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Her Alpha King Copyright © 2020 Bianca Cole All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission. This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. Book cover design by Hot and Steamy Romance Premades


Free Book O er Blurb 1. Rhys 2. Anastasia 3. Rhys 4. Anastasia 5. Rhys 6. Anastasia 7. Rhys 8. Anastasia 9. Rhys 10. Anastasia 11. Rhys 12. Anastasia 13. Rhys 14. Anastasia 15. Rhys 16. Anastasia 17. Rhys 18. Anastasia 19. Rhys 20. Anastasia 21. Epilogue Mailing List Also by Bianca Cole About the Author


If you enjoy reading about possessive alpha men, steamy hot insta-lust, and romance, then grab my free novella on o er. Filthy Doctor is a 34k novella and part of the Wynton series. Join my mailing list and grab Filthy Doctor for free! Click here to join now!


I’ve just mated to a human, which is a BIG problem. The king of the wolf shifters can’t take a human as a mate. But, her scent calls to me and drives me wild. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen—human or shifter. My wolf has to be leashed as it wants to break free and drag her into the woods. Shifters are forbidden from being with humans. If you mate to a human, you must break the bond. A problem considering my wolf won’t be tamed—he will claim her. This will cause an uprising on both sides, but my wolf wants to fight. I will do anything to keep hold of her. Anastasia is mine.




y chest rises and falls as I pound down fifth avenue. I’m on edge. A shiver skates down my spine as I get another suspicious look from a man walking past. Any of these people could be members of the New York City Council. I stick out in the human city like a sore thumb, but I had to escape. I rarely get out of the pack’s territory. Even rarer that I make it into the human City of New York. I managed to slip by my packs borders undetected and shifted into my wolf form. I just kept running, finally finding myself on the outskirts of New York. My wolf knew what I needed, even if it’s against the bullshit council’s rules. I may be the alpha wolf of all the shifter packs in North America, because of my blood, but that means nothing to the human council. They’ve made it clear. They want no shifters mingling with their kind, despite more relaxed rules over the interaction between humans and shifters across the rest of North America. The leader has it out for all shifters, mainly me. Landon Carmichael and I attended high school together, and let’s just say we didn’t get on. It’s the main reason why New York City remains locked down to all shifters.

My blood means I’m the outright king to all the North American packs. I hate my title and position. The pressure that comes with it is crushing. All I hear continually are questions about when I will select a wife and have pups. It can’t be any woman, though. It has to be a female from good breeding and blood. None of the women that are on o er take my fancy, but no one gives a shit about what I want. It’s all for the good of the pack. I need an heir to provide stability to the reigning pack and maintain our overall dominance. My beta, Jackson, keeps on pressing that if I don’t select a mate soon, then another alpha will rise and challenge me for my crown. I’d like to see one try. There’s not a wolf alive that can beat me in a fair fight. At least, not one that I’ve met. Tonight I intend to push all my worries out of my mind. It’s time for me to have some fun. I plan on getting drunk and acting like a human. The only issue is the fact that I don’t blend in. That’s clearer than ever before, as a guy skirts around me staring at me as if I’ve got two heads. As an alpha male, I tower everyone. Amongst shifters, I’m huge. Here, I just alert everyone to the fact I’m not human. Measuring six foot ten in height, and spreading to a ridiculous width, it’s not surprising that everyone knows I’m a wolf. If the council learns I’m here, there will be hell to pay. There’s only one place I know in this damn city that will accept me without question. O’Malley’s is a small bar down a back alley where most the patrons are too drunk to notice what I am. It’s been a few years since I’ve been to New York, and I intend to make the most of my visit. “Are you a shifter?” a little girl with big wide eyes asks, staring up at me. I smile down at her. “Yes, what’s your name?” I ask.

She twirls a strand of her curly brown hair around her finger, holding a teddy bear in her other hand. “Alice, and I —” “Alice, how many times do I have to tell you? Don’t talk to strangers.” Her mother rushes over to her and grabs her hand. The woman gives me a disgusted look, before dragging her daughter away. I let out a shaky breath, wishing the New York council would rethink their rules. Humans and shifters can live together in harmony. There’s no reason why we have to be separated. I remember when I was a child how we used to live, as if we were humans, keeping the secret about our true identities from our friends. Maybe it would have been better if it all stayed a secret. It was hard to see childhood friends pull away. Everything changed when the truth came out, and nothing has been the same since. Living in the forest can be stifling. It’s a real home for our wolf-halves, but not our human halves. It feels like people forget that while we are half-wolf, we also have another half. We don’t want to be cooped up in the forests all our lives. I slip down a side street and keep walking. The green sign of O’Malley’s is lit up and douses the entire alleyway in green light. A tug in my stomach ignites, and a shiver skates down my spine as I reach for the door. My instincts tell me that there’s more in store for me than a drink tonight—my instincts are never wrong. I open the door, and the scent hits me like a freight train. All I was expecting to smell was body odor, stale breath, alcohol, and dirt. Instead, a refreshing scent of jasmine floods my senses. I feel my wolf strain at the smell. I scan the bar, searching for the source of the scent. All the other disgusting odors are evident too, but that one overpowers them all.

Where the fuck is it coming from? A tall man moves away from the bar, and that’s when I see her. The petite young woman serving behind the bar. I feel every muscle in my body coil in an attempt to restrain my wolf. He recognizes my mate instantly and strains to break free. The human woman standing behind the bar is my fucking mate. I came here knowing I needed to blow o some steam. The last thing I expected was this. My eyes remain fixed on my mate as I drag them down her body. She’s short, even by human standards, but curvy. Her hair is a fiery red, sprawled in natural curves across her exposed shoulders. My cock pounds in my boxer briefs as I stare at her. This isn’t good. The last thing I need is to lose control in a bar full of humans. I have a lot of self-control, but it’s being tested right now. This mating bond is strong. She calls to the most primal part of me. There’s a reason I’m the king of North American territory, and it’s because my wolf is the strongest. It means that when I’m in my human form, I can struggle to keep him contained. I force the filthy fucking thoughts racing through my mind to the back of it. As I take a few slow and deep breaths, I find more control and leash my wolf. Until her striking blue eyes meet mine across the room, and she consumes all my attention. My wolf rages to the forefront again like a rabid animal. He wants out, but I try to calm him down. I can feel my canines lengthening in my mouth, forcing me to keep my lips shut at all costs. There’s nothing that gives a shifter away more than fucking wolf canines. Part of me knows that I should turn around and walk out of here now while I’ve got the chance. Another part of me knows that’s physically

impossible. The likelihood of me walking out of this bar and away from my mate is practically zero. I can’t help the smirk that curls onto my lips at the pure desire in her eyes. She’s fighting it but can’t help the attraction she feels. It’s a pull no human could resist for long. Her gaze turns defiant and irritated the moment she notices me smirking. Maybe she can fight it. It’s unbelievably attractive, knowing she’s not won over just by a smile from her mate. I let my eyes dip down to her breasts, which strain against her too-tight shirt—a possessiveness claws at me. No man should be able to see her in an outfit like that, except for me. Thank fuck I wore tight boxer briefs tonight, as my cock is trying to break out of my pants right now. I walk toward the bar, wanting so desperately just to snatch her up. If this place was empty, I’m not sure I’d be able to stop my wolf from letting loose. It’s far from empty. It’s packed with too many men eyeing what is mine. A growl tries to escape me, but I stop it. The last thing I need is for someone in here to call the council on me. If I try as hard as I can to blend in, I should be fine. The bartender’s eyes have left me, and she’s now focused on another man. Jealousy claws at me as she moves toward him. “How can I help you?” Damn. My mate’s voice is as delicious as the rest of her— my mate. I can’t fucking believe it. “How about a night you won’t forget?” he asks. Red hot rage pulses through me, hearing him speak to her like that. He’s lucky that I have to lay low right now as I want to rip him apart with my teeth. “I’m working, sorry,” she says, flooding me with relief. Her subtle but polite rejection shows she has a sweet disposition. Too many men think they can hit on women

because they are bartenders. It’s wrong. She deserves as much respect as any woman—more since she’s my mate. “At least give me your number so I can take you out.” The guy, who has to be sixty years old, leans closer to her. My feet move in his direction, even though I know I need to keep the attention o me. It doesn’t matter. My wolf is going mad. He’s chomping at the bit to rip him apart, and I won’t be able to hold him o for much longer. If this guy doesn’t back the fuck o , he is going to regret it. “It’s against company policy I’m afraid.” Again, a polite and subtle rejection, but if I know guys like this, I know he won’t take the hint. He won’t accept a woman’s wishes. Every muscle in my body coils with tension as he grabs her arm. Seeing his hands on her has my eyes narrowing in, making me aware if anyone notices, they will know what I am. My wolf is ready to tear this place apart, but I leash him. We can’t cause a stir, even though we want to. “Don’t be a fucking prude,” the guy says. The bartender’s eyes meet mine as I appear behind the asshole. I try to use my eyes to communicate with her, but she’s human. She can’t understand. I’m here to protect her. This guy will be sorry for ever touching her. I’ll try the easy way first, but if he doesn’t back the fuck o , I can’t promise I won’t kill him. A jealous wolf is bad fucking news, but I can’t control him with this mating bond driving him wild.




wipe down the bar, glancing over at my boss, Alex. He has done no work tonight, forcing me to pick up his slack since it’s so busy in here. The guy is so tight, he only employs me, even though at times we could do with at least two people behind the bar. I let out a slow breath, as one of our regulars, Jack, bangs his glass down—his signal that he wants to order another drink. The guy is an asshole. I’m exhausted, but I plaster on a smile anyway and approach him. “What can I get you?” “Usual,” he says. I nod, removing his glass and getting another one. The guy is the worst. He’s a regular but never tips and never has a good word to say. I should be used to assholes like him by now, but somehow on busy nights, he still seems to get to me. My mom would have told me to kick his ass, but that was her answer to everything. Anyone that knew her before she died always said she had fight. Sometimes, I’m not sure that’s a good thing, and I’m almost certain it’s what got her killed. I push thoughts of my mom to the back of my mind, trying not to get upset. If I think about her too much, I find it

impossible not to. It’s been three years since she was murdered. I’ve had to fend for myself ever since. Jack raps his fingers on the table impatiently. I grit my teeth together, trying to dull the anger bubbling away inside of me. I inherited my mom’s rage. I just seem to be able to control it better than she did. I spin around and set the beer down in front of him. “There you go.” I smile, despite wishing I could kick the guy’s ass. It would be so satisfying to give him a piece of my mind. “Is there anything else?” I ask. “No, that’s all.” He narrows his eyes as he brings the drink up to his mouth and sips on it. “Put it on my tab.” I don’t let him see how much it pisses me o . Instead, I grit my teeth and move on to the next customer, Frank. He’s not so bad. “What can I get you, Frank?” He smiles at me. “I’ll have a pint of that weird, foreign stu you are pushing.” I laugh. “Do you mean the Peroni? It’s Italian.” He nods. “Yeah, I’ll try it.” “Coming right up.” Frank is a character and often brightens my shifts when he turns up. One of the only men here who doesn’t come in and ogle at my breasts, which I try desperately to hide in this horrible uniform. Alex insists I wear it, saying it makes the place look more professional. He just wants to bring in pervy guys that like to look at curvy women in tight uniforms. My mom would have told me to kick his ass too and hand him my notice long ago if she had been around when I took the job. I can’t understand why she’s been on my mind lately, maybe because it’s coming near to her birthday. Two days from now, on the thirteenth of April. It’s always a sad time, as we used to do so many things together on her birthday. All

I have is happy memories of her. My father, on the other hand, I have only bad memories. He’s part of the council—the leader, to be exact. I hadn’t spoken to him since I was about ten years old when he walked out on my mom for a younger woman. Until the day she died. He showed no compassion to me and acted as though I were a stranger—not his daughter. I feel the emotion clawing at my throat as I dampen it. The last thing I need right now is to get emotional while I’m working. Alex is a tight bastard and doesn’t have any compassion either. I haven’t had a break, even though I’m due one, not that there’s anyone else in here to cover the shift. A shiver skates down my spine as the door to the bar is swung open. It must be chilly tonight, which is odd, as it was eighty degrees before my shift started. My eyes remain fixed on the entryway, but there are too many people in the way for me to see who entered. I can’t understand why I’m so transfixed on the door. One of the guys moves out of the way of the bar, and then I see him. My breath catches in my throat. A pair of bright blue eyes are fixed on me intensely. He doesn’t meet my gaze, but his eyes wander over every inch of my body. He has to be the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. His golden-brown hair almost shimmers in the dim light of the bar. He is ridiculously tall, and his shoulders are as wide as two average men. As I let my eyes return to his, my heart skips a beat. His eyes lock on mine with so much intensity. He looks like an animal hunting his prey. I know an alpha asshole if ever I saw one, but why does a tickle of anticipation skate down my spine as our eyes meet? He shouldn’t be in the city. Shifters aren’t allowed to mingle with humans in New York, unlike other cities further

south. For the second time, I let my gaze dip down his tight muscled chest, framed in a white t-shirt. My mind runs wild. He’s attractive—more attractive than any man I’ve ever seen. I bring my gaze back to his, and he’s still staring at me. The way his lips curve into a smirk tells me he’s exactly like any of the shifter assholes I’ve come across before. This shifter thinks he can take whatever the hell he wants because he’s stronger and more powerful than us. The danger in his eyes makes my stomach knot. I’ve been bartending here for three years, longer than I’d hoped. In those three years, I’ve come across guys just like him. Although the only di erence between him and the men I’ve encountered before is how hot he is, his cockiness is justified, I guess. I avert my gaze from his and turn my attention to a man waiting to order another round. “How can I help you?” I ask. He sways slightly on the stool he’s sitting on, warning me he is already drunk. “How about a night you won’t forget, darling?” he asks. “I’m working, sorry,” I say, hoping my subtle rejection is enough to get him to leave me alone. “At least give me your number so I can take you out,” he says, leaning forward. I shake my head. “It’s against company policy I’m afraid.” He grabs my hand, making me flinch. “Don’t be a fucking prude.” Fuck. I really could have done without a customer like this tonight. I glance over at Alex, hoping he may help me out, but he’s too engrossed in a conversation with a young

woman. When I bring my gaze back to the asshole trying to hit on me, my heart skips a beat. The shifter from before is standing behind him with his eyes fixed on me. I can see the rage dancing to life in the light blue depths. The rage twisting his features is as clear as day. My heart pounds hard and fast. The look in his eyes spells trouble. A shudder runs down my spine as I realize exactly how huge he is. There’s no doubt he is a shifter. He towers over the man on the stool, tapping him on the shoulder. “Leave the lady alone,” he growls, his voice full of dangerous rage. I can’t understand why I feel it right to my core. A pulse of unexplainable desire for the man protecting me from this asshole hits me. “Who the fuck do you—” He stops speaking the moment he turns to look at him and nods his head. I watch as he jumps o the stool, leaving behind his drink. The guy sways a little as he rushes away, glancing back once at the shifter who told him to leave me alone. The shifter sits down on the stool in front of me. I meet his gaze, and my body heats. He is utterly beautiful. “What can I get you?” I ask, focusing on the counter and wiping it down. This shifter shouldn’t be in here, it’s against council rules. Rules of the council dictate we should alert them to shifter presence, but I’m not a snitch. As long as he keeps to himself, I will be civil and serve him. I know that’s unlikely though, shifters that break the rules and enter New York City are here to cause trouble. “A beer,” he rumbles, placing his large hands down on the counter. “Coming up,” I say, avoiding eye contact with him. I wish he hadn’t decided to sit so close to me. It’s distracting. He

smells like pine and musk—pure masculinity. It’s intoxicating. His gaze burns a hole into me as I move away to get a glass for his beer. My hands are shaking. I pull his pint, keeping my eyes focused entirely on the glass. The last thing I want is to drop it the moment our eyes meet. He makes me more nervous than any patron I’ve had before. Even though I’m not looking at him, I can feel his gaze tracking my every movement. It’s a very odd sensation. “There you go,” I say, setting the drink down in front of him and glancing up again for the first time since he sat down. His bright blue eyes are flecked with bright gold, making my heart accelerate. “Thanks.” He clenches his jaw as he grabs the glass, his finger brushing against mine as it wraps around it. I gasp as a shock of electricity pulses right through me. His gaze remains fixed on me as I take a step backward, letting go of the glass. What the hell was that? He watches me, but the cocky smirk is no longer twisting his lips. The severity of his gaze threatens to undo me as I move to the other end of the bar, trying to escape him. It feels impossible. Everywhere I move, I feel his gaze follow me. My heart is hammering at a thousand miles an hour, and I don’t know why. Particularly considering I barely have time for men, I’ve never even taken that milestone and slept with one yet. This guy has hardly said two words to me, and I can feel my body blazing into a hot mess. It’s not like me at all to get worked up over a guy like this. It makes zero sense. Sure, he’s hot, but I’ve seen plenty of hot guys in my time.

This night is going worse than usual, and I can’t wait for it to be over.




y mate. I never thought this day would come. My wolf is straining to break free, and it takes all my willpower to hold him back. The last thing I want here is to make a scene. I remain seated at the bar, staring at my beer, which I haven’t even tasted yet. Right now, alcohol is probably a terrible idea. She’s so close to me, prancing around behind the bar. I couldn’t take my eyes o her at first, and now I’m worried if I look at her again, I’ll snap. The scent of her arousal is bleeding into the air. It has been ever since she set eyes on me. The bond is beginning to a ect her, increasing the scent with every moment that ticks past. I can sense both her confusion and embarrassment, particularly since her cheeks have flushed bright pink. A human can’t understand this bond. It’s only something that makes sense to a shifter. Some humans have gone insane after mating to shifters, especially if the shifter breaks the bond and rejects his mate. If my beta, Jackson, were here, he’d tell me that’s what I need to do. Break the bond to the beautiful redhead woman trying to keep her distance at the other end of the bar. My wolf, on the other hand, believes that’s bullshit, and I’m inclined to agree. She’s utterly stunning.

I smile as she seems to move further away from me, trying desperately to keep her distance. She couldn’t escape me if she tried. I’d hunt her down—or at least, my wolf would. Despite knowing it’s a bad idea to drink right now, I take a sip of my beer, hoping it will calm my firing nerves. I’ve got to come up with a plan to deal with this, but I can hardly get my brain to work. All the blood in my body has rushed south. It’s fucking uncomfortable sitting here with my cock straining against the zipper of my pants. I’ve never felt desire like this before in my life. It’s a wild, uncontrollable sensation that makes me feel so out of control. I feel like a damn pubescent wolf, ready to shoot my load in my pants. I grit my teeth together, clenching the glass so hard I know it will smash if I’m not careful. She walks right past me to serve another guy at the end of the bar. I bring my eyes up to follow her, and when I see her smile at the guy, I snap. The glass shatters in my hands, and she jumps a mile in the air. My skin slices open on the cut glass, and I relish the pain. It helps calm the rage inside of me. I know how dangerous this situation is for every damn person in here. That’s all it takes—one innocent smile at a customer, and I’m ready to tear him apart. Blood trickles onto the bar as she turns to face me, eyes widening at the gruesome sight. It may look bad, but I’ve had much worse. It hardly fucking hurts at all. She gasps as she rushes over to me. The girl doesn’t realize how dangerous it is for her to get anywhere near me. She sets her hands on her hips, glaring at me. “You need medical help. You are bleeding all over my bar.” I smirk at that. The girl is more worried about her bar than my hand. “Do you have a medical kit?” I grumble,

trying to keep my canines hidden as they have grown to full length now. I sound like a senseless idiot, but it’s the only choice I’ve got. Any asshole in here could call the council on me, and I’d have to run. King or not, if I get caught flouting the rules, I get punished. That’s why I picked this back-alley bar, as it’s the kind of place people who don’t want to get caught go—people who have something to hide from the council too. She nods her head. “Yeah, it’s in the back. I’ll—” I stand from the bar and move toward the hatch into the bar. “I’ll take care of it myself.” She steps in the way of the hatch and shakes her head. “Only sta allowed behind the bar.” I hold my hand up for her to see the extent of the cut. “Even when there’s an emergency?” Her face pales at the sight of blood, and she steps away, nodding her head. “It’s in the kitchen on the wall,” she says. I step past her, and it’s almost impossible to control my urges this close, but I have to. The need to claim her is clawing at me every second I’m in her presence. My wolf wouldn’t give a damn that the bar is full, he’d plow into her right over the bar for everyone to see. Show everyone who owns her. I try to hold my breath in an attempt not to scent that sweet jasmine coming from her skin and hair. She’s divine. I feel her follow me, and I tense. The moment we’re alone back here, I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep control. My wolf is fighting me every step of the way here. He wants out. He wants to claim her. It’s too dangerous not only for her but for me. “On the left,” she says, her voice small and quiet. I open the door to the left and step inside, hoping she stays at a safe distance from me. The kitchen is too fucking

cramped. I can hardly breathe in here. Every inhale I take sets my teeth on edge. My hand is already starting to heal, which will freak her out. I grab the first aid kit quickly, hoping she doesn’t try to help me. “Let me,” she says, reaching for the box. I clench my jaw and hold myself back as she comes so close. I can practically taste her arousal in the air. A soft gasp escapes her lips as she notices my wound already healing, and it goes right to my cock. The thought of her gasping while I roughly take her against this wall is the only thing on my mind right now. “Didn’t you know what you were dealing with?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at her and steps away to put some distance between us. She already knows I’m a shifter. I could see it in her eyes when she first saw me. Fear and intrigue—something I’m more than used to seeing. “You shouldn’t be here,” she mutters, getting a bandage out of the medical kit. I watch her as she walks toward me, flicking a strand of red hair over her shoulder. “Give me your hand.” I raise a brow. “I’m not sure I need it anymore, are you?” She shakes her head. “Unless you want everyone in there to know what you are, then you’ll let me put a bandage on your hand.” Her beautiful green eyes almost sparkle in the bright spotlights lighting the kitchen. I feel my canines sharpening just looking at her. Wolves that mate with humans can do severe damage, especially if the wolf gets out of control during the mating. I’m not exactly known for my self-control when my wolf comes to the surface. She grabs my hands, tensing as electricity pulses through the both of us—a sign of the mating bond. Her eyes widen as

they meet mine. “What is that?” I tilt my head to the side. “What?” She shakes her head, trying to ignore this connection between us. It will be impossible. Our connection is unbreakable from her side, but not from mine. As king, my people will expect me to break the bond. The moment that thought passes through my mind, my wolf strains to break free. He’s not having any of it. He wants to claim her here and now so no one can stand in our way. My heart pounds against my rib cage as she slowly binds my now healed hand. “This seems a little counterproductive, don’t you think?” I ask. She sucks in a deep breath, licking her bottom lip in a way that winds me up. “If you don’t want the council turning up here, no.” I laugh. “I’m pretty sure everyone in your bar knows I’m not human, princess.” She tenses. “Don’t call me that.” I smirk. “What should I call you then?” She doesn’t answer, biting the inside of her cheek. I close my hand around hers tightly. My mate meets my gaze. Her cheeks are a pretty pink as her arousal bleeds into the air. It surrounds me. It overcomes every sense and smell in the damn bar. “What’s your name, princess?” She narrows her eyes at me, and the fight blazing in her fiery green irises tells me she would be an exciting conquest. She’s the kind of woman who won’t just lay down and take it. She will make me work for her submission, exactly how I like it. I shouldn’t be thinking like that. I should be thinking about breaking the bond and getting the fuck out of this city now. “I told you not to call me that.” She sets her hands on her hips.

She’s surprisingly feisty, considering she knows that I’m a shifter. I could tear her limb from limb if I wanted. Not that I’d ever hurt her—she’s my mate. “If you don’t tell me your name, I can’t exactly call you anything else, can I?” She drops my hand as she finishes fastening the bandage. “There. Finished. You don’t need my name.” Her defiance both excites and irritates me. “My name is Rhys, by the way.” She searches my eyes, wondering whether to give me her name. I’m sure she gets loads of creeps coming onto her here. The thought sets my blood boiling. “Anastasia,” she mutters, so quiet that some people might not hear it. As a wolf, my senses are second to none. Her name is as beautiful as the rest of her. “It’s lovely to meet you, Anastasia,” I say, making her turn a deeper color of red. She nods her head toward the exit of the kitchen. “Yeah, as I said, I’m not supposed to allow anyone other than sta back here.” I growl at her insinuation to leave, but I’m not a hundred percent sure if it was me growling or my wolf. Her eyes widen at the sound, as I step toward her. The fear radiating from her practically overwhelms the scent of her arousal. My wolf is straining to grab her, rip that skimpy little skirt in two and bury my cock deep in that sweet pussy of hers. I want to claim her as my own because she is mine. The sensible side of me knows not to act too quickly. I need to get some distance from my mate. Distance will give me the time to think this through properly, without my wolf fighting me. As I move to slip past her back into the main bar, she bumps into me. I feel my wolf take control and grab her

suddenly—my fingertips dig into her hips harder than they should. She gasps, lips parting temptingly. “W-what are you doing?” Fuck knows what I’m doing. My wolf is fucking fighting me. I let my lips move toward hers slowly and softly kiss her. It’s chaste and quick and not what my wolf wanted. “Thank you, princess,” I breathe, before slipping back into the corridor and heading back to the bar. She probably thinks I’m fucking insane, kissing her like that. Maybe I am. I take my seat on the stool and glance up to see her return. Her cheeks flush a pretty pink, and my wolf loves that we are the reason. I watch her grab an old cloth and wipe up my blood from the counter before taking the shattered beer glass. Her hips sway from side to side, tempting me as she moves away from me. It takes every ounce of control to tip back my beer, before standing and turning around. I need to get out of this bar, taking my first few steps away from the bar are painful. I can’t stay here any longer. My wolf isn’t in his right frame of mind, and neither am I. I fight the temptation to turn back and glance at her one more time, knowing that might be the last straw. Instead, I open the door and slip out onto the street, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself and my wolf. I need to shift and run away, never to return. My wolf doesn’t agree. He’s fighting me every damn step I take away from her. Something tells me this is going to be a long fucking night.




hat guy, Rhys, has got me on edge tonight. One minute he was there, sipping on his beer. The next, I glanced up to see him walking out of the bar. I couldn’t understand why I felt so upset that he just got up and left. We shared one peck on the lips. I’m not sure what I hoped would happen. What the hell is wrong with me? I shoulder the heavy bag of trash and open the door. Alex never gives me a hand with it, no matter how heavy it gets. It’s not cold, but a shiver runs through me the moment I enter the alleyway. It’s been an hour since Rhys left the bar, but I feel on edge. A strange sense that someone is watching me passes over me as I move toward the trash cans. Maybe I’m just unhinged and fucking exhausted right now. I set down the heavy bag and quickly open the lid of the trash can, before chucking the bag inside. When I turn back around, the shifter is standing there. I let out a yelp in shock, taking a step backward and hitting right into the trash can. Rhys’s broad shoulders almost take up half the alleyway, making it feel impossible to get passed him and back inside. “What are you doing?” I ask, pressing myself harder against the trash can. The fact it stinks and is dirty as hell

doesn’t register. I move to the side and start to back further down the alleyway. He follows slowly, eyes flickering with that same intensity as he tracks my every movement. I gasp as my back hits the alley wall. “Stay back,” I say, realizing I’ve got nowhere to go right now. This shifter has me trapped in a small, confined space. Our quick, chaste kiss in the kitchen was unexpected and wrong for so many reasons. At the same time, as Rhys stalks toward me, all I can think about is a repeat happening right here. I want him to kiss me harder and longer. I want it more than I can understand. His eyes are dark and dangerous as he takes another step toward me. “Or what, Anastasia?” he asks, lips curving into a smirk. I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m a trained black belt in martial arts.” It’s the truth. Ever since my mom was killed, I decided to get lessons and excelled quickly since I used to do it as a kid. He chuckles at that, shaking his head. “You’ve got fight. I like that.” His voice is rough and deep, beastly even. My heart pounds against my rib cage, making me feel sick. Am I about to be mauled to death by a wolf shifter? He’s not even trying to hide anymore. His canines have lengthened fully, and his eyes are pure wolf, blazing with gold flecks that seem to glow in the dim alleyway. “What do you want?” I ask, pressing myself against the wall as if it will save me. I know it won’t. “I think you know what I want,” he says, stalking toward me faster. I gasp as he grabs my hips. A pulse of electricity kicks through every vein in my body. His scent overwhelms me. He smells like pure male and forest, and it’s surprisingly

arousing. I’ve been on edge and wound up by him ever since he stepped into the bar tonight. I mean, he is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen, shifter or human. I shake my head. “No, I’ve got no idea.” A low rumble rattles through his chest as he tightens his grip on my hips. His fingers digging in so hard, I’m sure he’ll leave marks. I can’t understand why the idea of being marked by this man makes me unbelievably aroused. My nipples are hard peaks rubbing against the fabric of my bra. My heart pounds as he presses me harder against the wall. I’ve never felt so out of control in my entire life. It’s insane the way this man is making me feel—a man I don’t know. It’s unexplainable He pulls me harder against him, and suddenly presses his lips to mine. I can’t understand why the urge to give in to his sudden advance overwhelms the urge to push him away. I moan as his tongue slips past my lips, quickly searching every inch of my mouth. I tangle my tongue with his, desperate to deepen the bond between us. Wait? Bond. I’ve got no idea what the fuck is happening to me right now. I try to pull back, but he holds me tightly. His hard cock is pressing into my abdomen, making me needier than I can explain. I have hardly any experience with men. So, why the fuck do I want this stranger to fuck me right here against the wall? It’s ridiculous and completely out of character, since I’m a virgin. Anyone could see us down here, making out in the shadows. God, if Alex, my boss, catches me, he will fire my ass. Especially since this man, Rhys, is a customer at the bar. I gasp as his fingers trail up my exposed thighs, under my skirt. I muster my last ounce of self-control and grab his hand. “What are you doing?”

He smirks that handsome and cocky smile he gave me when he first walked into the bar. “Giving you what you want,” he growls. The deep, gravelly tone of his voice is as much of a turn on as the rest of him. I let go of his hand. Our lips meld together again as he moves his fingers to my panties. He groans into my mouth as he slides a finger through the soaking wet fabric. “You are dripping wet for me, baby.” He moves the fabric to one side and plunges his finger deep into my soaking wet pussy. I gasp at the sudden intrusion, but my pussy clamps down around his finger. It’s so wrong that I’m letting this stranger finger me in the alleyway. I moan as he hooks his finger, chasing away any doubts I have. I need Rhys more than I’ve needed anyone. “Fuck,” I gasp as he slips a second finger inside of me. “You are so damn tight,” he groans, fingering me harder and faster. “I want to make this pretty little pussy come all over my fingers.” My head feels too heavy for my shoulders as I rest it against the cold wall behind me. It’s the only thing stopping me from bursting into flames. I feel my knees begin to shake as he pushes me toward orgasm, only to stop while I’m on edge. I whimper as he pulls his fingers out of me, eyes shooting open. “What the—” He kisses me to silence my complaint, and then pulls back, holding my gaze fiercely. I watch as he slowly sinks his dripping wet fingers into his mouth, humming around them. It’s so damn hot watching him lick my juice from them. My thighs clench as I think about how good it would feel to

have those lips and tongue on my pussy right now. It would be heaven. “You taste like fucking honey,” he growls, as he plunges three fingers this time right inside of me. He doesn’t take his time. He seems as lost to this as I am. I moan as he is quick to push me right back to the edge, making me pant. “Rhys,” I breathe his name as he hooks his fingers inside of me. Stars explode behind my eyes. Every nerve in my body sets on fire. My nipples are so hard they hurt, and suddenly, I’m releasing all over his hand. He groans as my orgasm peaks. His eyes darken with wanton lust. A lust that only seems to make me hornier. The release I’d so desperately needed isn’t enough. It feels like any release wouldn’t be enough until he is deep inside of me. What the fuck am I thinking? “That’s hot,” he groans, licking his dripping wet fingers like a starving dog. I’ve never come quite like that before when I’ve done it at home by myself, that was more intense and far messier. A few men have attempted to get me o with their fingers and failed miserably, hence why I never got to the next step. It’s odd that I just climaxed all over the fingers of a stranger, and I want to do it again. I want to come all over his cock, which is ridiculous since I’ve never had sex before. What the hell is happening to me? He sinks his sharp teeth into my neck, without piercing the skin. The stinging pain is enough to make my orgasm spike again, sending wave after wave of pleasure through me. Rhys licks my neck, trailing a path right up to my lips. His tongue slips into my mouth, and I moan deeply, never before have I experienced need like this. It feels like it is consuming me from the inside out. All I can think about is

having this man inside of me—right here and right now. Fuck the fact I’m a virgin. “I need you, Rhys,” I breathe. He growls, kissing me deeper. His fingers slide back inside of me, making me feel whole again. I’ve lost my mind to this need. Everything else has faded away, and all that matters is making this man mine. He is mine. It makes no sense why a man like him would like a curvy girl like me. He’s all hard muscle and pure god, but somehow, I know I will have him no matter what. Nothing can stand in the way of our desire. At least, that’s what I thought. “There he is,” a man shouts. I turn my head to search for him, and my world seems to explode. The asshole that tried to hit on me is standing there, pointing right at us. He has council members trailing him. The fucking bastard called the council on Rhys. A shifter, sure, but he’s not doing any harm. He’s doing the opposite of harm. He’s making me feel better than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. I could kill that guy right now for this. Rhys’s fingers slip out of my pussy, and he licks them clean, making me whimper. “I’ve got to go, princess.” he holds my gaze with so much intensity. “I’ll be back for you, though,” he growls, a promise I hope he keeps. I watch after him as he sprints away. My heart sinks as he disappears down the dark alleyway. I was about to have the best night of my damn life, and that jackass ruins it. I was finally going to lose my virginity. Alex steps out the back as the council members rush past me after the shifter. “What the fuck is going on out here?” I’m so overwhelmed, I can hardly speak. Why did I let that stranger touch me like that? I shake my head, finally coming

back to my senses as I get distance from him. He stares at me. “You’ve been out here far too long, and customers are complaining.” The asshole who called the council approaches me. “She was attacked by a shifter. I saw the guy grabbing at her.” Alex’s eyes widen. “Anastasia, is that true?” Is it true? I’m not sure what was going on with that shifter, but I’m sure he wasn’t attacking me. At least, not in the way they are suggesting. My knees still feel like jelly beneath me as I keep my back pressed against the cold stone of the wall behind me. “Anastasia?” Alex repeats my name. “I honestly don’t know what happened,” I say, shaking my head. The guy steps forward. “She’s in shock. We best get her inside.” He reaches for me, and the moment I feel him touch me, I recoil. His touch makes my skin crawl. The thought of ever being touched by anyone but Rhys makes me sick to the stomach. It makes zero sense, but it’s the truth. “I can walk,” I say, walking toward the back exit into the bar. Alex holds the door for me as I go through, stopping the asshole who called the council on Rhys. I don’t know the shifter, but I do know he wasn’t here to cause trouble. He wanted to remain low key, but instead, the guy who called the council ruined everything. Not to mention, I haven’t been that excited by a guy ever. I wanted to take him home with me and let him take my v-card, which is ridiculous. I can’t understand why, since I hardly know him. Also, he’s a shifter, and it’s forbidden. Is that why it’s such a turn on? Humans and shifters aren’t supposed to mix—not like that. And, yet, I longed for him to fuck me up against that wall.

Every bone in my body longed for him to take my virginity. I had lost all sense of awareness the moment his hands were on me. All I can think about is him, even now he’s gone. I enter the kitchen and lean my back against the wall, shutting my eyes. The moment I shut my eyes his face appears. The scent of him still surrounds me as I stand in the kitchen, remembering the way he growled while I patched up his hand. The hand that had already healed. Deep down, I know there is something not quite normal about our attraction. What exactly this is will have to wait until Rhys comes back for me. I hope he comes back sooner rather than later.




here he is,” a man shouts. The guy is shouting at me, and it’s the guy I kicked out of the bar earlier when he hit on my mate. My heart sinks in my chest at the sight of council members following him. Anastasia snaps out of the lust-filled state she’s fallen into as my fingers slip out of her perfect, tight, wet pussy. Her thick, plump lips part as my gaze returns to her. The temptation to fuck her right against the wall is strong, but the need to survive wins over. “I’ve got to go, princess.” I hold her gaze. “I’ll be back for you, though,” I growl. Her breath hitches as she bites her bottom lip. The desire in her eyes is blazing, but I have to move the other way. I run, despite every bone in my body telling me to stay with her—to stay with my mate. Once I’ve taken a few steps, and I’m at a safe distance, I let part of my wolf side break free. My canines lengthen fully, and my eyes narrow in, but I won’t let him out entirely. I’m in a race against time. They will try and shut down the city, but I need to get out before that happens. My muscles bunch as I sprint down the alleyway under the moonlight. It’s a full moon tonight, meaning I’m even

more likely to turn. My canine’s sharpen fully, and I know I won’t be able to hold o my wolf form for much longer. I growl as I try to fight it, knowing that shifting in the city would be a terrible idea. My wolf is straining—desperate to break free and run. He would outrun the people chasing me for sure, but I couldn’t be certain that he wouldn’t attack one of them—that’s the risk. I turn right, pounding down another back alley. The scent of the men following me is strong as they keep up. They may be able to run as fast as me in my human form, but they won’t be able to keep going. My endurance is second to none. Anastasia’s face floods my mind as we keep running. I know he wants to return to her. My wolf doesn’t like that we are running away from our mate—away from our destiny. He wants to claim the tasty little human I had pushed against the wall, no matter how much danger that puts us in. I grind my canines into my lip, trying to push her from my mind. All I need to focus on right now is saving my damn skin. Once I get out of here, I will return for her. There’s no doubting the will of my wolf. He won’t be tamed. “Over there,” One of the men shouts, gaining on me. Fuck. He’s fast—for a human. It looks like I have no other choice. As I gaze up at the light of the moon, I feel my bones shifting and pain splinters through my whole body. I let out a howl that the entire east side of the city will hear. My pure white fur breaks across every inch of my body as my clothes rip to pieces, left behind in a pile. I hear the men’s steps getting closer as I shift, but the moment my wolf is out I’m gone. The wind ru es through my white fur as I pound through the city, scenting my way out. There’s nothing more exhilarating than running free in my wolf form. He’s not fighting me this time as he allows me

to take the front seat. Our minds merge as one, enjoying the freedom of running through New York City, escaping the assholes chasing us. I feel more alive than I’ve felt in months right now. I can’t understand whether it’s because I’m breaking the rules, which I love to do, or if it’s because of that intoxicating little human that I just fingered to climax against a wall. I grit my canines together as I dodge onto the main street. Men and women scream as I rush past them. There was no other choice but to take this route. Back alleys are too fucking slow. Wolf shifters have a bad rap for no reason in New York. I rush past a hot dog stall, and my belly rumbles. Fuck. My wolf is starving, and that’s never a good sign. Hopefully, I can hold back the hunger long enough to get the hell out of such a densely populated area. My wolf’s hunger can quickly turn into a thirst for blood—human blood. I’m near the entrance I used earlier to get into this city. Hopefully, it’s still as unguarded as it was when I slipped in here undetected. The gate comes into view and my heart sinks. They’ve locked down the city. I’ve got nowhere to go. All of a sudden, something hits me. A shock of electricity pulses through my body, making every muscle spasm. I howl in agony and fall to the floor, trying to hold onto the strands of consciousness. It’s impossible. Instead, everything turns black. The last thing I see is Anastasia’s beautiful face as everything else fades away.

“I T ’ S R HYS FUCKING V ERNE ,” I hear someone say, as I come to my senses.

Running a hand through my hair, I realize I’m no longer in my wolf form. My head fucking kills as I try to remember what happened. I open my eyes. The cage I’m in is old and dirty, but the most striking thing is that it’s made of silver. I know instantly I’ve been caught by the council. I’m at The New York City Hall. There’s a prison for all shifters or paranormal beings that disobey their bullshit rules. “Who’s there?” I ask, trying to see who spoke my name. The council knows me well, but it won’t stop them from executing me for this. The council members probably relish it. If they make an example out of the king of the North American packs, it will stop anyone from breaking the rules again. At least, that’s their theory, but they underestimate the power of angry shifters. There’s no talking sense to the council. “Rhys, what were you thinking?” Alec comes into view. I feel a slight relief to see one of the more sensible of the council members here. He is the one guy who you can have a reasonable conversation with. I shake my head. “I wasn’t thinking.” He grabs hold of the silver bars keeping me held. “Fuck, Landon is out for your head on this, man.” Landon is the head of the council and a royal pain in my ass. “Yeah, figures.” I run a hand over the back of my neck. “There’s no way I’m getting out of this, is there?” Alec bites the inside of his cheek. “I’m trying to think of a way out for you. Did you have a valid reason to enter the city?” My mate. I’m not about to tell him that my mate is human. That’s more likely to hammer the final nail in my co n. I rack my brain, trying to think of an excuse—any fucking excuse. What reason would the council find valid?

I nod. “One of my pack went rogue, and I followed him here. The intention was to draw him out and bring him home.” Alec’s eyes widen. “There’s another shifter loose in New York City?” “Yeah, he’s young, and his wolf got out of hand.” I shrug. “He might not even be in the city anymore. I couldn’t scent him when your men chased me.” Alec lets out a deep sigh. “Reports say you attacked a young woman outside a bar.” His brow raises. “What’s your reason for that?” I shake my head. “I wasn’t attacking her, just talking to her. She had seen the guy I was after, and I was questioning her, that’s all.” He doesn’t look convinced. “I’m going to meet with the rest of the council now. I’ll put my best e ort into pleading your case, but you know Landon—” “Yeah, he’s an asshole who will love burning me at the stake for this.” I fold my arms over my chest. “I handed my ass to him on a plate.” He laughs at that. “Unfortunately, yeah, you have.” He gives me a sympathetic look. “I’ll try. Maybe the rest of the council will see reason.” I watch him as he walks away, knowing that leaving my fate to Alec would be a bad idea. There’s no chance in hell that Landon is letting this slide. He hates me. He wants me dead. I have to work out a plan to get myself out of this mess. Otherwise, I’ll be made an example of by the council. Alec means well, but he won’t save me. The cage I’m in is impenetrable from the inside. What they won’t bet on is me having help from the outside. It’s a risky option, but I have no other choice. My mate is the only

person who can save me. If I draw Anastasia to the city hall, she could help me out of here. My wolf isn’t sure. He doesn’t like endangering her, and neither do I. Bringing her here is dangerous, but not doing so is too. A human whose mate dies will go crazy, particularly when the bond isn’t consummated. It’s not the only danger of her coming here. I can’t promise I won’t claim her for real the moment I get my paws on her again. My wolf needs his mate, and he won’t rest until she is by his side—marked with our mark, our scent. I shut my eyes, picturing Anastasia in my mind. That beautiful, delicate face framed in fiery red hair and those eyes that could kill me. I wish she were here with me more than anything. The longing to claim her overrules all my other senses. I shake my head, as I’ve gone o track. My eyes remain clamped shut as I picture her again and focus on penetrating her mind. Her voice comes loud and clear through mine, and it drives me fucking wild with need. I feel her emotions and thoughts instantly, before forcing the connection the other way. Anastasia, I need you to come to the city hall now. I’m in danger. It takes all my strength to send that one message to her because I’m weakened by the power sucking silver. Not to mention, our bond is weak. I quickly lose the connection and feel my consciousness slipping. All I can hope is that she comes and doesn’t freak out too much over the message. I need her now more than I’ve ever needed anyone. Everything fades to black, and all I see is her beautiful bright green eyes.




lie awake in bed for hours, staring at the ceiling. What the hell happened between me and that wolf shifter? He's all I can think about ever since he ran away. His promise to return to me both excites and scares me. I want to see him again, despite everything. The fear I felt when I saw those men chase after Rhys made me sick to the stomach. He was in danger—shifter or not. I know what our city council does to shifters caught breaking the rules. I've witnessed an execution before. It is debase and disgusting, and yet, so many humans support it. I think it makes them feel powerful in a world where humans have no power. We're weak. We may have the numbers over the fae, shifters, and even vampires, but we can't fight them. If they wanted to extinguish us, they could. I wish New York had come around to the more modern way of thinking. The south has embraced the other paranormal species, accepting them into their cities. I've even heard of shifters taking humans as mates in some states, but mostly it's expressly forbidden. A sudden sweep of heat washes over my body, one that feels just like it did when Rhys touched me for the first time.

His face appears in my mind as clear as day. Then, I hear his voice. Anastasia, I need you to come to the city hall now. I'm in danger. I sit bolt upright in bed, eyes wide, waiting for something more. There's no other message, and quickly, the heat leaves me. Am I going insane or was that real? I know shifters have powers beyond a human, but I didn't realize they could communicate through the mind. I can't understand what is happening, but I know Rhys is in danger. If he at city hall, then they've caught him. They will kill him if that's the case. I jump up, pulling on a pair of pants and a shirt. I've got no plan. All I know is I have to save him. A man I don't even know. Okay, he did make me come against the wall in a back alley harder than I've ever orgasmed before. Is that why I'm so willing to help him? I shake my head, knowing it's not the sole reason. I felt something deep when he gazed into my eyes, something beyond standard attraction. One look into his eyes made me feel more wanted and safer than I have in my entire life. There was a promise in his eyes—a promise that he would keep me safe. I have to return the favor. Rhys needs me, and I'm not about to sit here and let him die. I may not understand it, but I'm going to save that alpha asshole if it's the last thing I do. He's important to me, even if I don't know why.

G UARDS PATROL OUTSIDE CITY HALL , as I wand past, trying to scope the entrance out. There isn't an easy way inside. No matter how I play this, it's going to be dangerous.

I walk around the side of the building, hoping to find another entrance. There has got to be a weak point to the security of this building. It's like Fort Knox. You'd think our city hall was a prison, but something tells me that's what this place is. God knows how many shifters they are keeping in cages in there. The council members are fucking animals if you ask me. They're the ones that should be locked up. My mom, when she was alive, fought against the council every step of the way. I've got a feeling it's the reason she died. The mystery surrounding her death is unsolved. The police give me bullshit excuses that there isn't enough evidence to find the killer. I know deep down the council covered everything up. She was murdered, and no one seems to give a damn. I'll never find out the truth about her death, as the council is too powerful. A window catches my attention at the back of the building. It's cracked open and big enough for me to climb through if I can open it further. A tingle runs down my spine at the thought of being so reckless. All my life, I've been a good girl. Always following the rules, but if Rhys is in danger, screw the fucking rules. It's about time I broke them, especially since the council doesn't seem to have to follow any rules themselves. They do what the hell they want and kill who the hell they want. Maybe, once I've saved Rhys, he can help me get to the bottom of my mother's murder. I pull open the window further and pull myself inside, jumping down onto the toilet seat below. I've found my way into a bathroom. Better than ending up right in the center of a damn council meeting. A few voices filter through the air, making me tense. A man and woman are speaking in the corridor outside the bathroom. I hold my breath, waiting for someone to

either come inside or walk past. Thankfully, they keep moving. My heart is pounding at a thousand miles an hour. Rhys could have given me a clue as to where to find him in this damn place. The city hall is enormous. I'm not sure how much I'm going to stick out. Hundreds of people work for the council, but the fact is if they know I'm not one of those people, it will be game over. It wouldn't surprise me if I end up on the chopping block too. I slowly get down o the toilet and open the door into the bathroom. The place is ridiculous. It's so extravagant. It looks like I'm in the bathroom of a five-star hotel. Good to see the council invests its money well on fucking gold taps. They better not be real gold. I shake my head, trying to focus on the task at hand— getting Rhys out of here before he ends up roasted on a damn barbecue. A shiver runs up my spine as I remember the rumors over one of the shifters they killed. According to rebels, the council has developed a taste for shifter flesh, which is beyond wrong if it’s true. It's a halfway step to pure cannibalism. Shifters aren't much di erent from humans other than the ability to change into another animal. I step toward the door, freezing as I hear footsteps approaching. Fuck. Putting on my best game face, I open the door and step out of the bathroom, hoping I've just walked out of the ladies. To be fair, the lack of urinals suggests that it was. A man walks right past me and into the opposite bathroom. He didn't even bat an eyelid as I stepped out. My heart is pounding at a hundred miles an hour as I turn left and head the way he came.

I've got no idea if this is the right way, but I've got to start somewhere. Now, where would the council keep shifters? I come to a stop as I notice a floor plan on the wall. Perfect. A few people are milling about, which is strange for this time of night. They don’t even look at me as I move toward the wall and carefully check it out. I'm in the main hall. Slowly, I scan the plan. There's got to be a recognizable name for the prison here. Then, I notice something strange. An entire area on the map is marked in red and classed as restricted. Well, that's where I need to go. It's down the second corridor on the left. I know there's going to be some weird things kept in here, but I wonder if that is where they are keeping Rhys. A few groups still try to rise against the New York City Council, but ever since my mom's group broke apart, not long after she died, none of them have gained any momentum. I'm pretty sure my mom's work got her killed. Rhys might have more answers as to what has been going on with the council. I walk down the corridor, and my heart skips a beat. “Can I help you?” A guard asks, patrolling the entrance to the restricted area. I clear my throat. “I’m looking for Mr. Carmichael, it's important. Have you seen him?” He nods. “Yeah, he went in about half an hour ago. I’m sure he's still in there.” He narrows his eyes. “What's your business with him?” I set my hands on my hips. “Confidential and highly secret regarding the shifter we captured tonight. I need to see him now.” I hold his gaze, not backing down. Finally, he nods. “Fair enough, go on in.”

I can't quite believe that worked. I head into the restricted area. It's a maze of fucking corridors. Great. I get a feeling there won't be a floorplan for the restricted area. Anyone in here should know where they are going. I step toward a corridor on my left, but a sign catches my eye. Holding cells. If I had to bet any money, that's where he is. Slowly, I head down the corridor, making sure to check for guards or my father. The bang of a door opening has me slipping into a small alcove and keeping still. My breathing is way too fucking loud, so I press a hand over my mouth. My heart is pounding so hard. I'm worried someone will hear it. Footsteps near me, walking away from the holding cells. I can just about see my father walk past. Shit. The last thing I need is to run into that asshole. There will be no talking my way around him. He knows damn well who I am. I stay as still as possible, waiting for his footsteps to fade. Once I'm confident he is gone, I step back out of my hiding spot. There's one door at the end of the corridor, and that has to be it. I sprint toward it and try the doorknob, but it's locked. “Fuck,” I breathe. It's only just occurred to me how ill-equipped I came to break out a shifter from the fucking city-hall. My mom would be ashamed. Then I remember my hairpins. I pull one out and move it into the lock, quietly trying to navigate it. My mom taught me a lot of things that would get me on the wrong side of the law, but she was the best. It clicks open, and I push the door, entering the room. The room is so dark, and I don't dare switch on the lights. I'm not stupid enough to take the chance. Instead, I let my

eyes adjust and move further into the room. A familiar heat filters through my body. A of pine and musk encases me. He's in here—I'm sure of it. As I move further into the room, I can detect some sort of cage in the center. I move closer. Heat pulses through every part of my body the moment I lock eyes on him. Rhys. He's half-naked, unconscious, and caged. The man I had been so desperate to fuck earlier that evening. What have they done to him? I feel a desperate need to get him out. It feels like my sole purpose in life should be to save him. It's all that matters. Why is it that I feel such desperation whenever I'm near him? I think he has some explaining to do, but first, I need to get us the fuck out of here.




y eyes flutter open as I hear someone enter. The scent brings me to my senses instantly— Anastasia's smell. All the hope escapes me when I set eyes on who entered. Landon Carmichael. The last person on this planet that I want to see right now. The guy hates shifters, but he hates me most of all. I focus my attention on Anastasia's scent, trying to get a read on where in the building she is. The last thing I want is her getting caught by this bastard. My message must have got through, and the pull of the bond was too much to resist. I smile to myself as I remember how she moaned against that wall. The woman acted like she's never had a man make her come like that. Fuck. She is beautiful. My cock is hard just thinking about her, which is highly inappropriate considering the position I'm in right now. “Rhys, what have you done now?” Landon asks, stopping in front of my cage. The smirk on his face makes me sick. I wish these bars weren't standing between us, and I'd scratch it the fuck o of his face. He wouldn't be smirking like that if my wolf got hold of him right now—no fucking chance.

“Nothing wrong. I was searching for a pack member, which is my right as an alpha.” “Rhys, you have no rights in The City of New York.” He shakes his head. “You should know better.” I shrug. “My pack members come above any stupid fucking rules you put in place, Landon.” “Shame, as you will die for it. The council has already voted, and Alec's pathetic attempt to save you made no di erence whatsoever.” I growl at him, wishing I could pull apart these bars and tear his head o right here and now. The bars of the cage are silver. If I touch them, they will burn me and weaken me. “Always were the hothead, weren't you? Even at school,” he taunts. Yeah, we went to school together. This asshole was the nerd, and I'm not proud to admit our group did pick on him now and then. That's why he loves this. The tables have turned. Shifters are the outcasts—I'm the outcast—the jock who used to get all the girls and all the attention. “Still holding a grudge from school, Landon?” I laugh. “That is ancient history. Why can't you put it behind us?” His eyes narrow. “It may be ancient history to you, but…” He holds my gaze with his hands clenched by his side. It never helped that his wife was my best friend before the reveal. He always believed I'd fucked her, which was a lie. “Never mind all that, this is about the rules you broke Rhys.” His jaw turns hard set. “You'll pay for the crime you committed.” I watch as he turns away, even though my wolf wants to fight him. The fact is, Anastasia will get me out of here. She will save me from the fate the council is planning for me. I pick up her scent again, ignoring everything else. She's getting closer. All I can hope is that she doesn't run into the

wrong person. If Landon realizes she’s here to come and save me, there'd be no escape for either of us. My wolf strains to break free at the thought. We both know Landon would execute her too. I sit back in my cage, keeping my back pressed against the silver, despite the pain. It's the only way to stop my wolf from breaking free. He doesn't think straight under captivity. We'll end up dead before Landon can even get his hands on us. All we can do now is wait for our mate—Anastasia is my only hope.

I PASSED out from the pain of touching the silver, but a strong scent brings me back. I sit bolt upright and stare into the brilliant emerald eyes of my mate. “Anastasia.” My voice is raspy and desperate. Her cheeks turn deep red the moment I utter her name. “You came for me,” I say. “Of course. When I heard your message, I knew you were in danger.” She shakes her head. “For some ridiculous reason, I couldn't leave you to your fate.” I smirk at the beauty in front of me, wishing I could explain the reason why. This isn't the time or the place to reveal the fact Anastasia's my mate. “Can you get me out of this cage?” Her brow furrows. “Aren't you a super strong shifter? Why don't you bend the metal?” I touch the silver for a short moment and then lift my hand for her to see. “The cage is made from silver. It's deadly to all shifters.” She bites her bottom lip and glances around the room. If it weren't for this damn metal between us, I'd be all over her

right now. My wolf is ready to claim her, but we can't. The risk to her is high. Wolves can get totally out of hand when claiming their mate for the first time. It's okay if the two mates are shifters, but when one is a fragile human, like Anastasia, it can be dangerous. “I can try and pick the lock,” she says, meeting my gaze. I smile at that. “Have you picked many locks before?” She narrows her eyes at me, and that attitude I love comes back in full force. “Do you take me for a thief?” I laugh. “No, it was just a question.” I hold my hands in the air in surrender. She fiddles with her hair, which is up in a tidy bun, pulling out a hairpin. It lets some of the hair down, cascading over her creamy skin. I clench my fists together, wishing I knew a way to control my urges. It's a full moon tonight, and it's making my need to claim Anastasia increasingly di cult to resist, even with the fucking silver between us. I can't even think about the pack right now. The last thing they would want is for their Alpha to take a human mate, but I can't find it in me to care. My cock strains against the fabric of my boxer briefs, making me increasingly uncomfortable. I bite my lip and resist the urge to take matters into my own hands right in front of her. This woman is going to be the death of me. She slips the hairpin into the lock and begins to move it. Her proximity drives me wild as I keep my eyes on her, watching and waiting. I'm tempted to tell her to keep me locked in here. I know the moment this cell opens she won’t have a chance. My wolf will claim her if it's the last thing he does. I get a feeling we won't make it out of city hall beforehand. Suddenly, the click of the mechanism coming

free echoes around the expansive room. Anastasia smiles the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. It makes my balls ache. She slips the lock o of the door and then opens it. The desire in her eyes is unmissable as she lets her gaze drop to the visible bulge in my pants. “We best get out of here before someone catches us,” she says. She's right. I know deep down we need to get away from here, and then I can claim her, but my wolf won't listen to reason—not this time. I shake my head. “I need you,” I growl, my voice deep and beast-like. Her eyes widen. “Not here, we could get caught.” I pounce out of the cage, grabbing her so fast. She gasps, and her arousal bleeds into the air. The scent strengthens the moment my hands are on her. “Would you like that?” I ask my voice is barely a whisper. “Would you like getting caught while I fucked you so hard you can't remember your name.” I physically feel the shiver run through her as she presses her back hard against me. Slowly, I tease my hand up her stomach, cupping her breast as I reach it. She moans as I move my hand up to her neck, gripping it tightly. “Answer me, Anastasia,” I breathe heavily against her ear. She shudders in my arms, pressing her ass harder into my straining cock. She wants this just as much as I need it. “Would you like me to fuck you out in the open so that everyone can see that you are mine?” I growl, wanting her response. She nods her head. “Yes,” her voice is small and quiet— the exact opposite to mine. It reminds me exactly what kind

of fragile being I'm dealing with. A human that I could easily break if I'm not careful. I scan the room, noticing a desk on the far side. I lift Anastasia in my arms, carrying her over to the desk with one goal in mind. She's going to be mine. I don't care that she's human. I don't care what my pack will think. Anastasia saved my life, and it's about time I repaid the favor. This woman needs waking up to just how good life can be once she's felt me inside her. Roughly, I set her back on the floor. My lips tease against hers, as she breathes heavily. I unzip her pants and yank them down her hips. The groan that escapes me is mainly due to the fact she hasn't even got any underwear on. “No underwear? Dirty girl,” I growl, tearing her pants o her legs and lifting her onto the edge of the desk. She moans as I part her legs wide and kneel in front of her. I hold her gaze as I move my mouth closer to her soaking wet pussy. She is more delicious than anything I've scented before. No matter how much I want to tease her, I can't hold back. I lick a path through her dripping slit, tasting her deeply. Her moans are like music to my ears. I'm in heaven right now. My cock so hard it feels like it might rip through the fabric of my pants. I keep swiping my tongue through her center, before slowly circling her throbbing clit. She cries out, digging her fingertips into my shoulders. I stop and meet her gaze. “Quiet, princess. We don't want anyone catching us, do we?” She shakes her head, biting her bottom lip. Damn, she is so fucking beautiful. The danger of what I'm doing right now and the risk of being caught isn't registering. The only thing that matters is claiming Anastasia as my own. If we hadn't

been interrupted outside the bar earlier, I would have fucked her then. The need to be inside her is clawing at me, but first, I have to prepare her for my size. She needs to be soaking wet and relaxed. Especially since I've never been inside a human, but I know everything is smaller. The thought of her tight little pussy stretching to fit over my cock sends me wild. I slide a finger inside of her while licking her clit more feverishly. The need to make her come all over my face drives me, as I continue to work her into a frenzied mess. I'm no longer paying attention to the sounds she makes, which are far louder than they should be. She's panting and moaning as if I'm making her feel better than any man ever has before. I hope that's the case. She laces her fingers in my hair suddenly. “Rhys, fuck,” she moans, bucking her hips forward and pressing my face harder into her clit. “I’m going to come.” I groan. “That's it, baby, come all over my face.” She cries out as her orgasm explodes through her. A flood of delicious fucking cream pours onto my tongue and mouth, making me even fucking harder in my pants. Her orgasm was the single most arousing thing I've ever witnessed, as she tries desperately to remain quiet. Her hips continue to buck as wave after wave of ecstasy crashes into her. I remove my lips from her pussy and stand between her legs. She can't move anywhere, as I pin her down. My eyes meet hers with all the intensity I feel at that moment. Then, I kiss Anastasia hard and fast. My body is desperate to join with hers. I can't fight the instinct anymore. I rip the shirt from her body—no longer caring about anything but getting my skin against hers as fast as possible.

Where we are and who might see us doesn't even pass my mind. She gasps, eyes wide as she stares at her torn shirt on the floor. The deep red of her cheeks deepens as I pull my boxers down. Her lips parting as her eyes move to the huge cock between my thighs. I know I'm big, even by wolf standards, but up to a human, I must be giant. “How the fuck am I supposed to fit that inside of me?” she asks, the fear seems to be uncontrollable in her irises. “Don't worry, baby. You'll stretch for me,” I groan, pulling her naked body against me. Her skin is so fucking soft. I bite her lip softly, but enough to sting. “I need you, Anastasia.” Her eyes are lust-filled and dazed. “I need you, too.” With that, I ravage her. My tongue explores every inch of her naked body as all my self-control disappears. Anastasia is about to become mine for real. My mate. My queen. My everything.




hys lifts me as if I’m a feather. I’m out of control. No longer sane. I think I need serious help as I’ve never wanted anything more than to be fucked by this shifter—right here and right now. I don’t care that we’re exposed and in danger. I don’t care that I’m a virgin. If anyone were to walk in, we’d both be on the chopping block. His cock is so huge it looks to be an impossible fit, but my desire to touch it outweighs my fear. The fact I’ve never had sex makes it even scarier. I wrap my fingers not even half the way around it, and tug gently. He growls, barring his sharp canines. The rumbling sound he makes is so beastly it makes my arousal drip down my thighs. I’ve never been this wet before—never been this needy before. “I want to taste you,” I moan, keeping hold of his straining cock in my hands. It twitches the moment I say that. He wraps his large hand around my throat. “I’m sure you do, baby. So fucking dirty.” He grabs my shoulders and pushes me down to kneel in front of me. “Taste me, then.” I groan at the thick line of precum dripping from his cock to the floor. My body is so hot. It feels like I’m going to burst

into flames. Who knew desire could feel this good? I open my mouth and slowly lick the precum from the head of his cock, teasing him. He groans, lacing his fingers gently in my hair. “No teasing. I want you to suck it like you mean it, princess.” A shiver races up my spine for some reason every time he calls me that. I’ve given head before, but only once and I’m so nervous about doing it to a man like him. I open my mouth wide and just above fit his ridiculous girth into my mouth. He tastes of pure fucking man. Musky and salty and perfect. I moan as I move my tongue around his thick head, forcing more precum to spill into my mouth. He pistons his hips, moving his cock further into my mouth. I gag on his ridiculous size, unable to breathe. My fingers dig into his powerful thighs as he holds his cock in that position. I’m used to always being in control. I don’t give up control easily. There’s a reason I’m still a virgin at twentythree years old. He doesn’t know the truth, and I’m not sure I should tell him. Finally, I push my mouth o of him, gasping for breath. “What the fuck? You almost choked me to death with your cock.” He smirks, that same cocky fucking smirk I saw him give me at the bar. “And, you loved it, baby.” I shake my head. “No, your cock is too fucking big, and I couldn’t breathe.” I’m about to stand when he grabs my hair forcefully, angling my head to look up at him. “You’re mine, Anastasia, do you understand?” He shakes his head. “Mine to fuck, mine to use, all fucking mine,” he growls.

I hate that my nipples harden, and my pussy gets wetter at his dominant and assertive tone. Shifters are renowned for being aggressive in all areas of life, but particularly during sex. Despite my mind resisting his dominance, my body craves it. It makes no sense since this is all new to me. “It looks like you understand,” he groans, playing with my hard nipples. “So fucking perfect.” Suddenly, he yanks my hair again and shoves his cock down my throat. At first, I panic. My body goes sti , and I gag all over him, saliva spilling down his shaft and balls. I dig my nails hard into his thighs, but he seems to enjoy the pain. Slowly, my desire to give him what he wants overrules my mental aversion to domination. I relax my throat and breathe through my nose, letting him fuck my mouth exactly how he wants. My pussy gets wetter as he uses me. It’s crazy but true. His eyes are flecked with gold again, glowing in the dim light of this room. He’s a god above me. All muscle and pure man ready to fuck me like a damn toy. I want it. I want him to take my body and stretch my virgin pussy over that huge cock of his. I’ve never wanted anything more. He yanks my hair again, pulling his cock from my mouth. “I need to be inside that tight, human pussy right now,” he growls. A flood of heat bursts through every inch of my body at the thought of him inside of me. Although fear overrides it and I tense in his grip. He moves his hands down to my hips, clawing at them with such possession. I’ve never felt more wanted than I do right now. At the same time, I’m scared to lose my virginity, especially to him. He’s too big. “What’s wrong baby,” he asks, sensing my tension.

My throat has closed up as I try to answer him. Will he stop if I tell him the truth? Despite my fear of having sex, I don’t want him to stop. “Tell me, Anastasia,” he growls. I bite my bottom lip and meet his gaze. “I’ve never done this before.” A realization pulses through his bright blue eyes, and it makes my stomach churn. Will he no longer want me when he realizes how inexperienced I am? “Are you telling me you are a virgin?” he growls, eyes wild with either lust or anger—I’m not sure which. I feel an emotion claw at my throat as I try to speak—fear. I’m so scared of this man walking away right now. Instead of speaking, I just nod. “Fuck.” He turns away from me, running a hand through his golden hair. “I shouldn’t have been so rough with you.” I set my hand on his arm, squeezing gently. “Don’t run away now. I want this, Rhys.” He turns and looks at me. His fiery, gold-flecked eyes hold my gaze as he grabs the back of my neck and kisses me hard. “How is a girl like you still a damn virgin?” he breathes, before forcing me around. I groan as he bends me over the desk, pressing my breasts onto the table. “I need to teach you a lesson, princess, for not telling me this before we started,” he breathes, teasing his large hand over my ass cheek. “I need to teach you who owns you.” His voice sounds more beast-like now. He spanks my ass cheek hard and fast, three times. Each spank harder than the last. I buck my hips, loving the way he’s making me feel. Dominance drips from him, and I’m soaking up every drop. He does the same on the other cheek, before kneading it with his big, rough hands. Suddenly, I feel the tip of his cock

pressing against my pussy. “Tell me to stop, and I will,” he says through gritted teeth. A whimper escapes my lips. “Don’t stop, please.” I hate how desperate I am for it, but I am. I need him inside me more than I need to breathe. “That’s it, baby, beg for my cock,” he groans, slowly moving the tip between my soaking wet lips. I moan as the huge head bumps against my clit, almost sending me over the edge with the lightest of touches. “I want to hear you beg me for it, Anastasia.” I grit my teeth together, trying to fight the urge to beg him to fuck me, to take my virginity. It’s impossible. “Please,” a strangled plea escapes my lips. “I need you so bad,” I moan. He growls, and then suddenly, he pushes his huge cock into me. My body bursts into flames the moment he tries to stretch me around him. Pain and desire and lunacy all mix as my pussy stretches around his girth. Our bodies were never made to fit, and yet, neither of us can resist this. We both need it more than I can explain. I feel each inch as it sinks deeper and deeper, still stretching me. “Fuck, princess, you are too damn tight,” he growls. I arch my back, trying to sink him in further. There’s no pain anymore, just pure, unadulterated pleasure. He slides his hands down my back as he pushes the rest of his cock inside of me. I feel him as deep as he can go. His balls rested against my throbbing clit. I’m on edge—ready to explode with him inside of me this time. Rhys leans his chiseled chest against my back, before sinking his sharp canines into my shoulder. The electricity firing between us seems to increase as he bites me, cock deep and still in my pussy.

I groan, the pain only heightens the pleasure. I can’t understand why I feel so emotional. Our connection doesn’t make any sense, and yet I understand it. We’re bonded together. Why or how I don’t know. What this means, I don’t know that either. I know nothing, other than the need to be with Rhys. The need to give my all to a man I don’t know, but somehow do. It’s odd, and it’s insane, but it makes perfect sense as he begins to move in and out of me. He sinks in and out of me from behind, clutching onto my large buttocks. My body bends to his will. The few times I’ve been intimate with a man, without it getting this far, I’m self-conscious of my curvy body. With Rhys, the way he looks at me chases all doubts away. “Fuck, baby, you are so damn tight.” He spanks my ass, and I feel my orgasm building. “Rhys,” I cry out his name, feeling myself come undone around him. He groans as I flood all over his cock. “That’s it, come for me, princess.” He doesn’t stop. Instead, he increases the tempo. I moan as he fucks me harder and faster, moving in and out at such speed. He stops suddenly, pulling out and grabbing me. I gasp as he lifts me onto the edge of the desk, spreading my thighs open wide. Rhys doesn’t even give me a moment to adjust before he’s back inside of me. Those fiery blue eyes with flecks of gold hold my gaze as he bares his wolf-like canines. Most women would be scared, but instead, it turns me on more. His brutality is sexy. I lick my lip, trying to taunt him into kissing me. He moves his lips to mine, kissing me first, then nipping my lip with those sharp teeth of his.

“Fuck,” I say, lifting a finger to the cut. He groans as he plays with my breasts before licking each one in turn. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He pounds me harder, keeping one hand on my back to support me. “I need to breed that beautiful pussy of yours.” I can’t understand why that word doesn’t freak me out. It should. He’s talking about getting me pregnant, but it only increases my desire. I’ve got no idea what his happening between us. Is this some sort of vivid dream? “No, it’s real,” he groans, kissing me again. My mind runs wild as I try to remember whether I said that out loud. I swear I didn’t. There are so many questions I have, but all I can focus on right now is the god in front of me. His body looks like it’s sculpted from stone. I run my hands over his abs. I feel his cock swell deep inside of me the moment I touch him. His eyes fierce as he bites his bottom lip, drawing blood. The sight of blood usually makes me feel sick, but it doesn’t right now. It makes him look sexier. “Fuck, your tight as hell pussy is milking me for all I’ve got,” he growls, eyes flashing even brighter. “I want you to come for me again.” He gives this demanding look that seems to be enough to send me over the edge. Our bodies still melded together as he pants above me, thrusting hard and fast. My whole body begins to spasm as my orgasm crashes into me. My mind goes blank. My vision blurs—every muscle in my body tenses. “Fuck,” I cry out. Rhys is quick to silence me, pressing his lips to mine. He roars into my mouth as he comes apart. I groan as his cock seems to swell inside of me, stretching me further. He shoots rope after rope of pearly seed as deep

as he can. Our breathing is labored as we stare at each other. I could lose myself forever in his eyes. He’s looking at me with such adoration, and I can’t explain how it makes me feel. There’s no way to put it into words. The creak of the door opening startles both of us. Rhys is quick, as he grabs me and carries me over to one corner, crouching down under something. Suddenly, the lights flick on. “Fuck,” someone roars. A voice I recognize well. “How the hell did you let this happen?” “I-I thought she worked for us.” Rhys keeps his arms tightly wrapped around me, holding my gaze. I can tell just from the look he is giving me. He’s telling me to stay quiet—some sort of weird sixth sense. “Well don’t just fucking stand there. Find them.” “Sir.” We wait and listen. “I’ll find you, Rhys, mark my words, you aren’t getting away with this.” I tense. The lights go out, and then the door bangs shut, leaving us in pitch black, holding each other. I can’t believe my father just ruined such a special moment.




sshole,” I growl, standing and punching the wall. Landon had to turn up and ruin the end of a sacred and special moment between my mate and me. He may not have caught us, but he tainted it. I can’t believe I just took her virginity here—It’s not exactly the most romantic place, but my wolf couldn’t be tamed. “You could say that again,” Anastasia says, nodding her head. “He’s my dad.” My eyes widen as I stare at the still naked beauty I just claimed as my own. The teeth marks in her shoulder are still bleeding. My mark on her, but I can’t help but feel angry that I hurt her. “Your dad?” Did I just fuck my arch nemesis’s daughter at his place of work? I shake my head, running a hand through my hair. I begin to pace back and forth. “Yeah, is that a problem?” she asks, staring at me like I’m mad. I look her straight in the eye. “How old are you?” Her age hadn’t even occurred to me until now, but since I went to school with her dad, it means I’m old enough to be hers.

Her brow furrows. “Twenty-three.” She crosses her arms over her breasts, suddenly shy. “How old are you?” Shit. “I’m forty-eight years old... The same age as your father.” I run my hand across the back of my neck. “We went to high-school together.” Her mouth drops open. “You don’t look a day over thirty.” I smile. “Perks of being a shifter.” She glances over at the door, twirling a strand of her fiery red hair around her finger. “We need to get out of here before we get caught.” I’m surprised she doesn’t seem more concerned about the fact I’m old enough to be her dad. “Yeah, I know a way out.” I grab her hand, electric heat shooting through every vein in my body the moment I touch her again. My cock grows hard instantly, and she notices. I groan as she licks her lips. “Don’t we have time for round two?” she asks. “Anastasia don’t tempt me,” I grumble, trying to focus all my attention on anything but her. “We need to get out of here, but believe me, once we do, I’ll give you round two, three, four, and five.” Her eyes spark with lust as she nods her head. “Okay, what’s the plan?” “First, get my clothes.” I walk over to one side of the room where Landon’s men discarded my clothes. Thankfully, they are still there. We’ll draw much less attention to ourselves dressed rather than naked. She starts to dress, sliding on her vest and then slipping on her shirt, which no longer has any buttons. I grab a pair of pants and shirt discarded on the desk, slipping them on as quickly. The last thing we need right now is to get distracted. At least clothes are a barrier between us. It gives us a

fighting chance to resist the pull to fuck until she’s pregnant with my pups. That’s what my wolf wants—Anastasia’s beautiful fucking body growing big and round with my babies. I want it too. It’s all I could think about as I claimed her on that desk. I grab her hand. “This way.” She yanks her hand away. “I don’t need my hand holding. I got here just fine.” Her independence is sexy. I feel my cock thicken in my boxer briefs. Why can’t she keep her mouth shut while we get the hell out of here? I clear my throat and lead the way, ignoring my wolf’s carnal instinct to mate with her repeatedly. He doesn’t see≠m to care about the danger we are in. It doesn’t help that the full moon is still in full strength, considering it’s only four in the morning. A side door to the left is unlocked. I open it and nod for Anastasia to go on ahead. She walks in front of me down the dark corridor, stopping the moment she hears voices. This isn’t the first time I’ve been in the City Hall’s restricted area, and I know no one comes down here, not usually. I grab her shoulder, pulling her back against me. Her scent overwhelms me, but I push it to one side. The voices are distant but clear. “We need to block all exits. They could still be inside.” It looks like I’m going to have to spill some blood to get us out of here. “I’m going to take the guards out. Otherwise, they will lock us in here,” I whisper into her ear. She nods, taking a deep breath that I feel right to my cock. If it weren’t for the circumstances, I would have been fucking her all night long.

“Brace yourself, princess, I’m going to shift.” I move forward and grit my teeth, forcing myself to shift silently. The pain never gets any better, but I’ve got used to it over the years. Anastasia gasps as I turn into my wolf, her eyes wide. She’s not scared, though. Her expression is curious as she regards me with intrigue. I give her a nod and bound toward the voices silently. In my wolf form, not only am I stronger, but stealthy. They won’t hear me coming until it’s too late. The two guys are bickering over how to lock down the area, while I sneak up from behind. I swallow hard as I realize Anastasia is about to see just what I’m capable of. The lengths I’d go to protect her—to save her. I leap at the first guy, ripping his throat out with my teeth in one move. The other guy shrieks and starts running the opposite direction, grabbing for his radio to signal the rest of Landon’s men. I’m too quick. I pounce on the guy’s back, sinking my claws into his flesh and pulling him to the floor. He holds his hands up, eyes wide. I snarl above him, blood from his friend dripping onto his shirt. “Please, don’t kill me. I’ll do anything, just—” I force my paw onto his arm, stopping him from moving for his radio. His eyes widen, and the fear is practically bleeding into the air. He will alert Landon to our position, and I won’t risk our safety. I don’t enjoy killing, but I’ll do it if I have to. I slice my claws across his throat, killing him quickly. My body coils with tension as I end his life, as this isn’t going to give shifters good press. Landon will dress it up as an attack on the council. No one will ever know the truth. I turn around to see Anastasia staring at me in pure shock. Her eyes wide as they go between the bloody man on

the floor and me. This isn’t a side of me I wanted her to see. I shift back into my human form, walking toward her. She takes a step back, holding her hands up. “Stay away from me.” I shake my head. “Anastasia, I was doing what I had to. They would have killed both of us if we got caught.” She swallows hard, her stunning emerald eyes overcome with fear. I hate that she’s scared of me. It saddens me more than I can put into words. The love of my life—Anastasia may not realize it yet, but that’s what she is, my soul mate, the other half of my whole. I hold out a hand to her. “Please, let me get you out of here.” Her gaze moves between my hand and my face a few times before she reluctantly takes it. I can feel her trying to keep away from me. A sudden void opening between us. She had to see what I was capable of at some point. Why not now? I open the door to the outside world, breathing a deep breath. “Run with me,” I say. We break into a jog out of City Hall, but we’ve got to get out of the city. Landon will have locked the city down again. He may never have lifted the barricades, even once he had me, fearing a retaliation from my pack. Luckily, I know a way out that is never blocked, an old underground mine system that is undiscovered by the humans. “Where are we going?” Anastasia asks, pulling me to a stop in the alleyway we’ve slipped down. “We need to escape the city.” Her eyes flood with doubt as she shakes her head. “This is my home. I’m not going anywhere.” A growl rumbles through my chest. My wolf is opposed to leaving her side. She takes a step away from me, and it hurts.

I step forward, pushing her up against the wall, caging her in. Slowly, I bring my hand up to cup her cheek. “I’d never hurt you, princess. I’ll protect you with my life.” She licks her bottom lip. “Why?” I draw in a deep breath, knowing there’s never going to be the right time or place for this conversation. “You are my mate,” I say, my voice quieter. “Your what?” I draw in a deep breath, running a hand through my hair. “My fated mate or soul mate, whatever you want to call it.” Her eyes widen. “That’s not possible.” I smile, tucking a hair back behind her ear. “Believe me, it is.” I press my lips against hers and kiss her softly. My heart feels like it could break if she rejects me now. It would kill me. “You’re mine forever, Anastasia.” She moans against my lips, and I know I’ve caught her again. The bond is too strong for her to resist. “Come on. We need to get out of the city.” She nods this time, lacing her fingers with mine. My whole body relaxes as she accepts me. The bond is new and fresh, but it’s deepening with every moment we spend together. Anastasia will be mine. I’m taking her home. We may have survived the council for now, but we’ve got bigger problems to worry about once we return to my pack. Alphas, in particular, are forbidden from taking a human mate. There’s nothing they can do about it now. Anastasia is my queen. If they don’t like it, someone will have to challenge me. They won’t win. No one has ever beat me, and I feel stronger than ever.




ou are my mate. Rhys’s words keep replaying over and over again in my mind. How is it possible? I’m human and an insignificant one at that. When I saw him shift into the beautiful, huge, white wolf, I was in awe. A lot of people would be scared, but it increased my admiration for him. Then, I saw him rip out a man’s throat with his bare teeth and slash another with his claws. Ever since I set eyes on him, I knew he was a shifter. There’s a di erence in knowing what someone is capable of and witnessing it. I know it was the only choice. If the guys had caught us, they would have locked us away before executing us. I just wish Rhys could have handled it a di erent way. He could have knocked the guys out and snuck away, although the risk would have been higher. If they had overpowered him in his human form, we would have been back at square one. We’ve been walking in silence ever since we left the confines of New York City—the only home I’ve ever known. Despite it being a mild evening, I’m cold. A shiver skates

down my spine as I glance at the man who has been keeping his distance ever since we got away. Rhys hasn’t said a word since we escaped the city, not since he revealed that I’m his mate. I have no idea where we are going. The fact he’s my mate is insane, but it explains a lot. What else could explain this ridiculous pull he has on me? The way all my inhibitions were gone back at city hall. Despite the fact I was a virgin, all I cared about was having him inside of me. I’m still sore but the heat floods me just thinking about how good it felt. My reservations over who he is and what he did to those men doesn’t stop me from wanting him. I might want him more, which is crazy. He dropped my hand the moment we left the city, and every step he takes is tense and robotic. My thighs clench as I think about how good his hands felt on me. I want him now as much as ever. We gave in to temptation back at city hall, but it wasn’t enough. I need to feel his hands all over me again. His teeth had dug into my skin. His big, hard cock stretching me— “Stop thinking like that,” Rhys growls, making me jump. Shit. I hadn’t even considered the fact he can read my mind. “Can you hear my thoughts?” I bite my bottom lip, heat exploding through my cheeks. He nods his head, “Only sometimes, particularly when you are thinking about me fucking you.” His shoulders tense more. He has hardly looked at me since we left the city. “Why won’t you look at me?” I ask. He stops but doesn’t turn around. His fists are balled tightly by his side. “I can’t risk it. The temptation is too much,” he says, his voice rough and gravelly.

The heat his voice sends through me is unmatched. I feel like I’m about to burn to a crisp. “Please, Rhys, I need you to look at me.” I’m not sure what is driving me, other than this desire. For some reason, I crave his hot and heavy gaze on me. It’s driving me wild that he won’t interact with me at all. He still keeps his eyes straight ahead, stalking down the quiet road. “Anastasia, don’t push me.” I drag my bottom lip between my teeth. The need to stop Rhys claws at me, and I speed up to get in front of him. My stomach clenches, seeing his canines at full length, and his eyes so wolf-like. “What is wrong?” He shakes his head. “Nothing. I just need you to keep walking. Stop trying to get a rise out of me.” The irritation in his tone warns me, but it’s not enough to stop my hellbent quest to feel his touch. “Or what?” I ask. A growl rises in his chest and tears from his lips. “This isn’t the time or place for teasing, Anastasia. We need to get to safety first.” Every word he speaks is labored and forced. He is right, but I’m too far gone. Our hot, frantic session hasn’t quenched my desire for him. It feels like someone else is controlling my body. I don’t do things like this. Less than an hour ago, I was a virgin for fuck’s sake. I set my hands on his hard chest, dragging them down to his chiseled abs. There’s a danger dancing in his eyes as he holds my gaze. “I’m warning you, Anastasia,” he growls. I can’t understand why I want to tempt him to lose control. The thought excites me. My hand slips past his waistband, and I cup the hard length of him through his pants. “I need you now.” He grabs my wrists harder than I expect, making me gasp. Rhys spins me around and pins my arms behind my back.

“Be careful what you wish for, princess.” He pushes me toward a tree just o the road, forcing my front up against it. Rhys unzips my pants, before roughly working them down my hips. I jump as he spanks my ass in the process, making me moan. “I’m going to punish you for teasing me, baby,” he purrs into my ear. I whimper as his hard cock nudges against my soaking wet entrance, making me even needier. Rhys doesn’t warn me before he slides deep inside of me. I cry out. The pain of stretching around him so suddenly bursting through every nerve-ending in my body. It feels like he has forgotten how inexperienced I am, but it doesn’t take long for the pain to break, turning into ecstasy. Rhys grunts as he holds my wrists together behind my back, fucking me roughly. My nipples are rock hard, rubbing against the fabric of my top and the bark of the tree. I’m at his mercy, and I love it. I never knew I’d love being dominated by a man like this— taken in hand by my mate. I moan as he moves one hand down my center, finding my clit and rubbing it as he fucks me. He teases his lips against my ear lobe. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” I nod, trying to find my voice but failing. “Answer me.” He tightens his grip on my wrists and bites my ear softly, making me groan. “Yes, Rhys, this is what I wanted.” He spanks my thigh. “Good girl,” he purrs, setting my body blazing. “Are you going to come all over my cock again, coating me in your sweet juice?” I moan at his dirty talk. It’s intoxicating. “Yes, fuck, you are going to make me come so hard.”

He rumbles a growl of approval, thrusting his dick so deep it feels like he’s trying to split me apart. I can’t understand why at that moment I think about him getting me pregnant. It’s ridiculous. We should be using protection, and yet for the second time, he is bare inside of me. A man I don’t even know. The thought of having his babies makes me hornier, which is ridiculous. “That’s right. I’m going to fill you with my seed, princess. Breed your tight little pussy and make you big and round with my pup,” he growls. That shouldn’t be such a turn on, but it is. I haven’t even thought about having children before. I’m twenty-three years old for God’s sake, and until an hour ago, I’d never had sex. He nibbles on my ear, making me forget everything else. My mind turns blank as the pressure builds inside of me. Rhys bites my shoulder, sinking his canines in enough to break the skin. The pain tips me over the edge. “Oh, fuck,” I cry, feeling my pussy clamp down on his huge cock. A flood of stars burst behind my eyelids. I bite my lip, trying not to scream. He groans as he pumps into me two more times before exploding deep inside of me. Our breathing is labored as he holds me tightly against him, keeping his still solid cock embedded deep. He lets go of my wrists behind my back, sliding an arm around my waist. I let him lift me like a rag doll. My limbs feel weak and jelly-like. He sits down against the tree, lifting me into his lap. “Is that what you wanted, princess?” he asks, nuzzling his nose against mine. I close my eyes, feeling my throat close up with emotion —an emotion that makes no sense. I don’t know the man holding me, caressing me, and yet I love him.

I don’t trust myself to speak, knowing I could most certainly say the wrong thing right now. “What’s wrong?” Rhys asks, cupping my chin in his hands. “Was I too rough?” I shake my head, a tear spilling down my cheek. “No, I just don’t understand this.” He tilts his head to the side. “Understand what?” I swallow hard and look him in the eyes. “This connection between us. How can I feel so much emotion when I don’t even know you?” He moves a stray hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. “Because we are soul mates. You are my destiny, and I’m yours.” Butterflies beat around in my stomach at the word. Soul Mates. Is this man all that I’ve been missing in my life? Maybe he is the other half to my whole. I guess only time will tell.




nastasia is more complicated than most she-wolves I've been with. Her emotions are in turmoil, and I hate that I'm unable to bring her comfort. All the reassuring doesn't convince her that we are destined to love each other. We're nearing my pack quarters, and I'm scared. As alpha and king, I don't often admit when I'm afraid, not even to myself. Losing Anastasia is the only thing in this world that I fear. She hasn't said a word since we left the spot where we fucked. I worry that I've been too rough with her. Most humans wouldn't be used to such rough lovemaking, but she lost her virginity to me tonight, making it even worse. Humans are far more fragile than wolves. I heard her desire when we were mating—a desire to carry my child. I want that more than anything. It's natural once a wolf finds his fated mate that he wants pups quickly. It's our instinct to mate. So much has happened in one evening. I'm not looking forward to facing my beta, Jackson. I can hear him scolding me for taking a human mate now. The pack's quarters are hidden deep within the forest. An oasis some might call it, but I beg to di er. It's too

confining. Wolves love to be one with nature, but at times, city life appeals to me. A lot of shifters forget we are halfhuman also—human urges and needs rule half of who we are. For years, I've wanted to bring about an alliance with the wolf shifters and humans in the New York state. Humans are opposed to the idea. Maybe this will be my chance. My mate is human, which presents a way to unite our people. “Where are we going?” Anastasia asks. I glance back at her, smiling. “You'll see.” She swallows hard, anxious about where I'm taking her. After all, we hardly know each other. It's hard to believe I only met her a few hours ago. It feels like I've known her my entire life. I hold out a hand for her to take, and she does. A pulse of electricity shoots through me the moment we touch. The way she makes me feel is intoxicating. Under other circumstances, we would have been locked away fucking for days. “Are you scared?” I ask, as we near the entrance to our pack quarters. She shakes her head. “No, I just wish you would tell me where we are going.” I smile. “My home.” The tension that coils through her is visible. “Into pack territory?” I nod. “Don't worry. You are safe with me. No one will hurt you, I promise.” She doesn't look convinced, but then, she doesn't know who I am. She doesn't know that I'm the alpha of the pack we're about to enter. “Come on,” I say, tugging her toward the gate between two leaning sycamore trees.

One of my guys, Luke, spots me instantly and opens the gate. “Welcome back.” He bows his head in respect. The moment he scents Anastasia, his eyes widen, and canines lengthen. “Why is there a human with you?” he growls, baring his teeth at her. Anastasia takes a step backward, eyes wide. I can practically smell her fear in the air, and her heartbeat accelerates. My wolf strains to break free and fight him for such an aggressive move toward my mate. I leash him and take a deep breath. The last thing I need is to attack one of my pack over a human. I shake my head. “Long story. I'll explain it to everyone shortly. First, we need to freshen up.” Luke will be able to smell the sex on us. He's not an idiot. He'll put two and two together without a doubt. Wolves have the best scent of any beasts. It can be both a blessing and a curse at times. Within minutes, I expect the rumor that I've mated to a human to have spread through our entire pack. I can't seem to find it in me to care, though. The truth has to come out one way or another. “Come on.” I grab Anastasia's hand and walk past Luke. He looks stunned as he watches me lead her toward my treehouse. I know why. Shifters have banned humans from our towns in retaliation to the ban on our kind in New York City. It was something I didn't want to put in place, but a lot of my men insisted upon it. The only human allowed in this town is Alicia, the mate of an outcast wolf called Karl. We may live in the woods, but our quarters are pretty luxurious. I know humans expect us to be living like animals with no luxuries, but they don't know how wrong they are.

“Wow, this place is amazing,” Anastasia says, as we walk past the spring-fed, heated swimming pool. It's true. The place is a magical little haven, but it can feel cramped and confined after a while. Although, seeing Anastasia here makes it that much more magical. Maybe I will see life di erently now that I have someone to share it with. “My home is over here,” I lace my fingers with hers. Her eyes widen as she stares up at the huge old oak tree in the center fashioned into a luxury home. We managed to use the trees to build homes in and around. “This is where you live?” I nod. “Yeah, come on.” We walk up the steps to the entrance, and I open the door. She gasps as I guide her inside, taking in my home. I'm desperate to get her away from prying eyes, as I slam the door. My home is the only safe place for Anastasia until I win over my pack. I feel like I've dragged a lamb into the wolves’ den— literally. She twirls around, looking like she belongs there. “How come you live in the biggest place?” Does she think I'm not alpha material? I shake my head, trying to stop my wolf from taking everything she says to heart. “Have a seat, princess.” I nod toward the sofas in the open plan living area. She sits down, turning her attention to me. I run a hand through my hair. “I’m the alpha of the pack, Anastasia.” Her eyes widen. “The alpha of the New York State pack?” I nod. The shock reverberating down the bond makes me sick to my stomach. “The alpha of the New York State pack is the king of all wolf packs in North America.”

Well, that was easier than I thought. She knows a bit about the shifters. “Yes, that's true. Although, I largely leave the rest of the packs to run themselves. I have claim over them, but I don't exercise my right to rule.” “Won't there be outrage over the alpha taking a human as his mate?” I sit down next to her, lacing my fingers with hers. “Yes, but I'll fight for us.” I kiss her cheek softly. “No matter what it takes.” Anastasia jumps as a hard, loud knock comes at my door. I'm not shocked at all as I heard and scented him coming a mile o , Jackson, my beta, is outside. He will want to know what the fuck is going on. “Rhys, open this fucking door,” he growls. I smirk, knowing he is likely to find someone to challenge me for my position. It's the only reason he would speak to his alpha that way. I pull Anastasia to her feet. “Go upstairs and into the first room on your left. Wait for me there.” Anastasia stares at me in defiance. “I’m not hiding away while you face them. You said it yourself. We're soul mates. We should face this together.” If it's even possible, I feel myself falling deeper in love with the woman my life is tied to. My wolf roars in pride at her fight. She's got spirit, and I like it. “Okay, but don't speak. Let me do the talking.” She sets her hands on her hips. “I can't promise anything.” Damn. Her defiance is sexy as hell. She doesn't realize the danger we're in, but I know I can protect her. Any wolf who decides to fight me will die. I squeeze her hand and walk toward the door, flinging it open. “Jackson, what seems to be the problem?”

His eyes widen the moment he sees Anastasia, standing by my side. “For one, Landon has sent word that he captured you in New York City.” I shrug. “He did, but I escaped.” He nods. “Yeah, I can see that.” He scents the air, eyes landing on Anastasia for the second time. “You've found your mate, and she's not a shifter.” I shake my head. “No, she's not. Do you have a problem with that?” I square my shoulders, making sure I seem bigger than him. I always have been broader and taller than Jackson. My beta who hates being underneath me, even if he'd never admit it. All wolves want to be the most dominant in a conversation. He narrows his eyes, staring at me. “Rhys, have you lost your mind?” he breathes, shaking his head. “A human mate? What do you think the rest of the North American packs will think of this?” I shrug. “Most of the other packs are more open than ours. Not to mention, I'll tear apart anyone who tries to stand against me.” His face pales slightly. “We need to have a pack meeting now.” I crack my neck and then my fists. “Since when did you call the meetings, Jackson?” I pu out my chest, asserting my dominance physically. If he's not careful, I'm going to shift and tear him apart. “I need to freshen up and have a good night's sleep. We've been through hell tonight, so I will call a meeting when I'm ready.” I wave a hand in the air. “That might be tomorrow, or in a week's fucking time. Do you hear me?” He bows his head, submitting. “Of course, sir. I'll see you once you are ready.” He turns around, ever the coward. There's no chance in hell he could defeat me. Jackson maybe my second in command, but he's not the second strongest in

the pack. That's Hugh. A wolf I've never got on with, especially after his family's involvement in my father's murder. I slam the door shut, locking every bolt to ensure our safety. The moment I turn around, Anastasia launches herself at me. I take her weight, as her lips meld with mine. She moans into my mouth as her tongue flicks around every inch. It's about time I made love to my mate in a real bed. Our first two times were desperate and needy. I need to show her how good I can make her feel. I intend to blow her mind all fucking night.




y need for Rhys is growing with every passing moment. He carries me up the stairs and takes the first door on the left, entering a lavish bedroom. The four-poster bed is crafted out of raw, twisting oak. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful, other than the man carrying me toward it. He sets me in the center of it, staring down at me like he’s starving. “I’m going to make you feel so good that you won’t remember your name.” A shiver races from the top of my head right down my spine. I watch as he rips o his shirt, tearing it apart. The wolf tattoo on his left arm is beautiful and detailed. It’s only now, in the well-lit bedroom, that I can take a moment to admire it. I want to lick every single dip and curve of his muscles— worship his body. He hooks his fingers into the waistband of his pants, pulling them down over his muscled hips. I lick my lips, anticipating seeing him in all his naked glory again. My thighs quiver just thinking about it. “Excited, baby?” he asks, smirking at me. That smirk is so cocky, but I find it a turn on now. Rhys is so dominant and confident. It makes me long for him.

“Fuck me,” I moan, lacing my fingers with his. He pulls down his boxer briefs, releasing his huge cock. It slaps back against his abs, smearing his leaking precum all over his skin. The sight makes my mouth water. “I need to taste you again,” I say, licking my lips. He shakes his head. “My turn, first.” He pulls my pants over my hips and o without much e ort, leaving me bare for him. My pussy is soaking wet but a little sore. After all, I’ve accommodated his huge size twice already tonight. He holds my gaze as he moves his mouth toward my pussy, making every nerve in my body quiver with excitement. This man knows how to make me come like I never knew possible. I groan as he circles my clit with his tongue, sending sparks of hot pleasure through me. “So fucking sweet, baby,” he breathes, dragging his tongue right through my dripping wet center. How can a man I hardly know make me so needy for him? I dig my fingers into the soft sheets, trying to find something to ground me. Rhys’s dark eyes hold mine as he licks and sucks at my clit, making me needier by the second. “Fuck,” I moan, writhing in the sheets. I push my hips forward, trying to get more from him. Rhys is quick to press them down with his rough hands, holding me in place e ortlessly. “Don’t move,” he growls, thrusting a thick finger deep inside of me. I buck my hips instinctively, unable to stop myself. The warning in his gaze sets me on fire. I try to control myself, but the desire for him surmounts anything I’ve felt. All I care about is him fucking me. It’s all I want and all I need. “Please, Rhys.” He smirks. “Begging already, princess? You’ve got a long wait until you get what you want.”

I groan, wishing he wouldn’t be so wicked. His teasing is more like torture. He slides another finger inside of me, stretching me with two. It helps quench my thirst, but it’s not nearly enough. Only his huge cock would satisfy the urge building deep inside. I buck my hips, eliciting the most delicious growl from him. “I told you not to move.” He pushes up from the bed and rifles in the side table, before pulling out a pair of handcu s. “If you won’t do as you’re told, I’ll have to use a firmer approach.” My nipples harden at the thought of being tied down to the bed. He links the cu s onto the bed rails, before forcing my wrists into each one. “Don’t fight against them, princess.” He kisses my lips, trailing kisses down my neck and chest. I gasp as he rips apart my vest, literally tearing the fabric in two. He slowly plants soft kisses down the center of my body. Once he gets to my pussy, I’m gasping for air. I’m a damn mess, as I writhe under his attention, feeling hot and flushed. His breath teases against my soaking wet center. “Oh God, please, Rhys,” I moan, feeling myself on the edge of crying. He’s got me so worked up, I can hardly remember my name. As if he knows how close to going insane I am, he sucks on my clit suddenly, shoving three thick fingers deep inside of me. A satisfied moan passes my lips. “Is that what you wanted, princess?” he purrs. Fuck. “I just want you. All of you, right now.”

He laughs a deep, sexy sound that travels right to my core. “I’m going to make you come over and over again before I give you my cock.” He lavishes all his attention on my clit, licking and sucking with varied intensity, building that hot, all-consuming sensation inside of me. My thighs quiver, every nerve in my body lights up. All it takes is the brush of his sharp canine against the most sensitive part of me, and I come undone. Stars burst behind my eyes as I convulse beneath him, but he doesn’t let up. His fingers continue to plunge in and out of me as he licks and sucks my clit, building my orgasm. I don’t think it ever ended, and yet I can feel the pressure building. My muscles coiling with a tension that needs to be released. How can this man make me feel so good? The next explosion comes so fast and so powerful, I feel like I’m dying of pleasure. Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? I gasp, trying to catch my breath, but again, he doesn’t give me a chance to recover. He moves fast, unclipping the restraints and grabbing me roughly. He flips me onto my knees and clips the restraints back in place. He spanks my ass cheeks three times on each, before devouring me again. “You taste sweeter than fucking sugar, baby,” he purrs, before plundering me. I’ve never felt so desired before. Rhys makes me feel special. I’ve always felt like a piece of meat when men look at me, but the way he looks at me is di erent—a mix of adoration and desire. I tense as his tongue probes at my asshole, making me unbelievably horny. It’s dirty, primal, and so fucking hot. “What’s wrong, baby, never had a man lick your perfect little hole?” he groans. I shake my head. “No.”

He makes a deep, rumbling sound, before sinking his tongue into the tight ring of muscles. He kneads my ass cheeks apart, continuing to force his tongue into my forbidden, untouched hole. The thought of him fucking my ass scares me. He’s huge. I’d be scared to allow any man anywhere near my ass, but his size is unimaginable. I can’t believe I’m even considering it. I was a virgin earlier. I push the thought to the back of my mind, enjoying the new, unique sensation his tongue is sending through me. Slowly, that pressure is building inside of me as he continues to finger my dripping wet pussy. I arch my back, wanting more. I need my mate’s cock inside me now. Instead, he’s teasing out a third fucking orgasm. I’m spent, but desperate. “Please, Rhys.” He spanks my ass cheeks, pushing me even closer to the cli edge. “I want you to come while I lick your asshole, baby. Then, I’ll slide every inch inside of you, I promise,” he groans. The promise is enough to send me over the edge. My body spasms beneath Rhys as he spanks my ass and keeps licking the tight ring of muscles. I feel the liquid squirting all over his fingers as I come. He doesn’t wait. Within seconds, his cock slides deep inside of me. I groan, the satisfaction seems so much better after all his teasing. How is it that he knows how to play my body so well? He digs his fingertips into my hips, clawing me back onto his cock with each thrust. Our bodies are meeting in a primal, desperate mating. I try to roll my hips, moving them back onto him. He’s too strong, as he holds me still. “No moving, baby, what did I tell you?” He slides out of me, making me whimper. The sudden empty feeling makes

me long for him even more. He moves around the bed and unclips the restraints, before sliding his fingers into my hair. “I want you to taste yourself from my cock.” He drags me toward him, making my mouth water. I lick the tip, tasting his salty masculine seed mixed with my arousal. It’s dirty but so good. He slides his thick girth into my mouth, making me gag instantly. I remember how he shoved his cock down my throat back at City Hall. My pussy gushes at the memory. I set my hands on his thick thighs as he starts to do the same again, grunting above me. His power is attractive and sexy. Tears spring to my eyes as he slides every inch to the back of my throat, making it impossible not to gag. Saliva spills down his shaft, dripping onto his balls and the bed. “Fuck, your mouth is amazing,” he groans, sliding his cock out. He grabs both my wrists and forces me to stand in front of him. My knees hardly hold me up as he supports me with one hand. He lifts me as if I’m as light as a feather grabbing me by my ass cheeks. He lines my dripping wet, quivering pussy up with the head of his thick shaft. A shudder of anticipation runs through me. He holds me for a few more seconds, before letting me down on him. I groan as I’m impaled on him. His biceps strain as he moves me up and down his shaft, fucking me mid-air. My hard nipples brush against his muscled chest with every thrust of his arms. I keep my arms around his neck, staring into his gold-flecked eyes. I’ve never felt a connection as deep as this, as we fuck. No, not fuck. This is making love. No matter how much I fight the truth because

it’s insane, I love this man. A man I met no more than twelve hours ago. My soul mate. My fated mate. I’d heard the stories of humans finding mates in shifters, but it’s rare. Humans are one of the only races in this world that don’t usually find mates. I feel unbelievably lucky to have found Rhys. He captures my lips, slipping his tongue deep into my mouth. I feel the pressure build as he sets me back down on the bed. His body moves over me. I let my hand run over every inch of muscle, from his shoulder, down his chest, to his abs. His eyes flutter shut as he tries to hold on. I can see the tension coiling through his shoulders. “Fuck,” he growls, pumping into me even harder. “So fucking tight. I can’t hold on much longer.” His eyes shoot open. “Come for me, baby. I want to feel that perfect pussy come all over my cock.” I moan, arching my back as the pressure builds. It’s electric, it’s fire, it’s hotter than anything I’ve felt before. I feel like I’m floating as he tips me over the edge, biting my collar bond hard enough to break the skin. “Fuck, Rhys,” I cry out, spasming beneath his hard, solid body. My muscles clamp down harder around his cock, and he roars against my skin. His hot seed spills deep inside of me. I claw at his back, trying to find a way to ground myself. It feels like if it weren’t for his body pinning me to the bed, I could float away and never come back down to earth. He pants above me, keeping his cock deep inside of me. This moment is perfect, and I never want it to end. We could spend the rest of our life joined together like this, and I would be infinitely happy.

I WAKE the next morning to the scent of pancakes cooking. My stomach rumbles, and it’s at that point I realize I haven’t eaten in about twenty-four hours. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. As I slide out of bed, I groan at the soreness between my legs. I’m not sure it helped that we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves all night. My knees wobble a little as I walk out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen. My mouth salivates at the smell. I feel my heart start to pound frantically the moment I set my eyes on him standing in only his boxer briefs, cooking. It’s ridiculous the way I feel whenever I see him. “Good morning, princess,” he murmurs, not turning around to look at me. I’ll never get used to his super-human senses. “Morning, I hope you’ve got co ee here. Please tell me shifters drink co ee.” He laughs. “Of course, people forget we are half-human.” I move into the kitchen and take a seat at the island, wondering when he’s going to look at me. The pot of co ee is sitting in the center with two mugs. “How do you like your pancakes?” he asks. “Stacked with loads of maple syrup.” My stomach rumbles, just thinking about it. He turns around. “No bacon?” I raise a brow, realizing he’s a wolf. A meat-eater through and through. “Sure, I like bacon too.” He smiles and returns his attention to the pan, turning over the strips of smoky bacon. I reach for the co ee and pour myself a mug before pouring him one. My heart pounds harder as I move toward him. Every time I get too close, I want to pounce on him, which is annoying. How can I even function if all I want to do is have sex?

I grind my teeth into my bottom lip as I set the mug down next to him. “Co ee.” He meets my gaze and smiles easily. “Thanks, baby.” A shudder pulses through me at that word. Rhys used it last night, but only when we were fucking. It sounds natural and easy the way he says it. His eyes are so bright they are glowing, but he seems to be handling our closeness a little better than me. I tear myself away from him and move back to the island, sitting down with my hands firmly closed around the hot mug of co ee. A long sip helps calm my nerves as I try to take my mind of the half-naked man in front of me. “How long have you lived here?” I ask, hoping a little small talk will help ease the palpable tension between us. He turns around, holding a plate piled high with pancakes. “Since the truth came out, about thirty-three years ago.” He sets the plate down in the center island and grabs another plate, piled almost as high with bacon. My stomach makes a ridiculous rumbling sound, making him laugh. “Someone is hungry. Tuck in, princess.” He pushes an empty plate toward me. Heat floods my cheeks in embarrassment. “Thanks,” I say, grabbing a stack of pancakes and lifting them onto my plate. “I’m starving. “ “A night like we just had can do that,” he says, making me heat from the tip of my toes to the top of my head. “Yeah,” I murmur, grabbing the bottle of maple syrup. Rhys’s eyes don’t leave me as I smother the pancakes in it. I won’t apologize for the love of the sweet stu . I can’t get enough of sugary food, it’s my favorite. “Are you going to let me have some?” he asks, teasing me.

I shoot him a warning glare. “Of course, I told you I like them with a lot of maple syrup.” I screw the cap back on and push the bottle across to him. I grab a few strips of bacon and pop them on top. My mouth salivates as I pick up my knife and fork. I chew my first mouthful of sweet pancakes and smoky bacon, having a food orgasm as it tastes so good. At least my mate can whip up a delicious breakfast. “How is it?” he asks, smirking at me. I nod my head. “So good.” A moment of silence passes between us as he stares at me. The sexual tension still palpable despite the fact we really should have fucked that out of our system last night. We didn’t hold back at all. Rhys clears his throat. “So, what is a beautiful, intelligent woman like you doing working at O’Malley’s?” he asks. I shrug. The answer to that question brings up too many hard subjects. My mom’s murder. My father not giving a shit. The fact she was murdered by a shifter just makes it worse. “I’ve worked there for three years.” He narrows his eyes. “Don’t hide from me, Anastasia, I’m your mate, you can tell me.” I meet his gaze, knowing I can, but I’m not ready. “We met yesterday. You may be my mate, but there are certain things I’m not ready to discuss.” He doesn’t mask his hurt. “Fair enough, is there anything you want to know about me?” I think about his question. “Do you have any family?” He swallows slowly. “Not blood family, no. My parents were killed when I was twenty years old and I was their only son. My mom struggled to get pregnant. I only have my brothers in my pack now.” “Who killed them?” I ask.

His bright blue eyes dull, and I can tell his wolf has retreated. “It’s never been proven, but I’m pretty sure Hugh’s father killed mine.” He shrugs. “After my mom’s mate died, she couldn’t bear it. She went mad and ended up taking her life shortly after.” “I’m sorry,” I say, feeling guilty that I didn’t share my story with him. It has a lot of similarities to my own. My mom’s killer was never found, and she hasn’t been avenged. I take another bite of pancakes, suddenly feeling less hungry. “Do you miss them?” His jaw clenches. “It was a long time ago.” With that, he stands and walks to the fridge. I can tell he doesn’t want to talk about them anymore. I’m surprised he told me at all. Wolf shifters are renowned for being closed o from their emotions. “What’s your favorite sport?” I ask, hoping the lighter subject will help di use the tension in the air. He pulls out a carton of orange juice and returns with it, grabbing the glasses from above the sink. The only thing that could make this breakfast better is a cold glass of orange juice to wash it all down. “I used to love football, but since I’m banned from the city, I haven’t attended a match. Thirty-four years without.” He shrugs. “But a few of us here like to play our own match now and then.” I frown at him. “What about cable?” He laughs. “Unfortunately, we can’t get that here. They don’t service the shifter pack towns, princess.” He’s got a point. They are way out of the city here and o the grid. “Do you even have the internet?” He shakes his head. “No, only 5G, which is good, but not out here. It doesn’t reach this far.” He sets a glass of orange juice down in front of me. “I didn’t say I wanted orange juice.” I glare at him, hating when people assume.

“You didn’t have to. I heard your thoughts when I pulled it out of the fridge.” I shake my head. “I’m not going to get used to that.” Heat pulses through my cheeks as now I look like I’m trying to be stubborn. “Thank you.” I take a sip. He smiles and drags his eyes down my body for the first time this morning. I feel like he’s been trying not to ever since I stepped into the room. A groan escapes him. “Did you have to wear my shirt?” I shrug. “It’s comfy.” He walks back to his side of the island and knocks back the orange juice. Silence laced with sexual tension pulses through the room. “Do you wish you could return to the city?” I ask. “Yeah, sometimes. I like living here, but the city has a lot of perks. I wish I could have the best of both worlds. I want that freedom to choose.” I nod. “That makes sense. I think anyone would.” He smiles at me and forks more pancakes and bacon onto his plate. The amount he made looked like enough to feed a small army, but it’s quickly disappearing. It seems shifters appetites for both sex and food are way beyond human levels. We fall into a comfortable silence, eating together. I can’t help but wonder if it’s weird that I’m so naturally at ease in such an unnatural setting. It feels like we’re an average couple going about our daily routine. We only met yesterday evening. Something tells me that this is only going to get more complicated the longer it goes on.




sit at the head of our council table, staring at the members of the pack council. All of them look pissed o , as I expected. Today is the first day I’ve shown my face in seven days. I wanted to make my point, not to mention, I could hardly tear myself away from my new mate. “I called you all here to discuss the matter of my mate.” I stand from my seat, towering over them. “For a while now, you’ve been telling me to choose a mate to settle down with. Well, I found my fated mate in New York City, and we have chosen her.” Hugh stands, growling lowly. “She’s a fucking human, Rhys.” I nod my head, feeling a flood of rage slam into me at his insolence. He’s speaking out of turn and building up to the inevitable. He’s going to challenge me. “Yeah, she is, and the daughter of Landon Carmichael.” The entire council gasps. “Are you insane?” Jackson asks, standing. I growl, feeling my wolf straining to break free. He hates a challenge to his power without the chance to prove his dominance. If I were to let go, the pack would have a lot of

losses—losses we can’t a ord right now. “Careful Jackson, remember who you are speaking to.” Hugh crosses his arms over his chest. “What is your plan?” Ever since I realized Anastasia was my mate, a plan has been forming. It only solidified the moment I found out she is the daughter of Landon. “I intend to unite the humans and shifters, finally abolishing the bullshit New York City Council.” Hugh laughs, irritating my wolf further. “How the fuck will you do that?” I walk toward him, keeping my shoulders pushed back. He may be big, but he’s not as big as me. My wolf needs to assert his dominance before he breaks free and rips all these assholes to shreds. “I will do it easily, don’t you worry about how Hugh.” He shrinks back slightly, but the fight is still there in his eyes. His wolf wants to challenge, and my wolf loves the idea. “What about the rest of the packs? They won’t want the outright alpha taking a human queen.” I shrug. “Until one of the members challenges me, they can’t do fuck all. Even if someone does challenge me, everyone knows that I’m the strongest wolf in North America.” I’m goading Hugh’s wolf. He is strong, but he’s not strong enough to defeat me in a fight. “Bullshit,” he growls, staring me right in the eye. “I’ll challenge you, Rhys.” Jackson smirks, clearly this was his plan. “Perfect, I can’t wait to rip you apart, Hugh.” I rub my hands together. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.” We’ve never got on with each other. Hugh’s family has always hated mine. I’m sure his father killed my father when

we were younger, but there was nothing anyone could do about it. We never found any evidence. It feels like my chance for revenge. Jackson stands. “That’s settled then. At moonrise three nights from now, you two will fight for the position of alpha.” He fixes his eyes on me. “It will be a fight to the death. May the best wolf win.” I grit my teeth together and push my wolf back. He wants to fucking kill everyone on the council, which wouldn’t go down well with the pack. “Yeah, he will. Meeting fucking dismissed.” I walk out of the council chambers, tension coiling through every muscle in my body. I need to get my plan in place, and I know who can help me. Most wolves may be opposed to a human mate for their alpha, but I know one that won’t give a shit. Karl. I walk along the path through the pack’s town. Whispers break out as I pass my subjects, men, women, and children. They all hate the idea of a human standing by my side. Well, soon enough, they’ll learn their place. Karl’s home is on the edge of the town—he’s a bit of an outcast. I knock his door and tap my foot, waiting. “Who the fuck is it?” He pulls open the door, and his face drops when he sees me. “Oh shit, sorry sir, I didn’t realize it was you.” I laugh. “Don’t worry about it, Karl. I need your help.” His eyes widen, but he steps aside, allowing me in. “Of course, come in.” Alicia, his wife, is standing to one side. She bows her head slightly. “I’ll get out of your—” “No, I want you to stay, Alicia.” Her eyes widen, and so do her husband’s. Alicia is human. It’s the reason he’s the outcast of our pack. The only

member whose fated mate was human—until I found Anastasia. “Have a seat,” Karl says. I sit down on his tatty sofa, and he sits opposite on a chair. “How can I help?” I tilt my head to the side slightly. “Karl, I assume you haven’t heard the news?” He shakes his head. “Sorry, sir, I’m not exactly kept in the loop because...” He trails o . “Right, well, I found my mate. A human.” He sits up straighter, intrigue burning his eyes. “Have you accepted her?” I nod. “Yes, Hugh has challenged me, and we will fight on Friday night. Not that I’m worried, the guy can’t beat me.” Karl shakes his head. “No, he can’t.” “What I need help with is eliminating the New York State Council.” “Why, Sir?” I draw in a deep breath and glance over at his wife, Alicia. “For too long, the New York State pack has been dictated to by a human council, that ends now. I want to unite humans and shifters, just like it has been done across most of North America.” Karl clears his throat, shu ing in his chair. “I see, why do you need my help?” “I thought that would be obvious, Karl.” I glance at Alicia, who has now taken a seat by her husband’s side. “Because he’s the only other shifter with a human mate,” she says. I nod. “Exactly. You understand why humans and shifters can live together.” She smiles kindly, and guilt rises in my chest. Even though I’ve always hated living our lives dictated by the human council, I’ve been prejudice myself.

Alicia and Karl have been outcasts under my rule. I didn’t do anything to change it. “I’m sorry I haven’t exactly taken the time to get to know you,” I say. She shrugs. “Well, an alpha can’t be seen fraternizing with an outcast.” “That changes from today. No one will be an outcast in my pack, no matter who they are.” Karl stands. “Well, I’m with you. Whatever you need.” I stand and clap him on the shoulder. “We will plan our moves after I eliminate my opponent. I’ve got a feeling we may need some help, and not many will help me until I’ve proved my dominance as alpha.” He nods. “Of course, sir, I’ll see you then.” I walk toward the door, turning back as I reach it. “I won’t forget your loyalty, Karl. I will reward you.” He smiles as I exit his cabin. I mean it. Jackson isn’t going to be my beta after his blatant disregard for my authority. Karl will be my new beta for sure, especially if he helps me pull o what I have planned. I march back toward my home, desperate to be reunited with Anastasia. Too many people here want to harm her. I need to remain by her side until I sort all this bullshit out. A scream sets my whole world on edge. My wolf breaks out and charges into my home. Red floods my vision at the sound, as I know it’s Anastasia screaming. The rage is so acute. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I scent Anastasia and blood. I follow the scent and find her pinned to the floor by Hugh’s wolf. His claws drenched in her blood. I snap, leaping into him and smashing him straight into the wall. All that is going through my mind is the image of blood— Anastasia’s blood. This asshole hurt my mate. I launch myself at him, tearing at his throat with my canines. He yelps, trying to claw me o , but I hold on. I shake my jaw

from side to side, ripping into his flesh. My wolf loves it. I love it. I’m fucked up, but it’s true. This guy hurt my mate, and I won’t rest until he stops breathing. He manages to break free, but I launch at him again, this time biting into his right leg. The howl that breaks from him has shifters rushing into the house and up the stairs. “What the fuck is going on here?” Jackson asks. I drop Hugh’s leg and nod my head toward Anastasia, before shifting back into human form. “I found him attacking my mate.” Jackson glances at Hugh, who is whimpering in the corner. “What the fuck, Hugh?” He shifts back to human form but struggles to stand. “I came to see what had our alpha so worked up, and she gave me shit.” He shakes his head. “My wolf snapped.” I rush to Anastasia’s side, thankful the gash to her abdomen isn’t deep. “You’re a fucking asshole,” I shout, narrowing my eyes at him. “I can’t wait to tear you apart Friday night.” He pales and hobbles out past Jackson and the other shifters. It wouldn’t surprise me if he doesn’t show after he just got beat up so easily. The other shifters are quick to follow, leaving me alone with my mate. “Anastasia, are you okay?” I ask, cupping the back of her neck. Her eyes flutter open, and she licks her lip. “I don’t know.” She tries to sit up, wincing. “It feels like I’ve been cut in half.” I chuckle. “Luckily not, it’s not that deep. I’ve seen worse.” I lift her in my arms. “Let me patch you up,” I say, setting her down gently on the bed. All I feel right now is guilt, as I grab the medical kit in my bathroom. I shouldn’t have left her alone and unguarded in

my home. I could have taken her with me, but I’m scared to tell her my plan. It involves her father. Slowly, I clean the cut, which will leave a scar on her beautiful, soft skin. “Fuck, that hurts.” She glances at the cut and pales. I kiss her lips softly before pulling back and holding her gaze. “Don’t look at it, princess. I’ll have you patched up in no time.” She nods and half-smiles, despite the pain. I finish cleaning the wound, making sure it won’t get infected by that dirty fucking dog, Hugh. Then, I pull out the needle and thread. Anastasia looks like she’s seen a ghost as she turns as white as a sheet. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. I’d never hurt you.” I glance back at the wound. “It needs stitches, though.” I grab out a potion that a fae once gave me. It is supposed to be like magic pain relief in a bottle. “Sip this.” I uncork the bottle and bring it to her lips. She tilts her head back, allowing me to pour a drop into her mouth. She swallows, and then seconds later, her eyes widen. “What the hell is that? I don’t feel any pain.” I smile. “Special potion. Now, sit still and be brave for me, baby.” She nods her head and glances away as I thread the needle. Without warning her, I thread it through her skin. She doesn’t even jolt. The fae’s potion is magic. I stitch the wound up quickly and carefully. Once finished, I clean the area again and then bandage it up. “All done.” She looks at me as I clear up the medical kit, feeling so guilty it’s killing me. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head. “I should have been here. It shouldn’t have been possible for you to get hurt. I’m supposed to protect you.” Anastasia moves forward and grabs my cheeks, forcing me to look her in the eye. “You did protect me, but I don’t need protecting all the time.” She shakes her head. “I was mouthy to a shifter, and now I know that’s a bad idea.” I laugh at that. “It wasn’t your fault, Anastasia. Hugh is an asshole.” She kisses me suddenly out of the blue, pressing her lips hard against mine. I groan as she moves into my lap, making me hard instantly. She’s injured. We shouldn’t, but who am I kidding? We can’t help ourselves whenever we are alone.




ugh’s attack on me was terrifying. Sure, I was a bit of a bitch to him, never realizing the danger he posed. I quickly found out wolves can’t control their rage. Rhys seems to do a damn good job when he gets angry, but I saw him snap last night. It was eye-opening. Rhys has been distant all day. I can’t understand why, but it’s worrying me. The first seven days I spent here were the most amazing days of my life. We were shut away from the world, and I got to know him more intimately than I’ve ever known anyone. I search the house, looking for my mate. When I find him, he’s hunched over a computer screen in a study at the back of his place. I lean against the door frame. “Knock, knock,” I say. I startle him as he twists around in his desk chair. “Anastasia, you snuck up on me.” He usually notices me before I get anywhere near him, but he was too engrossed in something. “Yeah, that doesn’t happen very often, does it?” He shakes his head before scrubbing his hands over his face. “What time is it?” I glance at my watch. “It’s four o’clock in the afternoon. You skipped lunch.”

“Have you eaten?” he asks, suddenly concerned. “Rhys, what is up with you today?” He releases a long breath before meeting my gaze. “I was challenged at the pack meeting last night.” I stand up straighter. “Challenged? What does that mean?” I ask, walking toward him. “It means that in two nights’ time, I’ll be fighting Hugh to the death.” I feel the blood drain from my face. To the death. I’ve always known that shifters have some questionable and barbaric traditions, but this seems ridiculous. “Why does someone have to die?” He holds out a hand to me. I step forward and take it, and he pulls me between his thick thighs, forcing me to rest my hands on his shoulders. “It’s the way of the pack.” I find that a pretty piss poor excuse. Why would pack members kill each other? They need to stick together. “That’s the worst explanation I’ve ever heard.” He laughs. “Don’t worry, there’s no way he will defeat me.” I bite my bottom lip. “That’s a cocky thing to say.” His large hands grip my hips hard in a warning. “It’s true,” he growls. I see the flash in his eyes. His wolf hates when I underestimate him. “You may be the strongest, but I know anything can happen, even to the strongest of people.” My throat closes as I think of my mom. “Who has it happened to that you know?” he asks, lifting his hand to cup my face. I never talk about my mom. To be honest, I’ve never had anyone to talk to until Rhys came along. Life has been lonely since my mom died, and I’ve retreated ever since. I pushed all my friends from high-school or college away.

“Speak to me,” he says, brushing away a stray tear running down my cheek. His voice isn’t demanding but pleading. “My mom,” I manage to say, despite the tightness around my throat. He stands and lifts me, before settling back in the chair with me in his lap. “What happened to her?” I shake my head. “I don’t know exactly. They found her body mauled. It was so bad, Rhys, I couldn’t even recognize her.” He turns sti against me as I start to cry into his chest. “Mauled by a shifter?” he asks. “Yes, it’s suspected to be the case.” “Impossible,” he breathes. “What’s impossible?” He shakes his head and meets my gaze. “Nothing, it’s just...I’m surprised to hear this. My pack is the only one that enters this territory. If a shifter killed her, then it would be a member of the pack who is responsible.” I nod. “That’s why you’ve been holding back on telling me?” “I guess, and I never talk to anyone about it.” He holds me tighter. “Once this is over, we will find out who killed your mom, I promise.” A relief clutches at my heart, hearing him say that. I’ve been battling with the lack of justice for her ever since her death. It has haunted me, not knowing who killed her. I know I won’t be able to rest easy until I find out. “Really? You will help me find her killer?” I ask, staring up into his beautiful blue eyes. I could lose myself in them. He smiles and presses a quick kiss against my lips. “I’ll help you do anything, princess. You are my world.” A blast of fiery heat coils through me because of his words and his lips on mine. It’s impossible to tame the fire burning

inside of me for him. “Thank you, Rhys.” I try to ignore the desire for him and wrap my arms around his neck. The emotional moment is more precious than any sex we’ve had. Rhys isn’t only my mate but my savior. Three years I’ve tried to fight my father for answers, but with him by my side, I’m sure we can find out the truth about her murder. I’m sure we can finally get revenge on the bastard who stole her away from me.

I CAN ’ T CONTROL my nerves. Every shifter in Rhys’s pack is here, gathered to watch their Alpha fight to the death with his challenger—the man who attacked me. The only reason this is happening is because of me. Rhys wraps his arm around me. “Stop worrying. I’m going to be fine.” I know he will be. After seeing him fight that asshole o me the other day, there’s no doubt he can fight this guy. What I’m worried about is seeing him do it. “Good luck,” I say, kissing him and trying to dampen down the doubt plaguing me. He smirks. “Not that I’ll need it.” He nods toward his friend, Karl. “Look after her. I’m counting on you.” I glance at the guy he has entrusted my safety with, wondering why he trusts him over everyone else. “Anastasia, by the way.” I hold my hand out. “Karl.” He shakes my hand. “Alicia, my wife, would love to meet you.” He smiles fondly. “She’s so excited there’s another human mate in the pack.” I did not see that coming. Karl has a human mate. I thought I would be the only human in this pack, not that I belong here. A pack is no place for a human, no matter who your mate is.

Something has been bothering me ever since I ran o here with Rhys. What about my life? It can’t all be put on hold or abandoned because he’s my mate now. I had dreams and aspirations. Sure, I worked in a shitty bar to pay my student bills. I was working toward getting a degree in psychology. Rhys may not understand, but even though I’m his mate now, I still want my own life. My own identity. A man steps up to the podium in front of what looks like a boxing ring. The red stains all over the floor are most certainly unusual for a boxing ring, though. I know this is going to be far bloodier than any boxing match I’ve seen. “Hugh Kendall has challenged Rhys Verne for dominance and the position of Alpha over the New York State Pack.” He clears his throat. “They will fight to the death, as written in our laws.” I swallow hard, feeling my knees wobble. Karl grabs my arm. “Are you okay?” I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself, but the truth is, I’m freaking out. “Not really. I hate that this has to be a fight to the death.” He smiles. “Don’t worry, there’s no wolf stronger than Rhys, not in this state or damn continent. It wouldn’t surprise me if no wolf in this world could defeat him.” I hope to hell he’s right. The alternative is too terrible to think about. I’ve known Rhys for only ten days, but they’ve been the best ten days of my life. I love him more than I can explain. It’s ingrained in us. We’re destined to love one another—no matter what. If he were to die, I don’t think I would survive the loss. He’d take me with him. Rhys appears at one side of the ring, and the shifter who had attacked me enters on the other side.

Despite Karl’s reassurance, I feel sick. I remember how I felt when I saw him kill those men back at City Hall. I know he was protecting us, saving us, but I can’t seem to get my head around it. Murder is murder, no matter how you dress it up. These archaic practices of fighting to the death seem wrong, debase, and immoral. The man standing on the podium speaks, “Alpha and challenger, shift and fight.” He claps his hands, and shortly after, both men howl. I watch as Rhys shifts into his beautiful, large white wolf. The other man shifts into the jet-black wolf. He isn’t anything like Rhys, whose wolf is majestic, beautiful. He deserves the title of Alpha and king. I shut my eyes as Rhys pushes into the air, rushing for his challenger. The shifters around me chant and shout, making me even more nervous. Karl sets his hand on my arm. “Watch, Anastasia. Rhys would want you to.” I open one eye, seeing him wrestling the black wolf to the ground, sinking his teeth and claws into him. His beautiful pure white coat is marked with blood already—I couldn’t tell you whose. I bite my bottom lip, flinching as I see Hugh recoil, breaking free of the hold Rhys had on him. He snaps at Rhys, catching him around the throat. I gasp, glancing away in shock. Karl just smiles at me, as if I’m amusing—maybe I am. “This has barely started yet, Anastasia. You need to woman up.” I laugh at that, glancing back at the grappling wolves. Rhys is back on top of him, shaking his head as he keeps his teeth clamped around his throat.

I heard what he said to him when Hugh attacked me the other day. I can’t wait to tear you apart Friday night. He meant that literally, and I don’t know how to feel about it. I know he’s trying to protect me but killing a member of your pack is plain wrong. The blood spurting from Hugh’s throat makes me sick, as Rhys continues to gnaw into it. He moves his attention to his limb, sinking his sharp teeth into Hugh’s back leg and making him howl. I stand and step forward. “Stop,” I shout. Everyone glances over at me as Rhys stops dead, staring up at me. A tear trickles down my cheek as I stare at the man who is supposed to be my soul mate. Suddenly, he’s never seemed more of a stranger than he does right then. Rhys shifts back to his human form, keeping eye contact with me. Hugh isn’t in a state to stand, let alone attack him. “What the fuck?” someone shouts. The man on the podium steps forwards. “Why have you stopped? This is a fight to the death.” Rhys shakes his head. “We shouldn’t kill each other. I won the fight, but what’s the point of killing one of our own?” A few mutters break out through the shifters gathered at the fighting pit. The guy on the podium clears his throat. “Rhys, you know the rules. No breaking them because you’re going soft over a human’s wishes.” Tears prickle my eyes as I stare at my mate, thankful that he understands. This isn’t right. Hugh may be an asshole, but does he deserve to die? Rhys points at the man on the podium. “Jackson, do you want to challenge me next? It may be tradition, but it’s not

what we should do. Killing our own makes no fucking sense, and I’m putting a stop to it now.” A lot of murmurs break out around me amongst the other wolves. Hugh shifts back into his human form, taking ragged breaths. “Someone needs to give him medical attention. I’ve got important business to attend to.” As he speaks, never once does he take his eyes o me. Karl grabs my arm to help me out of the ring. “Not sure that was a good move.” “Why?” He sighs. “You made Rhys look weak in front of the entire pack.” He grabs my hand and moves toward Rhys, taking me back to him. “You’ve got a lot to learn about pack life, Anastasia. It’s di erent from human ways.” I shake my head. “It doesn’t have to be. Who says you can’t change your ways?” “Touché,” he replies. Rhys meets us halfway. “Come with me. We’ve got a lot of work to do.” “What do you mean?” He grabs my hand and leads me back toward the treehouse. I want to know what he means by a lot of work. There’s no way he’s about to stop and tell me. I guess I will find out when we get back, and from the look on his face, this isn’t the time to press him.




re you fucking kidding?” she asks, glancing between Karl and me. I can tell she thinks I’m insane for suggesting taking down the New York City Council, but it makes sense. She’s his daughter, leverage. It’s something I’ve never had before, and even without it, I’ve had enough of that asshole dictating how to live our lives. We’re outcasts, but there’s no need for it. “We need to make changes to the world we live in, Anastasia.” I step forward and grab her hand. “A wolf caught in New York City earns a death sentence. Don’t you think that’s wrong?” Her expression softens. I know she will come around to the idea. Other cities have accepted that wolf shifters and humans can live side by side. After all, we’re not much di erent from them. It’s not like we’re vampires who want to bleed humans dry. Or dragon shifters, who can burn down entire cities, if their rage gets the better of them. She stares into my eyes. “Yeah, it’s wrong, but what can we do about it?” I shrug. “I grew up with humans. I don’t know why we need to remain separated when the rest of North America has embraced integration over separation.”

Despite agreeing it’s wrong, she’s no more convinced about my plan. “How are you going to get my father to agree to allow shifters into the city? “ He smirks. “I have you as my leverage, princess.” A flash of hurt crosses her face, and then she narrows her eyes. “My father doesn’t care about me, so you better not be talking about me.” She sets her hands on her hips, but I can tell her father’s lack of care for her hurts. “What do you mean?” She sighs heavily and glances at Karl, before speaking. “Long story short. He abandoned me and my mother when I was ten years old for another woman. He didn’t care when my mom died and has always fought me when I tried to investigate her death. “ Hot rage and a flood of hate pummel me the moment the words are out. I’ve always hated Landon but hearing that he hasn’t cared for my mate makes me hate him that much more. I punch the wall. “That bastard,” I growl. I notice Anastasia wince at the crack of my knuckles on stone. She doesn’t realize that a broken knuckle for me will heal in minutes. It’s nothing. The pain is good. It helps ground me and control my wolf. “You need to take a di erent approach.” I run a hand through my golden-brown hair. Landon has no real power. All he does is hide away in City Hall. We’ll need quite a few men, but we’ll be able to topple his pathetic council without much trouble. The rest of the members won’t be any bother once he’s out of the picture. “I know how to deal with Landon, don’t worry about it, princess.” I can practically smell Anastasia’s doubt as she shakes her head. “It’s too dangerous.” My wolf doesn’t like her doubting him, but I manage to keep my cool. “It’s the only choice, Anastasia, I won’t be caged up anymore.”

Her sparkling, emerald eyes flood with sympathy. “If you want to do this, you need other wolves to help.” Karl chuckles, the first thing he’s done since the conversation started. I like that he doesn’t talk too much, unlike Jackson used to. “You’ve seen what Rhys can do, why would he need a lot of wolves to take down a human?” Anastasia raises a brow. “Yes, but I’ve also seen him captured and put in a cage by my father.” “Is that true?” Karl asks, shifting on the sofa. I nod. “Yeah, of course, humans have ways of containing us.” I turn my attention back to my mate. “I had no intention of walking in there alone.” Karl stands. “Do you want me to go and find some recruits? How many wolves will you need?’ Anastasia is about to speak, but I’m quick to talk first, “Ten more men, twelve including you and me.” I need to assert my dominance in front of my beta. Anastasia can’t start giving the orders for me, no matter how much she might want to. “Okay, will we be leaving for New York tonight?” I shake my head. “No, in three days. We have some planning to do if we are going to pull this o .” I stand and hold out my hand to Karl. “Report back to me in the morning.” He takes my hand, shaking it firmly. “Of course, sir. Have a good evening.” I nod. “You too.” I watch after him as he marches out of my home, shutting the door behind him. The sofa creeks softly as Anastasia moves o it. Her scent provides a calming release as she nears me. I need her now more than ever. Before she can lay her hand on my back, I spin around and catch it midair.

She gasps, cheeks flushing pink. “Rhys, are you sure this is the right thing to do?” I ignore her questioning and pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her waist. My lips meet hers in a hard, punishing kiss. I force her lips open with my tongue and kiss her with all the love I feel. She doesn’t understand that this is all for her. I need to make this world better for people like us. Shifters and humans that want to be together—no, that need to be together. We were destined to mate. Hundreds of wolves fated mates will be human. It’s wrong the way the world is run. People are too scared of the unknown. I’m going to change it for us. I’m going to change it for our pups. They won’t live in a world where segregation is encouraged.

A NASTASIA WANDERS along the path in the small garden of my home, stopping to smell a large red rose. I never believed I’d fall in love. Find a mate and have pups, sure. A mating bond is something that many people experience only on a physical level. The emotion I’ve felt since meeting Anastasia is beyond anything I ever imagined. The mating bond makes love easy, but I can’t believe I wouldn’t have loved her anyway— without the bond. My plan is dangerous. It could all go wrong, but I owe it to my pack and Anastasia to try. I owe it to our future children. Landon Carmichael is a sneaky bastard. He’ll have something up his sleeve for the meeting, but I have to try

and unite the residents of New York State, both wolf shifter and human alike. “How do you think the rest of the North America pack will react to your plan?” Karl asks, entering my o ce. I keep my eyes fixed on my mate as she moves further away into the garden. “Badly.” He leans against the wall next to me, crossing his arms over his chest. “People don’t like change. Have you considered the reaction of the humans?” Anastasia glances back at the house, but I know she can’t see me. My eyesight is far better than hers. “Rhys?” I tear my eyes from her and glance at my new beta. “I’m taking a chance, Karl.” “Is it worth it?” He moves closer to me. “Why not just rule the shifters and leave humans to themselves?” Maybe I made a mistake thinking Karl would understand. “Humans and shifters are meant to be together. I think your mate and my mate are proof. This world is too divided, and although many states allow shifters and humans to live together, it’s still frowned upon for a wolf to accept a human mate.” He clears his throat. “The pressure you will be under once the rest of North America realize you accepted a human mate would be immense.” I nod and clap him on the back. “I’m well aware. Is being my beta during this too daunting, Karl?” He shakes his head. “Of course not, I just want to be sure you know what you are getting into.” “Don’t worry about it.” I walk away from him, heading toward the back exit of my home. “It’s almost time. I need to speak with Anastasia.” I don’t give Karl a chance to speak again, opening the back door and heading out into the muggy midday air. Anastasia is right down the bottom in the orchard, sitting on

one of the benches my father carved out of oak w/hen I was little. I can’t understand the emotion that clutches at my chest, seeing her sitting there. It’s where she belongs—where she was always meant to be. If my parents were still alive, they wouldn’t be too pleased. Back in their time, shifters weren’t meant to mix with humans either. It made little sense to me when I was growing up, considering we blended in with them, keeping the secret from them. My first girlfriend was a human to the disgust of my dad. He put a stop to it quickly and introduced me to the pack, hoping I’d find a nice she-wolf to fuck. Three days of planning don’t feel long enough. Even though the plan is solid, I know how easily a plan can go wrong. I smile as she looks up and notices me. Her eyes fill with pure adoration—a look I’m never going to get bored of seeing. It feels like my world slows every time she looks at me. “It’s showtime,” I say. She glances down at her hands in her lap. “Is there any way I can convince you to change your mind?” I sit on the bench next to her, grabbing her hand. “Why, princess? What are you scared of?” She bites her bottom lip and meets my gaze. “Losing you.” My heart aches at her answer, as I thread my fingers into her hair. All my life, I’ve avoided speaking my true feelings out loud. It’s frowned upon, particularly for shifters. And, yet, the words I thought I’d never say are on the tip of my tongue. She moves closer to me, kissing me softly and stifling the three words wanting to break free.

I wrap my arms around her, deepening the kiss. Maybe it’s possible to make her know how I feel with a kiss. She’s my everything, my world. I love her more than anything I’ve ever loved before, and yet, I can’t seem to find the right time or way to say it. I feel it right to my cock as she moans into my mouth, making me harder than I want to be right now. The last thing I need is a distraction. I break away from her, despite my wolf’s single-minded desire to ravage her out here. My people are waiting to fight. “Come on, Anastasia.” I lace my fingers into her hair. “You won’t lose me, I promise.” She swallows hard. “You can’t be sure about that. Everyone I care about either dies or leaves me.” Her vulnerability cuts me to the core, and I vow to myself that will never happen to us. “I’ll fight for us, princess. There’s no way anything is going to break us apart.” I press my forehead to hers, shutting my eyes. “I promise.” I believe that promise as it leaves my lips. Many people have wanted to hurt me in my forty-eight years of life. I’ve survived much worse things than Landon Carmichael. As the son of the most ruthless alpha this world has ever seen, I was always destined for a position of power. I’ve just never accepted my birthright. The leader of all the North American packs. Instead, I let the pack alphas do what they want for a small sum of money every month. I can’t understand why finding my mate awakens the desire to take that power. Maybe it’s because I finally have a future—the chance to have pups of my own who will one day take over this responsibility. “I can’t lose you, Rhys,” she says, squeezing my hand as she stands from the bench. “I won’t be able to survive it.” A growl rumbles through my chest. “When I make a promise, I keep it,” I growl, tightening my grip on my mate.

“Don’t make me punish you out here, baby, Karl is right inside.” Her body quivers in my grip, and she shakes her head. “I won’t.” She bows her head in submission, and it only makes me want her more. I grind my teeth into my bottom lip, controlling my wolf. There is a time and a fucking place, and this certainly isn’t it. The pack is waiting for me. It’s time to claim New York City and bring an end to the bullshit council and their rules for a start.




ity Hall is eerily silent as the guard at the front opens the door to us. A shiver skates down my spine as Rhys comes to a stop, waiting to be directed by the guard. “This way, follow me,” he says, leading us through the large entrance hall. My dad isn't the kind of guy anyone should consider trusting, particularly not a shifter. His reputation with the paranormal world is renowned. He slaughters them any chance he gets. That's why I'm thankful Rhys brought backup. All of them are taking the same route I did into City Hall to ensure everything goes to plan. I don't think it will, nothing ever does. Nothing in life is easy—no matter who you are. I get the feeling Rhys is used to having everything he wants handed to him. He controls all the packs in North America—every alpha pays him some sort of protection tax. Rhys is as close to royalty as it gets when it comes to wolf shifters, and I'm his mate. It's hard to believe—a human girl with nothing to give to him other than my love. A love I can't understand. How can I love a man I've known for less than two weeks?

“Princess, your inner monologue is distracting. Can you dial it down, please?” I tense, wishing he wouldn't do that. “How can you hear my thoughts?” He glances back at me, smiling. “I told you, sometimes it filters through.” The guard whacks the cane he's holding on the ground. “Shut it.” He stops in front of the door. “Mr. Carmichael will see you both now.” He opens the door to a vast library with mahogany floors and bookcases lining the walls. My father is sitting in the center at a desk. My stomach twists and heart pounds as I remember the last encounter with him. When I shamefully begged him to investigate my mom's murder, and he laughed in my face. I try to push the encounter out of my mind. The last thing I want is for my father to think anything he ever did a ected me. “Rhys Verne, you've got a fucking nerve.” He stands and walks toward us. The moment he notices me, his eyes widen a fraction, until he quickly recovers. “What the fuck is she doing here?” Rhys growls like a wolf. “She is my mate.” My father's mouth drops open for a split second before he quickly hides his shock. “I shouldn't be surprised. You are dirty little slut just like your mother.” I try not to let his words get to me, even though it's impossible—anger pulses through me. The anger is rooted in the fact his words hurt, even after all this time. Rhys growls. “You'll wish you didn't speak about her that way.” My father laughs. “Will I? And what exactly are you going to do about it, Rhys?”

I grit my teeth together, remembering Rhys's advice. We need to keep our cool with him and buy our time. He thinks we're here to discuss terms of a treaty, but we're here to turn his world upside down. Rhys folds his arms over his broad chest. “Nothing, let's get down to business.” If looks could kill, my father would be dead right now. My father's eyes track Rhys's movements as he slips an arm around my waist, pulling me close. I can see the rage burning in his eyes. He doesn't care about me, but he does care that a shifter has defiled his daughter. I know him even if I've hardly spent any time with him. My mom told me so many stories about him—most of them bad. “Of course, take a seat.” He signals to the sofa against the far-right wall. A shiver skates down my spine as I glance over at them. I can't understand why, but I've got a bad feeling. My father hasn't asked us here without a plan, and the lack of guards makes me even warier. I grab Rhys's hand and pull him to a stop. “What's wrong?” he asks. I bite my bottom lip. “It's a trap,” I breathe. He glances between the sofa and my father, who is looking increasingly irritated that we haven't sat down yet. “You know what. I'd rather do this the shifter way. We stand for meetings.” The blood drains from my father's face. I was right that his plan was hinged on us sitting down. “As you wish,” he says, but his voice is strangled. He walks toward us, but Rhys holds up a hand. “That's close enough, Carmichael.” My father stops in his tracks and nods, shaking a folder he was holding in his hand. “I’ve got the terms here. If you

agree to them, then I will pardon you for trespassing on the City Council's territory.” I squeeze Rhys's hand and then step forward. “I’ll take a look.” The plan is to buy time showing interest in his proposal. I hold my hand out for the papers, and my father stares at me with pure hate. I always knew he hated me, but that look hurts. It doesn't matter that he's an asshole, he's still my father—I can't seem to shake that. The only living family I still have left. As I take the paper, I glance over to my new family—my new world. Rhys is my everything now. My past life doesn't matter. Nothing does, but him. I snatch the papers from his hand and then walk back to Rhys's side. Once there, I scan them. They are pure bullshit. He wants Rhys and his back to leave New York State—good luck with that. “This is fucking ridiculous,” I say. Rhys glance at me. “What is it?” My father is quick to cut in. “It's simple. Leave New York State with your pack and never return. Then, and only then, will I pardon you.” Rhys's chest pu s out as he glares at my father. “Hmm, why would I agree to these terms, Landon?” He narrows his eyes at my mate. “Because you broke the law, and it's better than death.” Rhys cracks his neck. “You don't know shifters. Death is better than cowardice, Landon. Anastasia, provide him with our terms.” I nod and pull a document out of my pocket, unfolding it. “We've got terms of our own.” My father laughs. “You aren't in a position to o er me terms.”

I tear up his piece of paper and throw it on the ground. “They seem to be the only ones on the table.” He shakes his head. “No, I refuse to read them.” I glance at Rhys and notices his canines lengthen and eyes fleck with gold. He's about to turn. “It's time I taught you a fucking lesson, Landon,” he growls, his voice a few octaves lower than before. I step back, anticipating his change. He howls a piercing sound as he begins to shift into a wolf. The beautiful white fur breaks out across his entire body. My father just stares in horror. He should be running, but he isn't. Rhys has gone o plan, attacking before the rest of the pack arrives. I'm not sure this is a good idea, as my father isn't stupid. He wouldn't have agreed to a meeting without some kind of protection. Rhys launches himself into the air, and my heart stops beating for a moment. I watch and wait, expecting the worst. A movement behind my father makes me tense. What the fuck was that? Rhys howls as he's forced to the floor by black magic. A woman appears from the shadows behind my father, holding her hands out in front of her—a witch. I can't deny that my father working with any paranormal being is surprising. He hates the entire spectrum of magical creatures, including witches. “Hot-head Rhys strikes again.” My father steps toward him as he remains trapped to the ground with the witch's magic. “Stay away from him,” I shout. My father doesn't even look at me. He continues to move closer to my mate. Pure panic grips around my heart as I realize he could tear the one good thing in my life away from

me. “You should have learned your lesson, Rhys. Brute force never beats brains.” Rhys is panting, struggling for breath as the witch's magic appears to drain him. I glance back at the door, wishing Karl and the rest of the pack would turn up. They are our only hope now. I move forward, hoping they won't notice my advance. There's no way I'm standing to one side and waiting for my father to murder my mate. Stay back, Anastasia. Rhys's voice sounds in my mind, but I can't listen to it—I won't. There's no way I'm standing there and waiting for my father to kill him. “Stop her, too,” he says. I freeze as the witch turns her attention on me. She moves her hands to shoot me with her magic, but I dodge out of sight. A pillar shields me from the attack, and I keep my back pressed tightly against it. I pant as I hide in the shadows, hoping it's enough to ward her attack o . The witch cackles cruelly, the sound echoing o the walls. “Do you think you can hide from me?” I shut my eyes, praying that somehow the pack finds us. They should have been here by now. Maybe my father anticipated the backup and cut them o . We need our backup now more than ever. Where the hell is Karl? Are we going to die here?




focus on the bond I share with my pack, knowing they are our only chance of survival. Karl, where are you? A deafening silence follows, making my heart pound harder and faster against my rib cage. My beta should be able to hear me without trouble if he's near. I writhe against the hot, draining magic holding me down. I can't tell whether I can't hear them because the magic is draining my strength or if they've run into trouble. Landon hates witches, so I didn’t see this coming. Not to mention, witches are few and far between these days. They are a dying breed. What witch would agree to work for him? Anastasia is hiding in the shadows, thankfully. I can't believe she tried to intervene as a human is too weak. A shifter can't even match up to a witch. The witch could have blown her to pieces with one swish of her finger. I wish I hadn't brought her into this situation—a situation that is totally out of my control. She's not safe here, and now I can't protect her. I try again to reach my beta, knowing he is our only chance. Karl, we need you now.

I wait, hoping that my focus and strength is enough to reach him this time. Sorry, Rhys, we got held up. Almost there. I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing our pack can overthrow this bitch. There's a witch here, take precautions. There are a few moments of silence before he replies. Copy that. If I'd known, I would have got our entire pack to take Moonrise. A liquor that is only non-poisonous for wolves, and that makes us resistant to blood magic. I've got no doubt this witch is dark. One look at her tells me that much since her skin is paper white and her hair jet black. I stare at her, taking in her dark black glowing eyes. Witches have a bad reputation in general, but I believe they are misunderstood. Sure, blood magic leads to some questionable practices, but any I've met have been surprisingly kind people. “So, what will I do with you now, Rhys?” Landon steps toward me and kneels down to my eye level. He's fucking lucky I'm being held back, as I'm ready to kill him. “You may as well stop using all your strength and turn back to human —give up now, Verne.” I use as much power as I can muster to push against the magical restraints and snap at him, missing him by about an inch. He stumbles back, eyes wide. “Keep that fucking dog leashed,” he shouts at the witch. She doesn't look impressed at him telling her what to do. “Of course.” I feel the pressure increase as if she's trying to crack all the bones in my body. I whimper. Rage increases every second she holds back my wolf. My human side registers the unbelievable pressure crushing us, even if my wolf doesn't.

A scream pierces the air, followed by another, and then the gruesome sound of flesh and bone being torn and broken. Landon's eyes widen as he stares at the door. “Fuck, they didn't come alone,” Landon says, glancing back at me. “What do you think you are playing at Rhys?” Karl bursts into the room, eyes frantic. His golden-brown coat is stained with crimson red blood. Ten wolves, five either side, flank him. All of them have blood over their fur. I'm sure Anastasia will be glad she wasn't outside to witness the blood bath. I was surprised how many wolves volunteered to help, even Hugh, who was thankful I spared his life the other night. It's not me he has to thank, it's Anastasia. “Get them, now,” Landon shouts, glaring at the witch. She glances between him and the wolves, before shaking her head. “Sorry, Landon. I agreed to help you fight one wolf. I don't have the power for the rest.” The restraints holding me down vanish. “Don't you dare—” The witch cuts o Landon with a clap and vanishes in a pu of smoke. “Fucking cowardly bitch,” he shouts, eyes frantic. I stand to my four feet, snarling at the man who tried to kill me and my mate, his own daughter. He pales as I prowl toward him, licking my lips. I will love tearing this guy limb from limb. I sense Anastasia moving forward, which is a bad idea. She should stay back while I finish this. The clap of footsteps thudding on the floor draws my attention. A flood of about twenty soldiers come pouring into the room. Fuck. Landon has back up too. All of them have stun guns—the same weapon that downed me the night they caught me.

They could down all of us with one press on the trigger, which means I need to make a move. I need leverage. Careful of the stun guns, all of you. I communicate through our packs bond, hoping they all hear me. Only Karl replies. Copy that. The connection between the rest of the pack and me is weak. It has been ever since I allowed the rest of the North America Packs to rule their lands. My decision not to embrace my birthright has weakened everyone's respect for me. In turn, it's weakened our bond. It's something I need to change once I gain control of New York City. My wolves and Landon's men watch each other like hawks, each waiting for the first person to make a move. I stare at Landon, knowing I've got the upper hand here. He's got nothing other than a bolt gun a xed to his belt. If he goes for that, I'll tear his arm o before he can so much as close his hand around it. “Looks like we are at a stando , Landon,” I growl. It's hard to believe such a hateful, horrible man is the father of that beautiful, caring woman hiding in the shadows. She's the total opposite of him. I can only imagine she takes after her mother. “Yeah, you better pray, Rhys. We will have your entire pack locked in a silver cage before long.” My wolf won't sit by while a human challenges him. He snaps, and so do I. Before Landon can even see me coming, I launch myself through the air. My hind legs push me toward him at a super-fast speed. My front paws land on his shoulders, pushing him to the floor. I pin him to it, snarling in his face. This guy is delirious if he thinks he can get the better of me. My wolf wasn't going to sit back and take that disrespect from him.

Landon has turned as white as a sheet as he goes limp beneath me. “Put the stun guns down, or I'll rip your leader's throat out,” I growl, turning my attention to his men as I keep Landon pinned. The guys standing around my wolves glance at each other, before slowly putting the guns on the flood. My men move forward and destroy the weapons, growling as they rip the guns apart. “Idiots,” Landon shouts, shaking his head. “Attack them now, or we are going to lose the entire city.” Anastasia has come out of hiding and steps by my side, placing a hand on my back. She strokes my fur, soothing my wolf's rage. “You are greatly mistaken if you think you are getting the upper hand here,” she says, glaring down at her father. I can't imagine how she feels, knowing this asshole is her father but doesn't give a shit about her. Landon surprisingly smirks as if he has the upper hand. Maybe he has lost the plot. He looks insane, moving suddenly and twisting his hand into his pocket. “Don't move,” I growl, nipping at his arm in an attempt to get it back out of his pocket. The smirk grows, and a flash of black magic floods the air. Confusion is all I feel, as it pounds into me hard. It knocks all the breath from my lungs as It throws me into the air. Landon holds his hands out, somehow suspending me in the air with magic. It's impossible. Landon Carmichael is human, so this must be the work of the witch from before. Pain splinters through every single inch of my body— pain beyond anything I've ever felt. He pushes his hands toward me, smirking. I fly higher into the air and then find myself rocketing toward the floor.

The injury I've sustained is bad enough, as I come down, it feels like time slows. My gaze meets Anastasia's. She's watching me in horror as a spray of blood rains down between us. Her face already pale at the sight of blood. I can feel my heart rate slowing already at the loss of blood. My wolf instincts tell me the wound is one of the worst I've ever sustained, and I'm about to crash into the ground at speed. I have to survive to save her. I have to fight and live to take that man down. As I crumple to the floor, the pain increases ten-fold. Black descends on me, slowly taking me away to limbo. I know I'm dancing between life or death. Anastasia won't make it without me, I've got to find my way back to her.




hys is lying on the floor, unmoving. Blood pools underneath him as he slowly morphs back into his human form. I try to shake him awake, tears rolling down my cheeks. “Rhys, please wake up.” I get to my knees and set my fingers against the pulse at his neck. His heartbeat is so faint—too faint. I feel the blood drain from my face. He’s badly hurt, and I can’t understand how. My father used magic. How is that possible? My heart aches more than I can explain. Rhys can’t be dying. It’s not possible. The thought of losing him threatens to tear my entire world apart within seconds. Agony beyond anything I’ve ever felt rips through me as I stay on my knees, crying over him. I can’t do anything to help him. I feel useless and weak. Suddenly, I feel someone tugging at the collar of my shirt. Hot rage crashes into me as I glance up to see my father, trying to drag me away from my mate. I yank myself free. “Get the fuck o me,” I stand to my feet, clenching my hands by my side. He smirks at me. “What are you going to do?” He shakes his head, moving forward.

I punch him square in the jaw and then regret it as pain splinters through my fist. Damn. That hurt like hell. He’s quick to recover from my attempt to hurt him. “That was pathetic.” He grabs hold of the collar of my shirt again and holds on tight. I try to fight against him, not giving up for a second. He won’t take me away from my dying mate so long as I have breath in my body. I slip free and start to run, only to be stopped short by magic—a flare of color writhing around me like a rope. It burns into my skin like flames tracing over it. “Don’t make me hurt you,” he warns, dragging me toward him with just his fingers. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s up to you.” I sigh, resigned to the fact I’ve got no power against him. Even so, the fight hasn’t left me completely. As I hang my head and allow him to drag me, my mind races into overdrive for a way to save us. This can’t be the end. All I can see his Rhys’s beautiful white fur covered in bright red blood. Shifters self-heal, but can he heal himself from that wound? I still can’t understand how my father can use magic. It makes no sense—he’s human. I would give anything right now to kill this man with my bare hands. He has been nothing but trouble to me since the day my mother was murdered. “Let go of me, for fuck’s sake,” I scream, trying to break free from him. He makes an odd noise, shaking his head. “Anastasia, I think you will want to see what I’m about to show you.” Despite the desperate need to return to my mate’s side, I can’t deny that the confidence in his tone piques my interest. Is he finally going to reveal the truth about my mom’s death? I can’t get my hopes up that this has anything to do with her murder, even though it has bugged me for three years.

“Where are we going?” I ask. He yanks my arm as he descends a flight of steps. “Keep your mouth shut, and you will see.” I hold my tongue despite wanting to protest. There’s not much I can do since somehow my human father has magical fucking powers. He stops in front of a door and pulls out a key from the inside pocket of his blazer. I keep close watch of him as he moves forward and unlocks the door. Maybe he intends to trap me inside. He is ripping me away from my mate forever. Rhys, please be okay, please help me. I try to reach him through the bond, but I know I’m not strong enough. He can hear my thoughts when we’re close if he’s trying, but he is weakened too. My father turns the handle, and flings open the door. I try to look past him, but I can hardly see anything past the blinding light filtering into the dim corridor. Once my eyes adjust, I notice a woman sitting on a bed in the center of the room. My heart begins to beat more frantically. I step forward, mouth open. I don’t know how I know it’s her, but I do. “Mom?” I say her name, moving past my father and into the room. Her eyes snap up. “Anastasia, no, what are you doing here?” I shake my head, tears prickling at my eyes. “I thought you were dead.” She looks past me at my father, and the look in her eyes is one of pure hate. “That’s what he wanted you to believe.” I glance back at my father. “Why?” He smirks at me. “She was challenging the council, and I couldn’t stand by it.” He shakes his head. “Did you think I’m so cold-hearted that I’d murder the woman I once loved and the mother of my only child?”

She stands, knees shaking, and face twisted with fury. “You never loved me, Landon, if you did, you wouldn’t trap me in here for three fucking years.” My mom’s bright blue eyes meet mine. “Run darling, quickly, before he traps you here too.” Shit. Why didn’t I see this coming? He lured me in here with my mom to make sure I stay out of the way while he ends Rhys. I rush for the door, but he’s too quick. “No chance, Anastasia. You will stay with your mother where you belong.” He shoots me one last glance. “I’ll go and deal with that man you came here with.” I swallow hard as he slams the door in my face, locking it. My mind is spinning. My mom is alive. Who did we bury that day? The mangled and torn apart corpse has haunted my dreams ever since. The body my father insisted was my mother, ripped apart by shifters. That day marked the day when restrictions on shifters entering the city came down. This has been his plan all along, and we are pawns in a chess match. I turn to face my mom, rushing toward her and wrapping my arms around her. “I’ve missed you.” She squeezes me back. “I’ve missed you too, but you shouldn’t have come here, sweetheart.” I stare up at the woman I thought I’d lost three years ago. Her hair is a little grayer, and there are large bags under her eyes, but it is her. I shake my head. “We had to come here as my father is out of control.” She pulls back and her brow furrows. “We?” Rhys is in danger, but he has his pack to help him. “My mate came with me.” “A shifter mate?”

I feel heat coursing through my cheeks as I think about explaining Rhys to my mom. Before she was gone, I had hardly had a boyfriend, let alone a mate. “Yes, his name is Rhys.” She gasps. “Rhys Verne?” How the hell does she know him? “Yes, how do you know him?” “Sweetheart, we were great friends at school, until he was forced to leave when the truth came out.” She shakes her head. “He seems a bit old for you.” I laugh. “It’s not like I chose Rhys, it was out of my hands.” “I guess.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “How have you coped all this time with me gone?” she asks, her voice dripping with emotion. I shake my head. “It was tough at first. I couldn’t believe you were gone. My father showed me your body ripped apart.” I swallow hard. “I had to pick myself up, find a job, and keep slugging on.” She smiles sadly. “You didn’t have to quit college, did you?” “Not exactly, I postponed my final year. The college were very understanding about my situation and allowed me to put o my final year until I have the money for it. I’m still working toward that.” I shrug, as if it’s no big deal. It’s not, but it has been hard, trying to feed myself and save enough to pay my last year at college has sucked. “I tried to escape this godforsaken place so many times and failed. In the end, I gave up and resigned myself to this fate.” Tears fill my mom’s eyes. “There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of you.” She wipes a stray tear from under her eye. I feel the emotion claw at my throat as she pulls me into her. “I missed you, mom.” I start crying, tears spilling down

my cheeks as I hug her tightly. It’s hard to believe after grieving her loss, all this time she’s been alive. The happiness is beyond anything I’ve felt before, but it’s tainted with deep grief over Rhys. I don’t know if he is okay. I don’t know if he will survive. Fate might be playing a cruel game on me. My mom is alive, but Rhys is dying. Have I been reunited with someone I love, only to lose another? I tense as that thought passes through me. I only met Rhys less than two weeks ago, but it feels like a lifetime ago. The fact I love him so soon after meeting him is ridiculous, but it’s true. This love I feel for him is as real as any, as deep as any. It has changed me in ways I can hardly comprehend. All I can hope is that Rhys has had a chance to heal and can defeat my father, but it’s a long shot. I feel pathetic as I throw myself onto the bed, knowing I can do nothing to help him.




ain ricochets through me where Landon struck me. The asshole is using black magic, and I don’t know how. Only witches should be able to harness magic, other than fae, but that’s a di erent type of power altogether. What kind of shit is he pulling? It’s dark, that’s something I’m sure of, but there must be a source of it. A trinket he is wearing or carrying, as human flesh isn’t strong enough to hold the power Landon hit me with. “Rhys, are you okay?” Karl asks, holding out a hand for me to take. I grab it and let him help me to my feet. “I feel like shit.” I glance around. “Where is Anastasia?” The look on his face tells me all I need to know. “He took her.” He nods toward a door. “That way.” I grab his shoulder. “I need as much help as I can get to stop this bastard. Are you with me?” “Of course, sir.” “Count me in too,” Hugh says, approaching with his head slightly bowed. I raise a brow. “Really? Can I count on you?” He meets my gaze. “Certainly. I will fight to get your mate back. She saved my life the other night.”

He’s right. I’m glad he is aware of the amount he owes to Anastasia. “Right, let’s go and find her.” I head the way Karl signaled, blood pumping through my veins. If this whole ordeal has taught me anything, it’s that I’ve weakened. The only way to restore the strength and power to my pack is to claim my right to rule. The Verne’s will once again sit on the shifter throne in Houston, Texas, the shifters’ original territory. First, I need to get my mate back from her crazy, voodoo loving father. I use my scent to guide me, but I can’t smell Anastasia. All I can scent is her filthy father. He makes my stomach churn with his putrid, dark scent. I follow it, getting closer and closer with every step. All the while, I’m aware of the threat he poses, despite the fact he’s human. Suddenly, the witch who fled earlier appears in front of me. I growl, feeling my wolf ready to break free again. She holds her hands up. “I mean you no harm.” “Bullshit, you tried to kill me.” She smiles, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Yes, I did, but that was before I realized the truth of your destiny.” I narrow my eyes at her. “What do you mean?” She shakes her head. “It’s something you will learn by yourself with time, but I can help you defeat him.” I don’t trust this witch. Her stench is dark too, and I don’t trust magic as dark as she practices. “Why should I trust you?” She moves closer. “Isn’t it bothering you how a human used magic against you?” She smirks. “He has an arcane relic in his pocket, blessed with dark magic. I summoned it, but I can take it away just as easily.” She clicks her fingers. “What do you want in return?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing, only immunity. I don’t want you or your wolves tracking me down ever.” It seems like a fair trade, and I can’t deny that I need the witch. Wolf shifters may be strong, but we are nothing against magic. “I don’t trust her,” Karl snarls. “Shut it,” I say, glaring at him. “Fine, I accept. You help me, and we won’t ever attack you, so long as I control the shifters of North America, you will have immunity. Tell me your name, witch.” She smiles. “Perfect, my name is Seraphina.” She clicks her fingers. “Follow me.” Karl gives me a concerned look as she waltzes o down the corridor as if she won the damn lottery. I can’t deny that a part of me is uncertain about trusting her, but we don’t have a better plan. There’s nothing more we can do, but I hope she is true to her word. Landon’s scent gets stronger as she weaves her way through the endless corridors of the city hall. This place is too large for my liking, and once I take control back, it will change. Why does anyone need so many rooms in a city hall anyway? The witch stops suddenly, holding a hand up. “I must not be seen at first. Landon isn’t stupid. Distract him until I get the chance to act.” I nod but don’t have a chance to reply as she disappears like a wisp of smoke. “Prepare yourself,” I growl, feeling my wolf break free. I howl as I turn, feeling my bones morphing into the wolf. My two pack members shift too, as Landon comes around the corner. He smirks. “Perfect, I hoped you’d follow me, Rhys.” I can feel my wolf’s rage spiking out of control as I try to hold him back from tearing him apart. “Where is she?” I growl.

He laughs. “Somewhere no one will ever find her, not even you, Rhys.” I growl, knowing that I won’t be able to hold myself o long. That witch better act quickly or I will end up snapping. “How could you be so cold to your daughter?” It’s what makes me hate him more than I ever did before. When he was just the guy I used to pick on at school, I had some sympathy for him. He’d had it tough growing up with jocks like me pushing him about. The moment I realized how much he had neglected his daughter, my mate, a dislike turned quickly to pure hatred. A hatred so deep there was no chance I was going to control it, no matter what I did. “She is unimportant in the grand scheme of things, and so was her mother. I won’t hurt them, since they are my family, but I will make sure they never see the light of day again.” He shakes his head. “I can’t have them meddling with my plans. Women should be locked away as they are too emotional.” I stare at him, trying to process what he said. Anastasia told me about her mother. She told me they found her ripped apart by shifters, which had surprised me since we are the only pack for miles. If a human had been murdered by one of us, I would have heard about it. “Her mother is alive?” He nods his head. “Of course, I’m not a monster like you, Rhys.” I notice a wisp of smoke to the left of Landon’s face. The witch. I keep my eyes o of her, making sure not to alert him to her presence. She needs to get that damn relic to ensure he can’t fight back. “I’m no monster, you are,” I growl, keeping my eyes fixed on his. “You abandoned your daughter, and you staged

her mother’s death. I would never hurt my mate the way you have hurt your family.” He steps forward. “I’m disgusted that my daughter mated to you, a man old enough to be her father. How could you take advantage of a young, innocent woman in that way?” He holds his hands up, ready to hit me again with another blast. I smirk, as Seraphina holds up a small, ancient trinket— obviously the relic. “Don’t think that’s going to work this time, Landon.” He glares at me before noticing Seraphina. “Traitor,” he growls, launching himself toward her. She stops him dead with her magic, literally turning him into stone. “That was easier than I expected.” The smile leaves her face. “I wanted to toy with him a bit longer. Maybe I should turn him back—” “Wait, you certainly should turn him back, and we will all have our revenge on him, but first, can you help me find Anastasia.” I glance at the stone statue of Landon in front of me. “She will want to witness this, I’m sure.” “Fair enough, I’ll take you to her.” She turns and heads the way Landon came. I follow, desperate to be reunited with my mate. It’s about time I told her the truth. It’s about time I told her I love her. The only complication will be Thera Carmichael, my once best friend, and mother to my mate. I’m thankful she is alive for Anastasia’s sake, but I don’t know if she will accept me as her daughter’s partner. I am the same age as her, and we went to the same high school. “Quit your worrying, shifter, she’s your mate.” Seraphina glances back at me. “No one is going to stand in your way.” Wow, is that how that feels? I regret revealing the fact I can read Anastasia’s mind at times, as it is an invasion of privacy. “Keep out of my mind, please.”

She smiles and nods. “As you wish.” We continue in silence until we get to a door at the end of a corridor. Seraphina turns to face me. “They are in there.” She waves her hand over the lock, and it clicks open, making my heart pound against my rib cage. I can’t wait to be reunited with my mate, but I’m worried about Thera’s reaction. She was one of the ones that pulled away, mainly because her parents forced her too. It wasn’t long until I heard she was dating Landon. “I’ll be on my way, but remember your promise to me, shifter.” I bow my head. “Of course, you will remain under my protection, Seraphina. Your help here today won’t be forgotten.” She disappears in a wisp of smoke, leaving me staring at the door. I step forward and set my hand on the doorknob, pulling it open. Anastasia jumps to her feet, a smile creeping onto her lips as she realizes it’s me. “Rhys,” she calls my name, rushing toward me. I wrap my arms around her and lift her o the floor, pressing my lips to hers. We were separated for such a short time, but it was too long. Any time away from her is too long. Thera clears her throat behind us, reminding me that I’ve got to face her. I set her daughter down and glance at my old friend. “It’s great to see you again, Thera.” She stares at me for a moment, eyes moving between her daughter and me. “It’s good to see you too.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe you are my daughter’s mate.” “Pretty crazy, hey?” She nods and then walks toward us. I watch as she takes her daughter’s hand and brings it to her mouth, kissing her fingers. “I’ll give you two sometime

alone. We’ve still got loads to catch up on, but that can wait.” Anastasia smiles. “Thanks, mom.” She walks out of the door, and tears are brimming in my mate’s eyes. “I can’t believe she’s alive. Am I dreaming?” I cup her cheeks in my hands. “No, it’s real, princess. Your mom is alive, and I’ve got your dad caged in the same cage he trapped me in.” I press my lips to hers. “We will get justice for all he has done to you and your mom.” She steps back, staring at me with a look I can’t quite understand. The hurt in her eyes makes my heart ache. “What’s wrong?” She shakes her head. “I thought I was going to lose you forever.” Tears run down her cheeks. I can understand why she says that, it was close. Landon had more power than I’d ever anticipated, and I promised her she’d never lose me. I know the words I should have told her that day. The words I almost never got to say to her. “I love you, Anastasia,” I say, the words choked by emotion. “I love you so much, and I should have said it back in the garden. I just...” I can’t explain why I didn’t. A life of hiding your emotions can make you too hardened to speak them out loud. “I love you too,” she says, launching herself back into my arms. I hold her, hugging her tightly to me. I never knew it was possible to cherish another being the way I cherish her. She is more precious than anything to me in this world. “I promise to protect you, princess, forever.” She nuzzles her face into my neck, breathing deeply. “I don’t need protecting, Rhys, I just need you.” I pull back and press my lips to hers, kissing her deeply. This woman is my everything—my world. I can’t wait for her to have my pups and to raise a family with her. That’s my first port of call.

I want to marry her today. We can’t waste another moment. Life is too fragile, too short. I’m going to embrace everything I’ve got like it’s my last fucking day on this earth.




y mind is running at one hundred miles an hour as I stare at the blue cross in the middle of the test. My period was supposed to come three days ago, so I knew something was wrong. While in New York City, I managed to slip across the road into a drug store, while my father was being processed into a high secure jail, and buy a few tests. Rhys has no idea. It's been an hour since he left for the urgent pack meeting to brief them on what happened. I wanted to attend with him, but it seems bullshit male dominance plays a massive role when it comes to packs and their leadership. Rhys insists that I'm his equal to him, but it doesn't feel that way. It feels like women get the short end of the stick in shifter packs. I'd love to be able to change that someday, but for now, the pack is getting used to their alpha having a human as a mate. Since he left, I've done three early pregnancy tests. All of them show the same result. I'm pregnant. Rhys's child is growing inside of me. A part of me is freaking out, but another part of me is strangely happy about it. I want to run and tell him in the

middle of the meeting. I want to shout it to the world. There's no way I can rock the boat any more than I already have—not yet anyway. I've got a feeling running into a pack meeting and declaring that I'm pregnant isn't a good idea. I set the test down next to the other two on the sink counter and head back into the bedroom. My mind and emotions are playing havoc with me as I flop onto the bed, face planting the pillow. I wanted my mom to come back with us, but she insisted she will visit in the morning. She was desperate to get home and try to clear her head. I really could do with her support right about now. How the hell were we so reckless? For two weeks, we've been at it like rabbits with no protection. It was stupid. I roll over and glance at the photo by the side of the bed— Rhys's mom and dad. They look like a lovely couple, and Rhys has his dad's eyes. They could be twins. Anytime I've tried to speak to him about them since he first told me, he shuts me down. Shifters don't seem to do well with emotion. It took Rhys a while to admit his feelings for me, even though deep down, I knew. When he spoke those words to me, everything fell into place. Our bond feels stronger for it. The door opens downstairs, and I jump to my feet, excited to see him again. It's ridiculous. He only left about half an hour ago, if that, and I'm desperate to see him. Then, panic hits, as I remember what is sitting on the sink counter in the bathroom. I'm going to have to tell him what happened. I'm going to have to tell him I'm pregnant. Rhys bounds up the stairs before I make it to the door. His speed is di cult to get used to at times. He throws open the door and smiles. “Miss me?”

I launch myself at him, kissing him with all the emotion I can. “Too much.” I sigh. “I wish you would let me come to the meetings.” He sets me down on the floor. “Maybe someday. For now, we need to give the pack time to warm up to you.” I set my hands on my hips. “Fine, but are you going to fill me in on what happened.” He laughs and nods toward the bed. “Take a seat.” I walk toward the bed and sit down. Rhys looks nervous as he steps closer. “Well, there was one crucial matter the pack discussed today.” He sets his hands behind his back and I've never seen him more vulnerable than he looks right now. “They've agreed to my proposal.” “What proposal?” He gets down on one knee, and my heart stops beating. “This one.” He pulls out a small, velvet box and reveals a simple, solitaire engagement ring. “I want you to marry me, Anastasia.” He shakes his head. “It's not exactly standard for mates to marry in the shifter world, but I want to uphold some human traditions, particularly as I want to unite our people.” I can hardly think, let alone speak, as I stare at him. Get married. That's one thing I never expected to do. Especially not after my parents' disastrous marriage. “What do you say? Will you marry me?” I shake my head, and the look on his face breaks my heart. “I-I don't know.” “That's not the reaction I was expecting…” He lowers the box and flips the lid back over. “It's not that I don't want to marry you, Rhys.” His blue eyes snap up to meet mine. “What is the problem, then?” I shrug. “Marriage in general. Do we have to marry to prove our love?” I slip o of the bed and kneel in front of

him, cupping his cheeks in my hands. “I love you more than anything, but marriage won't change anything. We're mates, that should be enough.” He draws in a deep breath. “Man, it's going to be embarrassing explaining to the pack my mate refused to marry me.” He smiles, though, and I know he gets it. “I know what you mean. If you don't want to marry, we won’t.” He grabs my hand and lifts me to my feet. “At least accept this ring as my vow to you. “He holds the box and opens it, pulling the ring out. “A gift and a promise that I will love you forever.” I smile and nod, holding my hand out for him to slip it on. “Maybe one day, you'll change your mind.” I look at the ring on my finger, smiling. “Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it.” His bright blue eyes brighten with those golden flecks, and I instantly know what's on his mind. We're alone in our bedroom. The chance of him not pinning me to that bed and having his way with me is zero. My thighs clench at the thought. It's been two weeks since we met, and he's been increasingly adventurous every time we fuck. I've got a feeling he's trying to work me up to something that both scares and excites me, claiming all of my holes. “I can hear what you are thinking, baby,” he groans, pulling me against him. His cock throbs against my tummy as he digs his fingers into my hips. “Is that what you want? Do you want to feel my cock stretching your tight, little asshole?” I shiver in his arms, trying to keep hold of my urges. It's impossible. I do want it. It's so fucking wrong that I want him to fuck my ass, but I do. He's too fucking big, but it doesn't stop me from wanting it. “Yes,” I breathe.

His cock swells against my tummy, making me even needier. “Dirty girl,” he growls, lifting me and carrying me toward the bathroom. “I’m going to blow your mind, princess.” He sets me down on the side of the bathtub and starts to run the taps. I watch him as he quickly pulls o his shirt and then his pants. He smiles at me as he moves to his boxers, pulling them down slowly to reveal his huge, hard cock. Fuck. I'll never get tired of seeing him naked. He's pure perfection. “Your turn, baby.” I feel heat pulse around my body, filtering into my cheeks. This man can turn me into a molten pot of fucking lava with his stare. He's so perfect, and I'm so ordinary. I wonder if he ever wishes he had mated to a woman more beautiful. “Don't fucking think like that,” he growls, charging forward. “You are the single most beautiful woman on this planet, don't fucking forget that.” He tilts my head and captures my lips, his tongue roaming every inch of my mouth desperately. I find it hard to believe his claim, but I submit to him, letting him plunder my mouth. My body needs him more than it needs oxygen. I arch my back, wanting to feel his skin on mine, but he holds me tightly. His fingers slip to my throat, choking me gently. When we first started fucking, I found his dominant ways scary. Now, they are just exciting. He pulls his lips from mine. “Undress,” he barks. It's a one-word order that I instinctively obey. My fingers can't move quick enough as I unbutton my shirt. Rhys is impatient, though. He is quick to tear it, popping the buttons o entirely.

I groan, staring at the buttons on the floor. He's ruined more shirts than I can keep count. “Was that necessary?” He smirks. “I’ll buy you as many shirts as you want. You just take too long, and I had to see those perfect breasts,” he purrs, moving in and cupping them with his hands. I moan as he kisses my breasts. He pulls o my bra and sucks on each of my nipples, making them hard peaks. “Fuck,” I say, letting my head fall back as ecstasy overwhelms me. “That's it, baby, give yourself to me,” he breathes, slowly moving his hands down my hips and then up to lift my skirt. As always, I follow his rules. No underwear. It seems to drive him wild whenever he reveals that I'm being his dirty little girl and going commando. “Fuck, I love that you are always naked for me under your skirt,” he groans, sliding a finger through my soaking wet folds. “Always,” I moan, as he dips his finger inside of me, hooking it just in the right place. Rhys starts to work his finger in and out, sending a bolt of pleasure through me. His lips press against my shoulder at the same time. I don't know how this man gets me so worked up, he just does. He turns o the taps once the huge bath is full and gets in, turning to me. “Sit on the edge and spread your legs for me, baby.” I do as he says as he kneels in front of me, eyes wild. His eyes are almost entirely gold, as pure lust takes over. His canines are sharp and at full length. He moves closer, gripping my thighs with his large hands. My knees shake in anticipation as he inches his face closer to my pussy. I want to feel his tongue, teeth, lips all over me. He teases me at first, letting his breath fall against my center.

I moan, arching my back and thrusting my hips nearer to him. The move earns me a satisfying spank on my thighs, making the need inside me increase. He licks the area he'd spanked, making my body quiver. My nipples are so hard they hurt, as he licks a path right across my aching pussy to the other thigh. “Fuck, Rhys.” I lace my fingers in his golden-brown hair, trying to guide his mouth to where I so desperately need it. He's too strong. “I’m in control, princess,” he growls, moving fast to grab both my arms and hold them in front of me. “No moving.” I whimper, the need so acute it feels like if I don't find release soon, I'll cease to exist. It's crazy how much this desire can drive me wild—the emotion it entices. His tongue dips inside of me, and my mind turns to a blank mess of pure, flaming hot desire. I moan deeply, trying and failing to buck my hips for more. He moves his hands and holds both my hips, keeping me still. He plunges three thick fingers inside of me and starts to work them in and out. My breathing is heavy and labored as his tongue works marvels, focusing all his attention on my aching clit. His hands move to my thighs, pushing them up higher to reveal my tight hole to him. I groan, knowing precisely what he's about to do. His tongue probes at my ass as he continues to fuck his fingers in and out of me. “Yes, just like that,” I moan, feeling utterly gone with desire. Rhys growls as he continues to probe my ass hungrily, getting me ready. Fuck. Are we going to do this? He grabs a bottle o the counter, not even looking away from my pussy—a bottle of lube. As he does, I notice his

hand brush against one of the pregnancy tests. Shit. I haven't even told him yet. I try to push it out of my mind, knowing this isn't the time. He squirts lube all over my hole before sliding his fingers out of my pussy—a sudden empty feeling making me long for something to fill it. My eyes instantly go to his cock. I groan as he slides one finger into my ass, keeping his other hand on my thigh to support me. “That's it, baby, I know you love me fingering that virgin asshole.” He keeps fingering me but moves his mouth to my collarbone, biting down softly. A spike of unparalleled lust kicks through me as he fingers my ass, making me needier. Before I met Rhys, I'd never even thought about the kind of dirty things he likes to do to me. He's changed me. I long for him night and day— being with him continually isn't enough. We could spend all our waking time fucking, and it still wouldn't satiate the hunger inside of me. “Do you like that, baby?” he asks, before closing his lips around my hard nipple and sucking. I let my head fall back as he continues to work me into a frenzy, sitting on the edge of the bath. “Answer me,” he growls, spanking my thigh gently. I nod. “Yes, I-I love it.” He smirks at me before slipping another thick finger into my ass. He's trying to stretch my tight hole, getting me ready. “You are my dirty girl, aren't you?” I nod, feeling my breath hitch in my throat as he slips a third finger inside. The slight sting quickly turns to pure pleasure as he fingers me. I almost die the moment he moves his mouth back to my aching pussy. His tongue slides through my wet lips before bumping my clit gently. “Fuck,” I cry out, gripping onto the side of the bath so hard my knuckles have turned white.

A powerful orgasm rips through me, and Rhys is quick to lap every drop from me, licking and sucking as though he is starving. “Fuck, you are so sweet,” he groans, sliding his fingers from my virgin asshole. “Time for me to see how good that ass feels stretched around my cock.” His eyes dilate to bright blue, flecked with metallic gold. His canines appear longer somehow as he fists his thick cock in his hands. I watch as he lies down in the bath, his thick cock standing to attention above the water. “Come and straddle me facing away from me,” he orders. Excitement is all I feel at that moment. We are about to do this. Rhys's big, rough hands settle on my hips the moment I straddle his wide thighs with my back to him. He squirts cold liquid all over my hole, using his fingers to spread it inside. Then, he lathers his dick in it. “In this position, you've got control of the speed and depth,” he purrs, slapping his cock against my newly stretched hole. “But, don't get used to being in control, princess, you know I'm the boss around here.” He spanks my ass cheek to reiterate his point. “Are you ready?” “Yes,” I say, waiting to feel the thick girth of him pressing against my hole. He guides me up and then down against the swollen head of his cock, pressing into me gently. I groan as he's so thick. My asshole slowly giving way as he continues to keep the pressure, until it pops past the tight ring of muscles. It hurts. There's no denying it, but it also feels good. I try to breathe, focusing on relaxing the muscles around his shaft. Slowly, I press my hips down and allow more of him inside. He groans a low, guttural noise. “Fuck, your ass is tight.”

I keep going, feeling my pussy get wetter as I allow his entire cock to slide into my tight channel. He spanks my ass. “I’m all the way inside, baby.” My nipples harden painfully as I start to ride his cock. The splash of water with every movement increases as I increase the speed. Rhys digs his fingertips into my hips and starts to move me, unable to give over control for long. Lifting me further o his cock and forcing me down harder. “Damn, your ass is perfect,” he growls. I try to take back control. “I told you I'd let you get used to it. From the way you are riding my cock, you are perfectly used to it,” he murmurs, before sliding his hand around my waist and lifting me. I'm still impaled on his cock as he lowers me down to all fours, remaining behind me. Luckily this bath is more like a hot tub. Otherwise, we'd be struggling to move. I hold my breath for a moment, knowing I'm totally at his mercy. He spanks my ass as he thrusts back into me in this position. It's even better. The depth he gets with each thrust sends an illicit thrill through my body—white filters my vision as he plows deep and hard into my ass. I glance back to see Rhys's canines fully out and sharp. His light blue eyes flicker with power as he lets his wolf take the front seat. I groan, loving the roughness when he allows the beast to come to the surface. The pleasure builds, increasing the pressure deep inside of me. It's beyond anything I've ever felt before, sending a shudder down my spine. Every muscle in my body begins to tense as he continues to fuck me hard. “That's it, princess.” He spanks my ass cheek. “I want you to come with my cock deep in your ass,” he growls, spanking me again. “I want to fill this perfect, tight as hell

asshole up with my cum.” He leans over my back, nipping the skin at the base of my neck with his canines. “Then, I'm going to breed your perfect pussy until you can't fucking walk.” A shiver races down my spine, as he's gone full beast now. His voice is deeper and darker than it is usually. I feel myself coming apart. Every muscle in my body starts to shake and spasm underneath him. “Fuck,” I cry out as my ass clamps down around him, milking him for all he is worth. Rhys roars against my skin, letting his canines sink into the flesh of my neck slightly. It stings but feels good. I feel him unleash deep in my ass, spilling his seed and marking me as his. He's claimed me fully now. Every part of me belongs to him. He moves away from me, slipping his cock from my stretched hole. I don't dare move, scared I'm going to shatter to pieces any moment. My orgasm still spikes through me even now. “Don't move. I've got something I know you will love.” Rhys gets up and moves to the sink counter, opening the cupboard door. Whatever he had gone to collect drops to the floor, and that's when I remember the pregnancy tests. “Are these what I think they are?” Rhys asks. I glance up to see him staring at me with wide eyes. “Yeah, I was going to tell you and then…” He smiles, rushing toward me. My heart skips a beat at the joy written over his face. He grabs me and lifts me from the bath, still dripping wet, and carries me to the bed. He lowers me onto it, kissing me softly. “This is amazing.” I raise a brow. “Really? We've only known each other for a two weeks.”

He smiles. “You are my mate. I've wanted to put my pups inside of you since the day I saw you in that bar.” “Pups?” I shake my head. “I won't give birth to a litter all at once, will I?” A sudden horror passes through my mind. The thought of giving birth to multiple babies at once makes me sick to the stomach. He shakes his head. “No, but you know what I mean.” He wraps his arms around me. “I’m so happy. I can't wait to start a family with you, Anastasia.” I've never felt so overwhelmed as tears flood my eyes. Rhys is quick to brush them away with his knuckle, planting kisses where each tear falls. “Don't cry, princess. I want you to be happy.” I nod. “I am, these are tears of joy.” Rhys smiles and pulls me close, holding me against him. I've never been happier than I am right now. I've never been more complete. I nuzzle against his hard, solid chest and fall into a peaceful sleep, hoping our future is as bright as I feel right now.





step into the council chambers, trying desperately to still my nerves. Who knew three years after turning New York City into a free zone for shifters, that we’d be here? A long table stretches down the middle of the room. At the head of it sits the king of the Fae, Flynn. We are great friends now, but the first couple of meetings we had were tense. Wolf shifters and fae have been enemies ever since the truth about the paranormal broke. In the end, we managed to agree on a truce between all fae and North American wolf shifters, but today we’re trying to take this one step further. Flynn’s ambitions know no bounds when it comes to uniting races. Lucy sits by Flynn’s side, and she smiles at me. We’ve become great friends during all of this, finding we have a lot of things in common. Rhys takes his seat at the opposite end of the table. Vlad, the ruler of the vampires, is sitting on the left-hand side of the table. He doesn’t reside in North America but is the outright leader to the entire population of vampires. A couple of vampires sit either side of him. I can’t deny Flynn’s wish to allow vampires to mix with the whole community worries me.

Humans are prey to them. I know they can feed without killing, but it still worrying. Opposite him sits Aiden, king of the dragon shifters. He’s yet to take a wife, but his father died recently. I’ve heard he has come under pressure from his people. Rhys takes my hand and squeezes gently. Flynn is the one to stand, towering over the table. I always thought Rhys was tall, but he is a little taller. “Thank you all for gathering here today.” He claps his hands together. “Today marks a special day in history. A day when we put our di erences behind us and move forward.” A knock at the door sounds, and he stops speaking. “Come in,” he calls. The door swings open, and the most stunning woman walks in. I’ve never seen her before. “I feel you are missing someone out, your majesty.” She bows her head. “I don’t see representation here for witches.” Her eyes meet Aiden’s, and the spark there is unmissable. Flynn nods his head. “Of course, miss?” “Ilsa.” He smiles. “Ilsa, take a seat.” She talks a seat beside Aiden, but he doesn’t reach for her. The look he gave her suggested they are familiar in the most intimate way, but maybe I misread it. “We have all species here that I am aware of. Rhys will speak for the shifters of the globe, as will Aiden.” He glances at Vlad. “Vlad is the king of the vampires, and such our alliance is with you, be it an uneasy one.” He grins, bearing his fangs. “I’m not sure what you are worried about, faerie, scared I might get a taste for faerie blood?” His mere appearance is enough to freak anyone out. He’s heavyset and covered in tattoos that snake up the side of his neck and head.

Flynn shakes his head and moves on. “Now, I invite Ilsa to speak for the witches in our council. To align our people and allow integration between all our kinds.” She bows her head, smiling. “Lastly, Lucy and Anastasia will represent humans. They have as much a right as any human in my eyes.” Vlad shifts uncomfortably but doesn’t say anything. Flynn and Rhys are the only ones who have human mates, so it makes sense. Vampires don’t have mates, so he will never have that issue. Not that he’d be able to keep a human alive for too long if she were attractive to him. Vampires are driven by one thing only—blood. A shiver skates down my spine as I stare into the dark, soulless eyes of the vampire king. He’s unearthly handsome but has this air of danger around him—the kind that makes you want to run for the hills. “Does anyone have any questions about the alliance we are forming here today?” Flynn asks, glancing directly at my mate. Rhys did put up a lot of resistance initially to ideas of a truce between fae and shifter. They’ve been at war for years, and it took a lot of convincing to get him to even talk with Flynn. I found it hypocritical considering he wanted humans to accept shifters, why couldn’t shifters accept the faeries. “No, mate.” Vlad shakes his head, his British accent more defined. “Just get on with this bullshit. I’m fucking starving, and you’ve got two juicy humans on o er right here.” He licks his lips as he moves his gaze between Lucy and me. Rhys growls at him, and I grab his hand in an attempt to calm his wolf. Vlad holds up his hand. “Don’t bite my fucking head o . What do you expect when you trap a hungry vampire in a room with two juicy humans for too long?”

“Enough,” Flynn calls, clapping his hands. “Fine, you can be the first to sign your contract and swear your loyalty to this council.” Flynn passes him a piece of paper and a pen. “Next time, make sure you eat before the meeting.” He takes it, reading through the contract before him. “Where’s the ink?” Flynn smirks and hands him a knife. “You must write it in your blood.” He shakes his head. “Slight problem, I’m undead. How the fuck do you expect me to bleed for this?” Ilsa stands. “I can help with that. She waves her hands toward him, shooting him with red magic. Cut your wrist now as it will only last so long.” I look away as Vlad cuts himself, pouring blood into the ink well. “Nice trick, Ilsa,” he says, as I glance back and see him signing the contract in blood. “I’m out of here. He slams down the quill and stands to his feet. “See you all at the next bullshit meeting.” With that, he’s gone in a blur with his men. The rest of the group sign their names, most not even reading the document. Perhaps they take Vlad’s acceptance of the terms as a sign that it is safe, but as it reaches Rhys, I’m quick to grab it from him. He nudges me. “Give that back, princess.” I shake my head. “I want to give it the once over first.” He laughs. “What?” “You overthink everything, Anastasia. I trust Flynn with my life.” I raise a brow. “You wouldn’t have said that two years ago.” He sighs. “Fine, read it if you want.” I read the document, making sure that it all adds up. All the while, I can feel Flynn’s eyes on me. I glance up and see

him smiling kindly, watching me. Rhys is right, there’s nothing to trick us in the contract, but I had to be sure. “Is it all legally correct?” Flynn asks. I nod, clearing my throat. “Seems to be.” I place it back down in front of Rhys, wishing it wasn’t my turn next to sign my name in blood. Rhys knows how squeamish I am. He glances at me once he’s written his name. “Do you want me to cut you?” I nod, glancing away. Aiden laughs. “I’m not sure how you get away with being so scared of blood, considering your mate is a wolf shifter.” I ignore him as Rhys cuts my hand. He squeezes the blood into the freshly cleaned vial. “There, ready to sign.” He passes the quill into my hand and I dip it in, before signing my name next to his. Anastasia Verne. I never get used to seeing my name with Rhys’s surname after it. Rhys takes the contract and passes it back to Flynn. Our wedding two years ago was perfect, even though I’d insisted I didn’t want to marry at first. He soon managed to convince me to take the step. We’d already welcomed our first pup as Rhys likes to call her. Whenever I said kids, he used to scold me and tell me he’s not a goat. Now we have three pups waiting for us at home, Rhian, Gwen, and Megan, as we build a better world for them. I set my hands on the small bump at my stomach. Rhys wants a lot of children, and we are well on our way to a full litter soon with this one. I’m two months pregnant. “Thank you, Anastasia. It looks like the contract is complete.” Flynn clears his throat. “I look forward to working with all of you to make this world a better place.” He claps his hands. “Council meeting adjourned.”

Rhys is quick to stand, pulling me to my feet and slipping an arm around my shoulder protectively. He’s always protective at the best of times, but more so when I’m pregnant with his baby. “Anastasia,” Ilsa says, stopping me. “Would you like to know the sex of your baby?” I glance at Rhys, who shrugs, meaning the choice is down to me. We’ve had three girls up to now, and I know Rhys longs for a little prince. I get the feeling us girls out weight him too much at the moment. “Sure, why not.” Ilsa smiles widely and glances right at Rhys. “Congratulations, your prince is almost here.” He smiles. “Seriously?” She nods in response. Rhys grabs me and kisses me softly, smiling against my lips. “At last, a boy to tip the scales.” I smile. “You will still be outnumbered, though.” He shakes his head. “Not for long.” I feel four children is more than enough, but Rhys wants more. It’s typical for shifters and their mates to have up to ten, but I’m not sure I’m cut out for that. As a woman who had never really thought about having children, it seems a big ask. My mom is loving being a grandma to our pups, though. I’m so thankful she has the chance, considering I thought she was dead. “Don’t you think four is enough?” He grabs me and lifts me, spinning me around. “No chance, Anastasia, you aren’t getting o that easily. You know I want a big family.” I sigh as he sets me down on the floor. “Fine, but you will owe me.” He smirks. “I’ve got the perfect plan for this weekend. No pups allowed.”

I tilt my head to the side, wondering what he’s talking about. “What plan?” He shakes his head. “It’s a secret. Follow me.” He grabs my hand and leads me out of the council room, into the main hall. Flynn and Lucy are standing in the center, talking. Flynn stops. “Are you ready?” “Ready for what?” I ask, glancing between Rhys and Flynn. The mischief in their eyes tells me they are up to something. Who knew my mate would end up best friends with a fae king? I didn’t see it coming three years ago. Rhys hated the fae. It took a lot of patience on Flynn’s side to get him to agree. “We’re ready,” Rhys says, grabbing my hands and pulling me to face him. “I told you, it’s a secret.” I set my hands on my hips and glare at him through narrowed eyes. “You know I hate surprises, Rhys.” Lucy steps forward. “You won’t hate this one.” Lucy has been a great friend through all of this, as we both have had similar experiences. I’m glad that we got to meet them. I’m happy the world is changing because of their mission to unite all of us. “Okay, if you say so, it must be true.” I smile and squeeze her hand. Flynn holds out his hands to both of us, and we each take one. I’ve got a feeling we are going somewhere, which means we have to disperse. I hate it. It feels like you’re being added to a washing machine and spun around on the highest spin speed. Suddenly, we’re moving. My stomach churns as we disperse together. Where we’re going, who the hell knows. We touch down in a luxurious room with the sound of fast-flowing water in the distance. Flynn disappears before I

can even open my mouth. Rhys smirks at me. “Welcome to Brazil, princess.” My eyes widen. “Brazil?” He nods. “Yeah, we’re at the Iguazu National park.” He grabs my hand and leads me over to the window. I gasp as I take in the sight of a vast waterfall in the distance. “It’s beautiful.” His lips tease at my shoulder as we stare out at the stunning view in front of us. I arch my back as they move up my neck, trailing to the base of my ear. “Beautiful isn’t a strong enough word,” Rhys breathes. I know that tone of voice. He’s ready to be inside of me, and I can’t wait. His hard cock presses into my ass cheeks as I relax against him. “Why did you bring me here, Rhys?” I ask. He bites the lobe of my ear. “It’s the anniversary of the day we met.” I feel him tighten his grip. “Did you forget?” I shake my head. “Yes, sorry. My memory has been screwed up during this pregnancy.” He growls and nips at my shoulder. “I will have to punish you for that.” His hands move to my hips, holding me possessively. “Go and bend over the bed like a good girl,” he purrs. My knees shake beneath me as I move toward the bed, making sure I make eye contact with him on the way. He growls, hands clutching the huge erection pressing against his pants. “Don’t tease me, baby.” I know it’s a warning, but I can’t help it. I love the way he gets when I wind him up. His dominance rising up even stronger when I push him. “I’m not teasing you, Rhys,” I say, holding his gaze as I bend over. He growls, seeing that I’m not wearing any panties. “Fuck, I’m going to give you a good spanking for being a bad

girl.” A quiver of need shoots right through me. Rhys’s promise excites me. I groan as he marches toward me, muscles straining against the tight fabric of his shirt. He grips hold of my ass cheeks, kneading them softly in his hands. Then, he spanks my right ass cheek hard. A blistering pain sweeps through me, setting my whole body ablaze. The way this man skates the line between pleasure and pain is solely to make me feel good. I love pain as much as pleasure. The combination of the two is intoxicating. I arch my back, willing him to give me more—to take me in hand, and punish me like he means it. He groans, hands kneading the stinging skin of my ass until he spanks me again. “Fuck,” I say, feeling wet heat pool between my thighs. “Please, Rhys,” I gasp as he spanks me. “That’s it, bad girls should always beg for it,” he growls, spanking me three more times on each cheek, before pressing his lips to the stinging skin. “I want you to grovel for my cock, baby.” Damn it. This man knows how to wind me up like no one else. “Please, Rhys,” I say, against my better judgment. “Please, fuck me.” I can almost hear the smugness in his tone. “Hmm, is that what you want?” I groan, fisting the sheets beneath me as he continues to tease. He spanks my ass again. “Answer me, princess.” I nod my head. “Yes, just fuck me, Rhys,” I whine. He’s still fully dressed, but I hear him undo his belt. My thighs quiver as I wonder if he intends to use it on my ass— he’s done that a few times before, and it’s intense.

He drops it to the floor, and I’m not sure whether I’m glad or disappointed. The sound of his zip coming down has my thighs quivering. I glance back, trying to get a look at him, but he spanks me for it. “Face forward.” I keep my eyes forward, as he grips my hips possessively. The way this man is so dominant and protective makes me insane. My heart pounds at a hundred miles an hour as he drags the swollen head of his cock between my soaking wet lips. I moan, arching my back in an attempt to slide him inside of me. His fingertips tighten on my hips, and he bends over my back to nibble on my ear. “Tell me how much you want it, baby,” he groans, keeping his lips against my ear lobe. The desire to have him inside of me is too much. “I want it more than anything, Rhys, please, fuck me.” I’m shaking so much I struggle to get out each word. A deep, rumbling growl rips through his chest. A warning that he is losing control of his human side. He grabs my hips harder and drags me back onto his cock, slipping through my soaking wet entrance. I may be more used to his size now, but every time we make love, I feel like I’m stretching to fit him inside. Once every inch is deep inside of me and his balls rest against my aching clit, he stills. He’s a real tease today. I move my hand to my aching clit and rub. He spanks my ass. “No, baby. I make you come. You know the rules,” he growls. I glance over my shoulder. “Then get on with it and fuck me.”

He smirks, before digging his fingers into my hips harder. “You asked for it.” I groan as he starts to fuck me hard and deep, dragging his cock out only to plunge back in harder and faster. This is what I craved. I need him to take me hard and fast. Rhys slides the tip of his canines down my spine, stilling inside of me. “Fuck, you are perfect,” he groans, groping my ass cheeks in his large hands. “I’ll never get tired of fucking this tight pussy.” He spanks my ass and moves again, slow and deep. He’s teasing me. He heard that I want it hard and fast. “Yeah, I did, baby.” He spanks my ass again. “You know how good it is when I tease you.” He spanks my other ass cheek. “You know how hard you come.” A shiver travels through my whole body. I do know how hard I come when he draws out my release, making me so desperate, so needy. “Fuck,” I say, arching my back as he spanks my ass three more times. “Take it, princess,” he groans, digging his nails into my hips enough to sting. “Fuck.” He picks the speed up, hips thrusting hard and fast. I groan as he wraps an arm around my waist, lifting me against his back. His cock is still embedded deep inside of me. Somehow, he spins me on his shaft, so I’m facing him. His strength never ceases to amaze me. His eyes are glowing so brightly. His canines fully lengthened. I cry out as he sinks them into my bottom lip, piercing the skin, and licking the blood. He has gone full wolf. The beast is free. He begins to pump me up and down his shaft as I cling to his neck. I groan as my sensitive nipples brush against his muscular chest. The pressure builds to infernal as he thrusts into me two more times. My body is ready to explode. He has

me right on edge. “Please, Rhys,” I groan, pressing my lips to his softly. “I need to come.” He smiles against my lips. “Come for me, then. Come all over my cock, baby.” It’s all I need to explode. Stars flash through my vision and I cry his name over and over again. It’s powerful and allconsuming, much like our love. I feel the bond flare in me, strengthening even more if it’s possible. The more time passes, the more I love him. Rhys groans as he comes undone, pumping his seed deep inside of me. His lips press against my neck as I keep my head back. “Fuck,” I breathe. He smiles against my skin. “You could say that again.” Rhys lifts me and wraps the bedsheet around me. He carries me out onto our balcony. The rush of water in the distance is peaceful and calming, as the sun begins to set behind the stunning falls. It bathes the entire scene in a mix of pink and red. I’ve never seen a view so breathtaking in my life. “It’s amazing,” I say, as Rhys settles on a day bed, holding me in his lap. His muscular arms wrapped around me as he keeps my back pressed to his chest. I always feel so small in his arms, but so protected. “It is.” He presses a soft kiss to the top of my head. “I love you, Anastasia,” he murmurs. A tear snakes down my cheek. “I love you too.” We fall silent, watching the beautiful wonder in front of us. Our journey has been a rollercoaster, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


T HANK you for reading Her Alpha King, the second book in The Royally Mated series. I hope you enjoyed following Rhys & Anastasia’s story. The next book follows Aiden & Ilsa’s story and will be available through Kindle Unlimited or to pre-order on Amazon. Her Dragon King: A Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance

Dragons and witches never mix, but she is mine. My father’s sudden death means I have to select a wife. A ball is set up with an invitation to all the dragon princesses. I’m told I have to select a bride by the end of the night, but I’m not feeling it.

Until she steps into the room. A woman who most certainly isn’t royalty. My dragon roars to attention, recognizing her as my mate. I ask her to dance to the disgust of everyone else. I don’t care what they think. I don’t care that my mate is a witch. I don’t care that this will cause an uproar when the truth is revealed. She needs my help to locate her family, and I can’t deny her anything. I want to claim her and make her mine, but I have to win her trust. Dark secrets behind her family’s capture will test our bond. I'm determined to overcome the odds and claim her—no matter what.


If you enjoy reading about possessive alpha men, steamy hot insta-lust, and romance, then grab my free novella on o er. Filthy Doctor is a 34k novella and part of the Wynton series. Join my mailing list and receive Filthy Doctor for free! Click here to join now!


Wynton Series Filthy Boss: A Forbidden O

ce Romance

Filthy Professor: A First Time Professor And Student Romance Filthy Lawyer: A Forbidden Hate to Love Romance Romano Mafia Brother’s Series Her Mafia Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Her Mafia Boss: A Dark Romance Her Mafia King: A Dark Romance Bratva Brotherhood Series Bought by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Captured by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Claimed by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Bound by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Royally Mated Series Her Faerie King: A Royal Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance Her Dragon King: A Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance Her Vampire King: A Dark Vampire Romance


Bianca Cole loves to write stories about over the top alpha bad boys who have heart beneath it all, fiery heroines, and happily-ever-after endings with heart. Her stories have twists and turns that will keep you flipping the pages, and just enough heat to set your kindle on fire. If you enjoyed this book please follow her on Amazon or Facebook for alerts when more books are released - Click here for her Amazon Author Page.

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