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SUMMARY Charlotte Bloom is a city girl. She likes stilettos, sidewalks, and the Starbucks on every corner. It doesn't matter that her heels hurt or the sidewalks cracked or no one at the co ee store remembers her name. The horns of taxi drivers serenade her as she walks to work and fast-paced action fills her days which is why she needs her boss to come home from the farm. There are contracts to be signed. Money to be made. Hands to be greased and—oh my gosh, is that a cow? Colton Blackwood is a country man. He wants slow walks, slow kisses, and slow love-making, but more than anything he wants that with Charlotte. It doesn't matter that she's scared of the farm animals or that she's suspicious that the store clerk knows her name. He knows that love's the same whether you're wearing a suit in the boardroom or a pair of cowboy boots on the ranch. The trick is convincing Charlotte but, it'll happen because Colton won't accept anything but her by his side.


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Epilogue Also by Ella Goode Connect with me!


M Y PHONE BUZZES IN MY HAND FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME SINCE I turned o airplane mode. I’m in the middle of nowhere to see my boss, Mr. Weston. It isn’t the best of scenarios but it needs to be done. He up and left without finishing his work. Not only that, but each day more and more piles up. I have important documents that need to be looked over and he’s been ignoring most of my emails. Let’s not even mention all of the calls that he’s sending to voicemail. Being ignored isn’t on the list of things I like. Of course I would have just mailed him the documents but I didn’t have time to wait for him to get around to signing them. Ever since Delilah Howell strolled into his life, everything else has gone to the back burner. He hired me to do a job and that’s what I am trying to do. I took the first flight I could not only to get my work done but to make sure Mr. Weston hasn’t lost his ever-loving mind. I need confirmation that he is still sane, and I am still annoyed that I had to take the trip to begin with. My plan is to get what I need from him, check his sanity, and be back on a plane as quickly as possible to head home.

I enjoyed the flight. It’s one of the only opportunities I get to be out of contact with the world outside. The WiFi wasn’t working on the plane. It was something out of my control so I had no choice but to lie back and enjoy doing nothing. Looking down at my phone, I see that this time it’s not a work related call blowing it up but Brent. My lips pull tight as I hit the decline button on the second ring, wanting him to know I did it. I’m sending his ass straight to voicemail. It’s the small things in life that give me pleasure. I really should block the guy’s number but I enjoy hitting the decline button each time he calls. The man is a jackass and I’m sure he’s not used to rejection. Something I don’t mind giving to him for the greater good of womankind. Maybe he’ll learn better manners the next time he thinks he can take whatever liberties he wants with a woman. In his words, I was “only” the secretary. He was lucky I didn’t tell Mr. Weston about how he spoke to me. Weston wouldn’t have been as nice as only hitting the decline button on him. I never said anything because I can handle men of Brent’s caliber. What Brent hasn’t realized is that my boss respects not only me, but my opinion. He always asks me what I think of someone before he does business with them. He may not always take my advice but I was adamant about my opinion of Brent. Sometimes words aren’t even necessary. A curt nod of my head can have him tossing a folder aside. We’ve built trust as well as a no-bullshit business relationship. Brent is pretty much shit out of luck. That is probably the reason he is desperate to get in touch with me. My mind snaps to Colton Blackwood, who has more manners than he knows what to do with. It always goes there when I don’t fill my head with work. Can someone be too polite? It makes me feel like he is up to something. He continuously calls me ma’am. For some odd reason it pisses me o more than anything else. If he calls me that one more

time I am going to throttle him. Maybe he does it on purpose, saying ma’am to get a rise out of me. It sure seems like he’s trying to push my buttons. He sounds as if he’s smiling each time the word comes out of his mouth. I’m not going to let him get a rise out of me—or maybe it’s already too late. I’ve dealt with the vast majority of businessmen in one of the biggest cities in the world, and Colton Blackwood is no di erent. My only hope is that in my short time here I don’t run into him. My plans are to be in and out before anyone even realizes I was there. This isn’t a social call; it’s business. Getting Mr. Weston’s signature on the few documents I have is my top priority. I also want to confirm my suspicions that he isn’t planning to return to the city anytime soon. After that I’ll be on a plane back home where I belong. Not trying to find out if Colton’s sexy voice matches him. I am a city girl to my core. Born and raised in a fast paced lifestyle. I never do well in the calm and quiet for too long. I may need to start looking for a new job if I am being honest with myself. Mr. Weston seems to be staying put in this country life with Delilah. I am happy for him that he’s found meaning in his life. I just need to be realistic that him staying in the country means that he’ll be wrapping up the life he had back home in the city. When all is said and done it means I need to find a new job. The man can technically work from anywhere he wants. Knowing this makes me realize that I may not be as useful to him since I will be thousands of miles away. Regardless of what happens, I am confident that Mr. Weston will give me a stellar recommendation. I’m not worried about finding a new job. It isn’t an opportune time but my skill level and dedication can’t be matched. I’m sure he will provide me with a nice severance package too, which will hold me over

until I find something. I am technically under contract with him for another year but I don’t think he’ll need me that long. “Hey!” I snap when I feel my bag being tugged from the tight hold I have on it. My eyes drift down to it, seeing a man’s big hand trying to grab the strap on the side. The hand looks giant and rough. Oh hell no, I did not come from the city to this little podunk town for some jerk to try to rob me. I debate using my common sense and letting the bag go, knowing you never fight a mugger, but my stubbornness gets the best of me. It usually does. I go with pulling back on the bag. I’m in a freaking airport right now. Is someone seriously trying to steal luggage from me inside the terminal? There are people and security everywhere. This man has some nerve. Okay, maybe I’m not in New York, but I am in the middle of nowhere and this airport is dead. My head jerks up, my movements freezing as my eyes land on the smiling gray eyes of a strange man. His gaze is so startling that it momentarily stuns me. This handsome idiot picked the wrong girl to mess with. “Only wanted to help you, sweetheart.” My mouth falls open, my hand releases the tight hold on the bag, and my mind immediately recognizes the sound of that voice. “Colton,” I breathe out. A mixture of anger and arousal swirls through me at the sight of him. I knew this town was small, but small enough to run into the one person you’re trying to avoid at the airport? That’s a pretty big coincidence for this tiny town. Something about it seems very suspicious. “At your service.” He smiles, giving me a wink. I reach for my bag but he’s already moving away from me, taking it with him.

“Hey!” I run after him, trying to catch up. “Give me back my bag,” I demand. My heels click on the tile floor loudly as I try to keep up with him. I thought country people moved slow! I’m used to being around big men. Actually I’m only used to being around one big man, Mr. Weston. He stands out easily in a crowd, which has always made my job a little easier. I never have to waste time looking for him. Colton is as big as Mr. Weston, if not bigger. He might be a touch taller in fact, now that I’m getting a good look at him. Colton isn’t as refined as Mr. Weston; he’s rougher around the edges. He is also smokin’ hot, but I’m not going to admit that anytime soon. His ass is firm and muscular under the jeans he’s sporting. But right now I need to focus on getting my bag back from him. I finally get close enough that I’m able to smack his arm. He stops dead in his tracks and turns to face me. “I can carry you too if you’d like.” Those gray eyes flick over to me. “Those shoes look like they hurt.” His eyes travel down my legs to linger on the pair of heels that I’m wearing. They just happen to be my favorite pair. I love them not only because they are pretty but they aren’t too hard on my feet. “You could always give me my bag back instead of making me run around the airport in these heels,” I snip back. “These are light and comfy, for your information.” I try to keep a bite to my words because he’s openly checking out my legs. I’m not sure if I have an attitude because what he’s doing is rude or because I like it. I’m enjoying him doing it more than I should, so I’m going to guess my problem is with myself. “That’s good, sweetheart, because those heels look damn good on you. I never understood why women wore them before today, but I no longer need to wonder.” That smile

grows bigger. “I’ll never be able to erase the vision of you in those shoes from my mind.” My heart flutters at his comment—forgetting once again that he stole my bag. It isn't until we are outside and I see his giant truck parked at the curb that I know why he took it. He opens the back door, putting my suitcase in the back seat. He shuts the door and then opens the right passenger door, gesturing for me to get in. I want to tell him I’ll never be able to climb up in that thing with my tight skirt but as he opens the door, a step slides out. I should refuse to get in the truck with him because he manhandled me in the airport. I hesitate for a second before I climb in. I don’t even know this man. Why am I so willing to just climb up into his truck? Stepping back, I collide with his wall of a chest. “You need me to give you a lift, ma’am?” he says as he stretches his arm to touch the top of the truck, causing him to lean further into me. I can feel my entire body flush from being pressed up against him. He has me sandwiched between him and the truck. “I’m more than willing to help you in any way that I can.” He smirks. Since my bag is already in the back of the truck, I make the decision to climb in. “I don’t need your help. I’m perfectly capable of getting into a vehicle by myself.” I give him a smirk as I purposefully make a show of getting into the truck. I know he’s watching and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want him to. I’m enjoying this back-and-forth we’re having more than I should. I’m pretty sure he is too, from the smile on his lips. I settle into the monster truck, Colton closing my door behind me. The entire time he’s smiling and shaking his head like I’m the cutest thing he’s ever seen. I want to knock that smile o of that ridiculously perfect face of his. He’s

making me feel all out of sorts. Just like his phone calls always do. I glance over at Colton as he slides his big body into the truck, making the space seem too small now that he’s in there with me. I suck in a deep breath, which is a huge mistake. His scent is everywhere in the cab of this truck. I can’t escape the masculinity that clings to every inch of it. I knew I should have requested a Lyft. But they probably don’t even know what that is here. With my luck, someone would show up on a tractor. I have to get out of this truck as quickly as possible. I can’t be alone with Colton. Everything about him is too attractive. Even from the beginning, his voice made me quiver. The realization of how easily I could fall for this man has me losing my cool. My anger grows as I think about the fact that he is in love with another woman. A woman who just happens to be marrying my boss. I’ll never play second fiddle to anyone. I watched my mother do it time and time again. I will not be like her. I repeat this in my mind as I steal a glance over at Colton. He has a cocky smile on his face like he already knows I’m falling for him.


I HAVE TO TELL MYSELF TO RELAX MY HOLD ON THE STEERING WHEEL . My knuckles have turned white from squeezing the damn thing too tight. I’ve waited three days. Three long days that it took to get her sexy ass here and in the cab of my truck. I keep my eyes pinned to the road the best I can, reminding myself that as much as I want to glance over and take her in, I need to get her back to my place in one piece. That means paying attention to the road and not how tight her skirt is. She’s even sexier than I thought she would be. If that’s even possible. My mind was blown the minute I saw my city girl walk out of the airplane gate. I’d already pictured her in my mind as the most beautiful woman to walk this earth. Nothing prepared me for the vision that now sits beside me. The urge to reach out and touch one of her long locks of hair is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to control. I reassure myself that I’ll have a lifetime to do it, so there’s no rush. My plan right now is to get her to my place where she’ll be all mine. When I first spotted her standing in the airport I tried to stand still and watch her for a moment. I only lasted a few

seconds before my feet were carrying me toward her. I’m not one for hiding to begin with. I looked forward to seeing the look in her eyes when she got a glimpse of me, her future. She didn’t disappoint me in the least. She might have struggled a bit when she thought I was mugging her, but when her eyes finally locked with mine, I saw our future in them. I am still working out the parts of getting her to stay, but if I am anything it’s patient. Well, that was before I met Charlotte Bloom. All of my patience seemed to evaporate into thin air when it came to getting her next to me. I relax in my seat, reminding myself that I have her now. The sweet smell of lavender fills the inside of my truck. I wonder if that’s how she smells or if it’s some fancy lotion she puts on her skin. Maybe she washes her hair with it. Thoughts of her lying in bed next to me at night rubbing it all over herself flood my mind. If I am a lucky bastard I might get the privilege of rubbing whatever it is all over her sweet body. I make a mental note to order lavender smelling things for the house. Maybe that will calm her and make her stay put. I glance over at her again, unable to help myself. I was right; she is perfect. Overly perfect. My cock hardens more behind the roughness of my jeans at the thought of dirtying up all the perfect she is. I could come in my pants just thinking about spreading my seed all over her perfect little pussy. Shit, my thoughts are not helping my dick’s current situation. I’ve never even had such crude thoughts about a woman before. Until her. My desire to mess up Charlotte's perfect little appearance isn’t for my own good, but hers. Like Charlotte, I’m good at reading people. She uses her freshly pressed clothes, neatly done hair and what I’m guessing is flawless makeup as a

shield. She tries to hide what she really wants behind all of that attitude she gives me. Eyes don’t lie, though. It reminds me of one those homes you walk into and they don’t look as though anyone actually lives there. It puts you on edge that you might mess it up. She doesn't want anyone getting too close. That’s the point of everything around her being in its place. I knew it from the moment I heard her sexy, tight voice on the phone. She was begging for me to set her free from the cage she put herself in. “You’re taking me to Drake’s, right?” She reaches into her purse, pulling out a pair of glasses and slipping them on her face before she toys with her phone. I didn't know a person’s fingers could move so fast but I watch her do it for a moment. “Right?” She pulls her eyes from the phone to look at me. Fuck, no, I’m not taking her to another man. “Wasn't sure if you were talking to me or the phone.” I shrug. She glares at me over those sexy glasses. I swear to Christ the woman keeps getting hotter. “Sira or whatever.” I motion to the phone. She keeps on staring at me for a moment before she finally starts to laugh. I have no idea why, but the cute sound coming from her is not helping my dick. “Siri?” she says through laughter. Correcting me on the phone's name. “I don’t know.” I shake my head. I can’t remember what people are always calling the damn thing. “But I think you’re right,” I agree. I’ve heard Delilah talk to the thing before. I prefer when the phone doesn't make noise at all. The most I’ve used one in the past week was to call and bug the woman that is now sitting next to me. It was a happy accident that I ever talked to her at all. Thank fuck for Drake being an obsessed jealous man because he has his assistant answer any calls that come to his woman's phone. I only called to ask her if she really left town

because her mom and mine wouldn't shut up about it. They asked me to call and when my mom asks me to do something that I’m capable of doing, I do it. She stops laughing to smile at me. “Colton Blackwood. Did you just admit I was right?” “When I’m wrong, I’m wrong. You’ll never have to fight me on that. I’m not too proud to say I did something wrong.” Her tense shoulders drop for a moment. Her smile turning softer reveals a little more of the woman I know she’s trying to hide. I knew Charlotte was good at reading people after having a few conversations with Drake Weston. The man spoke so highly of her. It was a fight for me to get her to begin with but I had something Drake wanted as bad as I needed Charlotte. His Delilah. The girl was a little sister to me. We grew up next door to one another. Well, as next door as you can get out here. Oftentimes next door is miles away. Delilah's family and mine are close. While my parents wanted to retire and move where it was warm all year round, I knew I’d never leave here. I worked hard side by side with the Howell family. Delilah's dad, Wyatt, and I struck gold, metaphorically speaking. Not only did I get to let my parents retire early, I got to keep the family farm. I still keep my dad’s job because it’s my passion. Charlotte Bloom’s sexy ass has quickly become my number one passion. It might take a while, but I see her as a wild horse. I don't want to break her. I just want to be the lucky bastard whose field she runs in.


I T ’ S NOT UNTIL WE ’ RE PULLING UP TO A LARGE IRON GATE THAT READS Blackwood Crossing that I realize he never answered my question. This makes it clear. He isn’t taking me to Mr. Weston’s. “What are you doing?” I watch as the gates swing open after he presses a button in his truck. He proceeds to pull through them and down a long driveway lined with trees. I look back, watching them close behind us. “Drake is busy today. You’ll be staying with me while you’re here,” he drawls. “I’m not staying.” At least that was the plan in my head. I packed a bag just in case because I am always prepared for what may happen. “Drake said you’d be here for a while.” I turn from watching the gate behind us. The truck continues to move farther away. “I have a plane to catch later on tonight, once Mr. Weston signs all of the documents I need him to,” I say in hopes that this will enlighten him to the fact that I will be headed home today.

But he just remains quiet and keeps driving. The cab of the truck is so silent you could hear a pin drop. Colton’s face looks stern and his jaw is tight after I revealed that I don’t plan on staying. I keep sneaking glances in his direction but he continues to watch the road, keeping those beautiful eyes on it. Can a person be jealous of a road? I suddenly crave those eyes on me. The truck finally slows to a stop and Colton gets out without saying a word. He walks around it, first opening the back door to get my bag, and then the passenger door. He leans his body inside the truck and over me to unbuckle my seatbelt. I may have let out a small moan. I can feel the heat of his skin and I almost stick my tongue out to get a taste of it. My nipples harden, which gets me a small smile from him. I continue to act indi erent, like none of this is a ecting me. I will not be my mother’s daughter. That’s my mantra and I silently chant it to myself. Thing is, I can’t remember the last time another person has been this close to me. Colton doesn’t make any of this easy for me. Instead of letting me step down from the truck, he lifts me, making sure to hold me tight to his body. I have to slide down him until my feet touch the ground. I wobble, unsteady with lust for this man, but soon gain my composure. Those eyes watch me like a hawk. It’s like he sees straight through my crap, but I am going to fight this as long as possible. It figures the first time I’ve ever wanted a man that he would love someone else. That is just my luck. I need to get away from here and him as soon as possible. I pull myself together before I look past Colton to see a cute farm house. It’s the most beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen. Visions of a little girl running through the fields pass through my mind. It reminds me of something you’d see in a movie. Too perfectly put together to be real but there it is. It has everything that you’d expect a farmhouse to have. The

wrap-around porch has rockers and a swing on it that make me yearn for a glass of iced tea and a good book. I’ve never experienced this much quiet until this very moment. Everything seems to stand still. That is something that I am not at all used to. All of this fresh air must be messing with me. I give my head a small shake and remind myself why I am here. For business, that’s the only reason. It’s definitely not for Colton. It one thousand percent is not for him. I don’t even believe my own lies at this point, but none of it matters anyway because he loves someone that isn’t me. I pull my eyes from the lovely home to look over at Colton and wonder if this is the home he thought he’d be raising his family in with Delilah. Everything about Colton screams family man. He’s the kind of man that would come home every night to his wife and hold true to his promises. Although Delilah is marrying someone else, if Colton one day found someone to love I believe he’d stay true to that woman. If he told her she’d be his forever then that’s what she’d be because he is a man of his word. It wouldn’t be exactly what he would want but I know he would love whomever it was as much as he could. As nice as that might be to have it would never work for me. Being second to another woman just isn’t ever going to be my cup of tea. I’m not sure why I’m still obsessing about this. It’s a done deal. I couldn’t even be mad at Delilah. It’s not like it’s her fault that the only man I’ve ever been attracted to loves her. Just thinking that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Delilah is such a sweet person. I enjoy her company and the fact that she’s removed the stick from Mr. Weston’s ass. I really appreciate the change she has brought out in him. I wasn’t even prepared for how vast it would be but Mr. Weston is a good man and needed someone like her in his life.

“A hotel?” I sigh. I’m not leaving without seeing Mr. Weston. If that means spending a night here then so be it, but here means a hotel, not Colton Blackwood’s home. I know I will never be able to resist him if I stay here. “All full.” He starts walking past me. “Come in. I’ll show you around.” He keeps on moving. My traitor eyes go to his ass. “How do you know it’s full?” I ask, following after him when I see he isn't stopping. “Oh.” I let out a small yelp of surprise when my heel lands on a piece of rock almost making me fall. I catch myself in time but not before Colton is pulling me into his arms, his big, warm body wrapping around me. The hold he has on me is totally unnecessary but I let him keep me in it anyway. “I got you.” He lifts me. I’m momentarily shocked until my feet touch the ground again when he places me on the porch. “I’ll have it all paved if the heels are a must.” He waves his hand toward where he parked his truck o to the side. I have no idea what he’s talking about. “You have a basset hound too?” I ignore what he says, asking my own question. That’s all this place needs: a basset hound with big ears that lays on the porch and never moves. “Nope.” As if on cue, a tiny white dog comes flying out a small doggy door. The little white pu ball begins to run circles around Colton’s feet. He leans down, picking it up, then turning it over onto its back and cradling it like a baby while scratching its belly. The dog's tongue hangs out of one side of its mouth. The thing can’t be more than ten pounds. It’s so freaking adorable in his big arms. His whole hand engulfs the dog’s tiny belly as he scratches him. “I just got Gambit here.” “Gambit?” I reach out to pet the small cute dog. I always wanted one growing up but Mom said they were too much to

take care of. Then when I got older I worked too much to have a dog in my small condo. Poor thing would be alone all the time. “He’s always thieving something,” Colton accuses the little dog. The pup gives me the cutest look and I’m not buying what Colton is selling. “He gets away with it too because of that face he’s giving you right now.” Colton laughs, holding Gambit out for me to take. I reach out and pull the dog close to me. He’s so adorable. Colton lets out a long sigh, making me look up. “Looks like he’s thieving again. Right in front of me. You really don’t have any manners, do you, boy?” The dog lets out a small bark. I laugh. My cheeks heat a touch because I think Colton is talking about the dog stealing my attention but I don’t comment on it. He proceeds to open the front door. Gambit half jumps from my arms, landing on his feet like a cat and taking o after Colton. “Wait,” I call after them. “How do you know it’s all full?” I question again. “I know everything around here.” Gambit and I keep on following Colton down a long hallway. He’s moving too fast for me to take anything in. When a phone starts to ring I reach for mine but stop when I notice it’s not my ringtone. Colton slips his out of his pocket as he pushes open the door at the end of the hallway. “Blackwood,” he answers. I watch him drop my suitcase on top of a giant bed in the center of the room. “You shitting me?” He shakes his head, his eyes darting over to look at me. His eyebrows are furrowed and for the first time he actually looks annoyed about something. “All right. Give me ten.” He hangs up the phone. “I gotta go, sugar. Make yourself at home.” “I’m not staying,” I tell him. He walks over to me, ignoring my words of protest.

“Yeah, you are.” Both his hands come to my face, holding me in place as he kisses my lips. I stand there, once again stunned as he softly presses his lips to mine. How he can make the kiss both soft and possessive at the same time I have no idea, but he does. Then he strolls from the room like nothing happened. It isn't until I hear the front door close behind him that I realize he’s won this round.


I LOOK DOWN AT MY HAND , DEBATING IF I SHOULD RUN OVER TO A UNT Jenny’s house to see if I might need stitches. She could do it up real quick for me or I could do it myself. I have a feeling Charlotte would not take to kindly to me stitching myself up at the dining room table. It was a stupid mistake. I should have put my work gloves on before I’d even jumped down into the ditch to begin with but my mind wasn't fully with me as it should’ve been. It wasn't until I was knee deep in mud that I realized barbed wire had been wrapped around the calf’s neck. The harder the animal tried to fight free the tighter it got. When I cut the wire, the calf moved faster than I thought she might—or maybe I wasn't running at a hundred percent today. That wire went flying, with part of it catching my hand and giving me a good slice. There was no mistaking that it would leave a scar. It wasn't the scar that bothered me. It was the fact that I wasn't paying good enough attention. I’ve never been one to be distracted. Charlotte Bloom has me all twisted up. I won’t be able to rest easy until

she wears my ring on her finger, takes my last name and has my child in her belly. “I’ll send someone out to fix the fence tomorrow,” I tell Annie. I’ve rigged it up so it should hold overnight. “When did you get a calf?” I don’t recall her getting one but I’m not shocked. The woman picks up strays. Not any strays, like an easy cat or dog, no, like sheep, pigs, and that damn llama. My eyes drift over to the thing. I tend to be good with animals but that llama is a fucking asshole. I get this fence fixed and somehow it breaks it again. Every damn time. If I didn't know any better I’d think the thing was doing it on purpose so I’d show up here. It was two weeks ago it broke out and was walking down the middle of the main road blocking tra c both ways. I swear it knew it was walking perfectly in the middle to block both sides of the road. I still have no idea where she got this llama and I’ve looked for its owners with no success. Annie swears it was hanging out in her front yard one day, inside the fence it’s always breaking out of. “That’s sweet of you, Colton.” Annie reaches up and pats me on the cheek. “Anytime,” I tell her before heading toward my truck. I knew when Annie called I had to go. She was my kindergarten teacher and pretty much the town’s sweet grandma. After her husband passed away five years ago she started collecting the animals. “Miss Minnie is going to be heartbroken when she finds out you got a girl out at your place.” I look over at the llama, who I’m pretty sure is glaring at me. Word does travel fast. Doesn't help that my girl has called the police station twice since I left the house. I’m sure everyone is getting a kick out of that. Good. They needed something new to talk about.

I also think Miss Minnie the llama and Annie need a collie. “I’m getting you a collie,” I tell Annie as I open my truck door. “I don’t know how to take care of a dog.” You’d think I said I was bringing over a gator. How is it that the one animal she doesn't have around here is a dog? “He’ll keep an eye on that llama.” And her, but I keep that part to myself. If I was none the wiser I’d think I was seeing things, but the llama side-eyes me and spits in my direction. Is every female going to give me a hard time today? It sure as hell feels like it. I shake my head, pulling o back toward home. I smile, knowing Charlotte is going to be worked up when I get there. I’m going to enjoy every second of calming her back down. I’ve never witnessed someone’s eyes light up with such passion in my life. The sight is breathtaking. Hell, everything about the woman is. I’ve never understood how a man could fall so hard and fast for someone. I’ve watched a few men chase Delilah around and found it rather amusing. Now, here I am all but breaking the law to keep Charlotte here. I reckon I am about to break the law, but there isn't anyone that is going to hold me to it. I hit the button for the front gate to open. As I wait, my eyes look up the long driveway that leads to my home. It’s there I notice shoe tracks on the side of the driveway. I curse under my breath. I should have known better than to leave her here alone. Of course she tried to walk to the road. At the moment I find her stubbornness adorable but it won’t be so adorable if she’s gone or hurt herself trying to make an escape. I pull out my phone, sending a quick message to the local police station before I pull down the rest of the driveaway knowing I’m going to have my hands full here in a minute. I

bet she’s pacing the floors waiting to unleash on me. As soon as I know she is okay, I will tend to my injured hand. I believe it’s still bleeding but it will have to wait until I see to my girl. I’ve barely stopped the truck when I see her throw the front door open and march down the stairs. She looks fit to be tied and I can’t say I mind the outfit change either. She’s in a pair of tight black pants and a silky blue-gray blouse. I’m guessing she changed before hiking down to the gate. I don’t think anyone could make that walk in a skirt and heels but I wouldn't put it past her. She’s a determined little thing that doesn’t take no for an answer. I have no doubt that if she wants something, she gets it. I am the same exact way; I just go about it a little di erently than her. I wanted her so I got her to my house and locked the gate to make sure she stayed. Same thing. I was just a little more smooth in getting my way. I find it works better. For me at least. Someone made it so it didn't work so well for her. Whoever that someone was, it was one of the assholes I am going to have to show her I’m not. Some people might not care for stubbornness. They probably figure that it’s too much trouble or not worth the fight. Not me, at least not when it comes to her. I’m inviting all of that feistiness she has inside her. I just want to be the something she is fighting so hard to have.


G AMBIT JUMPS UP FROM MY LAP , RUNNING OFF THROUGH THE SMALL dog door. I follow after him wondering what he’s after. I’m sure if he has a dog door he’s free to come and go but I’m not used to dogs roaming around. I find myself attached to the cute little thing already. It even followed me down to the gate when I tried to make my escape. I didn’t try too hard. I keep telling myself it’s because I’m worried the dog won't know how to get back home. It’s the lamest excuse I’ve ever come up with in my life. It’s a straight shot back to the house and he’s a dog. Of course he knows how to get back home. I only made the trek because I got frustrated with the police station. After calling Mr. Weston and going straight to voicemail, I tried finding a ride. That was not an easy task. In fact it was impossible. Finally I called the local police station to ask if maybe they knew of a way to find a car service. When I told them where I was they told me to wait for Colton. I told them he was the reason I was trying to get out of there so fast. It was hard to make out what was being said through the woman’s laughter. It sounded like she said that

no sane woman would try to run from Colton. I’m pretty sure she said that I must be crazy too. She made sure to slide in there that he was the one always running from women. That last comment got my attention. I felt my body tighten at her o handed remark. The idea of him sleeping with women and running o made my stomach turn. All of them having to chase him down. I wouldn't have pegged him as the type, but I should have known better. All men are the same. I am surrounded by those types at work. That’s why I never date. One too many bad dates will leave a bad taste in your mouth. This dispatcher actually took a minute to stop laughing and pretty much called me a liar. She said there was no way that I was at Colton’s house because he didn’t take women home. Then she started interrogating me. I was essentially being held against my will and the only thing this lady cared about was getting information about Colton. These smalltown folk are all kinds of crazy. When I realized that I was getting nowhere fast, I hung up on her. I am not liking this town. The only thing I like here is Gambit, because at least he is loyal and tried to be an accessory to my escape. I see Colton’s truck pulling up the drive as I swing open the door. That explains why Gambit took o out of it moments ago. My irritation has been festering since Colton left without any explanation. He didn’t tell me where he was going, when he’d be back or what was so important that he needed to leave that second. I guess he doesn’t have to tell me what he’s doing but we hadn’t settled the fact that I wasn't staying here. I have a feeling that choice isn't so much up to me anymore. It doesn’t look as if anyone is going to help me get the hell out of here. Mr. Weston will come looking for me at some point. Maybe. I race down the stairs, making a beeline straight to him. He takes his sweet-ass time getting out of his truck. He has that little smirk on his face again.

“Something wrong, sugar?” he says with a smile in his voice. “Looks like you’re upset about something.” Is this man for real right now? is my only thought. How does he stay so calm when I’m clearly pissed? “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, you big jerk! You left me here with no explanation of when you’d be back, no timeframe and you locked me in here!” I let all of that out in one long breath. “Is that all?” His eyes look over me from head to toe. “I have an entire list of things that I can cite if need be.” I'm about to lay into him more until he brings his arm up to wipe his brow and I notice a makeshift bandage wrapped around his hand. I rush forward, grabbing his arm gently and bringing it down so I can get a better look at it. The bandage is a little bloody and it looks like it needs to be wrapped again. “What happened to your hand?” I rush to ask. My heart gives a weird flutter at seeing the blood on him. “Cut it helping a friend,” is the only reply he gives me, which for some reason upsets me all over again. He left me here, locked in and he can’t even give me a decent explanation. “I’ll have you know that I’ve called the police and they’ll be here in a few minutes,” I throw at him, wanting to see his reaction. This big jerk smiles from ear to ear. Maybe they can help with his hand, or at least find out what happened, because he isn’t telling me. “The police don’t come out to this neck of the woods, sweetheart,” he says, still smiling. The police go everywhere. Don’t they? Of course they do. Why is he smiling when his hand is dripping blood? “Maybe we should go to the hospital,” I suggest. My hand moves his closer to me trying to get a better look.

“I thought the cops were already on their way?” That smile turns right into a smirk. I narrow my eyes on him, letting go of his arm. I have a feeling he knows I already tried to call them and no one is coming. “I want to leave, Colton. You can’t keep me here against my will. It’s a crime!” “I’m not stopping you.” He motions with his hand that I’m free to go but I notice his body shifts right into my path. I want to storm o past him but now there is nowhere to go. My eyes drift back to his hand. “You’re not going to go to the hospital, are you?” “If it needs a stitch, I got it. Don’t worry about it.” He shrugs it o . “Someone should take care of you.” The words slip past my lips before I know what I’m saying. “By all means.” He raises his eyebrows in suggestion. “A professional. Like a paramedic?” I turn, heading back into the house and going straight for my phone. He follows me into the house, kicking the door closed behind him. It’s then I notice that he’s covered halfway in mud. I hit dial on the phone. “You again?” The woman from before answers the phone. “Hey, Tammy,” Colton drawls as he tries to toe o his work boot. It doesn't work. He reaches down to try and pull them o with his bloody hand. “Stop that!” I run over to him. “Sit.” I point at the bench next to the front door. “You should have come in the back.” I point toward where I saw the washroom o the kitchen. I’m pretty sure it’s what they call a mudroom. I definitely get the term now. “Busy chasing you.” I drop to the floor to take his boots o for him so he doesn't hurt his hand more. I need to get a look at how bad the cut is. “She’s a handful,” comes from my phone.

“How about you be of some help, Tammy, and get someone out here?” I snip. Not sure if I want someone to come have a look at Colton’s hand so they can talk some sense into him or for someone to help me escape. “He sounds fine to me,” Tammy says back, not seeming to have a care in the world. “You listen here—” I start. “Oh lordy. Fine. I’ll patch you through to the sheri . You’re out of city limits.” With that, the line goes quiet for a moment. I stare at the phone, wondering if she hung up or if she is really patching me through to someone. It starts to ring. My eyes fly from my phone to Colton’s as he leans forward a little, pulling out his cell phone from his back pocket. “Sheri Blackwood,” he answers. My eyes go from his phone to him. He reaches into his pocket again, and this time he pulls out a badge, dropping it down on the bench next to him. “How can I be of service? I’ve sworn to protect and serve, sugar.” He gives me a wink. I stare at him, shocked. Then I do the only rational thing I can. I burst into laughter.


I RATHER ENJOYED THE LITTLE SHOW THAT C HARLOTTE PUT ON WHEN I arrived home. I am getting to her. I am peeling that layer of armor o her little by little. I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist my charm for long or she’d get used to it, since she’s going to be living here. It feels so good to have her doting on me. It’s almost as good as hearing her laughter in our home. She is full of surprises. You never know what you’re going to get. This time I can’t stop myself from reaching out and touching her. I pluck her o the ground, pulling her into my lap. “Your hand.” She stops laughing. Concern coats her words. Yeah, she can play hard all she wants, but this woman is all soft and sweet under that rough exterior she thinks she has to put on all the time. She doesn't say anything about the mud that’s getting all over her pretty outfit as she reaches for my hand. Once she has it she begins to unwrap the cloth I used to tie it up so that I didn't get blood all over the inside of my truck. Nor does she say anything about me putting her in my lap.

“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.” She turns my hand. “I think it stopped bleeding but we should clean it.” Her eyes come to mine. Her plump lips form a perfect O shape as if finally realizing she’s sitting in my lap. She doesn’t make a move to get down so I take that as a good sign. Her eyes go to my mouth and linger there for a few seconds. It’s an invitation I can’t refuse. Leaning in, I kiss her, softly at first. I’m trying to control myself. I savor her sweet mouth for a few moments, waiting for her to lean in to the kiss. My need for her is growing but I don’t want our next kiss to be a stolen one. I want her in on it. I can feel how it will be between us just having my lips on her. I’m hoping she needs this as much as I do but I’m not sure that’s possible since I crave this more than my next breath. Her lips lock with mine in the softest caress. I didn't know something could be so soft. Her lips feel like rose petals against mine. I can’t help but groan when I finally feel her accept me. My hand goes to the back of her head, deepening the kiss. She moans into my mouth as she presses her body closer to mine. Her lips part so I can slip my tongue inside. Again she’s soft and sweet, the innocence of the kiss is intoxicating. Everything about her is delicate. It’s just hidden there under the surface waiting to be discovered. She lets out the smallest moan into my mouth. I fight for control, with the sound almost breaking me. My body is humming with the need to take her down to the floor and have my way with her. The ache is almost unbearable. “Colt,” she breathes, breaking our kiss but keeping her lips close to mine. Close enough for me to take them again but I decide to let her be. I was at the point of no return and I don’t want to be too aggressive. I have to let her open up and take her time or this will be messy. It’s a fine balance with

my Charlotte; I have to let her move forward on her own but also give her a little push or she’ll never get there. I was a bastard about getting her here but I can do this right. Our first time won’t be rushed. I am going to take her nice and slow. I’ll show her how good it could be here with me and make her want to stay. That is my goal, at least. If that doesn't work I have a few other ideas in mind, but those would really make me a bastard. “Anyone ever tell you that you have the softest lips?” I ask her. Her eyes are heavy lidded with lust. She shakes her head no before biting her lips. She still doesn't have her wits about her. I know this because she hasn’t said anything sarcastic in the last few minutes. I take her in, enjoying this docile version of her that’s perched in my lap. If she’s like this after a kiss I bet she’d purr if I made her come. My cock jerks in my jeans thinking about slowly stroking in and out of her as she begs me to come. Her eyes widen, feeling my length pressed against her. My hand, which has been tangled in her hair, drops in preparation for her departure from my lap. I know that she is about to spring up in panic and I don’t want to pull her hair in the process. As if on cue, she does exactly as I thought she would. She gets to her feet and backs up, looking at me like I’m a caged tiger ready to pounce on her. I’m under control. I think. Maybe my face doesn't read that way. She licks her lips. “First aid kit?” she asks, again surprising me. I thought she might yell at me. I deserved it, but she did kiss me back. I reckon she doesn't want me to point that out. Why isn’t she giving me lip? The only reason that comes to mind is that her protective exterior is beginning to crack. That kiss was everything. She had to have felt it too. If I had any doubts before this moment that kiss would have settled them. I felt it down to my marrow that she was my

woman. Looking at her right now, I see it. She’s got one hand on her hip while her chin is tilting up. She isn't going to give me hell about the kiss but she will give me hell if I don't let her tend to my hand. “Sheri ?” She raises her eyebrows now in challenge. “Under the kitchen sink, sugar.” She gives a firm nod as she turns, heading for it. I watch her go, enjoying the view. If she wants to take care of me I am going to let her—for the rest of our lives.


M Y HANDS SHAKE AS I OPEN THE CABINET UNDER THE SINK . I LICK MY lips, trying to still taste Colt. My mind pauses for a moment. Colton, I correct myself. I am not giving him a nickname. I suck in a breath, pulling it together as I find the first aid kit. I let him kiss me. Hell, I kissed him back. It stole my breath. The man was irresistible and I’d wanted a taste. Who could blame a girl? I knew even Tammy would agree. I reach up, touching my lips, wondering if they are really as soft as Colton said. No one has ever told me that before. No kiss has ever been like that for me before, though. That was more than a kiss. At least it felt like it was. If a kiss could put you o kilter so easily, no wonder my mom was always getting her heart broken. I could see someone getting addicted to the euphoria it leaves you in. Even as I made myself pull my mouth from his I wanted to pull him back to me and kiss him again. “They are soft.” I turn to see Colt standing next to the kitchen counter watching me. “Come over here.” I shut the cabinet, ignoring his comment as I turn on the water to let it warm. I give him my

back as I fiddle with the first aid kit. My cheeks feel warm and I know I’m blushing. Knowing that he can see it embarrasses me for some reason. I’m not too keen on anyone seeing my vulnerability. There is no hiding it at this point even if I wanted to. Sure, maybe I could storm o and hide in the bathroom until I get myself under control, but I want to fix his hand more than I care about revealing a piece of myself. It’s something I’m not used to doing. I’ve gone so long hiding any emotion. I have a choice to make. I could slip my mask of perfection back into place or I could take a gamble on Colton for a while. I am afraid to admit to myself that I already made that decision when I kissed him back. I know that there is no turning back from here. In knowing that, I have some questions that I need answers to before I reveal any more of myself to him. I turn around as Colton’s eyes snap from my ass to my face. He gives me that sexy smirk as if admitting he’s been caught and not trying to hide it like most would. I don’t know why it feels di erent with him doing it but it does. I tentatively smile back. We are both quiet as I reach for his hand and begin to clean it. The entire time I have to bite my tongue so I don’t bombard him with a line of questioning. I tell myself to ease into it slowly. But I never listen, even to myself. “How long have you been in love with Delilah?” I say, sounding real pissy even to my own ears. A small part of me is hoping I was wrong, that he doesn’t harbor some longtime love for Delilah. Colton’s eyes soften as they meet mine. “I’ve loved Delilah since we were kids.” My heart drops in my chest at his confirmation. I release his hand and begin to turn away from him. I can feel my eyes filling with tears. I’m such an idiot. I am definitely my mother’s daughter. My mask slips back into place on its own.

“I have some work to do so I would appreciate it if you could show me to the room that I’ll be staying in.” Colton looks at me with a confused expression on his stupid handsome face, that smile dropping away. “I put your things in your room.” I can feel him move behind me. “That’s the master.” I know because I snooped around. He left me here. What else was a girl to do? I might have cracked open a few drawers too. There were no signs of a crazy serial killer. Unless being a tidy man is one of them. “Like I said. I put you where you’ll be staying.” Fine. If he wants to give me his bed I’m not going to fight him on it. In fact, I need to get away from him as fast as I can. I go to take o toward his bedroom, but his hands land on my hips, keeping me in place. “Sugar,” he drawls. His mouth is so close to my ear it makes the hair next to it tickle me softly. “I’m not your sugar.” I answer back, fighting to keep my tone as cool as he always keeps his. I’ve always thought I was good at reading people. A skill I picked up early in life to protect myself. Somehow I can’t get a read on Colt, though. The one person I am starting to think I really need it on. “I’m the only one’s sugar you’re ever going to be.” This time there isn’t a drawl to his tone. I turn around to look at him. “That’s rich coming from a man who already has a sugar.” I yell the last part. Mad at having to say he has a sugar. Mad that the stupid word sugar is so cute and I was liking it secretly. Now I’m going to have to hate it somehow. I turn, trying to storm o , but the hold he has on my hips doesn’t let up. “Let go.” I stare up at him. He pulls me more into him. His hard cock presses against me.

“No.” He says that one word. Simple and to the point. It should piss me o more, but like everything that concerns him, I tend to have the wrong reaction. Well, I tell myself it's the wrong reaction. My temper actually cools. He’s not backing down, nor is he letting me get away. The two things that always work for me. I either walk out or make someone else get pissed and they walk out. Neither will work on him. He knows my game.


S HE TRIES TO HIDE THE UNSHED TEARS BRIMMING IN HER BRIGHT BLUE eyes. I really am at a loss now. I have no idea what I’ve done in the past few seconds to hurt her, but knowing I did twists my stomach into knots. A feeling of unease settles over me. I can handle her being worked up but having her visibly upset isn’t a look I like. Those tears are going to haunt my dreams and cause me many sleepless nights. I thought I had her there for a moment. One thing was sure, I’m not letting her storm o pretending to be pissed at me when really she is about to cry. Me calling her sugar really seemed to send her over the edge. She didn’t say anything the first time I called her by that name, but this time she’s become upset by it. I myself don’t know where the term came from. It slipped right out of my mouth when talking to her. I think because I know she’s sweet to her core even though she tries to act otherwise. She can try and hide it all she wants, but I can see the real her. Even when she was mad today she put it aside to tend to my hand. I could see the compassion in her eyes. She cared if I was okay. Everything else was forgotten. She might be a

city girl but she was made for a life out here. She has a backbone and wouldn’t take shit, but right there under it all is a sweet woman. She acted like a momma bear when she got a look at my hand. I just have to show her she was made to be here with me. If I fail then I guess I’ll figure out how to live in the city because there is not a chance in hell that I am spending another day without her. “I’m not letting you go until you tell me what I did wrong.” It’s a half lie. I would let her hips go for the moment but I’m not letting her go ever. “You’re in love with another woman and calling me sugar.” She tries to make her words sound angry but I hear the hurt in them. I think there may even be a trace of need in her tone. I’m so out of my depth here that I may just be reading into things. “I love a few women. I’ve been graced with women in my life that should be loved.” Pain shows in her face now, that mask slipping the more she tries to hold it in place. There’s no hiding it but I’m starting to get it now. “My mom being one of them,” I quickly tell her. “Delilah is a little sister to me. I love her ma too. Give it time and I’m sure they’ll have you loving them too.” Her eyebrows furrow together, my words starting to sink in for her. “I’ve never loved a woman like I think you’re insinuating, though.” Those bright blue eyes of hers fill with hope, giving me some of my own. Is that what this has been all about? Her thinking I was in love with Delilah? A light bulb goes o in my head. She thinks I kept calling her because I was trying to find out about Delilah. I did the first time ‘cause my mom asked me to. After that it was because I wanted to talk to her and it was the only reason I had to call her. “But—”

I cut her o . “I kept calling to talk to you, Charlotte. I knew Delilah was fine. That girl can handle herself. Like I said, she’s a little sister to me. We grew up together.” I lean down, brushing my lips against hers. “You’re di erent. You’re my sugar.” I make the “my” clear. Wanting her to get that she really is something di erent than any other woman in my life. “Oh,” is all she says. She licks her lips, her tongue darting out and grazing my mouth. My whole body clenches at the innocent mistake. She sucks in a breath, realizing what she’s done. She really is starting to test my good nature. “Now, I’m going to let you go but you aren't going anywhere.” I let her know my intentions. “You can run o to our bedroom all you like, but that’s about as far as you’re getting for now.” She nods in agreement. I think I’ve left her speechless. I release her hips from my hold. She steps back, her eyes still wide for a moment before she turns, darting o toward our room. I have to fight a chuckle. I step out, looking down the hallway and smile when I see she doesn't close the bedroom door all the way. My eyes flick over to her cell phone, which is still lying on the floor by the front door. I’m a little bit shocked she forgot about the thing. I walk over, picking it up and glancing down to the home screen. She has a bunch of missed calls from the same person. My hand tightens around the phone when I see the name Brent over and over, wondering who he is. It never even crossed my mind that she may have someone in her life. I fucking hate Brent immediately. The thought of him being near my girl is almost more than I can bear. A small growl comes from me when his name flashes across the screen. He’s calling again. Fuck it. I answer it.

“What do you want?” I say into the phone, knowing I shouldn't. I’m sure this is her business line. For all I know I could be getting the wrong idea, like she had about Delilah. I’ve managed to gather some information about Charlotte's life, but not much. I know that she is an only child raised by her mother. Her father was nonexistent and her mother passed away a few years back. From the small amount I could find out about her, it looked like all she did was work. Too damn much if you asked me, and the name Brent has never popped up anywhere. “Who is this?” he asks, sounding confused. “Is that my phone?” I turn to see Charlotte standing in the hallway moving toward me. It’s then I see she’s only in a fucking towel. “Charlotte?” the man says, having heard her in the background. “Wait, is this Drake Weston?” “No,” I clip. My eyes are roaming all over Charlotte, taking in as much of her bare skin as I can. We both stand there in silence. My eyes are feasting on her bare legs. My cock presses against my jeans, knowing that she’s naked under that towel. She’s no angel over there. Her eyes are working overtime as well, raking over every inch of my body. They widen and she licks her lips when she gets to my rock-hard cock. I instinctively reach down to adjust myself and I hear a small whimper come from her. Words are unnecessary between us; our connection is enough. “Who’s Brent?” I say with a tight jaw and maybe a little growl. I hang up on him before she even answers my question. I power o her phone and make my way toward her, the need for me to take her even stronger now. I’m sick with jealousy as I wait for her to answer me. “He’s just someone that interviewed with Mr. Weston. He doesn’t take kindly to hearing the word no so he keeps

calling me.” I’m going to have me a nice long talk with this asshole. It isn’t going to be today, though, because I have more important things to do. “If he keeps on bothering you, I’ll take care of it.” That must have been the wrong thing to say because Charlotte's face twists into that pissed-o look. I know that mouth is about to hand me my ass for suggesting she couldn’t handle something. “I don’t need a man to take care of anything. I’m more than capable of handling him.” I let out a deep sigh. “Trust me, sugar, I know you are.” I reach out, running my finger down her soft cheek. “I never thought you couldn’t handle anything thrown your way.” I step in to her. “Maybe I just want to. Not because I don’t think you can but because I want to be your man. I could have taken care of my hand but I enjoyed having you do it for me. Wouldn’t you enjoy someone taking care of you for a change?” “It sounds nice.” There is a wistfulness to her words but I can hear the “but” coming. “I don’t let myself count on things I can’t control. You could be here today and gone tomorrow.” She shrugs. “I'm not going anywhere. I’m a man of my word.” “And what word is it you’re giving me?” “That I want you. I think that’s clear. I don’t think I’m the only one.” My mind thinks back to the man on the phone. “You got someone back home?” “You got someone here?” She does that sexy thing where she pops out her hip, placing her hand on it. “Standing right in front of me.” Her mouth fights a smile. “Men always want something for right now. I wish I could be a right-now kind of girl.” She sighs. Her eyes roam over me. I know she wants me. The

heat is in her gaze but I know she’s scared of getting hurt. I saw that in her eyes when she had it in that pretty head of hers that I had a thing for Delilah. I need to reassure her. Let her know I’m the staying kind. “I won’t hurt you,” I vow. Her eyes lock with mine. “Promise me.” Her words come out whisper soft. They’re laced with vulnerability. “I promise.” I lean down, kissing her. I make it faster than I want to. “Go finish your shower.” I step back from her. This isn’t only about sex. I want to prove that to her. “I’ll make us something to eat.” “Mm-kay.” She nods before she smiles at me. I can feel her trust. Another reason I know we’re so connected. I swear I can sense her at times. I watch her turn, heading back to our bedroom. Either she hasn’t picked up on me calling it our bedroom or she likes that I keep calling it that. I turn toward the kitchen, thankful I paid attention when my mom was cooking. I am going to feed my woman. Then I am going to work on making her fall in love with me. God knows I already love her.


I STAND IN THE SHOWER LETTING THE WARM WATER BEAT DOWN ON MY skin. I can’t stop smiling thinking of how this night is turning out. The unfounded anger I had toward Colt subsided as soon as he admitted that he wasn’t with anyone and that he wasn’t in love with Delilah. I’d gotten the wrong impression when it came to their relationship. You know what they say about people who assume things. That’s how I feel right now. It has never felt so good to be wrong about something before. Maybe that has something to do with Colt not being smug about it. He didn’t gloat. More than anything he wanted it straightened out so I understood. Once Colt had uttered the words that Delilah was like a sister to him, it was as if a weight was lifted o of my shoulders. One that I didn’t even know I was carrying. I’m not sure what this means for us but I know that I want to find out. There is something about him that makes me want to give this a chance. I finish my shower, making sure I take extra care. A girl never knows what’s going to happen so it’s best to be

prepared. I always am. I towel o my hair before finding something to wear. I wish I’d packed more but I’ll make do. My stomach lets out a growl like it hasn’t had a bite of food in over a week. I head down the hall toward the kitchen, where I know I’ll find Colt. The smell of food hits my nose as I get closer. It smells delicious and my feet pick up the pace to see what he is making. He's standing over the stove, his broad back to me. When he hears me approach he turns, gracing me with that killer smile of his. My stomach growls again but it’s not the only thing that’s hungry. My eyes feast on the sight of him. I’ve looked at him plenty of times since I’ve been here but I was always sneaking to do it. I am openly checking him out and he knows it. It feels di erent now that I know no one has a claim on him. That he isn’t pining after someone else. The only person he seems to want right now is me. He winks at me and gestures for me to come closer. I almost run there, unable to hold myself back from him anymore. I stop inches away from his chest, tilt my chin up and silently ask for a kiss. He grants my request, his lips meeting mine. His hand on my back pulls me tight to his hard body. I let out a small moan at the same time my stomach lets out an obnoxious growl demanding food. I feel his smile against my lips, which makes me smile also. “There will be plenty of time for this later, sugar. First, I need to feed you.” He lifts me up and seats me on a counter bar stool easily. “One more for the road,” he says as he steals a kiss from me and walks over to the stove. “That’s an awful short distance to justify a kiss,” I say, laughing. My thoughts drift to how comfortable I am with Colt in his home. I feel at peace here and just overall happy right now. Something has clicked inside of me that makes me want a life here. Thoughts of work have been forgotten.

I’m broken from my thoughts when I hear Colt call out to Gambit before tossing the pup a piece of meat. “I thought you weren’t supposed to feed your pets from the table.” I never understood people that could resist slipping their dog a bite every now and then. Those puppy dog eyes would get me every time. “Gambit deserves his treat. He did as he was told.” I watch as Colt starts to plate our food. “He kept an eye on you.” He tosses another piece of steak to Gambit, who catches it in the air. “How can that little dog keep an eye on me? I think I kept an eye on him.” Gambit barks like he doesn't agree with me. “I‘m going to feed you too.” Colt slides a plate in front of me with a giant steak on it. It looks better than any I’ve ever seen before and I’ve been to some of the nicest restaurants in New York. That was one of the perks I enjoyed about my job. If Mr. Weston made me su er through a business meeting usually he had it at a fancy restaurant. “Gambit’s got a tracker on him. Told him to stick to you.” My eyes fly up to Colt, who is sitting down a plate across from me. “I was worried he’d get lost!” I look to Gambit, who barks. I swear it sounds like a laugh. “I couldn't lose Gambit if I tried.” Colt shakes his head, walking to the fridge and coming back a moment later with glasses of iced tea for both of us. He pulls up one of the kitchen stools and sits down across from me. “Then why did you put a tracker in him?” I rebu . “Vet said I should get one when I finally took him in.” He shrugs. “Finally?” I ask, knowing there is a story there. He and Gambit don’t really match up. I guess neither do Colt and I. I reach for a fork, not wanting to think about that.

“Dog followed me around everywhere. I finally just kept him.” He looks down at Gambit while shaking his head. “I’m rather fond of little Gambit here and he can come home to New York with me if you don’t want him. Isn’t that right, Gambit?” I hear a growl that I know didn’t come from Gambit. When I look over at Colton, his jaw is tight. “That’s going to be impossible, sugar.” He doesn’t elaborate and I don’t push him on why he seems so upset about me suggesting taking Gambit. I was only teasing. “I was just joking about stealing Gambit.” I look down at my plate. “Thank you for dinner. The food looks and smells delicious.” I shove a piece of steak in my mouth so I don’t start jabbering on any more than I already have. I suddenly feel shy, not sure what I should say. His hand grabs mine across the counter and gives it a little squeeze. When I look up he’s smiling at me. He leans halfway over, cutting the distance between us. His other hand reaches up and strokes my cheek, sending a shiver through me. How can a man be so handsome? “Eat up, sugar. I’m desperate to have my dessert.” His fingers trace down the side of my neck. My pulse picks up.


S HE LOOKS SO SEXY SITTING HERE FRESHLY SHOWERED WITH NO makeup on. It takes everything in me not to swipe all the food o this counter to feast on what I’m really craving— her. People say everyone is born for a reason. I always wondered what mine might be but now I know. It’s her. I was made to make her happy. Getting her to smile at me like she has been for the past few minutes has made my night. Having her decide to stay here with me would make my life. She belongs here, everything feels right now. I hadn’t known I’d been restless inside until her feet hit the ground here. It made everything inside of me still. I’d thought I was home but now it really is home. “Any chance I could get my hand back, Colt? This steak isn’t going to cut itself and I’m really looking forward to the dessert part.” I didn’t think my cock could get any harder, but with her words I’m proven wrong. I smile as her eyes meet mine. I lift the hand I’m holding and kiss her fingers before I let them go. Charlotte blushes and it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

“Eat up, sugar. You’ll need all the energy you can get.” I toy with her right back. When her eyes meet mine they are heavy with lust. The room is thick with it. I can’t believe how much she’s starting to let her guard down. I need to make sure I use these opportunities. I knew my window of convincing her to stay was closing. I would only be able to keep Drake and her apart for so long. Not to mention if Delilah catches wind of what I’m up to there’s no telling how she’ll react. You never know what you’re going to get with her. She’ll either help me or tell me I’m being a dick for tricking Charlotte into coming here. Well, I don’t know if trick is the right word. Maybe leverage is better. At least it sounds better in my head. I eat my food, not tasting a thing. I can’t keep my eyes from watching every bite she takes. I’ve never enjoyed watching someone eat before. Hell, I’ve never thought about doing it before. This felt good though. Watching my woman eat the food I made for her. “That was amazing.” She sighs, having cleared her plate. I pick both of ours up, taking them over to the sink. I’ll deal with them later. “Did you save room?” I turn around to face her. I watch as her cheeks turn a shade of pink. I know what she’s thinking. I meant what I said. I am going to eat her for dessert but first I am going to give her actual dessert. “I think I have a little room left.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her she’s going to need more than a little room to fit me but my manners keep me in check. Barely. She’s the only person that has ever tested them before but she’s also the only one I’ve ever had such crude, dirty thoughts about. My mind has been coming up with all kinds of things I want to do to her when I finally get her under me.

I walk over to the freezer, pulling out a container of homemade ice cream. Not homemade by me, but still the best ice cream around. I’m not going to tell her it’s Tammy who makes it. I don’t think they are on the best of terms but give it time. Everyone dislikes the woman at first. Then she grows on you like a weird aunt. “Oh.” Disappointment shows on her face. Yeah, she had the same idea I did about what dessert was going to be. It is, but I want to ease into this. As bad as I want to be inside of her, I also need her to want to stay. I know sex with her is going to be mind-blowing. That’s the easy part. Our chemistry is o the charts, but I need it to be more than the physical act. Now, making her fall in love with me and stay is a whole di erent story. “Promise it’s not only the best ice cream you’ve ever had but the porch has got the best sunset you’ve ever seen, too.” I grab a spoon before walking over and holding my hand out for her to take before leading her outside. I take her around the side so we’re facing west, where the sun is slipping down under the pond. I sit down in the giant rocking chair. This is normally where I sit each night, but alone. I pull her down into my lap. Her back is pressed up against my chest. Her tight little ass sits on my hard cock. She’s wearing a sweater that slips o one of her shoulders. Her bare skin is exposed and begging for attention. My lips immediately find that beautiful, soft skin. I begin to line soft kisses from her shoulder to her neck. She cranes her head to the side, inviting me to continue. Small whimpers are now coming from her as her ass grinds down on me. “This okay, sugar?” I ask. Wanting to make sure we’re on the same page. “Beautiful, Charlotte. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

She nods her head in approval while she continues to wiggle her little ass on me. It’s a wonderful torture. My mouth continues to explore her bare sweet skin but I need more of her. She’s grinding down on me faster now. I slip my hand up her shirt, feeling her soft breast against my skin. My fingers tease her pert nipple and my mouth waters to get a taste of her. I can’t see her there but I know she’s perfect. Everything about her is. She was made for me. There isn’t a thing about her that doesn’t appeal to every part of me. “You like that, sugar? My callused, rough hands on your perfect body? Are you curious how they’ll feel on your pussy?” Her breath catches and I know she is. My hand tracks down to where she’s wearing little sleep shorts. I trace the outside of her thigh where the shorts end. Her hips are now rising to try and get my hand where she needs it the most. “Colt, please.” She whimpers and it’s my undoing. She’ll never have to beg for me to pleasure her again. My hand slips into her shorts while my fingers continue to work her nipple. Her little pussy is dripping wet for me. Even though I wish I could see her there this isn’t about me right now, it’s about making her come. My finger traces over the light hair she has there. She pushes up into my hand, needing more from me. “Your pussy is nice and wet for me, Charlotte. Does it need me to make it come?” I say against her neck as I keep on kissing her. A moan is her only response. “Take your sweater o for me, sugar. Let me feel your warm skin against mine as my hand works that sweet pussy of yours.” She blushes all the way down her neck but she lifts her shirt o without hesitation. I remove my hand from her panties to take my own shirt o . I toss it to the ground. I reach down and slip my hand

back down those sinful shorts. I’d burn them before I ever let her leave the house in those things. My fingers begin to work her clit. Her pussy is begging for release. Her juices coat my fingers. I remove my hand once again to bring it to my mouth, needing to taste her sweetness. I need one little taste to hold me over. I shut my eyes when her flavor hits my tongue. I may have come a little just from that act alone. This woman is going to be my undoing. “Sugar, your pussy tastes just like your nickname. I’ll never be able to be without it now. One taste is all it took and that pussy is mine forever.” Charlotte grabs my hand and guides it back to where she needs it, her small act of aggression turning me on more. I like that she goes for something when she wants it. I squeeze her pussy through her shorts, letting it know who it belongs to now. The sun sets while I continue to strum her clit. I feel her legs begin to shake as my hand brings her to release. She moans my name as her orgasm hits. I will never forget this for as long as I’m on earth. One day soon she’ll ride my cock on this chair for the sunrise and maybe again for the sunset.


M Y HEAD FALLS BACK AS MY BODY MELTS INTO C OLT ’ S . I CAN ’ T remember the last time I’ve ever felt so relaxed in my life. My mind is blank, enjoying the feeling of the orgasm buzzing across my skin. My eyes lazily drift open as I watch the sun disappear under the pond. What would it be like to do this every day? To not have five million things to think about. To let myself fall into a man and know he’s going to take care of everything. It really does sound too good to be true but right now I just don’t care. I’m going to enjoy this moment. I turn in to Colt’s arms, pressing my chest into his. “Take me to bed,” I say before I press my mouth to his. I know he’ll make my first time good. It’s the kind of man he is. His hands might be rough to the touch but he’ll handle me with care. I have to only pray I don't let my heart fall too much. I don't know if this is forever. Hell, I don't know if I’ll be on a plane back out of here tomorrow. But I have to live in the now. For the first time in my life I’m going to let myself do that.

His mouth takes mine. I started the kiss but he easily takes it over. Colt may be a gentleman but under it all there is an aggressive man. I think that man only comes out when pressed. He contains that side of him well, only using it as a last resort. I’m enjoying that I was the one to bring it to the surface. The knowledge that I can test his control makes me feel sexy. “Anything you want, sugar.” He stands, his hands going to my ass to keep me pressed to him. I wrap my legs around him. I kiss at his neck as he pushes into two double doors that lead right into the master suite o the deck. Moments later my back hits the bed. He stands on the side looking down at me for a moment, his eyes everywhere. He goes for my sleep shorts, pulling them down my legs, leaving me naked in his bed. My heart starts pounding in my chest wondering what he thinks. I’ve never been full-on naked in front of a man before. I know I am more legs than anything. I don't have a ton of hips like some girls. My breasts are but a mere handful. I remember the first time I saw Delilah, I thought she had curves in all the right places, but the way Colt’s eyes are eating up every inch of me I’m thinking he enjoys my body just fine. His heated gaze soothes some of my shyness. It emboldens me to spread my legs, inviting him to take what I want him to have. I never thought I was saving my virginity. It just wasn't something I had the time for or wanted to deal with. Now I think I was waiting for this man. It no longer feels like it is something I need to do. I no longer want to get it over with and be done. No, this is going to be everything. I want to see and feel the entire experience with Colton. I know that, regardless of what happens between us, I will remember this for the rest of my life. I am thankful that this

special memory will be with him. I’ll always have a piece of him. “Fucking hell you’re beautiful.” His voice is gru , almost sounding pained. He has no idea how beautiful he makes me feel looking at me the way he is. “Colt, I need…” I try to scoot further up the bed but his wrist wraps around my ankle, pulling me down. “I know what you need, sugar. I’m a big man and I need to get you ready before I give it to you. I think it’s time for my real dessert.” He licks his lips, his eyes traveling to between my thighs. “Keep those gorgeous legs spread for me, Charlotte. I need to taste your cum on my tongue.” His head dips down and my eyes are trained on him as he takes his first lick of me. His eyes close for a second as if he’s trying to get himself under control. My moan jolts him out of his state. His eyes meet mine as his tongue delves into my folds. It’s the most erotic experience of my life. My eyes focus on him and his on me as he works me, licking and sucking me toward another orgasm. One of those thick fingers lingers at my entrance. He begins to push it in but stops. “Fucking hell you’re tight,” he groans against my clit. My entire body flushes as my arm comes up to cover my eyes. Colton looks up at me. “Why are you hiding yourself from me?” I peek out from behind my arm. It’s not like he’s not going to find out. I might as well blurt it out. “I’ve never done this before, Colt.” I’d gotten lost in the moment. I thought maybe he wouldn't be able to tell. “I’m sorry, I should have said something sooner.” “You think I don’t know that, sugar?” He takes a long lick of me, his tongue circling my clit. “I can taste your innocence,” he tells me. “See it in your eyes. You try and hide it but I see you.”

I gasp, not only from his words, but as he presses his finger fully inside of me and starts to pump. I should have known. The man has been reading me so easily. That scared me mere hours ago, but now it makes me feel light. Free even. I drop my arm from shielding my eyes, wanting to give him all of me. He smiles as he sucks my clit into his mouth, his finger pumping in and out of me. He adds another. The fit is tight but so right. I’m almost there, my orgasm right on the brink. “Give it to me,” he demands. I do. My body was waiting for his command as I come for him, crying out his name, I shake and hum with pleasure. When I open my eyes he has shifted. He hovers over me. He’s staring down at me with those gray eyes. His cock slowly presses into me. I’ve never felt so close to someone in my whole life as in this moment. “You know you belong to me now.” My breath hitches. I want that. “You belong to me then.” I wrap my legs around him the best I can. “Always have,” he responds as his mouth comes down on me and his cock presses fully into me. It doesn't hurt like I think it’s going to. Instead all I feel is how perfect this is. I taste myself on his lips. The only thing I feel is pleasure and something else that I can’t place. A warmness fills the center of my chest, blooming out unlike anything I’ve felt. My eyes sting with unshed tears as I kiss him back, digging my fingers into his hair. Needing in this moment to be as close to him as humanly possible. I lift my hips to meet his as he slowly makes love to me. It’s tender and sweet and I feel a tear slip free. I open my eyes when he pulls his mouth from mine, our eyes locking. “Charlotte?”

I shake my head no. “Don’t stop,” I tell him. “It’s perfect.” I stop short of saying I love you but those words flutter through my mind. Again he leans down, kissing the trails of my tears. He doesn’t stop; he continues to move inside of me until my body is on the verge of another orgasm. “Wait for me, sugar. Only when I tell you to. I can feel your pussy squeezing me so tight but I don’t want this to end. You’re perfect just like I knew you’d be.” His pace picks up. I can tell he’s fighting this too. Neither one of us wants this to end. “It doesn't have to end. I’m not going anywhere.” The words leave my lips on their own. He groans. I swear they send him over. “Now, sugar,” he commands. I come with him, feeling his warm release inside of me. My back bows o the bed as pleasure envelops me. He consumes me. He pulls me close, wrapping his body around me. My eyes fall closed, hoping that this doesn't end. Wishing with everything in me that this was di erent. He isn't like the men my mom brought home. There is no way he is like any of them. Colt is di erent. He has to be because I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him. Who am I kidding? I am.


S HE LAYS ON MY CHEST SILENTLY SLEEPING . H ER EVEN BREATHING IS the most soothing sound I’ve ever heard in my life. I haven’t had sleep this good in forever. Hell, I slept past dawn. That is definitely something I’m not used to doing. My body just won't let me. I get up like clockwork every single day. I run her silky blond hair through my fingers as I wonder if our daughters will have this color hair too. It reminds me of spun gold. In her sleep she looks so relaxed. That mind of hers isn't going a million miles an hour. I like to think that she needed me as much as I needed her. That I was the only one that was able to get her to calm down. At least I am praying she needs me. Today is a new day and you never know what you’re going to get with Charlotte. She can go from a sweet, docile kitten to a tiger at the flip of a switch. I hope when she wakes she doesn't have any regrets. I play over in my mind what she said about it not having to end last night. It hadn’t. I lost count of how many times I woke her in the night. I finally told myself no more. I was going to hurt her. Then she’d woken me. She climbed on top of me and

took what she wanted. I knew she might be sore but I wasn't going to tell her no. I would never tell her that. Unless it came to her leaving me or something I think might put her in harm's way. “You watching me?” My eyes fly back to her face from where I was playing with her blond, silky locks. “Yeah,” I admit, not shy about it. I don't have a shy bone in my body but I love watching her cheeks turn pink like they are doing right now. She bites her lip, her shyness coming back. This time she doesn’t hide it or try to get away from me. In fact, she snuggles closer, her hand running up my chest. “Colt,” she starts to say. “It’s Saturday. You’re not working.” I cut her o . I don’t know why I go on the defensive so fast. She only smiles. It settles me down real quick. I’m not used to getting worked up in the first place. She can do that to me. Fuck, this woman could do anything to me. She owns me and doesn't know it. I’m thinking she still isn't getting how done in I am for her. I plan on spending the entire day showing her how wrapped around her finger I really am. Maybe I plan on having those long legs of hers wrapped around me at some point also. “I was going to ask you if we could eat breakfast on the porch.” Her smile gets bigger. Maybe she does know how done in I am because she’s enjoying that I got worked up so easy. “You’ll have to cook it, though. I’m terrible in the kitchen,” she admits. “I don’t believe you’re terrible at anything.” I’d eat anything she made me with a smile on my face as long as she made it in our kitchen. I picture her in nothing but an apron while standing at our stove. This image does my cock no favors but it will have to wait. “But I’ll cook you anything you want, sugar.”

Gambit barks, wanting in the bedroom. Only to remind me it’s past his breakfast time. I made sure to lock him out last night since he has an obsession with Charlotte. I didn’t want an audience. I don’t care if it’s just a dog. He is a little cock blocker. He thinks that he is the only one that can get a laugh or a smile out of Charlotte. The two of them are actually really adorable together. I’d be jealous but it gives me an idea of how she’ll be with our kids. I kiss her mouth before reluctantly pulling myself from the bed to head out to feed the little fur ball. I know if I stay any longer I’ll end up between her legs again. She needs rest, along with food. I want to show her that her needs will always come first. That I will take care of her. I slide on some pants before I walk toward the kitchen. My phone goes o with an alert that lets me know someone’s at the front gate. I open the app and see it’s Drake. I slide my finger across the screen to open the gate, wondering what the hell he wants so early in the morning. I was hoping for a day of peace and quiet to spend with my girl. Gambit is yelping at my feet so I quickly feed him. He’ll probably run into the bedroom as soon as he’s done eating to be with Charlotte. Lucky little dog. I already miss her and she’s only a few rooms away. I hear Drake's truck pull up the driveway and a door slam so I head to the front door to let him in, flipping the lock. “What the hell is so important that you’re at my house this early?” I say as I head back to the kitchen, Drake following behind me. “Good morning to you too, sunshine,” he says dryly. “Where are those country manners you pride yourself on?” Drake sits at the counter like he owns the place. “What is it you need, Weston? Make it quick. I got shit to do.” I place a pan on the stove and begin to make Charlotte’s

breakfast. I’m hoping to get back to her before she gets up. She looked almost about to fall back asleep when I left her. “Is that the thanks I get for getting Charlotte here after you practically blackmailed me to do it?” Drake says it with a half-smile, shaking his head. “By the look of you, it seems to be working out real good.” I turn to look at him, wondering what the hell his point is. Yeah, I had something he wanted and he had something I wanted. We traded favors. What’s done is done. “I still need her to work for me so don’t get any ideas of her retiring.” He says the last part with a frown on his face. There it is. I don’t know if Charlotte would choose to give up her job or not. That is her decision to make, but I do think it’s something she could do from here if she wanted. Drake is here now. It might even make things easier—or she could just quit. “Did you drive here to get a thank you from me? I bet you did.” I walk over to the counter, putting my hands down on it. I don’t like him thinking he has any kind of claim to my woman. Boss or not, he can go fuck himself. I do my best to keep my manners though. “Well, thank you for forcing Charlotte to come here so that I can convince her that this is where she belongs. If it wasn’t for you ignoring her emails, texts and calls she would never have come here. She sure as fuck wouldn’t be lying in my bed right now. There’s your thanks, now hit the road, Weston. I have a woman to tend to.” I push o the counter, having made myself crystal clear. To be honest, as well as it had worked in my favor I was mad he’d let me do it to begin with. What if I wasn't a man that had good intentions? What if it hadn't been me? “Make sure you don’t say a word of this to Delilah either,” I add, turning to get back to cooking. I don’t need Delilah showing up and adding her two cents. I have one job to do today and that is

to make Charlotte fall in love with me. I don’t need anyone getting in my way. I hear his chair push across the floor, his heavy steps moving toward the door. “I would think you of all people would understand why I did what I did,” he throws at me before I hear the door close shut. A few beats later his truck starts, taking o down my driveway. I feel more like a bastard. He was right. I had him over a barrel when I called for my favor on Charlotte. I do understand. I think my real anger is with myself. I need to come clean to my girl about what I did. I put extra bacon on the stove. Everything always sounds better with bacon. Maybe my confession will too.


T HERE ’ S A SLIGHT BRUSH TO MY FACE THAT IS AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER . It pulls me from my sleep. A big smile breaks out on my face, knowing that I must have fallen asleep and Colt is back with my breakfast. A girl could get used to this. Normally it’s me up and getting things done for others. I keep my eyes closed, wanting to stay in this moment forever. I’ve never felt more at home than I do at this moment in this bed. The smell of Colt all around me. I can even still feel him on my skin. It’s almost as though he branded himself on me last night. “You better have my breakfast,” I tease. I’m greeted with a warm lick to my face. My eyes spring open to see Gambit sitting right in front of me. He scares the crap out of me but I laugh and pet his little head. My body is sore from last night but in a good way. I pull myself from the bed stretching as I go. I grab my pajamas from o the floor. As much as I want to stay in bed I want to see Colt more. Pulling on my clothes, I pause when I hear a familiar voice drift down the hall. Mr. Weston is here. I smile, almost laughing, because for once I’d forgotten about work. It wasn’t a thought in my mind. All I could think

about was Colt and it felt good. So good that I’m going to tell Drake I’ll talk to him Monday. Hell, I have so much vacation time I might call it all in. I pause when I hear my name, my body going sti as I hear Colt admit that he tricked me to get me here. He had Mr. Weston make sure that I would come here. My boss deliberately ignored me because he knew that I would get on a plane and hunt him down to get my work done. I will deal with him later. Right now I am struggling with myself about how I feel about what Colt did. On one hand I am pissed because he tricked me, but on the other hand I am warmed that he went to such great lengths just to have me. All of it makes sense now. I am going to rip into Colt about what he did but I’m not going anywhere. I know in my heart that he didn’t do it to be malicious. It’s a little crazy but also flattering thinking about how he orchestrated this entire thing so he could have me. I don’t think a man would do that for a one-night thing. Thoughts of the men that my mom used to be with drift in and try to take over. They try to play on my insecurities but I won’t let them. I’ve let them rule my life for too long. I know that Colt isn’t that sort of man. This wasn’t about sex. He must have been desperate for me. That’s the only reason he would ever do something like this. While I’m not okay with him deceiving me, I still want him. I love him. It all seems so fast but when you know, you know. In saying that, maybe I should let him have a little taste of what it’s like to be tricked. I hear Mr. Weston’s car drive o and I know that I only have a few minutes before Colt comes to get me. Gambit is sitting on the edge of the bed watching my every move. I cross the room to get the carry-on bag that I brought with me. I go over to the closet, dumping all of my belongings out onto the floor. It’s nice and empty now. I dig through the

pile, finding something to wear before I pull my hair up and get ready to go fight for what I want. I’m not running. I know Colt. He’d only track me down and bring me back. As much as I love that I know he’d do that, it is a waste of time. As I walk back to the bed, I see that Gambit has taken up residence in my bag. “I’m not going anywhere.” I pet his little head and he hops out of the bag so I can pick it up. I head for the kitchen with my bag in hand and Gambit trailing behind me. Colt turns from the stove, his eyes going from me to the suitcase I’m holding. His whole body goes sti . “Put it down.” He doesn’t have to say what it is. I know he’s talking about my bag. “I heard—” He moves fast, cutting o my words. The bag slips from my hand, hitting the ground as my ass meets the countertop. He steps between my legs. “Don’t care what you heard. You’re not going anywhere.” His big hands go to my waist, keeping me in place. I’m trying to be irritated with him but my body isn’t getting the memo. Heat warms me at his possessiveness. “What if I don’t want to stay here?” I hedge. “Then you’ll wait for me to pack a bag too,” he throws back easily. “You’d leave your life to come back to the city with me?” I search his face. I don’t want that. I want a life here, but knowing he’d do that for me erases any doubt I had in my mind about how serious Colt is about us. We may have only known each other a short time but we are both all in. “If you hadn’t noticed, Charlotte, I’m head over heels in love with you. I’d live anywhere as long as I was with you. I only tricked you into coming here because I thought you might like it here.” He leans in. “You want to leave, you only have to say the word. We’ll be out of here.”

“You love me?” “Yeah, sugar, I love you. As you can see, there isn’t anything I won’t do for you.” “I love you, too,” I rush to tell him. I’ve only ever said those words to my mom before. I did love her, but with Colt this is di erent. For the first time in my life I actually feel safe. Grounded. I don’t have to worry that at any moment everything could change. Colt is solid. He’ll always keep his word. “We putting the bag away or do Gambit and I need to pack one too?” His eyes flick over to the bag laying on the kitchen floor. It’s open, with Gambit sitting in it. His eyes come back to mine. “You weren’t leaving.” It’s not a question. My empty bag says it all. I shake my head no. “Only giving you a taste of your own medicine.” Colt shakes his head as he smiles. “Life will never be boring with a wife like you.” He kisses me. Deep and hard. I’m pretty sure it is his way of saying we are getting married. I kiss him back just as hard and deep. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he says when our mouths finally part. “Yeah.” I wiggle closer to him. Wanting more of that kiss. Loving that I’m going to have this man for the rest of my life. I had no idea finding home would come so easily, but with a man like Colt I know he will always make sure I find what I need.


5 years later “D OES THAT LLAMA HAVE A PINK BOW IN ITS HAIR ?” D RAKE ASKS from beside me. I let out a long sigh. That at least lets me know part of what the ladies have been up to tonight. It was girls’ night and the two of them were up to no good. I fight a smile ‘cause it is actually kind of funny. I set my co ee down on the counter as the llama gives me the side-eye. The damn thing loves Charlotte. Hell, everyone here does. I smile to myself, remembering the day that Miss Minnie showed up at my front gate. It was only a few weeks after Charlotte moved in. She called me in a panic, rambling on about a llama that was blocking her path. By the time I got home Charlotte was smitten with Miss Minnie and that’s how this sassy llama came to live with us. It was only nice to me when Charlotte was around. “I guess Miss Minnie needed to get dressed up for ladies’ night too,” I say dryly. I’m not going near that llama. Last time I did she spit on me. My woman was nowhere in sight at the moment and I knew the thing would be mean as ever if

my daughters and their mom weren’t around to see what it was doing. It always plays nice in front of them. Our little girls are over at Delilah's mom and dad's place tonight. They are having a sleepover with Drake and Delilah’s kids. It was supposed to be guys’ night too. Guys’ night for Drake and me is waiting for our wives to get done doing whatever it is they’ve decided to do for the night. Not that I am complaining. She needs her nights out but I can still silently pout about it to myself. I know Drake is doing the same as we both sit in the diner with our arms folded over our chests. Neither of us watching the game that Johnny put on for us. “You going to get your llama?” Drake asks. “Nope.” I pick up my phone and fire o a text to my new deputy to come get the thing. Not like there is anything else going on in our small town. At least this will give him something to do for the night. “I think that llama is a distraction.” I pick up my cup of co ee, polishing it o . The question is why did our women need to try to distract us? They are up to something. They pulled out all the stops putting Miss Minnie here. I look over at it and I swear it knows exactly what it’s doing here. It’s probably taking pleasure knowing it’s tricking us. Drake stills beside me. I’m guessing his mind is finally getting up to speed with mine. He and I have gotten close over the years. My woman still kind of works for him. She helps him manage some investments that he’s kept. They don't work a ton but it still lets Charlotte have her own thing and she enjoys it. Between that and Delilah and her becoming best friends, we end up together a lot. Hell, he is pretty much my brother-in-law if I think about it. “Neither are pregnant.” That’s a first. They are both always pregnant. That’s the way it seems anyway. Either they are pregnant together or one right after the other.

Thinking of Charlotte pregnant has me missing my woman. There is nothing more beautiful than when my wife’s belly is round with my child. “Nope.” I drop the cup down on the diner table. “The only reason they wouldn't tell us that they were going to Moxie’s is because of what they were wearing.” I drop money on the counter. I’m already halfway to the door as Drake mutters those words. I know what dress she has on. The one she got two months ago. I fucked her long and hard in that dress. She’d gotten it in the mail and decided to try it on in front of me. I took one look at her, bent her pretty ass over, flipped that dress up and made her scream my name as she came all over my cock. When we finished I forbade her from wearing that dress anywhere but our bedroom. She’d laughed but had not agreed. I see the error of my ways now. I should have made her promise before I let her come. I won’t make that mistake again. Tonight she’ll be making those promises. My cock will make sure of it. I should have ripped that thing to shreds when I had the chance. She wouldn’t be wearing it if I had. She looks sexy as fuck in that dress though, so for selfish reasons I kept it in one piece. I like taking her when she’s wearing it. I bet that little sneak ordered it just to get a rise out of me, now that I think about it. It isn’t anything fancy; it resembles a man’s button-down shirt. Not mine, though. Mine would fall farther down her legs. This one comes to a stop way above her knee. It is way too fucking short for my liking, showing o those perfect legs of hers. I won't make the same mistake twice. There won't be a button left on the damn thing by the time I’m done with it. Drake is hot on my heels. I nod at my deputy as he pulls up to get my damn llama. I don’t go for my truck. I keep on moving toward the bar that sits a block down from the diner.

The only bar in town. When I push through the door I see Tammy first. “Busted!” she hollers out, making my wife and Delilah turn from where they are standing on top of the bar dancing. Only Tammy could be loud enough to be heard by anyone in the place. Not even the sound of the jukebox, which is blaring some pop song, can drown Tammy’s voice out. Delilah’s eyes go big for a moment before she gives an innocent smile over my shoulder to Drake. My wife only winks at me and keeps on dancing. She does have that damn dress on. Not only that, she has it paired with black boots that run all the way up her legs and over her knees. Fucking hell. Her pink tongue comes out, licking her lips, which she has painted a deep red tonight. I can tell from the sway of her hips she’s had a few drinks. Not too many, but a few, and that’s made her even bolder than normal. If that’s even possible. Three long strides and I’ve got her by the hips. The crowd parts, giving way to me. They know if they don’t I would knock them over to get to her. I pluck her right o the bar top. She looks up at me with a feisty look in her eyes as she slides down my body until her feet touch the ground. She pushes o my chest. I let her do it. As much as I don’t want to let her go I know she’s having a good time toying with me right now and I want to see what she’s going to do. She walks over to where her purse is, picks up her phone and begins to make a call. My phone begins to vibrate in my pocket. I smile while picking it up, not having to look to see who it is. “Sheri Blackwood,” I say, almost laughing, but I stay serious. “Hi, Sheri . This is Charlotte Bloom.” I look over at her and mouth Don’t even play. She’s really pushing it with using

her maiden name. “I want to issue a complaint.” “That you didn’t let your husband eat your pussy before you went out tonight? Consider it handled.” Her mouth falls open as I pocket my phone. Once again clearing the space between us, I pull her into my body. “You going to let me eat you real good?” I ask her. Her cheeks bloom with a blush. She nods. “Say you’re sorry.” She rolls her eyes but does it. “Sorry I used my maiden name.” Her bottom lip pouts, showing me where our girls get it. “Sun is setting.” I pull her close, digging my hard cock into her. Seeing her dancing on that bar top in that dress is going to be branded into my brain for eternity. “Then take me home, cowboy.” I lift her. Catcalls ring out from behind us. If I didn’t know everyone in this town we’d have problems but it is all in good fun. They enjoy that they’ve all found something that can get a rise out of me. It has always annoyed everyone I could stay so calm. That is, until it came to my wife. I get her in our truck heading home. We don’t get to make love like we used to on the porch with the sun setting over the pond. The same place I got my first taste of her pussy. In no time I’ve got her home and in our favorite chair. “Boots stay on,” I growl as I rip at the shirt dress. The buttons on that thing go flying. That was handled. She doesn’t seem to care. I have a feeling she knew it was coming when she put it on tonight. It isn’t going to be the only thing. She goes for the belt of my jeans, trying to get my cock out as fast as I’m trying to get her blue silk panties o . I hate to rip them. They look damn good on her but I’ll buy another pair if she wants. In seconds she is sliding down on my cock.

“Sugar,” I groan. I don’t know how my wife keeps on getting sweeter and sweeter but she does. I give her ass a small slap. Her pussy clenches around my cock. I fight coming already. You’d think I’ve never had my cock inside of her before with how fast I am ready to blow but she always has me like this. “Ride me,” I demand. Her cheeks bloom with heat again. My wife might be bossy and stubborn at times, but when it comes to bed, she loves to be told what to do. I love to give my wife what she wants. Her getting o gets me o . “Come for me, sugar. I want my taste on you before I eat you real good.” My dirty words send her over the edge. I come deep inside of her. She moans my name as her pussy locks tight around me, pulling more cum from me. I stand, keeping my cock inside her as I push through the double door of our master bedroom, tossing her onto the bed. “Spread them.” Her eyes flutter open, the orgasm still floating all around her. She spreads her legs wide for me. Who knows if she does it on her own or if her body is so used to my sexual command it does it without having to think at all? My eyes lock on her pussy, my cock springing back to life. I grab her legs, pulling her to the edge of the bed as I drop to my knees beside it. My mouth lands on her pussy. She calls out my name, her fingers sinking into my hair. Damn, it is good to be home. I thought for so long this town and land was my home. It wasn’t until I found her that I realized the true meaning of finding home.

DID you love this story and want to read more about Delilah and Drake? Pick up Bring Him Home out now!

ALSO BY ELLA GOODE Three of Us (Twins #1) and Belong Together (Twins #2) Make Me Yours She’s All Mine His Bold Heart (Chelsea & Wrecker) Their Private Need (Michigan, Easy and Annie) Her Secret Pleasure Captive Ride The Last Christmas Present: Billionaire Holiday Romance (a Daddy story) The Wolf’s Mail Order Bride Beauty in Summer


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Copyright © 2019 by Ella Goode All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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