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Copyright © 2021 by Lucy Darling All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” — Audrey Hepburn


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Epilogue Home For The Holidays Chapter 1 Also by Lucy Darling CONNECT WITH ME!


Carey has been my obsession for far longer than I care to admit. As my little sister’s best friend, she’s always been o limits. I didn’t want to stay away from her, but my time as a Navy SEAL guaranteed that I would be busy around the world while she got the chance to grow up. That was until my world exploded around me. I got hurt. My team su ered. I su ered. And I came home. To her. The one person I knew could heal me. She’s grown into an amazing woman—a nurse who cares more for others than herself. But that warm heart has attracted the wrong kind of attention. A stalker. Carey is now in danger, and I’m just the man to protect her. No one takes what’s mine, and she’s been mine all along.



see the hit coming, but I don’t block it. His fist connects with the side of my head, making my ears ring and causing black spots to dance in my eyes. For a moment I’m sucked back to a di erent time. One that included sand and chaos. A period in my life that I’ll likely never forget. My ears continue to ring as if an IED has gone o near me. I take a deep breath, reminding myself that I’m not back there. “Meyers. You motherfucker.” I pivot back before he can land a blow to my kidneys. He swings again, letting his anger at me get the best of him. This time he puts too much weight behind the punch. I shift again, dodging him, but not before I take his legs out from under him easily. He hits the mat hard, shaking the ground below us. I’m sure the impact has knocked the air out of his lungs. I stand over him and o er my hand. He glares up at me but takes my hand, knowing I could have done worse. We were only supposed to be sparring. But he wasn't supposed to hold back with his swings. I’m trained for hand-to-hand combat. Hawk on the other hand was always the eyes in the sky, and his fucking mouth was

always running in my ear. We made a good team and I trust him with my life. That said, his husband Crew is a teddy bear until provoked about his husband. Then he turns into a fucking freight train. The two of them were always a joy on missions. I make it a point to never land a blow to Hawk’s face, not wanting to deal with Crew’s wrath. I know if I leave a mark on Hawk's pretty face, I’ll never hear the end of it. “The fuck is wrong with you lately?” he says as he gets to his feet. “I thought you were okay with your sister getting married.” I release his hand before walking over and grabbing my towel to wipe o the blood before it drips into my eye. “I am.” I wasn't at first. Logan Duncan is richer than God, and I wasn’t sure what his intentions were with Angel. His family is a bunch of selfish, entitled assholes. But Logan is di erent. For once the apple didn't fall close to the tree. He’s proven himself and his love for my sister, so I backed o . Even if I still think he’s too old for her. He treats her right and always puts her first. That’s all that matters to me. “Well, your sister is going to kick my ass when she sees your face.” I toss the towel into the trash can. The gym is empty, having closed at seven. It is a Saturday night. Most people are out on the town, but that’s never been my style. “And why would she care?” I’m going to have to get used to Angel living back home. She’s been in California for years. She went to college there and took a job right out of school. “Wedding pictures, dumbass.” I wince. Right, I hadn't thought about that. “You want to tell me why you let me cold cock you?” He pulls the wraps o his hands. I should have blocked him. He wouldn't have swung as hard as he had if he didn't think I was going to. Even knowing the power behind his punch, I chose to let him land it.

“I’m heading out.” I walk over, grabbing my gym bag o the floor, avoiding his question. Hell, not wanting to have to admit the answer to myself. Who am I kidding? I know I’m punishing myself. Lusting after things I shouldn't be. I’m a hypocrite. I’m giving my soon-to-be brother-in-law shit for the age gap between him and my sister while I lust after her best friend Carey. My thoughts are consumed by her. “You want to come over for dinner?” Hawk asks. We were always the closest out of everyone on our team. But I know his invitation is not only for a meal. He wants to needle me and get Crew to help him. I bet they’ll try to take advantage of me. This isn’t my first rodeo with these boys. They’ll try to get me drunk until I’m willing to spill my guts. “Nah, I’m good.” I can tell he wants to say something else, but I move fast to get out of there before he can. It’s not like it was years ago where I could tell him to keep his mouth shut and he had to listen. “Don’t slip,” I hear him mutter as the door closes behind me. Slip? I am already slipping; it’s too late. The question now is am I going to catch myself before I bust my ass? I toss my bag into my truck and climb in to head home. I debate going to my parents’ and pretending I’m there for dinner, but it wouldn't matter. She’s not going to be there. She won’t be home next door where she lives either. She’ll be getting home late, I’m sure. She’s with my sister throwing together this freaking wedding that’s happening in record time. I don’t know if I should be annoyed or impressed by my soon-to-be brother-in-law. He hasn’t wasted any time or spared any expense to make my sister his wife as soon as possible. I hit the button for my gate, and once it opens, I pull around the bend to the lot I bought years ago with all the money I’d stashed away when I was in the service. A giant section of warehouses sits on it. They are all empty as of a

month ago when I let the leases run out on them. I pass them, pulling all the way down to mine. Its outward appearance may look like a warehouse, but it’s not. It’s my home. The outside is built to withstand the rough waters and storms of the oceanfront, but inside is a modern but rustic home. I tend to keep my place locked up for the most part. The idea of the style of home was actually sparked by my sister, who went to school for design. She doodled it up one night years ago when she was home from college break. She had been home for the summer. Both she and Carey had come home that year to spend their time o together. I don’t bother pulling into the bottom garage. No storms are rolling in anytime soon. I hop out, grabbing my bag and heading inside to take a shower. I grab a beer, chugging half of it back and wondering what I’m going to do for the rest of the night. I could work, but it might feel good to go over and do some demo on one of the warehouses. One of my crews will be starting next week. Maybe I can work out some more of this frustration without bruising my face this time. I drop my head, letting the hot water rinse all of the sweat and blood away. My mind drifts to Carey. It’s never far from her. I close my eyes, wrapping my hand around my cock that’s hard from only the thought of her name. Flashes of her play in my mind of the first time I laid eyes on her years ago. I’d been home on leave. She was the girl who moved in next door to my parents and my baby sister's new best friend. They’d been juniors in high school at that point, and she’d been way too fucking young then. Didn’t stop me or my dick from noticing her. Since then she’s been fucking with my head. I don’t know if I love her or hate her. If anything, she’s taught me it’s a fine line. More images of her run through my mind. Ones I shouldn't even have because I shouldn't have allowed my

thoughts to drift there to begin with. The reality and stolen glances mix with the things I’ve dreamt up, causing me to stroke myself faster. So many times I've thought about sneaking into her bedroom. About how easy it would be if I really wanted to. My mouth on her. Her mouth on me. The moans she’d make as she came with my name pouring from her lips. That’s all it takes, and I’m coming. It never really takes much anymore. The hunger inside of me is starting to spill out. I open my eyes, watching my release wash down the drain. My cock is still half hard. It only hardens again when I think about where it should have spilled to begin with. Inside her. Always her. Only her.



id your boobs grow?” Angel asks me, staring down at my cleavage. I’d taken my coat o and laid it over the back of the chair. “I got these with my freshman fifteen.” She snorts a laugh. It might be funny, but it is also true. I’ve embraced the weight I put on in college. I’ve always been on the small side. I think thick is in now. And I’m into carbs, so it’s working out great. “I hear pregnancy can give you boobs too.” I give her a pointed look. She stops laughing suddenly. Her eyes drop down to the pink colored drink in front of her. “It’s too soon to be pregnant.” She picks up her drink, taking a sip. I eye her. It is too soon, but I don’t think it’s going to be long. “Don’t give me the safe sex talk.” “I’m a nurse, it's a habit.” I fight a smile. I don’t think Angel is opposed to the idea of having a baby with her soonto-be husband. “You’re a nurse at an elementary school.” This is true. When I started college I’d been so unsure of what I wanted to do. I loved kids, but I’d always loved science too. I didn’t think I could work in pediatrics. Being a nurse at an elementary school really gave me the best of both worlds. I

love that I can get to know the children and their families. It’s even better that I get to do it in my hometown. It’s nice to be back. I’d done an accelerated program getting my nursing degree in three years instead of four. I wanted to come home. At least I think of Rocky Hill as my home. My dads moved us here when I was in middle school. I think we all needed a change of scenery after we lost one of my aunts. It worked. We all healed, and a big reason I healed was because of the Meyers. I don’t know how we got so lucky to have a family like them living next door, but it was a saving grace for me. I never imagined my new home would come with an insta-best friend. But Angel had been exactly that. We hit it o from day one. And then there was her older brother Beau. I swear that man was all I ever thought of once I hit high school. Even though I won’t admit it out loud, the same still holds true to this very day. “And you’re not unemployed.” She shrugs, not caring. “I would have loved to see Logan give it to that boss of yours. That man acts worse than the little boys in my school. Being mean to the girl he’s crushing on.” I roll my eyes. Angel put up with her dick boss because the job could open doors for her. Only to find out he was a dick because he wanted her. I swear I never saw that coming. What is wrong with men? My mind drifts to Beau. The same way it always seems to. I only let it stay there for a moment before I toss it right back out. I’ve closed that door, locked it, and thrown away the damn key. Well, I closed it right after Beau slammed one in my face. I’d popped up over to Angel’s parents’ house when she got home for the holidays. Beau had the audacity to act as though he hadn’t known I was back in town. I’m not sure what his reasoning was behind that. But I know damn well that he’s seen me over the last year! I live

next door to his parents. He’s over there all the damn time! I know because I’m clearly a low-key stalker. There is no way that man didn’t know I was back in town. I knew Beau could be closed o from the rest of the world and be grumpy, but I didn’t take him for a liar. Or maybe he’s not lying, and he hadn’t realized I was back. I’m not sure which one of those scenarios is worse. “I should have quit that stupid job months ago and come back home,” I agree. “Nah. That job got you here.” A smile lights up her whole face. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. California was not a good place for her. She belongs here too. I’m a little jealous of how easily she found a love like the one she and Logan share. I want that one day. I thought long ago I knew who I was going to end up with. It was a silly girl crush that I needed to get over. It was so cliché. Falling for your best friend’s older brother. I really need to get a life. Even if I am a touch jealous of Angel’s relationship, I am still crazy happy for her. Plus, there’s the fact that Logan brought my best friend back, and she’s here to stay. It had me all but jumping in to help plan this wedding at the last second. If it keeps Angel here and that smile on her face that’s been missing for a while, then I’m game. I’ll turn myself inside out to get the wedding done the way she wants. “Now it’s your turn.” She does a small dance in her chair as music comes on over the speakers. We’re at Skylark’s. It’s new in town. A restaurant that changes over into a bar around nine. There was no big plan for a bachelorette party. This is kind of it. Angel wanted something low-key, and I knew there was no way in hell that Logan would go for anything more. I glance around to see if Peter is here yet. He is what sparked this whole idea. Well, after we’d downloaded this dating app thing and got scared. People are very bold in their

profiles. I was starting to think I was really behind in this dating thing. Spending all your college years in love with a man who barely knew you existed while shoving yourself into your studies so you could get back home will do that to you, I guess. “Show me a picture of him again,” Angel asks. I snag my phone o the table to pull up my Instagram. The server comes by and gets us another round and clears out the appetizers we’ve been snacking on. Peter is a fourth-grade teacher at my school. He’s super nice and has asked me out a few times. He’s good-looking too. He’s this adorable mix of an all-American boy with a touch of dorkiness to him with his glasses. We get along well. We’re both into the same movies and jokes. We have a ton in common, and I should be really into him, but I’m not. Well, not in the way I’m looking for. There’s no spark between us, and while he has the whole boy next door look going on, he is not manly enough for me. He’s also not my boy next door. And that’s probably the root of the problem. Now Beau is all man. There I go again thinking about him. I’m starting to wonder if that’s my problem. I have to stop comparing everyone who asks me out to Beau. This is also why I agreed to this as well. Peter sent me a text while we were cringing over the dating app. A few pushes later and oddly some encouragement from Angel’s fiancé and I’d agreed to give Peter a chance. Even though deep down inside I know my heart belongs to someone else, I need to start moving forward with my life. Angel looks down at my phone and then back over my shoulder. Her nose scrunches as she does this a few more times. “I guess he cleans up well.” “What?” I take the phone back from her, not understanding what she means.

“He’s coming in hot,” she mumbles under her breath. “From Clark Kent to Superman.” I turn my head, following her line of sight. I have to do a double take as Peter moves closer to the table. Well, damn.



pull my shirt on, my hair still damp from my shower. I pause when I think I hear a creak. Slowly I grab the gun on the top shelf in my closet before I make my way toward the sound. “Don’t kill me. Hate for one of my men to have to kill you after,” Logan says as he pockets his cell phone. He’s sitting at the table in my kitchen. His legs are stretched out, making himself right at home. I let out a breath, lowering my gun. “How the fuck did you get in here?” I open a kitchen drawer, dropping the gun inside after putting the safety back on. “I only hire the best.” He smirks. I know he has a team of security. “Fucking rich people think they can do whatever the fuck they want.” “Rich.” His hand reaches up to grab his chest, pretending I hurt his feelings. “I’m wealthy. Now you, on the other hand, are skirting rich. I give you another year or two and you’ll have the title for sure. You and your dad have made impressive progress. Do you favor commercial or residential contracting?”

“I prefer when assholes don’t almost land my ass in jail for murder.” I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water. I hold one up, o ering it to him. Logan shakes his head no. “My Angel is gonna be pissed about your face. I think it might make you look better.” “I’m starting to understand why you and your brother hate each other,” I lie. I’d question the fuck out of Logan if he was chummy with his piece of crap brother. I’d gotten into a few fights with the little shit when I was younger. From the way Logan speaks of him, it doesn't sound as though he’s changed over the years. “You know I was pissed you got this lot. It was never on the market. I didn't hear about the sale until after,” Logan says, ignoring my jab about his brother. He never does talk much about his family. But he’s assimilated into ours pretty well. And as much I hate to admit it, he’s growing on me. “Austin was a former Navy SEAL. I made an o er, and he took it.” I’d met the old man when I was on leave one week at the VA. I made him an o er when he told me about selling the warehouses. He should have said no. I o ered him every penny I had to my name at the time, knowing it was nowhere close to what he could really get but hoping he'd at least consider it. To my surprise, he accepted my o er without a blink of an eye. “So I heard.” I have no doubt Logan heard about it. It was years ago. Logan is known for importing and exporting. This would have been a prime spot for him. Not that I give a shit. The warehouses that had been in business here didn't need to be on the oceanfront. They’d been built long ago. They could move, but you can't get land like this anymore. “Where is my sister?” I change the subject. Logan keeps trying to sway it in the direction of doing business together

when we’re together. I think he’s been on Dad too. He wants to work together. I’m not sure if it’s because he sees it as a good business venture or if he’s trying to fit in and make my sister happy. I’m sure we could all make a killing together. Logan can buy a lot of things. What he can’t buy is a decent family. I feel horrible thinking that, but it’s the damn truth. “I don’t think that’s what you’re really asking me.” I down the bottle of water, tossing it away before I head over to grab my boots to pull them on. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, but I got shit to do.” Irritation starts to gnaw at me. “Why the hell are you here again?” “Your sister is at her bachelorette party with Carey.” My head jerks up, leveling him with a stare. Still he only sits there looking a little too fucking calm for the jealous bastard I know him to be. He’s protective of Angel. “Like a sleepover?” Logan throws his head back and laughs harder than I’ve ever seen him laugh before. I come to my feet knowing the comment was stupid. “How old do you think they are?” I run my hand down my face. I know how old they are. Trust me. I fucking know. I’m moving before I know what I’m doing. Carey doesn't go out to bars. I didn’t think my sister did either, but she’d been all the way out in California. I couldn’t drive to check on her. Carey wasn’t as far, and I’m not too proud to admit that I may have driven by her college dorm a time or two. Or maybe I’d done it so many times that I lost count. One or the other. I don't know their every move, but this is a bachelorette party. Who the fuck knows what they are doing? My mind starts going crazy with all kinds of ideas.

“Are they dressed up? What bar? What the hell is wrong with you?” I fire o questions one after another. I have no doubt he knows where they are. I also know he has someone watching them. That should make me relax, but it doesn’t. The thought of Carey out there and other men lusting over her stokes the jealousy that’s inside of me. “You always get this worked up when your sister goes out? No wonder you wanted to kill me that first day.” “They are watching Carey too.” It’s not a question but doesn’t stop Logan from firing one of his own back at me. “Watching her what?” I swear if I knew my sister wouldn’t murder me, I’d knock the grin o this asshole’s face. Logan knew exactly what he was doing when he came here tonight. He planned on provoking me by slipping in that the girls are out doing who knows what. He wants me to get worked up so that I’ll insist we go down there, and he won’t get the blame for ruining their night. I’m on to him, but I’m also going to do exactly that. “She’s an adult. Carey can do what she wants. My men can’t stop her.” “But you’d stop Angel.” I can’t keep the anger out of my voice. I don’t wait for his answer. Fucker knows he would. Then again, she’s his. She wouldn't let another man touch her. The thought of some asshole hitting on Carey has my steps quickening. I head into the bedroom to quickly change my clothes. It doesn’t take me long before I’m ready to head out. When I enter the kitchen, Logan is still sitting at the table like he’s got all the time in the world. “Going somewhere?” I swear this asshole is pushing it. I may not be able to ruin his pretty face before the wedding, but giving him a broken rib or two is still on the table. I grab my keys and take a deep breath to calm myself down.

“You coming or not, asshole?” That’s all I give him before I’m out the door and heading for my truck. Carey is mine.



ou know she talks about you all the time,” Peter tells Angel, winning her over on the spot. “Glad you’re back.” “Why aren't you two dating?” Angel

responds. I shake my head, taking another sip of my drink. Peter bumps his shoulder with mine. Even as hot as he looks tonight, that spark still isn’t there. I’m not sure if I wish it was or not. I need to move on, but I’m not sure I’m ready. I’ve spent my whole life with the idea of Beau being my forever. I’m having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that I need to let that go. Angel’s eyes bounce between the two of us, and I know she’s reading my mood. “Carey never dates. I heard even Coach Riggs got shot down.” Peter is right about that. “No, no, no. I think everyone at the school has slept with him. I wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole.” I don’t get the appeal. He’s not only a manwhore, he’s also kind of dumb. “Even a few of the students' moms.” “Megan. Yeah, he got her too.”

“No!” I gasp. Not Miss Perfect PTA Mom. She’s married! Peter has all the juicy gossip. “Riggs is not tight-lipped when it comes to his bed partners. He’s gunning for you.” Gross. “Thanks for the heads up.” “That’s what friends are for.” Friends. Now that I could definitely do with Peter. I wish there were more between us, but you can’t force these things. You can want a person so much so that it aches to think of a life without them. Yet that doesn’t mean they would reciprocate those feelings. A lesson I myself had to learn recently when it came to Beau. “How about you be Carey’s plus one to my wedding?” Oh crap. She must have read me wrong or she’s up to something. I make eyes at Angel, but she keeps going. “It’s not a date. A plus one.” Peter glances over at me, waiting for me to respond. He’s such a gentleman. He’s not going to force it. “Okay.” The fact that he’s not pushing for it has me agreeing. He could have jumped right in and snagged an invite, but he didn't. It doesn't hurt that he called me a friend too. “You ladies want to dance?” Peter asks, taking a pull from his beer as Lady Gaga fills the air. The place is starting to fill up. “Practice for the wedding.” He makes a good point. “Yes.” I hop down from my seat, not caring we’ll be the first on the dance floor. The couple of drinks I’ve had are already brushing away any shyness I might have. I’m not big on being the center of attention. Usually knowing everyone will be watching us would keep me seated, but it’s my best friend's bachelorette party. We’re not only celebrating that but the fact that she’s back in Rocky Hill. So I push aside all of my reservations and head to the dance floor.

“Bathroom and then I’ll join you.” Angel winks at me, darting o . “She’s a brat,” I tell Peter as we start to dance. He gives me a spin before we start to really move together. One dance bleeds into another, and more people join us on the dance floor. Angel makes her way back and joins in. “We’ve been busted!” Angel suddenly shouts. “Busted for what?” I laugh. My eyes drift over to the back corner where I know one of Logan’s men has planted himself. If there was a problem, he would have stepped in. “Oh, right.” She gets a goofy grin on her face, and I know she’s feeling the buzz of the drinks we had. “Are you talking about the pissed-o guy?” Peter asks over the music. “I’m getting married!” Angel shouts. Everyone around us cheers on the dance floor. I follow Peter’s line of sight to in fact see Logan, but my eyes don’t stay on him. They go to Beau and remain there as my mind tries to process what he’s doing here. Peter is right; he does indeed look pissed. I sway on my feet. Peter wraps an arm around me, thinking I’m going to fall. I’m not. I might have had a few too many drinks, but I also get this light-headed rush of emotions when I see Beau. There is a cut over his eye, making him look more menacing than normal. The straight hard line of his jaw is set. Does the man ever smile? “Hands o , asshole,” he barks. My head jerks around to check on Angel to see who’s touching her. But there is no one near her. She’s standing alone and seems to be daydreaming with little hearts dancing over her head as she stares at her soon-to-be husband. Gah, she’s so in love. I want that. “Excuse me.” Peter pushes me behind him. “You do not want to do that.” Beau’s voice rumbles across the dance floor. I poke my head out from behind Peter. The

music cuts o . “What’s happening?” Angel tries to get between Peter and her brother, but Logan pulls her into him. He drops a kiss onto her, ignoring the fight that is about to break out. “Move.” Beau takes another step closer to Peter. I’m not sure what to do, but I know I definitely don’t want to be in between the two of them. Beau has more than a couple inches on Peter. That’s saying a lot because if I had to guess Peter is about six feet tall. Not only that, Angel hadn’t been joking about the Superman thing. I can see how built he is with the clothing he has on tonight. I’d never noticed it before. The clothes he wears to school do the man no justice, but maybe he does it to be less intimidating to the kids. He’s not built as big as Beau, but he might get a hit in. A vein in Beau’s neck throbs, and I change my mind. He’ll knock Peter right out. “You need to calm the fuck down.” Peter doesn't back down. It makes me like him more. Beau could flatten him, but he’s not going to let some random man come at me. I mean, Beau’s not some stranger, but Peter doesn’t know that. “Peter, it’s fine.” I pull on his sleeve. “He’s Angel’s brother.” “Beau?” He glances down at me. How does he know his name? “You’ve mentioned him.” I wish a big hole would open up and swallow me. Beau’s eyebrows raise at Peter’s revelation. Yet he keeps that pissed-o look going strong. “When we were talking about the wedding.” Oh thank God. Beau’s eyebrows drop as though he’s disappointed in a sense. I’m not sure what the heck is going on with him tonight. “Well, she’s leaving.” Beau reaches out and snags me by the wrist to start to pull me. I motion to Peter that it's fine.

“I’ll get the bill,” Peter says from behind us. Beau stops walking, and I run right into his giant solid frame. He slowly turns around, causing the front of his body to press into mine as he pulls out his wallet. My mind blanks when I feel something hard pressing into my stomach. He’s turned on. A flash of heat hits me as Beau pulls money out, dropping it down onto a table. “Stay away from her.” He doesn’t wait for a response before turning around again. He continues to hold on to my wrist as he pulls me out of the bar into the cold air. His truck is parked right out front. It doesn’t even look as if it’s in an actual spot. As though he were in a hurry to get inside. He opens the passenger side door for me. I debate if I should get in. That ends quickly when he lifts me by my hips and places me inside. He even goes as far as putting my seatbelt on before slamming his truck door so hard the whole thing shakes. It only takes him a second to hop in and take o , leaving everyone behind. “Are you taking me home?” “No. Your dads are gone for the night.” My mouth falls open in shock. For someone who tends to ignore me, he sure as heck seems to know a lot. What the hell is happening here and why is it turning me on?



here is it that we are going?” It’s on the tip of my tongue to say home. But I don’t answer her. I don’t want to scare her o . The smell of wild strawberries fills the inside of the cab of the truck. It doesn't do anything to help get my cock to go down. That wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Especially not with her this close. But I had no other choice. There was no way in hell I was going to stand by while she was out fishing for a man. I’m right damn here if she needs one. “Who was he? You’re not seeing him again.” What the fuck is wrong with me? I know I’m being a pushy asshole, but I can’t seem to stop myself, and she doesn’t seem to be too upset by the way I’m acting. Any control I once had has splintered into a thousand pieces. There is no getting it back, and I know that. This has been a long time coming. She is mine. “Who?” She lifts her chin in clear defiance. There’s my little spitfire. I was waiting. The image of pulling over the truck and pulling her into my lap to spank her ass floods my mind. It’s a fantasy she can only pull from me. Hell, she is the only one who can pull any from me, but sometimes the ones I have about her knock me on my ass.

“You know who,” I grit out. I wanted to lay that fucker out. I was impressed he was willing to go toe to toe with me thinking I was some abusive ex or some shit. He gets a point for that. He could be a good man for all I know. The kind Carey should end up with. One that doesn't have a head full of trauma. But I can’t let her go. After feeling her against me inside the bar I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to breathe again without her close to me. “We work together. He’s a good guy.” She comes to his defense. My hands tighten on the steering wheel. I can’t get her to quit her job, but I could have another visit with him. I relax a little, already making a future plan on how to handle this. “He might be a good guy, but he’s not for you.” “You know you’re not my brother. Or my father. Or even my friend.” She cocks her head to the side to look over at me. Her words cut me deep, but I deserve that shit. I’ve gone out of my way to avoid her as much as possible. “Yeah, I fucking know.” I more than know that shit. She ruined me a long time ago. She drove me crazy. Consumed so many of my thoughts. Her face was the last thing I saw when I thought death came for me surrounded by sand and hell. She was all I could see standing there in front of me. I’d clung to her. When they pulled me out of hell, I knew it was her that kept me alive. I also knew I was in fucking love with her. But I am a broken man. Too many demons come for me at night. She doesn't need that shit, but still I keep driving toward my place. “Beau.” Her hand comes down on my arm. Her voice is filled with sweetness. I bet her mouth is even sweeter. “Yeah, dream girl?” Her touch drops too many of my walls. Has me voicing words I’ve never said aloud before. Her fingers press more into me. “Carey.”

“Dream girl?” “Sorry. It slipped.” Her hand falls from my arm. I wish I could see her face better. She is often easy to read, and her emotions show all over her face just like Angel’s. “A slip? Who do you call that then?” If I’m not mistaken, I believe I heard a little bit of what sounded like jealousy. She lets out a small laugh that I think is forced to try to cover it up. “You’ll stay with me tonight.” I ignore her question, not wanting to lie to her. The one I said to her last week still burns inside of me. Me pretending I didn’t know she was back home. I knew the second she stepped back into Rocky Hill. I know so much about her it would probably scare the shit out of her and send her running. “But…” She trails o as we pull up to the gate and it swings open. “You live in a warehouse?” she asks as I pass a handful of them. This time I do pull into the garage. She doesn't wait for me. She undoes her seat belt and slips out of my truck. I open the door for her to go into the mudroom that sits at the bottom of the stairs. Something inside of me settles as the door falls closed behind her. Knowing that she’s here in my space where she belongs puts me at ease. I lean past her and flip the lock. She tilts her head back to look up at me. “You built it. The design your sister drew.” I nod. It was a design that Carey came up with and my sister put to life with her hands. Then I took it further. I hung on every word Carey said as she explained the idea. “Why?” “I liked the idea.” I did, but it was something so much more than that. I think on some level I was building toward a future with her. One I didn't think I could ever have. Her plump lips part. Her eyes dilate. I know she’s not scared of me. She’s turned on. I step into her, pushing her back into the door, needing to feel her against me.

“Beau?” Her hands come to my chest. Her tongue juts out, wetting her bottom lip. That’s the final straw that breaks all of my self-control. “You drive me crazy,” I say before I take her mouth. My hands go to her ass to lift her o her feet. She gasps for me, and I take it all. I’ve waited years for a taste of her, and I’m not going to waste another second.



eau is kissing me. And this time it’s not in my dreams. His body is pressing me against the wall, and his mouth is devouring me. What the hell is going on? I should push him away. He’s been a jerk. I didn't even recognize the man when he kidnapped me from the bar tonight. But of course I don’t push him away. I’ve wanted this for so long my body won’t let me. I cling to him tighter and start to kiss him back with the same need. As hard as every other part of Beau feels, his lips are soft. I tangle my tongue with his, following his lead. A deep groan rumbles from him. He pulls his mouth from mine and starts to kiss my neck. It feels so damn good I swear I could orgasm from this alone. “I don’t like you,” I blurt out, but a moan follows right after it. I may have said those words, but it doesn’t stop me from taking everything he’s willing to give me in this moment. “You shouldn't,” he agrees. My body jerks when he nips at me. “I should leave.” My fingers dig more into him, willing myself to shut the hell up. His teeth sink into me again. It doesn't hurt. The sensation shoots straight to my clit, and I

grind against him, trying to ease the throb he’s creating. The one that always arises when he’s near me. If I thought being alone with him in the truck was overwhelming, then this is all consuming. My mind screams for me to run. For me to protect my heart before I slip back down a mountain I’d already started to climb to free myself of Beau. Why has he started acting crazy all of a sudden? And how in the hell is he claiming that I’m the one driving him crazy? I was simply minding my own business for once when it came to him. I was prepared to go into his home and call for a ride. He went and knocked me on my ass when I saw this place. I thought I was dreaming. I still can’t believe he built it. My heart pounds, trying to catch up with everything that is happening. “You don’t sound or feel like you want to leave.” “A girl has needs, and it’s been awhile.” One of his hands releases my ass. I let out a scream when it’s back a moment later with a loud smack. “Beau!” “I don’t want to hear shit like that.” “Jealous?” He lifts his head. I suck in a deep breath when I see his expression. It’s a mixture of anger and something else I can’t quite place. But there is something else there. Is it hurt? I lift my hand, touching the cut over his eye. He leans into my touch. “Yes,” he answers. He closes his eyes as I inspect the wound. “It’s been more than a while, Beau. My whole life really. How about you? Does your dream girl know you’re kissing some girl you took home from a bar?” His eyes spring open. “I don’t take girls home from bars.”

I lean in close, my lips brushing him. I don’t know what makes me so bold. I’m lacking in experience. I all but told him that a few moments ago, but I’m not sure he’s understanding. “Don’t kiss me if you have any other girl. I’m not that kind of girl.” “Never had a girl to call my own.” “Okay.” I nod. “Beau.” “Yeah?” “You can kiss me again, but I still don’t like you.” For the first time in a long time he smirks, making my heart flutter. “How much did you drink?” I shrug. His fingers dig into my ass as he carries me up the stairs. He doesn't stop until we are in his kitchen. He sits me down on the counter before releasing me from his hold. I instantly feel cold upon his absence, wanting him back. I glance around, taking more of his place in. My lips still tingle from his kiss. As do other parts of me. I don’t have any freaking clue what’s happening. I’m still on a little high from him saying he is jealous over me. What I can’t figure out is what has changed. “Do you like it?” Beau asks as he hands me a bottle of water. “It’s amazing. You must have listened to every word I said.” I take the opened bottle of water from his hand. “I always do.” Next he hands me two pills. “Take them. I don’t want you waking up with a headache.” “How are you so bossy and sweet at the same time?” I hu but do as he tells me. “You bring it out of me.” I swallow the pills down. “Starting to think I bring a lot of things out of you, Beau.” “Are you hungry?” I shake my head no. He’s good at side stepping some of my questions. “Drink more of the water and we’ll go to bed.”

I chug more of it back before I hand him the bottle. “How did you know my dads were gone?” Why is that what I’m asking out of all things? “Talked to them this morning when they were headed out. I was having breakfast at Mom’s.” I had seen his truck parked next door. Every time I glance toward the Meyers, my eyes always seem to go to where Beau parks his truck when he is over there. “Do you have something I can wear?” “You look too sexy.” He closes some of the space between us. I don’t know what to do with that. He thinks I’m sexy. That’s something. But too sexy? “I don’t like others seeing you like this.” I hold my breath as he trails one of his rough fingers down the v of my top. “What’s happening?” “You’re a smart girl, Carey. You know. But not tonight.” He scoops me up, carrying me like a doll. He hits a few lights along the way until we’re in what I’m guessing is his bedroom. He puts me back on my feet. “Bathroom.” He points to a door. He reaches over his head, pulling o the plain white tee he has on. “You can sleep in this.” I take it from his hand. My eyes travel down his broad chest. Every muscle is on full display. He might not be in the Navy anymore but he still looks like he is. Small scars mark up his olive-colored skin. I know it was from the shrapnel. I want to touch them all. Kiss them. I’ll never forget the day the Meyers got the call that Beau was in a coma. “Go change,” he orders. His voice is gru . I jump to, running to the bathroom and stripping o my clothes. When I come back out, he’s sitting on the side of his massive bed in sweatpants now. He’s put on another shirt, hiding his scars from me. “Am I sleeping in your bed?” His eyes travel up my bare legs. His shirt falls almost to my knees. I smell like him.

“Yeah.” He pulls the covers back on the other side of the bed. I scurry over, quickly slipping into the bed. He flips the lights o , filling the room with darkness. A moment later he’s pulling me into his arms, wrapping himself around me like I’m his favorite pillow. He buries his face in my hair. I relax into him, not caring about the million questions flooding my mind. I’ve wanted to be here for so long I’m going to enjoy it for tonight. I can allow myself this. I shift, making myself comfortable and snuggling deeper into him. “Stop wiggling. I’m fighting myself already.” I freeze. His hard cock is pressed right into my ass. “Maybe…” “Don’t. I’m begging you. You’ve been drinking. I only have so much self-control when it comes to you.” I don’t think Beau has ever had to beg for anything in his whole life, but here he is begging me. I shouldn't want it but I’m taking it. I let my eyes fall closed, not sure I want tomorrow to come. Between the dancing, drinks and running around all day, sleep pulls me under. There is no fighting it. I’m not sure there is any fighting Beau either. The last thing I hear before I drift o are his words. “Night, dream girl.”



y eyes fly open, realizing I dozed o for a moment. The sun peeking through my closed shutters lets me know that I haven't only fallen asleep for a little while. In fact, I feel more rested than I have in years. If Carey’s warm body wasn't pressed into mine, I would have thought I dreamed last night. Her breaths come slowly and steady. My hand is resting on her stomach under the shirt I’d given her to wear. My cock jerks to attention, enjoying the feel of her soft skin against my hand. I want more, but I don’t want this moment to end. I know if I move I’ll wake her, and I’m not sure what that will bring. I’m not ready to lose the feeling of her in my arms pressed against me. She sleeps with so much trust in my arms. A trust I haven’t earned. Thank fuck I didn't have a nightmare. It would have scared the hell out of her if she woke to me screaming out her name. The nightmare of her in hell with me is never far when sleep does find me. All this time I’ve been so scared to flood her with my demons, and all along she might have been the cure. Knowing I’m in for a fight to keep her, I slowly ease her out of my arms so I can get out of the bed. The first order of

business is breakfast. Isn't that what men do the morning after? I shake the stupid thought because it doesn't matter what others do. I know what I’m going to do; that need to take care of her has been with me from the moment she walked into my life. Now I get to have a more hands-on approach with it. I head into the bathroom and clean myself up quickly. I stare down at my hard cock thinking I should take care of it. It won’t really matter because it will be back the second I see her again. I leave it be, trying to not think about the way her panties felt as I’d slipped my hand out from under the shirt. There is no way I’m getting o without getting her there first. A case of blue balls can be my punishment. I fold the clothes that she left on the bathroom floor then set them on the counter. I stare at her phone. I can see on the screen she has missed texts from my sister. I take it into the bedroom quickly. I lift her hand and put her thumb on the sensor to open it for me. I know it’s wrong on some level, but I quickly share her location with me before putting it on the nightstand next to her. It’s a bastard thing to do, but I can’t find the will to care. It’s one of the many reasons I know I’m not good enough for her. I pull everything out that I need to make my mom’s French toast and bacon. Carey loves it. My phone alerts me that someone just came through the gate. Only a handful of people have the code to get in. Lucky me; it’s the last one I wanted at the moment. Mom. It’s common for her to stop in early. I’m always up by this time. Normally I’d already have a workout in and be dressed for the day. Today all I want to do is keep Carey locked in the house. I power o the alarm. A few moments later my mom is walking in. “You’re making a real breakfast?” she asks as she comes over to me for a hug.

“Yeah, I’ve got someone here,” I tell her. I’m not hiding shit anymore. My mom’s eyebrows raise up almost to her hairline. The look of shock wears o quickly before her eyebrows furrow and one of anger replaces it. “Tell me you’re joking, Beau.” Her hands go to her hips, making her look serious as heck. It’s not often I get to see my mom worked up about something. “You know I’m a grown man.” I hit the co ee pot to start it. Mom reaches over, pulling the plug out to stop it. “Yes, I know you’re a grown man and not some stupid boy who is going to ruin something big over a stranger.” “Stranger.” A bark of unexpected laughter leaves me. I never thought I’d hear my mom call what I’m guessing she thinks is a one-night stand a “stranger.” She smacks my arm. “You’re so much like your father and he’d never...” She trails o and shakes her head. I am a lot like my dad. For the first time since I’ve been a man I see disappointment on my mom’s face. It’s a look I hope to never see again. “Never what? I’m lost here, Mom.” I rub my arm where she hit me, pretending it hurts. She rolls her eyes at me. “Oh, that hurts but your face doesn't? Your sister is going to be pissed. Looks like you’ll be wearing makeup for the wedding.” “I’ll wear a dress if it makes her happy.” What do I give a shit? Let a motherfucker say something to me. Then the only thing busted won’t be my face. “See, that’s my Beau. There’s that charm you used to kill us all with.” I turn away from her, plugging the co ee maker back in, needing it more than ever now. Charm isn't the only thing I’ve lost. War does that to you. Takes pieces of you and leaves you trying to put them back together. Yet once it’s over and you’re home they never seem to truly fit as they once did.

Her hand comes down on my back. “If Carey finds out that you…” I spin around. “That I what?” “Cheated.” “Cheated?” I have to admit that I love the fact that my mom is always looking out for my girl. “I mean, you’re in love with her. How would you ever explain loving her but sleeping with another woman?” I stare down at my mom. I thought I’d gotten better at hiding my emotions. That's almost laughable after last night. I’d snapped. I might have thought I was losing my mind more than a few times before, but snapping isn't something I’ve ever done. That’s a big reason I tried to avoid Carey as much as possible. I knew I was holding on by a thread, and the slightest thing may shred it. “I haven't been with another woman in years, Mom,” I flat-out tell her, not wanting her to ever be disappointed in me. In fact, it’s been since before I enlisted. This woman would do anything for her family, and I owe her the respect of such. Plus my dad might bust my other eye right after the wedding pictures are snapped. My dad is a calm man till it comes to the women in his life, and I’m pretty sure Carey has been swept into that. “Oh.” She scrunches her nose, looking so much like my sister. Her eyes go toward the hallway. When the hell would I have hooked up with someone? I’d been in the Navy when Carey came into our lives. Then I’d been in a fucking coma fighting my own demons and trying to get myself together while working my ass o with Dad. I didn't think I was good enough, but I still worked toward the possibility that maybe I could have her. It was a stupid thought. The first second I thought someone might be

trying to move in on her I lost it. All of my control had splintered in the blink of an eye. “Carey’s here.” She lets out a loud squeal. “Mom, she’s sleeping.” Mom puts her hand over her mouth, but I can tell that she’s still smiling. “Yo!” I drop my head back, looking up at the ceiling at the sound of Hawk’s voice. I’m going to need to set some damn boundaries with everyone if Carey is going to be staying here. “I don’t need a well check.” I bite my tongue right before I call him an asshole. “Hawk.” Mom goes over, giving him a hug and ignoring my frustration. “Crew texted me last night that you two will be making it to the wedding.” “Wouldn't miss it.” When my mom turns back around, he gives me a look that lets me know he's got something he needs to tell me. “What is it? Spit it out and then you’ve got to go.” “Don’t be rude.” Mom glares at me. “Fine. I won’t tell you that I saw a girl slipping out the window of your bedroom.” He smirks at his revelation, thinking I’m trying to hide it from my mom. I don’t respond because I’m too busy bolting back to my bedroom. Where I find my bed empty. “She ran,” Mom giggles from behind me. She did. “I was starting to think you played for my team,” Hawk chimes in, trying to bust my balls. No more damage could be done to them at this point. I don’t respond to either of them, going to my closet and getting dressed. If my dream girl wants to run then I’ll chase. She has no idea who she’s up against. I didn't become a squad leader of a Navy SEAL Special Operations Unit for no reason. She can run all she wants, but I'll catch her every time.



sit in the back of the Lyft wanting to get home already. My mind is still trying to play catch up about what was real and what wasn’t last night. I didn't drink that much, did I? Everything I remembered had to have happened. I don’t drink often; it isn't my scene. In college I was in an accelerated program, and there wasn’t a lot of time to have any sort of social life. I had to climb a freaking gate to get out of Beau’s place. I’m still shocked I woke up in his bed. I have to admit it was one of the best nights of sleep I ever had. So many times I dreamt of lying in his arms. Last night felt surreal. But all of that went out the window when I heard feminine laughter coming from somewhere inside his house. With him out of the bed, my instincts kicked in, and I all but bolted out of there. My phone vibrates in my hand. I turn it over, thinking it might be Beau. I already had a few texts from Angel that I saw earlier but didn't have time to check yet. Julia’s name comes across my screen. Julia: Meet me at New Beginnings? Me: Yes, be there in ten.

I text her back instantly. Julia is not good at asking for help. If she is reaching out, then it must be bad. How can this keep getting worse? We were finally able to get her a restraining order last week. But what good did that really do? She can’t throw it at him. The order may have kicked him out of their home, but that didn’t mean he’d abide by it. I’ve been begging her to come stay at the shelter. There are always guards and people on duty to watch over everyone. She would be safe there, and I would have some peace knowing she was okay. “Change of plans,” I tell the driver, giving him the address to New Beginnings. Shit. I was supposed to help out at the shelter in a couple hours. My plan was to go home to shower and change. My outfit is not fit for working at the shelter, but I’m sure I have a pair of scrubs or something that I can change into when I get there. The car barely comes to a stop and I’m getting out. I tip the driver and leave a review before ending the ride on my app. I push into the shelter, giving a few hellos as I go. “Julia here?” I ask Nora, who is sitting behind the front desk. James the security guard gives me a chin nod looking upset about something. “No, but you should go talk to Heather. She’s in her o ce.” “Okay, but let me know when Julia gets here.” “Got it,” she says. “You look good.” She shoots me a wink. “Thanks.” I head into the back area, quickly changing out of my clothes. I find a pair of sneakers to wear, thank God. I stop short when I get to Heather’s o ce and two police o cers step out. Their presence usually doesn’t come with good news. Worry starts to settle in my stomach that something bad has happened.

“Carey Beckett?” one of them says, surprising me that they know my name. I don’t have my badge on. It’s at home. I volunteer here a lot as a nurse so most people know me, but I’ve never seen these cops before. “That’s me,” I answer. Heather pops up behind them. She’s in her normal jeans and shirt. Her hair is pulled into a simple ponytail and her face is clean of makeup. You would never know the woman is loaded. That the only reason this place is still standing here is because of her and her giant heart. She gives her all to these women. Not only financially but emotionally also. “Things have escalated with him.” She doesn't have to say who he is for me to know who she is talking about. My blood chills more than it already has. “Julia is on her way here,” I inform her. “I guess he had a busy night.” She lets out a long sigh. “Tell me.” I want to know. “James caught Brock lingering outside this morning.” So much for the restraining order. The shelter is one of the places along with his home he isn't allowed. “He exploded about you. Said you were the reason that she was doing all of this to him. That you were a bad influence.” “That’s nothing new.” I roll my eyes. I shouldn't. I know he’s not all talk. I’ve seen the bruises on Julia. Treated them myself. “He made threats. Claimed to know where you lived. Talked about your dads too.” “He might be blu ng.” Both the cops shake their heads. My heart starts to pound. “Carey.” I let out a small scream, jumping. “Sorry.” Nora holds up her hands. “There is a man here asking about you.”

“Carey!” Beau’s voice booms as he rounds the corner. James is hot on his heels. “Right here.” I call out. He slows his speed. James tries to grab his arm, and the two cops place their hands on their gun holsters. “Stop, I know him!” I shout. “I heard you scream,” he grits out. James puts his hand on Beau’s shoulder. In one quick move, Beau has him pinned to the floor. “I’m fine. Let James go.” I step more in front of the cops, trying to block them. Beau pulls him back to his feet in a graceful move. The cops relax a little when Beau releases James fully. Never for a second did Beau look scared. “Someone tried to break into your place,” Beau informs me. “Tried to get in the back door but couldn't get past the bolts I installed last summer.” “Okay. So I guess Brock does know who I am and where I live.” “Who the fuck is Brock? And why would he be trying to break into your place?” Beau asks. I swear there’s an edge to his voice that I’ve never heard before. He makes his way toward me. “Maybe you should tell us who you are first,” one of the cops says. “I’m her man.” What? Did he just say he’s my man? When did that happen? “Also a retired Navy SEAL. Beau Meyers.” “I’ve heard of you!” the quiet cop says, sounding excited. “The stories man,” the other adds. I want to know these stories. What the heck? Why is it that everyone else seems to know so much about Beau other than me? I mean, I basically stalked the guy for so many years. “How about you guys tell me about this Brock guy.” I stand there as the cops tell him everything. They tell him things I didn't even know. The whole time he keeps me

pressed into his side. The way he’s holding me makes me think he doesn’t have any intention of letting me out of his hold ever again.



y eyes never leave Carey as she talks to Julia. She’s the wife of that fucker Brock. He better hope the cops find him before I do. Because when it comes to protecting her, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do. I don’t know why I decided to go straight over to her place earlier when I left mine to chase after her. I should've checked her location first. It was stupid. Not only that, I knew the alarm to her house hadn’t been turned o . I’d been the one to help install the whole system. I’d brought it up to her dads a few weeks before I knew she was graduating college and would be coming back home to live. I needed to make sure she would always be safe. She messes with my head. At first I was pissed at myself when I got there and she wasn't there. Then I saw the back door. I’m not sure her dads or her would have noticed the lock had been tampered with or the small dents around it that could only be seen if the sun hit the door just right. My eye has been trained to look for inconsistencies, though. It’s what made me such a good Navy SEAL. I always take in the little things. “She’ll stay with me. He won’t get near her,” I tell Grant and Miles, the two police o cers. Keeping Carey at my side

is going to be the one thing that slows me down with finding this piece of shit. I’m going to have to call in some favors, which won’t be hard. I watch as both Julia and Carey stand up. They hug each other and share some whispered words. Carey has relaxed some since she got Julia to agree to go stay with her parents and fill them in on everything she’s been hiding from them. She had not wanted to upset them, from what I could gather. “Are you going to follow her home so she can pack? There will need to be a few cars put on both houses too. Will you be handling that as well?” If they don’t I will make sure it’s taken care of. “Yeah, we got it covered,” Grant agrees. “Thanks.” I give him and Miles a handshake before I head toward my girl. I think she’s a little shaken up by all of this, but she’s trying to keep it together. I’m happy her dads won’t be back until tomorrow for the wedding. Now she has no reason not to stay with me tonight. Not that I’ll be giving her much of a choice, but I’m going to try and pretend I am. “You okay?” I grab her, pulling her back into my hold. The only reason I agreed to let her go to begin with was because she was only a little way across the room, and I wanted a few moments alone with the cops. I knew she needed to talk to Julia privately also. “I’m a bit shook up, but I’m glad Julia is finally telling her parents what’s going on.” She peeks up at me through her curtain of lashes. “Aren't you mad at me?” “We’ll get to that later.” I grab her hand to head out. I don’t let her go while she gets her crap and says her goodbyes. The girls at the shelter all eye me curiously. It’s not until I get her back into my truck that I finally relax some. The thought of something happening to her is almost too much for me to bear. The only reason I’m able to remain this calm is because I know she’ll be with me.

“We have the rehearsal dinner tonight. Can we not mention this?” Carey sinks her teeth into her bottom lip. “The fact that we’re together or that you have some psycho after you?” Her mouth drops open. I want to kiss her. I want to taste all of that sweetness that I know is there. “All of it,” she hu s. “I’m not hiding us.” “Yes, you are,” she grits out. “Carey.” “Who was the girl I heard this morning? Do random women always pop in?” Her question is laced with jealousy. My cock gets rock hard, loving the fact that she can get that way over me. Fuck, now I want to kiss her even more. I speed up, wanting to get to her place sooner and be alone with her for a moment. The only thing that is going to take o the small amount of adrenaline I still have coursing through me is her. To have my hands on her and to taste her. “Mom,” I answer. “Oh.” She turns her head, staring out the window. I have to fight not to laugh, but I control it, not wanting to piss her o right now. It feels good to know she’s jealous. It gives me hope that I can get her to stop fighting this sooner rather than later. “I’ll take you home and you can grab your stu and pack a bag.” She nods her head. “You’re agreeing with me so easily?” “I’ll feel safer with you,” she admits, still looking out the window. My chest grows tight. “Wait for me,” I tell her when we pull up to the house. I get out first, glancing around before I open the door for her and lead her toward the house, knowing the alarm is still set. I put my key in the front door, opening it before I turn the alarm o .

“Seriously?” I shrug. Both of her dads trust me. I’m not so sure they should with how long I’ve been lusting after their daughter. “Can I shower real quick before we head out?” “Yeah, take your time.” “Thanks,” she mumbles as she moves past me. I fight myself not to grab her. I do, however, follow her up to her room. “You make my bed look small,” she notes as she pulls things out of her closet. I stretch out on it, watching her. So many times I’ve imagined myself right here in her bed. I try to think of something else because I know going down this path is not the right thing to do at this moment. When she steps into her bathroom, I drop my head back, closing my eyes and listening to the sound of the water running. But all I can think about is her wet skin and the fact that she’s naked in the next room. “Fuck,” I mumble, making myself sit up on the side of the bed. I pull my phone out and send o a few emails and texts. Not only do I want to find this guy for Carey but for Julia too. No one should be living the way she has. Only a worthless piece of shit puts his hands on a woman in anger. I would love to be the one to give him a taste of his own damn medicine. I jerk my head up when Carey comes out of the bathroom. Her damp hair is down and flowing all around her. She’s in a pair of those tight black yoga pants and a shirt. Her cheeks are pink from her shower, making her look as innocent as ever. How innocent is she? I’ve done a lot of checking in over the years. She never had a boyfriend, but what if I missed something? For part of her high school years I was in the middle of a desert. There wasn't much I could do from there but bide my time and let her grow up. It wouldn’t matter to me if she’d been with the whole football team in high school, she’s

fucking mine now, and I’m not sharing. I’ll erase every kiss or touch she’s had before and replace it with my own. “Come here,” I order her. My cock hardens more as she comes to me without question. Her feet are bare on the carpet, her toenails painted a soft pink. I grip her hips, pulling her between my legs. “Don’t run from me again. You got me?” “You’re pushing it, Beau.” She rests her hands on my shoulders. “You’ll get used to it.” She lifts one eyebrow at me. “I’ll be straight with you, dream girl. I have urges when it comes to you. I find I’m a jealous possessive bastard.” That tongue of hers darts out, wetting her bottom lip. I’m picking up that she does that when I say something she likes. Could I be so fucking lucky that she gets o on the shit she pulls out of me? Maybe we’re meant to be in more ways than one.



y heart pounds as I stare down at Beau. His fingers dig into my hips more. Beau Meyers is sitting on my bed. Not only that, he’s staking a claim on me. In all the time I’ve known Beau, I’ve never heard about him being with someone. I thought maybe he kept it hidden away from his mom and sister, not wanting them meddling in his romantic life. For so long I’ve dreaded the day that he would finally bring someone home with him. I knew there would be no way for me to avoid it with Angel being my best friend. Our families are too close at this point. Elizabeth had slipped in and filled the hole that was left when I lost my aunt. My aunt had been the one that donated one of her eggs to bring me into existence. She knew how badly my dads wanted a baby, and she was the reason I came to be. Even though I hadn’t considered her to be my mom, she was the closest female to me. I knew I could always count on her to be there. I love my dads to death, but sometimes you really need another woman to talk to. My aunt’s passing was one of the hardest times of my life. Elizabeth stepped in to fill that void for me. Our families have bonded, and that won’t be changing.

“Are we sure this is a good idea?” I barely get all the words out, and my back is pressed to the bed, Beau caging me in under him. I bite the inside of my cheek so I don’t moan. He doesn't have to try to be sexy. He just is. He exudes it, even in the small things he does. It doesn’t hurt that he’s built like a freaking warrior. As hot as Beau is, he still has this dark aura around him that warns people to stay the hell away. Most heed that warning. It’s been there since he retired from the military. His time in took something from him and for so long I’d dreamed about filling whatever that void might be. He doesn’t scare me. He probably should, especially my heart. “This is happening.” “I don’t trust you to not break my heart. Or pretend that I don’t exist.” “I can’t make you trust me. I’m pissed at myself that you don’t, but I’ll fix it.” I stare into his eyes, wanting what he’s saying to be real. “Just so we are clear, I’ve never not noticed you. Even though I told myself I couldn’t have you, you’ve always been it for me.” I swallow hard. My emotions threaten to overwhelm me. “You have to let me try to make this right.” “I think I can do that.” What do I have to lose? I am already in love with the man. I have been since he strolled into the Meyers’ living room and took my heart. “After your sister's wedding. This is her day not ours.” He doesn't want to agree. I can feel it in his body language along with so many other things. “Deal, but you better keep your little ass close to me.” I lick my lips. His eyes drop there. His nostrils flare, and I see the desire on his face for me. I felt it pressed against me already but the way he’s staring down at me right now is something so much more.

“How close?” The words slip past my lips. I try to be bold and act as if I’m a woman who knows what she is doing. “Babe.” His tone is filled with warning. “Thought I was your dream girl?” I bait. It had been me the whole time. Now I wonder how I got the name. “You’re a lot of things.” He presses his cock against my sex harder and begins to move back and forth. “Fuck. How do you feel so damn good?” “How do I feel?” I wrap my arms around his neck. My hips are trying to move in time with him. “Soft and sweet. Delicate. Everything I’m not.” He drops his mouth to mine to kiss me. I moan into his mouth as he thrusts against me more. He lets my mouth go to kiss down my jaw and neck. He pushes my shirt up past my breasts before yanking on my bra to make them spill free. He greedily latches onto one of my nipples, sucking it into his mouth. The sensation rips through my body. “Beau!” My back tries to bow o the bed, but there is nowhere to go. I hit the wall of his massive chest. He releases one breast to go for the other. The ache between my thighs is almost unbearable. His fingers begin to toy with the top of my yoga pants. “More,” I beg him. I’ve waited so long for this. To feel him against me. To be the object of his desire. “You’ll wait. The first time you come for me will be on my tongue. I want to savor the taste of you.” His words only make the ache grow. I don’t know what it is about him bossing me around that turns me on, but it sure as heck does. “Yes,” I agree. He slips further down my body, dropping to his knees between my thighs. I watch as he pulls my yoga pants down, leaving me almost naked in my bed. He licks his lips in anticipation. I try to take it all in. The sight of him between my thighs is almost too much to take.

“Take it o ,” he orders, motioning to my shirt. He’s breathing so heavily I see his chest rise and fall. I quickly do as he asks, needing him to finish what he started. My clit throbs for attention. If I wasn't in so much need I'd be freaking out that I’m laid out naked in front of Beau. “You do this while I was sitting out here?” His fingers trail across the top of my sex that is bare for him. I shaved everything. I nod my head, not sure I can form words right now. “So wet.” He trails his finger down me, spreading the lips of my sex. “You know how many times I thought about you naked in here? How many times I wanted to crawl through your window and take what I wanted? What I knew belonged to me.” “Beau!” My hips rise, and I dig my fingers into the bedding. I’m going to die. “Trust me that I’ll take care of you. Fix the ache.” “Yes.” “Always. Vow it. Only I make you come.” I shouldn't agree, but I scream another yes. I’m too out of my mind to really think about anything right now. I don’t regret it. Not when he pounces on me, giving me what I begged for. His tongue parts the lips of my sex, going straight for my clit. I’m so primed that I explode in an orgasm within seconds. Seeing him with his face between my thighs needing me the same way I’ve needed him for so long is too much. I cry out. The pleasure tries to take me, but I don’t want this to be over. “More,” he demands, reading my mind. He works a finger slowly inside me but suddenly stops. He lifts his head, his eyes meeting mine for a brief moment. He’s figured it out. An animalistic sound comes from him as he buries his face between my thighs again. His finger begins pumping in and out of me at a faster pace.

This orgasm feels deeper than the last. I lift up more onto my elbows, wanting to see more of him. He shoulders my legs farther apart while his mouth continues devouring me. He sucks harder on my clit, his tongue working me back and forth. His finger is now hitting something inside me I’ve never experienced before. “Beau!” I scream his name as the second orgasm hits me. He groans against me, the sound vibrating through my clit. “I can’t—" I try to get the words out as the orgasm keeps going. I think I feel a small pinch of pain, but all I can concentrate on is the pleasure that is consuming me. It leaves me a boneless mess in the middle of my bed. I try to catch my breath, my eyes fluttering open when Beau shifts to stand beside the bed. He pulls his hand out from the inside of his jeans. Oh my. Was he touching himself? “Don’t look at me like that right now, baby, or I’m going to be inside of you before you can take your next breath. I already took it too far.” Before I can respond, he turns and walks into my bathroom. I sit up in the bed. I hear the water come on. Beau comes back out a moment later. His jeans are now zipped, and he’s holding a small towel in his hand. He already went too far? What the heck does that mean? I was about to let him go all the way. I didn't need to be a freaking twenty-one-year-old virgin anymore. Plus, he is the one I’ve been saving myself for. “Spread your legs for me, baby.” I do as he asks even though I feel a bit shy now that we are not in the heat of the moment. He brings the towel between my legs. I try and quickly close them, but he stops me. “Let me take care of you.” My legs instantly fall back open. The tenderness of his voice catches me o guard. I stare at him. Why does he look so angry?

Feeling vulnerable, I quickly get my clothes back on. Why do I feel the need to cry right now? He snags me around the waist from behind, halting my movements. He presses my body into his, wrapping his arms around me. “I’m sorry.” He kisses my neck. “Sorry?” I grit out. He’s not the only person that can get angry. “Yes. I lost control. I should have made it more special for you.” “Beau.” I relax into him, finally understanding. “You said you didn’t like me.” He turns me in his arms. “I get it.” I wish I could take those words back. I shouldn’t have said them. I was so in my head last night trying to keep a wall up between us. I still am. At least I think I am. “I’m going to make you fall in love with me. I’ll be better.” His words leave me speechless. Each time he puts himself out there, he knocks a little more of that wall down. Little does Beau know I’m already in love with him, and after today, I think I might have fallen a little more.



his is torture. I stand at the front of the venue not listening to a damn word anyone is saying. All my focus is trained on Carey, who is standing next to my sister as they discuss how this is going to go down. The wedding party is small. I’m the best man for Logan, and Carey is obviously the maid of honor for Angel. “You’re staring,” Logan says from beside me. “Fuck o .” “I thought I was going to get a you’re welcome.” He pretends to fix his tie. God, he can be a cocky asshole sometimes. “Your secret is safe with me, but the way you’re staring at her everyone is going to know soon enough.” He’s right. “I mean, you already started before but—” I give him a hard elbow that I know will take the air out of his lungs. “I know where to hit too.” He hits me with one right back. “I’m not just a pretty face.” I let out a chuckle, drawing Carey’s eyes to me for a moment but she quickly turns them away, keeping up this game she’s playing. The one of not wanting anyone to know what’s going on between us. I was against this idea, but she insisted on us waiting to tell everyone until after my sister’s wedding. Even though I hate the idea, I have to admit it

made me love her even more for being such a good friend to my sister. We’ve already failed at our attempt at hiding it before we knew it. Mom already knows and so does Logan. I’m guessing that means Dad does as well. Angel is the only one that seems to be out of the loop at this point. I’m not sure how she’s going to take it, to be honest. I know she’ll be happy as long as we’re happy, but it doesn't mean she won’t worry. As much as I don’t want to do this, I think Carey might be right. “Angel didn't ask about me dragging Carey out of the bar last night?” “Not really. She was tipsy, and I distracted her for you.” He winks at me. I have to admit that this fucker is growing on me. He’s more down to earth than I thought he'd be. “Your mom is going to blow your cover.” I’d texted her before we headed this way, telling her she needed to keep her cool or she’s going to scare Carey. I was hoping the last part would help. I give her a look that has her catching herself. Only for a moment. “Just think. I bet you’re next, Carey.” Mom beams at her. “She does have a date to the wedding,” Angel points out. “What?” Mom asks. She’s going to burst. There is no way my mom is going to make it after that comment. “Peter can’t make it,” Carey quickly cuts in. “Time for dinner?” Logan’s hand comes down on my shoulder, taking over the conversation. “Yeah, I think we’re done here. Did you pack a bag for after dinner?” I hear Angel ask as she slips her arm through Carey’s. “Crap. I forgot I was supposed to sleep over.” Carey peeks over her shoulder at me. I give her a nod. I can’t tell if my response disappoints her or not.

Seeing her and Angel together I know they need this. This is me showing some control. I need her to see that I can at times. Plus I know that Logan’s place is safe or I wouldn’t even consider letting her stay there. I mean, of course I’ll be staying there as well, but I’ll keep that to myself for now. “Hope you have a guest room.” “I thought we'd have a slumber party in the movie room.” He smirks at me. “You’re full of shit. When those girls pass out, you’re going in for Angel.” He shrugs. “We’ll talk more at the restaurant,” I tell him. We part ways to get our girls before they try and steal a ride together. “I said you stick to me.” I hold her coat open that I snagged o the chair earlier. She steps into it. “And how is that going to work after dinner?” she asks, ignoring me. “Don’t worry. I’ll figure it out.” We round the side of my truck. When I don’t see anyone, I grab her, lifting her o her feet and pinning her to the side of my truck for a kiss. She wraps herself around me and lets me take what I want, the same way I had earlier in her bedroom. It’s been over an hour since I’ve gotten a taste of her, and I need another fix or I’ll never make it through dinner. I don’t know what came over me this afternoon. I wanted to taste her, but it was all so fucking much. So much need for so long came pouring out of me, and I couldn't get enough of her. I wanted to consume her. The sight of her laid out in that bed naked with her cunt wet and begging for my attention was my undoing. I couldn’t stop myself from tasting her or feeling her innocence. I wanted it to be mine, so I took it. She wasn't even pissed about it either, again showing me she is way too good for me. But as she kisses me back and gives me what I want, she feeds the beast inside of me. If I

thought I’d lost control before, I had no idea what was to come. Because now I’ll stop at nothing to make her mine forever.



can feel Beau’s eyes on me as we all enjoy dinner together. It’s nice to see him act this way. He keeps stealing small touches whenever he can. I don’t think anyone else is noticing, but my body is. Each time his fingers graze mine or his body brushes against me, I’m back in my bedroom with his head between my legs. My mind only wants to think about what he does to me. He’s definitely getting bolder as the minutes pass. I try to continue following the conversation at the table while his hand slowly creeps up my thigh. Thank God my napkin is on my lap. The ache that’s been growing is now at the point of being unbearable. I swear I let out a small moan but instantly cover it with a cough. But I know he heard me because his grip tightens on me. “Are you okay?” Elizabeth asks me from across the table, breaking me from all of my dirty thoughts of her son. I don’t even look over at Beau because I know he’s probably loving the fact that he’s got me all worked up. It doesn’t help that his hand hasn’t moved either. Well, two can play at that game. “I’m fine.” I reach over and pick up my glass of water. I take a sip to try and buy myself some time. “It was just a

little tickle in my throat.” I place the glass back down. She smiles at me and then continues talking to her husband. When I finally glance over at Beau, he’s got that sexy smirk on his face. My throat fills with emotion at seeing him in this light. I can’t even describe it. For so long I thought he wanted nothing to do with me when it was the complete opposite. So many times I’ve wished for this. When I stop and really think about everything that’s happened between us in the last few days, it feels as if it’s a dream. What has suddenly changed? I use the napkin to my advantage. I position myself a little lower on the seat, allowing my legs to spread a little more. I place my hand on top of his and begin to guide it more up my leg. Right before he gets to my sex, I scoot the chair back, causing his hand to fall away. I stand, placing the napkin on the table. “Bathroom,” I say. Thankfully, Logan is whispering something into Angel’s ear or she would be trying to join me. That playful look Beau had has slipped away. I give him a smirk and walk o toward the bathroom. I try to put a little extra sway in my hips, but my heel snags on a rug and I almost faceplant. I cringe, glancing over my shoulder to see Beau. Yep, he caught that. I’m terrible at this being sexy thing. He rises to his feet and starts to head my way. I take o , slipping into the girls’ bathroom like it's base and this is tag and now he can’t get it. I was wrong. Beau knocks loudly on the door. “Anyone in here?” I don't respond. He pushes it open and strolls in. “I don’t like these shoes. You’re going to hurt yourself.” He grabs me by my waist, lifting me o the ground and pressing me against the door. “Do I need to carry you around?” I let out a gasp when he grinds his cock against my sex. “You’ll be taking care of this later.”

“You’re the one teasing!” This is hard. I want to be with my best friend tonight, but hell if I don’t want to see where this thing between Beau and me is going. I remind myself that we’ll have time after the wedding. “And did you forget I’m staying with Angel?” “No.” He puts me back down on my feet. I think he’s going to let me go, but he drops to his knees reaching under my dress. He pulls my panties down my legs. I wish I had worn something a little sexier. I step out of them for him. My whole body starts to throb when he brings them to his nose and breathes me in. He’s acting like they are the sexiest pair of panties he’s ever seen. A loud groan comes from him before he stu s them into his pocket. “You want me to walk around with no panties?” “If you try and tease me again, I’ll have my bare hand on your pussy in seconds.” He cups my sex as he stands. “With how wet you are I think you’re getting o on it.” I lick my lips. I get o on most things when it comes to Beau. “Ask me and I’ll give it to you.” “Beau.” My face heats. I want to push down into his hand, but I’m not sure that would do anything. “Say Make me come, Beau.” I lick my lips, wanting to say it. “Beau…” “Yes, dream girl?” He gives me a sexy smirk. “Please. I need you.” He lets out a deep groan. “Fucking good enough.” His fingers slip through the lips of my sex. I’m already wet so it takes him nothing to thrust two fingers inside of me. He works them in and out as his palm presses against my clit. I grip his shoulder, needing something to hang on to. I can feel the orgasm building inside of me. I drop my head back and brace for what I know is going to be the best orgasm I’ve ever had.

He suddenly stops. “Want your eyes. I get to see you come.” I slowly drop my head back down to look at him. “Don’t be shy. This is the hottest shit I’ve ever done next to eating you in your bed.” I whimper. “Keep them on me. I’ll get you there.” “Yes, get me there. Sooner rather than later,” I plead with him. His nose flares. Desire is written all over his face as his fingers pump into me faster. Suddenly he puts his other hand over my mouth. “Those sounds are only for me,” he says at the same time he hooks his fingers inside of me, hitting the right spot. I come hard. His hand mu es the sounds while the other works out every bit of pleasure he can from my orgasm. “You blush so damn sexy. I want to pick you up and fuck you against the door.” My fingers dig into him tighter. I’m not saying no. I’m lost in a haze of lust and need. Beau is so damn hot. One of the most eligible bachelors in our city. I wish that weren’t true, but it is. He even made the list in our local paper last year. Yet here he is looking like he’s going to pounce on me—the nerdy girl from next door who has little to no experience in this department. “Don’t look at me like that.” I don’t know how I’m looking at him, to be honest. I scrunch my nose. “That’s worse,” he grits out, making me giggle. A knock at the door has me jumping. Beau removes his hand from between my thighs. “You two are going to get busted,” Elizabeth says from the other side of the door. Beau is shameless as he licks his fingers clean. My whole face flushes more. I turn, trying to leave but he grabs me and spins me back around to kiss me one last time before he frees me from his hold. From the look in his eyes, I know it won’t be for long.



read over the reports about Brock, needing something to focus on. This guy really is a piece of shit. His first wife went missing a few years ago. She’s either dead, or she ran from his psycho ass. Julia is on the verge of leaving him with the help of the shelter. That has angered him, and now he has his sights set on Carey. He’s projecting all of his crazy toward my girl. Little does he know that he’ll have to go through me to get to her. He’s going to find out what it feels like when someone bigger than you beats on you. I lift my head at the sound of the girl's laughter floating down the hallway. Just like that, the anger I was feeling tempers down. It's crazy how quickly she can flip the switch on my emotions. She must have some magic button or something. I’ve fought this for too long. When I’m with her, the demons that haunt me are nowhere to be found. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I shut my laptop, tossing it on the chair next to me. Logan sits behind his desk, waiting for an answer. I know I told Carey I wouldn't say anything until after the wedding, but I think Logan should know. Carey spends a lot of time with Angel.

Logan needs to be aware of the threat so he can keep her safe as well. “Carey’s got a stalker.” “I know,” he deadpans. “Fuck you.” I shake my head but can’t help but chuckle. “It’s a man from the shelter who’s pissed she got in the way of him and his wife,” I say, spilling the whole story to him. When I'm done, he picks up the phone and makes a call. “Double the security tomorrow.” With that, he hangs the phone back up. “Angel and I leave tomorrow night for our honeymoon.” “Carey doesn't want her knowing any of this. I don’t blame her. There isn’t anything Angel can do but fret over it.” Logan lets out a long sigh, not loving the idea that he’ll have to keep something from Angel. “I hate keeping shit from her, but this is our wedding and honeymoon. Not going to let some asshole ruin that for her.” “Agreed. I’m getting it handled.” “You seem to be getting a lot of things handled lately.” He stands before walking over to the bar to pour himself a drink. He o ers me one. I shake my head no. I want a clear head at all times. Well, as clear as it can be when it concerns Carey. “It was a long time coming.” I sigh, leaning back on the sofa. I glance over to check the time. I had been fighting a losing battle trying to stay away from her. It was only a matter of time before I cracked. She was all grown up and making a life for herself. I wanted to be a part of that life. Hell, I want her to be my life. “When I found Angel I realized I had been living in a fog. That I was only going through the motions. And putting up with shit from my family that I shouldn’t have. Then she was there, and I didn't want any of that shit touching her. A good woman shows you what life can be.”

If I didn't already think he was good for my sister he would have gotten me there. “I’ve been trying to keep her away from my demons. Now I’m starting to think she’s the only thing that keeps them at bay.” I run my hand down my face. “She’s in love with you. You know that, don’t you?” He throws his drink back before putting the tumbler back down. Is she? I think she might love me in a friendship sort of way but not as a lover yet. I’ll get her there. “But she doesn't trust you.” “I know.” It’s a bitter reality to swallow, but I have to eat it. I did this, and I have to fix it. I won't stop until I do. “You probably broke her heart a few times and didn't even realize it.” I jerk my head up to stare at him. “Think about it.” He shrugs. “She let you take her from the bar. She didn't really fight you. She’s likely had a crush on you for years, and if Christmas is anything to go by, you try to pretend she’s not there. That is until she turns away. Then you stare a hole through her.” “Fuck me.” I drop my head. I stayed away to protect her, and all I did was hurt her. No wonder she keeps saying she doesn't like me. Then it hits me like a ton of bricks. How I pretended I didn't know she was back home. I fucking knew. I knew the second her ass was back here. “Shall we go get them?” I’m on my feet heading for the door. I get lucky because Carey steps out of the bathroom, almost running right into me. I snag her around the waist, lifting her o her feet. “What are you doing?” she hisses as I cradle her in my arms. She's a tiny thing compared to me. “See you guys tomorrow,” Logan throws over his shoulder. “You had a few hours. Now I need you.” Her face softens. I carry her into one of the guest rooms, kicking the door shut

behind me. “I lied to you.” She sti ens in my arms. “I knew you were home.” She drops her eyes from me. I sit down in a chair, shifting her to straddle me. “I’m sorry.” I cup her face, needing her to look at me. “Why?” “I didn't think I was good enough for you. I’m still fucked up from the explosion.” “Beau.” She melts into me. “I knew you were home. It taunted me every day.” That makes her smile. “It’s not something to smile about. I used to drive out to your campus sometimes. To catch a glimpse of you.” She lets out a small gasp. “See? I’m not all right in the head.” “Are you saying this because you think it’s going to push me away?” “No. I’m saying it because I lied to you. I’m giving you my truth so you know I’ll never do that again.” Her face is washed clean, and I can see the small freckles that pepper her nose and cheeks. They make her look so innocent. The panda pajamas aren't helping. She’s pressing right into my dick. There is no way she can miss that. “Okay. I forgive you.” She rests her hands on my chest. “Do you still think you’re not good enough for me?” She tilts her head to the side. Her hair tumbles down her shoulder in silky waves. “Yes, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting you go.”



y heart races at his admission. He wants me. Really wants me, and he has for some time now. I’m still a bit scared that he could up and break my heart, but I know I have to try or I’ll never forgive myself. I lean in, brushing my mouth against his. The possessiveness of his words turns me on. Everything about him does. This is nothing new to me; he’s always been the perfect man in my eyes. The one I compared all others to. None of them have ever come close to being on his level. He groans into my mouth, his hands tangling in my hair. God, I love the sounds he makes for me. It makes me feel sexy, and that’s not something I’ve ever experienced before. “Beau, will you make love to me?” I ask. I feel myself blush, but I want this. “Not here. I want to make it special for you. You deserve that and so much more.” “But I’ve waited so long for you. Please.” “You don’t ever have to beg me, dream girl. If that is what you want, then that’s what you’ll get.” He stands with me in his arms, carrying me over to the bed where he sets me down. This is really happening. I watch as he pulls his shirt o , tossing it away before he kicks his shoes o .

“Beau.” His body is all hard lines and muscle. He might not be a Navy SEAL anymore, but he sure as hell is still built like he is. I reach up to touch one of the scars on his chest that I know was caused by shrapnel. His hand catches my wrist, but that doesn't stop me. I lean over, pressing my mouth to one and then another. He might not think he’s good enough for me, but I do. In my eyes he’s a hero. He’s my everything. “Carey.” He groans out my name, reaching for my shirt, pulling it o of me in record time. My shorts are next to go until I’m only left in my panties. “You’re a damn wet dream.” I try not to be shy. His words are helping with that. I’m so damn hot for him that I feel as though I’m going to explode if he doesn’t touch me soon. “Is that why you call me dream girl?” “No.” He drops to his knees beside the bed. His fingers hook into my panties, and he pulls them down my legs. My body starts to throb as he spreads my thighs wide to make room for himself. I brace my hands on the bed, gripping the covers. He doesn’t waste any time burying his face between my thighs. I swear he can’t get enough of me. Every time he goes down on me, he eats me as if he were a starved animal. I drop my head back when he pushes a finger inside of me. He begins to work it in and out, heightening the pleasure he’s already giving me. His tongue circles my clit, flicking it back and forth as he works another finger inside of me. I gasp when his other hand slips up my body. His fingers begin toying with my nipple. It feels like he’s everywhere. It’s all too much when he hooks his finger inside of me, hitting the perfect spot. I call out his name before falling back onto the bed, the pleasure taking over my body. Every

part of me feels sensitive. When he kisses the inside of my thighs, my body jerks. He lifts me, moving me to the center of the bed. He continues to trail kisses up the length of my body until he settles between my legs. He leans down, taking my mouth in a kiss that feels di erent than any of our others. It’s soft and sweet. I get lost in it for a moment. I dig my fingers into his hair. He spreads my legs apart with his legs settling more into me. The head of his cock presses against my entrance. I slide my fingers down his back. “Tell me what you want.” He kisses down my jaw. “You.” His hold on me tightens. I spread my legs, lifting my hips so he slips more inside of me. He lets out a groan and pushes more into me before pulling out again. His thrusts in and out of me are slow, allowing me to adjust to his size. Little moans pour from me as I dig my fingers into his back. “You feel so damn good.” He pulls out, thrusting all the way inside of me this time. I gasp at the fullness I feel, causing him to freeze. “No, it’s good, Beau. More.” “You’re going to kill me. Wrap around me.” I do exactly that, knowing he’s going to make this good for me. I dig my heels into him, encouraging him to move. “So fucking tight. And all mine.” His thrusts become quicker and deeper. I wrap around him, holding on tight. For so long I’ve dreamed about this. Wanted it and now it is all happening. I dig my nails into him when he shifts, hitting even deeper inside of me. Another orgasm pushes down on me. “I need you to come for me, dream girl,” he grits out, and I know he’s holding back waiting for me. His hand slips between us, his fingers finding my clit. I go o and scream out his name as my whole body locks around him. He groans

my name into my ear as his release spills inside of me. For a moment I think about what that means, but when he starts kissing my neck I forget about everything but him. “I’ll spend my life being worthy of what you gave me here tonight.” He doesn't move, keeping his face buried in my neck. I don’t want him to. I stay wrapped around him, my breathing starting to match his. “It was always meant to be yours,” I admit. “I knew it the first day I saw you. No other guy I’ve met has ever measured up to you.” “I don’t want you sizing up other men.” He nips my neck, making me giggle. “How about you?” I ask, licking my suddenly dry lips not sure I really want to know the answer. “Longer than I should have.” He kisses my neck again. I sigh, closing my eyes. “I haven't been with anyone since before I met you. I want you to know that.” I relax more under him, and something inside of me finally settles.



watch my girl spin around the dance floor with Angel. She looks breathtaking with her dress flaring out around her. They are both laughing and having the time of their lives. The pink dress she’s wearing leaves her shoulders bare, along with most of her legs. It stops a few inches above her knees. So much of her skin is on display. I want my mouth all over her, but that’s nothing new. I both love and hate that pink piece of material she claims is a complete dress. The top is fitted while the bottom flares out at her hips. It shows o every damn inch of her hourglass figure. The pink is bright, and there is no missing my dream girl out in the center of the dance floor. It really sucks that I don’t get to walk out there and claim her. Letting everyone know that she’s mine. We stood at the front of the ceremony while Angel and Logan vowed their love for each other. My eyes stayed on Carey the whole time. I wanted that exact same thing for us. I’d never given marriage much thought, but I’m getting it now. My cock hardens thinking about her vowing herself to only me. Promising to be mine forever.

It was fucking hard keeping away from her after last night. I woke her with my mouth this morning before I took her again. I shouldn't have. She was likely still sore, but being the bastard I am, I’d done it anyways. This was one of the reasons I told myself to stay away from Carey to begin with, but it is too late now. I’ll have to make it up to her in di erent ways. There is no control when it comes to her. I’m just going to have to figure out a way to counter it. Try to hide it so it doesn't freak her out. It’s only been a couple of days, and I’m already thinking about marriage and getting pissed at the idea of having to take her home. My eyes flick over to her two dads, who are talking with my parents. What the hell are they going to think about this? “Hey there, handsome.” A woman drops down into the seat next to mine. I don’t recognize her. She must be from Logan’s side. Some of the guests were only invited to the reception in order to keep the wedding more intimate. I don’t recall seeing this woman at the wedding. I would have remembered, and not because she looks strictly like Barbie but because I clocked everyone. It’s in my nature. Years of training on and o the field have me on guard at all times. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail that is so tight I would think it would give her a headache. I give her a nod, not saying anything. My eyes go back to the dance floor to watch Carey, wondering if I could steal another dance. The first one seemed normal. She was, after all, the maid of honor and I was the best man. “You’re Angel’s brother, right?” Out of the corner of my eyes I see her hand start to descend on my forearm. I move, snagging my drink o the table. “Yeah,” I answer her, not wanting to be a complete asshole but letting her know I’m not interested. I’m not sure

she’s getting the message. If she pushes me anymore, I’ll make sure she gets it loud and clear. I’m guessing it’s not often that someone rejects her advances. I’m pretty sure she’s an exact cut-out of what most men want. I’m not most men. To me she’s practically the opposite. There is no softness to her. That’s one of the things I crave most when it comes to Carey. Everything about her is soft and sweet, and I want it all for myself. “You’re one of those strong silent types, aren't you?” She leans in closer, but this time she makes sure she’s not touching me. “From what I hear, those are the type that know how to fuck. Maybe you could help me find out if that rumor is true or not.” She bats her eyes at me in what I’m guessing is supposed to be a sexy gesture. “Don’t,” I warn her. Tension fills my body when I spot Peter entering the reception area. Motherfucker. I’d forgotten all about him and the fact that he was technically here as Carey’s date. She must have too. The way Angel smirks when she sees Peter lets me know she hasn't forgotten. My little sister knows this is going to get under my skin, and instead of worrying about her wedding being ruined by me, she’s enjoying the fact that I’m going to be crazy jealous. “Don’t what? You don’t want to get out of here?” she purrs. Carey sneaks a peek over at me, and her eyes narrow on the woman next to me before she turns away again. Great. I was slowly starting to gain her trust. “Not with you,” I growl. She hu s, then calls me an asshole before she finally gets lost. Peter hugs Carey, and it takes everything inside of me to stay in my seat. “Don’t you think you should talk to her dads at some point?” My dad takes the empty seat next to me.

“Yes.” They only got back to town today. They might wonder why Carey isn’t sleeping in her own bed tonight. I want to be respectful to them. “You could do it now.” “I’m busy.” My eyes are still trained on my girl. “Plus, Carey doesn't want anyone to know until after tonight.” “Busy?” He chuckles from beside me. Then he sti ens when Mom walks onto the dance floor, and Angel introduces Peter to her. “Shall we?” I stand, pushing my chair back. My dad follows suit. Carey sees me, her eyes going wide. She gives me a look that tells me I better not do it. The blonde walks by me. “Hey.” I snag her attention. “What are you doing?” Dad mumbles from beside me. “Yes.” She smirks like she knew I would come crawling back. “Got someone I want you to meet.” I nod toward the dance floor, and she follows me out. “Peter.” I call his name. He looks over at me, his brows raising. “Got someone for you.” I don’t wait to see what happens. I snag Carey by the wrist, pulling her to me. “What are you doing?” “Stealing the next dance.” She hu s a laugh. “What about the blonde?” “You’re the only girl I see.” I want to lean down and kiss her. She gazes up at me, her eyes dropping to my mouth. How much longer do we have to stay here? “Why is he here?” She shrugs. “I forgot, and he’s a nice guy. We work together.” She presses herself into me. “There is nothing there.” She smiles up at me. “You’re the only one I want, but I do have to say this jealousy thing is a little hot.”

“Good, because I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon.” I spin her around and dip her, making her laugh. When I bring her back to her feet, it doesn't go unnoticed. Everyone is looking at us. Luckily Carey doesn't notice. We spend the rest of the night dancing, drinking and eating. I can’t remember the last time I’ve relaxed this much and enjoyed myself. I even start to like Peter. Only a little bit, but it’s something. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around someone not wanting Carey, but it doesn't take me long to realize that Carey and Barbie Blonde are far from his type, but I keep that shit to myself. Carey gasps when I pull her into my lap after Angel and Logan do their send-o . “They’re gone.” I nibble her neck. “But everyone else isn't.” She doesn't try to jump away. In fact, she leans more into me. “I’m going to tell Angel tomorrow when she calls. I feel bad having kept it a secret this long.” “She’ll understand.” “I know. But you’re still her brother. I’m sure everyone might worry this could end badly.” “It’s never ending.” I tighten my hold on her, making her roll her eyes at me, but she’s smiling. “Is there something we should talk about here?” I look up to see Carey’s dads. Reese and Hank join us at the table. “I was thinking we could have that discussion over dinner tomorrow night?” I suggest. Carey bites her bottom lip, her eyes bouncing between her dads. Her cheeks turn as pink as her dress. “You finally broke.” Reese smirks, his hand coming down on Hank’s shoulder. “You owe me a foot rub.” “You couldn't have held out till summer.” Hank shakes his head. “You know already?” Carey finally finds her voice.

“The boy is always worried about the security of our house,” Reese says. “I want everyone to be safe.” He gives me a look like he’s not buying it. “He’s always asking about you,” Hank adds. “Small talk,” I defend. Shit I am terrible at hiding how I feel, clearly. Except from Carey, it seems. She giggles. “I’m not going to be home tonight,” she tells them when she gets her laughter under control. “You’re a grown woman.” They both stand. Carey slips o my lap to give them hugs. I stand with them to shake their hands, but they both pull me in for hugs. “Tomorrow,” they remind us before they head o . Carey melts into my side. “That was easy enough.” She tilts her head back to look up at me. I do what I’ve been wanting to do all damn day. I kiss her, not giving a fuck who sees. I’ve waited long enough, and the wait is over. She’s mine, and I want everyone to know it. For the first time in years I finally feel whole again.



lie with my head resting on Beau’s chest. I never knew I could be this at peace. It’s five in the morning, and I’m wide awake. I should still be sleeping. We got home late after the wedding reception and then Beau kept me up for another couple hours. I had no idea sex could be like this. I wonder if it’s this good for everyone. To me there is this deep connection. I have no doubt that Beau had wanted me for a long time before I even had a clue. I can see it in his eyes when he makes love to me. The way he touches me like he never wants to let me go. As if he’s been waiting an eternity for the chance to love me. His body jerks under mine, and he moans my name. I look up at his face as I try to soothe him with my hand. It’s not a moan of pleasure. I can see the pain on his face. “Carey.” My name comes out strangled this time. I kiss his chest, hoping that me being this close to him will chase away whatever is causing his distress. “I’m here, Beau.” What could he be dreaming about? “Down!” He jackknifes up in bed, looking around as if he’s a bit disoriented before rolling and pinning me under him. His breathing is heavy, like he just ran a marathon.

“Beau. It’s okay. I’m here.” I slowly reach my hand out to turn on the lamp. He stares down at me, blinking. “I’m here.” I reach up and cup his face in my hands. “You’re okay. Everything is okay.” I keep my voice steady even though I’m scared. Not of him but of whatever it is that is haunting him in his dreams. His eyes close with a pained look before he drops down, burying his face in my neck. I run my hands up and down his back. He relaxes more. My eyes burn with tears at the knowledge that he’s letting me take care of him. He’s not trying to flee the room and shut me out. He’ll never know how much it means to me that he stays with me, not hiding this from me. “My dream girl,” he breathes into my neck. “Because you dream of me?” I ask. He nods his head. “You were there that night. When the world exploded around me all I could see was you. You were standing right in front of me.” I swallow hard, my emotions threatening to overwhelm me. “I fought to get to you. In reality I think I was fighting to live so I could come back to you. I knew I couldn’t leave this earth without you knowing how I felt about you.” The damn finally breaks. Tears begin to stream down my face. He lifts his head to look at me. “Beau.” I reach up, needing to touch his face. He doesn't pull away from my touch but leans into it. I know in this moment Beau might have fought this pull he had to me at first, but those days are long gone. I understand now. He has been fighting his own demons. Ones that I will never fully understand, but I want to try. For him I’d try anything. “When I finally woke up in the hospital, I was screaming your name. My head was so fucked up. I really thought you’d been out there with me.” “Not physically, but I’ve always been with you, Beau. From the moment you walked into my life you’ve had a piece

of my heart.” “You’re so damn sweet. You know that.” He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine. “Too sweet for me.” I smile against his mouth. “Why did it take you so long to claim me?” I ask. I know there is the age thing, but I’m twenty-one now. He rolls, taking me with him as he pushes up to lean against the headboard with me straddling him. “I think I’ve been making plans for a long time. Take this place for example.” “I love this place.” He runs his hands up my back. “I knew I had to deal with the demons in my head. A week after the accident, my team went back out again with a new squad leader.” He closes his eyes for a second. “Most of them didn't make it back from that mission.” I can see how deeply that a ects him. “Beau.” I rest my hand over his heart, wishing I could take away some of his pain and bear it for him. “I blamed myself. If I hadn’t been in the hospital, I would have been with them. Things could have ended di erently.” “You’re right. You could have died too,” I point out. “You can’t play the what-if game in life. It will only drive you crazy. You have to move forward, and I’m willing to help you do that in any way I can.” “I know. You want to know what’s fucked up? This past week all I have been able to think is I’m lucky I hadn't been there because then I might not be here right now. Finally getting something I’ve wanted for longer than I should have.” “I love you, Beau.” His grip on my hips tightens. “Say it again.” “I love you.” He starts to lift, and I know he’s going to pin me to the bed, but I press on his chest, stopping him. He lifts his brows. “Let me, love.” I press a kiss on his chest and

then another as I slip o his lap. I kiss every scar as I make my way down his body, wrapping my hand around his cock. “Do not tease me.” He thrusts up into my hand. A bead of cum drips from the head of his cock. I lick my lips, ready to taste him. “I don’t want to tease you.” I lower my head as Beau fists the sheets in his hands. I circle the head of his cock with my tongue, tasting his salty sweetness. He lets out a loud groan that pushes some of my shyness away as I suck him into my mouth. I take him as deep as I can, getting more aroused by the second. “Fuck.” He groans loudly. “You have no idea what the sight of you on your knees, taking every inch of me in your mouth does to me. Look at me, dream girl. I want those eyes on me.” I look up at him as I continue to work his cock in and out of my mouth. I may not know what I’m doing, but from the look on Beau’s face and the sounds coming from deep inside of him, I must be doing something right. The faster I work him with my mouth, the more of him I taste on my tongue. I moan around him. My clit throbs between my legs, my breasts feeling heavy. “You going to swallow me down? Suck me dry. Make up for all those years you should have been on your knees in front of me.” His dirty words spread through my body like a wildfire. I whimper in response, wanting that so bad. He fists my hair in one of his hands as he starts to come. I keep working him, sucking as hard as I can and swallowing him down until I get every drop. His body relaxes, but his cock still remains hard. I slowly release him from my mouth, sitting up. He grabs me, pulling me back into his lap and kissing me deeply. “You’re fucking soaked. You get o sucking my cock, Carey.” “Yes.”

“You ever touch yourself thinking about sucking me o ?” He licks the seam of my mouth. “So many times,” I admit. I’ve thought of a million things I wanted to do with Beau over the years. “No more touching yourself. Your pussy belongs to me now. Got it?” “Yes,” I agree. It has always belonged to him. Only him. He shifts, pinning me to the bed. “Going to clean up the mess you made.” His mouth works lower on my body as he shows me all the ways my pussy belongs to him and no one else.



look at the cut on my eyebrow, pissed about it now. I know Carey’s dads already saw it but still. I don’t want to look like I was in some brawl. I’m sure they are going to ask what happened, which makes me nervous. I’m fucking nervous. It’s not a feeling I’m used to. Even in war, I was always calm and steady. It dawns on me I’ve never actually met the parents of someone I was dating before. It’s not that I haven’t met Carey’s dads before. But even though I grew up with them, I’ve never been around them when I was claiming their daughter. They know me as Angel’s big brother. My relationships in high school were short and pointless. I knew I was going to be enlisted as soon as I graduated. There had been no point for commitment or entanglement. No one ever sparked my interest. I know it wouldn't have been the same if Carey had been in my high school. I would have been entangled all up in that, but back then I didn't even know she existed. I glance around the bathroom, picking up Carey’s clothes o the floor and straightening some of her things on the counter. I fucking love seeing her shit everywhere. Being neat and orderly was drilled into me when I was in the

service. Carey is a tornado, but for some reason I enjoy picking up after her. It feels like I’m taking care of her in a roundabout way. When I exit the bathroom, Carey gives me a small smile. She’s sitting on the bed with the phone pressed to her ear. She’s talking to Angel. We spent most of the day in bed. I could tell something was bothering her. She and Angel are closer than I ever knew two people could be who were friends. I told her to just call her and tell her everything. She was stressing over something that in the end Angel will be more than okay with. All my sister cares about is that everyone is happy. I grab my phone, making a few calls myself. Brock hasn't popped back up on the radar anywhere. He either got the message or is biding his time. It’s never easy to predict crazy, but I think he’ll show his face again. Men like him have ego problems, and he’ll want the last word. I sent out an email for them to dig deeper. He has to be staying somewhere. He hasn't used any of his credit cards. It’s time to start digging into friends and family. Also seeing if they own any other properties he could be laying low in. Everything is going too fucking well, and it’s giving me an uneasy feeling. Can things really be this easy and perfect? “I feel so much better,” Carey says as she strolls into the living room. I toss my cell away, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into my lap. “I told you it would be fine.” I kiss her on the shell of her ear. Her neck is her weak spot. Anytime I kiss her there she melts in my hands. Over the years I’ve learned as much as I could about her. It was an obsession, but the things I’ve learned over the past few days are important shit I need to know about my woman. “How are you always hard?” She laughs, wiggling her ass on my cock.

“You’re near.” If I thought it was bad before, it’s way worse now that I know what it feels like to be inside of her. It was a thousand times better than anything I could have dreamed of. Sex and everything that comes with it is di erent when you’re in love. I don’t care how sappy it sounds, it’s the damn truth. “She’s excited. A little upset that I hid my crush, but she understands it.” “Of course she does.” She shifts in my lap to straddle me. She hesitates for a moment. “She’s already planning our wedding.” “Are you surprised?” I let out a chuckle. “I guess not, but we’re not even engaged.” She bites her lip, looking down. “One thing at a time. We need to get the shit handled with the asshole from the shelter.” Her face scrunches at the reminder. “That brings me to our first step. You're moving in here. It’s safer here.” “No.” She shakes her head. I grip her hips. “No?” “I’m not moving in with you because you’re worried about me. I’ll stay here, sure.” I’m not following her train of thought. “Yeah, you’ll stay here permanently.” She tilts her chin up, and I know what’s coming, but I grab it, pulling it back down, not letting her go. “You’re moving in.” “Beau, I’m not moving in because of that.” She says it this time with less power behind her words. “Why? I don’t understand. We’re in love. You’re talking about our wedding.” I release her chin. Her eyes fill with tears. Fuck me, what did I say wrong? This lack of relationship experience is really coming back to bite me in the ass because I have no idea what I’m doing here clearly. “You love me?”

“Yes, I fucking love you. What are you talking about?” A smile spreads across her face. “I’ll move in if it’s because you love me and…” “And I refuse to spend another night without you in my bed. We’ve done enough of that. I’m all in, Carey.” “Okay,” she agrees. I feel myself relax for the first time in a really long time. “I didn't want to move in only because you’re worried about this guy. I want you to want me here.” “I don’t want you here. I need you here. Big fucking di erence.” “We'll have to tell my dads about this tonight.” She smirks. “Are you nervous?” “A little.” I shift. “They adore you. Plus your parents are coming too. They invited them over.” She beams. “This is a dream for me. All of us together.” She’s right. It really is. “I agree. But I do want to take it a little slow.” Her eyebrows pull together. “I get why Logan rushed down the aisle. A big part of me is telling me to do the same, but let's give our family time to enjoy planning this. A few months at most, though. You could be pregnant already.” Her teeth sink into her bottom lip. “I’m a nurse and I never even brought up protection.” She rolls her eyes. “Because neither of us wanted it.” Like she said, she’s a nurse. She and I both knew what we were doing. “Why is this turning me on?” She presses her pussy down on my cock. “We can’t be late.” She licks her lips. “A quickie. Isn't that what it’s called?” Fuck it. There is no telling her no. Not that I ever want to.



smile down at my phone, seeing the heart emoji Beau sent me. My man is not the world's best texter, but he’s trying. When we were lying in bed last night I downloaded the emoji app on his phone. He’s getting the hang of it. “You’re head over heels,” Peter says, stealing a grape from the bowl on my desk. Winter break was over a few weeks ago. Beau was against me returning to work with everything still up in the air with Brock, but life has to go on. Plus, I’m not letting that jerkface control my life. He’d probably get o on it. I’m hoping he’s gone for good. It’s been weeks, and there has been no sign of him. Hopefully, he got the message and moved on at this point. “I’m beyond head over heels,” I admit, sending a text back to Beau before putting my phone back down. I hop up on my desk to sit down. It’s been a slow day, thankfully. I swear I either have a line of little ones at my door or crickets. “You two are cute together. Will there be another wedding in the future?” “Yes.” He looks at my bare finger. “We’re living together now,” I blurt out. Why do I feel the need to defend myself? I know Beau and I are in this for the

long haul. Things have been near perfect. Our parents are excited and so is my best friend. We even went on a double date last weekend. I’m loving that Beau and Logan are getting along so well too. They are even working on a new project together. Angel is helping as well. “A ring might help keep Riggs at bay.” I roll my eyes. “He’s going to get himself fired one of these days.” I drop my voice. “I overheard two moms fighting about him this morning in the main o ce. Then Principal Hall took them to her o ce. She did not look happy. I think she’s over his shit too.” “About time.” Peter snags another grape. “Can I ask you something?” “Anything.” “Crew and Hawk said they had someone they wanted to set me up with. I forgot to give them my number. Do you think you could…” “On it!” I cut him o , snagging my phone o my desk. I am starting to put it all together now. Peter was truly asking me to hang out before because he wanted to be friends. Crew and Hawk have been over twice for dinner. I love them. More than anything I love how much they care about Beau. They give me a glimpse into Beau’s life that not many people know. It doesn’t hurt that they enjoy telling me how happy Beau is now that he finally has me. He can still be a bear at times, but he’s better now. “We could do a triple date!” I suggest, making him laugh. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” he says as the bell rings and he has to head to his first class. The rest of the day is pretty slow. One tummyache and a scraped knee were the biggest disasters I had to deal with for the day. At least I get to slip out as soon as the last bell rings, dismissing the school. I text Beau, letting him know I’m going to swing by my dads’ on my way home and grab a box

of stu I’d forgotten. I’ve already moved most of my stu to our place, but there always seems to be more. I head in the direction of my parents’ place since it’s not that far from the school. I try to remember what we have in the fridge to cook dinner for Beau tonight. He told me he might be working late tonight with Logan. So I figured I’d surprise him with a home cooked meal and maybe a little dessert too. When I get to my parents’, I text Angel, seeing if she wants to hang out since both of our men might be working later than usual. I’m surprised Beau hasn't texted me back. I slip my key into the front door to unlock it. I pause when I open the door slightly, and the alarm doesn't go o . I glance to the driveway to see if one of my dads is home. A hand wraps around my wrist, jerking me into the house. The door slams behind me, and a sense of fear that I’ve never felt before fills me. My stomach drops when I finally see who has grabbed me. Brock. He has a wild look in his eyes and doesn't seem to have bathed in a while. I can smell the stench of alcohol on him too. I’m stunned for a moment, my mind racing on how I should handle this. “This is all your fault,” he shouts in my face. “I can’t get near my own house. Because of you they have a cop stationed outside.” I swallow, not sure what the heck I should do. “You’re going to call Julia and tell her to come here.” I know there is no way that I’m going to do that. I need to buy myself some time to come up with a plan. Brock is at the point of no return when it comes to rational thought. So I know that denying that I’m the reason for all of his troubles won’t help at this point. It will only anger him more. I need to try to defuse this situation, but I’m unsure of what my next move should be.

“Call her!” he shouts in my face. He grabs me by the shoulder and slams my back into the wall, knocking the air out of my lungs. He starts searching for my phone. He dumps my purse out onto the ground. When he bends down to grab it, I know this is my chance. I shove him as hard as I can before I bolt through the house, running through the kitchen toward the back door. I hear him shout after me before the sound of him running draws closer. I scream when the back door explodes. I drop when I see Beau. He raises his gun and fires. I close my eyes and cover my ears. I only open them when Beau lifts me from the floor. “Eyes on me,” he says. His voice is calm, but I can see the fear in his eyes. I wrap myself around him, burying my face in his neck. I can hear the sounds of sirens drawing closer. “Is he dead?” I ask when he steps outside. “No.” He carries me across the yard towards his parents’ house. Elizabeth comes rushing out, worry etched all over her face. “Watch her,” he tells his mom as he puts me down on my feet. He cups my face and presses his mouth against mine in a hard kiss before he takes o , running back toward my dads’ house. The front yard starts to fill with cop cars. The sight of them is what finally causes the emotion to overwhelm me. “I’m going to be sick.” I rush inside, barely making it to the toilet before I throw up. Elizabeth is right behind me. Her hand runs down my back, trying to soothe me. She hands me a washcloth and a toothbrush. “Is it your nerves or are you pregnant?” I jerk my head up to stare at her. “We’ll worry about that later.” She guides me back into the living room to sit down. “Thank you,” Elizabeth says, her voice full of emotion. “For what?” I ask, not sure why she’s thanking me.

“You brought him back to life. Since he’s been back, he’s been a shell of himself. These past few weeks he’s become himself again. He smiles and laughs again. You brought him back. I knew you would.” She smiles over at me. Tears burn at my eyes. “How did you know about us?” I ask. Everyone else seemed to know about us before I even did. “He’d call for you. When he was in the hospital.” Wow. “I’ve been in love with him forever.” “I know, sweetie. You two are soul mates. I can see it in how you look at each other.” She reaches over, giving my hand a squeeze. The next three hours are a blur from being questioned to everyone showing up at the Meyers’. I’m exhausted by the time the cops all finally clear out. I still have to go to the station and give another report, but Beau told them they’d have to wait until tomorrow. They tried to push, but Beau pushed back harder. I was grateful because all I wanted to do was go home so Beau could hold me. “You ready to go home?” Beau asks. I’ve been in his lap for the last hour sitting in the living room. After he made sure Brock was handled, he has been stuck to me like glue. “How did you know?” I ask, ignoring his question. “He tried to disarm the alarm. It alerted me. I shut it o , not wanting to spook him. I was headed this way to get him. When I got here I saw your car.” “I texted you.” “I know. I didn't see it until after.” He closes his eyes, dropping his forehead to mine. “He’s going to jail for a very long time if not forever. They are charging him with the murder of his first wife.” I suck in a breath. As terrible as that is, at least Julia is free. “I love you, Beau.” I press my mouth against his, not caring that both of our families are standing right here.

“I love you too, dream girl.” “You know you can’t hog her,” Angel chimes in, making me smile. “You’ve hogged her for years,” Beau tosses back at his sister, making me laugh. “I’m going to order pizza,” Elizabeth says. “We're heading out,” Beau says. “No you're not,” my dads say at the same time. Elizabeth smirks. “We’re all here we might as well have dinner together.” Beau nods, giving in to his dad’s words. As much as I want to go home and be alone with Beau, I want to be here too. I look around the room at my family. I don’t think life could get much better. Beau holds me close, his hand resting on my stomach. Actually, I think it will get even better.



’m glad Dad made us stay for dinner. I’d been on edge with everything that happened today. Being around everyone helped temper some of it. I couldn't believe that life would be so cruel as to give me a taste of Carey and then rip her from me. I wouldn’t survive it. There would be no coming back from that darkness. “I’m fine.” Carey reaches over and strokes my cheek as I put my truck into park, closing the garage door. At least it is done. The fucker is in jail. If by some crazy turn of events he gets out, I’ll handle it. If he wants to live, he better hope the system keeps him locked away forever. “Let’s get you inside.” My voice is gru . I hop out of the truck, going around to open the door for her. I lead her into the house and straight to our bedroom where I undress her first and then myself to shower. I take my time worshipping her body, knowing I’m a fucking blessed man. “Beau.” She sighs my name as I dry her o . I see tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” I start to panic. I’ve been waiting for her to crack, but she’s been so strong. “I’m just so happy.” She gives me a grin. I relax more.

“Me too.” I put a robe on her, knowing if she’s naked I’ll never get through this next part. I slip on a pair of sweatpants. She sits on the side of the bed. Her cheeks are still rosy from the shower. There is a glow to her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her more beautiful than right now in our bed. “I was going to do this next week on your birthday, but after today I can’t wait.” Her eyes widen when I drop to my knees on the side of the bed between her legs. “I hate seeing your finger bare. You’ve been mine for so long. To me it was only ever you. We were inevitable. Now I need for everyone to know you’re all mine.” I pull out the ring. She covers her mouth with her hand. I can see the exact moment she recognizes the ring. Tears begin to stream down her cheeks. She holds her hand out for me to slip it onto her finger. I know it will fit. I took a few rings from her jewelry box to the jeweler to get it sized after Mom gave it to me. “Your mom loves this ring,” she says. The ring has been passed down for generations. “She does. And she loves you.” She stares down at the ring. It’s a pear-shaped diamond on a platinum band. A halo of diamonds surrounds it. “Of course I’ll marry you.” I grab her, pulling her into my arms to kiss her. She melts into me. For so long I’ve been fighting my own demons, and all along my cure was right in front of me. When Carey is close, she is all I can think about. The darkness fades away, and there is only her. “There is something I need to tell you.” She licks her lips. I can tell she’s nervous. “There isn't anything you can’t tell me.” “I know, it’s just so much is happening so quickly. It’s all a lot to take in. I don’t want you to get overwhelmed.”

“How are you dealing with what happened today? You’ve been so strong. You don’t have to be.” “As crazy as it might sound, I wasn't really scared after a few minutes. I knew you’d save me somehow.” Fuck me. She has so much damn faith in me. “I’ll always come for you, Carey. You’re the most important thing in this world to me. I might be hard-headed at times, but every choice I make I’m thinking about what is best for you.” Her face softens. “I’m pregnant.” She blurts it out. I stare at her in shock. Holy shit, that was freaking fast. A few moments ago, I thought my life couldn’t get more perfect. I was wrong. Her admission proves that. “I can’t be but a few weeks along, but I threw up this afternoon. Your mom had me take a test. The line was faint but it was there.” I hold her tighter. “Say something.” “I have no words. Just when I think I couldn't get any happier, you go and blow me out of the water again.” “So you’re happy?” She tilts her head. “Happy? I’m more than fucking happy. I made it clear weeks ago that I knew what I was doing. I just didn't think I’d get so lucky to have it happen this quickly.” I pull at the belt of her robe before I push it o her. “You should have seen your mom’s face.” “Can we not talk about my mom right now?” I say, making her giggle. I run my fingers across her stomach. “I like seeing you in only my ring.” I turn, putting her in the center of the bed. Everything is falling into place. She runs her fingers up my chest. I can feel the band against my skin. My cock grows harder, knowing that soon she’ll be mine in all ways. “We’re having a baby.” She smiles up at me like I’m the center of her world. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. “Getting married.”

“Two months,” I say against her lips before I take her mouth, kissing her. “Okay,” she agrees. Carey can be stubborn a lot of times, but I’ve noticed with me she always gives. That trust she has in me is always there. I’d do everything in my power to protect that and never lose it. I strip out of my clothes, needing to be inside of her. To reassure myself she’s okay. That she is forever mine. “Beau.” She moans, wrapping herself around me as I thrust all the way home. Her pussy was already soaked for me. Her body takes me easily. She was made for me and me alone. “I love you.” “I love you too, dream girl,” I say. Even the word love doesn't feel like it’s enough for what she does to me. She’s my everything. My dream girl is no longer a dream. Now she’s my reality, and I’m never letting her go.



ngel stares at me like I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have. Even to me this sounds ridiculous. Still I know something is going on, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it one way or another. “You have pregnancy brain,” she insists. “Whatever.” I roll my eyes. “Are you in or out?” We have the whole afternoon to ourselves. Elizabeth and William have the kids today. Then my dads are picking up my boys for a sleepover tonight. “Of course I’m in! What kind of question is that?” She puts her hands on her hips. Okay, maybe I do have pregnancy brain. Angel and I do most everything together even if it’s over the top and out there. We always stick together. You have to when you have two hard-headed husbands that worry over you way more than they need to. I’d be a liar if I didn't admit that I think it’s actually kind of adorable. Annoying at times but still adorable. “Okay.” I walk over to my closet, pulling out a bag. “Oh noes.” Angel eyes the bag. I unzip it, pulling out two wigs. One is red, and the other is jet black. I also pull out two pairs of black yoga pants and

two black tops. Angel snags the black wig and without question starts changing into the clothes I’ve provided. “You look good with black hair.” She adjusts the wig in the mirror. I jump up and down a bit, trying to get the yoga pants over my small baby bump. I’m only four months along, but this pregnancy my belly popped out fast. This is my third pregnancy. The first one I’ve had to do alone. The first two Angel and I did together. But I’ve always had it in my mind that I wanted three kids. “How about me?” I pull the wig on. Angel’s is straight where mine is curly. “It’s cute, Red.” She winks at me. “I’ll drive.” She grabs her purse. I follow her out of the house. We ended up selling our last place when Beau wrapped up the contracts on the other warehouses. They sold like crazy. We built a home closer to Angel and Logan. I got nervous being so close to the water. My little boys are adventurous. It was fun getting to design our forever home together knowing we were planning for three little ones. I took a leave from work four years ago. I’m not sure if I’m ever going back at this point. Not that I really care. My family is where I want to be. “You do know Beau would never cheat on you, right?” “Of course!” I say instantly. “But I do think this Kelly is trying to flirt with him.” I purse my lips. “I mean, why does he leave the room to take a call?” I saw the name light up on his screen before he answered. He told me it was someone new he hired. It was the first time I’d heard about it. “The boys can be loud?” she suggests. True. “He was laughing! I heard him laugh.” Okay, I’m starting to sound crazy. I hu , blowing a curl out of my face. “How dare he.” She laughs. “Hey, you’re on my side!” I pull my phone out, checking his location. He must be having lunch. I chew on my bottom

lip, wondering if it’s with her. I should have asked what he hired her for. Beau has so many crew and men under him at this point it’s impossible to keep up. “We should get ice cream,” Angel says as we pass an ice cream shop. “On the way back. We have to stay focused.” “Right,” she agrees as I give her directions to the restaurant. When we pull up, I see Beau’s truck in the parking lot. “I think you know he’s not up to anything, and you wanted to have an adventure.” Angel parks the car. “Possibly,” I agree, tapping my baby bump. “It’s been awhile since we did something crazy. We have to keep these men on their toes.” Angel laughs as we get out of the car and head for the front of the restaurant. I peek in the windows as we pass by, not seeing him. We enter the restaurant, and the hostess gives us a funny look. “Table for two?” she asks. “No, thank you. We’re going to sit at the bar.” I duck my head as we walk past her. “Bar is that way.” She motions to the other side. “Right.” We quickly turn around, finding the bar and snagging a couple seats. All the while I look around, trying to spot my husband. I pull out my phone, checking his location again. He’s here. What the heck? “Welcome, ladies. What can I get you to drink?” the bartender asks. I stare at him, thinking he looks familiar. He stares back. “Carey?” “That’s me.” Then it hits me. Nick from my high school biology class. He was my lab partner. “How are you, Nick?” “I’m good. Almost didn't recognize you with the red hair. Have to say I like it.” He winks at me. “Two ice waters.” Angel butts in, glaring at Nick. “You ladies don’t want something stronger?” He puts his elbows on the bar, leaning forward. He actually might know

where Beau is. “No. Water is fine,” Angel snips. I kick her because she’s being rude for no reason. She can be worse than her brother at times. This guy could give us vital information here. “Ouch! Why did you kick me?” I glare at her. Nick throws his head back and laughs. I pull out my phone to find a picture of my Beau to show Nick. “Want my number?” He smirks, glancing down at my phone. I jump when a hand comes down hard on the bar next to me, the light bouncing o a wedding band I know all too well. “That’s my wife you’re hitting on. My pregnant wife,” Beau growls out. My nipples harden at his possessive tone. Now is so not the time to get turned on. “Sorry, man. Didn't know.” Nick holds his hands up while stepping back. Beau swivels my chair around so I can face him. “Are you stalking me?” I blurt out. “Angel and I are here for lunch.” I tilt my chin up. He picks up a piece of my red hair, playing with the end. “Is that what you’re going with?” He raises a brow. I lick my lips. “Who’s Kelly?” Angel chimes in, getting to the point. She’s now glaring at her brother. He’s unfazed by it as usual. “Kelly has been helping me on a project. He’s actually here, if you want to come meet him.” “He?” I whisper. Crap. Beau takes my hand. I slip o the chair as he leads me toward the back of the restaurant. Angel follows close behind. He pushes open a door that says Private Dining Area. “Surprise!” everyone shouts. My mouth falls open. It takes me a moment to take everything in. All of our friends and family are standing in the room. My dads are holding my

sons in their arms. They both have shirts that say Big Brother in Training on them in pink. In fact, everything is covered in pink. It’s not my birthday, so what the heck is going on? “It’s a girl,” Beau says next to my ear. “What?” I ask, confused. He puts his hand on my stomach. “The doctor might have fibbed when she said she couldn’t see the sex of the baby yet. It’s a girl, baby,” he tells me. I burst into tears. He pulls me into his arms. “You really do make sure I get everything I’ve ever wanted.” I sni e, wiping my nose on his shirt. “Hey, how come no one told me about this surprise party?” Angel asks. Logan wraps an arm around his wife. “You two don’t have secrets. We all knew Angel would have folded like a cheap chair,” Beau answers. Angel doesn't even try to deny it. “Who the heck is this Kelly?” Angel hu s. “Me?” a tall man answers, popping up out of nowhere. He’s almost as tall as Beau, but he’s thin. His pink bow tie is on point. He’s the only person in the room I don’t recognize. “I’m the event planner.” “Right,” I mumble. Beau’s body shakes with laughter. I smack his chest. He turns me in his arms, pulling the wig o my head and tossing it away. “You got me.” I laugh, joining him. My husband knows me all too well. “Damn right I’ve got you.” He smiles, leaning down and brushing his mouth against mine. “And I’m never letting you go.”

hope you loved Carey and Beau’s story. Curious about Angel and Logan? Check out their story Home For The Holidays available now! Join my newsletter to know when Lucy Darling books are released. CLICK HERE



Escaping the big city to go home for the holidays is the only bright light in the year I’ve had. I’m constantly surrounded by people, but I’ve never felt more alone or out of place. Going home had been the plan until a historic snowfall downs all air tra c. Well, not all of it. A handsome billionaire with a private plane can still fly, and when he asks me to accompany him for the holidays and pretend to be his fiancé, we strike a deal. They say Logan Duncan is hard, brooding, and seemingly cold. But with me he manages to send hot tingles down my spine whenever he touches me and holds me close. He makes this all feel too real. The closer we get the more I see he’s never been loved. I make it my mission to show him the magic of Christmas. My holidays started out grounded, but now they’re soaring. The only problem is, what happens when I want this fake fiancé to be the real thing?


I love snow. It’s one of the many things I love about the holidays. Everything looks so pristine when it’s covered in a fresh blanket of it. I’ve been so excited to get home to see snow again. But Mother Nature has decided to play a cruel joke on me. Snow is going to be the very thing that’s going to keep me stranded in LA. It hasn't snowed in LA in more than fifty years. I look out the window of my small apartment that I share with three other girls. Small snowflakes fall to the ground. It wasn’t even supposed to start until tonight. I didn’t think I had anything to worry about because by then I’d be back home and in my parents’ house to enjoy three weeks o of work. I’m looking forward to being back in Rocky Hill. I need this trip. I’m barely hanging on by a thread, and now everything might be ruined. The disappointment makes my stomach hurt. I know that a drive home would take days, not to mention how hazardous the roads might be along the way. I also don’t have a car, so there’s that. “Can we use your room for storage while you’re gone?” Victoria asks. I peek over my shoulder to look at her. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

These models and actresses out here can’t handle the cold. This is the first time I’ve ever seen Victoria in so much clothing. Unlike me, who’s on the shorter and curvier side, the girls I live with are stick thin and have legs for days. “I-” “Thanks.” She cuts me o before I can answer, turning to head back to her bedroom but not before she cranks the heat up more. It’s already a freaking sauna in here. Barbie comes stumbling out of her room next. She doesn't say a word as she makes her way to the co ee machine. “What is this?” she snaps. Crap. I rush over toward the co ee pot and grab my sugar container. “Sorry.” She only glares at me. I had no idea how hard living with models was going to be. They get pissed if I leave any sweets or unhealthy things in the fridge. “If you cut the sweets—” Her pretty blue eyes flick over me, finishing her sentence for her. I really wish my roommates were as pretty on the inside as they are on the outside. I often think sometimes they are only mean to me because they must always be hangry. Now that is something I can relate to. “Morning.” I give her a soft smile that does nothing. My mom is going to have to explain this whole kill people with kindness thing because all these girls are still alive and kicking. “Aren't you supposed to be gone already?” I ignore her, going back to my bedroom and putting the sugar on top of the mini fridge I have in there. It’s where I keep most of my food. The only things in the kitchen refrigerator are bottles of water, a box of baking soda, and yogurt. The freezer isn't much better, with only grapes in it. I feel insulted whenever they call those frozen grapes dessert.

That was another thing I was looking forward to. All the home cooking my mom and I planned to do over the next three weeks. I know it’s going to be amazing. My throat grows tight thinking about not making it home. I missed Thanksgiving at home this year. I didn’t have enough time to take o for both, so I saved up all my time so I could stay for one long trip. Of course when Mom heard what I was planning, she, Dad, and my brother showed up here for a surprise visit. They rented an Airbnb for the long weekend. It was wonderful, but there is nothing like being home for the holidays. My phone dings, letting me know the driver is here. I roll out my two giant suitcases from my bedroom toward the front door. “Bye,” I say to Barbie, who rolls her eyes at me. “Let me get those,” the driver says, taking the bags from me. “Thanks.” I look up at the snow, which seems to be falling harder than it was ten minutes ago before I get into the car. “They’ve already cancelled some flights,” the driver informs me. I quickly check my phone but see that mine is still on schedule. “I’m good.” He gives a nod and pulls out, heading toward the airport. My phone dings with a text from my brother telling me to text him with my flight information before takeo . The drive to the airport is slow due to the worsening weather. When I make it in and past security without my flight being cancelled, I let out a giant sigh of relief. I’m going to make it home. No sooner than I have the thought my phone dings with an alert.

My stomach drops as I look down at my phone. I don’t have to read the message to know my flight isn't only delayed but cancelled. The people around me all let out curses and groans. My eyes start to burn with tears. I’m a terrible crier. My face turns red and starts to swell. Not to mention I can’t do it quietly. And I know I’m about to burst into tears. I’ve been so freaking homesick. I grab the handle of my carry-on bag, needing to get away from everyone to breathe. I walk quickly, not sure why I think I can find somewhere to be alone. I take a sharp turn, thinking I’m going into a dark nook, but the door is open, going down a long hallway. I head down it, the sounds of the people behind me fading away as I break into some waiting room. I drop down into one of the chairs, burying my face in my hands before I burst into tears. Available Now!


Meant to Love Meant to Be Love on the Line Love Forever Love in the Mix Love Undefeated Belong to Me Return to Me Never Let Go Never Been Kissed Stalking His Claim Stalking His Bride Forever Her Cowboy Always His Cowgirl Only Her Only Tonight His Forever Girl His Forever Love 209 Wedding Lane


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