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Teasing the Best Man

Alexa Riley

Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Epilogue Chapter 1 Read Me Romance Stalk the Author

Copyright © 2022 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to riley_alexa@aol.com http://alexariley.com/ Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental. Edited by Aquila Editing

Teasing the Best Man by Alexa Riley

When Lexi is introduced to the best man at her best friend's wedding, she knows right away that she needs to run. He's overwhelming in a way she's not ready for, so all she has to do is avoid him forever. Right? Asher has found a way to get to Lexi and that's through her gamer videos. Pretending to be someone else while trying to make her fall in love with the real him can't be too hard. Right? Warning: She's desperate for money, and he needs someone to spoil. This is the transaction we're all looking for...Right?

For Women in Gaming… Fuck yeah.

Chapter One Lexi he’s following me because his eyes have been tracking me all night. I know I’m not used to so much attention from men. Well, in person at least. Tonight is different, though, because I’m dressed up for my best friend's wedding. We spent all afternoon getting ready for this, and I’ve never been so pampered in my life. Parker went and landed herself a good one, and he’s not only sweet with her, but the man is beyond loaded too. I can’t even wrap my mind around this kind of wealth. I almost passed out when we went wedding dress shopping. Is it even shopping if everything is brought to your own home? Because that’s what Parker and I sat through. Dresses that were too expensive to ever sit on a rack in a store for anyone to try on. They were all one of a kind. This wedding was no freaking joke. I’d always thought Parker came from money because she’d gone to a fancy boarding school growing up and her father took care of everything for her. At first I’d been in awe of it and a bit jealous. I was sure she was going to be stuck up, but she’d been far from it. In fact, Parker is the sweetest person I’ve ever met. So much so that I always worried over someone trying to take advantage of her, and it made me protective. In all her father’s control, he’d made her a bit naïve in a lot of ways.

It didn’t take long to see everything her father did for her was all about control, and he’d done a real number on her mentally. I guess parents aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, but I should know that better than anyone. My whole life all I wanted was parents, but maybe I lucked out to a degree. Parker’s father might have had some money, but it’s nothing compared to the man she married or the people at this wedding reception. Everyone here is so shiny and perfect, but I’m sure it’s all a show. The same as Parker’s father put on to hide who he really was. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Samuel once Parker told me how they met. After all, it’s not how most love stories start. I’d given my best friend the idea to order a sex toy because she’d never had an orgasm. Somehow she ended up mailing it to her new office where she’d been starting an internship that her father pushed her into. The package landed right into the boss's hands, and he’d personally delivered it back to her. I still can’t believe their story, but here we are months later, and she’s not only married but knocked up too. It’s not surprising that Parker got Samuel to fall madly in love with her so quickly. She’s easy to love. I wish the same could be said about me. I’ve never been lucky in love. With each new foster I was sent to, I’d wonder if maybe this family would fall in love with me and want me to stay. I’d seen it happen to so many others but never to me. Unable to help myself, I peek over my shoulder at Asher. His eyes are on my ass now but a pretty blonde has stepped in front of him and is chatting away. His eyes suddenly lift and catch mine, but I quickly jerk my head back around, making it super obvious I was staring at him. I really have no moves when it comes to men. It’s probably because I spend all my extra time, when I’m not in classes or studying, playing video games. If I don’t have to leave my dorm room, I won’t. Since Parker moved out, I've been flying solo, and it’s the first time I’ve had a space all to myself. I was sure I was going to enjoy it, but it’s turning

out to be a lot lonelier than I thought. Even with how much time I spend chatting away to random people online, it can be isolating. Never did I think playing video games while speaking into a mic and telling people what I was doing in the game would make me money. I’d been oh so wrong. Men are strange creatures. They come to watch me play and even ask questions while still spouting off that the only reason I have the following I do is because I have tits. Which may be true, but when I play, I’m always in a shirt or more often a hoodie. Lately I’ve had sponsors ask me to wear their logos, and I stuff my hair into a branded hat to maximize exposure. There’s nothing remotely sexy about it. When I’m dressed that way on campus, no one gives me a second glance. After today, though, it does make me wonder what I could make if I sexed it up a bit. Not that I could do that on my channel. I would never chance getting hit with a ban, but also who knows what might happen with my sponsors? They could end up pulling out because they’re not okay with the sudden change. They aren’t giant, but they keep me from having to get another job. It’s nice to be able to make my own hours, but I worry that if I went in that direction, it could kill my chances of ever being taken seriously in the gamer world. It’s a dream of mine to one day release a game I’ve been slowly building over the last year. Would that kill any chance of that? Who am I kidding? Having a vagina might have killed that already. It’s why some girls create usernames that sound like guys. Asher is a sexy name. I go to steal another peek, wanting to know if the blonde lured him away, and I realize I’m jealous. It’s not an unfamiliar feeling because most of my life I’ve spent wanting things everyone else around me had. But feeling this over a man is very new to me. When I turn my head, I gasp and then start to stumble back a step. I realize too late that Asher is right behind me. He’s so close I’m not sure how I hadn’t felt him catch up.

“I was starting to think you’re running from me,” he says, and he’s not wrong. I’ve been dodging his handsome ass since I laid eyes on him. The rush of feelings that swept over me scared the crap out of me, and it’s been no easy feat trying to hide. He’s the best man and I’m the maid of honor, but somehow I’ve managed to avoid him until now. Thankfully I don’t think there’s much left of the wedding before I can slip out of here. They’ve got to cut the cake and toss some flowers, then I’m gone. “I’m not running from anything.” I tilt my chin all the way up to meet his eyes. “You’re a terrible liar.” “Am not,” I blurt out, and he throws his head back and laughs. That sound is rich and sexy as hell, and I never realized a laugh could be a turnon. This man is dangerous, and it doesn’t help that he’s friends with Samuel. It probably means he’s a good guy, and he’ll break my heart in the sweetest of ways when we don’t work out for one reason or another. People always break your heart—even my sweet Parker chipped at mine a little when it was time for her to go. “Then if you’re not running, dance with me.” He offers me his hand, and I stare down at it for a long moment. Oh shit. “It’s now time to cut the cake,” the wedding planner announces, saving my ass. “Sorry, that's my cue,” I say before I turn and take off once again. When I look back, Asher is smiling as he watches me make my quicky escape to the other side of the ballroom. Another blonde, in a red dress this time, tries to snag his attention, but he steps around her, his eyes never leaving me as he continues to chase. Damn, that’s hot too.

Chapter Two Asher honey, be a dear and get your father for me. I want cake.” My “A sher, mom walks briskly by me, not even waiting for me to answer her. Probably because she knows I’ll do exactly as she says. Damn it. Turning away from where I see the maid of honor, Lexi, standing near the table, I go in search of my dad. Well, technically my stepdad, since Samuel’s dad married my mom when we were in middle school. It’s my brother's wedding day, and I won the sister-in-law jackpot. Parker is perfect for my brother, and with the way he loves her, I know that he’s truly happy. She’s good for him, and I know she feels the same. But even with all of that, I can’t help but be a little jealous of what they share. Sam lives next door to me, and we’ll always be family, but I don’t see me popping over every day unannounced anymore. It’s not that I don’t want Parker to be a part of our lives, I think I’m just going to selfishly miss his free time. Knowing Sam the way I do, he’ll devote all of his time to his wife, and honestly, that’s the way it should be. “Dad,” I call when I see him outside smoking a cigar with some of his buddies. The wedding is small, but our family is even smaller, so most of the guests are friends or work colleagues. It was weird Parker didn’t have any family here, but when I asked Sam about it, he said he’d tell me later.

Maybe it’s something he’s not ready to share, and I respect that. I guess I just have to get used to being out of his loop. “Hey, son, come have a drink with us.” He pulls me in for a half hug and motions to everyone in the group. “This one is going to be next. Mark my words.” A flash of Lexi’s dark hair spread out on a white silk pillowcase enters my mind, and I have to clear my throat. “Mom wants cake,” I tell him, and he straightens up. “I’m on it.” He’s gone before he’s even finished his sentence and tosses his cigar in the ashtray. That man worships the ground she walks on, which is why it was so easy for him to step into our lives. “When are you going to come work for me, Asher?” Mr. Bennett asks before I have a chance to turn around and follow my dad. “You know I’m only in it for the investments,” I joke, but it’s still the truth. When Sam started up his company, I was a silent investor, and we’ve made more money than either of us ever thought was possible. Now we’re both set for life, and we get to kick back and enjoy it. Only now he’ll be enjoying it with Parker. Another image of Lexi on her back with her eyes closed fills my brain, and I have to force myself to push it out. “If you change your mind, I’m always a phone call away.” Before I can step back, he puts his hand on my shoulder and tugs me closer to him. “Have I introduced you to my daughter Julia? I think she tried to speak with you a minute ago.” There was a blonde who got in my way earlier—is that who he’s talking about? “Um, I’m not sure.” “Why don’t we have you over for dinner one night this week? Your parents can come too. It will be good for you kids to get to know one another.”

“Oh, I think that’s Sam calling me,” I lie as I step out of his hold and hurry toward the ballroom. Before the ceremony, I didn’t have a chance to meet anyone, and I was busy running around for Sam. It wasn’t until the actual ceremony that I saw Lexi for the first time. I’d noticed her name on the program but had never actually met her. Although I’d heard Parker talk about her best friend almost every time I was around her. When Lexi walked down the aisle, I had to remind myself not to lock my knees. She looked so thick in that tight dress, and it didn’t hide an inch of her plentiful curves. All I could think about was putting my face between her tits to feel how soft they were against my cheeks. I had to put my hands in front of me to hide my erection during the ceremony, but every time I looked over at her, a new part of her body called to me. I wanted to put my dick in all of it and then lick every last inch. Fuck, I’ve never had a reaction to a woman like this before. Maybe I need to get laid? Then I remember her looking over her shoulder and how her eyes widened when she looked up and saw me. She was so close I could see gold flecks around her dark lashes and a dust of shimmer across her cheeks. She looked like something out of a dream, and I never wanted to wake up. By the time I get through the crowd and back into the ballroom, I see they’re already serving cake. The DJ says something, and then I see Parker on the other side of the room lifting her bouquet and tossing it over her shoulder. I can’t see past the people in front of me, but when I hear the crowd cheer, the people in front of me move out of the way, and I see Parker giving Lexi a hug. Gripped tight in Lexi’s hand is the bouquet, and for half a second, I think about going out there and sweeping her up in my arms. When I take a step forward, my great-uncle Chet moves right in my path. “Asher, can you help me get your Aunt Belinda in the car?”

My great-aunt Belinda uses a cane, and Chet isn’t a spring chicken. I know they’ve got a driver, but I can’t say no to him. “Sure, can you give me one—” “Take this,” he says, ignoring me, and drops a huge flower centerpiece into my hands. “Uncle Chet, I don't think you’re supposed to take these.” “Belinda wants one, so that’s what she’s getting. Now let’s go; it’s practically midnight.” “Uncle Chet, it’s eight-thirty,” I say, but he once again ignores me. Belinda is waiting by the door, and I see him take her hand as I walk behind them with the monstrosity of a centerpiece. I guess if they weren’t supposed to take it, someone would have stopped me by now, but I can’t help but think he asked me to carry it so that I’d be the one to get in trouble. “You’re a sweetheart,” Aunt Belinda says, patting me on the cheek. “When are you going to have some babies? I’m not getting any younger.” I’m pretty sure she’s ninety-seven years old, but I’m not about to correct her. “I’m just waiting for someone to put up with me,” I tease, and in the distance, I see a flash of dark hair getting into the back of a taxi. “Shit.” “With a mouth like that, it’s no wonder you can’t find a wife,” Aunt Belinda chides as she gets in the back seat and I put the centerpiece in the trunk. By the time I’m free, the taxi is long gone, and I’ve lost her. All hope isn’t lost because I’m sure all I have to do is get Parker or Sam to give me her number. It’s been so long since I’ve had a woman that I just need one good night to get it out of my system. That has to be what I’m feeling right now, because I couldn’t possibly have fallen in love with just one look. Right? There’s a roar of cheers behind me, and I turn around in time to see sparklers going off and people throwing bird seed as Parker and Sam go running to the limo waiting out front.

“What the fuck?” I throw my hands up, thinking somehow everyone but me is ditching this wedding. “Did your brother not say goodbye?” My mom walks over, eating what is probably her third or fourth piece of cake. “No, the bastard.” “He’s just ready to start his honeymoon.” She grins at me, and I roll my eyes. “Leave them be. They’re working on making me a grandma.” “Yeah, well, I’m working on blue balls,” I mumble so low she can’t hear me. “Did you get to meet Parker's friend Lexi?” My mom is already on her way back inside before I grab her arm and stop her. “Tell me everything you know.” “Well, not much. Something about gaming.”

Chapter Three Lexi through the photos Parker texted me, and I’m a bit surprised there I swipe are actually a few outside. I was sure Samuel would have her trapped in the hotel room the whole time. Those two are always all over each other. My eyes almost fall out of my head when I get a peek at the private plane. No way she’s not in the mile high club by now. My girl went from a virgin to nympho, so it really wasn’t a shock at how quickly he knocked her up. In each picture, there’s no missing the love in both their eyes. My heart starts to ache wanting to know what that feels like. A love that deep is something I’ve never had. Sure, I love Parker, but I think the love you have for your partner and children is something else altogether. I’ve never even experienced the love one has for their own parents. I might be crazy, but I swear even back when I was only a little girl, I recall this empty space in my chest always longing to be filled by something. As I grew older, I started to understand what that was. Parker was able to fill it some, but the hole is there, and lately, the ache is more noticeable. Parker has only been gone a few days, and I already miss her like crazy. I hadn’t realized how much I leaned on her until she wasn’t there. My dorm room is getting lonelier by the day now that the excitement of having my

own space has faded. I should get a social life or something, but the idea makes me cringe. I fire a text back to her. Me: I’m not jelly at all. She hits me back with a text in seconds. Parker: I’ll send a plane for you. Me: You’re a nut! I’m not coming on your honeymoon. I know for a fact she is not joking one bit, and as much as Samuel wants his new wife all to himself right now, he’d do it to make her happy. I love her so dang much. I didn’t know there were people as sweet as her out in the world. As jealous as I might get of Samuel taking her from me, I’m glad she found someone that can protect that sweetness. Even with what her father put her through, he was never able to take that from her. It’s simply who she is at the core. Parker: Well, the next trip you’re coming. I’d say a girls trip but I don’t think Samuel would be down with that. Me: He’d be in the hotel room next door like a stalking bodyguard. Parker: LOL! This is true but I still want a few beach days. It’s the least Samuel can give me after shutting down all plans for a bachelorette party. I snort a laugh. I’ll never forget his face when I started spouting off my plans for Parker's bachelorette party. I was totally making shit up to see his reaction, and as I thought it would be, it was priceless. I order a coffee at the little shop close to my dorm room and debate if I should ask her about Asher. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. I’d even dreamt about him last night, and I’d never had a dirty dream before. He was my first, but too bad I’d woken up right before I was about to climax. I tried to take matters into my own hands but failed. That was also a first for me. I might be a virgin, but I know how to handle my own

pleasure when the need arises. But now my vagina is no longer satisfied with my hand or my little massage toy. I guess she’s over me and now she only wants Asher. I really don’t know anything about him beyond that he lives next door to Samuel and is the hottest man I’ve ever seen. The two of them seemed really close, and I’d even spotted him talking and hanging around Samuel’s parents. Me: Did you need anyone to check in on your place? Water some plants or something? The text is lame, but it’s the only thing I can think that might lead into conversation about Asher. Logically he’d be the one to check in for them. Parker: There are no plants in that house. When I get back, I’m going to need to liven the place up. Damn it. That didn’t go as planned, but she really does need to put her touch on things. While it’s really nice, it also looks like a staged home with no personal items. Parker: Plus, Asher is next door. “Yes!” I shout and everyone in the coffee shop turns my way at my outburst. I duck my head, hating the attention but glad that my plan worked. Me: He and Samuel seem close. Parker: They’re brothers. Me: How the hell did I miss that?! Parker: Stepbrothers. Samuel’s father married Asher’s mom when they were in middle school. Their parents are so cute together. Samuel’s mom was a sweetheart. Well, I guess his stepmom. I hadn’t realized that. She fawned all over Parker too. Parker soaked it up, and I loved seeing her get the attention she deserved. “Lexi.” One of the baristas calls my name and places my coffee down in the pick-up area. I go to snag it and almost run right into someone.

“Fuck,” Liam grumbles before jumping back to create space between him and me. He’s healed up pretty good except for that bump in his nose. It was the result of Samuel’s fist connecting with it. Liam grabs his coffee and bolts out of the coffee shop without another word. I fight a laugh as I grab my own coffee and head out. I check the time and realize I’m supposed to be online in ten minutes. I always keep times up for when I’m going to play since a lot of people prefer to watch live. As I make my way across campus in my sweats with my hair piled on top of my head, I notice no one spares me a glance. I wonder if Asher would have paid me any attention if I hadn’t been all dolled up at the wedding. Probably not, and the thought stings. The same shit had happened to Parker. When it got out that she was a virgin, men around campus were all trying to get at her. Liam was one of those men, and it was nuts. It’s something I’ve been asked a lot. When I play online, people can ask questions in the chat. Sometimes I’ll get a few trolls who I can kick out, but they still have a chance to say what they want for all to see before I hit that ban button. Sometimes I’ll miss them altogether until after it’s already up. It’s hard to play and keep up with the chat stream consistently. Normally the more perverted questions come straight to my inbox, and I’ve gotten asked a lot of strange things. Not going to lie, I was really tempted when I once got asked for a picture of my feet. He’d told me he’d send me a hundred bucks, and it blew my mind. I could feed myself off a hundred bucks for a month. I scan my key to get into my building and stop at my box to grab my mail before heading up to my floor. Campus and the dorms are pretty dead since we have a small gap before the next semester of classes starts back up. When I enter my room, I drop my mail and coffee on my desk before ditching my hoodie with the name of my university on it. I try to keep my

location as hidden as possible. I’m sure some who watch my feed have figured it out, but I’m not posting it for all to see. Or making it easy for them. I grab one of my Pure sweaters and pull it on. I always have to have something with Pure Energy’s logo showing whenever I record. I check the time again as I get my stuff ready so I can stay at my desk for the next few hours. I still have a couple minutes, so I flip through the few pieces of mail I have, tossing two into the trash and opening one from the university. “What the hell?” I whisper. How is this even possible? I read the letter over twice to make sure I understand it. One of my scholarships has fallen through. I have two weeks to come up with the ten grand I need for next semester. Not to mention, I’ll need that for every semester that follows too. “Shit.” I clear my alarm, telling me it’s time to go live. I jump up and change out of my hoodie and into one of the sponsored tank tops instead and pull down my hair. I shake it out then grab my glasses before I drop back down into my computer chair. Am I really thinking about flirting to draw more attention? I bring the screen to live as another thought dawns on me. Do I even know how to flirt?

Chapter Four Asher eyes hurt from staring at a computer screen for so long and push M yaway from my desk. Rubbing the heel of my hands against them, I go over to the kitchen and grab a drink. Since Sam is on his honeymoon this week, I’ve stocked up my own fridge so I don’t have to go next door. Which is kind of bullshit, if you ask me. All of a sudden my brother gets a wife and now I’ve got to cook my own meals. Yeah, I’m not jealous at all. After the wedding, I hounded my mom for all the details I could get on Lexi. I swear she’s like a shark and could smell a drop of blood in the water. The second she knew I was interested, she had me. Even though I did my best to play it off, I’ve never shown interest in a woman, and she damn well knew it. My mom loves to tease me, and this was finally her moment. By the end of the night, all I got out of her was that she was an online gamer and went to school with Parker. I know my mom knows more, but she’s not giving up the details. I tried bribing her with spa days, a shopping trip to Italy, and even an offer to take her to Disneyland, but she didn’t budge. I have no idea why she’s holding out on me, but she told me that if I wanted to know about Lexi, I needed to work for it.

My dad told me he was staying out of it and disappeared before I could corner him. Coward. Unfortunately, universities protect their students' identity, and I couldn’t find out where she was on campus. And I never thought to ask Sam about it when he went to go see Parker. So now all I’ve got to go on is somehow finding her online. When I get back to my desk, once again I start the search. Does anyone have any idea how hard it is to find a gamer online? She’s obviously not going by the name Lexi, because I tried all kinds of variations and nothing came up. This time I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind, and I try searching a gaming network that posts all the current lives. What else can I do except pray that she’s on right now and that somehow I find her? I’m leaving it in fate’s hands and hoping the universe sends me to her. I scroll the gaming network and see a huge list of lives that are happening. Instead of looking at host names, I search by the video feed and see if I can spot her. Reaching over, I take a drink of my iced coffee, and just as my finger slides over the trackpad, I see her. I’m so shocked by the image of her on the screen I spit my coffee out and then curse myself. I have to grab some paper towels, but as I’m wiping off the screen I stare at the beauty that has haunted my thoughts since the second I saw her. She’s got on a low-cut tank top, and her tits are pushed up to nearly spilling out. She’s wearing glasses, which she didn’t have on the other night, and her hair is in a messy bun. “Shit,” I say to myself as I stare at her and just how hot she is. How does this woman I don’t even know have this tight grip on me? “Now what the fuck do I do?” I’m not familiar with gaming or this site, so I’ve got to sign up in order to talk to her. After giving the site all of my information, I’ve got to pick a name, and it takes me exactly two seconds to come up with one. Once I’ve got it set up, I’m able to go to her live video and watch her as she games. I don’t

know what she’s playing, but as I watch her, I try to absorb every detail. There’s not much she’s giving away with where she’s at, but I guess that’s good. She doesn’t want strange weirdos messaging her. Then I pause and wonder if I’m the strange weirdo. Whatever, I’m not going to think about that. I’ve found her, and that’s the most important thing. As I go to the comment section, I read through some of the people already on the chat. BroCoder: Nice tits! CobraCode: Don’t mind watching a girl game as long as she’s got a rack. Overlord: Take your top off! “What the fuck?” Rage like I’ve never felt flows through me, and suddenly I want to burn the Internet to the ground. BroCoder: Sent you a private message! I watch as Lexi glances at the chat and then a few of the messages disappear. “Thanks for coming on today, I’m going to show you how to get through this realm and find the hidden axe you need to complete the next level,” she says, completely ignoring them, and then I see her private messages turn off. She glances back to the screen, and for a second, I think she’s looking right at me, but I know that’s not possible. There are a few more comments that come through but nothing else about the way she looks. Does this shit happen to her all the time? Since I can’t message her directly, I’m relegated to the chat. How the fuck am I supposed to talk to her? “While I’m going through the start-up, I just wanted to let you know I’m turning on the subscription option on my page if you’d like to join. With the subscription you can get early access to live videos, videos that I

don’t release to the public, and you can also send me gifts through my wish list.” This is all so much that I’m not sure where to begin. RunawayBridesmaid: Hi I want to punch myself in the face. Hi? I fucking sent her hi. Ugh, I’m an idiot. “Hey, babe, thanks for joining.” She smiles at the screen and waves. “I love having gamer girls on here with me.” “Goddamn it.” I drop my head on my desk and realize what I’ve done. “Great, now she thinks I’m a chick.” The comment section moves fast, and I can’t catch all of what people are saying. I’ve got to figure out a way to stand out, or at least get her attention. I can’t just ask her where she lives because that makes me a creep. RunawayBridesmaid: Can you do private videos? “And here you want to be sure and load up on ammo,” she says before she glances at the chat. “Do I do private chats? Umm, I don’t know. Maybe?” She smiles, and I see that it’s a little forced. “Maybe for the right price.” Then I see her hesitate a second and then wink at the screen. I have the urge to laugh because she’s obviously never done that before. How is her awkward wink so fucking cute? Then the chat goes crazy with all kinds of comments, some disgusting and some offering money to go private now. Who are all these fucking assholes? Then I remind myself that I’m one of them, trying to get her alone. Deciding I need to make this happen, I go over to the place to donate gifts. I fill out the info and then send her coins, which somehow translate to dollars on the gaming app. Once that’s done, there’s no place to leave a message, and her DMs are turned off. All I can do is hope that she sees the coins and invites me to a private chat.

In the meantime, I’m going to sit here and try not to come out of my skin. Because seeing her on here with other men fawning after her is driving me fucking insane.

Chapter Five Lexi drags by as I play, and I’m freaking thankful I turned off private T ime messages. My chat box blew up when I said I might do private chats. I’m sure I was awkward when I did the whole wink thing, but going off how many questions exploded over it, maybe I’m not too bad at flirting. I’m not sure what RunawayBridesmaid might want to chat with me about, but I’ve heard about some other streamers being asked to give private lessons. That’s normally for things like Magic or some card games, but I’m sure I could give a few tricks to first-hand shooters. That’s all I pretty much do with these videos anyway. I probably shouldn’t lead with that if this is something that could make me money. I should just go with it and collect the money. She could also be wondering about another game since this isn’t the only one I stream or do videos for. For all I know she might want me to teach her since I’m a girl, and it would be less awkward if she’s looking for help. Ahh, what if she’s a girl learning to play to surprise her boyfriend so they can play together? Did I really just turn this into a romance story in my head? Parker is clearly rubbing off on me. She forced a romance book on me the first day I met her, and I told her I’d read it if she’d play a video game with me. She played, but she didn’t

get into it. However, I fell hard into her books. Thankfully, she has a giant shelf that I can always steal from. I glance at the time while I reload my ammo and loot my kills. When I see time’s almost up, I scan over the chat, where one catches my eye. NubSlayer4Life: What else do you do in private for the “right price”? “If you have to ask, Nub, you can’t afford it.” DiscoThunder: She doesn’t do that kind of shit. Nub off. A few of my regulars jump all over the chat in my defense, and guilt fills me. They’re not wrong. Until this point, I’ve done a very good job of trying to be taken seriously. It's bullshit because women should be able to dress how they want and still be taken seriously, but the world, especially this one, doesn't work that way. “I think I’m done for now. I’m going to grab some lunch and then I’ll open my private chat for messages. I’ll only respond to real and respectful messages and others will be blocked and deleted.” Not that it matters. People can create a new name in seconds, but it helps filter some bullshit out. “I’ll be back tonight showing the fastest way to do the new dailies for Morgalf rep for Battle Cast and grinding up to get their marks.” A slew of chats ding in about grinding, and I roll my eyes. “Some of you seriously need to get laid,” I laugh before signing out, but I stay online to watch some of the messages spill into my inbox. I pick up the letter I’d tossed aside from the university about one of the scholarships falling through and read over it again. A part of me is hoping I read it wrong or missed something, but of course I hadn’t. Swallowing down the ball of emotion that rises in my throat, I try not to panic. Every time I think I’ve gotten my life in some kind of order, something comes along and knocks it over. I busted my ass for every scholarship that I have, and I told myself if I could get these scholarships I’d let myself get a degree in software engineering.

At the moment, the market is flooded with people holding that degree. It’s not as stable as something else I could get a degree in, and there are plenty of other fields that would be so much safer. But I thought if I didn’t have a pile of school loans over me, then it was worth the risk. Hell, I don’t know if I can get any loans. I don’t have credit, and I’m shocked someone let me open a bank account. I don’t know how long a loan would take to get, but I would guess longer than two weeks. Parker would help me if I asked, but as soon as the thought enters my head, I chuck it right out. There’s no way I could ask her that. She’s the only real person I have in my life, and I never want to do anything that could risk that. I stand up and pull on a sweater. I go to shut down my computer but stop when I remember I’d opened my inbox for private messages. A few I can delete right off the bat because some boys are really unoriginal. I shuffle though a few more trying to see if I can find RunawayBridesmaid. Yikes, I knew I’d get a few, but this is crazy. Finally, I find it. RunawayBridesmaid: How much for private chats not in this system? Your phone number. I stare at the message. Why does she want my phone number? I’m starting to wonder if this is a girl. Forget it. I’ll ask. BoomChick: Are you a female? RunawayBridesmaid: No. The response is instant. RunawayBridesmaid: $500. BoomChick: For my phone number?! There’s no way this guy is serious. What the hell? Let's see if this person is messing around with me. I toss out my Cash App Trader ID, but I know this is bullshit. No one is paying that much for someone’s phone

number. Another alert chimes, and I look at my phone. I almost fall out of my chair when I see that this guy didn’t give me $500, he gave me a grand. RunawayBridesmaid: Number. BoomChick: Just because I give you my number doesn’t mean I’m going to send you nudes or something. RunawayBridesmaid: I gave you the extra money to make sure you don’t give your number or nudes out to anyone else. If those are available, I want the first offer. I don’t know what it is, but I sense some underlying possessiveness. I chew on my bottom lip, feeling a small tingling in the pit of my stomach. Is it a thrill? BoomChick: Deal. RunawayBridesmaid: Good girl. Now give me your number so you can go and get your lunch. My heart flutters as my fingers move on my own, and I send him my phone number. I exit out of the chat and go completely offline. My phone chimes again, but it’s not a text. It’s the Cash App again. He sent another $100 with a note attached. Good girl. Lunch is on me. This may not be so bad after all.

Chapter Six Asher got my keys in my hand and I’m rushing out the door as I send the I ’ve last deposit for lunch to her Cash App. I have no idea where Lexi lives, but I know she goes to the same university Parker went to, and it’s small enough that I could possibly run into her. By accident, of course. When I get to the main gate, I see the guard step out and wave at me. “Heading to Costco?” George asks, and I smile back. “Not today. Have a good one.” I say the last part hoping that I can speed this along. I know everyone thinks it a joke that I go there so much, but nobody is upset when I’ve got all the good snacks and paper towels. It feels like it takes forever for the arm to rise before I’m able to get out on the main road. When I’m close to the university, I slow down and scan the sidewalks as I drive around the campus and to where most of the nearby restaurants are. Would Lexi treat herself with her extra money today or would she still go to the student union for cafeteria food? Luck is on my side when I turn the corner and see her standing there in all her glory at the red light waiting to cross the street. I spot a parking space to the right so I grab it then hop out while keeping my eyes on her. She’s far ahead, but I see when she ducks into the sandwich shop and I know I’ve got her. At least for now. Now all I have to do is convince her to come home with me so I can introduce her to my headboard.

“Dine in or carry out?” A woman at the door stops me, and I glance around to see if I find Lexi. “Sir?” She’s sitting in the corner booth looking at her phone, but I see a drink in front of her. “I see my girl,” I say, and the hostess moves out of the way. Without really knowing what else to do, I walk over and take the seat across from her. She looks up and then back to her phone before her head snaps up again and there’s total shock on her face. “What are you doing here?” She looks around like the answer is somewhere behind her, but I just sit back and smile. “Having lunch, you?” Just then the waitress comes over with a notepad and saves the day. “What can I get you two?” She looks between us, and after a beat Lexi answers. “The tuna melt with fries,” she says, and I nod. “I’ll have the same.” “He’s not eating with me,” she tells the waitress, but I sit back in the seat and spread my arms over the back of the booth. “Take your time on that order, will you?” I smile at the waitress and turn on the charm, and to my relief, it works. She blushes a little as she nods and turns away. “It’s not fair you can get women to do what you want,” Lexi grumbles. “I couldn’t keep you from trying to ditch me at the wedding.” I raise an eyebrow in challenge, and she crosses her arms over her chest. She’s not in the tank top anymore, and it’s probably a good thing. If I had to stare at her tits right now, I’d probably come across the table and stuff my face in them. The oversized hoodie looks so fucking cute on her with her hair pulled up and her glasses on. It’s a transformation from earlier, but damn, I’m still hard for her.

“I wasn’t trying to ditch you.” She can’t look at me as she says it and takes a sip of her drink. “Liar.” “Did you come looking for me?” Now she’s changing the subject. Sneaky. “You tell me, little rabbit. Why would I do something like that?” “Rabbit?” “They like to run.” I wink at her before I grab her drink and pull it across the table in front of me. “Sweet tea?” I drink from her straw, imagining her lips on mine, and then slide it back across the table to her. “Does that make you a pig?” “Do you like pigs?” I counter, and she huffs out a frustrated breath. “No.” “Lying again, that’s two, little rabbit.” “Why are you keeping count?” “Because I love the way you look when I’m getting under your skin.” She rolls her eyes, and I try a new direction. “How has your day been so far?” She relaxes her shoulders a bit, and I see a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. “Actually, it’s going pretty well now. That’s why I decided to get my favorite sandwich.” As if on cue, the waitress comes over and places both orders in front of us. “Can I get you something to drink?” she asks me. “No, we’re good sharing,” I tell her before Lexi has a chance to correct me. “Are you going to tell me how you found me?” she asks once we’re alone again. I finish chewing my food and take my time answering. “I was passing through and saw you.” Okay, that’s mostly true. “Aren’t you happy to see

me?” This time I slowly look her up and down. “Because I was very happy to see you.” “You know Parker is like a sister to me,” she blurts out. “I know, and Sam is my brother. What’s your point?” “I’m going to be in their lives forever, so whatever you think should happen can’t happen.” My smile is slow, and after a second, she squirms in her seat. “What is it you think this is, little rabbit?” “I just mean, we should be friends.” “I agree.” I look down at her plate and see it’s untouched. “And you need to eat.” She huffs again before she starts to eat, and it’s the most adorable thing ever. I like teasing her and seeing her reactions, but mostly I want to ask her a million questions and find out everything about her. “Come with me.” Now it’s my turn to blurt out things that I probably should have kept to myself. “I…um…” She looks at her phone and then back at me. “I’ve got plans.” “No you don’t.” Her brows pull together and make the cutest little V between her eyes. “How do you know?” “Because your best friend and my brother are on their honeymoon, and neither of us has anyone else in our lives.” “That’s not true. I’ve got friends.” “What are their names?” I ask quickly, and she opens her mouth, then closes it quickly. “Um, Lebron.” “So King James is a buddy, huh?” She snorts and then slaps a hand over her mouth to cover it, but it’s too late. “Don’t tell me you just snorted.” “Some people can’t help it.”

This time when I laugh it feels so fucking good. It warms my entire chest, and I can’t remember the last time I felt so full. Not from the food, but from the woman sitting in front of me. “It’s adorable.” Glancing at her plate, I see she’s finished her food, and I throw some bills on the table. “Let’s go.” “Seriously, I’ve got homework and—” “Have you ever been to Costco?” I interrupt, and the face she gives me is like I’ve asked her if she’s been to Mars.

Chapter Seven Lexi did I end up here? Also, how did I not know about this awesome H ow place? Sure, I’ve heard of Costco, but I had no idea it was this magical inside. At some point, I’d lost Asher, but in my defense this place is like a Vegas casino. There are no clocks or windows so you have no idea how long you’ve been inside. A person can easily get distracted by fuzzy blankets, flowers, and snacks. I circle back around and grab one of the samples I’ve already had but the nice man either doesn't notice I’m here for a second time or doesn’t care. All the people handing out samples are full of smiles. Is this a cult and is this just how they suck you in? When we left the deli after eating lunch, I was stuffed, and there was no way I could think about food. That was until we’d gotten to this magical place with yummy smells. I snuck back for another pig in a blanket, but it wasn’t a normal, run-of-the-mill pig in a blanket. The blankets were parmesan crusted. How could I only eat one? “Got you.” I let out a small squeal of surprise when Asher grips my hips from behind. He pulls me back into his big body, and for a moment, I let myself lean into him. I want to enjoy his warmth and comfort while I can because my body is starved for touch. Not anyone's touch either. His. “I’m not doing anything,” I say, trying to cover up that my mouth is full.

“I got a second one too,” he whispers in my ear before presenting it to me in the palm of his hand. I snatch it from him and pop it into my mouth. He stares at his now empty hand for a long moment before he throws his head back and laughs. The sexy sound bounces through the giant warehouse, and a few women glance our way. I glare at them, feeling possessive of the laugh Asher meant for me. “I got a case of them. We’ll have more back at my place,” he says absently. As if it’s a foregone conclusion I’m going to his place after we leave here. I’m about to correct him when he presents me with a shiny black card. “Got you this.” He shows me the back, and it’s got my picture on it. “How did you do that?” It explains where he disappeared to. “I talked them into using a picture I had.” He shrugs. I’m sure he did. The man is a freaking smooth talker and is charming when it’s coming my way but annoying to think about him using it on someone else. “Wait. That’s the sweater I’m wearing.” “I took a picture of you where we ate together.” “Seriously?” It’s actually not a bad picture. “You can’t be mad at me. I put you on my Costco account, and it’s a black card.” I try to fight the laugh but lose out. “As much as I love this place, Costco might not be functional for me unless I want to cruise the samples for a free lunch.” Still, I slip the card into my back packet. “This place is for people with a giant family.” “Do you want one of those?” Asher drapes his arm over my shoulder as I push the cart, and anything my eyes linger on, he tosses into the cart. “A big family?” I ask. Or is he talking about that giant thing of cheese balls we passed? He grabs the container and drops it into the cart. “Yeah. A family.” “I…” I pause for a long moment. I’ve never given having a family of my own a thought. At least in the sense of creating those people myself.

Growing up, it was always about if I would get chosen by one. Not making one of my own. “Yeah. I do,” I finally say. “Just not sure it’s in the cards for me.” I’m barely scraping by as it is, and I’m seconds away from selling pictures of my feet to stay in college. “It’s just you?” “I grew up in the foster system.” His arm on my shoulder tightens, and he pulls me more into his side. Warmth blooms through my chest at the small possessive act. I’m not sure if he realizes he even did it. “You and Parker are really close,” he points out. “She’s like a sister to me. When I first met her, I was worried about how we’d get along with all her fancy clothes and such. I thought she was snotty too, but she was just shy. It didn’t take me long to see who she is. And she’s always trying to do things for me on the sly.” “On the sly?” he asks. I run my fingers across a pair of fuzzy socks, and he grabs them. “They’re nice and it’s a pack of six. We can split them.” “Just like that,” I laugh. That’s the same kind of thing Parker would do. Always having extra things or saying she’s not going to use this or that so I could have it. “No clue what you mean.” He plays dumb, but he’s terrible at it. Asher is far from dumb. “You want purple fuzzy socks?” I lift a brow at him. “There’s nothing wrong with the color purple.” I shake my head but let it go. “Is all this going to fit in your car?” I ask when we check out. I’m disappointed that our little excursion is over because I’ve actually had a lot of fun, and I’m not excited to get back to reality. “Make a deal with me,” he says as he puts items up on the checkout counter. The first place my mind goes is somewhere dirty. “Mind out of the gutter,” he teases me, and I roll my eyes but my face starts to warm.

“Are you saying you don’t have your mind in the gutter about us?” I tease him back. “I wouldn’t call it the gutter. More like my comfy bed.” He gives me a charming smile that has me wondering what his bed looks like. Why does he have to be so damn handsome? He's sweet too. If not for him being my best friend's brother-in-law, I think I might have actually entertained the idea of going on a date with him. Now that I’ve gotten to know him better. I might have gotten the whole playboy thing wrong. I really need to stop judging before I get to know people, but it’s damn hard when you grow up the way I did. It’s one of the ways I’ve learned to protect myself. “What’s your deal?” I circle back. My mind flashes to another deal I made. For someone who’d been so pushy about getting my number earlier today, they haven't used it yet. “Help me unload all this at my place and you can have the cheese balls and the socks.” I snort a laugh at his offer. “I’ll cook some more of those pigs in a blanket in my new fancy air fryer.” He taps the top of the box, and I chew on my bottom lip. “Toss in one of the twisted churros from the food court,” the lady scanning our items whispers loudly to Asher. “Twisted churro and one of the frozen lattes,” he offers, dipping his head and giving me a charming smile. A dimple appears in his left cheek, and it’s practically the nail in the coffin. I’m so done for.

Chapter Eight Asher a lot of fun tonight,” I admit as Lexi and I walk toward her dorm “I had on campus. “It was really nice of you to walk me back.” She smiles down at the bags of snacks in my hands. “And to carry my stuff.” “You’re only getting part of it so you have to come back to my place.” “You’re basically holding me hostage with food.” She pretends to think it over. “I can respect that.” After we left Costco, we went back to my place, and I showed her my house. It’s similar enough to Sam and Parker’s house, but she was cute as she looked in closets and bathrooms while I gave her the tour. She asked a ton of questions, and I like that she was so curious, and I did everything in my power to keep my hands to myself. There were times that I held her hand or gave her a hug, but other than that, I tried to be good. Lexi is so fucking special and the more I’m with her, the more I know I don’t want to fuck this up. We ended up watching a movie and having dinner on the floor of my living room because I don’t have much furniture. She teased me about buying a couch, and I almost took her with me to do it right then. If she didn’t look so cute stretched out and laughing at the romantic comedy we were watching, I probably would have done it.

After the movie was over, Lexi looked like she was going to fall asleep. All I wanted to do was carry her to my bed and tuck her in, but she told me she has class early in the morning, and I wasn’t sure I trusted myself to sleep next to her and not keep her up all night. “So this is you?” I ask as she scans her card and I follow in after her. “This is me.” She looks shy as we make our way to her door, and I wonder if she’s ever bought a guy here before. The thought makes me so fucking jealous I clench my fists around the snack bag a little tighter. She opens the door, and I’m surprised at how spacious it is. “You didn’t get assigned another roommate after Parker moved out?” Lexi tosses her stuff on the little table by the door. “I didn’t exactly advertise that I was alone.” She smiles as she waves a hand around. “So this palace is all mine, and I think I might have more furniture than you do.” “I think you’re probably right.” It’s then I see the gaming set-up in the corner and think about earlier today. God, was it only this morning that I was seeing her on the live stream? “Do you make videos?” I ask, trying my best to sound cool as I put the snacks on Parker’s empty bed and walk over towards it. “Yeah, a little.” She’s being modest because I saw how many people watch her. “Are you any good?” I poke a little more to see if she’ll brag on herself. “I’m okay. Do you play anything?” She’s trying to take the attention off herself, and it’s adorable. “Nothing. Maybe you could teach me sometime.” I step a little closer to her, and in this small space, it suddenly feels warm. “It will cost you.” I’m so close she has to tilt her head back to look up at me, but she’s got a challenging sparkle in her eyes. “Name your price.” I lean down, and I wonder how I’ve been able to resist her before now. I thought by being in her presence I would learn to

control myself, but the closer I get, the more I can’t control shit. “You can’t afford it.” The words remind me of one of the comments on her chat earlier today, and I feel a growl in the back of my throat as I take a step toward her. “You’d be surprised what I can afford, little rabbit.” She takes a step back, but my feet keep moving closer until she bumps into the wall behind her and I’m caging her in. She swallows hard and puts her hands on my chest as she looks up at me. “How much would you give me?” My head lowers until my lips are almost touching hers. “For a taste of you?” I feel her warm breath against my skin, and I’m so fucking hard it hurts. “All of it.” I’m not sure who moves first, but I’m on her in a split second. I moan as she opens her mouth and I slide my tongue in for a taste. My hands go to her ass, and I pull her against my body so she can feel just how hard I am, how fucking badly I want her. “Asher!” she cries out as my mouth goes to her neck and I bite her there, needing to sink into her in some way. I want to be inside her with my tongue, my fingers, my cock, all of it. I want to climb in her soul and eat her sweetness until I’m drunk on the taste. “Fuck,” I hiss, sliding a hand up her sweatshirt and cupping her heavy breast. I can feel how hard her nipple is as it pushes through the thin material of her bra. I yank it down so I can feel her bare skin, and she gasps when I pinch the tight peak. “Right there.” She arches her back and pushes her tits farther into my hand. Without realizing it, I’ve lifted her off the ground, and she’s wrapped her legs around me. I’m dripping cum in my boxer briefs, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep my dick in my pants.

Just when I’m about to rip her hoodie off so I can suck on her nipples, I hear something that sounds like an alarm. At first I ignore it and keep on kissing Lexi, but then it gets louder. “What the fuck?” I look around and then at Lexi, who is in a lust-filled daze. “What’s that noise?” “Noise?” She blinks a few times then her eyes widen. “Shoot, that’s my game. Umm, I need to get that.” “Right now?” Glancing at her computer screen, I see it’s lighting up with the alert. “Yeah, can I talk to you later?” She glances at the screen and then back at me, and I wonder if she’s got someone else she’s talking to. Someone else that wants a private chat. “You want me to go?” My brows pull together as I lower her to the ground and take a step back. “It’s for work, I’m so sorry.” There’s regret in her eyes, and I don’t want to make her feel any worse. “Yeah, sure thing.” Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, I lean forward and kiss her quickly before I walk to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I don’t wait for an answer as I walk out the door and don’t look back. I'm afraid if I do and she’s standing there that I’ll throw her over my shoulder and take her home with me. But if she thinks she’s getting away from me that easily, she’s got another think coming. And it looks like I’ve got some gaming to do tonight.

Chapter Nine Lexi I enjoy streaming. When it’s time to work or do my scheduled N ormally live stream, I’m not down about it. There are a few people that can sour it, but I’ve gotten good at blocking them out and doing my own thing. Most of the time, my following will jump up in my defense before I even need to. I’m always down to go on and kill time. It’s been awesome that I’ve been able to grab some sponsors so that I don’t have to get a normal job waiting tables to make ends meet. I can make my own hours and work it around my classes and studying. It’s been a bit freeing, and for once, I have a sense of being in control of my life. Any money I made before now went to food or extra things I needed or even wanted on occasion. My scholarships had covered my tuition, board, books and even some of my food with my small meal plan. Until now. I’m not sure if my mood has soured to jumping on and playing because I’d rather be with Asher or the fact that I know I’m going to need to sell a bit extra on the side to cover my bills now. I’d let someone pay me for my phone number. What would I let someone pay me for next? A few hours ago I was leaning toward the idea of what else I might be open to doing. Especially with the person who paid for my number. They said if I went to sell something that I needed to give them the first offer. I

suppose the question is what would I be willing to sell and at what cost? Why does my stomach turn at doing it with this person? Asher. Though when Asher and I were teasing about him not being able to afford me, a thrill of excitement coursed through my body. Of course he could afford anything he wanted. I don’t know why it turned me on so much when he said it, but the idea of him wanting me so badly—a man that could probably get any girl—that he would pay to have his way with me… My panties were soaked at the thought, and even now, my nipples are hardening. It’s so wrong, but why with him did it feel so damn right? I think part of it might be that Asher is clean cut. He’d been excited about taking me to Costco, which was so damn sweet. Once I got to know him today, I realized he’s not some playboy. He’s also not someone that would ever pay for sex. The man is clearly devoted to his work because he hasn’t even taken the time to buy furniture for his fancy condo. The idea that I could get him to blur those lines and do something he normally wouldn’t because he wants me so badly not only turned me on, but it also made me feel wanted. That’s a feeling that’s so foreign to me. My phone sends a text alert, and I grab it, thinking it’s Asher. Once I look at the screen, I quickly remember I’d forgotten to give him my number. Damn it. I swear on his way out he’d mentioned something about seeing me tomorrow, but I don’t recall us saying we were doing anything. I know he teased me about holding the food hostage, but I thought that was a joke. We didn’t exchange numbers for some stupid reason, but maybe it’s because we were so preoccupied with just having fun? Doubt starts to creep in. If he really wanted to meet up, he would have asked for my number. Now it’s not really possible. After spending the day with me, maybe he’s changed his mind about wanting more. Now he could

drop off until I’m forced back around him through Parker. Then he could pretend none of it happened. Maybe he hadn’t felt what I had in those kisses. I reach up, touching my tingling lips and already missing him. The man had stolen my breath, and never in my life did I think kisses could be that all-consuming. If not for being interrupted, I bet I would have let Asher take things as far as he wanted. I was so lost in him that everything else ceased to matter. No wonder Parker had fallen so hard for Samuel. Before today, I was still having a hard time wrapping my mind around their whirlwind relationship. Now I can understand how someone could get lost so easily in that passion. It might be a good thing if Asher changed his mind. I don’t think it would take much for me to fall in love with that man. My phone chimes again in my hand. Unknown Number: You’re late. Shit. I check the time and see that I am. Unknown Number: I’ll pay you $500 if you wear a sweater this time. Me: Deal. That’s an easy one to agree to. I hadn’t been comfortable in the low-cut top I’d worn before. I flip on my screens and get myself ready quickly. The next two hours drag by, and I’m distracted not only by thoughts of Asher but my mysterious new sugar daddy. Going off the few messages I’ve gotten from him, he’s possessive, and he doesn’t want to share me. Seconds after I sign out of the game, my phone starts to go off again, letting me know he was watching me while I streamed. I save his number into my phone. Sugar Daddy: You were a very good girl tonight. Did you have a good lunch? Shit. I press my thighs together. Why does his praise cause such a reaction?

Me: I loved my lunch. Thank you. Sugar Daddy: You’re very welcome. Now tell me. Are you messaging with anyone else? Me: I message with lots of people. I fire back the text knowing it’s going to push his buttons. It should freak me out that this person seems so possessive, but it doesn’t. At least he bothered to get my number. Sugar Daddy: Is anyone else giving you money? Me: No money. A Costco card and food yes. Not sure that counts, so I keep that to myself. Sugar Daddy: I’m going to ask you three questions, baby girl. I want honest answers. I’ll give you $100 a question. Then I want a goodnight picture of you in bed. It’s late. You need your rest. Me: Deal. I smile. Why am I enjoying this so much? I get up and start getting ready for bed. This man is willing to pay to ask me questions. Still, a part of me feels a trace of guilt. I don’t know what Asher and I are, and we might not be anything. For all I know, I won’t hear from him tomorrow. Sugar Daddy: Are you messaging with anyone the way you are with me? Me: No. That one is easy. The only person I want to be messaging with doesn’t have my number. Sugar Daddy: Good girl. Sugar Daddy: Why do you need money so badly? Me: One of my scholarships fell through. Sugar Daddy: Are you a virgin? Me: Yes. Sugar Daddy: Into bed you go.

I crawl into my bed, pulling the blanket over me. I roll to my side and take a picture. It’s not sexy in the least, and I hit send, curious what his response will be to it. Sugar Daddy: Perfect.

Chapter Ten Asher I grunt as I lean forward against the tile of the shower and milk “F uck,” my cock. I’m so fucking hard, but no matter how much I cum, it won’t go down. Ever since Lexi sent me that picture of her last night I haven’t been able to go soft. It wasn’t even anything sexual really, but the way her eyes looked at the camera, I could only imagine what it would be like to have that gaze on me. Over me, under me, begging for me to take her harder and deeper. That’s how I got into this position in the first place. Finally, the last of my cum spurts out, and I duck my head under the spray of the shower and wash my body. I turn the water as cold as I can stand it, but my cock is still hard and heavy as it juts out in front of me. What the fuck is happening to my dick? It’s like nothing will satisfy it. I bet her pussy would. My brain is torturing me, and I can’t do a thing about it. When I text Lexi for a picture of what she was wearing today, I didn’t expect her to see her in a pair of cut-off shorts with fishnets underneath them. The shorts weren’t inappropriate or even really all that tight. But all I could think about was digging my fingers into the holes of those tights and ripping them off her body.

Since then, I’ve been in the shower aggressively fucking my hand to try and ease the ache. So far, it’s useless. Deciding that nothing is going to help, I shut off the water and get out. When I glance at my phone on the bathroom counter, I see that Lexi has responded to my last text. Baby Girl: No plans for lunch as of right now but I did get breakfast like you asked. She sends me a picture of a coffee with a muffin and a banana on the table in front of her while she’s in class. My mind immediately goes to what she looks like putting that banana in her mouth. Me: Good girl. I sent you money for doing what I told you to do. Did you get enough to eat? That’s not much. Baby Girl: I don’t normally eat breakfast so that’s a lot. Me: Okay. Pay attention and take good notes. I’ll send you lunch money. Baby Girl: Thank you ;) Why does it make me even harder when I give her money? Fuck, I don’t know if this is some kind of kink, but I just want to give her more and more. Sending another deposit to her Cash App, I squeeze the base of my cock to try and ease the ache. Deciding I’ve got to get dressed before I jerk off again, I pull on some jeans and a black tee. Once I’m dressed, I go to my office and do a little work to distract myself, but it’s useless. I’m counting down the seconds, and as soon as I think it’s probably close enough, I grab my stuff and make my way out to my car. I wave at George as he hits the button to open the gate, and I pull out of my neighborhood. Turning toward the university, I’m hoping to time it right with Lexi finishing up her class and going to lunch so that I can casually bump into her. Again. Deciding to park nearby and walk toward the campus, I’m scanning the crowd but trying to be casual about it. Like I come here all the time and not because I’m basically stalking the woman who has me tied in knots.

When I get to the quad, I see Lexi in the distance and stop. She’s got her head down, and she looks like she’s been crying. “What the fuck?” The way she looks so hurt and small makes me clench my fists, but as I go to take a step toward her, I see a guy sit down next to her. She looks surprised when he takes a seat, but then she smiles at him. Okay, so obviously this guy has to die, because all of her smiles belong to me. Does that sound crazy, even having that thought? Sure. Do I give a fuck? Absolutely not. Trying to play it cool, I walk over to the bench where they’re sitting and stand in front of her so that my shadow blocks the sun from shining in her face. She looks up and blinks before I see her teary eyes widen in surprise. “Asher?” “Hey, little rabbit,” I say and then turn my glare to the guy next to her. “Who’s this?” He says something to her so quietly I can’t hear it, but she nods as she wipes away a tear. “Gotta go,” he says, and she smiles again as he gets up and walks away. Fine, I guess I’ll run him over with my car later. “Friend of yours?” I ask, scowling at his back. “Lab partner,” she sniffs. It’s then I remember that she’s upset, and I take the seat next to her. “Hey, what’s going on?” “Nothing, just a tough class today, and I missed an assignment.” She shrugs and tries to laugh it off, but I see the hurt and worry creasing her eyes. “It’s fine, I just messed up. I can’t believe I forgot.” “Hey, it’s okay.” I reach out and place my hand on the back of her neck and pull her gently toward me. “Everyone makes mistakes.” She tucks her head into the crook of my neck and then the rest of her soft body leans against my side.

“I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately, and I guess this slipped through the cracks. My lab partner was telling me it’s okay, but it affects his grade too.” She sighs and then sniffs. “I suck.” “No.” I stop that train of thought and shake my head. “You don’t suck, Lexi. You’re incredible, and you try and take on so much.” I brush her hair out of her face and kiss her forehead. “What can I do to help?” She lets out a humorless laugh. “Take me to lunch?” “I was going to do that anyway,” I tell her as I touch the bottom of her chin so she tilts her head back. Gently, I graze my lips over hers and sigh in contentment. “Let me help you, little rabbit.” “This hug is making me feel better already.” “Imagine what my mouth could do,” I tease, and her cheeks flush. “Come on, let me feed you and then walk you back to your dorm. You need a cuddle and a nap.”

Chapter Eleven Lexi as I rock my hips forward and search for the friction I need. My I moan mind is fuzzy, but I know I don’t want this pleasure to stop. I roll them again until my clit hits just the right spot. “Baby girl.” The words are whispered against my ear, and my eyes fly open as I jerk my head up. Asher lies beneath me, and his normally styled hair is a ruffled mess. Damn, it's hot that way. He’s here. I was so surprised when he showed up today. My day had been shit, and there he’d been. He was true to his word that he’d see me today. Every time I doubt him, he proves me wrong. I need to trust what he shows me. “What did you call me?” I ask as I wake fully. “Baby.” A weird rush of emotions rolls through me. Daddy calls me baby girl. Oh god, did I really call him “Daddy” in my head? I push the random texter out of my mind because now is so not the time. I’m with Asher. I grind myself down on him again, realizing quickly what I’d been doing in my sleep. At some point I’d crawled on top of him and started dry humping his body during my nap. Asher’s hands on my hips flex, and I feel his fingers digging into me. “I’m humping you.” As soon as the words leave my lips, I tuck my face

back into his neck to hide. Did I really blurt that out? What is wrong with me? “Sorry,” I mumble against his neck. I’m terrible at this dating and flirting thing. How did I ever think I could be sexy online? The times I’m supposed to send sexy pictures, I send normal ones. Now I’m humping people in my sleep and blurting out stupid shit. Asher’s body starts to shake, and I slowly lift my head to see he’s fighting not to laugh at me. With each jerk of his body, his cock pushes against my clit. I fight not to moan because I've already embarrassed myself enough. I attacked him in my sleep already, so I don’t need to make it worse. I start to move, but his grip on my hips tightens, letting me know I’m not going anywhere. He instantly stops laughing, and his voice is so deep. “Where do you think you’re going, baby?” Baby, not baby girl. How terrible is it that both of these men are getting to me? My whole life no one has sparked my attention, and now I have two men I’m becoming very enthralled with. My body is waking up to both of them in different ways. One thing they do seem to have in common, though, is that they enjoy taking care of me. “You want me to keep going?” I ask as I lick my lips. He’d stopped me by grabbing my hips when I was half asleep before. Then he whispered into my ear. It’s part why I’d woken up to begin with when I’d been between reality and dream world. “You can do anything you want to me. I just want to make sure you’re fully awake for it.” “That will cost you.” The words slip out, and then I gasp when he manages to flip us somehow. We’re on my tiny dorm room bed, but of course Asher figures it out and pins me beneath him. “What’s it cost to do something to you?” He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine. I nip his bottom lip, and a low, deep growl rumbles

from him as his hips surge forward. His cock grinds into my clit, and he feels so damn good over me. Even his weight on top of my body is right. “What do you want to do to me?” I claw the bedspread, needing something to cling to because my clit is starting to throb. Why does this turn me on so badly? My whole body hums with need. “That get you off? Selling yourself?” I close my eyes at the intensity of the question. “Look at me,” Asher snaps. The authority in his voice has me doing as he commands. My heart gives an excited flutter. “Don’t be shy with me. I get off on thinking about buying your pussy.” His hand slips between us, and he cups my sex over my jean shorts. I’m so wet I’m sure he can feel it even through the material. “Asher!” I hiss in surprise. “Don’t know what it is about you.” His mouth travels down my jaw. “But I want to own your body. Take care of you.” His mouth keeps moving up to my neck and then to my ear. “How much for a taste of your cunt? A thousand?” My sex spasms. “Yes!” I half shout. He could have said a freaking penny and I would have agreed. I need his mouth on me now. The second I answer him, my shorts and fishnets are down my legs and tossed away. “Naked.” He barks the order out as he moves down the bed. I pull my top off, leaving me bare on the bed under him. “You’re soaked,” I hear him say. “Fuck, you smell good.” He breathes in loudly. “Asher.” I cover my face with my hands. “Get those hands down. You’re going to watch what I do to this pussy. It’s mine now. Bought and paid for.” I gasp when he gives my sex a light smack, and I fight not to cum right on the spot. He leans down, and his nose brushes my clit as he takes another deep breath. “I’d wear the smell of your pussy every day if you bottled and sold it.” I can’t with this mouth of his. You’d never know he speaks this way. I have a feeling, or maybe it’s a hope, that he only does it with me. His

tongue comes out, and he takes one long lick. My hips buck off the bed, but his arm comes down, pinning me to the mattress. “It hurts,” I plead. “When haven’t I taken care of you, baby?” “You do.” I nod because he’s right. “I’ve got you.” He leans down again, and his tongue circles my clit this time. Back and forth his tongue goes as he gets me close and then pulls back. How can I love something that is driving me crazy? “I want more,” he says. “You can have it.” He smiles against my sex. He’s been working me up for this. “I’ll give you double to mark you.” “Okay,” I blurt out in agreement. I don’t even know what it means, but yes. Yes to all of it. “Such a good girl,” he says before he sucks my clit into his mouth. He takes long pulls as he flicks it back and forth, and there’s no more teasing. The orgasm hits me hard, and I start to scream, but he reaches his hand up and covers my mouth. He doesn’t stop. He sucks harder, his tongue moving quicker, then one orgasm rolls into another. His hand never moves from my mouth as I scream out my pleasure into his palm. When the third hits, black spots dance in my eyes, and his mouth releases me. He sits up, and it’s a fight to keep my eyes open. My body can’t even move, and I’m boneless. When he pulls his hard cock out from his pants, I watch as he only strokes it twice before he’s cumming all over my stomach and sex. He drops down over me, rubbing the head of his cock against my skin as his hand keeps pumping his cock. He uses the head to rub the cum into

my skin and then drag it down the folds of my sex before pushing the head inside just a bit. Somehow I know he’s not going to thrust all the way in, but he does, however, start to cum again. His warmth spills inside of me, marking every inch. My virginity, from the glint in his eyes, already belongs to him. No matter the cost.

Chapter Twelve Asher a good girl,” I say as I pull the tip of my cock from her warmth “S uch and tuck it into my boxer briefs. Seeing her naked and spread out makes me want to keep going, but she doesn’t have much time. “Let’s get you dressed.” “Dressed?” Her eyes are still hooded with sleep as she reaches for me. “You’ve got class.” I can see the moment my words register because her eyes snap open and she looks for the clock. “Relax, you’ll be on time.” Standing up from the small bed, I grab her tights and hold them out for her to step into. She looks so sweet and shy as she gets off the bed and walks over to me. “Maybe I should clean up first?” She looks down between her legs, and even I can see my cum dripping between them. “Nope.” I shake my head and hold the tights open. Without another word, I help her into them and then her shorts. She’s topless, and I can’t help but dip my head and suck on one of her nipples before helping her put on the bralette then her shirt. I’m still so fucking hard, but there’s a peace in my chest I haven’t felt before now. When she’s fully dressed, I stand up and reach into my back pocket. “Here,” I say as I take out a stack of hundreds and peel off two grand for her.

“Thank you,” she says softly and then blushes. “Here’s a little extra.” I peel off another thousand and put it into her empty hand. “That’s for the second one.” She doesn’t say a word but nods as she bites her lip and then looks my body up and down like she’s thinking about what else we can do. “Stop it.” When her eyes snap up to mine, I shake my head. “We don’t have time right now, but I’ll take care of you later.” She takes the money and puts it into the little safe in her closet. Once it’s tucked away, I grab her bag with her books, and she pulls on her boots. Then in a movement that feels like we’ve done it a thousand times, I take her hand and we leave her dorm with her bookbag over my shoulder. “You don’t have to carry them for me.” The way she smiles up at me is so fucking cute, and I hate that I couldn’t keep her in bed longer. “I like doing things for you.” She bites her lip before leaning into my side. “I like it too.” When we get to the building for her next class, she turns to me and waits. “What?” I ask, feeling confused. “I need my bag so you can leave.” Her smile is adorable, and I can’t help leaning down and giving her a quick kiss. “Baby, I’m coming with you.” “What?” There’s surprise in her voice but a little laughter too. “I’m not ready to let you go just yet.” I shrug, and she looks back at the building like she’s thinking it over. “That’s so sweet, but are you sure? This is a lecture class, and it’s always super boring.” “I guess we’ll just have to find a way to make it exciting.” Winking at her, I grab her hand and head to her class. When we get to the door, I look in and see the theater seating is almost full. There’s an empty row in the back, and I tug on her hand to go that way.

We climb the steps until we come to the last one, and there’s a wall at our back. I take a seat, and she takes one next to me as the professor begins. I watch as Lexi takes out her laptop and a notebook and pen. I grab the laptop and she opens the document she’s been using for notes in this class. “I got this,” I tell her as she shrugs and sits back in her seat. As the professor speaks, I type and make sure to include all she’s discussing while Lexi writes little notes on the paper in front of her. I glance over and see she’s written my name and has put hearts around it, and it’s so adorable I lean over and kiss her neck. Fuck, she smells so good. Just then the professor says something about watching a documentary on the topic of discussion, and the lights go out. Lexi glances at me, and the space between us is charged with this exciting energy I can’t name. The theater is almost pitch black as the documentary plays on the screen in the front and the sound comes through the speakers mounted on the walls. This is really more like a movie theater than a lecture hall. I feel Lexi move a little closer to me, and her body presses to my side. Without thinking, I grab her upper arm and pull her even closer so that she’s on my lap facing forward. I move her legs so they’re spread on either side of mine, and I lean forward to drape my body over hers. She’s tucked close against me, and the computer in front of us gives us a little more privacy even though it’s so dark there’s no way anyone could see us if they turned around and looked back. I slide my hand across her belly and put my lips to her ear. “Can you be quiet?” She swallows hard, pretending to watch the video, then nods. “You gonna be my good girl?” She pushes her ass against my hard cock and then nods again as I kiss the place just below her ear. My hand goes to the button of her shorts, and I flick the top one open. Sliding my hand into her tights, I feel my cum on her from earlier and have to clench my jaw to keep from moaning. I slide the thick digits over her lips

and then between them to pet her clit. I’m not just going to get her off but get her ready to take me. “How much to get this pussy?” I whisper, and her eyes flutter closed. Dipping my fingers lower, I push two of them into her cunt and feel her tight silk grip me. She’s so small, but she’s eager, and her body wants to be filled. “You want a new car?” I ask, and she shivers as I rub the heel of my hand over her clit while my fingers fuck her. “You want your tuition paid?” Her mouth falls open, but she doesn’t make a sound as her head falls back on my shoulder. My other hand goes up her shirt, and I yank down one of the cups of her bralette. My fingers gently pinch her nipples as my hand in her pussy keeps a steady rhythm. “I’ll fly you to Europe for the weekend and bathe you in gold while I eat this sweet pussy.” I lick down her neck, and she gasps. “I’ve got it, baby. I’ve got all you need.” “Yes, Daddy,” she says softly, and my hand stops. Her eyes widen like she’s surprised she said it too, and then she turns to look at me. “I’m sorry—” I cut off her apology when I cover her mouth with mine. The kiss is heated and possessive, and I never knew how much I wanted to hear her say those words. Fuck, it calls to something dark and possessive in me, and right now if I could, I’d put her on my dick and keep her there. Her pussy clenches around my fingers, and I add a third. She’s stretched full, and I rub that sweet spot inside her that makes her arch her back and bear down. The heel of my hand presses against her clit, and that’s all it takes for her to go off. My mouth against hers keeps her quiet as her climax hits and I help her ride it out. It’s so fucking beautiful seeing her come apart, and even now, it’s not enough. I want to do it again and again until she’s soft and open so I can climb on her body and fuck that cherry out of her.

She falls against me when she comes back down, and I kiss her one last time before I slip my hand out of her shorts. She watches me as I bring my fingers to my mouth and lick them clean. I can taste her release and a lingering trace of me on her too. She’s sweet and tangy, and I’m addicted to the scent of her. “Rest, baby,” I say as I cuddle her close against my chest. After a moment, her breath becomes even and gentle, and I think she’s drifted off. While she’s out, I take notes for her and make sure she’s got all the information to look at later. Right now, her body has been through so much in a short time, and she needs to recover. Hell, after hearing her call me Daddy, I might need some time to recover too.

Chapter Thirteen Lexi does Asher keep getting more handsome? He’s sitting up against my H ow headboard, making my twin-size bed look like a toddler bed. His laptop rests on his lap, but he’s snoozing away. The two of us have been connected at the hip for the past two days, and where I go, my man goes. I smile, realizing I called him my man in my head, but it sounds so right. My daddy sounds even better. I shouldn’t be smiling at all. I got another email a couple of minutes ago about my tuition and how I’m going to cover the rest of this semester. They need an answer or they’ll be dropping me from my classes. I’ve already stacked up a pile of money, and truthfully, I know if I asked Asher for it, he’d write a check with no questions asked. I think I might, even though a month ago I never would have thought I’d do something like that. I don’t know how Asher has done it, but in a matter of days he’s made me feel so comfortable with him. More than that, I’m safe with him. This man would do anything for me. I know that down to my marrow. People can call me naïve or whatever they want, but I don’t give a shit. Asher is a good man. Even if we enjoy pretending he’s paying for what I’m giving him. Right now I’d pay the man to take my freaking virginity, but for some damn reason he never takes it that far. Last night I’d been tempted to crawl on top of him and drop down on his dick.

Who am I kidding? Asher might play with the whole paying me thing and that I’m in charge to a degree, but the reality is he’s in complete control, and I love everything about that. The man takes care of me in every way. I’m sure a therapist would say this dependency that I’m quickly developing is not okay, but I’d tell them to fuck off. The alert for my email goes off again. Mr. Grant is double-checking that I’m heading over to his office now, and I roll my eyes. I already told him I was. You’d think it was him I owed money to and not the freaking university. I remind myself that will be my last eye roll for now because I’m going to have to kiss some ass. I’m hoping the money I hand over today can buy me a little more time. I lift Asher’s laptop and set it on the bedside table. We crashed here in my dorm last night, and when I woke up, I saw him working on his laptop in bed next to me. I felt guilty because he’s been spending all his time with me. I’m betting he might be falling behind at work, but it’s only a guess. When I stream and game, he’ll sit off to the side and work, and when I steal a peek at him, he’s generally watching me play and not working. It’s adorable. Never in my life has someone given me so much attention. It’s addictive. “Babe,” I whisper, leaning down and brushing my lips against his. He opens his eyes and grabs me, pulling me down into his lap. “That mouth of yours has been paid for. You know the rules when we’re alone.” His tone is making my nipples harden instantly. “Sorry, Daddy,” I whisper. He fists my hair, pulling my head back and licking up the column of my neck as I whimper a moan. “Louder.” “I’m sorry, Daddy.” “There’s my good little girl.” Another whimper leaves me, and wet heat pools between my thighs. He sinks his teeth into my neck, and fuck me, my

body is on fire. “Now, where were you trying to sneak off to?” “I wasn’t trying to sneak-sneak,” I rush to say, but I am fully dressed, with my messenger bag over my shoulder. He pulls back, his eyes searching my face. Does this man really think I would try to get away from him? He’s lucky I haven’t tried to move my stuff into his fancy condo. It’s not about the condo either. It’s about being with him. I’d move him in here if I could. “You’re itching for a spanking.” “Always.” I bite the inside of my cheek to try and keep from smiling, but I know I’m failing. Asher doesn't fight his, and the dimple in his left cheek appears for me. It’s my dimple, and I’ve claimed it. I kiss it every time it comes out, but right now I can’t move or I would. “You don’t have any more classes today. Are you hungry?” He releases his hold on my hair as he wonders where I’m trying to head off to. When I finally lean in and kiss my dimple, he grins more. He loves when I kiss him there, and I really think this man might have been made for me. “I’m not hungry. I was going to dart over to the administration building. I need to drop some crap off.” I keep it vague. “I’ll go with you.” “No, stay.” I put my hand on his chest. “Sleep or catch up on your laptop stuff.” “Laptop stuff?” he chuckles. “I don’t know. Whatever rich men who own lots of things do on their laptop. That stuff.” “You’re more important than stuff, Lexi.” He runs his finger down the center of my forehead and then my nose. He stops at the tip and gives a cute double tap. I don’t know why he does it, but it makes me smile every time. “Sometimes I think you’re too good to be true. You’re going to make me fall in love with you, Asher.” My words must surprise him because I manage to get to my feet before he quickly pulls me back down into his lap.

“That’s the plan.” I gasp at his response, and he kisses me. I moan and start to get lost in the moment. Was he saying what I think he was? He wants me to love him. Does that mean he might love me already? I don’t dare to hope because I could be light years ahead of him on how I feel. I know it’s crazy fast, but I can’t help it, and he might not be far behind. “Daddy, please. I’ll be quick.” I need to get out of here before I blurt out that I love him and freak him out. “You better be talking about you going to drop crap off.” I laugh against his mouth. “I just need to make sure my loans and stuff are good.” Asher’s phone starts to ring, and we both glance over and see Samuel’s name light up the screen. “Take it.” I give him another quick kiss before I hop up from the bed. “All right, but give me your phone for a second.” I pull it out of my back pocket, not thinking about it until it’s in his hand. It dawns on me as his fingers click on the screen that he could see Sugar Daddy, and my heart starts to pound. Oh god. I’d kind of forgotten about him. A second later he hands me my phone back, and I almost fall over in relief. If he had seen those texts, he would have spanked my ass, and then I’m not sure what. We actually haven’t texted at all today, and yesterday all he did was check that I was eating and paid me to wear a sweater again when I streamed. He must be growing bored of me. Good, that will make what I do next easier. “I shared your location with me.” Parker and I do that with each other, so I nod. “What about—” “I shared mine back.” He pulls me in for another kiss, and his phone rings again. “Go and get back to me.” “I will. I already miss you,” I say as he answers the phone and I slip out the door. The second it closes behind me, I pull up my texts to Sugar Daddy and change his name to SD.

Me: I’m sorry but we can’t speak anymore. I want to thank you. The money you sent me will go to my education. It meant a lot. I quickly make my way across campus and over to the admin building. I read the giant board on the first floor to check which office belongs to Mr. Grant on the Finance Services floor. I check my phone, but there’s no response from SD. He might have lost interest too. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but it doesn’t matter at this point. It’s over. I snag the stairs up to the third floor to be quicker. I want to get back to Asher as fast as possible. I was so scared when I thought he might find those messages so I know I need to come clean. I’m going to lay everything out on the table for him because I have to. I won’t have this popping back up at some point. I want him to know everything about me and not have any secrets between us. Asher will be pissed, mainly because my daddy is really jealous, something I probably shouldn’t enjoy, but I do. I’ve gone my whole life feeling unwanted and unloved. Asher craves me, and one day he might even love me. I could see a whole life with him that includes babies and marriage. It was never something I thought I’d want, but I’ve seen things differently since meeting him. Before him, I’d run my mouth that I didn’t want those things because I didn’t think I could have them. I hoped if I said it enough, that I might start to believe it myself. I’d tell the world I’m Miss Independent, but with Asher, I want to be Mrs. Matthews and to have his babies. For all I know, I might have one already. A swarm of butterflies explodes in my stomach as I think about not only having Asher’s baby but of Parker and me being pregnant together. My phone dings a few times when I get to the third floor. I see two alerts, and I click on Asher’s. My Knight: I miss you

Gah, this man kills me. When I programmed his number into my phone, I’d labeled it My Knight because Parker always said that my own romance knight in shining armor would find and claim me one day. I’d rolled my eyes at her, but Parker was right. At the time I couldn’t fathom that a man like the ones I read about in her books could ever be real. Me: I miss you too. I respond instantly, then click on the next. SD: Why? Simple and to the point. I go with the truth. Me: I’m in love. SD: But can he take care of you? Afford you? Me: He takes care of me. He can afford me but even if he couldn’t I’d pick him over college. He’s my future. SD: He’s a lucky man. I’m about to tell him I’m the lucky one, but someone calls my name. “Lexi, I’ve been waiting.” I snap my head up and see a man in his late forties standing in a doorway a few more doors down. He’s not much taller than me, but that’s not saying much. “Hey.” I force a smile. I know I’ve never met Mr. Grant before, but I recognize him. I’ve seen him around campus quite a lot actually, and this campus isn’t exactly small. “Come in.” He motions for me to enter. I slip my phone into the back pocket of my shorts before I drop down into one of the chairs in front of his desk and he shuts the door. An uneasy sensation runs up my spine. I glance back at the door, and I swear his finger lingers over the lock button, but he drops his hand away as I stare. “Did you get my transfer?” I ask to get to the point. I sent over all the money I’d gotten from SD. I’d racked up a nice chunk. “We did.” He doesn't take a seat in the chair that’s behind his desk. Instead he takes the one next to mine, turning it first to face me. “It doesn’t

cover all of it.” “I know, but I’ve got more.” I open my bag to pull out the envelope of cash I’ve been collecting from Asher. Mr. Grant’s hand comes out, stopping me, laying his over mine. “You do know here at Dowling Park University we have strict rules of conduct. It’s something each student agrees to when they attend.” “Okay.” My heart starts to beat faster. Where is this going? There’s no way the school could know anything. “I’ve seen you stream online,” he says. “What?” I shake my head, knowing that it doesn't violate anything. “I hide what college I attend, and I asked about it, actually.” I didn’t have to hide it. I’d only done that for myself. Plus, I’d checked it over with the university. A lot of students stream and have all kinds of channels and podcasts for all kinds of things. “You’ve come up with a lot of money rather quickly after your scholarship fell through.” Mr. Grant keeps going. This conversation is a bit all over the place, but I think I know where it’s going. “You know that your school email address is owned by the university.” My stomach drops as I start to search my brain. SD and I never emailed. Besides, I never sold sex or anything. “And?” “You’ve been getting emails from the Cash App Trader with rather large amounts.” “And?” I ask again. That doesn’t prove shit, but still I’m freaking out inside. “A comment you made earlier this week on your stream followed by those emails makes it rather easy to put things together, Lexi.” I swallow, trying to stay outwardly calm. I know the comment he’s talking about. “You watch my stream?” One offhanded comment days ago. Then this man is checking my school email? I don’t think that’s close to normal. At

all. “I have been for a while.” A creepy smile pulls at his thin lips. “I was shocked when I saw you on campus one afternoon months ago.” I need to get out of here. “I have the money. I just need a bit more time for the rest.” I try to move my hand out from his to pull the envelope back, but he wraps his hand around my wrist. “I think you and I could work out how you cover the rest.” He runs his tongue back and forth across his teeth. “Mr. Grant, I think—” “Daddy, that was on the memo lines of one of the deposit emails. I think I’d like to be called that too.” I’m going to throw up. He starts to guide my wrist, but I try to pull back. “What are you doing?” “Showing you what this daddy wants.” He yanks on my wrist hard, trying to move it over his crotch. I scream out as I try to fight to free my hand. “Oh, you like to play hard to get. I suppose you need a firm hand.” He raises his other hand, and I turn my shoulder, trying to hide my face before he can smack me. I scream Asher's name so loud that it echoes in my soul.

Chapter Fourteen Asher ask how’s your honeymoon, but I really don’t want the details.” “I would I glance out the window of Lexi’s door and see her walking across the grass towards one of the big buildings on the other side of the quad. I send her a quick text telling her I miss her, and she responds right away. “Like I’d tell you anything about it.” Sam makes a sound that’s like a dreamy sigh, and for some reason it’s not annoying anymore. Maybe because I understand it now more than I did before. Now that I’ve got Lexi. “You’re the one that called me,” I tease. Just then I get an alert on my private messaging app from Lexi. I was worried about her seeing the texts on my phone, so I used an app that could send them for me. I read through what she’s sent and my heart nearly doubles in size. She loves me! I text her back from the messaging app for the last time, and my smile is so big it makes my face hurt. “I looked into that stuff you asked me about.” Sam’s voice is muffled now, and his voice is low. I’m guessing he’s not talking about this in front of Parker. “Okay, give it to me and then you can go back to your wife. You went to school here so you were the first person I thought of. All I need to know is

how much and where to send the tuition and—” “That’s just it. Her scholarships are all in order.” He cuts me off and I stand there, stunned. “What?” “Just what I said. I called my buddy in finance to see how much was left. He said they can’t rescind a scholarship mid-semester without cause. Lexi’s got a perfect 4.0, but there was something that came up that was odd.” “Explain faster,” I say, already feeling heat begin to climb up my neck. Who the hell is fucking with my girl? “Listen, Ash, I don’t want to worry Parker, but I think you should keep an eye on Lexi. It looks like someone hacked into her files and was getting personal information from it. Her file has been accessed over a hundred times in the past month. He said most students' files are hardly ever opened, let alone this many times.” My feet are moving before my brain gives them permission, but I don’t give a shit. I need to get to Lexi, and I need to get to her now. “Fuck, she just left.” “Call me when you find her so I know she’s okay,” Sam says, and I say something back to him before I hang up. I’m too distracted to know if I told him to fuck off or that I’d call him later. But if Sam loves Parker the way I love Lexi, he would have the same reaction I’m having right now. I need to find her and make sure she’s okay. Pulling up Lexi on my phone, I’m so fucking grateful that I made her share her location. There’s a small green dot on my screen, and I run in that direction. It’s the building straight ahead, but I can’t see exactly what floor she’s on. Once I go inside, I scan the wall to see what floor she might have gone to. When I see Finance Services, I decide that’s got to be where she went, and I take off for the stairs.

I’m nearly at the top when I feel something prickle the back of my neck. I don’t know what it is, and I can’t really explain it, but it’s like I can sense that something bad is coming. Pulling on the door, I step out into the hallway of Finance Services and then I hear it. It’s not loud, and I’m not sure if I wasn’t listening for something that I would have heard it. But I would know Lexi's voice even if I was dead and gone. “Lexi!” I roar, and suddenly office doors swing open and people pop their heads out. I run down the hall, quickly checking doors, and there’s only one that doesn’t open. Bingo. Without thinking about the consequences of what I’m doing, I lower my shoulder and plow through the door. Someone screams, and I fall forward but catch myself before I hit the ground. I’m trying to take in what I’m seeing all at once, but it’s like I’m moving in slow motion. “Get security!” I hear someone shout from out in the hall, but my focus is on the scene in front of me. There’s a man on the floor with his hands against his face, and there’s blood running over his fingers and down his chin. Lexi is standing over him with her fists clenched, and when she sees me, she runs into my arms. I can’t help the relief I feel when I hold her against my body and cradle the back of her head. “Are you okay?” “Parker always said those self-defense classes would come in handy.” Her voice cracks at the end, and I feel her begin to cry. “You little—” Before the man on the floor can finish that sentence, I kick out and my boot connects with the side of his face. “What’s going on here?” someone calls from the hallway, and I turn around with Lexi in my arms to see campus security has arrived. “He tried to sexually assault me,” Lexi sniffs, and I help her wipe away her tears.

“She’s pressing charges,” I tell them, and they nod, going over to check on the piece of shit. “You came. I knew it in my heart.” “I will always come for you, baby girl.” Her eyes widen a little, and I cup her cheeks. “I love you, and no matter where you are, I’ll make sure you’re safe. Forever.” “I love you too. Forever.” The kiss we share is quick, but I hold her close as they carry the halfconscious man out of the office and we stay behind to speak to the police officers that have arrived. Apparently, Sam called them as soon as I hung up and told them to get to campus right away. By the time we’re finished with everything and Lexi files a report, we go back to the dorm and I pack her a bag. It’s late when we get to my place, but as soon as we’re inside, I feel something inside of me change. “We’re home,” I say to Lexi as I lock the front door and turn to face her. “And now that we’re alone, I plan on showing you just how much I fucking love you.” She smiles, and I see excitement dance in her eyes. “I like that you put fucking and love together.” “Good, because we’re going to be doing a lot of that.” Reaching down, I grab the edge of my shirt and pull it off in one quick motion. I toss in on the ground in the living room as I walk closer to her. “There’s something else you should know.” She takes a step back as I move closer, and eventually her ass bumps against the kitchen island. “What’s that?” Her voice is soft now, but there's need in it. “The money before? From the guy online that was sending it via Cash App.” “You know about that?” Something close to fear crosses her face, and she holds up her hands. “I was going to tell you. I broke it off today and—”

“I know, baby girl. It was me.” Her eyes go wide in surprise as she pieces it all together. My hands go to my belt buckle, and when I drop it to the floor, the sound is like a gavel coming down. “I just couldn’t stand the thought of you not being taken care of. From the moment I saw you, I knew what you needed.” “And what was that?” She licks her lips as I press my body to hers, but she has nowhere else to go with the counter behind her. “A daddy, right?” She nods as she tilts her head back to look up at me. “You want me to make you one, too, don’t you?” My already hard cock swells even tighter at the thought of getting her pregnant. “Damn straight. I want the whole thing, baby girl. A ring on your finger, my last name next to yours, and a baby right here.” I trail my finger over her belly and then dip my hand lower. “You’ll give it to me, won’t you?” She moans when my fingers find her lips and I graze my thumb over her little clit. “Yes, Daddy.” Her eyes close as I slide inside her and kneel down at the same time. “Gotta get one last taste of that cherry before I pop it.” I jerk her shorts down and bury my face against her bare cunt as my tongue licks up her sweet cream. Her legs automatically spread, and she leans back on the kitchen island as I lick her up. Her cries become louder as my fingers work in and out in a slow, steady rhythm. She clenches around them hard, and her knees buckle as she climaxes hard and fast. I’ve got her in my arms, and I have no plans of ever letting her go. “So damn perfect,” I say as I drag my tongue between her pussy lips and then stand up. I pull my fingers out, and because they’re coated in her sweet release, I greedily clean them. My dick is hard and leaking as I pull it out and swipe it over the places where my mouth just was. Her clit is begging for more as I rub over it with

the fat head of my cock. “I love you, Asher,” she says as I slide to her opening and hold it there. “I love you too, Lexi.” I wrap an arm around her waist and then lean down and kiss her sweetly as I thrust all the way inside. I’ve done my best to break her in and get her ready for this moment, but there’s no way to prevent all her pain, and I hate it. I wish I could take it for her, but instead I try to be still and hold her close as I let her adjust. I kiss her everywhere my mouth can reach, and I whisper all the things I love about her. Her laugh, her smile, the way she scrunches her nose when she’s thinking about something. It’s everything, and I’m so fucking lucky that she loves me back. It’s not too long before she’s kissing me back with a need I know all too well. She rocks her hips forward to get some friction, and I grab her ass to grind her down. “You ready, baby girl?” I ask, and she nods, holding on to my shoulders. That’s when I start to thrust, slow at first and then more as I go deeper with every stroke. She’s fucking perfection wrapped around me, and I groan every time I chase that slick heat. I grit my teeth at how good she feels and at the ache that starts at the base of my spine and shoots all the way up to the tip of my cock. I’m bare in her sweet pussy, and I’ve never felt anything as good as what I feel right now. Deep, deep, deep, I rock, and she cries out my name. Her nails dig into my skin, and I hope she tattoos the marks onto me so this moment is eternal. There’s nothing and no one that will ever separate us, and as long as I breathe, I’ll make sure all her dreams come true. She climaxes with a loud cry, and I hear something fall off the island and crash, but I don’t give a fuck. I’ll buy her a million more of whatever the hell it was. The only thing I can focus on right now is her tight little cunt milking me, and I have no choice but to follow her over the edge.

We cling to each other as we both ride out the wave of pleasure that threatens to drown us. It’s too much, but it’s just right, and it always will be. “That’s one room down,” I say on a laugh, and Lexi looks up at me with heavy-lidded eyes. “What?” “Didn’t I tell you I plan on fucking you in every room of the house?” She smiles as I grab her ass and lift her off the island. “Next is the shower.” “A girl could get used to this,” she teases. “Go ahead, baby girl. I dare you.” I lean forward and gently bite her neck before I suck on the same spot. “As long as you keep that up, I’ll do whatever you want, Daddy.” “That’s a promise,” I tell her, and I carry her into the shower. “Now and forever.”

Epilogue Lexi Many years later…. addy: Five grand if I can take you home and eat your pussy in the next five minutes. Asher’s text lights up the screen of my phone. The heat that explodes through my body is instant. All these years, and his texts still have the same effect on me. It doesn’t take my husband much to get me worked up. The man owns my body. He’s been ready to go back home before we even left the house, but he’s been trying to hide it. He knows tonight is a big night for me, but his jealousy can get the best of him. I don’t care. I still love it. It’s one of many things about him that turn me on. I’m sure a professional would say it has to do with the fact I grew up in the foster system or some bullshit like that, but again, I don’t care. I love how much Asher wants me. The only exception to that rule is family, and that can even have its limits at times. He can only share so much before he needs some time alone with me. “You okay?” Parker asks from beside me. “You’re flushed.” “Hormones.” I put my phone back into my purse and rest my hand on my ever-growing baby bump.


I’m four months along with our third. This time, my baby bump came out of nowhere. I’m lucky I picked a dress that would accommodate this little boy. That’s all Asher ever puts inside of me. Boys. I swear each one is bigger than the last. “That what we’re calling it now? Hormones?” Parker giggles. She knows about Asher and my little sex games. She’s accidentally seen a few texts over the years. Not that she could judge—she never would—but she and Samuel play a few games of their own. “What’s so funny?” Samuel leans over and nuzzles her neck, trying to steal Parker’s attention back. He’s so much like his brother. “Sammy.” She giggles but leans into his touch. “My wife can’t respond when I text her?” Asher pulls out his chair, taking his seat next to mine. He places my cranberry juice in front of me. I pick it up and take a sip. I’ve always hated cranberries. Until I got knocked up. Every pregnancy I crave them. “I don’t know if you heard, but I won Game of the Year,” I say smugly. “You’ll have to make a higher offer than five grand,” I tease. I still can’t get over that I won tonight. I’d been honored when I’d been nominated. Parker and I spent the day getting ready. She had a big part in this, even if she denies it. She’s partly responsible for both my win and the game doing so well. It sold over seven million copies in the first week and raked in over 300 million in the first weekend, and that was partly due to the story that she helped me create with it. She was my muse when I got stuck. Asher throws back his head and laughs. A few women turn and glance our way, and I smack his stomach. He looks too sexy in his suit. After the awards, we went over to the celebratory dinner and afterparty. I was here for the food really. Maybe to be gushed over a little too. It’s a big deal for a woman to win this award. Asher reaches for the award sitting on the table in front of us. “Everything I have is yours. Now get your pretty ass up. I’m taking my girl

home.” I glare up at him. I’m so faking it. I’m all for playing with my Daddy. Grandma has our little boys for the night. “Don’t make me say it again.” He gives me his hand. Without thinking, I take it. We say our goodbyes to Parker and Sam, who are heading out too. They only came for me. Asher’s family has become my own. I gained a brother and a set of partners when I married him. As we try to make our exit, we get stopped over and over. People want to congratulate me on my big win and ask about the follow-up that’s now in development. I fight a laugh each time. I watch out of the corner of my eye, seeing Asher getting worked up. He just wants me alone and to himself. “Lexi!” a man calls when we’re finally almost to the door. I don’t recognize him. His eyes run up and down my body. “You’re even more stunning in person.” “And I’m done.” I let out a squeak when Asher sweeps me into his arms. “Fuck off, she’s married and pregnant with my third son,” he tells the man as we pass him. I burst into laughter. “You’re not going to be laughing when I tie you to the bed and eat your pussy for five hours,” he growls, putting me into the back of the limo. He closes the partition. “Is that a threat?” I giggle. “Little girl.” Asher’s hand sneaks up under my dress. I know what he’s about to do. Or what he thinks he’s about to do. “No panties, Daddy.” I lick my lips. He cups my sex. “You’ve been without panties all night? With all these people?” His eyes flare, and I know I’m in for it tonight. That was the plan. “You’re lucky you’re pregnant. You’d feel me every time you sat down for the next week.” “I want to feel you everywhere.” I run my hands up his chest and start to undo the buttons of his shirt.

“This first time will be quick.” He goes for his belt. In seconds, he’s thrusting inside of me. My sex is already wet and ready for him. I’ve been primed from when he sent me that text. My body knew what was to come. “Lexi,” Asher groans. “What did I ever do to deserve you?” I wrap my legs around him. He’s nuts. I always wonder what I did to find him. This man walked into my life and turned it upside down in the best of ways. All my life I’d been alone. Then he was there loving me in ways I didn’t know was possible. “All you ever have to do is be you. I love you.” “Love you too,” he says, claiming my mouth in a kiss. Our love could never truly be bought. It’s priceless.


Teach Me by Alexa Riley

Heidi Miller is desperate. That’s the one thing that keeps drumming in her mind as she walks into the strip club looking for a job. As a cocktail waitress, she’s only supposed to serve drinks, but when a hot stranger flashes a stack of cash, how can she turn it down? Reese Davis has never been to a strip club, and it’s his cousin’s fault he’s here tonight. All he wants to do is sit in a corner until it’s over, but the hot little waitress dressed as a school girl is enough to send him over the edge. Warning: Does he end up being her professor on her first day of college? What do you think? Pull out the knee socks, because class is in session.

Chapter 1 Heidi

re you sure you put the right address in?” the driver asks as the car rolls to a stop in front of Heaven's Door. The parking lot is almost empty, but the building doesn't open for another few hours. By then the parking lot will be overflowing with cars. Especially on a Saturday night. “Yes,” I respond but make no move to get out of the car. How am I ever going to pull this off? I remind myself that I’m out of options and there’s no one else that’s going to take care of me. It’s scary to feel so alone in the world. “You know this isn't a church, right, darling? It’s a strip club.” If my stomach wasn’t in knots I’d laugh. I suppose the dress is a bit churchy, but it’s all I have. It’s a bit snug because it’s a few years old, but in my haste to leave my childhood home I hadn’t been focusing on dresses when I packed my few belongings. “I know.” I swipe my tongue against my dry lips. I’m not out of the car yet and I’m already freaking out, and the driver isn’t helping. Even he knows I don’t belong here. “You have to be twenty-one to get in,” he points out.


Good. That will help with the odds of me running into anyone I know. The last thing I need is someone from school finding out I’m working at a strip club. If I even get the job. “Only if you’re a customer. It’s eighteen to work.” That’s what the man on the phone said at least. “Darling—” “Thank you.” I cut him off before he tries to talk me out of this. The gravel parking lot has me wobbling in my heels as I hurriedly make my way toward the side entrance I was told to use. I’m already not good in heels, but at five three I’m going to need them for a place like this. I glance back over my shoulder to see the driver sitting there watching me. Not wanting to be spotted by someone I know who could be driving by, I open the door and quickly slip inside. I’m not sure anyone would actually recognize me all dolled up or believe I’d be in a place like this, but with my luck lately, this would be the time. “You lost?” a soft feminine voice asks. I blink a few times as my eyes try to adjust to the dimly lit hallway. “I’m here to see Marks.” I reach up and pull my glasses off, wanting to be as attractive as I can be. It's the main requirement for the job, and I’m guessing my glasses don’t scream sexy. “You’re the interview? Heidi Miller?” she asks with a confused laugh. “Yeah.” I shift on my feet. More of her comes into focus as she closes in on me. She’s tall, easily towering over me with dark hair and killer curves. I’m getting why they call this place Heaven’s Door. I bet she’s every man's wet dream. “You sure you don’t dance?” She cocks her head, eyeing me up and down. “I thought the job was for a server.” I’d heard you could make really good money here serving drinks. But if you’re willing to take your clothes

off and they let you on the stage, you’ll make a fortune. I’d love to have the money, but there’s no way I could strip in front of anyone. Serving them in the tiny uniform I’ve heard they have for their cocktail girls is going to be hard enough. “We are, but there’s no way you’re not going to get requests for lap dances.” “I…” I can’t think of what to say. Honestly, I thought it was a stretch to get a job serving drinks here, but I had to try. No way do I think they might want me to dance. “Put the glasses back on. I want Marks to see you with them. Follow me.” She motions. “I’m Sadie, by the way. Marks’s right-hand girl.” I slip my glasses back on my face and follow after her. I have to walk fast to keep up with her long legs. “You’re eighteen, right?” “Yes, I have my ID.” I reach into my bag and pull it out. She takes it from me before knocking on a door and opening it without waiting for someone to tell her to come in. “Happy birthday,” she says, handing it back. “Thanks.” I glance around the big office that has a small bar and even a lounge area. My eyes are drawn to the window that looks down into the strip club. This office is a small club of its own. “Your interview is here,” Sadie says. The man behind the desk lifts his head, and his eyes widen as they land on me. I’d thought Marks would be some old man in a cheesy suit, but he reminds me of Bruce Willis with his shaved head. He’s in a suit, but it’s all black and simple. He opens his mouth to say something, but Sadie beats him to it. “She doesn’t dance.” “Unless you count ballet,” I joke.

“Really? If you do ballet you could easily be trained,” Marks says, standing from behind his desk. “Honestly, I’m not sure about all this. I was hoping to serve drinks. I don’t think I can take my clothes off.” I grip my bag on my shoulder, needing something to hang on to. “You never know what you’re capable of when men start offering you thousands of dollars for a private dance.” Sadie smirks. Thousands of dollars. Really? That sounds ludicrous. Someone would pay me that much to dance on them? I can’t even wrap my mind around that. “I’m not shaped like a stripper.” I look down at myself. Aren’t strippers supposed to be tall and skinny with big boobs? I’ve got okay boobs, but I’m chubby. “Stripping isn’t all about a woman’s body. It’s about the sex appeal they send out,” Marks says, coming around his desk to lean up against it on the other side. He kicks his feet out as he looks me up and down. “Sex appeal?” “You scream innocent virgin.” Sadie fills in the blanks for me. Heat rushes to my face because there’s a reason for that. I drop my chin, trying to hide my blush. I’m supposed to be confident and sexy. At least that’s what I thought. “Let’s start with serving,” Marks says. “We’ll see how that goes, but you’ll get offers for dances. They would be private because stage dancers must have experience.” “I just want to serve.” The idea of getting paid so much money to dance for someone in a private room is tempting, but I’m not sure I have that in me. “We’ll see about that,” Sadie says with a smirk. “I’m down a girl. Can you start tonight?” Marks grabs a folder off his desk. “Tonight?” I squeak.

“Is that a problem?” He lifts a brow, pulling back the folder he was about to hand me. “No.” I shake my head. “Not at all.” “Fill this out, and Sadie will help you get ready for tonight.” “Thank you,” I rush to say in shock. I didn’t know I could be both happy and terrified about something. Then again I clearly don’t know a lot of things when it comes to men and what they want.

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