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Title Page

Copyright Page Dedication


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen

Other Books by K.C. Lynn Connect with K.C. Lynn


About the Author


Three Months Earlier


he nightmare always starts off the same way. Vivid and soul shattering. Horrendous images flash through my mind on repeat, helplessly propelling me back to a historical moment in time…

I’m surrounded by smoke. There’s so much it’s suffocating. I cough and sputter my way through it, my eyes burning as much as my lungs.

“Joshua!” His name rips from my raw throat as I stumble through the destroyed streets. I look around at the charred city we once called home, the man I love somewhere in the midst of destruction.

“Joshua!” I scream for him again, refusing to give up.

I will never give up.

A figure suddenly emerges from the smog and the first tendrils of hope infiltrate my heart when I notice all the fire gear

“Thank God.” My heels click on cement as I run toward the firefighter covered in soot, but I quickly realize it’s not my beloved husband. It’s one of his fellow brothers, Firefighter Gibson.

He grips my shoulders and the heavy regret in his red-brimmed eyes sends my heart plummeting straight to my stomach. His mouth moves, telling me the unthinkable, but I shake my head, refusing to believe it.

It can’t be true.

“I’m sorry, Rose. We lost so many, but a little boy lived because of him.”

Despair grips my heart in an unforgiving vise, my entire world shattering as I crumble to my knees. The pain of my screams echo through the ruined streets, shredding my vocal chords and destroying what’s left of my existence.

“Sam, wake up!”

I bolt upright on a scream. Blanketed in darkness, my mangled heart beats rapidly. Sweat coats my skin and tears soak my cheeks as I try to breathe through the spasms ravaging my chest, my hand clutching the spot that physically aches.

Jase’s handsome face appears before mine, drowning out the shadows in our room. Dark eyes that are so similar to the ones that haunt my dreams peer back at me with concern.

A sob tumbles from my lips and I scramble onto his lap, my arms curling around his neck as I cry out a loss I can’t understand but feel all the way to my soul.

“Breathe, baby. It’s okay.” His strong arms come around me, holding my broken pieces together. “It was just a dream.”

It wasn’t. I can still smell the pungent smoke. It lingers in the air, the remnants of it reminding me of all that was lost.

He pulls back, his gaze searching. “Same nightmare?”

“It’s not a nightmare,” I choke out. “I lost you and I’m going to lose you again, I know it.” Voicing the words out loud only compounds my fear even more.

“No, you’re not,” he argues sternly. “We talked about this, Sam.”

He doesn’t understand. He can’t. Not when he hasn’t seen what I have. Felt the devastation and loss.

For the past several months the same nightmare has plagued me, and I fear that one day it will eventually become my reality.

“Look at me.” Framing my face between his hands, he lifts my gaze back to his. “You’re not going to lose me.”

“I already have.” The knowledge burns in my heart as strongly as it did for Rose. “This isn’t some nightmare, Jase. You die in a fire saving a little boy. Only you aren’t you and I’m not me. At least not our names. But…we are them and… Ugh!” Frustrated, I trail off, sounding insane even to myself.

“Baby, I’m right here. Look at me—feel me.” He places my hand over his strong and steady heartbeat. “I’m yours, Sam. Always and forever. Nothing will ever change that.”

I gaze back into his eyes, eyes I know I have looked into and lost before, all for the sacrifice of his job. “If I asked you to quit firefighting,

would you?” The selfish question is out before I can stop it, desperation running my mouth.

“Yeah, I would,” he answers, surprising me. “But I’m really hoping you won’t ask me to do that. I love my job, Sam. As much as you love yours. It’s who I am. It’s what I’m meant to do.”

I rest my forehead on his, my eyes closing in shame. “I know, I’m sorry. I don’t want you to change but I can’t lose you, Jase. I want to marry you and have your babies but I’m terrified of losing it all before we even have a chance to build a life together.”

Just like Rose and Joshua.

“I could walk across the street one day and get hit by a car,” he says, “or end up in a plane crash.”

It’s not a plane crash that took him from me. It was a fire and his sacrifice.

“Nothing in life is ever guaranteed, Sam. Except for one thing.”

“What’s that?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

“My love for you and that I will always come home to you. One way or another.”

I desperately want to believe that but the memory of all that was lost is still too fresh. I drop my forehead on his shoulder, feeling scared and depleted.

“Fuck it.” Gathering me in his arms, he stands.

My head snaps up from his shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“We’re finishing this once and for all.” Determination marks each step as he walks us into the kitchen. He deposits me in a chair then rips the calendar off our fridge and drops it down on the table in front of me. “Pick a date.”


“Pick a wedding date. The sooner the better. Then I’m going to knock you up,” he blatantly informs me. “We are going to fuck like crazy, have a ton of kids, and I’m going to raise them with you until we are old and gray.”

I blink at him, my mind scrambling to catch up. Once it does, I burst into laughter, but it isn’t long before I’m weeping again.

God, this is insane.

Jase drops down in front of me. “Pick a date, baby. Let’s do this so I can prove to you that we are going to grow old together.”

Sniffling, I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand and look at the calendar. We talked about a few dates, mainly summer of next year, but something held me back. The days we talked about never felt right, but now, as I turn each page of the calendar, I stop on one, the fated date standing out amongst the rest. It’s a feeling I can’t explain, a purpose far greater than either of us realizes.

“This one,” I whisper, pointing to the day.

“September second,” he murmurs.

September 2nd, 1869.

That date holds meaning, a pivotal one. I don’t know what exactly but I know it as sure as I know my love for this man.

“Is that okay?” I ask, looking down at him.

“It’s more than okay, but we have a lot to do. That’s only three months away.”

“I’m ready if you are.”

A crooked grin tilts his lips, the same one that captured my heart and never let go. “Baby, I was born ready.”

He says the words so casually, not realizing the power they hold. I have no doubt we were born for each other. That somehow, someway, we have shared a life and love as equally strong before as we do now, but we were robbed of our chance at forever. Perhaps this is fate’s way of making up for that loss so long ago. Maybe this isn’t just about Jase and me but a second chance for Rose and Joshua.

“I want a garden wedding with a vintage theme,” I say, the suggestion feeling right.

He quirks a brow. “Vintage, huh?”

I nod. “Something that represents the late eighteen hundreds. Like an old train clock or maybe even a horse drawn carriage.” My heart fills with excitement as I list all the items, every one of them feeling sacred in some way.

“Not to dash your creative vision, baby, but where the fuck are we going to find an old train clock?”

“I have no idea,” I laugh, “but I will find a way. I’m very resourceful, Crawford. You know this.”

His lips curl into that sexy smirk. “True, but I’m even more resourceful. So if my woman wants an old train clock then she’s going to get a fucking

train clock.”

I shake my head at the ridiculous statement but also can’t deny how sweet it is. “What about you?” I ask. “Anything specific you want to have?”

“As long as you’re there I have everything I need.”

Warmth invades my chest, spreading right to the tips of my fingers and toes.

“And peaches,” he adds. “There needs to be lots of peaches.”

“Of course, how could I have forgotten those?”

His obsession with the particular fruit has only grown over the course of our relationship, which is why the majority of my wardrobe and undergarments consist of the color. It drives him wild. Grace even sells our Peach Kiss Pie at the bakery. It’s a big hit and Jase gets it every time he goes in.

“Maybe we can get some from Mr. and Mrs. McNally’s peach farm again?” I flash him a suggestive smile, remembering the time we made love there.

He groans, fingers squeezing my hips before he drops a kiss on my bare thigh. “That was a good fuckin’ day.”

It was more than good. It was beautiful and the most spontaneous thing I’d ever done, a moment I’ll treasure forever.

“It’s a long way to go for some peaches though,” he says. “I’m sure we can find another farm around here and corrupt that one, too.”

“Actually, I was thinking we could have the wedding at my parents’ lake house in Colorado.”

He rears back, clearly surprised. “Really?”

“Sure. It’d be perfect since that’s where we met and fell in love. Besides, our friends and your family are there. It would make things easier on everyone and the property is beautiful. It’s also large enough for all of us to stay at for the weekend.”

His eyes practically bug out of his head. “You want both of our families to stay in the same house?”

“Why not? Surely our fathers can put aside their differences for a weekend.”

He gazes back at me unconvinced.

“I want us all to be together, Jase. It’s important to me.”

He nods. “Then I’ll make it happen. Whatever makes you happy.”

My heart prances at his kind words. “You make me happy.”

Leaning in, he takes my mouth in a soul-touching kiss before picking me up from my seat and carrying me back to bed.

My back meets the cool mattress, his hard body following down on top. His face hovers just inches above mine, the love in his gaze holding every bit of me captive. A love I never want to live without.

The desolate thought has my hand lifting to his face, fingers fanning his jaw. “Promise me that we will always have this. That you will never leave me.”

The request is unfair and I know it but the burning images of that nightmare are embedded into my soul forever.

His dark irises hold mine in a time-stopping second. “I promise to love you until your last breath, Samantha Evans, then I promise to find you again and love you even harder.”

The vow flows through every part of me, completely obliterating any remaining fear. Curling my fingers around his neck I bring his lips to mine again, losing myself in what I have faith will always be ours.

I have to because the other alternative is too unfathomable.

* Jase

Sam’s breathing eventually evens out as she succumbs to sleep. Only then, do I release the long, tortured breath I’ve been holding in.

I’m not a superstitious person, never have been, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little more than freaked out by the nightmare she keeps having. A nightmare I know so well because I’ve had the same one for as long as I can remember.

Even before we were together, I experienced it. Lived it and knew it. Being engulfed in flames as I covered a small boy, agony ripping apart my chest with the knowledge that I would never see the pretty green eyes I lived and breathed for again. Green eyes I never thought I’d see outside of that dream…until the day I met Sam.

I have no idea what it all means, but I refuse to believe it’s a sign. I make my own destiny and it will be with this woman in my arms forever. A

vow I have every intention of upholding until the end of time.


Present Day

Fresh air blasts through the lowered windows of our rented Jeep, making the ends of my blue floral dress tease the tops of my thighs. My hand rests on top of my straw hat, holding it to my head as I tilt my face up toward the late afternoon sun, basking in its warmth while we drive to my parents’ lake house that is nestled deep in the Colorado Mountains.

I think about all the memories I have made in this state, including the one where I fell in love with the man who has held my heart for far longer than I can even comprehend.

In just two short days Jase and I will be declaring our love for one another in front of our closest family and friends, and I couldn’t be more excited.

Some days I still can’t believe we made it here. He was the most unlikely suitor. As cocky and arrogant as he is charming and sexy. With dark, disheveled hair, warm chocolate brown eyes, and a panty-dropping smirk, he’s the very definition of tall, dark, and handsome.

He’s also my brother’s sworn enemy, both of them too much alike for their own good. Our fathers are rivals in every sense of the word, their feud dating all the way back to their days in high school. Now we are all about to spend the weekend together.

The Evans and the Crawfords under one roof could very well end in total disaster, and I know it, but it’s important to me for us all to be together. I want my and Jase’s love to be the tie that binds our families. I have faith that it will. It has to because this is our destiny. It’s what was always meant to be.

I never believed in soul mates let alone past lives until I met Jase. The deep connection we had from the beginning was unexplainable, his touch a buried memory in time. Then I met Madam Raman, a gypsy psychic that

somehow saw into my very soul. Despite what Jase thinks about her, I’m even more convinced what she said about us is true. How can I not after the dreams I’ve had? The ones of a love that runs as deep as the loss.

This day isn’t just for Jase and me but also for Rose and Joshua. Every detail I put into this wedding was with them in mind—modern with a touch of vintage, right down to the custom wedding dress my sister made for me.

I just wish I could have found an old train clock, knowing it holds significance in some way, but finding the antique piece proved impossible. I refuse to let that get me down though. The day will be as perfect as our love because this is our second chance. History will not repeat itself. I know this because it’s already headed down a different path.

My hand moves to my stomach, love spreading through every cell of my body as I think of the tiny life growing inside of me. A life that Jase and I created in our love for one another.

It wasn’t planned. Not yet anyway. But it seems fate has intervened once again, and I’m not sorry that it did. It’s been a hard secret to keep but I want to surprise Jase with the news on our wedding night. I’m sure he will be more than shocked but I have no doubt he will be as happy as I am.

I’m pulled from my thoughts when he reaches over the console, taking my hand in his. “You’re awfully quiet over there, Peaches. You okay?”

I rest my head back on the seat, a contented smile forming on my lips as I gaze over at his handsome face. “Yes. I’m perfect actually.”

It’s the honest truth. I don’t think my life could be more perfect than it is right now.

“Well, I could have told you that.” He flashes me that dirty grin of his, showcasing those sexy dimples that I can never get enough of. “Why do you think I’m marrying you?”

I quirk a brow, amused. “Is that so?”

“Yep, and to piss off your brother.”

My smile vanishes, eyes narrowing before I punch him in the shoulder.

A sexy laugh tumbles from his chest. “I’m kidding. I’m kidding. That’s just a bonus,” he adds, not making me feel any better. “I’m marrying you because you’re smart, beautiful, kind, and caring…”

My annoyance fades at his words.

“And no one makes my dick as hard as you do.”

I roll my eyes but can’t stop a laugh from bursting free. “You were on such a roll, Crawford.”

He glances over at me again, his playful expression softening into something more somber. “I could say all the right words to you, Sam, but I don’t need to, do I? Because you know.”

I do. This is the man who left it all behind to be with me. His job, family, friends, all so I could be close to my family. He even went as far as having my brother in his wedding party because he knew how much it meant to me, despite their rocky history.

“You’re right, I do know. I know it by the way you look at me.” My voice softens as I picture that look so clearly. “Feel it every time you touch me…” Bringing his hand up, I press a kiss to his open palm.

A low groan vibrates from his throat as he shifts in his seat. “I fucking love touching you, baby.”

“Me too,” I admit on a whisper.

It doesn’t matter if it’s fast or slow, desperate or passionate, every time his touch is magical, kissing parts of my soul that are only reserved for him.

“But more than all that,” I add quietly, leaning into his open hand. “I feel it in the way you love me. No one has ever loved me as hard as you, Jase, and I can’t wait to be yours forever.”

He glances back at me, his dark irises reflecting what I have buried deep in my bones. Without warning, he slows the Jeep and pulls off into a clearing on the side of the road.

“What are you doing?” I ask, taking in the vacant area.

He pushes his seat all the way back, making room for me. “Come here, Sam.”


“Because I want to kiss you.”

My heart takes off in a gallop, an undeniable smile forming that I couldn’t hide even if I tried.

“Well, how can I say no to that?” Unlatching my seat belt, I crawl over the console and straddle him, my dress inching up my thighs.

He removes my hat and brushes my hair over my shoulder in a sensual caress before cupping the back of my neck and reeling me in, bringing us mouth-to-mouth—heart-to-heart.

Like always, the connection is irrevocable, tipping my world on its axis. An alignment that not even the perfect starlit sky could assemble. It rights everything around us, making my entire universe come to a standstill.

When his tongue parts my lips, sliding in to do an erotic dance with mine, I completely surrender, drowning in the undeniable.

“Sweet as a fucking peach,” he groans.

All I can manage is a sigh, too lost in him to even think of a coherent thought let alone speak it.

He ends up breaking the connection but only to trail those heated lips down the base of my throat. I tilt my head, granting him more access as I take in deep lungfuls of much needed air. His hands coast down my back to cup my bottom, bringing me in snugger against his erection.

“We better stop before we get ourselves into trouble, Crawford.” The breathless attempt is halfhearted because the truth is I don’t want him to stop.

I never want him to stop.

“The only troubling part about right now, Sam, is that I am not already inside of you.” He pulls at the tiny buttons of my dress, unveiling my peach lace bra. The sight has a growl erupting from his throat, a vibration that I feel all the way to my core. His hands cup the lace, molding over my aching flesh.

My head falls back on a moan, my hands covering his as I arch into the heat of his touch.

“Jesus, you’re a fucking sight. Have I ever told you how much I love this color on you?”

A slight smile touches my lips. “Maybe a time or two.”

“That’s because I do. I love it almost as much as I love the color of your bare skin.” He flicks the front clasp of my bra, baring me to his stare.

The cool mountain breeze whispers over my aching nipples, sending an army of sensations to implode through my body. “God, I hope no one drives by,” I worry breathlessly.

“There’s no one around for miles, baby. Trust me. No one will ever see what’s mine.” He follows up the promise by taking a tortured bud into his mouth, lashing the fiery tip with his tongue.

A heated whimper purges past my lips, my fingers driving through his hair as I hold him close.

“Always so responsive,” he croons before giving the same attention to the other one.

My hips kick up in a desperate attempt, grinding down on his erection as I seek friction. “Jase, please,” I beg shamelessly.

“You want my cock, Sam?”

“Yes,” I whimper. “So badly.”

“Then take it, baby. It’s all yours.”

I reach between us, unbuckling his belt. We’re entering dangerous territory. Anyone could drive by at any moment but it doesn’t seem to matter. All that matters is feeling him inside of me.

The same time I free him, he shoves my dress to my hips and pulls my panties aside. That’s when I plunge down, taking him deep.

My cry and his groan mingle in the heated breaths between us.

“Fuck, I love being inside of you,” he growls, his fingers digging into the flesh of my hips.

“Me too. So much.”

More than anything

though, I love being his. I love waking up to him every morning, getting to kiss him whenever I want, touch him whenever I please, or make love to him at any given moment, just like this.

“Hard, Sam?” The question is tight with the restraint he barely holds onto.


He wastes no time driving up inside of me, each thrust of his hips relentless as he claims what no one else ever will. It’s wild and completely unhinged.

It’s also freeing, liberating, and absolutely beautiful.

Before long we’re both careening over the edge together, our souls weaving as deeply as our bodies.

I drop down on top of him, resting my forehead on his as I fight to catch my breath. Eventually, I manage to open my eyes and peer right into his. A big, silly smile spreads over my face. “I love you, Jase Crawford, and I can’t wait to be your wife.”

He doesn’t return my smile. His steady gaze never wavers from mine as his hands frame either side of my face. “Everything I do in this life is for you, Samantha. Every breath, every step, and every moment—it’s all for you.”

The declaration seeps into my soul like a warm blanket, filling every inch of it with peace. Overcome with emotion, I tuck my face into his neck and hold onto this moment a little longer. With his heart beating against mine, I revel in the fact that in just two short days I will be Mrs. Jase Crawford and the life we were destined to live will finally begin.


Sam’s hand is firmly linked with mine as I pull into the white gated entrance and drive down the long paved road that leads to the lake house we will be staying in for the next few days.

Her peach scent and taste still flood every one of my senses, and despite having her only a short time ago, I already want her again.

Every second of every day I crave this girl, and I can’t fucking wait to legally make her mine forever. I don’t think life can get any more perfect than it is right now. Nothing could ruin it.

Except one person…

My good mood sours as I think about having to live with dickface loser boy for the next few days and the fact that after this weekend I will be tied to him for the rest of my life.

For Sam’s sake, I try. I swear I do but the asshole pushes every one of my buttons and enjoys every minute of it. I have no doubt he has shit up his sleeve for this weekend but I’ll be ready for it, and if he does anything to jeopardize my future with his sister he will be shitting the hockey pucks I shoot down his throat for the rest of his miserable life.

“Isn’t it beautiful, Jase?” Sam admires wistfully, having no idea where my thoughts are as she stares up at the massive white-pillared house.

It makes me feel like a complete dick and I quickly remind myself that she is worth every moment of having to put up with that smug asshole.

My love for her runs far deeper than my hate for him.

“Yeah, baby. It’s great. Perfect location.”

Three stories high, the house sits on acres of pristine property. With floor-to-ceiling windows and balconies that extend off almost every room, there is a picturesque view of the Rocky Mountains and crystal blue lake for all.

It’s as elaborate and big as Sam described. Let’s hope it’s big enough to keep everyone in their own corners for the weekend. I may have had

practice dealing with her brother but it will be the first time in many years that my father and John Evans come face-to-face.

It was a hard sell when I first told my father of Sam’s request. There was no way he was staying in the same house with that arrogant son of a bitch—his words not mine—but when Sam called and told him how important it was to her he caved because he can’t say no to her. Just like I can’t. I’m sure my mother had a helping hand in it as well.

As unfortunate as it is, I can understand my father’s hesitation. I used to feel the same way as he does about John, but I’ve come to realize I was wrong. He’s a good guy. After all, he raised the perfect girl.

My girl.

Too bad he failed in the son department.

Just as the thought emerges the front door flies open, revealing Sam’s sister.

“Jesse!” Sam flees the Jeep, running to meet her halfway, both of them almost taking the other out as they embrace.

Despite my reservations about how this weekend will go, I can’t deny how good it feels to see Sam so happy. Her family means everything to her, which is why I will put up and shut up. I will do whatever it takes to ensure her happiness and that includes putting up with her prick of a brother.

“What are you doing here?” Sam pulls back, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I thought you didn’t get in until tomorrow with everyone else.”

“I changed my flight and got in a few days ago to help Mom and Grace prepare. I wanted to surprise you.”

“Well you did. Best surprise ever!” She pulls her in for another hug. “I’m so glad you’re here, Jesse.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for anything, Sammy.”

Not wanting to intrude, I give them a moment alone and grab our bags from the back of the Jeep. By the time I return, Jesse is making her way toward me.

“Well if it isn’t my future brother-in-law.” She greets me with a hug and smile that’s much the same as her sister’s but without that heart-pounding effect.

“How’s it going, Jesse?”

She shrugs. “It’s going. You ready to become part of this family? We’re a whole special brand of crazy at times.”

My gaze pulls to Sam’s, those pretty green eyes anchoring me where I stand. “I was born ready to marry your sister.”

She blushes a pretty shade of pink, a shy smile forming that I want to kiss right off her face.

“Ugh, you two lovebirds are so sweet it makes me sick,” Jesse teases.

“Speaking of lovebirds, where’s Matt?” Sam asks, talking about her sister’s famous hockey player husband.

Jesse’s entire demeanor changes. “Uh, there’s been a change of plans. He can’t make it anymore.”

“Is everything okay?” Sam asks, concerned.

“Yeah, of course. Just work stuff.”

It’s quite obvious she’s lying, but before Sam can question her further, Catherine Evans comes walking out of the house.

“Ah, you’re here!” She rushes down the steps, hugging first Sam then me. She cups my face between her hands, much like my own mother does and kisses each cheek. “I only saw you last week and I swear you get more handsome every time I see you, Jase Crawford.”

I open my mouth to respond but don’t get the chance.

“Now, Mom, there’s no need to fib just to make people feel better.”

Hatred claws at my gut as the enemy steps out of the house, his wife and kids in tow.

“After all, not everyone can be blessed with looks as good as our family.” He stands on the top of the steps, wearing a smug smile that I want to immediately punch off his face.

“Oh, Sawyer,” Catherine laughs, thinking her son is joking.

He’s not.

The two of us become locked in a silent battle of hatred, the resentment we have for one another settling between us like a brick wall.

Grace walks down to greet Sam with a hug and kiss before safely sending me a wave from a distance. “Hey, Jase.”

“Grace.” I nod. “How’s it going?”

“She’s great.” The asshole answers for her, draping an arm around her shoulders as he brings her in close to his side again.

It earns him a glare from his wife but he’s too busy staring me down to notice.

Hope and Parker run down to greet Sam next. “Auntie Sam, Auntie Sam!”

“Well if it isn’t my darling little niece and nephew.” She bends down, giving them both a hug and kiss, something that Parker wipes off with the back of his hand.

“Come on, Auntie. I got a reputation to protect. You know this.”

Sam straightens, planting her hands on her hips. “The only reputation you have this weekend, mister, is giving your aunties all the love.”

“That’s right,” Jesse agrees, attacking him with her own giant kiss.

“Aw, man.” He wipes hers off too then comes to stand next to me, his arms crossing over his small chest. “Chicks, they can’t get enough of me.”

Smirking, I put out my fist for a knuckle bump. “How’s it going, little dude?”

I might despise his father but I love him and his twin sister like they were my own. Thankfully, they take after their mother.

“Good. Brought some hockey stuff. I thought we could shoot some pucks this weekend.”

“Sure. I can teach you the Crawford slap shot. It ends up in the top right every time.”

“That’s not necessary,” Sawyer says, unable to keep that big trap of his shut. “My kid knows all he needs to. After all, he learned from the best.” By the arrogance in his tone it’s obvious who he thinks the best is. “I’m sure he can show you a few things though. Might help you get picked to play on that old-timers team your station is putting together. That way you won’t get picked last like you always were when we were growing up.”

Why that snarky lying bastard.

He damn well knows that is not how it went down. If anything, I was always drafted first.

“Sawyer,” Sam says his name in warning.

“I’m kidding,” he lies, that fake laugh of his making an appearance as he pulls Sam in for a hug. “What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t pick on my smaller soon to be brother-in-law.”


I’ll show this motherfucker “smaller” when I stomp him into the ground like a flaming bag of dog shit.

Hope comes skipping over to me, pulling me back from the brink of violence. “Hiya, Uncle Jase.”

Sawyer tenses, hating when she calls me that. He can’t fucking stand it. So of course I use this to my advantage.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite little niece.” I scoop the pretty little blonde girl up in my arms. “Have you been baking your Uncle Jase some pies for this weekend?”

The heated color scaling across the asshole’s face right now is almost enough to make my day. Almost…

“Yes, sir. Mama and I have been bakin’ up a storm. We even made your and Auntie’s Peach Kiss Pie and we made it extra special with love just for y’all.”

“Okay, that’s enough of that.” Sawyer rips her from my arms, that fake laugh sounding from him once again. “What did I tell you, Shortcake? No one gets your pies but me.” His eyes shift back to mine, narrowing with disapproval. “And let’s not forget, he’s not your uncle yet.”

“Sawyer!” Grace snaps under her breath but not quiet enough. He pays his wife no mind, his steely gaze trained only on me.

I meet it head-on, refusing to back down. If he thinks he’s going to be pulling this shit all weekend he’s got another thing coming.

“Uh, Auntie Sam?” Hope speaks, breaking the tense silence. “What, honey?”

“The buttons on your dress are all messed up.” She points at the top of Sam’s dress where she clearly misbuttoned from our earlier encounter.

“Oh!” Sam quickly turns away, giving them her back as she hurries to fix it. When she turns around again her cheeks are red, an embarrassed smile on her face. “Must have gotten dressed too quickly this morning.”

The attempt at damage control is lame and cute as hell.

Jesse snickers under her breath, earning herself an elbow from Catherine. Sawyer, on the other hand, glowers even harder, knowing exactly how it got that way.

It fills me with the upmost satis-fucking-faction.

Take that, asshole.

The pissing match ceases when John Evans appears in the doorway. “Well, if it isn’t my princess.”

Sam’s embarrassed smile transforms into one of adoration. “Hi, Daddy.”

Walking down the stairs, he pulls her into a hug, lifting her off her feet and kissing her cheek. “How’s my girl?”

“Good. Glad to finally be here.”

“Us too.” John places her down on her feet then extends his hand to me. “Jase,” he says in greeting.

I clasp his hand in a firm handshake. “Good to see you, John.”

“Likewise. Glad you guys made it in all right. Heard a storm might be headed this way.”

“Really?” Sam straightens in concern. “I didn’t know that.”

“Oh yeah, supposed to be a real doozy,” Sawyer chimes in smugly. “Hopefully it doesn’t stall right over us and ruin the big day. That would be such a shame.” The sarcasm rolling off his tongue has me wanting to punch him in that big fat mouth of his.

“That won’t happen,” Catherine assures her. “Even if it did, we have a backup plan. Everything is under control.”

“She’s right,” Grace adds. “Everything is going to be perfect. Isn’t that right, Sawyer?” She shoots her husband a nasty look.

He grunts but gets the message loud and clear.

“Why don’t you guys go on in and get settled,” Catherine suggests. “Dinner will be ready in about an hour.”

“That’s a great idea,” Sawyer agrees cheerfully, a little too cheerfully. “Why don’t I show Jase where he will be sleeping for the weekend.”

Now it’s my turn to grunt. If he thinks I’m sleeping in a separate room from his sister just because he’s around he is about to get a major fucking wake-up call.

Sam clears her throat. “No, it’s fine. I’ll show him.”

My gaze snaps to hers, all the confidence I felt moments ago wavering as she pays close attention to the ground.

Surely the fucker is not telling the truth.

The more I look to Sam for reassurance, the harder she examines her sandaled feet.

“Go on in then.” Catherine gently ushers us inside. “We’ll meet you down in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.”

Sam leads me up the large grand staircase, silence raining between us as she continues to avoid eye contact.

Once at the top, she steers me to one of the bedrooms on the left. Opening the door, she waits for me to enter.

I carry both our suitcases inside, placing them next to the bed.

Without looking at me, she walks in, takes hers and sets it back outside the door.

I don’t fucking think so, Peaches!

Striding forward, I grab her suitcase and set it next to mine again. “Jase.” Regret coats my name as she finally looks up at me.

“Don’t fucking say it.” I point at her. “Don’t you dare tell me that asshole was telling the truth.”

Biting her lip, she has the audacity to look sheepish. “I’m sorry, I should have told you sooner.”

“Tell me what, Sam?”

“It’s my father…he’s…old-fashioned.”

“Old-fashioned?” I all but practically yell. “He has a son like Sawyer and you want me to believe he’s old-fashioned?”

“Keep your voice down,” she scolds, closing the door.

“How the hell do you expect me to do that when I find out that I am not allowed to sleep in the same room as my woman?”

“I know it’s not ideal but it’s just two days and I’ll be right across the hall,” she says this as if that should make me feel better. It doesn’t.

“This doesn’t make any sense. We already live together. Why the hell would your father care?”

“Because we’re sleeping under his roof,” she says, clearly thinking this is a perfectly logical explanation. “Besides, I thought it might be kinda neat to not sleep in the same bed until our wedding night.”

Neat? Has she lost her fucking mind?

That means no sex. No foreplay. No feeling her body against mine as I sleep… How the fuck am I supposed to survive two nights without that?

She chews on her thumbnail nervously. “What are you thinking right now?”

“That I’m glad I just fucked you on the side of the road before coming here and I probably would have had a round two had I known better.”

She bursts out laughing but I find no amusement in this whatsoever.

“Come on, it’s not that bad.” Stepping closer, she wraps her arms around my neck, probably trying to drug me with that peach scent of hers.

Not this time, Peaches!

“You never know. It could be fun.”

“There is nothing fun about any of it,” I grumble, pouting like a petulant child.

“Sure there is. Just think how fun it will be when I’m sneaking in here at night to do all the dirty things with you.”

The sultry tone paired with suggestive words has my cock standing to attention.

“Sneak in, huh?” I ask, my interest piquing.

“Mmmhmm.” She brushes her lips against mine. “I have big plans for you, Crawford.”

My hands drop to her ass, squeezing the supple flesh as I bring her against me, letting her feel how hard I am. “Is that a fact?”

“Oh yeah. All sorts of dirty plans.” She follows up the promise with a sharp nip to my bottom lip before soothing the sting with her tongue.

Growling, I grab the back of her head and claim her mouth the way I want her body, showing her exactly what I don’t want to live without for the next two nights.

Unfortunately, she breaks the connection too soon but it’s clear she is as affected as I am. Her lips are swollen, eyes hooded with the same need that hammers in my veins but it slowly fades with what she says next.

“Are we okay?”

Hating the uncertainty in her voice, I lift my hand to her face, cupping her soft cheek. “Yeah, Sam. We’re good.”

I might not like this sleeping arrangement but I’ll suffer through it if it means a lifetime of nights with her.

“Good.” She turns her face, pressing a kiss to the palm of my hand. “I’m going to take my suitcase to my room then and catch up with Jesse real quick. Mind if I meet you downstairs in a little while?”

“That’s fine. I have a few phone calls to make anyway.” I walk her to the door and watch her cross the hall, hating that every step takes her further away from me.

Just as she makes it to the door, she turns back one last time, gracing me with a sweet smile and blowing me a kiss before disappearing inside.

The moment her door closes the one next to hers open, revealing that pansy-ass mama’s boy.

Of course his fucking room is right next to hers. He probably planned that all along.

My suspicion is confirmed when he flashes me that smug grin before giving me the finger.

He may have won this battle but the war will be mine…



kay, spill it. What’s going on with you and Matt?” I ask my sister as we sit cross-legged from one another on her bed, much like we used to do back in the day whenever some serious girl talk was about to happen.

Jesse and I have always been close, which is how I knew something was wrong the moment I greeted her. Her hug was a little tighter, almost desperate, and that usual light in her eyes is no longer there. It’s incredibly disconcerting.

“What makes you think anything is wrong?” She feigns ignorance, paying close attention to the worn comforter she picks at.

“Because you’re my sister and I know you better than anyone.”

Silence fills the room for all of a second before she shakes her head, giving up the façade. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. This weekend is about you. You don’t need to hear about my problems.”

“You’re my sister, Jesse. It doesn’t matter what day it is or what’s going on, I’ll always be here to listen to your problems.”

She finally lifts her head to look at me and the tears forming in her lost, lonely eyes has my concern reaching a whole new level.

“What is it?” I push when she still doesn’t speak. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Her bottom lip begins to tremble before she manages to choke out words. “He cheated on me, Sammy.”

My heart plummets at the reveal. Out of all the things I expected to hear it wasn’t this. “Are you sure?”

A bitter laugh escapes her. “Trust me, I’m positive. I caught the bastard red-handed.”

That bit of information has the knot in my stomach tightening. “With who?”

“Some hockey bunny bimbo who is as fake as her tits.” She shrugs. “I hadn’t met her before then.”


I shake my head, still having a hard time comprehending this. “It doesn’t make any sense. That man loves you. I’m certain of it.”

You could see it every time he looked at her. Never in a million years did I think Matt would do anything like this.

“I thought so, too.” She swallows thickly, fighting to keep her composure. “I don’t get it, Sam. We were talking about starting a family. He was even considering quitting hockey so he could be more present. I don’t know why he would do this to us.” Grief smothers her face before the first sob breaks free.

I pull her into my arms, hugging her close. “I’m sorry, Jesse. So sorry.” I know the words are useless but it’s all I can manage to say at the moment. “Have you told anyone else?”

She pulls back, wiping away the steady flow of tears. “Yeah, Mom and Grace know. I don’t want Dad and Sawyer knowing yet. Not until I figure out what I’m going to do.”

I don’t blame her. My dad and brother act before thinking. No doubt heads are going to roll when they get wind of this.

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know,” she whispers brokenly. “I can’t stay, I know that. I just wish I knew how long it has been going on. Is it the first time? Has it been many? Has it been my whole marriage and I was too stupid to see it?”

“Did you ask him?”

“Yeah, but all he does is lie,” she grits. “He completely denied even sleeping with her, despite being caught. The bastard was so convincing I actually started to question what I saw.”

I know what that’s like. Grant lied all the time, made me think it was all in my head until I finally knew better. He was a master at manipulation. Though, I never felt for him what I feel for Jase or what I know my sister feels for Matt. Grant beat me down and belittled me but losing Jase that way would completely destroy me.

“Some days I wish I had never moved to that city,” she says, surprising me. “I should have followed my gut from the beginning.”

“What do you mean?”

She peers back at me before dropping another bombshell. “The truth is, Sam, I’ve never liked living there. I mean, I love my boutique and it’s been good for business but I don’t fit in there. I never have.”

“I had no idea. Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

She shrugs. “I figured it would get better but it’s only gotten worse.”

A moment of silence hangs in the balance, my mind reeling with all she has said.

“You know,” I start carefully, “South Carolina is a great place for a boutique.”

The not-so-subtle suggestion triggers a watery smile from her. “Oh yeah?”

I nod. “You could set up shop next to Grace and be my personal stylist again.” Excitement fills me at the prospect. “Just think about it. We would love to have you there. We’ve all missed you so much, Jesse, especially me.”

This time it’s her who pulls me into a hug. “I’ve missed you, too. More than you will ever know. Life just isn’t the same being so far away from you guys.”

That’s something else I can understand, something I felt deeply when the rest of them moved away from me. I had felt so lost and alone. Until I found Jase.

“Look at us, we’re a mess.” Jesse laughs, wiping the smeared makeup from under her eyes. “Enough about me and my problems. Tell me about you. How excited are you to become Mrs. Jase Crawford?”

Warmth blooms across my chest, dancing its way through every cell of my body as I think about the coming day. “Honestly, more excited than I have ever been about anything. In some strange way, I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for this moment with him.”

Her expression softens. “I’m so happy for you, Sam. It’s going to be an amazing weekend.”

The smile I wear slightly falters when I think about how tense things were between Jase and my brother earlier.

I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t make me sad. It does. I thought by having Sawyer in the wedding party it would force them to put aside their differences and maybe even see that the other isn’t so bad after all. Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened.

I don’t expect them to be best friends but my hope is that one day they can at least let go of the past that plagues them and be in the same room without feeling so much anger and resentment toward one another.

“Hey, what’s with the long face all of a sudden?” Jesse asks, sensing my change of mood.

“I’m starting to second-guess the decision I made about all of us staying in the same house,” I confess quietly. “If things are this tense between Sawyer and Jase, what’s going to happen between Dad and Mr. Crawford?”

Just the thought has panic threatening to take hold.

“They all need to get over it already,” she snaps out heatedly. “This feud is ridiculous and has been going on for way too long.”

She’s right, it has, which I think is part of the problem. Maybe too many years of animosity has happened for them to overcome it.

“With that said,” she continues, “they are grown adults and I do believe they can act like it for a weekend.”

“You think?” I ask, grabbing onto that small ray of hope.

“Absolutely. They might not be chummy or best buddies. At worst they’ll completely ignore each other, but that’s better than an all out war.”

This is true.

“So you don’t think it was totally crazy of me to have all of us staying in the same house for the weekend?”

“Oh, it’s definitely crazy,” she says. “Certifiable, actually.”

The hope I just had deflates like a popped balloon. Groaning, I drop my face into my hands.

Jesse pulls my arms away. “Crazy but not a mistake,” she adds softly. “This is one of the most important days of your life, Sam. This isn’t about petty rivalries. It’s about you and Jase and your love for one another. If they love you guys, and I know they do, then they will get through this weekend with smiles on their faces. I will personally see to it.”

The promise eases all the worries I had moments ago. “Thanks, Jesse. You’re the best.”

“Hey, what are big sisters for?”

She’s always been so much more than just a sister. She’s my biggest confidant, cheerleader and…best friend.

A knock on the door brings our conversation to an end.

“Come in,” Jesse calls out, wiping away any remaining tears.

It opens to reveal my brother and that charming grin of his that always manages to get him out of trouble, especially with our mother. “Well if it isn’t my two favorite sisters.”

His only sisters.

“What do you want, suck up?” Jesse asks but doesn’t look his way, probably to hide the fact she’s just been crying.

“Dinner is ready.”

“Oh good, I’m starving.” She jumps from the bed, hoping to make a quick getaway.

She should have known better.

“Hold up.” Sawyer snags her arm before tilting her face up to his. “Have you been crying?”


“Liar,” he says.

“Mama’s boy,” she counters.

He doesn’t play the game she tries to deflect with. “What’s going on, Jesse? You’ve been acting weird ever since you got here.”

“Nothing is going on. Now lay off, ya brute.” She rips her arm back but stretches up on her tiptoes, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for caring though.” Affection fills the last of her words before she ducks her head and walks away, leaving the two of us alone.

He shifts his attention to me next. “I take it you aren’t going to tell me either.”

“Not a chance.” I smile.

He grunts. “Fine. Keep your secrets. I’ll find out on my own.”

I don’t doubt that for one second. He is relentless and as nosy as big brothers come but his heart is always in the right place. At least most of the time. Except when it comes to the man I love…

As if sensing where my thoughts are headed, he too tries for a quick escape. “Welp, I guess I’ll see you downstairs for dinner.”

“Not so fast, Sawyer.”

He halts midstep, his hand pausing on the doorjamb before turning back to me.

“We need to talk.”

“Oh?” He feigns ignorance. “What about?”

Climbing from the bed, I come to stand before him. “My soon to be husband.”

His jaw immediately locks in anger. “What about him?”

“You know what. You’ve got to stop antagonizing him, Sawyer.”

“I do not antagonize him,” he blatantly lies.

“Yes, you do. You always do.”

“No way! He’s the one who antagonizes me. Just look how he tried to use my daughter and her pies against me.” He points his finger at me. “He’s goddamn lucky he’s still standing. Everyone knows you don’t fuck with my girls or my pies.”

I roll my eyes at the ridiculousness. “He wouldn’t have done anything if you hadn’t pushed his buttons first.”

“Bullshit!” he bellows. “He’s not the victim here. I am.”

“How so?” I ask, flabbergasted by the comment.

“Because the enemy is about to marry my baby sister. I have to deal with him for the rest of my life. He even torments me by telling me he’s going to knock you up and have a ton of babies with you. He wants to procreate just to annoy me. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel, Sam?”

I gape back at him in utter disbelief before bursting into laughter.

“This isn’t funny!”

“You’re right, it’s not. It’s not funny at all but sometimes, Sawyer, that’s all I can do because the other alternative is to cry.”

His hard expression begins to soften, remorse eventually taking its place.

“Do you have any idea how much it hurts that the two men I love most in the world hate each other so much? All I want is for you guys to respect each other. That’s it. Can’t you do that? At least for this weekend?” Stepping closer, I lay my hand on his arm in a pleading gesture. “Please, Sawyer? For me.”

The last of his resolve slips, a heavy breath escaping his chest. “Yeah, all right. I’ll try harder.”

“Thank you.” Smiling, I wrap my arms around his waist. “You know I’m happy you’re here for this, right?”

“Yeah, kid. I know.” He drops a kiss on the top of my head before slinging an arm around my shoulders. “Come on. Let’s go have dinner.”

He keeps me tucked close to his side as we head down the stairs, both of us laughing as he messes my hair over my face. It’s something he always did when I was younger and it would drive me mad. Now it warms my heart.

That nostalgia settles deeper when we enter the kitchen and I find my whole family bustling about, talking and laughing with one another.

My dad stands at the marble island, slicing the ham. Parker is next to him, getting lectured on how to make the perfect cut. Grace and Hope finish preparing whatever they have made for dessert, both wearing their matching aprons as Jesse finishes setting the table.

Then there’s Jase. He stands next to my mother as she rambles on and on about how excited she is for the weekend, her hands moving as fast as her mouth. He listens to every word intently, nodding his head and never once straying from what she says.

Until he senses my presence.

Our eyes meet from across the kitchen, that irrevocable shift happening, where everyone else in the room just seems to fade away and it’s only the two of us.

“I really fucking hate the way he looks at you,” my brother grumbles next to me. “Can’t I kick him in the balls just once?”

A half laugh, half groan slips past my lips before I give him an elbow to the ribs. “Behave.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Releasing me, he walks over to his wife and daughter, kissing them both before stealing a bite of whatever they made.

My attention reverts back to Jase to find him walking this way. Anticipation builds in my belly, skipping its way through my entire body as he pulls me in close.

“Hey, Peaches.”

My arms curl around his waist as I hug him back. “Hey yourself, Crawford.”

“You have a good talk with your sister?”

I nod, though I wouldn’t call it “good” but that’s something I will tell him about later. “Sorry it took so long.”

“No big deal. Your mom kept me entertained.” A hint of a smile steals his sexy face. “She is very excited about our wedding.”

I giggle, thinking about what I just walked in on.

“And so am I.”

The admission settles around my heart like a warm fire. “Me, too.”

“Okay, everyone, take your seats,” my mom orders, walking over to the table with a hot dish. “Dinner is served.”

As everyone settles at the table, I lead Jase over to my usual spot and frown at the small pink Barbie chair I find next to it. Looking up, I see Hope sitting between Sawyer and Grace and Parker on the other side of my brother.

“Who is this for?” I ask.

“For our guest,” Sawyer answers nonchalantly, as if Jase sitting in this makes complete sense. “Mom told me to grab a chair for him and it’s all I could find.”

Jase glares at my brother, looking ready to beat the snot out of him, and I can’t blame him.

“Don’t worry, Crawford, it’s made for preschool kids. You’ll be just fine.” His laughter echoes through the kitchen as he laughs his butt off.

I’m not quite sure why he finds this so funny considering he and Jase are basically the same height.

My mom walks up behind him, slapping him upside the head.

“Ow!” Sawyer turns to look at her. “What the hell, Ma?”

“Go get another chair,” she snaps.

“I’ll go get one,” my father says, barely holding back his laughter as he stands from his seat.

Sawyer meets my glare and has the audacity to look innocent. “Come on, it’s funny.”

I cross my arms over my chest, letting him know just how funny I think it is.

“It was before our talk, okay? No more. I promise. It’s all out of my system.”

It better be or he won’t have to worry about Jase. My father returns moments later with another chair.

Just as we take our seats, my brother opens his big mouth again. “At least get the guy a booster seat so he can see over the table.” He bursts into laughter again and all I can do is shake my head.

This is going to be a long weekend.


Hot water pounds down on my shoulders, washing away the long travel day and the frustration I’ve barely managed to keep locked inside.

The asshole might have kept his insults to a minimum after that Barbie chair prank but he still found other ways to get under my skin. More subtle ways. Like offering to serve the pie his wife and daughter made for dessert only to give me a fucking crumb rather than the slice everyone else got.

It looked like really good pie, too.

Then as we gathered around the fireplace after dinner he made Sam sit next to him, his arm around her shoulders so he could act like the doting big brother when in fact he really just wanted to keep her from me. His constant smirks in my direction only proved it.

I hate those fucking smirks as much as I hate his smug face. The only reason he is still standing is because I love his sister. However, if he doesn’t cut the shit soon not even that will be able to save him.

Two days, Crawford. Just two fucking days. You can do this.

After the internal pep talk, I finish washing then shut off the water and grab a towel, wrapping it around my waist before exiting the bathroom.

A scowl forms on my face when I see the balcony doors open.

If that asshole broke in to fuck with me he’s going over that damn ledge, consequences be damned.

Striding forward, I step out onto the balcony, ready for battle, but don’t find the enemy. I find an angel.

My angel.

Dressed in a long, white silk nightgown, Sam leans back against the concrete railing, the Rocky Mountains spanning the distance behind her. The moonlight casts its glow, highlighting her long, wavy blonde hair and mouth-watering curves.

Suddenly, all the pent-up hate I just had for her brother fades into nothing. None of it matters anymore. The only thing that matters is this.

Her, right here. With me.

“Looks like I just missed your shower,” she says in a voice that has my cock hardening beneath the thin towel.

“I can get back in and pretend I didn’t come out.”

She laughs that sweet laugh of hers, the harmonic sound floating through the air like my favorite melody. “Tempting, but I think we’re fine right where we are.”

Pushing from the railing, she saunters closer, every step making my heart hammer so fucking hard I swear it’s about to pound right out of my damn chest.

That feeling only magnifies when she wraps her arms around my neck, bringing her silk-covered body against my bare skin.

“Do you know why I chose this room for you, Crawford?”

“No, but I really want you to tell me.” My tone is rough, thick with the lust that simmers beneath my skin.

“Because it not only has an incredible view but it’s the only one with a balcony on this side of the house, which means complete privacy.”

As soon as the words leave her mouth, she drops to her knees before me, sending my already heated blood erupting like a fucking tsunami.

She slips a single finger into the knot of my towel, tugging the terrycloth free. “Now what do we have here?” Pure innocence coats her tone as she grips my long, hard shaft in her delicate hand. “Happy to see me?”

That sass taunts the animal that resides within—a beast that only she can satiate.

My hand glides through her silky hair, fingers gripping as I tug her head back. “Careful how much you push, Sam. I’ve been wound tight all fucking day.”

The knowledge only seems to amuse her. “Well, let me see if I can help you with that.” Leaning in, she takes my entire length into the heat of her mouth, banishing all coherent thoughts.

“Fuck me.” My head falls back on my shoulders, a harsh groan ripping from my chest as I feel all the tension leave my body on a rush.

She sucks me from base to tip, her hand gripping the part she can’t reach. I bathe in the heat of her mouth and the softness of her touch, every stroke of her tongue pushing me closer to the edge.

“You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, Sam.”

Her green eyes spark with heat as she sucks her way back to the top again, swirling her tongue around the tip to give me a show.

I slide my other hand into her hair, both hands controlling her head as I thrust deep, hitting the back of her throat.

Moaning, she shifts on her knees and relaxes her throat, relinquishing all control.

“That’s it, baby, take me deep,” I groan, thrusting further. “You like it when I fuck this hungry mouth of yours, don’t you?”

She hums her response around my cock, stoking the fire that burns in my blood. Pleasure begins to build at the base of my spine, threatening to propel me over the edge. As bad as I want to come down her throat, nothing is better than coming inside of her.

The thought has me pulling from her mouth and lifting her to her feet. Before she can utter one word I claim her lips with my own, possessing them like I plan to do to the rest of her body.

Her fingers drive in my hair as she matches me with a hunger that rivals my own. When she bites my lip hard enough to taste blood, I lose all control.

Growling, I pick her up off the ground and pin her against the wall. “Want to play rough, baby. I’ll play rough.” The slit of her nightgown splits as I spread her legs wide, lining myself up to her bare pussy.

Our eyes connect for a carnal moment, heated breaths colliding in the span of a second.

“Do it,” she whispers, begging for it.

Without wasting another second I drive right into heaven, burying myself so fucking deep I’m not sure I will ever find my way out.

My groan and her gasp race through the night like a blaze of heat, the explosive sound seeping into every pore of my fucking body.

“Jesus, Sam.” I drop my head on her shoulder, trying to rein in this blinding need. It doesn’t matter how many times I take her or how often, every time feels like the first.

Her fingers curl around my neck as she holds me close, mouth dipping toward my ear. “Don’t hold back, Jase. I can handle it. Just…take me.”

She doesn’t need to ask twice. My hips slam upright as I fuck her hard and fast.

Her cry of pleasure shatters the air, nails biting into my shoulder, and it only fuels the beast inside.

“This what you want, Sam?” I all but practically snarl. “For me to lose control like this?”

Her head falls back on the stone wall behind her, a euphoric smile spreading across her pretty face. “Yes. Don’t stop!”

“Never. I’m never going to stop. Until my dying breath this will always be mine. Then I’m taking you into eternity with me.”

Her lashes sweep open, eyes colliding directly with mine. Our undeniable history from another time emerges, connecting us further in this moment. Memories I’ve yet to admit to her because I don’t want to acknowledge them. Not with the kind of ending that haunts my dreams.

My forehead rests on hers. “Forever. Say it, Sam.”

“Forever,” she whispers.

My hand lifts to her face, thumb swiping over her swollen lip. Her gaze never leaves mine as she takes the tip of it into her mouth, sucking it as good as she did my cock, and it sends me firing off like a loaded gun.

Growling, I fuck her through the orgasm, bringing her over with me. Watching her fall apart in my arms is more satisfying than my own pleasure.

After gathering some semblance of composure, I carry her back into the room and fall onto the bed with her in my arms. She curls around my body, fitting like the most perfect puzzle piece. Like she was made just for me.

“Am I forgiven for the separate rooms yet?” Amusement dances in her voice as she fights to catch her breath.

“You were already forgiven, Sam, but I’ll take that kind of apology any day. Hell, let’s have another fight tomorrow so we can make up like this again.”

Laughter barrels past her delicate throat, floating through the room before it fades into nothing more than a whisper. “We don’t need to fight for these moments, Jase. We never needed to, it’s always been there for us to take, even when we didn’t know it.”

It’s true. Even back when we loved to fight. Somehow, someway, I knew we would always end up here.

She rolls onto her stomach, situating the top half of her body on my chest and propping her chin up on a fist. “Jesse told me something today

that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about.”

My interest piques. “Yeah? What did she say?”

“That Matt cheated on her.”

Shock rocks me before disbelief takes its place. “No way.”

“I know, I had a hard time believing it myself.”

“Is she sure?”

She nods. “Apparently, she caught them in the act.”

I let that information sink in, having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I don’t know the guy well but enough that I didn’t think he’d ever do that. He never came off as the type.

“My heart breaks for her,” she continues softly, tracing an indiscernible pattern on my chest with the tip of her finger. “I can’t even begin to fathom what she is going through. Grant betrayed me but I never loved him. Not even close to how she loves Matt or how I love you.” Her hand stops, eyes slanting. “If you ever cheat on me, Crawford, I’ll cut your dick off. Got it?”

“Trust me, baby, my dick only gets hard for one girl and there is no one else like her in the world.”

That radiant smile I hoped for appears. “Good answer.”

It’s the only answer…

Her expression falters with what she says next. “I’m worried what my dad and brother are going to do when they find out. They always react first and think later.”

I grunt. “Your brother always reacts without thinking. It’s his fucking trademark.”

She shrugs. “He’s protective.”

He’s an asshole.

I manage to keep the insult to myself but it doesn’t matter, she can see exactly where my thoughts are.

“Speaking of my brother…”

By the way she trails off, I can already tell I’m not going to like where this is going.

“Do you think you could try a little harder to get along with him this weekend?”

The anger I’ve fought to bury all day emerges. “I’m not the one starting shit with him, Sam.”

“I know, which is why I had a talk with him earlier, but you’re also not helping the situation either.”

“What the hell did I do?” I ask, affronted.

“Well, for starters, using his daughter to piss him off was not a great move.”

“Why not? He uses you against me all the damn time.”

She lifts her chin. “That’s not true. I would never allow that.”

“Come on, Sam. You are not that naive. Why do you think he wanted you to sit by him tonight?”

“Because he loves me,” she responds, as if the answer is completely obvious.


She rears back, looking a little pissed now. “My brother doesn’t love me?”

“No! I mean, yes. That’s not what I’m saying.”

“Then what are you saying?” she asks, hurt edging her voice.

“He only wanted you to sit with him because he wants to keep you from me.”

She scoffs. “That’s absurd!”

“No, it’s not. I’m telling you, he uses you against me all the fucking time and you play right into his hand.”

“And you don’t use me against him?” She counters. “Hell no!”

She quirks a brow. “Really? So you don’t tell him that you are going to knock me up just to piss him off?”

Why that fucking snitch.

I remain silent, since I can’t deny that I’ve said that.

“You’re both guilty, Jase.”

“Whatever. He has never wanted this wedding to happen, Sam, and you know it.”

“At one time yes, but not anymore. He knows how happy I am with you and that’s what matters to him the most.”

I grunt, unable to believe how naive she is being about this.

“I thought that mattered to you too but maybe I was wrong.” She pushes off my chest but not before I see the hurt in her eyes.

“Wait.” I grab her around the waist before she can escape.

“Let go,” she protests, fighting against me. “I refuse to argue with you about this any longer.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight. I’m just pissed off. He’s been pushing my buttons all fucking day but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

Her struggle ceases, body relaxing against me. “I know this is mostly him, believe me I do, but I spoke with him and he promised to try harder. Now I am asking the same from you.” She turns toward me, pinning me where I sit with those startling green eyes of hers. “I just want this weekend to be perfect and I’m terrified these stupid feuds are going to ruin it all before we even get there.”

“That’s not going to happen,” I tell her firmly. “Nothing or no one is going to ruin this, Sam. I swear to you.”

“Does that mean you’ll try harder to get along with my brother?”

I swallow hard, my pride going down my throat like a jagged razor blade. “Yeah, I’ll try harder.”

A grateful smile takes over her face. “Thank you.”

“But I’m telling you now, if he does anything to jeopardize this wedding all bets are off.”

“He won’t do that because he knows if he did he would lose me forever.”

I’d be lying if I said that didn’t surprise me. I know she loves me but I also know how much her family means to her. It’s why I never asked her to choose and why I never will.

She reaches up, laying her hand along the side of my face. “I love you, Jase Crawford, and nothing or no one will ever change that. Not even my brother.”

This is how I know I can last two more days with the asshole. How I know I can I last a lifetime putting up with him. For every moment spent with her is worth a thousand sacrifices.

“I should probably go before someone realizes I’m gone,” she says regretfully.

“How about we just stuff pillows in your blankets? They will never know the difference.”

A giggle slips past her lips before she dashes my hopes with a shake of her head.

“All right. Come on, I’ll walk you out.” Grabbing a pair of jeans, I slide them on, forgoing the button, then walk her to the door.

I’m rewarded with a goodbye kiss that knocks me on my ass.

Afterward, she reaches up, touching the very place her lips just were. “Good night, Crawford.”

“Good night, Sam.”

Dropping her hand, she walks off toward her room, fading into the dark like a distant memory.

Just as her door closes the one next to hers swings open, hard and quick. There, across the hall, the enemy appears. He looks at Sam’s door as it clicks shut then back at me, the look of murder washing over his face.

Instead of returning that glare, I give him a smug smile then flip him off, repaying the gesture I received earlier before closing my own door.

Crawford: One.

Evans: Zero.


I hug the toilet like it’s my lifeline, the cold porcelain a welcome relief as I empty my stomach, purging nothing but bile since I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet.

If this is what the future will be for the next several months it’s going to be a long pregnancy.

When there is nothing left to give, I flush and stand. The room slightly spins as I wobble my way over to the sink to splash cold water on my face. After patting it dry, I stare back at my reflection in the mirror, noticing the pale skin and flush to my cheeks but there is also no denying the smile on my face. Despite the fact I just barfed for the last several minutes, nothing could take away how happy I am right now.

Not only do I have all of my family under one roof but today some of our best friends are arriving and tomorrow I will be marrying the man who holds my heart like no other ever could. From that moment on we will live out the rest of our days together, having the family I’ve longed for ever since I was a little girl. A family much like the one I was lucky enough to grow up in.

With that beautiful thought in mind, I brush my teeth then walk out of the bathroom to find Grace standing in my bedroom, concern etched deeply on her face.

“Grace, hi,” I greet in surprise, praying she didn’t just hear me puke my guts out.

“Sam, are you all right?”

No such luck.

“You sounded so sick in there.” The worry in her voice matches the expression on her face.

I wave it away with a flick of my hand. “Oh yeah, fine. I think I just ate something last night that didn’t sit well.” The excuse is pathetic even to my own ears.

“Maybe you should see a doctor just in case,” she suggests cautiously.

“That’s not necessary. Really, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? Because, generally, if it’s something you ate it would have started last night.” Her eyes widen in horror. “What if it’s the flu?”

“It’s not the flu,” I assure her.

“It could be,” she insists, refusing to let it go. “It’s going around, ya know? Oh gosh. Maybe we should run to the drug store, zap you with some vitamin C. Actually, you know what? I might have something with me. Hold on.”

She turns to run from the bedroom but I grab her arm before she can escape.

“I appreciate the concern but it’s not necessary. It’s not the flu.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I am. Trust me on this.”

She blinks back at me, seeing how absolutely certain I am, and that’s when realization strikes, her eyes practically bugging out of her head. “Oh my god, you’re pregnant!”

“Shhh.” I quickly move to the door, ducking my head out to see if anyone is there before closing it. Turning back, I whisper what I haven’t told another soul yet. “Yes, I’m pregnant.”

An excited smile breaks out over her face, mirroring the one I have carried in my heart for the last two weeks. “Oh my gosh, this is so darn excitin’.” She laughs, jumping up and down before pulling me into a hug. “I’m so happy for you.”

I hug her back, the emotion in her voice triggering my own. “Thanks, Grace. I am, too.”

“Does anyone else know?” she asks, stepping back.

I shake my head. “Which is why it’s very important you don’t say a word. Not even to Jase. I plan to surprise him on our wedding night.”

“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.” She makes the hand gesture, driving the point home. “I also want you to know that I had a very big talk with your brother last night and he has promised no more pot stirrin’,” she assures me firmly. “He’s going to be on his best behavior from now on.”

The smile I flash her is a sad one. “Thanks, I appreciate that. Lord knows those two need all the talks they can get.” I take a seat on the edge of

my bed, shoulders slumping as I think about my argument with Jase last night.

Grace sits next to me, resting her hand on my back in a comforting gesture. “There’s years of history and animosity to overcome between those two, but don’t worry, they’ll get there.”

“I’m not so sure anymore, Grace. I thought they would have come a lot further by now.”

“I think they have,” she says, surprising me.

“You do?”

She nods. “Back when I first met Jase, he and Sawyer couldn’t even be in the same room without thumpin’ each other. Now look at them. They can sit at the same dinner table without blood being shed. Sure it involved Barbie chairs and subtle insults but that’s still progress if you ask me.”

“I suppose you’re right,” I muse, never thinking of it like that. Maybe I have been too focused on where they aren’t rather than how far they have come. “I just love them both so much. I wish they could see how great the other really is.”

“Trust me, if they could actually see past their history I have no doubt they would think the other is just wonderful. I mean, they are both sexy, arrogant son of a guns with egos as big as their hearts.”

It’s true. They are so much alike it’s almost scary.

“Thanks again, Grace. Not only for this talk but also for coming here early and helping my mom get everything ready. You have been a wonderful bridesmaid and an even better sister.”

“Oh, Sam.” She grows emotional, pulling me in for another hug. “I’m just glad I could help. I love being a part of y’all’s family. All of you mean so much to me.”

And she means everything to us. I knew the day my brother brought her home all those years ago she would be a part of our family forever.

“Don’t worry, everything will work out,” she promises. “In the meantime, your brother will be on his best behavior. Everything will be smooth from here on out. I’m sure of it.”


The sun is just breaking through the clouds when I step out of the house the next morning, the crisp mountain air instilling a sense of promise for the coming day.

While Sam does the last of the alterations on her dress with Jesse, I decide to head to the lake to explore some trails before everyone else shows up. I figured it would help keep me far away from dickhead and any trouble he feels like starting today.

Unfortunately, it seems I can’t catch a fucking break. I only make it about halfway across the property when I catch sight of him with Parker on the cement pad by the garage, both of them setting up hockey nets.


I quickly change direction but not before being spotted.

“Hey, Uncle Jase!”

Turning back, I do my best to summon a smile for my nephew. “Hey, kid.”

He waves me over. “Come play with us.”

As much as I would love to shoot some pucks with him, the last thing I want is to spend any amount of time with his dickhead of a father.

As soon as the thought surfaces so does Sam’s sweet voice. “Please try harder with my brother, Jase. I just want this weekend to be perfect.”

My feet remain planted, a war waging inside of me.

“Let him be, son,” Sawyer cuts in. “I’m sure he has a lot to do today.” He leans against his hockey stick, that irritating smirk forming. “Besides, we wouldn’t want your ‘Uncle Jase’ getting hurt before his big day, now would we?”

The only thing that’s going to hurt is this motherfucker’s pride when I kick his ass in front of his kid.

The thought pushes me forward, determination heavy in each stride. “I got time.”

“All right!” Parker cheers excitedly.

His father isn’t nearly as excited. By his expression it’s obvious he wasn’t expecting me to take the bait. He should have known better.

Parker passes me his stick. “Here, you can take this. I’ll go grab another one. Be right back.” He runs off toward the garage, leaving me to face off with my biggest rival.

“Should have taken the out I gave you, Crawford. Since you didn’t, I’ll enjoy taking you down.”

My hands tighten around the stick as I get the urge to beat the arrogance out of him. “You’re the one going down, Evans, and your kid is finally going to realize what a pansy-ass mama’s boy he has for a dad.”

That smugness slips from his face. “Be careful. You don’t want to start something you can’t finish.”

“You’re the one constantly starting shit and I’m fucking sick of it.”

He cocks a brow, amused. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, so I say we settle this. Right here and now.”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “I’m listening.”

“If I score first you back off, shut your mouth, and stop trying to cause shit between your sister and me.”

“Fine and when I win—”

“If,” I cut in.

“When,” he continues, talking right over me. “You pack your bags and head to fuck off land without my sister.”

I shake my head. “Not happening and you know it. So shoot for something a little more realistic.”

His jaw flexes. “Fine, when I win you stay out of my wife’s bakery for good. No more spending time there, I don’t give a shit if Sam is working or not.”

That’s a hard promise to make because I love eating there, especially when Sam is helping out. However, I feel confident I won’t need to worry about keeping that promise because this asshole is about to get the ass kicking he deserves.


Parker comes running back just then. “Got it.” He raises the stick, his breathing labored. “I’ll drop the puck and take the net first. Then we can switch. Sound good?”

Sawyer’s hard gaze never wavers from mine. “Yeah, boy. Sounds good.”

“Cool. On three.”

We assume the position as he starts the countdown, our blades lowering to the pad with a thud.

The moment the puck drops our sticks battle along with our bodies, shoulders shoving the other’s as we fight for the win. I quickly get the upper hand, taking the lead.

Sawyer manages to stay right on my heels, his greedy stick fighting for the steal. I dodge each attempt until he uses the blade to hook my ankles, sweeping my feet out from under me. I try to gain my footing but have no success and hit the ground hard, landing on my shoulder.

“Son of a bitch.” Pushing off the cement I jump back up, but by the time I make it to my feet the asshole sends the puck in the top left of the net.

His arms raise in victory. “And that’s how it’s done, boy.”

“I can’t believe you fucking tripped me.” I gape in disbelief.

He has pulled some dirty stunts before but not in hockey. Never in hockey. That shit is sacred.

He turns on me, anger hardening his expression. “Don’t blame me just because you can’t stand on your own two feet, Crawford.”

“Bullshit. You hooked my feet out from under me when you couldn’t keep up.”

Parker removes his helmet, stepping out of the net. “Come on, guys. It doesn’t matter. Let’s just play again.”

Sawyer talks right over him. “You’re goddamn delusional, you know that?”

“And you’re a fucking cheater,” I fire back.

His back straightens. “What the hell did you call me?”

“You heard me. Are you really that desperate to one-up me that you are willing to play dirty in front of your kid?”

He throws his stick down and advances. “Watch what you say in front of my kid, asshole.”

“Stop, Dad,” Parker pleads. “Just let it go.”

“It’s the truth, Evans, and you know it.”

“The hell it is,” he spits. “You just can’t stand the fact that I have always been a better hockey player than you.”

“Since when? I had the lead in goals and assists every year growing up.”

“Keep dreaming, loser boy. I hold the record. I’ll bet my face is still hanging in the fucking arena to this day.”

I grunt. Now who’s the delusional one?

“Why don’t we just have a rematch?” Parker suggests, trying for some sensibility.

Unfortunately, his father has never had any fucking sense. “There will be no rematch. It’s time your uncle Jase accepts defeat.”

We both know he’s not talking about the game anymore. This is about his sister and me. “It’s never going to happen, Evans, and it’s time you accept that.”

Parker’s stick clatters to the cement. “Fine. Fight it out. I’m out of here.” He runs off toward the house, leaving the two us standing here like the assholes we are.

“Way to go, dickwad,” Sawyer snaps, shoving my shoulder. “You just upset my kid.”

I turn on him, flabbergasted. “I just upset your kid? Are you fucking kidding me? He’s upset because his dad just ruined the game because he would rather play dirty than risk losing.”

“I didn’t play dirty,” he bellows. “If you tripped over my stick that’s your goddamn problem.”

“You slashed my fucking ankle,” I yell for what feels like the hundredth time. “If this was a real game your ass would be in that penalty box.”

“Oh, boo fucking hoo. You know what, Crawford? Why don’t you call the fucking wambulance to come pick you up and then you can wambulance your ass out of here and out of my family!”

I shake my head at what an asshole he is. “You just won’t quit, will you? This isn’t about hockey, it’s not about being better than me. It’s about getting rid of me.”

He doesn’t even bother to deny it. “You’re damn right it is because you have more than worn out your welcome in this family. Bad enough you take my sister from me but you have to show up at my wife’s bakery whenever you fucking please. Hell, you’re even trying to take my own mother from me.”

I rear back at the accusation. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Oh please. Don’t act all fucking innocent with me. ‘Oh, Jase, you’re so handsome.’” He mocks in a girly voice. “‘Oh, Jase, you are just so good to my Samantha. I’m so glad she has found you.’” He points his finger in my face. “Stay the hell away from my mom. You have your own.”

“You’re batshit crazy, you know that? Nuttier than a fucking Snickers bar.”

His brows raise. “I’m the crazy one?”

“That’s right. If your mother loves me so much it’s because she finally knows what it’s like to not have a loser for a son.”

He shoves my chest. “Take that back, asshole!”

I send my own shove his way. “No way! You started this and now I’m going to finish it. Not only am I going to marry your sister tomorrow but I’m going to become your mom’s favorite son.”

“Oh no you aren’t, because I’m going to fake the greatest fucking heart attack that has ever happened,” he informs me smugly. “My mom and sister are going to be so concerned about me they won’t even remember you let alone what day it is.”

Oh, this slimy fucker is going down.

“Do it and I will eat all your wife’s pies. I’ll even get her to make one called We All Hate My Husband Pie and your sister is going to help make it and then we’re all gonna eat the fuck out of it!”

His face turns red with fury. “That’s it, motherfucker! You’re dead.” He charges at me full force but I’m primed and ready.

We land hard on the ground, the impact jarring but it doesn’t faze either of us. Our deep-seated hatred for one another overpowers all common sense. It’s so consuming it’s blinding, flooding every cell in my body. We roll around on the pavement, fighting to pin the other.

“No one talks about my wife and her pies!” he grinds out, shoving my face into the concrete.

“Well, no one fucks with my relationship and gets away with it.” I send a nice shot to his ribs but other than a harsh grunt it does little to slow him down.

“I don’t even know why she wants to marry you. You’ve always been a loser sissy boy with no friends.”

“And you’ve always been a pansy-ass momma’s boy who got beat with a stupid stick.”

An angry snarl leaves him as he tries to lock me in a chokehold. “Don’t talk about my mom, you fucker!”

Twisted at an odd angle, we somehow manage to wrap each other in a headlock. We are so lost in our rage that we don’t hear anyone approach until it’s too late.

“Jase? Sawyer?”

We stop mid struggle, our bodies going ramrod straight. Both of us look up to find Sam and Grace. They stand side by side, gaping down at us in complete outrage.


We quickly jump to our feet and straighten our clothes.

“Hey, Peaches.” I greet her with my best smile, hoping to play the whole thing off.

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Nothing,” Sawyer rushes to say. “Just playing a friendly game of hockey. Right, Crawford?”

“Yep,” I readily agree.

Grace crosses her arms over her chest, not believing it for a second. “A friendly game, huh?”

Sawyer nods.

“Is that why I have a little boy inside incredibly upset because his father and uncle are actin’ like fools?”

The reminder of Parker punches me back to reality. I am pretty sure I couldn’t feel more like shit than I do right now. Until I look back at the woman I love and not only see disappointment on her face but also hurt. A lot of hurt.

“I can’t believe you two,” Grace scolds. “How could you act like this, especially in front of Parker?”

“Look, the game just got a little carried away but it’s fine,” Sawyer says. “We’re fine.”

“Fine!” Sam shrieks, her hands flying in the air. “Look at you two. You’re a mess. My future husband has a busted lip for our wedding tomorrow!”

I lift a hand to my mouth, finding a small trickle of blood.

Well, shit.

“And my brother has a freaking welt across his face!”

Sawyer juts out his chin. “It was not from him. I did that this morning by helping Dad with something.”

I barely refrain from rolling my eyes at what a horrible liar he is. Sam, on the other hand, laughs but there is nothing funny sounding about it. “You two are unbelievable.”

“She’s right,” Grace cuts back in, just as angry. “You promised me this wouldn’t happen, Sawyer, and you broke that promise.”

“Cupcake, listen—”

“No, you listen,” she bellows, pointing her finger at her husband. “Enough is enough. This has gotten way out of hand and it’s affecting our children. You both owe Parker an apology.”

I nod, knowing she’s right.

“I’ll make it up to him,” Sawyer promises.

“You’re dang right you will and you can forget about any more pie this weekend, buddy. You’re cut off!” Spinning on her heels, she stomps back to the house.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Sawyer takes off after her. “Now let’s not be hasty, Cupcake.”

“You haven’t seen hasty yet, Sawyer Evans,” she snaps, continuing her way into the house.

My attention reverts to Sam to find her arms crossed over her middle, as if she’s physically in pain. The hurt and disappointment radiating from her is as prevalent as the guilt I feel.

“I’m sorry.” It’s a shitty apology and I know it but there really isn’t much else to say.

“I want to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth.”

Annoyance begins to heat my blood. “That’s all you ever get from me, Sam, and you know it.”

She nods, unable to deny it. “Are you sure you can do this?”

“Do what?” I ask, confused.

“Marry me,” she whispers. “Be a part of my family for the rest of your life.”

The question hits me like a roundhouse kick to the ribs, almost knocking the wind right out of me. “How the fuck can you even ask me that?”

She throws her hands up. “How can I not? Every time I turn around you two are at each other’s throats. I’m starting to worry that this will never end. That you hate my brother too much to be with me.”

“That’s not true.”

“Then prove it!”

“Haven’t I?” I snap back, losing my patience. “You asked me to have him in the wedding party. I did. You asked me to stay under this roof with him. I have. You asked me to make an effort. I try. It’s why I even played hockey in the first fucking place. What else do you want from me, Sam?”

“I want you to be happy!”

“I am fucking happy!”

She shakes her head sadly. “You’re not. You’re miserable, Jase. Anytime you have to be around my brother you are, and I don’t know how to make this right for either of you.” Her voice cracks with the last of her resolve. She turns her face away but not before I see the first tear fall.

It has all the anger draining from my body in an instant. “Come on, Peaches. Don’t cry.” Walking closer, I pull her in for a hug. “Listen, what Sawyer said is true. Things just got heated and out of hand but we’re okay.”

“You had my brother in a headlock,” she mumbles into my chest. “I’d say that got a little more than heated.”

“We’re men. That’s what men do.”

She lifts her head, shooting me a doubtful look beneath her watery lashes.

Smirking, I decide to cut the bullshit. “Okay, you’re right. It was stupid and never should have happened but everything is okay. Trust me.”

“Trusting you isn’t the problem.”

“Then what is?”

She gazes up at me, a resounding fear in her eyes that wasn’t there a moment ago. “I’m scared you two are never going to be able to work this out and one day you are going to wake up so miserable because of it and regret all of this with me or worse resent me for it.”

The fear in that admission shreds what’s left of the organ in my chest. “Is that what you really think?”

She shrugs but the answer is there on her face and it makes me realize just how bad I have fucked up.

“I could never regret one second of my life with you, Sam,” I tell her. “Some people just don’t get along, it’s human nature but that has absolutely no bearing on us. I don’t care where we are in the world or who we have to be around and that includes your pain in the ass brother.”

A small smile cracks her sad lips.

“As long as I have you to wake up to every morning, I will never wake up miserable. Okay?”

Sniffling, she nods. “Yeah, okay.”

“Good.” My arms tighten around her, bringing her in closer. “You still gonna marry me tomorrow?”

She scoffs. “I will if you and my brother don’t kill each other first.”

Chuckling, I grasp onto the lighter moment. “Not going to happen, Peaches. I’ll make this right with everyone, starting with Parker. I promise.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now kiss me.”

The demand triggers a sweet smile from her. Just as she lifts to the tips of her toes to comply, I swoop in and seize her lips with my own.

The connection is powerful, righting every single wrong that just took place between us. It puts everything back into perspective, making me angry with myself that I let things go as far as it did with Sawyer. But no more. It ends now.

Even if that means swallowing my pride and making peace with the enemy.



fter changing out of my dirty, ripped clothes, I go in search of Parker, knowing he is the one who got hurt the most out of this whole debacle.


I end up finding him in the room he and Hope are staying in for the weekend. He sits on his bed with a hockey puck in hand, head down and shoulders slumped.

Guilt restricts my chest at the sight of him looking so defeated, especially knowing I helped cause it.

Lifting my hand, I lightly rap on the open door.

His head snaps up, surprise masking his face before hurt takes over. He looks back down, dismissing me with barely a glance.

The snub hits like a punch to the gut. “Can I come in?”

He shrugs. “I guess.”

Figuring it’s as good of an invitation as I’m going to get, I walk inside and kneel before him, wasting no time to say what needs to be said. “Listen, Parker, I just want you to know how sorry I am for how I acted earlier.”

“It’s fine,” he grumbles even though it very clearly isn’t.

“No, it’s not. I never meant for things to get carried away like that, especially over a game that was meant to be fun.”

Seconds tick by before I get any kind of response. “I guess it’s not just your fault. It’s my dad’s, too.”

As much as I would like to dump all the blame on Sawyer I know I can’t.

“We both should have acted better but it doesn’t matter whose fault it is. I promise you that will never happen again. Okay?”

He nods but continues to stare at the ground.

It’s then I decide to take it one step further. “I also want you to know that despite what you saw happen between us I don’t hate your dad.”

His head lifts, giving me the reaction I was looking for. “You don’t?”

I shake my head.

It’s not exactly the truth but it’s a lie I am willing to make for his sake.

“I know he can seem like a jerk at times but he really isn’t,” he says, trying really hard to convince me. “He’s actually pretty cool once you get to know him.”

“I’m sure he is. After all, he has some pretty cool kids.”

A smile lights up his small face, proving it was the right thing to say.

I raise my fist. “Truce?”

His knuckles knock with mine. “Truce.”

Afterward, I pull him in for a hug. “I’m sorry again, kid.”

He pats my back. “I know. It’s okay.”

“How about a rematch later?” I suggest. “I’ll even get Jake, Cam, and Austin to play.”

“That’d be awesome!” His excitement has him jumping from the bed. “I’ll go see how many sticks I can find.” He runs out of the room, a lot happier than when I came in, so I take that as a victory.

Feeling a lot better about the whole situation, I climb to my feet and exit the room only to almost barrel right into the enemy.

No. Not the enemy. He’s the brother of the woman I love…

By Sawyer’s expression it’s obvious he just heard everything I said to his son. For the first time there’s no animosity between us, no glares or subtle insults. If anything there is shame and regret on both our parts.

I search for something to say, knowing now is my chance to prove to Sam that I can do this, but pride has the words sticking in the back of my throat.

Surprisingly, Sawyer is the one to break the silence. “Look, Crawford, about earlier, I—”

“Jase, come quick,” Sam calls from down the stairs. “Austin and Zoey just pulled up and Jake and Cam are with them.”

I hear her dash out the front door but I make no move to follow. My gaze remains on the man in front of me as I patiently wait for him to continue saying whatever it was he started.

Unfortunately, it never happens.

“Never mind,” he says, taking a step back. “We can talk later.”

Disappointment crashes down on me but I also don’t put in the effort to make the mends. Instead, I duck my head and walk past him, making my way downstairs.

Out the front door, I find Sam and her parents greeting our wedding party as they climb out of Austin’s truck. They pull Zoey in for a long hug while my three best friends stride toward me.

I descend the front steps, meeting them halfway.

“Well if it isn’t the asshole who is setting himself up with a life sentence,” Cam jokes like the smart-ass he is, extending his hand to me first.

“You’re just jealous you can’t score anyone as awesome as my girl.” Clasping his hand, I pull him in for a quick, hard hug before doing the same to Austin and Jake.

“Good to see ya, man.” Austin claps my shoulder.

“You too. Glad you guys could make it.”

“This is the most important day of your life,” Jake says. “Where the hell else would we be?”

He’s right. The three of us have been there for each other since we were nothing more than kids. From our first hockey game, to high school graduation, to when Jake lost his parents. We’ve supported each other every step of the way, even graduating the fire academy as a unit, facing death and flames side by side until I moved away a year ago.

My trip down memory lane comes to an end when Jesse walks out of the house, Sawyer and Grace not far behind.

“Well, if it isn’t the boys from Fire Station Two,” she greets with a smile.

“Little Evans.” Cam runs up the stairs to her first, laying on the charm like always as he slings an arm around her neck. “You’re just as hot as I remember.”

“And you’re just as full of shit as I remember,” she returns with a laugh.

My friend chuckles, having no shame in the truth before he extends his hand to Sawyer. “Look who it is, guys. Our long lost friend who left us to become a trained killer and marry a hot baker.”

Sawyer smirks, clasping the other man’s hand. “Yeah, well just remember that trained killer part when you talk about how hot my wife and sister are, huh?”

“Noted,” Cam says before pulling him in for a quick hug. “It’s been too long, man.”

“It has.”

Jake and Austin walk up to greet him next while Jesse and Zoey share a hug of their own.

Sam wraps her arms around my waist, a smile gracing her pretty face as she watches everyone interact with one another.

“Man, this place is as awesome as I remember,” Cam remarks, taking in the scenery around us before shooting Sawyer a knowing smile. “Remember that party we had here back in high school? You got so wasted that night and…ow, shit!” He rubs his shoulder, soothing the wound Sawyer just delivered with a punch.

“What party?” Catherine asks, looking over at her son. “What’s he talking about, Sawyer?”

“Nothing, Mom. Cam is mistaken.” He sends Cam a sharp look. “Isn’t that right, Phillips?”

Cam nods, realizing his mistake. “Yep, completely mistaken.”

Jesse snorts at the terrible cover but before anyone can say more my parents’ red truck comes cruising down the long paved road.

Just that quickly, the energy shifts, tension mounting.

It’s the moment I’ve been dreading. The moment my father and John Evans face each other for the first time in years.

I chance a look over at my soon to be father in-law and find his usual light expression grim, disapproval set beneath his heavy brows.

It puts me even more on edge but that concern quickly morphs into mortification when my mother lowers her window and sticks her head out, excitedly waving at us all.

I do my best not to cringe and send a half-assed wave back.

I love my mom, I really do, but she always lays the love on a little too thick and it has only gotten worse since I moved away.

Sam, however, shows the same enthusiasm as my mother as she waves back.

The truck barely comes to a stop before my mother jumps out and barrels straight for me. “My baby!” She has no shame as she kills my pride and launches herself into my arms. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she cries, peppering my face full of kisses.

“Hey, Mom,” I grumble, embarrassed as hell.

The snickers from my friends don’t help matters.

She pulls back, cupping my face between her worn hands. “I’ve missed you so much, Jasiah.”

This time I do cringe, hating how she always has to use my full name.

“Jasiah?” Sawyer repeats, gaping at me in disbelief. “Your name is Jasiah?”

I shoot him a glare, not bothering to confirm or deny but I don’t need to.

He bursts out laughing, finding it fucking hilarious. That’s until his wife sends him an elbow to the ribs. It shuts him up quickly.

I’m saved from further humiliation when Sam steps forward to greet my mother. “Hi, Mrs. Crawford.”

My mother shoves me aside like yesterday’s garbage and moves in for the kill. “My future daughter in-law!” She yanks Sam in for a hug, almost knocking her off her feet. “Look at how beautiful you are.”

“Thank you.” Sam hugs her back warmly. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

“Me too, honey. I just can’t wait to watch you marry my son tomorrow.”

“Same,” Sam returns softly, becoming as emotional as my mother.

My father eventually makes his way over, his expression as solemn as John’s but it doesn’t stop him from pulling me into a hard hug. “Son,” he greets.

“Good to see you, Dad.”

“You, too. Missed you.” After a couple heavy claps to my back, he sidesteps me to get to Sam, that grim set to his jaw softening as he peers down at her with affection. “Well, if it isn’t my soon to be daughter.”

Sam smiles. “It’s good to see you, Mr. Crawford.”

“Likewise, sweetheart.” He pulls her in for a long hug, his big arms engulfing her delicate frame.

“Thank you for being here,” Sam whispers.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

I sneak another look at John to see the muscles in his jaw contracting, his teeth clenched so tight I’m certain they are all about to shatter.

Catherine leaves his side to welcome my parents, starting with my mother. “It’s wonderful to see you again, Elise.”

“You too, Catherine. I’m so excited for this weekend.”

The two embrace warmly, neither having any issue with the other, despite the rift between their husbands.

My mother gestures to my father. “You know my husband, Ben.”

“I do.” Catherine nods. “It’s great to see you again, Ben.” She extends her hand to my father but John intercepts before she can make contact, pulling her in close to his side.

That’s when things turn really fucking awkward.

“Daddy,” Sam breaks in, a slight warning in her tone. “You remember Jase’s parents, Ben and Elise Crawford.”

John nods but only acknowledges my mother. “It’s nice to see you, Elise.”

“You too, John.” My mother reaches for his outstretched hand but my father pulls her back the same way John did Catherine, eyeing the other man as if he might drive a stake through his heart.

This is even worse than I thought it would be and I expected it to be pretty damn bad.

My mother clears her throat, trying for damage control. “We are both very excited to be here. Thank you for inviting us to stay in your home.”

“It’s our pleasure.” Catherine smiles politely. “Isn’t it, John?” She glares up at her husband, demanding an answer but is only met with a stubborn grunt.

It has everyone shifting uncomfortably.

My mother refuses to give up on civility. “Well, the place is beautiful. The perfect location for a wedding.” She smiles over at Sam and me before looking up at my father. “Don’t you agree, Ben?”

He makes no move to be the bigger man. “The left side of your roof is sloped.”


My eyes fall closed, unbelieving he just said that.

“Really?” Catherine worries, turning to look up behind her.

John forces her back around, pinning my father with a hard look. “There’s nothing wrong with my damn roof.”

“Actually, there is,” my father argues. “It’s plain as day.”

“Ben,” my mother cautions past a tight smile.

“What? I’m just warning them is all.”

John opens his mouth, ready to blast back but Jesse jumps in before he can. “Why don’t we show everyone to their rooms?”

“That’s a great idea,” Catherine agrees. “Ben and Elise, you can follow me. Sam, why don’t you show everyone else to their rooms? Then we can

meet in the courtyard to decorate before the minister arrives for the rehearsal.”

Sam forces a smile and nods before leading everyone inside.

Jake and I are the last ones to follow. My friend’s hand finds my shoulder, giving it an encouraging squeeze. “It could always be worse, man.”

“Oh yeah. How so?” I ask.

His gaze meets mine. “There could be no wedding at all.”

He’s right. That would be a whole lot worse, but if things don’t change fast there might just be a funeral, too.



The property’s courtyard is nothing short of elaborate. With large white pillars, cobblestone walkways, a pristine marble fountain and all the lush greenery, it’s the perfect location for a garden ceremony and one of the many reasons why I wanted to get married here.

Everyone bustles about, working hard to get the place in order before rehearsal time. While the men do the heavy lifting, Zoey and I tie peach satin bows around the backs of the white chairs. My mother and Mrs. Crawford work on all the pews, decorating down the aisle. Both of them smile and chat excitedly while Grace, Jesse, and the kids set up the signing table.

My heart nearly bursts as I watch it all come together. Unfortunately, that beautiful feeling deflates when my father and Mr. Crawford start arguing again.

“The damn thing isn’t centered, I tell ya,” Mr. Crawford snaps, talking about the round garden arch my father made with his own two hands just for me.

The circled structure stands at least twelve feet tall, decorated with vintage lace, intricate greenery, and tiny peach flowers that my mother added. It’s everything I wanted and more. It’s also ready to tip at any given moment as the two play tug-of-war with it.

“You blind, old man?” my father fires back. “It’s directly in the middle just as my daughter wants it!”

“That’s enough, John,” my mother cuts in with a heated warning.

“You too, Ben.” Mrs. Crawford follows with a sharp look.

Mr. Crawford holds up his hands. “Why don’t we ask her? Sweetheart,” he calls out to me. “What do you think? Do you like how it is now? Or”— he moves the ring further to the right—“like this?”


“Don’t be callin’ her sweetheart. She’s my daughter,” my father shoves out before turning toward me. “What do you say, honey? His way or”—he moves it back to the left—“my way.”

I chew my thumbnail nervously. “I’m good with whatever you guys think.”

“See, ya heard her,” my father bellows. “It’s staying here and that’s final.”

“That’s not what she said!”

Jesse quickly inserts herself between the two, facing my father. “Daddy, can you come help us with the table please? It’s wobbling and I can’t figure out why.”

My father’s disdainful glare remains on Mr. Crawford a moment longer before he grumbles something unintelligible and follows my sister over to the table.

Jesse makes eye contact with me across the way. I mouth a “thank you” knowing she just saved us all from a potential hostile situation taking place.

Jase eventually calls his dad over to help him, the two of them disappearing out of sight with Jake and Cam.

The more time that passes the more I realize all of us staying under one roof was a huge mistake. I knew things would be awkward with Mr. Crawford and my father but I never expected it to be this bad.

Zoey reaches across the chair between us, covering my hand with hers. “You okay?” she asks softly.

I shrug but manage a smile.

“At least Jase and Sawyer are keeping things civil,” she says, trying for some positivity.

“Yeah, well you missed the bloody brawl between them earlier.”

Her eyes flare wide. “No way!”

I nod sadly.

Sympathy masks her expression. “I’m sorry, Sam. I know how much you want this rift between your families to work out. I’m sure it will. Just give it time.”

Time. Everyone talks about it like it’s something we always have, but sometimes we don’t. Sometimes, forever can mean just one more second and all we have is the here and now. Rose and Joshua are the perfect example of that.

Despite the troubling thought, I flash her a smile. “You’re right. I’m sure it will all work out.”

It’s obvious she doesn’t buy the sudden optimism but she lets it go.

“Tell me about you,” I say, switching the subject. “How are things with Austin?”

My best friend gazes over at the man who stole her heart, a look of pure adoration gracing her face. “Perfect. He’s so good to me, Sam. He’s patient and kind. I don’t know how I would have gotten through this last year without him.”

Emotion burns my throat as she talks about her little sister, Chrissy.

“The pain is still there,” she says. “It’s always there but it hurts a little less every time he’s near.”

“I’m glad, Zoey. It’s all I ever wanted for you. For someone to take care of you and love you the way you deserve.”

She smiles. “I guess it worked out for the both of us, huh? Who knew a dating auction would bring us all this?”

I laugh at the memory of that night, something that seems like a lifetime ago. “We definitely got our money’s worth.”

Even if it wasn’t my money.

I remember the day I took that check to Zoey only to find out Jase had already paid it. It was only the beginning of something so much more than I could have ever imagined.

Once we finish tying off the last bow, I stand back and take in what we’ve been able to accomplish in the last two hours.

All fifty white chairs adorned with bows are lined up on either side of the long aisle I’ll walk down. Wooden baskets filled with peaches mark the end of each row while soft flower petals create a path leading to where Jase and I will profess our love to one another. A few more baskets rest on either side of the decorative arch, some even tipped over, the strewn peaches making an artful array.

Add in the Rocky Mountains cutting a jagged horizon and the crystal blue lake spanning as far as the eyes can see, it’s everything I envisioned and more.

My mother comes up on my right, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as she admires it all with me. “Looks pretty good, doesn’t it?”

“It’s perfect,” I agree, feeling overcome with emotion before I quickly tamp it down. “I guess that’s it then, huh?”

“Actually, not quite.” A knowing smile spreads across Jesse’s face. “There is one more thing.”

Confusion grips me as I try to think of what we could be missing.

“You’re gonna love it, Auntie,” Hope adds, looking as excited as my sister.

That’s when I realize that whatever they are talking about must be some sort of surprise. I’m just about to force it out of them when I spot Jase in the distance with his father, Cam, and Jake, all of them carrying something large and heavy.

I squint to get a better look but can’t make out what it is from here. Not until they stand it upright, positioning it next to the round garden arch.

A gasp infiltrates my lungs, all the air becoming trapped at the sight of the old train clock.

Silence fills the courtyard, everyone watching me as I take in the one thing I searched for but gave up on ever finding.

The black wrought iron antique artifact with intricate Roman numerals that mark each hour is everything I’ve seen in my darkest dreams. It’s so exact that I swear I can hear the final call of the train, a distant memory in time that I can’t explain but feel all the way to my soul.

Tears blur my vision as I turn back to my family.

“Don’t look at us,” my mother says, holding her hands up. “This was all Jase.”

I spin around to find the man I am going to marry wearing a proud grin. “You?”

He nods.

“But how? Where?” I stumble over the question. “I searched everywhere for it.”

That sly smile never leaves his face. “I have my ways, peaches.”

He doesn’t offer more than that and I don’t press because in the end it doesn’t matter. All that matters is it’s here now.

My feet start forward, taking me down the aisle and closer to a lapse in time. A time when a love existed as strong as it does today.

Tentatively, I reach out to touch the warm metal, each scratch and dent marking the lives this clock has lived and all the amazing things it must

have seen.

“It was one of the only artifacts that was salvaged from the Great Chicago Fire,” Jase explains, coming to stand next to me.

My gaze meets his. “The Great Chicago Fire?” I repeat, fearing I misheard him.

His response is a single nod.

The revelation has my heart taking off in a sprint, running so hard and so fast it takes my breath with it. I look back at the clock and start to wonder if this is another dream that only feels like reality. I decide if it is I never want to wake up from it.

“Do you like it?” he asks, mistaking my silence.

“Yes. It looks exactly like the one from my dreams.”

“Good. Mine too.”

My head whips to the side, gaze colliding with his again. “What did you say?”

He doesn’t repeat himself but he doesn’t need to. I see it. There, deep in his eyes, lies something that I never noticed before. Knowledge and understanding, as if he too has seen what I have. Felt the devastation that I felt.

A past love that was ripped away by loss, only to be reborn.

Unable to hold back, I leap into his arms, hugging him tight. “Thank you,” I choke out. “Tomorrow was already going to be the best day of my life but now everything is how it’s supposed to be.”

His arms come around me, holding me close. “Forever, Sam. That’s how long we have. In this life and the next.”

A sob crawls up my throat but before it can escape he takes my mouth in a devastating kiss, lifting me off my feet.

It’s in this moment that I know everything is going to be okay. Whether it’s for the next twenty-four hours or a hundred years from now, because nothing wrong could ever come out of a love this right.



The formal dining room is set with the finest china that everyone uses as we sit around the long extended table, eating the dinner that has been catered for this night.

Conversation and laughter filters through out, everyone’s excitement palpable for the coming day. For a fleeting moment you could pretend that we are just one happy family with no rifts or divisions.

Sawyer and I stick to our own sides of the table while John and my father act like the other isn’t even here. It might not be ideal but it’s a hell of a lot better than where we were a few hours ago.

Even my girl is beaming from ear to ear. She hasn’t stopped since the reveal of that clock. It took some hard searching and serious money to find it but it was worth every penny, especially to see the happiness on Sam’s face, something that has been missing since we arrived here.

“How are things going with work, Jasiah?” my mother asks, making sure to use my full name.

It’s as unappreciated as Sawyer’s muffled snickers.

I flick him an annoyed glance before answering. “It’s good, Mom.”

“It’s better than good,” Sam adds, her hand finding mine beneath the table. “Jase has been offered the position of lieutenant.” The smile that takes over her face is so proud I can’t even be mad at her for opening her big mouth.

My mother gasps. “Oh, honey, that’s wonderful news.”

“Good job, son.” My dad nods. “Proud of you.”

“Thanks.” I shift in my seat, uncomfortable with the praise and notice Austin staring at me from across the table. “What?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were offered the position?”

I shrug. “It’s not a big deal.”

In truth, I didn’t want to bring it up because then it would drive home the fact that I am not with them anymore at Fire Station Two. I love my

station and the guys I work with but I do miss seeing my friends and Cap on a day-to-day basis.

“Of course it is. Congrats, man,” he says, making shit even more uncomfortable.

I nod my thanks.

“Whatever, you’ve always been a show off,” Cam remarks behind a smirk, easing the awkward moment.

It elicits a collection of chuckles around the table.

“What about you, Samantha?” my mother asks. “Are you still teaching at the elementary school?”

Sam swallows her food and wipes her mouth with her napkin before answering. “Not anymore. I was only temporary while the teacher was on maternity leave.”

“She’s been helpin’ Mama and me at the bakery instead,” Hope announces proudly. “We’ve been havin’ a lot of fun, haven’t we, Auntie?”

“We sure have.” Sam confirms with a wink.

She might enjoy teaching but I also know she loves helping Grace out at the bakery, especially since she gets to spend so much time with Hope and Parker.

“I hear your bakery and pies are out of this world, Grace,” my mother comments with a smile.

“Oh, well.” Grace laughs awkwardly, getting embarrassed like always at the compliment. “I’m not sure about that but I do take pride in them.”

Catherine refuses to let her play it off. “She is just being modest. They are absolutely incredible. I’d love to take you the next time you come for a visit.”

My mother beams at the offer. “That would be wonderful. Thank you, Catherine.”

“I hope you will come soon,” Sam says. “I’d love for you to see our new place.”

I get the urge to kick her under the table. Not because I don’t love my mother but the last time she came to visit she not only brought me cookies to work she also made me a lunch. I didn’t live it down for a whole fucking month.

“Well, actually”—my mother shares a look with my father—“should we tell them?”

My gaze volleys back and forth between the two. “Tell us what?”

My dad nods, giving her the green light.

She turns toward Sam and me, barely containing her excitement. “Your father and I have decided to move to South Carolina.”

Shock roots me to my chair, the announcement completely unexpected.

Sam, on the other hand, flies out of hers, hugging my mother. “Oh my gosh, this is such wonderful news.”

The other end of the table isn’t nearly as excited.

“You have got to be shittin’ me,” John spits under his breath but not quiet enough.

My mother misses it but not my father. His angry eyes narrow on the other man from across the table. “You say something, Evans?”

Catherine touches her husband’s arm in warning.

“Nope!” The lie floats past his lips before he drops his gaze to his plate and starts to shovel so much food in his mouth I fear he might choke.

My father lets it go when Sam moves in to hug him. Catherine also gets up to congratulate them while I continue to remain motionless, still trying to process the news.

“Jasiah?” Concern fills my name as my mother gazes back at me. “You haven’t said anything. What do you think?”

The question snaps me out of my stupor. “It’s great, Mom. Really great.” I push from my chair and hug her too, feeling bad for the delayed reaction.

“Oh good, I was worried you were upset.”

“Not at all. Just surprised. I know how much you love Silver Creek.”

She nods. “We do but it’s not home without you anymore. Besides, I want to be close when you start giving me grandbabies.”

A choking sound erupts from across the table as Sawyer suffers a coughing fit.

“You all right, Daddy?” Hope asks, patting his back as he suffocates on the beer he just drank.

“Yeah, Shortcake, I’m good. Just went down the wrong pipe.”

I grunt at the lame excuse while Austin and the others muffle their laughter.

“I would be happy to send you some areas to check out,” Catherine offers as she takes her seat again. “I could even set you up with the realtor

John and I used, if you would like?”

My mother doesn’t get the chance to respond because John speaks first, cutting off whatever she was about to say.

“Let them be, Catherine. If they want your help they will ask for it.”

Silence drops over the table with a deafening thud. The look the other man gets from his wife almost has me pissing my pants. Not John though, he is too busy staring down at his plate to notice.

The tense moment is broken when a loud creak sounds directly above us, making everyone look up.

“What was that?” Jesse asks nervously.

“Nothing,” John assures her. “Probably just the wind.”

“It’s that slope,” my father says, not knowing when to shut the fuck up. “I’m telling ya. You need to get it fixed or it’s going to cave.”

John’s fork clatters to his plate.

Here we go.

“Daddy.” Sam cautions but it does no good.

“How many times I gotta tell you, Crawford? There ain’t a goddamn thing wrong with my roof.”

Cam quickly jumps in, trying to diffuse the situation. “This is great chicken, Mrs. Evans. Did you make this?”

Catherine doesn’t get the chance to answer because my father talks right over her.

“I’m a roofer. It’s what I do and I’m telling you, it’s going to cave right on your stubborn ass one of these days.”

“Yeah? Well I’m an architect,” John fires back. “The same one who built this place. If my roof was sloped. I’d damn well know it.”

“It might not hurt just to get it looked at, Dad,” Sawyer speaks up, shocking the hell out of me.

It also seems to surprise his father if the betrayal on the older man’s face is any indication. “So that’s how it’s going to be? You, out of all people, are going to take his side?”

“What side?” He throws his hands up. “I just don’t want your fucking roof to cave in, especially while we’re all fucking eating dinner under it.”

“Watch your mouth, Sawyer!” Grace and Catherine snap at the same time.

My father points at John. “You know what your problem is, Evans?”

“Drop it, Dad,” I warn.

“No, no. Let him finish.” John rests back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Humor me, Crawford, what is my fucking problem?”

“Stop this,” Catherine hisses.

Grace quickly ushers the children from the table, knowing all hell is about to break loose.

“You’re too goddamn arrogant for your own good,” my father tells him. “You always have been.”

“I’m the arrogant one?” John bellows, standing from his chair.

Catherine grabs his arm, trying to force him back into his chair. “Sit down, John!”

“The hell I will.” He points back at my father. “You have some fucking nerve coming into my house and insulting my intelligence, old man.”

My father pushes to his own feet now, that vein I know so well protruding from his forehead.

“Stop, Ben. Please,” my mother pleads but he too is beyond reasoning.

“If you weren’t such an egotistical bastard, I wouldn’t have to insult your intelligence. Even your own kids know you have shit for brains.”

Oh Jesus.

John’s eyes practically bulge out of their sockets. “You’re the one to talk considering your own kid moved across the country just to get the hell away from you!”

Before I have a chance to shut that down Catherine lashes out again.

“I mean it, John. Stop this right now!”

The two refuse to listen and continue to fight, hurling insults at the other while their wives try to yell over top of them.

The entire thing is an absolute clusterfuck.

When the grip on my hand tightens, I look over to see Sam crying. That’s when I get really pissed off. No one makes my peaches cry and gets away with it.

I’m just about to stand and shut this shit show down but she ends up jumping to her feet first, knocking her chair over in her haste.

“Stop it!” she cries. “Stop it, stop it, stop it!”

The entire room falls to a dead silence, everyone’s gazes snapping to her.

“This is supposed to be the happiest time of our lives and you both have ruined it over petty insults and past rivalries.” Tears cascade down her face, each drop ripping my heart to shreds as she faces both our fathers.

They at least have the decency to look ashamed.

“All I wanted was one weekend to celebrate our love with our family and friends,” she says. “I thought maybe, just maybe, you two could find some common ground for Jase’s and my sake but obviously I was wrong. Clearly this stupid feud means more to you than we do.” Pushing from the table, she runs out of the kitchen, leaving behind the echo of her sobs.

I’m about to run out after her but Zoey and Jesse beat me to it, the two following her up the stairs.

Silence hovers before Sawyer breaks it. “Well, that went better than I thought.”

“Shut up, Sawyer!” His mother snaps.

Jake clears his throat and stands. “We should go and…do that thing,” he says to the others.

“What thing?” Cam frowns like an idiot.

“That thing,” Austin grits, before pulling him from the table and dragging him from the room.

Catherine throws her napkin on the table and looks over at her husband. “I can’t believe you would do this to our daughter. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

“And so should you, Ben,” my mother adds, backing the other woman up.

“He started it,” my father grumbles.

“The hell I did!”

Having enough of this shit, I shove to my feet. “I don’t give a fuck who started it. I am going to finish it! Right here and now!”

Both men jump at my tone, their heads swiveling in my direction.

“This isn’t about the two of you. This isn’t even about you or me,” I add, gesturing over at Sawyer. “This is about Sam and our wedding, and the simple fact is we don’t need you guys to get married.”

My mother sucks in a sharp breath. “What are you saying, Jasiah?”

By the concern in her voice she knows exactly what I am saying, but I decide to lay it all out anyway. “If you two don’t figure this shit out by

morning I’m taking her out of here and we will get married on our own without any of you.”

“No!” Catherine cries out, turning to her husband. “John, fix this! Now!”

John holds a hand up. “All right, now just hold on a damn minute. No one is going anywhere.”

“With all due respect, Mr. Evans, if that’s what it takes that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

The other man stiffens, looking a little shocked and a little pissed off.

It doesn’t deter me from saying what should have been said long before now. “When I asked for your daughter’s hand in marriage I promised you I would protect her at all costs, and that’s what I am going to do. You just need to decide whether you are here for it or not.”

With nothing left to say, I leave the room and head up the stairs to the only person who matters in this whole fucking mess.

The one person I will protect from it all, even if it means taking her far away from this place and never looking back.



ears stream down my cheeks in a steady flow of despair, casting their grief further upon my heart.


Zoey and my sister sit on either side of me, offering silent comfort because there is really nothing anyone can say about the disaster that just took place downstairs.

It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. Our wedding was supposed to mend these stupid rifts but it seems it has only made them worse, and I have no one to blame but myself. I should have known better. There is too much history, too much…resentment, and it’s time I accept that.

Jase bursts through my bedroom door, his furious strides faltering when he gets his first look at me. The anger on his face melts away, leaving regret in its place.

“We’ll give you two some time to talk,” Jesse says before pulling me in for a hug. “We’ll be back, okay?”

I nod, unable to speak past the hurt clogging my throat.

Zoey gives my hand a comforting squeeze then follows my sister out.

Jase closes the door behind them, giving us privacy, before he comes to kneel before me. His warm hands slide under my skirt to rest on the tops of my bare thighs. “You okay, Peaches?”

I shake my head, answering honestly.

Remorse shadows his expression. “I’m sorry, Sam. I should have stopped it before it got to that point.”

“It’s not your fault,” I choke out, sounding as broken as I feel. “It’s mine.”

“That’s not true.”

“Yes, it is,” I counter. “I should have never insisted we all stay together. I just…I wanted this to work out so badly, Jase.” My breath catches on a sob as I struggle to hold in my pain.

“I know, baby. Me too.” He drops a kiss on each one of my thighs, the magical touch reaching far more than skin deep.

I gaze down at the one person who makes everything in my world better and try to understand how we got to this point when just two days ago all of our hopes and dreams rested in the palms of our hands.

“How can our love be so right but everything around us be so wrong?” I voice the thought out loud.

The anger he had when he first walked in comes back with a vengeance. “Nothing else matters but us, Sam. You hear me? Nothing.”

He’s wrong. There is more than just us to consider now, more than just us who will be affected by these feuds. He just doesn’t know it yet.

“What happened down there changes nothing,” he continues. “They want to fight it out, let them. We don’t need them. All we need is each other. Just the two of us.”

“The three of us,” I blurt out before I can stop myself.

His brows bunch in confusion. “What?”

“The three of us,” I repeat, my voice softening as I decide to tell him the one secret I’ve been keeping for weeks. “I’m pregnant, Jase.”

He stills before me, complete and utter shock gripping his expression. “Pregnant?”

I nod.

“As in, we’re having a baby?”

I nod again.

It takes a good long moment for the revelation to sink in but once it does he drops lower to his knees, bringing himself face level with my stomach. Reaching out, he rests his warm hand over my abdomen in the most gentle manner, so gentle that you’d think it was made of fragile glass.

“How long have you known for?” he asks, sounding in awe.

“A few weeks.”

He says nothing else, his sole focus where his hand is.

“Are you happy?” I ask, even though I can guess the answer.

“Yeah, baby,” he releases on an exhaled breath. “I’m happy. Really happy.”

The confession brings the first smile to my face. “Good, me too.”

Leaning in, he replaces his hand with his lips, pressing a soft kiss. My eyes fall closed at the sweet gesture, fingers threading through his silky hair

as I soak in this moment with him.

“I was going to surprise you tomorrow night,” I confess quietly. “It was supposed to be your wedding present. But then tonight happened and everything just went so…wrong.” Defeat settles over me again as I think about all that happened downstairs and, even worse, what more may arise. “God, Jase. What are we going to do?”

His head snaps up. “We’re going to get married and live a long and happy life together,” he states matter-of-factly. “I meant what I said earlier, Sam, the bullshit that went on down there has nothing to do with us.”

“It has everything to do with us,” I argue. “Think about Christmases and birthdays and holidays. Your parents are moving closer to us, Jase. Which is wonderful but our dads hate each other. You and my brother hate each other. It’s so bad all of you can’t even be in the same room together. At this point I don’t even know what is going to happen at our wedding tomorrow for god’s sake. Everything is just…ugh!” My tirade ends on a frustrated breath.

“So what do you want to happen, Sam. Huh?” he asks. “You want to leave here, runaway from everyone and everything? Because just say the word. I’ll take you out of here and we’ll never look back.”

My gaze lifts back to his, the offer taking me back to another time. A time that resides deep within my soul.

“Where?” I ask, unable to help myself.

“Anywhere.” His deep dark eyes never leave mine as he takes my hand in his, interlocking our fingers. “We could run into the night, hand in hand, and catch the first train to Chicago.”

My breath screeches to a halt as he paints a distant memory, acknowledging the dreams we have both shared.

“Don’t marry him, Rose. Run away with me instead.”



Tears helplessly spill down my cheeks as I remember it so vividly. A time when one love conquered the odds that were stacked against it only to lose it all in the end.

His hand slips beneath my hair to cup my wet cheek, the tips of his fingers curling around my neck. “We didn’t have a plan last time. We don’t need one now. All we need is each other. Just the two of us.”

“The three of us,” I remind him with a smile.

“Right. Three of us.” He corrects himself. “Then four,” he adds with a kiss, “then five,” another kiss, “then six…”

I lean back on a laugh. “You’re awfully ambitious, Crawford.”

Though, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t open to the idea of having more. I’d have as many as this man would give me and love them all as much as I do him.

“I am when it comes to you.” My heart warms as he leans in close again, his lips just a breath from mine. “The world is at our fingertips, Sam and it’s ours, this time forever.”

A newfound hope fills my chest.

“I love our families as much as you do but at the end of the day this right here is all that matters,” he says. “As long as we have this, our children will have everything they need and so will we.”

I rest my forehead on his, feeling the fragmented pieces of my heart mending with every word.

“Just tell me what you want and I’ll make it happen.”

Before I can give him any kind of answer, a knock sounds on the door. Turning, I find my sister, Zoey, and Grace, their arms filled with an array of goods.

“We brought reinforcements,” Jesse says, lifting her bag. “We got drinks, munchies, nail polish, and even mud masks. What do you say?”

A genuine smile takes over my face as I turn back to Jase with my answer. “I want to stay,” I tell him. “I want to marry you in front of our closest friends and family tomorrow, and then I want to live the rest of our lives happily ever after.”

That trademark smirk steals his lips. “Done.”

With my heart feeling lighter, I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him close. “For the record, Crawford,” I whisper, my lips brushing his ear, “I’d leave it all behind and run away with you again in a heartbeat.”

He pulls back, his jaw flexing with whatever emotions he’s battling before he presses a hard kiss to my lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I nod. “I’ll be there.”

As he heads for the door, the other three walk in, Grace being the first to hug me.

“You gonna be okay, Sam?”

My gaze meets Jase’s over her head as he stops at the door and waits to hear the answer himself. “Yeah, Grace. I’m going to be just fine.”

Every word of it is true, because as long as I have him I will always be okay.



tars blanket the night sky as I sit in one of the fifty white chairs in the courtyard and stare out at the exact spot I am going to marry the woman who owns every part of me. The same woman who also happens to be carrying my child.

The newfound knowledge still rocks me to my fucking core. I drop my head into my hands, a million emotions plaguing me.

It’s everything I ever wanted—Sam and a family—but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous, especially after the shit show that took place earlier.

As much as I don’t want to admit it, Sam is right. This rivalry doesn’t just affect us anymore. It affects our child, too. A child I will do everything in my power to protect. Not only from the dangers of this world but the feuds that constantly threaten to tear it apart.

The sound of approaching footsteps interrupts my thoughts and pulls my head up. It’s there I find the last person I want to see. “I’m really not in the mood for your shit right now, Evans.”

“I guess it’s a good thing I don’t got shit to throw at ya then, huh?”

Yeah, right.

He always has shit to throw at me. He is so full of shit that I’m surprised it doesn’t come out of his fucking eyeballs.

“Look, I’m not here to cause trouble,” he promises. “Just thought I’d bring you a drink.” Walking closer, he hands me one of the beers from the six-pack he carries.

I stare at the can then up at him. “Why? You poison it?”

He grunts. “If I wanted you dead, Crawford, you’d already be dead.”

I peer back at him, trying to figure out what his motive is here.

“I’m trying, all right,” he snaps. “Will you just take the fucking beer, please?”

I take the cold can but make no move to open it, not trusting the fucker. It might not be poison but I wouldn’t put it past him to pump the fucking thing full of Ex-Lax or some shit.

“So what is this?” I ask. “A peace offering?”

“Something like that,” he mumbles, taking the chair next to mine. A moment of silence gathers before he speaks again. “Believe it or not, I’m not exactly proud of how I acted in front of my kid today.”

The reminder of that hockey game has my own shame surging to the surface. “Yeah, well, that makes two of us.”

He nods. “I know. I heard what you said to Parker.”

I had a feeling he did.

“The thing is, Crawford,” he continues, gaze training straight ahead. “I don’t really know why it’s like this between us. I don’t even remember when it started. Hell, some days I feel like I was just born hating you.”

I glare back at him, annoyed. “If this is your way of an apology it’s a shitty one.”

A smirk forms on his face before he drops his gaze to the beer he holds. “All I’m saying is, the more I think about it the more I wonder if this is our feud or our fathers’.” He finally looks over at me, his words settling with a truth that I think we have known all along. “What I do know is I love my baby sister, and after tonight I saw how much you do, too.”

I cock a brow. “You seriously just figured that shit out tonight?”

He shrugs. “I might have had an inkling before, but tonight you proved how far you would go by what you said to my dad.” A note of respect enters his voice. “I also figure you’re better than that other asshole she was with so…” He trails off on that last part, ruining all the progress he just made.

“I’m definitely better than that piece of shit.” Just thinking about that asshole and all he did to Sam sends a dangerous fury thrashing through my veins.

“I went to see him you know.”

My gaze snaps back to his, the disclosure taking me by surprise.

“I left the day after you proposed to her,” he says, a quiet rage I know well darkening his tone. “I got on a flight, went to the fucker’s house, and pulled him from his bed at three in the morning with a gun pointing in his face.”

I’m gripped by the story he reveals and I begin to wonder if he is about to confess murder to me. If so, I decide I will not say a fucking word because if anyone deserves death it’s that asshole.

“I took him to the bridge and hung him over the edge by his throat. I wanted him to know what it felt like to have his life hanging in the balance of someone else’s hands.”

When he makes no move to say more, I ask him the one question I’m dying to know. “Did you do it?”

He shakes his head. “I considered it. I’ve killed a lot of people in my life. I could have done away with him and no one would have been the wiser.”

The remark is a reminder of the time he spent in the Navy. I recall when Sam told me about everything he endured in Iraq, including the scars he still bears to this day. Despite my feelings toward him, hearing that garnered my respect.

“I knew that it wasn’t the same though. The line here is different than the battlefield.” An almost blank look takes over his expression. “For the sake of my family I stayed on the civilian side. However, I did beat the shit out of him until he pissed his pants,” he finishes with a proud grin.

I feel a smile of my own form. “Nice.”

He shrugs. “He deserves more for what he did to her but it had to be enough. If he ever comes near her again though, I will kill him,” he adds without hesitation.

“He’d be dead before you got to him.”

His head turns my way, gaze locking with mine.

“I meant what I said to your dad earlier. I’d do anything to protect her. I’d not only kill for her, I’d die for her.”

He continues to watch me, long and hard. Whatever he sees clearly pleases him. “Yeah,” he releases on a heavy breath, “I know.”

“So are we good now?” I ask.

He takes a long drink of his beer before answering. “Yep.”

“You’re going to stay out of our relationship?” I question further.

“Of course not,” he responds, bursting my fucking bubble. “I will always be involved in my sister’s business, Crawford. I’m her brother, it’s my job, but as long as you make her happy then you will get no shit from me.”

“Fair enough.” I nod. “And the bakery?”

“What about it?” he asks.

“I want to fucking eat there. That’s what.”

He shakes his head. “Sorry, can’t do it.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Because it’s my wife,” he snaps. “Her pies belong to me!”

“Newsflash, asshole, everyone eats her pies. It’s what helps her dream thrive, and I like going when Sam is there.”

This doesn’t seem to make him feel better so I try a different tactic.

“Think about it this way. It’s money out of my own pocket and I always tip well, which basically means I am paying you…” I trail off, letting him ponder that and hope it helps my case.

It does.

“Fine,” he relents before pointing at me. “But you aren’t ever allowed to eat her First Kiss Pie, got it?”

“Got it.”

Satisfied with that, he takes another swig from his beer. “And for the record, I never tripped you today.”

“The hell you didn’t.” Lifting my leg, I show him the bruised evidence. “Look at this shit.”

He assesses the black and blue mark. “That must have happened with your own stick because mine didn’t touch you.”

“How the fuck do I trip myself?”

He shrugs. “You tell me.”

The back of my teeth gnash, that forgotten anger racing to the surface all over again. Until he shoots a smirk my way.

I shake my head, my blood pressure dissipating. “You’re such an asshole.”

He has no shame in admitting it. “Yeah, it’s something I take pride in.”

Clearly… Though, the more I’ve thought about it the more I realize what happened today probably was an accident. The guy might be an asshole but a cheater he is not.

“Well would you look at this shit.” Cam’s boisterous voice cuts through the night as he, Jake, and Austin appear out of nowhere. “You two jackasses are hanging out and no one is dead yet.”

“Not yet,” Sawyer counters, “but I am willing to make an exception for you, Phillips.”

The comeback has the rest of us breaking into laughter.

“Where the hell have you guys been?” I ask. “Around,” Austin answers as the three of them take a seat. “We weren’t sure if it was safe to enter the house yet.”

Sawyer grunts. “My mom is good and pissed. I’d stay clear for awhile longer.”

Mine is too. I heard her giving my dad some serious shit before I came out here. I’d feel bad if I knew he didn’t deserve it.

Sawyer divides up the rest of his beer, passing one to each of them. It’s then I decide to open mine, feeling a little more confident he didn’t tamper with it.

“To your last night of freedom.” Jake lifts his can, tilting it my way. “What do you have to say for it?”

“Good fuckin’ riddance,” I say, meaning every word.

Cam nods. “I would probably say the same thing if I had someone as hot as Sam.”

“You could if you kept your dick in one woman long enough,” Austin throws back.

Cam actually has the audacity to look affronted. “I could if I wanted to.” We all snort in disbelief.

“It’s true. I just haven’t found someone worth that kind of trouble yet.” “Trust me, you will,” Evans says. “And when it happens it will make you regret every chick that came before her.”

I can’t deny the truth in that statement.

“And that’s coming from the biggest manwhore of us all,” Austin jokes, slinging an arm around Sawyer’s shoulders. “How times have changed.”

“They really have,” Jake adds but without humor. His gaze moves to each of us. “It’s crazy to think just how much things have changed for us all.”

They have, but one thing has remained and that’s our friendship. It makes me even more grateful to have all of them stand with me tomorrow on another important day of my life. I’m even warming up to dickhead being there, too.

“Hey, remember the time we pulled that prank on Reinhart Academy?” Cam asks, talking about our biggest high school rival in every sport we played.

I smirk at the memory. “Yeah, we hid stink bombs all over that damn school.”

“And got busted because Corey Zimmerman got locked in the fucking janitor’s closet,” Jake cuts in the with the reminder, making us all laugh.

“Man, I forgot about that little shit,” Sawyer says. “He was a fucking riot. Whatever happened to him?”

The four of us share a look, our smiles fading along with our laughter.

“He died five years ago,” Austin tells him. “Suicide.”

Sawyer gapes at him, clearly taken back. “You serious?”

I nod, remembering that it was us who got the call and showed up first to the gruesome scene.

Grim silence falls over the moment before Cam breaks it by raising his beer for another toast. “To Corey.”

“And friendship,” Austin adds, lifting his next.

“And rivalries,” Sawyer says, looking directly at me. “Being left in the past where they belong.”


ove is a powerful force. A reckon of fate. It can be messy and terrifying yet freeing and exhilarating all at once. Filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, and irrevocable moments that will rock the very foundation of who we are.


When you find it it’s like a puzzle piece fitting into place and righting everything else that didn’t make sense in your life before. If you’re fortunate enough, that kind of love can span lifetimes, returning when you least expect it and leading you to where you are always meant to be.

It’s what I call destiny, and today, Jase and I will finally live out ours.

I gaze at my reflection in the floor length mirror of the dressing room that I currently get ready in. A space that’s nestled between two bedrooms and where Jesse has been hiding my dress the last few days.

My mother, bridesmaids, and Jase’s mother wait in the adjacent room for the big reveal while my sister moves around behind me, doing some last minute touches on my wedding gown that she designed just for me.

It’s bohemian style with a touch of vintage, the lace in the front dotted with pastel peach pearls signifying a time that only Jase and I could even begin to understand.

My long blonde hair is down in simple beach waves, a gold clip pulling back one side that matches the dainty gold bracelet that’s wrapped around my arm just below my elbow. It’s perfect for the garden ceremony and the exact look I wanted for today.

“There, all done.” Jesse wraps an arm around me from behind, tears forming in her eyes as she gazes back at me in the mirror. “My baby sister is the most beautiful bride ever.”

“Thanks to you,” I whisper.

“No way, this is all you. It always has been, Sammy. You just never saw it like the rest of us.”

Emotion thickens in my throat, her words meaning more than she will ever know. As much as I love my brother and sister I always felt like I lived in their shadows, their lights shining so bright in any room they walked in. It wasn’t until I met Jase that I finally saw that light inside of me, too.

“Ready to show the others?” she asks.

I nod, excited. Not even my mother has seen my dress. I wanted it to be a surprise until this very moment.

Just as we walk toward my bedroom door there is a knock on the opposite side of the room, bringing us to a stop. Jesse and I frown at one another.

“Who is it?” my sister calls.


My eyes bug out of my head, panic infiltrating my chest as I stand motionless. “What’s he doing here?” I whisper.

She shrugs and decides to ask him. “What do you want?”

“To talk to Sam.”

“You can’t,” I blurt out.

“Why the hell not?”

“Because it’s bad luck,” I tell him.

“Says who?”

“Says everyone!” Jesse and I screech at the same time.

“Come on, Sam. This will just take a minute. I promise.”

Glancing at the clock, I see the ceremony is supposed to start in just a few minutes.

What on earth could the man need to discuss right now?

My sister watches me, waiting for instruction.

“Go ahead,” I tell her. “I’ll be quick.”

She nods but throws out a quick warning to Jase. “You better stay outside that door, mister.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

His grumble puts a smile on my face.

Once Jesse leaves, I walk to the other side of the room, placing my ear to the door. “Okay, I’m here, Crawford. Make it quick, I sorta have something important to do in a few minutes.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I just…I wanted to say…” he stammers out each word, something he has never done before.

It has the already nervous butterflies in my tummy running rampant. “Jase, is everything okay?”

“Yeah. It’s fine. It’s just…” A frustrated breath leaves him. “Look, I can’t talk to you like this. Will you please just crack the door open a bit?”

“No way!”

“Come on, Sam. At least give me your hand…please?”

The plea in his voice has me unable to refuse. Sighing, I unlock the door, cracking it open just enough to slip my hand through.

His warmth engulfs mine, flowing straight into the palm of my hand, and just like that all the concern I had moments ago disintegrates, his touch obliterating everything but us.

“That’s better,” he breathes, sounding as calm as I feel. “Did you have a good night last night?”

“Yeah,” I answer. “You?”

“Yep. Hung out with the guys and reminisced. It was a good time.”

“That’s good.”

Silence settles as I wait for him to say something else.

“Is that it?” I ask, annoyed. “Is that all you wanted to say?”

There’s a smile in his voice when he speaks again. “Nah. I also wanted to tell you that I love you and I can’t wait to marry you.” He lifts my hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss that has me melting into a puddle on the floor. “And I really can’t wait for you to have our baby.”

My head rests on the door as I fight back tears. “Don’t make me cry, Crawford. I just got my makeup done.”

He chuckles. “No crying, Peaches. Just know I got you. I always got you, and today will be the beginning to the best life you will ever have. I promise.”

“I got you, too,” I say on a sniffle.

“For eternity, Samantha.”

“For eternity,” I repeat, knowing that’s what he wants to hear.

“Good. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” With one final kiss to my hand, he disappears, leaving me trembling with all the love I feel for him.

After taking a quick moment to collect myself, I head to the other side of the room and open the door. Everyone turns to me, their gasps exploding through the room as a series of flashes go off from the photographer.

“Oh, honey, you’re beautiful!” my mother cries, rushing over to gather me in her arms.

“Absolutely gorgeous.” Mrs. Crawford follows suit, blubbering as she hugs me too. “My son is such a lucky man.”

“I’m the lucky one,” I tell her, meaning it. “Thank you for letting me love him, too.”

The words only have the other woman crying harder. “Oh gosh. I’m such a mess.” She pulls a bundle of tissues from her clutch, handing some to my mom as well.

“You look beautiful, Auntie,” Hope says in awe. “Like a real Cinderella.”

“Thanks, sweetheart. You do, too.” Kneeling down, I pull her into my arms, kissing her sweet little cheek before hugging Grace then Zoey.

“You really do look stunning, Sam,” Zoey whispers the compliment before stepping back.

“Thanks, so do you guys.”

Their dresses are replicas of mine but soft peach in color. They also wear garden wreaths on their heads instead of a gold clip.

A knock on the door has me turning just in time to see my father enter.

“Ladies, I—” Whatever he’s about to say falls into nothing but silence, his steps faltering as he gets his first look at me.

“Hi, Daddy.” I smile.

He clutches his chest, speechless. In the few silent moments that pass so much takes place between us. It’s as if my entire childhood flashes before my eyes. Every time I jumped into his arms when he got home from work. Every second he was there, wiping my tears and scraped knees. They all emerge one precious memory at a time.

“We’ll give you two a minute,” my mother says before leading everyone to the door.

Mrs. Crawford nods a greeting toward my father as she passes him. “John.”

“Elise.” My father nods back. “You look beautiful today.”

“Thank you.” She smiles.

Once the door closes, my father turns back to me, letting go of an emotional breath. “Wow. You look…wow.”

“You already said that.” I laugh.

“It seems I’m at a loss for words.” He comes to stand before me, gently grasping my shoulders as he gazes down at me with all the love he has ever shown me. “You look so much like your mother right now it’s breathtaking.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment since I know you think she is the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“I do and so are you.”

My heart warms. “Thank you.”

Silence falls upon us, his eyes searching mine as guilt emerges in their depths. I know what he’s going to say before he even says it. “Look, Sammy. About last night—”

I hold my hand up, stopping him from going further. “I don’t want to talk about it, Dad. I just want to forget it ever happened. I wish things could be different but I have come to the realization that they aren’t and they never will be and that’s okay. I don’t need you two to like each other. I just need you to love me and be there for Jase and me. Can you do that?”

He swallows hard and nods. “Of course.”

“Good. I also need you to promise not to beat up my father-in-law at my wedding,” I say, only half joking.

The smallest hint of a smirk softens his face. “I promise.” He gathers me in his arms, hugging me close. “I love you, Sammy, and I am so proud of the woman you have become.”

The emotion in his voice triggers my own. Hugging him back, I manage to whisper the only words that matter. “I love you too, Daddy.”

Grace walks back in a moment later. “Sorry to interrupt y’all but Catherine wanted me to let you know it’s time.”

My belly dips in a combination of nervousness and excitement.

My father looks down at me with nothing less than adoration and offers me his arm. “You ready, princess?”

My arm curls around his. “More than I have ever been ready for anything in my life.”

He nods. “Then let’s do this.”


Music quietly drifts through the courtyard as I stand with my best friends and soon to be brother-in-law, who I don’t happen to hate so much anymore, waiting for the ceremony to start.

All fifty white chairs are taken by our friends and family. My mom sits in the front row, tissues firmly clutched in her hand as she wipes her uncontrollable tears away. My dad’s arm is around her shoulders, his gaze on me as he gives me a proud nod that I return.

We didn’t get much time to talk this morning but he did apologize about last night and promised today would be better. I’m sure it will because I refuse to accept anything else. Today isn’t about rivalries. It’s about marrying the woman I love and finally making her mine forever.

Catherine sits in the opposite row of my parents, wiping her own tears as she talks with another guest. A few rows behind her I notice a big, bright blue hat with a massive red feather sticking out of it. The lady’s head moves from side to side, almost as if she’s trying to get a look at me. When the two people in front of the woman split apart I see who it is, and every muscle in my body stiffens with shock.

You have got to be shittin’ me.

There, waving at me with the biggest smile on her face is none other than Madam fucking Juju.

Sam invited her and didn’t tell me?

My smile is strained as I send an awkward wave back.

“Who the hell is that?” Austin asks.

“Remember that psychic I told you guys about that Sam and I saw at the festival last year?” I murmur out of the corner of my mouth.

He nods.


Jake frowns. “You invited her to your wedding?”


I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Sam does respect the woman. I’m still convinced she is a kook, even though I will admit she was right about some of the stuff she said. Okay, she was more than a little right. Honestly, the whole thing gives me the damn creeps.

The volume on the music gets louder, the change in melody signaling we’re about to start. It has all eyes turning to the end of the aisle.

“Man,” Sawyer groans, “I feel some chest pains coming on.”

My head whips to the side to see him rubbing his chest.

I swear I will kill the motherfucker

He flashes me that irritating smirk. “Kidding.”

I glare back at him, not finding him the least bit funny.

“Sorry. Just had to get that last one out. I’m good now.”

Shaking my head, I turn back to the front. Despite my annoyance, I will say he has mostly kept his word. He was helpful today while getting ready and didn’t give me as much shit as usual so it’s a step in the right direction. As long as he keeps his “chest pains” to himself for the next thirty minutes, it will remain that way.

Parker and Hope come into view first, beginning the procession. Hope smiles at everyone as she walks down the aisle, tossing the petals while Parker tries to not look awkward as he balances the pillow.

“I have to admit, Evans. You sure do have some cute kids,” Cam says.

“Of course I do. They are mine after all…”

We all grunt at the arrogant remark.

Catherine blows the kids kisses as they pass her, both of them heading in the direction of the two chairs that are set aside for them.

Stepping forward, I clap Parker’s shoulder, telling him good job, then touch Hope’s cheek with a wink.

“You look very handsome, Uncle Jase,” she tells me.

“Thanks, kid. You look pretty good yourself.”

“Why thank you.” She curtsies then walks past Sawyer. “Hi, Daddy. You look handsome, too. Just like always.”

“Thanks, Shortcake. You and your brother did good.”

The compliment has her beaming as she takes her seat.

Grace walks down the aisle next, her cheeks flaming a bright shade of red at the heated look Sawyer sends her way.

Eventually, it’s Jesse’s turn, her steps as slow as rehearsed. As much I appreciate the process, I’m ready for it to be Sam. It feels like it’s been years since I last saw her rather than hours. Sleeping without her the last two nights has been torture but all that changes tonight. Tonight, she will be back in my arms where she belongs.

Zoey is the last to walk, a shy smile on her face as she watches Austin. Just as she takes her place, the music changes and everyone is told to rise.

Anticipation hammers in my veins as I prepare for that first look, but there is no preparing for what I come face-to-face with.

My chest seizes, breath stalling as Sam stands at the end of the aisle, her arm linked with her father’s. The long, flowing white dress that’s tailored to her slender body is simple yet also somehow extraordinary, just like the woman wearing it.

When she looks up, her gaze colliding with mine, the ground falls out from beneath me, the connection changing my entire world as I know it.

Austin claps my shoulder, slapping me back to reality. “There she is, man, the rest of your life.”

My whole life.

Sam’s gaze never leaves mine as she begins her walk down the aisle, her smile every bit as pure and genuine as her heart. The sun casts its rays as if it lives only for her. A metaphor I feel in every cell of my body. With every step that brings her closer, I know, without a doubt, that everything I did in my life up until this point was for this one moment with her.

Unable to hold back any longer, I step down to meet her, because even one more second without her is too long.

“Hi,” she whispers, almost shyly.

“Hey, Peaches.” My hand lifts to her soft cheek, the need to touch her overpowering all else. “You’re beautiful, Sam.”

A sweet smile takes over her face as she leans into my touch.

John extends his hand to me. “Welcome to my family, Jase.”

“Thank you, sir. I promise to take good care of her.”

“I know you will.” He turns to Sam, kissing her cheek. “Love you, princess.”

“Love you too, Daddy.”

Once he takes a seat next to his wife, I take Sam’s hand and walk her up the couple steps, both of us coming to stand before the minister.

He greets Sam with a smile and nod before starting the ceremony. “Dearly beloved.”

His voice becomes nothing more than an echo, my gaze fixating on the woman next to me.

“You’re supposed to look straight ahead,” she whispers past a smile, her gaze remaining on the minister.

“I’d rather look at you.”

She finally turns that smile my way, the same one I vow to see every day that I spend on this earth.

It isn’t long before the exchange of vows take place. As instructed, I repeat after the minister but right after saying “until death do us part,” I add, “in this lifetime and the next.”

The tears that have been glistening in her eyes begin to tumble down her cheeks.

Everything we rehearsed up until this moment goes out the window when I step forward and take her face between my hands, the pads of my thumbs wiping the steady flow. “I would die a thousand deaths just to come back and love you each and every time, Samantha Evans.”

The vow has a choked sob working its way up her throat. That’s when I cover her mouth with my own, sealing the words and our fate with the kiss that isn’t supposed to happen yet.

It has everyone breaking into cheers.

Sam gives into the moment, her arms wrapping around my neck as I lift her off her feet.

“Right, well, I guess you guys can do the rings later,” the minister says, not sounding all that annoyed. “So all that is left to say is: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may continue kissing the bride.”

Everyone stands from their seats, breaking into another round of applause.

Sam smiles against my lips. “I love you, Jase Crawford. In this lifetime and the next.”

“For eternity, Samantha Crawford.”

The rest of the afternoon passes by in a blur. From the walk back down the aisle as husband and wife to getting a thousand pictures snapped, something that ends up taking close to three hours because there are so many of us.

It doesn’t help that Sawyer keeps pissing around, being the smart-ass he is. The fucker even messes with my hair for one of the pictures before slinging his arm around my shoulder and saying, “Smile for the camera, pretty boy.”

It annoys the fuck out of me but has Sam laughing so I put up with it. However, I manage to sneak in a hard elbow to his ribs, which makes me feel a little better.

By the end of it we are all starving and make our way over to the tented reception area where we are announced as husband and wife before taking a seat at the head table.

We drink, we eat, and we laugh. We also kiss a lot, which is my favorite part. Then it’s time for the speeches.

Austin kicks off the first one as best man, talking about all the times we had together from childhood into adulthood. Jesse is the one to do the toast to the bride, she and Sam both blubbering by the end of it.

Then it’s time for the parents, and up first are John and Catherine. John is the one to hold the microphone while his wife stands next to him, her hand linked with his.

“Every father knows it will be only a matter of time before this day comes,” he starts, his expression somber as he gazes at his daughter. “I spent a long time trying to prepare myself for it. I often wished for time to slow down but it only seemed to travel faster, and before I knew it my little girl was a beautiful young woman.”

Sam blows him a kiss from where she sits.

“I remember when Catherine told me Sam had fallen in love and with whom. I thought to myself. ‘Shit, not a damn Crawford.’”

Soft laughter erupts from all the people who have no fucking clue of the rivalry between the two families. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here starting to sweat, wondering where he’s going with this. By the smile that is no longer on Sam’s face, it’s obvious she’s nervous, too.

“I thought there was no way I could let this happen. The Evans and the Crawfords could never mix. There’s too much history. Too much bad blood.” He pauses, and I swear you could hear a fucking pin drop in the place it gets so quiet.

I chance a look at my father and see his head down as he stares at his hands that are clasped between his legs. There seems to be no anger or

resentment. If anything, I’d swear there is regret.

“Then Jase showed up at my door one day and respectfully told me he was going to ask my daughter to marry him whether I liked it or not. This was, of course, after he gave my son a black eye.”

Everyone laughs again before Sawyer cuts in with an explanation.

“He didn’t give me a black eye, old man, I got it at the gym.”

“Whatever you say, boy,” John smirks, clearly spotting the lie.

It evokes more laughter, including mine.

“During that meeting with Jase I saw something I didn’t expect. It was the way he spoke about my daughter. With love and respect, and the way he vowed to fight for her and protect her. He even went as far as saying he would give his own life for her.”

I feel Sam’s hand squeeze mine, a sniffle of emotion following after.

“That day I saw in him what I have felt myself since I was seventeen years old.” He looks down at his wife, letting her and everyone else know just whom he is talking about.

Smiling, Catherine wraps both her arms around his one.

“As time has gone on, he has more than proven himself to me. He has loved my daughter and protected her just as he said he would, including by putting people in their place when they needed it.” He gives me a pointed look, clearly talking about the night before. “More than anything though, he made me realize that the Crawfords and the Evans actually make a pretty damn good team.”

I watch in shock as he walks over to my parents’ table.

“Ben and Elise, you have a raised a fine young man that I am proud to welcome into my family, and I would also like to extend that welcome to the both of you. It’s clear by the love our children share that our two families as one would be a family to reckon with, and let’s face it, Ben, you and I both like a good victory.” A smirk takes over his face. “So to close this out I would just like to tell you that I have decided to have someone come over and look at my damn roof.”

Laughter echoes once more, including my father’s before John extends his hand in a peace offering.

My father doesn’t hesitate. Standing, he accepts the other man’s gesture, whispering words that John nods to while Catherine and my mom embrace.

“Well look at that.” Austin smirks, clapping me on the shoulder. “Hell just froze over.”

Sam bursts into tears, overcome with emotion by the one moment she has been praying for.

As I pull her in close, my gaze finds Sawyer’s.

He lifts his glass to me with a nod, solidifying the truce that took place between us last night.

After all this time, the rivalries which have haunted us for years have finally been laid to rest and two families have just become one.



t took months to prepare for a day that has passed in a blink of an eye, but

I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world because it has been, hands down, the best day of my existence.

Not only am I finally Mrs. Jase Crawford but the mending of two families took place, something that I didn’t think would ever happen. It only further proves just how powerful love is, especially one as strong as my and Jase’s.

A love that has spanned lifetimes.

“Keep smiling like that and your face will stay that way forever,” Sawyer teases as we dance under the white twinkling lights.

“Can’t help it,” I say, turning that smile up at him. “Today has been everything I hoped for and more, and I have you to partly thank for it.”

By the flash in his eyes he knows exactly what I am referring to but he feigns ignorance anyway. “I am pretty extraordinary but what did I do this time?”

“Jase told me you made amends with him last night.”

That amusement slowly fades from his face. “Yeah, well, I figured it was time. I also figured Dad had the rivalry covered. Of course that was before I knew what our old man had up his sleeve. Had I known I could have still faked my heart attack today.” He snaps his fingers, faking disappointment.

I shake my head, knowing I should have expected the smart-ass remark.

“But then I wouldn’t get to see you smile like this and there isn’t any rivalry worth that.”

This is the brother I grew up with. The one who would do anything to make me happy, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. The same way he sacrificed his life every day for the sake of this country.

“Thank you,” I whisper. “Not only for stepping up with Jase but for being the best big brother I could ever have. You always had my back

growing up and you will never know how much that has meant to me.”

His jaw ticks with emotion before he pulls me into his chest, wrapping me in the tightest embrace I’ve ever felt from him. “I will always have your back, Sam. No matter who you marry or how old you get. I’ll always be your big brother.”

“Good, because I’ll always need one.” I hug him back just as tightly, soaking in a love that I relied on so much when we were children.

“Mind if I cut in?”

We break apart to find Jase standing off to the side. Despite the question being for Sawyer, his gaze is only on me.

“Yeah,” Sawyer answers, his tone somber. “She’s all yours.”

It’s more than just words. It’s a surrender. As if, after all this time, we truly have his blessing. I can’t imagine a better wedding gift than that.

After a playful smile in my direction, followed by a wink, he crosses the dance floor to where Grace and the kids are, leaving me to start my new life while he continues his.

I turn to my husband, my smile appearing once again as he picks up where my brother left off, leading us into a slow dance.

“You doing okay?” he asks, gazing down at me with those deep dark eyes that are imprinted on my very soul.

“More than okay,” I answer truthfully. “How can I not be? I just married my soul mate, had the most perfect wedding, and all the people I love most don’t hate each other anymore.”

As if my words summoned them, both our fathers walk by, arguing up a storm.

“I’m paying for the bar tonight, Evans, and that’s final,” Mr. Crawford bellows.

“Like hell you are. I am the father of the bride. It’s my job to pay for it.”

“Bullshit. The rules state it’s the groom’s parents’ responsibility.”

“What rules?” my father asks.

“The same damn rules you are following about the father of the bride paying for it all.”

That earns him a grunt.

“Come on, Evans. You have covered a lot and this is my only child. Let me have this.”

I watch to see what my father does, hoping he chooses to do the right thing.

Once again, he does.

“Oh, all right, you stubborn bastard. Pay for it then.”

It’s not the warmest of agreements but at least it’s an agreement.

Mr. Crawford grins, clapping my father on the shoulder. “Good. Now let me buy your arrogant ass a drink.”

The two continue their way to the bar, all the while finding something else to argue about.

Looking back at Jase, I find him watching me in amusement.

I clear my throat sheepishly. “Well, they’re trying at least.”

A sexy chuckle leaves him. “They are because they love you.” His arms tighten around me. “And so do I.”

No matter how many times the man tells me those words it still makes my heart skip a beat.

“What do you say we get out of here?”

“Ready to leave your own party already, Crawford?” I tease.

He pulls me flush against his body, his erection pressing into my stomach. “I was ready the moment I kissed you at that altar and made you my wife.”

My lips tingle as I remember that moment so vividly. “It was a good kiss. Even if it was out of order.”

“Fuck order,” he growls. “The most important part of the ceremony is the end of it.”

“I can’t argue with that.”

“Want to know what else is the most important part?” he asks in that deep sexy baritone that sends shivers across my skin.

“What’s that?” The two words fall breathlessly past my lips.

My pulse races as he leans in close, trailing his lips across my cheek to stop just short of my ear. “The moment I get to fuck you as my wife.”

Sparks of heat dance along my skin, spreading like wildfire as I imagine being with him for the first time as husband and wife.

He pulls back, gazing down at me with everything I feel in this moment. “It’s been two days since I felt you sleep in my arms, Sam. We have eaten, danced, visited, and done everything we politely need to do. I’m ready to get out of here if you are.”

I nod without a second thought, ready to be alone with him, too.

Taking my hand in his, we make our goodbye rounds to friends and family, thanking them for everything. Zoey and I make plans for her and Austin to fly up soon then I head over to my sister where I spend extra time, hugging her a little tighter.

“You still plan on leaving tomorrow?” I ask.

A sad smile adorns her face. “Yeah. Have to go back and deal with it at some point. Can’t run away forever, right?”

“Call me if you need me and I’ll be there in a heartbeat,” I tell her.

“I will. Thanks, Sammy, and who knows, maybe South Carolina wouldn’t be such a bad place for a boutique owner after all.”

A sliver of hope works its way into my chest. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want that to happen, but more than anything I just want her to be happy.

“I’d love that, Jesse, we all would, but whatever you decide just make sure it’s what is right for you and no one else, okay?”

She nods then gives me one last hug before giving one to Jase. “Make sure to take good care of my sister, Crawford, or my brother will be the least of your worries.”

He isn’t offended in the least by the threat, his gaze finding mine in a time-stopping second. “Don’t worry. I got her.”

The conviction in his tone dances along my skin in a promise of love.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she grumbles goodheartedly. “Go be cute somewhere else.”

Jase is more than happy to do just that. Taking my hand in his, he tugs me through the throng of people, ignoring every single person we pass while I at least try to give a bidding smile and thank you.

Once we make it out to the courtyard, he picks up speed.

I let out a strangled laugh as I struggle to keep up. “Slow down, Crawford, I’m wearing heels here.”

“Sorry, Peaches.” He stops and turns as if he’s going to lift me into his arms, but freezes when a voice calls out into the night.

“Yoo-hoo. Wait up, love birds!”

Jase muffles a curse before we turn around to see who it is.

“Madam Raman,” surprise edges my voice, “you’re still here.” I had tried to find her earlier but couldn’t and assumed she left after the


“I was just about to leave but wanted to say goodbye and congratulations.” Her attention swings to Jase. “Even to you, Mr. Grumpy pants.”

I giggle at his grunt.

She comes to stand before us, her smile genuine. “Thank you for inviting me today. I enjoyed getting to watch love repeat itself.”

Her words are both soothing and heartbreaking. “I’m glad you came. And I’m really glad I met you that day,” I confess softly. “Everything you said. It’s all true. I’ve felt it and, at times, even seen it.” I’m a tad embarrassed to admit that to a stranger but I know if anyone understands it’s her.

“That’s because the past always lives inside of us and the ones who choose to pay attention to it are the ones who get to relive it.”

That statement somehow makes complete sense.

“But just because the past lives on that does not mean the outcome is always the same, hmmm.” Reaching out, she places her hand gently on my stomach.

Jase tenses next to me while shock rocks the foundation I stand on.

“You know,” I whisper.

“Of course I do, dear.”

Tears burn my throat before I swallow them back. “It changes things, right?” I ask, even though I shouldn’t. Even if it’s not something I should know.

She doesn’t answer how I hoped she would.

“Life is unpredictable. It can change at a moments notice but that’s when you must have faith and trust in love.” She points to the train clock behind me. “Live without fear, darling, and time will be on your side.”

With a knowing smile, she slowly walks back, fading into the night that surrounds us.

Speechless, I look over at Jase and find his expression stoic.

“She’s still a kook,” he grumbles.

I don’t let him play her off. Not this time. “But you’ve seen it, too,” I say, bringing up what we have yet to talk about. “The clock. What you said to me in the bedroom last night. You have seen what I have, felt it in your heart, haven’t you?”

Seconds tick by before he finally nods.

“For how long?”

Time stretches on as I wait with bated breath for his answer.

“Before I ever met you.”

My eyes close at the revelation. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

He drives a hand through his hair, his feet beginning to pace. “I don’t know, Sam. The whole thing is fucking crazy to me. Past lives aren’t something I ever believed in. I still don’t know if I do.”

I use to feel the same as him but not anymore. There is no denying what we have both seen. What we have both felt from another time.

My attention strays to the clock, the power of it drawing me forward. I sit next to it, my fingers brushing the dented metal.

“You know, ever since the day I found out I was pregnant I haven’t had the nightmare,” I confess quietly, my watery gaze lifting to his. “That has to mean something, right?”

I need the assurance. I need someone to say it to me even if it’s a promise that’s impossible to make.

He senses it and says the words I long to hear. “Yeah, baby. It does.”

My breath catches as my emotion starts to get the best of me.

He crosses over to where I sit, taking my face between both his hands in a signature move. The love reflecting in his dark eyes anchors my entire world.

“I don’t have all the answers, Sam. Maybe at one time we were Rose and Joshua or maybe we are connected to them in some other way. I don’t know and it’s something we will never know. What I do know is we are not them in this life. We are Samantha and Jase Crawford. In this life we make our own destiny, and that destiny is us growing old together…forever.”

My smile appears, matching the lightness in my heart. “I like that destiny. Maybe there’s still a way we can bring Rose and Joshua into this life with us and give them a second chance.”

He frowns, looking confused and a little concerned by the suggestion. “How so?”

I take his hand and move it to my stomach. “If it’s a girl, I want to name her Rose and if it’s a boy, Joshua.”

It’s something I knew I wanted the moment I found out I was pregnant. A way I could keep the past with the present and future.

That handsome grin transforms his face. “I like that idea, baby. We can do anything we want, because as Madam Juju said—”

“Raman,” I correct him on a laugh.

“Juju is better,” he says, his expression amused before it fades altogether. “This time, time is on our side, and I have no doubt we are going to live a long and happy life together.”

Finally, in what feels like took forever, I believe that, too.

Standing, he extends his hand to me. “Do you trust me?”

Two words, two incredibly powerful words that have lived more than once for us. Two words that changed Rose’s life all those years ago.

“With everything that I am.” Smiling, I place my hand in his and let him pull me to my feet. “In this life and the next.”

He pulls me in for a soul-touching kiss before we run off into the dark, hand in hand like that night so long ago, running toward our destiny. Only this time there is no end for us because I believe with every fiber of my being that we are connected, not just now in this life but beyond.

Our souls destined to be one forever.

The end… until the next one

Please be sure to check out my website www.authorkclynn.com for what’s coming next or follow me on social media.

Keep scrolling for a complete list of K.C. Lynn’s books


These call be read as standalones, but best if read in order!

A mixture of romantic suspense, military romance, friends to lovers romance, small town romance, & second chance romances



Sawyer & Grace


Cade & Faith


Cooper & Kayla


Read the complete series in one!


This is a spin-off series from Men of Honor and have interconnected characters.

A mixture of romantic suspense, military romance, small town romance, & second chance romances

An Act of Redemption Anna & Logan

An Act of Salvation Nick & Katelyn

An Act of Obsession Kolan & Sophie

An Act of Courage Christopher & Alissa

Fighting with Honor

A Men of Honor tie-in novella

(Best to read after An Act of Courage)

An Act of Love

Van & Ruthie Release date TBA


Although each book has a different couple, there is an interconnected suspense subplot that weaves through the series, so it’s highly recommended to read in order! These have interconnected characters from Sweet Temptation & The Sweet Series.

A mixture of romantic suspense, small town romance, & friends to lovers romances.

Ultimate Sacrifice Ultimate Revenge Release date TBA

Ultimate Betrayal

Release date TBA


This is an interconnected spin-off series from Sweet Temptation, but starting from book 2 each story can be read as a standalone.

Sweet Love

Spin-off novella of Sawyer & Grace

Must read after Sweet Temptation

Sweet Haven

Sam & Jase

Sweet Destiny

Sam & Jase’s Wedding Novella

Available Now

Jesse & Matt’s story

Title TBA

Release Date TBA Sweet Catch Nate & Piper

Release Date TBA

Sweet Lucy

Lucy’s story

Release Date TBA


Fate made us brothers, loyalty made us family.

Each book can be read as a standalone but highly recommended to read the series in order.


A second chance/secret baby romance


A romantic suspense Release TBA Knox

A romantic suspense Release date TBA


Unlawful Justice

Romantic suspense standalone co-written with author K. Langston

Beautifully Insightful

Spin-off standalone from the Men of Honor & Acts of Honor series


Spin-off standalone from Beautiful Insightful

Diary of a First Kiss

A young adult romance Release date TBA


release day info, Men of Honor Monday’s, and more on my website: www.authorkclynn.com Join my Ladies of Honor Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/KCLynnCupcakes Follow me on Facebook: facebook.com/authorkclynn Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/authorkclynn_
Follow me on Book Bub: bookbub.com/authors/k-c-lynn


I’m blessed to have so many amazing people who love and support me in this beautiful journey I’m on. Most of them have been with me from the very beginning. They’ve had my back, believed in me, and wouldn’t let me give up when times were daunting.

To everyone who has been a part of this amazing journey with me— family, my beautiful editor, betas, friends, my author groups, bloggers, and readers around the world. You know who you are. Thank you. I love and cherish every single one of you.

About the Author

K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She grew up in a family of four children—two sisters and a brother. Her mother was the lady who baked homemade goods for everyone on the street and her father was a respected man who worked in the RCMP. He’s since retired and now works for the criminal justice system. This being one of the things that inspires K.C. to write romantic suspense about the trials and triumphs of our heroes. K.C. married her high school sweetheart and they started a big family of their own—two adorable girls and a set of handsome twin boys. They still reside in the same small town but K.C.’s heart has always longed for the south, where everyone says ‘y’all’ and eats biscuits and gravy for breakfast. It was her love for romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. It was then a beautiful world opened up and she found what she was meant to do…write. When K.C.’s not spending time with her beautiful family, she can be found in her writing cave, living in the fabulous minds of her characters and their stories.

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