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Copyright © 2021 by Lucy Darling All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

“If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I’ll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me.” – Unknown


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue Chapter 1 Also by Lucy Darling CONNECT WITH ME!


Football is my life, has always been my life. Until I met her. Willow is just the distraction I don’t need when I’m trying to restart my career from NFL player to college coach. What’s worse? She’s a freshman. I may be the youngest NCAA head coach in history, but I’m still too old for her. Too big too, I played in the league as an o ensive lineman. She’s tiny compared to me. Innocent, naïve, and completely o limits—Willow tempts me even when she isn’t trying to. I should walk away from her. But I can’t. She calls me her bear, and I’ve never wanted anyone the way I do her. If I have to fight o half my team to keep her to myself, I will. For her, I’ll risk my career and my reputation. Because winning her is the only game I can’t a ord to lose.



think I’m going to enjoy having Reid around. I should get me one of these boyfriend things,” I tease my best friend Zoey. We’re both lying on the sofa as Reid puts things together for us. I think it’s our desks he’s working on now. He’s also breaking down all the boxes and running everything up and down for us. “Those muscles of his aren't only for when he’s on the field.” Zoey wiggles her eyebrows. “You should be in the market for one. These boyfriends can do many things.” I laugh. I’m not sure there are many men out there like Reid. A man who put his mark on Zoey before either of them knew what that really meant. He’d do anything for her. “You okay?” Reid walks into the living room, going straight for Zoey. “I’m fine. Relaxing.” She lets out a yawn. “I’m sorry.” He leans down and kisses her. I’m about to ask why he’s sorry but quickly realize it likely has something to do with waking her up during the night. “The desks are done.” “Thank you.” I stand to go see them. Zoey and I moved in today. We’re a few weeks away from classes starting. We

decided to move in early so we could get settled, and Zoey was itching to get out here. Kingston University is a few hours away from home, and Reid had to come out early for football crap. I was down to move whenever. “This is amazing.” Zoey rests her head on my shoulder. She’s the reason I’m here to begin with. I never really had a plan. Zoey, on the other hand, always has one. I think it’s one of the many reasons why when we met we became instant best friends. We balance each other. She was the one that made me start to think about what I would do when high school was over. A few months hanging out with her and I suddenly had a goal of getting into Kingston, and that’s what we set out to do. We worked hard to do it and accomplished it together. We joined so many clubs and took on all sorts of extra crap so that we could slap it on our applications. There were too many late-night study sessions to even count, but the only thing that mattered in the end was that we’d done it. Zoey had knocked it out of the park, getting a full ride. She tested crazy high. I was happy to know that I’d gotten in based on my own hard work. That my parents hadn’t used their money or influence to get me accepted. “Wills, I’m not sure how—” “Don’t,” I cut her o . “First o , it’s not me. It’s my parents and, well, grandparents. It’s the least they can do.” I’d talked Zoey into not staying in the dorms. I got us a place that’s a five-minute walk to campus. A super cute condo that my dad is footing the bill for. “I’ve practically lived with you and your mom through most of high school. It seems fair to me.” Zoey has no clue how much having her and her mom as a support system through high school meant to me. “You act like you’re a pain to be around or something.” She grabs the tip of my ponytail. “You’re not.” She stares me

down. I loved it over at Zoey’s. Her mom Quinn became like a foster mom to me. I’d grown up in a beautiful home. Zoey’s childhood home could fit into my parents’ house a good ten times if not more, but it is warm and welcoming. Unlike the home I’d grown up in which was cold and lonely. There has never been something I’ve asked for that I wasn't given. Except attention or time. Even this condo. When we got here this morning, Zoey was shocked to see all the stu that was already here. My dad’s assistant had not only gotten the place leased for me, but she went about getting some furniture and stocked the fridge too. When it came to getting things done, my dad was always the guy you want to have in your corner. That said, it will probably take him a week or more to realize I moved out already. “You hear me?” Zoey pulls harder on my hair. “Yeah, I hear you. You’re obsessed with me and can’t live without me.” I smirk at her. She gives me a look, letting me know she sees what I’m doing before she shakes her head and hugs me. “What else do you guys have for me to put together?” Reid asks but fires another question o before I can respond. “What is that?” He points at the LED ring light. I flip it on. “Good lighting for posts.” I flip it back o . Zoey and I have been dabbling in social media lately. We both enjoy writing. Me more than Zoey. She prefers to be on the other side of the camera most of the time. We started up a social media account together with a blog. It was something we did for fun since neither one of us had been into the whole high school party scene. It’s what we’d do on Friday and Saturday nights together. We’d been surprised how fast it started to grow. Some of that buzz was because of Reid. Mr. Hot Shot Quarterback is

popular. It was strange that people enjoyed reading and looking at our stu , and seeing how into Reid and Zoey people are. “Did I ever tell you Reid has never done social media before?” Zoey says. It is shocking to meet someone his age that doesn’t have at least one social media account. “Is that why his groupies stalk us?” Reid’s nostrils flare, his distaste clear. Zoey snorts a laugh, unbothered. I wonder if I’d have the same confidence as her. I guess I would if my man acted the way Reid does when it comes to Zoey. “I never said I haven't been on social media. I said I don’t have an account in my name.” Zoey turns slowly to look at him. I swear one of her eyebrows is touching the top of her forehead. “What did you do? Or what are you doing?” A sheepish look crosses his face. “I might have friended you under another name. You can’t see some people's shit unless you’re their friend,” he informs us as if we don’t know this. “I was stalking you. This isn't new information. I was desperate to know what you were doing.” Reid and Zoey grew up together. When they hit their teen years, Reid freaked out and stone-walled Zoey. It wasn't long after that that she and I became friends. It was easy for me to see Reid was in love with Zoey. But I knew telling her that wouldn’t help. They both had to see it for themselves and come back together. It didn't take me long to put this all together. Reid was the most popular guy in school because of football, yet he never dated. Never was rumored to date. He did, however, stare at Zoey all the fucking time. Then one day he snapped. Zoey later confirmed what I thought. Reid hit puberty and wasn't looking at his best friend the same way anymore. Since he was a man who would never do anything to hurt her, he let her go, thinking it was for the best until they grew

up. Typical stupid man making decisions without talking it out. It all worked out, though. It brought Zoey into my life and has given me the sister I never had. “Hungry?” Reid changes the subject, taking it o his stalkerish ways to something he knows will work. “Can we go walk around and find something?” Zoey asks. I’m down. “If that’s what you ladies want to do,” Reid says. Zoey worried that I might get annoyed with how much time Reid spent here, but I won’t. He makes her happy, and he’s quickly turned into the brother I never knew I wanted. My friends are my family. One I’m building on my own. I still hold out a small hope that the ache I feel in my chest when I see a family together will fade away as I find my own. Or maybe there is more to that ache than I know.



should have seen this coming. My mom can be crafty when she wants her way. I’ve been back home for two months, and she is all over me about a nice girl she wants to set me up with. I love my mom more than anything. She truly has a golden heart and always wants to see the best in people. Thank God she has Dad to protect her from people who want to take advantage of her. “I was so stunned when your mother told me you were her son.” Ti any smiles over at me, blinking quickly. I wonder if she blinks so much because of those fake eyelashes she has on her eyes. They look like they have some weight to them. They look extremely uncomfortable and make me want to rub my own eyes. Why would anyone put those things on their face? She leans over toward me, and I jerk my head down to look at my drink. Hell, I bet she thinks I was gazing into her eyes. “My mom what?” I ask, realizing I haven’t been listening to her. My mom raised me to be a gentleman, but I can’t help but be disinterested in this entire conversation. My mind keeps drifting to the game tape I watched today. That’s where all my focus has been since I got the coaching job

here. I’m the youngest college head coach ever hired. I have something to prove. “Is she here?” I look around for my mother. She was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago, but she is nowhere to be found. Mom is never late, so that means she never planned to come to this dinner. She set me up. I’d finally broken down and told her I would meet the girl. I made it clear that I didn’t want to go on a date. That’s when my mom came up with the brilliant idea of us all going to dinner. It can be hard to tell her no. The woman would chop o her arm for you if she thought you needed it. “That you are her son. I had no idea.” I see her hand out of the corner of my eye start to come down onto my forearm. I snag my drink, taking a sip so I can dodge her touch. I don’t want her to get the wrong idea. I find her words hard to believe if she lives here in Kingston. Football is life here. We're big but also have a small-town feel. Anyone that was raised here would agree with me on that. I suppose she might not have linked my parents and me together. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. I might just be jaded. I know what the girls were like when we’d be on the road for a game when I played professionally. They try hard to sink their claws into you. At least the ones who would circle the bar of the hotel we’d be staying in. The college kids make up a greater part of the population in the city, but they come and go. The locals are always the same. I played not only high school football here, I went to the university too. That was many years ago, though. Since then I retired from the NFL and moved back here to coach at my alma mater. I was born and raised here. So if you’ve lived here for any stretch of time you’d know who my parents are. It’s how small towns work for the most part. I decide to go ahead with

the meal, not wanting to be an ass to someone my mom talks to. “I’ve been gone awhile.” Which is true. I got drafted all the way across the country. It feels good to be back home. I didn't know how much I missed it until I came back. I feel more settled than I ever have in my life. That might be because I got the job I’ve always wanted. “Are we ready to order?” the server asks, coming back to the table. I’m stuck. “I’m starving.” Ti any reopens the menu. There is no way I’m getting out of this without being rude. “You order, I’m still trying to decide.” “I’ll take the biggest ribeye cooked medium rare.” I hand him the menu I never opened. “Load up on the potatoes.” He nods, punching my order into the tablet in his hand. Ti any starts asking him a million questions. My eyes flick across the restaurant to the front, seeing someone enter. I spot Reid first. He’s hard to miss at his height. He holds the door open for his girlfriend Zoey. She was the only reason I’d gotten him to come here in the first place. I’m not sure if their relationship is going to be a problem or not when it comes to him keeping his head in the game. I guess time will tell. So far all has been good. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders. I lift my hand and motion him over. Zoey gives me a small wave like she always does when she sees me. I smile and nod at her. Then my eyes land on the girl next to her. All I can see is a wave of long blond hair and a petite curvy body that has me sitting up straighter, willing her to look my way. My cock stirs for the first time in a long time as I take her in. Finally she turns her head to see who Zoey is waving to, giving me what I want. Bright green eyes meet mine as a smile forms on her plump lips. Everything inside of me freezes.

“Wasn’t he in the paper?” the woman across the table asks. I’ve suddenly forgotten her name. I’m sure Reid was in the paper when Kingston got him to commit to coming here. “Coach!” Reid says as he makes his way over to me. I stand and give him a clap on the back. “Join us.” I drop my eyes back to the blonde who is standing behind Reid with Zoey. I think this is the girl he told me Zoey was moving in with. Fuck me. That means she’s a student and way too young for me. She’s fresh out of fucking high school. Reid gives me a curious look. His eyes keep bouncing between the woman and me. “You’re not on a—" “The ribeye is great here.” I cut him o , not wanting the breathtaking blonde that’s with them to think I’m on a date. It shouldn’t matter to me because it’s not like I can touch her. Or have her. Or wrap that blond hair of hers around my fist while I drive into her over and over again. She is beyond o -limits. I need to stop thinking about how those emerald eyes would look staring up at me as she took me deep into her throat. “Want me to add this table?” the server asks, pointing to the one next to ours. “Ti any?” the beautiful blonde asks. “Willow, right?” She pushes back from her chair to stand. “How is your mom?” “She’s good.” They kiss each other on each cheek. Ti any pauses and whispers something in her ear. Willow’s eyes glance at me but pull away quickly. “Am I moving the table?” the server asks again. “No.” Willow answers him before anyone else can. “We just came to check out the menu for dinner in the future. We have reservations next door.” She pauses on a few of her

words, and I know she’s lying. Reid shrugs. What the hell had Ti any whispered in her ear? “Yeah. Italian.” Zoey jumps in, trying to make her friend’s lie more believable. Both of the girls are terrible liars. I find it oddly endearing. I’m even finding things about her attractive that shouldn’t be. What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t even know this girl and she has me thinking all of these crazy thoughts. I can’t think straight, something I’m not used to. “There’s only a Chinese place next door,” I point out. Both of their faces flush, and Reid gives me a hard look. “See you at practice,” I say, releasing him. “Bye,” Willow says before grabbing Zoey by the arm to head out. Reid lifts his chin at me before following them out. Ti any sits back down. Reluctantly I do the same. All I want to do is follow after them. I shake the thought o because it’s a stupid one. I can’t have her. Even though there’s nothing else I want more. “Do you often run into students outside of work? That must be annoying.” She scrunches her nose. She really must be new around here. “Haven't been coaching that long.” I’m sure it will happen often. “I don’t think it will be a problem.” I’ve already gotten close to a few of the players on the team. Reid more so than most, but I enjoy getting into his head about game play as much as he enjoys getting into mine. I’ve been in his shoes and know what it takes to make it to the top. My mind drifts to Willow. Even her name is perfect. Running into students o campus won’t necessarily be a problem, but I know without a doubt running into that little curvy blonde is going to be an issue for me. She’s too young for you, I remind myself. Not only that, she’s a student at the university. I figure if I keep telling myself these things that it will somehow dull the sudden need I have for her.

“You know Willow?” I find myself asking. Obviously my plan isn’t working. This time I actually listen to what comes out of Ti any’s mouth, wanting to know every single detail she knows about my Willow.



ou are coming with me,” Zoey says, popping her head into my bedroom. She pauses when she sees I have my phone pressed to my ear. “Everything is going good.” I answer my mom before I mouth to Zoey who I’m talking to. I know I’m going with her. I told her earlier that I might not go to the party after the game, but I’ve changed my mind. Besides, we're celebrating. We already have a few weeks of college under our belt, and now Reid had a kick-ass game. Reid’s frat house is throwing a party, and he’s supposed to be there tonight. I think in total Reid has slept at the frat house once. Not that anyone really cares. It’s a university rule you have to live on campus freshman year if you play for the team. As long as he’s got a room that’s all that matters. Everyone knows he lives with us. “I ran into Carrie the other day. She told me that you saw her daughter.” “Yeah, Ti any. We only saw each other for a couple of seconds. She was with someone. They looked to be on a date.” My mind flashes back to the handsome man who has invaded my every thought since I laid eyes on him. In fact, I

knew it was a date. She whispered it into my ear so my friends and I would get lost. “Yes. The football coach. Theodore something. I think Carrie is already trying to plan a wedding for them. She has been trying to get that girl married for years.” My stomach turns. For weeks I’ve tried to stop thinking about Theodore Grayson. I don’t know what my fascination with him is. He’s dating someone! Plus, there’s the fact that he’s older than me and looks so serious. As though he does everything by the book. I don’t even know why I continue to think about what he does or doesn’t do. He’s taken and o limits. “Ti any isn't that old. Why the rush?” She’s in her midtwenties, I think. It's hard to keep up with these inner circles, but she does come from a prominent last name. “Don’t be jealous, Willow. You’ll find you a nice pre-law or pre-med boy there at school. It's why you’re there.” Of course my mother would make sure to throw a little dig in. As if a career of my own isn’t something I should be trying to obtain. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask why it matters really. It’s not as though I need to marry for money. “Or I have a few I can introduce you to. We have a few years until that.” “Wonderful.” I can’t wait for that. For her to line up selfcentered rich assholes for me to choose from. “I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” She ends the call without an I love you or goodbye. I’m used to it by now. I didn't know how o that was until I was around Zoey and her mom all the time. Hell, Zoey’s mom treats me more like a daughter and tells me she loves me when I’m on a call with her. “What did she want?” Zoey leans against the door frame of my room. She’s got on a sweater that we decorated with Reid’s name on the back.

“Checking in.” “Was that the first time?” Zoey purses her lips. Sometimes I think she gets more upset about how my parents treat me than I do. I guess after all these years, I’m numb to it. I try not to let it a ect me anymore. “Is what it is.” I shake it o , knowing nothing is going to change. “Let it go, and let’s get you ready to go have a good time.” Zoey bounces into my room. “Already have.” I head to my closet, kicking o my sneakers and grabbing a white v-neck sweater and my boots. If I’m going to a party I might as well dress up. “Getting sexy?” She wiggles her brows at me. She’s got her hair in a ponytail and no makeup on her face unless you count the number 11 on her cheek that I drew for her. “It seems I’m in the market for a pre-law or pre-med college student.” Zoey snorts a laugh. “I really never know what your mom is going to say or do.” “That makes two of us.” I roll my eyes as I get dressed. I give my makeup and hair a once-over. I did them before we went to the football game. I made sure to spend my time doing them, wanting to look good. Yet, he didn't even notice me, and I was in the front row, right behind the team. I’m starting to think I need to put myself out there. I can’t be lusting after a man who isn't mine to ever have. It’s not only the fact that he’s dating someone else but he also works for the university. I don’t know what the rules are regarding students and faculty. But I’m sure there are strict guidelines. Not that he is going to break or bend them for me. The man only met me once. I bet he doesn't even remember me. I really need to get over this fascination I have with him.

“I’m ready.” I stand up, lean over, and zip up my boot. “Can we get food after?” “You’re hungry?” “No, but late-night breakfast food is always the best.” “What if you meet someone at the party and crash at the house?” “You think I’m going to lose my virginity at a frat party?” I pull my keys from my purse so I can lock the door behind us. I hit the button for the elevator. The doors start to open. “You don’t have to sleep with someone because you crash with them. There are other things you can do. Don’t be a slut.” Zoey laughs. I don’t because as the doors slide open, there stands the man I haven't stopped thinking about. Not only that, he just heard my best friend telling me not to be a slut. Lovely. “Oh. Coach.” Zoey smiles at him. He looks as good as he did the first time I saw him. He’s freshly showered and clearly going somewhere. “Zoey.” His response is sti . He always looks so serious. It should intimidate me, but it only makes him more attractive. “I forgot you live in the building.” We step onto the elevator. “You do?” How the hell. So much for forgetting about him. “Top floor,” he answers but doesn't say anything else. “You look pissed for a man who just won,” I tease with a small laugh, trying to break this weird tension that is quickly forming inside the elevator. “It was a great game,” Zoey tosses in, likely feeling the weirdness too. He grunts a response. “I take it you're not going to the party.” “Late dinner plans,” he answers her. I wonder if it’s with Ti any. It is late. The game ended at nine, and it’s now

pushing ten. I don’t think he’s going out for food. If I had to guess he is going out for sex. “Have fun.” Zoey links her arm with mine when the elevator dings, and we step o before him. It takes everything inside of me to not turn and look back. It’s not until we’re a few blocks from our place that she finally says something. “What the hell was that?” “No clue,” I answer honestly. “He was pissed.” That’s how it felt. “I told you I was coming to meet you,” Reid shouts, coming into view down the long sidewalk. It might be nighttime, but the campus is lit up, and people are always coming and going. When he gets to us, he lifts Zoey o her feet, kissing her. My heart flutters. I feel a sudden longing to experience what they have. That deep connection you can only have with a person you love. Coach Grayson comes to mind, but I push the thought away, knowing where he is right now. “I need a drink,” I say when Reid puts Zoey back on her feet. He leads the way. I have to admit that I’m not as excited about going to the party as I was before. “A drink?” Zoey asks. “It’s college.” I shrug. “Time to try new things.” “Okay,” she agrees, knowing Reid will keep an eye on both of us. I’m making it my mission to forget about Grayson once and for all. There really is no other choice.



re you listening to me, Theodore?” I pause the game tape at my mom’s use of my full name and not Theo. Something has to be wrong; she never calls me that unless it’s serious. I hit the button to take the phone o speaker and lift it to my ear. “You can’t still be mad at me?” she hu s. “Not mad at you.” I don’t think there has ever been a time I was actually mad at my mom. Annoyed? Sure, but I know whatever she does when it concerns me is always with good intentions. Her heart is in the right place, but sometimes she goes a little too far. “I really thought you would hit it o with Ti any.” I shut my laptop. Guilt clings to her words. “Really? Is that the kind of woman you want me to marry?” There is a long pause. Something about Ti any doesn’t work for me. It’s a gut feeling. One I choose to trust since it has never steered me wrong in the past. The conversation with Ti any wasn’t a sincere one. She kept pretending to be whoever she thought I would like or be attracted to. It’s not her fault, but she failed miserably. Hell, I don’t even know what my type is. A beautiful blonde comes

to mind, but I push the thought out of my mind quickly. Not that it ever stays gone for long. The dating thing wasn’t on my list of priorities in the past. I had been focused on football and making the NFL. Once I’d made it, I concentrated on putting my all on the field. It’s the same now with coaching the kids. I spend my time watching game tapes and strategizing plays. Football is my life. It’s been my partner for a very long time. Yet, seeing Willow had sparked something inside of me. “Well, I thought she was nice.” “Thought?” What has changed in the past few weeks? Ti any and I had parted ways when we left the restaurant. She asked if I wanted her number, and I’d told her I could get it from my mom, which I never did. I didn't want the woman to have my phone number. And I sure as hell wouldn’t be calling her. “She’s been pushy about me giving you her number. Last night at one of my fundraiser meetings she asked to borrow my phone. She kept going on about hers being dead. I let her, but after the fact, I thought maybe she only asked in order to get your number or something out of it.” I wouldn’t be surprised by that behavior from her. “If she did, she hasn’t used it. I haven’t gotten any calls or texts from a number I don’t know. Last I saw her was that night we were all supposed to have dinner.” I emphasize the word all for good measure. “I’m sorry!” “Forgive your mother,” I hear my dad order in the background, making me smile. He can’t take my mother being upset for one second. I’ve never met a man that loves a woman more than my dad loves my mom. “Nothing to forgive.” “Oh, well then. There is actually.” Luckily I hear the locker room door open and voices start to drift towards my

o ce, letting me know some of the boys are here for practice. “I have to go, Mom.” “All right. I love you.” “Love you too,” I say before I end the call. I lean back, closing my eyes for a second. I should be in a good fucking mood. I won the first game of the season. How, I have no fucking clue. I was barely present. The whole time I kept thinking about the blonde seated behind me. I tried to ignore the pull I felt toward her, but I couldn’t. The noise grows louder as I listen to my players bitch about the party last weekend. I shouldn't smile, but I do. I might have made a call and had it broken up. It was a bastard thing to do, but I was unable to help myself. The idea of these boys pawing at her had me seeing red for no reason. This Willow girl won’t get out of my head. She is in my bones, and I can’t shake her. It’s been weeks, and this is still going on. Finding out she lives in the same building hasn’t helped the situation. I’ve been actively trying to avoid her at all costs, knowing the temptation is too great for me to resist. I know being caught alone with her would break my resolve. I’m thankful that when she stepped onto that elevator that Zoey was with her. I don’t think I would have been able to hold back. I gritted my teeth the entire ride down to the lobby. Her sweet scent, a mix of cherries and vanilla, had filled the elevator, tempting me in a way that I’ve never experienced before. I had to keep my eyes trained forward after catching a glimpse of her outfit. The boots she was wearing were enough to give me a fucking heart attack. “You want me in a red shirt?” Reid asks, throwing the door open to my o ce. “Yes.” He almost looks disappointed that I don’t want him to get the shit knocked out of him.

“They aren't going to get their hands on me.” “I know, because you’ll have a red shirt on.” I stand, grabbing the red shirt from one of the tables in my o ce and shoving it into his chest. “You got a good head on your shoulders. Let’s not knock it around too much.” “Fine,” he grumbles, wanting a chance to show he’s quick on his feet. I know he is, but there is no point in risking it. He walks o with the shirt to go get ready. I do my usual rounds, stopping to talk to players and going over some of the things on the game tape I noticed. My ears perk up when I hear Willow’s name. “You going to bring that Willow girl again? I saw her social,” Mack says as he ties his shoes. “She’s not just hot but funny too.” Her social? What the hell does that mean? “Why are you watching their fucking social media? It’s all chick shit,” Reid says, putting the pieces together. It’s only another blow to me, reminding me I’m way too fucking old for this girl. “I was checking her out.” “Well, don’t,” Reid orders as Mack stands. Reid may be taller than Mack, but Mack is a fucking tank. I’d know because I used to be one myself. I’m not as big as I once was as a lineman; I’ve let some of the weight drop o over the years. It’s funny how now I’m actually in better shape, health-wise at least. Mentally I’m a damn basket case, thinking about Willow. “I can do whatever the fuck I want, dude. I’m not after your girl. I want the blonde. Don’t tell me you’re fucking them both?” Reid is on him before I can move, throwing him right into a locker. Mack goes to grab for him but stops, knowing better. There won’t just be an all-out fight, but it’ll land his ass o the team if he leaves one mark on Reid. The university won’t have it any other way.

“You stay the fuck away from Willow. You hear me? Unless she comes on to you, don’t even look her fucking way. And trust me, she’s not going to come on to you.” I knew I liked Reid from the moment I met him. “Are we clear?” “Yeah,” he agrees. Reid lets him go and steps back. He flicks his eyes my way, finally noticing I’m standing right there. I can see the oh shit moment in his eyes, not because he actually fears me but the worry that I’m going to make him do running drills all afternoon. Usually I would but not when the kid has inadvertently done me a favor. “Everyone on the field. Warm up!” I shout. “Don’t need no stuck-up rich pussy anyways,” Mack says under his breath. This time it’s me that reaches out and grabs Mack, getting into his face. Willow may not be mine, yet, but there is no way I would allow any man to ever disrespect her in my presence. Or any woman, for that matter. “I don’t know what kind of locker room talk you did at your other school, Mack, but that shit doesn't fly in mine. I hear it again and we’re going to have a problem. Understood?” “Sorry, Coach,” he rushes to say. “I was trying to push his buttons.” “Now you’re pushing mine.” He gives me another sheepish apology before I release him. “Why is everyone still in my fucking locker room when I just told your asses what to do?” I bellow, and everyone takes o , leaving me alone once again. I run my hand down my face, trying to calm down. I shouldn't have gotten involved. Reid had it handled. Again, this Willow girl is fucking with my head, and I don’t think there is any way to stop it. To be honest, I’m not sure I really want to.



here has got to be more on this man. I click the page again, having read the same articles over and over at this point. There is nothing to them really. It’s all facts. All things that are public knowledge including where he was born, where he went to school, and a ton on his NFL career. Other than that, nothing more comes up when it comes to Theodore Grayson. Coach Gray to everyone else unless you’re close to him and then people call him Theo. How is the fact that people call him Theo the most intimate thing I can find on him? He grew up in this town. Went on to be a famous football player and is the youngest college head coach to date. There should be tons of stories on him. Especially in the local paper here in Kingston. “Doing a story on Coach Gray? Kind of played out.” Keith comes to sit down next to me. We’re all supposed to be coming up with story ideas for The BluePrint, the university’s newspaper. All I’m finding is the lack of real digging no one did on the shiny new coach that everyone adores. It’s annoying. He’s annoying. And so is my stupid attraction to him. “He’s boring.” I shut my laptop, not wanting anyone else to see my stalking.

“Boring is not what other girls around here call him.” Tell me about it. I don’t know how Zoey does it. I overhear girls talk about Reid. If I do, I know she has to as well. I suppose it helps that he has never had eyes for anyone other than her. We all know Reid isn't going to betray Zoey. I’m not sure I could be as level-headed as her. This Theodore isn't even mine, and I’m having way too many feelings about him. Jealousy being on the top of that list. “Make sure you submit your ideas by midnight Friday night,” Professor Diggs says, dismissing the class. I pack up all my stu . “Want to get co ee? Discuss some ideas?” I check my watch, debating the idea. My list is at zero at the moment, and we each need five ideas to turn in. “Sure. Can we do Perk North? I like their hot chocolate.” “Yeah.” Keith pops up from his chair and begins getting his stu together. I put my laptop into my bag and head out with him. He talks about a few ideas he has. I try and pay attention, but my mind keeps drifting to whether or not Ti any has social media. Of course I already checked if Theodore has one—he does, but there is nothing really on it. It felt very generic. “What are you thinking?” “What?” Crap. I so checked out of the conversation, and there's no way I’m telling anyone what I’m thinking. I haven't even told Zoey about my new weird fascination with Reid’s coach because I haven’t wrapped my mind around it yet. “For a story.” Right. Keith holds the door open for me when we make it to the co ee shop, being a gentleman. He has been since we met at orientation and he heard my major was journalism. He’s cute in a boy next door kind of way. He’s taller than me, but most people are. He’s fit too. Not as tall or built as Theo but nothing to turn your nose up at. I think I remember

him telling me he was on the swim team. Which makes sense with his build. He’s got short, wavy blond hair, making me think he’s from the West Coast. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did some surfing back home. “I’m still trying to think something up.” “I can see the appeal to Coach Gray. The stu that’s out there about him falls flat. There is no juice to it. Why don't you ask Reid? He might have some insight.” I’ve thought about that too. I give Keith a look. “Everyone knows who Zoey and Reid are, and by proxy they know who you are with the streaming you two do together. Not to mention you’re a Harlow.” I haven’t decided if my last name is a blessing or a curse. I’m sure everyone assumes that’s the reason I got into this school, but I try not to dwell on what others think of me. “I’m starting to think I might be your story,” I tease him, knowing he’s right. We both place our orders and wait o to the side. Zoey texts me about how boring her class is. “There he is,” Keith says under his breath to me. I look up from my phone to see Theo walking into the co ee shop. This is the first time I’ve gotten to see him again since the night in the elevator. He looks as handsome as ever. He has an air of confidence that pushes all the right buttons for me. It’s even in the way he walks. He’s not arrogant, but he exudes power. His eyes come right to me and then narrow. For some reason I suddenly feel as if I’m in trouble. We stand there staring at each other until someone tries to get into the door, which his big frame is blocking. He gives the person an apology as he moves forward. I lift my hand, giving him a small wave like a dork, but what else am I supposed to do? We're staring right at each other. It would be rude of me not to greet him in some way. Thoughts of walking up and kissing him briefly enter my

mind, but I push them away. I need to get myself under control. This happens to me every time he’s near. I make a fool of myself. “Theo!” I jerk my head around at the sound of Ti any’s voice as she pushes into the co ee shop. She’s clearly excited to see him. I shouldn’t be calling him that. He’s not my friend. I barely know him, but Coach Gray sounds weird. He’s not my coach. He’s not my anything. He already belongs to someone. I need to get that through my thick skull. I mean, how many times do I have to witness them together before I stop with this crazy fascination with him? “That could be your story.” Keith’s brows lift as he watches Ti any hug Theo. I turn around, grabbing my hot chocolate. My phone goes o in my hand. I look at it to see Zoey asking about dinner ideas. “Crap. My friend needs me. Text me later?” “I don’t have your number.” Crap. Why did I say that? I ramble it o so quickly I’m not sure he catches it before I’m out the door and headed home, knowing that I need to bury this silly crush I have for Theo once and for all.



hat the fuck am I doing now? I ask myself as I follow not far behind Willow as she makes her way toward our building. I’m a damn stalker is what I am. Even though I have that thought, that still doesn’t stop me from continuing to follow her. I mean, technically I’m heading home too, so I’m not really following her. I spent an hour after practice not watching game tape like normal but watching Willow’s videos on social media. How did I not put it together before now she’s a Harlow? Of course she comes from money, how else would a college student a ord to live in our building? Yet she doesn’t act as though she’s some stuck-up rich kid. Her parents are big contributors to our school, which only puts up another roadblock in my path to her. Still, I pick up my pace as she gets closer to the entrance of our building, wanting to savor the small glimpse I’m getting of her. If I time it right, she’ll have to ride the elevator with me. Hopefully we’ll be alone. Maybe talking to her will cure this obsession I have with her. It will show me that we have nothing in common and that this is only a physical attraction. Let’s hope, because I don’t think I could stay

away from her if that’s not the case. I’m already fighting a losing battle here. I watch as she enters the lobby. She presses the button for the elevator and steps back. I study her profile for a minute. She’s perfect. So young and full of life. She has her entire future ahead of her. What would she want with an old man like me? I don’t stand a chance in keeping her, so I should let her go now, before I get a taste of her. I know once I do that, I’ll never be able to set her free. Against my own advice, I head inside and toward her. She has that e ect on me, making me do things that I wouldn’t normally do. She must sense me because she turns to look at me, and those gorgeous green eyes of hers connect with mine. She looks a bit shocked, but I see a flash of relief there that I can’t explain. Her mouth drops open only for a second. I think I groan out loud as I watch her pink little tongue peek out to wet those plump lips of hers. The elevator dings, pulling her attention from me. She steps inside, and I follow her on. “Hi,” she says softly as she pushes the button for her floor. I reach over past her and press the button to my floor. She doesn't move out of my way and lets me crowd her. She tilts her head up to look at me. Her eyes drop to my mouth. It’s all I need. I should be soft with her, but I strike, hard and fast, the same way I used to all those years on the football field. There is no grace to my movements. I grab her, lifting her o her feet as my mouth comes down onto her. A gasp comes from her, making her lips part. I slip my tongue in to get a better taste. Warm chocolate with a hint of vanilla fills my mouth. For a moment she doesn't respond but lets me kiss her without pulling away.

Her fingers dig into my shoulders as she starts to kiss me back. I groan when her tongue tangles with mine tentatively. There is nothing about Willow that screams shy, but the way she kisses makes me think otherwise. Suddenly she jerks back, her eyes fluttering open. Her green eyes look darker now. I can see the desire there. She wants me. She lifts her hand, touching her lips. “You kissed me.” I did. I don’t know what the fuck came over me. But I know I would make the same decision again. “Yeah, I did.” “Are you allowed to kiss me?” Her brows furrow together. “Do you just give your number out to random men?” “Wait. What?” She starts to wiggle in my hold, and reluctantly I put her down on her feet. “You gave your number to the boy in the co ee shop.” Yeah, I heard that. I saw the look of victory on the boy's face when he’d scored it. I wanted to lay him out right there but decided against it. I’m a grown-ass man, I can’t go around knocking teenage punks around. “So?” She pushes on my chest, but I don’t move. She hu s out a breath. “I can give my number to whoever I want.” She tilts her chin up in defiance. All it does is make me kiss her again. I don’t stop until she is back to being soft and sweet in my arms again. “Are you guys getting o ?” Willow tries to jump back from me at the sound of Zoey’s voice. I force myself to free her from my hold. She darts out of the elevator. “Zoey.” I give her a nod. “Coach.” She smirks as the elevator doors close. I drop my head back when I’m alone, wondering what the fuck I just did. I pounced on the girl like a wild animal who can’t control itself. I should go back down and apologize, tell her it was a mistake, but I don’t. Instead I head into my place, going

straight for my computer and logging in. I immediately start searching the online database for students named Willow until I find her number. I stare at it, telling myself again not to do this, but I pull out my phone and add it. I sit wondering how long it will be until I break and text her. Not long…



hat the hell was that?” Zoey shuts the door behind me, flipping the lock. “I don’t know!” I shout back. “But you saw it, right? We were kissing.” My lips are still tingling, but I want to be sure that wasn't a freaking dream. “Yeah, I saw it.” We stare at each other for a long moment, neither one of us saying anything. “Crap.” I fall back onto the sofa. “Ti any. He has a girlfriend.” “Oh yeah.” Zoey drops down onto the sofa, her ass next to my head. “You made out with Coach Gray.” I nod my head. I think he made out with me really. He manhandled me, and I enjoyed every damn second of it. I really hadn't seen that coming. One second he was leaning in to push the button to his floor, and the next he was all over me. His hands held me tight like he never wanted to let me go. Then that mouth of his. It wasn't some sweet, slow kiss. It almost felt as though he was claiming me, but that can’t be right. It was so raw and possessive. “Tell me everything,” she demands. I do. It doesn't take long because there isn't much to tell. “He was mad you gave your number to another boy?” She smiles as she says it.

Yeah, I might get excited about that too, but it’s a bunch of crap. “Ti any was all over him at the co ee shop, not to mention when they were at dinner that night.” I put up a finger. “And the other night he was leaving here after ten all freshly showered. He was going out for some booty.” “Booty?” Zoey snorts a laugh. “We were leaving too, and we were not going out for booty,” she points out. I give her a look. “Okay, you were going out and not planning on booty.” She has a fair point. “Don’t tell Reid,” I blurt out when I hear a key in the door. Her eyes widen. She can’t protest because Reid opens the door, walking in. I know I’m asking a lot from her since she and Reid tell each other everything. “Hey.” He gives me a nod, going straight for Zoey. He lifts her o the sofa, laying a kiss on her before putting her back down. “What is up with you guys?” His eyes bounce between us. “I made out with Coach Gray!” I blurt out, folding like a cheap chair. Zoey lets out a loud breath, clearly about to burst with the news too. “Say what?” Reid shakes his head, thinking he misheard me. “You know. Like this!” Zoey jumps up from the sofa and attacks Reid, making me burst into laughter. “Hey, he kissed me.” “And you saw this?” Reid holds Zoey in his arms. She nods. Even he’s so shocked he needed double confirmation. “They were all over each other in the elevator. The doors opened, and they didn't even notice me. That's how into it they were.” “Ah.” Reid starts to laugh. “Now I see why he came down so hard on Mack.” He puts Zoey on her feet. “You hungry?

I’m starving.” He’s always starving when he gets back from practice. “You can't say that and then start talking about food.” I nod in agreement with my best friend, needing him to elaborate. “Who is Mack?” “You met him at the party last weekend.” My mind draws a blank. We hadn't been there long and there were so many guys there. “Doesn't matter. He was talking about hitting you up, and I shut him down and then Coach had a bit of a go with him too.” “Wait. He was jealous?” Zoey asks for me. “He seemed pissed through most of practice.” Reid heads toward the kitchen, and Zoey and I follow after him, wanting more details. “Isn't he dating Ti any?” I ask. “How the hell would I know that?” He pulls out one of the containers of food Zoey’s mom left. “You two are together all the time,” Zoey points out, taking the dish from his hand to plate it for him. “We talk about sports and sometimes our family. He’s never mentioned a wife or girlfriend. The only thing he has ever said is they can mess with your head.” I hand him a bottle of water. “Thanks.” He chugs it back. “It’s total bullshit that he gave me a hard time about Zoey when I first met him, and now he’s hooking up with a student half his age.” “We are only twelve years apart,” I clarify for Reid. “You googled him.” Zoey spins around from the microwave, pointing a wooden spoon at me. “I was thinking of doing a story on him.” “A story? Is that what you kids call it these days?” Reid leans up against the counter, smirking at me. Zoey hits him dead center in the chest with the spoon. “He gave you crap about me?”

“For about a second. Now he thinks you're the best thing for me.” “I knew I liked Coach Gray,” Zoey chirps. “Watch it,” he orders, taking a step toward Zoey. “Pause the caveman act. I’m not crushing on my best friend's boyfriend.” “He’s not my boyfriend.” “Better not be crushing on anyone but me.” She ignores us both, going back to making Reid’s plate. It’s sweet watching them morph into this domestic couple. That same longing I always get when I see a happy family together hits me dead in the chest. My phone dings, and I pull it out of my pocket, seeing it’s a text from Keith asking if everything is okay. I toss him a text back telling him it’s fine and that I’m hanging with my friend. I kind of ran from the co ee place. I’m so not cutting the conversation short because of Theo’s earlier remarks about me giving out my number. “Is that him?” Zoey tries to look at my phone. “No, he doesn't have my number, dork.” My phone dings again, making a liar out of me. Unknown: We should talk about what happened. It can’t happen again. At least I think it’s him. Who else could it be? Still, I play dumb. Me: Who is this? His text burns. He was the one who kissed me and now he’s saying it can’t happen again. Theo: Theo Me: Theodore as in Coach Grayson? Theo: Yes “You got balls poking that beast.” I jerk my head up to see Reid towering over me, reading my text. Even though Theo is

pissing me o , I have to admit that I am enjoying digging at him a bit. “What the hell? Mind your business.” “Pretty sure it was you two who were just grilling me for info on Coach.” Reid has a point. I quickly save Theo’s contact information to my phone. Me: Oh the kiss. No worries. I hit send and then show it to Zoey. “Add a winky face,” she suggests. Reid snatches the phone from my hand. “Coach is a good man, but he’s not to be fucked with.” I roll my eyes and snatch the phone back. I jerk my head up when a knock sounds at the door. “Told you.” Reid turns to head toward the door. I grab his arm. “Don’t big brother this. Not yet,” I plead with him. I have no idea what is going on with Theo, but I’m not ready for it to die out yet. He relents, letting Zoey pull him back toward her bedroom. I open the door, and excitement bubbles up inside of me at the sight of Theo standing there. “Don’t play games with me.” “Aren’t games like your thing?” His lips twitch. I lean up against the doorframe, trying to play it cool. I’m in way over my head here. Not only physically but emotionally as well. “Do you always brush o the people you’ve kissed?” “I thought we were supposed to be brushing it o ?” He doesn’t answer me. He only stares down at me with those cool blue eyes of his. “And how can you call me out about kissing so many people when I saw you at the co ee shop with Ti any? And if I had to guess you were leaving the other night to meet up with her for a booty call.” The bark of laughter that comes from him surprises me. “Booty call? I went to get food. I’m a terrible fucking cook.”

“Oh.” He steps in closer to me. “Did it make you mad thinking that’s what I was going to go do? Because it pissed me the fuck o thinking about you going to that party.” I suck in a breath. That was the last thing I thought he was going to say. “We don’t know each other,” I blurt out. “We shouldn’t care what the other is doing.” Yet I can’t seem to stop myself from doing exactly that. “But here we are.” “Here we are,” I repeat. He reaches up, almost touching my cheek, but he stops himself. “Stay away from frat parties.” His hand drops, and he takes a step back, hitting the button for the elevator. The doors open, and he gets on. “I never kissed Ti any.” I smile, having no clue what the hell is happening here, but it’s something. I can feel it.



t’s interesting meeting you here.” Willow smirks, not stepping closer to me. She’s going to make me come to her. Today she’s got on an oversized hoodie and yoga pants with a pair of sneakers. She knew she was going to see me. There are no sexy clothes or done-up hair or makeup to try to snag my attention. She doesn’t have to try because she always has my attention. So much so that she has me all out of sorts. I reach out of the elevator and snag her around the waist to pull her on with me. She comes easily, her body melting into mine. That’s all she gets to say before I’m kissing her. The elevator ride, like all the others this week, is far too short for my liking. We break apart when the doors open, and she strolls o like nothing happened. My cock is harder than it’s ever been in my life. You’d have no idea that thirty minutes ago I was standing in my shower trying to fix the problem. Thing is, my dick knew where I was going. I didn’t only get Willow’s phone number, I got her school schedule as well. Now I find myself meeting her on the elevator every

morning to get a taste of her. She lets me have it then strolls o , leaving me behind. “Bring home the win, Bear.” She winks at me as she pushes out the doors to our building. I stand there and watch her until she’s out of sight. Today was di erent. There were no classes for her, but I told her I was getting on the elevator and that I expected to see her. There she was wearing a big smile when I stepped on, doing exactly as I’d asked, but still I was annoyed. That annoyance only grows as I follow her out and head toward my car. The more time I spend with her, the harder it is for me to be without her. I pull out my phone and text her. She’s been calling me Bear for the last few days. I finally break and ask her about it. That’s all I’ve been doing lately: breaking down and bending all the rules when it comes to her. I want to blame her for it, but it would be bullshit. I’m always the one seeking her out. She doesn't push me away, but she doesn't try to pull me in either. Still, I keep falling more and more for her. I can’t stay away. Theo: Why do you call me Bear? I hit send on the text and climb into my car. I drive the short distance to the university, park my car and head inside to get ready for the game tonight. Willow: Theodore = Teddy, but I think you’re more of a bear. You growl a lot. Do you cuddle? Her response has my lips twitching. No one calls me Teddy. I know it’s common for people with the name Theodore, but she went and took it even further. It’s not surprising after watching way more of her social media than I should have. Theo: You going to the game tonight? Willow: Maybe I grit my teeth and toss my phone onto my desk so I don’t demand that she be there. It’s better if she’s not. I need to

concentrate. I need to get my head in the game; that’s where it should be. I have a responsibility to my team. I also know that everyone is watching me to see how I perform. Some said I was in over my head when I took the coaching job, and others always thought it was a move I’d make. The day is both long and fast. My eyes keep scanning the stands behind me, but there’s no sight of Willow and Zoey anywhere. I grab Reid and pull him over to the side. I'm sure he knows where they are. He always knows where Zoey is, and wherever she is, Willow will be too. “Where are the girls?” I nod to the two empty seats. “You want to do this now?” I know Reid has some idea about what is going on between Willow and me at this point. I mean, Zoey had busted us in the elevator. The three of them pretty much live together. “I told Willow I’d stay out of it.” He gives me a hard look. We are almost the same height. He has an inch on me, but where he’s lean so he can move fast, I'm wide and built like a tank. “For now,” he adds. I release him, not wanting to drag him into whatever the fuck this is. I pull out my phone to text her but notice I have a text from my mom saying she and Dad will be at the game too. Bear: Get here. I send the text to Willow before I can stop myself. Again, ordering her ass around. Why the hell do I do that? I’m such a dick, but for some reason I can’t stop myself from telling her to do shit. Then when she does it, I get so fucking hard my balls ache. My eyes go back to the stands, and I see my parents have already arrived. They wave at me, and my mom mouths an I’m sorry. When Ti any leans over in front of her, waving at me, I inwardly groan. I nod my chin, once again trying not to be rude, but that girl is pushing it.

Fucking hell. Their seats are right behind Zoey and Willow. My phone goes o , and I check it again. Willow: Stop growling. I’m getting snacks. Willow: You wearing those slacks again? They make your ass look good. “It’s true. The girls talk about it around campus.” “Knight. Mind your damn business.” I growl at Reid, making him laugh. “You made it my business when you pulled me aside earlier. You do sound like a bear.” He keeps on poking. “Remember you can’t hit me. I’m the star.” “You’re an asshole is what you are.” “She’s got you all twisted up.” He smirks before heading o to talk to Evan, our star receiver. I try and get my head back in game mode. It’s not until I see Willow sit her ass in the stands behind me that I find myself relaxing. But it does nothing for the growing obsession I have for her.



nlike the last time I was here, I actually catch Bear sneaking glances my way. “I think he keeps looking at you,” Zoey says, noticing too. This game would be near damn perfect if it wasn't for Ti any. I’m a tad shocked she’s at a football game. I suppose I wouldn’t come to them either if it wasn't for Reid. Though they really are starting to grow on me. I jump to my feet with Zoey as Reid lobs a ball down the field straight into Evan’s hands. We scream as he flies down the field, missing a few hits before scoring. Zoey and I jump up and down, screaming. This game is starting o fast. The older couple behind us gives us high fives. All the while Ti any stands there covering her ears. The cheering dies down, and we all take our seats. The game goes pretty much the same way the entire time. Reid continues to drive down the field easily over and over again. College football is looking as easy as high school was for Reid. “Wait. Are you Reid Knight’s girlfriend?” Both Zoey and I turn to look at the older blonde woman. “He’s such a sweet boy. I met him once.” I can tell Zoey is trying not to laugh at someone calling Reid a boy. “I am. Zoey.” She holds her hand out, introducing herself.

“I’m Theo’s mom, Alice, and this is my husband, Jim.” Zoey shakes their hands. “This is my best friend, Willow,” she introduces me, all the while trying to fight a smile. “It’s nice to meet you.” They take my hand next. I don’t know how I missed it before. Theo looks a lot like both of them. “You’ve never met the Graysons?” Ti any slips herself right into the conversation. “Willow is a Harlow,” she informs them. My last name doesn't embarrass me, but it does make me feel a little shy. A lot of people's attitudes change toward me when they realize who my parents are. Some act overly nice, and others quickly run away, thinking I’m stuck-up. “I’ve met your mother.” “Yes, she is out and about a lot.” There is nothing more my mother loves than a social event. Don’t get me wrong; the woman does a million fundraisers, but the truth of it is that she wants the spotlight on herself and not necessarily the cause. At least it still raises money, so there is that. If I could o er her some time in the spotlight, maybe she might throw some attention my way. “It’s lovely to meet you. Are you a freshman?” “Yep.” A freshman that keeps having random make-out sessions with your son. I’m sure that’s not something she would be thrilled about. She and Ti any actually look pretty chummy together. Zoey jumps up from her seat screaming, and I realize I missed a play. Everyone is cheering again. Bear looks my way and smirks, making all my insides melt. “He can’t even smile. So grumpy lately,” I hear Bear’s mom say from behind me as I sit back down with everyone. “He’s got a lot on his plate. It’s a new job,” Jim says.

“I know, he’s always so laid back. I’m not sure what it is. He wasn't even like this before the Superbowl.” I can’t stop myself from listening to everything they say. I don’t know much about Theo, so I eat up every bit of information I can get. “He was really sweet on our date,” Ti any chimes in, and now I want to turn my ears o . My phone dings in my hand. Zoey: But she doesn't know if he tastes sweet. I glance over at her, and she winks at me. I can always count on her to have my back. “I hope he’s not too tired after the game so we can grab some dinner,” I hear Ti any tell Theo’s parents. Zoey grabs my hand and squeezes it. I bite my tongue and try to ignore her and continue to watch the game. But that doesn’t stop the jealousy that’s bubbling up inside of me. I know Bear told me nothing was going on between him and Ti any. It doesn’t mean something hasn’t changed. Things between him and me have changed since the first time I met him. We don’t even have a label on what we are, though. It should be none of my business, but with him bossing me around that should give me the right to stake a claim over him. “We actually have plans with him to grab a bite right after. He’s been so busy that we haven’t really seen him.” It almost sounds like Theo’s mom is making an excuse. I want to turn around to look at her facial expression, but I don’t want to make it obvious. “That works out perfectly then. We can all go together.” I’m thankful they can’t see my face, or they’d see me rolling my eyes. My mood starts to sour as the game goes on. It doesn't stop me from listening in on them, though. Bear’s mom goes on about him. It’s actually really sweet and endearing. I can tell from the way she talks that he’s

close to both his mom and dad. I also learn how coaching college football has always been his end goal. “You okay?” Zoey asks, leaning in close so only I can hear her. I nod my head yes, but she doesn't buy it. If people were to find out about Bear and me, could he get fired? I’m sure it wouldn't look great to everyone that he’s hooking up with an incoming freshman at the university he just started working at. Worry settles in my stomach at that thought. For the rest of the game it’s all I can think about. What if we could never go public? I’d be a tucked-away secret that he would have to see when he had the time. This has heartbreak written all over it. I would be settling for the same life I already have. It would be no di erent than how my parents treat me. They have to find time to fit me into their lives. I can't let myself fall into that when it comes to Theo. I shake all of those thoughts from my head. It really doesn't matter. I’m getting way ahead of myself. I jerk back to reality when everyone starts to scream. The game is over, and our team scored another win. The crowd starts to rush forward, and I get to my feet to rush the field with everyone else. When I get to the side, a hand comes out to help me over the wall. Bear helps me down before he helps Zoey down too. A second later Reid is there, grabbing her and pulling her in for a kiss. I peek over at Bear, biting the inside of my cheek because I really want to kiss him. It only reminds me of the reality of how our relationship will be. His eyes drop to my mouth, and I can’t stop myself from brushing myself against him. People are everywhere. His hand grabs my hip, and he squeezes. “Theo!” The moment is gone when Ti any squeals his name. He drops his hand from me, and I slip away, not wanting to stay and watch Ti any fawn all over him. It doesn’t matter if he’s into it or not. The fact that she can

outwardly want and be with him is too much for me to handle right now. I pull out my phone to text Zoey to let her know that I’m heading home. She and Reid have gotten lost in the crowd, or more likely they’re o somewhere making out. Me: Going to head home. Can we hang tonight? I could use a girl’s night. Zoey: Everything ok? I want to tell her no, that I’m torn up inside about my feelings for Theo but that will have to wait for tonight. Me: Yeah. Talk later when you get home. Love you. I put my phone back in my pocket and head o the field. The crowd is rowdy with adrenaline, and I know tonight's party at the frat house will probably be lit. If today reminded me of anything, it’s that I need to mingle more on campus with people my own age. I think a party is just the thing I need to bring me out of this funk.



orry,” Mom whispers into my ear as she gives me a hug. I squeeze her a little tighter, telling her it’s fine. It’s not. The last thing I want is for Willow to think I have something going on with Ti any. I’ve already had to clear that up once. Now she is going to think I’m a fucking liar. There was no missing the flash of jealousy I’d seen in her eyes before she quickly masked it and slipped into the crowd to get away from me. I don’t care for the fact that she’s jealous, but it does mean I’m getting under her skin. God knows she is under mine. “Do you want to meet us for dinner?” I hear Ti any ask as I release my mom. “I have a press conference.” “Well, after,” she pushes. “It’s fine, sweetheart. Go do what you need to. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Mom jumps in, cutting Ti any o . I try to fight a smirk because while she saved me from Ti any, she used it in her favor to get me to commit to going to her house tomorrow. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” I tell my mom as Dad wraps an arm around her. I give Ti any a nod before I push my way toward the locker room.

I pull out my phone to see if I have any new messages. I don’t, but I decide to send one of my own. The thought of Willow being sad is one I don’t care for. I need to make sure I clear things up. Me: Where did you go? It shows that she read the text, but she doesn't respond to me. As irritated as I am not knowing where she is going, my cock starts to harden at her being a brat. I try to get through the press conference as quickly as possible. I swear I would cancel it if it weren’t important. For some reason I know she’s going to do something to piss me o . I can feel it. Again, as irritated as I am at the thought of that, I fight a smile. There are not many people in my life that challenge me in the way that she does. I have to admit that I enjoy every second of it. I send a few more texts and even call as I make my way back toward my place. When she still doesn't respond, I find myself getting o on her floor and making my way to her door. I knock over and over again, and no one answers. I pull out my phone and call Reid. I have no doubt he’ll know where Willow is. “Yo.” Reid answers the call. “You at the party tonight?” I get straight to the point. My irritation is growing by the second. This girl is really fucking with my head. “About to go down there now to meet my girl,” he responds. I ask a question I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to if Zoey is at the party. “Is Willow with her?” “Why?” He knows why. He’s going to take his shot at a little payback about the comments I made about him keeping his head in the game and not on a girl. I’ve made myself a

hypocrite, further pissing myself o . I’m losing my damn mind and not acting rational. I’m always rational. “Answer the damn question.” “Yeah.” Some of the tension leaves my body. I have a location. “Keep those frat boys away from her.” I end the call, getting back onto the elevator to head over toward Reid’s frat house. I have no clue what I’m going to do when I get there. If I barge in and pull Willow out of there, rumors will spread like wildfire, I’m sure. Even though I know this, I still half jog toward the house to get to her. My mind keeps racing with thoughts of some little shits trying to touch her and nothing else. I need to keep my cool and come up with a plan. I can’t barge in there, throw her over my shoulder, and walk out. That’s exactly what my instincts are telling me to do. To say fuck everything else. My phone goes o . Reid: She’s headed out. You got her? I glance up, looking around for her. Why did she leave already? Then I see her headed right toward me. I shoot a text back to Reid that I’ve got her. If I didn’t know he was so in love with Zoey, I might wanna beat his ass because of my jealousy. He’s close to her in a way that I’m not. At least not yet. I pocket my phone. Willow’s head is down, and she’s looking at her phone as she walks quickly in my direction. I don’t care that the university is lit up like a football field. It’s night, and she should be paying attention to where she’s going. I step right into her path to prove my point. “Shit.” She yelps when she runs right into me. I grab her shoulders to make sure she doesn’t fall on her ass. The small contact is enough to make me hard. My body is acting like a teenage boy with no control.

“Sorry. I…” Her words trail o when she sees who she’s run into. Her plump lips form a perfect O shape. My mind goes to me pushing my cock past those lips. “I said no more frat parties.” She rolls her eyes as me. “I see your phone is working fine.” I can see she changed her clothes and is now all dressed up. “Do I look like I’m at a frat party?” “Why did you leave?” “My ex was there, and I didn’t want to deal with him tonight.” In one quick move I lift her, tossing her over my shoulder. She lets out a squeal of surprise. “Put me down.” She gives my ass a smack. “You have a fascination with my ass, I’m starting to notice.” “It is nice,” she says with a hu of annoyance that I’m not buying. “Don’t act like you don’t know it’s nice. It’s all over the blogs; girls have been talking about it for years since you were in the NFL.” She lets out another hu , this one louder, and I actually believe it. “I don’t read blogs.” She smacks my ass again. “Well, that’s not completely true. I’ve read yours.” She immediately stops wiggling. I’m heading to our building. Once we arrive, I head straight for the elevator. I put her on her feet so I can pull my key out. I need it in order to hit the button to my floor. “You really read my blog?” Her heart-shaped face goes soft. Her eyes are big and round waiting for me to answer. I can see how much this means to her. I could tell from all the blogs and social media posts she and Zoey made that it means a lot to them. They put a big part of themselves into the things they post. “Yeah. You’re a great writer.” She leans into me, pressing herself against me. “Are you saying that to get into my pants?”

“I didn’t have to say that to get into your pants.” She narrows those eyes on me, but from the twitch of her lips I know she’s fighting a smile. She tries to reach around me and push the button to her floor, but I snag her wrist, bringing it to my mouth. I kiss her palm. “I read everything you wrote because I enjoyed it.” I did, but more than anything I wanted to get to know her. I am starving when it comes to her. I’m looking for scraps wherever I can get them to try and cool the hunger I have for her. Yet all it seems to be doing is making that hunger grow with each new bit of information I learn about her. “Bear.” She drops her head. “You can’t be all sweet on me now. I’m already trying not to fall for you.” “Why?” I don’t want her fighting us. “You know we shouldn’t be doing this. If people found out—” She doesn't have to finish that sentence because I already know what she’s talking about. “They might already know with the caveman act you just pulled.” I hadn't seen anyone. It was stupid of me to do that, but still I don’t fucking care. “I’ll do whatever I want to.” The elevator doors slide open, and I pull her into my place. There isn't much to it. I got the place because it’s close to work and I needed something quickly. I’ve always had plans of building a house, but that will take time. Between football and Willow, there isn't much time. Any free headspace I manage to get right now circles back to her. “You have the whole floor? What do you do with this place? It’s so big!” I let her wrist go so she can go snoop around. She strolls into the living room. I watch as her eyes take in every little detail.

“I wanted whatever gave me the most privacy while still being close to the school. It’s temporary for now.” “It’s very mannish.” She runs her hand along the back of the sofa. “But it has some touches of a woman.” She picks up one of the throw pillows to prove her point. “Did you snag these pillows in your last breakup?” She’s trying to tease me, but really she’s asking me a question. She wants to know about my past but doesn’t want to ask me. “I don’t think I’ve had a breakup.” I dated some over the years but nothing serious or anything that went somewhere. Willow’s nose scrunches. “My mom got those and a few other things around here.” She places the pillow back down. “Your mom was nice.” “One of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet.” “That’s really sweet of you to talk about her like that. You’re close with your parents?” “I am. Are you close with yours?” She shakes her head no but doesn't explain. When she shifts on her feet, tucking a piece of hair back behind her ear, I know it’s not something she wants to talk about. I don’t need her to spell it out. If I was a betting man I’d guess she was raised by nannies. I clear the space between us, wanting my hands on her. The damn dress she has on screams both innocent and sexy. Something that only she could ever pull o . “Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?” “No.” She puts her hands on my chest. Her tongue comes out, and she wets her bottom lip. “Trying to make the ex jealous.” “You’re a brat.” She opens her mouth. I'm sure it’s to say something smart-mouthed, but I kiss her before she can get the words out. I don’t need any more encouragement from that smart mouth of hers. I’m already hanging on by a very thin thread here. Her fingers dig into my shirt as she starts

to kiss me back. Her body melts into mine like it does every time I get my hands on her. I have no plans to let her go. I know that the odds are against us. But I’ve never backed down from a challenge, and I have no intention of doing so now.



moan into his mouth as he kisses me. I want to push him away. He has heartbreak written all over him. Not only for me but for him too. He stands to lose a lot if people find out about us. With him picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, I don’t think it will be long until someone catches us. We’re being careless. “Are you hungry?” he asks as he lifts me o my feet. I shake my head no. Food is the last thing on my mind right now. “Thank fuck.” I start kissing him again as he carries me through the house. A moment later, my back hits a bed. With a frantic need, he is pulling at my clothes. I lie there and watch, not caring about the ripping sounds. Watching him trying to get me undressed as quickly as possible has to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. My body hums with need. The man has had me on edge all week with our make-out sessions. I need more. It doesn't take him long to get me naked and stretched out in his bed. He hits a switch, making the room flood with light. My fingers itch to cover myself. I’ve never been naked in front of a man before. But when I see the look in his eyes, I find myself letting my thighs drop

open wider. He looks like a wild animal that is ready to feast, and I’m the bu et that’s been laid out before him. “I’m hungry.” Did he just say he’s hungry? How can he think about food right now? Then before I can ask him, his mouth is on me. His big body comes down over me as he sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. I arch my back, trying to get closer to him, wanting more. “I shouldn't be doing this,” he says as he releases my nipple to only go for the other one. “Don’t stop.” I moan. “There is no stopping.” He groans as his mouth travels further down. He presses open-mouth kisses down my body until he reaches my sex. I have to spread my legs wider to make room for his broad shoulders. He blows against my sex, making me whimper. His mouth is so close. I start to lift my hips, but he pins me to the bed. “Did I say you could move?” I shake my head no. I can’t get anything past my lips right now. That cocky mouth of his should piss me o , but all it does is turn me on more. “You always shave yourself bare?” He kisses right above my clit. “Answer me.” I hear him suck in a breath, breathing me in. I swear this man is trying to torture me. I know I’m wet. I can feel it all over my thighs. I’ve been that way since he went all caveman on me and tossed me over his shoulder. I jerk when he gives my clit one long lick. I’m so on edge that the sensation is almost unbearable. I need more. “Bear. Please,” I beg. “Answer me.” “I did it the other day,” I admit. “To make the ex jealous?” I don’t get a chance to respond before he bites the inside of my thigh. I don’t feel pain. He sucks on the place he bit before going to my other thigh and

doing the same. He doesn't stop. While it feels good, I need his mouth on my clit. “There is no ex!” I shout. Damn him. “Good girl.” My breath hitches. My body responds to his two simple words. He sucks my clit into his mouth and flicks his tongue back and forth. That’s all it takes, and I’m gone. The orgasm rocks through my body. I’ve been primed all week for this. He doesn't stop. He drinks down every drop of me and keeps coming back for more. His tongue slides down further as his fingers dig into my thighs. He thrusts his tongue inside of me. As good as it feels, I would rather have something else pushing in and out of me. It’s not long before he replaces his tongue with his finger. His mouth goes back to my clit. Already another orgasm is pressing down on me. All week I’ve been trying to get myself o . I thought I had but clearly I had no idea what a real orgasm is. Another wave of pleasure hits me but much harder than the last. My back bows o the bed as I scream out his name. My thighs shake as I try to close them. My whole body feels like a live wire. All these sensations are too much for me to handle. Bear shifts on the bed. When I open my eyes I watch as he strips down until he’s naked in front of me. I knew he was built. You could see that even when he had clothes on, but I had no idea he would look this damn good. I lick my lips as I let my eyes roam over every inch of him. He’s not ripped with some crazy eight pack. He’s just built like a tank. Everything about him is thick. My eyes drop to his cock. He is built everywhere clearly. He wraps his hand around himself, giving it a few strokes. The head is red and angry. Cum leaks from the tip.

“All week I’ve been hard because of you.” I lick my lips, wondering what he tastes like. “You have me acting like a teenager. Unable to control my cock. All I have to do is think of you and I’m hard as a damn rock.” He strokes himself faster. “I’m not sure if I take you whether it will cure me or ruin me.” I’ve been wondering the same thing about him. “Only one way to find out.” I don’t want him to be cured, but I too wonder if this crazy lust I’m having for this man will fade once I get more of him. After what his mouth did to me seconds ago, I’m pretty sure I’m going to fall into the ruin category. “This is going to change things.” He grabs my ankles and pulls me down to the side of the bed until my ass is almost falling o . “Bear.” I breathe out his name. “Turns you on when I put you where I want you, doesn't it?” I nod. “Say it.” He gives the side of my thigh a smack that goes straight to my clit somehow. “Yes!” “Be a good girl and hold your legs up.” I reach down, grabbing the back of my thighs. It makes me spread my legs wider showing him every inch of my sex. His big hand cups my sex while his thumb grazes back and forth over my clit. He guides the head of his cock to my opening, only pressing against it. “You’re fucking tight. I don’t want to hurt you,” he grits out between his teeth as he makes shallow thrusts in and out of me with the head of his cock. It feels so good, but I need more. I’m not sure he can fit inside of me, but right now I would die trying. “More.” I lift my hips to try and sink him deeper inside of me, causing him to freeze his movements. “Willow.” His eyes narrow on me. “Are you a virgin?” His nose flares, and I can’t tell if he’s mad or not.

“Does it matter?” I lift my hips more, but he leans back, taking his cock with him. He pulls back until only the tip is inside me again. I watch as he wraps his other hand around his cock and starts stroking himself. “It fucking matters.” He presses his thumb down hard on my clit as he strokes himself faster. “So damn sweet and perfect, and I’m the bastard that wants all of that from you. To keep it all to myself. Just know when I take this little cunt, it’s going to belong to me for all time.” I swear this man is trying to kill me. It’s too much. Not only because of the built-up need I have for him either. He has no idea how hard those words hit me. Growing up in a home with parents that hardly noticed me, I’m starved for attention. For someone to want me and only me is a first. The fact that he’s claiming me makes my chest ache in a good way. I cry out his name as the orgasm makes black spots dance in my eyes. I hear Bear groan, but I’m too lost in my own pleasure to understand the words he’s saying now. I feel his warm release spill inside of me, marking me as his. My eyes fall closed as I release the hold I have on my legs. They don’t drop though. Bear makes sure of it. He picks me up, putting me in the middle of the bed before he flips o the light and joins me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his body. My back is now pressed against his front. His cock is still hard and pressing against me. “You didn't take my virginity,” I say with a sigh. My body feels heavy. The pleasure he gave me finally takes its toll. “Sleep.” He kisses my shoulder and then my neck. I relax more into him and let sleep take me.



illow sleeps soundly in the center of the bed. She’s lying on her stomach, looking my way. Her cheeks are still tinted a soft pink. I still can’t wrap my mind around this girl being a virgin. How the hell has she lasted this long without someone trying to claim her? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining one bit. I stand there and stare at her like an obsessed stalker as she sleeps peacefully. She reaches her arm out in search of something. I move a pillow over for her to grab. She wraps herself around it. All night she’s been all over me in her sleep. I thought sharing a bed with someone else would annoy me, but it did the exact opposite. I wanted to kick myself for originally having the thought of going to the other room to sleep. It was a bullshit thought. I wasn't going to sleep somewhere else when I could have her pressed against me. All those curves tucked up against me as though she were molded to fit me perfectly. I enjoyed every second of being in bed with her. I’m not sure how I’ll go back to sleeping without her. It felt damn good. Too good. Something inside of me has settled. A restlessness I didn't know was there until now. I pulled myself out of bed early this morning. She is too much

temptation. There was no way I would have lasted all morning with her rubbing herself all over me. All I wanted to do was roll her over and take what she o ered me last night and what belongs to me. I might not have taken her fully, but I was still the bastard who let himself come inside of her. I told myself to pull out, that I could come all over her bare pussy marking it as my own, but I couldn't bring myself to pull out of her. I wanted to mark inside of her. The knowledge that no one had ever been there before had something snapping inside of me. I make myself leave the bedroom before I do something I can’t take back. She’s a fucking virgin. I thought she was too young to begin with. Reality has reached up and punched me right in the face. My phone vibrates with messages. I snag it o the nightstand and exit the bedroom, leaving the door cracked. I start some co ee and scroll through the messages as I wait. I see a couple from my mom and one from an unknown number. Fuck me. I drop my phone down on the counter, pouring myself a drink. I hear the elevator go o and grab another cup of co ee. There is only one other person that has a key and access to my place, and it’s my mom. A few seconds later she comes strolling into the kitchen with a box of bagels in her hand. I walk over to her and give her a kiss on the cheek, setting my co ee down on top of the high-top counter at the breakfast bar. “How is my favorite son?” she teases me as she sits down. I go to the fridge and get her creamer. “I’m good.” “Are you sure? It’s after ten and you’re still in your pajamas.” “Pajamas?” I laugh. I’m in a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. She is right though, this is out of the ordinary

for me. I’m an early riser. There was no exception today either. Only di erence is that I spent my morning staring at the beautiful girl in my bed that shouldn't have been there. If it was any other day I would have already worked out and been fully dressed. “You know what I mean.” She takes a sip of her co ee. “I thought you were coming over later today.” My mom has always been welcome no matter where I lived. Even when I was states away, she still had keys to my place. I never had to worry about her walking in and me having a woman here. Until now. “I was in the neighborhood.” I know she is feeding me a white lie, but I let it slide. I can tell there is something weighing on her mind. “That Ti any girl is popping up everywhere I go.” She cringes. “I’m sorry. I did not invite her to that game.” “I figured as much, but she’s getting close to crossing the line.” “Really?” Mom’s whole tone and demeanor changes. “I guess she needs a stronger sign then. I’ll handle it.” “I can handle it. I just wanted to make sure you’re aware.” “No. I’ll deal with it. It’s better this way. If she’s doing underhanded things, who knows what she is capable of. I need to nip it in the bud now.” “Thanks.” I would go on ignoring her in hopes she’d get the message, but I know it’s irritating Willow. It needs to come to a stop. “I need co ee.” Willow’s soft voice floats my way. My mom jerks around in her chair to see Willow standing there. Her hair's a mess, and she’s only wearing one of my shirts that goes to her knees. She looks well fucked and if my mom

weren’t sitting right here, I’d bend her over the breakfast bar and fuck her until she was screaming my name. I watch as Willow drops her hand from her face that was rubbing the sleep from her eyes. It takes her a second to realize what’s going on. Her mouth falls open when she sees my mom. A pretty pink blush creeps up her cheeks. “Willow?” Mom pushes her chair back to get a better view. Willow shifts on her feet a bit. “Hi.” She gives a small wave. “I’ll be right back.” She turns around, darting back down the hallway. Mom’s head whips around to look at me. “I knew it! I told your dad you kept looking at that girl during the game.” “Am I that obvious?” Shit. I run my hand down my face. This girl has turned my whole world upside down. She makes me want things I’ve never given much thought to before. I knew I was out of my fucking mind when I came in her last night. Yet, I have no regrets. I would do it again if given the opportunity. I want to chase her little ass down the hallway and do it right now. “Not to anyone else, but you’ve never looked out at the stands before.” I reach over to pick up my co ee and take a long drink. If anyone was going to notice, it would be my mom. She picks up on everything. “She’s young.” “I don’t care.” The words pass my lips easily, considering the inner battle I’ve been having with myself about Willow. “All right.” “That’s all you’ve got to say?” I thought she would have a little more to add. Or at least ask me some more questions. “Theo, I’ve never known you to not know what you are doing, even when you were a little boy. Once you made up your mind to do something or have something, nothing could deter your determination. There was no stopping you until you achieved your goal. The only thing that’s changed

in that scenario is that you're a hell of a lot bigger now.” She gives me that warm smile of hers that has always put me at ease. “This is di erent. It’s a person.” “I know.” She smirks. “Something you can’t control.” “Not for lack of trying,” I mumble, making her burst into laughter. At least someone finds it funny.



hold my ripped shirt in my hand with no clue what I’m going to do. Him ripping my clothes o last night was crazy hot in the moment but not so much right now. I want to murder him for it. I have no clothes to wear! And his mother is in the kitchen. The one I basically did the run of shame out of. I swear I feel as though I’m going to have a panic attack. My underwear is nowhere to be found either. I fling myself onto the bed. There went the possibility of this thing between Theo and me actually being something. I’ll never be able to look at his mom again. I can only imagine the things she’s thinking. Oh no. What if his mom thinks he and Ti any are together? That I should have known that after last night but I still hooked up with him anyway. This keeps getting worse. When I hear the door open, I grab the blanket and pull it over me in the worst attempt to hide myself. If I stay under here then I don’t have to face anyone. This makes perfect sense to me. When I feel the blanket slowly getting pulled o of me, I try to hold on but fail. I look up at Bear, who is smirking. I grab one of the pillows and throw it at his handsome face. I

can’t believe he thinks this is funny. His mom probably thinks I’m some home-wrecking one-night stand, and he’s smiling so wide. “You ruined my clothes.” “I’ll buy you new ones.” “Not the point.” I blow my hair out of my face as I sit up. “How do you always look so damn sexy?” My insides flutter at his words. He pushes me back down onto the bed, coming over me. He’s not even touching me really, and I’m getting turned on. I know what that mouth of his is capable of, and my body wants the pleasure that it knows it can give. “I’m mad at you. Get o me.” I say the words but wrap my legs around him at the same time, not wanting him to go anywhere. “I didn't know she was stopping by.” He leans down, kissing me. I melt into him, forgetting about everything else. “You’re always distracting me with your mouth,” I moan. “Not my fault. I can’t keep my mouth o you. You’re too tempting.” He goes for my neck. “You let anyone kiss you like this?” He pushes the shirt I’m wearing up as he slips down my body. “Answer me.” He nips at my stomach. I shake my head no. “Bear.” My fingers tangle into his hair as his mouth goes to my sex. His fingers dig into my thighs. I want them to leave another mark on me. His hold on me is possessive. It feels like he never wants to let me go. I know it’s dangerous for me to think those things, but I can’t help it when he’s acting this way. It doesn't take long before I’m coming while crying out his name. “You calm now?” he asks, licking his lips. “You went down on me to calm me down?” I let out a sigh because I do feel relaxed.

“No. I enjoy the fuck out of eating your pussy.” My face flushes at his bluntness. “Bear!” He lets out a deep sexy chuckle. I roll over, trying to scramble to the other side of the bed. He grabs me, biting my ass. I let out a small scream. He kisses the spot he bit before releasing me. I climb over to the other side of the bed. “Your mom!” I throw my hand over my mouth. It dawns on me that I wasn’t quiet at all when Bear’s mouth was on me. Oh God! “She’s gone, but she’ll be back if we don’t show up to dinner tonight.” I take a deep breath, feeling relieved. “What?” I almost fall o the other side of the bed, but Bear grabs me pulling me back to his side. He lifts me, throwing me over his shoulder. “What are you doing?” “I need a shower, and I don’t trust you won’t make a run for it.” How does he know me so well already? I would have made a run for it. He puts me on my feet as he pulls my shirt o at the same time. He stares at me for a long moment, forgetting what he was doing. I can see the hunger in his eyes, even though he just had his mouth on me minutes ago. “Your turn.” My eyes drop to his sweatpants. Without hesitation he drops them. My eyes go to his cock, which is pointing straight at me. He wraps his hand around it, giving it a few strokes before he turns, giving me a glimpse of that fine ass of his, one that would put Captain America’s to shame. He turns on the water, and I swear watching the beads form on his skin and ripple down his body is one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen in my life. He turns back around, grabbing me before lifting me from my feet and walking me into the shower with him. “I’m not a doll.” I laugh. I’ve always found men manhandling women

annoying. Well, that was until I saw Reid with Zoey. I have to say that I rather enjoy when Bear does it with me. “No, you’re not a doll.” I slide down his body until my feet touch the floor. “Are we really doing this?” I ask. I know I’m falling more and more for him every second. It’s scary. “Let’s enjoy the moment.” I’m not sure that’s the answer I was looking for, but in this moment, my need for him is too great to dive deeper into what this thing between us is or will be. “Okay.” I find myself agreeing. What if we find out in a few days we aren't really that into each other? Maybe it’s only the thrill of getting caught that we’re really into. Then his whole career could be fucked over for nothing. “I like that plan.” I kiss his chest. His eyes fall closed, and I kiss his chest again. “I want to touch you.” He doesn't stop me as I wrap my hand around his cock. It’s both soft like velvet and hard too. A groan comes from deep inside his chest. Showering together feels so intimate. “Show me.” He opens his eyes to stare down at me, his eyes full of lust. “You’re not going to hurt me.” He wraps his hand over mine. His hold is firm as he teaches me how to stroke him back and forth. “Anything you do is going to feel good. Your breathing alone does it for me.” “You’re so sweet.” He releases my hand and lets me stroke him on my own. “I should be sweeter to you.” I can hear the regret in his voice. “I’m the only one who gets the grumpy bear that enjoys barking orders at me.” “Fuck.” He drops his head back as I stroke him harder. “I have no self-control when it comes to you.” The nickname Bear is fitting. “You make me feel shit I don’t understand.”

“The feeling is mutual.” I drop to my knees in front of him. “Willow. You don’t have to…” His words are cut o when I wrap my mouth around the head of his cock. His hand flies out to brace himself against the wall. The other tangles into my hair. His hips thrust forward. He might be saying one thing, but his body is saying another. I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock before I take him all the way to the back of my throat. The sounds that come from him are animalistic. My clit starts to throb at the sounds I’m pulling from him. A thrill runs down my spine. It pushes me to suck harder. I want to be the best he’s ever had. His hand tightens in my hair. “I’m going to come.” I look up at him, wanting to see his face as he finds his release. If I didn't know any better, I would think he was in pain as he starts to come. His warm release spills down my throat. I suck and lick every drop of him down and don’t stop. I’m greedy for the pleasure I’m giving him. All that control he has slips away, and all I see is him. I lean back, and his cock slips free from my mouth. He grabs me and lifts me into his arms, pinning me to the shower wall and kissing me. I cling to him, not sure if I’ll ever be able to let him go. Hoping that I never have to.



hat about this?” Zoey stares at me with her nose scrunched. This is the third outfit I’ve tried on. I need to make sure I wear something presentable after what happened this morning. “Are you going to see his mom or yours?” “So that’s a no.” I walk back into my closet to find something else to wear. “Wear what you always wear, dork.” She pulls a fuzzy white sweater o a hanger with a pair of jeans. I pull o the cardigan and skirt before putting on the clothes she picked out. That was an outfit I would wear to have lunch with my own mom. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I grumble. “You’re a grown woman, and he’s a grown man. I’m sure his mom knows he has sex.” “We’re not having sex,” I hiss, making her laugh. I am still confused about that. Why didn't we have sex? “You know what I mean.” I grab a pair of boots, slipping them on. “I don’t understand why I’m going to his parents’ house. We don’t even have a label for whatever this is that he and I are doing.”

I already tried to get out of going. Bear swore that his mom would track me down and pretend to run into me somewhere, so it was better to just go. I was a little jealous that his mom would go so far to be involved in his life. “She was sweet,” Zoey reminds me. She really was sweet at the game. She clearly loves her son too. Bear reassured me that his mom knows he’s not dating Ti any. That did make me feel a tiny bit better. At least she doesn’t think I’m a homewrecker. I take some consolation in that. “Better?” I motion to my outfit. “Perfect.” She beams. “I want more details later.” I only had a chance to give her the Cli sNotes. It took Bear and me way too long to get out of his place and down here for me to change before we’re supposed to be at his parents’ place. We keep ending up having make-out sessions like we’re teenagers. “I might not be home tonight.” “You slut,” she teases me. “Still can’t believe you’re hooking up with Reid’s coach. It kind of makes sense. You’ve always said the boys you date are juvenile. Theo is anything but that.” That’s an understatement. Is there something that is more than a man? He would likely fall into whatever category that would be. I’m not sure where to put Bear. I’ve never met anyone like him before. “I like being with him.” I shrug. I might like it too much, in fact. I don’t think this thing we have can go very far to begin with. If it did, it would have to stay hidden. He might not want it to go anywhere for all I know. This could all be fun. My mind races with all the possible outcomes. “Reid said he’s a good guy,” Zoey o ers. Everything I could dig up on him said the same too. There was no string of girlfriends, hidden love children, or anything. He’d been a model student and NFL player. He’d even done advocating for the Players Association in the NFL. He’d been asked to

put his name in to be the president of it, but he turned it down. “People are going to have shit to say if they find out about us.” “People always have shit to say.” Isn't that the truth? I glance at my phone, checking the time, knowing we need to get out of here. “You’ll be fine. Be yourself,” Zoey reminds me as we leave my room. Bear stands as we enter the living room. “Ready?” he asks, holding his hand out to me. I take it. “You kids don’t be out too late.” Reid says, earning him a glare from Bear. I try to pull my hand from his when the elevator doors open on the bottom floor—who knows who could be around? —but he doesn't let me. He walks me to his truck, opening the door for me. “We should be more careful,” I say as we pull out of the parking lot. He only grunts a response. “You don’t think it’s weird I’m meeting your parents?” I suppose I already met them, but meeting them as the girl their son is dating is way di erent. “Mom can be like a dog with a bone. How are your parents?” “Absent.” He flicks a glance my way. It’s the best way to describe our relationship. “It’s no big deal.” I shrug. “Having Zoey and her mom helped a lot over the years.” My throat grows tight. “I was surprised when I found out you were a Harlow. Your great grandfather invented plastic.” “He did. Have you been googling me?” This time it’s him that shrugs. “Why were you surprised?” “You’re not snotty.”

I snort a laugh. “Your parents have money and you’re not snotty. Bossy but not snotty.” It’s the truth. The way his parents interacted at the game, not only with one another but with everyone around them showed what kind of people they are. “You enjoy me being bossy.” I turn my head to look out the window to hide my smile. I do, much more than I’m willing to admit. He reaches over and takes my hand. “My parents are sweet. Don’t stress over meeting them. They are really easygoing. Down to earth.” “I don’t want them to get the wrong idea.” I bite my bottom lip. “I was wearing your shirt this morning. I looked…” I trail o , not sure of the word I’m looking for. “Well fucked.” “No. You haven't fucked me.” His hand holding mine tightens. “I recall fucking you with my tongue.” I squeeze my legs together, getting turned on as easy as him flipping a switch. “Bear!” I gasp. “You turn the same pretty pink when you orgasm as you do when you blush.” I roll my eyes. My body starts to heat. This is so not the time to get turned on. Bear has awoken my sex drive with that dirty mouth and his filthy words. He turns into a driveway that is blocked o by a giant gate. He hits a button, and it swings up, allowing him to pull in. A cute house that reminds me of the one in the movie Father of the Bride comes into view as we get to the top of the hill. “I love this house. It’s adorable.” My parents’ house is big to a degree that makes it gaudy. This, however, is perfect. It’s a real home. I can tell that without even having stepped inside yet. I’m sure Bear has fond memories of growing up here. His mom and dad look as though they were the perfect

parents. “Are your parents a New Age Leave It to Beaver family?” “I suppose so.” He puts his truck into Park. He hops out, coming around to open the door for me. “I forgot to bring something!” I’m really messing this whole meet-the-parents thing up. “It’s fine.” He takes my hand. “I can’t go in empty handed. I’m already not on great terms with your mom.” “She’s going to like you,” he says for the twentieth time. I’m not buying it. Before I can protest more, the front door swings open. “You brought her!” His mom runs out the front door, engulfing me in a giant hug. She holds me tight. It reminds me of one of Zoey’s mom, Quinn’s, hugs. An unexpected wave of emotion hits me hard. Tears sting the back of my eyes. She pulls back to look at me. “You’re so beautiful.” She takes me by the hand and begins to lead me inside. “Mom.” Bear tries to stop her, calling after us. She’s already got me into the house. “Your dad is in the living room,” she tosses over her shoulder at him. “Would you like something to drink? I was about to make some tea.” “That sounds nice.” “Sit here.” She motions to one of the high-top chairs in the kitchen that sits at the giant island. The kitchen is breathtaking, and it has nothing to do with the design but the fact that it looks like a real kitchen people use. She has a million things spread across the counter she must be cooking with. I notice the apron she has on says hot stu coming through. Between the giant hug and the apron, I start to relax. Not everyone that comes from money is like my mother.

It’s then I realize that’s why I’ve been so nervous. I was thinking that she would be judging my every move, the same way my mom does when I’m in her company. “So tell me about yourself. I want to hear it all.” “Not much to tell.” “Don’t be shy. I watched some of your videos online with Zoey. I feel like I know you already.” “You watched my videos?” “Of course I did. I had to see who the girl was that finally caught my Theo’s attention. You know, he’s never brought a girl home before.” The smile on her face is infectious. I don’t think either of my parents know about the blog Zoey and I do. Never mind them bothering to actually take an interest and watch a few videos o it. That’s something they would never do. I take that back—my mom would probably watch them but only to have more ammunition to criticize me with. That I need to grow up. That I’ll never make a living o it. We are already receiving sponsorships. ‘He’s never brought a girl home?” I want to do some getting to know Bear myself. “Nope. Everything is always football this or football that. Don’t get me wrong, I love that he’s getting to do what he wants, but throw a mom a crumb here. How am I ever going to get grandbabies if the man won’t go out on a date?” She gives me an apologetic look I don’t understand. “I got so desperate I tricked him into a date. That’s coming back to bite me in the butt now and reminding me of why I should mind my own damn business. His father tried to warn me, but I insisted that I knew what I was doing.” “Tricked him into a date?” I laugh as she tells me the story of setting him up with Ti any. Now I get the apologetic look.

“To be honest, I met Bear that night so I guess you had a part in us meeting.” I love her smile, it's genuine. “Bear?” She sets a wooden box in front of me filled with di erent types of tea bags. “He reminds me of a big bear. He can be growly when he doesn't get his way.” “Really?” She tilts her head to the side, staring at me. “His father is like that too but more so when it comes to me.” She lets out a small laugh. “I always love that I get a di erent side to my husband than everyone else. He’s always so easygoing, but with me he can get all worked up. Guess that apple didn't fall far from the tree.” She finishes making the tea, all the while peppering me with questions. “You want kids one day?” I cough, setting my cup down. That came out of left field. My mind flashes to last night when Bear came inside of me. That should have freaked me out, but all it did was turn me on. Bear did it again a few hours ago. Neither one of us have brought up the fact that I might get pregnant. Which is nuts because I’m still technically a virgin. “One day,” I get out. I do want kids. I’ve always dreamed of having a real family of my own. One that would know how much I loved them. “Sorry.” She doesn't look sorry because she’s still rocking that smile. “I have this feeling you’re the one for him. A mother knows these things.” “To be honest, Alice, I’m not sure what Bear and I are.” “You gave him a nickname and now you’re at his parents’ for dinner.” She has a point there. “He might get in trouble for dating me.” I drop my eyes down to my tea. I don’t want to think about that. The last thing I would want would be for him to lose everything he’s worked for. Plus, I’d also worked hard to get into this college all on my own. I don’t want anyone thinking

any di erently. I shouldn't care what people think but with the power my last name carries, people always assume everything has been handed to me. “That won’t stop my Theo. When he gets his mind set on something, it’s game over.” “You think his mind is set on me?” “I really hope so. A sweet girl like you as a daughter-inlaw sounds wonderful to me.” Again that wave of emotion hits me. I’m not only falling for Bear, I'm falling for his family too.



call Willow’s phone again, getting no answer. This is the second week in a row we’ve had an away game. Last week’s was not far, and Willow and Zoey drove to make it to the game. The whole fucking time I worried. I didn't want her driving that late at night after the game was over. It was a four-hour drive. This week we had to take a flight. We flew out today and will fly back after the game tomorrow. It is only one night away really, but I am still edgy. For the past two weeks Willow has been in my bed every night, and that’s the way I hope to keep it. Her little ass better be in my bed tonight. I gave her a key and told her to sleep at my place tonight and to be there when I get home late tomorrow night. She rolled her eyes at me. She has the same reaction every time I boss her around, but she still does it. I reach down adjusting my cock, which is now hard. I toss my phone down on the bed, wanting Willow to be here. Back home she’s turned my bed into her own. She would do everything from bed if you let her. She is always spread out in it with her laptop and books everywhere, along with snacks and everything else. She

usually has reality TV blaring from the television I installed in my room after she complained there wasn't one. I don’t watch a lot of TV, so there was no reason to have one. Now I have a reason. I want her happy and in my bed. Ten hours after her comment, there was a TV in my bedroom for her. A bedroom that’s slowly changing into hers. A knock sounds at my hotel door. I look down to make sure my hard-on is hidden, and I walk over and open it without looking. Willow throws herself at me. I catch her, pulling her into my body as the door falls closed behind her. Seeing her here hits me hard in the chest with a wave of emotions I can’t wrap my head around. It’s both scary as fuck and the best feeling in the world. “I missed my grumpy bear.” She kisses me all over my face. Fuck. I’m pretty sure I’m in love with this girl. Her easy smiles and sweetness have me wrapped around her finger. What else could it be? I guess love can make you do crazy things. Everything I always thought I wanted has been tossed to the side, the want I have for her trumping it all. “I don’t think I can sleep without you. I didn't want to test it, so here I am.” She beams at me. She really is a breath of fresh air. The smile drops from her lips. “Why the look?” She wiggles in my hold, and I know she wants down. “You got some bitch in here or something?” I think she’s teasing, but there’s a flash of something in her eyes before she masks it quickly. She slips behind one of the many walls she keeps up around her. I didn’t see them at first until I started to try to get closer to her. I don’t think she realizes how quickly she puts them up. I’ve been trying to take them down little by little. She puts them up because of her shitty parents. I’ve pieced together that Willow thinks she’s not easy to love. Or that she’s not good enough. That bullshit lies squarely on her parents—the people who are supposed to love her

unconditionally. She can barely get a scrap of their attention. They think throwing money at something is all they have to do. She’s now starved for attention, and I want to be the one that showers her in it. Hopefully I’ll get to keep her all to myself forever. I don’t care if it’s too early to think about these things. The bastard that I am knew what I was doing when I came inside of her each time. I’m not sure it’s possible to keep her all to myself no matter how hard I try, though. Willow is a free spirit. I need to tread carefully, or she’ll run. “You really think I’d have another woman here or anywhere for that matter?” I toss her onto the bed, coming down over her before she can catch her breath. “We’re not exclusive so maybe.” Her teeth bite into her bottom lip. I haven’t dated in years and I’ve never been a one-night stand kind of man. Before Reid came to play football here, I had the conversation with him about how girls could fuck with your head and make you lose focus of your goals. I wanted to make sure he had his head in the game. I stayed the fuck away from them too during my career because I was sure they would mess with mine too. Fortunately, it hasn’t been hard until now. “You asked for it.” She’s trying to tease me. Got me thinking about her being with someone else. That shit won’t fly or I’ll lose my damn mind. I’ve already lost most of it when it comes to her. “Asked for…” I get up in a flash, flipping her over on her stomach before she can finish what she is saying. My hand goes for the tight black pants she is always wearing, and I yank them down along with her panties in one swift movement. I don’t know what comes over me.

Once again, I’m doing something I never even thought about before, let alone acting out. “Bear! What are you…” My hand comes down on her ass. A small squeal comes from her. I rub the spot and do it again. This time there is no scream. A gasp comes from her instead as she pushes her ass more into the air, silently begging me for more. The temptation is too great for me to resist. “Is this turning you on?” I slip my hand down her ass until I get to her pussy. She’s fucking soaked for me. My cock is hard, and I swear I can feel my heartbeat in it. “You always turn me on, Bear.” She’s so primed for me I can slip a finger right inside of her. She lets out a loud moan that has cum leaking from my cock as I thrust in and out. She moves her hips in time with me. Even as wet as she is, her pussy is still so fucking tight. I pull my finger out, flipping her over again, needing to taste her. I strip her of the rest of her clothes until she’s naked on the bed for me. I bury my face between her thighs, drinking down all of her sweetness. I make her come twice on my tongue. I could spend all night between her thighs and still be hungry for more. There is never enough Willow for me. It doesn't matter how much I take or how often, I still need more. My addiction for her only grows by the day. The more I have, the deeper I fall. “Bear. Clothes o ,” she begs. Her cheeks flush a soft pink of innocence. She’s a fucking virgin, and I’m spanking her little ass. I stand on the side of the bed, an inner battle waging inside of me. I want to be inside of her so damn badly. I pull my shirt o . She rises to her knees, resting her hands on my

chest. “Stop teasing me.” She goes for my belt. I don’t stop her. I shouldn’t be doing this in a hotel. This is her first time. It should be special. But when she wraps her hand around my cock, I break. None of that shit matters now. I’m too far gone at this point. I need her more than my next breath. I grab her around the waist, lifting her to put her in the center of the bed. I come down over her, kissing her. “Yes.” She rubs her pussy against my cock. “There will be no going back,” I warn her. “If I take you. You belong to me.” I’ll never be able to let her go. The thought is messed up and so out of character for me. Still, I don’t give a shit. “Bear.” Her nails dig into my back. Who the fuck am I trying to kid here? She already belongs to me. There was no turning back or letting her go the minute my lips met hers in that elevator. I was coming out of my skin thinking about her not being in my bed for only one night. My cock starts to press into her. I give shallow thrusts at first. Her pussy clamps around my cock, not wanting to let me go. She raises her hips, and I slip deeper into her. “Tell me you want me to be your first.” “I want you to be my first, Bear.” “Your only.” “Yes.” I brush my mouth against hers. I want to tell her I love her, but I don’t want to scare her. “You’ll never understand the e ect you have on me.” Hell, I don’t understand it myself. I push all the way inside of her, breaking through her innocence and claiming it for myself. She closes her eyes tightly, a tear leaking out of the corner. I kiss it. I don’t deserve this gift she’s giving me. I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure she never regrets it. She will never go a day

again without feeling loved or cherished. Without being the priority in someone’s life. She will know each day when she wakes that she is my everything. “Baby.” I kiss her. How can something be the greatest pleasure and pain you’ve ever experienced at once? That’s the only way I can explain this. Soon she’s kissing me back. The little moans that come from her threaten to break the last bit of control I have. My cock begs to be balls deep inside of her tight cunt. My name spills from her perfect lips, and that is about all I can take. I pull out and thrust back in. Her nails dig into my back. I welcome the bite of pain. “You’re mine now, forever.” I can’t stop the words from spilling from my mouth, not caring whether they scare her or not. The way her little cunt grips me lets me know she likes the idea. She opens her eyes to meet mine as I keep taking her. I’m not sure if I can last. Not with her eyes on me with nothing but trust in them. “You’re so deep. I can feel you everywhere.” She pulls me back down for a kiss. The kiss is all consuming, and it has me taking her harder and faster. “Bear. I. I. This is di erent. I can’t….” She lets out a loud moan. Her own orgasm begins to rock through her body. Not only does her pussy lock down so hard on me I think I see stars, but she clings to me too as the pleasure consumes her. She pulls me over the edge with her. I spill deep inside of her, burying my face in her neck as I keep coming. Her pussy keeps contracting around my cock, greedy for more. When every drop finally leaves me, I roll, taking her with me. My cock stays inside of her. She sprawls out on top of me.

An adorable, sweet sigh leaves her lips. She turns her head and kisses my chest over my heart. I’ve never felt more at home and settled than I do at this moment. She has given me something I never knew I was missing, and with her, I feel whole for the first time. There is no doubt in my mind. I’m in love with Willow. And I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about that.



rest my hands on Bear’s chest as I ride him. All those horseback riding lessons are finally being put to good use. I had no idea sex could be like this. I’ve never felt so close to anyone in my whole life. “Willow,” Bear growls my name. “I’m not going to last with you bouncing up and down on my cock like this. I need you to come.” His hand slips between my thighs, stroking my clit. My pussy contracts around his cock as he takes over, thrusting up into me hard and fast. I feel so full of him in this position. I arch my back and let go, moaning his name as I come so hard that my vision blurs. Seconds later, I feel his warm release spill deep inside of me. I sprawl out against his chest, my body replete and relaxed. The words I love you are on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t say them, unsure if it will scare him or not. For the first time in my life, I feel home. When I am wrapped in his arms, I am safe and loved. He makes me feel as if he sees who I truly am and wants me regardless of the fact that I’m not perfect. His hand drifts up and down my spine as our bodies settle down. “You’re going to be late,” I remind him, but neither of

us move. He was about to head out the door to do warmups with the team before the game, and I jumped him. We’d tumbled back into bed, and he let me have my way with him. I feel a little bit bad that I kept him up most of the night. Every time he reached for me, I was all over him, ready for him to take me again. What I feel for this man is starting to scare the crap out of me. How would I deal if this was ever to come to an end? The way he holds me close and the things he whispers into my ear as we make love have me believing this will never end. “What time does your flight head back tonight?” He sits up, his cock still inside of me. I bite my bottom lip, suddenly feeling shy and not wanting to answer him. “You’re going to the game, right? Or is it before that?” He pulls my bottom lip out from between my teeth. “Of course I’m going to the game. Does your flight leave right after it?” I'm pretty sure that’s what Zoey told me. “Right after, but I’m not heading back home unless you are too.” He says. “I’m leaving after the game too.” I moan out. “Willow.” He smacks my ass. My sex contracts around his cock, making him groan. I giggle. “I have a private flight. It takes o whenever I get there.” He stares at me for a minute. I shrug, trying not to make it a big deal. “My father let me take his plane.” “You don’t have to hide who you are, babe. I’m fucking happy that I know you’ll be getting home tonight. I wish you could just fly with me.” He kisses me. “Beat me home. I want you in my bed with your pussy bare and ready for me.” Nothing turns me on more than when he orders me to do something.

“I’ll be there.” I kiss him again before we finally say our goodbyes. Even though I’ll see him at the game, I know he’ll be focused on his team. I lie in bed with a giant smile on my face. A knock sounds at the door. I hop up to go let Zoey in. We have a few hours to kill before the game. “Hey,” I say as I open the door but immediately freeze when I see Ti any standing there. I don’t think I’m the only one that’s surprised since her eyes are wide. She opens and closes her mouth. She steps back to check the room number. “This is Theo’s room.” “Nope. It’s mine.” She rolls her eyes at me. I force a smile on my face. I’m really starting to dislike this girl. How does she know this is Theo’s room? I’m over her trying to stalk my man. Irritation bubbles up inside of me, but I tamp it down, knowing I can’t tell her to fuck o and leave my man alone. “You think I’d believe you’d stay in some mediocre hotel like this?” “Is there something I can help your rude ass with?” Zoey snorts a laugh as she slips past the woman into the room. “Where is Theo?” “Not with your ass.” I smirk as I slam the door in her pretty face. “Smells like sex in here.” Zoey wiggles her eyebrows. I give her the Cli sNotes of what all went down between Bear and me as we both get ready for the game. Once again they win. They laid down such an ass beating that at halftime Bear pulled Reid from the game and let the backup quarterback finish it out. “Don’t worry over that girl. She has no proof that it was Theo’s room,” Zoey tries to reassure me. Yet I know that Ti any is going to be a problem for me in one way or another.

“You don’t know that for certain.” Bear’s mom's words about how coaching college football has always been his dream run through my mind. I don’t want to ruin that for him. How long would it take before resentment started to grow if he could no longer coach because of me? “But does it really matter at the end of the day? You think you and Theo will be able to hide your relationship for four years?” “This could be a fling for all I know. Then there won’t be anything to hide for four years.” It feels wrong even as I say it. Zoey shakes her head as if she’s exhausted by this conversation already. “You’re so full of it. I see the way the man looks at you. Not to mention Reid thinks Theo is in love with you. The only time he gets worked up over anything it’s centered around you. He’s normally cool and laid back.” She’s right. His mom pretty much said the same thing. That I must be special if he is bringing me around. He’s never done that before. “Stop doubting yourself, Willow. You’re something special, and those stupid parents of yours make you question that.” I smile, loving how my best friend always gets me. “As for the rest of it, you shouldn’t worry about people finding out about you guys either. Theo will handle that when the time comes. He’s just that kind of man.” I hope she’s right. I don’t think my heart could take losing him.



eid tosses the football into the air and catches it. He’s been sitting in my o ce for the last twenty minutes. The locker room has cleared out. It was our last practice. Tomorrow we head out for the National Championship game. “Zoey busy?” I ask him, looking up from my playbook. With all the time I’ve been spending with Willow, Reid and I have become friends. Except when we’re with the rest of the team. “She and Willow are hanging.” My eyes flick to the clock. Willow and I have been together almost four months now. It was damn nice having her to myself over winter break. Reid and Zoey went back home to their families. I’d talked Willow into staying with me and going to my parents’ place for Christmas. Mom started wearing her down over Thanksgiving. It can be hard to tell my mom no, as Willow has learned. Mom has really tucked her under her wing and pulled her into our family. I want Willow to have that. She deserves parents that love her, and I know mine are more than willing to step up to the plate. They adore her. How could they not?

“What are they doing?” Reid pulls out his phone. “Looks like they're at the co ee shop.” I close my play book and start packing up. “I could use some co ee.” Reid is on his feet before I finish my sentence. We head out together. When we enter the co ee shop, we spot them at a corner table. The table next to them is full of a group of boys I don’t recognize but that keep looking their way. This is the one thing I hate about Willow and me. Our relationship is still a secret. People think she’s single. I want to stamp on her forehead that she’s mine. To make us permanent and o cial before she can change her mind thinking I’m too old for her or some shit. Reid heads toward them, and I follow after. One of the boys stands and walks over to them, beating us to the table. My hand comes down on his shoulder, making the boy jump. “Sit your ass down.” I give him a small shove back toward his table. His eyes bounce between Reid and me. He doesn't just go back to his table; he grabs all of his shit and bounces out. His friends follow suit. They’re much smarter than they looked. “You guys are ridiculous.” Zoey rolls her eyes. Willow smirks at me. I want to lean down and kiss the smirk o her lips. Irritation rides me hard that I’m unable to do so. “It’s time to go,” I tell her. This time it’s Willow who rolls her eyes at my bossy tone. I bet if I put my hands down her pants right now, her pussy would be wet. She pretends to be annoyed by me ordering her around, but I know the truth. She gets o on it. I get o on getting her o . So it works for both of us. “Those fuckers can’t see the ring on your finger?” Reid grumbles.

“He was hitting on Willow, not me.” Zoey tries to reassure him. I grit my teeth. “Let’s go.” I pull Willow's chair out for her. “People can see,” she says under her breath. “You’re acting like a jealous boyfriend.” “I’m not a boy. When we get home, I’m going to fuck you like a man takes his woman.” Her whole face flushes. She stands, gathering her stu . “I’ll text you when our flight is ready,” she tells Zoey. They are flying out for the National Championship game. I need her there. She’s my good luck charm. “You’re such a caveman,” she hu s when we get outside. I take her bag o her shoulder and carry it for her. “You love it.” Her breath hitches, and she steals a peek my way. I dropped the L word on purpose. I’m tired of walking on eggshells trying not to spook her with how obsessed I am with her. Hell, it scares me at times how much I want her. I’m going to give her until the championship game to keep things hidden. I’m starting to feel like a dirty secret. Is she worried what her parents might think? She says she’s worried about what might happen to me. There is also the possibility of her being pregnant. I don’t think she’s on birth control. She hasn’t had a period in all this time. Maybe she has one of those inserts that not only prevent pregnancy but can stop her from having her period too? It was something we should have brought up a long time ago, but neither of us have. The caveman in me wants to keep it that way, but I know that’s not fair to her. I pounce on her the second the elevator door closes. She melts into me. It doesn’t matter if she’s pissed at me. My girl never denies me her mouth. Anytime I get my hands on her, she opens for me. Willow will give anyone lip that crosses her. She’ll go head to head with someone. Except me. With me she craves

my dominance. If that’s what it’s called. She knows that she can let down those walls and trust me to handle her with care. That I’d never do anything to hurt her. “I missed you,” she says between kisses. We’ve only been apart for a few hours, but I get it. I fucking missed her too. Winter break spoiled me with all the time I got to have her to myself. I want that to be my every day. For me to wake up to see her lying next to me, exactly where she’s meant to be. Sometimes I wonder if I’m holding her back. If I’m not letting her live her youth, and she’ll resent me later on for it. Still, I can’t let her go. “Miss you too.” I carry her o the elevator into my place. I need to see about getting her to move in here. Slowly more and more of her stu has ended up here. Soon I’ll have it all.



e’re next to each other.” I hand Zoey her hotel room key. It was tough getting rooms since the whole city seems to be booked. It might be terrible, but my father’s assistant made a few calls and bam, I had two rooms. My parents might be absentminded when it comes to being a part of my life, but when it has to do with anything else I might need, they always come through. It makes me think that maybe I should let some of my anger go and take them as they are. I know I wasn’t a planned pregnancy for them. Speaking of pregnancy, my hand goes to my stomach. If I’m knocked up that wouldn’t be planned either. Bear and I have been careless. He’s never once asked if I was on birth control, and I haven’t divulged that I’m not either. I’m not sure what to make of him not asking. “I’ve got a test in my bag.” My head jerks up. I told Zoey the other day at the co ee shop that I thought I might be pregnant. I was too chicken to take a test. “Let’s go to our rooms and wait for our bags to come up.” “Sometimes I think you can read my mind.” We catch the elevator, heading up to our rooms.

“I’ll be over when my bags get here. Don’t be peeing until then.” I snort a laugh, putting my key into the door to let myself in. A few seconds later there is a knock at the door. That was fast. I pull a ten out of my purse before heading to the door to let the bellhop in. I freeze when I open the door and see Ti any there. I haven’t seen her in months. Not since she busted me in Bear’s room on one of the road trips. “We need to talk.” She pushes into the room. I’m so stunned I don’t stop her. “I’d rather not.” I keep the door open. “I’m pregnant.” “Okay. Congratulations?” “It’s Theo’s.” Her words hit me like a sledgehammer. It’s not possible. They didn’t even really date. But that doesn’t mean they never… I feel as though I’m going to vomit, but I try to keep it together as my mind snaps back to the night Bear got on the elevator with Zoey and me. I’d thought he was headed out to a booty call. When I asked him about it later, he said that wasn’t the case. “I don’t believe you.” “I didn’t want to have to do this, but I will.” She walks back over toward me, showing me her phone. A video of Bear and me in the elevator going at it plays on the screen. She starts to scroll. There is picture after picture of Bear and my stolen moments. One picture is me wrapped around him as he pins me to the elevator wall. His hand is around my throat. It looks bad. Really bad. This could end him. I’m not sure what my parents will think either. I’m not sure how it will a ect me at school. So many thoughts continue to race through my mind. The truth is that’s one of the hottest things my Bear does when we’re going at it. I crave him taking control. It’s so

freeing. “What do you want?” “Break it o with Theo.” My stomach drops. “And I want $100,000 dollars wired to this account.” She shoves a card at me. “Why? Do you think if I break up with him he’ll go running to you?” What is wrong with this woman? Doesn’t she know that money can’t buy you love or happiness? Or make someone want you? “Yes. Once he finds out I’m pregnant with his child.” She rubs her hand across her stomach, and there is a small baby bump. Tears burn at the back of my eyes. “Don’t do this. Bear is a good man. This could ruin him,” I try to plead with her. “Then you should let him go.” “Okay.” I agree, trying to buy time. She gives me a skeptical look. “Text him.” “Right now?!” “Yes, or I’ll leak all this to the media before the game starts.” Oh God. Bear has gone his entire career without having his name smeared all over the tabloids. The thought of me being the reason why has me feeling sick to my stomach. I pull my phone out. My hands are shaking. She snatches the phone from out of my hand. “I’ll do it.” Me: I can’t do this anymore. We’re over. This will never work. A tear escapes. I try and grab the phone back from her, but she drops it to the ground and stomps on it. “You’re a crazy bitch.” I want to smack her, but she’s pregnant. “Stay away from my Theo.” My whole body feels numb. “I expect my money Monday morning when the banks open,” she says as she walks out the door.

“Willow! Open this door. Our rooms connect.” Zoey pounds on the connecting door. When I open the door and see her, I burst into tears. She grabs me, holding me tight. “What’s wrong?” It takes me a minute to get it all out. By the time I’m done, my normal sweet Zoey looks like she could murder someone. “It’s not his baby. I’m not buying it.” “The man isn’t known for wearing condoms.” “He never did anything with that bitch.” “Do we really know that?” “Yes! That’s not the kind of man Theo is.” That is true. “We’re taking this.” She holds up the pregnancy test. “I’m scared.” “I think you and Theo knew what you were doing. You’re not careless, Willow, and neither is he.” She’s right. I take the test from her hand. Even after everything that just happened I know I want the test to say positive. Maybe I am crazy. He’s never told me that he loves me. But I swear I could feel it in his touch. A baby would be skipping all kinds of steps, and I don’t want him to pick me because I’m pregnant with his baby. “Let’s do this.” Zoey follows me into the bathroom. We wait together, knowing this could change everything for me.



he has lost her damn mind. I don’t even respond. I’m going to turn her ass red when I get my hands on her. I don’t know what could have changed in the past few hours, but it doesn't matter. We’re not over. We’ll never be over. I get back to getting ready for the game. When we run onto the field, I see Willow and Zoey sitting in the seats I got them. Willow keeps her head down, not making eye contact with me. Zoey looks like she wants to cut my balls o . “What the hell did you do?” Reid says under his breath next to me. “No clue.” I can’t stop myself from stealing looks her way. What has her running scared? I run my hand down my face, trying to figure out where I fucked up. These past months have been the best of my life. We have never actually had a fight before. A reporter walks up to me for my pre-game interview. The questions start o standard. Then she hits me with one out of left field. “You were voted the hottest football coach. Does that attention bother your fiancée?” “Wait. What fiancée?”

“Are you not engaged to Ti any? She gave us an interview twenty minutes ago. She’s pregnant with your first child.” “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I have a woman in my life, and it is not Ti any. There is no way she can be pregnant with my child.” We never even shared a kiss, let alone had sex. I’m starting to think Ti any is crazy. That she has gone all fatal attraction on me or some shit. “Who is the lucky woman? You’re breaking girls’ hearts everywhere.” “It’s me that’s lucky,” I respond. “The game is about to start.” The urge to tell the world that Willow is mine and o the market is so great, but I don’t. I turn, heading back over to the team. The game starts. The first half was a little rough, but we still lead by one touchdown. Reid is playing the best game of his life. It’s the defense that’s the problem. They are having trouble stopping them. The next drive Anderson sacks the quarterback. The ball goes flying. Rich scoops it up, sprinting down the field to score a touchdown. The crowd goes wild. Even Willow is on her feet screaming. Her eyes meet mine. I stare at her for a moment, noticing her eyes look a little pu y. Has she been crying? Then it hits me. She must have seen the bullshit Ti any said to the reporters. That’s why she sent me that text message. I told her nothing happened with her. The bitch is batshit crazy. I’ve ignored it up to this point. Now she’s fucking with my girl. This shit is going to end. Willow is still fighting the demons of not being good enough to be loved that her parents instilled in her. I’ve spent the last few months trying to show her what she means to me with every touch.

The game keeps going as we get our stride back, blowing them out of the water. Everyone is screaming and cheering. We did it. We’re national champions. My attention goes back to Willow. Without thinking, I head for her. I grab the wall, pulling myself up, wanting to share this special moment with her. Enough is enough. Her eyes go wide as she watches me. I grab her, pulling her in for a deep kiss. More cheers ring out. I take her hand, pulling her with me back over the wall and onto the field. “What are you doing?” she hisses at me. I wrap my arm around her, holding her close as the reporters close in for a post-game interview. The whole time I keep Willow tucked into my side. I ignore the looks, not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks. If they want to fire me, have at it. Nothing is more important than Willow, and I’m over this hiding shit. “Is this the lucky girl you spoke of earlier?” The same reporter pops up. Willow ducks her head, her cheeks turning pink. I have to fight to not get hard. Every time my girl blushes, I want to pin her to the nearest wall and fuck her, which I’ve done on many occasions. And what I plan to do for the rest of our lives. “Told you I’m the lucky one.” “Everyone wants to know how serious you two are.” People are fucking nosy. Why the hell does anyone care? What the hell? Now is my chance to let the whole world know that Willow is all mine, and I refuse to let it pass me by. I drop to one knee, pulling out the box in my pocket. “Bear,” she gasps. Everyone around us stops celebrating, their eyes now focusing on us. “Willow, you are the most important thing to me in this world. If you let me, I’ll spend my life showing you that. You’ll never doubt that I love you.” A tear escapes down her cheek. She wipes it away quickly.

“I love you too.” She throws herself at me. I rock back on my heels, getting my balance as I lift her. She wraps herself around me. Her words warm me to my core. And even though I’ve achieved so many things in my life, she is the greatest of them all. “I take that as a yes.” “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I put her back on her feet. The crowd bursts with screams once again. I take the ring out of the box. She holds her hand out, letting me slide it on her finger. Allowing me to mark her with a symbol that shows she’s mine forever. “This was my grandmother's ring.” A large circular diamond sits in the center, a halo of smaller diamonds surrounding it. It makes the ring look like a snowflake. It looks perfect on her finger, as though it was always meant to be there. “Bear.” More tears stream down her face. I cup her cheeks, kissing her. I take her hand, leading her over to the sidelines. I never let her hand go while I introduce her to everyone as my fiancée. I try not to rush through the celebration, but all I want to do is get Willow back to the hotel. It feels damn good not having to hide this anymore. I can kiss her whenever I want. Tell other punks to fuck o when they hit on her. “Bear.” She leans into my side as we ride the elevator up to our floor. “I love you.” “I love you too.” I drop a kiss on the top of her head. If I get my mouth on hers right now, I’ll end up pinning her to the elevator wall. The elevator dings, and we step o . “Bear!” Willow laughs. “My legs aren't as long as yours. Slow down.” “I want you naked with only that ring on your finger,” I tell her when we get to our room. I slide the key in. As soon

as the door closes, I’m on her. This time is di erent from all the other times, though. Seeing her with that ring on her finger makes me ache for her more than I usually do, and I didn’t think that was even possible. “Bear, I have to tell you something,” she gets out between kisses. “Tell me.” I kiss her neck. “I can’t think when you do that.” She tilts her head to the side. I lift my head to meet her gaze. I carry her over to the sofa, sitting down with her in my lap. I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. “You can tell me anything, Willow. You’re going to be my wife. No secrets. We stick with each other.” She nods in agreement. “Is this about the bullshit text you sent me?” “Ti any is trying to blackmail me.” My grip on her hips tightens. “She has pictures of us.” “It really doesn't matter at this point. Everyone knows.” “I still can’t believe you did that.” Her face lights up with a smile. “I want everyone to know you’re mine and I don’t share.” She lets out a small laugh. “She tried to get money from me too.” I close my eyes, hating that she has to deal with this bullshit. “That woman needs help.” “There is more I need to tell you.” She licks her lips. My cock jerks under her. The heat of her pussy is pressed against it. “I’m pregnant,” she blurts out. I kiss her. “How did I get so lucky?” Before she can answer, I’m kissing her again. “Wait. Have you eaten dinner? Do you need something to drink?” I lift her o my lap. “I’m fine,” she tries to tell me. I grab the room service menu and call down an order. I make my way back to her. I drop down to my knees in front of her, my hand going to her stomach.

“How do you feel about this? What about school? What about all of the things you’ve worked so hard to accomplish on your own? Your future?” Even though I am over the moon, worry settles inside of me. The thought of her resenting me one day creeps back in. “Hey! I’m excited. I want a family of my own. And I can still do all of those things, but my future is with you.” She places her hand over mine on her stomach. “I never really gave too much thought to having kids. Then when you came along, it was all I could think about. I knew what I was doing each time I came inside of you.” The pink blush blossoms on her cheeks. “We’re crazy. You don’t think we’re moving too fast?” I bark out a laugh. “Baby, you pretty much live with me. I haven’t let you out of my bed since this started. You’re my forever. We don’t have to play by others' rules. We have our own.” “I really do love you so much. You have no idea how much you’ve filled my heart. You make me feel wanted.” “I promise you, you’re more than wanted.” I kiss her. I start to pull at her clothes when a knock sounds at the door. “That was fast. You eat and then I’ll eat you.” She laughs like I’m joking. I open the door to see Ti any standing there. For the first time she’s not all dolled up like a Stepford wife. “You’re abandoning your unborn child!” she screeches. “Ti any.” I try and keep my voice calm. “I’m not the father of your baby.” “Is everything okay?” I look over my shoulder to see Willow getting close. “Go sit back down. I’ve got this.” I tell her. She lets out a loud gasp, her eyes going wide. When I look back to Ti any, she has a gun pointed right at me.

Her hand shakes as she takes the pointed gun o me, going to Willow. I jump in front of her. Fear like I’ve never felt pumps through me. I’d die protecting Willow and our baby. I won’t let anyone hurt my family. “This is all her fault! What’s so great about her? We could be so good together. She’s just a little girl who knows nothing about life. How could she ever make you happy?” “Why don’t you put the gun down and we can talk this out.” “No! If I can’t have you no one else can. She can su er and know what it feels like to not have you.” She lets out a scream as Reid grabs her from behind, lifting her o her feet. The gun goes o . I reach out and snag it from her. “Willow!” I bellow as I turn to go find her. I’m not sure where the bullet hit. “I’m okay.” She peeks her head out. “Fuck.” I rush over to her, pulling her into me, needing reassurance she’s okay. Reid has Ti any on the ground, not letting her go anywhere. “You sure you’re okay?” I start to check her over, finally starting to relax once I’ve looked over every inch, and I know she’s safe. “Yes.” She rests her head on my chest. We stay like that until the cops get here. Ti any sobs, but I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for her. She could have ruined my life. It’s unforgivable. Willow clings to me like a lifeline. She trusts that I can handle this and anything else that gets thrown our way. Her trust feels almost as good as when she told me she loves me. Somehow I know that whatever the fallout from all of this is, it will be worth it. I’d pay any price if it meant that I get to give Willow the happily ever after she deserves.



ut of my way!” I hear someone snap. I open my eyes. It takes me a moment to realize where I am. I sit up on the sofa. I must have passed out. After the cops came and took Ti any away, we spent the next few hours telling them over and over again what happened. It was exhausting but also traumatic to keep reliving the moment I almost lost everything that is important to me. Bear snapped when they tried to get me to recount it for the fourth time. We’d packed up our stu and left, Reid and Zoey coming with us. I don’t even remember getting home. The last thing I recall is passing out on the plane. “She’s resting. I told you I'd call when she wakes up.” “Theodore Grayson! If you don’t move out of my way and let me check on her, I’ll have your dad physically move you.” “I’m awake,” I call out, standing. A moment later Alice is barreling into the room. She wraps her arms around me in a tight hold. “You okay, sweetheart?” She cups my face with her hands. Her eyes are red. She’s been crying. “I’m fine. Really. More startled than anything.” “I’m so sorry I brought that woman into your lives.” Alice bursts into tears. I pull her in for another hug.

“It’s over with now. There was no way you could have known that she was mentally unstable. Hopefully they can get her the help she needs.” “You really are such a sweetheart.” She kisses my cheek. “Something to drink?” Bear asks. “Hot chocolate?” I suggest. “That sounds wonderful.” Alice takes my hand, leading me towards the kitchen. I don’t think she wants to let me go. My eyes start to burn now. She is acting like a mom should act. “Don’t worry about me or anything, Mom. I’m perfectly fine,” Bear teases her. Alice rolls her eyes at him. “Are you going to show me?” Before I can ask her what she wants me to show her, she goes for my hand, looking at the ring. “A perfect fit, I see.” “Thank you for this. It means a lot to me that you trust me with a piece of your family's history.” “Our history, sweetheart. It’s now yours too.” A warmth fills me at her words. At the thought of being a part of their family. It’s the same feeling I get when I’m around Zoey and her mom, Quinn. One of being loved unconditionally. Tears of happiness begin to leak from my eyes—or it could be these pregnancy hormones. “Don’t cry, sweet girl,” she says as she wraps me in another hug. “I’m sorry. I don’t normally cry this much. I’m blaming it on the pregnancy hormones.” Alice gasps, jerking back to look at me. She’s about to burst with excitement. “What did you say?” Crap. I think I have pregnancy brain too. Bear and I haven’t talked about when we’d tell people. “We only found out yesterday.” I glance over to Bear, hoping I didn't reveal a surprise he had planned. It should have been him that told them. When his eyes meet mine, all I

see is warmth. He’s got a giant smile on his face. I love seeing him this happy, and knowing that I’m a big part of the reason that he is. “We need to start planning for this. I need paper and a pen.” Alice jumps up from the chair. Jim chuckles at his wife. “I’m glad you’re okay, sweetheart.” He drops a kiss on the top of my head. Alice is back within seconds. “Mom. We don’t need to do this today. She needs to relax.” “No. I want to do this. I want us to get married soon too.” I’m excited. Not only to be married to Bear and have his last name but because I know Alice will treat me like her own daughter and be at my side to plan the wedding, filling the role my own mother should be taking but I know she won’t. But I’ll worry about dealing with my parents another day. We’ve had enough stress these last few days, and I want to enjoy my new family. “Not too soon. We have to plan.” “A month.” Bear jumps in. “A month!” Alice protests. “That’s not enough time!” “If it was up to me, I’d drag her to the courthouse today, but I want my Willow to have the wedding she’s always wanted.” I start to cry again. “You’re killing me.” Bear picks me up in his arms. “I’m just so happy. You not only gave me you but your family too.” “I’m the lucky one, babe. I’ve got you. There is nothing more in this world I could ask for.” I sni . “Did you just wipe your nose on my shirt?” “Maybe.” I hear Alice and Jim laugh. “Food is here,” Alice says. “I’ll go down and get it,” Jim volunteers. My stomach growls, thinking about food.

“You’re hungry.” “We never got our food last night.” Bear’s jaw ticks. “I’m okay.” I put my hands on his chest. He drops his forehead to mine. “I love you.” “I love you too.” “You two are so cute together. I was starting to think Theo wasn't into girls or boys. Just football.” I snort a laugh. I kind of love that there is no string of girls in my Bear’s past. That his only love has been football and his family. Now it’s me. “Can I invite Reid and Zoey over for dinner too?” “Babe, this is your house. You don’t have to ask to have people over.” He pulls his phone out, and I watch him text Reid. “That’s actually perfect. I’m sure Zoey will want to help plan the wedding.” Alice beams at me. My insides melt at how excited she is to have me in her family. Jim comes back with boxes of pizza. Reid and Zoey show up a few moments later. I grab plates for everyone, carrying them into the dining room. Bear wraps his arm around me, pulling me into his lap. I can feel the blush in my cheeks, but I don’t try to move. I’ll happily eat my pizza while sitting in his lap. I look around the table at everyone laughing and enjoying themselves. Bear brushes my hair o my shoulder to kiss my neck. I lean more into him. His hand wraps around me to rest on my stomach in a possessive hold. Our baby is going to grow up with so much love. I smile at Zoey and Alice as they bounce around ideas for the wedding. This is my family. And I love all of them. “I love you,” Bear says against my neck, placing another kiss there. I lick my lip as his other hand cups my sex under the table.

“I love you too.” I elbow him. It only makes him chuckle. “Don’t hurt yourself.” “You’re going to get it,” I warn. “Good because I want it. I’ll take anything you’ll give me.” His hand comes to my chin to turn my head. He drops a kiss on my mouth. He’s my forever love.



hen the pancake batter starts to bubble, you want to flip it,” I tell my oldest son Peyton. “I know.” He picks up the spatula. Not only does he flip it, but he shoots it up a good three feet, and it lands back in the pan perfectly. He did not get that from his mom or me. “Nana taught me.” Of course she did. “Don’t burn mine,” Oliver says, not looking up from his iPad. “You’ll get what I give you.” I turn to grab some plates and hide my laugh. These are the times I love the most. These small moments when we make memories together doing the simplest of tasks. I get them set up at the breakfast bar and then make a plate for my wife. She tossed and turned most of the night. I’m glad she’s getting to sleep in. She needs it. Willow got pretty big each time she got pregnant with the boys. They both came out weighing almost ten pounds. They’re built big like I am. “You guys good?” “Yep,” they both say at the same time. I grab some orange juice and put it on the tray. I also put some Reese’s

cups too. The woman is obsessed with peanut butter. It’s always something new with each pregnancy. This pregnancy is a little di erent. She’s carrying two of our sons at once. I don’t know how her little body does it, but nothing slows Willow down. I push the door open to our bedroom. Our cat, Jinx, jumps o the bed, making his exit. He’s headed straight to the boys, knowing he can sucker them out of some bacon. I set the tray down at the end of the bed on the bench. “Do I smell bacon?” Willow’s eyes spring open, making me laugh. There is never a dull moment with her. I’m just fucking happy that football is over, and I have three months to be here at her side. Twins are going to be a lot to handle. Surprisingly, it wasn’t much of a scandal when everyone found out we were together. I’m sure winning the National Championship helped with that. It had been almost three decades since they’d won one. I’ve gone on to snag them another five. I’ve been o ered so many jobs over the years, even in the NFL, but I turned them all down. We didn’t want to move. Everyone is here, and I know how much this family we’ve built means to my Willow. All of us built our homes close together. Even Zoey’s mom and Reid’s dad moved out here. We really are this makeshift family. I truly love it. All these kids are spoiled with attention, and there are always hands to help out. “We made breakfast.” She sits up. Her eyes travel down my body. She licks her lips. I know that look in her eyes. She’s hungry, but it isn’t only for food. “You need to come?” I ask her, leaving the tray at the foot of the bed. I walk around until I reach her. I don’t know what it is about her pregnancy, but her sex drive is through the

roof. I’m more than happy to give my wife what she needs. Anytime. Anywhere. I pull the blanket o her. The only thing she has on is one of my white shirts. Her belly makes it fit tight. I can see her nipples are already hard and begging for my attention. “Spread those thighs for me, wife.” She does as I demand. “Shirt o .” She makes a demand of her own. Her eyes drop down to my cock. It’s been over a week since I’ve been inside of her. She’s hu y about it, but it was the doctor’s order. But he never said anything about my mouth. I drop down onto the bed and bury my face in her pussy. She grabs a handful of my hair when the first orgasm hits her. “It’s too much.” She whimpers but doesn’t let go of me. Her legs shake as I take her into another orgasm. She releases her hold on me. Her whole body relaxes. She makes me feel like a king when I satisfy her. She takes a deep breath, opening her eyes. I never understood when people said pregnant women glow. I get it now. I kiss the inside of each of her thighs before I slip o the bed to get her food. “One more week.” She rubs her stomach. “You couldn’t give me one girl? You know this is our last round of babies.” We thought four kids was the perfect number. Neither of us grew up with brothers or sisters. We wanted our kids to have that. “I wish we’d gotten a baby girl that looks just like you.” I kiss her. I hate that I couldn’t give that to her. “You can’t control everything,” she teases me. “Help me up. I need the bathroom.” I o er her my hand so she can slip o the side of the bed. “Bear,” Willow gasps. She looks down at herself.

“Shit.” I grab my phone and text my mom to get over here to watch the boys. I think she is waddling over to her closet, but she stops at the end of the bed. “I need pants.” She picks up a piece of bacon and eats it. I grab everything we need and call the doctor before we head out. “Keep us updated. We’ll bring the boys up to meet their brothers later.” Mom gives Willow a kiss on each cheek. “I love you.” “I love you too, Mom.” Mom really has slipped into the role of being there for her. Willow’s parents too have stepped up over the years, realizing that throwing money at their daughter wasn’t how you showed your love. I went over to their house years ago and set them straight. I could see the regret in their eyes. They do love her. I usher her out to the car. She calls Zoey on the way letting her know she’s in labor. “Ahh!” Willow drops the phone as a contraction hits her. I grab her hand so she can squeeze me. She lets out a deep breath as the contraction fades away. “Oops.” She picks the phone back up to talk to Zoey. “I dropped you. Are you okay?” She giggles at her own joke. I shake my head, pulling into the hospital. Those two never change. We get checked in quickly as her contractions grow closer together. Zoey barely makes it inside before Willow is pushing. We each hold her hands. She’s so damn strong. Cries fill the room. “We’ve got a boy,” the doctor says. “Let me see him.” I let go of Willow's hand to take our baby boy into my arms to show her. “He's perfect.” “We got one more to go,” the doctor reminds us. I hand my son to the nurse to get him checked over. Willow grabs my hand and prepares to push again.

I know she must be in pain, but when her eyes meet mine, a smile lights up her face. “Push!” the doctor says. Willow squeezes my hand. “You got this, Mama,” Zoey says to her. The room fills with cries again as she pushes out our baby. This one has some good lung sounds, already sounding pissed to be out of Mama’s stomach. “We’ve got a girl,” the doctor announces. “What! Did you hear him or was I dreaming?” I stare at my daughter. The nurse quickly wraps her and hands her to me. “We have a baby girl.” My throat goes tight. Willow bursts into tears with excitement. “You did it,” she says as I hand her our daughter. “‘Maybe you can control everything.” I lean down, brushing my mouth against hers. We truly have it all. My wife is my forever love.


hope you loved Willow and Theodore’s story. Curious about Zoey and Reid? Read their story His Forever Girl now! Join my newsletter to know when Lucy Darling books are released. CLICK HERE


Zoey Hawthorne has always been my forever. Best friends since we were kids, she and I were meant to be. Until I screwed it all up before we went to high school. I had to step away before I ruined my shot with the girl who held my heart in her hands. Letting her go was the biggest regret of my life. Making it up to her won’t be easy, but I have to show her that I never lost sight of her. I mean that literally and figuratively. Zoey’s not just my love, she’s my obsession. I worry for her, care for her, and above all, want to protect her. She’s too good for me, but that’s not going to stop me from having her. Loving Zoey has never been optional for me. She’s the one, and I intend to show her just how much she means to me.


I stare down at the giant folder in my hands. I know what it is. I’ve been waiting for it. I bite my lip, not opening it yet. How can you want something and not want it at the same time? That’s how I’m feeling at the moment. Of course, one of the only reasons something like that could happen to a girl is because of a boy. And my situation is no di erent. I hold the future I’ve always dreamed of in my hands. Years ago, it would have included him, but now the thought of him being there only brings me sadness. Mom is still at work. I’ve just gotten home from school. Like every day since I sent in my admissions letters to dozens of colleges, I immediately ran to the mailbox to check to see if my letter had come. I’ve already received a bunch of acceptance letters from a handful of colleges which included a lot of scholarships and perks. The one in my hands, though, is the one I’ve really been waiting for. This is the college I’ve been dreaming about going to since I was a little girl. The same college that Reid Knight will be attending. The boy from next door who got a full ride too after taking our school to the state championship in football and winning. Reid always won.

My cell phone vibrates across my bed. Willow's name lights up. I guess she got her letter today too. We did all of our admissions letters together. It is how we’ve done everything since the seventh grade. She was there to pick up the pieces when my childhood best friend, Reid, dropped me and pretended as though I never existed. After all these years, nothing has changed when it comes to Reid. He still acts that way. I answer the call and put it on speaker. “I got in!” Willow screams through the phone. “My parents are over the moon about it.” The sarcasm in her tone can’t be missed. There are two di erent groups of kids in our school. There are the rich kids and then all the other kids. Willow came from the rich part of town. Her trust alone would have her set for life if she wanted. Both of her parents are workaholics. She spends more time at my house than her own. “Well?” she asks. “If I got in, there is no way you didn't get it.” That’s not necessarily true. The Harlow last name carries weight to it. Both Willow and I aced all of our classes, but my test scores were o the charts. We’ve also done a million and one extracurricular activities. I swear we were in more clubs than I could count. We wanted to make sure to have enough to put on our applications. “I haven’t opened it yet,” I tell her. “My envelope was small, so don’t think it might not be an acceptance.” “Mine isn't small.” Willow sucks in a deep breath. “You got a full ride. I know it! Open it, you’re killing me here. I’ll drive over there and open it myself if you don’t hurry up.” She would. I slowly open the envelope, pulling out the papers. My eyes well with tears. All of my hard work has paid o . “I got in,” I whisper. “A full ride.”

Willow starts screaming. I can see her in my mind over there dancing around. I wanted in so badly but knew that college would cost so much. I didn't want to put that strain on my mom. It’s not that she couldn't pay it; I just know it would be a huge cost. I also know if I’d gotten accepted even without a scholarship that Mom would push me to go. Even if one of the others o ered me more perks, she would insist I go to the one I really wanted to. Now I don’t have to. I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry. I’m filled with so many emotions. I thought I’d be celebrating this with him, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Why do I let my mind take me to that place again? I have to learn to push past that; my future is literally in my hands. “We’re sharing a dorm room. I demand it.” I let out a small laugh. Most people don’t get to pick who they dorm with in their freshman year, but I guarantee Willow will somehow make it happen. “He’s going to be there,” I remind her. “Fuck him.” The words come easily from Willow. They are ones that she’s uttered many times before. Needless to say, our school has cliques. The football guys, of course, are one of them. Then there are the cheerleaders and dance squad that follow them around. There is a drama crew and a few others. Willow and I always floated on the outskirts of everyone. Of course, with all the clubs and such for school activities we blended in here and there. Plus, I was in charge of most of the pictures that go in the back of the year book. Most of the time it felt like I had the plague. I never got any school crushes or dates. Willow begged me to go to one dance, and I did. Not once did anyone ask me to dance. The only thing I found myself doing was stealing glimpses at Reid that night. He looked so handsome in his suit.

I could never keep up with who was dating who. It shifted around so much that I hadn't ever tried. Still it dings my ego that not once did someone ask me for my number or to one of the dances. Willow went on dates sometimes. Nothing ever stuck for her, but at least she got to experience dating. I’d take a bad date over no date at all. “We should celebrate.” “What do you want to do?” I ask. It’s Friday night, and I am excited about this. The only thing I’m not excited about is another four years of Reid. I thought I’d finally be getting away from him when I went o to college. It wasn't only him I wanted to get away from, but his friends too. As much as it broke my heart in middle school when he dropped me like a bad habit, it was the people he chose to be friends with that had really hurt. I don’t care what anyone says. They were a bunch of jerks. I heard how they talked about other girls. I’ve been on the receiving side of some of their jabs. I think that was what hurt me the most. That he’d not only dropped me but he didn’t even bother to stick up for me. The Reid I remember would never have been okay with that. But what did I know? I was thirteen at the time. It was just hard to believe how wrong I had been about Reid Knight. Available Now!


Meant to Love Meant to Be Love on the Line Love Forever Love in the Mix Love Undefeated Belong to Me Return to Me Never Let Go Never Been Kissed Stalking His Claim Stalking His Bride Forever Her Cowboy Always His Cowgirl Only Her Only Tonight His Forever Girl Home for the Holidays


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