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THE HUNGER (The Lycans, 3) By Jenika Snow www.JenikaSnow.com Jenika_Snow@Yahoo.com Copyright © July 2021 by Jenika Snow First E-book Publication: July 2021 Photo provided by: Adobe Stock Cover Designer: Cormar Covers Editors: Kayla Robichaux, Lea Ann Schafer Beta Reader: Judy Ann Loves Books ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental. Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.


Synopsis Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32

Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Epilogue About the Author

I had no family, no friends. I was utterly alone and always had been. And once I aged out of the system that raised me, I decided to find out exactly who I was. Where did I come from? Who were my parents? What made me… me? It became the fire in my veins. My journey led me to Scotland, the Highlands, and for the first time in my life, I had this feeling of… belonging. What should have been a simple hike through the Scottish countryside led me to things far more mysterious than trying to find out who I was. There were other things—creatures—lurking in this world, ones who were stronger, fiercer. Ones who were not human.

Everything I’d ever known seemed like a fable now. And what was once a fable was now true. It was one of those otherworldly creatures who stalked me—chased me. I knew I couldn’t outrun him. I couldn’t escape. He was bigger than any man I’d ever seen, stronger than anyone should be. His growls were feral, his fangs animalistic, and when he watched me, it was with glowing eyes. I found myself at his mercy, chained to a bed and alone with this man who wasn’t really a man at all. I asked him why I was there, why he took me, held me against my will. And all he said was… I was his mate.




’m putting it on record that this is a stupid fucking idea.” I couldn’t help but laugh at Evelyn’s choice of words. She was my best friend—really, more like my sister. We were all we had in this world anymore. It was a sad reality. Literally. She was family, and I was hers, because we had no one else. No siblings. No parents. No extended family. We were both orphans in every sense of the word. Being foster kids, Evelyn and I hadn’t been given the best path in life starting out, but we’d made due. My grandparents had died shortly after moving to America. My mother died giving birth to me. My father was unknown. Evelyn had pretty much the same upbringing, except her mother was a junkie who wanted her next fix more than she wanted to take care of a baby. We’d connected in the same foster house, both of us there for a couple of years—the longest we stayed in one place.

We’d both been fifteen, almost sixteen, and I could see this fighting spirit in Evelyn. I’d latched on to that, because she made me feel stronger just by her presence. We’d been thick as thieves since. But life hadn’t been easy. We had to struggle, fight for everything we had or wanted. And it was hard. We went without a lot of things, went hungry more times than we should’ve, because there was always someone bigger, stronger, who could take it easily. We didn’t have anybody to root in our corner but each other, and so I was pretty sure, even if it was temporary, even if I assured her over and over again that I would be back, it probably felt like a betrayal—another person abandoning her. “Yeah, bad fucking idea,” she muttered under her breath. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.” I rolled my eyes but chuckled. “That’s just because you don’t want me to leave. You’re just nervous.” She grumbled, but I could see on her face that, yeah, that was the truth. I could see her blinking rapidly and heard her clear her throat a few times, and I knew she was trying not to break down and cry. And I was trying not to do the same too. When I decided to go on this wild-goose chase, it had pretty much been four years in the making. I’d had to save up, be stable in my life before I went balls to the wall on this crazy hunt to see if I had anyone who’d give a shit about me out there. I might come up to a big fat dead end, but it was worth the risk to me. If I didn’t find anything out, then I was exactly where I was now. But if I found something out… anything… that was priceless to me. I’d been working odd jobs since I was sixteen and saving anything I could. I’d gotten a small sum from the state after

I turned eighteen, which really meant, “here’s some money, but it’s time for you to get out and grow up now.” I’d immediately taken a DNA test, one of those spit-inthe-tube kind you mail back. Six weeks later I got an email with my results. I assumed, like most people living in America, I was probably a mix of many di erent countries. I’d been surprised to see I had pretty much all Scottish ancestry, with the barest hints of Irish and English thrown in for good measure. It even broke down the part of Scotland my ancestors had originated from. Double score on that. So I had a starting point to go o of. And then the years had passed, and I worked my ass o while going to college. After four years I graduated with my bachelor’s in history. And now here I was, getting ready to say goodbye to my best friend and hoping like hell I didn’t come back emptyhanded. “It's hard leaving,” I said softly and smiled. I didn’t know what else to say that wouldn’t cause both of us to be blubbering messes. “I know. You need to go do this, and I was only kidding that this was a bad fucking idea.” She smiled, and it was genuine. “You need to find out who you are. I want you to, and then you’ll come back and tell me all about it.” “And bring you sweet-ass souvenirs.” “Well duh. That’s the best part.” We both laughed, but when she glanced away, I felt my own throat tightening. “Hey,” I said softly and waited until she looked at me before smiling. “I probably won’t find out anything, and I’ll be back before you know it.” She snorted and shook her head before grabbing my shoulders and giving them a reassuring squeeze. “No, you need to find out information on your family. I want you to, even if I’m acting like a little bitch right now.”

I chuckled softly, knowing I had to get going if I planned on making it through security and to my gate on time. But I hated leaving. The security line was slowly getting busier, and yet I was still waiting until the last possible minute to leave my friend, sister… family. “Don’t worry about me, because I know you are. I’ll be here when you get back, and I want to hear all about your adventures. I also want to hear how you found your family and they are Scottish royalty.” I grinned so big my cheeks hurt, and I shook my head slowly. “I think royalty is the farthest thing from my lineage.” We both sobered for a minute; then I gave her what felt like a watery smile. “I expect at least a text, video call, or phone call once a day. Please.” That last word was laced with this kind of panic that Evelyn tried to hide. But I didn’t address that and just nodded. “Absolutely. I’ll be five hours ahead of you, so if you do call me or text me and I don’t get back to you right away, just remember I may be sleeping o the scotch I had.” She rolled her eyes again. “I don’t think you’ve ever had anything more than one of those wine coolers they sell o the bottom shelf at gas stations.” This was true, and I was happy she was making light of the situation. If there was one thing I could guarantee from Evelyn, it was that she didn’t take things too seriously and always made sure I didn’t either. “Don’t go getting married or anything while I’m gone.” Evelyn snorted and shook her head. “Girl, I have to find a guy first, and I’m pretty sure I’m the natural deterrent for the opposite sex.” Yeah, she and I were the same in that regard, it seemed.

I gave her one more big hug, said about five more goodbyes, and then I was making my way through security. After I was out and on the “other side,” I found my gate easily enough but didn’t have much time to sit and wait, not with how long I’d stayed with Evelyn. Once I was boarded, my suitcase—which had been deemed a weekender—was stowed above. I settled in the window seat, set my backpack on my lap, and stared at the runway. The scent of recycled air tinged with jet fuel was a sour singe to my nose, but I focused on the men finishing up loading the baggage into the belly of the plane. I watched them for a good five minutes, the commotion around me of people finding their seats, stowing their luggage, the whining and crying of children settling in for a very long flight, and of the flight attendants walking up and down the aisle to assist people, all helped to keep my focus on the very real nervousness I felt. I’d never left the city, let alone the state, so going across the ocean to a foreign country would no doubt be a culture shock. This was an entire new venture for me, and I was terrified. Of course I never voiced that, had never told Evelyn or anyone else for that matter. But as I sat on this plane and stared out the window, that fear started to creep up and take control, and there was little distraction that could keep it at bay, I was finding out. I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly, sensing the people taking the two seats beside me, but I didn’t bother looking at them. When I opened my eyes again, I stared at the headrest in front of me. I probably looked weird as hell just staring straight ahead. I didn’t even know if I blinked as I tried to focus on every little sound around me, every minute detail of that seat, the fibers, the little placard that was stuck to the tray table.

When I felt a semblance of calm once more, I unzipped my backpack and pulled out the rolled-up stack of papers. I unrolled it and started flipping through them. Birth certificate. A map of the town, village, whatever the small community was called in Scotland where my mother and grandparents had come from. The B and B and car rental information for when I landed. I had printouts of information I’d found about my mother after she’d come to America and their life before that. I looked at the last piece of paper that showed the immigration information for my grandparents. They’d come from Scotland when my mother had been about my age. And eight months later she’d given birth. To me. And that’s where any and all information I’d been able to find out about my family—maternal, that was, because I had zero information on my father—had stopped. I exhaled and rested my head back on the seat, my entire family history—or lack thereof—contained in a thin, lightweight stack of paperwork on my lap. And as I stared back out that tiny window, watching as the workers walked away, as they prepared for this plane to get airborne, I smoothed my hands over the most precious cargo I had with me. I didn’t know what the future held, didn’t know if I’d find anything out in Scotland, but I had a good feeling I’d find something and wouldn’t come back empty-handed. I felt like going to the Highlands would bring me the biggest revelation of my life.




rinking isn’t going tae make the situation better,” Tavish said, but there was no masking the fact that he was pissed at me. And I don’t give a fook. I looked him square in the eye, brought the bottle of onehundred-year-old scotch to my lips, and took a looong pull from it. When I brought the bottle away from my mouth, I said, “It makes me feel better, and right now that’s all I can control.” His scowl deepened, and his expression told me he disapproved of my getting sloshed while the Ainslee situation was in full swing. Ainslee’s situation… Shit, that was a clusterfuck if there ever was one. Not only did our little sister have a mate, but it was to an over four-hundred-year-old crazed Lycan. Our sweet and innocent twenty-year-old sister who was half-vampire, half-Lycan—the same as us—but who was as weak as a human, making us constantly fear for her safety.

Even though me and my brothers were hybrids as well, our Lycans had taken dominance, allowing us to shift, all but suppressing our vampiric sides. We’d sheltered Ainslee her whole life. I knew we were overbearing, overprotective, and didn't give her the space and independence she probably craved. Hello, she was a grown woman now, but I’d always see her as Leelee, my baby sister. And fuck, I felt guilty that we’d coddled her for so long, but our alpha sides had demanded no less. I ran a hand over the back of my head, my short, dark hair no doubt standing on end from the act. “Where’s Da?” I asked, although my mind was elsewhere and not really focused on where our father was—the ruler of the Scottish Lycan clan. “He called it a night with Mam. They went tae bed maybe half an hour ago, although I doubt Da will sleep. He’s too fired up tae rest.” Yeah. We all are. “Besides, Luca keeps howling, and that sound carries. I’ve got one hell of a fooking headache from his bellowing.” As if on cue, Luca roared out on the other side of the massive, mystically protected wall that surrounded our ancestral home and property. I clenched my teeth and then took another drink from the now half-empty bottle. Although I knew deep down keeping her away from her fated mate was wrong, Luca had slowly started to lose touch with reality and let his beast reign free within him. That breakdown had caused his human side to become partially shifted, to allow Luca to be more animalistic, to be a stronger version of a shifter male in human form. In other words, he was hella dangerous, and even more so because his mate was being kept from him.

“The wall, magically protected or no’, will no’ keep him out forever,” Tavish murmured and came to stand next to me. I was by the large stained-glass window in the library that overlooked the front of the property. A roaring fire crackled behind us, but I didn’t feel any of the heat. We stayed like that for so long I was only focused on the rolling hills of the Highlands, our property stretching out as far—and beyond that—as the eye could see. “I’ll be honest,” Tavish said softly, his voice gru , deep. “I canna fault the male for the way he acts.” I exhaled but didn’t respond. Of course he was right. It was wrong to keep a male from his fated mate, but shit, they were doing the right thing, doing what was best for Ainslee. Aren't we? I scowled and stared at my reflection that looked back at me in the glass. “He’s dangerous in the state he’s in. Right. Wrong. Good. Bad. It does no’ matter. I’m tired of secondguessing shit. Until he can calm down, he canna be near Leelee.” I saw Tavish’s reflection nod. “I know. I’m just saying—” I looked at the male beside me, an identical replica of me and Lennox and us of him. “There’s nothing tae say. If anything happened tae Ainslee, if we let her go tae Luca and he inadvertently harmed her because his mind is no’ right, then what? Ye think ye can live with yourself? ’Cause I sure as fook canna.” Tavish clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowed, and a low, dangerous growl left him. “Until we can gauge the situation, until we can figure out what the best course of action is, this is the only route we can take.” I took another long pull from the scotch bottle and turned back around to stare out the window. Luca bellowed again, and I growled low.

I heard the anguished, aggressive sound come from Luca again and couldn’t even imagine what he was feeling right now. Was his mind so far gone he didn’t fully understand why we’d done this? That we kept him away from Ainslee for her own protection? He wasn’t making his point of view very convincing that he could control himself, not when he kept howling like a wounded animal in a trap. I supposed that was a pretty fair and accurate description of the situation and what he was going through. We had sentries guarding the property, big Lycan motherfuckers who guarded King Banner and the Scottish Lycan “royal” family—us—with their lives. But I wanted to be out there doing the job of protecting the ones I held closest. Although, by all accounts, Luca couldn’t get through the wall—not with the thick magic woven within the stone and metal—I wouldn’t underestimate the need for him to get to Ainslee. We’d only been back in Scotland, in our ancestral estate in the Highlands, for a week now. After we’d gone to Romania to help celebrate Ren Lupinov’s mating with his human female, nothing had been the same. Not when Ainslee saw Ren’s brother, Luca, there. Then the Linking Instinct had kicked in for the male… and all fucking hell broke loose. And the wolf had been hanging around for the last week, showing up damn near as soon as we’d gotten back home. And he wouldn’t leave. He’d just pace. And pace. And pace some more on the other side of that wall, touching it every once in a while, testing how the magic drained his strength before he relinquished his hold and bellowed again to see his mate. “Sometimes I regret how sheltered we’ve made her,” Tavish said softly, a whole lot of remorse in his voice. I wouldn’t let myself feel those emotions, not right now, not

even if a part of me agreed with him. “We should have been teaching her how tae protect herself, defend herself. We should have been letting her train with us and the Guard.” “We should have done a hell of a lot of things, but right now none of that shit is gonna help us.” It was our fault Ainslee knew nothing about the world, and in a matter of days her entire life had been turned upside down. She was strong, but she wasn’t that strong, and it was our fuckup. “Overbearing assholes, the lot of us,” I grumbled. Tavish grunted in agreement. I didn’t know what else to say, so I took another long drink from the bottle before passing it o to Tavish to take a swig. I didn’t know what else to do but stare out that window at where I knew Luca was ever pacing. All I knew—felt—was this bone-deep fire in my belly to keep the ones I loved safe. And I knew short of the world swallowing me whole or, hell, me finding my mate, nothing would deter me from making sure I stayed on this path.




’m going to die. This is how my life ends. I know it. I tightened my hands on the steering wheel, my body small even by female standards, but right now, shoved into this sardine-sized car I’d rented in Scotland, I felt like I was a giant stu ed in a clown car. I’d landed in Edinburgh hours before. Since I hadn’t checked my luggage, I’d gone straight to the rental car agency, pretended like I wasn’t scared as hell driving on the “wrong side of the road,” and accepted the paperwork with a smile and nod. I’d thought about video chatting Evelyn as soon as I’d gotten o the plane, desperately wanting to latch on to something familiar, but it had been barely seven in the morning—Scotland time—so it would have still been the middle of the night for Evelyn back in the States. So after a quick text letting her know I’d landed safe and sound and giving her the B and B address once more for good measure, I was on my way to what would be my home for the next couple of weeks.

I was now only a few short minutes from entering the little town of Búraló, which an Internet search told me was a Gaelic word for wolf. It had been so weird as I’d looked at that name, at the translation, and felt something so familiar about it. It had been this tingling sensation at the base of my spine as if it meant something more, as if that hadn’t been the first time I’d ever heard, read, or seen it. The female, slightly robotic voice of the GPS that came with the rental alerted me that I was to turn at the next intersection. I shifted on the seat, my entire body sti and aching. The long drive, coupled with the crappy sleep I’d gotten on the plane thanks to the only seat I could a ord being “luxurious economy,” had made me feel like shit warmed over. It also wasn’t helping that I was anxious as hell for so many reasons it wouldn’t do any good to try to list them all. I moved on the seat again and felt every ache and creak in my body as if I were an eighty-year-old woman. I tried to relax, as the road was now a little wider than it had been almost the entire trip. If I pushed my anxiety away, I could actually notice the beauty of Scotland. The lush greenery, the magnitude of thick trees. The rolling hills. Everything was… thriving, unlike the city atmosphere I was used to, with concrete and steel, bricks and mortar surrounding me. The only “wildlife” I’d ever really been around was the strip of grass in the front yards of a few of the foster homes I’d been at, or when Evelyn and I would sneak o to the park just to get out of the house. I made the last turn, the trees on either side seeming to widen more, the road giving me more breathing room. I saw a little wooden sign that alerted me to the tiny village of Búraló. My destination.

The sign looked ancient, with scarring, fading, and a few chunks missing from the slab. In the center was a wolf’s head made up of Celtic knot detailing. The wolf was fierce and snarling, his eyes fixated right on me. It brought back a memory, one I’d had many times growing up, a dream of glowing eyes and belonging to a creature in the woods. It would hunt me in these dreams, stalking me. I knew it was dangerous, but I never felt fear. And strangely enough, when I grew older, it was as if something in my body had been triggered, my maturity awakening, and those dreams where I ran and ran and ran because I’d known it loved the chase, had turned sexual. God, they’d turned so erotic. I exhaled as those dreams lashed my mind, so vivid that I was right back in them all over again. I thought of the creature in the woods chasing me. It liked the chase. But more importantly… it liked chasing me. And despite the fact that there was never any sex in the dreams, no touching, nothing sexual at all except the chase, which seemed highly sensual, I’d always wake up sweaty and hot, and so very wet between my thighs. I'd be so needy for something, anything, that I would end up touching myself. But the orgasms were always empty, a frustration that, after a few times, I started refusing myself. I withheld that pleasure I so desperately wanted. I blinked several times to focus back on the present—on the road, which there wasn’t much of to begin with—and realized I’d already made it into town. My heart raced at the realization this was where I’d find my answers—if there were any to be found, that was. I felt excitement and for the first time in my life, hope. Búraló was quaint, very old-school-looking, with a little town square, and despite the small size, it had more roundabouts than I thought were necessary. And the fact

that I’d never actually been on a roundabout before made me circle the damn thing three times before finally getting o . After getting turned around, I finally came across the bed-and-breakfast I’d be staying at. I’d booked it for two weeks, although I didn’t know if I would be staying that long. I probably wouldn’t even stay half that time. The roads were di erent than what I was used to, with no real “parking lots,” so I parked as best as I could on the side of the road, nervous that a car would no doubt slam into the mirror that stuck out into the lane. But I didn’t care enough about the sardine-can rental to find another spot. Once out of the car with my backpack slung over one shoulder and my carry-on bag in hand, I made my way up to the entrance of Isla B and B. It was quaint. Cute. It reminded me of an old-timey mom-and-pop joint, but with a very European/Celtic flair to it. I liked it. I pulled the little door open and instantly smelled cinnamon and something sweet. Vanilla maybe. Maple. It tingled my nose as the door shut behind me. In front of me was a small check-in desk, a vase of fresh-cut flowers on it, and a computer that looked older than me sitting beside the vase. The interior was small but cozy, and I walked up to the desk. I set my bag down and adjusted my backpack so it was slung over both arms now and resting between my shoulder blades. There was a door to the right with a sign taped to the wood that read EMPLOYEES ONLY. I expected an elderly Scottish man to come bustling out, his wool knit sweater a little too big on his slight frame, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. This place seemed like that’d be who owned it, at least. The employees-only door opened as if my thoughts willed it so, and the man who stepped out certainly wasn’t what my

imagination had conjured up. He couldn’t have been much older than me, maybe thirty, but that was pushing it. He was tall, and the white shirt and jeans he sported showcased a swimmer’s body. His blond hair was short and smoothed away from his face, and his smile was already in place as he stared at me. “Welcome to Isla.” His voice was deep and held an accent I couldn’t quite place, and the corners of his blue eyes crinkled as his smile widened. “Uh, yeah. Hi. Hello.” He made his way behind the desk, straight white teeth still flashing. “Darragh, I presume?” I was surprised he’d gotten my name correctly—DarAwe. Most of the time when people say it written done they butchered the hell out of it, but even if it was clear he wasn’t a Scottish native, he pronounced it clearly. I cleared my throat and nodded, trying my own smile on for size. It wasn’t that I was attracted to him or anything and that’s why I’d suddenly become speechless. It’s just that he certainly wasn’t what I was expecting when I entered the B and B. Definitely the son. Or maybe the owner’s grandson. “Um,” I said and took a step forward. “Yes. That’s me. How did you know?” I reached down for my carry-on and grabbed my wallet, assuming he’d need my ID or credit card or maybe even my passport for check-in. “We don’t get a lot of visitors in town, and especially not young American women.” His smile widened. “It’s always exciting getting a guest, but especially so when they are foreign.” I felt my brows lower. That was… a weird way to put it, but then again, English clearly wasn’t his first language, so maybe there was a language barrier type of deal going on.

“I’m Christo, the owner. How about we get you checked in?” He didn’t wait for me to reply, just booted up his computer, the tap-tap-tap of his fingers flying over the keys drowning out everything else. Once he made a copy of my passport, got all my information for registration, and I gave him my credit card, he turned and stared at a pegboard where old-school keys hung in a neat row. There were only four of them in total. “I’m going to give you the Rose Suite. It has the best view of the village.” I smiled in thanks, although at this point I would have been fine with a bed tucked into a closet. I was really starting to feel that jet lag. His smile was still in place as he led me up a narrow set of stairs. He started talking about the history of the B and B when it came into his family’s possession, and I idly listened as I followed him up, responding at the appropriate times and smiling in agreement with what he said when he glanced back and waited for a response. Exhaustion was suddenly hitting me like a ten-ton ball to my body. I’d planned on jumping right into investigating and finding answers, but a nap was sounding far more realistic for my future. “My father bought the property about a decade ago, then renovated and converted it into the B and B. We knew it wouldn’t get much traction, of course, not with the location and the town so small, but every summer we do get a small rush of visitors because of the Búraló Forest surrounding the town, and then of course there are the Cli s of Moira. It’s quite breathtaking.” He looked over his shoulders and smiled. “In fact, I can give you a pamphlet on it. There’s a gorgeous walking trail that will take you right to it. Although it is a good distance away, at least an hour each direction. But it is worth it.”

He slid the key into one of the locks of the closed door, and I looked around and noticed three other identical doors in the hallway, presumably the rooms he rented out. With a click and a turn, he pushed the door open and stepped inside, moving out of the way so I could follow him in. The room was everything I’d expected it to be, given the look and feel of the establishment. No frills or nonsense decor. Then again, I wasn’t here for luxury. The bed itself was smaller than a full-size mattress but bigger than a twin. The bedspread was this brown-and-mint paisley pattern, the frame situated against the wall and in the center of the room. I noticed there were a couple of pictures hanging on the walls, both of them depicting wolves. Now that I thought about it, the few pictures I’d seen lining the staircase and in the front o ce all had wolf decor. “You guys like your wolves,” I said softly, not realizing I’d spoken loud enough he’d heard. He glanced at me and smiled, his head cocking to the side slightly. “It's a bit much, isn’t it?” His grin widened. “I thought the same thing when I first moved to town.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “But this town is heavily influenced by lore, especially werewolves, or Lycans, as they call them. It’s all pretty fascinating stu .” I shrugged my own shoulders and smiled. “I’m not really into the fairy-tale stu . I’m too much of a realist, I guess.” His expression sobered as he stared at me, and for a second I felt this heavy weight pressing down on me, his focus was that powerful. A shiver caused goose bumps to pop out along my arms, and I cleared my throat, shifting on my feet and otherwise acting as if I couldn’t stand still. Because I couldn’t. I suddenly felt very aware. I just didn’t know what I was aware of.

I felt confusion settle in me again when he said he purchased the inn and not his father. But once again I pushed the nagging, weird feeling to the back of my mind. I was overly tired, in a new country, and it was clear he was from another country as well. Lost in translation is a very real thing, I told myself and kept looking around the room to focus on other stu . There was an antique looking dresser across from the bed, and when I said antique, I mean from the ’70s. A small TV sat atop the wood and looked just as “modern” as the computer downstairs. “The closet is there.” He went over and opened it, then went about telling me the other amenities in the room. He showed me the bathroom, one of the nicest I'd ever seen, and he even boasted and was very proud that it’d just been installed the year prior. I was thankful for at least that. Last thing I wanted to do was share a communal shower with strangers. He made his way to the window and pulled open the curtain with the same paisley pattern that graced the bedspread. I could see genuine pride in his face as he showed me the village that was revealed. Although all I wanted to do was sleep, I walked over and marveled at the view. He hadn’t been lying. It was pretty incredible. I could see so much greenery that stretched far behind the town. The rolling hills were lush and abundant on either side of the forest, and I could even see the tiny tip of what I assumed was a lake. Or maybe a massive pond. But I didn’t ask him about it. Because that meant more talking, and right now the bed was calling to me. “Well, that’s about it,” he said, his accent seeming a little thicker. “If you need anything, let me know, and I’ll bring the tourist information and pamphlets later.” “Thanks again, Christo. I really appreciate it.”

He stood there, hands clasped in front of him, a smile stretching his face. And the longer he stood there, the more antsy I got. Should I tip him? Was that what he was waiting for? “I’ll leave you to it,” he finally murmured and turned, shutting the door softly behind him. Confusion filled me again, and as if my legs had a mind of their own, they took me to the door, where I reached out and clicked the lock into place. And then I turned, eyed my two bags, then the bed, and said fuck unpacking. I kicked o my shoes, pulled o my hoodie, and faceplanted on the mattress, where I was pretty sure I’d dream about my beast chasing me through the woods once more. Or maybe I was hoping I’d dream of it.


Darragh The next day


ow long are you supposed to feel like ass from the jet lag?” I adjusted my phone so it was propped up on the pillow. The video chat with Evelyn was a little delayed and fuzzy, sometimes freezing up, but at least the B and B had Wi-Fi, so I couldn’t complain. “You’re asking the wrong chick. I haven’t left the city, let alone been on a plane.” I grabbed my shoes and moved to the bed to sit on the edge. “It was rhetorical,” I said and laughed when Evelyn rolled her eyes. “You’ve only been there twenty-four hours. I’m sure it’ll take a few days for your body to get acclimated.” “Yeah, you’re probably right. I crashed as soon as I got here and woke up twelve hours later to it being pitch-black in the room and a heinous cramp in my lower back from not moving position for hours upon hours.” “Did you at least feel better?”

“No. I felt like crap and am so groggy. Then couldn’t sleep until the sun started to rise, at which point I went back asleep and woke up with only enough time to spend like an hour at the public records o ce before the old lady working the front desk kicked me out.” Once my shoes were on, I twisted so I could see the phone. Evelyn was propped up on her bed, her phone resting on her chest. “So it wasn’t the most productive day, but I did find out a little bit, which is exciting and better than nothing.” “That’s fantastic!” Evelyn sounded animated and genuine. “So what did you dig up?” I exhaled and rubbed my eyes, wanting to crawl back under the covers again. “Well, when I say I found a little bit, it was basically just the birth records of my grandparents and mother. They were residents here and had no family aside from each other.” I rested my head in my hand and stared at the screen. “That’s weird, right? Like only the three of them. No cousins. No nieces or nephews or siblings or anything like that.” Evelyn shrugged. “I think that can be normal in circumstances. I mean, look at me. Aside from my crackedout mother, I’ve got no one else in the world but you.” That brought a smile to my face. “You’ll always have me. But needless to say, I didn’t find out much more than that. And with it being Sunday tomorrow, they won’t be open. And there are so many possible hits I could get if I have enough time to weed through all the documents and files.” “Good Lord, this angle makes me have three chins,” Evelyn mumbled and sat up, holding the phone away from her, then grumbling about how uncomfortable that new position was and fuck her chins. Sometimes her attention span was little to nonexistent. “Before you say it, because I can see it on your face, yes, I’m listening, and yes, I heard everything.”

I grinned and flopped over so my belly was flush with the mattress. “So what are you doing the rest of the day? It's only, what…?” She held her hand up and counted o . “Five?” I nodded. “Yeah, dinnertime. I guess, on Saturdays, businesses here close early, if they even open at all.” I rubbed my face, feeling tired but not in the way that I needed to sleep. “Pretty sure bars are open until calling hour, which is like sunrise,” I joked. Evelyn started laughing. “Wish I was there. We could have hit up the pubs. Wait, there are pubs there, aren’t there?” “A few, which should be weird because the town is so small, but they are more like family-owned restaurants where people go to get trashed regardless.” “Any cute guys? Maybe you’ll fall in love there.” She sounded so whimsical. I snorted. “Hardly. The average age of the population here is like sixty. Although you’d probably think the B and B owner is cute. He looks around our age. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a Michael Phelps–type body.” That had Evelyn perking right up. “You don’t say?” Her grin was slow, but it spread across her face in no time. “Maybe I should make a trip to Scotland and put on my charm with the bed-and-breakfast boy. He’ll fall for my witty sense of humor and stunning good looks,” she teased. I snorted again, but then it turned into a laugh. “Yeah, he’s nice and all, but…” I looked over at the bedroom door, which was closed and locked still. “What?” I focused back on Evelyn and shrugged. “I don’t know. He just comes o as a little bit weird.” Her eyebrows pulled low. “What do you mean ‘weird’? Like how?”

“I don’t know. I’m being stupid. He’s really nice. He’s not Scottish, but I’m not sure where he’s from. I can’t place his accent.” I saw the hard look on her face. “I’d comment on him being a sexy foreigner, but if he’s making your weird-radar go o …” “No, no. He’s harmless. I’m sure it’s just di erent cultures, a language barrier, and me being in another country for the first time that things just seem weird. I’m probably the one who seems strange to him.” I saw Evelyn rest back on the bed, clearly relieved. I’d seen how worried she was. Despite us being the same age, she’d always taken on a kind of motherly role. But then, I guess I did with her as well. I supposed you naturally do that when you had no one else. “But I’m actually going to brave socialization and eat dinner at one of those pubs.” “Eat something exotic. Like haggis. Is that considered exotic?” She furrowed her brow as if she was actually trying to figure it out. “I don’t know, but try it anyway and report back to me.” I wrinkled my nose. “I don’t know if I’m brave enough to jump right into the whole Scottish meals thing right now. I was thinking—hoping—I could get some fries and a cheeseburger first.” Evelyn started laughing and shifted on the bed. “Okay, well, try it all for me. I’m living vicariously through you.” We stayed on the video chat for another five minutes before the call was disconnected, and I lay on my bed, staring out my window as the colors in the sky from the setting sun started to become yellows and oranges, pinks and hints of ducky blue. I could have stayed on the bed just staring at the beauty of that, for in that moment, my thoughts were calm and not worried about my task or why I

was really here. But my stomach gave an answering growl, a reminder I’d hardly eaten anything today. So I pushed myself up, grabbed my backpack, and headed out.




y skin was tight, itchy. Burning. I felt my wolf pacing, angry and aggressive. I needed to shift, to get some of this wild energy and rage out of me. What I needed to do was fight someone… destroy something. But getting into a brawl with someone wouldn’t be possible, not until we figured out what the fuck was going on with Luca, or if he decided to attack. And I prayed like hell he decided to attack. It would give me an opportunity to let the beast out. I was tempted to pick a fight with another Lycan, maybe one of my brothers, maybe a wolf from the Guard. But hell, that would only cause more shit on top of the mountain that we already had. So instead I paced and stewed and told my inner wolf that soon… soon, we’d get the release we needed. But what really pissed me o was that Banner, my father, had given strict orders that me and my brothers were not to go near Luca. We were not to engage; hell, we weren’t even to look in his direction. Our Da knew us well though, knew all

that would do was have me attacking the Lycan behind the walls. But then that would end in a catastrophic event where we wouldn’t be able to control the situation. So even if my father pissed me o , he was right. He knew we wouldn’t be able to just stop if we went after him. At only thirty human years old, me and my two brothers, the three of us making triplets, were young for Lycan standards, given the fact that our kind could live up to a millennia. But that didn’t mean we weren’t trained or deadly. That didn’t mean we weren’t fully matured, grownass men. Yet I knew my father, even Cian, general for the Guard, saw us as the little pups still nipping at their heels all those years ago. But we weren’t fucking children anymore. We could handle ourselves, take care of any situation that arose. We were the next in line to rule the Scottish clan, the three of us making a trifecta. Although typically there was only one heir, it had been decided by our father that the three of us would do it together. We’d keep the bond of family and traditions, make sure our culture and Lycan ways were upheld. But most of all, we’d ensure the safety of our people and species. And we would continue on with this way of ruling until we had sons of our own. Then we’d teach them our ways, show them the strength and power the Lycans held. I let that future play out in my head, especially the sons part. If we were lucky, we’d find our mates—the only female we’d ever love, ever give our bodies to, and the only female we could have children with. A shifter’s sole purpose was to find their Linked Mate, to experience the Linked Connection. All any of us wanted was to find our fated females. A Lycan—or any Otherworld creature, for that matter—was devoted to that one female and her

alone, even if we never found her. She’d be the only thing that we wanted or needed in our life. She was our true home. But it wasn’t a guarantee that we would ever find her and be fully complete. It was a true gift in every sense of the word. I closed my eyes and envisioned having a mate of my own. The very thought that I would never find my female hadn’t been something at the forefront of my mind until Luca came into the picture. Of course I ached for my mate, even though I didn’t know who she was or where she was. Was she even born yet? Was she a human, a Lycan? Another creature in the Otherworld? It wouldn’t matter where she hailed from, because she’d be perfect; of that I was certain. I ran a hand over my face, feeling exhausted yet wired at the same time. I continued moving through the house, my parents already turned in for the night, my brothers doing the same. Ainslee was locked away in her room, refusing to socialize with us, but I couldn’t blame her. I’d brought her food earlier, as well as a glass of fresh blood, hoping she’d eat and drink something, because she’d been withdrawn and hadn’t been taking enough sustenance with all the stress. I wanted to talk to her, but I knew she was upset, was confused, and part of her was devastated. I could pick up the lingering scent of her hollowness, and it ate at me. I didn’t want her to feel like this. That was the last thing any of us wanted. And although we were trying to protect her, we were also hurting her in the process. I ended up finding myself in the bowels of the estate, where the massive training center had been erected three decades before. Thirty years prior, right before our mam had given birth to us triplets, things had been done much di erently. The

Guard trained outside under the full moon and in open air. They’d fought and learned the ways to protect our people without walls and restrictions. But after a Therabus attack had killed several Lycans and injured many others, things had drastically changed. The Therabus, a nasty species that was part of the evil Katara Otherworld faction, were nothing but an evil, cursed species of shape-shifters whose sole purpose was to prey on the weak, preferably humans. If I were to describe them in a way a human could understand, they’d fall under the succubus mythology, but they were far nastier and impossibly more dangerous. After the attack, the Guard had become more disciplined and secretive. Protective and aggressive. And Cian, the leader of the Guard, a general in human terms, decided we needed more organization, more discipline. So the subterranean training center had been constructed and had been serving its purpose for decades. Once at the bottom of the intricately curved and twisting staircase, through several coded doors and even more corners and turns, I stopped at the massive steel double doors that would lead to the main facility. There was a security camera mounted in the corner, and another behind me. All angles monitored. I went to the massive keypad to the left on a panel in the wall. The process for getting inside was lengthy, and after entering a code specifically tailored for me, I waited for the infrared monitor to scan my face as well as my retinas. There was a massive click, the state-of-the-art lock disengaging at three separate points, and then I was pushing the heavy steel open. I stepped into the sterile hallways, the door shutting behind me, the locks moving back into place. I instantly heard the heavy pounding of training and followed the sound. The bowels of the estate had been

converted and gutted and then extended underground for acres upon acres beyond that. I continued to follow the sound, knowing where the training was being held, because I, as well as my brothers, was down here constantly. Not only did we work out daily, but Cian was training us as if we were going to be part of the Guard. We had to know just as much, had to be just as dangerous and trained as our sentries, whether we were heirs to the throne or not. It was a long while later before I got to another set of double doors. These opened, the scent of male sweat, testosterone, and aggression pouring out of the room. Inside, the room was large, as in Olympic-sized large. There were dozens upon dozens of Lycans working out brutally. Males were sparring with each other on one end, some grappling on the other. There was a boxing ring set up in the far right corner, two males going at it viciously. Cian was walking the perimeter of the room, and although I couldn’t hear him over the grunts and growls, the shouts and curses from all the other males inside, I could practically imagine his authoritative tone and alpha-laced commands as he stopped and gave pointers for each male. As my father’s most trusted advisor, protector, and his right-hand commander, Cian had seen a lot in this world. At two hundred and fifty years old, some would say he was still relatively young in the grand scheme of things. His battle experience, the alpha dominance that poured from him daily, and his unfailing loyalty to my father and his species made him the perfect—deadly—shifter for this position. No one paid me any attention as they continued working out and training. No one would stop me, no one but Cian, who would growl in that disapproving tone of his.

I needed this. I needed a little—okay, a hell of a lot of— aggression and some brutal hand-to-hand combat. One-onone combat was causing the blood to roar in my veins. And I knew somebody in this fucking room would give it to me. I could feel the juiced-up aggression surrounding me. It made my wolf hungry, pacing inside me, needing to let out all this raw energy consuming me. “What’s a pup like ye doing here when it’s no’ yer rotation tae train?” I gritted my teeth at the deep voice that came from behind me. I felt my spine straighten automatically, my annoyance at hearing Cian calling me a “pup” pissing me o further. I turned around slowly and looked at him. There was no missing the disapproving look on his face. I said nothing, just stared at the enormous male. He was built just like every other Lycan shifter at well over six and a half feet tall, heavily muscled, with broad shoulders, powerful arms, and sledgehammers for hands. But unlike most shifters, all Cian had to do was narrow his eyes in your direction, growl low, and it did the job of making you shit your pants. But I was in a foul mood, had been for the last week because of Ainslee and Luca, and so I pulled my upper lip o my elongated canines, amused that he thought his tone, his advanced age, and his station could somehow sway me from being here. “I donna think yer supposed tae be here, Caelan.” He crossed his beefy arms over his chest and glared at me. Unmovable. “Would ye rather me be out there starting something with that fucking loose cannon, or in here starting shit with one of these big fookers?” Cian narrowed his eyes, but I was feeling fierce right now and wanting to start shit with just about anyone.

“And why aren’t ye out there watching Luca?” I knew I was pushing buttons, and no matter how controlled Cian was, pressing him was going to bite me in the ass. “Rotation, pup. The Guard can’t be sedentary because of one issue.” There was a snarl laced with Cian’s words. “We have to always be prepared.” He eyed me up and down and finally growled out, “Okay, fine. Ye want an outlet for that aggression ye feel? Then go on and jump in the ring with Odhran.” I looked over at the ring where said Lycan was currently taking down another male. Odhran lifted his head. A large scar started at his hairline and curved down the side of his face. I should have been apprehensive of going up against the shifter, but I felt that familiar thrum of aggression and excitement moving through me. I didn’t know much about Odhran, nothing more than he was very close with Cian, and then there were the rumors of how he’d changed, and not for the better. It was said he was more warlord than civilized male now, his Linked Mate taken from him, and he’d never found her, no matter how many centuries he searched. And because of that, he was nothing but a machine. A brutal, violent, hardened beast. I rolled my head around my neck, cracked my knuckles, and grinned. If anyone was going to give me an outlet for this rage I felt… Odhran was the male to do it.




slammed the door of my rental car and stared at the lush forest in front of me. There were signs around, all in English and Gaelic, with a large plexiglass-covered wooden board that explained the forest as well as the Cli s of Moira. I was o cially on my second—or was it the third?—day in Scotland. Time was meshing together, the jet lag not easing, my internal clock all messed up. And with it being a Sunday and pretty much everything closed in town, I’d decided, why not hike? Let’s not talk about how I’d never actually done any kind of outdoorsy thing, least of all hiking. It was just walking but, like, a little rougher terrain? I looked down at my tennis shoes, thankful I’d brought them. I didn’t think my ballet flats I’d worn on the plane would work, even on a path. I stared at said path before me. Sightseeing hadn’t been a priority when coming here, but I couldn’t lie and say the idea of enjoying myself and not making this a “job” had its appeal. If I couldn’t do what I’d come here for right now?

And maybe some outdoor/nature time would help clear my mind. So here I was, ready to hike for the first time in my life. I adjusted my backpack, a couple of water bottles and energy bars tucked inside. I started on the path and felt this lightness fill me. It was definitely a strange sensation, one I’d never fully experienced before. It was so weird; it was almost like this was where I was supposed to be the entire time, as if I’d been lost… but had finally found my home. The sun was peeking through the trees, and I tipped my head back and closed my eyes, standing still and letting that little warmth cover my face. I felt a smile spread across my face and wondered if this was what I’d been missing the whole time. Just being outdoors without the noisy chaos of the city. Maybe I wasn’t meant for anything more than this. A simplicity that was nice and uncomplicated. I opened my eyes and squinted above, the sun spearing through the canopy of thick trees and slicing over my face. It was warm and bright, and I swore that feeling in me grew. The breeze picked up, catching the end of my ponytail and brushing the strands along my shoulders. Everything smelled crisp and clean, so free and unobstructed. I’d been used to the scent of smog and car exhaust, so familiar with the honking of horns and the yells from angry people. I kept walking, mindful of the overgrown brush around me, the thick roots that sprouted from the ground like hungry fingers needing sunlight and fresh air. I pulled out the pamphlet that Christo had given me last night when I’d been heading out for the pub. I opened the trifold and started reading about the Cli s of Moira, the history, the path to take, and all the little details a tourist needed to know.

The hike would be about two hours, sixty minutes each way, just like Christo had said. It wasn’t something that seemed particularly pleasant, but with nothing but time on my hands right now, I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to just… be free. Besides, I felt good out here, so this certainly wasn’t a hardship. I tucked the pamphlet back into my pocket and adjusted my backpack as I kept walking. I’d been nervous as hell going out to eat alone, not just because I wasn’t a social person but also because I was in a strange city with a di erent culture. But I’d quickly learned that residents of Búraló were open and friendly and all too anxious to let me know about their history and the folklore that surrounded the town. And I’d had a few too many pints of ale, the brew making me feel loose and happy and especially anxious to hear all they had to say. I’d heard the stories of the village, when it was established, how many residents called it home. I hadn’t been surprised to know that the wolf was an integral part of what they believed in Búraló, not with all the statues and engravings that surrounded every nook and cranny. It was almost like they worshipped the wolf, or Lycan, as they called them. There were stories about these great, powerful creatures that roamed the forests of Scotland, that were fierce and dangerous, territorial but protective in every sense of the word. The villagers spoke with such awe and pride that it was hard not to fall in love with the mythical creatures that not only struck fear in these people, but also this reverence and love. And I was pretty sure the ale had been talking last night, because my lips had gotten loose as I pried and picked for information about my family. Why not try to get some “dirt”

while everyone was so happily giving out the free information? But to my disappointment, no one had anything useful to say aside from many people who lived deep in the woods kept to themselves, and apparently my grandparents and mother had been just that. Recluses to the nth degree. But even if the villagers couldn’t help me out, I was hopeful—maybe too optimistic—that I’d find out something with public records. Maybe I’d find other residents who were home deep in the woods. Maybe they’d be able to help me. Because at this point I had nothing else to lose.




was pretty sure I broke a couple bones, definitely fractured them. My body was black-and-blue, but I wanted this. Asked for it. I’d needed it. And Odhran delivered tenfold. The shifter hadn’t spared me anything in that ring, and I’d gone tooth and nail with him, not holding anything back. I’d been aware of the rest of the Guard stopping their training and watching, seeing us beat the shit out of each other, but despite my power and size, Odhran was soulless and had centuries on me. He’d been in countless battles and had a body count under his belt in the hundreds. And so I limped up the stairs and out the door that led to the training center. I knew a few ribs were cracked, but they’d be healed by morning. And I was spent, so wiped out there was even the possibility I’d be able to fucking sleep. But first I needed to see Ainslee. I needed to apologize, needed to tell her I loved her and things would work out. Even if I didn’t know if that was the truth.

After heading into the kitchen and guzzling two bottles of water, I went upstairs. Lennox and Tavish were heading my way, no doubt having gone down to the rec room to play those stupid video games they were obsessed with. And one look at my face had Tavish rolling his eyes. “Ye’re gonna piss her o even more. Leave her be,” Lennox said. It was clear he’d read my mind. But all I did was keep walking away, moving ahead of them, and lifting my hand to give him the finger. “Classy,” he muttered. I didn’t bother looking over my shoulder at him and Tavish as they went down the hallway toward their rooms. “She was upset. I want tae check on her.” I heard Lennox grumble about how I was overbearing. But they were ones to fucking talk, seeing as they were just as protective of Ainslee as I was. When I stopped in front of her bedroom door, I had a little bit of doubt that even just speaking to her right now would be met with resistance, that she’d see it as me being too overbearing. But I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t make sure she was okay. I knew this was hard on her. How couldn’t it be? I tried to put myself in her shoes, picturing myself being kept from my mate. But it was di erent for females of the Otherworld. Females in our world didn’t feel the same kind of Linking Connection as the males did. But even that couldn’t make me feel sympathy for Luca, not in the state he was in. He was batshit crazy, too far over the edge of sanity. I couldn’t trust him to be gentle with my sister. Mate or not, I had no doubt his need for her, the animalistic tendencies he’d housed for far too long, could quite possibly hurt her. I knocked on the door and said softly, “Leelee?” I felt like an asshole, my aggression higher than I’d ever felt it before

because of the situation. I needed to be gentler with her, not so gru and rough. Although she was half-Lycan and had grown up watching all of us roughhouse constantly, I still saw her as my baby sister, someone too precious to see the ugliness of the world. I always would. There was no answer, and I closed my eyes and exhaled. I knocked again. “Leelee, come on. Please doona be upset.” Still no answer. I rested my forehead against the door and exhaled. Our lives had changed so drastically. Da and Mam were up to their necks in stress and worry, and the aggression from my brothers and me was so intense I was choking on it. I should’ve turned around and gone back to my room, given her space and privacy, but I felt this tightening in the back of my neck, this tingling on my skin. I straightened as I felt my wolf rising up. No matter how mad she was at me, she’d never shut me out like this before. Then again, no one had ever tried to keep her from her mate. I curled my hand around the doorknob, feeling all kinds of shitty because I was about to burst into her room. But then I twisted the handle and opened her door. The first thing I saw was her made bed. The next thing I noticed was the small table o to the side that still held the tray of untouched food and the full glass of blood I’d brought in earlier. I felt my brows pull down low as I opened the door even more, the wood banging against the wall. I turned my attention to the opposite side of the room where her vanity was, expecting to see her sitting on the little bench in front of it, glaring at me. Empty. I stepped inside and looked all around the room.

“Ainslee?” I said her name loud enough that even if she were in the bathroom, she'd be able to hear me. Silence. I found myself striding to the bathroom, the door already open, the light o . I knew she wasn’t inside before I even opened the door fully and turned on the light. Empty. My heart started beating harder as panic seized me. She isn’t in her room. So? She could be somewhere else, unable tae sleep, so she’s walking around the estate. But panic kept rising, increasing with every passing second. I looked toward her window, shaking my head, because there was absolutely no fucking way she would have went against what we’d said, and gone to him. There was no fucking way she’d been able to get past the sentries. But as I tried to convince myself she was still in the estate, on the property, the more I knew she was out there with that bastard. Gods. I clutched my chest, picking at the material of my shirt as I started to hyperventilate. She’d gone out there to him. She’d left the house, because we’d su ocated her. This was our fault, and if she was hurt because of me, I’d never forgive myself. None of us would. It was time to get my brothers and Da. It was time to go over that gate, hunt Luca down, and pray like hell he hadn’t devoured her. This wasn’t just a battle we were going into. It was a war.




otherfucker,” I cursed to no one, and despite being alone in the middle of nowhere, I felt my face heat at the profanity. I knew I was lost an hour ago—well, way before that—but I’d been in denial. And I was really in bad shape now that the sun had set and I was in the scary-ass woods with nothing but all the things that went bump in the night surrounding me. I was completely turned around, had no idea what direction my rental car was in, and I felt panic settle in so strongly that I was starting to really get scared I’d never get out of these woods. I stopped in the center of the forest and closed my eyes, breathing, trying in vain to get my shit together. It wasn’t helping, not with the creepy-ass sounds that surrounded me, not with the fact that the sun had set hours before, and especially not with the shadows that made it seem like there were creatures lurking behind the trees.

I opened my eyes and looked around, a shiver moving over my arms as a breeze picked up. I swore I heard twigs snapping, knew I hadn’t imagined something large scurrying close by. I was sweating, strands of hair that had fallen from my ponytail sticking to my temples. I curled my hands around the straps of my backpack. At least I was smart enough to bring it and pack some water and energy bars, because they’d saved my ass a few hours ago when I felt dehydrated and my stomach had cramped something fierce. I blew out a breath, and the stream of air pushed away a lock of my dark hair that had come undone from my ponytail and wasn’t currently plastered to my face. I did a full turn, trying to see if I could make heads or tails of which way I should go, but my reality was looking like I’d be stuck sleeping here overnight, because no way could I navigate through the woods when it was dark. I could cry… again. I’d broken down not that long ago when I knew I was up shit creek without a damn paddle, but I’d put on my “big-girl panties” and kept on trucking. I was a survivor, I told myself. I hadn’t made it through the foster care system with scars and bruises from standing up for myself and not letting the other kids beat me down, just to lose it in the Highlands of Scotland. I picked a direction and started walking, because any way at this point was a good enough bet to get out of here. “This is what I get for being an idiot and going o the trail.” I pushed that same strand of hair away from my face. “This is what I get for not bringing a compass or map, or hell, a cell phone that actually works out in the middle of nowhere.” But I’d wanted to “rough it,” to see the natural beauty of my surroundings that tourists weren’t hand-fed. I’d felt this pull to explore, and I hadn’t denied it. And I’m paying for it now.

I pulled out my cell, but I already knew what I’d see. No service. No bars. Nothing but my battery dying a slow death. It’s the only reason I wasn't using the flashlight on the damn thing, because I kept holding out hope that one of these times I checked for service, a miracle would happen and I’d have it. I was losing my mind. I had to be to berate myself like it would make a di erence. Another chill raced over my body, and I tightened the light jacket I wore around myself even more. I kept walking. And walking. And walking. Time felt like it blurred in these woods, which only added to the horrifyingly creepy aspect of it. I’d have to either make a makeshift campsite—with no tent, no fire… no nothing but my light jacket and the lone water bottle and energy bar I had left—or keep trucking through these woods at night and hope I found something. And then I heard another noise. Moaning? Growling? I stopped, my heart suddenly in my throat as I turned around, my head whipping back and forth as I tried to figure out what that noise was and what direction it came from. Another moan. Female. A harsh groan. Male. My eyes widened, and I followed the sound. I didn’t give a shit if I came across people having sex in the woods. They could get me out of here. I was all but running now, my feet crunching over twigs and dried leaves. I was about to open my mouth and yell for help, to get their attention so they’d hopefully stop fucking before I saw them and had to bleach my eyes out, but the very animal growl that ripped through the air had me stumbling forward before falling onto my knees. I cried out softly as my hand landed on the jagged edge of a rock. I pulled it up and brought it close enough to my face

so I could see. A nasty-looking slice went through the length of my palm, deep enough I may need stitches, but that was the least of my worries. I pushed myself up just as I heard the sound of… men speaking, their voices gru and deep. My pulse picked up in relief. I found myself moving toward them before I realized what I was doing, the voices growing louder yet now becoming a little distorted. All I kept thinking was that they could get me out of here. It didn’t even occur to me—at least not more than on a superficial level—that I could be walking into something far more dangerous than being lost in the woods. But all I kept replaying in my mind was getting out of this damn forest, going back to the little bed-and-breakfast, and putting this all behind me. I was going to stay in and sleep for the next twelve hours. The trees started to thin out, and I knew I was coming up to a clearing, to where the voices were. The sounds became louder, more distinguishable, and that had me lowering my brows in confusion, because it didn’t make any sense—the conversation I was hearing. I strained to hear, the voices very male and deep, kind of distorted. “Da, with all respect, this is my life. He’s my mate. I’m not a child, and you can’t dictate my life, not where this is concerned. You can’t tell me who I can be with, especially my fated mate.” I turned my focus to the only female voice I’d heard so far, but because it was so dark with only slips of moonlight shining through the treetops, I couldn’t make her out very well. I could see the blonde hair that fell in heavy waves along her shoulders and over her back. I could also see the

biggest man I’d ever seen in my life standing in front of her in a very protective stance. There was more talking, more shouting and growling, and the entire time I felt this strange pricking cover my entire body. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was very much unusual and disconcerting. The feeling consuming me was almost… pleasurable. As if my body knew something monumental was about to happen and anticipated it. Mates? Lycans? Vampires having to be called in? I took another step closer but stumbled again, throwing a hand out to brace it on the closest tree. I hissed when my cut palm landed on the rough bark. But the pain faded as I stood frozen in place at the scene before me. Then it was as if time slowed before speeding up, with growls echoing o the trees, ones that were very much not human. There was going to be a fight… a big one. I shook my head, confusion and fear so thick in me I felt the hot tears sliding down my cheeks before I realized I was crying. More growling and snapping of teeth, shouting, and the level of aggression being thrown o told me this wasn’t just a fight but a war. And these men were not normal. The men were too big. Too muscular. And their… eyes were glowing. They’re glowing just like I’ve been dreaming about my entire life. And right in front of me, I saw the men becoming bigger, their muscles getting stacked upon each other. They looked… inhuman. God. They are not human. None of this is right. Because what I was staring at couldn’t be real, not when the men in front of me looked like they’d been ripped right out of a horror movie.




felt the wild rage of my wolf pacing within me. I was partially shifted, more animal than man right now, my body bigger, my eyes flashing, my nails razor-sharp claws. I was ready for a war as I, along with my father and a handful of members of the Guard, made a wall of aggression and flesh in front of Luca. I snarled as I watched the other male take a protective stance in front of my sister. After I’d realized Ainslee had left the property and gotten my brothers and Da involved, a loose plan had been made. Tavish and Lennox had gone to the Lycan private airstrip because apparently Mam had called in her crazy, bloodthirsty brother. And the presence of Uncle Adryan would only cause more chaos, because that male wasn’t only the best fucking tracker I knew; he was also the leader of the American Vampire Clan. And he’d gotten that position because of his brutality and lack of emotion. I was pretty sure the bastard was a sociopath.

Luca snarled, and I bared my teeth, my bruises and cracked ribs, the pain of my battered body fading as I felt a surge of adrenaline and power course through me. “Let my sister go, and we can handle this like males of worth.” Although being a male of worth was the last fucking thing on my mind. I wanted to draw blood from Luca, and a lot of it, especially as I could smell his arousal for my sister coating the air. “Caelan, please stop,” Ainslee’s soft voice came through, but it couldn’t penetrate the rage I felt or clear the red film of anger covering my vision. “You don’t understand. This is a huge misunderstanding.” I snarled and braced my weight on my thighs, lowering slightly, getting into an attack position to charge Luca. “Stand down, boy,” Luca seethed, but I just grinned. Ainslee stepped beside Luca, and I heard a chorus of growls permeating the air around me as the other Lycans readied for a battle. Ainslee held up her hands in surrender, and I loathed that she felt that she had to do this with us. We’d never hurt her. “Caelan…” She paused and looked at each Lycan, all of us standing a mere twenty or so feet from her and Luca. “I’m asking you to let me do this on my own and in my own time, to let me figure this out.” I hated that she sounded so desperate, that we’d all made her feel this way. I shook my head and closed my eyes, knowing I had to see reason, had to listen to her, but my wolf was too far gone. I was too on edge, too broken in this state to push the beast down. I opened my eyes and took note of the way Luca took a protective stance in front of her. I couldn’t deny I was pleased that he’d die to safeguard her. I’d want nothing less for my baby sister.

“Luca won’t hurt me.” Ainslee looked up at Luca, and I could see—feel—how much she meant those words… how much she believed them. And then she glanced at us once more and took a step forward. I wanted to lunge for her, to get her away from the violence that was simmering at the surface, that would explode forth and take all of us down. But Luca kept his hand on her, pulling her back against his chest. I growled and heard Da do the same, and I didn’t even try to hide the snapping of my teeth or my wolf rising up even more, pushing forward. I was losing control and didn’t know how much longer I’d have before I fully snapped. Da moved forward, and I sensed this softening in him as he addressed his daughter. “Darlin’, yer mam’s really worried.” There was a clear pleading in our father’s voice, but underneath that was his immense rage as well. “Come back home and ease her, and we can talk about this. We can figure out how this will work.” He glanced at all of us standing side by side, his eyes narrowed, the irises glowing and telling everyone how close to shifting he was. Just like me. “Let me speak with Luca alone,” he addressed us, and despite my father knowing best, I was ready to argue the point. He turned his focus back to Ainslee. “Ye may think he will no’ harm ye, and he hasn’t… yet, but he’s unstable. Until I can guarantee that he has himself under control and that him being half-turned will no’ backfire, I canna allow ye tae be alone with him. I canna live with myself if something happens tae ye.” Ainslee was shaking her head. She seemed headstrong and so stubborn right now, there was no doubt she was of McGregor blood. “Da, with all respect, this is my life. He’s my mate. I’m not a child, and you can’t dictate my life, not where this is

concerned. You can’t tell me who I can be with, especially my fated mate.” I sensed the other Lycans tensing. Waiting. Ready for the direction their Alpha and King would give them on how to proceed. The air seemed to still, not even wind blowing through the trees. There was this thickness, this tightness surrounding us. I felt the last of my rationalization and sanity slip. I didn’t realize what I was doing until I was crouched, with one foot braced in front of the other. I felt nothing but savage rage. I curled my hands into tight fists at my sides, bared my teeth, and felt the saliva drip o my elongated canines. I squeezed my fists over and over again. Relaxing and flexing. Relaxing and flexing. Because I was young, I was having a hell of a time controlling my wolf, and it was so easy to let the beast free. I narrowed my eyes and trained them right on fucking Luca. I felt my Alpha side rise up, take control… explode inside me. I charged forward. “No, Caelan. Stop.” I was pretty sure that was Ainslee yelling, but everything was distorted, as if I was treading through water. Nothing made sense. Nothing was clear except to get to Luca and take him down. “No. No. No no no.” This inhuman, purely enraged sound tore from my throat as I kept racing forward. And then I heard shouting coming from behind, no doubt from Da, most likely him telling me to stand down. “Caelan. Fooking stop!” I finally heard my father shout, but there was no stopping me. I was a derailed train. My vision was cloudy, but I saw Luca pick up Ainslee and have the right frame of mind to push her behind a tree. I roared at my own eagerness to exact violence that I hadn’t

thought of her well-being, and when I saw her stumble and fall from the sudden movement, Luca snarled, no doubt blaming me. And he’d be right. It was my fault, but fuck. I. Couldn’t. Stop. When Luca held his arms out wide and let a slow grin spread across his face, I felt pleasure slam into me. He’d really give me the fight I needed. Finally. I slammed into Luca’s body, but I was pretty sure he allowed that to happen. He was over four hundred years old, and I knew he had probably seen countless battles. But I growled in pleasure when I heard Luca grunt from the impact of my body against his. The fierce momentum had both of us hurtling through the air, and another fierce sound left me when Luca slammed into the trunk of a massive tree. The tree shook and groaned from the impact, bark and leaves raining down on us as if it were crying in pain. There were shouts surrounding us, but I heard nothing clear. And my vision was still red-tinged and muddy. I snarled and slammed a fist into Luca’s side. When he gripped my shoulders and twisted, pushing me away, I didn’t delay in charging at him once more. And he tossed me again, hard enough that it was now my turn to slam into a tree. The pain was instant, bursts of white-hot discomfort coursing up my spine. I was on my hands and knees and gritted my teeth as I pushed past the discomfort, my head fuzzy from when my head cracked against the trunk. “You dare try to take my mate from me?” I heard Luca roar, but I didn't know who he was speaking to. I kept trying to clear my head, letting the pain wash through me before ebbing away. “Well, come then, and let me show you how a male protects his female.” The fierce fight happened instantly all around me, and I tried to stand several times, but the fire moving through my

spine reminded me that my body wasn’t at 100 percent. Maybe if I hadn’t let Odhran beat the shit out of me, I wouldn't be having such a hard time regaining my composure and strength. I had to get up. I had to fight again. The minutes ticked by, and I finally stood, shaking my head, feeling it clear, feeling the pain flow away. I faced o with Luca again, seeing him fighting the Guard and Da. He was pushing them o as if they were gnats, and I roared as I charged forward and slammed into him from the side. Luca’s big body hurtled into a tree again before falling to the leaf-laden ground. A slow grin spread across my face when I saw the odd angle of his leg. He turned his head in my direction, and I snapped my teeth at him. When Luca stood and went to push me away, I swiped out from instinct, my claws dragging along his side. “Oh gods, Caelan. No!” Ainslee screamed, and my focus went to my sister. Before I knew what was happening or could scold myself for my amateur mistake, Luca picked me up, a mighty roar coming from him, and threw me aside with so much force I knew this impact would really hurt. The landing knocked the breath out of me, and I was pretty sure I blacked out. I groaned and tried to rise, failing miserably as I crashed back to the ground. I knew my ass was staying down for a moment. And as I lay there, trying to rise every so often, I knew this was game over for me. There was no way I could be strong enough right now to go back up against Luca. My body was too battered, and he was too strong, far too old and experienced for me to take down single-handedly. But as I closed my eyes and breathed in and out, I felt a prickling at the back of my neck. I felt this tightness in my body.

I opened my eyes and tried to figure out what that was. I braced my hands on the dirt and pushed up, feeling this strength move through me, unsure where it came from, but feeling it fill every inch of me. It got rid of the pain of broken and fractured bones. It had my heart pumping and blood racing through my veins. It pulled me up and gave me this power that had relief striking me so fast and hard I staggered. There was this powerful, undeniable shift in the air, a reckoning… my awakening. I found myself crouching low and searching the woods. What caused this change in me was in the woods. So close. So fucking close I could taste her. Her. My female. Gods, my Linked Mate was here. My pheromones poured out of me, saturated the air. Nothing else mattered. No one else mattered but her. I kept searching the woods and then froze. There she was, her eyes wide, her mouth parted, tears sliding down her cheeks. I wanted to lick that wetness o , take a piece of her into me so we’d be eternal. I couldn’t stop myself as I roared out, “Mine!” She started shaking her head, and a slow grin spread across my face. That's right. She was mine and mine alone. Run, little female. Run, because I’m coming for you, and I fucking love the chase.




was working on pure instinct, the Linking Connection pushing everything else away so that nothing else mattered but getting to my female. And this was how it would always be. She’d come first. Always. She’ll be mine. Irrevocably. My female ran fast and hard, but she’d never outrun me. I’d always find her now that I had her scent ingrained in my nose, now that I knew I’d found my Linked Mate. The sound of her crashing through the woods, her body small, tiny in comparison to mine filled me with worry. Protect her, my Lycan roared in my head. I was acutely aware of her breathing, the hard pants that sawed in and out of her mouth, her arms pumping back and forth as she tried to escape. I hummed low, pleasure and this powerful need to get to her making me run faster. Although I could have easily caught her, I was getting o on her thinking she could run from me, that she had a chance of escaping.

I inhaled deeply, snarling and snapping, low growling at the subtle scent of her. I was so far gone, and with the wilderness surrounding me, the heightened adrenaline rushing through my veins, I was having a hell of a time filtering out the scents… pinpointing hers. What I could decipher with startling clarity was that she was mine. And then all I smelled was her. The fresh, crisp, and clean scent of her, like wildflowers in an open field, sunshine raining down on them, filled my head and made me feel drugged, my wolf howling in approval. But there was something else under the surface, something that my mind wouldn’t wrap around just yet, wouldn’t penetrate. And I was so focused on getting to her that I didn’t pay much attention at first. There would be time for me to decipher all things, to know everything about her. Right now I just had to get to my female. My Lycan side reveled in the chase, and I tipped my head back and howled. She cried out, and a part of me hated so badly that I was the one who frightened her. The other part was so wild and hungry for her that I couldn’t stop what was happening. I didn’t want to scare her. Ever. I wanted to make her happy, pleasure her, keep her close and safe so she’d always know that if anyone or anything meant her harm, I’d destroy them. I’m causing her harm. I’m the reason she’s scared. The need to shift was so strong inside me that I gritted my teeth, my canines picking at my bottom lip and scoring the flesh. The flavor of my blood coated my tongue, a coppery flavor, as if I’d been sucking on a penny. It drove my need for my mate higher. I beat the beast back, refusing to let my wolf out. All that would do was frighten her even further. And that was the last

thing I wanted. I was going about this all wrong. I knew I was fucking this up. But I couldn’t stay back, couldn’t even think of a rational thought, let alone tell her she had nothing to fear from me. I tracked her, my vision crystal-clear, even in the pitch darkness of night. She was pushing away low-hanging branches, the thorns and twigs scraping at her flesh. I wanted to pull her into the hardness of my body and protect her, keep her close. I wanted to destroy all these trees because they dared to hurt my mate. And then I was tracking her feet, anticipating where she went next, where her foot would land before she placed it. I moved faster just as I saw the toe of her shoe get caught in the underbrush, taking her down, the force propelling her forward so that I knew she'd get injured once she hit the ground. I heard something snap, unsure if it was a branch or something worse, like her delicate bone. She screamed, and I felt all the anguish and anger, the possessive and protective side of me rising up that my female was hurt. I tipped my head back and roared, heard her scream in response, and knew I’d just made everything worse.




h God. He was coming after me. He was chasing me. I was his prey. I could feel him. So close. He was so close. I swore the sensation of his warm breath coasted over the back of my neck. I was terrified… but I felt something else too. It was this strange awakening, this prickling in my body as if something was trying to escape. A choked sob left me, and I pumped my arms faster. Harder. My vision was blurry, and I kept wiping at my eyes, but I’d stumbled so many times that dirt marred my hands, smearing along my face, making my eyesight even worse. And then there was the fact that I couldn’t see shit, the darkness so thick that the moonlight couldn’t even seem to penetrate the treetops. I swore I could hear the animalistic sounds coming from him. I didn’t know what he was, didn’t know who he was.

All I knew for certain was that he was chasing me, and… he would catch me. I pushed branches aside, but they kept slapping against my arms and face like a brand from nature. My foot caught on a root, my body propelling forward from the force. I went down hard, heard something snap, and cried out. The man, beast, whatever the hell he was, roared, and I screamed, tears blurring my vision even more. I turned over so I was now sitting on the ground, so I could see him coming for me. I knew I’d broken something from the crack, but right now I didn’t feel any pain. “Oh God.” My voice was barely a whisper, the words hardly carrying in the air. I tried to scramble back, my heels digging into the muddy ground, my fingers sinking into the earth. But I wasn’t getting any traction. And he kept stalking forward. Never letting up. His eyes trained on me and… glowing unnaturally. Mystically. “W-What are you?” My voice was nothing but a strangled sound. As I spoke the words, he slowed before stopping. He was only a foot from me, his body so massive it took up my entire view. The longer I stared at him, the more I felt my eyes widen as his body grew right in front of me. He looked like he was barely hanging on to his control, as if he couldn’t help himself. I took note of his hands curling and relaxing against his sides, his nails… claws. Over and over, he made a fist and relaxed. His smile was slow, and a choked gasp left me at the sight of his fangs. Fucking fangs. What the hell? Oh God. “What are you?” I asked again but didn’t know if I was asking him or myself.

His grin stayed in place as he growled—yes, growled, like some wild animal. “What am I?” He took another step forward, and despite my fear, despite the terrifying su ocation that claimed me, there was something potent about the way he smelled, something that had my heart racing for another reason. I’m losing my mind. I’m dreaming. Or maybe I’d died. “I’m yer mate, and I’m never letting ye go.” His eyes flashed brighter with that inhuman glow, his expression sobering and turning intense and… possessive. “No one will ever take ye from me.” Then the welcome darkness took over, and I didn't know if that was a blessing or the worst nightmare imaginable.




o one will ever take ye from me.” That phrase ran through my mind over and over again. The truth. Forever. My little mate had passed out, her fear taking hold on her reality until she succumbed to shock. I moved toward her slowly, my hand shaking as I crouched beside her and reached out. My chest was rising and falling harshly, as if I couldn’t get enough oxygen into my lungs. This low growl was a constant from me, a sound of proprietary need and pleasure that she was here. Finally. Her face was relaxed in her unconscious state, her dark hair pulled into a ponytail that was skewed and tangled with dried leaves and twigs from her haste to escape me. I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes and groaning, my entire body tight. Arousal raced through my veins, contracting my muscles, thickening the heavy length of my cock. I felt like a disgusting motherfucker for getting aroused while she lay unconscious, her fear causing her to drift away, her pain the result of me chasing her.

I bit out a curse and snatched my hand back before I could touch her. I wasn’t worthy of that yet. I wasn’t worthy of touching her hair crossing her cheek. And until she came to terms with who and what I was—until she accepted me as her mate with open arms—I’d keep my fucking hands to myself in that sensual way. I was careful as I picked her up and cradled her in my arms, marveling at her small frame pressed to my massive chest. I’d take her away from here, help her heal… keep her with me until she accepted that I was her mate. I inhaled her sweet scent again, filling my lungs with her. Only her. She caused this tingling in my nose, one that told me there was something di erent about this female. She was human but… not wholly. But because of my heightened shifter state, because all I could concentrate on was wanting to claim every single inch of her, to seal the Linking Connection, I couldn’t fully comprehend or sift through what that “other” was in her. It didn’t matter. I didn’t care who or what she was. She was mine, and that’s all that mattered. I made quick work through the woods, careful to keep from jostling her so she didn’t get injured even more. I kept my senses open to make sure we weren’t being followed. I was thankful she was passed out. It made this easier, made her pain not a ect her. But her being out also made her not fight me. I didn’t want to have to throw her over my shoulder kicking and screaming and carry her away like a fucking caveman, some barbarian who refused to give her the independence to let her make up her own mind. We were close to my father’s estate, and I knew with the fight happening with Luca and attention diverted, I’d be able to take one of the cars and slip away. Hopefully. Theoretically.

This was easier than taking her inside my ancestral home and trying to convince my family that what I was doing wasn’t the worst fucking thing in the world. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. I couldn’t think rationally enough to convince myself that this was wrong. And as I thought about that, as I really felt what it was like to finally have my mate, a low growl ripped from me at the very thought of someone taking her from me. And then I really felt like a fucking bastard because of all the shit I’d put Luca through, all the animosity and anger, when all he wanted was his other half. He hadn’t been able to help himself, just like I hadn’t. Because all we thought of, all we saw and felt, was that pull to get to our mate and keep her close. I quickly made my way to the rear entrance of the estate, the twin gates coming into view and the land after that would give me a clear shot to the massive garage that held all the vehicles. It was bi-level, with not just the luxury allterrain, tactical, sports utility, and functioning equipment the Guard used held within. After punching in the code, I pulled the gate open, shut it as quietly as I could behind me, and made quick work across the property. My senses were alert as I scanned the grounds and prayed like hell none of the sentries were close enough to scent me. The last thing I needed was them interfering, because as feral as I felt right now, I knew I’d be brutal in my need to protect this female in my arms and keep them back. Fuck, I didn’t even want another male looking at her. The very thought of full-blooded Lycans near my mate… I shook my head as rage filled me. At the thought, I held her tighter, my fingers curling against her slight form. I looked down at her, the end of her ponytail swinging side to side with each step I took, strands that had come loose sticking to her temple and forehead. I

wanted to brush them away, to really get a good look at her face. I wanted her to open her eyes so I could see what color they were. She was delicate, the most beautiful creature I’d ever looked upon. She was the most precious thing to me, and if it killed me, I’d make her see how she was mine and how I couldn’t let her go. I’d rather die than let that happen. Once I was keyed into the garage, I knew I had only a small window of time before somebody knew I was here. The entire estate was set up with state-of-the-art security, where every code that was entered was logged in and alerted. We had a command center where members of the Guard monitored the property 24-7. And if they weren’t here in minutes after me getting into the garage, me logging into the rear entrance would solve that and let them know. So I had to be quick. I grabbed one of the keys o the hook, not caring which car they went to, and pressed the unlock button. The lights of a black Range Rover flashed, and the horn honked once. I quickly made my way over to it, pulling open the back door and sliding my female onto the leather seat, mindful to be gentle. She didn’t stir, and I was careful with her limbs as I shut the door. I opened the bay hatch of the garage, then crouched by the driver side and started to feel around under the wheel. I knew every vehicle we had carried a tracker, and the last thing I wanted or needed was for someone to find me. Once I pulled the little bastard o and flung it onto the workstation, I grabbed my cell that was in the back pocket of my jeans and took the battery out, tossing both pieces on the passenger seat in front. Critical thinking kicked in, and I was smart enough to rush over to one of the utility closets, pull out one of the black du el bags that were put together by the Guard, and

fill it with essential supplies. I’d given Cian and the other Lycans a hard time when they’d been creating these, throwing out that we were, after all, wolf shifters and didn’t needed to pitch a tent in the middle of the woods. But I’d never been more thankful for Cian’s military-wired mind and the need to have all of this organized, catalogued, and accounted for than I was right now. After tossing the bag in the passenger side, I climbed into the driver seat, cranked the engine, and wasted no time in putting the vehicle in reverse before turning around and hauling ass out of there. I kept checking my rearview mirror, expecting Lycans to come barreling out of the estate, but so far there was nothing. I was pretty sure the fiasco with Luca was what kept them busy, and that was working to my benefit at the moment. Once on the main road, I really sped, not caring about human tra c laws or how dangerous I was being as I maneuvered the car around bends and turns. My only objective was to get as far away as possible with my mate, somewhere secluded and private where I could make sure I had the ample time I needed to make her see how right she was to be with me. She’d fight it—fight me— but I had to hope she’d see how much she was mine the same as I was hers. I scrubbed a hand over my face, thinking of which Lycan property I could take her to where we’d have privacy. Although my bloodline had dozens of estates just within Scotland, we had more within Europe and several in the States. The faster I drove, and the farther I took my female away, the more my mind started to clear. But every time I inhaled, all I scented was her. That gloriously fresh and sweet aroma

that had my beast rising once more. I tightened my hands on the steering wheel, the leather creaking. She made me want to lose control just by thinking of her. Out of the country wasn’t going to be possible right now, so I racked my brain as I thought about older properties we owned, ones that wouldn’t be suspicious, ones that were so far from actual saturated Lycan land it would be to my benefit. And when I thought of a place that would work, I knew the next step I’d have to take was seeking out the Lycan witch who’d be able to give me a talisman to further keep me hidden. The same hybrid who’d given us the mystical protection spell for the gate around the estate. Because without a talisman, it wouldn’t matter how far I went; they’d track me. And with Uncle Adryan, my mother’s brother and the leader of the American Vampire Clan, flying in to help with the Ainslee situation, I’d have no chance of staying hidden without this talisman. Because even if I could stay away from my Lycan brethren, Adryan was the best fucking tracker and a brutal hunter. He’d find us so fast my damn head would spin. “Fook,” I muttered and snapped my gaze to the rearview mirror, looking into my female’s face. She had dirt smeared across her alabaster skin, her expression relaxed as she slept. I prayed she stayed that way until I got us to the estate, hoped like hell I could make her see that even though what I was doing was wrong as fuck on every level—and I knew that deep down—I was doing it for our benefit. Damn, even that sounds like a load of bullshit. I couldn’t stop myself, couldn’t help myself. She was everything to me already, and I didn’t even know her name.




otherfooker,” Banner growled as he all but crashed into the estate. “I’m going tae kill the bastard.” I stayed back as I watched his head swing back and forth, seeking, searching, and then he saw his target and went to her like a battering ram at full force. He pulled his mate into his arms, and I heard their combined groans but turned so I gave them some privacy. The confrontation with Luca hadn’t ended how we wanted, not when Ainslee had inadvertently gotten hurt in the fray, and the crazed Lycan had taken o with her. Then there was the fact that Caelan had found his mate, the Linked Connection kicking in and making anything else inconsequential. So there was a bunch of shit now thrown into the fray, the complications piling up. I heard Luna, Banner’s vampire mate and the triplets and Ainslee’s mam, gasp, and I knew he’d just told her all of that.

I braced my big body against the wall and ran a hand over my face, the exhaustion finally catching up with me as the adrenaline high went down. I’d hardly slept for the last week, not when we all had to be on alert because of Luca pacing outside the gate, and with everyone needing me on guard as we came up with a plan and precautions for whatever might happen. So on top of that bullshit, now we had the added complication of Caelan going AWOL because he’d found his Linked Mate. Fooking hell. I stood there for long moments, waiting for Banner to give us our next orders. I knew he wanted Ainslee safe. Caelan might have taken o , but he was a strong Lycan male and trained enough that he could handle himself. His mate and whether she was of the Otherworld or not was another matter. And what if she hadn’t gone with him willingly? Which I had a feeling she hadn’t, not with her hauling ass out of there. It told me we may have to hunt the pup down and deal with his mess. The small radio in my ear beeped, and I straightened as I heard the rough growl fill my ear. “Caelan came back to the estate only long enough to take one of the cars,” Rory, a fairly young Lycan who helped man the security control station, said. “He have a female with him?” I turned my back and spoke low so Banner wouldn’t hear. I needed all the information before bringing this to the king. “Yeah. Unconscious by the looks of it.” Fook. “He took one of the black Range Rovers and remembered to remove the tracker.” Shite. I ran a hand over my face and exhaled. “Okay. Thanks for the update. Double the sentries around the

property.” Although I knew Luca was long gone with Ainslee. I turned back around, not realizing I’d walked several feet away and had entered the study. I made my way back to the library, where I heard Banner and the other males’ voices filtering out from. I took a step into the foyer just as the front door burst open. I took a fighting stance, but when I saw the big bastard step through the threshold, a shit-eating grin on his face, Tavish and Lennox trailing behind, I eased. Fucking Adryan. Luna’s big fucking brother strode in like he owned the damn place. He looked exactly the same as I’d seen all those years ago. Short black hair. Trimmed black beard. Eyes as dead and cold as he was. I narrowed my eyes when I saw he’d brought Sebastian and Kane, vampire brothers, and cousins to Luna and Adryan. Adryan stopped when he saw me, and his grin widened. “Is that fucking Cian standing right before me?” He placed his hands on his hips, his massive biceps flexing from the small move. The bastard eyed me up and down. “Still a big fucker with that chip on your shoulder, huh?” “Adryan.” I growled his name, the only greeting I’d give him. I felt the air in the room shift, and that’s when I knew Banner had realized Adryan walked in. I could tell Adryan noticed the di erence as well, because the motherfucker’s grin widened, and while he turned his body to face the library, he kept his eyes on me for a prolonged moment. “Looks like I get to piss o another Lycan with my presence. Fun fucking times.” He winked, and I ground my molars again as I watched him face forward before walking away. And then the bastard started whistling.

On instinct I followed him, knowing Banner didn’t physically need my help or protection, especially for the inlaw variety. But as he was my Alpha, I’d always have his back. Luna smiled when she saw her brother, and when they embraced, I was struck by how someone as gentle and caring as Luna could be related to a sadistic son of a bitch like Adryan. Although I hated seeing the sociopath, the truth was, if we had any hope of finding Ainslee, Adryan would be at the top of my list on who I would’ve called in. But if I thought shit had gotten worse before now, having three vampires on Lycan property just upped that tenfold. It would either work out to our benefit that they were here, or it would be like jumping from a plane without a parachute and hoping you didn’t die when you crashed to the ground.




’d driven for hours, and despite my lack of sleep the last week, I was wired and didn’t think I could have even closed my eyes unless knocked the fuck out. The small, one-car, gravel driveway kicked pebbles under my tires as I made a slow ascent up the winding path, and for the hundredth time I glanced in the rearview mirror and stared at my female’s face. She’d been asleep for too long, so long I worried she’d never wake up. What if her injuries were worse than I thought? Although I knew her ankle was in bad shape from the swelling and bruising, she also had quite a few cuts and scrapes from the branches tearing at her delicate flesh. But I didn’t scent any major injuries, internal bleeding, or broken bones. It was a good five minutes of driving before the trees opened up, the path widened, and the tiny cottage nestled deep in the Highlands came into view. There was one light on that could be seen flickering through the front window.

I pulled the vehicle parallel to the front porch, nervous about leaving my mate in the car alone, but I couldn't bring her in and risk injuring her worse. I also didn’t want to risk waking her before we got to our final destination. I turned o the Rover and took the keys, turning around in the seat so I could see her. Her breathing was even, her chest rising and falling gently. Her expression was relaxed, which I was thankful for, because it meant she wasn’t in any undue pain. I inhaled deeply, seeing if I could scent if she was awake but feigning being asleep. When I was confident she was out, I made quick work of climbing out of the car and taking the front steps three at a time. The cottage door opened before I got to it, the small elderly woman on the other side partially shadowed as the light filtered from behind her. “I want tae say I’m surprised yer bloodline is back for my assistance, but I’m no’,” Magdalena said in Gaelic, her voice soft and aged, reminding me of my paternal seanmháthair— grandmother—who’d passed a couple of decades before. I didn’t speak, didn’t trust my voice. But standing here was wasting time. “Need more wards tae keep away intruders?” Although she phrased it like a question, I could tell by her tone she knew why I was here. Maybe she could sense my mate just feet away. Maybe she could scent the wildness inside me, the impatience and anxiety that I wanted to get this done and over with. “Or maybe yer here for yourself? Maybe yer here…” She let her gaze go to the vehicle, and I knew she knew my female was within. Despite the glass and steel that surrounded her, it was still no match for the acute smell of a Lycan. Even if said wolf was advanced in age and only halfwolf. Like the witch.

“Are ye an Oracle now?” I responded back in Gaelic, my voice low and deep, and although I wanted to get this moving along and didn’t much care if she actually was an Oracle, I also didn’t want to o end. I needed help, and she was the only one who could give it to me. She was silent for a moment, then inclined her head and stepped aside, allowing me to enter. But I was rooted to the spot, slowly shaking my head and unable to stop myself from looking over my shoulder and staring at the vehicle. Everything in me demanded I go to my mate and make sure she was okay, to reassure myself she was safe. “Never thought I’d see the day when yer bloodline would be so fearful of something.” I snapped my head back in her direction and held in my growl. “Although the little female inside causes very surprising emotions in ye, yes?” I ground my molars, not bothering to answer verbally, just giving a curt nod. “I can smell the Linked Connection. My congratulations to ye and this gift you’ve been given.” I wasn't surprised she could scent the truth. I could smell my mating pheromones for my female pouring o me. “Verra well. I know how the males of our kind get overprotective at the smallest of instance for their mates.” She clasped her hands in front of her and positioned herself back in the center of the doorway. “What do ye need of me, son of King Banner McGregor?” Again, not surprised she knew who I was. Any Otherworld creature could smell familial ties with just an inhale. “I need a talisman.” My voice was a rough growl, something I was unable to control. I was more wolf than man right now, barely hanging on to my sanity as it was. My only priority

was getting my mate to safety where she and I could be alone. Where I could claim her. Mark her. I was confident Lycans hadn’t caught my mate’s scent back in the woods, not with all the activity that had been going on right before I’d chased after her. But even if they had, we’d been in a vehicle for hours, the distance so far between us that I knew it would be impossible for them to track her. Me, on the other hand… they had my scent ingrained in their very DNA. They could find me anywhere, although it would take some time. Which I wasn’t willing to chance. I wasn't willing to bet that the Rover and distance were enough to keep me hidden. Because a Lycan was a powerful tracker. We are, after all, animals. She inclined her head again. “As ye wish. I’ll be back in a moment.” She turned and disappeared back into the candlelit cottage. I stayed put, looking at the car again, expecting to see my female trying to escape. I’d chase her, of course. I’d follow her to the ends of the world if need be. But I sensed she was still deep in sleep, and my panic rose. I was anxious to get to the estate, which was a few short hours away. Magdalena came back out a moment later, something in her hand catching the candlelight and flashing gold. The medallion spun around before instantly stilling, as if forced to stop… a movement that wasn’t natural. There were tally marks along the flattened gold, the medal looking aged and worn… ancient. I reached out, but before my fingers could touch the metal, she pulled it away. “Lad, payment must be discussed first.”

I felt my spine straighten, my impatience growing. “Name yer price. Ye know I’ll give ye anything ye want for it.” I stared into her eyes, ones that were light blue, wrinkles and creases surrounding them, her skin looking as delicate as the finest tissue paper. “Name ye price, Magdalena.” The McGregor clan had an insurmountable amount of riches, centuries of growing it. I’d pay anything for that small circle of medal in her hand. “It’s no’ money I want, lad.” I tipped my head to the side as I stared into her face, curious what she’d ask for as payment. “I want ye tae give me a blood promise.” My entire body straightened, tightened. My muscles flexed. My bones ached as my wolf rose up. A blood promise was binding for eternity, a “favor” to be called upon at any time. Not even my death could break it, and said blood pact would be passed down to my o spring. The payment she wanted was steep, and I would have said never on any other instance. But this was for my mate. I’d do anything for her. I’d do everything. So I didn't hesitate a moment later when I gritted out, “Deal. It’s yers.” She smiled slowly and held out the medallion. I took it and instantly felt heat fill my hand where the metal touched. It got so hot I almost dropped the necklace, convinced my skin had burned o . I looked down at my palm, the medallion situated in the center. I lifted it o and saw a burned imprint of the circular metal a second before it faded, my skin now unblemished. “Take care of that mate of yers, young Caelan.” I glanced up at her and curled my fingers around the now-cooled metal.

“I have a feeling she’s going tae be a handful.” And then she turned and headed back into her cottage, closing the door behind her and ending the transaction. I slipped the necklace on, feeling the power coursing through it a moment before that magic faded away and all I felt was the heavy weight warm against my flesh. I tucked the necklace under my shirt, made my way back to the Range Rover, and drove o . I couldn’t get to the estate fast enough, because then I could really be with my mate. We could be alone, and I could claim and mark her. My body shuddered at the thought, arousal coursing through me. But I couldn’t stop thinking about Magdalena’s words. “…she’s going tae be a handful.” I felt a slow grin spread across my mouth. Good, I hoped she was, because that would make it all the more fun when she finally gave in to me.




t was the sound of something jangling that had consciousness slowly seeping back into me, and once that settled, the next thing I realized was I was on something soft. I shifted slightly, my ankle letting out a fierce scream. I twisted on whatever I was lying on, the musty scent wafting up around me. The pain from my ankle hurt like a bitch, spreading up my calf and to my thigh, this low throb and sharp ache that had me groaning. I tried to open my eyes, but they felt too heavy, grainy, like thick slabs of cement lined the top of them, refusing to let me open them, they were so weighed down. I wanted to look around, this darkness su ocating and causing panic to rise in me swiftly. Yet it wasn’t just my eyes that felt heavy but my entire body. I pulled at my arms and heard that jangling sound again, and this time forced the heavy weight o my eyes and opened them. The first thing I noticed was that I was on a bed, and when I tried to shift atop it, I smelled that mustiness and age

once more. There was a pillow behind me, my back propped up on what I assumed was the headboard. The room was dark except for a few candles that were lit and sitting on each small table beside the bed. But the light barely penetrated whatever room I was in. I could see my backpack sitting on the floor by the door. My focus went to the window, a set of curtains only pulled open enough that a small section of glass and outside could be seen. It was still night, the silvery-blue moonlight coming through. It’s night… but what night? How long was I out? I blinked a few times to clear my vision, to let my eyes adjust to the darkness, and took note of my surroundings. But when I went to put my hands on the mattress to adjust my body, that jingling noise happened again. I tugged on my wrists, only to find them secured to something. I tipped my head back and looked at my hands, feeling fear and anger fill me even more. Confusion settled in me for just a moment as I took in and really comprehended what I was seeing. Handcu s were on both my wrists and secured to the metal bars of the headboard. Experimentally tugging again only showed that, yeah, I was good and fucked. I hissed when the metal dug into my skin, and when I went to push my feet against the mattress to get some leverage, searing pain lashed up my leg. I tried to remember what had happened, but my mind was foggy, the events leading to me waking up right now muddled. I looked down the length of my body at the leg that hurt, seeing it wrapped in what looked like splints on either side of my ankle. There was a creaking sound in the next room, and I snapped my head up, my heart racing. I curled my fingers around the iron bars and pulled myself back a little, sitting up more. Thank God I was still fully clothed, but my

situation was looking like it was straight out of one of those psychological thrillers with the girl getting kidnapped and chained to a bed by a psycho. I held my breath as I waited and listened. But then I felt my eyes widen to the point of pain as I saw the huge shadow of what clearly was a man standing just outside this room. I started to hyperventilate as I took in his sheer size, and even though I couldn’t see much but his outline thanks to the shadows, it was very clear he was monstrous. He took a step forward, and then one more, and I noticed that because his shoulders were so wide, before he could clear the doorway, he had to turn to the side slightly. Oh my fucking God. Tears tracked down my cheeks before I even knew they were falling, and damn it, I couldn’t even wipe them away because of the handcu s. I pulled on my restraints again, not caring that the pain abrading my wrists had the breath leaving me harshly. “Ye will hurt yerself even more if ye keep struggling.” I froze at the sound of his voice. It was deep with this weird distortion laced within it. “I wouldn’t be hurting myself if I wasn’t chained up.” God, why did I say that? He took another step closer, and the glow from the moon and the candles finally let me get a good look at him. He was… gorgeous, in some weirdly savage, brutal way. I felt this warmth in my chest, one that was as uncomfortable as it was foreign. This tightness covered my flesh, as if I was in desperate need of lotion. He said nothing, just stared at me, watching me like a… predator. Finally he spoke. “I now understand.” My heart was pounding so hard I could barely hear anything else. “Understand what?” My voice was low, maybe too low for him to hear.

And he watched with the most intense expression on his face. Had I ever seen a look like that on another person? The shadows wrapped around him and made his features look sharper, as if cut with a blade. He took a step farther into the room, and I pressed my back against the pillow, the iron bars pressing through the thin stu ng and digging into my back. He stopped at the edge of the bed, and although the mattress was massive, his body seemed even more so. Had I ever seen another person so big? His height alone had to be over six and a half feet. And his shoulders were impossibly broad with cuts of lean muscles tapering down to bulging biceps and hard tendons and sinew-lined forearms. Although he wore a T-shirt, the material was white and looked dirty and torn, barely concealing the rolling ridges of his six-pack beneath the fabric. I felt a flush steal over me at the sight of him, and despite my situation, it was clear my body didn’t give a shit. Because the heat I felt could only be from arousal. I scolded myself for staring at him like I was and hated myself for feeling any kind of desire at the sight of the man who’d kidnapped me. He reached out and curled his hands around the wroughtiron baseboard. “I now understand why males go tae the extreme of breaking rules for their mates.” His hands tightened against the iron. His words made no sense. Males? Mates? Who spoke like that? Although he had a thick Scottish accent, there was something… inhuman about him. Flashes of memory came through then, and I gasped just as he straightened to his full height. The corner of his mouth slowly curled up into a smile.

Memories slammed into my brain like a movie reel. Sights and sounds and smells of my surroundings rushing in like water on a beach. I’d gotten lost. There had been a fight in the forest between men who didn’t seem like men at all. I stared at my captor. His eyes. His eyes had been glowing. And he’d had claws. A squeak of fear left me, and I instinctively lifted my legs to brace my feet flat on the bed to push myself farther from him. I hissed as the pain in my ankle speared my entire body. “Easy,” he murmured in that low, far too deep and sexy voice of his. “Ye hurt yer ankle pretty badly running from me.” There was a distinct growl to his words. “I had tae do my best tae splint it and keep ye from hurting yerself more.” “Stay away.” And then I remembered everything right before darkness took me in that forest, before the pain had been too intense and I’d let it drag me under. “What do you plan on doing with me? How long are you keeping me here?” I didn’t expect an answer, and he didn’t say anything at first, but right after I said those words aloud, I remembered the last time I heard him talk… in the woods. He’d told me I was his and no one would ever take me away. And judging by the handcu s that bound me to his bed… he very much meant those words.




closed the door too hard. Too fast. Too… final. I spun around and gritted my teeth as I stared at the scarred wood, the most perfect female I’d ever laid eyes on right on the other side. My female. My mate. I had to get out of there, away from the sweet scent of her, the way she called to the very male part of me. I hadn’t wanted to frighten her, and as I remembered inhaling deeply, I’d been proud—and even more aroused—that it wasn’t me she feared but her circumstances. But still, I was the reason she was in this situation. I started pacing, knowing if I kept this up, I’d make a tread in the scarred, old wooden floor. I kept stopping and looking at that closed door, every primal instinct in me demanding I go back to her, to show her she was mine. No one else's. Mine! I’d felt so unstable being around her, knowing I’d end up scaring her with my wolf because the bastard wanted to

make its presence known even more. So I forced myself to leave before I fucked things up even worse. Fuck, I hadn’t even answered her questions, hadn’t explained anything. With my head a little clearer than it had been—now having my mate safely hidden away—I’d been able to siphon through everything and decipher what that other aroma I’d smelled on her was. My little mate was a hybrid. Half-Lycan/half-human. And I had a feeling she had no clue, no idea half of her DNA makeup was part of a world she’d only read about and seen in movies. The human world was like that, twisting and changing facts and legends to instill fear and to create entertainment. They got some things right. But most were wrong. So fucking wrong it had a low snarl leaving me. Was my mate’s mind so poisoned by that world that I’d never be able to make her understand and see she was born to be mine and I was born to be hers? I ran a hand over my hair, the short dark strands no doubt standing up on end. I felt feral and uncontrollable, and although I would never hurt her, would rather plunge a knife deep into my heart and twist the organ out, I knew until I was able to claim her, put my mark on her neck, that I’d always feel this intense wildness inside me. But letting her roam free, trusting her this early clearly wasn’t possible. I didn’t want to travel far from the estate to gather food for her, and even though there were hundreds of acres that surrounded us, not another living soul anywhere near, if she did run, she’d get hurt. The property was rocky and uneven, hills and crevices that were tucked under thick blankets of overgrown flora and dead underbrush. There were cli s on two sides and a massive body of water. So as much as I hated keeping her locked up, I couldn’t let her free yet. I was born to protect her, to provide for her. I

was born to spoil her, to bring her pleasure. I curled my hands into tight fists, my nails—more like claws at the moment—digging into the flesh of my palms. I sliced open my palms, the scent of blood coating the air in a coppery aroma. I forced myself to turn around on a growl and stalked toward the kitchen. The black du el was on the dilapidated kitchen island, and I unzipped it and started pulling out the contents. Three black T-shirts and jeans. Flashlight, matches, Mylar blanket, serrated hunting knife tucked away in a leather sheath. I kept pulling out the supplies without taking note. My gaze kept going to the small hallway that led to where my female was. Once the bag was empty, I started on the cupboards, rummaging through them and finding any empty containers I could use to get water from the well. I needed to focus on providing for my mate. She needed water, food, and heat to keep warm. And although going to a grocery store would be convenient to pick out all her favorite items—which I craved doing simply because it would please her—I had to fall back on a more primitive way of living for the time being. I didn’t want to leave her alone, but I had to hunt. The estate I’d taken her to had been in my family for centuries, one that was almost on its last legs. It was the property the estate sat on that was valuable to my kind and family, but I wished we hadn’t let it go as bad as it was, because keeping my mate comfortable and in luxury was something I desperately wanted. But as it was, the home hadn’t been used in decades, probably far longer than that. It was a forgotten relic from a di erent time long ago. It hadn’t been cleaned since so long ago that dust was a thick layer on the white sheets that covered any and all standing items.

It also wasn’t stocked, not with perishable or nonperishable items. Even if there’d been cans of food, bags of rice and beans, the items would have been long deteriorated. As far as I knew, none of my family had visited this part of McGregor land since before I was even born. And that’s why I picked it. Although maybe it would be one of the first places they looked. Maybe they’d leave me the fuck alone. I didn’t know the answers to any of those questions, and as I thought about staying here, I lifted my hand and placed it over the talisman that hung around my neck. The chain was long, the circular gold resting between my pectoral muscles. The metal had warmed to my body temperature almost as soon as I put it on, but the heavy weight was a constant presence. I made slow circles around it, feeling the gouges and tally marks that seemed to be etched all around the center. I didn’t know the pattern, didn’t know its significance or if it even had a meaning. Maybe it was all the blood promises that had been made over the centuries, maybe since the very first Otherworld creature had been in existence. None of that really mattered. The only thing that was important was that I had made a blood promise that would forever be tied to my bloodline. I had been a little surprised she’d ask for something such as that. Usually that was reserved to the more evil sections of the Otherworld, the degenerates, the ones who had no morals. I didn’t think Magdalena’s essence was evil, had never sensed that from her. Because if we had sensed it, we wouldn't have done business with her. And realistically, we would have taken her out to have one less Otherworlder in existence.

But maybe she was desperate… as desperate as I’d been when it came to my female. I set the empty containers I’d found on the counter and braced my hands around the lip of the worn top, my claws scraping against the stone. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out, hearing the sound of metal on metal as my mate tugged at the bonds. I hated restraining her. It ate at me, tore up my gut, made me feel like a bastard, but then again, I guess I was. I was keeping my mate, the most important person in my entire life, essentially a prisoner. I was just thankful there were still some things stocked up. Provisions to gather water from the well. Utensils and plates, knives that were no doubt dulled with age and time. There were blankets, some candles, and the woodshed out back was stocked with logs. I’d checked as soon as I'd gotten here, knowing my little female would need to stay warm— warmer than my Lycan needed. With a growl of impatience and annoyance, I snatched the jugs o the counter and headed outside to the well. Maybe if I could show my female I could take care of her, that she was safe with me, that she wouldn’t have to worry about anything, then it would help ease her worries. Maybe it would help get rid of her fears. God, I wanted her to not be afraid of anything that concerned me. I wanted her to look upon me and see her male. Or maybe it was all a lost cause. Maybe she’d forever hate me because I’d forced her hand.




didn’t know how long I’d been handcu ed to the bed, but my wrists hurt from all the tugging I was doing, and I had to pee. The latter was starting to get annoying, as I was afraid to call out for help, but also because I didn’t want my captor to come back in. Is that really your truth though? I narrowed my eyes at that little voice that echoed in my head. There was no doubt in my mind my captor was dangerous. His body was enormous, and the strength he held was like aggressive tendrils snaking out from him, a silent warning to any who thought they could overpower him. Pushing those thoughts from my mind, I tipped my head back and looked at the bar that the handcu s were attached to. It was one solid piece of metal that allowed horizontal mobility. But no matter how much I tugged and yanked, it got me nowhere, the handcu s just sliding back and forth on the metal. I rested my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes for a second. I was used to the mustiness of the bed I was on

and opened my eyes again. I turned my head to look at the candle that sat on the bedside table. The second one was on the other side of me, an identical stick of wax that let out the same muted yellow glow. The flame danced slowly, and I was tempted to blow a long breath over that little tip of fire. Maybe plunging myself into darkness would make this all go away. Maybe I was dreaming and I’d wake up. But as my ankle ached and my wrists burned, not to mention my palm reminding me I’d sliced it in the woods, I knew this was very much real. I felt so exhausted mentally and physically. How long ago had that been when I felt that darkness coming over me in the forest? How long had I been unconscious? I was pissed, so, so angry, and even if I should have felt terrified, strangely enough… I wasn’t. By the situation, yes. But the man keeping me chained to a bed? I didn’t feel any fear, and that in itself was frightening. “What do you plan on doing with me? How long are you keeping me here?” I thought about how strongly he’d spoken, how weirdly he’d worded things. He’d talked about mates, which seemed so… animalistic. He was clearly Scottish with his thick brogue, but I’d heard him speak another language—Gaelic, I’d come to assume, given his clear heritage. The last thing I’d said to him played through my mind. He hadn’t answered me, just watched me so intently I’d felt it. And then he growled—fucking growled like an animal—and turned to stalk out of the room. He’d shut the door hard, slammed it so forcefully the lone picture frame hanging on the wall shook and threatened to fall. I stared at the picture now, the frame cockeyed, the image of the countryside looking old as hell and faded from the sun. I let my gaze travel to the only window in the room, a

large one with thick drapes that were slightly pulled open. I could see pieces of light starting to touch the horizon. I could imagine those curtains being pulled all the way to the sides and the sun coming through and hitting that picture. How many years had it done that, fading the image out until there was hardly anything left? I grimaced as I shifted on the bed, the discomfort of my injuries, having to go to the bathroom, and then my stomach letting out a loud rumble to inform me I hadn’t eaten in a while. My throat was also tight and parched, thirst making its presence known too. I stared at my ankle, the splint keeping it straight, although I was doing one hell of a job screwing things up and probably hurting myself even more. God, I was a wreck. I’d heard a door open and close shortly after my captor left, and I redoubled my e orts to try to escape. “Hey, asshole,” I yelled out, knowing it was dumb as hell to piss my captor o , but I was frustrated, mentally tired, and didn’t give a shit right now. I strained against the handcu s once more, kicking out my legs before digging my good heel into the too-sti mattress. But it was hard to do that with one foot and the other splinted and hurting with any movement. Even though I knew this wouldn’t get me anywhere, I let my anger and frustration slam into me, giving me a burst of power. And then it fizzled away as soon as it came about. I let my body sink back into the mattress, my head against the pillow as I stared up at the ceiling. The wood beams crisscrossed above me, the lights from the twin candles flickering overhead and causing shadows. I turned my head the other direction, staring at the fireplace mantel, looking cold and unused. The room seemed

outdated, as in from another time, well before I was even a thought in anyone’s mind. And then I heard the heavy footfalls on the other side of the door, and my entire body tensed. I lifted my head o the pillow and stared at the closed door, expecting it to crash open, my throat tightening uncomfortably. But the footsteps stopped right on the other side, and when I looked under the crack of the door, I could see faint light spilling through underneath. The twin shadows were clearly his booted feet… high ones at that. My heart started beating faster, the breath sawing in and out of my lungs. I curled my good hand inward, my nails digging into my palm until the pain mixed with everything else I felt. But he didn’t splinter the door inward. Instead he turned the knob gently and pushed it open slowly. I had a feeling he did it that way to give me time to gather my bearings… to brace myself for his presence. And then his massive body was standing in the entrance, his shoulders broader than the width of that opening, the top of his head getting “cut o ” by the frame. He was enormous, bigger than I remembered in just the short time he’d had me here. I licked my lips, my hunger, pain, and thirst fading as this hot coil moved within my belly before spreading to lower parts of me… parts I wanted to ignore. I shouldn’t have been feeling any kind of… anything aside from hatred and fear of this situation. But there was still no denying my body’s reaction. And I hated that I couldn’t ignore it. I remembered the way his eyes had glowed as I stared at him and ran, as I gauged how fast he was and when—not if— he’d catch me. That couldn’t have been normal or natural. It had to have been a trick of the light. But even as rationalization told me that—that no human’s eyes glowed

—there was this tingling deep within me that said maybe, just maybe, nothing was as it seemed. He took a step into the room, having to twist his body to the side slightly in order to get his shoulders through, having to curl forward so his head didn’t hit the top of the frame. And then he was inside with me, making the room seem smaller than it really was. Anger filled me so swiftly I saw red, my rage so intense I clenched my hands together, not caring about the pain that speared up one of my arms from the wound on my palm. “Fuck. You,” I grated, straining against the bed frame until the metal creaked from how hard I pulled against it. “Come closer,” I urged in a saccharine, sickly sweet voice. He didn’t move, didn’t even blink. He watched me with these calculating, intelligent eyes. “Come closer so I can do to you what you’ve done to me.” Granted, he hadn’t actually— literally—given me any of these wounds, but it was because of him that I had gotten hurt and was currently strung up like some kind of sacrifice. “If you get within biting distance, I swear to God I'll take a chunk out of you.” I’d never been a violent person, but I was feeling so fierce right now I couldn't think straight. I looked at the tray he held and curled my lip in disgust. “If you think I’m going to eat that shit, you’re stupider than I thought.” I felt my eyes flare when the asshole smirked, actually fucking smirked at my tantrum. “Okay,” he finally said in that deep voice. “You’ll have tae eat and drink eventually. I’ll come back when ye’ve calmed down.” He turned and left, but not before I gave him a few choice words on where he could shove that tray.




rue to his word, my captor stayed away for a good long time, enough that I was starving, thirsty, and would have done anything for a glass of water. And as much as I wanted to keep fighting… I was tired. So tired, and it wasn’t just in my body but my mind too. I stared out that window again, tracing the patterns of the curtains when I heard the bedroom door open once more. My body tensed instantly on its own as I turned my head and stared at him. He stared at me, and I was at least thankful the bastard wasn’t wearing a smug expression on his face as if he’d read my mind and knew the fight had died in me. For the time being anyway. He stepped farther inside and held out his arms, as if he came with a peace o ering. He held a tray in one large hand and a bundle of logs in the other. He walked over to the fireplace and set the wood down, and I tracked him the whole time, expecting him to pounce on me at any moment.

My gaze zeroed in on that tray again as he moved back around to my side, but not before grabbing my backpack— my shoes sitting beside it—and setting it on the edge of the bed. I knew I had a shocked look on my face as my gaze kept bouncing back and forth between the bag and the tray. I focused on the tray again and stared at the glass of water that sat beside a plate, but the angle didn’t allow me to see what was on said china. Whatever it was, steam rose up, and I smelled that it was meat of some kind. My mouth started to water, and my stomach cramped as if I was Pavlov’s dog and they’d just rang the bell for dinner. He came closer, and I scrambled—tried to anyway—back, gasping as my hurt ankle twisted painfully. He froze, and I saw his body tense, his gaze snapping to where my foot was, his dark brows pulling low. I could hear him grinding his teeth, and then he slowly looked at my face once more. He shook his head before coming closer. I was stupid for thinking I could get away from him, and not just because I was chained to this bed. He screamed dangerous and feral, and I knew that if I ran, he’d only catch me. I didn't know how I knew that, but it was pretty ingrained in me. And what I didn’t like was the way he made me feel. He held out the tray, not speaking, just staring at me as he bent down and set it on the little bedside table. I only took a second to see what was on there. A slab of cooked meat. Literally just a thick piece of steak. And it looked like the most delicious thing I’d ever seen. And that glass of water was cold enough there was condensation on the glass, causing my mouth to salivate even more and my throat to tighten. I wanted to tell him to fuck o or that I wasn’t eating any of that and he could shove it up his ass, but at the end of it all, I was so tired. And hungry. Like really hungry. And the

rational part of my brain didn’t think he was trying to drug me. He’d had plenty of chances to hurt me, and the only injuries I had were from my own doing. And aside from those things, I felt… relatively fine, all things considered. “I’ll say it again, even though I know ye will no’ believe me. But I will no’ hurt ye. Ever.” He gestured to the tray. “Ye need tae eat. It’s been a while since ye’ve been here, and I can sense ye’re hungry.” Sense? “I need to pee,” I stated matter-of-factly. It infuriated me that his lips twisted in amusement. “So you can either let me go to the bathroom, or I can just use the bed as a toilet. Your choice.” I was surprised I had this kind of strength in me that I was snapping at my captor, but right now I just didn’t care. “Aye,” he said. “I should have thought about yer needs better. I’m sorry.” I was shocked at how genuine he sounded. I cleared my throat. “How long have I been here? How long have you kept me captive?” Maybe I should be meek and submissive until I could escape, but fuck that. “Hours,” he stated simply. “The sun will be rising soon.” He scrubbed a hand over his face, and I could tell he was exhausted. Good. I snapped my focus to my bag, knowing my cell was in there. I could call for help— “Ye will no’ get service where we are.” I looked at him again, narrowing my eyes as I wanted to spit out a pissed-o retort. “But ye’re welcome to try.” He shrugged and reached across for my bag, sliding it over so it was right in front of me. I wanted to point out I was chained up, but suddenly the words were lodged in my throat.

The scent of that meat made its presence known again, and I licked my lips as my stomach cramped once more, the charred flesh making my salivary glands work overtime. “Who are you?” He didn’t say anything at first, just watched me with a steady gaze, his eyes seeming dark with the candlelight and shadows, but I could see they were blue. “Why did you take me? What are you gonna do with me? How long have I been here?” He hadn't answered the first questions, because I started doing the rapid-fire of the others. He turned from me, and I expected him to leave again, but he just went over to the corner and grabbed a chair I hadn’t noticed, slid it over beside the bed, and lowered his massive frame onto it. I expected the flimsy wood to be crushed under his weight, but when he leaned back and crossed his massive arms over his chest, the furniture held. It was clear he wasn’t going anywhere. “I’ll tell ye what,” he said with that steady gaze, that level voice. “If I unhook yer hands and ye eat, I’ll answer any and all yer questions.” I narrowed my eyes, wanting to bitch at him that I wasn’t going to eat anything, wanting to show him I could be a stubborn bitch. But I was dying of thirst, starving, and what was the point of fighting? “A bite for an answer?” I saw the corner of his mouth quirk, as if bartering with me was humorous, as if it made his damn day. I nodded sharply, my lips pursed tightly because I was pissed and tired and hungry and just wanted answers. So many answers. Was he going to hit me? Rape me? Kill me before stu ng my body in the basement of this clearly dilapidated place? Way to stay optimistic.

And then he grinned as if he’d just won the damn lottery because I’d agreed to his stupid-ass deal. But I didn’t care, because I felt like I had a semblance of control right now, even though I really didn’t. He uncoiled all that hard male body from that tiny chair, and my insides clenched at the sight of his muscles bunching and flexing under his dark shirt and worn-in jeans. He reached into his pocket, produced the key for the handcu s, and moved closer. I stared at that key, taking note to watch what he did with it so I could figure out how to steal it. But then he froze and snapped his gaze to mine. “Donna try to run,” he said in a deep, gravelly voice that did uncomfortably good things to my otherwise dormant libido. And we wouldn’t talk about that rough Scottish brogue that had my parts twisting in feminine appreciation. God, he was close. So close. I inhaled sharply at how near he was, my nostrils getting a concentrated hit of whatever gloriously dark and wild scent he was throwing o . I watched as the muscles in his biceps flexed when he lifted his arms and moved his hands toward the handcu s. I was transfixed for a suspended second at the way his flesh bunched and contracted, his tendons and sinew a stark contrast under golden skin. He gently touched my hand, adjusting my arm slightly so he could get the key in the lock. I hissed as the metal dug against my rubbed-raw skin. Instantly this low growl left him, and I swore I felt the vibrations right to my core. “I’ve hurt ye,” he ground out, and faster than I could anticipate, the handcu s were o and he was moving away from me sharply. I shifted up higher on the bed and watched him warily. He started pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair, his voice low as he muttered in a di erent language. I

felt this wild energy pouring o him, as if he were doing any and everything in his power to not lose control. And why he felt the need not to lose control should have scared me. But as I stared at him, this concrete feeling settled into me, one I couldn’t understand but knew with certainty. He won’t hurt me. It was crazy to even entertain that thought, given that this man had kidnapped me, chained me to a bed, and had no intention of letting me go. But I knew he wouldn’t harm me as strongly as I knew my heart would continue to beat. Darragh, you’re losing your damn mind. I went for my bag with surprisingly quick and solid movements. I unzipped it and ri ed through the inside until I found the phone. I kept my focus on him the entire time. Once I had my phone, I was surprised the screen lit up right away, but of course not surprised there was no service. I ran my hand over the spider crack in the corner. “The bathroom,” I murmured. “Please.” He stopped and glanced at me, nodding once, then took me to the bathroom. I was thankful he gave me privacy— even if it was in the form of not letting me close the door all the way. But it wouldn’t have made a di erence because there was no window in this tiny bathroom, and no weapons that I had found. Now that I was back in the room and sitting on the bed, I felt my anger rise up once more. “People will be looking for me.” That was a lie. Only one person would care if I up and disappeared. Evelyn has to be starting to worry, since I didn’t call her before bed last night. I glanced up at him, not realizing I’d been staring at my hands, and saw him stop suddenly, my body jerking backward on instinct. He was still several feet back from me, but he had this thunderous expression on his face, and

strangely enough—once again—I knew it wasn’t something I should be afraid of. I knew that expression was solely directed at himself. His gaze was on my wrists, and I realized I was slowly rubbing them, as if it was some kind of motion that calmed me. At this point I felt numb. It was as if everything suddenly revolved around this man. His jaw clenched, the muscles flexing under the scrubbed skin. “I’m sorry,” he said deeply, his voice not sounding like his own right then. “I dinna think this out fully, didn’t plan things tae happen like this.” I felt like he muttered the last part more to himself than as any kind of explanation to me. “I’m fucking this up.” He scrubbed a hand over his face and moved a step toward me. I pressed my back to the metal headboard. His body stilled as he clenched that square jaw once more. “I will no’ hurt ye,” he said and looked at my wrists again. “No’ purposefully.” “Like I have any reason to believe my kidnapper.” He exhaled and surprised the hell out of me by saying, “Yeah, ye’re right.” He didn’t speak for long moments and stayed still. Then he gestured to my hand. “I’d like tae see how it is.” I looked at the bandage that covered my palm, and a strong part of me wanted to tell him again to fuck o , that I didn’t want him touching me. Those words were on the tip of my tongue, but as if he knew I would deny him, he was in front of me so fast I gasped and felt my eyes widen. “I just want tae make sure it’s healing and I cleaned it well enough.” I didn’t know why I did what I did, but before I knew what my actions were, I had my hand out to him. He didn’t break our locked gazes as his fingers wrapped gently around my hand, his palm cradling my knuckles. It wasn’t lost on me

that he was mindful of the raw edges around my wrist from the handcu s. He exhaled, and his massive chest shuddered from the act. I swore I could sense that he was grateful I’d conceded, was pleased I relented and let him touch me, even if it was just my hand. “Thank ye,” he murmured as he looked carefully at my palm. He acted like I’d just given him the greatest gift. My entire body was frozen in place as I watched him gently—oh so gently—peel the tape from my skin, the strip of gauze that covered it coming up with it. I swore he was holding his breath as he revealed the cut. I could see, as he pulled away the dressing, that even though the wound was angry and red, it wasn't as bad as what I’d thought or how it felt when I had gotten it. “Let me change this again.” He didn’t phrase it like a question, and I didn’t respond. His voice was soft and low, and I felt this warmth fill me at the sound. That pissed me o even more, and I berated myself because of it. He let go of my hand, but I didn’t miss how he trailed his fingers along the back of mine before finally stepping away. I watched him go over to the mantel of the fireplace and pick up a box—a first-aid kit I hadn’t noticed. When he came back toward me, he pulled the chair close to the edge of the bed and set the box on the mattress. And then he had a fresh four-by-four square of gauze out, the roll of tape, and picked up a little tube of antiseptic cream. I was silent as I watched him methodically clean the wound, and despite his large hands and intimidating stature, he was gentle. Once it was clean, he put some antibiotic ointment on it, and then he had the new piece of gauze on my palm, the tape sealing it and keeping it in place. I stared

at his face the entire time, unable to look away even though I should have. I snatched my hand back and cradled it to my chest, refusing to look at him again. Why was I not afraid of this man? Why did I allow him to tend to me? I didn’t want him taking care of me, didn’t want him anywhere near me. Right? I just wanted to go home. But on the heels of that thought, where was home? The bed-and-breakfast in town? My tiny-ass apartment I lived in alone back in the city in America? But although I had nothing to my name, not really, and only Evelyn as a friend and family, I felt this strange sensation in me that made me feel like this was where I should be. I’d been missing something, and it felt like I’d found it. God, I was so confused. Had I hit my head when I went down? Was I su ering from some kind of mental breakdown from an impact? My head didn’t hurt, but hell, right now all I could focus on was this man’s close proximity and the way he smelled. Like, so good. “Why am I here, and what do you plan on doing with me… to me?” Those last two words were whispered. He stared at me for a prolonged moment before he shifted on the seat and reached out the tray. He placed it on his lap, the thing seeming dwarfed compared to his big body. He picked up a fork and knife that I could see peeking out from a napkin. And yet he still didn’t speak as he went about cutting that slab of meat into bite-sized pieces. “I should throw that damn plate across the room just to make you clean it up and spite you.” My body tensed as I realized I said those words out loud. I looked at him, expecting to see his ire, but when he just smirked and kept cutting, I felt a semblance of calm settle in me.

He went back to cutting the steak, and I stared at the knife. I looked away, not wanting him to notice, but too late. Of course he saw me staring at it and weighing how to use it to escape. But he said nothing as he set the tray on the bed between us—keeping the knife, obviously—giving me the decency of letting me have the fork. Although I probably could’ve stabbed him with that four-pronged utensil, all that would’ve done was piss him o and not cause any actual harm. And what I certainly didn’t want to think about, or dissect, was the fact that the very idea of hurting him had my stomach twisting and this weird discomfort filling me. “I don’t plan on doing anything to you aside from sitting here and making sure you eat and drink all that water.” Question after question slammed into my mind, but my stomach was cramping, and hunger pangs made themselves known again. And as I looked back at that glass of water, my body worked on instinct, my hand reaching out and my fingers curling around the cup. I was guzzling the liquid down and watching him over the rim before I realized what I was doing. And I didn’t care how sloppy I looked or how droplets of water dribbled out of my mouth and traveled down my chin. I’d never tasted anything as good, and a moan slipped from me. “Do you want another glass?” Voice deep and eyes hooded, he held his hand out, and I gave the glass to him right away. I didn’t expect him to leave me alone, but before I could say anything, he was out of the bedroom, the door wide open, the shadows creeping in. I wondered how far I’d make it before he caught me. Although it was a moot point, because he came in seemingly

seconds later, the glass refilled as he handed it to me. I took it without saying a word, downing half of it before forcing myself to set it on the tray and actually take a breath. “I know ye’re hungry. Eat.” He gestured to the plate, and I looked at the thick slab of cooked meat. I’d never been much of a meat eater, and although that hunk of flesh probably should’ve turned my stomach inside out, I had the fork in my hand and a piece stabbed through with the tongs. I brought it up and shoved the bite in my mouth, surprised at the gamey yet pleasant flavor. I swallowed it just as I went for another piece. And then did the same over and over again until half the steak was gone and I couldn’t eat anymore. This low humming noise filled the room, and I realized it came from him. It sounded very… pleased. “Ye didn’t ask questions between each bite as per the agreement.” He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, a self-satisfied smirk on his face, which should’ve pissed me o , but instead it had the opposite e ect. It made me feel uncomfortable in a very aroused way. “Ask anything ye like, and I’ll answer truthfully.” I narrowed my eyes, curled my good hand into a tight fist, and said, “Well, let’s start with the most pressing ones.” His nostrils flared, and I swore his eyes flashed. I was also sure he… liked this rage I currently felt. “Who the fuck are you, and why did you kidnap me?”




y wee mate had one hell of a temper and fire running through her veins, and fuck was it hot. I kept my hands on my lap to try to discreetly hide the sudden raging erection I sported. As soon as I’d scented her anger, that fierceness that turned me on so much, my cock had come alive and to attention. “Cat got your tongue all of a sudden?” There was acid in her voice, and my lips twitched in amusement. “Go on, asshole. Who the fuck are you, and why the hell did you kidnap me?” I didn’t want to just be blunt and to the point, to get this out of the way. I wanted to ease her into all of this, get her used to the situation. But I knew she had no idea of her other half, the recessed and dormant Lycan genetics. If she had known about it, she’d be able to tell who and what I was. My wolf would call to hers, our Linked Connection letting her feel how she was mine.

The last thing I wanted to do was scare the fuck out of her, so I needed to be smart about this. But taking it slow probably wasn’t going to happen. I just prayed she could handle it all right now. “My name is Caelan McGregor. And I’m heir tae the McGregor throne.” I watched as her brows knitted in confusion. I probably should’ve kept out the heir and throne part. She wouldn’t know about any of the Lycan clan hierarchy. She wouldn’t care about any of that. Not to mention I couldn’t exactly tell her that she was a future queen by being my Linked Mate. Yeah, I could see how well that would go over if I blurted it out right now. I leaned forward, bracing my forearms on my thighs, mindful to keep those limbs strategically placed so she couldn’t see the erection I was still sporting. I was racking my brain on how to explain any of this. It wouldn’t be easy, and I was afraid I’d terrify her, but fuck, having her know of the world I lived in was imperative. “I took ye because ye were injured.” I let those words hang between us, and I could see on her face she was expecting me to continue, because what I said wasn’t su cient to quench her curiosity and this dying need to know more. But I was still trying to figure out how to say any of this so she wouldn’t freak out. Well, freak out any more than she already was. “And…?” She lifted her eyebrows, giving me another expectant, almost impatient look, this one more exasperated. “You make it sound like you rescued me.” There was a firm set to her jaw as she refused to break eye contact. I fucking loved that my mate wasn’t some frail, little thing, that she had bite in her soul. “Shite,” I ground out and knew there was no way to not be honest with her. I had already fucked this up. No doubt,

she thought I was some raging psychopath. And I supposed I would still be that in her eyes no matter what I told her. “I took ye because… ye’re mine,” I said with finality in my voice and a level stare trained right on her. I needed her to feel those words—desperately. And I held my breath, praying to whoever would listen that saying she was mine would somehow awaken her dormant Lycan. The prospect filled me with hope. But she just blinked at me, confirming her understanding and believing anything I said would be like moving a mountain. “You don’t look more than my age, but the whole ‘you’re mine’ bullshit isn’t going to fly. Because buddy, no man is telling me who and what I am. I’m not a piece of damn property.” My cock jerked behind my fly, lengthening. Jesus, all I wanted to do was mount her right now, just strip away her clothing, push away any civility, and spread her thighs so I could devour her. It would be wild and rough, because my wolf was too feral and needy for her. I felt this raw, primal instinct rise up in me, and for the first time in my life, since scenting her in those woods, I knew what true desire was, knew what bone-deep arousal was. And I knew it would keep growing until I finally claimed her. At that, a grin slowly spread on my face, the anticipation making me hungry. So, so fucking hungry for her. At the look on my face, she sobered, probably mistaking it for something devious with ill intent. All I could envision was the very male part of me consuming the very female part of hers. I closed my eyes and shook my head to clear it, to try and get back on track. Okay, this would be done fast and quick,

like ripping a Band-Aid o . The wound—the truth—would sting when the air touched it, but it would heal. She’d come to see that it was best to do this quickly instead of prolonging it. “What do ye know about your family? Lineage? Genetic makeup?” Her brows lowered, and I knew she was mulling over the question in her head. I knew she’d thought about this before. “Why would you ask that? Why won’t you answer the other questions?” She started pulling at the edge of her shirt, and I knew she was nervous. I didn’t have to scent it in the air to know my mate was afraid of where this was going. I leaned in another inch, staring into her eyes, trying to seem smaller than I was. This wasn’t going to be easy for her, but the sooner we got this out of the way, the sooner she could come to accept it. “Because the answer tae this question will answer all others.” She glanced away from me sharply, and I could hear the grinding of her teeth. My female was stubborn, and I admired the fuck out of that. She glanced at me then, and I could see the pulse beating rapidly beneath her ear. I could hear her heart racing a faster tempo. I could smell the adrenaline rushing through her veins. “Who are you?” There was a pleading note within the string of words. I slowly leaned back, the frail chair creaking in protest, threatening to break and splinter under me. “The question shouldn’t be who I am, but what am I?” I didn’t mean to sound so foreboding, so frightening, as if the end of the world had just come upon us. But the way her eyes flared, how she took in a sharp breath of air, and the way her body tightened told me that I pushed my mate. Maybe too far.

“Tell me ye haven’t wondered who ye are, where ye come from.” I waited a moment for her to answer, and when she didn’t, I pressed on. “Tell me why ye’re in Scotland.” My erection had gone down in the seriousness of the situation, and only then did I feel safe enough to uncross my arms over my chest. “Something drew ye here, yeah?” She gave a jerky nod, and I was pretty sure she wouldn’t have cooperated in answering anything I asked if not for her shock right now. I had a feeling she was now working solely on instinct, as if she wanted the answers that only I could give her. And I was the only male who could do that. Because I was hers the same as she was mine. “Tell me. Tell me yer name and why ye came here.” My female. The only person who will ever hold my heart in her hands. She was breathing harder, sweat blooming on her temples. It smelled sweet. It drove me crazy with need. I was a dirty bastard for thinking of her entire body covered in that light sheen of wetness, imagining it was because I had her legs spread and ate her out, licked her so thoroughly she strained to prolong the feeling, to hold o her orgasm. “Do ye no’ wonder why ye donna fear me like common sense dictates?” Her nostrils flared as if her anger was rising. “Because I can scent ye. I can tell there are other feelings that take residence in yer body that have nothing tae do with being afraid of me.” Her eyes were so wide they looked like dark saucers on her face. But despite her shock at my candor, there was no denying her arousal flared at that, as if calling her out on her reaction to me fueled her desire. “What if I told ye that fantastical things in this world aren’t just between the pages of books and in movies?” She was breathing harder with her rising emotions. “What, like vampires and shit?” Her voice was pitched high.

“Ask yerself why an American came tae Scotland, found herself in a little Gaelic village that’s immersed in wolfen folklore. And donna say ye came here tae sightsee, because we both know that was no’ the case.” My gaze was steady on hers. “Could it be that ye were trying tae find out who ye were? Was there something pulling ye here, a feeling that’s unexplainable, inexplicable? Are ye so lost that ye’re trying tae find anything that will tell ye who ye are?” I was guessing all these things, using the scents I picked up surrounding her, the information I’d gotten by looking through her bag—a little guiltily, I might add—and seeing if what I said struck a chord. And by the sharp inhale she took, I knew I was close to her truth. I didn’t have to know my mate’s name, hadn’t found a passport and any ID within her backpack. But I didn’t even have to know her story. I could read her body language and scent the roiling emotions within her to know where she stood and what she was after. “What if I said that ye, yerself, are a part of this supernatural world?” She closed her eyes and shook her head faster. “Please don’t tell me you’re trying to convince me of werewolves and dragons existing and all that stu .” “I’m not trying tae convince ye of anything.” I waited until she opened her eyes and looked at me again. “I’m trying tae tell ye the truth of the world we live in. Of my world. Of yer world.” I kept my voice level and clear. It was hard, the tone steady. But I wanted her to know this was the absolute truth. “I’m trying tae open yer eyes tae what is right in front of ye.” And although it would take her a while to come to that understanding, I could see in her eyes that the realization flared inside her, that she knew the world around her wasn’t always so cut-and-dried.

I could see in her reaction to my words, and by the di erent scents coming from her, that my little mate questioned herself… and her sanity. She’d no doubt felt the draw to find answers and had felt the pull to go in a di erent direction. “And what’s right in front of me?” she whispered. “The Otherworld.” Her throat moved up and down as she swallowed. “Otherworld?” She tasted the word on her tongue, played it back in her head, no doubt. “Your eyes,” she murmured, and I knew it was to herself, as if she was realizing something that she’d otherwise dismissed. She started shaking her head again. “What’s yer name?” I asked softly, bringing her back to center point, hoping a change in direction would calm her. She blinked over at me, and I wondered if shock had kicked in. I also didn’t expect her to answer, so when she whispered, “Darragh,” I felt a surge from my wolf as pleasure coursed through me. Darragh. Even her heritage was laced in her very Scottish name. “Ye can lie tae me all you want. Ye can even lie tae yourself.” I inhaled deeply, scenting her mounting confusion, but also the solidifying fact that she wasn’t dismissing or pushing away what I said with finality. She looked me in the eyes, her expression sobering. The strength in her was powerful, an aphrodisiac that inflamed me. And although she was a half-breed, there was no doubt in my mind that her wolf was strong enough that with the right push, maybe even the right circumstances, her inner animal would burst forth and be dominant. And at that very thought, the image of running free with my mate in the woods had this low, rough sound of pleasure leaving me.

But I wanted her any way I could get her. Hybrid. Human. Able to fully shift. It didn’t matter. As long as she was by my side, I’d be so fucking grateful. “I don’t know what exactly you’re trying to say aside from something that seems like fantasy, but if I were to play along”—she took a steadying breath and met my gaze headon—“what are you?” I wasn’t sure if she was trying to call my blu , thinking I was lying, that I was crazy. All were normal responses to what I’d just dropped in her lap. I felt my wolf rise, knew my eyes flashed that eerie glow my kind possessed. “W-What are you?” she asked again, whispering, a tinge of uncertainty and… fear in her tone. Her voice was steady enough, her emotions too wild for me to fully sift through and find the truth on how she felt about this. Her confusion was too thick and strong right now. But I wouldn’t hide anything from her. Never. As much as this wasn’t the route I wanted to take, and didn’t want to immerse her into the Otherworld as quickly as it was happening, I wouldn’t hide who or what I was from my mate. I won’t hide who she really is and what she means to me. I stood, the chair scraping back on the scarred, wooden floor. I gripped the bottom of my T-shirt and pulled it up and over my head, letting the material drop to the floor. Her mouth parted slightly, her gaze on my chest, her eyes wide. I removed the talisman, knowing it was risky not wearing it because we could be found. But this was yet another risk I had to take, but it was for the greater good. I went for the button and zipper of my jeans, and she held her hand out, stopping me. “W-What the hell are you doing?” The words stuttered out of her. “If you come anywhere near me, I’ll kick your ass.” Although it was clear she was even more confused by my actions, thinking I’d hurt her, be a bastard, and take

from her what she didn’t freely give me, when I inhaled deeply, I caught a scent of her tantalizing, addictive arousal. “I will no’ touch ye until ye ask me for it, sweet Darragh.” The words were distorted and low, and I hadn’t meant to say them aloud. Damn it. And then I smelled her again, the sweetest, most addicting scent I’d ever encountered, her arousal blooming even more now. Her focus was on my bare chest, her pupils dilating. I bit back my groan. Now was not the time for me to take this situation there… no matter how much I wanted to. And I knew she’d welcome me, accept my body in every and all ways, because no matter how dormant her Lycan half was, it was strong within her, and she recognized me on that primal level. “Ye wanted tae know what I was.” She didn’t respond, just let her hand drop, her body unmoving, her gaze unflinching. Gods, my female is spectacularly fierce. “Well, mate, I’m about tae show ye exactly what I am.”




’d come to a few possibilities of what was happening during my short time speaking with Caelan. And I wasn’t going to dive too deep about apparently being on a firstname basis with my kidnapper. One, I was either dead or I was dreaming. Two, Caelan was certifiably insane. Three, I’d hit my head so hard back in the woods that I was hallucinating. Or lastly, what he said, and whatever he was about to show me, was the truth. Reality. Like this was actually happening. I still wasn’t convinced he wasn’t about to get buck-ass naked in front of me, but his expression was completely serious, and I knew whatever was about to happen was important. Not that I should care. What I should be doing was escaping, maybe tackling his gorgeously large body to the ground and getting that knife from him. Gorgeously large body?

I’d never felt desire of any kind in my twenty-three years, yet somehow this man brought out all kinds of wicked feelings in me and filled my head with totally inappropriate things. Focus. “This isn’t what this situation is about,” he stated matter-of-factly. “If I could do this fully clothed, I would. But as it is, they’ll tear, and I donna have many tae spare while staying here.” His expression stayed dead serious. I had no clue what the future held, or what his true intentions were, but I felt like he spoke the truth about this not being some weird forced-sex thing, so I lowered my hand when he started to undo his button and the zipper of his jeans. He pushed the denim down his strong legs, and I tried to calm my frantically racing heart. My curiosity got the better of me though, and I was fighting this internal battle not to check out the goods. A part of me hated that I wasn’t screaming and fighting him, or hell, I didn't know, trying to escape. I replayed in my mind all the things he’d said to me, really just so I didn’t try to check him out. Maybe this was some super quick Stockholm syndrome thing going on? But how did he know I’d been essentially lost in myself? How did he know I’d been searching for… something to tie me to this world? Although I never thought about vampires or werewolves or any of the like, it was strange that I didn’t immediately dismiss what he’d said, didn’t sco and say he was insane for even suggesting that stu was real. And as he pushed down his jeans fully and kicked them away, did the same with his underwear—which I was proud to say I kept my eyes trained on his face even though it was hard as hell—I held my breath as I waited for some monumental shift to take over my existence. I was waiting

for that epiphany I had always hoped would settle in place like that missing puzzle piece I’d been searching for my entire life. And what the hell was up with him saying mate? What did that even mean? Or what about him saying he could sense things from me? What the hell does any of this mean? At first, nothing happened as he stood there naked, and although I kept my focus on his face, there was no denying that I could definitely see a whole lot of flesh down below. And Lord have mercy did he have a lot going on. I didn’t want to feel like I was measuring him for a suit or anything, but the man had to be six-foot-seven, maybe even an inch or two taller than that. And he didn’t look like he had an ounce of body fat on him, just hard, cut muscles that stood out in stark relief under his golden skin. But as I was doing a mental inventory of all the things he did have that made all my girlie bits tingle and come alive, I felt something change in the air. “What are we waiting f—” My words were cut o as I felt the pressure change, this tightening all around me, a heaviness that pressed down on me. I looked down at my arms, moving my hands back and forth to stop the tingling that now covered them. The hairs on my forearm stood on end, static electricity starting to tickle my flesh. I snapped my gaze back to him, and I heard this fierce gasp leave me. His eyes. His eyes were glowing. I scrambled back on the bed as best as I could, and then he was changing right before me. Like literally… changing into something else. At that point I couldn’t move, my body locked into some kind of invisible force field that refused to let me look away. Although inside I was screaming, that flight-or-fight

instinct telling me to leave, to escape, that this wasn’t natural or normal, I still stayed rooted on that mattress. I felt like I was in a movie, like I was front row and center, watching a scene about a werewolf transforming. The body stretching, skin tearing. The sound of bones snapping, fur sprouting. I couldn’t breathe, felt dizzy, and was thankful I was sitting down. I knew I would’ve passed out if I’d been standing. Because with a pop, a growl, grunts, and an almost thundering noise filling the small bedroom, I watched a man turn into a Clydesdale-sized wolf. It was the most terrifyingly beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And as fast as it had all happened, it was just done. Gone was the flesh-and-bone, human male who called himself Caelan, and in his place was this monstrous wolf, this beast with fur as dark as night, eyes as piercing as the moon, and fangs that looked like they could tear my body in half with just a snap of its clearly powerful jaw. I felt wetness on my face and actually lifted my hands to touch my cheeks, realizing I was crying, although I wasn’t sad, and strangely enough, I didn’t fear the creature in front of me. Although I sure as hell should. It didn’t lunge at me, didn’t snarl in warning. It watched me with intelligent eyes, neither of us moving, maybe not even breathing. My emotions were waging war inside me, uncertain of what exactly I was seeing, my mind trying to wrap around exactly what was in front of me. I knew it was real, could see it, smell the wild scent that surrounded him, and I knew if I reached out, I would run my fingers through his thick coat. But the logical side of me said this couldn’t possibly be real. It can’t be. Werewolves weren’t a thing. Was that what he was, what they were called in the real world? I closed my

eyes for only a second to calm the dizziness. Werewolf. God, that sounds ridiculous, even in my own head. I looked over at that pile of clothes, seeing the knife he had kept that lay beside them. My heart was racing, and survival instincts told me to try to go for it. But I wasn’t a killer. Despite him having taken me against my will and chained me up, the very thought of plunging that weapon into his body had my stomach clenching and horror filling me. And then just as fast as he’d turned into that massive beast, everything was happening in reverse, as if a movie were playing backward. Pressure surrounded me, static covered my body, and I couldn’t breathe for a moment as I heard the crack, pop, and sound of breaking bones. Gone was the wild scent of this beast, and standing completely naked in its place, smelling like that dark, spicy aroma that made me feel uncomfortably aroused, was Caelan. I realized one of my hands covered my mouth, my eyes still feeling so wide, errant tears running down my cheeks. I was shaking my head, but I didn’t know what I was saying no to. “Now you know what I am.” He looked at me for a moment before he started getting dressed again. I glanced away, replaying everything that had just happened. It seemed like it had taken forever, yet it also seemed like in the snap of the fingers, this entire situation had spun out of control. Even more than I thought it had been. “And now you know what you are.” His words had me whipping my head back in his direction. “Well, half of you, anyway.” I pulled my shoulders back to straighten my body. “WWhat did you just say?” I’d always felt di erent… but that di erent? I shook my head again. “What are you trying to say?” I whispered, more tears of shock sliding down my

cheeks. I wanted to get to the bottom of… whatever all of this was. The most important part—the one I had been searching for seemingly forever--told me finding out what this man would reveal even further would lead me closer to finding out who I was. But then the cold, hard truth was there too, the one that said this was waters I may not want to try navigating. May not? Try never. He was putting his pants on now, and I eyed the door, my ankle throbbing as if reminding me I wouldn’t get far. But I have to try, because this situation is all kinds of fucked up. “Okay,” I said softly and brushed away one last tear that sneaked out the corner of my eye. I may not know a lot of stu and would probably forever be making heads and tails of what was around me, but what I did know was making trouble for myself wasn’t going to help. It didn’t matter what kind of chemistry I felt running between Caelan and me. It didn’t matter that I felt arousal for the first time in my life, being around him. I had to be smart. I had to get home. By now Evelyn would be freaking out. What I had to do was figure out a way to escape. And playing along was what needed to be done. So I took a deep breath and said, “How about you start from the beginning.”




’d spent a good hour sitting on that frail chair as I told my mate everything about the Otherworld. The creatures who inhabited it, Lycans and vampires, shifters of all di erent kinds, and the magic that surrounded all of us. I curled my hands around the sink of the kitchen, staring out the window at the thick woods that bordered the estate. The overgrowth was immense, almost a wall of foliage. Christ, I’ve screwed this all up. I closed my eyes and exhaled out of my nose as I thought back to less than an hour before. I told her about the powers my kind, as well as others in the Otherworld possessed, and about our long lives. And although an hour wasn’t enough time to fully immerse her in that world, I tried to give her the bullet points, the most important, key aspects so she could wrap her head around them. And then I told her about herself, how I sensed her wolf, how one of her parents had been a Lycan—a strong one, as I felt her inner animal strongly within her. I wanted her to tell me about her life, but she’d stayed silent, only asking

questions in response to what I said every now and then. She was nervous and scared, and I knew a part of her didn’t believe everything I told her. How could she? Then I told her about being my Linked Mate, the other half of my soul, the one thing in my life that meant the world to me. I explained all about the Linked Connection, how every single Otherworld creature had a fated mate out in the world, and how the sole purpose of the males of the supernatural was to find their other half. I knew she felt the connection we had, even if the females of this preternatural world didn’t have the same Linking as the males did. She’d see and feel me as something more… something important to her, even if she didn’t understand it. After that, she’d really gotten quiet, retreated into herself, and pulled away from me even more. I stayed in her room until she’d fallen asleep, and then I pulled the blankets over her, my fingers lingering over the strands of her hair, everything inside me wanting to just curl up beside her and keep her close. Opening my eyes again, I turned my focus to the meat I’d cut up from my earlier hunt. I needed to finish cooking some of it and smoking the rest to make it last, or I’d have to hunt again far sooner than I wanted, because the meat would go bad. I looked at the jugs of water I'd gotten from the well, slid my gaze to all the items I’d taken out of the du el, the change of clothes, all the survival supplies… and realized I couldn't keep my mate here. She deserves better than what I’m giving her. I found myself walking back to the bedroom and pulling the door open quietly. Seeing her small form curled under the thick quilt I’d covered her up in had longing filling every inch of me. She looked so fragile and small. She looks like mine.

Darragh must’ve been moving around in her sleep, because the quilt was now at her waist, her arms curled close to her chest, one hand resting under her cheek. The fire I’d started for her earlier was still alive and going strong, so she’d be at least comfortable in that regard. But it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to be next to her, pull her close to me, let my body heat keep her warm. I was moving toward her before I realized what I was doing. I gripped the edge of the blanket and pulled it up so it once again covered her shoulders. I’d left her unchanged, because I couldn’t stand the very thought of causing her any more discomfort or keeping her prisoner. I hated the thought of keeping my mate here against her will. But I'd be lying if I didn’t admit that for the first time in my life, I was terrified. And the reason was the very thought of losing Darragh when I’d just found her. But I’d made sure to tell her that, even if she was unrestrained, trying to escape wouldn’t serve her any good. Not only were we out in the middle of nowhere, with hundreds of acres surrounding the estate, but if she did run, she’d end up getting hurt. Besides that… I’d chase her. I’d find her no matter where she was. I’d catch her. And if that fear kept her inside the estate, so be it. I reached out and gently ran my finger along the red mark around her wrist. It was already fading, and I would bet anything that she’d always been a fast healer—a benefit of her Lycan side, and one she might have even questioned a time or two during her life. I turned and slowly pulled up the bottom of the blanket, looking at her splinted ankle. The swelling was almost completely gone, the bruising already fading. I expected her to be almost fully healed by nightfall.

This was good. But also bad, because I knew she would try to run, despite the fact that I told her not to. How could she not? My mate was a fierce, strong female. “How long do you plan on keeping me?” The last thing she asked me before sleep finally took hold of her played through my mind over and over again like a broken record. Things would be so much easier if she felt the same kind of intensity as I did. But I was a patient male. I was created to wait for her and her alone. And now that she was in my life, I was going to make sure Darragh knew she could set the pace for all of this. I might be an alpha, but she was the one in control. I covered her feet back up, my entire body filling with this unexpected and unusual warmth. I finally had a purpose in life. And that was to take care of my mate, to ensure she was always happy and never worried about anything. I was born to be her protector. I shouldn’t have done what I did next, which was to climb into bed beside her. I was careful not to touch her, but gods, I wanted to. We were face-to-face, and knowing she was here with me allowed my body to sink into the mattress as relaxation submerged me into a sense of serenity I’d never experienced before. When was the last time I’d slept? When was the last time I’d felt fully rested? Even lying beside Darragh made me think never on the latter. After taking down that deer hours before to provide meat for my female, I’d eaten only after she had her fill. And with my hunger sated and Darragh safe with me and healing nicely, I felt my eyes grow heavy. I felt sleep start to take over. I didn’t want to go under though. I’d much prefer to just watch her rest, to stare at her dark, perfectly arched eyebrows before staring at the pink fullness of her bow-like

lips. She had a natural red tint to her cheeks, and I wanted desperately to reach out and stroke my finger over her face to see if her skin was as soft as it looked. Her dark hair was still a tangled mess, and although I could scent the dirt that covered parts of her from when I chased her in the woods, and even though I could smell the twigs and the flora debris that littered parts of her long strands, her natural aroma called me more powerfully than anything else. As I exhaled and my eyes grew even heavier, I knew that for the first time in my life, I’d sleep like the dead. Because I finally had my mate right beside me and was complete.




wasn’t sure what had woken me, but everything slowly filtered back into my mind. All the events of the past… however long it had been since Caelan had kidnapped me to this place slowly filled me until I was blinking open my eyes. At first I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, but then my consciousness came back online fully, and I stared into Caelan’s sleeping, still, utterly beautiful, and masculine face. His breathing was deep and even, his expression totally at rest. I was surprised he’d let his guard down around me. I knew he was aware I’d escape. How could he think I wouldn’t try? For a moment I didn’t move as I took in his features. His eyes were closed, the thick, heavy fall of his long lashes a crescent shape on his golden skin. His short, dark hair was a little mussed, as if he’d been running his fingers through the strands nonstop. His body was massive, his shoulders so broad that even lying down, he blocked out everything behind him.

Without moving, I tried to look around the room as best as I could. My back was to the window, my vision trained at the fireplace. Although the flames were all but banked by now, I could still see the intermittent glow trying to come out from the ashes, as if trying to rise back to life. I took inventory of my wounds, the discomfort and pain in my ankle all but gone. Slowly looking over my shoulder, I could see the sun was setting. How long had I slept this time? Looking at my wrists, I saw those too were almost healed, the redness and swelling gone as if it’d never happened. I’d always been a fast healer, quicker than normal, and now I knew why. I went back to looking at Caelan’s face, expecting him to wake up, but he stayed deep in sleep. I recapped what he’d told me, all the fantastical things he’d revealed. The Otherworld. Half of who and what I was. His Linked Mate. I swallowed as I thought back to that particular conversation. This man saw me as his and his alone. It was barbaric. Chauvinistic. He was insane to think I’d just fall in line with that thinking and way of life. Yet I couldn’t deny something felt awake after he revealed that. And it scared the shit out of me. My heart started thundering, and I felt sweat start to bead on my brow, because I knew what I had to do. And although running had this strange, almost uncomfortable sensation filling me, I didn’t let it consume me. And I prayed like hell it didn’t alter this man who wasn’t a man at all. A Lycan, he’d called himself. Half of what I am. I couldn’t let it freak me out… once again. So instead of focusing on those words, I slowly, stealthily even, pushed my upper body o the bed. I held my breath as I sat there for

a moment, making sure he didn’t wake up, sure that he would. But all he did was continue to sleep deeply. Maybe he was feigning sleep. Maybe he was waiting for me to step o the bed before he lunged at me and pulled me back. Maybe I’d risk really pissing him o . But that was a risk I had to take. It was one I was willing to take. He won’t hurt me. I told that inner voice to fuck o . I looked down at my chest and realized I was rubbing a slow circle around my heart, the sudden ache settling in that organ, the little voice inside my head still speaking loud and clear. Stay. Stay with him. Understand this new world. Keeping up the same slow momentum, I made my way o the bed, once again freezing and staring at Caelan. He didn’t move, and I didn’t notice any tension in his body, as if he were waiting to pounce. I started breathing harder, fear of getting caught and repercussions keeping me at a standstill. And although Caelan said being his Linked Mate meant he would never hurt me, could never harm me, and only wished to provide for and protect me, to make me happy in all things, he’d also told me he wouldn’t let me go. He will find me anywhere I go. That he’d forever follow me, even to the ends of the earth. Did I think he’d catch me? Yeah. I sure did. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t run, couldn’t try. How much of a doormat would I be if I just accepted whatever this was? I wasn’t only running from the situation; I was running from the attraction I felt toward him. Out of everything he’d told me, everything I’d experienced and seen so far, the one thing that terrified me the most out of all of this was the bone-deep arousal that grew every second I was in his presence.

I walked over to the door, still silently moving. And after taking o the splint he put around my ankle, I slipped my shoes on, continuously checking over my shoulder, holding my breath the entire time. I picked up my backpack, a few items inside clanging together. Although the sound was mu ed, it seemed so loud when someone was trying to sneak out. But thankfully he still slept. Maybe he’d sleep and give me enough time to really escape? Probably not. As I stared at the partially open door, realizing when he’d come through, he clearly didn’t close it, I said a silent thank-you to fate. Because chances were if the door had been closed, when I tried to open it, the damn thing would’ve squeaked to high hell, giving away my escape plan. Don’t leave. Everything was silent, almost too quiet, so still and heavy that I knew we were the only ones in the house. I was all turned around, the darkness in the house so thick I couldn’t see much of anything, as if I were wading through muddy water. I took a left, not knowing where else to go, and after a short walk down the hallway, it opened up to a massive kitchen that looked outdated. So old it was like something straight out of another century. I quickly made my way through the kitchen, my one focus on finding an exit. I passed by a breakfast island and spied several items on the counter, the moonlight coming through the window illuminating jugs of water, a couple stacks of clothes, as well as other items such as flashlights and matches, blankets, and travel rations. I didn’t give it much thought, although maybe I should’ve. Maybe I should’ve grabbed some of the rations before I ran out to the middle of nowhere. But my survival

instincts—the ones not ruled by my libido—screamed one thing. Get out as fast as I can. Besides, I knew I still had a bottle of water in my bag, as well as a couple of energy bars. I’d seen them when he’d given me my backpack earlier. I also had my cell in there, although it was useless right now. Maybe if I got close to a road, it would work, pick up a signal, and I could call someone. Anyone. Hell, I didn’t even know what the equivalent of nine-one-one was in Scotland. When I found the front door, I stopped for just a moment, my feet feeling like they were filled with lead. I was breathing so hard I swore it filled the entire house, loud enough it was like a thunderstorm. With one more backward glance toward the dark, seemingly endless hallway where the bedroom was, where my captor—my Lycan mate—slept, I faced forward, opened the door, and silently slipped out. And then I ran like hell.




didn’t know how long I ran, but long enough that I was drenched in sweat, my lungs burning, my almost-healed ankle bitching at me that it still wasn’t one-hundred percent. I stopped for only a minute, bracing my hand on the tree —ironically enough, the same palm that had been scraped not that long ago but was now fully healed. It was like I was replaying the same situation over again, this time everything I thought I knew about the world completely upside down. I only gave myself a few seconds to catch my breath before I started moving again. But it was so dark outside, the moon unable to really pierce through the thick canopy of leaves overhead. “Why can't I have supernatural senses courtesy of this dormant Lycan side?” I mumbled and then immediately felt stupid for even thinking about that part, acknowledging it. Believing that it was true. Although for as much as I was fighting it, I did believe it. I always felt di erent, and what Caelan said made sense.

It makes perfect sense. And this is who I am. Panic over everything had me running now, careless steps, so I wasn’t watching where I was going. My foot caught an overgrown root sticking out from the ground, pitching me forward. A loud gasp left me, and a grunt as I hit the ground. The pain was instant, but not enough to slow me down. I got back up and started making my way through the forest again, my eyes barely penetrating the darkness. I was sweating, panting, my heart racing, my legs aching. But still I pushed forward. I didn’t even know how long I’d been running, and even though it felt like an eternity, I knew it probably wasn’t long at all. I expected Caelan to come after me almost instantly, pictured that big wolf chasing me through the woods, tearing down trees with his monstrous body. And deep down, way in the recesses of parts I didn’t even know I had, these wicked desires rose up. It turned me on to run from him. I told myself he’d gotten into my head, turned me all around… turned my world upside down with all the revelations. I should’ve been quiet, but my feet crunched over sticks and leaves, the sound seeming loud as it echoed o the trees. I knew it wouldn’t matter though, not when Caelan could’ve easily scented me like the animal he was. Because I was sweating enough and making enough noise that I was sure even a human with shitty tracking skills could find me. And then the world was tumbling upside down and sideways as my foot got caught on something else, my body propelling forward. I landed hard enough the air was pushed out of my lungs, so forcefully I wheezed. I couldn’t stop the groan from spilling from my throat, and as soon as it left me, I heard something to my left, a

rustling, definitely footsteps. And then I heard the sound of a gun cocking. “Who’s out there?” The voice was deep and very clearly male. The Scottish brogue was thicker too, a little harsher than Caelan’s had been… not as pleasant sounding. I didn’t move, everything in me saying the stranger was far more dangerous than what I’d been running from. “I said, who the hell is out there?” “Don’t shoot,” I whispered, then cleared my throat and said it louder. “Please, don’t shoot.” I pushed myself up and hissed at the sharp pain that rushed up my arm. Finally giving up, I rolled onto my back and looked up through the canopy, seeing slivers of moonlight coming through. The spear of artificial light came from a flashlight and covered my face, bright enough I squinted and lifted my hand to block it. “An American?” I cleared my throat and nodded. “Yeah.” There was another snap of twigs in the distance, and I looked behind me. “It’s not safe out here.” The words were murmured to myself, but it wasn’t fear that had me pushing myself up and standing. It was adrenaline. Anticipation. Carnal need. The flashlight was on me again. “It’s safe. Just some wildlife scurrying about.” A thick moment of silence passed, and I cleared my throat once more, staring in the direction of the man. Maybe he had a working phone? He’d for sure know where a road was. And as the flashlight’s glow swung down and illuminated behind him, I could see he had a tent pitched. He had a literal camping site all set up. Caelan had said all this land was owned by his family— not that I cared if anyone trespassed—and right now I was thankful he was squatting on someone else’s property.

“Do you have a phone?” My voice came out a little faster than I anticipated, the prospect of being able to call Evelyn and tell her I was okay causing hope to fill me. I just wanted to talk to someone I knew, someone who reminded me of home. Everything was so… weird now that I wanted that familiarity back, that mundane existence I’d clearly taken for granted. He shook his head before saying, “Lass, does it look like I’d have a phone?” I could hear the teasing in his voice, but it made my skin tighten uncomfortably. “Besides, no service this far out.” He cut the light, and we were plunged into mostly darkness once more. “Thought I would have tae defend my little abode.” He gestured behind him to the campsite. “But being American, I assume ye’re just as much trespassing as I am.” He started laughing, sounding like he had no problem being somewhere he shouldn’t be. I licked my lips and shook my head, and at the same time I took a step back. Something in me flared to life, a fierce voice deep inside me, a warning that moved over my skin. “You live out here?” I asked as I retreated once more. “Aye. Have for some time now.” My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I could see his bushy dark brows lower as he watched me move back once more. He was an older, middle-aged man if I had to guess, with a thick, unkempt beard, and clothes that even in the darkness I could see were ratty and attested to his wilderness lifestyle. “Haven’t seen anyone out here, least of all a woman, in a long time.” The fine hairs on the back of my neck stood on end at the way he said those words and the tone laced within them. “That’s probably because this is privately owned land.” I bit the inside of my cheek as those unfiltered words came out. Why do I always put my foot in my mouth?

“Why don’t ye come over here, and I’ll get ye something warm tae drink?” Even in the darkness, I could see the way his gaze raked up and down my body. “Ye’re pretty filthy, lass. Fell a couple times?” I rubbed my hands up and down my thighs, warning bells going o , red flags waving in front of my eyes. Maybe I was just paranoid because of all the stu happening right now. Maybe I was overly scared because of the truth that had been revealed. Or maybe this was what I really should be terrified of, and not the man—male—I’d left sleeping back at that house. “N-No. No, thank you. I have to be on my way.” I wanted to ask if he knew where the road was, but with the way I was feeling right now—unsafe to the max—I just wanted away from him. This man was far more dangerous than Caelan or large wolves chasing me through the woods. I went to turn and leave, to get swallowed by the darkness and shadows wrapping around the trees. That little voice rose up in me once more, one I was starting to wonder was actually that inner wolf Caelan told me I had, the one he sensed powerfully in me. Was that why I’d been this scrapper as a kid? Was it that stubborn she-wolf that refused to take shit from anyone? And that inner whisper demanded I go back to Caelan, to go back to my… mate. With my back to the stranger, I was about to make my way through the forest, not sure of my destination, but I wasn’t able to take a step forward, because I felt a hand clamp on my upper arm, stopping me. A squeak of surprise left me when I was suddenly turned around. I tipped my head back as I stared into the shadowy face of the man who now had an ironlike grip on me, refusing to let me go.

“It’s dangerous out there. How about ye wait until it’s morning?” The way he spoke was lascivious, and he looked me up and down, slowly licked his lips in a disgusting, sinister way, telling me this situation was far worse than it had been. I’d been safe with Caelan. I’d felt safe. Even if the circumstances of being in Caelan’s company were questionable, suspect even, I knew he wouldn’t have hurt me. I might have run from the big, bad wolf, but what had caught me was far worse than anything else. And as he pulled me toward his tent and my fear mixed with something else, something that was strong and dangerous, something I’d never experienced before, I let it encompass me. I welcomed it.




et up! The command was loud and angry, a demand, a snarl in my head. My eyes snapped open, my entire body tense. She’s gone. I knew Darragh wasn’t in the room, wasn’t even in the estate or on the main property. I felt that loss as if one of my limbs had been cut o , the pain going bone-deep. She’d run, and of course I’d anticipated it, but the lack of her presence in the room, her scent long gone, had this agony, this intense panic filling me. I was o the bed and charging though the house, knowing once I was outside I’d be able to catch her scent. I burst through the front door, all but tearing the wood from the hinges. I lunged o the porch and landed on the grass several feet away, my knees bent and one hand braced on the earth as I tipped my head back and inhaled deeply. The wind worked in

my favor as it brought the sweetness of my mate in the air. I growled low, possessively. Standing to my full height, I got undressed quickly as I felt my wolf rise up and was mindful enough to remove the talisman and set it on the pile. It didn’t matter if not having it on me caused my family to find me. Nothing mattered but getting to Darragh. The shift overtook me as soon as I dropped my pants to the ground, and then I was running on all fours through the forest, tracking her slowly dissipating scent but sensing her more strongly the closer I got to where she was. And when I smelled other aromas mixed with hers, the most prominent one being her fear, I tipped my large head back and roared again. Something or someone frightened my mate, and although it would have been safe to assume it was because of me since she’d run, that wasn’t the truth. My female was threatened. That had rage filling me and the protective, possessive instinct reserved only for my mate rising up with a ferocity that actually had me stumbling. My senses were completely heightened, attuned to everything. They’d never been this sharp, never this crystal clear. I knew it was because of the Linking Instinct. It had opened up some part of me that had always been shut o . It made me more aggressive, more alpha. It made me more dangerous. I now had a purpose. And I had no pity or mercy for anyone who thought they could hurt my Darragh. Once I got my hands on them, they’d know what true violence meant. The closer I got to her, the faster I ran until I was eating up the distance that separated me from the most important person in my entire life. Dirt was kicked up, mud coating my

paws, animals racing away because they knew the danger I presented. I am the predator they fear. I’d been running for five minutes at full speed, this fire inside me and wrenching a snarl out of my throat. I growled in anticipation at taking down the threat. I heard a male shout in the near distance and growled louder, the sound seeming to vibrate all around me. And when a burst of energy had me moving faster and getting to Darragh, it was to see my female in all her gloriously beautiful rage. She stood several feet from a human man, the scent of the stranger’s unwashed and unkempt body not enough to mask the disgusting intent he had for my female. It coated the air so strongly that I bared my canines, saliva dripping o the sharp points of my teeth. I snapped my jaw at him and was pleased when his eyes widened and he stumbled back several feet, losing his footing and slamming his ass down on the ground. The distress I scented coming from Darragh had me whipping my large head in her direction to make sure she was okay. My heart thundered as I witnessed my female finally coming into herself. It was the most gorgeous, enlightening thing I’d ever experienced… right there next to realizing she was mine. Her small body was shaking, her hands clenched tightly into fists at her sides. Her head was downcast, her focus on the man in front of her. I wanted to move between them, use my massive body to protect her, to block her from the danger. But the sight of her eyes glowing, the very Lycan trait I’d sensed deep within her, had me frozen, absorbing how beautiful she was. Her Lycan was so strong right now in the face of danger, of harm to her… of the reality that I’d revealed to her. And as

much as I was pleased by her wolf, I gave a low warning out to the man, because he was the reason it had come forth to protect her. “What the hell,” the man muttered, holding his hands out, palms facing us in surrender. Too late for pleas. It was then I noticed he had a campsite erected and was clearly illegally living o my ancestral land. I could have let that slide. I wouldn’t have cared about him being here and trespassing. But what I wouldn’t stand for, what I wouldn’t tolerate, was a threat to my mate. I lowered my head, keeping my eyes locked on him as I stalked forward. The low rumble that left me was one of warning, was a heads-up on what was to come. I wanted to hurt him, to tear his limbs from his body, to use my sharp teeth to tear open his gut. I kept moving forward, my huge body close to the ground, the rumble a constant from my chest. His fear was tangible now, and if I’d been in my human form, I’d have grinned in anticipation of hurting him. I crouched even more, dug my back paws into the dirt, ready to lunge forward and clamp my canines into his throat to rip out his larynx. I pounced. The man yelled as he scrambled back, but there was no escape. I had my front paws on his chest, keeping him down, still. I lowered my head, my gaze locked on his, my teeth bared. He was muttering softly, and the scent of his tears made his weakness known. He was a coward in the face of someone stronger than him. I opened my mouth and let saliva drip from my fangs and land on his throat. I’ll enjoy ripping his throat out. And I was about to do just that, but then I heard a soft whimpering sound come from Darragh, and everything in me focused on her. She was my priority.

I was o the human instantly and facing my female. I heard the human run o and knew he wouldn’t be back, not if he was smart. But if he was stupid enough to come into Lycan territory again… I’d make sure he didn’t get a second chance to escape. The fact that he could reveal the nature of what he’d seen in the forest wasn’t an issue. No one would believe him, chalking it up to the ramblings of a man who’d lost his mind. They’d never believe there were beasts roaming the woods at night, and if they did, then good; it would keep them away from my property. It would have them afraid of my kind. Everything in me wanted to go chase the human down, but instead I looked at my mate and noted her confusion and fear, knew she felt like everything was spiraling out of control. She had her hands cupping her face as she slowly shook her head, her back bowed a little bit, her shoulders hunched forward so she seemed even smaller than she was. She was muttering incoherent things, her chest rising and falling as she grappled with these no doubt new and intense emotions. I couldn’t even imagine how she felt right now as she sensed her wolf for the very first time. And although technically I was also a half-breed, my Lycan genetics had been dominant from the very beginning. I’d never felt a sudden rush of my inner beast rising up. He’d always been a constant in my life. My sweet Darragh. My precious mate. I was about to shift back into my human form and comfort her, needing to pull her in close and just hold her, when she dropped her hands to her side and looked at me with wide, still glowing eyes. I expected her to scream, to run. It would be understandable. I expected to feel the defeat pouring o my mate. But what I sensed was something I

hadn’t thought she would ever experience, at least not anytime soon. Acceptance. “Caelan,” she whispered and took a step closer to me. I shifted back into my human body instantly and met her halfway, her arms wrapping around my abdomen before I even knew what she was doing. The feeling of her grasping me, almost clinging to me as if I were her lifeline, was the greatest feeling I’d ever experienced. I’d expected a fight from her for a long while and had only hoped she’d one day come to accept what she was to me, what she meant to me. The situation had certainly turned in a way I hadn’t seen coming, and it was one I wouldn’t take for granted. “Caelan,” she gasped out, her hands touching my bared chest. She pulled back and I didn’t stop myself from cupping her cheek, finally touching my mate, for Darragh allowing me to touch her had this unchecked emotion filling me. And when she leaned into my palm, I took a deep, shuddering breath, my eyes closing, the feeling so incredible that for the first time in my life, I felt weak. “It’s like everything is spiraling out of control.” I opened my eyes and stroked my thumb along her cheek, hoping the act calmed her like it did me. “I have ye. Always. A rúnsearc.” Beloved. “Donna be afraid.” “Take me back.” The glow in her eyes started to fade as she grappled with her human side even more, as her emotions started to become more level. I felt her body sag against mine and instantly scooped her into my arms, cradling her body close to my chest. I was completely naked, but right now there was no arousal from finally having my female in my arms.

All I felt was the need to cherish her. “Is ceol mo chroí thú.” You’re the music to my heart. Darragh didn’t know that she held my heart and soul in the palm of her hand, and forever would, but it was something I’d prove to her for the rest of my life.




was dazed, confused, and almost disconnected. The only thing I could focus on was Caelan. The feel of his body against mine. The way he held me close, gently, as if he thought I’d break. The fact that he kissed the top of my head intermittently and whispered reassuring things against my hair made me really feel like everything would be okay, even if that was the farthest from the truth. This wasn’t how I’d seen my trip to Scotland going, wasn’t how I’d seen “finding out about myself.” But here I was, currently back in the estate I’d run from because the man who’d kidnapped me could turn into a wolf and said I was his fated mate. Oh… and I was half-Lycan. I blinked back to reality and to the present and realized I was in a bathroom, the white-tiled floor gleaming under the candlelight. I looked around and saw a dozen or so taper candles placed around the bathroom all light, the glow filling the small confines of the room.

I didn’t question when Caelan had done this, because I didn’t even remember walking through the woods and coming back to his house. My mind was too discombobulated to focus on anything, it seemed. I sat on a wooden chair, one that was o -center and wobbly because one of the legs was a little shorter than the other. There was a claw-foot tub a few feet from me, and as I watched Caelan pour a large bucket of steaming water into it, I realized he was running me a bath. For some reason my chest clenched at that thoughtful gesture. And judging by how full the tub already was, it was clear he’d been filling it up for quite some time. “I think I’ve been zoned out,” I whispered, and he turned to face me, the empty bucket hanging from his fingers, his expression softening as he stared into my face. “I don’t remember coming here or you filling up the bathtub.” “Ye’re in shock.” He set the bucket o to the side and came over to crouch on his haunches in front of me. Without saying anything, he reached toward my feet, his eyes on me as he clearly waited for permission to touch me. I nodded and found myself leaning back as he started removing my shoes, then my socks, and setting the items to the side. He then reached out and took hold of one of my feet, gently massaging it as he focused on the act as if it were the most important thing he’d ever done in his life. For some reason tears pricked my eyes at his gentle touch. Caelan did the same to my other foot, and then only when he seemed satisfied did he stand and hold his hand out to me. I knew after everything I should be hesitant. But even during the couple of days I’d “known” Caelan, I’d never felt more secure, never felt safer than I did with him. It was strange, unusual, and it really did make no sense. It was fucking crazy. But then again, maybe all of this made

perfect sense given how my life was turning out. I looked up at him, and he still had the softest expression on his face, as if he were handling me with kid gloves. I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t breakable, that even though I was scared, the entire situation having turned my world upside down all over again, things weren’t really that… bad. “I’m going tae let ye take a bath and relax.” He held both my hands, gave them a reassuring squeeze, and then left me to head to the door. “You won’t be far?” The words tumbled out of my mouth before I realized I’d even spoken them. I looked over my shoulder and saw he was already watching me. “You won’t leave me?” He shook his head slowly. “Never.” Then he left me in the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I stared at the tub with the steam coming up from the top. I felt my heart tighten at the thought of him making so many trips to fill this up. And because we were using candles, I assumed there was no electricity either. Which meant he had to heat up the water by hand as well. God, how long had I been out of it? I scrubbed a hand over my face and then tangled my fingers through my hair. I started picking out little leaves that were stuck in the locks but gave up because I really didn’t care. I got undressed, letting the clothes drop to the floor, then made my way to the claw-foot tub. I bent over to run my fingers along the top of the hot water, then straightened to climb in. Once submerged, I rested my back against the lip of the porcelain and let my head hang slightly over the edge. I couldn’t ignore the fact that I felt very lonely right now, distant from everything and everyone. I was cold, even in the hot bath, and all I kept thinking about was him.

I looked over at that closed door, licked my lips, and found myself speaking before I could stop myself. “Caelan?” His name was whispered, probably too soft for him to hear m— The door opened instantly, as if he’d been standing on the other side, waiting for me. He seemed tense and expectant, and when he looked at me sitting in that tub, his throat bobbed up and down as he swallowed. I swore I saw a flash of light in his eyes. In that moment I felt heat that had nothing to do with the water I was currently in, moving through me at an astounding rate. “Maybe this isn’t appropriate,” I said softly, “but I don’t care. I don’t want to be alone, and you’re the only person I trust in all of this.” He ran his palms up and down his denim-clad thighs, and I realized that he’d gotten dressed again. Of course he had. Although I hadn’t missed how naked he’d been in the forest when he turned back into his human form, I didn’t remember anything after that. “I’m yer mate. There is nothing more right in this world than me being with ye.” My throat tightened at his words. “Would ye like me tae wash yer hair?” His voice was so deep and gravelly, masculine and husky. I was about to say I didn’t think I saw any shampoo, but I watched as he went over to a small cabinet, opened it, and pulled out a bottle before turning it so I could see. “I’m sure this is older than ye and me both, but it has tae be better than nothing, right?” I found myself smiling and nodding, and I noticed the way he kept looking away, as if he didn’t want to accidentally catch a glance of my nudity. For such a largerthan-life man, Caelan almost seemed shy right now. But then I remembered him telling me about fated mates and

how all males of the Otherworld didn’t even think of a female unless it was their mate. Caelan was just as much a virgin as I was. Because if what he said was true—which, after all this, I had no reason not to believe him—it meant he’d never even looked at a woman with desire, let alone kissed anyone. I didn’t know why that made me all hot and bothered, but I found myself clenching my thighs together as arousal tried to take over my body. It was such an inappropriate time to feel this way, or maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was the perfect time. Caelan made his way around the tub to grab the chair I’d been sitting in. He slid it across the tiled floor and then sat behind me. With my head still resting on the edge of the porcelain, I found my eyes closing on their own. It was insane how relaxed and calm I was around him… how much I trusted him. And then he was scooping water over my hair and wetting the locks. He poured a large dollop of the slightly yellowtinted shampoo into his palm and started washing my hair. He ran his fingers through the damp strands, his touch so gentle despite his massive size. My eyes closed on their own, and I let myself get lost in the sensations. A soft moan escaped me as pleasure consumed my core, and I felt Caelan’s fingers tighten against my scalp ever so slightly. I opened my eyes and tilted my head to the side so I could look at him. I could see how tense he’d become all of a sudden. His eyes were hooded, the desire clear on his face. It was on the tip of my tongue to push him even more, to see how far we’d take this. Because I could see he was struggling with his need for me… just like I was for him. But then he started massaging my scalp again, and my eyes slowly closed once again. I didn’t think about how I

knew he could see my nudity from his vantage point. I didn’t care that the tips of my breasts bobbed slightly above the waterline, the chilled air tightening the peaks further. I didn’t care about any of that, because for some strange, inexplicable reason, I didn’t want to stop whatever was happening between us. I’d never been reckless in my life, always taking the safe route. But ever since I’d looked into his glowing eyes, even if it had been when I was running from him, there was some deeper connection I felt. There had been this pull that refused to diminish, and instead it had grown even more fiercely with each passing second. “Let me rinse the shampoo out,” he whispered, but it sounded more like a grated groan. I slid forward, then let my head fall back. I imagined what I looked like to him right now. Back arched. Breasts thrust out, nipples pebbled. My head was tipped back, the soapy locks cascading down my spine and falling into the water. I didn’t open my eyes when I heard him start to breathe harder, when I felt his gaze latch on my bared throat, then my breasts… and lower still. His gaze felt like tangible fingers skating along me, and I bit my lip to stop from moaning again. After a prolonged moment, I started to feel the warm water moving along my head as he scooped up handfuls. I kept my eyes closed, my hands braced on the bottom of the tub on either side of me. I felt so wonton and sexy in that moment, could still intermittently feel his gaze on my body. And I liked it. I liked that he watched me, that he couldn’t keep his focus trained on the task at hand. “I can wash yer back,” he said in the huskiest voice I’d ever heard come from him.

I should’ve said no. I should have realized things were progressing a little fast. Too fast, if I were being honest. But I didn’t care. After all the things that had happened, all the things I’d learned and seen, letting go and giving in to my desires was the least reckless thing that had happened in my life so far. I said nothing as I sat up and leaned forward, pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. I rested my cheek on my knees and turned my head to the side, keeping my eyes closed and just letting the feel of Caelan’s big, soapy hand smoothing up and down my back calm me. Of course it had the opposite e ect, because I was hot and aroused and wanted to just say screw everything and take what I craved. The warm water was doing wonders to my achy muscles and bones, but it was the feeling of his hands on my body that really did it for me. Another soft sound left me as the pads of his fingers skated over the slight bumps of my spine. He descended the length and then moved his fingers back up. He did this over and over in a gentle, sweeping motion. Goose bumps moved along my arms and legs, and I felt my pussy become wet, which had nothing to do with the bath. My nipples were so hard they ached. I felt that familiar stirring deep within me, the same feeling I’d sensed out in the woods when that man tried to pull me toward his tent to do unthinkable things to me. Although he’d never said the words, I’d somehow known his intent. I’d smelled his disgusting desire. I’d felt that inner wolf rise up so quickly I knew my eyes had been glowing, had seen the light coming out of them, casting my would-be attacker's terrified face in this ethereal glow.

I’d never felt so fierce as I did then, never felt the kind of strength that moved within me. I’d felt like tearing his throat out and bathing in his blood. It had terrified me so much that I’d stumbled back, whimpering from the intense onslaught of emotions and those powers that had slammed into me so suddenly. But right now, this was a di erent kind of feeling as that inner animal rose up. And in my mind, I kept hearing one thing repeated over and over again. Give yourself to your mate. And I didn’t fight it, not as I straightened and turned in the bathtub, the water sloshing around me, mini waves moving along my slippery skin. I was hot and cold all at the same time. I saw Caelan’s eyes widen slightly, his nostrils flare as he no doubt inhaled the scent of my arousal. The low rumble that left him told me he was very pleased with what he saw and scented from me. I knew I wasn’t going to even pretend to stop this. Not as I rose up on my knees, droplets of water tickling along my body as they descended. Not as I reached out and curled my fingers around either side of his face. And I certainly didn’t stop myself as I pulled him in close, my bared breasts now against to his hard chest, and pressed my mouth against his. I wanted to go as far as I could right now with him. I needed to.




y cock throbbed, the massively thick length digging into the zipper of my jeans. My wolf paced inside me impatiently, wanting out, demanding to rise up so he could experience what this felt like firsthand. Fuck that. The softness of Darragh’s mouth on mine, the way she’d been the one to make the first move, had me rumbling in pleasure and sliding my hand behind her head to tangle my fingers in the damp strands. Her kiss caused me to drown in sensations. The feel of her fingers digging into my temples, as if she was afraid I’d break the kiss, as if she thought I had any willpower when it came to her at all, would have been laughable if I wasn’t so far gone at this moment. I was hard, my cock throbbing, my balls pulled up tight. My wolf was climbing and scratching on the inside of my body, trying to break free, trying to rise up. But I was stronger than he was right now, and I refused to step back and let him experience this. Not for the first kiss with my mate. Never.

I tightened my fingers in her scalp and used my hold to tip her head back and slightly to the side. And then I mouth fucked her, never having kissed a woman in my life, but somehow my body, my instinct took over. I stroked my tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened for me. I didn’t wait a second to plunge the muscle into the warm, sweet recesses of her mouth and stroked her tongue, massaging it with mine, memorizing every inch of her from the inside out. I could feel the tightness of her nipples pressed against the thin material of my T-shirt. The fabric was getting soaked, damp from her slick skin. I wanted the material o my body, wanted to feel her nakedness against mine. I wanted her under me, her legs spread, my face buried between her thighs as I memorized that part of her as well with my lips and tongue. I growled at the very thought of having her flavor coating my tongue and sliding down my throat. I could live o her essence for the rest of my life, never being satiated, always wanting more from her. Only her. Before I realized what I was doing—because I was, in fact, working purely on instinct right now—I slid my hands down to her waist, the feeling of her warm, smooth skin against my palms causing the fucker between my legs to jerk even more fiercely. It was like my cock had a mind of its own, needing out, wanting to tear through the denim to get to the sweetest spot on Darragh. I had her out of the tub instantly. And when she wrapped her legs around my waist and moaned, I hummed deep in my chest that my little mate was so receptive. I’ll never let ye go. I should have grabbed a towel on my way out of the bathroom, but all I could think about was getting her to the bed and using my body to dry her o . I wanted my clothes

soaked because she’d had her naked form pressed to me so tightly. She made the sweetest noises against my mouth, this purely male and primitive part of me in control. All I could think about was pleasuring my female. “Oh God,” she groaned, and we broke the kiss once in the bedroom. Her head tipped back, and I didn’t stop myself from running my lips along her jawline, down the column of her neck, and lapping at the soft bit of flesh where her shoulder and neck met. This is where my mark will go. My hands were now clenched around the perfectly formed mounds of her ass, the flesh soft and smooth, the heat from her cunt going right through the thick fabric of my jeans. “Caelan.” My name was a whimper from her plump, pink lips. I set her gently in the center of the mattress, having to force myself to step away. I reached down and pressed the heel of my palm against my thick dick, the fucker so hard and big that I could see the outline of the crested head through my jeans. I looked at Darragh, saw how her eyes were wide, her mouth parted as she stared at the third leg I sported. “I—I don’t know what I want,” she whispered, the scent of her arousal coating the air even more. I’d never smelled anything more delicious. “I know what ye need.” I stared right into her eyes. “And I’ll be the only one tae ever give it tae ye.” I felt more animal than man right then, my wolf pushing out a little bit fiercer, a little more powerfully. And I didn’t try to stop him, didn’t force the beast back. I just took a moment to really look at my mate, to memorize the lines of her very female body, her curves and lushness. She had her upper body braced on the mattress,

her weight held up by her elbows. Her knees were slightly bent, her legs closed. Her belly was concaving as she breathed in and out harder and faster. My gaze was latched on to the trimmed, dark swatch of hair I could see between her legs, those curls causing my mouth to water. Without thinking, only embracing the primordial thought of being with my female, I gripped the collar of my shirt and ripped the material clean in half, tearing it from my body and tossing it away. The jeans had to stay though. Tonight wasn’t about claiming her. Even if I wanted to grab my cock and place the tip at her entrance and then slowly, so fucking slowly, push into her. My body shook from the images moving through my mind. But no… tonight was about pleasuring her, getting Darragh o , and having her come on my tongue over and over again until I was drowning in her essence. I was aware of the deep sounds I made, ones that were distorted and very inhuman. “Spread wider,” I demanded, my voice low. There was no doubt I was not to be denied. She’d give me what I fucking wanted. “Mine.” I knew I should’ve been more passive, less alpha right now. It would have helped her not be afraid, to see that I had control—even if I didn’t fucking feel like it. I should have taken my time and been gentle. But I couldn’t stop this. How did any male have any restraint when it came to pleasuring their female? And it didn’t matter if I was a virgin in all senses of the word, because I could scent the innocence that came from my Darragh and knew without her having to tell me that she’d never done anything like this either. It was a crisp, fresh scent in the air, like the way you felt the biting quality of the frigid coldness at the peak of winter. I could see the way her hands tightened on the quilt, and when she slowly parted her thighs, I knew she wouldn’t deny

me. The air left my lungs harshly, my chest rumbling with deep sounds as the scent of her became even stronger without the obstruction of her closed legs hiding her pussy. I was moving toward her again without conscious thought, and found myself falling to my knees at the edge of the bed. I reached for her ankles, curled my fingers around the too delicate bones, and felt heat envelop me. My vision was hazy, a cloud of red desire that didn’t allow me to think clearly. I pulled her down the mattress, a squeak of surprise leaving her still parted lips. I knew she needed what I was about to give her as much as I did. And as I stared at her spread pussy, her lips parting and her flesh so glossy and pink, I could visibly see how much my Darragh needed this. Fuck, I needed this. I slid my hands along her legs and curled my big fingers around her knees, spreading her even wider, needing her to feel the muscles stretch, because she was obscenely opened for me. “Darragh.” Her name came from me in a throaty grunt. I closed my eyes, letting my lips open slightly, my canines far too elongated to close my mouth all the way. I felt drugged, drunk o her scent. I knew I’d feel even more out of control as soon as I had my mouth on her. And as I snapped my eyes open, my wolf pushing to the surface even more, I looked up the length of her body and heard the small sound that escaped her. Her eyes were saucers, her breathing rapid. I knew my eyes glowed, could feel myself slightly changing in the face of my mate’s eagerness. I felt my body become a little bit bigger, my muscles more swollen as blood rushed through my veins. My wolf wanted to experience this

right along with me, and I wouldn’t deny him. I couldn’t. He was far too strong right now and wanted far too badly. In that regard, we were one and the same. “I canna go slow.” I leaned in an inch, my gaze still locked on hers. “I canna be gentle.” My voice was no more than a serrated sound of broken syllables. “Ye deserve that, but right now—” I shook my head slowly. “I canna do it, Darragh. I need tae taste ye too badly, need yer honey coating my tongue. I need tae drown in it.” And then I had my mouth on her sex, my tongue buried between her folds. I groaned and slid my hands down the insides of her thighs, framing her cunt, using my thumbs to pull her pussy lips apart. I only gave myself a second to marvel at how beautiful she was down there before I sucked her swollen clit into my mouth, purring around that little bundle of nerves so she felt the vibrations. She gasped and pulled at the comforter beneath her, her back arching, a flush covering her chest. I slid my tongue down her cleft and gently moved it around her opening. Over and over again, I did this, the sounds leaving me animalistic, barbaric. And then I pushed the thick muscle into her tiny opening, felt her clench around my tongue, and closed my eyes, realizing I was thrusting my cock against the mattress, trying to ease the pressure in my balls, trying to get any and all kinds of friction. It felt so fucking good. She felt so fucking good against me, her cream covering my mouth and chin, her nectar spilling from her pussy hole the more I pushed her. The sounds she made were broken and feral, mewling noises and cries that told me it wouldn’t take much to get her o . And that was my goal. Fuck, I needed that so damn badly.

As I thrust my tongue in and out of her, mimicking the act of sex, making love… fucking, I got lost in the silky feeling of the most intimate part of her body. I tongued her clit as I pushed my finger deeper into her, retreating, pushing back in. I repeated the motion continuously and added more suction with my mouth on the pearl of sensitive flesh at the apex of her cunt. “Come on, my female. Come for me, mate.” I licked her clit back and forth, moving the muscle faster and faster until I felt her physically tense under me. That had a low bellow of need vibrating out of me. And when I felt the tremors start to move through her, I knew she needed to go over the edge now. I went harder on her pussy, and her cry of completion, and the way her pussy gripped my fingers as I thrust in and out of her, nearly had me coming. She writhed under me, pressing her core against my mouth until all I tasted and smelled was her wetness that was a constant flow out of her. A thunderous sound of male satisfaction left me, knowing I was the cause of her going over the edge. And when she tried to push my head away, murmuring how sensitive she was, how she didn’t think she could handle anymore, I snarled against her drenched cunt, my hand pushing hers away as I devoured her all over again. “Please,” she sobbed as she lifted her arms above her head to grip the headboard bars. The sounds I made were harsh and fierce, but I needed her to orgasm again. With a hand now flat on her belly, and snaking the other one under a thigh and behind to hold onto the small of her back, I feasted on her. “Again. Give me another one.” The words were mu ed, wet sounding as I licked and sucked. “Watch. Look at me.” The demand had a hard edge to it, and I paused in my ministrations until she did as I said.

When her eyes were locked on mine, only then did I stick my tongue out and lick her nice and slow from her pussy hole to her clit, pulling back so a string of saliva still connected us, then leaned down and sucked her clit into my mouth. She came again for me instantly. She was crying tears of pleasure by the time I was done, her legs falling open as if she had no muscle strength. With one thorough lick of her cleft, I pulled back and wanted nothing more than to eat her out all night. Although when it came to my mate, patience wasn’t my strongpoint, I knew I had to take it slow. Well, as slow as a male who’d found his fated female could. I got o the bed and, with some gentle maneuvering, pulled the quilt out from under her and covered Darragh up. I was thankful I’d found clean bedding to put on the mattress so my mate could sleep comfortably. “Don’t go,” she whispered, now on her side and facing me. I didn’t question why she accepted me and this situation. I was so fucking thankful for being lucky enough to have her in my life. I slipped under the sheets and quilt with her, and before I could think about how much I wanted to pull her in and hold her body against mine all night long, Darragh slid closer and pressed her smaller form to my much larger one. Her eyes closed, a content, happy sigh leaving her. That was the greatest sound a male could hear from his female. For long moments I just held her, running my fingers up and down her bare arm, loving how she was so receptive to my touch as I felt goose bumps cover her silky flesh. “We can’t stay here forever,” she whispered, and I closed my eyes and exhaled.

“I know. Bringing ye here and forcing ye tae stay with me… having ye find out all of this the way ye did… it wasn’t how I wanted any of this tae go. I regret how I handled everything.” We were silent for long moments, and I was so fucking thankful she didn’t push me away. “I believe you,” she whispered. “But I need you to trust me like I’m trying to trust you.” I nodded and held her tighter. “I trust ye with my life.” “You don’t even know me though.” I closed my eyes and wished mated females felt the kind of unbreakable connection the males did when they found their Linked Mates. “I donna have tae know ye tae know ye’re my female, and I will no’ want anyone else but ye.” She placed her hand on my pectoral muscle and ran her fingers over the talisman. “What is this?” she asked quietly. “It’s a talisman, an object of mystical protection. This one was given tae me by a hybrid Lycan/witch. It’s tae keep my family from finding me… finding us.” I didn’t mention the blood promise. She was still relaxed against me as I admitted that. “This whole world is not even what I could have ever imagined,” she breathed, and I kissed the crown of her head. “You were worried about someone taking me from you before you could tell me everything, and that’s why you got the necklace… this talisman.” She didn’t phrase it like a question. “Yes,” I whispered and nodded at the same time. “It was wrong—” “Yeah, it was wrong, but I get why you did it all. I may not know how all of this… Otherworld stu works, or really understand fully about the other half of who I am, but from everything I’m gathering, fated mates are rare gifts and you’ll protect that at all costs.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and once again thanked the gods for giving Darragh to me. “Aye,” I stated simply, my throat thick, my voice tight. “I don’t want any more lies. I can’t handle it anymore. I need the truth. Always.” “I’ll never lie tae ye again. Never.” And I meant that. “Good.” We were silent for a moment, and she kept running her finger along the necklace. “I need to call my friend. She’s like a sister to me. Evelyn is my only family, and she’s probably so worried because I haven’t called her.” “I’ll take ye tae my family home. I will no’ stop ye from doing anything.” She pulled back, and I looked into her eyes. “We will speak with my father, Banner. He can help. We have a male who is the record keeper for all history of the Scottish Lycan Clan. If yer father is one of us, we’ll find out who he is and where he’s at. I promise I will no’ stop until we get the answers ye seek.” “Really?” I nodded, feeling this fierce protectiveness fill me as I looked into my mate’s dark eyes. I didn’t stop myself from cupping her cheek and smoothing my thumb along her soft skin. “I just want ye tae be happy,” I whispered. She was silent for a moment, then softly asked, “And what happens if I’m happiest back in America?” I kept my hand cupped gently to her face. “I’ll follow wherever ye go.” Her eyes flared for a moment. “Really? Even if that meant leaving your family behind? Leaving your life here behind?” I nodded. “Even if ye went tae hell… I’d be right by yer side.” She sucked in a breath at my words. They were the truth. Always the truth. “Ye’re what matters tae me now. The most important aspect of my life. Where ye go, I’ll follow.” She darted her eyes away, her brows lowering as if in concentration. “This is all so… heavy.” She looked back at

me. “This is all so permanent.” Darragh licked her lips, and I scented the uncertainty from her. “What if I didn’t want this, want the whole mate thing?” It was unfathomable to me to think of her not wanting me. Although she’d never feel a fraction of how strongly I felt for her, my heart ached and broke at the very possibility Darragh may not want me. “Then I’d try for the rest of my life to convince ye otherwise.” We stared into each other's eyes for long seconds, and then she gave me the sweetest smile. I didn't stop myself from leaning down and kissing her soundly, slowly. I pulled back by pure force of will, and she instantly rested her head on my chest and smoothed her hand over my flesh. I rested my chin atop her head, staring out the darkened window, and moved my hand up and down her naked back. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep, and it had nothing to do with the massive hard-on still trying to burst from my jeans. I wouldn’t be able to rest, because the feeling of my mate pressed to me and the knowledge that she trusted me enough to share her body with me reminded me over and over again how lucky I was. She had no reason to trust me after all the shit I’d done, and I’d prove for the rest of my life I’d never fuck this up. My Darragh was truly a gift—the greatest one—and that would make any man, human or Otherworld, realize how fucking good he had it.




was nervous as I watched Caelan load up the Range Rover. Being hesitant to leave this place and go to his family’s home seemed so misplaced. Like after everything I’d been through, this was the most mundane thing to happen to me. I turned and looked at the home I’d been staying at for such a short time. It had only been a couple of days at most, yet it seemed like I’d been here a lifetime already. I guess finding out your life had been even more of a mystery than you ever thought could age someone considerably. I looked over my shoulder at the man who’d ended up going down on me three more times last night. A shiver of awareness and awkwardness rose in me swiftly, and there was no trying to tame it. He’d acted like he was starved to lick between my thighs, as if he’d die if he didn’t get me o . Oh God. I started breathing harder as my body lit up at the memories of the numerous orgasms Caelan had wrenched from me just hours before. And never once did he want me to reciprocate, even though I felt how hard he’d been as his

length dug against my belly… or how much I all but begged to do the same for him. I tried to focus on nonsexual stu , because the last thing I needed was another round of Caelan sensing my desire and burying his face between my thighs. Although that didn’t sound like the worst idea… No, not gonna go there. I looked around the house again, noting the heavy white cloth draped over pieces of furniture to keep the dust o , and I noticed the same with the material hanging over light fixtures and secured with ties. I had a lot of questions about the house and was curious about the history, but in the grand scheme of things… yeah, I didn’t need any more wondering about non-consequential things. Caelan gave me a general rundown of the place and how the house was situated on hundreds of acres of land his family owned. Apparently my mate—which was still a term I was trying to get used to—and his family owned so many properties, not only in Scotland but all over the world, that this particular home was just a drop in the bucket for the McGregor real estate footprint. Last night we’d stayed up for hours just talking and learning about each other. He told me about his family, and I heard the love in his voice as he told me stories about growing up. I’d felt how much he cared for them, could tell how happy he was, what a great childhood Caelan had. I envied that, but as I thought about it, I realized I wasn’t alone anymore. I had a family now. Crazy to think and realize. On top of all that, I’d been shocked to learn he was a triplet. Three men who look just like Caelan? Lord have mercy. Then there was the story about his sister, Ainslee, and her crazy—literally—mate Luca, and how Caelan’s family had tried to keep them apart, but then Luca took her. I learned

that the fight I’d seen in the woods before I’d run from Caelan had been a kind of shifter war to get her back. And I heard the regret in his voice as he spoke of hurting his sister and denying Luca his mate. He told me that last part as he stared into my eyes, as he whispered he finally knew what being whole was, and to withhold that from anyone was the greatest a ront. It was starting to become pretty clear the men of the Otherworld were a little too over-the-top and crazy for their own good. It was hard to wrap my head fully around the clear possessiveness the males of this supernatural world felt for their mate and how this whole Linked Connection worked. Although I could have listened to him speak about his life and this fantasy world all night long, he’d seemed so eager to hear about me. He asked about my life, and although I’d never spoken about it aside from with Evelyn, I found it easy to tell him how it had been growing up in the foster system. I told him about my search for who my father was and where my family had come from. I told him I’d known next to nothing about my parents, that my grandparents had died shortly after coming to America, that my mother died during childbirth. I told him that my father had never been in my life, and how I’d hoped coming to Scotland would give me answers. And it looked like I’d gotten more than I bargained for. But God, I was grateful to finally find out where I came from. “We will speak with my father, Banner. He can help ye. We have a male who is the record keeper for all history of the Scottish Lycan Clan. If yer father is one of us, we’ll find out who he is and where he’s at. I promise I will no’ stop until we get the answers ye seek.” I closed my eyes as Caelan’s words from last night played through my head. I’d been thinking about them over and over again. If he could actually help me find out about my

parental side, it would be a dream come true. And even if we didn’t find out any information, the fact that he was willing to help me, to not stop until we found something or exhausted all avenues, had me feeling this kind of turning point toward him. I didn’t see him as my kidnapper or captor. I saw him as a partner. I thought about how he’d washed quickly this morning, how I’d tried to sneak a peek into the bathroom and watch his gloriously naked body dripping with water. I should have felt shame for wanting to invade his privacy, to be a voyeur, even if he wouldn’t have seen me as such, even if he would have crooked that finger at me and urged me inside. So I stayed away, kept taking out my clothes and shoving them back inside my backpack, trying to keep busy… to keep my mind o other things. So here we were, the last forty-eight hours a whirlwind of excitement and fear, anticipation and pleasure. I was almost afraid to see what the future would bring. I found myself turning back toward that open doorway and watching as he loaded up the last of the things he wanted to take. It wasn’t like we had much of anything. I didn’t, at least, but I assumed he wanted to get the house back in the order it had been before he brought me here. It was a beautiful day, with the sun actually peeking through the trees and not overcast like it had been as soon as I landed in Scotland, and because Caelan had been constantly moving around, I didn’t miss the way this really sexy, light sheen of sweat covered his forehead. That familiar heat I realized was reserved just for Caelan and his presence woke up once more. My overactive libido was starting to get a little bit insane, if I was being honest. I didn’t know if it was the whole mate thing, or if it was that my wolf side had finally woken up. This need just seemed to

be growing by the second, and no amount of orgasms Caelan gave me seemed to tame the fire that was building inside me. I felt like the pleasure he gave me just made me want him even more. In fact, right now I was so wet, drenched, that between my thighs was slippery. My nipples were hard and ultrasensitive as they pressed against my T-shirt. I looked down at my clothing, my jeans and shirt, the only pair I had since I’d walked into that forest and never walked back out. But they were clean now, as clean as they could be for someone who had to wash them by hand and let them airdry. And that someone had been Caelan. He was big and strong, an alpha in all ways, and I was finding out he was a gentle giant with me. He was so caring and loving when it concerned all things that had to do with taking care of me. It was very clear he wanted to take care of me, and… I liked it. Before meeting Caelan, I’d had zero interest in men. I had no desire for dating, touching, kissing… anything. It just hadn’t been a priority. But everything was so di erent now, and I just didn’t care to try to refrain or hold back from exploring all of this. Hence why I had absolutely no problem giving myself over to Caelan. I opened my eyes, not knowing I’d closed them, and when I saw that Caelan stood just a few feet from me, my eyes flared in surprise. His big body barely fit through the doorway, his chest rising and falling from exertion, although he hadn’t been doing anything to cause this reaction in him. He’s like this because of me. I heard him inhale deeply, caught the lingering sound of the deep rumble that I was now accustomed to hearing when he was aroused. The sound vibrated all around me, pulling the hairs up on my arms, making my nipples pucker even farther. I let my gaze travel across his broad shoulders, down

his wide chest, and lower to his narrow hips. The T-shirt he wore was light gray, molding to his muscular body. I felt even more wetness spill between my thighs, and I clenched them together, my lips slick and sliding against each other, which rubbed along my clit and pulled a gasp of sensation from my mouth. He can smell me… scent my wetness. That shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was. Yet I found it highly enticing that he was able to pick up on how turned on I was. And then I was looking at the massive erection that was tenting the front of his jeans. All I could think about was how many times he’d pleasured me last night with his lips and tongue, his fingers and hands. And the entire time he’d kept his jeans on. Never once had he asked for pleasure in return. He only wanted to hold me afterward. He’d only been thinking about me the entire time. But right now I wanted to make him feel good. Giving Caelan an orgasm was such a strong need in me that I actually took a step forward, and then another one, and one more until we were just inches from each other. I could smell the clean sweat that came o him and loved that he was having a hard time controlling his breathing. I could see small droplets of sweat line his brow and temples, and my tongue swelled at the thought of tasting him. He opened his mouth, and I knew what he was going to say, knew he’d want to take me to the bedroom so he could bury his face between my legs again. And as tempting as that sounded, as much as I wanted it, I lifted my hand and placed a finger on his lips, stilling anything that would’ve come from him. “Let me do this,” I whispered and stared at where my finger was placed on the seam of his lips. I was now breathing harder as I ran that pad along the full, soft flesh.

And then I pushed the digit inside, a harsh groan leaving him at the same time he swirled his tongue around my skin. I felt brave and bold as I moved my finger to one of his sharp canines, knowing they were longer right now because he was turned on. And when the point pricked the pad of my index finger and I gasped, it wasn’t from pain… but from ecstasy. Caelan ran his tongue over the small wound, his eyes growing hooded, a low rumble leaving him. “Let me do this for you. I really want to.” My voice sounded huskier from my desire, and I didn’t hesitate to drop to my knees before him. My gaze was locked on his as I lifted my hands and pushed up the bottom of his shirt. He took my nonverbal cue and gripped the hem, keeping it above his navel and out of the way, letting me see how hard and in shape his abdomen was. His six-pack kept flexing and relaxing with each breath. I was riveted to the sight of all that masculinity for a hard, long second, but then my hunger for Caelan grew to the point it would not be ignored. I was starved for the taste of him, my salivary glands working overtime as I undid the button of his jeans, then gripped the zipper, slowly pulling it down, the teeth undoing bit by bit until the two sides hung open. The air left me slowly as I realized he wasn’t wearing any underwear, allowing me to see with startling clarity that V of muscle that was like an inverted triangle pointing right to his huge erection. His jeans still covered him partially, but the part I could see, the thick, huge base, had my eyes widening. And then he pushed his jeans down a bit more and I spied part of the heavy weight of his balls resting behind the length, and the entire package of the man fate had given me had my pussy tightening and my clit throbbing in time with my pulse.

But this wasn’t about me. This moment was about giving Caelan as much pleasure as he’d given me… or at least I’d try. It wasn’t like I had any experience. “You don’t have to do this.” His voice was a rough croak, and I noticed his knuckles were white from the force of the grip he had on the edge of his shirt. I licked my lips and shook my head slowly. “I want to.” I looked at the root of his shaft again, so pronounced and thick, the veins visible. “But I don’t know what I’m doing.” I thought it would be embarrassing to say it out loud, but I felt heat fill me at admitting to Caelan that I was just as virginal as I knew as he was. “My sweet mate. Because it’s ye, Darragh, even if all ye were doing was staring at it, I’d come harder than I ever have in my damn life.” God, talk about one hell of an encouragement. And then I was pulling the edges of his jeans apart and dragging the sides down his muscular thighs so they were out of the way. With the denim now to his knees, I got an unobstructed view of no doubt the biggest cock to ever grace a man. I may never have actually seen a dick up close and personal, but surely this wasn’t the average size. Not by a long shot. Suddenly a wave of nervousness slammed into me, and all that confidence I’d just felt was slowly dwindling down to nothing. I tipped my head back and looked up into Caelan’s face, saw his head was lowered, his gaze locked on mine and his eyes hooded. His hands were still clenched so tightly around the edge of his shirt, his knuckles white and his body seeming tight enough that I could see the outline of his muscles, the definition of his strength. I licked my lips and knew I had to be honest. I wanted to be. I didn’t want to disappoint him with my lack of

experience. “I—I’ve never done this before.” I knew I’d already told him, but I was suddenly feeling shy and nervous and so very inexperienced. He closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, and when his lids opened again, I saw the flash of his wolf right there at the surface. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything, that you have to do this. Because the truth is, I love having my mouth on you, my tongue lapping up your honey.” His voice dropped deeper. “I love tasting your nectar sliding down the back of my throat so much that I’m already addicted to it all.” His voice didn’t sound human now, and even though I was staring into his eyes, I saw the movement of his cock jerking between us, as if he couldn’t control the reaction. “And if all I ever got to do for the rest of my life was bury my face between your thighs, I assure you, Darragh, I’d die a very happy male.” And there it was… that hard-core wave of strength I seemed to derive from his words alone, the encouragement that told me even if I totally sucked at giving head—literally and figuratively—I knew without a shadow of a doubt Caelan would love every single minute of it. Because it came from me. I’d always been strong on my own, independent and never needing anyone to validate me or make me feel like I could do something. But it was di erent with Caelan. I knew I was still strong in my own right, but with him I felt like I could move the world if I wanted to. And then I had his cock in my hand. He was so hot and hard, the weight substantial in my palm. My throat tightened, my mouth watering even more at the very thought of trying to fit him between my lips. I wouldn’t be able to, of course, but I knew I wanted to try. God, did I want to try.

I leaned in and saw his quadriceps, the long strip of hard muscles on the front of his thighs, tighten as if he were bracing himself for what I was about to do. With a quick look up his body, I could see his lips were parted, this almost amazed expression on his face. The sight of his canines, ones that were so long and sharp he couldn’t even close his mouth all the way, turned me on so profoundly that I grew dizzy from it. And while I kept my gaze locked on his, I opened my mouth and ran my tongue over the crown of his erection. Instantly the salty, wild flavor of him exploded in my mouth, and I moaned, not even trying to stop the sound. My eyes almost closed on their own from the power I felt, from how sexually arousing this moment was. He was making these deep sounds, as if he were a feline, a large predatory cat unable to stop himself. I curled my fingers around his girth, his size so substantial that my fingertips didn’t even touch. And then I sucked the head into my mouth, closing my eyes and getting lost in the act and sensation of sucking him o . I moved my tongue along the crown before moving it to the underside, where I felt the thick, pulsing vein that ran the length of his cock. I pulled back and moved my tongue along the slit, where copious amounts of pre-cum constantly spilled from him. And I swallowed it all, licked him clean every single time more formed on the head. “Ahhh, my sweet lass,” he grated out. “It's so good. Ye’re so fooking good at that.” I felt warm and cold all at the same time. “I’m going tae come so hard, come so fooking hard I will no’ be able tae walk straight because ye’ll drain my balls dry.” God, his dirty talk was such a turn-on.

I didn’t know who I’d suddenly become, this woman, this wild child who was now trying to engulf as much of Caelan’s cock in her mouth as she could, but here I was, letting the tip hit the back of my throat before retreating and repeating the act over and over again. I bobbed my head, the constant wild spice of his pre-cum exploding on my tongue. When he gripped my head, tangling his hands in my hair, I knew he was close. The sounds he made were erotic, sensual, and purely unhinged. I felt my eyes water every time his cockhead hit the back of my throat. And then the tears were falling, but I was moaning louder, getting wetter, my jaw aching because I had to open it so wide to fit his dick in my mouth. I needed to have him shoot his no doubt thick load right down my throat. God, I want that, as if I’m some dirty girl who can’t live without it. I was dripping from my pussy, my lips slippery, my thighs pressed together and pinching my clit, which caused sparks of pleasure to shoot up my body. I slid a hand underneath his cock to cup his balls, the sac heavy and overflowing in my palm. I gave them a gentle squeeze at the same time I started moving my mouth over his erection faster. He was panting at this point, his hands pulling at my hair so hard that the pain mixed with my pleasure. “Darragh.” His voice was barely audible, and I knew he was about to orgasm, could taste the pre-cum, a constant coating on my tongue. I hummed around him louder and lifted my eyes so I could look at his face. Our gazes locked as he slid his hands to cup my cheeks, trying to push me away, shaking his head slowly, and groaning out, “I’m going tae… I’m going tae come if ye donna stop.” It was my turn to shake my head—well, as much as I could with a mouthful of cock. And even though the tears

kept sliding down my cheeks, I wondered if this was the hunger he talked about when it concerned wanting me. Because it was eating me alive, yet I didn't want it to stop. And then he tossed his head back, the sinew and tendons in his throat standing on end as he gave himself over to the pleasure. His fingers dug into my temples, his hips working on their own as he pushed into me and pulled back out. Over and over again. He fucked my mouth like I wanted him to do between my thighs. And when he came, when he filled my mouth so full that his cum started slipping out the corners of my lips, I kept swallowing and swallowing. His flavor was unlike anything I could’ve ever imagined or described. It was delicious. His huge body shook one last time before he let go of my cheeks and slammed his hands on either side of the doorframe as if he needed to hold himself up. I pulled back and stayed on my knees, my bottom resting on my heels, my head tipped back so I could stare at him. He looked satiated, so pleased it was like he was drugged. “A rúnsearc.” He helped me to stand and instantly pulled me to his chest, his hand on my nape. He slammed his mouth down on mine, pushing his tongue between my lips, and groaning at no doubt our combined flavor. The fact that he didn’t care that I’d just swallowed his orgasm, even seemed pleased over that fact, in turn pleased me. “What does that mean?” I asked when. Caelan gave me a soft kiss and slid his hand up to cup the base of my head, gently bringing me in close so my cheek rested right over his heart. “Beloved.” He smoothed his hand up and down my back, and I closed my eyes, my body sinking against his. “It means ‘my beloved.’ That’s what you are to me, Darragh,” he whispered. “Now and forever.”

It was hard not to want to just give in and say screw logic and common sense and, hell, reality when you had words like that whispered to you. Yet here I was, clutching at Caelan, holding him just as closely and tightly as he held me, knowing that after this was all said and done, I’d never be the same.




od, if nerves were an actual person, mine would be that annoying friend who talked nonstop and was always in your face. I was bouncing my leg, biting my nails, and my heart felt like it was going to explode from my chest. The closer we got to Caelan’s family’s home, the more I was starting to think this was a bad idea. Going to see his ancestral estate had seemed like a good idea at the time, but then again, it had only been Caelan and me for a couple of days. We’d been in this little bubble where I could process all the stu that had been thrown in my lap without outside influence or chaos. Things were definitely about to change, and I prayed it was for the best. A centuries-old father who was the king of the Lycan shifters. A century-old mother who was a vampire. And one sister and two hybrid brothers—the latter of whom were identical matches to Caelan.

“Lass, ye’re nervous, but I promise I will no’ let anything happen tae ye. I’ll be right by ye the entire time. No one will hurt ye. I swear it.” He reached across the seat and took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I’m not nervous that anything will happen to me,” I muttered the truth, even if my thoughts had been on his family. I glanced across the SUV at him. He intermittently looked from me to the road, his expression warm and soft. “I’m just scared of what I may find out about my family.” Caelan gave me another squeeze and then brought our joined hands to his mouth to kiss my knuckles. At the feel of his lips against my skin, I let myself rest back against the buttery-soft leather of the seat and tried to calm down. “It won’t do any good freaking out.” “Aye, but if ye need tae freak out tae feel better, I understand.” I snorted and turned my head to look at him. “You might regret saying that.” He shook his head, a stubborn look on his face. “Never. When it comes tae ye, I’m putty in ye hands. I’ll go along with whatever ye say.” I didn’t say anything in response because I didn’t know what to say. It was still so strange and surreal to feel so close to someone after only a few days. I hated the saying “everything happens for a reason,” but right now it sure felt like the truth. I looked down and into the cupholder to see the medallion that sat inside. Caelan had taken it o last night, going with the “no more lies, even if the truth is hard to face.” I stared at that circular piece of metal and wondered the stories it would tell if it could speak. The talisman looked aged and scarred, as if it had seen a thousand lifetimes. For

that little piece of jewelry to hold mystical powers was crazy to think about, but I supposed it was par for the course. I’d finally gotten reception once we’d been a couple of hours into the drive, and I’d been so happy to be able to get ahold of Evelyn. I’d obviously woken her up, given the time di erence, but she’d been just as relieved to hear my voice as I had been to hear hers. She’d sounded so frantic as she immediately started rambling about how worried she’d been when she couldn't get through to me. Of course I hadn’t told her about Caelan or the Otherworld, or anything she wouldn't be able to comprehend. Hell, I was barely grasping it all. So instead I told her that my absence was because I met somebody who could help me find information on my father’s side. It wasn’t a lie, although it wasn’t the whole truth either. I felt horrible for omitting the whole truth, but realistically I didn't want her to think I was insane and immediately jump on a plane to “rescue me.” Which she would have. Caelan pulled the SUV onto a long, pebbled road, ascending highlands and taking turns the longer we went. It seemed like forever we stayed on that little road, and then I saw a massive stone and iron wall. I felt my skin tighten, and on instinct I looked out the window and tried to see into the thickness of the forest. The deeper I tried to peer inward, the darker the shadows became. Even though I didn’t see anyone, I knew without a doubt we weren’t alone. “We’re not,” Caelan said, low and deep. I glanced over at him, not at all surprised he’d known what I was thinking. He wasn’t a mind reader, but he didn’t have to be in order to no doubt see the unease written on my face. I felt like the latter was a neon sign flashing over my head.

“Lycan sentries. They patrol the property and protect the land and my family.” Caelan looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. Obviously they were friend and not foe, at least not to me because I was with Caelan, but it was like my survival instinct still had warning bells going o in me. And rightly so, since those guards would have to be dangerous if they were protecting royalty. Damn. Not just royalty, but werewolf shifting royalty. I sat up straighter, that anxiousness right back at the forefront, but I tried to stay grounded by the feel of Caelan’s thumb moving over the back of my hand in gentle sweeps. Beyond the gate and situated in the “center” of the property were green hills and lush land as far as I could see. Surrounding all of that was the dense forest with trees that were so massive it was like they blocked everything else out. And in the center of all that greenery, sitting atop a massive hill, was a house that couldn’t really be called a house at all. A villa. A chateau. Hell, let’s just call it what it was—a castle. “Holy shit,” I muttered as I leaned forward and stared at all that stone and glass and wealth. It's just utterly beautiful. I was vaguely aware of Caelan’s deep chuckle, and for some weird reason I could sense that he was pleased I was in so much awe over his home, as if he wanted me to like it. “It’s just a house.” I looked at him with what I knew were huge, rounded eyes. “That is not just a house.” His grin was big and infectious, and I couldn’t help but smile in return. I faced forward again just as he pulled to a stop in front of massive iron gates. And of course there was a depiction of a

huge wolf head in the center, the name MCGREGOR right above that. Caelan had also called his family, gave them a brief rundown of what had happened the last couple of days, why we were coming back, and the help I needed. I felt myself falling for him even more. Caelan rolled the driver-side window down, and I watched as he keyed in a code on the electronic panel. A second later the double gates opened inward, that wolf head splitting in half as we were allowed entrance. The interior of the car seemed tense all of a sudden, the air thick, the silence loud. Caelan pulled forward past the massive gates and continued to follow the path, one that widened so now it was big enough for two large vehicles to pass at the same time. Although the land beyond the gates was open, no shadows, no places for people to hide, I still felt like I was watched, still felt as if I were an enemy they’d be on faster than I could blink. I didn’t know how I knew that, but that notion was as real to me as the breaths I was taking. Before I knew what was happening, Caelan pulled the SUV to a stop in front of the massive home. I was staring up at the house when the passenger-side door opened, so in my own head that I hadn’t even heard Caelan get out, let alone seen him walk around the car and open my door. He held his hand out to me and helped me from the SUV, and when I shut the door, both front doors of his home opened. Caelan had his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me in tightly, and I didn't miss the low sound that left him. That had me lifting my brows and looking over at him in surprise. Seemed even in the face of family, these Otherworld males were territorial as hell. “Well, well, well,” came a deep voice from the doorway.

“Actually found his way back home,” another male voice said, amusement laced within it. I glanced at the entrance, but the shadows from the overhang that draped along the stone porch made it almost impossible to see who spoke. Then there was the fact that the sun hadn’t stuck around long, the overcast making its familiar presence known again. Caelan led me toward the double doors just as two identical versions of him stepped out of the house. I stumbled at the fact that I was looking at two other Caelan’s, but the closer we got, the more I realized even though they were all identical in the obvious sense, there were subtle— although to me very noticeable—di erences that made them so di erent from my Caelan. My Caelan? The one on the left had a small birthmark on his right cheek. The man on the right had a fuller bottom lip than his brothers. “This is Lennox.” Caelan pointed to the brother with the birthmark on his cheek. “And that asshole is Tavish.” Mr. Full Bottom Lip grinned at me, which instantly had Caelan tensing beside me, a low growl of clear warning surrounding the four of us. And then the biggest man—male, whatever—I’d ever seen entered the doorway. Although Caelan was huge, well over six-and-a-half feet tall—and that was lowballing it— this new man was even bigger than Caelan. It was obvious this was their father, seeing as Caelan and clearly the brothers looked just like him. I glanced at my mate and saw the way he was already watching me. I didn’t miss how a slow smile spread across his face, or the way his chest visibly pu ed out as if he was so proud to have me by his side.

Can I be falling for this man already? It sure felt like it. The way he looked at me, how he touched me… how he just wanted to make me happy, far superseded any and all fantasies I could ever envision about finding the “perfect man for me.” And although the reason we came to be in each other’s life hadn’t been ideal or normal, it just… worked. “Da, this is my mate,” Caelan said with so much pride in his voice I actually found myself ducking my head in shyness, my face heating instantly. “A rúnsearc,” he said softly. When I looked up at the man who was changing everything in my life—for the better—I knew I’d answered my own question. That yes, in just a few short days, I was falling for Caelan and everything he represented. “I want tae introduce ye tae my father, Banner.” I found myself smiling up at Caelan and then looking over at his father. There was no denying the man was intimidating as hell, and I could see that he was probably not only respected but also dangerous. I suppose you had to be if you were the king of anything. “Am I supposed to bow or something?” My eyes widened instantly at the realization I’d said those words out loud. There was this really awkward silence that followed, and then I heard Tavish and Lennox start laughing, Banner cracked a smile, and Caelan tightened his fingers around my waist and kissed the top of my head. “Pretty sure ye’ll fit right in with this fooking crazy bunch,” Banner said. His grin was big and infectious, and before I knew what was happening, he pulled me into an embrace. “Welcome tae the family.” When he let go, Caelan had me right back against him, and that glorious scent that I knew was all him became stronger and filled my senses. I was starting to wonder if it

was pheromones, something that was just for me because I was his mate. And didn’t that just make a girl all tingly. There was some friendly banter back and forth between the brothers, and then this silence descended as the most beautiful woman I think I’d ever seen stepped into the doorway, but I noticed she made sure to stay within the shadows. Her hair was long and blonde, done in a loose braid that hung over her shoulder, and although I knew this was Caelan’s mother, Luna, it was astounding to know she had grown children. She didn’t look much older than me. “You must be the vampire mom.” For fuck’s sake. Again that wasn’t something I’d meant to let slip out, but everyone started laughing, Banner’s baritone rumble sounding louder than the rest. Banner was instantly back at her side and pulling her close to him. It was clear he loved her and she loved him just by the way they looked at each other. I knew from Caelan talking about his family and some of the species that made up the Otherworld that although humans had gotten vampire lore wrong for the most part— like the whole burning-up-in-sunlight part—it did significantly drain their energy to the point they became so vulnerable they could die easily. And because of that, I found myself moving out of the sunlight and into the shadows. As nervous as I should have been surrounded by werewolves and vampires, I didn’t feel anything but the love they had for each other and a strong family bond. The latter was even more foreign to me than the Otherworld, I realized. Caelan’s mother stepped forward, and the smile on her face was warm and inviting. I knew I would belong to these people. They’d accept who I was and where I’d come from no

matter what. They accepted me because I was mated to their son, and in their eyes I was already family. After pleasantries were exchanged and everybody moved inside the house, closed the front door, and blocked out the sun, Banner was the one to take a step toward me, a level look trained on me. “So, how about we try to find out who your family is?” And just like that, another door opened for me. I hoped this one didn’t come with any more surprises. But as I thought about the fear of not finding any information out and this being another dead end, I realized it didn’t matter in the long run. Because I was already being o ered family ties by these individuals in front of me.




t had been a few hours since I’d first come to Caelan’s home, and the entire time, I never once felt like I was an outsider. I’d been included in the conversation, asked about my life, my dreams and aspirations, and what my plans for the future were. The latter had been a gray area, seeing as I didn’t know how to answer it. I knew the idea of staying here with Caelan sounded great, but it didn’t negate the fact that I had Evelyn back home, a job and a rent-controlled apartment. And aside from Evelyn, the rest really was replaceable in the face of my happiness. I did feel happy. So much so that I was afraid at any given moment it would be taken away, or I’d wake up and this would all have been some wild dream. After lunch I’d been led into a massive room they called Banner’s study, but it looked like a whole-ass library I’d seen in the city. Three out of the four walls were floor-toceiling built-in shelving filled with leather-bound books.

The bookworm in me wanted to explore the titles and say forget about anything else. Caelan had stayed right by my side the entire time, and although I knew it was partly because he wanted to show his support because he could clearly see I was out of my element, I knew the stronger part was because he didn’t want to leave my side for selfish reasons. And I couldn’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy the possessiveness that came from him, or the fact that he seemed to always want to be touching me. A hand on my hip. Fingers brushing my hair over my shoulder. Hell, even his gaze was constantly on me like a tangible touch. Banner had spoken about Alasdair, an older shifter who was the keeper of Scottish Lycan records. I'd been assured by the king that if my roots were part of their world, Alasdair would be able to find the information. To say I was excited to learn this, to have that hope, was an understatement, but I also didn’t want to get my hopes up. Maybe my father was a Lycan but not Scottish. And if that was the case, there wouldn’t be those records, and I’d be right back to square-one. But the first step was seeing if Alasdair had found anything out, and we’d know that in less than twenty-four hours. After lunch we sat around the table, and I listened to Caelan getting caught up on the “family drama,” the brothers had called it, regarding Ainslee and her mate, Luca. I didn't miss how many times Caelan glanced at me, or how he’d touch his fingers along the back of my hand, as if the connection between us always had to be there. “So she called, she’s fine and safe, and she’ll contact us when she’s ready,” Luna said, and I didn’t miss the way she cut a lethal stare at Banner, as if silently telling her man to

keep his trap shut. Okay, so once again it was very clear men of this world were over-the-top in… everything. “We should have stayed out of it,” Caelan spoke up, and I watched as everyone snapped their focus on him. Eyes widened, mouths parted, and it was abundantly clear they were shocked in this very clear change of heart coming from Caelan. “Pretty sure hell just froze over,” Lennox muttered. “Mam, check tae see if pigs are flying outside,” Tavish whispered in amusement. “Boys, leave it alone.” Luna smiled in a motherly fashion at Caelan. “I’m glad you found your mate, sweetheart. And I’m glad you’re seeing things from another side.” She narrowed her eyes at the other men in the room. “Maybe these three will eventually have that revelation too.” Caelan shifted on his seat as if nervous and cleared his throat. He gave me another reassuring squeeze—maybe one just for himself—then brought our joined hands up to his mouth to kiss my knuckles. “I now understand how we should have minded our own business.” His words were low and soft as he stared at me. “Luca wouldn’t hurt Ainslee no matter what.” He stared right into my eyes, and I felt myself grow soft. “He would have protected her with his life. Of that I’m sure.” He placed a finger under my chin, tilted my head back, and kissed me softly. Right in front of his family. I felt my face heat, and when he broke the kiss, I ducked my head, my long, dark hair hiding my face as I felt embarrassed over the PDA. There was more throat clearing from everyone, and then —fortunately—the sound of chairs scraping along the wooden floor sounded in the room. I looked up to see everyone but Caelan and me standing. Luna smiled at me, this knowing expression on her face as

she slipped her arm through her mate’s. “I’m sure you want to get acquainted with the house and get settled. We’ll leave you guys to it.” She leveled me with a look, but it wasn’t harsh or ugly. It was gentle. “Darragh, this is your home as much as it is ours. Please know that.” My throat tightened at her kindness. “If Alasdair contacts me before tomorrow, I’ll make sure ye know right away.” Banner spoke clearly in that deep, baritone voice and gave me a reassuring nod. I stood. “Thank you. Both of you.” I looked at all four of them. “All of you. Thank you so much.” I was rambling, emotion clogging my throat, but aside from Evelyn, no one had genuinely given a shit about me or helped me so intently. My entire life, I’d relied on myself, having no one but my best friend in my corner, yet here I was, getting as much help as I needed from people who’d literally just met me a few hours ago. Luna walked around to my side, clasped my hands in hers, and gave them a squeeze. Her hands were soft and warm—another thing folklore got wrong. Vampire skin felt just like a human’s, and aside from her ethereal beauty and the sharp points of her fangs I periodically saw when she spoke, she was no di erent than everyone else I passed on the street daily. “I know this is weird and strange and you probably feel like you’re dreaming.” Don’t cry. Don’t cry. I nodded. “But everything will be okay.” I swallowed and nodded. “We will all make sure of that. Especially Caelan.” She gave o mom vibes so hard, and I couldn’t deny it felt good to have that directed at me. Luna pulled me in for a hug, and if I should have felt weird that she accepted me so readily, I didn’t. It felt strangely right. “Mates are a forever thing, a rare gift. For a male, it means everything, and Caelan will always put your happiness first.” She pulled back. “That’s a guarantee.”

I knew without a doubt she told the truth. I didn’t need a lifetime to see or feel that. Caelan had already proved that. Once we were alone, I exhaled, suddenly feeling drained, yet feeling hopeful for the first time in… well, a long time. “How about I show you where you can sleep?” I turned my attention to Caelan and swallowed, knowing I was going to start saying what I thought. “Where will we stay?” I corrected softly but still worded it as a question. Surely he wouldn’t think I’d want to sleep alone? That addicting scent that came from him, coupled with that oh-so-sexy gru sound that left his chest when he was aroused, had a soft moan leaving me. I took a step forward, now being the one to make my intentions clear nonverbally. “Maybe you can make sure the room is far away from everyone else. You know, so we get privacy.” My voice was nothing but a whisper, and it turned me on knowing what we were talking about, what I was suggesting. And then Caelan was kissing me, his hand cupping my face, his lips on mine as he stroked the seam of my mouth with his tongue. I opened instantly, moaning against him, giving him entrance as he plunged his tongue inside, stroking mine, making me wet, needy, and weak-kneed. “Let me make sure a room is made up at the opposite end of the estate.” His words were murmured against my lips, and when he broke the kiss, all I wanted to do was pull him back in for more. But the sooner he got things settled, the sooner we could take this to a place I was really anxious to get to. He had the sexiest expression on his face, one that left nothing to the imagination on where his thoughts were. If only he could see into my mind. “Give me a moment, and I’ll be right back.” With a deep, gru sound, as if he were forcing himself to leave my side,

he turned and stalked out of the room. I probably would’ve sagged against the wall if I had one to support me. But before I could let my mind wander about erotic, explicit things, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I knew it had to be Evelyn given the fact that she was the only one who called, but when I saw her face on the screen, worry filled me. We’d spoken not that long ago. I answered the call and put the receiver to my ear. “Evelyn? Are you okay?” The sound of rustling came through a moment before she cleared her throat. “Yeah. I’m fine.” I exhaled again, relieved, because I certainly didn’t need any more surprises. “Good. I got worried hearing from you again so soon.” I could hear water running in the background, could picture Evelyn getting ready to start her day. “No, everything is fine. I guess I was just feeling a little clingy because I’ve been so worried about you for the past couple of days.” She exhaled. “So yeah, that’s my excuse to call you, which isn't an excuse at all.” I felt sisterly warmth bloom in my chest. “I’m glad you called.” She laughed softly. “But this phone call is going to cost a fortune.” Evelyn started laughing, and the sound of the water kicked o . Then I heard a dripping sound and knew she was getting her ca eine fix. “I don’t care about that, although maybe I should since I want to quit Bosco’s.” “Good,” I said instantly. “That place is a shithole anyway.” Evelyn chuckled softly, and the sound of a chair scraping along the floor came through the receiver. “Yeah, it really is a shithole. I’m also sick of the assholes and the sexual harassment.” I frowned at that. “I thought Ritchie said he was going to put a stop to all that.”

She snorted. “Please. He doesn’t give a shit about that. He’s all talk. And half the time he’s the one delivering the sexual harassment to the waitresses.” She exhaled, and she sounded so exhausted. “You should still be sleeping. I know you didn’t get home until late, and then I woke you up with the phone call.” “I’m fine. I’ve been staring at my ceiling for the last hour because I can’t fall back asleep. But enough about me. Did you finally get to that guy’s house that’s going to help you find your father?” I found myself walking out of the study and into the foyer, looking around at the grand staircase, taking in the wealth and sophistication of the foyer. This place screamed old money. There was a staircase to my right, massive and as wide as it was long. The huge double front doors were to my left, and in between that and the staircase, a huge, gorgeous chandelier hung from the wooden beams that made up the cathedral-sized ceiling. It wasn’t one of those fancy crystal ones but instead was made up of stained and polished wood, antlers, and incredibly gorgeous iron that was molded to twist around and make the frame. “I wish I could show you this place,” I murmured as I looked around, hearing the awe in my voice. A moment later my phone started buzzing. I pulled away and looked down to see Evelyn was video calling me. I snorted and shook my head, not about to remind her of the price of this international call, especially without Wi-Fi, at least on my end. I accepted the call, and a moment later Evelyn’s grainy face popped up on the screen, her hair piled up into a messy bun and dark circles under her eyes. But her face instantly lit up when she saw me.

“Hey, you,” she said and brought her oversize co ee cup to her mouth, taking a long drink. “So, show me how incredible this place is.” I turned the camera around and started with the staircase. I could hear her “ahhhing” as I swept the phone across the foyer, then over to the front doors. I walked a little toward the library, showing her all the shelving and hearing her gasp of amazement and pleasure. Evelyn was a bookworm just like I was, and I knew she’d appreciate the sight of all those books. And then I turned the camera back around so it was facing me, not comfortable enough to show her any other parts of the house, since I hadn’t gone to other rooms. “Where is this dude who brought you to that house that screams loaded?” I was not about to tell her he was currently figuring out a room for us that was away from the rest of his family because I wanted to have sex. Yeah… not going there. “He had to step away for a bit.” I left it at that, but I saw the curiosity written on her face. Thankfully she didn’t press. “Uh-huh,” she said, but she had this little knowing smile on her face. “Okay.” She straightened. “Talk to me about this dude. What does he do for a living, where is this place located, and the most important question… is he part of the Scottish mafia?” I lifted my eyebrow at that. “Is there a Scottish mafia?” She shrugged. “I don’t see why not.” “Um, no. I can say with certainty there is no organized crime going on with Caelan.” “Okay, well, is he like… a billionaire?” Her eyes went wide. “Please tell me you’re not sleeping with him to get information on your family. Please tell me he isn’t like your… sugar daddy. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I don’t want you giving up the goods to an old-ass man in hopes of finding information—”

I couldn’t help it. I started laughing so hard tears tracked down my cheeks. “No. I can say with all honesty I am not doing that.” “Well damn,” she muttered, her smile telling me she was teasing. “That would have been one hell of a story, right?” I really wished I could tell her the truth. But not yet. Not right now, over the phone with an entire ocean separating us. The conversation turned to other stu , with her talking about work again even though I knew she hated it. But I also felt like she needed to vent, and I wanted to just talk about normal stu after all that had happened in the last few days. “How long do you think you’re gonna stay there?” I thought about her question, unsure how to answer. “I don’t know, actually. I guess it depends on if we find out any information.” “Well, I hope you're not there too long, because I’m a selfish bitch and want my best friend back. It’s lonely and boring here when you’re not around.” I gave her an empathetic smile, feeling exactly the same way. But on the heels of that thought, the very idea of leaving Caelan had this uncomfortable, painful ache settling right in my chest. It felt so uneasy and wrong that I sucked in a sharp breath. I felt my brows lower when I saw this instant change come over Evelyn. She straightened, her shoulders pulling back, her upper body then leaning forward. Her eyes narrowed as if she were trying to see something in the distance. “What is it? What are you looking at?” “Hey, who is that?” Her voice sounded weird, strained, tight. I looked over my shoulder and right away saw a massive man standing several feet from me, his hand over his

sternum, his fingers curled into the material of his shirt. He had the strangest expression on his face, an almost pained one as his chest rose and fell the faster and harder he breathed. He was just as large as all the other men I’d seen so far, and I instinctively took a step back when this low, deep rumble left him, and I saw his eyes flash with that supernatural glow I’d become accustomed to seeing with Lycans. But he wasn’t looking at me; instead his focus was trained on my phone. “Darragh?” Evelyn whispered, this almost panic in her voice. I turned my attention back to the screen and saw that Evelyn’s eyes were wide. Her brows were pulled down low, and she too was rubbing the spot over her heart. “Who is that?” I almost didn’t hear her question because she mumbled so low, but I also didn’t think she was asking me. She was speaking to herself. That rumble from the man became louder, deeper… fiercer. I snapped my head back up and looked at him. He took a step forward, then another. I swear his body was getting bigger, taller, broader. And when I saw his eyes flash once again, a startled sound left me as I stumbled back, the wall stopping my retreat. I spied swift movement out the corner of my eye, and then a massive body was standing between me and the stranger. I smelled the wild, dark scent of Caelan, and instantly I relaxed. A sound that could only be called a warning came from my mate. “She’s mine,” the stranger said harshly. “Stay back. Cian. She’s mine. My mate,” Caelan said with unrestrained aggression laced in his voice. He got into a position of imminent attack. My mate started speaking

quickly in a language I didn’t understand, his voice guttural and distorted, his wolf present. I looked around Caelan’s broad shoulders to see the stranger shaking his head and closing his eyes. He gritted his teeth, and it was clear he was trying to grapple with his control. “Not her,” Cian said savagely and then pointed in my direction before slowly lowering his hand. I felt my eyes widen when I saw exactly what he was pointing out. My phone. At Evelyn. “Her,” Cian growled. “My mate.” His eyes were glowing fiercely now as he took another step closer. Caelan threw an arm back and curled it around my body, pulling me forward so my chest was to his back. I lifted my phone and saw Evelyn still had wide eyes, her hand moving quickly over her chest. Her mouth was moving, but the connection was going in and out. “Darragh?” she whispered, and we were then looking at each other. “I don’t understand what I’m feeling.” She glanced down at the table just as the screen froze, and then the connection was lost. I slowly lifted my head and looked at Cian from around Caelan’s big body. Cian was staring at where I gripped the cell, my palm aching for how hard I held it. “She’s mine,” he seemed to say to himself before turning his focus on Caelan and getting a hard look. It was like some silent communication was being passed between them, and then it was broken as fast as it was there and Cian was looking at me. “Tell me about her. Tell me everything.” His demand was clear, and I bristled. Caelan made another warning sound. “Cian, back the fook o .”

Cian looked like he wanted to argue as he glared at Caelan, but then he took a step back. He gave a hard nod and looked at the floor. “She’s mine.” He closed his eyes and exhaled. “I finally found her,” he whispered. He looked up at me then, our eyes locking. “Please. I need tae know about her. I need tae find out who she is.” He started rubbing his sternum again. “I need tae go tae her and make sure she’s mine.” I was shaking my head even though I didn’t know what I was denying. I knew firsthand how these things worked with these guys, with the Otherworld mating, but that didn’t mean Evelyn would be as understanding. She didn’t have ties to this world like I clearly did. This would scare the shit out of her. Cian must have read my expression and knew what I thought, because he got a hard look on his face. “If ye or anyone else thinks tae keep my mate from me…” He looked at Caelan then and made a deep sound of warning. “Evelyn.” He said her name as if it were the greatest to ever slide o his tongue. “She’s an American.” He lowered his head but kept his focus on us. “If ye think no’ telling me anything about her will stop me from finding her”—he shook his head —“ye’d be wrong. A Lycan will no’ stop until he gets tae his mate.” This time he addressed me, and I swallowed at the intensity with which he said those words. His grin was slow and deadly, and it very much appeared like a predator about to go after his prey. “Looks like this wolf is going tae America tae claim his prize.” And then he was turning and stalking away, leaving me feeling weakkneed and light-headed. “Caelan?” I whispered, and my mate turned and pulled me into his arms instantly. I felt dizzy, out of breath, and had to tell Evelyn, to warn her, even though I knew Cian

wouldn’t hurt her. I believed it when they all told me the sole purpose for an Otherworld male finding his fated mate was to treat her like the queen she was, to show her she was the greatest gift in the world to him. I looked up into Caelan’s face and whispered, “Looks like I have to tell Evelyn the hard, shocking truth sooner than I thought I’d have to.”




took Darragh to the bedroom I’d had the sta set up for us. It was located on the opposite end of the estate, far enough away from everyone else that we’d have privacy. And although there’d been one thought in my mind as I selected this room, right now sex was the farthest thing from my mind as I scented my mate’s worry. We’d been in the room for the last hour, my female sitting on the huge bed before rising and walking around the room. I could tell she wasn’t able to sit still, not after everything had come to light with Cian and her friend. She’d gotten o the phone with Evelyn a short time ago, and since then I could tell she was in deep thought. There was no doubt Darragh was trying to figure out how to “fix” this, although she knew there was no changing the course of destiny, and that’s exactly what this was. I’d kept quiet the entire time Darragh had spoken with Evelyn, although all I wanted to do was comfort her, to tell her—and her friend—that although this may be strange and frightening, everything would be fine. But was that the

truth? I couldn’t guarantee anything aside from Cian would be totally devoted to Evelyn for the rest of his life, but a Lycan male finding his mate wasn’t so cut-and-dried… as was evident by all the shit that happened with Luca and myself. And if Evelyn didn’t want Cian, I knew it would slowly make the male go mad. He’d follow his female to the ends of the earth, always trying to be with her, always needing her with him. I knew without a doubt that if she forever denied and rejected him, Cian would not force the issue, but he wouldn’t leave her side. This was all a fucking mess. And because my mate’s friend was human, whether her friend fully understood and grasped the intensity of what being a Linked Mate to Cian meant, I wasn’t sure. “Do you think he’ll be as… intense as you were with me?” I looked at my female, and my chest ached at the worry on her face. “Cian will no’ stop until she’s his; that is something we both know without a doubt.” I ran a hand over my face, feeling the scru covering my cheeks and jaw. “And he’s one hell of a tracker. Coupled with the tech resources at his fingertips, there is no denying he can find Evelyn with only her first name and the state she lives in.” Darragh exhaled and licked her lips, nodding before dropping her gaze. It wouldn’t do any good to lie to her to ease her worry, to say Cian could be stopped. Because he couldn't. He wouldn’t. She’d experienced the intensity she now questioned firsthand. I wouldn’t try to deter Cian from going to America to claim his mate. I wouldn’t try to force his hand to not make Evelyn his. This was his journey, his story, and it wasn’t my place, or any other Lycans, to try to interfere. I’d learned that the hard way—and regretted all I’d done to Ainslee and Luca. I wouldn’t put another mating pair

through that, even if my mate hated me for it. I found myself walking over to Darragh as she stood by the window. She was staring out at the grounds of the property, her brows pulled low as if she were in deep thought. “I know the answer already from all I’ve learned, but I have to ask anyway.” She whispered the last part. “He won’t hurt her?” She glanced up, and I shook my head. “Never. His only goal is tae please her, tae keep her safe, make her happy, and tae ensure she’s never alone.” Darragh exhaled. “I just worry Evelyn won’t come to understand this like I was able to. She’ll fight him. She’ll run hard.” I couldn’t help but smile. “Good. Cian needs a challenge.” When I saw my Darragh smile, my chest lit up. I didn’t stop myself from reaching out and smoothing my finger along her cheek. It pleased me when she closed her eyes and leaned into my touch. Her soft exhale caused her warm, sweet breath to brush along my forearm, and I opened up my palm and cupped the side of her face, her skin silky, smooth. Perfection. I found myself running my thumb along the outline of her bottom lip, back and forth, slow and easy, my gaze transfixed. I got lost in the sight of watching that digit stroke the tender, pink flesh of that full bottom lip. Her mouth parted, and a small sound escaped her. My body roared to life, my cock thickening, pressing against the seam of my jeans, demanding to get out. It was this fire that burned through my body, one that refused to be ignored. Ever since I saw her in the woods, my lust had been like a clock counting down. And the closer it got to zero, the fiercer and more persistent it became. I took a step closer, our chests only an inch apart, my focus on her mouth as I

continued to watch my thumb move back and forth. Back and forth. I tore my gaze from her mouth to her eyes and watched as her pupils dilated, that black expanding, widening out so it ate up the whiskey color of her irises. I started breathing harder, wanting her so badly I could taste it, could feel it rushing through my veins. “Caelan,” she moaned when I gently pushed my thumb against the seam of her lips, my gaze never leaving hers. She opened wider, her eyes growing hooded as she gave me that silent submission. I gently pushed the digit inside, a rough sound leaving me when I felt the velvety-soft brush of her tongue against my skin. My cock throbbed harder, more insistently, jerked and pulsed in time with my beating heart. I moved even closer, knowing she could smell my pheromones, knowing it turned her on even more. The sweet scent of her wet pussy saturated the air between us. She moaned again and started to suck on my thumb, gently biting the end of it before stroking the muscle along the flesh. My skin tightened, my senses heightened, and all I could think about was tearing o her clothes, throwing her down in the center of the bed, and finally claiming her. I removed my thumb from the wet suction and placed my mouth right on hers, not kissing her, just whispering, “Tell me what you want.” My voice was barely audible, just a bunch of rough syllables thrown together as I tried to keep my composure. But I knew I had to go slow. She had to call the shots. I pressed my body full to hers and used the momentum to turn her around and move a couple of steps so her back was now to the wall. I had my hands on either side of her head and caged her in so I could devour her mouth. I deepened the

kisses as I tipped my head to the side a little bit more, really getting inside her nice and good. The soft, breathy sounds that left her were like sharp spikes of lust coursing through every inch of my body. I bent my knee slightly, pressing one between her thighs and right up against her pussy. I settled my body firmly on hers as I started to grind the thick rod of my erection digging against her soft belly. She panted, and I swallowed the sweet breath that came from her, taking a little part of my mate inside me forever. I rolled my hips over and over again until I knew if I didn’t stop, I’d come. The last thing I wanted was to end this before it fully started, and although I knew that even if I came right now, I’d still be hard and raring to go once more at the drop of a hat, I wanted Darragh to climax first. When she opened her eyes, I expected her to slow things down. What I didn’t expect her to do was wrap her arms around my neck, rise on her toes, and press her mouth against mine again. “I need you, Caelan. I need you so bad that I ache.” I had my arms wrapped around her waist a second later, pulled her impossibly closer to me, and lifted her o the ground so fast that even my head spun. I didn’t give her time to adjust before I was moving to the bed and laying her down in the center. “Tell me again what you need,” I whispered against her lips as I covered her body with my much larger one. “Make it dirty, Darragh. Go intae detail what ye want yer mate tae do tae ye.” The soft sigh that left her as our bodies pressed together, me on top, her under me and submitting so fully, was the greatest pleasure I would ever hear or feel. I smoothed a path with my lips along her cheek, down her jawline, and ran my

tongue along the side of her neck, feeling her pulse beating under my tongue as I ran it up and down her jugular. “Go on, Darragh,” I groaned. “Tell me what I want tae hear.” I gently nipped at the sensitive skin where her shoulder and neck met. “You know what I want,” she moaned and arched her back. “I know,” I hummed. “But I want tae hear ye say it.” She had her hands on my biceps, her fingers digging into my flesh as she pulled me closer. Her breasts pressed to my chest, the peaks of her nipples hard. I kept licking and sucking at the soft skin of her shoulder at the same time I pressed my cock against her pussy, hating the fact that we had so many damn clothes between us. I couldn’t stop myself from moving back and forth, dry humping my mate and feeling my balls draw up with an orgasm that threatened to have me blacking out. She slid her hands up my arms and over my shoulders before spearing her fingers into my hair. The whimper that came from her had my canines aching and elongating. I kept running them down her throat, letting her feel how sharp they were, giving her a sample of what was to come. I would put my mark on her. I would slide my canines deep into her neck and leave a little piece of me behind, letting all who looked upon it know that she was mine. It would be a physical warning not to touch her, look at her, hell, to not even speak to her, or they’d have me to deal with. A mated Lycan was a scary motherfucker. “I need you now. In all ways.” I pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I need you inside me.” She arched her back again. “I’m so wet you’ll slide right in.” I closed my eyes and felt my muscles clench at the erotic words. I let my hand move to the spot where my canines had

just been and curled my palm around the slender column of her throat, adding a little bit of pressure. It wasn’t enough to cut o airflow, but I knew the heavy weight was a presence that heightened her arousal. I know it did to me. Immensely. “How wet does this make ye?” I added the minutest amount of pressure, and she gasped, her moan spilling from those pink, swollen lips. “So wet. I’m dripping.” I closed my eyes as my body shuddered. I lowered my forehead to rest against hers, and for just a second we breathed the same air, both of us panting as if we’d just run a marathon. And then a red haze covered my vision as my wolf rose up with a viciousness that told me I had zero control right now. Mate her. Claim her. Mark her so all know who she belongs to. I was seconds away from tearing her fucking clothes o when she reached between us and tugged up her shirt. “I need to go slow.” The words were harsh from me, but I instantly noticed her shaking her head. “No. I don’t want slow. I need all of you. Right here. Right now. In the way you want to give it to me, Caelan.” I slammed my hands onto the mattress beside her body, my nails elongating as my claws tore at the duvet until it was nothing but ribbons of fabric. My body shook as my gaze latched on to her when she rose just enough to pull the shirt over her head. And then I stared at the swells of her breasts that were now revealed. My body swayed at the sight of those mounds, at the way the red peaks darkened even further, tightening as the air kissed them. My mouth watered, and I found myself sliding my hands along her abdomen and gently cupping the swells.

“Mine,” I whispered and leaned down, not stopping myself as I latched my mouth onto one of her nipples, and stroked my tongue over the tip. I was aware of the sounds I made, rough and hoarse, unintelligible murmurs of how much I wanted her. The Gaelic was mixing with the English, my desire too fierce to try to separate the two. She had her hands back in my hair and tugged at the strands, her fingertips digging into my scalp as if she were losing control. Just like me. I fucking loved that she was lost in her passion. I felt the last bit of control snap in me, all restraint and civility leaving as my wolf was now the one in control, the dominant creature in all of this. With a harsh growl, I pulled back only long enough to tear at my clothes, material flying in tattered remains. I did the same to her pants, careful of my claws on her delicate skin, but I needed my female naked and bared for me. And when Darragh was naked, her gorgeous body spread out on the bed like my own personal o ering, the long, dark fall of her hair fanned out on the crisp white pillowcase, I peeled my lips from my teeth and snapped my gaze to her face. Her eyes widened as she no doubt saw the partial change occur within me. I felt my body get bigger and knew my eyes glowed. My claws were out fully now, my cock jerking as pre-cum was a constant flow from the tip. I felt that clear fluid slip down my length, a precursor to how much cum I’d fill her up with. “God,” she whispered. “I’ve never felt so… desperate, Caelan. I’m burning alive.” I growled, the sound filling the room, vibrating the walls. And although we were far from my family, I knew the sounds of claiming my mate for the first time would rock this entire fucking house.

I didn’t stop myself from reaching down and gripping her leg, gently pulling it out. She did the same to her other one all on her own, knowing what we both needed. She parted for me, showing me the sweet spot I ached to be buried in. While looking into her eyes, I dragged my knuckles up and down her cleft, hearing her gasp of pleasure from the touch, seeing her arch up as if she couldn’t stop herself. I was shaking, trying to control myself. “Sweet gods,” I heaved out. “Ye’re drenched for me.” I forced myself to look down the length of her body, circled the small indentation of her navel with my gaze, and looked at her soaked cunt. She was glistening and pink, swollen from the blood flow and her desire for me. My mouth watered for a taste. I wanted her honey sliding down the back of my throat. I wanted to sustain my life with the flavor of her need for me. But as much as I wanted to eat her out, was so fucking starved for her I was dizzy, I had no control for that. I needed to claim her. Now.




was drowning, and I was pretty sure I didn’t want to get to the surface to suck in a much needed lungful of oxygen. Not with the way Caelan was looking at me. Not with the way he touched me, stroked me. Certainly not with the erotic growls that came from his big chest. I had my hands curled into the blanket beneath me, my legs spread wide, the curtains partially open so just a sliver of afternoon light came through. His gaze seemed to stroke over every inch of my body like a physical touch. He kept caressing me between my thighs, running his knuckles up and down my slit, his motions soft, slow… meticulous. And when I felt his fingertips brush along my clit, I gasped and arched up, my legs falling open even more. I couldn’t think, let alone speak. I wanted to beg for more, plead with him to ease the su ering I was clearly experiencing. There was a strange panting sound that came from him, part animal, part desperate male need, and when he lifted

his soaked hand up, his fingers all the way to his knuckles drenched, glistening from my arousal, my jaw went slack. “I’ll never get enough,” he said in a low tone as he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked all my arousal from those digits, his eyes closing, this slow, deep sound of pleasure and appreciation coming from him like a blast of heat that covered my entire body. I was pretty sure I could’ve orgasmed from that sight and sound alone, but it was when he opened his eyes, his pupils so dilated all I saw was black with flashes of glowing embers behind them as his inner animal rose up, that I knew I was seconds away from demanding he thrust inside me. “Caelan.” His name was nothing but a scratchy, strained plea from my throat. I glanced down the length of his chest, over his defined pectorals, lower still to his abdomen that looked like it was made up of mountains of muscle, slabs of strength. My gaze latched on to the huge erection that stood straight out from between his tree-trunk-sized thighs. I swore his cock was as thick as my wrist, at least the length of my forearm. The heavy veins that ran up and down that girth had more wetness spilling from me. Caelan was monstrously huge, and of course I worried he wouldn’t fit comfortably, that he’d stretch me too much, even maybe tear me. But despite that anxiety, I knew I’d never wanted anything more than I wanted to feel him pushing into me, claiming my virginity. Giving me his. His body lurched forward, one hand slamming onto the mattress beside my head, the bed shaking from the sudden movement. “I canna go slow,” he whispered, and I knew it was to himself. “Gods, help us. I canna be gentle.” I didn’t respond, just closed my eyes and moaned as I slid my hands up his vein-ripped forearms, along the defined

muscles of his biceps, and tangled my fingers in the short, dark hair at his nape. I pulled him in close and tilted my head so our lips mashed together. He felt so good, tasted even better, as I stroked my tongue over his lips, pleased when he opened for me. “My female,” he hissed. I took that opportunity to plunge my tongue inside, feeling wanton and wild, not caring that this was totally out of character for me. I didn’t feel like myself right now. I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience, but one I didn’t want to return to reality from. I stroked my tongue over one elongated canine, felt the sharp, dagger-like tip slicing the muscle. The pain lasted only a millisecond before the pleasure took over. The coppery flavor of my blood filled my mouth, and the harsh sound that left him, the way he sucked on the muscle, as if needing it to survive, had shock waves of lust moving through me. I was frantic as I reached between us, my hand curling around the thickness of his cock, his length so hot and hard, his girth so substantial in my palm. His whole body jerked as if electrically shocked, and a deep bark of a sound left him. A second later he pushed my hand away, grabbed the heavy stalk of his shaft, and aligned himself with my entrance. God. Yes. Finally. The thick, bulbous head of his erection nudged at my opening, and I tensed in anticipation, in preparation for how it would feel to have him push all that dick into me. “Relax for me, baby. Yeah… that’s it. Oh, gods, Darragh. That is sooo it.” He pulled back only enough to look into my eyes as he slowly started entering me. His jaw was clenched tight, his lips peeled back from his straight, very white teeth. I stared at those canines, my neck throbbing, this instinctual need to

feel him piercing my throat so strong that I actually found myself turning my head to the side, silently pleading for him to complete this. I kept my focus on him, saw his gaze slide down to what I was exposing for him, what I was o ering willingly. His muscles flexed, his shoulders bunching. His entire body was so hard and tight above mine, so big it blocked out everything behind him. “God,” I hummed. “Yes, Caelan.” Before I knew what he was going to do, Caelan had my arms thrust above my head, one of his hands curled around both of my wrists to keep them in place, my torso stretched, and his cock pushing deeper and deeper into me. The pain was intense, the stretching sensation so profound it stole my breath and made my eyes water. But if I pushed all of that away, all I felt was… consumed by pleasure. And then his lower half was flush with mine, his cock buried completely into my body. I was holding my breath, his hand like a vise around my wrists, his focus trained right between our bodies where we were connected. And when his gaze snapped up to mine, the glow becoming more intense, like beams shooting out and filling the entire room with this neon intensity, I knew there was no getting through to him. He was too gone in his pleasure, his animalistic side having taken control. Goose bumps formed along my arms and legs, and I started to shake slightly, my breasts moving back and forth from the force. But it wasn’t from fear. It was from… anticipation. He pulled out slowly, his muscles straining hard under his golden skin, his abdomen clenching and throwing o shadows from his six-pack for as hard as he was breathing. When just the tip was lodged in my entrance, he slowly

pushed back in until the heavy weight of his balls pressed against my bottom, reminding me that he was as deep inside me as humanly—or Lycanly—possible. And when he let go of my wrists and moved his fingers down my forearms, I left my arms above my head, knowing without him having to say the words that this was exactly what he wanted me to do. And this was exactly how I wanted to be for him. He slid his hands down my body until he could cup my breasts. He pulled at the tips and I mumbled incoherently. He continued downward until he gripped my waist, his claws pressing against my delicate flesh but not breaking the skin. He was gentle despite his fierceness. “Ye make me so fooking crazed,” he said so low that the deep vibrations skated all along my body. He kept sliding his hands down farther, along the outsides of my thighs, and curled them under and around to grip the mounds of my ass. It was like he couldn’t get enough of touching me as he finally made his way to my inner thighs. And then when his hands slid inward so he framed my pussy, he stared at the most intimate part of me for so long I started squirming under his intense gaze. I felt like I was on fire, as if flames licked across my skin. He suddenly pushed my thighs out so far that the muscles protested. I was obscenely spread for him, his cock buried deep in my body as he slammed back home. “Oh. God. Yes,” I moaned. I was pushed up the bed from the force, the breath leaving me, my mouth falling open. “Christ.” He let his head fall back, the muscles and tendons of his neck standing out, his hips rolling back and forth at an easy pace. But with each passing second, with every moan I made, every press of his fingertips harder against my inner thighs, I felt his control snapping.

I couldn’t help but watch him work his cock into me. The way he pushed in and pulled out. The way he slammed his pelvis into mine, the way he ground himself against me when he was as deep as he could go. He was now throwing his hips forward and retreating. Harder and faster, the sound of wet skin slapping together filling the room. The scent of him was the only thing I smelled, this wild, potent aroma that had another flush moving over me, had another rush of wetness spilling between my thighs. I came so hard stars danced behind my closed lid. I gasped, thrashed my head, the pleasure taking me so high I was touching the clouds, just letting them drag me away from reality. When I came back from my high and forced my eyes open, it was to see Caelan watching me like a predator. This satisfied and pleased, purely male sound left him. “Giving ye pleasure is better than anything I’ve ever experienced.” He started panting, growling, snarling like he was rabid, about to attack. His gaze kept going to my neck, and I knew what he wanted. I knew what I wanted. “Caelan,” I whispered, knowing he’d understand I was ready for this. I wanted this. But then I came again, the sensations so sudden I cried out and squeezed my eyes shut. When I was coherent once more, it was to feel Caelan fucking me so hard the headboard slammed fiercely against the wall. He roared out at the same time he pulled out, gripped his cock, which was glossy from my pussy, and started stroking himself from root to tip. I was about to beg him to put it back in when he bared his teeth at me and came. I was so stunned that I couldn’t move as I watched thick ropes of white cum shoot out of him and spray my belly in an erotic display. His body shook as he kept jerking o , aiming

his cockhead at my pussy now and coming again with a vicious bark leaving his lips. “Mine,” he said on a roar. I knew what he was doing right now. Marking me. He closed his eyes and made an almost anguished cry. “I can’t stop.” When he opened his eyes, it was at the same time he placed his cock at my entrance again and shoved in deep. We both shouted as I took all his thick inches easily, my pussy so slick there was no resistance. And then I felt him pump into me once, twice, and on the third time I came again, a shattering moan leaving my lips when I felt his dick thicken in me even more as he found his own release. “No one will have ye but me.” He kept pumping all his thick, masculine seed into me, marking me from the inside out. He squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing harsh. “I’ll never let ye go.” And then he was leaning forward, his lips parted, this low, deep noise coming from him. I closed my eyes and arched my neck, giving him full access. “Yes,” I whispered when I felt his tongue flick over that sensitive spot where my shoulder met my neck. “Yes, Caelan. I’m ready for you. I need this.” God, those words had never been truer than they were right then. “I hurt for you.” That last word came out in a cry when I felt his teeth sink into my flesh. A flash of light filled my vision, the pain faded, and all I felt was the most incredible sensation coursing through me. The ecstasy had me so high I wasn’t confident that I’d ever get back to reality. I shifted slightly under him, involuntary muscle spasms having my body tense and relax as my orgasm went even higher. He growled, tightening his arms around me and adjusting his bite on my neck as if he

thought I was trying to get away, as if he thought his prey was trying to escape. Didn’t he know I never wanted to be away from him? And then I felt his cock thicken farther inside me, the stretch and burn setting o even more pleasure. His big body gave one last thrust into me as he came once more. I could feel the thick, hot jets of his release fill me, and what do you know… I came again. He barked out a rough sound, the noise mu ed as he refused to let go of my neck. “Ohhh,” I gasped as another tremor moved through me. Then I was floating back down, and Caelan was collapsing on top of me. We breathed hard, and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as we both tried to catch our breath. He broke the hold he had on my throat, dragging his tongue along the wound, causing a shiver to move through me at the sensitivity and intimacy of the act. The air was slowly being sucked for my lungs by his sheer size, but before it fully left me or I moved out from under him, Caelan rolled o to the spot beside me. He pulled me into the hardness of his body immediately, my head resting on his chest, his skin hot and damp from what we’d just done, his heart racing fast beneath my ear. I felt his fingers skating over my back, and I closed my eyes, feeling something settle deep inside me. “That was—” “Incredible. Perfect. An experience I could never have envisioned in my wildest dreams.” I tipped my head back and looked into his face. He wore this sincere expression, his brows pulled low, his face slightly flushed and sweaty from what we’d just done. “And believe me.” He continued to smooth his hand up and down my back. “I’ve thought about claiming my mate—in the most obscene ways—countless times over the years.”

I felt myself blush at the sexual tone laced within his words, at the way his eyes became hooded, and at the fact that he looked down at my lips. And especially with the feel of his cock—wet from being inside me—growing hard as granite against my belly once more. Caelan kissed the center of my forehead before pulling me close to his chest and wrapping me fully in his arms, as if he were afraid to let me go. “Ye are… my everything,” he whispered against the crown of my head, and I closed my eyes, feeling powerful and strange things… revelations moving through me that I didn’t know if I fully understand. How could I feel so strongly for someone I’d just met? How could I fall for someone who wasn’t even a man at all, but a male who wasn’t wholly human? But the answer to how or why or what was going on inside me didn’t matter. Because the truth was the same no matter what. I wanted to be with Caelan.




was speechless. Literally. As I sat across from Alasdair, the record keeper for the Lycan clan Banner had called in, I couldn’t stare at anything but the papers upon papers that littered the massive table between us. There was so much… information at my fingertips. Banner was beside Alasdair, Luna having left to help the sta cook lunch for everyone, and Tavish and Lennox stood o to the side with their big arms crossed over their chests. I blinked several times and let my gaze move across the papers that looked older than anything I’d ever seen. Scrolls and parchments that were aged and discolored, ones that were covered with lines and rows of calligraphy script on them. It was the names, birth and death dates, and all important information pertaining to every single Lycan who’d been born on Scottish soil since the beginning of their creation. It was… a lot to take in.

The feel of Caelan’s hand rubbing reassuring motions up and down my back couldn’t even calm me down right now. “So…” I swallowed and licked my lips, finally tearing my gaze from the paperwork and looking up at Alasdair, and then Banner, then back to the record keeper. He didn’t look much older than Banner, was even nearly as massive and muscular, but he had streaks of silver weaved through his black hair. He also sported a trimmed, thick dark beard on his jaw and cheeks. He resembled Gerard Butler, which before mating Caelan, I might have taken more of an appreciative notice to that. “I know it’s a lot to take in,” Alasdair said. I snorted—very unladylike. “That’s an understatement.” Alasdair chuckled softly and inclined his head in agreement. I looked over all the papers, my gaze skipping over them, thoughts of the Otherworld slamming into me. I needed to think of something else. I needed to focus on anything that didn’t have to do with me. “This is all the history of the Scottish Lycans?” I reached out and ran my fingers along one of the thick parchments. “Aye, but this is a condensed version. We have a facility that houses in-depth details about each clan and house.” I nodded. “I always thought werewolves and vampires were only in Hollywood and books,” I mumbled. “I never thought dragons and shape-shifters were real.” I felt my brows lower and looked up at each male before settling my focus back on the Gerard Butler look-alike. “Are there dragon shifters?” Alasdair looked just as confused as I felt, probably wondering why the hell I was even worried about that when I’d just found out my father was alive. Alasdair once again looked over at Banner, who inclined his head. “There are species upon species in the Otherworld,

far too many for me tae go intae detail about right now. But as for dragons, yes, those are verra much real.” I nodded, wondering if they knew I was trying to deviate from the actual topic at hand, trying to think of something else other than the shitstorm happening in my life. But I was sure they did. Not only could they scent my emotions, but it wasn’t as if I were actually trying to hide the confusion and fear and hurt on my face. “Dragon shifters are known as the Dragao. Fierce humanlike males who have the ability to shift into fearsome beasts, not so unlike the depictions humans have created.” I leaned back, and Caelan slid his hand down to rest on my thigh, curling his fingers around my knee to give me a reassuring squeeze. I looked at him and saw the empathy on his face. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and just let him hold me. But I was stronger than that. I was stronger than all of this. So I straightened my shoulders and knew I had to toughen the hell up. Trying to disconnect from what was going on wasn’t going to solve any of my problems. The only thing that would help was to get the answers I so desperately needed, the ones I had come to Scotland in search of. I ran a hand over my mouth and glanced at one specific parchment that was right in front of me. “So,” I whispered and pointed to a line on the form. “This is him?” I looked over at Caelan and saw he watched me with concern. “This is my father?” I turned my attention back to Alasdair. “Aye,” he said matter-of-factly. My father was a Lycan shifter. God, I had a father who was a full-blooded wolf shifter. And although that clearly wasn’t a shock, seeing as I’d found out I was a hybrid, to actually hear the words, to see a name, a birth date, all the information on a man I had never known but always wondered about, brought everything full circle once more.

I stared at his name that was written in gorgeous scroll, the calligraphy elegant and the sweeps of the pen sure. I found myself running my finger along the dark lines, then over to his birth date. I continued to stare at my father’s name, the letters blurring together until I blinked rapidly. Conor O’Brien. Born in 1756. My father was over two-hundred and fifty years old. Blacksmith. No mate. No o spring. The last part had my heart aching fiercely. The breath left me again as I pushed all that hurt away and let my anger fill me. At least I tried. “Why didn’t he come for me? Why didn’t he try to find me?” I closed my eyes and shook my head, so confused that I grew a little dizzy. From all I’d learned about the Otherworld in this short time, a male Lycan didn’t leave his mate for anything. So then what had happened? Why wasn’t he with my mother? “Why did he abandon me?” Those words were whispered, and a second later Caelan enveloped me in his strong arms, soothing words in Gaelic being whispered into my hair. It was one minute where no one spoke and Caelan just held me before I gathered my control. I straightened and looked at Alasdair and felt this strength move through me, this resolve that shocked me. “I want to see him. I want to meet him.” I wanted to demand why he wasn’t in my life. Alasdair looked at Banner, silently asking the king of the Scottish Lycans for permission, I assumed. When Banner nodded, his jaw set hard, I had a feeling he hadn’t liked this any more than I did. Banner looked me right in the eyes. “We’ll go now. I’d like tae know why this Conor O’Brien wasn't in yer life too.”


how much more confusing my life could be. I’d tried to call Evelyn before we left the estate, and I would have thought she was working, maybe sleeping, but when I’d gotten a text from her just minutes after I hung up, one that said she was trying to work through things and talking to me right now would just make things even more confusing for her, I knew she was avoiding me. And I couldn’t blame her. A part of me couldn’t help but feel guilty, like I’d ruined my best friend's life with this unbelievable information that had been dropped in her lap. “Everything will be okay,” Caelan said softly and pulled me across the leather seat. My side was flush with his now, and I stared straight ahead, the big, black SUV we were currently in moving across the Scottish countryside and hurtling toward a place I never thought I’d be going. To see my father. Alasdair had told me that once he found out who my father was, he’d searched for his location. There was no death date. He’s still alive. “Are ye okay, baby?” Caelan asked softly, and I licked my lips again and nodded. But I wasn’t sure if I was lying to him or myself. The only thing Alasdair had been able to tell me for sure was that Conor had gone o the grid over twenty years ago— almost twenty-four, to be precise. I didn’t know how I felt about that, because it sure as hell seemed like he’d disappeared when he found out about the pregnancy. But then again, that brought out a whole slew of questions on how he could have just turned his back on his mate. Or was it all my mother? Had she rejected him? WONDERED

God… had my father forced himself on my mother? A wave of dread and hurt and anger filled me, and I felt Caelan tighten his hands on me as if he could sense my distress. Of course he can. I scrubbed a hand over my face again and stared out the passenger window, watching the greenery race past us. I knew why Banner was going, knew why there was another SUV trailing behind, one I’d seen being filled with four big-ass Lycans. I didn’t have to understand the Gaelic Banner barked out to those males to know they were going to see my father in case things had to be dealt with. I also didn’t miss how Cian had been suspiciously absent. When I’d questioned Caelan about that fact, all he muttered was something about crazy-ass Lycans and America. Well, Cian had his hands full with a firecracker of a mate, that was for sure. A part of me almost felt sorry for the huge fight she’d give him. Kind of. “Everything will be okay,” Caelan said again, and I wondered if he was trying to reassure himself. I could feel the tension and seething anger in him and knew he was ready to fight for me at the drop of a hat. I knew he had been thinking all the same things I had. “I hope so, but I’m scared.” I said those words low enough I hoped only Caelan heard. I didn’t know why I cared if Alasdair and Banner heard, but for some reason I wanted to seem stronger in the face of this. I wanted to seem like I wasn’t some weakling who couldn’t handle shit that was thrown at her. But no matter how strong I’d been in my life, having Caelan by my side and reassuring me that everything would be okay gave me even more strength. It was hard not to believe that all things would work out when the sound of his voice could ease me.

I rested my head on Caelan’s shoulder and stared straight ahead, but as the minutes moved by, I felt my eyelids growing heavy. After Caelan had claimed me for the first time yesterday, he’d taken me twice more before we’d woken for the day. And coupled with all the stu I’d learned just hours ago about my father, I was feeling the weight of exhaustion settling on me. I let one of my arms drape around his middle and held onto Caelan as I closed my eyes, telling myself I would just rest for a moment, that I’d try to relax. It was the sound of car doors opening and closing that had me opening my eyes. I sat up and let the fuzziness of sleep wash away as I looked out the window. Both dark SUVs were parked side by side in front of a single-story stone cottage surrounded by woods. I looked over at Caelan, feeling my brows draw down low. He watched me but didn’t move. Didn’t speak. “Sorry. I didn’t realize I dozed o ,” I murmured as I smoothed my palms up and down my jean-clad thighs. I stared at the clothing I wore, ones that Caelan’s mother, Luna, had given me. “Donna ever apologize tae me. Ye were tired, and I’m glad ye were able tae get some rest.” He kissed the top of my head. I was feeling nervous, my heart in my throat, my palms sweaty. I looked up at that cottage again, knowing what this all meant. “Ye sure ye’re ready for this?” I licked my lips and swallowed the sudden lump that lodged itself in my throat. I was nodding slowly but found myself reaching for the door handle, opening it and sliding out before I fully comprehended my actions. I felt like I was on autopilot right now.

Caelan was a reassuring shadow right behind me, his body heat seeping into me, his presence a balm for my chaotic soul. Banner and Alasdair stood o to the side with the other four men, all of them wearing these grim expressions. I was pretty sure they expected the worst. I took a step forward but stopped when I felt my mate’s hand curl around my forearm gently. When I looked over my shoulder at him, I could see he was staring at the cottage, this intense, angry expression on his face. I knew he wanted to fight this battle for me, but I had to do this on my own. I placed my hand over his and waited until he looked at me. He blinked several times as if trying to clear the rage from his vision, and when his big shoulders loosened a little, I knew he was back with me in the present. I could feel the violence seething from Caelan, directed at the male we hadn’t even met yet. I found myself walking toward the door before I realized my feet were taking me forward. I could see out the corner of my eye the convoy of Lycans following close behind. Caelan was right at my side, stuck to me like a second skin, but I was thankful for his presence. I took the first step onto the porch, then the second, and just as I stood flush with the landing, the front door was pulled open. We all froze. All I saw was darkness and a set of glowing eyes. All I heard was a slow growl of clear warning coming straight at us. Caelan was in front of me a moment later. He shoved his big arm behind him and wrapped the thickly muscled limb around me in a protective stance. The rest of the Lycans suddenly surrounded me as well. But I didn’t feel fear. I didn’t feel anything but this numbness that I couldn’t shake. The deep voice that came through that darkness was slightly distorted. I couldn’t understand the words, as they

were grated out in Gaelic. But I didn’t have to speak the language to know that the owner of this property was not happy with our presence. “This is done in English so my mate can understand,” Caelan said. I felt his fingers tighten around my waist. “Caelan,” I said softly and took hold of his thick wrist, moving it o my body so I could step out from behind him. He made a low sound of disapproval, but he didn’t stop me. When I was standing right beside Caelan, he wrapped his arm around my waist once more, keeping me glued to his side. I wanted to smile at his protectiveness, but I was too transfixed by the man standing just feet from me. The shadows were so thick I couldn’t make out any features aside from his size, which was colossal. Then again, that wasn’t saying much, since I had been surrounded for the last couple of days by towering wolf shifters. There was so much I wanted to say, so much I wanted to ask, yet the words were lodged in my throat, my tongue too thick, my mouth too dry. And then Conor took a step forward, and another, until his shoulders cleared the doorway and he was standing on the porch. The glowing orbs that made up his eyes dimmed back to normal as he stared at me. His brows lowered for a second before rising to almost his hairline, his eyes widening. He closed his eyes and started murmuring to himself and shaking his head. When he opened his eyes again, he took more steps until Caelan stopped him with a vicious sound leaving his chest. Conor snapped his eyes toward my mate and narrowed them before he glanced back at me. “Ye look just like her,” he murmured, and I had a feeling he was speaking to himself. He took a step into the light, his body big and tall, but I could tell he was underweight, even looked malnourished.

There were dark circles around his eyes, and his nearblack hair was long, almost shaggy, as if he cut it himself. And the five-o’clock shadow just added to the worn-down appearance he sported. But it was his eyes that had me spellbound. They were the same ones, the same shape and color I’d been looking at whenever I stared in a mirror. He took one more step toward me, and I felt Caelan’s hand tighten around my waist as he leaned to block me. “That’s fooking close enough,” my mate said with menace to Conor. “It’s okay,” I said and looked at my mate to give him the reinsurance I knew he needed. “I’m okay. I need to do this.” Caelan glanced at me. I knew he wanted to argue by the hard set of his jaw. But he didn’t say a word, just stayed put and let me be the one to move forward. I watched as Conor’s nostrils flared, and then his eyes widened even more, so much so that all I saw was white. I didn’t have to be anything but human to know he was shocked. “But ye have my eyes. Ye carry my scent in yer blood.” And then his expression turned anguished as he let his big body sink to the ground, his knees slamming onto the wooden porch, the action so profound I actually felt the vibrations down to my soul. One thing was very clear as I looked at my biological father. He had no idea about me.




onor hadn’t taken his eyes o me. Not once. Not when he was answering questions from Banner or Caelan. Not when he’d been telling bits and pieces of the story, or what he’d been doing this whole time living o the grid. My father looked at me as if I were a ghost. He looked at me as if he was seeing someone he’d lost long ago. And maybe to him, I was the living memory of all he could have had if things had been di erent. And I could tell the attention Conor gave me pissed Caelan o . My mate was in protective mode right now, knowing this moment was painful for me, and he placed the blame solely on Conor. “You never knew about me.” I didn’t say it as a question, and I hadn’t meant to say the words out loud either. When Conor cleared his throat and shook his head, I felt this tightening in my chest. “I never knew she was pregnant.” He ran a hand over his face again, his eyes looking distant and lost. “Yer mother, Mara, was on vacation with her parents when the Linking

Connection took root in me. I hadn’t told her what I was, no’ at first at any rate, which was a betrayal on my part, I admit. I was afraid tae scare her o , that I’d lose her when I’d just found her.” He shook his head and got this faraway look in his eyes. “Even though I would have followed her anywhere, I was still terrified that she’d see me as nothing more than a monster.” He flicked his gaze to mine and murmured quickly, as if uncomfortable saying these things to me. “But then… once I claimed her and she found out what I truly was —found out I wasn’t human—it scared her tae the point she said she wanted nothing tae do with me.” He exhaled and leaned back in the small wooden chair, scrubbing a hand over his cheek, the sound of his palm scraping over the scru seeming loud in the small interior. I looked around the cottage to distract myself from the heavy atmosphere su ocating me. His home seemed like it was from another time. There was no electricity, and I assumed there wasn’t any running water either. Everything was so minimalistic. Barren. As I looked back at the man who’d fathered me, I knew he’d been barely living after losing his mate. “How could you have just let her run away? After everything I’ve heard about Lycans and the Otherworld, I thought it was impossible to just… stay away?” I shrugged, wanting to fully understand. I didn’t want to blame this man for not having been there for me. I didn’t need to blame my mother for being afraid. I just wanted to understand. It took him a long moment to answer, his gaze never leaving mine. “She hated me for no’ telling her who and what I was from the very beginning. Mara told me if I came after her, she’d kill herself.” I gasped, lifting my hand to cover my mouth.

“She knew what she meant to me, knew I could never cause her su ering or pain.” He shook his head slowly and closed his eyes for a minute. “The very thought of her not being in this world is an anguish I can still feel tae this day.” He cleared his throat again, and I could see he was getting emotional. There were a few throats being cleared and the sound of shu ing feet on the scarred wooden floor. I could tell this talk of losing mates was something that was heavy with males of the Otherworld, even unmated ones, it seemed. “So ye see, my undying need tae protect her and keep my mate safe forced me tae stay away. I’d rather live in misery with her alive than be the cause of her death.” I looked down at the table, unsure what to say to all of this. I’d told him my mother died giving birth to me, that I’d grown up in foster care. When he found out how alone I’d been, how I didn’t have family, my human and Lycan sides unaware of me, he’d been devastated… and enraged. I’d been taken aback by that anger but surprised he reined it in so quickly. Or maybe it had been because Caelan had growled low, a warning for him to keep himself in check. But then that anger faded and I’d seen the pain on his face. I’d felt his… hope where I was concerned. And as easily as it could’ve been to allow the pain of all I’d lost out on to consume me, I didn't let it. I couldn't. I never had before, and I wouldn’t start now. “I’m… so sorry.” His voice was low, thick with pain and regret. I shook my head. “I’m not. My life might not have been ideal, but I don’t regret all I learned, how I had to start from a young age to rely on myself. Life is hard, and I know how to survive because of my experiences.” My life was how it was, and I didn’t regret any of it, but of course a part of me wished I could’ve had a di erent

upbringing with loving parents. And on the heels of that thought, I also couldn’t fault my mother for running and being afraid. I couldn't blame my father for staying away. Both had done what they thought was best. “I would have ended my life if I didn’t have the hope that she’d want me again one day.” God, the pain in his voice was tangible. “I didn’t leave this world because, what if she needed my protection. What if she came tae me and was no longer afraid.” He didn’t phrase any of it like a question, and emotion clogged my throat too much to respond. “And gods,” he whispered. “I am so verra thankful I didn’t give intae the darkness, because I have a daughter.” His voice was choked up, and I wanted to reach out and take his hand in mine. I wanted to hold him close and comfort him like I wished someone had done to me in the past. But he leaned back once more and clasped his hands together in his lap. This heavy, thick silence descended, and I felt so much tension I su ocated in it, barely able to catch my breath. “If I’d known about ye, I would no’ have hesitated in coming. I would have protected ye, cared for ye… loved ye, Daughter.” I blinked rapidly as tears stung my eyes. He lifted his hand and rubbed slow circles over his heart. “The pain of losing a mate is unimaginable, but knowing I left ye out there in the world… alone…” He cleared his throat again. “Nay, that I canna live with.” He leaned forward, bracing his forearms on the table, his expression clearing with something profound. “I want tae believe that yer mother felt something for me, even if she ran, even if she told me she hated me and I was a monster in her eyes. I want tae believe this, because she gave ye a very Gaelic name,

Darragh.” There was a shadow of a smile that played across his lips. I looked at Caelan then, not sure what to say or do. When I finally glanced back at my father, I knew the only thing that could be done. “I’d like to know who you are, Conor.” His shoulders pulled back, and his spine straightened. I swore he held his breath. “I’d like to know… my father.” My hands were tightly clasped together in my lap. The very real fear of rejection surrounded me, but the look on his face, the way he smiled, how his eyes misted told me I was finally going to get all the things I’d been looking for in life. “Ye’d like tae get tae know me?” He lifted his hand to rub it over the back of his neck, looking away, as if he couldn’t hold my gaze, as if it was too emotional. “Yes.” I waited until he looked up at me again. “Yes, I would very much like to get to know you.” I gave him a smile, one that I was surprised to feel was completely genuine. I was excited, anticipating all the things I could learn from him. “Maybe you can tell me about my mother? You can tell me about her life, what she was like?” As soon as the words left me, I worried about how that would make him feel. Surely it would be painful for him to talk about. But the grin he gave me, the one that stretched across his face and lit up his expression, seemed to actually take years o the worn-down facade he had, told me no… this was good. Things were good. And for the first time in my life, I knew without a doubt things weren’t as bad as I’d always felt. I had Evelyn as a lifelong sister. She had her own obstacle she’d soon be facing, but I’d be by her side unconditionally. I looked at Conor, knowing I wanted to get to know my father, and I now had that chance. I felt Caelan slide his hand over mine and give it a squeeze to let me know he was always with me.

And then there were these Lycan strangers around me who would have fought the unknown to keep me safe. I knew I wasn’t alone anymore. I had a family.




e’d been back at the estate for hours now and had even swung by the B and B to get my things, which made me feel a little better. Although I’d gotten weird vibes from Christo upon our initial meeting, he was all business and professional when I checked out. Although I did feel this strange tension between Caelan and him, like they were somehow eyeing each other up. I chalked it up to men being men and didn’t think much of it after that, and Caelan seemed to follow the same path. Besides, I had a lot of other things on my mind then a pissing contest between guys. I had my clothes, albeit only the few I’d brought, but it made me feel more… grounded. Caelan was also working on getting the rest of my things from back home—as in America—so I’d have everything I wanted or needed. But as I closed my eyes and wrapped my arm tighter around his waist, I knew all that other stu was just materialistic. All I needed was love and family, and I had that in abundance now.

I opened my eyes and glanced across the room at the massive oak dresser. Sitting atop was the talisman, one that was eerie as much as it was beautiful to me. He’d told me everything about it, what it truly meant, what he’d “paid” to get it. It was terrifying; I couldn’t lie. And although I could worry and wonder and continuously ask questions about this blood promise, the fact remained that I couldn’t change the outcome. I couldn’t change what the next day held, let alone what would happen in the future. So I was focusing on the here and now. It was all I could do. So that’s what I did. I let the scent of Caelan wash through me, that spicy, dark aroma that instantly had my body awakening with carnal desire. I let the sound of his even breathing further soothe me, focused on the way his fingertips trailed over my arm. Up and down, as if he always had to touch a part of me. We’d eaten a wonderful dinner with his family and even learned that things with Luca and Ainslee had worked themselves out. I’d seen the instant relief on Caelan’s face at hearing that. The few times he’d spoken with me about it, I knew he felt immense guilt over keeping Luca and Ainslee from each other. But now that things were seeming to work out, I was anxious to meet his sister and her mate. I was excited to get more people added to my growing family. God, I’d grown up having no one but Evelyn, yet here I was with more people coming into my life and actually caring about me than I could have ever imagined. After a bubble bath, courtesy of Caelan insisting I take one—with him—I was now snuggled against his big—and very naked—warm body. A thick blanket was over us. My skin was warm, my body relaxed, and my mind more at ease than it had been in a long time.

Caelan had started a fire in the huge hearth across from the bed, because even if this time of year was warm, being in the Highlands, and especially in these massive older mansions, there was always a chill in the air. I’d gotten to talk to Evelyn—finally—and she assured me she could handle herself after I told her Cian was headed to her. I didn’t try and explain that these men—Lycans—were literally a whole other breed. The whole Linked Mate business was their entire life. She mentioned something about leaving the state to clear her head, but I knew she was terrified despite the tough-girl act she put on. But trying to reason with Evelyn was like trying to move a brick wall. She was just too damn stubborn, and even though she knew I always had her back, she was so used to having to take care of herself and never having others’ help. Not even mine. I felt that warm coil from my Lycan side awaken. I hadn’t felt my inner wolf rise since that night in the woods, when she rose to protect me. Caelan told me although that side of me was strong, my animal may only rise in times of distress. I was strangely okay with that, because right now I still had so much newness in my life that I had to sort out. Maybe once things settled and cleared, I’d try to explore that part of me more. I was happy and content with my life. I closed my eyes and let a smile spread across my mouth as that pilot light of lust slowly started to build again. I focused on Caelan’s hardness, on the feel of the masculine lines of his body and the way he was so much bigger than me. I felt so tiny compared to him. When I felt his muscles tighten, and I heard him inhale deeply, followed by a rough groan, I knew he’d picked up on the scent of my arousal. Good, that’s exactly what I wanted. I wanted him to be lost in the thoughts and promise of our

naked bodies pressed together. I wanted him only thinking about how good it would feel as we came together. I pushed myself up and away from him so I could look down at my mate, the long fall of my dark hair hanging over one shoulder. My nipples tightened, not just from the sudden chill in the air when the blanket slipped o me, but also from the desire as I looked at the man I’d fallen in love with. Caelan stared into my face with such reverence, such consumption, that there was no doubt he’d forever be devoted to me. He lowered his gaze to my breasts, his mouth slightly parted, his canines growing from his lust. His desire saturated the air strong enough that even I could smell the wild, carnal aroma. “Darragh,” he groaned, and before I knew what was happening, he had me straddling his waist, my thighs split on either side of him, the thickness of his huge cock nudging my soaked pussy. “I’m insatiable for ye.” That had a smile forming, one that was female appreciation mixed with pure sexual desire. I placed my hands on his hard, defined pectoral muscles. I moved my palms down and over his small, hard copper-colored nipples. His head kicked back, but he kept his gaze locked on me. And then I slid my fingers along the rolling hills of his abdomen, feeling them clench under my touch because he was so receptive to me. God, the strength in this man was tangible. Although the bed was massive, his shoulders were so broad they seemed to take up the entire width. I felt so tiny on top of him, my skin a pale hue compared to his golden tone. “My Darragh,” he growled. “I ache for ye, lass. Put me inside ye,” he said low, his voice a tense mix of begging and arousal.

I rose up on my knees and reached between our bodies to grip the huge stalk of his cock. His back arched as if my very touch scorched him. I aimed the bulbous tip of his erection at my entrance, and without any preamble, I slid down, engulfing all those big inches, feeling that stretch and burn because he was just so thick. We both shouted hoarsely, and my head fell back as my eyes closed. The breath left me on a rush as I rose up and slid back down, the wetness I created for him making my movements slick and easy. Almost obscene. He growled low and curled his fingers around my waist, the feeling of his nails turning into claws and gently pressing against my skin a dangerous aphrodisiac. I felt more wetness spill from me, coating his dick even more as I rose up and sank back down on him. Up and down. Up and down. “That’s it.” His voice was nothing but a distorted sound. I placed my hands behind me on his muscular thighs and curled my nails into his flesh, holding on as I rode him. And every time I slammed down on Caelan, he met me with the same thrusting upward motion from his hips. Soon we were working in tandem. The sound of the headboard banging against the wall and of my wet pussy sucking at his dick turned me on even more, and I moaned loudly, knowing that no one could hear us because we were still at the other end of the estate, but not caring if we woke the whole house. I was too lost in the pleasure to worry about anything else. “Ahhh, that’s it, my sweet girl.” He thrust up especially hard, and I cried out as an orgasm ripped through me. “That’s it. Hell, that’s sooo it. Yeah… gods, yes, Darragh.” The orgasm kept going on and on, and all I could do at this point was hold on and brace my knees on the mattress as Caelan took over and thrust in and out of me.

“I need tae fill ye up. I need ye tae smell like me. Hell, I want tae watch my cum slip from that tight little pussy of yers.” Another climax ripped through me so hard and fast I was pretty sure my vision blacked out for a second. And then Caelan tightened his hold on my hips enough that the pain commingled with the pleasure. He roared as he orgasmed, and I felt him get impossibly harder as he let go. His seed was thick and hot, and I felt everything come full circle as he filled me up. I felt his body shudder beneath mine, and then I collapsed on top of him, my breathing hard and labored as I tried to catch my breath. I was about to roll o , worried I was too heavy, when Caelan wrapped his arms around me. “Where do ye think ye’re going, lass?” He kissed the top of my head, and I relaxed fully against him. “Ye’re good right where ye’re at.” I smiled at the possessive, adamant tone of his voice, and at the feel of his arms tightening even harder around me. Okay then. I wasn’t going anywhere, and that was fine with me. “I donna know how I lived without ye, Darragh.” My heart skipped a beat at the awed sound of his voice, at the almost pained reverence with which he spoke. And it was because of me. “I love ye, lass.” I pushed up enough that I could see his face and then leaned back down and kissed him softly on the lips. “I love you too.” I could feel his surprise and couldn’t help but smile. “Ah, my sweet girl. Ye make me so happy. I donna deserve ye, but I’m so damn thankful tae have been granted the gift of having ye as my mate.” He crushed me against his body once more and buried his face in my hair. “I’m the luckiest

bastard in the world.” He said it over and over again, mixing Gaelic with English. He kissed my temple and sighed happily. “I’ll forever try tae show ye how true those words are.” That, I had no doubt of. Looked like I’d be doing the same thing, because although I couldn’t see the future, I knew for a fact that Caelan was part of it irrevocably.




aelan…” I said with clear awe in my voice. “It’s huge.” He didn’t respond, and I rolled my eyes as I looked over my shoulder at him. He was trying hard as hell not to smirk. “Don’t even say, ‘that’s what she said.’” He chuckled and walked up to me, wrapping those big arms I loved so much around my waist and pulling me back against his chest. We stood in the entrance of the fourth place we were looking at… to buy together. God, I was really doing this, just jumping headfirst into this whole mated thing. It was insane to think that only a few weeks had passed since I’d been running from the very male who held me. I’d found a lifelong partner in Caelan. Had found my family, the one I’d desperately been searching for my whole life. In fact, my father came by daily to see me. We spoke about anything and everything. I’d learned so much about my mother. I’d learned so much about my father and the Lycans. Life was… good. “Were ye able tae speak with Evelyn today?”

I nodded. “Yeah, but she told me she was gonna go o grid for a while, whatever the hell that means.” “Has Cian made himself known tae her yet?” I shook my head. “No, not that she said. But she sounded weird, like she’s hiding something from me.” I stared into my mate’s eyes. “And you’re sure this Odhran Lycan went with Cian, too?” I thought back to the man I’d only seen in passing once, and that was briefly when he’d made an appearance to speak with Banner. Odhran had been a frightening male, with a long scar that started at his hairline and made its way down his face. Caelan nodded. “Aye. Those two are thick as thieves. Odhran would no’ let Cian go alone, especially no’ when it was something as important as this.” I nodded but wasn’t sure what else to say about that. “I told Evelyn I was coming back to help her deal with this…” My words lodged in my throat when I felt Caelan nuzzle the side of my neck. “With me by yer side.” I wrapped my arms around his, which were currently viselike grips around my abdomen. I glanced down at the massive emerald engagement ring. To say Caelan was riproaring ready to get married the “human way” was an understatement. He was ready to throw a massive wedding. But when I’d explained we didn’t need to rush, since we literally had centuries together—all thanks to the mark he’d placed on my neck that would slow my aging so I’d live centuries like he would—he conceded that there was no hurry. Well, he told me he still wanted to get married, but I had the control so I set the pace. “Yes, with you by my side.” I couldn’t hold in the sigh of female appreciation and contentment at how devoted Caelan was to me. “But she said she didn’t need me to drop what I

was doing. She point-blank said she didn’t want me to come back because it would just add more drama and chaos.” I shrugged. “Are ye sure we shouldn’t just go? Just show up and be there for her?” I snorted and shook my head. “No. Hell no. I want to be there for her, but Evelyn is tough as nails, and if she wanted me by her side to hold her hand, she’d for sure tell me. The fact that she specified not coming tells me she really does want to deal with this on her own.” I exhaled and leaned my head back against his chest. “I hate it, but I’m going to respect her wishes. Right now at least. If she goes MIA on me, that’s a whole other beast.” “Whatever ye want tae do, I’m with ye. No matter what.” I smiled and squeezed his arms. On top of Caelan’s support in every decision I made, he told me if I wanted to move back to America, he’d pack his bags and be ready to go. And as much as the idea of going back there appealed in a familiar kind of way, I liked it in Scotland. I loved it, in fact— so much so that I wanted to call it my home. “Maybe she and Cian are shacking up and she’s just not telling me…” My words faltered when I felt Caelan push the hair o my shoulder and start nuzzling my neck—right where his mark was. I couldn’t see this mating mark when I looked in the mirror, but he assured me it was there for all the Otherworld to see. The possessiveness and male pride in his voice as he’d told me that was clear, and I couldn’t help but feel pleased about it. Maybe not the most feminist, independent way of thinking, but hell, who could blame me with a man like Caelan in my life? We were silent for some time as Caelan let me gape at this incredible estate he’d taken me to look at. For the last couple of weeks we’d been doing nothing but getting to know one

another in between me getting to know my father. And the latter was going so well, much easier than I’d ever imagined. It felt so… natural to have Conor in my life. My father and my mother hadn’t been with each other long at all, the stories he shared with me made me feel like I was right there experiencing their love right along with them. I knew Conor and I still had a long way to go for us to bridge the gap in our relationship and make it mean something special, something strong and forever, but we were both in this for the long haul. I wanted a father. He wanted a daughter. And I had never been happier. And I knew he was happy. I could see it in the way his eyes lit up when he saw me. I could hear it in his voice as he called me daughter. And I could see the physical changes in him too. No longer did he seem worn-down and malnourished. In fact, in just the short couple of weeks that we’d been in each other’s lives, he’d put on much needed weight and was now just as fearsome and big as the other Lycan males. “This place isn’t as big as the last one.” I smiled and shook my head, pulling away from Caelan so I could turn and look into his face. “Caelan, seriously?” He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and shrugged, the corner of his mouth kicking up in an almost boyish look. “What?” He shrugged again. All I could do was shake my head again. “You mean this one has twelve bedrooms instead of fifteen like the last place we checked out, or it only has fifty acres instead of sixty?” He looked around again. “I mean, if we plan on having a horde of babies, then we need all the room we can get.” I lifted a brow at that. “A horde of kids?” His grin was slow and downright sexy. I didn't have anything else to say to that thought, because if I were being truthful, the idea of having Caelan’s baby, having a little person who was half the

man I loved, sounded like heaven. In fact… I couldn’t wait for that. Caelan was right in front of me again, this soft expression covering his face. “But truthfully, it doesn't matter where we are. As long as I’m by yer side, I’m in heaven, lass.” He pulled his hands out of his pockets, slid them up my arms, and rested them on the side of my neck, his thumbs positioned right under my pulse points. “I’d gladly be a ground dweller if that’s where ye wanted tae to live.” He leaned in and kissed me deeply, thoroughly. Passionately. “As tempting as living underground sounds,” I teased and grinned against his mouth, “I love this place the best. It has that gorgeous sunroom that overlooks the property.” He pulled back, and there was a big grin on his face. “Yeah?” My grin matched his as I nodded. “Yeah.” We started walking around the estate, checking out the rooms, staying extra-long in the incredible modernized kitchen with the stainless-steel, industrial-sized appliances. I wasn't a cook by any means, but this place sure did inspire me. Everything was gleaming and new, the estate centuries-old, yet it had been updated with every single luxury you could think of. “And the best part is this place is right between your parents’ home and Conor’s.” We made our way toward the back of the estate, where we walked into the large sunroom I already loved so much. I could picture having a little garden in here, an array of blooming flowers, maybe even a little patio set where Caelan and I could have breakfast every morning. Looking outside the glass that surrounded all four walls of this room, all I could see was the rolling green hills of the Scottish countryside. “Absolutely breathtaking.” I could feel Caelan staring at me and glanced over at him, my heart beating faster at the look he gave me.

“Aye, ye are.” He made a low growl in his throat, and I knew what that meant. Instantly my body reacted. My pussy became so wet, my nipples tightening. I took a step back, and another, and one more until the glass, which had been warmed by the sun all day, greeted me. Stopped my escape. He advanced on me, his head lowered, his gaze locked on me. “My female likes tae run?” he asked deeply in that purely wolflike way of his. His eyes flashed. “Ye know how much I love the chase.” Yes. Yes, I absolutely did. And God, did I love when he caught me. The End.

Want to read more in The Lycans series? Check out THE ALPHA, Cian and Evelyn’s story, coming October 2021!


Find Jenika at: www.JenikaSnow.com Jenika_Snow@yahoo.com

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