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1. Logan 2. Sasha 3. Logan 4. Sasha 5. Logan 6. Sasha 7. Logan 8. Sasha 9. Logan 10. Sasha 11. Logan 12. Sasha 13. Logan 14. Sasha 15. Logan 16. Sasha 17. Logan 18. Sasha 19. Logan 20. Sasha 21. Logan 22. Sasha Epilogue Also by Bianca Cole About the Author




nervously tap my pen against my desk, as I read through the student list of my first class for the semester. I’m teaching a Junior British Literature class in a lecture hall across campus. I’ve never taught most of the students in the class before, so I’ve got no idea what to expect from them. All I can hope is it’s not full of dimwits. I’ve had my fair share of classes where only a couple of the students were intelligent, or even interested in the subject, and it’s so frustrating. They think English Literature is an easy A. Well, not on my watch it isn’t. I run a hand through my hair and glance at the clock. Ten minutes until I need to be at lecture hall, which is on the other side of the campus. I shut down my computer and shift to grab my briefcase, ready to go, when a knock at my o ce door sounds. My jaw clenches. “Come in.” The door opens and my stomach twists. Dean Alison is standing in my doorway. “Dean, how can I help you?”

“Logan, I was wondering if you had a minute to discuss something.” I glance at the clock again. “I’ve got a class starting at nine. I need to get over to the other side of campus.” She steps inside and shuts the door anyway, obviously not taking the hint I’m pushed for time. “This won’t take long.” She walks past me and sits in the seat opposite my desk. Despite being eager to get away, I walk around my desk and take a seat. She adjusts her glasses a little further up her nose and glances at me with her dark brown eyes in a stern way. “I wanted to check that you received the sexual harassment memo I emailed you.” I frown at her and sit up straight in my chair. “Of course, I receive it every year.” She clicks her tongue. “Yes, but did you read it?” Why the hell is she quizzing me on a sexual harassment memo? “I have read it in the past. What is this about?” “There have been some key changes to the policy.” She twirls a finger in her short blonde hair. “I’m doing the rounds and making sure the male sta are aware of the consequences of getting involved with students or other sta .” Male. That’s rich, considering it takes two to tango. As if women aren’t also sexual beings. “Is this because of what happened between Elaine and Roger?”

The dean’s lips straighten and her eyes narrow. “Indeed, it was a terribly disturbing event.” Last year, two classics professors were caught fucking in a lecture hall. They’re both in their fifties and Elaine was spread out on a desk while Roger fucked her. Needless to say, a student walked in and was mentally scarred by the image. They were both dismissed. The worst thing about it was they were both married and had children. In this town, it was a pretty huge deal, and everyone in Wynton was talking about it for months. Anything that happens here in the city fuels the gossip wagon. I nod my head. “Well, you have nothing to worry about with me.” She clasps her hands on top of her knee. “I’m not sure whether that’s true, Logan. You’re the youngest of our sta . I’ve heard that a lot of the female students take a particular liking to you.” I run a hand through my hair. “Are you suggesting that I’d jeopardize my career over a student?” She stands and walks over to my side of the desk, running her hand over my shoulder in a suggestive way. My wholebody tenses at her touch. Considering she is here to grill me on a sexual harassment notice, it’s an inappropriate move on her part. “Of course not, Logan. I’m merely suggesting it would be a good idea to read through it.” Her eyes travel down my chest far too slowly. “Maybe we can grab a drink tonight, and I’ll fill you in on the changes.” She winks. Is this seriously happening right now? This woman is literally insane. She just told me to be certain not to break

sexual harassment rules, and then breaks them herself. The dean is an attractive woman, but there is no way in hell I’d ever go there. For one, it’s against the university policy to be involved with your boss. For two, she’s married to a decent guy who I’ve met a number of times. I’ve not got a problem with older women, but I’ve got a problem with adultery. She’s in her fifties and has teenage kids that go to high-school not far from here. I frown at her and shift my chair away. “I don’t think that would be appropriate, particularly considering what you wish to discuss.” I raise an eyebrow at her and she doesn’t seem to click on to what I’m getting at. “Not to mention, I’ve got a lot of work to do.” The smirk on her face fades. “Fine, just make sure you read it.” I nod in reply, and she glares at me for a moment before turning on her heels and storming out of the o ce. Weird. That’s the only word that could describe that fucked up conversation. I glance back at the clock and I’ve only got a few minutes until class. I’m not sure if I’ll make it over in time, but I grab my briefcase and head out quickly toward the lecture hall. I rush across campus, dodging students left, right, and center to get there faster. The building comes into view and I head in through the entrance. My footsteps echo o the walls as I rush down the corridor toward my class. The dean’s pointless intrusion almost made me late for my first class of the semester. I enter the lecture hall with all of one minute to spare and head straight down to the front to

get my lesson plan out. Students continue chatting amongst themselves as I write my name and the name of the class up on the blackboard. When I turn back around to face the class it feels like time slows down. My eyes are drawn to the most stunningly beautiful woman I’ve ever set my eyes on as she walks through the door into the hall. My mouth goes dry as I watch her bound down the steps, her dark brown hair in curls around her shoulders. She’s tall, with long creamy legs shown o by her short black skirt. Her breasts bounce around in her too-tight top with each step she takes toward the front of the hall. Her eyes meet mine and my heart hammers out of my chest. A tingling in my balls ignites the moment our eyes meet and I clear my throat, trying to regain my senses. Only once she sits down in the seat right in front of me, next to a blonde girl, do I tear my eyes from her. I look anywhere but at her. “Hello everyone. Welcome to British Literature Studies. I’m Professor Tanner. You should have all read the syllabus by now, so don’t expect me to go over it and waste class time.” I move to grab my copy of Ulysses o my desk. “Please get out your copy of Ulysses by James Joyce.” There are a few groans of disapproval as the class starts rustling about, grabbing their copies out of their bags. Every year I start with this novel. If they think this class is going to be easy, they’ve got another thing coming. None of my classes are easy. I may well be the youngest professor at the college, but I’m sure as hell make up for it with high standards for my pupils.

I scan the room and find my eyes drawn to the brunette at the front of the class again. Her full, red lips part slightly as she slides the end of her pencil between them. I groan mentally at how turned on I am right now and watch the way her tits move as she leans to whisper to her friend sat next to her. Her tight top gives me enough of a teasing glance at her perfect, perky breasts. I lick my lips and force myself to look anywhere but at her. After the conversation about sexual harassment with the dean and now faced with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, my cock thickens in my pants and my balls ache for release. It doesn’t help that the Dean brought up the desk sex fiasco, as it’s all I can think about right now. The image of me bending that beautiful girl over my desk and fucking her tight pussy hard. I swallow trying to remove that totally amazing image out of my mind. It’s impossible to tear my eyes away from her. The seat she is in is right at the front and directly in front of my desk, which is going to be distracting. She’s breathtaking. I clear my throat and grab my own copy of Ulysses. “Who here has read this book before?” A number of the students raise their hands, including the brunette. “Okay, well you lot will have the upper hand with this book. Those of you that haven’t yet read it better try and catch up, because it’s a tough book.” I try to scan my eyes across the entire room evenly as I speak, but I keep finding my attention drawn to the girl at the front. It’s impossible not to stare at her. This is the first time in my six years of teaching here that I’ve ever been so powerfully attracted to a student in my

class. To be honest, it’s the most powerfully attracted I’ve ever been to any woman, inside or outside the classroom. My cock is straining against my boxer briefs, leaking precum into the fabric. It’s ironic, considering the sexual harassment lecture I received from the dean before this class. She glances up at me with her big, baby blue eyes, and I can barely think straight. As I continue the lesson, I find myself stealing glances at her. I can’t seem to help it. Now and then her eyes meet mine and I hold her gaze for longer than I should. Each time, she’s the one to look away, because I can’t. What the hell am I doing? I can’t get caught making eyes at a student. Sure, there’s no policy against finding students attractive and looking at them. The problem is I’m pretty sure my cock wants me to do much more than look at her.




he rumors are all true. Professor Tanner is the sexiest professor I’ve ever seen in my life. Scratch that, he is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, period. He is insanely good looking, to the point that it’s distracting. If I were to take a guess, I’d say he was in his early-thirties. He has dark brown hair, which is slightly longer on the top and shorter on the sides. His eyes are a dreamy blue color that you could lose yourself in. I’ve noticed because I’ve caught his eyes a few too many times. And, his body. Well, don’t get me started. He’s built. Even in the suit he’s wearing you can see his muscles bulging from beneath his fitted shirt. The sight of him makes my mouth dry and my panties wet. He is the youngest professor at Hendall University, but also the hardest. The rumors about him being a hardball must be true. Apparently, he doesn’t take any shit. It seems like a bit of dick move to grill us on James Joyce on the first class of the academic year. He didn’t even bother going over the syllabus, expecting us to know it already. It doesn’t put me o fantasizing about him though. It makes him even more appealing.

I can’t stop wondering what exactly is under that tight suit. I’m hot under the collar watching him as he paces up and down at the front of the lecture hall. My eyes can’t ignore the impressive bulge in his pants, either, as he stu s his large hands into his pockets. The thought of those big rough hands roaming my naked body flash through my mind. Then, the image of him bending me over his desk and punishing me for being naughty. Fuck. I shouldn’t be fantasizing about my professor in the first class of the semester. Not to mention, I never normally have a problem with keeping my hormones in check. Why the hell am I getting so hot over this man? This is not a good sign. I should be focusing. I’m staring at him mindlessly when his gorgeous eyes meet mine again. “The girl at the front, what’s your name?” I gulp hard, suddenly painfully aware that everyone’s eyes are on me. I’ve not been listening to a word he has been saying this entire time. Shit. “M-My name is Sasha.” His jaw clenches slightly and his eyes flash with a fierce look. “Sasha,” he repeats my name, and damn does it sound hot when he says it. My thighs clench as an ache ignites between them. “What do you think about the question?” What was the question? This is exactly what I was worried about. I haven’t listened to a word since the class started. I’ve been too busy thinking about him fucking me to listen. I glance at my best friend, Ally, who shrugs apologetically. “II’m sorry sir, I didn’t hear the question.”

He shakes his head and steps closer to me. It takes three strides and he’s towering over my desk. He’s tall. About six feet four, and if I thought he was gorgeous before, this close it’s impossible not to tremble under his intense gaze. “Sasha, if you’re going to do well in this class then I need your full attention.” He narrows his eyes, leaning forward slightly. “Do you understand?” His voice is almost a growl. I swallow before nodding in response. I literally can’t say a word. Little does he know, he has had my full attention from the moment I walked into the lecture hall. Problem is it wasn’t on what he was saying but on his sexy muscles and the huge bulge in his pants, which I’ve been staring at a little too much. The way he just spoke to me so dominantly makes me want him more. He’s so commanding. It only adds fuel to my wild sexual fantasies that I can’t seem to stop playing over and over in my head. He turns away from me, finally. “You.” He points toward the back of the room. “The guy in the baseball cap. Can you answer the question?” I follow his gaze to Jack Ashford, my ex-boyfriend. He’s about to get a load of shit for an answer because Jack’s head is full of sawdust. “It’s about two guys walking around Dublin.” I shake my head and sigh to myself. Jack is an idiot. I’m not even sure why he’s taking English Literature. I’m pretty sure it’s just because I am. The word around campus is he wants to get back together— or more accurately, get in my pants. Not to mention, for some reason people reckon English Literature is and easy A,

but there’s no way it will be with Professor Tanner teaching the class. Jack is more delusional than I ever believed if he thinks he is going to be going anywhere near me or my panties. He can’t seem to get the fact we’re never going to happen through his thick skull. I broke up with him at the end of last semester and for good reason too. I walked in on him balls deep in a freshman at a frat party. It stung when I caught him, but I was relieved I dodged that bullet. We’d been dating for all of four months, and the entire time he was constantly pushing me to have sex with him. I never should have dated a jock. In fact, I’m not sure why I agreed to our first date. I think it was Ally pressuring me to lose my virginity. Yeah, I’m a virgin. I know it’s ridiculous, considering I’m twenty years old and a junior at college. It’s not like I haven’t done other things with guys or got myself o plenty of times. I’ve done everything, but had a guy stick his cock inside me. I just never got to the point where I wanted the guy enough to let him fuck me. It’s not for sentimental reasons. Jack’s hot, but he was so pushy and immature around me. I’ve always found myself more attracted to men older than me, like the professor. The thought of having my first time with a guy who has no idea what he’s doing is real turn o . “Hey, what was that about?” Ally whispers. I frown. “What?” “It’s not like you to space out in lessons. Are you okay?” I shrug. “Yeah, of course. I’ve got a lot on my mind.” My gaze returns to the hot professor who is staring right at me. My cheeks flush and I look away.

She leans toward me. “Were you day dreaming about our professor? He’s so hot. I’d let him do anything to me.” She giggles. I feel my face turning to fire. “No,” I lie. She shakes her head. “Then why are you blushing?” I shrug. “Alright, you caught me. He’s hot as hell and I was thinking about him fucking me over his desk. Are you happy?” She giggles. “Yeah you were. You seriously need to get laid, otherwise it will a ect your work.” I shake my head. Although, deep down I’m wondering if she’s right. I’m a horny mess in class over my professor. Maybe I really do need to get laid. Ally’s been on at me about losing my v-card all through freshman and sophomore year. She thinks it will help me loosen up. I’m not sure why she thinks it’s such a big deal. I don’t want to fuck any of the frat boys or jocks. She seems to insist that it’s not right for a junior in college to still be a virgin. “I think it should be illegal for professors to be as hot as him. How are we supposed to concentrate?” she whispers. I smirk. “Yeah, you’re right. It probably should be.” “It’s di cult not to day dream about what he could do to me with those big hands.” She winks. Right when she says that the thought of Professor Tanner’s hands all over me enters my mind, again. Shit. I can’t spend this semester having sex daydreams about my Professor. This class is important and I actually want to pass

it. I glance over at him and find him staring right at me for the third time. I meet his gaze and feel goosebumps prickling over every inch of my skin as I hold it. Finally, when I feel like my face is about to explode, I glance down and bury my head in my copy of Ulysses. Ally is right. Professors shouldn’t be allowed to be as hot as him. There should be a rule that they have to be middle aged and balding. It’s going to be impossible to concentrate in this class. He is just pure sexy male perfection and my hormones are running wild. Perhaps I can make sure I never look at him the entire time, and just listen to him. As I try to focus on his voice it makes it worse. His voice is as hot as the rest of him. I clear my throat and keep my head in my book. I can’t look him in the eye again. He has an e ect on me like no other man ever has. If he asked me to get on my back right here and spread my legs for him, I’d do it in a heartbeat. He could take my virginity anytime, anyplace. All he would have to do is ask. “Does anyone have questions about the assignment?” Assignment. What assignment? I glance over at Ally’s notebook and find it entirely blank. I’ve literally spaced out throughout this entire lesson. I glance to my right and sigh in relief. At least Liam has been paying attention. He’s got the assignment notes written on his pad. “Hey, I may need you to fill me in on our assignment,” I whisper.

He rolls his eyes. “Did you let the sexy professor distract you?” He raises an eyebrow. I laugh. “Yeah, I’m surprised he didn’t distract you too.” He shrugs. “I’m not a horny little virgin like you.” My eyes return to gaze at the stunning man at the front of the hall and find he’s staring right at me again. For a few beats, I hold his gaze, until it becomes too hot to handle and I’m literally breaking into a sweat. I feel like a silly school girl with a crush right now. I haven’t had a crush since highschool. What the hell is this man doing to me?




s the class wraps up, and I dismiss the students, my eyes remain fixed on the brunette that has distracted me the entire time. Sasha. Even her name is sexy. I’ve noticed a jock watching her throughout the lecture, and I’m taking my time to pack my shit away because he’s heading toward her. I should walk away. Normally, student’s conversations don’t hold any interest for me, but I need to know who this guy is to her. Could he be her boyfriend? That thought makes me see red and my hands clench by my side. An odd possessiveness over this girl has clawed at me the moment I set eyes on her. She has caught my attention in a bad way. For the first time in my life, I’ve taught a class with a raging hard-on. Luckily, the pleats in my suit pants and my tight boxer briefs help hide it partially from my students, but it is so wrong to be this aroused while teaching. I busy myself at my desk and perk my ear to listen to their conversation. As they begin to speak, it becomes more and

more clear she was previously involved with this jock. My jaw clenches at the thought of this guy on top of her. Fuck no. A foreign sense of jealousy rises inside of me. “So, do you want to go for dinner? It would be like old times,” Jack asks. She sighs and narrows her eyes. “Jack, we broke up for a reason. I think you should get over it and forget us.” He runs a hand down her arm. I see her tense at his touch and it angers me that this guy is touching her against her will. “Come on, baby. It’s not really cheating when you haven’t even put out.” The moment he says that, Sasha glances right at me. Her eyes lock with mine and she turns a pretty shade of pink. She looks away quickly and glares at Jack. “It is cheating. We were dating and I caught you balls deep in another girl.” He shrugs. “Can you blame me? I was sexually frustrated.” I clench my jaw. Rage bubbling through my veins. This asshole is talking to her in a way that makes me want to club him. I don’t like it. He’s being a jerk, and if he’s not careful I’m going to lose it and pummel him for speaking to her like that. I breathe deeply, trying to still my anger, because that would be bad. Sexually harassing a student is bad, but physically assaulting one is on the same level, maybe worse. The one relief I’m feeling right now is that fact she didn’t put out for this douchebag. He doesn’t deserve to go anywhere near her naked body. In fact, he doesn’t even deserve to talk to her.

She glances back at me again briefly before speaking, probably aware that I’ve been watching them this entire time. I don’t even care right now. “You’re such a jerk. I will never date you again so long as I live.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder in a way that makes me want her more. “Now stay the fuck away from me.” I watch her storm away. Unable to keep my eyes o her ass as she struts up the stairs and out of the door in those fuckme heels. My cock twitches in my pants at the sight of her from behind. I definitely shouldn’t be thinking this way, let alone looking at her ass like that, even if it is a fucking amazing view. I can’t help the smile that curves onto my lips. She didn’t need me to swoop in and save her. She put that asshole in his place herself. The fact she can take care of herself makes me even more crazy for her. It makes her even sexier, even more alluring. I can’t quite understand the relief blooming in my gut that she never slept with Jack. I shouldn’t care. It shouldn’t matter who she sleeps with, but for some reason I’m glad. I finish packing away my papers and then head past the jock who’s still staring after the girl he cheated on. Who the hell would cheat on her? She’s the single most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I swallow hard. I need to stop thinking like that. She’s a student, and she is most definitely o limits. Totally and utterly forbidden. I’m just sexually frustrated. That’s all it is. Once I work out this raging hard-on, I’ll be able to stop thinking about her. I rush toward my o ce, as it’s my o ce hours. No one ever comes by, so I’m hoping I can work out this damn erection

and my sexual frustration. The walk across campus feels excruciatingly long with my cock aching between my legs. It’s damn right crazy the fire this woman has lit inside of me. Finally, I make it to the building with my o ce in and head as quickly as I can to my floor. I get into my o ce and sit behind my desk. I press my hand against my dick and sigh. I’ve never jerked o in my o ce before. I bite my lip, considering whether it’s really a good idea. The need to rub one out wins over and I unzip my pants. I free my cock from my boxer briefs and fist it in my hand. The moment my dick is in my hand, Sasha’s face pops into my mind—I can’t help it. The way she was sucking on the end of her pen all class was fucking torture. I’m supposed to be getting her out of my mind, but her face with pretty pink flushed cheeks pops into my mind. She looked so embarrassed when that asshole mentioned she hadn’t put out. The image of her pretty pink lips wrapped around my cock floods my mind and I groan. Fisting my throbbing cock up and down slowly at the thought of her perky tits bouncing as she bobs her mouth up and down my shaft. Her small hands barely fitting around the base of it. Fuck. I grunt as the cum in my balls is boiling and aching for release. I imagine her blushing as she takes it all the way in, holding my gaze with those perfect blue eyes. That picture alone has me close to shooting my load all over my desk. My heart beat quickens and my hand stills on my length at the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway. My o ce is

the only one used down here. I shove my painfully hard dick back into my pants and scoot under the desk to hide my erection. Who the hell is coming down here in my o ce hours? A knock at the door sounds. I clear my throat. “Come in.” My heart is pounding as I wonder if by some miracle my fantasy is about to come true and Sasha is behind the door. My stomach dips as Tessa, my TA from last semester, opens the door. “Hey, Tessa. How can I help you?” She walks in, shutting the door behind her and stands in front of the desk. “I was wondering if you will need my help this semester.” “I’m not sure at the moment, Tessa.” I notice she’s wearing a ridiculously short skirt. Near the end of the last semester she became increasingly flirty, and here she is talking to me while I’ve got a hard on. Uncomfortable is an understatement. “It’s hard to say until I figure out what kind of work load I’m dealing with.” She nods and steps forward. “Perhaps I can help you with something else hard, professor.” She bats her eyelids at me and shifts closer to the desk. Is she seriously coming on to me right now? My brow furrows. “Tessa, I do hope you’re not trying to cross a line with me.” I keep my voice stern. She swallows hard and shakes her head. Her cheeks are bright red. “Of course not, sir. Sorry.” I shake my head. “I will send you an email if I need your help this semester.”

She lingers a moment biting her lip. “That will be all, Tessa. Please leave me to my work.” “Yes, of course. Goodbye.” She turns and heads out of my o ce. I know I’m being hard on her. She was a good TA last year, but she was slowly becoming more inappropriate the longer she worked with me. I know I’m not an ugly guy, and being the youngest professor means I’m attractive to the students because I’m forbidden. She’s a pretty girl, but she’s not going to tempt me to risk my job. Sasha on the other hand… If she came on to me like that I’m not sure I’d have the power to be able to resist. She awoke something deep inside of me, something primal. A need to take and claim her as my own. One positive is that my erection issue is no longer a problem. Tessa’s shameless flirtation put me right o . I lied to her about not being sure if I needed her help. I do need a TA this semester, but not her.




rofessor Sexy whispers.






I shake my head and keep my face buried in my book. “Don’t be ridiculous.” “I’m not being ridiculous. You’re beautiful and I know he keeps looking at you.” I ignore her and keep my focus on the book in my hand. “He’s our professor. I think you are reading it wrong.” She giggles and returns her attention to drooling over him. I’m trying to focus on anything but Professor Tanner, which is di cult when he is teaching the lesson. I’ve regretted the choice to sit at the front of the lecture hall ever since we started, but all the other seats are taken. I’m so embarrassed about the fact he overheard my conversation with Jack after the last lecture. I’d noticed him watching us the entire time. He heard every word and knows exactly how much of a virgin I am. I shouldn’t care what he thinks about me. He is my professor and that is all. Even if I do wish I could fuck him. Looking at the doe eyed stares

around the room, I’m pretty sure every girl has the same fantasy playing out in their head. I glance up and finally allow myself to look at him. He’s looking even more attractive today in a ridiculously nice grey fitted suit. “What is at the core of Ulysses?” Professor Tanner asks, scanning the silent lecture hall. His azure eyes land on me and heat spreads across my skin. “Sasha, can you answer the question?” I clear my throat and sit up straight. I think on the question carefully, as I didn’t exactly make a good impression in the last lecture. “I don’t think that’s a question which has a true answer, sir.” His brow raises slightly. “Explain what you mean.” I shu e under his gaze. “Ulysses has so many di erent aspects it’s impossible to pin down one core plot point or one deep meaning to the story. I think, essentially, James Joyce always focused on comedy, and that was his intention with Ulysses, even if many people search for the deeper meaning behind it.” Professor Tanner’s eyes remain fixed on me for a few beats, and my heart pounds out of my chest. He nods appreciatively. “Indeed, it is one of the most complex pieces of literature ever written. No one can find one core meaning.” He gives me a panty melting smile. “Well done, Sasha.” My panties are soaked through from him looking at me, and I can feel them dampening my thighs. I’ve never met a man who has turned me on this much before in my life. I sigh a breath of relief as his attention switches to the rest of the class. I can barely focus on a word he says as he

continues to talk about James Joyce and Ulysses. I’m relieved he’s not looking at me anymore. Ulysses sucks, and I can’t wait until we move onto more simple work. This novel is downright awful. It’s not that it’s bad. It’s one of the most acclaimed pieces of literature ever written, but I can’t stand it. I like to read for the enjoyment. Give me Shakespeare any day over James Joyce, at least I can make more sense of it. Ally leans toward me. “Good answer. I would have fallen to pieces if Professor Sexy asked me that question.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me. I laugh and shake my head. That’s Ally’s nickname for him. Professor Sexy. Yeah, it’s definitely a fitting nickname. You only have to take a quick look around the room to see every girl is drooling over him. In fact, one look to the left of me and even Liam is drooling over him. I nudge him in the ribs. “Fantasizing about the professor?” I raise an eyebrow. He shakes his head and shu es in his seat. “Girl, of course not. You know me. I have standards.” I laugh. “Are you telling me that he doesn’t meet those standards?” He glances over at the professor and sighs. “I’m not going to lie, he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.” I return my attention to Professor Tanner. There definitely should be a law banning teachers from being as hot as him. He looks more like a male model than a teacher. It’s too

distracting for everyone. And, it’s so embarrassing that he heard Jack talking about our sex life—or lack of. The moment that thought crosses my mind I glance behind me. Jack’s staring right at me with a stupid smirk on his face. He winks and my stomach literally turns. When is he going to get it through his thick skull that me and him are never going to happen? Surely, cheating on your girlfriend means you no longer have the right to even speak to her, let alone ask her on more dates. I shake my head and return my attention to Professor Tanner. His beautiful blue eyes are so bright in the spotlights of the lecture hall. I’ve always found myself attracted to older men. The boys at high school and now college are just that, boys. I want a man. Someone who knows what he is doing in bed. I have a feeling Professor Tanner would know exactly what to do with me. He glances right at me and our eyes meet for a few beats. I quickly turn my attention to the book in front of me, heat spreading through me. Why does he make me feel like this? I’m never going to pass this class. I can barely look him in the eye because of all the dirty thoughts flooding my mind. Perhaps Ally is right and I need to get laid. Problem is I want someone like Professor Tanner to take my virginity. Someone whose good with his hand and knows what he is doing. The few times Jack and I got intimate and he went down on me were awful. I knew then and there he wasn’t going to be my first time. He didn’t know what he was doing. I need someone who knows how to make me feel good. Maybe I could find a man like him willing to do it. I’ve kept hold of my virginity this long. When I fuck for the first time,

I want it to be memorable. I want it to feel good. Something tells me it would feel amazing with Professor Tanner, but I know he can’t be my first. He’s my professor. No matter how bad I want him, he is forbidden.




y eyes fix on Sasha as I pack my notes into my briefcase more slowly than I should. Her answers in class today were impressive. She’s clearly intelligent as well as sexy as fuck. It makes me want her more than I did before. Which is ridiculous because she is o limits. My cock doesn’t seem to agree though. Ever since out first class, I can’t stop thinking about her. How am I going to survive this semester teaching with a hard-on? Ally, her friend, is chatting to her as she packs away her books. My heart is racing as I prepare to ask her to be my new TA. Ever since I dismissed Tessa after she hit on me, I’ve realized I need to get a new TA as soon as possible. This is an opportunity to spend more time with Sasha. She has already proved she’s intelligent, but I know that’s not the reason I’m asking her. The deep dark fantasy that keeps playing over and over in my mind is the reason. I want to spend time with her and asking her to be my TA is the best way. I’m aware of how dangerous that is. The urges I have toward her feel almost uncontrollable, but I don’t care.

Sasha’s eyes meet mine and I take the opportunity to speak, “Sasha, can I have a word with you before you leave, please?” Her face turns that pretty shade of pink and it spreads down her neck. I’ve noticed the way she watches in me in class and gets embarrassed when I catch her. Problem is, I’ve been watching her way more than I should have. I’m not sure whether she has noticed or not. She bites her bottom lip in an innocent way but it makes my swelling cock harder. “Of course, sir.” Ally turns to her. “Do you want me to wait for you?” I’m relieved when she shakes her head. Some dark part of me longs to be alone with her. “It’s fine. I’ll see you back at the apartment.” Ally winks suggestively and whispers something in Sasha’s ear. Clearly something embarrassing, as she turns a deeper shade of pink. My cock swells in my boxer briefs and my balls clench at the thought of being alone with this girl. I can’t stop thinking about her in the most inappropriate ways. Bent over my desk, ass high and her tight pussy slick and wet, ready for my dick. Ally flicks her hair over her shoulder. “Okay, see you later.” Ally glances back at me and winks. “Bye, Professor.” “Goodbye, Ally.” I’m used to the female students being flirty with me. It’s part of the job when you’re the youngest professor in the college. They are drawn to the forbidden. I’d rather it was Sasha flirting with me than her friend, though.

My mind is at war with my cock right now. Sasha being my TA is a bad idea, a very bad idea. But, I can’t seem to control these primal desires ruling my actions. I watch Sasha as she finishes packing away her books, before throwing the strap of her backpack over her left shoulder. She’s wearing a tight black crop top today that showcases her beautiful full breasts and tight waist-high burgundy trousers. My eyes roam her entire body. I notice she’s wearing a pair of black heels that make her hips swing deliciously as she walks toward me. Her cheeks are still a pretty pink as she stops a few feet away from me. “Is there something wrong, sir?” Sir. Damn it. When she calls me sir, it turns me on more than it should. All I can think about is her calling me sir while I’m balls deep inside her. I step around the desk and close the gap between us. She’s even more stunning close up. Her bright blue eyes gaze up at me and she licks her bottom lip nervously. She has no idea what she’s does to me. “I’ve been impressed with you in this class.” I can’t help my voice from sounding husky. “I was hoping you would agree to TA for one of my introductory courses this semester.” Her eyes widen and she opens her mouth and then shuts it again. “Unfortunately, my previous TA quit on me the other night rather suddenly,” I add. She glances up at me. “Why me?”

I shrug. “You seem like a smart and capable young woman.” And, I can’t stop thinking about fucking you. I leave that part out of this discussion. A slight smile pulls at her lips. “What, from one answer?” I raise an eyebrow. “It was the best answer any one gave me today.” I run a hand through my hair, realizing this is an unconventional way to appoint a TA. “I’m in need of a replacement as soon as possible.” She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth before speaking, “Okay, what exactly do I need to do?” “It’s easy. I will guide you through it.” I glance at my watch. “My o ce hours start in one hour. Would you be able to swing by?” “Sure, I’ll see you in an hour, professor.” I nod my head and she turns to leave. I can’t help but watch the way her hips sway and how good her ass looks in those tight pants as she walks. It’s impossible not to imagine how good it would look bare and parked in my lap. I’m walking a dangerous path asking her to be my TA. Anytime she’s near me, my cock is as hard as iron. I pick up my briefcase and head straight for my o ce on the other side of campus. I need to jerk o and then I’ll be fine. If I take care of my sti y now, then I’ll be less distracted when she comes to my o ce in one hours’ time. I shove my hands in my pockets in an attempt to lessen the bulge in my pants, and head across campus in a hurry. My tight boxer briefs help hide the hard-on, but I know it’s still possible to detect. The building which houses my little o ce comes into view, and I can’t get in there quick enough. I

head up the stairs to the third floor where my o hallway is deserted.

ce is. The

Perfect. I pull my keys from my jacket and unlock my o ce door. My cock is swelling in my pants. I lock the door and unzip my pants, gripping the base of my throbbing dick hard and freeing it. I sigh as I stroke myself up and down from root to tip. It’s a relief to free it from the restrictive confines of my tight briefs. The image of Sasha chewing on her lip flashes into my mind straight away. I lean my back against the door and shut my eyes. She’s too fucking beautiful. I can’t help but picture her totally naked. Her curvy body and perfect breasts bouncing up and down as she wraps her lips around the head of my dick. Those beautiful blue eyes holding my gaze as she does. I want to kiss her lips hard, bite her nipples, and lick her clit until she comes on my mouth. I want to fuck her so hard she can’t remember her own name. I want to fuck her so hard the only name she can think of is mine. The image of her bobbing up and down on my huge length has my balls aching for release. Imagining the way her tits would bounce as she rose and fell, her hard, pink nipples perfect and pointing toward me. The fantasy of her riding my dick has my balls clenching up and releasing rope after rope of thick, creamy cum right onto the hardwood floor of my o ce. “Sasha…” I mutter her name under my breath as more cum shoots from my dick. I force my semi-hard cock back into my pants and grab a

tissue to clear up my mess. She’ll be here in less than an hour, and I’ve got cum all over the floor. The thought of her in this o ce makes my cock throb and swell again. I’ve got a feeling jerking o in my o ce beforehand isn’t actually going to help me with this situation. The moment she walks through that door looking sexy as hell I’ll be fully hard again. At least I’ve relieved myself, for now. It was becoming painful. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep my cock under control when Sasha gets here, but the blood rushing south at the mere thought of her name tells me I’m in way over my head.




utterflies beat around in my stomach, as I head toward Professor Tanner’s o ce. He makes me nervous. The thought of being alone with him in his o ce also makes me hot as hell. I’ve made a note to bring at least two changes of underwear to college in future. I changed my panties right after our class but during the last hour they’ve soaked through again thinking about him. I’m not sure how I’m going to handle being alone with him. Ally might be right. I’m so sexually frustrated, perhaps I do just need to get laid. Professor Tanner is so powerful and domineering. I’ve never been around a man who literally makes me quiver every time he makes eye contact with me. I swallow hard as I get to his door. My hands are shaking. The words Professor Logan Tanner are printed on the door sign. Logan. Even his first name is hot. Why do I suddenly feel like a school girl with a silly little crush? I hesitantly lift my hand up to knock on his door and bite my lip. I don’t know if I can stand being his TA all semester.

He’s too hot to handle. Being on my own in a room with him, I know I won’t be able to think straight, let alone be any help. I knock the door anyway as I know the worst thing I could do is not show up after he asked me here. That would be di cult to explain. “Come in,” his deep voice calls from the other side of the door. Fuck. I can feel my face flushing and I haven’t even stepped into the room yet. How am I even supposed to speak to the guy when he makes me this nervous? I open the door and step into his o ce. His jacket is slung over the back of his chair. He’s wearing his white shirt with the sleeves rolled right up his corded arms, and his tie is o . My mouth goes dry as I notice his shirt is unbuttoned enough so I can see his hard chest. My pussy aches the moment I clap eyes on him. I squeeze my thighs together, trying to stop the painful throbbing. How can looking at a man get me this worked up? I lick my lips and open my mouth to speak, “I-I’m here as you requested, sir.” His eyes wander from my face all the way down my body slowly and then back up. It makes me even hotter. It feels like he’s undressing me with his eyes. “Yes, Sasha.” I quiver hearing him say my name. “I could use your help this afternoon on grading some freshman papers.” I nod and set my bag down to one side. “Of course, sir.” “Have a seat over there.” He points to a small desk and chair to one side of his o ce.

I walk toward it, stumbling slightly as I’m burning up under his intense gaze. My heart is pounding in my ears and my hands are shaking, as I reach for the chair and settle down into it. He grabs some papers o his desk and stands. I watch him as he strides toward me, his strong masculine scent fills the room and makes me even wetter. He sets the papers down on my desk and leans over me. “You’re a Junior so you will remember writing these papers. I want you to have a go at grading them. You’re intelligent enough to carry it out I’m sure.” He sets a guide down for grading them next to it. “Okay, thanks.” I lick my lips and focus on the first paper. It seems strange to be given such an important job. His eyes are still a xed to me and he hasn’t moved away yet. “Any questions?” “No, I’ll let you know if I have any.” He smirks and returns to sit behind his desk. Silence fills the room as we both focus on the papers, but I can’t help but steal glances at him now and then. Most the time I find he’s staring right at me too and I avert my gaze. My heart hammers as I glance up at him to find for once his eyes aren’t focused on me. I drink in his beautiful face. He is the most stunning man I’ve ever laid eyes on and even more so up this close in this compact space. My mind starts to wander as I stare at him, thinking about how his hands would feel on my naked body. The way it would feel if he bent me over his desk and took my virginity right here and now. I end up staring too long and he catches me. His bright blue eyes burn into mine and I glance away. How am I supposed

to be his TA when all I can do is think about him fucking me? I gaze down at the paper I’ve been grading and then up at the clock. I’ve been here twenty minutes and I’ve only graded one paper. I push my filthy thoughts about the man sitting a few feet away out of my mind and focus on the next paper. Time goes by quickly and I manage to focus on the grading and detach my mind from the man sitting behind the desk. The buzz of my mobile phone echoes through the room. “Oh, sorry, sir.” He smiles at me. “There’s no rule about having your phone on while being my TA. Go ahead and check it.” I smile back and dig my phone out my pocket. Ally: Where the hell are you? Did Professor Sexy bend you over his desk and fuck you? I can feel my face turning bright red. I’m not sure why I’m so embarrassed. It’s not like he can see what is on my phone, but I can feel his eyes on me. I almost type I wish, but refrain. I can’t stop thinking about him taking my virginity. Needy desire has spread through me ever since I walked into his class and it makes me feel weak. Not that it matters. He’s my professor and totally o limits. As if he would even want me anyway. Me: He asked me to TA for him for a freshman class. I’m helping him grade papers. I send the text o and focus on the paper I’m grading. I’ve only got a couple more to do. The phone buzzes again and I glance down. Ally: Sure you are.

I shake my head and ignore her last text. My eyes instinctively glance up to Professor Tanner who is watching me intently. His lips curved into that heart melting smile. I clench my thighs together and glance down at the paper quickly. I’m pretty sure I need to change my panties again, because they are soaked right through. Next time I’ll bring another spare pair in my bag. All I can hope is that my pants don’t have a wet spot because that would be beyond embarrassing. I shu e in my seat and glance back at the paper I’m grading. Not too long and I can get the hell out of here. My sexual frustration has never been so high. I know exactly what I’ll be doing as soon as I get home–my dildo has been getting a lot of use since I started Professor Tanner’s class and it seems it will be getting some more later. I’ll be rubbing my clit and getting myself o thinking about Logan Tanner. It feels like I’m going to combust if I don’t get myself o soon.




comfortable silence charged with sexual tension fills the room as Sasha works on helping grade the papers for the freshman class. I wonder if I’m the only one feeling the sexual tension or whether she feels it too. I’ve caught her staring at me a couple of times already. I’m not used to being so comfortable around people I don’t know. Something about Sasha puts me at ease. I smile to myself slightly as I gaze at her. She’s sat at the desk in the corner of my o ce her brow furrowed, as she concentrates on the work. She doesn’t have to do anything and she looks sexy. I mean, it’s been pretty damn di cult to concentrate on anything with her here. I’ve been hard the entire time even though I relieved myself before she arrived. She’s so beautiful it’s impossible not to stare. She’s almost irresistible, but I know I have to resist her. She keeps calling me sir too and it’s driving me wild. Each time I catch her staring, she turns bright pink and breaks my eyes contact. Is it possible that she finds me attractive too? “How are you getting on?” I ask, mainly so I can see her blue eyes stare up at me.

She gazes up. “Okay, I think.” She bites her lip. I smile and pat the seat next to my desk. “Let me take a look at the paper you’re grading at the moment.” Then my eyes go to my crotch, and I realize that was a mistake. While sat down, my pants pleats do less of a good job hiding the bulge of my cock, which is as hard as steel. She swallows hard and then saunters toward me. I’m pretty certain she has no idea how sexy she is or how hard she makes me. She sits in the seat next to me and her eyes go to my crotch and she chews on her lip at the sight of my erection. I cough and shu e in my seat in an attempt to ease the tension and get her eyes o my cock. “Right, let’s see how you are getting on.” I keep my voice stern, realizing I’m inches away from crossing a line. Her face goes completely red as she stares at me. “S-Sure.” She passes me the paper she’s been working on and our fingers brush together. Electricity shoots through my entire body at the feel of her soft skin against mine. Tension fills the air as we gaze into each other’s eyes for a few beats. Fuck. I feel my dick jump in my pants. This is very bad. I shouldn’t have asked her to sit anywhere near me. She’s literally looking anywhere but at me right now. She clears her throat, as I try to focus on anything to get my erection down, but it’s no use. Her sweet jasmine scent is making me harder. My dick is swelling in my pants. She gazes at me again. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see she’s looking at my cock. Then I see her hand moving toward

my crotch. I catch her wrist and stop her. “What do you think you’re doing?” I growl. “I-I…Y-You looked like you could use some help, sir.” Her face has gone totally red now. Sir. That word again. Somehow when she says it, it sounds dirty, although I know that’s my own filthy mind imagining her saying it as I fuck her hard and make her moan. “Sasha…I.” I can’t even get the words out. This hot as hell girl wants to help me out and I’m stopping her. “You can’t.” I push her arm away gently, even though I want to tell her to grab my dick out and slip it between her plump full lips. She stands her face bright red. “Sorry, I best get going.” I stand too and step toward her. “Sasha, shit.” I run a hand through my hair. “It’s not that I don’t want you.” She glances at me hopefully. Her innocent blue eyes wide. “Fuck do I want you,” I growl. She recoils at the use of that word and bites her bottom lip. “So, what’s the problem?” I shake my head. “It’s against college policy. I could lose my job.” Her throat bobs. “Of course, I’m so sorry.” She turns to grab her bag, but I’ve already lost my shit. I walk after her and pin her against the door with my hands on either side of her before she can reach for the handle.

She turns to face me. “Sir?” Her voice is a high-pitched squeak. I press my muscled body against her and my hand slides to her hips, pulling her curvy body against me. She gasps and arches her back slightly, as I press every hard, throbbing inch against her through my pants and gaze into her eyes. “You’re driving me crazy, Sasha. Do you know what you do to me?” I groan, allowing my hands to wander and cup her ass in those tight pants she’s wearing. She shakes her head, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. I growl, grabbing her hand and pressing it against my hard, swollen length straining at my pants, making her eyes widen. “I’m so fucking hard for you.” She moves her hand to grip my cock through my pants and strokes it through the fabric. My sticky pre-cum soaks into my boxers as she works my dick up and down, and my balls ache for release. I shut my eyes and enjoy the feel of her delicate hand on my cock, even if it is through my pants. When I open my eyes, she’s gazing up at me, her pupils dilated with pure longing and I well and truly lose it. I growl and pull her hips into me, kissing her hard, running my tongue over the seam of her mouth, forcing her to part tentatively. Sasha moans deeply into me, as I delve into her mouth and taste her, claim her. I’ve never felt like this. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want her.

Sasha’s arms wrap around my neck and she presses herself into me, moaning into my lips as she grinds hard against me. Her arousal rocking against my dick, making more precum spill into my boxers. A bang outside in the hallway startles us apart. It’s like reality has slapped me hard in the face, bringing me back to my senses. What I’m doing hits me like a ton of bricks. I part from her, taking a step back. Her eyes are wide and she’s breathless. Her luscious lips are swollen from the kiss and her cheeks are a pretty pink. She’s never looked as good as she does right now. “Shit, I’m sorry, Sasha.” I run a hand through my hair and step back again. “Perhaps you being my TA is a bad idea.” I swallow hard, as I know that’s not what I want. I want her close to me all the time. She went for my cock and I lost control. Sasha makes me lose control. I know how dangerous that is. Suddenly her eyes are full of determination as she takes a step forward. “Don’t apologize. I-I want you to help me with something.” She bites her bottom lip between her teeth. My eyes narrow. “What can I help you with, Sasha?” My voice is husky and breathless. She drags the tip of her tongue against her lip, drawing my eyes back to them. “The thing is, I’m actually a virgin. I’ve done stu with guys but never had full on sex.” Holy shit. My cock swells and thickens even more. How the hell is that possible?

She gazes down suddenly shy. “I want to have sex.” she shu es slightly on the spot. “With you.” My balls ache painfully in my pants. I blink a few times trying to process the fact this sexy woman is a virgin, she is entirely untouched. That makes this even more fucking hot, but also far more complicated. Her first time shouldn’t be up against a wall or over my desk. Her first time should be with someone she trusts and cares for, not her professor. The thought of anyone else being inside her though makes me hot with possessive anger. If I turn her away, a jock like Jack will end up claiming her virginity. That makes me angry. The mere thought of one of those jocks pumping and dumping her on her first time makes my fists clench. When I was Jack’s age, I had no idea how to fuck a woman properly. She needs someone who knows how to make her feel good. She needs me. How the fuck am I supposed to stay in control when she wants me to take her virginity? My head swims as my brain tries to process what the hell is happening here. I’m pretty sure it’s starved of blood right now as It’s all gone south. The one thing I know is I can’t fuck her. She’s my student. I could lose everything. She’s staring at me nervously with those bright blue eyes. I want to kiss her, hold her, make her mine. I should be the only man to claim this beautiful untouched virgin. My common sense and dick are fighting a war right now. Silence fills the room for far too long. I can see her slowly losing the confidence it took to tell me she is a virgin. "I’m sorry, sir. I best get going.” She turns and grabs her bag. Without a word, she slips out of my o ce, leaving me staring after her.

Despite the fact I wanted to grab her and kiss her again, I let her go. I need time to think. She dropped a huge bombshell on me. I can’t act rash. No matter how much I want to give her the time of her life, I need to think about my career. If I were to fuck a student and get caught, I could lose everything. A sinking dread twists my stomach. As I know at some point, she might get drunk at a party and end up fucking some jock or frat boy. I know no boy at college could make her first time as good as I could. I’m torn. She’s put me in a position I never believed I’d be in. I want to break the number one rule of teaching for her. Never under any circumstances get involved with a student.




t’s awkward in class. Two weeks have passed since I told Professor Tanner I want him to take my virginity. I’m not sure what I was thinking. When he asked me to sit next to him and I saw how hard his cock was, I couldn’t resist. He kissed me. I can still feel that phantom kiss on my lips two weeks later, they tingle just thinking about it. I can’t keep my mind o the way his large hands felt on my waist, and his hard body felt pressed against me, pinning me to the wall. He was rough and gentle at the same time. It was the best kiss I’ve ever had. The way he grabbed my hand and pressed it against his throbbing length. I loved how his huge cock felt beneath my fingers, as I stroked him through his pants. It was a fantasy come true which ended too soon. I wanted him to fuck me then and there on his desk, but of course, that was never going to happen. His words still repeat in my mind like a broken record. Fuck do I want you. The way he growled those words makes me soaking wet just thinking about it.

I want him more than ever and it sucks that nothing is going to happen again. It was foolish to think he would actually act on those desires and fuck me. He has too much to lose. His job, his career, his entire reputation. It’s kind of hard to believe he would want me anyway. An inexperienced virgin like me can’t be a turn on to a man like him. In fact, that was probably what put him o . His sexy as sin voice surrounds me as he tells us what we’re going to be doing in class today. A debate, apparently. I’ve been keeping my head down ever since, trying not to make eye contact with him. A few times I’ve caught his eyes on me, and accidentally made eye contact, and it was awkward as hell. It’s so embarrassing and I feel so uncomfortable in his class now. I’ve even considered switching to a di erent subject. The problem is, I want to take this subject and there’s no other class that fulfills my requirements that I can fit into my schedule. It’s important to my studies and I can’t let a stupid kiss get in the way of that. Ally questioned why I was his TA for one day, and I had to tell her I didn’t do a good enough job. I hate lying to her, but I knew I couldn’t tell her what actually happened. I’ve got to suck it up and get on with my life and try to forget about it, forget about him. Nothing has happened in the last two weeks and nothing will. Although, it doesn’t help that merely listening to him speak in class soaks my panties right through. I’m too turned on by this man to truly concentrate on anything he’s saying. “We’re going to debate the importance of literature in society today.” I watch his large dominate form as he walks

back to his desk and grabs a piece of paper o to split you into groups for the debate.”

it. “I’m going

He starts reading o names of the first group and people shu e to one side of the room. I’m glad that I’m not in the same group as Jack, as he finishes reading the names. “The rest of you will be in the opposing group.” He sets the list down and turns back to us. His eyes go straight to me and I dip my head. “I’d like the first group to start please. Who would like to go first?” Jack lifts his hand in the air. This is going to be good. “Okay, Jack. Start when you’re ready.” Professor Tanner says, crossing his arms over his wide chest. He stands up. “Yeah, I don’t think literature is that important to society. I believe humans have evolved to condition more to movies and television for growth. Literature is outdated.” Professor Tanner raises an eyebrow and his face twists into a slight scowl at Jack’s answer because it’s not very informed. “I see. Who from the other team has a di erent opinion to Jack?” My hand shoots into the air instinctively, and I regret it the moment his eyes land on me. Professor Tanner’s lips curve into that beautiful smile. “Sasha, please go ahead.” I glance at Jack who is glaring at me. “I think that is totally wrong. Literature has always been, and in my opinion, always will be important to society. It helps people understand one another. In a society where people interact and communicate less and less in their day to day lives, it’s even more important. It links us together and helps us see the world from other people’s perspective.” I run a hand

through my hair nervously. “Television and movies are a way of detaching ourselves from humanity and reality. They serve to feed our escapism, which at times literature can do as well, but more often than not literature has deeper meaning.” Professor Tanner gives me an appreciative nod and smiles at me. “Indeed, that is a sound argument. Well done, Sasha.” I feel heat spreading through me from my head right down to my toes as his eyes linger on me. The memories of his body pressed up against me flash through my mind and my panties soak through more. Fuck sake. I want this man too badly. Finally, his eyes leave me and Ally elbows me. “Professor Sexy likes you.” She winks. If she knew what happened in his o ce the other week then she wouldn’t be joking. I had debated telling her a number of times. She is my best friend, but I didn’t want to get him in to trouble. His career could literally end because of our kiss. It was something that I couldn’t risk telling her no matter how much I wanted to. I glance over at him again as he asks someone else to weigh in on the debate. Another student starts to delve into the importance of literature in society. The flash of approval in his eyes when I gave my answer made my heart swell. I’ve got to stop feeling like this around him, but since that kiss it’s almost impossible. I know I can’t have him but he is all I want.

As I scan the room my gaze meets Jack’s. He’s glaring at me with flared nostrils and his face is red and flushed. He looks like he wants to beat me up. He’s such an arrogant asshole. I know he is pissed o because I made him look bad in the debate. That was one of his pet-hates—being made to look bad. If he doesn’t want to look bad, he shouldn’t be taking this damn class. It’s like he’s obsessed with me ever since I broke it o with him the end of the last year. If he had showed as much interest in me while we were together, and not fucked another girl, maybe I wouldn’t have broken up with him. There’s no way I would date him again. Ally keeps telling me I need to find another guy to date so I can move on, but it’s not that simple. The jocks and frat boys here are all the same. They’re all immature and sex crazed. I want a man not a boy. After Professor Tanner kissed me, that fact became painfully clear. I’ve never been kissed the way he kissed me. I need someone like Logan to take my virginity, preferably I need Logan to take my virginity. My heart is set on him being my first.




hat cheating asshole, Jack, is heading straight over to speak to Sasha. I linger after class on purpose. If I have to step in and stop him being a dick to her, then I will. A foreign sense of possessiveness over this girl has ruled me ever since I met her, even more so since I stuck my tongue down her throat. I’ve noticed how often Jack stares at her in class and it makes my blood boil. I may not be able to take her virginity, but I sure as hell don’t want him to. “Sasha, what the fuck was that?” Jack asks. She frowns. “What are you on about?” He shakes his head. “You made me look fucking stupid in that debate.” She shrugs. “It was a debate. I made my case and you made yours.” Sasha continues to pack up her stu away but the asshole grabs hold of her arm forcefully. I can feel rage rising in my chest, tightening around my heart.

“Don’t be a fucking prudish bitch. If you do that again I will —” That does it. “Jack, get your hands o of her.” I step forward unable to watch him treat her like this any longer. His hand loosens from her arm and he spins toward me. “What do you think you are doing?” I ask. He shrugs. “No o ense, Professor, but I’m having a private conversation with my girlfriend.” “Ex-girlfriend, douchebag,” Sasha spits. Jack spins toward her. “You would be lucky to have me as your boyfriend.” I clear my throat as it’s all I can do to stop myself from punching this guy in the face. “Jack, it’s pretty clear she’s not interested in your advances. Now leave the girl alone.” He shakes his head. “Bitch needs to know her place, she made me look a fool.” I can feel the rage bubbling beneath my skin. “You made yourself look a fool. Get out of my sight now,” I boom. Jack’s eyes widen and the color drains from his face. I watch as he glares at Sasha again, before rushing out of the lecture hall. My attention turns to her. She’s white as a sheet as she stares down at the desk. “Are you okay?” I step toward her so there’s only a foot between us. The air is charged with a tension that both of us can sense. It’s like there’s electricity charging the airwaves between us anytime we get close to each other.

She glances up at me and meets my gaze. I shouldn’t be getting this close to her, not after what I did last time. I hate that she has been avoiding me ever since that kiss. The kiss that set my entire world on fire. The kiss I can’t stop thinking about. She barely makes eye contact with me all class and hasn’t mentioned being my TA. Not that I expected her to after I stuck my tongue down her throat and forced her to stroke my cock in my o ce. After she told me she wanted me to take her virginity and I said nothing. She shrugs. “I-I’m fine, Professor…You didn’t need to step in. He’s just a mouthy asshole.” My fingers are tingling to reach out and touch her. “I know,” I say softly. “He made me so mad. I hate to see anyone speak to you like that.” She licks her bottom lip nervously and our eyes connect for a few beats too long. My cock presses harder against my zipper and I feel the precum leaking from my swollen head. She averts my gaze. “Thank you,” her voice is quiet. I can’t resist closing the gap between us, even though I know how dangerous it is—especially here. My finger hooks under her chin and I lift her face to meet my gaze, making her tremble at my touch. “Sasha, you’re too good for that guy.” She stares into my eyes with unmasked hunger that makes my balls ache for release, a longing pulsing in those blue gems of hers. It’s like she’s asking me to kiss her. I growl and pull her into me, crashing my lips to hers in a hard kiss. Sasha melts into me, moaning as her body relaxes and my arms circle her waist tightly. My tongue runs along the seam of her plump lips, forcing them open so I can taste

her again. She moans into my mouth louder and claws at my wide shoulders, pulling me tighter into her. Two weeks without being this close to the woman I crave was torture and finally I feel right again. I’m not thinking anymore. All I care about is claiming my student and making her mine. My arms tighten around her waist and I hoist her up onto her desk, parting her thighs with my own legs to step between them. She gasps as my fingers tighten around her bare thighs possessively. Slowly, my fingers trace a line up her creamy, soft thighs, making them quiver. Sasha pulls back from my lips. “Sir, someone could walk in on us,” she gasps, as I rub her through the sticky, wet cotton of her panties. “Someone could, but I don’t give a shit,” I growl, making her tense against me. “I want you, Sasha.” I rub her through her panties again, focusing on her clit. “From the feel of your dripping wet panties, you want me too,” I groan, kissing her neck. “You’re so wet for me.” She cries out as I rub her clit through the cotton and bites her lip hard. “I’m always wet for you, sir,” she moans. I groan, as I move the fabric of her panties to one side, parting her slippery wet lips with my finger, coating it in her sweet juice and then rubbing her clit. She moans loud, digging her fingers into my shoulders. “Sir, please.” I pull back a little and stare into her eyes. “What do you want, Sasha? Tell me.” I’m still rubbing her clit. She bites her lips and her cheeks turn pink. “I want you to fuck me.”

My cock is straining so hard against my pants it feels like it might rip through. “Fuck, you do, do you?” I ask, still rubbing her. “You’re a dirty girl who wants her professor to take her virginity with his huge cock. You want me to stretch out that tight, virgin pussy.” I groan. She moans as I slide my finger into her. Fuck, she’s so tight, so wet. I want to feel her tight little pink pussy wrapped around my throbbing length. My common sense has flown out the window and all that matters to me now is making Sasha mine. I lean closer and whisper, “Is that what you want, Sasha? Your professor’s thick cock in your tight virgin pussy?” She nods her head and moans. I’m no longer aware of where I am. The only thing I’m aware of is this beautiful creature sitting in front of me, willing me to touch her. I spread her legs and kneel down to get a taste. Her beautiful pink pussy is glistening with her slick arousal. I lightly kiss her and taste her sweet as hell juices, as she tangles her finger in my hair, moaning loudly. If anyone were to even walk past the lecture hall right now they would hear her, but I don’t care. My dick is ruling my head. Her swollen clit is inviting me to lick it, as I plunge my finger in and out of her. I lightly flick my tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves once. She bucks her hips, trying to get more from me, but I hold her still with my other hand. I keep moving my finger in and out of her, curling it inside her to find the right spot and licking the sweet cum spilling from her. I know when I’ve found it because she makes the sweetest noise I’ve ever heard. My cock swells and thickens in response, throbbing against the zipper of my pants. I taste the sweet nectar between her

wet lips while plunging two fingers in and out of her now. She tastes as sweet as honey. I focus my attention on her clit, and the moment my tongue connects with the sensitive bundle of nerves again she jolts. I have to hold her down with my hand to stop her moving. She’s trying to press her hips closer to my mouth and lets out a loud moan. “Sasha, try to keep it down. Unless you want us to get caught.” I raise an eyebrow. She bites down on her bottom lip and nods as I return to feast on her. My mouth moves across her tender skin, dragging my tongue and teeth across her throbbing clit. She’s trying hard not to make too much noise, as everything I do to her winds her body tighter. Her channel clenches around my fingers as she bucks against my hand, trying to drive my fingers deeper. I add a third finger and it’s so damn tight. I can feel the pressure building deep inside her virgin pussy as her muscles flutter around them, and damn do I wish it was my cock inside her. She’s trembling beneath my hand and panting loud. “Professor, I’m going to come,” she whispers, biting her lip. I pull my lips away from her clit. “Good, make that pussy come for me now,” I growl, before returning to suck on the hard, throbbing nub that makes her cry out. She comes hard around my fingers, panting and moaning. Her muscles clench down tightly on my fingers. I can’t believe how quick I got her to orgasm as her entire body spasms, and her eyes lull back in her head. Her cum spills from her lips and soaks my tongue, making me groan.

Fuck, she looks amazing. I want her to come like that wrapped around my cock which is throbbing in my pants, straining against the zipper. I memorize the image of her with her legs spread on her desk for me. As I know I’m going to jerk o to that image later on. This moment is perfect. Her swollen pussy on show for me and her cheeks pink and flushed. She’s perfect. A noise outside startles me away from her, and I wipe her juices from my mouth. Sasha sits up and pulls her panties back over her pussy, covering her sweet, tight arousal from my view. She hops o the desk just before two students enter the lecture hall. “Thanks for the help, professor.” Her face is bright red as she turns and rushes up the stairs. Her ass swaying perfectly with each step. I run a hand through my hair and walk back to the front of the classroom to grab my briefcase. My heart is pounding in my ears. The two students don’t pay me any attention as I get the fuck out of there. The dread twisting my stomach makes me feel nauseous. That was too close. What the hell am I doing? It’s clear I’ve totally lost the plot. I couldn’t help myself. I had to taste her, but anyone could have caught us. The worst thing is that now I’ve had a taste of her I know I can’t stop. She’s got me hung up on her and my cock won’t rest until It is buried deep inside her. This is very bad. I’m going to break the golden rule of being a teacher. I’m going to fuck my student. Nothing can stop me now. I have to have her.




y heart is still pounding a few hours later as I lie on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I can’t believe I almost got caught with Professor Tanner’s lips on my pussy. It was the best feeling ever, but so naughty. I’ve never come that hard. Jack gave me oral before, but he couldn’t even get me to come. It felt nothing like that. I never knew a man’s tongue could make me feel so good. Now I know it has to be him to fuck me. I need him to take my virginity. He’s ignited some sort of deep, dark primal desire inside of me. The way he looks at me is fierce and possessive. Thinking about that look makes my thighs clench and my pussy tingle with need. If we’d been caught, then his career would be over. I’d get the reputation as the girl trying to sleep with her professor to get good grades. It’s not like that at all, but that’s how it would come across. I don’t need to fuck my professor to get good grades. I just really want him to fuck me. Somehow, none of the risk can overrule the desperate need he has ignited inside of me. I’m still wet thinking about it. How am I supposed to stop thinking about him after what happened?

I jump to my feet. I can’t wipe the damn smile of my face ever since. My body is still tingling all over and I feel more refreshed than ever before. I head into the kitchen to make some co ee. Ally is sitting at the table. “Hey, why are you so happy?” I shrug. “No reason.” She shakes her head and laughs. “You look like someone who has just had a fucking orgasm.” My mouth hangs open, and I can feel heat rising over every inch of my skin. “Oh my god, you have just had an orgasm.” I shake my head. “No. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “You really need to get laid and stop masturbating to porn. It’s not healthy.” I roll my eyes. Where on earth she gets these ridiculous socalled facts from I’ll never know. No one has ever said it’s unhealthy to masturbate. In fact, it’s probably far healthier than sleeping with some jock who can’t keep it in his pants. Not to mention, she has no idea how healthy my orgasm really was. On my desk, with Professor Tanner’s mouth on my clit and fingers in my pussy. I couldn’t tell her though. I never keep things from Ally, but this is on another level. I don’t even know what the hell is going on between me and Professor Tanner. I couldn’t explain it if I tried, and she’d probably never believe me anyway. So, I let her believe I got myself o , because what’s the alternative? Tell her that

Professor Sexy, as she calls him, finger fucked me and gave me oral on my desk after class. I still can’t quite believe it happened. I pour myself a co ee and sit at the kitchen table with her. “What are you doing tonight?” she asks. I shrug. “I need to get caught up on some coursework.” Ally hu s. “No, you need to come to a frat party with me.” I laugh. “You know I hate those parties. Especially after I caught Jack with that freshman at one.” “You’ve got to get over that. Not all the jocks and frat boys are like Jack. I need support tonight.” I narrow my eyes. “Why?” She bites her lip. “Well, you know Alec?” I nod in reply. “According to Sarah, he’s into me and I want to get with him tonight.” I shake my head. “What about Edward? I thought you two were a thing.” She grabs a mug and pours herself some co ee. “Nah, he’s not very good in bed. I had to call it o after we slept together.” I can’t believe her. She has been going on about Edward for months. She sleeps with him and then dumps his ass. “Well, I’m not going out tonight. I’ve got too much work.” She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. “Fine, be boring.”

I laugh lightly and then cough. My head starts to feel a bit light and my stomach churns all of sudden. “Not to mention, I’m not feeling too hot right now.” Ally places her hand on my forehead. “I guess you’re a little warm.” “I’m going to take a lie down.” She winks. “Sure you are. Make sure you don’t fantasize about Professor Sexy while you’re getting yourself o .” I ignore her comments despite my cheeks catching on fire. I don’t need to get myself o , not after that orgasm. It was the best feeling ever and nothing could compare.

I WAKE to a knock at my door the next morning. My head is pounding and my throat stings like hell. I slept for over sixteen hours straight and didn’t even have dinner. “Sasha, you’re going to be late for class with Professor Sexy,” Ally calls out. I roll over in bed to check the time. “Shit,” I mutter. The door clicks open and her eyes go wide. “Holy crap, you look like death.” I groan. “Thanks a lot.” She shakes her head. “Sorry, you just look really pale.” “Yeah, I feel like shit. I think I’ve come down with something.” I hold my hand to my forehead which is burning up.

“So, no class for you then. I’ll let Professor Tanner know you’re ill.” She glances at her watch. “I’ve got to go, otherwise I’ll be late.” I nod my head and flop back down onto the bed. He might think I’m faking it because I don’t want to see him after what we did yesterday. A part of me is disappointed, because I wanted to see Logan. I wonder if he would mind if I called him Logan, rather than professor or sir. Another part of me is relieved because I’m not sure what he is going to say or if he will say anything. After he kissed me in his o ce two weeks ago, I thought that was it. I didn’t expect him to make another move, but then in the lecture hall it felt right and natural. It would have been hot at any time, but the risk and danger made it even more exciting. I’ve never felt so alive. I want him to fuck me even more now but will he want to take any more risks? I shut my eyes as my head starts to spin. I can’t believe how ill I feel. I know Professor Tanner will think I’m skipping class to avoid him. There’s no way I can tell him that’s not the case. I don’t want to avoid him. I want him to fuck me.




y heart is pounding hard as I near the lecture hall. The reason is Sasha. I can’t wait to see her. She didn’t attend the last class. Her friend quickly apologized on Sasha’s behalf and told me she was really sick that morning. I’d been so disappointed. In fact, it had put me in a bad mood all day. I want to see her–no–I need to see her. She is all I can think about. Especially after the last time I saw her, sitting on her desk with her legs spread wide for me, dripping wet. As I step into the lecture hall my stomach dips. She’s not here again. I don’t ask her friend where she is. I know how dangerous it would be to show too much interest in one student. She told me she was sick on Wednesday, so she must still be ill. I can’t believe how disappointed I feel. She’s a student for fuck sake. I shouldn’t feel this way, like a teenage boy with a crush on a girl. It’s ridiculous. As I tell myself that over and over again, I try hard to focus on the class. It’s no use though. All I can think about is her. I keep glancing over at her empty seat. Every time I do I can see her there breathless with her pretty pink cheeks flushed and her

tight little pussy on show for me. This girl is making me insane. I float through the lesson and make them read most of the time. I’m not in the mood for asking questions or setting up a debate. I’m not in the mood for anything. All I can think about is Sasha and how I need to see her, somehow. Once class wraps up, I head straight for my o ce. It’s o ce hours and I intend to do some digging on where Sasha lives. It should be on the university database. I know how dangerous it is to consider visiting her at her dorm or apartment. I don’t even know if she lives on or o campus. The needy desperate sensation to see her is ruling my mind. I’ve never been this hung up on a woman before. Never. I rush into my o ce and turn my laptop on, grabbing a bottle of water from my fridge. I sit down in front of it and pull up the university database. When there is a knock at my door. I clench my jaw. “Come in.” Tessa pops her head in and I can feel my irritation building. She is delaying my plans to get to Sasha. “Sorry to bother you, sir. I was wondering if I could have a word.” I nod and signal for her to take the chair in front of my desk. She sits down and glares at me. “I heard you appointed a new TA.” “Yes, I did,” I reply, not even bothering to look at her. She shu es slightly in her seat. “I thought you were going to let me know if you needed help.” I shake my head and glance at her. “After our last conversation, I felt it was better you were not involved this

semester. You tried to cross the line, Tessa. It’s something that I can’t condone.” Her brow furrows and she uncrosses her legs. My eyes follow her hand as she hikes her skirt up and uncovers the fact that she’s not wearing any panties. She is literally flashing her pussy at me. I snap, returning my gaze to her eyes and standing up. “Get out,” I growl. She jumps to her feet. Her face has gone bright red. “S-Sir, I-I just…” I shake my head. Rage pumping through my veins. This girl is insane. Coming here without panties on and trying to lure me into her. “Tessa, this is totally inappropriate. If you keep going down this route, I’m going to have to report it to the dean.” Her eyes widen and she tightens her grip on her handbag. She nods once and then rushes out of my o ce. I sink back into my chair and raise my eyes to the ceiling. What is wrong with that girl? I’d already made it clear I wasn’t interested. I rub the back of my neck and return my attention to the database. It’s a little hypocritical that I’m being harsh on Tessa when I want to cross the line with Sasha. In fact, I have crossed that line. I sigh and type Sasha Harman into the database. A cute picture of her comes up along with her address. I jot it down on a piece of paper and check the address to see if any other students live there. She lives with one roommate, Ally Shaw, the blonde girl from class. I know for a fact she has a full day of class

because I heard her speaking to Liam about it earlier. It means Sasha is at home alone. I’ve got to see her.

M Y STOMACH IS A MESS . The pounding of my heart makes my head swim. I stand outside Sasha’s door for a full twominutes considering whether or not to turn back and head back to campus. Anyone could catch me visiting a student and it would be di cult to explain why. The need to see her wins and I find myself rapping on the door. I tap my foot on the ground, waiting. My heart skips a beat as I hear the lock clicking open and then the door swings to reveal Sasha. Her dark brown hair is pulled into a messy bun on top of her head and she’s wearing a long baggy T-shirt that reaches down to just above her knees. A surge of jealousy tears through me as I wonder whose shirt it is. It’s definitely not hers. Her stunning blue eyes widen the moment she sees me. “S-Sir, what are you doing here?” I glance around quickly, checking no one I know is lurking around. “May I come in?” She nods her head and steps to the side. Once I hear the door shut, I turn to her. “Where have you been?” “I’ve not been feeling well.” My eyes narrow slightly. “You look fine to me.” She lets out a long sigh. “I wasn’t well the first lesson I missed, but I was too nervous to attend class today.”

I cock my head. “Why?” She turns pink and gazes at the floor. “I thought you would know why.” I step toward her, closing the gap between us. “Because I made you come hard on your desk?” I growl. Her wide eyes shoot up to meet mine but she doesn’t say anything. “I was so disappointed when you weren’t there.” I run a hand through my hair. “I had to see you,” I say softly. She licks her lips. “You were disappointed?” I take another step toward her so there is a foot between us. She quivers as the distance shortens. “Of course, the only exciting thing about those lessons is you.” This time she steps closer to me and looks up into my eyes, and the fierce burning desire in them makes me lose it. I grab hold of her hips and pull her body hard against me, cupping her bare ass. Our mouths crash together in a hard, desperate kiss. My cock swells and thickens in my pants, straining against the zipper, as I taste this sweet innocent virgin. I move my finger lower, searching for that sweet little pussy nestled between her thighs. I groan loudly as I find her lips drenched in her slick juice, ready for my cock. She trembles in my arms as I deepen the kiss and move her backward toward the wall. When her back hits the wall her eyes open and she parts her lips from mine. “Professor, we shouldn’t—”

I cut her o with another claiming kiss. I don’t want to hear her reasoning. This is happening. I whisper in her ear, “I want you so bad, Sasha. I can’t stop thinking about your pretty tight pussy wrapped around my thick cock.” She moans and wraps her arms around my neck, returning her lips to mine and desperately searching my mouth. Her tongue tangles with my own and then she breaks away, breathless. “Are you saying you want to take my virginity, sir?” I groan and pull her body even tighter to me. “Fuck yes, I want you to come like you did on your desk in the lecture hall, but with my cock buried deep inside you.” She licks her lips and sinks to her knees without warning. My eyes widen as she unfastens the belt of my pants, gazing up at me with those pretty blue eyes. I grab her wrist lightly. “What are you doing?” She smiles innocently, but this girl is anything but innocent. “I want to taste your hard cock, professor.” I groan and loosen my grip on her wrist, allowing her to free my throbbing length from my pants. Her eyes widen as it springs up in front of her face, the swollen head glistening with my precum. She licks her bottom lip and then slowly wraps her delicate hands around the base, moving them up and down the shaft a few times. I hold her gaze as she looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and then her tongue darts out to lick the precum from the tip. I growl loudly, unable to process this is actually happening. My student has my dick in her hands. She moans as she opens her plump lips and slips my swollen head into her hot

little mouth. It’s better than I’d imagined every fucking day for the past three weeks. She hums around my cock as she slurps on it, swirling her tongue around the swollen crown and teasing hot precum from the tip. Her luscious lips bob up and down the throbbing length of my cock, taking it in as far as she can. “Fuck yeah, baby. Be a good girl and suck on your professor’s hard cock,” I groan. She moans around my dick and looks up at me with pure desire in her eyes. I slide my fingers into her brunette hair and pull her messy bun free. Her beautiful curls fall down around her face and I wrap her hair around my fist. I guide her down on my cock, coaxing her to take a little more each time. Her moans vibrate through my cock, making it even fucking better. Slowly, she’s getting used to my length and swallowing more and more of me into that beautiful mouth of hers. It feels better than anything I’ve ever felt. This not so innocent virgin is devouring my dick like she is starving, starving for me. “That’s it beautiful. Suck that cock with your beautiful fucking mouth,” I groan. She gags as I slip all the way down her throat and she pulls back, but her ambition is so fucking hot. She’s so eager to please and it’s making me crazy. I can feel the pressure building in my balls with every bob of her mouth. She runs her tongue along the underside of my dick from the swollen head right down. She doesn’t stop and she continues a trail to lick my heavy cum-filled balls. I groan as my balls ache for release. My cock twitches in her hands. More precum leaks from the tip and I can feel myself on the edge of explosion. She licks all the way back up,

swirling her tongue around the head before sinking back down on my cock. “Sasha, I’m going to come.” I try to pull back from her hungry lips. She takes me in even deeper than before all the way, right down past her gag reflex. I groan as I spill my seed down her hot throat. She swallows all of it, every last fucking drop, moaning as she licks the rest from my head. Fuck. Sasha gazes up at me, some of my thick creamy cum spilling down her chin. A growl rises in my chest as I grab her by the waist and lift her into my arms. I kiss her, tasting my own essence on her tongue. It turns me on more. She’s such a filthy little minx. I carry her into the kitchen. It’s a typical student apartment, small and compact. “My turn to taste you,” I growl, as I set her on the small kitchen table. I pull the shirt o over her head and take in the sight of her entirely naked, groaning and fisting my cock in my hand. Even though I came already, I’m throbbing and hard still. Her breasts are as perfect as I could have imagined. Her perfect pink nipples pebbled and erect, pointing right at me. I palm her breasts in my hand and focus my attention on those beautiful tits. I pull her left nipple into my mouth, grazing it slightly with my teeth, making her moan and arch her back. Her skin is softer than silk. I turn my attention to her right nipple doing the same, as my fingers circle her hard, swollen clit. I continue to lathe her

nipples with my tongue, making her pussy gush for me. I take a step back to admire her. She’s fucking perfect.




ogan’s arms wrap tightly around my bare waist as he kisses me, pinning me down to the kitchen table. I don’t even care that I’m entirely naked in front of him. He’s making me feel better than I’ve ever felt before. I moan and pinch my hard, erect nipples between my fingers, as he steps back and stares at me with that fierce, hungry look. “That’s it baby, play with yourself for me.” He fists his still hard length in his hand. I allow my fingers to drop between my thighs, running them through my wet lips. My clit is throbbing with need from him working it with his fingers. I run my finger across the hard nub and arch my back. Logan steps forward again and slides his rough fingers across the soft skin of my thighs, traveling toward my soaking wet pussy. I want to feel his tongue and lips on me again. Ever since he made me come on my desk in the lecture hall, it’s all I can think about. His rough fingers slide between my

soaking wet folds and he dips them in right up to the knuckle, making me gasp. “You’re so wet for me, naughty girl.” He kisses my neck and moves his finger in and out of me. “Is it because you’re thinking about my thick cock inside of this tight pussy?” His eyes find mine and the look he gives me sends a shiver of need down my spine. “Yes,” I gasp out, unable to find anything else to say. My fingers tangle in his dark hair and I moan. “First, I’m going to make this beautiful tight pussy come for me.” He drops to his knees and I arch my back, ready to feel his mouth on me. His tongue laps out at my clit and I jolt closer to him. I buck on the table, moaning as he dips his finger into me again, sucking and lightly nipping my clit with his teeth. His large hand settles on my waist, pinning me down to the kitchen table. His fingers work in and out of me with increasing speed and then he curls them, hitting the spot that makes me scream with pleasure. I don’t care how much noise I’m making. I don’t care that our next-door neighbors will know I’m being fucked. All I care about is us. He works me into a frenzied mess of pure desire. The fire burning hot inside of me is building to unbearable. It feels like I’m going to explode. “P-Professor, I’m going to come,” I moan. “Good girl,” he growls against my pussy. “Come for me, baby. Make that naughty pussy come on your professor’s tongue.” He increases the speed of his fingers fucking my pussy, and the hot, fiery pressure inside of me explodes.

My vision turns white with pleasure and my eyes lull back in my head. He’s still tasting me as wave after wave of pleasure wash over me and my juices spills from my pussy onto his face. I’m convulsing under his hand as I come on my professor’s tongue. My breathing is labored as he keeps lapping at me. Finally, he removes his fingers from me and holds my gaze. I watch as he opens his mouth and licks my juices from his fingers. I moan loudly, writhing still from my orgasm. He stands and kisses me, forcing me to taste my own cum on his tongue. It turns me on more than I’ve ever been turned on. I’ve never wanted to have sex more than I do right now. He pulls back and gazes into my eyes with that same hungry intensity that sends shivers through me. “I need you inside me, professor.” He groans. “Are you sure you’re ready for this thick cock?” I nod and grab his length in my small hands, stroking it from root to tip. “I want to hear you say it,” he growls. “I’m ready for your cock, professor.” “It sounds so filthy when you call me professor.” His lips crash over mine again as he hoists me up into his strong arms and carries me down the hallway. I’m totally naked and he’s still clothed. His hard erection jutting out of his suit pants. “Where is your bedroom?” he asks.

I direct him to my room and he opens the door with me in his arms. He kicks the door shut and then stumbles over to the bed, setting me down. “I-I want to see you naked,” I say. His lips turn into a heart melting smile as he kicks o his shoes. I watch as he unbuttons his pants, holding my gaze. He pulls them o along with his boxers, allowing his huge cock to spring free and releasing his big heavy balls. It’s so fucking large, seeing it in all its glory like that, his thick, swollen head, glistening with precum makes my pussy ache for him. I lick my lips at the sight of it. Then his hands go to undo the buttons of his shirt. I squirm impatiently in front of him, watching him undress. My breath catches in my throat as he pulls his shirt o . He is true male perfection. He looks like he has been sculpted from stone. I sit up on the bed and reach out for him. He moves toward me and kneels on the bed. I need to touch him. My hands travel over every inch of his taught chest and broad shoulders. “Like what you see?” he asks playfully. I can barely speak. He’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, all I can do is nod in response. He presses his lips against mine, making me moan against his mouth. “Are you sure you’re ready?” I pull him into me again kissing him. “I want you to fuck me, professor,” I whisper into his ear. He growls a low throaty noise and then descends on me. His hard body pins me against my bed as he settles between my

thighs. He rubs the head of his cock between my slick folds, coating my already wet lips in his cum. “You want your professor’s huge cock in your tight little virgin pussy?” I gaze down at his cock at my entrance, a long sticky line of precum dripping from the swollen head onto my pussy. A wave of desire spreads through me. This is it. I’m about to have sex with my college professor. His dick looks too big to fit inside. I swallow hard and gaze up into his stunning face. Those blue eyes are filled with a fierce heat that floods my belly with warmth. “Sasha, are you okay? We don’t have to—” I pull his mouth to mine and kiss him. “I need you inside me,” I moan into his ear. He grunts against my skin and moves his muscled hips toward me, pressing forward and pushing the swollen crown inside. I’m so wet it eases him in. My fingers dig into his back and I stare into those intense eyes as he slides inside of me. It’s pleasurable and a tiny bit painful at the same time. Slowly, he sinks inch after inch of hot throbbing cock inside my tight, wet pussy. He stops when every inch of him is buried inside me and I feel his heavy balls settle against my skin. Our panting breaths fill the room as he remains still inside of me, allowing me to get used to his huge size. The pressure inside me builds the moment he stretches and fills me. I buck my hips trying to get him to move inside of me. He pulls out of me all the way until only the head is left throbbing inside of me and then he thrust back in slowly, letting me feel every inch sink inside of me again. He groans loudly as his balls slap against my ass.

I gasp as pure pleasure floods me and that hot building desire consumes my entire body. He keeps on moving in and out of me, slowly at first. “That’s it baby. Take every inch of my cock stretching that tight virgin pussy,” he growls, holding my gaze with pure fire in his eyes. I moan deeply as he begins to thrust in and out of me faster and harder, moving over the top of me. My hands trace his muscled chest as he works his cock in and out. He leans down to pull my nipple into his mouth, sucking hard, making my back arch. “Fuck, you feel better than I ever imagined wrapped around my cock,” he growls into my ear. I moan as it’s all I can do. My hot professor is talking dirty to me as he takes my virginity. It’s mind blowing. His cock throbs inside of me and swells even bigger. He moves quicker and hits the spot inside of me that makes my toes curl. The burning desire he’s igniting inside me is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Pure fire spreading through my veins, heating me right to my core. I can feel my pussy dripping down his shaft, and the pressure inside of me is building to unbearable. I know I’m going to come again already. “I-I think I’m going to come,” I moan. He thrusts into me deeper and harder. “That’s it baby, make that tight virgin pussy come all over your professor’s cock. I want to feel your cum coating my balls.” “Fuck,” I scream, as every muscle in my body tightens. An explosive orgasm rocks through me and wave after wave of pleasure floods me. White filters into the edges of my vision

as he continues to pump in and out, extending my orgasm and making me quiver. He starts to fuck me faster and harder. The pain I’d felt earlier entirely gone as he fucks me deep, sending me right toward the edge again. He is building that hot fiery sensation inside of me that sets my world on fire. He stops thrusting, making me whimper and kisses me hard. His muscular arms wrap around my waist and he flips us over so I’m straddling him. “Ride me, Sasha,” he orders. “I want to watch you bobbing up and down on my huge cock, baby.” I bite my lip before moving up and down slowly at first. What if I’m not doing it right? He holds my eye contact as I move and I feel so vulnerable in this position, so unsure about myself. His eyes are filled with hungry, passionate desire. The way he watches me starts chase away any doubts about what I’m doing, and I begin to lose myself to the pleasure again. He groans beneath me, spurring me on. My back arches as he kneads my breasts in his hands and pinches my nipples between his fingers. I moan deeply as I pick up the pace, riding his cock hard. Logan’s animalistic grunts tingle up my spine with each rise and fall of my body. He grips hold of my hips and starts meeting my movements, driving his dick deeper than I ever believed possible. The throbbing of his hard cock inching me ever closer to my third orgasm. He sits up and kisses me as I rise and fall. He pulls back and gazes into my eyes. The intensity threatens to have me coming undone from that alone. As if he knows I’m on the

edge, he slows again and kisses me hard. I whimper, desperate to feel that pressure release. He wraps his arms around my waist and swivels me on his cock, keeping his chest pressed against my back. He forces me to my knees and kneels behind me. The position allows him to rub my clit as he drives in deep from behind. He nips and kisses at the soft skin on my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. His hard length swells harder and larger, making my muscles spasm as the pleasures builds right back again. Hot and all-consuming desire coming to a head and ready to explode. “That’s it, baby. Take that big cock deep inside your pretty little pussy and come for me again. Come for your professor like a good girl.” I bite my lip unable to contain the pleasure ripping through me anymore. “Fuck, Logan,” I scream his name as I come even harder. Harder than I’ve ever come before. Logan grunts against my neck and he shoots rope after rope of his thick, sticky cum deep inside of me. His balls clenching as I feel his huge cock pulsing and releasing deep inside of me. He drops backward onto my bed, holding me against his chest. His hard length still deep inside of me. He kisses my neck and then pulls out of my throbbing pussy. My whole body is still tingling from my last orgasm. All that fills the silence is our heavy breathing for a few minutes. He holds me tightly in his arms, keeping me against his hard chest. I wonder if he’s going to say anything

and glance up at him to see him smiling down at me. “Are you okay?” I nod and bite my bottom lip. Did that really just happen? Or is this some crazy dream. “I’m better than okay.” He kisses my forehead and tightens his grip around my waist. “Lay your head down, baby. I want to hold you.” I settle my head on his chest. Why is it that this feels so right and natural between us? I know it can’t continue. He’s my professor. He took my virginity and it was better than I ever could have imagined. What if he doesn’t want to do it again? I chew at my lip as I keep my head against his warm chest and try to push that notion from my mind. The beat of his heart beneath me slowly sends me o to sleep in his arms.




he bang of the front door shutting startles me awake. I glance down to find Sasha still fast asleep in my arms. I glance at the alarm clock on her side table and it has gone four o’clock. Shit. I hadn’t intended to fall asleep here at her apartment. Now I’ve missed a freshman class this afternoon and her roommate is back. My student. What the hell was I thinking? I know the answer to that. I wasn’t. My cock has ruled my brain all damn day. It has ever since I met Sasha. I gently shake the gorgeous creature awake. She glances up at me with wide eyes and then flashes me a beautiful smile. “You stayed.” I lean down to whisper in her ear. “I fell asleep. I’ve got a feeling your roommate just got back.” She sti ens in my arms and her eyes go wide with fear. “Hey, I’m back. How are you feeling?” Ally’s voice calls down the hall and her footsteps echo outside.

My heart beats at a hundred miles an hour, as my arms remain locked around my naked student. The virgin who I just deflowered, despite the fact it’s against college policy. My other student is on the other side of the door. This exactly why we shouldn’t be doing this, but I couldn’t resist her. I still can’t. She’s mine. Sasha clears her throat. “I’m feeling a bit better. I’m just going to get dressed, I’ll be out shortly.” “Okay, I’m going to take a shower. I’ll see you when I’m out.” The footsteps echo further down the hallway to the bathroom. The click of the door shutting stills my hectic heartbeat. I breathe a sigh of relief as the sound of running water echoes through the apartment. That was too close. It was reckless to fall asleep here in her room. The passion and desperate need to make love to Sasha overruled my common sense. Make love. I can’t believe that thought passed through my head, but that’s how it felt. Damn, I’m so screwed. Ever since I set eyes on Sasha, I knew this wasn’t just sexual attraction. There’s something deep and primal that draws me to her. Something I’ve never felt before for any other woman. What we did earlier wasn’t fucking. The passion was on another level. It’s as if my soul longs for hers. I care for this girl. It wasn’t just a fuck. I took her virginity and that makes me feel closer to her than any woman I’ve ever been with. There was no way I could have left quickly afterward, not right after popping her cherry. I’d only intended to lay with her for half an hour and then get back to the university. Instead, I’d fallen asleep in her bed for a few hours and missed a freshman class I was supposed to teach.

My feelings are so mixed up right now. I can’t be feeling this way toward a student. She makes me feel happy. I want to keep her safe and protect her from assholes like jack. I want more than she can possibly give me. I want her forever. She nudges me in the ribs. “Professor, you better go quick.” I raise a brow at her. “I like it when you call me professor when we’re fucking, but I like you calling me Logan the rest of the time.” She smiles. “Okay, Logan…. You better go quickly.” I kiss her lips and groan. “I wish I could stay in bed with you forever.” She kisses me back, lazily at first, but then the passion increases. I find myself rock hard and ready to fuck her senseless again. I press my throbbing erection against her hip and her eyes widen. “Professor, you need to go now,” she half moans. I groan and bite her bottom lip gently. “I wish I could fuck you instead.” Sasha stares up at me with pure longing. “Me too, but you’ll have to wait.” I drag myself out of her bed, knowing she is the only one thinking straight right now. I’m thinking with my rock-hard cock. I should have got out of there already. As the realization of how close we are to getting caught sinks in, I get dressed and quickly turn back to her. She’s behind me the moment I’m dressed, wrapped in a gown and pushing me out the door. The rushing water of the shower still echoes through the apartment. Thank fuck for that. Then a knock at the door sounds.

Shit. Sasha’s eyes widen. “You better hide somewhere,” she whispers. I glance around, searching for the best hiding place. I duck down behind the sofa in their tiny little living room. I can just about get a glimpse of Sasha opening the door, and she’s shaking like a leaf. “Jack, what the hell are you doing here?” Not that fucking jock. “That’s no way to speak to your boyfriend.” I hear her grunt in frustration. “How many times do I have to tell you? You and I are never going to happen. You’re not my boyfriend and never will be again. Now get the hell out of here.” “You’re a fucking bitch. Did you know that?” “You’re a cheating asshole.” “It’s no wonder you’re still a virgin. Who the hell would have sex with you?” I can feel myself getting angry now. If this kid isn’t careful, I’m going to lose it. I could see myself flying out from behind this sofa and pummeling him to a pulp. No one talks to my Sasha like that. No one. My rage is bubbling beneath the surface and when it comes to Sasha I don’t seem to be able to control myself. “Not that it is any of your business, but I’m not a virgin anymore. Now fuck o .” I hear her slam the door in his face.

My chest swells at how feisty she is. She can certainly stick up for herself against dickheads like him. She doesn’t need me to protect her, even if I want to. I get out from behind the sofa and walk toward her. Her face is flushed red and her eyes are filled with tears. My heart aches seeing her upset over such an idiot. He has no idea what he lost out on when he cheated on her. I pull her into a hug and she rests her head against my chest. “I wanted to come out and punch that dickhead in the face the entire time.” Her eyes widen and she glances up at me. “You couldn’t do that. You would lose your job and I’d—” I kiss her, silencing her reasoning. I don’t want to hear it. She’s mine and I’ve got to be with her. Yes, she’s my pupil, but I don’t care. I’ve claimed her and no boy is going near her again. “You’re mine Sasha. I’d do anything to keep you safe,” I growl against her lips. She moans and glances at me with a look of disbelief. “Tell me your mine,” I order. “I’m yours, sir.” I bite her plump bottom lip between my teeth lightly. “Good girl.” I pull a contact card out of my jacket pocket. “Text me later, okay?” She takes it and smiles. “Okay, I’ll text you.” I sink my fingertips into her hips and pull her toward me, kissing her one last time. My tongue searching her mouth, claiming it. She’s mine and she better know it. I’ve never

been so possessive over a woman, but Sasha turns me into a damn caveman. I’d do anything to keep her safe. The gushing of water stops and plunges the entire apartment into silence. Her eyes widen and she glances down the hallway. “You need to go, now.” She opens the door and more or less pushes me out of it. I don’t want to leave her ever, but I have to. As the door slams shut, I turn and head down the steps. I glance around the area, making certain no one saw me leaving. Then, with a heavy heart, I walk in the direction of the university campus. I’m going to have to make up some bullshit excuse about why I missed my freshman class this afternoon. The dean won’t be too happy. Somehow, I can’t bring myself to give a shit. I just took my student, claimed her and it was damn well worth it.




y room smells like Logan. His heady cologne is strong, lingering in the air and on my sheets. I hope that Ally doesn’t notice. I’ve got a feeling I probably smell of him too. My heart beats out of my chest as I get dressed into a pair of pants and top. I can’t stop thinking about what we’d just done. It was the single most amazing experience of my life. He made me feel better than I ever believed possible and I want to do it again and again. My body reacts to him in a way I’ve never known before with any other boy. The thing is, he isn’t a boy, he’s a man. He made me come three times. I may be a virgin, but anything I ever imagined never came close to what he did to me. Our time together was overshadowed by my asshole of an ex. I can’t believe he turned up here being a dick like that. Not to mention, if Logan had left a few moments earlier, he would have stumbled right into him. I’m not sure how I would have explained why my Professor was in my apartment. The sweet ache lingering between my thighs reminds me of our time together as I sit at the kitchen table. The table he licked my pussy on. The table where he made me come all

over his face. My phone buzzes against the wood and I pick it up. Logan: I can’t stop thinking about you, baby. I smile down at the message. I’d sent him a text soon after he left so he had my number too. Butterflies beat around in my stomach as I re-read it. A sinking sensation ensues in my gut. Logan and I can’t be together, but I have a feeling this is more than sex for me. He makes me feel safe and happy when we’re together. It’s ridiculous really, but when I’m with him everything feels right and natural. There’s no way that we could ever be with each other in that way, and let’s be honest, why would he want to be with me? I’m a young immature student, and he is a hot sexy man. I type in a reply. I can’t stop thinking about you either, I want you to fuck me again. Ally still hasn’t come out of her room yet. Somehow, I need to get this o my chest without telling her the whole truth. If I don’t tell her I lost my virginity, I feel like I’m going to go insane. She’s my best friend and we talk about everything. I know I can trust Ally. In fact, I could possibly even tell her that I had sex with Professor Sexy, but it’s his career that I’d be risking. The phone buzzes again: Logan: Your so naughty, Sasha. I can’t wait to punish you. My thighs clench at the thought. I’m about to reply when an image pops through onto my screen of his huge cock fisting in his hands. My pussy tingles at the sight and another message comes through.

I can’t stop thinking about your beautiful fucking pussy and the way it felt when it came all over my cock. I shu

e in my seat suddenly very aroused.

The click of Ally’s door opening down the hallway makes my heart beat faster and I lock my phone. “You look better,” she says as she steps into the kitchen. “In fact, you’re glowing like a girl who had a good fucking, which obviously isn’t possible.” My cheeks heat and I gaze at the table in shame. “No fucking way. You have had sex.” I nod and glance up at her. “At last.” She throws her hands in the air dramatically. “Who with?” I swallow hard unsure how to play this. I know I’ve got to lie to her and it feels so wrong. “You don’t know him.” Her eyes widen and she sits down next to me, grabbing my hand. “This is huge, and of course I know him. I know all the guys that go to our college.” She is so promiscuous it’s ridiculous. “He doesn’t go to our college.” “Oh, so is he older then?” Her eyebrow raises. My stomach twists with uncertainty as I question whether I should have told her at all. “Yeah, he’s in his thirties and works nearby. I met him at the library in town,” I lie. She bounces in her seat excitedly. “Older men are so hot. I bet he was good in bed.”

I shrug. “I don’t exactly have anything to compare it to, but it was good.” “Did he make you come?” I nod. “Three times.” Her eyes widen. “Fuck me, I’m lucky if I come once with a guy.” She sighs. “I need to get myself an older man to fuck.” Her face falls serious for a second. “Are you going to see him again?” I shrug. “Yeah, we’re going to see how it goes.” “Maybe he has a single friend.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “I’d like to meet him, though.” My stomach does a backflip. “It’s early days, maybe when I get to know him a bit better.” “It sounds like you got to know him pretty well already.” She raises her eyebrows comically. I laugh. “Yeah, but I don’t want to scare him o him to my friends too early.”


“True. Guys can be such weirdos about that stu .” She rolls her eyes. “How about we go out for drinks to celebrate?” Drinks. I need something to distract me from the fact I’m gagging for Logan’s cock already. “Sounds good.” It’s exactly what I need right now. An evening to unwind and have a few drinks with my best friend. After almost getting caught red handed with my college professor in my bedroom, I definitely need a sti drink.

W E HEAD out to a bar that evening. Logan and I have been texting all night, and he asked what I was doing. The moment I told him I was going out, he insisted on running into me at the same place. He has no idea how dangerous that is. Ally isn’t stupid. If we don’t act professional then she might catch on to what happened between us. I sit in the booth with my friends unable to concentrate on what they’re talking about. All I can do is keep stealing glances at the entrance, waiting for him to show. Ally invited a couple of her friends from cheerleading, and Liam agreed to come out with us. “Girl, you seem a bit on edge,” Liam says, nudging me slightly. I sigh heavily, glancing up at him. “I’m fine. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.” He smiles. “I know that look. You’ve got dick on the brain.” I feel my face flushing. “No, I-It’s not…Did Ally tell you?” He nods. “You know that motor mouth can’t keep anything to herself.” He shrugs. “Besides, it’s not like it was meant to be a secret, was it?” I open my mouth to answer him, when my eyes are drawn to the entrance. It’s as if I could feel his presence enter the room. A flicker of electricity caressing my skin the moment his eyes land on me. I meet his gaze and try to keep my composure, despite my heart rate accelerating and my panties soaking through instantly.

Liam clears his throat, and I glance back at him. “No, it wasn’t a secret,” I reply. He smiles and pats my back. “I’m glad you’ve finally taken the plunge.” My eyes flick back to Logan who is walking straight over to our table. My heart is knocking against my rib cage. “Professor Tanner,” Ally shouts, noticing him before he gets to us. “Hello Ally, having fun?” he asks. “You bet! Do you want to join us?” She bats her eye lids at him, and I feel a little jealousy rise inside me. I want everyone to know that he is mine, which is ridiculous because we’ve slept together once. “That wouldn’t be appropriate.” His eyes flick between everyone at the table, but linger on me last. “I hope you are all making progress on the essay I set for you.” He holds my gaze for longer than he should. My eyes travel to his crotch which is bulging in his tight pants, making my mouth dry. I want him so bad it almost hurts. “Of course, sir. We just needed to celebrate tonight the fact Sasha’s no longer a girl but a woman,” Ally says. My face heats and I feel like I’m going to die. Ally can be a real dick when she’s drunk. Logan clears his throat, his eyes slightly wide at the comment. “I see.” He glances at me one more time before returning Ally’s gaze. “Well, I hope you all have a good

evening.” I watch him walk away toward a booth a few tables down. A handsome man, not much older than him, stands and pulls him into a hug. It must be his friend, Wes, he said he was going to meet for a drink. “Thanks a lot, Ally,” I say. She looks at me blankly. “What?” I shake my head not bothering to reply to her. I get up and head for the bathroom at the back of the bar, not even looking at Logan as I pass by. The heat flooding my skin makes me feel sick. I can’t believe she said that in front of him. Now he might think I told her that he fucked me. I’m thankful there is no one else in the bathroom. I head for the sink and brace my hands either side of it for a moment, before turning on the tap and splashing some water over my face. I gaze at myself in the mirror wondering what on earth I was thinking fucking my professor. My heart skips a beat as the door opens and I look up into the mirror to see Logan standing behind me. He marches straight toward me and grabs my hips possessively, like he owns me, pulling me against him. “I’ve fucking missed you, baby girl.” My body arches into him and the bulge in his pants presses against my ass. “I-It’s only been a few hours.” He’s so insatiable it’s insane. “A few hours too long.” He kisses my neck, nibbling on my ear lobe and making me moan. Then he pushes me forcefully toward a cubicle. My heart pounds as he locks it and then turns me around.

His lips capture mine in a hard kiss. “I need to fuck you right here and right now, Sasha.” I moan loudly. “Yes, please fuck me.” My panties are drenched already. He turns me back around and lifts my skirt up to get access to me. His rough fingers graze against my skin as he pulls my wet panties o . My body is already on the edge of orgasm and he has barely even touched me yet. “Fuck, you’re are so fucking wet, Sasha,” he groans, thrusting his fingers into me, making me moan. “Wet from thinking about my thick cock, naughty girl.” He slaps my ass lightly and then licks the column of my neck, making me squeal. “You’ve got to be quiet for me, baby,” he whispers. I nod in reply and buck against his fingers. He thrusts in and out a few times but it’s not enough. “Sir, please fuck me,” I whisper. “I need to feel your cock filling me.” He groans and I hear him unzipping his pants behind me. My thighs quiver at the thought of his huge, hard cock stretching me again. He pulls my hips back toward him again and his cock throbs against my backside. My pussy clenches at the anticipation of being so stu ed again, as I glance back trying to get a glimpse of him. His hands tighten around my hips and he pulls back to allow the big swollen head of his cock rest against my slipper wet entrance. I gasp. My back arching to get him inside. Logan groans behind me as he pushes his hips forward, sinking every single inch inside slowly. The fire catches almost instantly and the pressure builds quicker than I’ve ever known before.

“Oh my god,” I moan, trying not to be too loud. My pussy clenches around him, already on the edge of orgasm before he’s even started to fuck me. Logan begins to fuck me and I know I’m on the edge of explosion. I can feel his cock throbbing inside of me, plunging deeper than I ever believed possible. “Fuck,” I cry out. The pressure explodes inside of me and my orgasm rocks through my entire body, making me quiver as my channel tightens around his hard, throbbing cock. “Baby, you are so responsive.” Logan slaps my ass. “That’s it, make that naughty little pussy come for me. Coat my cock in your sweet cum,” he whispers in my ear. He moves in and out, building that hot fiery pressure inside of me for the second time. I’m shaking from the pleasure of my first orgasm, trying desperately not to cry out as he fucks me hard and fast. Something about him fucking me here, in a bathroom, with my friends in the bar a few meters away, increases the excitement and my arousal. My moans are impossible to stifle and Logan places his hand over my mouth to mu e the noise. The move forces me to arch my back toward him and drives him even deeper inside of me. We get lost in each other’s bodies, moving as one as we both head toward our pleasure with no reserve. He’s fucking me hard and rough. I never thought I’d love it this hard, but it is making me so hot. The pressure inside me becoming almost impossible to stand. The slap of our flesh clashing echoes around the small washroom as his hand connects with my ass, forcing me to bite down on his finger lightly.

He grunts and I feel his hot sticky cum splashing inside of me. The warm sensation of his dick spurting his thick, creamy cum deep inside my pussy sends me over the edge and I come again. An unbelievably forceful orgasm that lights up every pleasure center in my body, making every muscle shake and convulse. Our breathing is erratic as we rest there for a moment. He slides his softening dick out of me and shoves it back in his pants, zipping them up. I feel so dirty right now but I love it. My panties are on the floor and he picks them up and passes them to me. “Thanks.” He kisses me hard and long, making me moan again. “I’ve got to get back before Wes notices I’ve been gone too long.” “Is he your lawyer friend?” I ask. He nods. “Yeah, recently moved here from New York to join the Heisman firm.” I nod. “I hope you have a good night.” He kisses me again. “It would be much better if I could spend it with you, but that was fucking amazing. You’re amazing.” He lets himself out of the cubicle and turns to me once more. “I’ll text you later, baby.” He winks, before leaving me standing there with his cum dripping from my slit. I clean myself up before heading back out to my friends. Although, I can still feel his cum dripping from my pussy and soaking into my panties. It makes me feel so dirty, and I like it more than I should. I never knew what I was missing all these years. Sex is so damn good with him. Liam glances up at me and frowns. “You were gone a long time.”

My face turns hot but I shrug. “I needed to freshen up.” He smirks. “Sure.” His eyes flick to Logan who has just sat down and then back at me. He winks. My heart rate spikes. Does he know? Shit. I can feel all the blood draining from my face. He lowers his voice so only I can hear. “Don’t worry, babe.” He pats my shoulder. “Your secret is safe with me. I’m no motor mouth.” How does he know? I swallow hard and nod. “How did you–” He holds his hand up and cuts me o . “I’ve got a bit of a sixth sense for these things. The chemistry is through the damn roof between you two. I’ve noticed the way he looks at you, like a man in love.” My brow furrows at that. Logan most certainly isn’t in love with me. Hell, he barely even knows me. Sure, there is some crazy sexual chemistry between us, but love? No way.




can’t stop thinking about Sasha and it’s driving me wild. I’m like a teenage boy all over again. It doesn’t matter how many times I have her, it’s never enough. I’m sitting in my apartment, waiting for her to arrive and I’m going out of my mind. This weekend I’ve got a plan to take her away for a minibreak, somewhere we can be together without worrying about being seen. It’s been impossible not to wonder whether she feels something more these past two weeks. I’m too scared to ask her. Ever since we met, I knew I wanted her. Not just to fuck her but to be with her, own her, make her mine. Forever. The thing is she is young and in the prime of her life, she wouldn’t want to settle down with me. It makes my heart ache that this might all end at some point, as I love spending time with her. When we slept together, I wasn’t sure what would happen. All I knew was that I couldn’t leave her alone. If she were to fuck someone else, it would break me. The doorbell rings and I shoot to my feet. My heart starts racing at the prospect of seeing her. It’s ridiculous. I saw her yesterday afternoon in class.

I open the door and she’s standing there in a sexy dress that shows o her creamy thighs. “You look beautiful.” I smile at her. She steps in and the moment the door is closed her arms are wrapped around my neck. She kisses me and rocks against me, making me harder than nails. I prize her lips from mine. “Baby, wait a moment.” I squeeze her hand. “Grab your bag we’re going away,” I say, squeezing her hand. Her brow furrows. “Going where? We can’t be seen together.” I smile at her, nerves twisting my gut. “I’m going to take you away from the city,” I say, tightening my grip around her waist. “Somewhere no one knows us.” I pull her closer and kiss her lips softly. “Somewhere I can hold your hand and kiss you in public.” She tenses in my grip. “How do you know we won’t be seen?” “I’m taking you to a coastal retreat a couple hours away. I’ve booked us a room for the weekend.” Her eyes widened. “Really?” I smile, despite my stomach twisting with nerves. What if she doesn’t want to go on a mini-break with me? “Yeah, if you want to—” She launches herself into my arms, cutting me o midsentence. “It sounds perfect.” Then she pouts and glances at her carryall. “I didn’t bring beach clothes though.” I laugh. “We’ll get your some once we’re there.”

Her eyes light up. “I love shopping.” I have a feeling this trip is going to cost me, but for some reason, I don’t care. As long as Sasha is happy, that is all that matters to me. What the hell is happening to me? Normally, I steer away from taking a woman away on breaks. It leads to one thing–heart break. And, something tells me it’s going to be my heart breaking–not hers. “Let’s go then,” I say, grabbing my bag and hers and shouldering them. “We want to get going sooner rather than later.” She turns and walks out of my door. I can’t help but admire the way her hips sway as she waltzes down my steps and out toward my car. Every time I get a moment to admire her from behind, I can’t help myself. I pop the trunk and put our bags in and then head around to the driver’s side, letting myself in. Sasha is already sat in the passenger’s seat twiddling her thumbs in her lap nervously. She looks like she belongs here, by my side, always. I could get used to this. I know how bad that notion is. Sasha is my student. She’s only twenty-one. She doesn’t want to be tied down to me. It makes my chest ache to think of her within anyone else. It makes me want to turn into a Neanderthal and club any man who goes near her. She’s mine. I was her first and I want to be her last. I turn the key to start the engine and my heart skips a beat as Sasha’s hand entwines with my own in the center. She squeezes it and smiles at me, the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. “Are you ready?” I ask.

She nods and I pull away from my house. I know how royally fucked I am right now, but I can’t bring myself to care, not with this stunning woman sat next to me.

I PULL down the winding driveway of the fancy boutique hotel I booked, right on the cli tops overlooking the sea with a beach below. Sasha is fast asleep, her hand still entwined with mine. As I stare down at our hands my chest clenches painfully. What the hell am I doing? Sasha is my student. It seems somewhere along the line I forgot that and now I know I’m falling for her–scratch that– I’ve fallen for her. I’ve fallen head over heels for my student. That notion alone should have me panicking and turning the car around, but instead I can’t help but smile. We’ve been sleeping together for two weeks, but I think I knew the moment we started spending more time together that this wasn’t just sex. In fact, I knew the moment I set eyes on her that the consuming attraction I felt toward her wasn’t just about sex. I pull into one of the parking spots outside the hotel and turn o the engine, trying to stop my crazy thoughts about how much I want to be with this girl. I reach up to brush my finger against her cheek lightly and her eyes flick open. “We’re here, baby.” She smiles sweetly and glances around at the grounds of the hotel I’ve brought her too. It cost more than I could a ord as a professor, but I wanted to treat her to something special.

Her eyes widen. “This place seems too fancy,” she says, sitting up straight in her chair. “Only the best for you,” I reply, leaning over to press my lips against hers. She links her hands behind my neck and moans as my tongue slips into her mouth. Something tells me we it’s going to be tough to even leave the hotel room much on this trip, but I want to. I want to spend time with her as a normal couple, even if we’re far from normal. I want to swim in the sea with her and kiss her on the beach. I pull away and get out of the car, walking around to open her door. She takes my hand and I help her out. I watch her as she gazes at her surroundings. How did I get this lucky? It’s all I can think anytime I’m around her. I grab our bags from the trunk and then head toward her, entwining my hand with hers as we step through the entrance to the hotel. “Good Afternoon, sir. How can I help you today?” The lady behind the counter asks. “I’d like to check in. Logan Tanner.” She glances between me and Sasha for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly, before turning her attention to the computer. “One room, is that correct?” she gives us another strange look. “Yes, thank you.” She makes a tutting noise and then continues typing away at her computer. Her face scrunched up in disgust.

I wonder if our age di erence is really that noticeable. I mean sure, Sasha is twenty years old, and I’m thirty-three. It’s an age gap but not a huge one. Sasha squeezes my hand and smiles at me in a way that chases away any doubts. I’m exactly where I should be, by her side. The woman gets the key cards ready and passes them over to me. “Room 504 on the top floor.” “Thank you,” I say, grabbing the keys and settling a hand on Sasha’s waist as I steer her toward the elevator. I keep my hand on her waist as the elevator carries us to the expensive suite I booked. Sasha stands in front of me worrying her lip between her teeth. I desperately want to know what she is thinking. Does she realize how I feel about her? I wonder if this mini-break reveals the truth of my feelings to her. She’s more than just a fling or sex. Sasha is everything to me. I spent some of my savings to book this place. It’s more than I could normally a ord on my salary, but I want her to realize how much she means to me. I don’t care about anything but her. What the hell am I doing? I’m going on a mini-break with my twenty-year-old student. I know how ridiculous all of this is rationally, but my heart is well and truly lost to this woman. She probably sees this as nothing more than hot sex with her professor. That’s all this is supposed to be. But, try telling my heart that. It’s like talking to a brick wall. If this thing between us were to stop, I can’t even think about how heartbroken I’d be.

I squeeze her waist and try to stop thinking about anything else but enjoying this weekend. “Come on,” I say, stepping out of the elevator with both our bags on my shoulder. I stop outside the room and swipe the key card in the door to open it. Sasha gasps as she steps into the hotel room and glances around with wide eyes. “Holy shit. This definitely cost too much.” I watch her as she walks toward the floor to ceiling window with sliding door out onto a balcony with a hot tub —which I intend to use later—looking out over the azure sea. “Why did you book such a fancy place?” I wrap my arms around her waist and presses my body against her back. “I wanted to treat you.” I kiss her neck lightly. “We’ve been hiding in my apartment or o ce and I thought it would be a nice change.” I move my lips to her bare shoulder and she shivers in my arms. She moans as I cup her breasts in my hands through her top, and she arches her back toward me, pressing her tight ass against my hard-throbbing cock. I groan and stop, spinning her around to face me. “If you keep doing that, we won’t leave this damn hotel room all weekend.” She smirks up at me and cups my length through my pants. “Sounds good to me.” I can’t help but growl, as I crash my lips to hers, claiming her lips with mine. She moans loud, melting into me. I growl, forcing myself away from her lips, tightening my grip on her hips. “Although, I want to stay in here with you and do unspeakably dirty things to you, I brought you here

so we could do things together outside of the confines of a room.” She pouts at me teasingly. “But, I want to do you.” Fuck this girl is going to be the end of me. I growl and kiss her again. “Later,” I murmur against her lips. “Right now, we’re going to buy you a sexy as sin swimsuit and head down to the beach.” Her eyes flash with desire and playfulness. “Hmm, the beach does sound good. Perhaps we can do some skinny dipping.” “Damn it, Sasha.” I kiss her hard one last time. “Stop teasing me.” I grab her hand and pull her toward the door, grabbing the key card and shoving it in my pocket. “We’re going to get a swimsuit from the hotel shop and straight to the beach. No more funny business.” She breaks out into the cutest giggle I’ve ever heard as I force her out of the door. It’s ridiculous how hard it is to resist this sexy woman. It’s going to be very hard to spend the entire afternoon on the beach with her, without fucking her. Maybe I can fuck her in sea if it’s not crowded. The thought makes my cock swell and throb in my shorts.




an you rub some sunscreen on my back?” I ask, twirling the bottle in front of him.

Logan sits up, abs rippling deliciously and drawing my eyes to them. He lets out a low growl as he grabs the bottle from me and shifts to get a better angle to apply the sunscreen. His hard length has been straining against his swim shorts the entire time we’ve been lying on the beach. It’s lucky there aren’t many people down here to notice. It’s beautifully peaceful as the waves lap against the shore and the wind rustles the leaves of the palm trees above us. Logan begins to rub the sunscreen over my back and his touch makes me moan. “Sasha,” he says my name in a warning tone. “There’s no need to moan while I’m applying sunscreen to your back.” I laugh. “There is when your hands are rubbing me like that.” I can feel him tense as he stops rubbing it on my back. “I’m just rubbing sunscreen onto your back.” He continues to rub his rough, large hands over me, making my pussy wetter with each caress.

I moan again, loud. “That’s it. You’re a naughty girl and you need punishing.” His arms wrap around my waist and he lifts me into him. I giggle. “What are you doing?” “You’re getting punished, baby,” he groans into my ear. A thrill of excitement races through me and my already soaking wet pussy, gushes more. He starts to move toward the Azure sea, carrying me in his strong arms. I scream as he walks me into the sea, the cold water lapping at me. “It’s cold,” I say, shivering his arms. “You asked for it.” He drops me to my feet and I try to claw myself back into his warm arms. “It’s not that cold.” He wades out further, pulling me with him, until our bodies are submerged entirely in the water and I can’t stand up. I wrap my thighs around his hard waist. “Don’t worry. I intend to heat you up.” He kisses me hard, tangling his tongue with mine and making me moan. “You’re driving me fucking wild, Sasha,” he groans and grinds his hard length against my skimpily clad pussy. “Fuck me, professor. Fuck me right here in the sea.” I grind against him. “I need you.” He growls. “You’re so fucking dirty and naughty. You want me to fuck you here in public?” I glance behind us toward the shore, chewing on my bottom lip. There’s only a few people on the beach and they are too far o in the distance to see what we’re doing beneath the

waves. “No one will see us out here,” I say, teasing my teeth against his bottom lip. “Please, sir.” He growls and then bruises his lips hard against mine, stealing the breath from my lungs. I melt into his hard, muscular body. Suddenly, the cold water doesn’t feel so cold, as he sends heat flooding and burning through my veins. I cling onto him easily in the water as he moves his hand under my bikini bottoms and slides his thick finger through my wet pussy lips. He groans against my neck. “You’re so fucking wet from thinking about your professor’s cock all day.” He slides his finger into my tight wet folds, curling it to hit that spot that makes me scream. “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?” I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming loudly. They may not be able to see what we’re doing from the beach, but if I don’t keep it down they will be able to hear. “I’m going to make you come so hard, Sasha.” He rubs his thumb across my clit and I jolt, gazing into his sparkling blue eyes as he strums me into a frenzy. “Please, Logan…I need to feel you inside me.” He smirks widely. “Naughty girls don’t get what they want,” he teases, nipping at my ear. Fuck. Maybe I shouldn’t have been teasing him all day, but I want him–no I need him. I need to feel him stretching my tight pussy. It’s been too long since we last fucked and I’m gagging for it.

“Naughty girls have to wait for what they want,” he groans against my neck, as he continues to slowly plunge one finger in and out of me. It’s excruciating how slow he’s going. I need him now. From the huge bulge in his shorts, he needs this as much as I do. I cup his length through his wet shorts and he growls. “No touching.” I whimper as he spins me around in the water and holds my back against his chest. “Fuck, Logan. I need you…” He licks a path up the column of my neck. “I’m going to make you so desperate for my cock you won’t know what to do with yourself,” he groans into my ear. I try to grind back against him but he holds me firm. His fingers return to my pussy and he strokes the lips first, teasingly slow, skirting around my throbbing clit. I cry out as the needy desperate sensation for him is almost impossible to stand, but I can’t do anything. “Have you ever heard that delayed gratification can be ten times better?” he whispers into my ear. “No…I-I just need–” He thrusts two fingers deep inside of me, stopping me midsentence. I buck against his fingers, trying to get them deeper inside of me. “I know what you need, baby girl, but you’ve been too fucking naughty to get it.” I cry out, biting my bottom lip as he flicks his thumb over my clit gently. It’s a light, almost ghost of a touch, but it sends me right to the edge. My pussy clenching hard around his fingers, but he stills entirely leaving me hanging on the edge.

“Fuck baby, you are so responsive.” He kisses my neck. “But, you can’t come yet,” he growls. Slowly, he continues to finger my pussy and lightly caress my clit, building the hot fiery pressure all over again. I can feel the fire burning, raging inside of me. If he doesn’t stop and fuck me soon, I’m going to go insane. “Please, Logan… Please…” “Tell me what you want,” He growls. “I want–no–I need your big hard cock stretching my tight pussy out right now. Please…” I’m shamelessly begging my professor to fuck me in the damn sea and I don’t care. I need him more than I’ve ever needed him. I can feel him shift behind me and finally, he frees his huge length. It settles between my thighs, throbbing as he rubs the head through my slit. I whimper at the feel of his hot, cock withdraw and press between my ass cheeks. I arch my back toward him, desperate to feel him inside of me. He runs the swollen head down past my tight puckered hole and through my slick, wet pussy again, teasing me with it. “Please, Logan…” I moan, arching my back more to sink him inside of me. My heart skips a beat as he turns me around and then drives into me with one hard thrust. “Fuck, Logan,” I scream, louder than I should have. Neither of us care as he drives into me is huge cock into me over and over again, holding both my ass cheeks tightly. He growls as he removes one hand from my ass and reaches down to tease my clit.

I cry out, bucking against him as he drives into me even harder, even faster. The sensitive nub between my thighs throbbing and hard against his finger. My whole-body tenses as the pressure builds to almost unbearable. I’m on fire as every inch of his cock sinks in and out of me with each thrust. “Fuck, baby. Your pussy is so fucking tight and wet.” He gazes into my eyes in a way that makes the pressure build more. The intensity and the feelings I have right then and there make me want to laugh and cry. It’s so strong, burning brightly inside of me. I love my professor. I think I’ve know it for a while now, but as he sinks his length into me over and over again, staring into my eyes, I’ve never been so sure of anything else before. I want him. Not just now, not just for a while, but forever. I know he won’t feel the same. He doesn’t want me not like that. This is hot sex with his student. Nothing more. I push these thoughts out of my mind and lose myself to him. My lips descend on his hard and I drag my hands through his thick dark hair. He thrusts into me harder and faster, making me shake with pure pleasure. The fire burning inside of me gets hotter and hotter as he lights up every pleasure center inside of me. White hot pleasure cascades through my body as I tumble over the edge, exploding on his cock. He was right. The intensity is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. He groans as he falls over the edge with me, pumping his hot thick cum deep inside of me, filling me up and marking me as his. “Fuck baby.” He groans as he finishes and slips his cock out of me. “You’re fucking amazing.” He captures my lips with his and I moan instantly. “And, so damn insatiable.” He

laughs. He wraps his arms around me and swims with me closer in to shore. “Come on, let’s get you dried o .” He winks as he leads me back to our towels and we settle down in each other’s arms. I think I could die happy in this moment. Reality sucks but here with Logan, in this place, it feels like the most natural thing in the world. I know I’m screwed. The one thing I really want is to be with him, properly be with him. I know that is never going to happen.

I GET ready for dinner at the hotel restaurant and dress in my favorite flowery maxi dress with split up the thigh and plunging neckline. My heart is hammering in my chest. This is the first time I’ve ever been out to dinner with Logan and I’m nervous. We’ve had many times together, chatting and sitting over dinner at his place, but this is di erent. This makes it feel like a real date and I’ve got a feeling telling my heart otherwise is going to be tough. He has made me fall for him and I know this is going to make everything worse. The butterflies battering around in my stomach are making me feel sick. I’m not sure how long I’ve been “getting ready” in the bathroom. Probably too long as Logan knock at the door and shouts, “Sasha, what’s taking so long? We’re going to be late for our reservation.” I clear my throat. “Sorry, I’m ready,” I say, walking to the door and opening it.

Logan’s eyes light up as they drop to scan my dress and then rake back up to my eyes. “Fuck.” He runs a hand through his hair. “You look so beautiful.” My heart skips a beat and I can feel myself falling harder by the minute. His sparkling blue eyes hold my gaze for a moment and the heat in them makes me quiver with need. My panties soak through and I groan a little. “What’s wrong?” “You’ve made me wet already,” I say. He smirks down at me. “Good.” His hand entwines with my own and he pulls me toward the door. “We’ve got to get going or they might give away our table.” We head down in silence. A tension cloaking the air between us. It’s a di erent kind of tension than normal and I wonder if Logan feels this is a step too far. A real date. That’s what this is. The restaurant is set on top of the cli with the table looking out over the sea, reflecting the sparkling moon and stars in the water’s surface. “Hello, reservation for Logan Tanner,” Logan says to the host. He nods. “Right this way, sir.” Logan’s hand remains entwined with my own, as he leads me toward a table in the far-right corner of the terrace. It’s secluded and private. It makes me more nervous. We sit and the man hands us our menus, while Logan orders a bottle of wine.

I open the menu and my mouth falls open at the prices. “This is too expensive, Logan.” I shake my head. “We should go somewhere else.” He reaches for my hand across the table. “You’re worth it, baby.” A lump in my throat forms and I struggle to swallow around it. God knows how much this entire trip cost him, probably far too much for a college professor to a ord. “Relax and enjoy our time together not in my apartment or o ce,” he says. I nod and try not to let my mind run away with me. I read the menu and it’s all fancy stu I’ve never even heard of. “I don’t even know what to order.” “Do you like steak?” he asks. “Yeah, is that what you’re having?” He smiles. “Yes, shall I order it for you?” I nod, thankful that he is taking the lead here. I’m out of my depth in this place. Perhaps this is standard for Logan. Maybe he is used to fine dining with the women he dates. My stomach twists with jealously at the thought of him taking any other woman out. The waiter brings our wine and Logan orders our steaks. We start to chat and the unease I felt slowly melts away. “So, why did you decided to attend Wynton college?” Logan asks. I shrug. “I’m not sure to be honest. It wasn’t too far from home and I got in.”

He laughs. “Do you know what you want to do when you finish?” I shake my head and pull my bottom lip between my teeth. “Not really no.” I can feel my cheeks heating. He probably thinks I’m a stupid little girl that should have all this figured out by now. “You’ll work it out. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do until two years after I graduated.” He smiles at me, chasing away the nerves twisting my guts. “Really? You strike me as the kind of guy who always has a plan.” I raise a brow. “No, I’m a take it as it comes kind of guy.” He turns serious. “I never had a plan for you turning up and derailing me entirely.” My heart skips a beat. “Sorry about that.” He smirks. “I’m glad you turned up. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a while.” My stomach pools with heat. Does he mean it though? “Don’t be so silly.” His eyes turn serious and his jaw clenches. “I’m not being silly, Sasha. It’s true.” The waiter arrives with our steaks, breaking the tension between us as he sets them down in front of us. I tuck in, thinking about his words. The best thing that has happened to him. Does he just mean the sex? We chat about college and what he did before he decided to become a professor. The wine flows and I find myself feeling very tipsy by the time we’re finished. Before I know it, it’s

almost midnight and we’ve drank our way through two disgustingly expensive bottles of wine. He pays the bill which I’d hate to know the cost of. Then we head hand in hand back toward our room. Once we’re in the elevator, he pins me against the wall and kisses my neck. “Time to test out that hot tub. I’m going to fuck you all night,” he growls into my ear, pressing his hard length against me. I moan, my thighs clenching at the thought. “I want you so bad.” He kisses me again, silencing me with his lips. The elevator arrives at our floor and we can’t get to our room quick enough. We’ve barely shut the door and he’s already got my dress o me and on the floor. I work at his shirt, but with the e ects of the alcohol I’m too slow and he helps by ripping it o sending the buttons flying across the room. He undoes his belt and then slips out of his pants and boxers all at once. I undo my bra and then slip my lacy panties down past my ankles. He growls as he watches me, giving me that fierce, hungry look that makes me even more desperate for him. His arms snake around my bare waist and he pulls me into him, lifting me into his arms as if I way nothing, and carrying me out onto our private balcony looking over the twinkling sea. He sets me down in the warm water and a sigh escapes my lips. He joins me quickly, settling in by my side. “Sit on my lap,” he orders, eyes locked on my own. I move and straddle him, linking my arms around his neck. His hard length throbs against my pussy, making me grind

against him to get the friction I crave. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve had him, It’s never enough. My desire for this man is impossible to quench. His hand cups my ass cheeks and he spreads them wide. I freeze and then moan as his finger circles the tight muscles of my asshole, sending a new thrilling sensation through my body. “Stand up and turn around,” Logan growls. My thighs clench as I stand in front of him and then turn around. His hands cup my ass cheeks again and he spreads them wide. I gasp as his tongue flicks against my most private place and it sends new, naughty thrills through my entire body. He pulls away. “Do you like me playing with your ass, naughty girl?” I moan as he returns his tongue to the same spot. The sensation is like nothing I’ve ever felt before as his tongue plunges in and out of my ass. His fingers dip in and out of my pussy at the same time. “Do you want your professor to finger this tight little asshole?” he asks. I moan, loudly. The thought of his finger in my ass so filthy, but such a turn on. “I want to hear you say it, Sasha.” I buck my hips backward and nod. “Yes,” I gasp. He slaps my ass lightly sending a delicious sting through my body. “Naughty dirty girl,” he growls, pulling his fingers from my pussy and slowly circling my back hole with one.

My slippery juices coating it as he slowly pushes through the tight muscles. I cry out as his finger slips into my ass and sends pleasure I’ve never even dreamed of through my entire body. “Do you like that dirty girl?” he growls, pulling his finger in and out of my hole. I moan and whimper beneath him, unable to respond to his question. Stars dance in my vision as a pressure unlike any I’ve ever felt builds inside of me. He stands behind me, keeping his finger in my ass and allowing his cock to rest against my thigh. It pulses against me, hot and hard and so ready. “Fuck me,” I cry out. Logan’s finger thrusts faster in and out of my ass, sending me right to the edge. The moment I’m about to come undone, he thrusts his cock inside my slick pussy, keeping his finger in my ass. The heat inside of me explodes like a bomb. My muscles clench around him and I come undone, screaming his name out into the midnight air. He withdraws his finger from my ass and pulls me down to sit on his lap, twirling me around so I’m facing him. His cock is still hard and throbbing inside of me. Logan kisses me passionately and then begins to thrust in and out. I meet his movements, bobbing up and down on him in the hot, bubbling water. “That’s it baby, ride your professor’s cock hard,” he grunts. He pinches my hard nipples between his fingers as I move faster and faster on his cock, driving myself right back to the edge again. His throbbing dick lights up every pleasure

center inside of me. “That’s it. Make that pretty little pussy come on that thick fucking cock,” he growled against my lips and that’s all it took. I writhe against him as he thrust once more, hard and deep, roaring as he came. His hot thick cum pumping deep inside of me as his balls empty every drop. The sensation of his dick twitching and filling me with cum made me unravel again. Every muscle in my body tensed as I clenched down on his cock and came all over it. “You’re mine, Sasha,” he muttered against my lips. “Yours,” I replied back. I collapse in his arms and he twists to hold my back tightly, against him so we’re both gazing up at the twinkling night sky. I knew I could stay in that moment forever. Lost in his arms. Happy and Safe. My stomach churned with dread as I knew this blissful fantasy would come to an end tomorrow when we headed back to Wynton. We’d be back to fucking in secret. Back to me being a fling and nothing more.




’m standing in front of my class talking about Paradise Lost by John Milton. But, I’m on autopilot, not really paying attention.

Ever since I met Sasha, I’ve not exactly been the best teacher. All I can focus on is her and how beautiful she looks sucking on the end of her pen at the front of class. She used to do it innocently, but ever since we started fucking, I’m sure she’s teasing me as she slips it between her plump, red lips. It’s been four weeks since we first slept together–since I took her virginity. We’ve been stealing risky moments around campus or in my o ce, not to mention a very hot and dirty weekend away. She’s even been spending a lot of time at my apartment and slept over more times than I can count. It’s a first for me. I never normally let women sleep over. It’s the first time I’ve felt like this for anyone and she’s my damn student. This past weekend we spent most of the time together in bed. She told her roommate she was going home for the weekend. It’s less risky being at my place since I live alone on the other side of Wynton.

I’ve never wanted to sleep with one woman exclusively for this long, but ever since I met Sasha she’s the only woman that I want. She’s growing more and more confident in the bedroom and in the classroom. It’s hot the way she challenges me intellectually and sexually. She wears short skirts to class now, and never has panties on, in case I get the chance to make her come on her desk. We’ve been getting increasingly ballsy about where and when we fuck. I know it’s dangerous. Lately, all I can think about is claiming her fully. I want to fuck her tight little asshole, but I haven’t mentioned it to her. She lost her virginity a month ago. The last thing I want to do is scare her o , but more and more I’ve been picturing her bent on her knees with my dick in her ass. I bought a butt plug the other day and intend to ask her if she would like to use it while I fuck her. She likes it when I tongue fuck and finger her ass, so I’m working my way up to it. I’m not normally so fucking filthy, but she makes me this way. I want to do things to her I’ve never wanted to do to anyone else. As class wraps up, Sasha’s eyes find mine and I know exactly what she’s thinking. It’s my o ce hours. Which means it’s time for us to have some fun. I head straight for my o ce aware that she is following me. My cock is rock hard and throbbing against my thigh already. I enter my o ce and wait for her. She opens the door and shuts it behind her, turning the lock. “You look fucking gorgeous today.” I step toward her, pulling her into me hard and kissing her. “I was hard as nails all class.”

Sasha smiles at me with a glint of playfulness in her eyes and grabs my hand, forcing it under her skirt. “I’ve been soaking wet all class, professor.” I groan as she’s not wearing any panties. I pull my fingers away from her tight cunt. “I’ve got something for you.” She cocks her head to the side. “What is it?” I wink. “Be patient and I’ll show you.” I dive into my desk and pull out the box. “You don’t have to use it, but I thought it might feel good.” I open the lid and show her the small butt plug I ordered. She gasps and then walks toward me. “Is that a butt plug?” I nod and she takes it in her hand, feeling it. “You don’t have to—” “You want to stick this in my ass, professor?” Her voice turns flirty and mock innocent, as she presses the tip against her lips seductively and flicks her tongue out to tease the end. My cock thickens and jumps in my pants. “Do you want this in my ass while you fuck me?” Hearing her say it makes me groan. “Fuck, yes.” I shut my eyes for a moment trying not to lose control and force it in her ass right here and now. “Do you want it in your ass?” I open my eyes and gaze at her. She licks her lips. “Yeah, I want you to put it in there now and fuck me on your desk.” I growl and grab her waist, pulling her to me. “You’re such a filthy girl.” She smirks. “Not as filthy as you, professor.”

I growl as my cock thickens in my pants and strains against the zipper. It doesn’t matter how much I’ve had Sasha, it’s never enough. My grip tightens on her waist and I spin her around to face the desk, bending her over at the waist and pulling her skirt up to expose her perfect pink pussy nestled between her thighs and that tight as fuck asshole. I spread her round ass cheeks and move my tongue to lightly tease at the tight ring of muscles. She moans louder than she should considering where we are. I tongue her tight pink hole, making her whimper and buck into me. The tight muscles relax around my tongue and I fuck her with it for a while, slowly getting her used to the sensation. I lean down over her and nip at her ear. “Do you trust me, baby?” She moans a little and nods. “Yes, sir.” “Good.” I grab a bottle of lube I bought with the plug out of the desk and pour some on her hole. She gasps as the cold liquid comes into contact with her pink hole. I smother my fingers in lube and stick one finger inside her slowly like I did in the hot tub. The sounds she makes is half moan, half scream as she bucks against me, forcing me to thrust my finger in and out. I drizzle more lube over her hole and my fingers, readying her hole for the butt plug she’s still holding in her hand. “Do you like that?” I ask. She nods and whimpers, forcing herself up and down on my finger. Shit.

She’s so fucking dirty it’s a wonder I haven’t come in my pants. My cock is leaking precum all over my boxer brief and I’m sure there’s so much it’s going to soak through to my pants any minute. I add another finger and more lube, slowly stretching her hole, getting her ready for the butt plug. She’s hungry for it, bouncing back and forth on my fingers like she can’t get enough. Her pussy is glistening with her sweet juices, ready to be fucked. I use my other hand to tease her clit and she trembles beneath me, forcing her arm into her mouth to stop her from screaming out in pleasure. I add a third finger inside her hole, stretching it more than it has even been stretched, and her whole-body shakes and writhes on my desk. “Fuck, professor I’m going to come,” she gasps. Holy hell. All I’ve done is fingered her ass and she’s already coming. Her channel clamps down hard on my fingers and I groan loudly, wishing it was my cock deep inside her ass. I grab the butt plug from her hands and smother it in lube. “Are you ready?” She nods. “Yes, put it in my ass, sir.” I ease the tip into her hole and she relaxes around it, proving just how much she trust me. It doesn’t take long until her hungry ass swallows the whole thing. Her body is trembling on the desk as she glances back at me. “How does it feel?” She wiggles her butt. “It feels good.” Her eyes are dilated with pure burning desire. “But, it would feel better if your

dick was in my pussy.” I bite my lip. I want to tell her it would feel better if it was my cock stretching out her ass, but I refrain. Small steps. My dick is hurting as it pushes against the zipper of my pants. I quickly work to free it and then run the tip along her soaking wet lips. She makes the most delicious noise and her thighs quiver in anticipation. With one quick thrust, I drive my length into her. She feels amazing and so fucking tight with that plug in her ass. The butt plug squeezes her channel around me and she moans loud. “Not too loud, baby.” I whisper, grabbing her hair and arching her back toward me. I thrust in and out of her hard. My balls tightening already, as it’s too fucking tight inside her pussy. I’ve got to hold on though as I need her come again, while I’m deep inside her. “How does it feel being stu ed in both holes?” She moans and mutters something incoherent. Her eyes lull back in her head as she gives in to the sensation. I thrust deep inside her, hitting that spot that makes her scream, as she stifles each one against her arm. The mu ed sounds are like music to my ears. She rolls her hips back, trying to get more from me. It’s damn hard to hold out as I was ready to come just playing with her tight ass. Her breathing becomes faster and more labored and her body tenses. I know she’s close. Four weeks of fucking her more than anyone I’ve ever fucked and I know everything about her body and the way it reacts. She moans loud again and I don’t even fucking care. “That’s it baby, come on your

professor’s fat cock with that butt plug filling up your ass,” I growl lowly, leaning over to nip at her ear. Her tight little pussy clenches around me and I know she’s close. “Come for me, Sasha.” She whimpers and moans as I thrust in once more and her pussy clenches around my cock, milking at me and making my balls clench. “Professor, fuck. I’m coming.” She utters, trying to keep her voice down. “Yeah baby, come on your professor’s cock you dirty girl.” I slap her ass and thrust in once more. Her entire body convulses hard as her pussy milks me for all I’m worth. I grunt against her neck as I shoot rope after rope of my thick cum deep inside of her, filling her up and marking her as mine. I hold her close for what feels like a long time. My cock twitching and throbbing inside of her warm, tight, wet pussy. She’s still panting as I finally let her go and slip out of her. She stands and turns, grinning at me. My thick white cum drips out between her pussy lips, making my dick throb again and thicken. Fuck. She looks amazing. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close, kissing her hard. She moans into my mouth and I know if I don’t turn away from her I’m going to fuck her again. “Let me get you a towel,” I say, walking toward my gym bag and pulling out the towel. I pass her the towel and then pull my pants up and fasten my belt.

I pull her close to me and grab her ass cheeks, reaching around to tap the plug lightly. “Do you want me to take it out?” She smiles at me mischievously. “No, I’ll keep it in.” “Hmm, you like having your ass filled, do you?” I growl, my cock becoming painfully hard despite the fact I came no more than two minutes ago. She makes me insatiable. She nods her head and steps toward me. “I’d like it more if you filled my ass with you thick cock, professor.” I’m harder than nails now. My dick strains against the zipper of my pants, wanting to fulfill her request right here and right now. “You’re so dirty, Sasha.” She smiles and kisses me. “Yeah, and you love it.” A knock at the door startles her away from me and her eyes go wide. My heart speeds up to a hundred miles an hour and times seems to stand still for a moment. This was always going to happen at some point. We’ve been getting way too cocky and confident about where and when we fuck lately. I should have been more careful, but when she’s anywhere near me all reason flies out the damn window. “Hide under the desk,” I whisper, bending down to clean the cum that had dripped from her pussy onto the floor, and chucking the towel back on top of my gym bag. Sasha does as I say and slips under the desk and out of sight. I step toward the door and unlock it, swinging it open to find the Dean standing there. Perfect.

“Dean, to what do I own this pleasure?” I ask. She narrows her eyes at me. “Why was your door locked?” “I had a call with a researcher a few minutes ago and I didn’t want to be disturbed,” I lie, trying to come up with a plausible reason for locking my door. It’s not exactly custom practice to lock your o ce door, especially during o ce hours. “I see. May I come in?” she asks. I step aside reluctantly and allow her in. “How can I help you?” She turns to face me. “I wondered if you read the sexual harassment document.” My brow furrows as I stare at her. “I gave it a quick scan over…” The dean moves towards me and adjusts her low hanging top, displaying her full cleavage more prominently. “I told you to read it, Logan.” Her voice turns oddly seductive. “Sorry, I’ve been busy with getting new classes started,” I say. She steps even closer toward me and runs a finger down my chest. “I’ve had a rather alarming accusation made by a student.” I raise an eyebrow. “What sort of accusation?” “One of the students in your Junior literature class believes you’re having an a air with a student.” She runs her finger across my biceps next.

Inside my heart is beating out of my chest, but I keep my face straight. “I can assure you that’s not true. Which student alleged this?” I take a step away. She steps closer to me. “Jack Ansel said he saw you leaving Sasha Harman’s apartment the other day.” My heart stops beating for a moment at the mention of the girl hiding behind my desk at this exact moment. “That’s correct. I went by to drop o some work for her because she’s my TA.” Dean Alison steps toward me so there’s only inches between us, and she runs her palm across my chest, feeling my muscles beneath my shirt. “It’s not standard practice for a professor to visit a student at the place they live.” She moved to squeeze my bicep with her other hand. “Perhaps, I can turn a blind eye to this if you agree to do something for me.” I step backward and frown at her. “You don’t need to turn a blind eye because there is nothing going on between me and my student.” She shakes her head. “Tessa Smith also came to me and alleged that you came on to her.” I snort in disbelief. “I dismissed Tessa as my TA because she came on to me. She turned up here and tried to cross the line. That’s why I dismissed her.” “Logan, you’re clearly not getting it.” She shakes her head. “I’m horny as hell and you’re the hottest professor here.” My mouth hangs open. What the fuck is going on? “So, either you take me out and give me a good fucking, or I’ll expose you and ruin your career.” She steps forward and lowers her voice. “It’s that simple.”

I stare at her in shock. “W-What?” She turns and saunters toward the door as if she’s just given me a standard instruction. “You heard me. I want a decision by the end of the week.” She leaves me standing there with my mouth on the floor. After a few moments, Sasha appears with tears blurring her eyes. She’s shaking and clutching her phone in her hands. I rush over to her and pull her into me. “Sasha, I’m sorry.” I wipe the tears from her cheeks. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.” “I can’t believe Jack saw you.” She takes in a deep breath and steadies herself. “I recorded the entire conversation. The dean has been caught red handed sexually harassing you and blackmailing you.” My eyes widen and I stare at her in shock. She’s so quick thinking. My heart swells and suddenly I want to hold her and never let her go. For a while now, I’ve started to realize this thing with her isn’t about sex. She makes me feel things I never believed I’d feel for anyone. The problem is we can’t really be in a relationship, not without breaking a lot of rules. I was the first to fuck her, but I want to be the last. She’s mine. “Sasha, I’m going to have to take it to the board of the university.” I cup her chin in my hands. “I’m also going to have to explain us.” She flinches slightly. “You can’t do that. You’ll lose your job.” I shake my head. “I’ll tell them the truth. There is a policy against professors harassing students, but I think I know away around it. I’ll tell them the truth.”

Her eyebrows hitch into her hairline. “What is the truth, professor?” I wince at her calling me professor. “I’ve told you to call me, Logan.” She bites her lip. “Sorry, what is the truth, Logan?” she asks again. I smile at how damn cute she is. “The truth is I want to be with you, Sasha. Really be with you.” I shake my head. “I want to take you out on a proper date and kiss you in public.” I brush my finger along her cheek. “I want to tell everyone I know that you’re mine.” My heart swells as I tell her the truth. “Come over to my apartment tonight at seven o’clock and we will discuss it. It’s too dangerous here.” She nods. “Okay, I’ll see you later, Logan.” She kisses me hard. “See you later, baby.” I mutter, as she turns and walks away. I watch her leave my o ce a little dumbstruck that I just told her how I feel. It’s the truth though. Have I lost my mind? Possibly. I know that I can’t live without this girl and if that means I lose my job, so be it. I think I knew that the moment I set eyes on her in that lecture hall, even if it seemed ridiculous. Something deep inside of me was awoken by her and I’ve never felt this alive. I never believed this would happen to me, but you can’t help who you fall for. I’ve fallen in love with Sasha. She’s mine and I’m never letting her go.




he sun beats down on my skin, as I walk back toward my apartment. It feels like I’m walking on air. I can’t believe Logan wants to tell the board about us. Perhaps, I’m looking into it too much, but it sends a tingling sensation through me. Is this as real as it feels? I know I love him but does he love me? When I make it back to the apartment, I hear voices coming from the kitchen. Jack is sat at the table opposite Ally. Anger rushes through my blood at the sight of him. He told the Dean about me and Logan. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask. He turns and smirks at me. “I was dropping by. I wanted to speak to you. Ally told me you should be back soon.” I glare at Ally and she shrugs. “He wouldn’t leave, I’m sorry.” I grit my teeth together. I’d been in a damn good mood until this asshole showed up. “What do you want?”

He glances between me and then Ally. “I think you may like me to discuss that in private.” I shake my head. “Anything you have to say can be said in front of Ally. She’s my best friend.” He looks a little shaken by that. “I know what you are up to. I’ve reported you to the dean.” I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m not up to anything.” He shakes his head and walks toward me. Ally heads toward her room. “I’m going to give you guys a moment alone to hash this shit out.” Thanks a lot. Leave me with this freaking creep. “I know you’ve been fucking Professor Tanner,” Jack says. The blood drains from my face hearing him say it to my face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He gets closer to me, a mean smirk curving his lips. “That day you slammed the door in my face, I saw him leave a few minutes later.” I shrug. “He had to drop some work over to me. I’m his TA this semester.” His face falls slightly. “Bullshit. If that was the case why did he hide when you opened the door?” He crosses his arms over his chest. “If you don’t have sex with me, then I’m going to make sure everyone knows the truth about how much of a professor whore you are.” Anger bubbles up inside of me, but I keep cool. “You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. There is no way in hell I’m sleeping with you. Not now or ever.”

Jack grabs my wrist hard and yanks me toward him. “Get o


He forces his lips against mine. I push him away. “I said get the fuck o voice, and Ally comes rushing back in.

me, Jack.” I raise my

“Jack, I think it’s time for you to leave.” She glares at him with her hands on her hips. He glances between me and Ally a couple of times before blowing out a long breath and rushing toward the door without another word. I watch as he lets himself out. Tears well up in my eyes as everything that is going on hits me at all once. It’s as if everything is against us. First the dean, now Jack. Ally rushes toward me and pulls me into hug. “What was that all about?” I pull back and gaze into the concerned eyes of my friend, and I know I need to tell her the truth about who I slept with. If I don’t get all the crazy feelings o my chest, it feels like I might explode. “There’s something I’ve got to tell you.” I sni , signaling for her to sit at the kitchen table. “Okay, sure.” She sits down and watches me expectantly. I rub my hands together. “You can’t tell anyone about this though.” She holds her hands in the air. “Of course, who am I going to tell?” I roll my eyes at that as she loves to gossip. I bite my lip suddenly unsure whether I should tell her. “I want to tell you

who I had sex with,” I blurt out. Her eyes narrow. “You said I didn’t know him.” I bite my bottom lip. “I lied.” She gasps and holds a hand to her chest dramatically. “How could you?” I swallow hard and gaze at the table. “Because, I’m not sure you’re going to believe me when I tell you.” Her brow furrows. “Of course, I will. You’re my best friend.” I pause for a moment, truly considering if I should tell her or not. The risk is high, but Logan said he wants to make this o cial, so she will find out sooner or later. “It was Professor Tanner.” Her eyes widen and her face falls. “Are you being serious?” I glance back up at her. “We’ve been sleeping with each other ever since.” She claps me on the back. “Well fuck me sideways. You’re one lucky gal, losing her virginity to a man as sexy as him.” I smile. It’s true. I am lucky and I feel even more lucky that he wants to date me. “Yeah, problem is, Jack saw him leave here the first day we had sex. He has told the dean who is now blackmailing Logan into having sex with her.” “Logan?” She raises an eyebrow. I laugh. “Yeah, well he told me to call him by his first name.” “Holy crap. It sounds like you’ve walked into some sort of drama TV series.”

I laugh. “I know. The craziest thing is that Logan told me he wants to tell the board of directors about us.” Ally goes silent now her mouth ajar. “Do you mean he wants to date you?” I nod and she looks stunned for a minute. “Damn, girl. You’re one lucky bitch. Do you want to be with him?” I smile, relieved that she is being so supportive and not giving me shit over being so reckless. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I...” My face flushes as I realize exactly what I feel for Professor Tanner and that I’m about to say it out loud. I’m in love with my English Professor. “What is it? You’ve turned red.” She nudges me. I swallow hard. “I think I’m in love with him.” She narrows her eyes. “Are you sure it’s not because he took your virginity, because that can feel like love sometimes.” I shake my head. “No, he makes me feel happy and safe.” She raises an eyebrow. “I’m sure he does. So, how is he in bed?” Heat rushes through my body, settling in my cheeks. “Ally. I’m not going to discuss that.” She pouts. “You’re my best friend. That’s what best friends talk about.” I sigh and submit to the puppy dog gaze. “He’s really good. Can we leave it at that?” She bites her lip. “Fuck, I bet he’s amazing. Has he got a big cock?”

I can’t contain my laughter this time. Ally is so blunt and sex crazed. “I haven’t got a lot to compare it to, but it’s bigger than any I’ve ever seen before.” “You watch enough porn to know. Is it porn star size?” “I guess so. If I was to estimate it’s about nine inches.” Her mouth hangs open. “Fuck me. I’ve never seen one that big before. You are one lucky devil.” “Please promise you won’t tell a soul. I know you like to gossip.” She frowns at me. “I like to gossip, sure, but I’d never fuck my best friend over and tell people something like this.” She shakes her. “What do you take me for?” I grab her hand a squeeze lightly. “Thank you. I really needed to tell you.” Her eyes narrow and she sits up straight. “That night in O’Malley’s, when you disappeared into the bathroom for quite a while…Where you?” The heat in my cheeks gets even worse. “Yeah, we had sex in the bathroom stall.” She claps her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god, you’re dirtier than me.” I laugh and let out a small sigh. “I might be, yes. He just makes me crazy.” She smiles. “When are you seeing him again?” “Tonight. He asked me over to his place for dinner.” She stands up and grabs my hand dragging me with her. “Where are we going?”

“I’m going to help you get ready for your smoking hot date.” I smile and can’t believe how happy I feel right now. My best friend knows the truth and is more supportive than I could have hoped for. The man I’ve fallen for wants to be with me. There is just one tiny problem, getting the board of directors to accept us being together.




wait nervously for Sasha as the clock hand moves to five minutes past seven. She’s late and it makes me more anxious. I’ve cooked my mother’s famous lasagna for her and set the table with candles. I’ve got some music playing in the background. It’s the first time I’ve ever properly cooked for a woman. I’ve thrown together a few meals for Sasha, but this is a proper meal. The reason I’m so damn anxious is because I know what I feel for Sasha is real, but does she feels the same? I need to tell her the truth tonight. She’s too special to me to ever let go. I’m scared she might not feel the same way. The doorbell rings and my heart beats out of my chest. I can’t believe the way this woman makes me feel. I walk slowly toward the door and open it. She looks breathtaking, wearing a navy-blue dress. Her hair is down in waves falling over her shoulder. “You look stunning.” She smiles at me and takes in my appearance. “You don’t look half-bad yourself.” I laugh and step aside to allow her in. After shutting the door, I place my hands on her hips and kiss her neck. “I

cooked dinner.” “That’s so sweet of you. Thank you.” She swivels in my arms and kisses me gently. “I’m sorry, I told Ally about us,” she blurts out. Panic blooms in my gut. “Really? What did she say?” She smiles. “She was really supportive.” Relief spreads through my chest to hear her friend hasn’t got a problem with us being together. At least that’s one person who has been won around to our side. “Well, that’s good news. Now we’ve got to work out what to do about the dean.” She trembles in my arms and bites her lip. “Jack turned up at my apartment today.” My brow furrows. “What did he want?” Tears fill her eyes as she gazes up at me. “He said if I don’t have sex with him that he is going to tell the entire school that I’ve been fucking you.” Rage courses through my veins and my grip tightens on Sasha’s hips. There is no way that boy is laying a hand on her. I pull back and gaze into her eyes, wiping a stray tear from her cheek. “He won’t go near you.” I growl. “I won’t let him lay a hand on you.” I pull her close and she melts into my arms. “Don’t worry. I will fix this, baby.” She nods and pulls her arms tighten around my waist. There is no way I’m letting anyone hurt her, not now or ever. We pull away and I guide her through to my kitchen. The world seems to be against us at the moment. First the dean, and then Jack. Before Sasha arrived, I spent a couple of hours

studying the sexual harassment memo, as well as the college rules. As far as I can tell, if there is mutual and consensual agreement to date, there is no rule against a legal age college student and professor dating. The problem is she is one of my current pupils and that seems to be where the rules are a little hazy. I don’t intend to bring it up just yet, though. Instead, I want to enjoy the evening. I know at some point this night I’m going to have to talk to her about my feelings, but right now I want to enjoy her. I set a plate of lasagna and salad in front of her and she sighs. “Sexy and a good cook. How did I get so lucky?” I smirk. “I’ve been asking myself the exact same question.” She blushes at that comment and looks down. A comfortable silence settles between us as we tuck into the food. She moans as she takes a third bite of my lasagna. “This is amazing. Where did you learn to cook like this?” “My mom taught me. She’s great, I reckon you two will get on really well.” I freeze as I realize what I just said. I suggested that she was going to meet my mom. We’re so not at that point yet. I don’t even know if she truly wants to be with me. This could all be one sided. Sasha tenses and she looks a little surprised by my mention of meeting my family. I wonder if that is an answer to the question on the tip of my tongue. She doesn’t really see this as any more than sex or a fun fling. We continue chatting over dinner and she tells me about her family. I keep the conversation light as fear over her true feelings hold me back from telling her how I feel.

“That was delicious,” Sasha says, as she finishes o bowl of homemade tiramisu.


I can’t help but smile at her. “I’m glad you like my cooking.” She holds my gaze and licks her lips in a way that makes my cock thicken instantly, making precum spill into my boxer briefs. “Are you ready for a second helping of dessert?” I ask, resting my hand on my throbbing cock. She nods and stands up, sauntering toward me. I smile when she straddles my lap and kisses me hard. After a few moments, she pulls back. “Professor?” “What is it, Sasha?” “Can you fuck me in the ass tonight?” she asks, in that sweet but not so innocent voice. My dick hardens even more and throbs against her ass. “Are you sure you can handle my thick cock stretching out your ass?” I nuzzle her neck. She nods and bites on my bottom lip. “I want your big cock stretching my ass, professor.” I growl and claim her mouth with my own. She’s such a dirty girl. “You’re a naughty girl that needs punishing.” I lift her in my arms and carry her toward my bedroom. Sasha giggles as I kiss her neck. “Punish me, professor.” She knows exactly what to do and say to make my balls ache for release. I set her down in the middle of my bed and strip her clothes o . She reaches for mine but I stop her. “No, I’m

in control. You’re a naughty girl and I’m going to punish you.” I bite her nipples lightly and she gasps. I trail kisses down her stomach all the way to her slick cunt. She’s wetter than ever, thinking about my dick in her ass. The last thing I want to do is hurt her, though. This is the first time she will have had anal sex and my cock isn’t exactly on the small side. I turn her over and groan. The butt plug I bought her is still firmly wedged in her tight asshole from earlier. “You’re wearing this still?” She wiggles her ass. “I like how it feels. I wanted to be ready for you, professor.” I growl loudly, before licking her pussy and tasting her sweet honeyed juices leaking from her pretty pink lips. She moans and bucks her hips toward me, trying to get more from me. I reach for the butt plug and slowly, gently pull it out. Her hole is gaping slightly and pink. It looks like heaven. I lick her there before tongue fucking her ass, making her moan and her pussy even wetter. I stick my fingers in between her slippery pussy lips, sliding inside and curling them, finding the perfect spot that makes her scream. “Logan,” she screams my name, as I keep tonguing her ass and plunging my fingers into her slick cunt. She grinds back against me, forcing my tongue deeper into her ass. I stop and remove my fingers from her pussy, drenched from her arousal, and slowly ease one into her tight little hole. She whimpers beneath me and begins to grind her hips back against my finger. “Do you like having your professor’s finger deep in your asshole, baby?”

She nods her head and moans. I slap her ass cheeks, leaving a pretty pink mark on her creamy soft skin. “Naughty girl,” I growl. “Fuck, Logan,” she screams my name and her tight asshole tightens around my finger, clamping down as she comes hard. “That’s it. Come with my finger in your ass.” I remove my fingers from her hole and dip my tongue inside her sweet pussy to taste the sweet as honey cum pouring from her lips. “You come so fucking well for me, baby,” I groan. I slap her ass cheek again, leaving a pink mark on the other side. She moans louder, while I tongue fuck her ass some more. She bucks backward onto my tongue as if she needs more. My dick is painful in my pants. It wants to be buried to the hilt in her tight asshole so bad. “Are you ready, baby?” I ask. She nods. “Yes, professor. Please fuck my ass with your big cock.” She glances back at me and her eyes are dilated with pure longing. “Not too fast. I’m going to stretch your hole even more first.” I grab a bottle of lube o my side table and smother her hole. I slide one finger in and out first, getting more and more lube inside her. Slowly I add another finger and then another, until I’ve got all three fingers stretching her hole and adding more and more lube. The last thing I want is to hurt her.

She’s moaning and writhing in pleasure. “Logan, fuck I’m coming again,” she screams. Fuck yeah. She’s loving it more than I thought was possible. Her muscles contract around my fingers, squeezing them inside her tight channel. I’m satisfied she’s ready so I turn my attention to my clothes. She’s whimpering below me as I slowly remove my shirt and then pants, before freeing my cock from my restrictive boxer briefs. All the while, she glances back watching me. “Are you ready for my cock in that tight virgin ass?” I ask, staring into those fiery blue eyes. She nods. “Fuck, yes,” she moans. I turn my attention to my throbbing dick, the crown glistening with sticky precum. I smother it in lube. Then return to her asshole, adding more lube, before kneeling behind her and thrusting my cock between her ass cheeks, rubbing the underside of my throbbing length against her puckered hole. Her body quivers beneath me and she moans loud. “Please, Logan…” she gasps, as I smack her ass and she screams in delight. “Please fuck me in the ass. Please.” Her voice is thick and full of desire. She is so far gone and shamelessly begging me to fuck her ass and it makes me crazy. I push the swollen crown of my cock against her tight little hole. She’s already stretched enough by the butt plug and my fingers that the head slides in past the tight muscles and into her hot tight channel. I stop still to make sure I haven’t hurt her. “Relax, baby. Breathe deep breaths,” I say, rubbing her back in a soothing motion.

I feel her body relax beneath me on command and she takes in a long deep breath. My dick sinks further into her tight pink hole, encasing me in her hot tight ass. Inch after inch sinks in until I’m half way and it’s so fucking tight. “Are you okay?” She moans. “Fuck, yes.” I continue and push again, sinking my cock further and further inside, until my balls are resting against her pussy. I glance down to see her hungry little virgin hole has taken every inch of my thick cock. The sight threatens to have me coming inside her right then and there. I tear my eyes away and focus on controlling myself. She bucks her hips in an attempt to move me in and out. “Please fuck me, sir.” Holy shit. She really does love it in her ass and I’m the one that needs a moment to adjust to her perfect hole. I feel the cum boiling in my balls, aching for release. “It’s going to be tough to last long inside your tight little ass.” She moans as I move my hips in and out slowly. She bucks backward, trying to drive my dick even deeper inside her channel. I groan, as I pick up the pace and fuck her. Her pussy gushes with each thrust, as I rub her hard, throbbing clit with my fingers. She moans my name, “Logan, fuck me.” She spurs me on as I thrust into her harder. My balls slap against her pussy as I increase the tempo. I grunt hard as I

force myself to hold out. Her moans are like music to my ears. I hold still and grab her hair pulling her toward me. “Move slowly onto your side,” I order. She does as I say, keeping me inside her ass. I kiss her shoulder and then bite her neck, before thrusting into her from behind. I reach round and rub her clit while thrusting hard into her. “Fuck me harder, professor,” she moans, as her eyes lull back in her head. I grip hold of her throat and kiss her, moving my cock in and out of her tight hole even harder and faster. The pressure in my balls is almost unbearable, but I want to give it to her how she wants. I’m claiming every part of this beautiful woman as my own. I’m making sure she is ruined for all other men. That the only man she ever wants is me. She’s moaning and muttering incoherent things as I fuck her, nibbling on her ear at the same time and rubbing her swollen clit. I need her to come around my hard cock, but if this goes on much longer I won’t be able to last. I lightly bite her neck and grab her throat again as I force myself to hold on. The moment I grab her throat she begins to tremble against me. Her muscles spasm and tighten around my cock even more, and I know she’s about to come. “Fuck, Logan. I’m coming.” My balls clench, hearing her say that. “Yes, baby. Come for me. Milk my cock with your tight asshole.” One last thrust makes her scream with pleasure. She comes with her entire body and her tight channel squeezes around my dick. I grunt against her neck as she milks me for all I’m

worth. My balls release every drop of hot cum deep inside her virgin ass, marking her as mine. We rest together for a while neither of us saying a word or moving. Finally, I pull out gently and pull her close into my chest. Our heavy breathing fills the air. She hasn’t said a word and I start to worry I may have hurt her. “Are you okay?” She looks up at me. “Yeah, I’m better than okay. That was amazing.” I smile. Glad that I didn’t hurt her and that she enjoyed it. I settle back down on my back and enjoy holding her. Then I realize I need to bring up the hardest thing this evening. Whether or not she wants to be with me. I’ve never feared being rejected more than I do right now. Rubbing circles across her back with my thumb, I ask her, “Sasha, do you want to be with me?” My stomach is a mess as I wait for her answer nervously. “Yes, of course I want to be with you,” she says softly. A whisper of hope flutters in my chest, but I’m not sure she understands. I can’t imagine my life without her, but does she feel the same? She’s only twenty years old. She has her whole life ahead of her. I swallow hard, scared to pry anymore into her feelings. “Why?” I ask. She looks up at me a little confused by the question. “Why do I want to be with you?” I nod and bite my lip.

“Because when I’m with you I feel happy. Happier than I’ve ever felt before. You make me feel safe, Logan. I think…” She trails of suddenly looking vulnerable. I grab her hand and squeeze it lightly. “Keep going.” “Logan, I think I’ve fallen for you.” She turns bright pink and gazes at her hands. My heart swells and all the insecurity that had flooded me is gone. “I’ve fallen for you too, Sasha. I needed to know you felt the same.” She meets my gaze. “I don’t want you to risk your career for me though. It’s not worth it.” “It is worth it. I’ve never felt like this for someone before.” I shift slightly and kiss her. “There’s no way I’m letting you go, ever.” I feel her tremble against me. “Ever?” she asks. I shake my head. “You’re mine now, Sasha. I don’t ever want to be without you.” She rests her head back down on my chest and runs her hands over my abs. “I don’t ever want to be without you, professor.” I laugh. “I told you to call me, Logan.” I tickle her lightly and she start squirming. “Stop that.” She giggles “If you’re going to be my girlfriend you have to call me Logan.” She bites her lip. “Okay, but can I still call you professor when you fuck me?”

I smirk. “Of course, that’s a requirement.” How the hell did I get this lucky? This woman is amazing and she is falling for me. I hold her in my arms until she falls asleep. I don’t care that she’s my student anymore. It doesn’t matter. I know I can’t live my life without her. I’d give up anything to be with her.




wake the next morning in Logan’s bed, a dull tingling ache reminds me of exactly how dirty we were last night. After a long yawn, I turn over to find Logan’s no longer in bed next to me. I’m a little disappointed not to wake up wrapped in his strong arms. My stomach sinks slightly and I sit up in bed. “Logan?” I call out. Utter silence is all I get in response. My brow furrows as I can’t hear him in the en-suite shower. After last night, my heart feels like it’s going to burst. For the first time in my life, I know what it feels like to be head over heels in love. I feel like a giddy child on Christmas morning and I never want it to stop. My phone buzzes on my bedside table and I snatch it and check the message. Logan: Good Morning, Beautiful. I had to go and deal with the dean’s claims and didn’t want to wake you. I’ve been called into a meeting this morning. My stomach twists and a sinking dread wipes away that giddy sensation. This is where everything could go wrong,

where he could lose everything because of me. Logan wants us to be a real couple. He wants me to be his girlfriend. Last night I felt ecstatic, but even though he says he’s willing to risk his career, I don’t want him to. This is a relationship between two adults. Sure, he is my professor, but he never pressured me into this. In fact, I came onto him in the beginning, and I would happily tell them that. The desire was mutual. Not to mention, he is falling for me and I’ve fallen hard for him. This is real. I type in a text and send it o how it goes.

to him. Good Luck. Let me know

I can barely think of anything as I switch onto the Facebook app to check my notifications. The first thing that pops up in my feed is Ally’s smiling and rather tipsy face as she clings onto a shocked looking Liam. I can’t help but smirk at the image, obviously they’d gone out to a party last night. As I scroll mindlessly through the plethora of Facebook posts, an email pops into my notifications, drawing me to the app. I switch onto them to see an earlier email from Dean Alison. Shit. Dean Allison – Subject: Board meeting 9am this morning. My stomach twists as I click into the email and can barely believe what I’m reading. Dear Sasha Harman, We require your presence at the chancellor’s o morning. Please be here sharp. Regards, Dean Alison.

ce at 9 o’clock this

Logan has gone to face that bitch and the board of governors entirely alone. My chest tightens as I glance at the alarm clock on his bedside table. The meeting is in ten minutes and I’m on the other side of Wynton. I click on the Uber app and order myself a car. Speed is key and I need to get to Logan before he goes in front of them. I need to tell them truth and be there to support him. He obviously hadn’t considered they’d want to speak to the student who he is allegedly having an a air with. I jump out of bed and into the shower for a quick swill o before dressing. Without a minute to spare, the doorbell rings. My Uber driver is standing on the other side. “Good morning, miss. To Hendall University is that correct?” he asks, glancing down at his phone in his hand. I nod. “Yes, thank you.” I step out of the door, shutting it behind me and turning the key in the lock. Logan gave me a key to his place a week ago, since I’d been spending so much time here. I head out into the cool morning air behind the Uber driver and get into his small car. I’m thankful that the driver doesn’t force me into small talk, as my mind is not up for that. My stomach is a mess of nerves as he navigates the busy Wynton roads in the morning tra c. I can’t believe this is happening. I keep glancing at the time as the clock on my phone ticks to quarter past nine. I’m fifteen minutes late. Last night I’d never been so happy, but right now I feel sick. If Logan loses everything because of this, because of me, I’ll never forgive myself. My heart is pounding in my ears as my phone dings. Jack: Your boyfriend is going to lose his job and there’s nothing you can do about it.

My grip tightens around my phone. Jack makes me so damn angry. How could he do this to me? I delete the message and try to still my pounding heartbeat. I love Logan. It’s ridiculous how quickly I feel for him, but it doesn’t make it any less true. I can’t let him give up his career because of me. I text Ally asking her if she can back me up if needed. As, I’m going to fight this as hard as I can. She quickly texts me back telling me she’s on her way in to university, and if I need her she’ll come over to the meeting. It helps me feel a little better, but my stomach is still a mess of nerves. The fact is, he is my professor and I’m his student. We may be consenting adults, but I get a feeling that won’t be enough to redeem him. Somehow, I’ve got to make them believe I was the one that wanted the relationship and pursued him. It’s true. Ever since I met him, I wanted him. I was the first to make a move, trying to grab his cock. The car comes to a stop. “We’re here miss,” The Uber driver says, glancing back at me. “Thanks,” I jump out of the car and head straight into the center of the campus. I’m not even sure where the chancellor’s o ce is, but I’m assuming it is in the main building. I glance at my watch and it is quarter past nine. Shit. I’m so late. I break into a sprint across campus, desperate to make it there before they do something rash. They need to hear the truth from me. They need to know that I came onto him at first. If Logan were to lose his job because of me, I’d never forgive myself.




hat morning, when I left Sasha sleeping peacefully in my bed, I didn’t have the balls to wake her and tell her the truth. The dean beat me to it, clearly realizing I wasn’t going to submit to her terms, and contacted the University Chancellor and board of governors a day early. When I opened the email this morning, my heart stopped beating for a moment. This wasn’t how I wanted to tell them the truth. They will think I’m coming clean about our relationship because of being called in front of them. I’ve been summoned to a hearing to address the sexual harassment claims. Little does the dean know that I’ve got a recording of her blackmailing me. I hope to hell that is going to be enough to prove that her claims are false, to a point. Sasha wants to be with me. We want to be together and it’s not sexual harassment, it’s a real relationship. As I walk through the campus, rain begins to fall, but I don’t care that I’m getting wet. This could be my last day as a college professor. It’s hard to believe how quickly I fell in love with Sasha. If you’d asked me before whether I believed

in soul mates, I would have told you no way in hell, but now. I’m pretty certain she is my soul mate. The main building of the college comes into view and I gaze up at it. I’ve never felt surer about doing something so crazy in my entire life. I walk toward the room I’ve been told to meet in and a secretary stands up as I approach. “Professor Tanner?” she asks. I nod. “I’ll let them know you’re here. Please take a seat.” She gestures to the waiting area. I sit down but my legs won’t keep still, as I bounce them up and down in the waiting room outside. I can’t quite understand what the dean is getting out of this. She wanted me to fuck her but instead she played her cards a day early. Perhaps, she knew if I was going to play ball, I would have agreed by now. Maybe this is her making her point. “Professor Tanner,” the secretary calls my name. I stand and walk toward her desk. “They are ready for you.” I walk through the door to the o ce and find the dean sitting smugly at the table. Next to her are two older grayhaired men. A middle-aged woman, and a younger guy sit on the other side of the table. My heart skips a beat when I notice Tessa, my old TA, and Jack Ashford, Sasha’s exboyfriend, sitting near the back. Tessa won’t meet my eye, but Jack is sitting there glaring at me with a stupid smirk on his face. What a douchebag. “Professor Tanner, thank you for attending the meeting,” one of the older men speaks. “My name is Marcus, and this is Edgar.” He points to the man next to him. “Also in attendance is Elaine and Wilson.” He gestures to the man

and woman. “The rest of the attendees I believe you are already acquainted with, is that correct?’ “Yes, that’s correct.” I wait to be instructed where to sit. “Have a seat at the end of the table please,” Elaine instructs. I take the seat and stay silent, waiting for them to start. There’s no use playing my cards too early, I want to hear what they’re going to say. The lady turns to the older man sitting directly next to Dean Allison. “Marcus, can you read through the accusations.” He clears his throat. “Professor Tanner, we’ve received some accusations from a couple of students. Miss Tessa Smith has alleged that you tried to seduce her while she was working as your TA. One count of sexual harassment against a student is the alleged crime.” Marcus glances at Tessa who still can’t look at me. My jaw clenches. “The other alleged claim is that you, Professor Tanner, are involved in an inappropriate relationship with a student. This was alleged by Jack Ashford after he saw you leaving the student in questions house on the 12 th of September.” He glances at Jack who nods in agreement. Marcus returns his attention to me and clears his throat. “We’ve requested the presence of Sasha Harman via email, but she doesn’t seem to have arrived yet.” My heart skips a beat. Of course, they would want to speak with her. She’s the alleged student I’m in an inappropriate relationship with. I feel like hitting my head against the table for being so stupid. We could have come here together. Instead, I’ve left her to find her way over here, and she will be panicking. Fuck.

“We’d like to give you the chance to give us your side of the story and address the concerns raised,” Edgar says, speaking for the first time. I clear my throat and nod appreciatively. “May I address the alleged sexual harassment of Tessa Smith first, please?” Marcus nods in agreement. “On the first day of the semester, the 21 st of August, I told Miss Smith that I wouldn’t need her as my TA again. The reason for this was that she made suggestive comments toward me which crossed a line.” I steal a glance toward Tessa who is bright pink. “Approximately two weeks later, she turns up at my o ce hours and made more inappropriate comments and—” “I lied. Professor Tanner please don’t continue the story,” Tessa blurts out, standing to her feet. Her face is bright red. Relief spreads through me that she didn’t want me to reveal the fact she turned up to my o ce with no panties on and bared herself to me in an attempt to bait me into touching her. Marcus and Elaine stand. “Are you telling us that your accusation was false?” Marcus asks. She glances at the Dean nervously before nodding. “Yes, Professor Tanner never harassed me. In fact, I was the one who came on to him.” “Okay, please sit down. This can’t go unpunished,” Elaine instructs. She nods and sits back down next to Jack. A knock at the door has me holding my breath. It has got to be Sasha. The secretary pokes her head through the door. “Sorry to interrupt, Elaine, but Miss Harman is here.”

“Thank you. Send her in,” Elaine says, before turning to face me her eyes narrow. “You can address the other allegation with the student concerned present.” I nod and wait anxiously for Sasha to enter. Even though I only saw her this morning, I’m desperate to see her again. That beautiful face appears at the doorway, she is biting her lip which she always does when she’s nervous. The sight of her sends a serene calm through me. She smiles that stunning smile at me before sitting in the empty chair by my side. My fingers twitch to touch her, but I ignore it. Although we are going to tell them the truth, I think physical shows of a ection might not help our case. “Miss Harman, thank you for attending. Please wait silently while we listen to Professor Tanner addressing an allegation made concerning you,” Edgar instructs. She purses her lips together and frowns, but she doesn’t say anything. I clear my throat. “Addressing the other allegation of an inappropriate relationship with my student, after careful study of the sexual harassment memo and the universities rules, it is pretty clear to me that a consensual and loving relationship between a legal age student and professor is not against the rules. Is this correct?” Marcus and Elain mutter something to each other before they both nod. “You’re right, Professor Tanner,” Marcus says. I glance at Sasha and give her a reassuring smile. “Four weeks ago, Sasha and I started seeing each other. We’ve been dating ever since and I for one have fallen in love with her.”

The dean gasps, clasping her hand over her chest. “That’s a disgrace. A professor using his status to coerce a young and vulnerable woman into a relationship.” She shakes her head. “Thank you for your opinion, Mrs. Allison, but please refrain from speaking out of turn. We can’t assume that is the case.” Elaine glances at Sasha. “Miss Harman, may I call you Sasha?” She nods. “Of course.” “Sasha, please can you tell us the truth about your interactions with Professor Tanner. Don’t be scared to tell us exactly what the state of your relationship is with the Professor. Please include how exactly this relationship started.” She turns pink as she stares down at the desk. I’m worried she’s not going to say anything. Then she looks up with those blue eyes, determined. “As Logan said, approximately four weeks ago we entered into a relationship. It was actually me who made the first move. We were both attracted to each other. As time passed, it became clear that we both felt strongly for one another. I’ve fallen in love with him.” She glances at me and grabs my hand. “We are in a committed and loving relationship.” Dean Allison’s smug smirk has been entirely eradicated. Marcus rubs his forehead. “Well, that may be the case but it seems like Professor Tanner has violated one of our policies. The issue is that Miss Harman is in your Literature class, is that correct?” We nod together. “In that case, you have authority over her which isn’t allowed.” He stops and presses his fingers together on top of

the desk. Edgar sits up straighter and continues, “I think that perhaps on this occasion this slight oversight can be ignored. Especially considering the student admits she initiated the relationship.” Wilson, who had yet to speak, clears his throat. “I believe the following action will be acceptable. As you’ve both admitted the truth, if you wish to continue your relationship, we will either have to reassign the class to another professor or transfer Sasha out of that class. Whichever you decide. While we have no problem with consenting adults being together, we can’t allow it when the professor is in a position of authority over the student.” I clear my throat. “Please reassign the class to another professor. Sasha shows real promise, and I wouldn’t want to get in the way of her taking that class.” I squeeze her hand lightly. “Very well,” Marcus notes that down. “If that is all, it seems this meeting is over.” “Actually, I have an accusation of my own to make against someone in this room,” I say. I dig my phone from my pocket and open the sound file that Sasha had transferred to me. “Earlier this week, I was blackmailed and sexually harassed by Dean Alison and I have proof.” The deans face turns ghost white. I hold my phone up. “Will you allow me to play the proof?” Marcus’ eyes are wide but he nods. “Yes, please go ahead.” I press play on the recording and the entire conversation between us plays. Clear and incriminating evidence that the

dean was in the wrong all along. Everyone in the room turns to face the dean. Tessa stands suddenly. “The dean also forced me to come onto Professor Tanner. She wanted him to slip up so she could blackmail him,” she blurts out. I glance between Tessa and the Dean in shock. Holy crap. I didn’t see that coming. Tessa is a victim in all this. A victim of the dean’s weird obsession with me, which had come up totally out of the blue. She clearly intended to use any means possible to get me in bed with her. Marcus turns to the dean and stares at her. “Is this true, Becky?” All the blood drains from her face as she stares forward. “II.” She shakes her head unable to string a sentence together. Her shoulders drop. “It’s true.” Elaine shifts in her seat. “This is a very serious o ence. We can’t let it go unpunished.” She starts scribbling something down on a notebook. “You will be put on unpaid leave pending investigation. Once this has been discussed by the entire board then it is likely you will be dismissed, as you don’t deny the allegations.” The dean stares at the desk without saying a word. What possessed her to act so irrationally? I couldn’t understand it. I’d been teaching here at the university for a few years and she’d never given me cause to believe she wanted anything to do with me. It all came out of the blue. I’d never understand it, especially considering she has a husband and kids. Sasha takes my hand in hers and squeezes gently, drawing my attention to her. She’s smiling at me with tears glazing

her eyes. As I stare into those beautiful blue gems I realize just how much I love this woman. I risked everything for her. It didn’t matter that my entire career might have ended. There was no plan for that. All I care about is her.




ogan’s hand fits perfectly around mine, as we walk through campus away from the meeting. I’ve noticed a few students giving us odd stares, but I don’t care. I really don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. I love the man next to me and I want everyone to know he’s mine. “Come on, baby,” he says, pulling me toward the building with his o ce in. I follow him, hand in hand, and we enter his o ce. My heart rate spikes as he locks the door and pushes me up against it. “I love you, Sasha,” he says, kissing my neck lightly. “I love you and never want to let you go.” I shut my eyes, trying to contain the joyful tears that are threatening to spill out. He kisses my lips so tenderly and tears trickles down my cheek. He pulls back and wipes them away. “What’s wrong, baby?” I shake my head as nothing is wrong, everything is so right, so perfect. “Nothing.” I swallow hard. “I just can’t believe how happy I am. I love you too.” He growls into my ear and then lifts me into his arms, carrying me toward his desk chair. He sits down, forcing me

to straddle his lap and kisses my neck. “I want to make love to you right now.” My heart rate spikes as he beings to undress me, tearing my clothes o with desperation. The rational side of my brain reasons it’s probably a bad idea to have sex in his o ce, especially after the meeting we just attended with the board. But, the moment his lips are clamped around my nipples all reasoning shoots out the window. I arch my back as he licks my nipples dragging his tongue slowly over them, making them hard and peaked. The hard press of his cock straining against his pants beneath me makes me so wet. I unbutton his shirt and work it free from his shoulders, returning the favor. I kiss his neck and chest, worshipping his muscular body, as my hands roam every inch of his bare skin. He groans into my neck. “I need to be inside you, now.” I shift o his lap and kneel in front of him to unbutton his pants. I pull them down along with his boxers and his length bounces free. Logan’s thick, hard cock throbs in my hand as his cum glistens on the swollen head. I lick my lips and slowly lap up the sweet cum from his tip, before wrapping my lips around him and taking him into my mouth. Logan grunts as I twirl my tongue around his head and cub his heavy balls in my hand. Then, I take as much of it inside my throat as I can, keeping my eyes locked on his. They are full of that fire and hunger that makes my pussy ache. His hands tangle in my hair but he lets me control the speed and movement, watching me with his beautiful blue eyes. I keep eye contact with him as I take his cock right down my throat, gagging a little. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he growls.

I love being in this position and making him feel as good as he makes me feel. I lap up the pre-cum spilling from his cock, hungry for every drop of his salty taste. My pussy is dripping wet as I edge him toward an explosive orgasm. His cock twitches and then his hand grips my wrist, forcing me away from his dick. “Shit, Sasha, stop and come here,” he commands. He pulls on my wrist, willing me to straddle him again. My pussy is soaking wet and ready for him. His cock is so hard as it strains against my soaking wet arousal. He grips my ass cheeks possessively and rubs me up and down the length of him, teasing me with his hot, throbbing length. I shift to free his cock and position the head at my opening, ready to accept him inside. He thrusts into me slowly and his hands grip my hips tight. He kisses me as I rise and fall on his cock. We move together with slow, unadulterated passion. Logan stares into my eyes in the most intimate way as we make love. This is di erent to other time we’ve had sex. Normally, a crazed desperate need is driving us to go at a hundred miles an hour, but Logan is controlling the speed, slowly making love to me. I can see it in his eyes. The pure adoration as I rise and fall in his arms, moaning at the pleasure the small movements are sending through my core and every nerve ending in my body. His hands shift and grips hold of my ass cheeks, squeezing them. His finger finds my puckered hole that he fucked so good last night, and suddenly a crazy need to sink his cock inside my ass again floods me. “Sir, can you fuck my ass now?” I ask, gazing into his eyes which turn dark with lust at my request.

“Fuck, you’re so filthy.” He shifts on his desk chair, keeping his cock deep inside of me, and grabs the lube out of his desk. I keep bobbing up and down on his length as he smothers his fingers in lube and slowly works them into my ass, making me more and more hungry. It’s pure ecstasy. The way he works the sensitive passage of my back hole makes each and every thrust of his cock ten times more pleasurable. He gazes into my eyes with such intensity, watching what he does to me as my body tips over the edge and I come. I bite down hard on my own hand, “Fuck,” I whisper, knowing how important it is to keep quiet here. “Turn around and bend over the desk, baby,” he says into my ear. “I’m going to fuck that beautiful asshole until you can’t take it anymore.” I do as he says and bend over his desk, bearing myself totally to him. I glance back to see him smothering his huge cock in lube, stroking it from root to tip. The sight of him behind me like that makes my pussy gush with anticipation, eager to have him filling and stretching out my ass. He moves toward me and grabs hold of my hips, rubbing the tip of his cock over my puckered and hungry entrance. I push back against him, trying to force his length inside, but he holds me hard. “I’m in control, Sasha,” he growls in a way that makes me even more needy for him. I whimper as I go still, waiting for him to sink inside of me. It feels like a tortuous amount of time before I feel the pressure of his head against my muscles. Then, I feel his thick head pop through the tight hole followed by each perfect inch of his hard, thick length, stretching my ass and filling me in such a satisfying way. This time it’s impossible

for me to stifle the moan as the pleasure reaches a mindblowing level and stars dance in my vision. He groans behind me and then grabs hold of my throat, gently pulling me up toward him, forcing me to arch my back and take him in even deeper. “Damn, you feel so fucking tight around my cock,” he mutters, leaning down to nip at the sensitive flesh below my ear. “You feel amazing filling my ass, professor,” I say, biting my bottom lip and gazing back into his bright blue eyes. We keep eye contact as he fucks me hard and deep, sending me toward the edge again. The noises he makes are animalistic and primal, stifled only by the way he bites his bottom lip, stopping himself from losing total control in his o ce. It takes a lot of restraint to stop myself from screaming as the pleasure becomes almost unbearable, I bite on my clenched fist, forcing it into my mouth to stop from screaming out. He drives into me harder and faster now and I can’t take my eyes o of him, as I watch from behind. The slapping of his skin hitting mine echoes around the small o ce and would no doubt be heard outside. All we can do is hope no one is about to hear as there is no way either of us are stopping now. I’m so close to unfolding as he pounds my ass, his balls slapping against my soaking wet pussy. “Fuck, I’m coming,” I whisper as my body tenses and my ass clamps around his length. He grunts as his cock twitches in my ass, making me totally aware he’s about to release too. It adds fire to the orgasm rocking through me and then his warm cum floods my ass, as he nips my earlobe, holding me close as he drives into me

one more time, forcing every last drop from his balls into me. We stay still, breathing heavily together, as he slips out of my tight hole. I shift o his lap and grab my panties o the floor. Logan is behind me, his bare chest against my back, as he hands me a towel to clean up. He kisses my shoulder as I clean myself up and then slip my panties back on. “We may need to stop being so risky here,” I say, biting my lip. He spins me around. “But, I love fucking you in my o he says, kissing me softly.


I can’t help but chuckle. “I love it too, but we need stop taking risks with your job.” He groans against my mouth. “I locked the door.” “That’s not the point,” I say, nipping at his lip. We kiss lazily as he holds me in his arms, both of us still more or less naked in his o ce. I’ve only got my panties on, but I don’t care. I’ve never been this happy before, as he kisses me tenderly.



asha Harman,” The speaker calls my name.

My heart is pounding against my rib cage as I step onto the stage. I instinctively glance into the crowd and find his blue eyes staring right at me. His reassuring nod and confident gaze stills my erratic heartbeat. I smile at him. The man of my dreams, my boyfriend, and my college professor. He sits next to my parents who are also beaming. My mom’s eyes are filled with tears. They didn’t take the news that well at first, but when they met him he charmed them around. He has a way of charming people, especially me. The speaker passes me my diploma and I go to stand next to Ally on the other side of the stage. She leans toward me. “Can you fucking believe we’ve graduated?” I shake my head. “Not really. I can’t believe four years of university have been and gone.” Liam is the next one to be called over to receive his diploma. He takes the certificate and walks to take his place next to me. “It’s finally over. Thank fuck for that.”

I giggle quietly. My eyes return to the crowd and meet Logan’s. His attention is entirely fixed on me. It’s crazy how eighteen months later his attention makes me nervous. I bite my lip, considering everything he told me he was going to do to me later to celebrate. After the ceremony, we’re all heading out for dinner at a local pizza place here in Wynton to celebrate, but I’d rather be headed straight home to Logan’s apartment. As the ceremony winds down, Ally grabs my arm and drags me over to meet her parents. “Mum and Dad, this is Sasha, my best friend.” Her mum smiles kindly, “It’s good to meet you, Sasha. We’ve heard so much about you.” “Only good things, I hope,” I reply. Her father laughs and shakes my hand. “Of course, Ally can’t stop talking about how great you are. It’s a pleasure to finally put a face to the name.” I nod. “Likewise.” My parents approach with Logan trailing behind. His eyes meet mine and he steals my breath from my lungs. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been together one look makes me breathless. “Ally and Mr. and Mrs. Vicks, these are my parents,” I say, introducing them. They introduce themselves as Logan walks straight behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He leans down and whispers in my ear. “Congratulations, baby. I can’t wait to celebrate later.” I feel heat travelling through my body as his hard chest presses against mine. “Mom and Dad, this is Logan, Sasha’s boyfriend,” Ally says, introducing him to them.

“Indeed, I heard of the stir you two caused here,” her dad looks at him a little disapproving. “Yes, but clearly you two are in love. You’ve been together almost two years now, haven’t you?” Ally’s mom adds. I nod and Logan squeezes me tighter. “Yes, nineteen months to be exact,” he says. My mom clears her throat. “Right, who else is hungry? We need to get going if we want to make our reservation.” Liam walks over tentatively, his boyfriend following behind. “Hey Sasha, we were wondering if we could tag along?” I smile. “Of course, I’m sure two more won’t be a problem.” He smiles relieved and we all head out toward the cars. I get into Logan’s car to go to the restaurant, but I notice he takes the wrong exit o the freeway. “This isn’t the way to the restaurant.” He smirks. “We are taking a slight detour.” I cross my arms across my chest. “You’re not going to tell me where we’re going are you?” He shakes his head and focuses on the road. I let out a hu and he squeezes my thigh gently. “You will like where we’re going. I promise.” The car winds down some country roads and after about forty-five minutes I’m starting to get a little worried. “You said this was a slight detour. We’ve been driving for fortyfive minutes.” “We’re almost there.” He turns o the main road and down a small dirt track. As we get further down the lane a large

modern house on the edge of a cli top by the sea. My brow furrows. “What are we doing here? Where are we?” I glance around wondering what the hell is going on. He grabs my hand and squeezes. “This is where we are celebrating. You’re parents already know.” I frown at him. “What about Liam and his boyfriend, or Ally and her parents?” He shrugs. “I’m sure your parents will fill them in. I planned this for you.” I frown, feeling a little blindsided. In some respects, I was looking forward to celebrating with my friends. “Where are we?” “We’re by the coast. Wes, bought this place.” “Wes owns this place?” I ask, taken aback. He nods. “Come on, let’s go and check it out.” I get out of the car and wander behind him toward the cli top. “Logan, wait up.” He glances back at me and smiles. “Catch me if you can.” He starts running and I glance down at my dress and shoes. For fuck sake, I can’t run in heels, not down that dirt track. I kick my shoes o , leaving them to one side and sprint after him. I scream as suddenly a pair of arms grab me as run past him. “Miss Harman, there’s no need to scream.” He kisses my neck and then spins me around. My heart skips a beat as he gets down on one knee. “What are you doing?”

He smirks up at me and his hand goes into his pocket to pull out a small black box. My heart thuds out of my chest as he flips it open to reveal a simple diamond ring. “Miss Harman, will you marry me?” The world seems to implode in that moment. I stare into the eyes of my professor and know I never could have imagined being this happy. “I-I… Yes, a million times, yes.” His heart melting smile widens and he slips the ring onto my finger. It fits perfectly. He stands and rests his hands on my waist, pulling me into him for a gentle kiss. The need for him only grows in time and I can’t help but moan. We’re as crazy for each other as when we first met, maybe crazier. He lifts me into his arms and carries me toward the cli top, placing me down on my back on a blanket he already had set out, looking out over the ocean which twinkles beneath the moon and stars in the sky. Logan kisses every inch of exposed skin, starting just below my ear and trailing down my neck slowly, nipping at my collarbone and then working his way up again, making me squirm beneath him, so ready to be fucked by my fiancé. I can’t quite believe it. Professor Logan Tanner is my fiancé. His hand snakes under my dress, pinching my nipples between his finger and thumb. Then he lifts it up over my head, exposing me to him. I didn’t wear a bra or panties to graduation, wanting to be ready for any impromptu fuck. “Fuck, you’re not wearing any underwear,” he says, his eyes wide. He lowers his lips to my right nipple and sucks it into his mouth, lavishing extra care as he circles it with his tongue a few times, making it impossibly hard, before turning his attention to the other.

He grabs hold of my legs and forces them wide apart, licking a trail right down the center of my tits, down my belly and finishing at the skin above my clit, teasing me with the promise of pleasure. I buck my hips toward his mouth in an attempt to get his lips and tongue where I want them, but he holds me tightly, nibbling and kissing my inner thigh. My desire for him makes me so wet I can feel my juices rolling down my thighs as he slowly teases the lips of my pussy with his tongue, it’s agonizingly slowly. “Fuck, professor. I need to feel you,” I say, breathless. He grins up at me, licking his lips in a teasing way. “Beg me, baby,” he says. I groan as he nibbles on the sensitive flesh around my opening, making me even more desperate to feel his tongue part my lips and taste me. “Please, professor, please lick my pussy,” I moan. I cry out as finally he plunges his tongue deep inside of me, parting my lips and tasting my arousal. He groans against the sensitive skin, sending a tremor through me, before licking right up my slit and circling my clit with his tongue. I jolt as he sucks the swollen nub into his mouth, lighting up every pleasure center inside of me, waking every nerve to the ecstasy ready to be released. He adds a finger, slowly, torturously into my pussy and curls it in a way that always promises he finds the spot that makes me lose my mind. “Fuck,” I say, overwhelmed by the pleasure this man seems to be able to pull from me every single time.

The pressure inside me is building with the promise of release only a thrust away, but his hand stills inside of me, making me grunt in frustration. “Don’t stop,” I whine. Logan shifts from between my legs and brings his face up to mine, staring into my eyes a moment before kissing me, soft and tender. I can taste myself on his lips and it makes me even more desperate for release. “Please, Logan, I need to come,” I rasp, biting on his bottom lip lightly. He grins at me and then kisses a pattern down my body again, slowly lavishing extra attention on my tits and belly, before returning to my dripping wet arousal, licking my apex again. “Logan, please…” He plunges his fingers in hard and fast, sending me right back the edge instantly. It only takes his teeth lightly grazing the sensitive spot and I unfold, trembling as my orgasm rocks me. My mind turns to a mess of jumbled thoughts as it’s so explosive. “I’ll never get tired of making you come,” he says, kissing me again. “On your hands and knees, dirty girl.” “What about you?” I ask, my eyes landing on the straining bulge in his pants. He shakes his head. “Tonight, I want to focus on you.” His large hand settles on my back as he forces me onto my knees and then slaps my ass cheek, eliciting a thrilling pain that only makes me more desperate to feel him inside me. “Fuck me, please,” I gasp, bucking back toward him. He chuckles behind me and grips hold of my hips, sinking his fingertips into my soft flesh. “Be patient.”

I gasp as his tongue circles my asshole and then runs right down the length of me, licking me from back to front, and finishing with a flick of his tongue against my sensitive clit. I jolt, painfully aware of how on the edge of begging my fiancé to fuck me I am. I’m desperate for his cock. “Please, fuck me, sir, please…” I whine. He slaps my ass hard and licks me again, then thrusts three fingers into my pussy, making me moan. “Fuck, that feels so good,” I moan, bucking back against his finger. “You’re a dirty girl, Sasha…” he groans. “I need to punish you.” “Please, punish me, sir,” I reply. He groans and I hear the zipper of his pants coming down, releasing his hard length. I can’t do anything but rest on my knees and glance back and watch him stroke his huge cock from root to tip, staring at me with that hungry, fierce desire. He runs the swollen head of his cock through my wet lips, coating me in his precut and making me desperate to feel him delve inside of me. “Fuck me, now,” I moan, desperate to feel every inch of him stu ng me. “How badly do you want me?” he asks. “I want you so fucking badly,” I reply, breathless with need. He groans and then thrust into me with one hard stroke, burying himself to the hilt. His heavy, cum filled balls rest against my clit. “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he mutters, as he drives in and out of me fast and hard, making my pussy flutter already.

I hope there aren’t many people around out here because the noise we’re both making is unmistakable. He grunts against my neck and then tightens his arms around my waist, picking me up with his dick still firmly wedged inside me. He lays down behind me and forces me onto my side, fucking me from behind and rubbing my swollen clit between his fingers. I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming too loud. “Fuck, Logan. I’m coming,” I scream. “Yeah, baby. Make that pussy come all over your fiancé’s hard cock,” He groans, pumping in and out of me hard, driving me right toward the edge. Fiancé. The word makes me tingle in so many ways. The fire inside of me burning hot and bright, ready to explode. I scream out again as everything turns white and my orgasm rocks through me, setting me on fire. Logan roars, as he tumbles over with me, exploding deep inside of me, filling me full of his thick, hot cum. Our heavy breathing fills the quiet night air as he shifts and pulls out of me. Logan’s arms wrap tightly around my waist and he pulls me close. “I love you, Sasha,” he whispers into my ear. “I love you too, professor,” I reply, kissing him softly.


T HANK you for reading Filthy Professor. If you enjoyed this book and want to read more from this series, the next book

Filthy Lawyer is available to pre-order now here.



my new boss’s daughter.

I saw her at the company party, walking across the room with her eyes fixed on some other guy. I knew I had to step in and stop her from talking to him, so I pulled her against me, pretending I mistook her for a prostitute. Then she slapped me and put me in my place, revealing who she was.

From that moment, I knew I was in over my head. This woman makes me crazy with the need to claim her. She’s a hot, feisty red-head who won’t take any shit, and I love it. Problem is, she hates me. How am I supposed to get her into my bed now? Not to mention, the strict company policy against sta dating. I’ve got a feeling it may be even more strict when it comes to the boss’s daughter. Although rules are made to be broken, and it’s what I do best. Filthy Lawyer is a very steamy and hot forbidden o ce romance between two colleagues. It has hot scenes and bad language and is only intended for readers aged 18+. Filthy Lawyer is a safe standalone with no cli hanger, no cheating, and a guaranteed HEA.


Filthy Boss - Wynton Book 1

I broke the number one rule within hours of accepting my position as acting CEO. I kissed my employee. I didn’t know she was my employee at the time. The next day she walks into my o

ce and I'm shocked.

She has stumbled on evidence of an embezzlement scheme going on right under my nose. It's my first day on the job, and it’s not going well.

I panic and tell her to mind her own business and stick to work that’s meant for her. So she quits. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I need her help to figure out who is doing the skimming. It means I’ve got to do something I never do and beg her to come back and help me. Problem is, anytime we’re in the same room I can’t focus on anything but making this woman mine. And if feelings get involved? Yeah right. I'm Bryson Sta ord and I don't let feelings get involved. But Tessa has shown she’s the exception to every rule. Filthy Boss is a steamy and hot forbidden romance between boss and employee. It has hot scenes and some bad language and is only intended for readers aged 18+ Filthy Boss is a safe standalone with no cli hanger, and a guaranteed HEA. Click here to Order now


Bianca Cole is a steamy contemporary romance author who loves to write over the top filthy alpha men who fall head over heels for their women. Most the time they’re o limits but they can’t keep away. If you enjoyed this book please follow on Amazon for alerts when more books are released - Click here

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