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Below is a list of the Irish names that pop up in DATELESS. I’ve written the pronunciation next to them just so none of you have to make up a name in your head and go with it when one stumps you like so many of you had to do when reading the Slater Brothers series. I’ve learned from those mistakes. My bad, peeps.

Aideen — Ay-deen Alannah — Ah-lan-ah Branna — Bran-nah Bronagh — Brone-nah Edana — E-dan-ah Ina — Eye-nah Kalin — Kah-lynn Keela — Key-lah Rían — Ree-an Oisín — Uh-sheen



One week ago …

Breathe, Ina. Just breathe. I repeated the consoling thought as I carefully counted the wad of cash notes in my hand one more time. Three thousand, seven hundred and ninety euros. It was all here. Every single euro I had secretly and meticulously saved over the past five years under the watchful, soulless eyes of both my father and soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. It wasn’t much, not by a long shot, but every cent represented my new beginning, my chance at a new life that included nobody but myself. With trembling hands, I removed fifteen euros for my train fare from Kildavin, Carlow, to Connolly Station in Dublin’s City Centre before I tucked the rest safely into my purse. I knew the price without giving it a second thought. I had already researched the ticket price online multiple times over the past few weeks as I chose the best departure time window. I couldn’t prepay for my fare with a credit or debit card because I didn’t have

either. I had nothing to call my own, bar some clothing, but I knew that was part of the ownership Daddy wielded over me. He only gave me what I needed to survive, which clearly didn’t amount to much in his mind. Over the years, it had deeply hurt me how he had never doted on me like a father should with his only daughter, his only child. I had cried myself to sleep many nights because he treated me like nothing more than a house slave, but now that I was so close to ridding myself of my father and the constricting life that I had with him, I found that I was glad he gave me the bare minimum in everything from physical possessions to love and emotional support. It solidified in my mind that the plan I had created to leave was the right one. The only person who could look after me was me. I didn’t want to start another year of my life stuck in the same hole I was wallowing in, so I decided that today, my twenty-seventh birthday, was the day I would start over. I was done leading a life where I merely existed for someone else. I wanted my independence. I wanted to be my own person, and I was making it happen tonight. The last train to Dublin left at half past seven, and I planned to be on that train no matter what. I had gone about my day as usual. I woke up before the sun rose, cleaned the house from top to bottom, did a few loads of washing, prepared breakfast, and lunch for my father, hung the washing out on the line, and then worked in the office until it was time to prepare dinner and take the washing in to be folded and put away. I crushed two of Daddy’s sleeping tablets and mixed them into his evening drink. He suspected nothing as he downed his whiskey while he wordlessly ate his dinner. He moved from the kitchen to his parlour. Within ten minutes, he was sleeping in his recliner with a football match on television.

Hearing Daddy snore was my green light to leg it. Knowing that Finn Baxter, my now ex-boyfriend, would be out with his other girlfriend, the one he had been fucking behind my back for almost a year, the very one he thought I knew nothing about, gave me peace of mind that my getaway would be a clean one. I placed a detailed letter I had written that morning on the kitchen counter next to Daddy’s bottle of whiskey. In it, I stated I was leaving to start my life over and didn’t want him or Finn to come after me. I outlined that my life with him had been controlling and utterly miserable for as long as I could remember. I underlined that he would never see me again, and this was goodbye. There was no room left for doubt. Daddy would know that I would never come back and that he would be alone in his life and business from this day forth. I grabbed the handle of my suitcase, tucked strands of my raven black hair behind my ears, then left the house I had grown up in without looking back. It wasn’t until much later, when I disembarked the train at Connolly Station in Dublin’s City Centre, that I realised I was smiling. I felt like I was breathing easily for the first time in my life. I was all on my own, but I wasn’t one bit scared. I was excited. I was free.



Present day …

“Date! Ye no good, big-headed, cock nose, fuckin’ eejit! Get up, lad!” I blindly jumped up from my bed, and the action caused me to tangle my flailing limbs up in my duvet. With nowhere else to go but down, I promptly fell from my soft haven to the hardwood floor with a loud thud. “That bloody hurt.” Burning pain flooded my shoulder, hip, and thigh. “Christ, it feels like I’ve been shot.” I imagined the throbbing pain I felt was something similar to a bullet cutting through flesh. “Good,” the familiar voice of my eldest brother hissed. “I’m glad it did because it saves me the hassle of kickin’ your pathetic arse from here down to me truck.” Big brother was pissed. “What’d I do, JJ?” I asked with a groan as I pushed myself to my feet, catching my falling duvet by cupping my bollocks and holding it against

me. It was a feeble attempt at modesty because I was naked as the day I was born. It caused James Collins—aka JJ, my eldest brother—to shake his head in annoyance. He didn’t look a bit surprised to find me in such a state of undress, only irritated if his intense scowl was anything to go by. “You’re two hours late for work, dickhead.” JJ wasn’t just my eldest brother; he was my manager at work too. I was the middle child in a family of five children. I had two older brothers—JJ was thirty-five, and Harley was thirty-three—then there was my younger sister, Aideen, who was thirty-one. Last but not least came the baby of the family, Gavin, who was twenty-six. We were a close-knit group, and apart from Aideen, who was happily married with children, we were all single and partial to overindulging in women when the mood struck. My brothers and I were mechanics in our family-owned garage, Collins Auto Repair, which had the clever abbreviation of C.A.R. Our father had opened the place in ’86, and all of my brothers worked there. I started my apprenticeship under my father at the garage when I was sixteen and became a fully qualified mechanic when I was twenty. Between my time as an apprentice and working as a qualified mechanic, I was running on sixteen years at the place. I blinked dumbly at my brother. “I am?” “D’ye think I’d be here if ye weren’t?” The corners of JJ’s mouth turned downwards as he frowned. “I came by to make sure ye weren’t dead in your bed. I told meself if you were okay, I was gonna deck ye.” I promptly took a step backwards. “Please, don’t,” I implored. “I’m fragile this mornin’.” JJ rolled his eyes skyward but didn’t make good on his promise to punch me, much to my relief. I glanced at the clock on the wall behind my brother, and when I saw the time was ten past eleven, I winced. I looked back at JJ and hoped I looked as sincere as I felt when I said, “Mate, I’m sorry. I slept through me alarm.”

That baffled me because my alarm was on the highest volume setting on my phone and was sure to wake the dead when it went off. With that in mind, I looked around for the smart device and grabbed it from my nightstand when I spotted it. I frowned when I saw it was switched off. My nightly—and morning—adventures came rushing back to me in that instant as I thought about the blonde woman I had pulled down at the local pub last night. “The blonde,” I thought out loud. “The woman I brought home last night. She must’ve silenced it this mornin’, then switched it off before I woke up and noticed.” My brother folded his arms across his chest. “I hope ridin’ her was worth it.” I thought about my wake-up call with the voluptuous temptress and how after I tongued her clit and made her come, she sucked my cock like a black hole, then rode me like a cowgirl until I came so hard I saw stars. “So worth it, man.” I pumped my brows. “She woke me up with her fanny directly on me mouth and—” “Date.” JJ held up one hand. “I really don’t need to know a play-by-play of how ye fucked another poor soul this mornin’. Please, spare me how ye tongued yet another pub crawler.” I smirked at the nickname he had imprinted on me. When I was sixteen, he jokingly called me Date instead of Dante in front of my school friends because I was with a different girl just about every night of the week, and it rapidly caught on and stuck. I thought it was a fitting nickname. It meant I was the man with the ladies, and who wouldn’t want to be the man? At thirty-two, I was still a free agent and fucking beautiful women whenever it saw me fit. I had a wild life, and I loved every second of it. “I’m sorry,” I repeated to my brother. “I’ll shower, get dressed, and be good to go in ten minutes.”

“Sound. You’re pullin’ overtime without pay for this.” That was fair. With that said, JJ left my bedroom and ventured down the hallway. I dropped my duvet from my body, switched on my phone, and put it on charge before heading into my bathroom. “Jaysus, Date. I don’t need to see that much of ye.” JJ was leaving the kitchen with a protein bar in his hand, and he pointedly looked at the floor as he went into the sitting room, which caused me to snort. “Sorry.” Seeing me in all my naked glory was the risk of coming into my apartment, much to my brother’s displeasure. I hated wearing clothes, and everyone knew it. Most of the time, I got away with wearing just trousers or my boxer briefs when I was around my family. As of late, I stuck to always wearing trousers around my nephews because they’d slap or punch my dick when they were sitting on my lap. They were little lads, but they didn’t understand the importance of having a cock yet, and since they played with their own all the time, they figured every other man’s was free game, too. I was hell-bent on changing that view as they grew older. Rapidly, I followed my triple S procedure. Shite, shave, and shower. I patted my skin with a towel, brushed my teeth, and slapped on some lotion and deodorant before returning to my bedroom and getting dressed. “JJ,” I hollered as I eyed my work jumper. “Is it warm out?” It was early June. Summer was fast approaching in Ireland, and already it had been unusually warm for our fair island. “Yeah,” he answered. “I took off me jumper when I pulled into the car park. I was sweatin’ buckets. It’s twenty-five degrees out. Fuckin’ boilin’.” What was mild weather for other countries was hell on earth for us Irish folk. After lacing my boots and straightening my work T-shirt, I slid my phone into my back pocket.

“JJ!” I shouted, ruffling my hair. “I’m good to go, bud.” “Ye haven’t even eaten yet.” He walked out of my sitting room looking like my aul fella’s twin when he frowned. “Ye’ll be starvin’ in an hour.” I shrugged. “I’ll get somethin’ from the deli in the village durin’ lunch.” “If Aideen was here, she’d be convinced ye were starvin’ yourself.” “Tell me about it.” My sister meant well, but she could be a lot to deal with. She became a mother hen to my brothers and me when she was just a baby herself. Our mother passed away because of childbirth complications when Gavin was born, and Aideen took on her role as she grew up. Taking care of all of us was part of who she was. I truly believed she’d have a breakdown if that was taken away from her. JJ and I left my apartment and pulled up to the garage fifteen minutes later. The building was huge. Initially, it was a simple garage with a service and overhaul area that could fit three cars at a time, then my father bought the bigger lot next door and expanded our business. Construction had only finished last year. Our holdings for vehicles inside the garage had more than tripled, and the garage floor was one huge space we called the hangar. A large back room off the hangar kept most of the smaller inventory. The back wall of the hangar had floor-to-ceiling racks stocked with dozens of different tyre brands and sizes. There were now ten service bays in total, and each bay had its own double-wide entrance and a four-post car lift at its centre. The reception area was no longer a small room with a line of cramped seating against the wall. It was an elegant foyer that looked like it belonged in the lobby of a fancy company. The reception was decked out with a tenseated waiting area. A fifty-inch plasma screen was mounted on the wall and listed the customers’ names and vehicle status, so those who hung around to wait could see the stage of their repair and the estimated

completion time. There were both male and female toilets, and a long hallway that led to the staff room, a second storage room, an employee toilet, and my father’s office. I saw Harley in the pit of bay one, working on the underside of a raised truck while my baby brother, Gavin, was glaring at me from across the hangar while holding a flex-head ratchet awfully tight in his hand. He looked like JJ when he was mad. We all looked like JJ, who looked like our father, but Gavin was really my eldest brother’s double. “Why d’ye look like you’re about to lob that at me, little brother?” Gavin grinned menacingly. “’Cause I’m thinkin’ ’bout it real hard, cum drop.” I locked my eyes on his and silently dared him to throw the tool because he knew well how that altercation would go down. He would only get one chance to hit me with that ratchet, then I’d have all the time in the world to shove my foot up his arse, and he knew it. Gavin’s left eye twitched as he sighed and placed the tool on a trolley next to him, making me snort. Gavin was a lot of things, but a fighter wasn’t one of them … or at least he wasn’t when it came to fighting me. “What’d I do to piss ye off?” I quizzed. “I literally just got here.” “That’s the fuckin’ problem, dumbarse.” Gavin rolled his eyes. “Ye were supposed to help me clear yesterday’s backlog, but I had to do it meself because ye were … what were ye doin’ that caused ye to be so late?” I beamed a smile in response, and Gavin couldn’t help but laugh. “Ye were with a woman.” He shook his head. “I should’ve feckin’ known.” He really should have. “She turned off me phone, so I missed me alarm.” “Why’d she go and do that?” My grin deepened. “I told her last night that I had to be out of me apartment at twenty to nine to make it to work at nine, and she obviously

didn’t want that to happen, so she turned me phone off and woke me up with sex. I fell asleep again after she left without checkin’ me phone, and I didn’t stir until JJ woke me.” “As far as excuses go, it’s not terrible.” I leaned against a post of the nearest lift. “I couldn’t make this shite up if I tried, fella.” I flinched when I heard a sudden wail come from the reception. “Who was that?” “Jax,” Gavin answered. “He’s bein’ a little shite today, and Aideen’s just about had it up to here with him. Locke is so chill. He just stares at them like they’re a pair of spanners. I don’t know how Kane copes. I’m losin’ the run of it, and I don’t even live with them.” I stared at him blankly. “That’s not very comfortin’, considerin’ you are gonna be the first Collins’ daddy.” Gavin was twenty-six, the pampered baby of my family, and he was about to become a father for the first time. He had gotten a woman pregnant when they had a fling a few months ago, and now he would have to deal with the responsibility of having unprotected sex. I figured it was better him than me because I could never imagine myself with kids. The idea seemed too far-fetched. I was thirty-two, and my longest relationship wasn’t even a relationship. I was a fuck buddy to a woman who I thought I could have a future with, but I wasn’t the man she was supposed to end up with. She had him, he had her, and I had endless one-night stands, which was fine. It wasn’t like I even wanted a real relationship, anyway. I didn’t have the time for any of that rubbish. Keep telling yourself that. Gavin raised an eyebrow. “I swung by your gaf last night but left before even knockin’ ’cause I thought I heard a woman screamin’ “daddy”. So it

looks like I’m not the first daddy in our family, after all.” I burst into laughter, and my brother followed suit. He was taking the piss because our apartments were close to soundproof, and he knew it. That was the benefit of living in a top-of-the-line apartment building owned by your brother-in-law. “I can handle me own kid,” Gavin continued. “I love our nephews, God knows I do, but Jax is a little torment. I swear he bullies me, too. He’s like the Slater twins, a loose fuckin’ cannon.” I snickered at the mention of our nephew’s other uncles as I shoved my brother away and jogged to the reception. I entered the foyer and lingered by the doorway for a moment. I watched my little sister—she was only a year younger than me, but she was still little—with her husband, Kane Slater, and felt my lips curve upward when I saw how she gazed up at him. She always had that same sappy love-drunk expression on her pretty face whenever she saw the man, and I was always amused by it. I wondered if I looked the same way at cars—scratch that; I knew I looked the same way at vehicles. Engines were my one true love, and everyone knew it. Every. One. It’d take some woman to take that spot … a hell of a woman.



“Date.” I jumped when Kane suddenly said my name, making him snort. Aideen put Jax down, and he instantly took off at a run down the hallway that led towards the office. My sister all but sprinted after him. The tiny terror fell over and let out a wail. I heard my father soothing him, but all the boy wanted was his ma. Kane crossed the room to me and shook my hand in greeting. “What’s happening, man?” he asked. “D’you think you’ll figure out what’s wrong with the car today?” Kane Slater, my mind pondered. Where did I start when it came to him? I had known him for a few years. He knocked my little sister up, then dated and eventually married her. I knew him before he and my sister got involved, too. He was a big man who looked menacing. Scars, both thick and thin, marred his face, neck, and even his hands and arms. When he wasn’t smiling, he looked like he was furious at the world. I’d admit, even after years of knowing him, I still caught myself staring at him longer than what was deemed polite every so often, but it was only

because he had so many nasty scars that sometimes I wondered how he survived receiving them. I’d once asked Aideen how he had received them, and she told me it was in his past, and since then, I had never mentioned it again. It was clearly a sticky subject. Intimidating looks aside, he was a good man. He made my sister happier than I had ever seen her, and he was a hell of a father to my nephews, Jax and Locke. I got on well with him, but that wasn’t always the case. When I first met the Slater brothers, I thought they were a bunch of cocky sons of bitches because they carried on like they were God’s gift to women. I still thought that, but past fighting between us aside, I got on well with all of them, bar one. Damien Slater. I couldn’t stand the wank stain. A little bit of me hated him because he was going out with Alannah Ryan. I had a four-month fling with her a while back. It was the longest I had ever spent fucking one woman on the regular. It was never anything that serious—we were both up front that it was just casual sex—but in a way, I caught a few feelings as it was the only not-really-a-relationship kind of relationship that I had ever had. During our time together, she was the only woman I fucked, which wasn’t like me. I’d be the first to admit that I was a bit, or a lot, of a slut. My only interest in women was sex, but Alannah was different. I liked her, and I often thought I would have eventually tried to have a real relationship with her if she permitted it, but it didn’t get that far. Damien was the man she was always meant to be with, but because I had sex with her, it obviously meant Damien hated my guts when he found out. We were matched when we fought the day he confronted me about it at work six or so months ago. We beat the fucking shite out of one another in

the garage hangar, and it quickly ended my sexcapades with Alannah because nothing was worth dealing with a pissed-off Slater brother. Not even a sweet beauty like her could save me from that headache. “Date!” I jumped. Again. “What?” “Bro, you completely spaced out.” Kane’s lips twitched. “Am I that boring to talk to?” “Yeah.” I cocked my head to the side. “Ye should work on that.” “You’re a huge dick.” “No. I have a huge dick. Learn the difference.” “If you really want to know what a huge cock looks like, just ask your sister. She deals with mine every single ni—” Kane cut himself off as he scrambled away from me, his laughter low and rumbling, when I grabbed a wrenched from the nearest tool trolley. “Shit. You were really gonna hit me with that, weren’t you?” I shrugged. “Still thinkin’ ’bout doin’ it, to be honest.” Kane held both of his hands up in surrender. “I’m bowing out. It’s been over a year since I’ve been in a fight, and I’m not ruining that streak now.” “Ye rotten liar,” I scowled. “Ye punched me in the face a few months ago.” Kane lowered his arms. “I gave you a little love tap.” A little love tap, my bollocks. I practically saw stars when he hit me. “Ye lyin’ sack of shite. Ye full force clocked me in the jaw.” “You were beating on my baby brother right in front of me. What was I supposed to do?” I rolled my eyes. “Let him square away his own shite, maybe?” Kane scratched his neck. “It’s hard when it comes to Damien,” he said. “We’re all very protective of him, but we’re learning boundaries now.”

I snapped my fingers. “That’s exactly why I fought him the very first night we met at the club. Ryder hit JJ, and boom, brothers to the rescue.” That was my first introduction to the Slater brothers. Years ago, in a club called Darkness, we got into a fight with them. It was before they all settled down, got married, and started having babies. It was still a sore topic because we rarely agreed on why the fight started. FYI, it was because of a fucking Slater. Kane rubbed his jaw. “I can still feel the solid Harley landed on me that night.” “It was brutal. JJ got the better of Ryder, you had one up on Harley, I flattened Damien, Nico downed me, and Gavin got the shite kicked out of him by Alec. It’s why none of us would back down. Aideen says our egos were too big to allow it.” “I’m so glad I didn’t know her then.” Kane shivered with fear. “She’d have whooped my ass up and down the country after what Ry caused.” “Aha!” I shouted, pointing the wrench in my hand at him. “So, ye admit it was your brother who started it?” “Of course.” Kane shrugged. “It was because of Gavin and Dominic fightin’ over Bronagh when they were all in school. It started out calm until JJ forced Ry’s hand, though.” “How?” “By being a huge dick.” “I can’t argue with ye there.” We both laughed. “Ye said somethin’ was wrong with your car?” I inquired. “I just got here, so fill me in.” Kane glanced at the huge custom clock over the reception my father had made with our business logo at the centre. It was made from a black car tyre. In place of numbers were different miniature car models, and the hands of the clock were wrenches.

“It’s a bit late to be clocking in, isn’t it?” “I had … an appointment this mornin’.” “What kind of appointment?” “The five-foot-eleven, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, big tits, big arse, big everythin’ kind.” “Ah, a pussy appointment.” Kane waved a hand. “I’m a married man. The only tits and ass I need is—” “Kane, she’s your wife, but she will always be me little sister. Never talk about her breasts or bum in a sexual manner, or any manner, in me presence, are we clear?” Clearing his throat to cover up an obvious chuckle, he said, “We’re clear.” I clapped my hand on his shoulder, then we went into the hangar so I could assess his car that was parked in bay two. Kane filled me in on the problems he’d been having, and I had an idea of what could be the issue. “Date, what’re ye doin’?” JJ hollered from across the hangar when I popped the bonnet of Kane’s car. “That’s not on your log.” “I’m just havin’ a look to see what the problem is.” Kane folded his arms across his chest. “I still can’t believe your nickname is Date.” “Neither can I since I never go on them.” JJ walked over to us. “The N should’ve been left off his name at birth because Date suits him better. He has more bedpost notches than me, Harls, and Gav put together, which is sayin’ somethin’ because Gavin and Harley fuck like rabbits. They’re always with women.” Kane raised a brow. “And you’re not?” JJ glanced away. “The engine is actin’ up?” If Kane noticed the not-so-subtle subject change, he didn’t mention it. Neither did I. I wanted to, though. I couldn’t remember the last time JJ

pulled a woman on a night out or when he last bothered to try. God, it’d been ages now that I thought about it. I didn’t understand his self-imposed drought, and I was waiting for the right moment to bring it up, but that obviously wasn’t now. Kane nodded to JJ’s question. “Yeah, Aideen said it took a long time for the engine to get up to speed on the highway, then the check engine light came on. I just want to get it fixed, then I’ll upgrade the car to a new model by trading this one in.” He could do that without blinking because the man was loaded. And not a modest rich, he was rich rich. Wealthy. He was the CEO businessman of Slater Property Development and owned a bunch of hugely successful apartment complexes. Everything about the apartments of The Peak was top of the line. I knew because I lived in one, and so did my brothers. A nice perk of being close to my brother-in-law was we got a state-of-the-art home for slum rent prices. “I’ll switch the car onto his log.” JJ jerked his thumb in my direction. “He’ll fix it for ye. He can fix anythin’ when it comes to engines.” Kane bumped fists with me. “Thanks, bro.” We all turned and looked towards the reception when Aideen’s voice rose an octave. “Jax!” she shouted. “Ye don’t put screwdrivers in your mouth. D’ye hear me? They’re dirty. No! Put. Them. Down … Jax! You’re gettin’ on me last nerve today. Ye better wind your neck in, boyo. I said no! Jax Daniel Slater!” Little nephew just got full named. He was in trouble. “That kid is going to drive her insane,” Kane said. “He tests her constantly.” I winced. “I feel for ye, mate.” “Why d’ye feel for him?” I put an innocent smile on my face and turned to face my sister.

“Because the car will be out of action for a few hours while I fix it.” Aideen frowned. “What’s wrong with it?” “Faulty oxygen sensor,” I said even though I hadn’t looked at the engine yet. “Easily sorted.” Aideen nodded, but an expression of sadness marred her pretty face. “Ado, what’s the matter?” “Everythin’!” I was caught off guard when she suddenly burst into tears. “One of me kids at school called me smelly, and it’s made me selfconscious all day even though I showered this mornin’ and had on clean clothes. I’m so tired, too. I can’t remember the last time I slept the night through, and me nipples are killin’ me from feedin’ Locke. That child is always hungry, and he never gives me a minute to meself. Jax doesn’t listen to me, and I kicked Kane out of bed this mornin’. Me husband could’ve died. I could’ve killed him.” JJ and I looked at Kane, who was trying his hardest not to smile. “It was an accident, baby doll. I’ve told you that,” he soothed. “Don’t stress about it. I’m fine. Perfectly perfect.” My sister cried harder when Jax called out for her from our father’s office, where our da had him and his brother in their travel playpen that we kept on-site for when the boys were here. Without a second thought, I stepped forward to gather Aideen up in my arms and held her while she wept. It gutted me when she cried. It was one of the few things in this world that undid me. My sister was the light of my life, and seeing her so out of sorts was harrowing for me. “Here, listen. How about I take Jax and Locke tonight so you and Kane can have a chilled date night?” I offered with a teasing grin when I looked down at her. “Think of all the sleep—or ridin’—ye can do when they aren’t there.” “Yes,” Kane blurted. “Think of it, baby doll.”

JJ laughed and punched him in the shoulder. My sister looked up at me with her big teary blue eyes. “Ye don’t mind lookin’ after them?” she quizzed. “It’s a Friday.” “A night in with me nephews beats the local and sex with a pub crawler.” I winked. “Besides, I’ll just pull double duty tomorrow night.” That made everyone chuckle, even my sister. “Thanks, Dante,” she said and gave me a tight squeeze. “I appreciate it, honey.” She never called me Date, and while I wore the nickname with pride, I liked that she didn’t use it. Dante sounded better when it came from her. It didn’t make me sound like the man, just her big brother instead. “Pump more milk for Locke in case he is extra hungry,” I said. Locke was always hungry. “I will.” Aideen nodded. “I’ll feed them both before I drop them off at your apartment. What time should I bring them down at?” “I finish a little later tonight because I was late clockin’ in this mornin’. I should be home around eight. I have to fit in an hour session at the gym so I don’t fuck with me routine. Give me a buzz to make sure I’m in first.” “Okay, I’ll make ye dinner. Somethin’ filled with protein so ye don’t have to cook.” I tugged on her hair. “Always takin’ care of me.” Aideen tried to smile but she sniffled, and her husband frowned. “Are ye sure you’re not pregnant again?” I pressed. “Ye never cry this much unless you’re up the duff.” “I’m not.” She wiped away her fallen tears. “We’re waitin’ a little while before we try again. We want to enjoy Jax and Locke before we have more. Besides, we’re run off our feet with just the two of them. Being pregnant would just be too much right now.” Kane nodded in agreement.

I hugged my sister one more time. JJ cuddled her too, then we watched as she returned to the reception. She gathered her sons from the office and left with her husband when one of his brothers stopped by to pick the four of them up. I checked in with my aul fella, got a bollocking for being late, then I scanned my log for the day and got to work. I started with Kane and Aideen’s car. After running a full diagnostic on the engine, my earlier guess had been correct. The oxygen sensor was faulty. I checked our inventory, and luckily, we had one sensor left that suited the model of the car. I removed the old one and installed the new one quicker than I expected. I performed a service on the car then. I changed the oil, switched out the filters, then topped up the brake and coolant fluid. I checked the tyres’ balance, replaced the head and rear light bulbs, replaced the front and rear brake pads, replaced the front and rear windshield wipers, and aligned all of the tyres too. I sent Kane a text message that his car was good to collect two hours after he’d left. I had a quick bite of lunch before I moved on to the next vehicle on my log. It was a ruptured diesel pump, and we already had the replacement in stock. It had been delivered that morning. “Are all the jobs on me log today this easy, or am I bein’ blessed or somethin’?” Harley laughed as he pulled a pair of black rubber gloves on and moved to my side, peering into the engine I was working on. “Majority of today is servicin’ and pre-NCT checks, as usual, and small jobs like this.” He patted my back. “Don’t complain, brother. It’s Friday. I want an easy day before I head out tonight.” “Where’re ye goin’?” “On a date with a petite redhead I met at the shelter where Alec works. She’s short, like five foot even, but she has the biggest tits I’ve ever seen on

a woman. Seriously, huge. Me mouth keeps waterin’ when I think of suckin’ on them.” Harley was, most definitely, a breast man. For me, it was all about a woman’s arse and thighs. “What the fuck were ye doin’ at Alec’s shelter?” Alec Slater was one of the loudest but funniest men I had ever met. He was the kind of person who was so unique, I knew I’d never meet anyone else like him in my lifetime. He was the complete opposite of my brotherin-law. Where Kane was quiet and reserved, Alec was loud and proud. He was a good man who married Aideen’s best friend, Keela Slater, formally Daley. He managed an animal shelter at the base of the mountains. “I found an abandoned box of kittens, phoned Alec, and he told me to bring them over.” Harley grinned. “Ye should’ve seen how the women reacted to me. And I mean all of the women—old, young, thin, big-boned, pretty, and average. I was like a fuckin’ fanny magnet.” His description made me roll my eyes. “Ye literally can’t call any woman fat or ugly, can ye?” “No.” “Why?” “’Cause it’d hurt their feelings, arsehole. I’m not a prick.” “If ye say so.” He snorted and stuck his finger up at me. “Have fun with big tits.” “I intend to, little brother.” He bumped his fist with mine. “Have to end the week with a healthy bang.” I chuckled and got back to work. I spent the next two hours working through my log when JJ called my name from the doorway into reception. I lifted my head. “What?” “Lilly’s here.”

Harley laughed from my right while I beamed. Lilly Doherty was a sixty-five-year-old woman who lived five minutes away from the garage and stopped by every two or three weeks. She claimed something was wrong with her car every time she showed up. Nothing was ever wrong with it. She just wanted to talk and flirt with the mechanics. We adored the woman and humoured her by checking her car for damages while sweet-talking her. We had two rules to follow with her. The first was that no one was allowed to call her Mrs. Doherty. Otherwise, she’d pluck our balls like grapes. The second was that we had to remember she was only playfully flirting with us when she came around, and we weren’t to go and fall in love with her. Our days were never boring when Lilly was in the garage. “She’s askin’ for you today, Date, so go on.” Harley wiggled his fingers at me. “Go and have a chat with the little devil.” I motioned with my hand that he was a wanker as I removed my gloves and binned them. I left the hangar and entered the reception moments later. “Where’s me favourite girl?” “I’m here, Date!” Lilly clapped her hands together from the waiting area as she stood to her full height of Hobbit. The woman capped off at four foot ten inches. At six foot two, I dwarfed her. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say ye’ve gotten more handsome since I last clapped eyes on ye.” “Ye must not know any better, then, Lil,” Gavin said as he walked from the hallway to the reception. “He’s gotten uglier. I’m the best-lookin’ Collins.” “Best-lookin’ Collins, me arse.” Lilly clicked her tongue. “Have your balls dropped yet, boyo?” I erupted into laughter. “I’ve got me a baby boy on the way, Lil.” My brother winked. “I’d say me balls are dropped and hangin’ just fine.”

“Oh, yeah?” Lilly lowered her thick-framed glasses to the end of her nose with one finger. “Prove it.” I laughed again as Gavin ran from the reception into the hangar, making Lilly cackle. I crossed the space, bent down low, and hugged her. I chuckled when her hand found its way to my behind, and she gave it a pinch. “Now, Lil.” I grinned down at her as I pulled back and stood up straight. “Don’t be goin’ and givin’ me false hope.” “Sorry, sorry.” She held up her hands. “I forget the attraction ye young lads have with me.” “Ye’d do well to remember.” I playfully warned. “If ye broke me heart, I’d never recover.” “Ye wouldn’t,” she agreed. “I’m too much woman. I’d ruin ye for any other young one.” She was a one-woman show, that was for sure. I smiled wide. “Is your car givin’ ye problems?” “Yep.” She nodded. “The gear stick doesn’t shift properly anymore.” “Give me your keys, and I’ll bring it into bay three.” She handed them to me and followed me outside. I kept my pace slow so she could keep up with me easily, but I stayed out of reach of her black walking cane. She had to use it since she got a double hip replacement a couple of years ago that she swore was from having too much wild sex. I kept an eye on the cane. If the woman thought I was thinking her old and weak, she’d whack me with it. She had done so before, and I quickly learned my lesson. “Go on.” She grinned. “Let me see ye get inside.” Lilly drove a brand-new car. She traded hers in and upgraded every year … but the woman only ever bought clown cars. Even with the seat pulled all the way back, my legs were bent painfully, and my head hit the ceiling. I had to hunch forward and tilt my head every single time. “You’re a cruel woman, Lilly Doherty.”

She tittered to herself, clearly amused. I struggled but got the car into the bay and onto the lift. As soon as I climbed out of it, I stretched. Harley looked my way and shook his head. “Better you than me, lad.” “Harley, honey? Is that you?” Lilly called from the reception. “C’mere and gimme a big wet one, son.” I grinned as Harley stuck his finger up at me but went jogging towards Lilly a second later. We were all a slave to her word, and she knew it. I turned my attention to her car. I checked everything under the bonnet, then raised it on the lift. Nothing was out of place that I could see. I knew Lilly was taking the piss, but I gave the car a good once-over before lowering the vehicle and testing the engine. The gear stick shifted smoothly. “Runnin’ like clockwork.” I reversed the car out of the bay and parked it in front of the reception entrance. I yawned as I entered the reception and caught the end of Lilly’s conversation with Harley. I snatched a bottle of unopened water from my brother’s hand, ignoring his leg when he tried to kick me, and leaned my hip against the counter and listened. “Lil.” Harley looked absolutely horrified. “D’ye even know what crabs are?” “Do I know what crabs are?” Lilly repeated with a blink. “Son, with the way I carried on with men in me twenties and thirties, I’m pretty sure I fuckin’ invented crabs.” I spit out the water I was drinking and promptly began to choke and laugh at the same time. Harley laughed so hard he had to hug Lilly and go back out into the hangar because he couldn’t talk. I heard Gavin and JJ ask him what was so funny, but he just laughed harder. “Your car is spic and span, Lil,” I told her, wiping my mouth. “If ye have any problems, just bring it back on in, and I’ll have another look at it.” “You’re a good lad, Date Collins. How much do I owe ye?”

I bent down, turned my head, and tapped my cheek. “A wet one.” “Men.” She clicked her tongue. “Always after some kisses.” She giggled a little after kissing my cheek and happily held my arm as I escorted her out to her car. When she was settled inside and all buckled up, I winked at her. “Don’t be a stranger.” “Not in me nature, sunshine.” She drove off with the head banging sound of Slipknot blaring from her car, and I couldn’t help but smile. I realised at that moment that I had broken Lilly’s second rule … I had fallen in love with the woman. With a chuckle, I returned to the hangar and found all my brothers laughing. “She really said that about crabs?” Gavin shook his head. “Lilly?” “On God.” Harley wiped under his eyes. “Ask Date.” All eyes fell on me. “She did. She said how she carried on with men in her twenties and thirties, she’s sure she invented crabs.” “Merciful Christ.” JJ chortled. “That slip of a woman is unreal. I love her.” Gavin’s shoulders shook as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands as our father’s voice came bellowing from the reception doorway. “Do I pay you ladies to stand around and chat or fix cars?” “Fix cars,” we answered in unison. We got back to work, and our father returned to his office. “I’m still partial to havin’ a chat now and again,” I commented as I worked. “Like a good little girl.” The others chuckled as we focused on getting through the rest of the day. I worked through my lunch break to clear some of Gavin’s log since I was supposed to help him work on yesterday’s backlog that morning. I was ahead of schedule by closing time, so I didn’t have to stay and pull any overtime for the couple of hours I’d missed. Just as I had finished signing off on my final service of the day, Harley surprised me when he clapped his

hand onto my shoulder and dug his thumb into my stiff, aching muscle. It hurt like hell, but it felt incredible at the same time. There was a sudden pop, and my legs went weak. I had to grab the countertop where I was filling out the service form to keep from falling to my knees. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.” I swallowed. “Where did ye learn to do that?” “Did it help? I noticed ye favourin’ your left shoulder.” “Fuck yeah, it helped. Do it again.” He did as I asked, and I’m not a man to be dramatic in any way, but my brother had the hands of a fucking god. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep a single sound from leaving my mouth because I knew if it did, Harley would run a mile a minute. He roughly pressed his thumbs into a spot on my left shoulder blade, and there was another small pop when he applied heavy pressure, and a massive sigh left my mouth. “Janey mack, ye fixed me.” I stumbled, catching my balance. “I didn’t know I was broken, but ye fixed me.” Harley cursed under his breath when Gavin demanded the same treatment except on his neck. I watched as Harley did the massaging thing with his thumbs as he felt around Gavin’s neck, then moved his head to the side, cracking it. “Lad.” Gavin grinned as he rolled his head from side to side. “That’s pure class. The pain I had is gone.” Harley looked at JJ and wiggled his fingers. “Want me magic touch as well?” “Save it for the redhead,” he said teasingly. “C’mon. Let’s pull the shutters down on the bays. The aul lad is closin’ up later, so he’ll take care of settin’ the alarm and lockin’ the main entrance. We’re free to leg it home.” After the bay shutters were down and locked, I headed into the reception with my brothers and hung the shutters lock keys in the key box

on the wall behind the reception. “Is Da okay? Why is he stayin’ late?” “He’s goin’ through applications for the receptionist he’s been interviewin’ for.” JJ shrugged. “Only women applied, which he isn’t happy about. He wanted a man so none of us would be tempted.” “What does he think we’re gonna do?” Gavin blinked. “Fuck the woman and make her quit?” We all stared at him, and he cringed. “That happened one time,” my baby brother scowled. “Celine was gorgeous.” I shoved him. “She was a year older than Da.” My da was fifty-three. “Exactly.” Gavin grinned as we left the building. “She had experience, trust me. That woman taught me so many things.” “You’re so nasty I can’t even wrap me head around it, lad.” “Bein’ a little nasty is needed sometimes.” Harley shoved our baby brother, laughing. He left with a smile since he was the only one of us who had a date to look forward to. Gavin went to collect some takeaway so he could have a quiet night in with his soon-to-be baby’s mother. Since I came to work with JJ, he dropped me off at the gym before he went home. After my session ended and I got home at seven, I rang my sister and told her to bring my nephews down to my apartment for our sleepover. I could go to the pub any time I wanted. A night in with my nephews was going to be fun.



I was nine hours into babysitting, and I could have sworn I felt my hair turn grey strand by fucking strand. Locke was the easiest baby ever. He was so chill it was honestly ridiculous. The child hardly cried, he made sounds of annoyance when his nappy was full, and he whined a little when he had wind or was hungry, but other than that, he was silent. Jax was the complete opposite of his baby brother. My head was killing me, thanks to him. “Is that nice, little man?” I cooed to Jax, who was polishing off his second yogurt. “Once your tummy is full, we’ll go back to sleep, okay?” Jax shook his head, and for a moment, I thought I was going to break down and cry. It was five to four in the morning. Aideen dropped the kids down to me after I got home from the gym at seven, then she came back down to check on us at ten, and she couldn’t believe that I had both boys in bed and sound asleep. She lived on the top floor of my apartment building … well, almost. The top floor was currently made up of six apartments that Kane was renovating into one massive penthouse apartment for his family. They were staying a couple of floors below it for the time being.

It helped my sister relax, knowing she could come by my place and check on the boys whenever she liked. A part of me wished she would randomly show up at my door right now and take Jax off my hands. I frowned at my thoughts, leaned over, and kissed him on the head. He wasn’t a bother, it also wasn’t his fault that he was awake. My neighbour across the hall woke us up. I had been spoiled since I’d moved into my apartment. I was the only tenant on the whole fifth floor until yesterday when Aideen informed me that a new person was moving into the apartment across from mine. I hadn’t had a chance to pop over and introduce myself. I had been busy with my nephews once I got home from work, so it slipped my mind. However, at that very moment, my foot tapped against the floor, itching for the chance to walk across the hallway and say hello by shoving my foot up the bloke’s arse. I had no idea what he was doing, but so much noise was coming from the place that it woke Jax, which then woke me. The apartments in the building were made with thick concrete walls that were heavily insulated, so sound didn’t travel easily, if at all. Whatever the guy was doing, he was doing it loud. The one night when I didn’t need loud, I got it. “Unc!” “Jax, be quiet.” “Locke!” I shushed him. “Locke is sleepin’, so don’t wake him up.” “My baby!” I smiled. “Yeah, your baby is sleepin’, so shut it.” Jax bobbed his head as though he understood me, but he didn’t because he was still being loud. “Jax,” I hissed. “Shush.” “No,” he replied and started to sing — well, he tried to sing the Barney theme song but failed miserably.

“You’re such a little shite.” “Shite!” I widened my eyes. “Don’t say that!” “Shite!” “Jax. No.” “Shite.” I facepalmed myself. “For fuck’s sake.” “Fuck’s sake.” I sucked in a terrifying breath and dropped my arm to my side. “No,” I almost cried. “No. Bad Jax. Don’t say that. Your ma will skin me alive!” “Shite!” Jax shouted merrily. “Fuck’s sake.” “Ah, bollocks.” “Bollocks!” I was going to cry. “No,” I pleaded, my voice cracking like a kid whose balls had just dropped. “They’re very bad words.” “Bollocks. Shite. Fuck’s sake.” I was going to be dead by morning. “Jax,” I whispered. “No.” He grinned at me, and it was a silent ‘fuck you’ if I’d ever seen one. “Just … Just say Uncle Harley taught ye those words. Okay? Uncle. Harley.” “Harley.” Jax nodded. “Unc.” “Sure.” I rolled my eyes. “Ye say his name correctly.” He smiled a big toothy smile. “You’re not playin’ me, kid.” I glared at him. “It won’t work. Cute smiles don’t get ye out of trouble with me, sunshine.” Jax lost his smile and narrowed his grey eyes, and it caused a grin to spread across my face. “I’ve got your number, buddy.”

He huffed. “Ye babble your words and blow spit bubbles any other day of the week, but when it comes to sayin’ curses, you’re suddenly a linguistic genius at the age of eighteen months. Is that it?” He yawned in response, and fireworks went off in my mind at the prospect of getting him back to sleep. I was just about to pick him up and give him some ‘big boy cuddles’ when the racket that woke us started up again. Jax looked at the door of my sitting room and whimpered. “Fuck this,” I grumbled to myself. “Fuck fuckin’ this.” I was going to confront whoever was making that noise, then put my foot up the son of bitch’s arse. “You.” I crooked my finger at my nephew. “C’mere to me.” Jax clutched his rattler and waddled over to me without argument, which was surprising. The kid liked to give me a hard time whenever he could, but not now, and I suspected it was because he was more than a little tired. That was bad news for the motherfucker who woke us up because I wasn’t letting him get away with it. Not. A. Fucking. Chance. I stormed out of my apartment. When I heard more god-awful banging coming from the apartment directly across from mine, my eyes narrowed to slits. I had one arm wrapped around Jax’s behind and thighs while he smacked on my shoulder like he was playing the drums. I ignored the boy and rapped my knuckles on the apartment door across from my own. I. Was. Pissed. This new neighbour wasn’t going to gain friendships if he didn’t learn to keep it down. I enjoyed a party as much as the next man, but fuck, it was four in the morning, and I had two kids under the age of two spending the night. “Open the fuck up, man!” I pounded my fist on the door once more. “I’m gonna kick your arse for wakin’—”

The door I was banging on suddenly opened, and instead of a man opening the door, a short woman did. She had thick, black-framed glasses slipping down the bridge of her button nose and a mop of black hair tied up on her head in a bun that resembled a bird’s nest. She was wearing an old, off-coloured white T-shirt that was easily three or four sizes too big and fell to her mid-thigh. Her thighs were bare and as thick as they were creamy. I looked up from her legs and focused on the green eyes behind the frames hiding them. I noticed they were bloodshot and puffy, and my offensive stance instantly became defensive. She was crying, and an unknown urge to hurt whatever made her cry filled me. “Are ye okay, love?” I asked, frowning. “Why’re ye cryin’?” The siren beauty stared at me before a sob escaped her throat, and big, fat tears fell from her alluring eyes. I began to panic. I tried to think of what I did when my sister cried, and instinct took over before I knew it. I reached out with my free arm and pulled the woman’s tiny body against my chest, hugging her tightly. I thought she was relaxing, but then Jax used the rattle in his hand as a weapon and decided to beat on the pretty woman’s head with it. She slumped in my arms after the third rapid-fire whack, and fear filled me. She was unmoving as she leaned against me and the first thought that went through my head was that Jax had killed her. The second was that I was going to go to prison for it because nobody would believe me when I told them an eighteen-month-old baby whacked her to death with a plastic rattle over the head. Bollocks. Shite. Fuck’s sake.



“Fuck!” I shouted in despair. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” Today was the shittiest of all shitty days, and it seemed like that bitch karma wasn’t through with me yet. I cursed out loud as I binned my broken right hearing aid. That was the second aid in eight months that would need replacing, and it couldn’t have come at a worse time. I kicked my newly purchased plastic bin until I was out of breath, and my foot hurt. I had just moved into a new apartment, in a new town, in a new bloody county for a fresh start, and so far, things were just so … shitty. After setting aside money for my first month’s rent and a matching security deposit for my new apartment, I barely had enough to tide me over until I found a job. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I would also have to manage without one of my hearing devices. “Positive thoughts, Ina.” I consoled myself. “Positive feckin’ thoughts.” It wasn’t the end of the world. It was doable to live with one aid until I got a job to purchase a new set. Things would just be a little tricky until then. My left ear heard clearly with my working aid, but to be safe, I would just have to focus on people’s

mouths when they spoke to read their lips and understand what they were saying. I had done it enough times when I was younger and tried to hide a broken aid from Daddy so he wouldn’t blow a fuse and hurt me when he realised he had to pay for yet another replacement. I pushed away the loose strands of hair that escaped my bobbin and let my shoulders slump. I took out my left aid and placed it on the kitchen counter. I never liked to wear them at home, which was why I accidentally broke my right one when I placed it on the countertop, then unloaded a bunch of new delph on top of it. The devices mostly weren’t a bother. I honestly forgot I wore them half of the time, but when I was at home, in my own space, I liked taking them out so I could be by myself. This was the last time that I would get in-the-canal aids. For me, they were more trouble than they were worth. I’d rather have behind-the-ear devices even though they were visible. I’d deal with that if it meant I wouldn’t break the poxy things because I accidentally stood on them or misplaced them. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and exhaled a breath. I had tried multiple aids over the years—discreet and notso-discreet—and I always found that behind-the-ear devices were just for me. The only reason I hadn’t worn them in a long time was because Daddy didn’t like the look of them. He said he didn’t like people knowing I had impaired hearing. “Pull your hair over your ears, Ina,” Daddy scowled, his fingers biting into the flesh of my arm. “D’ye want folks to know you’re fuckin’ deaf?” I would get BTE aids in the future now that I didn’t have anyone making my decisions for me. With my hands on my hips, I looked around the apartment I had just moved into hours before. The apartment complex was called The Peak, and it was made up of four buildings: North Tower, South Tower, East Tower, and West Tower. I lived in the South Tower, and God, it was beautiful. My new home was a spacious one-bedroom with a separate kitchen, sitting

room, and utility room. It had hardwood flooring throughout with marble floor tiles and granite counters in the kitchen, bathroom, and utility room. I could tell from just looking at the place that it screamed quality, which meant it cost a lot of money. It was fully furnished with brand-new furniture that I bloody well knew I’d never be able to afford without an instalment payment plan in place. It had security patrols monitoring the complex 24/7, and secure private parking if you had a car, which I didn’t. Having no vehicle was fine because the building was only a three-minute walk away from the nearest Luas station and a two-minute walk to the closest bus stop. It was perfect, but I still didn’t understand how it was only nine hundred and fifty euros a month. It could have made double that amount easily, maybe even triple, with the location alone. Dublin was a high-traffic county. It was the reason I chose to come here. More people meant it was easier to get lost amongst them, but because there were so many people, housing was stretched thin. The rent was sky-high, but Slater Property Development, the company who built and owned The Peak complex, didn’t seem to care about that. They didn’t advertise their prices anywhere that I could find online. I only found out what the rent would be once I came to the private viewing by appointment. I met my landlord, Mr Slater, and he personally gave me a tour as he read my application. He said he lived in the building and would personally meet each of his tenants so he knew who he was sharing a roof with. To me, that made perfect sense. Mr Slater was a man who I found difficult to read at first glance. He suffered from awful scarring that showed on every viewable bit of skin. They weren’t burn scars, as far as I could tell, just severe scarring in the forms of jagged slashes and risen welts, but intimidating looks aside, he was a very nice man to talk to once he began the tour. When he smiled, it completely put me at ease.

When he had approved my application at the end of our tour and our short conversation, I was so surprised that I let out a little squeal and clapped my hands together, making him huff a breath that sounded a lot like a chuckle to me. He asked me where he could post my lease to, so I told him the address of the hostel where I was currently staying in the City Centre. The man took one look at me, then googled the hostel on his phone. With wide grey eyes, he told me I was to get my things and move into the apartment right away. He gave me my apartment’s personal entry code —each tenant had their own code because the doors were electronic—and told me he’d put my lease in my post box in the lobby the next day. I just had to email him my bank details and return the signed lease to the lobby desk for him and keep a copy for myself. That was twelve hours ago. I didn’t bring much from Carlow with me other than a suitcase with a few different outfits and a framed picture of me and my granda. It was my only real possession, my most prized one, too. My granda had been the most wonderful, respectful, and loving man I had ever known. He died when I was ten, and it wasn’t long after his death that my whole life changed … for the worst. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. After I left Mr Slater’s company, I returned to the hostel in town where I was staying, gathered my few belongings, and left. Over the past five years at home in Carlow, I had developed a plan. Living with my physically abusive, alcoholic father and emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend was killing my soul. I had never known my mother because she’d left Daddy and me not long after my birth, then died a couple of years later by suicide. She and Daddy never married. Once Granda died from natural causes and I was all alone with Daddy, I learned just how different men could be. They weren’t all gentlemen like my granda.

Daddy had kept me on our farm for most of my life. He allowed me a third-level education in business studies, but only at the local community college so I didn’t have to travel far. He didn’t want me to develop my own aspirations because he needed me to help him run the farm. “Helping” meant I ran the farm by myself, and Daddy reaped the profits. I didn’t do physical labour with our animals, that was down to the hired farmhands, but I worked the desk jobs of multiple people and all without pay. Five years ago, I had been smacked around during one of Daddy’s drunken furies for the last time. He had broken my arm that night and battered my face into a swollen, bruised mess. Those blows to my head were, in a way, my beginning. I had had enough of that life and wanted out. I dealt with all of the money on the farm, but Daddy wasn’t stupid. He was educated in business too and had a degree just like mine. The only thing he did care about was money so I had to start taking unsolicited wages discreetly. That meant I had to take small amounts of cash and tuck it away for safekeeping without anyone ever knowing. Over the years, I had managed to get away with saving three thousand, seven hundred and ninety euros. I was sure I could have taken much more, but I was terrified of being caught, so I kept what I took to a minimum. I left Carlow one week ago, but I didn’t do so with the permission of Daddy or my now ex-boyfriend, Finn. I ran away. I informed the local Gardaí that I was moving on because I knew Daddy or Finn would report me missing if they could. Since I had left, I hadn’t regretted a single second of it, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t absolutely terrified because I was. Getting over the initial excitement of being free and out on my own came with a wave of new fears like finding a job and somewhere safe to live. I was also so scared that Daddy and Finn would show up and drag me back home kicking and screaming. I had switched to using my mother and granda’s surname of O’Shea rather than my birth surname, O’Reilly. It was what kept me looking over my shoulder.

I was physically and mentally exhausted, but I was determined to end my day with all my new items in their new spot. I lifted a small box of kitchenware and turned, but as soon as I took a few steps, the bottom of the box gave way, and everything fell and clanked against the floor … and my bare feet. “Fuck!” I screamed and stumbled backwards, throwing the piece of shit cardboard box against the wall. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” I smacked my hands against the kitchen counter and kicked against the press doors in pure frustration. Everything was so fucking hard. I had a massive stroke of luck landing a lease with my apartment. I couldn’t have prayed for anything better. However, while it was fully furnished, I had to buy the rest of the necessities needed to live in a home. After taking the train to Dublin, spending a week in the hostel, and buying food each day, I was down to three thousand and eighty-three euros. Dublin was expensive. Nineteen hundred euros from that would now be set aside in the new bank account I opened the second I got to Dublin and had an address at the hostel. That large chunk of money was for my first month’s rent and the matching security deposit. The remaining money paid for what I currently needed in my new home. I bought a duvet and pillows as well as covers for them and a fitted sheet and mattress protector for my mattress. I purchased a small amount of kitchenware, just enough items for what one person would need. I bought toiletries, feminine hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and I did a full food shop in Aldi and Lidl, which was pricey because I had absolutely nothing in my kitchen presses. I knew I could get by without anything else until I found a job. After my day of spending and paying for a taxi to bring me to The Peak with all of my possessions, I was down to five-hundred euros on the dot. I needed to get a job, and I needed to get one as soon as possible.

I bent down to pick up the remaining delph on the floor. I was so relieved that the cup, bowl, and plate I bought weren’t broken or chipped. I wouldn’t have been able to replace them if they had. The toll of the day, the past week really, suddenly hit me, and I burst into tears as I put the items on the kitchen counter. I dragged my feet as I walked out into the hall, leaned back against the front door, and slid down until my behind touched the floor. I had always wanted an independent life, but I never knew it’d be so daunting. I jumped when I felt heavy vibrations on my back. I didn’t have my hearing aids in, so the only sounds I could hear were incredibly muffled and hard to decipher. I got to my feet when I realised someone was banging on my door. I unlocked the door, put my hand on the handle, and was ready to give out to whoever was pounding on it until I saw the time. Four o’clock in the morning. Shite. I think I just woke up a few of my new neighbours with my breakdown. “This is all I feckin’ need.” I pulled my door open and stared at a tall, shirtless man with a thrashing child in his arms. The man had dark chocolate brown hair and a tightly trimmed, well-maintained beard to match. He glared down at me with eyes of sky blue. I sniffled and watched as his gaze softened and a frown tugged at his baby-pink lips. His eyes rolled over me before they found mine once more. I couldn’t hear his voice, but I could read his lips when he said, “Are ye okay, love? Why’re ye cryin’?” A look of genuine concern washed over the stranger’s face, and emotion gripped me once more. It had been a long time since anyone had ever been truly concerned about me, and seeing a stranger show signs of worry for me was too much to handle. More tears fell from my eyes with a vengeance. I lifted my hands and covered my face as sobs overtook me. I couldn’t hear

anything other than severely muffled sounds, but I jumped when an arm hooked around my back, and I was tugged forward against a hard, warm body. It took me a moment to realise what was happening. The man was hugging me. I had obviously woke him and his son up from their sleep with my commotion, and he was comforting me. A stranger no less and that knowledge only made me cry harder. I put my arms around his waist and held him tightly as a dam burst inside me. All the years of loneliness, fear, and heartache slammed into me right there in my doorway. I found myself beginning to relax when three hard whacks smacked onto the crown of my head and made me slump with dizziness. The beautiful, kind stranger wasn’t so kind after all, and he was probably going to chop me up into little pieces for waking up him and his son. As far as shitty days went, this was one definitely up there as the shittiest.



“Please, don’t let her be dead,” I pleaded out loud to God. “By the tears of the sweet baby Jesus, do not let her be dead. Please, please, please.” The woman I held against me groaned against my bare chest, and I nearly burst into fucking tears as relief slammed into me. Jax stared down at her and laughed like the devil spawn he was. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry, darlin’,” I blurted. “Me nephew didn’t mean to batter ye. He’s only a baby.” I looked at Jax. “A bold baby.” My nephew stuck out his bottom lip, but he didn’t cry. The woman suddenly stumbled back and lifted her hand to the crown of her head. Her swollen, red-rimmed eyes looked up at me in fear, and it broke my bloody heart. “I’m so sorry,” I repeated. “He’s a right wagon for smackin’ ye. Does it hurt?” She looked from me to Jax and widened her eyes. “He hit me?” Did she think I did? “With his toy.” I cringed. “I’m so sorry.”

She looked back at me and said, “What?” Christ. Was she concussed? How fucking hard did Jax hit her? “Are ye okay?” I held up my free hand. “How many fingers am I holdin’ up?” The woman blinked. “Three.” I counted my fingers and exhaled another breath of relief. “Not concussed. Ye had me worried there for a second.” She was looking at Jax when I spoke and when she looked back at me, she frowned. “What?” What in the hell is going on with this young one? “Love, I’ve been speakin’ to ye.” I frowned. “Are ye deaf?” She sniffled and bobbed her head. “Yeah, mister.” She tapped her ears. “I am deaf. I can’t hear ye.” I felt like I’d been sucker-punched. Shame slammed into me. Not only was the pretty woman Jax beat on with his rattler my new neighbour, but she was deaf too. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I hope I didn’t embarrass her, but it didn’t matter if I did because I was so mortified I wouldn’t have even noticed. “I’m very sorry.” I cleared my throat. Twice. “That was a shitty thing to say, and I shouldn’t have said it.” She rubbed the crown of her head one final time, then waved her hand at me. “Don’t worry about it. Ye’d be surprised how often people say it without actually meanin’ it. They say it out of second nature, not because they actually think the person they’re speakin’ to is actually deaf.” And I was one of those idiots. “I can only imagine.” She looked back at Jax. “He’s so cute.”

When she looked back at me and adjusted her glasses, I let out a breath. She was pretty and not in an in-your-face kind of way either. Her prettiness was subtle. It was both in her looks and the way she moved. I never knew a woman could look good pushing glasses up her nose, but in the hallway of my apartment building at four in the morning, I found out it was very possible. “What’s your name?” She looked back at me just as I finished asking my question, and she frowned. “Did ye say somethin’?” I nodded. She stared at me then slowly, and a smile took over her frown. She had tiny dimples. Fuck, she was a pretty little thing. “I can’t hear ye, remember? Deaf as a post,” she teased. “Ye’ll have to repeat that so I can read your lips.” I was making an absolute thick out of myself. “Sorry,” I said, saying it clearly so she could understand me better. “I said, what is your name?” “Oh. I’m Ina.” “Eye-nah,” Jax repeated, gaining both Ina’s and my attention. “Did he just say me name?” she asked, smiling at Jax. When she looked back at me, I said, “Yeah, he repeated and pronounced it the way you did. He has a thing about names. Make sure he is sayin’ it correctly because he’ll call ye it forever, even if it’s wrong.” She giggled, and I found myself smiling too until I realised I was smiling a little too wide and wiped the grin off my face. I didn’t want her to think I was a simpleton. “I think he’s sayin’ it right,” she said to me, then looked at Jax and pronounced it clearly. “Eye-nah.” “Eye-nah,” Jax repeated and squealed. “Ina.”

“Ye’ve got it, little man,” Ina praised. “That’s how ye say me name. What’s your name?” Jax looked at me for guidance, so I said, “Tell her your name, go on.” He turned from me to Ina and said, “Jax.” “Jack?” Ina repeated, leaning in closer to my nephew with her eyes squinted. “Your name is Jack?” “No!” Jax gasped. “No, no, no! Jax. Jax. Jax!” “Oh!” Ina laughed. “Jax.” “Yes!” Jax cheered. “Jax!” “Well, Jax, you’re a very handsome little boy, and it’s very nice to meet ye.” She moved her hands fluidly and said, “That means ‘hello’ in sign. Can ye do that?” Jax didn’t move his hands in a majestic way like Ina had. He sort of just wiggled his hands around, and it made her chuckle. She repeated the same motion with her hands, and I glanced down at Jax and saw him concentrating as he tried to copy her movements exactly. After a few tries, Ina clapped her hands and said, “Good job, honey. That means hello.” She playfully held out her hand to shake Jax’s, but he surprised her by grabbing it and turning it over. Then he leaned down and placed a big wet kiss on the back of it. “Hi,” he announced, beaming. Ina stared at Jax and then placed the hand he kissed against her chest like it was a treasured jewel. “That was possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen in me entire life.” She breathed, then turned her gaze on me. “Did ye teach him that?” “His da did.” I chuckled. “He’s watched him do it to his ma loads of times, and now he does it to every woman he meets.” “You aren’t his father?” Her dark eyebrows shot upward. “But he looks so much like ye.”

“I’m his uncle. Trust me, when ye see his daddy’s side of the family, ye’ll know who he takes after in looks. I’m babysittin’ him and his brother tonight to give me sister and brother-in-law a break.” “That’s very good of ye,” she said, then winced. “I’m terribly sorry about the bangin’. I don’t have me aids in, so I didn’t realise I was makin’ so much noise.” I had forgotten why I was standing in front of her door. Talking to her erased the reason, and I found myself enjoying her company. “Don’t worry about it.” I winked. “We were awake anyway, and I just wanted to see if everythin’ was okay.” Big. Fucking. Lie. “Oh.” Ina seemed relieved. “What’s your name? If ye said it, I didn’t catch it.” “Dante,” I answered. “Dante Collins.” The second my name left my mouth, I was surprised. I couldn’t remember the last time I had introduced myself by my given name and not by Date. “Dante,” Ina repeated. “Nice to meet ye. I’m Ina O’Shea.” The way her tongue flicked as she spoke made my throat run dry. Her accent was different from mine. It had a heavy country brogue to it. “Nice to meet ye too, love. You’re not from around here, are ye?” Her lips twitched. “Nope. I’m a Carlow girl.” I’d guessed as much. “By the might of God,” I playfully teased. “A culchie.” “A culchie through and through.” She straightened with pride. “I couldn’t pretend I was a Dub even if I wanted to. Me accent is a dead giveaway.” She had that right. “Are ye okay?” I asked, bouncing Jax lightly as he rested his head against my shoulder. “It sounded like ye were havin’ a bit of bother.”

It sounded like she was at war with someone, but I wanted to be polite. “I’m fine,” she assured me. “I just had a really, really long day, and I was tryin’ to put the last of me things away before I went to bed. I just moved in this evenin’. I got home only a few hours ago from the City Centre and started unpackin’ … I didn’t realise it was so late until ye knocked at me door. The time got away from me.” “If ye don’t mind me askin’,” I began. “How did ye hear me if ye haven’t got your hearin’ aids in?” “I was sittin’ with me back against the door havin’ a bit of a breakdown when ye knocked. I felt the vibrations on me back.” I cringed. “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to knock so hard.” I did, but she didn’t need to know that. “I’m not profoundly deaf,” she explained. “Without me hearin’ aids, all sounds are muffled and blended at an incredibly lower volume. I can’t register speech. The best way I can describe it is to have lots of cotton in your ears twenty-four seven.” “Sounds like a hard way to live.” Ina shrugged. “I had bacterial meningitis when I was eight. I was very sick, and in the end, it robbed me of me hearin’. It was a long time ago. I’m used to it.” How long was a long time ago? She looked twenty at most. A baby compared to my thirty-two. “How old are ye?” I quizzed. “Ye look like a kid.” “I just turned twenty-seven last week.” If I was a dog, my ears would have shot right up. “Happy belated birthday,” I said and looked at Jax, whose head lolled as he dozed on my shoulder. “I thought ye were a kid.” I was very happy that this wasn’t the case. “Thanks. Ye should probably get him into bed,” Ina suggested, her eyes on my nephew. “I’ll keep the bangin’ to a minimum, I promise.”

My lips twitched. “I’d appreciate it, Ina.” She licked her lower lip, and the action drew my attention. Her eyes lowered to my body, and it was then that I realised that I was shirtless. I watched Ina’s eyes move slowly over my torso, and I could almost feel her caress. It sent blood straight to my rapidly swelling cock. “I’m sure ye’ve got to get up early for work.” I straightened, hoping she didn’t look down and see the outline of my now erect dick. “I’ll leave ye be.” “I’ll be up to go job huntin’ more like.” I paused. “You’re lookin’ for a job?” “Yep.” She nodded. “D’ye happen to know somewhere that’d need a receptionist or secretary?” I looked up at the ceiling, momentarily wondering what kind of stunt God was trying to pull on me with this. “Dante?” Jesus. My name on her tongue went straight to my bollocks. “Sorry.” I looked back at her. “I work in a garage. I’m a mechanic. Me aul fella owns the place, and he’s been interviewin’ for an experienced receptionist for a while now. I can get ye an interview for tomorrow afternoon if you’re interested?” Ina’s forest green eyes practically bugged out of their sockets. “Yes, please,” she blurted. “Oh, I’d love the chance for an interview.” Her eagerness brought a smile to my face. “If ye give me your number, I can give ye a buzz and let ye know when me da can interview ye.” “Crap.” Her face dropped. “I don’t have a mobile.” I found that odd. Everyone had a smartphone nowadays. “I’ve a spare one ye can use,” I offered. “The screen is cracked, but it works fine.” Her cute as fuck dimples deepened when she smiled wide, and I’d be a barefaced liar if I said I wasn’t wildly attracted to her. I shifted my stance

when I imagined myself fucking her, eating her cunt, sucking on her nipples, and tasting those pouty lips of hers. I was in big fucking trouble, and I knew it. “Oh, thank you, Dante!” “Don’t mention it. I’ll go and put him to bed and grab it for ye.” I was awarded another brilliant smile as I turned and hurried into my apartment. I almost jogged into my bedroom, then carefully put Jax back into the travel cot that Locke was lightly snoring inside. They were so fucking cute when they were asleep. I turned from them, opened my nightstand drawer, pushed away the boxes filled with empty condom wrappers, and grabbed the item I was looking for. I picked up a charger for it too and hurried back out to the hallway. Ina was leaning against the panel of her door frame, and my eyes instantly locked back on her thick thighs. I wanted them on either side of my head as I tongued her to orgasm, and I wanted them there soon. “Here we are.” I handed the items to her. “Figured ye’d need the charger, too.” “You’re a saint!” Not with the direction my thoughts were headed in. “Ye’ll need to get a SIM card for it.” I shoved my hands into my pockets. “Ye can get one for a tenner in any of the phone shops. I’ll pop a note under your door before I leave for work in a few hours with me number on it. When ye get your SIM card, give me a text so I can save yours and give ye a buzz with the interview info.” She clutched the phone and charger to her chest like they were her lifeline. The shirt she was wearing was so baggy I couldn’t tell if she had big tits or not, but my mind didn’t care and neither did my cock. I wanted to suck on them and fuck them, whether they were big or small. “Thank you so much. Ye’ve no idea what this means to me.”

She did look grateful, and that gratitude was payment enough for me … for now. “You’re welcome, country. Go and get some sleep.” “I will. Thanks, Dante. Good night.” “Night, love.” I closed my apartment door, leaned back against it, and wondered how I would convince me by the book father not only to give Ina an interview for the receptionist job but to simply give her the job. I had a lot of thinking to do and not a lot of hours left to do it.



I had always heard of the saying expect the unexpected, but as I prepared myself for a job interview at Collins Auto Repair, I knew I could have never expected it in a million years. True to his word, Dante slid a piece of paper under my door for me to find at ten o’clock that morning. I awoke late, and when I read his note and saw he got me an interview for noon with his father, I nearly collapsed. I rapidly showered and dressed in plain clothing because it was all I owned. I donned an old peach-coloured sundress I got in a charity shop when I was twenty. It wasn’t fitted or flattering to my figure in the least, but it was all I had. Part of how controlling my father was meant he had the final say on what I wore. All I owned were used baggy dresses, never jeans or trousers of any kind. It was hot as hell outside, so I was just thankful that I had something light to wear. I didn’t own a hairdryer or straightener, so I parted my hair into two sections, and French plaited them, leaving them to drape over my chest. I had sample-sized makeup, just not a lot of it. I applied my primer,

foundation, and concealer, then set both with powder before I filled in my eyebrows, swiped on some mascara, and added a little contour and blush to give my face some definition and colour. I promised myself that if I got the job at Dante’s garage, then I would use some of my future wages to buy makeup that wasn’t a sample size. And jeans, I was definitely buying myself a pair of jeans. Once I left my apartment, I took the bus to The Square, a large shopping centre that serviced Tallaght’s residents. In there, I found a phone shop and got myself a pay-as-you-go SIM card for ten euros. I loaded it with a score worth of credit and opted to use that credit to avail of a month’s worth of unlimited calls and data that my provider offered. Afterwards, I popped into the shop next door that sold phone cases. They advertised that they fixed phone screens amongst other things. The man checked my phone and told me that he could repair it for fifty euros because it was an old model, and he could have it done in twenty minutes. Though it killed me to do so, I paid him the money because I needed the phone fixed. Once I had charged it, I found that the screen’s crack meant some of the touch features weren’t operational. The man handed me a practically brand-new smartphone, and he threw in a free phone case and screen protector to go with it. Counting my lucky stars, I placed the screen protector onto the phone and slipped it into its new copper-coloured case. I hurriedly dialled Dante’s number that I had programmed into the phone that morning. I sat down on a bench outside of the shop, placed the phone to my left ear, and waited. I was so nervous to speak to him. He was incredibly attractive, and I thought about how chiselled his torso was all night. I may or may not have had a dirty dream where my tongue did things to that torso. I woke up mortified because I had never imagined doing such a thing to Finn, and he had been my partner for nine years. I never fantasised about Finn, not in all the time we were together. After such a short amount of time

in Dante’s company, I imagined a lot of dirty things I had never done before, let alone thought of. “What’s the craic?” I jumped when the voice answered my call, and my cheeks reddened as if I had been caught. “Dante?” I cleared my throat. “Hi, it’s Ina.” “Who?” My heart sank. “Ina O’Shea,” I repeated. “Your n-neighbour. We spoke early this mornin’?” “Date!” The man on the phone suddenly shouted, making me flinch. “There’s a woman called Ina O’Shea on the phone. Yeah, Ina. Yeah, your phone, ye plank. Ye left it on the trolley, and I answered it when it rang. Sue me. Who’s Ina? Is she good lookin’? She sounds like a cracker … sounds like a culchie, too.” My face was on fire. “Gav, gimme the phone, or I’ll break your fuckin’ hand!” I was silent as male laughter, shouting, cursing, then rustling filled my ear. “Ina?” “Yeah,” I answered. “It’s me. Ina. Hi.” “Hey.” Dante sounded a touch out of breath. “Sorry about that. Me little brother is a prick.” “I resent that!” I found myself smiling at his brother’s shout. “It’s okay. I just wanted to let ye know that I’ll be there for the interview. I’m in The Square right now. I got a SIM card and got the screen of the phone ye gave me fixed. The man who fixed it even gave me a free phone case to protect it.” Dante’s chuckle spread over me like a warm blanket. “Good,” he said. “D’ye know your way to the garage?”

“I didn’t, but I typed in the address ye gave me into the maps app so I’m just gonna follow it. It says it’s only a twelve-minute walk from where I am right now.” “Yeah, we’re close to The Square.” “I’ll see ye soon then.” “Okay … phone me if ye get lost, and I’ll come and find ye.” Butterflies erupted in my stomach. “Okay, bye.” “Bye, kid.” I hung up, and a giggle burst free. I felt all giddy inside, but I told myself it was because I was just nervous about my job interview. It wasn’t because of Dante. While he was very sweet to me in the short span of time I knew him, I reminded myself that I wasn’t interested in dating anyone. Not that Dante would ever be interested in me in that way, but personally, I just wanted to be by myself for a while. I wanted the experience of being completely independent. The only romantic relationship I had ever been in broke me down inside, so I was in no hurry to ever repeat that. With my maps app open, I left the shopping centre and set out walking. Minutes later, I came upon what looked to be one gigantic building, but I could see it was divided into different businesses when I got closer. I spotted the C.A.R. logo and found another sign that read “Collins Auto Repair” over the main entrance. It was bigger than any garage I had ever seen before. Granted, I was from the sticks of Carlow and hadn’t seen very many of them, but it was gigantic. I closed the app on my phone, pocketed it, and walked towards the reception. A young man was behind the large receptionist’s desk when I entered. He looked up at me, and straight away, I knew this man was related to Dante in some way, shape, or form. Either a brother or a cousin, they had the same blue eyes and dark-brown hair. Their smile was identical, too. He was a handsome devil if I had ever seen one.

“Mornin’.” He grinned as I approached the counter. “How can I help ye?” In the waiting area, I noticed the seats were filled with women and women only. All of them were beaming at the man and giving me dirty looks. I felt my gut twist. I didn’t know why they looked at me with such contempt because I did nothing wrong. “Good mornin’, I have an interview with Mr Collins at twelve. Me name is Ina O’Shea. I’m a little early, so I don’t mind waitin’. This is me CV.” “Ah, you’re Ina.” His lips twitched as he took my document. “Ye can take a seat. The boss will see to ye soon.” I bobbed my head, then walked over to the waiting area and sat down on the only available seat. My bum had barely touched the seat before a door leading out to the garage floor opened, and a familiar face greeted me with a beaming smile. Dante looked good, so good. He had on a pair of those navy work trousers with a dozen pockets and a grey T-shirt with the garage’s logo in white on its centre. The shirt was fitted, which I appreciated a little too much. I looked at his face and found him watching me. Not one of the other women … me. “I was worried I’d have to go on the hunt for a lost little country girl.” His teasing put me at ease as I got back to my feet. “Even culchies can follow directions, ye know?” Dante grinned as his eyes scanned me from head to toe. “Ye look great.” I wasn’t expecting the compliment, and I hoped my cheeks didn’t redden because of it. “Thanks.” I shifted from foot to foot. “This was the best I could do.” “It’ll do just fine. Did ye have your aids in?” “Just the left one,” I said. “I accidentally broke me right one last night.” Dante frowned, but before he could speak, I jabbed my thumb to where the

man who greeted me was moments before. “Was that man your brother or cousin?” “Baby brother,” he answered. “His name is Gavin.” “I figured. He looks a lot like ye, but how old is he for ye to call him baby?” “He’s twenty-six.” I blinked. “I’m only a year older than him.” I was far from a baby. “I know.” He winked. “Why d’ye think I called ye kid on the phone earlier?” I scowled at him, which he found amusing. “Should I call ye an aul lad from now on?” My lips suddenly curved upwards. “Since you’re clearly so much older than me.” Dante’s eyes flashed with amusement, and he took a step forward. “I’m thirty-two … not old enough for that title yet.” I figured him to be around my age, not in his early thirties. “I don’t know,” I mused as I lowered myself onto the chair. “I’m such a baby compared to ye. Maybe I’ll call ye aul lad when the mood strikes.” I laughed when his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. I quickly crossed my legs when a sudden pulse between my thighs caught me off guard. Jesus Christ, I was openly flirting with the man. I didn’t even think I knew how to flirt with someone, and here I was, teasing and smiling at the man like I’d known him my whole life. It hadn’t even been twelve hours since I’d first met him. “Date,” one of the women a few seats down from me practically purred. “Haven’t seen ye in a while, big man. How’ve ye been?” Dante looked at the woman, and fondness lit up his blue eyes. “Róisín.” He inclined his head. “I’m grand. Work keeps me busy. Are ye well? ’Cause you’re lookin’ well, darlin’.”

Róisín practically beamed with delight. “I’m doin’ as well as can be. Are ye goin’ to the pub tonight?” Dante flicked his eyes to me for a moment, then returned his gaze to the woman. “Not tonight.” “A pity, I was hopin’ to have a chat with ye.” A chat, my arse. She wanted to have sweaty, dirty sex with the man, and I couldn’t blame her. Before Dante could reply, a voice hollered from inside the garage floor. “Date? Give me a hand, bro. The damn hood won’t open on this piece of shit. I think someone’s actually welded it shut.” The man’s accent wasn’t Irish. It stuck out like a sore thumb. I didn’t get a chance to see who spoke because Dante’s brother, Gavin, suddenly walked down the hallway with a middle-aged man in tow. A handsome middle-aged man, I’d even go as far as calling him a silver fox. He was clearly Dante and Gavin’s father. They were his image. The man smiled brightly when his sky-blue eyes landed on me. Yep, definitely a silver fox. “Miss O’Shea?” “Yes, sir, Mr Collins.” I got to my feet and crossed the space to shake his outstretched hand. “But please, call me Ina. It’s a pleasure to meet ye, sir.” Gavin chuckled as he walked by me. “Big brother, you’re so screwed.” I didn’t have time to linger on what Gavin had said or why he said it. My focus was entirely on his father. “It’s lovely to meet ye too, Ina.” Mr Collins gestured me forward with his hand. “If ye’ll join me, we can get started.” I looked over my shoulder and noticed Dante and his brother watching me. When Dante winked at me, I smiled, suddenly not feeling so nervous. I turned forward and walked ahead of Mr Collins down the hallway when he

gestured for me to do so. I passed by a door that said, “Employees Only”, another that read “Storage”, then entered the last room at the end of the hallway with a sign that said “Office”. I was careful where I placed my footing. Everywhere was clean, just extremely cluttered with boxes and piles of paper. “I have to beg your pardon, love. This place looks like a bomb hit it.” He wasn’t wrong. “No worries, sir.” He pulled out a seat for me in front of his desk, then he took his own behind it. “Okay.” He exhaled a breath. “Where do I begin? Me head’s all over the place.” I chuckled. “Take your time, sir.” “Ah, here we are.” He picked up a few sheets of paper stapled together. “Ina O’Shea, twenty-seven years old from County Carlow.” He muddled over the boring factors on my CV. He made two updates, one with my new address and the other with my phone number that was previously left blank. “Okay, so to rid us both of nerves, I’ll ask a silly question to put us both at ease. Ready?” “Ready.” “Are ye an early bird or a night owl? “Neither, sir. I’m a permanently exhausted pigeon.” Mr Collins’ deep belly laugh made me feel like I was a comedian. “Well, we’re both definitely at ease now.” I grinned at him. “Down to the interview we go. I see that ye’ve mentioned in your notes that you’re hearin’ impaired.” He glanced up at me. “Is that correct?” “Yes, sir. I wear aids,” I explained. “Unfortunately, me right one broke last night, so only me hearin’ in my left ear is operational right now. I will

be gettin’ me right one replaced very soon.” “Are ye strugglin’ to hear me right now?” Mr Collins questioned. “I’m just thinkin’ of any phone calls ye’ll have to answer or make. A lot of our customers book online through our appointment portal, but many still call in to book in with us or make queries. Ye’ll have to deal with companies we order parts from over the phone too more often than not.” “I can hear ye fine with my left ear,” I assured him. “Me workin’ device still levels out the sound for me, but I’m also good at lip readin’, so if I’m stuck, I trust in that. I can also sign, which might come in handy if any of your customers rely on that language.” “Understood, that is very good to know. I see ye have a bachelor’s degree in business and a decade of experience as a receptionist and secretary, which I’m very glad to see. Ye must have started workin’ durin’ your first year of college, right?” My back straightened. “Yes, sir, I did. I’ve never worked in a business like this,” I explained. “Daddy runs a large dairy farm, so we deal with multiple businesses purchasing our product. I was in charge of the bookkeepin’, contracts, invoices, payment schedulin’, and dealin’ with all of our clients, staff, and so forth. I think workin’ here might be a whole lot calmer than what I’m used to if I’m bein’ entirely honest.” Mr Collins chuckled. “I imagine so.” He went back to reading my CV, and when he lifted his head and sighed, my heart sank. He wasn’t going to give me the job. My gut told me I didn’t pass the interview. “This is a very odd question.” He rubbed his neck in a sheepish manner. “It’s very personal and rude, so I apologise profusely in advance. I just need to know if you’re single? And if you are, are ye plannin’ on datin’ while ye work here? Me last long-term receptionist was involved with one of me mechanics, and she left when they stopped bein’ friendly. It’s caused me a

lot of bother. I’ve hired four receptionists since then who didn’t last for more than a few months each because of the workload. I’ve been handlin’ everythin’ by meself, but it’s too much for me to deal with now that I’ve expanded the garage into the lot next door. I don’t wanna ban ye from possibly goin’ out with one of me lads if you’re interested, but I need ye to be here just for work. No funny business when you’re on the clock.” My heart nearly burst with hope. “I am single, sir, but I have absolutely no interest in a relationship right now,” I assured him. “I’m very focused on just bein’ by meself. Movin’ to Dublin is a fresh start for me and me alone. I don’t want a man to ruin’ everythin’. Trust me.” I wasn’t messing up the chance to be in control of my own life all for the sake of another relationship. Not a chance in hell and I hoped that Mr Collins believed me when I said that. “Well, Ina, that sets me right at ease. In regard to the job, you’re aware this is a full-time position?” I wasn’t aware, but full-time work was exactly what I needed. “Yes, sir. I’m aware.” “Great. I see ye’ve left the reference number for your father’s business blank.” “That was on purpose, sir. We’re not on speakin’ terms right now. He didn’t want me to leave home and stop workin’ for him, ye see. Comin’ to Dublin was my decision, not his.” “Understood.” Mr Collins nodded. “Well, I think I’ve asked everythin’ I needed to ask. Your experience really does speak for itself.” He threw me a lopsided grin. “When can ye start?” I jolted in my seat. “I got the job?” “Ye got the job.” “Thank you.” I gasped, clutching my hands to my chest. “Thank you so much, sir. Oh my God. I can’t believe it.”

“Thank you.” Mr Collins chuckled. “Ye have no idea how long I’ve been lookin’ for someone with experience like yours who can tackle this cluttered, unorganised mess.” My spine straightened in an instant. “I’ll tackle it head-on.” I promised with a bob of my head. “I can start as soon as ye like.” “Monday at nine will be perfect. We don’t open on Sundays, and on Saturdays, like today, I handle the reception and office work. Your hours will be nine to six Monday through Friday with a paid lunch break from one to two in the afternoon. Ye’ll get paid breaks because most of the time ye might have to cut your break short or work through them dependin’ on how busy we are. Your pay is thirteen euros and fifty cents an hour. Ye’ll be paid monthly, and I’m offerin’ health insurance because ye’ll be over the earnin’ threshold to qualify for a medical card. I’m sure the plan I’m purchasin’ has dental as well as sight and hearin’ covered. I’ll give ye all the paperwork on Monday, and ye can ring up the insurance company and find out if ye can save a few quid on a new hearin’ aid.” I felt like I had just struck gold or won the lottery. I was getting health insurance! I had never qualified for a medical card for free health care because my father earned too much money, and I was his dependent. I never bothered looking into it when I turned eighteen because Daddy never allowed me to have control over anything. “Oh, that is wonderful, sir.” I couldn’t believe it. I quickly figured out how much I would earn after tax and concluded that I would be getting two hundred euros more than I originally planned in my monthly budget. I wouldn’t be scraping by to make my rent and pay my utility bills, and I would get health insurance! I would even be able to put away a little money each month to start building some savings. My heart thrummed so hard against my chest that I feared I would cry with relief.

Mr Collins held out his hand, and I shook it happily. “I’ll get this place in top shape, sir. Just you wait and see.” “I’ve never doubted the will of a determined woman, and I’m not about to start today.” I laughed as we dropped our hands and got to the more serious side of the meeting. I read through my contract, noting my first six months on the job were probationary. Mr Collins would evaluate me during that time and had the right to let me go if I wasn’t performing tasks at the standard he required, but once I did everything I was supposed to do, I’d have a secure job after the probation period was over. I provided my bank details to Mr Collins and silently thanked God that I had opened an account as soon as I had an address at the hostel where I was previously staying. I made a mental note to stop by the closest branch with my new lease as proof of my new address so they would change it. I had never had a bank account before, never had a job where I got paid wages for my hard work, and never had my own responsibilities. It was terrifying and awfully exciting at the same time. I felt like a real adult. I knew, in time, I would likely find paying bills and going to work a tedious bother, but at that very moment, I felt free because I was making my own decisions. No one was telling me what to do and when to do it. It was exhilarating. Mr Collins kept my signed contract, and I kept a duplicate that I folded and placed in my handbag. He then took me out to the garage floor that he called the hangar and introduced me to his team of mechanics. All of them were men, and all of them were handsome and giants! They looked like strippers dressed up as mechanics if I was being honest. It was unnerving to be in the company of so many attractive, burly men. I suddenly understood why so many women were in the waiting room. I totally got it. “Lads!” Mr Collins shouted. “Come and meet Ina O’Shea, she’s our new receptionist. Behave when speakin’ to her, or I’ll redden your arses.

She’s a lady.” A lady. I beamed at the compliment. I had been called many vile things by Daddy and Finn before, but only my granda had ever called me a lady. A little lady. The comment endeared me to Mr Collins, and he didn’t even know it. He left me with a smile and a wave as a few men approached me. “Hel-lo.” I smiled. “Hello.” The man who spoke to me looked similar to Dante and Gavin, which left me wondering just how many Collins men were there? “I’m Harley.” His red-rose lips curled upward. “And you are? I didn’t catch the aul fella say your name.” “I’m Ina.” “Pretty name for a pretty woman.” Harley grinned. “It’s great to meet ye.” I felt my cheeks heat as I mumbled, “Thank you.” “Date has bagsy.” Another man who looked like Dante said from the car he was working on. “He called it before she even got here. Nice to meet ye, Ina. I’m JJ, the eldest brother.” “Hi, JJ.” Harley groaned out loud. “That’s bollocks!” JJ shrugged. “Don’t shoot the messenger. He knew ye’d react the way ye did when ye clocked her, so he told me to tell ye he’d break your dick if ye tried anythin’.” “I fuckin’ hate him,” Harley growled, then stormed towards the door of the reception. “I really fuckin’ hate him.” I looked at JJ. “What just happened?” He chuckled. “Nothin’, love.” I shook it off. “Okay, well, I forgot to ask your daddy this, but what should I wear to work?”

“Ye’ll be at the reception all day, and ye’ll have to deal with the customers, so office attire will work.” I felt a little sick. I had never worn office attire before. “Um, office attire,” I repeated. “Like skirt suits?” “Is that those pencil skirts suits?” JJ asked when he turned to face me, adjusting the black rubber gloves on his hands. “The really fitted ones?” “Yeah.” “Wear those, then.” JJ grinned. “Ye’ll look great.” “Thanks for your help. I’d have panicked if I got home and realised I didn’t know what to wear.” I looked at a really tall man who wore the same uniform as the other men, only he had lots of tattoos. There was no getting around it. The man was gorgeous—film star kind of gorgeous—but he wasn’t a Collins. I could tell that straight off the bat. Now that I thought of it, JJ, Harley, Dante, and Gavin looked like they stepped off a GQ cover. It was intimidating how attractive they all were. Even Mr Collins was a looker! “I’m Ryder Slater.” He held out his hand, and I shook it. “Welcome to the auto family, Ina.” “Thanks, Ryder.” I smiled at him. “If ye don’t mind me askin’, where are ye from?” “New York and you?” “County Carlow,” I answered. “You’re seriously tall.” “I’m the same height as these assholes—excuse me, these knuckleheads.” He was lying. He had a couple of inches on Dante and the other men in the garage, except JJ, who looked the same height as him. With Dante suddenly on my mind, I glanced around but couldn’t see him. “I better get goin’,” I said to Ryder, JJ, and Gavin, who walked out of a room at the back of the hangar. “I’ve got some work clothes to buy.” All three of the men grinned at me—all fecking three of them.

“Will ye say goodbye to Dante for me and also say a massive thankyou? He’s a real sweetie for helpin’ me get this job.” Gavin was about to speak, but JJ nudged him, and he stopped before he even started. “We’ll tell him.” JJ winked. “See ye Monday.” “Bye, lads.” I turned and walked out of the hangar, and I prayed that I didn’t trip and fall because I could feel the eyes of the three men burn into my back as I strode away. When I was out of sight, I did a little happy dance, then clutched the strap of my bag tighter and headed in the direction of the bus stop. I needed to get some work clothing and heels, but I didn’t have a lot of money, so I had no choice but to go to one place where I knew I could get what I needed and not have to worry about selling a kidney. Pennys.



Ina O’Shea had fucked my head up. I met the woman briefly. Both of my encounters with her had lasted no more than ten minutes. Ten. Fucking. Minutes. That was all, and I was acting out of sorts. It was embarrassing to be behaving like a little schoolboy with his first crush. I had sex with cock-hardening women almost daily, and not once did I carry on this way. Even when I was having casual sex with Alannah Ryan, I didn’t have this instant connection. I didn’t know what it was about Ina and her pretty face that made me think of her for the past forty-eight hours, but I couldn’t stop. As soon as I clocked out of work on Saturday, I headed straight home. As it was the weekend, my brothers expected me to go with them to the pub, but I declined with the excuse that I was tired. I was tired ... tired of not getting my fill of my spectacle-wearing neighbour. I wanted to see her, so I hung around my apartment doing nothing all night in the hopes that I might just bump into her in the hallway. It was pathetic. It didn’t happen, though.

She had obviously gotten home before I finished work and stayed in all evening. I was tempted to text her and congratulate her on landing the receptionist’s job and invite her out to dinner to celebrate that win, but I didn’t want to seem like I was thinking about her on a Saturday night, so I didn’t. I tossed and turned all night until I woke up the following morning feeling exhausted. Sunday passed by in a slow haze as well. The garage was closed on Sundays. I knocked on Ina’s door at a quarter to nine on Monday morning to see if she’d like a lift to work, but I got no answer, which told me she had already left. I pulled up outside of the garage at two minutes to nine. I jumped out of my brand-new Ford Ranger Stormtrak that I had just bought a month ago. I had spent three years saving up so I could buy a truck outright instead of carrying around a monthly payment, and it was the best decision I had ever made. Twirling my keys around my fingers, I strolled straight into the half-open shutter at bay one, where my brothers were crowded around someone. “What’s goin’ on?” “Date?” Gavin turned with a shit-eating grin. “We were just wishin’ Ina the best of luck on her first day.” I opened my mouth to do the same, but when Harley and JJ stepped aside and gave me a full view of my itty-bitty neighbour, my fucking legs nearly buckled from under me. She had on a navy pencil skirt with a matching waist-length blazer draped over her arm. Her tight white blouse had silver-coloured buttons that caught the sunlight. It was fitted. God in Heaven, it was so fucking fitted. The clothing Ina wore the first two times I’d been in her company did not do her body justice in any way, shape, or form. Her hips were wide, and her waist was narrow. The suit hugged her body in a way that I wanted to and one day would. “Sweet baby Jesus in the manger.”

The beaming smile on Ina’s face faltered, and she reached up to touch her shiny black hair. It was slicked back and held at the back of her head in a tight bun without a single hair out of place. Her black-framed glasses were pushed up the bridge of her nose, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. She looked like a sexy librarian. I loved sexy librarians. “What is it, Dante?” I tried to appear casual when I leaned over and rested my shoulder against the lift post, and I reminded myself to fucking breathe. “What are ye wearin’, love?” Ina looked down at her naughty outfit. “What JJ told me to wear.” I switched my gaze to my eldest brother. “You did this?” “Yes,” JJ answered, smiling wide and clearly pleased with himself. “You’re welcome.” “For givin’ him a ragin’ stiffy?” Gavin mumbled with a grin. “He looks like he’s ready to come in his jocks.” I knew Ina hadn’t heard what was said because my brothers were standing to her right. She touched her right ear and turned towards them a little more so she could catch what they were saying. She suddenly looked very unsure of herself. With a frown, she focused on JJ. “I look okay, right? Ye said a pencil skirt suit would be fine for office attire, and I found the same one in a few different colours in Pennys. I got a few of the same cute blouses so I can tuck into it for when it gets warm enough to take off me blazer. Like today.” “Darlin’, ye look like a million quid,” JJ answered with a wink. “Don’t think on it for another second.” Ina’s shoulders sagged with relief as I absentmindedly walked closer to her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Before, she was simply pretty, but today, she was an unrivalled goddess who did not realise her own sex appeal. That made me want her all the more.

“Great, I’ll go into the office so your daddy can ease me into everythin’.” “I can do the easin’ if me aul fella can’t,” Gavin offered with a chuckle. “Just give me a shout.” “What?” Ina blinked. “I can’t hear out of me right ear, remember?” I reached over and smacked my little brother across the back of the head, making him hiss, and both Harley and JJ laugh. The little bastard couldn’t talk like that around her. She wasn’t forward like Aideen or any of the Slater women … she was precious. A lady. I could think of all the things I wanted to do to her, but I wouldn’t say it until I was actually doing them. I’d be afraid she’d drop dead from shock otherwise. To Ina, I said, “Go on in, country. Ye’ll do great.” She looked completely lost, bless her. I gave her a big smile, to which she nodded and walked towards the reception. My eyes were glued to her arse. She was deliciously pear-shaped. Small breasts with a tiny waist I could definitely span with both of my hands. She had hips, thighs, and an arse so thick it made me almost swallow my tongue. How the fuck was I supposed to work knowing she was in the next room looking like that? “JJ,” I mumbled, leaning to the right until Ina’s arse walked out of my view. “I love ye so much, but Christ, I hate ye too.” “Me too,” Gavin agreed. “I think Ina has a bigger arse than Bronagh. Nico will love her.” Something in my mind snapped with his observation as I turned and dove for him. “I’m sorry.” He cackled. “Stop!” Gavin was hell-bent on putting a car between us while JJ and Harley jumped to restrain me. “Leave him alone.” JJ snorted, pushing me back. “He knows she’s yours. He’s just takin’ the piss outta ye.” I grunted. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Ye got your dick wet on Thursday night and Friday mornin’.” Harley rolled his eyes. “Ye can’t be this grouchy already.” My eyes darted to the reception. “I want her.” “Da will blow a fuse,” JJ said pointedly. “He’s been ravin’ all weekend about how experienced she is for the job and how much help she will be. Don’t shag her and leg it. Ye can’t ghost a woman ye work with.” I gritted my teeth. It bothered me that they automatically jumped to me fucking a woman and walking away from her, but could I blame them? That was exactly what I had always done. That is the reason I was Date. “I couldn’t go far, even if I wanted to.” I shrugged. “Her apartment is across the hall from mine.” Gavin whistled. “Kane is playin’ with ye. I’m on the first floor with the other tenants. Why didn’t he put her in the last vacant apartment on my floor? I know the second, third, and fourth floors have at least one vacant space. Why’d he put her up on the fifth with you? The two of ye all alone up there.” I hadn’t thought of that. “Ye don’t think a Slater is playin’ matchmaker for me, d’ye?” I was good friends with my brother-in-law, but I couldn’t see him wanting to set me up with a woman … let alone one of his tenants. “Not the Slater you’re thinkin’ of,” Harley commented. I stared at him, then widened my eyes. “Aideen!” “That’s what I was thinkin’,” JJ said. “Little sis screens the tenants with Kane. I bet she had a hand in where Ina ended up. Kane can never say no to her.” I placed my hands on my hips. “The little witch,” I growled. “I’ll be havin’ words with her about this.” “After ye have your words, make sure ye thank her.” Harley grinned. “Ye already look halfway in love with our little country girl.” “My little country girl, not ours.”

Gavin leaned over the bonnet of a car. “What makes ye think ye can seduce her? She seems sheltered and more than a little skittish to me. The likes of you might scare her.” “I’ve never had to work to seduce a woman, little brother.” I felt myself grin. “They all come flockin’ to me to play ... but for Ina? Things may just change in that department.” “I hope ye know what you’re doin’.” JJ clapped his hand on my shoulder. “She seems like a nice woman, Date.” “Relax,” I said. “I’m into her.” “Ye don’t even know her.” “Fine.” I rolled my eyes at Harley. “I’m so attracted to her that me cock may as well pound nails instead of a hammer. That pencil skirt suit is seriously doin’ it for me.” Two of my brothers laughed, and one remained aloof. “Just remember what I said.” JJ shook his head. “If this one quits, Da will find a new place to lodge his foot.” “Don’t worry.” I waved my hand. “Things will go down smoother than a pint of Guinness with Ina O’Shea. Trust me, lads.” None of my brothers looked like they believed me, and for once, I didn’t buy what I was selling either. It changed nothing, though. I wanted Ina in my bed, my shower, bent over my settee, and up against my bedroom wall, and I would have her in all those ways and more. I just had to seduce her and show her that she wanted those things from me too. I was the predator who had clocked his prey, and she had no idea that I was going to hunt her down.



I banged my fist against the heavy white oak door before me. There was a period of silence, then through the door, a voice said, “We don’t want whatever it is that you’re selling, pussy.” I rolled my eyes. “Open up, yank.” “He called me a yank.” Kane chuckled, unbothered. “Did you do something to make him mad?” “Not that I can remember, but it doesn’t take much to annoy that brute.” The door opened, and I instantly narrowed my eyes at my only sister and her husband. “I came straight from work, so I’ll be havin’ words with the pair of ye. Now.” Kane raised his eyebrows. Aideen tilted her head to the side, then gestured me into their apartment. I made my way into the sitting room. Jax screamed with delight when he saw me and climbed down from his seated position on the settee. Locke, who was on his play mat on the floor lying on his stomach, glanced at me, then turned back and continued watching Paw Patrol.

The kid was a whole mood. Jax ran head first into my legs. He was only tall enough to bump my knees, but as he grew, I was going to be wary of him ramming head first into my bollocks when he charged to greet me. “What’s the craic, little man?” He answered me with a big smile and said, “Ina.” I eyed him. “Were you in on it too?” He grinned before he trotted over and lay down beside his brother. I took a seat on one settee while Kane and Aideen sat across from me on the other. His arm went around her shoulders. “What’d we do?” I glared at my sister. “Of all the apartments in this buildin’, ye put a spectacle-wearin’, curvy siren in the one facin’ mine.” Both of them smiled wide. Arseholes. “Isn’t she the cutest?” Aideen gushed. “I haven’t met her in person yet, only saw her on the lobby security footage, but Kane said she’s adorable.” I looked at Kane. “Why?” “She’s the opposite of you, very quiet and keeps to herself.” He shrugged. “Aideen thinks she’ll be good for you.” I leaned my head back against the cushion of the settee. “I’m thirtytwo,” I reminded them both. “I don’t need help from me little sister and her husband to get a woman.” “I’m very much aware that ye don’t need anyone’s help to get a woman,” Aideen grunted, “but I saw how gutted ye were after things went south with you and Alannah. Ye liked bein’ someone’s person.” I looked at my sister, and though I had every right to be irritated with her for sticking her nose in business she had no mind in, I could see she only wanted what was best for me. Kane too. That doused the flames of annoyance that simmered within me. Slightly.

“I appreciate it, but ye can’t just put a woman in me proximity and expect us to just fall in love or some rubbish ye’d see in a film, Ado.” Aideen leaned forward. “D’ye not like her?” “I like her plenty, ye meddlin’ little shite.” Aideen grinned, and Kane snorted. “What’s the problem, then?” “The problem,” I answered my brother-in-law with a pointed look, “is that just because I want to r-i-d-e her doesn’t mean it’ll lead to love.” Kane nodded in agreement and looked at Aideen. “He’s right, you know?” “I know,” she grumbled. “But just because ye want to r-i-d-e her doesn’t mean it won’t lead to love.” Kane nodded in agreement and looked at me. “She’s right, you know?” “You’re useless.” I scowled at him. “Agreein’ with us both isn’t helpful.” He shrugged. “You’re both right, though.” I glanced down at my nephews, then back up at the adults. “Ye wanna know how I met her?” “Yes!” Aideen almost burst. “I absolutely do.” “The night I was babysittin’ these two angels.” I cut my eyes to Jax for a moment, then returned them to his mother. “She was makin’ a shite load of noise at four in the mornin’, and it woke the big boy up. I was pissed, so with Jax in me arms, I went across the hallway and banged on the door, ready to knock someone out. I thought it was a bloke … but to me surprise, it wasn’t. It was a gorgeous little bit of a woman who was sobbin’.” “No!” Aideen gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. “Why was she cryin’?” “She had a long, tough day,” I explained. “I found this out after I hugged her because I didn’t know what else to do with a cryin’ woman.

Then stuff got awkward when Jax whacked on her head with his rattle, and she slumped against me.” “What?” “Yep, your son is the rattle whacker. He’s wanted in six counties.” “Why didn’t ye tell me when I got the boys the next mornin’?” I shrugged at my sister’s question. “I had other stuff on me mind.” “Stuff like Ina?” I cut her a look. “Maybe.” Aideen clapped her hands together. “Ye like her.” “Yeah.” I nodded. “She’s pretty, she’s little, and God in Heaven does she have an arse and pair of thighs that’d rival Bronagh Murphy’s.” Kane raised his brows at the mention of his younger brother’s missus. “Really? She was wearing a baggy dress during the viewing of the apartment, so I didn’t see her ass … not that I’d have looked, baby doll.” His added sentence to appease his wife made me snort. “Get back to Jax hittin’ her.” Aideen waved her hand. “What happened next?” I filled them in on discovering Ina was deaf, which surprised Kane because he didn’t know either, and how she accidentally broke a hearing aid and was stressed with her move that led to her causing so much racket at the early hour. I then proceeded to tell them both about how I got her an interview at the garage and how she landed the job. “Dante!” Aideen beamed. “Ye did a good thing, hon.” “Ye should see her.” I chuckled. “She’s so bloody excited to have the job. She takes it dead serious too, which Da’s over the moon about.” “Date.” I looked at Kane. “You can’t f-u-c-k around with her now that she’s your co-worker,” he said firmly. “You might have gotten away with casual s-e-x as a neighbour, but you’re close to her in two ways now. She also doesn’t know anyone in

Dublin. She didn’t give me her whole backstory, just told me that she came here for a new start.” Kane kept his eyes on mine as he spoke. “I ran a background check on her, obviously, and she’s from a small town called Kildavin, County Carlow, has a degree in business from a community college, and lives on a farm with her father. That is literally it. Her whole life seemed to revolve around her home life. Before this week, she had no bank account, never mind a credit card, and she still has no driver’s licence or passport. She showed me her birth certificate as proof of identification. She seems a little lost and scared, bro.” “That’s the reason ye rented to her?” I raised an eyebrow. “We both know your apartments can rent for over sixteen hundred or more for the one-bedrooms alone. How much did ye rent it to her for?” “None of your business, a-s-s-h-o-l-e.” I shook my head. “A grand or less then.” He glared at me, telling me I guessed right. “Ye’ll bankrupt yourself bein’ so soft, mate.” “I won’t.” He waved his hand. “I don’t rent cheap to everyone … just people who need a helping hand. I put them in this tower for a reason.” “Like all those disabled pensioners who live on the bottom floor with Gavin and Kalin?” “Exactly.” I chuckled. “You’re a good man, Kane Slater. Even when you’re bein’ a d-i-c-k-h-e-a-d.” “Date,” Jax suddenly called me. “Food?” I laughed, and so did Kane. “No. Ye already ate all your dinner.” Aideen scowled at him. “If ye eat anymore, ye’ll be sick.” Jax sighed and turned back to the television. He patted Locke’s tummy, which was fucking adorable.

“And call him Uncle,” my sister added. “Not Date.” “He’s a riot.” “How hard did he hit Ina for her to get light-headed?” “Three hard whacks.” I shook my head. “The boy is strong.” “I wonder if … wait a second.” Both Aideen and I shared a look and a shrug, not knowing what Kane was talking about until he pulled out his phone and tapped on the screen. “I have a direct link to the security feeds. Let me tap into the feed on your floor on Friday night … what time exactly? I’ll put it up on the TV.” “Should be around four on the dot, which would technically be Saturday mornin’.” We all looked at the telly when Kane changed the channel. The boys shouted in protest, but Aideen hushed them. She picked Locke up, who quietened down when she lifted her shirt and began to feed him. I looked at Jax, who climbed onto my lap. He rested his back against me as Kane scanned through the minutes on the screen until Jax and I appeared. “Surprise, surprise, you’re shirtless.” Aideen chuckled. “Thank God ye kept your trousers on.” “I always do around your d-i-c-k-punchin’ child.” Kane hit play, zoomed in, and we watched my first interaction with Ina O’Shea in high definition. It had sound, which surprised me. I cringed, and so did Jax’s parents when Jax hit Ina. Aideen told Kane to hit pause, and when he did, she gave Jax her best “mammy glare”. “That was very bold,” she scolded him. “Ye never hit another person, d’ye understand me?” I wasn’t sure if he did entirely, but Jax nodded and looked at the screen. “Ouchy Ina.” “Yeah,” I murmured to him. “Ouchy Ina, but she’s okay now. Don’t be sad, buddy.”

Jax nodded and squeezed my hand as Kane hit play. We watched for a few more minutes, and Aideen chuckled. “You’re both shamelessly flirtin’.” My lips twitched. “D’ye blame me?” I disappeared from view into my apartment to get Ina the old phone I had. I watched as Ina quickly fixed her hair, then looked down at her body and covered her face. “She’s just realised she only has a T-shirt on.” We chuckled as she tried to tug it down to cover more of her thighs, but she straightened and quickly leaned against her doorway when I returned. “She likes ye,” Aideen said as Kane ended the feed. “Or at the very least, is attracted to ye.” “Yeah,” I agreed. “But she’s shy and not very sure of herself. She reminds me of a kitten. I deal with wild cats, not kittens. I thought Alannah was meek, but Ina takes the cake.” “D’ye still have feelings for Lana?” I looked up and found Aideen and Kane’s eyes locked on me. Kane looked like he would kick my arse if I said anything other than a firm hell fucking no. Alannah was, after all, going out with his baby brother. “Nope,” I answered honestly. “She’s me friend. I’m over any feelings I had for her, making me wonder if they were real feelings or if I just thought them up because she wasn’t a regular one-night stand. Even though I can’t stand your brother, Kane, I’m happy that she’s happy with him. She’s me friend.” Kane nodded, satisfied, and Aideen exhaled a breath of what was clearly relief. “Approach Ina differently,” she suggested. “If ye actually want her, I mean.” “I do want her.” “For more than s-e-x?” I hesitated. “I don’t know.”

“Then do yourself a favour and don’t seduce the woman,” my sister urged. “Just see how bein’ her friend goes, and if ye like her before ye do the deed, maybe ye’ll want to keep her.” “She probably won’t even want you like that,” Kane chimed in. “Just because she’s obviously attracted to you doesn’t mean anything will happen. There is a different vibe with her. If you spook her, Date, she’ll run.” I got that impression from her, too. “I’ve already made up me mind about gettin’ her. I just have to find an approach I’m not used to. Maybe I’ll do what you said, Ado. Friends first.” My sister smiled. “I’m finally gonna get me a sister-in-law.” I rolled my eyes, and Kane glanced at her. “If any of my brothers’ wives hear that, they’ll gouge your eyes out.” “Ye know what I mean.” She grinned. “A sister-in-law from one of me brothers.” “Did Dame and Lana elope or somethin’?” “Nah.” Kane shook his head. “They’re recently engaged, and the wedding will happen later next year. She doesn’t wanna be pregnant walking down the aisle, so they’re waiting.” I blinked. “Alannah’s engaged and pregnant?” “Oh, s-h-i-t.” Kane cringed. “I didn’t mean to say that.” “I don’t think it’s a secret, babe.” Aideen patted his leg, then looked at me. “Damien proposed to her a few days ago. She’s a little over five weeks gone. We all found out on Saturday when we had the first summer barbecue at Ryder and Branna’s house. Branna’s pregnant again, too. They’re both due on the same date.” I was relieved when I felt nothing but happiness for Alannah. It was a massive indication that I harboured no feelings for the woman, which was good. She had her man, and I had my sights set on someone new.

“I’m happy for both of them, and don’t worry, I won’t say a word until she tells me herself.” I cuddled Jax to me. “Me only concern is Ina. I’ve no idea how this is gonna play out with her.” “That’s what will make it interesting.” I agreed with my brother-in-law. Things with Ina would indeed be very interesting. I looked down at Jax when he yawned. “Tired, little man?” “Shite,” he mumbled, making me freeze. His parents didn’t hear him, but I fucking did. “Don’t say any of what I accidentally taught ye. Promise?” “No.” “Spawn of Satan!” We were muttering our words, but Aideen’s super-hearing picked it up. “What’d ye teach him to say, Dante?” Aideen was using her mammy voice, and it was scaring me. “I didn’t teach him anythin’. He just overheard some words that I wish he hadn’t the night I was babysittin’ him.” “What kind of words?” “Nothin’.” I put Jax on the play mat. “I love ye so much. Bye.” I left the room and headed for the front door. Just as I opened it, Jax threw me in the deep end. “Bollocks!” I heard him shout, quickly followed by, “Fuck’s sake! Shite!” I sucked in a breath. “Demon child!” Without waiting for my impending death, I turned and briskly walked down the hallway of Aideen and Kane’s apartment. I made it onto the stairs when I heard the most terrifying sound known to man—my sister bellowing like the terror she was. “DANTE LEWIS COLLINS!”

“Bollocks,” I mimicked Jax and began to run down the stairs. “Fuck’s sake. Shite.” I heard the door to the stairwell open above me seconds later, then a male growl. “You better run, Date!” It was Kane, and he sounded pissed but not half as pissed as my sister. “Listen to me!” I shouted as I continued to run down the steps. “This is all a huge misunderstandin’! I can explain everythin’. This is not a big deal!” I heard Kane’s footsteps pounding as he powered down the stairs after me. “Why’re you running, then?” “Because you’re gonna hit me!” I wasn’t scared of Kane, but I also didn’t want to be punched by him either. I knew how hard the son of a bitch could hit, and I wasn’t going to experience that pain if I could help it. I picked up my pace and ran a bit faster. “You were warned not to cuss around him!” Kane grunted, and it freaked me out because he sounded closer to me, which spurred me into a sprint. “So many times, motherfucker!” “Leave me alone!” I pleaded. “I’m only a man. It slipped out. It was four in the mornin’, and he wouldn’t go back to sleep!” I heard a door slam against the wall three floors up, and that terrifying noise sounded again. “Bring him back to me, Kane!” my sister ordered. “I want to do it meself!” It? Fucking it? “What does that mean?” I shouted as I reached the sixth floor. “Why are there so many fuckin’ stairs in this buildin’?” I heard Kane laugh, and I could feel Aideen’s anger grow by the second. If we were in a Disney movie, she’d be singing “Let It Go” right about now,

but instead of building an ice castle, she’d be letting me go … right off a fucking cliff. “Can we not use our words?” “Words are what have us in this mess!” Aideen snapped. “Me baby is sayin’ the word bollocks, Dante!” I erupted with laughter, and it was like adding fuel to a raging fire. “You’re dead!” she hollered, her voice echoing down the stairwell. “I know where ye live!” “You’re fuckin’ scary for someone so little!” I reached the fifth floor, and I let out a manly, a very manly shout when I glanced over my shoulder and saw Kane was within spitting distance of me. I yanked open the door and flat-out sprinted, but I was tackled from behind just as I reached my apartment. I hit the ground with a grunt, and when I choked out a laugh, so did Kane. “Arsehole!” I groaned in pain. “Get off me, ye weigh a tonne!” “Pretend I beat you up,” Kane replied, hardly out of breath. “She’ll kill me otherwise.” I rolled onto my back as Kane jumped to his feet. He reached down to help me to mine just as the door across from us opened, and a sweet little gasp sounded. Kane and I looked Ina’s way. My eyes went to her bare legs. I wasn’t sure where Kane’s went, but they better have been on her face. “Mr Slater?” her shocked voice asked. “Dante?” She wore that same oversized T-shirt she had on the first night I met her. “He’s me brother-in-law.” I dusted myself off after Kane pulled me to my feet. “We were just messin’ about.” Ina looked at Kane for confirmation, and when he nodded, she appeared to relax. “I … I didn’t mean to interrupt. I thought I heard a bang, but I wasn’t entirely sure.”

She was babbling, and she knew it because her face was turning red as she looked back and forth between us. “So yeah, I’m sorry. Have a nice evenin’. Bye, bye.” She ducked inside her apartment and closed the door before either Kane or myself could say a word in response. “She’s cute.” “She’s gorgeous. Did ye see her thighs? Wait, don’t answer that. You’re married to me sister.” He patted my shoulder. “When you’re married and in love like I am, women who I would normally think are sexy are just cute. Don’t worry, bro. Even in my mind, the only woman’s thighs I think of are Aideen’s.” “I know ye think that would make me feel better, but I just want to punch ye in the face. Wife or not, she’ll always be—” “Your little sister,” Kane finished, amused. “Yeah, I got that.” I grinned but only for a moment. “I really didn’t mean for Jax to pick up on those words. He is a little shite, though. I told him not to say them, and he just said them louder and clearer. He knew bloody well what he was doin’.” Kane rubbed his neck. “I know. We have to watch everything we say around him. It’s why we spell cuss words or words we don’t want him to say. He’s so clever. He’s picking up words so fast. Soon, he’ll be able to string full sentences together.” I jumped when the door to the stairwell opened. Aideen held her two sons, and I could have sworn Jax fucking winked at me. “Did ye bash him, love?” “Gave him a solid to the stomach.” Kane bobbed his head like a good boy. “His eyes welled up with tears. I saw them.” “Ha!” Aideen scowled at me, then walked to the lift and pressed a button. “I’m not through with ye yet, big brother.”

She disappeared when the doors closed while I looked at Kane with wide eyes. “What did she mean by that? Am I in danger?” “I don’t know.” He looked at me, his expression worried. “But I think you’re gonna find out sooner rather than later.” Bollocks. Fuck’s sake. Shite.



I jumped when a knock sounded on my front door. I shushed myself even though I was making no sound. Ever since I opened the door on Dante and Mr Slater, I had been hovering next to it and eavesdropping like a naughty kid. I didn’t hear much through the thick wood, so it was a waste of time on that front, but I did watch them through my peephole while standing on my tiptoes. I straightened my spine before I opened my door. I wasn’t surprised to see Dante leaning against my door panel. He was still in his work clothes. “Hi, Dante.” He lifted his arm above his head and rested it against the top panel of my door, then crossed his feet. His bicep flexed with the movement and caused me to swallow. He was so buff that I had an overwhelming urge to sink my teeth into that flexed muscle. “Hello, love.” God above, he was so handsome. Those sky-blue eyes of his were as beautiful as they were dangerous. A woman could get lost in them and find herself in big trouble if she wasn’t careful.

“I’m sorry I interrupted … whatever that was with you and Mr Slater.” Dante waved his free hand. “We were only messin’ around. No harm, no foul.” I nodded. “I wanted to find out how your first day was. Ye already left for the day by the time I finished up in the storage room, so I didn’t get a chance to ask ye.” “Oh.” I beamed. “It was brilliant. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I couldn’t have asked for a nicer place to work. Everyone has been so lovely to me.” “They’d better be,” Dante said. “Me da would give them a hidin’ otherwise. He’s been ravin’ about you since your interview.” I felt heat climb its way up my neck. “He’s overestimatin’ me abilities as a receptionist, I think.” “Maybe you’re underestimatin’ your abilities as a receptionist.” I was so embarrassed with the praise that I didn’t respond. “Your nose is red.” Dante’s blue eyes rolled over my face. “Your cheeks too.” I could have gone my whole life without him making those comments. “It’s ’cause you’re bein’ all nice to me,” I pressed the back of my hands to my warm cheeks. “I’m not used to it.” “Well, ye better get used to it.” I dropped my hands and said, “Okay.” Because what else could I say? Dante grinned. “D’ye have everyone’s name straight in the garage yet?” “I do,” I said with pride. “I struggled with Harley and Gavin this mornin’, only because they look so much alike from the back. Ryder is easy to remember. He mentioned that I’d meet his younger brother on Wednesday when he’s back from his week off.” “Damien.” Dante nodded, his tone gruff. “He’s ugly compared to the rest of us, so ye’ll spot him right away.”

I snorted because it seemed like banter, but Dante looked dead serious, so I simply nodded away the awkwardness. “It seems like a brothers-only kind of garage I’m musclin’ me way into.” “I’ll say.” Dante chuckled. “Kane is their brother too, ye know?” I dug my eyebrows in tight. “Who is whose brother?” “Kane,” Dante repeated. “Your landlord. He’s Ryder and Damien’s brother.” “Oh, Mr Slater?” I said, surprised. “That’s funny. He is your brother-inlaw, and his brothers work in the same place as you and your brothers. Small world.” “Only two of his brothers,” Dante explained. “He has two more. They’re a right group, the Slaters.” “I can only imagine.” A moment of silence stretched between us. Dante suddenly inhaled deeply, and he groaned a little as his eyes fluttered shut. I stared up at him, not knowing what he was doing but unable to look away from him. I couldn’t move either. “What is that smell?” he practically growled. “If ye say heaven, I’ll believe ye.” I remembered that I had just taken my dinner out of the oven. I had put my working aid in to hear the timer on the oven go off, that’s what allowed me to hear Dante and Mr Slater making all that noise out in the hallway. “I just made dinner.” Dante’s stomach picked that moment to rumble. Loudly. “Would … would ye like to come in?” I asked before I could stop myself. “I have extra if you’re hungry and want a plate—” “I’m always hungry and wantin’ a plate.” I giggled at his prompt interruption. “Come on in then.”

Stepping back, I gestured him into my apartment. When he walked by me, I closed the door after him. “I was about to tell ye where the kitchen was,” I tittered at myself. “As if our apartments don’t have the exact same layout.” I followed Dante into the kitchen and watched as he practically devoured the food dish with his eyes. I had made lasagne from scratch. I didn’t want to toot my own horn, but I knew my way around the kitchen. My father hated processed food, so everything he ate had to be freshly prepared from organic ingredients we grew on our farm. I didn’t entirely share his ideology when it came to that, but I did enjoy homemade food, and it seemed that Dante did too. “Please,” he said, his eyes flicking from me to the food, then back to me. “Please don’t tell me ye make lasagne homemade?” I frowned. “Is that a bad thing?” “No,” he practically whimpered. “It’s a very good thing.” The man looked like he was about to drool. “It’s not hard. I’ve been makin’ it for years. Daddy hates premade frozen meals, so I make everythin’ from scratch.” “The more ye talk, the more I want to ask ye to marry me.” I started to laugh to cover up how flustered that comment made me. I walked over to the dish and leaned up to open the press above the counter. I froze when I realised I only had one plate. I closed the door and turned to face Dante, whose captivating eyes were locked on mine. “This is so embarrassin’, but I only have one plate.” I clasped my hands together. “They sold them individually in Aldi, and until I get my first month’s wages, it was all I could afford. I’m tight on money.” “Don’t be frettin’, specs. Give me a second. I’ll grab some delph for meself from me apartment.” When Dante dipped from my apartment to his, I looked down at my hands and then at my legs, and I realised I was wearing a T-shirt. Just a T-

shirt. I fled to my bedroom and quickly pulled on a pair of black leggings. I hopped around until I got the fabric over my feet. I nearly fell on my face twice, but when I had the leggings on, I hiked them up. “Kid?” “Be right there.” “Take your time, love.” Love. Country. Specs. Kid. The man called me everything but my name. I headed back into the kitchen and laughed when I saw Dante standing over the lasagne, just staring down at it. I grabbed my oven mitts and put them on. “D’ye like cheesy garlic bread?” Dante turned his head slowly and asked, “Why?” The word was almost a whisper. “Because …” I bent down and removed the loaf of cheese-covered garlic bread that was cooking on the top rack of the oven. “I made a loaf of it as a side to the lasagne.” Dante’s mouth dropped open. “Marry me, woman.” Butterflies filled my stomach as I laughed. “Ye like it, then. Sit down. I’ll cut it up into toasties and dish ye up a big servin’ of lasagne.” Dante was seated at my kitchen table before I finished speaking. It took only a minute or so, but I joined him with two plates filled with food. “What’re ye gonna do with the rest? Ye’ve got a lot left in that dish.” He eyed the dish like he wanted to run away with it. “I was gonna meal prep and pack it for lunch for the next few days, but I’m thinkin’ I should send ye home with a doggy bag.” “The gentleman in me wants to insist that ye keep all your leftovers for your meal preppin’, but the selfish bastard in me is gonna take ye up on your offer because, God almighty, this smells divine.”

I flushed with pleasure. “Don’t worry about it. I’m happy to give ye some to take home. I can always make more. It’s a favourite dish of mine, so I make it a few times a month.” “Can I come callin’ on those days? ’Cause I do not want to miss out on this spread.” His hungry eyes were devouring the food as he licked his pink lips. “Sure ye can. I’ll let ye know in advance when I make it.” Dante picked up his cutlery at the same time as I reached for his hand. He looked at my outstretched hand, then at my face, and I shrugged. “I pray before meals.” I wasn’t an overly religious person, but I did try to attend church as much as I could, and I always prayed. I had spent most of my Sunday morning visiting with the parish priest, and he welcomed me into his church with open arms. My faith was all I had back in Carlow. It had gotten me through some very dark times—from Daddy’s beatings to Finn's beratings. “Oh.” Dante set down his knife and fork. “Sorry.” He took my hand in his, and it shouldn’t have been anything other than simple hand holding whilst speaking to God, but it was more than that. It was intimate. Dante’s hand was large, slightly calloused, and enveloped my tiny one. I flicked my eyes from his hand to his body, and I couldn’t stop myself from comparing Dante to my ex-boyfriend. Finn was as tall as Dante, but their similarities ended there. My ex was skinny, and Dante was thick with muscle from his job at the garage. I had never known a mechanic’s job was so physically demanding, but it was, and Dante’s body reaped the benefits of it. Where Finn was fair, Dante was dark. His dark chocolate-brown hair had my fingers twitching to run through the thick locks. My eyes moved to his fair-skinned face. His blue eyes could bring me to my knees with a wink. He had a beard, but it was trimmed tightly to his face and well maintained. He was so masculine, so primal, and

I felt time stop when I realised that I was incredibly attracted to Dante. Not only did I think he was sexy, handsome, and everything in-between but I liked him too. He was a good man who had helped me get a job, and he was sitting in my kitchen at that very moment because he was checking on me to see how my first day at work went. I realised all of this just by holding his hand. I fancied Dante Collins. Mr Collins would sack me on the spot if he knew what my impure thoughts were regarding his son. I quickly decided then that just because I was attracted to Dante and thought he was incredibly sweet did not mean anything for many reasons. The main reason was that I was not allowed to mess around with Mr Collins’ sons, not if I wanted to keep my job. And I definitely wanted, and needed, to keep my job. Another reason was I was fresh out of a toxic nine-year relationship and was still healing from it. I didn’t need to think of getting close to a man, not right now ... Besides, all of this thinking was irrelevant because Dante wasn’t interested in me. He was way too much for me. I wasn’t on his level, and that was okay. “Ina?” I blinked. “Yeah.” “Ye zoned out. Ye were about to pray.” “Right.” I shifted. “Pray.” I lowered my head and closed my eyes. “Heavenly Father, we thank you for this meal and for our health and well-being. Thank you for bringin’ Dante into me life and for allowin’ Mr Collins to give me a chance at the garage. I ask you to watch over them and keep them safe. We ask this in Jesus’s name, amen.” “Amen.” I opened my eyes and looked up at Dante when he squeezed my hand. “That was sweet, kid.” I smiled. “Ready to eat?”

“Am I ready?” He licked his lips. “Ye bet your fine arse I am.” Without another word spoken, we picked up our cutlery and dug into our meals. I watched Dante as he took his first bite. He scooped up a large portion of the lasagne onto his fork, making sure to get every layer coated in the thick white sauce before he put it inside his mouth. His eyes fluttered shut, and a deep groan rumbled up his throat, making my thighs clamp together. I took a small bite of my food and focused on the taste, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Dante, who looked like he was experiencing heaven as he ate the food I cooked. Realising I fancied him was probably the worst thing I could have done because the man was just enjoying his dinner, and here I was, imagining very dirty things as he groaned and swallowed. I looked down at my plate and focused. I was being a pervert. I knew I was, but God, it was hard to look away from the man … especially when he was making sounds of pleasure like that. “I, um, take it ye like it, then?” “I have never”—he swallowed another bite—“eaten somethin’ that tastes this good.” The compliment gave me goosebumps on top of goosebumps, and it filled me with pride. “I’m glad ye think so.” “Are ye a good cook in general?” We fell into a comfortable conversation as we ate. “Not to toot me own horn, but I am. I kind of had to be good at it since I was the only person who cooked at home.” I was also the only person who cleaned, washed clothes, and ran Daddy’s business, but Dante didn’t need to know all of that soul-crushing mess. “Your ma wasn’t there?” “She left not long after I was born, then passed away a few years later from suicide,” I explained. “She has never been in me life.”

“Christ, Ina.” Dante’s jaw dropped. “I’m so sorry, love.” “It’s okay. I don’t remember her.” “Still, I’m sorry.” “Thanks, what about your ma? I haven’t met her yet. I bet she’s a hell of a woman to deal with you and your brothers.” “Me ma passed a long time ago, specs. Complications durin’ the birth of me little brother Gavin.” My heart hurt for him. “I’m so sorry, Dante.” “Thanks.” He smiled. “D’ye have any siblings?” “Nope, just me.” “Are ye close to your other family?” “No,” I answered honestly. “Me granda, who was me best friend, died when I was ten. He was everythin’ to me, and that was the only good relationship I had with a parental figure. I’m estranged from Daddy. I wasn’t happy at home with him, so I decided that bein’ on me own was what was best for me. At this point in me life, I need to put meself first, so I moved here.” “I’m sorry about your granda and your da, but I’m happy ye’ve made this decision to branch out on your own. I’d probably be stuck with another neighbour if ye didn’t ... one who probably wouldn’t make as much noise as you do.” I laughed. “The night we met wasn’t me finest hour.” “Seemed pretty fine to me.” I giggled and we ate the rest of our meal, chatting about a variety of things before it circled back around to work. “I get health insurance with this job since I earn over the wage cap for a medical card. I know it’s not all that common for workplaces to do that, so I’m extra thankful for your daddy.” I beamed. “I looked it up online today at work, and your daddy is honestly the greatest. I had to call the company to activate it by givin’ them all of me information and talkin’ it through

with a person over the phone, but it’s all set up. I’ll get a card in a few days with me name and policy number on it just in case I ever need it. One of the high points of the plan for me is that it covers a lot for people who are hearin’ and visually impaired. Aids are expensive when ye want a good quality set, glasses too.” “How expensive?” “Me glasses aren’t too bad, a couple of hundred if I stay away from the designer frames. For aids, the ones I’m lookin’ at are nearly four and a half grand.” Dante’s jaw dropped. “For one pair?” “Yup. They’re not even the dearest ones there are, but I really like the ratings on this particular set.” “What about the cochlear implant I’ve heard about? Would that help you?” I shook my head. “I’m not a candidate right now because me hearin’ aids help me hear really well, but me hearin’ loss has progressively gotten worse over the years. Right now, it is considered severe, so it’s likely that in time, me hearin’ aids won’t help me anymore. That is when I would consider gettin’ a cochlear implant. That kind of implant is what people try when nothin’ else works for their hearin’.” I took a fork full of food, chewed it, and swallowed. “Are ye sure ye want to talk about me hearin’? I know it’s not the most lively conversation. I won’t be offended in the slightest. Please, don’t feel like ye have to ask any questions.” “I don’t feel like I have to. I’m askin’ because I want to. I’ve never known anyone who is deaf like you. I like being educated on a disability I know nothin’ about. It makes me more aware.” His eagerness to learn was really sweet and considerate. “Well, what d’ye wanna know?” “Ye mentioned a sickness took your hearin’, but I can’t remember which one.”

“Bacterial meningitis,” I said. “I had it when I was eight, and it ruined me hearin’.” “Ye were only a baby. That’s horrible.” “I honestly can’t remember a whole lot of it. I recall flashes of me time in the hospital and me granda frettin’ over me, but other than that, it’s a blank. I just remember wakin’ up and everythin’ bein’ silent. It could have been so much worse, so I was lucky damaged hearin’ was the only longterm effect I suffered. When I was physically better and went back to school, I got to have me own SNA, who helped me navigate me new world and taught me sign language. At that point, me hearin’ was already bad as it is now without me aids, so learnin’ to sign was very important. It’s a possibility in the future I may lose me hearin’ completely.” I hoped I kept it out of my tone just how scared that possibility made me. “And can ye sign fluently?” “Yeah.” I nodded. “It’s like learnin’ any other language. Practice and repetition.” “Can ye teach me to sign?” My heart fluttered with his question. “Sure. We could give it a try.” “Brilliant. We can set up days when ye can spare a couple of hours and school me.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say other than, “Okay.” “How do your aids work?” Dante asked after he had used the last of his garlic bread to swipe up the remaining sauce on his plate. “How d’ye control how they work? “Buttons. When I pushed the button on the right aid, it increases the volume in both devices.” “And if you press the button on the left aid, it decreases the volume in both devices?” “Exactly. Me set are an old model, so the functions are pretty basic.”

“How d’ye know if it’s higher or lower? D’ye just rely on your hearin’?” “No,” I said. “There is a beep when I press the buttons. It’s how it lets me know that I’ve made a change.” “And how d’ye turn them off?” “I press and hold the button until it double beeps and switches off.” “And how—” “Dante,” I interrupted with a smile. “Ye don’t have to ask all these questions. I know bein’ around a deaf person can make someone feel a little awkward, but trust me, ye don’t have to ask questions or anythin’ to appear interested.” “I’m not appearin’ interested. I am interested ... interested in you.” I was not expecting that response. I stared at him and quickly concluded he meant that he was interested in knowing how hearing aids and sign language worked. “The garage,” I blurted. “I’m so happy I’m workin’ there. I know I’ll be good at the job. Your da’s rules will be easy peasy to follow.” “Rules?” Dante’s eyebrows took a nosedive. “What rules?” He doesn’t know about them? “Basically, he said I have to do what I’m paid to do and not date any of his mechanics.” Dante dropped his fork, and it clattered against his plate. “The bastard made that a rule?” I tilted my head. “Yes, he mentioned a previous receptionist left after a relationship with a mechanic went south. He doesn’t want a repeat of that, so I promised him I wouldn’t date any of his mechanics. It was an easy promise to make because you lads are all way out of my league.” “Rubbish.” I felt the smile on my face vanish. “I’m sorry?” “You are out of our league.”

He was so sweet, which was horrible because it made me like him so much more. “Thanks, Dante.” I blushed. “You’re so lovely to me.” He grunted. “I can’t believe the aul fella made that a rule.” “It happened before,” I teased. “I’ve heard all about it. Gavin’s onenight stand with Celine before she got in a huff because it wouldn’t be a regular thing and quit before your da expanded the business. After she quit, he could manage the front desk, but with the expansion, your da was cripplin’ himself with how much clientele traffic ye suddenly got. He’s probably worried about it happenin’ again, and I don’t blame him. He doesn’t want his business to fall into disarray.” “Ye think that could happen without a receptionist? Not that your job isn’t important, but disarray. Really?” “Yeah, really,” I said. “The books are perfect, but he has no system to track expenses, which means he could be savin’ so much more on taxes if he kept those receipts. His method for loggin’ income is shite, and don’t get me started on his setup with companies ye order parts from. It’s absolute chaos. Nothin’ is organised or in alphabetical order. It’ll take me a month straight to get it all into a decent system that I can navigate.” Dante’s sky blues gleamed. “If anyone can handle the mess that comes with the garage and the Collins family in general, it’s you, country.”



“Date, what hour d’ye call this? It’s the middle of the feckin’ night.” I stepped into my father’s house and closed his front door behind me. “It’s nine o’clock, Da.” “Practically witchin’ hour. What d’ye want?” I followed him into his kitchen. “Can’t a son drop by unannounced to spend some quality time with his father?” “One of me other sons can, but not you. I know ye like the back of me hand. What d’ye want?” I couldn’t help but snort. “I wanna talk to ye about Ina—” “No.” I sat down at the kitchen table and blinked. My father was over by the sink washing his hands. “What d’ye mean no?” “I mean no,” Da repeated. “You and the lads think I don’t pay attention to much at the garage, but I see and hear everythin’. I know good and well that ye’ve got your sights set on Ina, and I’m tellin’ ye now, boyo, if ye mess around with that lady and run her out of me garage, you’re sacked and disowned.”

I spluttered, “Da!” “Don’t ‘Da’ me. Your name is Date for a reason.” He turned his head and pierced me with the same blue eyes all his children inherited. “You’re not to interfere with Ina’s life. She is a honey pie, and I won’t have ye entertainin’ her for a night or two, then ignorin’ her.” I shifted uncomfortably. “I never ignore the women I sleep with if I see them. I just don’t engage them for a second round. That’d encourage them that I want somethin’ more when I don’t.” “Exactly.” Da dried his hands, turned, and leaned against the countertop. “Ye can’t escape Ina, son. She’s your co-worker and your new neighbour from what I’ve heard. Do yourself a favour and don’t get tangled up with her. It’ll end badly. I’m warnin’ ye.” I huffed. “You’re overthinkin’ this.” “And you’re underthinkin’ it,” he countered. “It took me ages to find someone as qualified, competent, and on the ball as Ina, and she’s only worked one full day. I don’t wanna lose her, Date, and I won’t. I’ll shove me foot so far up your arse that ye’ll taste leather if ye bother my girl.” “Your girl?” “Yes.” Da grinned. “Mine. Ye can’t have her. I’ve already laid claim to her. She’s me work daughter.” For God’s sake. “You’re bein’ ridiculous, Da. Tellin’ me I can’t have her and makin’ it a rule that she can’t mess around with any of your mechanics. You’re makin’ this worse for me.” “I’m devastated for ye, son.” Da rolled his eyes. “Me heart bleeds for ye.” Sarcastic arsehole. “Comin’ here was a waste of time,” I scowled and got to my feet. “Ye’ve only gone and made her look all the more temptin’.”

“That’s why ye need to do some reflection, son. Ina isn’t a temptation for you or any other man. Her value is more than just her ability to have sex. She’s a lady who deserves to be respected. She’ll have that from you and me other lads, or so help me God, I’ll redden each and every single one of your arses. Ye best believe that, boyo.”

“Date, did your dick fall off or something? I can see your man pout from out here.” I finished replacing the spark plug in the engine I was working on and turned my head. When I spotted Nico Slater walking towards me from bay two’s entrance, I scowled at him. I had been a miserable person to speak to since I had left my father’s house the night before. It was late afternoon the following day, and a dark cloud still hung over my head. Even my brothers didn’t bother me too much as we worked. That same consideration was never given by a Slater. “Piss off. I’m in a foul mood, and your ugly face is the last thing I need to see.” Nico snorted. “You only say that because I have the same face as Damien.” “Don’t mention blondie to me,” I growled. “I’m in a—” “Foul mood,” Nico finished. “Yeah, I got that.” “Then piss off.” “I can’t. Damien’s off work until tomorrow, and he left his credit card in his locker. I’m picking it up for him because I’m such a nice guy.” Yeah, right. “Like fuck ye are. I bet Bronagh made ye come over.” “You’re right. She did.” I smirked. “How is Miss Murphy? Still as fine as ever?” Nico lost his grin. “Don’t.”

You could talk to Nico Slater about a lot of things, but talking about how sexy his woman was wasn’t one of them. “Temper, temper, sunshine,” I teased. “No violence allowed in the garage.” “You and Damien never seemed to get that message.” That was the God’s honest truth. “His locker is number five. It’s in the—” “Hey!” Ina’s voice shouted from the reception. “Come back here! Ye have to pay your invoice, sir. Hey!” I turned my head and watched as a grown man all but sprinted towards the Audi XR that I had spent the better part of three hours working on this morning. Before I realised I had moved, I was out of the hangar and next to the driver’s door. The guy hadn’t closed it yet, so I gripped the top of it firmly. “You’re runnin’ out on payin’ your invoice, are ye takin’ the piss?” The man wasn’t a stupid kid pulling a runner. He was my age or a little older. “Fuck off!” he barked. “Shut the door, or I’ll break your fuckin’ arm.” This was exactly what I needed, some piss-poor excuse of a man testing my patience when I had none. I pulled the door fully open, grabbed the bloke by the scruff of his neck, and hauled him out of the car. He was shorter than me, but not by much. “Now. Go ahead and break me arm.” The man didn’t answer. He swung on me instead. I ducked my head, delivered a punch to his gut, and when he bent forward in pain, I slammed my fist into the side of his face. His attempt to swing his elbow my way was feeble, and I cracked my head against his, loafing him. I heard a scream. “Dante, stop!” The second Ina’s panic-stricken voice registered with me, I backed off. I released the man, and he slumped down his car until his arse plonked onto

the ground. Blood gushed from his nose, and he looked stunned. I took a step back and glared down at the piece of shite. Hitting him didn’t make me feel better. It just gave me a fucking headache. Shouldn’t have stuck him a loaf. “I’ve called the guards,” Da hollered from behind me. “That’s enough, Date.” “I’m done!” I shouted. To the man, I said, “Bet ye wished ye paid your invoice now, bud. Don’t ye?” The next forty-five minutes went by rather quickly. The Gardaí showed up within fifteen minutes, which didn’t surprise me. Their station was five minutes away from the garage. The bloke I decked was fully alert now, and though he was in pain, he wasn’t running his mouth like he was before. He was actually apologising to the ban-garda who questioned him. He said sorry to me too as I watched him like a hawk. In the end, we came to an agreement. If he paid his invoice, then he didn’t get arrested. The fact that he was a bloody mess with a nose that was definitely broken wasn’t even brought into the conversation by the garda after the man told him that he fell. It was near closing time when all the excitement died down and when I noticed Nico Slater was still present, I sent a scowl his way. “You’re like a bad smell that I can’t get rid of.” He shrugged. “This shit doesn’t happen in my family anymore. I wanted to see how things ended.” “Meanin’ ye wanted to see if I ended up in cuffs?” “Nah, more like I wanted to see if you’d try to whoop the guy some more. I’ve gotta give it to you, Date, you impressed me. That headbutt? Perfectly timed.” “Loafin’ him seemed like a good idea at the moment, but me head disagrees now.” “I’ll bet. You’re quick, though.”

“Thank JJ. I learned to be quick when I was a kid to avoid his digs.” Nico grinned, then flicked his eyes over my shoulder. I turned, and when I spotted Ina, I tensed. Her green eyes were on my hands. My reddened knuckles had dried blood on them. She looked worried. “Are ye okay, Date?” All my frustration from the past twelve hours poured from me, and I took it out on Ina. “Don’t fuckin’ call me that. Only me friends call me Date.” “I’m so sorry.” Ina shrunk in place. “I … I thought we were friends.” Before I could say another word, she turned and hurried towards the reception. I watched her go for a moment before I closed my eyes, lifted my hand to my face, and groaned. “Fuck!” “Yep,” Nico said. “Fuck.” “Shut up, man.” I dropped my hand. “I shouldn’t have done that.” “Nah. But I bet she’ll forgive you if you ask real nice.” I stuck my finger up at the annoying prick as I followed Ina into the reception. When I got inside, I saw she was busy grabbing her bag and hooking the strap over her shoulder. She was in the middle of saying goodbye to my father, who was lingering in the hallway that led to the office. When she turned and walked towards the exit of the reception, she spotted Nico and me because he followed me inside and paused for a moment before she started forward again. I stepped into her way, and her hold on her bag’s strap tightened. “Excuse me.” “I didn’t mean what I said.” “Excuse me.” “I’m not excusin’ ye until ye hear me out, Ina.” She adjusted her glasses. “I have to get home.” “Ye have to hear me out.”

She tilted her head back and looked up at me. I expected to see anger in her green eyes, but all I saw was hurt, making me feel worse than I already did. I had upset her when I shouted at her. “Ye misunderstood what I said,” I explained. “When I said only me friends call me Date, what I meant was … fuck, I don’t know what I meant. All I know is I don’t like hearin’ ye call me Date. I prefer when you say Dante. Everyone else calls me Date … I don’t want you to.” “That’s fine, I understand. I won’t call ye Date again.” “Ina. Please. I’m sorry, okay?” “Save it, Dante.” She straightened. “Ye acted like an arsehole. How ye treated me just now was no better than how that man treated you. He took it, but I refuse to. Now, please move. I won’t ask you again.” Thoroughly chastised, I stepped to the side, and she stormed out of the reception before I could blink. I hadn’t expected that lick of fire from her. Granted, I had only known her for a few days, but she seemed timid and shy to everyone else. That bit of fire that bubbled to the top was new … it made me wonder how much more there was to my little country girl. “So that is Miss O’Shea,” Nico commented as he moved to my side, watching her march away toward the bus stop. “Ryder told me about her. Oh, that pencil skirt hugs her right.” I tensed. “Don’t.” He raised an eyebrow and said, “Interesting.” “What’s fuckin’ interestin’?” “That you don’t tolerate another man checking out the new girl or talking up her assets. I just find it interesting.” “Find it interestin’ somewhere else. Otherwise, the next person’s face that I slam me fist into is yours. I’m not dealin’ with hurricane Bronagh if that happens. That’s a storm I don’t know how to weather.” “My guy”—Nico laughed, unbothered by my threat—“me either.” “Get blondie’s credit card and piss off, Slater.”

I glanced at him and saw he was tapping away on his phone. “What’re ye doin’ now?” “Making a reminder to buy Bronagh a pencil skirt suit like the one Ina was wearing. It totally does it for me.” He ducked out of the room when I raised my fist, laughing as he went. I dropped my arm, then looked towards my father and noted his intense stare before he turned and left me alone in the reception. Great, if I didn’t already feel like a piece of dirt, that disappointed look my father shot my way sealed the deal. Ina was right. I was an arsehole.



I knew it was too good to be true. The thought ran through my head as I washed up after dinner. It’d been a few hours since I’d gotten home from work, a few hours since Dante battered the snot out of a man and shouted at me loud enough for the whole world to hear. Whenever I thought about it, tears stung the back of my eyes. I shook it off when simmering anger set in. Before I left Carlow, I vowed to never let a man shout at me like I was nothing again, and I was sticking to that. Finn had done it too many times to count, and I was worth more than being someone’s verbal punching bag because they had a stick up their arse. I heard a knock on my front door that made me freeze. I had left my hearing aid in because my gut told me that Dante would come by to try to speak to me. I told myself to take my aid out and be oblivious to him and any sounds he made, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t explain why, but I wanted Dante to stop by and try to apologise to me. I knew he was a good man, and I wanted him to prove that by doing the right thing and saying sorry to me. He had said it in the garage, but that was an

impulsive apology. I wanted a real apology now that he had time to marinate on what he had done. That didn’t mean I was going to make it easy on him, though. “Ina.” He knocked again. “Can ye ’ear me? D’ye ’ave yer ’earin’ aid in, ’oney?” He was slurring his words. At first, I didn’t move a muscle because flashes of my father being drunk and hurting me came to the front of my mind. Fear kept me rooted to the spot until I reminded myself that Dante was not Daddy. He would never put his hands on me to harm me. I knew he wouldn’t. He was a good man, not a coward. I put one foot in front of the other and hurried out of my kitchen, down my short hallway, and pulled the door open. I jumped when Dante’s body stumbled forward. I heard a voice curse that most certainly was not Dante’s. It belonged to his eldest brother. “Pull yourself together, man! This shite’s fuckin’ embarrassin’.” “Don’t talk t’me,” Dante threw over his shoulder. “Ye agree with Da.” “Because he’s right.” “Ina.” Dante turned his tired, bloodshot eyes on me. “Tell JJ he’s wrong.” I stared up at this giant of a man who was sexier than sin and though I was angry with him, hurt over him … when he looked at me with those big blues, I wanted to do anything he asked of me. He looked sad. “You’re wrong, JJ.” Dante’s smile could have knocked me off my feet if he didn’t stumble forward, bump into me, and do the job himself. He took me to the ground, and I was aware that my hearing aid was knocked out of my ear. Instantly, my hearing was gone. Soft, muffled sounds were all that registered. Dante leaned up off my body, and his mouth moved, but I didn’t catch what he said. “Me hearin’ aid!” I panicked. “I can’t hear ye.”

JJ hauled Dante up to his feet, so I rolled over, grabbed my aid, and sprung upright, too. Hurriedly, I put it into my ear, adjusted it, and waited. When I looked at JJ and saw he was speaking to me, my heart nearly stopped. This was my last working aid. I needed it. “No, no!” I blinked back tears as I removed my aid, tried the power button, and put it back in my ear. “Please, work!” I waited and waited, but I heard nothing. My only working aid was now broken. “No.” I burst into tears. “Fuck!” I turned away from Dante and JJ and hurried down my hallway and into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, pressed my back against the hardwood, and slid down until my behind touched the ground. I was so fucking screwed. I had health insurance with my job, and the plan was really great. It covered seventy-five percent of any hearing devices I was prescribed, but I had to pay the remaining balance out of pocket, and I didn’t have that kind of money right now. I only had two full days of work at the garage under my belt. My first payday wasn’t until the end of the month. I closed my eyes, pulled my knees up to my chest, and pressed my face against them. Once again, I found that I was in the presence of Dante barelegged and wearing the only oversized sleepshirt that I owned. He probably thought I wore the same thing every single night without washing it. That thought made me more upset than I already was, then I realised that I just ran from Dante and his brother like a fool, leaving them in my doorway. This day needed to come to a fucking end. I opened my eyes when I felt a little vibration on my back, then a firmer one that made me jump. One of the brothers realised I couldn’t hear them, and they were trying to make as much noise as possible. The sounds were muffled, but paired with the vibrations against my back, I assumed the

noises were of a fist pounding firmly against my bathroom door. I stood, turned, and opened it. Dante stepped forward into my space immediately. He looked so worried that he appeared to have sobered up some. His eyes were still bloodshot but he had lost that droopy, unsteady look to them. “I’m so sorry, baby,” Dante said. “I didn’t mean to fall on ye. Did I hurt ye?” Surprisingly, he didn’t. “No,” I answered. “I’m okay.” “No, you’re not.” He lifted his hands to my cheeks and thumbed away my tears. “I made ye cry. I’ve made a mess out of everythin’.” I didn’t reply. “I’m gonna bring ye to get new aids tomorrow, okay?” he assured me. “I’m the reason it’s broken, so I’ll pay for replacements.” “Ye only broke this one, Dante.” I sniffled. “I broke me other one.” “Don’t care. I’m gettin’ ye a new set.” “No.” I shook my head. “The ones I want are over four and a half thousand euros, and that’s just the startin’ price. They could cost more if I need any custom work on them. Me health insurance with your daddy is great, but I still have to pay a good chunk of money out of pocket. It’s too much money for you to—” “Please,” Dante interrupted. “Let me fix this. I broke it, so let me fix it.” I had a feeling he was talking about a whole lot more than my hearing aids. I looked down for a few moments until his thumb ran over my lower lip. I lifted my head. “Look at me so ye can know what I’m sayin’, okay?” I nodded and focused on him. “I’m sorry I shouted at you,” he said, his eyes piercing mine. “I’ve never regretted anythin’ more. I’m so sorry, Ina. The look of hurt I put in your eyes today, I never want to see it again. I’ll never treat ye so poorly again, I promise.”

I believed him. I saw in his eyes that upsetting me had upset him. “Can ye forgive me?” Without a thought, I nodded, and his shoulders appeared to slump with relief. “That’s me girl.” My tummy fluttered. “Dante…” I swallowed. “I can’t be your girl.” “You already are, country.”



“What’re ye callin’ me for, Ryan?” I grumbled the second I answered my phone. “I’m hungover as fuck.” “I heard ye had some trouble in the garage yesterday.” Alannah Ryan’s sweet-sounding voice flowed through the receiver of my phone. “Nico says ye decked a bloke.” “I did,” I said. “Then I got drunk, and now I’m dyin’ because I got drunk. I regret many things.” She snorted. “Nico also said somethin’ interestin’ was goin’ on between you and the garage’s new receptionist.” “That fella is a gossipin’ little fairy.” “Date,” Alannah pressed. “Tell me about her.” “Nothin’ to tell,” I grumbled. “Her name’s Ina, she’s twenty-seven, she’s drop-dead gorgeous with the body of a siren, she’s a culchie, and she’s as sweet as sugar, but me da made her off-limits. I’m sad about it, hence me deckin’ a bloke and gettin’ drunk.” Alannah giggled. “Since when has anythin’ stopped ye from gettin’ a woman ye want?”

“Since me aul lad threatened to shove his foot up me arse.” “That’s as good a reason as any to stay away from her.” “Yup.” “Look, when ye get with her, and we both know ye will, I want ye to know that I wish ye all the best with her.” I blinked. “Lana, I’m interested in fuckin’ her.” That was an arsehole thing to say, and I knew it. “Nico says ye look at her like ye’d give her the world if it was in your palm. He also said ye got extremely defensive when he commented on her body … that’s more than ye just havin’ an interest in her for just sex, Date.” I said nothing. “I just wanted to say I wish ye the best … but I also want to tell ye somethin’ else because you’re me friend and I love ye.” Here it comes. “I’m engaged,” she blurted. “And I’m pregnant … with a baby.” I was silent for a moment, but when I heard her sharp intake of breath, I laughed. “Congratulations, gorgeous girl,” I said, forgetting my headache and problems for a moment. “I’m happy for ye, honey. Truly, I am.” “Thanks, Date.” She sighed a big breath of relief. “We both really appreciate it.” “I’m not extendin’ me congratulations to that blond bitch you’re shacked up with, me happiness is just for you. I already feel sorry for your kid because half of its DNA will be his, which means your child will be half fanny.” Alannah snickered. “I’ve gotta go, be good.” “When am I not good?” She cackled, then hung up on me. I pocketed my phone and groaned when my head pounded. I was never drinking again. Never.

“Mornin’, Date!” JJ’s voice practically screamed from across the hangar. “It’s a beautiful summer’s day, isn’t it, little brother?” “Shut,” I growled, “the fuck up.” My head was pounding like a fucking jackhammer. My decision the previous night to go to the pub and drink away my problems after what had turned out to be a shitty day no longer seemed like such a good idea. I’d vomited twice since I woke up at eight that morning. A shower and a litre of water didn’t help me feel better either. I hoped the two painkillers I popped not too long ago would kick in soon. Otherwise, it was likely that I’d up and fucking die. Having a hangover in my thirties was the equivalent to same-day surgery recovery, and no one could tell me any different. “Are ye a little fragile this mornin’, bud?” JJ asked, keeping his voice raised. “I wonder why that is?” If I had the energy, I’d kill the bastard. “JJ, please,” I pleaded. “I’m a second away from pukin’ again. Me head is killin’ me, and my hand is achin’ somethin’ awful.” The pain in my hand was a reminder of the beating I gave to the man who tried to run out on paying for the services we provided yesterday. “All three of those things are your own fault, so ye won’t get an ounce of sympathy from me.” “I’m not lookin’ for sympathy,” I scowled. “I’m askin’ ye to shut your mouth and leave me alone. Let me suffer in peace.” “Nope.” JJ crossed the floor to me. “Did ye remember what I told ye last night?” “That I’m a stupid prick?” “What else?” “That I wasn’t raised to be such an inconsiderate wankstain who objectifies women?”

Drunk or not, I remembered every single word JJ said to me after we left Ina’s apartment. He gave me a bollocking that echoed in my ears long after he left my side. “Bingo.” JJ clamped his hand on my shoulder. “Look, you’re a good man … but how you’re behavin’ over Ina these past couple of days is foul. You’re hell-bent on gettin’ in her knickers even though Da made it clear to you and her that it couldn’t happen. We all think it’s a bad idea if ye approach her for just sex, and ye don’t like that. Gettin’ plastered after work last night caused more trouble for Ina after treatin’ her like rubbish yesterday.” I looked down as JJ spoke. I was too embarrassed, too ashamed. “You’re right,” I said with a nod. “You’re dead right.” “So what are ye gonna do about it?” “Man up,” I straightened. “I want her somethin’ fierce, but I’ll do what everyone has suggested, and I’ll back off. Maybe being friends with her like Aideen suggested in the first place is a good idea … I like her.” I didn’t know in what way I liked Ina, though. Maybe it was just sexual attraction, but when I had dinner with her in her apartment and we talked, it was the most fun I had ever had with a woman without getting naked. She made me laugh, she intrigued me, and being in her company made me feel good. She calmed me. No one had ever calmed me before. “I know ye like her.” JJ gave my arm a whack. “Ye wouldn’t be this bent outta shape after five days of knowin’ a woman if fuckin’ her was all ye wanted.” “That’s the thing, man. How can I want somethin’ more when I’ve known her for five days total?” “Instant connection, maybe?” JJ shrugged. “Da met Ma on a Monday, the day he turned eighteen, and married her the followin’ Sunday. She was pregnant with me three weeks later, and they were together and in love up until she passed.”

“Christ, JJ.” I shifted my stance. “Don’t be comparin’ me interest in Ina to Ma and Da’s relationship. We both know their love was everythin’ that’s good in this miserable world.” “All I’m sayin’ is that ye like Ina, and there’s no harm in that, but ye have to change your mindset. Switch if from just wantin’ to ride her to wantin’ to befriend her. Ye can sense just as much as me that she’s closed off for a reason. I think havin’ someone like you lookin’ out for her is somethin’ she’s never had.” I said nothing further, and neither did JJ when Ina suddenly walked out of the reception. She was wearing her trademark pencil skirt suit, only today’s was light grey paired with a light-pink blouse. It was hot out, so she left her blazer off, and Christ, her body was what a lot of women would die for, and she had no clue. She had on dark heels, and her dark hair was tied back into a perfect, not a hair out of place, tight bun. Her thick-framed glasses slipped down the bridge of her nose, and she pushed them up with her pinkie finger as she walked towards me. She was beautiful, so fucking beautiful. My da, JJ, and everyone else were right. She deserved more than being lusted after like she was nothing more than a hole for my sexual pleasure. She was a person, a lady. It pissed me off that it took those closest to me to make me realise that. “Mornin’, lads,” she said as she came to a stop in front of my brother and me. Her cheeks were pink. “How’re ye feelin’, Dante?” Like fucking hell. “Better than I deserve,” I said. “Are you okay?” She nodded. “Me aid is still broken. I spoke to your da about it, and he was so lovely. He told me to transfer any phone calls to his office until I get me new aids. I was so worried he’d be angry, but he’s been wonderful to me.”

Her big green eyes filled with sudden tears, and before I knew it, I stepped forward and gathered her in my arms. “Don’t cry, baby.” I kissed the crown of her head. “It’ll be okay.” “She can’t hear ye, Date.” JJ’s reminder that Ina had no working hearing aids made me wince as I pulled back and tipped her chin up until she looked at me. “Did ye make an appointment at Specsavers?” She sniffled as she bobbed her head and wiped under her eyes. “The one in The Square had a last-minute cancellation at the same time as me break. I’m goin’ to go and have a hearin’ test then. I haven’t had one in a long time so I could be due a new prescription.” “D’ye want me to go with ye?” I quizzed. “’Cause I will.” Ina shook her head. “The logs are packed for the day. I’ll be back before ye know it.” I wanted to go with her, but I didn’t push the issue. This was clearly something she wanted, needed to do by herself. “How’re you feelin’?” she asked, scanning her red-rimmed eyes over my face. “Really?” “Like shite.” JJ snorted at my honesty. “When I’m back from me appointment today, I’ll grab ye some strong painkillers and vitamins from the pharmacy and somethin’ from the deli too. Ye may feel sick as a dog now, but eatin’ somethin’ will help. Make sure ye drink plenty of water, too.” Even after how upset I made her yesterday, she was still taking care of me. I didn’t deserve her kindness. “I will, specs.” Ina nodded. “I’m gonna get back to work and leave you lads to it.” She turned to walk away, and I tracked her every movement until she was out of sight.

“What’re ye so worried over?” JJ suddenly asked. “I can sense it.” “Ye want the truth?” “Always.” “I like Ina, but what else can come from that interest other than sex? The last time I attempted to have a relationship, it blew up in me face. Casual sex is all I’m good for.” The reminder that I got the short end of the stick when I chanced something close to a relationship was front and centre in my mind. I was happy that Alannah was happy with Damien, which told me my feelings for her weren’t as deep as I originally thought they were, but that situation still went wrong for me. I was worried the same thing would happen with Ina, and I didn’t want to lose Ina to another man. I couldn’t. “Casual sex will be all you’re good for if that’s what ye allow yerself to believe.” My brother straightened. “When you’re done with your pity party, get to work. We’ve more than enough on the logs to keep your fragile mind and ego distracted from the country girl who has ye tied up in ribbons.” JJ moved across the hangar, hopped down into bay six’s pit, and got to work on a truck raised on the lift. I focused on the doorway to the reception and let JJ’s words circulate in my mind. Ina was a grown woman, and she seemed to be doing fine all on her own, but I wanted to be the man she could turn to whenever she needed help. The man she relied on. She needed a real friend, and I was going to be that for her.



Three weeks later …

“Can ye hear me now?” “Yeah, Gav.” He put his hand over his mouth. “What about now?” “Yes.” I giggled. “I can hear ye just fine.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Even now?” “Yup.” “That’s amazin’.” He dropped his hand. “Those little devices enable ye to hear. Don’t tell me that’s not cool because it is.” I shook my head happily as I tapped away on the keyboard, creating a new invoice for a customer whose car was being worked on by one of the lads. It had become part of my routine for all of the men to pop into the reception every so often to chat with me. Harley was my most frequent visitor, but Gavin stayed the longest, and he always made me laugh. I had only known the Collins brothers and worked with them for one month, but I

felt as if I had known them all my life. They accepted me into their group without hesitation, and each of them was a gentleman. I loved that that was a trait they all possessed. “It is cool,” I agreed with Gavin. “When I collected them on my break and put them in, I felt like I could breathe again. I missed being able to hear music or the sound of the rain on me window when I’m in bed.” Gavin rested his elbows on the counter. “I take all of that for granted, and I don’t even realise it.” Before I could say a word, Mr Collins walked down the hallway from his office, and as soon as he saw Gavin, he reached for his belt and began to undo it. His unblinking blue eyes were locked on his youngest son, who jumped away from the counter, making me bite down on my lip to keep from laughing. “I’m goin’!” Gavin held his hands up. “I’m goin’. Leave your belt alone!” He dipped into the hangar and said something to the other mechanics that made them all laugh. I looked at Mr Collins, who fixed his belt back in place and looked at me with a scowl. “I told ye to call me if they’re in here botherin’ ye, love.” “They’re no bother, sir,” I assured him. “I work while they talk.” “That’s the problem. You work, and they slack off just so they can have a chat and a cup of tea with you.” I chuckled. “They do love their hourly cuppas.” “I’ll say,” Mr Collins huffed. “I buy more teabags than what’s right for a group of grown men.” I laughed as I got to my feet and printed out something I had been working on. “I wanted to show ye a mock-up of a possible new sales invoice.” I grabbed the sheet from the printer and handed it to Mr Collins. “The previous layout was a little chaotic. I made this template where everythin’

has a category and a breakdown of the description of goods, the services we provided, who carried out the labour, the pricin’, and so forth. I colourcoded any part of the vehicle that was inspected. Green is good, orange means there is wear, and red means it needs immediate replacin’. I think it’ll be good for customers to get a heads-up of any parts that might need replacin’ in the future. It’s straightforward for anyone to understand. What d’ye think?” Mr Collins scanned the document. “I think that ye should’ve been workin’ here years ago. It’s brilliant. The improvements are just what we need. Well done, love.” I beamed from the praise. “I’ll go ahead and change the invoice template to this format, so they’ll all be like this from now on.” “Sounds good to me,” Mr Collins said. “I have a meetin’ to get to, honey. I’ll be back in an hour or two if anyone phones for me.” I didn’t know what meeting he was talking about because nothing was on his calendar, but I didn’t question him. “No problem, sir.” After my boss left, I grabbed the cordless phone and headed from the reception to the office. I placed the phone on the nearest surface. I continued with the work I had started that morning, and when I had everything arranged, I bent over to place the documents in the folder for the month’s expenses. I heard what I thought was a sharp intake of breath, so I shut the filing cabinet door, straightened up, and then turned around. I smiled almost instantly. I moved my hands and signed as I spoke, “Hiya.” He signed hello back, then leaned against the door panel. “Can ye see any differences?” I gestured around with my hands before placing them on my waist. “Any at all?” Dante looked around the room and blinked. “Holy shit, ye sorted through the entire room!”

“I know,” I beamed. “I went through every single piece of paper that was in boxes in this room over the past month. D’ye know your daddy had copies of customer invoices for cars that were serviced over ten years ago?” “Yeah.” Dante cringed. “Da doesn’t really like partin’ with this stuff in case he needs it.” “Until he met me.” I winked. “I scanned every piece of paper, arranged them into categories, then stored them online after I convinced your daddy that having an online cloud for storage was a vital business expense. He wasn’t happy about it, but I was firm about discardin’ invoices for work we provided on a vehicle once it passed the five-year mark. I set it up so the cloud will automatically delete any invoice older than that. Can ye believe we’ve recycled over three thousand sheets of paper?” Dante whistled. “Ye weren’t jokin’ about gettin’ this place in shape.” “Of course, I wasn’t. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. I love this job.” “I’m happy ye do, love, because the whole receptionist thing was horrible for me brothers and me,” Dante admitted with a shiver. “I hated whenever I had to man the desk, deal with customers, and take phone calls. None of that is me. Engines. They are me safe space. Anythin’ that makes those babies purr is me.” Listening to him talk so passionately about his job was incredibly erotic when it shouldn’t have been. “I like being organised. It’s a bit of a pet peeve when I’m not.” Dante glanced around once more. “I can tell.” My lips twitched. “I have everythin’ in order, and we have a new system now that’s easy to follow, so it’s onwards and upwards from here.” Dante’s eyes locked on me when I spoke the last part of my sentence, and it caused me to feel almost naked under his penetrating gaze. “I don’t doubt you.” I lifted my hand and fanned my face when a flush of heat attacked. “It’s warm in here. Don’t ye think?”

“The air con is on.” He was right. The air conditioning was on. I could feel the pleasant breeze flow around me, but it did nothing to extinguish the fire that raged within me. It’d been one month since the brothers and my job entered my life, which meant four weeks of falling more and more in like and lust with Dante Collins. I loved spending time with him. He was my friend, my closest friend. I had recently begun to teach him how to sign, which was special to me, and I even gave him lessons on cooking a time or two. We had gone to the cinema once and even went day hiking in a nearby forest. We saw each other every single day, and I looked forward to it. Dante had rapidly become my favourite person in the whole world, and I didn’t know what to do about it. He was a dear friend, but I liked him so much that it was ridiculous. I thought of him constantly in a way that was not at all friendly. I had never masturbated so much in my entire life until I met him. I had no choice but to deal with my lusting after him in private because he only saw me as his friend, and I knew he always would. “It must just be me,” I said. “Pay me no mind.” Dante snorted. “Did ye have lunch?” “No, I collected me aids and skipped it.” I turned my head. “Aren’t they beautiful?” Dante promptly crossed the space between us, lifted his hand, and ran his fingertips over my brand-new jet-black BTE aids. “Beautiful.” I smiled at his agreement. “I missed hearin’ it.” “Ye missed hearin’ what?” “Your voice.” Dante stared down at me. “Ye did?” I nodded. “Your voice is me safe sound. It makes me feel calm.” Dante’s eyes appeared to darken, but I couldn’t decipher the emotion expressed within them.

“These aids are insane,” I continued. “Ye won’t believe how cool they are. I haven’t had upgraded aids before, not ever. These have rechargeable batteries, mobile audio streamin’, Wi-Fi, and app connectivity. I can connect the aids to me phone and watch YouTube, and the aids act as earphones. How feckin’ brilliant is that?” Dante chuckled deeply. “I love that you’re so happy about them.” “I am,” I beamed. “They were expensive, but me health plan covered seventy-five percent of the cost, and the rest was broken down into monthly instalments for six months. I wasn’t approved for a credit card yet, which is probably a good thing, so instalments were the way to go.” Dante lost his smile. “I’m still annoyed that ye won’t let me just pay that debt off for ye.” “It’s my debt,” I told him firmly. “I can pay it all by meself.” Dante didn’t understand the importance of taking care of my own bills or my own debt. I had been taking care of Daddy’s for so many years that dealing with my own problems was like a breath of fresh air. “I know, I know. You’re an independent woman who doesn’t need a man.” “Ye’ve got that right, sunshine.” I erupted with laughter when he suddenly reached out and tickled my sides. I jumped away from him, loving the sound of his own laughter as it flowed freely. “Come on, Miss Independent,” he teased. “Let’s grab a quick bite in the staff room.” Twenty minutes later, Dante and I had each eaten a sandwich and had a good chat before we got back to work. I was writing some inscriptions on sticky notes for changes I had to make to a customer’s invoice when a small beep sounded behind my desk, indicating someone had just opened the reception’s door. I looked up and smiled in greeting. “Ina O’Shea?”

“That’s me, sir.” “I’ve a delivery for ye, miss.” I signed the man’s tablet, and then he left before I could ask him a question. I peered down at the box he delivered, looking for a logo, but it was just a solid brown box. On the top of it was a sticker with my information, and on the description, it had Love Honey raffle winner, first place. “Oh, my God!” I didn’t realise I shouted until Dante, his brothers, and the two Slater brothers burst into the reception from the garage floor with wrenches, ratchets, and screwdrivers wielded in their hands like weapons. “What is it?” Dante demanded. “Ina?” “This was just delivered.” I pointed at the box. “It’s for me. I didn’t mean to scream, but I won a raffle.” “A raffle for what?” “Love Honey. A woman came in two weeks ago sellin’ tickets, and I bought a strip of five tickets for two euros.” “What’d ye win?” “I’ve no idea. I think it’s a gift basket. Maybe it has expensive shampoo and body wash!” My excitement over something so minor amused the men who relaxed. Dante lifted the box onto the counter for me, and he, along with the others, leaned on the counter and watched as I opened it. They all looked thoroughly amused, and some of them were trying their hardest not to laugh. I didn’t understand why until a moment later. I pulled out the plasticwrapped basket inside the box, and my smile was wiped from my face almost instantly. I felt my eyes widen to the point of pain when they locked on the box of an eight-inch neon blue dildo that promised orgasm after orgasm. Underneath it was two boxes with vibrators, one was wired and the other

was battery operated. I saw another box for condoms and another for three bottles of fruit-scented water-based lubricant. There was even a €500 gift card to spend on the company’s website and a box with lingerie inside the basket that said one size fits all. “Look away!” I cried as I pulled the basket behind the counter and heaved it onto the floor. “Don’t look at me! I didn’t know the prize was this.” Hearty male laughter boomed throughout the reception. Dante had tears in his eyes. “What did ye think Love Honey was?” “Somethin’ to do with savin’ the bees! I don’t know.” The men fell into one another because they were laughing so hard. I felt my face, my neck, and even my chest burn with embarrassment. I had never been so mortified in my entire life. I hurriedly shoved the basket back into the box, pushed the flaps closed, and pushed it under my desk. When I straightened, I pointed at the doorway to the hangar. “Go,” I ordered. “Get back to work so I can die here in peace.” They took mercy on me and left, all but one. “You’re fuckin’ adorable.” “Dante,” I groaned. “Please. I can’t believe this just happened. I’m mortified.” “This isn’t embarrassin’. It’s fun. Ye just got a bunch of free top-of-theline sex toys. I’d be on cloud nine if I was you.” “Of course you would say that, Mr I-was-christened-with-the-nicknameDate-because-I’m-a-sex-god,” I grumbled as I removed my hands from my face. “You’re not the one who has an eight-inch blue dildo hidden under her desk.” Dante laughed, and I couldn’t help it. I tittered too. “Think of it this way. Ye can throw out your old sex toys and put these in their place.” “I don’t have sex toys.” I rolled my eyes. “I’ve never had them.”

Dante’s smile slowly vanished. “Never?” “Never,” I answered. “Me ex wasn’t fond of them, so I never had them.” “What a sorry bastard he is, have ye no idea how much fun and excitement toys can bring to sex? They can make already great sex turn explosive.” My clit throbbed to life as it often did around Dante. “I’m very … reserved,” I said, looking at my computer screen just so I could have this conversation without looking him in the eye. “I think me sex life would bore ye beyond belief, Dante. It’s a sad history I have. I’m sure yours is much more excitin’. You are the one they all call Date after all.” “Specs, just because ye’ve never added some toys into your sex life doesn’t mean you’re borin’.” “I’m not just borin’. I’m not good at sex either.” I couldn’t believe I had said those words out loud. “Did your prick of an ex tell ye that?” As a matter of fact, he did. Finn was a very hard man to please when it came to sex, and the only position he liked was missionary. When I once asked if he’d like to try something else, he’d called me a filthy bitch and said seeing his cock in my mouth or my bare arse as he bent me over would be the actions of a whore. When we had sex, sometimes it’d last for more than an hour because he kept losing his erection, and when he’d finally manage to keep it, it took him a long time to find his release. He had said it was my fault. If I were more of a woman, then sex with me wouldn’t have felt like a chore, and he’d be able to come. The thoughts of those cruel words made my chest ache, and I suddenly felt as unattractive and as worthless as I did when he first said them to me. “I don’t want to talk about it, Dante.” He said nothing, which I was grateful for.

“Give me the box. I’ll put it in me truck so ye can bring it home. You’re goin’ to explore every last one of those toys, and I want a full write-up on Monday mornin’ of how right I was.” “Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.” “Give me the box, woman.” I couldn’t help but chortle as Dante came behind the desk, rolled my chair to the side, and picked up my naughty box. I swatted at him. “You’re shameless.” He grinned. “Country, tell me somethin’ I don’t know.” I shook my head, smiling as he left the building. Dante returned minutes later, but he wasn’t alone. He was accompanied by an elderly lady who was giggling as she held Dante’s elbow. I got up, rounded my desk, and walked towards the pair smiling. I intended on introducing myself, but Dante beat me to it. “Ina, this beautiful woman is Lilly Doherty.” “Lovely to meet ye, Mrs Doherty.” Dante sucked in a sharp breath and jumped in front of Mrs Doherty just as she raised her black cane in my direction. “She didn’t mean it, Lil,” Dante blurted in a rushed breath with his hands in the air. “She’s new. I forgot to mention you and your rules to her. It’s my fault, not hers. Don’t hurt her, please. She’s only twenty-seven and still has her whole life ahead of her.” Dante was blocking my view of the elderly woman, but I was bloody well sure that she intended to whack me with her walking stick. I was both shocked and terrified at the sudden turn in events. I didn’t know what to do, so I remained still and very silent for all of two seconds. By the time Dante returned to Lilly’s side, I was back behind the safety of my desk, sitting in my chair staring back and forth between the pair. Dante was biting his lower lip so I sent a scowl his way. I knew he was trying to keep from laughing, but nothing about this was funny. I shifted my

eyes from Dante to Lilly, and Christ, the woman was staring at me, and she wasn’t blinking. “Dante.” I cleared my throat. Twice. “Does Lilly have an appointment, or is she makin’ a bookin’?” “Neither,” he answered. “Lilly here is our favourite lady. She doesn’t need to book and make appointments.” Lilly’s chin lifted, and her stare sharpened. “I see. I’ll leave ye both to it.” With a smile, I turned my attention back to my computer, but for the life of me, I couldn’t begin to focus. I felt the pair’s eyes on me, and I almost deflated with relief when the phone rang. I practically dove on it. “Collins Auto Repair, this is Ina.” I listened to the customer on the phone who was booking an appointment. I typed up the issues the person was having with their vehicle while asking relevant questions about their information. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dante leave Lilly sitting in the waiting area while he ventured back into the hangar. I finished my phone call after I booked the customer in for an opening we had in three days’ time. When I hung the phone up and looked up, I sucked in a sharp breath. Lilly was standing in front of the desk. I was a short woman, but she was a really short woman. She had to be less than five feet tall. I couldn’t see her shoulders as she stood in front of my desk, just her floating head. I swallowed as I stared back at her. Her eyes were dark brown, and she had the most fantastic blood-red hair styled into a pixie cut with one side shaved down to her scalp. Her left eyebrow was pierced with two silver rings, and she had a large colourful tattoo on her neck as well. I just couldn’t make out what it was. The woman looked so badass. “Hello.”

“Listen here, country girl.” She squinted her eyes. “What’re your intentions?” “Me … me intentions?” “Yeah, your intentions … with my Date.” Oh, Christ. This elderly lady was marking her territory with Dante, and I was too scared to do anything about it. “Dante is me friend, Mrs—Lilly.” I swallowed, hoping she didn’t hear my slip of tongue. “Me only intention here is to do me job, get paid, and go home. I promise.” “Hmph.” I didn’t know what that meant, but Lilly didn’t threaten me, and I saw no sign of her cane, which I took as a good sign. “Date is fixin’ me car,” Lilly said. “He’s a good boy.” “Yes,” I agreed with a bob of my head. “He is lovely and so are all the others.” “Hmph.” That noise was like a warning signal. “Do … D’ye live close by, Lilly?” “Why?” I shrank. “Just makin’ conversation.” “Hmph.” She turned and hobbled back over to the waiting area empty of female customers for once. When Lilly sat back down, she turned her head and looked right at me. I lowered my head behind my computer so she couldn’t see me. I wasn’t sure what I did wrong, but it was as obvious as the day was long that Lilly Doherty hated me. “Ina, can you call—” I jumped in my seat, making Ryder laugh. “Easy. Didn’t mean to startle you.” “Ye didn’t.” I straightened. “I’m fine.”

His lips twitched. “Can you call this customer for me? His car is ready to be picked up.” I took the clipboard Ryder handed me. “Did ye fill out your report?” “Yup.” He leaned his elbows on the desk’s top. “All done. It’s ready to be printed.” “I’ll give the man a buzz now,” I said, moving my seat so Ryder’s body blocked my view of Lilly. “Stay there,” I whispered. “She won’t see me that way.” Ryder looked over his shoulder to see who I was talking about. “Lilly Doherty,” he practically boomed. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, beautiful. How’ve you been?” “Better now that I’ve clapped eyes on you, me American heartthrob. Ye still married, son?” “Happily, Lilly.” Lilly sighed. “That midwife of yours is a lucky woman.” “Trust me, Lil,” Ryder said. “It’s me who is the lucky one.” “Sweet talker.” “If I was single, Lil, the only sweet-talking I’d be doing is to you.” Lilly’s giggle sounded almost human, and she looked so cute. Like a cuddly old lady who baked the most delicious chocolate chip cookies while she listened to heavy metal music … then she turned her gaze back on me. Her dark eyes narrowed, and fear filled me once again. Gone was the sweet old badass lady, and before me was an evil goblin. Ryder turned to leave the reception, and my heart jumped. “Don’t leave me!” I hissed. “Ryder, she’s gonna eat me alive.” He headed back into the hangar, laughing as he went. I heard him call out to Dante, and whatever he said made Dante and the others on the garage floor laugh like the eejits they were. Any other time of the day, they were hanging around my desk, drinking tea, talking about what happened on the

latest episode of Eastenders, but when I needed them most, they ghosted me. Bastards, the lot of them. I ducked my head back down low, and I kept it there until I heard Dante’s voice minutes later. “Your car’s out front, Lil. No issues, thank God.” “You’re a good nugget, Date Collins.” I peeked over my desk and watched as Dante helped Lilly to her feet. “I suppose ye’ll be wantin’ some kisses as payment?” Dante bent down and tapped his cheek. “Three of them, no four … and an extra one for good luck.” Lilly laughed as she kissed his cheek five times. I realised that she was leaving so I jumped to me feet, hurried around my desk, and approached her and Dante. “I’ll see ye out, Lilly.” She jerked her head as if she was going to attack me, and I jumped about a foot in the air with fright. Lilly snorted before she turned and walked away with the stride of a queen. Dante made a sound close to a squeal as he hurried after Lilly and helped her into her car. When he came back into the reception after she was gone, he lifted his hand to his mouth to try to hide his smile, but he couldn’t. When I let out a little huff of laughter, he lost it, bending forward and clapping his hands against his thighs. “That was one of the scariest encounters I have ever had with another person,” I admitted, still chuckling. “I thought I was gonna cry. She’s terrifyin’, like a mean gremlin.” Dante cackled. “That was brilliant.” “Good God.” I swallowed. “She’s as little as a rabbit, but she has the bite of a dog.” “She’s a terrier,” he agreed as he wiped his eyes. “The woman puts grown men in their place. Ye never stood a chance, country.”

“I’m sweatin’.” I fanned my face. “The woman scared me so much I’ve actually started sweatin’.” Dante continued to laugh as I returned to my seat behind my desk. He followed me and leaned his elbows on the desk’s countertop. “She’s just testin’ ye.” “Testin’ me?” I repeated. “Whatever for?” “God only knows.” He shrugged. “She loves me and the others. We’re her toy boys, ye could say. She stops by every few weeks and says somethin’ is wrong with her car, but there never is. She just likes poppin’ in and makin’ us fuss over her.” “That’d be cute if she didn’t stare at me like I slaughtered her entire family.” Dante chortled. “What’d she say to ye?” “When?” “When she came up to your desk. I saw her approach ye.” “Oh, that.” I relaxed in my chair. “She asked what me intentions were with you. Can ye believe that? I told her I’m just here to work, and she hmphed. What does that sound mean?” “The Lilly judgment sound. She’s sizin’ ye up. The next time she comes in, be nice to her, but don’t let her push ye around. She’ll know ye mean business then.” “I can’t do that. She might shout at me. I’ll cry if she does that.” Dante barked with laughter. “You’re so feckin’ cute, specs.” We both turned our heads when Harley and Ryder came into the reception, half arguing, half laughing. “We’ll kick your arse, Slater.” “We’ll see about that.” Ryder snickered. “You’ve no clue how serious Alec takes this shit. He’ll declare war.” “On Sunday, it’s all on the line,” Harley said, then looked at me. “Are ye comin’ with us, Ina?”

I had no idea what Harley was talking about as I shrugged and said, “Sure, where are we goin’?” “One word, country.” Dante grinned. “Paintball.”



“I can’t believe I agreed to this,” I huffed. “I look bleedin’ ridiculous.” “Ye look cute.” I looked up at Dante in utter disbelief. I did not look cute. I looked silly, and he knew it. It was Sunday, and we were at a paintball course in County Wicklow with all of the Collins brothers and all of the Slater brothers. It was a little weird to be on an outing with my landlord, but he was lovely whenever he spoke to me. I had met some of the Slater women for the first time, as well as their beautiful babies. Ryder’s and Damien’s partners stayed home because they were pregnant and not feeling the best, but Aideen, Bronagh, and Keela attended, which made me feel much better. I didn’t want to be the only woman in a group of men, even if they were all gentlemen. The paintball course we were at turned out to be on a massive field with stacks of hay bales, tin barrels, wooden walls, and huge scarecrows everywhere that people used for cover as teams aimed to beat one another during a paintball death match. The course looked so fun. At its centre was

a small castle called the keep. Each team’s objective was to reach the keep, hold control of it, and raise their team’s flag in order to win. If you were shot and the paintball broke, you were out until the next round. I was determined not to be shot … or at least not right away. “This is a man’s size small,” I explained to Dante. “The woman’s large wouldn’t go up over me thighs, never mind me hips. I look like a dope.” I had to roll the sleeves and legs up and tie them with bobbins that Bronagh luckily had around her wrist. “Cute,” Dante insisted. I playfully growled. “You’re lucky that friendly fire is forbidden in this game.” His blue eyes sparkled with amusement. “Were ye listenin’ durin’ the safety check and rule talk?” “Yep,” I answered. “I’m ready. I picked pink paintballs as me ammo of death. The man filled me hopper to the brim with them. Everyone should fear me. I’m about to make it look like a baby girl’s gender reveal party up in here.” Ryder, who was next to us, snorted. “Okay,” Alec announced. “It’s time to team up. It’s gonna be Slaters versus you pussies … and Ina.” “Hold up,” Gavin shouted, gaining everyone’s attention. “You’re all married. We don’t have women on standby to help us like that, so we should get to have Aideen back.” “Nuh-uh.” Kane stepped forward. “She’s mine.” “Oh, fanny flutters.” Dante heard Aideen’s not-so-quiet whisper and scowled, making her cover her mouth so she didn’t laugh. I had met Aideen a week after I started working at the garage, and I instantly liked her. She knew how to handle her brothers well, and it was plain as day that they all adored her and her beautiful sons.

“She’s still a Collins. We claimed her first, so back the fuck off, Hulk.” Gavin said all this from behind JJ’s back, which everyone found amusing. “Bro, she’s a Slater now. My Slater. She’s also not playing. She’s watching from the spectators’ point with my boys. Same goes for Keela and Bronagh with the other babies.” “Now wait just a minute.” Bronagh got to her feet whilst holding both of her kids. “I wanna play a round, too. I’m good at paintball. I made all those English kids cry when we came here last year. Remember that, Dominic? Don’t look at me like that, fuckface. I’m really good, and I’ll make a great helper. I could help whatever team I’m on. I’ll shoot everyone … in the face!” Nico did that thing I’ve read about in books where a man sweet-talked his missus and convinced her what she thought was a good idea wasn’t really a good idea. He used his kids as leverage. I watched as he placed his hand on his son’s head as he slept on his mother’s chest in his carrier. He kissed his daughter on the forehead, making her giggle. He touched Bronagh’s cheeks and lips with his thumb, and the woman just about melted. I did, too. “Fine,” Bronagh relented. “I won’t play with all of you, but me and the girls want a shot when your rounds are up. When you’re finished, we’re havin’ a go while you lot watch the kids.” Nico grinned. “Deal, baby.” When Bronagh took her kids, along with Aideen, Keela, and their babies, and headed up to the spectators’ point, everyone else got down to business and focused on the game. Dante whistled, gaining everyone’s attention. “Let’s just split up into even teams,” he suggested. “Mix it up, brothers against brothers, friends against friends.” I looked up at Dante. “Can I be on your team?”

“Yep.” He winked. That made me happy enough to agree to his terms. Dante was our team’s leader, and Damien was the other team’s leader. Kane, Alec, and JJ joined Dante’s and my team. Nico, Ryder, Gavin, and Harley joined Damien’s. The men all jeered one another, which amused me greatly as we began to separate into our five-a-side teams. “Date is vulnerable.” I heard Harley say to Damien. “He’ll look out for Ina. The others will too.” I moved over to my team’s huddle and passed the information on to the lads. “Don’t protect me. They’re expectin’ that. I can be the bait. If they all gun for me thinkin’ it’ll draw you four out to protect me, it’ll give you some time to pick them off one by one until Dante gets our flag to the keep.” I shifted when all the men stared at me. “What?” “Nothin’,” JJ answered. “Just never heard ye talk so much without a cuppa in your hand.” “I talk a lot ... sometimes.” That earned me snorts. “Her plan is a good one,” Kane commented. “They know Date will watch out for her, and since he’s the team leader, he has to get the flag to the keep. The only way one of us can bring it is if he gets knocked out of the round. That’s what they want. They think he’ll trip up because of her.” I chuckled. “Dante will look out for all of us, not just me.” “Yeah,” Alec agreed with a grin. “Date will be our knight in shining fucking armour.” Dante ignored Alec as his eyes scanned over me. “You’re all set, right?” he asked. “Your marker is loaded and ready to go?” “I’m ready!” I announced. “I’ve never done anythin’ like this before. I’m so excited that I could puke!”

Alec took a giant step away from me, making JJ laugh. Dante smiled as he reached over and adjusted my mask. We all had our full-length face masks raised so we could see one another. “Are ye sure they didn’t have a smaller one of these?” he quizzed. “This one is a little big.” “Oh,” I gasped. “I haven’t tightened the strap. That’s why it’s wobbly. Do it for me, please.” Dante put his paintball marker down and stepped towards me. He was so close that I had to tilt my head back to look up at him. The sun shone onto his face, and how crisp and blue his eyes were startled me for a moment. “Ye know, your eyes are really pretty.” Dante’s lips twitched as he shortened the mask’s strap behind my head, tightening it. “If ye think mine are pretty”—he leaned down—“ye should see your forest greens starin’ up at me.” Ruffled, I said, “Did ye attend lessons on how to fluster women as ye grew up? If ye say ye did, I’ll believe ye.” Dante grinned and wordlessly straightened. He picked up his marker, then turned and openly discussed our best course of action as a team to beat the others. I could hear his words, but I wasn’t listening to him. My heart was pounding so hard that I could almost hear it. He’s your friend, Ina. Your friend. The reminder did nothing other than put a grey cloud over my happy mood. I shook it off and focused on the game. I wasn’t joking when I said I was so excited that I could vomit. I had never, not in my whole life, participated in an event or game with other people. Even in my earliest memories, I didn’t play much with other children, and that was simply because Daddy wouldn’t allow it. He wasn’t in my life anymore, so for the

first time, I was going to have fun with a group of people who had become my friends. “Let’s go, playboy!” Keela hollered from the spectators’ point. “We’re rootin’ for ye, Daddy!” Alec turned and looked up at his wife holding her infant son to her chest. The sunlight shone upon them, and their stunning red hair seemed to be set aflame. “I’ve got this, kitten.” Keela smiled, then took Enzo’s little hand and waved it. Alec, who was a mountain of a man, waved back happily, and goodness, it made my ovaries clench. That surprised me. I had never imagined myself with a family, but seeing how happy the Slaters were with their partners and children made me a little envious. When I looked away, I realised Dante was watching me intently. I ducked my head, somehow worried that he could read my mind and know what I was thinking. “Your little ginger baby is cute, Kay,” Harley shouted. “Keep talkin’ to your lad. It’ll distract him while I shoot his dick off.” “You leave my fine red-headed son of out this, Collins. He’ll whoop your firstborn’s ass.” “Yeah,” Keela agreed with a fist pump. “Enzo and me future kids will destroy your future kids.” “Obviously,” Harley said. “You’re plannin’ to birth hundreds of them. I just want two, not a fuckin’ horde.” Alec laughed, and Keela stuck her finger up at him. “Focus,” Kane said, gaining our attention. “Take this seriously or switch teams.” I straightened and resisted the urge to salute him. “Kane’s right,” Dante agreed. “We need to focus because whoever wins gets braggin’ rights.”

Apparently, bragging rights were important. I didn’t really care about that. I was just happy to be included. “This route is the easiest to the keep.” Kane pointed at the printed copy of the course map we were given when we geared up. “Wide walls with bigger stacks of barrels and hay bales to protect us. The only problem is, the other side of the keep has the same layout.” “We need a ghost like they have in films,” I suggested. “The others will probably have the same idea as us, so if one person breaks off and takes a different route, they can pick them off one by one.” “Ina O’Shea.” Alec patted my shoulder. “That’s ruthless. I love it.” The little bit of praise brought a smile to my face. “Sounds like a solid plan to me, country.” Dante nudged me. “Now we just need to pick the ghost.” “Bagsy, it’s not me,” I blurted. “I’ll probably cry from the stress.” The men laughed. “I’ll do it,” JJ said. “I don’t trust none of you arseholes—and by that, I’m talkin’ to you four, not Ina—to do such an important job.” I giggled. “So JJ is the ghost.” I stared at the map. “The rest of us will shadow Dante since he’s the flag keeper. If he goes down, one of us has to take the flag and get to the keep. The others will expect all of you to be near me. They won’t expect us to have a ghost.” Everyone nodded. “I’ll watch your six,” Kane said to Dante. Alec checked his marker. “I’ll cover your three thirty-five.” Dante looked at Alec and stared. “Did I say that wrong?” Alec questioned. “Three thirty-five is where I’m at on the clock in relation to your current position, so I figured—” “I got it.” Dante laughed. “Thanks, man.”

“I’ll cover the three of you while I ghost.” JJ snorted. “One of ye is bound to fuck up.” “What about me?” I questioned, clutching my marker. “Which part of ye will I cover, Dante?” All the men looked at me, then at Dante and awaited his answer. He stared at me intently, then proceeded to clear his throat. Twice. “His eight,” Alec said. “I’m sure he’d love if you’d covered his eight.” I was trying to figure out which location that meant I should cover, but when the men all chuckled, I wondered if they were teasing me. Dante nudged my chin with his knuckles. “Just stay close to me,” he said. “We can protect each other.” I bobbed my head. “I can do that.” The referee, who was up in the tower that overlooked the whole course, blew his whistle. “Teams,” he shouted. “Take your startin’ positions.” Damien’s team crossed the course until they were out of sight. I jumped in my spot a couple of times, trying to see over the hay bales, making Alec laugh, and he asked, “What’re you doing?” “Can ye see them?” I quizzed. “I can’t.” “Because you’re a leprechaun,” he teased. “We can see them ... until they duck.” “Me height is a disadvantage.” “It’s also a very important advantage.” Dante patted my shoulder. “It’ll make ye harder to spot from the others’ point of view.” That brightened my spirits. “Teams,” the referee shouted. “Take your positions. Masks down and switch the safety on your marker to off.” We followed his instructions. “Remember, you’re only out of the round if you’re hit, and the paintball is broken. Shout ‘out’ as loud as you can so the round can enter pause mode, hold your marker above your head, then retreat to the safety zone.

No shots are to be fired from either team until the out player reaches that zone. Are we clear?” “We’re clear!” “Are both teams ready?” “Ready!” A buzzer sounded, and we were thrust into a game of war just like that. Almost immediately, JJ disappeared out of sight like the ghost he was playing. I stuck to Dante like glue, and he kept looking back every few seconds to make sure I was behind him. We manoeuvred from barrel stack to wooden wall to hay bale stack. We moved as one and only spoke in whispers. I paused behind a stack of hay bales when I thought I saw a blue mask out of the corner of my eye. We all wore the same black padded uniforms, but our teams had different mask colours. Damien’s team had blue, and ours had copper. When I looked back from where I thought I spotted someone, I realised my team was gone. I sucked in a breath and pressed my body against the hay bale. My distraction had caused me to lose my team. “Calm down. Ye’ve got this.” I jumped when I heard the sound of a marker shooting. I had no idea if it was my team doing the shooting or if they were being shot at. It was exciting and stressful at the same time. I poked my head around the hay bale, then jerked my head back just as quick. I spotted a person on the other team huddled behind a stack of barrels. I lifted my marker, took a few deep breaths, then turned, raised the barrel, and shot at the person twice. I didn’t hang around to see if I hit them. I quickly returned to my position behind the hay bale. I heard a curse. “I’m out!” Harley shouted. “Me gun’s above me head. Don’t shoot, fuckers.”

The men jeered him, and Keela hollered some colourful words too that made Alec laugh from somewhere on the course. “Who picked pink fuckin’ paintballs?” Harley demanded. “Own up!” “Me!” I squealed with excitement from my hiding spot. “I picked the pink ones!” “That’s my girl,” Dante whooped. “Get ’em, country!” “Ina O’Shea,” Harley shouted in dismay. “I can’t believe ye shot me. I bought ye a jam donut this mornin’!” “This is war!” I hollered. “Sacrificin’ a few will ensure the survival of many!” “I concur!” Alec shouted. “Fuck them hoes! Shoot their dicks off, Ina!” I heard Dante’s laughter from somewhere nearby. A minute passed as Harley moved to the safety zone before the buzzer sounded, indicating that the round could continue. Damien’s team was down a man, which swung the odds in my team’s favour. Playing the game was so much fun. I was excited, nervous, and completely exhilarated. I understood why teenage boys and men, in general, loved the sport. I totally got it. I plucked up the courage to get up and change positions. I ran from the huge hay bale to the nearby barrels and dived behind them the second I heard the spit of someone’s marker shooting. When I pressed my back against the barrels, a body appeared from the hay bale I had just hidden behind. He wore a blue face mask. Instinctively, I lifted my marker, aimed, and pulled the trigger. Three pink splotches donned the man’s padded chest. “Fuck. I’m out!” It was Gavin. “Pink!” he growled when he looked down and saw the colour of the paint that struck him. “Ina shot me!” “Oh my God,” Nico shouted. “She’s fucking hunting us!” I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

The women cheered from the spectators’ point, and I did my best not to make a sound when Gavin spotted me, then stuck his middle finger up as he turned and jogged towards the safety zone with his marker above his head. The buzzer sounded once more as I got to my feet. The game continued for twenty more minutes until I had taken out an outraged Nico, which Bronagh thought was hilarious. Alec cursed everyone’s house when he was shot and knocked out of the round by Damien. People were quickly knocked out one by one until only Dante, me, and Damien were left. I had been separated from my team for the entire game, and I had yet to see Dante. If I had, I would have hustled to his side to help protect him since he was our team’s captain. I was in the middle of switching positions when a noise from my left got my attention. I turned, and my pulse spiked. Across from me was Damien, and his marker was raised and pointed in my direction. I gasped and fell backwards, then turned and tried to scrabble away, but a stinging pain attacked my backside. I turned my head and saw blue paint splattered over my uniform. “I’m hit!” I shouted instantly. “I’m out.” “Sorry, Ina!” Damien called. “Are you okay?” I got to my feet. “I’m okay.” “I’ll avenge ye, country,” Dante hollered from somewhere nearby. “I swear I will! Blondie, you’re goin’ down!” I laughed as I jogged off the field and towards the safety zone, where the knocked-out members waited. Harley and Gavin playfully nudged me because I had knocked them out of the round. Nico almost instantly questioned me about my shooting skills and demanded to know if I had ever received military training, which cracked me up. “Where’d ye get hit?” The question came from Gavin. “Me bum,” I tittered. “Of all places.”

I turned, and the men laughed when they saw the blue splotches of paint caused by Damien’s marker. I laughed with them only to cover up the winces of pain. My arse was on fire and stung beyond belief. I realised Damien shot me in one of the places not protected by padding, which was dumb luck. “Where did he get ye, Ina?” I looked up at Bronagh. “Me arse.” “You’re jokin’!” “Nope.” I turned around. “Damien got me right cheek when I dived for cover. It stings like a bitch.” There was a curse, then a shout. “I’m out,” Damien almost bellowed. “Motherfucker got me.” I looked up at the keep and saw Dante was doing a victory dance that made everyone laugh as he raised our team’s flag. My team cheered and shared high-fives knowing that we had won. We played two more rounds. Each team won one a piece, which meant my team won the game overall at two to one. After that, Bronagh, Aideen, and Keela swapped positions with the men, and they geared up for a game. I took part in their game, which was a simple two-on-two and was surprisingly so much harder than gunning for the men. None of us were tall or broad like the men, so we all hid so much better. In the end, Bronagh’s and my team won, which Alec assured his wife was a fix. Afterward, I hugged all the women as they cursed and slagged one another and removed my mask just as Dante ambled up beside me. He dipped down and kissed my cheek. “Ye were killer out there, country.” I flushed with his praise. “It wasn’t on purpose. I shot in a blind panic each time.” He chuckled as I removed the paintball gear from over my clothes and put them in the clothing bins provided. After I hung up my marker, gloves,

and mask, I went to the bathroom, and Bronagh joined me while Nico watched their kids. “Would ye mind terribly checkin’ if I’m cut from where I was hit earlier?” I questioned Bronagh with a burning face. “I’m so embarrassed to ask this, but it hurts like hell.” “Of course, babe.” I sucked it up and shimmied my bottoms down and turned. Bronagh hunkered down behind me. “Oh, this looks so painful!” She winced. “It broke the skin, and there is already a big blue bruise. There’s a welt or two as well. Looks like two or three paintballs got ye.” I was glad it looked as sore as Bronagh said because now I knew I wasn’t exaggerating how much it hurt. “Is it bleedin’?” “Yeah,” she answered. “Nothin’ to be concerned about, but that cut is gonna scab, and it might scar.” I pulled my jeans back up and turned. “Thanks, Bronagh. I appreciate it.” “Any time.” She straightened. “Whenever ye need your arse looked at, give me a call.” We laughed. Bronagh left the bathroom as I washed my hands. When I went to join her, I was surprised to find Dante right outside the bathroom door. He looked concerned. “Bronagh said ye were hurt.” I waved my hand. “A couple of Damien’s paintballs hit my skin and broke it. I’ve a small cut, a couple of welts, and a bruise. Nothin’ to fuss over.” Dante’s sky blues narrowed as he glared at Damien Slater, and I was instantly thrust back into the memory of when I first met the white-haired Slater twin.



Three weeks ago ...

Working without my hearing aids was rubbish. I hated it so much that I couldn’t even explain it. I could lip-read incredibly well, but making sure I focused on someone entirely when they spoke to me was exhausting. If I turned my head and missed a single mouth movement, I had to ask them to repeat what they had said. It sounded harmless enough, but doing it twenty times or more an hour wore me out. My co-workers were being so wonderful about it, though. They went out of their way to speak slowly and clearly for me and always waited until I looked at them before they spoke. Little things like that made me appreciate the group of men I worked with more and more. Though they were all huge, burly men, they were sweeties deep down, and they knew it. Looking up when movement caught my eye, I expected it to be a customer, but it was Nico Slater, Ryder’s younger brother. I had met him briefly when Dante battered a man who tried to run out on paying his

invoice. That was a week ago, and since then, he had dyed his hair platinum blond. It really suited him. He looked like a tall, muscular fairy that came from Tír Na NÓg. “Hi, Nico.” I smiled, signing hello. “Ye dyed your hair. I love it.” Nico grinned, returned the sign slowly, then said, “Wrong brother.” “I beg your pardon?” “Wrong brother,” he repeated. “I’m not Dominic. I’m Damien. Damien Slater.” He reached my desk and held out his hand. “You must be Ina. Ryder told me about you.” “Oh, Damien! Hi!” I happily shook his hand. “I had no idea you and Nico were twins. I’m so embarrassed.” “Don’t be. It happens all the time, trust me.” I exhaled a breath. “Well, it’s lovely to meet ye. Ryder said ye were due back to work last Wednesday, but ye took some time off because your partner was ill. I hope she’s doin’ better now?” “She is.” Damien smiled. “Thanks.” We spoke some pleasantries before Damien clocked in and headed onto the garage floor. Ryder was already in the hangar, and so was Dante. Dante was leaning against his door when I left my apartment at half eight. He grinned, wiggled his keys at me, and told me he’d bring me to work. I happily accepted his offer. We had gotten here early, so he opened. Ryder followed not long later, then Damien a few minutes after him. When the other brothers showed up, all of the shutters on the bays were raised, and we were in business. The day was set to be a busy one. Ten cars were to be fully serviced, seven needed new tyres, two needed pre-NCT checks, and fifteen others needed minor repairs. Collins Auto Repair had four fully qualified mechanics and two apprentices. One of the Collins brothers normally had a Slater shadowing them to learn, but both of them were so talented and on the ball that they

had logs of their own now. Every day, each man had a full log from opening until closing, and somewhere in all of the chaos, they took turns driving the truck whenever we got a call for roadside rescue. I wasn’t sure how they did it. I opened my work email and forwarded the daily schedule to Mr Collins, and I lightly suggested he consider hiring another mechanic or three because each of the men’s logs were jam-packed and fully booked for the next month. I wasn’t sure if he’d consider my suggestion, but I hoped he would. I was constantly turning away walk-ins because the lads simply didn’t have the time to fit any more cars onto their logs, even if it was only a half-hour job. I could only book a next-day appointment if there was a cancellation. The day quickly passed between dealing with customers, drawing up invoices, then triple-checking they were correct with the lads. I was checking on one of the cars Damien had signed off on when I entered the hangar, spotted him near bay three, and approached him. He heard me coming and turned, offering me a grin. “Has anyone ever told you that you look like a librarian?” “A librarian?” I repeated, worried I misread his lips as I came to a stop. “I don’t think so.” “Well, you do. A pretty one at that.” Damien looked over my head and smirked. I turned just as Dante approached us, looking rather annoyed. “Slater”—Dante looked from me to Damien and glared—“what’ve ye been sayin’ to her? Her face is red.” I hadn’t even realised I was blushing. I turned and looked back at Damien. “Nothing, Date,” he answered without looking away from me. “Just making conversation … She’s real pretty, bro.”

That was twice he had called me pretty. I looked at Dante and swallowed. “Back off.” Dante looked like he might have snarled as he took a step forward. “Ye can’t have this one, not a fuckin’ chance.” Damien and Dante suddenly squared up, and I could feel tension as thick as Kim Kardashian’s bum. These two had history. “Relax, man.” Damien’s grey eyes slowly narrowed. “I just said she’s pretty. Real fucking pretty.” Within the blink of an eye, Dante punched the beautiful white-haired fairy, then the fighting started. So did my screaming. “Stop it!” I stumbled back, fear embracing me in its arms. “Please, stop it!” They aren’t Daddy; they aren’t Daddy; they aren’t Daddy. JJ and Ryder appeared out of thin air and roughly pulled them apart. I snapped out of my fear-induced state and tensed, glaring between the pair. I was so cross with Dante. “He’s a fairy!” I snapped. “Ye shouldn’t have hit him!” “Ye think Damien Slater is gay?” Dante ignored his bleeding nose and laughed, “Really?” I looked across the hangar as Damien began to speak, or shout, I wasn’t sure which one. “I assure you, Ina,” he said as Ryder backed him away. “I’m very much a pussy-loving, breast-admiring, female-worshipping, straight man!” I put my face in my hands for a moment before I dropped them to my side and looked up. “I’m not callin’ him gay,” I stressed. “I’m sayin’ he looks like a fairy. He is ridiculously beautiful with his white hair and pretty face … like a fairy.” I turned to look at Damien once more but found a massive hand covering my eyes, preventing me from doing so. I knew Dante was

speaking to me because he pressed his mouth to my ear, and I felt his lips move. I removed his hand and said, “I can’t hear ye, Dante.” He turned my head and tipped my chin up. “I said, stop lookin’ at him.” “I can’t. I need to look at everyone to see what they’re sayin’. I’m deaf, remember? No workin’ aids right now.” When I turned my head, I saw that Damien was laughing from across the room. “I don’t hear you being called a beautiful fairy, you dog-faced mutt!” I turned my gaze back to Dante as he bit out, “Shut your whore mouth! Ye stupid, gremlin-lookin’, ugly bitch!” Another glance at Damien showed he was still laughing, and when I turned my head back to my friend, I could have sworn Dante screamed a little with frustration. My neck was killing me from swivelling my head around. “I hate him,” Dante declared, turning me to face him completely. “I want to punch him every single time I see him.” I shook my head. “Ye can’t do that.” “I can.” His eye twitched. “I really can.” “Ye could be arrested for doin’ that.” Dante leered at Damien over my head. “It’d be worth it.” I grabbed his arm. “Come with me, Rambo.” Dante trotted behind me, but if he complained, I didn’t hear a word, which I was momentarily grateful for. When we entered the staff room, I told him to sit down as I grabbed the first-aid kit. I realised I was annoyed when I forcefully placed the kit on the table next to Dante. When I looked at him, he realised it too. I’m sorry, he signed. The movement was clumsy, but it made my heart flutter. We had had one little signing lesson during the week where I tried to teach him basic phrases. He struggled a lot, but he was a trooper who didn’t give up.

It’s fine, I signed back. Dante furrowed his brow. “Do that slower.” I chuckled and repeated my sign slowly. “Nope, not a clue.” “I said it’s fine.” “It’s not fine.” He sighed. “That’s twice I’ve fought someone in front of you. I swear this isn’t a common occurrence for me.” I said nothing. Dante was silent as I gathered the supplies I needed. I frowned at the bruise already forming around his nose. “You’re too handsome to have bruises on your face.” Dante locked eyes with mine. “Ye think I’m handsome?” I rolled my eyes at the absurdness of the question. “I imagine everyone does. I also imagine they all think you’re a dumbarse for fightin’ for no good reason.” “There’s always a good reason to box the ears off that stupid-lookin’ dope.” I sighed. “Are ye gonna tell me what your and Damien’s issues are? Ye both drew blood, so it’s not a simple ‘I don’t like him’ vibe I’m gettin’.” While I cleaned Dante up, he talked. He waited until I was looking at him before he spoke. “We’ve known each other a few years, and believe it or not, we fought the first time we met.” “Trust me,” I glowered. “I believe it.” Dante’s lips twitched. “We just don’t like each other, specs. Sometimes, it gets physical, but that isn’t often.” He said that so casually. “I don’t like fightin’,” I said firmly. “I really don’t.” The noise of someone being punched was somewhat triggering for me. I knew I couldn’t hear the sounds Damien and Dante made when they fought,

but my mind remembered well what it sounded like. When I saw the lads fight, it was like those horrible sounds echoed in my head. “I know,” Dante said. “I’ll ... I’ll keep it together. Promise.” I tidied up the items I used when I was finished. “Why’d ye hit him, though?” I quizzed. “Is it ’cause he was teasin’ me? Because I’m sure he was only jokin’ when he called me a pretty librarian.” Dante’s blue eyes flashed. “I don’t want him to give ye a hard time. I know how shy ye are.” My heart thudded against my chest. “I know I’m shy, but I’m a big girl, Dante. I can take care of meself.” “I know that,” he said, his face softening. “I just want to take care of you, too. You’re my girl, remember?” They were such simple words, but Dante meant every single one. I knew he did. I practically melted into a puddle because of it. “You’re allowed to take care of me, just like I’m takin’ care if you now,” I said. “It’s what friends do, but please, keep your promise.” Dante nodded. He got to his feet as JJ entered the room. Dante left to get back to work, allowing me to exhale a deep breath. I was confused about him. He was my first ever friend, but I liked him when I shouldn’t have because he was off-limits. This friendship would be a new kind of fresh hell for me. I knew it was. I looked at JJ as he made himself a cup of tea. “He promised not to fight Damien again.” JJ smiled. “Did he now?” I nodded. “He’ll try to keep that promise, but honey,” JJ said, “don’t be surprised when he breaks it. Date and Damien ... they’ve some bad blood between them.” What bad blood? What could have happened to make them hate one another so much? I wanted to ask, but I didn’t have the courage to do so.

“What you’re sayin’ is, I’m gonna be patchin’ up mechanics more often than not in here.” “Most likely.” “Brilliant.” I sat down in a huff as JJ chuckled and said, “Aren’t ye glad ye work here, darlin’?”



Present day ...

“Dante.” Ina placed her hand on my chest, gaining my attention. “It was an accident. I dived when Damien shot at me. He didn’t aim for the nonpadded parts of me suit.” I looked from the Slater arsehole to Ina, and I relaxed. Her green eyes shone as she looked up at me, and I didn’t miss the glimmer of fear in them. She didn’t want me to fight with Damien. I knew that. She hated fighting, and I made her a promise that I wouldn’t do that anymore, and I was doing my best to keep it. “Okay. Are ye sure you’re okay, though?” “I’m fine.” She dropped her hand. “Perfectly perfect.” I missed her gentle touch instantly. “Good.” I looked up at Damien. “Smackin’ your team’s arse on the course is satisfaction enough for me, blondie.”

When Damien rolled his eyes, I could tell my win pissed him off, and that pleased me greatly. “Date’s comin’ through with big dick energy after that win,” Bronagh teased. “We don’t say big dick energy in this family.” I grinned. “We say fat dick spirit.” Everyone laughed, including Ina, whose cheeks flushed a pretty pink. Christ. She was so gorgeous and so shy. She had no idea how much I wanted to grab her and kiss her senseless, and she never would. She was my friend, and I cherished that friendship with her. My attraction to her was not worth ruining the bond I had growing with her. I cared about her a great deal, and if I was being honest with myself, simply seeing her was the best part of my day. I knew that meant I was knee-deep in trouble, but there was fuck all that I could do about it. “Can we go eat before the party?” Keela asked her husband. “I’m starvin’, babe.” Alec nodded and took his tiny son into his arms, kissing his chunky cheek. Ina looked at Keela. “Party?” Crap. I’d forgotten to mention that to her. “Yeah.” Keela nodded. “Aideen and Kane are havin’ a party.” “Which everyone is invited to,” Aideen added for Ina’s benefit. “It’s just really all of us havin’ a few drinks in our apartment. Nothin’ wild ’cause our kids will be there. We’d love for ye to come, Ina.” Everyone’s eyes fell on her. “Oh, th-thank you for the invite,” she stammered, “but I can’t tonight.” Before I could stop myself, I asked, “Why not?” Her eyes turned to me, and I knew that if she were any of the Slater women, she’d have thumped me by now for making her the centre of

attention, but this was Ina. She didn’t resort to playful violence, insults, or even snappy replies. Instead, she racked her brain for something to say. “I ... I don’t have anythin’ cute to wear.” I wasn’t sure if that was the real reason, but I had no cause to doubt her, so I didn’t. “What you’re wearin’ is cute,” I countered. “Casual is the dress code anyway.” She hesitated a moment, then nodded. “Okay then.” I slung my arm around her shoulders. “Country is in. She can tell everyone her war stories of how she shot more people than anyone durin’ today’s games.” Everyone who Ina had shot throughout the rounds grumbled while the rest of us laughed. She relaxed against me, and just like that, all was right in the world.

“When are you going to ask Ina out, Date?” “I’m not,” I answered Ryder. “I’ve already decided not to.” We were in my sister’s apartment. All of the Slater brothers were there along with their women and kids. My brothers were there and my father too. I had a bottle of Bulmers in my hand, and Ryder had a bottle of Bud in his. Branna was across the room with her twin sons sitting on her lap. Ryder might have been talking to me, but his eyes were on his family. “Why not?” “Because everyone told me it’s a bad idea and that I should just be her friend.” Ryder moved his storm-grey eyes to mine. “Can’t really blame them with your track record with women.” Ouch. “I know.” I sighed. “Which is why I’m being her friend.”

“It’s killing you, though, right?” “Like ye wouldn’t believe.” I took a swig from my bottle. “I’ve never been more attracted to a woman before, but it’s different because I like her for much more than her looks. She’s the best part of me day every day, and she’s me favourite person. Period.” Ryder whistled. “Bro, if you’re this into her, just ask her out.” “I can’t.” “Because of your dad’s rules? Harley told me about them.” “They are a factor, but the main reason is that she is me friend. I don’t want to ruin that with sex. I value her too much. She means … she means a lot to me, man.” It was insane to me that just weeks ago, I would have jumped at the chance to ask Ina out with the end goal of sleeping with her being on the table, but now she was my friend. I still wanted her, I wanted her bad ... but now I wanted her friendship more. No matter how explosive I knew it would be, I wasn’t willing to ruin that for sex. “Damn, Date.” Ryder whistled. “I’ve never known you to act like this over a woman, not even Alannah.” I shrugged. “I’m friends with your wife and the others, but I’ve never had a friend like Ina before. I spend a lot of time with her, I work with her, I live across the hall from her ... it’s got me head fucked up, but this is what’s right.” Ryder patted my shoulder. “You’re a good man.” “I’m expectin’ a sainthood any day now.” Ryder laughed just as a body walked into the sitting room. I got to my feet the second I saw her. Her raven-dark hair was loose and hung in waves down to her waist. I was so used to it being tied up in a tight bun that seeing it down was almost my undoing. It reminded me of the first night I met her. “Country.” I moved towards her. “I was about to send out a search party for ye.”

Her green eyes, framed by her glasses that she pushed up the bridge of her nose, seemed to gleam. “Have ye been here long?” “Nah. About twenty minutes. What d’ye want a bottle of? Aideen has a bit of everythin’.” “Oh, I don’t drink,” she uttered nervously. “Never have.” “Ye not interested in tryin’?” Demurely, she shook her head. “Okey dokey.” I put down the bottle in my hand. “No drinkin’ it is.” Ina chuckled. “Dante, just because I don’t drink doesn’t mean you don’t have to.” “I know.” I reached out and tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ear. “But I want ye to be comfortable.” “Ina, ye made it!” Aideen muscled me out of her way and gave Ina a big ole squeeze. Locke, who was in Aideen’s arms, surprised me when he held his arms out to Ina. She seemed surprised too as she took my nephew into her arms. “Hello, handsome boy.” Locke played with the low-cut trim of her T-shirt, and I had never envied a baby more in my life for such a simple action. “He likes ye,” Aideen beamed. “He hardly ever wants to leave me arms.” Ina cuddled Locke. “He’s precious.” Locke looked at me without blinking as he rested his head on Ina’s chest. Something in his grey eyes set me on edge, and it hit me like a train. The kid knew that I was into Ina, and he was rubbing it in my face by rubbing on her like the little shite he was. I glared at him, and he gave me a gummy grin in response that made me want to both scowl and laugh at him. Ina moved across the room to talk to my sister and the other women who surrounded her. Alannah and Branna introduced themselves with a hug. It pleased me that everyone was being so nice to her. I knew that I was

the closest person to her in her life now that she was on her own without her family, and I wanted her circle of friends to expand. She deserved to have a bunch of people care about her. “I have some serious competition,” I grumbled to Ryder as I retook my seat next to him. “With a baby, it would seem.” Ryder looked at Locke snuggling Ina and laughed when the kid openly palmed her breast. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of your own nephew?” “Ye wouldn’t believe how much,” I huffed. “Look at him, touchin’ her tits and smilin’. The little fucker.” Ryder’s laughter gained the women’s attention, and they all beamed his way. Ina’s eyes moved to mine, and her smile widened when I winked at her. I loved seeing her smile. Every single time she did, I felt like I was being rewarded when those little dimples popped out. I watched as she carefully handed Locke back to my sister and made her way towards me. She waved at Damien, which pinched at my chest, but I shook it off once she sat down next to me. She leaned forward and signed hello to Ryder. Wordlessly, he returned the sign with a smile. All of us could sign hello, goodbye, and thank you. I knew some minor phrases, but learning sign language was a process. “You were badass on the course today,” Ryder said. “Thanks.” Ina blushed prettily. “Your twins are so cute. One of them kissed me lips by mistake when he tried to kiss me cheek.” Two babies had gotten further with Ina than I had? This was fucking embarrassing. “Trust me, that wasn’t a mistake,” I scoffed. “Slaters don’t make mistakes like that, even the little ones. They come out of the womb as ladykillers.” Ryder laughed. “He’s right, y’know?” Ina waved her hand as she giggled. We chatted for a few moments before Ryder got up to help his wife when his sons began to fuss. I turned

my focus on Ina as she relaxed next to me and glanced around the room. “It’s different than what I thought it would be.” “What is?” “The party.” I snorted. “This is more of a family get-together. This isn’t like a regular gaf party.” “I wouldn’t know,” Ina said. “I’ve never been to any kind of party before.” I lost my smile. “You’re serious?” “Dead serious.” She nodded. “I’ve never even had a birthday party. Daddy never allowed it, so Granda brought me out instead.” What type of prick was her father? I wanted to ask her personal questions, to learn about her past to connect with her better, but I could tell from the look on her face that she didn’t want to talk about it. “Well,” I said, “this is as tame as a party can get for us with the kids being here and all.” “I like it.” She smiled warmly. “Your family is lovely, and so are the Slaters. Everyone has made me feel very welcome.” “Ye are welcome.” She looked at me. “I know. I’m part of your group now. We’re all friends.” “Wanna know a secret?” She straightened. “Always.” “You’re me best friend.” Ina’s lips parted with unmasked surprise. “Harley’s your best friend. You’re with him more than anyone.” “He’s me brother, so by default, they’re all me best friends. But you are me real best friend.” Ina stared at me for a moment before she leaned in and hugged me. “You’re me best friend too,” she murmured. “I really care about you, Dante.

You’re me favourite person.” I slid my arms around her waist. “Ditto, country.” Ina remained in my arms as I looked up and realised everyone’s eyes were on the pair of us. The majority of the room was smiling, except JJ and my da. They were both staring at me hard, and I could read into what the stares were telling me. Back the fuck off, boy. I gave Ina one last squeeze before she sat back, and my eyes turned to her when she winced. “Did I hurt ye?” “Nah.” She shook her head. “It’s me bum.” At the mention of her mouth-watering backside, I shifted and pleaded with my dick not to get hard. I was a grown man, but my cock apparently operated like it did when I was a teen, and the words “tits” and “arse” made it stand at attention, especially when said tits and arse belonged to Ina. “What about it?” “Damien shot me on the course today, remember? It hurts.” Instantly, I was concerned. “Have ye put any antibacterial cream on it? Ye mentioned earlier that the paintballs broke your skin.” She shook her head. “I don’t have anythin’ like that.” I stood and pulled her along with me. She peered up at me with a questioning gaze. “C’mon, I have a first-aid kit in me apartment with that kind of cream.” When I excused us from the party, I avoided looking at JJ and my father. I didn’t realise until I was in the lift with Ina that I was holding her hand. My fingers were threaded through hers. It felt right, and because she didn’t mention it, I kept holding it until we were inside my apartment. I retrieved the kit from the press under the sink in my kitchen, placed it on the counter, and opened it. I turned and handed her the tube of antibacterial cream. “Do I need to draw ye a map to find the bathroom?”

“Smart-arse.” She took the tube and chuckled. “I’ll manage.” I leaned against the kitchen counter and watched as she walked out of the room. I glanced around and thanked God that the place was tidy. Whether at work, hitting the gym, the pub, or wherever else the wind took me, I rarely spent much time at home. Even less since Ina barrelled her way into my life. Whenever we hung out after work, we always just drifted into her apartment absentmindedly. All I needed to do was stay there overnight to say that I practically lived there. I wondered if Ina realised that. A couple of minutes passed by when I heard the bathroom door open. “Dante?” I straightened. “Yeah, babe?” “I … uh … I can’t see me cut. Your mirror isn’t long enough for me to show me where it is.” I didn’t respond right away because I wasn’t sure what Ina wanted me to do until it clicked. “I can help ye, love. No problem.” “Are ye sure?” she quizzed timidly. “I can always just get a dollop of the cream on my fingers and rub it over the whole area and call it a day.” She could do that, and it’d likely be a fine remedy, or she could tug down her jeans and let me do it for her. “It’s probably best for me to help ye, specs. That way, I can make sure the cut gets treated correctly. We don’t want ye gettin’ an infection, do we?” “No, we don’t.” I made my way into the bathroom and found a red-faced Ina staring up at me. “Nice to meet ye, Rudolph.” She playfully swatted my arm. “Don’t tease me. I’m so embarrassed.” I took pity on her. “Your bum won’t be the first I’ve seen, kid.” She exhaled a deep breath and bobbed her head as she handed me the tube of cream. Without a word, she turned, and like a bolt of lightning, she

shimmied her jeans down until they bunched around her mid-thigh. I hunkered down and instantly froze. “You’re temptin’ me with these white cotton granny knickers, country.” “Dante!” She choked. “There’ll be no talk of me knickers. None at all!” I couldn’t even smile. I was too turned on to find anything about this situation remotely funny. The bottom line was that Ina had a fat arse, and the sight of it almost made me swallow my tongue. Apart from a small cut with a nasty bruise and welts surrounding it, her skin was alabaster white. She had a dozen or more stretch marks that I could see, some dark, some faded, and she had a healthy spread of cellulite. I knew these things made many women self-conscious about their bodies, and Ina was clearly no different, but the woman had no idea how much I wanted to lean in and sink my teeth into her oh-so-tasty-looking flesh. Her arse was perfect. “Okay.” I cleared my throat. “Ready?” I didn’t wait for an answer. I reached out and gently rubbed the cream over the small cut, causing her body to jolt at the contact. I paused and looked up at the back of her head. “Sorry, country,” I said. “Am I hurtin’ ye?” “No, you’re fi-fine,” she stammered. “The coldness of it just startled me.” Her body was trembling, which made her arse jiggle just a little. My cock was so hard that it hurt. “Nearly done,” I murmured. “Just need another minute.” Slowly, very slowly, I spread the cream over her cut and rubbed it in gently. When I finished, I leaned in and blew over the tender flesh. Ina’s body jolted once more, and I knew that it wasn’t the cold that had affected her this time. “All done, babe.”

Ina hurriedly pulled her jeans back up and turned to face me. She did this as I stood up, and her sudden movement caused her to bump into me. Both of us were thrown off balance. I fell backwards, and Ina fell forward as she tried to help me stay upright. I landed on my back, and Ina landed on my front. The breath was knocked out of me, but other than that, I was fine. “I’m so sorry,” Ina blurted as she placed her hands on the floor on either side of my head and pushed her upper body free of mine. “I could’ve killed ye! Are ye okay?” After a couple of breaths, I managed a raspy chuckle. “I’m fine. You’re a tiny thing. How much damage d’ye think ye could do to me?” Ina smiled down at me, and Christ, her beauty captivated me. I wasn’t sure when I made the decision, but before I knew it, I reached up with my hand, cupped the back of Ina’s head, and pulled her face down to mine. Her look of surprise was the last thing I saw before my eyes closed upon tasting her lips. Her soft gasp parted those velvet lips and made way for my tongue. I couldn’t help the groan that left me. She tasted so sweet, and her lips felt so soft. I hummed when Ina’s tongue tentatively moved against mine. Her body relaxed completely, and when she moaned, blood rushed to my already hard, throbbing cock. We stayed like that, lying on the hallway floor with our legs still in the bathroom. We kissed until both of us were panting and gripping one another tight as a vice. When Ina pulled back from the kiss, I wanted to follow her so I could claim her lips once more, but I knew she needed a breather. Hell, I did too. That kiss … I have never experienced one like it before. If I hadn’t already been lying flat on my back, Ina would have brought me to my knees. “Dante.”

My name on her red, kiss-swollen lips and the look of disbelief in her green eyes worried me. I had been adamant that my bond with Ina wasn’t worth ruining for some kisses and mind-blowing sex, and here I was, tasting her lips like I had the right to. Ye swore ye wouldn’t fuck this up, and what d’ye do the second ye get up close and personal with her? Maul her. Well done, dickhead. “I’m so sorry.” I swallowed. “I couldn’t help it, honey. I had to taste you.” Ina’s eyes were wide. “It’s … it’s okay.” My heart jumped in my chest. “It is?” Slowly, she nodded. “I … I like ye so much, Dante.” The ground might as well have fallen from beneath me because those handful of words were not what I was expecting this beautiful woman to say. “I like ye too, sweetheart.” I nearly shouted in response. “A hell of a lot.” “Really?” Ina’s eyes bulged with surprise. “Ye really like me?” “Ina, of course I do. Surely, ye’ve picked up on how much I fancy ye?” She shook her head. “I had no clue.” “Ye sure are stupid for someone so smart and pretty.” When she thumped my arm, I smiled. I helped her to her feet, and when we were both standing just inches away from one another, it felt like there had been a major shift between us, but Ina’s expression still worried me. “I swore I’d be single and stay by meself for a long time, Dante. Movin’ here was a do-over for me.” I felt a little sick as I nodded. “Ye can still do that, babe. Nothin’ has to happen between us, not if ye don’t want it.” “I do want it,” she said, both shocking and delighting me. “Dante, I’ve been torturin’ meself this last month of knowin’ ye because I like ye so much, but I didn’t think I stood a chance with ye.”

Fireworks went off in my mind. “Specs, I’m so into ye too, and I understand ye bein’ wary. I love the bond I have with you, and I’ve been scared to wreck that, but what if we take things very slow?” I suggested, hoping to Christ she didn’t shut me down. “I know a relationship is the last thing you wanted when ye set on to start over here, but if you like me and I like you, why don’t we try? I’d treat ye so well, Ina. I’d never take ye for granted.” Her green eyes glazed over with tears. “I know ye would. I’m just scared.” “Me too.” I lifted my hands to her face. “I’ve wanted to make a move on ye a dozen times over, but I was scared I’d ruin our friendship. You’re me best friend, Ina. I thought the attraction I had was one-sided.” “It’s not.” She placed her hands on mine. “But there’s something else. Your daddy said I couldn’t date one of his mechanics. I can’t break his rule. Not only because I need me job badly, but ’cause I truly love workin’ at the garage.” “Leave me aul fella to me.” I rubbed my thumbs over her cheeks. “We can just be private with how we do things for a time, okay? Me da won’t object to anythin’ once he’s certain I’ll treat ye well. He just doesn’t want me to, uh, date you.” “I don’t understand.” “When I date a woman, it’s never for a relationship. It’s always just one-time sex … I don’t do relationships.” “At all?” “Nope, but I don’t want just one-time sex with you, country. I want everythin’.” Being honest with Ina felt right. It didn’t feel like I was revealing something I should have kept to myself. Being that as it may, I was bricking myself with the prospect of scaring her by being too honest.

“Dante, are ye tellin’ me that ye don’t do relationship, but ye want to try to have one with me?” “Absolutely.” “Why?” she implored, her eyes searching mine. “I promise I’m not fishin’ for compliments or reassurance when I ask this, but why me?” “Because when I wake up in the mornin’, the first thing I want to do is see your face.” Her pale pink lips parted. “Really?” “Really, baby.” Her cheeks flushed. “I want to see you when I wake up first thing too.” Thank Christ. “About what ye said,” she continued, her face now scalded. “About wantin’ me for more than a one-night stand. Can we … can we work up to that? The sex part, I mean.” She looked so mortified at having this discussion that I didn’t even tease her. She looked like she might combust at any given moment. “Of course, we’ll go at your pace. I wanna be a different Date for you.” “How about ye just be Dante for me? I think he is pretty incredible.” I had never been Dante for any woman before—even Alannah got Date —but for Ina, I would give my all to her. I would be Dante. “I can do that, country.” Her whole body seemed to slump with relief. “I can’t believe this is happenin’.” She dropped her hands to my waist, clutching at the fabric of my T-shirt. “I … I get to kiss you whenever I want to, right?” “That depends on one thing.” “What’s that?” “Just how likely are ye to wear your pencil skirts at home?”



“Did ye win the lottery?” “If I did, I’d never tell ye.” “Then I give up.” Gavin threw his hands up into the air. “What has ye smilin’ so feckin’ much? It’s creepin’ me out.” Gavin, the annoying little shite that he was, had been on my case for the past forty minutes, asking me question after question as to why I was smiling. Ina’s name never popped up once, which relieved me. We were starting our new relationship just between us and that meant not telling Gavin. If I told him, he’d tell Bronagh and Alannah since they were his “besties”. If they knew, then the whole Slater tribe and Collins clan would know, and that would likely give Ina an anxiety attack. She was convinced that if my father found out about us that he would sack her on the spot. He wouldn’t. He’d be pissed at me for risking her position at the garage, but he wouldn’t sack her. The man already loved her. She was his work daughter.

“I’m smilin’ ’cause I’m in a good mood,” I said to my youngest brother. “But that’ll change if ye keep pesterin’ me.” Gavin frowned. “I don’t feckin’ pester.” He walked off in a huff, which made me shake my head. Time and time again, I wondered how he, out of all my brothers, was a gangster. I watched Gavin as he got back to work, muttering to himself, and I thought of the circle he ran with. Brandon Daley was known as just Brandy on the streets. The man was the head of the Irish mob and ran the gangland in Ireland. That was my brother’s boss, the dangerous man just so happened to be the uncle of Alec Slater’s wife, Keela. Gavin was supposed to have left Brandon’s gang a long time ago, but he hadn’t. He tried to limit his involvement, but he was still very much knee-deep in that life. It worried me that something might happen to him. “I don’t agree with Gav’s interrogation methods.” Harley’s voice drifted from my left. “But the kid’s got a point. Ye are smilin’ a little too much today.” “Go on.” I waved a hand. “Ask me twenty questions then.” “Oh, I don’t have to guess. I already know Ina is the reason you’re grinnin’ like the Grinch after he stole Christmas.” I nearly broke my neck as I jerked my head in Harley’s direction. Instantly, he smirked. “Ye’ve had that stupid grin on your face since both you and little miss country came back from your apartment last night, so give it up. Did ye fuck her?” I shouldn’t have been surprised that Harley was wise to me. He knew me like the back of his hand. “No,” I replied honestly. “We just kissed.” “Just kissed?” “Yeah.” I nodded. “Look, long story short, she’s into me like I’m into her, but she’s scared. Sex is a ways off, and I’m cool with that. She wants to go slow.”

My brother looked and sounded astonished when he said, “Seriously?” “Yeah, seriously,” I answered. “I hafta do this right with her, Harls.” “Fuckin’ hell, Date.” My brother whistled. “This isn’t just a ploy to fuck her … ye want her, don’t ye? Ye want to be with her?” “Yeah.” I nodded. “I do. I don’t know when me priorities shifted, but it’s not just about sex anymore. It’s about a fuck load more than that. I don’t even understand how much more meself, but I want to find out. She’s important to me.” He considered this for a moment. We watched our father enter the hangar to give Gavin a hand with the car he was working on. They worked together while chatting about a TV show they were both watching. “Da will kill ye, ye know?” “He won’t because he won’t find out until we both know things have a solid future,” I said pointedly. “We’re keepin’ it private, which means you have to keep your mouth shut.” “Who am I gonna tell? JJ hates gossip, Ry and Dame are off-limits because of their women, Gavin is out ’cause he tells Bronagh and Alannah everythin’, and Aideen will announce it to the world if I tell her. You’re the only person I bitch with apart from Ina durin’ me cuppa pit stops at her desk.” I smiled. “Don’t let on to her that ye know either. She’s worried Da will sack her.” “He’d sack one of us quicker.” Harley chortled. “He loves her already, says she’s his work daughter.” “I know,” I mused. “He’ll be fine with us once he knows I’m not gonna —” “Date her?” “Exactly.” I nodded as Gavin’s phone rang. “Me old ways of datin’ are done with. I have to find new ways for Ina.” “I’ve got one thing to say to that.”

“Lay it on me.” “Bagsy being best man at your weddin’.” Both Harley and I laughed, but our attention jerked to our baby brother when he dropped his tools to the floor with a clatter. He was clutching his phone against his ear. A wave of silence washed over the hangar. “What?” Gavin shouted. “Are ye serious, Branna?” Harley and I made our way over to our brother instantly. “What?” he croaked. “I’m on me way! Tell her I’m on me way right now!” I shared a look with my father before we both stared at my little brother, who was so pale I worried he might collapse. “Kalin is in labour,” he spluttered. “That was Branna Slater, she said Kalin asked her to phone me. Her water broke a few hours ago, and she’s in the hospital. She didn’t want to worry me in case labour took a long time, but she’s already nine centimetres dilated, which means she’s nearly ready to start pushin’ the baby out.” He looked at me, his body now trembling. “I can’t miss me son being born, Dante.” I hadn’t heard him call me Dante since he was a little boy. He was scared. Reaching out, I gripped his shoulder. “Ye won’t,” I said firmly. “We’re goin’ to the hospital. Come on.” “I’ll hold down the fort here with the lads and Ina,” Harley said. “Don’t worry about a thing.” Harley gave Gavin a hug, then we left. Our da followed us without a word. We were surprisingly quiet on the drive to the hospital, and with every passing minute, Gavin looked like he was about to burst with anxiety. After thirty minutes, we pulled into the car park of the Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital, and together, the three of us jogged into the lobby of the hospital. I looked at the sign and pointed towards the stairs. “The labour ward is on the third floor.”

The three of us tried to head for the stairs, but a security guard stopped us. “No visitors, no exceptions.” “I’m not a visitor,” Gavin snapped. “Me missus is up there. She’s about to have our baby. I need to be there.” The man confirmed Kalin’s name before he gave Gavin the go-ahead. “Go.” Da patted Gavin’s back. “Be strong for Kalin and your boy. You’re goin’ to do great, son.” He hugged us both, then he was gone. Da and I sat on the available chairs in the lobby, and we both exhaled a breath of relief that we had gotten him here in time. In the back of my mind, I was terrified Gavin would miss his firstborn making his entrance into the world. “Gav’s gonna be a daddy. Holy fuck.” We talked about rubbish as twenty minutes passed by when I suddenly spotted a familiar face leaving the canteen. “Branna!” She paused at the mention of her name, and when she saw us, she smiled and gestured us to her. The security guard grunted but stepped aside and allowed us to pass. I jogged over to her, and when I was close enough to do so, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “D’ye have any idea how Kalin is doin’?” I questioned. “Gavin headed up to the labour ward about twenty minutes ago.” She put her arm around my waist and gave me a squeeze. “She’s actively pushin’.” “Shouldn’t ye be in there with her?” “No.” Branna chuckled. “She’s in another’s care for the birth.” She hugged my da in greeting and told us to follow her up to the labour ward. The second we passed through the double doors, ear-piercing screams and pain-filled groaning came from every direction, and I knew I’d likely never be able to obtain an erection again.

I tensed when a woman shouted, “Ye little dick, prick. This is your fault. You’re never touchin’ me again!” Da whistled. “Now this brings back memories.” I glanced at him. “Did Ma scream when she had us?” “Janey mack.” He chuckled as we walked. “She was like a banshee. She screamed until she ran out of breath, but she did it without a drop of pain relief, and she did it five times. That woman gave me five beautiful babies.” I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “I wish she were here for this.” “Me too.” Da smiled sadly. “She never got to experience Gavin. She barely got to hold him before everythin’ went wrong, but I knew she was always with him. With all of us. She’s in that room right now helpin’ my lad get through this. Kalin too. I know she is.” Warmth filled my chest. “Both of ye can go into the room if ye’d like? Kalin said if Gavin brought his family, they could go in.” I think the fuck not. “Uh, no,” I said. “Thanks, though.” Branna laughed. “Cheeky fecker.” I grinned. “Can we sit outside her room?” “Sure, sweetie. She’s in number three. There are a couple of seats against the wall facin’ the room.” My father and I thanked Branna and made our way down the hallway. A scream erupted from the room facing us when we sat down on the chairs. I panicked and grabbed my father’s hand, making him laugh. “This is part of the process, sunshine.” Da pried his hand from my grip. “Screamin’, cursin’, and unless you’re quick enough, some slappin’ too.” “This is stressful as fuck. I don’t know how ye did it five times.” “Your birth was the only time your ma ever whacked me,” Da mused. “Thirty-seven hours she laboured you for, and just when they thought she

might need a C-section, ye made your grand entrance into the world. She was so happy ye were out of her body that she cried for a solid hour. She also said she’d never have another baby again.” “That worked out well for her since she was pregnant with Aideen before she could blink.” I snorted. “She loved babies.” “That she did … I still can’t believe she’s gone. I held her hand when she took her last breath, and I was too stupid to realise somethin’ bad was happenin’ because we had already had so many babies at that point. I didn’t think anythin’ could go wrong with her. She was superwoman, and nothin’ could happen to superwoman. How naïve I was made her passin’ harder.” My aul lad just broke my heart. “I know ye miss her, Da.” I placed a hand on his shoulder. “But d’ye know how much ye helped me and the others when she died? We were all still so little, and Gavin was only a newborn, but ye never let it show that ye were strugglin’. Aideen swore she could hear ye cry at night for years after Ma’s death, and I’m sure ye did when ye had moments to yourself, but ye never let your grief interfere with ye being a perfect father. Ye were superman to us. Ye still are.” “Jaysus, Date.” He rubbed at his eyes. “I love ye, son.” “I love you, too.” “I know I give ye a hard time over women and how ye make your way through so many of them, but you’re a good man despite that. I just want ye to find a woman to love and respect like I loved and respected your mammy.” “I know ye do, Da.” We both hugged, then separated and turned our heads to the door when there was a lot of shouting, screaming, and then the boisterous cries of a baby. Those were the cries of my new nephew. “Oh my God in Heaven,” I breathed. “Gavin’s a daddy.”

Branna walked down the hallway and heard the cries of the baby. “Another grandbaby for you, Mr Collins. Congratulations, sir.” “Thanks, honey bun.” We got to our feet, and each gave Branna a hug. She took us downstairs for a drink and a sandwich in the canteen while Kalin and the baby were cleaned up after the birth. We lingered a while so the new parents could have some private time with their new bundle of joy. When we returned to the labour ward, the door to room three was open, so my father and I stepped up to the threshold, knocking as we went. Kalin was lying on the bed, all tucked in and looking thoroughly exhausted but beautiful. Gavin was sitting next to her, holding a little bundle in his arms. Both of their attention turned to us. “Hey.” Kalin smiled. “I’m so glad you’re both here.” My father and I took turns giving the mother of Gavin’s child a hug, then a kiss on the cheek as we congratulated her. She and Gavin weren’t in a romantic relationship. I wasn’t sure what was going on with them. Kalin was as sweet as pie, and I knew she was into my brother, but I didn’t interfere with their relationship. That was their own business. Besides, I was hardly a relationship guru who could offer up advice. I needed all the advice, tips, and suggestions I could get. “Gav.” I came up beside him and gave him a one-armed hug, careful of the baby. “You’re a daddy, little brother.” “I know.” He smiled. “D’ye wanna hold him?” “Of course,” I chirped. “Let me sit down, though. I don’t trust myself standin’ with him.” Gavin chuckled as I sat on the nearest chair and held my hands up. Gently, my brother placed my new nephew in my arms, and I was floored. He was bald, had no eyebrows, and looked a lot like a flushed potato, but he was so cute that I couldn’t stand it. He was also so much bigger than Jax and Locke had been when they were born. He was an absolute beast.

“He’s so chunky. He has three chins.” Gavin laughed. “He’s eleven pounds on the dot.” “Merciful Christ on the cross.” My jaw dropped. “Kalin, honey, I’m so sorry for your fanny.” “Trust me, Date,” she tittered lightly. “I am too.” “She did it without pain meds, too. The woman is a warrior, which both amazes and terrifies me.” My father smiled at Gavin’s praise of Kalin. “He’s twenty-four inches long. The nurse said she’d bet her house that he’ll be taller than me when he’s grown.” Gavin was six foot two, like me. JJ was the tallest at six foot four. “Kalin, ye’ll have to jump whenever ye have to clip him around the ear.” My father’s comment made her chuckle. “Have ye both settled on a name?” Gavin looked at Kalin, who smiled at my question and nodded. “We have.” Gavin beamed. “This little fella is Indie Jax Collins.” “Indie,” I repeated. “That’s a brilliant name.” “Aideen’s gonna cry her eyes out when she finds out ye gave Jax as his middle name, son.” “Had to, Da.” Gavin chuckled. “That little lad is me buddy—when he’s not bullyin’ me, that is. He’s gonna look out for Indie when they’re older. They’re gonna be best friends, I know it.” I handed Indie off to my father a few minutes later after Gavin took a couple of pictures of my nephew and me. We talked and took more pictures, and when Kalin’s exhaustion got the better of her, my father and I excused ourselves to head back to the garage. We left the hospital with a spring in our steps. “He’s bloody huge, Da,” I gushed as we climbed into his truck. “He looks like he ate another newborn baby.”

Da laughed. “You were ten pounds ten ounces when ye were born. He looks an awful lot like you did.” “In that case, us fat babies have to stick together.” We laughed as we pulled out on the road. I answered my phone when it rang. “It’s me,” Aideen said. “Harley phoned and said Kalin was in labour, and you and Da went to the hospital with Gavin a few hours ago. What’s happenin’? Is there an update? I tried ringin’ Branna, but her bloody phone is just ringin’ out.” “I’ve a big update for ye, sis.” I grinned. “You’re officially an auntie.” “I’m already an auntie,” Aideen corrected. “Did ye forget about Georgie, Beau, the twins, and Enzo?” “No, I didn’t forget, but what I mean is you’re now a biological auntie … as in your baby brother just became a daddy.” Aideen screamed so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “Kalin had the baby?” “Yep. A beautiful chunky boy,” I said proudly. “He’s an eleven-pound whopper of a child.” “Oh, my God!” Aideen screamed again, and to whoever was in earshot of her, she hollered, “Kalin had the baby! Gavin’s a daddy! The little mite is eleven pounds.” There were cheers, then sobs. I smiled. It never did take much for Aideen to cry since she had kids of her own. “What’s his name, Dante?” “That, little sister, is somethin’ that Gavin will let ye know.” I hung up on her, and my da laughed. “She’ll kill ye for that.” “I know, but it’ll be worth it. I can’t believe me baby brother and baby sister are parents. This is wild.” “No, son,” Da beamed. “This the beauty of life.”



One week later …

I kissed Dante Collins. Me. Ina O’Shea. Every time I thought about it, I felt like giggling. It had only been one week since he kissed me for the first time on the floor of his hallway, and we revealed the interest that we harboured for one another. We hadn’t kissed since then, but it hadn’t been a problem. I knew Dante was waiting for my cue to make a move, and with each passing day, I felt the urge to make that move for him. It still blew my mind that he liked me like I liked him. I would have never expected him to be into me romantically, but I was on cloud nine that he was. I was still scared shitless, but I wanted to explore things with Dante. I couldn’t allow fear to control me the way it had done when I lived with Daddy. I had to take chances, and if I fell, I had to pick myself up too. The

only worry I truly had was what Mr Collins would do if he found out Dante and I were involved now. I loved my job, and I didn’t want to lose it. That was the only reason I wanted to keep things quiet about Dante and me. I didn’t want to lose all the newfound happiness that working at the garage had brought me, but I also didn’t want to lose the growing bond I had with Dante. I had only known him for a total of five weeks, and I had never felt so safe and secure with a man as I did with him. My friendship with Dante triumphed my entire nine-year relationship with Finn, so I could only imagine how much a romantic relationship with him would overshadow everything I once had with my ex. I looked up when a beep sounded behind my desk. I smiled wide when a customer entered the reception and approached me. The man was in his fifties, wore stained work clothing, and looked like he needed a cold one. He didn’t have a smile on his face. “Good afternoon, sir.” I beamed. “How may I help you?” “I’ve an appointment for two tyres to be fitted.” Hello to you, too. “Name?” “Michael Chambers.” “One second, please.” I clicked into the client appointment portal on my computer and when I saw the three pm time slot was coloured in red, my pulse jumped. I had assigned colours to the portal once I learned the system. Everything was colour coded based on the service the client needed. The only colour I assigned to red was double bookings. I picked that colour so I wouldn’t make a mistake like that, but this one slipped by me unnoticed. Shite. Quickly, I clicked into the mechanics’ logs, and my heart sank further when I saw all of the men were currently working on a vehicle already. I felt as if the temperature in the room had risen by ten degrees because I

could feel the sweat roll down my back. I wiped my clammy hands on my thighs before I looked up at the man and said, “I seem to have double booked the three o’clock time slot for one of me mechanics.” His passive face turned a dark shade of red. “You’re jokin’ me?” “I didn’t realise I had made this mistake until now.” “And what fuckin’ good does that do me?” he snapped, a dark flush rising up his thick neck. “I’m not leavin’ this buildin’ until me car has two new tyres fitted like I was booked in for.” I shrank. “I’m so sorry, Mr Chambers.” “Ye should be!” he griped. “D’ye think I can take time off work whenever I feel like it?” “No, sir.” I shook my head rapidly. “Of course not, I just made a mistake, but if ye give me a moment, I’ll do me best to rectify it.” He glared at me. “You do that.” I grabbed my tablet, shot to my feet, hurried around my desk, and refrained from sprinting into the hangar. I brisk walked onto garage floor, looking at my tablet as I went. The Slaters were both working on an engine with Mr Collins. He was teaching them something, so they weren’t available, and neither was JJ, Harley, or Gavin. Those three were in the pits of bays four, five, and six. Dante was the only one close to finishing the vehicle he was currently working on. “Dante.” I hurried over to him, a sweat breaking out on my brow. “D’ye have time to fit another car onto your log? I’ve only gone and made a terrible mistake and double booked two cars, and now—” “Ina, breathe.” I couldn’t breathe. I was about to vomit. “Dante, please.” I clutched the tablet to my chest. “Mr Chambers is so angry with me. I’m worried he’ll shout at me again if I don’t fix this.” “Who fuckin’ shouted at ye?” Dante’s eyebrows took a nosedive, and his body tensed.

“Dante, just tell me whether or not ye can fit another car onto your log. Please.” He kept eye contact with me, and after a moment, he sighed. “I can do one more dependin’ on the issue.” “It’s minor,” I assured him, hope bursting inside me. “Two new front tyres with alignment and balancin’.” I handed him my tablet that outlined the client’s car information. I lifted my fingers to my mouth and chewed on my nails as Dante’s eyes rolled over the screen. I was screwed if he couldn’t make this work because all of the other lads were busy with their full-to-the-brim logs. They couldn’t help me. “Did the client choose this specific tyre brand?” “Yes,” I answered with a bob of my head. “He gave me the tyre size and told me what brand he wanted. He already has this kind fitted on his car, and he likes them. We had them in stock, so I booked him in for them to be fitted today instead of tomorrow.” “He’s in the reception?” I nodded. “Okay, come on.” I didn’t pause to feel relieved. I took my tablet from Dante and hurried back into the reception. “I’m so sorry for the wait, Mr Chambers.” I scurried behind my desk. “Dante here will bring your car into the hangar and get your new tyres fitted onto your car.” The man barely glanced at Dante, who leaned his elbows on the counter next to him, because his focus was on me. “Did ye order the correct tyres, or do I need to have ye double-check that too, darlin’?” I felt about an inch tall as the man spoke to me.

“I ordered the right ones.” I scanned his booking on my computer. “225/60 R17 is your tyre size, and ye went with the generic brand, Zero X. Those tyres are ninety-five euros each. I have your invoice already prepared for you. I just have to wait until the service is completed before I add on the labour.” The man huffed and handed over his car keys. “How long will this take?” “Forty-five minutes,” Dante answered for me, straightening to his full height. “And before ye rattle off another smartarse remark to her, that’s the standard service time we give for tyre fittings unless an issue arises.” The man turned in Dante’s direction, and instead of coming face-toface, he was looking at Dante’s chin. The man was taller than me, but not taller than Dante. The customer took a step back, and whatever cheeky remark he was about to make never left his mouth. He knew he could treat me poorly, and I’d not say a word, but I knew that he knew that he wouldn’t get the same response from Dante. I promised myself I wouldn’t let a man treat me poorly again, but fear had gripped me when the stranger’s eyes narrowed my way. For a moment, I felt like I was trapped by him. I hated that feeling, like I couldn’t breathe. “Forty-five minutes is grand,” he said to Dante. “I’ll just sit in the waitin’ area.” Dante didn’t blink. “That’s what it’s there for.” Wordlessly, the client turned and walked towards the seating area. “And mister?” The man paused and turned his head. “Yeah?” “Don’t ever raise your voice or speak down to my missus again. Understand?” Mr Chambers saw something in Dante’s eyes that made him straighten, clear his throat, and nod once. “Yeah, sure.”

He continued to the waiting area and sat down. Dante turned to face me, and the burning in my lungs told me I was holding my breath without realising it. I placed my hand on my chest to calm myself down. “That was horrible,” I whispered, sliding the man’s car key towards Dante. “I thought he was gonna square up to you.” “Hardly,” Dante grunted. “He’s a hard man with women, not ablebodied men.” I exhaled a breath. “Thank you for helpin’ me.” “I’m not doin’ it for free.” My heart thudded against my chest. “What d’ye want as payment?” “I don’t think you’re ready for the answer to that question, country.” I felt my face burn, making Dante smile. “I’ll collect a kiss from ye later, good lookin’.” He left the reception with a wink, and I bloody well nearly started giggling. The fear and worry I felt a moment ago vanished because I knew I had nothing to worry about with Mr Chambers now that Dante had spoken to him. My attention quickly turned from Dante back to work when the phone rang. I picked the handheld up and pressed the green button before placing it to my ear. “Collins Auto Repair, this is Ina.” Silence answered me for a moment until all I could hear was someone’s breathing. Instantly, I was annoyed. I had received five other calls just like this one in the past week, and it was really starting to grate on my nerves. “Hello?” I pressed. “I know you’re there. I can hear ye breathin’.” Nothing. “Whoever this is, just stop callin’, or I’m goin’ to report this to the guards!” The line went dead a second later. I put the phone down and turned back to my computer with a shake of my head. I added more notes of parts orders that I had to place, and when I was finished, I opened my work email to

check my inbox. I went through the build-up one by one, but my heart stopped when I saw the message line for one particular email that had been sent within the past few minutes. Miss Ina O’Reilly I’ll bring you home soon, my flower. I knew, without a doubt, that it was Finn. He had always called me his flower. He had once told me that I was his rose and that he was my water, and that without him, I would wilt away and die. For a long time, I had believed that, but the past five weeks of being independent and free of him and my father were the best of my life. I didn’t wilt away, I thrived. My freedom from them both proved how much better off I was without them. I read the words in the email over and over again and told myself that they were just that … harmless words. I wanted to believe they held no real meaning, but a part of me took them for what they obviously were, a blatant threat. “Finn is nothin’,” I murmured to myself. “You’re free of him.” My words of reassurance did little to calm my spiked nerves. The email was sent to my work email, which meant Finn knew where I worked. My name and picture were listed on the company’s website which meant he knew that I went by my mother’s surname now. I wondered if he knew my home address, too. I felt sick just thinking about it. The day passed by in a flurry of customers, bookings, phone calls, emails, and chats with the lads, but mentally, I had checked out. I hated the feeling of dread that swirled around in the pit of my stomach. It was a constant reminder that just because I had left Finn in my past did not mean he would stay there. I was in the staff room making myself a cup of tea when a sudden shadow to my right made me yelp. “Whoa! It’s me. Harley.”

I nearly collapsed with fear, and Harley found my reaction funny until he saw it in my eyes that I was truly scared. “Are ye jumpy by nature, or is somethin’ botherin’ ye?” The question surprised me so much so that I hesitated to answer. He frowned. “Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” When I bobbed my head, Harley tensed. “Wait here,” he said. “I’ll get Date.” Barely a minute went by until Dante Collins was standing in front of me with his hands on my face. I stepped forward and hugged him tightly without a word. He was my safe place, and I needed to feel safe right now. Finn was a poison to me, and Dante was my antidote. “Specs,” he murmured. “Are ye still upset over that bloke givin’ out to ye earlier? I told ye not to worry about him, kid.” I squeezed him. “It’s not that.” Dante stepped back but kept his hands on my shoulders. “What’s wrong, Ina?” “It’s probably nothin’.” I wrung my hands together. “But I’m scared, really scared.” “Tell me.” Dante’s eyes peered into mine. “Ye can trust me.” It dawned on me then that I already trusted Dante. I trusted him with my life, and I had no idea how or when it happened. “Well”—I swallowed, shifting my stance—“it’s really not a big deal, so I don’t want to burden—” “Nothin’ about ye will ever be a burden to me. I want to make that very clear.” Either my heart skipped a beat with his words, or I was having a heart attack. I relaxed. “Okay.” “Okay,” he repeated. “Tell me what’s up.” “It’s me ex-boyfriend.”

Dante’s usually smiling face was passive. “What about him?” I filled Dante in on the email I had received, as well as the weird silent phone calls that I boiled down to being Finn. It made sense that he would be the silent caller. He was taunting me. “He threatened you?” Dante asked through clenched teeth. “Did he not accept your breakup?” I gestured at the table. “We’ll need a cuppa for this talk.” I made us tea and sat down. “Ye don’t think I’m a liar for not tellin’ ye about usin’ me mammy’s surname, d’ye?” I was nervous in case he answered yes. “No.” Dante shook his head. “Ye were protectin’ yourself. I’m sure ye feel more like an O’Shea than an O’Reilly, and not because of your ma either. Your granda was your ma’s father, wasn’t he?” “Yeah, he was. He didn’t agree with her leavin’ me when she left Daddy, so he was always there for me. He always called me little Miss O’Shea. On me birth cert, me ma put me surname as O’Shea, but everyone called me Ina O’Reilly, even teachers at school. When I left Carlow, I left that name behind.” “I figured as much.” I nodded and said nothing further. I knew I had a lot to explain, but part of me didn’t want to tell Dante and not because I didn’t trust him. I didn’t want to tell him because he was my safe place. Daddy and Finn ruined everything they touched. I didn’t want that to happen with Dante. “This is hard for ye to talk about, isn’t it?” “Yeah, I wanted to put everythin’ about me past out of me life, but I haven’t been able to.” I looked down at my cup of tea. “Daddy was verbally and physically abusive towards me. It started a while after me granda passed away. He’s an alcoholic, and when he drinks, he turns into a cruel person.”

“Christ,” Dante said. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” “I ran away from the farm when I came here.” I looked up. “That sounds funny, right? I’m twenty-seven, and I had to run away from home.” “It’s not funny. It’s brave. Ye put yourself first and left. That’s admirable.” I nodded, trying to let his words sink in and reassure me. “Me upbringin’ after me granda died was utterly miserable. I was a slave to Daddy. From the time I was ten, I was takin’ care of the house, cookin’ every meal, washin’ clothes, and anythin’ else ye can think of. When I turned seventeen, I went to the local community college, spent a few years attendin’ there, and got me degree in business. I had to run the farm while I was in college. I wasn’t allowed to have friends or go out for anythin’ fun. Daddy only allowed me to go out with Finn because Finn listened to him. The house I lived in, the life I had, was a prison to me.” Dante reached for my hand and gripped it tightly in his. He didn’t say a word, he just listened to me, and I felt as if a dam burst inside me because having someone simply listen to what I had to say felt like it took a heavy weight from my shoulders, one I had been carrying around for years. “I don’t have memories from that house, Dante,” I sniffled. “I have scars, some ye can see and others ye can’t.” “C’mere, honey.” Dante tugged me towards him and settled me on his lap. He kissed my face and held me close as I wept. “I hate cryin’ over Daddy, over Finn too.” I wiped my eyes. “Finn never hit me, but he was emotionally abusive and verbally too. In many ways, he was just like Daddy, and that makes me sick. I can’t believe I allowed meself to be with someone who had the same characteristics as Daddy, the ones that I hated.” “How worried are ye about him? Your ex?”

“Enough to look over me shoulder,” I admitted ruefully. “He knows where I work, he knows I’m usin’ me mammy’s surname … d’ye think he knows where I live?” “I don’t know,” Dante answered. “I’m gonna mention it to Martin, our building’s head of security anyway. The Peak’s towers are a fort as it is, but alertin’ the security team to this is a smart move. Have ye got a picture of this ex-boyfriend?” I shook my head. “I just took what I needed when I left.” Dante nodded and was quiet for a minute or two. He squeezed me, then kissed my cheek. “Your da is why ye hate fightin’, and your ex is why ye hate bein’ shouted at,” Dante said. “That’s why ye get scared and freeze up with both, isn’t it?” I nodded. “I wanted to get away from them, from the life I knew, and be independent. I had to run away. They wouldn’t have let me leave otherwise.” “Fuckin’ no good bastards, the pair of them.” I didn’t reply. “I’m glad ye told me, sweetheart,” he said, lifting my hand to his mouth so he could kiss my fingers. “Ye’ll be okay. I’m gonna take care of ye. No one will hurt ye, I promise.” I smiled because I believed him. “I do believe I owe ye a kiss, Mr Collins.” His eyes darkened. “Ye do,” he agreed. “Gimmie all of your girl germs, gorgeous.” I leaned forward and bumped the tip of my nose against his. Dante’s minty, hot breath sent a shiver down my spine, and when one hand gripped my thigh and the other latched onto my waist, my body ignited with heat. I clenched my legs together to dull the ache that pulsed away between them. Dante looked down at my thighs, then up at my face, and grinned.

“Ye want me.” “Tell me somethin’ I don’t know, big man.” Dante hummed. “How about I give ye somethin’ instead?” “A kiss?” I licked my lips. “Right now?” “A kiss and an orgasm.” I felt my eyes widen as I jumped to my feet. “We’re at work.” Dante stood, leaned over, and closed the door behind me and turned the lock. “And now we have privacy at work.” I was shaking with nerves and excitement. I didn’t have time to linger on what Dante was saying because I found myself being pressed against the staff room door with Dante’s body moulded against me. Within the blink of an eye, his lips were devouring mine. I couldn’t help but moan into his mouth, and that made him growl. The sound sent electric tingles straight to my clit. This kiss was so much more desperate than the first one we shared, and I loved every second of it. “Dante.” “Fuck,” he hissed. “Say me name again.” “Dante.” He kissed me harder, and before I knew it, he had expertly unbuttoned the waist of my skirt, pulled down the zip, and dipped his hand into my knickers. I bucked against his fingers when they slid up through my wet folds. This was the most erotic and spontaneous moment of my life, and I nearly came on Dante’s fingers from excitement. “So wet,” Dante murmured against my lips. “Does this cunt want me, Ina? Does it want me cock?” My blood was on fire. “Yes,” I whimpered. “Dante, please.” He kissed me in response. My right leg was hooked around the back of his left calf. I ran my hands over his fitted T-shirt, feeling his toned, hard

muscles. I flattened my palms against Dante’s chest and felt his heart beating wildly. His fingers found their way to my sensitive clit, and the second he made contact, my body bucked against his. Dante chuckled into our kiss. “So responsive.” He licked my lips. “Ye like that, baby?” “Yes, yes,” I hissed. “Don’t stop.” “Not a chance. I want to sink me cock deep into this tight, wet cunt.” He nibbled on my lower lip. “I want to feel ye wrapped around me as I love this body and make ye scream. I’ll have you like that, Ina. Ye know I will.” “Yes. Please,” I pleaded deliriously. “Now. Right now.” “No, baby, this is just for you.” Dante planted kisses along my jaw. “Now, show me what ye look like when ye come.” He moved back to my lips and sucked my lower one into his mouth as he fingered me to the edge of a mind-blowing orgasm. My body was tense as the pleasure Dante gave me climbed higher and higher than I had ever been before. When I touched myself, it wasn’t this riveting. When I was with my ex, it wasn’t this electrifying. This was all Dante. He was undoing me. “Eyes on me, country.” His voice was deep and commanding. “I want to see you.” I hadn’t realised my eyes even closed, but I opened them just as the first pulse struck. I sucked in a sharp breath, held it until my lungs burned, and when I exhaled, it was accompanied by a deep moan that Dante captured with a kiss. My toes curled as my orgasm rippled through me. My body bucked wildly against Dante’s hand, and it took me a moment to realise I was very vocal as Dante tried to mute me with his overwhelming powerful kiss. When the haze cleared and I could think straight, I found that my head was pressed back against the staff room door, my eyes were closed, and I was panting like I had just run a marathon. Dante was feathering kisses over

my jaw. His hand was no longer down my knickers or my skirt. He was in the middle of pulling up the zip and buttoning it shut. I had to cling to his body to keep upright. My legs were like jelly, and I had never felt such a feeling of fatigue before. “I think … I think I finally understand why men have to go straight to sleep after sex.” Dante’s laughter was loud in the small room. “That good, huh?” I pressed my face to his chest. “I’ve never done that before … we’re at work.” “I love how embarrassed ye get about this stuff.” He dipped his head and nuzzled the side of my face. “A few minutes ago, ye wanted me to fuck ye and now you’re red-faced and shy as hell.” “Dante.” He laughed again. “Look at me.” I pulled up my big girl knickers and raised my eyes to his. “You’re beautiful.” Pleasure filled me from my head all the way downs to my toes. “Really?” “Really.” I leaned up to kiss him, and he met me halfway. The kiss was short and sweet. “I didn’t mess things up by being intimate with ye too soon, did I?” “What? No.” I shook my head. “I wanted that to happened more than ye’ll ever know, I’m just … it felt powerful. Did ye not feel that pull? Dante, it scared me. Ye could have asked me to do anythin’ in this room, and I would’ve done it. No questions asked.” “I felt it too.” He brought a hand to my cheek. “I knew things would be explosive between us, and this just proves it. This is normal, baby. This is what it’s supposed to feel like between a couple.”

“I never knew that,” I whispered. “I’ve only been with one person, and it was never like that. I’ve never felt anythin’ like it before.” “Me either,” he said. “Trust me when I say that I have never felt a pull like this to any woman. You’re my first, me only.” The reassurance that gave me was mighty. “D’ye want to come over tonight?” Dante’s blue eyes burned with desire. “To have sex?” “Maybe?” I swallowed. “I don’t know. I just want to be with you, and if somethin’ happens, then it’ll be because we want it to happen.” “I’ll come over on one condition.” “Name it.” Dante grinned and said one word, “Lasagne.”



When I walked back into the hangar, after Ina made sure I washed my hands thoroughly, I shouldn’t have even bothered to try to act normal. The arseholes I worked with were all looking my way and grinning, even Damien, which told me they all had an idea of what just happened in the staff room. For a moment, I wondered if they had heard Ina. She had been loud, louder than I expected her to be, which was a fucking brilliant surprise. I didn’t know what I expected from her but moaning and screaming when I got her off wasn’t it. I couldn’t wait to get my hands back on her and my cock in her so I could see just how loud I could make her scream. “Whatever dopey thing ye wanna say,” I said to the group with a pointed look. “Save it.” “Fuck no,” Harley said. “What got wet … cock, mouth, or fingers?” I snorted. “Guess.” “Fingers,” everyone except Ryder said. He guessed my cock. I didn’t confirm or deny their guesses. I just looked at Harley and grinned.

“I told ye,” Harley said to Ryder, who scowled as he pulled a score from his pocket and handed it to my brother. I blinked. “Really, Ry?” “He bet that he’d babysit my twins if I got it right.” He shrugged. “I had to risk it.” I laughed. “You’re that desperate for an uninterrupted night alone with your wife?” “Always.” I shook my head, amused. “Sorry ye lost.” “I thought for sure you’d nail her. It’s obvious as the day is long that you’re into each other.” I shrugged. “We’re just gettin’ a feel for each other.” “I’m sure you got a real good feel in the staff room.” My gaze shifted to Damien. “Don’t imagine it.” “Hardly.” He rolled his eyes. “Alannah is the only woman on my mind.” “Good,” I quipped. “Keep it that way.” “Give over, the pair of ye.” JJ shook his head. “You’re worse than a couple of kids.” I couldn’t argue with my brother. I knew the way Damien and I went at each other’s throats was childish, but I didn’t like the bloke, and that was the end of it. I knew his feelings mirrored mine. “Is Ina okay?” Harley asked me. “She looked awful worried about somethin’.” My conversation with her flooded my mind. “She told me about her past, and she’s had it really rough. Long story short, her father is an abusive scumbag who put his hands on her whenever he drank which was all the time, and her prick of an ex treated her like she was his property. He sent her an email sayin’ he’d bring her home soon.” Harley’s eyes widened. “He threatened her?”

“In black and white.” I nodded. “I’m alertin’ The Peak’s security to it. Just in case.” “Why not call the guards?” “The email had no information connectin’ it to her ex. She just knows it was him. Ye know the guards. He’d have to hurt her before they’d take it seriously.” The men grumbled as they agreed as I spoke a dark thought out loud. “I think I have to find this bloke.” “And do what?” “Pick a limb and break it,” I answered Ryder. “Take it easy,” Harley said. “Think of this from all angles before ye do somethin’ that’ll land ye in the back of a squad car.” “I am. I don’t fuck around when it comes to me missus. No one owns her. Not me, not her ex, she belongs to herself, and if I’ve to kick the bollocks out of him until he gets that, then that’s what I have to do.” There was a moment of silence until Ryder said, “So, you’re both finally dating then?” “Don’t tell me da, he’ll kill me.” That earned me a few laughs. I was glad the conversation died down, and everyone went back to work because when Ina entered the hangar, I didn’t have to worry about the lads watching me watch her. She was trying her best to be inconspicuous, but it wasn’t working. I came up behind her. “What’re ye lookin’ for, gorgeous?” “Oh.” She jumped with surprise. “I thought ye were workin’.” “Nope, watchin’ you instead.” Her cheeks flushed pink. “I’m just lookin’ for locations like your daddy asked me to.” JJ looked over from his bay. “Locations for what exactly?”

“The hand sanitiser dispensers,” Ina answered with a chirp. “I need to figure out locations, so I know how many of them to order.” “Why’re ye orderin’ them in the first place?” Ina shrugged. “Your daddy read an article about them being a necessity in the workplace.” “Waste of money if ye ask me.” JJ peered into the engine he was working on. “We were gloves ninety-nine percent of the time, and we wash our hands in the staff room before and after lunch.” “That one percent when ye don’t is normally when ye meet with clients who want a word, and ye shake their hands. Ye don’t wear your gloves then.” “So?” “I know the waitin’ room on most days would argue against this fact, but the majority of our clientele are men.” “Still not graspin’ what you’re sayin’, Ina.” “Every man’s hand ye’ve ever shook has likely touched his own penis without washin’ it afterwards at some point. Maybe some of them do it before they stop by and pick up their cars. Think about that for a second.” I looked at my brother, then we both looked at Ina. “Order twenty bottles of hand sanitiser,” JJ stated. I bobbed my head in agreement. “And have them installed everywhere.” When Ina laughed, it was like the sun rose, and I didn’t need a genius to tell me that it meant I was already knee-deep in my feelings about this woman and that it scared the ever-lovin’ shite out of me. “Six dispensers,” she said with a bob of her head. “That should be enough for the whole premises.” She made a note on her tablet that was becoming more and more like an extra limb for her. With a smile, she returned to the reception, and I found myself wishing she’d walk slower just so I could look at her arse a little

longer. The sway of her hips was transfixing. I leaned to the side just so I could stare at it a little longer. “You’re done for, bro.” Ryder snorted. “I’ve seen that look; I’ve given that look. She’s definitely your woman. You’re in it for the long haul.” “I’m thinkin’ you’re spot on, mate.” “This whole shop is gonna be married within the next few years.” He looked around. “Mark my words.” Harley glared. “Don’t fuckin’ threaten me, Slater.” Laughter flowed as we got back to work. The day went by swiftly, and before I knew it, I was in the lobby of my building. Ina left work before me, so on my way up to her apartment, I stopped by the security room and knocked on the door. I explained to the security guards that Ina had a problematic ex-boyfriend and made sure that they knew that if a man showed up looking for her that they were to call me before they notified the guards. They agreed with no hesitation. I was walking towards the lifts when my phone rang. I was surprised when I saw Kalin’s name flash across the screen of my phone. As far as I could remember, neither of us had ever phoned one another before. I answered the call and when I brought my mobile to my ear and I heard shouting, screaming and a baby crying, my blood ran cold. “Kalin!” I shouted. “D’ye hear me?” She spoke rapidly, but I didn’t catch a single word. “Slow down, honey. I can’t understand a word you’re sayin’.” “Date,” Kalin sobbed. “Date, please. They’re gonna kill him. They’re gonna kill Gavin!”



Dante wasn’t coming by. I checked my phone for the millionth time, and each time, my stomach twisted when I saw I had no texts or calls from him. When I had asked him to stop by after work, he seemed eager to come and spend time with me. Maybe he regretted what happened between us in the staff room? I wondered if he finally realised that he wasn’t attracted to me after he touched me the way he did. Or maybe he thought I was a selfish lover because I didn’t touch him like he touched me? The questions running through my head were killing me. I checked my phone again. It was 9:32 p.m. If he was going to stop by, he should have been here by now. As the minutes turned into hours, I gave up hope that he would have the decency to phone me and let me know he was okay. I had kept my hearing aids in as I hovered around my hall door’s peephole for most of the night, and when I finally spotted Dante walk down the hallway at one in the morning, my stomach felt utterly sick. He was shirtless and had angry red scratches on

his back. He paused at his door, looked at mine, then shook his head before he closed himself inside his apartment. I pulled my aids out of my ears, went to bed, and cried myself to sleep after that. Dante and I were together. We hadn’t said the words boyfriend or girlfriend yet, but it was heavily implied that we would be seeing each other exclusively. He clearly seemed to miss that memo judging by the state his back was in. I felt overwhelmingly hurt, but what surprised me was how angry I felt too. I had dealt with a lot of crap from my ex over the years, things that most women couldn’t imagine putting up with, but I would never let a man treat me so poorly ever again. That included Dante. When I showered, dressed, and headed to work the following morning, I did so thirty minutes earlier than usual just so I wouldn’t bump into Dante. None of that mattered, though, because he didn’t show up to clock into work at nine, ten, or even eleven. It was a very weird day, to say the least. The lads didn’t stop by my desk for a single chat or cup of tea in the three hours I had been sat down, and that was just odd. I didn’t ask anybody any questions though. I kept to myself until Harley made his way to me at midday. “Hey, Ina,” he said, then when I looked up at him, he signed, What’s up? He leaned his elbows on the desk’s top. “Nothin’ much,” I answered verbally. “Same old, same old.” “Yeah.” There was a moment of silence. “So listen.” Harley cleared his throat. “Date’s takin’ care of somethin’ this mornin’. He’ll be in by lunch.” I stared at Harley, who didn’t twitch or so much as blink as he spoke to me. I wasn’t sure why I was looking for signs of him lying, but I couldn’t

help myself. I knew I didn’t know Dante inside and out, but in the time I had known him, he had never just ghosted me. It was uncharacteristic of him. I had a bad feeling about it. “Oh, okay,” I said. “Thanks for lettin’ me know.” Harley didn’t move a muscle. “Did the aul fella tell ye?” “Tell me what?” “That he’s hirin’ two or three new mechanics.” I gasped with surprise. “You’re coddin’ me!” “Nope.” Harley grinned like a Cheshire cat. “He said you suggested it, so he’s gonna do it.” “Oh, this is bloody great!” I beamed. “I made him graphs showin’ him just how much more income the business could be makin’ with more hands. This is just brilliant!” “I think Gav being on paternity leave has shown him just how full our logs really are, but your graphs really opened his eyes.” Harley winked. “Good job, love.” I blushed with the praise. “Thanks, Harls.” Mr Collins walked down the hallway from his office at that moment. “Ina, honey, I’ve great news.” “About ye hirin’ on new mechanics?” I clapped my hands together. “Harley already told me.” Mr Collins’ blue eyes darted to his son. “Ye thunder-stealin’ bastard!” “I didn’t know ye wanted to be the one to tell her.” “Ye did too, ye shitebag.” I laughed at their interaction. “When are ye plannin’ to hold interviews, sir?” “We need to advertise that we’re hirin’ first,” Mr Collins answered me. “I know social media is a go to place, but the good ole newspaper never steered me wrong.”

“We can do both,” I assured him. “Companies offer advertisin’ deals that are spread over multiple outlets nowadays.” “Huh.” Mr Collins tilted his head. “That’s handy.” “Just let me know everythin’ ye want in the ad, and I’ll get a mock-up for ye to approve.” “Already emailed ye the details, hon.” I chuckled. “I’m not surprised. You’re always on the ball.” “I’m headin’ out for the afternoon. I have a meetin’. Email me with whatever ye come up with, sweetheart.” Another meeting that wasn’t on his calendar. “Will do, sir.” Dante was pushed to the back of my mind as I got to work on drawing up a few different advertisements for Mr Collins to approve from. I was chuffed beyond words that he was hiring more mechanics because it was what the business needed. We had way more clientele demand than what we could handle, but with two or three new mechanics, we might just be able to find a nice balance. I knew the current lads would appreciate the help when it came to easing the workload on their logs. The garage, especially with the new expansion, needed additional staff. We had six mechanics—four of them were fully qualified, two of them were apprentices—but all of them worked full time, and we had ten bays for them to operate out of, not to mention our roadside rescue service. Even hiring on three mechanics would mean we had a bay to spare, which meant we could add another mechanic to our staff in the future if needed. I was in the middle of emailing five different advert mock-ups to Mr Collins for him to inspect and give me feedback on when the door sensor beeped. I looked up with a smile that was almost instantly wiped from my face. She made eye contact with me and approached me with the heir of a drug lord. I nearly died when I realised what was happening. Lilly was here.

“Sweet baby Jesus in the manger, protect me.” When she came up to the desk, I had to ease up off my seat so I could keep eye contact with the tiny woman. “Hello, Lilly.” My throat felt constricted. “New girl. Let one of me lads know I’m here.” I remembered Dante had told me not to be a pushover when it came to Lilly, so I decided to take that advice … even if I was bricking it. “I’ll do just that once I finish what I’m workin’ on.” I lowered myself back down to me seat. “If ye take a seat in the waitin’ area, one of the lads will be out shortly.” Lilly didn’t make her usual “hmph” judgment sound. Instead, she tilted her head and narrowed her beady eyes. Just when I thought she might hop over the desk and deck me, she nodded, turned, and walked to the waiting area. I nearly collapsed back into my chair. That was barely a confrontation, but it was still one I had won, so it counted in my book. I waited another minute before I got to my feet and headed into the hangar looking for someone available to see to Lilly. JJ and Harley were out of the question. They were currently working on difficult engine issues on a single vehicle. Ryder was in the middle of helping a courier unload parts just delivered, leaving me with Damien to turn to since Dante wasn’t here and Gavin was on paternity leave. I approached the white-haired man shyly because I didn’t really know him that well. I wasn’t sure if he liked me or not. He never stopped by my desk for a cuppa and a chat, and I suspected it was because of his ongoing feud with Dante. “Damien?” He was in the pit of bay three looking at the underside of a car. “Yeah?” “Can ye help me with somethin’?”

He walked up the steps of the pit, removing his black rubber gloves as he went. “Sure, what’s up?” “It’s Lilly,” I said. “She’s here and lookin’ for one of her lads.” Damien snorted. “Tell her we’re busy today.” “I can’t do that.” “Sure you can.” He didn’t understand. “Damien, please.” I reached out and gripped his arm. “She’ll kill me. I know she will. If I go back out there without one of you in tow, she’ll hang me from the rafters by me toenails!” Damien’s laughter did nothing to calm my spiked nerves. He placed his hand over mine and gave it a friendly pat, but that didn’t calm me down either. “You’ve got nothing to worry about. One of her guys is already taking care of her.” I turned my head to see what he was talking about, and through the door that led into the reception, Dante was leaning down to hug Lilly. Without a word, I walked away from Damien and into the reception. I watched the interaction between Dante and Lilly and found it so incredibly sweet. I left them to it while I returned to my seat behind my desk. I felt Dante look at me a few times as he talked to Lilly, but I didn’t look up. I was too busy trying to figure out how to end whatever was going on between us. The scratches on his back told me that he was with a woman last night, and I wasn’t going to sit around and be played by Dante. It didn’t matter if I already had deep growing feelings for him. I wouldn’t play the part of a fool for no man, not even Dante Collins. Never again, I refused. “Ina?” I looked up when she said my name. “Yes, Lilly?”

“Have a nice day.” I blinked. “You too.” I didn’t understand what the old woman was up to, but she left my reception, which allowed me to breathe. Dante was seeing her out to her car, and I didn’t want to be here when he came back inside, so I got up and went into the staff room to make a cup of tea. Minutes later, I heard him, then I felt his hands touch my waist, and my body shivered. It felt like I could relax now that I had experienced his touch. “Heya, gorgeous. Missed ye somethin’ fierce.” He leaned down to kiss my neck, but I side-stepped out of his reach. “What’s wrong, specs?” “We’re over.” I heard a couple of murmurs from behind me, but I didn’t turn to see what was going on. My focus was glued to the man next to me when Dante turned me to face him. “Repeat that.” “Ye heard me.” “I did, but I wanna hear ye say it while ye look me in the eye.” I locked my eyes on his, and through the sudden pain in my chest, I said, “We’re over.” “Ina, what the fuck?” I bristled. “Don’t curse at me, Dante.” “Tell me what the fuck I did wrong then!” “Ye blew me off last night!” I snapped, letting my anger overtake my hurt and surge to the surface. “Ye were supposed to come over to spend time with me, but ye never showed up. Ye never even bothered to phone or text me, so I was awake until late because I was worried sick about you! I shouldn’t have been worried, though, should I? I saw ye through me peephole when ye came home. Ye were shirtless and had scratches all over your back … ye were with another woman, and I’m not about to stand by

and be ripped off by you. I refuse to be a side piece to another man, so fuck you! Go ahead and date someone else because I’m done with you.” I looked him up and down. “I should have listened to your daddy!” When I turned, I was greeted by the mechanics of Collins Auto Repair. Every single one of them was watching me like I was a ticking time bomb, and to be honest, I kind of felt like one. I headed straight for the door, and the group of men parted like the River Nile. “Don’t just stand there lookin’ shellshocked, dumbarse. Go after her!” I ignored JJ, but Dante didn’t because he followed me into the reception. I tried to sit down at my desk, but he took my arm and all but dragged me down the hallway and into his father’s empty office. I protested the entire way, but he ignored me. He turned to face me when the door was locked, and we were alone. “I didn’t cheat on ye.” “Don’t ye lie to me!” I hissed. “I know what I saw.” “I know what ye saw, but it isn’t what ye think,” he said firmly. “I did not cheat on you, Ina O’Shea.” Christ, I was going to cry. I could feel my eyes burn as a lump formed in my throat. I wanted desperately for him to have a reason that didn’t involve another woman. I wanted that more than I wanted my next breath. “Then what caused the scratches, and why were ye shirtless?” I demanded. “Why didn’t ye show up when we had plans? Why didn’t ye phone me to let me know ye were okay?” Dante ran a hand over his face. “Country—” My tears fell, and I didn’t wipe them away quick enough because Dante’s face dropped. He took a step towards me but froze when I took a step back, held my hand up, and lifted my chin. “Either ye tell me or I’m walkin’ out that door.” He locked eyes with mine. “It’s a long story.” “I’ve got an hour for me break.” I sat down. “Start talkin’.”



The previous evening …

The time it took to reach my brother’s apartment felt like hours instead of seconds. Kalin’s screams still echoed in my ears. The raw terror in her voice scared me half to death. The front door was wide open, but it was silent inside. When I entered the apartment, the kitchen was empty, but the sitting room wasn’t. What I saw when I opened the sitting room door would haunt me forever. My baby brother was on his knees, beaten badly. He was shirtless, which showed me the gaping hole in his stomach that was gushing with blood. He wasn’t focusing on the life-threatening wound because his head had been pulled back by the man standing behind him. The blade that was pressed against his throat made my blood run cold. Kalin and my nephew were nowhere to be seen. There was just Gavin, the man behind him, and

the golden blonde-haired woman who sat on the coffee table in front of my brother. She was so close to him that their faces almost touched. “What the fuck is goin’ on here?” When she turned her head and locked eyes with me, she smiled. I had never known a person to look like a raving lunatic before, but this woman just screamed crazy. It was right there in her almost black eyes. “Turn around and leave,” she said with a heavy Eastern European accent. “Lock the door behind you.” I rolled my head onto my shoulders as I shook my arms out. “If you hurt him any further, neither of you will leave this apartment the way ye walked into it.” The woman laughed, unbothered by my threat. “I don’t think you’re in any kind of position to give orders.” She stood and waved a small knife around. “Do you?” “I don’t give a fuck what ye think, bitch,” I snarled. “Hurt me brother again and you’re gonna wish ye were dead.” Her smile was ice cold. I shifted my gaze to Gavin’s, and he struggled to stay awake. I saw him fight his drooping eyelids. My gut twisted with fear. “They have Kalin and Indie in the bedroom—” The blade against Gavin's throat was pressed firmly against his skin. I tensed when blood trickled down his neck and dripped onto his chest. This was bad. His stomach was bleeding profusely, and his skin was paling by the second. “Look”—I switched my focus back to the woman—“I don’t know why you’re here, but think this through. If ye don’t back away from him right fuckin’ now, you’re not leavin’ this apartment unless it’s in a body bag … Is doin’ this worth dyin’ for?” The man holding Gavin seemed to frown at my words. He looked at the back of the woman’s head and stared. He was uncertain, but she wasn’t. I

saw it in her dark, lifeless eyes. Whatever they were here for, it was worth their lives … or at least she believed it was. She didn’t waste any more time by speaking to me. She lunged for me with her hand outstretched. The gleam of metal clutched in her grip caught the light as she sailed through the air. I turned my body and missed being stabbed in the chest by inches. I grabbed hold of her hair, lifted my knee, and slammed it into her forearm. I heard a sickening crack, but more importantly, I heard the clang of metal hitting the wooden floor. She had dropped the blade. I heard a shout, then some sounds of struggle. I straightened the woman and punched her in the face without hesitation. She crumpled to the ground instantly. Gavin and the man who restrained him were struggling, but once he saw his partner was down, he let out a string of words I didn’t understand. My brother used his distraction to our advantage. He jerked himself to the right so he fell to the side. This gave me access to the stranger’s body. I shot forward and slammed into the bloke, knocking him to the ground a second later. He fought me like a madman. He rocked my jaw twice, but his punches weren’t as hard or as calculated as mine. It didn’t take long for me to overpower him, but unlike me, he had backup. Without a sound, the woman jumped onto my back. She tried to hook her good arm around my neck but couldn’t, so instead, she fisted a handful of my T-shirt as well as my hair. I felt her pull strands of my hair out at the root. I heard the unmistakable rip of fabric as she released my hair and clawed at my back like the fucking animal she was. Burning, white-hot pain suddenly flooded my shoulder before I jerked my head back and felt the instant contact of my skull smacking into hers, followed by her screaming. “Fuck! Date! Bitch, get off him!” That was JJ’s voice that bellowed just as the woman on my back was yanked off my body. I continued to hit the unmoving piece of scum under

me until I felt hands grab me and pull me back. I struggled against the hold on me until I heard him speak. “It’s Harley,” my brother shouted. “It’s me.” With a blink, the cloud of rage I had been held captive by was quickly dissipating, and I could think clearly once again. “Get Gavin,” I rasped. “They stabbed him!” I straightened myself, stumbling a little before I turned and stared down at my little brother. “Christ, Gav.” “Kalin,” he said, his face contorted with pain. “Indie.” “I’ll get them.” I ran out of the sitting room, checked behind every door I passed by until I came to the bedroom. I kicked the door open and braced myself for another fight, but it was a waste of time. The fight in this room had already ended. A man lay on the floor, out cold, surrounded by the shattered pieces of a broken lamp. Kalin was cowering beside the bed, clutching her tiny son to her chest. She was shaking something fierce, and when she saw it was me, she jumped to her feet and rushed towards me on unsteady legs. Tears streaked her face, and she let out a cry. Indie instantly responded and began to wail even louder than his mother. “Honey, what happened?” She pressed herself to my side, crying so hard she struggled to breathe. “The man swiped at me with his knife when I tried to leave the room. I hit him with the l-lamp when he w-wasn’t payin’ us any m-mind.” She sobbed, bouncing Indie. “It’s how I could p-phone you and the others. I was so s-scared that woman would c-come back in here. She said she’d c-cut Indie’s throat if Gavin didn’t do w-what she wanted.” I felt sick. “It’s okay.” I put my arms around them both. “Gavin’s okay. The man and woman aren’t a problem anymore.”

My nephew continued to scream, and Kalin couldn’t calm him down. She was far too upset herself. “Hand him to me, honey,” I urged gently. “You go into the bathroom and splash some water on your face while ye get your bearings.” She nodded, sniffling as she handed my nephew to me. She left the room while I rocked Indie and leaned down to kiss his face. He was screaming, and it was only then that I realised he had blood on him. At first, I thought it was Kalin’s or maybe my own that got on him. That was until I noticed the cut on his neck. My blood boiled as I quickly laid him on the bed and stripped him bare while he cried all the while. The cut on his neck was the only one on his body, and it was bleeding enough to worry me. “JJ!” My shout brought my eldest brother running. Kalin dashed out of the bathroom and was hot on his heels as they barrelled into the room. “He’s been cut,” I said, frantic. “On his neck.” Kalin screamed with fright and rushed to pick a naked Indie up. She checked him all over and made a sound somewhere between a sob and a retch when she saw his bloody neck. “The man.” She trembled. “When he hit me, he was holdin’ a knife. It must have ni-nicked him.” “He’s okay. It’s just a little cut. We’ll get him checked out, and he’ll be right as rain.” I was worried about my nephew, but I had to soothe his mother. She looked like she might drop dead of fright at any second. “What happened?” I turned and saw Harley aiding Gavin into the room. “He wouldn’t stay out there,” Harley answered my questioning gaze. “He heard her scream.” “The baby’s fine. He’s been cut, but it’s not bad.”

Gavin’s already pale face whitened even further. He stumbled over to Kalin, who was rocking a now calming Indie, and pulled them both close. “I’m sorry.” His words were choked. “Kalin, I’m so sorry.” “This isn’t your fault,” I snapped. “It’s Brandy’s. Why else would people like this be here?” Gavin didn’t answer. He continued to hug Kalin and Indie. After a few moments, he moved and sat on the edge of the bed before he lay flat on his back. Kalin saw his stomach then and sucked in a breath. In the blink of an eye, I found my nephew being thrust into my arms as Kalin zoomed out of the room and returned with a first-aid kit. She was silent as she hurriedly pulled out items and began to clean Gavin’s wound. I quickly remembered then that she was going to school to become a nurse and had already completed her first year. “I can’t stitch it because I don’t know if there’s internal damage.” She looked at JJ, her eyes swollen and red-rimmed. “We need to get him to the hospital.” “I have a doctor on the way.” We all turned when Kane Slater’s voice filled the room. “I phoned him,” Harley said, explaining his presence. “I wanted to know how they got in the buildin’.” “A security staff member didn’t bother to do the checks he was supposed to,” Kane explained. “I fired him. He’s already grabbed his shit and left.” I shook my head, furious but glad the arsehole was sacked. “A doctor?” Kalin snapped, ignoring the latter part of the conversation. “He needs the fuckin’ hospital!” “Trust me,” Kane said gently. “This doctor is used to dealing with injuries such as this.” That made me curious, but I said nothing. If this doctor could help my brother, then I was all for it.

“But why?” Kalin sniffled. “The hospital is only fifteen minutes away.” “I can’t go to a hospital, Kal,” Gavin said, wincing. “It’ll draw attention to me.” “This is about Brandon Daley, isn’t it?” She went rigid. “I don’t fuckin’ care about him. I care about you!” “I know ye do.” Gavin reached for her and pulled her close. “Please, don’t cry.” I wasn’t sure how the woman had any tears left in her small body. She had surely cried enough for ten lifetimes in the past twenty minutes. Eventually, she agreed with Kane’s doctor, seeing to Gavin, and focused on keeping pressure on his wound. She looked at me, then the baby in my arms. He was awake but no longer crying. “Is his neck still bleedin’?” “No,” I answered. “It’s just a nick, Kalin. It looks worse than it is. I’m sorry I scared ye.” She nodded, her eyes watering again. She turned to Gavin and pressed her face against his neck. He comforted her and kissed the crown of her head. He looked like he was the one who needed to be comforted. He was in a bad way. “Why did they do this?” “Bad deal,” Gavin answered me. “They tried to short Brandy by over one hundred grand on a deal last month. I ran the numbers, found the error, and exposed them.” “Who is they?” “The Russians.” Well, fuck. “Christ, Gav.” “I know, but this is what I do now,” Gavin said. “I don’t do deals, run product, or anythin’ like that anymore. I was never any good for that shite, but I run numbers because I’m good at them. I always have been.”

I knew he was good with numbers. He did the garage’s taxes every year. The freak of nature enjoyed it. “So what?” I pressed. “You’re a glorified accountant now?” He snorted humourlessly. “I guess so.” I didn’t notice that Kane left the room, but when he returned, he wasn’t alone. Brandon Daley was with him. “The woman’s gone,” Kane announced. “The man is still in there, but not her. She slipped out an emergency exit and set off an alarm in the security room when she opened the door.” “Fuck.” Brandon Daley stared down at the unconscious man on the bedroom floor. “I would say I missed one hell of a bout.” The man smiled like this wasn’t a serious situation. I wasn’t fucking around, and the urge to flatten this bastard was almost getting the better of me. “They stabbed Gavin,” I said, my fists clenching. “They cut part of his fuckin’ throat. They cut me nephew too. He’s only a newborn!” Something flashed in Daley’s dark eyes as they zeroed in on Gavin. He moved closer and assessed him. “Who was it?” “Ivan’s crew,” he answered. “They know I caught the short. Someone told them.” “Meanin’ one of me men ratted?” Gavin nodded. “How else?” Brandy’s jaw clenched. “I’ll phone the doc.” “No need,” Kane said. “I’ve got a guy on the way.” Brandy nodded once, then looked down at the man on the floor, then over his shoulder before he returned his gaze to Gavin.

“I’ll call in the cleaners.” His voice was hard as steel. “It’d be best for everyone to … step outside the apartment for a couple of hours. Kane, I need to speak to ye about disablin’ your security cameras and wipin’ footage for the last twenty-four hours, just in case we get any visits from our dear an garda síochána.” “I’m already on it,” Kane answered. “I’ve filed a dub complaint to the company who monitors my system. That way, if the cops inquire, it’ll look like my system has been down, and I’ve been trying to get it fixed.” Brandy chuckled. “I can always trust a Slater in a pinch.” A knot formed in my stomach, but I forced it away. If Brandy wanted to dispose of the Russians lying in Gavin’s apartment, he could have at it. These pricks almost killed my brother. As far as I was concerned, either Brandy dealt with them or I did. That train of thought worried me. I hadn’t thought of anything so morbid before, but when my brother was threatened, killing people to protect him became a very real possibility. “Date,” JJ said, alarmed. “Christ, man, ye’ve been stabbed.” I had no clue what he was talking about … until he touched the area around my left shoulder, and burning pain erupted. I sucked in a breath, careful not to crush my nephew, who was now sleeping in my arms. “The woman did it,” I hissed. “Is it bad?” Kane moved behind me and assessed the injury. “Not life-threatening, no excess blood loss, so she missed your artery. You’ll need a good dozen or more stitches, though.” It was late when everyone found themselves in Kane’s temporary apartment a couple of floors below the pending penthouse. Aideen and the kids weren’t there. Kane mentioned that they were spending the night at our father’s house like they did every now and again to spend time with him. I thanked God for small favours. Aideen didn’t need to see Gavin in the state he was in and neither did the boys.

Kane’s doctor didn’t ask questions as to what happened. He concluded that Gavin had lost so much blood that he needed a blood transfusion. I assumed we’d go to the hospital for that, but the doctor made a call, and before I knew it, he had all the equipment and blood to perform the transfusion right there in Kane’s guest bedroom. We all left the room, except Kalin. She stayed and helped the doctor, who was happy to have an extra pair of hands. When the doctor did everything needed, he found the rest of us in the kitchen. He spoke to Kane, then came to my side. He stitched me up—it took seventeen stitches to close the wound on my shoulder—then left without a sound. “Doc’s given Gavin some morphine for the pain. It’ll help him sleep, too,” my brother-in-law said. “He needs rest and lots of it.” Kane left the room then to check on my brother, and Harley and JJ were right on his heels. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t get out of bed once we get back down to his apartment,” Kalin assured me, blinking tiredly. “I’ll bring some stuff over from me apartment to his while me and Indie stay there … just until he is better.” Gavin and Kalin’s relationship was none of my business, but it was obvious as the day was long that they cared for one another. She was likely halfway, if not completely, in love with my little brother, but it was obvious to me that he was holding back with her for a reason. I didn’t comment on it, though. I kept my lips shut. I was in no position to offer relationship advice. I was brand new to the relationship scene as it was. I looked down at my nephew, who was snuggled up against Kalin’s chest. “How is he?” “The doctor put some antibacterial cream on his neck, but he said it’s nothin’ to worry about.” I relaxed. “Thank God for that.”

Kalin nodded, her eyes glazing with tears. “Hey.” I reached out and placed my palm on her shoulder. “Indie’s okay, and Gav’s gonna be okay. No one will hurt them again.” She reached up with her free hand and wiped away a tear. “I won’t sleep easy until he’s free of Brandy,” she whispered. “I hate that man. I hate that he has a hold over Gavin.” Christ, I felt the same way she did. “Me too. This might be the wake-up call me dumbarse brother needs to get out of that life.” Kalin nodded. She was upset and bone tired if her constant yawns were anything to go by. The woman had just given birth over a week ago. She was still healing and needed a lot of rest herself. “Lie down and close your eyes. Sleep while Indie sleeps.” She didn’t fight me. She kicked her bare feet up onto the settee and lay down, adjusting Indie on her chest, then closed her eyes. I grabbed a throwover blanket from the chest in the room and covered them both. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She didn’t notice because she was already asleep. I frowned down at her. She looked so young. Too young to be dealing with this rubbish. I left the room, checked in on Gavin, who was out cold, then bid everyone a farewell. I left the apartment, headed down the stairwell to my floor, and yawned endlessly as I walked down the hallway. I checked my phone, saw the late hour and the multiple missed phone calls and text messages from Ina, and groaned as I shoved it back into my pocket. I had a date with her, and I missed it. Bollocks. I paused outside my apartment and looked at her door. I considered knocking and waking her up to apologise, but I thought against it. She was likely to be pissed, and I was too tired to deal with it. That storm could wait until tomorrow. I went into my apartment, took a shower, which was hard

since I was being mindful not to wet my stitches, then I fell onto my bed, naked, wet, and wishing the day would just fucking end.



Present day …

When Dante finished speaking, my heart was beating so loud that I could hear it. “I swear.” Dante took my hands in his. “That’s the whole truth, baby.” His explanation wasn’t even in the same realm as what I thought was going on. I was stunned speechless by what he had told me, and I could do little more than stare at him as his thumb stroked the back of my hand. “I’d never cheat on you, Ina. Never.” His eyes were locked on mine. “No other woman could ever come close to you, sweetheart. I swear to God.” My stomach twisted in knots because it dawned on me that I had accused him of being with another woman and betraying me. I was so ashamed that I felt my eyes water. “I’m so sorry, Dante.” “For what?”

“For accusin’ ye of cheatin’,” I said, shamefaced. “Are ye okay? Are Kalin and Gavin okay? Oh, God, their baby, is he—” “Country, breathe.” He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Everyone is fine. Gav’s a bit busted up, but he’s gonna be okay. Kalin and Indie are grand. They’re both stayin’ in Gavin’s apartment while he recovers. That’s where I was all mornin’, there takin’ care of them.” “Thank God,” I said, exhaling a breath. “I’m just so sorry. I never in a million years thought that gangsters were the reason ye didn’t stop by. I assumed ye cheated on me because that was what Finn did, and I shouldn’t compare ye to him because you’re fifty times the man he is.” Part of my brain was still trying to process everything Dante had just told me. Gangsters, Russians, the Irish mob. It was a lot to absorb, a hell of a lot. It made me realise just how little I knew about Dante’s family. It made me wonder if I would ever truly know them at all. “I thought that I came from a crazy family with an abusive father and a cheatin’ arsehole ex-boyfriend.” I gave him a wry smile. “I think ye have me beat.” Dante snorted. “You’re takin’ this better than I thought.” “To be honest,” I said sheepishly. “I think I’m in shock because I can’t process a lot of what ye just told me very well.” “I’m here if ye have questions,” he assured me. “But please, understand I can’t talk a whole lot about Brandy Daley. I won’t put you at risk by knowin’ about that man.” I understood that and nodded firmly. “I won’t ask about him. I just want to know about you. Let me see your back.” Dante hesitated. “It’s not pretty.” “Ye needed a bit of roughin’ up,” I commented, trying to make light of the heavy situation. “Ye were too perfect before.”

Dante leaned his face close to mine and brushed his nose over my cheek. “I missed ye, country.” “How much?” “Too much.” I smiled. “T-shirt off.” “Yes, dear.” I giggled at his teasing tone, then quickly helped him remove his T-shirt when the action made him wince. When he was shirtless, I didn’t allow my eyes to linger on the soft matte of dark hair on his chest or his ridiculously toned abdominal muscles. I rounded on him and allowed my eyes to roam over his marred back. “Oh, Dante,” I whispered. “It must hurt somethin’ fierce, honey.” It hurt me just to look at the dozens of scratches, welts, and the nasty jagged wound stitched shut on his left shoulder. I reached over and gently traced around the red lines, wishing I could take them all away. I knew I couldn’t do that, but I could do something to help Dante feel better. I placed a kiss over each scratch and a gentle one under his stitched wound. “Christ, Ina,” Dante groaned. “You’re killin’ me, specs.” I pulled away and moved back in front of him. His hands clamped down on my waist as he pulled me closer. I rested my hands lightly on his shoulders. I ran one hand up to his hair and gently scratched his head. I watched, with a grin, as his eyes fluttered shut. “You’re a big bad man,” I murmured. “But once I scratch the right spot, ye become a little puppy.” Dante growled for good measure, making me giggle. “Ye have to take it back.” Confused, I asked, “Take what back?” “Ye said we were over,” Dante reminded me softly. “Ye have to take it back.”

I frowned. “I absolutely take it back, blue eyes.” He opened his eyes and peered up at me. He was hurting. It was right there in the depth of his big blues. He was worried about his brother, and while I couldn’t take that worry away from him, I could distract him from it for a time. I pulled him to his feet, amused when he raised an eyebrow in question. “Let me take care of you,” I purred. “You’re me man after all, right?” “Yeah, beautiful woman. I’m your man.” I pressed my finger to his lips when he tried to kiss me. His pretty pout made my heart flip inside my chest. “Ye don’t wanna kiss me?” “Oh, I wanna kiss ye.” I slowly lowered myself to my knees. “Just not on your lips.” Dante’s eyes widened. “Christ on the cross.” I licked my lips. “I’ve never done this before,” I admitted nervously. “Finn said it was the act of a hoor. I … I don’t think I’ll be any good at it so can ye teach me how to please you?” “God in Heaven.” “Is that a yes?” Dante frantically bobbed his head. I smiled sweetly and reached for his trousers, unbuttoned, and unzipped them before I pulled them down to his mid-thigh. My heart was hammering into my breastbone, but I didn’t let my nervousness take control. I pushed it to the back as I reached for the band of Dante’s boxer briefs. “I’ve always liked boxer briefs. They’re so sexy.” Dante ignored my comment. His eyes fastened on my hands as I slowly tugged the fabric of his underwear down. I swallowed when his hardened cock sprang free, and I exhaled a breath when my cunt clenched with need. Dante was big, way bigger than my ex could have ever dreamed of being.

“I have a gag reflex,” I warned Dante sheepishly. “I know because I gag sometimes when I brush me teeth. I’m just lettin’ ye know now that I won’t be able to fit all of that in me mouth.” I looked up when Dante’s fingers touched my cheek. “I’ll settle for a kiss on the head at this point.” I slide my tongue along my lower lip. “How about some suckin’ too?” His eyes darkened as he nodded, never blinking. I wanted to focus on his face, but I knew I had to switch my attention to bringing him pleasure and that meant knowing where to put my hand and mouth. I gripped his cock in my hand, surprised to find it both silky soft and rock hard at the same time. I wasn’t naïve. I had watched some porn before, so I knew the basic mechanics of what I was doing, but it was nerve-wracking. I wanted to make it good for Dante. I watched as a clear liquid seeped from the slit on his cock head, and before I made a conscious thought, I leaned forward and swiped up the salty goodness with my tongue. “Our Father who art in Heaven …” I left him to talk to God while I got to work. Opening my mouth, I covered the head of his cock and softly sucked. Dante’s prayer became louder, rushed. I wasn’t sure if I should suck and stroke him, so I looked up for guidance. I locked eyes with his, and Dante’s lips parted as his cheeks flushed. “Beautiful,” he hissed as my tongue swirled around. “Move your hand and mouth in sync. Tighten your grip each time ye stroke up, and suck on the head at the same time. Keep that rhythm.” I followed his instructions to the T, and he bucked a little into my mouth when I did exactly what he wanted me to. “Fuck yes.” His hand found its way to my hair. “Just like that. Such a good cocksucker, baby.”

I had never done something so daring before, and Dante’s naughty words made my body burn and my clit ache miserably. I used my free hand to unzip my skirt so I could reach down between my legs, but the hand tangled in my hair tightened, and I groaned at the pain that stung my scalp. My body was so desperate for sensation that my hair being pulled felt good. “My cunt,” he grunted. “Nobody touches it but me. It’s mine.” With his cock still in my mouth, I dug my eyebrows in tight and frowned up at him. Dante grinned as he rolled his hips forward, pushing his cock farther into my mouth and making me gag. “Easy,” he murmured. “When ye take me deep, exhale through your nose. When you pull back, breathe in.” I followed his instructions and found I could take him farther into my mouth than I would have thought. I gagged a few times when his cock head bumped my tonsils, but it wasn’t enough to make me stop. Saliva coated my hand as I worked faster and sucked harder. “Ina,” Dante panted. “Yes, baby. Fuck. Don’t stop. Oh, shit. Come on, come on, come on!” His guttural grunts and groans made me burn hotter than I ever had before, and I clenched my thighs together. He added his other hand to my head, gripped my hair, and began to pump his hips. I placed my hands on his bare, muscular thighs to keep me steady as Dante fucked my mouth. I hummed, and Dante cursed as the vibrations wrapped around him as he pumped back and forth. I continued to suck him hard, and when I swallowed around him, he resumed his talk with God. “Hollow your cheeks while I pull out,” he growled. “Swallow when I push in and work me with your throat. Just like … that.” I looked up at him. His lips were parted, his eyes were dazed with pleasure, and his cheeks were flushed. He looked godlike, and I was the one to put that expression of bliss on his face. It made me feel powerful, desirable, and very much in control. I followed his instructions to the letter,

then smiled around his cock, and his eyes widened before he tipped his head back and shouted. That was the only warning I got before the first jet of hot liquid saltiness hit the back of my throat. Dante moved one hand from my hair to the base of my throat when I swallowed so he could feel me drinking him down. It was the most erotic, sensual, and possessive act I had ever experienced. It burned my body inside and out. “Fu…ck.” He slipped out of my mouth and collapsed back down onto his seat. “Ina. Baby. Fuck.” I sat back on my heels, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and looked up at him expectantly. “I did okay?” Dante’s eyes were still dark with desire as he reached down and pulled me up onto his lap, covering my mouth with his. Knowing he could taste himself on my tongue made my nipples harden, and my clit ache miserably. “Your ex is a fuckin’ eejit.” I burst into unexpected laughter. “I did good, then?” “So good, specs.” I leaned against him heavily. “Nothin’ is keepin’ me away from you tonight.” Excitement surged through my body. “Tonight, country.” He brushed his lips over mine. “You’re mine.”



“On a scale of one to ten, how nervous are ye, specs?” Dante’s sudden question made me jump with fright. I spun around, clutching my towel to my chest. He had shown up for our date an hour ago. We had had food, and I accidentally spilled a glass of Coke all over myself, so I had to take a quick shower just to rinse off. He was now leaning against the door panel of my bedroom, his arms folded across his broad chest and his blue eyes locked on me. He was so handsome it made my knees weak. “Like a two, plus a seven … and a half.” Dante grinned. “Are ye scared I’m gonna gobble you up?” “No,” I answered. “I’m scared once ye touch me, I’ll never want ye to stop.” Dante lost his grin, and his blue eyes seemed to be set aflame. “Can I come in?” Wordlessly, I nodded. He crossed the space between us in seconds. When he took me in his arms and kissed me, the world and all the worries it brought faded away to nothing. I groaned into his gentle kiss, loving how he

tasted, how warm he was, and how the touch of his body pressed against mine made me feel safe and secure. I was just about to release my grip on my towel and let it fall when Dante pulled back, leaving me looking up at him, dazed. “You’re scared.” “Nervous,” I corrected. “That I’ll hurt you? That it’ll be bad? Talk to me, baby.” I pulled up my big girl knickers and told him the truth. “Dante, I was in a relationship for nine years, and I never enjoyed sex.” I forced myself not to look away from his eyes. “Finn told me over and over that I wasn’t good at it. I’m not crazy or wild like the women ye’ve been with. All I know to do is lie there, and I know that isn’t what ye want.” “I swear,” Dante growled. “If I ever meet your ex, I’m deckin’ the prick.” I didn’t move as I stared at him, waiting. “Sweetheart.” He placed his hands on my cheeks. “That scumbag did a number on your self-esteem when it comes to sex, and I plan to replace every negative thing he’s ever said to you with the positive truth. Love, ye’ve really no idea how sensual ye are, d’ye?” I couldn’t speak. “I don’t want wild or crazy. I want passion, and that is you.” He leaned in close. “Christ, woman. Ye’ve got passion burnin’ within you, and ye only release it upon me. Ye kiss me like ye need me to breathe. I need your passion to breathe.” “Dante.” “D’ye know what it feels like when you kiss me like it’s the only thing keepin’ ye alive?” His thumb stroked my lower lip. “It humbles me, it overwhelms me, and it makes me heart pound against me chest. It makes it so painfully hard for you because I feel so many things for you at one time.”

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. “Really?” “Country,” he murmured. “Trust me, you’re the most passionate woman I’ve ever met. Ye have a cravin’ inside you to be touched and loved the right way, and I intend to be the man to show ye that.” “I want that.” I licked my lips. “I’ve had sex, but I’ve never been fucked.” Dante hummed. “I’ve bet ye’ve never made love either?” I shook my head. “I’ve fucked, but never made love … how about we do both of those things together?” “Yes.” I shivered. “Yes, please.” “Come on.” His voice was husky. “Let’s go into the sittin’ room. The bedroom can stress anyone out.” He gently tugged me into a walk, and when we entered the sitting room, we sat down on the settee, and I was very aware that my towel had ridden up very high on my thighs. “Ye have no idea what I’m gonna do to ye, d’ye?” I had ideas, but nothing concrete, so I shook my head, making him chuckle. “Don’t worry. The first time, you’re in control, kid,” he told me with a grin. “Everythin’ will be your way. You set the pace. Ye said ye always had to lay on your back, so let’s have our first time with you on top, ridin’ me.” Desire bubbled in my stomach as a visual of what that position might look like filled my head. “Ye don’t see me as a kid ’cause I’m five years younger than ye, right?” “Specs, d’ye really think I see you as a kid?” “Well, ye call me it sometimes, so I don’t know.” “I call ye a lot of things.” He bit back a smile. “Country, specs, love. Kid is just another one of many names I’ve christened ye with.”

I snorted. “I’m so honoured.” “Ye should be.” He leaned towards me. “I don’t normally give one person so many nicknames.” “Is that so?” I tilted my head. “Should I return the favour?” “Only if I get to pick what ye call me.” “How’s that fair?” “It’s not.” Dante’s lips curved upwards. “But there’s one name I really want ye to call me.” “Okay.” I blinked. “What is it?” “Daddy.” “Daddy?” “Oh, yeah.” Dante pumped his eyebrows. “I love how that sounds.” “Dante.” I choked on laughter. “I’m not callin’ ye daddy. I called me daddy that!” “Well, since your aul lad isn’t here, ye can call me ‘daddy’ in his stead any time you like.” I swatted his muscular arm. He acted like he was teasing me, but there was an underlying tone to his voice, like he did want me to call him that during sex. I always thought it was weird and sort of creepy, but maybe during sex, it was only romantic, like when partners called one another baby. I mulled it over as Dante stared at me. “You’re too easy to embarrass. You’re so pretty with your little red nose, Rudolph.” I made a motion to swat him again, but Dante moved and grabbed me around the waist. He pulled me on top of him until I was straddling him, and he instantly ran his fingers up and down my sides. I screamed as laughter bubbled up my throat. Dante’s tickling made me twitch and buck. “Mercy,” I squealed. “Dante, have mercy!” His deep laughter filled my ear when I leaned forward. I kissed his cheek, then shifted back.

“Take off your top.” He yanked the fabric over his head, mindful of his shoulder, and tossed it behind me. I nearly drooled. “I can’t even joke and call you a kid.” My eyes moved over his body. “You’re all man, a big man.” Dante didn’t respond to me, so I looked at his face. When I found his sky blues locked on mine, my pulse spiked. With a smile tugging at his tempting lips, Dante leaned into me. “Breathe,” he murmured. On cue, I exhaled my breath right in his face and it made him laugh. “Relax, gorgeous.” “I can’t,” I admitted. “I can’t think with ye this close.” “Don’t think, Ina,” he whispered. “Just feel me.” That was exactly what I intended to do. “I hurt for you.” I almost moaned with want. “I’ve never wanted a man the way I want you.” “Show me.” I took his mouth with mine and kissed him until my body trembled. Dante’s fingers bit into the flesh of my waist as he held me firm on top of him. I leaned back, breaking our kiss. I gripped the edge of my towel at my breasts and hurriedly removed it, letting it fall to the floor. Dante instantly sucked in a breath as his eyes roamed over my naked form, drinking me in and feasting on the visual. He lifted his hands to my breasts, stroking my pebbled nipples with his thumbs. My lips parted on a gasp. “Perfect,” he murmured. “You’re so fuckin’ perfect.” I burned for him. I put my mouth back on his and kissed him with raw hunger that twisted inside me. Dante met my tongue thrust for thrust, curl for curl, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted more, needed more. “Ina,” he growled against my mouth, his hands dropping to my arse. He kneaded my flesh. “Slow it down, baby.”

I couldn’t. I felt like I was on fire. My nerves were electric, and my pussy ached with need. It hurt. I ground against him in response, trying to make the hurt go away. His fingers dug painfully into my behind as he caught one of my hardened nipples in his mouth. I leaned my head backwards and arched my back, pushing my breasts harder against his tantalising lips. He curled his tongue around the rock-hard bud. He nipped, licked, sucked, and bit. I hissed as the sting of his bite morphed into pleasure. “I wanna fuck you,” I breathed. “Right now, please. Just like this, I’ve fantasised of ridin’ ye until ye come inside me.” Dante let go of my nipple and said, “Fuck,” then reached down and rapidly undid his jeans. He freed himself as best as he could. He lifted his hips and said, “Johnny. Back left pocket.” I retrieved the strip of condoms in seconds, removed one packet, and ripped it open with my teeth. I handed it to Dante and stared at his face as he rolled it onto his hardened length. He was long, hard, thick, and visibly throbbing with need for me. When he was ready, he lined himself up and locked his eyes with mine as I sank down and took him to the hilt. I felt so stretched, so full, so complete that I knew Dante had ruined me for any other man, and I hadn’t even moved yet. My lips parted, cunt muscles clenched, and my eyes didn’t stray from Dante’s as his rolled back. His teeth sank into his plump lower lip, and for a moment, he looked so torn between pain and pleasure that he looked angelic. I knew it would be imprinted in my memory forever. “Dante,” I whispered, “watch me.” He opened his eyes as I rose and sank down on his cock. He licked his lips, gripped my hips, and helped me fall into a rhythm that made us both moan. I was so wet and slippery that he glided in and out of me with ease. “Ina,” he practically hissed. “Ye feel so fuckin’ good.”

He lifted his hand to my mouth and prodded my lips with his thumb. I sucked on it instantly. Dante’s blue eyes darkened. He dropped his hand between my legs. His thumb that I sucked brushed over my swollen clit, swirling my saliva around, causing me to cry out. Dante grinned, and the need to fuck him wildly and make him mine tore through me. “Make me come,” I panted as I rode him faster, harder. “It hurts so good, please.” “Come on, baby. Just. Like. That.” Dante leaned up and caught my lips in a rough, bruising kiss. “Ride me with this sweet cunt. Milk me dry.” “Mark me,” I pleaded. “With your fingers, your teeth, your cock. Make me yours, daddy.” The need for him to make me his was overwhelming. Dante’s eyes widened, and I felt him thicken inside me as if my pleas made him burn hotter for me. He shot forward, his mouth latching onto the flesh of my neck. He licked and sucked the sensitive skin until I moaned, then without warning, he sank his teeth into me as a scream tore free of my throat. I rode him harder, faster, and took him so much deeper. “Come on, baby,” he hissed, moving his mouth to mine. He nipped my lips with his teeth. “Talk to daddy while ye fuck me. I know ye like it.” He wanted me to dirty talk? Me? “I can’t … I don’t know h-how.” He gripped my hips and thrust up into me. Hard. My heart momentarily stopped beating with the pleasure from it. “Dante.” “I wanna hear ye tell me how much ye like ridin’ me cock.” His breath was hot on my face. “I want to hear ye tell me what I’m doin’ to your body. Come on, country. Ye wanted to be fucked, right? This is fuckin’ … Fuck me with your words, too.” The thought of saying all the wild things that went through my head when I was with Dante excited me and turned me on beyond belief. All the

dreams I awoke from where I said things, did things, that I never only ever imagined … the chance was before me now. “Ina?” Just tell him! He is your safe space. You can be you with him. “D’ye want me to tell ye how I love your fat cock slidin’ in and out of me hot, wet cunt?” I licked his lips, biting on his lower one. “D’ye want to know that ye make me burn from head to toe or that I want ye to fuck me until I forget me own name? Or maybe you want to know that I’ve dreamed of this thick cock fuckin’ me until I come so hard that I scream?” “Baby,” Dante growled. “Hell fuckin’ yes! All of the above.” I hummed. “I can do that. I can tell ye all of those things and more, daddy.” “Fuck.” He shuddered. “Fuck me, baby.” “Oh, yeah.” I fucked him faster. “Make me pussy sore. I wanna feel ye every time I sit down tomorrow.” “Ina,” Dante choked out. “Jesus, baby.” I was so close that my body was on the edge of bliss. “Your cock loves me tight pussy, doesn’t it?” I panted, bucking my hips against his frantically. “You’re so hard for me. I want this cock to fill me up every day. In me bed, in me shower, against the wall—” “Fuck!” Dante roared. “Oh, fuck! Baby, I’m nearly there. Come on, come on, come on, get me there. Holy shit, Ina!” His thumb moved faster than I did, and I was torn between sensations. When Dante pivoted his hips ever so slightly, a surprise scream tore free of my throat when his cock rubbed a spot inside me that sent a jolt up my spine. “There.” I gasped, chasing the sensation down. “There. Right there.” The hand on my waist tightened painfully as Dante’s hips bucked upwards to meet me. The sounds of our bodies colliding, moaning, and panting all blended together until I couldn’t tell them apart. My heart

slammed into my chest as the familiar sensation of an impending orgasm drew near. My breath hitched, my insides quivered, and my core burned. “I’m gonna come,” I rasped. “Yes! Oh, God—” “Me too,” Dante groaned, his eyes hooding. “Christ, me too. Faster, Ina. Fuck me faster.” Seconds later, I slammed down onto Dante as my body exploded into a mess of toe-curling, nerve-soothing pleasure. Wave after wave of molten heat flooded my body. It travelled to every nerve and settled in each muscle. When my body reminded me to breathe, I realised that my eyes had shut at some point, and my body was falling forward. I pressed against Dante’s body, his chest rising and falling as rapidly as mine. I became aware of his touch once more as my senses slowly started to come back online. One of his hands was still on my waist, the hand that was previously between my legs now had a death grip on my right arse cheek, and his lips were against my neck. Not moving, just resting against my flesh as we both came down from the highest of highs. My eyes were still closed, and I was amazed to find that I was suddenly sleepy. My muscles were lax, and my body was spent. I felt so good, and I knew I had never experienced sex the right way until this encounter. It wasn’t simply sex. It was fucking. I fucked Dante. Me. “Ina. O’Shea.” He breathed heavily. “Jesus Christ in Heaven, woman. Where did that mouth come from?” The wave of passion was beginning to recede, and every dirty word I had said during my sex haze came crashing back into me. I leaned back slowly, widened my eyes, then flung my hands over my face. “Don’t.” Dante tiredly laughed and pulled my hands down. “Don’t get shy now after everythin’ ye just said to me. Christ, woman. D’ye have any idea how fuckin’ hot that was? I’ve never come so hard.” “Ye told me to tell what ye were doin’ to me … I just said everythin’ I wanted to say.” I leaned forward and hid my face in his neck. “It made it

better, didn’t it? I felt myself get wetter and hotter and … and I liked it.” I closed my eyes and relaxed against him. “Fuck yeah, it made it better.” Dante’s hands slid up and down my bare back. “I’ve never come so hard. I love that filthy mouth. Ye liked ridin’ me too, huh?” I tried to respond, but it came out in an incoherent mumble, making Dante laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes, then?” I hummed and snuggled against him. His arms slid around my body and hugged me against him. “Are ye okay?” I nodded, and he continued talking, but for the life of me, I couldn’t understand what he was saying. My mind still wasn’t firing on all cylinders yet. Things went quiet for a moment, then I had the sensation of falling, and I jolted. “I have ye, country,” Dante murmured. “Rest, I’ll take care of ye.” With a small smile on my face, I was asleep before he finished speaking. When I awoke, it was dark out. For a moment, I stared up at the ceiling before I lifted my head and looked around my moonlit bedroom. A snore to my right drew my attention. I turned my head and stared at him. Dante didn’t leave. He was naked in my bed, sleeping peacefully next to me. I tried to tell myself he was probably just tired and didn’t want to go home to sleep to avoid overthinking things, but my heart didn’t care. It was pounding, my stomach was full of butterflies, and I wanted to squeal like I had just won the lotto. I took a deep breath and relaxed next to him under the moonlight. I watched his chest's steady rise and fall, and how his lips slightly turned up in a grin every moment or two. His eyes rolled

under his lids which told me he was having a dream, and maybe that little smile meant it was a happy one. I moved closer to him, and before I lost my nerve, I intertwined my body with his. This was the first time we shared a bed, and I wanted to remember everything about it. I leaned on his chest, tucked my head against his neck, draped my arm over his waist, and tangled my legs with his. When I was settled, I realised I had never felt happier and more content in my entire life ... and it scared the crap out of me. Don’t overthink it. Don’t analyse every little thing. Enjoy it. I exhaled a breath and gave Dante a squeeze. He jolted a little in his sleep, then shifted his body until his arm was around me and a kiss was planted on the crown of my head. I smiled stupidly against his neck. “Are ye awake?” he murmured, his voice husky with sleep. “Ina?” Christ. He sounded like sex. “Hmm,” I replied. “I didn’t think ye’d stay.” He gave me a squeeze. “Ye’d have needed the Avengers to get me to leave once I had your body. Ye still might need them ’cause I’m not sure I want to give ye up.” My heart skipped a beat. “Don’t joke with me.” “I’m not.” “I’m serious, Dante.” I sat up. “Don’t say that unless ye mean it.” He rubbed his eyes and sat up too, his hand rising to cup my cheek. “I do mean it. I like ye, Ina. More than I’ve ever liked anyone.” Doubt flooded my mind and so did its bastard cousin jealousy. I knew he had a lot of experience with women. “D’ye swear?” I asked, my voice cracking. “Because I like ye so much that it scares me. I don’t want to fall in love with you if ye aren’t ready for a serious relationship. I’d rather we stop before anythin’ real starts if that’s the case because I don’t want to be hurt. Because ye have the power to destroy me, Dante. I know ye do.”

He leaned in and kissed me until I couldn’t think straight. “I wanna be with ye,” he said against my lips. “For real, Ina. Labels. A relationship. Feelings. The whole ten yards, country. We said we’d go slow, but after tonight, I want things to be full steam ahead with ye. I want every part of ye. I want it all.” I couldn’t believe what he was saying. It felt surreal so I pinched myself. “Stop that,” he chided. “Why’d ye do that?” “To make sure I’m not dreamin’.” Dante stared at me for a moment, then he smiled. “Stupid head.” I was so happy. “Will ye be me boyfriend, Dante?” He shifted closer to me. “I’m supposed to be the one askin’ that kind of question.” “Sorry, but I beat ye to it.” “I’ll forgive ye on one condition.” “And what’s that?” “Take me to heaven again.” He rolled my body under his. “It’ll be my pleasure,” I said. “And yours.” A couple of hours and two condoms later, Dante said I had more than earned his forgiveness. “Ye never answered me question.” I yawned, depleted of energy. “Will ye be me boyfriend?” “Yeah.” He chuckled softly, his lips brushing against my ear. “I’ll be your boyfriend, country.” For the second time in the space of a few hours, I went to sleep with a smile on my face.



One week later …

“Ye’ve yawned twelve times in the past twenty minutes,” Harley commented as I made a cup of tea in the break room. “Just how late did Miss Country keep ye up last night?” Amused, I answered, “When I last checked the time, it was after three.” Harley whistled. “Round after round, huh?” “Been that way for a week straight since we started goin’ at it,” I said, yawning for good measure. “The woman is worse than me, and that’s sayin’ somethin’ because I love sex. I’ve awoken the fiend in her, but big brother, I am not complainin’.” Harley laughed and punched my shoulder. “Ye’ll never guess what?” I was too tired to do anything, especially guess. “What?” “I bought a pub.”

I dropped the teaspoon in my hand and spun to face my smiling brother. Before he said a word, I rushed into him and slapped his back as I hugged him. He laughed merrily. “Mate, when? Where? Ho—” “Mr Fox’s derelict pub, the one in Citywest.” I blinked. “I viewed that site with ye a few months ago, but I thought he was dead set against sellin’?” “His only daughter just gave birth to his first grandchild. They live in Australia, and he’s decided to pack up and move there to be close to her and her kid. Seems the money from the pub would get him a nice house nearby her.” My eyes were wide. “When did all this come about?” “Last month.” Harley shrugged. “He phoned me since he knew I was interested. I made an offer, he accepted, and I put things in motion. I didn’t wanna tell anyone in case it fell through, but I got the phone call about an hour ago from me solicitor. I’m officially the property owner.” I hugged him again, and he laughed. “I’m chuffed for ye, bud.” I stepped back. “I know ye’ve always wanted a pub of your own.” To some, having a dream to own a pub wasn’t exactly reaching for the stars, but I knew Harley’s reasons. For us, and many other Irish people, when parents went to the pub on a weekend, children were usually brought along. When there was a party or event of any kind, the destination was the pub. Kids got to have a table or booth to themselves. They had drinks and sweets, colouring books, and for hours, they played, ran around, and had the time of their lives. The smell of Guinness had always filled me with nostalgia of my happy childhood. Harley loved those times and he wanted to recreate that for other people in a pub of his own.

“I’m still in disbelief that I own somethin’.” Harley shook his head. “It’s a kip right now, but it’s all mine.” “Was it expensive?” “Two-hundred and twenty thousand for everythin’, includin’ closin’ fees and solicitor’s fees and whatnot. It was a steal because I was payin’ for the lot, not the buildin’. The location alone drives the lot for double the amount I paid, but Mr Fox accepted my offer because he wanted to get gone with cash in hand,” Harley said. “Kane’s loaned me five-hundred thousand for this venture, so what’s left will need to go into the rebuild, redecoratin’, stockin’ me inventory, license fees, and so on. The whole buildin’ needs to be demolished and rebuilt, the whole ten yards, but I plan on doin’ as much of the labour as I can to save on costs.” “We’ll do as much of the labour as we can to save on costs.” Harley smiled. “Thanks, man.” “Are ye gonna expand the buildin’?” I quizzed. “I remember it being a little cramped.” “I am.” He nodded. “The lot I own is big. I want two huge rooms, one for the lounge and the other for the bar, each with access to their own toilets. As well as a pool room with a few tables and a couple of slot machines. I’m having a fully functionin’ kitchen built so food can be served. I’m expandin’ up into a second story for a function room for private parties, too. The number of birthday parties, funeral receptions, and communion and confirmation parties the nearby pubs get without a spacious function room is crazy. I want to capitalise on that by addin’ what they don’t have.” I smiled. With every word my brother spoke, he was getting more and more excited. “Kane put me in touch with the architect for his apartment complexes,” he continued. “I meet with him next week to tell him everythin’ I want, and

he’ll draw up the plans for me so I can get plannin’ permission from the council. If all goes well, things could be underway in just a few months.” “Are ye gonna hire someone to tear everythin’ down?” He shook his head. “I’m just gonna hire the machines and do it meself. I’ll save thousands.” “Let me know when that plan is in motion, and we’ll all help.” Harley nodded. “I will.” “Does Da know ye’ll be leavin’ the garage?” “Not yet, but he knew it was comin’ since I’ve been in the market for a space so that I could build and open a pub of me own.” “He’ll be delighted for ye. He’s lookin’ to hire new people anyway.” We both turned when my missus walked into the staff room. She smiled at Harley and barely glanced my way. I knew she’d blush if she did. The woman was a freak between the sheets with the mouth of a sinner but was as meek as a kitten outside the bedroom. It amused me to no end. “What has you all happy, Harls?” Harley filled her in on his good news, and Ina was so happy for him that she clapped her hands together before she launched herself towards him, hugging him tightly. I folded my arms across my chest and smiled. I always enjoyed observing her interactions with my brothers … until one of them overstepped themselves. The second Harley placed his hand on Ina’s lower back, I crossed the space between them and removed him from her entirely. This made him laugh and her shoo me away. “This is so excitin’ but wait”—she suddenly frowned—“does this mean ye won’t work here anymore?” Harley smiled. “Will ye miss me?” “Of course.” Her frown deepened. “I love workin’ with you. You’re me brother.” My heart jumped as I stared at the back of Ina’s head. She had no idea the gift she just gave me by calling Harley her brother. Fuck, she loved my

family like they were her own. This woman amazed me. “Don’t worry, sis.” Harley gave her a playful shove. “I’ll be here for a while longer. The place won’t be built, furnished, and ready for openin’ for at least two years since I’ll do a lot of the work. Work won’t even start on it for a few months.” “Thank God I’ve advertised that we’re hirin’ mechanics. I’d up and have a heart attack if I had to schedule jobs with a man down.” I chuckled because it looked like that scenario might have been an actual nightmare of hers. “Tell me everythin’ about what ye have planned for the pub. What will it look like?” “Well, it’s a pub, Ina.” Harley chuckled. “Ye know what a pub looks like.” She shook her head. “I’ve never been in a pub before.” I didn’t have to look at my brother to know he had the same look of disbelief on his face as me. “B-But you’re Irish,” Harley stammered. “Even Irish people who don’t drink frequent pubs. It’s a rite of passage.” Ina shrugged. “I guess I’ve just never gotten around to it.” “Well”—Harley puffed his chest out—“I’ll be honoured if The Hideout is the first pub ye visit.” I grinned. “Love that name.” “I’ll be there on openin’ day with bells on and me purse full so I can buy everyone a round!” Ina’s excitement for my brother made me fall that bit more in love with her. I froze the second the thought entered my mind. I didn’t know when it happened or when my heart and mind recognised my feelings for her as love, but I couldn’t do anything about it. I loved her. It scared the shite out of me.

I was quiet as Harley and Ina spoke. I was watching her through a new lens now. My eyes roamed over her body, pausing to watch as she spoke with her hands when talking to my brother and scratching her neck when she was unsure of something she said. She had different smiles too, I realised. The smile she wore now was for when she was excited, but my favourite was the smile she only gave to me when I was loving her body. Christ, I loved this woman … now I just had to tell her.



I always thought I wanted half a dozen kids, but my nephew Jax made me re-evaluate that daily. “What’s wrong with him?” Sunday was the only day of the week when the garage was closed. Branna Slater liked having barbecues when the weather was nice, and as Ireland was currently experiencing a heatwave that made us Irish complain about the weather more than usual, it meant she was cooking lots of food and wanted everyone to stop by and have some. She didn’t have to tell me twice. You’d be sure to find my brothers and me where there was good free food. “I honestly don’t know,” Aideen answered my question. “I think the heat has him tired and cranky.” That was an understatement. “Are ye sure he isn’t a changlin’?” I quizzed teasingly. “Maybe the fae have the real Jax.” “Don’t say that!” Aideen hissed as she blessed herself and brushed my words off her shoulder like they were dirt. “I’d die, Dante!”

“What’s the fae?” “The fair folk, fairies, goblins, gremlins, giants, banshees, leprechauns, the púca,” I explained to Nico. “Ye know, Irish folklore.” “Ah, fairy tales.” “The fae aren’t tales!” The fact that every Irish woman in the room spat this made Nico shrink in his chair. “Okay,” he said in response. We all hid our muffled laughter at his meek response, but our reactions only went and upset Jax further. Kane had a snoozing Locke lying across his chest, so Aideen had the task of trying to calm a flaying Jax down. The fact that he was having none of her soothing told me he was really riled up because he was, without a doubt, a mammy’s boy. “Jax,” I said, gaining his attention. “Come to Uncle.” I held my arms out to him, and he reached for me instantly. I stood while Branna and the others filled plates sky-high with food. My stomach rumbled, but I ignored it and focused on my nephew. I walked into the kitchen with him. Aideen was hot on my heels. “Come on, now.” I bounced him. “No more tears, okay? There’s nothin’ for ye to be upset about.” Jax stared at me. His grey eyes seemed huge when he cried. “D’ye have a sore tummy?” I patted his belly. “Does it hurt?” He shook his head. “Is your mouth sore?” I quizzed, wondering if any of his teeth were giving him trouble. “Does it hurt when ye eat somethin’?” Again, he shook his head. “What’s wrong with my little guy?” Alec Slater asked as he entered the kitchen. “Wanna come to Uncle Alec?” Jax nodded, so I handed him over to Alec, who immediately crossed the room with him and began rooting through Branna’s presses.

“Branna hid it under the sink,” Aideen commented, amused. “To stop Lana from takin’ it.” Alec looked smug. Bemused, I looked at my sister. “To stop Alannah from takin’ what?” “The greatest cup in history!” Alec announced as he found whatever it was he was looking for. “My pride and joy.” He held up a plain black cup in the air like it was Simba from The Lion King. “We’re both lookin’ at a regular black cup, right?” Alec looked positively horrified by my question. “If I didn’t love my nephew so much”—he glowered at me—“I’d throw him at you for asking something so offensive.” If I didn’t love my nephew so much, I’d have liked to see him try. “A secret message is revealed when hot liquid is poured inside it.” Aideen snorted. “It’s his Harry Potter cup. He loves it.” “Loves. It.” Alec nodded. “Touch it, and I’ll break your d-i-c-k.” My body automatically flinched. “Consider me warned.” Aideen lost her smile when Jax began to cry again. She groaned when a wail from Locke outside floated into the room. Her gaze darted between Jax and the open door, and before she said a word, I said, “Go help Kane settle Locke. We’ll deal with the toddler throwin’ a wobbler. I think he’s just too warm.” Aideen sighed, nodded, then went back outside, leaving Alec and me with a whining Jax. I turned to Alec and crossed the room almost instantly. I looked from my nephew to the Slater. “What do we do?” “What’re you asking me for?” “You are the father outta the pair of us.” “That means nothing.” Alec waved his free hand. “Most of the time, I just cry right along with Enzo, and he stops to stare at me.”

“We aren’t bloody cryin’.” I shoved him, mindful of Jax. “What else d’ye do?” Alec’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “I sing dramatically, and the boy loves it.” “Great idea, let’s sing.” I cleared my throat. “What’s that song Aideen keeps singin’ to him? The one from that new Disney film? We don’t talk about Bruno-o-o—” “I will end your life right here and now if you sing that m-o-t-h-e-r-f-uc-k-i-n-g song!” Alec cut me off with a pretty intimidating growl. “It’s the new ‘Let It Go’ and ‘Baby Shark’. I hate it. I hear that song in my nightmares, so just don’t.” Thoroughly chastised, I frowned. “I’m standin’ right here. Ye don’t have to shout at me.” “I’m sorry,” Alec said. “I get testy when it comes to those b-a-s-t-a-r-d songs.” “Well, we have to sing somethin’.” I stressed as I took a still crying Jax and bounced him from side to side. “Since you’re so full of knowledge, Elton John, what’ll we sing?” “‘I Wanna Be The Only One’ by Enteral.” He answered that question so fast it made me blink. Even Jax paused mid-cry to look at him. “Why do I feel like ye’ve been waitin’ for the opportunity to sing this song for a while?” “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” Yeah, right. “Fine.” I sighed. “I’m rusty with the lyrics, but I’ll remember them if I hear the song. I think.” “Hey, Alexa.” Alec looked giddy. “Play ‘I Wanna Be The Only One’ by Enteral.” Jax stared at the Echo Dot as Alexa replied. He was still upset, but when the music started, he looked between Alec and me as if he knew what we

were about to do. He looked … pleased. “You sing the woman’s parts.” I scowled. “Why do I have to be the woman?” “Because you’re the one acting like a little b-i-t-c-h right now. That’s why.” I scowled. “I’d kick your a-r-s-e if I wasn’t holdin’ this baby.” “Yeah.” Alec snorted. “Keep telling yourself that.” I swung my leg at him, and when he jumped away, Jax laughed. “Yes, I see you crying,” I burst into song. “And I feel your broken heart.” Jax was laughing now, clapping his hand on my healing shoulder. I swung him around, chuckling as he screamed with delight. I sang the chorus, and my nephew loved every second of it. I let the artist on the Echo Dot take over when I realised that Alec wasn’t even in the kitchen anymore. I was about to holler for him and kick his arse for real when he suddenly slid in from the hallway exactly like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. The only difference was he kept his trousers on. Thank God. “Now you deserve a mansion,” his voice boomed. I blinked and said, “My lord you, too.” I rolled my eyes as he snatched a cackling Jax from my arms. He wielded a cucumber in one hand like he was Freddy Mercury on stage at Wembley during Live Aid. Jax was clapping his hands gleefully, and he was the only reason I didn’t bloody Alec with my baby bottle for stealing my spotlight. I sang along with Alec, annoying him when I chimed in during his parts of the song too, and I’d never admit it out loud, but I was having fun. I was getting really into it when I spun around and paused mid-turn. That was when I saw them. Nico, Bronagh, Georgie, Beau, Keela, Enzo, Kane, Aideen, Locke, Ryder, Branna, Jules, Nixon, Damien, Alannah, Harley, JJ,

my aul fella, and Ina were crowded around the back door to the kitchen watching us. Each of them looked seconds away from falling into laughter. Nico, a pig if I had ever known one, had his bastard phone pointed in our direction, filming us, no doubt. I stared at them, and they stared at me while Alec was still singing and twirling with Jax clapping and screaming happily. I cleared my throat, trying to keep what little dignity I had left. “Alexa,” I said. “Pause.” Alec and Jax shouted in dismay when the room went silent. I ignored them both. “Ye heard Jax. He was cryin’ like a banshee.” I jabbed my thumb over me shoulder. “Alec suggested we sing … I didn’t enjoy it or anythin’. I did it for the child because I’m a great uncle.” “Of course.” Aideen bobbed her head. “All for the child.” “Yes, because I love him dearly.” I could do nothing but grumble when they all fell into cackling laughter. “I’m sendin’ this to Gav,” Nico announced. “This will make his recovery a bit better.” I scowled but was inwardly pleased because I knew my little brother was having a hard time as of late. Things were bad between him and Kalin. They weren’t great with Brandy Daley either, but I knew, in the end, everything would work out. At least I hoped it would. “Date.” Alec came up beside me. “How long have those haters been standing there?” “Long enough, mate.” I exhaled. “Long enough.” “Ah.” Alec shrugged uncaringly. “They’ve walked in on me doing weirder s-h-i-t before. This is just another thing to add to the list.” I turned my head. “Ye have a list?” “A long one.” “Well, I don’t,” I grumbled. “Me brothers won’t let me live this down.”

“I doubt you’ll give a s-h-i-t about what your brothers say when you notice how Miss Ina O’Shea is all but gazing at you.” I darted my gaze to hers, and Alec was right. She was staring at me from across the room like I was the only man she saw in the world. I lifted my hand and crooked my finger, and she walked over to me without hesitation. My eyes slid down her body as her hips swayed. I itched to reach out and grab her. I adored her work attire, but there was nothing more attractive to me than my Ina dressed down in a simple dress with her hair flowing free. “Are ye gonna laugh at me as well, country?” “No,” she answered with a shy smile. “I thought it was really sweet, Dante.” “Yeah?” I murmured, lowering my head. “I do stuff like that all the time for me nephews.” A scoff of laughter sounded somewhere behind me, from Alec no doubt, but I ignored it. “Stop it.” Ina giggled. “D’ye really? It’s so cute.” She wasn’t looking at me like she thought I was cute. She was slowly eye-fucking me. My cock hardened and strained against the fabric of my trousers because of it. “Of course. I’d do anythin’ for the kids.” The Slater brothers and my own brothers all laughed at me and slagged me, but my focus was on my Ina. “It suits you, ye know?” “What?” My lips twitched. “Singin’ like a fool?” “No,” she said. “Holdin’ a baby.” I felt my eyebrows rise, and I watched as her cheeks flushed with colour. She looked away from me, uncertain whether she had said the wrong thing. I pressed my fingers to her cheek and nudged it until she

looked back at me. I wasn’t letting this conversation go without saying what I had to say, what I needed to say. “Ye know,” I murmured. “I’d bet I’d look a whole lot better holdin’ a baby we made together.” Her mouth dropped, and her eyes widened. “Dante.” “It’s gonna happen, Ina,” I said, taking her face in my hands. “Ye know this is real between us, don’t ye?” Her hands touched my waist, clutching me tightly. “Yes,” she whispered. “Honey … I think … I know that I am absolutely in lov—” “I love you!” I almost shouted the words because I wanted to be the first one to say it. “I love you, Ina. I think about you constantly. I crave your smiles, your touch, and even your little scowls when you’re cross with me. I love it all. I love you, country.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Ye do?” “Absolutely, I do.” I rubbed my thumbs over her cheeks. “Ye’ve been the only woman I see since that first night when all that bangin’ woke me up. You’re constantly on me mind, specs. When I’m not with ye, I’m countin’ down the seconds until I am. I love you. You’re me girl, country.” Ina burst into tears, tears that I knew were of joy. “I love ye too, Dante. I love ye so much that it scares me. I’ve never felt as safe and secure as I do when I’m with you. I’ve never been as happy either. I love you so much, sweetie.” My body shuddered as relief swept through me. “So much for me rules,” my father hollered, but there was laughter in his voice. “I’d welcome ye to the family, honey girl, but you’re already part of it.” We both turned, and once again, everyone was crowded around the doorway smiling widely at us. Bronagh had a phone in her hand this time, and I smiled just as a flash went off. This was one moment I didn’t mind being documented.

“D’ye nosy feckers mind?” I cocked a brow, a grin playing on my lips. “I’m tryin’ to steal a few kisses from my love.” Ina laughed against my chest as I hugged her tightly amid the cheers and clapping coming from two big families that seemed to happily blend into one.



One month later …

Things had been a dream for the past month. Dante and I were together. We were a proud couple disgustingly in love who couldn’t get enough of one another. Since the threatening email I received from Finn followed by Gavin’s run-in with his Russian buddies, things had been quiet. It was horribly unsettling. Like at any moment everything could turn to shit, and things would change for the worst. I didn’t share my thoughts with Dante because there was no need. I was worrying over something that likely held no merit. Still, I couldn’t get rid of that voice in the back of my head that repeated one thing. My Flower. That poxy email was driving me insane. Closing my eyes, I forced the negative thoughts of my past from my mind and focused on the positives of my new life. I had been at my job for two whole wonderful months, Dante and I had just marked our first month together as a couple, and everything

was simply blissful. Lingering on what-ifs held no real purpose, so when the phone rang, I welcomed the distraction. “Collins Auto Repair, this is Ina.” “Hiya, I’m just makin’ an enquiry about prices for services and parts ye provide.” “Of course,” I said. “What would ye like to know, sir?” “How much is your premium air for tyres, and what brands of indicator fluids d’ye carry?” Instantly, I was stumped. I had never been asked these questions before, and it bothered me that I didn’t have a ready answer for the potential client. I prided myself on learning everything about the garage. I knew just about every part that made up the vehicles we had in and out of the hangar, and I even knew different brands and part sizes off the top of my head, but these items stumped me. A rapid search of the garage’s inventory made my stomach drop. We had no indicator fluid in stock. There wasn’t even a category for it. I worried that I had dropped the ball somehow. “Um, I’m not at all sure,” I admitted. “Let me check. One moment, please, sir.” “Take your time.” I put the phone to my shoulder, then leaned forward and hollered, “Lads, is the air that we use for our tyres premium or basic? A customer wants to know. Oh, and indicator fluid, where do I order that from? We have none in stock.” Seconds passed by before laughter erupted from the hangar. I frowned as I got to my feet, rounded my desk, and headed onto the garage floor. Dante, JJ, Harley, Gavin, Ryder, and Damien were all laughing at me. Oisín and Rían Nolan, too. They were our new mechanics who were recently hired on and joined our work family. They were brothers, of course. They were close in age, somewhere in their late thirties. They were both happily

married with kids, and most importantly, they enjoyed stopping by my desk every so often for a cup of tea. Our other new mechanic, Edana McDermott, the first female mechanic to grace C.A.R. had her hand over her mouth. She was the only one who tried to be subtle about her obvious amusement. “What’s so funny?” I quizzed. “Can someone answer me? I’ve a man on the phone who wants to know.” “Someone rang and asked ye about premium air and indicator fluid?” I looked at JJ. “Yeah,” I said. “He’s on the phone right now, so can one of you please give me the answer to his questions?” “Specs.” Dante removed his black rubber gloves and tossed them in the bin. “There’s no such thing as premium air for tyres or indicator fluid, indicators use bulbs, not a liquid … That’s likely a kid on the phone, and he’s takin’ the piss outta ye.” It took a moment for me to process what he was telling me. “Oh.” I felt my face burn as I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. “Right.” I turned as I put the phone back to my ear and hurried back to my reception. “That wasn’t funny, ye spanner!” I hissed into the phone. “Me mechanics think I’m a feckin’ eejit now, thanks to you!” Laughter erupted from the phone before the line went dead. “You’re fuckin’ adorable.” I groaned as I put the phone down and looked up at my boyfriend. “I’m mortified. I know better than that.” “Ye have to admit it was funny.” I snorted. “Maybe a little.” Dante grinned as he leaned over my desk and brushed his lips against mine. As he pulled back, I watched as his T-shirt stretched over his broad shoulders with an appreciative sigh. He had a little dirt on his face, on his arms and clothes too, but that came with the job. His hair was a little

tousled, likely from being under a car. He wasn’t at all put together, and I found that was just the way I liked him. “Lilly is here. I just saw her pull up.” My expression made Dante laugh. “Stop worryin’ about her.” He leaned his elbows on the desk’s countertop. “I told ye that she’s accepted ye.” “Just because she said goodbye to me when she was here last does not mean she’s accepted me.” “It does,” Dante stressed. “Ye didn’t do her biddin’ right away when she asked for one of us to see to her. It was subtle, specs, but ye stood up to her. She respects that.” I swallowed. “Are ye sure?” “Of course, I’m sure.” He chuckled. “I know Lilly.” I exhaled a breath and nodded. I trusted Dante. If he said Lilly was cool with me, then I believed him. “Besides, she won’t be here long. It’s Thursday.” “What relevance does the day of the week have?” “Every Thursday is when her and the knitters get together.” I blinked. “Excuse me?” “That’s what the members of her knittin’ cult are called.” “Lilly runs a knittin’ cult, I mean club?” “Yeah, it’s called Knit Happens.” “No!” I put my hand over my mouth. “Is it really called that?” “Yup, it surely is,” Gavin answered, entering the reception and overhearing our conversation. “They have merch, too. I bought a T-shirt when they were raising money for Crumlin’s Children’s Hospital a couple of years ago. It’s a black T-shirt and has Knit Happens in white letters. Then there’s a picture of knittin’ and crochetin’ needles shaped into a hand givin’ the middle finger. Not entirely appropriate when raisin’ money for sick kids, but it worked because they raised thousands.”

That was simply amazing. I wanted one of those T-shirts. Badly. “D’ye think I could join her club?” Dante and Gavin stared at me, and I shrank in my seat. “I like crochetin’,” I said in my defence. “I’ve been doin’ it for years. Ye’ve seen me bag of supplies, Dante.” He had seen my wool, yarn, and crocheting hooks that I had purchased over the past few weeks … He had just never seen me actually crochet anything because when I was around him in my apartment, crocheting was the very last thing on my mind. “Will ye make me a scarf if they accept ye as a knitter?” Dante swatted the back of Gavin’s head, making him hiss. “What?” he scowled. “I was only askin’ a bleedin’ question, ye dope.” Dante made a motion to hit Gavin again, but the youngest Collins ducked out of reach with a wry grin. I giggled. “Of course I’ll make ye a scarf, honey.” Gavin looked at Dante. “Ha! She loves me, too!” He disappeared into the hangar, laughing, when Dante tried to kick him. “Leave him alone,” I chided. “It’s good to see him back on his feet and teasin’ us.” Dante looked into the hangar, and a dark emotion filled his eyes. I knew he was thinking back to the night a few weeks ago when the dark side of Gavin’s other job got twisted and nearly cost him his life. When Dante looked back at me, his Collins blues were clear once more. The look of adoration and love he gave me made my heart flip inside my chest. I stood and leaned forward with my lips puckered. Dante smiled as he met me halfway. Our kiss was soft, sweet, and not nearly long enough. “Tell me about Knit Happens,” I said when I sat back down. “And I mean everythin’.” “To the world, it’s a knittin’ group. To Lilly, it’s a resistance, and she’s its leader.” I snorted. “I’m gonna ask her if I can join.”

“Who are you, and what have ye done with me missus?” I rolled my eyes. “It’s a perfectly normal thing for me to do somethin’ like this.” “I’d agree if it were anyone other than Lilly that ye’d have to talk to,” Dante said with earnest. “You’re scared shitless of the Frodo lookalike, and she knows it. She’ll smell your fear and eat ye alive, country. She’ll laugh if ye cry. She may have accepted ye, but that leprechaun is bloodthirsty.” I didn’t get a chance to respond because a sudden chill washed over the room when the door to the entrance opened wide and the sensor beeped. I flicked my eyes her way and exhaled a breath. The ice queen had arrived. “Hiya, Lilly.” I got to my feet. “Dante’s ready and waitin’ to see to ye.” Lilly snorted. “Course he is. The man loves me.” I smiled as Dante sauntered her way, ducking down to kiss her cheek in greeting. They spent a few minutes talking about the non-problem with her car before Dante had to hurry back into the hangar to stop another argument between Harley and Edana when JJ called for backup. They’d constantly been at each other’s throats over the past few days. It started out small, but now they were bickering like an old married couple. Lilly didn’t bother sitting down to wait on Dante. She walked right up to my desk. Instantly, she became a floating head. The woman was itty bitty, but that only made her more dangerous. She was like Chucky. She was even wearing adorable blue dungarees like the murderous doll. She paired it with a to-die-for red cardigan that I knew was handmade. “Love your cardigan, Lilly,” I commented offhand. “Knitted it meself. It’s nice and light for today’s heat.” “D’ye get your wool from somewhere specific? I’m still tryin’ to find somewhere that sells a brand I like.” Lilly didn’t take the bait right away, so I left her to her thoughts while I pretended to search for something on my computer. “D’ye knit then?” she asked after thirty or so seconds of soul-pinching silence.

“Some.” I nodded, turning my gaze to hers. “I crochet more than anythin’.” Lilly raised an eyebrow. “Are ye any good?” And so the interrogation begins. “I’m very good.” I lifted my chin. “I’ve been at it since I was a little girl, me SNA at school taught me.” If she didn’t up and invite me to join her this evening at her club, I was going to have to come out and ask her if I could go, and I felt like stepping up to the hangman’s noose would have been an easier task. Lilly looked me in the eye. I peered right back at her, and I saw it. I saw the moment Lilly decided. “Ye know.” She tilted her head, eyeing me all the while. “I just so happen to run a world-class knittin’ establishment. It’s called Knit Happens.” I raised an eyebrow, trying not to appear too interested or overly eager. “Clever name.” “I like to think so,” she commented. “It’s invite-only to join, though.” “Ah. Ye’ve got to gatekeep the sacred patterns. I don’t blame ye.” Lilly’s lips twitched. They actually twitched. I suddenly felt about three metres tall as I sat in my chair speaking to her. “So.” Her steely eyes never left mine once. “How about ye join us tonight for an evenin’ of … fun.” Doing my best not to come across as too eager, I said. “If ye have a spare seat, I’d love to join ye this evenin’. I just know you and the other members have fantastic patterns that are to die for.” Lilly lifted her hand and stroked her hairless chin. “We do have pretty amazin’ patterns, some of which we created ourselves.” I said nothing while she assessed me. “Can ye keep your mouth shut about what goes on behind the group’s closed doors?”

My pulse spiked. “I absolutely can.” “We’ll see.” Lilly’s eyes … gleamed. “Tonight, seven sharp, come by HQ. Bring your wool, needles, hooks, and whatever you’re currently workin’ on. Date knows the place.” She turned and left the reception, and I felt like I had just been part of a dangerous drug deal. I sat still, staring at the entrance for a long time because I couldn’t believe that had just happened. Loud voices from the hangar snapped me out of my trance. I got up and headed inside only to find Edana on one side of a car glaring daggers at a grinning Harley. Every man in the hangar watched the pair with interest. “I told ye I could handle it just fine!” Edana snapped. “But does Harley Collins care about that? No, he sees a woman messin’ with a car and not a fellow mechanic.” “Oh.” Gavin shook his head. “Sexism is not cool, big bro.” “Right!” Edana nodded. “It’s not, not at all.” Harley rolled his eyes. “I was tryin’ to be helpful. If I see anyone struggle with a vehicle on their log, I offer to help them. I do it for the lads all the time. Why d’ye think I’m singlin’ you out?” “Because I’m changin’ out a sensor! I don’t need help with that.” “Well, I thought ye did. Ye’ve been at it for forty-five minutes, and it’s a ten-minute job, fifteen at most. It’s okay to struggle with somethin’ simple, darlin’. We’ve all been there.” Edana’s eyes flashed, and before any one of us could blink, she had rounded the car and rushed at Harley. He yelped, and the man, all muscle rippled, broad shoulders, six foot two of him, ran from a five-foot-ten Edana like the devil himself was on his heels. I stepped aside so Harley could escape. Edana gave chase wielding a wrench, oblivious to the laughter that followed her. I smiled at the pair before I returned to my desk. Hardly a minute later, Dante appeared. “Where’s Lilly? I haven’t checked her car yet, but it’s gone. So is she.”

Dante’s question reminded me of my deal with her. “She left.” I looked at him. “She said I’ve to come by her clubhouse at seven sharp.” “She invited ye to the Knit Happens HQ?” He peered my way. “Were those her exact words?” A sudden case of nerves consumed me. “Yes. Ye have to bring me, she said, because I don’t know where it is.” “Sure thing.” He shook his head as if in disbelief. “I know where the Knit Happens HQ is, but I’ve never been inside. Security is too tight. When I tried to get in once, a few years ago, someone threw a Molotov at me from the roof while shoutin’ ‘For the patterns!’. I dived outta the way just in time, would’ve been killed otherwise. Never went back after that.” Merciful Christ, what had I gotten myself into?



“Dante, take me home. Right now. I can’t do this.” His soft chuckle sounded loud in the deafening silence of his truck. “No. You’re gonna get that big, sexy arse in that buildin’ to find out if ye have what it takes to become a knitter. I believe ye do, by the way.” He was so full of shite that it was ridiculous. I scowled at him. “You just want me to tell ye what the inside of the buildin’ looks like!” He had given me very specific instructions to follow. I was to uncover every secret the headquarters of Knit Happens held. As if that was an easy task—Tom Cruise had operations to complete in Mission Impossible with less risk, for God’s sake! “Take pictures on the sly when ye can,” Dante ordered, unbothered. “Memorise everythin’ ye see, and whatever ye do, do not sign anythin’ Lilly presents ye with. And for the love of all that is holy, show no fear, specs. Otherwise, she’ll go for your throat.” I was terrified all over again. “It’s a knittin’ and crochetin’ club!”

Dante turned his head and looked at the building that looked like it belonged in Batman’s Gotham City as a villain’s lair. “That’s what Lilly wants us to believe.” My God. “You’re ridiculous.” I shook my head. “I’m being ridiculous. This is silly. I’m not gonna be worried anymore. I’m gonna be excited because these women will have fantastic patterns. I can make Gavin such a beautiful scarf when I get a new pattern.” Dante grumbled, “I’d like a scarf for the comin’ winter, too.” “In that case”—I leaned over and kissed his cheek—“I better get goin’. I have to be accepted as a member before I can crochet anythin’ good for either of you.” I grabbed my wool bag, hooked the strap over my shoulder, then turned to get out of Dante’s truck. I yelped when he smacked my arse—quite firmly, might I add. “Sorry,” he said as I climbed out. “Can’t help but smack it when it’s starin’ right at me.” I turned and rolled my eyes, making him grin. “Love you.” I shivered. “I love you too, honey.” “Remember,” he said. “No fear.” “No fear!” I nodded. “I’ll phone ye when I’m finished. I’ve no idea how late this will go.” “I’ll come when ye buzz me, don’t worry. I’ll be down at the pub with me brothers since I haven’t gone out with them in a while.” Jealousy slithered around me and began whispering doubts into my ear, but I shook that bitch off. I would not be that kind of partner to Dante. Absolutely not. “Tell any women who approach ye that you’re mine.” Dante’s eyes darkened. “Always.”

I nodded, squared my shoulders, then closed the door to his truck. I took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance of the building, then I jumped about a foot in the air when Dante suddenly beeped his horn. I spun around and pierced him with a glare when I found him laughing his stupid head off. “Sorry,” he shouted when he rolled his window down. “Had to loosen ye up, specs.” I stuck my finger up at him, turned, and started walking again, swaying my hips a little more with each step. “A little slower, oh yeah … Christ, woman. That’s all mine!” I grinned as I reached windowless double-wide doors. Above the doors was a huge sign with equally huge letters that read KNIT HAPPENS, and under it, in smaller capitalised writing, it said, WORLD-CLASS KNITTING ESTABLISHMENT, BETTER THAN WHATEVER CLUB YOUR GRANDMOTHER FREQUENTS. Instantly, I began to giggle. That was so Lilly Doherty. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Dante was still sitting in his parking space, watching me. He gave me two thumbs-up, making me smile. I turned back to the door, lifted my hand, and pressed the doorbell. I heard it ring only once before the double doors suddenly opened outward. I took a hasty step back and stared at the darkened entryway void of people. Another look at Dante showed he was no longer giving me any thumbs-up, and his expression looked wary. I saw him swallow, or did he gulp? I stepped inside, and the doors began to automatically close. Just as they did, Dante jumped out of his truck. “I love you!” he shouted. “Don’t sign anythin’, country!” The doors closed on his parting words with a thud. “That man is dramatic as they come.” I shook my head. “God, I love him.”

With a smile, I turned and walked down the vacant hallway. There were a few rooms along the way, but the doors were closed. I made my way toward the opened doorway that led into what appeared to be a black room. I checked the watch Mr Collins had recently gifted me and saw it was a minute to seven. I was on time, so where was everyone? When I came to the doorway of the dark room, I realised that it wasn’t just the light that was switched off. All the windows had been covered, coating the room in a thick cloud of darkness. It looked more like a vampire’s crypt than a knitting and crocheting club. I jumped when lights suddenly appeared on the floor. I quickly realised they were candles—not real candles but the cute fake ones. They made a litup pathway to a rather large table at the room’s centre. I saw sparks, then two large candles on each of the table’s end lit up, illuminating the area. “He-Hello?” I tentatively stepped into the room. “It’s me … Ina O’Shea. Lilly invited me.” “Step forward, Ina O’Shea, for your judgment.” I jumped with fright when Lilly’s voice sounded. It seemed like it came from every direction. I hurried forward and didn’t stop until I reached the table just so I was as close to the candlelight as possible. I couldn’t shake off my apprehension anymore. I was absolutely bricking myself. I clutched my wool bag like it was a lifeline. “I’m … I’m on time, Lilly.” Movement seemed to come from all around me, and I sucked in a sharp breath when I saw them. There were six of them, and they all wore thick black cloaks with hoods hiding their features entirely. They ranged in height from leprechaun to fucking gigantic. One of the knitters was about six and a half feet, and I knew I was already terrified of the woman without having seen her face. Any woman that big who wielded knitting needles and crocheting hooks was a force to be reckoned with. “Jesus, protect me.”

“Not even He can help ye in here, girlie girl.” I spun around and gasped when I spotted the hooded figure standing behind the table I stood before. It had to have been a child. I swallowed when fair hands raised and tugged the hood down, revealing Lilly. At least, I thought it was Lilly. She was wearing makeup, there was a large red handprint covering her face, and I realised what it was. War makeup. What the actual fuck? “Ina O’Shea.” Her beady eyes appraised me. “Ye’ve been invited inside these sacred walls because potential is seen within you. Place the bag of promise on the table.” What? I looked down and realised she meant my supply bag for my wools, needles, and hooks. Hurriedly, I placed the bag on the table. Lilly reached down and removed some pieces I had recently been working on. She inspected each one carefully, and I felt sweat drip down my back as I awaited her assessment. Wordlessly, she held two squares up in the air and oohs and aahs sounded from the other cloaked members. “Potential,” Lilly repeated again with a firm nod. “Ina O’Shea, we would like to bestow the honour of formally invitin’ ye to become a knitter upon you. D’ye accept?” I didn’t think I’d leave this building in anything other than a body bag if I said no. “Yes.” I swallowed. “I graciously accept. Th-Thank you.” Snaps filled the room, and a glance around showed the other members were clicking their fingers in unison. The trivial gesture felt rather ominous in the darkened room of terror. “Your pledge is required to proceed with the first trial.” How many fecking trials were there? I felt myself shrink as Lilly handed over a piece of paper that looked centuries old. It reeked of teabags which told me someone used the old teabag trick to make the paper look aged. Probably to make the group seem

as ancient and prestigious as its head member. I adjusted my glasses and peered down at the words before me, and I looked up with wide eyes when I’d finished. A dubious frown wrinkled Lilly’s forehead as she awaited me to speak. Startled by the expression, I glanced down at the old parchment paper and cleared my throat. With confidence I did not feel, I began to read out loud. “I, Ina O’Shea, pledge my fingers to the Knit Happens cause. I will give my all for the patterns. I will stand by the patterns, and the patterns alone I shall protect. May the knittin’ and crochetin’ gods strike me down if I wrong this group or shame its name. This is my pledge, my word, my honour.” “Hear, hear!” I jumped as the words echoed around the room. I lowered my now trembling hands. “What’s the next trial?” “Depends on whether ye truly want to be a member or not.” At this point, I was in too deep. I had to become a member. “Course I do.” Lilly stroked her invisible goatee. “Can we hurry this along?” one of the cloaks barked. “Me arthritis is actin’ up.” “Yeah,” another cloak said. “Is she gonna get inked or not?” I jerked my attention to the figure. “I beg your pardon?” “I said,” the woman raised her voice. “Are ye not gonna get inked? Turn yours aids up, pet.” The volume on my hearing aids was perfectly fine, it was what the woman said that I couldn’t understand. “Inked,” I repeated. “As in tattooed?” The cloaks nodded, so I turned to Lilly. “D’you have a tattoo?”

She wordlessly showed me the inside of her right index finger, revealing the word Knitter in black ink. “We all have it.” Oh. Bollocks. I felt my eyes bulge. “I’ve never planned on gettin’ any tattoos.” Getting inked in order to join the Knit Happens group never even entered my realm of thought. “It’s not a requirement.” Lilly shrugged. “It’s simply a token of our allegiance to the club.” I had never had to give my allegiance to anything other than my father before. Not even Dante required it. He was happy with my heart. I would have been lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by Lilly’s words. Then I paused mid-thought because she said these were trials. Trials had to be completed, so her saying getting inked wasn’t a requirement was rubbish. It was a requirement and seeing if I went through with it was the fecking trial. “Does it hurt?” “No,” Lilly answered. A tattoo. To become a trusted member of a knitting and crochet club, I had to get a tattoo … that was as good a reason as any to get inked as far as I was concerned. People got tattooed for far less. “I’ll do it.” Snaps filled the room. “Follow me.” Lilly turned and walked out of the room swiftly. The way her cloak caught the air reminded me of Severus Snape in Harry Potter when he barrelled down the hallways of Hogwarts looking like a Vogue runway model. I hurried along after her, noting the other cloaked members of the club didn’t follow. They all watched me leave, though. Their heads turned as they tracked me out of the room. I practically had to run to keep up with Lilly, who was surprisingly fast moving for someone so short. I was still

wearing my suit and heels. We were late closing up the garage, so I came straight from work. I regretted not wearing flats as my feet screamed from wearing them all day. “In here.” Lilly paused by a room, opening the door. “Come on.” I entered the room and was surprised when I found a fully decked-out tattoo parlour. It had its own exit so people could enter it from outside without having to go through the rest of the building. “What is this place?” “Side job,” Lilly said. “Wait.” I turned. “You’re a tattoo artist? A licensed tattoo artist? “Amongst other things.” Who the fuck was this woman? “Does Dante know about this?” “No.” She snorted. “Date is me toy boy. He isn’t privy to me secrets.” I had the sudden urge to laugh, but I didn’t. “You’re gonna stick a needle in me finger?” She grinned menacingly. “Yup.” I could have puked. “Sit down while I do the stencil. This’ll be done in minutes. It’s quick work.” I followed her instructions and sat down. I made myself as comfortable as possible while I waited. When Lilly came to my side, sat on a little stool, and took my left hand, she paused and looked up at me. “Is your left hand okay?” Wordlessly, I nodded. She made quick work of disinfecting my entire hand, then dried my finger thoroughly before she positioned her stencil on the inside of my index finger, pressed on it, and pulled the paper away. I examined the word on my finger and found that I liked it. It was small, and I doubted anyone

would notice it unless I showed it to them. I closed my eyes when Lilly began. She didn’t talk to me at all, which actually helped with my nerves. She said it wouldn’t hurt, though, and it turned out that she was a fucking liar. I had to bite my lip to keep from crying, and the old wagon knew it. “Nearly done, princess.” Lilly snorted. I peeked at her and saw she was sticking her tongue out of the side of her mouth. “Never had a virgin until you, ye know?” At my wide-eyed expression, she giggled. I didn’t say a word until she finished up a few minutes later. I marvelled over my real-life tattoo. It was small and definitely nothing to boast about, but I felt like such a badass. Little ole me, Ina O’Shea, had an actual tattoo. Daddy and Finn would die if they saw me now. Lilly took my hand, spread some soothing gel on the tattooed area, then wrapped a little cling film around it. “All done.” She sat back. “I’ll give ye a pack of cleanin’ supplies when group is over. It’s an itty-bitty tattoo, but that doesn’t matter. Ye still need to frequently clean and protect the area. Understood?” I resisted the urge to salute her. “Understood.” “Good.” She stood and tidied away her things. “Let’s get to the next trial.” I jolted at her words. “But I took the pledge and got the tattoo. How can there be more trials?” “The pledge was the first trial, the tattoo of allegiance was the second, the third and final trial requires an oath.” I almost muttered a fecking oath. “Okay.” I got to my feet. “I’ve gotten this far. Bring it on.” We returned back to the hall. The cloaked members were still standing in a circle, bar one who was sitting down on a chair. When I glanced her way, her cloaked shoulders shrugged. “Arthritis,” she said. With a grin, I joined Lilly at the trial table.

“What’s next?” Lilly handed me a document, a law-binding contract really, outlining my membership to the club. I read it very carefully, twice, and found that Dante’s words kept echoing in my mind. Don’t sign anythin’ Lilly gives ye. “It’s just a membership form,” Lilly said, interrupting my thoughts. “Nothin’ illegal.” She was right. Nothing about the membership form was outlandish, but I knew there was a catch. The catch revealed itself when Lilly handed me both a sharp blade and an old-fashioned quill but no ink pot. I stared at them both before I raised my eyes. “I said I wasn’t doin’ anythin’ illegal.” One side of Lilly’s mouth curved in a wry grin. “The final trial is your oath, your blood oath, followed by downin’ a glass of devil’s brew to seal it.” “The devil’s what now?” I ignored the snort from behind me. “Devil’s brew, it’s a concoction I mix up now and then.” She jerked her head to the glass of black-looking tar on the table. “Real good stuff.” Alcohol. Fuck. “I’ve never drunk alcohol before.” Daddy’s outbursts were suddenly forefront in my mind. What if I behaved as he did? What if I became dependent on it? What if—No. I felt my spine straighten. I was nothing like him. This wasn’t a drink to function or survive. This was a drink by the fairy-sized woman who I was certain was a dictator of some small country. It was a challenge, drink it or not. “This is a one-time thing. Ye never have to so much a sniff a pint of black stuff if ye don’t want to in the future.” Exactly. This was my decision, and drinking would be a one-time thing. I was sure of it. Besides, the repulsive-looking substance was enough to

make me never want to think about alcohol again. “Why does it look like that?” “Nothin’ worth drinkin’ is ever pretty, honey bun.” I’d have to take her word on it. “Seal the oath by givin’ us your word in blood, then drink the brew.” “I really have to cut myself?” “Your thumb.” Lilly nodded. “Press your bloody thumbprint on the paper and sign underneath it usin’ your blood as ink with the quill.” If Dante was here, I knew he’d have me hauled over his shoulder right about now, sprinting me out of the building while quoting Bible verses at Lilly, but he wasn’t here. I was. And I was going to become a fucking knitter. I cut my thumb and winced as I pressed a splotch of red blood on the bottom right of the piece of paper, then signed my name under the thumbprint in my own blood. The members began to chant, “One of us” until I was so peer pressured that I grabbed the glass of tar and downed the drink in one gulp. I wheezed as the liquid burned its way down my throat. When it reached my chest, I could have sworn I felt hair sprout. “Our Father who art in Heaven,” I rasped. “Hallowed be thy name.” The women burst into a fit of giggles as I felt a hand rub my back. I turned to Lilly, who was chuckling. “Good on ye, girlie girl. Ye took that devil’s brew like the Irish woman ye are.” Hell fucking yes I did. I straightened. “Am I a member now?” “You’re a knitter.” She nodded. “Now and forever more.” I held firm as Lilly put her hand into a bowl of liquid and then put her wet hand flat on my face. I knew what was going on. I was getting my own red handprint for succeeding the trials and becoming a knitter. I felt

exhilarated. This must have been how Olympians felt when they took home gold. “One of us! One of us!” “To the cause!” a voice shouted. “And to the patterns!” Cheers erupted into the room, and though I was fighting for my life against the fire that burned in my chest, I laughed because it felt good. I had completed Lilly’s trials and survived while doing it. I took a pledge, got a tattoo, cut my finger, gave up my DNA willingly, probably signed my life away on that membership form, and drank the most heartburn-inducing beverage known to man. But I did it. Me. I liked this new version of myself. No, I loved her. Ina from three months ago would have never believed I could be this happy, so I did this for her. “Knitters,” Lilly said. “Greet our newest member, Ina.” The lights in the room suddenly flicked on, and when my vision adjusted to the bright lights, I felt my jaw drop. I was standing in the middle of a war room. A chopped-up version of the pledge I had taken was on the wall in gold writing: For the patterns, by the patterns, and to the patterns alone. Detailed maps of different Irish counties hung on the walls with pins and red string crisscrossed all over them. There were giant pictures of the Slater brothers and the Collins brothers too. All of them were in various stages of undress, and it was obvious they were all taken at the garage. I quickly realised they were pictures from a photo shoot for a calendar. I tore my eyes away from them and continued my inspection. There were some black and white pictures of old ladies with red X’s through them—I was too scared to ask what the X’s meant—and about two dozen mugshots hung on the wall too. I recognised Lilly, at various ages, in about eight of them. WHO WAS THIS FUCKING WOMAN?

I was pulled out of my stupor and turned when the cloaks moved. One by one, the hoods were pulled back. When my gaze fell on one member, I nearly died! “Alec?” Alec Slater stood right next to me, all six foot four inches of sexy, tattooed prime man meat … and he held a pair of crocheting hooks in his huge hands. He had a red handprint on his face too. So did the other women I had just seen for the first time. “Welcome.” “Alec.” I shook my head in disbelief. “You are a knitter?” “Yep. I joined a couple of years ago. My membership status is private to everyone apart from my wife.” “But … why?” “I am a sleeper cell.” I had no fucking idea what was going on. It felt like I was part of the plot of a James Bond film. “What does that mean?” “I infiltrate other knitting clubs in the country, gather information, steal their patterns, and savage their pieces and put a wrench in their plans for the yearly ‘Knitter Takes All’ competition.” I had so many questions. “Are we at war?” I asked, swallowing. “Did I just become a soldier?” “We’re always at war with other clubs when it comes to Knitter Takes All,” Lilly answered without looking my way. “Ye can’t back out now, either. Ye took the oath, gave your pledge … we have your DNA and thumbprint.” I widened my eyes when I realised that she could plant either of those things at the scene of a crime, and I’d be implicated as a criminal. My eyes widened farther when I realised that was exactly what would happen if I failed at being a knitter. Fear made my back go ramrod straight. Dante was

right. I shouldn’t have signed anything—or given DNA—when Lilly asked me to. “I don’t want to be a sleeper cell,” I said, my chin raised. “I want to just be a knitter. I want to learn from you ladies, and Alec, and make some cosy clothes and accessories. I’ll participate in legal competitions, of course, but I won’t do anythin’ illegal.” Lilly glanced at me. “Okay.” “Okay?” I repeated. “Just like that?” “Just like that.” I nodded, trying not to appear too relieved. “Brilliant.” “You couldn’t cut it as a sleeper anyway,” Alec said offhand. “The stress would make ye cry. It nearly cracked me a few times. I’ve gotten tougher, though.” I knew he was one-hundred-percent correct. “Of course ye’ve gotten tougher.” One of the ladies beamed his way. “You’re our big, bad, hunky, handsome devil.” Alec’s chest puffed up with the compliment. I noticed then that behind each of the members was a chair, a cosy chair. I sat down on my chair at the same time everyone else did. It was weird. Everyone looked like an assassin belonging to a secret brotherhood with their cloaks and war paint, but they were just regular people who loved to knit and crochet probably a little bit more than the next person, but that was okay because I did too. “D’ye wear cloaks and face paint every Thursday?” “Nope,” Lilly answered. “These are our initiation garbs.” Thank God for that. “So,” Lilly said. “How was everyone’s week?” I held my hand up like I did when I was in school and had a question to ask.

“I have a little bitty question first.” “Shoot.” “Why is Alec, his brothers, me boyfriend, and his brothers half naked in blown-up pictures around the room?” “Ah.” A small lady grinned. “We touch them all before we knit and crochet for good luck. It’s a ritual we have. Name’s Mary, by the way, pet.” The rest of them followed suit and introduced themselves. The knitters consisted of Lilly, Alec, Mary, Catherine, Maura, Nancy, and Francis. Francis, like me, was deaf and wore hearing aids. She dubbed us the “Aids Sisters” and that was that. After some laughter, the ladies all chatted amongst one another. “Question for you, Alec. D’you touch the photos for good luck?” “Nah.” Alec snickered. “I rub me own abs instead.” That drew a laugh from me, but when I stopped and simply stared at Alec, he caught me and grinned. “You can’t believe I’m a member too, huh?” I shook my head. “This is wild.” “Ye can’t tell anyone, not even Date.” I had figured as much. “I won’t, but he’d die of laughter if he knew.” “He’s a hater.” I snorted. “So, what d’we do?” “Talk as we knit and crochet. It’s honestly so fun that I wish we had class more than once a week.” I retrieved my wool bag, got my hooks and latest piece, and began to crochet. I truly felt like I was in my element. “How was your week, Alec?” “It was good up until I had some … animal problems.” I tilted my head. “With your dog? I know ye have a German Shepherd. Aideen mentioned that he’s, um, not very nice.”

She said he was a fat bastard who would kill her one day, but I wasn’t saying that to Alec. “Ado hates Storm, and he hates her.” Alec nodded as if it was a tale as old as time. “They have a blood feud that might result in homicide one day.” I wasn’t touching that conversation with a ten-foot pole. “So Storm’s givin’ ye trouble?” “Nah, Storm boy is great. It’s the wildlife that’s out to get me.” I hesitated. “The wildlife … like birds? They can be dangerous.” There was a crow who lived in a tree outside of my building, and I felt him watch me every morning. For what, I didn’t know. “Yes, birds.” Alec’s voice pitched lower. “I’m frequently shocked by the number of people who overlook swans for their dangerous tendencies, but you instantly said birds, so you have a good head on your shoulders.” “Swans? Your animal problems are with swans?” Alec tensed and glanced around as if we were being watched. “Yes, swans. Have you ever been feeding baby swans on a Sunday afternoon, feeling at peace and happy until, out of nowhere, a mama and daddy swan tactically advance on you from your blind spots and proceed to smack the fucking life out of you with their unnaturally strong wings while you cry to your wife to sacrifice herself, or your newborn son, to save you?” “No.” I blinked at his too-specific answer. “I can’t say that I have, have you?” “No.” Alec cleared his throat. “I was speaking hypothetically.” Right. “So swans are dangerous then?” “Ina, they’re worse than geese. A goose will give you a warning hiss but swans? They’re stealth creatures. I’d put them up there with lions. They are apex predators.”

“Alec.” I blinked. “Have ye been attacked by geese this past Sunday as well?” “All I was doing was feeding their babies!” He threw his hands up in the air. “Keela said they’d be mad if I got too close, but I don’t understand why! I just wanted to fill their little geese bellies up, and their way too overprotective parents chased me all the way back to the car park for it! I was mildly injured from the swan incident, so I couldn’t run as fast, it was terrifying. I thought I might die.” Don’t. Fucking. Laugh. “Where was Keela during these attacks?” “Pissing herself laughing.” Alec rolled his eyes. “I got attacked by two kinds of birds on God’s Day of rest for being a good fucking person, and what does it get me? Humiliation. Keela laughed at me until she couldn’t speak, and the park ranger banned me for disrupting the animals’ peace … I didn’t even know that was a fucking thing!” He began to crochet angrily. “Fuck those swans and those motherfucking geese, too.” I burst into sudden laughter that made him roll his eyes, but I did catch his lips twitching. He talked a little more as he crocheted a jumper for his son. I couldn’t look away from his hands as he worked. The man was a tall drink of water. He was drop-dead gorgeous with a body made for sin … and he could crochet like it was no one’s business. I was trying to figure out the pattern, it was like a granite stitch and a puff stitch rolled into one but with something else thrown into the mix. “What pattern is that?” “The Alec Slater,” he said proudly. “D’you like it?” “Yeah, I like it. Are ye tellin’ me ye have your own pattern?” “I made it.” He nodded. “We all have one.” “Every knitter has a pattern they’ve created?” “Yup.” My cheeks burned. “I’m not good enough to create me own stitch.”

“You will be,” Alec said. “Trust me, these women whip you into shape real quick.” I gulped. I thought about what Alec said for a few minutes. I wanted to ask him about his pattern, but I didn’t think I’d be able to form a question because I felt horribly light-headed. And it got worse as the minutes progressed. “I think I’m drunk,” I suddenly announced. “You’re all movin’ around. Stop it.” “Yep,” Mary chirped. “She’s legless alright. Look at her eyes. The devil’s brew is hittin’ her.” “I’ll call Date,” Lilly said. “Ina, why don’t ye come with me, and we’ll wait outside. Non-members aren’t allowed inside of the buildin’. We’ll have to kill him otherwise. I don’t wanna do that since Date’s me toy boy.” I stood, then sat back down. “I forget how to walk.” Alec laughed from my right. “I’ll carry you.” I was in the air then, being carried like a bride, and it made me giggle. “Keela’s gonna be me sister wife. I’d like a red-headed baby too, please.” Alec’s laughter reached my ears as he talked to someone about the devil’s brew I drank. I had no idea how he did it, but one second I was sitting in the knitter’s circle of secrets, and the next, I was standing outside with Lilly supporting me. “He disappeared!” “He’s gone back inside.” Lilly chuckled. “He’s a sleeper cell, remember?” I remembered Alec was an assassin, and I was his assistant. “I feel excellent,” I informed Lilly. “Like way better than good.” “That’s great.” “But I didn’t get to crochet anythin’!” “Ye will next week. Tonight, I knew ye’d be a little … tipsy.”

“I feel like we’re floatin’.” “Forget tipsy then. You’re plastered, love.” I giggled as we sat on a pretty bench outside of the building. It was still daytime even though it was late in the evening. The fading heat of the day made me hum as I closed my eyes. I felt calm until Dante arrived. That was when the devil’s brew really hit.



Dante beeped as his truck pulled up to the headquarters building. Lilly had to point him out to me because nothing would stay still no matter how hard I squinted. I had to check seventeen times to make sure my glasses were still on my face because as of right now, they weren’t doing shite to help me see. “He’s got JJ and Harley with him.” “Oh my God. I know both of them!” I think I shouted that but wasn’t sure. “Did ye have a good time, country?” Upon hearing Dante’s voice, I straightened on the bench. “Me man has arrived!” I stood to greet him and promptly fell to the side and hit the ground as the world tilted. “Earthquake!” I shouted. “Nobody panic. It’s just an earthquake.” I heard Lilly burst into giggles, and I was glad that she was keeping calm during this natural disaster. “Christ, Lilly, what’d ye do to her? Is that war paint on her face?”

“Yep,” Lilly chirped. “And FYI, I didn’t make her do anything. She did the trials of her own free will, but if ye must know, she took a blood oath, handled the needle, drank me devil’s brew, and pledged her allegiance to the group. She’s mine now, stud.” “Ah, feck it, Lilly!” Dante groaned. “Ye were supposed to mind her, not recruit her. She’s never drunk alcohol before!” “Too late,” Lilly replied. “She’s one of us now, so I’ll be havin’ a talk with you, big balls.” “Don’t you be thinkin’ about me balls, ye tiny demon!” “I love thinkin’ about them. Now, you listen here, Date Collins. That girl right there, she can’t hold her drink worth a piss, and she’s meeker than a newborn kitten, but she went through the trials in record time, and she can crochet a feckin’ good pattern. We’ve adopted her as our own. She’s a knitter now¸ so if ye so much as upset her and we find out about it, ye’ll be forever known as No Bollocks Collins ’cause we’ll cut ’em clean off and hang them over the mantelpiece.” I cackled when Lilly started saying “snip snip”. I joined in, using my fingers as fake scissors. “Merciful Christ,” Dante choked. “Lilly, please. I’d never hurt her … I love her.” The world tilted again, and I shouted, “Aftershock, people. It’s only an aftershock.” More giggles. “Here’s her stuff,” Lilly said to Dante. “I put her blazer folded into her wool bag. She took it off when the devil’s brew hit, and she started sweatin’. Doubt she even remembers doin’ it. Good luck takin’ care of her. You’re gonna need it.” “Come on, sweetheart.” Dante’s warm hands lifted me to my feet. “Let’s get ye home.” “I’d love to go home!”

“I don’t think she realises she’s shoutin’.” “I’ve gathered that. Thanks, Lil.” “See ye next week, newbie.” I turned my head, and Lilly was gone like the magician she was. “Can ye believe that I have boobies?” I quizzed Dante, staring up at his swaying face. “Look at them, all jiggly and cute.” I pulled my blouse from its tucked position in my skirt, pulled it up, my bra too, to show Dante my boobies, and he suddenly shouted and yanked my clothing back in place. I nodded, understanding what he was doing. My boobies were too cute for him. Looking directly at them would have killed him. My nipples would’ve taken care of that. Milk wasn’t the only thing they were capable of shooting. “Sweetheart.” Dante cradled me against him. “Let’s get ye home, okay? Ye need to sleep that devil’s brew off.” That sounded like a fucking fantastic idea. “I can’t believe I have toes,” I said as we walked in slow motion. “Ninety-seven of them. It’s incredible. They fall off every night and grow back in the mornin’ ’cause I’m a non-binary lesbian witch with a cookin’ show. I have a lot of debt because of it.” Dante was shaking. “What the fuck did she put in that brew, specs?” He was laughing at me, and I knew it was because I was a famous comedian, so I said nothing. I let him laugh instead of killing him. “I have the tingles,” I announced so the man in America could hear me. “In me fanny!” Dante choked as a chorus of laughter reached my ears. “Bro, I thought she was at a knittin’ club?” “Holy fuck, what’d Lilly do to her? She’s legless.” I looked down and saw I still had all six of my legs, so I didn’t know what the gnomes were talking about. “I’m starvin’, but I don’t want anythin’ to eat.”

“Okay,” Dante answered me. “How about we get into me truck instead? I’ll sit in the back with ye while Harls drives. How does that sound?” “Like a fuckin’ plan, Captain Big Dick!” Male laughter surrounded me, so I began to give Dante a lap dance. “In the car! Fuck. JJ, get in the back with me. I don’t know if I can control her.” “I want ye to control me,” I continued to dance. “Smack me arse, pull me hair, and bite me.” “Jesus, Ina.” It sounded like Harley’s voice that spoke, but I wasn’t sure. I was seeing three Dantes, so maybe one of them was really Harley. I looked around and found myself inside a vehicle. I was nestled between two big men and gasped with shock. “I have two husbands!” “The fuck ye do,” a voice from my right growled. “Ye’ve one man, me.” I turned my head and frowned. “Why can’t I have two? I’d like two.” “Country.” Dante gave me a roguish grin. “Ye can barely handle me.” I nodded because that was true. “How are ye feelin’, Ina?” “Like we’re gonna win this election!” I whooped. “I’m gonna be queen of this country, and then I’m gonna sell it to the man on the moon, so I can buy a house with two bedrooms!” That was way more than three! “Nice.” “Dante”—I turned my head—“can I ride ye?” Choked sounds filled the truck. “Baby,” Dante said as he reached over and unbuckled the constraints that held me still. “Let’s nap, okay? Come rest against me.” “Nope, I wanna fuck. I wanna bounce on your big cock and come until I black out. Let me see your cock. I wanna suck it. Ye said I was a good

cocksucker, so lemme suck it. Sucky, sucky, sucky.” I tried my hardest to get into Dante’s trousers, but his hands kept knocking mine away. It all happened in slow motion, though I didn’t have any clue why. I stuck my tongue out of the side of my mouth as I concentrated. “Are we dead?” I asked, pausing my dick-riding mission. “Is this heaven? Can I fuck you in heaven? I hope so. I wanna ride ye. Bounce on your big cock. Bounce, bounce, bounce.” I heard laughter, probably from the angels. I turned my head and looked at one who was sitting next to Dante. He appeared out of nowhere, a definite angel. “You’re the most beautiful angel.” I smiled at him. “I love you.” The man’s face broke into a dazzling smile. “Love you too, honey.” My head was turned from the angels to Dante, and I beamed. “Let’s fuck!” He groaned. “Sweetheart, ye need to sleep.” “No, me fanny wants your cock … give it to me. Now.” I looked to my right when the angel barked out a laugh, and I laughed right along with him, which he found hilarious. “Ye know what?” “What?” I yawned. “Ye look like JJ.” “Do I now?” “Yep. Your picture is in the clubhouse.” He froze. “What?” “In the Knit Happens clubhouse,” I explained. “I’m a member now, so I get inside the clubhouse. I pledged meself to be a knitter and took the blood oath. Your picture is on the wall, so is Dante’s and Harley’s and Gavin’s and Mr Collins’, too.” I giggled. “The Slater brothers, too. All shirtless. Mary says we touch them for good luck before we knit and crochet. It’s a ritual.”

“Merciful Christ.” Angel JJ shook his head. “Lilly is a tyrant. She said those feckin’ pictures for that shoot would be used for a one-time calendar only!” “She lied.” “Obviously.” “She’s not a liar. She’s a tattoo artist,” I corrected. “She inked me tonight.” “Excuse me?” I turned my head back to Dante and beamed as I lifted my hand and pulled off the stuff wrapped around it. I showed off my new tattoo, proud as can be. “Lilly branded me.” “Oh, my God!” Dante barked with laughter as he grabbed my hand and stared at the little letters. “Ina, honey, what’d ye do?” I blinked. “I didn’t kill him. That wasn’t me.” “What?” Dante’s jaw dropped. “Who got killed?” “Somebody got killed?” I gasped. “Who?” Angel JJ’s laughter filled the car as Dante rubbed his head. “I can’t get a straight sentence out of her.” Was he talking about me? I was worried instantly. I even knew what was wrong. “If we don’t follow the memo”—I swallowed—“the Martians will steal our light bulbs. We can’t let that happen, Dante. How would we see?” He burst into laughter as he hoisted me against his chest. “I love you, woman.” “I’m very sorry, Angel Dante.” I shook my head. “I’m in love with me boyfriend, who is the real Dante. I can’t accept your love.” He grinned at me. “I can’t sway a kiss out of ye?” “I’ll kick your big toe if ye even try!” I glared. “I am a woman in love. Have some respect, ye wagon.” “Apologies, my lady.”

I accepted his apology with a nod. “Me power is low,” I said with a sigh. “I need more of the brew to feel the tingles. The fanny ones.” I smiled when Angel Dante laughed again. I loved listening to his laughter. “Look, specs, we’re home.” Home? I turned my head and saw my apartment building. “Me teleportation spell worked,” I said, pleased. “I’m magical, y’know?” “I’ve heard that you’re a lesbian non-binary witch with a cookin’ show.” “Don’t be so stupid,” I scowled. “There’s no such thing as a lesbian non-binary witch with a cookin’ show. The bank would never give one of us a loan.” Dante’s shoulders shook. “Come on, country.” We got out of the vehicle, and I was shocked when I looked at the driver of the car and realised who he was. “Angel Harley!” I whooped. “I love ye so much.” I flung myself at the man, hugging him tightly enough that he wheezed a little. “Sorry.” I stepped back. “I forgot how strong I am. I could’ve crushed ye.” He smiled down at me. “You go on to bed, honey, ye hear?” I saluted him. “Yes, sir, commander sir!” I turned and sprinted towards the road until I suddenly wasn’t running anymore. My feet weren’t on the ground, and I was in the air. I was flying. “I’m superwoman!” I shouted. “I knew it! Fuck you, Clark Kent!” “Don’t just stand there and laugh!” Dante’s voice bit out. “Help me!”

There was a lot of shouting, swearing, and declarations of needing sex before I made it inside my apartment, but from who, I didn’t know. My teleportation spell worked twice now. I was so powerful. “Home sweet home.” I kicked off my heels only to realise they were no longer on my feet. “I’ve been robbed! Me shoes are gone. Call NASA!” “Got them right here, Ina girl,” Harley hollered. “And on that note, I’m outta here.” “Bastard!” Dante shouted. “May ye get the runs while stuck in traffic!” “Oh my God.” I sat in front of the bear in my sitting room that was splitting lines of cocaine with his credit card on my coffee table. “I am a huge fan of your work, brother bear. I can’t believe ye came to see me … I have someone I need ye to eat.” Soft chuckles surrounded me. “I’m worried,” Dante said. “Should I bring her to the hospital? I’m terrified she has alcohol poisonin’.” “She looks fine. She’s just flat-out drunk. Lilly’s devil brew is somethin’ only gods can drink.” “Gods and Ina, apparently.” I looked up at the men, shook my head, and looked back at the bear. “Not them. They’re good folk. They don’t need to die.” “Wow. I’m leavin’. Good luck.” “Arsehole.” The room went silent as the bear disappeared to go and eat the enemies of Knit Happens, like I instructed him to do. “I’m part of a secret society,” I announced. “You’re not allowed to tell no one. Ye’ll have to be killed if ye do.” “These lips are sealed.” I was helped to my feet. “Let’s get to bed, hmm?” I was suddenly tired and hot, so I unzipped my skirt and wiggled it free until it fell around my ankles.

“Christ.” I looked around. “I don’t see Him.” Angel Dante laughed from behind me but said nothing further. He helped me strip until I was wearing just my knickers. “Finally.” I sighed and shimmied my boobies. “I’m free from the titty holder.” Lips pressed against my neck. “You’re beautiful.” I turned my head and smiled. “Me new spell worked.” “Did it now?” “Yes.” I nodded. “I cast a spell to find a husband, and now I have you. This is great. Can ye give me a baby? I’d love a baby so much.” Angel Dante’s expression softened. “One day, I’ll give ye a baby, sweetheart.” “D’ye promise on your toenails? All twenty-six of them? Even the diamond ones?” He laughed. “Yes, I promise.” I nodded. He made the sacred oath, so he couldn’t go back on it now. He’d have to give me seven of his eyes otherwise. “Daddy always beat me when he was drunk,” I told Angel Dante with a sad sigh. “But if I have a husband, he won’t do that anymore. I don’t wanna be sad and cry again. I always cried.” Angel Dante lowered his face to mine. “No one will hurt ye again, Ina. I swear.” I beamed. “That’d be great!” “Wanna come to bed so we can cuddle and sleep?” I considered this and shook my head. I had to start building the androids that would take over the Earth, and I didn’t have much time to do it either. I needed the money they’d give me to pay for a new washing machine. “I need to get somethin’ first.” I stumbled over to my wardrobe, found my cache of forbidden fun, and pulled out the box that housed my unused neon blue dildo, vibrators, and

bottle of lube. “Can I use this big blue dick on you, Angel Dante?” He looked sick. “No!” “Too bad.” I dropped the dildo box to the floor and reached for the box I needed. I ripped it open and studied the fabric. Once I took off my knickers, I began to pull it on, but I got stuck. “Help! It’s tryin’ to kill me! Call the coast guard!” Angel Dante had tears in his eyes from laughing as he kneeled next to me and helped me not die. “Honey, why’re ye puttin’ on this lingerie?” “To seduce Real Dante. Duh. Help me, he’ll have to give me a baby if I wear this. He’ll have to.” Angel Dante wordlessly helped me put on the lingerie, and when I had it on, I stood back and tried to stand straight, but it was hard because I was standing on the ceiling. “Do I look like ye’d wanna put a baby in me?” Angel Dante didn’t look very angelic as he stared at me. He looked more like Demon Dante. “Oh yeah, country. I’d put a dozen babies in ye.” “That’s too many. One’s fine, but it has to be a fat baby. I’d love a fat baby.” “Ready for bed now?” “Yes.” I nodded and began to jog on the spot. “I’m ready.” Angel Dante stepped into my space and put his hands on my shoulders, bringing me to a halt. “If we go to sleep.” He leaned down and nudged my face with his. “I’ll give ye a baby.” I widened my eyes with shock, then hurriedly squeezed my eyes shut. His warm laughter surrounded me. “Easy now.” He kissed the wrinkle that had formed between my eyebrows. “Don’t hurt yourself. Get into bed before ye go to sleep.”

Suddenly, I was lying on a cool cloud, and it felt wonderful. “I’m happy,” I said. “Real Dante makes me happy.” “You make me happy too, sweetheart.” “Real Dante!” I gasped. “You’re here!” “I’m here, gorgeous.” “Thank Mary, mother of God. I thought the gnomes got ye. They love big balls like yours.” He laughed as I turned my half-naked body onto my side and watched as Dante removed his clothes and climbed into bed. He lay there staring at me. I felt a pinch in my chest, and it reminded me that I loved him. Love you, Dante, I signed. More than all the stars in the sky. “Sign that one more time, honey. Not so fast either, baby. I’m a learner, remember?” I smiled and slowly repeated myself. Dante kissed my nose and signed, I love you more, Ina. “Impossible.” He chuckled. “I didn’t know there was a sign for me name.” “There’s not,” I yawned. “I gave ye a name sign, I picked one that represented you to me.” Dante moved closer to me. “What sign did ye pick?” “Safe,” I answered. “I never felt safe until I met you. You’re not just me safe space, you’re me safe sound, too.” Dante exhaled a breath. “I love you, honey.” “I love you, too.” The last thing I remembered was that I was a member of a secret society, I had a husband, I was getting a fat baby, and I wasn’t going to be sad anymore. Knit Happens was the best club ever!



So it begins. The silence that had filled Ina’s apartment all day suddenly shifted. It started with groans that swiftly turned to whimpers, then there was the gentle pitter-patter of footsteps followed by some serious retching in the bathroom. I walked out of the kitchen, down the hallway, and paused by the open bathroom door. I poked my head inside and saw my girlfriend, still wearing her out-of-this-world black lingerie that gave me an incredibly inviting view of her arse, as she bent over the toilet. “Dante,” she called miserably. “Dante!” “I’m here, gorgeous girl.” She continued to hug the toilet as I stepped inside and ran my hand over her head, smoothing her hair back from her face. She flinched with fright, and I realised that her aids weren’t in, and she couldn’t hear me. I hurriedly rushed to the bedroom, grabbed them from her nightstand, and returned to the bathroom. I put her devices in her ears, switched them on, and waited. “What,” she heaved, “happened?” “Ye joined Knit Happens … remember?”

“No,” she said, then retched. “Oh, Dante. Me stomach!” I hunkered down next to her and rubbed her back, forcing myself to ignore the smell. I was going to redden Lilly’s arse when I got me hands on the little gremlin. Whatever she made Ina drink smelled putrid when it came back up. We spent twenty or so minutes in the bathroom. She vomited so much that it momentarily worried me, but when it suddenly stopped, I sent up a prayer of thanks. “Come on,” I urged. “Back to bed, sweetheart.” “But work—” It was nearly four in the afternoon, so work at the garage was nearly over. “I called me da this mornin’. He gave us the day off.” Ina suddenly sniffled as we slowly walked towards her bedroom. “Don’t cry, love.” “I don’t like this,” she whimpered. “I feel so sick, and I’m never ever drinkin’ again. I don’t care if God Himself asks me to. I’m not doin’ it again. I swear.” I believed her. “I know ye won’t.” I kissed her head. “How do people do this every weekend?” I withheld from telling her that people didn’t drink Lilly’s devil’s brew every weekend. Instead, I offered her words of reassurance. “This will pass, love.” “When?” she croaked. “I feel like I’m dyin’. Me stomach hurts worse than me head, and me whole body aches.” I didn’t doubt it, not when it came to that fucking brew. You’d need a gut of steel to handle it. “I’m so tired.” I didn’t mention that she had slept for over eighteen hours since I got her home the night before. She woke up a few times during the night, still

off her face drunk and hell-bent on trying to have sex with me, but each time, I persuaded her to go back to sleep until she finally settled and stayed knocked out until just now. I knew she needed another night of rest before her system flushed the devil’s brew out. “Dante,” she rasped as I helped her settle into her bed. “Don’t leave me alone.” “I’m not goin’ anywhere, kid,” I assured her. “Sleep.” I removed her aids, put them on the nightstand, and settled into her bed. I was only wearing my boxer briefs, so I didn’t have to strip. I wasn’t tired even though I had hardly slept the night before, but as seconds turned into minutes, I became drowsy and dozed off. When I opened my eyes next, the sun was a little lower in the sky. A glance at the clock told me it was ten past seven. I carefully sat up, untangling Ina from my body, and slipped from her bed. I rubbed my eyes as I walked out of the bedroom, grabbed Ina’s keys, then quietly slipped from her apartment to mine so I could shower and put on a change of clothes. I had been meaning to do it all day, but I was scared Ina would wake up and need me. I ate some food and grabbed my charged phone before I returned to her apartment. I checked in on her and found her snoring, then went into the bathroom and got to work cleaning and airing out the room. Afterwards, when I was relaxing in the sitting room, my phone rang. When I saw who was calling, I growled when I answered it. “How’s she doin’, big lad?” “Hungover to hell,” I hissed. “She’s gonna be sick until tomorrow, Lilly Doherty.” “Poor lamb.” Lilly clicked her tongue. “She really is a lightweight. I even made the light version of the brew for her.” A fucking light version? “You’re tellin’ me there’s a stronger concoction of that devil’s brew?”

“Of course.” “Christ on the cross,” I grumbled. “Is it legal?” “I don’t understand the question.” That was an absolute no. “Listen, I don’t have all day to talk, sunshine,” Lilly continued. “I’ve a man fifteen years me junior comin’ over for a dirty romp. I just wanted to check in on her.” I could barely contain a heave. “Lilly.” She ignored me. “Tell Ina that next Thursday is a regular night. No more blood oaths, initiations, signatures, or tattoos are required.” Lilly snorted. “Still can’t believe she agreed to get the tattoo. The little chickenshit nearly cried.” I clenched my free hand into a fist. “Ye’d make the Devil pray for absolution, woman.” “Don’t I know it, big balls.” Her laughter was cut short when she hung up on me, and I could barely contain my own huff of laughter. “God,” I said to the empty room. “I love that pint-sized hobbit.” The bedroom door to Ina’s room suddenly slammed shut, frightening the life out of me. I jumped to my feet and was before her door in seconds. “Ina?” “Go away,” she groaned through the wood. “Ye can’t see me like this.” I tested the handle, but it wouldn’t budge. “Open the door.” “Dante,” she whimpered. “I’m in really bad shape right now. Please, go away.” “No.” She thumped on the door. “I wet me bed!” She began to cry. “Go. Away.” “No.”

The door was suddenly unlocked and yanked open, and she was still wearing her lingerie. The barely-there fabric hardly covered her rose red nipples or the dark curls between her legs. She was a wet dream come to life, but Christ, she looked miserable. Her normally gorgeous, fair skin looked almost grey, her lips were pale, and her green eyes were bloodshot. She didn’t have her glasses on, and she only had one of her aids in. My honey was a mess. “What the hell d’ye mean no?” she demanded, squinting so she could try to bring me into focus. “I’ve the worst hangover ever known to man, and you’re tellin’ me no?” “Yeah. If you keep askin’ me to leave, I’m tellin’ you no.” She sagged against the door; her energy depleted. “Why?” “Because I can’t take care of ye if ye send me away.” Her beautiful green eyes got teary. “Ye want to take care of me?” “You’re me baby.” I rolled my eyes. “Of course I want to take care of ye, specs.” “But … But I look disgustin’, and I smell vile. Ye can’t go near me bathroom without a hazmat suit. I remember being violently sick.” She didn’t need to know that I had already spent a decent amount of time cleaning and sanitising the room. When I smiled, her breath left her body in a sigh. She didn’t react when I stepped forward, took her hand, and tugged her into a walk. I brought her down the hall to the bathroom that smelled like lemon now. “Shower,” I said. “I’ll strip your bed.” “No,” she almost shouted. “I’ll do that.” “Babe.” I turned her to face me. “I’ve had me tongue on, and in, every inch of you. Cleanin’ soiled sheets isn’t gonna repulse me. You’re sick, and I’m takin’ care of ye. End of discussion.” Ina burst into tears as she wrapped her arms around me. “I love ye so much. I don’t know what I did to deserve ye.”

I hugged her back and kissed her head. “Love you more.” When she began to remove her lingerie, she realised she was wearing it, and her wide eyes darted to mine. “What in Jesus’s name am I wearin’?” That outfit had absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. I rubbed my neck. “The lingerie ye won in that raffle … ye wanted to wear it to bed.” No way I was going to tell her that she wore it so I’d get her pregnant. She’d never look me in the eye again. “My God,” she whispered. “I haven’t touched that basket since ye made me bring it home. I hid it in the bottom of me wardrobe. We didn’t use any of the toys, did we?” She also didn’t need to know she wanted to fuck me with her big blue dildo. “No, we didn’t have sex at all. Ye were too drunk to give consent, and I was too worried over ye to get hard even if ye did.” Ina nodded. “Don’t tell me anythin’ I said and did. I can’t cope with knowin’.” I figured as much. “I won’t say a word. Get undressed.” Wordlessly, she removed the revealing fabric, tossed it in the wash basket, placed her hearing aid on the counter, and got into the shower. I didn’t leave until she was under the spray and had begun washing her face free of the war paint the still stained her skin. After I entered her room and stripped her bedsheets, removed the mattress protector, and redressed the bed, duvet, and pillowcases, I brought all the washing down to the utility room and shoved everything into the large drum of the washing machine. After adding the washing liquid and softener, I selected the setting I wanted and clicked start. I returned to the bathroom and watched Ina standing under the spray, just enjoying the water. I waited until her eyes were on me before I signed, Feel better?

“Yes,” she answered, turning her body to me as she wiped her eyes free of water. “So much. I washed me hair twice and scrubbed every inch of skin. I brushed me teeth and tongue too, and the difference it makes is huge.” “Think ye can manage some food?” She shivered and signed, Not right now. Are you sure? Whenever she signed to me, I always signed back to keep up with my practice. I was learning a new phrase each day, and I knew Ina loved when I conversed with her like this. Verbally, Ina said, “I don’t think I could even manage water.” “I’ve been gettin’ a few gulps into you throughout the night to keep ye hydrated.” Ina frowned. “I’m so sorry ye had to take care of me … was I bad? I can remember the trials and drinkin’ that god-awful drink. I can’t remember anythin’ after I sat down once I became a knitter. It’s just blank.” “Ye were fine,” I lied. “Ye didn’t speak much. Ye really just slept on me.” “Oh, thank God.” She placed a hand on her naked chest. “I had some crazy dreams where I begged ye to have sex with me, and your brothers were right there laughin’.” Uh. “Definite dream.” I’d have to threaten both JJ and Harley to keep their fucking mouths shut about Ina’s drunken ramblings. “That’s such a relief,” she said, then suddenly gasped and looked at her index finger. “I got a tattoo!” She ran her fingertip over it. “It’s a little tender.” “What’s the sign for ‘tattoo’?” Ina showed me, so slowly I signed, It’s a beautiful tattoo.

She beamed and moved her hands fluidly as she signed, I love it. “I’ll clean it for ye. Lilly mentioned she gave ye a cleanin’ pack and put it in your wool bag.” Ina nodded as I grabbed a large towel and opened it. “Ready to get out?” She switched off the unit and stepped out of the shower, gloriously naked and dripping wet as she pressed into me so I could wrap the towel around her. She dried her ears well and pushed her wet hair over her shoulder before she grabbed her aid and put them in. I waited until she told me it was on before I spoke. “Ye know.” I rubbed my hands over her to keep her warm and dry her at the same time. “I love how comfortable ye are with your body.” She tilted her head back. “One thing I had never been criticised about was me body, so I guess I was never self-conscious over it.” “Good,” I said. “Because your body is perfect. That big arse, those thick thighs, wide hips, tiny waist, flat stomach, and small breasts kill me. Every inch of you that jiggles is an instant hard-on.” Ina smiled as she snuggled against me. “It’s late evenin’,” she commented. “I slept all night and most of the day, didn’t I?” “Uh-huh.” I nodded. “The devil’s brew would’ve knocked ye out for a couple of days if Lilly didn’t make ye the light version.” A mask a horror covered Ina’s face. “That was the light version?” “Apparently so.” She blessed herself and murmured a prayer, making me chuckle. “What’ve ye been doin’ all day while I’ve been sleepin’?” I became a little shy and unsure of myself as I said, “I, uh, did somethin’ for ye.” “Ye did? What?” “Go get dried and into pyjamas, and I’ll show ye.”

Ina headed to her bedroom. I lingered in the doorway as she dried, moisturised, and got into cute bunny-print pyjamas. “FYI, I much prefer ye naked.” “Duly noted.” She managed a smile as she pulled her hairbrush through her dark, wet tresses before setting it down. She used her towel to squeeze out any excess water from her hair. “Now, what’d ye do for me, handsome man?” I took her hand and led her down the hallway to the front door. I opened it, stepped outside, and pointed at her doorbell. Her new doorbell that I’d picked up from the post room in the lobby that morning and installed while she was sleeping. “I wanted to surprise ye.” Ina blinked, adjusted her glasses, and squinted. “I don’t know what I’m lookin’ at, pet.” I huffed a laughed. “I fitted your new doorbell.” She tilted her head. “Did me old one break?” “No.” “Then why”—she looked at me quizzically—“did ye replace it?” I felt my cheeks flush. “I got ye a special doorbell. It’s for people who have difficulty hearin’.” I scuffed my socked foot against the floor. “I know ye don’t like wearin’ your aids when you’re at home, so I went online a couple of weeks ago and found this.” I gestured to the fancy-looking doorbell. “While ye slept, I fitted a panel on the headboard of your bed that vibrates and flashes when the bell is pressed, and I placed smaller devices in each room of the house that flash bright blue when it’s pressed, too. I just thought it would help ye relax knowin’ ye could take your devices out and still know when someone is at your door.” I looked at her face after a period of silence.

“Kane’s cool with it in case you’re worried he’ll be mad. I asked him before I fitted it.” More silence. My stomach hurt. “Come on, Ina, say somethin’.” “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much, honey.” She threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her body against mine as she hugged me tightly. I slid my arms securely around her and relaxed against her. I dipped my head, and my lips touched her neck. “I love you, Ina.” She pulled back and looked up at me with tears falling from her eyes. “Ye’ve no idea how much ye’ve just made me life ten times easier. Somethin’ as small as this doorbell will make such a difference to me.” She reached up and touched her hearing aids. “Without these, I’m deaf.” “Don’t worry, country.” I pressed my forehead down to hers. “I’ll be your ears.” She sucked in a breath. “Dante, I love you so much.” She gripped my neck tightly. “I thought I experienced love, but I didn’t. Never like this.” “You’re my first love, Ina. Me only.” “You’re my only, too, honey.” I licked my lips and said the next thing that came to my mind. “Move in with me,” I asked. “Please.” “Yes,” Ina answered without hesitation. “Yes!” I smiled and leaned down to kiss her, but she paused. “Will you move in with me?” she asked. “We’re always in my apartment compared to yours, and ye did go through all the effort of installin’ me new doorbell.” “Country”—I rubbed my nose against hers—“ye’ve got yourself a deal.”



“Heard you and Ina moved in together last week.” I was in the pit of bay four, walking up the steps, removing my gloves and tossing them in the bin as I went. “Yeah,” I answered Damien in a grumble. “What about it?” “Nothing.” Damien shrugged, leaning a shoulder against the leg of the lift. “Just making conversation.” I paused and tilted my head, bewildered. “You want to make conversation with me … why?” Damien pinched his eyebrows together in annoyance, and I grinned, catching on that he wasn’t here out of the goodness of his heart. More like the goodness of his missus’s heart. “Lana.” I shook my head. “She wants us to be best friends, huh?” “Not exactly best friends,” he grunted. “Just not enemies. She doesn’t like that she can’t mention your name without me—” “Becomin’ a jealous dickhead?” Damien’s lips twitched. “Precisely.”

“And what?” I crossed my arms across my chest. “’Cause I have a missus now I’m suddenly approachable?” “A woman you live with and love now.” Damien nodded. “That is what makes ye approachable. Ye were still Date before that commitment.” I arched an eyebrow. “I’m still Date.” “No, you’re not.” He rolled his eyes. “You’re Dante now. Date died the night he met Ina O’Shea. Everyone just calls you Date ’cause it’s your nickname.” I stared at the ugly blond freak of nature and realised that he was fucking right. Christ almighty. That knowledge made me a little unsteady on my feet. I was Date, but I wasn’t at the same time, and it was all because of Ina. That was a lot to swallow. “Now,” Damien continued. “You’re trustworthy around a man’s woman, which is why I’m trying to make amends.” That made me bristle. My nickname was Date because I had once been a womaniser and fucked more women than most men could ever dream of, that was all well and true, but I was not a fucking homewrecker. Any woman I ever fucked or messed around with was based on the knowledge that she was single and had no man. “I’ve never fucked a woman if I knew she was in a relationship.” My eyebrows took a nosedive. “The few dozen times I did, I was as pissed off as the scorned boyfriend or murderous husband tryin’ to kill me once I found out. Don’t insult me. I don’t willingly break up homes. I’m not that man.” Damien held up his hands. “I’m just being honest, bro. I’ve never seen one man get as much pussy as you do, or did. Trust me, I’ve seen men have pussy on tap, but you’re on another level. Gav estimates ye’ve been with over a thousand women. What man would want his woman around you … be honest? I wasn’t risking my Alannah with you no matter how solid me and her are because … because—”

“Because I had her before.” I finished, noticing his hands flexed. “I understand. If it makes ye feel better, I never loved Alannah, just liked her. What I have with Ina, I don’t even remember past women, and that’s the God’s honest truth. I may have seen Alannah naked and we, uh, ye know, a dozen or so times, but it’s all a blur now.” I was trying to make Damien feel better, but the bloke looked like steam was about to come out of his ears. “Ina’s gorgeous,” he taunted in a snarl. “One of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen. And that ass? Damn.” My temper flared. “Don’t be thinkin’ she’s gorgeous, and don’t fuckin’ think about her arse.” I glared at him, taking a step forward. “Don’t think about her at all.” “It’s a sick feeling, right? Thinking of your girl and another guy?” I clenched my jaw. “Yes, it is.” “It’s worse for me,” Damien continued. “Because you actually touched my girl.” I did a hell of a lot more than touch her, but he couldn’t say the word “fucked” and I didn’t blame him. “I can’t change the past, blondie, but trust me when I say that when I see, or think, of Alannah, it is purely platonic. She is me friend, and that’s it. Ina is the only woman I think about, the only woman I want. End of story.” We stared off with one another for a dozen or so seconds. “Look,” I said. “This might sound stupid, but since we’re apparently havin’ this out, I want to thank you.” Damien’s eyebrows shot upwards. “Thank me? For fucking what?” “For comin’ back to Ireland.” I shrugged. “No offence to Lana, but I think if ye stayed away, we would have turned into somethin’, and if that had happened, I would have missed out on havin’ a life with Ina, so … thank you.”

Damien processed this, and after a moment, he stuck his hand out. Relief I didn’t know I’d feel slammed into me. I shook his hand firmly and nodded. “I still think you’re a prick,” he said, “but I can tolerate you now.” I laughed. “Ye took the words right outta me mouth, blondie.” After our hostile past, I knew we’d never be the best of mates, but I knew we’d be good friends in some capacity, even if it was only to slag one another and scrap a little when the need arose. To me, that was much better than having an enemy. “She phoned me up recently,” I said, dropping his hand. “I believe congratulations are in order for a weddin’ and a baby. What’s this, the twentieth Slater kid?” Damien snorted. “Sixth, but some days, it feels like twenty when they’re all in a room together, and one sets them all off crying.” I chuckled. “Jax and Locke together give me grey hairs, so good luck with that.” Damien laughed, then wordlessly, we got back to work. A few minutes after I changed out the tyres on the car I was working on, JJ appeared at my side. “Good man.” I looked at the tyre I had just fitted onto the vehicle’s wheel rim. “I do know what I’m doin’.” “No.” JJ snorted. “I heard what you and Dame were talkin’ about. Ye squared your shit away like men, and I’m proud of you.” I wanted to smile, but I didn’t. I smirked instead. “I’ll piss him off before the week is out.” JJ laughed. “I don’t doubt it, and I’m sorry to spoil your kissin’ and makin’ up with Dame, but Ina overheard most of your conversation.” I froze. “What?”

“She came out here with her tablet, likely to ask ye somethin’ about your log, but she saw you and Damien talkin’. She got that worried look on her face like she thought the pair of ye were goin’ to have a scrap. She stopped, listened for a bit, then went back inside. She definitely heard the mentionin’ of how many women ye’ve been with and that fact that you and Alannah Ryan were once a thing.” My stomach dropped. “No.” “She didn’t look too happy about it either.” “Bollocks.” “I reckon she’s in the staff room makin’ a cuppa to calm herself down.” I felt myself move without putting much thought into it. I walked out of the hangar, by the empty reception desk, made my way down the hallway, and paused when my father walked by me. I grabbed his arm, bringing him to a halt. “There’s goin’ to be some shoutin’ comin’ from the staff room. Ina’s pissed at me … Make sure everyone gives us privacy.” Da glanced behind him, then nodded. I let go of his arm, inhaled and exhaled, then walked into the room. She was standing near the kettle, stirring a teabag around her cup. I closed the door behind me. “Heya, country.” She didn’t answer, but she did stiffen. Fuck. “I know … I know ye heard what Dame and me spoke about.” She nodded slowly. “I’m sorry, honey.” Her silence was hurting my chest. “Let’s talk about it,” I said gently. “We’ve talked about your past, but never mine. It’s about time we did, don’t ye think?” “I’d rather not know the gory details of how ye fucked your way through the female population of Ireland, thank you.” Fuck. She was pissed.

“Ina.” I sighed. “Come on, specs. Talk to me.” She spun to face me, and while there was hurt in her eyes, there was fire, too. Shite. “Ye’ve been with a thousand women?” Her voice was almost a growl. “D’ye know how much that hurts to think of all those women touchin’ ye? It makes me sick!” I could imagine. “I haven’t been with a thousand women. Gav’s estimate is off.” “How many have ye been with then?” Like seven hundred. Maybe eight. Eight fifty at most. Fuck. I couldn’t tell her that. I once thought such a high number was something to be proud of and brag about, but I now found no pleasure in my tally. In fact, it made me a little sick. “I’m not givin’ ye a number. It’s just not a thousand, okay?” I stared at her. Hard. “Love, I’m sorry.” I never thought my past would hurt a woman like this, and it made me feel like dirt. I wished I could turn back time and not fuck a single woman until I met Ina. “I know ye didn’t even know me when ye slept with them all, but I hate it.” She peered up at me, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “Hundreds of women have had you. I hate it.” Ina wrapped her arms around her waist, trying to comfort herself. “Sweetheart, please—” “I never even asked if ye were clean before I slept with ye.” She interrupted. “I’m so stupid.” My gut twisted. “Don’t insult me, Ina.” I bristled at the weight of her words. “I’ve had an active sex life, I know that, but I’ve always been responsible. I’ve never had sex without a condom, and I’ve been tested every six weeks for the past

ten years to cover me own arse. Me last bill of clean health is dated the week after I met you. I still have the email. I’ll prove it if ye want.” She shook her head. “I haven’t been with another woman since I first laid eyes on you, honey. I swear to God I haven’t.” She didn’t say a word. “What can I do?” I reached for her but dropped my hand to my side when she stepped back. “Ina, you’re not bein’ fair to me right now.” “I’m not bein’ fair to you?” Her forest-coloured eyes narrowed. “Have I fucked hundreds of men and never told ye about it?” This wasn’t going the way I hoped. It was gearing up to be our first real fight after the misunderstanding with the scratches on my back, and I knew it would be bad. I could feel it. “Ye’ve never asked me!” I bit back. “Christ, we’ve never talked about it because I figured we both understood who I was with in the past doesn’t mean anythin’ now. Same goes for you.” “I’ve been with one man before you!” she shouted. “One.” “And that’s one too many for me, but I don’t dwell on it because there’s nothin’ I can do about it! Ye didn’t even know me when ye were with your ex. I’ve no right to be angry about anythin’ ye did with him, so I don’t throw it in your fuckin’ face.” “That’s what I’m doin’, is it?” She dropped her hands and fisted them. “Throwin’ your harems in your face?” Jesus Christ. My harems? “Uh, fuckin’ sounds that way, yeah.” She waved her hand towards the door, dismissing me like a dog. “Leave me alone.” She turned her back to me. “I don’t wanna talk to ye.” Reaching out, I grabbed her arm and turned her to face me.

“Don’t treat me like I’m nothin’!” I set my jaw. “You’re angry, and I understand why you’re angry, but please, let’s talk about this properly. Bein’ angry only hurts us both, Ina. Please.” “I can’t talk to ye because all I can think about is you with a bunch of other women!” she said, yanking her hand out of my hold. “I’m so cross with you, Dante.” “Ina, d’ye hear yourself?” I felt anger flow through my veins. “You’re mad at me for somethin’ that happened before I even knew ye existed! How the fuck is that fair?” “It’s not fair because ye should have told me!” she screamed, making me raise my eyebrows. She had never screamed at me like this before. “Jesus Christ, I know nothin’ of who ye were before we got together.” Fury bubbled to the surface. “Ye want know who I was? Ye want to hear me say it? Fine, I was a fuckin’ hoor who fucked hundreds of women!” I bellowed. “I was an outand-out slut, and I wore that badge with fuckin’ pride. Ye want to hear the details, too? Sometimes I fucked them one on one, and sometimes I fucked two or three friends at a time. Are those the things ye want to hear me fuckin’ say? D’ye want me to go more in depth about the things I’ve done to women to make them scream? Well, do you?” Ina looked like she was going to be sick, and it made me hate myself for not keeping calm. “Stop this,” I pleaded. “I don’t want to hurt you by sayin’ this shite. Please.” “No.” Ina lifted her chin, her hands shaking. “While you’re tellin’ me everythin’, how about ye tell me of how ye were with Alannah Ryan, a woman I’m new friends with. Why didn’t ye ever tell me about that?” I was breathing like a penned-up bull. “I’ll accept complete fault on that because I should have mentioned it. I’ve no excuse other than I thought it’d make ye uncomfortable.” I exhaled

a breath. “I’m sorry.” “Ye said ye might have turned into somethin’ with her if Damien didn’t come home from wherever he was … That means you and her were serious, right?” Fuccccck. “On her end, no. On my end … yeah, maybe? But just a little. She was the first woman I had ever gone out with more than once. She ended things before anythin’ real happened.” Ina’s face drained of colour. “She broke things off with you, but ye still wanted her, though?” Bollocks. “Ina, it doesn’t matter—” “It matters to me!” She cut me off. “Ye wanted her but couldn’t have her, so now ye have to settle for me because I can’t compete with a woman who looks like Alannah.” My stomach dropped. “Ye don’t have to compete with any woman. I want you out of every last one of them. Only you.” “Only because Alannah said no,” Ina whispered. “Are ye still attracted to her? D’ye still have feelings for her?” I didn’t even have to think. “No and no. I only want you. I only see you.” Ina suddenly burst into tears that made me jolt. “Ina, please.” She held her hands up, stopping me from going to her. I hated this. I fucking hated this. When she moved by me and walked out of the room, I heard a lot of movement. I followed her and saw everyone scampering down the hall and back towards the hangar. Nosy fucking arseholes. My father was seated at Ina’s desk. He was trying to look busy, but it was obvious as the day was long that he had heard everything we said in the staff room.

Everyone did. “Sir, can I please take the rest of the day off?” Ina tried her hardest not to sob, but she couldn’t fully hold it back. “I’m so so-sorry for askin’. I’ll stay late to-tomorrow to make up for it.” “Of course, love.” Da stood and gave her a big bear hug. “Don’t think on it for another second. D’ye want me to drive ye home?” “Ye wouldn’t mind?” “Don’t be silly. I’d be happy to.” “Thank you, sir.” I felt like everything was unravelling before me. My da moved around me while Ina grabbed her belongings and shoved them into her bag, pulling the strap over her shoulder. I stepped in her way. Don’t, she signed angrily and stepped out of my reach. I just need time to be on me own. I felt fucking sick, so sick that I could sign back to her. My hands wouldn’t move correctly. “Don’t break up with me.” My hands flexed, dying to pull her into my arms. “I love you, you love me. Don’t do this. Please.” “I’m not breakin’ up with ye, Dante.” She sniffled. “I just need to think about this for a while, have a good cry, then I can get on with acceptin’ it.” I felt like I couldn’t breathe. “I knew that ye’d been with women. I was just ignorant to the number of them. When the lads teased ye about your name and your womanisin’, I thought a really high number was twenty, thirty at most. I guess that’s me own fault for assumin’, but hundreds, Dante? Please, just let me digest this. I know it happened before I knew ye, but it’s just a lot for me to absorb. The same goes for your relationship with Alannah. That blindsided me because I know her. I’m feelin’ really insecure and jealous right now. I’m not endin’ things, but I need to be alone to process this.”

“It was never anythin’ that serious with Lana because she was in love with Damien, but he wasn’t here … me and her just happened for a few months.” “She’s the only woman, besides me, who ye were with more than once. I heard ye say that. I thought I was special because ye picked me out of everyone when every other woman just got ye for one night, but now I know I wasn’t the only special one.” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “I liked her, okay?” I shifted. “Just liked. Never loved, never anythin’ close to love. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved, ever will love. Only you, Ina.” She nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I love ye too.” She sniffled. “Just give me some time to digest this, okay? I’ll be ready to talk to ye when ye come home tonight. After that, we can move past this.” My heart leaped. “Ye won’t change your mind and dump me then?” I searched her eyes. “Promise ye’ll be there when I get home.” “I promise, Dante.” She wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I love ye with me whole heart, but right now … I just need some space.” I had never, not in my entire life, felt as worthless as I did right then. I didn’t move as she stepped around me or when the door to the reception opened and closed. A piece of my heart chipped away, though. I fisted my hands and rooted my feet to the spot to keep from going after her. She wanted space, so I’d give it to her. I turned, headed into the hangar, snagged a wrench, and smacked it a dozen times off a threadbare tyre before I dropped it to the ground with a clang and went back to the bay I’d been working in. I felt everyone’s eyes on me. “I don’t wanna fuckin’ hear it!” I let out a shout. “From none of you!” No one answered me. They knew I was close to losing it, so they left me be and got back to work. I threw myself into my job. For the next few

hours, I powered through my log until I had nothing left to work on. I helped Edana work through her log and Gavin with his, but when no one else needed my help, I felt like a dark cloud was settling over me. The emotions from my fight with Ina rose to the surface now that I had nothing to distract me from thinking about it. I sat on the ledge of an empty bay and felt my shoulders slump, defeated. Now that my body was depleted of anger, I felt empty, and it fucking hurt. I knew my brothers were watching me, the others too. “Why the fuck did she wanna know?” I ran my hands through my hair. “Why? What good would come from knowin’?” “None.” Harley sat down next to me, his hand clapping onto my shoulder. “But like she said, she thought a high number would have been around twenty or thirty. We know she came from a fucked-up home and has a controllin’ ex. Can ye imagine someone like Ina havin’ casual sex? She’d probably think she was a hoor for even thinkin’ about it.” “This is just her hurt makin’ her act like this,” JJ said, sitting back on the bonnet of the nearest car. “She knows ye did nothin’ wrong. She’s jealous and upset. It’s why she lashed out. She’s insecure, Date. She said so herself. This is a form of self-torture. She’s goin’ to think about a lot of strange women touchin’ you and wonder if ye told the truth about Alannah. She’s not gonna break up with ye, though, mate.” I nodded, trying to let the words comfort me. “I’m scared shitless that when I go home, she won’t be there.” “She loves ye. This is why she’s so upset.” Harley squeezed my shoulder. “Be honest, would you need some time to process it if Ina had hundreds of dicks in and out of her body and ye had to find out at work in front of everyone?” The fact that I tensed made him huff with laughter. “Exactly.” He dropped his arm. “She knows she has no cause to be angry for somethin’ ye did before ye met her. The only thing she can be

pissed about is the Alannah thing. Ye should have talked to her about that so she wasn’t blindsided.” I hung my head. “She’s gonna be comparin’ herself to Lana now. I know she is.” “Of course she will. She’s down in the dumps, and she’s goin’ to be overanalysin’ everythin’ about your relationship, but when she straightens it all out, she’s goin’ to come to the same conclusion everyone else has. Ye love her, and ye see only her.” “Agreed,” Ryder commented from behind me. “She’ll apologise and then be embarrassed that she had a meltdown at work for everyone to see, and this will be something you both look back on and laugh about in no time. Trust me.” I said nothing. “I’m sorry, Date,” Damien said. “I should have checked that she wasn’t nearby when I approached you, bro.” “It’s not your fault,” I replied with a wave of my hand. “This would have come to light eventually. I should have told her about Alannah. I let her believe she was the only woman I didn’t have a one-night stand with. This is on me.” He didn’t respond, and I didn’t expect him to. “This is horrible,” I grumbled. “Lovin’ her just means I’m always scared of losin’ her.” “Welcome to the club.” Ryder snorted. “I’m a head member of the 24/7 panic committee.” “Yeah,” Rían Nolan hollered from across the hangar. “Ye’ll understand ‘happy wife, happy life’ soon enough, brother.” That made me and the others laugh. Everyone turned their attention back to work since it was nearing seven o’clock, closing time. The garage closed an hour later than usual since we had to spare two hours in the morning sorting through our inventory and stocking a large delivery of new

parts and tyres. When I drove the last car I had finished working on out to the customer collection point, I returned to the reception to hand the keys to the waiting customer. When the woman left, my phone rang. I hurriedly checked the caller I.D. and when I saw it was Lilly, disappointment nagged at my gut. I’d hoped it would be Ina. “Dante Collins,” she shouted the second I answered the phone. “It’s just gone seven sharp, and Ina O’Shea is nowhere to be found. She can’t back out. She’s a knitter now.” Right, it was Thursday. Knitter night for Ina. “I’m still at work, Lilly. She’s at home. Have ye tried her phone?” “Obviously, I’ve tried her phone, ye plank.” I counted to five. “Look, she might end up missin’ tonight’s session. We had a fight.” I glanced at Harley and mouthed, “Phone Ina.” He did so without hesitation. “Absolutely not. That girl is a knitter. She’s required to be here. She signed her name and gave me her blood and her word.” I counted to ten this time. “Lilly, I don’t have time for this.” I looked at Harley when he shook his head and said, “It’s ringin’ out, then goin’ to voicemail.” A sinking feeling in my gut told me that something was wrong. “Date—” My phone beeped. I looked at the screen and saw it was my father on the other line. “Lilly, I’ll phone ye back. Me da’s tryin’ to call me.” I hung up on her before she could say a word in protest and answered my father’s call. “Da?”

“Date!” He coughed. “Fuck. Can ye hear me?” “Yeah, what’s wrong?” “I’m in Ina’s apartment. Some bastard attacked me.” I went rigid. “What? Da? Are ye okay? Who was it? Are ye hurt??” My brothers surrounded me in an instance, and I quickly put the call on speaker. “You’re on speaker. What happened?” “I brought Ina home and figured I’d go up to her apartment with her and have a cuppa so she wouldn’t feel alone. I barely made it into her kitchen before some culchie bastard grabbed hold of me neck and said if we called the guards, he’d kill her. He smacked me over the head then. It knocked me out, and I just woke up, and she’s gone. I’m grand. I just can’t fuckin’ believe this is happenin’.” I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. “Fuck.” I panicked. “This is her ex’s doin’. He’s kidnapped her. It has to be him. He’d have the same accent as Ina. Fuck.” This couldn’t be real. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” I gripped my stomach with my free hand. “Christ.” “I’m halfway down the stairwell. I’ll be at the garage in ten minutes. He didn’t take me keys, which tells me he took her in his own vehicle. I’m gonna ring Kane straight away and tell him what’s happened so he can find out how this prick got into the buildin’ and into Ina’s apartment. Do not go after her without me!” The line went dead, then my phone instantly rang. I answered Lilly’s call automatically. “I can’t believe ye hung up on me, Date Collins.” “Lilly, please!” I said a little harsher than I meant to. “Me da just phoned me and told me Ina’s ex showed up at her apartment, and now I

don’t know where she is. I’ll phone ye when I know—” “Why didn’t ye say so?” Lilly interrupted. “Give me a minute, and I’ll tell ye where she is.” I stared at my phone, and my brothers did too. “How can ye tell me where she is?” “I stuck her with a trackin’ device when she was legless in HQ last week.” Lilly said it like it was the most casual thing in the world. “I like to keep track of me members, to make sure they don’t join with enemy forces. Before ye waffle on about it being illegal, I already know and don’t care.” This miniature woman scared the shite out of me. “Okay,” I said, accepting what she said at face value. “Where’s my Ina?” “County Carlow,” she replied, tapping away at something. “In the middle of a huge field. Me guess would be some kind of farm. The closest thing to the place is a tiny village called Kildavin, and that’s ten minutes away from it.” Kildavin was the name of the village where Ina grew up. “Thanks, Lil. Can ye send me the exact address?” “Already done it, sunshine. If Ina’s in trouble, let me know. Us knitters take care of our own.” Lilly hung up on me. “I don’t mean to be the arsehole of the group here,” Gavin began, “but is there any chance at all that Ina went with this bloke willingly? Forget that he smacked Da. Would she go with her ex while she was feelin’ low about what happened today, Date?” The panicked thought momentarily crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. “No, she’s estranged from her da, and she was scared of her ex. She wouldn’t leave with him, even if he was the last man on Earth. He took her against her will. I know it.”

My phone rang again, and this time, it was Kane calling. “Your dad called me. I had my security team do a sweep of the footage in and out of the building, and we tagged a man who snuck in the back entrance at the same time as a scheduled plumber this morning. The security mistook the second man as an employee from the same company and left them to do their work. I’ve tracked him on the feed. He knew to go up to the fifth floor and which apartment was Ina’s. The motherfucker knew her door code and let himself in.” I was in disbelief. “He knew her code? How?” “Unsure. He came into the building and went straight up to your floor, so he knew the code prior.” “Fuck.” “Yeah, the only good news I have for you is that when the guy and Ina left her apartment, she was conscious. He’s holding her arm, and she walks out of the building with him and gets into a parked car with a fake licence plate. I already ran it.” I felt like I couldn’t breathe. “Does she look hurt, Kane?” He hesitated, so I said, “Kane, please.” “Her face was a little discoloured. I couldn’t tell how bad because she was looking down, and the camera didn’t get much of her features, but it looks like he beat her.” Fury and fear mixed into one. “This is my fault. He threatened her over email, then everythin’ with Gavin happened, and I just forgot about it. How the fuck could I just forget that some man wanted me missus?” JJ got right in my face. “Don’t do that. Ye can’t control what other people do, so don’t put blame that belongs on someone else’s shoulders onto yours.” Christ, it was hard not to do exactly that.

“I’m goin’ to Carlow. I’m goin’ to get her back.” “We’re comin’ too,” Harley declared. “Ina is our sister. The three of us are comin’ with ye.” “We have to wait for Da,” Gavin added. “He’ll kill us if we don’t. I know he’s blamin’ himself for not protectin’ Ina. He has to be there when we get her back.” JJ and Harley nodded in agreement. “Don’t tell Aideen, Kane,” JJ said to Kane, who was still on the phone. “She’ll want to come with us. Ye know she will.” “Don’t worry,” Kane grumbled. “I won’t say a word until you’re all back. We’ll deal with her then.” Christ, I almost looked forward to that because it meant my girl would be home safe and sound. “What’ll we do about her ex? He fuckin’ kidnapped her and threatened to kill her if we phoned the guards? We need a plan.” “I have one.” My teeth clenched together. “I’m gonna kill him.”



Hundreds of women have fucked my boyfriend. Don’t think about it. I tried so hard to force unwelcome images of women of all ethnicities, ages, shapes, and sizes loving on the man I loved more than life itself. It made me feel physically sick. I had to take deep breaths in and out to bat away the feeling of nausea that was determined to overwhelm me. My chest ached as if something was crushing down on top of it. “You okay over there, pet?” Mr Collins had slid into the driver’s side of his car and buckled his seat belt. “I want to say yes, but no, I’m not,” I admitted, wrapping my arms around my waist. “I can’t believe I just had a meltdown like that in front of everyone. Sir, I am so sorry, I will never ever do anythin’—” “Ina, don’t apologise for bein’ human.” I looked forward and wiped away the tears that fell from my eyes. “Talk to me.” He started the ignition and pulled out of the garage’s car park. “Don’t bottle it up, talk.”

Sniffling, I said, “I feel sick that he’s been with so many women, but how can I be angry with him? I don’t have the right. He didn’t even know me then. I know that, but I’m still so mad about it.” The anger I felt was an emotion that I didn’t experience a whole lot, but my overwhelming hurt over the situation fuelled it. “I’d say you’re angrier at the fact that ye weren’t aware of it. If ye knew Date was a slut, God forgive me but he was a slut, ahead of time then ye would have gone into your relationship with the understandin’ of why his name is truly Date, and it wouldn’t have been such of a shock to learn what ye did today.” I considered that and agreed with him. My own naïvety as to what a high body count was fucked me over. When I first started on at the garage and I learned that Dante’s nickname was given to him because he was a ladies’ man, I found it amusing. I mean, women had flocked to the garage with nothing wrong with their vehicles more times than I could count. Of course, many of the women stopped by for the other mechanics, but primarily, Dante was asked for above them all. I thought it was funny at first, but now I realised that those women were probably one-night stands of Dante’s and were eager for a second round of mattress dancing with him. Never did I imagine that he had fucked hundreds of women though, I just didn’t think that kind of number was possible for anyone. I really am fucking naïve. “The thing with Alannah”—Mr Collins glanced at me—“that is somethin’ he should have been crystal clear about, the feckin’ eejit.” I managed a huff of laughter as bitterness swirled in my gut. Alannah Ryan was a lovely woman. My first meeting with her was at the small gettogether in Aideen and Kane’s apartment hours after our paintball game a few weeks ago. She was so sweet and welcoming, and she never looked at Dante like he was anything more than a friend. He never looked at her like

she was once special to him. Their past relationship really felt like a punch in the gut because it came out of nowhere. “I had no idea about her. None. He never mentioned being with anyone else.” “This is my view on it, so don’t take what I say for more than the words they are, but I believe he didn’t mention Alannah to you because ye met her and started to befriend her before ye both were involved and he probably thought it was best not to mention it after ye got together. A stupid move, but I can see his frame of thought at the time. Once ye were together, he likely assumed mentionin’ it at all would be a bad idea.” I thought about this for a few minutes. “Ye think he was tryin’ to save me from being uncomfortable around her and upset in general?” “Yes,” Mr Collins answered. “I know me son, and he would never go out of his way to keep this from you, Ina. I guarantee he’s hardly thought of it as worth mentionin’, and that’s simply because Alannah means nothin’ more to him than a friend. Honey, my boy hasn’t seen another woman in the same light as you since the day he met ye, and I can say that with absolute certainty.” “I love him.” My chest ached. “I love him so much.” “But?” “I don’t know how to process all of this. It makes me feel ill. Me insecurities could ruin me relationship with him.” “When he comes home tonight, ye need to buckle up and speak to him. No skirtin’ around the issue. Ye need to sit your arses down and work this out. You’re insecure and jealous, and it’s understandable, but Date is the only person who can reassure ye right now.” He was right. Talking to Mr Collins helped me feel a little better, but Dante was the person who I needed to speak to at length. I felt sick at the thought of that conversation going wrong, but I reminded myself that we

loved one another. We weren’t just two people in an expendable relationship. We were committed to one another, and we would get through this bump in the road. We had to. “Relationships aren’t easy, lovely,” Mr Collins said as he drove. “There will be days when ye both argue until you’re blue in the face over somethin’ silly, but when your person is someone who makes ye feel at home when you’re with them, then it’s more than worth it.” That was exactly what Dante was. He was my person. I glanced at my boss. “Ye had somethin’ truly special with your wife, didn’t you?” “I had somethin’ incredibly special with me wife.” I felt him glance at me a couple of times, so I turned my head and gave him my full attention. “I’m currently in another special relationship … with a different woman.” I felt my eyes bulge at the sudden admission. “Ye are? Do your kids know?” “Nope, bein’ that I’m the last to know about their love lives, I figured keepin’ mine private was a-okay.” That was fair. “Is that why ye’ve been goin’ off to meetings that I have no knowledge about?” He cut me a grin. “Yep.” “I knew ye were up to somethin’. I could feel it in me bones.” His deep laughter relaxed me as we drove. “Her name is Amy, and she’s fifty-three, same age as me. She’s a widow and has two grown, married children and three grandchildren. I met her at bingo night down at the local pub. We’ve been spendin’ time together for the past six months.” He cleared his throat. “We, uh, took our relationship to the next stage last night, so we’re pretty serious.” The next stage … was Mr Collins telling me he had sex last night?

“Oh!” I blushed fiercely. “Oh! That’s brilliant, sir. Congratulations.” He looked at me and promptly burst into laughter. “Oh, sweetheart, I forget you’re a timid little thing. I didn’t mean to make ye uncomfortable.” “Ye didn’t,” I assured him, urging my blush away. “I’m just happy you’re comfortable enough with me to tell me about your girlfriend.” Mr Collins smiled sheepishly. “Been a long time since I’ve had me a girlfriend … been a long time since I’ve had a woman in general.” “Ye didn’t have girlfriends after your wife’s passin’?” “No. Her death shattered me, so I threw meself into raisin’ me kids instead of focusin’ on her bein’ gone. I’ve never … there’s never been another woman for me until Amy. Same goes for her. Her husband passed fifteen years ago due to cancer. I’m her first relationship since him.” My heart constricted for him. I couldn’t imagine losing my spouse and having five children, one of them a newborn, to raise all alone. “How d’ye feel about being with someone new?” A carefree smile lit up his face. “When I’m with her, I feel lighter than I have in a long time. I think about her all the time and I can’t wait to be with her when I’m not … The sad thing is, that makes me feel awful guilty. It’s been twenty-six years, and I’ve never moved on from my Grace. I don’t want to.” “Ye don’t have to move on from her, sir. Your wife will be in your heart forever, the love ye shared with her is eternal and a beautiful reminder as to why you have five wonderful children. I never knew your wife, but I’d bet everythin’ I own that she wouldn’t want ye to be alone for the rest of your life. I’d wager when it’s your time to walk up the steps to heaven, she’ll have a word or two to say as to why it took ye so long in the first place to put yourself out there.” Mr Collins cleared his throat. “Christ, ye’ve got me choked up.” I smiled. “When does everyone get to meet this mysterious Amy?”

“Actually, I met her children this past weekend. I was plannin’ on havin’ me kids over to my house for dinner this Sunday so I could introduce her to them. I’m not worried about me boys not receivin’ the announcement well since they’ve been pushin’ me to get back out there, but I’m a little concerned with my Aideen. She’s very protective of me, and Amy is, well, a little headstrong.” “You’re worried they might clash?” “Maybe. Ye see, my Aideen, in many ways, acts like a wife. She takes care of me even when she doesn’t have to. She’s done so since she was a teenager.” “And now that Amy is there, she might feel pushed aside?” Mr Collins sighed. “That’s me fear.” “Have ye made it clear to Amy what role Aideen has signed to herself with you?” “Yes.” “And ye trust Amy?” “With me life.” “Then trust that she’ll know how to ease herself into your kids’ lives. Aideen will take a step back once she sees that ye have Amy by your side. It won’t happen right away. It’ll probably be gradual, but it’ll happen. Ye’ve great children, sir.” “Don’t you make me cry, Ina O’Shea.” I giggled. “I’ve told Amy all about you, ye know? She can’t wait to meet ye.” My eyes widened. “You … you want her to meet me?” “Well, yeah.” He chuckled like I’d told a joke. “You’re me daughter now, too.” When I cried this time, nothing was sorrowful about it. “Ah, honey, you’re a bit of a mess today.” I laughed as I wiped my face. “More than a bit.”

“Are ye feelin’ okay?” Surprisingly, I was. Listening to Mr Collins talk about how he drifted through life, focusing on raising his kids after the love of his life passed away and how he found happiness once again after twenty-six years, put a lot of things into perspective for me. Dante was a slut. Once upon a time, he fucked a lot of women. It sucked, but that was all past tense. He hadn’t been with another woman since he met me, and I believed him when he said that. Being mad at him for something in his past, something that happened before he knew I existed, was petty and awfully childish. The situation with Alannah made me feel sick when I thought that she was the woman he really wanted to be with, and he was settling for me, but he looked me in the eye and told me he only saw me. Not Alannah, not any other woman … me. We had to talk and be completely transparent, but the weight of my impending conversation with Dante didn’t feel as heavy as it did when we had it out in the garage. Things would be okay. Deep down, I knew they would. This was our first hurdle as a couple that we had to jump over, and if we did it hand in hand, we could face anything head-on. “D’ye mind if I come up for a cuppa?” Mr Collins asked as he pulled into an empty parking space. “I’m not all that anxious to get back to the garage with them lot mouthin’ off at one another like a couple of aul ones at the bingo.” “Of course.” I chuckled. “I’d be happy to have the company.” We chatted as we made our way up to my apartment. I was giving Mr Collins meal ideas for this Sunday’s coming dinner. He wanted everything to be special when his children met his girlfriend, and I loved that he seemed to have everything planned out. We entered my apartment and removed our shoes. I headed down the hallway to pop to the toilet while Mr

Collins went into my kitchen to plug in my kettle. When I left the bathroom minutes later, the silence in my apartment was almost too loud. “Mr Collins?” I hollered. “Are ye havin’ trouble with the kettle, sir?” No response. I checked my aids. They were both on and working fine. My gut twisted as I hurried down the hallway. I paused just inside the kitchen, and a scream climbed up my throat when my eyes locked on Mr Collins’s unconscious body. I didn’t get a chance to let my scream loose before a large hand clamped over my face.



Panic instantly consumed me. I screamed into the heavy hand that not only covered my mouth but partially blocked my nostrils too. I reached up with both of my hands and gripped the forearm of the person holding, and I yanked on it as hard as I could. The hand slipped down, not enough to uncover my mouth, but enough that I could breathe through my nose. “Ina, stop!” His voice washed over me like red-hot pins and needles, and it stabbed me with blind fear. I whimpered against Finn’s hand, my gaze flickering down to an unmoving Mr Collins. My eyes scanned over his form rapidly, looking for signs of injury. I saw no blood or obvious wounds apart from a blue bruise forming at his temple. “Now, here’s how things are gonna go, flower.” Finn’s hot, panting breath filled my ear. “We’re gonna walk out of this buildin’ just like old friends, and we’re gonna do that without drawin’ any attention to ourselves, aren’t we?”

I bobbed my head in instant agreement because I knew that if I didn’t, Mr Collins would pay the price. “Good girl. Now, let’s go.” I hesitated and spoke, but my words were muffled under Finn’s hand. He lowered his hand, careful to remain pressed against me, his warning clear: Make a sound, and I’m close enough to hurt you. “Let me check that he’s breathin’,” I pleaded. “Please, Finn.” He grunted in response, which I took as a green light, so I hurriedly dropped to my knees and lowered my face to Mr Collins’s. I nearly deflated with relief when I felt his steady breath on my cheek. He was alive, just unconscious. I hoped he would wake up with a headache, and that was it. “Okay.” I clumsily got back to my feet. “He’s alive. Thank you for lettin’ me check.” When I turned to face the man who was half the reason I fled from my old life, I felt physically sick. Finn looked the same as he always had; tall, slender with an attractive face stuck in a permanent scowl. It had always bothered me that a good-looking man like him could be so unassumingly cruel. I wished he looked as ugly on the outside as he was on the inside. “Nice outfit.” I looked down at my suit and shifted, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. “It’s office attire. I have to dress professionally at work.” “How is lookin’ like a hoor bein’ professional?” I didn’t answer him. I knew from experience that it would just result in a berating. He was goading me into replying so he could lay into me with cruel, taunting words. I knew him and his tactics like the back of my hand. “I can change if ye’d like me to.” “No time for that. We have to leave.” I felt myself begin to sweat. I had to let Dante know what was going on, but how? My phone was in my bag, and Finn wasn’t stupid enough to let

me bring it with me. For a moment, sheer fear gripped me. Dante and I had a huge fight. If I was gone by the time he came back from work, would he think that I just up and left him? I glanced at Mr Collins and found that he was my saving grace. Once he awoke, he would contact Dante and tell him that he was attacked and I was gone. Dante would put two and two together. He would know that it was Finn. He would know I wouldn’t leave him. Please God, let him know. “Ina! Let’s. Go.” “Please, Finn.” I looked up at him. “Don’t do this. Me life is here now. I have a job, a partner—” I sucked in a sharp breath when Finn lunged for me, and his fist slammed into my face before I could blink. I felt one of Finn’s arms come around my waist when my knees collapsed from under me. I wasn’t sure how long it took, but the dizzy feeling I experienced eventually began to reside, and the black dots that spotted my vision cleared. My face felt like it was on fire when reality came crashing down on me. Finn had punched me. Whimpering, I lifted a hand to my face and held it against my throbbing cheek. “Finn, please—” His hand had snaked its way to my hair, and when he twisted my strands at the root, I screeched in pain. “I was wonderin’ if ye were gonna mention him.” Shaking, I said. “Finn, me and you broke up.” “No, that’s not what happened. What happened was you had a fight with your daddy, got upset, and left home because ye didn’t want to be disciplined anymore. We never broke up, Ina. You’re confused.” He was gaslighting me, but I wasn’t falling for it. Not anymore. He wasn’t making me feel like I was crazy. I wouldn’t let him. “Finn—”

“We’re goin’ home. Ye can make everythin’ right when we’re there. I’ll forgive ye for bein’ with that man, wearin’ these clothes, and runnin’ off once we’re back home.” Home is where Dante is. “Fix your hair. It’s all messed up.” Wordless, I let my mane down, rearranged it with shaking hands, and tied it back into a bun. I withheld a wince. My scalp was stinging from where he snatched my hair up. Finn remained pressed against me, his dark brown eyes leered at me as I moved, and it made me feel sick. I was a trembling mess stuck on the fact that Finn had punched me. He had never hit me before. Scream-filled beratings and cruel insulting taunts were his style. I wasn’t sure why I was surprised, though. The next step up from verbal and emotional abuse was physical. “Let’s go.” Withholding a whimper, I nodded. I couldn’t plead with him any further because he’d probably kill me if I refused to go. I stared at Mr Collins until Finn pulled me out of the kitchen. I opened the small shoe press in the hallway and put on flats instead of my heels just so I could run when the opportunity presented itself. “Don’t look at anyone.” My face hurt so badly that all I could focus on was the heartbeat in my cheek. Finn’s arm moved. It slid around my waist as if he was holding me lovingly while we walked. The elevator ride down to the bottom floor felt like it was never ending. I was praying to God that I’d see someone I knew in the lobby, but that prayer wasn’t answered. Before I could blink, I was out of the building and inside the passenger seat of Finn’s battered Ford Focus. It felt like I was thrust back into the past. Finn pulled out of the car park, made a few turns onto different streets, then drove towards the Naas

road. The radio was on, and he was tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. The scene was one I had seen hundreds of times, but this time was different. He was physically forcing me to be here. He was dragging me away from a happy life, a wonderful relationship, and loving friends who had become my family. I was still and silent as we left the Naas road and merged onto the M7. It wasn’t until the urban towns began to fall away and rural fields and farms and fields took their place that I shifted. I felt like I was in a daze. It was such a beautiful evening outside, and the sky was alive with blue, pink, and orange. It looked peaceful, but inside the car, it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I looked at Finn, wondering how a handsome man could be so cruel. When people looked at Finn and talked to him, they thought he was great, a real catch. They didn’t know him, though, not like I did. As I stared at him, something he said back in the apartment crossed my mind. “Finn, earlier in me apartment, ye said I ran away to get away from Daddy disciplinin’ me. I never told ye he put his hands on me.” Finn didn’t so much as glance my way. “We’re together a long time, ye think I didn’t notice the bruises and cuts? Ye think I didn’t stop by your house a few times and hear him layin’ into you?” I stared at his profile, and I felt raw hate. I was so used to feeling fear, rarely anger, but it flowed through me now. My hate for this man grew by the second, and I had to ball my hands into fists to keep them steady. “Ye knew all this time, and ye never helped me? Ye never put a stop to it?” “How a father decides to discipline his child is his business.” My stomach dropped. “I’m a grown woman, not a child.” “You’re still his child. I don’t interfere with family matters.” I wanted to launch myself at him. I wanted to sink my nails into his face and rip chunks out of him. I didn’t move an inch, though. I wasn’t stupid.

We were on a busy motorway, and if I attacked Finn while he drove one hundred and thirty-five kilometres an hour, fifteen over the speed limit, I’d kill myself along with him and anyone else we crashed into. Time passed as we drove, and all I could think about was Mr Collins. Was he okay? Did he wake up? Was he still unconscious on my kitchen floor? Was he seriously hurt, and I didn’t know about it? Each silent question made my stomach churn because I couldn’t come up with an answer. “Why?” I demanded. “Why d’ye even want me, Finn? We were together for nine years, and ye treated me foul!” I scrambled back when his hand reached for me, but I wasn’t quick enough. His tawny fingers tangled themselves in my hair. He yanked my head down, and it hit off the car’s gear stick. “Foul?” he bit out. “I treated ye fair, ye ungrateful cunt! After everythin’ I’ve done for you and ye call our relationship foul?” “What have ye done for me?” I snapped back at him for the first time in my life. “Apart from emotionally and verbally abusin’ me? After today, I can add physical abuse to the growin’ list.” Finn released me with a forceful shove. I straightened in my seat and moved as close to the door as possible. My scalp stung, and my face still throbbed, but I was still in good shape for the fight I knew was coming with Finn. We merged from the M7 to the M9 and drove in silence until we entered our home county of Carlow. An accident on the road slowed us down, but we eventually left the motorway and found ourselves on the familiar back roads that led to the small village where we both grew up. Kildavin. I stared around the small village where there wasn’t much to do. We passed by the church and the local shops, then found ourselves in the endless kilometres of farmland on back roads that everyone always complained about because they were so poorly maintained.

“Where are we goin’?” I quizzed once I realised we weren’t going in the direction of my family’s farm. “Finn, where are we—?” “My house,” he interrupted. “We’ll head over to your place later.” My whole body jolted, but I didn’t say a word until we drove up the long winding dirt driveway that led to Finn’s family land. He had a portion of land—I had no idea how many acres—that he lived on in a mobile home. He had been planning on building his own house for years but had yet to get around to it. When he pulled up next to the mobile home, I got out, and he followed. With the car between us, I looked over the roof and said, “I’m not goin’ to Daddy’s farm.” “Ye’ll do what I fuckin’ tell ye, Ina.” “No.” I straightened. “I don’t care what Daddy says. I’m not comi—” “Your aul lad?” Finn barked with humourless laughter. “Take a look around. D’ye see him here? He washed his hands of ye the second he read your letter. He told me if ye did come back that he never wanted to see ye again .” I was flabbergasted. “What?” “He said that you’re just like your mammy, walkin’ away from him. He didn’t care that ye were gone, Ina. I’ve been the one lookin’ for you, not him. Especially not now.” My blood ran cold. “What does that mean? Especially not now, why’d ye say that?” Finn locked eyes on me, hesitated for a moment, then said, “This is why I was bringin’ ye home, so ye could find peace and—” “Finn,” I interrupted. “Where’s me daddy?” “That doesn’t matter.” “If it doesn’t matter, then tell me.” Finn stared at me. “Kildavin New Cemetery.” I choked on the words that he spoke. “No, he’s not. He’s at home … he’s back on the farm.”

“No, he was on the farm. The Friday after ye left, I found him out in the barn.” Finn watched me carefully as he spoke. “He hanged himself from the rafters. An empty bottle of whiskey was broken nearby. The letter ye wrote him was on the ground too.” Numbness filled me from head to toe, but only for a few moments, and I was horrified to find that I felt … relief. Christ, what was wrong with me? Finn just told me that my father died by suicide, and I felt relieved? I was as sick as he was, as they both were. Shouldn’t I have felt some measure of remorse? My father was dead, and the relief it brought was almost selfish because all I could think about was that he could never hurt me again. “He’s dead?” “He’s dead.” Finn nodded, then he grinned. “Good riddance, right?” I had no love for my father, but Finn was downright cold to smile when talking about a man’s suicide. “You’re not gonna cry for him, flower?” “I can’t.” I lifted my chin. “I cried all the tears I could for that man years ago.” Finn nodded as if he somehow understood me. “The guards have been lookin’ for ye to inform ye of his passin’, but since ye weren’t here, I arranged his funeral. The men at the farm know me, so I’ve been runnin’ things since there was no one else here to do it.” He wanted something. Finn was the kind of man who only did something for others when there was something in it for him. He wouldn’t run my father’s business and arrange his funeral out of the goodness of his heart. “Why am I here, Finn?” I demanded. “Ye don’t love me, and I don’t love you. Neither of us can pretend that we do.” “Ye don’t know what you’re sayin’, flower.” “Finn, stop it!” I shouted. “Don’t tell me that I don’t know what I’m thinkin’ or what I want. Everythin’ I want is back in Dublin, and no matter

how much ye beat me, that won’t change.” He darted around the car, and I screamed when he dived on me, knocking me back onto the ground. Both of us were swinging wildly. I hit him a few times and screamed all the while. I cried out in dismay when Finn overpowered me and pinned my body and limbs to the ground under his weight. “Stop it,” I cried. “Please, stop.” “You fuckin’ stop!” he bellowed. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why’re ye being like this? Ye’ve never talked to me like this before, and ye fuckin’ hit me!” I struggled under him. He stared down at me, almost in confusion. He was hurting my arms by pinning them to the ground, and the weight of his body on top of me made it hard to breathe, but seeing the raw disbelief swimming in his eyes that I was defying him, that I was standing up to him … it felt incredible to bear witness to. “I’m not the same woman I was when I left Kildavin, Finn. I refuse to be treated like I once was by you.” “Ye were treated well, and I don’t want to hear another fuckin’ word about it.” He suddenly stood, and I drew in a deep breath when I was able to. I screeched when Finn reached down and hauled me to my feet by my hair. “Stop!” I shouted. “Finn, stop. You’re hurtin’ me.” “Give me what I want, and I’ll stop.” I couldn’t fathom what on earth he’d want. I was already here with him. What more could he possibly want from me? “What d’ye want from me?” He let go of my hair, and I stumbled back a few steps, putting muchneeded space between us. “Marriage.”

When Finn spoke, the world might as well have fallen away from my feet because I felt like I was floating. Marriage. Finn wanted to marry me. He had just kidnapped me after physically assaulting my boss. He forcibly hauled me to my home county, my hometown, where he had so far beat and berated me, and he wanted to marry me? It was so ridiculous that it was almost laughable. “Marriage?” I choked. “Ye want to marry me? Ye can’t be fuckin’ serious, Finn!” “Curse at me one more time and see what I do to ye.” I clamped my lips together, not wanting him to hit me again. “To answer your question, I’m dead fuckin’ serious,” he continued. “We’re gettin’ married, and I’m takin’ over your family’s business. We’ll work together and make it an even bigger chain than it already—” “The farm,” I said, realisation dawning on me. “Oh my God. Ye want to marry me so ye can own the farm!” The muscles in Finn’s jaw rolled back and forth. I felt like the biggest idiot in the world. He wanted the fucking farm. “Oh, my God.” I laughed so I wouldn’t cry. “Christ, I thought ye came for me because ye were obsessed with me or at the very least so stuck up your own arse that ye refused to let me one-up ye by runnin’ away, but it was all about the fuckin’ farm and business. It was about money.” Before he could answer, Finn and I turned our attention to the mobile home when the door opened. A woman stepped out. She was young and looked scared shitless. I stared at her, and I knew this was the woman Finn had been having an affair with. One thing that I noticed that was very hard to miss was that she was heavily pregnant. “Finn, what’s goin’ on?” “Nothin’, baby,” he said. “She’s just being difficult.” Finn didn’t say my name or explain who I was or what I was doing here, which meant this young woman knew who I was, and she knew why I was

here. She knew that Finn had kidnapped me. “I’m Ina,” I said even though she clearly knew who I was. “I knew about you, ye know?” Finn’s jaw dropped, and the woman’s face went scarlet. She had the decency to look ashamed. “Ye knew?” Finn repeated. “And ye stayed with me?” The no-good prick was judging me. He actually looked disgusted with me. “I stayed because I had already decided to leave you, Daddy, and the farm. I was just bidin’ me time until the time was right for me to leg it.” Finn jerked his head to the mobile home. “Inside,” he said. “We’ll talk some more.” He wasn’t asking me, he was telling me, but I wasn’t stupid. I knew if I walked into that mobile home, I would likely not walk out of it. Finn wanted my father’s money that would go to me now that he was dead, and I wasn’t going to give it to him by signing my life away through marriage. “No.” Finn didn’t hesitate when he lunged back at me. When he took me to the ground this time, my head hit the ground hard. His girlfriend’s scream was the last thing I heard before everything went black.



“Date?” I turned my head, my eyes locked on JJ’s. “Yeah?” “I’ve been speakin’ to ye, bud.” I hadn’t heard a word he’d said. “I’m sorry.” I shook my head. “I can’t focus. I’m too worried about what we’re gonna walk into.” A hand from the back seat touched my shoulder. “She’ll be okay, son.” My father and my three brothers were in my truck. JJ was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and the remaining three took up residence in the back seat. We’d only been driving ten minutes towards the location Lilly gave me for Ina, but it felt like hours. I needed to get to her now. I was terrified. I hadn’t felt this kind of bone-chilling fear in years. Not since the night we thought my sister would die when she was caught in a fire a few years ago. The sickening emotion filled me from head to toe. “I’m scared,” I admitted. “I’m so fuckin’ scared. What if—”

“Don’t.” JJ cut in. “Don’t do that to yourself. We’ll be there in forty minutes, and ye’ll see for yourself that she’ll be fine.” I didn’t believe that. Too many statistics were rolling around in my head to have hope. “Ye know how this goes just like I do. We’ve all heard this story over and over and over again,” I rasped, my voice thick with emotion. “Abusive male partners kill their girlfriends, wives, or exes just so no one else can have them, just so they can’t live their life independently. It’s the ultimate control they wage.” If Ina died, I would die too because without her, there was no point in living. “I love her so much,” I choked out. “I can’t live without her. She’s become me whole life.” “Date, we’ll get to her in time,” Harley said firmly. “I have hope, even if you don’t.” I found myself nodding as I roughly wiped away the pointless tears that fell from my eyes. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d cried, but if there was ever a time for tears, this was it. “I haven’t had sex with a woman in six months.” I turned my head, along with my brothers and father, and stared at JJ after he made his pretty unbelievable declaration. The car was silent for what felt like eternity. “Um…” Gavin cleared his throat. “I’m sure we can find ye a good doctor that helps with erectile disfunction—” “Finish that sentence, boy,” JJ growled, “and I’ll shove me foot up your arse.” A glance over my shoulder showed Gavin shrinking low in his seat. For the first time since my fight with Ina earlier in the day, I wanted to laugh. “I don’t have a problem gettin’ it up,” JJ said, his eyes locked on the road as if that action would make this conversation easier for him to endure.

“I just haven’t had sex with a woman in six months.” I asked the obvious question. “Why not?” JJ blew out a big breath. “Six months ago, I was in town with Harley. We went to a new pub that had just open across from a nightclub. There were barely legal teens walkin’ around makin’ me feel fuckin’ ancient. Every girl who tried to pull me looked like a baby, and it made me feel so fuckin’ old. They all called me ‘daddy’ and it creeped me out.” “I remember that night,” Harley chimed in. “Ye went home early, and I had a threesome with those Asian women from China.” Of course he did. “Yeah.” JJ snorted. “I left early, just wantin’ to get home. When I was on the Luas, I sat a few seats away from this woman who was cryin’.” We all remained quiet as he spoke. “Her name was James, like me. I never got her surname,” he said and from his hands tightening on the steering wheel, I knew that was something he regretted. “I approached her cautiously and asked her if she was okay. Of course she told me that she was fine, but I told her I had a pretty shite night too, and if we kept each other company, we’d probably feel better.” “And did it make ye both feel better?” The question came from our father. “Yeah.” JJ nodded. “We got to talkin’ and laughin’, and fuck, I really liked her by the time we got to her stop. She was maybe five ten, taller than average for a woman, but I liked that. She was a little overweight, but I was attracted to her, so it didn’t bother me. She had these huge green eyes and short hair that was so red it looked like an open flame. I’d never seen a woman as beautiful as her, so when she got off the Luas, so did I.” I smiled. “Atta lad.” JJ snorted. “I asked her if she’d like to have a drink with me, and she took me up on the offer. We went to the nearest pub, and when we talked a

lot, I’d found out that she’d walked in on her ex shaggin’ her sister earlier that night.” “Christ.” The word was spoken by every male in the car. “Yeah, she was devastated and rightly angry. She rang her parents for support, but they sided with the sister, which just broke her heart altogether. She wasn’t much of a drinker. She nursed the same vodka and Coke for hours. I had a few pints, and for once in my life, I needed the alcohol to give me some Dutch courage. I kissed her, and thank God, she kissed me back.” We all stared. “We went back to her place and had the best sex of me life. I slept in her bed with her that night and was woken up the next mornin’ to bangin’ and shoutin’. I got me jeans on before I stumbled into the sittin’ room. Her ex was there, and he lost his fuckin’ mind when he saw me.” I wasn’t sure about the others, but I was all but sitting on the edge of my seat waitin’ for him to continue. “James was cryin’ and shoutin’ too, and I was prepared to stand beside her against him, but she looked at me and asked me to leave. I felt like I’d been sucker-punched, but I went and got dressed without an argument. She followed me and wordlessly watched me. I told her I wouldn’t leave if she didn’t want me to, but she said she wanted me to and that what happened between us was a mistake.” I felt sick for my brother. “I knew she was gonna take the cheatin’ prick back even after what he’d did to her, and it pissed me off, so I just left. I was miserable for the next couple of weeks because I missed her. I didn’t understand how I could miss someone after just one night together, but I did. I missed her. I didn’t want to just throw away somethin’ I knew could have been great, so I went back to her apartment to talk to her, but it was empty. A neighbour told me she’d

moved out the week before when her lease was up and didn’t leave a forwardin’ address. She kept to herself, so he didn’t know her surname either. She was just gone.” Well, fuck. “Jaysus, JJ,” Harley said. “I’m sorry, bro.” JJ nodded. “I tried to pull a few women after that, but I couldn’t bring meself to fuck them. I felt just sick inside, so I steered clear of women altogether. I don’t know if it’s helped or made it worse. All I know is I think about her all of the time.” “Have ye tried social media?” Gavin quizzed. “How many women have the name James? It shouldn’t be hard to find her.” “Already tried,” JJ said. “No luck.” “Fuck.” “Yep.” I stared at JJ. “That’s why ye don’t pull when we go to the pub and brush off women who approach ye. I’ve been wonderin’ what’s goin’ on with ye.” “Well, now ye know.” I frowned. “I’m sorry, James.” I hadn’t called him by his given name in years. “Thanks,” he said. “I’ll get over it. Plenty more fish in the sea, right?” He smiled, but I saw right through it, and so did the others. “Right.” I nodded. Things were silent for a moment until Gavin blurted, “I like me baby’s mother.” JJ looked in the rear-view mirror, and I twisted in my seat to look at my little brother. “Ye have a child with the woman. I fuckin’ hope ye like her.” My father snorted as Gavin’s cheeks reddened. “I mean, I like her,” he said. “I’m into her.”

Harley stared at him. “Are ye fuckin’ her?” “No.” Gavin’s shoulders slumped. “She won’t let me unless we’re in a relationship, and she won’t get with me while I work for Brandy.” “Smart girl,” Da said. We all nodded in agreement. “I’m workin’ on things with Brandy,” Gavin said. “After what happened to me and what almost happened to me son, I want out.” My heart thudded. I hadn’t heard him ever say he wanted out of the life he was tangled up in before. “Have ye talked to Brandy?” “Of course,” Gavin answered JJ. “We’re still figurin’ things out, but it’s a start.” That was more than he’d ever done before so I was beyond pleased. “Since we’re all sharin’…” Da cleared his throat. “I’ve somethin’ to say.” We all went quiet. “I have a girlfriend.” JJ nearly crashed my fucking truck. “What?” The word was shouted in unison. “Raise your voices at me again,” Da growled. “Go ahead.” We all became meek and mumbled, “Sorry.” Da nodded. “As I said, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Amy. I’ve been seein’ her for a while, and I’m very much in love with her. Before any of ye say it, she absolutely doesn’t replace your mother. Your mammy still is the love of me life, and I’ll love her until the day I die, but I’ve made room in me heart for Amy. I love her dearly.” We were all silent as church mice as our father told us all about the new woman in his life, and I found myself smiling along with my brothers as he spoke because he sounded happy. He, more than anyone, deserved to be

happy. By the time he finished speaking, he looked like he might be sick as he waited for one of us to say something. I put him out of his misery and asked, “When do we get to meet her?” Da deflated with relief. “This weekend, if you’re all free.” “We will be,” JJ answered. “Does Aideen know?” “No.” I winced. “She wants ye to be happy like we do, Da, but she might not take this well. She’s been the only woman in your life since she was a little girl. It’ll be hard for her to share her space.” “I know.” Da nodded. “I’ll have a talk with her, don’t worry.” I nodded, then looked at Harley. He stared back at me and said, “What?” “D’you have somethin’ to share with the group?” He blinked. “No.” I raised an eyebrow. “Nothin’ about a certain blonde haired female mechanic we work with, maybe?” We all grinned when Harley choked on air. “Edana?” He spat out her name like it tasted like vinegar. “I’ve absolutely nothin’ goin’ on with that ungrateful, smart-mouthed shrew. All she does is shout and throw things at me. She nearly hit me with a poxy wrench yesterday. I don’t care if she has tits that I’d happily suffocate in. I’ll never have anythin’ goin’ on with her. I swear on the tears of the baby Jesus.” Yeah, he was so going to have a thing with her. “Date, we’re nearly there.” I jerked forward and realised we were no longer on the motorway. We were on back roads and were surrounded by fields, forests, and farmland. My family talkin’ about their problem had distracted me, and I realised then that they’d spoke on their personal issues to distract me. “Thanks, lads,” I said.

Each of them nodded. JJ phoned Lilly for another update on Ina’s position, and I was relieved to find that it hadn’t changed. We drove up a cut in road towards a mobile home that sat in the middle of a field. I leaned forward and squinted when the truck rolled to a stop. The second I realised what I was seeing, a roar left me as I sprung from my truck and took off sprinting.



When I woke up, I wanted to go back to sleep immediately. The back of my head ached and throbbed something fierce. I lifted my hand and rubbed the spot, hissing when I found a lump the size of an egg on the back of my skull. My body ached all over. It felt like I’d been dragged through hell and back. I opened my eyes, and panic set in instantly when I didn’t recognise where I was. Then like the snap of my fingers, I remembered everything that had happened. Finn hurt Mr Collins, and he kidnapped me, beat me, and knocked me unconscious. My mind drifted to my boss. I wondered if he was okay. I prayed that he was. I peered around the place I was in, but I couldn’t make out any details. My glasses were gone and so were my hearing aids and shoes. The deafening silence was almost too loud as I felt around for my devices. They weren’t within reach. Finn had taken them and my glasses too. I wondered if he was trying to put me at an even worse advantage by taking away my ability to see clearly and hear. After a minute, I concluded that I was lying on a chair in Finn’s mobile home. The sun still shone outside so I knew that I hadn’t been out for long.

I couldn’t imagine Finn letting me sleep off a headache all night long. He didn’t have the patience needed for that. I called out his name a few times and waited. I couldn’t hear if he was close by, but when I sensed a presence, I looked up and saw the outline of a person. My sight was too bad to see details of any kind. The best I could do was tell it was a person. I wasn’t sure if it was Finn or the woman until the person moved closer. It was her. She was much shorter than Finn. I jolted when something landed on my lap. I touched it, realised it was my glasses, and hurriedly put them on. When my vision came into focus, I stared up at the pregnant young woman. She held her large, rounded belly protectively. “Me aids,” I said, signing automatically. “I can’t hear without them.” Her face flushed as she nodded. She turned and scurried off, then returned moments later with my hearing aids. I took them from her extended hand, put them in my ears, and switched them on. I felt like I could breathe when sounds registered. “Thank you,” I said to the woman. “What’s your name?” “Jennifer.” “Jennifer.” I nodded. “I appreciate ye givin’ me these.” She stared at me. “D’ye hate me?” For a moment, I didn’t respond, then I shook my head. “I don’t love Finn, and I now know that I never did. If I was in love with him, I’d think ye were a nasty person because ye knew about me and me relationship with him but ye still decided to fuck him anyway.” Her face flamed. “We just want what Finn is owed, Ina.” “Owed?” I repeated. “I don’t owe that man anythin’, Jennifer. Not a single thing.” She stared at me in response. “Where is he?” “The bedroom. He’ll be comin’ out now.”

I didn’t wait another second. Finn wasn’t outside where he could grab me. He was in another room with the door closed. That made my decision for me. I made a lunge for the door, and when it flung open with ease, I bolted. “Finn,” Jennifer screeched. “Finn, she’s runnin’!” That evil fucking bitch. “Help!” I screamed. “Please, someone help me!” “Ina!” My bare feet burned with pain as I ran over sharp stones and pebbles, but that pain was overridden when I was suddenly tackled from behind. When Finn’s body collided with mine, we landed on the ground on our sides. The impact stole my breath. “Ye fuckin’ cunt!” Finn raged as he flipped me onto my back and hovered over me. “Ye ungrateful, good for nothin’ bitch!” I felt my skirt rip as I tried to scramble away from an infuriated Finn who was hell-bent on getting his hands around my throat. I had never seen him this angry before, and it terrified me. I screamed bloody murder, hoping to Christ that someone would overhear me and come to my aid. It was still beautiful bright out with clear skies, but it was late in the evening. The likelihood of someone walking in the middle of nowhere was slim to none. “I’ll never marry ye!” I shouted up at Finn. “Ye’ll never get a cent outta me, and ye’ll never get a single thing from me again, ye cowardly dirtbag! You’re not a real man!” Finn’s smack to my face knocked my glasses off, and another whack dislodged my right hearing aid from my ear. I felt hands slither around my throat, and though I was dizzy, I was very aware of what was happening to me. Finn was strangling me. I couldn’t draw in much more than a rasp of air, and the pressure from it made my eyes hurt as well as my lungs burn. I reached up and smacked at Finn’s face. I even raked my nails over his skin. He roared but didn’t let up.

“Finn!” Jennifer screeched. “Finn, stop. Finn! Look, he’s gonna kill ye.” Her voice started to sound like it was far away. “Ina!” Dante? The immeasurable pressure around my throat suddenly disappeared, and I could breathe again. I coughed and choked on spit as I desperately drew in deep lungfuls of air. Breathing hurt, my throat felt like it was on fire, and my head suddenly ached so badly that I couldn’t move. My body felt heavy, so I lay on the ground for a few moments, simply staring up at the blues and pinks of the even sky. It was beautiful. I heard commotion from my right, but before I could move, a person replaced my view of the sky. He moved closer, which enabled my vision to bring his face into focus. Harley Collins’s blue eyes worriedly ran over my face. My body deflated with relief because if Harley was here, that meant Dante was too. He found me. “Harley,” I rasped. “Harls, is your daddy okay?” My voice didn’t sound like my own. It sounded raspy. Like I had just smoked twenty cigarettes in a row, then spent the following hour screaming nonstop. Another body appeared next to Harley. They were talking, but it took a moment for the ringing in my left ear to go away so I could hear. “Me aid and glasses,” I choked out. “I need them.” I blinked a couple of times when my glasses slid into place, and my hearing aid was held against my ear. The person holding it was Mr Collins, and he was struggling as he tried to put it in place. “Sir.” I began to cry at the sight of him. “You’re okay. I was so worried about ye.” I helped him with my hearing aid as he said, “Honey, are you okay? Christ, your poor neck. My God, he was tryin’ to kill ye!”

My head was so fuzzy that I felt like I needed to have my brain reset. “Dante,” I said, swaying as Mr Collins helped me to my unsteady feet. “He found me. Where is he, sir?” It was then that everything in my head straightened itself out, and things became clear. The sound of a woman screaming made me jerk my head around. Jennifer, Finn’s girlfriend, was being restrained by Gavin. She was trying her hardest to get to Finn, who was on the ground being punched and kicked by Dante. Fear consumed me as I scrambled towards the pair, but JJ was suddenly there, wrapping me up in his arms. One thing became very clear to me then. Dante was battering Finn as his brothers and father stood by and watched. “Dante!” I rasped, my throat burning. “Please, stop! He’s not worth your life bein’ ruined. He’s not!” I struggled against JJ’s hold, never taking my eyes off my boyfriend. “Baby, please!” I sobbed. “Dante, stop!” As quickly as he was hitting Finn, he just stopped. He shot to his feet, took a massive step back, and stared down at my barely moving ex. Dante was breathing so heavily and shaking with obvious rage, but when he exhaled a deep breath, I knew he was done. The hands holding me let me go, and I shot across the space and launched myself at Dante, sobbing my heart out. “I didn’t go with him,” I said, frantic. “I swear, I didn’t. I would never leave ye. I love you with all of my heart. Please—” “Baby, stop.” Dante’s arms came around me, and he held me so tightly it was almost painful. “I know he took ye against your will. Even if me da didn’t ring me and tell me someone knocked him out and that ye were gone, I would’ve known. I’m yours. I know ye’d never just leave me, not like that.” “I wouldn’t.” I bobbed my head, crying. “I love you, and I’m so sorry about our fight.”

“Stop, Ina.” Dante leaned down and pressed his forehead to mine. “We’ll talk about all of that once we’re home. Right now, I need to make sure you’re okay. I can’t fuckin’ breathe past what I ran up on. Baby, he was chokin’ ye.” The disbelief, the fear and worry were all there in Dante’s gorgeous eyes. He was terrified for me. He was furious with Finn too, but he was more scared than anything. I could see that clearly. I wasn’t cold, but my body was shaking, which told me that I was in a form of shock. “Look at me, country. Where does it hurt?” “Everywhere, I think.” I clung to him. “My head hurts so much. He hit me a lot, but me throat, it’s burnin’ me. Talkin’ hurts.” “He was gonna kill ye, Ina.” The anger and fear in Dante’s voice blended into a withering rasp. He looked like he could have dropped dead with a heart attack at any moment from what he saw. I knew the sight of Finn on top of me with his hands wrapped around my throat was an image that would be seared into his mind forever. “He didn’t,” I said firmly. “Ye stopped him from hurtin’ me. Ye saved me. I’m okay, and I’m with you now, sweetie.” I said that for my benefit, just as much as Dante’s. I couldn’t believe that he was here, and that he had found me. A couple of minutes later and Finn could have very well killed me. It made me sick to even think about it. “I knew ye’d come for me,” I whispered. “I didn’t know how ye’d find me, but I knew ye’d find me, honey.” “I’ll always come for ye, Ina. Always. You’re me whole world. I love you.” “I love you so much!” Dante kissed me, then he held me silently for long minutes. The world faded away, and there in the middle of Finn’s patch of land, it was just me and the love of my life. With his arms around me, I was in my safe space.

Voices pulled me back to the chaos that surrounded me. I turned in Dante’s embrace, making sure to keep his arms around me as I leaned my back against his chest. Finn was up and on wobbly legs, leaning heavily on Jennifer for support. The sight of them enraged me. “Get him out of here!” I shouted at Jennifer, my throat aching. “I never want to see him again. Are we clear?” “Yes.” She sobbed. “We’ll go. I swear, Ina. We just wanted the money ye were set to inherit through the farm. That’s all. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” “Neither of you will ever see a cent from me so just get on,” I snapped. “If ye were smart, ye’d leave him and get as far away as ye can. Ye saw what he did to me. You’ll be in that position one day and don’t be stupid enough to think ye won’t.” She paled. “He doesn’t hit me, just shouts sometimes.” “Today was the first time he hit me, and he almost killed me. He’ll kill ye one day if ye don’t get out now.” As I stared at her, I saw the moment she chose to ignore my advice, and my heart broke for her and her unborn child because I knew the path she’d been led down, and I also knew that eventually, it would come to an abrupt dead end. Men like Finn didn’t change. Abuse was part of them. I looked at my ex-boyfriend, and when I realised he was crying, I felt a measure of satisfaction. He was weeping like the pathetic coward that he was. He could knock me around and feel like he had worth, but put him against a man his size, and it was plain as day to see how little he really was. “In case ye were wonderin’ what a real man is like, Finn …” I lifted my chin, pleased when the scumbag couldn’t even look in my direction. “I’m

with one now, and you’re not worth the dirt under his boot. He gives me the world because I am his. You’re nothin’ … d’ye hear me, you’re nothin!” The pair turned and slowly made their way towards the mobile home. Each step they took forward was one more they took out of my life. I never took my eyes off them. As much as I was scared and hurt from what I had just been through, I wanted to watch them walk away from me because when I left this town, I was leaving Jennifer and Finn in my past right along with it.



“JJ, take a left up here, please.” I was in the back of Dante’s truck, sitting on his lap with his arms enveloped around me tightly. I had my face pressed against his neck with my hands clutching the chest of his T-shirt. “What’s up here, babe?” “The graveyard,” I answered Dante, swallowing a wince of pain. The flesh of my throat throbbed. It was almost like I could still feel Finn’s hands wrapped around it. “I have somethin’, someone, I need to see.” Finn said my father was buried in Kildavin New Cemetery, and I needed to see his grave plot with my own eyes to believe he was really gone. “Who’re ye visitin’, Ina?” “Me daddy.” Dante drew in a breath. “What?” “He’s dead,” I said to the answering silence. “Finn said he hanged himself the week after I left home. The day I met you, Dante, he killed himself. Finn said an empty bottle of whiskey and the letter I left him were on the ground near him when he was found.”

No one said a word. “I don’t feel sad. I don’t know if that will change when I’ve had time to process all of this, but I don’t feel anythin’ other than relief because if he’s dead, it means he can’t hurt me ever again. Am I evil for feelin’ like that?” “No!” The declaration came from every man in the car. “What ye endured from that man was more than most people can handle, honey.” Dante kissed my head. “Don’t you ever feel badly for feelin’ relief about his passin’. He doesn’t deserve your tears, your empathy or even your pity. He doesn’t get anythin’ from you after all he took from ye. I hope the bastard rots in hell.” A soft sob climbed its way up my throat. “I’m in disbelief that this has happened, but part of me isn’t surprised. I should’ve known Finn would never let me go. I thought Daddy would try to find me, but if he’s dead, then his acceptance that I was no longer in his life was instant. What he did, he did for himself because he couldn’t survive on his own. It was always about him and his wants and needs. He never ever cared about me, did he?” “No,” Dante answered. “But he wasn’t your father, Ina. He was just someone ye were related to. Your granda, he was your father. He gave ye all the love and care that your father should have given you. Your granda is your daddy.” The truth of that made me cry. “I have ye, baby.” Dante rubbed his hand up and down my back. “I swear to you that I’m gonna protect you for the rest of me life, and what happened today will never happen again. I swear, Ina.” I believed him. “I love you,” I whispered. “So much.” Dante showed me how much he loved me with a deep kiss that was mixed with both of our silent tears. I knew the reality of what happened, of

what almost happened, would hit us hard at a later point, and we would need one another to get through it. “We’re here, Ina,” JJ said as the truck rolled to a stop. “D’ye know the plot number?” “No,” I answered. “Finn just said that he was buried here. It’s a really small graveyard, so it’ll be easy to find a newly dug grave. If he was buried here a couple of months ago, the soil will still be turned over and risen.” Dante helped me out of his truck because I felt a little weak. My body was shaking with adrenaline, and I knew it was shock. I threaded my fingers through Dante’s and held him tightly. “Your feet,” Dante said. “Are they hurtin’ ye?” Now that he mentioned it, they were a little sore, but it was nothing compared to the pain around my neck, so I shook my head. “I’m fine,” I said. “I’ll be careful where I put me feet.” We walked into the small but beautiful graveyard and strolled down the centre pathway, pausing in the middle. Both of us looked around until Dante pointed to the left. “That’s the only turned-over dirt I can see.” Wordlessly, we walked down the path, passing by plot after plot, and when we came to the recently filled-in grave, I could hear my heart thumping inside my chest. I began to breathe a little heavy as I kept my eyes low. I stared at the settling dirt of the plot. My eyes flickered up to the bottom of the wooden cross marker, but I couldn’t look up any farther. “Is it him, Dante?” I whispered. “His name is Ian O’Reilly.” Dante moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, keeping his body pressed against mine for both support and comfort. He lowered his face to my shoulder, kissed my neck, then my cheek, and said, “Yes, love, it’s him.” I drew in a sharp breath and darted my eyes up to the gold-plated plaque at the centre of the cross and read the words stamped into them.

Ian O’Reilly I couldn’t even look at his birth and death years, I couldn’t take my eyes off his name. It was my daddy, and he was buried six feet under my feet. Where he was meant that he couldn’t get me anymore. Relief and gladness filled me, and that made me feel somewhat sick. “I’m named after him, ye know?” I rasped. “When ye mix the letters around in his name, ye get Ina.” “You’re nothin’ like him, baby.” “I feel glad that he’s dead, Dante,” I choked out. “I feel glad.” Dante rounded on me and placed his hands on my face. He gently tilted my head to look up at him. “You deserve to feel glad, deserve to dance around and celebrate if ye choose to. Do not hurt yourself for feelin’ happy that the monster who hurt ye all your life is gone. Be glad, baby.” I whimpered as I wrapped my arms around Dante’s waist. He murmured comforting words as he held me and repeatedly kissed my head. Minutes passed by, and my crying subsided to mere sniffles. That cry had helped a little. I turned in Dante’s arms and rested back against him. I stared at my father’s grave, and I felt myself straighten. “Can ye give me a minute alone?” “Of course,” Dante said as he leaned down and kissed my temple. “I’ll be over at the entrance with the others.” With one final squeeze, Dante released me and walked away. I turned my head and watched as he sauntered the short distance over to his father and brothers. When he reached them, he turned, and the whole lot of them stared over at me. If I called them, I knew that they would come running. They loved me, and them being here proved that. They gave me courage. I turned my focus to the grave and exhaled a deep breath. “Hi, Daddy.”

The wind kicked up around me. “A real bad thing happened to me today, Daddy, but I know that if you were here, ye’d blame the situation on me and convince me that what Finn did was my fault because that was the kind of person ye were. Ye were a coward just like him.” The chirping of the birds in a nearby tree filled the silence. “I wanted ye to know how great things are goin’ for me in Dublin. I have a beautiful apartment, a wonderful boyfriend, and I work at a business where I’m appreciated for me hard work. I have great friends and coworkers who have become more like the family I never had with you.” I toed a lump of soil near my foot. “The life I’m livin’ now, Daddy, I’m livin’ it for the Ina who grew up under your thumb. Ye beat me, humiliated me, and treated me like the scum of the earth, and I didn’t deserve it.” I lifted my chin, feeling strong. “Ye’ve some neck, Daddy. When Mammy took her own life, and I asked ye about it when I was old enough, ye swore down that there was nothin’ wrong with her mind and that she was just a weak person. What does that say about you, Daddy? Ye couldn’t even make it a week without me there to pick up the pieces. I know ye’d want me to feel guilty because ye were readin’ me letter before ye ended your life, but I don’t feel an ounce of guilt because your actions were always your own. They were never mine. I see that now.” I looked over my shoulder, looked at Dante, who was staring at me, then looked back at the grave. “He loves me, ye know? He’s brand new to me life, and he’s shown me what it’s like to be truly loved and wanted. He is a real man, Daddy. I’m in awe of him, of his brothers and father, and I’m so grateful to have them in me life. I’m glad you’re out of it for good now.”

I blew out a breath and wiped away the tears of closure that ran down my cheeks. “You’re a good for nothin’ coward, Daddy. I can now go on with me life with no regrets, knowin’ that ye truly know how I feel about ye. Readin’ it in a letter is one thing, but hearin’ me say it to ye like this when ye can’t talk back is another. The best thing I ever did was walk away from you, and when I leave here, I won’t ever come back. Wherever you are, I hope you’re miserable and never know a moment's peace. It’s what ye deserve. Nothin’ more and nothin’ less. Rot in hell, Daddy.” I turned and walked away from his grave. I followed the winding pathway until I found myself back at the spot where Dante was waiting for me. My man’s arms came around me the second I reached him. “I said everythin’ I had to say to him,” I said, squeezing him. “I got all off me chest and I feel free of him now, Dante.” “Ye are free of him,” he assured me. “I’m proud of you, baby.” I felt a great measure of peace when I looked up at him and said, “Take me home.”



Two weeks later …

“She’s breakin’ up with me.” “Bro, she’s not,” Harley reassured me for the fifth time in ten minutes. We were in his car as he drove us home after hitting the gym. “Just because she wants to talk to ye doesn’t mean she’s endin’ things, Date.” I didn’t believe that. “She’s been distant from me, Harley. I can feel it. She hardly lets me hold her and kiss her. It’s different. We haven’t had sex, we don’t touch, and I am absolutely not complainin’, but I know it’s a bad sign. Now that she’s speakin’ to a therapist about what happened to her, I think she’s realisin’ that our fight before the Finn shitstorm is too much for her to deal with.” It’d been two weeks since Finn kidnapped my Ina, and it fucked up everything. She adamantly refused to file a report with the guards against her ex. I understood that because it was a long winding road of legal horse shite that

might never amount to anything, and Ina didn’t want what Finn did to her dragged out for years through a court case. She wanted to leave him in her past and forget him, so I didn’t argue against her filing a report, but I did argue with her about going to the hospital. Her piece of shit ex beat her black and blue, and he tried to fucking strangle her to death. There was no way I was letting her not get checked out. Her refusal brought on an argument that was amplified when my sister found out what had happened. I closed my eyes and thought back to that night two weeks ago after everything went to shit.

“Ina, just listen to me—” “No, I’m not goin’ to the hospital!” She interrupted as we walked into our apartment. My brothers and father followed us. “Remove your shoes, please.” I stared at the back of her head, wanting to shake her. She had just been kidnapped, beaten, and almost killed, and she was worried about dirty shoes in the apartment? This woman! Annoyed, I removed my shoes, noting my brothers and father removed theirs too. “You’re hurt, baby.” I followed her down the hallway and into our bedroom. “That prick was stranglin’ ye, so ye have to see a doctor. It’s not up for discussion. I refuse for anythin’ bad to happen to ye, Ina. I refuse.” She sat on our bed and released a big breath. Immediately, I was on my knees in front of her with my hands on her waist. She lifted her hands to mine and lifted them to her face. She frowned over my red raw, cut knuckles. That was all the evidence of the beating I gave her ex. “These need to be cleaned.” “Ina, please,” I pleaded. “I’m fine. I’m so worried that bastard hurt ye more than you’re lettin’ on.”

“Dante, he hurt me, I won’t lie, but nothin’ is broken, and I don’t have any open wounds. I just want to take a shower, pop a few painkillers, then have a cup of tea.” A cup of tea? She thought this could be fixed with a cup of tea? Sweet suffering Jesus. “You’re goin’ to the hospital.” When she stood and walked out of the room, I got to my feet and followed her down the hallway and into the kitchen where my brothers and father were. Gavin was sitting up on the counter, Harley was leaning back against it next to him, JJ was by the sink, and my father sat at the table. Ina walked over to the kettle. I was annoyed with her so I sat down across from my father and just watched her for any signs of pain because if I spotted any, she was going to the fucking hospital, even if I had to drag her. “All we’re missin’ is Aideen for us to have a Collins family reunion,” Ina teased. JJ snorted. “Oh, I’m glad she’s not here.” “She’d probably be grand,” Harley commented. “Doubtful,” Gavin grumbled. “She’s rang me twice when we were in that field, and I hung up both times. She’s gonna kill me for not answerin’ and tellin’ her where we were.” I turned my head when the noise of the door’s automatic lock suddenly unlocked and made its usual fancy beeping tune. “Bastards!” The haunting, but all too familiar voice of my sister bellowed. “Bastards. The whole fuckin’ lot of ye!” “Bollocks.” JJ paled. “Fuck’s sake,” Harley grunted. Gavin put his face in his hands. “If she hits me, I’m goin’ home.” I was the only one smiling. “She’s a legend. I don’t care what anyone says. She’d have ended Hitler’s reign in days with that temper and right hook.”

“We’re in the kitchen,” Da hollered. “And take your shoes off.” I leaned back and watched as my sister kicked her shoes off and stormed into the room. “I could kill every single one of ye!” She boomed. “Martin just told me that a man broke in here, battered Ina and kidnapped her, but he was informed not to phone the guards. He also told me that you lot brought her home. Why wasn’t I fuckin’ phoned?” She didn’t give us a second to answer her before she crossed the room to my missus. “Ina, honey,” she said. “Come here.” Aideen gathered Ina up in a mammy hug, and I saw that it visibly relaxed Ina, which made me grateful to my sister. Aideen could relate to her on a similar level. She was almost killed in a fire by a prick from her husband’s past a couple of years ago. She knew what Ina was going through. “Ado,” I spoke softly when she parted from hugging Ina. “Ye have two kids. Ye shouldn’t be—” “Am I or am I not a Collins?” She interrupted and turned her eyes on me. “I’m a Slater by marriage, but Collins blood flows through these veins, Dante. I am a siblin’ in this family just like the rest of ye. Not havin’ a dick shouldn’t exclude me.” I looked at our brothers and shrugged. “She’s not wrong.” “Wrong or not, she could’ve gotten hurt,” Gavin said. “Ye all know it.” He wasn’t wrong either. My sister zeroed her eyes onto our baby brother. “I knew it. Ye hung up on me on purpose!” She had Gavin in a headlock and bonked his head with her fist before any of us could blink. Gavin, as usual, didn’t try to stop her beating. One, because Aideen could hit hard as shit, and two, he was much bigger than

her, and he knew he’d hurt her if he tried, so he did what he always did. He took the beating like a grown man. “That hurts!” he yelped. “Da, make her stop.” Maybe not like a grown man after all. “Aideen, enough.” Da sighed. “Leave him be.” Aideen released Gavin with a grunt. When he straightened, he made the sign of the cross with his fingers and held it out to her, making JJ chuckle as he watched their interaction. “Tell me everythin’,” Aideen demanded. “I feel sick. I can’t believe this has happened. Your poor face, Ina.” Ina smiled softly, lifting her hand to her bruised face. She looked at me and crossed the room towards me when she found I was already watching her. I leaned back, spread my legs, and opened my arms. She sat on my thighs and relaxed against me. JJ gave Aideen the rundown on what happened, he spoke low, so Ina didn’t have to hear it. “Where does he live?” Aideen demanded when JJ finished speaking. “Give me his name and address. I’ll have this dealt with within the hour. Me husband knows people.” Ina was staring at my sister with wide eyes. I was a little blown away by her too. “Dante took care of everythin’, Ado,” Ina said, squeezing my arm. “He beat him bad. Finn won’t ever come near me again. He’s too much of a coward.” Aideen nodded. “I’ve no doubt Dante kicked the bollocks out of him. I just wish I had been there to punch the bastard meself.” I loved my sister. “JJ mentioned ye won’t go to the guards or the hospital.” Ina explained her reasons. “Okay, I understand, but ye do need to get checked out by a medical professional. I think you’re still in shock, and I’m sure everyone, includin’

you, would feel better havin’ a doctor tell us that you’re physically okay.” Ina protested and promptly blurted, “If I go to the hospital, they’re gonna think Dante beat me if I say I fell.” My jaw dropped. “Baby, that’s why ye won’t go and get checked out? I don’t give a shite what anyone thinks once you’re okay.” “I care,” she clipped. “I won’t have anyone think ye did this to me.” “Right.” My sister exhaled a breath. “I can help with that. All we need to do is phone Kane’s doctor—” “Aideen Slater?” All heads turned towards the kitchen doorway. Aideen groaned out loud when the front door of my apartment slammed shut. Sweet suffering Jesus, did everyone have our fucking door code? “Who phoned him?” my sister demanded. “Which one of you bastards called me husband?” “Not me,” everyone said in unison. “Then who—” “Are you fucking shitting me?” Kane Slater snapped at my sister when he entered the room. “Woman!” She levelled him with a well-placed stare. “Lower your voice in me brother’s home, Slater.” Kane was furious, steam appeared to come from his ears, and though it was clearly a struggle, he composed himself and spoke calmly. “What. Are. You. Doing. Here?” “Family business.” “I’m family, so it should be my business.” Kane raised an eyebrow. “Talk.” Aideen looked at me, then her husband, and said, “I meant sibling business, sorry.” “Ado,” I said, gaining her attention. “He already knows how this started. He knew before you did. He decided it’d be best to keep ye in the

dark on what was happenin’, and we agreed with him.” She glared at me then switched her furious gaze to her husband. “I am not some porcelain doll, Kane Slater. Ina is my brother’s missus, which makes her my family. You don’t get to decide what I can and cannot be involved in.” Kane shot forward, got in my sister’s space, and backed her up against the counter. My father rolled his eyes, JJ yawned, Harley picked dirt from his trousers, Gavin scrolled through his phone, Ina chewed on her nails¸ and I rubbed my eyes. I was tired as shit. “You are my wife, and you are the mother of my children. You don’t get to willingly put yourself in dangerous situations. Not. Fucking. Ever.” “But Ina is—” “She’s Date’s woman.” Kane interrupted with a growl. “He deals with her and any situation regarding her. He asked me to find out how Ina’s ex got into the building and what happened on her way out. He had this under control. If he needed more of my help, he’d have asked for it. He can take care of his woman just like I can take care of mine. Understand?” Ina leaned heavily against me; her hand grasped over my legs until she found my hand. I knew that she had only seen Kane as her landlord, but this right here was Kane as my brother-in-law. He didn’t mess around when it came to my sister. That was why I liked the bloke so much. “I said,” Kane’s voice pitched lower. “D’you understand me, Aideen?” “Before she says a word, Kane,” Gavin blurted. “I just want to apologise and say that we weren’t gonna tell her anythin’, but she doesn’t listen to us. She also hit me on the head with her little fists. Twice.” “Bloody rat,” Aideen grunted. “How you’re a gangster is beyond me.” “I’m not scared of anyone except you,” Gavin countered as he threw a glance at Kane’s back. “And your husband.” Ina’s snort of laughter made me smile. “I’m waiting on your answer, Aideen Slater.”

Kane lowered his face to my sister’s, making her squirm. “Yes,” she said, her voice a little breathy. “I understand you.” “Good,” he said. “How’d you find out about this if no one here told you?” “Martin told me when I came home with Keela and the kids. She’s in our apartment with our boys and Enzo.” Kane growled. “He told me you stormed up here and I should come check on you. I’m firing his gossiping ass.” “If ye sack Martin, I’m filin’ for divorce. I love him.” Kane tipped his head back and sighed, long and deep. Ina turned to me. “Isn’t Martin the head of security? The gay man who has a rainbow rag that hangs out of his back pocket like it’s his gang colours?” I grinned. “That’s him.” Ina smiled warmly. “I like him a lot. He always calls me a queen.” “See,” Aideen said. “Everyone loves Martin. You leave him alone, Kane Slater.” “Fine,” he griped. “But I’m having a serious talk with him.” “Fine,” Aideen echoed. “Before ye do that, call the doc for Ina. She won’t go to the hospital in case they think Dante hurt her, and she’s too scared to say anythin’ about it.” Kane looked at my missus, and his expression tightened when he saw how battered and bruised she was. “Tell me what happened.” “Ina,” Aideen suddenly said. “Come with me to your room, and I’ll help ye get changed out of those clothes. The lads can fill Kane in while we’re gone.” Ina squeezed my hand before she took Aideen’s outstretched palm. My sister slipped her arm around my girl’s waist and looked at me. “She’ll be fine with me.”

I nodded, and we all watched as they walked out of the room. When the door to our bedroom closed, I told Kane everything that had happened over the past couple of hours. He listened silently; his grey eyes trained on me. “Give me his name and address,” he said, his voice deep. “I’ll deal with him.” Now I knew where Aideen got that scary edge from. “No need, the man isn’t a man. He’s a piss-poor excuse for one. He just wanted her inheritance from her father’s land and business. It was never about Ina for him, just what he could get out of her. He has another woman who’s pregnant for him. He’ll be pissin’ blood for a month away after what I did to him. Another hidin’ would kill him.” “I’m not sure that’d be a bad thing, but I understand. I’ll call my doc to come see Ina. He’s the best and discreet. I’ll take care of everything.” I stood and held out my hand. “Thanks, man.” Kane shook my hand firmly. “We’re family,” he said. He left the room to phone his private doctor. Aideen was in my bedroom with Ina, so I stayed in the kitchen with my brothers. It was quiet, and a few moments passed by when I suddenly had the urge to be sick. I jumped to my feet and made it to the sink just in time to vomit. I felt a hand pat my back as I turned on the tap and rinsed my mouth out with water. “He almost killed her.” I shook. “Jesus Christ, he almost killed her.” I turned around and leaned forward, placing my hands on my knees. It suddenly hit me what had happened, what almost happened to the love of my life in front of my eyes. I had never felt a fear like it before. I kept replaying over and over in my head what might have happened if JJ pulled up to the patch of dirt a few minutes later than he did. “We got there in time, and ye battered that prick’s body in a way that he won’t ever think of Ina again without wincin’,” Harley said. I straightened when my father got up and moved in front of me. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. “Don’t give that scum

power over you. Don’t let him make ye think of what might have happened. Don’t, son.” I nodded. “I won’t, I swear, it’s just … she’s everythin’ to me.” “I know.” Da smiled. “She’s your person. That’s how I know everythin’ is goin’ to work out in the end. You’ll see.”

“Date, are ye listenin’ to me?” I jolted out of the memory, opened my eyes, and looked at my brother. “What?” “We’re home.” Wordlessly, we got out of his car and entered our building. I parted ways with my brother and ended up outside of Ina’s and my apartment faster than I would have liked. My stomach was a mess of knots, and I had a horrible pain in my chest. The anxiety of the coming conversation was killing me. I entered my apartment, removed my shoes, and followed the sound of soft singing. It brought me to my bedroom. I leaned my shoulder against the door panel and watched my woman as she straightened the duvet of our bed. Her hearing aids weren’t in, so she had no idea I was there. When she looked up, she jumped a little when she saw me. Hi, beautiful, I signed. Missed you today. Ina hadn’t been back to work yet. When I wasn’t on shift, I spent most of my time with her, and all we did was practice sign language. I was getting really good at it. My hand movements were more fluid and less clumsy. I missed you too, Dante, Ina signed. How was the gym? Watching her sign my name sign made my heart jump because I knew it meant ‘safe’. Did she still feel like I was her safe space, her safe sound? Christ, I hoped so.

Don’t know, I answered. I spent most of the time wondering what you wanted to talk to me about. Ina swallowed. I already boiled the kettle. Let’s go into the kitchen. Fuck. She made tea. This was going to be bad. I waited as she grabbed her hearing aids and put them into her ears. When we entered the kitchen, I sat down while she made two cups of tea. “Me solicitor phoned today,” she said as she carried two cups of steaming liquid to the table. “Everythin’ is goin’ smoothly with the sellin’ of Daddy’s, I mean my property and business. He reckons there will be a biddin’ war for the land and business because of how much revenue they make.” I whistled. “You’re gonna be a rich woman.” Ina shrugged. “I already inherited his wealth. Even after the inheritance tax was deducted, it’s more than enough for us to live on for ten lifetimes.” My heart jumped. “D’ye want to have ten lifetimes with me, Ina? Because I’d be grateful for just one with you.” Ina gasped. “Really?” I frowned. “What d’ye mean ‘really’?” She said nothing. She just stared at me. I reached over the table and took her hands in mine. “Talk to me.” I rubbed my thumbs over her knuckles. “Just tell me what’s wrong so I can fix it, please.” “Why haven’t ye broken up with me?” she blurted, shocking the life out of me. “I lashed out at ye in the garage in front of your family and our coworkers. I embarrassed us both because I was insecure and jealous. Why haven’t ye dumped me? Is it because of what happened with Finn? Ye feel bad about dumpin’ me after what he put me through?” I stared at my missus, and the overwhelming urge to laugh and cry hit like a fist to the gut.

“Baby,” I choked. “Oh my God, I thought ye were gonna break up with me.” “What?” Ina shouted, her body jolting with my words. “I thought ye were waitin’ for the right moment to dump me. That’s why I told ye we should talk so ye could get it over and done with.” “I thought ye were gonna end things.” I laughed. “Jesus Christ, I’ve been sick all fuckin’ day, honey.” “Me too.” She laughed, rubbing her eyes. “All week actually. I felt somethin’ was wrong.” “Me too. I thought ye were pullin’ away from me.” “No, never,” she said, shaking her head. “I just thought that maybe ye thought of our fight and didn’t want me anymore. We haven’t kissed or touched—” “Ina, I thought ye didn’t want me over that fuckin’ fight, and with everythin’ that happened with Finn, I didn’t want to push ye to have sex.” “We’re so stupid.” She laughed and cried. “We’ve made ourselves worry over feckin’ nothin’.” “Absolutely nothin’,” I agreed. “I love you, Ina.” “I love you, Dante.” She got up and quickly moved towards me. When she sat on me, her mouth fused with mine, and I groaned into the kiss. Christ, how I survived without her kiss and touch was beyond me. “Babe,” I murmured against her mouth. “We need to have everythin’ about our fight out here, and now so we can get passed it.” “I’m so sorry.” She clung to me. “For the things I said. I had no right to be upset or angry over things ye did with women before ye even knew me. I just … it makes it hard to breathe just thinkin’ of ye bein’ with other women and so many of them. I love you so much, Dante.” “I love you, too. Don’t apologise.” I brushed her hair back out of her face. “I know it hurts you. I wish I could take it all back. I would if I

could.” “It won’t be an issue anymore because I know you’re mine.” “I am,” I said. “I’m all yours, gorgeous.” “About Alannah.” She swallowed. “When we admitted our interest in one another that night in the hallway of your apartment, ye said ye didn’t do relationships, only one-night stands. I assumed that meant ye never had a relationship. Everythin’ I’m angry over is because of things I’ve assumed.” “Ye wouldn’t have assumed if I was more forthcomin’ with ye about her.” I looked into her eyes. “I want to make it very clear that every other woman I’ve even been with, includin’ Alannah, got Date. You’re the only woman who has Dante.” “I love you.” She sniffled. “Dante, I love you.” I lifted my hands and signed, I love you so much more, country. Her lower lip wobbled. “I thought ye were gonna end us.” “What happened at the garage could have been dealt with a whole lot better, I won’t argue against that, but honey … we had a fight. A valid one. We were both wrong. You shouldn’t have said some things based on shock and hurt, and I should have been forthcomin’ about me past and the women in it. We both fucked up, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna end the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You are the best thing to have ever happened to me, Ina.” She placed her hands on my face, and my eyes roamed over hers. Her bruises were in that faded yellowing stage of healing. The ones on her throat were a little dark still, but they too were disappearing. I hoped the memory of what caused them would wane to nothing one day too. I looked up into Ina’s big green eyes, and I knew I could never be without her. She had woven herself into every fibre of my being. I was utterly in love with her. “Will ye marry me, Ina?” Her lips parted with shock.

“I didn’t plan this,” I said. “I don’t have a ring or even a speech prepared, but I need to ask you to become me wife because I am so deeply in love with you, and I never want there to be a day where I don’t wake up and go to sleep with you by me side. You’re my happiness, sweetheart. Please, say ye’ll marry me.” “Yes.” She breathed. “Dante, yes. I’ll marry you.” Delight surged through me as I slanted my mouth over hers. I was already painfully hard from how close she was to me, her touch and scent overwhelmed me. I groaned when she began to strip as she kissed me. “Ina,” I leaned back. “We don’t have to—” “Make love to me, right here, right now.” She interrupted. “I need you, please.” I didn’t hesitate when I took her mouth in a bruising kiss. I helped her undress while she helped me, our movements were clumsy and frantic, and our breathing was laboured. I had my T-shirt off, and my trousers and underwear shoved down my legs in a matter of seconds. Ina was blissfully naked with her clothing thrown around the room, but I didn’t get a chance to look my fill because she straddled me on the kitchen chair and rubbed her cunt against my aching cock. “Sweetheart,” I rasped. “I hafta get a Johnny first.” “No,” she breathed. “I’m goin’ to be your wife; I wanna feel ye inside of me with no barriers.” Excitement surged through me. “If we do this, and we make a baby, will that be okay?” Ina’s eyes filled with wonder. “I dream of havin’ your baby, Dante.” The decision was made with that one sentence. “No Johnnies,” I growled. “Me goal is to keep ye barefoot and pregnant forever. C’mere.” Ina laughed with glee, but that laughter quickly shifted to soft whimpers when I shifted her body and settled her cunt right on top of my cock. I

rolled my hips, the action allowing my shaft to part her pussy lips. When my cock brushed over her clit, those shiver inducing moans she made sounded loud and clear. I loved those sounds. “Dante, I’m already almost there.” “Fuck, me too.” I kissed her. “I want ye too much.” Ina pivoted her hips and sat back; her cunt swallowed my cock in one fluid movement. “Fuck,” I groaned. “Yeah, baby. Fuck me.” Ina’s lips and tongue moved with mine as she rode me until I couldn’t breathe with the overwhelming sensation. I moved my hand down to her to pussy, my thumb found her clit as I leaned back and watched as she whimpered with my touch. While she bounced on me, she came with a sudden scream. The tightening of her muscles sucked my own orgasm from me. I felt it all over my body when my balls drew up tight and my release coated the inside of Ina’s cunt. “Fuck.” I leaned my head back against the back of the chair. “Honey. Jesus, I love when ye ride me. Ye rule me, woman.” Ina was trembling as I wrapped my arms around her, pressing her bare skin against mine. I was still inside of her body as she pressed her forehead to mine and silently, we both absorbed the new path we had just forged for our life together. We decided to get married, and through our act of love, we could have possibly made a baby together. “Dante, you’re gonna be me husband.” “Ina, you’re gonna be me wife.” She smiled warmly. “Are ye sure ye want me for your whole life?” I lifted my hands and smiled. Always, I signed. In every lifetime, country, I choose you. Ina’s eyes darkened with wonder, lust, and adoration. The love that shone in her eyes for me was dateless. This was it; this was what I had wanted deep down. I wanted to find my person and unbeknownst to me, my

person was a little aul country girl who wore hearing aids and thick framed glasses. For the first time in my life, I finally found my home. It wasn’t a place like I had always thought it would be. It was a she.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sweet suffering Jesus, I did it. Lads, this book has been with me through so much over the past two years. I started writing it at the start of the pandemic and then my mental health took a plunge just like so many others during that time period. I struggled when it came to writing this book over the course of 2020 and 2021, the words just wouldn’t come to me which led to delay after delay, but then I got some help and things got better. I took care of my mental health and in doing that, my mental health took care of me. DATELESS is the start of a new chapter for me in many ways. It signals the end of the Slater Brothers series, but opens the door on the Collins Brothers series where we get to get to learn about my favourite Irish brothers and their leading ladies. I’m ready for the next step forward in this world, and I hope you are too. Edel and Charli—thank you both for your never-ending patience when I lock myself in my office to write. Thanks for bringing me food and water, too! I love you both so much. Enigma Editing—Yessi, thank you so much for taking care of my manuscript and for all of your hard work helping me get it ready for public reading. You are very much appreciated. Editing4Indies—Jenny, I really appreciate the tireless effort you put in during our editing process. I couldn’t have done it without you. Mayhem Cover Creations—LJ, you’ve knocked it out of the park with the book cover yet again. Thank you for all of your hard work when it comes to my covers. Mark Gottlieb—thank you for being the best agent.

My readers—thank you for sticking with me as we start a new series and explore this crazy word I have created. Your support is second to none. Thank you <3

ABOUT THE AUTHOR L.A. Casey is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author who juggles her time between her mini-me and writing. She was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She enjoys chatting with her readers, who love her humour and Irish accent as much as her books.

Casey’s first book, DOMINIC, was independently published in 2014 and became an instant success on Amazon. She is both traditionally and independently published and is represented by Mark Gottlieb from Trident Media Group.

To read more about this author, visit her website at www.lacaseyauthor.com.

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