent and groans as he grips my hips. His fingers sink into my skin in a possessive hold so tight I’m unable to move. It doesn't hurt, but I know I’ll be sore tomorrow. “You knew what would happen when you came back today.” He looks up at me with a dark edge to his eyes. “I’m never letting you go, Sienna.” Before I can respond, he buries his face against my pussy, and I moan loudly. Kai stops suddenly and shakes his head. “Be my good girl and be quiet. I don’t want anyone else knowing what I’ve got in here and how fucking sweet it is.”

Jealousy shows in his eyes, and I nod my head. I want to please him, and I don’t want anyone else to hear. He licks his lips and then once again presses his face between my thighs. His tongue strokes my clit back and forth as he sucks and teases me. I’m impossibly wetter as his mouth covers my pussy and he swallows. I’m so close, but I try to hold back because I don’t want it to be over too fast. I’m not ready for him to stop, but I can’t fight it anymore. When I look down, I gasp when I see he has his cock out of his jumpsuit and in his hand. He’s stroking himself as he eats my pussy, and the sight of it sends me over the edge. I bite the inside of my cheek as I cum, trying to mu e my moans as much as possible. Kai keeps his grip on me; otherwise I think I would have fallen over. He rises slowly as he licks his lips and lifts me o my feet. He guides the head of his cock to my entrance, and I try to push down on it. I want him inside of me and to thrust into the ache I can’t reach. “No,” he snaps, and I stop bearing down on him. When I let out a hu of frustration, he smiles. “I’m not taking your virginity in a storage closet of a prison, no matter how bad I want to fuck this pretty cunt.” He moves the head of his cock in and out of me in shallow thrusts. “But I can do this, and I can still cum in you.” His face hardens and then pleasure washes over him as he groans my name and does what he promised. He’s cumming inside of me, and I can feel the heat of it pouring from him. He looks at me as it pumps out of his cock and I clench around the tip. He’s made his ownership clear even without words.

I belong to him.



didn’t think there was anything worse than being trapped inside these prison walls, but after tasting Sienna and having to let her walk away, I know that I was wrong. We stood in the storage closet for a long moment after, and the weight of what I’d done fell between us. I touched her face tenderly, and when I kissed her again it was slower and softer than before. Seconds later she was gone, and although I don’t regret a single second, I hated that it wasn’t under di erent circumstances. Ones where she’d be under me for hours and then on top of me for hours more. Then I’d be able to hold her in my arms. Sienna is something special, a queen to be worshiped, and I’m just the man to do it. The longer I’m in her presence, the clearer my path ahead becomes. Now I just need to put my plan into action, and everything will be the way it’s meant to be.

When I get back to my cell, I slip the guard his payment, and he nods at me. Sam found out this guard had some gambling debts that were about to wind him six feet under, so I decided to make him an o er. Get me and my girl some alone time, and his debts would disappear. He made good on his end, and so I held up mine. The piece of paper I just handed him is the confirmation from his debt holder that he’s square. Most likely he’ll be back in this same situation in no time, but that’s for someone else to figure out. When I first o ered him the deal, he was shocked I’d pay so much money for a woman, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t pay to have Sienna. Even if it was only for a moment, I’d drain my bank account and make it last. Good thing I’ve got plenty of zeros, because I plan on spoiling her with all of it. After the guard leaves, I sit down on my cot and bring my hands to my nose. I can still smell her on me, and I inhale over and over. It’s a mixture of her sweet pussy and something soft like jasmine. It’s driving me insane, and I ache for her. I think about jerking o again, but there’s no time. The plan starts tonight. Lifting my pillow, I see the note and read it over twice just to make sure. Sam has left instructions, and I’m the one that has to see them out. I just need to make sure there are no mistakes, and everything will be fine.

Hours later, it’s free time before lights out, and the guards are about to change shifts. I’ve got a small window of time, with only a few seconds to get it right. Leaning up against my cell door, I hang my arms out and wait. At exactly ten o’clock I hear the signal, and my door unlocks. Sliding it open as quietly as possibly, I exit my cell to the left where there aren’t any inmates on that side. I move against the wall so I can’t be seen by the cameras and then duck around the corner. One glance into the guard tower shows me it’s empty and I can keep going. It’s not hard to find crooked guards in a place like this, and most of them have a problem that needs solving. The right amount of money to the right guard during a shift change can literally open doors. Once I’m through the cell block, I make my way down the corridor and to the cell I need. Leo O’Neal has a cell almost as nice as mine except his is in the corner away from everyone else. It’s twice as large as the other cells, and away from prying eyes. I know this isn’t just a coincidence. As I approach his cell, I hear the click of the lock and see the door open slightly. As quietly as I can, I go over, and he’s standing there staring at the door. “Come with me,” I tell him, but he doesn’t move. Instead he narrows his eyes. “Why should I trust you?” He opens his hands as if I should look around. “If I try and break out and get caught, I lose all of this. And I have no chance of ever getting out.” “You don’t have a chance of that happening even if you don’t try to escape,” I explain as I look over my shoulder.

“Maybe, but if I’m stuck in here for life, why should I give all this up?” He sighs and shakes his head. “I can’t risk losing any communication with my daughter.” “Leo,” I say, stepping closer to him. “This is your one chance, our chance. I’ve spent the past two years undercover so I could get to you.” Anger flashes in his eyes as squares his shoulders. “Who are you?” “Right now, I’m a rogue FBI agent.” His eyes widen, and I try to quickly explain. “I was part of the investigation into putting you behind bars. But when the evidence came through it didn’t add up. We watched you for years and couldn’t get a single scrap of evidence, no one would turn on you.” “My men are loyal, especially to rats like you,” he spits at me, and I shake my head. “No, not like me. I got into the feds as a means to an end. I’m ex-military, and they used me like a weapon. My parents died when I was in college, and after I graduated, I was recruited by them. They put me through training and sent me on missions. I didn’t have anything left to make me question it, but the deeper I got, the more I saw the corruption on the inside.” “No shit,” he hisses. “The investigation into you was my last. I was retiring after your case, and then I saw the dirty evidence. It was planted, and I had everything to clear your name.” “So why didn’t you?” His eyes are burning through me, but I don’t flinch.

“Why do you think I'm in jail?” His eyebrows pull together as he tries to process this. “As soon as I tried to expose the truth, they tossed me in a cell. The feds erased my past because of the work I’d done for them and expected me to rot in here. It took me over a year to get transferred to this prison, and it’s only because I’ve still got a couple of friends left on the outside.” “I’ve been asking you this from the beginning, but what do you want? Why are you doing this?” “To make this right,” I answer honestly. “You’re not an innocent man, but you’re innocent of this crime. I can prove it, but I don’t trust that either of us are safe when I uncover the corruption. We need to get out of here before we can clear your name.” He looks into my eyes and for a moment doesn’t say a word. But I can see when his decision has been made and he nods. “Lead the way.” I check the clock on the wall and see we’ve only got seconds before it happens, and I turn to Leo. “Will you trust me?” I ask, adrenaline climbing my neck. “Do I have a choice?” “No,” I answer and push him behind me. On cue, the alarm sounds and every cell door on A Block opens.



trail the pink ribbon behind me as I walk down the hallway. Tiger bounces around behind me, trying to pounce on it, and it makes me laugh. I scoop him up when I get to the stairs and carry him down before putting him back on his feet to chase the ribbon again. “I figured you’d show up.” Margaret smiles as she uses the spatula to lift the cookies o the tray and put them on the cooling rack. I go for one, and she warns me like a mother hen, “Careful.” “I love when you make cookies. It makes the house smell wonderful and gives it a homey feeling.” That’s not here much anymore, and I’m not sure if it’s ever going to come back. I’m actually starting to hate this place more and more every day. I don’t know if it’s out of resentment because I’ve been kept here alone, or because it’s missing the magic of my mother.

“You’ve been moping around, so I had to do something.” She points at one of the cookies, letting me know it’s okay to pick up. I take a bite and think that last week I would have said nothing tastes better than Margaret’s cookies, but that’s not the case anymore. Kai now holds that spot, and I have to make a conscious e ort not to press my legs together when I remember what we did. “Can I ask you about Mom and Dad?” I say as I take a seat on the high-top chair at the island. Tiger rolls over at my feet as I keep twirling the ribbon. “You can ask me anything, you know that, sweetheart.” She rolls another ball of cookie dough and places it on the sheet. “Dad said he knew the second he spotted Mom she’d be his forever.” I reach up and touch the locket around my neck. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a good thing I don’t really remember her. I can see the ache and loss of her in my dad’s eyes to this day. It’s a heavy grief to carry, and one I would never want. “It was the same for your mom too.” She smiles, looking past me like she’s trying to see a memory that’s far away. “But it wasn't always easy. Your father was in this life and your mother was a preacher's daughter.” My mouth falls open. Okay, I did not know that part of the story. “I didn’t see that twist coming.” I guess that’s the reason I’ve never met anyone from my mom's side of the family. “In the end she picked love and she still has that love to this day.” My eyes start to water. “The one thing your father

couldn’t fight took her from us, but even if it was only for a handful of years, she got to live their love story without regrets. She gave your father a daughter, and I think that’s the only reason he didn’t follow her to the grave.” “I would rather have a few years of real love than a forever of never experiencing it.” “I agree. Finding a soul mate is rarer than I think people understand. They settle for what they think will work out, but when it’s a soul mate, you know.” She winks at me. I watch as she picks up the cookie tray and puts it into the oven before she washes her hands. “I’ll start dinner in a few hours.” She comes around the island and kisses the top of my head. “When it comes to your own life you must make your choices and not worry about what other people will think. We only get one life, Sienna. Make it count.” With that, she leaves me alone in the kitchen to ponder her words. It would break my heart if my dad couldn’t come to terms with Kai and me. If anyone should understand, it’s him. Tiger plops down and lies across the ribbon so I can’t move it anymore. “All played out?” I ask as I get down from the chair and pick him up. I grab a couple of treats for him and another cookie for myself as I head back to my bedroom. I really hope Kai can call me again tonight. When I step into my bedroom, I pause when I see Marco coming out of my closet. “What’s going on?” I walk over and put Tiger down on the bed. He circles around a few times before he plops down, snuggles into the blankets, and puts his head on his paws.

“Security check. Something’s happened.” His face is blank, and he’s giving nothing away. “What? Is someone on the property?” I debate if I should grab Tiger and go to the panic room, but that’s not always the escape plan. He walks over to my bedroom door and closes it. What the hell is going on? My heart starts to pound because there’s never supposed to be anyone in here. “Sit.” He grabs my hand and guides me over to the bench at the end of the bed. “You’re scaring me.” “Sienna, I just want you to know everything is going to be okay. You know I’ll always keep you safe, don’t you?” He runs his fingers up and down the side of my jaw. He’s being overly a ectionate, and it’s only making me freak out more. He’s always so stoic that it’s rare to see any emotion from him. Even when Dad was arrested, he was so calm and put together. He moves his hand away from my face and picks up the remote lying on the seat next to me. When he turns on the TV, there’s a breaking news story. I gasp and go to my feet when I see the prison on the screen. A huge chunk of it is burnt to ash and has crumbled to the ground. My nose burns as tears start to fall down my cheeks. I don’t want to believe it, but he must be here to deliver the bad news. “My dad?” “I’m sorry, baby.” He pulls me into him and wraps me in his arms.

Sobs wrack my body, and I don’t know how long I cry while he holds me. I can’t stop the tears from falling as Marco leads me over to the bed and helps me lie down. I can only pray that Kai is okay, because I don’t think I could bear losing them both. Soon exhaustion takes me, and I’m swept into sleep. I jerk awake, not knowing how much time has passed, but it’s night again. I sit up and let out a gasp when I see Marco sitting in a chair next to my bed. “Am I in some kind of danger?” I ask as I look around the room. “No, but I enjoy watching you.” A smile pulls at his lips and for the first time, he makes me feel uneasy. When I try to pull the blanket over myself, I realize my pants are gone and I’m only in a shirt and panties. My head snaps up, and his smile softens. “I made you more comfortable. It is my job to take care of you.” Call it women's intuition or whatever you want, but I know something isn’t right here. “Um, thanks,” I say, not meaning it at all. “We need to talk, Sienna. Things are going to be changing around here, and we need to settle what role you’ll be playing in that.” “Role? What are you talking about?” My heart starts to race as I try to keep my expression neutral. It’s something I’m not very good at. “Yes, your role here on the estate. Someone has to take over in your father’s place. He told me if anything happened

to him that would be me.” Now I know Marco’s lying. Or at least I think he is. Dad told me long ago what to do if something ever happened to him. There’s a safe hidden in the tiles of my bathroom that contains everything I need to disappear. There’s a whole new identity there. I even have a bank account set up for me, and I’m the only other person besides him that knows about it. “Okaaay,” I say slowly, trying to assess what’s going on. “This can go one of two ways, my little Sienna.” My stomach clenches, and bile climbs my throat. This is going to be bad. “You can be my wife or my mistress.” Immediately I begin to shake my head. “No.” He’s lost his damn mind. “No isn't an option. Besides, it’s time you made yourself useful around here.” “Please don’t do this,” I beg him as my hands tighten in the blanket. “Dad wouldn't want this.” “Oh sweetheart, yes he would. He told me so.” Now I know he’s full of shit. Everything coming out of his mouth is a lie. “And I was more than willing to make you my wife until you turned yourself into a whore.” Oh god, he knows about Kai. “You’re not even going to deny it?” he hisses, leaning forward in his chair. “If you’re still a virgin I’ll make you my wife. If not, I’ll treat you like the whore you’re so desperate to be.” He stands up and comes over to the bed while I shrink away. He rips the blanket from my grasp and tosses it on the

floor. I’m praying someone here is more loyal to my dad than Marco as I do the only thing I can. Scream.



y hands grip the stone tight as I pull myself up, and then I hear the sound that tears my heart into pieces. It’s Sienna, and she’s in danger. Using all my strength, I climb the rest of the rocks quickly and leap over the railing and onto her bedroom balcony. I’ve made it through security undetected and now I’m here to sneak her out. It looks like there’s going to be some bodies along the way, but I don’t have a problem with that. Through the glass doors, I see Sienna pinned to the bed by one of the security guards, and rage bubbles inside me like lava. I roar as I burst through the doors, and the glass shatters as it slams into the walls. The guard turns to me, and I lunge for him, gripping his throat in both my hands as I body slam him to the ground. “Wait, it’s not what it looks like.” He holds his hands up as he pleads, but I don’t listen as I fall on top of him with my elbow down.

It lands in his chest, and all the air leaves his lungs as he turns purple. There was some crunching in there too, but broken ribs isn’t enough of a punishment for him for touching Sienna. “Kai!” she screams, and I look up to see her eyes red and swollen like she’s been crying. She sobs, reaching her arms out to me, and I have no choice but to go to her. “Sienna,” I say as I pull her against me and breathe in her scent. “You’re alive.” She begins to sob, and I try to calm her down. “Of course I am.” I hold her cheeks and look into her eyes. “Do you think I’d ever let anything keep me from you?” “I thought you died with my dad.” She sni s, and my brow furrows. “Who told you your da—” My words are cut o by the sound of a gun cocking behind me. When I turn around, I see the guard has his weapon trained on me, right in the middle of my chest. “Marco, no!” Sienna pleads from behind me. But I’m so big, I cover her completely. “You think you can come into my castle and take her?” Marco shakes his head as he tries to smile. “The king is dead, and she’s mine.” This man trying to make a claim on the woman I love will not be tolerated. He’ll die for uttering those words, and I’ll do it with my bare hands if I have to. I take a step forward, ready to feel a bullet hit me, when out of the corner of my eye I see movement.

“She’ll be a useful toy to sit at my feet while I’m the one that rules,” he hisses. “Never,” I seethe, and then the gun goes o . Sienna screams, but I don’t feel any pain as I look down and see I’m unharmed. I turn around and she reaches for me, checking me over to see where the bullet hit. “He missed?” she asks in disbelief. We both look back to see Marco in a pile on the floor with a bullet between his eyes. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see a woman step into view holding a gun. “Margaret!” Sienna shouts and rushes to her. The older woman holds her steady as she looks at me. “Is this him?” she asks, and Sienna glances between us and then nods. “Get her to safety,” Margaret says as she looks out the window. “I don’t know how much time you have.” “No, we can’t leave you,” Sienna says, pulling her hand. “There’s no time, child,” Margaret says. “Sienna.” I draw her attention back to me and nod. “She’s right, we need to get out of here before the rest of the guards or your father’s enemies find out what’s happened.” She swallows hard but then nods. “Your dad told me there’s a safe here and only you know about it.” “Yeah, but he never told me the code.” Her face falls as she thinks it over. “I don’t even know where to begin.” I walk over to her and pick up the locket around her neck. Gently, I open it and pull the picture back. “Kai, what are you doing, stop!” She tries to take it out of my hand, but then she notices the numbers engraved into the gold. “Oh my god.”

“He told me where to find the code,” I say, and she looks up at me with wide eyes. “Hurry.” She takes my hand, and together we go into her bathroom. There’s a large, glass-encased shower in the corner. She grabs a small statue next to the tub and walks into the shower with it. When I look at her in confusion, she points to the wall. “It’s here,” she says as she rears back and then brings the statue down onto the tiles. The porcelain shatters, and behind it is a black box with a keypad on the front. “Holy shit,” I say as she looks at the code and then smiles. “It’s their anniversary.” Tears threaten to spill, but she takes a deep breath and enters the numbers. My brave beauty is being so fucking strong right now, and all I want to do is get her to safety. I’m close behind her as she opens the safe and pulls out the small black canvas bag inside. “This is it,” she says, and I take her hand. “Let’s go.” When we exit the bathroom, Margaret is there waiting with a du el bag and pet carrier in her hand. “It’s the best I could do,” she says, and Sienna throws herself in Margaret’s arms and I take the stu . Inside the carrier, a little orange kitten meows quietly, and I hold the crate under my arm to keep it safe. “Go, there’s no time,” Margaret says, and they whisper words of love to each other. Margaret goes out of Sienna’s bedroom, and I take her hand. “This way,” I say, taking her back to the balcony.

“How am I supposed to climb down?” She looks over the edge, and I can see the terror in her eyes. “You’re not climbing, I am,” I say, picking her up and carrying her on my back over the edge. The kitten meows but doesn’t seem too bothered once Sienna talks to him. Once we’re on the ground, I keep her on my back as I crouch down and through the bushes. Leo told me the route to take to go undetected and where to exit the property. It’s a long way to the edge of the estate, but with adrenaline and the overwhelming need to protect her pumping in my veins, I make it in no time. Once we’re to the wall, I scale it the same way I got in and wait for the patrol light to pass us. Sienna has a death grip around my neck, but I don’t care. That lets me know she’s alive and safe, and that’s all that matters. Up ahead I see the signal and then I’m running through the grass. My lungs burn from the run, and it feels like there are wolves nipping at my heels. The rear car door opens, and I leap inside a second before it takes o . Sienna and I fall across the back seat, and I breathe for the first time in what feels like hours. Sienna sits up on the seat and pushes her long hair out of her face. “Sugar,” Leo says when her eyes land on him, and then she launches herself into his arms. “Dad!” she cries, and I look up in the rearview mirror at Sam, who nods at me. “We did it,” I pant and close my eyes in relief.


One week later…


tanding in front of the mirror, I hold my locket between my two fingers. I take a moment to remember my mom, and my eyes water knowing she would have loved to be here today. It’s days like this that I miss her most of all. What girl doesn't want their mom beside them on their wedding day? “You're breathtaking, honey,” Margaret says as she comes to stand behind me. “You look so much like your mother.” I blink rapidly, trying not to cry and ruin the makeup Margaret put on me. I turn around to face her. “Thank you for being here. You’ve really been an amazing stand-in mom for me over the years.” I lose the battle, a few tears escaping. “Oh honey.” She pulls me in for a hug. “You're the daughter I never had and one day soon I’m sure you’ll make me a grandma.”

“Yes.” I nod. I love the idea of our kids calling her "Grandma.” “Now, let's get you cleaned up.” Margaret grabs a tissue and pats my cheeks with it to stop my makeup from running. “My turn?” Dad asks, stepping into the room. “I just got her to stop crying,” Margaret teases with a smile on her lips. “The last thing I ever want to do is make my daughter cry.” He walks over toward me as Margaret slips out of the room, leaving us alone. It’s still hard for me to believe my dad’s here in front of me. My Kai gave me that, and he saved us all. “I see so much of your mother in you.” He leans in and places a kiss on my cheek. “I know she would have given her blessing to this wedding. Love always won out for her.” “And you?” I ask. He hasn't made any protest, but he also hasn't been excited about it either. Honestly, when it came to the wedding it was hard to read his mood. “You have my blessing and not because I owe Kai, but because I’ve seen you two together. There is no denying you’re both in love. He would lay down his life for you. There’s nothing more I could ever ask for from the man who wants to marry my daughter.” “Really?” He nods and gives me the final thing I need for my wedding day. “If I’ve given you reason to think otherwise, I’m sorry, sugar. It wouldn't matter who you marry. It’s still a bit hard for me. You’ve been my little girl for so long, and here you are, a bride.”

“Oh, Dad, I’ll always be your little girl. I love you so much.” He pulls me in for a hug. “I love you too, Sugar. Now let's get you married before Kai comes charging in here. He’s been pacing the whole time.” Dad o ers me his arm and I take it as he leads me outside and down to the beach. We came to the island right after Kai saved me. There was no way we could have gone back to the estate, but it didn’t matter to me. I don’t care where I live as long as I have the people I love around me. Thankfully my dad is always a few steps ahead of everyone. His friend Sean Sparrow helped him broker a deal for a private island. It’s a safe location with no ties to our old life. Right now we’re on the island of Lanai where Kai was born, but only for the wedding. He wanted to have his family here with us, if only in spirit. After this, there’s a private island waiting for us that Sean and his wife Tessa live near. They’re only a short boat ride away on their own island, and from what I’ve discovered, I think they are laying low too. Kai stops pacing when he sees me and my dad coming toward him, and his smile grows. I know he’s fighting not to walk over to me and pull me into my arms. But he knows it’s important to me that my dad walks me down the aisle. The last week with Kai has solidified what I already knew: that I love him. We haven't been apart for more than a few minutes since he saved me. Well, since he saved us all. My dad kisses me on the check and smiles at me softly as he passes me to Kai. I’m smiling so big my face hurts as my big strong man pulls me against him. “You’re beautiful, baby. I love you so

damn much.” “I love you too,” I say, and he leans down and starts kissing me. I forget where we are and why we’re here while his lips are full and soft against mine. “We’re not to that part yet,” Margaret says and clears her throat. We break the kiss, and Margaret begins to read the vows. I stare into Kai’s eyes knowing every vow he says to me he will always keep. I will do the same because I love him with every part of my heart. “I’m so happy there isn’t a reception,” I tell Kai after Margaret announces us as husband and wife. He’s been killing me this past week because he wanted to wait until we were married before we went all the way. Not that we didn’t get to do other things, thankfully. But he said he wanted it o cial the first time he was fully inside me. He takes my hand and leads me back toward our room while Margaret and my dad go meet Sean and Tessa to finalize the details. Kai lifts me o my feet when we get to the door and carries me over the threshold and into the bedroom. “Did you do as I told you?” He places me on my feet, and I nod. “Always,” I answer as he slips his fingers under the thin straps that hold up my wedding dress. “I think I’ll check for myself.” He slips them down my shoulders until the dress falls and pools at my feet. I stand in front of him completely naked except for my wedding ring that belonged to my mother. She told Dad to

give it to me one day, and when Kai got down on his knees to ask for my hand, I could barely speak. “This body was made for me.” His words rumble low in his chest as he talks to himself. I may still be a virgin, but I’m not shy about my body. I have full curves, fuller than most, but my husband is always looking at me with heat in his eyes. He can barely keep his hands o of me most of the time, and I’ve never felt sexier than I do when I’m with him. “Always so obedient too.” I press my legs tighter together at his approval. “Get on the bed and spread your thighs. I want to see that virgin pussy you saved just for me.” I turn around, giving him my back as I crawl onto the bed. I smile when I hear a growling sound from behind me. I drop down on my stomach and roll over, propping myself up on my elbows. Kai tosses the rest of his clothes to the side, and I’m shocked he got naked so quickly. I guess we’ve both been dying for this moment. “Open them,” he orders, and I bite my bottom lip as Kai starts to stroke himself. I push my knees apart and spread wider for him. Cum is already leaking from the head of his cock and the tip is red and angry. It needs me. “Worth every moment I was in that fucking cell,” he says through clenched teeth and my heart flutters. He’d given up so much of his life and saved mine. “Kai,” I whisper, raising my hips. He crawls on the bed and buries his face between my legs. I gasp as his hands come up and grab my breasts. He pinches my nipples while his tongue pushes in and out of me. I

whimper as I clench around him, desperate for something else inside of me besides his tongue. My fingers dig into the comforter when his tongue goes back to my clit. He sucks it into his mouth and rubs his tongue against it, back and forth. “Kai!” I scream out as I cum. It’s so forceful I have to close my eyes as the orgasm hits my body and explodes inside of me. When the rush of pleasure begins to ease, I slowly open my eyes and see Kai moving on top of me. He pushes the head of his cock to my opening, and I wrap my arms around his neck. “I never want to do anything to hurt you.” “It will hurt me if you don't do this. We’re going to grow our family,” I tell him. Kai’s all alone in the world, and I’m going to change that. He told me about the love his parents had for each other. He and I both were only children. Our children will never be alone, and we’ll make sure of that. “Don’t talk about you being pregnant. I’m already about to bust in you.” I start to giggle but then it turns into a gasp when he pushes further in. “I love you,” he says before he thrusts all the way and his mouth comes down onto mine. He groans loudly, and I feel the rumble in his chest against mine as he cums. It’s a wave of heat in my womb as his cock throbs over and over. He never stops kissing me as we wait for my body to adjust to his size. His cock doesn't go soft like I thought it would after his release. He’s still as hard as ever with every thick inch stretching me wide. “I think I’m better.” I score my nails down his back, and I can see he’s fighting not to pound in and out of me. “I’m so

full. It hurts a little, but it's good too.” “Are you sure?” His voice is gru , and I can see the worry in his eyes. “When it comes to you, Kai, I’m always sure.” “You’re going to kill me one of these days, baby,” he says before he pulls out slowly and then thrusts back in. “Yes!” I cry out, pulling my legs up higher as he starts to go harder. He suddenly grabs my hips and goes up on his knees as he yanks me on his thighs. His cock goes deeper, hitting something inside me that’s di erent this time. “Kai?” The orgasm starts to rise in me, but this one is di erent from before. It feels like a tsunami in the distance, and I’m almost afraid of it. “Your G-spot, baby,” he grunts as he keeps on thrusting. “Give it to me.” His hand slaps down on my clit, and I scream in pleasure as my orgasm detonates. It’s harder than any other I’ve ever had, and my back bows o the bed. The pleasure takes full control of my body, and black spots dance in my eyes. Kai thrusts deep one more time and groans my name as he cums again. I can feel how full I am with his second load as it goes on and on. Kai rolls us over so his cock is still inside of me and I’m sprawled out on his chest. I can feel his cum dripping between us, and we’re both sweaty with the heat and passion. I turn my head and kiss his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating along with the ocean waves. I love this man so much. I want to give him everything he could ever

want because he deserves it. He’s already done that for me and more. Most might say this island is paradise, but my paradise is Kai.


Eight years later…


e’ve decided to take an overnight trip to the mainland for a mini getaway. Leo and Margaret are staying with the kids, although at this point there’s not really a time they aren’t with the kids. Some people would think that four boys is a lot to handle, but one look from either of their grandparents, and it’s game over. We rented a small cabin on the water, and it faces out onto the crystal blue ocean. It’s almost as nice as the view from our island, but it’s good to have a change of scenery. Especially before Sienna gives birth. She’s only got a few weeks left, and this was our last chance for her to travel. When I step out onto the deck, I see her in the distance walking over to the young kids selling haupia by the beach. They’re carting around a little stand with wheels, and it looks like something our boys would do. That’s probably what made her go over there in the first place.

As I watch her from behind, I see she’s wearing her bikini top and a wrap around her waist. She’s so fucking beautiful it makes my chest ache, and even being separated for a moment makes me miss her. In the distance I see a man in board shorts walking over to the stand near her, and I don’t like her being alone. I step o the porch and go down to the beach so I can make sure she’s safe. When I get closer, I see he’s moved right behind her and is staring at her ass. My hackles rise because although she’s used to not wearing much on our island, here there are more prying eyes. I open my mouth to tell the dude to back the fuck o when I hear him say something to her. “Damn baby, you are looking good, why don’t you let me —” His words are cut o when Sienna turns around, and he sees her full pregnant belly on display. “Oh, my bad,” he says, and I grab his shoulder. “Shit.” His eyes widen as he tilts his head back to look up at me. “Run,” I order, and the guy, who is much younger than I thought, takes o so fast his feet slip in the sand. “Kai, really?” Sienna shakes her head as she hands me a paper with a couple of haupia squares on it. “He clearly didn’t want anything to do with me once he saw all of this.” She points to her big pregnant belly, and I smile at her. “I’m not taking any chances. Especially with you and our baby girl.” I place my hand on her round stomach, and my heart swells. She was so happy when we found out this one was a girl, because it’s going to be our last. We’ve been blessed so many

times over, and with having a girl it feels like the right time to close the baby chapter. I would have given Sienna a dozen babies if that’s what she wanted, but she said she was over being pregnant in the heat. We eat our dessert on the way back to the cabin, and when I’m finished I scoop her up in my arms. “Kai!” she squeals, and the sound is music to my ears. “I’m as big as a house, put me down.” “Do you think I'm not strong enough to carry you?” I ask and raise an eyebrow in question. “Well, no.” She smiles softly and puts her arms around my neck. “Then let me take care of my wife.” When we get back to the cabin, I lock the door and go straight to the bedroom. This side is on top of the water and out of view from anywhere else on the island. The sounds of waves and birds in the distance fills the space as I place her on the center of the bed and reach for the knot in her wrap. “I need you,” I say, my voice husky with desire. “You know I’m all yours.” She spreads her knees as I untie the corners of her bikini and pull away the scraps of material. My wife has always had generous curves, but being pregnant with five babies has given me more to love. She spills out of every bathing suit she wears, so I keep buying her smaller ones. I want to see every inch of what’s mine, and the tiny bikinis make my blood pressure rise. Her thighs are thick and soft as I settle between them and kiss the tender space on her hips. She moans my name as I lick the cleft of her pussy and then spread her lips. Her pink

pearl is glistening with want as I lave my tongue over the bud and push two fingers inside. Sienna is always extra sensitive when she’s pregnant and can get o just with a few touches. Even now she’s fighting it, but we both know how this will end. “Don’t deny me,” I order, covering her pussy with my mouth. “Damn it.” She lets go and cums as I hold her down and eat her pleasure. I don’t stop until another orgasm hits. “Oh god, more.” I smile as I speed up my tongue and keep going. By the time I’m finished she’s limp on the bed and completely boneless. I grab her hips and turn her on her side as I slide in behind her. Placing her leg on top of mine, I thrust into her while she’s wet and soft. The feeling of her heat around my cock is so fucking good, I just lie there like that for a long moment as I snuggle my nose into her hair. “I love you so much, Kai.” She pushes her ass against me, and I growl. “You are my obsession.” I inhale her sweet scent and begin to slowly thrust. “Forever, my love.”

The End!



hen Drake Hart's security team is hired to find a stalker, he has no idea what's in store for him. However, the day Zoey Lewis' picture lands in his lap, there's nothing he won't do to save her. He's always been quiet and shy, but seeing her changes everything. Zoey is missing a filter when it comes to interacting with people. She's used to being lost in her computer and being taken care of by her sister. She's an oddball, and people find it hard to deal with. But when Drake Hulk-smashes his way into her world, she doesn't feel so out of place. When Zoey is threatened and needs protection, will Drake save the day? With a body like his, all signs point to yes! Warning: He owns a security firm. She's a little nerdy. It's a classic trope and a recipe for sugary-sweet erotica!



don’t need a bodyguard,” I hu into the phone, holding it between my shoulder and ear as I dig through my messenger bag for my keys. “This isn’t up for debate,” my own assistant snaps through the phone. Maybe having my older sister as my personal assistant wasn’t the best idea. That’s a lie and I know it. Hell, who am I kidding, she holds my life together. I might be the brains of this duo, but she’s way more organized than I am. It probably has something to do with her modeling career and always having so many things going on in her life at one time. She’d done it from the age of seven all the way until her mid-twenties when she retired. Elle is the order to my chaos, and I need her. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I even hired her. She just barged in, in true Elle form, and took over. It wasn’t like she needed the job. She saved her money and I, in turn, helped her invest it in ventures I knew would do well.

“Grr. Where are these stupid keys?” I mumble to myself, digging deeper into my seemingly bottomless bag. “Front left pocket.” I roll my eyes, only because Elle isn’t here to see it. I can hear the smug tone in her voice. I reach into the front left pocket and pull out my keys. “It’s creepy when you do that.” “No, what’s creepy is the stalker who seems to only be getting worse.” I hear the worry in her voice. I’d probably be the same way if this was directed at her. But a stalker for me just seems strange. If anyone should be stalked, it’s her. Some of the letters she would get when her modeling career was in full swing went from weird— like wanting to shave o all their hair and send it to her—to crazy, men o ering her the world if they married her. Even telling her they wouldn’t make her sign a prenup. You should see the way men get all dreamy eyed around her. It’s actually kind of funny. How they follow her around like lost puppies with no brain. I’ve seen firsthand the smartest of men go utterly dumb in her presence. I’ve worked with some of the most intelligent, gifted men in America, but when Elle would show up to drop something o for me, they’d go from brilliant to incapable of putting a sentence together. I insert my key in the door, turn it, and the alarm to my condo starts to sound. I hit the disarm button on my keychain before dropping the keys back into my bag, not into my left front pocket. Just a little rebellion because Elle can’t see me. “Okay. I’ll meet with someone.” I give in easily because there really isn’t much of a choice. Fighting Elle on

something she wants is like fighting a brick wall. It’s better to spend your energy elsewhere. I flip the lock back in place and turn, hitting a concrete wall of a man. “Good, he’s already there,” I hear Elle say as my eyes travel up and up an endless span of chest. Up, up, up, until my eyes finally land on a hard face with a clenched jaw. I blow my hair out of my face, trying to get a better look at him. Jesus. He’s hot in that oh-my-God-he-could-crushme way. Wait, is that hot? It’s then I realize he has his hands locked on my shoulders, holding me in place. I likely would have landed on my ass as hard as I ran into him if he hadn’t grabbed me. My body presses against his, and I watch his nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath, like he’s breathing me in. His arms release me, and one hand goes to the glasses on my face, fixing them. “What’s he made of? Concrete and sex?” I whisper into the phone like the man in front of me can’t hear me. He has the words “Hart Security” on his chest. I watch as he takes two steps back from me. “Is he hot?” my sister asks, seeming to have perked up at my words. “Hot is putting it mildly.” The man in front of me narrows his eyes as they travel down my body. I’m short, with lots of curves, and for the first time in my life, I wonder if a man likes what he sees when looking at me. My sister always gets the male attention. This isn’t new to me, nor does it bother me. It is what it is.

It’s how it's always been. She’s tall, blonde, and has the bluest eyes. She’s also skinny as hell, even though she could out-eat me. I’m the complete opposite. Short, lots of curves, with brown hair and eyes. I tend to blend in. I actually enjoy this since I’m not the best conversationalist. I have this problem where I have no mouth-to-brain filter, and that seems to make others uncomfortable. I’ve seen Elle cringe on occasion from the things that have slipped out of my mouth. It doesn’t bother me like it seems to everyone else, though. Just like Mr. Sex here, who has already taken a few steps back from me. “Wow. He’s got to be amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call someone hot.” My stomach flutters at her words. They ring true. No, I don’t think I can ever recall a time when I thought a man was hot. Symmetrical, maybe, but he definitely isn’t that. His nose looks like it’s been broken a time or two and a small scar runs across his left cheek. I wonder if he has more. I take a step towards him, wondering if he’ll let me see. I have no idea why I have the need to know if he has more. It doesn’t make sense. I always have a reason for doing things and thinking things. “Do you have more scars? Can I see them?” I hear his intake of breath, and then Elle bursts into giggles. “Did you just imply you wanted him to get naked?” Elle says through laughter. The man in front of me clenches his fists, and I wonder if this is another one of those times I’m making someone

uncomfortable again. “I…” I pause to think about it for a second. I didn’t think about him having to undress for me to see more of him, but now I like the idea. I lick my lips. “Let me talk to him,” Elle says, still giggling. I clench the phone in my hand for a second before I pull it from my ear. I’m thankful she isn’t here in person, and I instantly feel guilty for that thought. I love my sister, but the idea of her getting this man’s attention, a man I don’t even know, bothers me. That can’t be normal. I hit speakerphone and let her know she’s good to go. “Mr. Hart, it’s Elle. We talked on the phone this morning. I just wanted to thank you again for taking the job personally and not handing it o to someone else. I’m told you’re the best.” “Ms. Barber, the security here is shit. I got in past the alarms completely unnoticed. The doorman didn’t even give me a second look.” His eyes lock on mine again for the first time since I was plastered to his body. “Furthermore, your sister seems to have no fucking problem with a man she doesn’t even know standing in her home.” The last bit comes out in a yell and makes my eyes widen. “I’ll call you back.” I click the end button on the phone screen before narrowing my eyes at Mr. Hulk-man over there. Where the Hulk turns green and gets all giant, this guy seems to go all red and appear even larger than his massive self. “Listen here, Hulk. You can take your incredible body and vacate my home. I won’t be needing your services.” My face warms a little at the word services.

He takes two steps towards me, crowding my space, a space he didn’t seem to want any part of a little while ago. He lowers himself so we’re nose to nose. “Sorry, cupcake. Contract’s signed. You’re mine.”

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