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Her Mafia King Copyright © 2019 Bianca Cole All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission. This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. Book cover design by Hot and Steamy Romance Premades


Blurb 1. Rick 2. Alicia 3. Rick 4. Alicia 5. Rick 6. Alicia 7. Rick 8. Alicia 9. Rick 10. Alicia 11. Rick 12. Alicia 13. Rick 14. Alicia 15. Rick 16. Alicia 17. Rick 18. Alicia 19. Rick 20. Alicia 21. Rick 22. Epilogue About the Author Also by Bianca Cole


He has gone too far this time, and now I’m going to pay for it. My father is the mob boss of the Juliano Mafia—our family legacy. He has always been too ambitious for his own good, so much so that he does the unspeakable and crosses The Romano Mafia. I wasn’t even aware, until four men in black outfits and masks broke into my bedroom one evening and stole me. I’m my father’s princess, and he dotes on me—everyone knows that. They take me to Rick Romano’s o ce. The gorgeous, muscle bound mob boss of the Romano mafia. I know I’m in danger, but it’s worse when I see the way he looks at me— like he wants to devour me. The moment we're left alone, he tells me he’s supposed to scare me, but he can’t. He tells me he wants to tie me to his bed, but I have to be naked. He tells me I was my father’s princess, but now I’m his Queen. And, who am I to say no to a Romano?




feel the glass slip through my fingers as I throw it against my o ce wall. The crystal tumbler shatters into pieces, and the whiskey stains the newly papered walls. This isn’t the first time I’ve lost my cool in here. The wallpaper gets changed more often than I’d like to admit. Although it’s not always whiskey staining these walls. Blood pulses through my veins as I take in a deep breath, keeping my back turned to Austin, our mob’s spy. He has bought me the worst fucking news possible, and I hate bad news. Eight years since my father died, and we’ve had peace. Sure, I’m not naïve enough to believe it would always be plain sailing, but I can’t understand why the fuck the peace is being broken now. Nick Juliano is a moron. His mob isn’t anywhere near the size of ours, and he is making a play for our territory. Austin says he has evidence he has been making gun sales in counties we control. No one makes a play for our fucking territory and lives. My muscle tense thinking about it. Out of all the idiots I expected to break the peace, it was not him. He has a

reputation for being careful and calculated. What he is doing makes no sense. I try to even my erratic breathing, still staring at the wall, and the dark whiskey stain smeared across it. “Sir, what course of action would you like me to take?” Austin asks, breaking the long silence that has stretched between us. Austin has been my spy for the full eight years since my father’s death. He was the spy to my father before me, so my fits of rage are tame compared to what he dealt with when my father was alive. “Give me the options,” I grit out, turning to face him. He clears his throat. “We have two viable options, but neither ideal.” He pauses a moment, drawing it out. “The worst of the two is a full-on mafia war.” I watch as he runs a hand through his hair. “Or, blackmail.” I narrow my eyes at him over the last option. Blackmail is the best of the two by a mile if we can get some leverage on Juliano. A mafia war would cause too much loss of life, even if we are the more powerful mob. Mafia wars can get out of control fast. They are bloody and rarely worth the hassle. I’ve never witnessed one, but I’ve heard about them. The last one to break out was thirty years ago when I was a kid, only twelve years old. My dad sent my brothers and me out of the country during it. “Blackmail is the best option.” I pace the floor of my o ce. “But, do we have any leverage to hold over him?” Austin smirks. “His daughter, Alicia.” My gut twists with anxiety at his answer, even though I keep my outward appearance undeterred by his suggestion. Ending disagreements is never easy, but when someone you love is snatched, it makes things more personal. Juliano isn’t stupid. He will want to get his daughter back in one piece, but I wonder what long-term strain this might

cause between us. I’m not sure what choice we have. A mob war is the worst scenario. “You are proposing we snatch Alicia, is that correct?” I glance at my spy. He nods. “Yes.” “Juliano would be worried about her if we did?” I walk toward my dresser, grabbing a new glass and pouring myself whiskey. “It is common knowledge that he dotes on his daughter. Apparently, he calls her princess and spoils her.” He tilts his head. “The rumor is, she’s a bit of a brat.” Great. Just what I need right now. A brat running around our mansion, while we try to get Juliano to back the fuck o of our territory. The tension is building in my shoulders. I crack my neck and then take a long sip of my scotch, letting the fiery liquid cool my nerves. “How soon can you get it done?” I ask, keeping my back to Austin as I stare out of the window onto our extensive grounds. “A team of ex-special forces is stationed an hour away from her as we speak.” I nod my head and turn to him. “Perfect, get it done.” “Sir.” Austin nods. “I will get them to break in tonight and snatch her. They should be on their way back with her by the early hours of the morning.” “Perfect,” I reply, turning back to gaze out of the window. “Is there anything else to discuss?” “No, that is all. I’ll ensure I give you an update once the team has got Alicia.” Austin turns to leave, and I watch him. I rest against the side of my desk and let out a deep breath. I was stupid not to foresee something like this happening eventually, but I’ve got complacent with our

dominance. Our crime family has had the upper hand for years, and no one has dared move against us—until now. It is early morning, but drinking when I’m stressed has become a habit of late. I down the rest of my glass, allowing the fiery liquid to help calm my nerves. I can’t just sit here in my o ce, doing nothing. Instead, I open my door and walk toward the kitchen. I haven’t even had a co ee yet this morning. The kitchen is empty, but Kane’s already been in. I know because he’s left half a pot of co ee on the warmer for me. I grab the pot and pour myself a mug, before sitting down at the kitchen table. Austin’s guys will snatch Alicia Juliano within twenty-four hours. I need to prepare myself for what I have to do to her. Making an innocent woman su er for her father’s mistakes is wrong, but that’s the way of this world. Leo walks into the kitchen, and I barely look at him. “Morning, Rick, what has your panties in a twist?” Leo asks, making my jaw clench. He’s always the clown. I glance up at him before looking back down at the table. “Morning.” The last thing I need right now is Leo being an asshole when I’m trying to process what this terrible news means for us. The act of snatching Nick Juliano’s daughter could still lead to war. “Seriously, what the hell is up with you?” He pulls a chair out and sits down opposite me at the table. “Nick Juliano has crossed us,” I mutter, taking a sip from my co ee mug. “Are you serious? What did he do?” I shrug. “Austin found out his mob has been undercutting us on gun sales here in our own fucking territory.” I keep my eyes down on the table, not wishing to discuss it anymore. Leo is my youngest brother, and I love him, but he can be a pain in my ass.

“Shit, what are we going to do?” Leo asks. “I’ve already put the plan in place with Austin, but I don’t like it.” He narrows his eyes. “What is the plan?” “Blackmail.” I shake my head, still hating the fact that it’s our only option. “It was that or an all-out mafia war.” A short pause of silence falls between us. From the expression on Leo’s face, he knows how serious this is. “What are you going to blackmail him with?” I clench my jaw. “His own daughter.” “Fuck,” he says. “When are they taking her?” Leo drums his fingers on the kitchen table. “Austin has a team of mercenaries ready to kidnap her, they’re waiting until nightfall to take her. I hate snatching relatives, but it’s our best option.” Leo stares at the table, rendered speechless. A long drawn out silence falls between us as we both sit together saying nothing. It’s odd for Leo to shut up for more than a second. “I will be gone for a few days,” he says, breaking the silence. “Where are you going?” I ask. Leo shrugs. “A potential lead on Ellie up north.” At last. Leo has been a nightmare ever since they took her. Every search came to a dead end. He has traveled more fucking miles in the past two months than he has in years. Every time he returned empty-handed his mood got worse. “You should take some guys with you,” I say. “I thought I might ask Kane if he could come along.” I glance up. “Perhaps, I should come too?” Having something to keep my mind o of everything is a tempting prospect. “That’s not a good idea considering, is it? You need to be here when the guys return with Juliano’s daughter.” Leo

stands up and walks over to the kitchen counter. “Do you want any?” He holds up a box of Lucky Charms. I roll my eyes at him. “No, thanks. I already ate, and I’m not ten years old.” “You don’t have to be ten years old to enjoy food that tastes good, Rick.” I stand from the table and run a hand through my hair. “I will make preparations for our guest.” My muscles tense at the word, and I wince, knowing she will not be a guest. She will be a prisoner. A prisoner I must intimidate and scare into begging her father to save her. “Be careful when you go up north and make sure you get Kane to go with you.” Leo doesn’t look up at me. “I will.” He’s acting a little o , but he’s been like that ever since Ellie was taken. The woman who somehow stopped my brother’s constant philandering ways. He has changed for the better. I hope he gets Ellie back, and I get to meet her. She must be something special to tame my little brother. I let out a deep sigh, marching out of the kitchen toward the guest suite I intend to hold Juliano’s daughter in. We’ve got loads of rooms here, but the one we save for prisoners is perfect. It’s central to the house and too high for her to escape out of the window. The last thing I want is for her to break out of here. After the stunt Jasmine almost pulled two months ago, I wouldn’t chalk it down to impossible. Austin insists she’s a bit of a spoiled brat, so I don’t expect her to have the guts or determination Jasmine had to attempt that climb. I stop outside and twist the knob, swinging the door open. First, I check the locks on the door, making sure they’re adequate. Then I step into the bedroom, scanning it. There’s nothing that Alicia could use to break out—my men have

made sure this room is always prepared for holding people we don’t want to escape. It is of a generous size and nicely furnished. No one could accuse us of keeping the daughter of Nick Juliano in substandard living quarters—at least not if she cooperates. I may be the mob boss of the most powerful crime family in North America, but there’s a code I always abide by to avoid war. This conflict was out of my hands. I hope for all of our sakes we can resolve this with little trouble. Austin is sure snatching Nick’s daughter will be enough to force him to see reason. Only time will tell.




he roaring fire casts a pretty, dancing, amber light across the living room, bathing the stone walls. I stretch my arms above my head, yawning. It’s been a long day, and that film choice made it feel longer. The credits of the action movie roll down the screen, and I’m ready to drop into bed. Action movies are never my choice, but my dad’s. It was his turn to pick the film, not that he watched much of it, as he punches away at his phone. As don to a mafia family, he works too much. “I’m exhausted, Dad,” I say, getting his attention. He tears his eyes from his phone and smiles at me. “I know, princess, we’ve had a busy day, haven’t we?” He sets his phone down for the first time in hours. “Get some rest.” I notice the rings beneath his eyes, and the way he always looks stressed. He has tried to keep his work away from me, protecting me from the terrible things he’s involved in. He could never shield me from everything. I don’t know how he lives with himself, but I try not to let it bother me. I push it from my mind when I’m with him. “You should get some rest too,” I say, pushing myself up from the plush sofa and walking over to him in his leather

armchair. “Good night.” I lean down to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for a lovely day.” “I will get some rest soon. I loved spending time with you, just the two of us, for once.” He squeezes my hand. “Good night, princess, sweet dreams.” For the first time in months, I’ve spent the entire day with my father. It was a good day. Ever since he married my bitch of a step-mom, Janice, two years ago, he’s been more distant. She is away this weekend with friends, leaving us to spend some rare and much needed time together. When she is here, all she does is get in between us. Everyone knows she married my dad for money and power. She doesn’t love him, not really. Dad doesn’t care because he is too infatuated with the younger, beautiful woman who appears to be interested in him. I turn and walk out of the living room. Alex, my bodyguard, follows me, making me sigh. He is a damn shadow. “Do you have to follow me when I go to bed?” I ask, glancing at him over my shoulder. “What do you think will happen? The bogeyman will jump out and grab me.” I roll my eyes. All I get in reply is a nonchalant shrug. Alex never says much, but he has followed me around for as long as I can remember. I mean, he even had to come with me to highschool for fuck’s sake. Let’s just say, I didn’t have a normal childhood. No matter how much I try to ignore what my dad does, I have no rest from the mad world of the mafia. I run my hand along the brass stair rail, as I walk up the steps. Alex’s heavy footsteps following behind as I make my way to my room. I open the door, glancing back at Alex. For once, he smirks at me. He knows how much his constant presence

pisses me o . “Goodnight, Alicia.” Instead of replying, I slam the door in his face. When will I ever get to live a normal life? Alex will be out there for a couple more hours. Until one of the night watch guards comes to take over from him. He has to sleep like any human being. It’s like being a prisoner in my own home. The constant bodyguards have always been unnerving, and it doesn’t help my dating prospects. Most of the guys I’ve met set eyes on Alex and run the other way. He’s six foot eight tall and bound in muscle. Not to mention, the glare he gives any boy that so much as talks to me is enough to scare the living daylights out of them. I chuck my coat on the chair in the corner, before walking into the bathroom. The fresh air did me a world of good, making my cheeks look more colorful than usual. We spent the day on the lake in my dad’s boat, something we hadn’t done since I was a little kid. It was lovely, I wish we got to do things together more often. I dress in my beige, silk slip and get into bed, relaxing the moment my head hits the pillow. My phone buzzes on my nightstand, and I grab it, checking the text. It’s my friend, Henry. He’s been texting me lately, bugging me about going on a date. He’s the only guy that hasn’t run away, knowing who I am or seeing Alex. The thing is, he’s grown up around me and used to it. It will never happen, though. Henry is a friend, and that is all it is. He doesn’t appeal to me in that way at all, and I feel awful for shooting him down. I hoped he would take the hint when I told him my dad would kill him. Also, I told him I’m not allowed to date. Instead, he is persistent. I know I have to say I don’t feel that way, even if it will hurt him. I type out a text to him.

Henry, I’m sorry. It will never happen between us. I don’t see you in that way, but I still want to be friends. My finger hovers over the send button for a moment, indecision plaguing me. He will be upset with me, but I can’t lie to him. I hit the send button and switch my phone to silent, setting it on the nightstand. I flick the bedside light o and turn over, clamping my eyes shut. Guilt claws at me as I wonder what Henry’s reaction will be. It’s the first time I’ve had to reject someone before. As I ponder on that, I can feel myself drifting o to sleep. I don’t know how much time passes before I hear a smash. My brow furrows as I spring bolt upright in bed, trying to gather my thoughts. Did I hear the noise in my dream? It sounded like it was in my room. I squint through the darkness, listening. The silence is almost deafening, and I realize I must have been dreaming. My head plops back onto the pillow, and I shut my eyes. A crunch has them shooting back open. A shadow looms over my bed. I’m about to scream when a hand flies over my mouth, stifling the sound. Two other figures have come forward from my window, and at that moment, I realize what I’d heard. They smashed the bedroom window. How the fuck hasn’t Alex or the night watch heard what is going on? I try to break free from the man’s grip, but he is too strong. Somehow, I need to make enough commotion to draw a guard in here. My heart pounds in my ears as I fight against him. Another man approaches and ties a gag around my mouth. I attempt to scream while he does, but before I can make a sound, I’m punched in the gut. The impact steals the breath from my lungs.

The guy who punched me hoists me into the air, while the other one ties my hands together with rope. It burns as I try to break free, struggling with all the strength I have. This isn’t the first time someone has kidnapped me, but I sure as hell don’t want to go through it again. They walk me toward the window, boots crunching on the broken glass. I wince as I step on a piece, cutting my foot open. Dark red blood stains my beige carpet. One guy shakes his head and lifts me over the glass. I watch as the other guy who stayed by the window lowers himself onto a rope, holding himself up at the top. The other guy hoist me into his arms, and I can’t help but clamp my eyes shut out of instinct. I hate heights, and this guy is dangling me out of a damn window, ten feet in the air. My captor’s arms remain around me, as the other guys lower us to the ground with the rope. Whoever they are, they know what they are doing. They are professionals. I shiver as the cold air rushes up my thin nightgown. The guy carrying me touches the ground, stumbling a little as he does. He lets go of me, o ering me my first chance to break free. I sprint as fast as I can, which isn’t fast, considering they tied my hands behind my back. Not to mention the cut on the base of my foot kills. The front door isn’t too far away. If I can reach it, my father’s security will help me. The thud of heavy, fast footsteps chasing me makes me spring harder. I run straight into a branch sticking out of a hedge along the border of the house. My yelp of pain is mu ed because of the gag in my mouth. The thorny branch cuts my leg, bringing me down to the floor in agony. The kidnapper’s hands are on me within seconds, dragging me to my feet. I wince at the pain pulsing through my leg and the blood dripping down it.

I try to fight, squirming against his firm grasp despite being bound. The thud of more heavy footsteps approaching makes my heart speed up in my chest, hoping it’s one of my dad’s men. He comes into view, and my heart sinks. It is the man that passed me out the window. The same one who punched me in the stomach earlier. He is a fucking asshole. “This one is too fucking feisty. We’ve got no choice,” the asshole says, barely above a whisper. The other guy glances at me, before giving him a nod. Before I can register what is going on, a heavy elbow connects with my face. I fall backward. Stars bursting into my vision, as it blurs and fades. My head is splitting with agony. As I hit the floor, the back of my head smacks into it hard, making me squeal in pain. My eyes shut, and darkness filters my mind, enveloping me.




can’t sleep as my mind is fixated on what we have done. The gravity of snatching Nick Juliano’s daughter weighing on my mind. By now, he will know someone has kidnapped her. They took her over twenty-four hours ago, but we’ve yet to announce our responsibility. It is a delicate matter, and it has to be done right. Austin has confirmed she is a twelve-hour drive away from our home. They passed into our territory hours ago, but they aren’t taking the quickest route. The safest way is to take the route that passes through the counties we run, which means driving into New Mexico and then through Oklahoma. It may not be as direct, but it is sure as hell safer. A knock at the door startles me from my thoughts, and I walk toward it. Who would knock at four o’clock in the morning? I’m startled when I open the door. Jasmine is standing on the other side wearing a nightgown. Her breathing is rapid, and she is clutching her phone to her chest. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I’ve received a text from Kane.” She shakes her head. “They are in serious trouble.” My eyes narrow, and I beckon for her to enter. “What kind of trouble?”

She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip. “They went to Texas to get Ellie.” My fists clench by my side, and I tighten my jaw, pacing the floor up and down. “Idiots,” I mutter. Leo can be so smart in some ways, but so fucking stupid in others. Why the fuck didn’t he tell me? I could strangle him for this. It doesn’t take a genius to work out how much danger they are all in. With Alicia in our possession, they’d be the first suspects. Jasmine backs away. “Kane isn’t sure they will make it back. Ellie is with them, but they’ve got an eight-hour drive to the Oklahoma border, and they had a run-in with some men holding Ellie.” Recounting the information to me fills her eyes with pure panic. This is the last thing I need right now. Alicia is about twelve hours’ drive from here, and I’ve got to deal with my brother’s mess. I pace the floor and run a hand through my messy hair. “We’ll take the plane as close to the Oklahoma border as possible, then we’ll drive to the state line and meet them.” I grab my pants and shirt o the chair, chucking them on. “You can come, but it might get messy.” I know Kane would be angry at me for letting Jasmine come, but this is his mess too. He could have told Leo no. “Yes, I’ll come,” she says. I grab my mobile phone, dialing the local airport. “Hello, Mr. Romano. How can I help?” the receptionist asks. “I need an emergency take-o cleared as soon as possible.” The guy on the end of the line pauses a moment. “Sir, we can allow clearance for your plane to take-o in half an hour.” “Perfect,” I say, canceling the call.

“Get ready, we’re leaving in five minutes for the airport,” I say. Jasmine nods, turning and leaving my room. I should have known something was o because of how Leo was acting. The fact he didn’t want me to go with him. It all makes perfect fucking sense now. The rage bubbles beneath the surface as his lie riles me. He could have told me the truth, and I would have held the guys o from snatching Alicia for another night. Instead, he went o on his own back and made everything worse. When I get my hands on him, he’ll wish he didn’t.

T HE PLANE TOUCHES down on Oklahoma soil, and everyone is up like a shot. Kane’s little firecracker, Jasmine, is one of the first o . He has changed for the better since meeting her. He is less brooding and angry. I can’t deny that I’m happy for my older brother, even if I don’t show it. We’ve touched down a twenty-minute drive from the border between New Mexico and Oklahoma, after flying into a private airstrip. If I’d had my way, we would have come down on the damn state line, but it isn’t possible. Jasmine worries her bottom lip between her teeth, waiting for instruction on which car to get in. “Come on, you can ride with me.” I nod toward the SUV nearest to us, and she jumps in. She is as worried about my brother as I am. Not to mention, she has become firm friends with Leo since arriving at our place. I’m the only one who has kept my distance. It’s just how I am. The Juliano mob may not be as powerful as us, but they’re brutal. If my brothers are caught trespassing through their

territory, they won’t hesitate to kill them, considering Alicia is missing. Few things scare me in life, but losing either of my brothers terrifies me. Kane and Leo are all I have in this world. They are the only people that mean anything to me— other than Jasmine, who I’d protect with my life for Kane. Jasmine stares out of the window of the SUV in silence. The tension in the air is thicker than water, stifling us. We both know how much we could lose if this goes wrong— everything. Despite the journey being less than twenty minutes, it feels like it takes forever. My heart leaps into my throat as we near the border. A line of vehicles are blocking the New Mexico state line into Oklahoma. Jasmine sits straight, clawing at the seat in front to get a good view. “Oh, my God, they’re blocking them.” I set a hand on her shoulder, squeezing. “We will get them, sit back, and don’t worry.” With a firm but gentle pressure, I force her back into the chair. “Seatbelt on,” I order. She bites her bottom lip before doing as I say. “Dan, what’s the state of things?” I ask, leaning forward to speak to the driver. “We’ve got eyes on. They’re trying to break through now, sir.” I shift in my seat, squinting to try and get a glimpse of my brothers. Too many cars are in the way. “Keep pushing closer to the state line,” I order. “Yes, sir,” he replies. He revs the engine, moving closer to the line of vehicles blocking their path. We can’t cross, not unless we want a war. If it comes to it, though, I will break the rules. There’s no way I’m sitting back here and watching my brothers get caught or worse.

“They’re trying to drive their way through, sir.” I watch out of the window to see one of our SUVs trying to plow its way through the cars. It comes free and speeds toward the line. A few guys are over in Oklahoma with barriers and guns, and one of them shoots at the car, meeting its mark as blood splatters the front window. The car slows down, and my heart is racing. They hit into one barrier the Juliano mob members have put out just over the line. “Speed over to them,” I shout, as the SUV flies into the air, twisting over and landing in a crumpled heap upside down. Dan puts his foot down, accelerating toward them. The men that had shot at my brothers notice us, and their eyes widen. They sprint back toward the state line, trying to get onto home territory. They know if I catch them on my territory, they will be dead. Juliano’s men will be dead anyway if they just killed one or both of my brothers. There will be a damn war if that has happened. If Juliano crosses the line and declares war, we will be sitting ducks while trying to get my brothers. We need to get them out of here as fast as possible. Dan slows down as he approaches the overturned vehicle, and I don’t wait for him to stop. I’m out of the car, running toward the overturned SUV and surveying the damage. There’s liquid dripping out of the car, suggesting an oil or fuel leak. If we don’t get them out soon, the vehicle could catch fire. A woman I can only assume is Ellie is staring at me from the back seat, upside down. Her eyes are wide, and blood is splattered across her face. She hit her head in the crash. Both Leo and Kane are unconscious, and Kane has multiple flesh wounds from gunshots. I try Kane’s door first,

but the metalwork is smashed in and bent out of shape. I move to Ellie’s side, trying her door. It shifts an inch but won’t open. “Fuck,” I shout, kicking the car. Dan is by my side in a flash, holding the hydraulic shears to cut them out. It will take too fucking long, but we haven’t got a choice. “I haven’t tried Leo’s side,” I nod toward that side. Jasmine rushes over and tries the door, finding it impossible to open it. She takes one look at Kane, and her eyes flood with tears. She moves to the side of the vehicle, and places her hand on the window were Kane is lying unconscious. I cut Ellie’s door, using the small amount of movement in the hinge to speed the process up. Not only are Nick Juliano’s men less than a hundred yards away over the border, but this fucking SUV is leaking liquids. They will burn alive if it sets on fire. It takes what feels like forever to cut away Ellie’s door, allowing me to grab her out first. Her knees give way as I pass her over to Dan. She is unaware who we are, but I don’t have time to fill her in. Leo is injured and hanging limply upside down held in by his seatbelt. I unclip it and drag him out. He is much lighter than Kane or me but challenging to shift. A few more of our men rush toward the car, gathering around it. Dan is attempting to cut Kane free. The drip of liquid hitting the pool beneath the vehicle is taunting me, like a clock ticking down the seconds. It’s telling me we’re running out of time. I free Leo and pull him out of the car, carrying him and setting him down safely away from the vehicle. Ellie walks over to us and kneels down, grading his hand.The tears in her eyes shining in the bright sunlight overhead, as it rises higher into the sky.

Our guys jog over to us and all help to carry Leo him over to one of the SUVs with Ellie following close behind. I turn my attention to Kane, who Dan is still trying to free from the crumpled wreck. “We need to hurry the fuck up,” I growl, keeping my eyes fixed on the vehicles a short way o over the other side of the border. What the fuck are they waiting for? “I’m trying.” I grit my teeth together. “Try harder.” He nods his head, kicking up the power on the hydraulic shears. The creak of metal bending at the force of the machine makes my heart pound. This damn car could go up in flames at any moment with us too. “Jasmine, head back to the SUV.” She shakes her head, clutching her hands together and staring at Kane teary-eyed. “I can’t leave him.” I set a firm hand on her shoulder. “We will get Kane out, but I need you to get back to the SUV in case we need to make a quick getaway.” She glances between Kane and me, before nodding and walking away. If this goes south, there’s no use of her being out here exposed. Dan frees the door enough to yank it open, and we both drag Kane out. He is bleeding from a gunshot wound so close to his heart. The air escapes my lungs, as I’ve seen enough gunshot wounds. If it had been any further to the left, he’d be dead. The wound may have done some severe damage. Luckily, Doctor Helen is on the jet waiting for us. I knew we might need medical attention, and she was happy to tag along. He needs to see her as soon as possible. Dan and I struggle to shift my lump of a brother. He is as big as me and taller. A few of the guys who helped carry Leo

rush toward us. We struggle back toward the SUVs, carrying him. “We need to get the fuck out of here, quick,” I order. It is at that moment that a horn blares in the distance. I swing around to see a giant juggernaut speeding toward us. That’s what Juliano’s men have been waiting for—back up. “Fuck,” I breathe, rushing after Kane and my men. “We need to get out of here now.” The guys bundle Kane’s limp body into the middle seat of the SUV, before making their way to their own vehicles. I jump in next to him. Jasmine’s eyes are wild as her hand wraps around his, the moment he comes into her reach. I can’t deny that the way she looks at him warms my ice-cold heart. She loves him more than I can fathom. I’m a skeptic. I can’t understand how love can blossom in this bloodthirsty world we exist in. For Kane, it has, and I’m happy for him. I hope to God he survives this to enjoy her love for many years to come. The engine roars to life, and Dan puts his foot down as the convoy of SUVs speed into the distance. One glance back at the juggernaut attempting to follow puts me at ease since it’s too slow for our vehicles. The other vehicles are following, but we’re too far ahead of them and too fast. The jet will be ready to get us out of here quicker than they can catch us. We’ve managed to scrape by this time, but it was too close for comfort.




wake with a pounding headache, finding myself in a moving vehicle. There is no light. I hear the engine roaring beneath me, bringing me back to my senses. The memories come rushing to me at once, as I try to sit up. The hard floor beneath me is cold, and my body is numb. Someone has kidnapped me—I know that for sure. The bindings cutting into my wrists remind me of that fact, along with the gag in my mouth. Not to mention, I’ve got a damn hood over my head. My breathing is rapid as I try to gain control of the panic flooding me. The dark fabric hood over my head only makes this whole situation ten times worse. I can’t move, and my head is killing me. Then I remember that asshole’s elbow flying toward me. He knocked me out cold. Who the hell has kidnapped me? It’s a ballsy fucking move to break into my father’s house and snatch me out of my damn bed the way they did. This is not the first time someone has kidnapped me, but it’s the first time I’ve been attacked in my home. The place is a fortress, and I can’t understand how they got passed security.

These men seemed far more professional than the men who snatched me while I was out with friends two years ago. I’d given Alex the slip, and he’d paid for it. My father knew it was my fault, but Alex accepted the punishment. The last time I was kidnapped, it was by a drug lord called Justin Leone. He lived in Austin and got too big for his boots. Altogether, he had me for a little over four hours. They were the longest four hours of my life. It was the only time I ever felt real terror. Once my father got his hands on him, he made sure Justin and the other men behind my kidnapping su ered far more than I did. Anyone who wants to kidnap me intends to hurt my father, which means they won’t hesitate to harm me. Dad makes enemies all the time as the leader of a powerful crime family. I’ve always been the perfect bargaining chip. If my dad had any sense, he’d make it known that he doesn’t give two shits about me. Instead, he’s always been a doting father, even in public. It’s something I’m thankful for, but it’s dangerous considering his line of work. Alex follows me everywhere for my protection, and it got way worse after that night two years ago. The drone of the engine is all that accompanies my thoughts. I feel my head get heavier as I let it rest against the cold, hard metal behind me. The last thing I should do is sleep, but as that thought crosses my mind, I feel my eyes shutting against their will. I bite down hard on my lip, drawing blood. It’s my only way of attempting to stay conscious. Still, before long, I float away into the black nothingness of my unconscious.

I DRIFT in and out of sleep, for God knows how many hours. The pounding ache between my eyes getting worse, as the e ects of dehydration set in. Whoever these men are, they aren’t from Texas. If they were from Texas, we’d have been at our destination a long time ago. I feel they are from very far away. It means that I’m in more danger than ever. The constant state of fear tightening like a vice around my heart drains me of what little energy I’ve got left. I hate not knowing who has me. The bindings around my wrists are so tight they’ve rubbed the skin raw, and it stings like hell. My mouth is as dry as the Sahara Desert, and the gag isn’t helping. It’s impossible to move into another position to get the blood moving. If this isn’t a disagreement within our own territory, then it means my dad has pissed o another crime family in North America or God forbid, Central America. Despite attempts to detach myself from my father’s business, I know the way it works. I fall back and forth in and out of consciousness until the vehicle slows to a stop. I hear the mu ed sounds of voices before we move again. The crunch of gravel beneath the tires of the vehicle has me tensing. We’ve arrived at our destination, which means the terror will start soon. Being born into this life has made me more desensitized to the violence that comes attached to it. As a child, I witnessed brutal acts that no one of that age should ever see. Nightmares haunted me every night for years until something inside me changed. The more brutality I was exposed to, the less it a ected me. After a few minutes of driving along gravel, the vehicle comes to a stop. I can hear people getting out and mu ed

voices. We’ve arrived at our destination. I hold my breath, waiting for them to grab me. The clack of the door being opened makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I clench my jaw, stealing myself to prepare for what is about to come. A pair of hands grab hold of my shoulders, dragging me out. I try to fight the person, trying to kick them, but I have no strength. Another pair of arms wrap around my waist, lifting me over someone’s shoulder. The crunch of gravel beneath heavy boots, and the jolt of him moving twists my stomach with unease. On the one hand, I’m glad I’m about to learn what the fuck is going on. On the other, I’m an anxious mess over what might happen to me. Are they going to kill me? Torture me? Nothing would surprise me. “I’ve got Alicia,” the man dragging me states. The thud of footsteps approaching makes me tense. “Very good, set the girl down. I’ll bring her to him when he is ready.” “Okay, I’ll wait with her.” His footsteps trail away, as the guy holding me drops me to my feet. It’s impossible to keep my balance, as I wobble, almost crashing to the floor. The guy grabs hold of me in the nick of time, forcing me back to my feet. “Stand up,” he barks. Oh jeez, sorry I was just falling to the floor of my own fucking will. I haven’t used my legs in who knows how many hours, and they have kept me cramped in an unnatural position in the back of a vehicle. I shake my head, trying to gain more steadiness on my feet. The other guy returns, “I’ll take her from here.” His hand tightens around my arm in a firm grip, and he drags me. I can’t see anything through the thick fabric hood,

making this worse. We walk for a few moments before he jerks me to a stop. I can’t breathe as three knocks echo on a door. My heart is pounding in my ears, making me dizzy. The worst part of this is not knowing who has me. “Come in.” A deep, baritone voice calls from the other side of the door. A voice that sends shivers down my spine. The click of the door opening heightens my anxiety. The man drags me into the room. “Is there anything else?” he asks. I wait and listen for the man to say something. I keep waiting, but no one speaks. The sound of the door closing behind me makes me tremble. I hate showing fear, but it’s impossible not to. What feels like hours of silence tick by, even though it’s only moments. The man reaches out and grabs the fabric covering my face, ripping it o my head. I squint at the sudden light flooding my retina. The ache between my eyes increases and I’m blinded by the intensity of light. As my vision returns, my heart pounds against my rib cage. The man standing so close to me is gorgeous. It’s an odd thing to think the first time I set eyes on my captor, but I almost forget where I am. His dark eyes are intense, pinning me to the spot and making me forget my name. There’s a long while where he stares into my eyes as if frozen. When he doesn’t speak, I break the silence first. “Who the fuck are you?” I ask, keeping my voice confident. He says nothing, turning his back to me and placing some distance between us. When he turns around, his eyes rake down my body in a predatory way.

I let my eyes fall over his body, and the electricity shooting through my veins amplifies. He is not only unearthly handsome but an Adonis of a man. The tailored shirt he is wearing is expensive and hugs every dip and curve of his hard muscles. The hard planes of his chest are visible over the three buttons undone at the top, making my mouth dry. Both of his sleeves are rolled up, revealing tribal tattoos adorning the bulging muscles on his left arm. I return my attention to his eyes. They are burning with hot, fiery desire. It makes my stomach clench, and my panties dampen between my thighs. All I’m wearing is my silk slip, and my nipples are hard and visible to him. How can this man a ect me like this? He has captured me for fuck’s sake. The pure dominance and power that rolls o of him in waves making my knees shake. My palms are sweaty for all the wrong reasons. It’s not fear that is a ecting me, as it should be. This man could overpower me with little e ort, and for some sick reason, my body is reacting to the idea. The mere notion of being overpowered by this man— whoever he is—excites me more than scares me.




he’s here, sir,” Dan says, peering into my o ce. I loosen the buttons on my shirt, trying to get a handle on my anxiety. IMy two brothers are unconscious and hurt. Kane had sustained two gunshot wounds. If one of the bullets had been an inch to the fucking right, he’d be dead. The doctor confirmed that much. I’ve been back all of an hour, and now I’ve got this shit to deal with. At least my brothers are in the safe hands of Helen, but I am not in a fit state to be intimidating a young woman who we snatched from her home. I walk toward my desk, grabbing a bottle of scotch and pouring myself a glass. I know I have to deal with this, even if I don’t want to—it’s all part of the job description. “Would you like me to bring her to you?” He pauses. “Or would you prefer I take her straight to her room?” A moment of silence ticks by, as I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Bring her to me,” I breathe, clenching my teeth. In over forty-eight hours, I’ve slept only an hour. I’m running o of nothing. Not to mention, I haven’t eaten anything either. After what happened today, it is up to me to remain strong, even if I am exhausted. One of the Romano men has to be in control. It always has to be me. The pressure can weigh me down.

Dan walks away to fetch Alicia for me, but I wonder where the fuck Austin is. Austin hasn’t shown his face since he delivered the terrible fucking news that we had to kidnap Juliano’s daughter. No one has got in touch with him since, other than the text he sent me to confirm the mission was successful. Even though I hate having to kidnap her, we need a bargaining chip more than ever after what my brothers pulled on their territory. To me, my family is everything. If anyone were to kidnap either of my brothers, I would walk through fire to get them back. It makes this a risky option. As long as she cooperates, then she won’t come to much harm. If she resists, then I hate to think about what I must do. Even if I don’t enjoy harming women, in particular, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my family safe—no matter what. Her father needs to believe she is in real danger, making it easier to force him to back o . There’s a knock at my door, and I sit down behind my o ce desk, taking a deep breath. It is time to become the calm, dangerous don that everyone fears, despite feeling like shit right now. “Come in,” I call. Dan opens the door and is holding a woman with her hands tied behind her back. They have covered her head with a black fabric hood, and she is trembling. I tried to do some research on Alicia Juliano, but I came up blank. All I learned is that she is only twenty years old. “Is there anything else, sir?” Dan asks. I shake my head in response and stand from the desk chair. Dan leaves, shutting the door behind him. I’m alone with her, and she is shaking like a leaf in the wind. In the past, when they’ve brought me female captives, they are sobbing. She’s not making a sound.

I step closer to her and freeze as her scent hits me. She smells of vanilla and coconuts and pure femininity—it’s intoxicating. Why the fuck am I even noticing that? My hand rests for a moment over the fabric hood, before pulling it o . The moment her face is revealed, it feels like time stands still. Alicia Juliano is a princess. Her dark black hair is messy and splayed around her tanned face. My heartbeat quickens in my chest as she squints, sensitive to the sudden light filtering into her irises. As they adapt, her bright blue eyes widen. They are like polished sapphires, gleaming with defiance I wasn’t expecting to see. She doesn’t look scared in the slightest, despite the trembling in her knees. She is most definitely only twenty years old. Too innocent and way too young for me. I’ve never been speechless, but the words have left me. My mind is blank as I stare at her, forgetting what the hell I’m supposed to be doing. Then, I notice the dark bruise on her forehead above her left eye. I tense. The mere notion of any man hurting her during this process irritating me. What the fuck? I’m supposed to be the one to hurt her. She has to bend to our will and do as we say. Why am I getting pissed o that she has been harmed? I stand there staring at her for far longer than I should, saying nothing. She’s the first out of the two of us to break the silence. “Who the fuck are you?” Her eyes narrow. The confident attitude in her voice only bowls me over. We have kidnapped her for fuck’s sake, there’s no way she should be the one asking the questions.

I clear my throat, turning my back on the stunning beauty behind me. It is time to crush Alicia’s confidence and put her in her place. She hasn’t got the upper hand in this situation, and I need to make that clear. Once a safe distance from her, I turn back to face her. Perhaps moving away was a mistake, as I let my eyes drop to her figure. All she is wearing is a beige silk slip, and her breasts are large and firm. I can see the outline of her nipples through the thin fabric. They are hard and pointing toward me. She has curvy hips and thick thighs that I’d love to sink my fingertips into. My cock stirs in my pants as I stare at her body. It’s ridiculous how I’m reacting to her. This is bad—no, terrible. When I return my attention to her face, I notice she’s taking her measure of me. Her cheeks have stained a beautiful pink that makes my balls tingle. The moment she returns her gaze to my eyes, something pulses between us. It’s electric. I’m in serious fucking trouble. This woman is here for me to scare, but all I can think about right now is taking her to my bed. It’s wrong on so many levels. She’s over half my forty-two years for a start. “What the hell do you want?” she asks, her voice rising a little, giving away the fact she is panicking more than she let on at first. Her attempt at bravery is crumbling as I keep silent. I move around my desk and sit in my chair, placing my hands flat on the desk in front of me. “You don’t ask the questions.” She takes me by surprise again, moving toward me. “My father will kill you—” I slam my hand down on the desk, cutting her o . “Your father is nothing,” I growl, rage flooding me at the mention

of the man who has stood against me. He is the sole reason this stunning creature is standing in front of me. “He crossed us, and no one crosses us.” She takes a step back, sensing the severity of the situation. Her eyes search the room as if she will find a clue who I am hidden somewhere. “Where am I?” The fear flooding her bright blue eyes is delayed but warranted. I feel guilty for scaring her. How the fuck am I going to do what I need to? “Philadelphia,” I grit out. Her eyes widen, and she takes another step back. “Romano.” She shakes her head. “My father isn’t stupid enough to cross you.” Irritated by her defending her father’s actions without knowing the truth, I push myself up. I walk toward her. “He is that stupid.” My fists are clenched by my side. She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip. “What did my father do?” I stare at her for a short while, wondering whether to enlighten her. “He has made a play for our territory, selling guns at low prices in the states we run.” I clench my jaw. “No one crosses us and gets away with it.” A visible shiver runs through her, and she takes another step back from me. The need to remain close to her tempts me to take a step forward, but I keep my urges at bay. My mind has been in the gutter since I saw her, and even more so, seeing the way she reacts to me. Would she shiver if I ran my hands all over her perfect, naked body? She recovers from the moment of fear, meeting my gaze. Her piercing, blue eyes paralyze me. “What is your name?” she asks. I take that step closer to her. “My given name is Riccardo, but I prefer Rick,” I say.

Her lips part, and eyes widen again. She wasn’t aware she was standing in front of the boss of the most powerful mafia family in North America. The only word I can find to describe her is stunning. It will be damn near impossible for me to rough her up or intimidate her. We need a video or a picture of her scared and hurt to send to her father. It is a little problematic since all I want to do is fuck her. There are only inches between us. It would take a small step to close that gap, capturing those perfect, plump lips with mine. “If you cooperate, I won’t harm you,” I say, huskier than I intended. Her eyes flash with fear and something fiery. I watch as her tongue darts out over her lips, drawing my attention to them again. To my surprise, she steps even closer to me. Her body pressing against mine, and only my shirt and her thin little slip between us. Her vanilla scent clouds my mind, distorting my judgment. “What happens if I don’t cooperate?” There’s a teasing tone to her voice. A tone that makes me want to grab her hips and show her what I want to do to her if she doesn’t cooperate. She would be over my knee quicker than she can say no. “You don’t want to find out,” I say, keeping my voice even despite the conflict deep down inside. She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, and my balls ache for release. “Maybe I do,” she says. A low growl rises through my chest, making her startle backward. I grab her hips, stopping her from moving away from me. “If you know who the fuck I am, then you will make sure you do what I say,” I dig my fingertips into her hips in a warning.

She has to know she hasn’t got the upper hand here. She swallows thickly, nodding her head. Her bright sapphire gems losing a little of the fight. The fight that makes me want to take her right here in this o ce over my desk. I don’t let go of her right away, and she tilts her head toward me. She flicks her tongue out over her lips, drawing my eyes to them. It feels like she’s a magnet, pulling me toward her. The gap between us is reducing. All I can focus on right now is the frantic beating of my heart and those perfect, plump lips. An inch is all that separates us now, her breathing labored and heavy. The sound of footsteps outside the door startles me away from her. I move away and fold my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at the temptress in front of me. Perhaps she has got the upper hand in this situation. This is the first time someone has ever distracted me. The first time someone has tempted me to do something which could a ect our family operation negatively. Alicia Juliano is a pawn in this game, nothing more. I take in her appearance once more. Her cheeks are flushed, and her knees are shaking. It takes all the willpower to step away from her and back toward my desk. “I will get someone to take you to your room.” I sit down. “My room? I’m a prisoner, aren’t I?” she sco s. I don’t look up at her, I can’t. She is a prisoner who I will struggle to break. The thought of harming her rubs me the wrong way, and I can’t understand why. I never hesitate to do what is necessary. If I have to hurt innocent people, then that’s what I do to keep my family safe. I don’t acknowledge her question, pressing the intercom on my desk phone to speak to Dan outside the room. “Can you come and escort Alicia to her room, please?”

The door clicks open, and I school my features to calm and collected, even though I’m anything but. He walks toward Alicia, grabbing her arm with more force than I’d like. It’s ridiculous, but I don’t like seeing him touch her at all. He gives me a nod as he pulls her away, leaving me staring after them. I rest my head back in my chair and let out a sigh. This is the last thing I need. Alicia Juliano is my bargaining chip and nothing more. Still, I’m not sure she is someone I will want to part with soon—maybe never.




lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The room I’ve been locked in is comfortable, considering I’m a prisoner. Let’s just say this is turning out to be slightly di erent from the last kidnapping I endured. My father will go insane over this. I hate to think about him panicking back at home. He treats me like a little girl, even though I’m twenty years old. In his eyes, I will always be his little girl—no matter what. A lump forms in my throat, as I push myself up from the bed. I will go out of my damn mind in this room. Rick didn’t tell me what he intends to do with me or how long I’ll be here. There was something odd about our interaction. It didn’t fit an interaction between a captor and captive. He was di erent to what I expected the big, bad Romano mafia boss to be like. I need to get the hell out of here. Although, I get a feeling that will be damn near impossible. The Romano family is the most influential crime family in America. It didn’t seem too tricky to leave the building, but getting o their grounds would be a whole other story. Their security will be beyond anything I’ve encountered before. Not to mention, Rick Romano is renowned for being brutal with anyone that tries to defy him.

A hard knock on the door startles me from my thoughts, forcing me to sit upright. I wait for the person to enter, holding my breath. Deep down, I know who I want to see step into this room. The lock clicks, and then the door swings open, revealing the muscle-bound mob boss I can’t seem to get out of my mind. He steps inside and shuts the door, pausing before turning to face me. His dark eyes burn with that hungry intensity again as his gaze sweeps over my body. It’s as if he wants to devour me. Something I’m not all too opposed to, even if he is my captor. “I need a picture of you,” he says. I shu e to sit on the edge of the bed. “What kind of picture?” He shoves his hands in his pockets, drawing my eyes to the bulge in his pants. My heart rate speeds up, as I wonder if he wants a picture of me naked. “Bound, gagged and looking scared,” he says, voice husky. I can’t understand why the notion of this man binding and gagging me gets me going. My cheeks burn hot. My body prickles with need. “Either you cooperate and let me take the picture and act like you’re scared, or I do it with force.” I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, considering the two options. The thought of being forced by Rick sets me on fire in a way I’ve never known before. His large, rough hands grabbing me and pressing me down, but I’m not stupid enough to push him. Who knows what might happen if I do? “Okay, I’ll do it.” A flash of disappointment floods his dark eyes as he steps forward. “Stand.” I do as he says, standing to my feet.

“Turn around with your hands behind your back.” I stare at him for a moment, considering his request. A part of me longs to disobey him and find out what he will do. “Now,” he growls, eyes lighting with that fire I witnessed earlier in his o ce. “If I don’t, what will you do to me?” I ask, speaking when I shouldn’t fucking speak. He steps closer to me, looming over me in all his powerful stature. I gasp as he grabs my hips and twists me around, grabbing my hands and forcing them together behind my back. He pulls me into his hard, muscled body. “Don’t push me, Alicia,” he breathes into my ear. I shiver at the way he says my name. My panties dampen between my thighs. “Or what?” He ties my hands together and then tease his fingers onto my hips, digging into them enough to hurt. It’s a thrilling pain one that lights me up like nothing ever has. He twists me around, staring down at me with such ferocity I can’t tell if he’s turned on or angry. I swallow hard, licking my bottom lip. His eyes dip to my lips. All I can think about is pressing them to his. He is so close his breath hits my face. I gasp as he closes his hands around my throat, in a soft but firm grip. My body sets on fire, and I can’t contain the moan that escapes my lips. His eyes widen at the sound. A wave of hot embarrassment sweeps through my body. I can’t believe I couldn’t control my crazy urges. He’s trying to scare me, but all he is doing is turning me on. I’m so fucked up. Arousal is the last thing I should be experiencing. Even more so, considering the man holding me captive is the reason. “On the chair,” he orders, narrowing his eyes.

I nod my head, walking toward the chair in the room’s corner. He dips his hands into his pocket, pulling out his phone. “I need you to appear scared.” This is a nightmare. I’m a terrible actress, and trying to act scared right now seems almost impossible. Around Rick, I feel safe, which makes no sense. “I’m not the best actress.” A muscle ticks in his jaw, and he narrows his eyes. “Are you saying that you’re not scared?” He takes a few steps toward me, halting two feet away. “Yeah.” I shrug. “I’m saying that I’m not scared.” He clenches his fists by his side. “You were scared earlier when you realized who I was.” The intensity in his gaze is making me anything but scared. The emotions flooding me couldn’t be much further from fear. My thighs quiver. My knees shake. The slickness between my thighs increases. “It’s hard to be scared when you look at me like that,” I breathe, almost to myself. He steps closer and grips my chin between his finger and thumb, tilting my face toward him. “Like what?” I shiver at the intensity in his tone, licking my dry lips. There’s no way I’m going to answer him. He is looking at me with desire, but perhaps I’ve read it all wrong. Maybe it’s just my fucked-up mind playing tricks on me. Inexperienced is a perfect word to sum me up. I’ve had one boyfriend, and we never had sex. In fact, we never did anything other than kiss. There’s no doubt that I’m reading the signs wrong. A man as dominant and brutal as Rick would never want a girl like me. “Answer me,” he growls, making my panties damp between my thighs.

I shake my head. “I don’t know…” I gasp as he grabs hold of me, dragging me from the chair. He sits down and forces me over his knee. I shiver as he pulls my slip over my hips, laying me bare to him. I’m not even wearing panties beneath it, as I took them o after showering. His chest rumbles with a deep growl that sends heat prickling through me. He sets his hand on my bare ass. I heat from embarrassment and humiliation. This is the most exposed I’ve ever been to a man. Rick is in total control, and despite my reservations, I’m turned on. My thighs are soaking wet with my arousal, and I gasp as he slaps my ass for the first time. The punishment makes me hot for all the wrong reasons. The way he takes me in hand, punishing me, is something I’ve never experienced. My professors at school always said I lacked discipline. “Tell me what you mean, Alicia,” he commands, slapping my ass again. I squirm, freezing as something hard and hot presses into my naked tummy. Despite Rick’s pants being between us, I can feel his cock beneath me. “No,” I grit out, loving the way he holds me like this. He slaps both of my ass cheeks erotically, sending a sharp pain through me. It should turn me o , but it has the opposite e ect. I moan, making him tense beneath me. I know I can’t take that sound back, and it reveals how much I’m enjoying this. He parts my thighs and groans, seeing how wet I am. “Are you enjoying this punishment?” I shake my head. My stomach twists with nerves as I realize how vulnerable I am. A virgin at the mercy of a powerful, angry mob boss who doesn’t care what he does.

He slaps my ass three times on each cheek, and this time, I can’t hide my response. I’m moaning on his lap, loving the press of his hard length against my tummy. “Alicia, tell me what you meant,” he growls. “I meant you were looking at me like you want to fuck me,” I cry, as he slaps me again. He freezes beneath me, gripping my hips and forcing me up from his lap. He stands up and glares at me, edging closer. “I’ve heard a rumor. Is it true your father calls you his princess?” he asks. I open my too dry mouth, closing it again. I can’t speak with this man looming over me like this, so I nod instead. He searches my eyes, “I can see why, but you deserve to be a queen. My queen,” he growls, the statement left hanging in the air between us. He reaches for me and grips my chin between his finger and thumb, squeezing so hard it almost hurts. The sentiment makes me more confident that the fire in his eyes when he looks at me is desire. I can’t believe how intimate his punishment was. My brain isn’t functioning with this man so close to me, his breath falling against my face. He forces me down into the chair and shakes his head, pulling a gag out of his pocket. I gasp as he forces it into my mouth. Next, he ties my hands behind my back and ties me to the chair. “Keep your head down and look scared, or I will have to be harsh with you.” I bow my head, even though I’m more turned on than I’ve ever been in my life. My ass stinging as I sit in the chair. He snaps a photo on his phone, before stowing it in his pants pocket. He steps forward and grips my chin again, forcing me to meet his hot gaze. “Get some sleep,” he says. The harsh and cold tone of his voice sending a shiver down my spine.

He lets go of me and turns away, leaving me staring at his back. The tension in his shoulders is evident as he moves away. I watch after him as he steps out of the room, leaving me alone and confused. My ass still stings. A reminder of how that man just pleasured me. This experience will be worlds away from the experience I had the last time someone kidnapped me. I flop down on the comfortable bed and shut my eyes, thinking about the brutal mafia boss who will fill my dreams tonight.




ive days have passed since Dan brought Alicia into my o ce. I haven’t been able to do anything about her other than take that damn photo. I’ve kept away from her out of fear of what I’ll do if I go near her again. The last time, I ended up forcing her over my lap and spanking her perfect, bare ass. It was ridiculous. When I realized she wasn’t wearing panties, it sent me spiraling out of control. I don’t want my uncontrollable attraction to her to distract me from what I need to do. I can’t bring myself to harm the beauty locked up in our guest bedroom. What I should do is assign the task to one of my men to take care of it, but I can’t bring myself to do that either. The thought of any other man touching her makes me hot with possessive rage. I sent the picture of her gagged and bound to her father. He is yet to respond to our demands and the fact we have her, which is odd. The most fucked up thing is that I’ve taken matters into my own hands a few too many times looking at the image. Alicia Juliano gets me going like no woman ever has. She’s hot and feisty, and the way she moaned when I spanked her ass proved she loves being disciplined. I was

moments away from tying her to the guest bed and having my way with her. I’m always in control. Why the hell does she make me so crazy? Leo is on the mend and out of our private hospital ward in the basement, but Kane is still far from fit. He took far worse gun wounds while he drove them to safety. He is always the hero, sacrificing his own safety for his brother and girlfriend. Jasmine has been by his side day and night in the hospital room in our basement. She won’t even leave to get food or drink, but Ellie has taken to supplying her while she’s down there. We use the room in the basement far too often for our men. We can’t use traditional hospitals, because it raises too many questions and heat that we don’t need. There’s only so much you can pay the police to look the other way. I will need my brother to help me deal with her. If I go anywhere near her alone, it will be a miracle if I don’t end up balls deep inside of her. “Sir.” I turn to see Dan jogging down the corridor toward me. “An incident has occurred with the Juliano girl.” My heart rate spikes at the mention of her and incident in the same damn sentence. “What kind of incident?” He pauses a moment, eyes fearful. “The girl escaped the room, and we’re searching the grounds for her now.” I clench my fists by my side. “Why the fuck wasn’t she guarded?” Dan pales, taking a half step backward. “I’m not sure. I believe Jason was on guard, but it was changeover. The guy taking over hadn’t arrived, so he went to search for him.” I shake my head. “Why wasn’t the door locked?” He bites the inside of his cheek. “It was, but she picked the lock with a hairpin.”

I growl, marching toward the exit of the house. Alicia isn’t slipping through my fingers. There is zero fucking chance I let that happen. I can hear Dan’s footsteps chasing after me. “We’re out looking for her. We’ll get her. There’s no way she’ll get passed the security at the gate.” Dan is one of my best men, but he needs to learn when to back o . I say nothing, walking straight out of the front entrance and scanning the grounds at the front. If I were Alicia, where would I go? She is smart and the daughter of a man from this world. She is aware we guard the front gate and will try to find another way out. I walk in the opposite direction of the gate, heading toward the boundary at the back of the mansion. If I was Alicia, that’s where I’d try to find a way out. My heart pounds hard as I remember there are a few holes in the fencing at the back. I meant to get them fixed, but I never have time for that shit. “Sir, where are you going?” Dan shouts after me. Irritation rises inside of me, forcing me to an abrupt stop. “Dan, you don’t want to be asking me any fucking questions,” I say, clenching my hands by my side. He backs o , stepping away from me and walking back toward the driveway. I continue on, following my hunch where Alicia is. If she had taken the driveway, we would have found her by now. All I can think about is losing her, and I know it’s not for the right fucking reasons. Once I get my hands on her, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop myself. A dark part of me longs to take her in ways I shouldn’t even consider. Nick Juliano wouldn’t take too kindly to a rival taking his daughter to bed —that’s something I’m sure of.

There’s an unspoken, unwritten code between rival families. Family members of mob bosses don’t get touched in that way no matter what, but I can feel the powerful desire for her mounting by the minute. I shut my eyes, inhaling a deep breath to calm myself, but it’s no fucking use. Alicia’s beautiful face infects my mind. My eyes shoot open at the crunch of light footsteps running through the woods a good few yards to my left. A flash of bright red fabric has my heart racing into overdrive. She is wearing a dress we supplied her—the sexiest one. The excitement inside of me stirs as I stalk toward her. The anticipation of hauling her over my shoulder makes my heart rate spike. It’s clear that with her, I’m a mess. A flash of dark hair this time catches my attention between two trees. She thinks she can outrun me, but she can’t. There is no need for me to run. Slow and steady wins the race. She glances over her shoulder, meeting my gaze. It all happens so fast. The moment she takes her attention o the ground in front of her, she trips over. I watch as she falls, quickening my steps out of instinct. A part of me hates to see her fall, wanting to be there to catch her, but I’m too far away. She clutches her ankle, face twisting with pain. Her attention returns to me, and she purses her plump lips. I can feel my careful self-control slipping through my fingers the closer I get to her. As soon as I smell her sweet scent and touch that perfect soft skin, I won’t be able to stop myself. There’s a reason I stayed away from her room for five days. I crave her like a starving man craves food. She’s an addiction. A bundle of snarky, brattiness that pushes all of my buttons. I loom over her, crossing my arms over my chest.

She gazes up at me, licking her lips and drawing my attention to them. “What do you want?” I shake my head in disbelief. How can this girl escape and then have the audacity to ask me what I want when I find her? She astounds me as much as she turns me on. “You,” I rumble, shifting to grab her hand and force her to her feet. She winces, trying to put weight on her ankle. The moment I let go, she falls toward the soft, grass-covered ground. This time, I’m there. I grab her hips and pull her into me, anchoring her. My muscles coil with tension as her hands rest on my chest. I glance down at her small, delicate hands. The sight of her touching me sends my mind into overdrive. My balls ache for release. I’m harder than I’ve ever been. It’s ridiculous. A man like me can’t control himself because of a single, innocent touch from a stunning, young woman. I return my gaze to her face and her lips part. Her irises dilated as she gazes up at me, desire painted in every line of her expression. The first day, I wondered if I’d read the signals wrong. I’d been sure she was turned on, but as I stare at her now, I know I was right. My instincts are rarely o . Alicia Juliano wants me. My stomach tightens. My cock is so hard it may rip through the fabric of my pants. A deep longing to be inside of her driving my conflicted mind insane. Her kidnapping was a business transaction. I cannot touch her. The moment that thought pulses through my brain, I long for her more. She’s the forbidden fucking fruit. The bratty daughter of a rival crime boss, who I’m drawn to. She may be her father’s princess, but for some insane reason, I want to make her my queen. That’s what she is. “What are you staring at?” she asks, eyes sparkling with playful fire.

I clench my jaw. Rage and passion flooding me and battling inside. “I’ll stare at what the fuck I want.” My hands tease down her curvy sides to her hips, sending a visible shiver through her. She arches her back in a way that makes me long to fuck her right here out in the open. If it wasn’t for the fact all my men are out here, searching for her, I might have considered it. The way she pouts at me sends me wild. Even now, she remains standing inches from me, keeping her hands on my chest. I break the tension, shifting to throw her over my shoulder. Alicia gasps as my hands grip her hips, lifting her with ease. She fists her hands and beats against my back half-heartedly. My hand remains on the back of her thighs, steadying her. It’s unnecessary for my hand to be that far up, but I know deep down that any excuse to touch her like that I’d take. I'm rarely tempted to break the rules since I’m the one who enforces them. Alicia is something else. She’s worth breaking the rules for. As I march toward the house, I know that’s what I’m about to do. It’s about time I taught this temptress a real lesson.




ick’s rough hands claw the back of my thighs, dangerously close to my soaking wet panties. The way he hauled me over his shoulder made me ache. He’s a true alpha male. The kind of man who won’t take any shit from me. The sort of man I’ve dreamed about. The anger burning in his eyes was as clear as day, but it was mixed with desire. The possessiveness of his touch as he slid his hands down my side makes me long for him more. I feel it deepen the more he claws at my thighs. The way he threw me over his shoulder was as if I weighed nothing—sure, I’m small, but I’m no feather. My hands rest just above his perfect, taut buttocks. The temptation to touch them clawing at me, but I resist. Rick Romano is so tempting, but I’m not stupid enough to underestimate how dangerous he is. He marches toward the Romano mansion, not saying a fucking word. The silence between us is tense. Every muscle in my body quivers with a mix of excitement and fear. I know what I want to happen next, but this is the defining moment. My escape was half-hearted. I knew I wouldn’t get far. It was the only way to get his attention and force him to see

me. Five days he kept me locked in that bedroom without a word or whisper of what is going on. Other than the asshole guards shoving food through the door and retreating before I can so much as ask one damn question, I’ve spoken to no one. It’s driving me fucking nuts. I shift in Rick’s grip, trying to put up some resistance, despite the sheer power of his hold. “Put me the fuck down.” I beat my hand against his back. “I can walk.” His fingertips dig harder into the back of my thighs, gripping me possessively. “No chance,” he grunts. I clench my fists and punch his back harder, trying to get a rise out of him. “I was going out of my mind locked in that damn room. What the hell did you expect me to do?” He says nothing in response. Instead, he marches through the front door of his house and straight up the grand staircase. Every step knocking the wind out of me. He is full of such rage and power that it makes me want him more, which is insane. It is fucking mental that I want the man who is hauling me back into his mansion like a caveman. There’s no denying what I saw in his eyes the other day—desire. He wants me, even if he is resisting the attraction between us. I’ve pushed him now. I know he will not be so gentle with me this time. “You can’t keep me locked in a room without telling me what’s going on for five days.” He grunts like an animal in response. A shiver runs down my spine as he walks straight passed the door to the room I escaped earlier—the bedroom I’ve been held a captive in. I can’t deny the niggling sense of panic that I may have read this wrong. Where the fuck is he taking me? I writhe against him, but he holds me even tighter. He walks down another corridor and straight through a door at

the end. I try to get a glimpse of where we are, but it’s di cult with him pinning me to his shoulder. “Are you going to let me down yet?” He throws me onto a large, four-poster bed in the center of the room. I swallow hard at the pure rage and emotion in his eyes. I keep my cool. “Where the hell am I?” I glance around the room. It’s large and not as nicely decorated as the room I’d been staying in, but It smells of him. “It’s about time you were a taught a fucking lesson,” he growls. A pulse of fear chases up my spine at his tone, coupled with something else. There’s a dark desire inside of me. I want to be taken by the man looming at the end of the bed. I want him to spank me and be my first. Who knew I craved discipline like this? “And you will be the one to do it, will you?” I ask, keeping my voice sarcastic. He steps closer and then shifts to his knees at the end of the bed. The thought of this man punishing me on his bed sends a shiver down my spine. I’d enjoy it far more than I should. “I’ve warned you once, Alicia, do not push me.” His eyes flicker with desire. I lick my bottom lip, keeping eye contact. “And, I’ve asked you once, or what?” That is the last straw, as he launches himself at me. I gasp as he pins me to the bed with his weight. His eyes are frantic and lips inches from mine. His rough hands wrap around my wrists, forcing them above my head. The pounding of my heart in my ears makes me anxious. I need to know what this man intends to do. As I gaze into his dark eyes, I recognize the warring conflict raging deep within.

After a few moments of silence tick past, I break it without thinking, “Is this all you’ve got?” I’m taunting a lion ready to pounce, and I can’t understand why. He growls a low sound before capturing my lips. There had been a moment where I wondered if I’d read the signs wrong, but as his rough lips claim mine, my heart soars. Deep down, I’ve longed for this since I set eyes on him. I wanted to find out if he wants me as much as I want him. The way his lips feel against mine is hard and dominating. I’m in heaven. He forces his tongue into my mouth, making me moan. I love the way he swipes against my own frantically, sending electricity through my nerve endings. His body weight pins me down to the mattress, forcing the thick, throbbing length of him between my thighs. I shiver with need and fear. It’s the first time I’ve ever craved a man so much it almost hurts. The prospect of him taking my virginity is as intoxicating as it is scary. Rick Romano is everything I’m attracted to. Powerful, dominating, muscle-bound, not to mention, a true alpha male. It’s ridiculous where my mind is at, considering he’s the man who kidnapped me from my home. He pulls away and kisses my cheek, making me tingle all over. I gasp as his teeth nip at my pulse in my neck. The fire inside of me turns to a raging furnace of hot, untamable desire. I let my fingers slide into his golden-brown hair, clawing him closer to me. A sudden fear that he may stop flooding my mind. “I’m supposed to hurt you, scare you,” he mutters against my skin, letting his lips tease over it. His words startle me to my senses for a second. “Why aren’t you hurting me?” I ask, intrigued why Rick Romano

isn’t doing what he’s supposed to do. He pins his bulging arms either side of me, holding my gaze. “I said I’m supposed to.” He shakes his head. “But I don’t want to. I can’t.” For a moment, my heart thuds against my rib cage in anticipation. “Even after I tried to escape?” “Even after you tried to escape,” he breathes, pressing his lips to mine and kissing me softer. I whimper as he plants light kisses on my throat. “I need you,” he whispers, letting his lips tease over the sensitive flesh below my ear. “They say you are your father’s princess, but I want you to be my queen. Mine.” There’s something so intimate in his voice. A promise caressing my skin, turning me to jelly. I dig my fingers into the silk bedsheets below me, trying to ground myself. His hands move down my sides, and he claws at my hips, making me moan. There is a raging fire burning in his eyes as he straightens, staring down at me like a hunter watching its prey. “I want to tie you to this bed naked and never let you go,” he breathes. A flutter ignites in my tummy at the thought, as he bend down and trails hot kisses down my neck and exposed cleavage. When I got ready this morning, intending to escape, I picked this dress for him. He groans against my skin, tearing at my dress. I gasp as he rips the fabric in two, right down the middle. His eyes roaming me with such intensity. “Fucking gorgeous,” he says, letting his hand tease over my throat. He yanks his shirt o , chucking it onto the floor. My heart rate picks up, seeing him in all his hard, muscular glory. He wraps his hand around my throat and squeezes gently, forcing me to arch my back. It makes me hot in a way I’ve never been before. A puddle pools between my thighs, soaking my panties right through.

“Do you like this?” He squeezes my throat tighter. I let my tongue dart out over my too dry lips, nodding my head. “Answer me, princess.” I sink my teeth into my bottom lip before answering, “Yes, I like it.” There’s a pause filled with pure electric lust as we stare at each other. “Are you going to fuck me?” I ask, my voice shaking at the end. His cock pulses and twitches in his pants against my lower abdomen, making me long for him to fill me. A beautiful half-smile curves the edges of his lips. It is a smile I want to see again and again. He didn’t smile during our first two encounters. “Do you want me to?” he asks. I worry my bottom lip between my teeth, knowing I do. It is crazy that I’d want a man who kidnapped me to take my innocence. “Yes… But I don’t know what to do.” The blazing heat in my cheeks spreads through my body. It’s so embarrassing telling this man I’m a virgin. His eyes darken. “What do you mean?” The heat only blazes more fiercely over my body. I’m so ashamed that I’m a virgin at twenty years old. “I’m a virgin.” He growls a low, animalistic sound, before descending on me. His lips move against mine hard and unforgiving, slipping his tongue into my mouth and exploring it with an intensity I’ve never experienced before. He parts from me, panting. “Do you want me to stop?” I’m needy and desperate to be closer to him. “I need you,” I breathe. He strikes like a beast unleashed. He rips my panties o as if they’re made of nothing more than paper. I watch him as his eyes darken before he unhooks my bra.

My cheeks heat as he frees my breasts and hard nipples to his hungry gaze. He is a man possessed as he lavishes all his attention on my puckered nipples, sucking and licking at my sensitive flesh. The sensation is so hot, so needy. I can hardly register that a man like him is doing this to me, making me feel this way. I let my head fall back as he licks each one slowly, turning me to a molten pool of lava on his bed. “Fuck,” I gasp, lacing my fingers through his golden hair. His dark eyes find me in warning as he likes to be in control. He pulls away and gets to his feet, making my stomach dip. I watch him disappear from the bedroom, followed by a rustling in the room he entered. He returns, holding leather restraints in his hands, making my heart still in my chest. My stomach tightens at the thought of him restraining me with them. “It’s about time I taught you a real lesson, princess,” he groans, crawling back onto the bed toward me. I can’t help but admire the dark tattoos trailing up his left arm, and the way his muscles bulge and flex as he moves. He keeps eye contact, forcing me to lie down with a stare. It is crazy how he doesn’t even need to tell me what he wants me to do—I just know. He clamps the restraints to the railings of the bed, before grabbing my wrist and forcing them into the cu s. I shiver, as he captures my bottom lip between his teeth. “Relax, baby.” He shifts to the other wrist, doing the same. “I will make you feel better than you’ve ever felt.” He nips at the lobe of my ear, before whispering. “If you need me to stop, tell me.” I can’t imagine myself uttering that word to this man, but I nod in response. I watch as he moves back onto his haunches, grabbing his belt. He undoes it, and I’m shaking with the anticipation of seeing all of him. With a little

shifting, he frees himself of his pants, chucking them on the floor. All he has on now is a tight pair of boxer briefs molded to the enormous, thick outline of him. It leaves little to the imagination, and the ache inside of me deepens. The size of him makes sense considering he’s a beast of a man, large in every single way. His eyes are fiery as he hooks a finger into the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down teasingly slow. His hard, throbbing length bobs out of his pants, slapping against his abs. My heartbeat speeds up as he is the first man I’ve ever seen naked. It’s larger than anything I’ve ever even fantasized about, pearly liquid dripping from the thick, swollen head. I lick my lips, wishing I could worship every inch of his body with my mouth and hands. The restraints make that an impossibility. I’ve seen nothing as beautiful as the naked man standing in front of me. The heat spreading through my body is setting me on fire. I squirm with need, trying to open my thighs wider. Even though I don’t know this man well, my body craves him, longs for him. The tight restraints hold me still. I desperately want to get closer to the God of a man in front of me. “Don’t move,” he commands, sending a shiver down my spine. An involuntary whimper escapes me. There’s only one way this is going. He will take my virginity, and I want him to. No matter how messed up that is, I don’t care.




’ve lost the plot, and it’s all because of her. She is a fucking virgin—untouched and pure as hell. She has had no other man inside of her. It makes me want her more for some insane reason. The thought of claiming her makes my balls ache with need. She is lying naked on my bed, gazing up at me with a mix of longing and fear. There is a conflict warring inside of me. She is a virgin, but I can’t understand why she would want me to take her virginity. Despite the electric chemistry that exists between us, she doesn’t know me. Not to mention, I’m holding her captive. It’s so wrong. The way she looks at me makes me want to lose control and force her to submit. She fixes her attention to my hand as I move it up and down my shaft. I’m dripping all over the silk bed sheets. She is tied and bound for me on my bed with my restraints. Her tempting as sin body makes me mad with lust. She pulls at the leather bindings holding her hands together, trying to fight for control. I want to tease her and make her so needy she is panting and gasping for breath. I tilt my head to the side. “What do you want? Tell me.” She licks her bottom lip before replying, “You.”

I narrow my eyes at her and let my body rest against hers. I pin her to the bed with my weight, making her whimper. “What do you want me to do, princess?” “Take me, Rick,” she moans, using my first name for the first time. I can’t stop the growl that rumbles through my chest. My name on her lips is like a damn song that I’d listen to all day. I grip both of her thighs, parting her legs wide. Her sweet nectar is dripping all over the sheets and making a mess. My hard cock aches in my hands as I stroke myself from root to tip, lowering my mouth to her soaking wet center. At first, I kiss her sweet arousal, making her gasp in shock. I raise an eyebrow. “When you say you’re a virgin, have you done other things with guys?” She bites her bottom lip, turning and even darker shade of pink. “No, nothing other than kiss.” Fuck. I shake my head, unable to believe it. She’s twenty years old and fucking gorgeous. I keep kissing her, planting teasing kisses on every inch of her arousal. She is getting wetter by the second, and I’ve not fucking started. My tongue parts her lips, tasting her for the first time. It’s impossible not to groan as my tongue slips inside of her. She is as sweet as honey and too good to be true. She lets out a strangled moan at the sensation, eyes clamped shut. I watch her as she writhes hard against the restraints above her head. If she’s not careful, she might hurt herself. “Relax,” I say, letting my tongue flick against her sensitive clit. Her body jolts upwards, and her hips buck. It is a God damn beautiful sight, making me long to be inside of her. The torture of not fulfilling that urge is painful to withstand. I’ve got to be patient with her if she wants this. The only way

she’ll enjoy it is if she’s turned on to the ultimate degree, which means making her orgasm multiple times. I suck her clit into my mouth, varying the pressure from sucking and licking until she’s jolting in the bedsheets and panting. “Fuck,” she says. I want to see her eyes, but she’s keeping them shut. “Look at me while I lick you,” I command. Her eyes shoot open, and I watch as her face flushes to a deep red. The hue spreading down her neck and onto her exposed chest. My cock twitches at the sight of how much I a ect her. She is stained as red as her ass cheeks were the other night. Alicia has taken control of me, even if she doesn’t realize it yet. I’m no longer thinking with a clear head—letting my urges get the better of me. I never lose control like this. I let one finger dip into her, making her gasp. Her lips part and she groans, staring at me with wide, innocent blue eyes. The fact I’m the first man to touch her in this way increases the intimacy between us. A dark part of me enjoys the fact she’s letting me be the one to pleasure her for the first time. I move my finger in and out of her, watching the way she reacts to each movement. When I find that perfect spot inside her, I know. Her muscles tighten around my finger. She groans deeply, letting her head rest back against the pillow. I flick my tongue against her clit, lapping at it. I drive her toward the edge of the cli she’s dangling over. “I want you to come on my mouth, baby.” Her eyes widen, but she moans, letting go of her reservations. I notice her thigh quivering as I finger her tight pussy, hitting the spot inside of her repeatedly. “Oh my God, Rick,” she cries out, eyes clamping shut. “I want you to look at me as you come,” I growl.

Her eyes flick open, and she meets my gaze, turning so fucking red. Her body shudders as the force of her orgasm slams into her. The pure pleasure in her eyes makes me dizzy with lust. I know my work isn’t over yet. She may have already climaxed once, but I need to make her come again. I want her to be so needy that she is begging me for my cock. I move to her restraints and unclip them from the headboard. “On your hands and knees.” Despite the trembling in her legs, she moves. I clip the restraints back in place and capture her lips with mine, kissing her deeply. When I part from her, she gazes up at me with a mix of lust and fear. “What are you going to do to me?” She is so fucking innocent and beautiful. “I will make you come again, princess.” She whimpers as I move behind her, slapping her ass cheek with a firm but erotic slap.. For a moment, I knead the sore skin and then spank her other cheek. This time she moans at the sensation, arching her back. I alternate between slapping and groping her skin until it’s painted a deep red that makes my balls ache for release. Then, I dip my tongue inside of her. She’s so fucking wet, I can hardly believe it. Her clit throbs against my tongue as I let two fingers slip inside of her. “Rick,” she moans my name, making me wild with need. I’m not sure my cock has ever been this hard before, as I leak onto the bed. My hands remain firmly fixed to her butt cheeks, kneading and groping as I feast on my beautiful virgin. This time I drag her toward orgasm quicker, learning what she likes the most. The spot deep inside of her being hit

repeatedly as I lick and suck on her clit. The quivering in her thighs starts, and I know she is on edge. “Fuck, Rick,” she cries out, shuddering in my hands. “That’s it, princess, come for me.” I slap her ass, and she turns to jelly in my hands. The sounds she makes are like music to my ears as she comes undone. I lick every drop of her as she climaxes onto my mouth. I’m so desperate to fuck her, but my rule is to ensure a woman come three times at least before fucking her. “Rick, fuck me,” she moans. I freeze, conflicted between fulfilling her request and following my code. “Please, I need it.” She pulls against the restraints so hard I hear the wood creak. I slap her ass in a warning. “Stop resisting the restraints.” She whimpers and stills before me, as I move on the bed to sit in front of her. Her eyes are drawn to my cock and her lips part. “Maybe you can let me taste you?” she suggests, eyes dilated. The innocent, nervous girl who appeared to me at first is gone. Her inhibitions have been shattered, and she’s left needy and wanton. Exactly how I love my women to be. I undo the restraints from the bed and yank them, forcing her onto her back. “Keep your head o the bed,” I command. She does as I say, letting her head rest back over the side. “Open wide, princess.” Her lips part on my order, and I groan, moving my cock toward her. I let my dick rest an inch away from her lips, and she shifts without my position. The sensation of her tongue on my cock makes me forget her insubordination. “Suck me, Alicia, fuck,” I groan, letting my cock sink deeper into her mouth.

She sucks on me, swallowing every leaking drop of cum as it spills into her hot, wet mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head, and I groan. “That’s it, baby, suck my cock.” I watch her lips bobbing up and down my shaft. I want so badly to hold her face and fuck her throat. She’s a virgin, I have to keep reminding myself of that. She is entirely untouched and inexperienced. She gasps, pulling away from my cock. “Are you going to fuck my throat, sir?” I swallow hard, gazing down on the virgin who is turning into a fucking sex goddess in front of my eyes. My eyes narrow. “If you haven’t ever done anything with any other man, how do you know about that?” Her cheeks deepen even redder. “Porn,” she utters. I lick my lips, thinking about my horny little virgin watching submissive porn videos and playing with herself. “Damn. Open wide, baby.” I let my cock slide back into her mouth, forcing it a little way down her throat. She gags instantly, choking on the thickness of me. “Breathe through your nose and relax.” I know it’s easier said than done, deep throat is an art that only experienced women can master, but everyone has to start somewhere. She nods her head and opens her mouth again, inviting me inside. Her craving for my dominance only adds to the pure sexual chemistry pulsing between us. I go slowly, slipping the length into her throat. This time she accepts my cock without gagging, relaxing her throat like a natural. After four thrusts, she freezes again, gagging and salivating all over my hard length. It’s so fucking hot watching her. If she’s not careful, I will shoot my load down her throat. She whimpers as I pull my cock away from her, leaning down to capture her lips.

“You can’t keep sucking me, baby, I’m going to come.” She moans against my mouth. “Fuck me then.” I move back from her, searching her eyes. “Are you sure you want me to do it?” She nods her head. “Please, Rick.” Her begging is that last straw. I grab her by the hips and shift her into the center of the bed. “Do you want the restraints on or o ?” This is her first time, and I want her to be as comfortable as possible. “Whatever you prefer.” She shrugs. I kiss her again, barely able to believe how perfect this girl is. She’s too fucking innocent and young for a middle-aged criminal like me, but my mind can’t register that right now. All I want is to be inside of her. My preference is to keep her tied up because I know it will heighten her pleasure. I grab her restraint and clip it to the bed, forcing her arms above her head. “Are you sure about this?” I ask once more, knowing this is a huge thing. She nods her head. “I’ve never been surer about anything before.” I groan, lining the head of my cock up with her dripping wet heat. She moans as I let it tease through her lips, rubbing against her clit. “Please fuck me,” she begs. My cock aches as I nudge at her entrance, sliding an inch inside of her. Her back arches o the bed, and she whimpers as I keep pushing into her slowly. The first man to stretch her open, claim her. She is so tight. I shouldn’t even be fucking near this girl. She’s my bargaining chip to ensure we don’t start a war. As I sink inside of my enemy’s daughter, I know I might make everything fucking worse, but I can’t find it in me to give a shit. She moans as I bottom out inside of her, as deep as I can go. I rest still inside of her, sucking her peaked nipples into

my mouth. “Fuck,” she mutters. I let my cock ease out of her before sliding back in slowly and gently. “Am I hurting you?” I ask, feeling oddly protective over this woman. She shakes her head. “No, it feels so good.” I groan, capturing her lips and increasing the tempo. This is the first time I’ve been anywhere near a naked woman in months. The pressure of my position often makes it impossible to think about sex. I don’t have time. “Harder,” she moans. I grunt, letting myself go. My careful control escaping as I fuck her hard and rough. The way she seems to crave. Even though it is her first time, she is a natural submissive. I claw my fingers into her hips as I fuck her harder. The fact I’m the first man inside her drives me wild. The crazy need to claim her, forcing me to fuck her harder and faster with abandon. I can feel her vise-like pussy fluttering around my cock as she gets close to orgasm. The moment I stop, she groans. “Don’t stop, Rick.” I kiss her, silencing her pleas. This can’t be over that quick, and she’s already come twice. If I send her over the edge again so soon while we’re fucking, she’ll be exhausted. She pulls back from my lips. “Please, I need to come,” she moans. I shake my head, biting her bottom lip with my teeth in warning. “Not yet, princess. I’m not ready for this to stop.” She tilts her head to the side, groaning. “It doesn’t have to stop.” I grab her throat, squeezing gently. My cock pulsing deep inside of her. Her eyes are wide as I keep my hand around her throat. “Fuck, you feel so good,” I mutter, moving in and out of her again. “You are so fucking tight.”

She moans and writhes beneath me, as I pick the pace up again. The reasoning over what is happening between us has eluded me. All that matters is the beauty beneath me. All that matters is making her mine. She’s so tight it feels like she’s pulling me into her, making sure I’ll never leave. Her breathing picks up, and her cheeks flush a deep pink as she teeters on the edge. “Come for me, princess,” I groan, pressing my lips to her forehead as I force myself to hold on until she’s climaxed. “Fuck,” she breathes, shuddering beneath me as she tips over the edge of bliss. Her eyes are wide as she gazes into mine. Pupils so far dilated with lust that she looks almost otherworldly. The pressure around my length is like a vise, gripping me so hard I can’t hold on a second longer. I explode deep inside of her, marking her with my seed. The first and only man to ever be inside of her—I’ll make sure of that. She’s panting and flushed a pretty pink beneath me. I pull her into my chest, forcing her to lie in my arms. Within seconds of her head hitting my chest, she’s fast asleep. Her chest rises and falls as she falls into slumber. It’s as I expected. She is a virgin, and I have just made her come three times, it is bound to take its toll on her. The overload of pleasure too much for her to handle. What the hell was I thinking? Her attempt to escape me set the flood gates free. It was only a matter of time until this happened, but I’d kept away from her in the hope it would stop the inevitable. After the last experience alone, it was clear my will power is zero around her. The fact her father hasn’t even responded to the photo we sent him is irritating me. He is keeping absolute radio silence, which means he is trying to play this cleverly.

I’m no genius, but I’m sure taking his daughter’s virginity while she’s my captive will only aggravate relations. The insane thing is that there was nothing that could have stopped me. This pull between us is gravity and common sense defying. I glance down at the angel sleeping in my arms, wondering what the fuck I will do. Even now, my cock is hard against her thigh. All I want to do is spend all night fucking her, but she needs to rest. It took all of about a minute for her to fall asleep. She’s pure perfection. An angel in her own right. All I know is this is a problem. Whatever this is between us, will make the entire situation far more complicated. The thought of ever letting Alicia return to her father makes me hot with possessive rage. She’s my queen.




he chirping of birds wakes me. For a moment, I believe I’m back home in my bed. It’s only once my eyes flick open that I remember where I am. One glance to my left and my heart speeds up. Rick is still sleeping by my side with his arm lazily strewn over my stomach. The deep, dull ache reminds me of exactly what we did last night. “Fuck,” I mutter, holding my arm to my forehead Did I lose my mind last night? We’ve only known each other a few days. Most of the time he stayed away from me. I wanted him in a desperate and needy way. Maybe I was just being a horny virgin, or perhaps there’s something deeper about this connection between us. It’s insane that I let him claim my virginity, but I can’t bring myself to regret it. It felt right. He groans and pulls at me, gripping me tighter. I freeze, wondering if he is awake. “Good morning, princess,” he grumbles. “Morning,” I squeak, suddenly feeling vulnerable. He opens one dark eye and glances at me. “How did you sleep?” I lick my dry lips and shrug. “Okay,” I breathe.

There’s a part of me that is embarrassed in front of the unbelievably hot man who took my virginity last night. He is the first guy I’ve met who hasn’t shied away from me because of who I am. It makes sense, considering he’s more dangerous than my father. He shifts in the bed next to me and grabs hold of my waist, pulling me against him. I tense in his arms as he holds me against his chest. How am I supposed to act? I don’t understand what this is or what is happening. All I know is that I’d love him to fuck me again and again, but I’m his captive. He snatched me from my father, and something tells me he didn’t intend to fuck me. He resisted this pull between us initially, keeping away from me. “What are you thinking?” he asks, pressing his lips to my forehead. It’s a tender gesture that doesn’t fit him at all. The dominant mob boss holding me close and kissing me. Am I dreaming? “Nothing,” I mutter, letting my hand rest on his chiseled abs. He shifts and grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Tell me.” I bite my bottom lip. “I can’t believe we had sex…” Heat pulses through my cheeks. “Do you regret it?” he asks, eyes flooding with hurt for a moment. I never thought I’d see that look in his eyes. I shake my head. “No, but it’s a little crazy.” He smiles, kissing my lips. “I know. It was impossible to stay away from you.” A fluttering of butterflies beat around in my stomach, making me feel warm and fuzzy. My heart races faster in my chest at Rick’s words. “Why?”

He shrugs. “God knows, the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you.” His eyes narrow. “It’s a little problematic, considering I no longer have any intention of giving you back to your dad.” My heart skips a beat. “Ever?” He shakes his head, eyes darkening. “Ever.” I swallow hard as he captures my lips, kissing me passionately. Before I know it, I’m moaning and writhing in a hot mess beneath him. He sinks his teeth into my collarbone, making me cry out as it floods me with a tantalizing mix of pain and pleasure. He is being rougher with me and his eyes are wild. Obviously, he was being careful with me last night because it was my first time. A knock at the door startles me, and he glances over his shoulder. Finally, he jumps o of me and presses a finger to his lips. Holding the covers close, I watch him as he walks to the door, opening it a crack. “What do you want?” he growls. The sound of his voice sends shivers down my spine. “That’s not a nice way to speak to your younger brother, is it?” “Piss o , Leo,” Rick growls. I hear a chuckle from behind the door. His younger brother is Leo Romano. “Calm down. I’ve been given news that we’ve had a response from Nick Juliano, and it’s not good.” I freeze, hearing my dad’s name. It brings me back to reality after I’d fallen into a daydream with my dad’s enemy. Rick is teetering on the edge of a war with my dad for fuck’s sake, and I slept with him. Rick holds up his hand. “Let me get dressed, and I’ll meet you down in my o ce.” “Sure thing, bro, see you in a minute.”

Rick slams the door shut, making me jump. His eyes are dark with rage as he turns to face me. It scares me a little. “What is going on?” I ask. He shakes his head, muscles tense. Perhaps the encounter with his brother has woken him up too. We shouldn’t have done what we did last night, no matter how much my chest aches at the thought of not repeating it. I watch as he walks toward a door to the right, disappearing through it. He hasn’t even answered my question, which makes me nervous. The thought of having to pick between my father and him makes me sick. Dad has always been so caring. Sure, he’s often distracted, but he still gave me whatever I wanted when I was growing up. Maybe he was a little too lenient with me. I’ve been told on numerous occasions that I’m a spoiled brat. I hold a hand to my head and sigh heavily, wondering what the fuck I’ve done. He told me he’s never letting me go, and I can’t understand why the prospect excites me. My dad will be so worried. I feel guilty that I’m here, feeling safe with the man of my dreams. Somehow, I need to get a message to him and tell him I’m okay. He’ll be going out of his mind if last time is anything to go by. I scan the room and my heartbeat stills as I notice the home phone, sitting on a desk in the corner. It’s my perfect chance. I can call my dad and tell him I’m fine. I’ll let him know Rick is treating me well—although, he need not know how well. I jump up from the bed, looking for my dress and remembering that Rick tore it in two the night before. It lies in tatters on the floor by the side of the bed. Instead, I grab the shirt he had on yesterday and pull it around myself. The scent of him is intoxicating, and my stomach clenches as it hits me.

I tiptoe over to the phone, as if someone will hear me moving in this damn mansion. The prospect of getting caught by Rick both scares and excites me. I wonder if he’d spank me over his knee again. I shake my head, grabbing the phone, and sitting down in the desk chair. My heart is hammering as I type my dad’s mobile number into the handset. The dial tone rings, and I hold my breath, waiting for his voice to sound on the other end. “Nick Juliano, who is it?” He says down the speaker, and I feel tears prickle at my eyes. “Dad?” My voice breaks as I speak. “Oh my God, Alicia, sweetheart, are you okay? Where are you?” His voice is frantic and panicked. I feel a few of the tears prickling at my eyes trickle down my face. “I’m fine, in fact, they are treating me well compared to when Justin took—” “Enough about that, where are you? I need to come and get you,” he interrupts. I swallow hard at the thought of leaving Rick, a man I felt something for in such a short space of time. Perhaps it’s just because he is my first, or maybe there’s something more between us. I hope it’s the latter. “You can’t come and get me, Dad. They need you to cooperate with them, and then they’ll let me go,” I lie, remembering Rick’s insistance that he never intends to let me go. I hope he meant it. A crash filters down the receiver from the other side. “God damn it, I don’t know what the fuck they think I’ve done, but it’s not true. Someone has set this fucking thing up.” “Who?” I ask. My dad sighs. “I’ve got no idea, but something is at play here, Alicia.” There’s a long pause. “I can’t give in to their

demands and stop doing something I’m not even doing, can I?” I shake my head, despite knowing he can’t see me. “Maybe I can speak with Rick and explain—” “Don’t even consider it. I don’t want you getting involved. If they are treating you well, it’s a blessing. There’s no way I want that changing, princess.” “It’s the only option, Dad.” “No, I won’t have you getting hurt because of this.” His voice turns tight and full of emotion, making the tears stream down my face freely. “Dad, I promise I’m okay, and I will sort this out.” The thump of heavy footsteps coming toward the room makes me jump out of the seat. “I’ve got to go, someone is coming. I love you.” “I love—” I cancel the call and set the phone down, dashing for the bed as fast as I can. The door swings open, and Rick is standing there, breathing heavily. His muscled body coiled with tension that makes me shake. He looks angry, furious. “Who the fuck did you call?” he growls, stalking over to me. His eyes are frantic, making me scared for the first time since he captured me. He knows who I called, and I’m in for a punishment. A real one this time.




eo is sitting in the chair opposite my desk with his feet up. The sight pisses me o , but it’s not the only thing that has got under my skin this morning. Alicia Juliano is a problem. My lack of self-control around her will be an issue going forward, but I still can’t bring myself to do what is right for my family. It infuriates me. There’s never been a time where I couldn’t execute the task at hand for the good of my family. “Good morning,” Leo says, chirpily. He has been annoyingly happy ever since he was reunited with Ellie. I’m not sure what is going on with us Romano men lately, but it seems I’ve fallen into the trap. Alicia Juliano has me by the fucking balls. “Morning,” I grunt, walking around my desk and sitting in my o ce chair. “What has he come back with?” Leo pulls his phone out and taps on it, setting the phone on my desk. “He has got Austin.” My brow furrows as I look at the video. Nick Juliano is standing over him, and he’s tied to a chair looking beaten and broken. It makes no sense why they’d snatch Austin—he isn’t family. Sure, he’s one of us, but we wouldn’t give into him for that.

“Did he acknowledge our accusation?” “Yeah, he sent a message saying he doesn’t know what the fuck we’re talking about.” He shakes his head. “He says he hasn’t sold any guns in our territory.” I steeple my fingers on the desk. “I can only see this going one damn direction.” Leo nods. “War.” I hate it, but it’s true. Nick Juliano isn’t playing along as we expected. Not to mention, I’m never giving his daughter back to him, and breaking that news to him will be a huge problem. Alicia is mine now. My queen. “Yeah, but we’ve got to reach out once more. Maybe we can arrange a meeting?” Leo narrows his eyes. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. You’ve taken his daughter, and he will do anything to get her back.” Leo is right. The biggest problem is that I can’t contemplate ever giving her back. Although, that’s not something I need to reveal to my brother yet. He can be a real ass, and I don’t enjoy fighting with him. “Yes, but if he is telling the truth, and he hasn’t been selling guns into our territory, it would mean that—” “Austin is the snake I always thought he was,” Kane interrupts from the doorway, dark circles under his eyes. He steps into the room and slams the kitchen door shut, locking it. “Helen let you out of the hospital wing?” I ask, standing and walking over to him. He nods. “Yeah, did you listen to what I said.” Leo sighs. “Man, you really need to get over this thing with Austin. He’s been fucking kidnapped by Juliano.” Leo holds the phone in the air, showing him the picture. Kane marches over to him and snatches the phone from his hand. “Bullshit. It’s staged.” He sits down at the table.

“Austin came to Rick and told him about Juliano’s play for our territory on the same day he told you where to find Ellie.” He shakes his head. “It’s clear to me he set the whole thing up, hoping he’d weaken the Romano family by sending us into an ambush.” “Are you serious?” Leo asks. It makes some sense, and for a little while now, I’ve been wondering what the fuck is going on. Things haven’t been adding up, and everything points to Austin. “He might have a point.” “It was pure dumb fucking luck that we escaped with our lives. If it hadn’t been for my text to Alicia, we’d both be six feet under,” Kane adds. Leo falls silent, which is rare for him. Austin disappeared o the radar within hours of telling me the truth. No one has got a hold of him, and this picture may just be another way of him covering his tracks. “Do you think he’s working with Juliano?” Kane shrugs his shoulders, wincing almost instantly. “Who the fuck knows? All I know is he isn’t on our side and hasn’t been for a while.” I nod, contemplating the e ect this will have on our entire operation. “The question is, was he working alone, or do we have more snakes to worry about in our ranks?” I ask. A deafening silence falls between us as we all contemplate that terrible possibility. The only way to flush out a mole is to lie to all our men. It’s a fucking tiresome and time consuming e ort. “Isn’t it likely that if Austin has fled, anyone working with him would have too?” Leo suggests. A knock at the door interrupts us, and Dan enters the room. “What the fuck is it?” I growl.

“Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt, but someone is using the phone in your room to make a call to a number in Texas.” “Shit.” I slam my fist down on the table, making even Kane flinch. “Leave it with me.” Kane stands in my way as I walk toward the kitchen door. “Who the fuck is in your room, Rick?” I shake my head. “There’s no time to explain right now.” I barge my brother out of the way, rushing out of the kitchen and toward the staircase. This is proof of how out of touch I’ve become since I met Alicia. Why the fuck didn’t I think about the phone? It’s clear I’ve been too wrapped up in Alicia to think with anything but my damn cock. A rage floods me. Mainly that she would even think about calling home, after what we shared last night. It hurts more than I can explain. It feels like a betrayal. My brothers will question why the fuck she was in my room, and I’ve got no answer to give them other than the truth. I march toward my bedroom, muscles coiled with tension. If she’s called her dad, she could screw the entire plan up. Who am I kidding? I fucked the entire plan up the moment I let her into my bed. My heart pounds in my chest as I grab the doorknob and fling it open, glaring straight at her. She leaps onto the bed in an attempt to make me believe she hasn’t moved since I left her. “Who the fuck did you call?” I ask, stalking over to her. She swallows hard and backs away, shifting against the headboard. “I-I don’t know—” “Don’t lie to me, Alicia,” I growl. Her eyes fill with a terror I’ve never seen in them before. It snaps me out of my rage-filled daze. Guilt flooding me

that I could scare her that much. I grit my teeth together and force myself to speak softly. “I know you called a Texas number. Did you call your dad?” There are a few beats of silence, and then she nods. “Yes, because he’s my dad, and I wanted to let him know I’m safe.” She shakes her head. “I don’t like that he is worried about me.” It’s as if I can’t stay mad at her. I can see her point of view, as she cares for her father. I get that more than she can know, but I see nothing from anyone else’s point of view normally. “The whole point is to make him think you are not fucking safe, so he stops selling into our territory.” She shakes her head, clearing her throat. “He mentioned that he has been set up, and he hasn’t done what you say he has.” I stare at her silently, hearing that Juliano is adamant he hasn’t done what has been alleged to her. Could Kane be right? Austin’s actions are becoming more and more questionable. If Juliano never overstepped our territory, then we’ve made a move against him without cause. I walk to the side of the bed and sit on the edge, holding my head in my hands. I’m so stressed, I barely notice Alicia move toward me. She places her soft hands on my shoulders and begins to knead the tension. “Are you okay?” she whispers. “Fine,” I grunt, even though it’s a fucking lie. She keeps trying to knead the knots in my shoulders. It feels good to have someone pay attention to me for once. I could get used to her being here for me all the time. It’s dangerous, but the honest truth. I meant it when I said I never want to let her go. “You’re in serious need of a professional massage,” she says.

“What you’re doing feels good enough to me,” I reply, sitting up straighter. “I’m not strong enough to knead all those knots out of your muscles.” She pauses for a moment, still kneading. “I think you need a man to get them out for you.” I shake my head. “No fucking chance.” She giggles a gorgeous laugh as I grab her hand, pulling her toward me. Within moments, I’m above her, pinning her down with my weight to the bed. “I think it’s time for your punishment, princess.” I watch as her lips part. “You used my phone without my permission, what should I do with you?” There’s electricity pulsing in the air between us, and my cock is hard against her abdomen. I know this isn’t the time for me to be fucking her, but Leo interrupted us earlier. My need for her out rules anything else. She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip. “I think you should spank me,” she moans. I groan at the thought and the way she says it. “That’s exactly what I need to do.” My eyes narrow. “I think I need to turn it up a notch, though.” Her bottom lip quivers. “What are you suggesting?” I say nothing and push o of her, walking toward my closet. The prospect of spanking her with my leather and faux fur paddle excites me. She enjoyed me spanking her the first day she was here and even more so last night. I find it and twirl it in my hands, hoping I’m not pushing this too quickly. I want to make her feel good, and in my experience, the pain only heightens pleasure. I walk back, holding the paddle. Alicia’s eyes widen, and she tenses, backing against the headboard. It may look intimidating, but it won’t hurt much more than my hand. I have no intention of ever hurting her.

“What do you think you are going to do with that?” She crosses her arms over her chest, and just like that, the brat who arrived here reappears in front of me. A brat that needs teaching a lesson. “I will teach you a real lesson.” She shakes her head. “No way, that will hurt like hell.” I stop and place it on the bedside table. “Do you trust me?” She stares at me for a long moment of silence uncertain about her answer. I can’t understand why it bothers me that her answer isn’t immediately yes. Even though she barely knows me, she must have trusted me last night to take her virginity. Finally, she breaks the silence, “Yes, I do, but I’ve got no idea why.” I smile at her, knowing exactly what she means. None of this makes any sense, but we both can’t seem to deny the attraction between us. It’s more than an attraction. It is a deep connection that makes me crazy if I even think about not seeing her again.There is no chance I can ever consider letting her go. She is mine.




ick grabs hold of my hips and forces me to my knees on the bed. His rough hands kneading my butt cheeks as he teases the paddle over my skin. I bite my lip, waiting for the pain with a mix of fear and desire ruling me. He brings the paddle back and spanks my ass with it. It shocks me how good it feels. It’s not as painful as I expected. “Do you like that, princess?” he asks. His voice is gru and laced with desire. I nod my head, biting my lip. It’s crazy what kind of shit turns me on, but being at the mercy of this man gets me going like nothing ever has. “I want to hear you say it,” he growls, spanking me again on the other cheek. “Yes, I like it,” I say, bucking my hips backward. He kneads my cheek with his other hand. All I can think about is feeling him inside of me. The man who took my innocence, and who I can’t imagine ever being parted from. When my father said he’d come and get me, all I felt was panic. The prospect of being taken away from him makes me crazy. He’s the one that stole me away from my home, but now, anywhere Rick is has become my home.

Rick brings the paddle down against my right cheek, making me moan. I can feel the wetness pooling between my thighs, dripping down my skin. He does the same repeatedly until my ass is stinging, and my body is coiled with pleasure and pain. All he has done is spank me, and I’m a dripping mess. A molten puddle in the middle of his bed, panting and moaning. “Fuck me, Rick,” I cry, barely recognizing my voice. This man has turned me into someone I can’t identify with anymore. He has changed me in a few days. It feels like I’ve woken up to what I’ve been missing in my life. His fingers tease through my wet folds, making me arch my back to sink them inside of me. The burning ache deep within so desperate to be fulfilled. “Please, Rick.” He growls behind me and spanks my ass. “Call me, sir, when you beg me.” My thighs quiver, and my arms feel weak as I try to hold myself up. “Please, sir.” His fingertips sink into my hips, and he leans over my back to whisper into my ear, “Good girl.” He kisses the back of my neck, sending a shiver right down the center of my spine. “I will fuck you so hard you won’t remember your own name.” The promise caresses my skin and ignites a fire burning deep in my stomach. I want this. I want Rick to take me hard and rough without mercy, giving me what I crave. His dominance and the way he disciplines me speaks to a part of me embedded in my soul. I feel the swollen head of his cock nudge against my entrance, filling me with anticipation that makes me tremble. He kneads my ass cheeks with his hands, pulling them open and spreading me wide for him.

This is my punishment. A rough fuck that will make me scream the place down. Who knew punishment could feel so good? I groan as Rick holds still, teasing me with the tip of his cock so it is barely pushing through my wet lips. “Please, sir, give it to me.” He groans behind me and slaps my ass with his hand. “You are so, fucking filthy, begging me for my cock like a good little girl.” I moan at the way he talks to me. He barely lets me catch my breath as he slams into me with one hard, forceful thrust. His cock buried as far as it can go. He holds still, throbbing inside of me as his balls rest against my aching clit. “Fuck,” I breathe, loving the way it feels to be so full. He moves out slowly, letting me feel every thick, long inch of him, before slamming back inside of me hard. I cry out, arching my back toward him. The need to feel him taking me harder, faster, rougher drives me crazy. My hand slips to my clit, and I circle it. Rick slaps my ass and stills inside of me. “No touching yourself, I’m the only one that makes you orgasm, princess.” I whimper, removing my hand and slowly placing it back on the bed. Rick is so dominant and controlling, and I love it. He grasps my hips hard, digging his fingers in so hard I’m sure he’ll leave red marks. I gasp as he pulls his huge, thick length from me. Before I can figure out what’s happening, I’m on my back. Rick’s heavyweight pins me to the bed, his length pressed against my entrance. “Do you understand me? I’m in control of your orgasms from now on.” I nod my head, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. “Let me hear you say it,” he snarls. I swallow hard. “You’re in control of my orgasms.”

He bites my bottom lip and sucks on it, making the heat pulse through my veins. His hand quickly finds the sensitive spot between my thighs, rubbing in a way that builds and stokes the fire inside of me. “Rick,” I moan his name, drawing his fiery eyes back to mine. His lips crash into mine hard as he moves in and out of me more slowly. Each stroke filled with such passion it makes my heartache. A meeting of two souls connecting as we fuck so tenderly, I’d almost call it making love if I hadn’t only known this man for six days. His tongue searches my mouth with deliberate, slow strokes. He turns me to a molten puddle beneath him, sending a hot inferno blazing through me. Each stroke edges me closer and closer to the cli edge. I clamp my eyes shut, unable to process all the sensations and emotions flooding my body. “Eyes open, princess, I want to look into them when I make you come.” I moan, forcing my eyelids to flicker open against their will. The intensity between us makes me ache and shiver. It’s so intimate. He kisses me again, slow and soft, and I ache for release. This moment di ers from the night before. He’s treating me gently, but dominating me all at the same time. Bringing me to the edge only to back o at the last minute. “Please, Rick,” I moan. He dips his tongue into my mouth and tangles it with my own, increasing the intensity between us. I hum into his mouth, losing my mind with the way he makes me feel. The rush he ignites inside of me is insane, and I never want it to stop.

“Naughty girls don’t get to come,” he utters, teasing his lips against my throat. I groan as he fucks me slowly still. Moving his mouth to my collarbone and biting down on it hard enough to make me cry out. It increases the pleasure building deep inside of me, lingering on the edge of the explosion. He slides his arms around my waist and lifts me up, still inside of me. He shifts to sit on the bed with his legs outstretched, forcing me to sit in his lap. The position drives him deeper than I believed possible, as he kisses me frantically. It is so intimate and soft, the opposite of the way he has treated me up to now. It’s crazy how good he can make me feel no matter the way he treats me. He can be so dominant one minute and then so tender the next. “Rick,” I moan his name, letting my head fall back as I rise and fall in his lap. He presses a kiss against my throat, nipping at my pulse. It speeds up beneath his lips. “You are my queen,” he groans. I meet his gaze, and his dark brown eyes appear lighter, flecked with a deep amber that makes them almost glow in the dim light. “My king,” I breathe, pressing my lips to his and kiss him with all the emotion I feel at that moment. I could almost cry from the mix of emotions flooding me. My orgasm is building so gradually, closing in closer to me with each slow stroke. “Fuck,” I say, feeling myself unravel. “That’s it, baby, come on my cock,” he groans. His permission only intensifies the pleasure, as my muscles flutter around his shaft. “Rick, oh God,” I moan, keeping my arms around his neck. He sucks on my nipples, intensifying the explosive climax rocking through me. The tension coils through my muscles

as I explode, leaking all over him. He groans, “That’s it, baby.” He slaps my ass gently, making me moan again. His cock thickens and hardens inside of me, and he growls. I feel him explode deep inside of me, spilling every drop as deep as he can go. My lips remain sealed to his tightly as he keeps thrusting in and out of me, ensuring a part of him is embedded deeply. I hadn’t even thought about the possibility of getting pregnant until this moment. I wonder whether Rick has considered it. Not once has he suggested using protection. The desperate need for this man out ruling my senses. Every time he kisses me, I forget about anything else. He shifts and lifts me o his lap as if I weigh nothing, lying down with me tucked into his side. The air fills with our ragged breath, and his heart races beneath my head. I’m unsure what to say. Instead, I keep quiet out of fear of tainting such a tender moment between us. Enjoying being held by this man. A man who I shouldn’t be falling for, but can’t seem to stop myself.




t’s been four weeks since we snatched Alicia and just over three weeks since I claimed her as my own. Nick Juliano finally broke his silence on the fact we’ve got his daughter, and stopped trying to blackmail us back with images of Austin. He has requested a meeting tomorrow to form a truce between our families. He has been dealing directly with Leo, as we’re unsure who we can trust in our own crime operation anymore. We are taking a jet down to neutral turf in California. It’s under the control of a di erent mob group, one which has accepted that we intend to meet peacefully there. Every mob wants to avoid war, as once one breaks out, it pulls all of them into it, forcing them to choose sides. My brothers think I’ve lost my mind, seducing the woman I kidnapped. I didn’t plan for this. Alicia was brought into my o ce, and I knew I was screwed. There is no doubt in my mind she’s my soul mate, even though if you’d asked me a month ago if I believed in soul mates, I would have said no. I haven’t been this happy for as long as I can remember. Alicia completes me, and I can’t even contemplate letting her go. The woman who completes my life and makes it all worth it.

My brothers are everything to me, but it’s not the same as the love for a woman. She is everything I’ve been missing in my life. Kane walks into my o ce without knocking. “It is time to go, Rick.” He shouldn’t be going anywhere, but I’m not stupid enough to try and persuade him to sit this one out. When Kane wants to do something, he will do it. “Are you sure you should come?” I nod my head toward his arm still in a sling. The glare he gives me could make most men shit themselves. “I’m going. End of story.” Leo laughs, walking passed him and toward me. “I thought you were supposed to be the boss, Riccardo.” I am the boss of this mob, but it has always been an odd setup. My bigger brother being second in command to me, didn’t make much sense, but he never wanted this job. He never wanted this life. “I am.” I give my younger brother a warning glance, especially since he’s using my full name, which I hate. “Let’s get on with it. Where is Alicia?” “Here,” her voice is quiet but confident behind my brothers. We all turn to look at her. She’s wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a tight t-shirt that hugs her curves perfectly. My heart rate speeds up the instant I set eyes on her. “Let’s get the fuck on the road,” Leo says, walking passed her and giving her a friendly tap on the shoulder. I can’t understand why when anyone touches her, even my brother, it sets my nerves on fire. Kane turns to glance at me and gives me a stern look. He doesn’t even have to say a word. I know he’s telling me this is a bad idea. Alicia and I together is a bad fucking idea, and I know it. We could start a war over this.

He walks out of the room, leaving me alone with the woman who has taken my heart captive. I give her a half-smile, despite my stomach twisting with nerves. What we’re about to do is dangerous, not only for my family but for her. The thought of taking her anywhere she could be harmed makes me sick to the stomach. “You’re worried, aren’t you?” she asks, tilting her head to the side. I nod my head, holding out my hand for her to take. She walks toward me and takes it, sighing as I pull her into my embrace. Her vanilla, feminine scent washes over me as I hold her close, wishing we didn’t have to go through with this. “This will get dangerous,” I say, pulling her from my chest and gazing into her stunning blue eyes. Her black hair is curling in wild, untamed waves around her face. “I know.” There’s no fear in her eyes as she stares back at me. “I have to be there, though.” Even though the protective part of me longs to tell her she can’t, I know she’s right. If we turn up at this meeting without her, Nick Juliano won’t be happy. He expects her to be there. “I know,” I mutter, brushing a dark strand of hair away from her eyes. “I just don’t enjoy putting you in danger.” She sets her hands on her hips. “I can take care of myself. I’ve been brought up in this world like you.” I chuckle at her feisty attitude. It’s one reason I love her so much. The thought crosses my mind, and I tense. It’s true. Alicia is the love of my life. A woman I’d do anything for and protect with my life if it came to it. I’d always protect my brothers with my life. We’re fiercely protective of each other and close, but this is on another level. With Alicia, the thought of losing her tears me apart. I wouldn’t be able to carry on without her.

I pull her close and kiss her slowly. This may be the last time we’re here together. If everything goes wrong, she could be taken from me by Nick, or worse… As we part, she gazes up at me with dazed eyes. “What was that for?” “I needed to kiss you.” I shrug. “We best leave now before I change my mind and lock you in my room.” Her eyes flash with fire. “I’d like to see you try.” She turns and dashes out of my o ce, goading me to chase her. It is insane that I even consider running after her here, but I can’t. I’d love to act like a child and have a bit of fun, but I’m expected to remain calm and collected at all times. Our men are crawling the halls of our mansion, and I can’t let anyone think I’ve gone soft over a woman. Instead, I check myself in the mirror on the wall. My eyes fall on my scotch bottle and crystal tumbler. In this situation, before I met her, I’d pour myself a glass and down it. Ever since I met Alicia, I’ve hardly touched a drink. She’s my new drug. Once satisfied, I leave the room and walk calmly toward the exit. Alicia is already standing by our SUV. She meets my gaze and smirks at me as if she’s won the race. I will give her a real race, and we’ll see who wins. It will be me, and she will be on her hands and knees quicker than she can catch her breath. I walk toward her calmly and grab her wrist. “No running from me in the future,” I mutter into her ear in a warning. She pulls back and gives me a defiant look, one that makes me want to spank her until she has learnt her lesson. “I was having fun.” She flicks her hair and moves to get into the car, but I stop her. “This is no time for playing about.” I glare into her beautiful blue eyes, trying to instill some kind of fear in her. Instead, she glares back at me. It’s clear her father never

disciplined her, and that’s why she acts so defiant. “We’re heading into danger, and I need you to understand that while we are away, you have to obey me.” She sets her hands on her hips. “I may like you being all dominant in bed,” she mutters, eyeing a man standing close by. “But, not in day-to-day life. I’m not some slave who can be told what to do.” With that, she gets into the car and slams the door in my face. Fuck. I can’t understand why her defiance fuels my lust for her. The beautiful, bratty young woman gets my pulse racing like no other woman ever has. Perhaps she calls to my desire to punish and discipline, or maybe she’s just special. I’ve got a feeling it’s probably a bit of both. Adjusting my tie, I step around the other side and slide in next to her. She doesn’t look at me as I do, staring out of the window like a child having a strop. She gasps as I grab her and lift her toward me, forcing her into the seat next to me. Her big blue eyes staring up at me with a mix of irritation and desire. “What do you think you—” I press my lips to hers, silencing her question before she gets it out. I’m doing what the fuck I want because she’s mine, even if she doesn’t realize it yet. Sure, I don’t want a slave who does everything I say, but this is di erent. We will both be in danger, and I need to know that she will do as I say if there is a threat. I nip her lip, hard enough to draw blood. She moans and then pulls away, pressing her hand to her lip. “Why the fuck did you bite me that hard?” I set my hand around her throat, squeezing gently. “Listen to me.” Her eyes widen at my tone before bowing her head slightly.

“I don’t want you to be a slave who I tell what to do in day-to-day life, but this isn’t a standard situation. We will be in serious fucking danger, and I will need you to obey me if there is a threat.” I hold her gaze, keeping my voice stern. “I can’t have you acting like a brat because you don’t enjoy being told what to do. Do you understand?” A few beats of silence follow before she nods her head. “Say it out loud.” She licks her bottom lip, smearing the blood over it. “I understand.” I let my hand rest around her throat a moment, before letting her go. “Good.” I can’t help but feel guilty at the way she looks at me. It’s the first time I’ve been so hard on her, but the thought of anything happening to her drives me insane. “I couldn’t stand it if you were to get hurt, Alicia,” I breathe. Her brilliant blue eyes soften. “Nothing will happen to me. My father would never hurt me.” I hope that’s true, but if things go south, she could easily get caught in the crossfire. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. “I’m protective of you.” My lips meet hers in a tender kiss. Luckily, the blacked-out windows make it impossible for my men to see what we are doing. They would think I’ve lost my damn mind, as we’ve kept the truth of our relationship only between me, Kane and Leo. Alicia wraps her arms around my neck, relaxing in my grasp. She tries to shift closer to me, moaning as my tongue glides around her mouth. The click of the driver’s door opening breaks me from my lust-filled daze, and I pull away from her. “Sorry,” I mutter, squeezing her hand. She pulls away from me, shifting back into her seat and putting her seat belt on. “Sir, would you like me to put the privacy screen up today?” Dan asks, turning over the engine.

I glare at him for a beat, wondering if he saw us. “No.” Alicia looks disappointed at my answer, turning to gaze out of the window. We won’t be in the car long. We’re on our way to the airport to take our private jet down to California. I’m sure we can both keep our hands to ourselves for half an hour. Well, pretty sure…




here’s one thing I hate in life, and that is heights. Flying isn’t exactly my favorite pastime. As the SUV pulls onto the runway next to the jet, terror coils through me. It’s smaller than a commercial plane, and somehow that makes it worse. Rick grabs my hand and squeezes it. “Are you okay?” I swallow hard. “I’m a nervous flyer.” I shake my head. “My dad loves flying, though. He flies everywhere.” “Look at me.” I glance at him, staring into those gorgeous chestnut eyes of his. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” Somehow, his presence makes this better. Before I fly, I have to take anxiety meds. Rick’s man opens the door for me and holds it open. I step out of the vehicle and wrap my arms around myself. My stomach is a mess as I stare at the jet. Rick’s hand slips onto the small of my back, guiding me to it. The masculine, pine scent of him eases my anxiety. We take our seats near the back of the plane, and Rick keeps his hand on my thigh. “We’ll be there before you know it.” He winks. “Have you flown much before?” I shake my head. “Too many times.”

He smiles. “You should get used to it the more you do it.” “I’m not sure that’s true.” I grab my belt and fasten it across my waist tightly. He sighs, unzipping a case and pulling out a laptop. “Try to sit back and relax. It’s a six-hour flight.” I let out a deep breath and shut my eyes, letting my headrest back. The engines fire up a moment later, and my muscles tense. It’s always the take-o that is the worst, and I’m not sure why Rick is using his computer. They always tell you to stow them away on commercial flights. Not to mention, we haven’t even had a safety briefing. “Aren’t you going to turn that o ?” I ask. He chuckles and glances at me. “Why would I do that on my plane?” I stare at him with wide eyes. “Because the signals will mess with the plane, and we might crash.” He sets a hand on my thigh and squeezes gently. “That’s a load of bullshit. I always have it on when we take o , and I haven’t crashed, have I?” I swallow hard, clamping my eyes shut. I can’t believe Rick isn’t turning it o . The plane moves beneath us, making my heart pound in my ears. The tap of Rick’s fingers flying over the keyboard next to me only makes me panic more. The engine kicks into high gear, and we are propelled down the runway. I keep my eyes clamped shut and hold tightly to the armrests either side of me. The terrible sensation as we lift from the ground makes my stomach twist with nausea. As the plane steadies in the sky, so does my stomach, but I keep my eyes shut. Before I know it, I’ve drifted o to sleep.

A JOLT in the air wakes me, startling me upright. Rick sets a hand on my thigh. “It’s only a little turbulence.” He smiles at me before focusing back on his laptop. I swallow hard and stretch out my neck, which hurts like hell. “How long was I asleep?” I ask, glancing at him. He looks so calm, as we fly toward our reckoning. My father won’t like it when I tell him I’ve got no intention of leaving Rick. He will be furious, as he has always been so protective over me, particularly with boys. Rick is anything but a boy, which will make it even worse. “We’ve been in the air almost five hours,” he says, not looking at me. My eyes widen. How did I sleep that long? I notice his brothers keep glancing behind at us, talking in hushed tones. All I want to do is get this over with. I stand from my chair, and Rick grabs my wrist. “Where are you going?” I yank my wrist free, glaring at him. “I don’t need permission to use the fucking bathroom now, do I?” His eyes soften at my tone, and he shakes his head, swallowing. The man can be too possessive. He may like to be dominant in the bedroom, but I won’t take that shit anywhere else. It turns me on when we have sex, but I’m not being treated like some slave the rest of the time. I let myself into the bathroom, which is ridiculously lavish for an airplane. I walk toward the sink and lean over it, running the tap. The knots in my shoulders is painful as I splash water onto my face. The last thing I need to do right now is panic. My father will be pissed, and I feel like I’m betraying him. It’s got nothing to do with allegiance, as I still love my father. I want them to put this behind them and get over it, as Rick is the man for me. There’s no doubt in my mind that

I can’t live without him. The click of the lock on the bathroom door coming free startles me. Rick stands in the doorway, blocking it entirely with his vast size. “What’s taking so long?” I set my hands on my hips. “I’m taking a moment to myself. What is your problem today?” His eyes flash, and he steps into the bathroom without a word, shutting the door behind him. He spins around and narrows his eyes at me. “My problem is that we’re flying straight into fucking danger. My brothers and you, the only people I give a damn about in this world.” He grabs hold of my hips, pulling me toward him. I gasp as his lips descend on mine hard and rough, claiming my lips with a vengeance. When he finally breaks free, we’re both panting. He presses his forehead to mine. “I can’t lose you, Alicia,” he mutters. I grab his large, rough hand in mine and squeeze. “You won’t, I promise.” I pull away to gaze into his beautiful, dark eyes. “We will be okay.” For the first time since I met him, Rick looks vulnerable. I can see it in his face. The dominant don is human. “How do you know?” he asks. I give him a weak smile. “I don’t, but you’ve got to believe everything will be okay. You will go mad thinking about any other outcome.” He squeezes my hand back and pulls me close, lacing his fingers through my hair. He forces my mouth to his and kisses me softly. It’s the most tender he’s ever been with me, and it makes my chest ache. When he breaks away, his eyes are full of such raw emotion. “I love you, princess,” he utters. Three words I never expected to hear from the brutal, hard mob boss who loves to dominate.

I swallow hard, staring into those eyes that have become so familiar so quickly. “I love you, too.” He nods toward the bathroom door and holds out his hand. “Come on, if we stay in here much longer, people will think we’re up to something.” He raises an eyebrow. I shrug. “Maybe we are?” I lift the bottom of my top up and tear it o , flinging it onto the counter. “Might as well pass the time.” He growls and rushes toward me, kissing me hard and passionately. The beast is unleashed the moment he sees me half-naked. It makes me feel powerful. The way a man as mighty as Rick can be driven to act wild and untamed with nothing more than a flash of my flesh. When he parts from me, he groans. “I wish you were right, but we’re only half an hour from our destination, and I’ve got a feeling we’re supposed to be in our seats.” I run a hand across my chest, drawing his eyes to my breasts. “Since when does Rick Romano play by the rules?” The way his eyes darken tell me I’ve won. He won’t walk away from me now. “You’re asking for it hard and fast,” he growls, voice low in warning. “Exactly how I like it.” In a flash, he has me pinned against the wall of the large bathroom. The zip of his pants echoes, and my thighs quiver in anticipation. I unzip my jeans, and he shoves them down, groaning when he sees I’m not wearing any panties. “You planned for this,” he utters, teasing my lips open with his swollen head. Without warning, he slides inside of me. My body is already ready to accept his huge size, always wet whenever he’s near. I moan louder than I should. Rick slides his hand over my mouth, stifling any sound. “No moaning, princess. We need to be quiet,” he says.

I want to complain, pointing out that his brothers already know we’re together. His hand covering my mouth makes it impossible. The thick length of him hardens and pulses deep within me, filling me with such pleasure and desire I could almost cry. The longing to feel him fucking me almost hurts, as he holds still. I try to move my hips back and forth on him in an attempt to drive him in and out of me. Instead, he spanks my ass. I could come just from that alone. My body is like a coiled spring, ready to unravel for the man I love. A jolt in the air has us both falling backward. My heart pounds so hard out of my chest, as Rick’s hands remain firmly on my hips. He steadies both us, planting his hard-muscular legs firmly on the ground. He chuckles a deep, manly rumble. “I bet that wasn’t the turbulence you were after,” he whispers, pressing his lips to my ear lobe gently. I notice the mirror on the wall he had me pressed against. He’s watching me in it, eyes hot and fiery. “Please fuck me, sir,” I breathe. He grunts, digging his fingertips hard into my hips and fucks me. I bite my bottom lip, trying to stop myself from moaning at the achingly beautiful sensation of this man moving inside of me, making me his. Every time we make love, it gets more intense and desperate. Rick grunts as he drives into me so hard. It feels like he is trying to shatter me, and he will succeed at any moment. The closeness of my orgasm rushing ever nearer with each thrust. Every nerve ending in my body sizzles with electricity, as we chase the euphoria we’re both so addicted to. My head falls back against his chest as I come apart.

“Come all over my cock like a good girl,” he groans. “I want you to squeeze me so tight I have no choice but to shoot every drop of my seed deep inside of you.” I cry out, no longer trying to keep the noise down. “Fuck, I’m coming.” “You are mine,” he growls. The hard length of him thickens, pulsing inside of me as he comes to climax. His seed shooting deep inside of me as my veins burn with more need for him. It’s a thirst I can never quench, no matter how many times I have him.




’m on edge. We’ve made it to our safe house in California. Step one of this mission complete. Everything about this plan makes me uneasy, but getting to this house was the easy part. What comes tomorrow is when everything could implode. That is when it gets dangerous. Other than my two most trusted men, we’re alone. Backup is on the way by road, as we couldn’t all fly here. The Romano brothers are on a mission alone for a night. It rarely happens anymore. Since our father died, the three of us rarely find ourselves together at all. One of us is always called away on business. It’s been a hectic eight years since we buried our father. The sun is setting behind the house, painting the open plan living area in a warm, pink light through the floor to ceiling windows. Alicia is sitting on the terrace by the pool, staring out over the sea in the distance. Our Californian house is one of my favorites. One I rarely get to visit, and when I do, it is always for business. When I told her I loved her, I regretted it instantly. A bathroom on a jet isn’t exactly the time or place to blurt that out, but I couldn’t help it. The emotions overwhelmed me. In an ideal world, I would have told her in a more romantic

setting. When she said it back, my world became a little brighter. She takes my breath away. Her dark hair blows in the sea breeze around her sun-kissed skin, which is accentuated by the setting sun. I step out of the open bi-fold doors and approach her. She doesn’t hear me as I approach, as she is mesmerized by the stunning view of the ocean. I sit down behind her on the sun lounger with my legs either side of her. Alicia shivers as I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her against me. She doesn’t turn around, just settles against my chest as if she was made to fit. “Hi,” she says. “Hi,” I say, pressing my lips against the nape of her neck. She shivers slightly at my touch. “It’s so beautiful here.” She returns her gaze to the sea. I can’t bring myself to tear my eyes from the woman in front of me. “So beautiful,” I mutter. She leans back into me and shuts her eyes. “I wish we could stay here forever, just you and me.” I smile at that, tightening my grip on her waist. It would be much better than the reality. We have to live on the outskirts of Philly and danger follows us wherever we go. There’s no way out of this life, and it’s something she will have to get used to if she wants to be with me. “That would be a dream, but it would never happen.” She nods. “I know, but we can come here on vacation once everything is sorted, right?” “Are you planning vacations together already?” I tickle her, making her wriggle in my grip. Her movements make me even harder in my pants. “Who says I want to keep you around?” I tease. She tenses. “Well, since you said you love me, I assumed —”

“Right, break it up, you two, I’ve made lasagna, and it’s on the table,” Kane says. I glance at my oldest brother who is wearing an apron. He is our family’s only decent cook. Jasmine looks a little puzzled as she stares at my brutal-looking brother in an apron. “What’s so confusing?” I ask She shakes her head. “I never thought I’d see Kane Romano in an apron, cooking.” I chuckle. “Kane’s the only one out of the three of us who can cook anything decent. You’re in for a treat, as lasagna is one of his specialties.” She licks her lips and tries to stand. I hold her close, stopping her from getting away. “Did I say you could leave yet?” I ask. She glances back at me. “The food will get cold,” she whines. I smirk, kissing her lips softly and then releasing her. “Go on.” I nod my head toward the kitchen. As she gets up, I spank her ass softly, making her yelp in surprise. She narrows her eyes at me. “That was uncalled for.” I can’t help but smirk at her. “Was it? What are you going to do about it?” She stares at me for a moment more, before blowing out a breath and walking away. I watch the way her hips sway, feeling my pants become tighter. She has a way of getting me going by doing nothing. I jump to my feet and follow her. She’s already sat at the table, and Kane is passing out the dishes. The smell is divine. It always shocks me that Kane wanted to be an accountant. He would have made a great chef if we hadn’t been forced into this life by our father. Kane struggled the most with adapting to our crimeridden way of life. Even though, anyone from outside our family looking in would believe he was born for it.

We always have to be hardened on the outside, but Kane resisted it the most. It changed him more when he finally submitted to our father’s beatings. He used to be put through hell by the man who brought us up—or more like the monster. None of us really grieved his death, which may sound terrible. He’s the reason the Romano family is what it is today. The reason we have to be so brutal all the damn time. Keep up appearances or die, it is that simple. “Damn smells good big bro,” Leo says, jogging toward the table as if he’s starving. Kane narrows his eyes at him. “Make sure you let everyone else have some before you load the entire lasagna onto your plate.” Leo chuckles as he grabs a plate and then dives for the server before anyone else. “I wouldn’t do that. Got to make sure Alicia gets some.” He winks at her, making my blood boil. Leo has always been the joker, and it can get tiresome. God knows how Ellie puts up with him all the time, but she is in love with him. I’ve seen them together, and she makes him a better person. When she’s around, Leo calms down slightly. He had it the hardest out of the three of us. Our dad didn’t let Leo grow up before he thrust him into this life. His first kill was way too young at fourteen years old, and he was scarred by it. After the trouble Dad had with Kane, he decided it was best to take an earlier approach with Leo. “What are you waiting for?” Kane asks, breaking me from the daze I’d fallen into. He already has a plate full, as does Leo and Alicia. I take a seat next to Alicia and squeeze her thigh gently. I glance at Kane. “Have you asked Dan and John to join us?” Kane nods. “Yeah, but they preferred to eat out tonight and get some beers. I said it was cool.” He shrugs. “I think

they would prefer to let us eat as a family.” I shovel some lasagna onto my plate. “It doesn’t happen often, that’s for sure.” “Why not?” Alicia asks, bright blue eyes wide as she glances at me. “Ever since we took over the family business, life is too damn busy.” I shovel a piece of the delicious pasta into my mouth. Leo chimes in, “Yeah, one of us is always dealing with something and not around.” Alicia takes a mouse-sized bite of the lasagna and makes a humming noise, one that reminds me of how she sounded in the bathroom of that airplane. It stirs something primal within me. I grit my teeth, trying to resist this ridiculous pull I have to everything she does. She glances at Kane and then back at Leo, before returning her gaze to me. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but you are half-brothers, aren’t you?” Her eyes meet Kane’s. His jaw clenches before he nods his head. “Yeah, my mom died when I was one year old.” Her eyes widen. “I’m so sorry—” He holds a hand up. “Don’t be.” He shakes his head. “We only share our father.” Leo chimes in. “But, we are as close as any full blood siblings you’ll ever meet.” “Yeah, when you behave yourself.” Kane’s phone beeps, and he grabs it out of his pocket. “Man, you are totally whipped,” Leo says. Kane flips him the bird. It’s at that moment, Leo’s phone goes o . He answers the call, “Hey baby, sorry I’m having dinner, can I call you back?” he asks, silence follows, and Kane is smirking. “Okay, speak soon.” He cancels the call and puts his phone back in his pocket.

“Who is whipped now?” Kane asks. Leo throws him an irritated glance. “Whatever.” I can’t help but smile at the jests between my two brothers. It would be nice to do this more often, even if they are always taking the piss out of each other. Alicia is picking at her food. She’s been quiet ever since she asked Kane about being our half-brother. We never see him as anything but a full brother, even if we don’t share the same mother. Our mom wasn’t exactly kind to Kane when she was around, but we always were. I set my hand on the back of her neck and squeeze gently, drawing her attention to me. “Aren’t you hungry?” She bites her bottom lip, shaking her head. “I’m so nervous about tomorrow.” Leo quips in, “What have you got to be nervous about?” She glances at him and then back at me. “My father will not be happy when he finds out I want to be with Rick.” Her cheeks flush, and she looks down at her plate. “I still can’t believe a woman tamed the beast that is our brother,” Leo says, shaking his head. Alicia goes an even darker pink at that. Kane snorts. “I think it’s more unbelievable that any woman puts up with you.” I laugh in response. “That’s something I truly agree with, Kane.” Leo shrugs his shoulders. “Whatever, you two are just jealous that I have more humor in my little finger than both of you have combined.” Both Kane and I look at each other and then burst out laughing, which lightens Alicia’s mood. She giggles along with us, taking a sip of her wine. My heart swells in my chest. This is what life could be like every day. It’s nice to have all of us together as a family. Dare I dream that we could all have found this kind of happiness?

I had resigned myself to the fact I’d be alone for the rest of my life. Women were something I enjoyed now and then, but emotions never got involved. It was too dangerous to even consider an emotional entanglement. Until now, I’ve never wanted to get involved with a woman emotionally, not until I set eyes on her. Alicia is already part of this world. She has grown up with it like me. It still doesn’t help the guilt that danger will follow her now because of me. All I can do is protect her with everything I’ve got. I’ll protect her no matter the costs.




he SUV pulls to a stop a few meters away from the meeting point. A rundown and out of use dockyard. The kind of place where anything could go wrong. “Sir, we will go ahead and scope out the area,” Dan says. Rick gives him a nod, and he gets out of the vehicle, leaving us alone. I glance back to see the other SUV with Kane and Leo parked behind us. “Are you okay?” Rick asks. I glance at him and give him a weak smile, despite my stomach being in total knots. “I’m not sure.” His lips quirk into a beautiful smile. “On the plane, you were the one telling me everything will be okay.” I shake my head. “Yeah, but now we’re actually here and I…” He grabs my hand and squeezes. “What is it?” “It will be hard to explain what this is to my father…” I pause a moment, contemplating what to say. “He’s always been very protective of me with boys.” He chuckles. “Well, I’m not a boy, am I?” “No, definitely not.” I swallow hard. “I think that will make it worse.” I shut my eyes, resting my head on the headrest.

We sit in silence together. The tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. A gunshot rings out, and my heart leaps into my throat. Rick turns to ice and drops my hand, getting out of the vehicle. I watch as he walks to the driver’s side, gets in, and starts the SUV. “Something is wrong,” he mutters. Kane and Leo have left the vehicle behind, guns drawn. They amble toward our car, before opening the doors and getting inside. “What the fuck is going on?” Rick shakes his head. “Dan and John have gone on ahead to check everything out. Where are the crew on the road?” Kane checks his phone. “Last I heard they were about two hours away from here.” “Damn,” Rick says, shaking his head. “They were supposed to be here when we met Juliano.” Kane nods. “Yeah, they got held up.” My heart is in my throat as I wonder if my father is okay. Has he been stupid enough to attempt to take the Romano brothers out on neutral territory? Suddenly, Dan appears on the street with bloody hands, holding his side and rushing toward us. “Motherfuckers, we can’t let this go unanswered,” Rick growls, opening the door to the car and starting toward the building. I jump out and rush after him, grabbing his arm. “What are you going to do?” His eyes are filled with rage, as his two brothers also leave the vehicle with their guns drawn. I swallow hard, realizing what he means by not letting it go unanswered. If they were to flee this meeting, after their men had been attacked, they’d be seen as weak. I hate this world and the way it works. It is kill or be killed. “We’re going in. Stay here with Dan and John.”

I set my hands on my hips, glaring at him. “No fucking chance.” Rick’s eyes narrow, and he steps closer, looming over me. “Get in the car, Alicia.” I shake my head. “No.” His fists ball by his sides. “It’s too dangerous. Do you even know how to shoot a gun?” I grab the gun from his hand and aim toward a sign hanging one hundred feet away on a dilapidated building. “I’ll shoot the O,” I say. Rick follows my gaze, and I pull the trigger, landing the bullet right in the center. I may be a brat, but my father always forced me to go to target practice. He taught me to shoot when I was eleven years old. Leo whistles. “Damn, she’s a good fucking shot.” Kane clears his throat. “We could use the extra help.” Rick spins and glares at him. “What would you do if it was Jasmine?” he growls. “If Jasmine could shoot like that, I’d let her do what the fuck she wants.” Rick mutters something under his breath before nodding. “Fine. Let’s get these sons of bitches.” Leo chucks something at him, and he catches it. “Smoke bombs always work a charm.” It’s a mask. Leo passes me a mask. “Let’s see how good you shoot with zero visibility.” He then gives me a pistol. “Thanks,” I mutter. We all walk toward the building with our guns in our hands. “Dan, what happened?” Leo asks as he gets nearer to us. He shakes his head. “Whoever is in the shipyard wouldn’t show themselves. They shot both of us.” He winces, his hand is painted in blood.

Rick sets a hand on his shoulder. “The medical kit is in the glove compartment. I need you to patch each other up while we deal with these fuckers.” Dan gives him a nod, before staggering past us. John is still limping a little way o . They’re both lucky to be alive. My heart is pounding so hard it feels like I might throw up. The adrenaline pulsing through my veins is higher than anything I’ve ever experienced. I notice one of my father’s vehicles parked in a spot and grab Rick’s arm. “My dad is here.” I nod my head toward the car. “Maybe you should enter holding a gun to my throat. That might keep up the ruse and ensure no one shoots us?” Rick stares at me for a moment. “That is not a bad idea.” He grabs the gun from my hand and flips on the safety, tucking it into the back of my jeans. “Grab it if things go south and get the hell out, do you understand me?” he whispers into my ear. I nod my head. “Good girl, now keep close to me.” I let his warm hard body press against me as we walk into the vast old shipyard. The windows are boarded up, and it is so fucking dark. The dingy lighting illuminates the place and the glistening sea water in the bays where they would have built boats gleams. “Where ever the fuck you are, we’ve got Alicia Juliano. We will shoot her.” Someone laughs a menacing cackle, one that doesn’t belong to my father. “I don’t give a shit about that whore.” Rick sti ens and pushes me behind him. He blocks me with his body like a shield. Kane steps to the side of Rick. “I told you it was Austin behind all this.” Rick shoots him a glare. “What the fuck do you want, Austin?”

I wonder where the fuck this guy is. “I want your blood running from this building,” he replies. Rick gives Kane a nod, and he pulls the cord on the smoke bomb, throwing it into the old shipyard building. A shot goes o , and then coughing and spluttering as Rick, Leo, and Kane put their masks on. Rick grabs mine out of my hand and shoves it onto my face quickly. Thick white smoke disperses through the corridor, and I can barely see a thing. Rick’s hand laces with mine, and he moves forward, pressing further into the rundown old building. His touch grounds me and calms me. My mind is going wild over who this Austin is and where my father is. He’s definitely here, as his car is parked outside. A shot rings out, and my heart leaps into my throat. Rick pulls me closer to him as we walk deeper into the smokefilled building. I’ve never felt so on edge. Even when I was kidnapped once before, it was nothing compared to this. Rick’s presence calms my nerves as we walk deeper into the old dock warehouse. My mask is snuggly fitted to my face, making it possible to look through the smoke. “I’m not sure what good you think your smoke will do for you,” Austin shouts. Rick ignores him, walking forward and into the unknown. My dad’s car is outside, but there is no sign of him. Has this man hurt him? Whoever this guy is, he’s unhinged. Taking on the Romano family is a suicide mission. I always knew my dad wasn’t stupid enough to go against Rick and his family. It all makes sense now. This whole situation was manipulated by one man. I stumble over something discarded on the floor and almost go headfirst into the water beside me. The shipyard hasn’t been used for years, and there is debris everywhere.

Thankfully, Rick catches me before I can tumble into the water. “Careful, princess,” he mutters. There’s an edge to his voice. For the first time since we met, he isn’t in control. It scares me more than anything. I squeeze his hand tightly, trying to ground myself. Rick’s hand slips from mine, and he steadies his gun, squinting through the smoke. He pulls the trigger and shoots a guy in the heart, killing him dead with one shot. I gasp, unable to mask my shock. Rick’s eyes meet mine. There’s guilt burning deep in them. I wonder what he feels more guilty about, killing a man, or me witnessing it. My heart almost stops as I notice another guy pointing a gun right at me through the smoke. Both of us were distracted for a moment, and he is in close range. The man’s eyes widen as he sees me. I do the only thing I can do and drop to the floor. The bang of the gunshot is so loud it feels like my eardrums burst, as I hit the floor. That was too fucking close.




licia drops to the floor on instinct. The bullet flies over her head right where she was standing. Pride rises inside of me, watching her act o of instinct. I grab the bastard who shot at her by the collar, making him yelp like the coward he is. I’m about to punch him hard in the face when I recognize him. Only from photos, but he’s the man Leo has been trying to track since he got Ellie back. Bruce Hernandez, a lowlife drug dealer, and her ex-boyfriend. The same man that held her captive for two months straight. I knock him out cold, dragging his body to one side. Leo will want to get his hands on him, and I’m not letting him escape. If someone snatched Alicia from me and put her through hell, I’d damn well want to murder the man who did it slowly and painfully myself. I pull a cable tie out of my pocket and fasten it around his wrists. There’s no way I’m letting that asshole escape. Alicia is still on the floor, holding her hands over her head. Austin has picked a load of fucking idiots to support him in his attempt to overthrow us. The question is whether Alicia’s father is working with him or not. It will put me in an impossible situation if her dad is working against us. All I can hope is that’s not the case. I get

to my knees and crawl toward her. She flinches at my touch, before relaxing when she sees that it’s me. “Come on, we’ve got to keep moving,” I say. She nods, gripping the pistol in her hand so tight her knuckles are white. I didn’t want her to be in this kind of danger, but her damn stubborn attitude had her insisting. It makes the stakes even higher. Everyone I care about in this godforsaken world is in this shipyard. I go first, keeping her behind my back. I’m her only shield, and I will shield her from anything. There’s no doubt in my heart that I’d sacrifice my life for this woman. “Rick, let’s talk about this,” Austin shouts. He doesn’t get to call the shots, especially not after he told me he is here for my blood. The man is dead. There are no two ways about it. No one tries to take down the Romano family and survives. He knows that we’ve got him. A damn coward. Kane is the one to find him first, as I hear the shrill scream of Austin up ahead. “I’ve got him.” Alicia glances up at me through her protective mask. I give her waist a reassuring squeeze. We step toward my brother’s voice, nearly barging straight into Leo. “Careful,” he quips, letting me and Alicia walk passed him. I set eyes on Austin and my body tenses. “Why did you betray us?” I ask. He smirks at me. “You and your brothers are too damn weak.” He yelps as Kane punches him in the gut. “Who the fuck is weak now?” Kane growls. He straightens and glances at me. “Sure, you all act strong and vicious, but I’ve seen first hand how much you care.” He shakes his head. “Your dad had it right. He was a true leader. I saw an opportunity to overthrow you, and I took it.”

Somehow, this all feels too easy. Austin is clever, and this couldn’t have been his plan. We’re the only living Romanos left, and he has been working for our family since before we were in charge. I shift my weight from one foot to the other, trying to work out his game plan. The guy isn’t this fucking dumb. “This isn’t right.” Alicia steps toward him. “Where’s my father?” Austin sneers at her. “He’ll be here any minute.” That’s when it hits me. This was Austin's plan all along, trying to trap us in here and suggest we attacked first. If Juliano is working with Austin, then he will be in on it. But, if he’s not, then he will see this as us breaking the peace pact on neutral territory. I grab Alicia’s arm and pull her toward me, holding her close to my chest. “He has set us up,” I announce. The sound of a safety being taken o a gun behind me has me spinning so fast. Nick is standing there with three other men, and his gun is aimed at me. Leo and Kane have their guns trained on him in a second. If I go for my gun, I’ve got to let go of Alicia. Alicia tries to get out of my grip, but I keep hold of her firmly. “Nick, this is one big misunderstanding, orchestrated by the man standing behind me.” His eyes narrow. “He said you might say something like that.” Nick takes a step forward. Within seconds, I’ve got my gun against Alicia’s throat. The best thing here is to play it her way. If her father thinks she’s in danger, he won’t shoot. Otherwise, this could turn into a good old-fashioned shoot out before either of us can blink. His eyes widen, and the fear in them is as clear as day. “Not one more step,” I say.

Alicia clears her throat. “Dad, please listen to him. He’s telling the truth.” Nick takes another step forward, and I cock the gun, pressing it against Alicia’s throat. It feels wrong having this gun anywhere near her, but he has to comply. Otherwise, we could all end up dead. He puts his hands in the air and glances back at his men. “Guns down.” A few of the men hesitate. “Now,” he yells as he drops his gun to the floor. They all give up their guns. “Fools,” Austin says. Juliano narrows his eyes at me. “Explain.” Alicia trembles in my arms, as I keep the gun pressed to her throat. Every part of my being is screaming at me to lower the gun, but I have to keep up pretenses for a little longer. “Austin is the reason all of this happened,” I say, glancing at the asshole who betrayed us. “Just over three weeks ago, he came to me and told me he’d found out you were selling into our territory.” “That’s bullshit,” Nick states. I nod my head. “I believe that since it was all a ploy to bring our family down. In fact, he was the one who came to me and suggested we snatch Alicia to get you to back o .” Nick’s eyes narrow at Austin. “So, you’ve been playing two families o against each other?” Austin gawps. “You don’t believe this idiot, do you?” He nods his head. “I damn well am believing him.” He steps toward Austin, and I watch warily. “It made no sense why, after eight years of peace, Rick would break it for no reason.” Austin is trembling with rage, eyes searching for something. He hasn’t got a way out of here, and he sure as hell isn’t leaving this warehouse alive. Nick turns his attention to me. “Rick, I get this was a misunderstanding, but you snatched my daughter. My flesh

and blood.” His eyes narrow. “Give her back now, and no one needs to get hurt.” I lick my bottom lip, wondering how this will go down. “There’s a slight complication.” Alicia interrupts, “Let me tell him.” I remove my gun from her throat and let her go, but she remains close to me. “Dad, I’m sorry, but I don’t want to go home.” His brow furrows. “What do you mean?” She backs up closer to me, pressing herself against my body. “I’m in love with Rick.” His nostrils flare. “What?” He growls. “Daddy, please understand.” She holds her hands up. “It just happened.” His eyes fix on me. “You snatch my daughter and then take advantage of her?” he asks. I shake my head, snaking an arm around Alicia’s waist protectively. “No, I fell in love with her because she’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.” My part only seems to add fuel to the fire. Nick's face darkens, and his eyes widen. “You kidnapped her and then groomed her,” he shouts, bringing his gun back up and preparing to shoot. Alicia stands tall and puts her arms up, trying to shield me despite being much smaller. “You can’t shoot him, I won’t let you.” “Alicia, get out of the way.” She shakes her head, grabbing my hand and squeezing. “No, I know you’re not happy—” “Happy? Why the fuck would I be happy that you are insisting you are in love with a man who snatched you from our home?” I knew this would be tough, and I can understand the way this looks. It looks bad. Neither of us planned for this. I could

never have expected the powerful connection between us the moment I set eyes on her. “None of this was planned, Mr. Juliano.” I shake my head. “Surely, you can see the positive side of this.” “Positive side?” he spits. His face is turning redder by the second. “Yes, a joining of our families would strengthen both our positions and stabilize North America with an even more powerful crime unit.” Alicia squeezes my hand more tightly. “Exactly. We’re very serious about this.” She shakes her head. “Please, don’t try to part us.” Nick swallows hard, glancing between the two of us. He runs a hand through his hair, lowering his gun. I watch as he paces the room. “We can discuss this somewhere more private without a damn audience.” Alicia steps away from me. It pains me to let her go to him. “Dad, please listen to me.” She holds out her hand and reaches for him, stopping him mid-stride. “I want to be with Rick.” He gazes at his daughter, the woman I love, with such adoration. I can understand exactly why he’s so protective of her. It may be a very di erent bond, but that fierce protectiveness lives inside of me too. There’s a moment where I believe he might listen to her. Instead, he grabs hold of her and aims the gun right at me. She screams and tries to knock the gun from his hand, which only sets it o . The bullet ricochets o the walls of the building. Leo and Kane cock their guns, aiming it at Nick. “Not one more fucking move,” Kane says. A gun being cocked behind me draws my attention, and Alicia gets free of her father’s grip. Everything happens so

fast, as Alicia’s small, delicate body jumps in front of me. The gunshot rings out, and blood splatters the air. I try to catch her in my arms, but she hits the water behind. Her blood stains the water a light red. I dive in after her, swimming after her limp body. My heart is in my throat as I tighten my arms around her waist, trying to swim her back toward the surface. This can’t be happening. I’m supposed to be the one to protect Alicia, not the other way around.




he gunshot echoes through the room, and time slows to a halt. Before my mind can piece together what I’m doing, I’m flying toward Rick. An arc of pain explodes through my side as the bullet hits me instead. I’m heading straight for the water and can’t stop myself. Rick tries to grab me, but it is too late. I hit the water hard and begin to sink, unable to swim with the pain exploding through my side. I sink deeper, trying to hold my breath. A splash above me signals someone has dived in above. I can’t stop myself from dropping like a stone down and down into the cavernous shipyard bay. Suddenly, arms wrap around my waist. Strong arms that I’d know anywhere. Rick. He starts to swim up dragging me, but I’m barely holding on. I can’t hold my breath much longer, and darkness is filtering into my vision. The rush of water around my ears and the slowing of my heartbeat are all I can hear. Darkness is taking over, enveloping me entirely. The next thing I know, I’m out of the water, coughing up my guts. Rick is looming over me, eyes frantic. The emotion in his eyes at that moment is enough to cut me to the core. I

shiver as I realize how cold I am. The ice water has soaked through every inch of my clothes. My dad rushes to my side, kneeling down. “Sweetheart.” He rests a hand under my neck. “Where are you shot?” I wince as I try to move, pain shooting through me. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. All my nerve endings feel like they have been set on fire. “My side,” I splutter. My dad turns me over and inspects the wound. “Fuck, you are one lucky woman.” “I don’t feel like it,” I mutter. He sets me back down, holding something against the wound. “I’m pretty certain it is a flesh wound, and the bullet exited.” My dad presses a kiss to my forehead. “You will be okay, sweetheart.” “Are you going to stop fighting with Rick?” I ask. He stares at me for a few moments in silence, before glancing at Rick and nodding his head. Rick is staring at me. As if my words woke him from a daze, he searches for something. His eyes lock with Austin, the man that had shot at him while he had his back turned. Kane is holding him captive with his hands pinned behind his back. Rick stands and marches toward him, grabbing Austin from Kane. I watch through blurred vision as he forces him to the floor. His face at the same level to mine me. “You will pay for hurting my woman,” he growls. Everyone goes silent as the Rick pounds his fist into Austin, taking up all the attention in the place. I watch from where I’m lying, witnessing precisely what the man I’ve fallen in love with his capable of. He breaks his nose and jaw, not stopping as his fists turn red with blood, and the man on the floor is no longer recognizable. Each pound he lands twists my stomach.

If I could get up and stop him, I would. The man deserves to die after what he’s put us through, and I know Rick can’t let his betrayal go unpunished, but a bullet to the head would be more e ective. “Stop,” I mutter, trying to speak passed the pain. Rick doesn’t hear me. His eyes are like black pits, as he narrows in on the man with no mercy. “God damn it, Rick, Stop.” I raise my voice, tears prickling at my eyes from the exertion and pain I’m in. Finally, his hand stills, and those dark eyes meet mine. It’s only then that I see the man I’ve fallen for return. He was elsewhere for a while. Somewhere he couldn’t be reached. He drops Austin to the floor, who is barely breathing. I let my head fall back onto the cold, concrete floor and shut my eyes. The gunshot rings out, and I know he’s no longer alive. Rick may be the man I’ve fallen in love with, but I’ve had a vicious reminder of who he is. A man who has no mercy. A man who rules North America’s crime world with an iron fist. I’m no stranger to this world, but the things I witnessed my father do were never as debase or brutal. There’s a reason Rick is the most powerful crime boss. The don of the Romano mafia is a little more broken than I ever realized, but it doesn’t make me love him any less. He is a strong man who does what he has to to protect his family. “Look at me, Alicia,” Rick says. I open my eyes to find him kneeling the other side of me, eyes filled with guilt. “I had to save you,” I say. He grits his teeth. “No, you could have been killed.”

My dad glances between the two of us, before standing and giving us space. His temper has calmed since I got shot. “I don’t know what I would have done if you had died instead of me, Alicia.” He shakes his head. “All that matters is you.” I grab his hand. “No, if I hadn’t jumped in front of it, you would be dead.” I wince, struggling to speak because of the pain. “He aimed for your heart.” He presses his lips to mine gently and whispers so quietly, “Thank you.” I feel a lump form in my throat, as so many emotions flood me at once. This brutal, possessive man is thanking me for saving his life. It’s hard to believe, but that is what just happened. I took a bullet for him because he is everything to me, and the thought of life without him shatters me into a million pieces. “I love you,” I mutter, pressing my lips against his. My father clears his throat behind me and Rick moves away. “Sweetheart, we need to get you to a hospital.” I glance at my dad, who is eyeing Rick with a controlled rage. Rick stands and squares up to my father. “Conventional hospitals are too dangerous.” Dad shakes his head. “We are too far away from home to wait. Not to mention, I saw two of your men out there looking worse for wear.” His eyes narrow. “I guess that was courtesy of our mutual friend.” He nods his head toward Austin, who is lying dead and bloody on the floor. “How are we supposed to explain it without the police getting involved?” Rick asks. Dad glances at me. “She will have to be taken by ambulance with your men to the nearest hospital.” He returns his gaze to Rick. “Neither of us can be here when they pick her up.”

Rick’s jaw clenches and his fists ball by his side. “No fucking chance am I leaving her on her own.” Dad sets a hand on his shoulder. “We will both meet her at the hospital.” He shakes his head. “You know we can’t be found at this crime scene by paramedics.” Rick backs down, bowing his head. “We need to move her and get her some dry clothes, though.” My dad shakes his head. “No, it’s too risky. The police here aren’t on our payroll, so we can’t get them to look the other way.” Rick looks between me and my father, a conflict raging in his dark brown eyes. He kneels down by my side and takes my hand. “I don’t want to leave your side, princess, but I’ll be right behind in the car.” I glance between my dad and Rick, wondering if my dad will lose it and attack him any moment. He looks calm. “Okay.” I squeeze his hand and pull him closer. “I love you.” He bends over and kisses my lips softly. “I love you more than life,” he mutters against them. My chest aches as he stands and steps away, nodding at my father. “Let’s get going.” Dad gives him a nod. “We will head onward to the hospital and meet you there. It is up to you whether you wait for the ambulance and follow it.” Rick walks away without another word. The way this man makes me feel is beyond anything I can comprehend. It’s so deep and clawing. We are made for each other. That is as clear as day as I watch him walk away, wishing he could stay with me. Being parted from him for even a short while hurts. “Wait,” Leo says. “I’ve got to deal with this asshole.” He nods toward the man who tried to shoot me and who Rick tied up.

“Not here, Leo. We take him back with us,” Rick says, voice full of warning. Leo clenches his fists, fury filling his eyes as he gazes at the man. Kane grabs the guy, lifting his limp body over his shoulder and carrying him out of the warehouse. I rest my head back down on the cold concrete floor, feeling exhausted. “I’ll see you soon,” I say to both my dad and Rick. My dad has taken the news that we’re together better than I expected. It’s a relief, as I wasn’t looking forward to fighting with him about it. Everyone has left, and I wait, wishing Rick was here with me. It feels like forever ticks by before I hear the sirens of an ambulance outside. I glance up, expecting to see a paramedic, but my dad is standing in the doorway. “Dad?” “We’re going home.” The blood drains from my face. Dad hasn’t accepted that I want to be with Rick. “No, that’s no longer my home.” I try against the pain to shift onto my feet, but it’s impossible. Dad grabs my hand. “Listen to me.” I still at his tone. “That man has manipulated and groomed you.” He shakes his head. “Whatever you think you feel for him is bullshit. He is twice your age.” Tears prickle at my eyes at the suggestion that what we have isn’t real. “I love him.” I shake my head. “You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” My dad’s eyes soften as tears run down my face. “That’s what you think now, but once you get some space, I’m sure you will realize it wasn’t real.” I try to swallow the lump in my throat, as I know there’s no way I will convince him. He will take me away from Rick, and in my current state, there’s nothing I can do to stop him. The thought of never seeing him again cuts me to the core.

My dad can take me to Texas, but I’ll find my way back to Rick somehow. Even if I have to walk from Texas to Philly, I’ll do it. “Why would you do this to me?” I sob. Alex, my bodyguard, heads over to me and scoops me up in his arms. There’s a sympathy in his gaze as if he understands what I’m going through. “Everything will be all right,” he utters. “Take her to the ambulance and get the medic to patch her up and get her some dry clothes. We need to get to the airport as fast as possible.” Dad narrows his eyes. “It’s only a matter of time until the Romano brothers catch onto our plan.” “No, you can’t do this,” I yell, as Alex carries me out of the warehouse. I’m so weak from the blood loss that my pathetic attempts to punch his back are more like taps. He bundles me into the back of an ambulance where a medic is sitting in a chair, looking fearful of his life. My dad enters behind us, shutting the doors. “Patch her up as best you can in here, now,” he growls. The medic’s hands are shaking as he takes o the rag Dad had pressed to the wound at my hip. I want to argue and tell my father I’m not going anywhere, but I need to get something for this pain. “Is it bad?” I ask, shivering from the cold. He glances at me and smiles weakly. “You’ll live.” He turns to my father. “It may be a through and through in a non-vital place, but she will need a scan to ensure no bones were shattered. I need to get you out of these wet clothes, too.” My father nods. “That is fine. She will be seen by a surgeon in about three hours, give or take.” He walks to the front. “Get us to the airport as fast as possible and we can get her changed on the jet.”

The engine of the ambulance roars to life, and I’m being taken away from Rick forever. It hurts more than the wound in my side. The medic works while we are moving. First, he cleans the wound, which stings like hell. Then he gives me some pain meds, before stitching the wound to stop the bleeding. All I can think about is Rick. Are we really going to be torn apart like this?




insist on driving, waiting around the corner for the ambulance to come passed. It went against every instinct to agree to leave Alicia there with only Dan and John. Alicia is innocent in all of this and needs to be taken care of by a proper hospital. Thank God it was just a flesh wound. Her father left before us and has gone on ahead to the hospital. The ambulance has been in the docks for too damn long. Not to mention, no police have arrived yet. As time ticks by, a part of me wonders whether something else is going on. Nick Juliano backed o reasonably quickly and accepted everything a little too coolly after she was shot. Many scenarios are flying through my head right now as I wait, setting me on edge. What man would accept that a mafia don who kidnapped his beloved daughter is in love with her? “Fuck,” I say. Kane shakes his head. “What?” “I’ve got a feeling we’ve been played.” “I had a sense of that too. Juliano backed o too easy, right?” Leo asks.

I rub my hand across the back of my neck, trying to collect my thoughts. “Nick intends to get his daughter away from me, and I know exactly how he’s doing it.” I slam my hand into the horn and turn over the engine. “Where are you going?” Kane asks. The asshole tricked us and must have doubled back. If Juliano had called a real ambulance, then they would have been on their way back to the hospital by now. Either that, or he’s hijacked it. “There’s only one way he will head with her and that is to the airport.” “Fuck,” Leo says. Fuck is right. There had been something about the situation that had niggled at me. No man just accepts that his daughter is with a man like me unless he intends to ensure she never sees him again. I push my foot down harder, speeding back into the industrial estate to make sure I’m right. Dan and John are lying on the tarmac outside still, and there’s no sign of the damn ambulance. I zoom past them, hardly thinking. “What about Dan and John?” Leo asks, sticking his head between the two front seats. Damn. We haven’t got time to get them to the hospital. “Give Enzo a call and explain what happened. Ask him if he can get someone to tend to them and tell him we will owe him one if he can.” Leo gives me a stupid salute. “Yes, sir.” Enzo is the don of the Miami based mob who agreed to us negotiating peacefully on their turf. He and I have a good relationship, and he will stand on my side in this. We rush toward the private airfield where our jet is. It’s the only place Nick could fly out of near here. “How do you know he’s flying?” Kane asks.

“Something Alicia said yesterday.” I take the exit onto the highway. “He flies everywhere.” Alicia is being taken from me, and she’s injured. My blood is roaring through my ears as I speed toward the other side of town. I can’t lose her. Her father needs to understand how much I love her. I will start a war between our families if that’s what it comes down to. She is worth the risk. Leo groans as a banging in the trunk starts. “You should have let me finish the bastard o at the warehouse.” I shake my head. “Knock him out again,” I say, focusing on nothing but the road. The speedo hits one-hundred miles per hour, going well over the limit. Here, we could get stopped by the police, but they’d have to fucking chase me. “Kane, call our pilot and ask him to keep an eye out for Alicia and her father,” I say, hating how long it is taking us to get there. We could miss her, and Nick will be in a hurry to take o . “Thanks, Harry.” He shuts o the call. “They’ve just pulled onto the tarmac in an SUV. He says he will try to get the manager to stall them.” “Fuck,” I growl, slamming my foot even harder into the accelerator pedal. We’re still five minutes out, and that’s enough damn time for them to take o . Tension wracks every muscle in my body, as the sign for the exit comes into view. I swerve, weaving around a truck to take it on the inside. He blares his horn at me, but I don’t give a shit. Alicia is about to be ripped out of my life, and I can’t bear it. I skid to a halt in the parking lot of the little private airport. The sound of engines firing up has me flinging open the door and sprinting in the runway’s direction. If he gets her back into Texas, I’ll never see her again. He will protect

her far more carefully, and I’ll be damned if he’s taken the love of my life from me. I’m thankful when I see a small light aircraft propelling into the air, and Nick Juliano’s jet still sitting on the runway with the door open. This will be dangerous, taking her from him in her state, but I’m not letting him take her. There’s no sign of Juliano as he’s probably on the plane with her. I draw my gun from my belt and rush straight up the stairs into the aircraft. Juliano looks straight at me, and his eyes go wide. “How the fuck did you get here so quick?” Alicia’s face is stained with tears, as she glances back at me. “Rick.” She tries to get up, but her dad stops her. Leo and Kane come rushing into the plane after me with their guns drawn. “Nick, you may not like the fact that I’m in love with your daughter.” His eyes narrow. “But, I’m not letting Alicia go. No chance in hell.” Alicia’s eyes well with more tears. “Rick.” She holds out a hand for me to take, and I step forward. Nick cocks his gun and forces me to a stop. “Don’t take another step.” “Dad, don’t be an idiot.” “Alicia, stay out of this.” I bring my gun up and point it at him “Don’t speak to her like that.” Nick’s eyes narrow. “She’s my daughter. I’ll speak to her how I damn well like.” Leo and Kane take a few steps closer, covering Nick’s guys. “I’m not leaving without her.” I keep my gun trained at her dad. “You’ve got to accept that we will be together. Why would you want a start a war over this?”

Nick glances between Alicia, who is staring at me with tears in her eyes, and back at me. A tense silence plays out as all of us wait for his response. “Let me speak with my daughter alone for a moment.” I shake my head. “You can speak with her alone, but not on this plane.” Alicia moves to sit up, and I notice her wound has been professionally tended to. Her dad helps her to her feet, and she walks toward the exit. Before she walks passed me, her arms wrap around my neck, and she squeezes me close. “You came for me.” I snake a hand carefully around her waist. “Always.” Nick clears his throat. “Alicia.” She unwillingly pulls away from me and follows her father out of the plane. Leo walks toward Nick’s men and grabs their guns. “Sit down,” he barks. The men pale, doing as he says right away. No one is stupid enough to go against Leo Romano. The man is more insane than me. I worried that after Alicia witnessed what I did to Austin, she wouldn’t look at me the same. Obviously, my anxiety was unfounded. She looks at me with the same adoration as before, perhaps more. I walk toward the exit of the plane and watch Alicia and her father talking. It looks heated, as he paces up and down the tarmac. I’m not expecting that he will back down and accept her leaving with me. The other alternative is one I don’t really wish to consider. A war over a woman. It would bring too many questions to light and undermine my entire position. Another story would have to be fabricated about Nick. I know it would hurt Alicia in the process too. The two men in her life fighting each other over her isn’t ideal. Her dad walks up to her and grabs her hand, bringing it to his lips. It’s endearing to see how much he loves her and

makes me respect him more. A lot of mob bosses don’t let it be seen who they care for, because it’s a weakness that can be exploited. Nick doesn’t worry about that, which means Alicia has grown up in a loving household. It’s more than can be said for me, Leo, and Kane. Our father was a heartless bastard until the very end. He nods his head, and she flings her arms around his neck. Perhaps it’s going better than I expected. Alicia turns to the plane and signals for me to join them. I step out and walk toward them. It’s impossible not to miss the way Nick glares at me as I approach. At least he has put his gun away, for now. Alicia’s smile is infectious. She beams at me. “Dad has agreed to let me go back with you to Philly on one condition.” I raise a brow. “What condition?” “I’m coming with her,” Nick says. I nod. “That is fair.” Our pilot, Harry, is already ready to take o for Philly. “We’ll take our jet, as we need to get John and Dan seen by our doctor too.” Nick’s lips purse, but he nods in agreement. “I’ll get Alicia into your plane and send my men back on our jet.” “I’ll escort Alicia, while you tell your men.” He nods, reluctantly walking back toward his own jet. Alicia smiles at me. “I think he will come around to us.” “You’re very positive, considering he tried to shoot me only a moment ago.” She takes my hand, leaning on me and wincing. “Emotions were running high.” I snake a hand across her back and hook an arm under her knees, lifting her carefully. “Come on, let’s get you into the jet and comfortable.”

Her arms wrap around my neck as I carry her toward the plane. I no longer care who sees me doting on her. Our relationship will become common knowledge, and so be it. She will be my queen and the only woman in my life. Hopefully, she will be the mother of my children. I want to give her everything and make her as happy as she makes me.




y dad hasn’t left my side since he agreed to fly me back to Philadelphia. All I want right now is to be near Rick, but at least Dad didn’t succeed in tearing us apart. Rick has stayed away from me since we got on his plane, and I know my father is the reason. The medic patched me up as best he could in the ambulance, and I feel better now I’m not slowly bleeding to death. Once we get to the Romano mansion, Rick has a hospital and on-site doctor who can tend to me. “How are you feeling?” Dad asks. I glare at him. “Fine.” He shakes his head. “Alicia, you put me through hell while you were gone.” His voice breaks slightly, and it’s only at that moment, I notice the dark rings around his eyes. He hasn’t been sleeping. A heaviness falls on my chest. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have a choice, and falling in love with Rick wasn’t something I foresaw.” He runs his hand over the back of his neck at the mention of Rick. “I want the best for you, princess. The thought of you living so far away is horrible.” I grab my dad’s hand. “Maybe you and Janice could move to Philly?”

His brow furrows. “We can’t move. What about my business?” “If you combine forces with Rick, then you can run any business you want from there.” He shakes his head. “I don’t trust him.” He seems to notice the hurt on my face. “Not yet, anyway. I don’t know him, other than his infamous reputation.” I smile. “Once you get to know him, I’m sure you’ll both get on. He’s not as brutal as the rumors suggest.” He gives me a disbelieving look. “That’s not how it looked when he beat the shit out of Austin.” I sigh heavily. Dad is right. Rick is brutal, but then so is my father. “Don’t tell me you haven’t done things like that in your past. I know you have.” “I have, but I never wanted you to find a man like me, sweetheart.” He squeezes my hand. “I wanted you to settle down with a nice boy, like your friend, Harry. A boy who has nothing to do with the mafia or crime.” “I can’t help who I fell in love with.” He brushes a single hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear. “You remind me so much of your mother.” The mention of my mom makes my chest ache and my heart pound hard. My dad rarely talks about her. He still, to this day, blames himself for her death, which is ridiculous. She died of cancer, but they caught it late. He insisted that if he had been more attentive to her, they would have found it before it was too late. He loved her so much. I’m not sure why he married Janice two years ago. Perhaps it was loneliness, but I know he doesn’t love her like he loved my mom. She died when I was ten years old, and I still have so many memories of her. It hurts so much to think about her. “She was as beautiful and strong as you.” Tears prickle my eyes. “You will make me cry.”

The plane dips suddenly, and my heart leaps into my throat. “What the hell was that?” My dad sighs. “Turbulence. You even inherited your mother’s dislike of flying.” I clear my throat. “Why don’t you ever talk about Mom?” His eyes are filled with pain as he looks at me. “It hurts too much, but when I see you with Rick, it reminds me of what true love is like.” He shakes his head. “I know what Janice and I have is not a patch on it.” I feel such relief hearing him say that. The last thing I want is for him to hate Rick because of the odd way we got together. “You deserve to be happy again, Dad.” He smiles sadly. “Don’t get me wrong, I care for Janice, but it’s not the love that you share with Rick or that I had with your mom.” He shakes his head. “That is a once in a lifetime love.” Someone clears their throat in the doorway of the small bedroom cabin, and I glance up to see Rick standing there. “Can I have a word?” Dad nods, before leaving us alone. “How are you holding up?” He cocks his head to the side, remaining by the door. “Holding up fine.” I hold out a hand for him to take, wanting him to be close. He glances at my hand with a conflicted look. “You could have died because of me.” He walks toward me and our hands touch. “Let’s not talk about that.” I pull him close. “Kiss me instead.” He glances out of the bedroom door, which is still open, searching for any sign of my dad. When he looks back at me, his eyes are glimmering. He shifts toward me and cups my face in his hands, bringing his lips near. His breath teases against my lips as he waits a moment, teasing me.

I whimper in anticipation, waiting obediently for him to close the gap. Finally, he kisses me soft and tender. The pain of my wound easing slightly as I finally feel whole again.

H ELEN , the doctor, approaches us warily. My dad is standing on one side of my hospital bed and Rick on the other. The tension in the air is high, and the look on her face makes me anxious. Perhaps the bullet did more damage than we expected. “I’ve got your results back,” she says. I swallow hard. “Is there a problem?” She shakes her head. “No, it’s a flesh wound, and the bullet didn’t hit any bone material.” Her brow furrows, and she walks forward. “I assume you already know that you are…” she trails o , searching my face for the answer. “That I’m what?” I ask. Her eyes narrow, and she glances down at her clipboard, tapping her pen against it. She looks between Rick and my father. “Perhaps you’d prefer it if I speak with you alone?” I shake my head. “Anything you need to say can be said in front of Rick and my dad.” She takes in a deep breath. “I assumed you already knew you were pregnant.” She glances between Rick and me. It feels like my world falls out from beneath me, and I spiral downward. Pregnant? I knew there was a risk, obviously, as we didn’t take precautions. The thing is no one ever expects it to happen. We’d been making love every day since the first time. I can’t understand why the news shocks me far more than it should. “Is the baby okay?”

The doctor nods. “Yes, I believe so, but as you’re only a few weeks pregnant, I want to monitor your vitals for two days. Rick squeezes my hand, making me glance at him. My heart aches to see tears gathering in his eyes. A man so powerful brought to tears by news of our baby. “Pregnant,” he breathes. I laugh and squeeze his hand back. “It’s rather unexpected.” He nods, cupping my chin in his hands. “Yes, but good news.” I glance at my dad, who has gone a little pale. He isn’t smiling. In fact, he looks shell shocked. “Dad, are you okay?” He shakes his head. “I’m going to be a grandfather.” Dad smiles, surprising me. “I can’t believe it.” Rick looks as shocked as me as I glance back at him. “I may not be happy yet with this arrangement, but I am happy that I will have a grandchild to spoil.” He gives me a tight hug. The doctor clears her throat. “It’s still very early days.” She glances at her clipboard. “Your health is good, but I must have regular checkups after I’ve kept you in for monitoring.” “Every week,” Rick says. She nods her head. “Of course, sir.” I watch as she notes it down. “Perfect.” She clutches the clipboard to her chest. “Get some rest, and I’ll check in with you in a few hours.” “Okay, thank you, Doctor.” I watch her as she turns to leave. I glance at Rick once she is out of earshot. “Isn’t every week a bit extreme?” Rick shakes his head. “Nope, we’ve got an on-site doctor. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a quick checkup every week to make sure everything is okay.”

“I agree,” Dad says. I shrug. “Fair enough.” I glance at my dad. “Do you mind giving Rick and me some time alone?” My dad glares at Rick for a moment before sighing. “Fine, get some rest, and I’ll be back to check on you later.” He kisses me on the cheek. “Thanks.” I watch him as he walks sti y out of the home hospital. Rick kisses me the moment he’s gone. I finally feel right again the moment he touches me. “I won’t deny that whenever we had sex, I secretly hoped you’d get pregnant,” he says. My eyes widen. “I never even thought about it until after the second time.” I shake my head. “Even then, I assumed it wasn’t too much of a risk since you had said nothing.” He laughs. “You are so innocent. I’ve corrupted you, haven’t I?” “I’m not innocent.” I pout at him. He brushes his lips over mine gently. “You are, and I love it. I never thought about starting a family until I met you.” He moves back to stare into my eyes. “In fact, I never thought about getting emotionally involved with a woman at all.” My stomach flutters. “I must be a lucky woman then.” He grabs my hand and presses it to his lips. “I’m the lucky one, not you.” He shakes his head. “I still can’t believe you jumped in front of a bullet for me.” “Thank God I did.” He swallows hard, and his eyes move down to my belly. “If you had died or lost the baby…” I grab his hand. “I didn’t, so don’t waste another thought on it.” It must be di cult for a man like him to accept that I took a bullet for him. He probably wishes it was the other way around.

He nods and straightens his back, eyes glazing over. “You’re right.” He sets his hand on my stomach. “From now on, I will protect you and our baby with all I’ve got. I promise.” I can’t help but smile at the man who captured my heart. The meeting with my father didn’t go as smoothly as I hoped. Getting shot was never something I’d contemplated. It brings home how dangerous this life can be. Bringing a baby into a world like ours is even more frightening. A child who we both will cherish, but have to protect from such a terrible aspect of our lives. All that matters is that we are together and alive. We will figure everything else out in time.




he piercing sound of tortured screams fills the air, as I descend into one of our basement rooms. My brother is hell-bent on getting revenge on the man who abused his woman. He gave him a good kicking the first day we got him back but has been leaving him to stew for a few days. Leo intends to end him today. I wanted to get some information from him first, but it seems he has started without me. Leo can be the most brutal and vicious out of the three of us. He is more broken than Kane and me. I watch as Leo circles Bruce, who is tied up to the rafters. He is like a tiger waiting to pounce on its prey. He can be unbelievably savage. “You are a piece of shit for the way you treated my woman,” he spits, delivering a firm and hard punch to the gut. The coward who put my brother through hell dares to plead. “Please, don’t do this.” All he is doing is adding fuel to the fire. Leo lands a hard punch to his jaw, cracking it clean in two. Bruce’s mouth goes slack. My heart fires as I notice Ellie standing in the corner, watching. This isn’t something I’d want Alicia to witness me

doing. Her eyes are full of as much hate and rage as Leo’s. They are a broken pair. Both of them have gone through their fair share of abuse and hell, and I hope they will heal each other. My youngest brother has been lost for years. “Do you need a hand?” I ask. Leo’s gaze shoots to me, and the look in his eyes is fire. He is rarely so focused, but he is right now. “No.” He clenches his fist and punches the guy in the stomach. I clear my throat. “Are you forgetting the questions I need Bruce to answer?” Leo’s jaw tightens, and he glares at me. “No.” I walk toward him. “Then, step the fuck aside.” There’s an air of danger clouding my little brother as he observes me. He wants to protest, but he knows the score. “You better not kill him. I get to end that asshole.” I nod my head but don’t acknowledge the fact that this guy will die no matter what information he gives me. People like him are easiest to flip when they think they have a chance of surviving. “Bruce, isn’t it?” I ask, standing in front of him with my arms crossed over my chest. “Who the fuck wants to know?” he spits, blood painting his teeth. “Rick Romano.” A shudder passes through him, and he glances out of the less busted up eye which he can still open. “If you want to leave this place alive, I need you to tell me who in our outfit helped Austin.” He snorts. “He ain’t letting me leave here alive. No way.” I shake my head. “Leo isn’t in charge. I am.” There’s a long stretch of silence as he stares at me. “If I tell you who helped him, then you will let me go?” he asks.

This is proving more straightforward than I expected. “Yes. Exactly.” Little does he know that the moment I let him go, he will have to fight his way through my brother before he leaves here. I’m a man of my word, though. I’ve got no intention of holding him captive any longer once I’ve got the information I need. “Fine. Let me down, and I’ll tell you.” “That’s not the deal.” He blows out a long breath. “Three other men were involved. One was called Ben, Enzo and the other Liam.” “Ben, who?” I ask, knowing we have two Bens working in our operation. “Fuck.” He shakes his head. “Was it Jensen or Johnson?” “Jackson?” I ask. He nods his head. “Yeah, that’s it.” I glance over at Leo, who gives me a slight nod. They will need to be made an example of, ensuring no one thinks about fucking with us again. “Are you sure they are the only ones?” “Positive.” “Great. I’m nothing if not a man of my word.” Leo passes me a knife to cut him down, and I move forward to cut his bindings. “You’re free to leave.” He lets out a sigh of relief. “But, you have to get passed my brother and your exgirlfriend.” His face falls. “I said I’d let you go, but I said nothing about getting you out of here.” “No, please, you can’t—” Leo has already approached and punches him in the face interrupting him mid-sentence. My heart skips a beat as Ellie steps forward and kicks him in the stomach. I’ve got a feeling this is something they should do together in private. “I’ll leave you to it.”

Leo gives me a nod, as I turn to leave them. By the time I make it to the stairs out of the basement, Bruce’s screams are chasing me down. I grit my teeth, leaving the dungeon. Leo’s thirst for brutality gets to me. He has no reservations with killing and torturing, unlike Kane and me. It’s why he was the underboss. In charge of dealing with the more gritty and dirty parts of the business. My younger brother is a troubled man, but I hope Ellie will help him heal the wounds of his past. Alicia’s father is still staying here, hovering around her. I’m hoping to get her on her own today because Kane insisted Nick accompany him to a club we own. He did it as a favor to me, as Alicia is being discharged from our hospital wing by our doctor, Helen. Helen is a fantastic surgeon, and she patched up the wound really well. Alicia will still be a little sore for a while, but she’s on the mend. The hospital wing is concealed on the other side of the mansion in a separate basement. I head through the main hallway and into the other wing of the house, taking the steps down to the woman I love. This place has been used too many times lately for the most important people in my life. First, my two brothers and now Alicia. I enter the room, and Alicia is sitting up in her hospital bed. She smiles at me the moment she notices me. “I’m glad to see you.” “Are you?” I ask. She nods her head. “My dad has been driving me insane.” I laugh. “Your dad doesn’t want to leave your side, because he knows I’ll be able to see you.” I walk toward her, and she watches me. “How are you feeling?” “Better.” She tilts her head. “Although I’d feel much better if you gave me a kiss.”

It’s wrong that my cock stirs to life at the thought. Her soft, pillow-like lips have evaded me for too damn long. I stride toward her. It’s as if I can’t get to her quick enough. She gasps as I thread my fingers through her dark hair and tilt her face toward me. “Is that correct?” I ask. She licks her bottom lip, inviting me in. I lean down to kiss her. Our lips meet in a tender caress. One that makes me ache all over for her. I groan as her tongue slips into my mouth, swiping around my own with gentle strokes. My fingers are still laced in her hair, and I tug gently, pulling her mouth away from mine. “Careful, princess. You don’t want to start something you can’t finish.” Her eyes flash with defiance. “Who says I can’t finish it?” “I do,” Helen says, startling the both of us apart. “Good Morning, sir.” “Morning, Helen.” I take a step away from Alicia, to her disappointment. Her eyes narrow as she glances at Alicia. “Alicia, you were shot three days ago.” She glances at me. “You may feel better, but you need to keep any strenuous activities to a minimum for at least a week. Especially since you are pregnant.” Alicia turns a deep red at her suggestion. My body protests at the thought of not being inside of her for a week. “Understood.” “When you say strenuous, do you mean nothing at all?” Alicia asks, surprising both of us. A small, knowing smile curves onto Helen’s lips. “If you’re very gentle.” She glances at me. “It should be okay, but no crazy positions.” I’m not shy about sex, but Alicia has turned an even deeper red now. I clear my throat, trying to disperse the

tension. “Is Alicia free to go, doctor?” She nods. “Yep, here are her pain meds.” She passes them to me. “Alicia, you are free to go, but remember you’ve got a second person relying on you staying healthy now.” She swings her legs out of the hospital bed and jumps to her feet, wincing slightly. “I won’t forget.” Alicia sets her hand on her lower belly. “I can’t wait to welcome this little one into the world.” Helen smiles and nods. “I’m sure you both will make excellent parents. Once your dad comes to terms with it, I’m sure he’ll make the best grandfather, especially if the way he dotes on you is anything to go by.” Alicia’s knees wobble slightly, and she winces again in pain. Out of instinct, I slide a hand onto her lower back, trying to steady her. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, a little sore.” She smiles at Helen and holds out a hand. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.” Helen shakes her hand. “My pleasure. I’ll be seeing you weekly anyway for a check-up on that little one.” She winks and then walks away from us. “Can you believe I’m pregnant?” I glance down at Alicia, my insides warm and fuzzy. “Not really, but I couldn’t be happier.” “Me neither.” I bend down and hook one arm under her knees and the other under her back, lifting her from the ground. She laughs. “What are you doing?” “I’m carrying you to my bedroom before your dad comes back and tries to stop me.” I raise an eyebrow. “He’s protective of me.” I press my lips to her forehead. “So am I. Your dad has got to accept that I’m the man who will protect you from now on.”

I carry her through the door and up the stairs into the main house. “I can walk, you know?” she asks. I nod my head and say nothing. I know she can walk, but I want to carry her to my bedroom. The overwhelming need to protect her is even stronger since she took a bullet for me. I’d have taken ten rounds to stop her from feeling that pain. My muscles strain a little by the time I get to the top of the stairs. I walk toward my room, determined to carry my woman there. When I get to my room, I fumble with the doorknob. Finally, I get it open and step inside with her, kicking it shut behind me. Alicia gazes up at me, smiling. “What are you smiling at?” She shakes her head. “You, I never thought you’d be so chivalrous.” I set her down in the center of my four-poster bed and climb over her on my hands and knees until I’m staring into her eyes. “Hi,” she says. “Hey.” I press my lips to hers in a quick, chaste kiss. Even though we haven’t had sex in what feels like too damn long, I’m not risking hurting her right now. Instead, I shift to one side and wrap my arms around her, careful not to touch her wound. “Helen is right, you need to rest up,” I say, pressing my lips to the back of her neck. She shudders, arching her back, so the hard press of my cock rests against her ass. “I think that’s a bad idea.” I groan as my balls tighten, and my body aches with need. It’s been far too long since I was last inside of my queen. “A bad idea would be me fucking you in your condition.” She turns over and pouts at me. “She said if we are very gentle, it will be fine.”

I laugh. “When have you ever known me to be gentle?” She shifts in my arms and tries to get on top of me. I hold her down. “No, if we do this, then I will make love to you gently. I don’t want you overexerting yourself.” She nods and falls back down into the bed, allowing me to move over her. Being gentle isn’t in my nature, but I’d do anything for her. As I kiss her, I know, without a doubt, this woman is my soul mate. I wasn’t living until she came into my life. Now I intend to worship her like the goddess she is for as long as I live.




hree years later… My heart rate quickens as the band plays. I clutch hold of the bouquet so tightly that my dad grabs my hands and prizes it from me. “Stop panicking, sweetheart.” He smiles at me, eyes full of joy. I will not lie. I never thought my dad would look this happy on my wedding day, particularly not considering the man I’m marrying. He has always been fiercely protective, but now that is Rick’s job. “Mommy, do you love daddy?” Olivia asks, pulling at the hem of my dress. I can’t help but smile at our daughter, who is now two years and three months old. She looks so pretty in her little bridesmaid dress, with her hair done. It came as a shock that Rick had got me pregnant so quick. We weren’t prepared, but we were both ecstatic. “Of course, sweetheart, that’s why we are getting married,” I say, lifting her into my arms and kissing her cheek. “You look so beautiful.” She smiles at me, placing a finger on my lips. “They are ready for you,” Jasmine says, giving me a reassuring smile.

Fuck. I never thought getting married would be so nervewracking. I set Olivia back on the floor, and Jasmine takes her hand. She’s walking down the aisle before me with Auntie Jasmine. Leo and Ellie are looking after our son, Axel, who is only a year old. My dad squeezes my arm. “Are you ready?” I give him a weak nod, drawing in a long breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” We step up to the doors into the grand hall of the manor house we chose for our wedding, and the amount of people gathered either side of the aisle makes me nervous. All my dad’s close acquaintances and Rick’s. It’s not the wedding I would have chosen. Having so many people’s eyes on me makes me shiver with anxiety. Apparently, it’s what is expected when a boss is taking a wife. Rick keeps telling me I’m becoming his queen, and it feels that way. Dad leads me slowly into the hall, making my heart pound harder. The moment I set eyes on Rick standing with his back to me, my heart rate settles. Kane is his best man and standing by his side. I see him pat Rick on the back, and he turns to face me. Everyone has gone so quiet, as all eyes are on me. Rick’s dark eyes meet mine, and despite being so far away, his presence reassures me. Filling me with courage that I didn’t have a moment ago. My dad squeezes my arm gently as I pick up the pace toward my future husband. He smiles such a beautiful smile, and it makes my heartache. It’s so rare to see him smiling in public, but he is beaming at me. My stomach flutters with such warmth. His love imbues me. The closer I get to him, the more my confidence builds. The hundreds of people sitting in the grand hall fade away. It is only him and me in the room. The man I love. The

man who captured my mind, body, and soul from the moment I was dragged into his o ce. “Slow down, sweetheart,” my dad urges, nodding his head toward Olivia, who is only a few steps ahead. I slow my steps down, realizing I was in such a rush to get to the man at the end of the aisle. Olivia gets nearer to the front and waves at Rick, who gives her the cutest wave back. He is the most amazing father, and she adores him. I can’t deny that when we first met, I couldn’t imagine him as a father. The brutal, fierce mob boss that disciplined me on the first day. Jasmine leads Olivia to where she’s supposed to stand, holding her hand. My father stops us directly in front of the o ciant. Rick’s eyes are glued to me with such fierce intensity my stomach clenches. It is crazy after three years he still has the same e ect on me with one stare. The o ciant clears her throat. “May I ask who gives away this woman to this man.” My dad nods his head. “I do.” Rick steps forward to take my hand, and my father gives him a pat on the shoulder. The relationship was trying, but we’re all safer because of it. The Juliano mafia and Romano mafia are no longer enemies, joined by marriage. It means both our families’ operations are stronger than ever, and we’ve had no one trying to contest our power since. His rough, large hand grabs mine, as he pulls me to stand opposite him. “You look stunning,” he mutters.The raspy tone of his voice sends shivers down my spine. “So do you,” I utter. The o ciant clears her throat again and starts speaking. I barely hear what she’s saying, too lost in his eyes. Rick

squeezes my hands and smiles at me, as the o ciant speaks the words for him to repeat. “I, Ricardo Romano, take you, Alicia Juliano, to be my wedded wife.” My heart dances in my chest as he smiles at me. Tears pool in my eyes as he continues. “To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.” He squeezes my hand again. “I pledge myself to you.” He slips the ring on my finger. At that point, tears are streaming down my face, no doubt screwing up my makeup, but I can’t find it in me to care. The joy I feel at hearing him say those words to me surpasses anything. We both put o getting married, unsure whether it was right for us. Rick had always been uncertain about it, ever since he saw the way his parent’s marriage broke down. I could lose myself in this man’s dark chestnut eyes. Hidden beneath their depth is a man so complicated, and I can’t wait to uncover everything about him as we spend the rest of our lives together. “Miss. Juliano?” The o ciant breaks my daze. I swallow hard, shaking my head. “Sorry.” “Please repeat the words after me,” she says. I nod in response, repeating the same words back to him. I slip the wedding ring onto his finger, knowing the moment I’m anticipating is fast approaching. “By the powers vested in me by this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” She looks at Rick. “You may kiss the bride.” Rick’s strong arms wrap around my back, and he pulls me close, gazing into my eyes for a moment. Every nerve ending tingles with anticipation of being kissed for the first time by my husband. It’s slow and tender as his lips meet mine. That

same hot, electric passion that’s existed between us when we met igniting the moment our lips touch. I feel a deep ache pulse to life between my thighs, and he hasn’t even slipped his tongue into my mouth. Once we break away, I’m burning for him. Clapping and cheers break out in the crowd, and my cheeks heat. Whenever this man touches me, it’s as if the rest of the world fades away. He takes my hand, guiding me back down the aisle as man and wife. Time to celebrate...

M USIC PLAYS SOFTLY in the beautiful ballroom of the venue we booked. Kane and Jasmine sit opposite us on the table with their two beautiful children. Their firstborn was an adorable little boy they called Kace. They didn’t know until the day she gave birth to him whether they were having a boy or a girl. Then just over nine months later, Anna, his sister, came along. For a family surrounded by so much danger, we’ve all found true happiness. Ellie and Jasmine have become great friends to me, hence why Jasmine was my maid of honor and Ellie, my bridesmaid. Out of all of us, Leo and Ellie were the slowest to think about a family. Only a month ago, they announced she was two months pregnant. I’ve got a feeling from knowing both of them over the past few years, they had the most hardship to overcome together. My dad grabs my hand and squeezes. “I’m so proud of you, princess.” I smile at him. “Thanks, Dad.” My father handed over the keys to the business to one of Rick’s most trusted men and moved up here, buying a place down the road.

It was about time he retired the business, anyway. He wanted to be near his grandchildren and me. Oliva and Axel are staying with him while we go on our honeymoon. He dotes on them as much as he always doted on me as a child. Despite the emotional blow, my step-mom is ancient history. Dad caught Janice cheating on him with a younger man. Elaine, his new girlfriend, is his age and lovely. She lives locally and is sitting by his side. “It was a gorgeous wedding,” she says. “Thank you,” I reply, smiling at her. All I want is for my dad to be as happy as me. Rick slides a hand onto my back, sending goosebumps across every inch of my skin. He leans toward my ear. “Shall we dance?” I nod in response, and he takes my hand, pulling me from my chair. The feel of his large, rough hands on mine is enough to heat me through. I’ve wanted to consummate the marriage since our first kiss as husband and wife. Dancing with him will be pure torture, especially as we have to keep it childfriendly. Rick pulls me close, clawing his fingertips into my hips and heating me. “Rick,” I mutter his name. “I want to fuck you so bad,” he groans into my ear, swaying me to the music. He spins me around, pressing his hard cock in between my ass cheeks. It sends a pulsing heat through me. “We need to find somewhere private,” I say. He presses a kiss against the back of my neck. “Let’s get out of here.” He spins me back around and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the hall and into the venue’s grand entryway. “Where do you have in mind?” I ask.

He pulls me down a corridor and opens a door into a small library with views out onto the river. It’s a stunning view. The perfect place to make love to my husband for the first time. He walks me toward the desk in the center of the room. “Bend over,” he growls, pressing his hand into the small of my back. A hot flash of electricity sears my nerves at his tone. Whenever we’re intimate with one another, his dominant side turns me on beyond anything else. He hikes the hem of my wedding dress up and rubs his hand across my bare ass cheeks. I hold my breath, waiting for his next move. Expecting a slap, his lips and rough stubble are an unexpected sensation against my skin. He kisses me there for a moment, groaning behind me. “You are so fucking perfect,” he murmurs. He kneads each of my cheeks softly before spanking them hard and fast. Three slaps on each cheek. I moan, arching my back as he sets every nerve ending in my body on fire. It doesn’t matter how long passes, our need for each other stays the same. Some fires burn hot and fast, extinguishing in time. Our love has been burning as brightly as the day we met, and it burns hotter the more time that passes. His tongue nudges at my panties, and I feel myself dampen. “I can’t wait to lick my wife’s pussy,” he groans. He grabs at the waistband and pulls them down, exposing my wetness to him. I moan in anticipation, waiting to feel his tongue where I need it desperately. His warm breath teases my wet slit. “Please, Rick.” His tongue glides slowly between my lips, making me long to feel it lapping against my sensitive nub.

“Oh, God.” I claw at the edge of the desk, trying to feel grounded. He teases me for a few intense moments, before running his tongue right over my clit. I jolt, ecstasy firing o my nerve endings and sending me to the edge so quickly. Rick always knows how to play my body like a damn instrument, but he only gets better with time. His tongue works at my clit as he slips two thick fingers inside of me. I groan as he hooks them inside and fucks me with them. “Fuck, Rick. Yes, just like that,” I moan. He slaps my ass, and I’m on edge already. “That’s it, baby, come all over my face.” Hearing him talking dirty to me is enough to make me explode. I come hard, flooding all over his face as he laps me up. My orgasm smashing into me with such intensity. Light explodes behind my eyes as he keeps licking me. I moan as his tongue teases from my pussy to my asshole. He presses his tongue into me, making my mind go blank. “Rick, oh, God.” My eyes shut, giving in and allowing him to control me. He pleasures me into submission every time. He slaps my ass even harder, no doubt making it a stinging red. He loves it when I’m red and panting for him. He stops licking me, and the zip of his pants echoes through the room. My mouth waters at the thought of sucking him. I whimper as he walks around to the front of the desk. “Open wide,” he says, fisting himself up and down. My lips drop open as he moves toward me. I lick the tip, tasting the salty seed pooling ON IT. He groans as I close my lips around his shaft. The velvety, veined underside of him slips across my tongue, moving into my throat. I relax and breathe through my nose, accepting every long inch of him deep.

“That’s it, princess, suck that cock like a good girl.” I hum around his cock, loving the way he speaks to me. His fingers lace into my hair, and he thrusts in and out, making saliva drip all over him. The salty taste of him spills down my throat, increasing the need for him. I can never stave o the hunger. “Fuck baby,” he groans, tugging my hair and pulling his cock from my mouth. “I need to be inside of you right now.” “Yes, give it to me,” I moan. He walks around me and teases the thick tip of his length through my soaking wet entrance. “You are so wet,” he growls. He rubs himself between my slick lips up and down, teasing me repeatedly. “Please, Rick,” I moan. He kneads my ass cheeks in his hands and then spanks me hard. “What do you want?” “I need you, Rick,” I moan. He thrusts into me hard and deep, holding still as far as he can go. He spanks my ass cheek twice on the left and then twice on the right, before pulling all the way out and pounding into me hard. My body molds around him, and my muscles contract the moment his length stretches me. “Fuck me just like that,” I moan. He grabs my ass cheek and kneads it roughly, before slapping me twice. “Fuck, you feel so damn good.” He grabs my hair and tugs me upward, forcing my back to arch nearer to him. His fingers lace around my throat. He pulls me against him, driving his cock at an entirely di erent angle as he fucks me. Every time he slips deep, he hits the spot that sets my nerves on fire. His lips trail down the nape of my neck, sending goosebumps prickling over every inch of my skin. “Oh God,” I moan.

“He can’t help you now,” he mutters into my ear. “My wife. My queen. I can’t ever get enough of you.” He thrust into me harder, choking me gently. His dominance still turns me to jelly. The deep baritone rasp of his voice sends me higher as he forces me back down against the desk. I arch my back, driving him so deep inside of me it’s a mix of pain and pleasure. “I want you to come for me, baby.” He spanks me again. “All over my cock.” I can hardly contain the moans escaping me now, as the intensity increases. Bright white forms in my vision, blurring it. The climax rushing for me with such speed. Rick pounds into me, driving me toward it with force. “Oh God, I’m coming,” I moan, my legs trembling. I feel my muscles clamping tightly around him, trying to pull him deeper. It’s as if my body wants to trap him inside of me forever. “God damn, It feels so good,” Rick groans, pressing his lips onto my shoulder. He sinks his teeth gently into my skin. The tingling pain only intensifies the pleasure still spiking through me. I feel him shoot his load deep inside of me. We’re not finished expanding our family, trying to get pregnant again. It was easier the first time with no pressure. Rick lifts me into his arms and sits in front of the window, looking out onto the starlit river outside. He sets me down on a thick, plush floor cushion and settles in behind me. His arms snake around my back, and he holds me against his hard chest. “I love you. You’re my queen o cially now,” he breathes, sending shivers down my spine. I smile and lean back into the warmth of him. Ironically, the man who ordered my kidnap is the man who has given

me everything. More love than I could have imagined and a family I love more than this world.


T HANK you for reading Her Mafia King. This was the last book in the Romano Mafia Brothers series. I hope you enjoyed following Kane, Leo, and Rick’s stories as much as I enjoyed writing them! It’s sad to see the Romano family’s journey end. Thank you so much for your support throughout this series. If you enjoyed these books, you might be interested in reading my newest Bratva Romance Series. The first book in the Bratva Brotherhood series is Bought by the Bratva and is out now on Amazon

He is going to buy me and fall into my trap. They think they’ve broken me. They believe I’ll submit. They think I don’t remember. What they don’t know is that I’m stronger than they bargained for. The day of the virgin auction has arrived, and I’m up for sale I’ve planned everything that has happened to the last detail. After three years of waiting, I’ll get my revenge. But, when he touches me, lines get blurred. He’s not the man I expected him to be. I begin to question everything I’ve been told. My heart is at risk with the man I’m supposed to kill. If I don’t complete my task, my past will threaten to destroy us both… Bought by the Bratva is the first book in the Bratva Brotherhood Series. It’s a safe story with no cli hangers, a happily ever after, and no cheating. This story has hot scenes, dark themes, and bad language. Like most of the books by Bianca Cole, it features an over the top, possessive alpha male.


Bianca Cole loves to write stories about over the top alpha bad boys who have heart beneath it all, fiery heroines, and happily-ever-after endings with heart. Her stories have twists and turns that will keep you flipping the pages, and just enough heat to set your kindle on fire. If you would like to keep up to date with new releases, you can join her facebook group - Bianca Cole’s dirty devils or email her at biancacoleauthor@gmail.com


Wynton Series Filthy Boss: A Forbidden O

ce Romance

Filthy Professor: A First Time Professor And Student Romance Filthy Lawyer: A Forbidden Hate to Love Romance Filthy Doctor: A Doctor and Intern Forbidden Romance Romano Mafia Brother’s Series Her Mafia Daddy: A Dark Romance Her Mafia Boss: A Dark Romance Bratva Brotherhood Series Bought by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Captured by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance

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