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An Act of Obsession Acts of Honor Series Book 3 K.C. LYNN

Published by K.C. Lynn An Act of Obsession Copyright © 2016 K.C. LYNN Kindle Edition First Edition: 2016 Editing: Wild Rose Editing Formatting: BB eBooks Cover Art by: Cover to Cover Designs Cover Image by: Perrywinkle Photography Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Warning: Due to mature subject matter, such as explicit sexual situations and coarse language, this story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

Dedication This book is dedicated to my person—my hooch! Keshia, you inspire me every day. Because of you, I’ve not only grown as a person but also as a writer. You taught me that my words shine because they come from my heart. You taught me that simple is beautiful. You taught me to believe in myself. Thank you for loving me, believing in me, and for being one of the bestest friends I’ve ever had. Kolan and Sophie are for you.

Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-One Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter Twenty-Three Chapter Twenty-Four Chapter Twenty-Five Chapter Twenty-Six Chapter Twenty-Seven Chapter Twenty-Eight Chapter Twenty-Nine Epilogue Acknowledgements About the Author Excerpt from The Officer’s Promise


Sophie “I know, Mom, I miss you, too. I’ll see you guys in a few weeks for Thanksgiving. Give Dad and Tess a kiss for me… Okay, bye.” Hanging up, I climb the stairs to my campus apartment with my bag slung over my shoulder, my legs feeling like jelly from tonight’s rehearsal. But it doesn’t weaken the smile on my face. It’s the same one I always have when I get to do what I love with my whole heart and soul…dance. The one thing I was born to do. I think I was the only one who was sad about rehearsal ending early tonight. I would dance every second of every day if I could. “Hey, Sophie,” Kendra Morrison greets me as she walks out of her apartment, looking like a walking bombshell. “Hey, Kendra. You look great. Heading out?” “Yeah. Everyone is over at Kappa Pi, of course I had to work late, but no way am I missing this. Sounds like it’s a big one. You should come once you’re done with lover boy.” “Lover boy?” She smiles. “I saw Blaine a little while ago. I believe he’s waiting for you in your dorm,” she tells me, wiggling her eyebrows. That brings a smile to my face and a flush to my cheeks. I didn’t even tell him I’d be getting back early. “Thanks. Maybe we will.” I hurry my steps, feeling a small sliver of anticipation flow through me. The last thing I had planned when coming to college was meeting a boy. My focus was solely on dance and getting a new start from the disaster I left back home. But Blaine somehow pushed his way past my defenses. We haven’t been dating long but I like him—a lot. Lara, my roommate turned best friend, says all the time how lucky I am to have snagged the college campus heartthrob. She’s right, I am, and the more time I spend with

Blaine, the more I think we could have something long-term. I think I’m ready to take the next step with him in our relationship. He’s been so patient with me. I can’t wait to ask him to come home with me for Thanksgiving to meet my family. Entering my apartment, I frown when the entire place is encompassed in darkness. When I flip the light switch and nothing happens, I still, alarm bells immediately ringing inside of me. “Blaine?” In the midst of silence it suddenly hits me. Like a ton of bricks—a forceful impact to the stomach. It’s as if I can feel his leering eyes on me, eyes I haven’t had to feel in exactly eighteen months and four days, but ones I’ll never mistake. It can’t be. My heart pounds like a drum, my entire body breaking out in a cold sweat as fear takes hold of me. Stay calm, Sophie. Don’t overreact. “Blaine?” I call out again shakily. “Lara? Are you guys here?” A sound comes from Lara’s room down the hall. Dropping my bag at the door, I walk across our small living room, my cell phone clutched firmly in hand. I dial 9-1-1, leaving it on the screen just in case, then flip it over and use the flashlight to guide my way. Another thump comes from her room as I approach. “If this is a joke, you guys, it’s not funny.” The door is left open a crack. With my heart thundering in my ears and legs quaking, I push it open then shine the flashlight in. What I see has bile rising in my throat and pure terror thrashing through my veins. Blaine and Lara in her bed, naked. But I can’t even fathom the betrayal because of the blood surrounding them—their eyes lifeless. A scream of horror bubbles up my throat and explodes past my lips, piercing the air around me. When a figure emerges from the shadows, I turn and run, already knowing who it is. The feel of his dark presence is something I’ll never forget. Just as I hit send on my cell phone, his brutal force slams into me from behind, taking me to the ground. A scream rips from me just before I land painfully on my stomach and take out the glass coffee table, the jarring impact knocking the air from my lungs. Not only do I struggle for each

breath, but I also try to free myself from the crushing weight on top of me as shards of glass nick my face. Blood pools in my mouth, the metallic taste making my stomach rebel. I reach out for the phone that lies a foot away from me as I hear the 9-1-1 operator call out. I whimper for help, my voice barely above a whisper. “Not so fast, my love.” Repulsion fills me at the soft voice that sounds so sincere yet is nothing but sinister. What’s he doing out? Before I have time to think about it, he flips me over to my back and straddles me. He pins my struggling arms over my head and leers at me, his bright blue eyes as wild and crazy as I remember. “Surprise!” He chuckles, a malicious smile tilting his lips. “Miss me?” I shake my head, still struggling for breath. His expression hardens, a wild rage igniting in his eyes. He grips my jaw brutally, drawing a painful cry from me. “Well, I missed you. I thought about you every second that I was kept away from you.” He leans in closer, running his nose along my cheek. “Did you think I wouldn’t find you, Sophie? I’ll always find you. You can never hide from me. You—belong— to—me.” A sound of disgust crawls up my throat, mixing with a fearful sob. “Daniel, stop, please,” I plead, even though it’s no use. “Do you have any idea what it’s done to me to know you gave yourself to someone else?” His craziness has a frustrated sob erupting from me as he talks about Blaine. Blaine—who is dead. Blaine—who was sleeping with my best friend. I still can’t grasp the betrayal. “It didn’t have to be like this,” he whispers. “We were supposed to be forever. How could you be with someone who’s fucking your friend when I’m here to give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of? Us, Sophie, it was always meant to be us.” “There is no us,” I cry out helplessly. “There never has been, Daniel. Why can’t you fucking understand that?” I’m screaming now, my fear turning to angry desperation.

“You lying bitch.” Fury flashes in his eyes before he backhands me; the painful blow sending black spots to dance in my vision. His fingers grip my jaw again with a strength that I’m sure is about to shatter it. “You told me you loved me.” I shake my head, crying. His delusion is something I’ve never understood. “Yes, you did!” he screams. “I’m not letting you change your mind, Sophie. If I can’t have you, no one else will.” My panic escalates to a whole new level. “What are you saying?” Horror washes over me when he pulls a large knife from behind him, covered in blood. “Daniel, no. Please, you don’t want to do this.” His eyes darken with guilt, mixing with the unshed tears. “I’m so sorry but you’ve left me no choice,” he chokes out, dragging the knife across my chest. “God no, please.” I fight with everything I have but it’s pointless. He’s too strong. Someone who always seemed so weak fooled everyone, especially me. I plead again, praying to get through to him. It has him crying harder, as if this physically pains him. “I’ll love you forever. You will always be mine, my love.” Desperation pulses through me as he brings the knife to my throat. “Daniel, sto—” My scream vanishes with the first slice. Fire erupts through my jugular, a scorching pain I didn’t even know was possible spreads through me like wildfire. I gasp for breath, my hands getting nicked by the sharp blade as I claw at my throat. The air I crave stings the open wound, doing the opposite of what I need. Daniel is relentless with every slice, never giving up, sobbing as he steals my last breath. After everything I made it through, it never mattered. He kept his promise. I would die as his. My mom, dad, and sister flash through my mind, adding to the searing agony tearing through me. The last things I hear before darkness consumes me are his undying love for me and the distant sound of sirens. Sirens that are too late.

* Some say miracles happen every day and apparently I was one of them. I had woken up in the hospital to find out I survived the unthinkable, the most brutal attack my campus had ever seen. Though not without damage. Where I should have had hope at life again, I had none, because he was still out there, waiting to strike again. I knew he would kill anyone who got in his way, including my family. So I did what I had to do in order to protect the people I love. I ran. I left behind my family, my dreams, and my identity. I was no longer Sophie Parish, the girl who loved life and had a dream to dance forever. I’m now Lia Kay—scarred beyond repair and fearful everything. The girl who constantly looks over her shoulder, knowing the time will come that he’ll finish what he started and I will die as his.


Sophie Fifteen months later

“Hey, Lia?” I spin around to see Sheriff McKay with his head poking out of his office. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” “It’s okay. You didn’t,” I lie. “Can you come in here for a moment?” “Um, sure.” Feeling nervous, I put down the file I’m holding and head toward his office. Please don’t let me be losing this job. A police station was the last place I ever thought I’d work in, but when I applied for the receptionist position at the massage therapy clinic in town, Kayla McKay, the sheriff’s wife, had already filled the position. That’s when she told me about this job. There’s many reasons why I didn’t want to apply, mainly because I don’t want anyone finding out who I really am, but I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to make money. I’ve gone to great lengths to become Lia Kay and even have fake legal documentation to back it up, but I still figured the sheriff would find me out right away. However, if he did, he never mentioned it and hired me anyway. I had stumbled across Sunset Bay a couple of weeks ago during my travels. One night turned into two, then two into three. I don’t know what it is about this town but it feels like where I’m meant to be for the moment. A good place to stay and hide out for a while. It’s filled with young families. Quiet, remote, and not a place anyone would look for me. It’s safe…for the time being. It’s also far enough from Missouri and even farther from home. Home. Just the thought has my throat tightening. I miss my family so much. Every day I go without speaking to them, the loneliness builds inside of me until it becomes nothing more than a huge gaping hole. But I know it’s for the best. This is how it has to be until Daniel is found.

Pushing aside my sad thoughts, I enter the sheriff’s office. He gestures to the chair across from him. “Have a seat.” “Is everything okay?” I ask quietly, as I sit down. His eyes draw to the scarf around my neck, and that’s when I realize I’m fidgeting with it. Something I often do subconsciously. I drop my hand and twine my fingers in my lap. “Everything is good,” he assures me. “I just wanted to see how you’re settling in here. I haven’t had much of a chance to check in with you since you started.” “Good…I think. No, I mean it’s good. Yes, everything is good,” I say, sounding like a complete imbecile. Closing my eyes, I shake my head, frustrated at myself for being so nervous. The old Sophie would be sitting up straight and looking him dead in the eye. The old Sophie wouldn’t be so frazzled just to speak to someone. “Sorry, I have a lot on my mind today,” I whisper. “Don’t be,” he says kindly. “I’m glad to hear things are going well. I’m impressed how fast you’ve caught on to everything considering you’ve only been here just over a week.” I smile, some of my nerves easing. “Thanks. Liz has been a great help,” I tell him, talking about the evening receptionist. “Good. How about here in Sunset Bay? You liking it?” I nod. “I haven’t had much time to venture out but the little I’ve seen, I like it a lot. I’m hoping to eventually make my way into Charleston soon, too. I’ve been told it’s beautiful there.” “It is. It’s also a little noisier,” he adds with a smirk, a charming one at that. I must admit he is very attractive, but I expected him to be after meeting his wife, Kayla. She’s beautiful, and also made sure I knew she was married to him when she sent me for this job. I got the message loud and clear. “Listen, I wanted to let you know about something.” Reaching across his desk, he picks up a sheet of paper and hands it to me. “Some friends of mine own the local gym here in town and they’re running a women’s selfdefense class this weekend.” I tense, my eyes snapping from the paper to him. “I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to meet new people.”

My body relaxes when I realize he’s just trying to be nice. It’s incredibly kind of him, and something like this would be really great for me, but unfortunately, I can’t do it. Large groups of people make me nervous, and I can’t afford to make any friends. I won’t risk their safety. It will only be harder in the long run when it’s time for me to leave. “Kayla wanted me to tell you she will be there,” he adds. “She and her friends usually go whenever the course is being held.” “Thanks so much for telling me about this. I’ll think about it.” I feel horrible for lying to him. “Good. I hope you do.” With a smile, I stand and begin to walk away when he calls out to me. I turn back to face him. “If there’s anything you ever need, any questions you have, I’m always here.” “Thank you,” I whisper, my heart swelling at his kindness. Walking out, I take my seat at the front desk, my mind and emotions a jumbled mess. The rest of the day passes in a blur, and no matter how hard I try not to, I constantly find myself looking at the flyer in front of me. Learning to defend myself could possibly not only save my life but change the course of my dark fate.


Kolan My muscles burn; sweat dripping down my face as I exhaust myself with the heavy bag. I slaughter it as I would any opponent in the ring, needing to work out the rage and aggression that’s been fueling inside of me the last few months. If it’s not the relentless reporters wanting their fucking story, it’s Peter Ward, president of the EFC, trying to get me to come back. Not happening. I’ll never go back to the place that fulfilled my dream then yanked it right back, ruining my life and reputation in the process. I don’t care if Ward wasn’t a part of Bruce’s bullshit. I don’t trust anyone there anymore. Too many people went against me, believing the worst, and even tried to help incriminate me for a crime I didn’t commit. They wanted to get rid of me; they didn’t want the competition because they knew they’d never beat me. I was unstoppable and still would be if I cared to be back in the ring. I don’t. I made it to the top, held it, then left that way. I always thought I would miss it but as of right now, I don’t. What I have going here at the gym with the guys and Anna at the Men of Honor Center is enough. I’m enjoying it, especially instructing the youth program for so many kids that remind me of myself. Kids who don’t have anything and are pissed off at the world because the world fucked them over. No one understands that better than me. “Damn, what did that bag ever do to you?” Sarge says, walking out from the locker room freshly showered, ready to go out. “Didn’t you get enough aggression out after going a round with Benson tonight?” No, I didn’t. I’ve got too much inside of me to release, even more than usual since I haven’t been to Annihilation in months. A club that I now refuse to be a part of since those fuckers tried throwing me under the bus, too. Just the thought of that bitch Nikki has my blood pumping hotter.

But I miss it—miss getting lost in myself there, and wielding a control that no one could possibly understand unless they knew what it was like to live without it. Control feeds the scars of my dark past and even darker soul. Pausing my blows, I look at Sarge. He has changed a lot since I first met him a few months ago. He hasn’t worked here much longer than I have and is still adjusting to civilian life after living on the streets for so many years. He suffered from PTSD but thanks to Jaxson and the counseling he’s receiving from the Men of Honor Center, he’s getting back on his feet. I’ve gotten to know him well since he helps me with the youth. “Headed out?” I ask, ignoring his question. “Sure am. Got myself a hot date with my woman. She worked the evening shift so I’m fixin’ to pick her up at work, then she’s all mine.” He winks. “Just keep that to yourself though, that boy of hers is always magically appearing out of nowhere, interrupting our alone time. I swear the kid has a strange sense that’s in tune to my dick,” he adds, talking about Logan. I don’t really blame Logan. It’s exactly how I feel about my sister and RoboCop, but if she’s going to marry someone it may as well be somebody that I know would kill whoever tried to hurt her. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” “I know, because you don’t talk to anyone unless it’s that sister of yours.” I grunt, even though that’s mostly true. However, I’ve gotten better about that since I started here. I don’t really have a choice since it’s part of the job description. “You headed home soon? You’ve been here since…what’s it going on now?” He looks at his watch. “Thirteen hours?” “In a bit,” I reply vaguely. He shrugs. “All right, have a good night beating the shit out of things. I’ll see ya tomorrow.” “See ya.” I go grab my water bottle and towel as he walks out then make my way over to the speed bag. The door beeps again, signaling someone’s arrival. I assume it’s Sarge coming back for something, but when he doesn’t say

anything, I look across the gym to see some girl with her back to me, wandering around like she’s either lost or looking for someone. Shit, don’t tell me another gym whore is looking for one of the fighters. “We’re closed,” I call out. She spins around with a startled yelp and jumps back, almost falling on her ass. I instantly feel like shit for scaring her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” Something about her soft voice has me moving forward. As I get a closer look at her, I realize it’s unlikely she’s a gym whore. She’s not dressed like one and she’s too…pretty. Black yoga pants and a pink tank top hug her lean, slender body that looks like it’s been sculpted by a fucking artist. Her long, golden brown hair hangs over her shoulders, framing the best set of tits I’ve ever seen. By the time I drag my appreciative gaze back to her face, I find she’s as innocent as she sounds. I also see she’s doing some looking of her own, those light hazel eyes taking me in from head to toe. She lingers on the tattoo just above the waistband of my shorts. That or she’s staring at my dick, which is hard at the moment, but I’m assuming it’s the first one. “Can I help you with something?” Her eyes snap up to mine and she blushes a serious shade of red. Yeah, definitely not a gym whore. Her hand goes to the scarf at her neck, fiddling with it nervously. Who the hell wears a scarf in this kind of heat? Even at night it’s damn near a hundred degrees out. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers. “I didn’t know you were closed.” “It’s fine. You looking for someone?” She shakes her head. “Not really. I, um…the sheriff…I mean Cooper.” She pauses, her eyes closing as she lets out a shaky breath before looking at me again. “Cooper McKay told me about the women’s self-defense class you guys offer.” “Yeah, we have one running this weekend.” I hand her a flyer from the front desk. As she takes it, I briefly glimpse small white scars on her delicate hand. “Right, Cooper said that, but I’m wondering if you guys offer any private classes? Like after hours, when no one is here?”

I watch her for a moment, her eyes remaining on the paper instead of me. “No, we don’t offer anything like that.” She nods, her shoulders slumping with disappointment. “I figured but thought I’d check. Thanks anyway,” she says, turning to leave. “Hold up.” I stop her before I can think better of it. “We don’t usually offer private lessons but it doesn’t mean we can’t. If you want we can work something out.” What the hell am I doing? The moment her wide, hopeful eyes move to mine, I know exactly what I’m doing. “You’re the instructor?” she asks. “Sometimes. There are a few of us here who take turns but all the other guys have families. So, if you’re looking for something late in the evenings then it will be me.” She bites that plump lip of hers, wreaking havoc on my straining cock. Jesus, I need to get laid. “You don’t mind?” she asks softly. “No. Come back tomorrow night at around nine. That’s when we’re closed. We can start then.” “Okay. Thank you.” She dips her head and turns to leave. “You got a name?” She spins back around, an embarrassed smile curving her perfect mouth. “Guess that would help, huh?” she says, a shy smile playing at her lips as she sticks out her hand. “I’m Sss…Lia.” Grasping her delicate hand, I feel the scars that I saw earlier. “Ssslia?” I ask. “Just Lia.” She giggles, forcing a shift in my chest. What the hell is that? “Kolan.” I have a feeling she doesn’t know who I am. Which is a good thing. If she knew who I was, she probably wouldn’t have anything to do with me. “Well, Kolan, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night.” I nod. “I’ll be here.” “Bye.” She gives me a small wave then walks out the door, leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened.


Sophie The

next evening, I walk to the gym feeling excited yet incredibly nervous. Excited at the prospect of learning how to defend myself but nervous to see Kolan again. Though, I’m not really sure why. He seemed nice enough, especially going out of his way to accommodate me, but he’s also intimidating. When he walked out of the shadows of the gym last night, my breath had caught in my throat. Everything about him screamed powerful. He has a commanding presence about him that I’ve never seen before. His height alone could terrify someone. He’s so tall that I had to crane my head back just to keep eye contact with him. His strong, lean body glistened with sweat and displayed a lot of ink. My eyes had immediately been drawn to the tattoo above the waistband of his shorts where the word WARRIOR was scripted across his hard, chiseled abs. The word seemed to suit him perfectly. He looked exactly how I would picture a warrior. His ridiculously handsome face was just as hard as his body. He had a sharp cut jaw that was graced with barely there stubble. His messy brown hair was long enough that it touched the top of his ears and curled at the back of his neck. But his eyes were the most captivating. They were a dark chocolate brown that looked anything but warm. They possessed strength yet also anger, and maybe even…pain? Pain. I shake my head at the crazy thought. I have a feeling the only pain that guy has ever experienced is him delivering it. He looked like he could cause some serious harm. I think that’s what made him so intimidating. I’m a girl who has had enough pain to last me a lifetime and have the scars to prove it. My thoughts fade as I reach the gym. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and enter to see the bright place empty. I stand in the entrance, looking around for Kolan.

“I don’t care. I told you, I’m not fucking interested.” My gaze moves to the far corner of the gym where his angry voice echoes. He peeks his head out of the office with the phone to his ear and holds up a finger. I give him a nod before he retreats back inside. Dropping my gym bag, I walk in farther to explore. I’ve always been athletic so gyms aren’t foreign to me, but I’ve never been to one like this. It’s dedicated to fighters and filled with equipment I would never know how to use. I feel completely out of my element here. That is until I find myself in an open area of mats that are surrounded by mirrors. I come to a stop, staring at my reflection. Something I never do anymore, especially without my scarf on. I can’t bear to see the scars and it’s even harder when I don’t recognize the person looking back at me. It’s not Sophie Parish, the girl who used to smile all the time and love life. It’s a sad girl just trying to survive, hoping to live to see another day. Even if that day is a lonely one. However, there are parts of me that will never forget who I am—who I used to be. As I stare back in the mirror, it’s as if my body has a mind of its own, and I suddenly find myself rising to the tips of my toes. The quiet music coming from the speakers is anything but soft, yet that doesn’t seem to matter. I extend my right leg straight into the air, wrapping one hand around my calf and bringing it to the side of my head. The familiar stretch has warmth spreading through me, settling all the way down to my bones. Before I realize what I’m doing, I spin ever so slowly, coming full circle, and I can’t seem to stop. It’s as if I’m back in the dance studio. I continue to turn until I get lost in nothing but the feeling of freedom. The feeling of the old me. It’s so powerful and moving that I bask in it, letting it take me over. It isn’t until someone clears their throat that I remember where I am. With a sharp gasp, I drop my leg and spin around to see Kolan only a few feet away, watching me. “Sorry,” I whisper. “I didn’t realize you were finished with your call.” “It’s fine.” Before I can stop myself, I take him in for a second time. Tonight, he’s in loose, black athletic pants and a white muscle tank that shows off his cut arms and black ink. He wears a black ball cap that’s turned backward,

brown wisps of hair poking out from all sides. My original assessment of him was right, he’s definitely the best looking guy I’ve ever seen but also intimidating. When my eyes meet his, my cheeks burn with embarrassment, as I realize he’s watching me openly ogle him. His expression now amused. Good god, Sophie, get a hold of yourself. “I hope what I’m wearing is okay. I wasn’t sure what was appropriate,” I say, doing a crappy job at hiding my humiliation. His eyes travel down the length of me, taking in my black capri yoga leggings and army green tank. “It’s good, except you need to lose the scarf.” My blood runs cold at the terrifying thought. “No.” He scowls at my quick refusal. “You can’t train with it on. It’s a safety hazard.” “You don’t understand. I won’t take it off for any reason.” My voice trembles as much as my body, no matter how hard I try for it not to. He continues to watch me, his hard eyes assessing before he shakes his head. “Whatever. Here.” He hands me a clipboard with a pen attached to it. “I need you to fill this out and sign at the bottom.” I take the form from him, trying not to feel guilty over the irritation in his tone. After I fill out the waiver, I hand it back to him without meeting his eyes. “What is it you’re wanting to get out of this?” he asks, his tone a little softer. I shrug. “I’m not really sure. What are my options?” “I can teach you what I do at the course. It’s basic moves to help you get out of a dangerous situation long enough to get help. That’s the main objective. Or,” he says, drawing my eyes to his, “if you want I can show you how to make sure no one ever fucks with you again. That’s more extensive, which means more lesson time.” He shrugs. “Your call.” Thinking for even a second that I could possibly put a stop to Daniel for good has hope wedging its way into the cracks of my soul. Unfortunately, I’m not able to afford much at the moment. “How many lessons would it be if I choose the second option?” He shrugs. “However long it takes or when you want to stop.”

I shift on my feet, biting my thumbnail. “Um, we haven’t talked about price yet. How much per lesson?” “We’ll worry about that later,” he says, turning around. “Wait.” I grab onto his arm, not missing how hard he feels under my fingertips. When he stares down at my hand, I quickly release him. “Sorry. It’s just…I need to know because I can only afford so much.” “I don’t have a set price because we don’t usually offer this. Like I said, we’ll worry about it later. Let’s see how the lessons go first. We’ll make sure it’s within your budget.” I frown, wondering why he would do that when he doesn’t even know me. But I don’t bother asking and be grateful he’s willing to teach me. “Okay, thank you.” “Let’s warm up,” he says, leading me over to an open area of mats. He takes me through an endurance circuit, reminding me how long it’s been since I’ve exercised. He does it all with me, barely breaking a sweat. While we stretch, we discuss how to avoid being caught off guard and to always be careful of your surroundings. As he talks about following my instincts when something doesn’t feel right, I think back to that night when I entered my dorm. Those alarm bells are always something I wish I had listened to. After we’re done, he takes me over to the punching bag, or what he calls a heavy bag. “Have you ever hit anyone before?” I shrug. “Yeah, I guess. My sister and I got into some pretty good scraps growing up. Most of it was hair pulling, but a few times we came to blows.” A feeling of nostalgia flows through me as I think about Tess and the few catfights we got into. It vanishes quickly though when I see Kolan trying to bite back a smile, rubbing that strong jaw of his. “I meant have you ever thrown a punch?” My blood heats with embarrassment as I realize how stupid I just sounded. “Of course you did,” I mumble. He chuckles, the simple act sounds rusty, as if he doesn’t do it often. It should make me feel worse but oddly, it doesn’t. Instead, it has my tummy doing somersaults. “Before we do anything, we need to make sure you can throw a proper punch.”

He positions himself behind me and grips my shoulders to turn me, his very clean male scent penetrating my senses. Sliding a hand down my arm, he encircles my wrist, sending goose bumps to break out across my skin. I pray with everything I am that he doesn’t notice the reaction. Get a grip, Sophie. “Make a fist,” he orders. Swallowing thickly, I close my hand. “Like this.” He opens my hand up and makes me curl my fingertips in higher, then positions my thumb a certain way. “This is the best grip. When you throw a punch you hit straight on and make sure your knuckles are flush against your target for the most powerful contact.” He helps me through the motions, my hand barely touching the bag. “We’re not hitting hard because I have no protection on your hands. We’re doing this for technique first,” he explains, as if hearing my thought. I nod in understanding. He guides me through it a few more times then backs up and lets me try some on my own. “Good. Those are good. Okay, come here.” When I do as he says, he slips a pair of fingerless gloves on my hands. “We’re going to work on power now. Do what I just showed you but with as much strength as you can.” I face the bag again and hit what feels like cement. An oomph sound comes from me and the bag doesn’t even flinch. “Well, that was pathetic,” I muse out loud. Glancing at Kolan, I catch him smirking at me and notice what a striking smirk it is. “Not pathetic,” he says. “I haven’t shown you how to hit it yet.” I frown, wondering if the guy has a memory problem. “You just did.” “Not with power. Watch.” He moves to the bag, his hands also masked in gloves. “I’m going to throw the same punch you just did.” His fist connects with the bag, making it swing. “It makes a difference when you’re a hundred pounds heavier than me,” I grumble under my breath, but not quiet enough because he hears me. “This has nothing to do with size and everything to do with technique. Watch the difference with this next one.” This time, when he hits the bag, it flies. He catches it then turns back to me. “Did you see what I did differently?”

I shake my head, completely clueless. “Come here.” Grabbing my shoulders, he places me in front of him again. “When you throw a punch it’s important you step into it. Your power doesn’t come from your arm, it comes from your hips.” He leads me through a new set of motions, adding to the ones he already showed me. “Good. Now make the bag move,” he says, stepping back. Sure, no problem. I hit the bag again, but of course nothing happens. “Again,” he orders. I do it a few more times with no success. “Quicker. Use your hips and put more power into your step.” Taking a deep breath, I back up then move into it faster, doing as he instructed. This time, I barely feel my fist connect with the bag but it actually moves. With a gasp, I spin to face Kolan. “Did you see that? It moved!” He nods, a smirk lifting his lips. “It did. Now do it again.” This time, I have a little more confidence and put more oomph into it, making the bag swing once more. I smile over at Kolan, happy about my small feat. “Good job. Let’s move to the ring now.” I follow him to the center of the gym where the ring is located. He steps on the rope, making an opening for me. After I climb in, I secure my infinity scarf a little tighter around me. His eyes follow my movement but he doesn’t call notice to it. “Let’s start with some basic scenarios first. In most cases, attackers strike with the element of surprise. It’s important for you to use the same tactic on them. Your reaction time is everything. So, as hard as it is in that situation, you need to control your fear and act quickly. If I were to jump out in front of you and grab your shoulder”—his large hand covers my bare shoulder—“the first thing you’re going to do is lower yourself. Slightly bend your knees.” I do as he says. “See how awkward my grip is on you now?” I nod. “It also makes me lower myself to you, which is good because of our height difference. Now there are a few different things you could do here.

There are certain parts on the body that you want to aim for, to cause the most pain. The nose is one of them. Since I’m forced to bend down to keep my grip on you, this would be a good opportunity for you to take the heel of your hand and thrust up against my nose. Do it hard enough and you’ll break it.” Grabbing my wrist, he briefly shows me the motion. “Another place, and always the most effective when dealing with a guy, is his groin.” Without meaning to, I drop my gaze. When I realize what I’ve done, I snap my eyes back up to his face, hoping he didn’t notice, but no such luck. “You gotta look if you’re going to hit it,” he says with a smirk. My face flames, as I wish for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. The reaction only makes him chuckle and the sound does funny things to me again. “All right, now with this scenario, if you’re going for the groin you’re not going to push him away, you’re going to bring him closer. Grab his shirt or whatever he’s wearing then pull him in and bring your knee up… Go ahead and do it, just don’t make contact. I’m not protected.” I raise my eyebrows at the idea, deciding to mess with him since he seems to enjoy giving me a hard time. His scowl makes me giggle, something that I haven’t done in a long time. I begin going through the moves, my fists curling into his shirt to bring him closer. That’s when there’s a shift. My pulse begins to race as I feel his hard body against mine. His dark eyes hold me captive, making me feel things I shouldn’t—dangerous things. Clearing his throat, he steps back, breaking the heated moment. “Let’s work on something else.” With an awkward nod, I regain my wits and focus on his instructions as he goes through the different ways for me to break out of someone’s hold. This time, he seems more careful with how close he gets to me. “Any questions on those?” he asks when he’s done. I shake my head. “No, but I have a question about something else.” “What’s that?” “Well, what if they have me pinned on the ground? How do I get out of that?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. “The objective is to not let them gain that control over you.” “But what if they do? What if they come at you from behind and knock you down?”

My eyes drop to the ground as silence stretches between us, the intensity of his stare seeing more than I want him to. “There are ways. We can work on that next time.” I nod. “When do you want me to come back?” “Tomorrow evening? Same time?” “That works for me. Are you sure I can’t pay you something?” “No,” he says, seeming a little annoyed I asked. I clear my throat. “All right. Well…thanks for everything.” “You’re welcome.” He steps on the ropes again, making an opening for me. Climbing through, I feel him watch me while I go grab my water bottle and bag. Just as I head for the door, he calls out to me. I turn around to see him jump from the ring and make his way over. My tummy dances at his purposeful strides, head craning back as I keep eye contact with him. He stops in front of me, leaving a very small space between us. “You got a phone?” I stare up at him, dumbfounded. It’s as if I’m brain-dead and I’ve been robbed of all coherent thoughts. His smirk snaps me back into myself. “Wh—what?” “A phone. You got a cell phone?” “Yeah,” I answer slowly. He puts out his hand. “Can I see it?” Confused, I reach into my bag and pull it out for him. He takes it, punching in some numbers before handing it back to me. Looking down, I see he entered his contact info. “That’s my number. If for some reason you can’t make a lesson or…if you ever need anything, you can call me.” Warmth invades my chest at the kind gesture. “Thank you.” With a final nod, he walks away, leaving me no other choice but to make my own exit. On the short walk home, my mind is filled with thoughts of the mysterious, dark warrior, who seems intimidating and hard around the edges yet is kind enough to help out a girl who has no one.


Sophie The moment my life was forever changed

I had been rushing down the hall, headed to my next class, when I heard the slam of lockers and taunting laughter. “Stop it, leave me alone, asshole.” Rounding the corner, I saw Johnny Tillman and his crew picking on Daniel Wheeler, the new kid who seemed to get bullied by everyone. His books were scattered on the ground where they’d been knocked from his hands. Johnny had him up against the lockers, lifted off his feet. Daniel wasn’t small by any stretch but Johnny and his football teammates were much bigger. “I mean it. Put me down!” Daniel ordered, trying to get out of the hold Johnny had on him. “What are you gonna do, huh? You gonna be a pussy and cry like last time?” Johnny taunted, slapping Daniel in the face while all his buddies laughed. I despised bullies. With anger pumping through my body, I marched down the hall toward them. “That’s enough, Johnny. Let him go.” All eyes swung to me, Johnny’s roamed me from head to toe. He never shied away from showing his blatant appreciation, especially whenever I was cheering for them. “Hey, Sophie, miss me so soon after practice this morning?” My eyes narrowed as I crossed my arms. “Let him go, now.” “Come on, we’re just having a little fun.” “No, you’re not. You are being mean.” When he didn’t put Daniel down, I tried another tactic. “Should I get Coach Pierce and let him know what’s going on?” That got his attention. “Aren’t you already at two strikes? One more and you’ll be kicked off the team.”

He gave me a cocky smirk but there was no denying the angry tick of his jaw. “No need,” he said, dropping Daniel to the ground. “We’re done with this shit stain anyway.” His long gait ate up the distance between us, his strides purposeful as he moved toward me. I refused to cower, knowing that’s what he wanted me to do. I stood straight and tall, arms still crossed. He leaned down, putting his mouth to my ear. “How about that date I’m still waiting for?” He’s asked me out a few times. I hadn’t confirmed or denied whether I would go out with him, but I won’t be after this. “Don’t hold your breath. I don’t date assholes.” He chuckled. “Trust me, I’ll get you to change your mind.” I ignored him, refusing to play this game with him. “Let’s go,” he shouted to his posse, who jumped at the order. Once they left, I released an annoyed breath. “Jerk.” I looked at Daniel who was kneeled on the ground by his books, his eyes glued to me. Walking over, I dropped down beside him. “You okay?” He nodded, eyes wide. “Did they hurt you?” He shook his head. I stuck out my hand to him. “I’m Sophie Parish.” He stared at my gesture for a long moment before accepting it. I noticed his skin was cold and clammy. “I know who you are,” he said. When he offered nothing else, I smiled. “Let me help you with your books.” I gathered the few that were next to me and stacked them on top of the ones he had in his hands. That’s when I noticed he was still staring at me. His eyes were a startling bright blue color that looked almost unfocused behind his silver rimmed glasses. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked again. He nodded once more. Maybe he was always like this? “Okay, well…I need to get to class. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” I stood and started away when he called out my name. I spun around to face him. “Th—tha—thank you,” he stammered.

I smiled. “You’re welcome. Have a good rest of your day.” The tiny hairs on the back of my neck rose as I felt his eyes on me the entire time I walked away, and it wouldn’t be the last. Little did I know, that one act of kindness would bring me a dangerous obsession.


Kolan “Strength doesn’t come from your fists, it comes from your mind and it comes from here.” I point to my chest, staring at the fourteen youths in front of me, all of them ranging from nine to thirteen years old. “Bullshit!” My eyes move to Benny Santiago, a mouthy little shit with a chip on his shoulder. A ten-year-old who reminds me so much of myself at his age, except I knew when to open my mouth and when not to. “You say something, Santiago?” “Yeah, I said bullshit! You gotta hit hard to survive; you’d think the heavyweight champion would know that. But if you want, we can trade places and I can teach this class,” he says with a cocky smirk. His arms cross proudly over his skinny chest from the snickers that explode around him. I glance at Sarge, who stands next to me, chuckling along with the rest of them. He shrugs. “You gotta admit it was kinda funny.” I stride across the ring to Benny, his confidence fading. Taking the towel off from around my neck, I wrap it under his arms and lift him off his feet, bringing his face level with mine. His eyes widen as he takes a visible gulp. “You know what happens to mouthy little kids who don’t know when to keep quiet?” He shakes his head. “They get their little asses kicked.” He gives me a shaky smile, his head tilting to the side as he pats my shoulder. “Hey, come on now. Where’s that sense of humor, huh?” “I don’t have one.” “Well, with all that money you have you should buy yourself one.” Everyone laughs again, Sarge being the loudest of all. “That was a good one, kid.” He wheezes between breaths. “Stupid, but funny.”

Benny continues to smile, as if his humor will get him out of this. “Let me tell you something. Your body can take blow after blow, you can get knocked down time and time again, but as long as your heart is still beating, you’ve survived. It isn’t until they’ve broken your mind and killed your spirit that you’ve lost. Take it from me, kid, the blow to your chest hurts a hell of a lot more than any fist that will knock you on your ass.” He stares back at me, his smile long since vanished. I look at all the other kids to see matching expressions on their faces. “There are different fights and challenges you’ll go through in your life that will knock you down. Only a warrior gets back up and keeps fighting, in and out of the ring.” I bring my attention back to Benny, who I still have dangling in front of me. “You got me?” He nods. I place him back onto his feet. “Good. Now go give me fifty push-ups and next time watch your mouth.” “Aw man!” As he follows the order, I address the class again. “Let’s talk about what I just said. Something you all need to remember if you want to survive in this sometimes screwed-up world. Your mind and heart are the most powerful tools you possess. Use them wisely. If you can get out of an altercation without using your fists, then that’s what you do. Pick and choose your battles.” “What if you have no choice?” Jacob Morris asks, the black eye he sports proving he wasn’t given one. “Then you do what you need to do to survive and you don’t stop until you’re the one that’s walking away. But only if it’s your last option.” He nods. “All right. Pair up and let’s start.” While everyone grabs a partner, I spot Cooper walking out of the office from his talk with Jaxson. “Hey, Coop, wait up a sec, will ya?” I glance over at Sarge. “Can you take over for a moment?” “Yeah, I got it.” “Thanks.” Jumping down from the ring, I head over to where Cooper waits by the door. “Slade,” he greets me, extending his hand.

“Hey.” I accept the gesture. “I’ve been meaning to call and ask you about that girl you sent here.” The one I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. “Girl?” He frowns. “Yeah. Lia.” His eyes widen in surprise. “Lia’s been here?” Now it’s my turn to be confused. “You didn’t send her?” “I told her about the self-defense class happening this weekend, but I didn’t think she would come before then.” “She came in here Monday night and asked about getting private lessons. I’ve been working with her after hours.” “Really?” he says, still in shock. I nod. “Honestly, I didn’t think she would come, but I’m glad she did.” “What’s her story?” I ask, cutting right to the chase. It’s clear he knows what I’m asking but he feigns ignorance. “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean. She’s jumpy as hell and seems terrified of everything.” “Have you asked her?” “No.” I’ve been making sure to keep our lessons focused strictly on selfdefense. Something about that girl messes with me, and makes me feel shit that I shouldn’t be feeling, especially with her. But I’ve been dying to know what the hell her story is. What has made her so scared? She raises every protective instinct I have and whoever put that fear in her, I want to fucking end them. Cooper lets out a resigned breath. “Listen. I can’t really tell you what I know; it’s not my place. And to be honest, I only know the little I’ve been able to find out on my own.” I frown at the response. “What does that mean?” “It means she’s hiding more than what’s under that scarf of hers.” “So, you haven’t seen what’s under it either.” “No. But I’m glad you’re helping her because, take it from me, Slade, she needs it. Kayla knew it from the moment she met her, which is why she sent her to me in the first place. I’m hoping she’ll open up as she gets more

comfortable, but I’m not holding my breath. It’s clear she doesn’t trust easily. I’m praying I can gain it before she bolts.” My chest constricts; the thought of her leaving without so much as a word to anyone bothers the hell out of me. “Come on, Cooper, give me something. How am I supposed to help her if I don’t know what the hell is going on?” He shakes his head. “I can’t. I don’t know enough. If you want to help then gain her trust and keep her from running. And while you’re at it, teach her how to kick some serious ass.” “Yeah, we’re working on that,” I tell him on a heavy breath. “Good. Kayla has been trying to get closer to her but she always has an excuse to bail. You’re the only one she’s spending time with, so it looks like you’re her only hope right now.” Great, the most fucked-up guy on the planet is her only hope. “I’ll do what I can,” I promise, hoping it will be enough. “Good luck, keep in touch.” After he walks out the door, I head back over to the group. “Yo, Slade,” Jaxson yells, sticking his head out of the office. “Phone call.” “My sister?” He shakes his head, his tight expression saying it all. It’s not a phone call I want to take. “Ward?” “Yeah, ’bout that exhibition fight for charity.” Charity my ass. It’s because Cortez wants me in the ring. He wants to challenge the undefeated heavyweight and Ward wants the money from it, but it’s not going to happen. Even though I would love to slaughter that cocky motherfucker. I shake my head at Jaxson. “Figured, but thought I’d check anyway.” I continue my way to the group, seeing them all paired up except Benny. He stands by himself, watching me with a smug smile on his face. “I’m partnerless. Looks like it’s you and me, Champ, let’s see what you got,” he challenges, getting into fighting position. Instead of matching his stance, I grab a fistful of his shirt and lift him off his feet again. He giggles hysterically, both his small hands clinging to

my wrist as he squirms to get free. “What did I tell you? No one likes a big mouth.” “Don’t listen to him, kid,” Sawyer says as he walks out of the locker room with one of the fighters. “Everyone loves a big mouth. You just gotta make sure you can back it up first,” he adds with a smirk. Benny’s know-it-all smile spreads. “I like that guy. Why isn’t he instructing us?” Dropping him back to his feet, I begin gloving up. “Because he ain’t the Champ. Now glove up, because I’m about to show you exactly what I’m made of.”


Sophie Late Friday afternoon, Liz strolls in for her evening shift. “Hey, Lia.” “Hey,” I greet her back. “Good day?” I shrug. “It’s been quiet.” “Hopefully, it stays that way, and I can get paid to do nothing except stare at whoever is on duty tonight. Let’s hope it’s Logan,” she adds with a wink. Smiling, I shake my head. I’m not surprised by her comment. Liz loves to flirt with everybody, well except for Cooper, but I think that’s because she’s afraid of Kayla. Logan Knight is definitely attractive but he also happens to be very much in love with his wife, Anna, who is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. “Hey, girls,” Cooper greets us as he walks in. “Hi,” we both reply in unison. “Lia, I was just at the gym and ran into Kolan,” he says, making every muscle in my body tense. “I hear you’re taking lessons from him.” I nod, worried he’s upset that I didn’t do the course like he suggested, but his easy smile instantly has me relaxing. “Glad to hear. He’s definitely a guy you want to have in your corner.” Before I can think too much about his response, he continues on to his office. “Have a good weekend, I’ll see you Monday.” “Bye,” I say quietly, giving a small wave to his retreating back. I stumble slightly, caught off guard when Liz grabs my arm and spins me around to face her. “You’re taking self-defense lessons from Kolan Slade?” I nod, wondering why her eyes are bugged out of her head. “The Kolan Slade?”

“Umm yes?” I voice it as more of a question, unsure of what she means by that. “You lucky bitch. Tell me, what is he like? Is he as intense as he looks? Do you think the rumors are true?” “Rumors?” “Lia, focus!” she orders, snapping her fingers in my face. “You do know who Kolan Slade is, right?” “He works at the gym?” I guess, still unsure where this is all coming from. “Oh man, you don’t know.” She shakes her head, disappointed. “He’s not just some guy who works at the gym. He’s the heavyweight champion in the EFC, or was before he retired a few months back after being accused of rape.” “What?” I squeak, swearing I misheard her. “Yep, by some chick at the club.” “Club?” I repeat, dumbfounded. She nods, an almost gleeful smile lifting her lips as she leans in closer to me. “Yeah. Annihilation. It’s a BDSM club. I’ve heard he’s their best customer, and apparently, he can fuck for hours.” I gape at her, wanting to ask what BDSM means but don’t want to sound as clueless as I am. Getting my wits about me, I shake my head. “No. No way. Kolan did not rape someone.” I may not know him well, but the man I’ve spent every night with this week does not have that kind of evil inside of him. Yes, he’s intense. Yes, he is intimidating. But he’s also kind. He’s given up his free time to teach me how to defend myself and hasn’t asked for anything in return. “Oh no, he didn’t,” Liz rushes to say. “He was accused of it but eventually cleared of all charges. Turns out someone set him up. It tarnished his reputation though. I think that’s why he left the EFC, but even with the allegations not being true, he definitely has a side no one knew about. Being a member of Annihilation proves that. The things I’ve heard he does to a girl in one of those rooms.” She shakes her head. “I’m telling you, hours and hours of pure pleasure with that man.” I feel my face flame, still having no idea what Annihilation is. I also can’t deny the yucky feeling I get in my tummy as I think about him doing anything to a girl. Which is ridiculous.

“I don’t know anything about that,” I tell her honestly. “I’ve only met with him a few times, but I can say he’s very nice. He’s really gone out of his way for me.” “Damn, you’re so lucky,” she says with a hint of envy in her tone. “What I wouldn’t give to be alone with that guy for an hour, or rather hours, and see if he’s as intense as the rumors say. In the ring he’s lethal, so it didn’t surprise me to hear he’s hardcore in the bedroom.” Now, I’m even more intrigued by the dark, mysterious man who has been occupying my thoughts lately. When I arrive home, I pour myself a cup of my usual evening brewed tea then look him up on my iPad to see what I can find out. I’m not disappointed. There is a wealth of information on him. First, there are pictures of him in the ring, and Liz is right, he looks lethal. Powerful. Something I already knew about him, but these pictures show so much more. There are also a lot of articles about the rape accusation. My heart hurts to know someone was cruel enough to set him up like that. There’s even a picture of the girl who accused him. Just the sight of her leaves a bad taste in my mouth. She looks as fake as her bleached blonde hair and big boobs splashing out of her too tiny top. A small level of satisfaction fills me when I read that she’s been sentenced to prison for her involvement. Scrolling down, I tense when I see the word Annihilation. I’m not able to find out much about the club itself, so I click on the word BDSM that’s highlighted, and what shows up has my eyes bulging out of my head. “Oh my god.” It’s like a hidden underworld. Graphic photos of people minimally covered in leather, being tied up and gagged, has a shiver working down my spine. All sorts of objects that look more like weapons are used, but the person on the receiving end seems to be enjoying it. It looks an awful lot like a kinky horror movie. Feeling my stomach churn, I click out of the pictures and read some articles that explain exactly what BDSM is. Bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism. A type of sexual practice. Control is talked about a lot and seems to be the main purpose behind it, yet so is pain. It doesn’t completely shock me to know Kolan could be a part of something like this. He does have that sort of dark, commanding

presence about him. However, the thought of him inflicting pain on a woman in any setting surprises me. There are a few different articles from psychologists saying the lifestyle is normal and healthy. It makes me wonder where they got their degree, because what I see here looks far from normal and scares the living daylights out of me. Why would anyone want to inflict pain? Or better yet, why would someone want to be hurt? None of it makes sense and it leaves me even more conflicted about the man who has invaded my every waking thought. A man who has been teaching me more than self-defense. He’s been teaching me how to survive.


Kolan Saturday afternoon, I walk into my sister’s salon, still pissed off from my phone call with Cortez’s manager. But my bad mood eases at the vibrant smile on her face. One she deserves to always have. It was difficult to keep that smile on her face when we were growing up, thanks to our shitty parents. Now though, I hardly ever see her without it. “Well, if it isn’t one of my favorite guys in the whole world,” she says, resting the broom against the wall before wrapping her arms around my neck and planting a loud smacking kiss on my cheek. “One of them? There was a time when I was your favorite,” I grumble, but pull her in close, making sure to be mindful of the small baby bump she’s been sporting lately. Something that still stresses me the fuck out whenever I think about it. “I know, but now my fiancé gets put in that category too, so you have to share.” Leaning back to look at me, she grabs my jaw. “But don’t worry, you’re my favorite brother,” she coos. I grunt. I’m her only brother. She steps back with a chuckle. “Am I washing today?” “Nah, just a trim.” She turns her chair for me to sit in then rips my hat off my head, running her fingers through my rumpled hair. “You should never wear a hat with hair like this, brother.” She says this every fucking time I come in. I’m a hat guy, always have been. “You know, we may have been given crappy parents but we sure were blessed with some amazing hair genes.” I stare back at her in the mirror, wondering if she’s serious. She shrugs. “Gotta find the good in the bad, and our hair is one of the positives.”

I disagree. There’s nothing positive when it comes to our parents. “Seriously though, both you and Nick have the kind of hair that shampoo commercials are made of, and I get to do what I want with it,” she brags, a slight dance in her step as she reaches for the spray bottle. “How is RoboCop anyway?” “Perfect, like always.” I grunt, unable to help myself. That guy is far from perfect, especially when he’s touching my sister, but I guess he’ll do since I don’t have a choice. It also helps that he keeps her smiling. As long as it stays that way, I’ve decided he can live. “He’s actually coming to pick me up soon. We’re going out for Italian tonight. Mmmm.” She pats her belly. “Wanna come?” “No, thanks.” “Why, you got plans?” “No.” “Then come.” “That’s okay. You go and have fun. I’ve got some stuff to finish up at the gym.” Like exhaust myself from the need to go to Annihilation and fuck. Innocent hazel eyes suddenly emerge out of nowhere, assaulting the dark recesses of my mind before I squelch the image quickly. “If you’re sure,” she says, her tone heavy with disappointment. It makes me feel like shit. “I am, but we’ll do something soon, okay?” “Okay,” she agrees then changes the subject. “So, I’ve been doing some thinking about the wedding.” “Oh yeah.” I feign interest. I don’t like talking about this either. I don’t want her to marry anyone. I liked it better when it was just her and me, especially since she’s all I have. “Yeah. Nick and I have been talking, and I think we’re going to do something small. Similar to what Cade and Faith did. Just close friends and family. Faith says we could have it out at her place since our house won’t be ready for a while,” she says, talking about the house they’re building on a few acres just outside of town. “Have you picked a date?” “No,” she sighs. “I’m undecided whether to wait until after the baby is born or do it before. I don’t really want to wait. I feel like I’ve been waiting

my whole life for this day with Nick, but on the other hand, maybe we should have the baby be a part of our day, ya know?” She shakes her head, frustrated. “I don’t know, but I need to decide soon before I get any bigger. Speaking of which…check this out.” Putting her scissors down, she lifts her loose shirt just enough to show me her small, rounded tummy that still has her purple jeweled ring dangling from her bellybutton. “How amazing is this?” She beams, having no clue how much it freaks me the fuck out for my baby sister to have a baby of her own. It makes me want to rip that asshole to shreds. However, by the way her face glows and smile reaches ear to ear, I refrain from speaking my thoughts. “Pretty cool,” I say instead. “I know. I can’t wait to find out what it is.” She giggles excitedly. Dropping her shirt back down, she picks up her scissors again. “Anyway, I need to make the decision soon when it comes to picking a dress.” “What does Nick say?” “He says it’s whatever I want, but I think he would prefer not to wait either.” “Then don’t,” I say, stating the obvious. Another sigh escapes her, as if it’s so much more complicated than that. “I know. I’ll make a decision soon. I do know one thing I want for sure though,” she says, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror. “What’s that?” Leaning down, she wraps her arms around my neck. “I want you to walk me down the aisle.” My chest constricts, both in panic and something else. An emotion that only my sister has ever evoked in me. She’s the only person I have in my life who gives a shit about me, and the thought of losing her scares the hell out of me. “You going to be there to give me away?” she asks, eyes hopeful. “No.” I feel her tense, pain darkening her expression. “I’ll never give you away, Kate. You’re my baby sister forever, but I’ll walk you down the aisle.”

She smiles, tears brimming in her warm brown eyes. “You about broke my heart there for a minute.” “You really thought I wouldn’t come to your wedding?” She shrugs. “I know how you are about crowds, but I hoped you would.” “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” “Good,” she says. “Because you’re right about one thing.” “I’m right about everything, but what exactly are you talking about?” A giggle escapes her before it softens into a smile. “That I’ll be your baby sister forever,” she whispers. “Never doubt that, Kolan. Not even Nick could change that. It’s always been you and me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” The fear I had of losing her begins to dissipate. Straightening, she continues the task at hand, the sound of her shears filling the sudden silence. “You need any money?” I ask, then clear my throat when I hear how gruff I sound. “For the wedding, I mean.” “No, I don’t, but thank you anyway.” I knew she would say that. “I’m paying for your dress.” She shakes her head. “I don’t need you to.” “I don’t care. I want to, Katelyn. It matters to me.” Hearing the seriousness in my voice, her eyes find mine in the mirror again. “Okay,” she relents with a nod. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome.” While she finishes my hair, she fills me in on the family, telling me about our Uncle Joshua, Aunt Linda, Papa George, and even Pop. Which isn’t a bad thing I guess, since I never go to the weekly Sunday suppers my aunt hosts. I never have. It’s not my thing. My sister is my family and that’s how I like to keep it. I’ve always included Faith in that small circle, but I get to see her more often now that I work at the gym. As Katelyn brushes the loose hair from my neck, the door beeps, signaling someone’s arrival. Nick comes striding in from around the corner and just like that, she’s gone, running into his arms. “Hey, baby.” He pulls her in close, making me want to beat the shit out of him. “RoboCop,” I greet him, putting my hat back on as I stand.

“Catwoman,” he counters. My eyes narrow. “That name makes no fucking sense. I look nothing like her.” “And I look like fucking RoboCop?” “Yes, it suits what you do. Or maybe my sister is right and Miami Vice is best,” I say, reaching out to tug the strands brushing his collar. “It does look like you have a party going on in the back.” He slaps my arm away. “The hell I do.” Katelyn laughs. “No way. There are a lot of things you could tease Nick about, but his hair isn’t one of them. Like I said, you guys have amazing hair and it’s all thanks to me.” I can’t deny that. She’s the best in her profession, and I’m not just saying that because she’s my sister. “You sure you can’t come with us for supper?” she asks again. “If money is a problem, I can pay for you,” Nick offers with a smirk, flicking the brim of my hat to knock it off my head. Asshole. I shove him. “I have more money than you, dickhead. You just worry about feeding my sister and make sure she gets whatever she wants.” “I always do.” Damn straight he does, because I’d kick his ass if he didn’t. “Promise we’ll do something soon?” Katelyn asks. “Yeah, Kate. I promise.” Leaning in, I kiss her cheek and slip some money into her pocket, knowing she will refuse otherwise. Then I shake Nick’s hand, because most of the time I like him and it makes my sister happy. As I leave the salon, stepping out onto the sidewalk, a small body crashes into me. “Whoa…” I grab hold of narrow shoulders while delicate hands fist my shirt. I instantly register who it is from the slender curves pressing against me—the same ones I’ve felt all week and have committed to memory. Lia gasps. “I’m so sorry. I—” Her words fade when she looks up to see it’s me. “Kolan.” The sound of my name falling past her lips has my dick turning hard. I really need to get laid.

Before I have a chance to say anything, Katelyn comes dashing out of the salon. “Kolan, wait. I forgot to ask…” She trails off at the sight of Lia in my arms. “Oh, who’s your friend?” Lia shoves against my chest. It’s then I get my first full look at her. She wears a pair of light denim jean shorts that show off her long, slender legs and a loose white tank top. Her golden brown hair is pulled up high on her head with small wisps lying gently by her face. A peach scarf is doubled up around her neck, her fingers fiddling with it nervously, and although the material is light, she must be dying with it on in this heat. However, no matter how out of place it looks in this weather, it does nothing to take away from how beautiful she is. “I’m so sorry. I ran into him by accident,” she rushes to explain, pulling me from my thoughts. It’s obvious she thinks Katelyn is someone else to me. This is a fucking mess. “Katelyn, this is Lia. Lia, this is my sister, Katelyn,” I say, making sure to clear up any misunderstandings. “Your sister?” I confirm with a nod. Something that looks a lot like relief flashes in her eyes. “Are you the Lia working for Cooper?” Katelyn asks. “Yes, I am.” “It’s nice to meet you.” Kate extends her hand. “Kayla was mentioning you the other day, nothing but good things of course,” she clarifies. “Thanks. It’s nice to meet you, too.” Katelyn’s eyes shift back and forth between us, a knowing smile quirking her lips. “You had something to say?” I remind her. “Oh yeah, right. I meant to ask if you’re coming to the Barnyard for the charity event Anna is doing for the Men of Honor Center,” she says, talking about the largest honky-tonk bar in the state. “Kate, this is me we’re talking about. What do you think?” She rolls her eyes. “I know you’re not going to dance for god’s sake but none of the guys will be, and it’s for a good cause—one you support. So, I figured you might not be a recluse for one night and come have some fun.”

A giggle escapes Lia before she muffles it with her hand, her cheeks staining pink at the outburst. “You can come, too,” Kate tells her. “A bunch of us girls are getting ready together. I’m the outfit coordinator.” She eyes Lia from head to toe. “I’m guessing you’re a size six?” “Oh, thank you, but no,” she quickly declines. “Kayla and Anna actually invited me last week but um, I already have prior commitments.” It’s obvious she’s lying. “No problem. I’ll still get you the outfit just in case,” Katelyn pushes. “That way, if your plans change and you can come then you have something, if not then I’ll return it.” Lia begins to protest again but Katelyn doesn’t give her the chance. She talks over her, moving right back to me. “I expect you to be there. It’s for a good cause. Okay? Good. Bye.” Giving me a brief hug, she disappears back into the salon before anyone can say more. I bring my attention back to Lia, who looks like a deer caught in headlights. “She means well,” I tell her. She smiles, her tense body relaxing. “She seems really nice.” “She can be pushy but she’s usually pretty cool.” Her eyes drop to her feet as she shuffles nervously. “Sorry about running into you,” she murmurs. “I was looking at the map and should have watched where I was going.” “It’s fine.” Bending down, I pick up the pamphlet she dropped to see it’s a map of downtown. “Exploring?” I ask, handing it back to her. She nods, her eyes remaining on the ground until I reach under her chin and tilt her face up to mine. Her lips part, making me want to lick between that small gap. Dropping my hand, I step back. “Yeah. I didn’t have anything going on so I thought I’d venture out a bit and see what Charleston has to offer,” she explains. “What about you? Just visiting your sister?” I nod. “This is her salon. Lucky for me, I have a hairdresser at my disposal when I need one.” A smile lifts those pretty lips of hers. “I’m sure that comes in handy.” Clearing her throat, she looks around. “Well, it was nice running into you… literally.” She laughs nervously. “I guess I’ll see you Monday night.”

Panic strikes my chest when she begins to walk past me. “Lia.” Her name leaves my lips before I can stop it. She turns around. “Do you want some company?” What the fuck am I doing? If you want to help, gain her trust and keep her from running. As Cooper’s words whisper in my mind, I try telling myself that’s why I’m offering, but I’m full of shit. I really just want to be around her. Indecision battles in her timid eyes. I expect her to blow me off like she does everyone else but she ends up surprising me. “Yeah, actually, I would.” So much sadness bleeds in those words that I’m glad I asked. With a nod, I fall in step next to her. “Have you always lived here?” she asks as we head closer to the center of town. “No. I grew up in Montana. I moved my sister and me to Columbia after she graduated. When she decided to open her salon here, I followed, because where she goes I go.” “Is she your only sibling?” “Yeah, it’s always just been the two of us.” Until RoboCop showed up. “No parents?” “No.” My hard tone forces her to drop the subject. “Well, she’s very pretty.” “Too fucking pretty for her own good,” I grunt, eliciting a giggle from her. “What about you? You mentioned a sister. Any other siblings you get in cat fights with?” She smiles. “No, just Tess. We got along more often than not though. We were actually very close.” Her voice trails off on a whisper. “Were?” She keeps her eyes trained ahead. “Yeah, were.” I begin to wonder if her family is dead and think about pushing the subject, but the last thing I want to do is cause this sad girl any more pain. So, I drop it…for now. For the next hour, we keep things light while venturing around. We walk into a few shops for her to look around in and stop for a bite to eat on

the harbor. We talk about the gym and the classes I run with the kids and some of the work I do with the vets at the Men of Honor Center. A place dedicated to housing homeless veterans, counseling them, and getting them back on their feet. “Anna has told me a little about the Center. It sounds like a really great foundation she has started,” she says. “Yeah, it is.” I have mad respect for any and all military, but Anna’s passion runs much deeper. Something I refrain from saying because I’m not sure if she knows Anna’s story and how she met Jaxson and the others. Our easy moment is interrupted when I spot a reporter taking pictures of us from the beach. I quickly collect the check, wanting to get the fuck out of here before I’m hounded with inappropriate questions. The last thing I want is for Lia to be subjected to any of my bullshit. However, he ends up keeping his distance, satisfied with just pictures, and Lia is none the wiser. The sun has started to set by the time we leave the restaurant and we decide to walk back along the beach to check out the row of shops set up. One of the booths she stops at sells jewelry; her attention riveted to a row of bracelets as her fingers stroke the soft stones. “It’s coral from the ocean,” the lady explains. “Each color and shape holds meaning. Courage, love, kindness…” “What does this one mean?” she asks, touching the light pink one that has captivated her. “Strength,” the lady responds. “How much?” she asks. “Seventy.” Disappointment flashes in her eyes but she tries to mask it with a small smile. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.” When she begins to walk away, I grab her arm and look at the lady. “We’ll take it.” “No!” Lia objects, but I stand in front of her, blocking her protest as I hand over the cash. “Kolan, I’m serious, stop right now.” She tries moving around me but it’s too late. The lady hands me back my change and the small bracelet. “Enjoy it, honey. You have a nice man here.” I don’t bother correcting her and offer my thanks before walking away, a sputtering Lia following close behind me. “I hope you enjoy wearing

that,” she snaps, throwing around some sass that I’ve yet to see from her. It’s amusing and only turns me on more, but everything she does seems to do that. As we approach the end of the beach, I come to a stop and hand her the bracelet. She shakes her head, arms crossing over her chest. “Forget it. I’m serious. I’m not taking it.” Reaching out, I pull her against me. Her sharp inhale penetrates the humid air, wide eyes locking with mine. I lift her wrist and slip the bracelet on. “You’re going to wear this because I bought it for you. I don’t want you to pay me back,” I tell her, knowing full well it’s on the tip of her tongue. “I don’t even want a thank you. I just want you to wear it and look at it every time you need strength.” “Kolan…” she protests softly, shaking her head. “It’s just a bracelet, Lia.” “It was expensive,” she argues. “Not for me,” I tell her. “It’s a gift. Accept it.” With a defeated sigh, her body relaxes against me. “Anyone ever tell you how bossy you are?” “My sister does often.” Her lips twitch with a smile. “Thank you,” she whispers, touching the bracelet. “I’ll treasure it forever.” “You’re welcome.” She makes no effort to back away, testing my precious restraint. Reluctantly, I release her before I end up doing something stupid, like steal that lush mouth of hers. On our way back toward the salon, we pass a small, run-down dance studio where music explodes from, vibrating the sidewalk beneath our feet. The glass windows reveal a group of male teenagers. One kid makes eyes contact with me, recognition dawning in his eyes. “Holy shit. It’s the Dark Warrior,” he bellows, cutting the music. Shit! The door swings open a second later, scaring Lia. She quickly latches onto my arm, her nails digging into my hard flesh. My hand finds the small of her back, hoping to calm her. “Yo, Slade,” the kid calls out, his friends crowding behind him as they try to look out the door.

“Hey, guys.” I greet them with a lift of my chin. “Ah man, I knew it was you.” He chuckles, his eyes bright with excitement. “Will you come in and get a picture with us, maybe sign some stuff?” “Yeah, sure.” I look down at Lia. “Come on, I won’t be long.” My hand remains on her back as we enter the small studio. All the guys welcome me with a clap on my shoulder or a punch to the arm. “Holy shit, I can’t believe the Dark Warrior is in our studio,” one says, handing me a group picture of them to sign. “Man, that fight between you and Ferguson was badass,” another one says. “You knocked that mouthy fucker out.” I grunt. “He does have a mouth on him, doesn’t he?” “He does, almost as bad as Cortez.” My muscles coil at the mention of that asshole. “Speaking of him, whatcha think about the way he’s running his mouth to get you back in the ring? You gonna do it?” “Nah, man. I’m retired,” I tell him, continuing to sign things as people pass them to me. “Everyone knows you’d knock him out anyway.” “Everyone but him,” I respond. A bunch of them laugh, clapping me on the back. “Hey, lady.” One of them addresses Lia, handing her his phone. “You mind snappin’ our picture?” She takes it with a smile, looking more relaxed. “Of course.” All the guys crowd around me, making a mean pose. “Say cheese,” Lia says, making them all chuckle. “Uh yeah, how about we just say beat down. Holds double meaning,” one suggests. She rolls her eyes but a laugh escapes her. “Okay, say ‘beat down.’” They all holler at once as she snaps a bunch of pictures then hands the kid back his phone. “So, what do you guys have going on here?” I ask, gesturing around me. “Is this your studio?” “Yeah, man. It’s not much but it’s ours. We’re pretty awesome, too. Tryin’ to get to nationals if we can raise enough money.” “What kind of dancing do you do?” Lia asks, her interest piqued.

“Street dancing, hip-hop type stuff,” he explains hastily, before turning back to me. “Anyway, there’s this competition in—” “LA,” Lia answers, interrupting him. She seems a little miffed by the way the kid just dismissed her, and I don’t blame her. “I used to dance, so I know all about the competition you’re talking about.” The kid chuckles, grabbing at his pants that are falling off his ass. “Yeah well, we aren’t talking about ballerina stuff here, sweetheart.” I tense. “Watch how you talk to her.” “Hey, man, I mean no disrespect. I’m just trying to clarify we ain’t talkin’ about the same kind of dancing. We roll with the big boys,” he adds, winking at Lia. It only seems to piss her off more. “I can do everything you can, if not better.” “Ooooh.” A bunch of low calls are made as the kid rears back. “You challenging me, little girl?” I decide to let his ‘little girl’ comment slide since Lia is handling herself just fine. She shrugs. “Not challenging, just stating facts.” His buddies chuckle, punching him in the shoulder. Rubbing his jaw, he assesses her. “All right, ballerina, let’s see what you got.” I’m about to put a stop to this when Lia takes off her purse and shoves it against my chest, looking like she’s about to take someone down. Amused, I hold it while she follows the guy to the middle of the dance floor. “Here are the rules,” he starts. “I get fifteen seconds then you do what I did. One wrong move and you’re out. Think you can handle that?” “I think I can manage,” she answers blandly. He smirks. “Let me help you with that scarf.” I move as soon as he reaches for it but her reflexes are faster. She grabs his wrist midair. “Don’t touch. It stays on.” Awkward silence fills the room just before he raises his hands in surrender. “All right, it’s cool. Keep it on then.” As he moves to the stereo, she looks back at me with a small smile. “That was some fast reflexes,” she whispers proudly.

“Very fast,” I agree with a smirk, a heavy dose of admiration filling my chest. His buddies gather around me, chuckling, and I know it’s directed at her. It pisses me off and I start to worry, not wanting her to be embarrassed, especially with this newfound confidence I’m seeing. If that disappears, I’ll kick all their little asses. “Uptown Funk” suddenly booms from the speakers. The kid walks back to her with a cocky dance in his step, his hands clapping to the intro as he moves side to side. Lia watches him, unimpressed. Once the beat kicks in, he lets loose, his feet moving with an upbeat rhythm as his body twists and contorts with ease, executing move after impressive move. He’s really fucking good. When he drops to the ground in one fluid motion, pumping himself up on his arms so his legs and body twist in the air, all of his buddies start cheering. Once his fifteen seconds are up, he signals Lia to start. My heart begins to pound for her but it lasts only a second, because once she starts my jaw hits the fucking floor. She doesn’t only match his every move, she does it better than him. All of the guys next to me start hollering and laughing, pointing at their friend who looks as shocked as me while he watches Lia. Even though her steps are quick, her body moves with grace. I figured she was a dancer when I caught her in the gym that first night, but I never imagined she could dance like this. When she completes her fifteen seconds and the shock wears off her competitor, he nods in approval, his mouth splitting in a huge grin. “All right, ballerina. Let’s dance.” Laughing, Lia joins him and they move together, thankfully not touching or I would have to kick his ass. This time, he’s the one who follows her steps as she leads. I watch the smile on her face as she loses herself to the beat once again. It’s as if I’m staring back at a girl I’ve never seen before. A girl who has no fear. Only confidence and…strength. “Dude, where did you find this chick?” the kid next to me asks. It takes me a moment to answer, my eyes never leaving Lia. “I didn’t. She found me.”

Once the song ends, the kid bows down to her then the others clap and congratulate her, but I find myself still rooted to my spot. When she looks at me, her vibrant smile punches me in the chest. It’s a smile that I’d make sure she had every second if I could. Before we leave, I tell the guys to come by the gym and I’ll write them a check to send them to nationals. They flip their shit, cheering with excitement and thanking me, which I don’t need. They also invite Lia to come by anytime to hang out and dance. Once we walk outside, she stops, pulling in deep breaths of air. “Jesus, that was fucking amazing,” I tell her. “I figured you danced but —” “Kolan?” she heaves, interrupting me. “Yeah?” I suddenly notice how hard her lungs are working. “Catch me.” My arms come around her just as her legs give out. Concern plagues me until she smiles. “I haven’t done that in a long time,” she says. “But I totally kicked that guy’s ass.” I chuckle. “Yeah, baby, you definitely did.” Realizing what I just said, I clear my throat. “You good?” “Not yet. Just give me another second, my legs are jelly.” With a smirk, I scoop her up in my arms and start walking. “Or this works, too,” she says. “Where did you park?” Dread twists in my gut at the thought of saying good-bye already. “I didn’t. I came on the bus. Just take me to your sister’s salon, the stop isn’t far from there.” My feet falter, halting in their tracks. “Why did you take the bus?” “Because I don’t have a car,” she answers slowly. “What do you mean you don’t have a car?” She frowns. “It means exactly that.” “How the hell have you been getting home from the gym every night?” “Walking.” I glare at her. “You’ve been fucking walking?” “Yeah. Why do you keep repeating everything I say?” “Because you shouldn’t be walking at night by yourself. This is one of those things, Lia, where I told you to make smart decisions so you don’t end up in a bad situation.”

Her body stiffens in my arms. “I don’t have a choice since I have no vehicle, Kolan.” “I would have fucking driven you!” “I don’t need you to drive me,” she snaps. “I only live a few blocks from the gym. Now stop yelling at me!” I blow out a frustrated breath and try to collect myself. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to yell. I just don’t like you walking home alone at night. From now on, I’ll drive you.” “Honestly, Kolan, I can manage.” “It’s not up for discussion. If you want to train after hours then I take you home.” She glares up at me, looking like she’s about to argue further but thinks better of it. “Whatever…” she grumbles. “Can we just keep moving, Mr. Bossy pants?” I quirk a brow at her. “You want to walk?” “Not yet, keep going,” she orders, flicking her hand in front of us. With an amused grunt, I start walking again, the sound of her laugh doing funny shit to my chest. “I’m just kidding. You can put me down.” “Nah,” I decline, enjoying the way she feels in my arms. “It’s really nice of you to pay for them to go to nationals,” she says quietly. I shrug. “They’re good. They should go.” “You never told me you were a professional fighter.” I was wondering when she was going to bring that up. “Does it matter?” “No, I guess it doesn’t,” she says. “Why did you retire?” I take a moment to think about how to answer that then settle with the truth. “Because I reached my goal. I made it to the top. So, when people fucked me over, I decided to leave with half of my dignity intact.” Her gaze burns the side of my face, but I keep my eyes trained ahead. “I’m sorry people lied about you and tried to ruin your reputation.” “Been doing some digging on me, have you, Lia?” I hate that she knows, but I guess she was bound to find out sooner or later. “A little,” she admits. “I found out yesterday you were a fighter. I didn’t know much about the EFC so I Googled it, and that’s when I saw what that girl said about you.”

My jaw locks down at the thought of that bitch Nikki. I wonder what else she saw, because I’m sure Annihilation showed up in that search, too. Fuck! “I never believed it,” she whispers. “Even before I found out you were cleared of the charges, I knew it wasn’t true.” “How?” I ask, my eyes finding hers. “How could you know that when you don’t even know me?” “What kind of rapist teaches a girl how to defend herself?” I shift my gaze away, her response evoking a storm of emotions I’m not prepared to feel. “I don’t need to have known you a long time, Kolan, to know you aren’t capable of that.” “Some of the people who believed it knew me a hell of a lot longer than you.” “Then they never really knew you.” My eyes meet hers again, and I see so much trust reflecting back at me, something I can’t understand. The only person who’s ever had that much faith in me is my sister. “Don’t put too much stock in me. I’m far from perfect.” That’s a major understatement. “None of us are,” she says quietly, so much hidden in those few words. Reaching my SUV, I place her feet on the ground and cage her against the passenger door, bracing both my hands on either side of her head. “And what about you, Lia?” I ask, dipping my head in close to hers. “Hmm? You know my secrets. What about yours?” She might not know all of mine but she knows enough. “What is it you want to know?” she asks, a slight tremble in her voice. “I want to know who you are and where you came from. But more than anything, I want to know what you’re hiding under that scarf.” The stark pain that enters her eyes strikes me to my fucking core. “Trust me, you don’t want to see what’s under there. I can’t even bear to look at it myself.” “Nothing scares me.” It’s a complete lie. She scares the hell out of me. A heavy silence descends upon us, her pretty eyes wide and fearful. “What are you so afraid of?” I ask.

Her breath hitches, emotion shining bright in her gaze. “Everything.” There’s so much despair in that one word that I want to fucking kill whoever put it there. Unable to resist, I gently drop my forehead on hers, my jaw locking as I restrain myself from doing what I really want to do. “I’m going to respect your privacy…for now. But one day, you’re going to tell me who made you so afraid. And if they’re still breathing—they won’t be for much longer.” Her eyes fall closed, lip trembling as she tries to shield her pain from me. “Some secrets, Kolan, are best left unknown.” “Not between us. The day will come when there will be no more secrets between us.” Her eyes open, locking with mine, but she remains silent. I press my lips to her forehead then reach for the door handle. “Come on. Let’s go home.”


Sophie I walk into the gym Monday evening to see Kolan headed toward the change room in nothing but gym shorts and a towel slung around his neck, his hard, bare body slick with sweat. The moment his eyes lock with mine, my heart skips a beat. “Hey,” he greets me, his deep, smooth baritone making my knees weak. “Hey.” “Sorry, I lost track of time. I’m just going to have a quick shower. I’ll be out in five.” All I can manage is a nod, my throat dry from images of him under the hot spray. Don’t go there, Sophie. As he disappears into the locker room, I put my gym bag down and climb into the ring to stretch, hoping it will distract me from my dangerous thoughts, but it’s no use. If I thought he consumed me before, that’s nothing compared to how much I’ve thought about him since our night together in Charleston. It was the best night I’ve had since I lost everything. It felt so good to have someone to talk to and hang out with again. And it was even better that the someone was Kolan. I saw so much more of that kindness I had glimpsed in him this past week. From him buying me the bracelet because he knew what it meant to me, and the way he never hesitated to take pictures with the group of boys, then sponsored them to go to nationals. It showed just how truly generous he can be. A far cry from what so many people seem to think about him. I’ll admit when I first met him, I was intimidated like so many others. He does give off an unapproachable vibe, but I have a feeling it’s a façade to keep people away. I’m just not sure why he does it.

The one thing that’s been consuming me the most since that night is the way it felt to be in his arms as he carried me back to his SUV. I felt…safe. A safe I haven’t felt in years. It’s dangerous and something I should never let myself feel, because as long as Daniel is still breathing, I will never be safe. It’s the cold, hard truth, and I need to remember it. My depressing thoughts come to an end when I clue in to one of my favorite songs coming from the radio. Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud.” I let the beautiful words wash over me, blanketing my soul, and begin humming along with the melody, allowing my body to sway back and forth to the base vibrating from the speakers. The sound grounds me, anchors me in place while every bone and muscle in my body yearns to submit to the seductive beat. Since the dance-off the other night, it’s as if something has broken loose inside of me, a piece of the old me returning. I’ve decided to grab hold of it and embrace it. Dancing is the one thing that always made me happy, and since I’ve been robbed of everything else, I’m going to take that part of me back. Even if it’s only in private. I’m completely lost in my euphoria when awareness creeps up my spine. Spinning around, I see Kolan standing on the other side of the ring, watching me. My breath catches at the intensity of his gaze. “There’s something about this gym that makes me want to dance,” I say with a smile, trying to lighten the tension filling the air. “Dance away. I like watching.” His voice is as dark as his eyes— beckoning me. I should look away, break this spell he seems to have over me, but I can’t. If anything, I want to drown myself in it. Without thinking about the consequences, I reach out to him, offering my hand. “Doing it is so much better than watching.” He gives me that sexy smirk of his. “Sorry, baby.” My tummy dips at the endearment, just like it did the other night. “I’m all about doing but not when it comes to dancing. As in…I can’t. I’ve never done it before.” A frown pulls at my face. “Never?” He shakes his head. “What about school dances? Or prom?” “I never went.” His expression remains stoic but those simple words have pain striking my heart. Everyone should dance at least once in their life.

Stepping closer to him, I take his large hand in mine and pull him to the center of the ring. My eyes train on his chest as he reluctantly follows. “This goes here.” I bring his one hand to my lower back then show him how to hold my other as I move it between us. When I try to sway us, his feet remain planted, and that’s when I finally meet his eyes. He stares down at me, his jaw ticking. “I don’t give up control to anyone, Lia. Ever.” His hard words remind me of what I saw online the other night when I looked him up. I nod, not wanting him to back away. “Okay, then you lead. All you have to do is move side-to-side, as slow as you want. Your hand on my lower back will guide me.” He watches me with indecision. I can’t tell if he’s just scared or if he really doesn’t want to do this. “Dance with me, Kolan. It soothes the soul,” I whisper, praying the extra push works. It does. Ever so slowly, we begin swaying back and forth. His steps are stiff and awkward but it doesn’t matter. I’m pretty sure I’ve never loved dancing with another person so much in my life as I do right now. “Listen.” Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back slightly. “Let the music move your body, feel the beat and match it.” I wait for him to follow the instruction but a low growl penetrates through the air instead. My eyes spring open, a gasp parting my lips as he yanks me against his hard body. My heart thrums with speed when I feel his very large erection pressing into my stomach. His hand coasts up my spine, grabbing a fistful of my hair before tugging my head back. The sting sends heat creeping down my thighs, racing all the way to my toes, curling the ends ruthlessly. “If you don’t want this, Lia, say something now.” I try to figure out what this is. A kiss? More? Does it matter? No, it doesn’t. “I want it,” I whisper, my voice shaky. It may be a mistake, but I have a feeling he will be the best mistake I ever make. “I tried,” he says, just before lowering his mouth to mine. My eyes fall closed as I wait with bated breath, knowing this man’s touch is going to change my lonely existence forever.

A loud bang breaks us of our moment. With a yelp, I cling to Kolan in fear and look at the door to see a little boy charging in with tears streaming down his face. “Please, you have to help me!” he pleads. Kolan springs into action. Jumping out of the ring, he kneels in front of him, grabbing his small shoulders. “Benny, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” The hysterical little boy shakes his head. “No, it’s my mom. She won’t wake up. She passed out, and I don’t know what to do.” “Why didn’t you call 9-1-1?” “Because we don’t have any money for the doctor,” he explains, his harsh sobs breaking my heart. “Please. I don’t have anyone else. Will you come look at her and see if you can wake her up?” Kolan scoops him up into his arms and grabs his keys from the front counter before looking at me. “Come on.” “No, don’t worry about me. Go. I can close up.” “Lia, now,” he snaps the order. Knowing now is not the time to argue, I hurry to climb out of the ring and grab my bag before following them out the door. “How did you get here?” Kolan asks as he deposits the boy in the back seat of his SUV. “I ran. I live that way.” He points down the street, off to the left. Closing the door, Kolan opens the passenger one for me before running to his side. We climb in at the same time. I barely have my door shut before he peels away. As Benny gives him directions, he tosses me his phone. “When we get to his place, call 9-1-1 with the address.” I nod then glance back at Benny whose eyes are wide and terrified, tears streaming down his face. I reach out to touch his leg, hoping to offer some comfort. It takes about five minutes before we arrive at the run-down apartment building. I call 9-1-1 as we race into the building, giving the operator the address and remain on the line as she instructs. Kolan bursts into the apartment with Benny in his arms. There on the kitchen floor, lies a woman in a waitress uniform, unconscious. Placing the boy to his feet, he rushes to her side and drops down next to her. “She has a pulse.”

After I repeat that to the operator, my attention draws to Benny as he sobs, looking down at his mother. I kneel next to him and wrap an arm around his small body. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay. The ambulance is on its way.” He nods but doesn’t look convinced. Thankfully, the paramedics arrive quickly, then the three of us follow behind them to the hospital. Forty-five minutes later, we’re sitting in the waiting room with Benny between us, his small hand linked with mine. Kolan bought him a soda and snack shortly after we arrived and asked if there was anyone he could call. Benny told us they have no family. Apparently, he and his mom only moved here recently and don’t know anyone, which is why he came to the gym. When Kolan asked about his father, pain had flashed in the young boy’s eyes before he told us that his father left them a long time ago. It was clear the subject is sensitive for him so we dropped it. A doctor enters the waiting room a short time later with a woman in a dress suit next to him. “Santiago?” “This is her son, Benny,” Kolan says, as we all rise, reaching out to shake the doctor’s hand. “Hi, Benny,” he acknowledges him with a short nod before looking back to Kolan. “Mrs. Santiago has pneumonia. She was diagnosed with it a week ago but didn’t take the medication she was prescribed,” he explains, disapproval evident in his tone. “ ’Cause we can’t afford it, asshole!” Benny shoots back, defending his mom. Kolan puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him. The doctor ignores his outburst and continues. “We started her on IV antibiotics. She will need to be here for a couple of days before she’s well enough to go home.” “I’ll take care of the medical expenses and any medication she’ll need after,” Kolan says, warming my heart. “That’s very generous of you. I’m sure she will appreciate it.” He looks to Benny now. “Benny, this here is Vicki Jenson, she’s with family services.” I notice Kolan visibly tense. “You’re going to go with her until your mom is better.” Benny steps back, panic twisting his young face. “What the hell do you mean? I ain’t going anywhere with her.”

“It’s okay, Benny,” the lady assures him with a smile, reaching for his shoulder. “It’s just for a few days until your mom is well enough to come home.” Kolan steps in front of Benny before she can make contact. “Don’t put your hands on him.” His icy tone forces her back a step. “Mr. Slade,” she addresses him stiffly, obviously aware of who he is. “Benny has no family here, and it’s protocol that he be taken into the state’s custody until his mother is better.” “I don’t give a shit about your protocol. He isn’t going anywhere with you. God knows where he would end up.” The doctor shifts uncomfortably while Vicki’s back stiffens. “Excuse me?” “You heard me. You’re all the same. You don’t give a shit about where he’s placed or who he’s placed with. Just as long as someone takes him.” “That’s not true. We always interview our families and check up—” “Bullshit,” he snaps, making me flinch. “I’m not about to let him get sent somewhere unsafe. He’s coming home with me.” She shakes her head. “It doesn’t work like that. How do I know you can provide a safe environment? Your temper right now proves otherwise. It also wasn’t long ago that there was a warrant out for your arrest.” I stiffen, my blood heating in Kolan’s defense, but before I have the chance to speak, he does. “Charges that were dropped and you damn well know it. You haven’t seen my temper yet, lady, but put your hands on him and—” “He’s safe,” I interrupt before he can really get himself into trouble. “Kolan would never hurt Benny.” “And who are you?” she asks. “A friend. I also work at the sheriff’s office and can vouch for him.” “I don’t recognize you,” she says, pretty much insinuating I’m a liar. “I’m new there, but I also know Sheriff McKay will back him as well. Benny knows Kolan. It makes sense for him to be with someone he trusts right now.” “Yeah,” Benny speaks up, grabbing Kolan’s hand. “He’s my friend, and I want to stay with him.” It’s clear by her expression she disagrees.

“Why don’t we speak with Benny’s mother,” the doctor suggests. “She is conscious, and I know she wants to see Benny as much as I’m sure he wants to see her. He could ask her about staying with Mr. Slade.” “Yeah, I wanna see my mom.” Vicki sighs. “Come on then. Let’s go speak with your mother.” She reaches for Benny’s hand but Kolan blocks her again. “I’m coming, too. He doesn’t leave my sight.” The doctor is the one to respond. “That’s fine; however, it will be up to Mrs. Santiago whether you come into the room or not.” Kolan nods then looks at me. “Go on. I’ll wait here,” I tell him. “You sure?” “Yes.” He hesitates for only a moment before following the doctor and Vicki, keeping Benny close to his side. Once they’re out of sight, a heavy sigh escapes me as I try to tamp down my own fear that’s been fighting to surface. I hate hospitals and haven’t been in one since the night I ran. Wrapping my arms around my body to ward off the sudden chill, I try to distract myself. I wander down one of the halls, making sure to stay close to the waiting room, and stop to look at some of the plaques on the wall next to the vending machines. I’m so caught up reading the names that I startle when someone clears their throat. I spin around with a hand over my heart to see a doctor getting coffee from one of the machines. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologizes. “It’s okay. I didn’t hear you walk up.” He raises a cup at me. “Coffee?” “No, thank you.” After filling his cup, he leans against the vending machine, his eyes remaining on me as he takes a leisurely sip. “Do you find our awards interesting?” he asks, gesturing to where my attention just was. I smile. “No, not really, just trying to keep myself busy while I wait for my friend.” “You’re here for a friend?” I nod. “Too bad.”

I frown, finding it’s an odd thing to say. “Why do you say that?” “Because if you had needed a doctor, I could have offered my assistance,” he says, flashing me a charming smile. My fingers move to my scarf as I shift nervously. He extends his hand to me. “Blake.” “Lia,” I say, accepting his gesture, but immediately regret it when he holds my hand longer than necessary. “Nice to meet you, Lia. I don’t recognize you. Are you from around here?” “I just—” “That’s none of your business, Doctor.” I turn to see Kolan standing behind me with Benny beside him, his eyes as hard as his tone. “Hey, guys,” I greet them. “What’s going on here?” Kolan asks, his eyes trained on Blake like he’s about to rip him apart. I don’t get the chance to explain before Benny cuts in. “Looks to me like this fool is treading on your territory.” Oh god. I quickly speak before the situation can get more uncomfortable. “This is Blake. We ran into each other when—” “I know who he is,” Kolan interrupts. “How’s your wife, Doctor?” Wife? I turn back to Blake, seeing a cocky smirk on his face, but his eyes are narrowed in irritation. Rather than respond to Kolan, he straightens from the vending machine and looks at me. “It was nice to meet you, Lia. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” “Bye.” I wave to his retreating back, not wanting to be rude. Bringing my attention to Kolan and Benny again, I clear my throat and try to break the tension. “So, did everything go okay with your mom?” “Yeah, she’s gonna be okay, and she said I can stay with this guy,” he says, jerking a thumb at Kolan. “So it’s just the Champ and me for a few days and we’re going to paartay.” He dances, making me smile. Kolan grunts, his tight expression easing. “Hardly, kid, you have school. Which is why we need to get out of here and put you to bed.” “Aw man,” Benny grumbles as we make our way out of the hospital.

They decide to drop me off first before going back to Benny’s to grab his stuff. I give Kolan directions to the small two-bedroom house I rent. It’s located on a quiet street and within walking distance to everywhere I need to be, especially work. It was a blessing I found it, otherwise I would still be staying at the motel. There are not many apartment complexes around, so when I found the house and saw the rent was affordable, I jumped on it. Especially since the landlord allowed me to rent on a month-to-month basis. Benny does most of the talking while Kolan remains silent. I’m having a hard time gauging his mood and worry he’s upset with me, though I have no idea why he would be. When he pulls onto my driveway, I reach for the door handle and turn to say good-bye but he surprises me by getting out. I glance back at Benny and give him a smile. “Good night, Benny. I’m glad everything is going to be okay with your mom.” “Bye, Lia, thanks for everything.” I didn’t do anything, but I nod anyway and move to get out as Kolan opens the door for me. I take his outstretched hand as he helps me down, the warmth of his touch shooting all the way up my arm. Silence rains around us as he walks me to my door. Climbing the cement stairs, I turn around to say thank you and find him standing right behind me. My back meets the door, my pulse racing as I stare up at him. Unable to bear the silence any longer, I finally break it. “Are you mad at me?” I ask, worried for his answer. “Why would I be?” I shrug. “I don’t know, you tell me.” He moves in closer, his hands bracing against the door on either side of my head. “Yeah, I’m mad,” he admits. “But not at you. I didn’t like that fucker being close to you.” “He was just grabbing a coffee and introduced himself,” I rush to explain, not wanting him to misunderstand. “He was only there a few seconds before you came. We were just talking.” “I don’t care. I didn’t like it.” “Why?” I ask. His eyes close, jaw flexing. “It’s better for the both of us if I don’t answer that.” He’s right, I know he is, but disappointment still strikes me.

“I’m not sure what my schedule is going to be for the next few days now that I have Benny,” he says, changing the subject. “I’ll text you when I know more then we can book our next lesson.” “No problem. You just worry about Benny. If it’s easier, I could see someone else,” I suggest, not wanting him to feel obligated. Something dangerous flashes in his eyes. “Nobody gets you but me.” Those possessive words should terrify me and have me running in the other direction. I know how dangerous they can be but with Kolan, they carry a different meaning. They don’t scare me. Maybe because I’ve belonged to someone for so long that I’ve never wanted. If there were ever someone I could choose to belong to, it would be this man standing in front of me. My eyes remain locked with his as I gaze up at him, a million words dangling in my throat. Being this close to him reminds me of the kiss we nearly shared earlier. As if sensing my thoughts, he closes the small gap between us. A swift inhale moves into my lungs, my fingers curling into his shirt when he leans in to drag his nose across my cheek, bringing his mouth to my ear. “Go inside before I end up doing something we both won’t be able to walk away from.” His lips brush my skin ever so softly before he steps back. I want to reel him back in, to soak in the warmth and safety he brings me, but know I can’t. It would be selfish of me because it will only be a matter of time until I’m gone again. “Good night, Kolan,” I whisper before turning around to enter the house. “Good night, Lia.” Closing the door, I rest my forehead against it, releasing the breath that’s been trapped inside my chest. After clicking the lock in place, I head to my room and get ready for bed, skipping my usual evening tea. As I take off my clothes and change into my pajamas, I make sure to avoid the mirror in my room, unable to stomach what I unveil when my scarf comes off. I crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling, listening to nothing but silence. My heart grows lonelier with each passing moment, and I begin thinking about my family. Glancing at the clock, I see it’s late, but now more than ever I need to hear my mother’s voice. To know they’re all okay. It’s been two months

since my last phone call to them, and even though each time rips through my wounded heart, it also brings me peace. I reach for my prepaid cell phone and dial the landline before covering the bottom with my hand. My heart thunders with every ring until it stops altogether when my mom answers. “Hello.” Her voice is soft but she doesn’t sound asleep. “Hi, Mom,” I whisper, even though she can’t hear me. “Hello?” “I miss you guys,” I tell her, ensuring my hand is gripped tightly over the transmitter. “Sophie, baby, is that you?” she asks like always, her voice thick with the same searing pain tearing through me. “Please, honey, say something.” I bite my lip, tears rushing down my cheeks as I fight the urge to talk to her—to confirm that it’s me even if she already knows. “I love you. I’m doing okay and hope you all are, too.” “Is it her?” I hear my dad ask, sounding close. “Sophie, if you can hear me, please come back to us. Come home,” she pleads. “Everything will be okay. We’ll help you and get through this together. We’ll protect you.” She doesn’t realize that no one can protect me and this is the only way to make sure they stay safe. “Please, baby, we all miss you so much.” My throat begins to burn, and I feel myself weaken. “I love you all so much,” I say again. “Give Dad and Tess a kiss for me.” “Soph—” I hang up, cutting off my dad’s gruff voice. My phone drops to my chest the same time a sob explodes from me. Turning on my side, I hug my pillow and cry out all my pain and frustration. I cry until exhaustion sweeps over me and I’m pulled under, knowing I will wake up and live out another lonely day.


Kolan My thoughts are consumed with Lia as I drive home later that night. Even Benny’s incessant talking does nothing to distract me. When I walked out of the hospital room to see that asshole hitting on her, I was ready to rip him apart. I have no right to feel that way, no claim to her, and I know it. No matter how much I wish otherwise, it will never happen. It can’t. She’s definitely not the type to handle my kind of fucked-up. But that’s the only way I come—the only way I know. I need to remember that, especially for her sake. It’s clear she’s endured too much pain, and the last thing I want to do is add to it. But it’s getting hard. I’ve never wanted someone the way I want her and not just her body but her. Every time I’m not with her, I’m thinking about her—worrying about her. “Why are we at the beach?” Benny asks when I turn down the street that leads to the public beach. “Because I live here.” “You live on the beach?” “Yeah,” I reply nonchalantly. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but I guess to a kid it would be. “Sahweet! Guess it’s a good thing I brought my swim trunks. I was hoping for a pool but the ocean will do just fine.” “I’m sure it will,” I say blandly. “But for the record, I have a pool, too.” “Yes!” He fist-pumps. “Ocean or pool? Decisions, decisions. It’s gonna be a hard couple of days with you.” I grunt. “Don’t get too excited, kid. You have school then we have the gym, then you can decide from there whether it will be the pool or ocean.” “I say we skip school. I feel a tummy ache comin’ on anyway.” My eyes shift to his. “Nice try, but I don’t think so.” He shrugs. “It was worth a shot.”

Shaking my head, I drive down the long stretch, passing by the few condos before we arrive at my place that’s situated all on its own, far enough away from everyone else. “You have your own beach?” Benny asks in awe as I hit the garage door opener. “I like my privacy.” It was a good chunk of change but worth every penny. It’s private property, which means it keeps the fucking reporters away. It’s also a great stretch for my morning runs. After pulling into the garage, I cut the engine and look over to see Benny staring at me. “You got a butler who’s going to come get my suitcase, maybe even greet me with something to drink?” Jesus, the kid’s a smart-ass. “No. But even if I did, you’re old enough to carry your own damn suitcase.” His chuckle fills the space as we both climb out of the vehicle. He follows me inside the house, dragging his Spiderman suitcase behind him. “Holy shit!” he says, walking around with his mouth open as he takes in the place. “So where’s the bat cave?” “Downstairs, where I lock away all the mouthy little kids.” “Cool.” He flashes me a grin that probably gets him out of shit on a daily basis then continues exploring. He bypasses the living room and moves into the kitchen to look out the patio door. “Found the pool! How about a late night swim, Champ?” “Tomorrow,” I say, hating to be a downer, especially after the night he’s had. “You want something to eat before bed?” I’m praying he says no since I’m not sure what I have that’s appropriate for a kid. “Nah, I’m good.” “All right, come on then. I’ll show you where you’re sleeping.” I lead him into the spare bedroom that’s cluttered with boxes. Shit, I forgot about these. “Not planning on staying long?” he asks. “I just moved in a few months ago,” I explain, but know it’s a weak excuse. No one is ever here except my sister and she doesn’t need to stay the night so I haven’t made it a priority. I point to the bathroom at the other end of the room. “Go brush your teeth and wash up while I move them out of the way.”

He grabs his toothbrush from his suitcase and heads into the bathroom. “Holy crap! This bathroom is bigger than my whole apartment. Maybe I’ll just sleep in this here tub.” Shaking my head at his commentary, I begin stacking the boxes in the corner of the room. Benny walks out a few minutes later in nothing but his boxer briefs. “I sleep better without clothes on,” he explains before flexing his skinny little arms. “Don’t be jel of all this, Champ.” I chuckle, unable to help myself. Okay, maybe the kid is funny sometimes. “Get your ass in bed.” He hops up on the mattress, doing a few jumps before falling to his back. “Dang, even this bed is amazing. I figured you were rich but not Bruce Wayne rich.” “I’m not that rich, and I’ve worked my ass off for all of it. You could have this one day too if you work hard enough.” “Yeah right, not where I come from,” he grumbles, crawling under the covers. “Don’t be so sure. I came from nothing. I didn’t even have a cool mom like you. If you want it bad enough, you can have it. Doesn’t matter where you start from.” “Maybe,” he says, but there’s no conviction in his tone. “So, what’s the deal with Lia?” “What about her?” His mouth splits into a grin. “She’s hot.” I grunt. “Yeah well, don’t get your hopes up. She’s not into mouthy little ten year olds.” “Does that mean you guys aren’t dating?” “No, we’re friends.” Just saying it puts me in a bad mood. “But you like her?” My eyes narrow with annoyance. “You always this nosey?” “Pretty much. I’m a rare gem,” he says, flashing me his dimples. Seriously, where does he come up with this shit? “Yeah, I like her, okay?” “I knew it! I’m surprised you didn’t kick that doctor’s ass tonight.” “I didn’t need to use my fists. Remember, pick and choose your battles,” I remind him. “Now, lights out or you’re going to be dragging your ass

tomorrow for school.” “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbles, disappointed. “Do you need anything before I go? Do you sleep with a light on or anything?” He stiffens, offended by the question. “What do I look like to you? A sissy? No, I don’t need no damn light on.” I chuckle. “Just checking, kid. I’ll see you in the morning.” Shutting off the light, I begin to close the door when he calls out to me. “Hey, Kolan?” I swing it back open, surprised he used my name. “Yeah?” “Thanks…for everything. Especially for taking care of my mom,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. “No problem.” I leave the door open a crack before heading into my room. Stripping my clothes off, I climb in the shower, hoping the hot water will loosen the tightness in my muscles. Seeing how scared Benny was when he came running into the gym tonight reminded me so much of myself, even if my circumstances were different. His fear and helplessness is something I used to know well, especially when it came to worrying about my sister. Which is why I’ll make sure to do whatever I need to for him, because no ten-yearold should have to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.


Sophie It’s been two days since I’ve seen or spoken to Kolan. Two days that feel like weeks. I’ve gotten so used to his company that being without him these past couple of days have been lonelier than usual. Actually, it’s been absolute torture. I don’t know how this happened, especially in such a short amount of time. For the last fifteen months I’ve been doing okay on my own. Not great but okay. I had accepted that this was my life. But now…not so much. At least when it comes to Kolan. When I’m not around him, I miss him and am constantly thinking about him. Maybe being alone for so long has finally taken its toll. Whatever it is, it’s not good, especially for my wounded heart. The thought of going another day without seeing him was too much to bear, so I decided to stop by the gym on my way home from work. Hopefully, if I check in to see how he and Benny are doing, I’ll feel better about going home and being alone tonight. It’s doubtful but worth a try. The moment I arrive at the gym, my heart rate kicks up, both in excitement and nerves. You got this, Sophie. Just play it cool. In and out. Feeling a little more confident, I straighten my shoulders and reach for the door, only to have it swing open at the same time and nail me in the head. A painful gasp escapes me as I stumble back and cover my face. “Oh shit, Lia, are you okay?” Kolan’s next to me in an instant. He pulls me against him, cradling my head to his chest. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.” Seriously, did it have to be him? Humiliation outweighs the pain, making me wish I could go back in time and change the last sixty seconds. “Way to go, Einstein,” Benny cuts in. “You’re supposed to make women fall for you, not have them drop to the ground in agony.”

I laugh but it quickly turns into a groan when pain radiates through my head. “Benny, now is not the time,” Kolan growls. “Lia, baby, look at me. Let me see.” Framing my face between his large hands, he forces my gaze to his. The moment our eyes lock, my heart misses a beat. “How do you always do that to me?” I whisper, speaking my thoughts without meaning to. His eyes darken further with guilt. “Jesus, I’m so sorry. I was looking behind me when I pushed it open.” “No, it’s fine. I’m okay,” I assure him. He doesn’t believe me and begins probing at my forehead where it’s sore, asking me questions. I answer them all to appease him but even then he doesn’t seem convinced. “Trust me. I’m fine. Well, maybe not my pride, but physically, I’m okay.” “If I were you, I would kiss it better just to make sure,” Benny adds, putting in his two cents. Kolan glares over at him only to receive a cheeky grin. “Hi, Benny,” I greet him with a smile. “Hey, Lia.” Kolan brings my attention back to him, his hands still cradling my face. “You sure you’re okay?” “Yeah,” I answer softly, getting lost in his warm brown eyes. Eyes that I’ve missed so much and are more prominent today with his hair pushed out of his face by the red backwards hat he’s wearing. “Were you coming here for something?” A scowl suddenly transforms his expression. “You aren’t here for lessons with anyone else, are you?” he asks, his tone hard. “No. Not at all. I just…I thought I would stop by on my way home from work and see how you guys were doing. How Benny’s mom is doing,” I add, feeling awkward about it now. “She’s doing great,” Benny answers. “She comes home tomorrow.” I turn to him but regret it when Kolan is forced to drop his hands from my face. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ll bet you miss her.”

“I do, but I’ll miss staying with this guy, too,” he says, stepping forward to give Kolan a punch in the arm. “We’ve been partying it up the last few nights and we’re doing it again tonight. Pool and pizza style.” His excitement has a smile spreading across my face. “Sounds like a lot of fun.” “You should come.” He invites me. “Oh no. I just—” “Yeah, you should.” My eyes snap to Kolan’s, his body still close enough that I can feel the heat radiating from him, mixing with the humid air. “That’s okay, I don’t want to intrude on guy time. And I don’t have a swimsuit anyway.” That will never be part of my wardrobe again. The thought sends a stab of pain to my chest. “Bathing suits are optional,” Benny tells me. “Especially when it comes to you.” My cheeks heat, his comment taking me by surprise. Kolan shifts to look at him, his eyes narrowed in disapproval. “What did I say about that mouth of yours?” “What?” Benny asks innocently. “I’m being nice. Not having a swimsuit shouldn’t stop her from coming. Who are we to judge?” A laugh explodes from me before I can stop it. Kolan shakes his head and grumbles something incoherent before bringing his attention back to me. “Come with us.” The offer is so tempting. I’d love nothing more than to spend the evening with him but… “I don’t want to intrude.” “You’re not intruding when you’ve been invited.” “You wouldn’t have invited me had I not shown up here,” I argue but it’s weak. “That’s true. So it’s a good thing you did.” I smile, his words erasing the last of my resolve. “Come on.” His hand moves to my lower back, searing the small patch of skin beneath my tank top as he guides me to his truck. “Sahweet! Another member to the party.” Benny opens the passenger door and is about to hop in until Kolan intercepts him, grabbing the back of his shirt. “You’re in the back. She gets the front.”

“I was just opening the door for her,” he lies. Taking pity on him, I decide to play along. “Why thank you, Benny, that’s very kind of you.” “Any time, hot stuff.” “Jesus!” Kolan claps a hand over his mouth. “Just get in the damn vehicle, will ya?” He playfully tosses Benny in the backseat. I cover my mouth to muffle my giggle as I climb inside, finding their banter sweet and amusing. When Kolan hops in, he looks over at me. “Do you need to stop at home for anything?” I glance down at my soft yellow shorts, white tank top and matching yellow scarf, wondering if I should change but then decide against it. “No, I’m good.” “You heard the girl. She’s good. Now step on it, Champ, and let’s get our partay on.” With a grunt, Kolan puts the vehicle in gear and takes off. Thirty minutes later, I’m sitting on a lounge chair under one of the palm trees in Kolan’s backyard, watching Benny do cannonballs while Kolan changes and orders the pizza. He offered me a swimsuit that his sister keeps here, but of course I declined, which I think he expected. “Isn’t this place amazing, Lia?” Benny yells, seconds before he does another jump into the pool. I wait to respond until his head pops back up. “It sure is.” Kolan’s home is situated on a private section of the beach and offers a spectacular view of the crystal blue water. While it’s beautiful and obviously cost him a small fortune, it’s not over the top or pretentious. There are three bedrooms, one Benny has claimed as his own, a personal gym that I hear is state of the art, which doesn’t surprise me, and a pretty cool theatre room that they’ve been getting good use out of the last few nights. Then there’s the backyard that’s amazing all on its own. You’re relatively secluded, yet just a few minute walk down the beach and you can join the rest of the world. It’s private, peaceful, and suits Kolan perfectly. Reclining back, I close my eyes and breathe in the salty ocean air, listening to the waves crash against the shore in the distance. It reminds me of home when Tess and I would hang out at the beach on weekends with our friends.

At the sound of the patio door sliding open, I look over with a smile that dies the moment I catch sight of Kolan, my breath locking in my throat. Black board shorts hang low on his lean hips, displaying a V that every woman has heard about but most have never seen. His upper body is bare, decorated in black ink, looking powerful with a sharp edge of danger. A pair of aviators now shield his fierce brown eyes while he still wears the backward hat he had on earlier from the gym. His brown hair pokes out from beneath it, framing his killer cheekbones and square jaw. I have never seen a more perfect specimen in all my life. “Lia!” His warning growl has my eyes snapping to his face. My cheeks flush with embarrassment when I realize I’ve been busted. I try to think of something snappy but my words vanish when he leans down in front of me. His hands brace on either side of my hips, bringing all that sexiness much too close for me to think. “You make it so fucking hard for me to control myself when you look at me like that.” Oh god. My warm body rises to a dangerous temperature. What kind of things? I know it will be things I’ve never experienced, that’s been robbed from me since high school. “Sorry,” I manage lamely. He stares at me for a long moment, making me wish I could see his eyes. “Don’t be, just know I only have so much restraint when it comes to you.” A sharp inhale moves through my lungs at the sudden coolness touching the heated flesh of my shoulder. “Here,” he says, passing me a cold bottle of water. “Th—thank you,” I stammer, accepting it with shaking hands. When he finally backs out of my personal space, I pop the cap and guzzle half of it, hoping to bring relief to my overheated body. “Hey, Champ. You order the pizza?” Benny asks, crawling out of the pool. “Yeah, twenty minutes.” “Good. I’m starving,” he exclaims before swinging his attention to me. “You sure you don’t wanna come in, Lia? You could always just stay in your bra and panties if you’re worried about Mr. Judgy over there.”

“You little shit.” Kolan picks up a foam football and whips it at him. Benny catches it with a chuckle and dramatically falls back into the pool, as if the force of the ball sent him there. I glance over at Kolan with a smile. “You have to admit, he is funny.” He grunts in disagreement. “He’s not funny at all. He’s a mouthy little shit who will get put in his place one day if he’s not careful.” I have a feeling that boy will be able to talk himself out of any situation he finds himself in. “Well, trust me, he would feel differently if he saw what was under the scarf,” I whisper, instantly regretting the words. I feel his intense eyes bore into the side of my face, beckoning me to look at him, but I ignore them. “I think you would be the one surprised if you revealed to people what was under there.” “No.” I shake my head, knowing I wouldn’t be. Everyone’s reaction would be the same as mine. Disgust. “You’re crazy if you think anything underneath that scarf could make you any less beautiful.” His sweet words have tears building behind my eyes. Clearing my throat, I change the subject before the emotion can drag me under. “So you know that dance for the Men of Honor Center your sister was talking about the other day?” “Yeah,” he replies, letting me switch the topic. “Well, somehow I got roped into going today.” “Oh yeah, by who?” he asks, amusement lacing his words. “Kayla, your sister, and Anna.” A small smile forms on my lips as I remember how kind they were to me, even if they were pushy. “All three of them came to work on my lunch break and took me to this great pie bakery for lunch that their friend owns.” “Yeah, Grace’s place. It’s good.” “It is,” I agree. “Anyway, I was kind of cornered about the whole thing, and I didn’t want to be rude so I agreed. I also figure it’s for a good cause.” “I’m sure you will have a good time. The girls will be good to you, especially my sister.” “I know they will, that’s not the problem.”

“Then what is?” Looking over at him, I decide to be honest. “I don’t want to be friends with anyone. I can’t.” “Why?” “Because it will only be a matter of time before I have to leave again.” He’s in front of me in a blink of an eye, moving so fast I don’t have time to register the quick motion before he’s in my face. “You better not ever fucking leave without telling me.” My heart kicks up at the way his jaw ticks with fury. “I mean it, Lia. Promise me.” I swallow past the sudden dryness in my throat. “I promise.” He leans in closer. “Or you could trust me and tell me who you’re running from so I can take care of them for you.” Oh how much I’d love to do just that. I have no doubt if it came to a duel Kolan would win, but Daniel is beyond that. He’s sick—twisted— mentally ill—but most of all, he’s smart. Not even the cops or all the doctors who worked with him can stop him. I’m not sure he can ever be stopped. Not unless someone outsmarts him. The sudden sound of a buzzer fills the air, saving me from having to say anything. “Pizza!” Benny yells, climbing out of the pool to run inside. Kolan remains motionless. “This is far from over.” Pulling back, he leaves to answer the door with Benny. A shaky breath releases from my lungs. My resolve is slipping, the need to tell him everything is wearing me down, but I can’t. I can’t risk him. I know he would do everything to protect me but if something ever happened to him, I would never forgive myself.


Sophie Saturday evening, I walk into Katelyn’s salon with Kayla, Julia, Grace, and Faith—Kolan and Katelyn’s cousin whom I just met. She seems as nice as all the others. So why am I still so nervous? Especially when everyone has been so kind and welcoming. I don’t know if it’s the thought of being around a big crowd tonight that has me so worked up or not knowing what outfit Katelyn has picked for us to wear. Because whatever she has chosen, I will need to wear a scarf with it, which means I’ll probably look ridiculous and stick out like a sore thumb. I’ve been so nervous over it that I’ve been feeling sick for days, a constant knot in my stomach. “The party is here,” Kayla calls, announcing our arrival. Katelyn walks out of the back, her hair and makeup looking like she just stepped out of a magazine. “Hey, ladies, good timing. I just finished with myself and Anna.” Anna walks out at that moment, looking as gorgeous as Katelyn. “Y’all look beautiful,” Grace compliments them, speaking my thoughts. “Thanks. We waited until you guys got here to change. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise of our outfits.” Katelyn’s excitement takes my anxiety to another level. “Thanks for coming tonight, you guys. It means a lot.” Anna moves to each girl, giving them a hug. “Of course, we wouldn’t miss it for anything,” Julia says, hugging her a little longer than the others. “Yeah, and it means adult night,” Kayla adds, doing a small dance. “As much as I love my kids, I really like adult night.” “Don’t we all,” Faith agrees with a smile.

Anna comes to me next, surprising me with a hug, too. “I’m so happy you were able to come, Lia.” “We didn’t give her much of an option,” Kayla says, making me smile. “No, you didn’t, but I’m glad. Thank you for inviting me, I’m sure it will be a lot of fun.” “Have you ever been to the Barnyard?” Faith asks. I shake my head. “It’s really fun,” Anna rushes to say. “It’s the second largest honky-tonk in the country. There’s bull riding, live music, line dancing, pool tables. It has everything.” “It sounds great.” And really big. “All right, before we get started.” Kayla pulls a bottle of wine from her bag, a gleeful smile on her face. “Don’t worry, I brought something special for you, too,” she says to Katelyn. “Perfect. Give me a second, and I’ll grab glasses.” She dashes into the back and returns a second later with plastic cups. “Sorry, it’s all I have.” “Just as long as I can drink from it, I don’t give a shit. I would drink right from the bottle but don’t want to be rude,” she says, making us chuckle. Julia passes a glass to Anna but she shakes her head. “Uh no, thank you. I’ll have some of whatever you brought Katelyn if that’s all right.” Kayla frowns at her. “Since when do you not drink wine?” Anna bites her lip, trying to hide a smile. “Since I was told I can’t. At least not for nine months…” There’s only a beat of silence before all the girls start screaming and launch themselves at her. With a smile, I watch their celebratory group hug, feeling envious of their friendship. How special would it be to have friends like that? I had one really close girlfriend after high school. Or who I thought was my friend… Don’t think about her, Sophie. “I can’t believe this,” Julia cries. “Does Jaxson know?” “No. We only just told our parents this morning. I’m nervous for his reaction.” “Oh, don’t be.” Julia waves away her worry. “He’ll be growly of course, because that’s Jaxson, but he loves you. He’ll be happy for you.”

A few of them share in another group hug when Katelyn glances at me and breaks it up. “All right, let’s get a move on. The guys will be here in an hour.” She grabs a bunch of individual black tote bags that sit on the floor and begins passing them out to each of us. “Here are your outfits. I think you will love what I picked out. The theme is perfect.” My heart begins to pound like a drum, echoing in my ears as I take my bag from her. I watch all the other girls open theirs first while I try to think of how I’m going to pull this off without looking completely ridiculous. Please, let one of the scarves I brought match what she has chosen. I watch as Grace pulls out a pair of cutoff jean shorts. “These seem awfully short,” she says, holding them up. “They’ll cover your ass, I promise, but we’re going Daisy Duke style tonight.” “Cool,” Kayla says, obviously not concerned with the length. “How much do we owe you for all this?” “Nothing. My client owed me a favor. Just if anyone asks, they came from Rustic Boutique.” “You got it.” Julia pulls out a white tank top then reaches back in and holds up a piece of plaid fabric. “What’s this?” “A scarf.” My eyes snap to Katelyn’s as she answers, but she keeps her gaze on Julia, purposely avoiding mine. “Don’t worry, it’s really light and matches our outfits perfectly. I was going to do plaid tops but figured that would be too hot.” “Good thinking.” “Thanks for doing this, Katelyn,” Faith says, while I continue to stare at her, rendered speechless. “No problem. You girls can use the customer bathroom to change if you want,” she offers before looking at me. “Lia, you can come to the back and use the employee one so you don’t have to wait.” I finally manage a nod and follow her into the back where there’s a single bathroom. “After you’re finished, I’d be more than happy to do your hair, if you like?” “That’d be great,” I say, my words thick with the emotion I’m trying to choke down. Giving me a smile, she’s begins to close the door but I stop

her. “How did you know?” There’s no need to elaborate, because like I already guessed, the scarf isn’t a coincidence. “My brother called me,” she reveals, making my heart stutter to a stop. “He didn’t tell me anything. Just told me to make sure I got you a scarf with your outfit. I thought the plaid was the perfect touch so I got them for all of us to wear.” Tears spring to my eyes, but I do my damnedest to blink them back. “Thank you.” She flashes me another smile, this one a little more soft. “No problem. I’m really glad you decided to come.” Closing the door, she leaves me to get dressed. With my gaze blurry, I take a seat on top of the toilet then reach in the bag and pull out the scarf. Holding it in both my hands, I bring it to my face and use it to muffle my sobs. I cry, hating that I even need to wear one, but most of all I cry for the act of kindness. Not only from Katelyn but Kolan, too. For thinking about me and knowing I needed this. I only allow myself a minute or two then gather my composure, not wanting to walk around with red, swollen eyes for the night. Sniffling, I grab my phone and type in a text to Kolan. Me: Thank you.

It doesn’t seem sufficient enough, but I don’t think there are any words that could describe how grateful I am for what he did. Out of everything I was nervous about tonight, this one weighed on me the most. Putting my phone down, I hurry to get dressed. “Lia, what size are your feet?” Katelyn asks through the door. “Usually an eight.” “Faith, we’re going to need the extra pair you brought.” “No problem. I got them right here.” I hear her faint response as I finish getting my outfit on—impressed with how well everything fits. Next, I secure the scarf around my neck before looking in the mirror. I try to clear my red eyes as much as possible then grab my phone off the counter and open the door to see Katelyn waiting on the other side of it, dressed in the same outfit.

“Yay, it fits. You look great.” She passes me a pair of dark brown cowgirl boots and ankle socks. “These are for you to borrow.” “Thank you. I didn’t even think about my footwear, but I should have.” “No worries. Everyone brought an extra pair with them since we weren’t sure of your size. Come on, I’ll start your hair.” I follow her out into the salon. Seeing everyone else dressed in their outfits brings me back to my dancing days when we would all be in costume. “Katelyn, you’re a damn genius,” Kayla says, checking herself out in the mirror. “My ass is on point in these shorts.” Collective chuckles fill the salon. “I have to admit, they are very flattering,” Julia agrees. Katelyn turns her chair for me to sit in. “I’m just glad they’re low enough so I can wear them, too.” “And you look even more adorable than usual,” Faith says, coming to give her small baby tummy a gentle pat. “Why thank you.” Her glowing face and radiant smile reveals just how happy she is. “Hey, where’s Emily?” Grace asks. “I thought she and Ryder were coming, too?” “They had to cancel last minute. Her morning sickness has been all day sickness,” Katelyn explains. “Ugh, I remember those days all too well, especially with Ella,” Kayla says, walking over to hand me a glass of wine. “Drink up before it’s all gone. I don’t have much self-control on adult night, especially when it comes to alcohol and my husband.” I accept the glass with a smile, hoping it will settle the last of my nerves. Though, I’m feeling calmer than when I first got here. “Well, thank you for sharing with me.” “No problem. Just don’t expect me to share my husband. I’m nice but not that nice.” She gives me a sassy wink then moves back to her station and begins applying her makeup. Katelyn giggles, shaking her head. “It’s impossible not to love her.” I have to agree. Kayla is funny and outgoing. She has an energy about her that instantly puts you at ease, but most of all, she’s kind. She’s been so welcoming to me, even when I haven’t made it easy.

“Is there anything specific you want me to do?” she asks, running her fingers through my hair. “Not really. Whatever you want is fine with me.” “The most beautiful words a hairdresser can hear.” Smiling, she reaches for her curling wand and gets right to work. It’s been a long time since I’ve had my hair done. I’m excited to see what she comes up with. “You have a really great salon,” I tell her, taking a sip of my wine. “Thank you. I love it. This place means everything to me, and I have my brother and Papa to thank for it.” “Your brother?” She nods. “He’s the one who put me through cosmetology and gave me the money to start this. Between him and my papa, I didn’t need a business loan.” It shouldn’t surprise me to hear Kolan helped give this to her, I’ve witnessed firsthand how generous he can be, but it still warms my heart all the same. “It seems like you guys are close. Kolan speaks very highly of you.” A beautiful yet sad smile curves her lips. “We are. He’s not just my brother; he’s my best friend. He raised me, protected me, and gave me everything I ever needed. I don’t know where I’d be if not for him.” Her statement has me wondering about their parents again. I recall how Kolan reacted when I asked about them. His tone was clipped and answer short. It was clear it was not a subject he wanted to touch on so I didn’t push, but now, I’m even more curious. “I know he can seem intimidating and he can be, but he’s not as scary as everyone thinks he is. They’ve seen what he can do in the ring and think he’s always ruthless like that, but it’s far from the truth.” “I’ve never seen him fight, but I heard he was good.” She nods, suddenly paying extra close attention to my hair. “He was— very good. But where everyone saw him as a machine who fought to destroy, I saw the little boy who always jumped in front of my father’s fists to protect me.” I tense at her whisper, pain slicing through me as I think about anyone hurting Kolan, especially his father. Katelyn’s glossy eyes meet mine in the mirror. “You’re going to hear a lot of things about my brother if you haven’t already, most of them bad, but

I promise you they’re not true. He’s the best person I’ve ever known.” It takes me a moment to find my words, her emotion making my own throat feel tight. “I already know that, because he’s the best person I’ve ever known, too.” She smiles. “I’m glad. I wish others saw him as easily as you do.” How can anyone not see that? My feelings for him are stronger than I’ve ever felt for anyone in my entire life. If things were different, I have no doubt I’d fall madly in love with him. However, knowing the potential consequences of what my love could do to him is not something I’ll ever risk. Our conversation moves to a lighter topic as she finishes my hair. When she starts my makeup, she turns the chair around so I can’t see what she’s doing. While she works, I listen to all the other girls laugh as they share funny memories and talk about their children. It’s not long before I realize these women are more than really good friends. They’re family. When Katelyn finishes, she steps back to assess me, a proud smile taking over her face. “All right, go ahead and take a look.” I turn my chair around to face the mirror and falter when I get a look at myself. “Whoa.” Standing, I move in closer. My heart swells as I stare back at a girl I remember so well, even though I’ve tried hard to forget. For the first time in over a year, when I look at myself, I don’t see the scarf. I see beauty. I don’t see Lia. I see Sophie. All the other girls come to stand next to Katelyn, appearing in the mirror behind me. Kayla slings an arm around my shoulders, pulling me back to stand with the group. “We look damn good, ladies,” she declares with a smile. “Agree. And you were right, Katelyn, the scarves are the perfect touch,” Faith adds. Katelyn’s eyes meet mine in the mirror and she gives me a soft smile. “You’re right. It’s the perfect addition to us.” Warmth invades my chest, not missing her double meaning. I may not be able to have this forever but for tonight, I will. For tonight, I’m going to

embrace who I am. The girl who has friends, enjoys life, and loves to dance. Tonight, I’m Sophie Parish.


Kolan Tension coils through me the moment I walk into the Barnyard and feel the heat of bodies surrounding me. I fucking hate crowds. Even when I spent my nights at Annihilation, I always kept to my private room. If not for Lia being here, I wouldn’t have come. As much as I support the Center, I already donate a lot of time and money to it. Tonight, I’m here for one person only. Well maybe two, since my sister really wanted me to come. As I make my way through the throng of people, I ignore the bitches who purposely rub against me to get my attention and find all the guys sitting at a table in the section that’s blocked off for the event. “Quick, someone take a picture,” Sarge bellows. “The Dark Warrior has left his cave to have some fun.” I ignore his smart-ass comment and take the empty chair at the end next to Nick. Everyone greets me with a handshake while Nick’s hard eyes remain on the dance floor, looking like he’s about to kill someone. “What’s your problem, RoboCop?” “I don’t like your sister out there,” he grumbles. “Something could happen to her.” I scan the crowded dance floor and have to agree, Kate shouldn’t be out there. I can’t spot her or any of the other girls in the sea of bodies. “Get used to it, man, because it doesn’t get any easier,” Jaxson tells him, sending a collection of agreements around the table. “One time, I even tried getting Julia to wear this padded thing around her stomach when she went out in case anyone knocked into her.” “Did it work?” Nick asks, seeming interested at the prospect. Jaxson shrugs. “Don’t know. She threw it in the garbage.” Everyone laughs but you can see the wheels spinning in Nick’s head. Good luck, no way my sister will wear that shit either. “How did things with Benny go?” Cooper asks.

“Good. He’s home again with his mom and will be back in the gym on Monday, running his mouth like usual I’m sure,” I say, but can’t deny I miss having the kid around. I bought him a cell phone so he can call me any time he needs. Of course, he’s made good use of it and enjoys sending me smartass text messages as often as he can. I also took care of their rent for the year, figuring it would at least help Benny’s mom catch up and maybe even get ahead financially. Something she tried refusing at first but eventually accepted since I didn’t give her much of a choice. She knows it’s best for her and the kid, and I’m glad I was able to help. “It’s about fucking time,” Nicks murmurs, pulling me from my thoughts. I follow his gaze to see the girls heading toward us. My eyes immediately lock on the one I’m here for, and all the blood I possess rushes south to my cock. Holy fuck! Small jean shorts and a tight white tank top hug every slender curve of her lithe body. The brown cowgirl boots she wears make her long legs go on for miles. I envision what they would feel like digging into my back while I drive into her. When my eyes make it to her face, my fucking heart stops beating altogether. Her body might look like it’s made for sin but she has the face of an angel. She’s every guy’s wet dream, and I don’t know if I want to hug my sister or kill her for picking this outfit. “Ah, you came!” Kate squeals, throwing her arms around my neck. I hug her back but my eyes never stray from the warm, innocent ones that hold me captive. After giving me a loud smacking kiss on the cheek, she moves to sit on Nick. Lia comes to stand in front of me, a shy smile touching her lips. “Hi,” she greets me, but I can barely hear her soft voice over the music. “Hey.” I look around for a chair but there’s none left, which is obviously why all the chicks are sitting on the guys. Knowing I shouldn’t but not caring, I reach out and slip my finger in the waistband of her snug shorts and drag her to me. I hear her swift inhale as I bring her down on my lap and have to bite back a groan at the feel of her leg brushing against my throbbing cock.

She gazes at me, her face level with mine as she licks those sexy fucking lips of hers. “I didn’t think you were coming tonight.” “I changed my mind.” “Why?” “Because you changed yours.” A smile plays at the edge of her lips as she wraps her arms around my neck, dropping her forehead on my temple. “Thank you for telling your sister about the scarf. You’ll never know what that meant to me.” I know exactly what it meant. I knew she would be stressing over it, and for once I wanted her to have fun and not worry about anything. Before I have a chance to tell her that, I’m interrupted. “Excuse me.” I look up at the whiny high-pitched voice and see two blondes looking down at me expectantly. “Yeah?” “We were wondering if the Dark Warrior would mind signing these for us.” They both lift their shirts, showing me the side of their bras. “Unbelievable,” my sister scoffs with distaste. Lia’s entire body stiffens. She begins to slide from my lap but I dig my fingers into her soft flesh, not letting her escape. This kind of shit doesn’t faze me. I’m used to it, but it pisses me off that they interrupted me and made Lia uncomfortable. “Come back with a pen and paper then I will,” I tell them, not bothering to hide my annoyance. They don’t look the least bit offended as they drop their shirts and shrug. “Forget it, we’ll get one from the other guy. We just thought we’d let you get first dibs,” one says with a wink before they walk away, leaving me clueless about the ‘other guy.’ “Classy,” Kayla comments sarcastically. “Ah, come on now. They seem like such nice girls,” Sarge chuckles. I glance at Lia but she avoids eye contact with me, her body stiff. “Hey.” I squeeze her hips, bringing her attention back to me, and hate the pain I see in her gaze. “Don’t.” “Don’t what?” “Don’t let it bother you.” “You could have signed them,” she mumbles. “I could have, but I didn’t want to.” “Why?”

“Because I’m with friends and my sister is right next to me. It’s rude and uncomfortable for everyone,” I tell her honestly. “Fair enough.” She gives me a weak smile then turns to look away, but I don’t allow it. Hooking a hand behind her neck, I pull her in close, my mouth next to her ear. “For the record, Lia, the past few weeks my dick only gets hard for one girl, and even though I can’t do a goddamn thing about it, no one else will do.” I feel her quick breaths on my face; fingers curling into my shirt with the same need rushing through my blood. “Shit, Slade.” My eyes snap to Cade, his tone putting me on alert. When he nods at something behind me, I turn to see none other than Neil Cortez standing with a group of guys I recognize from the EFC gym, watching me. The two blondes that were just here stand on either side of him. Every muscle in my body tightens, fury igniting in my gut. No way is this a coincidence. It was only hours ago that I told his manager to fuck off. His eyes stray to Lia before he gives me a cocky smirk and starts toward us. I stand in a flash, lifting Lia in my haste and placing her behind me. I move for him before he can come any closer. “What the fuck are you doing here, Cortez? This is a charity event not the time or the place for your shit.” He raises his arms in surrender. “Hey, man, take it easy. I’m just out to get a drink with my buddies. I had no idea you would be here.” “Bullshit. We both know why you’re here.” He doesn’t bother to deny it, his calculating smirk extending. “You know, I didn’t think this was your kind of club.” He moves to look behind me. “And I gotta say, brother, she doesn’t look like the type who likes to be roughed up, maybe you better leave her to me.” Just as I reach for him, Nick and Jaxson intercept me. “Easy,” Nick warns. “You know what he’s trying to do. Let it go.” Taking a step back, I find my restraint then point at him over Nick’s shoulder. “I’m warning you, motherfucker, stay away from me. You can only push me so far before I push back.” I turn away as Cooper gives him a warning of his own, worried I won’t be able to contain myself from knocking his teeth through the back of his fucking skull. Lia eyes me nervously as I return to the table. “Everything okay?”

“It’s fine,” I snap, my voice harsher than I intend for it to be. Taking my seat again, I pull her back down on my lap, the warmth of her body easing some of the rage coiling inside of me. “I’m sorry,” I murmur against her shoulder. “It’s okay.” “Jesus, that guy is relentless,” Sarge spits. “Bad enough you’re getting calls at the gym all the time, but now he’s following you? Maybe you oughta get back in the ring and shut him up.” “You’re being harassed?” Katelyn asks in concern. “You haven’t told me this. What’s going on?” I shoot a pointed look at Sarge for opening his big trap before bringing my attention to my sister. “Nothing is going on. Ward just wants me back in the ring and Cortez wants to be the one to bring me there.” “But you’re not going to, right?” “No.” Unless the bastard pushes me too far, then he won’t need a ring to be at the end of my fists. “I don’t want you to go back. Not after what they did to you,” she says, fear prominent in her voice. “I promise, Kate. Everything is fine. You don’t need to worry, okay?” She nods but doesn’t seem convinced. I do my best not to think about Cortez and enjoy the rest of the night. When the waitress comes by to grab more drinks, I order a beer then pay for Lia’s refill. Sawyer orders a round of shots for everyone, minus one for Katelyn. “Actually, minus two,” Anna speaks up. “You don’t want one?” Sawyer asks. “I can’t.” She pauses, and I notice the girls share a look while Logan drops a reassuring kiss to her back. It doesn’t take long for me to clue in to what’s going on. “I’m pregnant.” All the guys stare at her in shock before Sawyer jumps up with his arms in the air, almost knocking the table over in his excitement. “Holy shit, our girl is having a baby!” Anna laughs as he moves around the table and picks her up to give her a hug. Sarge follows next then Cooper. Cade, Nick, and I throw in

congratulations to both her and Logan while Jaxson stares at her, seeming lost for words. She walks around to stand at his side, looking down at him expectantly. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” A heavy breath leaves him as he sits back in his chair. “I don’t know if I want to hug you or kick his ass,” he says, pointing to Logan, but no one misses the way his throat bobs. She gives him a watery smile. “Choose me.” He stands, gathering her in his arms. Her shoulders shake as he murmurs shit in her ear no one can hear. I look away, feeling like I’m invading on their private moment, and connect with a pair of hazel eyes. My fingers dig into her hips as I get the urge to pull her tempting lips to mine. “You having fun?” I ask. She nods, her smile reaching her eyes again. “She’s been showing us how it’s done on the dance floor,” Kate interjects, leaning over from where she sits on Nick to bump shoulders with her. “I’m sure she has.” Her cheeks turn pink, making me want to peel her shirt off to see just how far that blush spreads. Thankfully, the waitress comes back at that moment with our drinks. Conversation flows easily for the next half hour. However, I find it hard to focus on what people are saying when Lia’s every curve is resting against me. Every time she shifts, my teeth grind as I try to control myself from hauling her out of here and fucking her like I’ve been dying to. When a new song explodes from the speakers, Lia gasps, her eyes lighting up like the fourth of July. “Oh my god!” She turns to face the girls, bumping my dick in the process. “Do you guys know the fake ID line dance from Footloose?” They all shake their heads. Kayla gives her a smile. “How about you teach it to us?” Lia’s on her feet before she even finishes the suggestion, hauling ass to the dance floor. All the girls follow suit, including my sister until Nick grabs her wrist to halt her. “Stay in the front where I can see you.” She rolls her eyes at him. “Nick, I’m pregnant not an invalid.”

“Will you just stay where I can see you?” “Fine,” she grumbles. Before she can leave, he pulls her in for a kiss. A really fucking long one. When she walks away with a dreamy smile on her face, I twist in my seat and punch him in the arm. “Ow, what the fuck was that for?” “For always kissing my sister. Can’t you ever control yourself? I don’t need to see that shit all the time.” He glares at me. “No, I can’t! She’s fucking mine to kiss whenever the hell I want. So get used to it.” I shove his shoulder. “Fuck you!” “Fuck you, too!” He shoves back. “And fuck you both,” Sarge bellows. “Now shut up so we can enjoy the show.” With a grunt, I look to the dance floor and see the girls lined up in the front row as Lia shows them the steps. My cock strains against my jeans as I watch her hips move to the beat, my palm twitching while her perky ass shakes in those sexy fucking shorts. It isn’t long before a huge crowd gathers around her, learning the moves, too. “Wow, she’s really good,” Cooper comments. Sawyer glances at him with a smirk. “Maybe she was a stripper before she came to work for you?” I whip a straw at his head. “She wasn’t a stripper, you asshole, she’s been dancing for a long time.” He chuckles, finding himself hilarious. My attention moves back to Lia where she leads the entire dance floor. Her head is thrown back, skin glowing with a light sheen of sweat, as the most radiant smile takes over her face. She looks nothing like the girl I first met and everything like the girl she deserves to be. Feeling the back of my neck beginning to tingle, I look over and tense when I see Cortez, his beady little eyes watching her every move. “What?” Nick asks, noticing my reaction. Cortez’s eyes meet mine, a smug smirk curling his lips before he moves for her. I’m on my feet in an instant. “Slade, goddamn it, wait up!”

Ignoring Nick, I push my way through the crowd, but I’m not quick enough. When the bastard sneaks up behind her and grabs her hips, she freezes, her face paling in fear. I knock into a waitress as urgency propels my every step. Lia spins around, stumbling in her haste to get away from him. Cortez grabs her before she can fall but it only makes her struggle harder. My sister moves to help her as I close in on the dance floor. The second he sees me barreling toward them, he releases his grasp, sending her and Katelyn to trip over each other. Panic seizes my chest as I watch them try to regain their footing, but I know it’s not going to happen. I lunge in their direction, grabbing them both around the waist before they can hit the ground and land on my back to brace their fall. “Shit. Katelyn!” Nick drops down next to us, grabbing her off my chest. “You okay?” “Yeah, I think so.” I glance down at Lia who’s still draped across me, her eyes wide with shock. “You all right?” She nods, not looking fine at all. Once she crawls off me, I get to my feet and see Cortez standing in the same spot. “Hey, man. I didn’t mean for that to happen. The bitch tripped, I swear.” Blood rages in my ears, pounding to the rhythm of my furious heartbeat as I think about what could have happened, especially to my sister and the baby. All I see is red—dark and rich. My mind checks out, instinct dominating my every move. He braces himself, ready for the attack, and I don’t hold back. With a snarl, I take him to the ground, screams filling the air as people jump out of the way. My fists are fast as I pummel him, feeling the tiny bones in his face shatter. Unfortunately, I don’t get many shots in before I’m pulled away, hands grabbing me from every angle. It gives him an opportunity to get one cheap shot in. Pain explodes through my jaw but it only fuels my rage. “Enough! Let it go,” Jaxson orders, getting in front of me. “Finish him in the ring. Not here.”

Every breath I take is furious, as I struggle to find my control. I point at Cortez as he stands and wipes the blood from his mouth. “You want a fight, motherfucker, you just got yourself one. And when I get you in that ring, I’m going to fucking destroy you!” He cracks a smirk, his teeth stained red. “I’m ready.” He’ll never be ready for what I’m going to do to him. I shove away from the arms that restrain me then turn around to see everyone staring at me. Cooper speaks to the bouncers, trying to stop them from kicking me out, while my sister watches me with tears in her eyes. It makes me feel like complete shit, knowing the night has been ruined. I can’t bring myself to look at Lia, not wanting to see the fear in her eyes like so many of the other girls who are staring at me right now. “Come on, man.” Sawyer claps me on the back. “Let’s go to the table and finish our drinks.” I shrug his hand off. “Nah, I’m out for the night.” I walk away, ignoring my sister as she tries calling me back. This is exactly why I’m better off alone.


Sophie Shock renders me to my place, my heart breaking as I watch Kolan storm off, everyone clearing a wide path for him. “Kolan, please come back,” Katelyn pleads again, but he doesn’t stop and eventually disappears out of sight. “Just give him some time, baby. Let him cool off,” Nick says, pulling her against his chest. Kayla comes to stand next to me, her hand going to my shoulder. “You okay?” I shake my head, hot tears blurring my eyes. “I’m sorry, I have to go.” “Coop and I will drive you.” “No, it’s okay. I’m going to try and catch up with Kolan but thank you…for everything.” At her nod, I move quickly, swiping my purse from the table before rushing out of the bar. Just as I make it outside, I see Kolan walking to his SUV, the headlights flashing in the dark as he unlocks the doors. “Kolan, wait!” His determined strides falter but he doesn’t turn around. I jog across the lot and come to stand in front of him. Pain infiltrates my chest at the sight of his tortured expression. “Please don’t leave.” “Go back inside, Lia.” “Not without you.” He shakes his head. “I’m not going back in there.” “Then let me come with you.” He stares down at me, indecision battling in his dark gaze. “I won’t be very good company right now.” “You don’t need to be. I just want to be near you.” His hard expression softens. Reaching out, he swipes a thumb across my cheek, and it’s then I realize that I’m crying.

My fingers encircle his wrist as I lean into his touch. “Please, let me come.” He relents with a heavy breath. “All right, come on.” Grabbing my hand, he leads me to the passenger side and helps me up. My heart tumbles in my chest when he leans in to buckle my seat belt. “You sure you don’t want to go back inside and finish the rest of your night?” he asks, his face only but a breath from mine. There are a lot of reasons why I shouldn’t leave with him, but none of them matter. “Yes. I’m sure,” I whisper, his close proximity robbing me of precious air. I’m unable to take in a full breath until he backs out of my personal space and closes the door. Things are silent as he heads out of town. I think about asking where we’re going but then decide it doesn’t matter. As long as I’m with him, I don’t care where we go. Ten minutes later, we arrive at a secluded beach that’s encompassed in darkness. He parks close to the water, lowering all the windows before shutting off the vehicle. My eyes close as I breathe in the salty air, the cool breeze drifting in, leaving behind its mist upon my face. It brings me peace. I look over at Kolan as he sinks deeper into the seat, staring out at the dark water in front of us. “Is your house far from here?” He shakes his head. “Nah, a few miles back.” I wait for him to look at me but he keeps his gaze trained ahead. “I’m sorry about what happened tonight. I shouldn’t have panicked like that.” Fury hardens his expression. “None of what happened tonight is your fault.” “It’s not yours either.” “Yeah, it is. He was only there to start shit with me.” “That doesn’t make it your fault.” He remains silent, clearly not agreeing with me. “Are you really going to fight him?” The moment his eyes meet mine, I know the answer. “Yeah, and I’m going to shut him up for good.” I had hoped it was a heat of the moment thing, but I should have known better. Kolan doesn’t say things unless he means them. I hate that he’s

getting pulled back in when it’s clear he didn’t want to, especially knowing that guy used me to do it. “He went too far tonight,” he continues, his gaze shifting to the water again. “You or my sister could have gotten hurt.” His jaw flexes, making the angry red welt on his right side more pronounced. “This is why I like to be alone. It’s better for everyone.” “That’s not true,” I argue. “I’m glad you came tonight, and I know everyone else is, too. No one wanted you to leave.” He grunts in disbelief. Unfastening my seatbelt, I lean over to gently rest my hand to the swollen surface of his jaw, but he snatches my wrist before I can make contact, halting me midair. I flinch, his quick reflexes startling me. His hard eyes soften before letting my hand rest against his stubbly cheek. Did he think I was going to hit him? The thought has my throat burning something fierce. “Trust me. Being alone all the time gets old really fast,” I tell him, hearing how much sadness there is in my own words. His hands span my waist before hauling me over to straddle him in one smooth motion. A gasp pushes past my lips, heat igniting through my body at the feel of his erection between my legs. “Well, we’re not alone right now, are we, Lia?” My pulse thrums wildly, desire thickening the air between us. I shake my head, unable to find my words. He brings his large hands to thread through my hair, his gaze holding mine. “You know I’d never hurt you, right?” Every muscle in my body stills, the question catching me off guard. “Of course I do. I’m not scared of you, Kolan.” “Good.” “Did you think I was?” He shrugs. “Not really, but after what happened tonight, I wasn’t sure.” “No. I like being near you,” I reveal on a whisper. “Me too, baby, too much.” His admission lights up every cold place inside of me. Boldly, I rest my forehead against his, baring more than I should. “I like the way I feel when I’m with you.”

“And what is it you feel?” he asks, his voice sounding rougher than it did a second ago. “Things I can’t explain,” I say, opting for the truth. “When I’m near you, my body feels things that I’ve never felt before.” His hands grip my thighs, fingers digging into my flesh. “But most of all,” I whisper, “you make me feel safe. Something I haven’t felt in a really long time.” “You are safe with me. I’d fucking kill anyone that tried to hurt you.” Emotion surges in my chest, creeping its way up my throat. Before it can escape, he seals his mouth over mine, swallowing my pain and completely obliterating it. My breath ceases at the first touch of his lips, the simple contact rocking me to my core. The moment his tongue sweeps in, I’m lost to him forever. The connection slams into me, thrusting my heart and mind into a hurricane of sensations. They hurdle through me, leaving every single one of my walls and inhibitions destroyed. A groan rumbles from him, exploding against my lips and fueling my desire into a desperate frenzy. “I knew you’d be the best fucking thing I’ve ever tasted.” I don’t return the compliment, not wanting our mouths to sever for even a second. Instead, my hands move to his face while I try to match him stroke for stroke. For the past few weeks, I’ve wondered what his mouth would feel like fused with mine—tasting me, branding me—but nothing could have prepared me for the hurricane that he is. Strong. Fierce. Both of his hands cup my bottom possessively, dragging a moan from my throat. “These shorts have been driving me fucking crazy all night,” he growls, making me appreciate Katelyn’s choice of wardrobe even more. His fingers dip between my legs, stroking over the denim and exerting a pressure that has an army of sensations exploding through my body. “Kolan,” I whimper against his lips, barely recognizing the needy sound of my voice as I grind down on his fingers. “What do you want, baby? Want me to touch you, make you feel good?” “Yes.” I desperately need this—to know what it feels like to be touched by him, not knowing if I will get the chance again.

“Good, because I want that, too. I want to touch and explore this pretty body until you’re screaming my fucking name.” Oh god. I’m already close to screaming it. He breaks contact with my mouth, bringing his lips to my bare shoulder as his fingers slip under my straps. He makes quick work of my tank top, pushing the material down to my hips and exposing my soft yellow lace bra. “Delicate and pretty, just like you,” he murmurs, kissing his way along the swells of my breasts, his tongue tasting my skin while his hand coasts up my bare stomach. Anticipation hums through me as I wait for him to reach his desired destination. That’s until his hand moves to my scarf. I still, my heated blood freezing in my veins. “No!” His eyes snap to mine, softening. “Lia, baby—” “I mean it, Kolan. Please don’t.” If he sees what’s under there, it will ruin everything that’s about to happen, and I need him too much right now. “Okay, we’ll leave it on,” he says easily, but there’s no missing the hint of frustration in his words. “Thank you.” He watches me, eyes boring into mine. “Do you trust me?” “Yes,” I answer without hesitation. Grabbing my wrist, he places my hand behind me on the steering wheel. My pulse kicks up when he does the same with my other. “Keep them there,” he orders. My fingers grip the leather, pulse racing as he brings his palm to rest between my breasts where my clasp is. With a deft flick of his fingers my cups fall open, baring me to him. My teeth sink into my bottom lip as the cool breeze wafts through the open windows, my nipples straining greedily for his attention. “You’re fucking perfect,” he growls, his hungry gaze fixated on my naked breasts. As he slides the straps down my arms, he moves in, brushing his lips across my cheek before bringing his mouth to my ear. “I’d never do anything to you that you didn’t want.” “I know,” I whisper. “Good, remember that.” A breath stalls in my throat when I feel him secure my hands to the steering wheel with my bra. Leaning back, he cups

my cheek, the gentle gesture a contradiction to his fierce eyes. “Trust me to make you feel good.” I nod. As nervous as I am, I do trust him—with every fiber of my being. “How am I supposed to touch you?” I ask softly. “I’m the only one who will be touching. Otherwise, I won’t be able to control myself.” “Maybe I don’t want you to,” I say, surprising myself. He looks just as shocked by my confession. “Believe me, baby, you don’t want to see me lose control.” With that statement, his large hands cup the heavy weight of my breasts, sending a wave of heat to surge through me. My head falls back on a blissful moan, the top half of my body arching into his touch as his fingers torment my sensitive nipples. “Jesus, you’re a fucking sight right now,” he rasps, his voice tight with restraint. “Bound and open for my taking.” Leaning in, he closes his hot mouth over one stiff peak. “Oh god.” I whimper, my body racking with the most exquisite pleasure. He lashes the fiery tip while his fingers continue to work magic on my other. When his teeth lock down, pleasure and pain become one. I jerk against him, a harsh cry falling past my lips. “Easy, baby.” He blows on my aching bud, soothing the sting. “Do you have any idea the things I want to do to this sweet body of yours, Lia?” I shake my head, unable to form words with the desire thrumming through my veins. “That’s probably a good thing,” he mumbles, before moving to my other tortured nipple, giving it the same attention. “Kolan, please,” I plead, my hips thrusting against him, trying to seek some sort of relief. “What do you want, baby? Want me to touch your pussy? Take away your ache?” “God, yes.” Unsnapping my shorts, he slips his hand into my panties, gliding his fingers through my hot flesh. “Fucking soaked.” Shock waves of pleasure ripple through me, stealing my breath as he skims over my throbbing clit.

“Bare and smooth, just like I imagined,” he murmurs, before slipping two fingers into my snug entrance. “And so damn tight.” “God, Kolan,” I wail, bucking against his hand as my body becomes enraptured by his skilled fingers. A groan vibrates from his chest. “Have you thought about this as much as I have, Lia?” “Yes,” I admit breathlessly, my lungs grasping greedily for air while his fingers inflict such exquisite torture. “Did you touch yourself while thinking about it?” My eyes snap open, locking with his dark ones. Heat invades my cheeks as I nod. “I’ll bet you were the prettiest sight, stroking this sweet pussy while thinking about me.” Another whimper pushes past my throat, his dirty words taking me to another level. My wrists tug against their confines as the need to touch him becomes overwhelming. “Kolan?” “Yeah?” “I want my hands free. I want to kiss you and be closer to you.” His fierce gaze softens, while darkness battles in its depths. I begin to think it’s not going to happen, but then he leans forward and releases me with his free hand. “Then come here, baby.” I close the remaining distance between us, my mouth fusing with his, but that’s where my control ends. With his free hand, he twines it in my hair and pulls my head back, ravishing my lips in a way that I’ll feel for days to come. He switches the position of his hand in my shorts, his fingers curling inside of me to stroke a place I’ve never known about. “Oh god.” My eyes roll into the back of my head as I become consumed with pleasure. I grind shamelessly against his touch, my hips moving in time with his fingers. “That a girl, fuck my hand like you would my cock.” His filthy words are my undoing. I cry out against his mouth, shattering into a million pieces. Ecstasy rushes through every vein in my body as I soar to a place I’ve never experienced before. A place I never want to come down from. I’ve never felt more alive than I do in this moment.

Kolan is relentless; dragging out my orgasm for so long I thought it would last forever. He doesn’t let up until I’m completely limp and sated. When he slips his hand out, I fall against him, my breathing harsh as I fight my way back to reality. His strong arms hold me close, bringing me safety and comfort as I try to comprehend what just happened. “I don’t want tonight to ever end,” I whisper, emotion clogging my throat as I think about never feeling this again with him. He leans his seat back a little farther, hugging me closer. “We have time. I have nowhere else to be.” I curl into him, tucking my face into his neck and breathe in his incredible scent. His lips move to my temple as silent tears run down my cheeks, wondering how I will ever be able to go back to living my lonely existence.


Sophie I’m a bundle of nerves as I make my way to the gym. It’s been three days. Three days since I felt the most incredible touch I will ever experience in my life. By a man who has so masterfully captured my heart. That night, Kolan held me until the sun started to rise and we were no longer able to put off the inevitable. The way it felt to be in his arms is something I will cherish forever. We haven’t spoken since he dropped me off in the early hours that morning and set a date for our next lesson. I desperately wanted to call or text, but I wasn’t sure what to say. Our relationship shifted that night in a way I’m not sure we can come back from. A part of me wants to throw all caution out the window and take the chance to live again. But then I think about the repercussions and secondguess it all. And what if he doesn’t want that? Maybe he doesn’t share the same feelings I do. It’s no secret he has a past with women, maybe I was just another one to him? The thought leaves me feeling sick to my stomach. No. I can’t believe that. Not when he held me and touched me the way he did. Strong and commanding, yet gentle and caring. I may not have much experience with guys, but I know what happened with Kolan that night is something I will never again experience with anyone else. The only thing I regret was not getting to touch him, too. It’s all I’ve thought about. As nervous as I am, I want to see what he looks like when he loses control. I have a feeling he never has before. Maybe in his way, but not in the sense where he gives himself freely to someone else. My thoughts come to a screeching halt when I reach the gym and see the windows have been boarded up. What the heck? I swing open the door and enter to see Kolan storming out of the office, looking furious.

“What happened?” I ask, pointing at the boarded windows. “What does it look like?” I stiffen, his harsh reply catching me off guard. “It looks like your windows were broken.” “There you go. That’s what happened,” he responds, not even bothering to look at me. “Do you know who did it?” I ask quietly, hurt by his cold reception. “I have a pretty good fucking idea since my truck was smashed in, too.” “Oh god, Kolan. I’m sorry.” He shrugs. “It’s not your fault.” “I know but—” “Look, let’s just warm up and get on with the lesson. I have shit to do.” I grind my teeth to ward off the pain pricking at my heart and swallow back my hurt feelings. “We can cancel, if you need.” “It’s fine,” he grumbles, turning his back on me. It clearly isn’t ‘fine,’ but I don’t have a chance to argue because he’s already over in the warm-up area, waiting for me. I reluctantly join him, even though every instinct I have is screaming for me to leave. Our warm up is silent and filled with angry tension. I’ve never seen him so cold and distant. It’s obvious he doesn’t want to be here right now and quite frankly, neither do I. Being with him like this just feels…wrong. If I didn’t know better, I would think he’s angry with me, but I have no idea why. I think about asking but then decide against it. I just want to get this over with and leave. We head over to the mats to work on different holds. When he moves up behind me to wrap an arm around my chest, his hand gets caught on my scarf. A heated curse flees him. “Would you just fucking get rid of this already?” He tries yanking his hand free, almost bringing my scarf with it. “Stop it!” I grab the material, wrapping it back in place, then spin around to face him. “What the hell is your problem?” I yell, choking back the sob wanting to break free. “Me? You’re the one with the fucking problem, hiding behind that goddamn scarf. I told you it’s a safety hazard but you refuse to take it off!” I gape at him, not even recognizing the man I’m staring back at. His furious eyes such a contradiction to the warm ones I’m used to seeing. He stares back at me like he hates me.

“You know what, fuck you. I’m out of here. I don’t need this shit.” I rush out of the gym without bothering to grab my water bottle, not wanting him to see the burning tears slipping down my cheeks. My heart shatters into a million pieces as I walk home, wondering how I could be so wrong about someone. I made that mistake once before and after this, I’ll never make it again.


Kolan “Fuck!” I slam my fist into the heavy bag, relishing in the pain that shoots up my arm, but it does nothing to clench the fire in my chest. My jaw locks as I think about her eyes that were filled with tears before she ran out of here. I’m the biggest asshole and I know it. I’m pissed about my truck, pissed about the gym, but even more pissed for letting her own me. That night I spent holding her, touching her, listening to the sounds of her pleasure, I completely lost myself to her. Something I’ve always sworn to never do. Every day that passed without talking to her wreaked fucking havoc on me. I took my bad mood out on her when what I really wanted to do was kiss the hell out of her the moment she walked into the gym, and that just pissed me off even more. But now, I don’t feel anger, only guilt. “Shit.” I go grab my keys from the office, hoping I can catch her in time, but know it’s not likely since she doesn’t live far. She’s probably already home. After locking up the gym behind me, I climb into my rental truck, fury igniting in my veins all over again at the reminder of what happened to mine. Yesterday morning, I had walked out of my house to find my SUV destroyed, then found out the gym was in similar condition, every window smashed in. Cops think it was kids but I know better. It was personal, and I have no doubt that it was fucking Cortez. The bastard sealed his fate. When I turn down main street, something catches my eye in one of the store windows. Impulsively, I make a hard right, cutting off the guy behind me, then screech to a stop as I park in front of the shop. I exit the truck just as the store clerk flips the open sign to closed. “No, wait!” My feet pound the concrete as I charge up to the door, but the old lady quickly switches the lock in place, her eyes wide with fear. I

take a nonthreatening step back and point at the window. “I need to buy that.” She glances at the item then back to me, her gaze shifting nervously as she tries to see if there is anyone else out here with me. There isn’t. “Please, it’s for a friend.” When all she does is stare at me, I try another tactic. “I’ll pay you triple for it.” Her eyes narrow suspiciously. “How do I know you’re not gonna rob me?” I refrain from rolling my eyes like a fucking chick. What robber asks to buy something? “I don’t want to rob you, lady. I just want to buy what’s in the window.” It’s clear she doesn’t believe me and isn’t going to. With a frustrated breath, I head back to my truck when I hear the lock unlatch. I spin around but she slams the door closed and points at me through the glass. “I’m warning you, mister, I have a gun and know how to use it. Try anything funny and I’ll blow you to smithereens, got it?” In other circumstances the threat would amuse me, but right now there’s nothing funny about my situation. I just want to get to Lia. “How about I pass you my credit card and wait here? You can ring it up and bring it back for me to sign.” She thinks about it but ends up shaking her head and opens the door. “No, it’s all right, you can come in.” I make sure to enter slowly and keep my distance from her as she grabs the item from the window. The last thing I want to do is cause her to have a heart attack. With my fucking luck it would happen. I don’t come any closer until I need to hand her my credit card. She stares down at my name for a long moment before swiping it. “Sorry about earlier. I’m fairly new here and don’t know many people. You’re also a big fella and a little intimidating.” It’s a good thing she doesn’t know who I am, because then she really wouldn’t have opened the door. “It’s fine. You’re right to be cautious.” “That’s what my grandson always tells me.” She slowly begins wrapping the gift in pink paper. I glance down at my watch, wishing she would move a little faster. “For someone special?”

“Yeah…” Lia is so much more than that, but I don’t think there are any words to describe how special she is. “Well, it’s a good choice. A beautiful color for summer,” she comments, putting the gift in a bag. “I was actually just telling my grandson the other day about this one and told him he should buy it for his girlfriend. She loves scarves,” she adds with a smile. I nod, not really giving a shit but don’t want to be rude. When she finally hands me the bag, I try to take it but she doesn’t let go. “Now, tell her to wash it in cold water and hang to dry.” “Okay, thanks.” I turn to leave but her fingers keep a tight grip. “And maybe tell her to add a wee bit of baking soda. It’s something my mother always taught me. It helps keep the color bright and rich.” With a nod, I try to leave again. Only she still won’t fucking let go. “And tell her if she likes this, we have more colors coming in next week. Even a beautiful sunshine yellow and…” I reach for patience as she rambles, trying to figure out how to get the hell out of here without being an asshole. When she finishes telling me about all the fucking colors coming in, I pull a little harder, prying the gift from her fingers and move for the door in a hurry. “Thanks again.” “You’re welcome, young man, come back anytime,” she calls out. Probably not, but I give her a brief wave as I head out of the store. When I reach Lia’s place a few minutes later, I walk up her front steps, feeling my palms sweat like a goddamn teenager. After a few raps on the door, I wait for her to answer and hear the light sound of footsteps then… nothing. “Lia, open up.” “Go away, Kolan.” My guilt escalates at the sadness in her voice. “Please open the door. I need to see you.” “Well, I don’t want to see you.” “Just give me a minute. That’s all I’m asking for. Then I promise to leave if that’s what you want.” There’s a long stretch of silence before she unlocks the door and swings it open. Pain infiltrates my chest at the sight of her red puffy eyes and wounded expression. I get the urge to pull her against me but know it won’t be welcomed.

Her chin lifts stubbornly, arms crossing over her chest. “What do you want?” “To tell you how sorry I am.” “You should be. You were an asshole.” “I know.” She presses her lips together, trying to rein in her emotions but a tear manages to slip free. Unable to hold back a second longer, I pull her against me, engulfing her slender body in my arms. “You really hurt me,” she cries. Jesus, I didn’t think I could feel worse than I already did, but I was so wrong. “I know, and you’ll never know how sorry I am for it. It’s been a shitty few days, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” Eventually, she returns my embrace, giving me a spark of hope that she might accept my apology. Cupping her face, I bring her sad eyes to mine. “Do you forgive me?” She nods. “Yeah. Just don’t do that to me again.” “Never. I promise.” I repress the urge to drop a kiss on her pretty lips, and decide now would be a good time to give her the gift. “Here.” She wipes the remainder of her tears before accepting it. “What’s this for?” “It was my backup plan if you didn’t accept my apology.” I’m rewarded with a small smile. “You didn’t have to do that.” “I know, but I wanted to.” “Do you want to come in for a little while?” she asks, shifting nervously on her feet. “I was just about to have my evening tea.” “Yeah, sure.” She closes the door then leads me into the small living room. “Can I get you something to drink?” “No thanks, I’m good.” I take a seat on the couch and wait for her to join me. She ends up sitting on the other end, much too far away for my liking. Silence fills the air as she pulls the gift from the bag and begins opening the pink paper, unveiling the aqua blue scarf. The soft material drapes in her hands as she stares down at it. “It’s beautiful.” “Only because you’ll be wearing it.” She remains quiet, and I know it’s because she doesn’t believe me, not after what I said. “Look, Lia, I didn’t

mean what I said back at the gym. With the scarf or without—you’re perfect.” “But you were right, I am hiding,” she chokes out, tears flooding her eyes again. “I have to or he’ll kill me.” Those terrified words put me in motion. Grabbing ahold of her shoulders, I search her gaze. “Who? Who is he?” She lets go of a broken sob, shredding my fucking insides. “Tell me, Lia, so I can help you.” “Sophie,” she whispers. My brows draw in confusion, thinking I misheard her. “What?” “My name is Sophie Parish, not Lia Kay.” Shock slams into me, her admission rocking me to my core. I knew she was hiding shit, but her name? Her identity? “Please don’t be angry with me,” she pleads. I shake my head, reeling from the information. “I’m not angry, baby. I’m just trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.” “I’ll tell you everything if you want to know. But be prepared, it’s a long story. An ugly one at that.” “I have all night. I’m not going anywhere.” Taking a breath, she sinks back into the couch with her body turned toward me. “His name is Daniel Wheeler,” she starts quietly. “I met him the first week of my senior year in high school. He had just transferred from San Francisco and became the kid everyone ridiculed. I stepped in one day to help him when he was being bullied by a few of the football guys, and it turned out to be the biggest mistake I would ever make.” By the fear in her words, I realize this is going to be worse than any scenario I’ve conjured up until this point. “It started with anonymous love poems being left in my locker then escalated to flowers and gifts. I knew it was Daniel, and I felt bad that I didn’t return his feelings, especially when I knew he was having a hard time fitting in. So, at first I ignored them, because I didn’t want to embarrass him or make him feel bad. But it only got worse and the gifts became more elaborate, so I had no choice but to confront him. I was as kind as I could be about it and told him that we could be friends but that was it. His reaction was…odd, to say the least. He never said a word the entire time. Never

denied or confirmed it was him. He just stared at me with this distant look in his eyes.” She pauses, lost in the memory. “Everything stopped, even his smiles and waves, so I thought that was the end of it. But then he began showing up wherever I went. Whether it was the grocery store with my mom or the movies with my friends, he was always there—watching me. He never approached me or said anything, but I knew it wasn’t a coincidence. There were even times I could have sworn I felt him watching me, but I couldn’t see him. I thought I was going crazy.” Her gaze falls to her lap with a long exhale. “One night he showed up at the mall while I was shopping with friends, and I decided it was time to confront him once more. I told him he was making me uncomfortable and he needed to stop following me. Again, he never said anything, but the distant look in his eyes turned into something more—something indescribable. It terrified me. Then…later that evening when I arrived home,” she continues quietly, “I had taken a shower and walked into my room in a towel. As I was changing, I heard a noise from my window. It was him…watching me.” I tense, anger fueling inside of me like a desert storm. “I became frozen to my spot, completely imprisoned by fear. All I could do was scream. My father came barreling in, but by the time he opened my window, Daniel was already running down the street. That night, I told my parents everything and my dad called the police. After taking my statement they went onto the roof to see if they could find any evidence.” She swallows thickly, disgust twisting her perfect face into deep pain. “There were traces of semen, some that had been there for quite a while. He had been watching me for months.” Even though I had guessed as much, fury still ignites my blood like an inferno. Her tears fall harder this time, and I get the urge to comfort her, to erase her pain. Instead, I give her space and time to finish because I have a feeling it’s far from over. “When the police went and questioned him, he told them that we were in love. Said that we had been dating since the first week of school. He even showed them a photo album he had of us. There were pictures taken of me when I was unaware; eating in the cafeteria, shopping, dancing…then he

had cut out ones of himself and molded them together to make us look like a couple.” “Jesus,” I breathe out, trying to wrap my head around this crazy fucker. Her eyes meet mine, fear pinching her expression. “The most terrifying part is he believed it. He really thought we were dating. He was completely delusional. My father put a restraining order on him and the police warned him to stay away from me or he would go to prison. He wasn’t even allowed to attend school anymore. Not like it mattered though, the damage had been done. My entire senior year was ruined. I was scared to walk anywhere alone, too scared to even dress in the privacy of my own room. I went to school, then dance, and came home.” Unrelenting fury pumps through me as I think about all she lost because of the sick fucker. “The day came when he broke that restraining order, just like I knew he would. My sister caught him outside of our house, hiding in the bushes. But instead of going to prison, he was sent to a psychiatric hospital. I was told it would be better for him and he would be there for at least three years.” She shrugs. “I didn’t care where he went. I just wanted him gone. After he was sent away, I finished the last few months of school then went to Washington University in St. Louis on a dance scholarship and began to rebuild my life.” “A dance scholarship, now why am I not surprised,” I say, trying to point out something positive in this fucked-up situation. She flashes me the smile I had hoped for. “It was my dream to dance forever,” she says softly. “It’s all I ever wanted to do. It took a while for the fear to subside, but I managed to find a peace that I had lost the day I met Daniel. I was happy—happier than I had been in a long time. I even met someone—the campus heartthrob,” she adds. I try not to let that bit of information bother me, but I hate knowing some bastard was lucky enough to have her. “Then it was all stolen from me once again.” Dread settles in my gut as her hand moves to her scarf, fingers beginning to tremble. I remain still, knowing I’m about to hear the worst of it. “I came home from rehearsal one night to find him in bed with my roommate, the girl I thought was my best friend.”

I stiffen in surprise, not expecting that. Who the hell would be dumb enough to cheat on her? “I didn’t get a chance to digest the betrayal though because they were lying in a pool of their own blood—dead,” she whispers. What—the—fuck. “Daniel was there, hiding in the shadows. Turns out he was released early and no one thought to inform me, as they promised,” she grinds out, her voice thick with anger, but it quickly turns to turmoil the moment she relays the rest of the events. Rage claws its way through me when I hear how scared and helpless she was, the way she fought to escape. However, that emotion transforms into something so much more painful when I hear about the blade slashing her throat. “I was so sure he stole my last breath,” she whispers, her words filled with despair. “But I woke up days later only to find out they never caught him. After what he did, knowing how much more he’s capable of, I had to run. Had to leave everything I loved behind, including who I was.” She looks at me, misery dark in her eyes as tears of sorrow stain her cheeks. “I miss it all. I miss my life, dancing, but more than anything, I miss my family. Some days so much that I think it will be the loneliness that kills me in the end.” The sob of agony that explodes from her guts me from the inside out. I pull her trembling body into my arms. “It’s okay, everything is going to be okay,” I rasp, feeling like someone poured fucking acid down my throat. “I’m so tired,” she cries. “Tired of being afraid all the time. Of never knowing when he’ll finish what he started.” “No. Look at me.” Leaning back, I cradle her face between my hands. “No more running. You need to let me help you.” “I’m not sure you can. The cops can’t even find him.” “I can and I will,” I say, resolution burning in my veins. “I swear I won’t let anything happen to you. But you need to let me help you, Sophie,” I say, the name feeling right as it rolls off my tongue. She gasps, her expression softening. “Say it again.” I scowl, unsure of what she wants to hear. “Say my name,” she elaborates. My forehead falls to hers, the smooth sound of her voice tugging at the hollow part in my chest, the part that only she can command. “Sophie.” Her

name whispers past my lips, brushing her wet cheek as I bring my mouth to her ear. “Sophie Parish.” Her arms hook around my neck as she crawls onto my lap, knees on either side of my hips. I sink into the couch cushions, absorbing the warmth of her body as she trembles against me. Nothing I say can take this away. What she’s lived with, what she’s been through… If I could take this pain as my own and carry it for her, I would. It’s minutes later before I speak again. “Let me talk to Nick. He’s with the FBI. He will have resources that others don’t.” She pulls back to look at me, her gaze timid. “I’m not sure I’m ready for others to know yet.” “Nobody else has to know right now but him. He won’t even tell my sister. Just let me see what he can find on this asshole, then we’ll go from there.” I reach out, swiping the remainder of her tears. “Let me help you, Sophie. You can’t do this by yourself anymore.” “I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to you because of me.” “Nothing’s going to happen to me, baby. Believe me, I’ve fought monsters more threatening than this fucking whack job. I just need you to trust me.” “I do,” she whispers. “More than anyone else in the world, that’s why I told you.” “Good. So we agree, no more running?” She hesitates for only a moment. “No more running.” Victory fills me, knowing that was a battle in itself. My hand moves to her shoulder, eyes falling to her scarf. “Do you trust me enough to show me what’s under here?” Her face turns ashen, body trembling once more. “You’ll never look at me the same way again.” Those bleeding words fuel the storm of emotions already tearing inside of me. “There’s nothing under there that could change the way I look at you.” It’s clear by her solemn expression she doesn’t believe me. “We all have scars, Sophie, in one form or another.” Her gaze snaps to mine as I bring my hand to her cheek. “I just want to know all of you.” She relents with a shaky sigh, giving me a single nod of permission. The moment my hand moves to the pink scarf, her eyes fall shut, chin quivering. I gently brush a kiss across her lips, wanting to ease her fear. Her

hands move to my side, twisting the fabric of my shirt, silently begging me to not reveal what scares her the most. “Don’t be scared, baby. I got you.” The fabric whispers across her skin as I pull the material gently from her neck, revealing the mangled skin beneath. My chest tightens; air passing back and forth as it becomes trapped in my lungs. The angry red scars run crisscross around her throat, proving the evil blade left no inch of flesh untouched. Vengeance burns in my blood, thrumming viciously through my veins, but it becomes overshadowed when a strangled noise penetrates the air. I look up to see Sophie’s eyes still shut, face pinched tight as if this physically pains her. Instinct takes over and my lips move to her wounded flesh. The contact is powerful. Like a bolt of lightning to my chest. Air pushes past her throat on a sharp breath when I explore more; desperate to know every scar she bears. Fisting my shirt further, she finally submits to my touch. “Sophie Parish,” I murmur, dragging my lips across her mutilated skin. “Not a victim but a survivor.” A sob tumbles past her lips. “How can you say that?” I grasp her face between my hands, forcing her eyes to mine. “Because that’s who you are. He did not win and he’s not fucking going to. You survived and you’re going to continue to survive.” “I don’t think I can beat him,” she cries, sounding both exhausted and defeated. “You won’t need to because I will.” Her arms go around my neck, face dropping on my shoulder as she continues to cry. With a heavy breath, I stand and carry her down the hall, guessing that’s where her room is. It’s confirmed when I pass the bathroom, reaching the second door on the right. Lying us down on the bed, I keep her close. She curls into me, her arm draping over my waist and tears soaking my shirt. I don’t say or do anything but hold her, barely able to keep my rage concealed. Once she falls asleep, I reach for my cell in my pocket and shoot a text to Nick. Me: I need a favor.

Nick: No, I will not stop touching your sister.

I grunt. Me: It’s a little late for that, asshole, since you knocked her up. Nick: True. So, what do you want then? Me: I need you to find out everything you can on a Daniel Wheeler, including where he was last seen.

It’s a few minutes before I hear anything back. Nick: Done. I’ll let you know when I have something.

Slipping my phone back in my pocket, I look down at Sophie, the devastation on her resting face ripping me open once more. Brushing a thick strand of hair off her cheek that’s soaked with the remainder of her tears, I stare down at the scarred flesh with only one thought in mind. Vengeance.


Sophie Wrapped in the most incredible warmth, I bathe in the strength of his arms, feeling safe and protected. I slowly open my gritty, swollen eyes to see Kolan looking down at me, his usual hard expression softer and hair mussed from sleep. The sight of him this early in the morning has my heart skipping a beat. “You stayed,” I murmur, my throat still raw and tender from last night’s emotional turmoil. “Did you think I would leave?” “No, I guess not.” I should have known better, especially after how kind he was to me when I not only revealed my secret but also bared my scars. Something I still can’t believe I did. The haunting thought reminds me that they’re exposed now. I lift my hand to drape my hair across my neck but Kolan snags my wrist, stopping me before I can shield them. “I get that you don’t want the world to see this but when it’s just you and me, Sophie, there will be no scarf. No more hiding.” “I hate for anyone to see it, but especially you,” I admit on a whisper. “It’s disgusting.” His hand moves to my neck, the rough pad of his thumb tracing the marred flesh as he stares down at me. Every instinct in my body screams to recoil at his touch but my heart craves it. “When I see this, I feel a lot of things but disgust isn’t one of them.” “What do you feel?” I ask hesitantly. “I won’t lie, I feel pretty fucking angry,” he says, every word laced with venom. “But mostly…I feel admiration.” “No.” My voice is a choked whisper. “Yes.”

I shake my head, insecurities worming their way into my mind. A breath traps in my chest when he shifts the top half of his hard body over mine. There’s no mistaking the feel of his erection against my hip when he leans down, pressing his warm lips to my shoulder before moving to the one place I can’t bear to look at. “This,” he murmurs. “Does not show weakness. It shows strength. And that, baby, is fucking admirable.” Lifting his head, he pins me with those dark brown eyes, the deep chocolate color rich with the truth of his words. “Where on earth did you come from?” I ask. “I’ve been wondering the same thing about you.” His reply has my heart leaping in my chest and a smile dancing across my lips. “If I had brushed my teeth by now and didn’t just wake up, I would kiss you, Kolan Slade.” “Fuck brushing your teeth, I just want to taste you.” He swoops in, capturing my mouth in a ruthless kiss, and just like last time, the contact is powerful and life changing. With a blissful sigh, I wrap my arms around his neck, losing myself in the moment. Not caring in the least about whether my breath is fresh or not, because his incredible flavor masks all else. His low groan vibrates against my lips, reverberating through every cell in my body. “I’ve been dying to taste you again.” “Me too, it’s all I’ve thought about,” I admit, breathing into the kiss. “Yeah?” Pulling my arms apart, he pins them over my head and moves over top of me, his erection now settled at the apex of my thighs. “And what else have you thought about since then, Sophie?” God, I love hearing my name fall from his lips. “Your touch and how good you made me feel,” I tell him fervently, as he continues to rob me of oxygen. “That’s all I’ve been thinking about too, baby, and I’ve been fucking dying to do it again.” His mouth tears from mine on a journey south, passing along my wrecked skin before trailing over the front of my tank top. The feeling of his hot breath through the thin fabric has my nipples rising for his attention. My gasp pierces the air when he takes a sharp nip, the sting shooting all the way to my core. “Kolan,” I moan, arching as much as my pinned arms

will allow. “Let go so I can touch you, too.” “No, baby. Just you. Always, just you.” Before I have a chance to argue, he lifts my shirt, latching his hot mouth around my nipple, banishing every thought and feeling. Nothing but pure unyielding pleasure sweeps through me as he sucks each bud until I’m writhing beneath him. “Kolan, please.” His name falls on a needy plea, my hips lifting to seek the friction I desperately crave. “Easy, baby, I’m getting there,” he croons, moving lower to continue his sweet torture. My arms become free the farther he travels, but I don’t dare move, not wanting anything to ruin this intimate moment. There’s obviously a reason he doesn’t want me to touch him, one I intend to find out eventually. But right now, I need to get lost in this spellbinding pleasure that only he can provide. To forget my haunted past for just a few minutes and relish in this powerful man’s touch. The wide breadth of his shoulders spread my legs farther apart. “This,” he whispers, “this is what I’ve been dying for.” He skims his nose along my hot center, sending tiny shock waves to every cell in my body as he inhales deeply. “I’ll bet you taste as sweet as you smell.” My teeth sink into my bottom lip as he slides my shorts down my legs. Heat invades my cheeks when I’m fully bared to him. “Jesus, Sophie, you’re so fucking pretty,” he groans, his eyes locked on my most intimate part. With two fingers, he spreads me open, gently blowing on my throbbing clit. A tidal wave of emotions rush through me, shoving a harsh breath from my parted lips. “Kolan,” I moan, lifting my hips for more. “So responsive,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to my inner thigh. “The things I want to do to this body of yours. The pleasure I could give you with barely a touch…” The sentence is left unfinished; his head dipping lower as he spears my flesh with his hot tongue. “Oh god!” I cry out, my back bowing off the bed as he devours me in the most intimate act possible. His strong hands move to my hips, pinning them in place as he sucks and licks, consuming every single preconceived notion of what I thought pleasure should be. I’d never known anything like this. Something so beautiful—dark and perfect.

“So fucking good.” The subtle vibration only adds to the exquisite feelings he’s dragging out of me. “Kolan.” His name purges from my lips, a sense of freedom leaving with it. Fisting the sheets, I plead for him to end it, to put me out of this sweet misery. Finally, he sets me free. Reality is nothing more than an afterthought as I catapult across an endless black sky, racing toward what is sure to be the most beautiful destruction. It burns through every part of me, shining light into all of the dark places I hide. As I’m lost in a sea of pleasure, Kolan kisses his way back up my body, settling over me again but making sure to hold his weight. “Jesus, Sophie,” he rasps in my neck. “I’ve never had someone come apart for me like that before.” The tortured restraint in his voice has me slamming back to reality. Winding my arms around him, I relish in the fact that he’s letting me hold him. “I’ve never had anyone make me feel the way you do,” I tell him, seizing the opportunity to slip my hands under his shirt. His muscles instantly tense, straining beneath my fingers. “Please, let me touch you, too.” “No. I can’t.” Something that sounds an awful lot like fear hardens his words. “Why?” I can feel how much he wants me. In his kiss, his touch— between my thighs. “Talk to me, Kolan,” I plead, my lips trailing across his jaw. He remains still, his breathing harsh. Hope flares inside of me when he doesn’t push away but it quickly deflates when his cell phone goes off. I feel the exact moment I lose him. With a breath of relief, he gives me a swift kiss before rolling to his back to dig in his pocket. “Yeah?” he answers, his voice rough. I pull the sheet over me, ingrained modesty taking over. “This Saturday night?” I hear someone mumble something on the other line but can’t make out what they say. “That gives me less than a week to train.” Fear consumes me when I realize it’s about the fight. Kolan grunts. “Hardly…no, it’s fine. I don’t need much time. I’ll be there… Yeah, set it up.” After he hangs up, he peeks over at me, something harder in his eyes that wasn’t there before the phone call.

“About the fight?” I ask softly. “Yeah.” “Saturday doesn’t give you much time. Maybe you should postpone it.” “No. I want this over with, especially after what that fucker did to the gym and my truck.” “So, you think it was him?” I ask, even though I had the same thought. He grunts. “I know it was. Who else could it have been?” “Did the cops find anything against him so you can press charges?” “No, but Coop is trying.” At the mention of Cooper, I shoot up with a gasp. “Oh my god. Cooper. Work…I’m late,” I shriek in a panic. With everything that happened, I hadn’t even thought about the time. Just when I’m about to run from the bed, Kolan locks an arm around my waist. “Easy, baby,” he soothes, crowding my back. “I sent Cooper a text early this morning and told him you would either be late or not going in at all. He’s fine either way.” Relief swamps me. “Thank you. I’m glad one of us was thinking,” I say, feeling awful. The last thing I want to do is lose this job. “You had a rough night,” he says, pressing his lips to my bare shoulder. “Maybe you should just chill for the day.” “No, I’ll be okay. It will be good for me and it’s the only place I feel safe other than when I’m with you,” I admit quietly. He pulls me in closer with the arm that’s curled around my waist. “You’re safe all the time now, Soph.” My stomach dips at the nickname, warmth invading my blood. I relax against him, basking in his confidence. “I hope you’re right.” “I am. I’m always right, just ask my sister.” A smile tugs at my lips. “Hmm, I have a feeling she would argue that.” “Probably,” he admits with a chuckle, but his amusement fades quickly. “I am right about this though. He’s not going to hurt you. I won’t let him. We’ll find him before he has the chance.” I want to believe that so badly, but it’s hard. Daniel has ruled my life for so long, has outsmarted so many people… “Trust me, Soph,” he presses when I remain silent. “I do.” I trust him more than anyone else in the world. I just pray that this decision doesn’t cost him; otherwise, I will never be able to live with


* Later that afternoon, I leave work early, feeling terrible. I emptied my stomach only a short time ago and feel close to doing it again. I knew I was coming down with something. I’ve felt it slowly approaching for almost a week now. Feeling run down, sleeping harder than usual only to wake up and feel more tired. However, this morning I felt better than I have in a while, so I thought I escaped it, but apparently not. Now, it’s finally hit and it has hit hard. As I approach the gym, I decide to drop in and let Kolan know I won’t make tonight’s lesson. Taking a deep breath, I try to tamp down what’s threatening to come up and walk through the door to see the place in full swing. It doesn’t take me long to spot the man I came to see. On the mats to my left, Kolan is doing push-ups. Sarge shouts down at him, spurring him on as Benny sits on his back, adding to his weight as he eats a small bag of chips. Even with feeling as awful as I do, I can’t help but chuckle at the sight. Benny spots me first, excitement lighting up his eyes. “It’s Lia,” he shouts, jumping off Kolan’s back mid push-up. He runs over to me, seeming as happy to see me as I am him. “Hey, Benny.” Surprise renders me speechless when he wraps his arms around my waist, giving me a hug. “Hey, Lia.” I return his small embrace, my heart melting into a giant puddle of goo. Stepping back, he gives me an excited smile. “Guess what? I’m helping the Champ get ready for his big fight. He’s letting me be a part of his training team and even allowing me to be ringside with him. Pretty cool, huh?” “Very cool,” I agree, my eyes moving to the man himself as he comes striding over. I take in the sight of him, from his chiseled abs to his hard, inked-up body slick with sweat. My queasy stomach flip-flops. “Hey,” he greets me, wiping his face with a towel.

“Hi,” I whisper then clear my throat when I hear how winded I sound. “Sorry to bother you.” “You’re no bother.” “Yeah, no bother at all,” Benny adds, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks back and forth between us. Kolan gives him a playful shove. “Go hit the bag with Sarge until I’m done.” “That’s okay, I’m good where I am,” he replies with a cheeky smile on his cute face. It deflates with the look Kolan shoots him. “Aw man,” he grumbles. “See ya, Lia.” “Bye, Benny.” I giggle as he jogs away. My gaze moves back to Kolan to find him staring at me, the stark hunger in his dark eyes a reminder of what he did to my body only hours ago. “Everything okay?” he asks, knocking me out of my stupor. “Not really. I just came by to tell you that I don’t think I’ll be making tonight’s lesson. I left work early because I’m not feeling well.” “What’s wrong?” he asks, concerned. “I think it’s the flu. I’ve felt it coming on for a while now, but I was hoping to escape it.” “When I’m done here, I’ll come by to check on you.” I shake my head, then instantly regret it when I feel my stomach rebel. “No, don’t do that. You can’t afford to get sick, not with the fight coming up.” “I don’t give a shit about that.” “I do. I’d feel horrible if I jeopardized you winning this fight.” I can tell he’s about to argue, but I don’t let him. “Really, Kolan. I’ll be okay, and I promise to text you. Hopefully, I’ll wake up tomorrow morning feeling like myself. Maybe we can reschedule our lesson for then?” It’s clear by his expression he doesn’t like it, but eventually he tumbles out a defeated breath. “Yeah.” His arm snakes out, curling around my waist to pull me against him, causing my pulse to beat rapidly. “But if you’re not better by tomorrow, all bets are off, Sophie, and I’m coming for you.” Oh lord. “Okay,” I agree breathlessly, my hand finding its place on his stomach as I try to remain on my feet.

An amused grin curves his sexy mouth. He’s just about to say something when Benny interrupts him. “Come on, Champ. Slip her the tongue!” My body tenses, humiliation burning me as his words echo through the entire gym. I drop my forehead on Kolan’s chest with a groan when several chuckles fill the air, including Kolan’s. “I told you he was mouthy.” I peek up at him, feeling a smile tug my lips. “He is. But he’s still really cute.” He grunts, obviously disagreeing with me. When another wave of nausea rolls through me, I take a step back. “Well, I better go.” “You want me to give you a ride?” I consider taking him up on the offer but quickly decide against it. If I am going to empty my stomach again, the last thing I want is to do it around him. “No. I’ll be okay but thanks anyway.” I’m about to make my exit when he grabs my wrist, halting me. “Text me, so I know you’re okay.” My heart warms at his concern. “I will. Promise.” This time, when I turn to leave, he lets me go. “Bye, Lia,” Benny yells from across the gym. Glancing back, I manage to give him a weak smile and return his wave. I walk out of the gym, moving as fast as I can, all the while praying I don’t lose the contents of my stomach. Thankfully, I make it home first but with every second that passes I only feel worse. After hugging the toilet for a solid twenty minutes, I barely manage to make it to my room before collapsing and falling into a state of unconsciousness.


Kolan Two nights later, I’m turning down Sophie’s street, refusing to go another night without seeing her. I don’t care what she says, sick or not, I need to see for myself that she’s okay. The fact that she still hasn’t been to work proves how bad she must feel. I also might miss the hell out of her. Okay, I do miss the hell out of her. Not even the intense training sessions I’ve been doing has distracted me from thinking about her. I’ve turned into the biggest pussy, and I’m the first to admit it but I don’t care. I miss everything about her. Her shy smile and soft giggle that always does funny shit to my chest. The way she feels in my arms or her breathy moans when I make her come. Jesus, just remembering the way she shattered for me the other morning has my dick hard as a rock. Then she wanted more and I pushed her away like an idiot, because I refuse to subject her to the only lifestyle I’ve ever known. The only way I know. Some people are cut out for it but Sophie isn’t one of them. After knowing what she’s gone through, the thought of leaving another mark on her body makes me physically sick. It’s the first time that’s ever happened. I’ve found myself in one fucking mess, but it might be the best one I’ve ever been in. Pulling onto her driveway, I’m about to climb out when my cell phone vibrates. I grab it from my pocket and look down to see it’s Nick. “Hey,” I answer. “The next time you ask me to look up a fucking psychopath, you mind giving me a heads-up?” I relax back into my seat, not surprised to hear how pissed he is. “Yeah, I probably should have. Were you able to find anything for me?” “You mean other than the fact that the girl you’ve taken a liking to isn’t who she says she is. And what she has hiding under that scarf of hers was

done by some creepy bastard who could star in the next fucking slasher flick?” “Yeah, besides that,” I grind out, feeling rage burn in my gut as I’m reminded all over again what that sick fuck did to her. “Not a whole lot. At least not yet. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this shit.” “I need you to find him, Nick, and I need you to do it fast—before he finds her.” “If you would have fucking told me all of this to begin with, it would have saved time.” “I didn’t have a chance, all right?” I snap, losing my patience. “I texted you the same night I found out. Just find this fucker then let me know where he is.” “Why? So you can kill him?” I remain silent, refusing to admit that I’ve entertained the idea. “Jesus, Slade. You think I’m going to hand him over to you just so you can land your ass in prison after you escaped that fate only a few months ago?” “What do you expect me to do when the cops can’t even do their fucking job?” “Well, I’ll give you that,” he says. “I have no idea how a kid can outsmart this many cops. From what I’ve been able to tell, he’s on the radar for over half of the forces in this country.” “Because he’s more than just a fucking kid. You saw what he did to her. I need you to dig deeper, Nick. See what you can find on him, and while you’re at it, find him. In the meantime, I’m going to do whatever I have to do to protect her.” His harsh breath fills the other end of the line. “Okay, listen. Ryder knows one of the officers who dealt with Sophie’s case back in California,” he says, talking about his partner. “He’s getting in touch with him to find out all he can about this guy and where he was last seen. I also have some other resources to follow up with that could potentially turn into some good leads.” “What are they?” I ask, my interest piqued. “Not yet. Let me follow them first. I promise to tell you something as soon as I find out.” “Fine. Other than Ryder, have you told anyone else about this?”

“No.” “Good. Keep it that way. Don’t even tell Kate. Sophie doesn’t want anyone knowing yet. So as far as you know, she’s still Lia.” “Yeah, fine, whatever,” he grumbles. “But when your sister does find out, I’ll be making sure she knows you’re the one who told me to keep quiet.” “You know, it’s almost funny to see how whipped you are… Almost. It would be a lot funnier if it wasn’t by my sister.” “Well, it’s always going to be your sister. So, it’s time to get used to it.” I’m already used to it, but I decide to keep that to myself. “I’ll hit you back up when I know more.” “Hey, Nick,” I say before he can hang up. “Yeah?” “Thanks.” There’s a long pause, as if he doesn’t know what to do with my gratitude. “No problem. See you Saturday.” “I guess that means you’re coming?” “Yeah, we’ll be there. I want to see you kick that guy’s ass for what almost happened to your sister. But she’s a mess over you getting back in the ring, so how about after this you retire for good.” “Don’t worry, this is the last one,” I promise. “I’ll see you Saturday. Tell Kate I said hi.” “Will do. See ya.” Hanging up, I climb out of the truck and walk up Sophie’s front steps, the house blanketed in darkness. I knock a few times but don’t get anything. “Soph, it’s me. Open up.” Concern plagues me when she still doesn’t answer. I’m just about to bust in when I finally hear the lock unlatch. The door opens to reveal a girl I barely recognize. Dressed in sweats with a hood over her head, Sophie’s face is ghost white and eyes gaunt. “Jesus, you look like shit.” I immediately want to kick myself as soon as the words leave my mouth. Shooting me a death glare, she begins to slam the door in my face, but I stick my foot in before she can. “Wait. I didn’t mean that.”

“Yes, you did, because I do,” she says, her teeth chattering. “And I feel like it.” I pull her trembling body against me, feeling fire radiating off her. “Have you seen a doctor?” “No,” she murmurs into my chest, leaning all her weight on me as if it’s hard for her to stand. “I don’t need to, it’s just the flu… I think.” “This is some fucking flu.” “You’re telling me,” she mumbles. “Which is why you need to go. You can’t afford to be here right now.” “Fuck that. I’m not going anywhere.” Closing the door behind me, I bend down and scoop her up in my arms. “Oh god,” she moans, burying her face in my neck. “You better be careful or you’re gonna end up covered in whatever I tried to eat last.” “I’ve been through worse,” I grunt. “What was the last thing you ate anyway?” She’s quiet as she thinks about it. “What day is it?” “Jesus, Sophie, are you serious?” “Well, excuse me but I haven’t had much energy. I’ve been drinking a lot of tea. Usually, I find that soothes my stomach, but not this time. I was going to make myself something after my shower but ended up falling sleep. Something you woke me from, thank you very much.” Her sass would amuse me if I weren’t so fucking worried about her. “I’ll go make you something.” I enter her room and lay her down. “You don’t have to do that,” she protests but it’s weak. “I know.” When I turn to leave, she grabs my hand, bringing my attention back to her. “Don’t be mad at me,” she whispers. My hands drop on either side of her hips as I lean over her. “I’m not mad at you. But the next time I want to come check on you, don’t fucking argue with me about it.” I expect her to bristle at my tone but instead her hand moves to my face, her sunken eyes dazed as she stares up at me. “When I wasn’t puking my guts out, I missed you and your bossiness.” I smirk and get the urge to kiss the hell out of her, but manage to refrain myself. “I missed you every second, baby, even when I felt like puking my guts out from training.”

She smiles like I hoped she would. “Mmkay. You win.” Chuckling, I press a kiss to her damp forehead. “I’ll be back.” Heading into the kitchen, I start rummaging through her cupboards and find a can of soup broth and crackers. While I wait for it to heat, I clean up the few dishes then get her some iced water. Ten minutes later, I walk back into her room to find her curled up on her side with an arm draped over her eyes. Sitting down next to her, I put the large mug on her nightstand then gently shake her. “Soph, wake up.” “I don’t wanna,” she whines on a tortured moan. “I know, but you need to eat something.” I help her sit up then have her take some aspirin and don’t miss the way she tugs at her hood, making sure her neck is covered. After taking the water from her, I pass her the steaming cup of soup. “I put it in a mug. I figured it would be easier for you to have this way.” “It’s perfect. Thank you.” As she begins sipping, I move to the end of the bed and lean against the wall. “How is training going,” she asks. “It’s going. I think the kid gets a kick out of it. He enjoys seeing me bust my ass.” She smiles. “He’s pretty excited that you’re letting him go ringside with you.” “I had a hard time saying no when he asked. I figure it would be good for him to see what it’s like, since he’s been talking about wanting to work toward being a fighter.” “How do you feel about that?” “I don’t know,” I tell her truthfully. “I guess there’s nothing wrong with it, but I think that smart mouth of his is destined for bigger things.” I shrug. “Or maybe I’m still pissed about the way the industry fucked me over.” “I don’t blame you for that,” she says gently, sounding not only tired but also sad. “Are you nervous for Saturday?” “No.” “I am,” she admits softly. “Why?” “Because I don’t want anyone to hit you.”

Her reply amuses me yet at the same time causes a shift in my chest. Other than my sister, no one has ever given a shit about me. When she finishes with her soup, I move to take the cup from her and set it back on the night table before putting my hands on either side of her again. “Don’t worry, if there’s anything my old man taught me it’s how to take a punch.” I regret the words as soon as I say them, especially when tears fill her eyes. “That makes me sad.” “Don’t be sad for me, baby. He may have been an asshole but it also made me who I am. It made me stronger and fight harder. I made something of myself because of it.” Silence descends as her hand moves to my jaw. “How can anyone ever mistake you for being anything other than amazing and kind?” She watches me, expecting an answer. “Because I kick people’s ass for money?” A small giggle escapes her. “Mmm, maybe, but they are all so wrong.” I feel like telling her that not everyone is wrong. I might not be the monster some people think I am, but I am definitely as fucked-up as they come. Instead of admitting that to her, I steer the conversation back to the fight. “Are you going to come and watch me if you’re feeling better?” Her expression softens, smile remaining. “You want me to come?” “Yeah, Soph, I always want you around.” “Do you promise not to get hit?” Now it’s my turn to smirk. “I promise to do most of the hitting and come out on top.” She rests back on the headboard. “Then yes. I’ll come. As long as I’m not throwing up.” My eyebrows draw in concern. “If you’re still this sick tomorrow, I’m taking you to the doctor.” “I can’t.” “Why?” “Because I don’t have insurance and they’ll find out who I really am.” “Nothing matters more than your health. Not even hiding your identity.” She shrugs, clearly not agreeing with me. “It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s the flu and just needs to run its course. I’m already feeling better thanks to you.”

I’m not sure who she’s trying to convince—me or her. I decide to let it go for now and wait to see what tomorrow brings. Reaching up, I remove her hood before unzipping her sweater, revealing a thin white tank top. “Take this off. You need to keep cool,” I say, helping her remove it. When she begins to shift her hair, I grab her delicate wrist then lean in to brush a kiss against her scars, noticing her skin cooler than before. She wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me close. “Stay with me tonight.” “Yeah, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” Getting up, I hit the light before crawling in next to her. My arms come around her as she moves in close and for the first time in days, I finally find peace again. A feeling I never knew was possible for me until she came along.


Sophie The entire place is absolute chaos. I’ve never seen anything like this. Thousands of people cheer, anxiously awaiting the fight to begin. I sit in the row that’s been reserved for Kolan’s family and friends. The entire gang is here to support him, even Ryder and Emily, who I met for the first time tonight. I’m trying to absorb it all and join in on the excitement, but I find it incredibly overwhelming, probably because I still feel like a zombie. I told Kolan I was feeling better and I was…up until a few hours before we left then it hit me again. I feel like I haven’t slept in a week, even though that’s all I’ve done. I think Kolan could tell when I saw him in his dressing room, but I did my best to tamp it down. I want to be here for him tonight, and I don’t want him worrying about anything but winning. “Kate, take it easy, everything is going to be okay. He’s got this.” I glance over at Katelyn who is sitting next to me, and see her looking as nervous as I feel. Nick has one hand on her leg while the other is draped around her shoulders. I was apprehensive to see everyone tonight, but especially Nick since he knows about my past. However, I had no reason to be. He’s been really kind to me, and it’s clear he has kept the information to himself. “I know,” she responds quietly. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I just…I hate that he’s back here—hate it.” I do, too. Even though I have no idea what to expect. I think that might be what’s most nerve-racking. I’ve never been to a fight or watched one. Violence terrifies me. But looking around the place, it’s clear this is so much more than that. The chain-link fence surrounding the octagon is even more intimidating, making me fear for Kolan’s life. “You heard him, Kate. This is the last time. He’s going to put this asshole in his place then he’ll be done,” Nick soothes, kissing her cheek.

My chest swells with adoration at how attentive he is with her. Actually, watching all of these couples together gives me a heavy dose of envy. The guys look rough and tough on the outside but the way they love their wives is admirable. It reminds me of my mom and dad and the love they share… I shove the thought away when pain pricks my heart. “Well, can I just say for my own selfish reasons that I love what Kolan is doing tonight,” Anna says, speaking up. “The proceeds he’s donating from this fight will benefit the Center a lot.” “He’s donating all of his proceeds?” Julia asks. Anna nods with a smile. “All of it.” “Wow.” I’m not surprised to hear that. He’s the most amazing man I’ve ever met. It’s impossible not to fall head over heels for him. “That’s my brother,” Katelyn exclaims proudly. There’s a shift in the atmosphere, the chaotic energy of the crowd almost palpable as the lights are dimmed, covering the arena in darkness. “Here we go,” Katelyn says with a big breath, looking over at me with a smile. Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” blares from the speakers, turning the crowd wild. We all stand as Kolan makes his grand entrance. The music is loud but the chanting is louder. Dark Warrior. I lean around Katelyn to get a glimpse of Kolan. His head is down, a hood shielding me from seeing his face as he follows Sarge and another man I don’t recognize to the ring. I smile at the sight of Benny walking with them. He waves to the crowd, arms pumping up in the air; excitement lit all over his little face. Once Kolan enters into the cage, the hoodie comes off, unveiling his powerful, inked body in loose black board shorts. He looks calm and focused as he rolls his shoulders, every muscle flexing beneath his firm skin. Not even the people’s energy breaks his concentration. He blocks it all out—until he swings his dark eyes to our row, immediately locking with mine. It knocks the breath out of my lungs, the connection so strong we could be the only two people in this place. The wink he gives me sends a flutter to my tummy and a smile touching my lips. Benny gives me an enthusiastic wave and a thumbs-up, which I

return, feeling so excited for him. “That kid is a total trip,” Sawyer comments with a chuckle. It’s clear he has also taken a liking to Benny. How can you not? He’s one of a kind, and I have a feeling he’s as good for Kolan as Kolan is for him. Ozzy Osborne’s “Crazy Train” booms from the speakers, signaling the next fighter’s entrance. It’s then that a wave of nausea hurdles through me. Taking a deep breath, I try to tamp it down. Please let me get through this. The crowd erupts once again, but it doesn’t hold the same enthusiasm as Kolan’s did. It doesn’t deter Cortez though. He puts on a show as he walks to the ring, a cocky smile on his face as he points at Kolan. “What an asshole,” Katelyn spits, looking ready to tackle him. Kolan is unfazed by the challenge. Benny, on the other hand, isn’t so bland about it. He shouts at the top of his lungs and waves a fist at Cortez but it’s too loud to hear what he’s saying. Kolan sends him a light knock in the arm, telling him not to engage. Once both fighters are in the ring, the announcer begins his introductions, starting with Kolan. The place becomes deafening once again. It’s obvious whom most are rooting for and it seems he has a lot of fans who are happy to have him back. Satisfaction settles over me when Cortez is announced and the cheers dull. There are even some boos as well. After the announcers leave the ring, the gate to the cage is closed and the fighters are called to the center. It’s then my nerves take a drastic turn. I briefly close my eyes, trying to clear the sudden fuzziness in my head. When the overwhelming sensation passes, I open them to see Cortez lifting his hand to touch gloves, but Kolan doesn’t reciprocate and turns his back to him. “It’s the first time he’s ever done that,” Katelyn says. “Not that I blame him.” Rather than be offended, Cortez only seems amused by it. Kolan takes to his corner, eyes hard and determined. Sarge shoves the mouth guard into his mouth and yells something at him. Then Benny gives him a punch in the arm for good luck. When the bell rings, Cortez begins dancing around, but Kolan wastes no time. He moves for him, striking out hard and fast. I flinch at the hits Cortez takes. He throws a few of his own but misses, Kolan’s reflexes faster than his fists. That’s when he charges at him,

wrapping his arms around Kolan’s waist to take him down. But Kolan breaks out of it with ease, sending Cortez to the ground with a sickening blow. Cheers ripple throughout the crowd, spurring him on. Benny stands in his corner, his little fists punching the air as he mimics Kolan. Heated words are exchanged as Cortez hurries back onto his feet. He charges at Kolan again, looking furious, and manages to get a couple of shots in that have me wincing. But it doesn’t faze Kolan. It only has him striking out harder. As I watch the two battle, I suddenly feel in a trance. It’s as if I’m on the outside of my body looking in. My heart begins to pound in my ears and my vision blurs. Please, God. Not now. Not here. The wave eventually passes and I’m able to focus once more. Kolan corners Cortez again but this time he doesn’t give him a chance to escape. “He’s going in for the kill,” I hear Jaxson say. It all happens in slow motion. Taking a step back, I watch Kolan’s feet leave the floor as he jumps up, his powerful body spinning full circle in the air with grace and agility, bringing his foot around to connect with Cortez’s face. He repeats the move in two consecutive rotations—light on his feet— before he rounds the second kick, landing it at the same time Cortez drops to the ground unconscious. The entire crowd goes crazy, everyone on their feet, chanting his name. “The guy is a fucking beast,” Sawyer roars with a fist in the air. I have to agree. I’ve seen Kolan aggressive. I’ve seen him intense, but I’ve never seen him like this before. Controlled yet lethal. In this moment, with his breathing harsh and body stained with blood and sweat, he looks every bit of the warrior he is. After the ref lifts his hand for the win, Benny runs at him. Kolan scoops him up and sets him on his shoulders while Sarge does some tackling of his own. The announcer holds the mic up to his mouth, but I miss what he says when I’m hit with another dizzy spell. My head starts to pound, as if someone just took a sledgehammer to it. It mixes with the turbulent storm that’s taken over my body. My hand rests on my stomach as I try to control the overwhelming sensation. “You okay, Lia?” Kayla asks, placing a hand on my shoulder in concern.

I nod and give her a weak smile, but it’s a lie. I’m not okay. Something feels wrong. I try my best to push it aside as we’re escorted to a private room to wait for Kolan. With every second that passes, I feel worse. When I break out into a cold sweat, I excuse myself to the bathroom and splash water on my face. It doesn’t help. I inhale deep breaths, my vision blurring as I take in my reflection in the mirror. “Just breathe, Sophie. Breathe,” I murmur, my fingers gripping the sink to remain upright. I have no idea how much time has passed when I walk back out to join the group and find Kolan, Benny, and Sarge standing with everyone else. Benny runs up to me, his eyes dancing with excitement. “Did you see that, Lia? Wasn’t he awesome? He totally kicked ass.” I smile down at him, holding onto his shoulders not only in affection but also for support. His voice becomes distant as I feel my heart race at a frantic pace, thrumming viciously in my ears. “Hey, Lia, you okay?” he asks. I shake my head then immediately regret it when the ground begins to tilt beneath my feet. As I try to find my balance, I look up to see Kolan racing for me just before my world turns black.


Kolan From the moment she walked in, I knew she wasn’t okay. I could see it in her pale face and glossy eyes. As I stand to see if she’s okay, she succumbs to gravity. “Shit!” I knock into Jaxson as I rush for her. Nick moves at the same time I do, but I make it first. Alarmed gasps fill the air as I drop to my knees, catching her just before she hits the hard floor. My hand touches the side of her face, caressing her cold, clammy skin. “Sophie, baby, can you hear me?” Nothing. She’s completely unresponsive. “What’s wrong with her,” Benny cries, terror gripping his voice. The same fucking one ripping through my chest. “And who’s Sophie?” Shit.

Ignoring the question, I search for a pulse but only find a faint thrum of life beneath my fingertips. “Call an ambulance.” “They’re going to take too long to get here,” Cooper says, pocketing his phone. “Let’s go. I’ll drive.” I cradle her close, pushing to my feet. Just when I’m about to tear out of the room, I twist back to Benny, his wide eyes filled with tears. Katelyn wraps an arm around his small shoulders and pulls him in next to her. “Go. We’ll take him home.” “You’ll be okay with my sister,” I assure him. “Keep your phone with you, and I’ll call you as soon as I know anything, okay?” He nods, wiping his wet cheeks with the back of his small hand. Cooper sends Kayla home with Jaxson and Julia then we’re in motion, heading out the back way to avoid foot traffic. My chest pulls tight, dread wrapping around my heart like razor wire as I hold her limp body. On the way to the hospital, Cooper calls it in, weaving in and out of cars with skill and precision. The entire time I hold Sophie close, reassuring her it’s going to be okay, but I have no fucking idea if she can even hear me. Her breaths are shallow and labored. Every minute that passes feels like a fucking eternity, fear swallowing my faith one heartbeat at a time. That’s until she begins to stir in my arms, igniting a spark of hope in my chest. “Soph, can you hear me?” The only response I get is a deep, agonized moan. Leaning down, I press my lips to her damp forehead. “It’s okay, baby. Hold on. We’re almost there.” Seconds later, she begins thrashing violently in my arms, bile spilling past her lips. “Fuck!” I flip her to the side so she doesn’t choke on it and try to keep her still. “Hurry up, she can’t hold on much longer!” “We’re coming up to it now. They’re waiting for us.” As Cooper screeches to a halt outside, the emergency doors slide open and three nurses come running out with a bed. I meet them halfway, laying her thrashing body down when it’s the last thing I want to do. Then I’m pushed aside. The nurses pin her down while running back through the doors. “How long has she been like this?” “She was unconscious up until a few minutes ago,” I explain, following them inside.

“Did she take anything?” “What do you mean?” I ask, trying to keep pace with them. “Any drugs?” My eyes snap from Sophie to the nurse, my blood heating at the absurd question. “No. She’s sick. She’s had the flu all week.” The look they all exchange has my back going up. “Dr. Corrigan, we need you! We have a possible overdose here,” one nurse yells. What the fuck? “Listen, lady. She’s not a fucking drug addict. I’m telling you, she’s had the flu all week.” Before she can respond, a doctor bulldozes past me, following them into a room. I move to enter behind him when one of the nurses stops me with a hand on my chest. “Sorry, sir, you must wait out here.” I stick my foot in the door before she can close it. “Hold up! What the hell is happening? What are you guys going to do to her?” “I can’t explain that right now. We’ll fill you in as soon as we can.” Pushing against my chest, she closes the door in my face, leaving me with my world in shambles. “Fuck!” My fist connects with the hard wall, pain radiating up my arm, but it does nothing to dull the fear hammering through my veins. “She’ll be all right, Slade. Let them do their job.” Cooper speaks up for the first time, reminding me of his presence. “Did you hear that shit? They think she’s fucking overdosing.” He’s quiet for a moment, looking a hell of a lot calmer than I feel. “Are you sure she hasn’t taken too much of something?” I tense, anger fueling my blood. “What the fuck are you asking? You know she doesn’t do drugs.” “That’s not what I’m saying.” “It sure as hell sounds like it.” “No. But you have to admit, what we just saw is not the flu. Could it be possible she took too much by accident? Or maybe mixed things she shouldn’t have but didn’t realize it?” I think about it for a moment, trying to remember if she took anything today. “I don’t know. It’s possible I guess, but I doubt it. She was feeling better this morning. At least she said she was.”

She did look better but obviously not well enough. I should have made her stay home, had someone be with her. I should have forced her to see a doctor the other day, like my gut fucking told me. “Come on.” Cooper claps me on the shoulder. “Let’s go sit down. They’ll come to get us as soon as they can.” Reluctantly, I follow him to the waiting room. He grabs coffee from the vending machine then hands me one of the steaming mugs. I end up putting it to the side when the first sip settles like lead in my stomach. “So, Sophie, huh?” he remarks, taking the seat across from me. “Yeah.” His expression remains impassive but I know better. “Look, I just found out myself. She’s not ready for people to know yet, and I wasn’t going to betray her trust.” But I went and fucked that up tonight. “I know who she is. I always have.” His confession doesn’t really surprise me. “I just don’t know the whole story, but I imagine you do now?” I nod but don’t offer more. “I’ll need to know about it eventually. Otherwise, I can’t help.” “She can tell you herself when she’s ready.” “Fair enough.” The conversation ceases when other people walk into the waiting room and take seats. Heavy silence fills the air as minutes turn into hours. I do everything to distract myself. From checking in with Benny to texting my sister, but nothing helps. Nothing calms the cold hard fear paralyzing me. Fear that I may never see her again. The only girl who has ever been able to penetrate my walls and breathe life into my dead heart. Time eventually comes to a standstill, driving me to the brink of fucking insanity. Nurses have come and gone from her room but they won’t tell me a damn thing. If I don’t get answers soon, I’ll tear the place apart. When another nurse walks out, Cooper orders me to stay put while he speaks with her. Only then do we finally get answers. The nurse glances over at me nervously before talking to Cooper. His expression becomes more somber with every second that passes, his brows drawing together in worry. Oh shit! His gaze shifts to mine as he lifts his chin to signal me over.

Dread makes each step heavy and weak. “What’s going on? Is she okay?” “She’s stable,” the nurse says, sending an explosion of relief through me. “She’s tired and a little disoriented but she’s going to be okay.” “I want to see her.” Her eyes dart away. “Usually we only allow family in at a time like this.” “Well, she doesn’t have any fucking family here. I’m the closest thing she has to one.” She nods. “That’s what Sheriff McKay has said and she has been asking for you but—” “She’s been asking for me and no one has come to get me?” A deepseated anger begins to burn inside of me. Without waiting for a response, I charge for her room. “Wait. The doctor wants to speak with her in private,” she protests, but I don’t stop and barge through the door. My swift feet falter at the sight of her. She’s hooked up to a bunch of machines, her delicate body fragile and broken—close to shattering at any given moment. Her sunken eyes swing to mine, the smallest smile touching her dry lips. “Kolan,” she whispers, her voice shaky and weak. A painful breath shreds my chest as I move for her. Grabbing her hand with the IV in it, I bend down and press a kiss to her forehead. I notice her scarf is gone but most of her hair surrounds the scars. She wraps an arm around my neck to pull me in close but it lacks strength. “I’m so sorry I ruined your night,” she says, her voice thick with guilt. “I’m the one who’s sorry, Soph. I should have made you stay home and rest.” “No. It’s not your fault. I really was feeling a little better this morning.” Our exchange comes to an end when someone clears their throat. “If you don’t mind, I was speaking with my patient.” Standing, I look over at the doctor, wondering what the fuck his problem is when it’s clear he has one. “I’m sorry, Dr. Corrigan. I tried to stop him,” the nurse apologizes. “Do you want me to call security?” “Security?” Sophie squeaks in alarm.

“No one’s calling security,” Cooper cuts in, not bothering to hide his annoyance. It matches the burning one inside of me. Sophie’s hand squeezes mine with a little more strength. “I don’t want him to leave.” “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” My eyes narrow at the doctor, daring him to challenge me. “I think it’s best if I speak to you in private about the results of your blood work,” he says. “Anything you have to say can be said in front of Kolan and Sheriff McKay. They’re friends of mine.” Silence fills the room until the asshole finally relents with a tight nod. “Very well. Before we were interrupted, I had asked if you were on any prescription medications and you said no.” “That’s right. I’m not.” “Well, the results from your blood work say otherwise. There was a significant amount of DepoDur and Lorazepam found in your blood.” “What’s that?” she asks the question before I can. “Lorazepam is mostly found in anti-anxiety medicine such as Ativan and DepoDur in morphine.” What the fuck? “That’s impossible. There must be some sort of mistake.” “I’m afraid it’s not.” “But I’m not taking any medications. All I’ve had is aspirin this week from being sick. This doesn’t make any sense.” “Could it be possible someone has been giving it to you without you knowing?” Uneasiness settles in my gut. “Of course not. I haven’t even been around anyone this week other than Kolan.” When his eyes shift to me, rage ignites in my blood. His silence says it all. A bitter laugh escapes me. “Unfuckingbelievable.” Sophie looks up at me, confusion marring her pale face before she finally clues in. “Wait. You think Kolan did this?” “That’s exactly what he thinks,” I grit.

It now makes sense why they didn’t want me near her. It shouldn’t surprise me that the blame is being misplaced once again. I swear, if I could be blamed for global fucking warming I would be. “I’m only trying to figure out how this ended up in your system if you did not take it. It also wasn’t long ago that Mr. Slade was accused of hurting —” “I’m going to stop you right there, Doctor,” Cooper says, his interruption stopping me from knocking this asshole out. “Any and all charges Kolan was facing months ago were dropped. Now, I agree that something is obviously going on here, and I will personally be looking into it. But I know whatever it is does not have to do with Kolan.” I toss him an appreciative glance, a little surprised he had my back but damn thankful for it. “Exactly,” Sophie bites out, her voice stronger than when I first walked in here. “He would never hurt me.” A worry I didn’t realize I was carrying eases. Her opinion matters most to me, and obviously, it does look suspicious because I am the only one who has been around her all week. Jesus, what the fuck is going on? “Fair enough. I’ll leave this with you then, Sheriff,” the doctor says before looking back at Sophie. “I would like to keep you here overnight for observation. Just to make sure all is good before sending you home.” She nods, her pale expression troubled. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Take care, Miss Kay.” He leaves without so much of a glance in my direction, a tense silence filling the room. “This doesn’t make any sense,” Sophie whispers, looking up at me. “I’m still convinced it’s a mistake.” I sit in the chair next to her bed and clasp her small hand between mine, wishing I had the answers for her, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all. “Why don’t you get some rest, Sophie, and we’ll talk more about this tomorrow when you’re released,” Cooper suggests. She tenses at the use of her name, her eyes snapping to his. He gives her a sympathetic smile. “I’ve always known.” “Why didn’t you say anything?” “Because I hoped you would tell me when you were ready.”

“I’m sorry, Cooper,” she whispers, her words heavy with guilt. “Don’t be. I understand why you did it but you don’t have to hide anymore. We’ll figure this out. Okay?” She nods. “Thank you. For everything.” “No problem.” His eyes move to me. “You need a ride?” Sophie’s delicate fingers grip my hand. “No. I’m staying here tonight.” “I figured. I’ll see you both tomorrow then.” After he leaves, I look back at Sophie, her troubled eyes fixated on me. “You didn’t have to stay,” she says. “But I’m really glad you are because I need you right now.” “I’m here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” Her hand moves to the side of my face. “You saved my life.” “Nah. I didn’t do anything. But thanks to Cooper’s badass driving, we got you here much faster than the ambulance would have.” I pause, the last few hours crashing down on me full force. “You scared the hell out of me, Soph,” I breathe, my heart tearing apart at the thought of how I almost lost her. “I’m sorry.” “It’s not your fault. It’s just…” I shake my head, trying to figure out how to explain to her that I felt like my life was ending with hers. Instead of admitting that, I brush her hair aside and bury my face in her neck, my lips resting on the very place she hates but I admire. I feel her throat bob as she holds me close. “What’s happening, Kolan?” I pull back to look at her and see fear shining bright in her eyes. “It can’t be him,” she whispers. She doesn’t need to elaborate because we both know whom she’s talking about. I can’t deny it’s where my thoughts are right now and it has a dangerous rage brewing inside of me. “I would know if he was near. I would feel him. There’s no way I wouldn’t… right?” “I don’t know, Soph. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I swear to you I’m going to find out. I won’t leave your side until we do.” If it turns out he’s back and has done this to her, I will take his last fucking breath.


Sophie I’m finally discharged the next afternoon and on my way back home with Kolan. Thanks to his sister and Nick who brought his truck by this morning when they came to check on me. Other than being tired and my tummy a little tender, I’m feeling better. Yet, there’s still this cloud of fear and uncertainty hanging over me as I continue to wonder how all of this came to be. I’m still convinced the tests are wrong. There has to be some other explanation. There is nothing logical to support that someone else has been doing this to me, especially when I haven’t been around anyone. Well, except for Kolan, but my mind doesn’t support that idea for a second. My heart still aches that the doctor not only judged him but also insinuated it was him. Kolan brushed it off when I tried speaking to him about it, but I know it must have hurt. I will never understand how people can think he is this awful person who thrives on hurting others. They don’t see the man who taught me how to defend myself. Who kisses my scars like they are marks of strength rather than weakness. How he took care of me when I was sick. I don’t know how I would have survived these past several weeks without him. Heck, I don’t know how I’ve managed my whole life without him. He’s come to mean so much to me and those feelings only grew after last night. Not only for saving my life but also for staying by my side. He slept in a chair and held my hand all night. It’s something I will never forget. When Kolan pulls up to my house, he turns off the truck and looks at me. His eyes are soft as he reaches over to gently brush his fingers across my cheek. The small contact calming my turmoil. “Let’s go inside and get you settled, then we’ll call Cooper to come by, okay?” I nod. “Yeah, okay.” Getting out of the truck, he strides over to my side and helps me down.

“Are you sure you don’t need to do anything at the gym?” I ask, not for the first time today. I feel horrible about all the responsibility he’s been putting off because of me. “Soph, I told you it’s fine. The guys have everything under control and Sarge is taking care of the youth classes.” I sigh as we begin heading up my walkway. “Okay. But if you need to go for anything it’s completely fine and—” My words stop abruptly when he throws an arm across my chest, halting me. Looking up at him, I see his eyes trained on the steps. “What’s wrong?” My attention moves to where his is, and I see a package sitting on my doorstep. Usually, that wouldn’t be so alarming, but what has fear crawling up my throat is seeing my name in black felt marker scribbled on top. Not Lia Kay but Sophie Parish. I blink several times, frozen to my spot. “In the truck, now!” Kolan orders. I’m unable to get my feet moving until he grabs my arm and drags me back to the vehicle. Opening the passenger door, he covers me until I’m safely inside then walks around to get behind the wheel. He pulls out his phone after hitting the locks, pressing a button before putting it to his ear. When he leans over to open the glove compartment, my eyes widen in shock at the gun he pulls out. Oh god, this is not happening. “Get to Sophie’s place. Now.” My eyes snap to his as he hangs up. “Who was that?” “Cooper. He’s on his way.” When he makes another call saying the same thing, I assume it’s Nick. A chill racks my body, causing a shiver to work up my spine. Crossing my arms over my chest, I look out the window, waiting for that feeling to hit. The feeling of his malicious eyes. The feeling of being watched. But I can’t feel anything other than fear. It can’t be him. I would know. I would feel it. No matter how much I try to assure myself of this, I can’t shake the feeling in the pit of my stomach that my time is up. That Daniel has found me once again. Please, God, don’t let it be him. I’m not ready yet.

“Sophie, are you listening to me?” My eyes snap to Kolan when his voice penetrates my torment. “I want you to stay here.” My arm shoots out to grab his, fingers digging into his hard muscle. “Where are you going?” “I’m going to show Cooper what’s on the doorstep.” My eyes move to the side mirror to see Cooper getting out of his squad truck. I hadn’t even realized he pulled up. I shake my head. “Please don’t leave me right now.” Sympathy washes over his expression. “I’m not. I’ll stay where I can see you and you me. Okay?” My fingers ease the death grip on his arm when all I want to do is cling tighter. Leaning in, he hooks a hand around my neck to pull me in close, our foreheads touching. “Everything is going to be okay. No matter what. Do you understand?” I nod jerkily but know if this is what I fear most then it will not be okay. After giving me a swift kiss on the lips, he gets out and slams the door before locking me in. My eyes follow his every move as he meets with Cooper. Words are exchanged before Cooper pulls his gun and starts for the house. Kolan does what he said he would do and stands where I can see him. His arms are crossed, stance tense as he watches the door, making sure to glance in my direction every now and again. With a steeled breath, I wait for some kind of communication on what’s happening. It isn’t until minutes later that Kolan finally comes over and lets me out of the truck. “Come on, baby. No one’s inside.” I’m on guard as I make my way into the house, ready at any given moment if I need to run. Cooper gives me a short greeting that I quietly return, my throat tight and dry. When he leads us into my kitchen, I see the package sitting on top of the table, unwrapped. I come to a hard stop, my knees threatening to buckle beneath me. Not from the portable DVD player that sits open with the message ‘play me’ on it. But the white paper that lies next to it with the words, “For you, my love.” My heart begins to hammer in my chest, blood roaring with a vengeance. “It’s him,” I choke out, my breathing as rapid as my furious heartbeat. I begin to backpedal out of the room but end up knocking into something hard. I spin around with a scream and realize it’s Kolan. He reaches for me, his mouth moving, but I can’t hear anything he says from the thundering in my ears. My arms stretch out in front of me to keep

everyone back, eyes shifting all around the room, waiting for Daniel to emerge from the shadows. Kolan doesn’t allow me to keep him at arm’s length. He breaks into my personal space, grabbing my upper arms to give me a shake. “Snap out of it, Sophie!” I try pulling away but his grip is like steel bars, holding me in place. “We need to go. We need to run. He’s here right now, hiding.” He shakes his head. “No, he isn’t.” “Yes, he is,” I fire back, continuing to scan all around me. “If we don’t leave now he’ll kill us.” “Look at me!” he bellows. I swing my gaze back to his. “He’s not here. Cooper searched this place. No one is in this house right now but us.” “He’s right,” Cooper says, coming to stand next to him. “No one is here. I checked every inch of this place. I promise.” My eyes shift back to Kolan, watching him blur in front of me. “Don’t let it pull you in,” he says. “You’re stronger than this, Soph.” His undeserving words have a sob shattering my chest. My fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt when he pulls me against him. He holds me close, his hand rubbing my back until I’m able to collect myself. Eventually, he takes a step back to look at me. “You good now?” “Yes. I’m sorry I panicked.” “Don’t be. I know you’re scared but you need to fight it. I’m here. Cooper’s here. Nick,” he says, alerting me of Nick’s presence. I look behind him to see Nick standing next to the table. He gives me a small wave before I bring my attention back to Kolan. “We’re not going to let anything happen to you,” he finishes, his words a solemn vow to my frightened heart. I nod and try to inhale a deep breath through my tight chest. “Why don’t you take her out of here while we watch this,” Cooper suggests. “No. I’m okay. Really.” They look at me with uncertainty. “Listen, I had a moment, but this is my life and my problem. I have a right to know what’s on it.” “You’re right,” Cooper says. “You do. It was just a suggestion, if you’re up for it, let’s see what’s on it.” With a deep breath, I take a seat at the kitchen table. Kolan stands behind me, his large hands resting on my shoulders, the comforting touch

conveying the strength I need. I reach for the DVD player but Cooper stops me. “Just let me touch it. I don’t want any other fingerprints on it.” At my nod, he brings the screen in front of me and hits the play button. The first few seconds is static and snow before it switches to video footage. Footage of a man dressed in black, a white mask adorning his face. Even though he is covered from head to toe, there is no doubt in my mind that it’s Daniel. He stands at my kitchen table with my pitcher of brewed tea in front of him, dumping something inside. My eyes fall closed as my worst fear is confirmed. The next piece of footage is of me in my pajamas, pouring myself a cup before bed and drinking it. The scene after shows me entering my room on wobbly legs. My stomach rebels as I realize there’s a camera in there, too. I watch in horror as I fall onto the bed, my legs hanging halfway off the mattress. Then it happens. Daniel walks in, standing over me. He was near me, in the same room as me and I had no idea. I was completely vulnerable to him—at his mercy. “Jesus,” Nick breathes in disbelief. Kolan’s fingers dig into my shoulders, but I can’t feel the strength of them. I can’t feel much of anything except for the pieces of my soul crumbling away into a pit of despair. After arranging my limp body, Daniel gives a taunting wave to the camera before dragging his finger along my cheek. I flinch as if feeling his unwanted touch this very moment. Next, he leans over me, his face a mere inch from mine. He does nothing but stare at me. Then he pulls the scarf from my neck, brushing his finger along the mangled mess he created, trailing lower to between my breasts. “Sophie, look away,” Kolan grinds out, but I refuse to follow the order. I can’t. My heart is lodged in my throat, shivers of terror racking my body as I wait for the unthinkable to happen. For a far even greater violation. Something I couldn’t possibly fathom. Please, God, not that. Daniel straightens, his hands moving to the zipper of his pants before he lowers it. My hands slam over my mouth, muffling my sound of disgust, as

I fight to keep the bile down my throat when he begins to masturbate. He never touches me but the violation is still the same. “Fucking turn it off now!” Kolan bellows. He moves for the screen but Cooper stops him, and that’s when the footage flashes to the next scene. It’s of Kolan and me in my bedroom the morning after I showed him my scars. My head is thrown back, lost in the pleasure he was giving me. I’ve barely registered what I’m looking at when it cuts out and shows Daniel’s masked face inches from the camera. A scream of terror shreds from my throat. I flinch back in my chair as if he’s about to jump out at any given moment, his crazy, clear blue eyes bulging out through the holes of the mask. “Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!” he screams over and over again, his words a deranged mantra. “Motherfucker!” Kolan’s roar penetrates the insanity of the moment, his hand flying out to pick up the machine and throw it against the wall. I cover my ears as it smashes. “Fuck, Slade, that’s evidence,” Cooper snaps. He tears out of the kitchen and down the hall. When Nick and Cooper follow, I do, too. My legs are weak as I move down the long stretch, feeling completely detached from my body. As I make it to my room, I watch in stunned disbelief while Kolan rips apart my wall in a fit of fury, his fists bloody from where he broke through the drywall. It doesn’t take long before the camera is found. “I’m going to fucking kill you,” he thunders to the machine. “Do you hear me, motherfucker? When I find you, you’re dead!” His violence penetrates my hands, where I cover my ears. Ripping the camera out, he launches it behind him before swinging open my closet. “Pack!” he orders, tossing my suitcase on the bed. “We’re getting the fuck out of here.” I do as he says, my body stiff and heart numb. As I throw my clothes into the suitcase, I look over to see him get up in Nick’s face. “Find him! Otherwise, he’s as good as dead.” His words hold conviction. It’s no threat. It’s a promise.


Kolan Hours later, the rage simmering beneath my skin has only eased slightly. I’ve seen a lot of fucked-up shit in my life—have even lived it—but nothing compares to what I saw on that monitor hours ago. The only thing stopping me from finding that twisted fuck this very second is leaving Sophie. She hasn’t said more than two words since we got to my house. The light that had finally found its way into her eyes is now gone. That alone makes me want to kill the bastard. It probably didn’t help when she saw me lose control and destroy her room like that. My red, swollen fists a constant reminder of the violence that exploded from me earlier. I meant every word I said. If I find that asshole first, he’s as good as dead. I have a pretty damn good feeling that what happened to the gym and my truck was not Cortez after all but was this asshole. My security system is good, but now I want the best. I want cameras around the perimeter of my house. Turn the tables on that piece of shit. I send a text to Cade, knowing the guys will hook me up with whatever they have running at their properties. After pocketing my cell, I hear the shower has stopped. I head out of my room and find the hall bathroom door open, the smell of citrus wafting from the dark, empty space. Seeing my patio door half open, I walk out into the humid night air and find her sitting on one of the lounge chairs next to the pool. She’s curled up with her arms wrapped around her delicate body, the pool lights dancing across her sullen face as she stares straight ahead. She looks…lost. Broken. I drop down next to her, my hands going on either side of her hips. “You feel any better after having a shower?” She shakes her head, keeping her gaze trained ahead. “Say something, Soph. You’re scaring the shit out of me.”

Her eyes swing to mine, despair and agony reflecting back at me. “I shouldn’t be here.” “What the hell are you talking about? Of course you should be. You can’t stay there.” “I should be running as fast and as far away as I can.” I shake my head in frustration. “We talked about this, Soph. No more running.” “No! You talked about it. You told me not to run. This isn’t your problem, Kolan. It’s not Cooper’s or Nick’s either. It’s mine.” “The hell it is. It’s all of our problem, especially mine.” “How can you say that?” “Because I fucking made it my problem,” I snap. She looks away, pressing her lips together. “What are you going to do, Sophie? Huh? How long can you keep running before he finally catches up to you? Because he will, it’s only a matter of time. Running isn’t the answer. Staying and fighting is the only way you’re going to beat him.” “You saw what he did,” she says, her voice strangled. “He can’t be beat.” “He hasn’t fought me yet.” Her eyes drift back to mine, desperation heavy in their depths. “I don’t want to belong to him,” she chokes out on a shattering sob. “I’ve never wanted to be his.” Her broken cries hit me like a punch to the chest. Lifting her, I bring her over to straddle me. Her arms lock around my neck, face burying in my shoulder as she cries for the first time since seeing the video. “You do not belong to him,” I grind out. “Do you hear me? You never have and you never will. I will not let him take you from me.” The last words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. She pulls back to look at me, her cheeks stained with her misery. “I’m so sorry I brought this to you.” “I’m glad you did. Otherwise, I would have never met you.” Her eyes soften. “I would have never got to see you dance,” I continue, reaching up to push her damp hair out of her face. “Never know what it was like to touch you.” Leaning in, I trail my lips across her wet cheek, eliminating the tears before resting them at the corner of her mouth. “To taste you,” I murmur, brushing a kiss gently across her lips before forcing myself to back

away. “Meeting you, Soph, was the best fucking thing to ever happen to me. I’m not sorry for any of it.” Her hand encircles my wrist, forehead gently falling to mine. “Make me yours.” My muscles coil tight, fingers digging into her hips as I fight to restrain the need pounding through my veins. I shake my head, regret thick in my throat. “I want to. So fucking bad, but…I can’t.” That sadness in her eyes deepens, making me feel like an asshole. “Why? I can tell you want me. I can feel it.” Driving her point home, she grinds down on my raging hard cock. I halt her sweet torture, my forehead dropping to her shoulder. If I look at her, I won’t be able to hold back. She curls an arm around my neck, turning her face in. “Talk to me, Kolan. Please.” I debate how to go about this then settle on the truth. Lifting my head, I find her eyes, bracing myself for the disappointment I’ll be sure to see. “I can’t give you what you want. I’m not capable of it. My lifestyle is the only one I know and it doesn’t mix with yours. Do you understand that?” “Not really. I don’t see what that has to do with us. I want you to make love to me.” “That’s just it. I can’t,” I tell her on a crushing breath, every word making me feel like the fucked-up asshole I am. “I have never made love to anyone before, Soph.” Her eyes widen in disbelief. “That’s not what I’m saying.” I shake my head, hating that I’m fucking this up. “I’m a dominant. It’s all I’ve ever known, and it’s what I need.” I wait for judgment to enter her eyes. Usually, I don’t give a shit what people think of me, but with her I care. I care too fucking much. Strangely though, I see no judgment. Not even surprise. “Why do you do it?” she asks. “Because I need control. I won’t give it up to anyone.” Not even her. “Control I can handle, Kolan. Pain, I cannot. I’ve had too much in this lifetime.” Her words hit me like a painful blow. “I’d never hurt you.” “I know. I wouldn’t be here right now if I wasn’t sure of that.” Her fingers fan my jaw. “I want you, more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. I’d

never ask you to change. To me, you’re perfect just the way you are.” I’m far from fucking perfect. Actually, I’m the complete opposite, but when her tentative lips press against mine, it destroys my resolve. My hand cups the back of her head, not allowing her the chance to escape as I seal my fate. I can’t hold back any longer. I need this girl as much as the air I breathe. I just hope I can keep the beast caged long enough to give her what she deserves.


Sophie The part of my soul that I thought died earlier today flares with hope and life, reminding me that not all is lost. I am not dead. Not yet anyway. I don’t know how much time I have left. I guess none of us know that, but I do know I will not belong to Daniel. Not now. Not ever. I will take what I want and what I want is Kolan. The man who taught me how to fight. Who reminded me of the person I am. Who makes me feel beautiful—scars and all. The one who has captured my heart like no other ever has. If my time does come to an end in the near future then I will at least have experienced this. To know a loving touch. A wanted one. My fingers thread through Kolan’s hair as his lips command mine. He may have the control but together we breathe life into each other’s battered souls. The raw pain and violation I felt earlier slowly melts away as I lose myself in him. No pain. No fear. No past. Nothing in this moment but us. My arms wrap around his neck and my legs around his waist as he stands, his large hands cupping my bottom to keep me close. “Let’s take this inside, baby.” I sigh my agreement against his lips, not wanting to sever contact for even a second. Unfortunately, there’s no other option when he closes the door and locks the house up by entering some numbers into a keypad. While his attention is on that, mine strays out the window, wondering if he’s

out there this very moment, watching us. A shiver runs down my spine at the thought. “Hey.” My gaze swings back to Kolan’s. “He’s not out there, but even if he was, he’s not getting in.” “How do you know there’s no cameras in here? Maybe he broke in while you were at the gym.” He shakes his head. “He’s too much of a fucking coward to come into my house. There’s also no way he penetrated my alarm system. It’s one of the best and it’s going to be even better come tomorrow. I swear, Soph, you’re safe here.” I bury my face in his neck, not wanting to think about Daniel anymore. As he walks us down the hall to his room, my lips find the hard angle of his jaw, feeling the day’s stubble as I kiss my way to his ear. My tongue darts out with a soft lick before I nip ever so gently with my teeth. The growl that erupts from him hits me between my legs. “Be careful, baby. When it comes to you, it won’t take much to push me over the edge. Something I don’t think we’re both ready for. Not tonight anyway.” His warning only fuels the desire inside of me—desire of the unknown. I need to tread carefully, because as much as I want to experience every side of Kolan, this is all new to me. Do I tell him that? Is that something you tell someone? Or do you just let it happen? My conflicted thoughts cease when my back meets the massive kingsized bed, Kolan’s hard body following on top. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” he asks. A smile touches my lips, my hand moving to his swollen jaw from his fight with Cortez last night. Was it really only last night? “I’m thinking about how lucky I am to have met you,” I tell him, which is true. I think about that all the time. “And I’m also hoping I don’t disappoint you.” The admission falls on a whisper as I debate whether or not to tell him everything. His eyes narrow with disapproval. “There’s not a goddamn thing you could do to disappoint me, Soph. I already know having my cock buried deep inside of you is going to be the best fucking thing I ever do.” His mouth swoops in to capture mine, silencing any more doubt or insecurity.

A moan tears from me, my hips lifting at the feel of his erection. “You feel that, baby?” he croons, pressing down further at the juncture of my thighs. “This is how hard I am for you. How hard I’ve been for you from the first night you walked into the gym.” Elation fills me, knowing he’s wanted me for that long. I tilt my head to give him more access as his mouth trails lower. For the first time, I don’t feel the urge to recoil from his touch on my throat. Instead, I relish in the way his lips caress and love every wound, healing the ones I also bear on my soul. My hands reach down for the hem of his shirt, tugging it up. “Take this off, I want to feel your skin against mine.” With a groan, he sets to his knees, getting rid of the shirt with a swift pull from behind his head. Before he can come over top of me again, I sit up, my hands finding their place on his hard abdomen. His muscles flex beneath my fingertips as I trace his tattoo above the waistline of his sweats. A word I will forever associate with Kolan because he is everything a warrior should be. Strong. Brave. I bring my lips to follow the path of my fingers but his hand snags my wrist before I make it too far. My eyes lift to his, finding them dark and hooded. “Please, let me touch you.” It’s the one thing I’ve regretted from our previous times together. I want to touch him too, know every line, curve, and flaw. There’s a small tick of his jaw before he releases my wrist. Exploring his hot skin and hard angles, I come across a few scars on his chest, ones I never noticed before. They are faint and hardly noticeable unless you’re really paying attention, but I count every one. Seven in all. I resist the urge to ask, not wanting to ruin this beautiful moment. Eventually, I slip my thumbs into the waistband of his sweats, pulling them low enough to free him. A sharp inhale moves swiftly into my lungs at the beautiful sight of him. He’s large, even larger than I expected, but what has shock rendering me frozen is the metal barbell piercing the head of his penis. “Oh my god.” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. Looking up, I see him watching me in amusement. “That must have hurt a

lot,” I say, my eyes dropping back to the piercing. “Yeah, but it hurt so fucking good.” His rough voice elicits goose bumps across my skin. “Does it bother you?” The uncertainty in his voice has my eyes snapping back up to his. “No,” I rush to say, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. “Just caught me off guard is all. I wasn’t expecting it. I uh…I haven’t…seen one before.” “And it’s going to be the only one you ever see if I have anything to say about it.” His possessive words add to the fire burning inside of me. Tentatively, I lift my hand, fingering the piece of metal with fascination. A low growl pushes past his throat as I brush the soft velvet tip. Feeling a little bolder, I encircle his shaft, my fingers unable to fully wrap around him. He pumps into my firm grip with a hiss, a tiny drop of liquid peeking out of the narrow slit. Unintentionally, my tongue sweeps out across my lips, wondering what it tastes like. Before I’m able to find out, Kolan’s hand weaves through my hair, tilting my head back to meet his gaze. “Not tonight,” he growls. “Lift your arms.” Releasing him, I follow the order, allowing him to remove my tank top. With a hand to my chest, he guides me to my back, his hungry eyes devouring my naked breasts before he moves over top of me. My gasp and his groan mingle through the air the moment our skin meets. His hard to my soft, sending electricity to shoot through every cell of my body. “Jesus, you have the softest skin I’ve ever felt,” he murmurs, his lips trailing over that softness. When he captures a hard nipple with his mouth I cry out, my back bowing as pleasure blazes through me. I’m a writhing mess beneath him as he delivers the sweetest torture to both sensitive tips. Each fiery lick of his tongue and sharp nip of his teeth takes me higher. I lift my hips, colliding with his hard stomach as I seek friction. “Kolan, please,” I beg. “I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to feel you inside of me.” I need it. I need him. With a growl, he reaches down, his hands moving to the side of my small lace shorts before tearing them from my body. A sharp gasp leaves

me that quickly trails off into a moan when he brings his piercing to my aching flesh. “This what you want?” he asks with his hand wrapped around his shaft, gliding the cool metal over my throbbing clit in a way that has my eyes rolling back in my head. “You like that, Soph?” “God, yes,” I whimper. He never penetrates, his piercing inflicting the most exquisite sensation my body has ever felt, taking me to the brink of destruction. “Just wait until I fill this hungry little pussy.” His dirty words send me hurtling over the edge into a sea of blinding light, anchored by nothing more than pure need. “Good girl, scream for me, baby.” Pulling my arms from around his neck, he pins them over my head before driving into me with a savage thrust, turning pleasure into pain.


Kolan The moment I enter her, I freeze, ice forming in my veins when she cries out. The agony in her voice as I break through the barrier causes me to tense above her. A barrier I didn’t expect. “Jesus, Sophie,” I breathe, staring down at her. “You’re a fucking virgin?” She nods, her wide eyes filled with pain. Pain from me. “Shit, I’m so sorry.” “It’s my fault. I should have told you,” she says, her raw voice gutting me from the inside out. When I begin to pull back she wraps a leg around my waist, taking me even deeper. “No. Please don’t stop.” A tortured groan escapes my chest as I rest my forehead on her shoulder. “I don’t deserve this, Soph.” “Yes, you do. I want you, Kolan. I want this with you.” How the fuck am I supposed to give her this when I have no idea how? “Please,” she says again.

With a relenting breath, I release her hands. The gratitude in her caress proves to be worth the small sacrifice. I press my lips to the corner of one eye where a tear hangs loose, waiting to shed. “I’m so sorry I hurt you.” “I’m fine. Just don’t stop.” I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. My jaw locks, muscles coiling tight beneath my skin as I fight against every instinct I’ve ever known. Instead, I move slow and steady. Careful to set a pace I think she would be comfortable with, not wanting to fuck this up worse than I already have. Confident hands map out the planes of my back, encouraging every gentle stroke. Being touched while inside of a woman is foreign to me, it’s something I’d never allow, but if there’s anyone in the world whose touch I want, it’s hers. She gazes up at me, her eyes filled with trust and something else. Something I’ve never seen from someone before. “This okay?” I ask. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” I shake my head, so undeserving of this. Undeserving of her. Her hand reaches up, finger tracing my lips that hover inches above hers. “Kiss me.” With a groan, I take her lips, losing myself in her taste while trying to concentrate on not pounding her into the mattress. But the battle is lost when the heat of her pussy grips me tight; sucking me in further with each calculated thrust. I can fuck for hours and not bat an eye, but this girl has me ready to blow at any moment. Her breathy moans penetrate the thick air around us, carrying with it the weight of this moment. Intense heat licks down my spine as I change the angle of my thrust, moving deeper, harder. “Oh god.” Her fiery whimper is the only indication I get seconds before she falls apart beneath me. My name pushes past her lips on a piercing cry, her pussy locking down on me. It feels fucking incredible. Too incredible. The cold realization hits me fast. “Shit!”

Bracing myself above her with one hand, I pull out, gripping my cock with the other. I pump once, twice, before covering her flat stomach, marking her. With my heart pounding, I rest my forehead on hers, our labored breaths mingling with the remnants of what just happened. “Don’t move, baby. I’ll be right back.” Pressing a quick kiss to her forehead, I reluctantly throw on my sweats and head into the bathroom. After grabbing a warm washcloth, I come back to sit next to her and begin cleaning the small amount of blood between her legs, my cock stirring at the sight. “Sorry,” she whispers, her cheeks stained pink with embarrassment. “Don’t be. I’m not.” If anything, it makes me never want to wash my fucking sheets again. Turning the cloth over, I begin wiping her stomach clean, still not believing I fucked her without a condom. I’ve never done that before. I don’t think I even have any here. All of my shit is at the club, and I haven’t been there in months. “Are you on the pill?” I ask. She shakes her head, giving me the answer I expected. “I should have thought about that. I’m sorry.” The guilt in her voice has me tossing the washcloth across the room into the hamper before coming to lean over her. “I’m not sorry about a single thing that just happened, so you shouldn’t be either.” “I’m not. It was the best moment of my life,” she confesses. “But protection is something we should have talked about, especially since I’m not on anything.” “I’m clean. I’ve always used a condom, but I don’t have any here. We need to get you on something, because now that I know what it’s like to be inside of you without it, I don’t ever want to use one.” She bites her lip as the beginning of a smile lifts the corners. “So that means there will be a second time?” Is she serious? “Yeah, baby.” I rest my lips against her cheek. “And a third,” I murmur, trailing my mouth to her jaw. “And a fourth,” I continue, kissing down to her neck. “And a fifth. And a sixth.” She wraps her arms around me with a laugh. “Okay, I get the point.”

“Good,” I say, laying one more kiss on her pink lips before pulling back to look at her. “I’m sorry I hurt you, Soph. If I had known, I would have been more careful.” Her smile falters, eyes dimming. “No. It’s my fault. I didn’t know how to tell you. I’m probably the only girl on the planet who’s still a virgin at my age. I never had the chance to date much less…” I’m thankful she trails off because I don’t want to talk about that bastard, and I definitely don’t want to think about her being with anyone else. The thought makes me violent. “Well, you’re not a virgin anymore,” I tell her, my cock aching with the knowledge of me being the only one to have her. Her smile returns. “No. Not anymore. Thanks to you.” She tugs on my hand. “Come hold me. I want to sleep in your arms all night.” Lying next to her, I pull her in as close as possible, arranging her soft, naked body to face me. I drag the sheet up to her hips then wrap my arms around her to keep her warm. “I need to tell you something,” she says, her timid eyes locked on mine. Well shit, nothing good ever follows when a sentence begins like that. “What?” “I knew about you,” she admits sheepishly. “I found out you were…into that lifestyle shortly after I met you. I didn’t know what it was so I looked it up online.” By the uncertainty in her eyes, it’s clear she didn’t like what she saw. “It isn’t for everyone, Soph.” “I know, and I’m not judging. I just…don’t understand it. Why would someone want a person to hurt them?” “It’s not like that. It’s not that kind of pain.” Even though there are pain whores out there, that’s really not my style. “Not everyone is in it for that. There are a lot of other reasons people do it.” “You do it for the control,” she states, but I answer it as a question. “Yeah.” “Why?” “Because when you’ve lived without it for so long and you finally have it, you will do everything in your power to keep it. It’s something I won’t ever live without again.”

I hate admitting that to her. I don’t want to scare her away, but it’s something I need her to understand. I’d do almost anything for her but giving up control isn’t one of them. Especially when she has the power to completely destroy me. Her hand lifts to my face, hazel eyes holding mine. “I’ll never take it from you, Kolan. I’d never do anything to hurt you.” “I know.” “You’ve been doing it for a really long time, huh?” she whispers. The tone of her voice lets me know exactly where her thoughts are. Flipping her to her back, I come over top of her. “Yeah, I have. But make no mistake, Sophie. You are different. Tonight was different. We are different. Nothing or no one has ever compared to you. You get me?” I may have fucked a lot of chicks but that’s all it ever was. I never felt shit for any of them. The girl beneath me is the only one I’ve ever cared about. A bright smile lights up her face as she wraps her arms around my neck. “I get you, and I feel the same way. No one will ever compare to you.” “Damn straight they won’t,” I say, eliciting a laugh out of her like I hoped to. “Kiss me, Kolan, and don’t stop.” With a growl, I seal my mouth over hers, my cock stirring for a second round with her. Knowing she can’t handle any more tonight, I decide to worship every part of her body with my mouth instead, devouring her pussy until she screams my name for the third time. After I’ve laid claim to every inch of her body, I hold her in my arms until she falls asleep and decide this very second that I’m going to keep her forever.


Sophie The last three days have been a whirlwind. Between the security team installing new locks and more cameras than the White House probably has, people have been coming and going. I haven’t been back to work. Kolan and Cooper both don’t think it’s a good idea until Daniel is found. Even though the police station is probably the safest place I could be other than here, they still didn’t want to risk it. The lengths everyone has taken to ensure my safety warms my heart, yet I can’t help but feel guilty. The money Kolan has put into his house to make it safer and the time he has taken off work makes me feel horrible. But I don’t say anything; otherwise, he gets all cranky about it. The thought has a smile tugging at my lips. I can’t deny the one good thing to come from this mess is getting to spend so much time with him. I’ve fallen head over heels for that man. Every second spent with him has been a beautiful one, even in the midst of all this terror and chaos. In the mornings we walk along the beach, sometimes even early enough to watch the sun rise. Then in the evenings, we watch that same sun set. But my most favorite of all is when we are exploring each other in the most intimate way. Every time he’s inside of me it’s as if I’m getting a piece of myself back that I never knew was missing. I’ve never felt this connected to another person before. It’s freeing but scary at the same time. Because if I ever lost it—lost him—I’m not sure I would ever be whole again. “Well, how much fucking longer? It’s been three days already for christ’s sake!” Kolan’s heated voice carries in through the open patio door, breaking into my thoughts. Walking through the kitchen, I step out into the backyard, the late afternoon sun warming my skin. In a pair of black board shorts and a white muscle tank, Kolan stands by the pool, his body rigid and expression hard.

The moment his eyes meet mine, his features soften as he tries to conceal his anger from me. “Yeah, fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He ends the call, pocketing his phone, then locks an arm around my waist and brings me against his hard body. “Nick?” I ask, looking up at him. He gives me a tight nod. “He and Ryder are coming by tomorrow with Cooper. Sounds like they have some information just not the news we’re hoping for.” Meaning they still don’t know where Daniel is. I didn’t expect them to. He’s too good at hiding. He’s been doing it for so long. As long as I have. Kolan and I have been avoiding the topic as much as possible, never wanting to talk about him. Instead, we’ve been losing ourselves in each other every chance we get, but there’s no denying the dark, heavy cloud looming over us. I’m waiting for the day he will strike again. “We might never find him,” I whisper. “We will.” I wish I felt as confident. Cupping my bottom in both his large hands, he hoists me up. My legs wrap around his trim waist and arms around his neck. “Enough about this shit. What are we doing tonight?” With a smile, I swipe the black backwards hat from his head and put it on mine, angling it the same way. My fingers run through his messy hair as I brush a kiss across his lips. “Hmm, I have a few ideas in mind.” A growl erupts from him, his fingers digging into my supple flesh. “Me, too. For starters, I’m going to fuck you with nothing but my hat on your head.” He silences my giggle with a fiery kiss, stealing my breath and kicking my heart into overdrive. Just before things can get too hot and heavy, a buzzer sounds, alerting us someone is at the door. Kolan pulls back with a heated curse. “Wait here. Don’t move,” he orders, placing me on my feet and turning to walk away. “Yes, sir.” I salute him. His strides stop, body tensing before he twists back to me. My breath catches at the stark hunger burning in his eyes. “Be careful, Sophie, that

smart mouth can get you in a whole lot of trouble.” The warning hangs heavy in the air as he walks away. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about that ‘trouble.’ He’s been holding back with me, but the more I see him conceal that darkness, the more I want it unleashed. I want to know all of him, even the dark parts, but I’m not sure I’m ready yet. “What the hell are you doing here?” Kolan’s surprised voice interrupts my thoughts. Frowning, I walk into the house to see Benny standing at the front door with his backpack on and a gift bag in his hand. “Hello to you too, Champ,” he greets Kolan with a punch in the arm. “For your information, I’m here to see your girlfriend.” A smile forms on my lips as he passes by Kolan, moving toward me. It dies quickly though when his young brown eyes drop to my neck and widen in horror. It’s then I remember I’m not wearing a scarf. I get the urge to cover my throat but know it’s too late. “Hi, Benny,” I greet him quietly. His eyes snap back up to mine. “Hey, Lia. Uhhh…I mean, Sophie.” Guilt strikes me deep. I hate that I deceived him, even if it was necessary. He comes to stand in front of me. “I’m sorry about what happened to you at your house.” “How do you know about that?” Kolan asks. Benny turns back to him. “I heard Sarge and the guys talking about it in the office,” he explains. “So, what are we going to do about this mofo? I’m ready to kick some ass.” He follows up his words by punching a tiny fist into his open hand. “We are not doing anything,” Kolan tells him. “What do you mean? He messed with our girl, we gotta do somethin’.” As much as his comment warms my heart, it also has dread settling in my stomach. The last thing I want is Benny getting mixed up in this. “I will take care of it,” Kolan says. “You are staying out of it. I mean it, Benny. This isn’t a joke.” “He’s right,” I cut in. “I love you for having my back, Benny, but we need to let the police handle this. Okay?”

His little shoulders slump in defeat. “Yeah, okay.” He hands me the small gift bag in his hand. “I came by to check on you and give you this.” My smile returns as I accept it, my heart lighting up. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” He shrugs as if it isn’t a big deal. “It’s nothing much. Just something I made in one of my class workshops.” Intrigued, I kneel down on the floor to open it. Reaching into the bag, I pull out a metal bangle bracelet. It’s thicker than most and molded crooked. There’s a single dangling heart charm that’s been glued on. It’s messy and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. “You made this for me?” I ask, emotion working its way up my throat. His feet shuffle nervously. “Yeah. You don’t have to wear it or anything. I would have bought you something nice, but I don’t have any money.” My blurry eyes snap to his. “Oh no, Benny. This is perfect. It’s much more special than anything you could have bought for me,” I tell him. “It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever given me.” “Really?” he asks. “Really.” He looks over at Kolan. “Hear that, Champ? Nicest thing she’s ever gotten.” A grunt escapes him but there’s no denying how proud he is of Benny’s gesture. With a watery laugh, I pull Benny into a hug. “Thank you so much. I will cherish this forever.” “You’re welcome,” he responds quietly, his small arms squeezing me tight. Kolan ends up breaking our moment. “If you’re done hitting on my woman, you mind telling me how you got here?” “By taxi,” he says. “A taxi?” Kolan asks in disbelief. “How the hell did you pay for that?” “I haven’t. He’s outside waiting for you. You better hurry because the meter is running.” A laugh bursts out of me at the incredulous expression on Kolan’s face. “Are you kidding me right now?” “Nope.”

Shaking his head, he mutters something before opening the front door and walking outside. Benny flashes me that cheeky grin of his. “I think he missed me.” “I think so, too. I know I did.” Every time I’m around this boy, he lights up my heart and makes me laugh like no other. My admission earns me another radiant smile. Kolan storms back in the house, not sharing in our amusement. “You owe me a hundred bucks.” “How about we call it even for me helping you kick Cortez’s ass.” Kolan looks less than enthused about that idea. “Does your mom even know you’re here?” “Yep. But she doesn’t know it was by taxi. She thinks you came and picked me up, so stick with the story, will ya?” “Why didn’t you call or text me? That’s why I bought you the damn phone.” “Because I knew you probably wouldn’t let me come. You’re greedy when it comes to her,” he says, jerking his thumb at me. I cover my mouth to muffle my laughter, knowing it won’t be appreciated at the moment. Kolan shakes his head, getting more frustrated by the second. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is that you just took a cab here by yourself?” “Come on, Champ, ease up. My mom’s working late tonight. I brought my swim trunks. Thought we could have a pool party and get some grub. What do you think, Li—I mean, Sophie?” he asks, looking at me hopefully. “I think it sounds like a lot of fun. If it’s okay with Kolan.” “See, even your girlfriend wants to. You don’t want to disappoint her, do you?” I worry for Benny’s safety when Kolan starts toward him, his eyes hard. Grabbing the front of his shirt, he lifts the small boy off his feet, bringing him eye level. Benny kicks the air with a laugh, his small hands wrapping around Kolan’s wrist. “Next time, you call before you come,” Kolan says. “And you never take a taxi alone again. Got it?” “Got it.”

Kolan flips him upside down, holding him up by his ankle. Benny laughs hysterically as he’s carried into the spare room and tossed on the bed. “Get dressed. I’ll meet you outside.” “Make sure you order lots of pizza. I’m hungry,” he yells, just as Kolan closes the door. My teeth sink into my bottom lip, trying to hold back my laughter as Kolan turns to look at me. “You have to admit, he’s quite resourceful.” With a grunt, he strides over to me, taking me in his arms. “Yeah, he’s resourceful and a cock-blocker.” Another laugh leaves me. “Don’t worry, Slade, it’ll only be for a few hours then I’m all yours.” Instead of smiling back, he stares down at me, eyes somber. “Come in the water with us, Soph. You can wear my sister’s bathing suit.” I shake my head, panic striking me at the thought. “I don’t think so. I’ll just watch.” “Come on, baby. I’ve seen every inch of your beautiful body. You have nothing to hide or feel ashamed of.” I give him an appreciative smile but it’s sad. “Come be with us,” he pushes, diminishing my resolve. “Okay,” I relent with an anxious breath, unable to deny him. Once Benny exits the spare room, Kolan grabs his sister’s bathing suit, leaving it on the bed for me before heading to change. I stare down at the two scraps of material for a long time before finding the courage to put it on. I turn toward the mirror, making sure to only look from my chest down. The white bikini fits well and is something I would have worn years ago to the beach when I lived in California. A smile takes over my face as I remember how Tess and I used to drive my dad crazy with our choice of bathing suits, despite how modest they were. Pushing the thought away, I collect a deep breath and walk out of the room to hear Benny’s laughter trailing into the house. I’m barely able to make out the sweet sound through my pounding heart. The moment I step outside, the sun embraces me, soothing my nerves and dancing along my skin. Skin that hasn’t felt the sun in so long. Benny and Kolan stand next to the pool, playing catch, but it quits the moment Kolan spots me. His body stiffens. I can’t see his eyes since his

aviators shield them, but I swear I can feel them. Over every bare inch of me. Why this makes me so nervous I don’t know, especially when he has seen me completely nude, but for some reason this feels different. “Come on, Champ. What are you waiting for?” Benny asks with his hands in the air, waiting for the ball to come back to him. When he clues in to where Kolan’s attention is, he turns around to face me. “Whoa,” he breathes, making me feel even more nervous. My stomach lurches as I fight every instinct not to run back into the house and hide. Kolan finally moves, shoving Benny into the pool as he passes him. My eyes grow wide, heart dancing wildly as he stalks toward me. I gasp as he jerks me against him. His hand weaves into my hair as he tilts my head back and claims my mouth in a possessive kiss. I grab onto his hard shoulders to steady myself, his intoxicating flavor sending my senses reeling. When he pulls back, it takes me a moment to catch my breath. When I finally manage to open my eyes, I see his handsome face hovering inches from mine. “Hi,” I say through short breaths. His lips quirk in amusement. “Hey, baby.” “So uh…the bathing suit fits.” A low growl rumbles from his chest. “Yeah, I see that. You look really fucking good, Soph.” Leaning in, he brings his lips to the jagged skin of my throat, loving the ugliest part of me. “Yeah?” I ask breathlessly, my fingers digging into his strong shoulders. “Yeah, and if I didn’t have a kid here right now, I would show you by bending you over one of these lounge chairs and fucking you senseless.” His hand lands across my ass, the delectable sting pushing a fiery whimper past my lips. Oh god. Seconds later, my feet leave the ground as he gathers me in his arms, bringing my back flush to his hard chest. His purposeful strides have but one destination. “What on earth are you doing?” I squeal, squirming to get free. “Getting you wet.” He chuckles just before sending us into the pool.

The cool water explodes through my body, cleansing my skin and refreshing my soul. “All right!” Benny cheers as I clear the surface. With a sputter, I push against Kolan’s chest, but he keeps me locked in his arms. “You could give a girl some warning, ya know.” “That wouldn’t be as fun.” “You’re going to pay for that, Slade.” A dirty grin lifts his lips. “Give it your best, baby.” Bracing my hands on his broad shoulders, I try with all my might to push him down, but he goes nowhere. “Have no fear, Sophie, I’ll save you,” Benny bellows in a deep voice. I turn to see him out of the pool, backing up with enough distance to come running for us. “Shit!” Kolan pushes me out of the way, catching Benny’s small body as he sails through the air before sending him into the water headfirst. “Aw, man, I almost had you,” Benny grumbles when he floats back up. “Come on, Sophie. Help me.” With a laugh, I launch for Kolan the same time Benny does, my heart lighter and happier than it has been in a really long time.


Kolan Later that night, I walk outside to take a call from Sarge and get caught up on everything I’ve missed the past few days, especially the youth. When he informs me that Benny took it upon himself to be in charge until I return, I can’t help but grunt. Figures. However, after the way he put a smile on Sophie’s face today with that bracelet, he can pretty much have whatever the fuck he wants. That kid might be a pain in my ass, but I have to admit he’s smooth. It made me wish I had thought to do something like that. Instead, I’ve been burying myself in her every chance I get, making her moan and scream my name… The thought has me adjusting myself. I’ve been as hard as a goddamn rock since she walked out in that bathing suit this afternoon. It took every ounce of restraint I had not to rip that scrap of material from her sweet body and fuck her like I wanted to. I took her to the doctor the day after we were together and got her on birth control. Since then I’ve spent every moment I can inside of her, worshiping her in ways I never knew I was capable of. I’ve managed to keep the dark part of myself hidden, and strangely…I don’t miss it. I want to own her and claim her in ways she could never imagine, but I don’t need it. All I need is her…and the control. Deciding not to wait another second, I finish up with Sarge then go on the hunt, anticipation swelling in my veins. I end up finding her in my gym. Music quietly plays from the speakers as she stands in front of the floor to ceiling mirrors, staring at her reflection. She’s still in her sundress that she threw on over her bathing suit from when we drove Benny home earlier. Her expression is thoughtful as she touches the jagged scars on her slender neck.

I come to stand behind her, my hand sweeping her long hair to the side before bringing my lips to the base of her throat. “It’s worse than I remember,” she whispers. “Is this the first time you’re seeing them?” She nods. “Yeah, other than when I was in the hospital. I couldn’t bear to look at them,” she admits quietly, her fingers tracing the scars. “He didn’t leave a single inch of flesh untouched.” “He left a lot untouched,” I say, bringing her body flush against mine. The back of her head rests against my chest. “I wish you would have known me before all of this. I was so different. I was fearless, confident. I smiled all the time and loved life. I never hid any part of myself. I wasn’t so…damaged.” “You’re far from damaged,” I tell her. “I don’t know the girl you were before but I really like the girl I’m looking at now.” My hand moves to her neck, my thumb stroking her angry skin. “This might be all you see when you look at yourself but it isn’t what anyone else sees. It’s only a small part of who you are and even that part is not flawed. We all have weaknesses, Soph, and I like that I’ve gotten to see all of yours. Trust me when I tell you, the furthest word from my mind when thinking of you is weak.” A smile stretches her pretty lips seconds before she turns around to face me, her arms winding around my neck. “You say the most perfect things.” I pull her in close. “I just speak the truth. It’s all you’ll ever get from me.” Rising up on her tiptoes, she feathers her lips across mine. “Dance with me.” Eminem coming from the speakers is far from danceable, but I find myself unable to deny her. I’d give her anything she asked for if it made her smile. My feet shift, moving us side to side in the most awkward rhythm. “I really suck at this shit,” I tell her, every muscle in my body stiff. Usually I’m good on my feet, especially when I’m in the ring, but not at this. However, if I were between her legs right now, rhythm wouldn’t be a fucking issue. “No, you don’t,” she lies, gazing up at me with a smile on her face. “If I could choose one person to dance with for the rest of my life, it would be you, Kolan Slade.”

I drop my hands to her ass, bringing her flush against my straining cock. “I have a better idea.” “Hmm, and what might that be?” “You dance for me.” She stills in my arms. “Are you serious?” Instead of repeating myself, I unwind her arms from around my neck and go grab the chair I have sitting in the corner, bringing it to the center of the room before taking a seat. A shy laugh escapes her. “You seriously want me to dance for you?” “Yep.” I hold her eyes, challenging her. With a sassy smirk, she moves toward me, her hands planting on the back of the chair on either side of my shoulders. “All right, Slade, I’ll dance for you…on one condition.” I lift a brow, surprised by her boldness and a little amused. “And what’s that?” “No touching allowed. House rules.” I grunt. “There are no rules, baby, because I’m the one who makes them.” Her smirk spreads into a full smile. “Not this time. Follow the rules or I stop.” The dark hunger I’ve been trying to conceal begins to claw its way to the surface. My fingers grasp her chin, holding her in place. “Watch it, Sophie. Tempt the beast and it’s exactly what you’ll get.” “Maybe it’s time I met him.” My muscles burn, fire surging through my blood. She has no idea what she’s asking for. Leaning in, she brushes her lips across my jaw before moving to my ear. “Relax, Slade, and enjoy the show.” It takes every ounce of control I possess not to throw her down right here and pound into her like the animal I keep caged inside. Stepping back, she walks over to the stereo and picks up my iPod. “What kind of selection do you have going on here?” “It’s satellite,” I tell her, then clear my throat when I hear how rough my voice sounds. “Click on the green icon and type in any song you want.” “Hmm…any requests?”

I stare back at her, wondering if she’s serious. “Baby, I don’t give a fuck if there is any music. I just want to watch you dance.” A laugh tumbles past her lips, creating a seductive melody all on its own. “Hold your horses, Slade. I got something in mind that will work just fine.” Her body works perfect with or without a fucking song. I dig deep for patience as she takes her precious time finding whatever she’s looking for. A few seconds later, “I Touch Myself” by the Divinyls comes through the speakers. The only reason I recognize it is because my sister is a music buff and I had to listen to shit like this constantly. However, this song could end up being a favorite now. Especially if she keeps swinging those hips like that. She turns to me, clearly holding back a laugh. “It’s perfect, right? Because it’s true.” Pointing at me, she begins singing, “When I think about you, I touch myself.” My blank expression has her tossing her head back on a laugh, finding herself fucking hilarious. I find nothing funny about how hard she makes my dick. “Dance, Sophie,” I order. “My, my, aren’t we impatient,” she sasses, spinning around with her arms above her head. She starts toward me, each swing and dip of her hips tempting—sexy. Driving me to the edge of fucking insanity. She silently sings along with the song, trying to be cute, but my mind can’t seem to focus on anything else except the words falling from her lips. Evoking images of her spread out, fingers buried in her sweet little pussy while thinking about me. The fantasy fades as she gets closer, her addictive scent rushing through my blood like my favorite drug. She stops a few feet in front of me, just out of reach. Her fingers tease the tops of her silky thighs as she drags her dress up. Then down. Up. Then down. Offering me only a peek of the sweet spot I crave. Slowly, and I do mean so fucking slowly, she peels the dress from her body, tossing it in a heap at my feet.

Okay, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. Eyes hooded and flickering with desire, she turns her back to me, pulling the string of her bikini loose as she does. Every muscle in my body is tense—hard—as she circles that perky ass of hers. The best ass I’ve ever laid eyes on. My fingers curl into my palm as I get the urge to slap it, to hear the sound crack through the air and watch her pretty flesh stain with my mark. Once her top falls to the floor, she covers herself with her hands, shielding them from my view in the mirror she faces. With a taunting smile, she tosses me her seductive eyes over her shoulder. “Turn around,” I order. She gives me a shake of her head, her defiance raging in my blood. Holding her gaze, I shed my shirt from my body then unzip my jeans and pull out my stiff cock, pumping it with a firm grip. A gasp parts her lips, a sweet flush heating her cheeks. “Turn around, Sophie.” This time, she follows the order. “Drop your hands.” My voice is deep and controlled, despite the chaos roaring through my veins. She does, revealing full, round tits and tight, pink nipples that are begging for my mouth. “Closer.” She moves to stand in front of me, her gaze remaining glued to my hand, watching every stroke. Gauging from her quickened breaths, she’s enjoying the show as much as I am. “You like knowing you do this to me? Like seeing me hard for you?” “Yes,” she whispers. Hooking two fingers into her swim bottoms, I jerk her between my legs and take a sharp nip of one stiff peak, drawing a harsh gasp from her. She grabs onto my shoulders, nails biting into my hard flesh, the sting calling to the primal need I keep buried inside. Releasing my cock, I pull the strings at the side of her bathing suit bottoms, my lips trailing down her flat stomach as the material falls to the floor. I groan at the sight of her, bare and slick with her juices, my mouth watering as her sweet scent impales my senses. I spread her open for my view, blowing gently on her clit.

A fiery whimper purges past her lips, her body trembling. “Kolan, please,” she begs. “It’s not nice when someone teases, is it, Soph?” “Depends,” she responds on a ragged breath. “It was fun to do it to you.” I glance up at her, watching a sassy smile dance across her lips. It breaks my restraint. Spinning her around, I lay a hard and heavy hand to her ass, the resounding smack echoing throughout the room. “Oh god.” Her cry of pleasure pierces the air, knees threatening to buckle beneath her. I grab her hips to steady her, watching the pale flesh stain the same color as her lips. She doesn’t pull away; she pushes back for me. “Again?” I rasp. “Yes.” Giving her what she wants, I lay another slap to the other cheek, her scream rushing through my veins. “I knew you’d love it,” I groan. “I’ll bet I could make you come with only my hand to this pretty ass of yours.” “God, Kolan,” she moans, her hands braced on my knees. Twining her long, wavy hair around my fist, I tug her head back, bringing my lips to her ear. “Isn’t this what you wanted, Sophie? To have me lose control and see this side of me.” “Yes. Because I want every part of you.” She has it. Especially the part in my chest. I will never fully lose control with her. It’s not who she is, but if she wants a taste of the beast then I’ll gladly give it to her. My lips brush a soft kiss to the base of her throat. The last act of tenderness she’s about to get from me. “Then hold on, baby, because that’s exactly what you’re about to get.” Without another word, I drive her down on my throbbing cock. A growl rips from my throat; mixing with the sweet sound of her cry as I bury myself so goddamn deep I’m not sure I’ll ever dig myself out. I arrange her legs to drape over my knees then wrap a gentle hand around her throat to tilt her head up. “Look at us. Look in the mirror,” I instruct her. “Look how pretty you are with my cock filling your pussy.” She whimpers; eyes riveted to the spot between her legs. “We look good, don’t we?” I say, nipping her earlobe.

“We’re beautiful together.” Her words fall on a strangled whisper, her heavy-lidded gaze shining with emotion. “Yeah, baby, we are.” My lips press against her throat, hands moving to cup the heavy weight of her perfect tits, gripping and pulling on her stiff peaks. “Kolan,” she whimpers, her ass shifting against my hips. “Say it, Soph. Tell me what you want, baby.” A moment of silence captures the air, only the sound of our harsh breaths being heard. Until she breaks it. “Fuck me and don’t stop.” Growling, I begin fucking her without abandon, selfishly claiming what I will never allow someone else to have. Our sweat-slicked bodies slapping in urgency, her cries of pleasure fueling each frantic thrust. My fingers dig into her hips, gripping as I pound up into her, watching her tits bounce in the mirror. Bringing one hand between her legs, I rear it back and slap her wet flesh. “Oh god!” she wails, her pussy fluttering around me as she teeters on the edge. I rear back, delivering another slap, hard enough that it sends her over the edge. “Kolan!” “That’s it. Scream my fucking name, baby. Let the whole world know who you belong to.” I keep my momentum, fucking her through her orgasm. It isn’t until her final tremor subsides that I let go, filling her hot depth with everything I have. A moan leaves her as her sweat-slicked body sags back against me. I brace an arm across her chest, feeling her frantic heartbeat. “You okay?” I ask, dropping a kiss to her shoulder, hoping it wasn’t too much for her. Especially that last mark between her legs. “You know that saying, ‘you’ve been fucked within an inch of your life?’” she mumbles. “I’m pretty sure that just happened to me.” My mouth splits into a grin. “So that means you’re good?” “Ask me in a few minutes when I can form a thought.”

With a chuckle, I lift her off my cock, wanting to whimper like a pussy from the loss. Dragging my pants back up, I keep her against me with one arm then lean over to snatch up my shirt, using it to clean her before gathering her slender body in my arms. “Oh good, you’re carrying me. Because my legs won’t work at the moment.” “Don’t worry, baby, I have you.” Her hand moves to my jaw, bringing my attention down to her soft expression. “I know. You always do.” I kiss her fingertips as they brush my lips. Striding into my bathroom, I take us into the shower, hating to wash any of myself off of her. But I figure she doesn’t want to sleep with my cum running between her silky thighs… The thought has me growing hard again. I finish quickly, before I end up taking her again, something I don’t think she would appreciate at the moment since I’m the one keeping her upright. Once I’m done drying her off, I lay her naked body out on my mattress. “You look so fucking good in my bed,” I growl, taking my spot next to her and pulling her in my arms. “You probably say that to all the women.” She tries to play it off with a teasing smile but I know better. Reaching between us I grab her chin, forcing her to look at me. “I’ve never had another chick in my house let alone in my bed. Not here or any other place I’ve lived.” “Never?” she asks, shock evident in her tone. “Never. Only you, Soph.” Her smile returns, this one genuine. “I love it when you call me that.” “Call you what?” “Soph,” she answers softly. “My sister always called me that and she’s always been Tess to me.” “Is she older or younger than you?” I ask, intrigued to know more about her family. “Older. Not by much though. We’re only fifteen months apart, but by the way she bossed me around you’d think she was my mother.” There’s no hostility in her words only affection.

“Can I ask you something?” She doesn’t hesitate. “Of course.” “Why Lia? Why did you choose that name?” Sadness twists her expression. “Lia is Tess’s middle name and my mother’s maiden name is Kay.” she shrugs. “It was a risk since it’s something he probably could have found out, but I had to keep something from them close to me. Even if it was only a name.” I brush a wet strand out of her face, the loss in her voice gripping my chest. “When’s the last time you spoke to them?” “I heard my mother’s voice a couple of weeks ago when I called. Even though I never said anything, she knew it was me. My mom’s always been good at that.” “Maybe it’s time you spoke to them. Tell them you’re okay.” She shakes her head. “Not yet. I can’t risk something happening to them. He’d use them against me. I already live with enough guilt over Blaine and Lara.” I scowl, surprised by her response. “What the fuck do you have to feel bad about with those two?” “They’re dead because of me.” “The hell they are,” I snap, the words coming out harsher than I intended. “They’re dead because of him and because they were fucking behind your back. That’s not on you, Sophie.” There’s a brief moment of silence as she gazes up at me, her expression pinched with pain. “When I think about the way they betrayed me I get so angry,” she admits quietly. “Sometimes so much that I think I hate them. Which makes me feel even more guilty.” “The last thing you should ever feel when it comes to those two is guilt.” Her eyes search mine, terror dark in their depths. “If anything happens to you, I won’t survive it.” “Nothing’s going to happen to me,” I tell her firmly. “I have never been beaten and I never will be. You will not lose me.” Her arms lock around my neck, pulling me in close for a hug. “Good, because I’ve already lost too much. Dancing—my family. If I lost you too, it would destroy me.” Not as much as it would me.

Hearing her speak about her past sends the crushing reminder that she had a life before me. One where she was happy and thrived in before that bastard showed up. One she could go back to when this is all over.


Sophie “Soph, you comin’?” Kolan calls from his workout room, waiting for me to join him for our quick lesson. “I’m here.” With the announcement I jump over the threshold, fists up at the ready. “Let’s see what you got.” Light on my feet, I dance around and punch the air, challenging him. He stands in place, unimpressed by my brave moves. “What’s wrong? Scared?” I tease. “Hardly. You’re not even making a correct fist,” he muses, a slight smile twitching his lips. “Come on, we don’t have much time before Cooper and the others show up, and I want to work on this.” “Yes, sir,” I salute, knowing it pushes his buttons. Something I’m really starting to enjoy doing. With a growl, he spins me around, bringing my back against his chest. The small contact sets my body on fire. He begins explaining how to get out of the current hold he has me in. I try to focus on his instruction but can’t. His smooth baritone in my ear and hard, warm body crowding me makes it impossible to concentrate on anything but the way he feels against me. Especially when I think about what he did to me last night in this room. In front of these mirrors… “Sophie!” His warning penetrates my thoughts; arms tightening around me like a steel band. “I’m sorry,” I moan, pushing my ass against him. “I can’t think with you touching me like this.” “Jesus.” His hand begins coasting down my stomach, headed for the spot I ache to feel him. “You want me to touch your pussy instead, baby?” God, I love it when he talks to me like this. “Or maybe you want me to spank this pretty ass of yours again.” His teeth nip my ear, evoking a delicious shiver to travel through me.

Warmth gathers between my legs as I remember the feel of his heavy hand against my sensitive flesh. I’m just about to plead—no, beg for it— when the doorbell interrupts us. “Fuck,” Kolan breathes out the heated curse. “Come on.” He tugs my hand, dragging me behind him. “Wait!” I dig my heels in, bringing us to a stop. He graces me with a sexy smirk and pulls me in for a kiss. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll pick up where we left off as soon as they leave.” When he turns away again, I cling to his hand, feet planted. “It’s not that. I…I need to get a scarf.” There’s no denying the disappointment that flashes in his gaze. “Don’t look at me like that,” I whisper, my heart pinching. “Like what?” “Like you’re disappointed in me.” He cups the side of my neck, his thumb stroking my jaw. “I could never be disappointed in you. I just don’t think you should hide yourself from anyone. You’re too beautiful for that.” I gaze up at him, his eyes conveying so much to my wounded soul. No, not wounded…healing. It’s healing. I’m healing. “You’re right,” I say with more confidence. “Let’s go.” This time he’s the one who stops me. “Don’t do it for me, Soph. Do it for yourself.” “I am. It’s time.” I give him a reassuring smile. “Good.” He slings an arm around my shoulders and drops a kiss on my head before leading me out. I stand at the edge of the living room and watch him open the door. My feet shuffle nervously as I fight the urge not to cover my exposed neck. “Hey, Sophie.” Cooper greets me first, passing by Kolan. “Hi, Cooper.” I wait for his eyes to drop and for that brief flash of disgust. But it never comes. My anxiety dissipates when his eyes remain on mine and he pulls me into a hug. I’m stunned for only a second before I wrap my arms around his waist, my heart warming at his affection. “You doing okay?” he asks, stepping back. I nod. “I am. Thanks to Kolan.”

“Good.” Nick and Ryder greet me next, shaking my hand, and both of their eyes remain on mine like Cooper’s did. Like I’m normal and not standing here with my mangled neck exposed to the world. Kolan’s words from last night invade me. This might be all you see when you look at yourself but it isn’t what anyone else sees. I’m pulled from the memory when Kolan places a hand on my back. “Let’s go to the kitchen.” As we head to the table, my eyes stray to the thick folder that Ryder carries. I reach to take the chair next to Kolan but he grabs my hips and brings me down on his lap instead. The warmth of his hard body settles my anxious nerves further. “What do you have for us?” Kolan asks. “Unfortunately, not what you are hoping for,” Ryder says, setting the folder down in front of him. “Obviously, we know he’s here and trust me, we have eyes everywhere. Cooper has put out a statewide APB on him.” I smile over at Cooper as he gives a nod of acknowledgment. “I wanted to see you guys today to let you in on what I have found out.” His eyes shift to mine. “I know one of the officers who dealt with your case back in California. Reid Cunningham.” “Officer Cunningham, yes, I remember him.” He was one of the officers who showed up that very first night when we caught Daniel looking in my bedroom window. He went above and beyond for me after Daniel was served the restraining order. He checked in often to make sure I was doing okay. Tess had a huge crush on him. He was very attractive; however, for what I was dealing with at the time, it was the furthest thing from my mind. “He was really great to me and my family,” I tell him quietly. “Yeah, Reid is a good guy. He comes from a family of law enforcement. I’ve encountered him and his brothers a few times,” he says. “Anyway, he only just phoned me back yesterday because he’s in the middle of a case right now. We spoke for a while. Apparently, he wasn’t notified either when Daniel was released from the hospital. When he got word of your attack last year, to say he was pissed is an understatement. His brothers are spread out

all over the country and he made sure every single one them had Daniel on their radar.” My heart warms that he went out of his way for me, especially when it wasn’t his case anymore. “He also went to St. Louis to see you in the hospital last year. But uh, you were gone by the time he got there.” My gaze falls to the table, guilt lancing through me. I can only imagine how it felt for my family, too, when they found out I was gone. “He’s glad to know you’re all right, and I told him I would say hello.” “Thank you,” I whisper. Thankfully, he moves on. “When he got back to California he did some digging on his own, going all the way back to Daniel’s childhood. Did you know his parents died?” “Yes. I knew that because he lived with his grandmother.” He nods. “He was originally born in Oregon and lived there until his parents passed when he was ten.” “What happened to them?” There’s a beat of silence, something passing over his expression. “Freak accident. One night they went out to their hot tub for some…alone time and got electrocuted when the stereo fell in.” “Oh my gosh, that’s horrible.” “Yeah, well, what would be even more horrible is if it wasn’t an accident.” “What does that mean?” Kolan asks. “Reid was able to track down the detective who headed up the investigation back then. He’s retired now but spoke candidly about Daniel. When Reid told him about what happened to Sophie, he wasn’t surprised. He’d had his suspicions surrounding the incident with Daniel’s parents. He was convinced it was not an accident. However, he was unable to collect enough physical evidence to back it up.” “How can that be? He was only a child,” I say in disbelief. “Why would he kill his parents?” “Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for the things people do,” Cooper says, choosing that moment to cut in. “Especially if he’s as mentally fucked up as we know he is.”

“But why?” I ask, frustration thick in my voice. “Why is he like this? I don’t get it. Were his parents cruel to him? Were they sick, too?” Ryder shakes his head. “Not according to the detective. He told Reid Daniel’s parents were good people, gave him a good life, there was nothing to support why he would hurt them. As for his psychopath tendencies…” He trails off with a brief pause. “Did you ever meet his grandmother?” “No. I don’t even know what she looks like. Why?” “Reid said when he first met Daniel and served him the restraining order, there was something off about her.” “I know she believed Daniel and I were dating, but I figured Daniel was just good at lying to her.” “After his parents died, he was sent to live with her in San Francisco. They remained there until his senior year and that’s when they moved.” With a sullen expression, Ryder pulls a picture from the open folder and lays it down on the table in front of me. It’s of a beautiful young girl with long brown hair and big blue eyes. She has the most infectious smile and looks to be about fifteen years old. “Who is this?” I ask, unable to take my eyes off her. “The reason Daniel moved to Huntington Beach in the first place.” My gaze snaps to Ryder’s, a sick feeling forming in the pit of my stomach at the quiet rage in his green eyes. “There were others?” I ask quietly, praying with everything I am that I’m wrong. He confirms with a solemn nod. “Her name is Lana Caldwell. It turns out Daniel had taken quite a liking to her back in San Francisco. According to a few of her friends, he followed her like a shadow. He made her uncomfortable but she thought she could handle him. When she couldn’t take it any longer, she confided in her best friend that she was going to tell her parents. Except she never got the chance, she disappeared that night.” “No,” I whisper, my heart sinking with devastation. “He killed her?” The regret in his eyes says it all. “They never found her body. She’s still missing to this day.” Tears burn the back of my throat, desolation consuming me for a girl I never knew but that I strangely feel connected to. It could have been me. It almost was. “How the fuck did he get away with that?” Kolan snaps.

“The cops investigated the hell out of him. They could not find a single piece of evidence to connect him to her disappearance. All they had was hearsay from a few of her friends about him following her. Even the grandmother gave him an alibi, which leads me to believe she somehow helped him. This kid…” He shakes his head. “I don’t know how he’s done it but he’s not just crazy, he’s fucking smart.” “He’s right,” I say, wiping away the few tears that managed to escape. “He’s more than smart. He’s outplayed everyone. Including his doctors. He’s unstoppable.” “No, he’s not.” Kolan pulls me against his chest, his arms hugging me tight while his lips press a gentle kiss to my temple. “We’ll stop him, baby. I promise.” “We will,” Nick says. “We know where he is now and that’s more info than we had before. Everyone trips up sooner or later and we’ll be ready when he does.” I wish I felt as confident. “I expect it will be sooner rather than later,” Cooper says. “The longer he’s away from you, the more desperate he’ll become. It’s important you don’t leave Kolan’s side for a second. Not for any reason. Do you understand?” I nod. “I won’t.” My eyes land on Lana Caldwell’s blue irises one last time before Ryder takes her picture back and begins gathering up the files. Suddenly, I feel Kolan’s body tense beneath me. “Whoa, hold up,” he says, reaching across the table. “Go back.” A confused scowl pulls at Ryder’s face. “What?” “Turn back the fucking pages,” he bellows. Slowly, Ryder flips back through. “There!” “What? Her?” Ryder asks, holding up the picture of an old lady. “Yeah, her. Who the hell is that?” “His grandmother. Why?” Kolan’s body turns to stone, the room dropping in temperature. I look back at him. “Kolan, what is it?” “I’ve seen her before.” “Where?” Nick asks.

“At the boutique in town. She’s the one I bought the scarf from a couple of weeks ago.” All the blood drains from my body, horror slamming into my chest like a freight train. “Are you sure?” Ryder asks. “I’m fucking positive. She said she was new in town. She was even talking to me about her grandson and how she was trying to convince him to buy his girlfriend a scarf. Fuck me!” “Which boutique?” Cooper asks, jumping to his feet. “I don’t remember the name of it. It’s the one across from Grace’s bakery.” Cooper whips out his cell phone and hits a number. “Liz, do me a favor and put me through to Southern Charm… Yeah, thanks.” Silence descends upon us as we wait with bated breath; my heart pounding so loud it’s all I can hear. “Donna? Yeah, it’s Sheriff McKay. Are you alone right now? Good. Listen, you hired an elderly lady recently, is that correct? Can you tell me her name?” He gives Ryder a nod. “When was the last time she was in?” Something flickers in his expression. “She was supposed to come in today but never showed,” he repeats for our benefit. “Okay, I need her address.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, his patience wearing. “I realize that, but I don’t have time to get you a warrant. It could be a matter of life and death. You know me, Donna… Great, thanks.” He covers the speaker. “She’s getting it for us.” Ryder and Nick get to their feet, scooping up the rest of the papers. Kolan takes the opportunity to stand as well, placing me on my feet while he paces like a caged animal. “Yeah, I’m here,” Cooper says, drawing our attention back to him. “Got it. If for some reason she comes by there, do not tell her about our discussion. Go somewhere private and call me immediately. Thanks.” Hanging up, he pockets his phone and moves for the door. “Let’s go.” “Hold the fuck up!” Kolan reaches out and grabs his arm. “You mind filling me in on what the hell the plan is?” “The plan is we’re going to the damn house and praying like hell he’s there. It’s only a block from where she was living.”

Those words have my heart dropping like an anchor, sinking into the pool of fear I have flooding me. “I want him,” Kolan grinds out, the lethal note to his voice causing a shiver to shudder through me. Cooper takes a step forward, getting up in his face. “Well, you can’t have him. It doesn’t work like that, Slade, and you goddamn know it.” Kolan remains silent, the stiffness in his body conveying more than words ever could. Cooper spins back around and storms out the door with Ryder close on his heels. Before Nick can leave, Kolan grips his shoulder. “You know what to do.” Nick nods. “I got it, man. I’ll call as soon as we have something. Keep your phone on you,” he says, then hurries out the door to follow the others. “Fuck!” Kolan kicks the door shut, slamming it so hard it almost breaks. “I can’t believe I never caught onto that shit.” “It’s not your fault,” I tell him, my words nothing more than a choked whisper as I hug myself, trying to ward off the chill racking my body. He turns to me, his angry expression easing. “Hey.” He closes the distance between us, cradling my face between his hands. “You okay? You with me?” I shake my head, my hands securing around his wrists. “He was living a block from me and I had no idea. He killed his parents,” I add with a whisper, my head still reeling with the information. “He killed a beautiful young girl who had so much to live for, and for what? Why? Why is he doing this?” He gathers me in his arms, a furious breath escaping him. “Because he’s a fucking psychopath, Soph. It’s a shitty answer but there’s never going to be a good one. You can’t understand someone like that. All we can do is stop him.” “I hope they get him,” I murmur into his chest. “I just want him gone, Kolan…for good.” “I know, baby. Me, too. We’ll get him. No matter what,” he promises. Eventually, we move to the couch and try to distract ourselves by watching TV while we wait to hear back from Nick. Kolan warms us up

some leftover pizza from the night before, but my appetite is gone and by the looks of it, his is, too. For the most part we just wait. Words are few and far between. I try to find comfort in his strong arms but his body is stiff and rigid as he holds me. His heart thunders beneath my cheek, echoing the rage he has locked inside. Each second that passes feels like an eternity and Kolan checking his phone every few minutes only adds to my trepidation. Finally, when I can’t take much more, I get up to use the bathroom. I splash cold water on my hot face and look at myself in the mirror, my eyes as hollow as I feel. “Please, God. Let him be there,” I pray, my fingers gripping the sink. “Stone! Tell me you have him.” At the sound of Kolan’s harsh voice, I exit the bathroom and find him in the kitchen with his phone to his ear. My breath ceases while I anxiously await the verdict. “You have got to be fucking kidding me!” he bellows in disbelief, his expression outraged. My eyes close, any hope I had deflating. Without saying good-bye, Kolan ends the call and whips his phone across the house, thankfully not shattering it. “Motherfucker!” His hands brace on the counter, head hanging in defeat. I stare at him, trying to find the words that simply aren’t there. They are buried somewhere deep inside of my hopeless soul. “She’s dead,” he tells me, shock rendering me in place. His head remains low, fingers gripping the counter. “He killed her. He wasn’t there but they found more evidence. Not that it fucking matters.” He’s right. It doesn’t because it still won’t lead us to him. All we can do is wait for him to strike again, and I can’t help but wonder who will be next.


Sophie I awaken in the middle of the night to an empty bed, missing the warmth I had curled around me before I fell asleep. My bleary eyes glance at the clock to see it’s three in the morning. Wondering where he is, I pull the covers away and push from the bed, my bare feet hitting the cold hardwood floor. As soon as I step out of the bedroom, I hear the faint sound of fists smacking leather from the room down the hall. I follow the sound to the gym and push the cracked door open, my steps faltering at the sight. Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” comes from the speakers as Kolan destroys the heavy bag. Each jab is calculated and precise. His rage and despair hover like a dark cloud, the cloak of darkness casting shadows upon my heart. Judging by his sweat-soaked body, it’s apparent he’s been at it for a while. The succession of blows come to a stop, his body tensing when he senses my presence. He grabs the chain at the top of the bag, his exhausted body sagging and chest heaving for each breath he takes. “You shouldn’t be here right now,” he rasps. The gruff sound of his deep voice draws me closer. My hand tentatively reaches out to touch his back, feeling his slick muscles pulse beneath my palm. “Kolan, look at me.” His face turns to the side, meeting mine. The wild fury and complete helplessness that bleeds from him has pain striking my heart. This is because of me—because of Daniel. It’s finally wearing him down. He’s had enough, and I don’t blame him. He walks away to grab his towel at the other end of the room, wiping down his face and chest. “Go back to bed. I’ll be there soon,” he orders without looking at me.

I ignore the sting of his brush-off and move toward him, refusing to let him push me away. “Sophie,” he warns with narrow eyes, but I don’t let it deter me. Reaching out, I fold my arms around his lean waist, ignoring his rigid posture. “Please, don’t shut me out,” I plead. “Tell me what’s wrong.” “I’m just really fucking mad right now. Let me cool off, then I’ll come back to bed.” “Are you angry with me?” The thought has emotion clogging my throat. He shakes his head, the tightness in his muscles slightly easing. “No, baby, I could never be angry with you.” Resting my forehead on his chest, I press my lips over one of the seven scars that mark him. Then move to the next one, wanting to erase his pain and frustration. His hands clutch my shoulders. “This isn’t a good idea, Soph.” “I think it’s a very good idea,” I tell him, my tongue darting out to taste his salty skin. When his grip tightens, I peer up at him, and find the battle he’s fighting raging in his dark, troubled eyes. “Trust me, Kolan.” “It’s not you I don’t trust.” Grief grips my heart to hear him so conflicted, especially when it comes to me. “I trust you enough for the both of us.” Dropping my hand between us, I brush over his hard length through the thin fabric of his shorts, watching his jaw flex. “Let me do this. Let me make you feel good like you do me.” I don’t wait for a response. My lips coast down his hard stomach as I fall to my knees before him. The groan that escapes him gives me a feeling of empowerment, despite my position. “My warrior,” I whisper, pressing a kiss to the ink above his waistband. His hands move to the side of my head, silently commanding my gaze. I give it to him. “We do this my way,” he says, voice rough. I nod, knowing this is hard for him. I want his trust but I will never take his control. Not when I know how much he needs it. And if I’m being honest, I need it just as much as he does. It does something to me, feeds a part of my soul that I never knew I had—that I’d never give to anyone else but him.

His thumb grazes my bottom lip as my hands move to the waistband of his shorts, gently tugging them down his hips until his erection springs free. When I wrap my fingers around him, he pumps into my firm grasp with a hiss, his piercing as warm and smooth as the rest of him. With one hand, he grips either side of my jaw, his thumb and fingers pressing to open my mouth for him. “Put those sweet lips around my cock, baby, and suck.” The order is dark—hungry. His large body looming over mine with so much power should be intimidating, but all I feel is a gush of warmth between my legs. I follow the command; taking him in as far as I can possibly go before releasing him on a slow glide, dragging my wet lips along his shaft. “That’s it. Just like that.” His praise has me taking him deeper, working my hand up and down the length of him, seeking the release I know he needs. “You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth, Soph.” A whimper escapes me, my clit swelling at his dirty words. This time when I suck back to the top, I play with his piercing, my tongue flicking the metal before swirling the velvet tip. “Jesus.” His head drops against the wall, muscles straining and jaw flexing. “You’re goddamn perfect,” he rasps. “Relax, baby, take me all the way back.” I do as he says, feeling the tip of him slip down my throat. Reflex has me swallowing. “Fuck!” His fingers grip my hair with a delicious sting and he begins pumping his hips, fucking my mouth with quick strokes. I give him the control, letting him set the pace. “You like this, Soph? Like when I fuck this hot mouth of yours?” I moan, conveying just how much. I love it. Love seeing him like this and knowing I’m the one doing it to him. With each passing thrust, I feel him harden further. “Shit.” His pace slows, a tortured groan leaving him as he begins to withdraw. I don’t let him. My hands move to his hips, my mouth continuing to stroke. “Soph, I’m about to explode. Pull back.”

I moan again, letting him know how much I want it, and renew my efforts. He comes on a roar of pleasure. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. This man. This strong, powerful man falling apart above me. I swallow every drop of him, relishing in his release, soaking in it. My own need escalating. With a heaving breath, he pulls from my mouth and bends down to gather me in his arms, lifting me to my feet. Then he spins me around. “Hands on the mirror.” I obey quickly, pressing my hands to the cool glass, my own need and desire overriding everything else. He shoves down his shorts, stepping out of them, then shreds my panties from my body. The bite of the fabric across my sensitive skin only adds to the moment. Intensifies it. Injects something so raw and potent I feel drunk from it. His hands move to the hem of my tank top, peeling it from my body and tossing it to the floor. My chest blooms with heat as he stands behind me, a wild fire burning in his gaze. “Spread your legs.” The low husk of his voice has me moving without hesitation. Parting my legs shoulder width, my body is less than an arm’s length from the mirror. He hooks an arm under my left leg, lifting it up before entering me in one smooth thrust. I cry out at the beautiful invasion. Loving the way he completes me— body and soul. “Goddamn, Sophie,” he groans. “As much as I loved your mouth, baby, there is nothing like the feel of your hungry little pussy taking my cock.” “So good,” I agree with a whimper, my gaze focused on our connection, watching him disappear in and out of me. “That’s because I fucking own it. It’s mine,” he says, his possessive words fueling the flames claiming my body. “Yes,” I moan. “Just like you are, right?” The change in his voice has me dragging my eyes up to find his, and what I discover there has my heart swelling in my chest. He looks unsure… scared. Something I’ve never seen in him before. “Tell me, Soph,” he demands, his voice rough. “Tell me you’re mine.”

“I’m yours,” I say, not because he told me to but because it’s true. He owns every part of me, especially my heart. “Because you want to be.” “Yes. I want to be. More than anything in the world.” He buries his face in my hair. “I’ll never let anyone take you from me.” It all suddenly becomes clear. How I found him tonight in here. He’s more than angry. He’s scared. Not of Daniel but of losing me. My arm lifts to wrap around his neck, my throat too clogged to speak because it’s my biggest fear, too. I’m not even afraid of dying anymore. My biggest fear is never feeling this again. Of not being with him. Pulling out of me, he breaks our connection for only a second before spinning me around and lifting me off my feet. The moment my legs hug his lean hips, he drives up into me—shattering me for a second time. “I want to look at you while I’m fucking you. To look in your eyes as you take all of me, and know that I have you the same way you do me.” I rest my forehead gently against his, feeling his warm breath whisper across my lips. “You have me, Kolan. Never doubt that. You have every single part of me.” My lips seal over his with the promise of forever, because I’m too afraid to say it out loud. With a growl, he changes the angle of his thrust, my back kissing the cool surface as he buries himself deeper—harder. My head drops back on a moan as he takes me to the brink of destruction. “Give me what I want, baby. Let me watch you fall apart for me.” I give into it, letting my orgasm hurdle through me like a tidal wave. As Kolan gives into his own release, I hold him close through it all, burying my face into his shoulder and praying I’ll never know what it’s like to go without this man’s touch. Once we’ve caught our breath, he carries us to the shower. His touch is soft and gentle as he washes me, a complete contradiction to how he was minutes before. I love both sides of him. When he kneels before me, his forehead rests on my stomach, lips catching the rivulets of water as steam fills the enclosed space. I thread my

fingers through his wet hair, holding him close. Silence hangs between us, thick and heavy, but no words are needed in this moment. Afterward, he holds me in bed; his arms like a protective shell that I want to live in forever. My fingers trace the scars on his chest. “What are these?” I ask, breaking the silence. “Cigarette burns.” I stiffen, pain slicing through my heart like a ruthless blade. His voice is hollow. No emotion. No pain. Nothing. “Your father?” “Yeah.” Tears blur my eyes, no matter how hard I try to hold back. How could anyone hurt him? Now or as a child. It’s something I just can’t fathom. It only proves just how many cruel people walk this earth. “I hate him,” I whisper. We both know I’m not only talking about his father. “Me too, baby,” he says on a heavy breath. “Me, too.” I burrow my head closer to his heart, resting my lips against one of the puckered scars, vowing to always watch over him, just like he does me.


Kolan Things have been quiet. Too quiet. It’s like the motherfucker just vanished into thin air and it has me even more on edge. It’s been days since finding out the old lady is dead. A statewide APB is out on this bastard and yet no one can find him. It makes me fucking nervous. I haven’t let Sophie out of my sight, and I won’t until he’s caught. But then what? What happens next? That question has been plaguing me and it’s something I don’t like to think about. Will she go back to her old life? Go back to school and dance? She should, she deserves to reclaim everything she’s lost but then…I lose. The thought has a sharp pain piercing my chest. I push the thought aside and continue sorting through the moving boxes in my garage when I hear Sophie scream, terror thick in her voice. “Kolan!” Dropping what’s in my hand, I charge through the door and run into the living room to find her on her ass, frantically scooting back from the window. I kneel behind her, grabbing her waist. “Soph! Hey, what’s wrong?” “Someone’s out there.” “What?” “Someone was looking at me through the window.” Standing, I go look through the glass but can’t see a goddamn thing with it being so dark out. “He’s out there. I know it,” she says, voice trembling. I quickly head into the kitchen and open my laptop, pulling up the surveillance cameras. Sure enough, there on camera four, I catch a flash of movement, headed down the beach. Son of a bitch. “Call Cooper now,” I order before rushing out the back door.

“Kolan, wait!” Her voice is faint, barely penetrating the humid air as my bare feet leave the patio and hit sand. I refuse to turn back. It could be our only chance at catching him, and I’m done waiting. He came onto my fucking property so that makes him mine. I head in the direction of where I saw him, fury fueling my speed. A solid minute passes before I have him in my sights. He’s a good distance away but lacks agility. With my heart pounding and blood roaring, I push myself harder but don’t catch up to him until the public beach. There’s a party going on, groups of people sporadically spread out that are either sitting by fires or dancing. He tries to weave into the crowd but doesn’t make it far. Reaching out, my fingers catch his hood. A few girls jump out of the way with a scream as I tackle him, dropping him to his back with a sharp yank. I straddle him, ready to deliver the beating of a lifetime but my fist stops midair when I realize it’s a kid. “Don’t hit me. Don’t hit me,” he pleads, his hands out protectively in front of his face. “Who the fuck are you and why were you looking in my window?” He remains silent, trying to catch his breath. Gripping the front of his sweatshirt, I yank him up to my face. “Start talking or I’ll knock your fucking teeth into the back of your head.” His eyes bulge out in fear. “No, please. I wasn’t going to do anything to her. I swear,” he says through labored breaths. “Some dude paid me a hundred bucks to look in your window at her. That’s it.” Every muscle in my body freezes, ice forming in my veins. “Who?” I shove out, despite the fear lodged in my throat. “I don’t know. I only met him tonight.” “Fuck!” Dropping him from my grasp, I start back to the house, my feet pounding the packed wet sand, running faster than I thought myself possible.



“Kolan, wait!” I call out to him, my heart pounding in fear. Running to the open back door with my cell phone in hand, I watch as he jumps from the patio and hits the beach, his determined feet moving swiftly across the soft sand. “Oh god.” Lifting my trembling hand, I swipe the screen to call Cooper when the wind is suddenly knocked out of me. I hit the kitchen floor and land on my back, the hard impact pushing the air from my lungs. The phone skitters across the room as I try to take in a breath, but I’m not able to with the crushing weight on top of me. “We meet again, my love.” Terror settles over me with heavy force as I come face-to-face with my worst nightmare. Daniel’s hand covers my mouth, the pressure of his clammy palm muffling my scream as I thrash beneath him. “Oh, Sophie, I’ve missed you so much,” he says softly, his pale blue eyes hooded and vacant as he assesses my face. Desperation latches onto me and my instincts kick in, penetrating the terror this man instills in me. My mind scrambles as I try to think of all the things I’ve learned from Kolan these past few weeks. He’s bigger. Stronger. There’s no way I can maneuver from beneath him at this angle. His body is cradled between my open legs, his erection pressing into me. Saliva pools in my mouth as bile inches up my throat. I buck my hips, giving myself enough room to wrap both legs tightly around his waist. I squeeze, using every ounce of strength I possess. Daniel shoots up on a horrid gasp, the air in his lungs restricted by my tight hold. His hands move to my knees in an effort to pry them loose and that’s when I thrust my palm up, connecting with the base of his nose. Blood sprays, the tiny bones shattering. When he howls in pain, I release my legs and flip to my stomach. “Kolan!” I scream, praying he can hear me before he’s too far away. I kick myself out from beneath Daniel, my foot connecting with his face, adding to the injury I’ve already inflicted. Just as I make it to my feet, my ankle is snagged. “You fucking bitch!” With a swift pull I’m jerked back down, landing on my belly with a painful thud.

“Kolan!” His name breaches my lips once more as I feel Daniel crawl up my back. There’s a sharp sting to my scalp as he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks my head back, bringing his mouth to my ear. “He cannot save you. No one can. By the time anyone finds us, we’ll be at the bottom of the ocean, fulfilling our destiny.” Oh god. “It’s time, Sophie. Time for us to be together forever. Just like we were always meant to be.” “Never,” I grind out. “I will never be yours.” Pain explodes through my head when my face collides with the ceramic tile. Warm blood trickles down my forehead as black spots dance in my vision. A moan of agony escapes me as I’m flipped to my back, his sinister face blurring before my eyes. “You’ve always been mine.” I’m completely helpless when he gathers me in his arms, my body as limp as a rag doll. Darkness hovers, threatening to pull me down into its black abyss as he carries me out of the house.


Kolan My lungs are on fire by the time I make it back to my section of the beach, a fear I’ve never known raging deep inside my chest. It only escalates when I see the back door wide open. “Sophie!” I jump onto the patio, my swift feet faltering as I enter my house. “Jesus!” Panic constricts my throat from the amount of blood staining my floor, her cell phone lying only feet away. “Motherfucker!” In a fit of rage I flip over my kitchen table, the glass top shattering into a million pieces. “I’m going to fucking kill you.” My rage echoes through the empty house as I grab the flashlight from the kitchen drawer. Hitting the panic button on my alarm, I bolt back outside and head in the opposite direction I came from, her name tearing from my throat. She has to be close. I wasn’t gone that long. Long enough. I shove aside my guilt and concentrate on finding her, my flashlight moving wildly over the dark beach. The distant sound of a motor trying to turn over catches my attention. Stopping in my tracks, I listen more carefully and try to calm the blood pounding in my ears. After a few seconds, I hear it again. Urgency propels me forward, the sound becoming more distinct the closer I get. I cast the light toward one of the docks in the distance and spot movement. “Sophie!” I dig deeper, my quick feet destroying the sand beneath them. “Shit!” I hear the heated curse just as I reach the dock and see the boat floating away while he continues to try and ignite the motor. Vengeance boils in my blood, spinning into a black spool of rage, burning me from the inside out. I tear down the wooden plank and hurdle

through the air to land in the aluminum fishing boat. It teeters on its edge, rocking wildly beneath us as I find balance. “Stay back! Don’t come any closer.” He stands behind Sophie with an arm banded across her chest, the moonlight reflecting off the silver blade he has pointed toward her throat. Violence pumps ruthlessly through my veins at the sight of her bound and gagged, tears mixing with the blood staining her face. “I must admit you’re quick,” he says, his breathing more winded than mine. “I was hoping to be gone by now, but it was a struggle to get this rope around her. My sweet Sophie has turned into quite the fighter. You’ve taught her well. She even broke my nose.” Pride fills my chest, mixing with the deep-seated anger I have locked inside. “Good. It leaves less for me to destroy, because I’m going to do a hell of a lot worse to you than what she did.” My voice is calm, contradicting the rage pounding through me. He chuckles, the maniacal sound floating through the salty air. “Sorry, I’m going to have to take a rain check. My love and I have big plans. We have a destiny to fill.” “You’re not taking her anywhere.” “Yes, I am,” he snaps, his blue eyes holding an edge of darkness. “You have no say. She’s mine and she will die as mine.” “She’s not yours. She never has been.” “Yes, she is!” he screams back, his cool façade shredding. “She’s always been mine, and you’re going to pay for tainting her with your touch.” I spread my arms wide, praying he takes the bait. It’s my only hope at the moment. “I’m ready, asshole. Give me your best shot.” All I need is an opening. For him to move that knife, then I can steal my chance. He hesitates like the coward he is. My attention moves to Sophie, her terrified sobs penetrating the moment. “Sophie, baby, look at me.” “Don’t you fucking do it.” He gathers a fistful of her hair, forcing her head down. “Don’t you look at him, bitch. You are mine!” Her cry of pain shatters my control. “I swear to God, I’m going to fucking kill you. Let her go!”

“No! You are going to watch her die as mine and know we are spending eternity together.” “It will never happen. As long as I’m still breathing, she will always be mine. She—belongs—to—me.” “Never!” His roar tears through the night. I wait for him to make his move, knowing it pushed him over the edge, but Sophie ends up striking first. She throws her head back, smashing it into his face. At the sound of his enraged roar, I lunge for her but don’t make it in time. Horror seizes my chest as he knocks her over the edge. My fingers swipe the air between us, her muffled screams vanishing as she hits the water. “Fuck!” As my knees bend to jump in after her, he charges at me, his lanky body slamming into mine. I grab his wrist, stopping the knife inches from my face and trip over one of the seats, landing on my back. “You’re going to die,” he snarls above me, the blade pointing down at my forehead. “You will never touch what’s mine again!” Sending a blow to his temple that dazes him, I twist the knife in his hand then pierce it through the side of his skull, relishing in the feel of his fucking blood splattering across my face. His eyes widen in alarm for the briefest second. “She will never be yours, you sick fuck.” With a lift of my legs, I send him over the opposite side of the boat. Without a moment of pause, I dive into the cold ocean, the freezing water a shock to the system, but it does nothing to penetrate the panic rushing through my veins. I’m unable to see a goddamn thing, my hands reaching in every direction for her. I stay under for as long as I can manage, the depths of hell raging in my lungs. I come up for air, taking in my direction from the boat then pull in another long breath, knowing it could very well be the last one I take. I will not come back up without her. My ears begin to ache from pressure the deeper down I swim. With every moment that passes my dread grows. Defeat stakes its claim as darkness begins to invade me.

Until my hand connects with something soft at the last second. Grabbing hold, I bring it against me, a newfound hope surging through my blood when I feel her familiar curves. I fight my way back to the surface and clear the water on a rush. “Soph, baby, can you hear me?” I ask through winded breath, tapping her cheek. When there’s no response, I begin swimming back to shore, knowing there’s no way I’ll get her up on the dock myself right now. Exhaustion weighs down on me as I keep her limp body close, my tired muscles threatening to give up. As soon as my feet touch ground, I cradle her in my arms and fight through the crashing waves. “Hang on, baby, we’re almost there,” I whisper into her hair. Carefully, I lay her down on the sand and drop next to her to begin CPR. A few rotations pass and I get nothing—no response. “Come on, Soph,” I grind out, relentless with my compressions. She blurs before me, my eyes and throat burning like a motherfucker as I breathe every bit of air from my lungs into hers. Seconds later, water spews from her mouth. Sweet fucking relief explodes through my chest as I turn her to her side. “There you go. Good girl,” I breathe, rubbing her back as she coughs and sputters, her lungs heaving for air. My heart pounds a steady beat of fear and guilt. Thoughts of what almost happened running wildly through my mind. Sirens sound in the distance as I gather her shivering body in my arms. “I’m sorry, I tried,” she croaks through chattering teeth. “Shh. Don’t talk.” I burrow my face in her wet hair, feeling something hot leak from the corner of my eye. “Everything’s going to be okay. You did good, baby. I’m proud of you.” I hold her until the paramedics show up, my chest becoming hollow once again when she’s taken from my arms.


Sophie Two days later, I sit on the edge of my hospital bed with my feet dangling while I wait for Kolan to come back and take me home. Other than the small knot on my head and my face looking a little worse for wear, I’m feeling better. I’ve lived to see another day, and I will continue to because Daniel is finally gone for good. He’s dead. Cooper came by yesterday afternoon to tell us Daniel’s body was recovered. I knew he was dead, but I wouldn’t feel safe until his body was discovered. He also filled us in on the evidence that was found in the house Daniel and his grandmother were renting. It seems Daniel found me by a photo that was floating around on the Internet of Kolan and me the night we were walking Charleston. A picture I had no idea was taken. The article had read, Kolan Slade’s Next Victim. Some stupid gossip magazine ran it, which made me furious on Kolan’s behalf. Daniel had it pinned to a board with all the other pictures he had of me, ones he’d taken himself. In the end it all turned out to be a blessing in disguise. How Daniel found me doesn’t matter. What matters is he did and he’s been stopped—for good. There was also proof that Daniel was the one who vandalized the gym and Kolan’s truck, which didn’t come as a surprise. As disturbing as some of the news was from Cooper yesterday, there was also good, too. Evidence was found that they believe could lead them to the whereabouts of Lana Caldwell. They found a map in the grandmother’s chest to a forest located only a few miles from where she had lived in San Francisco. With it was a necklace that was identified as Lana’s. As horrible as it is to say, I hope they

do find her body so the family can finally have peace. I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for them not knowing what’s happened to her… The thought makes me think about my own family and the hell they’ve been through not knowing where I am, but I try not to dwell on it. I’ll make it right. What matters now is I don’t have to live in fear and look over my shoulder any longer. Daniel can’t hurt me or anyone else ever again, and it’s all thanks to Kolan. My warrior. Kolan chooses that moment to walk into the room, the quick whoosh of the door opening is equivalent to what my heart feels every time I lay eyes on him. It doesn’t matter that I just saw him only minutes ago. The man always manages to take my breath away just by being in the same room as me. “Hey, baby,” he greets me, closing the door behind him. “Hi.” I smile, ignoring the ache in my cheek. Dropping down in front of me, he takes my hand between his warm ones and presses a kiss to my palm. “You feeling okay?” he asks. “Mmm. Yes. Even better now that you’re here.” He flashes me that lopsided grin of his but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s been like this ever since Cooper left yesterday. I know he feels responsible for the picture, but he shouldn’t. He shouldn’t feel any guilt when it comes to me. He saved my life…in more ways than one. “Are we ready to go?” I ask with a smile. “I want to go home and feel your arms around me for the rest of the day.” We haven’t spoken about me going back to my own house. I know I will eventually, but I’m hoping to spend a few more days with him before I do. His head lowers, gaze dropping to my lap as he gives me a solemn nod. “Yeah, Soph. Everything is in place. I just…I want another minute with you.” I frown at the sound of his gruff voice. “Hey, look at me.” The moment his tormented eyes meet mine, devastation grips my chest. My hand moves to his jaw. “Kolan, what’s wrong?” He shakes his head. “Nothing.” Leaning in, he buries his face in my neck, his lips soothing over my puckered skin. “You know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, right?”

My worry eases and heart warms, his words like a balm to my frazzled nerves. “Well, I don’t like to assume but…” I trail off with a giggle. He doesn’t smile like I hoped he would. Instead, he seals his mouth over mine, silently conveying what he’s trying to say. My arms encircle his neck as I drown myself in this feeling—in him. With a groan he lifts me from the bed, my feet dangling inches above the ground. Our lips don’t sever until we’re both in need of air. My eyes remain closed, wanting to bask in this moment forever. When I open them, I find him watching me, his expression soft. “You have the whole world in the palm of your hand now, Soph, and you deserve every piece of it.” Another frown pulls at my face as I try to gauge his mood. “Are you sure everything is okay?” “I have a surprise for you.” That brings a smile to my face. “What have you done now, Kolan Slade?” He leans in, pressing his lips to my forehead one last time before placing me back on my feet. “Come on. I’ll show you.” Intrigued, I take his warm hand and follow him out of the hospital room, my eyes never leaving him as I attempt to figure out what’s going on. “Sophie?” I tense, the familiar tear-filled voice infiltrating my heart. Turning, all the air freezes in my lungs. I blink several times, terrified each time that what I’m seeing will disappear. “Mom? Dad? Tess?” The names fall on a choked whisper, their images blurring before my eyes. My feet move on their own, a sob exploding past my lips as I run down the hall and straight into my mother’s waiting arms. “Oh, baby, I’ve missed you so much,” she cries, her tears falling into my hair. “I’ve missed you, too.” I move an arm around Tess as she huddles in, her tear-stained cheek sticking to mine. My dad wraps his arms around us all, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. My heart expands as minutes pass, peace settling over me to be reunited with the people I love most in the world. It’s as if the final cracks in my fractured soul are finally being mended together. I feel completely whole for the first time in so long.

I’m no longer healing. I’m finally healed. My mother eventually steps back to cradle my face between her hands; the sadness in her eyes has guilt striking my heart. “I’m so sorry,” I manage hoarsely, my eyes moving to my dad and Tess too, hating to see the same pain in their expressions as my mom’s. “So sorry I stayed away. I thought—” My mom presses a finger to my lips. “We can talk about that later. All that matters right now is that you’re okay.” She drops a hand to my neck, her fingers gently brushing my scars. “Are you…okay?” “I am now,” I assure her, feeling a small smile stretch across my cracked lips. “And it’s all thanks to one person. Let me introduce you guys. You’re going to love him. He…” My words fade when I turn around to find Kolan gone. I start toward the nurses’s station, wondering if there’s some leftover paperwork, but my mother snags my wrist. “Kolan?” “Yeah. You met him?” “Of course. How do you think we knew you were here?” It’s then I remember his surprise. Of course this was all him, I think with a smile. “He called yesterday and arranged for us to fly down here late this morning.” Warmth invades me as I’m once again blown away by his kindness and generosity. “He seems wonderful, honey.” “He really is, Mom.” “We can tell,” my father cuts in. “He even said he’d take care of getting your things packed up and sent home for you so you won’t have to worry about it.” Every muscle in my body strains, panic striking me hard and fast. “Wh —what?” I ask, thinking I misunderstood. “I know, I know,” my mother says. “Your father offered to pay for it but he insisted he would take care of it.” “But…” I trail off, not knowing what to say, my heart shattering into a million pieces. He doesn’t want me? That doesn’t make sense. He just said I’m the best thing that ever happened to him.

It suddenly all becomes clear. How upset he was. Why he wanted to spend more time with me. Did he think I was just going to go back home? Is that what he wants? Tears burn the back of my throat as utter devastation consumes me. “Come on, sweetheart.” My dad wraps an arm around my shoulder and begins leading me down the hall. “You look exhausted. Let’s go back to the hotel so you can rest. Our flight leaves tomorrow afternoon.” Tess links her arm with mine as we make our way toward the exit, her head resting on my shoulder. My body is moving, breathing on its own, but I feel completely dead inside. I’m lost to a man who owns my heart, the one crumbling inside of my aching chest the farther away we walk. One he doesn’t want.


Kolan Sometimes, doing the right thing fucking sucks. Night has long since fallen as I stand on the beach, listening to the waves crash against the shore. I came out here shortly after arriving home because I couldn’t stand the silence in my house, and I haven’t moved since. It’s been hours since I last saw her—touched her, held her—and already I’m a fucking mess. Walking out of that hospital without her was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I never intended to give her up. It was only nights ago that I was buried in her sweet body, confessing how I would never let anyone take her from me. Yet, here I stand. Alone. Because I love her enough to let her go—to let her have the life she deserves. The one that was stolen from her. Nothing else matters except her happiness, and I know what makes her most happy is being with her family and dancing. It isn’t here with me. The thought only sharpens the ache that has taken up a permanent residence inside my chest. Shaking my head, I decide that drowning my sorrows in a bottle of Jack is a hell of a lot better than wallowing in them. My feet sink into the cool sand as I make my way back up to the house. Climbing up the few steps to my patio I come to an abrupt halt, my chest seizing at the sight of her standing next to my pool. Arms wrapped around her middle, the hem of her soft yellow dress whispers across her thighs as the slight breeze catches her long wavy hair, brushing it across her tear-stained cheeks. If not for the misery on her pretty face, I’d think I was fucking hallucinating, but in my fantasies she would never look as sad as she does right now. It takes every ounce of control I have not to take her in my arms and kiss the hell out of her right now. “How did you get here?”

Smooth start, asshole. “Taxi,” she responds quietly. “I was going to call, but I didn’t think you would answer.” I remain quiet because she’s right, I probably wouldn’t have. “Why did you just leave me like that?” The tremble in her voice tugs at my heart, and I fight like hell against the pull. The one that’s been there since she came into my life—one that will never go away. “I wanted to give you time with your family.” “So you were going to come back for me?” Silence descends again because we both know the answer to that, and I can’t bring myself to say it. “Did you really think I was just going to get on a plane tomorrow and pretend the past couple of months never happened?” “You should,” I tell her, the words feeling bitter on my tongue. “That’s really what you want?” “This isn’t about what I fucking want,” I snap. “This is about you, Sophie. It’s about taking your life back and living out all of the dreams you had before that sick fuck took them from you.” “Well, dreams change,” she cries out. “What about us? What about all the time we’ve spent together? I’m in love with you, Kolan.” Her words hit me like a ton of bricks, a forceful blow to the chest. I shake my head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” “The hell I don’t. Don’t tell me what I feel. Don’t treat me like I’m some stupid girl who can’t make her own decisions.” “Then don’t make stupid decisions!” “Why is it stupid?” she asks. “Huh? Why is it so hard for you to believe I love you?” Because no one else ever has. My jaw snaps shut, teeth grinding as I bite back that reply. “So this is it?” she asks, tears beginning to stream down her beautiful face. “You’re going to throw it all away, just like that?” My hands fist at my sides, throat on fucking fire as I refrain from dropping down in front of her and begging her to stay. Jesus, I don’t know if I can do this. Even if it’s the right thing.

She shakes her head bitterly. “Well, you can think I’m stupid all you want, but at least I’m not a coward.” Her words hang in the tense air between us before she turns around and moves for my back door. Panic grips my chest and sends me into motion. My bare feet eat up the concrete as I catch up to her. I slam my hand on the sliding glass door before she can open it and crowd her against it, feeling her back tremble with her stifled sobs. “Please don’t cry, Soph,” I plead, my throat feeling raw. “I’m trying to do the right thing here.” “All you’re doing is breaking my heart.” I bury my face in her hair, her agony igniting a fire in my chest. “I’m so fucking sorry. I don’t want this. I’m just trying to give you back everything you lost. I know how much you’ve missed your family.” Wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand, she turns around in my caged arms and peers up at me, her sad eyes knocking the wind straight out of my lungs. “Of course I have but this isn’t the same as last time. I can talk to them every day. They can come here, and I can visit them. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, Kolan. I can have you both.” “And what about dancing, huh? What about everything you were working toward? I’m not letting you give that up for me.” “I don’t have to. I can dance anywhere.” “It won’t be the same and you know it.” “Sure it will but even if it wasn’t, even if I had to choose, I’d choose you. I would always choose you, Kolan, because I love you more than dancing.” I shake my head in disbelief, feeling completely undeserving of her. “Do you feel anything for me?” she asks, her voice wavering. “Have the past couple of months meant anything to you?” “Jesus, of course they have. I fucking love you, Soph. It’s not about that. It never was.” Her hands fist my shirt, eyes pleading. “Then don’t send me away. Don’t throw us away.” I drop my forehead on hers, my breathing harsh from the emotions threatening to suffocate me. “Be sure, Sophie. Because if you stay, then you better know now I’m never letting you go.” She gives me a watery smile. “Promise?”

Instead of responding with useless words, I cup her neck and bring her in mouth to mouth, sealing both of our fates. I inhale her cry of longing, tasting the saltiness of her tears, and swallow every bit of pain I’ve caused her. “I love you so much,” she whimpers, locking her arms around my neck. “I love you too, baby. So fucking much.” My hands slip under her dress, a strained groan ripping from my chest when I feel the scrap of silk between her round bare globes. “Goddamn, I need you.” “Then take me.” With a growl, I cup her bare ass and hoist her up, her long legs hugging my waist. I reach for the door and am about to charge into my house like the fucking Flash when she stops me. “No. Here.” “What?” I ask like an idiot. I’m so fucking blind with need that I can’t think straight. “Here. Make love to me out here.” Groaning, I carry her over to the double chaise lounge and gently lay her down, never losing contact with her mouth as I position myself between her sweet thighs. I rip the top of her dress down, tearing the strap from her shoulder. “Oh, this is my sister’s,” she worries, her voice breathless. “I’ll buy her a new one,” I promise. “And I’ll buy you one too because it looks really fucking good on you.” Her laughter trails off into a harsh gasp when I take a pink nipple in my mouth, my tongue rolling and teeth grazing the tight bead. “Yes!” She knocks my hat off my head, her fingers gripping my hair as she arches into my mouth. Her hips lift, the heat of her pussy burning me through my jeans. “Damn, Soph, you’re on fucking fire, baby.” She reaches for my shirt, tugging it up my back. “Take this off, I need to feel your skin.” I lift only enough to let her pull my shirt over my head before I take my place again, another groan vibrating from my chest at the feel of her soft curves. Her nails bite into my back, the sting of pain shooting straight to my dick.

My mouth fuses with hers as I reach between us to fumble with my belt, the need to be inside of her overriding everything else. As much as I want to take my time and worship every part of her body, I need her too fucking bad right now. “Kolan?” she whispers against my lips. “Yeah, baby.” “Can I be on top?” My efforts cease as I pull back to look down at her. The only time I’ve ever had a girl over top of me is tied up, her hands bound above her head and linked to the chain hanging from a ceiling. Sensing my hesitation, she gives me a small smile, but there’s no denying the flash of disappointment in her eyes. “Never mind. It’s okay. Come here.” She curls a hand around my neck to bring me back to her lips, but I switch our positions instead. With an arm under her, I roll to my back, bringing her over to straddle me. Her eyes widen with surprise, and I wait for panic to set in. It hovers, threatening to claim me, but it doesn’t break through…not yet. Maybe because she looks fucking perfect above me right now. Or maybe it’s because I’d give this girl anything she asked for if I knew it would make her happy. “Are you sure?” she asks quietly. “Yeah, baby, I’m always sure when it comes to you.” She reaches down, her hand grazing my jaw. “You control it all. I just want to feel you this way.” Reaching under the dress bunched at her waist, I rip the thin silk from her hips. Her blissful moan fills the air as she lifts herself up enough for me to free my hard cock and center myself. Slowly, I lower her down on me, the heat of her hot pussy yanking a hiss from my mouth. My teeth grind as I resist the urge to drive up inside of her. “Oh god, I love the way you fill me,” she moans, head falling back as she takes me all the way to the hilt. “Me too, you feel so fucking good, baby. Always so good.” I barely hold onto my restraint. My fingers dig into her hips as I give her time to adjust, when all I want to do is roll her over and fuck the breath out of her.

Bracing her hands on my stomach, she begins rocking back and forth, her movements slow and unsure. My grip on her hips helps guide her, while she finds her rhythm. “There you go, baby,” I praise, allowing her to set the pace. Her expression is soft and eyes hooded, the pool lights dance across her soft skin, casting a glow over every inch of her perfect body, making her look like the fucking angel she is. My angel. “Lift your dress, Soph. Show me what you look like riding my cock.” A fiery whimper parts her lips as she gathers the bunched material in her hands and lifts it. I watch as my cock disappears with each smooth glide, her pussy sucking me into its hot depths. Glancing up, I discover her gaze transfixed between us. “We look good, don’t we, baby?” “Yes,” she breathes, her teeth sinking into her plump lip. Unable to resist, I reach up, tugging at the soft flesh. Her lips part and her tongue darts out to wrap around my thumb, sucking it like she would my dick. It fucking unravels me. With a growl, I pump up into her, fucking her hard and fast. Her scream of pleasure pierces the air, nails raking along my abs as she fights to hold on. “Oh, god, Kolan. Don’t stop,” she begs, her pussy clenching around me, begging to keep me inside. “You’re close, baby. I can feel it. Give it to me, Sophie.” Slipping a hand between us, I find her swollen clit, my knuckle barely grazing her sensitive flesh before it sends her over the edge. She tosses her head back on a heated cry, ecstasy washing over her face as her pussy locks down on me. Fire pools low in my stomach seconds before I self-destruct with her, filling her with everything I have. She drops down on top of me, her skin damp. I hold her close, absorbing the way her heart thrums strong and steady against mine when only days ago I thought it would never beat again. My lungs lock up at the memory. She lifts her face from my chest, her eyes searching mine. “You okay?”

Reaching up, I brush a stray hair aside, cupping her cheek. “Yeah, Soph. Are you?” “I am now that I’m with you.” I reverse our position, flipping her to her back. The quick action draws a squeal of laughter from her. “Good. Get used to it, baby, because you’re stuck with me now.” She graces me with a smile. “There’s no other place I’d rather be.” Dropping a swift kiss to her lips, I reach under the edge of the lounger and pull the drawer open, grabbing a few fresh towels. I finish removing her dress and use one towel to clean her then drape the other over her hips before folding her in my arms. She curls into me, her bare leg fitting between my jean-clad ones, making me wish I took them off. “I have no idea how I’m going to explain my sister’s dress to her,” she says with a shy smile. “I’ll bet she forgets all about it when you tell her you aren’t going back home tomorrow.” I meant it to be a joke, but there’s no denying the truth of my words. “They already know,” she tells me, her fingers touch my lips. “I spent the entire afternoon catching up with them, and I told them everything before I left tonight, including that I wanted to stay.” “I’ll bet they were real happy about it.” She shrugs. “They understood. However, they did say that if everything worked out tonight, like I hoped it would, then they’d cancel their flights and stay longer to spend time with me. They want to get to know you. They already like you,” she adds with a smile. “Especially my dad.” I grunt. “I’m sure he’ll change his mind once he actually gets to know me.” “Not possible. They’ll love you even more.” It shouldn’t bother me one way or the other. Usually I don’t care what anyone thinks of me, but I do care about them because I know they mean a lot to her. “You saved my life, Kolan,” she says softly. “You were there for me when no one else was. You’ve taken care of me and been my friend when I needed one most. That alone makes them love you forever, but I know it will become so much more when they get to know the honorable man I fell in love with.”

My hand moves to her neck, fingers tracing the rough skin. “I’ll always take care of you.” “I know, and I’ll take care of you.” She follows up the promise with a kiss to one of the scars that mark my chest before propping her chin on her fist to look at me. “Do you have any idea how it feels to lay out here with you like this and know no one is watching. To not have to look over my shoulder anymore or be scared of being seen.” Her eyes begin to water but there’s no denying the peace I see reflecting back at me. “It’s the most freeing feeling in the whole world.” “You are free, Soph, and you always will be. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.” “And you’ll continue to teach me how to kick ass, right?” she adds with a smile. “Damn straight.” With a giggle, she rests her cheek back on my chest and stares out at the pool. A comfortable silence descends on us as she traces my tattoos. Minutes later, I feel her breathing begin to even out. “You want to move inside to bed?” I ask, my lips brushing her hair. “Can we stay out here tonight?” “Yeah, whatever you want, baby.” She snuggles in closer. “Good, because I want to sleep out here in your arms, under the stars, then wake up in the same place and watch the sunrise. Then do it all over again…night after night.” It sounds like the perfect fucking plan to me.


Sophie Five months later

White twinkling lights glitter throughout Cade and Faith’s backyard while music fills the night air, carrying with it a soft melody. Yet the noise and constant buzzing of people does nothing to disrupt the sleeping bundle in my arms. Katelyn and Nick’s new baby boy, my nephew, Hunter. At only two months old, he is the smallest human I’ve ever seen and absolutely precious. Katelyn wanted another round on the dance floor with her new husband, so of course I jumped at the chance for more baby snuggles. I’ve been blessed with a lot of them today, between this little guy and Ryder and Emily’s new baby, Colton. With him only being a month older than Hunter, I know these two will grow up to be best buds. I already danced most of the night away with all the girls and their little ones. Then there’s my main dancing partner…Benny. With a smile, I glance at the dance floor and find him locked in a slow dance with Julia. He’s been filling in for all the guys tonight since they aren’t much for dancing, unless it’s their little girls dragging them out there, because how could they say no to them? Benny says something to Julia that has her belting out a laugh, and I can’t help but smile with her. I can only imagine what he just said. That boy is a charmer through and through. Katelyn flops down in the chair next to me, a radiant smile on her glowing face. “It sure is going to take a while before I’m back in shape.” She chuckles, out of breath, and leans over to drop a soft kiss on Hunter’s head. “Don’t be ridiculous. You look incredible.” You would never be able to tell she just had a baby, well, aside from her chest being fuller. The rose gold boho wedding gown she’s wearing is soft

and elegant, made up of loose fitting chiffon and lace, the color enriching her smooth golden skin. A deep V runs between her breasts while the back is completely open. Her thick brown hair cascades down her back in loose waves. Pearls are draped around her head, a lace flower attached to the beads that matches her dress. She’s the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen. It’s obvious her husband agrees, considering he hasn’t been able to keep his hands off her all night. I remember when she first fell in love with this dress, until she saw the price of it then balked. She refused to spend that kind of money. But then Kolan found out because I have a big mouth and he made sure she had it. Only the best for my sister, he had said. “Well, thank you for saying so. You look beautiful, too. All of my bridesmaids do.” I smile back at her, feeling blessed that I got to be included in this special day. She has come to mean a lot to me, everyone here has. I was nervous about not wearing a scarf with my dress. Not that everyone hasn’t seen my scars yet, because they have. But I worried about Katelyn looking back on pictures of her day with me standing next to her, my mangled skin on full display. She was adamant that nothing would make her more proud than to have me stand next to her—scars and all. I feel ridiculous about it now. Everyone has been kind about them, just like Kolan said. When they look at me, it isn’t all they see and it’s starting to be that way for me, too. “Hey, Sophie, check these moves out,” Benny shouts over the music, cutting into my thoughts. My attention moves to the dance floor and I find all the girls circled around him, Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean” booming from the speakers. Kayla, Julia, Faith, and Grace cheer him on as he shows off his stellar dance moves, one in particular I taught him. With his collar turned up and sunglasses on, he looks every bit of the cool kid he is. I give him a thumbs-up before looking back at Katelyn. Both of us burst into a fit of laughter, and I instantly feel guilty when I wake Hunter. “Oh shoot, I’m so sorry, little guy.” “It’s okay. Here.” Katelyn takes him, cradling his small body into her arms then lifts her chin, motioning behind me. “You have quite the admirer.”

Twisting my head, I find Kolan watching me where he stands over at the bar with all the other guys; his intense dark eyes making my heart skip a beat. A reaction I should be used to by now. “Maybe there will be another wedding in the near future,” Katelyn muses, nudging my shoulder. My gaze snaps back to hers, and I shake my head. “Oh, I don’t think so. Not yet anyway.” But I can’t deny the hope that sparks inside of me at the thought. I’d give anything to be his wife. I glance back at him, my breath catching when he begins making his way over, his purposeful strides closing the distance between us. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Katelyn murmurs, but not low enough. “Sure about what?” Kolan asks, stopping in front of me. “Oh nothing,” I rush to say. “Nothing at all. We were just talking about…today.” I’m such a terrible liar. He gives me that sexy smirk of his, making my tummy flip flop. It’s clear he knows I’m full of it, but thankfully doesn’t call me out. “You ready to go?” “Sure. If you are.” He nods. “It’s time to take Rico Sauvé home before he gets even more out of hand.” Both Katelyn and I giggle. “Oh come on, he’s harmless. He’s keeping the party alive, if you ask me.” “Definitely,” Katelyn says, backing me up. Kolan grunts his disagreement and leans down to kiss his sister’s cheek. “Bye, Kate. I’ll see you soon.” She curls an arm around his neck, hugging him close. “I love you. Thank you for walking me down the aisle and making this one of the best days of my life.” “Anything for you. You know that.” My heart warms at their bond. Today was a hard day for him whether he wants to admit it or not. Other than me, she is all Kolan has, and as happy as he is for his sister, I know he feels like he lost a part of her. But that’s far

from the truth. Katelyn will always need him. I think it’s one of the reasons she gave in and accepted the dress from him. He needed to do it for her and she recognized that. Kolan leans down and says bye to Hunter next, or whom he calls mini RoboCop since he looks so much like Nick. He’s getting more comfortable with the little guy. He’s still too nervous to walk around with him but he will sit and hold him as long as Kate and I are around. He’s afraid of doing something wrong or accidentally hurting him. I try telling him that could never happen. His strong hands are the kindest I’ve ever known. I say my good-bye after he does and thank her again for letting me be a part of her day then we make our rounds to everyone else before collecting Benny. He’s very disappointed to be leaving. However, it doesn’t last long, because as soon as we climb into the SUV he passes out well before we even hit town. Kolan ends up having to carry him up to his apartment and the sight of it does all sorts of things to my insides. I love both those boys something fierce. As I wait for him to return, I check my phone and find a text message from Tess. I giggle when a picture pops up of her lying on the ground in her pajamas, open textbooks scattered all over the floor. Her brown messy hair is a hot mess on top of her head and she’s got a distressed look on her face. The text reads: Pull me out of my misery. Shaking my head, I send her a message back, telling her to hang in there and that I can’t wait to see her next week when Kolan and I come for our visit. The thought brings on a rush of excitement, not only at getting to see my family but to show Kolan where I grew up. My dad even got tickets to a basketball game for them. Male bonding, he had said. Even though he would never admit it, both Tess and I know he would have loved a son for that reason. It warms my heart that he has Kolan now to do that with. When Kolan climbs back into the SUV, my thoughts take a turn, my body humming to life at the way his large body fills the space. “Stop looking at me like that, Soph,” he growls. I turn in my seat, my back resting against the door as I prop a heeled foot up on his lap, making sure my dress rides up nice and high. “I can’t help myself. You look so good in that suit, Slade.”

His jaw ticks, hand snaking up my leg as high as he can reach, grabbing my upper thigh. “Well, rein it in, baby, because I have one stop to make before we head home.” “Where?” I ask, feeling a frown pulling at my face. He flashes me that sexy grin of his. “You’ll see.” My interest piques. Hmmm, what does he have up his sleeve now? When we make a left hand turn and head in the opposite direction from the house, Kolan slows the vehicle. “Close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you to.” I do as he says, a smile forming on my lips. “What are you up to?” “Just sit tight, baby, and you’ll find out soon.” As time ticks by, I only become more intrigued and impatient. Thankfully, it’s not long before we come to a stop. “Can I open them now?” “No, not yet.” I hear him exit the vehicle then feel my door open a few moments later. When his hands span my waist to help me down, I wrap my arms around his neck and find his lips with mine, the need to kiss him overriding my excitement. A blissful sigh escapes me, peace invading my soul like always. I pull back, making sure to keep my eyes closed. “What was that for?” he asks, voice husky. “Because I love you, and I always want to kiss you.” Silence fills the air, his warm breath whispering across my lips. I wait for him to speak but he doesn’t. Instead, he sweeps up my dangling legs and cradles me in his arms. “Keep your eyes closed,” he murmurs. I follow the order, hearing the truck door slam and horn beep with the alarm as he locks it up. He takes a few steps before I hear him fiddle with a locked door. The sound of metal hits the ground. “Shit!” I let out a squawk and cling to his neck as he bends down to reach for what I’m assuming are his keys. “Are you sure you don’t want me to walk?” I ask. “I can still keep my eyes closed and you can lead me.” “No, I got you.” He always does.

Eventually, he manages to unlock the door and walks us in, the sound of his dress shoes clicking on the floor. “I’m putting you on your feet now,” he whispers in my ear, sending a shiver to skitter down my spine. “But keep your eyes closed.” “I’m dying here, Kolan.” He chuckles quietly against my neck, right before his lips leave a soft kiss. “Just a few more seconds. I promise.” I hear him walk away then the sound of a light switch being flicked on, the darkness behind my eyes becoming just a little brighter. “Okay, you can look now.” Opening my eyes, the first thing I notice is the soft mood lighting. Then, it’s the pink rose petals that are scattered all over the wooden floor. And then the floor to ceiling mirrors and dance bar that wraps around the studio. I look at Kolan, my smile so big my cheeks ache, even though I still have no idea what’s happening. “What is this place?” “It’s yours.” My smile slips, heart pounding double-time in my chest and echoing in my ears. “Huh?” I say, thinking I misheard him. Now it’s his turn to smile. “It’s yours, Soph. I bought it for you.” I begin to wonder if I fell asleep in the truck and I’m dreaming. “But…for what? Why?” I ask numbly, my mind having a hard time comprehending what’s happening. He shrugs. “Whatever you want to use it for. If you want it all to yourself for your own personal dance space then do that. If you want to open it to the public and instruct then go for it. It’s yours to do whatever you want with.” I stare at him, rendered speechless. My eyes begin to blur as I look around the studio again, paying more attention. “Kolan…” I shake my head, warm tears beginning to trickle down my cheeks. “I can’t accept this.” “The hell you can’t.” He walks up to me, taking my wet face between his hands. “I don’t want you to give up your dreams for me, Soph.” “I haven’t…” I begin to argue but he doesn’t let me finish. “Yes, you have and we both know it. You could have gone and done something out of this world with your talent, but you stayed here…with me.” “That’s not settling. All I care about is being with you. I can dance anywhere.” I’ve been looking into studios over the last few months but

haven’t found anything that was a good fit for me yet. “Now you can do it here,” he says. “I want to do this for you, Soph. Take it, otherwise I’m stuck with a fucking dance studio and we both know I won’t get any use out of it.” I release a constricted breath that tumbles into a sob, my heart exploding with emotion. “I can never repay you for this.” “I don’t want you to. Seeing you smile and dance is all the payment I need.” Leaning down, he presses his warm lips to mine. “Say you’ll accept it.” “I will,” I whisper, my breath hitching. “I’ll cherish it for the rest of my life.” He gives me a smile of triumph. “Good.” Stepping back, he begins showing me all the ins and outs of the space, but I stay where I am, rooted to my spot. “These are for your lights and speakers,” he explains, showing me all the different switches, but my focus remains only on him. Finally clueing in to the heavy silence, he looks back at me. “You’re not listening to anything I’m saying right now, are you?” Smiling, my heels click on the floor as I approach him. Grabbing the lapels of his suit jacket, I pull him to the center of the dance floor. “Give me your phone.” “What?” “Your phone, Slade, hand it over,” I order, putting out my hand. Quirking a brow at me, he reaches in his pocket and drops it in my palm. I open his music app and do a quick search before downloading the song I’m looking for. When Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” pours from the small device, I keep hold of it and wrap my arms around his neck, my heels blessing me with a little more height to match him. “Dance with me, Kolan. It soothes the soul.” His warm chocolate brown eyes never leave mine as he locks his arms around my waist and pulls me in flush against him. His erection nudges my stomach, fingers brushing the curve of my bottom. I patiently wait for him to lead, knowing it’s important to him. He does so, his steps less stiff than they used to be as he sets our pace. “You’re getting good at this, Slade. You better be careful or I may recruit you to help me instruct,” I tease.

His grunt has me chuckling. “Is that what you’re going to do with this place? Teach?” “Yeah. I think I will,” I say with a smile. “It’s always been a dream of mine.” “Well, I know everyone is hoping you will offer lessons for their kids. They want to be your first students.” Surprise surges through me. “The whole group knows about this place?” “Yeah, thanks to Kate and her big mouth.” I quickly recall her comment to me earlier tonight and shake my head. I should have known something was up. “I would love to have youth programs. Maybe I can even offer classes for underprivileged kids like you guys have at the gym.” He nods and is about to say something but I talk over him. “Oh, and maybe I could reach out to those guys you sent to nationals. I’ll bet they would want to be involved with it.” He nods again. “And maybe we can…” My words trail off when I realize I’m rambling. “Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself,” I apologize sheepishly. He graces me with a sexy smirk. “Don’t be sorry, Soph. This is why I bought it for you. So you can live your passion every day.” Warmth invades my soul with how much this man loves me. I didn’t even know it was possible for someone to love me as much as he does. “Loving you is my passion,” I tell him. “You will always be my first choice.” He stares down at me, his expression somber. “Marry me.” Our dance comes to a stop as I still in his arms, my heart stalling in my chest. “What?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. “Marry me,” he says again, strong and sure. I gape at him, my breath lodged in my throat along with my words. Doubt flickers in his eyes as he mistakes my silence for something else. “Why are you thinking so hard about this?” A laugh bursts out of me but it cracks as emotion takes hold of me again. “I’m not thinking about it. I just…” I shake my head. “Is this real life?” “It’s as real as it’s ever going to get. I don’t have a ring because I’ve spent the last few months looking for one but none of them were good

enough for you. I’ll take you to choose your own.” “I don’t need one.” “Yes, you do. Everyone needs to look down at your hand and know you belong to me.” I continue to stare at him, unable to find words sufficient enough for what I’m feeling right now. He lifts me up, my feet dangling off the ground as he brings me eye level. “Tell me what I want to hear, Sophie.” I smile, his bossiness making me love him that much more. “I will marry you, Kolan, on one condition.” He quirks an amused brow. “What’s that?” “That you dance with me—every day—for the rest of my life.” I watch his eyes narrow as he thinks about it. “Can it be horizontal dancing, without clothes on?” Another laugh tumbles out of me before settling into the happiest smile I’ve ever had. “Yes, it can.” I’m graced with another sexy smirk. “Then it’s a deal, baby.” His mouth descends upon mine; sealing his words with a kiss that steals my breath and makes all my dreams come true. Soon we’re shredding our clothes and making love in a place that used to be my sanctuary…until he came along. Now that place is in his arms and his heart…forever. THE END Well, the end of book three, Kolan and Sophie’s story, but not the end of this series. There’s much more to come. Make sure to check out my website www.authorkclynn.com for what’s coming next.

Acknowledgements I’m blessed to have so many amazing people who love and support me in this beautiful journey I’m on. Most of them have been with me from the very beginning. They’ve had my back, believed in me, and wouldn’t let me give up when times were daunting. To everyone who has been a part of this amazing journey with me— family, my beautiful editor, betas, friends, my author groups, bloggers, and readers around the world. You know who you are. Thank you. I love and cherish every single one of you. I need to send out an extra shout-out though to my betas for this book. You all know the struggles I had with this story, but you believed in me and helped me through it when I wasn’t sure I could. Keshia, Kimmie, Sian, Alycia, Kayla, Natasha, Auntie Cindy, Amy, Kelsey, Andrea, and last but not least, Mom. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me pull through this, your support means everything to me.

About the Author

K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She grew up in a family of four children—two sisters and a brother. Her mother was the lady who baked homemade goods for everyone on the street and her father was a respected man who worked in the RCMP. He’s since retired and now works for the criminal justice system. This being one of the things that inspires K.C. to write romantic suspense about the trials and triumphs of our heroes. K.C. married her high school sweetheart and they started a big family of their own—two adorable girls and a set of handsome twin boys. They still reside in the same small town but K.C.’s heart has always longed for the south, where everyone says ‘y’all’ and eats biscuits and gravy for breakfast. It was her love for romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. It was then a beautiful world opened up and she found what she was meant to do…write. When K.C.’s not spending time with her beautiful family she can be found in her writing cave, living in the fabulous minds of her characters and their stories. Continue reading for a sneak peek of The Officer’s Promise (Brothers in Blue #1) by author K. Langston, featuring the Cunningham brothers as

mentioned in An Act of Obsession.

“What’ll it be today, boys?” Devina asked, leaning across the counter with a sweet smile. “Hey, sis. The usual,” Felix replied. My partner, Felix, and I came to the West Side Deli for lunch almost every day. His sister, Devina, and her husband, Romeo—yes, that was his real name—owned the place. It was one of the most popular delis in New York, even being featured on one of those food network shows. And for good damn reason. They were the best. “You got it. Go ahead and grab your drinks and I’ll bring it over when it’s ready,” she said, handing us each a large paper cup. I made my drink and found a seat at one of the booths, propping one arm up across the back. Waiting. The bell rang and my eyes automatically shifted to the door. Second week in a row. The first time I laid eyes on her, I’d wanted to approach her. She was not only beautiful, but there was also something about her that tugged at my gut. I couldn’t explain it. A familiarity of sorts. But I hadn’t been able to place it. Or see her eyes. And the large diamond ring on her left hand had kept me at a distance. She was perfect. Petite, with blonde hair and a killer pair of legs. I’d thought of at least a dozen ways I wanted to worship each one over the last week, as well as the rest of her. But what I was really dying to see were her eyes. Each time she came in, she’d kept them shielded with an oversized pair of sunglasses. I shifted in my seat, the hard-on between my legs letting me know he was just as intrigued as the organ beating with vigor in my chest.

She’s married, dickhead, stop dreaming. Felix slid into the booth across from me, drink in hand, tossing the balled up paper from the straw at my forehead. I picked it up as it landed in front of me, rolling it around between my fingers. “What the hell, man?” “She’s married, dude, stop staring.” “It’s not a crime to look.” He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “Why bother looking at the menu when you can’t even have a taste?” Thanks for reminding me, asshole. Felix and I graduated from the academy together and had been partners for nearly four years now. If I were to call anyone my best friend, it would be Stoddard. He was nothing if not straightforward and blunt. I appreciated it. Most of the time. “Holly still wants to fix you up with her friend, Adrianna. Just say the word, bro, and it’s a done deal.” “Nah…I’m good.” “Why the fuck not? She’s hot, single, and has ass for days.” I raised a brow, curious why he’s checking out another woman’s ass when he has a beautiful wife at home who caters to his every need. “What? It’s not a crime to look, right?” He smirked, tossing my own words back at me. “And if it doesn’t work out? Holly will be all up in my shit. No, thanks. I love your wife. She feeds me home-cooked meals. I’d like to keep it that way.” “Well, eventually, you need to find a woman of your own to cook for you. Then you can quit trying to steal mine.” “It wouldn’t be hard, asshole. She likes me better anyway,” I joked. He threw up his middle finger just as Devina placed our tray on the table between us. “I added extra mayo for you, Ry,” she said with a wink before walking away. Picking up my sandwich, my eyes once again drifted to the mysterious blonde. She was only a few feet away, standing off in a corner waiting for her order, but it was as if I was attuned to her every move. The way her

arms were folded across her chest, the defensive stance, it screamed do not approach. She was doing her best to appear invisible. But she was all I could see. The tiny white ticket slipped from her fingers, and as she bent down to retrieve it, that’s when I saw what she’d been hiding. The designer shades slid down her small nose, revealing the fading bruise around her right eye. I dropped my sandwich, shoving from the plastic seat, my pulse thrumming with suspicion. “Excuse me, ma’am. Are you all right?” My hand had a mind of its own, reaching out for her elbow, but she flinched away from my touch before I could make contact. The rejection was a blow to my chest. I held both hands up, letting her know I meant no harm. “I’m fine,” she said, standing up straighter, ensuring her sunglasses were still in place. Fuck, why did she look so familiar? I extended my hand, unable to deny my need to touch her. “My name is Ryker. Yours?” Her mouth parted on a gasp, and standing this close, I could make out the faint shape of her big round eyes underneath her glasses and knew they were a breathtaking color of blue. No fucking way. “Oh my God, Ryker Cunningham?” My hand fell to my side as confusion swept through, along with a landslide of other emotions. “MaryAnn Glover. Do you remember me?” Remember? How the hell could I ever forget? She was the first girl I ever kissed. The first girl I ever loved. It killed me when she had to move away after her parents died in 9/11. They both worked in the Twin Towers, and her only living relative was her grandmother who lived in Oklahoma. After she left, I never heard from her again. Memories began assaulting my mind one after the other, reminding me of the pain, the heartbreak that came from losing her. Something I thought

I’d gotten over a long time ago. But I realized now I’d been fooling myself. There was no getting over her. My chest constricted with pain and a deep sense of longing, as I leaned down to pull her in for a hug. She wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, squeezing me tight. I never wanted to let go. I wanted to hold her hostage, demand answers. Why didn’t she keep her promise? Why did she return all of my letters, unopened? Why wouldn’t she talk to me? But none of those answers mattered. The only question I was worried about finding the answer to was how she got that black eye. “I guess I should’ve known you’d become a cop. That’s all you talked about when we were kids,” she said in her small sweet voice with the slightest hint of a southern accent she must have picked up while living in Oklahoma. “And I suppose it’s a good excuse to eat doughnuts every day.” I held her gaze. “I don’t eat doughnuts anymore.” She shifted on her feet, my comment making her uncomfortable, but it was the truth. They didn’t taste the same without her. Nothing was the same after she left. Nothing ever looked the same. Hell, the sun didn’t even shine the same. “Ryker, I’m so sorry. I never meant to—” “How’d you get the black eye?” I asked, interrupting her. That was my main concern. The rest could wait. She lifted her hand to ensure her glasses were still in place. “Oh, um, I accidentally ran into a door. I’m such a klutz.” She laughed but it was broken, and I could tell right away she was lying. Not only that, but I’d been on more than my fair share of domestic calls, and I’d heard that line before. Anger swelled in my veins. “So, who’s the lucky guy?” I asked, nodding to her wedding ring. The damn thing kept taunting me. It was big, gaudy. Unlike anything my MaryAnn would wear. She’s not yours anymore, asshole. “Ticket 183!”

“Well, that’s me. I have to go. Good to see you again, Ryker. Please tell Reese I said hello,” she said before rushing off, as if she couldn’t get away fast enough. Every bone in my body screamed to chase after her, but my legs wouldn’t move. My mouth wouldn’t work. A war raged inside of me. So, I stood there, and watched helplessly as she walked out the goddamn door. And out of my life. Again.

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