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Her Vampire King Copyright © 2020 Bianca Cole All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission. This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. Book cover design by Hot and Steamy Romance Premades


Free Book O er Blurb 1. Vladimir 2. Rosie 3. Vladimir 4. Rosie 5. Vladimir 6. Rosie 7. Vladimir 8. Rosie 9. Vladimir 10. Rosie 11. Vladimir 12. Rosie 13. Vlad 14. Rosie 15. Vlad 16. Rosie 17. Vlad 18. Rosie 19. Vlad 20. Rosie 21. Vlad 22. Rosie 23. Vlad 24. Rosie 25. Vlad 26. Epilogue Mailing List Also by Bianca Cole About the Author


If you enjoy reading about possessive alpha men, steamy hot insta-lust, and romance, then grab my free novella on o er. Filthy Doctor is a 34k novella and part of the Wynton series. Join my mailing list and grab Filthy Doctor for free! Click here to join now!


They told me not to enter London and now I know why. The scent of blood is overwhelming. Only the most powerful vampires could stand a chance of resisting. My steel willpower is being tested, but no one is as strong as me. Until I scent her. A blood that calls to me. A blood that drives me insane. A blood I can’t resist. I stalk her through the streets, tracking her. When I get my hands on her, the need is too di cult to resist. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Vampires don’t mate, but this connection feels deep and sacred. My people have wanted me to take a wife for decades. It looks like I’ve just found her. They won’t like it, but I don’t care. I’m claiming this tasty, stunning human as my own. They will want to stop me, I’d like to see them try. No one can defeat me. I’ll protect her, if it's the last thing I do.




advise against you going anywhere near a city at all, least of all London itself.” Alastair shakes his head. “It’s not a suitable place for a vampire.” I crack my neck. “Who else is going to find the chalice?” Serg bows his head. “With the greatest of respect, your highness, most vampires that enter any human city end up going insane with blood lust.” I slam my fist down on the boardroom table, cracking it right through the middle. “Well, I’m not most vampires, am I?” I can’t tell you how many boardroom tables we’ve gone through in the past two months. Alastair clears his throat. “No, you’re not.” He bites his cheek. “The humans hid the chalice in the city to ensure we couldn’t get near it.” I clench my fists by my side. This conversation is pointless. Once I’ve decided I’m doing something, then no one will change my fucking mind. Alastair should know this by now. They took My father’s chalice, and I won’t rest until it’s back in my possession. The shifters are fucking ballsy to come into my territory and take it. It’s been in my family for years. Bastards.

The chalice of Heverdes is important to the survival of our kind, and we need to get it back. We’re night bound without it. If it’s not in a vampire’s hands, we can’t walk in the sun. Since yesterday morning, all of us have had to stay indoors during the day. Hundreds of vampires were caught outside, unaware, and died—rage coils through me as I think about it. My advisors want to bargain with the group who took it. I know there is no point. They took it because they want to weaken and end our kind. “If we could negotiate—” I hold my hand up, stopping Serg before he can say anymore. “No, I don’t want to hear any more bullshit about negotiating.” Moving my chair back, I stand and pace the floor of my o ce. “They didn’t steal the chalice to negotiate. They stole it to weaken us. As king, I intend to get it back.” Javid stands. “I agree with you, your highness. The wolves and humans want to weaken us. There’s nothing we can o er them that would entice them to return the chalice.” I clap my hands. “It’s settled then. Alastair, ensure a vehicle is ready to take me into London at dusk.” He glares at Javid before bowing his head in defeat. “Right away, your highness.” I watch as he gets up and walks away. “Javid, what do we know about the group who took it?” He clears his throat. “We believe they congregate at the Tower of London, and that’s likely where they’ll keep the chalice.” Not ideal. The Tower of London is a fortress and central. It means I’m going to be in London for longer than I’d hoped. “That’s a little problematic.” I pace the floor, trying to think of how I can get in there without being detected. “I’ll have to move tonight, but they will be guarding it.” I run a hand through my cropped hair.

Javid sighs. “I hate to admit it, sir, but I believe Alastair may be right.” My eyes snap up to meet his. “Are you suggesting that your king is incapable of getting back the chalice?” Javid shakes his head. “No, I’m merely saying it’s not a one-man job, but unfortunately, I fear you are the only one who can safely travel into London without going insane.” I know Javid is right. This job needs an army, but it’s too much of a risk. There’s no vampire alive that has the restraint I have when it comes to feeding. London’s population has grown significantly since the reveal of the paranormal beings amongst humans. Over thirty million humans are crammed into the city, making the blood call almost impossible to resist for most. I’m not certain I can resist it, but I have to try. The chalice is key to our kind’s survival, and I won’t stand by while the wolf shifters tear that away from us. Their fear of our kind is out of control. Humans and shifters have brutalized us in too many stories, movies, and television. Yes, vampires feed on human blood to survive, but we don’t kill unnecessarily. We drink from blood bags unless we have a willing human. A lot of humans don’t realize the erotic pleasure of feeding. “Sir?” Javid snaps me from my daze. I shake my head. “Don’t worry, If anyone can pull this o , it’s me, and you know it.” He nods. “Indeed, I do.” Javid knows when to lay o as there’s no way in hell I’m not going into that city tonight. If I die or get captured trying to find my father’s chalice, so be it. Alastair returns. “I’ve got a vehicle ready, and I will drive you.” My eyes narrow. “Why isn’t Serg driving me?”

Alastair swallows hard. “He’s otherwise engaged at the moment.” I chuckle, shaking my head. “Not feeding on that human again?” Alastair nods. “Yeah, I think he’s getting a little out of hand. He can hardly tear himself out of bed with her.” I shrug. “It’s up to Serg what he does in his spare time. Fine, are you ready to leave?” “Yes, sir.” Alastair bows his head. I clap my hands. “Good, I will get ready in my room. I’ll meet you outside in ten minutes.” I walk away, not waiting for his reply. Going into London without a significant feed would be a bad idea, and my little pet will be all too willing to bend to my needs. David is a human who is desperate to become one of us. Many of my men find it odd I selected a male, although they wouldn’t voice it to me. I see it in their eyes, but little do they know that my choice is a strength. I ensure that I keep feeding and pleasure separate. Some vampires get too addicted to one human. My driver, Gregor, has succumbed to such weakness, bonding too deeply with Karla. A woman who can’t wait to find a way to become one of us—little do they know that there’s no known way to turn. It’s not unknown for vampires to fall in love with humans, which is expressly forbidden, but not often enforced. I enter my room to find David lounging on his bed. He sits up when I enter, bowing his head in respect. “Good evening, sir.” I grunt, pulling o my jacket and throwing it onto the chair in the corner. “I need to feed.” He’s all too willing to oblige, standing and pulling his shirt o to give me better access. Unfortunately, the humans

we feed on get attached, no matter their sexual orientation. A vampire’s bite is addictive. The pleasure they get from it outweighs the pain. He bites his lip, shuddering in anticipation as my fangs lengthen. “Be ready for a long draw, I need strength tonight, David.” He nods enthusiastically. “No problem, sir.” I grab him and sink my fangs into his neck, piercing the vein. He squirms as I start to draw blood from him, feeling the power as it imbues every muscle in my body—the magic of human blood. People say humans aren’t magical, but I beg to di er. There’s something in their blood that makes vampires strong enough to rip a wolf shifter in half. Although, I know there are thousands in the city of London, so I’m still going to have to take the stealth approach. David groans, eyes flickering shut. He’s addicted to the pleasure, and I know I should give him to a female vampire. It’s torture for him and confusing sexually for him, but I need to keep my mind clear. A male human has no appeal to me, although a lot of vampires don’t distinguish, believing pleasure is pleasure. I’m the oldest vampire in existence, and perhaps I’m a bit of a traditionalist. After taking enough blood, I withdraw my fangs. David shakes a little, and I have to steady him. “Take a seat, David.” He moves toward his bed on shaky limbs, sitting down and cupping his head in his hands. “My head kills.” I grit my teeth. “Sorry, I must have overfed.” I move toward my jacket and grab a vial of vampire toxin taken from our fangs. “Here, take some of this.” I pass the vial into his hand. “It will help.” He smiles weakly, before knocking it back. The color returns to his face, and he sighs, sinking back into the bed.

“Thanks, Vlad.” I nod. “No worries, mate.” I move toward my wardrobe, stripping out of my suit. The blood spills on the white shirt aren’t exactly a good look if I want to sneak into a city undetected. I pull out a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, which will help me look ordinary in a city full of millions of humans. I’m not exactly shy about undressing as I change my boxers, jeans, and t-shirt, despite knowing that David is watching. David’s interest in me is growing more and more by the day, which is another reason I should let him go to a female vampire. First, I’ll have to find another human to take his place. I turn around, fully dressed, to catch him stroking himself through his pants. I clear my throat, forcing him to stop. “I may not be back tonight, so don’t worry, I won’t need to feed on you again.” I nod toward the door. “You should get out of here and have some fun for the evening.” As if my words snap him out of a daze, he nods. “Okay, thank you, sir. Perhaps I will.” I nod and head out of the room, not looking back at my loyal blood giver. It’s time for me to cut him loose, as soon as I finish my task—the chalice is all that matters, and I will find it if it’s the last thing I do.




t’s getting late, and I’m already bored at the bar. My roommate, Alice, bailed on coming out to keep me company. I knock back the rest of my drink and stand, heading over to Kev. “Hey, I think I’m going to head home.” He glances up at me, eyes wide. “Really?” He steps closer, lowing his voice. “You know I don’t like leaving you to walk home on your own.” I nod, glancing around the packed bar. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Alice bailed, and I just want to head back.” I shrug. “I had a long day at work.” Kev nods and finishes pulling a pint, before coming out from behind the bar. “Are you sure you’re okay, walking home alone?” I nod, hugging my coat tightly around me. “I’m sure, Kev, I’ll be fine.” I glance at my watch, noticing it’s only ten o’clock. “It’s not even late, and with the pact between our city council and the wolves, we’ve never been safer.” He gives me an uncertain look before pulling me into a hug. “If I could get o early, I would walk you home.” He nods toward the bar he’s tending tonight. “I know.” I clap my best friend on the back and turn to leave the bar.

“Call me when you are home safe,” he calls after me. I glance over my shoulder, smiling. “I will call you. Speak later.” I slip onto the bustling streets of London. Kev is overly protective of me walking home alone at night, but since the wolf shifters moved in, crime has been at an all-time low. They police the streets, and no one dares stand against them. Vampires have all but abandoned the city entirely, making an ambush from one of them slim. I’m torn over whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Yes, we’re safer because of it, but is it safe to leave control of our city to beasts? I was only little when the truth about shifters, witches, fae, and vampires was revealed, and it’s been a struggle ever since for humans. It doesn’t help that all the species are at war with each other, particularly in Britain. It’s safer for humans to get help from wolf-shifters since they’ve got no ulterior motive. Vampires still use humans as blood-bags up north, but in the capital, we’re safe. The faeries want no association with humans or any other kind of creature because they’re selfimportant and stuck-up their asses. Dragons tend to lose control and burn down buildings or worse. Wolves are most certainly my favorite option to protect us—after all, dogs are man’s best friend. Witches don’t come into it, because they are few and far between. I grit my teeth as I take a left toward my apartment, hating that I have to leave the busy streets. It may be safer than it used to be, but something about quiet side streets gives me the creeps. Sometimes, I wish I was back in my small hometown in America. The situation there is much less fraught, but a mistake I made means I can never go back. I turn left onto the next

street, quickening my footsteps. All I want is to get back to my apartment. “Rosie?” I freeze, hearing that voice. Elias. A wolf shifter who was part of the pack I fled from in America. He was one of my friends, or at least, I believed he was until the incident. How the hell is he here? My mind races, my heart pounds. I can’t decide whether I should pretend not to know Elias or not. Maybe I should make a run for it, but that would be fucking stupid. He could shift and track me down. I mean, doppelgangers do exist, and I could play that card. Elias knows me too well, though, and I’m a shit liar. “Is that you?” he asks, approaching me. Fuck. I haven’t seen a soul from my past life in America for over six years. “Yeah, it is. Good to see you, Elias.” His eyes narrow. “Do you realize the entire pack has searched for you for years?” he asks, voice not threatening, just shocked. He can’t do anything here, not within the city limits. I nod my head. “Yes, I...” I don’t know how to explain what happened. Would Elias even listen to me? My heart aches as I realize him seeing me here means I have to move. London has been my home for six years. I don’t want to leave my friends, my apartment, everything I’ve worked for. “Neil attacked me, Elias, I didn’t have a choice.” He tilts his head to the side. “I can believe that alright.” He shakes his head. “Neil was a bastard, particularly when it came to young human girls.” I bite my bottom lip. “Are you going to turn me in?”

His blue eyes are kind and soft as he shakes his head. “Nah, I left the pack a couple of years ago, Rosie. You’ve got nothing to fear from me.” I raise a brow. “No one leaves the pack.” It’s the truth. Once you’re in a pack, it’s very di cult to cut ties. I know for certain he’s lying, as I know enough about shifter rules. It’s almost like being part of a criminal gang or the mafia. He smiles. “Things are di erent from when you were last in America, Rosie. Rhys rules all the packs now.” He steps toward me, setting my nerves on edge. “Many have given up hope of getting revenge for what you did, even more so since Rhys took control. We’ve had many Alphas since Neil.” He shrugs, but his expression is tight. “I never cared for him much anyway. I reckon you did us all a favor.” I shift my weight from one foot to the other, feeling on edge. What I did was an act in self-defense, but in the process, I killed their Alpha. He tried to rape me, and I lashed out. It will haunt me forever. The sight of him lifeless and bloody on the ground. “I best be going,” I say, wanting nothing more than to put distance between us fast. He pats my shoulder. “Of course, seriously, you’ve got nothing to worry about from me, Rosie. I promise.” As I look into his eyes, I’m not sure he’s telling the truth, but I nod and try to keep my cool. I’ve been hiding from his pack for six years. It’s impossible to leave behind my suspicions. London has been a great home, but something tells me it’s time to leave. “Thank you, Elias. It was good to see you,” I lie. “And you. Maybe see you around.” His eyes flicker with amusement at that line. He knows that I’m dead. There’s no way he will keep this from the pack, and before I know it, they will descend on me. I give him a nod, hugging my coat tighter around my arms. Every footstep is faster than the other as I continue

toward my apartment. My heart is still pounding as I rush away from him. Elias was always one of the better ones, but when I was seventeen, I got caught up with their pack. It was a big mistake. Even more so when Neil, the leader, decided to try and take advantage of me. I was underage, and he tried to rape me, unaware that I had a knife strapped to my calf. My dad was a bit paranoid, and he taught me how to hunt and fight from a young age, making sure I could take care of myself in a world where we are at the bottom of the food chain. I managed to stab Neil in the neck when he was o guard, and then again in the heart. He died right in front of my eyes, and I’ve never got over that moment. It haunts my nightmares. I rush to my right, getting o the main street into an alleyway. It’s safer to make my way back where no one can see me; that way, he can’t track me. If he finds out where I live, they will come for me. Elias wants me dead, but he can’t kill me in London. The protection order means no wolves can kill humans in the city confines. His story might be an attempt to put me at ease and stall me until he can get back up and kidnap me. I swallow hard, feeling overwhelmed that my past life has finally caught up with me. I know they say not to run from your problems, it only creates more, but I did what I had to do to survive. I’ll do it again now. My friends here will wonder what happened to me for a while, but they’ll move on. At least we’ll all be safe and alive. Wolves don’t drop grudges easily, and I won’t take Elias’ word for it. He wants me dead—all of them do. As I rush down the quiet street, a sense of someone watching me sweeps over me. I glance back and notice a man walking the same way down the street. It’s not Elias, so I push it out of my mind, hoping it’s just a coincidence. The

last thing I need right now is something else to worry about. I just need to get home and catch my breath. As I round the next corner, I glance over my shoulder to see the man is closer and still following. My heart skips a beat, and I quicken my footsteps. It seems like today isn’t going my way.




lastair reluctantly pulls the vehicle to a stop at an old borderline. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” I don’t even both glancing at him. “Alastair, how long have you known me?” “Hundreds of years.” He shrugs. “I’ve lost count.” I nod. “Eight hundred and fifty-five to be exact.” I pat him on the shoulder. “In all those years, have you ever known me to fail?” I meet his gaze, knowing that he hasn’t. I made mistakes in my early years, but I soon learned from them. He shakes his head. “Of course not.” I smile. “Then quit fucking worrying.” “Yes, sir.” He bows his head. “I’ll wait for you at our agreed pick up point.” I draw in a deep breath, glancing at the towering walls in front of us. The height isn’t the issue with getting through, and it’s the enchantment. “If it gets near sunrise tomorrow and I haven’t returned, promise me you will drive back to the safe house.” I glance at my friend. “This might take longer than I expect, but I will take the necessary precautions, somewhere.” Alastair’s jaw clenches. “Of course, sir. I’ll return the night after if you aren’t back by sunrise.”

I smile. “Thanks, Alastair. I’ll see you on the other side.” I open the door and get out of the car. I walk down the road at first toward the city, making sure not to glance back. The boundaries of London are enchanted too, but I am allowed to walk over it. Vampires just aren’t supposed to go beyond the wall, since it protects humans. I don’t hesitate, stepping over the line, but it hits me the moment I pass through the enchantment—a strong scent of hot blood flowing through millions of humans’ veins. I grit my teeth, knowing it is more than I’d expected. Nothing could have prepared me for the intensity of the human blood. I’m only on the outer lines and haven’t made it over the walls yet. My fangs lengthen in my mouth. I sink them into my tongue, wanting to feel the pain. Pain is what I need right now. It sharpens my mind and sense. The chalice is why I’m here—the only reason for stepping foot into a city crammed with millions of gallons of blood. The gap in the wall around the city is noticeable and a little surprising. Every entrance into the city is guarded by wolves, making it impossible for any vampire to get through. Yet, there’s a big fucking hole in their defenses clear as day, which isn’t defended by the enchantment. My brow furrows as I get closer, as it seems too obvious. I guess all places have a weakness and a way in—I hope it will be this easy when I make it to the Tower of London. Something tells me that’s highly unlikely. Getting into the city is just half of the struggle. I climb easily through the crack, dropping down on the other side. It takes me into a small back alley with an exit to the left and a dead-end to the right. The scent of blood increases and I’m thankful I drank from David just before coming here. Otherwise, I may have been driven to feed.

Clenching my fists by my side, I take a left and get the fuck out of there, heading into the city of London. Alastair might be right. Perhaps I’m stepping into my demise. *** I’ve been walking through the city streets for twenty minutes. My hold on my control is there, but it feels like one wrong move could send me spiraling. There are humans close by, and I can hear the rush of blood in their veins. It’s goading me, challenging me. I step o the main street and onto a side alley, and every muscle in my body tenses. A sweet scent hits me, snapping the little control I had on my urges. Blood so divine I forget everything in an instance, scenting it over every other blood in the city. I change direction, walking the opposite way of the tower. A place I was heading to, but I can’t even remember why anymore. The scent calls to me so strongly that I can’t resist. The scent of the millions of other humans surrounding me pales in comparison. How can one blood be more potent than millions? I walk faster, drawn simply by the scent of blood. No thought to anything else crosses my mind as I track the source down, stalking the streets. A guy bashes into me coming the other way, breaking the trance I’d fallen into. “Watch it,” I growl, baring my fangs at him. He pales and dashes o the other way. My head snaps back toward the source of the blood as it gets further away. I’m the oldest vampire in existence and the strongest. As I try desperately to cling onto my common sense, the scent wins. I sprint for the source, no longer able to hold myself back. If the shifters catch wind of a vampire stalking the streets, I’ll be in serious fucking trouble. Even as that

thought passes through my mind, I don’t care. As I step around the corner of the next street, my heart skips a beat. I stop dead in my tracks, staring at the source of the blood that drives me wild. The scent is coming from a human female, who is talking to a wolf shifter. I step back, making sure they don’t detect me. Perfect. The last thing I need is a wolf-shifter talking to my prey. All I can smell is her, and it’s fucking beautiful. I can’t get a good view of her, not in the dim streetlight. All I want is to get closer to her. The wolf shifter is a problem. I tune into their conversation. “Thank you, Elias. It was good to see you,” the female says, voice a little shaky. I can’t understand why an instinct to protect her floods me, but I hold myself back, waiting to see what he does. “And you. Maybe see you around,” he replies, the threat is clear in his voice, and I’m ready to intervene. I watch, keeping back in the shadows, as the female heads right toward me. She doesn’t notice me lurking in the shadows, watching her. I can hear her heart pounding frantically, as all she cares about is escaped the shifter. She slips past me, heading down the street. My feet follow her without thought as if I no longer have control over my body. All that matters to me right now is this human, and everything else has faded into the background. I won’t be right until I get a taste of her. My steps are careful and quiet, as I follow her, watching her hips sway from side to side. It feels like every one of her movements is tempting me. Not to mention, the scent of her blood makes my mind hazy and my cock hard. Humans provide vampires with intoxicating pleasure, and it goes both ways. Maybe I’ve just found the perfect

replacement for David. Fuck. I shouldn’t even think of using a female for my feeding, but I want her. I want her more than anything I’ve wanted in a long time. I didn’t come here for this, but I can’t remember why I’m here. There are only a few meters between us now. As the woman takes the corner, she glances back at me. Our eyes meet for a brief moment, and electricity pulses between us. This woman has got the most stunning green eyes I’ve ever seen. She’s also beyond beautiful. My balls ache at the thought of giving her the night of her life—a night she’ll never forget. I want to taste her repeatedly until she’s begging me for my fangs and cock. How the fuck am I not able to control my urges? There’s something important I came here to do, and it wasn’t chasing poor human women down the street. I’m acting like a primal animal, hunting its prey. I grit my teeth, trying desperately to remember why the fuck I’m here as I follow her around the next corner. She glances back at me again, hastening her steps. It’s clear she has noticed me, and her heart rate is getting quicker. The predator inside of me rises to the surface—excited by the chase. The moment I set eyes on her again, the haze clouds my mind stronger than before. I’m a vampire, which means I could catch her in seconds. Yet, I’m enjoying the chase and listening to the erratic beat of her heart as she tries to escape. There is no escape from me. Why the fuck didn’t I listen to Alastair? He always knows best, and as always, I’m a hot head that wants to save the day. I never think things through, but then, I didn’t expect to be bowled over by some human blood. It wasn’t until I caught her scent, that I got derailed.

Even as I try to recall the important reason why I’m here, I can’t even remember what it was. The woman glances over her shoulder for the third time. She sees me, and her stunning emerald eyes widen. Her nostrils flare, and her fear hits me. Suddenly, she breaks into a sprint away. I smirk, feeling the need to chase her increase. We’re natural predators and get a quick from human fear. I break into a jog, which would seem like a fast sprint to more humans. She glances back over her shoulder again to see me closing in. It’s a mistake to look back as she tumbles to the ground, screaming. I grab her by the jacket, yanking her to her feet. Quickly, I move with her down an alleyway and push her against the wall. The last thing I need is for wolf-shifters to find me attacking a human in the streets of London. She breathes erratically, shaking as I pin her there. My cock and fangs are aching to be embedded in this woman. Her emerald eyes are full of fear, but once I bite her, all she will look at me with is pure desire.




y body shakes as he holds me against the wall. His red eyes glow in the dark of the alleyway he has trapped me in. I can’t believe I’m about to be murdered by a vampire. The shifters are supposed to keep them out of the city—a great fucking job they’ve done. “What’s your name, darling?” he asks in a deep, baritone rumble. My stomach clenches at the sound of his voice. I’ve heard about the allure of vampires on Humans—they have a powerful e ect on humans and the ability to seduce them. It’s part of their predatory senses, allowing them to get close enough to humans to feed. He grips my hips possessively, digging his fingers in so hard it hurts. The last thing I should feel is aroused, but he is working his magic right now. As I look into the stunning vampire’s eyes, I can’t conjure the fear that should be there. “I asked you a question,” he growls. I lick my too dry lips, drawing his attention to them. “Rosie,” I say, my voice so quiet. “Rosie,” he repeats my name in a husky tone. “Why are you out here all on your own at this time of night?” He tilts his head in an almost predatory way.

I swallow hard, wishing I’d waited at the bar for Kev. I may have been there another two hours, but that beats getting murdered down an alley. Vampires are notoriously weak when it comes to resisting their thirst. “Walking home,” I squeak. His eyes flash with fire that borders on sexual. “Where is that?” he purrs. I lick my bottom lip slowly and try to weigh up my options. If this vampire seriously thinks I’m going to tell him where I live, he is deluded. Alice, my friend, also lives there, and I’m not about to lead her to the slaughter too. “Why do you need to know?” He growls a deep, viscous sound and tightens his grip on me. “Tell me now.” “A few blocks from here,” I say. There’s a flash of rage in his eyes. “I need the address.” I shake my head, knowing I’m dead either way. “No, I won’t risk my roommate’s life.” I hold my chin up high, despite the fact I am scared now. He snarls, eyes flashing with rage and desire. “You don’t know who I am.” His grip tightens painfully on my hips, bruising the flesh and making me wince. I shake my head. “You are a vampire,” I say, wishing I had a knife. For a year or so, I’ve stopped carrying one, a decision I’m coming to regret not once tonight. First, the run-in with Elias, and now a vampire attack. Can’t I catch a break? He moves his face even closer to mine, his breath hitting my lips. “Not any vampire. I’m the vampire king.” A shiver runs down my spine. If this vampire is the vampire king, then I’m screwed. He’s the oldest and most powerful vampire on the earth. “Vladimir Balan,” I breathe. He moves his lips close to mine but doesn’t kiss me. “You can call me Vlad.”

I’ve heard so many rumors about the pleasure of a vampire bite. Some insist it’s more addictive than any drug. “What are you going to do to me?” He suddenly nips my bottom lip with his fang, breaking the skin. “Drive you insane,” he growls, before melding his lips to mine. I tense at first, before relaxing against him. His lips are hard and dominant as he kisses me deeply, tongue sliding into my mouth. I moan against him, feeling all of my self-control slip. Is this some kind of magic he’s using? Vampires can’t use magic, but it feels like all my self-control has been taken away from me. Vlad’s grip tightens on my hips, and he pulls me harder against him, groaning softly. He moves his lips from my mouth, down my neck, making me shiver. I know the danger this man puts me in. He’s a vampire. He could drain me in a matter of minutes, and I wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it. As I try to remind myself of that fact, I feel his fangs lightly graze my skin. “You are more intoxicating than anything I’ve ever scented before.” He pulls away and looks me in the eye. “Would you allow me a taste?” I stare up at the vampire king, blinking. Did he just ask my position to bite me? “Why do you look so shocked? Did you expect me to take whatever I want in a town like this? I may be powerful, but I don’t have a fucking death wish.” He smiles handsomely at me, and it’s at that point, I let myself take in his appearance. The man is stunning. He has dark, tanned skin, a black beard and black hair shaved on the sides, revealing tattoos that snake down his neck and disappear below his shirt. “Do you like what you see?” he asks, snapping my eyes back up to his.

I swallow hard. “I should get going. No biting for me tonight, please.” I try to step to my side, but he puts his arm in the way. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go.” His jaw is tight, and his eyes are piercing. “Why not?” He breathes in deep. “You are too addictive.” I raise a brow. “Is that what you say to all the ladies?” I laugh, feeling a little more at ease ever since he asked my permission to bite me. He doesn’t want to break the rules. I get a feeling he doesn’t intend to murder me. He growls softly. “No, only you.” The intensity in his voice makes me tremble. “Please, Rosie, let me show you how good it can be.” His eyes flooded with pure desire as they dip to my neck. I can’t deny that I’m attracted to this vampire, but he’s a freaking vampire. Sure, he isn’t drawing the blood without my permission, but something tells me if I pushed long enough, he might snap. He moves closer again, pressing his lips softly against mine. “I want to make you feel better than you’ve ever felt,” he murmurs, sending shivers down my spine. I can’t control myself as I launch myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He groans as he takes my weight, pressing me against the wall. “That’s it, baby, let me make you feel good,” he purrs into my ear, fangs grazing the skin at my neck. I nod my head. “Okay,” I say, voice quiet. He groans and then sinks his teeth into my neck. It feels like every thought in my mind is obliterated the moment he first sucks. It stings, but it’s nothing compared to the pure euphoria that hits me. My body coils tightly, and my toes curl as he holds onto me, sucking blood from my neck.

I feel myself getting wet between my thighs instantly. It’s a sexually fueled pleasure that makes me want to strip right here and now and have him inside of me. A ridiculous notion considering I’m still a virgin. Vlad withdraws his fangs, panting softly. He licks the blood from the wound, before slowly moving his lips to my exposed cleavage. “You are divine. I can’t imagine ever letting you go.” He grazes his fangs over my skin. “Perhaps we can take this somewhere more private?” My knees shake, and I feel lightheaded. “How much blood did you suck out?” I ask, clutching onto him for support. My question sobers him up. “I didn’t think I took too much.” He cups my chin and looks into my eyes. “Do you feel weak?” I nod, noticing the concern in his eyes. “Yes, I feel so lightheaded.” He grabs my hair and pulls my lips to his, kissing me deeply. A sweet, sugar liquid pours into my mouth as he does, and he growls softly. I yank myself back, suddenly feeling strength imbue my body. “What was that?” He grins, showing me his fangs. “Vampire toxin, it has healing properties. You should feel better now.” I’d expect the fangs to be o -putting, but they make him look more handsome and rugged. The need inside of me is growing by the moment. Am I addicted to the bite already? Its addictive qualities are powerful. “I-I do.” I shake my head. “What have you done to me?” He smirks. “I think the more important question is, what have you done to me?” “There, it’s a fucking vampire,” someone shouts, startling both of us out of our lust-filled daze. “Fuck,” Vladimir growls, eyes meeting mine for a moment. He winks, and then he’s gone. A weakness floods

through me the moment he’s gone, and my knees wobble. I fall to the floor, no longer having him to hold me up. Two werewolves shift in front of my eyes and chase after him, making my heart rate pick up. The thought of that man being ripped apart by wolves scares me, which makes no sense. Vampires aren’t supposed to come into the city. He shouldn’t be here, and that’s what they do with any vampires caught in London. Another werewolf approaches me, unshifted. “Hey, are you alright?” the shifter asks, crouching down next to me. A headache forms between my eyes, and I pinch my nose. “I’ve got a splitting headache.” He moves my hair from my neck. “A vampire bite.” He shakes his head. “The bastard fed from you.” He wraps an arm around my back and lifts me into his arms, carrying me out of the alleyway. “I’ve got to get you to a hospital.” I let my eyes flicker shut, knowing I’m safe. The main question in my mind is, did I want to be saved from Vlad? I don’t think he intended to hurt me, and I was excited to see where that went. His face is all I see as I shut my eyes, letting myself float away.




age and adrenaline pump through my veins as I sprint away. I wanted to stay with that beautiful human, but those fucking shifters drove me away from her. My legs move faster than they’ve ever moved. I feel stronger than I’ve ever felt, and Rosie’s blood is the reason. It’s something else. The chasing wolves are far behind, but I can’t hear them when I come to a stop in an alleyway. Usually, shifters can give us a run for our money, but they couldn’t keep up. As the blood haze clears from my mind with the distance from Rosie, I remember my purpose here. It took a group of fucking werewolves to chase me away from her to refocus my mind. Little do they know that they’ve just done me a favor as I wasn’t thinking straight at all. I punch the wall of the building by my side, crumbling a hole in the building. Wolves know that a vampire is trespassing in the city, and they’ll know why. I’ve got nowhere to go but try to carry out the assignment. Not only am I pissed o that I fucked up and forgot what I was here for, but I’m also angry that they forced me away from her. Rosie. Sweet as fucking sin and the most perfect woman I’ve ever set my eyes on in all my centuries of life.

How could this happen? I never ask permission from humans to feed, but there was something about her. I couldn’t drink from her and scare her. Maybe it was because I want her to be my new blood giver. You’ve got nothing if you haven’t got trust between a master and a blood giver. It didn’t feel like a conscious choice, though, it felt more instinctive. “I think he went this way,” I hear a wolf shout, his voice too close for comfort. I run a hand through my hair, before launching onto a fire escape and climbing it. The only safe place to move in this city will be the roofs since Wolves like to hunt on the ground level and are clumsy. Vampires are strong and agile enough to free run far better than any human. Once on the roof, I survey the buildings. I catch sight of the Tower of London at least a mile away from where I’m standing. There’s a clear path across the high-rise buildings, but getting there is only half of it. Rosie’s blood pumps through my body, giving me a high. Pure power races through my veins. I can hardly scent the millions of humans’ blood anymore, only hers, even though she’s not near. I can sense her moving further away. I crack my neck, feeling torn over which direction to go. That human powers, and her blood calls to me. I will find her again, but first, I need to find the chalice. If I want to walk in the sun, and not be confined to the night. Wolves are assholes. Self-important bastards think they are better than vampires. I won’t rest until I put them in their place. My self-control wins as I prepare to launch myself toward the Tower of London. I launch myself across the first building, leaping across the chasm easily. I misjudge the power of my leap, clearing two buildings at once.

My eyes widen, and I glance back. I’ve never jumped that far before. What the hell is in Rosie’s blood? Maybe she’s my savior—the key to me making my way through this. I continue, leaping two buildings at a time, heading straight for the Tower of London. As I get close, I stop and take note of the outposts on the street. There’s a perimeter around the tower, blocking all streets leading to it. Werewolves are crawling the streets. This is going to be fucking hard. If there are this many werewolves outside of the tower, how many will be inside? There’s a large gap between the last building and the Tower of London. In normal circumstances, I wouldn’t be able to clear it. With Rosie’s blood pumping through my veins, I’ve got a feeling I might make it. In all my years of life, I’ve never believed in fate. Perhaps I ran into her for a reason. I glance at the London tower, certain that the chalice is inside. I can sense it. Fuck it. I launch myself over the vast gap and land on one of the buildings’ roofs. The main, central building is where they’ll keep the chalice, and the courtyard is crawling with werewolves. The cover of the night will help me launch over undetected, but there are so many of them. If one of them catches sight of me, I’m screwed. I watch for a while, taking note of the patterns they repeat, as the guards’ patrol in formation. A conversation catches my attention, and I tune in. “Did you hear about the vampire attack on the other side of the city?” A wolf asks. The other wolf nods. “Yeah, we’ve got to be on alert, as they lost him.” “Do you think the vampire is going to attempt to get back the chalice?”

The other guard shrugs. “Who knows, but it is best to be safe. They’re moving it somewhere no vampire could ever reach.” My heart pounds faster, overhearing that news. They haven’t moved it yet, as I can sense it. “Where’s that, then?” I hold my breath, listening. “The UV room in a hospital nearby. They’re taking it now.” Fuck. Without the chalice in my possession, I’ll be burned to a crisp by the time I get my hands on it. These wolves are clever fucking bastards, but little do they know, I’m already here. I focus on the chalice, allowing my link to it to guide me. I launch across to the main building, heading toward the door in the turret and trying it. It’s locked. So, I smash my fist through the lock, breaking it o —the door swings in to reveal a staircase into the tower. Listening for any sign they’ve heard my break-in, I wait. After a few moments, I head down with light steps that are hardly audible. The scent of wolves is overwhelming. The chalice is lower in the tower, but I can feel it moving. It means the wolves are moving it right now, and I’ve got to stop them. I get to the bottom of the stairwell, glancing either way before advancing down the corridor. The shadows cover me as I try to focus on them, allowing them to engulf me. A shifter walks right past me, not noticing me hiding. It’s a skill all vampires can try to adopt, but not many are as skilled as I am. I move down the next flight of stairs, stopping dead in my tracks when I sense the chalice leave the building. Fuck.

I may be able to hide in the shadows, but something tells me that walking out the front door of the Tower of London would be a bad idea. I turn around, and my heart skips a beat when I see a wolf walking right toward me. There’s nowhere to hide. He looks up, eyes widening when he notices me. I sprint for him and snap his neck before he can open his mouth, gritting my teeth as his body falls to the floor. If he is found, I’ll be in deep fucking trouble. I did what I had to, though. Allowing that wolf to even shout for someone would have been a death sentence. I drag his body into an empty room and shut the door, before sprinting back up the staircase toward the roof. The chalice is moving further away. I can’t allow shifters to take it into the hospital, because then it will be untouchable. The adrenaline racing through my veins heightens as I launch myself o the tower’s rooftop, landing on the outer wall. Wolves move through the streets, guarding it. I grit my teeth, rage pumping through me. What right do they have to take it in the first place? These assholes killed many vampires that I know. All because they say they are trying to protect humans. Bullshit. Shifters love getting one up on us whenever possible. I follow the convoy, hopping from building to building. With each jump, Rosie’s blood gets closer. It’s a distraction I don’t need right now, but something tells me she’s in the same building that they are heading to—the hospital. It would make sense considering wolf shifters make sure a huge deal over us feeding. Rosie was fine, although she said she was a little lightheaded, I was sure I hadn’t taken too much of her blood. There’s no chance I’m getting the chalice on the way to the hospital. Somehow, I’m going to have to come up with a

plan to get it once they believe it’s as protected as possible. Then, I’ll strike and blow their entire plan apart. The allimportant question is, how?




y eyes flicker open, and I sit bolt upright. Where the hell am I? I glance around and realize I’m in a hospital. Kev is sleeping in the chair by my bed, and I relax, seeing his friendly face. Vladimir’s face flits into my mind almost instantly as I try to remember what happened. The handsome vampire king who gave me a thrill of pleasure but took a bit too much of my blood. I groan softly as the headache between my eyes is still pounding. Kev wakes at the sound. “Rosie, you’re away?” He rubs his eyes. “Thank god, how do you feel?” he asks, swallowing hard. He looks guilty as he stares at me. “I’m so sorry I didn’t walk you home.” I shake my head. “Kev, it wasn’t your fault.” He looks unconvinced as he sits up straighter in his seat. “Vampires aren’t supposed to be able to get into the city.” He shakes his head. “That bastard drained too much of your blood.” I grit my teeth, strangely protective over the vampire who attacked me. I don’t voice my defense of him.

He apologized when he took too much and gave me some of that sweet toxin. It made me feel better, but I think I needed more. “I don’t think he intended to kill me.” Kev raises a brow. “Rosie, he put you in the hospital, so I find that very hard to believe.” I know how it looks, but Vladimir never seemed a threat. I was disappointed when the werewolves found us and chased him away. He didn’t say anything, just winked and disappeared. A nurse knocks on the door before entering. “It’s good to see you awake. I’ve got your test results.” Kev shakes his head. “I don’t think we need them. She was drained of too much blood by a fucking vampire.” I shoot him a warning look. “Go ahead,” I say, smiling at the nurse. She draws in a deep breath. “While you were fed on by a vampire, it doesn’t seem like he took too much blood.” She shakes her head. “All of your vitals are fine.” I sigh, smiling. “That’s good news.” I rub my head. “What’s causing this splitting headache, though?” She clears her throat. “I believe the vampire gave you a fair share of vampire toxin, which is addictive. I would imagine it’s the withdrawal symptoms.” My brow furrows. “From one feeding?” She nods. “Yes, it’s the most addictive substance in the world.” She walks closer and checks the IV drip. “We’ll flush it out, though, don’t worry.” “Vampires are a fucking menace,” Kev says, shaking his head. “Did they find out how this one got through the defenses?” The nurse shakes her head. “You’ll have to take with the police about that. I believe an o ce is waiting to speak with

Rosie, and I’ll let him know she’s awake.” With that, she leaves us alone. “I’m so sorry, Rosie.” I grab Kev’s hand. “Don’t be. No one could have foreseen this.” I remember my encounter with Elias, realizing that as soon as I get out of this hospital, I’ve got to get out of the city. Kev knows nothing about my past—none of my friends do. They believe I moved here because I had the scholarship to attend University College London, which was true, but not the whole truth. “It is my fault. I could have called you a cab. I could have —” “No, Kev. I’m solely responsible for my actions.” I shake my head. “Stop beating yourself up about it. I’m fine. You heard the nurse.” “Not fine,” a man says at the door, making me jump. “Sorry?” He’s wearing a doctor’s uniform. “There are some anomalies in your test results. We need to run more tests.” He steps inside, shutting the door behind him. “How are you feeling, Miss Davis?” I shrug. “A little weak still, I guess, and I have a headache.” He nods, noting down my symptoms. “While it doesn’t seem like the vampire drained much of your blood, you have very low blood pressure.” He nods at the monitor beeping in front of me. The machine shows 75/40 and keeps moving a little. “We’re very concerned, and we need to keep you in overnight.” I swallow hard, wondering if I don’t have to worry about leaving London. Maybe my time is up anyway. Kev stands. “What could cause this?” The doctor eyes him, and he moves his gaze to me. “We don’t know, hence why we will be running more tests

overnight and tomorrow.” He returns his attention to Kev. “It’s best you say goodnight and leave Miss Davis to rest.” Kev looks back at me, uncertain. “Are you going to be okay?” I nod and smile. “Yes, Kev, don’t worry. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He stares at me reluctantly. “Okay, text me if you need me.” He walks past the doctor sti y, leaving me alone with him. “Get some rest, Miss Davis. You’ll need it.” I swallow hard, watching him as he leaves me. I rest my head back against the pillow, shutting my eyes. Vladimir’s face appears again. Every time I close my eyes, he’s there. Another knock comes, and I sigh heavily, wishing these people would leave me alone. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Miss Davis, but I’m O cer Smith, and I’d like to speak with you about the attack.” I grit my teeth and open my eyes, glancing at the police o cer in the doorway. “Okay, I’m feeling a little tired, though.” He nods. “Don’t worry. I won’t keep you long.” He sits down in a chair next to Kev, glancing at him. “If you don’t mind, I’d rather speak with the victim alone.” Kev glances between the police o cer and me, before standing. “I’ll wait outside.” I smile at him as he reluctantly leaves me. “So, Miss Davis, you were attacked by a vampire on your walk home, is that correct?” I nod, but I’m not sure I can call it an attack. Sure, Vlad grabbed me, but it didn’t feel like an attack. “Can you tell me how this came about?” I recall my conversation with Elias. “Yes, I decided to take a shortcut home and left the main street to walk down a back

street.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I was walking toward my apartment when I noticed a man following me.” The o ce scribbles on a notepad as I recall everything that happened. The fear I’d felt when I realized Vlad was chasing me was insurmountable, but once he got his hands on me, it all went away. “I kept checking over my shoulder, but he just kept following. That’s when I started to run, but he chased me and caught me easily.” I shrug. “Before I started running, I didn’t realize he was a vampire.” The o ce nods. “And then?” he asks. I feel heat filters through my body at what happened next. It was erotic and a little bit too enjoyable, but I can’t tell the police that. “The vampire pinned me against a wall, spoke to me for a short while, and then bit me.” “What did he talk to you about?” I can’t understand why, but I don’t want to tell the police his name—I don’t want to reveal that Vlad Balan was the vampire that attacked me. “He asked me where I lived, and I was vague, but he got angry when I wouldn’t tell him the address.” The police o cer’s brow furrows. “Strange. And, you’d never seen this vampire before?” I shake my head. “He was the first vampire I’d ever met.” The o ce nods his head. “We haven’t had a vampire attack in a long while, ever since the wolves moved in.” He glances up at me, eyes narrowing. “Did he mention a chalice at all?” “A chalice?” I shake my head. “No, why?” It seems like an odd question to ask me. He shakes his head. “We just believe that he might be after an artifact we are keeping here in the city, that is all.” He clicks his pen in and slams his notebook shut. “I think that is all I need from you, Miss Davis.” He steps forward

and holds out a card. “It was nice to meet you, and if you think of anything else that could help us find your attacker, please don’t hesitate to call.” I take the card and nod, staring at it blankly. “Thank you.” He turns and walks away, allowing Kev to return. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks, noticing me staring blankly at the card. “Yeah, that was just a bit weird. The o ce asked me about a chalice.” Kev sits down by my side. “What kind of chalice?” I shrug. “No idea, he believes the vampire is after an artifact.” I pinch the bridge of my nose again, shutting my eyes. “I’m exhausted, Kev. You’d be best to go home and get some rest. I’ll be fine.” “No way, I’m not leaving you here alone.” I shake my head, glaring at him. “Kev, I’m in the best hands possible. You’re not sleeping in this damn chair all night.” He sighs, knowing that I won’t give in. “Fine, but I’ll be back to visit you in the morning. Okay?” I nod. “Thanks, Kev.” He glances at me and then the door reluctantly. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can get you first?” “I’m sure, now go away.” I wave my arm toward the door, and he leaves, shutting the door behind him. I rest my head back on the pillow, shutting my eyes instantly. Exhaustion overcomes me as Vlad’s face floats into my mind. It doesn’t matter how hard I try to push thoughts of him away, they keep coming back.




’m angry with myself. How could I let them bring it here? I stare up at the large hospital, wishing that there’d been an opening between the Tower of London and here to strike, but if I’d tried to get it, I’d be dead right now. There are too many werewolves. I go around the back of the hospital, finding an unguarded back service door. The hospital is one of the most unguarded buildings I’ve seen in London. Maybe they think it’s the last place a vampire will look for the chalice. As I step into the hospital, it hits me. Rosie. Damn it. My muscles coil, my fangs lengthen, and my cock thickens in my pants. Rosie’s here, and she’s a distraction I can’t handle. I grit my teeth, remembering the way she felt in my arms. The way she tasted. The scent of her arousal was almost as intoxicating as her blood. If I give in to those urges again, I’ll forget all about the chalice—just like before. I remain frozen, unsure of what direction to go. The chalice’s call is diminishing, and Rosie’s call is increasing. A clock ticks by on the service corridor wall, reminding me that

I have only a couple more hours. A couple of hours until I’m trapped in London with no shelter. The blood lust clouds my mind, and I find myself walking toward Rosie. Her scent is too di cult to resist. I need her in every sense of the word. I grit my teeth, keeping my eyes down at the floor as I move through the corridors toward her. If anyone notices my eyes, I’m going to get caught. Oddly, I’m walking amongst hundreds of humans, and none of them appeal to me. Only Rosie’s blood appeals. She has to be my new blood giver. I can’t take no for an answer. I come to a stop outside of a door, glancing in through the glass window. There Rosie is—fast asleep. I notice a bouquet sitting nearby, abandoned, and I grab them. Rosie finds me attractive, and I’m going to play on that, despite the danger. I don’t want a blood bond with her, no matter how enticing she is. My hand reaches for the door handle, and I push it open, entering the room. Thankfully, it’s a private room, and she’s alone. I bite my lip, wondering if I should wake her or not. She looks unbelievably peaceful as she sleeps—an angel. I shake my head. I shouldn’t be thinking like that, as Rosie serves one purpose—a blood source. Rosie moves in her sleep. “Vlad,” she mutters my name, groaning softly. I stopped, smirking that I a ected her enough with our brief encounter for her to dream about me right now. “Rosie,” I murmur her name, grabbing her hand and squeezing softly. Her eyes flicker open, and she looks at me, eyes widening. “Vladimir?” she asks, sitting up. “What are you doing here?” I hold the flowers out to her. “I came to apologize.” I shake my head, realizing that I put her in here. The blood I

drained from her was too much for her to take. “I’m so sorry that I took too much.” Her brow furrows. “No, apparently you didn’t. Not according to my vitals. They’re running more tests to find out what’s wrong.” She squeezes my hand back. “I should be scared around you,” she says, looking at our entwined hands. “Why aren’t I?” I shrug. “Maybe you’ve been sold a load of shit about vampires all your life.” She laughs. “Maybe. You don’t seem too bad.” I swallow, knowing she has no idea. I’ve done some terrible things in my life. Vampires are brutal—it’s a fact. We’ve come to live with humans, but before our existence was revealed, we had no laws or rules. I glance at the monitor she’s hooked up to. “Why have they kept you in?” She looks at the monitor, and her eyes widen. “Holy shit. My blood pressure was really low, but it looks alright at the moment.” She glances at me and rubs the space between her eyes. “Ever since you entered the room, my headache is gone.” Her numbers are gradually increasing on the monitor, rising steadily. “That’s strange.” It keeps going up until it hits 100/70, which is normal. “It looks like it has stabilized.” Rosie’s brow knits together, and she glances from me to the monitor a few times. “Did you do it?” I shake my head. “No, I don’t think so.” She flicks her tongue across her bottom lip, drawing my eyes to her luscious lips. I want to kiss her, touch her, taste her more than anything. I know I won’t get away with any of that here. Feeding on her in a hospital would be a death sentence. They’d kill me before I have a chance to run. “Why did you really come here?” she asks.

I sigh heavily. “The truth is the wolves have taken something from me. It means that in a couple of hours, I’m going to be trapped here.” I shock myself since I never tell anyone the truth. What is with this human? She feels important. I feel connected to her in a way I can’t explain. Her brow furrows. “Why?” “The wolves have stolen the only thing that allows vampires to walk in the sun. They’re hiding it under UV light so that I can’t take it.” Rosie taps her chin, looking at me thoughtfully. “Can I go in there without being harmed?” Is she serious? She hardly knows me, and she was scared when we first met. “Why would you want to help me?” She tilts her head to the side. “I don’t know, but I get the feeling you’d be a powerful ally to have on my side.” Her shoulders slump. “I’m going to need help to escape from London.” My heart skips a beat. Rosie wants my help to get out of here, and I want to take her to be my blood giver. I feel it’s too soon in our friendship to suggest it yet, but this is perfect. Although, I’ve been around for long enough to know when something is too good to be true. “What are you running from?” I ask. She looks down, averting my gaze. “A mistake I made a while ago.” She clears her throat. “I found out the mistake caught up with me just before we met.” “The shifter?” I ask. Her eyes widen. “Were you watching me?” I smile at her. “Yes, the moment I scented you, you had me mesmerized.”

She shakes her head, a small smile on her lips. “You need to stop with the one-liners.” I laugh. “So, you are bargaining a trade?” I grab her hand, squeezing softly. “It could be dangerous.” She looks down at our hands. “I need help, so yes, if you agree to get me out of London, I’ll steal it for you.” I shake her hand. “Sounds like we’ve got a deal.” I move closer to her, inhaling her intoxicating scent. “Shall we seal it with a kiss?” Her eyes darken with desire, and she licks her bottom lip. I move closer, pressing my lips to hers and kissing deeply. My tongue tastes her and savors her. Rosie wraps her arms around my neck, moaning against me, clawing at me for more. I won’t bite her—not here. I’ve got a handle on my urges since the first bite, but it still tests all my resolve to resist. She may regret this deal. The saying maybe not to make a deal with the devil, but it’s worse to make a deal with a vampire. Rosie will be mine forever now, no matter what. She breaks away, panting and flushed. “I guess we’ve got a deal then.” I smile, loving the way her full breasts heave as she draws air into her lungs. Her heartbeat is fast and erratic, making me long to be inside of her in every possible way. “It’s going to be guarded, so here is the plan.” She sits up straighter, fixing her hair. I find it amusing how much she wants to help me—she has no idea what she’s getting into. “I will distract the werewolves by showing my face at the front entrance. They will all leave the artifact unguarded once they realize the vampire king is in London.” Her eyes widen. “They’ll kill you.”

“I’d like to see them try.” I squeeze her hand, which I’m still holding. “Many have tried, but none have succeeded.” I shake my head. “Don’t worry about me, baby, you worry about getting my chalice.” Her cheeks darken when I call her baby. I’m not sure why I do; it just feels natural. Is it possible that I’ve already started creating a blood bond with her? It makes no sense because I’ve felt this bond with her since I set eyes on her—before I fed. Vampires don’t have mates. We’re not like shifters or faeries. Many say we don’t have a soul, although I beg to di er. Everyone has a soul. “A chalice?” she asks. I nod. “Yes, that’s what the wolves took. The chalice of Heverdes allows our kind to walk in the sun, and wolf shifters stole it, killing thousands of my people in the process.” She sighs. “That’s awful, I’m sorry.” “You’ve got nothing to apologize for. The wolf-shifters aren’t always angels as you humans believe.” I stand. “Come with me.” She stands and then winces. “Oops.” She looks down at the needle sticking out of her arm. “I’m not exactly a fan of needles. Can you...” “Of course.” I step toward her and remove the drip from her vein carefully, feeling my fangs lengthen as her blood tinges the air. I bring her arm up to my mouth and suck the spot gently, tasting her blood. “There, all better,” I say, forcing myself to remove my lips from her arm. It’s hard. She’s addictive. She smiles sweetly at me, surprising me. “Thank you.” It’s not often that a human is so at ease around vampires unless they’re the kind that is insane and obsessed with the idea of becoming like us. David is a prime example. Rosie doesn’t strike me as that type of woman.

The connection between us is di erent. I can’t say why or how it just is. “I’ll show you where the room is, and then, I’ll head to the front.” I grab her hand, hoping that posing as a couple will hide what I am. Her brow raises as she looks at our hands. “Act natural.” She nods, squeezing my hand back. I can’t deny that while it’s a good cover, I’ll use any excuse to touch her. It feels good, invigorating. I don’t know what this is between us, but I intend to explore it when we get out of this city. Rosie is my possession now, even if she doesn’t realize it yet.




s Vlad leads me down the hospital corridors, I wonder if I’m making a mistake. I’m not sure what it is about this vampire, but I feel at ease with him. If the story he’s telling me is the truth, then I want to help. Particularly if it means he can get me out of the city. It seems like an easy out. I can’t explain to my friends the reason I’m leaving. No matter what Elias said, I know no wolf shifters drop grudges that easily. He wants me dead—all of them do. I killed their alpha, and they have to avenge his death. It’s not necessarily something they want to do, but it’s ingrained in them. An instinct they can’t fight, no matter the circumstances. It would have been di erent if I’d been a wolf shifter challenging Neil for leadership. Vlad pulls me down a quiet corridor, leading me through the hospital. We come to a stop, and he glances around the corner, moving back quickly. He pulls me close to him, forcing me to rest my hands on his hard, muscular chest. “There are a lot of guards,” he murmurs, holding my gaze. I bite my bottom lip, wondering if I’ve bitten o more than I can chew. “Do you think your distraction will lead all of them away?”

He smiles. “Certain. No wolf will pass up the opportunity to capture the vampire king.” He squeezes my hips, making me needy for him. His lips meet mine in a chaste and soft kiss. “Wait here until they’re all gone and then make a move. Do you understand?” I nod. “Yes.” He kisses me again, this time deeper. “Good luck, I’ll see you on the other side.” He tries to move, but I grab his hand, stopping him. “Where will we meet afterward?” He moves his lips close to my ear. “Get out of this hospital and as far away as possible, keeping the chalice hidden. I will find you when I can.” A shiver runs down my spine as he slowly drags his fangs down my neck before disappearing. My heart pounds hard and fast in my chest as I lean back against the wall. It’s quiet at this time of night in the hospital, other than the hushed murmurs of the guards around the corner. I wait for what feels like an eternity, listening to them talking. “Fuck, the vampire king is here. All bodies to the entrance, we need the manpower for this,” a voice comes through loud on a radio. “Roger that. We’re on our way,” one of the guards says. “Who is going to wait outside?” “Not me, I’m going to take down the vampire king,” one replies. They all start arguing. “Silence. We will all go. The chalice is under the protection of UV, no vampire can walk in there without turning to a pile of ash,” the original guard says. “Fine, let’s go,” another guard says. I hold my breath, listening as their footsteps thud away, leaving me my chance. Vlad knew they’d leave it unguarded.

I move toward the room, my heart hammering at a thousand miles an hour. When I get there, I try the door. “Fuck,” I whisper when I find it’s locked. This was a complication I wasn’t expecting. I reach into my pocket, finding a hairpin. Carefully, I push it into the lock and try to feel my way through the lock. It’s not as easy as it looks on the fucking TV, as I feel sweat bead on my forehead. The pin bends and then snaps, leaving me stuck. I search the vicinity for something, anything. Vlad is risking his life, and I need to get this chalice for him. There’s a construction worker’s bag left to one side, and I rush toward it. I need something to bust the entire lock o the door. I find a hammer, but it’s going to be loud. Thinking fast, I pull the fire alarm, knowing it will mask the sound of the hammer. I rush toward the door, smashing the lock of the door with one hard swing. The door flies open, and I keep hold of the hammer, moving into the room. My breath catches in my chest when I set my eyes on it— a pure gold chalice with sparkling gems, sitting in the center of the UV lit room. There doesn’t appear to be any other security around it, other than that. I step forward and reach for it, my heart hammering against my rib cage. I grab it, feeling an odd power arc through me. “What the hell,” I mutter, glancing down at it. I hear some shouts in the distance, bringing me back to my senses. Quickly, I stu the chalice under my hospital gown and leave the hammer, rushing out of the room. I shut the door as best I can and rush the way Vlad brought me. I slow my steps down as I come into the main corridor, with lots of people rushing around. “Hey, you’re going the wrong way,” a doctor says to me. I shrug. “Sorry, I’m getting a little disorientated. Where am I going?”

The doctor grabs my arm and guides me with the rest of the people, leading us out of the front entrance. I grit my teeth, knowing that it’s going to be harder to get away being in the lineup out front. Ideally, I would have snuck out of a back exit and escaped. I’ve been in enough fire drills to know they won’t want anyone to leave. I hope Vlad escaped the wolves, otherwise, this whole thing is a waste of time. As I step out of the hospital, I notice the orange light starting to arc across the sky as the sun slowly creeps above the buildings. Vlad won’t last long if I don’t get this chalice into his hands before that sun rises into the sky. I swallow hard, searching for a way out. A flash of movement to my left catches my eye, and then I see him. Vlad is smirking, staring right at me. He beckons to me to join him in the alleyway. I glance back at the doctors and nurses, wondering if they will notice me leave. When no one is looking, I carefully creep away. No one seems to notice, too distracted by the fire drill. When I get over to him, I breathe a sigh of relief the moment his hands are on my hips. “Are you okay?” he asks. I nod, smiling as I pull the chalice out of my hospital gown. “I got it.” He pulls me hard against him, making me gasp. His lips descend on mine with such intensity, as he kisses me deeply. “Vlad,” I murmur his name as he pulls back, keeping his forehead against mine. “Thank you, Rosie.” He digs his fingers into my hips even harder before taking the chalice. “Now, let’s get out of here.” I smile. “I may need to pack some clothes first.”

He shakes his head. “There’s no time. We’ve got to get out of here before they realize it’s gone.” “Really?” I shake my head. “It would only be a short detour.” He smiles sadly, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, Rosie. It is too risky. We need to get out of here.” My stomach sinks as I realize I won’t see Alice ever again. Once I leave, I can’t return to London. It means my friends will never know what happened to me, but they are in danger if Elias’s pack finds me. They will want me to pay and won’t worry about who stands in their way. “What’s wrong?” Vlad asks. I shake my head. “Nothing.” I swallow hard. “I’m just never going to see my friends again.” Vlad laughs. “You are leaving London, not the planet.” He shakes his head. “You will see your friends again, I’m sure.” I nod, despite knowing he’s wrong. I cut all my ties to my friends before when Elias and the rest of his pack came after me, and I’ll have to do it again. “Okay, let’s go.” Vlad lifts me in his arms as if I weigh nothing, which I most certainly do. I’m not the skinniest woman in the world. “What are you doing? I can walk, you know.” I try to break free from him. He chuckles. “Yes, but speed is key, hold on. This is going to be a fast ride.” I swallow hard, wrapping my arms around his neck as he starts to sprint. Everything rushes past so fast I can’t see anything. My stomach churns with sickness as he sprints through the city, racing us to safety. I don’t understand why I’m not scared or uncertain. This vampire is a stranger. I shouldn’t trust him, but I do. Ever

since we’ve been reunited, my splitting headache is gone, and I feel myself again. The doctor was worried about my blood pressure, but I’m not now. I feel better, and if I need to see a doctor, I will once I get out of London. The worst part about this is leaving my friends without saying goodbye or seeing them once more. I glance at Vlad. Butterflies beat around in my stomach as he meets my gaze, smiling. His easy confidence is infectious, and this electric connection between us is undeniable. Somehow, it takes away my fear. At the same time, it clears makes me insane. Everyone knows not to trust a vampire, and I’m letting this one help me escape. I’m running away from Elias, but it’s not the only reason I want to run. The prospect of staying by this vampire’s side drives me. I can’t imagine ever leaving him, which makes no sense.




stop at the top of the surrey hills, knowing Alistair will have left the meeting point I stop at the top of the surrey hills, knowing Alistair will have left the meeting point now the sun has come up. It’s better this way. Rosie needs to know what she’s heading into, and the chance to talk to her alone is what I need. “We’re safe now,” I say, setting her down on her feet. “Unfortunately, my ride won’t be coming until nightfall, but we will spend the time here.” She glances around, smiling. “It’s beautiful.” I don’t take my eyes o her. “It is indeed.” I reach for her hand and tug her close, wrapping my arms around her. “Rosie,” I mutter her name, knowing I have to bring up a tough subject. Blood givers don’t have many rights. She’ll be a prisoner, and I’m not sure that’s what she wants. After saving my entire kind, I won’t force her into something she doesn’t want, at least, I don’t want to. A part of me deep down knows that I may not be able to control my actions if she says no. “Where do you want to go, now that you’ve escaped what you are running from?” I ask, pulling back and gazing into those stunning emerald eyes.

She sighs heavily, flopping down onto the grass and looking across the hills. “I don’t know. I have nowhere to go.” Hope coils through me. “You could come and stay with me, although I’m not sure you’d like it.” She raises a brow. “Why not?” I sit down next to her, setting my hand on her thigh. “Humans that live at my castle aren’t free.” I know that my suggestion is more than that, despite wanting her to agree to come with me, I’m not sure I could let her go if she didn’t. Her eyes widen, and she shifts away from me slightly. “They are prisoners?” she asks. “Yes, by choice. A lot of them believe if they give blood, they will turn in time.” I shake my head. “There’s no proof that’s true, but some people are fanatical.” She relaxes slightly. “If I came with you, I’d be a prisoner?” Her eyes meet mine, and I want to lie, but no, it won’t do any good. It’s true. Rosie would be a prisoner. Our kind doesn’t allow for blood givers to be anything but that. Humans living with us are there for a purpose, nothing else. Not to mention, I have a reputation to uphold when I’m amongst my people. I would have to treat her di erently in public, and I get the feeling Rosie has got some fire. After all, she stole the chalice for me. Even the vampires that form bonds with humans, it’s purely sexual—no emotion. I can’t understand why I think that would be di cult to stick to when it comes to Rosie. She’s di erent in so many ways. “Yes, in theory.” My brow furrows. “I’m afraid my kind are quite archaic.” I tighten my grip on her thigh, squeezing softly. “Let’s forget about that for now and enjoy the sunrise.” I nod toward the sun, rising into the sky, spreading yellow and orange across the landscape.

Rosie hugs her arms around herself, shivering. It’s only then that I realize she’s only wearing a hospital gown. I shrug my jacket o my arms and wrap it around her, pulling her toward me. “Sorry, I forget humans feel the cold.” She sighs, resting her head on my shoulder. “Thank you.” She laughs. “I never expected the vampire king to be this kind.” Kind. Rosie has no idea how wrong that is. I’m certain she is the only person who has used that word to describe me. Normally, I’m cruel, even with humans.” One thing I’ve learned being alive this long, the soft ones perish first. I haven’t lived for nine hundred- and fifty-eight-years being kind, that’s for sure. We sit in comfortable silence, watching as the sun comes up. My people won’t know that the chalice is back in a vampire’s hands, but there’s something special being the only vampire out as the sun comes up. Rosie makes me feel more powerful if that’s possible. Rosie finally shifts out of my grip, looking me right in the eye. “What would happen to me if I went with you?” I shrug. “You would become my blood giver.” “Your what?” “Blood giver. Your purpose would be to feed my appetite for blood.” A visible shiver rushes through her. “Oh.” She looks down at her lap, seemingly disappointed. I don’t know what answer she was expecting, but I didn’t give the right one. “I wouldn’t hurt you. I mean, you’ve seen what it’s like when I feed on you.” She nods, still looking down at her lap. “It wouldn’t be like this between us, would it?” she asks, looking up at me. “Like what?” I ask. She shrugs. “Talking like two normal, equal people.”

“No, not in public, at least.” She bites her bottom lip. “In private?” I grit my teeth, feeling my urges rising inside of me. The need to feed, kiss, touch, and fuck this woman in front of me rises. The thought of being with her in private in my room drives me insane. I haven’t wanted to fuck a human for hundreds of years, knowing the dangers of a blood bond. Vampires have gone insane with what could only be described as a love for their blood giver. Which is strictly against the rules, humans are for blood and pleasure, nothing else. “It would be the same sometimes, but sometimes...” I trail o , unsure about voicing the truth. She squeezes my hand. “What?” I bite my bottom lip, piercing it with my fangs. “Sometimes, I’ll be a beast. I’ll dominate you in ways you’ve never even fucking dreamed o ,” I growl, wondering why I can’t control myself. It’s not like me at all. I’m careful and controlled. Rosie makes me insane, not only with blood lust. There’s a dark part of me that longs for more with her. A relationship. A life partnership with the woman who helped me retrieve the chalice. Her cheeks turn bright red, making me harder than nails in my pants. Her cheeks aren’t the only thing I want to see painted red. The thought of bending her over my lap right now and spanking her full, round ass makes my cock rock hard. I want to sink my fangs into her big, firm ass cheeks and suck her blood, showing her how good pleasure and pain can truly feel when interchanged. She licks her lips, drawing my eyes to them. I can’t give in right now as we’re too exposed out here. I stand. “Come on, I want to show you something,” I say,

breaking the sexual tension that cloaks the air. I lift Rosie into my arms and run, feeling freer than I’ve felt in a long time. Rosie wraps her arms around my neck. I sprint across the hillside and into the cover of the woods. The perfect place to let my fantasies run wild with her, convince her that she has no choice but to come home with me. I stop in a clearing in the trees by a small stream, the sun glistening on the water. It’s the perfect place for us to get closer without anyone seeing. Even though we’re no longer in London, I’m not supposed to feed on a human here. The wolves have set up a border that spans miles around London, where we’re banned from feeding within. We are allowed to be within these lands, but not touch humans. It’s set up to stop us from attacking humans that may be traveling in and out of London. I set Rosie down on the floor, and she wobbles a little. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to moving that fast.” I smile, resting a hand on her arm to steady her. “Sorry, I forget that you aren’t used to any of this.” She meets my gaze. “You’ll get used to it, though.” Rosie breaks away from me, shaking her head. “I haven’t agreed to come with you, yet.” I grit my teeth, keeping my thoughts to myself. “I thought you agreed when I took you from London.” I tilt my head to the side, observing her. She shakes her head. “That was before I knew what was involved. When we were back in London, you didn’t say anything about me being your slave.” She clears her throat. “I said I’d get out of London with you. It doesn’t mean I want to stay with you.” The way she glares at me adds fuel to the fire of desire burning in the pit of my stomach. She isn’t getting away

from me. In an ideal world, she’ll agree to come with me. If not, I’ll take her anyway. As a vampire king, I never take no for an answer. “Maybe I can convince you,” I say, stepping toward her. Her eyes flash with desire, as I rush for her at super speed. I push her softly against a tree, teasing my hand up the front of her curvy, perfect body. My cock is hard, and my fangs are aching to sink into her neck. Ever since I tasted her earlier, I’ve been craving more. “Vlad,” she breathes my name, and it’s like a fucking song. I meet her gaze and search her stunning emerald eyes. “What do you want, baby girl?” I ask. Her lips purse, drawing my attention to them. I know what she wants, and I want it to. I want this woman as mine forever. She is, she just doesn’t know it yet.




lad kisses my neck softly, letting his fangs graze the skin. “So sweet,” he groans, digging his fingers into my hips. “Vlad,” I moan, feeling him press me back toward a tree, backing me into it. His hands snake up my legs softly, pushing away the thin fabric of my hospital gown. “I’m going to take care of you, baby.” He nips my ear before licking a path down my neck. My nipples are hard and aching, and my pussy is soaking wet. I’m coiled tightly and ready for anything Vlad will give me. He sinks his fangs into my neck, drinking from me and sending pleasure pulsing through my body. “Fuck,” I say, arching my back as his hand moves higher and higher up my thighs. They brush over my panties before he hooks a finger underneath and teases the flesh between my thighs. I gasp, wanting more. “That’s it, baby girl, let me touch you,” he groans, pushing me harder against the tree as he slowly draws blood from my body. His fangs retreat, and he wipes the blood from his mouth before kissing me deeply. He tastes of that sweet venom, as he slowly pumps me full of it, taking away the weakness from the blood loss.

I claw onto him, needing so much more. Vlad teases his finger through my soaking wet pussy. “You are so wet, Rosie.” I moan, trying to claw him closer. He grabs my wrists and pushes them hard against the tree. “I’m in charge,” he growls, red eyes flashing fiercely. “You are mine, and only mine.” A shiver runs down my spine at the intensity in his voice. He’s dominant and dangerous, but I love it. “Okay,” I say, looking into his eyes. He bites my lip with his fang, breaking the skin. “Okay, sir,” he says. I tense against him, raising a brow. “Sir?” “Yes,” he growls. I lick my bottom lip, wondering if this kind of dominant play is something I can stand. Vlad is unaware of the truth. I’m as inexperienced as you can get when it comes to this—a virgin. It’s ridiculous since I’m twenty-five years old, but since Neil tried to rape me, I wasn’t in a hurry to let a man that close to me—until now, it would seem. I dull down my concerns, feeling my urges toward this man overpower them. “Okay, sir.” His eyes flash, and he kisses me harder, finger slowly dipping into my pussy. I buck my hips, feeling him touch me in a way no man has ever touched me. “Fuck, sir.” He smiles against my lips. “Good girl,” he purrs, moving his finger in and out of me with slow, torturous strokes. He uses his finger to push me higher, stroking the perfect spot inside of me. For the first time, I feel someone else inside of me, fingering me. It’s intimate and so intense. Vlad is a vampire, but he’s also gentle, protective, and kind. The kind of man I want to experience this first time with.

He curls his finger inside of me, pushing me to that breaking point. “Vlad,” I moan his name, head falling back against the tree. I clamp my eyes shut, but he grabs my throat. “Look at me while you come, baby.” I meet his gaze. “Yes, sir,” I moan, feeling myself shuddering as I come around his finger. He made me feel better than I’ve ever felt. Vlad keeps his fingers around my throat before letting going and turning me around against the tree. He hikes my hospital gown up and groans, spanking my ass cheeks softly. “Perfect.” He tears my panties in two, shocking me. “What are you—” He spanks my left ass cheek harder, kneading the stinging skin. “I’m going to take care of you.” A shudder passes through me as he unzips his pants, making me tense. Vlad gropes my ass cheeks in his hand, before pressing the hard length of his cock against me. “I need you, baby girl.” I can’t relax as this is all happening too fast, but I want him so bad I can’t resist him. Vlad senses my tension. “What’s wrong?” he asks, moving me back around to look me in the eye. I shake my head. “What do you mean?” I bite my bottom lip, eyes widening as they move down to his huge shaft, hard and erect. He narrows his eyes. “I know when someone is in their head. What are you thinking about?” I bite my bottom lip. “Nothing.” He growls softly. “Don’t lie to me, Rosie. You sure as hell weren’t into it just then.” He shoves his cock back in his pants, zipping them up. “Tell me what’s wrong.” My stomach twists with nerves. Will the truth put him o me? I have nowhere to go, and being his blood giver is my

only choice. He grabs my hand and leads me to a rock by the lake. “Come on, tell me.” He sits down and forces me to sit in his lap, straddling him. Vlad kisses me cheek softly. “What is it?” I breathe in hard, before nodding. “I’m a virgin, Vlad.” He tenses beneath me, eyes wide. “A virgin?” I nod, feeling the heat pulsing through my cheeks. It’s so embarrassing, telling a hot, sexy, dominant vampire like him. “Yes, I understand if you don’t want me to—” He kisses me hard, silencing me. His cock feels even harder, pressing into my center. “Fuck, Rosie.” He rests his forehead against mine. “I want you more knowing you’re untouched, but this is certainly not the time or place.” He kisses me again softly. “We will get to know each other better, first, even if it will be torture,” he groans. I pull away, raising a brow. “How will that work?” I shake my head. “You said that you couldn’t be gentle with me in public. Don’t you think people will notice?” He smiles, shaking his head. “No, as I never sleep with my blood givers anyway, so it won’t make any di erence.” I can’t understand why a shiver races down my spine. Why does Vlad want to sleep with me? The question is on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t ask it. He grits his teeth. “I’m giving you an out, Rosie. You can come with me, and it will be like this when we’re alone, but I’m not sure you will like the way I treat you in public.” His eyes darken. “How will it be in public?” He shrugs. “I’ll be cold and indi erent toward you. You will follow me, averting your gaze, and not speaking.” I swallow hard, wondering if I’m capable of that. I can’t see what choice I have. Vlad can protect me from the shifters

that want me dead, and it can give me a clean break. “Do I have a choice to leave?” Vlad’s eyes flash. “You won’t want to leave once I’ve had my way with you,” he growls, grip tightening on my hips. I lick my bottom lip, believing that more than I want to. Vlad is my addiction already. I can’t help but feel that the main reason I agree to go with him is because of hit bite. Maybe he has me hooked on him, and I’m not thinking straight anymore. I step away from him, trying to get some distance. “Maybe this is a mistake.” Vlad growls softly. “No chance, baby girl, I can’t let you go.” My eyes widen as I glance back at him, wondering if he would kidnap me. Is this situation about to take a turn for the worse? “What if I don’t want to go?” I ask, knowing I don’t mean it really, but I need to know what kind of man I’m dealing with. His eyes narrow. “Rosie, where else would you go?” I lace my fingers together and avert his gaze. “I’ve got by up to now. I’ll find somewhere to rebuild my life.” He steps forward, fists clenched. “I can’t let you go.” My brow furrows. “Why the fuck did you make out I had a choice, then?” He comes for me, fast. I hardly see him move as he’s a blur. His hand tightens around my throat, making it di cult to breathe. “Don’t test me. I don’t like being told no.” I swallow hard, trying to get out of his grip. “Vlad, please.” His red eyes flash with a mix of desire and rage. “Rosie, let’s make this easy. You’re mine, and I can’t let you go.” He moves his lips closer to mine. “I’m sorry.”

“What for?” I ask, still struggling to breathe as he holds my throat. He smiles wistfully. “This.” He sinks his fangs into me hard, and it’s di erent this time. It’s not pleasure that floods my body, but a terrible coldness. Suddenly, my vision starts to blacken. Vlad removes his fangs, and I meet his gaze briefly. “I’m sorry, Rosie.” My vision darkens further, and his face is just a blur, as my body goes limp. What has he done to me? It serves me right for trusting a damn vampire.




ure rage pulses through my veins as I stalk toward the meeting point. Rosie is slung over my shoulder, limp, and knocked out. It was going so well until she started questioning me. Rosie should know better than to deny the fucking vampire king. She wants me, but the idea of being a slave was too much for her. I had to take matters into my own hands and knock her out before she tried to fight me. Vampires fangs have two toxins. One can knock out their prey, the other causes pleasure. Rosie just experienced what happens when she doesn’t play by the rules. Alastair is sitting in his old ford, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. It’s beaten up and rusted, but it serves a purpose. A branch snaps under my foot, bringing his attention to me. His eyes widen, and he gets out of the car, rushing toward me. “Sir, you are okay.” The shock in his voice irritates me. “We were sure you’d been caught or worse.” He shakes his head. I growl, hating that anyone would underestimate me. “Alastair, watch your tongue.”

He bows his head. “Sorry.” His attention flicks to Rosie. “Should I ask?” I shake my head. “Best not,” I grunt. The last thing I need right now is Alastair asking questions about Rosie. My actions toward her have been questionable. Alastair’s face falls, and he walks back to the car, opening the trunk to put Rosie inside. I can’t understand why the thought of stu ng her roughly into the trunk grates on me. “Back seat, Alastair. She’s not waking for a while. I pumped her full of the knockout toxin.” Alastair raises a brow, but he doesn’t protest. He opens the door, and I put her in carefully, letting my hand linger on her soft, creamy thighs. I’d been so close to taking her virginity—being the first man inside of her. Perhaps I should have taken her and ignored her hesitation, but for some fucked up reason, I care about the girl. Rosie will come to learn the truth. She will come to learn to enjoy the bite and the way I make her feel. I sit in the passenger’s seat, arms crossed over my chest. Alastair glances at me as he turns over the engine and pulls onto the road. “So, did you get it?” he asks. I nod, pulling the chalice out of my jacket. “I’ve had it since yesterday morning.” I smirk, glancing at him. “I was outside all day, mate.” He smiles, clapping me on the shoulder. “I knew you could do it.” I narrow my eyes. “Bullshit. You thought I’d end up torn to shreds by fucking werewolves.” He pulls onto the main road, speeding away from London. We’re not exactly out of the woods yet. The order won’t be happy that they lost the chalice, and roadblocks are common. Alastair clears his throat. “Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room, or, more specifically, the human in the

car?” He glances in the mirror at her, licking his lips. “I’m quite hungry, you know.” I growl at him. “She’s mine, Alastair. My new blood giver, so keep your fangs to yourself.” I sit in the passenger’s seat, arms crossed over my chest. Alastair tenses, hands clenching the steering wheel hard. “Is there a reason you knocked out a blood giver.” He glances at me. “She is willing, isn’t she?” “No, but she will be when I’m finished with her.” His brow furrows. “Why take an unwilling human when there are so many willing blood givers.” He clears his throat. “What about David?” I shake my head. “He’s got too attached, and it’s time to cut ties. This human took my fancy, and her blood is like nothing I’ve ever tasted before.” Alastair nods. “She smells good, for sure, but not anything special in my book.” I can’t understand the rage coursing through my veins at hearing Alastair say she’s nothing special. She’s everything —a perfect specimen—my future blood giver and my future queen. When I first scented her, something inside of me changed. Vampires don’t take mates, but there’s something between us. A bond before I’d fed from her. A bond that feels far deeper than a blood bond anyway. It means I will own her in every way possible, and there is nothing she or anyone else can do about it. There’s a reason I’ve held power for so many years—I take what I want. “So, you intend to hold her captive until she’s hooked on the venom?” Alastair asks. I nod, glancing out of the window to signal the end of the conversation. Alastair and I have been friends for years, but he can be shit at knowing when I’m not in the mood for conversation.

Many of my followers have said I should take a wife for years—a queen—a strong vampire who could sit by my side, strengthening my position. I’ve found her, but she’s not a vampire. “Shit,” Alastair says, slamming the brakes on. “What is it?” I look forward, and my heart skips a beat. There is a roadblock a mile ahead. “Fuck. What the hell are they doing this far out?” Alastair shrugs. “Trying to make sure the chalice doesn’t leave the area.” I glance back at Rosie, who rolls over, groaning. The toxin should have knocked her out for hours, but she’s starting to wake. “We’ve got no choice but to go on foot.” Alastair groans. “Fuck, it’s more than one hundred miles back to Nottingham, mate.” I shrug. “You’re a vampire, suck it up.” I narrow my eyes. “Or, I can take Rosie and the chalice and meet you past the checkpoint say ten miles down the road?” Alastair looks thankful, smiling. “Good idea.” They will search the car because I’m a vampire, but they can’t stop me from moving through.” I nod at Alastair. “Take care. Wolves can be unpredictable.” “Vlad, Thanks. I should have had more to drink before coming out tonight. I’m weak as fuck.” I nod, getting out of the car and making sure the chalice is in my jacket. Rosie groans as I lift her out of the car and hold her in my arms, feeling the need inside me grow the moment I touch her. “I’ll see you ten miles past the checkpoint.” I nod at Alastair and then move away, listening for a crossing that isn’t guarded. The wolves don’t want to let this chalice go,

but I will climb a fucking mountain if I have to. I’ll get it back home along with Rosie, even if it kills me. Rosie has ignited a strength in me that I haven’t felt in years. Her blood turbocharges me like nothing ever has. All I have to hope is she doesn’t wake up. We may not know each other well, but something tells me she won’t be happy about being kidnapped—not many humans are. The sound of rushing water catches my attention, and I know it will be the perfect place to cross London’s outer limits. They won’t patrol a stream. Wolves expect vampires to be stupid, but they don’t realize we are cunning. Rosie stirs, eyes flickering open briefly as I continue to run. My fangs ache. I know I’m going to have to knock her out again, but I hate it. I want her to want me the way I want her. She needs to be unable to resist me, chained to my bed, and begging me for more. Rosie will have been reported as missing from the hospital, which means they will be searching for her. A human’s scent is hard to mask from wolves. I hope that Alastair gets by the checkpoint without a hitch. He’s my best friend in this world, and I won’t be able to live with myself if he doesn’t make it. As I rush up to the stream, Rosie shifts again in my arms. This time, her eyes open wide, and she stares at me. “What the fuck are you—” I set her down on her feet, jolting her suddenly. “Sorry, Rosie. It’s easier this way.” I grab her hard and try to sink my fangs into her neck again, but she kicks me in the nuts. “Fuck,” I growl, doubling over as she makes a run for it. “Stay away from me, you bastard,” she shouts, rushing away.

Once I regain my composure, I focus in on her scent. She’s foolish to run from a vampire, particularly me. My senses are fine-tuned to her scent, so I’m sure I could track her for miles. I rush after her, passing her on the path and stopping in front of her. She’s not quick enough to react, slamming straight into my chest hard. The impact floors her, and she stares up at me, eyes wide. “Stay away from me. I told you I don’t want to go with you.” I smirk, wishing she wouldn’t be so foolish. “I’m the vampire king, and I’ll do what the fuck I want.” With that, I yank her to her feet, holding her close. She glares at me with pure anger in her eyes, and for some reason, it makes me want her more. I tease my lips against her earlobe. “Don’t look at me like that. I know you want me.” With that, I sink my fangs into her neck and pump her full of the knockout toxin. It’s not long until she turns limp in my arms. She should have been out longer the last time, so I pump in more than before, knowing it can’t harm her. I’m getting her home with me whether she likes it or not. Now, I just need to meet up with Alastair and get back to Nottingham. I break into a first sprint, a fresh load of Rosie’s blood coursing through me. When I make it to the ten miles checkpoint, I’m surprised that Alastair isn’t there. My brow furrows as he should have beat me here easily. Carefully, I set Rosie down in the wood, covering her over with some leaves, so she’s not found. The thought of leaving her makes me sick to the stomach, but I don’t have a choice. I sprint back a mile from the checkpoint, stopping when I see the car bashed up on the side of the road—a trail of ash leading from it. Alastair.

I sprint toward it, my heart poundings at a thousand miles an hour. I fall to my knees when I see him, crumbled to ash. The bastards decapitated him, and only his head is still intact. His eyes are staring at me as if he were still alive. “Motherfuckers,” I growl, punching the ground. A howl breaks out, and I know I can’t stay here. I need to get away before the wolves find me, Rosie and the chalice. I grab Alastair’s head, quickly burying it under cover of the trees. “Rest in peace, my friend.” Pain grips at my heart, but I don’t cry. I haven’t cried in centuries, and I won’t change that now. I glance back at his ashes scattered across the road, tearing myself away. There’s no time to collect them, but at least a part of him is buried. I jump into the car and drive back toward Rose, painfully aware that shifters are around, and she is exposed. Alastair tried to warn me about entering London, worried I wouldn’t survive. Instead, my decision has cost him his life. The shifters must want war. Attacking a vampire outside the city limits it’s pure fucking wrong. I won’t rest until I make them pay, but first, I need to make it back to Nottingham in one piece.




wake with a pounding headache, lying in the back of a moving car. My memories are hazy as I try to remember what happened. I remember Vlad’s face and him telling me he wasn’t letting me go. The coldness that filtered through my veins as he knocked me out. I sit up suddenly, panic coursing through me. Then, I woke in the woods again and tried to escape, only to repeat the fucking process. My heart pounds hard and fast as I realize there’s no way out. I’ve been kidnapped by a fucking vampire who can catch me any time I run. Vlad is sitting in the driver’s seat. Eyes fixed on the road ahead of him. “What the fuck did you do to me?” I ask, shifting to sit up in the backseat. My hands are taped behind my back, making it impossible to try the back door. Vlad’s jaw clenches. “I knocked you out because you were unreasonable.” “You mean deciding I didn’t want to be your fucking slave is being unreasonable?” I ask, shifting in the seat. He slams the breaks on, making me jerk forward. “No, I lost one of my best men tonight, and I’m not in the mood to argue. Do you understand?”

I shake my head. “What are you on about?” He sighs heavily, shoulders tense. “You missed a lot while you were knocked out.” I grind my teeth together, irritated that he’d take this shit out on me. Fine, his friend died, but that doesn’t change the fact he is kidnapping me. “Fuck’s sake. I’m sorry you lost a friend, but I won’t be kidnapped and made a slave.” He glares back at me, for the first time looking at me since I woke. “You will do as I say.” He turns back and starts driving again. “As for my friend, I knew him for eight hundred and fifty years. He was like my brother.” His grip tightens around the steering wheel. “Those bastards murdered him in cold blood for no fucking reason.” Eight hundred and fifty years. How old is this vampire? There’s such a change in him from before. One minute, he’s kind and sexy, the next he’s turned into a damn slave driver—literally. “Please, Vlad, I made a mistake saying I’d come with you.” I shake my head, panic rising inside of me. “I’m not exactly good at being told what to do.” Vlad growls softly. “Don’t worry, baby girl. I’ll change that.” His eyes remain fixed on the road, but I can see his face in the mirror. The desire burning in them makes my stomach twist. “You will submit to me and love it.” I swallow hard, sitting back in the car seat. The thought of him dominating me in that way sends a thrill down my spine, but at the same time, I can’t let him do this. “You said that humans get the choice, why are you taking mine from me?” I ask. “Because you are di erent,” he says, jaw clenched tightly. “Now, I told you to keep quiet, Rosie, don’t make me gag you before we even make it back to my bedroom.”

I glare out of the window, heat pulsing through me at the thought. I need to find a way out of this, no matter how attractive this asshole is. Even if I made it out of the car, vampires are a hundred times faster than humans. He’d catch me before I made it a few meters as he did in the woods. I should have never trusted him, but then, his pull on me seemed impossible to resist. Even now, as I try to stay mad at him, my body wants him in the most primal of ways. Vlad turns the stereo up, blasting the rap music louder. It’s not exactly the kind of music I like, but I can’t deny all the dirty things they are saying make me feel hotter. The thought of Vlad doing those things to me. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me? “I assume I’m not the first human you’ve kidnapped.” Vlad sighs heavily, rolling his eyes. “Do you not understand the meaning of being quiet?” I glare at him in the mirror. “No, doesn’t seem like it.” His eyes narrow, and he swerves, turning the engine o on the side of the road. “It sounds like I need to teach you.” A shiver races up my spine. Is Vlad seriously about to gag me? What happened to the man I met in that alleyway? He opens the door to the back door, and I move away, opening the other door and dashing across the road. I know it’s pointless to run, but I do it anyway. I guess it’s my instincts driving me. Vlad grabs me around the waist, pulling me back against him. “Where do you think you are going, baby girl?” he murmurs into my ear, lighting grazing his fangs down my neck. I shudder. “Please,” I say, unsure what I’m pleading for. I don’t want to be a slave, but I can’t deny that I want what he

has to give me. Vlad is dominant, sexy as hell, and his bite drives me wild. “What do you want?” he asks, pressing his lips against my shoulder, kissing softly along them. I shake my head, confusion flooding me. What do I want? I arch my back, feeling his hard cock pressing into my ass cheeks. “I thought that’s what you wanted,” he groans, digging his fingertips hard into my hips—hard enough to bruise. “Vlad, I want to be free,” I say. He tenses against me, moving the hair away from my neck. “That’s what you will be, once I’ve made you realize that your destiny is to be by my side.” Suddenly, he sinks his fangs hard into my neck. “No, please,” I shout, feeling the coldness imbue my limbs. Vlad is knocking me out again for the third damn time —the fucking bastard. I try hard to resist the darkness hurtling toward me, but it’s impossible. His grip remains tight on me as I slowly fall into the darkness. All I can see is his face in my mind. *** I try to lift my hands to my face, finding them bound above my head. “What the fuck,” I mutter, trying to recall what happened. It hits me hard and fast. My eyes open and I realize I’m lying on a bed, tied down to it. Fuck. It seems vampires are as bad as I first thought. The way he acted with me before made me think di erently, but perhaps he was trying to lure me in. The door of the bedroom I’m in creaks open, making my heart skip a beat.

Vlad appears in the doorway, wearing a white fitted shirt and black pants. I hate that my first thought is that he looks fucking amazing. “Like what you see, baby?” he asks, smirking. I shake my head. “You are an asshole.” His eyes flash, but he keeps smirking at me. “You won’t be saying that to me once I’m through with you.” He winks, and I hate that my thighs clench. “You’re an idiot if you think that I’ll ever want you after what you are doing to me.” He moves forward, eyes trained on me. “Are you telling me that you don’t want me?” His gaze pins me to the spot, making me squirm. “No, I don’t.” He smiles. “That’s not what you said when we were by the stream. Where I almost popped your cherry right there and then.” He crawls toward me on the bed. “You can’t resist me, Rosie, so quit trying.” My breath catches in my throat as he slowly teases his lips over my neck, thrilling me. It’s the ghost of a touch, but he’s right. Every time he’s close, I turn to fucking jelly. He kisses my neck before grazing the skin with his fangs. “I want to own you in every possible way.” His eyes meet mine, and then he kisses me, tongue tangling with mine as he forces his way inside of my mouth. I moan against him, feeling this electric chemistry igniting instantly. “Vlad,” I breathe his name when I get a chance, but he doesn’t let me speak. His mouth descends on mine again, hard and punishing. I try to pull my arms free, attempting to find a way to claw him, but I can’t. “Fuck,” I say, forcing my lips from his and moving my head to the side. “This isn’t fair.”

Vlad laughs. “Vampires aren’t exactly known for playing fair.” He grips my throat hard, forcing me to look at him. “I want to look into your eyes while I bring you to climax.” I shake my head. “I’m not in the mood.” He narrows his eyes. “Are you sure?” His fingers tease up my exposed thighs, heading toward the torn lace, barely covering my soaking wet pussy. Damn it. Vlad knows how turned on I am, and he’s going to feel it any moment now. I nod. “I’m sure,” I say, trying to clench my thighs together. “Rosie,” he says in warning. “Tell me you don’t want me, and I’ll stop,” he murmurs, fingers still moving higher and higher. I bite my bottom lip, knowing that despite all my reservations, I can’t bring myself to stop him. This vampire is too addictive. I want him with every fiber of my being, despite what he is doing to me. “That’s what I thought,” he purrs, finding my center and plunging a finger inside of me. I arch my back, moaning deeply. “Fuck.” Vlad meets my gaze, eyes flashing with amusement. This man is too cocky for his own good. “So wet,” he groans, jaw clenching as he starts to move his finger in and out of me. “I can’t wait to be inside of you, Rosie.” He slides another finger inside of me, pumping two fingers harder and faster. He kisses me softly, almost gently. “Perfect,” he murmurs. It’s a contrast to the way he kissed me before. It feels like he’s battling with two parts of him, the rough side and the gentle side. Perhaps there is much more to this man than I believed. When he finally breaks free for air, we’re both panting heavily. His fingers still moving rhythmically inside of me,

building the pressure deep inside of me. “I need to taste you,” he says. I angle my neck, expecting him to bite me. He smiles. “Not your blood, baby girl.” Heat crashes into me as he starts to move between my thighs, holding my gaze. “First, I’ll do something about this dress.” He grips hold of the fabric at the front and tear it right in half. I gasp, eyes wide. “What are you—” He silences me with kisses down my chest, moving lower and lower. My body tingles with anticipation. No man has ever gone there, and I suddenly feel self-conscious. Vlad notices me tense, tilting his head to the side. “Relax and enjoy this, stop overthinking everything.” I nod, trying to ignore how embarrassed I feel as he glances between my thighs. He groans, stroking his hard, thick cock through his black pants. The outline is visible, and he’s huge. Vlad moves quickly, sucking on my clit first. I jolt, hips bucking toward the ceiling at the sudden, intense pleasure flooding me. It’s crazy how good it feels. My mind turns into a blank canvas as the pleasure overtakes every nerve center in my body. “Oh my God,” I say, writhing against the bindings holding me down to the bed. All I want is to run my hands through Vlad’s hair and force his face harder against me. “Vlad,” I gasp his name as he licks a path from front to the bottom, before thrusting three fingers inside of me this time. “Fucking delicious, baby,” he growls, before licking and sucking at my clit more. The pleasure is intense, as he continues to push me toward the edge of a cli . Our chemistry has been o the charts since we met, but I never expected anything he could

do to me would feel this amazing. It’s intimate, and I should hate that the man who essentially kidnapped me is making me feel this way, but it’s intoxicating. He has kidnapped me and tied him to his bed, which makes it even more thrilling for some sick reason. “That’s it, I want you to come for me,” he breathes, stopping to speak. His fingers move faster and harder as he reads me like a fucking book. My back arches as I feel the pressure build. Every muscle in my pussy clamps down on him, and I scream, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer explosive pleasure that rocks through me. “Vlad,” I scream his name, throwing my head back. He doesn’t stop, licking me through it as I writhe in the center of the bed. It’s as if he’s trying to drain every drop of my climax, as I feel more and more juice flood from me. When he finally stops, he moves up my body, kissing a path over my dress. “You are my addiction, Rosie,” he says, eyes full of conflicting emotion. He holds my gaze before kissing me, letting me taste myself on him. The kiss is desperate and needy, making me want more instantly. When he finally stops kissing me, he meets my gaze again. “I’m sorry I kidnapped you.” My brow furrows. “Why did you?” He swallows hard, and I see his vulnerability. “I couldn’t let you go.” His eyes flash. “You are everything.” I raise a brow. “What do you mean.” He shakes his head. “I don’t know. I just know you are important. Please tell me that you will be my blood giver.” I sigh heavily. “You haven’t given me a choice, Vlad.” I glance at the restraints, feeling conflicted. On the one hand, I’m sickened he has taken my decision out of my hands, but on the other, I’m glad he forced me here. The thought of never seeing him again threatens to tear a hole in my heart.

He nods and then stands, pulling a knife out of his jacket. I tense, staring at it. He moves toward the edge of the bed, and then he cuts the tie on my right arm, before walking around the bed and cutting the rest. “You’re right, Rosie. I won’t tie you up again.” He pauses, smirking at me. “Unless you ask me to.” I narrow my eyes at him. “What makes you think I want you to tie me up?” He laughs. “The way you just came all over my fingers.” I feel the heat snaking up the back of my neck. Vlad sure as hell knows how to make me hot in more ways than one. “Don’t be an asshole.” I raise a brow. “Are you going to let me go?” His eyes flash, and he growls like a bear. “No chance in hell. You’re mine, Rosie.” I shake my head. “I told you, I don’t want to be a slave.” He steps closer to me, and I move away, jumping o the bed. It’s more of a play as I dash away from him, knowing he can catch me. His strong, muscular arms wrap around my waist, and he pulls me against his chest. “Where do you think you’re going?” I arch my back slightly, feeling the length of him against my ass. “Away from you.” He growls, and I smile, realizing the power I have over him. Vlad is insanely possessive over me, and it makes me feel powerful. “What are you playing at?” he asks, spinning me around. I shrug. “Nothing, I just don’t want to be your little pet.” He kisses a path down the back of my neck, grazing his fangs over my skin—the fangs I long to feel piercing my skin. “You will never be my pet, Rosie. You are so much more than that. You are my queen.” He sinks his fangs softly into my neck, flooding me with pure bliss.

His words repeat again and again in my mind. You’re my queen I think I can live with that.




’m fucked. Rosie has a control on me no other vampire, human or fucking being has ever had over me. She drives me insane—literally. We don’t kidnap humans. Alastair tried to warn me before he was brutally attacked. Whatever this is, it’s not normal. Rosie means the world to me, and I don’t care about anyone but myself. If word about this gets out, she’ll be in danger. I have so many enemies that want to hurt me, and she is my biggest weakness. I may have loosened the restraints around her, but she’s still locked in my room. There’s no way I’m letting anyone else get near her. She’s mine. Fuck. I think I need to try and clear my head, get some space. “Vlad,” Javid says my name. “It’s time for the meeting.” The council meeting. Damn it. I forgot that I agreed to Flynn’s fucking meeting. “Is Lilith ready to take us?” I ask, knowing that she’s the only one that will get us there on time.” Javid nods. “Yes, Gregor is coming since Alastair is—” “Very well.” I turn and follow him. “Lead the way.”

I grit my teeth as I walk away, hating that I have to go so far away from Rosie. It may only be for a meeting, but being in America while she’s here in Nottingham makes my insides twist. Lilith is standing in the center of my library with Gregor. I hate the Alastair is gone—he’s never going to be by my side again. Those wolves need to pay, but I know that’s never going to happen. Flynn’s meeting is about bringing all the species together, even if quite a few of my followers don’t want me to agree. Vampires su er the most from the bullshit between species. We’re brutalized in the eyes of pretty much every species. Wolves use that brutal image of us to turn the humans against us. It’s time I united out species forever, making Rosie my queen. “Let’s get going then,” I say. Gregor turns and looks at me with pity. “I’m so sorry about Alastair, Vlad.” I grit my teeth and nod. The last thing I’m going to do is show Gregor how much Alastair’s death hurts. In some ways, other people’s perceptions of us have rubbed o on us—no emotion, brutal killers. That’s what we are, but that’s not true. We care about our brothers, the people we’ve known all our lives. Lilith claps her hands. “Are you ready?” “Yes, we’ll be late, so get on with it,” I snap. Lilith holds her hand out to me, Gregor grabs her other hand and Javid goes between us. With our hands linked, she starts to chat some mumbo jumbo, as we spiral into the air. When we land, we’re standing outside an old building with roman pillars either side of the door to the ancient fae council building. When Flynn invited me, I can’t deny that I

was uncertain. Vampires don’t trust any other species, but apparently, the two shifter kings agreed. Rhys Verne and Aiden Jeremiah have agreed to meet, so I’m not going to be the one to turn it down. Javid seems on edge. “Are you sure about this, sir?” I glare at him. “Are you questioning my decisions?” He shakes head. “Of course not.” I reach for the door and push it open, stepping into a room with a long table stretching through the middle. Only Flynn and his new queen are there, he’s standing at one end. He glances at me and nods, walking over to greet me. Faeries. I never thought I’d agree to work with one. They look down on all other species, and they hold vampires as almost as low as humans. “Vladimir, I’m glad you could come.” He holds his hand out. I narrow my eyes, looking at it. “I was curious.” I take his hand and shrug. “Had to see what you want.” He chuckles. “Cautious as always, hey?” I meet his gaze. “Of course.” I grit my teeth, remembering the way Alastair’s body was ripped apart by wolf shifters. I’ll feel uneasy agreeing on a truce with Rhys Verne. His reach may not stretch to Britain, but he’s one of them. Flynn’s human female approaches cautiously. He turns to face her. “Lucy, come and meet Vladimir Balan.” “Take a seat.” Flynn signals to three seats on one side. We sit down me in the center of the three, rapping my fingers on the table. I don’t like waiting for anyone, let alone fucking shifters. The door opens, and Aiden Jeremiah enters, eyes scanning the room as he steps inside. His gaze lingers on me before he moves past and greets Flynn. I hate shifters, even dragon shifters.

It’s not long before the door opens again, and Rhys Verne steps inside with his human on his arm. Oddly, both he and Flynn have found human mates. My mind goes to Rosie. The way I feel her about her feels something akin to a mate, but vampires don’t have mates. At least, not as far as I’m aware. Many vampires form blood bonds with their blood givers, which is similar. He takes a seat opposite me, and his human looks at me warily. I like scaring humans, so I stare back. She pales and averts my gaze. Flynn stands once we’re all here. “Thank you all for gathering here today.” He claps his hands together. “Today marks a special day in history. A day when we put our di erences behind us and move forward.” Yeah right. I may have agreed to this, but I’m naturally skeptical. A knock sounds at the door, perfectly fucking timed. “Come in,” Flynn says. The door swings open, and a stunning woman with olive skin walks in. She’s a witch. I can tell instantly. She stands at the end of the table, clearing her throat. “I feel you are missing someone out, your majesty.” She bows her head. “I don’t see representation here for witches.” I don’t know who she is, but Lilith could have represented the witches. She leads the biggest coven in England. Flynn nods his head. “Of course, miss?” “Ilsa,” she replies. He smiles. “Ilsa, take a seat.” I watch her warily. Witches are never to be trusted. They’re too fucking powerful for their own good. “We have all species here that I am aware of. Rhys will speak for the shifters of North America and across the globe, as will Aiden.” He glances right at me. “Vlad is the king of the vampires, as such our alliance is with you, be it an uneasy one.”

I grin, making sure they can all see my fangs. “I’m not sure what you are worried about, faerie, scared I might get a taste for faerie blood?” It’s not fucking likely since faeries taste terrible—it’s the magic in their blood. Flynn shakes his head and moves on. “Now, I invite Ilsa to speak for the witches in our council. To align our people and allow integration between all our kinds.” The pretty witch bows her head, smiling. “Lastly, Lucy and Anastasia will represent humans. They have as much a right as any human in my eyes.” I shift in my seat, feeling irritated by that. Rosie would be better at representing humans. I may not know her that well yet, but I know she’s a queen—a leader. I grit my teeth and hold my tongue, not forgetting what it would mean if I were to reveal my questionable urges toward a human I’ve just fucking met. Anastasia is staring at me again, and I stare back. She visibly shudders but doesn’t tear her eyes away. I get a feeling that one has more fire than appears on the outside. She’s got guts to look me in the eye. “Does anyone have any questions about the alliance we are forming here today?” Flynn asks. I don’t voice my concerns about it, knowing that being on their side is best for the vampires in the long run. All the leaders here are powerful, and I’d rather side with them on this. “No, mate.” I shake my head. “Just get on with this bullshit. I’m fucking starving, and you’ve got two juicy humans on o er right here.” Despite the fact I have no taste for any other human’s blood other than Rosie anymore, I lick my lips. Vampires are expected to act this way, particularly me. Rhys growls at me, rearing his fucking ugly wolf tendencies.

It makes my blood boil, but I hold up a hand. “Don’t bite my fucking head o . What do you expect when you trap a hungry vampire in a room with two juicy humans for too long?” “Enough,” Flynn calls, clapping his hands. “Fine, you can be the first to sign your contract and swear your loyalty to this council.” Flynn passes me a piece of paper and a pen. It’s the contract. I read through it thoroughly, knowing not to trust any fucking faerie o the bat. A contract isn’t something to be signed lightly, but it all stands up. “Fine, where’s the ink?” Flynn smirks and hands me a knife. “You must write it in your blood.” I stare at it blankly, shaking my head. “Slight problem, I’m undead. How the fuck do you expect me to bleed for this?” Ilsa, the witch, stands. “I can help with that.” She waves her hands toward me, shooting him with her red magic. I tense, rage pulsing through my veins that a witch would turn her powers on me without permission. “Cut your wrist now as it will only last so long.” I narrow my eyes before cutting my wrist. Deep red blood spills from the cut, and I squeeze it into the ink well. “Nice trick, Ilsa,” I say, signing the contract in my blood. Javid and Serg are visibly twitchy by my side and have been ever since we entered. You can’t expect vampires to sit opposite a wolf shifter king and not be on edge. They’ve hunted us for years in England. “I’m out of here,” I say, slamming down the quill. I stand to my feet, and my men follow. See you all at the next bullshit meeting.” I sprint out of the room at hyper speed, finding Lilith waiting outside for us. Javid and Serge are just behind. “How did it go?” she asks.

I shrug. “Pretty fucking basic. Not sure why I had to come across the Atlantic for it to be honest.” She holds her hand out to me, and we all link hands again. Her chanting begins, and all I can think about is getting back home. All I can think about is getting back to my queen. Rosie consumes my every waking thought.




lie in Vlad’s room, staring at the ceiling. How the hell did I get here? Ever since my run-in with Neil’s pack, I vowed to myself I’d never go near any supernatural beings for as long as I live. Vlad came along, and I allowed him to charm me into thinking vampires aren’t so bad. His timing was good, considering I needed to get out of the city, but there is something else about him. Before Vlad bit me, I found myself drawn to him, so it can’t be the vampire toxin that I’m addicted to. The last words he said to me repeat over and over again in my head. You’re my queen. I wonder how serious he is, as I’m certain vampires won’t be too happy about having a human queen by the side of their king. He’s been gone for hours. It’s so fucked up that I want him to return, particularly considering he brought me here against my will. It’s as if we are bonded to each other in some way. I hear voices outside the door and sit up, trying to make out what is being said. Their voices are too deep and mu ed through the huge oak door standing in the way.

I bite my bottom lip, wondering if Vlad has returned. The jangle of a key, followed by it turning in the door, makes me tense. Either he’s back, or another vampire is breaking in here. I relax when I see him walk in and turn to shut the door. He lets out a deep sigh, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. I swallow hard, feeling the heat crashing into me the moment I see him. My urges are fucking ridiculous, but he is the most stunningly beautiful man I’ve ever seen in my life. Rough, dominant, and fucking delicious. “Good afternoon, Rosie,” he says, turning to face me and smile. I clear my throat. “Afternoon. What’s up with you?” He shakes his head. “Nothing, now I’m back with you.” My stomach does a backflip, which is stupid. This man kidnapped me for fuck’s sake. How can I want a man that takes away my freedom like that? He moves toward me, loosening his tie and unbutton the top button of his shirt. “I missed your beautiful face,” he says, moving toward me and kissing my lips softly. I pull back and shake my head. “What are you doing?” I ask. His brow furrows. “Kissing my queen.” I shake my head. “Bullshit, I’m not your queen. A queen wouldn’t be locked up all fucking day.” His eyes flash, and he growls softly. “Are you trying to push me into tying you up again, Rosie?” I swallow hard. The warning in Vlad’s voice is clear, but I’m not going to roll over and take it. “If I’m your queen, then you need to prove it.” He smirks, and my stomach sinks. Something tells me he has a di erent idea of how he can prove that to me. “Very well.”

I hardly see him move as he grabs me, lifting me in his arms. “What are you doing?” I ask. He doesn’t answer me, carrying me toward a door to the left of the room. I assumed it was a closet, but when he opens the door, I gasp. It’s a fucking sex room. “Let me down, Vlad,” I say, writhing in his grip. He lets go of me, setting me on my feet. I try to run out of the room, but he’s too quick. The door slams shut, and he stands in my way. “You asked me to prove you are my queen.” His brow raises. “I’m about to do that by blowing your mind, baby girl.” I swallow hard, as his rough voice is sexy as hell. I hate that my thighs clench at the thought of what he’d do to me in here. The thought of him tying me up and making me feel as good as he did before excites me. I stay still as he steps toward me, red eyes focused, and intent. I should be running as far away from him as possible, but I’m rooted to the spot. He reaches for me, grabs my hand, and pulls me into his chest. I gasp as his hands move to my ass cheeks, gripping them hard. “I’m going to make you beg me, baby,” he growls, dragging his fangs down my cheek softly. “Beg me for my cock, my fangs, every part of you will long for every part of me.” I swallow hard as he moves his hands to the top of my dress, ripping it straight down the middle again. His muscles are tense as he takes a step back and slowly drags his gaze down my body, taking in every part of me. Heat floods my veins, racing to my cheeks. I’ve never felt more exposed, more vulnerable than I do right now.

Vlad groans and his eyes come back up to meet mine. “Perfect,” he says. In my right mind, I know I shouldn’t be remotely attracted to a man who has kidnapped me. I’m not in my right mind, though. This vampire has done some to me. I can’t explain it, but it feels like I won’t be hole until he’s inside of me. It feels like he the other half to my whole, which is insane. “You feel it too, don’t you?” he asks. I swallow hard, stepping back from him. “Feel what?” He smiles handsomely, shaking his head. “The spark between us.” He signals between the two of us. “This undeniable connection that neither of us can ignore.” I draw in a deep breath, shaking my head. “I don’t know —” He cuts me o , moving fast and grabbing hold of me. His lips descend on mine in a ferocious assault, tongue claiming my mouth with a roughness that makes my knees shake. I moan into his mouth, and the need overwhelms me. I clutch onto his arms to steady myself, and when he finally breaks away, I’m breathless and panting. “Don’t lie to me,” he says, keeping his mouth within inches of mine. “We both feel it. I’m not fucking making this up.” I nod, biting my bottom lip. “I feel it, and no matter how much I try to fight it, I can’t.” He grabs the back of my neck hard, angling my lips to his. I groan as he begins to kiss me again, slowly backing me up toward the door. My back hits the door, and he lifts me against it, lips running over every inch of exposed skin. “I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted.” I swallow hard, gazing into his eyes. It’s hard to believe. This powerful, ancient vampire king wants me more than

anything ever. “Impossible, you’ve been alive for hundreds of years.” He meets my gaze. “Yes, and never has anything or anyone had me so fucking wound up before in all that time.” He grits his teeth. “It’s a fucking weakness, but I can’t resist.” He doesn’t give me any warning as he sinks his fangs into my neck, feeding o me slowly. That pleasure courses through my veins as he holds me against the door, pumping me full of the stu that makes my body shake. “Vlad,” I moan his name, clawing at the back of his neck as he takes his time. When he finally stops, he licks the wound and then his mouth. “I’m addicted to you, Rosie.” He kisses my chest, slowly kissing a path up my neck. “You are like my own brand of cocaine.” “Vlad,” I gasp his name, feeling the need inside me turn to a fiery inferno. “I need you.” His eyes flash, and he takes my weight, carrying me over to a bench. He sets me on my feet. “Bend over for me.” I’m too needy to deny him. It’s insane but true. I bend over the bench, and he moves to fix restraints onto my wrists and ankles. A shudder races down my spine as he slowly drags his fingertips right down my back. “Don’t worry, I’m only going to pleasure you,” he purrs, moving around to stand in front of me. He crouches in front of me, and his red eyes are darker than normal. I gasp as he grips my chin hard between his finger and thumb. “Do you want that?” he asks. I bite my bottom lip, feeling conflict waring inside. I can’t understand why I want to say yes. This vampire is bad news. He kidnapped me and locked me in this room. There’s no way in hell I should want him. I shake my head. “No,” I lie.

His eyes narrow. “Are you sure?” I nod my head, meeting his gaze confidently. He smirks and moves away from me. “Okay, I’ll pleasure myself instead.” He starts to undo his belt, sending fear snaking through me. “I’ll let you watch, all tied up with no way of touching yourself.” There’s an evil spark in his eyes as he grabs a seat and pulls it in front of me. Fuck. Something tells me I’m going to regret my answer. Vlad drops his pants, chucking them to one side. He sits in his tight boxer briefs, the huge outline of him hard under the fabric. My mouth waters and I squirm over the bench, already feeling tortured by this man. He rubs a hand over his cock in his boxers, holding my gaze. “You’re going to regret your answer, baby girl.” He groans as he slowly pulls down his boxer briefs, releasing his huge shaft. A bead of precum drips from the tip onto his shirt. I whimper my mouth watering. I want to taste him more than anything, but it doesn’t make any sense. He smirks. “Like what you see?” I swallow hard, hating the e ect he has on me. He grips the base of his cock, slowly stroking himself and groaning softly. The sound makes me even needier, as I try to rub myself against the bench. It’s infuriating how needy watching him makes me. “Vlad,” I breathe his name, and he stops, eyes flashing with amusement. He loves every single second of this. “Please.” He raises a brow. “What do you want?” My pride is conflicting with this unbelievable desire to give in to him. “You,” I breathe, finally giving in to the pull. It’s impossible to resist. This vampire has done something to me, and I can’t resist him.

Vlad stands and moves toward me, stopping with the tip of his cock a few inches from my mouth. I try and strain to reach him, but he stops me, bending down again to my level. “Stop trying to resist the inevitable, Rosie. You are mine.” He stands again; his gaze is brutal and rough. I look up at him, nodding. “Yes, sir.” He groans, eyes flickering shut as he stokes himself from root to tip. “That’s what I want to hear, baby.” He looks down at me again. “Open wide.” I do as he says, opening my mouth to accept him inside. The need to have him as close as physically possible rules me. He shoves his cock right into the back of my throat, making me gag and push back. I can hardly breathe as he does it again, taking control entirely. The way he is fucking my mouth should anger me. He’s not paying any regard to whether I can breathe or not, but he does it repeatedly, giving me a brief moment to regain my breath each time. “That’s it, take my cock,” he growls, his fingertips digging into the bench as he thrust in and out of my throat. Saliva is spilling all over the bench and his cock. As he keeps thrusting, I start to get into a rhythm, taking his cock into the back of my throat each time. He laces his fingers into my hair, yanking me harder down on him, spilling salty pre-cum down my throat. Tears prickle in my eyes as he pulls out again. I gasp for breath, finding it almost impossible. Vlad almost choked me on his dick. “Are you insane?” I rasp. He squeezes my chin, bringing his face close to mine. “No, you’re mine, Rosie. Every single part of you,” he growls, eyes frantic. “If I want to fuck your throat, then I’ll fuck it.” I spit in his face, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline. He’s an asshole. “What the fuck was that for?”

I grit my teeth. “For almost choking me on your cock.” He tilts his head to the side. “Are you telling me you didn’t enjoy it?” He moves away from me and walks around where I can’t see him, setting me on edge. Suddenly, his hand is teasing at my soaking wet panties. “Feels like you enjoyed it a great deal, baby.” Heat pulses through me, as I am so wet. No matter how much the feminist part of me wants to deny it, I loved every second of Vlad’s dominant assault on my throat. I love the way he tastes, the feel of him, and everything about this bastard, cocky vampire. I hate him and love him all at the same time. How is that possible?




osie shudders beneath my touch. Her body is on edge and wound up just like I wanted. “I think you want me more than you like to admit, Rosie,” I purr, slowly moving my fingers through her soaking, lace panties. The girl is dripping with need, literally. Her arousal is a fucking amazing scent, and all I want to do is bury my face in her and never leave. Rosie’s throat felt better than anything I’ve ever felt. I was close to shooting my load down her throat, but I’m not ready for that yet. The need overwhelms me as I tear her panties in two. Rosie gasps at the sound, arching her back instinctively. She wants me so fucking bad, but she has no idea how needy I’m going to make her. By the time I’m finished with her, she’ll beg me for it all I crouch down behind her, gripping both her full, perfect ass cheeks in my hand. Gently, I spank both of them together, before dipping my tongue in for a taste. “Fuck, Vlad,” Rosie cries out my name. I groan against her, getting a fucking good taste of her sweet nectar. “Fuck, baby girl,” I say, feeling overcome with need.

My knees shake as my cock leaks all over the floor. It’s been centuries since I used this room, and I can think of no better occasion than punishing this fucking beauty. My obsession with Rosie is a danger. Too many vampires seek to hurt me, let alone the wolves and humans, which means she’s in danger. She doesn’t realize that’s why I’m locking her up. She’s my world. Nothing can ever happen to her. I drag my tongue right through her center, slowly circling her clit with the tip of it. Her thighs visibly shake, and she groans, trying to move back onto my mouth. “Vlad, please.” I lick a path back through her soaking wet arousal, savoring every second. Rosie is my brand of fucking cocaine, and I could never get enough of her. I love her blood, and her arousal, the taste of her mouth—everything about her. “You’ve been a naughty girl, Rosie.” I spank her ass cheeks hard, making the skin pink. “Naughty girls don’t get what they want.” She whimpers, making pride rise inside of me. The resistant human can’t resist for long. Vampires do have the unfair advantage of their bite, but I haven’t bit her. My fangs lengthen at the thought as I stare at the perfect pink skin of her ass. “I’m going to bite you, baby girl.” She sti ens beneath me, shaking a little. “Vlad, please.” I know what she wants, and it’s not my fangs. I kiss her ass cheeks softly, before sinking my fangs into her flesh. “Fuck,” she cries out, hips bucking wildly. I smile against her skin, tasting her amazing blood. Her body is wracked with pleasure as she explodes from the bite. I force myself from her neck and move to her pussy, lapping up every drop of her come. “That’s it, come for me.” As I lick her, I feel her tense again. “Oh my God,” she

screams, as another orgasm breaks the moment my tongue is on her clit. “Vlad, please, I—” I yank her hair, forcing her to arch her back up as much as the restraints allow. Slowly, I move my aching cock through her dripping wet center. “What is it, Rosie?” I lean over her, pressing my cock into her dripping arousal. “Can you no longer resist me?” I ask, gently kissing her neck. She shakes her head. “I need you,” she gasps, arching her back as much as she can. “Take me, please. I want you to be the first inside of me.” Something inside of me snaps, hearing her beg me to be the first man inside of her. The first and fucking last. “I’m going to take it because it’s mine, baby girl.” I lick a path down her neck, before sinking my fangs into her. She shudders, moaning in pure ecstasy. Her blood makes me feel more powerful than I’ve ever felt. Vampires can be rough lovers, and I’m concerned that a virgin won’t handle me. If I get out of control, I could kill her. It’s odd for me to have any concern over a human, but if she were to die, it would ruin me. “I’m going to be the only man ever to fuck your beautiful, little pussy,” I murmur, running a hand down her spine, feeling the goosebumps prickling on her skin. “I need you to promise me something, Rosie.” I gently cup her throat from behind, holding her against me. “What?” she asks. I move to her ear. “If it’s too much you call out the word red, do you understand?” She nods her head. I tighten my grip on her throat. “Tell me that you understand.” “Yes, sir, I understand.” Fuck.

She knows how to wind me up. The perfect little submissive, giving it all to me. I slowly move the tip of my cock through her center, but I know this isn’t the position to take a virgin. No matter how desperate a woman is, there’s a certain amount of tenderness needed when you’re dealing with a virgin. It goes against my every nature. I’m not fucking tender, I’m rough, but I want to be for her. Slowly, I unclip the restraints. “What are you—” I spank Rosie’s ass, and she groans. “Don’t question me.” She remains slumped over the spanking bench, even when the restraints are gone. I slip my arm around her waist and lift her against me, carrying her into the bedroom. “Why are we staying in there?” I don’t meet her gaze. “Because no virgin should be fucked over a spanking bench, that’s why.” I grit my teeth together. “We will have plenty of time to enjoy the pleasures of that room.” I set her down in the center of my bed, watching her. She looks perfect in my room. It’s as if she was made for me. Her brow furrows as she stares up at me. “What’s that look for?” I ask. She shrugs. “I’m just surprised you care where you fuck me for my first time.” My eyes narrow, but she’s not the only one who is surprised. My need to protect and claim this girl is earthshattering. I can’t hurt her, and I need to be tender with her tonight—at least, tender for me. It’s going to be pretty rough still, but she knows the word. I don’t address her comment, crawling over her. She moves her fingers to the buttons on my shirt. I grab her wrist. “Did I say you could touch?”

She shakes her head. “No, sir.” She bites her bottom lip in a way that drives me fucking insane. I sit back on my haunches and rip open my shirt, popping all the buttons. Rosie licks her lips, letting her gaze roam my chest. I’ve never had a woman look at me the way Rosie is looking at me. I grab her wrists and push them over her head, restraining her. Our lips meet in a wild, frantic kiss as our need takes over. My cock is leaking all over her pussy, so ready to be inside of her. “Please, Vlad,” she gasps as we break free. “No more playing, I need to feel you inside of me.” She wriggles beneath me, as I hold her arms above her head still. I bite her lip in a warning. “I’m in control, Rosie.” Her nipples are rock hard, pointing at me. I move my mouth to those, sucking on each one softly. She bucks her hips, moaning deeply. “Oh, fuck.” I rub my cock between her thighs, creating friction on her clit as I suck her perfect nipples. It’s all it takes as she comes apart again, body shuddering beneath me. It’s impossible to hold out any longer. All my self-control shatters as I see the pleasure painted over her face. I let go of her wrists, and before she’s even come down, I slide every inch of my cock into her—the first and last man to ever enter her perfect, tight pussy. Her eyes go wide, and she moans deeply, clawing her fingertips into my back. “Vlad.” I bite her bottom lip, resting deep inside of her tight, virgin pussy. Slowly, I move inside of her, letting her get used to my size. Each thrust feels better than the last as she arches her back, enjoying every second. All I can think about is claiming her, marking her as mine. I want my seed deep inside of her, making her mine.

I kiss her lips, tangling my tongue with hers in a desperate kiss. I move carefully inside of her, feeling a foreign concern for her flooding me. “Fuck me harder, Vlad,” she moans, clawing at me. I groan, wishing she wouldn’t push me. “You can’t take it, baby girl.” She meets my gaze, challenging as always. “I can. Fuck me, sir.” She arches her back more, and I lick her nipples as she does, making her shiver. “You asked for it, baby girl.” I meet her gaze. “Remember the word.” She nods, eyes misted with desire. I feel my self-control slip as I start to pound her harder and faster. A need I can’t quite understand driving me—a primal need to breed her, which makes no sense. Vampires can’t mate. At least, it’s very rare. In the history of vampires, only two have ever gotten a woman pregnant, both with magic intervention. Our bodies meld together as the bed starts to groan and shake beneath us. Rosie moans, clawing onto my shoulders as I fuck her like a beast. My fingers dig into her hips hard as I fuck her, moving over her wildly. She gasps as I lift her, pulling out of her tight, wet heat. Quickly, I force her onto her knees and kneel behind her. My cock is back inside of her faster than she could register it as a human. I grab her throat, squeezing as I start to pound her from behind—her small, fragile body rests back against my chest. “Fuck, Vlad,” she moans, arching her back and accepting every thrust. “That’s it, baby girl, take my cock.” She shivers, her muscles clenching harder around my cock. I know she’s on edge, but I’m not ready for this to end yet. If she comes, I won’t be able to hold out.

Instead, I stop and hold her hard against me, dangling her on the cli edge. “Please,” she groans, thighs quivering. I let it pass, drawing it out for as long as fucking possible. “No, I’m not ready for this to end,” I growl. She whimpers, turning limp in my arms. I pull out of her, giving us both a moment to rest. I drop down onto the bed and pull her on top of me. “I want you to ride me, Rosie.” Her cheeks turn bright pink, and she bites the inside of her cheek. I shake my head. “There’s no use getting shy now. On my cock, now,” I order. She nods, straddling my thighs and sinking onto me. I groan, sitting up and grabbing her hair. “You feel so fucking good,” I murmur, before pulling her lips to mine. Our tongues tangle as she moves her hips, riding me like a fucking pro. It’s hard to believe this beauty is a virgin, but I’m so glad she is. The thought of any other man ever being inside her makes me insane. Her hips move faster as she gets into a rhythm, and I move my hands to them. I grip them hard, forgetting about my strength. It’s impossible to let her take control for long, as I begin to thrust into her, controlling her movements. Rosie moans deeply with each thrust, eyes rolling back in her head. She’s lost to this, loving what I give her. A profound and deep connection to her rises inside of me. It’s been there this entire time, but it seems to strengthen as we move as one—becoming one. All this time, I’ve tried to avoid this exact thing. A blood bond is the last thing a king should form between a human. Yet, this was there before I ever tasted her blood, before I kissed her, and before I took her virginity. She’s been mine ever since I scented her.

“I want to feel your little virgin pussy come all over my cock,” I growl. Rosie throws her head back, panting for breath as her orgasm rocks her. I grip her hips hard. “Look into my eyes when you come.” She does as I say right away, meeting my gaze as her orgasm rocks through her. The tension comes to a peek as she pulls me over the edge. I roar, my cock exploding deep inside of her. She’s mine now. Mine forever. There’s no way I’m ever letting her go.




roll over, wincing at the pain radiating through my body. It feels like I’ve been in a fucking car crash. Vlad’s arm is gently strewn over my waist, holding me as he sleeps. Fuck. I lost my virginity to the vampire holding me captive last night. His possessive nature is too fucking alluring to resist. He wants to protect me, own me in ways I’ve never dreamed of. Last night was the best night of my life, but I don’t know where that leaves us. I shift, groaning the moment I turn onto my side. As I move the blankets, I realize the cause. My hips are black with bruises. I bite my lip, realizing that Vlad was right. I can’t handle his strength. The ache between my thighs is dull but present. I pull the covers back over myself and lie on my back as Vlad starts to stir. He shifts over and smiles at me. “Morning, beautiful.” He kisses my cheek and then my lips softly. “Morning,” I say as he starts to kiss my neck. His hands move to my hips, and I flinch at the pain, groaning. He stops meeting my gaze. “What is it?”

I shake my head. “Nothing.” His eyes narrow, and he pulls the sheets away, growling when he sees the bruises he inflicted. “Fuck.” He stands up and starts to pace the room. His muscles are tense as he doesn’t say a word, pacing like a mad man. He is a mad man. A man who ignored my decision not to go with him and took me anyway, and despite that, I still fell into bed with him. What is wrong with me? I can’t understand why that connection and desire to be with him is only heightened now. He blames himself for the bruises, but I asked him to fuck me hard. I’m at as much fault as him, and they will heal. I shift out of bed, trying to ignore the pain of my injuries. I move toward him and set a hand on his arm, making him tense. He snaps and grabs my throat suddenly. “Rosie, stay the fuck away from me.” His eyes are frantic. “I’m dangerous.” I shake my head. “No, you’re not.” He searches my eyes, expression torn. “I hurt you, Rosie.” His fingers loosen from my throat, and he steps away from me. “You need to stay away from me.” I shake my head, grabbing his chin in my hands. “It’s partially my fault. I asked you for it hard.” He grits his teeth, prizing my hand o his chin and turning away. “No, I should have known better.” I can’t believe how much I want to defend his actions. This man kidnapped me and locked me up, and I want him— that alone is ludicrous. “Vlad, please stop beating yourself up.” I set my hand on his hard, muscular back. “They are just bruises. They will heal.” He turns around, grabbing my hand so quickly I can’t react. “This time, it’s just bruising, but what if I hurt you worse next time?” He shakes his head. “Too many vampires

have killed their blood givers.” His eyes look haunted as he meets my gaze. “I can’t lose you, Rosie.” A flash of vulnerability makes my heart skip a beat. Vlad seems so powerful and untouchable, yet he’s scared of losing me. I shake my head. “That won’t happen, I know you wouldn’t kill me.” He laughs. “How could you know? I’m a fucking monster, Rosie.” He shakes his head. “You don’t know the things I’ve done, and if you did, you’d be running out of here as fast as fucking possible.” I grab his hand and pull him close. “No, you’re not. Vlad, prove to me you can be gentle.” I press his hand to my breast. “Prove to yourself.” He groans, eyes darkening as he lets them roam over my naked body for the first time since he woke. “Rosie,” he moves forward, gripping my waist softly. His lips move slowly over my neck and collarbone, as he gives in to our connection. I love every soft kiss he plants on my skin and every brush of his rough hands against my waist. He’s careful not to touch my bruised hips, pushing me back toward the bed. “Lie down, Rosie,” he murmurs. The soft tone of his voice sends a shiver racing down my spine. It’s a complete contrast to last night. I lie down, staring up at him. His jaw is clenched tight as he looks at the bruises on my skin. “I fucked up.” I shake my head, holding my hand out to him. “Vlad, stop blaming yourself.” He moves toward me, taking my hand and allowing me to pull him onto the bed. His grip is soft as he slowly kisses me, deep and passionate, but soft.

I can tell it takes all of his control as he slowly moves down my chest, planting soft kisses over every inch of exposed skin. I moan, arching my back as the need for this vampire grows. He touches me with careful control as he moves between my thighs. “Rosie,” he breathes my name as he gets to the sensitive flesh, teasing a tongue through me. I grip the bedsheets beneath me, moaning at how good his tongue feels. It’s insane that this is what I’ve been missing, keeping myself closed o from intimacy, but something tells me it always had to be Vlad. He’s the one for me, the man who will pull me out of my shell and complete me. Vlad grips my thighs harder, pushing me toward the edge with each lap of his tongue. “Fuck,” I breathe. He is deliberately slow and careful with every lap of his tongue. I fist the sheets beneath me, feeling so wound up already. I watch him move his finger to my pussy and dip it inside of me, curling it to hit the spot that drives me insane. “Vlad.” He smirks up at me before sucking my clit into his mouth. I buck my hips, always needing more from him. I grit my teeth, knowing that I can’t push him since he’s trying to be gentle. Vlad groans against me, slowly kissing a path up my tummy and chest. “I need to be inside of you.” I nod and kiss him, wanting that more than anything. He pulls his boxers down, and my eyes go to his huge cock erect and ready. A bead of precum drips onto my tummy, making me needier. “I need you,” I breathe. He slides inside of me softly and slowly, clamping his eyes shut as I allow him inside.

I’m so wet he just stretches me around him with little e ort. The soreness I felt earlier has turned into an ache for him. “You feel so good, baby girl.” He sinks his fangs into my neck, flooding me with even more pleasure. I groan as he drinks my blood. It’s something I never expected to find a turn on, but it’s oddly erotic. Vlad is addicted to every part of me, and it makes me feel powerful. He retracts his fangs, licking them clean. “I love the taste of you,” he murmurs, kissing my neck. “Every part of you.” I wrap my arms around his neck, clawing him closer to me. It feels like even inside me, he’s not close enough. Vlad moves slowly, gritting his teeth as he holds himself back. Every thrust of his cock sends me spine-tingling pleasure. The sensitivity between my thighs heightens the sensation. It’s di erent from last night but just as good. I clamp my eyes shut as the next thrust pushes me close to the edge. Vlad teases his fingers around my throat softly. “Eyes open.” He kisses my lips, before thrusting into me again slightly harder and sending me spiraling over the edge. “Vlad,” I scream his name as my body convulses beneath him. He keeps his fingers wrapped around my throat as I come apart. He groans as my pussy tightens around him, dragging him over the edge with me. “So fucking tight.” He pumps once more, his seed spilling deep inside of me. He presses his forehead to mine, panting. I knew he could be gentle, somehow. I press my lips to his and kiss him deeply, feeling my love for this man deepen. It’s insane that I love him when I don’t know him. This connection between us is destiny. I was supposed to find him, and he was supposed to find me. “I knew you could control yourself,” I murmurs. He smiles. “I’m not sure how you knew, as I didn’t.”

I peck his lips. “I just did.” He flops onto his back and pulls me against him, kissing the end of my nose. I can’t understand the warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach. I can’t understand how I love a man who took me against my will. Deep down, I always wanted to go with him, so perhaps that’s why. This man and I are joined by something powerful and impossible to resist.




hy the fuck are you summoning me to a meeting?” I ask as I walk into the meeting room in my castle. My mood has been good for over a week, spending it with the beauty now locked behind my bedroom door. When I got the summons, it angered me. Something isn’t right, and I’m not taking any chances with Rosie. I call the meetings, always. If Alastair were still here, this never would have happened. Javid meets my gaze across the room, a faint smile on his lips. That bastard is up to something. I glance around the room, noticing there are way more vampires here than usual. My rage increases when I notice a couple of them are vampires that have been banned from stepping into my castle ever again. I snap, rushing for them. “What the fuck are they doing here?” I boom, making the table shake with the intensity. Javid steps in between us, holding his hands up. “They have a right to come to this meeting, Vlad. It’s a contestation to the throne.” I narrow my eyes at him, grabbing him by the collar. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me that on the summons?” I growl, wanting to rip his head o his scrawny little neck.

He swallows hard. “I’m sorry it was the instruction I was given.” I let go of him, knowing he has no backbone whatsoever. The coup wasn’t planned by Javid. Cristian and Florin can’t be serious about contesting me for the throne. They are way too weak. Neither of them could give me a run for my money in a fair fight. I can eat them for fucking breakfast. “You two intend to challenge me?” I ask grinning. They both shake their heads, and someone clears their throat behind me. I turn around as Boian steps out of the shadows. “No, I do.” Bastard. I stare at the man who used to be my brother. A man who I could trust with my life, and now he wants to stand against me. If there is any vampire that could defeat me, it’s him. “Boian, don’t tell me you are still bent out of shape because I had to stop you two hundred fucking years ago?” I ask, searching his eyes. “This has nothing to do with that, Vlad.” He steps closer. “Rumors spread like fucking diseases. You of all people should know that.” He nods to a man by the door, and he slams it shut, setting me on edge. “The vampires will not accept a human queen. She must die, and so must you.” Rage pounds through my veins, as I glare at Javid. He’s supposed to be my advisor, but something tells me I have him to thank for this. Who else would have spread the rumors about Rosie? Alastair would have never let something like this happen while he was alive. Grief clutches at my heart as I think about his lifeless face, decapitated and lying at the side of the road. “That’s a big fucking mistake, Boian.” He laughs. “No, you’ve made a mistake by falling for a human.” He shakes his head. “Seems like you’ve grown

sloppy. I thought you always kept your distance from your blood givers.” I clench my fists and race for the door, pounding through the wood. It splinters, but as I try to go again, I’m pulled back by five fucking vampires. “Let go of me,” I growl. The need to get to Rosie is driving me. They are going to take her. I manage to slip one of the men and rip his head from his shoulders. The four other guys let go of me, jumping away like the cowards they are. “Cowards, don’t let him go,” Boian shouts as I power through the splintered door, smashing it to pieces. I head out of the door and sprint for my room. As I make it to the bottom of the stairs, I’m halted by excruciating pain in my head. I hold a hand to it, groaning as I fall to my knees, struggling to stand. I glance up the stairs to see Lilith using her magic to detain me. “Not so fast, Vlad. I shake my head. “Lilith, not you too.” It feels like my heart has been ripped from my chest. All of my closest allies have turned on me because I care for a human, and my best friend is dead. There’s a reason I always kept my distance from my blood givers—a reason I always selected men. I always knew emotion would be my downfall, but this isn’t how I expected things to play out at all. “Yes, Vlad. You’ve lost your ruthlessness ever since you met that human.” She steps closer. “I admired you for it, but your emotion is weakness, and I won’t stand by a vampire who loves a human.” I growl, barring my fangs. “Bullshit. I’m not weak.” She laughs. “Love makes anyone weak, Vlad.” She shrugs. “It’s nothing personal, but if you have something to lose, you give the enemy something to take.”

My heart skips a beat as I see a vampire appear with Rosie at the top of the stairs. She’s bound and gagged, making the rage inside of me increase tenfold. I force myself to block out the pain of Lilith’s attack, standing against the strain of her power weighing down on me. Lilith’s eyes widen as I sprint up the stairs, knocking her out the way. I knock out the vampire holding Rosie, grabbing her. My rage eases a little the moment she’s in my arms. Something snapped inside of me the moment I saw that guard holding Rosie. I’m driven with a single need to protect the woman in my arms, but a vampire can’t resist the witch’s powers, particularly one as strong as Lilith. Somehow, I did resist her magic, which should be impossible —weak my ass. I sprint back to my bedroom, setting Rosie down and then barricading the door with everything and anything I can find. “Vlad, what is happening?” Rosie asks. I shake my head. “A coup. I need to get you to safety.” She glances around. “That might be a bit di cult since we’re stuck in a room on the top floor of a fucking castle.” I smirk at her and walk toward the bookcase on the righthand wall. I pull down the book that opens the secret passageway out of my room. “A vampire that has lived as long as I have learned to design a castle with secret exits that only he knows.” I wink at her and then hold my hand out. She grabs her coat o the bed, wrapping it around her, before taking my hand. A horrendous crash echoes outside the door, startling me into action. I pull Rosie through quickly, flipping the switch, so it closes behind us. Rosie opens her mouth, but I hold a hand over it and shake my head. She nods, lacing her hand with mine as we slowly move down the stone staircase. Vampire hearing is

good, and we can’t make a sound. If they find out where we are before we reach the exit, we’re both dead. “What the fuck? Where are they?” Boian shouts, his voice is carrying down the secret corridor behind us. “Search everywhere.” I speed up, forcing Rosie to run quicker than most humans are used to. It’s only once she tugs on my hand that I realize she can’t hack it. She shakes her head, trying to catch her breath. I lift her into my arms and continue the sprint to the dungeon. That’s where this path goes, and then from there, we can take the tunnels into Nottingham. It was only a matter of time until someone caught on to the fact Rosie is important to me and used it against me. I must admit. I didn’t expect a week with Rosie to culminate in this. Maybe I’ve been more obvious than I thought. The past week has been a whirlwind with Rosie, and I wasn’t exactly careful. Boian has cause to want me dead. I betrayed him two hundred years ago because he had got out of hand with his massacring of humans. We had been worried he was going to reveal us to the humans with his antics. I don’t think he has ever forgiven me for it. The coup is his attempt at payback. “Where are we going?” Rosie whispers as I head down an underground corridor away from my home toward the city. “Nottingham. I have a place where we can lay low.” She swallows hard. “Won’t they follow us?” I shake my head. “They won’t be able to.” I pull a cord as we step into the corridor, and it releases a barrage of rocks in the path, making it impossible for them to follow. “They want to challenge my rein, and they can, once I’ve got you to safety.”

Her eyes widen. “No, it’s too dangerous. They’ll kill you.” I smile at her, but I’m not convinced they won’t. “They can’t beat me, baby girl, don’t worry about it.” I kiss her lips and then move into a sprint toward my home in Nottingham. No one else knows about the penthouse, and I know she’ll be safe there. Rosie might be right. They aren’t playing by the rules when it comes to the contestation of the right to rule. It was nothing short of an assassination attempt. My once allies would have murdered Rosie in front of my eyes before slaughtering held back by Lilith’s magic. Cowards. Two can play at that game. It looks like we might have to accept Aiden’s invitation to his stupid party after all. In three days, he is holding a ball for the council at his castle. I need some allies if I’m going to stop them from toppling my rule, and Flynn’s plans hinge on me remaining in power. It’s a long shot, but it’s the best I’ve got. I need to secure my position to ensure nothing happens to Rosie. She will be my queen, whether my people like it or not.




rest under the spray of the warm water, waiting for Vlad to return. He had to leave on an important matter, but I hate being away from him. After the attempted coup two days ago, I’ve been shaken. We’ve been together the entire time, hiding in this stunning penthouse. Vlad is certain it’s safe since he’s the only person who knows about it. The sound of the front door opening sends my heart racing. I suddenly feel the urge to greet him naked, straight out of the shower. It will drive him wild. I smile to myself as I shut o the taps, and step out, still dripping. Vlad has his back turned to me as I walk into the living room. “Hello, sir,” I say, my voice teasing. Vlad turns around, and I almost jump out of my skin when I see another man standing behind him. His gaze darkens. “Rosie, cover up now,” he growls, glancing at the man. He smirks. “Oh, don’t be a prude, Vlad.” He tilts his head. “I don’t mind a show.” Heat pulses through me as I cross my arms over my chest, hiding as best I can. I’m so horrified that I can hardly bring myself to move.

Vlad moves at lightning speed, carrying me back into the bathroom. He pins me against the wall, fingers wrapped around my throat. “What the hell were you thinking?” His eyes are full of dangerous rage. I lick my bottom lip. “I didn’t know you were bringing someone else here.” “You said you are the only person who knows about this place.” I shake my head. “Considering what happened at the castle, I didn’t expect you to bring anyone else here.” I bite my bottom lip. “I missed you and wanted to show you how much.” He growls, moving his lips closer to mine. “Get dressed, before I do something we’ll both regret.” Disappointment twists my stomach, even though there’s some man outside. “I’ll make sure I punish you thoroughly later.” His fingers leave my throat, and he leaves me to dress. I get dressed into my loungewear, before heading back out to find out what is going on. Vlad and this other man are chatting in hushed tones, and both fall silent when they see me. “Rosie, come and meet Alaric. He’s a warlock.” I raise a brow. “A warlock?” I ask. Vlad nods. “Yes, come and greet him.” The heat of his gaze is a warning. I step forward. “Nice to meet you.” I hold my hand out to him. “And, sorry about before.” His lips quirk into a smirk. “Don’t be sorry. I won’t complain about the view.” Vlad growls, drawing Alaric’s attention to him. “I think it’s Vlad you should apologize to by the sounds of it.” Vlad narrows his eyes, and grabs my hand, leading me toward the sofa. “We’re going to go on a trip.” “A trip?” I ask.

He nods. “Yes, to America.” I freeze. “What?” His brow furrows. “Aiden Jeremiah has invited me to a council party.” He scrubs a hand across the back of his neck. “I’m part of a council designed to bring all species together. Flynn, the fae king, put it together, and it consists of spokespeople from all species, including Rhys Verne.” Panic coils through me, and I shake my head. “I can’t return to America.” I pull my hand away from him. “I’m sorry I’ll have to stay here.” Vlad growls softly. “It’s out of the question. I don’t know what you are scared of in America, but believe me, I’ll protect you from anything.” I look into his eyes, knowing how true that is. He abandoned his castle to save me. He’d give up anything to keep me safe, but an entire country of wolf shifters against Vlad seems like an uneven match. I’m still wanted by Elias’s back and, in turn, all wolf shifters in North America. The way they are interlinked means they work together to hunt down people who have crossed them. No matter what Elias says, they want me dead. I bite my bottom lip, not wanting to bring up the subjects revolving around the reason I don’t want to go back in front of a stranger. I’m not even sure I should tell Vlad. His possessive side might snap when I tell him what Neil tried to do. Even though he’s dead, I wouldn’t put it past him to go after the entire pack. “You will be safe with Vlad, that’s I’m sure of, sweetheart,” Alaric says. I narrow my eyes at his use of the nickname. “Name is Rosie.” He laughs, clapping Vlad’s shoulder. “She’s got some fire, hasn’t she?”

Vlad grits his teeth. “Yes, let’s get this over with.” He glares at Alaric. “You will attend the ball tonight at Aiden’s castle too. They’ve o ered us all a place to stay the night before we return tomorrow.” Alaric nods. “Can’t wait. I love parties.” Vlad stands, pulling me to my feet. His hand remains tight around mine, and I’m surprised when Alaric takes my other hand. “Is this your first time?” he asks, as I gaze at our entwined hands, noticing Vlad is also holding Alaric’s hand. “First time for what?” He smiles. “Brace yourself, Rosie. It can be a bumpy ride.” Suddenly, magic coils around us, consuming the three of us entirely. It feels like I’m spinning around at breakneck speed, all I can feel is Vlad’s hard, firm grip on my hand. I focus on it, allowing it to ground me. As long as he is by my side, everything will turn out fine. We touch down outside a vast castle surrounded by huge mountain peaks. It’s down in a valley and utterly beautiful as the sun starts to set, painting the land in a mix of pink and orange. “Wow, this place is amazing,” I say, staring up at it. Vlad sets his hand on my waist and nods to Alaric to carry on. “You go ahead. I need to speak to Rosie alone.” I glance up at him, wondering what he’s going to speak to me about. Once Alaric has disappeared into the distance, he returns his attention to me. “We are going to have to follow some strict rules there.” I raise a brow. “What kind of rules?” He grips my hand. “You will address me as sir, and not speak unless spoken to.” My eyes narrow. “What?”

“You will act obedient and subservient in public, as I can’t have my reputation as the brutal vampire king ruined amongst these people.” I set my hands on my hips. “So, I’m your queen, but only when there’s no one else around?” He sighs heavily, running his fingers through his cropped hair. “Rosie, please work with me on this. I only recently joined the council, and I don’t know if I can trust them.” Vlad tries to kiss me, but I move my mouth, so he kisses my cheek. “Fine, but I’m not happy about it.” I go to move past him, but he stops me. “Rosie, you need to walk a step behind me.” I hate agreeing to his terms, and now this is just getting ridiculous. “Are you fucking serious?” I shake my head. “I thought this council was about bringing the species together, not degrading humans.” He rolls his eyes. “Okay, you can walk by my side, but not in front of me. Do you understand?” I grit my teeth and nod, walking in sync with him by his side. It’s not in my nature to blindly obey orders, but somehow I can’t find it in myself to disobey him, no matter how much I want to. We head up the steps into the grand castle, and a young man greets us. “Vladimir, isn’t it?” He asks. Vlad grunts, nodding his head. “Follow me, sir. We have two rooms made up for your party.” He meets my gaze and then glances back at Vlad, clearly concerned that a human is staying with the vampires. I smile at him in an attempt to put him at ease. He clears his throat when he notices Vlad glaring at him, and leads the way up the grand staircase to the second floor. “This is the larger of the two rooms,” he says, turning to Vlad. “The other is just two doors down.” He nods left down

the corridor. Vlad sets his hand across my back and nods. “We’ll take this room.” He glances at Alaric. “You take the other and don’t be a nuisance tonight. Alaric laughs. “Wouldn’t dream of it, mate.” He walks o toward his room and disappears. “Is there anything else I can get you, sir?” He asks. Vlad shakes his head. The man glances at me. “Anything you need, miss?” I smile at him. “No, I’ll be fine, thank you. What’s your name?” Vlad tenses beside me, and I remember him telling me not to speak to anyone. He smiles back, relaxing slightly. “Jonathan, miss. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” “Thank you, and you can call me Rosie.” Vlad growls softly by my side, tightening his grip on my hip. Jonathan glances at him warily, before nodding. “I will do, Rosie. Enjoy your evening. He slips past us and rushes away from Vlad. I glare at him. “Why were you so rude to that man?” I ask, shaking my head. Vlad pushes me into the room, grabbing my throat hard. “I gave you a simple instruction not to speak to anyone. Why the fuck did you tell him your name?” I shrug. “I won’t be silent the entire duration of this trip.” I hold his gaze, challenging him to take this further. In the end, he grunts and lets go of my throat, walking toward the bathroom. I feel victorious as I watch him skulk away. I won’t be told what to do constantly, and it’s not who I am.




servant shows us to our room, and once the door is shut, Rosie runs to the bed and flops into it. I can’t help but smile—everything she does makes me smile except when she’s defying me. Despite my clear instructions, she spoke to the servant, who looked surprised. Vampires are renowned for controlling their blood givers, and they wouldn’t allow that kind of outburst, but I can’t bring it in myself to punish her. At least, not in a way she won’t fucking love. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. I step forward, feeling the desire rise inside of me even though we need to dress and get down to the ball in the next twenty minutes. “Why did you speak to the guy who showed us up here?” I narrow my eyes, holding her gaze. She shrugs. “I thought you said not to speak to anyone at the ball.” I crawl onto the bed toward her, pinning her hands down over her head. “You know what I meant. You were just testing my patience.” I move my lips down her neck, scenting the warm, sweet blood running through her veins faster. “

“I’ve got two things I need to punish you for later, don’t make it three.” I grip her hips hard, but careful. Ever since I bruised her, I’ve been able to work out what she can stand. The human body is so fragile but so beautiful. I drag my fangs across the skin of her neck, making her shiver. “Shall I give you a taste of that punishment?” I ask. “Yes, sir,” she moans, arching her back. I can’t help but smile against her skin at how needy she is for me—every single time. I sink my fangs into her neck, drawing enough blood to give me a rush. Rosie moans, loving every second as I pump her full of the pleasure toxin. Her toes curl, and I wonder how long it would take me to push her to orgasm. I retract my fangs from her neck and lick the wound, before moving away. We don’t have time, and tonight is important. I never ask anyone for help, so approaching Flynn tonight and asking for assistance will tear me apart. I hate the thought, but I’d rather ask him than any other fucker in this place. A faerie is certainly better than a dragon of wolf shifter. I hear Rosie approach, wrapping her arms around my stomach. “Why are you so uptight?” she asks. I grab her arm and turn around, wrapping her up in my arms. “I hate asking anyone for help.” She chuckles. “That’s silly. Everyone needs help.” I raise a brow. “Why were you so worried about coming to America?” I ask, knowing we didn’t get a chance to discuss it back at the penthouse. She shakes her head. “It’s nothing.” She bites her bottom lip, and I know she’s lying. “Tell me, Rosie.” She sighs heavily. “Because I got in some trouble when I was last here, trouble that doesn’t go away.”

“Tell me what happened.” She looks at me, uncertainly. “Not sure that’s a good idea.” She knows I hate her refusing me, so I spank her ass hard. “Are you trying to add to the punishment you are due later?” Her eyes flash with desire, but she shakes her head. “Please, Vlad. It’s too—” I grip her throat hard enough for it to be a warning. “I won’t be defied, Rosie. I want to know everything about you.” She puts a hand over mine, trying to pry my fingers from her throat. “Fine, take a seat.” I clench my jaw at her telling me what to do but sit in an armchair nearby. She sits on the edge of the bed, keeping distance between us. I watch her carefully, noticing how withdrawn she looks as she stares down at her hands. “When I was seventeen years old, I got caught up with a wolf pack in Alabama.” I grit my teeth, thinking about her anywhere near a load of alpha wolf assholes. “What did they do?” She shakes her head. “A shifter called Neil was alpha, and he tried to take advantage of me, not caring that I was underage.” I stand, fists clenched as I pace the length of the room. “I’ll kill the bastard,” I growl. Rosie’s voice is small. “He’s dead.” I glance at her. “Good, but why are you worried about coming back to American then?” She swallows. “Because I killed Neil. I had a knife and stabbed him in the throat before he could rape me.”

So many emotions hit me all at once for one, pride. Rosie can fend for herself, and it’s something I’ve been sure of ever since I met her. However, Rhys Verne, the outright alpha of all the North American packs, is here. I can see why she was worried about coming. Wolves have an odd bond to their alpha, and that pack will want my queen dead. “Shit.” I move to sit next to her, taking her hand. “Would Rhys recognize you?” She shakes her head. “I never met him, and this was years ago before he took an active role in the running of the packs.” I nod. “Well, we shouldn’t have anything to worry about.” I shake my head. “No wolf shifter has any cause to come after you, as it was self-defense.” Rosie laughs. “I’m not sure they will see it that way, Vlad.” “I know, but if Rhys somehow knows who you are, I’ll reason with him.” I narrow my eyes. “If Flynn is serious about this council, then you will be under his protection here.” I shake my head. “There’s no way in hell they will let anyone harm you at a council event.” Rosie visibly relaxes, shifting to sit in my lap. “Good, and I’ve got you to protect me too.” She kisses me, making me instantly hard. I groan. “Rosie, we’ve got to be at the ball in less than half an hour.” I lift her o my lap and set her on the bed. “Later, baby girl.” Her eyes flash, and I know she isn’t going to give up easily. I shake my head. “There’s no breaking my resolve. Delayed gratification can be the best thing ever, but...” I pause, glancing at the bag I packed. “I have got you a gift.” “A gift?” she asks, watching me. I smile and rummage in my bag, finding the parcel. “Yes, open it.” I chuck it to her, and she rips open the packaging.

Rosie gasps as she reveals the pair of vibrating panties, glancing up at me. “You are joking, right?” I shake my head. “I never joke when it comes to panties.” I step toward her and grab her chin. “It will make sure you are completely under my control.” Her cheeks turn red as she pulls out the accompanying remote control. I snatch it from her. “That’s for me, thank you.” Her eyes widen as she glances between me and the pair of black panties, shaking her head. “This is insane.” I grin at her. “You love it really, now go and get showered and put those panties on for me.” Rosie stands and starts to strip in front of me, trying to goad me. I watch, feeling my cock react as she dumps all her clothes on the floor. Her eyes are willing me to follow her as she steps past. “Nice try, but I’ve got steel fucking willpower.” She sighs. “I guess I’ll just have to get myself o in the shower then.” Fuck. I turn to face her, the thought of anyone but me bringing her to climax makes me insane, even herself. “No fucking way.” She shuts the door, and I hear the shower turn on. If we’re not careful, we’ll be late for the ball, but I don’t give a shit. The intention was to be early to ensure I got a chance to talk to Flynn without the others hanging around. I open the door, flinging my clothes to the side, and step into the shower. “Don’t you dare touch yourself, that pussy is mine.” She giggles, shaking her head. “Damn, that was easy.”

I growl and launch toward her, kissing her hard. “Wrong, baby girl, I’m going to get you so wound up, but I won’t let you come.” I shake my head. “Not until later.” I drag my lips across her neck, slowly moving my fingers through her pussy. “You’ll be soaking wet and needy for me all night.” She shudders, eyes flickering shut as I push my fingers inside of her. “Vlad, please, I need to come.” I shake my head. “Patience, you’ll see how good it is later.” I kiss her softly. “I promise you. You will thank me for it.” She bites her bottom lip, blowing out a deep breath. “I hate that I love the way you control me.” I laugh, pulling my finger from her. “Does that make any sense?” she asks. I nod. “Yes, I think it does.” I grab a bottle of shampoo and lather it between my fingers. “Let me wash your hair.” She turns around, and I carefully spread the shampoo through her hair, massaging her scalp. Until Rosie, I’d never felt the need to take care of someone before, but I want to take care of her. I want to make her feel like the queen she is. She moans as though I’m fucking her with every stroke of my fingers against her scalp. My cock is hard and aching, but I won’t break. Rosie will wait until later—we both will. Then, I’ll show her just how good it can be when she obeys her king.




feel on edge as I walk behind Vlad into the ballroom. His rules are bullshit, but I know if I break them, he really will make me pay. I’m painfully aware of the control he has on me right now. These panties could go o at any moment he wants, and I have no control over it at all. Around total strangers, it seems unfair, particularly considering I’m so wound up anyway. Vlad can be fucking evil at times but in the best way. Every step I take is excruciating as my panties create friction. Vlad advances toward a tall, handsome man with dark hair and a beard. “Flynn, good to see you,” he says, holding out a hand to the king of the faeries. Flynn narrows his eyes but takes his hand and shakes. “Likewise. You had a pretty swift exit from the first meeting.” He raises a brow. “I hope you will try to participate more actively.” Vlad’s jaw clenches as I stand by his side, silent as he told me to be. “Of course, I have something I need to speak with you about tonight.” Vlad runs a hand across the back of his neck. “It’s rather urgent.” Flynn claps him on the arm. “Of course, find me after dinner.” With that, he walks away, leaving Vlad and me

alone. Vlad holds his arm out to me. “Take my arm, Rosie.” I raise a brow, but don’t argue and allow Vlad to lead me through the crowd. “Who are these people?” I whisper. Vlad shoots me a warning glare. “No talking, don’t make me use it already.” I lick my bottom lip. “I thought you meant in front of people. Am I not supposed to talk to you all night?” Vlad grits his teeth and moves through the crowd toward the bar. “A glass of scotch, please, and...” He looks at me, and my eyes widen. “A glass of Chardonnay, please.” The bartender nods and goes to get our drinks. Vlad leans toward me, whispering in my ear. “I don’t want you to talk unless I allow you to. If I look at you, then you can talk.” I swallow hard, wondering what I got myself into. I’m not exactly accustomed to doing as I’m told. Being alone since I was seventeen and fending for myself, means I’ve never had to rely on anyone else. “Vlad, how are you?” Another tall man with dirty blonde hair approaches, with a beautiful woman on his arm. “Rhys, I’m well, thanks, mate. How are you?” I notice the way his jaw clenches. Rhys. My heart leaps into my throat as I stare at the king of the wolf shifters, knowing he might have seen the posters the Alabama pack distributed. Would he recognize me? I hold my breath, feeling thankful he hasn’t glanced at me yet. “As well as can be, the wolf shifters aren’t exactly making the changes easy for me at the moment.” His brow furrows, and then he glances at me. “Sorry, who is this?”

Vlad glances at me and shakes his head. “She is no one.” I can’t help the tinge of pain in my chest, hearing Vlad call me no one. Rhys’s eyes linger on me, narrowing slightly. “I recognize you. Have we met?” I shake my head and open my mouth. Vlad cuts me o . “She doesn’t speak, please don’t directly address her.” Tension heightens between the four of us, and I bow my head, gripping Vlad’s arm harder. He’s an asshole. While I’m thankful he’s found a way not to tell Rhys my name, it seems silly to create tension amongst people who could prove our allies. Rhys rubs a hand across his chin. “I feel I’ve seen her before, Vlad.” He shakes his head. “I just don’t know where.” I bite the inside of my mouth, hoping that he doesn’t twig where he has seen me. It’s a sure sign he has seen my wanted poster before. Vlad clears his throat. “It seems unlikely. She lives in London.” Rhys shakes his head. “I did hear about the run-in with my kind in London.” Rhys shakes his head. “I’m sorry my reach doesn’t stretch over the Atlantic, they should never have stolen that chalice.” Vlad smiles. “No, they shouldn’t have, but unfortunately, the packs in Britain aren’t exactly as open-minded as over here.” Rhys sighs. “Give it time. Things will change. Have you considered moving to the states?” Vlad shrugs. “No, I haven’t, but maybe I should.” The woman on Rhys’s arm nods. “It would make sense, considering our alliance will give you strength here.” Rhys clears his throat. “So sorry, whoever you are, where are my manners. This is my mate, Anastasia.” He smiles at

her with adoration. Anastasia takes my hand and shakes it. “It’s lovely to meet you.” Vlad growls at her for touching my hand. She glances at Vlad. “Who is she to you?” She tilts her head. Vlad narrows his eyes. “She is my date for the night.” Suddenly people fall into silence, and that’s when I notice the stunning couple coming down the steps into the ballroom. They are holding hands as they walk into the room, and the woman is wearing the most stunning red dress embellished with lace. It must be the king of the dragon shifters, the hosts of this party. All of us turn out attention to the happy couple. Aiden meets Vlad’s gaze and his jaw clenches. Something tells me that most people here aren’t exactly at ease with Vlad. Even Flynn didn’t seem at ease around him. Aiden’s attention goes to me, and the look in his eyes is one of pity—perhaps he thinks I’m here unwillingly. “Thank you all for coming to our party. I hope you have a good time,” Aiden says, and they start to mingle. Aiden moves straight for Flynn, who is now joined by his mate and children. I watch them as they start to talk. Rhys clears his throat. “Well, enjoy the party. I’m sure we will catch up with you later.” Vlad nods, and I smile as they both walk away, leaving us alone again. He leans toward me. “He recognized you, how?” I shrug. “There are wanted posters in circulation for me because I killed Neil.” Vlad tightens his grip on my arm. “I’m going to get him to put an end to that,” he growls. I shake my head. “You said you couldn’t let them know what I am to you.”

Aiden and his mate approach us. I can tell Aiden doesn’t want to. “Aiden,” Vlad says, before turning his attention to the woman. “Ilsa, how are you?” He smiles kindly at her, seemingly more at ease with her than anyone else here. “I’m well, thank you, Vlad.” Her attention lingers on me with concern. “Who is this?” she asks. Vlad shakes his head. “No one.” It doesn’t hurt any less hearing it again. Ilsa shakes her head. “I feel that it is a lie.” She raises her brow. “Vlad, you of all people should know not to lie to a witch.” His jaw clenches, and he pulls me closer to him, wrapping an around me. “A date, that’s all.” He glares at Ilsa, challenging her to push him further. She sighs heavily. “Fine, Vlad, keep your secrets.” She shakes her head and meets his gaze. “In time, you will need to understand that we are your allies, not your enemies.” Aiden nods. “We must greet the rest of our guests.” Vlad nods but doesn’t say a word. With that, Aiden and Ilsa move away. I glance up at the man I’ve become so attached to, wondering why he can’t trust these people. “Why don’t you tell them my name?” Vlad glares at me. “Did I say you could speak?” I set my hands on my hips, my patience finally being tested. “I’m not a fucking puppet, Vlad. I’m getting fed up with this.” I walk away, heading for the bathroom without a word. Vlad appears in front of me out of nowhere, gripping my throat hard. “Where the fuck are you going?” I can hardly breathe, let alone talk. He realizes suddenly, easing his grip on me. “I’m going to the bathroom, now get out of my way.”

He glances around to see if anyone has noticed our encounter, before nodding and stepping aside. Rage coils through me as I head for the bathroom, feeling so wound up. It’s one thing telling me to keep quiet, but he’s acting like I’m nothing to him. It hurts more than I can put into words. Seeing the other couples here, it’s hard not to be envious. Their men are crazy about them and make that clear with their body language and how they respect them. Vlad treats me no better than a fucking slave in public. How can I accept him like this? I enter the bathroom and move to the sink, turning on the tap. The cold water helps calm me down as I splash it on my face and neck. The door opens, and I turn around to see a woman standing there—Flynn’s mate. “Hi, I’m Lucy,” she says, walking toward me with her hand outstretched. I smile. “Rosie, it’s nice to meet you.” I shake her hand. She tilts her head to the side. “I saw you storming in here and wanted to check you are okay.” “Thank you, I’m fine. I just needed to get some space.” I turn back to the mirror and check my hair. Lucy steps by my side. “Is he treating you well?” she asks. I look at her in the mirror. “Vlad can be trying at times, but I don’t seem to be able to resist him.” Her eyes widen in surprise. “You mean, you and Vlad are...” she trails o , shaking her head. “Why is that so surprising?” Lucy looks uncertain before nodding. “Vlad is renowned for keeping to himself. He hasn’t been with a woman, human, witch or vampire, for centuries.” She smooths down her hair too. “Any woman he does sleep with, it’s one time only, strictly.” She turns toward me. “That’s why it’s

surprising news. He has broken more hearts than anyone can keep count of apparently.” I swallow hard, wondering why I’m any di erent. “Oh,” I say, glancing down at the sink. She takes my hand, smiling widely. “How long has this been going on?” I shake my head. “Not long, about ten days.” “Well, that’s far longer than anyone else has ever got, maybe you will be the woman to tame the elusive and brutal vampire king.” She tugs my hand. “Come on, let’s return. I think there is going to be an exciting announcement before dinner. She smiles and keeps hold of my hand, leading me out of the bathroom. I let her pull me out, feeling a little uneasy. When Vlad sees me with her, he won’t be happy. His eyes meet mine the moment we step down into the ballroom, and they darken. I pull my hand from Lucy’s. “It was lovely meeting you o cially.” I smile. “I’ll catch up with you later, I hope.” Lucy nods. “Definitely.” I head toward Vlad, who is looking at me like he wants to kill me. Once I’m within reach, he grabs me hard and pulls me against him. “What the fuck are you playing at?” “Lucy just introduced herself in the bathroom. I’m not going to be rude.” Vlad growls. “Did you tell her your name?” I swallow hard. “Yes, why?” Suddenly, my panties start vibrating, and I have to bite my lip not to cry out. “What are you—” Vlad clenches his fingers around my throat, cutting me o . “Your mine, Rosie, stop trying to fight it,” he growls, tightening his grip even more. “Stop pushing me to punish you by disobeying my orders.”

A shudder runs down my spine, as I clench my thighs, trying to hold my resolve. It’s increasingly di cult because I’ve been aroused ever since the bedroom. A woman clinks a spoon against a wine glass, drawing our attention. To my relief, Vlad releases his grip on my throat and shuts o the panties, and I sag against him. Aiden holds his hands up. “Everyone, I have a very important matter to address before we can have dinner.” Ilsa looks shocked as Aiden falls to one knee, pulling a small box out of his jacket. Her eyes are wide as he announces, “Ilsa, you are it for me. My soul mate, my savior, my world.” Pain clutches around my chest, as I realize I’ll never have that with Vlad. Despite this connection we share, he still treats me like a slave in front of anyone else. He has proven he can be gentle with me, but he has a persona to uphold in public. Ilsa’s eyes are glistening with tears. “I’m so glad I found you. This adventure is only just starting, but I want to ask you if the rest of it you will journey as my wife.” He opens the box, and I wish I were close enough to see the ring. He’s speaking such beautiful words to her. “Will you marry me, Ilsa?” It feels like everyone in the room holds their breath, waiting for her to answer. She’s clutching at her chest, eyes still wide in shock. “Of course, Aiden,” she says. He slips the ring onto her finger, and when he stands, she jumps into his arms. It’s impossible not to smile as they kiss passionately in front of us. Everyone around erupts into cheers and applause, and I join in. Vlad gives me a nudge and warns me with his eyes, but I ignore him. He can’t ruin such a special moment.

I won’t be stopped from celebrating in the good news of these people. Suddenly, the panties come on again, and I moan softly. “Vlad, please don’t—” He yanks me against him again. “Then stop defying me, baby girl,” he murmurs. I nod. “Yes, sir.” He shuts them o , and my knees wobble. Luckily, he’s still holding me. Otherwise, I might have fallen into a heap on the floor. “Let’s find out seat, and no more funny business, Vlad says. “Yes, sir. I promise.” I let him lead me toward the table, wishing I could fight the natural urge to obey this vampire. It looks like I’m powerless to resist the pull of whatever connection exists between us.




osie is testing my patience. We’ve finished eating, but she spoke multiple times. Each time, I turned the panties on, warning her to shut the fuck up. She’s had some odd stares as I almost brought her to climax in front of them. This woman will obey me. She’s mine, and she needs to understand what that means. I hate that she defied me and told Lucy her name. It means that Rhys will soon learn her name. In turn, it risks him remembering who she is. Dinner is winding down, as everyone is finishing dessert. Flynn is who I need to speak with. My attention has been on him throughout dinner, except when Rosie decided to disobey me. I can’t understand why them sticking me down the other end of the table gets to me. It feels like I’m not truly welcome as a part of this fucking council. “How do you like the food?” I ask her, leaning in. She glares at me, clearly irritated by my constant punishment. “It’s fine. I would have enjoyed the entire experience more if it weren’t for you,” she quips. I press the button on the panties, and she jolts in her seat. “Fuck’s sake,” she spits, eyes full of fire.

“I warned you about disobeying me, Rosie. If you learned your place, it wouldn’t be so torturous.” I’ve bought her to the edge of climax so many times tonight, only to deny her. I can’t wait to play with her later in the bedroom, but now I have work matters to address. I flick o the panties and then stand, approaching Flynn. He’s sitting with Rhys and Aiden, and I can’t help but feel there’s a divide between us. I’m not part of this council. They keep me away from them because they don’t feel they can trust a vampire. I clear my throat, drawing all of their attention to me. “Flynn, would you mind if we talk now?” Flynn raises a brow. “No, of course not, but is this something that only involves me, or shall Rhys and Aiden join?” I grit my teeth. “I’d be more comfortable just speaking with you.” I glance at Aiden and Rhys, feeling too uneasy around them. Faeries and Vampires have never really clashed, but shifters and vampires are natural enemies. It’s going to take time for me to put that behind me, and it seems where they seated me tonight, the feeling is mutual. Flynn nods. “Very well.” He glances at Aiden. “Where can we talk?” Aiden nods toward a door. “The study should su ce. Let us know if you need anything.” He glances at me again, suspicion in his gaze. Flynn shakes his head. “We’ll be fine. Shall we.” He stands, and I lead the way toward the door, opening it and marching inside. I can’t understand why leaving Rosie at the table makes me uneasy, but I do it anyway. I’ve kept her close all night, bringing her to a meeting with Flynn would be a step too far. Once we are behind closed doors, Flynn clears his throat. “So, how can I help?”

I rub a hand across the back of my neck. “I’m in the shit, Flynn. The vampires have turned against me, and they tried to overthrow me.” Flynn’s brow furrows. “Oh, I hadn’t heard about that. When did this happen?” “Three days ago. They ambushed me at my castle, and I escaped.” Flynn paces the floor. “Why did they try to overthrow you?” I sink my fang into my lip, knowing if I answer that, I reveal the truth about Lucy. “A misunderstanding.” “Have a seat, Vlad.” He signals to the two armchairs by a fire, which isn’t lit. “I think we need to address some issues.” I raise a brow. “What kind of issues?” I sit in the seat, but lean forward, fingers together. “You are a member of our council, but you don’t act like it.” He sighs. “I get the feeling you don’t trust us—despite the blood agreement we’ve all signed.” He’s right, but the distrust isn’t one side. “No, I don’t, mate. Don’t take it personally. It’s in my nature.” Flynn runs a hand through his hair. “You need to trust us for the council’s work to be successful.” I narrow my eyes. “It’s not one-sided, you know. Take the table tonight, all the council members were one end, and I’m the other with random guests I don’t know.” I grit my teeth, anger rising inside of me that he’s confronting me over the trust issue. “None of you trust me either. It goes both fucking ways, you know.” Flynn smiles. “Indeed, that’s true. Perhaps we can all work on our prejudices.” He shrugs. “I trust you, but vampire and shifter history is far more complicated.” I nod. “It is, but I’m coming to you for help.”

“Okay, but level with me, Vlad. I need to know why they tried to overthrow you.” It’s not in my nature to ask for help, and it’s not in my nature to trust anyone. I stare into the eyes of the council leader. The faerie king is renowned for being loyal and true, but even knowing that, I feel uneasy. “The woman I’m here with tonight.” Flynn’s eyes widen. “They wanted to overthrow you because of her?” I stand and start to pace the floor. “Yes, I don’t know what it is about Rosie, but when I went to get the chalice, we met. Her blood drew me to her so powerfully, and I forgot everything and anything.” I sigh heavily, glancing at Flynn, who is listening intently. “She helped me get the chalice back, and then I took her, unable to let her go.” Flynn’s brow raises. “Against her will?” I grit my teeth. “Yes, but she’s not here against her will now. Ask her.” Flynn sighs. “It’s not a good start to a relationship to force someone to do something.” “All due respect, I didn’t ask for dating advice,” I growl. He holds his hands up. “Fair enough, so the girl is your mate?” “Vampires don’t have mates, but I don’t know, I’m bonded to her deeply.” I shake my head. “And, it’s not a blood bond because it existed before I’d fed from her.” “Weird. It sounds like some kind of mating bond to me.” I nod, agreeing. It took a lot for me to reveal it to him, but I can’t deny it feels like a weight has been lifted. I’ve kept my feelings for Rosie under wraps, knowing how dangerous it is for both of us. “Thank you for trusting me with this. I’m sure it is hard for you.” He stands and approaches me. “I will help you with this, Vlad. You need to understand that we are here for this,

to help end all the wars between kinds and stop people thinking they can stop interspecies relationships.” Flynn’s eyes twinkle. “Maybe Rosie would like to be part of the council, with Lucy and Anastasia?” I can’t deny that the thought of her having anything to do with this worries me. She’s too precious to risk, but maybe Flynn is right. This council is a safe place for our kind of pairings. Lucy and Anastasia wouldn’t allow anything bad to happen to her. “Perhaps,” I say. A commotion outside sets my heart rate accelerating, and Flynn and I exchange glances. “We best check that out,” he says. I rush for the door, blood pumping through my veins. My instincts tell me Rosie is in danger. When I step through the door, I lose it. Rhys Verne has shifted and is trying to get past Ilsa to Rosie. She’s holding him back, but by the look on her face, the strain is taking its toll. “Motherfucker,” I shout, rushing for the wolf without a second thought. I’m held back, though. Flynn uses his magic, stopping me in my tracks. “Let go of me,” I growl. He steps closer. “No, I will have order. Rhys won’t hurt her, and we will resolve this like civilized creatures.” He walks over to Rhys and sets a hand on him, somehow getting close without him noticing. Suddenly, he morphs back into a man, standing there entirely naked. He doesn’t seem to care, still glaring at Rosie. “Stay the fuck away from her,” I shout, still held to the spot. I’ve not met many fae, but it seems they are far more powerful than I ever imagined. Witches can’t do what he is doing right now, focusing his power in two places. Rhys glares at me, snarling like a fucking animal—they call me a beast. Anastasia crouches beside him, setting a

hand on his shoulder and pulling him back to reality. “Calm it, Rhys, I want to get to the bottom of whatever issue you have with this human, but she is Vlad’s mate.” I grit my teeth, realizing that I never got around to asking him to keep it a secret despite the fact I told him in confidence. Rhys’s eyes widen as he glances between Rosie and me. “That’s impossible.” I narrow my eyes at him, as Anastasia pulls him to his feet and wraps a towel around his waist. “Let’s hear what Flynn and Vladimir have to say.” She grips his shoulder. “Why the fuck did you attack her anyway?” I ask, moving forward, finally free of Flynn’s entrapment. “She killed the alpha of one of my packs.” He runs a hand through his hair. “It’s an instinct thing to take a life for a life.” I feel more rage flood through me. “That fucking bastard wolf tried to rape her, and she stabbed him in self-defense. She was seventeen years old.” I can feel my muscles coil with tension as I step closer, but Flynn gives me a warning glance. “There’s no fucking debt that she has to repay. If anything, you fucking wolves have a debt to repay to her.” Rhys looks guilty, glancing down at the floor. “I wasn’t aware of the circumstances. Neil was renowned for liking underaged girls, and being pretty heavy-handed with women.” He meets my gaze. “I didn’t know he was rapist, though.” He holds his hands up. “I’m sorry, I will strike through the hit on her for all of the shifters in North America.” His apology hardly helps the rushing of blood through my ears. It may be a good step in the right direction, but I find it hard to accept that these assholes can help me. Sure, they want a better world, but they’re hypocrites. Vampires have been brutalized in his history for too long, but it’s not me

who almost killed someone. I move quickly toward Rosie, closing my arms around her protectively. “Are you okay?” I murmur. She stares up at me, a mix of adoration and surprise in her eyes. “You told them that I’m yours.” I kiss her quickly. “Yes, I’m sorry about the way I treated you tonight.” I sigh heavily. “This is all new to me.” I turn my attention to the council members. “All of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror. You say you want peace between all races. Vampires, witches, wolves, dragons, humans, and faeries, and yet, ever since I’ve met all of you, I’m treated di erently.” I shake my head. “All of you are hypocrites. We’re supposed to put our prejudices behind us, but vampires have never been able to escape this bullshit image of being brutal and unreasonable.” I grab Rosie’s hand and leave the ballroom, not waiting as Rhys calls my name. I’ll speak to them tomorrow after they have a chance to think. Right now, it’s time for me to make love to my queen.




lad hasn’t said a word since he got me back into the bedroom. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I’m almost too scared to speak, worried that he might snap at me. When Lucy told Rhys my name, I saw all the pieces click into place on his face. He lost it, turning almost instantly. If it weren’t for Ilsa, I’d have been ripped apart. I don’t hold it against Rhys. It’s an inbuilt instinct to avenge one of his alphas. His vow to call o my death is a relief, as all wolves will have to obey his order. It means I could return home to America for good. I swallow hard, wondering if Vlad would consider moving here. Britain is too behind the times. I want to be somewhere that is accepting of our relationship. I move toward him and set my hands on his shoulders. “Vlad, are you okay?” He glances up at me. “I almost lost you, Rosie.” His voice is haunted. I know it’s true. “Luckily, Ilsa saved my life.” His jaw clenches. “I should never have left you alone.” He grabs my hands, yanking me to stand between his thighs. “I’ll never leave you like that again.”

I shake my head. “It wasn’t your fault. Rhys recognized me once Lucy told him my name, so it’s my fault for telling her.” Vlad raises a brow. “Are you saying you should have listened to me?” I can’t help but smile. “I guess so.” He grabs my hair suddenly, pulling my mouth down to his and kissing me hard. The passion in the kiss makes me shake. “Vlad,” I breathe his name, feeling the tortuous need inside of igniting again. He has been downright evil tonight, pushing me to the edge countless times. I need him more than I need to breathe. “Please stop torturing me,” I say as we break apart. Vlad pulls me onto the bed, pushing me under him instantly. “You’ve been a naughty girl tonight, Rosie. I have to punish you,” he groans, moving his hands down my body slowly. “I’m going to prove to you how amazing delayed gratification can be.” He licks a path down my neck before sinking his fangs into me. I buck my hips, as pleasure shoots through every vein in my body, but not enough to push me to the edge. “Fuck, you are killing me.” Vlad removes his fangs and smirks down at me. “No, I’m blowing your mind.” I shake my head. “That’s a cocky thing to—” He kisses me hard, silencing me mid-sentence. His hard body presses against mine as he claims my mouth with fierce need. Suddenly, the panties switch on, and I cry out. Vlad smirks. He moves so fast that I can’t register what he’s doing. When he stops, I’m tied down to the bed— restrained. I try to resist them, but they are tied so tight. “Fuck.” I meet his gaze, which is blazing with desire. Those

red eyes are so beautiful at that moment, unique but stunning. “How do those panties make you feel, baby girl?” I shake my head, gasping for breath. He’s pushed me close to edge too many times tonight, and I don’t think I can take any more teasing. Tears prickle at my eyes as he switches them o , watching me writhe on the bed. “I can’t take it anymore, Vlad.” He raises a brow. “You know the safe word if you want us to stop.” I shake my head. “I don’t want you to stop. I want you to fuck me.” He smirks. “Naughty girls have to wait for what they want.” His fingers move to the zipper of his pants, and he slowly undresses, leaving me panting and breathless. When he finally pulls his hard cock from his pants, I’m practically going to explode. The look in his eyes tells me he isn’t going to give me what I want. He slowly strokes himself up and down, eyes roaming my body. I watch as he steps forward and rips my dress from my body. “Vlad, I loved that dress,” I protest. He smirks. “I’ll buy you another one.” I stay still, waiting for him to make the next move. All I want is to feel his skin against mine. He switches the vibrating panties on again, and I buck my hips. It feels like I’m going to die if he doesn’t let me come soon. He knows how to get me to the edge and then back o as I’m going to come. “Oh, God, please, Vlad.” He chuckles softly before switching them o again and kneeling on the bed between my legs. “Tell me what you want.” His gaze holds mine. “I want to hear you say it.”

I’m not sure I’m capable of anything coherent right now. “You,” I breathe. His smirk widens. “What do you want from me?” “Everything,” I pant as he slowly moves his fingers up and down my thighs softly. He shrugs. “It will do.” He turns the panties o , slowly moving them down my hips. Finally, he touches me there, and it feels like electric against my skin. “Soaking wet, Rosie,” he murmurs, slowly plunging his fingers deep inside of me. It feels like heaven as he finally gives me what I need— any part of him inside of me. I need more, but it’s better than nothing. He fingers me softly, too softly as he kisses a path up my tummy. I groan as he unhooks my bra with his other hand and circles each hard nipple with his tongue. I didn’t believe that this need could grow anymore, but he proves me wrong with every touch. “Vlad, I need you now.” He smirks, moving his lips to mine and kissing me. “I know, baby girl.” He kisses my chin and then down my neck. “It won’t be too long. You have been such a good girl.” A spine-tingling shiver races through me as he hovers his fangs over my left breast. I glance down at him, eyes wide. “Are you going to—” He sinks his fangs into the sensitive flesh. “Vlad,” I cry out his name, writhing against the bindings. He is sending sensations through me that blow my brain apart. I’m pretty certain he has broken me. I can hardly breathe. My body is limp but tense at the same time. I can hardly think through the fog of the pleasure toxin over my mind. Slowly, he kisses a path down my tummy, heading straight toward the place I long to feel him. He gently licks a

path through my soaking wet center, turning the blazing fire inside into an inferno. It’s wild and all-consuming as he lightly circles my clit with the tip of his tongue. My eyes roll back in my head as the pleasure hits a peak I’ve never felt before. The light caress of his tongue isn’t enough to tip me over the edge, but enough to hold me over it, prolonging the desperate need coursing through my veins. I don’t want it to end, and yet I long for a release. Vlad gently runs the tip of his fangs across my most sensitive part, torturing me even more. “Fuck, please, Vlad,” I moan, writhing against the restraints. He sucks my clit into his mouth, but again, it’s not enough. I feel his fingers dip inside of me as he licks my clit and fucks me with his fingers. Slowly, he kisses a path up my body, fingering me all the time. Our lips meld together, needy and frantic. Vlad takes me by surprise, as his fingers are replaced with his huge, hard cock. My pussy clenches around him, ready to explode the moment he fills and stretches me. “Is that what you wanted, baby girl?” he groans, shutting his eyes as he sinks deep inside of me. “Fuck, yes,” I groan, wishing I could claw at him and touch him, but I can’t. He chuckles and starts to move in and out of me. It’s insane how much better every thrust feels—maybe he was right. The torture was worth it as he picks up the pace. Our bodies fall into sync as he grips my hips hard, grunting above me. I come from the intensity. Every nerve ending in my body is on fire as the release is so powerful. My mind turns blank, stars filter into my vision, and every muscle in my body spasm out of control. “Fuck, Vlad,” I scream over and over again.

He grunts against my neck, pounding into me hard and fast. He fucks me through it, not stopping even as my orgasm washes through me. It feels like my body is separate from my mind as the pleasure rocks through me in waves over and over again. Vlad was right. Delayed gratification is the best thing I’ve ever felt. Once I finally get a grip on reality, I meet his hot gaze. It’s intense and powerful, as he holds it while fucking me. My emotions are heightened along with everything else. Vlad revealed the truth to everyone—maybe we can have the same kind of relationship the others have. It’s all I want. I want him to love me the way I love him. Love. It’s the first time it’s hit me, but as this man moves over me, I know it. He’s made for me. He tells me I’m his, but he is mine too. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Vlad asks, nipping my lip with his fang. I don’t know what comes over me, but the way I feel tumbles from my mouth. “I love you,” I breathe. He tenses above me, eyes widening slightly. Suddenly, he kisses me, hard and passionate. I wonder if that’s his way of saying it back, but when he finally breaks away, he breathes it back. “I love you, Rosie.” My heart skips a beat, and he starts to pound into me harder and faster, driving me toward the long-awaited cli edge he’s been dangling me over all fucking night. He breaks the bonds on my arms, allowing me to touch him. I wrap my hands around his neck, clawing his lips to mine. “Vlad,” I breathe his name against his lips over and over again. It feels like our souls join as we become one, moving toward our mutual pleasure with no other thought.

Vlad isn’t trying to tease me now. He’s just giving me all that I want, loving me the way I’ve always wanted him to. I don’t believe it’s even possible to orgasm again, not after what I just experienced, but it’s building with each thrust. We hold each other’s gaze, emotion, and heightening pleasure heightening together as we see one another truly. I’ve never more vulnerable or alive before. “I want you to come for me again, baby girl,” he murmurs, kissing me again. “I want to feel you come and milk me for all I’m fucking worth,” he growls, thrusting into me even harder. The dirty talk, coupled with the intensity of his thrusts, throws me o the cli edge. If I believed it wasn’t possible to feel more pleasure than I did the first time, I was utterly wrong. My muscles clamp down around his shaft as my body starts to convulse beneath him. Vlad growls against the skin at my neck as I pull him over the edge with me. His hands grip my hips possessively as he thrust into me again and again, draining every drop. We both lay in that position, holding each other and panting for a long while. Neither of us wants to move. After what I just experienced, I’m not sure I’m capable of moving. Finally, Vlad rolls o of me. He reaches for me and pulls me into his chest, holding me tightly. There’s nothing to be said as we lay together, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking. My eyes fall shut, and I listen to the slow, steady beat of his heart beneath my head. I let it soothe me and take me away, falling to sleep in the vampire king's arms—my vampire king.




sit on one side of the table, keeping my arm protectively around Rosie’s back. She leans into me, clinging to me ever. We’ve been inseparable since last night. I think I broke her with the pure pleasure she experienced. I broke the sexy little virgin, who is my perfect submissive. It took some training, but she understands who her master is now. When she told me that she loved me last night, it took me by surprise. In nine hundred and fifty-five years of life, I’ve never loved another being. I got close once but dodged a fucking bullet. I tensed the moment I heard those words but couldn’t stop them falling from my mouth in return. It’s as if Rosie has bewitched me. I love her with all of my heart, and I couldn’t even deny it if I wanted. Rosie is the love of my long life—a life that has never had space for love or romance. I’m a ruler of vampires, and I have to remain strong in my subjects’ eyes. Love is so often perceived as a weakness. Now I’ve experienced the power of true love, I beg to di er. It takes courage to love. It opens you up to inevitable hurt when you lose that person, and there’s no doubt that Rosie will be gone before I know it. She’s human. A human’s

life isn’t long enough. An eternity with her isn’t long enough. Flynn clears his throat, bringing my attention back to the meeting. “I called this meeting to discuss what happened last night.” He meets my gaze. “Rhys’s little outbreak was unfortunate, but he has agreed to strike Rosie from the list of wanted humans.” He glances at Rhys. “He has agreed to stop this archaic bullshit alpha practice of murdering humans that did his packs wrong.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “In the future, all species that have done wrong will stand trial and be served justice in the most democratic way possible.” Anastasia nods. “Indeed, no one deserves to be subject to murder for wronging a pack.” She shoots her mate an irritated glare. “It’s clear that it is a hot-headed and stupid practice.” Flynn nods. “I hope this is an acceptable resolution to what happened last night, Vlad.” I nod, but I don’t say anything. I’m still pissed at Rhys. He could have taken her away from me last night. I owe Isla my thanks after this meeting. I’ve liked her ever since we met. She’s my favorite on this council, but as a witch, she’s my natural ally. “Great,” Flynn says, sitting down at the head of the table. “I’ve filled everyone else in regarding your situation, Vlad. We all agree this is the perfect moment to prove our loyalty to you.” Aiden nods. “Yes, I believe we were wrong to segregate you last night, but we will be sure to involve you more closely.” I narrow my eyes at the dragon shifter. “I don’t think it’s going to be that easy. All of you have a prejudice deeply engrained toward vampires.”

Flynn clears his throat. “No one said this is going to be easy, but we will all try as hard as we can to change this world.” Rosie squeezes my hand under the table. “Fair enough, what do you have in mind for the men trying to oppose me?” Aiden and Rhys exchange looks. “We intend to pay a visit to both the leaders of our kinds in Britain,” Aiden says. My brow furrows. “To what end?” Rhys shrugs. “I’m the king of the wolf shifters, and my heritage stretches back to Europe. I intend to claim my birthright.” Aiden nods. “I already am outright king, but my rein over the rest of the world is weak. I intend to strengthen it.” I run a hand across the back of my neck. The thought of these guys taking more power within my home country doesn’t sit easily with me, even though I’m trying to trust them. As it stands, the shifters don’t have strong leaders, which has generally benefitted me—until they decided to steal that chalice. Since then, things have gone downhill fast. “That’s all great.” I run a hand through my hair. “But, what about the bastard vampire contesting my rule?” Flynn shakes his head. “Patience, we are getting to that.” I glare at the faerie, wishing he wouldn’t draw it out. I like to get to the fucking point and then get on with it. “Speak then.” He smiles. “Boian is the one proving di cult, is that correct?” I nod. “Yes, he is the challenger, and I’ve got no fucking problem fighting him in a fair fight as per our laws.” I crack my neck. “The moment they went for Rosie, it was clear they had no intention of holding a fair fight between us. It was a pure and simple coup.”

“Then, it’s simple.” Flynn claps his hands. “We all head to London and request an audience with Boian under the wolf shifters protection,” Flynn announces. My eyes widen. “The wolf shifters will tear me apart the moment I step into the city.” He shakes his head. “Not once Rhys claims his rightful place as king of all wolf shifters, forcing them to heed his orders. He has the blood right, and he will claim it, making it impossible for any wolf to disobey him.” I glance between Rhys and Flynn, wondering if that’s true. I knew Rhys’s blood was special, but I didn’t know he had such far-reaching power. It truly would solve all our issues, and I know I can beat Boian. “I never knew Rhys had a claim that stretched across the Atlantic.” Rhys nods, running a hand across the back of his neck. “Yeah, my family loosened their hold once they relocated to the states, but we are o cially still in charge of the wolf shifters across all of Europe.” I raise a brow. “Surely, it won’t be that easy to regain control?” Rhys smirks. “They can’t defy me unless they wish to challenge me.” He cracks his neck. “I’d like to see anyone try.” The challenge in his eyes ignites an odd pride inside of me. The guy reminds me of myself—confident in his abilities. “Fair enough.” Rosie squeezes my thigh softly. “Isn’t it dangerous to fight this vampire?” she asks, her voice laced with concern. I move my hand over hers and squeeze softly. “No, Boian can’t beat me.” She swallows hard. “How do you—” I grip her throat, cutting her o . “Don’t question me, Rosie, not here.” I let go of her throat as she turns a deep pink. The thought of turning her ass that color makes me

hard, and I have to avert my gaze. “When do we leave, then?” Flynn clears his throat. “Rhys and Aiden will go ahead with Ilsa.” He nods his head at them. “She will take them to the respective so-called leaders so that they can stake their claim. Once Rhys has secured his control over the city of London, Ilsa will return for the rest of us.” I glance at Rhys and Aiden, wondering if I can trust them to pull this o . All this time, I’ve got where I am by trusting no one. My power is that I rely on only me, and this alliance tests every belief I hold. The problem is, I’m out of options. “Fine. Let’s do this.” Rosie shifts in her seat, clearly uncomfortable that I’ve agreed to fight Boian. If she had it her way, I’d stay here in America and forget about what they did. She doesn’t know me very well if she thinks I’d ever let a threat on her life go that fucking easily. “Rhys, Aiden, and Ilsa, please get ready to leave. We need to work quickly and make sure we move as one on this. Any mistakes could be fatal for the council,” Flynn says. Ilsa nods, and the three of them join hands to one side. Rhys meets my gaze as Ilsa starts to chant. “We’ll sort this out, Vlad. We’ll prove you can trust us.” Suddenly, they are engulfed in magic and disappear. There’s something about the shifter king that I like. Despite the fact, he tried to kill my queen last night. “Rosie, how would you feel about joining Lucy and Anastasia on the council?” Flynn asks. I spin around and see Rosie staring at me for permission to speak. I give her a nod. “It’s up to you.” She smiles and nods. “I’d like that very much.” Flynn walks over with the same quill and ink well we used to sign the contract. He flicks his wrist, and the contract

appears. “Would you like to read the contract?” He sets it down on the table. I grit my teeth, watching as Rosie reads the words in the contract. I’m uneasy about her being on the council, but it gives her somewhere to belong. She is my queen. A queen will have responsibilities. I want her to be strong and independent, even though I love her to obey me too. It’s an oddly conflicting feeling. “Where is the ink?” she asks. Flynn hands her the knife, and I snatch it out of her hand. “No need for that.” I move my fangs to her wrist and slice open the skin, squeezing the blood into the ink well. “You have to sign in blood.” Once there’s enough in the well, I lick the delicious blood dripping from her wound and pass the quill into her hand. I rest my arm around her back as she moves to write her name right next to mine. It’s an oddly powerful moment, watching her join the elite—where she belongs.




can’t work out if I’m happy or not to be back in London. On the one hand, I’m going to see my friends again. Alice and Kev have agreed to meet me at the venue where Vlad intends to fight his challenger. It’s a huge deal, and the entire city is buzzing to watch the O2 Arena fight. On the other hand, I’m scared to death of watching Vlad fight. If he gets hurt, or worse, I won’t be able to live with it. Because of me, he’s doing this because his people don’t like him being with a human. Lucy grabs my hand and squeezes. “Don’t worry, Rosie, Flynn won’t let anything bad happen to him.” I meet her gaze and shake my head. “He can’t intervene with the fight, what if Boian—” “Impossible.” She shakes her head. “Vlad has no equal amongst the vampires, believe me.” Her confidence helps a little, but I won’t feel better until it’s over, and his arms are around me again. “Come on, let’s find a seat.” Anastasia and Ilsa follow close behind us, deep in conversation. I can’t deny it’s nice to find a group of women who know what I’m going through with Vlad. They’ve all had similar experiences to me.

I’m not sure what I’m going to tell Kev and Alice about Vlad. When I text them, all I got back was a flood of questions about where I’d been and if I was okay. I’m sure they’d probably been texting my old number, but I lost it when Vlad kidnapped me. They agreed to meet me here so I could explain everything to them. I’m not looking forward to it. My stomach has been in knots ever since we left the apartment. “Stop worrying,” Ilsa says, gripping my shoulder. “Your friends will just be happy you are okay.” Ilsa’s witchy intuition is already starting to give me the creeps. She’s borderline a mind reader. “I know,” Lucy finds out front row seats, and pulls me down the aisle. I just wish I could have stayed with Vlad, but he insists I stay with the girls in the crowd. There’s no way I want to do anything to disrupt him. “Are they going to box?” I ask, staring at the ring in front of us. Anastasia shakes her head. “I don’t think it will be like any boxing we’ve ever seen.” She meets my gaze. “I saw Rhys fight in a similar ring against another wolf shifter, and it was brutal.” I swallow hard. “I hate this.” Anastasia nods. “I know exactly how you feel, believe me.” “Rosie,” Alice calls my name, rushing down the steps to greet me. I stand, and she runs into my arms, hugging me. “Where the fuck have you been?” she asks, laughing. “Kev and I have been so fucking worried.” I nod. “I know, I’m sorry. Let’s just say I’ve had a crazy couple of weeks.”

She pulls away and raises a brow. “Why did you want to meet here?” She glances around. “And how the fuck did you get front row seats?” Kev approaches, irritation clear in his gaze. The last time I saw him was in the hospital. “Hey,” I say. “Hey.” He grits his teeth. “We’re both waiting for an explanation, Rosie.” I sit down, pulling Alice with me. “The vampire that attacked me that night was the vampire king,” I say, meeting Kev’s gaze. Alice’s eyes widen. “The vampire due to fight tonight?” “Yes, it might sound insane, but we’re together.” Alice shakes her head. “Don’t mess about, Rosie.” Kev’s expression darkens. “No fucking way. He has you poisoned with that damn toxin.” His fists clench. I shake my head. “No, Kev, he doesn’t.” I glance at Lucy, hoping she might help me out. She takes the hint. “She’s right, guys. Vlad doesn’t want to hurt her. He loves her.” Alice squeals. “Oh my god.” She grabs my hand. “Are you his queen now?” Heat pulses through my body, settling in my cheeks. “I guess.” I shrug, trying to play it down. Vlad told me I was his queen. It’s crazy to think such a powerful being could want me by his side. I love him with all my heart, something I would never have believed when he knocked me out and took me. Even then, I knew this connection between us was something special. Deep down, when I said I didn’t want to go with him, I was lying. It feels like neither of us could fight the inevitable. According to Flynn, he believes we share a mating bond of some kind, despite being very rare among vampires.

Music filters through the speakers, flooding the arena. “Oh my God, it’s starting,” Alice says, grabbing my hand. Kev is still glaring at me, fist clenched. He has been my protector for the past six years, more or less, so I understand why he’s not exactly thrilled by the news. He’s like my big brother, and any big brother wouldn’t like to hear his sister has been stolen away by a fucking vampire. I lean over Alice and squeeze Kev’s hand. “Kev, seriously, I’m fine. I want to be with Vlad.” His eyes narrow, and he shakes his head. “I find that hard to believe.” I shake my head and sigh, letting go of his hand. There’s nothing I could say right now to make him understand. I know it seems crazy that after disappearing for two weeks, I turn up as the vampire king’s plaything in his eyes. He’ll never understand. My stomach churns as I turn my attention to the entrance to the arena. Neither Boian nor Vlad have entered yet, but I’m anxious to see Vlad. We’ve only been apart for an hour, but it’s already too long. Another man steps into the arena, and the crowd cheers. “Is that him?” Alice asks. I shake my head. “No, that must be the challenger.” She relaxes, and I can understand why. The guy looks downright evil, and just one look at him sends shivers down my spine. She nods, watching eagerly for Vlad. He steps into the arena next, and Alice whistles. “No fucking way.” She shakes her head. “That’s him?” she asks. Kev just looks pissed o by this entire conversation. “He looks like a fucking crack head.” I grit my teeth, glaring at Kev. I know he’s angry, but hearing him talk badly about Vlad snaps something inside of me. “Keep your mouth shut, Kev. You may be in a bad mood, but don’t take it out on my man.”

Kev’s eyes widen. “You tell him, babe.” Alice laughs. “That is one fine man if I do say so myself.” She nudges me in the side. “Don’t listen to him.” Kev nods. “Sorry,” he mutters, standing. “I’m going to go get a drink.” His jaw clenches. “Can I get you guys anything?” We both look at each other as he marches away. “What’s up with him?” I ask. Alice sighs. “Rosie, Kev had had it bad for you for years.” I raise a brow. “No fucking way. Kev is like my big brother.” Alice nudges me. “You may see it like that, but there’s a reason he always been so protective over you.” I bite my lip, wondering if Alice is right. Fuck. I feel instantly bad for snapping at him for being a dick about Vlad. My heart skips a beat as I glance back to see him climbing into the ring in the center. There’s no stage as such, but a ring set up in the center. Vlad’s eyes meet mine across the room, making my heart skip a beat. Somehow, he can melt me from one stare. He gives me a nod before turning away and glaring at his opponent. “Don’t worry, Rosie. Vlad will be fine,” Ilsa says from the other side of Lucy. “I promise you.” Vlad gets on well with Ilsa, and I have her to thank for saving my life from Rhys the other night. I get a feeling I’ll get on well with all of the council members, although things between Rhys and me are a bit uneasy. The announcer’s microphone switches on, and everyone turns quiet. “Welcome to the fight for the vampire throne.” Everyone starts to cheer.

The camera flicks onto Boian. “In the black corner, we have the challenger, Boian Rusu,” the commentator announces, before turning his attention to Vlad. He appears on the screen. “In the red corner, we have the vampire king. Vladimir Balan.” The camera switches back to the commentator. “This fight will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. A fight to the death or until one participant concedes.” Vlad assured me the last option wouldn’t happen. He told me he would rather die than concede, and it hurt like hell. A life without him isn’t worth living. When I’m not near him, I feel weakened somehow. It’s clear that whatever this thing is between us, the bond is deep and important—like a mating bond. The bell rings, and I hold my breath. They circle each other, neither making a move yet. The tension in the arena is heightened as people cheer and shout. I grit my teeth, wanting this to be over before it’s even started. Vlad moves first in a blur, smashing his fist into his opposer’s jaw. Boian strikes back, hitting him in the gut, but he hardly reacts to it. I can hardly watch as Vlad dances around him, before smashing his fist into Boian’s chest. I wince the impact looked painful at hell. Boian winces at the impact, and Vlad takes the opportunity to strike again and again. Boian hits the floor, struggling to get back to his feet. Vlad readies himself. I’m thankful that he’s proving stronger, but there is a long way to go. A fight to the death and vampires are damn right resilient. I hate the thought of watching Vlad kill, but Boian left him with no choice. I wince as he punches Vlad in the jaw, but he retaliates quickly. He punches Boian in the chest, forcing him to the floor again. Vlad may be winning, but I hate seeing him get

hit. My king is fighting for our future, I’m just not sure I have the stomach to watch.




oian is going down for trying to take out Rosie. I don’t even care that he tried to oppose me—she is all that matters. She’s my world, my everything. Anyone that threatens my world is dead. Boian is not exactly holding up too well, as I step right, jabbing my fist hard into his gut. Boian is strong, but not strong enough. Ever since I met Lucy, my strength is heightened, all of my senses are. “Give up now, Boian. Why die for such a pointless fucking cause?” I growl. He roars, rushing toward me again. He barrels right into me, but I push against him, toppling him over with little e ort. It’s kind of embarrassing how weak he is. “Are you losing your touch?” I ask, glancing up briefly to check Rosie is okay. She is staring at me, concern dazzling in her stunning emerald eyes. I know that she hates this brutal side of me, but I will protect her no matter what. Boian is no match for me. I could fight him in my fucking sleep. He only contested my right to rule because he believed he’d be able to pull o his little coup—big fucking mistake. Rosie makes me stronger than I’ve been in years. It feels like

I’m in my youth again, but far smarter than I was as a youngster. I glance back down at my opponent. He gets to his feet, shaking himself o . “Not likely,” he spits, rushing for me and grabbing me around the waist. His attempt to use speed to throw me o works against him, as I use his hold on me to launch him across my head and into the concrete beneath us. He groans a small amount of blood prickling on his forehead, where I’d hit him. Vampire’s hardly bleed unless they’ve drunk a lot of human blood. Boian thought he needed as much blood as possible to defeat me. He can’t defeat me as I’m too strong for him, even without Rosie’s blood pumping through my veins. With Rosie’s blood, I’m invincible. He struggles to stand but manages to pull himself to his feet. “I may not be able to defeat you, Vlad, but I can take the one thing that means anything to you.” At lightning speed, he pulls out a dagger and throws it at Rosie. It feels like time slows as I watch the silver metal speed toward her. I can’t move quickly enough as I chase after it, stopping in shock as it is embedded into her throat. Blood pours from the wound, and her eyes are wide, fixed on me. It feels like I’m dying as I watch her choking on her blood. In seconds I’m by her side, holding her in my arms, numbness spreading through me like a disease. I pull the dagger from her and hold my hand over the wound, stemming the blood flow. “Rosie, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay.” I sink my fangs into her neck, pumping the healing toxin into her, hoping beyond hope that she’ll survive. Vampire toxin is powerful, but I know deep down it’s not enough. Some kid comes rushing at me. “Get the fuck o her. She’s injured.”

He grabs my arm, but I just throw him o me. I pump toxin into Rosie’s veins desperately, as panic drives me. Vampire toxin may have powerful e ects on humans and certain healing properties, but deep down, I know it can’t save her from this. Her body is growing cold in my arms already. Ilsa grabs my arm, and I’m about to throw her o when our eyes meet. “Let me Vlad. The only thing that will save her is magic.” She holds a hand over the wound, and her magic spreads across her skin, sealing the wound. Her skin is still so pale as she struggles to draw breath into her lungs. Rosie’s eyes are wide and frantic as she stares up at me. “Come on, baby girl, you can make it,” I say, emotion clawing at my heart. Ilsa finishes her spell and gives me a nod. “She’ll survive, but she’ll be weak for a while.” She glances into the boxing ring. “You may want to go and kill that rat before he escapes. We’ll get her somewhere safe.” Rhys takes Rosie from me as I sprint back into the ring. Boian is crawling out of the ring, unable to stand. He almost took everything from me. If it weren’t for Ilsa, Rosie would be dead. I owe a lot to that witch. To think I considered sparing the bastards life. He is going to die painfully in front of all these people to prove that no one fucks with me. I’m the vampire king, and I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. Flynn might believe that mercy is a good option, but there is a time and place for everything. If this man had attacked Lucy, I’ve got no doubt he would do the same. I kick Boian in the face, and he falls backward, growling. “You fucking bastard.” I punch him hard in the face, crushing his nose. “I’m going to make you pay for that.” He starts laughing. “The plan was always to go after your human. You’re an idiot to believe she’s safe now.” Panic coils

through me as I wonder if he’s telling the truth. Is Rosie still in danger? I grab hold of Boian’s neck, and his eyes go wide. “Fuck you, Boian.” I rip his head from his shoulder and toss it across the ring. All my strength speeds me after Rosie, as I follow my new friends, hoping the threat is over now. I don’t believe a word that comes out of that bastard’s mouth, but I won’t risk her life ever again. *** My heart skips a beat when I make it to the entrance of the arena to see Rhys shifted into his wolf form and Aiden in his dragon form. Ilsa is shielding Rosie and Anastasia with magic. The remains of vampires are scattered over the floor, with only two vampires left. Javid is one of them. When I recognize him, I lose it. “You fucking traitor,” I growl, marching toward him— blood coursing through my veins. Javid swivels around, holding his hands up like the fucking coward he is. People are starting to filter out of the arena since I just ended the fucking fight. Chatting breaks out behind me as I storm toward the traitors. Flynn comes out of the arena and rushes toward me. “What the fuck happened here?” He grabs me, stopping me from reaching Javid. I grit my teeth. “A last-ditch attempt to rip my heart from my chest.” My eyes go to Rosie, who has just been joined by Lucy. “Let’s show everyone what happens to people who mess with the council.” “This is something you have to do?” he asks, meeting my gaze. “Of course, they tried to kill her.” I nod toward Rosie. “What would you do if it had been Lucy?”

Flynn smiles. “Kill them all. Let’s do this.” He holds his hand out. I take it, shaking hard. “I’ll let you do the honors, Vlad.” I clear my throat. “Humans, witches, vampires, faeries, and shifters, tonight is the perfect example of what happens when you try and cross a king.” I glance at Rhys, Aiden, and Flynn. “When you try and cross four kings. If you cross one of us, you cross all of us.” I walk toward Javid, controlled rage coursing through my veins. “Take this as a warning.” I rip his head o like I did Boian’s and chuck it toward the crowd. I turn my attention to the other vampire as Flynn punches his hand into his chest, ripping his heart out. “Now, does anyone else have a problem with our leadership?” he asks. A deafening silence spreads across the courtyard outside the arena. Flynn throws the heart onto the floor as the vampire crumbles to dust. “Perfect, as you were.” He waves his hands dismissively. Everyone starts to move away from the arena at a hurried pace, possibly scared of us. The people have nothing to be scared of as long as they don’t intend to kill what we love. This experience has truly proven how much I can trust my fellow council members. Rosie is alive, thanks to them. I pat Flynn on the shoulder, smiling at him. “Thanks, mate.” He nods. “Any time.” I turn my attention to Rosie, rushing toward her. She’s still a little pale but standing on her own two feet. “Rosie.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest. “I thought I had lost you.” She smiles up at me, shaking her head. “Never.” I kiss her passionately, feeling the strength of my emotions overwhelm me. Tears prickle at my ears for the

first time in centuries as I kiss her. Someone clears their throat behind me. Rosie breaks away, gasping. The boy that tried to pull me o here earlier is standing there with a busted eye—serves him right for getting anywhere near an angry vampire. “Kev, what happened to your eye?” The guy points at me. “I tried to get to you when you were injured, and he threw me.” “You told me to get away from my queen while she was bleeding to fucking death, and I nudged you.” I shake my head. “I’m sorry, but it was unintentional.” Rosie squeezes my hand. “Of course, it was. Kev, you need to let this grudge go.” The guy swallows hard. “I know. It will take time.” His shoulders slump. “I’ll see you around, Rosie.” Rosie doesn’t say anything, watching him walk over to another girl. She looks a little wistful as she stares at them. “Are you okay?” I ask. She nods. “Yeah, I just realized that nothing will be the same.” She meets my gaze. “Everything will change now, won’t it?” I cup her chin and kiss her softly. “Yes, for the better. No one will try to stop us ever again.” The council members start to disperse in couples, leaving just Lucy and Flynn left. “Well, now that shit is over, I guess it’s time for us to explore London,” Flynn says, glancing at Rosie. “Do you recommend any sights?” Rosie shrugs. “I’ve hardly seen any of the tourist sights.” She laughs. “I guess that’s what happens when you live somewhere.” Lucy waves. “Have a good night. We’ll regroup tomorrow at breakfast. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t” She winks. Flynn smirks as he wraps his arm around Lucy and walks away.

“We best get you back to the room and get you some room service.” I slide my arm around her back. “You almost died tonight, Rosie.” She bites her bottom lip, shaking her head. “I’ve never been more scared than I was when I saw that knife coming toward me.” She leans against me for support as we walk the short walk to the O2 hotel entrance. “Neither have I, baby girl,” I mutter, walking her across the lobby. It’s impossible not to notice the looks I get as we move through the hotel. Humans aren’t exactly comfortable around vampires. I did just rip a couple of vampires’ heads o for fucking with me in front of thousands, so they have a right to be wary around me. For the first time in my life, I don’t want to be brutal anymore. I want to help the council build a better world where vampires are as respected as the other species. I want to bring our kind out of the dark and into the light, literally. We step into the lift, and Rosie pushes the button for our room, leaning back against me. “I’m glad it’s over,” she says. I wrap my arm around her stomach. “Me too.” We ride the lift in silence, rising to the top floor. I booked the penthouse suite before the others had a chance. I slide the card into the door and open it, allowing Rosie to step in first. She flops down on the sofa, sighing. I can’t help but smile as I stare at her. In all my hundreds of years, I’ve never known bliss like this. Rosie makes my life better in every possible way. “What are you doing standing over there?” she asks, glancing back at me. I shake my head. “Admiring you.”

Her cheeks turn deep pink, and she shakes her head. “Come here.” I raise a brow. “Rosie, don’t tell me what to do.” She sighs. “Please, Vlad. I almost died tonight.” I submit to her request out of guilt, wrapping an arm around her. “I’m so sorry. I should have—” She grabs me and kisses me, silencing me. “It wasn’t your fault,” she murmurs against my lips. “I love you.” I smile against her lips. “I love you too. What do you want to eat?” I ask, grabbing the room service menu and passing it to her. “I’m starving.” She chuckles. “For human food or blood?” I shrug. “Both.” She licks her lips and glances down at the menu, reading through it. I ring in her order and order myself the same. Vampires might not need to eat human food, but it tastes so good. Rosie glances at me hesitantly as we wait for our food. “What’s up?” She sighs. “I was wondering what is next for us?” I raise a brow. “What do you mean?” She swallows hard. “Are we going to return to Nottingham?” I think about her question, wondering whether I want to return. The castle has been my home for some years now, but I feel it’s time for a change. I shake my head. “No, I think we should go on an adventure.” “An adventure?” Her brow furrows. I nod. “Yeah, let’s spend a few months exploring America. I think I should consider having a residence there.” She smiles. “I’d like that.” “Good.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her into me. “I was more scared than I’ve ever been in my nine hundred and fifty-eight years of life when I saw that dagger hit you.”

I shake my head, trying to erase the image from my mind. “Thank God Ilsa was there.” Rosie nods. “I owe her my life twice over.” I swallow, knowing she’s right. I owe all of them a lot. It’s not how I normally work, relying on others. Something tells me that this is the start of a new chapter—a chapter in my life where I can trust other people for a change. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for my queen and me.





lad hasn’t told me where we’re going as we sit in the back of his limo. He kisses a path down my shoulder, setting me on fire. “Are you going to tell me where we are going?” I ask, gazing out of the window as the car winds down the roads out of New Orleans. We’ve been traveling around America for the past month as a much-needed holiday, but I love it here the most. New Orleans feels so magical. He shakes his head, smirking. “It’s a surprise, baby girl.” I instinctively set my hand on my stomach, remembering the surprise I still haven’t told Vlad about. Ilsa told me that I’m pregnant two weeks ago, but I haven’t found a way to tell him. For a start, it shouldn’t even be possible. Ilsa insists she didn’t intervene and wouldn’t without us asking for it. The only known human and vampire babies have been born from magic, so I’m worried about what on earth I’m carrying in my womb. Ilsa assures me that it is a natural baby—nothing beastly about the being growing inside of me. Her foresight for these kinds of things is pretty strong. “What’s wrong?” he asks. I shake my head. “Nothing, I’m just not a big fan of surprises.”

He wraps his fingers around my throat and angles his fact to me. “Don’t lie to me,” he breathes, before kissing me softly. I moan into his mouth, hoping the sexually charged moment will change the subject. I’m not ready to tell him right here and now. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready. I let him dominate me, tongue tangling with mine as I melt for him. When he breaks away, I’m breathless. His bright red eyes sparkle with amusement. He loves making me breathless and needy anywhere and everywhere. “Vlad, not here.” The edge of his mouth curls up. “Are you telling me what to do, Miss. Davis?” His hand snakes down to cup my breasts, making me groan. I shake my head. “Never, sir.” He dips his mouth to my neck, slowly dragging the tips of his sharp fangs down my skin. “Good girl,” he purrs, before sinking his teeth into my neck. I moan deeply, allowing the pleasure to take over every nerve ending in my body. “Vlad,” I breathe his name, digging my fingertips into his muscular shoulders. “Have we got a lot of time?” I ask, wondering what it would be like to fuck in the back of the limo. He groans and shakes his head. “No, unfortunately, we don’t, baby girl.” He glances out of the window. “However, my distraction was perfect.” My brow furrows as I glance out of the window. We’ve pulled into the drive of a stunning colonial mansion on the edge of the bayou. “Where are we?” I ask. He ignores my question and gets out of the car, walking around to open my door. “My lady,” he says, holding his hand out mockingly. I take his hand and allow him to help me out of the limo. “This place is beautiful. Who lives here?” I ask.

His smirk widens. “We do. I bought it.” He holds the keys up in front of my face. I stare at him, blinking a few times. I’m not sure whether to be ecstatic because it’s beautiful or serious pissed o . We’re a couple. He calls me his queen, and yet he hasn’t involved me in this decision. I take a step back from him, and his smirk fades. “Don’t you think that is a decision we should have made together?” Vlad sighs, running a hand across the back of his neck. “No, baby girl. I know you love New Orleans the most, and I wanted to surprise you.” My thoughts to go the baby growing inside of me. He doesn’t know, and this place is probably not geared up for children. I grit my teeth, shaking my head. “That’s not fair, Vlad. What if it’s not what I want?” He scoops me up in his arms before I can react. “Reserve judgment. If you don’t like it, we look for somewhere else.” I shake my head. “You said you’ve bought it.” He laughs. “I can a ord as many fucking places as you want, baby girl.” He nuzzles my nose with his. “Give it a chance.” “Fine, but I can walk, you know?” He ignores me and walks down the drive toward the home. “Vlad,” I protest. “Rosie, be a good girl, or I will punish you.” His grip tightens on my thigh as he carries me through the front door, which our driver opens. “Thank you, Hudson.” He meets the driver’s gaze. “That will be all for tonight.” He bows his head. “Of course, sir.” Leaving and shutting the door behind him. Vlad still hasn’t set me down yet, as I glance around the stunning decor of the home. A sweeping staircase rises in

front of us to an open balcony upstairs. The floors are pure marble, glistening. It’s luxurious and lovely, but my immediate thought is it’s not baby proof at all. Shiny marble floor for our child to slip on and crack their head. Panic rises inside of me at the thought. Vlad sets me down. “Why do I get the feeling you are anything but happy about this place?” He narrows his eyes. “I picked a place I was sure you would love. If you don’t like the decor, we can decorate.” I shake my head, setting a hand over my stomach. “It’s not that, Vlad.” I swallow hard. “I’ve got a surprise of my own, I’m just not sure how to tell you.” He moves toward me, wrapping his arms around me. “You can tell me anything, baby girl.” He kisses me softly. “You should know that.” He nips my lip with his fang. “Now tell me what is bothering you.” “I’m pregnant,” I blurt, botching the entire moment up entirely. Vlad tenses against me, his muscles go rigid. It feels much like the first time I let slip I loved him while we fucked. “Impossible,” he breathes. I shake my head and try to get out of his grip. “No, Ilsa is certain and assures me she didn’t intervene.” Vlad doesn’t let me go, keeping a tight grip on me. “Pregnant?” he asks, looking me in the eye. I nod, biting my lip. “Yes.” I hold my breath, waiting for his response. It feels like time crawls by as I wait and wait for him to react. He let’s go of me finally and paces the floor. My heart starts to pound faster and worry floods me. This was the kind of reaction I was scared of. When Ilsa told me, my initial feeling was pure happiness. All I want is to have a family with the man I love. I know for a man like Vlad,

having one weakness—me—is enough for him. The idea of a family to protect too must not thrill him. “Vlad,” I say his name, tears welling in my eyes. He notices the hurt in my voice, and his gaze snaps back to me. “I’m sorry, Rosie.” He moves back to my side, cupping my chin in his hands. “You have to understand the shock of this new, but I am happy.” He shakes his head. “When I took your virginity, the thought of getting you pregnant drove me.” A quizzical look flits onto his face. “Somehow, I knew this was possible even though I didn’t.” He groans. “Does that make any sense at all?” I shake my head. “Not really.” Tears roll down my cheeks, and Vlad wipes them away. “Don’t cry.” He presses his lips to mine. “This is the most perfect news I’ve ever fucking heard.” A weight lifts from me the moment he utters those words. We’re in this together. I’m his, and he is mine. We’ll find a way to make this work. I can’t say I’m necessarily ready to be a mother, but raising a baby with Vlad sounds perfect. The only thing that could make our relationship any better than it already is. “I was scared you wouldn’t want—” He cuts me o with a deep, passionate kiss. “Don’t even utter those words.” He shakes his head. “Don’t even think of them.” He kisses my cheek and then down my neck. “I want all of you.” He drags the tips of his fangs across my skin, grazing me. “I want to give you the best life you could ever hope for.” “I love you,” I breathe. He lifts me in his arms and walks toward the stairs. “Where are we going?” I ask, glancing toward the corridors of the main entrance hall. “I need to see the rest of the house.”

Vlad shakes his head. “We’ll start with the bedroom first.” I groan, knowing that he isn’t going to let this go. He will have me panting and naked in our new bed all fucking night. “Can’t we do the tour first?” I ask, biting my bottom lip. “You know we won’t leave that bed all night if we go there now.” He smirks. “Exactly, I need to make love to the future mother of my children.” I raise a brow. “Children, plural?” He chuckles. “Well, it worked once. Why wouldn’t I get you pregnant again?” He kicks open a door into a huge master suite with a four-poster bed in the center. He sets me down on the bed and kicks o his shoes. I watch him as he loosens his tie and pushes the fitted jacket o , chucking it across the room. My thighs clench at the sight of the bulge in his suit pants. He looks as good in a suit as he does naked. “I love it when you look at me like that,” he says. I tilt my head to the side. “Like what?” He smiles. “Like I’m the only fucking man in the world.” I lick my lips. “You are for me.” He crawls toward me, still holding his tie. “That’s right, baby girl. I’m the only man who will ever touch your perfect little pussy.” He grabs my wrists and ties them together, pushing them above my head. “The only man to ever lick you to climax.” He kisses my neck. “The only man to ever be inside of you.” “Yes, sir,” I murmur. “Only you.” He smirks. “Good girl.” He rips my blouse open, popping the buttons across the room. I’m no longer shocked when he ruins my clothes. We hardly ever manage to get through an evening without him destroying something. He grips my breasts in his hands and

kneads them, running the tip of his tongue around each nipple in turn. “Vlad,” I breathe. He spanks my thigh. “Call me, sir, baby girl.” I nod. “Yes, sir.” He smiles and moves his hands to the button of my pants, undoing this time. I lift my hips so he can pull them o . He makes quick work of tearing my panties o , throwing them onto the floor. I moan as he kisses a path up my legs, slowly planting kisses on the inside of my thighs. Vlad knows how to tease as he skirts the sensitive flesh between my thighs, driving me insane. “Fuck.” I buck my hips as he flicks the tip of his tongue over my clit. He drags his tongue through my center, tasting me. “So fucking sweet,” he murmurs. “Fuck me,” I breathe. He smiles up at me, shaking his head. “Who’s in charge, baby girl?” His eyes flash with amusement. I groan. “You are, sir.” He sinks his finger inside of me, curling it to hit the right spot. I buck my hips, wanting to feel him inside of me. It’s insane how insatiable I am. I can never get enough of him. “I love it when you obey me, baby girl.” He kisses a path up my body, still fingering me. He sinks his fangs into my neck, sending a thrilling pleasure through my veins. The pleasure and pain mingle as I writhe beneath him, wishing he hadn’t tied up my hands with his tie. Finally, he stops feeding and sits back on his haunches. I watch as he unbuttons his pants and then gets out of them. He pulls open his shirt, popping the buttons o . He

moves toward me in just his tight boxer briefs, his hard cock bulging against the fabric. I want to touch him, but I’m restrained still by his tie. “Tell me what you want, baby girl.” “You. I want you.” He smirks as he pulls down his boxer briefs, flinging them to one side. “My queen gets whatever she wants, as long as she obeys me.” I moan as he roughly flips me onto my knees, kneading my butt cheeks in his hands. He spanks my right ass cheek first, sending a stinging pain through me. He slides his thick cock through my soaking wet pussy. I arch my back, ready for him. My body tingles with need as he spanks my ass again. Finally, he thrusts every thick, long inch inside of me, stretching me around him. “Fuck,” I breathe, as he leans over me, kissing my spine. “So fucking tight,” he groans. Vlad grips my hips hard enough to bruise, but I love it. He pounds me against him, fucking me roughly. Our bodies move as one as we christen our new bed. This house is perfect—well, what I’ve seen of it. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m pissed at him for buying a house without my permission. Vlad spanks my ass three times on each cheek, making the pleasure spike. I’m so close, gasping as he pounds into me like a beast. “Fuck, Vlad, I’m going to—” He spanks me again, and I don’t get the chance to finish my sentence, as wave after wave of pure bliss flows through me. He doesn’t stop, wrapping an arm around my waist and lifting me against his back. I groan as he pulls out and turns me around, lifting me in his arms. He continues to fuck, kneeling on the bed. My arms

wrap around his neck, helping him support me. He holds my gaze, staring straight at me as he pounds into me. I know he won’t be satisfied until I come apart again. Already, I can feel the pressure building deep within me. It’s a strong and powerful sensation that drives me wild. Vlad bites my lip with his fang, breaking the skin. He licks the blood from my lips, groaning. “I can never get enough of you.” I force my lips against his, swiping my tongue through his mouth, searching every corner with a desperate and frantic need. Our souls are connected so deeply I’m sure that he is a part of me now—a part of me I couldn’t live without. He groans, thrusting into me as he holds me up harder and fast. I feel myself nearing the edge again. “Come for me, baby girl.” He nips my lip with his sharp fang. “I want to feel you come on my cock again.” I moan, allowing his words to command me—like clockwork, my pussy muscles tighten, and my body convulses in his arms. Vlad roars like an animal as he explodes inside of me, filling me with his thick, pearly seed. We fall into each other’s arms, breathing heavily. After a few moments of silence, Vlad breaks it, “So, do you like the house?” Vlad chuckles softly. I punch him playfully in the arm. “I couldn’t tell you. I’ve only seen the hallway and bedroom.” “Well, the bedroom is the most important room in the house.” I shake my head and flop down onto the bed, sighing. Vlad leans over me, tracing his finger over my stomach softly. “What do you think it will be? A boy or a girl?”

I shrug. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. I’m happy we’re going to start a family.” I meet his gaze. “Something I didn’t believe possible.” “Me too.” He kisses me hard and deep, sending need through me despite the release he just gave me. It’s crazy that an eternity with Vlad wouldn’t still the need inside of me. If anything, it strengthens with every passing day. THE END

T HANK you for reading Her Vampire King, the fourth and final book in The Royally Mated series. I hope you enjoyed following Vlad & Rosie’s story. Although this is my only paranormal romance series, I have some dark romance that you may enjoy. If you are look for a dark romance read, then check out The Romano Mafia Brothers Series: Her Mafia Daddy: A Dark Romance

H E HAS TAKEN ME CAPTIVE , and I can't stop fantasizing about him tying me to his bed. Kane Romano is the most handsome, powerful man I’ve ever met. He’s also the man holding me captive. My asshole of a step-dad found himself on the wrong side of the mafia, and then o ered me up in exchange for his life. How does he have the right? I’m eighteen years old, and my step-dad doesn’t own me. The problem is, Kane Romano agrees. Everyone knows you don't fight with a Romano, unless you want to end up in an unmarked grave.

I should be scared, but every time I look into those dark eyes, I feel safe and protected. When we’re alone he’s a gentleman, but around anyone else he turns quiet and cold. There’s a thrill being here with him. Even though I’ve never been with a man, I find myself wanting him—a man who is more than twice my age and claims he owns me now. When he asks me to call him daddy, I know I won't be able to refuse him…


If you enjoy reading about possessive alpha men, steamy hot insta-lust, and romance, then grab my free novella on o er. Filthy Doctor is a 34k novella and part of the Wynton series. Join my mailing list and receive Filthy Doctor for free! Click here to join now!


Wynton Series Filthy Boss: A Forbidden O

ce Romance

Filthy Professor: A First Time Professor And Student Romance Filthy Lawyer: A Forbidden Hate to Love Romance Romano Mafia Brother’s Series Her Mafia Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Her Mafia Boss: A Dark Romance Her Mafia King: A Dark Romance Bratva Brotherhood Series Bought by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Captured by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Claimed by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Bound by the Bratva: A Dark Mafia Romance Royally Mated Series Her Faerie King: A Faerie Royalty Paranormal Romance Her Dragon King: A Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance Her Vampire King: A Dark Vampire Romance


Bianca Cole loves to write stories about over the top alpha bad boys who have heart beneath it all, fiery heroines, and happily-ever-after endings with heart. Her stories have twists and turns that will keep you flipping the pages, and just enough heat to set your kindle on fire. If you enjoyed this book please follow her on Amazon or Facebook for alerts when more books are released - Click here for her Amazon Author Page.

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