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Copyright © 2021 by Lucy Darling All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Epilogue Coming Home For Her Chapter 1 Also by Lucy Darling CONNECT WITH ME!


I was bought and paid for but nothing is as it seems. My prison is a mansion filled with luxuries I’ve never seen. That’s nothing compared to the master of the estate. Especially now that he’s my husband. He’s made it clear he’ll never let me go. Til death do us part. But Roman is nothing like the beast everyone claims he is. In fact, underneath all his gru ness, there is another side to my husband. A side I could love. Each night he holds me close making me want so much more. Can he turn this marriage into the real thing, into the true love I’ve always dreamed of? Or will I lose the only thing that still belongs to me, my heart.




stare down at the picture that I’m holding in my hand. The sides are worn with creases. It looks like I’ve had it for years and not only a week. The object of my obsession came into my life at the perfect time. So many things are falling into place when I need it most. “Are you really going to do this?” I pull my attention away from the picture to look at George. He’s been at Rose Point Manor longer than I have, and it’s my family home. “Do you have another plan?” I open my desk drawer, tucking the photo away for safekeeping. “Hire a nanny?” That has been the plan all along, but plans change. “She’s worked at a daycare for years, so she’ll be a perfect fit.” “Then why didn't you just o er her a job?” Because I’m a greedy man that always gets what I want. She is no exception. I couldn’t take the chance of her refusing me, so I did what I had to. George hu s an annoyed breath. “I know you can be obsessive about things but never a person.” He’s right. I’ve never been that way with anyone else, but she’s changed that. “She’s di erent.” One look at her picture and I was done for. I knew I had to have her. Her long dark hair was tied into a braid with a pink ribbon on the bottom making her look every bit as innocent. Her cheeks were rosy, her lips were pu y and begging for my attention. Her nose was a bit upturned, reminding me of a tiny fairy. But what had really gripped me were her eyes. They had a violet hue to them, a color I’d never seen before. I didn't even know such a color existed. I also don’t know how this angel came from a man like John Hawthorne.

I should be thankful to him. It was his fuckup that has gotten me my beauty. That’s if she agrees. I think she will, and if she doesn’t, I’ll have to come up with another plan to make her mine. “She’s going to hate you.” A sharp pain pierces my chest at the thought, but I ignore it, knowing I have to take the risk. There is no way I can go on knowing she exists in this world and she doesn’t belong to me. “She’ll be my wife.” I shrug because that’s a fact. My dick goes painfully hard thinking about my ring on her finger. Does it matter if she likes me? Of course, I would prefer that but either way she’ll be mine. “What are you going to do about Hawthorne?” Her deadbeat father won’t be a problem. He’s handed her over to me on a silver platter. He’d gotten away with embezzling over half a million dollars from my investment company, but no one truly gets away with stealing from me. There’s always a price to pay. But this time I wasn’t looking for repayment in the monetary sense; I coveted something much more valuable. I would have caught him sooner, but I’d been wrapped up in my own grief with having lost a brother I never knew existed. That was until the state showed up at my door with a five-year-old little boy that had a striking resemblance to me. I knew my father had mistresses in his time. But for some reason the thought of him fathering other children had never crossed my mind. I’m thankful that my mom has already passed and is not here to see it. News of this would have killed her. “He stays on. I told him he could keep his job.” George's face tightens. He’s going to give himself a stroke if he doesn’t lighten up a bit. “What if he does it again?” I shrug. Half a million dollars is nothing to me. Plus, the man had been using it to pay for his mother’s assisted living

costs. Well, not all of it but the majority. He also has a gambling problem. His daughter gives every extra penny she has to help out. “I’ll be paying more attention this time and catch it quickly.” I’m taking over the payments for the grandmother's needs for now. Maybe it will earn me some favor with my new wife. There is no doubt she’s going to hate me, but hopefully Ace will soften her a bit. “I would hope this has scared him straight.” I also want to keep him close. If he’s working in one of my o ces, I can always have eyes on him. “Think about this.” George puts his hand on my desk. All I’ve done is think about this. “Ace needs a mother.” Every little boy does. My father would have been hell when he was home if my mom hadn't been there to temper him. Sometimes it didn't work, and his anger was taken out on whoever was in his path. I run my hand down my face, feeling the jagged scar that stretches down the right side of it. “I see there is no talking you out of this, but don’t pretend you’re doing it just for Ace.” I won’t. “When is she getting here?” “She is supposed to be here this afternoon. Carter said she’s still loading up her car.” “You have someone watching her?” George closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as if talking to me is exhausting him. Her car is a piece of shit. I wanted to make sure she got here safe. “Of course.” When you have something rare and irreplaceable, you protect it at all costs. “Shall I prepare one of the guest rooms?” “No, she is going to be my wife, and she’ll be staying in my bed.” He starts to say something else, but I hold my hand up, stopping him.

There is no use discussing this. “We’ll be married today.” I don’t want to give her time to change her mind. Hell, she might do it the second she sees my face. “Fine.” He leaves my o ce. I lean back in my chair, pulling the picture back out of my desk. “Soon.” I brush my finger across her face, betting everything I have she’s softer than anything I’ve ever touched. “You will be mine.”




stare up at the giant metal gate, worrying my bottom lip between my teeth. I can’t believe I’m here. Not that I really had much of a choice. Not when it comes to Grams. I would do anything to help her. We’ve all heard the story about Rose Point Manor. It sits on a giant hill that overlooks the city below. It has always reminded me of a giant castle. It’s breathtaking. Of course, everyone says it is haunted by a beast. I never believed any of those stories as a child, but now I’m starting to think that maybe they're real. Only a beast would make a woman marry him. My stomach drops as the giant metal gate begins to open. I sit for a moment, trying to get myself together. I don’t know why I’m procrastinating. There is no backing out at this point. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath in before I pull forward and begin driving down the long, winding road to the top of the hill. I step out of my car, taking it all in. I thought this place was beautiful from a distance, but up close, it’s even more stunning. It’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I’m going to be living here now. I swallow the emotion that’s trying to escape. I’m getting married to a man that I know nothing about. I run my hands down the front of my jeans, my nerves getting the best of me. The double front doors swing open, revealing a tall, thin man who is dressed in a butler's outfit. I suppose it’s actually a uniform. Do people even have butlers anymore? It seems a little excessive. “Miss Hawthorne,” he greets me. “Don’t worry about your things. We’ll collect them and put them into your room.” His smile is warm and helps calm my nerves a bit.

“I’m George. I run the Rose Point Manor.” He reaches his hand out. “Call me Fawn. It’s nice to meet you.” I know it’s not this man's fault that I’m here, so I reach my hand out to shake his. “Let me show you around a bit.” I follow him inside of the house. The doors closing with a thud behind me making me jump. “Sorry.” George o ers a smile. “I can be a little skittish,” I admit. My eyes go to the giant chandelier in the entryway, to the marble flooring and the grand staircase. This whole place screams of money. Why does this man need me as his wife? I'm sure there is likely a line of women willing to call this place home, and he wouldn’t have to blackmail them. I have so many questions that are unanswered. I swallow, my hand going to my neck. I suppose I don’t know what he looks like. My father did reassure me he wasn’t some white-haired old man. At least that’s something. “You can give your tour later, George,” a deep voice rumbles, causing goosebumps to break out along my skin. I spin around to see two doors that now stand open. In the doorway is a freaking giant. He takes a step out and then another. My eyes lock with his. He has gorgeous gray eyes that remind me of a dark storm. Some people may find them intimidating, but I find them intriguing. He shifts, revealing more of himself to me. His face is all hard edges and lines. The man looks as though he is made of stone. The scar that runs across the right side of his face only adds to this whole scary vibe he’s got going on. I bet if he smiles, he might actually be handsome. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’d still be a bit scary at his size.

“Sir.” George nods to the man. “The priest is here. Follow me.” He doesn’t even greet me. Not a hello. Not nice to meet you. Nothing. He strides right past me without giving me a second look. I feel a moment of hurt when I know I shouldn’t. I stand there in a daze, my mind trying to catch up. Did he say that we’re doing this marriage thing right now? I thought I’d have time. That maybe I could talk him out of it or something. “I said to follow,” he barks. I jump, scurrying after him. George shakes his head like a disapproving parent. We follow him down a long hall, stopping at the end. He pushes open a door. There in the center of the room is in fact a priest. My eyes travel around the rest of the room, taking every inch of it in. Every wall is covered in bookshelves. My fingers itch to grab one of the books o of them. I bet this place holds all the classics. I almost gasp out loud when I see that there is even a spiral staircase that takes you up to another floor. “Wow.” I spin around. This room is a freaking dream. “I could live in here.” “You will be living here,” the deep voice rumbles, causing a flutter to go up my spine. I turn back around, having gotten lost in the moment. “Here.” He points at the ground next to him. “I’m not a dog,” I mumble as I move to stand there. George hides his laugh with a cough. “No, you’re going to be my wife.” I peek up at him through my lashes as the priest starts to talk. I can’t believe this is really happening. “Your hand, Fawn.” Right. I lift my hand as he slips a ring onto my finger. My mouth drops open a bit when I get a good look at the ring. It’s a giant purple sapphire that is surrounded by diamonds. It’s beautiful. He hands me a

simple gold band. I stare at it dumbfounded for a moment. “Put it on me,” he growls, holding his hand out. My hand shakes as I grab a hold of his and then slip the ring onto his thick finger with my other. I have a fleeting sense of relief that I can’t explain. As though something inside of me has finally settled. Maybe I’m just happy that it’s over with. That has to be it. He grunts with satisfaction. The sound makes everything inside of me perk up. What the hell? “You may kiss the bride.” Before I can register what is said, he grabs me, wrapping his arm around me as his mouth comes down onto mine. Soft is my first thought. I didn’t expect for his lips to be soft. His mouth moves against mine until I find myself opening for him. The kiss becomes possessive as though he is trying to claim me. And for a few moments I let him do exactly that. I pull back, gasping for air, my lips feeling swollen. A slow smile spreads across his face. I was right, it does make him more handsome. Not that it matters. He’s the devil, and I’d do best to remember that. I try to step back but realize that my fingers are clinging to his shirt. I quickly drop them away. His smile leaves his face and is instantly replaced with a look I can’t explain. I watch as he licks his lips. My nipples tighten against my will at the sight. What the hell is happening here? “I just need you both to sign here.” I jerk my gaze back to the priest. I’d completely forgotten about him. Heat rushes to my face, knowing he not only witnessed us taking our vows but the small make out session that happened after. Hell, at least I look the part of a willing bride at this point. Roman takes the pen and paper from his hand before walking over to a table and signing it. He then turns his attention back on me, holding the pen out for me to do the

same. I walk over, taking it from him. I stare down at the marriage license. I’m married. It was something I’d always wanted. But I never imagined that this would be the way it happened. As I sign my name, I know I’m signing away a life I’ve dreamed about since I was a little girl. One that included true love. Roman lets out another one of his approving grunts, handing the paper back to the priest. “She’ll need a name change as soon as possible.” “What? Why? That wasn't part of…” I stop talking when he levels me with a look that tells me this isn’t up for discussion. I glare right back at him, letting him know I’m not happy. You know what that handsome jerk does? He smirks! I’m not sure why I even care about the name change. It’s not as if I want my father’s name, but still. “You will be Mrs. King.” I think I already am.




stare into the fireplace, growing more restless with each minute that passes. George took Fawn up to her room. Our room. I reach down, adjusting my cock. I’ve been rock hard since I got a taste of that sweet mouth of hers. The wedding went easier than I thought. I know I was a brute. I barely kept it together. I wanted to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder to get to the priest faster. She wasn't moving quickly enough. I didn't need to give her more time to think. The library was picked on purpose. One of the things my men found when digging into her life is that every Saturday, she visits her local library. She enters with a stack of books and hours later she leaves with new ones. I’d wanted to impress her. Show her that things don’t have to be bad here. In fact, I could make them very good if she’ll allow me to. She could be happy here with me. “Sir!” George calls. “I told her dinner is at seven and Ace is on his way back from the stables now.” I nod. “Will he be joining you for this dinner?” “Yes.” Most of the time Ace and I just eat at the island in the kitchen, but I am going to have something more formal tonight. I also think he’ll be a good bu er. The kid is sweet and charming. It took no time for him to grow on me. I pace back and forth in my o ce, trying to waste some time, which seems to be moving at a snail's pace. It doesn't help that I check my watch every two seconds. “Ro!” Ace shouts. I can hear his feet hitting the marble floor in the entryway. I can tell he’s on a dead run towards me. “Don’t run!” I shout back, worried he could slip and hit the floor. The marble is nice but maybe I should look into

something a little more child friendly. “Sorry.” He hu s a breath when he makes it to my o ce door. He’s still in his riding gear. He’s taken to riding like a fish to water. He swears he’s going to grow up and be a cowboy. The horses are how I got him to come out of his shell in the first place. “How was your lesson?” “It was fine, but you’ll never believe what we found in the stables. Two kittens!” Fuck me. “We need to save them. I don’t see their mommy anywhere. She’s probably dead.” His bottom lip pu s out. And in that moment, I know that I am now the proud owner of two kittens because there is no way I’ll be able to tell him no. But I still try to dissuade him. “We don’t know that for certain. We should leave them there for tonight in case she comes back.” He shakes his head no. “It’s getting cold. They won’t stop crying. Please.” “Kittens?” Fawn’s soft voice floats into the room. Ace spins around to look at her. She’s changed out of her jeans and sweater into a long, flowing dress. As always, she’s breathtaking. How can one person have so much beauty? “You’re pretty.” A smile spreads across her face as she drops down to her knees in front of him. “Why, thank you. You’re quite handsome yourself.” She holds out her hand. “I’m Fawn.” “I’m Mason, but Ro calls me Ace.” He takes her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ace.” “Do you work here? Everyone works here.” She glances up at me. “She’s my wife.” Ace looks over his shoulder at me. We talked about this a few days ago. “Cool,” is all he says with a smile. “Can I show you my kittens?”

Here we go. Fawn’s face lights up before I can suggest we call someone to come take care of them, so I keep my mouth shut. “I’d love to see them.” She stands and holds her hand out for Ace to take. He does it without hesitation before he leads her toward the back of the house. He passes through the kitchen going out one of the back doors. Fawn glances around curiously as if she’s trying to take everything in. “Wow,” she says when she steps onto the back patio. We have acres of land spread out here. To the left is the rose garden my mother had done. O to the right are the stables. Not to mention the massive swimming pool. “This place is like a resort.” “You are free to go anywhere on the grounds,” I inform her. I want her to get comfortable here. It is, after all, where she’ll live for the rest of her life. She only gives me a tight smile. Nothing in comparison to the ones she’s been giving Ace. “This way.” He leads her around the pool towards the stable where Reno is finishing up before he takes o for the night. He gives Fawn a curious look before he sees my expression, and he diverts his attention to look anywhere but at her. “Did the mama come back?” Ace asks him. “Nah, and I’ve looked everywhere.” Reno pulls his hat o . “This is Fawn. She married Ro.” Fawn ducks her head some as pink spreads across her cheeks. “Well, I’ll be damned.” Reno smiles. “I’m Reno. I run the stables.” He doesn't o er her his hand. Smart man. I knew I liked him for a reason. Man knows when to keep his hands to himself. “Let’s hurry.” Ace starts to pull her into the barn. “Nice to meet you,” Fawn throws over her shoulder as she picks up her pace to keep up with the little guy. “How many horses do you have?”

“Three.” Ace holds up three fingers. “Here.” He pushes open the last empty stall. In the corner are two bundles of fur, one white and the other orange. They are a bit bigger than I thought they’d be. I’m guessing they are a month old, maybe two. “They're adorable,” Fawn whispers, bending down some to get a closer look. My eyes go straight to her ass. “Can we keep them?” Ace pleads. Even Fawn looks at me with hopeful eyes. “Fine.” I give. Both of their faces instantly light up with joy, making it worth it.




can’t help but smile at Ace. The boy is adorable. He’s also the spitting image of Roman, but he doesn't call him dad. I’m not sure what the story is because, even though I’m married to the man, I know nothing about him. But I won't ask in front of Ace. I’m not sure what the situation is, and it’s best to wait until later when Roman and I are alone. We’re all sitting in the kitchen at the giant island in the center. This kitchen is a chef's dream. This whole house is pretty spectacular from what I’ve seen so far. Even my bedroom knocked me o my feet. That was until I realized that it wasn’t mine alone but Roman’s room too. “George should be back in a few.” Roman pockets his phone. I bite into the grilled cheese that I made for all of us. George was preparing some fancy dinner and Roman told him to save it. I felt bad so I volunteered to cook while George ran out for kitten supplies. You can never go wrong with grilled cheese. “Can they stay in my room?” Ace bounces on his seat, unable to sit still. “If you want. We can keep them in the closet when you go to bed.” “The closet?” He scrunches his little nose, letting us know he disapproves of this idea. “Until they get bigger. We don’t want them getting into things or hurting themselves while you’re asleep.” “Right.” Ace takes a bite of the grilled cheese. The whole time he eats, he keeps his eyes on the kittens. They’re sitting on the counter drinking milk out of a bowl. Ace fills the silence easily, but I catch Roman stealing looks at me. He’s a di erent man when Ace is around. Softer. With me he’s a

brute. If we have to be married why can’t he be softer to me too? George comes strolling in a few moments later with what looks like a decent amount of supplies. We all go up to Ace’s room. George actually managed to get a playpen for the kittens. We get everything set up while Ace changes into his pajamas and brushes his teeth. “If you need anything—” Roman takes one of the walkie talkies that’s on his nightstand. “Got it. ‘Night, Fawn.” “See you in the morning.” I follow Roman out of the room into the hallway. My nerves start to bubble up inside me. Now what do I do? “He was my brother’s son. A brother I didn't even know I had until it was too late.” Roman fills in the blanks for me before I can ask. “He died in an accident, leaving me with full custody of Ace. I’m the only family he has.” “You didn't know about your brother and you still decided to keep that beautiful little boy?” My heart melts at the thought. I’m starting to think there might be more to Roman than he shows the rest of the world. “Of course.” He puts his hand on my back, leading me back to our room a few doors down. “We’re sharing a room?” I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, trying not to fidget. “We are married.” “I was told we didn't have to have sex,” I blurt out. “When I take you, you’ll be begging me to do so,” he says in that deep voice of his. The softness he had with Ace is long gone. He turns, heading toward the bathroom. He slams the door behind him, making me jump. Well, I guess the honeymoon phase is over. I let out a breath, my emotions all over the place. You can do this, I tell myself, going to pick up a few of my bags. I push

open the closet door and walk in. I drop my bags at the sight before me. One side is clearly all of Roman’s things. The other I have no freaking clue. It’s filled with clothes that still have the tags hanging from them. Shoes line the shelves below. There are even a couple of fancy handbags. Holy crap. I run my fingers down one of the silk shirts. The fabric is softer than anything I’ve ever felt before. This is nuts, but I suppose he wants me to look the part. Why does this man need a wife? And why has he resorted to these great lengths in order to get one? I open one of my bags, pulling out a pair of pink and black flannel pajamas and my bag for the bathroom before I exit the closet. I can hear the water running in the bathroom, so I quickly change into my sleep clothes, taking my dress back to the closet. Roman comes strolling out of the bathroom completely naked. My mouth falls open. Holy shit. Not only does he look as though he’s a freaking piece of art, he’s also big everywhere. A few more scars do mark up his chest. It makes him look like a warrior who is coming back from battle. “What are you doing?” I finally get it together, putting my hand over my eyes. But there is no denying the heat between my thighs. My body reacted to him in a way it’s never done to anyone in the past. “Getting ready for bed,” he answers. I feel him walk past me, his woodsy scent doing things to my body that I have no control over. I drop my hand before grabbing my bag and darting into the bathroom. I quickly close the door behind me and lock it. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as I lean against the closed door. What is this man doing to me? I drop my bag, clenching my legs together. My nipples are hard. I’m so turned on. What the heck? You’ll beg me to take

you. His words drift through my mind. This is crazy. I get it together and start getting ready for bed. When I exit the bathroom, Roman is already in bed reading a book. Thank God he is covered. Well, everything besides his chest. “Do you need anything?” he asks as I come to the other side of the bed. I shake my head no, pulling the ribbon out of my hair to let it loose. “All you ever have to do is ask.” He reaches over, pulling the blanket back for me to climb in. “Do you have pants on?” I ask. “If you’re asking if my cock is covered the answer is yes.” My face blooms with heat. “You’re a jerk.” I get into the bed with a hu . I instantly feel bad for calling him a name. I shouldn't because he really is one. “So I’ve been told.” He turns the page of his book. I lie there looking up at the canopy. This bed is made for royalty. It’s also the most comfortable thing I’ve ever lain on in my life. “Why did you need a wife?” I find myself asking. He closes his book, setting it down before he turns to face me. “Because I wanted you.”




er beautiful eyes widen at my admission. My cock is once again hard. I took care of myself in the shower, but one look at her is all it took. The smell of sweet cherries fills the room every time she’s near. Fuck, she’s breathtaking. And all mine. Her mouth opens and closes for a moment. Her eyebrows pull together, making her look adorable. She was so good with Ace. She didn't miss a beat. I knew she would be good for him. “I’m sorry I called you a jerk.” She folds her arms over her chest. A bark of laughter leaves me. Her sweetness has no bounds. I was being a jerk. I deserved to be called one, but I can tell that she hates the idea of calling someone a name. She’s so damn innocent. I don’t deserve her, but still I took her for myself. “It’s fine, Fawn. I want you to speak freely.” I reach over, flicking the light o . “I don’t understand,” she says after a few minutes. “Ace needs a mom.” Maybe that will help her get more comfortable with the idea of being married. “Why did we have to get married?” I thought I cleared this up a few minutes ago when I told her that I married her because I wanted her, but I guess not. “Are we talking a forever kind of thing or only until Ace grows up?” I take a deep breath, trying to keep myself calm at the thought of her ever trying to leave me. “Forever,” I answer. There is no question about that. She shifts on the bed. My eyes adjust to the darkness so I can truly take in every detail of her face. I still can’t believe she’s finally in my bed. Even her just taking out her braid felt erotic.

“Can I still work?” she asks softly. “You do not need to work. I want you here.” “Please.” She wiggles around again. “I need my job to help pay for my gram’s nursing home.” “I’ve taken over the account. It’s handled.” She sucks in a breath. “Got her moved to a private room too.” “Thank you.” Warmth fills me at her approval. The sensation is odd to me. I’m clearly pleased that she’s happy I did something for her. Something I’ve never cared about before. What others think about me is not my concern. But I find it’s not the same when it comes to her. “Why all the clothes?” “You’re my wife, Fawn. You need to act as such. You can’t be pulling away from me and avoiding me. You’re going to have to get used to my touch and my mouth.” “But...” “That’s not sex.” The room grows quiet again. “In fact, I want my goodnight kiss.” She clung to me when I kissed her earlier. For a brief moment she’d let go and let me have a taste of that sweetness she has. It was intoxicating, and I need more. I want all of it. She doesn't respond. I reach over, pulling her into me. She lets out a small scream before I cover her mouth with mine. At first she doesn't respond, but just like the last time, she starts to melt in my hands. “Kiss me back.” I slide my tongue into her mouth. A small moan comes from her that goes straight to my dick before she finally slips her tongue into my mouth. Her soft hands come to my chest as I run mine up and down her side. She really is perfect everywhere. I want more. My whole body is demanding it. I jerk back before I lose all control. That small taste of perfection has done nothing to quell my appetite.

“Good night.” She rolls over, giving me her back. I grab her again, pulling her into my chest before wrapping my arm around her. Her ass presses against my cock, and I fight not to groan out loud. “You’re a brute.” “And you’re my wife.” She lets out one of those little hu s of hers that do nothing but turn me on more. She does it when I annoy her. I bury my face in her hair because I’m clearly a masochist. “Can I visit my grams?” I slip my hand up her shirt to rest on her stomach, needing to feel her skin. “Yes, you’re allowed to leave. With a guard or myself.” “Why a guard? Is someone after you?” She tenses, making me wonder if she cares. “No, but I am a very rich man and you're my wife. They will see you as my weak spot.” “They would be sadly mistaken,” she mumbles. “This marriage could be good.” She shakes her head. “You blackmailed my family.” I tighten my hold on her. “Your father should be in jail. Not only for stealing my money but also for agreeing to my deal.” “I told him I would do it,” she defends him. “He agreed the second I o ered the deal. Said he’d get you to see it his way.” She goes quiet again, and I start to settle into her. The silence stretches between us until I hear a sni e. Fuck me. In one quick move, I turn her to face me. I can’t bear the thought of her crying. “You should know what your own father is capable of.” She sni es again. I reach up, touching her face. She doesn't jerk away as I wipe a tear from her cheek. “I suppose it doesn't matter. I should have known. He’s always getting himself into trouble.” I would love to disagree

with her, but it’s the truth. It was only a matter of time until he ran up against someone who would easily kill him. “My father was a piece of shit too.” I pull her more into me. Her tears are killing me. What the hell is wrong with me? She must be a little witch who has put me under her spell. I don’t even care. I hope she keeps doing whatever it is. She rests her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes, her breathing evens out. She’s asleep moments later. She so easily passed out in my arms. That has to mean something. I’ll take the small victory. Maybe one day she won’t see me as the beast that I really am.




let out a yawn as I start to stretch. I freeze when I feel a warm, big body behind me. It’s then I remember it’s my husband. His hand is on my stomach, and I think he’s hard. His cock is pressing into my ass. How did I just have the best sleep of my life? It has to be the bed. It can’t have anything to do with this man cuddling me close all through the night. I don’t think I’ve ever been cuddled in my life. I wonder if he’s asleep. I wiggle my ass to test him. His hand slips from my stomach to my hip, stopping me so I can’t move. I guess he’s awake. “I don’t think you’re ready for that.” My whole face warms at being caught. Luckily, he can’t tell if I’m turned on. I am, by the way. I have the urge to rub myself all over him. I’m not sure what is happening. I mean, the man hasn’t been the nicest to me, but I can’t deny my attraction to him. What is he doing to me? I’ve never had any type of pull to another man before. My body was dormant before him. I’ve gone on a handful of first dates, but I didn't feel anything toward any of the men. Yet, this man has my nipples hard and heat pooling between my thighs as I start to ache. “Morning.” His deep voice rumbles through my body. It doesn’t help my current situation. He kisses me on the shell of my ear gently. Goosebumps breakout on my arms. He rolls me over onto my back. Before I realize what’s happening, his mouth is taking mine. This kiss is possessive and filled with need. I moan into him, lifting my hips to try to ease the ache between my thighs. I gasp when I rub against his cock. His whole body jerks. I dig my fingers into his back, trying to hold him to me. What am I doing? I need to stop, but I can’t.

I keep on kissing him. My body begs me for some kind of relief. “Morning!” Ace shouts, and I hear the bedroom doors open. I swear it’s as if a bucket of ice water has been thrown on me. “Fuck,” Roman grunts, rolling o me. “Need to start locking the door.” I sit up, hoping he didn't see anything. He comes bouncing over to the bed jumping up and making himself at home. “Were you two kissing?” His eyes dart back and forth between us. “She is my wife.” Roman stands. I lick my lips, still tasting him there. I have to get control over myself. The only thing I really control around here is the sex. It lies within my own hands not to give in to temptation. I’m not giving the power away because I know he wants it. Roman is clearly a man that’s used to getting what he wants. “Can the kittens come down for breakfast?” “I think they will be fine. Let me get dressed and I’ll see what there is to make.” “George will already be preparing something.” “Oh.” I bite my bottom lip. Why does that bother me? Roman stares at me for a long moment. “Did you want to cook breakfast?” he asks. “I would like to do some of the meals,” I admit. “I love to cook, and that kitchen is a dream.” “The kitchen and meals are yours, Fawn. You are the lady of the house. Just let George know what you want, and he’ll get it taken care of.” “Thank you.” He gives me a nod before going into the bathroom. “I’ll meet you in your room?” “Yep.” Ace jumps o the bed, darting out of the room. I get Ace dressed and everyone downstairs for breakfast. Roman slips o to work, and Ace and I spend the day

together. He’s such a sweet boy. My heart aches for him having lost both of his parents. I lost my mom, and I still carry the sorrow with me. I think I lost my father that day too. After her death he was never the same. Everything changed. After I finally get Ace and the kittens down for a nap, I head back to my bedroom and begin unpacking my things. I don’t want to continue living out of a bag. I should probably go down to the kitchen and look through things to see what I might need in order to plan some meals out. But instead, I find myself wanting to check in on Roman to see what he’s up to. I haven’t seen him since this morning. I thought maybe he would come and check on us at some point, but he didn’t. I have a feeling he’s one of those men who is devoted to work above all else. It might be the reason he didn’t go out and find himself a real wife. He probably couldn’t find the time to do the whole dating thing. I suppose I could bake some cookies. Then I’d have a reason to pop into his o ce. I debated making him lunch today but decided against it. I’m supposed to hate this man. He’s ruined my life by forcing me into marriage. My phone vibrates on the table. I answer it quickly when I see it’s the nursing home calling. “Grams?” “No, Mrs. King. It’s Shelly. One of your grandmother's nurses.” Wait. How the hell did she know I was Mrs. King? Doesn't matter right now. “Has something happened?” My heart starts to race. “She was complaining about chest pain, so we took her to the ER.” “Regency?” I confirm as I slip my shoes on and find my purse. “Yes.”

“I’m on my way.” I drop my phone in my bag, fishing out my keys before I rush downstairs. I pull the front door open, and an alarm starts to sound. “Shit.” Roman comes strolling out of his o ce. He taps his phone screen, and the alarm goes o . “Going somewhere?” His face is hard as he glares at me. “Yes. I need to leave.” He closes his eyes as if he’s trying to remain calm. It hits me then that he thinks I’m trying to escape. “They are taking my grams to the hospital. I have to go.” I look out the front door to where I’d parked my car but it’s not there. “Where is my car?” “Have Jones pull the car around. We’re leaving. Keep an eye on Ace. He has another riding lesson this afternoon,” Roman says into the phone. “Let’s go.” “Wait. You’re coming with me?” He ushers me out the front door. “Of course. I’m your husband.” I roll my eyes. I swear that’s all he keeps saying. “But my grandma doesn't know about this.” I motion between the two of us as a black Range Rover pulls up. Roman opens the door for me. “Do you want to stand here and argue or get to the hospital?” “Right.” I climb in, clenching my purse. I suck in a breath when Roman leans over me to click my seatbelt into place. “Thanks.” I’m so flustered I forgot. “It’s my job to take care of you.” “Let me guess. Because I’m your wife.” “Now you’re getting it.” He smirks before he shuts the door. Maybe I am. But I’m nowhere near ready to admit that to him.




awn wrings her hands together in her lap. I can feel the tension and anxiety roll o her. I wish there was something I could do. I’m not used to feeling helpless. At least not since I was a young boy. I click o my seatbelt, sliding over to the middle. I put my arm around her. She actually leans into me, seeking comfort. Her grandmother means a lot to her. With a father like hers, this is likely the only real family she has. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll get the best doctors in the world if I have to.” Those violet eyes look up at me, filled with tears. “Thank you.” “I told you, Fawn. All you ever have to do is ask. I’ll make it happen. Unless you ask me to let you go.” Her lip twitches. She’s softening towards me faster than I thought she would. I pull out my phone and fire o a few text messages. Jones gets us to the hospital in record time, pulling up to the emergency room. I follow Fawn out as she tries to bolt for the door. I don’t stop her. She runs up to the desk and starts asking questions. “I’m sorry. We can’t give any information out at this time.” “Roman. It’s good to see you.” Dr. Luck holds his hand out. I shake it. “Can you take us back to wherever her grandmother is?” I cut straight to the point as Fawn comes to stand next to me. She actually leans into me. “Yes. Ms. Hawthorne is this way.” Relief shows on Fawn’s face as some of the tension leaves her body. I hold my hand out to her. She takes it as we follow the doctor through the doors and into the patient area.

“Rest assured, she’s fine. No need to get worked up,” Dr. Luck tells her. My Fawn bursts into tears. I stop walking and pull her into my chest, wrapping my arms around her. I rub my hand up and down her back. Soothing her. All of her emotions have caught up to her. I kiss the top of her head. There is only one other person in my life that I show this side to and that’s Ace. After a few moments, she leans her head back to look up at me. “Sorry.” She sni es. Fuck, she’s so damn sweet. Sweeter than I ever imagined she could be. I thought I’d fallen for her already, but I keep sinking deeper into her. There is no turning back. Ever. “Nothing to be sorry for.” I wipe the tears from her cheeks before releasing my hold on her. She takes a deep breath before we start following the doctor again. He motions towards the door to a room. I hold it open for Fawn and motion for the doctor to give us a few moments. I know he will. Hospitals are always in need of some kind of donation. I’ve always been generous with them here. You never know when you might need to call in a favor. It’s paying o for me today. “Grams.” Fawn rushes over to the side of the bed. An older lady is sitting up. Her gray hair is cut short, but it’s her eyes that draw my attention. They are the same as my wife’s. “I told them not to call you,” she says with a hu . I immediately see where my wife gets her feisty side from. “What? Of course they called me. They were taking you to the hospital. What happened?” She grabs her hand. She sits there for a moment not looking like she wants to say. “Grams.” Fawn pushes for an answer. “It was gas.” She finally gives. I hold back a laugh. Fawn smiles, realizing for herself that she’s okay. “Thanks for making me admit that in front of the handsome young man. Who is he, by the way?” She motions towards me.

“Roman” is all Fawn says, biting her bottom lip. “Ms. Hawthorne. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I walk over, holding my hand out. She takes it, but I can tell she’s sizing me up. “You work here or something?” She releases my hand. “No. I’m Fawn’s husband.” I go ahead and rip the BandAid right o . “I see I’m not the only one not wanting to tell things.” She notices the ring on her finger. “He’s rich.” A bark of laughter leaves me. “It was sudden,” Fawn tells her. “I’m so happy you’re okay.” She leans in, kissing her on the cheek. “I was so worried.” Her grandma keeps eyeing me as they fall into small talk. I get the feeling Rose doesn't much care for the nursing home. After about thirty minutes, the doctor comes in, notifying us that she’s going to be released. “Can we take you home?” I o er. “That would be great.” She gives me a smile for the first time. We end up ordering takeout and staying in Rose's little apartment until the sun goes down. She interrogated me for over an hour. I think I passed the test. “Did you get the feeling that she doesn't much care for that place?” Fawn asks as we head back towards the house. “A little bit.” “She kept talking about how she wished our family was bigger. I think she’s lonely.” Fawn drops her gaze, looking defeated. “Why don’t you let me make a few calls? See if there is a better option out there.” She stares at me for a long moment. “Usually I’d say no to a handout, but when it comes to my grams, I’ll put my pride aside.” “It’s not a handout, Fawn. I’ve been meaning to give you your credit cards and such.” She starts to talk, but I keep

going. “We’re married, and I think part of that deal is you get to live very comfy. Spend the money. Think of this as a job.” As much as I hated to say the last part, I too will put my pride away for Fawn. I don’t want her worrying about money or her grandmother. “Okay. Thank you for everything you’ve done already.” “Anything for you.” I slip my hand into hers. This is the first time that she makes the e ort first by tangling her fingers with mine instead of trying to push me away. It’s another step forward, and I won't stop until I’m home.




ours is so pretty,” Ace says, looking over at my small canvas. One of the first things I got with my new credit card were a few things for Ace. I wanted to be able to fill our days with activities. At least until he starts kindergarten. I’d drawn roses. I’ve become a little obsessed with the rose garden here. “Yours is cute.” I think he was trying to draw the kittens. They both checked out in good health. It looks as though we now have two boy kittens permanently. “I’m going to give it to Ro. It’s Mickey and Minnie Mouse.” “I see that.” I’ll have to give Roman a heads up about the picture. I drop my brush into the water. “Are you going to give yours to him too?” He stares up at me with those big eyes. He looks so much like Roman. It makes me wonder what a little girl with his genes would look like. “I suppose.” “I’d love to have it,” Roman says, striding into the library where I have us set up at one of the giant tables. “I always know where to find you. If you’re not in the library, you’re in the rose garden.” “Keeping track of me?” “Always.” I still when he leans down and drops a kiss on the top of my head. “I’ll have them framed for my o ce.” Roman is turning out so di erently than I thought he would be. Sometimes he can be a little cold and short with the things he says, but ninety-nine percent of the time he’s sweet. At least that’s how it’s been for the last week. Every morning and night he still kisses me, but nothing more. It leaves my body on edge, wanting more.

All of this is really messing with my head. Everything he did for Grams without batting an eye has softened me towards him. The way he comforted me meant so much to me. We’ve fallen into a rhythm now. We even read Ace a book together the other night. It all feels so real. I can’t find a reason not to like him. I even noticed that he started making an e ort to not work so much. Except for today. He didn't come to lunch. I’d be lying to myself if I didn't admit I was disappointed. And I may have gotten a bit angry too. I shouldn’t have. It was silly. He’s wearing me down. In fact, if it weren't for the whole blackmail thing, I would probably have dated him if only he would have asked. That’s a lie. I was too busy working nonstop. I was always trying to make ends meet. My father always makes it harder for me. He hasn't called to check on me once. I’m really seeing his true colors. So many things I overlooked over the years are now smacking me dead in my face. There is no denying what type of man he is after this arrangement. If anything, Roman has made my life a hell of a lot easier. I miss a few of the kids at the daycare, but I don’t miss the diner or working at the dry cleaners. I haven't slept this well in years. Or eaten so much. “I think it’s time for your lesson,” Roman reminds Ace. “I’ve got this. You can go.” He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, warming my heart before he takes o . I know I’ve already fallen for Ace. “Can I show you something?” Roman asks as he helps me clean up. “Sure.” My stomach flutters when he steps close, raising his hand. I start to close my eyes, but he swipes my cheek. “Paint.” “Right.” I flush.

“Also this.” He kisses me. He groans into my mouth. The sound always turns me on. I feel sexy when he does it. His hard cock presses into my stomach as my whole body starts to fill with heat. When we break apart, I’m breathless and a little dazed. So much so I don’t protest when he takes my hand. “Where are we going?” I ask when we go up the stairs but turn right. I’ve done some venturing around, but this place is massive. It’s no wonder why he has a house sta . There is a lot to take care of around here. “It’s an idea I’ve been having. I finished it up today.” “Is that why you missed lunch?” My tone comes o tart. I inwardly groan at myself. “Miss me?” He smirks. I glare up at him. “You’ll see why shortly.” We turn another corner. “This part of the house was built to be the house sta 's quarters. Some often lived on the property years ago. Only George lives here now, and he has a cabin a few acres over.” “That explains why he’s always here.” I laugh. “They’ve been sitting empty. This one is meant for a butler. They tend to run everything so they get a bigger space.” He opens the door. I wonder why he’s telling me all this. I step inside and look around. “This place is nicer than anywhere I’ve ever lived.” It‘s basically an apartment that has been completely updated. There is even a patio. “Not anymore.” “Right.” Nothing will ever beat this place. Roman is going to ruin me. “Do you think Rose would like it here?” “What?” I say in shock. “I know she’s on a handful of medications, so we’d have a nurse come once a day for a few hours.”

“Why are you doing all this? You already have me here.” I don’t understand. There is no need for him to go to these great lengths at this point. I can’t help but think there is an ulterior motive. “I vowed that I would always take care of you. I’m a man of my word.” A lump forms in my throat. “I think she’d love it here.” She asked about seeing Ace when we told her about him. Roman had my grams half in love with him before we left that night. He is rather charming when he wants to be. “Okay. I’ll get it handled.” “Roman…” I trail o . “Fawn, I just…” I don’t let him finish. Before I realize what I’m doing, I kiss him. He lets out a deep growl, lifting me o my feet. A moment later he sits me down on something as he deepens the kiss. I’m too lost in him to care. I rock my hips against his cock until it’s hitting my clit perfectly. I moan his name, breaking the kiss. He keeps moving against me. “Fuck, you taste good.” He trails kisses down my neck until he reaches the deep V of my dress. “I want to taste more.” He suddenly drops to his knees in front of me. His eyes remain locked with mine as he pushes my dress up my body before shifting me to sit on the edge of the counter. I can't believe this is happening. I should tell him to stop. Even if we’d been legit dating it would still be too soon for this. I’ve known the man for a week. Yet, I know that I’m going to let him do whatever he wants. My body is begging for release. He leans in, and I can feel his warm breath against my thighs. “You smell like cherries everywhere.” “It’s my body wash.” “I know. I use it to jack o .” I moan at his words. The thought of him in the shower touching himself and thinking

about me is too much. His fingers dip into my lacy purple underwear, pulling it to the side. I swear the small brush of his hand sends a jolt of pleasure through my body. “It turns me on that you’re wearing the panties I got for you. I handpicked them out myself. I’ve been starved for you, sweet girl.” My heart starts pounding harder. My whole body is on fire with need. He’s killing me here. I gasp when, finally, his tongue circles my clit a few times before he takes a long lick all the way down. I grab the edge of the counter, needing something to hold onto when he pushes his tongue in and out of me. “So fucking good. And all mine.” Before I know it, I reach down and tangle my fingers into his hair. “Tell me you want me to make you come.” I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks at his request. “Roman.” I whimper his name. “All you have to do is ask.” I want him. “I need more.” That’s all I manage to get out. “I’ve got you, precious.” He works his way back to my clit, giving me what I need. He sucks it into his mouth, his tongue going wild. I throw back my head as the orgasm finally hits me. Pleasure like I’ve never felt before shoots through my whole body. My eyes start to water. The sensation is overwhelming. The release is almost intoxicating. I’m going to want this more now that I’ve gotten a taste. I shouldn't. I’m supposed to hate this man. He pulls my panties back into place before dropping my dress back down. He rises to his feet, towering over me. His lips glisten with my arousal. “You’re a virgin?” His voice is thick. I nod my head yes. His eyes search my face. “That…”

“Don’t.” He cuts me o . “Fuck me.” He takes a step back, running his hand down his face. The cold look he gets takes over his handsome face. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” He turns, heading for the door. I open my mouth to say something, but no words come. I jump when he slams the door behind him. What the hell just happened?




s this what death feels like? I wonder. No, this has to be worse. At least there is a finality to death, unlike my current situation. This must be what it’s like to be stuck in purgatory. It's been five days since I had my tongue inside of my wife. My cock is hard at the thought of how she sounded when she was moaning my name. She surprised the hell out of me when she threw herself at me. I’d been giving her a little space before that. I wanted to build her up so she would want more. Then I took it too fucking far too fucking fast. She looked a breath away from bursting into tears afterward. I’d been so frantic to taste her and make her come that I missed the signs that I was going too fast. I pick up my tumbler full of the amber liquid that’s sitting on my desk and chuck it into the fire. “Does that make you feel better?” George asks, standing in the doorway to my o ce. I’ve been living in this room for the most part. I couldn’t bear the thought of hurting her or of her pulling away from me. “Fuck o ,” I mumble. “Don’t you think it’s a little early for a drink?” I shrug, not giving a shit. I only took a couple of sips. I know now more than ever I need to be thinking clearly. It’s hard enough to do that when Fawn is near me. “Is there something you need?” “Wanted to remind you about the charity event tonight. You promised you’d go.” I grit my teeth. I hate charity events with a passion. They often spend more money on the event and barely break even at the end of the night. I’d rather cut a check and be done with it.

This one is di erent though. It’s for a women's shelter. There were a handful of times I remember my mom taking me to one before. My father would always win her back in the end. He regretted that once I became a teenager and towered over him. I ruined his life as soon as I could, and I don’t feel any remorse over it. “I’m still going.” “Good. I told Fawn to be ready by six. Does that work for you?” I’d told her last week I had an event on Friday and she was to come with me. Like the bastard I am, I hadn't asked. I demanded it. I didn't want to hear the word no come from her lips, so I avoided it. “If she wants to come, that’s fine.” I’m giving her an out. “If she wants to come? How about you fix whatever you did so you can stop walking around here like a bear with a thorn stuck in his paw?” “I don’t need your advice,” I grit out. “Well, I think you do.” He turns, leaving my o ce, getting the last words in. He always manages to do that. I have been on a hell path lately. I’ve been barking orders at everyone. At least I managed to get some work done. Not much. I missed her home-cooked meals and us sharing a bed. Overall, I just missed her. I’m addicted to her, and not being near her has me going through withdrawal. If I was a better man, I’d let her go. But I’m not, and I know I’ll never be able to do that. I also believe she’s safer here where I can take care of her. She’s not working herself to the bone and barely scraping by. Then you have her father. He’s bound to get himself into another mess. O ering his daughter up in order to get out of trouble came easily to him. She has so much on her plate. Especially the worry she carries for her grandmother. Fawn has no one to lean on to give her comfort. I want to give her all of these things.

I run a hand down my face, having no fucking clue what to do now. I’ve been trying to give her space, but the reality is I don’t trust myself around her. I lose control way too easily. My need to have her is all-consuming. I try to focus on work for a few hours. I have a big buyout coming up soon. I’ve invested a lot of time and money into it. My father tried to pull it o years ago but failed miserably. It will give me great pleasure to accomplish something he was unable to. It will also mean I would need to spend three weeks in Japan to tie things up. I’m not sure I can go that long without my wife and Ace. I’ll have to figure something out before I drive myself crazier. But I’ll worry more about that when the time comes. I head upstairs to get ready. The event is actually a casual one. I grab a pair of jeans and shirt before I head into the bathroom to change. I stare at the scar on my face in the mirror. She never once asked me about it or seemed put o by its presence. I run my finger down it. For so long it was all I could see when I looked at myself. Since Fawn has come into my life it doesn't dominate my thoughts anymore. That’s probably due to the fact that she does. I can be obsessive about things. It's how I’ve gotten so far in life. I’ve just never directed it toward a woman. “Oh, sorry.” My eyes go to Fawn in the mirror. They lock there for a moment before she turns, half running out of the bathroom. I guess that means she has no plans to come with me tonight. Fuck me. Then her sweet voice calls out from inside the closest. “I’ll be ready in twenty minutes.” The tightness in my chest starts to ease. She comes floating out of the closet a moment later wearing a light purple dress that has gold flowers on it. My eyes drift down her toned legs that I can’t help but imagine wrapped around

me as I sink balls deep into her sweet innocence until I get to her sandals. Even her damn feet are sexy. Her toes are painted to match her outfit. She looks stunning. It takes everything in me to control myself. “Unless you’re still avoiding me,” she tosses out as she walks past me, not bothering to look my way. My fingers itch to reach out and grab her. I fist my hands. I’m not going to ruin this. Her eyes aren't filled with tears. If anything, she’s pissed. Anger I can deal with much better than her tears. Witnessing them claws at my insides. “You could take someone else if you’d like.” She slams the door to the bathroom, leaving me standing alone. “I’ll wait downstairs for you,” I tell her through the bathroom door. She doesn't respond. But twenty minutes later, she comes down the stairs glowing like an angel. It dawns on me that people are going to see her. Want her. I can’t blame them. Jealousy starts to rise up inside of me. She’s mine. Her face is unreadable until Ace comes running into the room. Her whole demeanor changes once she gets a glimpse of him. She smiles so wide and welcomes him in for a hug. Now I’m jealous of Ace. I want her to look at me that way. Not with cold disinterest. I have to win her back. It’s the only option. Thankfully I never lose, and I don’t plan on starting now.




his is all so amazing.” I smile at Rebecca and Jim. They’re the heads at Healing Homes. The things they do for women all over the city are truly incredible. “If there is anything I can ever do to help, please let me know. I would love to get involved in some way.” “Really?” Rebecca's eyes dart from me to Roman. The man had me plastered to his side since we got out of the car. You’d never know that he’s been avoiding me for the last five days. I have no clue what the hell is going on with him. Either way, I’m pissed. “Of course.” Roman pulls one of his cards out. Jim tries to take it, but Roman makes it clear he’s giving it to Rebecca. What the hell? I bite the inside of my cheek. Is he trying to piss me o more? “We’ll be in contact.” She holds on tight to the card. “I look forward to it.” Before I even finish, Roman is already pulling me away. “Are you going to talk to everyone here?” “Maybe.” I give a small shrug. I see his jaw tighten. How is he the mad one? “Are you going to keep giving your cards to other women?” I toss back, trying hard to pretend I don’t care, but if I really didn't, I wouldn't have said anything at all. He stops walking, staring down at me. He looks adorably confused. I roll my eyes. “I need to use the bathroom.” I jerk my arm from his hold. He lets me go. I wander o , not sure where I’m going. The second I realized this event was set up to resemble a fair, I wondered why we hadn't brought Ace with us. It turns out they have an age restriction. Everyone in attendance

must be eighteen and over. I love the setup they have. There is even a big area with a bar and dance floor. This might all actually be fun if I wasn’t so upset with my husband. And if he weren’t such a temperamental jerk who goes from hot to cold in a matter of seconds. Oh, crap. I realize that I actually referred to him as my husband. I don’t understand what is happening. It hurts my head to try to figure him out. I’ve noticed a lot of people want Roman’s attention. He doesn't seem excited about that. I started trying to cut people o and jump in for him, and now he’s asking me if I’m going to talk to everyone? I finally find the bathroom a few moments later. I don’t actually need it, but I wanted a second by myself before I said something I’d regret. I already said too much. I sounded like a jealous wife. I suppose I am. “Did you see Roman King is here? I didn't know he got married,” I hear a woman say as I stand in the stall. I hold my hand up admiring my wedding ring. It really is a beautiful ring. “Have you seen his wife?” another asks. I bite down on my lip, knowing I’m not going to like whatever is about to be said next. “He hasn't brought anyone to anything in a long time, but I never would have guessed chubby was his preference.” “Right! Didn’t he date that supermodel?” “Megan Grey.” “Yep! So strange he would go to the opposite extreme this time.” They keep talking. I lean up against the bathroom door, pulling out my phone. I really shouldn't do this, but I do. I start Googling the name they mentioned. I know it’s pointless, but I can’t help but look. The information I do find is at least five years old. Those women were right though. He dated tall, thin, beautiful

blondes. The opposite of me in every way. Then he just kind of dropped o the scene, it seems. I’d never thought about the possibility of him being with another woman while we were married. It’s not something we’d ever talked about before. That’s not saying much since we don’t talk much about anything. Especially lately. I hu out a breath before putting my phone away. I take a deep breath once I hear them leave and step out of the stall. Knowing I can’t hide in here forever, I wash my hands and check my reflection. Once I’m satisfied, I head for the door. I step out of the bathroom, and Roman is on me in an instant. His hand wraps around my wrist. He starts walking, pulling me along with him. I almost have to run to keep up with him. “We’re leaving.” “Can you slow down? I have short legs. I’m not a runway model.” He slows down, finally giving me a curious look. When we make it to the blacked-out SUV, Roland is there. He opens the back door for us. I slip inside. Roman stops and talks to Roland for a moment before he gets in, slamming the door shut behind him. “You’re driving me crazy.” I gape at him. Did he really have the audacity to say that I’m the one who’s driving him crazy? Anger bubbles up inside of me. I think it’s a culmination of everything that’s happened up until this point. “I’m driving you crazy?” I hiss. He reaches for me. He picks me up as if I weigh nothing, putting me in his lap until I’m left straddling him. My hands go to his chest to try to balance myself. My body reacts instantly, knowing exactly what this man can do to it. Traitor. “What is your problem? First you avoid me and now I can’t get an inch away from you.” Did he always smell this good?

“I’m sorry.” He puts his hands over mine. “The past five days have been hell without you.” I stare into his eyes, seeing the remorse there. He does look tired. “How do you think I felt? The first time I remotely do anything with a man and he storms o , leaving me all alone and making me think I did something wrong.” I was so confused. And if I’m being honest, I was hurt. I thought he and I were finally getting somewhere that day. “What! You were perfect. You did nothing wrong,” he growls. His hands tighten their hold on mine. “When we were done and I looked up at you…” He stops for a moment as if the memory pains him in some way. “You had tears in your eyes. I took it too far. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” he pleads. “I’ve been so scared that I can’t control myself around you.” This man wants me so badly he thinks he can’t control himself around me. He stayed away in fear of hurting me. I suppose I should maybe know that with the whole blackmail thing. It’s kinda sweet in a screwed-up way. “Oh.” I tilt my head, my shyness getting to me. “Those were like happy emotional tears,” I try to explain. There is no missing the shock on his face. It only lasts a moment. He grabs my face, pulling me in. His mouth claims mine in a wild, needy kiss. For the first time in days the knot in my stomach loosens. I relax into him. The truth is, being with him has made my life a million times better. All the stress and worries I always carry have been lifted o me. He took them all away and then went and took care of Grams too. My controlling, possessive husband is a little bit of a knight in shining armor. “I’ve missed you so damn much.” He presses kisses all over my cheeks and then neck, his mouth going anywhere he can get it.

It’s nice to hear that he misses me. The only person who ever gave a crap about me is my grams. I’m really falling for this man. He’s breaking me down with his sweetness. Giving me things I crave deep inside. I should have been happy he was avoiding me. Instead I was hurt and pissed. Might have been a touch horny too after I knew what it felt like when his mouth was between my legs. My body wanted more. I want to tell him I missed him too. It’s on the tip of my tongue. How does it feel both right and wrong for me to miss him? Everything inside of me is a jumbled mess. “Can we go home?” I ask. “We can do anything you want, sweetheart,” he says before he’s kissing me again. I kiss him right back, hoping we will be doing a lot more than that when we get back to the house.




stand in the doorway of Ace's room. Fawn closes the book she’s reading him from the side of his bed. The kittens are fast asleep already. “Do you need anything else, honey?” She pushes Ace’s hair o his forehead. “No.” He lets out a yawn, his eyes falling closed. He fought the urge to fall asleep the whole book, wanting Fawn to finish reading it to him. He’s getting attached to her. I understand that more than anyone else. “Okay.” She leans down, giving him a kiss on the forehead. “Love you,” she whispers to him. I want to grab the words and keep them to myself. Will she ever look at me with that softness in her face as she said those words? Even if she did, I don’t deserve them. She stands, pulling the blanket over him. When she turns, she stops for a moment when she sees me. I step back out of the doorway so that she can go by. When we got home, all I wanted to do was drag her up to our bedroom, but Ace was on us the moment we walked in. We played a few games in the kitchen while Fawn made cookies. As much as I wanted her in bed, all of us being together tonight was fun too. We actually felt like a family. I didn't know how much I truly longed for that. I knew I wanted her, but I never thought about the family unit as a whole. “Hey,” she says, shutting Ace’s door. She leans back against it. I reach out and brush my thumb across her cheek. To my surprise, she tilts her head, leaning into my touch, letting her eyes fall closed. “I’ve missed you,” she says so softly I almost don’t hear it.

Fuck me. I let out a groan, grabbing her and pulling her in my arms. She doesn't resist me. In fact, she wraps her legs around me, laying her head on my shoulder as I carry her to our room. I’m so pissed at myself. Five days I put not only myself through this shit but her too. I have to do better if I want Fawn to truly be happy here. My knees almost give out when she presses a kiss to my neck then another. Don’t rush, I remind myself. Slow and easy. Her words about me being her first are still rolling around inside my head. I want inside of her more than I want my next breath, but not yet. I want her body craving me and the things I can do to it. I slowly let her go, enjoying the feel of her soft body rubbing against mine as she slides down the length of me until her feet hit the floor. She lets out a small gasp when she realizes my cock is pressing into her. Pink blooms across her cheeks, but she licks her lips and doesn't pull away, letting me know she wants this as much as I do. But still I remind myself that I need to take my time. Even though my cock begs to di er, wanting to slide into her heaven right now. “Can I make you feel good, Fawn?” I brush my thumb across her lips. She puckers her lips and kisses it. My cock jerks at the sweet innocence that is her. “Yes, please.” Her words cause a rumble to come from deep in my chest. Her eyes go wide. I spin her around, pulling her ass into my cock. Her head falls back on my chest, her eyes closing. I kiss and lick her neck as I slowly pull the zipper down on the back of her dress, letting it fall to the floor. Her bra is next, leaving her in nothing but her panties. Every inch of her is perfection. She tastes like heaven. Her little moans of pleasure have cum leaking from my cock. I’m desperate for her, but I remind myself that tonight isn’t about me.

I reach around, taking her breasts in my hands. I tug at her nipples, causing her to arch into me. The knowledge that I’m the only one that has ever touched her this way isn’t helping my self-control. “You like that, sweet girl? If I reached my hand into your panties would I find that tight cunt of yours wet?” The loud moan she lets out is all the answer I need. I release one of her breasts and slide my hand down her belly until I get to the edge of her panties. She bucks her hips, begging for me to touch her. I continue to tug at her nipple with one hand as I slip my hand down further to touch her cunt. “Fuck. You’re soaked for me. This is mine.” I cup her pussy. She likes me talking dirty to her. I know I’m being overbearing, but I can’t help myself when it comes to her. By the way her ass keeps rubbing on my cock, I know she’s enjoying it. “You like when I claim you, don’t you?” “Roman.” My name comes from her lips as a plea. “Answer me and I’ll give you what you need. Tell me you’re mine and only mine.” “I’m yours. Only yours.” Her words are music to my ears. I stroke her clit a few times until my fingers are coated in her arousal. I know she wants more, but I don’t want to get her o with my fingers. I want her to come on my tongue. “That you are, wife. All mine.” I slip my hand from her panties and bring it to her mouth. “Taste what I do to you.” She obeys, parting her lips for me. She sucks my fingers into her mouth. My cock throbs with need. I’m torturing myself. A small moan comes from her. “My turn to taste.” I spin her back around to face me. I drop my mouth to hers to steal a quick taste before I put her onto the bed. She lies there looking like a goddess. Her pink nipples are hard, her mouth swollen from mine. Even her panties are wet, making them stick to her pussy. My mouth waters.

“Take them o and I’ll eat your pussy.” She sucks in a breath, her cheeks turning from pink to almost red. Her hands slip down her body. I watch as her fingers hook into them before she’s dragging them down her legs. She tosses them to the side. I grab them and stu them into my pocket. I can tell she wants to ask what I’m doing, but she doesn't. I reach behind me, pulling my shirt o and over my head before kicking my shoes o . I leave my pants on because I need some sort of barrier between us so that I don’t take it too far. I climb onto the bed. Her breathing grows heavy. “Did you miss me?” I slide my hands up her smooth silky legs. “Miss what I can do to your cunt?” “Roman.” She breathes out my name, biting her bottom lip, but she grows wetter. I can see her pussy glistening. She can scold me all she wants. Her body loves it. “Answer me.” I stop, my hands on her thighs. “Yes, I missed you. This bed is lonely without you.” Fuck me. I savor her words. They are a balm on my black soul. “Good girl. I’ve missed you too. It's hard to breathe when I’m not near you.” “Really?” Her eyes soften. “More than you’ll ever understand.” I lean down, my tongue going to her clit. She lets out a moan, her hips trying to rise o the bed. I pin her down with one arm keeping her where I want her as I bury my face in her sweet heaven. Slowly I push one finger inside of her. Her pussy clamps down around me. She’s so fucking tight. How am I ever going to fit inside of her? I might only be able to get the head of my cock into her. Even if that was all I could ever have, I’d still die a happy man. Her moans grow louder as I pump my finger in and out of her. I work in a second. It’s a tight fit, but I need to get her ready to be able to take more in the near future. Her hand

comes down, gripping a handful of my hair. I push my dick down into the mattress when some cum leaks from me. I work my fingers faster. Her pussy starts to spasm around them. She’s about to come for me. When I suck her clit into my mouth, she’s done for. She cries out my name, her hand tightening in my hair. I suck and lick, drinking all of her down as I wring out the rest of her pleasure. Her body goes lax, her hand letting go of me to fall to the bed. I sit up to stare down at her. Her eyes are closed, but her full lips are turned up into a smile. I reach for my belt, undoing it and pulling my cock free. I start to pump myself, my eyes eating up every inch of her perfection. Her eyes flutter open, her mouth forming a perfect O as she watches me get o to the sight of her. It’s not going to take me much. I’m on fucking edge. Her taste is still in my mouth. Her beautiful tits are on full display, and her pussy still glistens from her orgasm. “This is what you do to me. It’s painful always walking around like this.” “Always?” “Yes, always. I only have to think of you and I’m hard.” “I’m sorry.” But a smirk pulls at her lips, and I know she’s not. It turns her on that she has this power over me. “I’m going to mark you. You want that, don’t you? For me to stake my claim on your body?” “Yes.” She starts to get turned on again. Her hips are wiggling. “I want that. Please. Mark me.” Her sweet plea does me in. I growl as my balls draw up and my orgasm hits me hard. My cum hits her pussy and stomach. She watches with wide eyes. I drop back, my hand releasing my cock to go to her pussy. I rub it in, pulling some down and pushing it inside of her. She lets out a small moan. I rub more into her skin. I

have no idea why the hell I’m doing this, but something primal inside of me is egging me on. I get more onto my fingers and bring it to her mouth. She parts her lips without me having to ask. Her tongue swirls around my fingers. A small moan comes from her as I pull my fingers back out. “You like that, baby?” She nods, and I see some of her shyness starting to come back. We can’t have that. I slip o the side of the bed before I grab her, tossing her over my shoulder easily. She lets out a small scream. I smack her ass, and she stills. “What are you doing, you caveman?” “Going to tend to my wife,” I say as I walk into the bathroom turning on the shower before I put her back onto her feet. “I’m going to get you all cleaned up.” I brush my mouth against hers. “So I can dirty you back up.” And she lets me. Her body is already getting addicted to me. God knows I’m addicted to her.




aby.” Roman places kisses on my neck. I sigh, not wanting to move. “More sleep.” I roll over on top of him, using him as my bed. He chuckles, making my whole body shake. “Be still.” I yawn. “It’s your fault I’m so sleepy.” The man has a serious love for putting his face between my thighs. He woke me up twice in the night, not to mention our little session in the shower. I think my body is still buzzing. “Okay, sleep away.” His hand goes to my bare ass, giving it a squeeze. “I can greet Grams when she gets here.” My head pops up at the mention of my grandmother. “That’s today!” It suddenly hits me. I try to get up, but Roman doesn't let his hold on me go. “Keep wiggling on my cock, and I’m not going to let you go anywhere.” I stop moving. “Kiss me, and I’ll let you go.” I lean down, pressing my mouth to his. Roman quickly takes over ravishing my mouth. The man loves control, and I find I rather enjoy it when he takes it from me and leads the way. When he breaks the kiss, I feel dazed for a moment. “Grams,” he whispers, breaking me from my thoughts. “Right!” I jump out of the bed, running for the closet. “Love the view, baby.” I roll my eyes then shut the closet door to be a brat. I quickly find something to wear. “What time is she coming? There are still some things I want to set up and move around.” “I know. She’ll be here this afternoon. We’ll get it all done. I promise.” I start to calm down. The crazy thing is… I believe him. Besides my grams it dawns on me that Roman is

the only other person I do trust. If he says he’s going to do something, I know without a doubt it will be done. “Thank you.” I walk over to the bed where he is sitting. He parts his thighs so I can step between them. I have no idea what's happening here, but I’m going to let the cards fall as they may. “You’re nothing like I thought you’d be.” I rub the scru on his face. “And I like this.” “You like it against the inside of your thighs.” I giggle because it’s true. “I’ll get Ace ready and meet you in the kitchen.” I lean down, giving him one more kiss before I head into the bathroom and finish getting ready. The morning drags on, but I try to keep busy. With Roman helping me, it takes no time to get everything how I want it for Grams. “I’ve got to make a few calls. You need anything else?” “No. I think I’m good.” “I love seeing this smile on your face.” He kisses my cheek. “You put it there,” I admit. I am getting something I’ve always wanted. I’m bringing Grams home. When I first told her about the plan, she said no. She thought she’d be a burden. With a little work I finally talked her into it. I might have mentioned how excited Ace is to meet her. I really wanted her to move in here, and I wasn’t above using a little kid to help me make that happen. “That’s always the goal.” I watch him turn and head out. I decide to go check up on Ace. He should be about done with his schooling for the day. He’s been doing a few hours with a tutor to get him ready for kindergarten. He really enjoys it. My little guy is worn out, so I take him up for his nap, grabbing the monitor so I know when he wakes up. I go in search of my husband. I should leave him alone. I know he’s working, but I can double check, can’t I?

It hits me that I miss him. I touch the center of my chest, feeling the ache there. I’m falling in love with my husband. I was being honest when I told him he was nothing like I thought he would be. I don’t understand why so many say he’s cut-throat. That he rules with an iron fist. At first, he was a touch cold and abrupt, but all of that quickly faded. I think it was his caveman way of being shy and not sure what to do with the bride he’d demanded. If Roman isn’t with Ace or me, he’s usually in his o ce. I head that way but slow my pace as I grow closer. He’s shouting at someone. “I don’t care what you have to do, you're going to get it done by the end of the day or you’re going to be out on your ass,” he bellows. I peek in the door seeing he’s on the phone. I pull back before he notices me. He’s quiet for a long moment. “This is your last chance. Get it handled. And if for some reason you don’t”—he pauses for a moment—“I suggest you get out of the country because there is nowhere you’ll be able to hide that I won’t find you.” I hear something drop. I’m guessing it’s his phone onto his desk. “Are you going to hover outside my door, baby?” I peek back around the corner. He’s got a smile on his face. His demeanor has changed completely. “I…ah…” “Come here.” He motions to me. I do as he asks. My feet moving before my mind even registers that I am. He pushes back in his chair and pats his leg. I sit and he pulls me more into him. “Are you okay?” His fingers play with the ends of my hair. “Yes, I was only wandering around.” “You can wander this way anytime you like.” He noses the side of my hair, breathing me in. “You always smell so

fucking good.” “If you’re busy I can go.” I try to stand up, but he doesn't let me get anywhere. “I’m never too busy for my wife.” Something inside of me settles. “Is everything okay?” That conversation was so heated. He flipped it o like it was nothing. “Work shit.” I lean back to look at him. “You were rather angry.” Now I’m understanding why others have labeled him as being cut-throat. “I am, but he’ll get it handled.” I let out a small laugh. “I don’t think you gave him much of a choice.” “I didn't get where I am by being a nice man, Fawn. I can be fair, sure. But if you cross me, I will make an example out of you so that way the next person who thinks about it knows better.” I lick my lips that suddenly feel dry. Is it terrible that I’m turned on? “What if I do something you don’t like?” His face softens. “You’re the exception to the rule. I think if you paid close attention, you’d see you’re the one with all the control.” I stare into his dark gaze, trying to understand. What if his attention for me is fleeting? Now that he has me, maybe the thrill will slowly begin slipping away. His hand inches up my thigh until it's under my dress. I always forget about everything else when he’s touching me. “Want me to make you come, baby?” He nuzzles my neck. “Work some of that excited energy out of you?” I nod my head as his fingers play with the edge of my panties. “Yes, please.” I wiggle in his lap. I’m already growing wet knowing what his fingers and mouth can do to me. “As you wish.” He picks me up, spreading me out across his desk. Things tumble to the floor, but he ignores them,

pulling my panties o from under my dress. Seconds later he buries his face between my thighs. He does as he promised, working the excited energy out of me. Then again, Roman always stands by his word.




sit in my o ce going over emails waiting for Fawn to come back from her gram’s apartment. Things have been going perfectly here for the past week. Grams has settled in nicely. She adores Ace, and he adores her back. He asked if he could call her Grams too. She was tickled by it. He’s actually having a movie night with her. He and I are both enjoying being a part of a family. I never thought there would be someone out there that would fit me. I could be just making us fit. But I know I’m di erent with her. It’s not that I try to be, I just am. I seek her approval. She’s the one person whose opinion of me matters. She has no idea how much control she truly has over me. I may have strong-armed her into this relationship, but it’s her that has the hold on me now. Other women would have picked up on it by now. Started to make demands and changes around here. Hell, I want Fawn to do that. To leave her mark in this place. I enjoy walking into the bathroom and seeing all of her things next to mine. Her pink fuzzy blanket thrown over one of the chairs. Or the flowers she’ll pick from the garden and put in our room and in my o ce. Each of those little touches remind me of her throughout the day and have me smiling. Something I did little of before she arrived here. I grab my phone when it starts to ring, about to clear the call until I see it’s West. He’s been keeping an eye on Fawn’s father for me. He is starting to spiral. When people start to lose control, they make rash decisions. “What do you have for me?” I ask right o the bat. “I’m glad you asked; I'm doing great by the way.” West pokes at me because he knows he can. He’s one of the best. I

would never let my pride get in the way when it comes to my family's safety. “Spit it out.” He pauses for a second, and I know something is wrong. “He’s in deep with a few people. He’ll likely be dead by the end of the month.” Fuck. This situation with Fawn’s father isn’t getting any better. “Where is he now?” I ask. What is wrong with this man? He gets himself out of one mess only to get himself in a bigger one. If I had pressed charges against him, he'd be in prison and relatively safe. But if I’d done that, I wouldn't have my Fawn. “Some cheap motel. He’s on a high. He won last night, but not enough to cover shit, and I’m sure he’ll lose it all tonight again.” Of course he will. “What do you want me to do?” Truth is I have no fucking idea. He’s a grown man who o ered up his daughter in order to save himself. Who knows what he’s capable of? One day he might try to come back for Fawn. I don’t think he’s that stupid, but he’s starting to prove me wrong. And you can’t put anything past a man who is desperate. “Nothing for now. Keep tabs on him. If he pops up all banged up let me know.” They won’t just outright kill him. That’s bad business. They’ll try and get their money first. Give him a few good warnings. If he gets desperate enough, he might show up here. “Got it.” We end that call. I push back from my chair, walking over to the bar and pouring myself a glass of whiskey and throwing it back. A tap sounds on the door before George opens it. “Is there anything else you need tonight, sir?” “No, I’m good.” “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He slips back out.

I pour myself another glass. What the hell am I supposed to do here? It’s Fawn’s father. Sure, the man is a dick, but how would she feel if he was dead and I could have stopped it? I can easily pay o any of the man's debts. Yet, I know in doing so, it will create a never-ending cycle. His bets will only become bigger knowing I’ll cover him in the end. If I cut him loose and he dies, will Fawn hate me? I run my hand down my face, tension building inside of me. I check the time again, starting to get irritated that Fawn hasn't come back from Grams’ yet. Not able to wait anymore, I power o my computer and make my way towards Grams’ on the other side of the estate. When I get to the door, I can already hear the movie playing. This is supposed to be Grams and Ace’s slumber party. Why can’t my Fawn watch a movie with me? I sound like a pouting child, but I don’t care. I give a knock on the door before Grams tells me to come in. I step inside, taking a look around. It amazes me how in no time Fawn was able to make this place warm and inviting. She does that with everything she touches. But I don’t see her anywhere. “Where’s Fawn?” I ask. Ace shoves popcorn into his mouth, half of it falling to the floor. “She left a few hours ago.” Grams gives me a confused look. “She might have gone up to the room. Good night.” “Night!” Ace shouts before I shut the door behind me before heading toward our bedroom. She might be there taking a bath or maybe even a nap. My cock starts to harden at the thought. I pick up my pace. When I enter our bedroom, I don’t see her anywhere. Panic starts to rise inside me. It’s not a feeling I’m used to. I search everywhere. Even out in the rose garden. All the sta is already gone for the day. My heart pounds faster with each

second that I can’t find her. A sense of panic begins to fill me. “Fawn!” I bellow her name. I go back over my tracks, having checked this whole fucking place for a deeper look. I pull out my phone, debating if I should call the police. Fear starts to run through my veins. I enter the library again and, as before, nothing. I walk around, checking behind some of the bookcases and pause when I see her lying on the floor behind one. There are books all around her. Instead of being happy that I’ve found her, my emotions take over, and I fucking lose my shit.




hat the hell do you think you’re doing?” I jerk awake, dazed and confused. I blink a few times, my eyes trying to adjust to the light. Roman stands over me. The anger is clear on his handsome face. I would say he’s more than angry by the look he’s giving me. “Reading?” I respond. I suppose it was technically napping. I’d only meant to grab a book and, well, here I am. I’m not sure what happened. He reaches down, helping me to my feet. His hand wraps around my wrist as he leads me out of the library, not saying a word. His steps are loud on the wood floor. “Is Ace okay?” I ask, starting to get worried. “He’s fine.” His response is short and clipped. I stop walking, pulling on my wrist to get free of his hold. He doesn't let me go but he does stop walking. “Let me go.” I glare up at him, annoyed with how rude he’s being. I’m still half asleep and have no idea why he’s being so rough. “Never.” However, he does release his hold. Only for a second. He lifts me, tossing me over his shoulder. “What the heck, you brute? What is wrong with you?” “You’re what’s wrong with me,” he growls. I hu a breath. Is this what it’s like when you get on Roman’s bad side? He said I’d never be there. It’s starting to look like he’s a liar. A jerk too! A few moments later, he drops me down on our bed. I scramble to the other side, slipping o so that the bed is between us. “You don’t run from me.” We have a stare o for a few seconds. “We had a movie night,” he reminds me like we’re not fighting right now.

“You can watch all the movies you want by yourself!” He gives me a surprised expression. How is he shocked by this? He’s growling and shouting at me for no reason. Carrying me around like a sack of potatoes. “You’re my wife. You’ll watch with me. What snacks do you want?” His words are still heated. What is happening here? This man is driving me crazy. “I don’t have an appetite.” I put my hands on my hips. “Don’t leave this room.” He points to the ground before he storms o , slamming the door behind him. I’m so angry I could cry. What the heck is his problem? Where does he even think I’m going to go if I leave the room? Paris? I go into the closet, changing my clothes before I slip into the bed. I’m determined to fall asleep as fast as possible. I won’t be able to watch a movie if I’m sleeping. I check my phone one last time to make sure Grams hasn’t messaged me. The only thing I see are two missed calls from my father. I guess the jerks are all out tonight. I turn o the lights before pulling the blanket over me. Roman comes back a few minutes later, flipping the light back on. I peek out and see he’s carrying all kinds of snacks. The smell of popcorn fills the air, making my mouth water. I pray my stomach doesn’t growl. I hear him set everything down before his shadow falls over me. He pushes my hair back out of my face. His thumb strokes my cheek gently. This man can be so confusing. I want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. Still, I do have this fear of ending up on his bad side. He’s so cold with everyone else. I wouldn't call him cold tonight, but would it take much to slip to that place? Tonight he’s a burning inferno. I still don’t understand why he got so upset. Is it because I went to the library when we were supposed to have a date? Is he going to throw a temper tantrum like a child every time I

don’t do something he wants? It’s a reminder that I was bought and paid for. He expects me to be obedient and do whatever he says. I hear him move around before the lights all go o and he gets into bed. He reaches across, pulling me into him to wrap his arm around me. He buries his face in my hair. I don’t know how long we lie like that, but at some point, I must drift o . When I open my eyes again, I can see the morning light starting to flood in under the bottom of the curtains. Roman is still wrapped around me. I slowly wiggle out of his hold before slipping o the bed quietly. Roman reaches out for me but only finds a pillow. He pulls it to his chest. He’s so peaceful in his sleep. I don’t think he knows how much he shuts out the rest of the world. He only lets a few people get close. I was starting to think I was one of those people, but I’m not so sure anymore. I head downstairs to the kitchen to make myself some co ee. George is already there making some for himself. He starts to make me one when he sees me, and I know there’s no stopping him. “Thank you,” I say when he sits the mug down in front of me. “Where is—” “Fawn!” Roman’s shout cuts George o while answering his question. I roll my eyes and keep drinking my co ee. I hear him coming down the hallway sounding like a bull in a china shop. George’s eyes are wide. So this isn’t normal. It seems I’m the one that sparks this type of reaction from him. “Out!” Roman shouts at George. I don’t even look his way. George does as Roman says. I wonder if I could make my escape with him.

Roman’s hands come down on the kitchen island, one on each side of me, caging me in. The heat of his body presses into my back. “You left our bed,” he growls next to my ear. I hate how my nipples harden. I press my thighs together. How the hell is this turning me on? I should be running for the damn hills. “Leave me alone.” I lift my co ee, taking another sip. He doesn't move. In fact, he doesn't do anything for a long moment. When I set my co ee back down on the counter, he suddenly spins my chair around to face him. His face is unreadable, but I stare him right in the eyes. “I’ll never leave you alone. You’re my wife.” “Right. ‘Cause I forgot.” I roll my eyes. “Fine, what should I be doing right now? I’m bought and paid for, correct? Would you like me to go back upstairs and lie down? Or is there something else you need? Perhaps you want me to bow down and kiss your feet?” “What has gotten into you?” His eyes search my face. He looks as if he’s completely lost and doesn’t have a clue what to do. “Can I finish my co ee and go check on Grams and Ace? Is this what you’ll require from now on, me asking permission for every move I make? Or do you want to shout at me some more?” “I don’t shout at you.” He’s so close I can feel his warm breath against my skin. His eyes drop to my mouth. “You’re not bought and paid for.” I start to respond, but his mouth comes down onto mine. I find myself kissing him back. As mad as I am at my husband, I still think I might be a little in love with him already.




he doesn't push me away, so I deepen the kiss. The woman is going to give me a fucking heart attack if she doesn't stop scaring the hell out of me. I need to see about a tracker for my own sanity. I pull my mouth from hers, needing to taste more of her. I lick and suck down her neck. Small moans pour from her. She might be pissed at me for some reason, but her body is still responding to mine. She can’t fight the pull no more than I can. “You’re a jerk.” Her words come out breathy. “Is that so?” I nip her neck. She’s not wrong. “But I’m your jerk.” I lift her out of the chair, sitting her on the counter and pulling her ass to the edge. I slip my hands into her little shorts. I groan when I feel how wet she already is for me. “Roman.” She drops her head back as I start to stroke her clit. “Say I’m yours, Fawn.” Another moan comes from her. “Say I’m your husband and I belong to you.” I stop stroking her. Her fingers dig into my shoulders, but I don’t continue. I need to hear the words from her. To know that she needs me as much as I do her. “Roman.” She tries to wiggle against my hand, needing friction. “Say it. I want to hear it.” “You're my husband and you belong to me.” “Damn right I am.” I cover her mouth with mine as I push a finger inside of her, using my palm to grind against her clit. She moans into my mouth, her pussy clamping down on my finger, letting me know she’s about to come for me. She’s so damn sexy.

I break the kiss, needing to watch her as she comes. As soon as I do, she cries out my name. I keep going until she relaxes into me. Slowly, I pull my fingers out from her shorts, licking them clean. She watches me, her cheeks turning pink. Her innocence is intoxicating, and thank God it’s all mine forever. “I’m still mad at you.” “I’m sorry,” I tell her. She scrunches her nose. “Do you even know what you’re saying sorry for?” I shake my head no. “But you’re saying it anyway?” I’m not sure what answer she’s looking for, but the only thing she’ll ever get from me is the truth. “I’ll do a lot of things to make you happy, Fawn. If you want an apology, I’ll give you one. My pride or ego will never get in the way of our marriage.” Her face softens. I pick her up o the counter, carrying her into the sitting room. “Now tell me what I did wrong so I don’t do it again. I know I was angry yesterday.” “Angry? You shouted at me! Barking things like I’m one of your employees, but maybe that is what I am. You said you would never be cold and mean to me like I’ve heard you be with other people. You lied to me.” Her words rip at my insides. She couldn't be more wrong. “Cold?” I shake my head. “The last thing I feel when I’m with you is cold.” “Then what was last night all about?” “Burning anger.” “See! I accidentally passed out finding a book and you’re mad at me.” “No, sweetheart. I was mad at myself for losing you.” Her eyebrows pull together. I keep going. “When I couldn't find you, I started to panic. I haven't felt fear since I was a young boy.” I reach up, touching the scar on my face. “You’re far from being one of my employees. I could care less what they

think of me. For you, everything I do is to try and please you. To make you fall in love with me.” She lets out a small gasp. “That’s a lot to take in.” “I am sorry if I upset you. One of my biggest fears is something happening to you or someone taking you from me.” Her eyes start to water. What I don’t say is that the thought of her leaving me on her own is my worst nightmare. Now that I’ve had her, I’ll never be able to live without her. I’m not used to having a weakness, and now I can’t imagine life without her or Ace. “I’m not used to someone checking on me.” I stroke her cheek. I’ll never understand how no one took care of her. She’s spent her whole life taking care of everyone else. Even her father, who didn't deserve it. I’m lucky no one saw her before me and got to her first. It’s a fucking miracle. One I’m trying not to mess up. “I’ll always worry about you, Fawn. I don’t think you’ll ever understand how much you mean to me.” She peeks up at me through her eyelashes. “I think maybe I do. Can I ask you something?” She shifts so that she’s straddling me. Her warm cunt presses into my cock. “Anything.” Her hand reaches up to touch my face. I close my eyes for a second, enjoying her touch. She runs her fingertips over my scar. “Were you looking for a wife all along?” Her question has me opening my eyes to stare into hers. “No. I was trying to find a nanny at the time.” “What changed then?” “You. I saw you and wanted you. I knew I had to have you.” “You do know that’s not how things actually work?” She tries to fight a smile, but I see it. “But it worked,” I point out.

“You could have asked me out. Things could have been di erent for us.” “I’m not a patient man, and I wasn't sure you’d say yes. Your focus was on other things. I don’t think you would have given yourself the opportunity to date.” She bites her lip, knowing I’m right. “I wanted you out of that house and here where I could take care of you. I do that, don’t I? I take care of you, Fawn?” “You do.” I cup the back of her neck. I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure that every dream and every need she has is fulfilled. “Do you enjoy being here?” “Yes, things are better here,” she admits. She no longer has those dark circles under her eyes. Every time I saw her before she came here, she looked exhausted. “Can I ask you something else?” Her pink tongue comes out, wetting her bottom lip. I swear she’s trying to kill me. “Fawn, you can always ask me anything you want.” “You said that you want me to fall in love with you.” She pauses for a long moment. I wait her out, wondering where she might be going with this. “Do you love me?” “Yes,” I say without hesitation. Her eyes widen. “At least, this is what I think love is. I can’t go thirty minutes without thinking about you. I always wonder what you are doing or if you are satisfied. Everything for me starts and ends with you.” A smile lights up her face. “Have you ever been in love before?” “Not even close.” “Me either.” I pull her closer to me, needing to kiss her. I will be her first everything. Or I’ll die trying to be. “I need to go check on Ace and Grams.” I release my hold on her. She slips o my lap, coming to her feet.

I watch her leave, but she pauses at the door, turning back to me. “I am falling in love with you, Roman. That’s why last night I got so upset. I care. Don’t break my heart.” With that, she leaves. I smile. Something I’ve done a lot more since Fawn came into my life. I will own every part of her one day. Even her heart.




try to keep a smile pasted on my face as I enter my gram’s place. This week has been really hard. My emotions are all over the place. “Fawn.” Grams, who’s standing at the kitchen sink, turns to look at me. “Can I get you some tea?” “Let me.” Since coming here, Grams is doing a million times better. I’m not even sure she needs the nurse at this point. I’m not going to suggest that, though. I like that there is a nurse checking in on her a couple times a week to make sure everything is going well. She might catch something sooner than me. Roman also told me if at any time I need her to see a doctor he can have one here in a few hours. The man was not kidding when he said he’d do anything for me. I have to admit it's nice to have someone take care of me. Grams goes and sits down at the small table as I prepare our tea. “Are you going to tell me why you’re so mopey?” “What? Why do you say that?” The woman reads me too well. I should have known she’d be able to tell something is bothering me. Her doctor pulled her o a few medications they’d had her on when she was in the other facility, saying it was overkill and she didn't need them. Since then, Grams has been sharper. I’ll forever be grateful to Roman for doing this for us. “Your eyes. You were all bright smiles last week.” True. Since Roman told me he loves me I’ve been on cloud nine. He is the first person to truly love me besides Grams since my mom passed away. It’s nice, and for the first time in my life I can relax and let things go. “Ace started school.” I know he’s only been in my life for a short time, but I love that little boy. The first few days of

him not being home with me were really tough, but he’s loving it. “I get that, but there’s more.” She waits. I set her tea in front of her. “The kittens are growing too fast?” I try again. She stares at me, waiting for me to tell her the main reason. I sit down in the chair across from hers. “Roman doesn’t tell me that he loves me.” “That man loves you. I can promise you that.” She picks up her tea and takes a drink. “I know. He told me he loves me but only one time; he never says I love you. Not when we wake up or when we go to bed.” I stop there, not wanting to broach the subject of our sex life. “Do you say it to him?” I shake my head no. I am in love with Roman. I was before we even had our fight two weeks ago. It’s why I’d gotten so worked up thinking he only considered me one of his employees. I clearly had wanted to be way more than that or I wouldn't have been so pissy. “No,” I admit. “Is that all?” I shake my head no. I’m not sure I want to share the other part with her. “Fawn, I can handle sex talk.” My mouth falls open. She smirks while taking another drink of her tea. “Back in the day I had a line of men trying to marry me.” “Grams.” I laugh. I don’t doubt it. She was beautiful. “So tell me,” she pushes. “Roman doesn't have sex with me.” She gives me a confused look. “He does other things.” My face is heating by the second. “Have you ever….” I shake my head no again. “How is that possible?” “It’s a long story.” “Lucky you, I’ve got all the time in the world.”

“I don’t want you to get mad,” I start o because I don’t want her opinion to change about Roman. He may not have gone about getting me to marry him the right way, but his heart was in the right place. “I make no promises.” She sits up straighter. I spill everything, needing someone to talk to about this. Why isn’t the man having freaking sex with me? He's driving my body crazy. She reaches over, placing her hand on top of mine. “I’m sorry John is such a piece of shit, honey.” That was not what I thought she was going to say. He is, after all, her son. “I thought he was handling everything.” She closes her eyes, shaking her head. “I had the money. He must have drained the accounts.” “Gambling.” “I suppose he did one good thing for you. He brought Roman into your life.” “I thought you were going to be mad.” I was sure of it, but I wanted her to know the truth. “Mad? You two are in love. A man doesn't trap a woman into marrying him unless he’s in love. Furthermore, he hasn’t pressed for sex either.” She has a point. “See. Why not?” I throw my hands up. I’ve been here over a month now and still no sex. My whole body is craving it at this point. “That’s easy, honey. You haven't begged him yet.” “Oh, crap,” I whisper. “I thought he was teasing me or something.” Grams shakes her head no. “I don’t think he’s going to bring it up either. He’s waiting for you. It’s actually kind of sweet that he isn’t pressuring you. He’s giving you time. He’s making sure it’s what you want. You haven’t had a choice in a lot of things in your relationship, so he wants this to be your choice.”

“I don’t want time,” I mumble, but Grams is right. He hasn't even let me do anything to him. Not that I’ve really tried. I’m freaking shy unless he is pushing me. “Then go tell him that.” We sit there in silence for a long moment. How do I even bring that up to him? Hey, can you pass the potatoes and by the way I’m ready to have sex. “I mean now, Fawn.” “What? Like right now?” “Why not?” “Okay. I can do this.” I push back from the chair, standing up. “Are you sure?” She laughs. “I’m shy!” That only makes her laugh more. “There is nothing to be shy about. You’re about to make his day. Who am I kidding? His year.” I snort a laugh. “Thanks, Grams.” I give her a kiss on the cheek before I head out. I go straight to Roman’s o ce. I pause outside the door when the sounds of moaning fill my ears. My heart drops. No, way. He wouldn’t. The stupid idea of men having needs flutters around inside of my head. Slowly I open the door, seeing a tall blonde woman. I jump back quickly. The need to vomit hits me hard. I turn to make my escape and run right into Roman. His hands come down on my shoulders so that I don’t fall on my booty. “What’s wrong?” he growls, reading my face. “I thought….” I stare up at him. “You thought what, Fawn?” “Nothing.” I grab his shirt, pulling him down to me. His mouth meets mine. I wrap my arms around his neck. He lifts me o my feet, pinning me to a wall. “This is far from nothing, baby.” He nibbles at my neck. I let out a whimper of need. “Take me to the bedroom.” My fingers dig into his hair. He pulls his mouth from me, taking a deep breath before

putting me on my feet. I watch as he adjusts the front of his slacks. Is he turning me down? “Don’t move,” he orders. I watch as he opens his o ce door. “Meeting canceled. We’ll reschedule. See yourself out.” He lets the door fall closed behind him before grabbing me once again. “Who was that?” I ask as he takes the stairs two at a time. “A business associate and his assistant.” Whoever it was, I think the woman is a lot more than that based on the moans that had been pouring from the o ce. I wrap my arms around him tighter, resting my head on his shoulder and breathing him in. A sense of peace washes over me knowing I’m about to be Roman’s in all ways.




don’t know what’s come over my wife, but I’ll fucking take all of it. My cock is so damn hard I can barely walk. Her warm breath tickles my skin as I carry her into our bedroom, kicking the door shut behind us. I put her down on her feet, not wanting to waste another second. I need her naked and begging for my cock. I want to see every damn inch of her, for her cunt to be dripping with arousal and my cock buried deep inside of her. “Do you need release, baby?” I ask her, knowing that I need to take my time with her. I have to make sure she’s ready for me. “Yes.” She stands in front of me completely naked. She could easily bring a man to his knees if she wanted. “What about you? Don’t you need release, Roman?” She asks so softly I almost don’t hear her. My cock is already aching. It has been since she got here. I’ve been taking care of myself every chance I’ve had in order to remain sane. I wasn't going to push her on this. I’d pushed her on enough stu already. “What are you saying, Fawn?” I want to hear it come from her mouth. Her little pink tongue darts out to lick those plump lips of hers. I fight a groan, thinking about how it would feel for them to be wrapped around the head of my cock. For those beautiful eyes of hers to be staring up at me as she sucks me deep into her throat before swallowing every last drop of me. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. “I’m always the one who’s naked around here. It seems unfair.” Her shyness and innocence are going to be my undoing. She has no idea how sexy she is, which only adds to her appeal.

“You’ve seen me naked,” I remind her. The first night she was here. Not to mention all the showers we’ve taken together. “But not in bed.” She shifts on her feet. “I only have so much control.” The shower is safe. I’m not going to fuck her for the first time in there. “What if I don’t want you to have control?” I reach up and start unbuttoning my shirt. “I need you to be crystal clear with me, wife.” Tentatively she brings her hands to my chest sliding them down to my belt where she starts to undo it. I can hear my heart pounding. My cock is already leaking cum from her touch alone. “Are you really going to make me beg?” She peeks up at me through her lashes. I’m not going to make her do anything she doesn't want to do when it comes to the bedroom. But in the throes of passion, I could get her to beg. It’s the only time some of her shyness fades away. “No. I told you that all you ever have to do is ask and I’ll give you whatever you want.” She undoes the button on my slacks. “I want you. All of you.” “Fawn. I need you to be sure.” I take a step closer to her, but she doesn't back down. “Is it true we’re not really married? Because we’ve never consummated our marriage.” With those words I’m done. The thin thread of my self-control finally breaks. I lift her o her feet, tossing her onto the bed. The sound of her sweet giggles fills the room as I kick my shoes o . They quickly turn to moans when I bury my face between her legs. She’s already so wet for me. I’ve gotten her body to crave what I can give it. I lick and suck every drop of her arousal as I work one finger into her and then another. She’s so fucking tight.

I keep working her with my fingers until she cries out, her cunt locking around my fingers as the first orgasm hits her. I don’t stop, though. She wiggles for a moment, trying to get free. I’m sure her whole body is sensitive. A moment later she’s back to moaning again. I work another finger into her. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt my wife. I know there is going to be some pain, but I’m trying to make it as little as possible. I’m a big man all over. I want her to enjoy this. “Roman.” Her hips start to lift o the mattress. With my other hand, I pin her down with my arm, knowing it’s only going to turn her on more. I can be bossy and demanding, but every time I get my hands between her thighs her pussy is wet for me. I know she likes me that way even if she doesn't fully understand it yet. Her cunt locks down around my fingers again. I suck her clit into my mouth, sweeping my tongue back and forth over it. I press my cock into the mattress, forcing myself not to come with her. The sounds coming from her are so fucking erotic. I could get o just listening to her. I don’t stop eating her until her body relaxes into the bed. I press kisses on the insides of her thighs as I kick my pants and boxers o . I don’t take my mouth from her as I kiss up her body. When I kiss her soft stomach, I think about how one day it will grow with our child. More cum drips from my cock. I’m never going to last. I lick up between her breasts as I cup one in my hand, my thumb teasing her nipple as I suck the other into my mouth. Her fingers dig into my hair as I do the same to the other breast. She starts wiggling around again, and I know she wants more. I release her tit, lifting my head to look at her. Her eyes are on me, watching my every move. I can see the desire in them.

“Make me your wife, Roman.” I close my eyes, taking a deep breath so I don’t pounce on her like an animal in heat, but she’s tempting me. “You’re greedy for more, baby? You want your husband to take your virginity? You want to be mine in all ways?” I take her mouth before she can answer. She lets out a whimper. My cock slides between her folds. Her arousal coats me. Her hard nipples press into my chest. She’s so fucking primed and ready. Her body is screaming for me to make her mine. “You know I want to hear it.” I release her mouth, my eyes locking with hers. “I need you inside of me.” Cum leaks from my dick, but I don’t move. “All of it.” I slowly work my cock against her clit. “Roman! You’re driving me crazy.” She tries to pull me down for another kiss. If I wasn’t so fucking turned on, I’d laugh. “I want my husband. You said you’d always take care of me.” That’s good enough for me. “I’ve got you, baby. I always will.” I reach between us, guiding the head of my cock to her opening. I push the head inside of her. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to try to control myself. The instinct to drive into her until I’m balls deep inside of her rides me hard. “Ohh.” She grips my shoulders. I pump in and out of her slowly with shallow thrusts. “More.” Her tongue comes out to lick those luscious lips. She’s almost panting at this point. I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want her. I did some fucked-up things to get her, and I’d do them all over again if it meant she’d be mine forever. If someone ever tries to take her from me, I’ll destroy them. “Fawn.” I brush my mouth against her soft lips. “I love you.” Her eyes widen at my words. I crash my mouth down

onto hers as I push inside of her and break through her innocence. A small scream comes from her. I don’t stop kissing her. I slip my hand between us again and play with her clit. She’s so fucking tight it’s almost painful. Her tight pussy starts to clench down and release. Her body starts to relax again. Her tongue sweeps into my mouth, and she’s kissing me back with everything she has. “You want more, don’t you, my greedy girl?” “Yes. More,” she agrees. “Your pussy doesn’t want to let me go now that it’s had a taste.” I start thrusting faster. “Neither do I.” A groan leaves me at her sweet words. My cock jerks inside of her, releasing some cum into her. I push my orgasm back. I’m not coming until she does. She raises her hips to meet each of my thrusts into her. Her breathing turns heavy. “I’m going to come inside of you. And you’re going to take every last drop I have to give,” I tell her, wanting to see her reaction. My balls are already drawing up. I’m not going to fucking make it much longer. “Yes. Please. Come inside of me.” Her pussy clamps down on me again. She’s so damn close. Her body is on edge, and I’m the only one that can give her what she needs. “Then come for me. Milk it out of me, wife.” I start to come, unable to hold it back anymore. Her pussy clamps down on me again. This time it’s harder than before. “Roman!” she shouts my name as the orgasm rolls through her whole body. Black spots form in my eyes. I keep coming, harder than I ever have in my life. I spill deep inside of her, her pussy sucking every drop of me up. I don’t stop until she relaxes under me.

Holy fuck. I knew sex would be good with her, but this is something else altogether. Her body is my heaven. All of her is. I roll over, taking her with me. I reluctantly let my cock slide out of her. I’m still hard, and I don’t trust myself not to take her again too soon. Her pussy needs time to heal. Her head is resting on my chest. Her eyes are closed. I stroke her hair. She looks like an angel passed out on top of me. She’s smiling when she finally opens her eyes. I need to get her into a bath. I need to do anything I can to make this experience as painless as I can for her. I vowed I’d always take care of her, and I always will. “Roman.” She lifts her head, her eyes meeting mine. “I love you too.” “Fawn.” I tangle my fingers into her hair. She just keeps giving and giving to me. “I’ll never let you go. You belong to me now in every way.” “And you belong to me. Only me.” Is that a hint of jealousy? I never want her to doubt my devotion to her. “I promise it will only ever be you. You’re all I ever wanted.” I didn’t know what I needed until I saw her. For the first time in my life, I had a purpose other than work. “I love you. Only you.” “Good.” She smiles at me. Her head turns, and she kisses my chest over my heart. I lift her, carrying her into the bathroom to start a bath. “You need to soak,” I tell her, sitting her on the bathroom counter. “It didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would.” I think because I kept her orgasming, and it helped dull the pain. “Good, baby. I never want to hurt you.” I lift her again, slowly lowering her into the bath. She lets out a long sigh as the warm water engulfs her.

I don’t miss the streak of blood on my cock as I step in with her. I pull her into my arms. She’s now my wife in all ways. My hand drifts across her stomach. Hopefully, very soon she’ll be the mother of our children. She’s my everything. I wouldn’t survive without her.




ce runs towards the pool to jump in to do a cannonball. “No running!” I shout, but it’s too late. He’s already in the air coming down into the pool. His life jacket pops him right back up. “How big was my splash?” Every day I see more and more of that sadness leaving his eyes. It’s nice to know that I’ve had a part in it. I love this little boy more than words could even describe. He’s been all smiles lately. All of us have been. Roman has been around a lot more lately. He’s been working less, and we’ve been doing things as a family. For the first time in my life, I feel settled. I never in a million years would have guessed this was how things were going to turn out. “I think that was your biggest one yet,” I tell him. His whole face lights up with excitement. “Yes!” l watch as he swims to the stairs. I do the same, getting out of the pool. My fingers are all wrinkled. It took me a few weeks to teach Ace how to swim. Roman o ered to hire someone to come out, but I wanted to be the one to teach him. It was a bonding thing for Ace and me. And even though he’s got it down pat, I still want him to wear the life jacket for now. Especially when he’s doing this. I sit on the top step, watching him. He could stay out here all day if I let him. I don’t want him to exhaust himself too much. “You’re getting good at that,” Reno says as he walks towards the pool. “Fawn.” He tips his hat at me. “Hey, Reno.” I give him a smile. “I’ve been meaning to ask. Do you think you could give me lessons too? I’ve always

wanted to try horseback riding.” “I’m sure we can work something out.” “I can teach my wife how to ride.” My husband's deep voice rumbles from behind me. I turn to look at him over my shoulder. He’s not in his normal suit but jeans and a black shirt that stretches across his broad chest. “Actually, I’ve already given her a few lessons.” He smirks. I narrow my eyes at him. He’s being crude and he knows it. Roman can be a brat when other men get near me. It can be both annoying and sweet at the same time. “I was going to check with you first, boss.” Reno lifts his hands, stepping back. He’s smiling at Roman. Everyone around here seems to be happy about Roman getting married. George says that he’s less of a bear now. That I’ve calmed something inside of him. He also says this is the happiest he’s ever seen Roman, which is nice to hear. “Ro, watch!” Ace shouts as he does another cannonball. Roman claps for him. “I’ll leave you all to it,” Reno drawls before he turns to head back toward the stables. “You’re a brat,” I tell Roman as soon as Reno is out of earshot. “And my wife is almost naked. He works at the stables, not at the pool.” “So maybe we should get a pool boy?” I tease him. He heads for me. I try to get up and run, but he snags me around the waist, lifting me up. “Put her down!” Ace shouts, swimming to the side to get out of the pool. “You wouldn't.” I glare at Roman, fighting not to smile. Roman lifts his eyebrows. “Put her down.” Ace points a water gun at Roman. This time I can’t fight my laughter as he starts to shoot Roman with it.

“Sorry, love,” Roman says before tossing me into the deep end. I let out a small scream before I hit the water. “I’ll save you, Mommy!” Ace shouts before jumping into the pool. His words catch me o guard. I can tell from Roman’s face he’s surprised too. He gives a small shrug before smiling at me. Ace pops up from under the water, wrapping himself around me. “I got you.” “Thank you, honey. I’m so glad there is one gentleman around here. I know I can always count on you, sweet boy.” Ace gives Roman a smirk. I swim to the shallow end, letting Ace go when we get to the stairs. He takes my hands as we get out. “Lunch.” “I’m starving.” He lets my hand go, taking o toward the house. “Make sure you change and don’t let the kittens escape your room,” I shout behind him. They got out once, and it took us forever to find them. We need to start letting them out a little bit at a time, but I think we’ll wait another few months before that. “I’m hungry too.” Roman’s eyes eat up every inch of me. “Oh, you think you’re going to get some now?” I put my hands on my hips. He grabs me, pulling me into his body. “All I have to do is get my mouth on you.” He’s right. Roman has woken my body up to needs I had no idea it craved. “What do you think about the whole mommy thing?” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. “I think it’s fine, but we can mention it to his therapist,” he suggests. “Good idea.” I brought the idea up about getting Ace seeing one. He hasn’t given me a reason to make me think he needed one, but I wanted to be safe. He’s gone through a lot,

and I’ll do anything in my power to get him through it the best way I can. “You are like his mom. I think it will be good for both of you. We don’t want him to feel di erently when we start to have kids.” My stomach flutters. Kids aren't something we’ve really talked a lot about. I know it’s on the table, of course. We’ve been having sex and there hasn’t been one mention of protection by either one of us. In fact, I think my period is late, but it’s too soon to let my mind go there. “How many do you want?” “I’d never thought about having kids until you came along.” “Really? We don’t have to.” I don’t want to push him into it or make him think it’s something he has to do because we’re married. His hand grips my ass. He grinds his cock into my stomach. “I never thought about any of those things. Kids, a wife, kittens.” I snort a laugh. “Then there you were, and I wanted all of it.” “You make me feel so special, Roman.” “You are. I don’t know how someone else didn’t get to you before I did.” I shake my head. He thinks every man wants me. “You know, I googled you and I don’t actually look like your type.” I point out. That’s been lingering in the back of my mind. It’s silly really. The way he is with me I know I’m the only one he wants. The only woman that he’s chased down to have. “Are you jealous?” He smirks. I smack his chest, trying to wiggle away from him, but I don’t get anywhere. “I need to go make Ace lunch.” I glare up at him, hating that I am—in fact—jealous. I don’t want to think about

anyone dating him ever. We never go out. “Let me go.” I push on his chest. “Never,” he says before tossing me over his shoulder again, carrying me into the house. My husband is a freaking caveman. He’s lucky I love him so freaking much.




he wiggles on my shoulder, so I give her ass a smack. She lets out a small scream before she retaliates and smacks mine back. “I’d be careful, sweetheart. I’ll keep your pussy on edge, not letting you come.” She doesn't say anything for a long moment. I don’t have to see her face to know she’s blushing. Over the past month I’ve been inside her too many times to count. I can’t go long without her. I was sure once I got a taste that maybe this crazy obsession I have for her would calm down some. It hasn’t. In fact, I think it’s getting worse. I wanted her to be my wife. I got that. Then I wanted her to love me. I got that. Now I want our baby inside of her. I won’t stop until I get that. It should drive me crazy. I’m spending less time at work, but it’s not. This is the first time in years I’ve relaxed. Working doesn't dominate my every thought any longer. Fawn has shown me the possibility of so much more. “You wouldn’t,” she finally hisses. “Eat your cunt for hours? Yeah, I definitely would.” “Roman!” She smacks my ass again, making me laugh. “Put me down, you brute!” she shouts as I enter the house. “George, can you prepare lunch? Ace will be done shortly.” “Of course, sir.” “George, help me! He’s kidnapping me!” she tries again. “That’s old news, Mrs. King.” She bursts into laughter but tries to cover it quickly. I carry her up the stairs and into our bedroom. I drop her down on the bed. She smells like the sun. She and Ace have been in the pool every day this week. Her skin is even sun-

kissed and glowing. I don’t know how she does it, but I swear she gets more beautiful with each day that passes. “Now, you're going to tell me what’s going on in that head of yours?” She starts to inch backwards, but I’m faster. I grab her ankle before she can get away. She purses her lips. “Fine.” She hu s, making her tits bounce. I thought a two-piece would be fine at home, but now I’m having second thoughts. “All the other women you’ve dated in the past look as though they were supermodels. And I’m just plain old Fawn the waitress.” That does it. I come down over her, caging her in under me. “You could never be plain. And there’s nothing wrong with being a waitress. You’re so much more than that, and I knew it from only a picture. You’re sweet and kind. You took Ace in like one of your own. Somehow you fell in love with me after all that I’ve done. I promise you that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life. All those things together and I knew I had to have you.” Her bottom lip pu s out. “That’s really sweet.” “Are you about to cry?” I growl. “No.” She sni es. “I never took anyone to any event, so I have no idea what you’re talking about. I have let them take pictures, but that’s more for press than anything. It gets the event name spread around more.” Her lips pull into a smile. “I should have known. You don’t like anyone.” I bark out a laugh. Every day, more and more of the true Fawn comes out. I love that she’s comfortable enough now to show me her true self. “How about we all go out tonight? Get out of here for a few hours.” “Really?” Her face lights up.

“As much as I don’t want to share you with the rest of the world, I know I can’t keep you locked away forever.” “I’ve rather enjoyed being locked up here with you.” She pulls me down closer to her. “But I do think it would be good to get out of here every now and then. Especially for Ace.” “Agreed. If this is something you’ve wanted, Fawn, you should have told me. I can be a bit slow sometimes when it comes to these things.” I still can’t forget the fight we had when I couldn’t find her. “Relationships are new to me. All of this really is but I want you to be happy. I can’t do that if you don’t tell me what you want.” “Okay, I promise to be more vocal.” She pulls me the rest of the way down to kiss me. “There is something I do want.” She pushes at my chest, but I don’t move. “Roman.” She pushes again, and this time I let her roll me over to my back. I watch as she crawls on top of me. “Let me help you with this.” I pull the string on her bikini to free her breasts. She pushes my shirt up, her fingers running along my chest. Next, I go for the strings on her hips, getting her completely naked for me. The one thing she isn't shy about anymore is her body. She knows I can’t get enough of every inch of her. My hands are always all over her if she’s close. “You always get to do this to me. I think it’s about time I return the favor.” She leans down and kisses my chest. Before I can ask her what she means I feel her fingers going for the button of my jeans. Fuck. My cock jerks, thinking about her sucking me o . “Fawn.” I twist my fingers into her hair. “Yes,” she says between kisses, slipping farther down my body. I kick my shoes o as she gets the button of my jeans undone. She wiggles, trying to get my jeans down. She lets out an adorable hu . I swear she doesn't know how fucking

sexy she can be. She’s killing me right now with her innocence. “Let me.” I lift up, helping her get my jeans and boxers o me. She doesn't waste any time. She eagerly wraps her hand around my cock. “It’s both soft and hard.” My stomach tightens as she strokes me up and down, her eyes remaining focused on my cock. A bead of cum drips out of the head. She leans down, swiping her tongue across it. I dig my fingers into the comforter. “I’m new at this.” She peeks up at me through her eyelashes. I swear I almost come. “Baby, anything you do to my cock is good. I promise you that.” A small smile pulls at her lips before she takes another swipe. She gets bolder, wrapping her mouth around my cock and sucking me into her mouth. A loud groan comes from me. At the sound she starts to go faster, her mouth going further down my cock each time. She takes me all the way to the back of her throat. “Fuck,” I grit out. I don’t want to come too fast. This is heaven, and I don’t want it to be over too soon. I want to enjoy it. “Fawn. Touch yourself. Play with your clit for me.” She does as I tell her, slipping her hand between her thighs, her fingers going for her clit. She lets out a moan around my cock that goes straight to my balls. She sucks harder, and I know I’m not going to last much longer. I can tell by her little moans that she’s getting close too. I reach down, grabbing her. Her mouth releases my cock. Her lips are pu y and red. “Hey.” She pouts. “Ride me. I only come inside of you for now.” Her eyes widen for a moment in understanding. She leans up, wrapping her hand around me again, guiding my cock into her tightness.

“Roman.” She moans my name. Her hands go to my chest as she starts to ride me. I reach up, dragging my thumbs across her nipples, getting another moan from her. I grit my teeth, still fighting o my orgasm. I won’t come until she does. I release her tits, my fingers going between her thighs to strum her clit. She’s so fucking wet for me. Her tits bounce as she starts to move faster. Her pussy clamps down around my cock, and I’m done for. “Fawn!” I groan her name as I start to come. I grip her hips, thrusting up inside of her as she comes with me. I spill myself as deep as I can in her. She collapses on my chest, my cock still deep inside her. I run my hands up and down her back. “Just a waitress.” I shake my head. “You’re fucking insane.” She starts to giggle, causing her whole body to shake. It doesn’t go unnoticed by my dick. It hardens inside of her. She lets out a small gasp. I roll over, pinning her below me. She wraps her arms and legs around me, wanting more too. She’s not just a waitress. This woman is my everything.




hold Ace’s and Roman’s hands as we exit the movie theater. Tonight has been wonderful. My whole life I always wanted something like this, a family of my own that truly loves and cares about each other. It’s amazing how much things can change. My life had gone from crap to a freaking fairy tale in such a short time. I want to pinch myself, but I’m not chancing waking up. I’m right where I want to be for the rest of my life—with the man I love who adores me and with a little boy who looks at me as if I hung the moon. “Do you guys want to get dinner?” Roman asks as we walk down Main Street. I don’t miss that people take notice of Roman. From all the whispers around town, he was supposed to be some scary giant who likely ate children for dinner. While he is a giant and has one scar, the only thing he eats is me. I think it’s good for him to get out too. We can’t stay hidden away forever. Especially if we’re going to be having kids. Still, Roman has been a little on edge but he’s trying to hide it. “I could eat,” I say. Ace nods in agreement. He should be stu ed after all the popcorn, but he’s still on board for dinner. We stop outside of a restaurant to read the posted menu. “Does this work?” “Most definitely. I love Italian, and Ace loves meatballs.” Roman grabs the door, opening it for us. The hostess’ eyes go wide when she sees him, licking her lips. I glare at her and she quickly hides it before she shows us to our table. Roman doesn't even notice the girl checking him out. All of his attention is focused on Ace and me.

“Mommy.” Ace pulls at my hand. “I have to pee,” he whispers. “The bathroom is that way.” The hostess points. Roman starts to get up. “I’ve got him,” I say, heading back toward the bathroom. We both go inside one of the stalls as I wait for him. He comes out a moment later to wash his hands. The door to the bathroom opens. I freeze for a moment when I see my dad standing there. He looks like he’s aged ten years. “Ace. Go sit with Ro. I’m going to use the bathroom,” I tell him. He stands there, staring at my father. “He stays,” my father says. What the hell? “Now,” I snap at Ace, wanting him as far away from my dad as possible. With my father always comes trouble. His eyes go wide, but he darts out of the bathroom. My father tries to grab him, but I push his chest, and he stumbles back a step. “Are you nuts?” I hiss at him. “What the hell are you doing here?” “I’m saving you.” He grabs my arm. “This is the first time he’s let you out of his sight.” He starts to pull me from the bathroom. I try to shake him o . “I don’t need saving. I love my husband.” I jerk harder this time, getting free. The wild look in my father’s eyes scares me. I take o to get back to Roman. I come up short when the place floods with police o cers. They all go for Roman. “Hey—!” I start to shout, but a hand covers my mouth. Seconds later my feet leave the ground as I’m being hauled away. I try to kick but get nowhere. “Told you that you would need me,” the man holding me says to my father. I keep trying to fight him even as he carries me out the back door, putting me into a van.

“Dad. Please stop,” I beg him. “Why the cops?” I’m so confused. None of this makes sense. “I told them he kidnapped you. I needed time to get you out.” I try to go for the door, but it won’t open. My dad starts the van as the other man gets into the front seat. “He’ll kill you.” “No, he’ll pay us,” the other man says. “Shut it, Mark,” my father snaps at him. “So you aren't here to save me. Of course not, because you’re a piece of shit father.” He turns to look at me in surprise. I’ve never talked to him that way before. I spit in his face. I don’t see the smack coming, but he strikes me across my face. I fall backwards as the van takes o , speeding down the back alley. My heart pounds in fear. “Keep your mouth shut, little girl,” Mark says, looking back at me. His eyes linger on my legs. I quickly pull my long, flowy skirt back over them. He smirks. “Knock it o . She’s not for you. We get the money and then we’re done.” For once in my life, my father actually comes to my rescue. I sit back in my seat, praying that it truly is that easy.




ce comes walking back toward the table without Fawn. “Where is Fawn?” I ask him. “The bathroom talking to some old man.” My heart sinks. That motherfucker. He dropped o the map three days ago. I never should have let her out of my sight even for a second. “Stay here,” I tell Ace as I start to stand. Police come flooding into the restaurant, heading straight for me. What the hell is going on? “What the hell?” I growl. “Where is the girl?” one of the cops asks. I read his badge. Frederick. “Are you talking about my wife?” I’m about to explode. Fawn is in danger, and these people are wasting my time. “Wife?” Frederick looks back to another one of the cops. “Let's talk about this outside.” Another cop tries to grab my arm. “Touch me and I’ll have your badge.” The cop freezes. “Call the mayor.” “What’s going on, Daddy?” Ace slips o his chair, pushing in closer to me. I finish standing as I see West coming toward me. “Stand down!” he shouts. Everyone turns to look at him, but they do as he orders. West used to be a detective until he was promoted to the chief of police. He’d done that for a few years until I talked him into going private. It didn’t take much. He was over pushing paper and would rather be in the thick of it. “Ace, go with West,” I tell him. West has been on his security detail taking him to and from school. Ace heads for West, and I make a beeline for the bathroom.

“Roman!” West shouts after me. I push open the bathroom door, seeing that it is empty. My heart starts to pound harder as I run to the back door and push it open. In the distance, I see a white van turning out of the alley. I’ll fucking kill him. John is dumber than I realized. Or he’s desperate. I jog back inside. “He took her,” I tell West. He pulls his radio o his belt. “White van.” “Now the girl is missing, dipshits!” he shouts before he issues an order for everyone to be on the lookout for a white van. “Where’s Mommy?” Ace asks, looking confused at all the commotion. Ace has been through enough in his life. I didn't even get to enjoy the moment when he called me daddy because of this fucker. “She’ll be back. Stay with West until George gets here.” I hold my hand out to West. “Give me the keys.” He drove us all here. He pulls them out of his pocket and hands them over before I pull my phone out and head for the car. “Roman. What the hell are you doing?” Everyone steps out of my way. “Getting my wife back.” What the fuck else would I be doing? By the time I make it to the car, my phone has already pulled up her location. After the last time I lost her in the freaking house, I put a tracker on her for my own sanity. I suppose that day is actually saving my ass. It’s on the necklace she’s been wearing since I gave it to her. It can be a bitch to get o . You actually need two people to get the clasp to release. I hop in my car and take o . I share my location with West, knowing he won’t be far behind. I race across town, wondering where the hell her father is taking her. We’ve now entered the warehouse district.

I take a sharp turn and push the gas pedal down to the floor to catch up with him. He’s driving slowly, trying not to draw attention to himself. I drop back a few blocks, waiting for him to park before I make a move. I don’t want him to start driving like a maniac if he spots me. He takes a few more turns before he parks the van. I watch as another man steps out of the passenger side. I lean over to pull a gun out from under the passenger seat, my eyes never leaving the van. When my hand wraps around it, I click the safety o and slip from the car. I stay along the building, running to catch up to them. Fawn fights her father, trying to get free from his hold. He lifts his hand to hit her. “I’ll fucking kill you, John.” I train the gun on him. He drops his hand, spinning around to face me. Fawn’s eyes go wide when she sees me. I can see the relief on her face. The other man pulls out a gun. I don’t even think about it —I fire the gun, hitting him in the thigh. Fawn lets out a scream as he crumples to the ground next to, his gun skidding across the concrete. “Stop right there.” John pulls out a knife. I don’t stop. I keep heading right for him. “I said stop!” he shouts again. “If you cut her, I’ll shoot you in the fucking head,” I growl as I close in on him. He pushes Fawn. She stumbles into me, and he takes o running. I wrap my arm around Fawn. She buries her face in my chest and begins to cry. I’ve never felt the level of rage that I do in this moment. I fire a second shot. John howls as he hits the ground. I toss the gun away, hearing sirens close in on us. “I knew you’d find me.” I hold her tight. “I will always come for you.” She lifts her head, and that’s when I see her cheek is red. “Who hit you?” I grit out. “John,” she answers, not calling him her father.

Two cop cars come to a stop. West jumps out of one, taking in the scene. He shakes his head. “Call an ambulance,” he orders. I’m still not sure what I’m going to do about John, but I’m not going to kill him in front of Fawn. She doesn't need to see that. “You okay?” I rub my hands up and down her back. “Yes, they were going to try and get money from you.” Of course my sweet Fawn has guilt in her fucking eyes that shouldn’t be there. She has no idea I’d give everything I have for her. “I figured.” It would have worked too. I watch as John starts to try to stand. I release my hold on Fawn, walking over toward him. “I’m sorry. We weren’t going to hurt her, I swear.” He starts to piss himself. “You hit her.” “It was an accident!” I don’t even respond to his pathetic response. I punch him square in the nose. I hear the crack as he falls back onto the ground. He cries out in pain. I might not have to deal with him at all. Whoever he owes money to will be catching up with him soon. “Are you ready to go home?” “Can we?” I can see the hope in her eyes. “We can do anything you want.” I’ll deal with this shit later. They can come out to the house to get my statement. “Take me home, Roman.” I do exactly that.




tuck Ace into bed after reading him his favorite bedtime story. It took me a while to convince him that I was okay and that no one was going to take me from him again. Roman watches me from the chair in the corner of Ace’s room. He hasn’t left my side since we got home. The car ride home was quiet. I could see the tension in Roman’s body. I know he’s trying to keep it together, but I can tell he’s probably holding on by a very thin thread. He tried to get me to rest when we got home, but I insisted on putting Ace to bed. I didn’t want to change anything up or make this out to be anything bigger than it needed to be in front of Ace. I run my fingers through my Ace’s hair before leaning down to place a kiss on his cheek. My fear tonight was more about how Ace and Roman would handle things if something did happen to me. Ace has already lost too much in his young life. And Roman I’m learning that I bring him into the light. That I show him there is more to life than work and ruling with an iron fist. The second I come to my feet, Roman is on me. I have a feeling my possessive husband is going to be hovering over me a lot for the near future. I don’t care. It’s nice to have someone worry over me. I haven't had that nearly enough in my life. Roman puts his arm around me as we make our way to our bedroom. I pause when we enter, and I see an older woman in scrubs standing there. “Mrs. King. I’m Dr. Sims.” She greets me with a smile. “Hi,” I say, but look up to Roman. “I’m fine,” I try to reassure him.

“Do this for me.” He cups my face, his thumb brushing back and forth over my cheek where my father had smacked me. “Okay,” I agree, willing to do anything if it will put him at ease. I know he’d do just about anything if I asked him. The doctor starts to do her exam while Roman comes in and out of the bedroom. I have no idea what he’s up to, but it’s something. “Do you think we need all this? I mean, I was only slapped.” Dr. Simms shrugs. “It’s never a bad idea to run your blood and urine for a health check. When was your last physical?” I cringe having no freaking clue, proving her point. “Anything else?” I ask. We’re standing in the master room together. Her eyes flick to the door and back to me. She takes a step closer to me, her voice dropping. “One of your husband’s worries was that you might be pregnant.” Ah. Now a few things are starting to make a lot more sense. “I could have just taken a test.” “I figured that out and told him so, but he worried you've been through enough today, and it might be stressful for you to take a test.” I drop my head. “He was worried I’d be upset if I found out I was pregnant.” I give words to what she was pretty much saying. Worry starts to blossom inside me. Does he not want to have children together? I thought he did. It’s not as though we’ve ever used protection. “No.” She lets out a small laugh. “He didn't want you to hope you were and then be disappointed.” I jerk my head up. She’s smiling brightly at me. “Are you saying…” I trail o . If I wasn’t pregnant, we wouldn't be having this conversation. “Yes.”

I put my hand over my mouth too excited for words. “Don’t tell him. I want to be the one to let him know,” I rush to say. This is a special moment, and I want to give Roman the news that he’s going to be a dad. He’s given me so much. “Okay. I’ll tell him I’ll have the results tomorrow.” “Thank you.” I lean against the counter in the bathroom, figuring I’ll give the doctor and Roman a few minutes to have their little chat. It doesn't take long before Roman walks into the bathroom and heads straight for me. “I love you,” he says, kissing me deeply. “I love you too.” He drops his forehead to mine for a long moment. “Can I take care of you tonight?” “You can do anything you like to me, Roman,” I tease him, watching his eyes heat, but he controls himself. He releases his hold on me to start the shower. For the next hour he dotes on me, and I let him. It’s nice to have someone take care of me. He refuses to let me lift a finger. I never knew having someone wash and brush your hair could be so relaxing, but it is. Roman insisted on getting me dressed for bed and feeding me a dinner he had brought to our bedroom. I want to cry with how sweet this man is. It’s endearing that only I and our children will ever know this side of Roman. To everyone else he’s intimidating and loud. “I’m sorry,” Roman says, looking down at the floor. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” “You could have been killed today, and that would have been on me.” I snort a laugh. Roman jerks his head up, glaring at me. “That glare doesn't work on me, big guy.” I push him back so I can crawl into his lap.

“One of the many things I love about you.” He brushes his nose along my neck. “You saw the lengths my father went to for money. It was a miracle you found me. Don’t you get that? You saved me. Who the hell knows what would have happened to me if you hadn’t come along?” His hands on my hips holding me in place tighten. That’s the damn truth. Was it crazy what my husband did? Yes, a million times over, but it’s hard for me to be angry about it when I think about how he fell in love with me only seeing a picture. Besides, Roman’s pushy, overbearing ways are one of the many things that turn me on. I’ll never doubt if I’m loved or wanted. He makes that very clear every second of the day. “You give me too much credit.” I fist his hair, pulling him up so I can see his face. “Fine. If you think I might be in danger or whatever, then let me go. I’ll be on my way and you won’t have to worry ab —” I’m surprised I even got that far in my sentence before Roman pins me to the bed under him. “Never.” He looms over me. “They'll have to pry you from my cold, dead hands.” “I prefer your hands warm.” I watch as my husband fights a smile. “I know how you prefer my hands.” One slips up under my silk top. His fingers graze across my stomach. “I prefer you any way I can get you, Roman. I love you and I wouldn't change anything about the road you took to get us here.” “I love you more, Fawn. You think that I saved you, but I know you saved me from a miserable existence. My life was cold and lonely before you got here.” Gosh, I love this man so damn much.

“You’ve given me so much, Roman. I want to give you something too.” “I only ever want you. You’re all I’ll ever need.” I run my finger down his jaw, feeling his stubble. “I think you’ll want this too.” I slide my finger over and trace his lips. He kisses the tip of it. “I’m pregnant.” His whole body goes rock hard over me. His eyes that are staring into mine are filled with so many emotions. Ones I don’t ever think he’s felt before or understands fully yet. Suddenly he grips my silky top. With one small tug, the delicate small buttons all pop o as Roman slips down my body. His mouth goes to my stomach as he places kisses there. I watch my gentle giant turn to pure sweetness. A sweetness that is only mine. Roman might have stolen me, but it is clear I stole his heart long ago.




oman.” My wife moans my name as I make her come on my tongue once again. I swear she gets sweeter and sweeter every day. She’s an addiction that I could never quit. Not that I would ever want to. Fawn is my whole damn world. I wasn't living until she came into my life and showed me how to. She makes everything better. I knew from the moment I saw her photo that she was it for me. Sure, I’d gone to some extreme lengths to make her mine, but I knew she’d change my life. I kiss the inside of her thighs as I make my way up her body. My mouth stops on her stomach to kiss the small marks that show the evidence of all the children she’s given me. Her body is now fuller, her hips wider for my taking. When we first got married, I thought my wife was the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen, but she’s only grown more gorgeous over the years. Her beauty continues to blossom both inside and out. “Stop teasing me, you brute.” My tongue circles her nipple. Another moan comes from her, making me smile as I let her nipple go to take her mouth. My cock pushes inside of her. I worship her body, giving her every inch of me. Ten years she’s been mine and still I can’t get enough of her. Her legs wrap around me as I start to thrust fast. “Always so greedy,” I growl when her pussy clenches around me. She’s already about to come for me again. When people see Fawn, they see a sweet, shy woman. They’d never guess how needy she is when it comes to me getting her o . Her body is always so responsive to my touch. She cries out my name as her cunt tries to suck the life out of me. It’s impossible not to slide over the edge with her.

I groan her name before burying my face into her neck as my release spills deep inside of her. “Happy anniversary,” I tell her. She runs her fingers up and down my back, stroking me. My cock jerks inside of her, wanting to go another round but it’s going to have to wait. We have a full day planned, and she has not one clue about any of it. I’m lucky the kids aren't already banging down the door with their excitement. I warned them last night to let her sleep in today, but sometimes excitement wins out for Lily, our youngest. “Ten years I’ve been your captive,” she teases. I bite her neck, making her squeal before I pull her out of the bed and carry her toward the bathroom to start our day. I’ve been planning this day for a few months now with the help of Grams, Ace, and Fawn’s best friend, Kennedy. While neither of us have regrets about our wedding day, I still want to give her one she truly deserves. A celebration of the life she has given all of us. “What’s going on?” Fawn asks when she exits the bathroom. All four of our children are sitting on the bed. Ace, Luca, Marco, and Lily. Lily is wiggling all around with excitement. She’s about to burst. I can see it in her eyes. I’m surprised she’s been able to hold it in this long. It’s why I didn’t tell her anything about this wedding until the last minute. I knew there was no way she’d be able to keep it from Fawn. “I’m a flower girl!” she shouts before putting her hand over her mouth. “You’re the worst at keeping secrets.” Luca rolls his eyes at Lily. “Am not.” She gives him a glare, looking every bit like her mother. Thank fuck she has three older brothers. “You guys want to tell me what’s going on?” Fawn walks over to the bed, giving out kisses.

“We’re getting married.” I wrap my arm around her waist from behind. “What?” I turn her in my arms. “A wedding. With all of our friends and family.” Her whole face lights up. Ten years ago, there would have been three guests. Not so much anymore. I tried to keep it somewhat small, but I think Kennedy said we’re at seventy-five at this point. Fawn took Rebecca and Jim up on being a part of Healing Home. The things she’s accomplished are truly amazing. She’s touched so many lives. I know it makes her happy to be able to help any woman or girl that is struggling. It’s become so important to her, and I believe it’s helped her on her journey to heal. Having a family of her own had started it. “I’m going to walk you down the aisle, Mom,” Ace declares, hopping down from the bed and pu ng his chest out. “I would love that.” She turns around, pulling Ace into a hug. She hadn’t only saved me, but she healed him too. All the other kids jump on, hugging Fawn too. Lily’s little hand comes out, tugging me in, so much like her mother. I wrap my arms around all of them. My chest feels full. I never knew this kind of love existed. Fawn created this world for us, and I’ll go to any lengths to keep it safe. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I love you,” she says, and everyone says it back. I lean down and kiss my wife. She will forever be mine. I wouldn't let it be any other way. Who knew your whole world could change with just one look?

hope you enjoyed Fawn and Roman’s story. Stay tuned for a special release on the Read Me Romance podcast coming soon.


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ant more Lucy Darling? Keep scrolling to get a sneak peek of Coming Home For Her, available now.

COMING HOME FOR HER Carey has been my obsession for far longer than I care to admit. As my little sister’s best friend, she’s always been o limits. I didn’t want to stay away from her, but my time as a Navy SEAL guaranteed that I would be busy around the world while she got the chance to grow up. That was until my world exploded around me. I got hurt. My team su ered. I su ered. And I came home. To her. The one person I knew could heal me. She’s grown into an amazing woman—a nurse who cares more for others than herself. But that warm heart has attracted the wrong kind of attention. A stalker. Carey is now in danger, and I’m just the man to protect her. No one takes what’s mine, and she’s been mine all along.




see the hit coming, but I don’t block it. His fist connects with the side of my head, making my ears ring and causing black spots to dance in my eyes. For a moment I’m sucked back to a di erent time. One that included sand and chaos. A period in my life that I’ll likely never forget. My ears continue to ring as if an IED has gone o near me. I take a deep breath, reminding myself that I’m not back there. “Meyers. You motherfucker.” I pivot back before he can land a blow to my kidneys. He swings again, letting his anger at me get the best of him. This time he puts too much weight behind the punch. I shift again, dodging him, but not before I take his legs out from under him easily. He hits the mat hard, shaking the ground below us. I’m sure the impact has knocked the air out of his lungs. I stand over him and o er my hand. He glares up at me but takes my hand, knowing I could have done worse. We were only supposed to be sparring. But he wasn't supposed to hold back with his swings. I’m trained for hand-to-hand combat. Hawk on the other hand was always the eyes in the sky, and his fucking mouth was always running in my ear. We made a good team and I trust him with my life. That said, his husband Crew is a teddy bear until provoked about his husband. Then he turns into a fucking freight train. The two of them were always a joy on missions. I make it a point to never land a blow to Hawk’s face, not wanting to deal with Crew’s wrath. I know if I leave a mark on Hawk's pretty face, I’ll never hear the end of it. “The fuck is wrong with you lately?” he says as he gets to his feet. “I thought you were okay with your sister getting

married.” I release his hand before walking over and grabbing my towel to wipe o the blood before it drips into my eye. “I am.” I wasn't at first. Logan Duncan is richer than God, and I wasn’t sure what his intentions were with Angel. His family is a bunch of selfish, entitled assholes. But Logan is di erent. For once the apple didn't fall close to the tree. He’s proven himself and his love for my sister, so I backed o . Even if I still think he’s too old for her. He treats her right and always puts her first. That’s all that matters to me. “Well, your sister is going to kick my ass when she sees your face.” I toss the towel into the trash can. The gym is empty, having closed at seven. It is a Saturday night. Most people are out on the town, but that’s never been my style. “And why would she care?” I’m going to have to get used to Angel living back home. She’s been in California for years. She went to college there and took a job right out of school. “Wedding pictures, dumbass.” I wince. Right, I hadn't thought about that. “You want to tell me why you let me cold cock you?” He pulls the wraps o his hands. I should have blocked him. He wouldn't have swung as hard as he had if he didn't think I was going to. Even knowing the power behind his punch, I chose to let him land it. “I’m heading out.” I walk over, grabbing my gym bag o the floor, avoiding his question. Hell, not wanting to have to admit the answer to myself. Who am I kidding? I know I’m punishing myself. Lusting after things I shouldn't be. I’m a hypocrite. I’m giving my soon-to-be brother-in-law shit for the age gap between him and my sister while I lust after her best friend Carey. My thoughts are consumed by her. “You want to come over for dinner?” Hawk asks. We were always the closest out of everyone on our team. But I know his invitation is not only for a meal. He wants to needle me

and get Crew to help him. I bet they’ll try to take advantage of me. This isn’t my first rodeo with these boys. They’ll try to get me drunk until I’m willing to spill my guts. “Nah, I’m good.” I can tell he wants to say something else, but I move fast to get out of there before he can. It’s not like it was years ago where I could tell him to keep his mouth shut and he had to listen. “Don’t slip,” I hear him mutter as the door closes behind me. Slip? I am already slipping; it’s too late. The question now is am I going to catch myself before I bust my ass? I toss my bag into my truck and climb in to head home. I debate going to my parents’ and pretending I’m there for dinner, but it wouldn't matter. She’s not going to be there. She won’t be home next door where she lives either. She’ll be getting home late, I’m sure. She’s with my sister throwing together this freaking wedding that’s happening in record time. I don’t know if I should be annoyed or impressed by my soon-to-be brother-in-law. He hasn’t wasted any time or spared any expense to make my sister his wife as soon as possible. I hit the button for my gate, and once it opens, I pull around the bend to the lot I bought years ago with all the money I’d stashed away when I was in the service. A giant section of warehouses sits on it. They are all empty as of a month ago when I let the leases run out on them. I pass them, pulling all the way down to mine. Its outward appearance may look like a warehouse, but it’s not. It’s my home. The outside is built to withstand the rough waters and storms of the oceanfront, but inside is a modern but rustic home. I tend to keep my place locked up for the most part. The idea of the style of home was actually sparked by my sister, who went to school for design. She doodled it up one night years ago when she was home from college break. She

had been home for the summer. Both she and Carey had come home that year to spend their time o together. I don’t bother pulling into the bottom garage. No storms are rolling in anytime soon. I hop out, grabbing my bag and heading inside to take a shower. I grab a beer, chugging half of it back and wondering what I’m going to do for the rest of the night. I could work, but it might feel good to go over and do some demo on one of the warehouses. One of my crews will be starting next week. Maybe I can work out some more of this frustration without bruising my face this time. I drop my head, letting the hot water rinse all of the sweat and blood away. My mind drifts to Carey. It’s never far from her. I close my eyes, wrapping my hand around my cock that’s hard from only the thought of her name. Flashes of her play in my mind of the first time I laid eyes on her years ago. I’d been home on leave. She was the girl who moved in next door to my parents and my baby sister's new best friend. They’d been juniors in high school at that point, and she’d been way too fucking young then. Didn’t stop me or my dick from noticing her. Since then she’s been fucking with my head. I don’t know if I love her or hate her. If anything, she’s taught me it’s a fine line. More images of her run through my mind. Ones I shouldn't even have because I shouldn't have allowed my thoughts to drift there to begin with. The reality and stolen glances mix with the things I’ve dreamt up, causing me to stroke myself faster. So many times I've thought about sneaking into her bedroom. About how easy it would be if I really wanted to. My mouth on her. Her mouth on me. The moans she’d make as she came with my name pouring from her lips. That’s all it takes, and I’m coming. It never really takes much anymore. The hunger inside of me is starting to spill out. I open my eyes, watching my release wash down the

drain. My cock is still half hard. It only hardens again when I think about where it should have spilled to begin with. Inside her. Always her. Only her.


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Meant to Love Meant to Be Love on the Line Love Forever Love in the Mix Love Undefeated Belong to Me Return to Me Never Let Go Never Been Kissed Stalking His Claim Stalking His Bride Forever Her Cowboy Always His Cowgirl Only Her Only Tonight His Forever Girl His Forever Love Home for the Holidays Coming Home For Her 209 Wedding Lane


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